Technological approaches to zero offset compensation in MEMS gyroscopes being a part of the inertial measurement unit

Information and measuring and control systems


Krylov A. A.*, Korniyuk D. V.**

State Research Institute Engineeringpace University, 125, prospekt Mira, Moscow, 129226, Russia



The work describes one of the calibration algorithms for MEMS gyroscopes as part of a small-size IMU, and technological process of calibration data acquisition. The IMU consists of three mutually orthogonal angular velocity sensors and microcontroller. Microcontroller corrects the original data acquired from gyroscopes by compensation functions describing the known systematic errors with computed coefficients. The article declares physical specifics of zero offset origin. Resizing of silicon cells and electronic elements, which process data from capacitive sensors, induced by temperature variation, leads to the change of sensitive elements oscillations, and, as a result, to the deviation of original frequencies. The temperature change has also leads to the vacuum pressure change due getter properties variation. The article presents a method for zero offset dividing into components. The two main components are the initial offset and the temperature drift. The initial offset depends also on the environmental temperature, but it can be compensated by the initial calibration. It is shown that the drift behavior is correlated to the internal temperature rising. The article presents a review of the applicable zero drift compensation methods for micromechanical gyroscopes. Most of these methods do not account for the temperature variation. In this regard, a new algorithm of zero drift approximation is proposed. It contains piecewise linear functions with weights corresponding to temperature rising in segments. As another error, the zero drift has instability and, as a result, can be evaluated by systematic and stochastic components. Using several independent switch-on-switch-off cycles we can accumulate statistics and highlight systematic component by computing the arithmetic mean. The IMU can be calibrated by several temperature points in operating range. The article demonstrates case of algorithm working in random conditions (temperature point). The intermediate points values calculation is also performed in piecewise linear function. For automatiion purposes this method was realized programably with algorithm of automatic calibration points search. The algorithm is based on the drift function smoothing by low-frequency filtering. The filtered signal can be analyzed as a function with a number of the most noticeable inflections. These points can be found as pertaining to the most acute angle. The algorithm allows reducing the zero drift by 5-20 times compared to the values obtained without compensation. Compared to the polynomial approximation of the third and fourth power, the drift value for the piecewise linear approximation appeared to be 2-3 times less.


micromechanical gyroscopes, IMU calibration, zero drift, zero offset


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