Order of submitting materials of the paper for publication

1. The following materials should be submitted to the Executive Editor-in-Chief of the journal Editorial Board (via mail or in person):

1.1. The materials of the paper that is proposed for publication in the journal (2 copies). These materials should be submitted on paper medium and signed by all authors of the paper (with clarification of signatures and indication of the signature date);

1.2. One copy of the individual pages, which are signed by all authors of the paper (with clarification of signatures and indication of the signature date) and contain English translation of the following:

1.2.1. Paper title;

1.2.2. Last names and initials of the authors;

1.2.3. Information about the authors;

1.2.4. Abstract.

Reference information: The English versions of the Abstracts, which are published in Russian-language journals, are the main and only source of information for the foreign scientists and global databases that contain abstract and analytical information about scientific research (Web of Science, Scopus etc.). Thus English Abstract acts as a source of information, which presents the contents and results of the research independently from the published paper.

The English text of the Abstract should amount to no less than 250 words.

1.2.5. Keywords;

1.2.6. The Roman- (Latin-) alphabet version of the bibliographic references list for the paper («References»), which was composed according to the “Guidelines for preparation of the Roman- (Latin-) alphabet version of the bibliographic references list for the paper” that are posted on the web-site of the journal publisher.

General warning concerning paragraph 1.2: The special English terminology, which is appropriate for the described scientific and engineering field, should be used in the English version of the materials of the paper.

The journal Editorial Board will not consider English versions of the materials of the paper, which were created by using automatic translation software tools. The journal Editorial Board will return such materials to the authors of the paper so that they would provide a translation of sufficient quality.

1.3. The files, which contain the abovementioned materials, should be presented on electronic media in Microsoft Office Word file format with .doc file extension.

1.4. Each figure should be submitted as a separate file with jpg or tiff file extension. The number of submitted files with the figures should correspond to the number of pictures in the text of the paper.

1.5. One copy of the notice of decision, which the specialist commission makes concerning the possibility of publication of the paper in the public media (for Russian authors). The layout of the decision notice should be in accordance with the prescribed form.

2. External review (reviews) can be submitted to the Executive Editor-in-Chief of the journal Editorial Board, if its (their) structure meets the requirements that are set for the journal. Availability of external review (reviews) does not mean that the paper manuscript would not be submitted for additional reviewing by the journal Editorial Board.

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