Frequency scanning monopulse slotted-waveguide antenna array

Antennas, SHF-devices and technologies


Suchkov A. V.

Lianozovo Electromechanical Plant, 110, Dmitrovskoye shosse, Moscow, 127411, Russia



The object of this work is to develop a manufacturable design of the monopulse slotted-waveguide array for three-coordinate radar with frequency scanning in the elevation plane. To achieve the specified technical and design characteristics, numerical methods of electrodynamics and automated software packages for electromagnetic field simulation of three-dimensional microwave structures was used to perform the following tasks: development of antenna block diagram; synthesis of the antenna and its main elements, carrying out the numerical analysis and the parametrical optimization of the electrodynamic models; a consideration the constructive and technological realization of the antenna.

The main results are as follows. The practical implementation of the advanced design of the monopulse waveguide-slot antenna array with frequency scanning showed that it achieves higher values of technical characteristics in comparison to the well-known analogues. The features of serial beam forming network (BFN) was explored to eliminate the typical deficiencies of BFN. Obtaining a low level side lobes in the plane of the frequency scanning without insertion of additional loss in sum-difference BFN was proven. The effective techniques of numerical analysis and parameter optimization of electrodynamic model of BFN was developed. The issues of constructive and technological realization of an antenna were considered; they allow to simplify the manufacturing process by minimizing the influence of manufacturing tolerances of electrical parameters and to improve weight and performance characteristics.

The application of such antennas in modern radar systems will increase the accuracy of aircraft altitude measurement and the maximum detection range, improve radar immunity and its performance characteristics.


monopulse antenna array, frequency scanning, pattern, beam forming network, electromagnetic simulation, numerical analysis


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