Semi-natural modelling of unmanned aerial vehicles like multicopter

System analysis, control and data processing


Gogolev A. A.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



Rapid development of multicopters became possible due to the popularity of MEMS technologies, brushless engines and high-capacity lithium-polymer batteries. Multicopters are widely used in unprofessional aviamodelling, military and civil tasks because the construction is very easy-to-use. In spite of this multicopters don’t have the ability of windmilling and glide landing therefore multicopter are damaged easily.

Semi-natural modelling helps us to reduce risk of damage, decrease time and increase the efficiency of developing UAVs. Semi-natural modelling have the maximum accord with full-size UAV.

Semi-natural modelling system of multicopters consists of two parts: modelling system and computing center. Computing center computes math model of multicopter and environment, visualizes the results of math modelling, registers parameters of math model and modelling system. Modelling system controls the multicopter in math model, makes the dynamical similarity of the system, simulates of navigation system, visualizes the environment of modelling. Computing center consists of multicopter math model, environment math model, visualization system, registration system. Modelling system consists of Stewart platform with six degrees of freedom, collimation system, imitator of navigation system (GPS, barometer, compass), quadcopters CPU.

Equations of math model compute in Matlab/Simulink system. Model of environment is used from Matlab/Simulink system and simulates wind, gravity and atmosphere. Registration system registers parametres of math model, parameters of Stewart platform, navigation parameters of quadcopters CPU and navigational parameters of collimation system.

Stewart platform with six degrees of freedom consists of Arduino Mega, 6 servos and some peripheral devices. Quadrotor CPU stands on Stewart platform and rotate on it. Besides it Quadrotor CPU control the math model through the signals to the brushless motors. Imitator of navigation system simulates the parametres and transmits it to the quadrotor CPU. Collimation system makes the image of environment for modelling the optical systems.

As the result the article shows the structure of semi-natural modelling system for the modelling of control system of quadrotor and optical system.


seminatural modeling, semi-natural modelling system, unmanned aerial vehicle, multicopter, quadcopter


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