Evaluation technique of direction pattern characteristics of an ultrasonic radar in the antenna aperture synthesizing mode

Antennas, SHF-devices and technologies


Zvonarev V. V.*, Moroz A. V.**, Sherstuk A. V.**

Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia

*e-mail: zvonarevvitalii@yandex.ru
**e-mail: vka@mail.ru


The purpose of the article consists in direction pattern characteristics verification of ultrasonic radar in the antenna aperture synthesizing mode, which were obtained both by experiments and calculations.

The object of this article is ultrasonic radar in the antenna aperture synthesizing mode.

The subject of the article is the transmitting ultrasonic sensor functioning.

The methodology of writing the article is comparing the results obtained employing a mathematic model of the radar system in ultrasonic wavelength range and by experiments with its real prototype.

Developing the radar with synthesized antenna aperture assumes:

–  functioning processes modeling of elements of the pattern under development to obtain the direction pattern characteristics;

–  designing and developing the prototypes realizing the main operation modes of the pattern or its constituent parts.

The authors proposed to develop a prototype in ultrasonic range rather than in radio range, which allowed modelling the main processes with real equipment employing high accuracy and reliability. Modelling of the unit’s elements functioning processes is being performed to obtain the values of direction pattern characteristics. The obtained values evaluation is being performed with the technique for evaluating the direction pattern of the ultrasonic radar in the antenna aperture synthesizing mode.

The article regards the issues of direction pattern parameters modelling, as well as presents the evaluation results of characteristics of the direction pattern of the ultrasonic transmitting device, obtained applying the suggested methodological approach. Experimental validation of the results applying ultrasonic test site was performed.

Application of the presented technique allows refine errors evaluation model of a radar-location channel of the radar prototype with the synthesized antenna aperture, and solve problems of radiometric calibration of the system through path prior to its manufacturing.

The developed technique is practical to employ while developing algorithms for controlling direction pattern of prospective radars with synthesized aperture already at the stage of laboratory workout.


radar with synthesized antenna aperture, direction pattern characteristic, digital signal processing, ultrasonic radar in aperture synthesizing mode, antenna grid


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