ISSN: 1727-6942

The journal is published from 2000. Its issuance is based on the certificate of registration of the mass media organization with the number Эл № ФС77-58560. This certificate was issued by Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications on 14 July 2014.

The fee for the publication of articles authored by postgraduate students is not charged
Periodicity of the journal publication

6 issues per year

Peer reviewing

Unilateral anonymous (“blind”)

The journal is a network scientific peer-reviewed periodic publication of open access.

The objective of the Journal is to familiarize readers with scientific achievements, innovative technologies in the aerospace industry.

The Journal publishes the results of theoretical and applied scientific research in the field of creation and application of structures, instruments and radio equipment, control and information processing systems, mathematical support and software, as well as information support for the life cycle of science-intensive products and aerospace objects.

Scientific, scientific and technical, analytical articles previously unpublished and corresponding to the standards of public ethics established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) are accepted for publication. All materials are checked for compliance with the journal subject and requirements for the scientific level, as well as the lack of plagiarism. Articles are published after recommendation of a reviewer with a positive decision of the editorial board. The fee is not collected from the authors; remuneration is not paid to them.

Articles are published in the original's language (Russian or English), each article is accompanied by an annotation (in Russian) and an abstract (in English).

The Journal is oriented at the readers, whose interests are related to the aerospace industry, including research institutes, project and design bureaus, manufacturing enterprises, operating organizations, profile educational institutions. For readers access to articles and archives is free.

The Journal is published six times a year as an open, free electronic network edition. By decision of the editorial board, additional special issues can be formed.

The Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation included the Journal into “The List of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications, in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the academic degree of a doctor and candidate of sciences should be published” over the following groups of specialties:

  • Mechanics
  • Radio engineering, computer engineering, instrumentation and communications
  • Computer science, modeling and management


Executive Editor

Zvereva Svetlana Fedorovna

Correspondence address

4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, 125993, Russia


Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), journal «Trudy MAI»

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