Development of non-linear mathematical model of liquid rocket engine operating at steady state

Aerospace propulsion engineering


Beliayev E. N.*, Gnesin E. M.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



Mathematical modeling of LRE by thorough theoretical analysis of the developed design and the processes in units and the engine is intended to identify the characteristic features of their functioning and to choose the optimal static and dynamic characteristics of the components and assemblies of the developed engine to perform requirements to it.
In this paper we present the results of the development of a nonlinear mathematical model of 11D58MF liquid rocket engine, developed by RSC "Energia" for use in RB DM type. A mathematical model allows to simulate the conditions of the engine full thrust regime, to carry out energy balancing the engine in a conditions of the deviations of static characteristics of pipelines and all its components (pumps, turbines, combustion chamber (CC), a gas generator ( GG ), throttles, washers, etc.) and to provide the extensive research related to: changing the schema of engine, with abnormal and emergency situations, with the engine operation in conjunction with test units or missile systems, etc. The model also allows you to explore new design solutions for the engine modernization and increasing its reliability.


liquid rocket engine, energy balance, thermodynamic performance, non ideal chemical reaction


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  2. Belyayev Ye.N., Chervakov V.V. Matematicheskoye modelirovanie zhidkostnykh raketnykh dvigatelei (Mathematical modeling of liquid rocket engines), Mosсow, MAI, 2009, 278 p.

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