Additional characteristic for aircraft infrared visibility normalization

Strength and thermal conditions of flying vehicles


Nesterov M. S.*, Popelo V. D.**

Air force academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovskii and Y.A. Gagarin, Voronezh, Russia



The paper introduces the characteristic for quantitative description of infrared (IR) visibility with account for aircraft’s intrinsic equilibrium radiation. The most important state of an aircraft sample’s thermal field, wherein the IR visibility is evaluated, is the state of the intrinsic equilibrium radiation. The aircraft intrinsic equilibrium radiation technical characteristics currently applied for IR evaluation are defined by current observing conditions.

The presented work aims at introduction of characteristics, defining the properties of IR visibility in thermal equilibrium with the environment, satisfying the following basic principles:

— Measured value must be constant, while changing the conditions of the object observation in a wide range, if the object’s properties as the goal, do not vary in time;

— Measured value must be associated by linearly dependence with the parameter of the received reflected or emitted signal;

— The value measured in the optical range must be comparable to similar variables used as characteristics of the object in the other electromagnetic spectrum bands.

In contrast to currently applied IR visibility figures, the introduced characteristics of effective radiating surface (ERS) does not depend on external observing conditions. The authors considered physical quantities derivations from ERS for the case of linear and distributed objects surveying. Specificity of the introduced characteristics consists in constancy at an object observation conditions variation, as well as existence of linear relationship with a signal value on the radiation receiver (radiant flux density).

The presented characteristics allow obtain unambiguous solution of the inverse problem of restoration of a value of an object characteristic according to the measured value of the received signal.


aircraft, infrared visibility, visibility characteristics


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