Off-line tests technique for spacecraft onboard electronic devices

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2020-111-7


Bykov A. P.*, Piganov M. N.**

Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, 34, Moskovskoye shosse, Samara, 443086, Russia



The article presents the off-line tests technique for spacecraft onboard radio-electronic devices. These tests allow accomplishing the ground-based experimental finishing of the onboard instruments. The authors suggest to perform the off-line tests in the framework of the design development test for the samples that passed the acceptance testing. Microprocessor temperature controller was selected as a testing object.

The following test objectives were determined as basic ones:

- substantiation of the samples operability in conditions of external affecting factors imitation close to real ones;

- evaluation of samples correspondence to the design specification and technical conditions requirements on the prime item;

- substantiation of schematic and design solutions for the required liter (0) assigning;

- technological documentation development

- substantiation of the electronic components base and other parts application.

The article describes dedication and structure of the device. The device consists of three identical channels. Each channel contains microcontroller and performs the following functions:

- signals receiving from the contact sensors;

- scanning contact sensors, temperature sensors, and potentiometric resistance transducers;

- receiving eight-bit code from digital sensors;

- forming control instructions;

- receiving “on”, “off” “interrupt” and “reset” instructions;

- forming voted clock pulses;

- performing information exchange through multiplexor exchange channel;

- performing information exchange through RS-485;

- generating telemetric parameters in the parallel code form.

The device is being set on honeycomb panels in the spacecraft non-pressurized compartments. Analysis of technical conditions on the device and previous tests results was performed for the tests modes selection. The technique envisages fourteen types of tests. The study of the tests sequence impact on their efficiency was performed. Selection of both equipment and testing impacts was performed. Algorithm of these tests performing was suggested. Metrological substantiation of the selected test equipment was given.

Tests under normal climatic conditions and rated voltage were being held after the design development test stage completion. Technology trainings were bing performed before acceptance tests.

The authors suggest performing functional test under normal climatic conditions in the following sequence: technical inspection; control of mass; transient resistance measuring; electrical and input circuits check-up; isolation resistance measuring, and functionality check-up in manual mode.

Vibro-bench tests successively in three mutually perpendicular directions are necessary for structural elements resonances detection. Optimal test modes are presented. TV-59349/AIT-440 Vibro-bench was chosen for their realization. Control sensor is being applied to confirm the absence of resonances at the frequencies up to 25 Hz.

The article presents the results of the device testing according to the proposed technique. Comments on design and technical documentation are described. Verification of the test technique, which confirmed the high quality of test algorithm, was performed. Testing time was reduced by 8%. Expert evaluation by the Delphi method revealed that the proposed option of the off-line tests will allow reducing the test cost by 10%. Changes were introduced into design documentation and operation modes chart of electric parts by the tests results. Manufacturing route of the device production was corrected.


off-line test, onboard device, spacecraft, technique, microprocessor temperature controller, scheme, test algorithm, test results


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