Space groupings flight control element structures synthesis

Dynamics, ballistics, movement control of flying vehicles


Matyushin M. M., Lutsenko Y. S.*, Gershman K. E.

Central Research Institute of Machine Building, 4, Pionerskaya st., Korolev, Moscow region, 141070, Russia



The paper is devoted to spacecraft and space groupings control and functioning issues systematical consideration at large. For the first time, the authors present in this paper the structural diagram of the existing spacecraft (space grouping) flight control system, reveal space grouping flight operating control, control tools and control objects. Flight control processes were analyzed within the framework of the existing system, and flight control generic methods shortcomings were considered. The paper is focused on the issues of flight operating control developing and space grouping flight control formation. The paper shows that the adopted nowadays control structure has rather complex arrangement. Besides, flight controls computing and forming space groupings flight control vectors are scattered in space, and each of them computes only the part of the common space groping flight control vector. This, in its turn, leads to the iteration process of flight control vector searching. It does not allow solving the problem of space grouping flight optimization and necessitates multiple conformances. Consequently, the process of flight control vector computing has low efficiency and the occurrence of conflicts when operative treatment of the decision-making personnel is required. Based on the analysis of space grouping flight control procedures the authors proposed new flight operating control structures, allowing increasing its quality. In the authors’ judgment, the last version of space grouping flight operating control structure is the most adequative to modern requirements on the efficiency, cost and reliability of space grouping flight control vector developing, and complies with modern technical capabilities. Space grouping operating control optimality index quantitative analysis can be obtained based on the flight control technologies models. Such models allow developing flight operating control cost estimation, time-dependent and reliability models. The results of the studies on these issues will be presented in subsequent publications.


control system, flight control of the spacecraft and space groups, structure of the system of calculation of parameters of flight control, flight control center, flight control tools


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