On an approach to hypersonic vehicles development projects feasibility qualitative and quantitative evaluation with regard to aeromechanics

Aerodynamics and heat-exchange processes in flying vehicles


Vasil'ev L. M., Galaktionov A. Y.*

Central Research Institute of Machine Building, 4, Pionerskaya st., Korolev, Moscow region, 141070, Russia

*e-mail: galakau@mail.ru


The issues of high-speed aircraft design and development methodology with regard to feasibility of various projects are considered in the paper. The well-known foreign projects are exemplified as a subject of research to detect the destructive factors affecting the hypersonic flying laboratories projects. Methodological working out of the issue concerning hypersonic vehicles development projects feasibility quantitative and qualitative evaluation to design corresponding industry methodologies without considering specifics of engine unit workout. The time of transition from laboratory research to practical industrial production was accepted as a project feasibility quantitative measure, which can be evaluated a priori with both algebraic relation and using ordinary differential equations, such as works by U.V. Chuev and S.M. Eger, which elements are introduced in the presented paper as scientific research tools. The problem of the high-speed flying vehicles working-out cycling is associated with parameters margin evaluation for ambiguous and non-stationary aero-physical processes.

Considering that with high-speed flying vehicles flight speed increase (Mach number) the share of non-stationary effects and their specific energy performance increase in the overall volume of utilization flights, the paper observes the corresponding aero-mechanical effects, drastically affecting the feasibility of the project. As a rule, with mode change (in the case under consideration — the stream pattern change) some non-steady effects occur, associated with either loss of controls effectiveness and dynamic system instability of flying vehicle — controls system, or with higher overloads. The latter is illustrated by numerical calculations of aerodynamic performances results, obtained by the authors. To calculate either stationary or non-stationary aerodynamic performances a program for obtaining numerical solution of complete non-stationary Navier-Stokes equations developed by the authors was used. Computational experiments were carried out in the framework of perfect gas model with laminar flow mode in moving coordinates. To determine damping and anti-damping characteristics associated with high-speed flying vehicles flight stability and instability the conjugate problem of flight dynamics and non-stationary aerodynamics was being solved.

The attainability of the goal set to flying vehicle project and the degree of its feasibility are associated with the degree of studies and the extent of fundamental, forecasting, as well as scientific and applied research, required before starting corresponding development effort.


aerodynamics, forecast, non-stationary characteristics, numerical methods, vehicles, supersonic flight, research work


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