A new status regulator adapting method employing fuzzy logic

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2021-118-16


Storozhev S. A., Khizhnyakov Y. N.

Perm National Research Polytechnic University, PNRPU, 29, Komsomolsky Prospekt, Perm, 614990, Russia


From the control theory point of view, an aircraft gas turbine engine (GTE) is a complex nonlinear object, which frame mathematical description is known a priori. While the GTE operation, continuous parameters monitoring, such as gas temperature behind the combustion chamber, rotor speed of a low pressure compressor (free turbine), rotor speed of a high pressure turbocharger (gas generator), is required. Further development of gas turbine engine control may be associated with the fuzzy control application. The goal of the study consists in upgrading control the fuel supplying to the GTE combustion chamber. The article proposes a new approach to the state regulator adaptation employing triangular terms with different bases, which vertices are being displaced depending on the arithmetic mean values of the input variables of the gas turbine engine, and the bases of the terms are attached to the current abscissas of the term vertices. There is a possibility to develop an adaptive fuzzifier from the analysis of the «traversed path» of each input variable, based on the proposed approach to terms adaptation. The grade of membership determining of the fuzzyfier was performed on the singleton base. Defuzzyfication was performed based on the weight-average formula. This adaptive state regulator allows replacing the standard selector and ensuring adaptability to the GTE external operation conditions. The developed adaptive state regulator is being characterized by better values probability of no-failure of the engine electronic regulator (EER). The results of the study may be employed for the combustion chamber control. The obtained adaptive state regulator will allow significant reduction of the uncertainty in the combustion chamber operation, ensuring guaranteed thrust of the flying vehicle.


aircraft gas turbine engine, adaptive fuzzy status regulatoraz@q, weighted average method, adaptive fuzzyfier, defuzzyfier, dispenser


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