Preliminary evaluation of checking fixtures used for disk diameter measurement at aviation companies based on econometric equations

Economics and management


Mikhailova E. A.1*, Kamakina O. V.1**, Efimova P. E.2***

1. Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University named after P.A. Soloviev, RSATU, 53, Pushkin St., Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region, 152934, Russia
2. United Engine Corporation “Saturn”, 163, Lenin av., Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region, 152903, Russia



While production order making, one usually has little information about cost calculating, so that it is difficult to decide whether order profitability is sufficient or not. This problem is especially important if production life cycle is rather long, which is common considering aviation industry. The article considers the method of gage cost preliminary evaluation. The gages mentioned are used for rotation solids diameter measurement at the industrial companies. A set of recently designed gages was chosen and a number of different parameters were subjected to analysis for giving preliminary evaluation of material and labor costs. One who makes tool set order has his requirements and the designer while developing the gage fixes a set of variables. While investigation it is proved that connection does exist between the first and the latter mentioned, which is shown in the form of correlation coefficients matrix. It is stated that gage parameters required determine tool set material and labor costs. The cost evaluation method is proposed based on econometrics equations. The method gives the description of the parameters connection in the form of linear regression equations, in which order requirements are used as independent variables and the cost as the dependent one, so that it can be calculated at the moment the order is transferred to the tool set department. The equation gives a preliminary sum of costs providing rather high degree of its accuracy due to strong parameter correlation. Production profitability can be easily evaluated using such method that is really important for industrial companies.


cost evaluation, econometrical equations, instrumental manufacturing, gages


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