The organisation of the interaction between databases within the limits of the automated account using ERP-system.

Technical cybernetics. Information technology. Computer facilities


Arzhenenko A. Y.1, Volkov P. A.1, Vestyak V. A.2*

1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. ,



Article is devoted the organisation of the interaction between databases that provide account of the enterprise activity in cosmonautics and the aviation industry on very stage of the manufac-ture: from the purchase of materials till the realization of ready production, during the creation of the divaricate system of the automated account on the basis of an automated enterprise resources controlling system of an ERP-class. With a view to increase the efficiency of automation earlier au-thors offered the creation of such system and the development of data exchange objects. The result of the introduction of such objects taking into account the requirement of specific manufacture is a fundamentally new automatic control system – the system of the automated account of the enter-prise activity which allows to use computing resources most efficiently in the production of aircrafts and other aviation and space equipment.


ERP-system, efficiency, automation, manufacture controlling, database

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