Identification of target scatterers in radar images using radial basis function neural networks

Radio engineering. Electronics. Telecommunication systems


Efimov E. N.*, Shevgunov T. Y.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



This paper introduces a neural network based technique for the identification of complex targets in ultra-wideband radar systems. This technique is based on the known multi-scatterer complex-valued model for representing two-dimension radar images synthesized by common ultra-wideband radar systems. The neural networks are built via structure diagrams representing the whole net implementing the desired transformation as a set of interacting adaptive elements, each of them in turn implements the partially transfer functions of bidirectional (forward and backward propagation) data signal processing. The class of radial basis feed-forward artificial neural networks learned by error back-propagation supervised methods is chosen due to the ability of such networks to highlight the local feature of the presented data. It was shown that a stable approximation result could be achieved if the number of elements in hidden layer of the networks corresponds to the number of scatterers necessary for the accurate fitting of artificial targets. The simulation showed that the importances of scatterer parameters are different, thus the estimation of center positions of scatterers can be carried out more accurately than their widths. The accuracy of the scatterer parameters estimation depends on the distance between a chosen scatterer and others and signal to noise ratio. The simulation results reveal the high sensitivity of the accuracy to the level of noise while scatterers are placed closely in the radar image. The proposed neural processing method is a relatively new but promising approach for the problem to be solved. The main benefits and drawbacks of this methods are examined in the conclusion as well as comparison with another system identification technique traditionally used for the considered problem.


, ultra-wideband radar, multi-scatterer model, artificial neural network, radial basis functions, system identification, ultra-wideband systems, mathematical model simulation


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