Physical simulation of an unmanned aerial vehicle electronic means noise immunity

Computing and control systems elements and units


Nuriev M. G.

Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, 10, Karl Marks str., Kazan, 420111, Russia



An important factor affecting the safety of unmanned aerial vehicles is the impact by the electromagnetic field of a remote lightning discharge. Powerful external electromagnetic fields may lead to the of noise immunity disturbance of on-board electronic systems. Particularly in recent years, a trend towards the unmanned aerial vehicles development with a fuselage made of nonmetallic materials with low efficiency indicators for electromagnetic fields shielding gains momentum. Based on the technique of physical modeling of electromagnetic interference in electronic communications lines under the impact of electromagnetic fields, the problem of predicting the noise immunity of an unmanned aerial vehicle electronic means under the impact of a remote lightning discharge is realized. Physical modeling is a method of experimental study of various physical phenomena, based on their physical similarity. Computation of all the stages of the method of physical simulation of electromagnetic interference was performed. The imitation and measurement equipment was chosen. A test bench and a model of the studied object were developed. The article presents an example of physical modeling of electromagnetic interference in electronic systems’ communication lines of an unmanned aerial vehicle under the impact of a remote lightning discharge. To predict the noise immunity of the onboard electronic systems of unmanned aerial vehicles, it is necessary to compare the parameters of electromagnetic interference in communication lines with critical values, leading to a temporary functioning disruption or sensitive elements damaging. The noise immunity forecasting of an unmanned aerial vehicle electronic elements under the impact of electromagnetic interference of a remote lightning discharge was performed. When detecting possible noise immunity failures of the onboard electronic systems, it is necessary to take already known as well as new measures to reduce the interference in advance.


unmanned aerial vehicle, electronic means, noise immunity, electromagnetic interference, physical simulation, lightning discharge, prediction


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