Use of information technologies to support development of onboard software

CAD systems


Shchelykalin M. Y.

Moscow Experimental Design Bureau “Mars”, 1-st Shemilovsky lane 16, building 2, Moscow, 127473, Russia



Article is devoted to increasing the efficiency of the spacecraft onboard software development, mainly debugging and verification. The analysis of existing in MEDB “MARS” onboard software development process was conducted in order to identify the stage where the introduction of information technology will reduce development time and increase quality. It was decided that the automation of the maximum number of steps is the main way to improve the existing process. It was concluded that creation of an information system to automate the development process — Test automation system (TAS) necessary. The system requirements were established. Based on this requirements and terms of implementation, it was concluded that the use of third-party COST systems for several typical problems solving is advisable. Integration of turnkey typical solutions and of custom own developed kernel system will greatly reduce time of system development and implementation. To simplify further improvements it was decided to use only open source third-party components.

Based on the identified typical tasks to automate, two standard-class systems for integration in TAS was marked out software version control system and software error management system.

Comparison of existing version control systems is given, on the basis of which Subversion system was chosen as the most simple. Similarly, a comparison of software error management systems, such as Redmine, Bugzilla, Trac is given. It concluded that Redmine has the best options set from these errors control systems.

The interaction interface between TAS with version control system Subversion and error management system Redmine is developed. The mechanisms of software systems integration into a common automation system were described.

The proposed solution has been successfully introduced into the production process and used in the development of several spacecraft control systems, including KazSat-2, Electro-L, Elektro-L № 2, Spektr-R.


spacecraft onboard software development, development support system, project management, spacecraft onboard software test, Subversion, Git, Redmine, Bugzilla, Trac


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  5. Ofitsial’nyi sait proekta «Subversion»:

  6. Stefan Küng, Lübbe Onken, Simon Large. TortoiseSVN Klient Subversion dlya Windows, URL: 2015-09-26

  7. Scott Chacon, Ben Straub, Pro Git, URL:

  8. Anton Kolinю Obzor sistem otslezhivaniya oshibok, URL

  9. Ofitsial’naya angloyazychnyi Wiki proekta Redmine: (2015-09-26)

  10. Andriy Lesyuk. Mastering Redmine. Copyright © 2013 Packt Publishing First published: January 2013 ISBN 978-1-84951-914-4

  11. Rashid Achilov. Sistemnyi administrator, 2014, no. 4, (137), pp. 10-14.

  12. Bugzilla

  13. Trac:

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