On parameters selection About the choice of parameters of an orbit of a space segment of solar space power plant

Dynamics, ballistics, movement control of flying vehicles


Barkova M. E.

Joint Stock Company “Russian Space Systems”, JSC “RSS”, 53, Aviamotornaya str., Moscow, 111250, Russia

e-mail: Alttaira@yandex.ru


The main problem of solar space power plant (SPS) consists in energy transfer to the Earth with minimum losses. The paper aims at the SPS space segment orbit parameters selection. It presents the SPS space segment orbit selection technique development and modified mathematical model of movement with account for perturbing factors associated with the energy transfer. The problem is reduced to obtaining the exact provision of the SPS space segment in an orbit, determination of rektenn ground segment coordinates and their synchronization. The paper deals with the problem of SPS space segment provision definition. The obtained results can be applied to SPS design and operation.

The author comes to a conclusion that the SPS space segment should be low-orbital. The results of the perturbing factors associated with SPS operation impact are summed up at the end of the paper. The paper reveals that the perturbing factors associated with SPS operation do not affect SPS space segment movement.

The merit of the paper consists in developing the SPS space segment orbit selection technique, and revealing the perturbing accelerations caused by the solar space power plant operation.


Solar Power Satellite, Solar Power Satellite space segment, Solar Power Satellite space segment orbit, spacecraft


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