Fixture elements arrangement optimization when aircraft assembly based on mesh adaptive direct search

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2020-110-18


Pogarskaia T. A.

Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University, 29, Polytechnicheskaya str., St. Petersburg, 195251, Russia



The presented article is devoted to the problem of the arrangement optimization of fixture elements while aircraft assembly. Minimization of fixture elements number preserving the final product quality is one of the key factors of production intensification in aerospace industry. The objective of the work consists in verifying further application possibility of Mesh Adaptive Direct Search and its modification to the problem under consideration. This method is stipulated by its following specifics, such as no need for derivations computing, and the structure, which implies two independent computing blocks. The first feature is important since the optimization problem under consideration is combinatorial and relates to the NP class. Correspondingly, derivations computing is not possible, and the global minimum can be found by the full enumeration method. The second feature, namely steps independence, opens the possibility of employing any algorithm as a search step. The article considers the following approaches: black box optimization, black box optimization with spatial relaxation of forces and a technique of modified step of searching based on total information on the problem being solved.

Computations were performed on the test model of the wing attachment with fuselage. The results are compared with Local Variation Method (a greedy algorithm) to evaluate their efficiency and possibility of their further application for optimization of full-scale models. Mesh Adaptive Direct Search proved to be applicable as it allowed obtain improved relative to the initial fixture elements arrangement. Modification of the algorithm searching step based on total known information ensured the best balance between computation time and the final result quality.


aircraft assembly, assembly optimization, local variations method, gradientless optimization, contact problem


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