Electric Propulsion Activities at European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company Astrium Space Transportation


Lauer D. *, Leiter H. **, Cortes-Borgmeyer S. ***, Feyhl D. ****

Astrium GmbH,

*e-mail: dagmar.lauer@astrium.eads.net
**e-mail: hans.leiter@astrium.eads.net
***e-mail: susana.cortes-borgmeyer@astrium.eads.net
****e-mail: dieter.feyhl@astrium.eads.net


This paper presents the activities of Astrium Space Transportation in the field of electric propulsion. Astrium ST is an electric propulsion provider for propulsion systems, components and test services. The Radio Frequency Ion Thruster family "RIT" is described and a presentation of the pressure regulation device XRFS is given.  Additionally, electric propulsion system aspects are included in this paper.
Astrium has a broad knowledge in test conduction for life & endurance tests, environmental tests and sophisticated tests like dual firing or solar radiation for electric propulsion. The description of Astrium ST's test activities and services is complemented with the history of EURECA and ARTEMIS. Both missions mark milestones for electric propulsion in Western Europe. Both missions were equipped with Astrium ST's RIT-10 thruster assemblies RITA 10.

Ключевые слова:

electric propulsion system; radio-frequency ion thruster; thruster family; RITA 10 flight heritage; test services; electric propulsion components

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