Algorithm for analyzing the consistency of expert estimates of the parameters of the hardware and software complex of the automated workplace

System analysis, control and data processing


Philatov V. I.*, Borukaeva A. O.**, Berdikov P. G.***

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, MSTU, 5, bldg. 1, 2-nd Baumanskaya str., Moscow, 105005, Russia



This article tackles the issue of discordance of opinions of the experts and suggests a technique for the degree of compliance rate estimation. The concept of compliance estimation basis, namely, concord was considered. The algorithm for the experts’ opinions compliance analysis is described. The analysis on experts’ compliance estimation methods selection depending on quantitative and qualitative measuring scales usage, and measure of the degree of compliance was performed. The problem where

The problem in which there are many software and hardware workstations for aircrafts, having the same set of properties and properties in respect of each match quantitative evaluation experts group. The results of evaluations are presented in the form of a matrix. Described mathematical formalism concordance calculation coefficient – consent coefficient. It carries out a check of the algorithm as part of the expert survey, which resulted in peer reviews for all hardware and software complex of automated workplaces characteristics were obtained. These expert evaluations (expert group, consisting of 13 experts in the field of information systems) were tabulated. Using the data obtained was conducted analysis of variance in order study the characteristics of hardware and software of computer workstations. Created schematic block diagram describing the steps of parameters expert estimates the coherence algorithm APM compound hardware and software systems for aircraft. Calculated variance estimate and the concordance index (degree of coherence of software and hardware parameters workstations ratings people). As a result, estimated coefficient of concordance and relevance given the inequality which proves the validity of a good engine algorithms and to assess the consistency of expert APM AIC parameter estimates Connection program for aircraft.

The proposed method in this paper analyzes the consistency of expert opinion for all the characteristics of software and hardware of computer workstations is a hot topic that needs to be considered in the development of hardware and software for unmanned aerial vehicles.


workstation hardware and software package, the consistency of expert opinion, concordance, expectation, variance, random variable dispersion coefficient of concordance (agreement rate), a measure of consistency


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