The methods of ranking the Earth remote sensing spacecraft to ensure the operational monitoring of emergencies

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2021-119-18


Protsenko P. A.*, Khubbiev R. V.

Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia



The article discusses the issues of ranking operational monitoring spacecraft of forest fires in order to determine the contribution of each spacecraft to solving the problem of monitoring for focusing the resources of the control complex on the most important spacecraft.

For rapid response to emergencies is necessary to know the situation in the observed area. Since the area is large, it is impossible to fully reconnoiter it with one spacecraft flyby. In this regard, it is proposed to introduce a new criterion — the proportion of the observed area, showing which part of the area there is up-to-date information. Intelligent information about the area is relevant only for a certain period of time, since an emergency situation can arise in the area at any random moment in time. Let us assume that the information about the area is relevant for a deterministic period of time Δτ, those to assess the situation in the area at time t, only the radio visibility zones of the Earth remote sensing spacecraft located in the time range [t–Δτ;t] are taken into account.

Based on the proposed approach to assessing the observability of a given fire-dangerous area, the methods of ranking the Earth remote sensing spacecraft has been developed. The ranking of spacecraft is made taking into account the fact of information obsolescence and the nonlinearity of the area monitoring by a variety of spacecraft. As result of a comparative analysis of existing ranking methods based on the frequency of observation of a given area, and the proposed methodology, the fact of consistency of the results was established. At the same time, the proposed methodology makes it possible to single out that set of spacecraft, the use of which significantly increases the efficiency of monitoring areas of emergencies.

The presented methods can be used to study the capabilities and ranking of both orbital constellations, consisting of the same type of Earth remote sensing spacecraft, and different types.


spacecraft, space monitoring, efficiency, spacecraft ranking


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