The analysis of algorithms of routing in a communication network groups of unmanned aerial vehicles

Systems, networks and telecommunication devices


Borodin V. V.*, Petrakov A. M.**, Shevtsov V. A.***

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



For increase of efficiency of group of unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) [1, 2, 3] the adaptive radio network with switching of packages which knots are aircraft is used.

For providing requirements to an adaptive network it is necessary to solve a number of complex problems, in particular, to provide effective management of a strip of frequencies, to develop adaptive route protocols and to choose optimum route metrics [4, 5, 6].

Now the protocols of routing focused on search of the shortest route distance with a binding to network topology and location of hubs [5, 7, 8, 9, 10] are used.

Despite a great interest to the considered subject, in our opinion not enough attention is paid to questions of modeling of probabilistic and time characteristics of algorithms of routing. The offered work is devoted to research of efficiency of algorithms of routing in the conditions of not stationarity, in particular, at change of structure of a network.

In this work the adaptive radio network with switching of packages and casual access under the Aloha [11, 12, 13] protocol is investigated.

Influence on characteristics of algorithm of routing of qualitative characteristics and volume of route information which knots on the office channel, and also options of the organization of the office channel exchange is considered. It is shown that the problem of routing can be solved if to be limited to calculation of the metrics containing only data on a condition of knots (nodal metrics). The volume of information distributed by knots in this case is proportional to a square of quantity of knots. However in some cases it is necessary to transfer, along with a state as well data on characteristics of communication channels between knots (channel metrics). The volume of information distributed by knots in this case is proportional to a cube of quantity of knots that significantly exceeds information volume in case of transfer of nodal metrics. It is shown that generally transfer of channel metrics is actual for display of new network structure in local route matrixes of each knot at reorganization of a network.

The option of the organization of the office channel depends on the volume of the transferred route information. At the small volume, in particular, by transfer of nodal metrics, the allocated channel can be used, and mailing of route information is carried out along with an exchange of information packages. If the volume of data is big, in particular, by transfer of channel metrics, interruption of transfer of information packages for a while which is required for mailing of data on new structure of a network is necessary.

For the purpose of increase of efficiency of a network by transfer of channel metrics use of the combined mode at which transfer of metrics is carried out in information package in the mailing mode is offered. Results of imitating modeling have shown high efficiency of the combined method in the certain ranges of change of a traffic and power of the channel.


unmanned aerial vehicles, adaptive networks of data transmission, casual access, routing, network matrixes of contiguity, routing metrics, imitating modeling


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