Japan’s Itinerary Towards High-Power Electric Propulsion


Schönherr T. 1*, Cho S. 1**, Koizumi H. 1***, Komurasaki K. 1****, Yamamoto N. 2*****, Miyasaka T. 3******, Kuninaka H. *******

1. Токийский университет,
2. Университет Кюсю,
3. Университет Гифу,

*e-mail: schoenherr@al.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
**e-mail: cho@al.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
***e-mail: koizumi@al.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
****e-mail: komurasaki@al.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
*****e-mail: yamamoto@aees.kyushu-u.ac.jp
******e-mail: miyasaka@gifu-u.ac.jp
*******e-mail: kuninaka@isas.jaxa.jp


With the success of the asteroid explorer mission “Hayabusa”, and increasing availability of high electric power in space, Japan is moving to develop a high-power electric propulsion system in the 10 to 100-kW class. With a decades-long expertise in various electric propulsion systems, several concepts are studied to yield the best possible design while enabling new mission types for scientific and commercial application.

Ключевые слова:

high-power electric propulsion; Hall thruster; Space Solar Power System (SSPS); Solar Electric Propulsion Systems (SEP)

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