Methodology development for calculation of the multiple unit thermionic thermal protection of hypersonic aircraft

Aviation technologies
*, **, ***Baltic State Technical University “VOENMEH ” named after D.F. Ustinov, 1, 1st Krasnoarmeyskaya str., Saint Petersburg, 190005, Russia
Presented article is devoted to structure realization of thermionic thermal protection of the multiple unit scheme with a characteristic size of thermionic elements about 1-10 mm. There is a technique for calculation and numerical estimations of thermal protection operation performances during the aerodynamic heating of hypersonic aircraft structure units in the temperatures ranges from 1500K to 2100K. It is shown, that thermal flows of electronic cooling can make an essential contribution into the balance of thermal flows on the forward edge of hypersonic aircraft wing, protected with the help of multiple unit thermionic thermal protection during the flight, because thermal streams of electronic cooling can reach size in 1.5MW/m2 and above, that is directly confirmed by known experimental data about thermionic transformation. The maximum temperature of structure elements with multiple unit thermionic thermal protection is lees then radiation and equilibrium temperature in a point of the maximum thermal streams by a 600K.
The received results can be used during the development and creation of hypersonic aircraft of various types and purposes at the stage of detailed and technical design.
thermionic issue, electronic cooling, electric energy, hypersonic aircraft; thermal protectionReferences
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