Numerical modeling of a stationary detonation waves in a mixture of particles of aluminum with air



Gidaspov V. Y.



Results of numerical researches of ignition and detonation of a gas mixture of disperse particles of aluminum with air are resulted. The simplified physical and mathematical model of process is developed. Disperse particles are considered two-componental and consisting of aluminum and an aluminum oxide, processes of fusion and material evaporation, and also superficial reaction of formation of oxide of aluminum are considered. Bearing gas is multicomponent, being in a condition of thermodynamic balance, presence in combustion products ultradisperse particles of aluminum, oxide of aluminum and aluminum nitrate is thus considered. The settlement way defines the minimum speed of distribution and thin structure of a stationary detonation wave. It is shown that the parameters calculated in her aspire to the equilibrium values. Developed the physical and mathematical model and computing algorithms can be used at creation of a technique of modeling of a detonation metal-gas mixes in multidimensional statement.


metallized fuel, thermodynamic and portable properties of substances, chemical kinetics, detonation, numerical simulation.

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