To the question of optimization and design of parts, produced by cavity elastic forming, with the use of reconstruction

Innovation technologies in aerospace activities
*, **Irkutsk National Research Technical University, 83, Lermontov str., Irkutsk, 664074, Russia
Using the example of a classic shape for a box-type part, optimization of the cavity elastic forming process using a cover with guaranteed clearance is considered, as well as classical optimization of a part based on modeling and optimization based on the technology of “technological reconstruction”. Schemes of classical cavity elastic forming process and cavity elastic forming process with guaranteed clearance are presented. The main aspects of using NURBS technology for restoring the shape of a part fr om a finite element mesh are described. The problems arising in the case of classical optimization using simulation and the ways of their solution using “technological reconstruction” are shown. The results of calculation in the form of gradients are presented: plastic deformations; thickness and quality zones based on the Keller-Goodwin lim it strain curve.
The purpose of the article is to improve the existing technological process for the production of “box” parts, which relate to sheet metal forming production. The following problems are solved in the article:
– replacement is not a progressive and non-stable method of shaping, to a newer method;
– elimination of local loss of stability (wrinkles) along the flange;
– elimination of thinning in radius transitions and bottom separation;
– search for the most rational technology for optimizing the geometric shape of a part in the region of radius.
As a result, the technology of “technological reconstruction” has been developed that allows rationally optimizing the shape of a part taking into account the way it is formed. The technology is versatile and it is possible to use it in various aircraft-engineering enterprises.
cavity with the guaranteed clearance, cavity elastic forming, technological reconstructionReferences
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