Comparative analysis of the effectiveness of genetic algorithms the routing of the flight, taking into account their different computational complexity and multicriteria tasks

Information and measuring and control systems


Mikhailin D. A.1*, Alliluyeva N. V.2**, Rudenko E. M.3***

1. Main research and testing center for robotics Ministry of Defense of the Russian , 5, ul. Seregina, Moscow, 125167, Russia
2. Joint-stock company “Scientific and production enterprise “Radar-mms”, 37, Novosel'kovskaya str., lit. A, Sankt-Peterburg, 197375, Russia
3. Peter the Great Strategic Missile Troops Academy, 17, Brigadnaya str., Serpukhov, Moscow region, 142210, Russia



The paper presents results of the genetic algorithms research. This algorithm solves routing problem the aircraft executes the automatic flight on a pre-laid in memory of his computer flight mission. The cases of single- and multiobjective implementation of the genetic algorithm.

The multicriteria of routing tasks decision can be performed in two stages:

– finding a plurality of routes connecting a start and end point;

– verify the achievements in them the values of all criteria to select the best options.

Multiple routes selecting in a graph between two vertices can be carried out on the basis of minimizing the target function graph.

Estimated computational complexity of the described algorithm one criterion. It is shown, that when a large number of vertices and edges of a graph minimizing the objective function method the most beneficial in the development of preflight tasks.

In real conditions of planning the generated flight plan to meet a number of sometimes conflicting requirements of cost, flight duration, the total importance included in the plan of points. Their importance is uneven and variable, the timeliness of the observations according to the given schedule, etc. The essence of the alternative approach is that the full planned route is divided into several sections (blocks), each of which the dominant one private criteria. This method is suggested by the practice of observation, when one area important the timeliness, on the other – the economy. Thus, the objective functions of genetic algorithm are specified criteria. After the procedure, the formation of “elite” based on specify criteria starts the procedure of “crossing”. It is produced by blocks permutations of intermediate route points in the flight mission and provides a sufficient number of “descendants”. Then, inside all three blocks of the interblock points performs “mutation” that will be performed only between the boundary of points.

It is shown that due to the high performance of modern on-Board computers, implementing complex routing algorithms when observing terrestrial objects with a specified flight schedule does not cause difficulties.

On the basis of simulation results the performance of the algorithms a comparative analysis of their work effectiveness.


genetic algorithm, routing, aircraft surveillance, flight mission


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