Prediction of dependability for soft landing system with air dampers with Monte Carlo method

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2020-115-03


Averyanov I. O.

Moscow design industrial complex "MKPK "Universal", 79A, Altufevskoe shosse, Moscow, 127410, Russia



There are a lot of researches related to soft landing systems with air dampers (System). Today it is a trend to use numerical simulation with LS-DYNA Airbag module or fluid-structure interaction methods. But almost all of the researches are related to single landing process simulation. The article describes the developed dependability model of landing process for soft landing systems with air dampers.

This dependability model is based on physical model of landing process for soft landing systems with air dampers; it consists of mathematical model of fabric air dampers comes from and equations of rigid body motion – from. This physical model allows to get gradient landing area and position of the System in 3D space as initial conditions.

Monte Carlo method is used to realize mathematical experiments with random values of applied load factors. These factors are: landing area gradient angle, vertical velocity and mass of the system, horizontal velocity vector. Reliability function is used as a dependability measure. The following failure modes are considered: excessive acceleration, temp acceleration growing, final vertical velocity, system overturn of its excessive vertical jump, air damper failure.

Several thousand cases of mathematical landings with random initial conditions are considered to get statisitcs of their failures. It allows to get the reliability function of the whole landing process.

The case of air dampers efficiency improvement with the use of the developed model is considered. The idea is to use reliability function of the landing process as an optimization criteria for air damper structure – number of release valves and their combination in the air damper chambers are considered as target function.

Presented results show that the use of the developed model may be useful in design study of soft landing systems with fabric air dampers.


air damper, soft landing system, dropped cargo landing, dependability model of landing process


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