Experimental study of the accuracy of determining the time-frequency parameters of a pulse in a digital receiver with undersampling under a single-signal impact

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2021-121-14


Smolyakov A. V.*, Podstrigaev A. S.**

Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI”, 5, str. Professora Popova, Saint Petersburg, 197376, Russia

*e-mail: andreismolyakow@gmail.com
**e-mail: ap0d@ya.ru


One can use digital receivers based on undersampling (sub-Nyquist receivers) to solve tasks of ESM, cognitive radio communication, electronic signals intelligence and passive radar. The main advantage of the sub-Nyquist receiver for the user is software adapting the characteristics to the current tasks and the signal-interference environment. The efficiency of the sub-Nyquist receiver largely depends on the accuracy of determining the time-frequency parameters of the received signals. Since we can consider any signal as a pulse during a long-term analysis of the signal situation, it is advisable to carry out the study for individual pulses with the accumulation of measurement statistics. We investigate the errors in determining the carrier frequency and pulse duration to estimate the accuracy of measurements on the device’s prototype. We obtained the results in the form of dependences on the carrier frequency and the duration of the received pulse. With a decrease in the pulse duration, the mathematical expectation and the standard deviation in determining the frequency increase. The average relative error in determining the pulse duration increases with decreasing pulse duration. The standard deviation of the error in determining the duration for long pulses is more significant than for short ones. The article describes in detail the reasons for these phenomena. The most critical errors, as expected, correspond to short pulses. Analyzing existing radio systems allows us to conclude that obtained errors are acceptable for wideband analysis tasks. An additional increase in the accuracy of determining the frequency-time parameters of the signal can be performed based on the approaches proposed in the paper.


undersampling, undersampling receiver, sub-Nyquist receiver, SDR, broadband analysis, wideband analysis, wideband sensing, time-frequency parameters


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