Principles of design an energy-efficient cellular communication system and wireless broadband Internet access for the Arctic

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2021-118-06


Kazak P. G.*, Shevtsov V. A.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



Currently, the Arctic territories of Russia are actively developing. For integrated development it’s necessary to create a modern telecommunications infrastructure accessible to remote sparsely populated areas which is capable of providing broadband Internet access and mobile communications.

The use of modern developing satellite communication systems («Starlink», «OneWeb», etc.) as such an infrastructure has a number of disadvantages: a long delay time for data transmission to a user and the need to use additional user equipment of large dimensions due to directional antennas. With the help of such equipment, it’s possible to organize only a stationary access point with a small service area which doesn’t allow the implementation of mobile communication using compact standard user equipment.

An alternative to satellite communication systems are cellular communication systems developed by 3GPP, which use cellular communication standards that provide broadband Internet access (LTE, LTE-Advanced, LTE-Advanced-Pro). The disadvantage of such systems is their unprofitability in the Arctic.

To date, integration with self-organizing networks with a dynamic Ad-Hoc structure has already been considered as one of the ways to increase the profitability of cellular communication systems.

A new way of increasing the profitability of cellular communication systems in the Arctic is proposed. For this, cellular communication systems with capacity transfer, integrated with the Internet of Things LoRaWAN communication system are used.

The functions of the LoRaWAN communication system [12] are autonomous remote monitoring and site management which includes turning off the power supply of the site when there are no subscribers in the service area and turning it on when subscribers appear.

Reducing the energy consumption of the site due to the integrated equipment of cellular communication systems with capacity transfer and LoRaWAN communication system, as well as the proposed method for managing the power supply of sites allows the use of autonomous power sources, for example, using hydrogen, as the main ones to ensure the operability of sites.

This work is devoted to the study of implementation options and basic principles of operation of energy-efficient cellular communication systems with capacity transfer integrated with the Internet of Things LoRaWAN communication system.


mobile communications, sparsely populated areas, Arctic, Internet of Things, IoT, LoRaWAN, cellular network with capacity transfer, 4G, LTE, LTE-Advanced, LTE-Advanced-Pro


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