An approach to communication and radio technical flight support performance indicators selecting

Systems, networks and telecommunication devices


Ivanutkin A. G.*, Danilin M. A.**, Presnyakov M. Y.**

Air force academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovskii and Y.A. Gagarin, Voronezh, Russia



In airspace areas over the aerodrome environs complex and critical tasks of air traffic control, such as takeoff, forming-up, en-route flight and landing are solved. Communications and flights radio technical support (RTS) are the only sources of objective information for flight crews concerning their location on the ground and in the air, and the air situation in area of responsibility for mission control groups. Thus, a number of contradictions occurs, on the one hand the increased requirements to communication and radio aircraft flights technical support, and on the other hand — the need to identify communication and radio technical support performance indicator, characterizing meeting of the specified requirements. On this basis, the problem of communication and flight RTS performance evaluation indicators selection, characterizing the information exchange quality of aviation control system arises.

The basis for the selection of indicators to measure the effectiveness of communication and aviation RTS forms the target destination, realized by the communication system and RTS through meeting its requirements for timeliness, reliability and security.

As a generalized indicator of communication and RTS efficiency one can use the probability of task, completion with the desired quality at all stages of the aircraft flight.

The offered approach to the selection of communications and RTS efficiency evaluation indicators will allow high-grade and effective development of proposals on decision making associated with the organization of communications and radio technical support at the state aviation aerodromes.


communications, radio-technical flight support, aircraft, efficiency, indicator, system survivability, information exchange


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