Requirements for the published papers and their layout

1. General provisions

1.1. According to the requirements of the “On mass media” Law of the Russian Federation the journal must not be used for: commitment of acts, which are punishable under criminal law; divulgation of information that is classified as a State secret or any other secret, which is specially protected by law; making calls for seizing power, forcibly overthrowing constitutional order and changing state integrity; incitement of ethnic, class, social, religious intolerance or dissension; propaganda of war, pornography, cult of violence and cruelty.

1.2. Materials with advertising and erotic contents cannot be published and placed in the journal.

1.3. Only original papers, which were not published previously in other media, are considered eligible for journal publication.

1.4. As a rule, the amount of text in the published papers should not exceed 24 pages.

1.5. The papers, which are published in the journal, should consist of the following elements arranged in a sequential order:

Russian language text block:

  • identifier of Universal Decimal Classification (UDC);
  • title of the paper;
  • last names and initials of the authors of the paper;
  • information about the authors of the paper;
  • annotation;
  • keywords;
  • text of the paper;
  • list of bibliographic references for the paper.

English language text block:

  • title of the paper;
  • last names and initials of the authors of the paper;
  • information about the authors of the paper;
  • Abstract;
  • keywords;
  • bibliographic references list for the paper («References») in Roman (Latin) alphabet.

2. Layout of materials of the paper

2.1. The materials of the paper should be prepared by using Microsoft Office Word text editor. Times New Roman font should be used with 14 pt font size.

2.2. The layout formatting of the text of the paper should be in accordance with the following parameters:

  • А4 paper size (210 mm х 297 mm).
  • margins:
    • 20 mm top;
    • 20 mm bottom ;
    • 20 mm left;
    • 10 mm right;
  • double line spacing;
  • 1,25 cm indent of the first paragraph line;
  • justified alignment of the text.

Section headers should be typed in bold and formatted by aligning with the center of the page.

2.3. The text of the paper should be adduced in Russian. Foreign authors are permitted to submit their papers in English.

Additional line spaces should separate each element of the paper from the adjacent ones.

The manuscript of the paper, which is submitted by the authors, should not contain any tabulation or manual hyphenation. Excessive spaces should also not be inserted.

2.4. Layout of the elements of the paper should be formatted according to the following requirements:

2.4.1. Identifier of Universal Decimal Classification (UDC).

The text should be in alignment with the left page border.

2.4.2. Title of the paper.

The length of the title should not exceed two lines.

The title of the paper should not contain abbreviations and acronyms.

The text should be typed in bold with 16 pt. font size. The text should be in alignment with the page center.

2.4.3. Last names and initials of the authors.

The text should be in alignment with the page center.

2.4.4. Information about the authors.

The information about the authors of the paper should include the details of every author. These details should be adduced in concordance with the order, in which the authors are listed according to paragraph 2.4.3 of the present Requirements. Details of each author should include the following:

  • full last name, first name and patronymic;
  • name and legal address of the organization, in which the author works;
  • job title;
  • academic degree;
  • academic title (if different from the job title);
  • academic status in the State Academy of Sciences (academician, corresponding member, if available);
  • contact details of the authors (e-mail, phone number).

2.4.5. Annotation.

The amount of text in the annotation should be equal to 5-6 sentences. The annotation should contain a brief summary of the paper subject and main results that the paper contains.

2.4.6. Keywords (not more than 10).

Keywords should be adduced in lowercase letters and separated by commas. Total length of the keywords should not exceed 100 characters.

2.4.7. Text of the paper.

Authors of the papers should adhere to the following structure of the paper:

  • the brief summary of the state-of-the-art of the considered issue and statement of the problem, which is solved in the paper;
  • the method of problem solution and assumptions that were made;
  • the main contents of the paper (these contents can include, for example, the description of the physics of the processes and phenomena, validation of the postulates that were presented in the paper, initial and final mathematical expressions, mathematical manipulations and transformations, experiments and calculations, examples, illustrations);
  • the analysis (discussion) of the obtained results and their comparison with the previously known results;
  • conclusions and recommendations.

If there is a need to adduce the information about the source of financial support of the work (out of the funds of the federal budget within the framework of a contract with the state authorities, the RFBR or RHSF project, grant of another organization etc.), these details can be placed after the conclusions and recommendations.

It is necessary to explain the conventional denotations and abbreviations, which can be encountered in the paper, upon their first appearance in the text.

The paper should use the units of measurement of physical quantities, which are included into the International System of Units (SI). These units should be denoted by characters of Cyrillic alphabet (in Russian language). The paper can also employ the units, which are allowed for usage along with SI units, as well as multiple and fractional units.

All formulae should be fully typed in MathType 4 equation editor. The equations are formatted by aligning with the page center. Formulae item numbers should be placed on the right side.

The tables should be placed within the workspace limits (the tables should not fall into the page margin fields). When part of the table is transferred to another page its header line should be transferred as well. Table caption should be aligned with the page center. Item number of the table should be aligned with the right border of the page.

The figures should be placed directly in the text of the paper based on the presentation logics. All figures should be accompanied by captions. Both black-and-white and color figures can be used in the paper.

The scanned images, which are used in the text of the paper, should have the resolution of no less than 300 dots per inch.

Sequence numbers of all pages of the text of the paper should be placed at the bottom of the page and aligned with the page center.

2.4.8. List of bibliographic references for the paper.

The text and numbers of the pages, which contain the list of bibliographic references for the paper, should be an uninterrupted continuation of the text and page numbering of the paper text pages.

The list of bibliographic references for the paper should be composed according to the requirements of GOST R 7.0.5-2008 and consist of bibliographic references for the paper.

The item number of the paper bibliographic reference should be enclosed in square brackets when it is mentioned in the appropriate line of the text of the paper.

The sources of the paper bibliographic references list should be arranged according to the order, in which they are mentioned in the text of the paper.

Paper bibliographic references should include the following information:

  • for a book: the last names and initials of all authors of the book; full title of the book; name of the publishing house and name of the city, in which it is situated; publication year; number of pages of the book;
  • for the papers: last names and initials of all authors of the paper; full title of the paper; name of the journal, newspaper or collection of works, in which the paper was published; publication year, publishing time identifier (for a newspaper – the issue number or publishing date, for a journal – the year, the volume or issue number, the series), numbers of pages, which are occupied by the paper (start and end page numbers);
  • for the standards: the name of the standard, the number of the standard, the place and year of publication, the number of pages;
  • for the patent documents: the name of the invention; the patent number; the country, number and date of filing the application for the invention, the date of patent publication; the number of bulletin of inventions, the pages;
  • for the deposited scientific works: last names and initials of all authors of the scientific work; full title of the scientific work; the name of the depositing information center; the number and date of depositing; the number of pages of the work;
  • for the theses: last name and initials of the author of the thesis, full title of the thesis; for the pursuance of which academic degree the thesis was presented; the place and year of the defense of the thesis; the number of pages of the thesis;
  • for the remotely-accessed electronic resources: last names and initials of all authors of the source, full title of the material, URL electronic address, the protocol of access to the network resource, the date of publication or creation, the date of access to the electronic resource (if it is not possible to determine the date of publication or creation).

It is necessary to adduce the titles of the books, papers, other materials and documents, which were published in a foreign language, as well as last names of their authors by using their original transcriptions.

The materials, which were not published, or materials that are not available for public access should not be included into the list of the bibliographic references for the paper.

Maximum length of a bibliographic reference should not exceed 500 symbols.

2.4.9. Abstract.

The abstract contents should comply with the “Abstract preparation guidelines”, which are posted on the web-site of the journal publisher.

The amount of text in the Russian version of the Abstract should be sufficient to provide the English version of the abstract with the amount of text of no less than 250 words. — informational site MAI

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