Bibliographic references
Shchemelev V. I., Ermakov A. I. Wave blade finite element with six node degrees of freedom. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 136 As of today, the problems of dynamic strength of the impellers of any gas turbine engine are solved mainly by the frequency detuning from resonances located near its main operating modes. Frequency detuning can often only be achieved successfully by optimal design. The task of performing frequency detuning becomes significantly more complicated if the rotor impellers significantly affect each other oscillations. In this case, the time required to perform the adjustment, even when employing powerful computers, becomes unacceptably large. One of the options for solving this problem is to application of methods for computing vibrations of impellers that are more efficient in terms of computational performance. These include the wave finite element method. A wave blade finite element with six degrees of freedom in each node has been developed. It represents a discrete annular set of identical sections of impeller blades. For its developing a defining system of equations, which was obtained by transforming differential equations describing the torsional-flexural oscillations of the blades was employed. The transformation is performed based on the use of the properties of the proper motions spectra of structures with rotational symmetry. The stiffness and mass matrices of the wave blade element were obtained by the Galerkin method wth the defining system of equations and linear shape functions. These matrices are Hermitian and establish a linear relationship between the amplitudes of traveling waves of displacements and forces on the inner and outer boundaries of the blade element. The developed finite element allows determining dynamic characteristics of the GTE blade rings. | ||||||||
Blinov A. O., Borisov A. V., Mukharlyamov R. G., Goncharova I. A., Borisova V. L. Variable-length link model with controllable stiffness and movable pole for aerospace exosuit. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 136 The article considers a model of a variable-length link containing a magnetorheological fluid for actively controlling its stiffness under the influence of a changing external magnetic field. The distinguishing feature of the proposed model, compared to those created previously, is the presence of a movable pole at the lower point of the link with a specified law of motion, for example, due to the movement of a link positioned below. Thus, the link model has seven degrees of freedom: three translational movements of the pole, three rotations around the pole, and variable link length when the upper part moves relative to the pole. In the proposed link construction, all elements are modeled as cylinders or disks of finite radius. Moments of inertia are defined for them relative to axes passing through the link's origin for the three coordinate axes. It is taken into account that the amount of magnetorheological fluid below and above the piston changes as it moves inside the cylinder, with changes in the link's length. This changes the moment of inertia of the link. This determines the novelty of the research. The dynamics of the link are described by Lagrange's equations, constituting a system of seven ordinary second-order differential equations. A software-based motion control method is selected, and based on it, the inverse dynamics problem is solved - determining the control moments and forces that need to be applied to realize the specified link movements. The created link model, when combined into a multi-link structure, can find application in the development of exoskeletons in the form of spacesuits, protective exoskeletons enhancing and supporting the physical capabilities of pilots and astronauts in the aerospace industry. | ||||||||
Kosenko I. I., Kuleshov A. S., Shishkov A. A. The Problem of Rolling a Ball on a Surface of Revolution and its Numerical Investigationю. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 136 When creating models of various technical devices and processes, mechanical systems with nonholonomic constraints are often used. As an example, the classical work of M.V. Keldysh [1] is worth mentioning, in which the nonholonomic mechanical model that described the shimmy effect, i.e. the phenomenon of intense angular self-oscillations of the aircraft front wheels [2] was proposed. That is why further studies of the classical problems of nonholonomic mechanics, which now can be studied with the state-of-the-art mathematical, symbolic and numerical methods, present interest.
One of these classical problems of nonholonomic dynamics is the problem of a heavy homogeneous ball rolling without sliding along the perfectly rough surface of revolution. This problem has been considered at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century in the works of E. J. Routh and F. Noether [3, 4]. Moreover, in these works, the surface on which the geometric center of the ball is located during movement, rather than the supporting surface along which the ball is rolling, was considered given. The article demonstrates how the ball motion equations can be reduced to the system of equations written in Cauchy form, i.e. reduce the problem of the ball motion to the Cauchy problem solving by defining the surface, along which the ball is moving, in an explicit form. Coefficients of the corresponding equations will depend on characteristics of the surface, along which the center of the ball moves, its principal curvatures and the Lame coefficients. If the equations of motion of a certain mechanical system are written in Cauchy form, then it is convenient to perform numerical analysis of the system under study. Thus, numerical analysis of the equations of motion of a rolling ball along the surface of revolution was performed by the MAPLE mathematical software. The numerically obtained results confirm the analytically proven statements about the ball motion. | ||||||||
Krupenin A. M. New method for construction kinetic diagram by fatigue crack growth rate tests. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 136 The article proposes a new method for kinetic diagram plotting of the fatigue crack growth rate by experimental data.
The article is divided into nine parts.
The first part discusses the work relevance, as well as adduces links to the previously conducted research on this issue.
The second part provides general description of processing results of the experiments on fatigue crack growth rate.
The third part discusses specifics and limitations of the current method of results processing of the experiments on fatigue crack growth rate.
The fourth part gives and substantiates assumptions on the qualitative characteristics of experimental data.
The fifth part describes the proposed method for the results processing of the experiments on fatigue crack growth rate. Special basic functions with which processing is performed, are being introduced.
The sixth part performs the studies of the derivatives and integrals of basic functions.
The seventh part describes the methods for determining characteristics of the kinetic diagram. These are the boundaries of the second section, coefficients of the Paris equation and coefficients of the equation approximating the first section of the kinetic diagram.
The eighth part demonstrates the results of the kinetic diagram characteristics computing, as well as provides an example of the operating time computing for a compact sample.
The ninth part presents inferences on the work being accomplished.
1. The causes limiting accuracy of the classical methods for plotting a kinetic diagram are shown. The article demonstrates that the relative error in determining the FCGR through the ratio of finite differences is rather significant and it is not constant in the value of the argument of the V(N) function. Thus, computing the FCGR through the finite differences may lead to a significant error in defining the kinetic diagram and its characteristics.
2. The author introduces and substantiates the assumptions on the qualitative mathematical properties of experimental curves and kinetic diagram. The following properties such as monotony, convexity and the presence of an asymptote are being supposed for the experimental dependence l(N). For dependencies V(N) and V(ΔK(l)), we assume the following properties: smoothness, monotony, and the presence of an asymptote (for V(N)).
3. A new method for plotting a kinetic diagram of the FCGR from the SIF range based on the results of an experiment at the FCGR, with account for the qualitative characteristics of the experimental data has been developed. The said method allows obtaining a kinetic diagram not in the form of a scatter of points, but in the form of a smooth function, which, in its turn, allows considering the kinetic diagram characteristics, as well as some specifics of its behavior, including the first section of the diagram, in more detail.
4. Basic functions, by which experimental data is processed on the FCGR in the proposed method are introduced and studied.
5. Methods for obtaining the kinetic diagram characteristics, describing both the stage of steady growth and the first section of the kinetic diagram, have been developed.
6. The article demonstrates that the first stage of the crack growth may occupy a large part of the cyclic durability. 7. It was demonstrated that a less conservative solution than the solution obtained using only the Paris equation is being obtained with account for the first section of the kinetic diagram when computing the operating time. | ||||||||
Snazin A. A., Sevchenko V. I. Numerical modeling of interaction blown argon jets system with supersonic flow. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 136 The search for optimal methods of interaction with supersonic flows using blown gas jets is an important and relevant area that is currently receiving great attention. In this paper, a detailed study of the mutual influence of a blown argon jets system with an incoming supersonic flow in the computational domain with and without a ledge is carried out. The angle of convergence and divergence of the blown argon jets was varied in order to study its effect on the efficiency of mixing argon with supersonic flow in the computational domain.
In this paper, a detailed study of the mutual influence of a system of blown argon jets with an incoming supersonic flow in the computational domain with and without a ledge is carried out. The angle of convergence and divergence of the blown argon jets was varied in order to study its effect on the efficiency of mixing argon with a supersonic flow.
When the angle is reduced to α = +30°, the argon distribution profile over the volume of the calculated area takes a cylindrical shape and shifts closer to its geometric center, which negatively affects the efficiency of mixing argon with supersonic flow. The addition of a ledge to the upper wall of the design area, which organizes the falling jump of the seal, leads to a restructuring of the shock wave structure. As a result, the cross-sectional area occupied by argon at the exit from the calculated area increases, but the argon flow profile remains the same cylindrical. At a convergence angle of α = - 30°, the area of the passage section at the exit from the design area becomes equal to 35%. When the blown jets diverge (α = - 5 °- 30), argon is pressed more strongly to the bottom of the calculated area, especially when blown from the side holes. Further downstream, the argon blown out of the side holes expands, moves away from the plane of symmetry and twists as a result of the formation of a pair of large counter-rotating vortices. Further, the argon flow profile expands more and occupies a larger cross-sectional area of the calculated area. Adding a ledge to the upper wall of the design area at the maximum angle of divergence a = -30°. It allows to stabilize the cross-sectional area occupied by argon in such a way that it does not change throughout the entire distance to the exit from the calculated area and is equal to d33%, which shows the best efficiency of mixing argon with supersonic flow. | ||||||||
Ivanov M. Y., Gorodnov A. O., Laptev I. V., Sidorenko N. Y., Malahov A. S., Resh G. F. Features of Mathematical Modeling and Validation of Computer Model of Physical Processes in the Porous Mesh Material of a Hydraulic Filter Element. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 136 The paper considers the features of creating physical and mathematical model of spatial motion of viscous incompressible non-thermally conductive liquid in - a hydraulic filter element. Porous mesh materials are artificial porous media formed by several (more than two) flat sheets of metal grids, the fibers of which are rigidly interconnected. The relevance of adequate computer modeling of the functioning of the filter element is due to the need to develop a digital twin of hydraulic system containing such devices. Currently, Russian and foreign industrial enterprises are developing and using virtual analogues of physical processes, products and systems for the so-called predictive modeling of the development of processes and behavior of products and systems. This makes it possible to predict the nature of the features of the course of phenomena of various natures or the functioning of systems long before the occurrence of possible emergency situations throughout their entire life cycle. Based on the LOGOS Aero-Hydro engineering analysis system, theoretical method for determining the coefficient of hydraulic resistance of representative element (quasi-periodic cell) of porous mesh material of arbitrary configuration is proposed, implemented and confirmed in practice by solving the problem of liquid flowing around two-layer structure of the material. A computer model of virtual pouring tests of sample of porous mesh material has been developed, providing a relative error in determining the coefficient of hydraulic resistance of sample of porous mesh material of no more than 5%. The procedure for validating the computer model of nonstationary physical processes in the considered porous structure is described. Validation spill tests of porous mesh material sample confirmed the required level of adequacy and provided the required degree of accuracy of the computer model of the sample under study. The validation uses empirical data obtained from spillage tests of sample of porous mesh material. The simulation results supplement the fundamental theory of studying the hydraulic properties of porous permeable materials. The possibility of using the classical phenomenological Darcy-Forchheimer model of a porous mesh material sample in development of digital twins of pneumohydraulic systems has been confirmed. | ||||||||
Basharina T. A., Levina A. V., Glebov S. E., Shmatov D. P., Drozdov I. G. Investigation of hydrodynamic processes in cooling systems of liquid-propellant rocket engines with additive porous structures. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 136 The development of rocket engine construction is characterized by an increase in the flight characteristics, service life, reliability and energy efficiency of liquid rocket engines (LPRE), which makes it urgent to improve and modernize the cooling systems of liquid rocket engines. In modern mechanical engineering there is no theoretical and experimental basis and proven analytical methods for calculating the characteristics of additive porous structures and the hydrodynamics of the working environment in the internal volume with full geometric identification of the in-pore space. To increase the service life and energy characteristics of rocket engines, innovative design solutions and new production technologies are being introduced, the combination of which is reflected in the cooling system of a rocket engine with porous structures manufactured by additive manufacturing. A computational experiment and research hydrodynamic tests of the cooling tract of an engine with additive porous structures were carried out. In the course of research using the method of polynomial approximations, the criterion dependences of the viscous and inertial resistance coefficients of a porous structure manufactured by an additive method were determined. The applicability of the laws of the theory of filtration of porous bodies in additive porous structures with full geometric identification has been proven by setting up a mathematical model taking into account the superposition of viscous and inertial drag coefficients. The influence of the degree of anisotropy of the medium on the reliability of the computational experiment using a mathematical model taking into account the superposition of the viscous and inertial components has been established. | ||||||||
Zakharov I. I., Aleroev T. S. About one method of approximate solution of the first boundary value problem for the fractional diffusion equation, used in gas dynamics. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 136
This paper is devoted to the development of fundamentally new analytical and approximate methods for studying mathematical models of advection-diffusion using fractional calculus. Obtained results can have applications in various fields of applied mathematics and engineering. In particular, in the design of modern rocket engines (supersonic jet engines). The fractional operators for this problem are considered in the Caputo sense. The problem is solved by the method of separation of variables (Fourier method). In the first section of the paper the theoretical aspects of the problem are presented. An important part of this section is the construction of the basis of the systems of eigenfunctions and adjoint functions of the problem. In this question we strongly rely on the work of Dzhrbashyan and Nersesyan. Taking into account the biorthogonality of such systems and the fact that the adjoint functions are finite in number, for further solution we can consider only the problem in which the adjoint functions are not generated. Passing to the solution of the problem, we consider the system of eigenfunctions of the biorthogonal problem, since the basis of the eigenfunctions of the problem is not orthogonal in | ||||||||
Dmitrievtsev A. Y., Zyryanov Y. T., Nuri A. N. . Trudy MAI, 2024, no 136 The article presents an algorithm developed by the authors, intended for the measuring system, constructed on the annular phased antenna array (APAA), diagnosing. The said array employs micro-strip patches with exponential slot opening (Vivaldi emitter) as emitters, widely employed in radio-technical systems, aviation and rocket engineering. The main advantage of the emitters applied in APAA is the wide range of frequencies, in which this emitter is able to operate without changing its geometric dimensions. A simplified method of the APAA directional pattern mathematical calculation of is considered. This approach allows performing calculations without reliability reduction of the sought-for characteristics of the object being studied, but it does not consume herewith a large amount of computing resources of the equipment, on which computations are being performed, due to a decrease in the number of actions required for the computations. The main parameters diagnosing was being performed by high-frequency measuring equipment, which allows cconducting all necessary measurements, on which basis subsequent conclusions can be drawn. The results of the APAA measured parameters analysis were compared with the results of semi-natural modeling, which confirmed the developed approach operability. The obtained measurement results differ to a small extent from the simulation results in a special software package. The main advantage consists in the ability of analyzing the main parameters of the APAA being diagnosed in real time, as well as the ability for comparing them with the simulation results performed in the software package. Due to this control method prospectivity, the authors plan further improvement of the method by automating characterization of the object being diagnosed. | ||||||||
Orekhovich R. A. Methodology for functional reconfiguration of an on-board equipment complex of an unmanned aircraft vehicle. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 136 The article deals with the issue of ensuring the fail-safe of the onboard equipment (OBE) complex of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) with a long flight duration. This trend of research is a relevant aspect in the unmanned systems development. The UAVs find wide application in modern armed conflicts and various sectors of the economy. The number of tasks assigned to the unmanned systems increases annually.
Regardless of the scope of application and class of the UAV, the main property that the UAV must possess is its operational reliability. It is being ensured in various ways, such as redundancy, integration and reconfiguration, but the required values of reliability indicators are not being achieved. Creation of the redundant reconfigurable OBE is the only way to achieve maximum possible reliability of these complexes under conditions of both limited components in use reliability and the impact of a wide range of external factors. Modern approaches to the redundancy management are aimed at ensuring the functions performing of the failed components by the other OBE intact components.
The article describes an experimental technique for functional reconfiguration, which allows optimizing the OBE operation, ensuring its maximum efficiency and functionality. It is based on an adaptive method of the OBE functional reconfiguration, which consists in introducing of an adaptation block that generates functional efficiency indicators (FPE) of components, based on the application of the information about operating modes, operator commands and other external information, as well as information about the technical condition of functional modules based on the fuzzy logic approach.
To test the proposed methodology, a functional the OBE mathematical model was developed, which was realized in the MATLAB interactive environment for programming and numerical calculations with special tools for analysis, design and fuzzy logic systems modeling - Fuzzy Logic Toolbox. Operation of the said technique is considered on the example of the one of the OBE computer failure, of which results in the redistribution of tasks between the computers, which increases the probability of the combat mission completion. The methodology and mathematical model of the adaptive functional reconfiguration of the UAV OBE proposed in the article allows defining the PFE configurations of the OBE components based on a fuzzy logic approach, which in its turn allows completing a combat mission without losing the computational load with the available resources of the UAV OBE components. | ||||||||
Osipov N. A., Musienko A. S. Increasing the validity of selective control of the on-board system during the operation of space assets. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 136 The article describes a technique that combines a priori (additional) information and current monitoring data from testing space assets to achieve the goal of selecting and achieving a better assessment of the object.
The proposed method is based on the mathematical apparatus of dynamic Bayesian networks, as well as the basic concepts and connections of reliability theory and technical diagnostics of systems. The initial data is information about the spacecraft elements technical condition during test monitoring, information about reliability (structural and logical diagrams, component failure rates) of technological equipment, as well as linked models for diagnosing various types of technical condition and signs of diagnosing component faults.
The article proposed to use the selection method in a dynamic Bayesian network to identify inconsistencies between products and devices in the process of monitoring and technical condition diagnosing of the technological equipment components and describing the its process dynamics.
A posteriori inference allows combining heterogeneous initial information and newly received data to obtain a comprehensive assessment of the technological process and the state of the technological device, so that the expert may make an better decision on whether continuing or suspending the technological process, if errors are detected, and take measures to eliminate them.
The advantage of this technique is its ability to account for a priori heterogeneous information, especially the format of the subjects under test representation and the results of control experiments.
The article presents this method implementation for controlled studies on a limited sample collection. This capability is being demonstrated based on the results of random inspection tests, which estimate the expected cost of a defective product in the entire lot with sufficient objectivity to make random inspection decisions.
The method under consideration combines a priori information and data obtained from test results, which, when compared, allows achieving the necessary accuracy in identifying product defects.
The proposed method may be employed by the specialists when conducting system monitoring and testing activities to increase the efficiency of selection and defective products identification. | ||||||||
Novikov A. N. The method for the rational formation of weighting coefficients in the processing channels of a broadband adaptive antenna array. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 136 Fighter aviation plays an important role in ensuring security and sovereignty of the Russian Federation. Modern Russian fighter aircraft are equipped with the onboard radio-technical complexes, on which the success of the assigned missions accomplishing largely depends. One of the main elements of any radio engineering complex is antenna, to which a number of requirements for primary signal processing is placed. Adaptive antenna arrys relate to the antennas allowing signal processing performing. The theory of adaptive antenna arrays has currently developed only for the narrowband, and more precisely for the harmonic signals. However, modern realities dictate the need to employ signals with a wider spectrum, which makes the theory of adaptive antenna arrays ineffective for such signals. Nevertheless, the developed theory of harmonic signal processing became the basis for the development of the theory of broadband signal processing in adaptive antenna arrays. The frequency representation of the signal, but not the time representation, is taken herewith as a basis. Analytical relations to form optimal weighting coefficients in the frequency-dependent processing channels of the adaptive antenna array were revealed. Implementation of the optimal weighting coefficients is impossible in practice due to the continuity and infinity of the broadband signal spectrum. However, the optimal representation allowed formulating an approach to finding quasi-optimal weighting coefficients, which essence consists in finding the optimal vector of weighting coefficients at certain frequencies of the spectrum of a useful broadband signal and its interpolation at other frequencies of the spectrum of a useful broadband signal by various interpolation polynomials. The frequencies herwith, at which the vector of weighting coefficients was optimally determined, were selected arbitrarily with the same discrete interval without accounting for the spectral structure of the useful broadband signal. However, the analysis demonstrated that at the frequencies, at which the spectral density of the useful signal is low, the interference signal is most effective and vice versa. In this regard, a method that accountы ащк the spectral density of the useful signal when forming quasi-optimal weighting coefficients has been developed. This method allows to distributing rationally optimal weighting coefficients over the spectrum of a useful broadband signal and adapting to the interference signals more efficiently. | ||||||||
Buzhin I. G., Antonova V. M., Pozdnyakov R. ., Mironov Y. B. Features of network traffic processing on third-level switches with open operating systems. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 136 In modern control and information processing systems of aerospace aircraft, the use of whitebox switches with open network operating systems based on ASIC network chips as a network infrastructure is gaining popularity, thanks to which various network functions become available, independence from network equipment manufacturers appears. At the same time, the functioning of such devices and the principle of processing network traffic have their own characteristics that should be taken into account when operating white АВТОРЕbox switches. The purpose of the study: to identify the features of network traffic processing in whitebox switches and to develop some recommendations for their elimination. As a result, this article analyzes the hardware and software architecture of network equipment, as a result of which it is revealed that the architecture of a network device consists of a data transmission layer (Data plane) and a control plane. The Data plane layer is represented by an ASIC network chip with SDK and SAI tools. The Control plane level is represented by a CPU chip with a Kernel Routing (Linux) tool and a CLI. Also, as a result of the operation of whitebox switches, such traffic processing features as the desynchronization of Kernel Routing and ASIC, a violation of interface configuration logic and a decrease in port throughput were revealed. To eliminate these shortcomings, some recommendations have been developed, according to which, in order to successfully process traffic in whitebox switches, it is necessary to control the interface configuration on ASIC ingress pipelines, check the synchronization of Kernel routing Linux and ASIC. To maintain the required packet throughput, it is necessary to monitor the correctness of specifying egress interfaces and next-hop when processing traffic from input ports. | ||||||||
Gavrilov K. Y., Kozlov R. Y. Construction of trajectories of movement of people during radar sensing of premises through a wall. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 136
The premises probing radars are mainly applied for detecting people, determining their number, location and trajectory of movement indoors. As in conventional radar, human detection procedures are based on threshold signal processing methods and reduced to the primary target markers forming. Here, however, the specifics of the operation of wall-sensing radars are manifested, associated with the presence of strong interference noises indoors (due to the signals re-reflections from walls, floor, ceiling, furniture) and leading to origination of a large number of false targets and abnormal values of the measured coordinates of targets. | ||||||||
Tsymbal M. ., Semichastnov A. ., Balakin D. A., Udalov N. . Development of a digital twin of a ground-based radio navigation system based on the principles of model-oriented design using the mathematical modeling environment Engee. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 136
The article presents the main stages of the development of a digital twin for a ground-based radio navigation system. A model-oriented design approach is chosen as the methodology for development. The mathematical modeling environment Engee is used as a tool to implement a ground-based radio navigation system. | ||||||||
Aliyeva A. J., Agamaliev R. . Research of extreme work regime of semi-active system for homing of guided missiles. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 136 Such aircraft striking means as missiles, projectiles, aerial bombs can be effectively used only if they function together with their target guidance system. When building criteria for the effectiveness of guidance systems, the important role of these weapons on the battlefield should be taken into account, as well as the requirement of high reliability of their delivery to the target. High efficiency of guidance systems can be achieved by applying advanced mathematical models of the guidance system control circuit. The created mathematical models and missile guidance algorithms must be tested using all possible optimization procedures. Such requirements are relevant not only for external guided missile guidance systems, but also for projectile homing systems and unmanned aerial vehicles. The presented article is devoted to the analysis of extreme operating modes of a semi-active guidance system of an optically guided missile at a target. The case of a heat-emitting target and the use of pyroelectric sensors is considered. Two modes of operation of the system are analyzed: (a) there is a restriction on the movement of the emitter towards the target, (b) there is a restriction on the movement of the missile launcher towards the target. In the first mode, the functional dependence of the distance of the emitter to the target on the independent variable is determined when the functional of the target reaches a minimum. In the second mode, the functional dependence of the distance of the rocket launcher to the target on the independent variable at which the target functional reaches a minimum is determined. The identified two modes are characterized as extremely undesirable, which should be avoided. | ||||||||
Ezrokhi Y. A., Kalenskii S. M. Method of the compressor characteristic representation in aviation GTE mathematical model. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 136
The presented article analyzes the basic methods of the compressor characteristic representation in aviation GTE (gas-turbine engine) mathematical model (ЕММ). It considered specifics of their realization in the approximated and tabular forms, and marked advantages and disadvantages of both methods | ||||||||
Bebeshko A. ., Ivanov P. . Mathematical model of the flight of the object-controlled gliding parachute system taking into account the terrain. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 136
The task of navigation and guidance of the object – guided gliding parachute system to the target is one of the most important in the theory and practice of guided parachute systems. The problematic part of this task is navigation and guidance in automatic mode under conditions of complex terrain relief and difficult wind conditions in the guidance zone. The presented article provides an example of developing a method and constructing a mathematical model for targeting the object – controlled gliding parachute system at a target, with account for the terrain relief in automatic mode (in radio silence mode). A program for the system navigation and guidance to the target point for the onboard computer has been developed. | ||||||||
Balakirev N. E., Fadeev M. ., Rodionov V. . Qualitative approach in extracting the information content of wave data. Trudy MAI, 2024. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 136
This article examines the use of a qualitative approach in the analysis of wave phenomena, the features of studying waves as a qualitative aspect, and the introduction of new approaches in the analysis and synthesis of waves. The authors note that most pattern recognition systems based on wave phenomena use classical mathematical methods for modeling and analyzing data, focusing on quantitative characteristics. However, this article raises the question of a qualitative assessment of the data obtained and their content, and also considers the possibility of using a qualitative approach in disclosing the information content of data flows of wave phenomena. The dissection of such content is the basis for speech recognition or integral, informational analysis of complex natural phenomena based on the consideration of wave signals. | ||||||||
Huseynova R. ., Gumbatov D. A. Optimization of the conceptual development of unmanned aerial vehicles. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 136
The issues of flight reliability aerodynamic ensuring occupy special place while solving the problems on the UAV design. The basic factors affecting the UAV flight range, such as flight altitude, velocity, wind impact, propeller operating efficiency, are being considered in the MALE UAV robust design method. Accounting for these factors in the robust design method, which includes both optimization and probabilistic analysis performing is a substantial advantage of the robust approach compared to the conventional optimization without accounting for random factors. The purpose of the presented work consists in further improvement of the robust optimization process by extra optimization procedures introduction into it to account for some random factors impact on the quality target of the UAV operation. The article adduces the problems of the UAV robust design in terms of minimizing the normalized random component of the UAV real key figure at the given goal value of the same indicator with account for the random affecting factors (flight speed, flight altitude). The authors computed marginal optimal ratios of random component of the given goal value and derivatives of the basic figure by random factors at which the optimization goal function random component reaches its minimum. | ||||||||
Gataulin A. ., Babchinetsky S. . Convert object coordinates from image pixels to world coordinates using Python and Unity. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 136
The article adduces description of development and implementation of an algorithm for transforming coordinates of objects captured in an image from the camera installed on an unmanned aerial vehicle, as well as the development of a simulation employing the Unity engine to test the written algorithm and verify the obtained world coordinates. | ||||||||
Bakharev A. ., Mesyats A. . Lower accuracy estimation of uniform rational approximation in georeferencing problems. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 136
This paper discusses the problem of determining the limitations of rational function sensor model. Rational function model (RFM) is a generalized sensor model; it approximates the complex rigorous sensor model by utilizing a multitude of parameters (coefficients). | ||||||||
Panteleev A. ., Karane M. S. Approximate synthesis of optimal control of trajectory pencils of continuous deterministic systems with incomplete feedback. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 136
The problem of finding an approximate optimal control for deterministic control systems with incomplete feedback on measured variables described by ordinary differential equations is considered. The initial conditions are given in the form of a set of initial states, so the problem of controlling a pencil of trajectories generated by this set and the control law used is considered. To describe the set of initial states, as well as the position of this pencil over time, smooth finite functions are used, the values of which characterize the density of traces of trajectories inside the pencil. | ||||||||
Rumyantsev N. ., Solovyov S. ., Pavlov D. . Rumyantsev N.V., Solovyov S.V., Pavlov D.V. An intelligent system for monitoring, diagnosing and predicting the condition of on-board spacecraft systems. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 136
The reliability of spacecraft (SC) flight control depends on making optimal and operational decisions on issuing command actions to the SC. Practice shows that in some cases, only issuing immediate execution commands can prevent the development of emergency situations (ESS). The correctness of solutions to such problems is increased by using artificial intelligence methods as part of the ground control complex (GCS), the use of which is aimed at accelerating the processes of identifying anomalies, increasing the accuracy and completeness of recognition of GSNs in the operation of on-board spacecraft systems, and reducing the influence of the “human factor”. The article examines the state of control technologies currently used in flight control of modern spacecraft. The main shortcomings of the control process are formulated, which are increasing taking into account modern trends in the development of space programs. | ||||||||
Kuleshov A. S., Lobanova E. V. Analysis of the Hess integrable case in the problem of motion of a ball on a smooth plane. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 135 The problem of motion of a heavy nonhomogeneous ball on a fixed smooth horizontal plane is considered. This problem is similar in many aspects to the classical problem of motion of a heavy rigid body with a fixed point. Both of these problems can be represented in the form of Hamiltonian system with two degrees of freedom. For integrability of both of these problems, only one additional first integral is needed. The equations of motion of both problems have the energy integral and the area integral. There are known integrable cases in the problem of motion of a ball, similar to the Euler – Poinsot, Lagrange and Hess integrable cases in the problem of motion of a heavy rigid body with a fixed point. In this paper, we study the integrable case of the problem of motion of the ball, similar to the Hess case. Equations of motion of the ball are written using the special coordinate system, originally introduced by P.V. Kharlamov to study various problems of rigid body dynamics. The study showed that the equations of motion of a nonhomogeneous ball on a smooth plane in the Hess case and the equations of motion of a heavy rigid body with a fixed point in the Hess case have similar properties. In particular, it is shown that, as in the classical problem of the motion of a body with a fixed point, a qualitative description of the motion of a ball on a smooth horizontal plane is reduced to the integration of the second – order linear differential equation, and at the zero level of the area integral the equations of motion of the ball can be integrated in quadratures. | ||||||||
Eliseev A. V., Kuznetsov N. K., Mironov A. S. Energy characteristics in the evaluation of elastic and lever ties in the dyad of a mechanical oscillatory system. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 135
Vibrational effects are, on the one hand, of great significance in realizing the processes of the parts hardening, the granular mixtures unmixing, ores transportation, granule materials dosing executed by technological units in various industrial brunches. On the other hand, they should be accounted for while creating vibration protection systems of transport and technological machines of various purposes including vibration machines and equipment. | ||||||||
Feoktistov S. I., Andrianov I. K., Htet L. . The effect of the Bauschinger effect and material hardening on the occurrence of secondary plastic deformations during autofreting of a thick-walled cylinder. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 135 The scientific research is devoted to the problem of calculating thick-walled axisymmetric cylindrical shells under conditions of hydraulic autofreting by internal pressure. The known analytical solutions to the problems of pipe autofreting in most cases do not take into account the conditions for the occurrence of secondary plastic strains during unloading. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of the Bauschinger effect and material hardening, as well as the geometric parameters of the cylinder and the magnitude of the plasticity region in the wall of the cylindrical shell on the conditions of secondary plastic strains during unloading. The paper considers a model of the behavior of the material under alternating loading, taking into account the hypotheses and assumptions made in solving the problem. An equation is obtained that allows us to determine the conditions for the occurrence of secondary plastic strains depending on the listed factors. Within the framework of numerical calculations, it is concluded that the size of the plastic region in the cylinder wall has a significant effect on the occurrence of secondary plastic strains during autofreting. The results of numerical calculations for an ideal elastoplastic material are presented. According to the results of the study, with an increase in the hardening modulus and a decrease in the Bauschinger effect coefficient, the ratio of the outer radius of the cylinder to the inner one, at which secondary plastic deformations may occur during unloading during autofreting, can significantly decrease, and with a decrease in the overvoltage coefficient – increase. | ||||||||
Kondratenko L. A., Mironova L. I. Modeling the dynamics of multiply connected nonlinear mechanical systems using a new numerical method. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 135
The article regards the initial stage of an aircraft landing, particularly the Yak-42 aircraft, as a dynamic process of a multi connected nonlinear mechanical system. Despite the measures taken by pilots on dampening vertical speed and angular oscillations of the aircraft during landing under the impact of the external factors, such as wind, or factors determined by the design properties of the aircraft or its components, there is a possibility that the landing speed may be exceeded and unacceptable angular oscillations occur. Such deviations, arising at the initial stage of the process under consideration, affect significantly the subsequent aircraft movement along the airfield. | ||||||||
Nakhatakyan F. G. Loading of a radial rolling bearing with bombed rollers. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 135 The presented article has studied the problem of radial bearing rollers barreling in detail. It is indicated that due to the edge effect, occurring in roller bearings in the ring-roller contact, concentrations of contact stresses originate at the ends of the rollers, the value of the latter herewith may be several times higher than the Hertz ones, in which concentrations of stresses are not being accounted for. Owing to this phenomenon, the load capacity of the bearing is drastically reduced. It is noted that one of the effective methods to countereact this phenomenon in roller bearings is the rollers barreling, and in this case, the problem consists in determining the “barrel” radius.
To solve the problem analytically, the author employs his previously proposed method for the contact parameters determining during interaction of the two circular cylinders under conditions of a skew angle. For this method application, the end sections of the roller are replaced with discs of different diameters. Practically speaking we get a stepped roller. However, as the thickness of the roller tends to zero (or their number to infinity), the surface of the roller is smoothed.
Further, a system of equations, namely the compatibility of deformations, displacements and gaps, on the one hand, and equilibrium, on the other is being compiled.
The obtained system of equations was solved in this work analytically. The optimal radius of the roller “barrel” has been obtained, which ensures the absence of the contact stresses concentration at the ends of the roller, which indicates an increase in the load capacity of the roller bearing.
The results may be employed in the design of rolling-contact bearing with increased load capacity. | ||||||||
Popova E. V. Modeling the evolution of solitary strain waves in two coaxial shells of incompressible material with combined nonlinearity, containing a viscous fluid between them and in the inner shell. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 135 The article deals with the hydroelasticity problem formulation for the two coaxial cylindrical shells of the Kirchhoff-Love type, containing a viscous incompressible fluid in the annular gap and in the inner shell. The material of the shells is considered as incompressible and of a nonlinear law of stress-strain relationship and strain intensity. The shell dynamics equations are obtained for the case when this law has a tough combined nonlinearity in the form of a function with a fractional exponent and a quadratic function. The viscous fluid dynamics are being considered in the framework of the hydrodynamic theory of lubrication, i.e., the fluid motion is assumed to be creeping. The asymptotic analysis of the formulated problem of hydroelasticity is performed applying the two-scale perturbation method. As the result, a system of two evolution equations for modeling the onlinear longitudinal strain waves propagation in shells is obtained. It demonstrated that in the case of incompressible shell material, the presence of viscous fluid in the inner shell does not affect the wave process. The equations of the system represent the Korteweg-de Vries-Schamel equations. The exact partial solution for the obtained system of evolution equations in the form of a solitary wave with an arbitrary wave number is found for the case when that wave propagates in each of the shells. The new difference scheme for the nonlinear system of two generalized Korteweg-de Vries-Schamel equations based on the application of the Gröbner basis technique is derived for numerical simulations. Computational experiments have been perforomed to study the evolution of solitary longitudinal strain waves excited in shells. Numerical modeling has revealed that solitary nonlinear strain waves in the shells are supersonic solitons, as well as the presence of the energy transfer from one shell to another due to the fluid viscosity between them. | ||||||||
Borshevetskiy S. A. Method for determining the location of additional supports of a simply supported Kirchhoff plate under random action. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 135 An integral trend in modern mechanical engineering is to increase the efficiency of manufactured products. In aircraft such as airplanes, this could be achieve by reducing the weight of the structure, which is achieved through the using of skins and panels, which are thin shells that are not capable of independently carrying any small load. Therefore, to increase rigidity, they are additionally fixed. The analytical approach to problems with large plates or shells with a large number of additional supports has many difficulties due to the size of the resulting system.
The main objective of the new proposed method is to obtain analytical relationships between the type of external load and the location of additional supports based on the conditions of structural rigidity. The problem solving in several stages and uses well-known mathematical methods.
The first step is to determine the maximum size of a single segment of the structure that satisfies the required stiffness condition. For universality, the problem is solved using the influence function (Green's) and the system's response to a unit load is obtained in the form of the Dirac delta function.
The second stage is to determine the location of only four (and in a non-stationary setting, only two) additional supports. The solution is the maximum value of the radius of the location of the fastenings that satisfy the condition of structural rigidity.
At the third stage, the required number and location coordinates of additional supports calculating for the entire structure as a whole, with possible adjustments to the sizes of the resulting segments.
The last stage can be numerical verification using modern modeling and calculation methods.
The undoubted advantage of the proposed method is its analytical form of solving the problem, which allows the method to using for various geometric and physical characteristics of the plates, as well as to apply an arbitrary load to any place. In general, the technique could be extend to curved shells. This will require the transition of the equation of motion of the structure to the local coordinate system of the shell, which will subsequently allow the shell to be “unfolded” into a rectangular plate. At the same time, the analytical form of solving the problem, as well as the essence of the technique and its advantages, are completely preserved. | ||||||||
Glazjuk Y. V., Demidov A. S., Kashelkin V. V. Study of bending of triangular cross-section carbon fiber beams. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 135 The spaceships, which are expected to fly over the next decades, include large structural assemblies. The largest of them is a refrigerator-radiator, which length may exceed one hundred meters. Its load-bearing base should be a frame made of beams of various cross-sections: round, box-shaped and triangular. At present, carbon-based structural materials are considered the most suitable for the beams manufacturing. They demonstrate high mechanical, acceptable technological properties and they are of low density as well. The carbon-based materials specificity is that they exhibit various properties under tension and compression. Such materials are commonly referred to as multi-modular. Obviously, the difference in modularity manifests itself while bending as well. The article considers the stress state of bent solid and thin-walled beams of triangular cross-section. It leads to certain difficulties at stress computing, since the neutral section line position while bending depends on the ratio of Young modules under tension and compression. The problem under consideration is being solved in the article by the analytical method. The cross-section of the bent beam is being divided into two zones by a neutral line. Tension stresses are acting in one of the zones, while compression stresses are acting in the other one. An equilibrium equation is drawn up and formulas for the operating stresses computing are derived. Structurally, the article is divided into five parts and consists of an introduction, analysis of stresses in a bent beam of solid triangular section, the same analysis of a beam of thin-walled triangular section, examples of computing and conclusions. When analyzing the stress state, the K function is used, depending on the ratio of Young's modules for tension and compression, on the shape and size of the beam section, as well as on the neutral line position. The article presents formulas for determining maximum stresses in the cross sections. It includes five figures depicting the view of the refrigerator-radiator section, cross sections of solid and thin-walled beams, graphs of K functions for such beams. The examples include comparative results obtained with and without account for the actual position of the neutral line in the beam section. Conclusions present recommendations on the requirement to account for the difference in modularity of carbon-based materials, which may be useful in engineering practice. | ||||||||
Borisova V. ., Silantiev V. . Features of minimizing the induced drag of lifting systems with winglet. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 135
The presented article considers specifics of the aircraft lifting systems with winglets optimizing with a restriction on the geometry deformation of the base wing. The presented numerical approach to aerodynamic design allows increasing the aircraft aerodynamic lift-to-drag ratio by reducing the lifting system drag in the cruising flight mode. The drag minimization problem is focused in this article on the induced drag reducing, which is stipulated by the shroud of free vortices. The well-known Munk's stagger theorem application allows correctly compute optimal distribution of the circulation intensity in the Treftz plane and, as a consequence, find the minimum induced drag. The numerical approach to optimization is based on the idea of the aircraft lifting system replacing with a system of the discrete U-shaped vortices. According to the Munk's theorem, lifting vortex systems can be translocateed along the free-stream velocity into one vertical plane with the the air load retaining (velocity circulation) along the wingspan, which ensures an optimal solution along the lifting system. However, in the case of employing this approach for a long-range aircraft, with mainly swept wings and high subsonic cruising speeds, there is an intensive increase in the air load in the end wing sections, which increases even more, when induced drag is minimized over the entire lifting system (full optimization). This leads to the earlier compressibility stall development or the aerodynamic shock stall. In such cases, optimization of only a part of the lifting system (partial optimization) is possible, where the basic wing geometry is fixed, and the induced drag minimization is being performed on account of special wingtips or the winglets installing. In the case of the partial optimization, a fundamentally new approach, formulated in the form of a new numerical method, which accounts for the mutual interference of the wing and the winglet, both separately and on each other is employed. At the initial stage, the known initial geometry of the base wing is used and the initial geometry of the winglet is specified. Then, using a direct computational program (AEROJET program, based on the Morino’s panel method), the initial air load distribution along the wingspan and the winglet span is being determined for a given lift coefficient. This condition of retaining the air load distribution nature along the base wing span serves in a first approximation as a condition for the invariance of its geometry. The load distribution along the winglet span (wingtip) is being optimized and its geometry is being determined based on the obtained data by the proposed numerical method using the direct computational program (AEROJET). Since in view of the changes in the winglet geometry, the air load distribution along the base wing does not correspond to its geometry, the iterations continue until convergence is reached. With the new numerical approach application, optimization and aerodynamic design of the model of the advanced technology demonstrator aircraft, developed at the Siberian Aeronautical Research Institute named after S.A. Chaplygin, were performed. The aerodynamic lift-to-drag ratio increase was obtained due to the optimized winglets installation and was about 8.8%. To assess the of viscosity effect on the wake vortex computing, comparison of the results obtained by the AEROJET program (non-viscous fluid) with the results of computations by the OPENFORM program, based on the averaged Navier-Stokes equations (viscous fluid) were performed. The study of the wing model in the framework of the viscous fluid was performed with two turbulence models namely Spalart Allmaras and k–ω SST. The ordered computational grid with the corresponding block structure has a total number of elements - 10 million cells, the number of cells on the profile is 342 pieces. When analyzing the results, a good agreement between the computations for both turbulence models and with the results obtained by the new numerical approach with the correct adjustment for flow viscosity when making estimates is marked. | ||||||||
Temnov A. N., Shkapov P. M., Yan Naing O. . Free oscillations of a cryogenic rotating fluid in a cylindrical cavity. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 135 This paper deals with the free oscillations of a rotating ideal cryogenic liquid inside a cylindrical tank with rigid walls. Cryogenic liquids are characterized by non-uniform temperature and density changes during operation and storage. The most significant stratification of the cryogenic component occurs in the direction of the external mass force field. To investigate the motion of this mechanical system, it is reasonable to use a stratified incompressible fluid model. The proposed work is devoted to the study of free oscillations of stratified fluid in a cylindrical tank, fully or partially filled with fluid rotating with small and large angular velocities. Calculations of eigenvalues of free oscillations of a rotating cryogenic liquid at a given buoyancy frequency for internal and surface waves in the form of graphs are given. In science, nature and various technical applications, rotating fluids occupy an important place. They are widely used in engineering, for example, in centrifuges, hollow shafts of liquid-cooled turbines and in stabilizing the rotation of rockets. Currently, there is a growing interest in the study of vibrations of cryogenic fluids filling finite-sized vessels used in various applications. The obtained results show that different types of waves can be observed in a rotating stratified fluid at both low and high rotational velocities, depending on the magnitude of the numbers . The natural frequencies of these waves depend on the ratio of buoyancy forces and Coriolis inertia forces. The presence of stratification leads to an increase in the frequencies of free oscillations of the fluid for internal and surface waves. The study of oscillations of a rotating stratified fluid has shown that the spectrum of oscillation eigenvalues consists of two sets of real numbers: a two-index set for surface waves (at low rotational velocity) and (at high rotational velocity), and a three-index set for internal waves. | ||||||||
Patrakov S. S. The method for assessing the stability of radio control of dynamic object in a complex interference environment. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 135 The article considers the process of information radio exchange in the aviation complex under conditions of a complex interference situation, when the input of the receiving unit receives not only a legitimate signal but the signals with the parameters adequate to those of a legitimate signal except the parameters carrying valuable information. The purpose of the research, which results are presents in the article, consists in the noise immunity increasing of the data transmission radio system of aviation complexes in a complex interference environment. Selection of the Doppler frequency of the signal as an additional sign of interference is substantiated. The interference detection probability was selected as the noise immunity indicator. The interference detecting condition is defined. The author developed a model of informational exchange in complexes under interference conditions with account for the Doppler shift of the carrier frequency The model is complex and includes an analytical model, on which basis the simulation model was developed. The presented simulation results indicate the possibility for interference detecting with varying degrees of accuracy based on the statistical approach. To implement the proposed approach, the algorithm for the interference impact detecting on the dynamic object is developed, based on tracking the Doppler frequency of the received signal at all points of the flight path. The existing methods of non-cryptographic protection of information transmitted throug the radio channel of modern aviation complex from interference ensure a probability of interference detecting not greater than 0,75. To increase the interference detecting probability, the author proposed to evaluate the information exchange stability based on tracking the Doppler frequency of the signal and interference, of which implementation allows achieving a noise immunity index of a least 0,99. | ||||||||
Malyshev V. ., Mitrofanov D. V. Logico-mathematical description of the problem-solving process when designing the control system of an unmanned aerial vehicle. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 135 Trends in the development of artificial intelligence technologies, their introduction into complex technical systems such as robotic complexes, unmanned aerial vehicles, minimizing the human role in the process of analyzing information and developing control solutions allow us to develop promising intelligent technical systems capable of fully simulating human intellectual activity associated with solving problematic situations (tasks) that arise during operation. This circumstance requires the definition of the main stages and cognitive processes associated with human intellectual activity. The article discusses the main stages of solving the problem (task). Their mathematical description has been completed. A graphical interpretation of the process of achieving a goal in the process of solving a problem (task) is demonstrated. The cognitive operations performed during the solution of the problem (task) are highlighted. Each operation is described from the point of view of mathematical logic and set theory. A scheme for solving the problem (problem) is proposed. | ||||||||
Meleshin Y. M. Research and development of x-band antenna for wave formation with non-zero orbital angular momentum. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 135 The article presents the process of electro-dynamic modeling, designing and testing of the broadband X-band frequencies antennas, forming the waves with both spherical phase front and waves with non-zero orbital angular momentum (OAM). Antennas manufactured by printed technology based on an equidistant antenna array of 16 elements and operating in the frequency range from 9 to 10 GHz have were under study. The article demonstrates the process of the required phase shifts computing at the antenna elements, as well as aero-dynamic modeling of the signal separation and phase shaping circuitry. Antennas with spherical phase front, with spiral phase front for clockwise and counterclockwise spiral rotations (corresponding to the OAM modes +1 and –1) were designed and fabricated. Experimental studies of the antenna patterns in the far zone (at a distance of 8 meters) and in the near zone (in the range from 0.1 to 2 meters) have been performed. Studies in the far zone revealed that the pattern was of a difference shape, and the wave intensity in the direction normal to the aperture plane is 30 dB less than that of a similar antenna with a spherical phase front. The difference in the transmission coefficient herewith between the case with the identic modes and different pitches is less than 4 dB for the comparison sector from –30 to +30 degrees, which indicates that the mode purity is insufficient for these antennas at a distance of 8 meters. The studies conducted in the near zone demonstrate the possibility of signal separation at one frequency and one type of polarization through the application of the developed antennas with different OAM modes with a coefficient of mutual locking up to 14 dB. However, with the distance increasing up to 1 meter, this coefficient falls to 3-4 dB, which already indicates a significant degradation of the modes purity at this distance. Conclusions on the relevance of the issues concerning quality improving of the modes formed by the OAM and reducing the divergence of such waves were made by the results of this work. | ||||||||
Ermilov A. ., Balashov A. ., Gyulmagomedov N. . Manufacturing of functional prototype of antenna array for the missile and space equipment using additive technologies. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 135 The article discusses the development and manufacture of an operating prototype of an eight-element antenna array, which operates in the L1 frequency range of satellite radio navigation systems, using additive technologies. The widespread use of an antenna array for receiving navigation signals is currently found in adaptive noise protection systems with digital generation of a radiation pattern of the required shape. Calculations of the radio technical characteristics of an elementary emitter of antenna array providing operability in the L1 frequency range of satellite radio navigation systems have been carried out. The emitter is made in the form of a ceramic microstrip antenna, which consists of a silver emitting element, a ceramic substrate, an exciting pin and a metal ground. The profile of the radiating element is made in the form of a square element with chamfers at the edges, so that the antenna element has a circular polarization of the electromagnetic field. The design of the antenna array consisting of a base and 8 radiators is described. The configuration of the developed antenna array was chosen taking into account the provision of minimum geometric dimensions and minimizing interference between the emitters. The maximum number of radio interference that can be suppressed by the antenna array is one less than the number of array emitters and is 7. To confirm the operability of the selected antenna array configuration, a working prototype consisting of microstrip ceramic radiators and a base was made. The base is a cutout from the side surface of a cylinder with a diameter of ~ 400 mm. The base is made of PLA plastic using 3D printing technology. To form a metal ground on the surface of the base, metallization with a thickness of 10 microns was carried out. The results of the VSWR measurements confirmed the operability of the antenna array in the L1 frequency range of the GLONASS and GPS satellite radio navigation systems. The results of calculations and measurements of the VSWR were compared. Analysis of the results of calculations and measurements of VSWR emitters confirmed the correctness of the selected geometric parameters of the antenna array. A slight difference in the characteristics of VSWR emitters is caused by the influence of the edges of the base located close to the emitter. The developed antenna array can be applied in noise-protected receivers of navigation signals with adaptive formation of radiation pattern. | ||||||||
Zvonarev V. ., Pitrin A. V., Popov A. S. Bit error probability computing at incorrect signal with binary relative phase manipulation reception in the presence of harmonic interference. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 135 To ensure the stability of information transmission by a radio channel, the effect of noise and interference is of great importance. In the systems with relative (differential) phase manipulation (OFM), the so-called “reverse operation” mode is excluded. These signals are not much inferior in noise immunity to the phase-manipulated (FM) signals. Besdies, incoherent reception (demodulation) is possible, which greatly simplifies the receiving device. Such signals application and incoherent reception is preferable in cases where the phase of the carrier oscillation changes dynamically and/or randomly, and its tracking is difficult, especially in the presence of structural interference of various types. Let us determine both radio signal and interference models to compute the bit errors probabilities. We derive formulas for computing the average probabilities of the bit errors of incoherent reception of a radio signal from OFM-2 in the presence of the linearly frequency-manipulated interference. The graph of the bit error probability dependence on the signal-to-noise ratio at fixed values of frequency deviation and interference levels shows at what level the signal is ensured with the required values of the probability of a bit error. The graph of the bit error probability dependence on the magnitude of the frequency deviation is symmetrical with respect to its zero value. The curve in each direction has a wave-like appearance with decreasing minimum and maximum extreme values. Analyzing the obtained graphs, it can be noted that for certain, well-defined values of frequency deviation, the influence of interference with the LFM is minimal, and the less this effect is, the lower the level of interference. On the other hand, for some values of frequency deviation, the interference effect in the bit error probability metric is 3-4 orders of magnitude higher than the minimum values. The presence of interference leads to a dependence of the error probability on the value of the initial phases of both the signal and the interference, even under conditions of incoherent reception. To obtain a phase-averaged value of the bit error probability, statistical averaging over the initial phases is necessary.
The developed technique allows qualitatively or conditionally quantifying the effects of linearly frequency-manipulated interference on the reliability of transmitted information in the radio channel when the interference frequency is shifted. | ||||||||
Mukhtarov E. ., Petrov A. . Analysis of distortions occurring during signal filtration with linear frequency modulation. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 135 When processing a signal with linear frequency modulation obtained from radar equipment, there is an issue of undesirable distortion when compressing the signal using quasi-consistent filtration. These distortions occur due to minor deviations in the parameters of the signal's frequency change, which lead to a noticeable expansion of the response function. Such expansion, in turn, reduces the spatial resolution capabilities of the radar. In addition to the factors mentioned above, it is worth noting that during the transmission of the signal through the path, nonlinear distortions occur, which affect the amplitude-phase characteristics. These distortions, in turn, lead to a number of additional problems. One such problem is the appearance of multiple echo signals. As a result, false targets and noises may appear on the image, and image fragments may also be shifted. This article discusses issues related to the construction of a mathematical model and the development of algorithms for generating signals with linear frequency modulation. Special attention is given to the quasi-consistent filtration of these signals, taking into account the influence of nonlinear distortions in the pass-through information path. The theoretical concepts presented in works [1-5] are used to create these models, and issues related to the generation and quasi-consistent filtering of signals, considering nonlinear distortions that may occur in the information pathway, are also considered. In conclusion, graphic material is provided that demonstrates the results of numerical analysis of distortions that occur during the processing of signals with linear frequency modulation. Such analysis allows for a more detailed study and understanding of the nature and scale of distortions, as well as determining possible methods for their elimination and minimization. At the same time, this material is an important tool for further research and development in the field of signal processing. | ||||||||
Dudaev M. ., Pykhalov A. . The mathematical modeling of the dynamic behavior of twin-rotor turbomachine systems with an inter-shaft bearing. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 135 The up-to-date problem solution on enhancing cost effectiveness, applicability characteristics and other parameters of the gas turbine engines (GTE) of both aviation and ground purposes stipulated the multi-rotor (multi-stage) of the rotor system (RS) layout, which realization is most often associated with the inter-rotor (inter-shaft) bearings. The goal of the study presented in the article consists in further development of mathematical modeling and analysis of dynamic behavior of the GTE rotor system based on the double pass layout of its structure. The system consists of low-pressure and high-pressure rotors, between which an inter-shaft bearing, serving as a support of the high-pressure turbine rotor on the low-pressure rotor shaft, is placed. A mathematical model of the RS GTE dynamic behavior analyzing is based on the finite element method (FEM) and the theory of elasticity contact problem solution, which allows accounting for the coupling conditions of the parts in the rotor designs. The presented mathematical model is implemented in the form of a software package (solver). In the proposed mathematical model, the stiffness is represented as the sum of structural, contact and gyroscopic components and additional stiffness caused by action of centrifugal forces. The forced oscillations excitation model includes forces caused by static and dynamic imbalances of HP and LP rotors rotating with dissimilar operating frequencies, forces of parts contact interaction, and other forces. The Rayleigh mathematical model was used to simulate damping at the RS. Using the presented mathematical model, the amplitude-time characteristics (ATC) of a modern gas turbine engine rotor system are obtained, as well as a deformed state picture and the dynamic stresses field. A comparative analysis of the RS dynamic behavior results without accounting for the effect of the inter-shaft bearing and with one demonstrates in particular the additional harmonics appearance in the RS rotational frequencies operating range and the interference of vibrations in the form of an ATC blurring. | ||||||||
Snazin A. A., Sevchenko V. I. Numerical simulation of interaction directional shock wave and transverse gas get blown into supersonic flow. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 135 Efficient interaction of blown gas jets with supersonic flow is one of the topical issues, to which a large number of researches and developments are devoted. Blowing jets into supersonic flow, is a common method of increasing the efficiency of gas mixing and influencing the shock-wave structure of the flow. Studies show that transverse gas jet blowing is one of the traditional and reliable methods providing fast gas mixing and high penetration of the jet into the supersonic transverse flow [1-3]. The object of study is a channel with dimensions l = 180mm, h = 30mm and w = 80mm, where at a distance b = 80mm from the inlet there is a gas jet blowout point. At a distance n = b /2 there is a ramp of length m = 5mm and 10mm, and angle of inclination β = 30o. The impinging supersonic flow is given by M∞ = 4.2, static pressure P∞ = 1200 Pa, and static temperature T∞ = 227 K. The Mach number of the blown jet is Mj = 1, the total temperature Tj = 293 K, and the ratio of jet pressure to static pressure Pj/P∞ = 0.16 [4]. The jet blowing condition was fixing throughout the calculation. The sticking and adiabatic wall condition are imposed on the lower and upper walls of the channel. The model was solved using the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations, which were closed by the SST k-ω turbulence model equation. [5] The mesh topology was constructed to resolve near-wall flows and turbulent structures in areas of large gradients of gasdynamic parameters. In near-wall regions, the dimensionless layer height y+ < 1. The total number of finite element mesh cells is 1.6×106 elements. Half of the channel was modeled and the symmetry condition was imposed on the interface plane. As a result of this research, a picture of shock-wave structures was obtained and a numerical study of the interaction between a falling compaction jump and a transversely blown gas jet was carried out. The size of the ledge was varied in order to investigate its effect on the supersonic flow in the channel. As a result, it is obtained that increasing the size of the ledge has a great effect on the flow structure in the channel. In this case, the falling compaction jump formed in front of the blown gas jet is shifted closer to the channel entrance. Considering this tendency, it can be assumed that at a sufficiently large pj/p∞ ratio, the falling compaction jump can be displaced to the channel entrance, since the increase of the ledge leads to greater compression of the supersonic flow in the channel. Further increase in the size of the ledge can lead to "locking" of the channel, which in turn is an unfavorable condition for mixing of the blown jet gas and the surging flow. Also, the shock-wave structure near the blown jet changes, the zones of wall layer detachment increase with increasing intensity of the compaction jump formed by the ledge. | ||||||||
Genov A. ., Osipov V. ., Matsykin S. ., Savilkin S. S. Mathematical modeling of digital methods for the formation of the amplitude-phase distribution of emitters in the x-band. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 135 The use of multi-service on-board digital platforms and multi-beam antennas as part of the spacecraft will make it possible to implement high-speed direct communication between subscriber earth stations in the X-band. In this article the results of mathematical modeling of digital methods for the generation of the emitters amplitude-phase distribution (APD) in the X-band. The complex special feature is the digital processing of broadband information signals in the receiving and transmitting paths and digital methods for generating rays polar diagram (PD). The 16-channel receiving and transmitting sublattices (RTS), each consisting of 16 receiving and transmitting modules (PTM) combined with a single control unit, were used for the insurance of the specified technical requirements of the communication complex. For the transmission path there are two separate beams with independent amplitude-phase distributions of signals in the opening of each sublattice. For the receiving path there are also two separate beams with independent amplitude-phase distributions in the opening of each sublattice, and the diagram-forming circuits of the receiving beams in each module have common elements: low-noise amplifiers, mixers and intermediate frequency amplifiers, and the formation of beams for a given APD is carried out digitally after the ADC of the received signal on the second intermediate frequency. The generation of the signals’ amplitude-phase distribution in the opening of the sublattice for each of the two beams is carried out independently in the FPGA digitally at a low frequency of 15 MHz received from the reference frequency block. For each beam in the FPGA, a group of 16 phase divider counters is used with individual control of the offset of the counting sequence in each counter, necessary for the formation of a predetermined amplitude-phase distribution of ray signals in the opening of the sublattice. Digital phase control of the signals allows for strict phase binding to a single reference signal of the base frequency and eliminates the need for tuning elements that compensate for temperature instability, elements’ aging and other problems of analog and digital phase shifters. The mathematical model of the algorithm for generating a given APD of sublattice signals at a low frequency of 15 MHz in FPGAs was developed in the VHDL programming language. In the mathematical model structure, the diagram-forming scheme of the transmission path, the generation block of a given amplitude-phase distribution is represented by a developed user program. All other blocks of the mathematical model of the transmission path are designed without the user programs by directly using standard procedures and functions included in libraries. The simulation results verified the physical realizability of the receiving and transmitting sublattices in accordance with the specified functional schemes of the receiving and transmitting paths of the diagram-forming scheme. | ||||||||
Titov Y. ., Sudakov V. . Modification of the asynchronous ant colony method for searching for rational solutions to a parametric problem. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 135 The article considers the ant colony method modifications for application in the problems of searching for optimal values of system parameters. The parameters optimality is being determined by the values of the objective function computed as the result of complex computations of a mathematical or simulation model running on a separate computing cluster with the ability for parallel computing of the objective function values. To save the computing cluster resources, the already considered parameter values and the value of the objective function are stored in hash tables. Modifications of the ant colony method are being developed to solve the problem of stagnation, convergence to one rational solution, and allow the method to be applied to find the optimal solution without using the multi-start procedure. This is achieved by modifying the behavior of the agent ant; the ants continue to search for a new set of parameter values that have not yet been considered on the cluster. Thus, each ant agent searches for its own unique route. As the result, the modification of the ant colony method does not converge to one solution, but continues to search for other solutions, avoiding stagnation and ensuring a complete directed search of all solutions (values of system parameters). This modification determines optimal and rational solutions in the early (estimate of mathematical expectation) iterations of the method. The authors proposed an asynchronous modification of the ant colony method for the effective work with a remote multi-threaded computer. Each ant agent searches for its unique set of parameter values in a separate thread and, after finding it, sends a new task to the computing cluster via TCP sockets. The tasks received on the computer are buffered and sent to the dispatcher for uniform and constant loading of the computational threads. of The ant agents blocking associated with the addition and evaporation of pheromone is solved by the blocking-free RCU (read, copy, update) algorithm. A separate thread controls creation of a new graph with an updated pheromone, and all new agent ants will look for paths in the already new graph. | ||||||||
Tarasov D. Y., Sukhomlino G. L., Mikhailov V. V. Numerical modeling of step-down pulse dc-dc voltage converters regulated by digital feedback. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 135 In the introductory part of the article, it is noted that in the research works of design organizations related to the development of regulated step-down pulse DC-DC voltage converters, approaches based on the use of such powerful software complexes as MATLAB/Simulink have been widely used. At the same time, the direction associated with the development of simpler computing tools remains in demand, which can be relied on not only when conducting specific computational studies of the designated converters, but also to confirm the reliability of the results obtained on the basis of these software packages. The purpose of the article is to describe two computational models designed to solve problems of dynamics of a step-down pulse DC-DC voltage converter controlled by digital (proportional, integral and differential) feedback. One of the models performing frequency analysis is designed to calculate the stability of the regulated converter in question. Another model based on the numerical integration method is focused on the study of transient and steady-state modes in the operation of the same converter. The main content of the article is devoted to the description of the designated two computational models. The calculation scheme of a step-down pulse converter is presented here and the corresponding (based on an approximate "continuous" calculation model) dynamics problem is formulated in the form of a system of two first-order differential equations (with respect to the current i in the throttle and the voltage UН of the load). It is indicated that an important requirement for this type of converter is its ability to reliably maintain the required value of the load voltage, which can be provided by including a feedback link in the circuit of operation of such a converter. It is assumed that the control system of the converter under discussion is based on the use of a digital PID controller in the feedback structure (which has the capabilities to implement proportional, integral and differential communication). A linear differential equation describing the functioning of the feedback link is written. Based on the obtained relations, a linear differential equation is formulated that establishes the relationship between the control parameter at the input and output of the open loop of the control system under consideration. An algorithm for calculating the frequency characteristics of such an open loop is presented. (Based on their analysis, a conclusion is made about the stability of the closed-loop control system). A system of linear differential equations describing the dynamics of the controlled (feedback) step-down converter is also formulated. An algorithm for the numerical solution of this type of dynamics problem based on the use of an implicit Euler scheme is presented. Examples of the application of the proposed two computational models to the study of the dynamics of a specific controlled step-down converter are given. The final part of the article contains conclusions on the research performed. A brief description of the two proposed computational models is given here. It is also indicated that the reliability of the results obtained using these computational models is confirmed by practical coincidence with the results of computer modeling and physical experiment available in the literature. | ||||||||
Minakov E. P., Aleksandrov M. ., Mishcheryakov A. ., Mishcheryakov S. . Algorithm for determining the parameters of oblinated projections of points on the earth's surface for circular orbits of space vehicles. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 135 The task of determining the parameters of inclined projections of points on the surface of the Earth and the algorithm for determining the parameters of inclined projections of visibility zones of point objects for circular orbits of spacecraft of remote sensing of the Earth are presented, as well as an example of determining the boundaries of the inclined projection of parameters of inclined projections of visibility zones of point objects for circular orbits of spacecraft of remote sensing of the Earth. An approach is being considered to assess the effectiveness of the use of Earth remote sensing spacecraft, based not on route calculations, with significant computational costs, but on the use of inclined projections, which significantly reduces these costs. The obtained results demonstrate a high degree of coincidence of the longitude of the projection boundaries of the visibility zones of Earth remote sensing spacecraft with points for routes and inclined projections for both straight and reverse orbits, which indicates the adequacy of the proposed algorithm for determining the parameters of inclined projections of the visibility zones of point objects for circular orbits of Earth remote sensing spacecraft. The algorithm allows you to obtain correct results, has extremely high information and operational characteristics and provides the opportunity to calculate inclined projections for groups of the same type of spacecraft of remote sensing of the Earth exactly once. This makes it possible to recommend a developed algorithm for solving the problems of determining coverage data and assessing the effectiveness of their application by regions on the Earth's surface for circular orbits of distan spacecraft | ||||||||
Balashov E. V., Sentsov A. A. Simulation of the antenna directional pattern motion during conical scanning under conditions of angular carrier evolutions. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 135 The article deals with the description of a mathematical model of the directional pattern of the radar coordinator antenna in space, with account for fluctuations in pitch and yaw angles. The angular evolutions effect on the direction finding result is stipulated by the ratio of the angular velocity of rotation in the angle of roll and the angular velocity of evolutions. the presented article considers the case when these speeds are comparable. After considering a number of simplified models for analytical description of motion of the three-dimensional antenna directional pattern in the “azimuth - angle of location” coordinates, a three-dimensional model was computed, as well as its projection onto the Earth surface. The mathematical model correctness is confirmed by experimental studies, which results were obtained as an outcome of a radar coordinator installing on a linearly moving unmanned aerial vehicle, which is subjected to angular evolutions and implements the direction-finding method of conical scanning. Thus, the concept of a mathematical model of motion of the the directional pattern of the radar coordinator antenna projection onto the Earth surface, performing a conical scanning of space under conditions of linear displacement and angular evolutions of the carrier, is proposed. The said model is applicable for the devices and products functioning as a radar coordinator for various purposes. The model is based on a number of simplifications, such as linear motion models and the Gauss model for describing the antenna pattern. The adopted simplifications may be clarified without significant reworking of the model. | ||||||||
Masliev A. ., Khismatov I. . The system of methods for analyzing, predicting and optimization of trajectory conditions of laser semi-active guidance systems. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 135 The study is devoted to improving the performance of flight tests of laser semi-active guidance systems (LPS) by predicting the ranges of the laser spot at the test site based on the results of the analysis of a statistical sample of previously conducted experiments. The analyzed statistical sample is formed by the method of mathematical modeling, the input information for which is the results of recording the detection range of the laser spot, the characteristics of the illumination and reception equipment, weather conditions and reflective properties of the target used. Based on the linearization of the relative mathematical expectation of the input information vector of the mathematical model, an expression is obtained for the variance of the error in calculating the threshold energy flux at the optical radiation receiver, depending on the variances of the information used. The relative weights of the errors of the input information in the structure of the error in calculating the threshold radiation flux were determined, an assessment of the consistency of the calculated values of its dispersion with experimental data was performed, the results of which confirmed the adequacy of the developed mathematical model in terms of reproducing the factors acting in the "sublight-target-receiver" system. The prediction of the detection ranges of the laser spot is performed depending on the planned trajectory conditions, characterized by the transparency of the atmosphere on the tracks, the illumination angles and the sight of the target. An indicator of the reliability of forecasting is the probability of spot detection in a given range of ranges, which is estimated based on information about weather conditions, trajectory parameters and the obtained estimates of the variance of the results of threshold flow modeling. A mathematical model has been developed for the distribution of the radiation energy flux at the LPS receiver, depending on the characteristics of the trajectories of reception and illumination of polygon targets, weather conditions. The mathematical model differs from the known ones by using experimentally determined indicators of brightness coefficients distributed over the surface of the polygonal target model, which makes it possible to take into account its optical and geometric characteristics in calculations, which have a significant impact on the results of the LPS function. The results of mathematical modeling have been confirmed by field flight experiments. It has been established that the optimal conditions for conducting flight experiments according to the criterion of the minimum variance of the calculated threshold values are conditions in which the detection range is maximum. The use of the developed methodological apparatus in the planning of flight tests will reduce the degree of uncertainty, increase the reliability of the analysis results, as well as develop procedures for searching for optimal conditions for conducting flight experiments, eliminating discrepancies in the interpretation of their results. | ||||||||
Aliyeva A. J. Issues of optimizing the application of the empirical linearization method for vicarious calibration of uav radiometric equipment. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 135 Currently, the empirical linearization method is widely applied to process images obtained from the UAVs, in particular to obtain data on reflection coefficients from optical radiation data. The gist of this method consists in placing calibration panels on special polygons and obtaining on this basis linear ratios between the DN (i.e. primary digital readings) and reflection coefficients, provided that data on the reflective characteristics of these panels are available. To ensure the best approximation of the linear dependence, a pair of such panels is employed: one is light, and the other is dark. The author regarded the possibility of applying a two-panel empirical linearization method in relation to a multispectrometer with a sufficiently large number of spectral channels. The gist of the two-point (two-panel) method consists in converting digital samples into an indicator (coefficient) of reflection. This method realization involves the following operations: (1) Digital counts normalizing according to the following formula. (2) Converting the DCnorm of each pixel into the reflection coefficient of the object. The author proposed an adaptive mode of a multispectrometer operation, in which the exposure time of a fixed pixel on the spectral channel used depends on some technological indicator bi/gi, as well as determines the value of the DNraw. A liquid crystal converter herewith is installed at the input of the multispectrometer, forming sequentially harmonics of the input signal with a controlled exposure time at the output. The process of sequential formation of narrow-band reflection coefficients of the studied objects is optimized during calibration of a multispectrometer calibrated by the two (light and dark) calibration panels. An optimization problem has been solved in relation to a multispectrometer with sequential digitization and formation of spectral channels based on a liquid crystal converter, which essence consists in reaching the computed spectrum-averaged value of the reflection coefficient of the maximum value. | ||||||||
Tran Q. T. Identification of the single ply properties in fiber-metall lamintes. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 134 The paper presents the results of identifying the elastic characteristics and loss coefficients of monolayers of a metal-polymer composite consisting of layers of aluminum alloy and fiberglass (aluminum fiberglass). Identification was carried out on the basis of tests for damped vibrations of cantilever-mounted samples. For dynamic testing, the samples were rigidly fixed with a metallic clamp at one end, leaving the other end free. Subsequently, an impact was applied to the free end using a metallic striker, or an initial deflection of the beam’s end from the equilibrium position was set. Displacements in the free end zone of the samples were measured by a laser displacement sensor and transferred to a program that allowed for the registration of displacement/time curves, saving them in tabular and graphical formats. The length of the free end of the beam, denoted as L (excluding the clamps), was determined to achieve a specified natural frequency of beam oscillations ω0 (20, 30 or 60 Hz). Specific values of lengths were used for beams with different laying schemes. The maximum deflection of the beam was A0 = 0.08L. The tests measured the natural vibration frequencies and loss coefficients of composite samples with various reinforcement schemes. Identification is performed based on solving the inverse problem using the classical theory of multilayer beams and the complex module method. Three approaches to solving the inverse problem are considered, in which a separate identification procedure is carried out for the elastic characteristics of monolayers based on the results of static or dynamic tests, or simultaneous identification of elastic and damping parameters is carried out based on dynamic test data. | ||||||||
Shavelkin D. S. On the mechanisms of buckling of modified composites with viscous fibers. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 134 The presented work studies stability of modified composites with whiskerized fibers. The following problems are being solved within the framework of the study: the static problem of local loading and the problem of stability of layered cantilever rods made from the composites under study. When solving the static problem of local loading, a modified fiber composite, loaded by compressive forces along the fibers, which is accompanied by various fracturing mechanisms stipulated by the of the fibers bending, is being considered. It appeared that an interfacial layer with adjustable rigidity allowed, with the same volume fraction of reinforcing fibers (for a classical composite, the reinforcing element is fiber, and for the modified composite under consideration, a fiber with nanostructures grown on its surface) achieving significantly greater local stability, determining the characteristic type of micro-damage at compression. When solving the problem of stability of the rods made from the composites under study, layered rods with different laying patterns and different volumetric contents of inclusions were considered. Critical load factors were determined for each of the studied samples. An analysis of the influence of the volume content of the modified fiber on the minimum critical values of compressive stresses showed that the stability of the modified composite can be increased by more than 2 times compared to the stability of a similar classical composite. When studying the stability of layered cantilever rods, it turned out that modification of the fiber with a mustache makes it possible to increase the value of the critical load withstood by the rod by more than 1.9 times compared to the critical load withstood by a rod made of a classic fiber composite with the same volumetric content of inclusions for any of the considered schemes laying of reinforcing fibers. | ||||||||
Popov I. P. Mechanical energy accumulator with capacitor characteristics. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 134 Short-term peak loads of machines and mechanisms create the need to accumulate mechanical energy for its subsequent pulsed use. This is quite relevant, for example, for airfield tractors at the initial stage of towing heavy aircraft. The use of a mechanical energy accumulator will reduce the power of the tractor engine. The mechanical energy accumulator can be made in the form of a direct current electric machine or a valve machine, on the shaft of which a superflywheel is attached. When a machine is connected to a power source, a non-stationary process occurs, described by two differential equations: one for mechanical quantities, the other for electrical quantities.
From the resulting formulas it follows that for an electrical circuit, the mechanical energy accumulator in question is indistinguishable from an electrical capacitor. It follows from this that in this case we can talk about artificial electrical capacitance. In addition, artificial electrical resistance arises (which is not related to the resistivity, length and cross-sectional area of the conductors. In connection with the above, a mechanical energy accumulator can be interpreted as an artificial electric capacitor, which stores not the energy of the electric field, but the kinetic energy of rotation of the superflywheel. There are superflywheel designs that can store significant kinetic energy. Even the possibility of installing them on passenger vehicles was studied. In this sense, massive airfield tractors have an undeniable advantage, since the increase in weight is not only not problematic for them, but in some cases it is desirable. | ||||||||
Sedel'nikov A. V., Serdakova V. V., Nikolaeva A. S. Checking the adequacy of approximate analytical dependences for the deflection of a thin homogeneous plate under temperature shock. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 134 The paper presents a comparative analysis of approximate analytical relationships modelling the deflection of a homogeneous thin plate under thermal shock for the case of rigid fixation of one edge of the plate and free other edges of the plate. This analysis contains two directions: studies of the deflection temperature field.
The temperature field of the plate is analysed by comparing the results of numerical simulations with the data of in-situ tests. The experiments conducted with a new promising solar panel ROSA (Roll-Out Solar Array) in 2017 on board the International Space Station (ISS) were chosen as field tests. During these experiments, temperature measurements were made with sensors in different parts of ROSA, which allows a more correct comparison of modelling results with measured data. The comparison showed a good convergence of the results, especially near the fixed edge of ROSA. This is due to the closer real picture of the temperature shock to the mathematical formulation of the two-dimensional heat conduction problem.
To confirm the obtained results, a comparative analysis was made with the data of experiments conducted in ground conditions of the space environment simulator laboratory KM7 with the space boom section. The results of numerical modelling and in-situ experiment also have good convergence. And their differences are due to the fact that the beam model is more suitable for the boom than the plate model.
To investigate the fit of the deflection field, an experiment conducted with a reduced model ROSA solar panel in earth laboratory conditions was chosen. The deflection dynamics of the ROSA end section support beam was chosen as data for comparison. A good convergence of the results in the average value of deflections without taking into account thermal oscillations is shown. Since in the mathematical formulation of the thermoelasticity problem thermo-vibrations were not taken into account.
Thus, as a result of the work the limits of applicability of approximate analytical dependences for practical use in accounting for the temperature shock of solar panels of a small spacecraft have been revealed. The results of the work can be used in the study of rotational motion of a small spacecraft around its centre of mass taking into account the effect of temperature shock. | ||||||||
Dobryshkin A. Y., Sysoev O. E., Sysoev E. O. Experimental verification of the characteristics of vibrations of a composite cylindrical thin-walled shell with a rib. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 134 The article performed an experimental verification of the oscillatory process characteristics obtained based on the mathematical model of oscillations of a thin-walled cylindrical shell by the improved Fourier series method. An analysis of the obtained data was conducted. A simple and at the same time accurate solution, based on the solution by the Fourier series method (FSM) applied in the analysis of the cylindrical shells vibrations is described. Hinged support is employed as fastening. The displacement function is expressed in each structural element in the form of superposition from the double Fourier series and several additional functions. The unknown deformation parameters are being found as generalized coordinates and determined by the Rayleigh-Ritz method. The use of The Fourier method application for the complex problem of a combined plate and shell connected by a symmetric and asymmetric boundary can be obtained without equations of motion or displacement expressions transforming.
The rigidity of fastening may significantly affect the modal characteristics of the conjugated structure. In the course of operation, the resonant heights are at their peak at the places of supporting. The stiffness changing changes only the plate vibration characteristics and does not affect the shell.
The obtained solution was verified by comparing theoretical results and experimental data. When conducting experimental studies, a non-contact frequency response meter of the HSV-2000 system was employed. It consists of an HSV2001/2002 controller, an HSV-800 laser unit and a rugged compact HSV-700 sensor head. The laser unit contains an interferometer and a low-power laser, as well as a Rohde & Schwarz RTB2002 oscilloscope.
The displacement components of a cylindrical shell and a circular plate are expanded as a rule independently from the boundary conditions as a superposition of a two-dimensional Fourier series and several additional functions. The unknown expansion coefficients are treated as generalized coordinates and determined by the well-known Rayleigh-Ritz procedure. The boundary conditions and conjunction conditions are being accounted for by employing reaction components of the hinge fastening. The acceptable accuracy of the current solutions is being demonstrated by comparison with the results obtained from the experimental studies. Satisfactory results, demonstrating the applicability of the resulting method, were obtained using the Polytec system. | ||||||||
Sharunov A. V. Numerical simulation of the preforming process of a thick-walled coupling made of shape memory alloys. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 134 The work deals with the numerical modeling of the pre-deformation process (distribution – increase in the inner radius) of a thick-walled cylindrical coupling made of shape memory alloy (SMA) with the constant pressure in the process of direct thermoelastic phase transformation. The process of elastic, phase and structural deformations accumulation while the SMA coupling cooling through the temperature range of direct martensitic transformation was considered within the framework of the problem.
As part of the work, the process of model integrating of the nonlinear deformation during phase and structural transformations into the finite element complex Simulia AbaQus was performed through the procedure for creating custom material using UMAT technology and explicitly determining the tangent stiffness matrix. The pre-deformation process of a thick-walled cylindrical coupling made of SMA is being considered in a once-cohesive thermomechanical formulation, with account for the effect of the acting stress on the of phase transition temperature values.
The article demonstrates the effect of accounting for the structural transition in the process of a direct thermoelastic phase transition for two types of boundary conditions. Fidelity of the results of the work is confirmed by the validation of the developed software modules based on the results of field tests of elementary samples based on the Ni-Ti system and verification employing known analytical solutions to the boundary value problems of the SMA mechanics.
The results presented in the article may be employed in the design of thermomechanical joint couplings from the SMA. | ||||||||
Hoa V. D., Zveryaev E. M., Pykhtin A. V. Analytical solution for thermally stressed two-layer elastic strip. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 134 The article considers a thin rectangular strip response to the mechanical load impact (in the plane of the object) and a temperature field in the formulation of a plane problem of the theory of elasticity. The basis of the solution is application of the Saint-Venant–Picard–Banach method for integrating the equations of the theory of elasticity of thin-walled systems (SVPB). The method combines iterative and asymptotic approaches and is of greater freedom from assumptions limiting the solution.
The first feature is transition to the sequential integration of the original equations. The relationships are being lined-up in such a way that the result of the previous one is used in the subsequent expression as a known value. Introduction of the initial approximation allows considering such sequence as an iterative operator of the successive approximations method. The unknown functions selection as the initial ones, being determined (refined) in the solution process, corresponds to the idea of the semi-inverse Saint-Venant method, expanding its interpretation to an iterative one.
Elimination of differentiation operators with respect to the thickness coordinate in equations by integration includes in the iterative operator the integration operators correlated with the Picard operators of the method for solving first-order differential equations resolved with respect to the derivative (which is also iterative).
Consistent application of the iterative operator gives integrals (the form of solution for the unknowns of the problem) in the form of asymptotic rads with respect to the small thin-wall parameter. The solution error is being estimated by the degree of the small parameter (which is an arbitrarily small value) of the leading term of the discarded part of the series. The solution existence and uniqueness are determined by the principle of compressed mappings (Banach's fixed point theorem).
The resulting integrals (iterative approximations for the functions of the stress-strain state) are used to satisfy the boundary conditions of the problem. As the result of this, the main unknown problems are determined (the arbitrary rules of integration, which include initial approximation functions).
SVPB is an analytical method, and the asymptotic approach is also usually used to isolate from the equations the available relations characterizing the components of the solution with certain properties (in particular, quickly and slowly changing components responsible for the edge effect and the main solution). When solving the problem under consideration, the type of solution for the main unknowns is obtained by direct transformations without the use of asymptotic hypotheses. For the first iteration, a comparison with the asymptotic solution was performed. The solution is supplemented with the results obtained from the relations of the next iteration. | ||||||||
Basharina T. A., Yeltsov I. S., Akolzin I. V., Kruzhaev K. V. Development of water jet ejector with a wide range of flow characteristics. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 134 The article presents the results of the development and hydrodynamic studies of the operating modes of a water jet ejector operating in a wide range of flow characteristics (3-100 l/min) and representing a jet pump with axial supply of an active (working) single-phase liquid medium and radial supply of a passive (ejectable) single-phase liquid medium. In the course of a computational experiment with subsequent verification of the results with a full-scale experiment, operable and inoperable modes of operation of the device were identified, the dependence of efficiency on the values of active and passive media consumption in a wide range was obtained. The basis for the computational experiment is a geometric model of the flow area of the working fluid, in which the simulation of the area of reduced pressure in the receiving chamber occurs by the outflow of the active medium at high speed through the working nozzle and subsequent pumping of the ejected medium. Of the 25 designs of the water jet ejector, the most promising one was selected, the confirmation of the operability of which was carried out in 9409 operating modes. Several main structural elements have been identified, each of which, as it was found, significantly affects the functioning of the device. The conducted research allowed us to identify practical recommendations used in the development. In the verification process, the difference between the computational experiment and the full-scale one was established, not exceeding 5%, which corresponds to sufficient engineering accuracy. The high degree of reliability of the results obtained, confirmed by field tests, allows the use of this water jet ejector of the developed design in the task of pumping media with a wide range of volumetric flow rates. | ||||||||
Prokopenko E. A., Gerasimenko E. Y. Investigation of the process of fuel outflow from the centrifugal nozzle of a liquid rocket engine. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 134 The article presents a study of the consumption characteristics of a centrifugal nozzle by numerical modeling methods using the ANSYS CFX software package with verification of the results obtained by the method of spills used by the component of rocket fuel.
Numerical studies were carried out in the ANSYS CFX software package to determine the nozzle spray angle. A three-dimensional model of a centrifugal nozzle was developed as an object of research.
Similar studies were carried out at various pressure drops on the nozzle using expressions for the flow coefficients of an ideal centrifugal nozzle (µf) with a tangential inlet.
Measurements of the volume of liquid fuel flowing out over a certain period of time were carried out with a corresponding pressure drop in the fuel tank and the environment to determine the mass flow through the nozzle. Pressure losses in the fuel line were previously measured, taking into account local resistances and losses along the length of the pipeline lines. Accounting for pressure losses is necessary to ensure the specified accuracy of determining fuel consumption through the nozzle. Alcohol is used as a fuel of a given concentration at the current values of ambient temperature and pressure. These data made it possible to calculate the fuel density and its kinematic viscosity coefficient.
Analysis of the values of the coefficients of mf obtained by experimental and computational methods shows that the theoretical value of µf for an ideal centrifugal nozzle is significantly less than the real value. The values of µf are constant at different values of the pressure drop at the nozzle, with the same geometric parameters of the nozzle. These differences are beginning to manifest themselves to a lesser extent in terms of mass expenditures.
The results of the conducted studies show that the flow characteristics of a real centrifugal nozzle may differ from the ideal one. On the one hand, this contradiction is due to the deviation of geometric characteristics from nominal values during the manufacture of nozzles and the geometric parameters of the flow sections and the location of sensor equipment on the pouring stand, on the other hand. This leads to the fact that it is necessary after the manufacture of the nozzle to carry out its spillage in order to clarify the design values of the consumption characteristics in the end. The results obtained can be used in the development of the technological process of manufacturing new injectors and refining defective ones. | ||||||||
Khatuntseva O. N. Accounting for entropy production in the liouville equation and the derivation of a "MODIFIED" system of navier-stokes equations from it. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 134 Turbulent and laminar flow regimes of a liquid or gas are indistinguishable on the scale of thermal motion of molecules. However, there are significant differences between them on the meso- and macro-scales. The turbulent regime has the features of a stochastic time–irreversible process at all scales of consideration, moreover, stochastic pulsations in the turbulent regime at different scales are correlated – they have a collective character. In contrast, the laminar regime is deterministic and time-reversible at all scales significantly exceeding the scale of thermal motion of molecules. There are ranges of parameters above some critical values at which both laminar and turbulent modes can be realized and exist with different probabilities. Transitions between them occur abruptly, irreversibly, that is, the reverse transition when changing parameters in the opposite direction can occur (and usually does) at other parameter values. Thus, an equation describing both of these modes should allow for a non-unique solution, with an ill-smooth and ambiguously defined transition between them.
Earlier, studies were conducted on the possibility of describing both laminar and turbulent fluid flow based on the same “modified” Navier-Stokes equations, which take into account entropy production in the turbulent regime due to the excitation of stochastic disturbances at different flow scales [1-4].
Solutions corresponding to laminar and turbulent flow regimes of an incompressible non-thermally conductive liquid were analytically obtained for the Hagen-Poiseuille problems, the Poiseuille plane flow and the Couette plane flow. Experimental and analytical solutions for different values of the Reynolds number are compared.
This paper shows the possibility of moving from the Liouville equation, which takes into account the production of entropy at different scales (the “modified” Liouville equation) to the “modified” Boltzmann equation through a chain of “modified” Bogolyubov equations. Based on these equations, a “modified” system of Navier-Stokes equations is derived. | ||||||||
Nikolsky A. A. Helicopter airfoil design using the PGT technique. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 134 The purpose of the presented work consists in creating prospective approach to the airfoil design. A technique with no analogues, namely PGT (parent function generating) technique, which represents a universal geometry parameterization tool and ensures design space in the form of physical region on a plane, bounded by the two monotonous curves, is used for this purpose.
This tool is being combined with the solvers of various accuracy to exploit its advantages. The other purpose consists in studying the contour approximation accuracy to determine the necessary number of the design variables enough for the airfoil aerodynamic design.
Methodology consists in applying the PGT technique, including generating functions, a universal parent function and the two extra parameters to the aerodynamic design problem. At the start, the initial design space is reduced by employing the low-level substantiated solver for local optimization problems solving. Then the process is continuing in reduced space with the high-level solver. Two types of the generating functions approximation are being discussed for the number of the design variables selection.
As the result, the two-step procedure is appeared to be much less consuming than the single-step one. It requires about 100 iterations with high estimated cost and about 1000 iterations with low estimated cost.
Despite this, the demonstrating example of helicopter airfoil design demonstrates the possibility of significant improving of the targeted aerodynamic performance.
The presented study revealed that the original PGT technique allowed significant improvement of the results achieved at the previous level of the aerodynamic design, and, probably, achieving an optimum near the global optimum. In conjunction with the two-stage strategy, it significantly enhances computational effectiveness of the aerodynamic design procedure.
The fact that the PGT technique may be applied in the 3D problems for aerodynamic objects of the wing or fuselage type seems to be of great importance. | ||||||||
Abramov M. A., Arefiev K. Y., Voronetsky A. V., Sarkisov A. V., Grishin I. M., Kruchkov S. V. Computational and experimental research of the gas dynamic factors’ impact on the stochastic-statistical dispersion of particles in a two-phasr high-velocity flow. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 134 The present study explores the gas-dynamic factors impact, specifically directed injection, on the empirical coefficients used to convert discrete particle trajectories into a locally continuous field of the dispersed phase flow intensity in supersonic turbulent two-phase flows. Statistical modeling is employed to develop a technique for the particle localization distribution evaluating, with account for the probabilistic nature of the trajectory deviations.
A discrete-continuous transformation method is applied by constructing a probability density function to evaluate the particle localization distribution. This technique assumes that the cluster velocity vector deviation from the section normal is negligible. By utilizing this probability density function, an equation is derived to convert discrete particle trajectories into a continuous field, approximating a two-dimensional normal distribution. The flow rate intensity, defined as the ratio of the particles mass flow to the unit area, is used to create a continuous field of particle flow intensity distribution. The basic trajectories of cluster motion are computed with the Lagrange-Euler method. A supersonic experimental setup for gas-dynamic spraying of coatings is employed to determine the the normal distribution value and examine the particles spatial localization.
The experimental data reveles that the acquired volumetric layer of sprayed condensed phase indicates the particle distribution structure in the cross-section of a high-speed two-phase flow.
The main findings of the study demonstrate that random factors significantly affect the particle distribution in the flow. The standard deviation of particle spatial localization ranges from 4.8 to 5.4 mm for a dispersed phase size of 15 to 40 μm in a supersonic flow, regardless of the presence or absence of a drifting flow. | ||||||||
Golovkin M. A., Grudinin M. V., Efremov A. A., Mirgazov R. M. Aerodynamic drag coefficients of circular cylinders of finite elongation at low subsonic speeds. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 134 The introduction presents a review of the literature on the considered subject. It is noted that in accordance with the previously obtained data for the cx(Re), namely the dependence of the drag coefficient of a circular cylinder of relatively large aspect ratio λ = 17.8 (λ = L/d, L – cylinder length, d – its diameter) on the Reynolds number (Re = V·d/ν, V – flow velocity, ν – coefficient of kinematic viscosity of air), the transition mode from the laminar separation to the turbulent one is close to that of cylinder with infinite aspect ratio, and for the cylinder with λ = 9.2 it is noticeably lagged by the speed value, or Re number.
This is of practical importance, in particularl for the spin simulation in a wind tunnel (WT) with aircraft models, to know whether this trend holds for the cylinders of lower aspect ratio, which are usually used in typical fuselages of modern long-haul aircraft (λ = 6 ÷ 8). In this regard, this study considered the aspect ratio of λ = 6.15.
The tests were conducted in a vertical WT with a sufficiently low degree of the flow turbulence, within the speed range of V = 3 ÷ 33 m/s by increasing and decelerating speed with a pitch of 2 m/s.
This presented study confirmed a significant lag by the Re number for the laminar separation mode of relatively low aspect ratio, compared to an infinite cylinder.
The article demonstrates that transition to the turbulent separation at the cylinders of relatively low aspect ratio occurs in a much narrower range of the Re numbers than with an infinite cylinder.
A hysteresis in the drag coefficient while increasing and decelerating speed exists in the region of Re numbers corresponding to the transition mode from laminar separation to the turbulent one.
The drag coefficients values of the finite aspect ration circular cylinders in the ranges of Re numbers corresponding to laminar separation obtained in the vertical WT agree satisfactorily with the data available in the known literature.
The detected effects and the presented results should be accounted for when developing and conducting studies with aircraft models in the WTs. | ||||||||
Le V. H., Frolov V. A. The influence deflectors located near cylinder on drag of combination «cylinder-plates». Trudy MAI, 2024, no 134 The study of the flow around the circular cylinder is one of the most up-to-date fluid and gas mechanics problems due to its wide application in industry. Here are some examples: wind turbines, towers, high-rise buildings, offshore structures, industrial chimneys and bridge hanger cables. Drag reduction of the cylindrical objects in aviation has been of great interest of many scientists for a long time. Various active and passive methods were applied earlier for the cylinder drag reduction. Active methods are being characterized by their effectiveness and by the fact that they require energy supply from the outside. Passive methods are based on adding extra bodies near the cylinder or geometry changing the cylinder surface, thus, unlike the active methods they do not require energy supply. The basic principle of these methods consists in moving the separation point back downstream, since later separation of the flow leads to the drag force reduction.
This work studies a passive drag reducing method through installing flat plates near the cylinder. The modeling problem was restricted by the two-dimensional case. Velocity and pressure fields near the cylinder, as well as drag coefficient dependencies on the number and relative lengths of deflectors were obtained with the ANSYS Fluent software. The authors found that the drag coefficient of the cylinder combination with one flat deflector and fixation of the back partitioning plate, situated in the horizontal plane of symmetry may reduce significantly the drag coefficient down to minimum value of 0.45.
The data presented can be recommended for the aerodynamic design of the bodies with cylindrical cross section for the drag reduction. | ||||||||
Fedorinov A. Y., Ivanov Y. P. Investigation of the universal optimal method of finite-time and spectral-finite processing of navigation signals of aircraft instruments in conditions of complete and incomplete a priori certainty. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 134 In the theory of measuring information processing, new approaches have been developed to finite-time and spectral-finite methods of signal processing (filtering). The signal filtering procedure is the most important task in the field of information processing. The article will explore the key features of these algorithms. These approaches are based on the orthogonal projection theorem and are optimal by the criterion of the minimum amount of error variance. The approaches are capable of producing linear recurrent estimates of non-Markov signals with correlated and uncorrelated interference. At the moment, the engineering community is making extensive use of Kalman filtering. The proposed algorithms will have an advantage over the Kalman filter. The estimation algorithms obtained on the basis of this approach coincide in accuracy with Kalman filtering and are applicable to a wide class of signal and interference models. In this paper, recurrent sums of error variances of current and interpolated estimates, optimal by the criterion of minimum, linear algorithms for filtering signals under conditions of various a priori certainty against the background of correlated and white noise, with memory provision for the measurements obtained from the beginning of work, will be investigated. The optimal estimation algorithms obtained on the basis of the properties of the orthogonal projection theorem are universal for a wide class of signal and interference models, independent of the presence of the markovity property of the signal and the correlation of measurement interference, coinciding in accuracy with Kalman filtering, simpler in their implementation, due to the adaptability property, they have increased noise immunity and robustness, at the same time With optimal filtering, optimal signal interpolation is provided The simulation was carried out in the Mathcad environment. Currently, the following algorithms have been implemented and studied: finite-time and spectral-finite; with/without feedback; adaptive / non-adaptive; with or without known interference, and their combinations. | ||||||||
Aliyeva G. V., Huseynov O. A. Issues of building an adaptive flight mode of a reconnaissance UAV. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 134 The need for a correct assessment of the effectiveness of the conducted reconnaissance carried out using integrated spatially distributed aviation complexes of manned aerial reconnaissance facilities is explained by the extreme conditions in which they often have to be implemented. At the same time, proper planning of such flights is one of the most important tasks, the solution of which would ensure the successful completion of the mission of unmanned aerial vehicles of the reconnaissance type. Taking measures to ensure the high quality of images obtained during the flight of the UAV is certainly an essential component of such planning. images. The purpose of this study is to determine the main patterns in the organization of an adaptive mode of operation of optoelectronic reproducing equipment. The essence of the proposed adaptive mode is to promptly change the focal length depending on the altitude of the UAV in order to achieve the maximum possible value of the indicator on the NIIRS scale. Currently, the NIIRS criterion is used to evaluate the quality of images obtained from electro-optical UAV systems in the infrared range. NIIRS is an evaluation scale of the degree of interpretability of images received from UAVs. The higher the NIIRS score, the more details you can make out in the resulting image. The NIIRS scale contains 10 levels, where the zero level indicates an image in which it is impossible to distinguish any details, the ninth level indicates images in which the movement of people is clearly visible. The mathematical apparatus most often used to calculate the levels of this scale is the General Equation of Image Quality. The possibilities of adaptive construction of reconnaissance-type UAVs with variable focal length are investigated. It is shown that the root dependence of the second degree of the UAV flight altitude on the focal length of optoelectronic equipment is the worst option for adaptive flight altitude control, when implemented, the evaluation of the UAV mission on the NIIRS scale reaches a minimum value. When designing and operating an intelligence-type UAV, it is advisable to avoid organizing such an adaptive control mode. | ||||||||
Emelyanov A. A., Unchenko I. V. Research of the layout of a promising system for synchronization of diversity receiving channels of a radio interferometer using microwave photonics technology. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 134 High-precision measurement of the angular coordinates of radio emission sources is the cornerstone task of modern digital radio interferometers. The main measured parameter in these devices is the totality of the phase differences of the signal received and digitized by spaced receiving channels. To achieve high measurement accuracy, it is necessary first to minimize the difference-phase errors in digitizing the received signal by spaced receiving channels. In addition, the placement of radio interferometers at most objects involves solving the problems of minimizing the size of the system, its weight, power consumption and cost. To optimally solve these problems, it is proposed to use fiber-optic communication lines (FOCL) with their own low phase noise, which is based on modulation of laser radiation through electroabsorption.
The purpose of this work is a practical assessment of the degree of influence of the noise characteristics of a fiber-optic link, which is based on the modulation of laser radiation through electroabsorption, on the quality of the synchronization system signal and a comparison of the calculated and measured noise and transmission characteristics of the transmission path of the synchronization system of spaced receiving channels of a fiber-optic interferometer radio interferometer.
The object of study was: a model of the transmission path of the synchronization system (hereinafter referred to as the system). The research was carried out using a calculation-analytical method and through practical measurements using a phase noise analyzer, a network analyzer, and a signal analyzer.
During the work, transmission and noise coefficients for the system were calculated. Taking into account the amplifiers used, the calculated value of the transmission coefficient was no more than 16 dB and no less than 24 dB for the noise figure. According to the measurement results, the transmission coefficient was from 13 to minus 3 dB, and the noise figure was at least 30 dB; the resulting discrepancies are due to the nonlinearity of electro-optical conversion through electroabsorption and the nonlinearity of the photodiode. The introduced phase noise of the synchronization system was measured at frequencies of 1, 5 and 10 GHz. The value of the introduced phase error of the fiber-optic communication line was determined, which was: for 1 and 5 GHz - no more than 0.056 degrees, and for 10 GHz - no more than 0.176 degrees. | ||||||||
Koval N. A. Comparative analysis of neural network architectures in the task of detection and identification of target and velocity jammer signals. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 134 As is known, radar signals are subjected to various kinds of interference. A special place is occupied by the imitating interference to automatic tracking systems (leading-astray interference). The means for the leading-astray interference creating are capable of generating signals, which smoothly introduces false information about the target movement parameters (such as Doppler frequency or delay time), which ultimately leads to the automatic tracking failure [1-2].
Velocity leading-astray jammers (VJ) represent the greatest danger for the onboard Doppler radar stations. The jamming effect file detection and jamming and target signals distinction at the initial stage of the jammer operation, which would prevent the traction failure and ensure reliable information obtaining about the target, may be solution to the problem of the VJ counteracting. The capabilities of artificial neural networks (deep learning) are being studied in the presented article for this problem solution. The idea consists in regularities educing by the neural networks in characteristic dynamics of the signal spectrum received by the radar system under the imVJ pact of the in the process of their learning.
Temporal interrelation of the spectrums, obtained at the successive radar station operating cycles, should be accounted for the characteristic dynamics educing, which brings us explicitly to the time sequences processing task. As long as the very fact of the interference impact educing is understood as the VJ signal detection task, this can be represented in the context of machine learning in the form of the spectrum classification task (spectrum transformation of the signal received at every cycle of the radar operation into the VJ presence/absence mark). The signal frequency estimation in its turn is being reduced to determining the index number of the Doppler’s filter, which in their essence are the frequency domain sampling. That is, each filter is assigned a certain frequency range of the signal being analyzed at a given time instant. Thus, this task can be represented as a spectrum regression (converting the spectrum into the number of the Doppler filter of the target signal).
The following architectures intended for thetime sequences processing are being studied within the framework of this article: classical convolutional CNN network (for working with time sequences, layers of one-dimensional convolution are employed) [7]; temporary convolutional TCN network [8]; recurrent networks based on the LSTM long short-term memory layers [9]; networks based on managed recurrent GRU units [10]. Several models of each presented architecture were trained with different number of layers, size of layers, etc. To assess the trained models quality, the root of the mean square error (RMSE) for the regression problem and the F-measure (F1-score) for the classification problem were applied.
The result of the accuracy comparing of the considered architectures reveealed that CNN displayed the worst result of 6.3 RMSE and 0.986 F1-score. TheLSTM and GRU appeared to be the most accurate in both tasks (1.23 RMSE and 0.997 F1-score, 1.27 RMSE and 0.995 F1-score, respectively), and in the classification task, they apparently reached the limit of accuracy. TCN performed slightly worse (1.45 RMSE and 0.994 F1-score), however, the required network size to achieve results comparable to LSTM and GRU makes the use of TCN impractical.
The author recommends employing the LSTM or GRU network with two layers of 100 hidden units for regression and an LSTM with two layers of 25 hidden units for classification in the considered task. The choice between architectures is being stipulated by the required level of accuracy and hardware limitations on the counteraction algorithm being developed: the LSTM is slightly more accurate, but due to its structure ,it has more trainable parameters with the same number of hidden units, which leads to the use of more memory and lower computing speed compared to GRU.
Thus, the article demonstrates that neural networks are able to solve the said problems quite accurately. In the course of the study, a comparative analysis of neural network architectures designed for processing time sequences was performed and suitable for further integration into onboard digital signal processing algorithms were identified.
The author’s further intention is to study the selected architectures structures in the more complicated jamming situation. | ||||||||
Semenov A. S. Simulation of bell states for the software implementation of a quantum simulator. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 134 The aim of this study is to enhance the efficiency and precision of quantum simulators via the simulation of Bell states utilizing diverse quantum gates, initialization, and measurement algorithms. Such research will enable us to gain a more profound comprehension of quantum solutions for intricate issues while enhancing their performance.
Bell states are a set of four entangled quantum states represented by two qubits. Each qubit can be in a superposition of two states, namely 0 and 1. These states are used as building blocks for many quantum algorithms and quantum protocols, such as teleportation and dense coding. Bell states are also used to experimentally demonstrate quantum entanglement and quantum teleportation.
Theoretical modeling of Bell states requires understanding the quantum state correlations between two qubits in an entangled state. Let us highlight three approaches to simulating Bell states: algorithms based on various quantum gates, algorithms based on density matrices that describe the statistical properties of quantum systems, and algorithms based on entanglement measures that quantify the degree of entanglement between two qubits.
Understanding the effects of noise and imperfections in quantum hardware for entangled state generation in Bell state simulations requires the development of error correction and fault tolerance methods for quantum information processing. Research into multiqubit entangled states demonstrates complex quantum phenomena such as quantum teleportation networks and quantum error correction codes.
The following algorithms simulating Bell states are considered: an algorithm based on the Hadamard and CNOT gates, an algorithm using a single-qubit Pauli-X gate, an algorithm using a single-qubit S-gate, an algorithm using a T-gate, an algorithm using an X-gate,
The initial state generation algorithm prepares qubits for quantum operations and measurements. The correct choice of the initial state can influence the results of calculations and the efficiency of the algorithm. In addition, the measurement results depend on the states of the qubits after performing quantum operations. Let's take a closer look at these algorithms.
The algorithm for generating multiple random initial states of a two-qubit system is useful for testing the behavior and stability of quantum algorithms and simulators. The Kronecker product of qubit states allows the algorithm to represent the entire state of two qubits as a 4-dimensional vector, which is used to model the evolution of a quantum system over time.
When measuring the states of a two-qubit quantum system in the Bell basis, the measurement probabilities give an idea of the chances of different measurement results. These probabilities are calculated based on algorithm n-qubit measurements. By measuring the system several times and comparing the measured results with the probabilities, the quantum mechanical predictions and the accuracy of the quantum device are checked.
The proposed algorithms improve the simulation and manipulation of Bell states, making them suitable for a wide range of applications, particularly the enhancement of software implementations of quantum simulators. This study was focused on improving software quantum simulators, providing an advancement in the field. The significance of Bell states for quantum information and computing is emphasized in the paper, along with the necessity of accurate and efficient simulation and manipulation of these states. | ||||||||
Blinkova O. V., Kondratov D. V. Modeling the dynamics of interaction of a compressed layer of a viscous compressible liquid with an elastic three-layer stator. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 134 With the constant development of mechanical engineering, space and aviation industries, the tasks of investigating the interaction of two elastic plates with a viscous liquid or gas between them are becoming more and more urgent. The study of elastic plates, the space between which is filled with a viscous liquid or gas, is becoming increasingly necessary. A mechanical system consisting of two plates interacting with each other through a layer of viscous compressible fluid in which constant pressure is maintained, as a result of which the upper absolutely rigid plate performs vertical oscillations is considered. The first plate is absolutely rigid - the vibrator, the second - is an elastic three-layer plate - the stator. The mathematical model in dimensionless variables is a coupled system of partial differential equations describing the dynamics of the motion of a viscous compressible fluid (Navier-Stokes equations and continuity equation) flowing between two plates with the corresponding boundary conditions. To solve the resulting problem of the interaction of a viscous compressible fluid and an elastic three-layer plate, we switched to dimensionless variables of the problem. Small parameters of the problem were chosen - the relative width of the viscous fluid layer and the relative deflection of the elastic stator. The selected small parameters of the problem made it possible to use the perturbation method to simplify the system of equations. The Bubnov-Galerkin method has found an expression for the amplitude-frequency characteristics of an elastic three-layer stator, further study of the expression will allow to identify and exclude resonant phenomena in structures of this type, take them into account when building new structures in modern mechanical engineering, aviation and space industries. | ||||||||
Goncharova V. I. Parametric synthesis of a nonlinear automatic control system with distributed parameters. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 134 The development of an automatic control system for any fairly complex technical object is a long, multifaceted process; one of the main stages is the construction of an adequate mathematical model of the control object. The choice of a mathematical model of an object is in one way or another connected with the idealization of its mathematical description, which involves highlighting the main patterns in the behavior of the object and neglecting secondary connections and effects, taking into account the expected conditions of its physics of functioning in a real system. In this work, we will consider an example related to temperature control in a furnace. Since in such a system it is necessary to take into account several variables, when constructing a mathematical model, the automatic control system is distributed. If, in a system for regulating the heating of a rod in a furnace, we implement the transition from partial differential equations inherent in systems with distributed parameters to ordinary differential equations, then it is most advisable to consider the system as a linear system with a retarded argument.
It should be noted that such a procedure is very useful, since algorithms for efficiently solving ordinary differential equations are much better developed compared to algorithms for directly solving partial differential equations.
The paper presents a possible implementation of the transition from partial differential equations to ordinary differential equations for solving the problem of parametric synthesis using the generalized Galerkin method for automatic control systems with distributed parameters. As a mathematical apparatus, the method of separation of variables (Fourier) is used, as well as obtaining state space matrices in order to obtain the transfer function of an automatic control system with distributed parameters. | ||||||||
Vataeva E. Y. Parametric synthesis of a low-power potentiometric tracking system. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 134 Currently, the most rapidly developing areas of research in the theory of automatic control are nonlinear and stochastic analyses. This interest is justified by the fact that most physical processes in nature and systems in the real world are nonlinear and are also subject to random disturbances, i.e. stochastic. In modern automatic control theory there are a large number of methods and studies devoted to the synthesis of nonlinear automatic control systems, but no unified approach has been developed that would allow the synthesis of nonlinear automatic control systems of any complexity. Also, difficulties in solving the problem of synthesizing nonlinear automatic control systems also arise when constructing an adequate mathematical model, since this issue is related to the idealization of the properties of both the elements of the control system and the automatic control system as a whole. It is known that when constructing a mathematical model, all the basic and most essential features and properties of the synthesized ACS must be preserved; in the presence of nonlinear elements in the ACS, this situation is associated with the choice of the correct choice of approximation [1-10]. As is known, there are various types of approximations of the characteristics of nonlinear elements, for example, analytical, power, piecewise linear, approximation by irrational functions. However, for accurate implementation of a nonlinear characteristic with piecewise linear approximation, it is necessary to increase the number of piecewise linear sections, which leads to complication and an increase in the synthesis time of such a system. With analytical approximation, it is quite difficult to instantly obtain the correct analytical expression. In this work, it is proposed to use polynomial approximation. As a mathematical apparatus it is proposed to use the generalized Galerkin method. | ||||||||
Tarasov D. Y., Sukhomlino G. L., Mikhailov V. V. Numerical modeling of transient and steady-state modes in the operation of pulsed DC-DC voltage converters. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 134 It is noted in the introductory part of the article that approaches based on application of the powerful commercial software such as MATLAB/Simulink are widely employed in the research works of the design organizations associated with the various types of the switched-mode DC-DC voltage converters development. At the same time, the trend associated with development of simpler computing tools, which can be relied upon not only while conducting specific computational studies of the said converters, but also for reliability confirming of the results obtained based on this software as well, is still being called for. The purpose of the article consists in describing one of the like type of computational tools based on the numerical integration method and designed for studying transient and steady state operation modes of the converters under discussion.
The article points out that systems of differential equations describing the dynamics of the switched-mode DC-DC voltage converters are characterized by the presence of specifics associated with abrupt changes of their parameters in time initiated by switching by pulse-width modulators with a given clock frequency f and a period T = 1/f. With reference to the work of one of the co-authors of the article, dealt with the numerical solution of dynamics problems of the electro-mechanical systems with discontinuous features (such as dry friction), the authors note that a simple and effective way of numerical implementation in such cases is application of an unconditionally computationally stable implicit Euler scheme when integrating over time.
The main content of the article deals with the description of the said approach in relation to the numerical simulation of transients in the operation of a buck switched-mode DC-DC voltage converter. The article presents a design diagram of the converter and corresponding dynamics problem is formulated in the form of a system of the two first-order differential equations (with respect to the inductor current i and the load voltage U) with discontinuous features. The algorithm of the numerical solution, implemented in the form of a program in the Fortran language, is recounted. The article presents the results of computations performed by this program related to the transient operation modes of the two concrete buck converters. These results fidelity is confirmed by comparison with the simulation results available in the open sources, performed in the MATLAB/Simulink. The article points at the option of the proposed model application (accounting for the discontinuous specifics) in the version corresponding to the so-called “continuous” or “averaged” model. On the example of the transient process computing for one of the considered buck converters performed with “discontinuous” and “continuous” versions of the developed computational model the article demonstrates that computational results of these versions are in good agreement with each other.
The final part of the article contains conclusions on the research performed. It is noted here that the article presents (based on the implicit Euler scheme implementation) an approach to the numerical modeling of transients of the switched-mode DC-DC voltage converters operation, with account for discontinuous features in the formulation of differential equations describing dynamics of such devices. Transients of two options of the DC-DC buck voltage converters (described in literature) were subjected to the numerical analysis. Fidelity of the numerical simulation results has been confirmed by practical concurrence with the results of computer modeling and physical experiment available in the literature. Capabilities of the continuous version of the developed computational model for solving problems of dynamics of the buck switched-mode DC-DC voltage converters have been demonstrated. | ||||||||
Uryupin I. P. Modeling and assessment of connectivity aviation and railway passenger transportation systems of the Russian Federation. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 134 An important component of the country's socio-economic development is the presence of a developed multimodal transport system. One of the main tasks of the effective functioning of such a system is consistency with each other individual modes of transport. It makes possible to increase transport accessibility for potential passengers in the system.
The purpose of the study is to assess connectivity of the aviation and rail transport systems of passenger transportation in the Russian Federation. In Russia, it is not possible to talk about a unified transport system, due to the geographical features of the country. But it is also impossible to consider these systems completely unrelated, because in large metropolitan areas of the country, these types of transport closely interact with each other. Therefore, for the effective development of the multimodal transport system of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to take into account for which flight points there is an alternative mode of transport (railway), and for which flight points aviation is the only transport for transportation or it can serve as a feeder transport to railway stations. To solve this problem, a model has been developed that allows us to determine the availability of railway communication for each flight point.
The first section provides a description of the initial data for modeling, and the software implementation of their automatic collection.
In the second section, based on the collected data, a methodology has been developed according to which flight points are divided into 5 structural groups according to the presence and accessibility alternative mode of transport - railway. A “special” group of flight points has been identified, for whose lives air transport is important.
The third section provides an analysis of the results obtained. Populated areas have been identified (including the number of potential passengers in them) from which departures could theoretically be to the transport passengers to railway stations, thereby increasing the connectivity of transport systems. | ||||||||
Al-Maliki M. N., Yuferev L. Y., Yakimovich B. A., Kuvshinov V. V. Passive cooling effects of silicon photoelectric cells and their behavior. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 134 Application of photovoltaic converters for the aviation and space industries represents a very important task. In particular, it is the main source of electrical energy at space vehicles and stations. Certain drawbacks constantly arise herewith during the semiconductor photocells operation. The authors of the presented article propose several solutions to this problem. The photoconverters overheating, for example, leads to their efficiency degradation and energy characteristics deterioration. For this problem solving, the authors proposed an interesting technique for the said consequences mitigation. Theoretical and experimental studies were conducted, the necessary computations were performed and qualitative proposals were made during this work. The presented study analyzes the effect of passive cooling on the efficiency of the silicon-based photovoltaic cells. The photovoltaic cell (PV) was subjected to heat dissipation through the aluminum heat sink. The radiator sizing is based on the results of the stationary heat transfer analysis. The experimental studies were conducted at various ambient temperatures and illumination levels up to one sun with a sun simulator. Based on the empirical data obtained by applying this cooling methodology, the photovoltaic cell efficiency in converting light energy into electrical energy is greatly improved. The efficiency of the photocell increases by 20% when exposed to radiation with an intensity of 800 W/m2. The most significant temperature reduction is being noted at an illumination level of 600 W/m2. Photovoltaic cells, both with and without fins, demonstrate improved performance at lower ambient temperatures. The studies being performed allow ensuring high-quality generation of the electric energy and reducing the dependence of the solar panels operation on temperature, which significantly improves the energy characteristics of the power plant and ensures reliable electrical energy generation. Theoretical and experimental studies performed in the course of this work allow continuing the solar installations development and may significantly expand scientific data on the operating modes of photovoltaic stations, both ground-based and space-based. This data is necessary for both ensuring reliable operation of aerospace equipment and for the ground-based power systems operation. | ||||||||
Makeev P. A., Chermoshentsev S. F. Testing the method of automated placement of elements on a rigid-flexible printed board using practical examples. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 134 The use of rigid-flex printed circuit boards on aircraft is due to the necessity of reducing overall dimensions and its weight. However, the use of rigid-flex printed circuit boards leads to problems of with thermal and electromagnetic compatibility due to the high density of elements on the board.
This article proposes the use of a technique for automated placement of elements on a rigid-flex printed circuit board of an electronic device, taking into account thermal and electromagnetic compatibility based on a two-level genetic algorithm.
The technique includes two levels of placing elements on the printed circuit board. At each level of the methodology, when solving the problem of automated elements placement, a modified genetic algorithm is used. The first level of the technique consists of super elements placement (an active element-microcircuit and associated passive elements) on a rigid-flex printed circuit board, taking into account the criteria of thermal compatibility and a minimum of total weighted length. The second level of the technique ensures the elements placement on the printed circuit board within a super element, taking into account the criteria of electromagnetic compatibility and the minimum of total weighted length. Verification of the obtained solutions is achieved through the use of computer modeling tools at each level of the proposed methodology. This ensures thermal and electromagnetic compatibility on the rigid-flex printed circuit board.
Validation of the developed methodology on a real practical example confirms its effectiveness and the quality of the results of elements placement on a rigid-flex printed circuit board. A summary of practical examples demonstrates the possibility of using the developed methodology for the printed circuit boards design, as a special case of rigid-flexible printed circuit boards. | ||||||||
Anisimov S. A. Numerical analysis of buckling under axial compression of orthogrid-stiffened cylindrical shells made of aluminum alloys. Trudy MAI, 2024, no 134 In the introductory part of the article, it is noted that orthogrid-stiffened (reinforced on the inner surface by an orthogonal mesh of ribs) cylindrical shells made of aluminum alloys are widespread structural elements of rocket and space technology products, which under operating conditions are subject to large axial compressive loads. An important (in terms of strength) problem here is the calculation of this type of shell for buckling (or load-bearing capacity). Such calculations are usually performed using well-known commercial finite element systems. The corresponding computational models are built using both shell and volumetric elements. It is noted that the use of these detailed finite element models when carrying out the necessary parametric studies may turn out to be ineffective due to the large expenditure of computer time on the calculation of a separate option. This especially applies to cases of large-sized structures. Recent publications are pointed out, in which calculations for the buckling of the type of shell under consideration are carried out within the framework of models based on the “smearing” hypothesis. With this approach, the shell, supported by a network of ribs, is approximately considered according to the scheme of an axisymmetric structural-orthotropic shell, which makes it possible to construct a more computationally efficient calculation model. It is noted that in this article, a similar calculation model is constructed based on the numerical integration method.
The main content of the article is devoted to the description of the designated computational model and the calculated results obtained using it. Assuming that the reinforcing ribs are located quite often, using the “smearing” hypothesis, the ribbed cylindrical structure under consideration is reduced to a design of a structurally orthotropic shell, working in accordance with the Kirchhoff-Love hypotheses. The problem of buckling under axial compression of the shell model accepted for consideration is formulated in the traditional Eulerian (bifurcation) formulation, taking into account the linearity of the subcritical stress-strain state. The resulting linear homogeneous boundary value problem for a system of eight first-order ordinary differential equations (as a result of applying the procedure of expansion into Fourier series along the circumferential coordinate) for each harmonic number n is solved using the orthogonal sweep procedure of S.K. Godunov, including numerical integration according to the Kutta-Merson scheme. The numerical solution algorithm developed (in the form of a Fortran program) determines the harmonic number n and the smallest (critical) value of the compressive load Q, at which the specified homogeneous boundary value problem has a non-zero solution.
In order to check the reliability of the results obtained using the described computational model, a calculation of an axially compressible cylindrical orthogrid- stiffened shell was carried out and a comparison was made with the known solution obtained using a finite-difference computational model. Additionally, an alternative finite element model was built in the MSC Patran/Nastran software package based on a tetrahedral element (Tet10). A practical coincidence of the results of the buckling calculations using all three of these computational models was noted.
Next, the question is considered concerning the degree of consistency with experiment of the buckling calculation results obtained using the developed computational model. Calculations were carried out to determine the critical loads for nine different structures of samples of orthogrid-stiffened shells (made of aluminum alloy) that passed axial compression tests. A slight overestimation (by about 20%) of the calculated values of critical loads compared to the experiment was noted. The analysis carried out for the considered set of samples established the desired value of the “knockdown factor” in the form k = 0.75.
The final part of the article contains conclusions on the research performed. It is noted here that the article presents a computational model constructed using the “smearing” hypothesis and the numerical integration method for calculating the buckling of axially compressed cylindrical orthogrid-stiffened shells. The main results obtained using the developed model are also indicated. | ||||||||
Hoa V. D., Zveryaev E. M. Analytical solution for thermally stressed two-layer elastic strip. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 133 The authors consider the problem of the stress-strain state determining of a two-layer elastic strip staying in a temperature field under the action of a transverse bending load. Certain conditions may be imposed on the displacement or stress at the short sides of the strip.
A method called in [1] the Saint-Venant–Picard–Banach (SVPB) method is used to construct a solution. Being based on a generalization of the ideas of the Saint-Venant semi-inverse method [2] and the Picard method of successive approximations of [3], it allows finding all the unknowns for a system of equations of the elasticity theory by sequential calculations without any preliminary hypotheses. The dimensionless partial differential equations with a small thin-walled parameter for a thin strip are being written as integral ones with respect to the transverse coordinate, similar to what is done in the Picard method. Next, the equations and transformed elasticity relationships are being arranged in a sequence that, accordingly, allows sequentially calculate the unknown problems, expressing them through the four arbitrary functions of the longitudinal coordinate obtained by integration along the transverse coordinate and integral coefficients from the function of changing the stiffness of the layers in the transverse direction. Having these formulas for all the unknowns of the problem being searched for, the expressions for the boundary conditions on the long sides to determine four arbitrary integration functions according to Picard [4] may be written. These expressions represent ordinary differential equations with small parameters for derivatives with respect to the longitudinal coordinate. Their solutions are slowly changing functions of the main stress-strain state and rapidly changing functions such as the edge effect. The integration constants for both solutions are being determined from the boundary conditions on the short sides of the strip. For slowly changing ones, the conditions coincide with the classical ones for a beam. The conditions unsatisfied by the classical solution are being satisfied by the integration constants of rapidly changing solutions, adding to the slowly changing solution the edge effect and features in the corners of the strip [5]. Substituting these solutions of the main unknowns into the formulas previously obtained after the first iteration, we obtain formulas for all the unknown unknowns of the problem of the theory of elasticity of a layered strip, valid for each point of the strip.
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Petrov Y. A., Breshev E. N., Sergeev D. V. Depreciation of descent vehicles when landing on the surface of planets. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 133 The spacecraft touchdown on the surface of planets and their satellites is one of the crucial stages of the flight, since the surfaces of the planets are insufficiently studied, the kinematic parameters of the spacecraft motion may vary in a wide range.
To dampen the spacecraft touchdown, landing devices, which should ensure a touchdown with permissible overloads and a stable spacecraft position on the surface are employed.
The article considers the descent vehicles that do not have special mechanical shock-absorbing supports, and energy absorbers are installed directly on the body of the descent vehicles.
At a hard surface touchdown, such as rock outcrops, volcanic rocks, sedimentary rocks, the soil practically does not deform, and the energy of the device is being extinguished due to the energy absorbers operation. Materials with high plasticity such as foams, honeycombs, thin-walled crumpled shells, as well as inflatable shells are being employed as energy absorbers for cushioning the descent vehicle. They differ in the magnitude of the maximum relative deformation, maximum compression force, the shape of the compression diagram, and elastic recoil energy when removing the external load.
The article considers the technique for the overloads computing while spherical descent vehicles touchdown on the loose and hard ground.
This technique may be employed for the development of the descent vehicles touchdown damping on the surface of planets and their satellites, with regard to various soil models.
Telemetric data from accelerometers on the spacecraft acceleration at the impact with the surface and this impact duration, allows computing the soil bearing capacity and its density at the touchdown site by the proposed methodology.
Touchdown ensuring of the descent vehicles with permissible overloads is especially important for vehicles returned to Earth with soil. The design of the descent vehicles to confirm the calculated maximum overloads should be tested for strength during throwing tests. Besides, the capsule with the soil should remain sealed after touchdown of the descent vehicles on any soil to exclude microbiological contamination of the surface of the touchdown area. | ||||||||
Lyashevskiy A. V., Prokopenko E. A., Ginzburg T. V., Golovchanskaya N. V. Study of the opening process of the transformable umbrella antenna of the repeater spacecraft taking into accout vibrations of the mechanical system. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 133 The spacecraft antenna reflector (net-canvas) deployment from the transport to the orbital position is accompanied by the appearance of oscillatory processes that preserve energy after its fixation in the working position [2, 3]. These fluctuations of the structure lead to the efficiency decrease of the system in total.
The article considers the results of numerical modeling of the opening process of a repeater spacecraft transformable umbrella antenna to analyze the kinematics and dynamics of the large-sized antennas opening to assess the effectiveness of the spacecraft functioning.
A model of a transformable antenna of the “Beam” repeater spacecraft, consisting of form-forming spokes fixed pivotally to the base, and a network canvas stretched between them was considered as a prototype. The kinematic scheme of the antenna structure consists of a spoke fixed pivotally to a fixed base; a connecting rod connected pivotally to a spoke and a slider and performing plane-parallel motion; a slider moving translationally.
The effect of the elastic modulus of the material on the magnitude of residual vibrations and their frequency was found. The change in the design, allowing reducing the residual vibrations value was proposed and analyzed.
The simulation results analysis allowed revealing the effect of the initializing force nature and the materials employed in the design on the final velocity, final acceleration, opening time, required initialization force, voltage, amplitude of residual oscillations and their frequency, frequency and forms of natural oscillations of the spacecraft antenna structural elements.
The proposed approach to the analysis of large-sized spacecraft antennas allows accounting for the effect of the materials of the spacecraft structural elements antenna and the initializing force nature on the final speed, final acceleration, opening time, required initialization force, voltage. | ||||||||
Dobryshkin A. Y., Sysoev O. E., Sysoev E. O. Experimental verification of the mathematical model of free vibrations of a plate with rigidly clamped edges. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 133 The article considers the results of experimental studies on testing a new mathematical model of a thin-walled plate with rigidly clamped edges free oscillations. As of today, plate designs with rigidly fixed edges are widely employed in aircraft building and construction structures: buildings and structures, as well as in various industries. At the same time, these structures are subjected to various loads (wind, snow, and vibration), which cause free vibrations and lead to resonance phenomena, in some cases, structural failure and technogenic disasters. Experimental studies today is one of the most effective. The external forces impact on the shell allows obtaining experimental dependences of the frequency response of the shell vibrations and the value of the attached mass with the test bench. The study of plate free vibrations allows studying the resonant vibration modes, the parameters of their onset, prevent destruction of the real shell structures. Vibrations with moderate amplitudes of free oscillations were decomposed according to the obtained equations. Verification of the discrete nonlinear oscillations model of the thin shell pinched at the edges, obtained during the research, was conducted using the multi-scale method. When performing experimental studies, a non-contact frequency response meter of the HSV-2000 system was applied. It consists of the HSV2001/2002 controller, HSV-800 laser unit and the rugged compact HSV-700 sensor head. The laser unit contains the interferometer and the low-power laser, as well as the Rohde & Schwarz RTB2002 oscilloscope. Based on the results of the research, experimental verification of the free oscillations mathematical model of a plate with rigidly clamped edges was performed. The results of the work allowed describing the dependence of the first eigenvalue λ on ε for the recursive formulation of the perturbation theory and the Padé approximation, as well as experimental data. The limiting value of the ε parameter, at which the difference in the results obtained by the recursive formulation of the perturbation theory and the Padé approximation will be within 5%, is ε = 0.4. | ||||||||
Myo Z. A. Deformations of the viscoelastic layer of the Earth under the influence of the gravitational forces of the moon and sun. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 133 The presented article is studying the problem of the viscoelastic layer of the Earth deformations under the action of the forces of attraction of the Moon and the Sun through the modal approach. A viscoelastic solid consisting of an axisymmetric solid core and a viscoelastic axisymmetric (in anin-deformed state) shell subject to deformation according to the Kelvin–Voigt model was considered as the Earth model. There are no displacements on the inner boundary of the shell, and the outer boundary is free. The process of the Earth deformation is assumed to be considered as quasi-stationary.
Based on the deformation equations derived from the Dalembert-Lagrange variation principle, approximate expressions for the frequencies of solid-state tides are obtained in the work. A modal approach is used for this purpose. The author demonstrates that oscillations will occur only on the forms with 0, 1 and 2 indices. The frequencies of the forced tidal oscillations of the Earth mantle deformable layer are approximately determined for these forms The resulting set of harmonics includes not only the basic tidal harmonics, but the minor small-scale components with combinational frequencies as well. The results of the observation variations approximation in gravity acceleration in the city of Membach on a superconducting SG-gravimeter, built using the developed tidal model are presented as an example.
The models of tidal deformations of the viscoelastic Earth are employed in the problems that require a highly accurate description of the gravitational field, such as, in the problems of the spacecraft orbital motion. Thus, the lunar-solar tides in the of satellites motion lead to quite noticeable disturbing accelerations. For example, for high-orbit satellites with an orbit altitude of about 20,000 km (GLONASS, GPS), the disturbing acceleration is of the order of 2*10-9m/s2, and for low-orbit satellites with an orbit altitude of about 350-400 km (ISS), the acceleration value is already much greater, namely of the order of 1.5*10-7m/s2. For example, neglecting the perturbing acceleration of the order of 2*10-9m/s2for GLONASS leads to a daily orbital drift of about 2-3 meters.
However, the issues related to the description of tides turn out to be important not only in the tasks of clarifying coordinate-time and navigation support, but in the tasks of the tidal evolution of the planets motion and their satellites in celestial mechanics and astrodynamics. | ||||||||
Temnov A. N., Yan N. O. On the stability of stationary rotation of a solid body with a cavity containing a cryogenic liquid. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 133 The article considers the stationary rotation stability of a solid body with a cylindrical cavity completely filled with incompressible cryogenic liquid. The stationary rotation stability of a body with stratified liquid is being studied based on ordinary differential equations, which coefficients are being determined from the solution of time-independent boundary value problems of hydrodynamics. A distinctive feature of all cryogenic liquids is the non-uniform change of density and temperature observed in all storage and operation modes. The most significant stratification of the cryogenic component occurs in the direction of action of the external field of mass forces. To study motions of this mechanical system, a stratified incompressible fluid is a suitable model. The authors studied various cases: (a) the case of solid body rotation in the absence of liquid mass and with solidified liquid; (b) the case of solid body rotation with homogeneous liquid, when the moment of inertia of the solid body equals to zero or not equal to zero; (c) the case of solid body rotation with stratified liquid, when the moment of inertia of the solid body equals zero or not equal to zero. Characteristic equations of the boundary value problem and the motion of a solid body with a stratified fluid stationary rotating about its axis were obtained. The stability regions of free rotation of a solid with stratified fluid in dimensionless parameters are plotted. The obtained results allow drawing inference that stable stratification of the fluid leads to a decrease in the areas of instability in the rotation of a solid body with a cylindrical cavity completely filled with fluid. The considered method maybe used for studying not only the cylindrical cavity, but the other forms of cavity as well. | ||||||||
Sharunov A. V. Determination of the optimal way to increase the inner radius of a thick-walled cylindrical coupling made of shape memory alloy. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 133 One of the most promising applications of SMAin the aviation industry is the manufacture of couplings from them designed for thermomechanical connection (TMC) of pipelines. Currently, in the Sukhoi Design Bureau, an analysis of the possibility of using the above alloys in the hydraulic system of the aircraft has been carried out, zones of preferred use of SMA couplings in the airframe design have been identified (“dry zones”, “embedded zones” under composite panels). The use of coupling joints from SMA was also considered for carrying out repair work of fuel and hydraulic systems of aircraft directly in the places of basing and operation of aircraft.
As part of the work, mathematical models of SMA material were developed in the Simulia AbaQus finite element modeling software package, capable of describing the functional properties of SMA implemented during the entire life cycle of a coupling made of this material. In addition, the models have a high level of availability and can be used in solving most technical projects for the introduction of SMA elements into the design of aircraft, including when designing thermomechanical connections using couplings made of this material. Two alternative ways of increasing the internal radius of the SPF coupling are also proposed, a comparison with the currently used dorning method is carried out, and the optimal approach is identified.
The reliability of the results of the work is confirmed by the validation of the developed software modules based on the results of field tests of elementary samples based on the Ni-Ti system and verification by known analytical solutions of model boundary value problems of SMA mechanics. | ||||||||
Nikolsky A. A. Numerical solution of the inverse airfoil problem using the PGT technique. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 133 The purpose of the presented work consists in creating an effective method for the viscous inverse problem numerical solution based on a substantiated airfoil geometry corrector, PGT (Parent function Generating function Transformation) technique developed earlier and the concept of effective non-viscous circulation for the airfoil viscous flow-around. The possibility of this method application for the integral aerodynamic characteristics improving of the multi-mode profiles was studied additionally.
Universal model, allowing developing arbitrary profile, consisted of the functions generating the aerodynamic airfoil contour based on the universal parental function and two parameters, was developed earlier based on the PGT method for the aerodynamic design tasks. The PGT method distinctive feature is the fact that generating functions increase monotonically from 0 to 1 on the [0, 1] segment. The presented work employs this universal model for mathematical representation of the velocity circulation distribution around the airfoil contour. The model allowed solution efficiency increasing of a well-posed inverse problem for the full potential equation. The same model was employed for setting and solving the inverse problem for the profile in a viscous flow as well. Verification of the viscous inverse problem solution was performed on the example of the NACA-23012 profile. The examples of the profile contour resurrection by the pressure distribution in it for several flow-around modes were presented.
The article presents demonstration example, which reveals the possibility of the multi-mode airfoil aerodynamic characteristics improving based on the inverse viscous problem solution.
The author shows that well-posed non-viscous inverse problem solving method application as a corrector allows realizing pressure distribution along the upper contour of the airfoil practically coinciding with the target one.
The presented study revealed that the original mathematical model based on the PGT method and application of the concept of effective non-viscous circulation allows creating an effective method for a viscous inverse problem solving and efficiency improving of the method for the well-posed non-viscous inverse problem solving. | ||||||||
Basharina T. A., Glebov S. E., Akolzin I. V. Investigation of water shock wave propagation in a piston-type pressure stabilizer. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 133 In the field of hydraulics in modern mechanical engineering, the issue of wear and tear of piping systems is particularly acute, as pipelines often become unsatisfactory for operation due to internal damage caused by the constant impact of hydraulic shocks on the pipe walls. This process is widely studied, the key feature of hydrostroke is the wave-like propagation of pressure surge along the pipeline at a speed comparable to the speed of sound in the working medium. Pressure stabilizers are used to minimize the effects of hydraulic shocks in pipelines. The paper presents the results of computational experiments of hydraulic shock wave propagation in a liquid working medium in a straight pipeline and a pipeline with a piston-type pressure stabilizer installed. The analytical calculation of the main parameters of the working medium in the pressure stabilizer at the moment of hydraulic shock, such as pressure of hydraulic shock and period of oscillations of the increased pressure near the piston surfaces is given. In the course of verification of the analytical method, the relative errors of calculation of the amplitude pressure of the hydraulic shock and the velocity of propagation of the hydraulic shock in the pressure stabilizer are established, each of which is less than 5%, which corresponds to an acceptable engineering accuracy. It is determined that the use of the piston-type pressure stabilizer reduces the amplitude pressure of the hydraulic shock by more than 83%, which indicates the effectiveness of the developed design and the possibility of application in various industries. | ||||||||
Novogorodtsev E. V., Koltok N. G., Karpov E. V. Computational study of reynolds number influence on the oval fixed-geometry air inlet perfomance. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 133 The purpose of this research is to study the Reynolds number value effect on the flow-around characteristics and characteristics of the isolated air intake. The object of the study is a non-regulated air intake of external air compression with ovoid inlet. The air inlet is equipped with a boundary layer control system, in the form of perforation on the shell braking and trimming surface. The air intake flow-around numerical simulation was executed based on the solution of the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations with the SST turbulence model (RANS-SST approach), using unstructured computational meshes built in the flow areas outside and inside the air intake. Simulation of the air intake duct throttling was performed using the active disk method. The air intake flow-around was modeled at the Re number values ranging from Re ~ 3.8х106 to Re ~ 4.2х107. The air intake throttling characteristics were obtained on all studied modes by the results of the numerical modeling. The article also presents the Mach number fields in the longitudinal vertical section of the air intake duct and the total pressure recovery coefficient (ν) fields in the duct cross section, corresponding to the engine compressor inlet. The obtained results analysis revealed a number of specifics of the air inlet throttling characteristics stipulated by the Re number value. Firstly, the value of the ν coefficient increases with an increase the Re number value at the supercritical operating modes of the air intake. The maximum increase of the ν coefficient value was of Δν ≈ 0.01. The ν coefficient value increased due to the decrease of the boundary layer thickness in the air intake duct. Secondly, the ν coefficient values change slightly with a change in the Re number one the critical operating mode of the air intake. Thirdly, in subcritical operation conditions of the air intake, the ν coefficient value decreases with an increase of the Re number value. Maximum decrease of the ν coefficient value was Δν ≈ 0.01. The decrease of the ν coefficient value is associated with the losses reduction effect weakening of the flow total pressure in the λ-structure, which occurs while the boundary level control system perforation flow-around. Fourth, it was revealed that the Re number in the studied values range, did not significantly affect the air intake characteristics by the ¯Δδо parameter. Further study of the Re number value effect on the characteristics of supersonic air intakes supposes performing numerical studies on the flow-around and characteristics of the air intakes in the layout with the fuselage of prospective civil supersonic aircraft at various Re numbers, as well as conducting tests of the air intakes models at various Re numbers. | ||||||||
Win K. K. Variational approach to compiling nonlinear equations of motion for a body-two fluids system. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 133 The dynamics of motion of a solid body interacting with a fluid is an important field of research in mechanics and physics. Particularly interesting are cases where several immiscible liquids are present in the cavity of a solid. The introduction briefly introduces the main aspects of this topic, covering both linear and nonlinear approximations. The article is devoted to the formulation of the basic equations of nonlinear dynamics of a solid body undergoing complex motion and having a cavity filled with a two-layer ideal heavy liquid. In the formulation of the problem, consideration of quasi-velocities was introduced instead of generalized velocities and the Euler-Lagrange equation for the motion of a rigid body was used. The article shows that using the Ostrogradsky principle, a complete set of equations of motion of a rigid body relative to quasi-velocities Voi , ωi and the motion of a two-layer liquid relative to generalized coordinates Bj and Qn was obtained. The article is devoted to the definition of differential equations for the generalized coordinate motions of a two-layer liquid in the cavity of a solid body performing a given motion in space. In the article, the formulation of a nonlinear problem about the motions of immiscible incompressible ideal liquids that completely fill a cylindrical cavity is formulated, and velocity potentials are given for each liquid. The article shows that with the help of the variational principle, written in a form different from the traditional one, it is possible to obtain a complete set of equations of nonlinear motions of liquids, including nonlinear kinematic and dynamic conditions on the interfaces of liquids filling the cavity of a solid body that performs a given movement. | ||||||||
Gumarov S. G., Getmantsev A. Y. Factor analysis of the reasons determining the error of stations of technical systems (complexes) testing ground. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 133 The article considers the features of determining the essentiality of the instrumental error effect of automatic and automated optical stations of technical systems (complexes) of the test site (testing organization) (hereinafter referred to as TSCP), as well as the error introduced by the operator of automated stations on the total error of external measurements. The methodological apparatus of applying the factor analysis methods in identifying the single factor significance for the total measurement error is recounted in detail. The article presents the analysis of various radioengineering methods for the aircraft eigen coordinates determining during flight experiments aimed at obtaining their actual flight characteristics. The importance of technical means (complexes) of test sites for independent and high-precision assessment of coordinates and speed characteristics of aircraft is demonstrated.
An approach to identifying the materiality factors that introduce errors in the measurement results of various channels of TSCP is proposed. It is demonstrated that the coordinates of stars and other astronomical objects computed with the required accuracy can be accepted as reference values. Combined application of mathematical apparatus of the probability theory, mathematical statistics, analysis of variance and factor analysis allows forming a criterion for the significant and non-essential factors selection affecting the TSCP measurements accuracy. It allows accuracy and reliability assessing of the results of the aircraft external design parameters determining by technical means and complexes of the test site. The authors proposed a methodology for solving the said problematic issues. | ||||||||
Gaynutdinov R. R. The shielding efficiency study of composite material for an aircraft fuselage. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 133 Currently, composite materials are used in almost all sectors of society. Composite materials are most widely used in the development of aircraft systems, including unmanned aerial vehicles. The use of composite materials, on the one hand, improves the weight and size characteristics of objects, but on the other hand, worsens the electromagnetic ones. Thus, the trends in the use of composite materials, for example, in the construction of aircraft fuselages, are negative from the point of view of ensuring their electromagnetic compatibility. The use of composite materials worsens electromagnetic characteristics, which is due to their low and frequency-dependent electrical conductivity. Due to their low electrical conductivity and anisotropy, composite materials have low shielding efficiency. The lack of proper shielding eliminates the first line of protection of on-board equipment from external electromagnetic influences and intra-system interactions. In this work, experimental studies of the electromagnetic characteristics of a composite material sample are carried out. An experimental stand is proposed for studying the electromagnetic characteristics of a composite material. The composite material is a layered fiberglass material. The middle layer of the composite material in question is made of a plastic porous structure with embedded metal strips. The results of experimental studies of the electromagnetic characteristics of a composite material sample were obtained. The shielding efficiency of a composite material sample is quite low. In this case, the electromagnetic fields generally pass through the test sample of the composite material without noticeable attenuation. The effectiveness of sample shielding at different frequencies is uneven, which is due to the design of the composite material and resonance effects. To improve the electromagnetic characteristics of the material sample under study, it should be recommended that one of the outer layers be made using carbon fibers, which should increase the shielding efficiency without increasing the reflection coefficient. | ||||||||
Volkov A. S., Solodkov A. V. Design of an integrated circuit topology for an algebraic convolutional codec. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 133 Modern telecommunication systems and communication networks development is being accompanied by a permanent growth of the transmitted messages volume and speed. High demands are placed herewith on the transmitted information reliability, both in wired and wireless systems. The problem solution to the of transmitted information reliability increasing is the error-correcting convolutional coding and decoding methods application. At the same time, Russian telecommunications companies are showing interest in domestic developments in microelectronics to ensure target indicators of domestic communication systems noise immunity.
The purpose of this article consists in the topology designing of an integrated circuit for codec of algebraic convolutional (n, k)-code. The work was funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia within the framework of Federal project “Training of personnel and scientific foundation for the electronics industry” according to the State assignment for the implementation of research work “Development of the Technique for Electronic Component Base Prototyping with Domestic Microelectronic Production based on the MPW Service (FSMR-2023-0008)”.
The authors considered a coding algorithm, defining a convolutional code in a polynomial manner through a set of generating polynomials. This approach allows determining the convolutional code parameters at the design stage. Two decoding algorithms have been proposed: the Viterbi algorithm and the algebraic decoding algorithm.
The integrated circuit topology of the algebraic convolutional codec has been designed, and its main parameters description has been performed. These parameters are as follows: the number of chip contacts is 52; the size is 20 х 20 microns; maximum operating frequency is up to 250 MHz, and peak consumption is of no more than 200 mA.
The integrated circuit of the algebraic convolutional codec allows both algebraic decoding at the length of the code word section and Viterbi decoding applying soft decision metrics.
As the result of modeling, the following values of the Eb/N0 ratio for bit error probability of qbit = 10–3 were obtained: 5.68 dB at R ≈ 2/3 and 6.12 dB at R ≈ 1/2 and 6.91 dB at R ≈ 1/3. The obtained values for the Eb/N0 ratio for the bit error probability qbit = 10–6 corresponds to the following values: .23 dB at R ≈ 2/3; 8.41 dB at R ≈ 1/2 and 9.18 dB at R ≈ 1/3. | ||||||||
Aliyeva A. J., Huseynova M. V., Gumbatov D. A. Issues of attenuation of the inter-electronic electromagnetic impact of the warring parties. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 133 As of today, the UAVs application covers both peaceful and military spheres of human activity, which highlights various tasks of their functioning optimization and modeling. The wide prevalence and development of theory and practice of the UAV group flights has naturally led to the solution of many issues on ensuring high efficiency of data transmission in the communication networks of the UAV group. In military conflicts, the struggle of the opposing sides often leads to collateral flights of various drones, in which drones of the opposing sides participate. The drone of one of the contending sides herewith may be tasked with silencing or disabling the drones of the opposing side. The purpose of the study is to determine the conditions for neutralizing the effects of powerful radio emission emanating from a special-purpose drone, which function consists in neutralizing drones of the other side. The authors considered a scheme, in which the second party to the conflict employs a drone carrying a powerful generator of silencing electromagnetic radiation of the same wavelength on which the drones of the first party operate to jam and neutralize the functioning of the drones of the first party. The case of radiation propagation along the line-of-sight trajectory is being considered. The condition justified by the necessity of the minimum possible deviation of the attacked drone from the originally set trajectory is determined. The problem of optimal retreat from the initially set trajectory of the attacked drone due to the effects of damping electromagnetic radiation was formulated and solved. The condition of achieving minimum impact of the damping electromagnetic radiation of the second party drone on the first party drone is determined. | ||||||||
Ananenko V. M. Analytical model of determination of orbital object motion parameters by results of its observations from spacecraft on the basis of neural network. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 133 The article presents the results of scientific and methodological approach to the possibility of solving the problem of motion parameters autonomous determining of non-cooperated orbital object in the form of the orbit elements. This requires measuring relative flight parameters of the orbital object flyby in the area of the spacecraft. Measurements are being conducted by the spacecraft onboard optoelectronic equipment. The zenith distances of the orbital object at characteristic points of the spacecraft orbit and the orbital object flyby time between these points are selected as the measured parameters. Such characteristic points of the orbit are the locations of the spacecraft at the moments when the orbital object crosses the plane perpendicular to the plane of the spacecraft and the plane of the spacecraft orbit. The obtained information is being processed employing a multilayer feed forward neural network. The output of the neural network is used to determine directly the motion parameters of the orbital object.
The obtained results can be implemeneted in the design and research of neural networks for autonomous of the orbital object motion parameters determining based on the results of its observation from the spacecraft with optoelectronic devices. The article considered the effect of the neural network size changing in both the number of internal layers and the number of neurons in each layer on the accuracy of solving the problem of motion parameters determining of an orbital object. | ||||||||
Bolshakov R. S., Gozbenko V. E., Quang T. V. Mathematical modeling of dynamic conditions of vibration machines. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 133 The subject of the study is a technical object in the form of a vibration technological machine used in the implementation of technological processes associated with vibration hardening, transportation, sorting, etc. The technical object under consideration contains mass-inertial and elastic elements.
The purpose of the study is to assess the possibilities of changing the dynamic condition of a vibration technological machine by adjusting the parameters of the constituent elements to obtain stable dynamic operating modes of the technological equipment in question.
As a research tool, structural mathematical modeling is used, based on the use of dynamic analogues of the original design diagrams of vibration technological machines in the form of mechanical oscillatory systems with several degrees of freedom, which are structural diagrams of automatic control systems.
The main results obtained during the research include the construction of a mathematical model of a vibration technological machine, which allows one to assess the dynamic comdition of the technical object under study, as well as change parameters to obtain motion modes in which there are no angular vibrations of the working body of the vibration technological machine.
The use of the obtained results is possible when modernizing and designing vibration technological machines by introducing additional elements into their structure, the parameters of which can vary depending on the type of technological process. Based on the proposed method, a control system for the technical object under consideration can be created.
The conducted research allows us to propose a method for assessing the dynamic interactions between the elements of a vibration technological machine. | ||||||||
Baranovsky A. M., Musienko A. S., Shulika N. R. Algorithm for searching for defects such as “short circuit” in the electrical circuits of the cable network of a complex automated system. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 133 In complex automated control systems (ACS), specifically in the control systems of the space-intended rockets (SIR) singular defects manifest themselves in the form of short circuit in the electric circuits. The authors propose a new search algorithm, which reduces the number of search steps through a combined strategy of partitioning the initial set of possible defects.
The strategy being proposed includes the principle of half-partitioning and sequential enumeration of possible defects. It differs from the well-known strategies, such as exhaustive search, half-partitioning and mixed strategy, allowing not only detecting the presence of a defect, but identifying specific circuits that communicate with each other with a minimum number of checking steps as well.
The obtained research results of the study can be employed in the development of monitoring devices for electrical equipment of ground and on-board systems, which ensusre monitoring and detection of defects during the preparation of the SIR for launch. Both external and internal factors may cause changes in the technical condition of electrical circuits during operation. Defects, especially short circuits between the circuits, are especially dangerous and do not allow for he safe operation of the products.
The purpose of the study consists in reducing the number of check steps to detect the fact of the short circuit absence and indicate the circuits numbers that have a short circuit between them, in the event of a short circuit being detected in electrical circuits.
The authors propose to employ original heuristic algorithm for generating sets of tested circuits to achieve this goal. This algorithm allows generating a terminal minimum set of pairs of circuits with supposed presence of the short circuit. This approach reduces the number of necessary pairwise checks at the stage of sequential enumeration of the checked pairs of circuits.
In conclusion, the proposed strategy for the single defects searching in electrical circuits is the best one, since it requires fewer elementary tests to monitor and search for the short circuits. Such strategy realization is relatively simple with modern control tools based on computing and switching devices. The assumption of a single short circuit is acceptable for normal operating conditions, but in case of deviations a repeated round of checks is necessary. | ||||||||
Belyakov A. A., Shulepov A. I., Shesteryakov S. I., Prihodko V. I., Kabushev I. S., Prokopiev E. V., Muradov A. A. Ergomonic, mounting, size requirments implementation while automatically arranging devices in compartments of rocket and space vehicles. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 133 The processes of the on-board equipment mounting involves a considerable amount of work to ensure the interchangeability of elements comprising the systems, as well as testing and fine-tuning their output parameters, which requires accounting for specific operating conditions, thermal, mechanical and other loads, starting from the stage of preliminary design (technical proposal).
Attention is paid herewith mainly to the mass-centering or thermal characteristics of the compartment, or the electromagnetic compatibility of the onboard equipment components. This approach is typical for the stages of a technical proposal development, and preliminary product design. But further, at the stage of working design documentation development (less often at the stage of technical project), a detailed study of the design for the layout of the compartment begins, leading to an increase in the importance of ergonomic, installation, overall requirements, especially for manned space vehicles. Ergonomic, mounting and overall requirements for the devices arrangement are interconnected since all of them refer to the same installation processes of the onboard equipment and its operation from different angles.
The dependence of mounting clearances on the design of fasteners on the masses of the installed devices was obtained based on statistical data. The method for assessing the onboard equipment belonging to a particular location zone has been proposed. Assessment of the anthropometric and physiological characteristics of the operator to control the ergonomic requirements meeting the devices layout occupies the central place in the study.
Calculation formula for correcting the electronic geometric models coordinates of the on-board equipment in the event of intersections with the structure was proposed. Testing was performed on the example of one of the large-sized manned spacecraft for scientific purposes. The role of electronic and material modeling was also noted to confirm the prototyping results. The software created in the course of the work is supposed to be employed in the development of design documentation at space engineering enterprises after extra updates to the algorithm. | ||||||||
Bukirev A. S. Method for diagnosing an aircraft on-board equipment complex based on machine learning. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 133 The article presents an analysis of existing methods and control means employed onboard a modern aircraft. The author substantiates the necessity and possibility of increasing the depth of search for the failure location by the machine learning methods application, allowing automatically create and employ diagnostic models being difficult to formalize. A modified algorithm for the onboard equipment information-transforming elements diagnosing of was developed. The algorithm is based on machine learning through interaction with a multiplex information exchange channel, with a modification of the algorithm in terms of using a block for automatically assigning optimal training parameters, according to the criterion of ensuring its full autonomy (training without a teacher), due to preliminary analysis of the training sample for each information-transforming element. The article considers the problem of the external disturbing impacts effect on the result of the information-converting elements of onboard equipment diagnosing. To compensate for these impacts, a modified Kalman filter with automatic determining of optimal filtering parameters is applied for each information-transforming element, due to the training sample preliminary analysis. The developed algorithm combines the integration (ensembling) of the three machine-learning models, with the majority principle of generating at the output the control result of each information-transforming element using the “two out of three” method, to increase the control results reliability, as well as minimize the likelihood of first and second errors of the second kind when diagnosing. In this work, by information-converting elements the onboard equipment performing its functions through the multiplex information exchange channel is meant. The aircraft recovery time is expected herewith to be reduced by minimizing the time for the failure location searching, which will allow increasing the main complex indicator of the aircraft reliability, namely the availability factor. | ||||||||
Kulikov G. G., Rizvanov K. A., Ivanov A. V., Shukaluk V. A. Transformation of an automated information and control system for constructing system mathematical models of gas turbine engines in the form of digital twins. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 133 The article studies the system technology application in the process of the of digital twins development for employing in the engine manufacturing industry. The authors define the basic requirements and specific features of creating digital twins, as well as consider a systemic-linguistic approach to the formal models forming of the subject area being studied. This approach allows ensuring the proper level of formalization in the process of creating digital twins of both real and virtual objects, while maintaining their cause-and-effect relationships. The authors consider as well the logic of digital twins representing in the space-time Minkowski coordinate system, with account for the cybernetic principle of their physical realizability. As an example of this methodology application, the authors present system models of meta-languages and system models of gas turbine engines (GTE), as objects of management and control, as well as a model for the GTE resources formation starting from the technical proposal stage for their development. Thus, the results of the analysis of enhancing of the systems engineering principles and methods efficiency while digital twins developing are presented. | ||||||||
Dubinsky S. V., Strelkov V. V. Promising research areas aimed at building an integrated flight safety management system. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 133 Flight safety remains a priority challenge in the aviation industry. The transition to predictive technologies seems to be the most promising way to meet this challenge today. Continuous monitoring of power plant characteristics, on-board equipment, airframe structure health status and the flight crew actions during operation allows early identification of prerequisites for failures or flight incidents or accidents in order to take measures to prevent and counteract them. This paper considers some promising areas of research aimed at building an integrated flight safety management system, including a system to monitor the state of aircraft structure, the condition of power plant and the current flight situation as a whole. These researches should result in demonstrators of the proposed technical solutions and technologies discussed in this paper.
The researches of on-board systems for aircraft structure health monitoring include the three following areas:
1) monitoring of accumulated growing fatigue damage (safe operation life monitoring);
2) monitoring of structure integrity (detection of cracks, corrosion pits, etc.);
3) impact damages events monitoring (localization and impact energy recovery).
The first of the three focus areas mentioned above is the most elaborated one. Progress in the fiberoptic technology opens the prospects for fitting all aircraft by system of optic strain gauges and improving technology of accumulated fatigue damage monitoring. On-line monitoring technologies of airframe integrity and impact damages localization are now at a stage of laboratory study.
At the present time, electric power supply actuators are widely used in unmanned vehicles and they have some prospect to be used in the advance “more electric” aircraft. Therefore, its health status has to be revising in operation. Monitoring technology for electromechanical actuator and its demonstrator are discussed in the paper.
One more research area for flight safety is monitoring of flight situation and prediction of its progress. The advanced runway overrun awareness and alerting system, its functionality, architecture and ground based demonstrator are discussed. | ||||||||
Grigoriev E. K., Sergeev A. M. Method for security coding of data received by optical sensors of unmanned aircraft systems. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 133 At the current time, unmanned aerial systems (UAS) are widely used in solving problems of real-time monitoring, ecological exploration, inspection of protected areas, as well as in the creation of various media content. One of the main channels for obtaining information is the optical channel.
The article discusses the relevance of the problem of the confidentiality ensuring of visual information received by optical sensors of (UAS). The inference is being made that the main factor hindering the implementation of algorithms data protection received by the civil UAS optical sensors is their computational complexity. In this respect, to searching for and implementing mathematically simple protection techniques seems to be expedient. The authors propose employing matrix masking as an alternative as an alternative to the cryptographic methods for the discussed problem solution. Masking specifics of the full-color images and video stream frames received by the UAS payload are being considered and analyzed. The results of the analysis reveal that masking results in color images reduction to a noise-like form with complete destruction of the contours of the original image, making any visual analytical analysis impossible in the case of equal image sizes and key-matrix sizes. The authors revealed that the full-color images masking has its own specifics in contrast to the halftone images masking, and, as a consequence, ensure better pixels mixing and better contours destruction of the initial image compared to the halftone images masking. Masking with the small-size key matrices thereby becomes possible. | ||||||||
Zhashuev R. M., Sokolova Y. V., Sysoev V. K., Yudin A. D. Selection of parameters for the operation of a demonstration solar space power plant. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 133 The article analyzes the necessary parameters of the functioning of a demonstration solar space power plant with a laser energy transmission channel. Currently, there are also physical and technical problems that complicate the implementation of space solar power plants. This is the need for large mass-dimensional parameters of solar power plants for energy collection, the need to create an energy transmission channel with high efficiency and high precision guidance and ensuring the thermal operation of solar power plants at high capacities.
The authors consider the basic parameters of such power plants. The transmitted power of laser radiation from the spacecraft is in the range of 10-100 kW. The diameter of the mirrors of the laser emitter is selected within 1÷5 meters. The choice of the orbit height, which is limited to the following options: geostationary orbit, sun-synchronous orbit with a height of 500-1000 km and elliptical orbit of the "Lightning" type
An important condition for the transfer of energy from a demonstration solar power plant to an Earth site is the size of the laser spot and its spread. Their total value should not exceed the size of the surface of the earth's phototransformers, the accepted diameter of 100 meters. Detailed calculations were carried out for a mirror diameter of 2 meters.
When determining the design appearance of a demonstration space power plant, in terms of geometric dimensions, the area of solar panels of such a power plant was estimated, depending on the estimated power and efficiency of the photo converters.
Currently, it is very difficult to estimate the design parameters of such a spacecraft, especially the mass-dimensional ones, but as can be seen from previous estimates, they will be very significant. Modern space technology makes it possible to estimate such a demonstration space power plant in the range from 5 to 8 tons. | ||||||||
Popov D. G., Nesterenko O. E., Romanov A. V., Trepkov R. E. The method of optimal planning of computing resources of the onboard computing complex of the spacecraft in the conditions of a difficult-to-predict increase in computing load. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 133 The work is devoted to the study of the issues of the effectiveness of the functioning of the on-board computer complex of the Earth remote sensing spacecraft in the process of data collection and processing, depending on the phono-target situation.
The issues of choosing the optimal planning of computing resources on the means of the onboard computing complex of the Earth remote sensing spacecraft in conditions of a difficult-to-predict increase in computing load are considered.
In cases where it is necessary to process information about a large number of observed objects, some of them may not be identified. First of all, this is due to the imperfection of existing information processing algorithms. In some cases, the information frames received for processing have very poor image quality as a result of the influence of various disturbing factors. In this regard, it becomes necessary to use all available computing resources to process information about difficult-to-identify observable objects. With large volumes of input information, as well as when solving a variety of tasks by an on-board computing complex, computing resources can be distributed unevenly. Some of the useful information may be lost, which will lead to a decrease in the reliability of the identification of surveillance objects.
The paper describes a step-by-step method for finding optimal planning of computing resources.
Due to the optimal planning of computing resources, or the redistribution of solved tasks or subtasks between all available computing modules, it is necessary to establish the dependence of the probability of reliable detection of observed objects on the quality and intensity of incoming information for processing.
In the work, the problem is formulated and the method of searching for optimal planning of computing resources is gradually described.
To solve the problem of planning computing resources, a simulation experiment was carried out, which is implemented in the software and algorithmic complex of the functioning of the onboard computer complex of the Earth remote sensing spacecraft in the object-oriented programming language C++.
When planning computing resources, the proposed approach takes into account the dependence of processing time on the number of observed objects received in information frames with low image quality, which can reduce the loss of useful information and thereby increase the reliability of the identification of observed objects.
After choosing the optimal plan of computing resources, the loss of useful information decreased, as a result of which the percentage of identifiable objects of observation increased. | ||||||||
Tanygin M. O., Chesnokova A. A., Dobritsa V. P. Organization of storage of results of intermediate calculations in tasks of authentication of message sources of limited length. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 133 The authors conducted a study on the practical implementation of the approach to the message sources of limited length authentication. This approach is based on the coding application in the blocks chaining mode. Organization of the address space for the intermediate calculations results storing, which are presented in the form of an oriented tree graph, is described. The article demonstrates the possibility of identifying sections for each such graph where its modification occurs, and the sections, which turned out to be unmodified at certain stages of the authentication procedure execution. Such a difference in access modes is a prerequisite for organizing a system of parallel processing of these graph structures.
The article demonstrates as well that application of this memory organization allows dividing the entire procedure of processing a message of limited length into five stages. Of these stages, the three can be implemented by specialized modules that operate in parallel and access the disjoint areas of the register matrix. Implementation of asynchronous parallel operation of modules, executing decoding operations of the incoming data packets, their placing in the disjoint areas of register memory and analyzing the results of intermediate calculations allows to increasing the authentication procedure speed.
An assessment of the theoretically achievable level of parallelization of the message processing procedure was performed as well. The assessment revealed that the bit depth of the authentication code determines the nature of the maximum level of parallelization dependence on the number of interacting sources. In case of the code bit depth exceeds the theoretical applicability limit of the approach based on coding in the block coupling mode, it is advisable to employ no more than five decoding and processing blocks in a tree-like system for parallel operation, while dividing the memory space for storing intermediate results into an appropriate number of areas. | ||||||||
Sedel'nikov A. V., Nikolaeva A. S., Serdakova V. V. Assessing the feasibility of small spacecraft angular velocity requirements taking into account temperature shock. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 132 The main purpose of the work consists in evaluating the requirements feasibility for target values ensuring of angular velocity of a small Earth remote probing spacecraft with account for the temperature shock.
The temperature shock phenomenon of solar panels occurs while a spacecraft movement from the Earth shadow to the sunlit parts of the orbit or, vice versa, when it enters the Earth shadow. In these cases, the heat flux from the Sun sharply changes, which significantly affects the bulky elastic elements (solar panels, radiators, antennas, etc.) of the spacecraft. Thus, the exit from the Earth shadow is accompanied, for example, by the heat flux origination, and dashing heating of bulky elastic elements. Heating, in its turn, leads to their temperature deformations. This factor is the cause of perturbations that affect the spacecraft motion, especially when it comes to a small spacecraft, since in this case mass ratios of bulky elastic elements to spacecraft the total mass are much higher. Thus, the studies of temperature shock for a small spacecraft are most relevant.
Analysis of a number of studies reveals that the temperature shock phenomenon leads to the accuracy decrease of a small Earth remote probing spacecraft guidance at the target object, and reduces the quality of the target task performing. In separate cases, there was even talk of possible stability loss of a spacecraft itself.
The article deals with the of temperature shock impact of solar panels within the framework of one-dimensional heat conduction model. A thin plate is being used as a first approximation model of solar panels. A 1D thermoelasticity problem has been set to study the stress-strain state of the plate. This problem solution is the of the plate middle layer deflection occurring due to temperature shock.
The dependences of perturbing factors on the temperature shock were obtained in this work. The motion parameters of a small spacecraft resulting from these perturbations were estimated.
Numerical modeling was performed with the Wolfram Mathematica for the EO-1 small Earth remote probing spacecraft.
As the result of the research, the values of angular velocity of the EO-1 small spacecraft were evaluated and the feasibility of angular velocity requirements for modern small Earth remote probinng spacecraft was analyzed. The results of the work may be employed in performing Earth remote probing tasks by small spacecraft. | ||||||||
Popov I. P. Multidimensional planar monojet oscillations. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 132 The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that fluctuations of inertial masses are found everywhere. In the field of construction and use of aviation and rocket technology, this topic is of particular importance. Like a three-dimensional plane coordinate system in the coordinate plane Z, a multidimensional system with n axes 0xz1, 0xz2,..., 0xzn shifted relative to each other by angles 2π/n can be considered. There is an arbitrary vector R emanating from the origin 0. R ⊂ Z . It is proved that the points x1,x2,...,xn, which are the coordinates of the end of the vector R in the coordinate system 0xz1, 0xz2,..., 0xzn, are the vertices of a regular polygon. The shape and dimensions of the polygon are not related to the coordinates of the vector R, i.e. are unchanged. The center of a regular polygon in all cases coincides with the middle of the vector R . In the considered (idealized) case, the polygon, at the vertices of which there are oscillating weights of masses m, lies in the Z plane. multi-piston mechanism). In the considered multidimensional plane monoreactive oscillator, free harmonic linear oscillations of loads can occur. In this case, only kinetic energy is involved in the energy exchange. There is no need for elastic elements. The oscillator does not have a fixed natural oscillation frequency. The frequency depends on the initial speeds and positions of the weights. A regular polygon x1,x2,...,xn makes a double rotation – around the point 0 and around the point r. At the same time, the loads carry out linear harmonic oscillations with amplitude R. The use of a crank-slider or crank-and-rod mechanism will allow organizing the parallel movement of goods. | ||||||||
Grishakin V. T. Identification of forces in the supports of multi-span beams. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 132 The article considers transverse vibrations of conservative mechanical systems in the form of hinged beams of the refined S.P. Timoshenko theory with deformable intermediate supports. Deformation processes in beams resulted through the concentrated inertial forces application moving at a constant speed. Solution of the direct problem (the problem of determining parameters of the stress-strain state of a beam from a given value of the moving force) was obtained in the form of expansion in Fourier series, followed by the application of operational calculus. The inverse problem of the deformable solid body mechanics, which consisted in identifying the forces in the supports according to the given deflections under the moving force, was considered on the example of the mechanical system under study as well. As long as the inverse problem posed in this way relates to the ill-posed ones (an insignificant change in the initial data corresponds to an arbitrarily large change in the calculation results), A.N. Tikhonov’s regularizing algorithm was applied to obtain a stable solution. A technique for the regularization parameter α computing is presented. Both the results of the beam deflections computing at the point of the moving force application and the results of identifying the forces in the supports of a six-span continuous beam structure, obtained with the same stiffness values of all five elastic supports, and with a change in the stiffness of one of them (the second one) are presented. Such numerical experiment was performed to illustrate the possibility of employing the proposed method, which opens up as a result of the proposed technique application, for example, in construction practice to identify defects in the supports of structures that perceive moving loads without stopping movement along them. All relevant information on the state of structures can be obtained employing a vehicle equipped with the necessary sensors. For the said two computational cases, the time dependences of the forces in the supports, obtained both as the result of solving direct and inverse problems, are presented in the form of graphs of the corresponding functions. For the considered cases of the structure loading, the results of the largest displacements computing in the most loaded span of the beam and the maximum elastic forces arising in the most loaded support are presented as well. | ||||||||
Feoktistov S. I., Andrianov I. K., Mar’in S. B. Numerical and analytical model of the stress-strain state during the expansion of thin-walled pipe blanks in a curved axisymmetric matrix. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 132 The study considers numerical and analytical modeling of the stress-strain state and force characteristics during expansion of the thin-walled pipe blanks in a curved axisymmetric matrix. The equilibrium equations of the momentless theory of thin axisymmetric shells with regard to the nonlinear plasticity, changes in wall thickness and contact friction are employed when developing the model. The computations are based on the numerical method of variable elasticity parameters, which allows determining stresses and strains; the thickness distribution in the meridian section; the amount of contact pressure, as well as to plot the change in the force distribution depending on the application point displacement of the force relative to the matrix. A mathematical model for the stress-strain state of pipe blanks estimating during expansion is developed for a matrix, which profile is described by an arbitrary function. The numerical technique for the stress-strain state computing is based on the variable elasticity parameters method, which allows solving the problem of expansion in an elastic-plastic formulation. Besides, the developed model accounts for the material compressibility during elastic strain. Based on the numerical computing results, the distribution of meridian and circumferential stresses and logarithmic strains, as well as the of logarithmic strains distribution over the workpiece wall thickness are presented. An assessment of the contact pressure during crimping is performed, a decrease in the relative thickness of the workpiece along the length during distribution is noted herewith. The iterative computation process convergence by the of variable elasticity parameters method was estimated by the position of stress intensities and logarithmic strain intensities relative to the deformation diagram of the material. The proposed problem solution of the pipe blanks expansion may find application in the field of aircraft engineering in the development of thin-walled shell structures for aviation purposes. | ||||||||
Bogachev V. A., Markachev N. A., Petrov Y. A., Roshchin M. N., Sergeev D. V., Shtokal A. O. Wear-resistant and antifriction materials and coatings used in friction units of spacecraft structural elements manufactured by Lavochkin association. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 132 Specialized wear-resistant antifriction materials and coatings are applied in space technology in friction nodes, which can work in open space and (or) atmospheric conditions of the planets under study. All antifriction and wear-resistant materials and coatings can be conditionally divided into liquid lubricants (oils), greases (pastes), antifriction solid lubricants and self-lubricating (antifriction) materials. Greases are soft ointments of dense thick consistency and are intended to reduce the friction force in mechanical assemblies, decrease the rubbing pairs wear, prevent tearing and jamming, and ensure the necessary service life of the friction unit. In the products developed by S.A. Lavochkin NPO, four brands of antifriction lubricants are most often used: TSIATIM-221, VNII NP-220, VNII NP-274, VNII NP-284. They have been widely tested on the Luna, Venus, Mars, Forecast and Cosmos spacecraft series. When the pressure is reduced to 0.1–10 Pa, the lubricants performance is significantly reduced. The solid lubricating coatings application allows successfully solving the problem of friction and wear reduction of open friction units. These coatings represent a mixture of powdered lubricants dispersed in binder (film-forming) polymer materials and diluted with solvents to the required viscosity for spraying them on the friction surface with subsequent heat treatment. The following solid lubricating coatings are employed in the products of NPO Lavochkina JSC: VNII NP-212, VNII NP-213, VNII NP-230, VNII NP-512, EONITE-3, in which the filler is molybdenum disulfide, or a mixture of molybdenum disulfide with graphite. As an alternative to the NP-512 Research Institute, MODENGY-1001 and MODENGY-1002 TSPS have been introduced. A significant limitation on the application of molybdenum disulfide coatings consists in the fact that at temperatures above +400°C, MoS2 begins oxidizing intensively. When molybdenum disulfide is oxidized, molybdenum trioxide is formed, which lubricating properties change to the abrasive ones, which does not allow them to be employed in the atmospheres of the planets of the Solar System, primarily Venus. In this regard, the task arises of selecting materials (friction pairs) of friction units of spacecraft that descend in the atmosphere, land and work on the surface of Venus, which can function at temperatures above +450°C, which can be achieved only through the use of self-lubricating antifriction materials. New promising self-lubricating antifriction materials are proposed: carbon-carbon containing composite materials, partially stabilized zirconium, zirconium 702 coated with micro-arc oxidation. As response materials (counter body), it is proposed to consider the most common structural metal materials of spacecraft: 40X13, 30XGSA steels, aluminum alloy AMg6, titanium alloy VT6. Their laboratory testing and tribological tests are required to confirm the feasibility and feasibility of their use for friction units operating in open space and (or) the atmosphere of Venus. | ||||||||
Pronina P. F. Investigation of radiation dose effect on physical and mechanical characteristics of metalized polyimide films of screen-vacuum heat insulation elements. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 132 External heat transfer regulation is one of the fundamental tasks for a spacecraft operation. Thermo-optical coatings and EVTIs are being related to the external heat exchange control. A typical conventional EVTI coating consists of 10-120 metallized polymer films separated by glass fibers (glass voile) or polyester meshes. EVTI is the best thermal insulation material for vacuum applications and is the preferred insulation material for both spacecraft and cryogenic systems. However, traditional EVTI displays a number of disadvantages, such as its difficulty or impossibility to maintain the required value of the gap between the film layers; the difficulty of ensuring stable performance characteristics; complex manufacturing and installation process. EVTI may be subjected herewith to the mechanical impacts not only while installation, but during operation as well. All this may lead to the changes in the tacking screens density, resulting in unstable thermo-physical characteristics. The work deals with the istudy of the radiation dose impact on physical and mechanical characteristics of polyimide films with metallized coating of screen-vacuum (EVTI) thermal insulation elements. The tensile test of rectangular samples produced by SPE Polyplen of PM-1EU-OA grade with aluminum coating was performed. Preliminary part of samples was subjected to radiation equal to 25 kGy, 50 kGy. In the course of the study the following diagrams were obtained: the stress-strain diagram determined at tensile tests of the sample, and displacement-loading of the sample. The level of radiation effect on each studied parameter was determined. | ||||||||
Sazanov V. P., Pavlov V. F., Pismarov A. V., Matveeva K. F. Influence of the ratio of the components of the initial deformations on the distribution of the residual stresses in the strengthened layer of the part. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 132 The article presents the results of studies nce of the of initial deformations anisotropy effect on the axial, circumferential and radial distribution components of residual stresses in the hardened layer of cylindrical samples, depending on the type of surface hardening. Parameters in the hardened layer of cylindrical samples from the steel 45 after hydraulic shot blasting were assumed as the basic option for computations. The ratios between the components of the initial strains were being accepted depending on the types of surface hardening. Their ratios were being considered at chemical-thermal treatment (CTT), hydraulic shot blasting (HSB), and roller running (RR). Computations were performed on finite element models of smooth cylindrical samples with diameters of D = 10 mm and D = 25 mm. The initial deformations distributions over the hardened layer thickness are assumed to vary according to a linear law (the maximum value on the surface and the zero one at the maximum hardening depth). The necessary for the studies volume of computations was performed in the environment of the PATRAN/NASTRAN software package. Cylindrical samples modeling was performed in an axisymmetric formulation of the problem with the initial deformations replacement by the respective temperature fields. The results of the tests revealed that with all types of hardening radial stresses had positive values over the hardened layer thickness. Both radial and axial components of the initial deformations do not affect significantly herewith the residual stresses over the hardened layer thickness. Hence, the components ratio of the initial deformations does not as well play a significant role in assessing the effect of the residual stress-strain state on the endurance limit of hardened parts, which is determined, for example, by the mean integral residual stresses criterion. | ||||||||
Basharina T. A., Shmatov D. P., Glebov S. E., Akolzin I. V. Investigation of jet-centrifugal nozzle of sprinkler system by computational experiment with consideration of mathematical model of medium dispersibility. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 132 Sprinkler systems of nuclear power plants (NPP) are one of the key mechanisms for eliminating the consequences of design basis accidents, which stipulates high requirements for the development of nozzles as parts of sprinkler systems. The article presents the results of computational experiment of sprinkler nozzle functioning in the continuous medium formulation, employing Continuous medium morphology and Dispersed medium morphology. Average sizes of dispersed particles were determined for the computational experiment in the formulation with regard to the medium dispersity. The basic parameter of the sprinkler nozzle, namely the angle of the torch atomization, was determined on the experiment in the wide range of the flow characteristic. The computational experiment results validation and research tests of the sprinkler nozzle was performed, which results revealed the high degree of uncertainty in the continuous medium formulation, with relative error reaching up to 25%, and high degree of certainty with the dispersive medium formulation with relative error less that 3% in each experimental point. The above said is indicative of the possibility of cost reduction on the sprinkler system and test rig development by natural tests replacing with the computational experiment. | ||||||||
Temnov A. N., Yan N. O. Oscillations of a stratified rotating fluid in the field of centrifugal forces of inertia. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 132 In this paper, free oscillations of an ideal stratified incompressible fluid in a rotating cylindrical vessel are considered under the assumption that the equilibrium motion of the fluid is the rotation of a solid body. The problem of oscillations of an ideal incompressible rotating stratified fluid in the field of centrifugal inertia forces is studied. Rotating fluids are not only of scientific interest, but are also important in nature and technical applications. In technical applications, rotating liquids are found in centrifuges, in the hollow shafts of liquid-cooled turbines, in stabilization of rocket rotation, in zone-melting processes of single crystal growth. Recently, there has been interest in studying the oscillations of a stratified fluid filling a vessel of finite dimensions used in various fields. In this paper, we focus our attention on the consideration of some issues related to the problems of oscillations in a stratified fluid. Some results obtained by us in the study of the problem of natural oscillations of an inhomogeneous rapidly rotating fluid that partially fills a cylindrical cavity and completely fills a coaxial cylindrical cavity of a solid body are presented. The eigenfunctions of a fluid and the eigenvalues of free oscillations of a stratified fluid filling a cylindrical cavity of a solid rapidly rotating around its vertical axis of symmetry are obtained. For sufficiently large values of the angular velocity of motion of a solid body with a liquid, the case under consideration is equivalent to the case of rotation in conditions of complete weightlessness. Numerical calculations of the eigenvalues of normal fluid oscillations at a constant buoyancy frequency are presented in the form of tables and graphs with boundary conditions for internal and surface waves. | ||||||||
Baklanov A. V., Vasilevich A. A., Chechnev R. A. Investigation of the influence of magnetic fields on the degree of cleaning coked nozzles. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 132 Carbon deposition in the injectors fuel channels may occur in the gas turbine engine combustion chambers, which depends on both chemical and fraction content of the fuel. Operation of the combustion chamber with injectors subjected to carbon deposition leads to combustion processes changing in the flame tube, which in its turn may lead to the combustion chamber failure. Thus, technology development, which would allow performing the channels cleaning from the depositing products is up-to-date.
Up to date, diethylene glycol, sulphur trioxide and other solvents are being applied to remove hydrocarbons with strong inclination to carbonization. Ways for hydrocarbon fuels stability enhancing are being employed as well. Hydraulic cleaning is considered to be the most advanced method.
The article adduces the results of the study on the magnetic fields impact on the degree of fuel injector channels cleaning off fuel decomposition products. It describes the fuel injector design and provides he scheme of installation employed for the injector studies. Ьodes and parameters for conducting experiments are listed.
At the first stage, the initial flow characteristic of all four injectors was measured at fuel pressures range from 0 to 3 MPa by ten points. Then the injector flushing was performed by feeding electromagnet with AC (V = 28V, I = 1.9 A) for ten hours. The injector flow characteristic was measured after each hour of operating time. | ||||||||
Win K. K. Equations for generalized coordinates of non-linear motions interface surfaces of liquids. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 132 Nonlinear problems of the dynamics of a rigid body with a cavity filled with several fluids are of considerable applied and theoretical interest. The article shows that with the help of the variational principle, written in a form different from the traditional one, it is possible to obtain a complete set of equations of nonlinear motions of liquids, including nonlinear kinematic and dynamic conditions on the interfaces of liquids filling the cavity of a solid body that performs a given movement. The variational formulation of the problem of dynamics has certain advantages, for example, from the point of view of substantiating the necessity and sufficiency of the derived equations and boundary conditions, and considering the body and fluid as one system allows one to achieve a certain multiplicity.
The article is devoted to the definition of differential equations for the generalized coordinate motions of a two-layer liquid in the cavity of a solid body performing a given motion in space. In the article, the formulation of a nonlinear problem about the motions of immiscible incompressible ideal liquids that completely fill a cylindrical cavity is formulated, and velocity potentials are given for each liquid. When obtaining differential equations for generalized coordinates of non-linear movements of liquid interface surfaces, the variational principle of Hamilton – Ostrogradsky is used, in which a modified Lagrange function is used. As a result, infinite systems of nonlinear differential equations were obtained for the generalized coordinates of the problem under consideration in the complex motion of a rigid body, as well as differential equations in particular cases. | ||||||||
Korobkov M. A., Zajkin V. D. Mask-assisted radiation equalization method in the liquid crystal matrix direct exposure system. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 132 The paper investigates the possibility of using liquid crystal displays as photomasks for transferring a conductive pattern to a photosensitive material using ultraviolet light in the manufacturing processes of printed circuit boards. The work is devoted to solving the problem of non-uniformity of ultraviolet radiation in the laboratory prototype of the direct exposure machine based on the liquid crystal matrix in the production of printed circuit boards to improve the reliability of the exposure operation.
The method of equalization of radiation by using a compensating mask is proposed. It involves overlaying an additional image with different transparency rates on the pattern displayed by the liquid crystal matrix. Transparency of the mask should be selected in such a way that after exposure in each point of the working field the shade of the photoresist color is the same and coincides with the lightest part of it.
In the work, an algorithm for creating a compensating mask by evaluating the color change of photoresist was formalized and an experimental study was carried out, which confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed method. The analysis of the histograms of the brightness of the green component of the images obtained with and without the application of the masking template showed a 51% reduction in the standard deviation. Thus, the considered method allowed us to significantly reduce the problem of non-uniformity of ultraviolet radiation distribution in the prototype of the direct exposure unit, which made it possible to increase the reliability of the technological operation of exposure using the developed unit.
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Ovakimyan D. N., Zelenskiy V. A., Kapalin M. V., Yereskin I. S. Research of methods and development of algorithms for integration of navigation information. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 132 The issues of improving the accuracy and reliability of navigation information by combining signals received from different sources are considered. It is proposed to solve the problem using a modified Kalman filter selected as a result of a comparative analysis of known implementations in terms of accuracy and computational complexity. The software implementation of the algorithm is performed in the MAVROS environment. One of the most important tasks of the flight controller of an unmanned aerial vehicle is to evaluate the state vector. In general, this vector is multidimensional. The aim of the work is to select a method and develop an algorithm for determining the state vector by combining navigation information. The solution of the problem of aggregation of data obtained from independent sources is provided, as a rule, by nonlinear Kalman filtering. The classical algorithm is the extended Kalman filter EKF (extended Kalman filter), which is based on the linearization of the right part of the stochastic model to estimate the mathematical expectation of an unknown state vector and covariance matrix. EKF is one of the very first algorithms proposed for solving such problems. To date, there are more modern Kalman filters – sigma-point UKF (Unscented Kalman Filter), invariant extended IEKF (invariant extended Kalman filter), quadrature QKF. In this study, Nvidia Jetson Xavier NX was used as a hardware platform, which allows the use of resource-intensive algorithms for integrating navigation information. The use of special computing modules makes it possible to unload the flight controller and makes it relevant to study the effectiveness of modern Kalman filtering algorithms. | ||||||||
Gumarov S. G., Getmantsev A. Y. Control of serviceability of technical systems (complexes) of polygons by error distribution centers. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 132 The article deals with the problems of the serviceability determining of radio–electronic stations of technical systems (complexes) of the test site (testing organization) (hereinafter – TSKP). An example of the normalized accuracy characteristics determining of optical stations of external vector measurements based on high-precision data on the of astronomical position bodies is being considered. The authors proposed a methodology for solving the identified problems, consistin in determining the discrepancies, applying a method for combining various general aggregates of the obtained results of high-precision measurements, based on a comparison of the distribution centers of general aggregates for each measuring channel. The normal law of the of residuals distribution between different general aggregates assumption is applied. The article presents a mathematical apparatus applied to determine the reliability of the obtained results. The assumption is being made on the presence of expressed and significant factors affecting the error of each of the measurement channels. Attention is being drawn to the periodic certification importance for making an informed decision on the possibility of reliable and high-precision external measurements at the test site. With the degree of informativity and automation of control increase, technical means (complexes) of the test site become highly intelligent robotic measuring means, which serviceability and operability control is being performed both in the course of their current activities (continuous monitoring) and during special verification measures such as periodic scheduled certification of measuring instruments. References to the State Standards, methodological recommendations and the main literature on the subject under consideration are adduced. | ||||||||
Borshchev Y. P., Kamyshanov I. V., Sysoev V. K. Dependence of the radio technical characteristics of waveguides included in the antenna-feeder systems of spacecraft and manufactured using selective laser fusion on the roughness of the channel surfaces. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 132 The article deals with the analysis of the of the radio technical characteristics dependence of waveguides as a part of the spacecraft antenna-feeder systems, and manufactured by selective laser fusion, on the roughness of the channels conductive surfaces. The need for this work arose as the result of the additive technology (SLM) introduction, which opened the possibility for manufacturing new, complex-profile structures of the spacecraft antenna-feeder systems elements with geometry and radio technical characteristics (RTC) close to the computed ones. However, along with numerous advantages, the SLM technology has a significant drawback, namely, the increased surface roughness (Ra) of approximately from 6.2 to 20.0 microns. At the same time, the tolerances recommended in the regulatory and reference literature for the of the conductive surfaces roughness of microwave devices are significantly lower.
The article presents the main factors of the SLM process affecting the amount of roughness, as well as the developed scheme of studies to assess the effect of roughness on the RTX of waveguides.
According to the research program, angular waveguides with channel sizes from 8,6×4,3 to 35×15 mm and transition from 8,6×4,3 to 10,7×4,3 mm, as well as straight waveguides with channel sizes of 28.5×12.6 mm were manufactured applying SLS technology, from domestic aluminum alloy powder, the channels surfaces herewith were not processed.
Straight waveguides, were arranged while 3D printing in groups at different angles relative to the construction platform.
Further, measurements of the RTX of the manufactured waveguides were performed, comparative diagrams of the frequency dependence in comparison with waveguides manufactured using traditional technology were adduced. The results of the RTX measurements revealed, in total, satisfactory results that meet the requirements of the design documentation. The results of the roughness measurements of the waveguide channels surfaces are presented.
Based on the waveguides data on roughness and the RTX, summarized in tables, the analysis of the roughness impact on the RTX was performed.
The analysis revealed that the waveguides RTX was deteriorates with an increase in the average roughness of the channel, which depends on the position of the part on the construction platform during 3D-printing. Optimal is the position, at which the overhanging surfaces of the channels have the smallest area.
The results of the conducted studies give grounds to recommend the SLM technology application in the AFS KA waveguides manufacturing in the centimeter range without additional treatment of channel surfaces. It is necessary herewith to set rational modes of the SLM process. | ||||||||
Aliyeva G. V. Optimization of observation conditions of civil aircrafts in the infrared thermal band. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 132 The article deals with the issues of observation optimizing of civilian aircraft during cruise flight employing ground-based infrared recording equipment. All-in-all, the aircraft infrared spectral characteristics are the basis for its detection inflight. The main heat emitters of aircraft are the aircraft skin, heated while flight due to aerodynamic heating, as well as its engine and exhaust gases. Analysis of the ground observation possibility of civil aircraft in the daytime allows drawing the following inferences:
1. The flight speed increases monotonously up to the beginning of the descent stage.
2. The cruise flight altitude is almost unchanged.
3. The exhaust gases radiation is strongly attenuated by the atmosphere.
4. The emitted radiation during the cruise flight depends on the ambient temperature (air).
It was determined that the range of 2–4 μm was expedient for the ground observation and tracking of civil aircraft performing flight at daytime, where the basic component of the emitted radiation was the fact of the skin heating.
The author studied the issue of optimal dependence of the flight speed on the air temperature. The problem of the optimal relationship determining between the aircraft flight speed and the air temperature at which the skin temperature of a civilian vessel would reach an extreme value was formulated. The problem of unconditional variation optimization was formulated to determine optimal form of the said problem, and mathematical solution of this problem was adduced. The article demonstrates that if the civil aircraft flight should be unnoticed to heat detectors of the ground observation and tracking system, the flight should be perpetrated with the cruise speed inversely proportional to the air temperature value. Conversely, if reliable operation of the ground-based thermal detectors is required, then the above said regularity should be maximally avoided. Presumably, the first case refers to the situation when the aircraft and registering equipment belong to the conflicting sides, while the other case means that both the aircraft and heat detectors belong to the same owner. | ||||||||
Koshkarov A. S., Guliy D. D., Baryaksheva V. P. Multi-rotor unmanned aerial vehicle emergency landing algorithm based on underlying surface image analysis. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 132 The imminent expansion of application areas of high-tech products has also affected the field of unmanned aircraft systems. The use of unmanned aerial vehicles is finding increasing application in various sectors of the national economy, aviation, automotive, and the use of lightweight light unmanned aerial vehicles already covers up to 100 different sectors of the modern economy. The trend towards the use of unmanned aerial vehicles remains stable and is presumed to continue to grow in the digital economy. However, despite all the benefits, the use of drones also carries certain risks associated with the possibility of an accident that could result in the loss of the drone or damage to the environment.
Implementing emergency standards and regulations is an important aspect of unmanned aerial vehicles to ensure the safety of people, the environment, and property. In the case of multirotors, this critical capability takes the form of forced landing site selection. Common examples of events requiring an emergency landing are low battery, loss of ground contact, and deterioration in performance of satellite navigation systems. Since these emergency situations require an immediate landing, it is important to be able to have safe landing in a dense urban environment and complex transportation infrastructure. Therefore, the realization of emergency landing of a multirotor type unmanned aerial vehicle is an actual research area in the field of unmanned aviation. The use of analysis of underlying surface combined with machine learning methods and neural networks, will can significantly improve the efficiency of emergency landing methods, providing a more accurate assessment of the surface condition.
The paper presents the procedure for developing an algorithm for emergency landing of a multi-rotor unmanned aerial vehicle based on the analysis of the underlying surface image. The realization of the algorithm is carried out in two stages: image segmentation using the UNetFormer neural network and detection of a safe landing zone with the allocation of safe classes of objects observed in the frame, calculation of the occupied area of the unmanned aerial vehicle on the emergency frame and the range to the emergency landing zone selected by the algorithm. | ||||||||
Burenko E. A. Mathematical model control loop guidance system of radio beam riding. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 132 The purpose of this article is to review the theoretical principles and practical methods for constructing a mathematical model of the control loop of a radio beam riding guidance system using modern computer simulation programs Mathcad and MATLAB – Simulink. The principles of constructing mathematical models of the control loop for a radio beam riding guidance system of a guided missile when aiming at a target by the method of combination (target covering) using modern computer simulation programs Mathcad and MATLAB – Simulink are considered. The construction of a model in the Mathcad environment using the method of numerical solution of a system of differential equations describing the control loop (modeling as a solution to the Cauchy problem), as well as the construction of a simulation model in the MATLAB environment – Simulink based on the mathematical apparatus of functional links, is considered. The modeling of the processes of missile guidance to an air target performing a maneuver with a given normal overload has been carried out. The trajectory of the control point, missile and target, obtained as a result of modeling, as well as the main phase variables of the model characterizing the process of aiming the missile at the target, are presented. The capabilities of the corresponding computer programs in modeling guidance systems are shown. The practical value of the work also lies in the possibility of using the developed mathematical models in the educational process for students to master the principles of construction and operation of guidance systems, as well as to develop the skills of mathematical modeling of the corresponding systems. | ||||||||
Mitrofanova Y. A., Zagitov R. A., Trusov P. V. The influence evaluation of taking into account the conjugate heat transfer between combustion chamber parts and between the reacting flow on the results of modeling nitrogen oxides. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 132 This article is devoted to testing the applicability of the hypothesis about the influence insignificance of the conjugate heat transfer between the reacting flow and the solid walls of the flame tube and gas collector on the calculated level of nitrogen oxide emissions. Because of this hypothesis, it is possible to significantly reduce the calculation time by reducing the number of elements of the computational mesh and simplifying the mathematical model. The object of the study is a single-phase multicomponent reacting flow of a fuel-air mixture. To describe the turbulent flow of the air-fuel mixture in the combustion chamber of a gas turbine, the Favre averaging approach of the Navier-Stokes equations was used. The SST turbulence model was used to close the resulting system. The system of equations was solved numerically using the control volume method. A combined EDM/FRC combustion model was used to find the rate of the mixture components formation. The turbulence model used in this work is hybrid, it is applicable for the parameter y plus ~ 1. To achieve this condition, three variants of computational grids were constructed with different numbers of prismatic layers at a constant growth rate of cell sizes. The results of three-dimensional calculations showed that the effect of the absence of conjugate heat transfer on the calculated level of nitrogen oxide emissions did not exceed 10% in the most heat-loaded operating mode of the gas turbine. The total heat flow through the walls of the flame tube and gas collector did not exceed 0.5% of the total amount of heat released during fuel combustion. Thus, conclusions were made about the applicability of the hypothesis under consideration. The results of the work can be important for CFD – engineers and designers working in the combustion chamber department. | ||||||||
Osipov N. A., Musienko A. S., Merkushev O. A. Reducing the volume of the test sample of spacecraft elements during control tests. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 132 The article describes a methodology, which combines a priori (additional) information and current control data of tests of elements of space vehicles in order to achieve the goals of selection and obtain a higher assessment of the object being pursued.
Proposed the technique is based on the mathematical apparatus of dynamic Bayesian networks, as well as the basic concepts and relationships of the theory of reliability and technical diagnostics of systems. The initial data is information on the technical condition of the elements of space vehicles during the test control, information on the reliability (structural and logical diagrams, failure rates of elements) of technological equipment, as well as diagnostic models linking the types of technical conditions and diagnostic signs of defective products.
It is proposed to use the selection method in a dynamic Bayesian network to identify discrepancies between products and equipment in the process of monitoring and diagnosing the technical condition of the elements of technological equipment and describing the dynamics of the process.
A posteriori inference allows you to combine heterogeneous initial information and incoming new data to obtain a comprehensive assessment during the process and the state of the process equipment in order to make an informed decision by the specialist to continue or suspend the process, if a defect is detected and take measures to eliminate them .
The advantage of this technique is the ability to take into account heterogeneous a priori information, including the format representation of the subject, and the results of control tests.
The implementation of this approach to control studies of a sample of a limited size is given. The possibility is substantiated of the possibility, based on the results of selective inspection tests, to estimate the predicted value of defective products in the entire batch with a sufficient goal for making a decision on selective control.
The method under consideration combines a priori information and data obtained as a result of tests, which, in the course of comparison, makes it possible to obtain the necessary accuracy to detect product defects.
The proposed method can be used by specialists when carrying out control and system testing operations in order to increase the efficiency of selection and detection of defective products. | ||||||||
Minakov E. P., Aleksandrov M. A., Danilyuk B. A., Verbin A. V. . Trudy MAI, 2023, no 132 The article considers discrete Markov model for efficiency estimating of orbital aids for safety zones monitoring of critically significant spacecraft by the probability of dangerous objects detecting indicators and mathematical expectation of the event occurrence number, associated with the use of resourcesща the orbital monitoring aids. The author adduces mathematical estimation models of the specified random events and definitions of the optimal and required values of transition probabilities, as well as examples of the said characteristics estimation and results of numerical experiments on each of the models being suggested. Practical meaningfulness of the obtained results consists the software developing, trying-out of mathematical models and software during numerical experiments, esteems obtaining of the orbital monitoring aids application effects and their correctness evaluation, as well as proposals on their employing for technical characteristics assessment and ways of the created orbital monitoring systems application. | ||||||||
Pavlov A. N., Gordeev A. V., Vorotyagin V. N. A method of operational assessment of survivability of multimode complex objects. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 132 One of the urgent tasks of the structurally complex objects studying with their multi-mode functioning is the task of reliability and survivability indicators assessing with regard to the structural and functional specifics of modes implementation. The article demonstrates that the problem of the survivability index estimating for monotonous structurally complex objects by iterating through the functional states of the system and variants of destructive impacts refers to the super-complex combinatorial problems. This requires searching for the ways for the exhaustive search avoidance, including the one through the object operability polynomial application, which stores various topological properties of the structural and functional interaction of the system elements in the functioning modes implementation. Integral indicators of structural and functional reliability, as well as a formula for the operational approximate computing of structural and functional survivability values were introduced employing applying direct and dual parametric genome of the multimode object structure. The article considers the motion control system of a small spacecraft as a multi-mode complex object. Computations were performed and presented with an unknown cyclogram of the orientation modes implementation, and under conditions of spatial destructive impacts of the i-th multiplicity. In other words, by the result of one destructive impact, i failed elements, are observed simultaneously in the system; calculations of approximate values of structural and functional survivability indicators for various extreme conditions for the use of spacecraft orientation modes. Indicators of structural and functional reliability and survivability of multi-mode objects are proposed, which will allow analyzing and evaluating the properties of reliability and survivability of a particular configuration option during system degradation.
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Ermakov P. G., Evdokimenkov V. N., Gogolev A. A. Determination of the inclination angle of unprepared landing pad of unmanned aerial vehicle helicopter with a digital elevation map information. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 132 In the process of the target mission an emergency may occur on the helicopter type unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) board. So, the problem of an emergency landing of the helicopter type UAV on an unprepared landing pad arises. One of the requirements for an unprepared landing pad is the requirement for a limit value of the inclination angle of a landing pad. The inclination angle of an unprepared landing pad should be no more than 10 based on this requirement. This article describes the problem of a determination of the inclination angle of an unprepared landing pad of the helicopter type UAV with a priori digital elevation map information (DEM). A DEM has such information as: geographic latitude and longitude coordinates of the Earth’s surface point, a height of the point of interest and a type of the Earth’s surface point. Also, a DEM contains random errors, so a determination of the inclination angle is a statistical problem. The description of the developed technique and the proposed optimal algorithm of a determination of the inclination angle with a priori digital elevation map is given. To test the performance of the developed technique of a determination of the inclination angle with a DEM the special software is constructed. The results of a simulation modelling of the proposed optimal algorithm of determination of the inclination angle of an unprepared landing pad such as: the statistical characteristics of the inclination angle’s estimation of an unprepared landing pad and the estimation of a time complexity of the proposed optimal algorithm of determination of the inclination angle are presented. The verification of the developed optimal algorithm of determination of the inclination angle of an unprepared landing pad with the SRTM open-source digital elevation map and the OpenStreetMap web mapping service is completed. | ||||||||
Ivanenko K. A., Egorov S. I., Borzov D. B. Algorithm for calibration and adjustment of air signal system elements. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 132 The aircraft position determining in the airspace is is one of the key and important components of navigation. An important subtask herewith for achieving the goal is altitudes, speeds and accelerations determining, since the specified trajectory cannot be maintained in the absence of these parameters. The main types of the employed radio altimeters are the barometric and radio altimeters. Instruments based on the principle of computing the return time of the signal reflected from the Earth are employed for the most part while the aircraft takeoff and landing, while for the most portion of the flight, the work is being performed by the barometric instruments. The pressure sensors readings are being affected by the ambient temperature. They are divided into compensated and uncompensated by the principle of dependence on temperature. Temperature compensation of the sensor implies the return of the sensor to the readings that it would give without accounting for the temperature effect, after a certain time and with a certain error. The basic compensation properties, such as error and return time, can also depend on temperature factors in practice and vary over the temperature range. Besides, sensor membranes are subjected to aging, and the temperature compensation properties of sensors may depend on the wear factors as well. In case of employing sensors without compensation, all the work on temperature correction of readings is performed by a mathematical apparatus, which is based on the readings of the sensors themselves, as well as on the readings of a number of other sensors that measure the properties of the environment. When applying sensors with temperature compensation, the mathematical apparatus can perform thermal correction operations at the boundary sections of the temperature range. Besides the temperature correction, mathematical apparatus in air signal systems is required to compensate for the static pressure error, which increases with the measured altitude increasing. Thus, with deviations of 0–5 meters in the altitude range of 0–1000, in the range of 4500–5500 meters, the error may already be of 15–25 m, which is unacceptable in the requirements for modern airborne signal systems (Air Signal System). The main problem of dynamic pressure sensors is opposite to the static data, namely it consists in in error values increasing at low speeds of 0–75 m. Besides, this device should be insensitive to the wind interference in a stationary state on the ground, so as not to interfere with the other equipment operation. With the speeds growth, the in error increase is not as obvious as at low speeds. The above said problems demonstrate the relevance of creating an algorithmic and mathematical apparatus for preliminary calibration of the SHS systems, a calibration methodology, as well as a system for its hardware support. The object of study of this work is methods for calibrating the temperature-compensated static and dynamic pressure sensors, forming the air signal system. The subject of the study is a mathematical apparatus for bringing the readings of barometric sensors into specified ranges. As a result of the design, the following was accomplished: – an algorithm for calibrating static and dynamic pressure sensors has been developed; – a method has been formulated for reducing the natural curve of sensor readings to the reference ones; As the result, a mathematical model, algorithm and calibration technique are proposed with subsequent mathematical correction of the readings of temperature-compensated sensors of the SHS system, based on an analysis of the behavior of selected sensors when changing functional and temperature ranges, using modern technological equipment. A method for calibrating air signal sensors has been developed and debugged, allowing performing input control of the employed sensors, identifying in advance devices with an inoperative compensation apparatus, by analyzing data obtained by simulating flight conditions. The authors developed iterative algorithms for interaction between the traffic controller and the hardware and software complex that implement the existing methodology. | ||||||||
Fetisov E. V., Zimnikov D. V. Model of performing periodic maintenance at the complex with unmanned aerial vehicles. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 132 This article presents an approach to developing a model for performing periodic maintenance on unmanned aerial vehicle complexes. The active use of the complexes is accompanied by research aimed at improving the methods of use, increasing the tactical and technical characteristics, but not given issues of performing various type of maintenance, their modeling and evaluation, despite the existing contradictions in theory and practice. When organizing of periodic types of maintenance it is necessary to take into account a large number factors that can affect the timing and quality of work. Simulation modeling is one of the most effective tools for studying complex systems today. Imitation is a kind of means of reproducing phenomena, just as a model is an abstract description of a system, object, phenomenon or process. That is, modeling is such an abstract form of reflection of reality, in which certain properties of the proposed objects are represented in the form of an image, a diagram, a plan, or a complex of equations, algorithms and programs. The use of simulation modeling in many fields of activity has a number of undeniable advantages. Firstly, it is an experimental method of cognition, which is a simple and visual tool for analysis. It helps to find optimal solutions to problems and gives a clear idea of complex systems. The simulation model of the process of organization and performance of periodic maintenance of a complex with unmanned aerial vehicles is developed in Arena system, allowing to make rational decision on the selection of maintenance performers, to assess the workload of specialists, as well as to form requirements for a rational composition of the necessary maintenance tools. | ||||||||
Averyanov I. O. Mathematical model of non-deformed cargo parachute landing system with dampers on rigid plane in case of stationary wind field. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 131 This article describes the mathematical model (MM) that extends MM of cargo parachute vertical landing system with dampers process on rigid plane developed in [1] to the case of its landing with horizontal velocity. The aim of the research is to update the model of statistical modelling of cargo landing process [2] to the case of its parachute landing. Wind effect is the main reason of parachute-cargo system (PCS) horizontal velocity. In this article the stationary wind field is considered. The overturning moment is applied to the cargo in case of its parachute landing with horizontal velocity. One part of the moment comes to the cargo from its lower part due to frictional effects when it contacts to the plane. This effect considered in [1] and [3] and is taken into account in this MM. The second one – comes from the parachute system and passes through the suspension system to the cargo structure. Therefore, to get the overturning moment correctly the following changes are added to the MM [1]: multiple canopy parachute system (MCPS) instead of the equivalent canopy, suspension system and the parachute unlocking system (PUS). MCPS is commonly used for heavy cargos parachute landing, that’s why the MM of MCPS is developed. It consists of separate inertial canopies with elastic slings. The canopies can receive the aerodynamics loads and have elastic contacts to each other. The MM of suspension system consists of elastic links joined through the point inertial elements. PUS is modelled with the special condition to the correspondence suspension system link. The wind field is modelled by aerodynamics loads applied to the canopies of MCPS and the cargo. The task of parachute horizontal landing of cargo with dampers is considered to demonstrate the influence of parachute system to the landing process. Analysis of the results makes it possible to conclude that the developed model shows the plausible characteristics of the landing process and can be used in [2]. | ||||||||
Gerasimchuk V. V., Zhiryakov A. V., Kuznetsov D. A., Telepnev P. P. Simulation of the vibration background of the spacecraft. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 131 As pulses exchanging units, flywheel engines and correcting engines play the part of a fundamental component of the majority of spacecraft for both coarse orientation control and precise guidance. The rotating masses’ unbalance while flywheels engines operation and force vibration impacts caused by pressure pulsations in the combustion chamber of correction engines are able to cause excessive fluctuations of the research equipment, which may lead to a in the functioning accuracy decrease. The vibration load levels are being determined during the spacecraft experimental testing. However, it seems rational to select optimal places for the high-precision equipment installing by their vibration background modeling at the early design stages to minimize the level of their vibration load. The vibration background was being determined for the developed finite element model of the spacecraft «flexible» design with the environment of the Femap with NX Nastran software package. Computations were performed for vibration loading options by one of the four engines-flywheels, and from the two correction engines. The model of the by the flywheel engine exposure accounted for the forces resulting from the flywheel imbalance. A harmonic action with an amplitude proportional to the square of the flywheel rotation speed was being modeled. The vibration load levels from the correction engines disturbing forces were studied for both in-phase and outphase cases of the exposure. The study was being performed by the harmonic analysis method. The values of the disturbances amounts corresponded to the levels of disturbances of the standard flywheel engines and correction engines. The vibration load levels assessment in the places of the supposed fixing of the devices was being performed according to the maximum values of the computed linear and angular vibration accelerations, angular velocities and angular displacements along the three axes. The vibration background modeling option of the of installation sites of the equipment sensitive to the position stability for its effective operation presented in the article allows for a preliminary assessment of the vibration load level of such equipment at the early stages of a spacecraft design. | ||||||||
Popov I. P. Dynamic properties of a dispersed material under harmonic vibrations. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 131 The aim of the work is to establish the dynamic properties of a dispersed material with harmonic vibrations. In strength calculations of structural elements of aircraft, among other things, modes of forced and natural vibrations are taken into account. In this regard, the dynamic properties of the transported cargo are taken into account, which are significantly different for solid and dispersed materials. The research methodology consists in presenting the status of the system under study as a combination of its diametrically opposite limiting statuses. Considered is a dispersed material located on a platform that performs harmonic oscillations. To assess the instability (or stability) of a dispersed material relative to the platform, a dimensionless quantity ξ is introduced. Its limiting values are ξa — absolute stability (complete immobility) relative to the platform and ξz — absolute instability. The main problem in establishing the dynamic properties of a dispersed material is the impossibility of calculating the average coefficient of dynamic friction, since its value is influenced by the interaction of dispersed particles with each other in the entire mass of the material, and not only with the surface of the platform. The description of the dynamic status of a dispersed material in the form of a composition of its unstable and stable statuses provides the key to solving this (and similar) problems. Opposite limit statuses of the system under study can be comparable and incomparable in terms of quantitative assessment. The subject of the study are systems with equal limiting statuses. The proposed method is universal and applicable to a wide variety of systems with different statuses and parameters. | ||||||||
Ledkov A. S. Dynamics and control of cylindrical space debris during contactless ion beam assisted transportation. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 131 Space debris poses a serious threat to existing and newly launched spacecraft. One of the prospective ways to this problem solving consists in creation of contactless transportation systems based on the ion beam application generated by the electric thruster of an active spacecraft to affect a space debris object. The purpose of the work is efficiency increasing of the space debris ion beam assisted transportation by accounting for its motion relative to the center of mass specifics. The author developed mathematical models describing a space debris object motion under the impact of gravitational and ion forces, as well as torques for the plane and spatial cases. The study of the unperturbed motion of a space debris object in a circular orbit was performed. The author proposed the ion bean control laws ensuring the space debris stabilization in the equilibrium position and its transition to the required angular motion mode. Angular modes of the unperturbed motion, at which generated ion force was maximum and minimum were determined. Numerical modeling of the space debris object disorbiting was performed, and estimation of the fuel consuming necessary for this transportation operation accomplishing was given. For the space debris object being considered, the difference in fuel between the most favorable and unfavorable angular motion modes was 7.82%. | ||||||||
Zuskova V. N., Okonechnikov A. S., Serdyuk D. O. Transient dynamics of a thin isotropic spherical belt. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 131 Thin-walled spherical shells are common structural elements in various industries, such as aircraft, rocket and mechanical engineering. When designing the corresponding structural elements, one of the topical issues is the calculations of structures operating in non-stationary interaction modes. Such calculations are complex and time-consuming, since in such problems the desired solution is significantly heterogeneous in spatial coordinates and time. In an axisymmetric formulation, the study of the transient dynamics of a thin spherical belt with emission boundary conditions under the influence of a moving transient load. The belt material is elastic and isotropic. The Kirchhoff-Love hypothesis was implemented in the qualitative mathematical model of the spherical scenario. An approach to research based on the principle of superposition, the Green’s function method and the method of compensating influence. The essence of the results is in connection with the desired solution with the acting and compensating load using integral operations such as convolution in coordinate and time. Being this operation, is the Green’s function for spherical exploitation, which is the normal displacement in response to the core, random focusing on the load coordinate and time, mathematically described by the Dirac delta function. The compensation solution is the result of studying some specially calculated values, at which decisions are made from the acting load and the compensating sensation, satisfying the boundary conditions at the ends of the spherical belt. An example of calculating the unsteady dynamics of a spherical belt is given. The results for transient functions of normal displacements, angles of turns and bending moments are presented in the form of graphs. The method of compensating loads applied in the work allows us to study the transient dynamics of a spherical belt with intermediate axisymmetric supports, as well as spherical segments. | ||||||||
Korovaytseva E. A. Postcritical behavior of hyperelastic cylindrical shell. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 131 The work studies the process of local inflation of cylindrical shell made of hyperelastic materials of different types under the action of uniformly distributed pressure and axial force. Mathematical statement of the problem includes 4 quasilinear differential equations and 9 nonlinear algebraic equations. Geometrical relations of thin shells nonlinear theory are used, and for nonlinear physical relations formulation elastic potentials of different types are involved. The problem is solved using parameter differentiation method algorithm. According to this algorithm, resolving nonlinear equation system is differentiated with respect to solution continuation parameter, which leads to forming interconnected quasilinear boundary and nonlinear initial problems. These problems are solved in steps using iteration method until reaching required proximity of prognosed and corrected solutions at each parameter step. At given loading type and boundary conditions for the shell of constant thickness components of its stress-strain state will be constant along the meridian at any value of internal pressure. However it is known that at uniform inflation of cylindrical shell after reaching load critical value bulging can occur under certain conditions. For obtaining corresponding numerical result an assumption of small local thinning of shell wall was introduced. Two types of shell material were considered — neohookean and Yeoh. The diagram «pressure — relative volume change» for the case of neohookean cylinder inflation has only one maximum. Postcritical deforming of a shell with local thinning in this case differs fundamentally from the one of a shell with constant thickness. Differences are observed both in loading diagrams and character of stress-strain state components distribution along the whole meridian. Meridian of the shell with local thinning buckles at the largest part of its length. The diagram «pressure — relative volume change» for the problem of inflation of a cylinder made of Yeoh material has a local maximum and a local minimum. Distribution of stress-strain state components along the meridian remains constant both for the shell of constant and variable thickness, in the last case changing insignificantly only along the segment with local thinning. Meridian of the shell with local thinning remains straight. Thus introduction of an assumption of hyperelastic cylindrical shell local thinning for the case of loading by uniform pressure and axial force allows investigating theoretically the character of its postcritical behavior corresponding to experimentally observed one. | ||||||||
Sazanov V. P., Kirpichev V. A., Pismarov A. V. Distribution of residual stresses in bottom of thread after advance surface plastic deformation. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 131 The article presents the results of computing-and-experimental study of the advance surface plastic deforming impact on stress fatigue strength of the parts with M16´2 metric thread, produced from the 30HGSA and 40X structural steels. The surface of cylindrical workpieces was hardened by rolling on the roller work-tool prior to the thread cutting. Computations of the residual stresses distribution in the lest sections of the thread vees were performed by both analytical and finite element modeling methods. It was found that that these results demonstrate rather high convergence in the thread vees slightly removed from the start of the threaded portion of the part. Obviously this is associated with the fact that an analytical solution of the residual stresses distribution was performed at a quite long distance from the rim zone. Finite element modeling and necessary computational volume were performed employing the PARTRAN/NASTRAN software complex. Finite element models of the smooth cylindrical and threaded pieces were developed in the axisymmetrical setting, and residual stress-strain state modeling was conducted by the thermoelastisity method using initial deformations. The squeezing residual stresses impact on the fatigue resistance was being determined through the endurance limit increment by the mean integral stresses criterion. Calculating increments of the endurance limits were compared with their experimental values obtained while fatigue tests of hardened and non-hardened threaded pieces at the rotational bending in the case of the symmetrical cycle (30HGSA) and stretching in the case of asymmetrical cycle (40X). Accounting for the close increments values of the endurance limits at bending and limiting amplitude of the cycle while bending the important inference on the stretching substitution by bending while fatige test conducting is confirmed. | ||||||||
Dmitriev V. G., Popova A. R. Mathematical modeling of panels and arches stress-strain state for the case of large displacements and strains at designing thin-walled aircraft structures of hyperelastic materials. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 131 The presented work is aimed at mathematical models and computational algorithms developing for studying specifics of deformation processes of the panel and arc structures from hyper-elastic materials at arbitrary displacements and deformations. The initial continual problem discretization by the spatial variables is being accomplished by the finite difference method with approximation of differential operators by the finite differences of the second-order accuracy. Quasi-dynamic form of the settling method with plotting an explicit two-layer difference scheme by the time of second order accuracy is being employed for building the nonlinear boundary problem solving computational algorithm. The stress-strain state specifics were studied and critical loads values were determined for the locally loaded arc structure from the hyper-elastic material while using the relationships of the Mooney-Rivlin model neo- Hookean model for both fastened and hinge-fixed edges. | ||||||||
Nikitchenko Y. A., Berezko M. E., Krasavin E. E. Comparison of the Navier-Stokes-Fourier model and the two-temperature model on the example of the problem of flow around high- camber surface. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 131 The problem of flow around a surface with a large curvature (sharp edge) is becoming very relevant in connection with the development of modern technologies. In the vicinity of a sharp edge, a highly nonequilibrium gas flow occurs. Depending on the sharpness (curvature of the surface) of the edge, the degree of non-equilibrium of the flow can approach the non-equilibrium in the shock wave. In the present work, we consider a supersonic flow of a diatomic gas around a plate of infinite span, which is installed parallel to the oncoming flow. The tip of the plate is rounded. The rounding radius characterizes the Knudsen number Кn of the problem being solved. The aim of this work is to estimate the maximum value of Kn at which the solutions of the NSF and M2T models practically coincide. The calculations were carried out for a diatomic gas at the Mach number M=2. The Knudsen number varied in the range Kn=10–2 ... 1. In the framework of the problem under consideration, Kn can be considered as the degree of pointedness of the nose, regardless of the degree of rarefaction of the gas, which is traditionally characterized by the number Kn. The most important gas parameters, from a practical point of view, are the density and temperature in the near-wall region. These parameters mainly determine the processes of erosion of the edge surface, leading to a change in its shape. The performed calculations show that for Kn>10–2 both models of the first approximation, which describe the energy exchange between the translational and rotational degrees of freedom in different ways, lead to significantly different temperature distributions. the temperature distributions are fairly close over the entire range of Knudsen numbers considered. | ||||||||
Khatuntseva O. N. Accounting for entropy production in the system of Navier-Stokes equations when describing the turbulent flow of a viscous compressible heat-conducting liquid. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 131 To describe both laminar and turbulent flow regimes of a viscous incompressible non—heat-conducting fluid based on the same equations, the references [1-3] proposed to account for what distinguishes these two regimes from each other, namely the entropy production due to the random stochastic perturbations excitation. For this purpose, the Navier-Stokes equations (NSE) were written in a phase space expanded by introduction of an additional stochastic variable. As the result, in the left part of the equations, namely in expressions for the total time derivative, additional terms, characterized by the entropy production due to the excitation of stochastic perturbations, appeared. For laminar flow modes, entropy production adopts a zero value, additional terms vanish, and transition to the NSE in their standard form, of which solutions describe only laminar flow modes, is accomplished. Inclusion of an extra summand in the expression for the total time derivative, characterized by entropy production (which is always non-negative), allows, in particular, accounting for the irreversibility of physical processes in time in cases where this production is non-zero. The above said applies, among other things, to the case when large values of the Reynolds number are realized and, accordingly, the value of the viscous term in the NSE tends to zero. In this case, the only term of the equation «responsible» for its irreversibility becomes an additional term in the full time derivative. Solutions corresponding to laminar and turbulent flow regimes have been obtained analytically for Hagen-Poiseuille problems, planar Poiseuille flow and planar Couette flow. Experimental. Comparison of experimental and analytical solutions for different values of the Reynolds number was performed. The presented article considers a more general case, using a similar approach, namely analyses how the equation of continuity; Navier-Stokes equations; the equations of total conservation of energy, and heat transfer should change, when describing the flow of a viscous compressible heat-conducting fluid, in which stochastic disturbances may occur in a wide range of scales at large values of the Reynolds number. | ||||||||
Vavilov V. E., Ismagilov F. R., Mustaev E. I., Urazbakhtin R. R. Numerical study of the engine-propeller combination of the unmanned aerial vehicle with the propeller integrated into the engine. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 131 The article presents a proposal for application of the improved engine-propeller group with the airscrew integrated into the electric motor in the multi-rotor type unmanned aerial vehicles. The authors performed a check-up aimed at confirming the proposed technical solution operability, which was realized by the presented modification comparison with classical scheme of the engine-propeller group. The juxtaposition was being accomplished by the aerodynamic characteristics of the airscrew in the hovering mode by the computational hydro-gas-dynamics methods with the STAR CCM+ and ANSYS CFX application software. Numerical modeling was performed in the 3D setting and based on solving the system of Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations, which were closed using the turbulence models of the K-Epsilon family. The airscrew rotation was described by the moving frame of reference without the grid changing. The data obtained from the mathematical study indicate a non-critical reduction in the lifting force of the improved scheme of the engine-propeller combination group compared to the traditional one, and are fixed at 3.9% and 2.5% in ANSYS CFX and STAR CCM+, respectively. The drag torque of the airscrewof the modified scheme increased by 0.741% relative to the classical one when modeled in the STAR CCM+, and decreased by 0.944% when modeled in the ANSYS CFX. The proposed scheme weight herewith, computed in SolidWorks, decreased by 8%. The results of the performed check-up are satisfactory and prove the applicability of the improved scheme of the engine-propeller combination in unmanned aerial systems to increase their reliability, as well as reduce weight and dimensions without the risk of malfunctions in their operation. | ||||||||
Babich E. V., Kolesnik E. V. The influence of geometry on a supersonic laminar flow past a blunt-fin body mounted on a plate. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 131 The study of the flow structure near an obstacle mounted on a streamlined surface and the correct prediction of heat transfer characteristics is important both for practical purposes, in particular, in the aerospace industry, and in fundamental and theoretical respects. Such flow results in a highly three-dimensional flow pattern, which includes an elongated flow separation region containing a set of horseshoe-shaped vortices and a complex shock-wave interaction. This paper presents the results of a numerical solution of the problem of supersonic flow past a blunt fin mounted on a plate with a developing boundary layer. In most works on this topic, the flow around bodies of simple geometry is studied, however, objects with a more complex configuration are of interest for practical purposes. This work, which is a continuation of research [12], is devoted to studying the influence of the geometric shape of the obstacle (slope angle, shape of the leading edge) on the flow structure and local heat transfer characteristics; herewith cases of flow leakage at different angles of attack are considered. In our calculations, we used the SINF/Flag-S finite-volume unstructured code developed at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. We solved the complete 3D Navier—Stokes equations for a thermally and calorically perfect gas. According to the research, in supersonic flow around a body mounted on a plate, such changes in the geometric configuration as narrowing of the leading edge, a decrease in the slope angle, and asymmetric flow lead to a reduction in thermal loads caused by the effects of viscous-inviscid interaction. | ||||||||
Tarasov A. L. Flow characteristics in the operational range angles of attack and Mach numbers numerical investigation of helicopter airfoils. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 131 The article presents the results of calculation of distributed and integral aerodynamic characteristics of helicopter airfoils NACA0012, NACA23012, VR12 and HH02 in the operational range of changes in angles of attack and Mach numbers, obtained by numerical simulation based on RANS. Modeling of helicopter airfoils flow was carried out considering the presence of a laminar-turbulent transition in the boundary layer on their surface, the presence of disruptive phenomena and compressibility of the flow. Calculations were performed by using the ANSYS Fluent software package. The results obtained are satisfied with the data of known experimental studies. The description of the features of finite-difference mesh used for calculations, boundary and initial conditions, turbulence models, solver settings is given. The distributed aerodynamic characteristics of the airfoils are presented in the form of coordinate diagrams of the distribution of the pressure coefficient over their contours. Integral airfoils aerodynamic characteristics are presented in the form of graphical dependencies and diagrams. According to the results of the calculations, the patterns of behavior of the distributed and integral aerodynamic characteristics of the studied airfoils are revealed when the flow conditions change in the entire possible operational range of operation. The comparison and comparative analysis of the studied airfoils characteristics determining their aerodynamic perfection are also given. The results of the work can be used in the development of helicopter profiles, direct and inverse problem solution to optimize their shapes, as well as in the process of performing calculations to determine the aerodynamic characteristics of helicopter propeller blade airfoils by CFD methods in the entire possible operational range of their operation at angles of attack and Mach numbers. | ||||||||
Piganov M. N., Kulikov A. V., Novomeisky D. N. Predictional mathematical models of thin-film elements of microassembly. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 131 The lion share of the onboard equipment failures (up to 70%) is stipulated by the inadequate reliability of the onboard equipment electronic parts base. One of the effective ways to improve the onboard radio-electronic systems quality consists in selecting highly reliable elements and components based on the results of diagnostic control or individual prediction (IP) of their future state. This is especially true for the devices and elements, such as thin-film microassemblies with high-precision resistors and capacitors. One of the most important operations in such microassemblies manufacturing is the thin-film elements trimming to the nominal value. However, this trimming operation often introduces a perturbing effect into their structure, which reduces the temporal stability and reliability of these elements. This makes the procedure for rejecting potentially unreliable elements and selecting high-quality samples for the onboard equipment (the IP based) especially up-to-date. Mathematical models are proposed for individual prediction of quality and reliability indicators of microassembly thin-film resistors and capacitors. An expert survey was conducted to select the forecasting method. With account fort the fact that informative parameters were previously identified for the class of microassemblies and thin-film elements under study, the following methods of pattern recognition theory were selected as the main ones: the method of discriminant functions, potential and regression functions (models), as well as the extrapolation method. The latter was emplooyed for the case of low information content of the parameters. Forecasting effectiveness estimate based on the proposed models is presented. The developed models are recommended to be applied for solving problems of individual prediction of elements with classification. | ||||||||
Nenashev V. A., Afanasyeva V. I., Zalishchuk A. A., Grigorov M. Y., Morozov A. V. Formation of three-dimensional terrain models based on lidar survey to identify structural changes in the earth's surface. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 131 As of today, development of high-precision digital terrain model based on data of the small-sized onboard laser system for environmental state control is an up-to-date task. Detection of temporal changes in the landscapes of the controlled zones in dynamics may relate to such tasks. In this case, plotting the high-accuracy 3D-models of the terrain may be accomplished by the data of the small-sized onboard laser system, collected in the current time instant with the archive data free from the current changes. The multi-temporal digital models plotting of the terrain allows rather distinctly outline season changes, such as fire zones detection, the size of the coast brim size of rivers, lakes and other impoundments, as well as the scales of the swamp terrain forming, ice melting, snow covers and other temporal changes. Such approach employing for highly-precise digital terrain model separated by time based on complex procession of the initial laser data collected from small UAVs is applicable for the purpose of environmental control, particularly for revealing structural changes of the various themes registered objects, which is an important and up-to-data task, particularly for various structures accomplishing search-and-rescue operations, including the ice situation determining, as well as under Arctic conditions. The purpose of the presented work consists in conducting the experiment on the UAV application with the small-sized onboard laser system installed on it for obtaining lidar terrain data, which afterwards would be converted into 3D terrain models and employed for the environmental situation control of the definite sector of the Earth surface. The article considers an example of application of the 3D terrain model, created with the lidar data, to compare two terrain models created according to the same route assignment with the one-week interval. The data on the structural difference of the Earth surface models taken off at the different time instants, which can be applied for studying the environmental situation of the registered section of the Earth surface were obtained. The results of the study may be employed while modernization of the conventional systems and development of the prospective systems for the environmental situation control of the certain section iiof the Earth surface. | ||||||||
Ispulov A. A., Kalmykov A. V. Method for determining the initial conditions for the use of uncontrolled reactive ballistic bodies from mobile carrier. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 131 The problem of ballistics is the process of calculating the trajectory of an uncontrolled reactive ballistic body after it has been separated from the carrier. At present, the basis for calculating the trajectory is the canonical model of motion, which describes the change in velocity, nutation angle, angular velocity of nutation, trajectory inclination angle, and rocket coordinates. However, this model is adequate only in conditions of uniform rectilinear flight; when the carrier is maneuvering, additional corrections are made depending on the angles of attack and slip of the carrier. The accuracy of the use of unguided reactive ballistic bodies depends on the initial launch conditions, which are determined by the parameters of the carrier and target motion. Development of a methodology for determining the initial conditions for launching an unguided reactive ballistic body with a vertical maneuver of a movable carrier. A technique has been developed for determining the initial conditions for launching an uncontrolled reactive ballistic body with a vertical maneuver of a movable carrier, for which analytical expressions have been obtained to determine the initial values of velocity, nutation angle, angular velocity of the nutation angle, and trajectory inclination angle. The results obtained make it possible to obtain the dependences of the resulting initial velocity, the initial nutation angle, the initial nutation angular velocity, and the initial trajectory inclination angle on various conditions for launching an uncontrolled reactive ballistic body during a vertical maneuver of a movable carrier. The obtained experimental dependences can be used in the development of a ballistic algorithm to obtain the exact initial conditions necessary for integrating the differential equations of a complete ballistic motion model, which in turn will improve the aiming accuracy. | ||||||||
Tarasov A. G., Milyaev I. K., Musienko A. S. A model for assessing the availability factor of electrical cable systems of space vehicles, taking into account the specifics of determining the technical condition. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 131 The article describes the methods, which are based on the concepts and relationships of probability theory and graph theory, to assess the impact of the switching number in the process of a cable network diagnosing on the availability factor employing the frozen coefficients method. The subject relevancy is being confirmed by the fact that more than 60% of electrical equipment has exhausted its operational life, and, with a view to the dynamics of aging, a more thorough diagnosis of its condition is required. The proposed methodology is based on the theory of probability and graph theory, as well as the basic concepts and relationships of the theory of reliability and technical diagnostics of systems. The initial data is information on technical condition of the power grid equipment elements of space vehicles in the course of the test control, information on the reliability (structural and logical diagrams, failure rates of elements) of technological power grid equipment, as well as diagnostic models that link the types of technical conditions and diagnostic signs of electrical equipment. When organizing of the electrical cable system control and restoring its performance, it is necessary to account for the number of switching electrical circuits, affecting significantly the electrical cable system readiness to perform tasks according to its direct purpose. In this regard, the obtained model for the availability factor assessing of the spacecraft electrical cable system allowed determining reduction in the duration of determining the technical condition of the electric cable system by 75%, and the availability factor increase of the spacecraft electric cable system by 1.7% through the adaptive switching application. The proposed model may be employed by specialists when performing control and diagnostic works of a cable electrical system with a view to increase their efficiency. The obtained model for the availability factor assessment of a spacecraft electrical cable system allows obtaining an adequate assessment of the availability factor with account for specifics of the technical condition determining, as well as comparing the efficiency various switching methods application for the electrical cable system diagnosing. Thus, an important point for ensuring the operable state of electrical equipment is adoption of a reasonable decision on its operational technical condition in connection with the individual characteristics of each piece of electrical equipment. The obtained data allow drawing up more reasonable plans for priority measures for the repair and renewal of electrical equipment based on the assessments of specialists working on the ground — experts, while improving the quality of management decisions. | ||||||||
Dyachenko S. A. Automated verification complex for cockpit display systems of next-generation civil aircraft. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 131 According to accident statistics provided by international aviation authorities and leading airplane manufacturers, loss of control in-flight stands as the primary cause of air crashes in terms of the number of victims. One of the contributing factors to loss of control in-flight is the failure or malfunction of aircraft systems, which may result from undetected errors during the design phase. To address this issue, reducing the influence of the human factor in the development of on-board systems is crucial, and this can be achieved through the implementation of automation instruments. The article encompasses an analysis of verification automation tools for civil aircraft on-board systems currently available on the market, including formal verification and system testing instruments, as well as complex solutions. Moreover, the research highlights that the growth potential of these tools lies in graphic and aural information testing. This aspect becomes relevant when assessing the human-machine interface within cockpit displays and flight warning systems verification. Additionally, the article proposes the architecture, algorithms, and software of such a complex providing text information recognition for cockpit display systems. The conducted tool testing confirmed its high effectiveness. While the complete exclusion of an operator from the verification process is deemed unacceptable due to safety concerns, the aforementioned type of tools can potentially enhance the human-machine interface systems’ reliability by mitigating the influence of the human factor, and it can also lead to savings in time and financial resources. Concurrently, the underlying methods of computer image processing are universal, enabling the developed complex to be adapted to diverse technical systems featuring human-machine interfaces (including industries beyond aviation). | ||||||||
Minakov E. P., Privalov A. E., Bugaichenko P. Y. A method for estimating the characteristics of digital models of cyber-physical systems based on multiple regression analysis of the results of their application. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 131 Digital technologies implementation in the sphere of complex technical systems control has led to the advent of the cyber-physical systems (CPS) concepts and digital twins (DT). The DT basic element is the digital model (DM) of the CPS. Requirements to the DM characteristics are being confirmed while tests, verification and validation, to which ensuring the problems of substantiating the list of the DM characteristics and developing methods for their assessment are being solved. The article substantiates the choice of completeness and veracity of the DM as its target characteristics. A method for their assessment by the characteristics of the accuracy of the of the CPS properties estimates obtained with the DM, and the weighting coefficients determined employing multiple regression analysis of the DM application results is proposed. The said method is based on the analysis of the CPS target function, due to which the criterion applied in assessing veracity receives an obvious physical meaning. The proposed method may be employed for solving the problems of the DT structural and parametric synthesis, as well as analyzing their functioning effectiveness at all stages of the CPS life cycle. The result of the training stage is analytical models of the CPS characteristics, which can be used in optimization algorithms without significant requirements for computing resources. The training sample can be replenished while the DT exploitation which increases the accuracy of the DM characteristics assessment at various stages of the CPS life cycle. The adequacy of the method is confirmed by the presented in the article example of the DM characteristics evaluating of an angular motion control system with flywheel engines. | ||||||||
Sentsov A. A., Korotkov V. A., Ivanov S. A., Turnetskaya E. L. Mathematical modeling of a free form inertial naigation system for airborne radar stations. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 131 Digital technologies implementation in the sphere of complex technical systems control has led to the advent of the cyber-physical systems (CPS) concepts and digital twins (DT). The DT basic element is the digital model (DM) of the CPS. Requirements to the DM characteristics are being confirmed while tests, verification and validation, to which ensuring the problems of substantiating the list of the DM characteristics and developing methods for their assessment are being solved. The article substantiates the choice of completeness and veracity of the DM as its target characteristics. A method for their assessment by the characteristics of the accuracy of the of the CPS properties estimates obtained with the DM, and the weighting coefficients determined employing multiple regression analysis of the DM application results is proposed. The said method is based on the analysis of the CPS target function, due to which the criterion applied in assessing veracity receives an obvious physical meaning. The proposed method may be employed for solving the problems of the DT structural and parametric synthesis, as well as analyzing their functioning effectiveness at all stages of the CPS life cycle. The result of the training stage is analytical models of the CPS characteristics, which can be used in optimization algorithms without significant requirements for computing resources. The training sample can be replenished while the DT exploitation which increases the accuracy of the DM characteristics assessment at various stages of the CPS life cycle. The adequacy of the method is confirmed by the presented in the article example of the DM characteristics evaluating of an angular motion control system with flywheel engines. | ||||||||
Fetisov E. V., Zavyalik I. I. Assessment of the impact of operating conditions on technical condition of fuel system units aircraft engine systems. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 131 Requirements to aviation equipment operational properties are being tightened in the process of the aircraft functional systems improving, aimed at increasing flight reliability and safety levels. Despite substantial impact of the fuel impurity on the reliability of the fuel system units, this issue is still remains understudied. Despite the significant impact of aviation fuel pollution on the reliability of aircraft fuel system units, this issue remains insufficiently studied. This is especially true for establishing quantitative dependences of the probability of failure-free operation of the fuel system units most sensitive to the quality and purity of aviation fuel on the degree and nature of contamination and changes in the aircraft operating conditions. Conventional techniques for the aircraft fuel system failure-free assessment are based on the reliability factor values determining from statistical data on the results of tests and operation. It allows accounting for only the fact of the failure manifestation itself, but does not allow assessing such external factors impact as environmental conditions of aviation equipment operation and application, the impurity changing of the applied fuel effect on the probability of parametric failures and maloperation manifestation of the aircraft fuel system units. To solve this problem, the article presents a mathematical simulation model of the aircraft engine fuel system units functioning under various aircraft operating conditions developed with the MATLAB Simulink. The model allows studying and predicting technical condition of the aircraft engine fuel system units depending on changes in the aircraft operating conditions. For this, the dependence of the key parameters values of the fuel system on the impurity particles size and concentration in the aviation fuel in various conditions of the aircraft operation is being embedded into the system of equations, describing the aviation engine fuel system functioning based on the aggregative approach. The developed model application at conducting studies on the fuel units operability assessment with ranges expansion of input and internal parameters values (fuel system units of the aircraft power plant) will allow obtaining reliable assessment of the fuel system technical condition at the aircraft operating conditions changing. | ||||||||
Pavlov D. A., Popov A. M., Tkachenko V. V. A model for correcting the initial marking of a classical Petri net based on solving a discrete programming problem. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 131 Apparatus based on the classical Petri net is being employed quite often while modeling various parallel asynchronous processes. This apparatus allows demonstrating the system transition from state to event, establishing cause-and-effect relations between the states of the system being modeled. It offers an opportunity to perform formal analysis of the model properties and reflect the results of the obtained analysis on the real properties of the system. However, when the modeled system volume is large enough, and Petri net properties analysis produces incorrect result, changes should be introduced into the formed model, though detecting the place, which requires correction, is not an easy task. It will be necessary to analyze relations between all positions and transitions together with initial, intermediate and final marking stage-by-stage, namely from the initial to the final state. This article proposes a formal approach to the initial marking correction of the Petri net so as the network would reach the final state, i.e. correct fulfilling of the reachability property of the network by solving the discrete programming problem. The discrete programming problem will be solved in the case of the Petri net reachability property unfulfillment, i.e. when the reachability equation solution will differ from X ∈ Zn. After the necessary solution finding, the reverse conversion operation of the system of linear equations into the reachability equation is being accomplished to discriminate the corrected vector of the initial marking from it. Correction of the initial marking vector is necessary for the net transition to the required (final) state. The said approach may be employed for various type initial data correction, as well as corrections of the quantitative components of separate states of the system being modeled. | ||||||||
Kasatikov N. N., Brekhov O. M., Nikolaeva E. O. Integration of artificial intelligence and the Internet of things for advanced monitoring and optimization of energy facilities in smart cities. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 131 Energetics is one of the most important and state-of-the-art topics of the contemporaneity. Energy facilities monitoring and optimization play decisive role in ensuring effective energy consumption and sustaining stable infrastructure in the fast-developing cities. Energy facilities optimization with the artificial intelligence (AI) and Internet of things (IoT) technologies plays an important role in ensuring effective energy consumption and sustaining stable infrastructure in the fast-developing cities. New innovative technologies allow data collecting in the real-time mode, performing enhanced analytics and accomplish intellectual decision making, which leads to the energy efficiency enhancing, operational costs reduction and stability increasing. One of the energy facilities monitoring advantages using AI and Iot consists in the possibility for energy consumption optimization based on the demand, weather conditions and other factors. The AI algorithms are able to analyze collected data and predict energy requirements, which allows reducing electricity bill and negative impact on the environment. The algorithms may simplify the air traffic controllers tasks while civil aircraft landing or departure. The IoT units, i.e. sensors and intellectual counters, are being installed at the energy facilities and civil aviation industry objects for real time data collection on various parameters, such as temperature, pressure, voltage and output power. These units transmit data to the central monitoring system, allowing operators surveying the energy facilities operation and indicating any deviations from the normal operation conditions. The AI algorithms, machine learning and deep learning models can analyze the data collected by the IoT units to detect anomalies and anomalous regularities. The researchers may study the normal operating behavior the energy facilities by training the AI models using the test data. When the collected data deviate significantly from the expected values, the AI system may issue warnings to notify operators about potential problems or malfunctions requiring their attention. AI and neural networks may be employed for predicting demands for servicing and preventing unexpected damage at the energy facilities and civil airports. By the data analysis from the IoT sensors and units, the AI models can reveal regularities pointing out potential failures or productivity reduction. It allows operators planning technical servicing in advance of repairing equipment prior to the failures and minimizing the downtime. The AI algorithms can as well optimize operation of the energy facilities and enterprises of civil aviation trend by the real time data analyzing and revealing the possibilities for the efficiency enhancing. The AI, for example, may analyze the energy consumption schemes, the data on the equipment productivity and external factors, such as weather conditions, for energy systems optimal control and energy consumption reduction. Thus, the Ai and IoT technologies application for energy facilities and civil aviation objects monitoring and optimizing demonstrate many advantages, including energy efficiency enhancing, power consumption costs reduction, stability improving and reducing negative impact on the environment. These innovative approaches help municipal companies, power suppliers and objects managers make justified decisions, develop strategies and ensure long-term stability of energy facilities in the rapid-developing cities. | ||||||||
Kuznetsova S. V., Semenov A. S. Digital twins in the aerospace industry: an object-oriented approach. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 131 The increasing complexity, versatility and uniqueness of aerospace products require new efficient approaches to their design and operation. It is expected that the use of digital twin technology will effectively solve emerging problems. In the publications and data sources, the concept of a digital twin is given quite a lot of definitions. The national standard GOST R 57700.37–2021, adopted in 2021, defines the digital twin of a product as follows: «A system consisting of a digital model of a product and two-way information links with the product (if the product is available) and (or) its components.» In the aerospace industry, there are the following features of creating digital twins:
The creation of a digital twin largely depends on the methodology of development, production and operation. It becomes relevant to create a software and technological platform for the production and use of digital twins in the aerospace industry, taking into account life cycle processes (according to GOST R 56135). A platform for creating digital twins should support the proposed methodology, methods for integrating physical objects with the Internet of Things, and graphodynamic description of simulated objects. The article explores the technology of developing digital twins in the aerospace industry. The main features of creating a digital twins in the aerospace industry have been determined. Fundamental technologies for the implementation of digital twins have been considered: Iot, XR, Cloud computing, AI, quantum modeling, cybersecurity. A fractal approximation methodology has been proposed for the development, production and operation of digital twins based on elastic objects, as well as a platform architecture for creating digital twins. The article considers incremental object-oriented development, production and operation of digital twins in combination with a graph-dynamic description of physical objects and methods of the Internet of things. Efficiency is achieved through the reuse of software and hardware components, surrogate models that integrate physical objects with the Internet of things and graphodynamic description of simulated objects. | ||||||||
Popov I. P. Additive energy constant of gravitational interaction. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 130 The article presents definitions of the total stored energy, conditional stored energy, conditional realizable stored energy, and conditional unrealizable stored one. The total stored gravitational energy is the energy of a system or object equal to the maximum work that the system or object can perform if offered the opportunity to do so. A system or an object with zero total stored gravitational energy cannot perform any work. A system of two massive balls has zero total stored gravitational energy when their centers are aligned. The latter is possible if the balls are mutually penetrating, for example, discontinuous, particularly, accomplished in the form of layered joints. Conditional stored gravitational energy is a part of the total stored gravitational energy of a system or object, limited by the condition, which excludes the possibility of the system or object to perform maximum work that the system or object can hypothetically perform. Conditional realizable stored gravitational energy is a part of the total stored gravitational energy of a system or object, equal to the work that the system or object can perform, limited by the condition that excludes the possibility of the system or object performing the maximum work that the system or object can hypothetically perform. Conditional unrealizable stored gravitational energy is a part of the total stored gravitational energy of a system or object, equal to the work that the system or object cannot perform, limited by the condition that excludes the possibility of the system or object performing the maximum work that the system or object can hypothetically perform. | ||||||||
Akentyev A. S., Fokina A. A., Makarov D. K. Mechanical analysis for optical retroreflector antenna system for high-orbit segment of glonass navigation system. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 130 The article presents options of the retro-reflective antennae system (RRAS)for the spacecraft of the high-orbit space complex of the GLONASS system. The options of the structure with various arrangement of orifices, the number of angle reflectors and other constituent parts were analyzed. The structure of the optical retro-reflectory antenna system meeting the requirements for successful leading out as a part of the spacecraft and functioning at the obit of the 36000 km altitude. Mechanical analysis of the selected structure was performed. Analysis of the eigen frequencies of the structure confirmed the absence of resonance between the constituent parts of the spacecraft and RRAS. The study of the stressed-deformed state of the structure revealed that the largest calculated stress in the structure was less than the permissible value, which ensures the RRAS strength margin enough for the system successful leading out as a part of the spacecraft on the working orbit. As long as there are no eigen frequencies less than 100 Hz in the structure, the level of the sinusoidal impact amplitude is equal to the amplitude of the quazi-static impact. The RRAS persistency to mechanical loads impact at the segment of leading out the spacecraft by the booster was confirmed. | ||||||||
Grishakin V. T. Deformation of the elastic pendulum thread at resonance. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 130 The article deals with the problems of free plane and spatial oscillations of a spring pendulum at the frequencies ratio of linear and longitudinal oscillations leading to resonance. Various mathematical models of the studied mechanical systems are adduced, and numerical results obtained when using them are compared. The author proposed a simplified model of a flat spring pendulum, which application is possible in solving engineering problems. The article illustrates the effects of the swing energy «pumping» into the axial oscillations energy of the pendulum and rotation of the pendulum material point trajectory around the vertical axis at a resonance of 1 : 1 : 2. It is established that with different frequency ratios of linear and longitudinal oscillations, the specified effect of the oscillation energy «pumping» is not observed. The effect of the swing plane rotation herewith remains, but manifests itself to a lesser extent. The trajectories of the first 20 s of the material point of the spatial spring pendulum movement at resonances were compared 1 : 1 : 2, 1 : 1 : 3 and 1 : 1 : 5. Maximum values of the thread relative deformation depending on the initial conditions of the problem under consideration are adduced for the first computational case. Computational results are summarized in a table allowing evaluating the largest relative deformations of the pendulum thread depending on the initial deviations from the equilibrium position and initial impulses, which resulted in the processes under study occurrence. | ||||||||
Pronina P. F. Analytical modeling of heat transfer in the elements of the screen-vacuum thermal insulation. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 130 The article deals with analytical modeling of the screen-vacuum thermal insulation elements (SVTIE) for temperature distribution determining in the composite thermal protection coating. Screen-vacuum thermal insulation is widely used in aerospace engineering, namely in the automatic interplanetary stations, spacecraft, satellites, fuel tanks of launch vehicles. The study of this type of thermal insulation is of prime importance for ensuring safety and service life of aerospace complexes elements throughout their lifetime. High reliability requirements are stipulated by the thermal protection operation under conditions of temperature fluctuations and prolonged exposure to solar radiation. The article considers a four-layer structure in the one-dimensional formulation with the solution of the unsteady thermal conductivity problem based on a two-layer homogeneous rod. The four-layer structure represents a package of a glass fabric and aluminum substrate. The structure is being exposed to a temperature field. It is necessary to find the temperature distribution field in the structure under study and determine the stress-strain state caused by the temperature impact. To determine the temperature field, an unsteady thermal conductivity problem for a four-layer homogeneous rod is being solved. The assumption that deformation is being realized in a prismatic body of theoretically infinite length, loaded by the surface and voluminous forces normal to the z-axis, which intensity does not depend on z, is used for stress-strain state. It is assumed as well that the structure deforms as a whole entity, which corresponds to the Feucht model. Shear deformations are also absent. The article presents the graphs of the temperature field and heat flux distribution along the length of the package as a function of time. | ||||||||
Eremin A. M. Conditions of optimality of classical ejectors in the frame of different theories of critical mode. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 130 In this article explores conditions for the optimality of a gas ejector in various theories of the critical mode. Explored three theories: Millionshikov—Ruabinkov theory, Vasiliev theory and Pearson, Holyday and Smith theory. System of equations of critical mode has been investigated on extremum by Lagrange method. New conditions of optimality have been obtained. For theories of Millionshikov—Ruabinkov and Pearson these condition for the optimality is blocking in pipe with flexible boundary and which corresponds to subsonic speed of gas in the place of blocking. New condition for the optimality for Vasiliev theory is equality of static pressures in mixed jets in the place of blocking. In the frame of each theory for a number of values of the reduced speed of active gas has been calculated values of compression ratio for k=0,1 and σ=10. Examination of these figures shows that in the case of classical condition of blocking λ2=1 point with equal static pressures at the entrance of ejector responds to the maximum of compression ratio. In the case of blocking in the pipe with flexible boundaries point with equal static pressures at the entrance of ejector responds to the inflection point of compression ratio curve, but maximum of compression ratio responds to the sonic speed of gas in the entrance of ejector. In the frame of Vasiliev theory has been obtained that the case of equal static pressure in the place of blocking responds to the maximum of compression ratio and this case is different from critical mode. Also has been obtained that in frame of Pearson theory exists the condition of optimality, which differ from the condition of optimality by Vasiliev theory by the presence of an additional term. Although obtained condition is mathematically correct, calculations show that it can’t be realized in real ejector. | ||||||||
Egorov I. A. Investigation of the flow characteristics of the arcuate wing. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 130 The article considers the lift coefficient determining specifics of the folding arc-shaped wing determining. The effect of the wing arc curvature on the interference with the body is being estimated. The character of arc-shaped wing lifting force dependence on the roll angle is being determined. Rational scheme of the arc-shaped wing spreading is determined. The discrete vortices method is applied. The computation technique is presented in another article. Reference is available. A rectangular wing is being considered. Two options of the opening angle of 90° and 135° are regarded. The article demonstrates the possibility of the interference coefficient of the wing with the body determining by integrating the wing local angles of attack, and determining the average angle of attack. This is rather convenient for the wings of non-standard configuration, including the arc-shaped wing. A weak effect of arc curvature on the interference coefficient of the wing with the body is revealed. This is especially typical for the rational scheme arc-shaped wing (with an opening angle of 135°). A significant specificity of the dependence of the lift coefficient of an arc-shaped wing on the angle of roll is revealed compared to the similar dependence for a flat wing. It manifests itself most vividly for the arc-shaped wing with the opening angle of 90°. This wing is of non-monotonic character of the dependence of the lift coefficient on the roll angle with a minimum at the roll angle of 45°. The situation persists for the X-wing layout of the wings. An arc-shaped wing with the opening angle of 135° has characteristics near to characteristics of a flat one. However, even in this case, the independence of the total lifting force from the roll angle for the X-wing layout of the wings is being not ensured. Conclusions:
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Savin E. I., Minkov L. L. Research of drag coefficients and solid rocket motor parameters for the analysis of the movement of a short-range bicaliber aircraft. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 130 A complex problem based on the determination of intra-ballistic and external-ballistic parameters for evaluating the flight zone of a short-range bicaliber aircraft is considered. The specifics of the short-range bicaliber aircraft are shown. The solid rocket motor provides fast acceleration in a short time period to the required speed (active section). After the end of the active section the basic shell, which has a smaller caliber, is disconnected from the booster stage and continues to move in the energy-passive section of the flight. This plan allows the use of solid fuel with high energy and temperature characteristics and the use of the lightweight composite materials design of the propulsion system. Also, resetting the booster stage of a larger caliber significantly improves the aerodynamic quality in the energy-passive flight section. The law of change of the axial component of the thrust force in the quasi-stationary combustion duration of solid rocket motors is used for the thrust force mathematical description. Equations for the longitudinal motion of a material point in the atmosphere are used for the mathematical description of external ballistics. The dependence of the drag coefficient on speed and altitude is given. The Heunʼs method with a predictor-corrector scheme is used for the numerical solution of differential equations. The possibility of a preliminary evaluation of the flight zone with the coordinates of a short-range aircraft is shown. To improve the accuracy of calculations, it is possible to supplement the systems of equations with components of the lateral force, lift force, Magnus force, aerodynamic moments, rudder angles, etc. Also, to improve the accuracy of the numerical solution of equations, higher order solution methods can be used. | ||||||||
Baimetova E. S. Numerical simulation of hydrodynamic processes in a multichannel collector. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 130 Hydraulic device being considered in the article represents a component part of the heat exchanger, which includes distributing and receiving collectors. These collectors are interconnected by a set of eight parallel identical sections, located across the channels of the working fluid supply and discharge. Each section consists of six micro-channels, which inner finning is accomplished in the form of symmetrical trapezoids with a narrow upper edge. The operative range of velocities for the given type of hydraulic device is 0.1-3 /s, and the flow within this operative range is laminar. The article presents modeling at the working fluid velocity of 0.1 m/s for two, four, six and eight sections of the collector according to the fundamental technique described in the I.E. Idelchik’s reference book on hydraulic resistances. Numerical modeling was performed with the openFoam package for solving continuum mechanics problems in the stationary setting based on finite volumes using the simpleFoam solver. Computations were made by the method of establishing using iteration convergence procedure by the velocity mis-tie of 10–7 and pressure mis-tie of 10–6. The delivery collector computational grid was built in the Salome package and consists of 6 million tetrahedral elements for the eight-section collector. Analysis of the results obtained by the theoretical calculation of hydraulic resistances differs greatly from the numerical modeling data at the identical problem setting, which might be associated with poor applicability of the I.E. Idelchik’s technique for this kind of structures, and flagrant necessity for new techniques introduction for hydraulic resistance computing of complex collector systems. As the result of the study, the flow velocity distribution and pressure difference, decreasing with the number of sections increasing, were obtained as well, and the absence of hydraulic plugging along the equiscalar surfaces was demonstrated. | ||||||||
Yan N. O. Oscillations of a stratified rotating fluid in a cylindrical cavity. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 130 In this paper, the problem of free oscillations of an ideal stratified rotating incompressible fluid filling a cylindrical cavity in a solid is considered. The normal oscillations of a stratified fluid at a low rotational speed are studied in the case of full or partial filling of a cylindrical round tank with liquid. Recently, there has been interest in the study of oscillations of a stratified fluid filling a vessel of finite dimensions (oscillations of oil and other liquids in various reservoirs). The study of the motion of a rotating ideal stratified fluid in a limited volume leads to very peculiar boundary and initial problems. In this paper, we investigate the problem of oscillations of an ideal incompressible stratified fluid whose density at rest varies along the vertical axis. The questions of the interaction of an ideal stratified fluid and the cavity of a moving solid body are considered, and solutions to problems of normal (natural) oscillations of a fluid with boundary conditions are presented. To study the vortex motion of a rotating homogeneous fluid, the method of state functions of S.L. Sobolev or the method of generalized potentials of F.L. Chernousko is usually used. The method of generalized potentials, which uses some restriction on the change of variables from time, is more convenient in this sense. The method of F.L. Chernousko makes it possible to emphasize the hydrodynamic problem from the general problem of the mechanics of the body-liquid system in the most complete way. Numerical results of determining the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of normal fluid oscillations are given at a constant buoyancy frequency in the form of tables and graphs. | ||||||||
Kanashin I. V., Grigorieva F. L., Khromov A. I., Grigoriev Y. Y. Low cycle loading of a flat sample with a continuous displacement velocity field considering material compressibility condition . Trudy MAI, 2023, no 130 Low cycle loading of a flat specimen with a continuous displacement velocity field, taking into account the material compressibility condition. Subject of study — Determination of crack initiation moment conditions under low-cycle loading of a flat specimen with a continuous displacement velocity field under flat deformation and flat stressed state with consideration of material compressibility. The purpose of this work is to investigate the processes of tension, compression and sequential tension-compression of a flat sample with a continuous field of displacement velocities under flat deformation and a flat stress state, taking into account the compressibility of the material at small deformations. The compressibility of the material associated with the law of conservation of mass, formulated in the form of the continuity equation, leads to a change in density in the process of loading, in accordance with which the logarithm of the material derivative of density over time is added to the system of equations determining the field of displacement velocities. The following methods were used in the study: analytical method for determining velocity and strain fields, propagating wave method for solving homogeneous differential equations. The following results were obtained in the course of the study:
The results of the study can be applied in the development of mathematical models of behavior of elements of real structures in the problems of modern mechanical engineering and construction, as well as in evaluating their strength. | ||||||||
Win K. K., Temnov A. N. Variational formulation of nonlinear boundary value problems in the dynamics of two fluids performing a given motion in space. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 130 This article contains the derivation of the equations of motion of a solid case with a two-layer fluid, considered as one mechanical system. The dynamics is based on the principle of least action in the form of Hamilton-Ostrogradsky. The variational formulation of the problem of dynamics has certain advantages, for example, from the point of view of substantiating the necessity and sufficiency of the derived equations and boundary conditions, and considering the body and fluid as one system allows one to achieve a certain multiplicity. The mechanical meaning of the equations is interpreted, which are presented in several different forms, in particular, in the form of the Lagrange equations. The question of the integrals of the equations of motion and the conditions under which they take place is considered. The article is devoted to the formulation of the variational principle for a multilayer ideal heavy fluid located in a cylindrical cavity of a solid body that performs specified angular oscillations around a fixed axis. A similar problem is due to the fact that the application of the variational principle in continuum mechanics is based on the Hamilton-Ostrogradsky principle, the mathematical form of which is written in Euler variables for hydrodynamic problems acquires significant mathematical differences. The article shows that with the help of the variational principle, written in a form different from the traditional one, it is possible to obtain a complete set of equations of nonlinear motions of liquids, including nonlinear kinematic and dynamic conditions on the interfaces of liquids filling the cavity of a solid body that performs a given movement. | ||||||||
Gumenyuk A. A., Marinina I. A., Shtrunova E. S. Development of a model of a laser triangulation rangefinder with a structured backlight. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 130 The article considers the problem of developing a laser triangulation rangefinder mathematical model with a structured backlight. Unlike the well-known approach based on Bresenham algorithm application, the model enables sub-pixel accuracy of the centers forming of the backlight markers, as well as accounts for their shape and brightness distribution while the structured lighting projecting onto the object at various angles. Sub-pixel accuracy ensuring is achieved by determining the 3D-coordinates of the highlight markers’ brightness peaks employing the ray tracing method, and their pixel coordinates by the projective camera model. Lambert’s law of cosines is used to compute the reflections intensity. The shape and angular orientation of the highlight marker image are being determined by information about the angle between the normal to the surface and the direction of the radiation incident on the object, as well as by the parameters variation of the two-dimensional Gaussian distribution. | ||||||||
Zvonarev V. V., Pitrin A. V., Popov A. S. Methodology for calculating the noise immunity of incoherent reception of signals with binary relative phase manipulation with linearly frequency-manipulated interference. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 130 To ensure the stability of information transmission using a radio channel, the influence of noise and interference is of great importance. In systems with relative (differential) phase manipulation (OFM), the so-called «reverse operation» mode is excluded. These signals are not much inferior in noise immunity to phase-manipulated signals. In addition, incoherent reception (demodulation) is possible, which greatly simplifies the receiving device. The use of such signals and incoherent reception is preferable in cases where the phase of the carrier oscillation changes dynamically and / or randomly and tracking it is difficult, especially in the presence of structural interference of various types. To calculate the probabilities of bit errors, we determine the models of the radio signal and interference. We derive formulas for calculating the average probabilities of bit errors of incoherent reception of a radio signal from OFM-2 in the presence of linearly frequency-manipulated interference. The conclusion of the final formula for calculating the average probability of a bit error with a priori equal probability of information symbols is a half-sum of the probabilities of receiving the first (S1) and second (S2) bits. The graph of the dependence of the probability of a bit error on the signal-to-noise ratio at fixed values of frequency deviation and interference levels shows at what level the signal is provided with the required values of the probability of a bit error. The graph of the dependence of the probability of a bit error on the magnitude of the frequency deviation is symmetrical with respect to its zero value. The curve in each direction has a wave-like appearance with decreasing minimum and maximum extreme values. Analyzing the obtained graphs, it can be noted that for certain, well-defined values of frequency deviation, the influence of interference with the LFM is minimal, and the less this influence is, the lower the level of interference. On the other hand, for some values of frequency deviation, the interference effect in the bit error probability metric is 3-4 orders of magnitude higher than the minimum values. The presence of interference leads to a dependence of the probability of a bit error on the value of the initial phases of both the signal and the interference, even in conditions of incoherent reception. To obtain a phase-averaged value of the bit error probability, statistical averaging over the initial phases is necessary. The developed technique makes it possible to qualitatively or conditionally quantify the effects of linearly frequency-manipulated interference on the reliability of transmitted information in the radio channel when the interference frequency is shifted. | ||||||||
Voznuk V. V., Kopalov Y. N. Investigation of the noise immunity of receiving OFDM-signals in the conditions of unintentional narrowband noise interference. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 130 The problem of estimating the noise immunity of OFDM-signal reception in the conditions of unintentional narrowband noise interference with different ratios of the width of the signal spectrum is considered. At the same time, narrowband noise interference is understood as Gaussian noise interference with a uniform frequency band-limited spectrum, not exceeding the band signal frequencies. To solve this problem, a simulation model of the communication channel with OFDM has been developed. The simulation results are presented showing the change in the average probability of the channel bit and information bit errors depending on the spectrum width and the central frequency in the interference spectrum at different signal-to-noise ratios. In the course of the study, the dependences of the average probability of a channel and information bit error on the signal-to-noise ratio with a fixed signal-to-noise ratio for OFDM-QPSK type signals under the influence of a noise interference signal aimed at the width of the spectrum with different values of the central frequency in the interference spectrum were obtained. The dependences of the average probability of the channel and information bit error on the signal-to-noise ratio with a fixed signal-to-noise ratio for OFDM-QPSK type signals under conditions of exposure to narrowband noise interference with different values of the spectrum width and a fixed central frequency in the interference spectrum were obtained. When developing the model, the theoretical foundations of OFDM signal generation technology were used, the proposed model implements cascade coding and interleaving similar to the IEEE 802.16 family of standards. It is shown that not only noise interference aimed at the width of the spectrum, but also interference with a spectrum width less than the width of the signal spectrum can have a negative impact on the noise immunity of receiving OFDM signals. | ||||||||
Alrubei M. A. Comparative analysis of interpolation methods in evaluation of the frequency of a discretized harmonic signal. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 130 Accurate and efficient signal frequency measurement is an important signal processing task in many technical applications, such as radio electronics and communication systems, modern information transmission systems, research and medical, radio navigation and radar systems, monitoring of electronic equipment. Stand-alone frequency counters use discrete counting and interpolation methods, while embedded control systems employ spectral analysis methods using fast Fourier transform (FFT) with the largest spectral component determination and interpolation along two or three spectral lines. The article considers the effect of additive stationary noise on the estimate of a periodic signal frequency from the spectrum obtained by the direct Fourier transform application to an array of discrete samples, that is, during transition from the time domain to the frequency domain. Frequency estimation methods may be divided into the groups of signal representation in both time and frequency domains. Discrete counting and interpolation methods are most widely used in the time domain, as well as in the frequency spectral analysis using FFT algorithms for maximum spectral component determining and successive maximum coordinate correcting using mathematical transformations, such as interpolation. To reduce the effect of spectral leakage or spectrum deviation, time sequence smoothing is used through multiplying all signal samples by window function weights. The interpolation algorithms being used were modeled, and a modified formula that allows accuracy increasing of the frequency estimate by several fold was proposed. The interpolation method is the most widely used, in-depth and most wide-spread correction method in the analysis of a discrete spectrum with error estimates depending on the number of samples and the number of spectral lines accounted for. In practical engineering applications, the most important indicators for the quality assessing of an algorithm are the ability to work in noise, speed, and low frequency estimation error. Based on a brief review of the state of theoretical research and development of interpolation methods for correcting the maximum sample position, the principles and characteristics of the interpolation algorithms currently used are presented. Characteristics of each algorithm are examined by simulation and interpolation errors are analyzed. | ||||||||
Baburin A. A. Integer GLONASS phase ambiguity estimation methods. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 130 The article considers integer estimator methods for GLONASS phase ambiguities necessary in the problems of high accuracy absolute and relative positioning for GLONASS signals measurement with integer ambiguity resolution. Accounting for the integer properties of pseudo-phase ambiguities allows significant reduction in solution convergence time up to the centimeter accuracy level. With a view to frequency division of satellites signals, adopted for GLONASS signals, two problems arise while solving the problems high-precise positioning. They are the difference in the hardware delays of the receiver while measuring pseudo-distances of various GLONASS satellites, and the difference between wavelengths of the signals carrier frequency of various GLONASS satellites. These specifics do not allow integer estimation of the GLONASS pseudo-phase ambiguities. Thus, the known methods developed for the systems with code division, such as GPS, cannot be employed for GLONASS. The presented article deals with the second said problem. Two methods of strict and non-strict integer estimation based on solution of the uncertain system of the linear equations by the S-transform theory are being suggested. The strict integer method is based on integer unimodular transformto the system of linear equations prior to its solution, and does not require the presence of GLONASS satellites with neighboring characters in the visibility zone of the receiver. The non-strict method is simpler in application, but integer estimations may be obtained only observing certain conditions. Conditions at which the difference from the integers may be neglected with the non-strict estimation were analyzed. Both strict and non-strict methods do not require engaging direct measurements of pseudo-distances and pseudo-phases processing. Linear approximation of the receiver phase-frequency characteristic is being used for the pseudo-phase measurements model (linear dependence of the phase delays on the frequency in the receiver is being accepted). The analysis is being conducted on the example of the first differences of real navigation receivers of the IGS network processing, which confirms correctness of the suggested methods and adequacy of the mathematical models being used to the real measurements. | ||||||||
Novikov A. N., Khorchev V. A. Calculation of the effective scattering surface of small-sized aerial objects. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 130 When synthesizing algorithms for detecting and recognizing small-sized aerial objects (SSAO), it becomes necessary to calculate their effective scattering surface (ESS). Small-sized aerial objects, such as light unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), UAVs with an electric motor, created according to the format of a flying wing, artisanal UAVs, etc. in recent years have become a threat that poses a danger to civilian and military facilities [1]. Considering that ESS is included in the radar range equation [2], its analytical calculation for the SSAO will allow determining the minimum range at which air objects can be detected by radio monitoring posts. As a result, the early detection of such aircraft will ensure the timely issuance of target designations to firing means for subsequent decision-making on the destruction of the SSAO. The article deals with the calculation of the RCS of simple objects and objects of complex shape. It has been established that the RCS of objects of complex shape, which include small-sized air objects, can be calculated analytically. The result of the article is a method for calculating the RCS of the SSAO, which involves the use of the RCS values of individual triangles obtained in the process of approximating the object under study in the modeling environment to calculate the resulting RCS. The article also presents the results of mathematical modeling obtained using the program «Altair Feko», backscattering diagrams of the UAV at different angles of incidence of an electromagnetic wave. As a result, it was found that the backscattering diagram will take maximum values at normal incidence of an electromagnetic wave, and decreases with a change in the angle of exposure of the object under study, respectively. | ||||||||
Olkina D. S. Algorithm of semantic image segmentation for solving the problem of positionong an aircraft on the Earth`s surface. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 130 This work is devoted to one of the main methodological issues of using the object-oriented approach — choosing the method of segmentation of multichannel images. The methods for determining the approach to the development of a segmentation algorithm are considered, as well as the choice of distinctive features to solve the problem of segmentation of images of the earth’s surface to determine the coordinates of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in order to position it on the earth’s surface. The theoretical significance of the study is a numerical study of the formulation of the tasks of segmentation of images by stochastic methods. Of practical importance is obtaining the results of experiments on the segmentation of images of the visible and radio ranges, development of training tools and a software package that solves the problems of segmentation of multichannel images. The main objectives of the study are to develop a model of neural network segmentation of multichannel images of optical and radio range, сonstruction of the procedure for training segmentation models, obtaining comparative estimates of the computational complexity of algorithms and learning characteristics, hyperparametric optimization of various neural network models, obtaining the main dependencies of training parameters, quality and speed of models. The work uses the neural network of semantic segmentation Bisenet, which allows you to get segmented images of the earth’s surface in real time. For the neural network Bisenet, some hyperparameters were configured: the most suitable optimizer and the best strategy for reducing the learning speed were identified (learning rate). | ||||||||
Dorozhko I. V., Musienko A. S., Sundiev D. S. Simulation model linking reliability indicators with indicators of test and functional control of technical systems. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 130 At present, various built-in and external control tools are widely used to ensure reliability and maintain technical availability of space-rocket technology. Models and interrelations allowing associating reliability and control indicators are necessary for the requirements substantiation to the control system characteristics in the technical design assignment with account for the given value of the object availability factor. The article proposes a simulation model allowing evaluate a complex reliability indicator of an object, namely the availability factor, with account for the control system indicators and characteristics. Unlike the well-known models, differentiated control application, i.e. functional and test ones with different parameters, is being accounted for. Test control is characterized by high reliability, but, as a rule, it leads herewith to the downtime due to the fact that during the test control the object is not in use or is used limitedly extent and some time is required to transfer it from the control mode to the operating one. Functional control is less reliable, but is being performed in the «background» mode, and downtime can be associated only with erroneous control results. The developed model accounts for these types of control specifics. The admission on the parameters stationarity is eliminated as well. The developed model allows processing time-varying values of mean time between failures to account for various intensity of the technical system use for its intended purpose, as well as storage modes. As the result of the simulation modeling, the availability factor values and the graphs of the availability function were obtained and analyzed. The inference was drawn that, if necessary, the availability function may be used to establish a boundary, below which the value of technical availability should not degrade throughout the entire time. The practical significance lies in the possibility of employing the proposed model to adjust the frequency of the existing technical objects control, as well as to justify the requirements for control systems in the technical specifications formation for the development (modernization) of automated control systems and technological equipment for the space-rocket technology. | ||||||||
AbdAli L. M., Al-Maliki M. N., Kuvshinov V. V., Kuznetsov P. N., Morozova N. V. Mathematical technique modeling using the algorithm for control of the maximum power point for a photoelectric system. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 130 Substantial number of solar electric power generating systems, including those associated with aerospace technology, is being employed to ensure various equipment operation. These systems are being applied on space stations and off-line ground-based facilities, for power supplying for stationary operating complexes, as well as for supplying energy to various industries and consumers. One of the basic elements of a solar photovoltaic station is automatic system of its power characteristics control. The presented article studied the point of maximum power control system for the off-line power generating installation based on silicon photoelectric panels. One of this work tasks consisted in operation reliability enhancing of the solar system because of the climatic factors affecting it and associate this system operation with the typical requirement of electric energy through the artificial intelligence application. As long as the alternative renewal energy forms are based on natural resources permanently replenished, it is assumed that they are of infinite storage of useful power. The proposed arithmetic model being is an important component of the complex study of photoelectric systems. The proposed arithmetic model is an important component of the comprehensive study of photoelectric systems. The programming environment, which includes numerous models for renewable energy systems, allows analyzing photoelectric installation operation regularities. It is possible to build a plurality of models for the renewable energy systems meant for modeling and analyzing photoelectric installations operation with MATLAB/Simulink. Due to the instability of external factors, such as solar radiation and atmospheric temperature, or unpredictability of possible instances, such as solar panels overheating, it is necessary to employ a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithm for the systems of semiconductor photo converters. The proposed control algorithm application allows significant efficiency increase of the energy converted by the solar station of electric energy, as well as reliability enhancing of the main and auxiliary equipment of photoelectric systems, which may be employed for supplying the off-line objects and operation for the energy system. | ||||||||
Nguyen N. D., Doan T. T., Nguyen T. T., Tran Q. M., Nguyen Q. A., Ngo V. T. Landing trajectory optimization and simulation for mini-UAV considering constraint of control and landing speed. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 130 This article presents the method of optimizing the landing trajectory of mini-UAV considering constraint of control and landing speed and the method of tracking the found trajectory. The chosen controls are namely normal and tangential overload. The selected objective function is in the Bolza form, including landing accuracy and energy consumption during flight. Applying the Pontryagin’s maximum principle turns the optimal control problem into the boundary problem, which is solved by the parameter continuation method. To verify the optimal trajectory being gained, the authors selects a specific type of UAV to simulate tracking on the aforementioned trajectory through the Matlab Simulink software. The results show the application of the optimal trajectory tracking controller assures the accuracy and safety of UAV landing. | ||||||||
Gumbatov D. A. Analysis of the adequacy of gamma-correction of the shading effect in spectral surveys of the earth's surface using unmanned aerial vehicles. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 130 The effect of shading in the real scene under study should be taken into account when studying the state of vegetation using various vegetation indices. For example, the values of such widely used indices as NDVI and LAI are slightly higher in sunny areas compared to shaded areas. The shading effect can also provide useful information of a geometric nature about the location of remotely studied objects in the environment. The object of the study is the effect of shading during spectral surveys of the earth using UAVs equipped with spectral cameras. The subject of the study is the adequacy of the gamma-correction of the shading effect, carried out during spectral surveys. The purpose of the study is to study the degree of adequacy of the gamma correction method for objects that are partially shaded. A significant difference is shown in the degree of adequacy of the γ-correction as applied to objects of the same type with an identical degree of shading in the case of applying the methods of geometric and algebraic averaging. The average value of DN can generally be calculated in two ways: 1. Geometric averaging method. 2. Method of algebraic (convolutional) averaging The difference found is that in the case of geometric averaging, the adequacy of the γ correction is understood in the sense of equality of the average value of the logarithm of the corrected value of the geometric averaging of the shaded and unshaded parts of objects to the average value of the logarithm DN for the unshaded part. However, in the case of algebraic averaging, the adequacy of γ correction is understood in the sense of equality of the average value of the logarithm DN of the unshaded part to the average value of the logarithm of the γ-corrected value DN of the shaded part of objects. | ||||||||
Kasatikov N. N., Fadeeva A. D., Brekhov O. M. Multi-agent system for monitoring objects of the energy complex. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 130 The purpose of the presented article consists in developing a multi-agent system capable of effective management and control of various objects of a power complex. The system will employ artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) techniques to analyze data from sensors and other sources to detect and prevent potential problems, optimize energy consumption and improve overall efficiency. The multi-agent system will enable communication and cooperation between the various agents involved in the management of the energy complex, such as operators, engineers and maintenance personnel, as well. The final goal of the article consists in creation of the system, capable of reducing the dead time, enhancing productivity and increasing safety in the energy complex. The work is of a review character, about multi agent system of a «smart city» and its application at the energetics and space-rocket industry in the first place. The results of this work are proposed steps on the multi-agent system general development for its implementation at the power and space-rocket enterprises. The article describes how the «smart city» multi-agent system may be applied at the space-rocket enterprises and power objects in various ways. These systems may be helpful while controlling complex and interrelated processes, associated with space missions, form the spacecraft start and to its operation. Multi-agent systems may enable connection and coordination between different agent, such as ground-based control and satellite systems. They may as well be helpful in energy consumption optimizing and reduce the number of waste due to the energy consumption and storing control. Besides, these systems may help with the maintenance service, revealing potential problems prior they become critical, as well as increasing the space mission overall security and effectiveness. The multi-agent system application at the power objects and space-rocket enterprises may present several advantages such as efficiency, reliability and cost effectiveness enhancing. One inference that can be drawn consists in the fact that the multi-agent system would help optimizing energy production and consumption by coordination and control of the separate agents’ behavior. Each agent in the system may have its certain functions such as energy consumption monitoring, equipment operation control or decision making on the energy storage and distribution. One more inference consists in the fact that the multi-agent system is able to increase the energetics objects reliability by ensuring redundancy and fault tolerance. In case of one of the agents’ failure, other agents will be able to keep on running and compensate the failure, reducing the risk of dead time and increasing the overall reliability of the system. Besides, the multi-agent system may increase economic efficiency by the energy losses reduction based on the real time data. The system may help as well to control the energy demand reducing peak loads and demand for the extra power for energy production, which will result in savings on costs for both energy suppliers and consumers. As a whole, the multi-agent system employing on the space-rocket objects and power objects would lead to significant increase in energy efficiency, reliability and economic efficiency, which makes it an up-and-coming approach to control and optimization of power systems. | ||||||||
Abdurashidov T. O., But A. B., Chupina E. S. Results of numerical simulation of the supersonic jet. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 130 The paper presents calculations of supersonic cold turbulent jets using the application software. The calculation results are compared with experimental data. Methods are given for adapting the computational grid to obtain high-quality calculation results and save machine resources in the course of calculations. Computational studies of the outflow of supersonic jets, along with experimental works [1, 2, 5–13, 20], are of practical importance for engineering design work in the field of launch vehicle design and their operation. One of the main stages of numerical modeling is the validation of mathematical models on small experimental setups, which should confirm the correctness of the chosen mathematical model and methods for solving the numerical problem. Validation of the outflow of hot gas at supersonic speeds is complicated by the special nature of the flows, which have shock waves in their structure, the complex chemical composition of combustion products and possible chemical reactions that determine the characteristics of the flow. In this paper, we consider the issue of numerical simulation of the shock wave structure described in the literature [1–4] and the turbulent flow of a cold supersonic jet, and also compare the calculated values with experimental data. The calculations presented in the article showed that the use of local adaptation of the grid in the regions of gradients made it possible to reduce the cost of computing power by 8.6 times, and also to achieve good agreement between the numerical results and the results obtained experimentally on a supersonic experimental model. | ||||||||
Gadzhiev M. M., Kuleshov A. S. Stability of steady motions of a body with a fixed point in a flow of particles. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 129 The problem of motion of a rigid body with a fixed point in a free molecular flow of particles is considered. Suppose the flow consists of identical non — interacting particles, moving with constant velocity along a fixed direction in a fixed absolute space. Suppose the particles interact absolutely inelastically with the rigid body, i.e. after collision the velocity of a particle with respect to the rigid body is zero. Suppose the surface of the rigid body is strictly convex. Then, under assumption, that the flow velocity considerably exceeds the product of the characteristic value of the angular velocity of the rigid body and the characteristic distance from the rigid body to a fixed point, the explicit expression for the moment, acting on the rigid body with a fixed point from the flow of particles are obtained. It is shown, that equations of motion of the rigid body with a fixed point in a free molecular flow of particles are similar in many aspects to the classical system of equations of motion of a heavy rigid body with a fixed point. The corresponding equations of motion of the rigid body with a fixed point in a free molecular flow of particles have partial solutions for which the rigid body performs permanent rotations with constant angular velocity around the streamlines of the flow. Necessary conditions of stability of these permanent rotations are obtained by analyzing the linearized system. When the rigid body is dynamically symmetric, the necessary and sufficient stability conditions of the corresponding steady motions are obtained by analyzing the effective potential of the system. | ||||||||
Popov I. P. Free sinusoidal oscillations based on the mutual exchange of kinetic energy between three loads. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 129 It is noted that free sinusoidal oscillations in a classical mechanical oscillator are stipulated by the mutual transformation of kinetic energy into potential energy. The oscillator, in which free sinusoidal oscillations are being accompanied by the transformation of the kinetic energy of an inert element into the same kinetic energy of another inert element is well-known. The elements with another nature of reactivity are missing in such oscillator. Such oscillator is essentially mono-reactive. This oscillator disadvantage consists in its imbalance due to the asymmetry of the structure, which may require additional vibration protection measures. This drawback can be avoided by applying a symmetrical scheme with three weights. For the purposes of this work, it is convenient to employ a flat three-coordinate system similar to the three-phase coordinate system used in electrical engineering. For an arbitrary vector R, lying in the three-coordinate plane, which origin coincides with the origin, Theorem 1 is true. The coordinates x1, x2, x3 of the vector R form a regular triangle, which size does not change with an arbitrary rotation of the vector R. Theorem 2. The middle of the vector R is aligned with the center of the triangle x1x2x3. Half of the vector x1x2x3 plays the role of a crank, which in real devices is needed to develop the angular velocity ω and communicate the moment of force to compensate for dissipative losses. In a mono-reactive harmonic oscillator with three weights, free sinusoidal oscillations of any given frequency may occur, which is determined solely by the initial conditions. | ||||||||
Pismarov A. V. To the question of prediction of the endurance limit of threaded parts with surface hardening. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 129 A review of the literature was carried out in order to study the state of the problem of predicting the endurance limit of threaded parts. Smooth parts and parts with stress concentrators are considered. An analysis of the destruction of threaded parts (bolts, studs, etc.) experiencing alternating loads during operation shows that, in general, the destruction of threaded parts is of a fatigue nature. The influence of surface hardening of threaded parts by methods of surface plastic deformation has been studied: to increase the service life, that is, to increase the life cycle during the operation of threaded parts at the stage of their manufacture, surface hardening methods are widely used. The maximum effect of their application is achieved under conditions of stress concentration. This is justified, since the destruction occurs in places where the prismatic geometry is violated. It has been established that surface hardening leads to the appearance of compressive residual stresses in the surface layer, which increase the endurance limit of threaded parts. Methods for predicting the endurance limit of threaded parts are considered, their accuracy and reliability are assessed. A separate block considers the issues of modeling the stress-strain state of a loaded threaded part in order to determine the endurance limit by numerical methods. At the stage of machine design, it is important to be able to evaluate the effect of the applied methods of surface plastic deformation. Based on the review, it is concluded that it is necessary to develop a method for predicting the fatigue limit of hardened threaded parts, taking into account manufacturing technology, tightening forces, operating conditions and other factors. | ||||||||
Balunov K. A., Solyaev Y. O., Golubkin K. S. Application of the topological optimization method for the structural synthesis of a stiffeners in a kink zone of a high aspect ratio wing. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 129 The article considers an approach to the reinforced thin-walled structures design based on the topological optimization method application for models of variable thickness shells. The authors regard the problem of the optimal structural scheme selection of stiffeners in the kink zone of a high aspect ratio wing. The authors regard the problem on the structure-force scheme selection in the fracture zone of the high-aspect-ratio wing. The article contains the optimization problem formulation and computational results for the three variants of the wingtip sweep angle with the specified loading in the form of distributed aerodynamic pressure and concentrated forces at the points of the wing mechanization elements fixing. Numerical modeling is being performed with the models of Mindlin-Reissner type shells, which thickness is being determined by the values of the additional node variable, being introduced in the topological optimization problem. Optimal thicknesses distribution along the model elements at the specified limitations on the structure weight and stiffening fins height is being defined by the results of the optimization problem solution with the goal function in the form of the total energy of deformations, occurring in the solution. The solution regularization is being ensured by the minimum size selection of the finite element mesh elements. The article demonstrates that the applied technique and topological optimization results may be employed for optimal framing set configuration of reinforced thin-walled structures with enhanced weight effectiveness. | ||||||||
Bykova T. V., Mogilevich L. I., Evdokimova E. V., Popova E. V., Popova M. V. Simulation of strain waves evolution in the walls of coaxial annular and circular channels filled with viscous fluid and made from incompressible material with fractional physical nonlinearity. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 129 The article being presented develops approaches to mathematical modeling of nonlinear strain waves propagation in the continuous heterogeneous media. These models are up-to-date and scientifically significant for the prospective aerospace engineering due to the more-and-more increasing application of modern composite materials with significantly nonlinear physical and mechanical properties. The authors proposed a mathematical model for circular and annular channels completely filled with viscous fluids and formed by the two coaxial cylindrical shells. The shell material is considered incompressible and possessing the physical law with fractional degree nonlinearity, associating stresses, strains and strain intensity. Derivation of equations of the shell with fractional nonlinearity dynamics (Schamel nonlinearity) was performed to develop a model. The coupled hydroelasticity problem for the two coaxial cylindrical shells filled with viscous fluids was formulated. The fluid dynamics were considered within the framework of the Newtonian incompressible fluid model. Fluid motion in annular and circular channels is being studied as creeping one. The authors performed an asymptotic analysis of the hydroelasticity problem, and obtained a system of two nonlinear evolution equations generalizing the Schamel equation. It was demonstrated theoretically that in the considered statement, the presence of a viscous fluid in a circular channel has no effect on the nonlinear wave process in the shell-walls of the channel. The article proposes a new difference scheme for solving the obtained system of the two nonlinear equations based on application of the Grebner bases technique has been proposed. A series of computational experiments have been carried out, which revealed that the nonlinear strain waves in the walls of the considered channels are solitons. | ||||||||
Dobryshkin A. Y., Sysoev O. E., Sysoev E. O., Petrov V. V., Bormotin K. S. Investigation of the frequency characteristics of the motion of a thin-walled cylindrical shell with a low added mass taking into account torsional vibrations. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 129 The destruction of shell structures is a rare man-made disaster that occurs for numerous reasons. When designing shell-type structures, calculations are made for strength and stability, operating modes are taken into account, and real calculations are not made for the occurrence of the resonance phenomenon, which thin-walled shell structures are subject to. This happens due to the discrepancy between the existing mathematical models and the behavior of real structures. To combat the phenomenon of resonance, designers usually increase the safety margins when calculating shells, which increases the cost of objects, but does not completely solve the problem. In most cases, this resonance phenomenon is combated by strengthening the structures, which leads to an increase in the material consumption and cost of the structures. Antiresonant devices are used extremely rarely, despite their low cost, since the available mathematical models do not accurately describe the process of vibrations of cylindrical shells. And without accurate mathematical models, it is impossible to control antiresonance devices. In this paper, the authors refined the computational model of the process of vibrations of a shell of small length (ring) carrying a small added mass, taking into account torsional vibrations, and experimentally verified the model obtained. The study is a consideration of the contour, which in this case can be represented as a cylindrical shell of small length (ring). Quite logical is the criterion of the oscillatory motion of this shell, namely, changes in the radius in the course of vibrations. Based on the data obtained, it can be concluded that the vibrations of the shell, in this case, radial and torsional vibrations predominate, are classified as high-frequency vibrations. | ||||||||
Kyaw Y. K., Rabinsky L. N. Evaluating the effectiveness of the method of topological optimization of reinforced panels based on analytical solutions to benchmark problems. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 129 This article regards a variant of the problem of a flat freely supported plate loaded with a concentrated force applied at a displacement relative to the center of the plate and acting along the normal to its surface. For such a problem, the topological optimization technique formulated earlier by the authors for the models of plates of variable thickness offers a simple solution for selecting the optimal orientation of stiffening ribs that ensures minimum deflections of the plate under load. In the topological optimization problem, the resulting stiffening ribs are arranged symmetrically relative to the plate central plane, and the angle between them depends on the magnitude of the load application point displacement. To check the efficiency of the applied optimization technique the authors suggested considering a similar problem for a plane-space frame, in which the element structure repeats the arrangement of the stiffness ribs that appear in the solution of the topological optimization problem for the plate. The solution for the frame deformation problem can be easily constructed in analytical closed form. It is possible to determine the optimum angle of opening of the frame elements for a given location of the load application point based on this solution. The article demonstrates that there is a qualitative consistency between the optimal geometry of the frame found from the analytical solution and the optimal geometry of the corresponding reinforced plate found from the solution of the topological optimization problem. Particularly, the same characteristic dependence of the optimal angle of stiffening ribs opening on the magnitude of load application point displacement relative to the center of the plate is established. | ||||||||
Thant Z. H. Interaction of a plane pressure wave with a spherical shell in an elastic medium. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 129 This article considers the nonstationary problem of a plane pressure wave impact on a spherical shell in an elastic medium. Both desired and prescribed functions are represented in the form of series by the Lejandre and Hegenbauer polynomials to obtain the analytical solution of the non-stationary diffraction problem of the flat pressure wave on the spherical surface in an elastic medium supported by the thin shell. The solution method is based on the expansion into series on the system of eigenfunctions and application of the Laplace integral transformation in time. As the result, analytical expressions were obtained for all desired functions, which allows studying non-stationary strain-stress state and displacements both on the shell and at any point of the elastic medium. The problems of elastic waves diffraction on various types of heterogeneities relate to the most difficult and up-to-date problems in the dynamics of deformable bodies. In the applied terms, it is explained by the circumstance that the information on the stress-strain state near these irregularities is of great interest for various purposes. Besides, the presence of heterogeneities (inclusions, cavities, notches, local changes in properties, etc.) is an indispensable condition arising in various fields of modern engineering. Such tasks include the following: creation of new structures, working at dynamic loads, development of new composite materials and their introduction at creation of engineering constructions, modern tasks of geophysics and seismology, and also a number of other tasks of scientific and technical character. | ||||||||
Cherkasova M. V. Simulation of thermal and erosion processes in a multichannel hollow cathode. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 129 The article is devoted to the study and modeling of work processes in a multichannel hollow cathode. A similar cathode design is used in various plasma devices and high-current electric rocket engines. The design is relevant for use in electron closed-drift engines or ion engines currently being developed worldwide for use in powerful transport space systems. The article presents the theoretical foundations of two-dimensional modeling of thermal, electrical and erosion processes in a multichannel packed hollow cathode operating in an arc mode with pumping of plasma-forming gas. The formulated system of equations allows calculating the local and integral characteristics of the cathode based on the minimum possible set of input parameters. Distribution of cathode temperature, current densities in cathode body and plasma channels, plasma-forming gas pressure in channels, concentration of charged and neutral particles are simulated. Also described is a model of erosion processes, which includes processes of evaporation, sputtering, recycling, which makes it possible to calculate local and integral erosion of the cathode. The article also presents the results of an experimental study of several samples of multichannel cathodes and compares the results of the experiment and design modeling for a number of key parameters: cathode temperature and cathode voltage drop depending on the consumption of plasma-forming gas and discharge current. An important point is the comparison of the results of cathode erosion. The model predicts the voltage-current dependencies and the erosion rate within the 10% of accuracy, while the temperature calculation is affected by an error of about 20%. The results show that the proposed model correctly describes the parameters of the cathode and can be used in the design of this type of cathodes. | ||||||||
Kaurov P. V. Calculation of the flow of a viscous fluid near an inlet and outlet. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 129 The article considered and solved the problem on the viscous fluid flow between the source and the drain at small Reynolds numbers. It presents the analytical solution of the Stocks equation when bipolar coordinates utilization. The sought-after function is represented as a sum of the two components, first of which satisfies the boundary conditions, while the application of the other component satisfies the initial Stocks equation in the bipolar system of coordinates. Approximation of the first component the flow function by the simple dependence allows reducing the initial equation with variable coefficients to the three ordinary differential expressions with constant coefficients relative to the second component of the flow function. Analytical solution is presented for the three ordinary differential equations. The examples of the computed flow function in the dimensionless form for various distances between the source and the drain are presented. Comparison of the flow functions calculated values with the experimental data from the literature sources demonstrates reasonable agreement. | ||||||||
Usachov A. E., Isayev S. A., Sapunov O. A., Usachov S. A. Optimization of the flow around thick airfoils to improve their aerodynamic characteristics. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 129 The problem of optimizing aerodynamic thick airfoils is relevant for the development of non-traditional aircraft, such as a flying wing [1], a hybrid airship [2], etc. Modern numerical simulation methods make it possible to optimize the aerodynamic airfoil shape according to a given objective function. In this study, the task was to reduce the aerodynamic drag of the airfoil with its largest area, that is, in the three-dimensional case of maintaining maximum internal volumes. The commercial ANSYS software package (license number 501024) was used for optimization. Numerical modeling of the airfoil flow was carried out on the basis of solving the complete Navier-Stokes equations, averaged over Reynolds (RANS—Reynolds-Averaged-Navier-Stokes) and closed using Menter’s two-parameter SST turbulence model. The shape of the profile is changed by varying a number of geometric parameters on the upper surface of the profile. Half of a circular cylinder with rounded sharp edges was chosen as the initial profile shape. By optimizing the profile shape using numerical simulation methods, its aerodynamic quality has been significantly increased. Numerical simulation of a two-dimensional turbulent airfoil flow was carried out using the Fluent CFD software package included in the ANSYS computing environment. The Fluent package contains a fairly wide range of tools for numerical simulation of turbulent flows, however, based on the experience of previous studies [3,4,11] and known literature [11-20], the main methods for calculating the turbulent flow around a profile were determined. The control volume method was used to discretize differential equations [3,4,11,20]. Using the semi-implicit SIMPLE method [20], the pressure was determined, the second-order upwind scheme QUICK was used to approximate the flow terms on the edge of the control volume, and the second-order upwind scheme was used for the turbulence parameters. Based on previous studies [3-5], the flow around a thick airfoil with a separation zone has been improved by using vortex cells. The application of the vortex cell method is based on the placement of oval-shaped cavities in the area of the separation point from the upper surface of the profile, in which a circulation flow is organized in one way or another. | ||||||||
Temnov A. N., Shkapov P. M., Yu Z. . Mechanical model of low-viscosity liquid sloshing with capillary effects. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 129 The author derived a boundary condition considering energy dissipation near the three-phase contact line based on the Hamilton—Ostrogradsky principle. A numerical algorithm has been developed for calculating the damping factor due to energy dissipation near the three-phase contact line based on the finite element method. A variation formulation of the problem is derived from the of the motion equations linearization of the liquid relative to the equilibrium free surface. The area occupied by the fluid was discretized by the finite elements, and the eigenvalue problem, which solution represented a complex frequency, was obtained. In the work being presented, a pendulum and a spiral spring simulate the impact of mass forces and surface tension force respectfully, and the fluid viscosity is accounted for by the linear damper. The mechanical analog parameters are determined from the principle of dynamic similarity, eigen frequency, damping factor and kinetic energy of the fluid and its mechanical model. The article presents quantitative estimation of the capillary number Ca (viscous force and surface tension force interrelation), the Bond number B0 (mass forces and surface tension force interrelation) and the liquid filling factor β (liquid volume to the vessel concavity ratio) effect on the damping factor and eigen frequency of the capillary liquid oscillations. It follows from the studies that the capillarity number greatly affects the energy dissipation near the three-phase contact, and its value in the range of 10–100 leads to the greater value of the damping factor of the order of the damping coefficient on the vessel wall. The obtained results may be employed for the dynamics and stability studies of the rooster super stages, upper-stage rocketsand other spacecraft with the liquid containing cavities. | ||||||||
Biryukov I. D. Development of an optimal algorithm for processing radio signals of radio emission sources by aviation radio surveillance tool. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 129 This paper presents the process of developing an optimal algorithm for processing radio signals from sources of radio emission by an aviation system of radio technical surveillance. The main tasks of radio signal processing, which are solved by aviation means of radio technical surveillance, are described. The interdependence of the decisions made in the detection, resolution, estimation of parameters and recognition of radio signals from sources of radio emission is shown. An analysis of the factors that reduce the effectiveness of radio surveillance equipment is carried out, and ways to improve it are proposed. For the case when the source of radio emission belongs to the a priori type library, the procedure for performing processing tasks is substantiated. The loss function is defined, which describes the process of processing information about the received radio signals and provides the interconnection of the decisions made. Based on Bayesian synthesis, an algorithm has been developed in which the problem of a priori uncertainty is solved by changing the sequence of performing radio signal processing procedures. A block diagram of the developed algorithm is presented. The feasibility of the developed algorithm is assessed. The relevance of the work on the development of an algorithm for processing radio signals in aviation system of radio surveillance is due to the complexity of the modern electronic environment, the increasing importance of objects containing radio emission sources, and the need for effective countermeasures. The joint optimal algorithm provides the lowest total Bayesian risk, but is not feasible due to high computational costs. Therefore, it is required to make a transition to a joint quasi-optimal algorithm. | ||||||||
Korol D. G., Temchenko V. S. Study of a cylindrical conformal antenna array with a patch emitter for UAV. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 129 The article proposes an approach that makes it possible to place a scanning antenna array with a patch emitter on an unmanned aerial vehicle without reducing its aerodynamic characteristics. The purpose of this work is to research the characteristics of conformal antennas on a cylindrical surface, which allow wide-angle scanning at the required frequency and polarization for further use in unmanned aerial vehicles. The object of research is antenna arrays modeled in the CST Microwave Studio program, placed on a cylindrical surface. The result of the work is to obtain the necessary phase distribution and the excitation sector of the antenna array elements to achieve the required field of view during scanning. The approximation of individual sections of the aircraft by simple geometric figures such as a cylinder, a ball and a cone was adopted. They decided to place the antenna array on the fuselage, which was presented as a cylinder. The phase distribution is found using the geometrical optics approximation to focus the beam in a given direction. Azimuth scanning takes into account the shape of the cylindrical surface. To reduce the level of spurious radiation without using the amplitude distribution, we have selected the optimal excitation sector of the antenna array elements. The simulation results confirmed the possibility of scanning the antenna array in a given sector of angles in azimuth and elevation. The proposed approach for creating an antenna array can be built into an unmanned aerial vehicle, after the design has been finalized, already taking into account the real device. It will also be necessary to design the feeding system with phase shifters, power splitters and antenna switches. | ||||||||
Alrubei M. A., Pozdnyakov A. D. Frequency estimate for symmetric and asymmetric structure of spectral components of sampled harmonic signal. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 129 A sampled harmonic signal frequency estimating is an important task while signal processing in many applications such as radio communications, monitoring and control systems and others. Discrete spectra may be employed to measure frequencies of the sine signal components. The said measurement consists in digitizing the composite signal, performing window processing of the signal samples and cpmputing their discrete amplitude spectrum, usually using a fast Fourier transform algorithm. However, the frequency of a sine component can be determined with improved resolution using the moment method of the largest consecutive element of the spectrum corresponding to this component. The abscissa of its maximum represents the best frequency approximation. An algorithm for the frequency estimating of a sampled harmonic signal of limited duration by the method of moments is proposed, which allows obtaining a weighted average estimate of the energy spectrum peak position. The methodological component of the error depends on the degree of closeness of the frequency true value and the energy center position, due to the type of window function. The error is being determined by the step of the fast Fourier transform (FFT) frequency grid, the type of the window function used, and duration of the signal sampling interval. The article shows a noticeable effect of the even and odd structure of the spectral lines being accounted for. In the symmetry region of the even spectrum structure, when the levels of the principal components change, a jump in the methodological error is formed, which can be eliminated by introducing correction or limiting the operating frequency range to the region of odd symmetry. The authors propose introducing an estimate of the spectrum structure into the algorithm and automatically select an even number of spectral lines for the spectrum close to even symmetry and an odd number for odd symmetry to compute frequency. The maximum methodological error can be reduced herewith by an order of magnitude or more. Some windows allow increasing the frequency measurement resolution by more than an order of magnitude. The purpose of this article is to show as well that even better results are achieved using the Chebyshev window. This method has been employed to set up measurement systems in control and management systems. | ||||||||
Parshutkin A. V., Buchinsky D. I., Komlyk D. A. Investigation of noise immunity of signal receivers with discrete phase modulation in the conditions of interference with angular modulation and noise. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 129 The article deals with the noise immunity study of the coherent quadrature receivers employing signals with discrete phase modulation, and considers the impact of an additive mixture of white Gaussian noise and angle-modulated unintentional interference during the BPSK and QPSK signals reception. Spectrum bandwidth of the interference with angular modulation and its center frequency match spectrum bandwidth and center frequency of the useful signal. The bit error rate was used as quality indicator of the receiver’s functioning. The article presents an analytical study of the bit error rate dependence on the ratio of the useful signal power to the powers affecting the receiver of unintentional noise with angular modulation and white Gaussian noise. The association of the obtained expressions with the known expressions describing the effect of separately white Gaussian noise and unintentional interference with angular modulation on a coherent signal receiver with discrete phase modulation is adduced. The article explains how these expressions may be obtained from those obtained, by way of the passage to the limit. The authors demonstrate with the obtained expressions that at the certain powers of unintentional interference significant change of the bit error rate dependence on the signal-noise ratio is possible. The obtained analytical dependences of the bit error rate while receiving both BPSK and QPSK signal against the background of unintentional interference and white Gaussian noise may be applied to assess the electromagnetic compatibility of communication systems using discrete phase modulation signals. | ||||||||
Tyapkin P. S. Hardware-software complex for approvement methods of blind signal processing in radio systems. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 129 This paper presents the results of the development of a hardware-software complex for testing blind signal processing methods in problem of increasing noise immunity in communication systems. The developed hardware and software complex includes two mixing circuits, a multichannel receiver and a personal computer. Digital receiver is based on the combination of software-defined radio systems (SDR) and consists of eight analog-to-digital converters, a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) circuit and a PCI-Express bus for transmitting data to a PC for processing and demodulation. The description and functional setting of the purpose of receiving and processing signals are involved in the work, as well as the results of verification of the hardware-software complex. The results of verification of practical methods for the use of blind signal processing capabilities for interference in radio information transmission systems are obtained. When checking, the maximum data transfer rate in the continuous bit stream mode was determined when processing a mixture of BPSK signals with pulse noise of various shapes. This transmission rate exceeds 905 bps. To increase the maximum speed, it is possible to use a more powerful PC, transfer the demodulator and blind signal processing algorithms to the FPGA. | ||||||||
Podstrigaev A. S. Assessment of the complexity level of the signal environment for the use of a multichannel sub-Nyquist receiver. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 129 The modern cognitive radio systems and the spectrum monitoring devices used in spectrum management must perform wideband signal analysis. One of the ways to achieve a wide instantaneous analysis band is to use a multichannel sub-Nyquist receiver. Such a device receives signals from the many Nyquist zones and analyzes their aliases in the first zone. It can disambiguate frequency measurements by aggregating information from several independent channels having different sampling frequencies. Previously, the author studied errors in determining the time-frequency parameters of pulses time-overlapped in the sub-Nyquist receiver prototype. These studies have shown that this receiver can be used in a complex signal environment. At the same time, the assessment of the maximum level of the signal environment complexity, at which it is possible to use a sub-Nyquist receiver, has yet to be previously performed. This estimation is carried out in the present work by determining the number of pulses simultaneously processed with a given quality. As a quality criterion, we assume the probability of correct classification should be no worse than 0.8. For this, the abnormal error probability in determining the time-frequency parameters of the pulse should be no more than 0.1. A numerical experiment showed that this condition is satisfied when the number of pulses overlapped in time is not more than 4...5 (depending on the parameters of the receiver). The calculation shows the possibility of transmitting a stream of pulse descriptor words over the 10GE interface, assuming that five pulse descriptor words are formed in each analysis window (the worst situation). The bandwidth of the transmission channel is more than six times. In accordance with the previously considered classification of the signal environment, the receiver under study can be used in a signal environment of the third level of complexity and lower. The results can be used to substantiate the composition of wideband analysis tools depending on the expected complexity level, select the parameters of a multichannel sub-Nyquist receiver, and predict the appearance of abnormal errors in determining the time-frequency parameters of pulses in the receiver. | ||||||||
Sychev M. I., Osipov P. V. The radar tracking based on multiple model approach. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 129 As of today, the onrush development of the unmanned aviation and of its application scope are observed. Besides the application in economic activity, the scope of the unmanned aviation functions by special services and in military sphere is constantly growing. The small-sized and nearly invisible unmanned aerial vehicles present are of special peril. The problem of low-observable targets detecting, tracking and intercepting for the socially significant objects protecting occurs. The article proposes a method for integration of the unmanned aviation detection, tracking and intercepting managing means, as well as synchronization of the control for these tasks solving. The article presents the description of the open information transfer protocol used in a wireless two-way exchange channel for the interception means control. Classes of possible interception objects and the structure of the complex for the interception process organization are determined. The article proposes scenarios of interception options, and presents their time characteristics as well as describes the options for radar stations that ensure detection of small-sized and low-observable objects with low values of the effective scattering area. The article describes the currently up-to-date task of identifying features of the aerial objects observed by radar for recognition and decision-making with the allocation of classes of artificial and natural origin as well. The article defines methods of useful data extracting from the reflected signals employing a convolutional neural network, and considers two options of neural network structuring, in which the input data is represented as a graphical representation of the spectrum of the reflected signal (in grayscale) and in the form of arrays of numbers. | ||||||||
Maksimov S. A., Naumchenko V. P., Ilyushin P. A., Pikunov D. G., Solovyov A. V. Strapdown inertial measurement unit shock absorption and damping linear system analysis. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 129 The presented article considers the result of the dynamic system synthesis describing the amortization and damping system behavior of the strapdown inertial measurement unit for a spacecraft. The "JSC "TsENKI"—"NII PM" In-house design high-accuracy vibration-string accelerometers are employed in the unit as sensitive elements. With account for the internal shock absorption system, these accelerometers may be described as oscillating links with small damping coefficient and finite free movement, which limits their application with external vibrational high-energy impacts. The necessity of extra shock absorbing system introduction to the unit is being dictated by the device readings utilization in the spacecraft control system in all flight modes, including off-nominal ones. This shock absorbing system is also an oscillatory link affecting the shock absorbing system in the accelerometer, and subjected to the response impact from it. As the result, the problem resolves itself into developing a system with the feedbacks encircling oscillatory links with its subsequent analysis. Linear acceleration in the form of a random signal comes to the system input, and the system output is a linear translation, which is necessary to be kept within certain limits. The JSC "TsENKI"—"NII PM" has the experience in the dynamic system prototype unit resistant to the external mechanical impacts developing. The article considers the process of design, development and analysis of the linear model of the shock absorbing and damping system described in Python language and confirmed the possibility of ensuring the given requirements to the unit sturdiness to the input impacts. As the result, the optimum range of dynamic characteristics of the damping and shock absorbing system was found. The obtained results will be used further for the nonlinear system modeling and its in-depth analysis. | ||||||||
Sentsov A. A., Polyakov V. B., Ivanov S. A., Pomozova T. G. Method of interception of small and inconspicuous unmanned aerial vehicles. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 129 As of today, the onrush development of the unmanned aviation and of its application scope are observed. Besides the application in economic activity, the scope of the unmanned aviation functions by special services and in military sphere is constantly growing. The small-sized and nearly invisible unmanned aerial vehicles present are of special peril. The problem of low-observable targets detecting, tracking and intercepting for the socially significant objects protecting occurs. The article proposes a method for integration of the unmanned aviation detection, tracking and intercepting managing means, as well as synchronization of the control for these tasks solving. The article presents the description of the open information transfer protocol used in a wireless two-way exchange channel for the interception means control. Classes of possible interception objects and the structure of the complex for the interception process organization are determined. The article proposes scenarios of interception options, and presents their time characteristics as well as describes the options for radar stations that ensure detection of small-sized and low-observable objects with low values of the effective scattering area. The article describes the currently up-to-date task of identifying features of the aerial objects observed by radar for recognition and decision-making with the allocation of classes of artificial and natural origin as well. The article defines methods of useful data extracting from the reflected signals employing a convolutional neural network, and considers two options of neural network structuring, in which the input data is represented as a graphical representation of the spectrum of the reflected signal (in grayscale) and in the form of arrays of numbers. | ||||||||
Gumbatov D. A. Optimization of a multi-cycle remote sensing system using UAVS. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 129 The subject of the study is multi-cycle remote sensing systems, particularly, the optimal multi-cycle remote sensing systems based on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Analysis and synthesis of a multi-cycle remote sensing mode is being realized by measuring equipment installed on the UAV. Two optimization problems are considered and solved. In the first problem, measurement cycles in the number of n differ in the fact that the flight altitude in every cycle is different, and the problem of determining the optimal relationship between the flight altitude and the cycle duration is being set. The second optimization problem envisages computing the optimal dependence of the cycle duration on the length of the distance traveled during one cycle. As the result of solving the first problem, the author shows that a specially formed functional of the target, called the «UAV flight area», will reach its minimum if the flight altitude is decreasing so far as the duration of the measurement cycle is increasing. The result of the second problem solution reveals the amount of information obtained in multi-cycle mode reaches its maximum value given a direct interrelation between the said indicators. The results obtained in this work may be applied while the development and application of remote sensing systems, based on the unmanned aerial vehicles, operating in a multi-cycle mode. The main inference of the study consists in the fact that remote sensing systems operating in multi-cycle mode may be optimized by various criteria. The optimization criterion selection herewith depends on the purpose set for the concrete realization of the remote sensing system based on the UAV. | ||||||||
Stepanov A. R., Pavlov P. V., Vladimirov A. P. Hardware and software complex speckle laser diagnostics of aircraft cabin glazing elements. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 129 The article presents the results of the research oriented to developing a method and device for technical condition determining of the aircraft cabins glazing elements. Technical ways of constructing an optoelectronic non-destructive testing system capable of determining the amount of movement of aircraft glazing elements during changes in excess pressure inside the cabin of the aircraft are considered. The authors propose employing the speckle structures method of optical radiation, which operating principle is based on determining the glazing elements displacement by the parameters changing analysis of the speckle fields being recorded, as a non-destructive control tool. The rigging for installing and sensing the glazed parts of the aircraft cabin with the speckle field was developed for practical realization of the said method. The program module for the speckle fields being registered recording and processing with subsequent issuing the amount of the controlled cabin glazing section displacement at the excessive pressure occurrence in the cabin was developed as well. The article presents the results of the full-scale tests of the pilot sample of the developed hardware-software complex while the aircraft cabin tightness determining by analyzing the changes in the number of cases of glazing escaping from the sealing. The test results confirmed the claimed possibility of determining the size of the glazing escape from the sealing with the developed hardware and software complex. Application the complex during the of aviation equipment operation will significantly reduce economic costs and the number of errors in determining the size of the glazing escape from the sealing s well as increase the probability of determining the of the adhesive joint destruction inside the sealing. | ||||||||
AbdAli L. M., Yakimovich B. A., Syaktereva V. V., Kuvshinov V. V., Morozova N. V. Optimization of the automatic control system for the maximum power point for a wind-solar generating plant with energy storage. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 129 Direct solar energy conversion systems based on semiconductor photovoltaic cells have been employed for decades for aerospace technology and ground-based consumers. The article presents the developed information and control system for combined electric energy generating installation by solar and wind energy conversion. A combined system, which employs two or more stable energy sources, is known as a hybrid renewable energy system. It will facilitate uninterruptible energy generation and allow employing one source in the absence of the other, which is its irrefutable advantage. The study proposes the hybrid energy conversion positioning, which includes photovoltaic panels, wind power generator and batteries. The presented work performed control system optimization of the proposed hybrid wind-solar system, which enhanced significantly efficiency of its application and performance reliability. The model of photovoltaic and wind output power, as well as the model of the battery charging and discharging were obtained by studying the output characteristics of the generating power station. Parameters such as the average annual net profit as a target function and region and area characteristics, planned scale, complementary properties, resources utilization factor and stability of the output as limitations were used while development. A model for the hybrid system of photovoltaic conversion, wind generation and energy storage was constructed employing the proposed method. The results of the experiment demonstrate the proposed approach validity and robustness. The emissions trading revenues inclusion makes the model more accurate. The ideal result is more useful as well. As the article shows, the solar photovoltaic panels distribution affects the overall power generation of the hybrid system. It employs a solar panel connected with a hybrid controller and a wind turbine. The results revealed that continuous power generation was possible when the solar panel was connected with the wind turbine, which improved its power output. | ||||||||
Kuznetsov Y. L. Design and ballistic analysis of the prospects of using a single-module launch vehicle to supply an orbital station in a sun-synchronous orbit. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 129 This article is concerned with the substantiation of the design appearance of a reusable single-module launch vehicle (LV), which ensures the delivery of a playful payload (PlP) on board the orbital station. The design appearance of the LV is determined by the totality of its geometric, mass and energy characteristics. During the research, the KORONA single-module LV project designed at the OAO “Makeyev Rocket Design Bureau” was used as a parent variant. The research included a comparative analysis of the schemes of the power plant (PoP) and the layout of fuel containers for the LV, which ensures the delivery of the PlP to the orbital station operating in a sun-synchronous orbit with a height of 350 km and an inclination of 97 degrees. When determining the mass-dimensional characteristics of the LV, it was assumed that a PlP with a total mass of 5000 kg was delivered to the orbital station, which includes a cabin with a crew of four and 2000 kg of cargo in an unpressurized compartment, followed by the recovery of the crew and 200 kg of associated cargo to earth. Calculations of energy characteristics were carried out by modeling the motion of center of mass of the LV during the development of a typical flight pattern. This pattern includes launching the LV into an elliptical exchange orbit, ballistic pause, testing of the apogee pulse, which ensures the transfer of the LV to the working orbit of the station, splicing, deorbiting by testing the deceleration pulse, aerodynamic deceleration in the atmosphere and the final rocket-dynamic braking, which ensures a soft landing of the LV near the launch point. According to the results of the research, the design appearance was formed and the limit (critical) masses of the structure and fuel filling were determined, as well as the PoP parameters of the reusable single-module LV of the KORONA type, which will ensure the delivery of the PlP of a given mass. It is shown that for the universal LV used in the transportation of manned and unmanned PlP, as well as to increase the mass perfection of the design of the LV, it is advisable to produce oxidizer and fuel tanks in the form of a monoblock with combined bottoms, and place the PlP in the front of the LV. A rational scheme of PoP operation is substantiated, which provides for a single activation of a cryogenic main engine with a central body used to form a transition orbit with an apogee height equal to the height of the station's working orbit, with the development of subsequent pulses using an orbital maneuvering engine (OME) of limited power on high-boiling fuel components. It is shown that the parameters of the OME: thrust and the geometric degree of nozzle expansion should be optimized from the condition of ensuring a minimum fuel consumption in the area of pre-landing braking. A high sensitivity of the mass of the PlP derived by a single-module LV from the height of the working orbit was revealed, which is due to a significant excess of the final mass of the LV structure compared to the mass of the output PlP. This feature limits the scope of application of a single-module reusable LV to circular orbits with a height of no more than 350-400 km. | ||||||||
Chernikov A. A. Algorithm for detecting and classification of objects on a unhomogeneous background for optoelectronic systems. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 129 This article discusses the automatic detection and classification of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and armored vehicles (BT) in the optical flow for optoelectronic systems. The algorithm is able to detect and classify objects in real time against a non-uniform background. Despite the presence of a fairly large number of methods for detecting and localizing objects in images, the solution of this problem to the full extent is still a rather laborious task, which, as a rule, requires manual labor of expert operators, which requires large time costs and may affect the efficiency of detection. The purpose of the presented work is to increase the efficiency of detecting complex objects of interest against the background for further classification of objects. When detecting the probable location of the object, the two-dimensional wavelet transform algorithm and the DBSCAN spatial clustering algorithm were used. A convolutional neural network was trained to classify the detected object. When training a convolutional neural network, a training sample was prepared, consisting of real and simulated images of objects. The algorithm for automatic detection and classification of objects was developed in Python using the OpenCV library. At the end of the work, the results of an experimental study of the developed algorithm are presented, on simulated and real images in the infrared range. The presented studies were performed using video image processing methods for object detection and a convolutional neural network for object classification. The proposed algorithm can be used to detect objects against an inhomogeneous background in real time by optoelectronic system in the infrared range. | ||||||||
Popov I. P. On the speed of approach of objects during space flights. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 128 It is noted that the first feature of the speed of approach of objects is that it can exceed the speed of light c, in contrast to any relative speed. We consider an inertial frame of reference with three recorders located in coordinates x0=0, x1, x2. Recorder clocks are synchronized. At the moment of time t0, the registrar located at the coordinate x0 registers the passage of the first object, and the registrar located at the coordinate x2 registers the passage of the second object. At the moment of time t1, the registrar located in the coordinate x1 registers the passage of both objects. The speeds of objects are constant. In the reference systems associated with the first and second objects, no measurements are made. To calculate the speed of approach of objects in this situation, the only way of reasoning is possible, namely: at the moment of time t0, the distance from the first object to the second was 0l=x2–x0; at the moment of time t1this distance became equal to zero; so the approach time was 0τ=t1–t0; therefore, the speed of approach of objects is equal to the ratio of these quantities. At the Large Hadron Collider, the speed of protons approaching is almost twice the speed of light. The aim of the work is to establish other features of the speed of collinear approach of two objects. The rate of collinear approach of two objects in relativistic mechanics is an essentially ambiguous quantity The results obtained do not contradict anything, do not refute anything, and are not a paradox. | ||||||||
Kuleshov A. S. On the reduction of some systems of classical mechanics to the Liouvillian form. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 128 In 1846, J. Liouville indicated a class of holonomic mechanical systems for which the Hamilton — Jacobi equation can be integrated by the method of separation of variables. Mechanical systems belonging to this class are called Liouvillian systems. In the case of two degrees of freedom, it is known, that the Liouvillian system admits, in addition to the energy integral, another first integral, quadratic in generalized velocities. The presence of two first integrals for a holonomic mechanical system with two degrees of freedom allows us to assert that such a system is integrable. Moreover, it is possible to study the bifurcations of the joint levels of the first integrals. The corresponding method for Liouvillian systems with two degrees of freedom was developed by Ya. V. Tatarinov and V. M. Alekseev. To use this method, it is necessary to reduce the studied mechanical system to the Liouvillian form. The paper considers several well-known systems of classical mechanics (the Euler — Poinsot case of the problem of the motion of a rigid body about a fixed point, the Jacobi problem of geodesics on an ellipsoid, the problem of motion of the Chaplygin sphere on the perfectly rough horizontal plane), which, by changing variables, take the form of Liouvillian systems with two degrees of freedom. Moreover, to reduce the problem of rolling motion of the Chaplygin sphere to the Liouvillian system, the theory of Chaplygin reducing multiplier is used. Previously this approach was not used in solving the Chaplygin sphere rolling problem. As a result, the study of the dynamics of the considered systems can be carried out using the methods of the theory of topological analysis with the separation of variables according to Liouville. | ||||||||
Borshevetskiy S. A. Determining the location of additional supports of a pivotally supported plate under harmonic loading. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 128 The article proposes a method for determining the location of such additional supports for two models of plate movement: Kirchhoff and Timoshenko. A rectangular thin pivotally supported plate of known dimensions of constant thickness, which has additional supports in area, is considered. Additional supports installed with the same pitch along the coordinate axes, forming equal segments. The harmonic concentrated force acts on a random place of the plate. It is necessary to determine the location of additional supports based on the stiffness condition: the maximum deflection does not exceed the set value. To determine the location of a set of supports, the segment size satisfying the stiffness condition is first determined. The solution soughting using the influence function, as a reaction of the system to a single impact. Since the harmonic load is representable by Euler, the problem reducing to a stationary one. Additional supports replaced by compensating loads. The influence function decomposing into double Fourier series satisfying the hinge support at the edges. Unknown reactions in the supports are determined from a system of linear algebraic equations according to Kramer’s rule. Then everything substituting into the condition of structural rigidity and this equation solving. At the end of the article, a numerical example and verification calculation giving, which show the fulfillment of the structural rigidity condition. The main advantage of the proposed methodology is the analytical form of the solution. This allows you to substitute any characteristics of the material, the geometry of the plate, as well as the magnitude of the desired load. In general, the technique is also applicable for shells using a local coordinate system that allows the shell to expand into a plate. | ||||||||
Dobryshkin A. Y., Lozovsky I. V., Sysoev O. E., Sysoev E. O. Study of vibrations of a cylindrical shell with added mass with consideration of contour extension. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 128 As of today, the commodities turnover role increase in the global economy is an objective factor. The role of aerial delivery vehicles and outwards the Earth increasing requires the quality improvement of flying vehicles, which basis is formed by the shells. The shells demonstrate indisputable advantages, namely strength, tightness and streamlining over the other options of structural schemes. In operation, these shells are being subjected to various loadings, such as wind load, varying atmospheric pressure, temperature loads, and loads of engineering systems for human life support. For this reason, light and strong structural materials are used for these shells manufacturing. One of the most commonly used materials is aluminum. It has a number of advantages such as low density at significant strength, durability, resistance to many types of impacts. Due to the limited choice of material for the aircraft production, researchers are searching for other options to improve the structures strength and reliability. For example, the study of internal mechanisms of movement or refinement of the computational model. As an example, there is the problem of the forced and natural oscillations presence in the open thin-walled cylindrical shells, which arise due to the cyclic or quasi-static external effects. Frequencies overlapping of both natural and forced vibrations may lead to unacceptable amplitudes of the structure oscillatory process, which will lead to these shells destruction. As of today, the oscillatory behavior analysis of the structure in the design of aircraft structures is not being performed due to their relatively small size, as well as the lack of appropriate techniques and analytical models. Thus, it is necessary to study various aspects of structural vibrations and, in particular, the effect of the added mass on the frequency characteristics of the oscillatory process of thin-walled cylindrical shells. | ||||||||
Eliseev A. V., Kuznetsov N. K., Mironov A. S. Maps of dynamic invariants in the estimation of modes of motion of mechanical oscillatory systems. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 128 The scientific and methodological foundations for the dynamics problems solving of technological and transport facilities operating under conditions of increased vibrational dynamic loads are being developed. The purpose of the proposed research consists in developing methodological approaches for the assessment, control, formation and management of dynamic states of technical objects (machines, equipment, working bodies of vibrating technological machines), which design schemes of are being displayed in the form of mechanical oscillatory systems with several degrees of freedom. The studies are based on employing and developing analytical apparatus of system analysis and its applications to the problems of machine dynamics, protection of equipment and devices from vibration effects, which forms the basis of approaches to ensuring safety, reliability of operation of technical means, ensuring the dynamic quality of technological machines. The article considered the issues of the development of ideas on the generalized states of mechanical oscillatory systems formed by solids under conditions of coherent vibrational loads of a forceful nature, which dynamic state of is being determined based on the dynamic malleability of points distributed over the surface. The authors suggest considering the so-called dynamic invariant, reflecting the essential features of the mechanical oscillating system dynamic states aggregate in the form of oriented graphs, as a generalized dynamic state. The number of its of vertices and arcs are equal to the number of resonances, frequencies of amplitudes zeroing , as well as positive and negative forms of the elements dynamic interactions. The article shows that an infinite set of amplitude-frequency characteristics can be juxtaposed with a finite set of dynamic invariants. The general aggregate of dynamic invariants can be constructed based on the zeroing frequency functions, which can be set implicitly by zeroing the transfer function numerator, interpreted as dynamic compliance within the framework of the problem under consideration. The zeroing frequency unction juxtaposes the frequency of external force disturbances with the variation parameters of the system, on which the dynamic compliance is being zeroed, assuming that the zeroing frequency does not coincide with the natural oscillation frequency of the system. The article demonstrates that the aggregate of dynamic states corresponding to the simultaneous variation of two system parameters may be displayed by the dynamic invariants chart, splitting the plane of two variation parameters into the finite aggregate of non-intersecting areas, boundaries and planes with potentially different dynamic variables. It shows, in particular, that infinite diversity of dynamic states of mechanical oscillations may be represented in the form of finite set of generalized dynamic states. | ||||||||
Temnov A. N., Yan N. O. Rotation around a fixed point of a solid body with an ellipsoidal cavity completely filled with an inhomogeneous fluid . Trudy MAI, 2023, no 128 In this paper, the equations of spherical motion of a solid body with a rotating inhomogeneous incompressible fluid filling a completely ellipsoidal cavity are obtained and investigated. The stability of rotation of a solid with an inhomogeneous fluid having a linear density distribution is considered. The purpose of this article is to study the effect of an inhomogeneous fluid on the stability of rotation of a solid with a fluid around the axis of dynamic symmetry. In the formulation of the problem, a solid body with an ellipsoidal cavity rotates at an angular velocity around a fixed point that coincides with the geometric center of the cavity, and an inhomogeneous ideal fluid completely filling this cavity performs a homogeneous vortex motion in it with the angular velocity of the fluid. To derive the equation of motion of the system under consideration, we use the Euler-Lagrange equations, which, under the action of potential forces. To solve the problem of the stability of the system’s motion, we use the second Lyapunov method, and construct the Lyapunov function using the Chetaev method. Sufficient conditions for the stability of the rotation of a solid body with a fluid around the vertical axis of dynamic symmetry are derived. The condition is obtained in the form of inequalities of the roots of quadratic forms corresponding to the perturbed motion of a body with a fluid. The obtained equations of motion make it possible to study the stability of stationary motions of the system in question in order to assess the effect of fluid stratification on the dynamics of the body. | ||||||||
Khatuntseva O. N. On the «determinization» of stochastic processes with increasing degrees of freedom in the system. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 128 The issue of the origin and existence of non-deterministic, i.e. stochastic processes in various physical, biological, social and other systems is an extremely complex and interesting task. Despite the long-standing interest in them on the part of scientists, there are still discussions on whether «stochasticity» is the true antipode of «determinism», or it reflects only a certain degree of our ignorance about the system or process under study. These problems are being conjugated, in particular, with the issues on predetermination of the various systems dynamics and the Universe as a whole. After the new branches of science emergence in the last century and, quantum mechanics, in particular, many issues related to the «stochasticity» have lost their urgency, since the concept of «uncertainty» has become fixed at the micro-level as one of the fundamental scientific concepts. However, the issue of the uncertainty «loss» while transition from micro to macro systems remains an open scientific problem. The article raises questions on the fundamental possibility of the stochastic process emergence in the systems described by the deterministic autonomous differential equations obeying Cauchy’s theorem on existence and uniqueness, as well as questions related to the possibility of «determinization» of stochastic systems with the number of degrees of freedom increase. The author shows that not only deterministic chaos with a structure difficult to analyze and interpret in the systems of autonomous differential equations, but true non-determinism, i.e.«stochasticity» may occur stipulated by the incompatibility of differential equations due to the finiteness of the time step. This phenomenon may occur herewith at any arbitrarily small, but finite step in time. The author managed to demonstrate the work that that an increase in the degrees of freedom in the system under consideration leads to its «determinization». This phenomenon allows, in particular, answering the question on why stochastic systems with a large number of degrees of freedom, such as, developed turbulent fluid flows, large star clusters (such as galaxies), etc., are quite deterministic on average and demonstrate a stable dynamic state. | ||||||||
Kotel'nikov V. A., Kotelnikov M. V., Krylov S. S. Mathematical modeling of injection of negative ion flux into the wall plasma. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 128 To solve the problem of radio communication with hypersonic aircraft, it is proposed to create a radio-transparent channel by injecting a stream of negatively charged ions into the boundary layer. The negative volume charge arising inside the channel primarily displaces lighter negatively charged particles — electrons — from it. The electron concentration decreases, which leads to a weakening of the attenuation of radio waves and radio communication is restored. The positively and negatively charged ions remaining in the channel due to their relatively large mass do not affect the passage of electromagnetic waves. A computer simulation of the injection of a negative ion flux into a dense plasma has been carried out. In the process of solving the task, the following stages can be distinguished:
The mathematical model of the problem at the first stage, taking into account the weak degree of ionization, splits into two independent systems of differential equations for neutral and charged particles. The electrodynamic part of the problem, taking into account the assumptions made at the first stage, includes the continuity equations for ions and electrons and the Poisson equation for a self-consistent electric field. The method of sequential iterations over time was used to solve the problem. In this case, the perturbed zone evolves from the initial to the final stationary state. The latter is considered as the desired solution to the problem. The continuity equations for ions and electrons were solved by the Davydov method of large particles, and the Poisson equation by spectral methods in which the desired function decomposes according to the eigenfunctions of the differential operator. At the second stage, the emission of a stream of negatively charged ions into the space formed at stage 1 begins. The mathematical model of the second stage includes the equation of motion of negative ions, the continuity equations for all charged components and the Poisson equation for a self-consistent electric field. The continuity equations were solved by the Davydov method of large particles, the equation of motion of negative ions — by the arithmetic mean method, the Poisson equation — by spectral methods. The evolution of ion and electron currents on the probe (stage 3) was traced to their establishment. The distribution of potential, electron concentration and concentration of negative ions along the beam axis, the values of the current density of positive ions and electrons on the disk from which the injection occurs were investigated. | ||||||||
Poyarkov I. V., Lipatova L. I. Experimental methods for recording the process of diffusion instability in gas systems. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 128 The article provides an overview of experimental methods for gas mixture registering the transition from a stable diffusion mode to a state of diffusion instability while mixing process. Experiments on mixing process registration of gas systems by the shadowgrams method are described. This method allows observing the mixing process dynamics, determining visually the boundary of the mode change during the mass transfer process, as well as obtaining qualitative information on the spatial non-uniformities distribution and the nature of their behavior throughout the unstable mixing process. The catarometric method allows recording the mixing process dynamics, starting from the irregular fluctuations in the total concentration and ending with a steady convective process. The article provides the description of quantitative methods for determining the system thermodynamic parameters, at which diffusion instability occurs. The method for thermodynamic parameters determining with respect to the partial flows of the mixture components allows accurate computing of the stable diffusion boundary, and the method of criteria numbers application allows obtaining the value of the critical number of convective stability for a multicomponent gas mixture under isothermal conditions in the gravity field. The pros and contras of employing the methods in the article while the system parameters determining, at which transition from the diffusion region to the region of unstable diffusion occurs, are analyzed. It is noted that experimental methods — the tenegram method and the catarometric method — allow us to observe the nature of the mixing process, while quantitative methods — the method of determining thermodynamic parameters with respect to the partial flows of the mixture components and the method of using criterion numbers — allow us to find the conditions under which it changes. | ||||||||
Azarov A. v., Latyshev A. E., Rozhkov S. S., Semernin M. A., Slavyansky A. O., Karavaev M. N. Experimental methods for recording the process of diffusion instability in gas systems. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 128 The paper considers and substantiates the options for constructing a high-speed radio communication line based on an active phased array antenna (APAA) with electronic beam scanning. The methods of beam scanning, power distribution systems and schemes for supplying power to the emitting elements of an active phased array are considered, namely, a circuit with a series supply of APAA emitters is considered, a circuit with a series supply of APAA emitters based on phase shifters is considered, a circuit of parallel supply of APAA emitters is considered, as well as a binary-level scheme of parallel power supply of emitters of an active phased array. Requirements have been produced for the key element for supplying power to APAA emitters — annular resistive power divider, a block diagram of the APAA transmitter (beamforming module) has been proposed, including an antenna array, each emitter of which is connected to the corresponding transmitter module, which are powered through power distribution devices, signals conversion path, signal generation and processing devices, control device. While working on the requirements produced, the structure of annular resistive power divider was developed, which has a standing wave ratio of the input and output voltage of no more than 1.05 in the frequency band of interest, an isolation between the output channels of the divider of at least 27 dB, and a phase non-identity of the outputs of no more than 0.2°, which meets high requirements for the accuracy and speed of electronic scanning by the APAA beam of the onboard equipment of high-speed radio links for use in radio communication systems of advanced spacecraft. | ||||||||
Buzhin I. G., Antonova V. M., Mironov Y. B., Gaifutdinov E. A. Load balancing algorithm for service traffic in the virtualized infrastructure of next generation mobile networks. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 128 One of the key features that distinguishes future generation mobile networks (5G and 6G) from the previous generations is an increase in the number of services provided, a significant increase in data transmission speeds and a highly reliable control loop. The architecture of such networks is being built employing Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) technologies, as well as Network Slicing technology. It is necessary to develop messages load balancing algorithm of the virtualized infrastructure between the control devices to ensure the high fault tolerance level of control, load balancing, network connexity of mobile network architecture of future generation mobile network by the SDN/NFV technology employing. All SDN switches should be necessarily divided into the groups depending on their output loading so that the common loading from one group of switches does not exceed the SDN controller productive capacity for the load distribution (Packet-In messages received by the controller per second) from the virtualized infrastructure based on the SDN/NFV controllers. This requires permanent load measuring on each of the controllers. The main challenge is the load-balancing task, i.e. the SDN switches allocation over controllers. The network topology can be plotted as a graph, where the nodes represent the SDN switches (virtualized infrastructure nodes) with the rated load about network states and the controllers with the rated data flow processing capacity, while the graph edges represent the data links. Let us decompose the task into two subtasks; each of them herewith is being solved by a different algorithm. The first algorithm has to divide the switches into groups based on the information on the current loads and flows in the system, so that the groups can be assigned to the controllers employed in the system. The second algorithm should allocate the groups resulting from the first algorithm running to the employed controllers so that the minimum number of migrations would be required to convert the considered system. The algorithm for Packet-In messages allocating to controllers is new and has no equivalents for comparison. The algorithm results in groups of virtualized infrastructure nodes with the total service traffic load not exceeding the maximum performance of the control loop nodes. | ||||||||
Volkov A. S. The development of simulation model of channel with burst error arrays. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 128 The article studied one of the most up-to-date problems in telecommunications associated with the burst-error channels. Thus, the model of a discrete channel in communication system under the burst-error arrays based on Gilbert model was developed. The burst error affects critically the received signal reliability under conditions of Gaussian noise and in some cases fully distorts the received signal. The purpose of the article consists in considering the main properties of the Gilbert channel and their impact on the data sequence transmitted through wireless communication channel under conditions of the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN). The valuation function of the main variables in Gilbert channel is the probability scheme N = ⟨P,Q,E⟩, which includes the purposive parameters being described by this model: P is a probability of a “good” channel state, Q is a probability of a “bad” state, while E stands for the probability of error in the “bad” channel state. Thus, the article proposes the adaptive generation algorithm of burst-error arrays according to the said parameters of the probability scheme. Simulation model of the communication system by the Gilbert model and AWGN was developed. An extra block, allowing the code word supplementing with zeroes was described for it. This backup block was introduced for the further studies with a view to additional energy gain. One of the most important topics we touched upon is matrices interleaver and deinterleaver. In the end of the article, we adduce the simulation results with the advantage of about 3dB from this algorithm application. Besides, the burst-error correction procedure by the non-binary Reed-Solomon encoder/decoder with various schemes in the discrete communication channel is being considered. Conclusion of the article gives the simulated method assessment with plots and comments on the bit errors probability dependence on the Es/N0, its disalignment range, as well as analysis of the matrix interleaver depth. A system communication model including the Gilbert channel in conjunction with the AWGN is proposed. This work allows assessing the effectiveness of solutions on the package error control under conditions of Gaussian noise. | ||||||||
Tyapkin P. S., Vazhenin N. A. Increasing the noise immunity of communication systems under conditions of pulsed quasi-harmonic interference using blind signal processing methods. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 128 In this paper, to compensate impulse noise, we consider the use of blind signal separation methods. Blind methods are based on high-order statistics and operate under multichannel reception conditions. Currently, this direction is being actively researched and implemented in medicine and image processing. A simulation model of a digital radio information transmission system was developed. The purpose of simulation modeling was to study blind signal separation algorithms to compensate for impulse noise, as well as to analyze the effect of Gaussian noise on the quality of blind separation. Blind source separation algorithms have some limitations, such as: number of received sources must be more than number of signals, which must be statistically independent between themselves. As a result of simulation modeling, it was revealed that the use of blind signal processing methods in the fight against pulsed quasi-harmonic interference makes it possible to achieve an energy gain depending on the duty cycle of the pulsed interference, the normalized interference frequency detuning relative to the bandwidth, the bit signal-to-noise ratio and the interference-signal ratio. For example, when demodulating a BPSK signal in a mixture with pulsed quasi-harmonic noise, a duty cycle of 0.005 and an interference-to-signal ratio of 15 dB, the use of the SOBI (Second-order blind identification) blind source separation algorithm makes it possible to achieve an energy gain with respect to mixture demodulation without blind separation at bit signal-to-noise ratio of 8.1 dB or more. So, for example, with the same simulation parameters, with a bit signal-to-noise ratio of 13 dB, a gain in bit error probability is achieved by more than в 2‧103 times. | ||||||||
Korovin A. V., Savin D. I. Тhe method for determining the coordinates of ground objects by an unmanned aerial vehicle using a laser rangefinder. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 128 The article proposes a method for the ground objects coordinates determining from an unmanned aerial vehicle, which allows increasing the accuracy of of the ground objects location determining. The aircraft is supposed to fly in a circle with the ground object observation until the achieved value of the spatial geometric factor is less than three. The accuracy increase occurs through the observation time increase for the object being explored, and accumulation of measured by the laser rangefinder ranges to it. The unmanned aerial vehicle absolute proper coordinates are assumed known in each moment of range measuring. Estimates of the carrier absolute coordinates were obtained with the navigation equipment of the global satellite navigation systems consumers. This approach will allow determining coordinates in hard-to-reach and impassable terrain with high accuracy when solving various tasks. The unmanned aerial vehicle is being equipped with navigation equipment of global navigation satellite systems consumers being a source of navigation information. The carrier is also equipped with a laser rangefinder on a gyro-stabilized platform, which serves to determine distances to the ground-based object of interest. The coordinates of a ground-based object are being determined by the combined application of angle-rangefinder and integral rangefinder methods for coordinates determining. At the initial stages, the ground-based object coordinates are being estimated by the angle-rangefinder method with some insufficient accuracy. Further, accumulations of measurements and refinement of the coordinates of the ground-based object are performed by the integral rangefinder method. The article presents the studies of the flight altitude, speed of an unmanned aerial vehicle and the accuracy of navigation equipment of consumers of global navigation satellite systems impact on the achieved accuracy of the obtained estimates of the coordinates of a ground-based reconnaissance object. Practical recommendations on the unmanned aerial vehicle piloting for achieving maximum accuracy of the coordinates of the ground-based object being explored are given based on the results of the studies. The issue on the necessary monitoring duration at various flight altitudes and the fly-by radius to achieve the best accuracy of coordinates assessment was studied as well. | ||||||||
Koshkarov A. S., Semenova V. P. Development of a simulation model of the lidar collision warning system of a service vehicle. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 128 The article describes the order of mathematical model developing of the lidar for the collision warning system of a service vehicle on the aerodrome territory while the aircraft maintenance. Based on the considered specifics of traffic organization of the service vehicles on the aerodrome territory and engineering software pack MATLAB, a model of a fuel tanker movement while the TU-204 aircraft operation at the moment of peak service schedule congestion. The relevance of the presented model consists in the following. Transition to the new economic paradigm and digital economy is impossible without the expansion of air transportation. Increasing traffic flows require precise organization and constant control in the loading and maintenance areas. More and more machinery and engineering personnel are required. A logical solution to this problem is automation of processes, including autonomous driving functions delegating to service and transport vehicles. In modern aviation community, more and more attention is being paid to research and development of end-to-end automation processes with minimum human intervention — hyperautomation. Thus, this trend is one of the priorities of the strategy of scientific and technological development in the Russian Federation. The problems solving complexity in this area is being characterized by limited visual observation, which consists in the lack of opportunity for the crew to see the maneuvering equipment on the route of movement, and the lack of forbidden zones. Thus, this article considers the possibility of improving the traffic of service vehicles control system and aircraft on the territory of the aerodrome by placing collision avoidance equipment at the movement of service and maintenance vehicles, based on the lidar application and capabilities assessing of the method of employing sensors of incoming information on the parameters of the external environment. | ||||||||
Vataeva E. Y. Development of a mathematical model of the lidar of the collision avoidance system of the vehicle. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 128 Active technological development and improvement of technologies in various industries implies the use of non-linear discrete, discrete-continuous and impulse automatic control systems (ACS), the dynamics of which is described by high-order differential equations. In the modern theory of automatic control, the problem of synthesizing the parameters of the control laws of impulse systems containing elements and devices with nonlinear static and dynamic characteristics is a complex scientific and engineering problem. In this regard, in order to successfully solve this problem for the entire range of quality indicators and for the whole variety of systems from a unified mathematical and methodological position, it is necessary to develop new methods.The development of Automatic control systems (ACS) control laws is directly related to the method of approximating a nonlinear characteristic, since it is necessary to maintain the degree of adequacy of the mathematical model. Since there are no universal approaches to the issue of approximation, for each specific case, it is required to take into account the specific modes of operation of the system. As you know, the most widely used piecewise linear approximation, however, the accuracy of the result obtained with such a mathematical model is not always sufficient. The various methods of approximation are considered, including irrational, integral, and analytical ones. This article proposes to use a polynomial approximation. As a method for synthesizing nonlinear systems, it is proposed to use the generalized Galerkin method, which makes it possible to synthesize control laws for automatic control systems of different classes (continuous automatic control systems and systems with various types of signal modulation, the dynamics of which is described by both linear and nonlinear equations of an arbitrarily high order). | ||||||||
Issa H. A., AbdAli L. M., Yakimovich B. A., Kuvshinov V. V., Morozova N. V., Fedotikova M. V. Comparison of the effectiveness of various methods for controlling the energy parameters of photovoltaic systems. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 128 The silicon photovoltaic converters application for power supply systems requires a significant energy-conversion efficiency. However, solar batteries without effective control systems and automatics do not comply with the technological requirements place on them. All that significantly reduces the efficiency of the electrical energy final generation and is not able ensuring power supply to auxiliary equipment of such complex systems as space and aviation equipment, communication power systems and other high-tech complexes. The requirements for the energy supply of high-tech facilities with solar power supply systems may be increased by employing new methods for control systems of solar power generation complexes. The peak power point tracking (MPT) method is often used to increase the amount of electrical energy that can be obtained from photovoltaic panels under certain conditions, as well as to improve the performance of solar panels. The photovoltaic system efficiency lies in the maximum power transfer to the load, hence is the interest in implementing more efficient TMM methods in terms of accuracy and speed. In this context, two TMM methods are applied to the photovoltaic DC converter, namely Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC) and Perturbation and Observation (P&O). A model for the boost converter is developed in MATLAB/Simulink to test and analyze the performance of the controllers. In the presented work, two controllers were tested under different irradiation conditions from the viewpoint of response time and efficiency. The results of this work prove that both control methods allow perfect tracking of the TMM with a slight FLC advantage over classical P&O. The proposed methods for the solar generation systems control allow significant operation efficiency rising of the whole system and increasing the final electric power component. This component is necessary for the qualitative provision of high-tech objects and complex electric power systems, particularly, such as aviation and space engineering, satellite and spacecraft communication systems, as well as energy-conversion efficiency increasing at the other objects, located on the ground and employing photoelectric generation systems. | ||||||||
Vatutin M. A., Klyuchnikov A. I., Petrov D. G., Sudar Y. M. Circuit design methodology for an integrating pendulum accelerometer. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 128 The task of navigation consists in determining the true parameters of the of the aircraft center of mass motion and allows determining such navigation parameters as the linear coordinates of the place, as well as the magnitude and direction of the flight velocity vector in the selected coordinate system. The acceleration value being obtained from the accelerometer must be integrated twice to determine the linear coordinate. The pendulum positional accelerometer is convenient to be employed for the integrating mode of its operation. It is convenient to employ in the available accelerometer the measured acceleration integrating mode rather than the measuring mode itself for obtaining the first integral of the apparent acceleration being measured. For this purpose, an integrating capacitor with signal conversion circuits and periodic reset of the accumulated voltage is usually included in the feedback circuit. The article considers schematic solutions in the electrical circuit of the signal conversion device of a positional pendulum accelerometer for obtaining an integrating mode of its operation. The converting device circuit is based on the self-oscillating ramp generator with controlled input, which consist of two basic parts, namely integrator and Shmitt trigger. The output signal of the ramp generator is a time interval. Accelerometer connection to the ramp generator allows forming on its output a signal in the form of relative time interval change proportional to the apparent acceleration integral, i.e. the apparent velocity. Characteristics analysis of the accelerometers applied in the state-of-the-art technology reveals that at maximum input exposure, the current value of the torque sensor takes values in the tens of milliamps, depending on the specific type of accelerometer and the measurement range. For the electronic circuit of the integrating accelerometer with ramp generator, this means that the operational amplifiers of the ramp generator, actually consume currents of tens of milliamps throughout the time to ensure the circuit operation. The article considered schematic solutions for ramp generator connecting the accelerometer, which significantly reduce the current consumed by the ramp generator while operation, namely buffer amplifier; electronic current divider, and connection via a current sensor. A technique for schematic design of the integrating pendulum accelerometer has been developed. | ||||||||
Nestruev D. S., Borzov D. B. Model of reorganization of elements of a wireless computing cluster with an orbital arrangement of elements. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 128 A cluster is a modular multiprocessor system created on the ground of standard computing nodes connected by a high-speed communication medium. A typical cluster is a set of computers or processor cores under centralized control, which the user perceives as a single entity. The main characteristic of a computing cluster is fault tolerance. To ensure greater survivability, cluster elements must be able to move in space and be reserved. This concerns, first of all, the control element (Host) and the nodes in which the accumulated information is stored (Storage). Scientific novelty consists in the method of orbital dynamic reconfiguration of roles. This method allows distributing the cluster elements in orbits relative to the control element, which, in turn, ensures a better connection with the rest of the cluster elements. Comparison is performed by the simulation results. Modeling is carried out with the developed computer program. Parameter of the wireless computing cluster running time in an extraordinary situation (disappearance of a signal between cluster elements, change in the cluster element position, etc.) is used as the comparison parameter. The article considers an algorithmic model for initializing a wireless computing cluster with dynamic reconfiguration of roles by the orbital method, which significantly increases the fault tolerance of the cluster. The authors performed the analysis and comparison of the results of the described algorithm operation with existing ones. The results of the analysis revealed that dynamic reconfiguration of roles allows increasing the fault tolerance of a wireless computing cluster due to the fact that any of the elements are able to act as the ICD control element. | ||||||||
Bukirev A. S., Savchenko A. Y., Yatsechko M. I. Application of the intelligent diagnostic system of information-converting aviation systems of integrated avionics under external disturbing influences. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 128 The problem of low depth of search for the place of failure by modern on-board automated control systems of aviation equipment, which negatively affects the intensity of recovery and combat readiness, is considered. The emerging need for operational diagnostics of the technical condition of information-converting aviation systems is a consequence of the increasing binding of a large number of systems to digital support and control, and the relegation of analog systems of modern avionics to the background. The need to diagnose the technical condition in real time, as well as the possibility of diagnosing systems on the ground, as well as during flights to perform special tasks, is an urgent problem, existing and proven practice, as well as data from enterprises that operate aviation equipment .The paper studies a model of an intelligent diagnostic system of information-converting aviation systems of integrated avionics, operating under external disturbances, with an assessment of the quality of adaptation of an artificial neural network to limiting external disturbances, in order to solve the problem of improving the efficiency of technical diagnostics by the criterion of minimizing the time of diagnosis and increasing the probability of timely departure of an aircraft to perform special tasks. The stability of the functioning of the model of an intelligent diagnostic system to external disturbing influences is substantiated by simulating the above process in the Simulink package of the MATLAB programming environment. The paper outlines the basic principles of the approach to building an intelligent diagnostic system for information-converting aviation systems of integrated modular avionics on-board equipment using artificial neural networks. Solving the problem of creating a model of an intelligent diagnostic system will make it possible to achieve the goal of moving to the creation of new diagnostic principles incorporated into modern on-board automated control tools. | ||||||||
Kabanov A. A., Amosov M. V. VR/AR in the study, creation and operation of aerospace technology: from macrolevel to microlevel, from observation to activity. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 128 The study is aimed at the efficiency improving of the processes of creating aerospace technology and educational activities with digital VR/AR technologies in the aerospace industry. For this purpose, a review of applied examples of the VR/AR employing was performed according to the scheme: process, object, stage of the object’s life cycle, scale of the environment and object, goals, tasks, methods, technologies, software and hardware, and their critical analysis. Analysis of the results revealed that the predominant area of the VR/AR application in the aerospace industry was the ground-based work-out of the assembling and mounting process of the bulky objects, as well as their operation under space conditions on the macro-level. The article demonstrates herewith that in virtual or augmented space the operator performs directly the role of the object human operator. It shows as well that processes working-out and studying at the macro-level, such as while the structural-technological design of products, acquire less spread, and they are the area where VR/AR are not employed to the full extent and possess substantial potential. The authors demonstrate that in this case operator in both virtual and augmented space should be an active observer and/or be a part of the structure or operation media. To realize this, the authors propose employing methods and techniques of the theory of inventive problem solving as the methodological foundation, and existing numerical modeling tools for physico-chemical processes with their appropriate adaptation as the instrumental support. With regard to the educational activities, it was revealed that the main obstacle to the VR/AR implementation was the necessity for the costly infrastructure, namely laboratories and equipment. The authors suggested methodological recommendations and their software and hardware support, offering an opportunity for the AR/VR realization in the independent self-sufficient research work of the student employing the means of individual use. | ||||||||
Kopeika E. A., Verbin A. V. Methodological approach to estimating the probability of failure-free operation of complex technical systems taking into account the characteristics of the control system based on the bayesian belief network. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 128 In developing complex technical systems together with their life cycle follow-up, the required reliability level provision is necessary. This requires developing new approaches associating reliability indicators of complex technical systems (CTS) with the checking system indicators. The article considers the possibility of accounting for the uncertainty of knowledge of the probabilistic data parameters, employed for the decisions substantiation. The proposed approach and models are based on the basic concepts and ratios of the theory of reliability and technical systems control. The methodological approach is based on the well-known and tested apparatus of the Bayesian approach A methodical approach, which associates the probability of reliable operation of the complex technical system elements and reliability of complex technical system checking was developed. Analysis of the results allows making conclusion on the degree of the checking process characteristics effect on probability of fault-free operation of the complex technical system. The proposed d methodological approach may be employed at the CTS design stage, and it provides an opportunity for operating organization information obtaining on the CTS fault-free operation probability when receiving information on the CTS blocks is received, which allows making operative decision on the CTS condition. The obtained result may be of practical interested for military representatives, state certification authorities, industry representatives and may be employed while formation and justification of reliability requirements in tactical and technical tasks to develop (update) complex technical system. It may be employed as well for accounting for control process characteristics impact on the probability of the fault-free operation of the complex technical system at all stages of its life cycle. | ||||||||
Knyazev A. S. Features of the use of simulators of multifunctional indicators in the process of personnel training. Trudy MAI, 2023, no 128 Cabins of modern types of weapons and military engineering are equipped with multifunctional indicators (MFI). Training personnel to work with the MFI is necessary; however employing costly complex simulators for this purpose leads ineffective exhaustion of their resources. Working with the MFI allows laying the route of movement, entering coordinates of targets, landmarks and radio-beacons, The MFI employing allows the crew to solve the tasks of navigation and combat employment. With this regard, more attention should be paid to learning how to work with the MFI while mastering modern types of aircraft. The best way of learning is application of real equipment or a complex simulator of the air force cabin, however, this may lead to inefficient exhaustion of their resource. There is a generally accepted practice of employing units, devices and systems dismantled from decommissioned samples of military equipment in training sessions. However, the MFI removed from the military equipment cannot be employed without special equipment (power supplies, computers, sources and signal converters). Thus, it is advisable to use MFI simulators, in which the functions necessary for the training goals achieving, for the studies instead of real MFI. They may be employed at both theoretical stage of the studies and practical training. Besides, the MFI simulators may be employed in the beginning of the simulator training to work-out check-ups and data entering, to relieve partially the costly complex simulator from these tasks. The article considers the issue of the MFI simulator application expediency while cadet-pilots training for the DA-42T aircraft. The IBM 4820 monitor, the closest in size to the real MFI of the DA-42T aircraft, is selected as the basis of the developed MFI simulator. The SimInTech program, designed for technical systems modeling, was chosen as the software for the of information frames reproduction and development on the MFI. The full-scale mockup of the DA-42T aircraft cabin was developed with the developed MFI simulators. Application of the MFI simulator and cabin layouts on their basis in training sessions ensures the achievement of various training tasks, which can be effectively employed in the training of personnel. The MFI simulator and cabin layouts employing saves on the one hand the resource of the expensive equipment, and on the other hand, represents the only opportunity for visual training due to the lack of complex simulators or real samples of military equipment in the training base. The obtained results of the work may be employed further for the development of the MFI imitators for various types of military equipment. | ||||||||
Ledkov A. S., Belov A. A., Tchannikov I. A. Comparison of laser ablation and ion beam efficiency for contactless space debris deorbiting from a quasi-circular orbit. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 127 The article deals with the problem of space debris removal from the near-Earth orbits. The motion of mechanical system, consisting of a spacecraft and an object of space debris sphere, is under study. Active spacecraft is a material point, while space debris is of a spherical shape moves moves on a circular orbit. In the first case, the contactless transportation of space debris is being realized by the laser, and in the second case, an electrojet engine jet is used. It is assumed that in the process of the ion transportation, the entire ion beam hits the surface of the sphere, and a simplified auto-similar model of plasma propagation is used to describe the far region of the electrojet engine plume. In the case transportation by laser, the laser beam control system ensures a point selection on the sphere, for which the normal is directed along the local horizon. The purpose of the study consists in comparing these transportation methods effectiveness in terms of the fuel rate of the active spacecraft. For this purpose, mathematical model of the mechanical system is being developed, and numerical simulation of the descent is performed. The numerical modeling results revealed that the laser ablation method appeared more effective compared to the ion transportation. It is associated with the fact that the force generated by the laser ablation effect appears greater than that generated by the ion beam. Besides, the engine generating the ion beam creates thrust, which should be compensated by the oppositely directed engine. It is supposed in the development of this work to account for the effect of aerodynamic drag forces acting of the active spacecraft and a space debris object, as well as studying special motion of the system and developing control law for the active spacecraft to sustain the required position out of the orbit plane. | ||||||||
Averyanov I. O. Cargo with dampers parachute vertical landing dynamics research. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 127 There are a lot of researches related to parachute landing dynamics and almost all of them consider the system of parachute-cargo (SPC) that works on its flight regimes, before it contacts the landing area. There are a few researches that consider the task of SPC landing, where a pneumatic actuator is used instead of the cargo. Nevertheless these researches are focused on the behavior of canopy. In case of cargo with dampers landing researches dropped cargo regime is considered. This is a commonly used practice to consider this regime on design phase of a cargo damper system. This article considers a parachute landing process for the cargo with dampers on the phase of its contact with the landing area. The aim of this research is to compare these two regimes of landing — with and without parachute influence to the landing process — to define the load cases for damper system (air fiber dampers are considered). This work considers only a vertical parachute landing process. Mathematical model (MM) of the parachute landing process consists of differential equations of motion for two separate objects — the cargo and the canopy. The canopy is symmetrical. Air dampers are attached to the cargo. Both objects are considered as absolutely rigid. Straps are modeled as a function of distance between the corresponding points on the cargo and on the canopy. Parachute straps are elastic. Euler’s ratios are used to transform the angular velocities to the angles. Here the two tasks are considered: 1 — the drop case is presented to show that MM gives reliable results for the considered structure of the cargo and the system of air dampers; 2 — parachute landing. Comparison of the calculation results and experimental data shows their good correlation. Analysis shows that the parachute system has an essential influence on landing process dynamics of the cargo with dampers. This influence has to be taken into account in the case of damper’s design phase, analysis of cargo drop tests. It recommends to use this MM for statistical mathematical modelling of the parachute landing process in the task of reliability index evaluating. | ||||||||
Popov I. P. A fragment of the dynamics of an aerodrome tractor with massive towed objects. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 127 It is noted that the most difficult stage in the operation of an airfield tractor with massive towed objects is the starting mode. This is due to the need to overcome the static friction force, which significantly exceeds the motion friction force. As a solution to this problem, we can consider the use of the initial kinetic energy of the tractor, which can develop when using limited elastically deformable traction coupling devices. To optimize the mathematical model, the following assumptions are made: traction force F on the hook of the tractor is a constant value; the inertial masses of the tractor and towed objects are the same and equal m. To evaluate the effectiveness of the use of elastically deformable traction coupling devices, the obtained results are compared with similar results corresponding to an absolutely rigid traction coupling device. The use of elastically deformable traction coupling devices makes it possible to accumulate the initial kinetic energy of an airfield tractor, which makes it possible to overcome the static friction force and ensure the starting of heavy towed objects. Comparison of the kinematic and dynamic parameters of the tractor with towed objects for options with absolutely rigid and resiliently deformable traction coupling devices shows that the efficiency of using the latter increases with an increase in the number of towed objects. Elastically deformable towing devices can cause oscillations of the tractor-towed objects system. To prevent them, the towing devices must be hard blocked at the moment they reach the greatest deformation. | ||||||||
Bogachev V. A., Petrov Y. A., Bernikov A. S., Sergeev D. V. Investigation of the influence of various factors on the descent of the planetoid along the ladders of the lander. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 127 To ensure a reliable exit of the vehicle along the ladders to the surface of the planets and their satellites, it is necessary to account for the effect of a large number of various factors, such as:
The undercarriage of the planetoid, as a rule, consists of six or eight driving wheels and an elastic suspension. An electromechanical drive is installed in the hub of each wheel, ensuring thereby high cross-country ability and high reliability. One of the main problems consists in the reliable exit ensuring along the ladders to the surface of the planet (satellite). For this purpose, experimental selection of materials being installed on ladders that ensure a reliable grip without slipping with the wheels of the planetoid is necessary. To confirm the lunar rover guaranteed exit, The model allowed reproducing angular position of the landing unit supports, ladders and slope. A decision was taken on what shock absorbers should be «shot-off» to reduce clearance and thereby align the position of the vehicle on the landing surface. After that, the ladders, along which the lunar rover successfully moved to the Moon surface the were opened. Thus, when designing a landing unit for a spacecraft with a planet rover, it is necessary to envisage pyrotechnics in the design of shock absorbers that can be employed to improve the planet rover exiting conditions along the ramps. Shock absorbers with pyro nodes may also be employed in case of the ground-intake device and other mechanisms presence onboard the vehicle. Tests on the material selection and the determination of the coefficient of adhesion were conducted with the technological wheel of the planetoid and fragments of ladders, on the working surface of which different materials were placed. With this purpose, testing programs and methods were developed, and a test bench, which ensured computed loadings and temperatures, was fabricated. To analyze the planetoid descent along the ladders on the loose soil, the ladder was tested at its interaction with loose soil. During the tests, the ladder and rested on the soil-analogue placed in a container. The top layer of the soil represented a loose finely dispersed soil, which is being characterized by low adhesion and rather high internal friction with low load-bearing capacity and high compressibility. If the vehicle lands on rock outcrops or there is a hard surface, such as a stone, under the end of the ladder, then the ladder lateral movement will be much greater than this in the case of a loose soil. With the landing stage roll and heavy loads on one side, the movement of the ladder ends may be significant and the vehicle might leave the track, which will lead to an accident. As the result of the analysis of the planet rover exit along the ladders, the gaps between the wheel of the planetoid chassis and the structural elements of the landing unit were determined for the case of the landing platform roll in a plane perpendicular to the installation of the ladders at an angle of 20°. The tolerances for the installation of ladders on the platform, backlash in the nodes of rotation of the ladder links, as well as the rigidity characteristics of the ladder (power beam and railing) were accounted for herewith. The article presents the results of the full-scale experimental studies of the various factors impact on the of a planet rover exit on the surface of planets and their satellites. As the result of the tests, the coupling coefficients were determined at different temperatures and loads between the fragments of the ladder layout made of various materials and the wheel. The article considers typical characteristics of the touchdown surface, such as slope, the soil bearing capacity and the presence of stones, and proposes the ladder working surface materials ensuring calculated coefficients of adhesion to the planet rover wheel. The technique for conducting tests on determining the coefficient of adhesion of the planet rover wheel is presented. Recommendations with regard to the structural design of the landing gear shock absorbers and the ladders fixing in the working position have been elaborated. | ||||||||
Kriven G. I. Evaluation of damping properties of composites. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 127 The article studies fibrous composites, particularly, analyzes their effective damping properties, natural frequencies and loss coefficients. Both effective dissipative and wave properties are being defined by the presence of a viscoelastic layer laid between the elastic fiber of high rigidity and a less rigid matrix. Analytical evaluations employing linear visoelastic analogy method are being presented. The author revealed that the three phases method was more preferable than the Race method for determining parameters with high accuracy. Whiskerized systems, grown on the fiber surface and submerged into the viscoelastic layer, were proposed for use to enhance dissipative properties and retain mechanical ones. The author conducted studies on oscillations damping of the stratified composite hinged beam. The viscoelastic interlayer is being inserted into the composite beam to enhance its damping properties. Resonant frequency and modal losses coefficient of the beam are being evaluated by the Bernoulli-Euler beam model and Timoshenko model. It is noted that in case of transversely oriented fibers both models, i.e. the Bernoulli-Euler beam model and Timoshenko model, account for the shear deformations. | ||||||||
Kolodezhnov V. N., Veretennikov A. S. The translational motion of a cylinder along its axis in a space filled with a non-linear viscoplastic fluid. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 127 The article studies fibrous composites, particularly, analyzes their effective damping properties, natural frequencies and loss coefficients. Both effective dissipative and wave properties are being defined by the presence of a viscoelastic layer laid between the elastic fiber of high rigidity and a less rigid matrix. Analytical evaluations employing linear visoelastic analogy method are being presented. The author revealed that the three phases method was more preferable than the Race method for determining parameters with high accuracy. Whiskerized systems, grown on the fiber surface and submerged into the viscoelastic layer, were proposed for use to enhance dissipative properties and retain mechanical ones. The author conducted studies on oscillations damping of the stratified composite hinged beam. The viscoelastic interlayer is being inserted into the composite beam to enhance its damping properties. Resonant frequency and modal losses coefficient of the beam are being evaluated by the Bernoulli-Euler beam model and Timoshenko model. It is noted that in case of transversely oriented fibers both models, i.e. the Bernoulli-Euler beam model and Timoshenko model, account for the shear deformations. | ||||||||
Alexandrov L. G., Konstantinov S. B., Markov A. V., Platov I. V. About the method of confirming the operability of the phase separator of an in-tank capillary device. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 127 For propulsion systems of space craft multiple burns engine, the condition for normal operation is the supply of liquid propellant components to the consumable lines without disturbing the continuity of the flow. The article discusses the method of conducting control tests of the phase separator of the capillary-type in-tank device at the stage of full readiness of the fuel tank. One of the most important stages in the creation of fuel tanks is their ground experimental testing, carried out under conditions close to operating conditions. The main purpose of such tests is to confirm the compliance of the technical characteristics of the tank with the required values specified in the technical specification for its development. As a criterion for assessing the quality of the phase separator, the efficiency coefficient was chosen, which is the ratio of the capillary holding capacity of the mesh field of the phase separator material to the hydraulic resistance of the phase separator to the flow of liquid passing through it and containing gas inclusions. The methodology given in the article for determining the operability of a capillary phase separation device at the stage of control tests of a finished fuel tank makes it possible to guarantee the required performance indicators of an in-tank capillary device at the stage of factory ground tests, which improves the quality of finished products. The result of this work is a decision on the compliance of the tested prototype tank with the specified requirements and the possibility of its full-scale operation as part of the propulsion system of the spacecraft. | ||||||||
Rotermel A. R., Sevchenko V. I., Lizan V. M. Modernization of the working part of the wind tunnel for tensometric measurements of aerodynamic forces in supersonic flow. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 127 The article considers the result of the modernization of strain gauges installed in the working part of the supersonic wind tunnel (AT) ST-3, which allows to increase the range of experimental studies on the angle of attack of the model under study from 0 to 20 degrees. Numerical studies of the flow of the model in the working part of the pipe have been carried out in order to verify that the model is located inside the rhombus of an undisturbed flow. The supersonic AT ST-3 is widely used to create gas flows of specified parameters for the experimental study of the flow around models of aircraft elements in the range of Mach numbers from 1.5 to 4.2. To increase the range of experimental possibilities, the authors proposed to increase the range of angles of attack of the model under study, taking into account its finding inside the rhombus of a uniform part of the flow. The supersonic AT ST-3 makes it possible to determine the aerodynamic forces acting on the model under study at angles of attack in the range from — 10° to +10°, which limits the field of study. The range of angles of attack is determined by the boundary of the rhombus of the uniform part of the flow in the working part of the pipe. To ensure the adequacy of the simulation, the conditions of adhesion and isothermicity were used on the surface of the body and the walls of the working part of the pipe. According to the values of pressure (p0=14 kgf /cm2) and temperature (T0=283K) of the gas in the receiver, the flow parameters in the working part of the pipe were calculated (M∞=4.2; p∞=6467 Pa; T∞=61.8 K; a∞=8 m/s), and also determined the arrangement of the rhombus of the uniform part of the flow. For the calculations, the Navier-Stokes equations were used, which are closed by the turbulence equations k-ω SST. The calculation scheme is shown in Figure 5. A sphere with a radius of R = 20 mm was chosen as the model. Modeling was carried out using a structured prismatic finite element grid of 1032 thousand elements (26 elements accounted for the thickness of the boundary layer (parameter y+=0.3)). Modernization of the fastening system of strain gauges located in the path of the supersonic AT ST-3, taking into account the requirements of permissible «cluttering» of the working part of the pipe, will allow experimental studies to determine the aerodynamic forces acting on the model at angles of attack up to 20°, which is of interest when conducting studies of the aerodynamic spectrum. | ||||||||
Khafaga A. S., Ilyin A. G. Improving and processing of weak digital pulse signals using a narrow-band noise structure. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 127 The article considers the result of the modernization of strain gauges installed in the working part of the supersonic wind tunnel (AT) ST-3, which allows to increase the range of experimental studies on the angle of attack of the model under study from 0 to 20 degrees. Numerical studies of the flow of the model in the working part of the pipe have been carried out in order to verify that the model is located inside the rhombus of an undisturbed flow. The supersonic AT ST-3 is widely used to create gas flows of specified parameters for the experimental study of the flow around models of aircraft elements in the range of Mach numbers from 1.5 to 4.2. To increase the range of experimental possibilities, the authors proposed to increase the range of angles of attack of the model under study, taking into account its finding inside the rhombus of a uniform part of the flow. The supersonic AT ST-3 makes it possible to determine the aerodynamic forces acting on the model under study at angles of attack in the range from — 10° to +10°, which limits the field of study. The range of angles of attack is determined by the boundary of the rhombus of the uniform part of the flow in the working part of the pipe. To ensure the adequacy of the simulation, the conditions of adhesion and isothermicity were used on the surface of the body and the walls of the working part of the pipe. According to the values of pressure (p0=14 kgf /cm2) and temperature (T0=283K) of the gas in the receiver, the flow parameters in the working part of the pipe were calculated (M∞=4.2; p∞=6467 Pa; T∞=61.8 K; a∞=8 m/s), and also determined the arrangement of the rhombus of the uniform part of the flow. For the calculations, the Navier-Stokes equations were used, which are closed by the turbulence equations k-ω SST. The calculation scheme is shown in Figure 5. A sphere with a radius of R = 20 mm was chosen as the model. Modeling was carried out using a structured prismatic finite element grid of 1032 thousand elements (26 elements accounted for the thickness of the boundary layer (parameter y+=0.3)). Modernization of the fastening system of strain gauges located in the path of the supersonic AT ST-3, taking into account the requirements of permissible «cluttering» of the working part of the pipe, will allow experimental studies to determine the aerodynamic forces acting on the model at angles of attack up to 20°, which is of interest when conducting studies of the aerodynamic spectrum. | ||||||||
Brodsky M. S., Zvonarev V. V., Khubbiev R. V., Sherstuk A. V. Computer model of the satellite communication and data relay system radio channel during multiposition signal transmission. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 127 The paper proposes mathematical model of radio channel of the communication and data relay satellite system (CDRSS) in case of multi-position signal transmission by several spatially separated radio-electronic equipments. Based on the proposed mathematical model, computer model has been developed for estimating the noise immunity of signal reception under given technical limitations. The computer model under consideration makes it possible to calculate with high accuracy the values of the energy characteristics of radio-electronic equipments, such as the average radiated power of the equipments; transmitting (receiving) antenna gain; effective isotropically radiated power; ratio of signal bit energy to noise power spectral density; the ratio of the total signal power to the noise power at the input of the receiving device, at which the required noise immunity of the CDRSS facilities is ensured. A quantitative measure of radio-electronic equipments noise immunity is the probability of a bit error. To calculate the probability of a bit error, an algorithm for estimating the noise immunity of signal reception has been developed, which, unlike the existing ones, allows calculating the probability of a bit error for radio-electronic equipments space-separated emitting pairwise correlated signals in the direction of the receiving antenna of the satellite CDRSS. The proposed algorithm allows you to calculate:
The article gives an example of calculating bit error probability during multi-position signal transmission in the direction of the receiving antenna of satellite CDRSS, oriented towards the orbital electronic equipments. The simulation results testify to the correctness of the approach and make it possible to carry out systematic studies of the dependence of the energy characteristics of the receiving equipments of the CDRSS on the number of low-power transmitting equipments emitting pairwise correlated signals. The proposed computer model can be used:
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Dmitriev A. O. Proposal to provide power supply to a network of clusters of small spacecraft with a tandem spacecraft. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 127 This article proposes the construction of a tandem of spacecraft consisting of an autonomous satellite with a large area of solar phototransformers and an autonomous satellite for transmitting the received energy to small spacecraft using laser radiation. This tandem is connected by a contactless magnetic resonance method of energy transfer. To provide the cluster with energy, it is planned to develop a modular, i.e. not mechanically integrated into a single whole, satellite complex — a tandem with a contactless power transmission line. The tandem should consist of spacecraft moving in close orbits interacting with each other via wireless communication and energy transmission lines. The main task of this tandem is to supply energy to a cluster of small spacecraft performing target tasks. Then conceptually such a complex will have the following structure:
Although at first glance the integral execution of the photodetector-emitter system suggests itself, in practice this is a non-trivial task. Such a large-sized design, which will experience serious temperature changes and at the same time have high requirements for targeting the receivers of the cluster spacecraft, will require a complex stabilization and guidance system. The advantage of fragmentary tandem construction is the absence of such serious requirements and the ability to increase the coverage angle with laser or microwave radiation for cluster satellites. It is also possible to use several satellite emitters for greater coverage of consumers from a cluster of small spacecraft. | ||||||||
Abramov A. A., Yakush N. A. Development of USRP verification methodology for high-precision radio system research. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 127 Currently, in telecommunications, there are problems of inefficient use of spectrum [3], the inability to flexibly control hardware devices, which have led to an increasing interest in software-controlled radio (SDR), which has proven itself as a reliable system for thorough analysis of radio frequency signals with the possibility of flexible control and modification [4]. One of the prominent representatives of SDR is the high-precision and inexpensive USRP 2901 model from the 29xx series from National Instruments, capable of solving the problems of prototyping radio systems, radio reconnaissance, direction finding, creating local positioning systems, developing coherent multi-channel transceiver systems and solving other important problems in the aerospace sphere. This work is devoted to the development and testing of the method of verification of USRP 29xx series devices for high-precision experimental studies for solving problems of a wide range in the field of information communications using the Omega radio complex. The subject of the study is the evaluation of the effectiveness of using SDR on the NI platform. To obtain the data closest to the true ones, to exclude the maximum number of different types of errors, the work analyzed in detail the plan and stages of experiments, in particular, the planning of experiments at the tactical level, the description of which is indicated in the publications [18, 19]. The calculation of the required sample ensures the required probability and reliability of the results [20]. However, there is no information in the technical documentation for USRP devices that they can be used for high-precision research. After planning the experiments, a method for verifying devices was developed, which included specific 6 stages of experiments that evaluate physical values that characterize the accuracy and quality of USRP equipment. The following results were obtained as a result of testing this method:
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Vakulchik O. V. Cybersecurity of the functioning of the information management system with the SQL Server. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 127 This article regards the issue of cyber-security of the information management system of the aerospace system (IMS). Database is the basic IMS component. The SQL server was employed as the database system. Monitoring execution is necessary for the Database information processes performance and security support. The article describes the development of the remote monitoring effective method. This method solves two basic problems, namely information transmission security in the open environment, and effective assessment of the information environment state. Analysis revealed that effective remote monitoring ensuring requires tool selection. The selected tool should wield enhanced security and employ SQL language for the Database performance evaluation. The tool tackled with in this article ensures information encoding in the open transmission environment. It acts as an administrative panel as well. After the tool selection, the SQL language objects analysis was performed. Selection criteria of the necessary objects are as follows: the provided information completeness, request preparation complexity, and the internal functionality enhancing capability. Analysis revealed that storable system procedures are the most informative. The next stage of development consisted in the stored procedures selection according to the «integral informativity» criterion. The sp_whoisactive stored procedure is of specially great capabilities. However, it has been found that these procedures were redundant. That is why optimized requests for the remote monitoring effectiveness improving were developed. The optimized requests reduce the status information volume, ensuring security, and provide herewith the remote monitoring completeness. | ||||||||
Burenko E. A. Substantiation of the effectiveness of the use of signals with orthogonal frequency division multiplexing in aviation radio systems of information transmission. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 127 Aviation complexes of communication facilities are subject to stringent requirements in terms of weight and size indicators and energy consumption. Along with this, to ensure high-speed data transmission between a ground control station (GCS) and an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) over long distances (up to 300 km), it is required to provide high energy in the radio channel. This paper discusses the main negative factors of aviation radio channels that reduce the efficiency of the radio system of information transmission, which can be eliminated as a result of the use of signal-code structures based on the use of signals with orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM). Such negative factors include the presence of fading of the radio signal at the input of the receiver of the radio system and the possible impact on the operation of the radio system of interference. Discusses the main characteristics and advantages of signals with OFDM over classical single-frequency signals (for example, with binary phase shift keying — BPSK) are considered, as well as basic engineering and technical calculations are presented confirming the validity of the use of these signal-code structures in aviation radio systems for information transmission, as one of solutions for combating fading caused by multipath signal propagation, and as a result, with inter-symbol interference (ISI), which manifests itself in the superposition of re-reflected signals on the direct (main) signal. Discusses the methods for ensuring the noise immunity and secrecy of a radio system with OFDM based on the use of broadband pseudo-noise signals (PNS) together with OFDM signals are considered. For example, M-sequences or Gold’s sequences, which are widely used in radio systems for various purposes, can be used as PNS. To combat narrow-band interference, signal jamming protection can be used, which is reduced to a significant increase in the band occupied by the OFDM signal. Band increases as a result of superposition of the PNS signal with base B ≫ 1 on each subcarrier of the OFDM. The simplest method for reducing the interference power in the receiving part is the narrowband interference decorrelation method, which reduces the interference power to the base B times as a result of multiplying the interference signal with the reference PNS in the demodulator PNS. As a result of multiplication, the interference is converted into a signal with a uniform power spectral density in the interference band, similar to the effect of white noise. | ||||||||
Kazantsev A. M., Knysh M. V., Makarov M. K. Selection of the rational composition of the radio information sensor group of a spatially distributed monitoring system. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 127 In many application domains, group control problems arise under counteracting conditions. Examples are interaction processes of systems with conflicting and sometimes antagonistic target functions, such as a spatially distributed monitoring system (SDMS) and mobile airborne objects (MAO) penetrating into the system’s area of responsibility. However, in practice the resource of the SDMS, which determines the space review capabilities, can be limited, including due to low efficiency of ground-based radio information sensors (RIS) in detecting moving air objects at low altitudes. The specified problem can be solved by inclusion into the SDMS of mobile airborne RIS and joint application of airborne and ground-based RIS under unified control. Thus one of the most important tasks is the fullest realization of information possibilities of all RIS for the purpose of the maximum coverage of their working zones of airspace. The solution of this problem is possible at the expense of estimation of composition and forecasting of ways of actions and tactics of application of MAO with the purpose of definition of rational structure of heterogeneous grouping of RIS of SDMS. In the article a new methodical approach to the choice of rational composition of heterogeneous grouping of RIS of SDMS is proposed. In a basis of the offered decision methods of the theory of dynamic graphs and methods of vector discrete optimization are put. Features of formation of variants of structure of grouping of RIS are considered. An algorithm is offered, allowing on the basis of the minimum set of attributes of the adversary to choose a rational composition of heterogeneous grouping of RIS in accordance with the hierarchy of links «attributes of the of the opposing side’s activity — stages of preparation for use of MAO — variants of use of MAO». | ||||||||
Glushkov A. N., Moiseev S. N., Ispulov A. A., Filippov A. V., Nikolaev S. V. Method for assessing the accuracy of the alignment of onboard radar systems of aircraft. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 127 The presented article proposes a method for the errors operational evaluation in the alignment of radar and optoelectronic stations applied in navigation and weapon-aiming aircraft complexes. Its actuality is associated with the fact that the alignment accuracy of the location systems determines potential effectiveness of the aviation complexes, since the alignment errors cause the need to increase the location systems fields of vision and, as the result, lead to the aircraft in the potential efficiency decrease. These errors minimization will allow narrowing their fields of vision, while preserving radars search capabilities, and enhancing detecting capability and spatial resolution of optoelectronic systems by the integral background illumination reduction. As the result, both detection range and the probability of objects recognizing will be enhanced. The currently developed methods for the alignment errors evaluating do not allow performing operational correction of the of directional patterns relative position of the onboard location systems of navigation and weapon-aiming complexes in real operating conditions, which requires new evaluation methods development. Natural requirements for these methods are the possibility of obtaining evaluations in real time or close to it, as well as the possibility of employing these evaluations for correcting relative location of the radars fields of view. Evaluation methods developed as of today do not meet these requirements, which stresses the relevance of the problem being solved. The problem of errors evaluation in the alignment of the onboard location systems is set and solved as a filtration problem, since in general case the object of the study is non-stationary. The authors developed an algorithm for mathematical formalization of the alignment errors behavior during the flight of an aircraft, allowing performing correction of the directional diagrams position of location systems in real time based on the values of their evaluation. Model experiments were conducted to confirm correctness of the developed solutions. | ||||||||
Aslanova A. B. Optimization of the uav multi-segment hovering mode in a heterogeneous flight zone. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 127 The presented article proposes a method for the errors operational evaluation in the alignment of radar and optoelectronic stations applied in navigation and weapon-aiming aircraft complexes. Its actuality is associated with the fact that the alignment accuracy of the location systems determines potential effectiveness of the aviation complexes, since the alignment errors cause the need to increase the location systems fields of vision and, as the result, lead to the aircraft in the potential efficiency decrease. These errors minimization will allow narrowing their fields of vision, while preserving radars search capabilities, and enhancing detecting capability and spatial resolution of optoelectronic systems by the integral background illumination reduction. As the result, both detection range and the probability of objects recognizing will be enhanced. The currently developed methods for the alignment errors evaluating do not allow performing operational correction of the of directional patterns relative position of the onboard location systems of navigation and weapon-aiming complexes in real operating conditions, which requires new evaluation methods development. Natural requirements for these methods are the possibility of obtaining evaluations in real time or close to it, as well as the possibility of employing these evaluations for correcting relative location of the radars fields of view. Evaluation methods developed as of today do not meet these requirements, which stresses the relevance of the problem being solved. The problem of errors evaluation in the alignment of the onboard location systems is set and solved as a filtration problem, since in general case the object of the study is non-stationary. The authors developed an algorithm for mathematical formalization of the alignment errors behavior during the flight of an aircraft, allowing performing correction of the directional diagrams position of location systems in real time based on the values of their evaluation. Model experiments were conducted to confirm correctness of the developed solutions. | ||||||||
Gorbunov S. A., Nenashev V. A., Mazhitov M. V., Khadur A. A. Algorithm for estimating the coordinates of the state of the helicopter in the onboard radar station. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 127 Functions and application areas extension of helicopters determines the demand and relevance of the new algorithms developing for the state coordinates estimating in the air-based pulse-Doppler radar station, ensuring stable surveillance, which in its turn will positively reflect on the flight safety. Helicopter is a complex object under observation in terms of radar. Analysis of the existing algorithms for the state coordinates estimating revealed insufficient efficiency in a helicopter detecting and tracking at various kind of flying. Thus, there is an objective need to develop new estimation algorithms that account for the helicopter flight characteristics and ensure its stable observation. The authors propose employing mathematical apparatus on the optimal linear filtering theory as an approach to optimal algorithms obtaining for the helicopter state coordinates estimation. The purpose of the study consists in synthesizing an algorithm optimal by the root mean square error minimum for coordinates estimation of the helicopter absolute and relative motion in the onboard radar station at various kinds of its flight, including the hovering mode, based on the mathematical apparatus on the optimal linear filtering theory. As the result, the article presents the analysis of effectiveness of the said synthesized algorithm application. The specificity consists in two components application, namely estimation of Doppler frequency, stipulated by signal reflection from the fuselage, and Doppler frequency stipulated by the signal reflection from the rotating helicopter blades. The results of the study may be employed while the existing radar stations upgrading, or developing prospective ones based on the pulse-Doppler principle of signals processing. | ||||||||
Vernigora L. V., Kasmerchuk P. V., Sysoev V. K. Analysis of ground-based optical means of observing laser beacons on board near-Earth spacecraft. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 127 A critical issue in the spacecraft navigation consists in precise determination of the spacecraft position in space. The spacecraft navigation parameters measuring in the near-Earth space may be realized employing both onboard and ground-based measurement facilities, which include radio-technical and optical systems. In the low-orbit region with orbits altitude less than 5000 km radar measurement means are being employed as a rule. At the altitudes above 5000 km, a spacecraft is out of the radar stations visibility zone. In case absence of the onboard radio-technical means as a part of the spacecraft, ensuring current navigation parameters measuring, photometrical surveillance becomes the only susceptible possibility for the spacecraft monitoring and its technical state evaluation. Optical measuring instruments are capable of ensuring higher accuracy than with the radio band application. However, optical means of observation have a number of disadvantages, which significantly limit their capabilities. Such disadvantages are as follows: their dependence on the time of day, illumination of the spacecraft, and weather conditions. Besides, a small-sized spacecraft has utterly low visible brightness, which aggravates their observation by optical means. These shortcomings can be partially overcome by installing optical laser beacons onboard the near-Earth spacecraft, which will allow ensuring operational monitoring of their condition (both orbital and rotation parameters, including the case of communication deficiency with them) by the ground-based optical means Ground-based optical observation stations of the Space Monitoring System perform monitoring of all objects located in the near-Earth space to maintain a catalog of orbital parameters for subsequent prediction of their position. Obtaining long photometric series for the tasks of the Space Monitoring System is possible, but only by suspending the main tasks execution. Besides its own standard optical ground-based observation facilities, the Space Monitoring System extensively employs of the observations results obtained at optical observation stations of scientific organizations, particularly, the Pulkovo Cooperation of Optical Observers (PulCON), the Russian Academy of Sciences (INASAN, SibIZMIR), the Roscosmos Research Institute and university observatories. All these optical observation stations are equipped with modern telescopes and photodetectors that will allow for confident registration of radiation from laser beacons installed onboard the near-Earth spacecraft, thereby increasing the reliability of the near-Earth spacecraft positioning regardless of their size and orbit type. | ||||||||
Javadov N. H., Agayev F. G., Huseynov H. A., Zulfugarli P. R. Issues of assessing the feasibility of tasks assigned to unmanned aerial vehicles. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 127 The article deals with the feasibility assessing of the tasks assigned to unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), and presents a method for the quality assessment of the military purpose UAV. As the result of the said assessment, the resulting inference with account for the unmanned engineering requirements and preferences is being formed. Criteria, which include indicators such as conformity, capability, operational security, sustainability and readiness for solving the tasks assigned to the UAV are known as well. In this regard, it is especially important to address the issues of the used sensors capabilities matching to solve the tasks assigned to the UAV. This task is usually being solved by modeling. Besides, the descriptive structure of a special metric is employed as well to develop a criterion for the UAV tasks feasibility assessing. For example, the issue of the of UAV tasks feasibility while searching for some objects depending on the terrain real landscape should be solved by creating a special methodology for the terrain visualization assessing depending on the state of the surface relief under study. Solving the issue of tasks feasibility is closely associated with the issue of a rational compromise achieving between the UAV total load, various sensors and the UAV mission feasibility. The article studied the issue on the tasks feasibility assigned to the UAV by solving the problem of developing the new criterion of executing functions of objects detection on the surface of the sought-for site by the UAV. Based on the well-known empirical criterion of the said task feasibility, a new indicator has been formed as a logarithm of the ratio of the task fulfillment and nonfulfillment probabilities. Based on the proposed indicator, the invariant linking this indicator with the number of work cycles, which ensure the corresponding probabilities of the task fulfillment, has been formed. | ||||||||
Maletin A. N., Glushchenko A. A., Mishina O. A. Investigation of the capabilities of modern space facilities for monitoring objects in near-Earth space . Trudy MAI, 2022, no 127 The researches of near and far outer space is relevant in scientific and practical terms. For science, it is the study of the Solar system (including asteroids, comets, distant Galaxies). From a practical point of view, this is the control of space objects and the monitoring of the contamination of near-earth space with space debris. The world’s leading space powers continue to work on the creation of space facilities designed to solve the problems of testing technologies for remote inspection, autonomous rendezvous with specified objects, maintenance, repair, reconfiguration, modernization, refueling, changing orbit parameters, monitoring «space debris» and other necessary operations. This approach can be used to extend the service life of serviced spacecraft. Based on the tactical and technical characteristics known from open sources, the article presents the results of the analysis of the current state and prospects for the development of foreign automatic spacecraft of a new generation developed on the basis of unified space platforms. The introduction of advanced technologies has made it possible to significantly reduce the mass and size characteristics of spacecraft and the consumption of all types of resources, which has reduced the cost of developing, manufacturing and launching small spacecraft. New miniaturization technologies make it possible to create small spacecraft capable of performing tasks that 20 years ago were available only to large-class spacecraft. The mass of such devices does not exceed 100-150 kg, the overall characteristics may be less than 1 m3. At the same time, the period of active existence can reach 5-7 years, the reserve of the characteristic speed is more than 400 m/s, the positioning accuracy is no more than 10-50 m, and the orientation accuracy is 10-15 angular s. The optical—electronic means of spacecraft have high resolution, allowing to observe geostationary spacecraft from low Earth orbit. Theoretical and experimental studies have been brought to the stage of creating real groupings of small spacecraft that demonstrate very high capabilities for solving problems of monitoring near-Earth space. First of all, this indicates a high level of theoretical and applied scientific research in this direction and the prospects for the miniaturization of space technology. In addition, this fact explains the priority of these studies, both for the state and for private companies developing modern space systems and complexes. | ||||||||
Travin A. A., Kalashnikov E. A., Bakradze L. G. Improvement of diagnostics of machine mechanisms using non-destructive testing methods. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 127 The article tackles the problems of analyzing the industrial machine operation by more correct selection of place for the vibration acceleration control , as well as specially developed methods for spectra processing, The material being proposed describes the solved issue on the sensor positioning for correct vibration measurement and analysis, The article presents the spectrum, which analysis allowed detecting the signals with frequencies close to each other within the limits of the spectrum analyzer resolution capability. Besides spectrum identification of the direct Fourier transform of the separate links vibration, the common amplitude of its series of oscillations in time applying inverse Fourier transform was employed for each link analysis To improve diagnostics, the vibration curves during the process were compared with the course of alloy crystallization while industrial experiments on a machine. To obtain extra data and further improvement of the diagnostics method under consideration, the temperature indicators of the temperature fields were gathered employing the FLIR brand infrared imaging equipment. The obtained data may be significant while the machine significant components state assessing. It is assumed as well that the infrared imaging equipment allows more accurate determining of the sensors location places for vibrations measuring. The operation of individual machine units is described, as well as general dependence plotting of the total vibration amplitude, its isolation to a large extent and, thus, identification of the work of both mold and rollers, and comparison of the obtained results with the measured spectra. The article considers the possibilities of computer programs for obtaining general curves of the mold unbalance motion and after further Fourier transform obtaining an excitation spectrum and a response spectrum. The work describes theoretically the metal melt motion, allowing obtaining a parabolic type differential equation. The equation was solved for the case of a pulsed vibration impact on the melt. | ||||||||
Lazeev A. S., Litovka Y. V. The algorithm of transformation of polygonal models to simplify the calculation of galvanic processes. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 127 Electrochemical coatings provide special properties of the surface of the parts. In the aircraft industry, electroplating coatings are widely used to protect against corrosion and increase the wear resistance of steel and aluminum parts. Efficient specification of the shape of a part in automated control systems for galvanic processes can be organized by exporting drawings for subsequent software processing where complex mathematical calculations associated with surfaces are not required. To solve problems that require complex calculations, various polygonal meshes are divided into simpler shapes. An algorithm for calculating the electric field in a galvanic electrolyte is presented, and the need for a mathematical description of the cathode surface to set the boundary conditions is shown. The paper considers the issues of creating algorithms for converting three-dimensional polygonal models into voxel format to reduce computational complexity, which is estimated by indicators: the time of the algorithm and the amount of memory occupied. The algorithm for converting a polygonal model into a voxel model has the form:
When comparing the most productive «naive» algorithm, which has complexity O(n(1/h)3) with the algorithm developed in this article, which has complexity O((log n)∙(1/h)3), an increase in efficiency up to four hundred thousand times. The resulting geometric mathematical model reduces the search time for optimal parameters of the galvanic cell, especially when using modern effective optimization methods. | ||||||||
Molotkov A. A., Tretiyakova O. N. Application of machine vision in laser technologies. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 127 The article deals with the problem of applying machine vision methods for practical implementation in the production of modern laser technologies, in particular, selective laser melting technologies. The authors describe the software platform of machine vision created and implemented in production. Examples of the solved problems of machine vision and scientific visualization in the framework of the industrial implementation of new laser technologies are presented. The results of the executed work allowed creating a specialized machine vision platform with possibilities of functions expansion in future that empowers simplifying solution of a wide range of machine vision tasks for the of laser technologies implementation. The problems of object recognition occurring in the process of laser technologies developing were considered. One of the problems of the object recognition in industry has been solved, namely the problem of finding a sheet in the working field of the machine-tool. The authors developed and implemented an algorithm for the object contours determining from the previously found angles, which was employed to solve the problem of finding and analyzing the quality of holes while perforation, as well as finding geometry of the fused layer in the process of selective laser melting. The developed software platform for machine vision allows processes recording in isolated environments, the objects boundaries determining in an image, analyzing and processing visual data, forming and presenting a pattern of heat distribution in a three-dimensional object. It empowered combining the calculated data on the product geometry and the data, obtained by video data analyzing from visual observation tools, with the data on the heat distribution, obtained as the result of numerical experiment in accordance with the implemented mathematical model of the selective laser melting process under study. The proposed approach allows automating the production control process and simplifying analysis and identification of critical areas for technologists, as well as the technological parameters selection for the process of selective laser melting. The created machine vision software platform has been tested and implemented in the software solutions employed in a number of high-tech industrial productions. | ||||||||
Vatutin M. A., Klyuchnikov A. I. A technique for increasing the stability of the nonlinear link with a delay for the self-oscillating accelerometer. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 127 The article presents the results of applying a scientific-methodological and circuit—engineering approach to the stability improving of acceleration measurements made by serial pendulum accelerometers, primarily micromechanical ones, as well as the results of studies on the stability increasing of the nonlinear link with lagging for the auto-oscillatory accelerometer. For the nonlinear link operation stability studying, its digital implementation was selected, allowing utterly high operation stability ensuring of the digital part namely. Besides the digital part, an analog comparator is employed in the nonlinear link, which ensures the several orders of magnitude worse operation stability than this of the quartz oscillator. The results of the comparator response time mean-square deviation are presented for the case of its operation in the normal configuration and for the case of application of the amplifier being recommended. The authors show that the additional amplifier implementation reduces the mean-square deviation value of the comparator response time. The study was being conducted by the comparator switching process modeling. Recommendations on the additional amplifier circuitry are given. The article presents specifics of electronic components allowing eliminating comparator in principal, as radio electronic component, form the circuit. The obtained results may be applied to the stability increasing of the accelerometer conversion coefficient and, as the result, determining more accurately parameters of the spacecraft orbit autonomously under conditions of disturbance factors of the outer space. | ||||||||
Popov I. P. Monoreactive harmonic oscillator. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 126 In classical oscillators, free sinusoidal oscillations are accompanied by an exchange of energy between its elements, which have the opposite nature of reactivity. In a spring pendulum, the potential energy of an elastic element is transformed into the kinetic energy of an inert element and vice versa. These elements have opposite character of reactivity. In an electric oscillatory circuit, the energy of the magnetic field of the coil is transformed into the energy of the electric field of the capacitor and vice versa. These elements also have the opposite character of reactivity. Oscillators are known in which free sinusoidal oscillations are accompanied by the transformation of the kinetic energy of an inert element or the potential energy of an elastic element into the energy of the magnetic field of the coil or the energy of the electric field of the capacitor and vice versa. The synthesis of a monoreactive harmonic oscillator is based on three premises. First. The oscillator consists of two weights of the same weight. Second. Loads make sinusoidal movements. Third. The total energy of the oscillator does not change with time. In a monoreactive (m-m) harmonic oscillator, inert elements can perform free sinusoidal oscillations, which are accompanied by the transformation of the kinetic energy of an inert бthe first inert element is zero. In this case, the energy of the second element has a maximum value. At the next moment of time, the first element acquires acceleration due to the kinetic energy of the second element, the speed of which begins to decrease. | ||||||||
Safonov A. I. On periodic motions of a hamiltonian system with two degrees of freedom in the vicinity of a multiple resonance of the third order. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 126 In this paper, we study the motion of a non-autonomous 2π-periodic in time Hamiltonian system with two degrees of freedom in a neighborhood of a trivial equilibrium that is stable in the linear approximation. It is assumed that the system contains a small parameter ε, and for ε = 0 the Hamiltonian of the system does not depend on time. Let the values of the parameters be close to the resonance values corresponding to the double (fundamental and combination) resonance of the third order. Then, the trivial equilibrium of the complete system is unstable. It is assumed that there is a resonant detuning in one of the frequencies of the linear oscillations of the system. The goal of the paper is to solve the question of the existence, number and stability (in the linear approximation) of periodic motions of the system in a small neighborhood of the origin. Using a number of canonical transformations, the Hamiltonian functions are reduced to the forms that are characteristic for each resonance case. Model systems corresponding to autonomous systems are studied. The parameter space of the problem is divided into regions, and in each region the question of the existence and number of resonance equilibrium positions of the model systems is solved. The results are compared with ones in the case of exact resonance. Using the Sylvester criterion, the sufficient conditions for the stability of the equilibrium positions are verified, and the equilibrium positions satisfying them are found. The characteristic equation of the linearized system of equations of perturbed motion is analyzed, and the necessary conditions for stability of the equilibrium positions are obtained in the form of the system of inequalities The equilibrium positions are found, for which one of these conditions is satisfied; the remaining equilibrium positions are unstable (in the complete model systems) A complete analysis of the necessary conditions for stability has not been carried out due to cumbersomeness. Using the Poincare small parameter method, the periodic motions generated by the considered equilibrium positions are constructed in the complete non-autonomous systems. They are analytic in ε and 12π-periodic in t. The conclusions are drawn about their stability (in the linear approximation) or instability. | ||||||||
Avdyushkin A. N. On parametric resonance near the libration point L1 of a planar restricted photogravitational three-body problem. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 126 A planar elliptic restricted photogravitational three-body problem is considered, i.e. it is investigated the motion of a low-mass body under the influence of both gravitational forces and light pressure forces acting from two massive bodies that move along known Keplerian orbits. It is assumed that the all three bodies move in the same plane. There is a particular solution in this problem describing the motion, which the low-mass body is located on the segment between the attracting centers at the so-called collinear libration point L1. In this paper, we study the problem of the collinear libration point L1 stability in the case of small eccentricity of the massive bodies’ orbits. The system of perturbed motion equations is written in Hamiltonian form. It is established that in this system there are possible both basic and combinational parametric resonances leading to instability L1. The normal form of the Hamiltonian quadratic part of the perturbed motion equations is obtained in explicit form by the method of a small parameter. This made it possible to reduce the linear stability problem L1 to the equivalent stability problem of a linear autonomous system with a normalized Hamiltonian. The explicit expressions defining the boundaries of the parametric resonance regions were found on the basis of this autonomous system and it was obtained the stability conditions L1 in the linear approximation. Previously, the regions of stability and instability were obtained numerically in [12]. Carried out in that work the numerical analysis results are in good agreement with the results obtained analytically for small values of eccentricity in this article. | ||||||||
Martirosov M. I., Khomchenko A. V. Computational and experimental study of the behavior of a flat reinforced carbon fiber panel on impact. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 126 Among the structural materials currently used in aviation technology (OT), polymer structural materials (PCM), for example, carbon fiber plastics, which have certain advantages over traditional metal materials for structural purposes, have become widespread. Among such advantages are relatively low density, high specific strength and rigidity, high wear resistance, fatigue resistance, low coefficient of thermal expansion, resistance to chemical aggressive media, damping ability. Speaking about the disadvantages of PCM, it should be noted that during the production and operation of structural elements made of such materials, defects of various types may occur, which have a serious impact on the residual strength. The level of safety of an AT created on the basis of new materials and new technologies should not be lower than the level of safety of an existing AT made of traditional structural materials (and according to traditional technologies). It is important to note that the purpose of developing new PCM is to combine various components to create materials with new specified characteristics that differ from the characteristics of the original components. In the works [1]-[4], the behavior of structural elements made of PCM in the presence of multiple defects such as bundles of arbitrary shape, size and location under the action of non-stationary loads of various nature was previously considered. The paper presents a numerical and experimental study of the behavior of a four-stringer flat panel made of a polymer composite material under low-speed impact. Validation of the numerical experiment based on the results of field tests was carried out. The validation results showed that the maximum stratification area as a result of the impact differs by no more than 11%. | ||||||||
Yu Z. ., Temnov A. N. Equivalent mechanical model of liquid linear sloshing under microgravity. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 126 A numerical approach to develop the equivalent mechanical models representing liquid sloshing is established and the effects of surface tension are taken into account which are predominant in low-gravity environment. An appropriate model is a pendulum that has a mass which represents the liquid fraction that participates in the fundamental model of the sloshing. Furthermore, the pendulum must be attached to the tank through a torsional spring which represents the stiffening effect of surface tension. A formulation is derived from the linearization of the motion equations of the liquid near its initial equilibrium position considering pressure jump on the free surface and free-end boundary condition at the three-phase contact line. The continuous problem domain is discretized by the finite element method and its discretization gives a classical generalized eigenvalue problem, whose solutions are natural frequencies and mode shapes. Expressions for the parameters of the mechanical model are obtained by the principle of dynamic similarity. Several examples illustrate the influence of Bond number and fill levels on the behavior of liquid in toroidal tanks. Comparing numerical results with the experimental measurements obtained under ground conditions, it is found that the non-dimensional eigenvalue and slosh masses increases as Bond number increases, but the spring moment and length of pendulum decreases. The results obtained in this paper can be used in the coupling dynamic analysis of the spacecraft with propellant tanks. | ||||||||
Kutysh I. I. New methods for constructing uniformly convergent trigonometric Fourier series. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 126 New results of studies of convergence of trigonometric Fourier series (TFS) with Fourier coefficients constructed by various methods are presented. Using the concept of the square of the relative norm, the possibility of an analytical representation of a given TFS function is analyzed in detail and it is established that the cause of the divergence of the TFS with a sufficient increase in its degree is the occurrence of the Gibbs effect. It is shown that when assessing the convergence of the TFS to its function as an independent change of the relative norm, instead of the current value of the degree of the series k, it is reasonable to use the current value of the generalized variable Θ=kπ/n, which allows us to obtain more general results. Moreover, it is sufficient to control only the value of Θ, which determines the amount of calculations. Recommendations are given for the construction of such Fourier coefficients that ensure uniform convergence of the TFS to its functions f(x) and the correct finding of their first derivatives free of the Gibbs effect. Uniformly convergent TFSs constructed according to the proposed method are compared with the known Filon and Lanczos series. In contrast to the Lanczos method, it is proposed to use variables σ-multipliers depending on the new variable ζ, which affects the rate of convergence of the series to its function f(x) and the accuracy of determining the first derivatives of the series without the occurrence of the Gibbs effect. The results on the construction of uniformly convergent TFSs relate to any maximum-normalized periodic function f(x) in the interval [-π, π] satisfying Dirichlet conditions. Moreover, if the function f(x) has zeros at the ends of a given interval, then it is advisable to build a shortened TFS with decomposition only in terms of sinuses, hence a simpler TFS. The proposed uniformly converging TFSs can find application in solving various problems of gas dynamics and heat and mass transfer described by partial differential equations. | ||||||||
Averyanov I. O., Zinin A. V. The use of Rodrigues-Hamilton parameters in mathematical model of cargo landing system with dampers in tasks of its overturn. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 126 In the previous article [1] we described the mathematical model of dynamic landing process for cargo dropped systems with dampers (System) that we developed for statistical modelling of the process. That dynamic model consisted of spatial equations of forces and moments equilibrium, kinematic Euler’s equations and contained contact boundaries from rigid plane to dampers and to cargo. The method of forth integration was used to solve the equations and the idea was that such modeling of landing process had allowed us to detect all the failures well known for such Systems. One of the possible System failure that may occur during landing is its overturn. In this case we have a deal with large angles that may lead to problems with kinematic Euler’s equations. Researching of sources shows that the problem of System overturn usually considers separately with analytical approaches, while the method we used implies continuity of the solution from the beginning of the process to its end. To avoid such problems in this article we consider the use of Rodrigues-Hamilton parameters (or quaternion) instead of kinematic Euler’s equations to solve the dynamic task of complex System moving. We use the fourth order of Runge-Kutta method to realize the algorithm of Rodrigues-Hamilton parameters. To convert the quaternion to spatial angles Krilov’s equations are used. To demonstrate accuracy and stability of the developed algorithm the task of complex rigid body spatial free motion is considered. Comparison of these results with the solution that comes from commonly used CAE shows us their similarity. After that, we also consider the task of System landing with its overturn. These results are considered from qualitative analysis point of view. Thus, the use of algorithm we realized with Rodrigues-Hamilton parameters instead of kinematic Euler’s equation in the mathematical model of System landing process allows us to avoid «special points» and to generalize the solution to the tasks of large spatial angles, including System overturn. | ||||||||
Lebedev E. L., Repin A. O. Method of acoustic emission control of the contact interaction of rolling bearing elements when evaluating the correctness of the resource assembly of ball bearing supports as a tribological system of power gyroscopes rotors. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 126 The autonomous functioning of the power gyroscopic complexes of small spacecraft does not allow maintenance during its operation. One of the most loaded elements of the power gyroscope are rolling bearings. Since the functioning of rolling bearings depends on the correctness of their assembly and the presence of lubrication, in order to ensure the autonomous functioning of the rotors of power gyroscopic systems, the technology of resource lubrication and resource assembly of the bearing assembly is used in their manufacture, which implies one-time lubrication and assembly (without the possibility of adjustment) for the entire life of the device. The article presents the results of research on the use of a method for quality control of assembly of ball bearing bearings of power gyroscopic complexes operating in vacuum space by estimating the size of the bearing clearance by the parameters of acoustic emission signals. The definition of the limiting state of the bearing supports of the rotors of power gyroscopic systems is given, by which it is necessary to understand the state when the friction losses of the bearing (taking into account the progressive heat release) will exceed the difference between the maximum torque generated by the electric motor of the rotor of the power gyroscope and the torque necessary to ensure the required angular velocity of the rotor flywheel, taking into account its moment of inertia. It is proved that the main criterion for the correctness of the resource assembly of a ball bearing assembly is to ensure the correct contact interaction of its elements as a tribological system. At the same time, the main controlled parameters are the force that the bearing perceives after the rotor assembly, as well as the parameters of elastic deformation in the ball—ring bearing system. A model of natural frequencies of elements of bearing supports of power gyroscopic systems has been developed taking into account their stress-strain state. The dependence of the frequency of natural oscillations of the bearing ball on the force acting on the bearing after its assembly is proved. This dependence is of a power-law nature and can be used in the development of a new method of quality control of the resource assembly of bearing supports of power gyroscopes. | ||||||||
Goncharov P. S., Kopeyka A. L., Babin A. M. Method for experimental modeling of the effect of plasma radiation from an electric rocket engine on solar cells. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 126 The article presents a technique for experimental modeling of the impact of plasma radiation from an electric rocket engine on solar cells. The used laboratory-experimental base and the procedure for conducting tests are described. Relationships for calculating the coefficients of degradation of the electrical characteristics of solar cells are given. The essence of the approach of experimental modeling of the effect of plasma radiation from an electric rocket engine on solar cells is to measure: the temperature field of a solar cell, the characteristics of the plasma flow, the electrical characteristics of solar cells before and after exposure to the plasma radiation of an electric rocket engine, and to calculate the degradation coefficients of solar cells. It is advisable to use the obtained values of the degradation coefficients in the design of spacecraft solar arrays. The presented technique makes it possible to determine the coefficients of degradation of the electrical characteristics of solar cells when exposed to plasma radiation from an electric rocket engine, as well as to carry out studies: — on the influence of the effect of plasma radiation from an electric rocket engine on the electrical characteristics of solar cells, depending on the parameters and modes of operation of an electric rocket engine; — on issues of increasing the energy efficiency of an electric rocket engine by using the energy of plasma radiation by returning it to the onboard network using photoelectric or thermal converters. The multiplicative degradation coefficient determined in the course of tests allows one to perform an estimated calculation of the power generated by a solar cell after exposure to plasma radiation from an electric rocket engine. | ||||||||
Sha M. ., Sun Y. . Experimental study of damage to the structure of composite materials of high-speed aircraft from raindrop impact erosion. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 126 Bodies moving at very high speeds through a rain-field can experience severe damage caused by the impingement of raindrops on their surfaces. This effect is usually referred to as"rain erosion". Rain erosion has been a concern of the aviation industries for many decades, and rain erosion resistance is one extremely important parameter of the interaction of materials with the flight environment. In this paper, a single waterjet impact test platform was established based on the first-stage light gas gun in order to conduct the rain erosion tests on materials. Its principle was that the gas gun launches a metallic projectile to impact the water storage chamber sealed by the rubber piston, and then the liquid was driven from the small nozzle to form a high-speed waterjet. The apparatus could generate stable waterjets with speeds of 200−600 m/s, diameters of 4−7 mm and a smooth circular-arc head, which simulated a waterdrop with the same diameter. A series of single waterjet impact tests were carried out on a symmetrically cross-ply carbon-fiber-reinforced composite (CFRP) laminate under different waterjet velocities and diameters. The results show that the typical damage modes of CFRP laminates impacted by single waterjets are as follows. The impacted surface is depressed, and the surface damage consists of resin removal, matrix cracking, minor fiber fracture and fiber exposure around the rim of a central undamaged region. The internal damage range gradually expands from the impact surface to the bottom ply, mainly composed of intralaminar matrix cracking with a pyramid shape and interlaminar delamination with a diamond shape. Both the surface and internal damage are more extensive in the longitudinal than the transversal direction, thus presenting typical. | ||||||||
Sedel'nikov A. V., Orlov D. I., Serdakova V. V., Nikolaeva A. S. Investigation of disturbances from a temperature shock of a solar battery panel when simulating the rotational motion of a small spacecraft around the center of mass. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 126 The main goal of the work is to evaluate the effect of the solar battery panel temperature deformations when a small spacecraft leaves the Earth’s shadow on the parameters of its rotational motion. The problem lies in the transformation of a small spacecraft after the end of its active existence into space debris, which significantly complicates the successful implementation of new space projects due to the threat of collision. Currently, many methods have been developed for cleaning up space debris. One way involves towing space debris using tether systems. At the same time, the connection between the tug and space debris is not sufficiently reliable so the cable can separate from space debris under the influence of various disturbances. One of such disturbances may be a temperature shock of the solar panel when the space debris is a small spacecraft with large elastic structural elements. The greater the mass fraction of the elastic element in the total mass of a small spacecraft, the more significant the effect of the temperature shock on the dynamics of its rotational motion. An analysis of research by scientists from around the world shows that the temperature shock can disrupt favorable conditions for the implementation of gravity-sensitive technological processes, causing temperature fluctuations in large elastic elements, which lead to unacceptably high microaccelerations. During experiments on the International Space Station with promising solar panels of the ROSA type, temperature fluctuations were so intense that they did not allow the panels to be rolled up at the end of the experiment. In this case, the question of the controllability of a small spacecraft equipped with such solar panels already arises. The article deals with issues related to the influence of angular acceleration from the temperature shock and a disturbing factor on the functioning of the spacecraft. The influence of angular acceleration from the temperature shock is estimated on the basis of numerical modeling and construction of the deflection field of the plate median surface as a result of the temperature shock in the ANSYS software. For the small «Starlink» spacecraft, the values of the angular acceleration from the temperature shock and the deflection field of the plate middle surface as a result of the temperature shock were obtained. As a result of the research, the dependence of the angular acceleration on the temperature shock of the small «Starlink» spacecraft was obtained and the maximum value of the disturbing moment was estimated. When transporting such a small spacecraft using tether systems after the end of its active life, this disturbance must be taken into account in order to avoid the contact loss between the tether and space debris as a result of temperature shock. The results obtained can be used to analyze the possibilities of transporting space debris using tether systems. | ||||||||
Polyakov P. O., Shesterkin P. S. Numerical modeling of damping coatings. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 126 In various industrial sectors, damping materials are used that are suitable in their properties for specific working conditions. The use of damping tapes is one of the existing ways to improve the damping properties of materials. At the moment, for modern thin-walled structures, there is a need to develop more advanced calculation models, for which the actual operating conditions of structures should be sufficiently fully reflected, taking into account the mechanical properties of the material from which its elements are made. The damping properties of the materials from which they are made, as well as the amplitudes of their oscillations, have a significant impact on the dynamic tension of the elements of thin-walled structures. Improving damping properties is one of the methods to increase the service life of structural elements subject to cyclic loading during operation. To damp vibrations in different frequency ranges that occur under external influence, as well as on the weight characteristics of the system, the choice of optimal types of damping coatings depends. This article explores the effect of 3M brand damping tape on the dynamic characteristics of a cantilever beam and the simulation of this process. and modeling of this process. The results of numerical simulation of free vibrations of an aluminum beam-plate without damping layers and with damping tapes glued to the front surfaces (three-layer beams) are presented. For numerical simulation of models of plates of all investigated sizes with a damping tape, simulation of the oscillatory process was applied similarly to physical testing. A finite element model of a plate with a grid is constructed. The dynamic characteristics of three-layer beams are determined. The dependence of the change in the damping coefficient on the amplitude for samples with and without damping tapes for different amplitudes is established, the amplitude-frequency characteristic, the logarithmic damping decrement, the damping coefficient and the natural frequency of the samples without a damping layer and with its participation are obtained. Numerical modeling was carried out in order to compare the experimental results of the dynamic characteristics of a cantilever beam without and with a damping layer. | ||||||||
Dinyaeva N. S., Kravtsov S. B., Krumlyakov S. O., Benkalyuk G. A. Numerical modeling of damping coatings. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 126 The paper considers the development of a special device - a stand for filling flat heat pipes with a liquid coolant, as well as a method for filling them, based on controlled flow under the influence of gravity of the coolant in the internal space of heat pipes (HPs). The coolant (coolant) used for pouring into heat pipes is pre-treated — dissolved gases are removed from it. The degassing of the coolant is carried out in order to minimize the process of oxidation of the internal metal parts of the case and the evaporative capillary-porous structure (ECS) of the HP. In order to increase the efficiency of the process of filling experimental batches of heat pipes, reduce material and time costs, a special device is proposed - a filling stand that combines all technological operations that were carried out separately into a single technological cycle. Degassing is carried out by ultrasonic (US) cavitation in a special container installed in an ultrasonic bath, which is an integral part of the filling stand. The implementation of this development allows you to get a useful result, which consists in: - saving labor costs by reducing the number of technological operations and design features of the installation; - increasing the reliability of HP sealing associated with the possibility of visual control over the entire technological cycle of refueling; - an increase in the depth of coolant degassing, which in turn affects the extension of the service life of filled HP; - reducing the probability of failure of the radar by increasing the reliability of the cooling system PPM AFAR; - possibility of production in a short time of pilot batches of HP for further research. | ||||||||
Bakhtin A. A., Volkov A. S., Solodkov A. V., Eletskikh E. V. A research of influence of clipping on OFDM system performance. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 126 | ||||||||
Khazov A. S., Ortikov M. Y., Gusev S. N. A method for estimating the resolution of a space radar with a synthesized antenna aperture, taking into account the compensation of atmospheric distortions. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 126 The article proposes the methodical approach allowing to solve a problem of improvement of quality of the radar images received by space synthetic aperture radar radars from the antenna synthesized by an aperture due to accounting of atmospheric distortions. The purpose of work is improvement of approaches to formation of radar images. Object of research are methods of estimation of resolution of the s space synthetic aperture radar which is used as the key information indicator and characterizes detail and quality of radar images. The result of the work is a the technique of estimation of resolution of the space synthetic aperture radar taking into account compensation of atmospheric distortions. The proposed technique is based on the use of compensation of atmospheric distortions from positions of geometrical optics. The offered technique of estimation of resolution of the space synthetic aperture radar allows to determine the amendment to inclined range taking into account the joint impact of distortions of the troposphere and an ionosphere at a stage of formation of basic function by an azimuth in synthesis algorithms of radar images. Accounting of a refraction of electromagnetic waves and correction of inclined range are realized with use of index of refraction of the environment and a method of approach of geometrical optics at distribution of radio waves in the non-uniform environment. For use of this approach it is necessary to define a condition of the atmosphere with use of models of the troposphere and an ionosphere in a zone of the review of the synthetic aperture radar taking into account real geophysical conditions. Results of imitating modeling confirm a possibility of use of the proposed technique for estimation and accounting of the errors brought by the atmosphere of Earth in measurements of radar parameters by means of methods of calculation of trajectories of radio waves at the set index of refraction of the environment. The developed technique allows to carry out compensation of impact of atmospheric distortions and to increase quality of the received radar image. The proposed methodical approach can be used for performing synthesis of radar images, for elimination of errors of measurement of coordinates of objects and for improvement of values of resolution and contrast of radar images. | ||||||||
Detkov A. N. Optimal discrete filtering of samples of a continuous random process against the background of correlated Markov noise. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 126 In modern onboard information-measuring systems (IMS) of UAV, algorithms for optimal or quasi-optimal processing of random processes are practically implemented using digital signal processing tools. Therefore, these algorithms must be synthesized in a discrete form in the form of recurrent relations that are convenient for such an implementation. However, in most cases, the mathematical models of the processes evaluated and observed in the IMS have a continuous form of recording, which is due to the physical nature of the phenomena occurring with the signals. In this regard, the problem of synthesizing optimal algorithms for discrete filtering of counts of continuous random processes arises. At the same time, the modern element base makes it possible to use a high sampling rate in on-board IMS, which leads to autocorrelation of measurement readings. Therefore, in the statistical synthesis of filters, it is necessary to take into account the correlation of measurement noise, which significantly affects the generated filtering estimates. In this paper, proposes a new discrete Kalman filter (KF) based on a statistically equivalent discrete representation of continuous state and observation vector models to solve the problem of optimal linear filtering of samples of a continuous vector Markov random process, taking into account the known statistical characteristics of additive vector Markov correlated noise. The problem of filtering a state-space linear model with colored measurement noise and precise noise covariance matrices is converted to a problem of estimating a state-space linear model with white Gaussian measurement noise and precise noise covariance matrices using the measurement difference method and without state vector augmentation. The structure of analog-to-digital conversion and discrete KF is presented. The main feature of this algorithm is the accumulation (integration) of continuous observation on the time intervals between adjacent samples of the estimated state vector. To illustrate the potential characteristics of the accuracy and noise immunity of the synthesized algorithm, a simple example of filtering a continuous Gaussian Markov random process against the background of Markov random noise is considered. From the graphs presented, one can quantify how much analog and discrete algorithms for optimal filtering of a continuous random process depend on the ratio of the width of the spectral density of the measurement noise to the width of the spectral density of the random process and the signal-to-noise ratio. The presented discrete filtering algorithm allows us to quantify the deterioration of the potential characteristics of accuracy and noise immunity in the case of optimal estimation of continuous random processes due to the coloration of measurement and sampling noise. The use of the method of difference measurements does not increase the computational costs in the discrete KF, since the dimension of the state vector remains unchanged, as in the case of filtering continuous random processes against the background of white Gaussian noise. At the same time, the analog part of the analog-to-digital converter is significantly simplified in comparison with similar algorithms, since a one-cycle delay is implemented in a discrete KF after the ADC. It should also be noted that there is no operation of analog differentiation inherent in classical algorithms for filtering continuous random processes in continuous time using the method of difference measurements. | ||||||||
Ibragimov D. N., Berendakova A. V. Method of constructing and estimating asymptotic controllability sets of two-dimensional linear discrete systems with limited control. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 126 | ||||||||
Pavlov A. N., Umarov A. B., Kulakov A. Y., Gordeev A. V. The problem of planning the reconfiguration of the motion control system of a small space vehicle for remote Earth sensing under the conditions of the unknown cyclogram of its functioning. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 126 Of particular importance at the present time in the development and operation of small spacecraft are the issues of ensuring the required degree of autonomy and survivability, as well as increasing the efficiency of the small spacecraft in various environmental conditions. The relevance of solving these problems for small observation spacecraft is caused, on the one hand, by the peculiarities of the orbit on which this type of spacecraft operates, and on the other hand, by the lack of the possibility of timely control in the event of emergency situations on board the small spacecraft. To ensure the autonomy and survivability of a small spacecraft, it is necessary that it be in working condition for a maximum time or quickly restore its working capacity. That is, it is necessary to be able to change (rebuild) the structure (structures) of the small spacecraft in various environmental conditions in order to maintain the required level of performance. In practice, when solving problems of ensuring reliability, survivability, disaster tolerance and fault tolerance of complex technical systems within the framework of the currently developed theory of structural dynamics control, such a variant of managing the structures of a complex technical object as reconfiguration has become widespread. This article proposes a method for solving the problem of planning the reconfiguration of a complex technical object based on structural and functional reconfiguration under the conditions of an unknown cyclogram of the activation of the complex technical object operating modes. A computational experiment was carried out on the example of a small spacecraft for remote sensing of the Earth «Aist-2D». | ||||||||
Sokolova Y. V., Leun E. V., Primakov P. V., Samoylov S. Y. Approach to planning the load of processors of critical multiprocessor systems. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 126 One of the priority areas in economically developed countries is the security of critically important, especially complexly organized systems. Examples of such systems are a variety of robotic production; nuclear power plant control systems; onboard computing systems; groups of unmanned aerial, land and water robots; global navigation satellite system (GLONASS); large software systems of high importance and many other systems. The main problem of building computing systems at all times remains the task of ensuring their long-term functioning. This task has three components: reliability, availability and serviceability. Of particular relevance is the use of computer systems for managing critical objects operating in real time. The main difference between real-time operating systems and any other operating systems is the guarantees for the start or end time of processes that are provided by real-time systems. In the event of a failure, such systems are subject to high requirements for operability, non-failure operation, safety, security, etc. Obviously, the most important thing is to minimize the time and hardware costs required for the response of a multiprocessor system to an emergency situation. One of the options for solving this issue may be planning the load of processors in multiprocessor systems. In this case, you can avoid simultaneous loading of several processors by one task (program, subroutine, algorithm, file, etc.) and, at the same time, schedule the queue of incoming tasks in such a way that they are served simultaneously. This allows you to reduce unplanned downtime and at the same time increase its availability along with increased speed. The article is devoted to multiprocessor systems. The issue of compiling a plan for loading processors in them is touched upon. It is supposed to use the so-called real-time systems. | ||||||||
Mokhov A. I., Kislinskiy V. G., Alekseychuk A. S. Session based recommender system with multistage candidate sampling. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 126 Understanding users’ preferences is a challenging task especially with a huge amount of items. Modern recommender systems are keen to solve this task by applying state-of-the-art methods of candidate sampling and simple heuristics in couple with Machine Learning ranking algorithms. This paper presents an algorithm of candidate sampling from three different sources followed by a ranking algorithm. These two stages form a session-based recommender system that is capable of building a user’s probable preferences based on its current session. For candidate sampling, we use a language model (Word2Vec) and sparse vectors for item representations, and the most popular items from a dataset. Each stage is divided into multiple substages making it really simple to add new candidate sources or remove existing ones. The same technique can be easily applied to ranking algorithms — one can remove a ranking algorithm or add the new one in order to blend model predictions maximizing Precision or Recall metrics as well. We also show the importance of ranking algorithms in recommender systems by measuring Learning to Rank (L2R) specific metrics on test data. There are several ranking algorithms in this paper. All of them belong to the pairwise algorithms subclass. Such algorithms as LambdaRank, YetiRank, and StochasticRank are used in comparison to non-ranked recommendations. We use CatBoost implementation of gradient boosting and PyTorch to build a neural ranking net. As a result of the experiment, we get a ready end-to-end recommender system pipeline with flexible modules that are easy to add/remove and show the benefits of ranking models with recommendations on real data. | ||||||||
Deniskina G. Y. CAD/CAM/CAE system for manufacturing structures from fibrous composite materials using 3D-printing. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 126 The problem of development and implementation of a CAD/CAM/CAE system for manufacturing structures from fibrous composite materials using 3D printing is considered. The general configuration of the system and the assignment of its functional modules are described. The advantages of the mathematical support and software developed for the system for creating digital twins, which allow generating control programs and conducting virtual modeling of a 3D printing process to be used in the manufacture of products of complex geometric shapes, as well as developing rational schemes for the reinforcement of printed composite structures and finding optimal printing modes, are shown. CAD/CAE system is focused on modeling, visualization of the placement of fibers in the printing area, finding the optimal printing scheme based on the requirements conditioned by the product operating conditions. In this connection, it must meet the following requirements:
The main principles of development of a CAD/CAM/CAE system for manufacturing functional structures from fibrous composite materials using 3D printing are considered. The task of modeling and visualization of the 3D printing process is formulated. The main specifications of the developed CAD/CAM/CAE system associated with the possibility to set the structure of a facility with its subsequent adjustment and smoothing. triangulation of the print area and modeling of placement of fibers using analytical functions during the printing process are determined. Mathematical tools for solving equations characterizing mechanical properties of composite materials based on wavelet analysis methods, as well as for calculating the optimal directions for placing fibers of composite materials are described. | ||||||||
Budaev G. A., Danilov D. A., Konotop O. I. Numerical calculation of the flap T-gearbox kinematic error. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 126 This article is devoted to research of the kinematic error in the units of servo systems with mechanical transmissions. The flap Т-gearbox of the high lift transmission was considered as the object of the study. Numerical simulation methods were used to determine the kinematic accuracy of the research object. Geometric dimensioning and tolerances of gearbox components were assigned, a 3D CAD model was built with the worst-case combination of tolerance fields, material characteristics were assigned, forces, constraints and boundary conditions were specified, and the results were evaluated. There are many methods of solving this issue. Analytical methods and methods using 3D modeling allow to determine the kinematic error in the early stages of the design, but they are not automatized. Experimental methods of calculation have the greatest accuracy, but are not possible in the early stages of project development. The numerical simulation method is devoid of the disadvantages of analytical methods. The basic equation of dynamics for the investigated system was formulated and solved using the HHT integrator based on the α-method. The interface between the surfaces of the rigid bodies was defined by contact force. In the first case of the calculation, the gearbox housing was fixed in space, the other bodies were constrained to move in a plane perpendicular to the plane of rotation of the shafts. In the second case, only the outer rings of the bearings and their sleeves were constrained to move in the plane, because they were fixed in the axial direction in the real construction. Because of the shaft axis displacement possibility in angular directions and the possibility of axial displacement, the kinematic error increased significantly. At the early stage of development, the value of gearbox kinematic accuracy was determined. The obtained value complies with the requirements for the accuracy of the high lift transmission. The specified geometric dimensioning and tolerances are not very precise or too rough and can be applied to other single stage bevel gearboxes used in high lift transmissions. | ||||||||
Golyakov A. D., Richnyak A. M., Fominov I. V. Investigation of the accuracy parameters of a spacecraft with an adaptive autonomous navigation system. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 126 The paper presents the results of solving the scientific problem of synthesizing an adaptive autonomous navigation system of a spacecraft and presents the results of a study of the accuracy of determining the navigation parameters of a spacecraft under the influence of disturbing factors that can be continuous, periodic and short-term. Their manifestation is difficult to predict. The impact of disturbing factors on the on-board equipment can lead to both a gradual and a sharp decrease in the effectiveness of spacecraft target tasks due to the deterioration of technical characteristics of optical elements of star sensors, external optical elements of navigation devices, temperature-regulating coatings and electronic equipment of the autonomous navigation system, which, in turn, can cause a metrological failure of on-board measuring instrument devices. To estimate measurement errors of navigation parameters of the spacecraft, an algorithm for the operation of an autonomous navigation system has been adopted, where the zenith distances of two navigation stars and the altitude of the spacecraft above the Earth’s surface are used as primary navigation information. Simulation results are presented for the case when measurements of on-board measuring instruments contain random errors distributed exponentially. It has been shown that the disturbing factors of the outer space lead to an increase in characteristics of random errors of onboard measuring instruments and, as a consequence, to an increase in spacecraft navigation errors. The study has been carried out by modeling the process of solving the navigation problem, taking into account the impact of disturbing factors navigation parameter onboard measuring instruments. The basis for obtaining numerical estimates of the accuracy of the spacecraft autonomous navigation system is the simulation of the process of solving the navigation problem using computer technology. To process the results of navigation measurements containing unavoidable random errors, a non-recurrent weighted least squares method has been used in the work. The obtained results can be used to counteract disturbing factors of the outer space that reduce the accuracy of the spacecraft navigation and to justify adaptive and reconfigurable systems that allow autonomously to determine the parameters of the spacecraft orbit in the conditions of disturbing factors of the outer space. | ||||||||
Minakov E. P., Aleksandrov M. A., Verbin A. V. Algorithms for estimating the number of lunar asteroid detection tools with a vertical orientation of the sight axes. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 126 Due to the peculiarities of the orbital movement of asteroids approaching the Earth, a significant proportion of them either in principle cannot be detected using existing monitoring tools located on the surface of the Earth, or detection can occur too late. The lack of influence of the atmosphere on optical observation means leads to the advantages of the location of asteroid detection means in space. In this article, a study is carried out on one of the possible ways of their stationary location — uniform distribution with regard to visibility zones on the surface of the moon. An algorithm is proposed, which allows on the basis of initial data on the angle of solution and the maximum range of detection of dangerous space objects by lunar means. The zone of near and long-range explosive detection, as well as the zone of continuous multiple detection of asteroids, their description and illustrations are given. Computational experiments were carried out using the developed algorithm for estimating the number of means for detecting asteroids when placing on the entire surface of the Moon or its part, dependencies of the angular distance between the standing points and the angular dimensions of the visibility zones of the means for detecting asteroids on the maximum range of detecting asteroids were obtained. In addition, an algorithm was developed and the number of means for detecting asteroids with vertical orientation of the sighting axes was estimated with the exception of a part of the Lunar Surface for their placement, due to the closure of the outer space region by the Earth («dead zone» of asteroid detection means), when placed on the entire surface of the Moon or its part, the dependence of the angular distance between the standing points and the angular dimensions of the visibility zones of the asteroid detection means on the maximum detection range of asteroids is also obtained. The presented algorithms for estimating the angular distance between the points of standing on the surface of the Moon of the same type of asteroid detection means with vertical orientation of the sighting axes and their number for forming the asteroid detection line allow obtaining correct results and can be used for further research to determine the parameters of the asteroid detection line zones, reduce the number of asteroid detection means and estimate the probability of asteroid detection. | ||||||||
Javadov N. H., Aslanova A. B. Optimization of the use of hybrid multirotor drones for atmospheric research in vertical takeoff mode. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 126 With the advent of drones, it became possible to use unmanned aerial devices to study the pollution of the atmosphere with aerosol, various gases and water vapors. For these purposes, the method of radiometric probes operating in vertical lift mode is still widely used. At the same time, the successful performance of this function with the help of UAVs depends on a number of factors, one of which is the limited time of their flight. For example, the typical flight time of multirotor battery-powered drones is 20-50 minutes. One of the ways to solve this problem is the use of a hybrid hydrogen fuel cell (FCHS) system containing a fuel cell and an electric battery The question of using a drone equipped with a hydrogen cell of a hybrid power supply system and electric batteries to study the vertical profile of the atmosphere has been investigated. The problem of finding the optimal dependences of the energy of the power supply system and the power consumption on the altitude is solved, at which, taking into account the limitation on the average height of the power consumption, the flight time can be minimized. This minimization of flight time is explained by the need to eliminate the influence of changes in the atmosphere on the overall result of the study of the structure of the atmosphere. Taking into account the obtained solution, as well as the known dependence of the drone’s power consumption on mass, acceleration of free fall, air density and the area of the propeller disk, a formula for calculating the mass in the optimal mode is obtained. It is shown that in the optimal mode, the condition of mass constancy is provided if the energy of the power supply system increases exponentially. In the absence of such growth, the discharge mode of spent batteries is recommended for the implementation of the described optimal flight mode. | ||||||||
Huseynov H. A., Zulfugarli P. R., Abdurrakhmanova I. H. On the accuracy of direct georeferentiation of uavs in areas with different climatic conditions. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 126 The tasks of carrying out measurements with relatively high temporal and spatial resolution using UAVs can be successfully performed when carrying out accurate georeferentiation of their position, i.e. linking photogrammetric devices to any coordinate system. There are indirect and direct georeferentiation. With indirect georeferencing, the real coordinates of ground control points (GCP) are taken into account and they are compared with the measurement results of these points in the images. With direct georeferentiation, the direct use of known objects in the image is carried out. An unambiguous determination of the optimal density of GCP placement in RTK GPS systems does not seem to be justified, since the total influence of both technical factors and meteorological factors (water vapor, pressure, temperature) is taken into account. This article suggests a way to account for the influence of such a common factor. The definition of such a generalized factor and the assumption that the magnitude of this factor is not constant in space allows us to formulate and solve the optimization problem of calculating the optimal dependence of the GCP placement density on the specified generalized indicator. The accuracy of direct georeferencing of UAVs in zones with different climatic conditions is analyzed. The optimization problem of finding such indicators of georeferentiation of measuring instruments in x and y as the density of GCP placement (control points) and the pedestal of exponential dependence of the error of georeferentiation on the number of established control points is formulated and solved. It is shown that if we assume the presence of an analytical dependence of the number of control points along the flight path on the value of the specified pedestal, then the minimum of the average integral value of the relative error of referencing is achieved with the presence of an inverse logarithmic dependence of the number of control points on the height of the above-marked pedestal. | ||||||||
Barkova M. E. On the issue of constructing a spacecraft route for the disposal of space debris and a space debris object. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 125 The article is a continuation of research published in issue No. 110 of the Proceedings of the MAI and AIP Conference Proceedings 2318, 020009 (2021). The research is devoted to the rendezvous of a space debris disposal spacecraft (hereinafter SDC — space debris collector) with a space debris object for the purpose of capture and processing into fuel. The main problem of the article is a graphical evaluation of the study performed earlier. The purpose of this work is a graphical assessment of the approach of the SCM and the selected space debris object by constructing their paths. The relevance of this work is to increase the number of space debris objects that can damage spacecraft in a collision. According to space debris data provided by the European Space Agency, the number of debris objects is as follows: — 36,500 space debris objects larger than 10 cm; — 1 million space debris objects ranging in size from more than 1 cm to 10 cm; — 130 million space debris objects ranging in size from more than 1 mm to 1 cm. The author concludes that the amount of space debris decreases slowly and only during periods when its formation is small and there is no particularly strong fragmentation. The probability of a spacecraft colliding with space debris increases at orbital altitudes of 800 — 950 km. In satellite orbit, you can see that the disturbing forces and additional masses from the collected space debris had little effect only in small periods. | ||||||||
Popov I. P. Mechanical analogue of cyclotron motion. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 125 The purpose of the work is to find a mechanical analogue of cyclotron motion and to determine the scheme of the corresponding device, which is appropriate to call a stabilized rotator. The topic of speed stabilization is relevant. From the key circumstance that determines the possibility of generalizing cyclotron motion to mechanics, which consists in the fact that the Lagrangian of an electron is twice as large as its kinetic energy, which, as applied to a stabilized rotator, should be interpreted as the equality of kinetic and potential energies, it follows that the composition of a stabilized rotator should include elements , which are able to store both of these types of energy, namely, the load and the spring. The natural frequency of rotation of a stabilized rotator is strictly fixed (it does not depend on either the moment of inertia or the moment of momentum) and remarkably coincides with the natural frequency of oscillations of a pendulum with identical parameters. When the angular momentum changes, the radius and tangential velocity change (the rotation frequency does not change and is equal to its own). At zero torque in the stationary mode, the rotational speed of the stabilized rotator cannot be arbitrary and takes on a single value. A stabilized rotator can be used to control the natural frequency of a radial oscillator, although in this capacity it may have strong competition from mechatronic systems. On the contrary, as a rotation stabilizer, its competitive capabilities are undeniable and are determined by the extreme simplicity of the design. | ||||||||
Bairamov F. D., Bairamov B. F. Optimal stabilization of operation of liquid-propellant rocket engine. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 125 The Lyapunov function method is applied to solve the problem on optimal stabilization of the steady-state mode of operation of the two-component liquid-propellant rocket engine with turbo-driven pump assembly by regulating the pressures in the oxidizer and fuel tanks with considering wave processes in the flow lines. Liquid-propellant rocket engine is a complex mechanical system containing two distributed links and finite-dimensional links located at both endpoints of the distributed links. The linearized equations of dynamics of separate links are drawn up. After an exception of some variables from these equations system of dynamic equations of liquid-propellant rocket engine in general have been obtained. To solve the problem on stabilization, first, the Lyapunov function method is used to determine the set of controls (laws for regulating the pressures in tanks) ensuring asymptotic stability of liquid-propellant rocket engine operation. Then, the optimal control is determined on this set by the Lagrange function method from the condition for minimum of the norm at each moment of time. Based on specific equations, the Lyapunov function is constructed as the sum of integral and ordinary quadratic forms, the sign-definiteness of which is checked by the Sylvester criterion. The developed control laws can be implemented quite simply and accurately in practice. It is not possible to ensure the asymptotic stability of liquid-propellant rocket engine operation without regulating the pressures in the tanks. The liquid-propellant rocket engine belongs to the class of systems with distributed and lumped parameters, described by linear equations in partial and ordinary derivatives. Some equations of dynamics of liquid-propellant rocket engine do not contain time derivatives. The methodology of synthesis of optimal controls with the smallest value of the norm at each moment of time in systems with distributed and lumped parameters, some equations of which do not contain time derivatives, has been developed. The need for such control arises, for example, when determining the boost pressure in the hydraulic tanks of the hydraulic system; when determining the boost pressure of the fuel tank, which ensures stable operation of the heating furnace. The developed methodology can also be used to study stability of such systems. For example, when studying the stability of operation of a rotary-type wind turbine with a vertical axis of rotation together with a pump. The shaft that transmits the torque of the wind turbine to the pump has a considerable length, so the problem is solved, taking into account the elasticity of this shaft. | ||||||||
Algazin S. D., Solovyov G. H. Formulation of the flutter problem of a plate of variable thickness of arbitrary shape in the plan. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 125 By the method of mathematical modeling the flutter of orthotropic plate of rectangular shape in plan at different angles of attacking stream is investigated. For numerical modeling of unstable oscillations of a plate the effective numerical algorithm without saturation which allows on a rare grid to receive admissible accuracy in the approached decision is offered. The type of eigenform depending on the angle of direction of the attacking flow velocity vector is studied numerically. The resulting quadratic eigenvalue problem can be reduced to a double sized standard linear eigenvalue problem. The term «panel flutter» refers to the flutter of a thin plate, shell, or membrane when typically, one of the surfaces is exposed to airflow and the other to still air. The panel then experiences elastic, inertial and aerodynamic forces, which can lead to dynamic instability of the structure. The paper shows that the resulting quadratic problem for eigenvalues can be reduced to a standard linear problem for eigenvalues of twice the size. Questions related to the existence, uniqueness and regularity of the solution are not considered in the work. We refer the interested reader to the work. The first recorded occurrence of flutter for circular cylindrical projectiles appears to have been on a German V-2 rocket. The study of the stability of the oscillations of a thin plate of arbitrary thickness in the plan, which in the plane , occupies the region with the boundary and is blown by the gas flow, leads to a non-self-adjoint spectral problem for the amplitude value of the deflections , , which is obtained by generalizing the results of Kiyko I. A. and Ilyushin A. A. | ||||||||
Levitskiy D. Y., Fedotenkov G. V. Non-stationary stress-strain state of the Timoshenko plate. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 125 Rapidly developing technical progress poses new, more complex and interesting tasks for engineers. This did not bypass the area of problems of the mechanics of a deformable solid body, and specifically the theory of plates. Plates and shells are extremely widely used in the construction of a wide variety of engineering structures. At present, nonstationary problems in the theory of plates remain poorly studied. In this work, vibrations of the Timoshenko plate under the action of non-stationary pressure are studied. investigated. The plate is assumed to be infinitely extended. To describe the movement of the plate, the well-known equations of the S.P. Timoshenko. The solution method is based on the principle of superposition, according to which the normal displacements of the plate are a convolution of a given pressure with an influence function in spatial coordinates and time. The influence function for a plate is its formal displacements under the influence of a special type of pressure, namely, a unit concentrated force applied instantaneously in time. Mathematically, such a distribution is given by the product of the Dirac delta functions. A spatial problem is considered in a Cartesian rectangular coordinate system. In this case, expansions in double trigonometric Fourier series and the integral Laplace transform in time are used to construct the influence function. The original coefficients of the expansion series are determined analytically using the second expansion theorem for the Laplace transform. Using the principle of superposition and the constructed original of the influence function, the solution of the problem of non-stationary oscillations of a rectangular Timoshenko plate, as well as displacement at a point under the influence of a distributed load, is obtained. The paper investigates the response of the hinged Timoshenko plate to the impact of various non-stationary loads. For the solution, a numerical algorithm was developed and implemented on a computer. Examples of calculation of the deformed state of the plate are given. | ||||||||
Snazin A. A., Shevchenko A. V., Panfilov E. B. Investigation of the finite element mesh local adaptation in the problem of supersonic flow near body. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 125 The traveling at supersonic speed generates a detached bow shock wave ahead of it. Downstream of that, the flow attains large increases of pressure and temperature, which are responsible for the high drag and aerodynamic heating. High drag values increase fuel usage and reduce the ratio of payload to total takeoff weight [1]. The paper considers supersonic flow at Mach number M=4.2. The condition of adhesion and isothermicity with a temperature T = 300 K is established on the streamlined surface of the object of study. The flow is considered axisymmetric with respect to the OX axis. The simulation was carried out in a two-dimensional formulation on a structured prismatic grid containing 506 thousand elements, 65 elements account for the boundary layer. The ratio of the diameter of the main cylinder to the length of the needle is L/D = 1.4. During the calculation, the mesh cells are adapted in the zones of flow inhomogeneities. The number of adapted cells is 835 thousand, the number of unadapted cells of the original grid is 234 thousand. A homogeneous grid with the size of the cells corresponding to the adapted cells would contain about 2687 thousand cells. Thus, local adaptation allowed to reduce the amount of calculations by 2,5 times. As a result of the calculations carried out, the difference in the distribution of the pressure coefficient on the surface of the model and in the position of the head shock wave between the adapted and non-adapted grid is clearly traced. Comparison of the results of visualization of flow inhomogeneities in supersonic body flow obtained experimentally on a wind tunnel and numerical modeling. The results of numerical simulation are in good agreement with experimental data. The calculations presented in the article showed that the use of local grid adaptation in the areas of gas-dynamic inhomogeneities allowed not only to reduce the cost of computing, but also to achieve a good agreement of numerical results with the results obtained experimentally on a supersonic wind tunnel. | ||||||||
Sposobin A. V. Calculation of the large particle interaction with a supersonic shock layer using the meshless algorithm. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 125 The presented work deals with the numerical modeling of the two-phase flows, namely, the computation of a blunt body supersonic flow-around by a viscous gas flow with an admixture of a small amount of large particles, which, after reflection from the surface, go outward the shock layer, being moved by the inertia towards the incoming flow. Test-bench and numerical experiments reveal that the motion of high inertia particles changes the structure of the gas flow in the shock layer, and impact jets herewith directed to the body being formed cause the gas pressure increase near the surface areas and a multiple growth of the convective heat flow. A computational model of the blunt body supersonic viscous flow-around with an admixture of large solid particles was developed in three-dimensional space. The system of non-stationary Navier-Stokes equations in conservative variables is being numerically solved by the meshless method, which employs the cloud of points in space of computational nodes for the gas flow parameters representation. The spatial partial derivatives of gas-dynamic values and functions, containing them, are being approximated by the least square method on the set of nodes distributed in the area of computation. Non-viscous flows computing is being performed by the AUSMPW+ method in conjunction with the third order MUSCL-reconstruction, while viscous flows are being computed by the second-order scheme. Each particle, as well as a barrier streamlined by a flow, is being surrounded by a cloud of computational nodes belonging to its domain and moving together with the particle in space. The computational nodes position is being adapted to the body shape and allows resolving the flow in the boundary layer with enough accuracy to determine the convective heat flow from the gas surface. The gas state computing at the nodes associated with the particles is being performed by solving the Navier-Stokes system of equations in a moving coordinate system attached to the moving particle. A model of evolution of a single cloud of computational nodes is built. The nodes that fall into the domains overlapping zone are being temporarily excluded from the calculation, and external nodes of one domain become neighbors of the nodes of another domain to compute both viscous and convective fluxes between nodes with account for transformation of the gas state vectors between moving coordinate systems. Integration of the gas-dynamic system of equations in both basic and local systems of coordinates is being performed by the explicit Runge-Kutta method. The proposed model was verified by comparing the gas flow-around of the stationary and moving particles while maintaining relative velocity of the incoming flow. The software implementation of the presented algorithms based on the OpenCL parallel heterogeneous computing technology with the possibility of simultaneous usage of several GPUs for the calculation of the same task was performed. The authors performed computations of the particles movement in the shock layer near the sphere surface flown around by the supersonic airflow with the Mach number of M = 6. The particle was being launched along the sphere axis of symmetry, as well as at an angle to it. Appearance of local zones of higher pressure and multiply strengthened heat flow on the sphere surface is being observed. Gas-dynamic interaction of a pair of particles in the shock layer, which started one after the other with a time interval between them, was simulated. Having fallen into the supersonic wake region of the first particle, the second particle, moving under the action of aerodynamic drag force, moves away to a significantly smaller distance from the sphere surface than the first one. The built computational model and the software, developed on its basis, provide wide opportunities for the numerical study of the gas-dynamic interaction of large particles with the shock layer. | ||||||||
Belyaev B. V., Lebedev A. S. Methodology for predicting the residual resource during depressurization of aircraft. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 125 When determining the flight safety of aircraft, one of the urgent tasks is to diagnose a possible violation of the tightness of compartments during operation. Mechanical damage to sealed compartments of aircraft can occur due to fatigue, wear, thermal load, creep of the material, shock load, elastic deformation, surface fatigue, radiation damage, erosion wear and other causes. Leakproofness tests during the preparation of aircraft for operation are not always able to determine microcracks or other design defects that lead to a violation of the tightness of the device during flight. The article is devoted to the topical topic of diagnostics of the process of functioning of sealed compartments of aircraft with through microcracks. In the article, expressions are obtained that allow us to describe the patterns of changes in the leakage of the working medium through through cracks, depending on their changing geometry. An algorithm has been developed for constructing patterns of changes in the leakage of the working medium from sealed compartments in the presence of developing through cracks in their shells. Typical patterns of changes in the leakage of the working medium over time through through cracks are given. The results of calculating the time of depressurization of the compartment are presented, depending on the length of the through crack, the degree of its opening, as well as the free volume of the sealed compartment. The results presented in the article make it possible to more correctly diagnose failures of aircraft in flight operation. In addition, the results obtained make it possible to solve the inverse problem for instrument and habitable compartments of spacecraft. Namely, having the data of telemetric information about the parameters of the gas state (pressure and temperature) inside the compartment and the change of these parameters over time, it becomes possible to diagnose the characteristics of micron densities in the conditions of orbital flight. This, in turn, makes it possible to estimate the time reserve for localization of leaks or to make a decision for an emergency landing of a manned spacecraft. The proposed technique for diagnosing the tightness of aircraft during flight operation can be used to justify the requirements for sensors and pressure detectors in the hermetic compartments of aircraft and for the parameters of the system of reserve gas reserves. In case of emergency leaks during flight operation, it is possible, using the proposed methodology, to determine the remaining time reserve for eliminating the consequences of an accident, ensuring the safety of crew members or emergency landing on the Ground. | ||||||||
Kolodezhnov V. N., Veretennikov A. S. Flow in a cylindrical channel of a nonlinear viscoplastic fluid. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 125 A combined rheological model has been proposed for viscoplastic working media that exhibit a non-monotonic dependence of viscosity on shear rate. This model assumes three typical behaviors in three adjacent ranges of shear rate variation. In the first range, the dependence of the shear stress on the shear rate is described by a linear function and characterized by a constant viscosity value. In the second and third shear rate ranges, this dependence is approximated by nonlinear functions describing dilatant and pseudoplastic behavior. On the basis of such a model, the solution to the steady flow of fluid in a cylindrical channel has been obtained. It is shown that three different flow patterns can be implemented depending on the level of pressure drop along the channel length. For each of the schemes inside the channel, characteristic zones of flow should be identified. In the case of the most complex third flow pattern inside the channel, four zones with different mechanical behavior of the fluid should be distinguished. In such a situation, the zone of plastic flow is formed in the central part of the channel in the vicinity of its fore-and-aft axis of symmetry. The next zone is characterized by shear flow with a constant viscosity value. Two more zones of nonlinear-viscous flow, in which the fluid exhibits dilatant and pseudoplastic behavior, are formed in the vicinity of the channel wall. Expressions for determining the boundaries of flow zones, and expressions for calculating the liquid velocity profile and the dependence of the volume flow on the pressure drop were obtained. The influence of the main parameters of the system under consideration on the velocity distribution characteristics and the dependence of the volumetric flow rate on the pressure drop over the channel length has been analyzed. | ||||||||
Sha M. ., Sun Y. . Theoretical study of hydrogen degradation processes of drop impact erosion of structural materials. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 125 The unique physical and chemical properties of hydrogen and its practically unlimited resources on our planet in the composition of water make it possible to rely on hydrogen energy systems in the development of energy [1,2]. Industrial products, components and assemblies, structural elements, as a rule, operate in aggressive hydrogen-containing media (corrosive, erosive). Rain erosion damage, caused by repeated droplet impact on wind turbine blades, is a major cause for concern, even more so at offshore locations with larger blades and higher tip speeds. Hydrogen, penetrating into the metal of the product and being absorbed in it, changes the chemical composition, structure, and also redistributes the fields of internal stresses. These processes, generalized by the term «degradatio», prepare and stimulate the development of microdiscontinuities of various scales. At the moment, despite intensive research, hydrogen degradation is still an unsolved problem of metal physics, theoretical and practical materials science. It is known that the maximum destructive effect of hydrogen is observed when hydrogen has maximum diffusion mobility and activity, that is, at the stage of unsteady diffusion. Moreover, as the author notes, destruction under the influence of diffusion-mobile hydrogen is little predictable and most dangerous due to the high diffusion mobility of hydrogen and the ability to redistribute under the influence of various physical fields, and there is also uncertainty about the magnitude of the critical concentration of hydrogen in the destruction zone. Since during the electrification of the working fluid, the surface of the working blades is exposed to electrophysical phenomena, conditions appear for increasing the absorption of hydrogen by metal, including in a diffusion-mobile form. These conclusions about the significant impact on the damage to the blades of the flood are consistent with the conclusions. Based on the above qualitative assessments of the process of the impact of a stream of wet steam with charged droplets on the blade material, it is obvious that the magnitude of the negative effect on electrical processes depends mainly on the magnitude of the ion current in the space of the flow part. | ||||||||
Averyanov I. O., Wasilchenko A. G. Mathematical model of air damper with permeable fabric shell. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 125 | ||||||||
Gerasimchuk V. V., Zhiryakov A. V., Kuznetsov D. A., Telepnev P. P. Computational and experimental method of accounting for the dewatering system in the analysis of natural frequencies and waveforms. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 125 The article is devoted to the issue of ensuring the adequacy of the developed finite element models of oscillators to real samples of the spacecraft. In the computational and experimental method, the correction of KE models of dynamic systems minimizes the difference in values between the target characteristics of the real design and the computational model. The main stages of the method are:
The computational and experimental method of accounting for the dewatering system in the analysis of natural frequencies and waveforms allows us to obtain an adjusted model fully suitable for further development of spacecraft control algorithms on a system (dynamic circuit) as close as possible to the real one. Using the example of two oscillators — a solar panel wing and a rod for carrying out scientific equipment — the article demonstrates practical and theoretical techniques for correcting finite element models using experimental research data. Based on the results of the full-scale determination of the natural frequencies and vibration patterns of the structure, the correction of finite element models developed using the Femap with NX Nastran package was carried out, and the adequacy assessment (verification of the correspondence of the model to the real system) of the dynamic circuit of the spacecraft, taking into account the influence of the dewatering system. The achieved difference between the target characteristics of the real design and the calculated model was less than 9%. | ||||||||
Buzhin I. G., Antonova V. M., Mironov Y. B., Antonova V. A., Gaifutdinov E. A. Comparative analysis of the time delay of telecommunication equipment STP and SDN. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 125 The article considers the architecture of software-defined networks, their principle of operation, as well as the protocols for the interaction of the controller with network devices. The main components of traditional networks are investigated, including a comparative analysis of the time delays of telecommunications equipment of traditional and software-defined networks. There are 4 types of delay in modern data transmission networks: packet processing delay, packet delay in the queue, packet transmission delay along the line, propagation delay. The operation of the spanning tree algorithm is considered, its main advantages and disadvantages are highlighted. A comparative analysis of traditional and software-defined communication networks is carried out, the features of building corporate networks based on the SDN concept are considered. A network model was built in the Mininet emulator, in which an analytical assessment of the time delays of the SDN telecommunications equipment was carried out. As a result of the experiment and comparison of the obtained data, two different approaches to the network response to topology changes can be evaluated. The experiment showed that the traditional approach to building networks is vulnerable to changing the network topology, which introduces certain network delays and is the reason for the decrease in network performance. | ||||||||
Kamensky K. V. Trajectory instabilities and onboard navigation system characteristics influence on synthetic aperture radar image quality. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 125 The goal of this work is to determine requirements imposed on onboard navigation system for the radar that is to be placed on a small unmanned aerial vehicle and to work in stripmap side-looking synthetic aperture mode with linear frequency modulated continuous wave. To achieve this goal the methodology is proposed to investigate trajectory instabilities effects on radar image in continuous wave synthetic aperture radar. The same methodology can be used to obtain the estimates of onboard navigation system characteristics impact on radar image quality. These characteristics are: measurement accuracy of radar antenna system phase center coordinates and data sampling frequency. The proposed methodology is based upon the use of backprojection method to process a track signal obtained through direct simulation in the condition that there is only one point reflector on the illuminated scene. Quality of the amplitude radar image obtained this way can be estimated by objective criteria: main lobe width and side lobes relative level in the point reflector’s response. The results of the proposed methodology implementation are estimates used to choose the onboard navigation system for a specific radar. In this paper the cases were investigated where trajectory instabilities are absent, represent a constant value, a linear function, or a non-linear function (sinusoid). It is concluded that onboard navigation system data sampling frequency should be not less than track signal sampling frequency in slow time, and acceptable accuracy of coordinate measurement depends on expected intensity of trajectory instabilities. The practical value of the conducted work is in that the proposed methodology allowed to provide rationale for requirements imposed on the onboard navigation system characteristics. | ||||||||
Moroz A. V., Sahno I. V., Sherstuk A. V. Technology of image transmission in an ultrasonic communication line. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 125 The paper presents a description of a large-scale physical modeling of a data transmission channel in the ultrasonic range through a medium, designed to solve the problems of evaluating testing of ground-based tests of an end-to-end radar path of a spacecraft with a synthesized aperture antenna and ground-based equipment for digital processing and formation of radar images. As a subject of research, digital information packages are considered, formed from a color or monochrome image, sequentially transmitted through a distribution medium. The main elements of an ultrasonic data transmission system are similar to those used in radio data transmission channels. The need to solve this problem is due to the shortcomings of mathematical modeling in the form of introduced restrictions and assumptions. Thus, the aim of the work is to develop algorithms, software modules for transmitting raster (amplitude, analog) images and clarifying the research methodology on an ultrasonic data transmission system, as an integral part of the laboratory layout of the end-to-end radar path of a spacecraft with a synthesized antenna aperture. The proposed large-scale physical modeling is based on the principle of line-by-line formed from a raster image of digital information packets that are sequentially transmitted in the ultrasonic range. After receiving and digital processing by a software receiver, the information is restored in the form of an image matrix. The result of the work is a developed laboratory setup in the form of an ultrasonic data transmission system, which makes it possible to obtain an assessment of the quality of transmitted information packets with bitmap images. The technique for studying the noise immunity of a digital ultrasonic data transmission line has been refined. Algorithms for digital signal processing and software for the ultrasonic data transmission system have been improved. The technical characteristics of the layout are experimentally determined and the limits of its change are specified. The values of the signal-to-noise ratio are determined, at which there are no failures during the transmission of a raster image with a size of about bits. It is shown that the implemented model of the ultrasonic data transmission system can be used for image transmission when modeling the end-to-end information path of earth remote sensing systems. The visibility of the simulation results makes it possible to use the ultrasonic data transmission system in the educational process when studying the principles of construction and operation of data transmission systems and methods of programmatic signal reception and processing. The next stage of the work will be the transfer of acoustic holograms obtained at the location acoustic complex, which will make it possible to form a hardware-software stand for modeling the radar channel of a spacecraft with a synthesized antenna aperture. | ||||||||
Anan’ev A. V., Ivannikov K. S., Filatov S. V. Construction basic principles of communication systems based on unmanned aerial vehicles. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 125 The research object in the article is air communication element: a communication system based on unmanned aerial vehicles, the relevance of which is justified in the previous works of the authors. However, despite the variety of related studies conducted, there are a fundamental questions number, without answering which it is impossible to understand the essence of creating a communication system based on unmanned aerial vehicles and determine its final purpose. So, on the one hand, unmanned aerial vehicles are an extremely important resource, in practice, which will always be in short supply. Therefore, talking about a full-fledged independent communication system based on unmanned aerial vehicles is very doubtful. On the other hand, there are very striking examples of the practical use of unmanned aerial vehicles as communications repeaters. It is only clear that the main condition for creating a communication system based on unmanned aerial vehicles is its organic inclusion in the overall communication system. Given the above, the subject of research article are the principles of creating a communication system based on unmanned aerial vehicles. Accordingly, the article purpose is to develop them based on a generalization of the existing backlog on known and promising technical and organizational and technical solutions in the field of communications. In the interests of developing the principles, first of all, the general scientific method was used, which consists in systematizing the existing knowledge, as well as the universal method — the method of analysis. The result of the work is a generalized list of principles for building a communication system based on unmanned aerial vehicles. A number of principles are formed in the development of the previously existing ones. At the same time, new principles are proposed: reasonable self-sufficiency, current interaction and evolutionary creation, etc. The developed principles can be used as the basis for practical work on building a communication system based on unmanned aerial vehicles and are the starting point for the formation of its technical appearance. | ||||||||
Teplikova V. I., Sentsov A. A., Nenashev V. A., Polyakov V. B. Analysis of the direction pattern of a flat multi-element active phased array. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 125 The article presents a study of a technique for correcting distortions in the radiation pattern parameters caused by the mutual effect of radiators, on the example of a rectangular active phased antenna array with the following number of radiators: 64 in the azimuthal plane, and 8 in the elevation plane. The authors considered the dependence of the main characteristics of the directional diagram on the beam deflection while electron scanning and the change in the strength of the electromagnetic field during the cosine-square amplitude distribution forming on the pedestal. The nature of the dependencies is determined and a technique is proposed for controlling the distortions of the characteristics occurring while the beam deflection. This technique realization will allow correcting the directional pattern, having distortions due to the changes in mutual effect of radiators, obtaining the required characteristics of active phased antenna array, and implement operation modes, which require keeping the antenna array parameters unchanged. The following initial data is necessary when developing an algorithm: the number of rays, minimum scanning step, and the beam setting accuracy. As long as the result of this algorithm realization represents a data array, it is necessary to pay special attention account for the minimum memory size required for the initial data storage for the algorithm. This technique realization allows correcting parameters of the directional pattern, which contains distortions due to changes in the mutual effect of radiators, to obtain the required the APAA characteristics. Its application allows employing the radar operating modes, which require keeping the antenna array parameters unchanged. | ||||||||
Kasmerchuk P. V., Vernigora L. V. Practical use of EPM and DE ephemeris. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 125 The design of interplanetary space missions is impossible without knowledge of the position of solar system objects and their dynamics. To determine the position and speed of an astronomical object at a specific point in time (on a specific date), special tables called ephemeris are used. Modern ephemerides are built on the basis of integrating rather complex equations of motion that take into account the gravitation of many bodies in the solar system, including large asteroids and trans-Neptunian objects, relativistic effects, perturbations from the dynamic compression of the Sun, mutual perturbations of the planets, the Sun and the Moon, etc. When building dynamic models ephemeris, data from radar observations of planets, laser observations of the Moon, data on the parameters of the movement of spacecraft during their approach to large planets, the results of interferometry with very long bases, etc. are used. To date, one of the most accurate are the Ephemeris of Planets and Moon (EPM) ephemerides developed by the Institute of Applied Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPA) and the Development Ephemeris (DE) ephemeris of the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). Various variants of the DE series ephemeris appeared in the 60s of the XX century, the EPM ephemeris began to be created in 1974. The coordinate system used in a particular version of the ephemeris must be specified in the documentation. In most versions, the coordinates are as close as possible to the International Celestial Reference System (ICRS — International Celestial Reference System). The origin is the barycenter of the solar system. The X axis is directed to the vernal equinox at the J2000 epoch, the Z axis is perpendicular to the plane of the Earth’s equator, the Y axis completes the system to the right. The resulting coordinate system is independent of the Earth’s rotation. Units of measurement of coordinates are kilometers, measurements of time are days of barycentric coordinate time (TDB). The Julian day is used. Algorithms for converting a calendar date to a Julian day and vice versa can be found in. There are quite a few tools that allow you to calculate the ephemeris data of astronomical objects, for example, online ephemeris services, as well as offline libraries. However, if the task is to use ephemeris in your own software, in which for some reason the use of third-party libraries is impossible or there are high performance requirements for subroutines working with ephemeris, which require specific code optimizations, you can use the text representation of ephemeris in the DE format available for free download from the IPA and NASA servers. | ||||||||
Kulvits A. V., Zhitnikov T. A., Mikheev O. Y. Theoretical aspects of the formation of a cluster of small spacecraft. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 125 The article discusses the theoretical aspects of the substantiation of the ballistic structure of the cluster of small satellites. For the ballistic justification of the small satellites cluster, it is necessary to solve several interrelated tasks. First, it is necessary to justify the parameters of the orbits, the functioning of which would allow the cluster to successfully solve the target task. Secondly, after launching the small satellites into orbit, it is necessary to provide the required configuration in space, which is determined by the ballistic structure. Thirdly, due to the influence of disturbing factors acting on the small satellites while moving in orbits, the configuration will collapse over time. Therefore, the stable relative position of the small satellites in the cluster can be provided by the justification of the ballistic structure in orbits of the same radius and inclination. For the three small satellites as part of the formation implementing the tasks of radio monitoring by the difference-rangefinder method (DRM), acceptable performance indicators are achieved when the small satellites form an equilateral triangle during operation, since in this case the accuracy indicators of the DRM are optimal, while the on-board equipment also imposes restrictions on the formation in the form of minimum and maximum relative distances between satellites. Over time, the triangle formed by three small satellites deforms, while the indicators of solving the target problem decrease. Thus, the task is reduced to determining the set of parameters of the orbits of the small satellites cluster with a restriction on the relative position, which will ensure the maximum time functioning of three small satellites in the cluster of the required configuration. The proposed approach to solving this problem is based on the decomposition of the problem of finding optimal parameters into two special cases, which make it possible to determine the range of acceptable variants of ballistic structures of the small satellites cluster and thereby significantly reduce the area of possible iteration when solving the optimization problem. The analysis of the parameters of the small satellites orbits and the ballistic structures of the cluster makes it possible to ensure a stable relative position of the small satellites in space with the required periodicity. The results of solving the multiparametric problem of searching for a ballistic structure can be used at the stages of ballistic design of satellite systems consisting of clusters of small satellites. | ||||||||
Tanygin M. O., Chesnokova A. A., Ahmad A. A. Increasing the speed of determining the source of messages by limiting the set of processed data blocks. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 125 The purpose of the study consists in developing a mathematical model, which allows evaluating the computational complexity of the original method of i the messages source identifying, which is based on forming the groups of messages and checking the condition of belonging to the target source for the entire group. An increase in reliability and decrease in computational complexity in the method under study is being achieved by assuming that the sequence of messages from the source to the receiver is maintained. This allows cutting down the number of messages involved in the group forming, and, accordingly, reduces the number of options for such groups’ formation. To study the computational complexity of the algorithm for the groups of messages forming, the number of elementary operations for comparing hashes of such messages was studied, i.e. of the basic operation determining membership of a particular message to the structured set being formed. The length of the message hash, the number of interacting subjects of the distributed system, a number of messages in the group, as well as the parameter limiting the set of messages being analyzed, were the parameters of the model. The process of messages receipt to the receiver was represented as a linear dynamic process characterized in each discrete time instant by the probabilities of a certain number of messages receipt from the target source and all other sources of the distributed system. The results obtained with this model allow asserting that the condition of warranty of the messages sequence, received by the device, does not change complexity of the message source detection. It stays linearly dependent on the length of the group of messages and a number of devices interacting in the framework of the system of devices. At the same time, in absolute numbers, the number of comparison operations is reduced by two orders of magnitude compared to the group forming method, which does not employ the stationary property of information flows between the distributed system components. | ||||||||
Kuznetsova S. V. Features of cross-platform mobile applications development using Xamarin. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 125 Today, the development of mobile applications is one of the most actively developing sectors of the IT industry. In this regard, there are many projects for the development of applications on mobile platforms. Digital transformation in the aviation industry covers the production of aircraft, as well as passenger and cargo transportation. As for transportation, the work of airlines, airports, interaction with passengers, customers of cargo transportation, the functioning of a unified air traffic management system deserves special attention. One of the technological trends actively developing today in terms of digitalization of the aviation industry is the development of mobile applications for aviation, including aircraft construction, air transportation and airport services. Mobile applications provide significantly faster access to data and are an effective means of interaction regardless of the user’s location. For example, they provide quick access to technical information and direct data entry, optimizing engineering and production processes. The classic version of mobile application development is native development, in which a separate application is developed for each operating system (OS), which is quite expensive and time—consuming. An alternative is a cross-platform technology, the main purpose of which is to provide developers with a tool for parallel creation of applications for multiple operating systems at the same time. This will allow them to write a single source code for several mobile platforms, but the result of each individual build will be separate executable files. Obviously, cross-platform development is needed to optimize the cost and speed of development, as well as application support. At the same time, the output result is no less qualitative than with native development. Currently, there are the following most popular cross-platform frameworks: Xamarin, React Native, Flutter, and NativeScript. They are very different and not in all situations will be equally useful (or even necessary in principle). The article discusses the technology of developing cross-platform mobile applications Xamarin: the principles of developing cross-platform mobile applications using it are outlined, the main features provided to developers within this approach, its advantages and disadvantages are presented. A range of issues related to the design, implementation and testing of mobile applications is considered: the use of the MVVM architectural pattern, the XAML markup language to describe the user interface, a possible development environment. A methodology for creating cross-platform mobile applications on the Xamarin platform is presented, containing a brief, consistent and comprehensive description of all stages of development. | ||||||||
Brekhov O. M., Ratnikov M. O. Comparative analysis of test systems for FPGAS and their environment. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 125 This work is devoted to the study and analysis of currently used FPGA test systems and their system environment, developed by both domestic and foreign researchers. More than 30 test systems based on the use of: built-in self-test structures (BIST), specially designed systems and systems that partially or completely use the target firmware are considered. The systems in question were used to solve various tasks: FPGA input control, testing of internal interconnection resources, testing of individual cells and embedded IP cores, testing of the FPGA system environment (external connections of FPGAs and the power subsystem), analysis of electrical, dynamic and functional characteristics in various conditions, search for single failures and failures. The systems used in the study of microcircuits for resistance to laser exposure, the flow of charged particles (including studies within the Alice CERN project and studies conducted by both FPGA suppliers and third-party researchers to compare the characteristics of various FPGAs), the accumulated dose of radiation, elevated temperature and changes in supply voltage are considered. The systems and methods that are used to debug the FPGA-based system are also considered. Also in the list of test systems considered there are systems used as a demonstrator of the application of methods for analyzing energy consumption, dynamic characteristics, reliability and fault tolerance, as well as testing and developing systems based on FPGAs. The result of the work is a classification of the considered systems, an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the considered systems and proposals for the further development of FPGA test systems and their system environment. | ||||||||
Dorozhko I. V., Gorokhov G. M., Kirillov I. A. Methodological approach to the development of a decision support system for the operator of an automated process control system based on dynamic bayesian networks. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 125 The article describes a scientific and methodological approach that can be used in the development of intelligent decision support systems for operators of automated process control systems. The proposed approach is based on the mathematical apparatus of dynamic Bayesian networks, as well as the basic concepts and relations of the theory of reliability and technical diagnostics of systems. The initial data are information about the algorithm of the system functioning and the course of the technological process, information about the reliability (structural and logical circuits, failure rates of elements) of technological equipment, as well as diagnostic models linking the types of technical conditions and diagnostic signs. It is proposed to use temporal connections (temporal logical-probabilistic dependencies) in a dynamic Bayesian network to simulate changes in the technical states of elements of technological equipment and describe the dynamics of the technological process. A posteriori conclusion allows combining heterogeneous initial information and incoming new data to obtain a comprehensive assessment of the progress of the technological process and the condition of technological equipment in order for the operator to make an informed decision on the continuation or suspension of the technological process, search for the causes of abnormal situations and the choice of proactive measures. The implementation of this approach is given on the example of a decision support system for an operator of an automated control system for technological equipment of a booster refueling system, the peculiarity of which, when analyzing reliability, is the need to take into account elements with three incompatible states — operable, failure of the «break» type and failure of the «closure» type, affecting the course of the technological process in different ways. The variants of using the developed decision support system for the current control of the technological process, forecasting and retrospective analysis in the search for the causes of abnormal situations are shown. | ||||||||
Minakov E. P., Privalov A. E., Bugaichenko P. Y. A model for evaluating the control efficiency of multi-satellite orbital systems. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 125 The article is devoted to solving the important problem of evaluating the control efficiency of multi-satellite orbital systems. The article introduces definitions of an orbital system (OS), a multi-satellite OS (MS), and an control system of OS. The relevance of the problem of evaluating the control efficiency of MS by stochastic modeling is substantiated. Based on the principle of A.N.Kolmogorov, the MS control efficiency indicator has been identified and its mathematical model has been developed. The mathematical formulation of the problem of evaluating the control efficiency of MS, which consists in determining the efficiency coefficient of management, expressing the degree of achieving optimal efficiency at the current values of the controlled parameters, is realised. A model for evaluating the efficiency of MS management in the form of a continuous Markov chain has been developed. With the application of the developed model, the evaluation of the control efficiency of a perspective MS of remote sensing the Earth based on the Berkut spacecrafts, which is being developed within the framework of the Sphere program, has been carried out. The dependences of the control efficiency on the quality indicators of the control system for solving various remote sensing tasks has been obtained. The developed model can be used at the stage of development of methods, techniques and algorithms of MS control for their elaboration, verification, calibration, optimization, evaluation of the impact of their quality indicators on the control efficiency of MS, and also for justification of requirements for them and confirmation of compliance with the declared requirements. | ||||||||
Ezrokhi Y. A., Kizeev I. S. Assignment of the compressor performances at mathematical modelling of the aviation gas turbine engine. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 125 Efficiency of aviation engine mathematical model (EMM) application at various stages of the engine creation substantially depends on accuracy and «physical» descriptions of working procedure in air-gas channels of the engine and its units. As now the course of creation of the aviation gas turbine engine (GTE) and the aircraft works can depend on reliability of the engine parameters and performances estimation, increase of EMM accuracy is rather important problem. One of the most significant components of the gas turbine engine mathematical model accuracy is accuracy of the basic engine units’ performances; in particular, elements of the compression group (fans and compressors). In article features of the assignment of compressor performance with air extraction from its air-gas channel in gas turbine engine mathematical model are considered. It is shown that the distributed air extraction can lead to appreciable compressor performances exfoliation, especially to its part located behind a place of extraction; it is necessary to consider at the aviation gas turbine engine parameters computation. For this purpose the relative extracted air flow, and also part of the compressor work from enter to an air extraction place are defined. These parameters allow calculating the physical air flow, enthalpy and temperature of extracted air. As show results of the numerous experiment-calculated researches, now widely used simplified technique of air compressor extracted air enthalpy definition can lead to considerable errors in GTE parameters calculation. The main reason of wrong calculation aviation GTE parameters is discrepancy of methodical approaches to independent estimated and/or experimental definition of units’ performance to how this performance is used in engine mathematical model. That correctly to use the performance of engine units (for example, compressor cascades) in integrated engine mathematical model, it is necessary to know, how they were characterization and that is understood as value of this or that experimentally received parameters have been received. Techniques of the compressors’ cascades tests results handling for its characterization, calculation of the air extractions’ parameters, and also the turbine power for a drive of the considered compressors’ cascade in core and gas turbine engine system are presented. | ||||||||
Fedorova L. A., Sofin A. P., Gorshkov L. K., Uhanov I. G. Assessment of stability of the root link of the manipulator under the action of axial load on it. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 124 The development of space manipulation systems is directly related with obvious expansion of the possible range of work and operations that can be carried out in difficult and dangerous conditions with technical orbital objects and equipment installed on them. By now, the main construction option used has developed — a hinge-type manipulation system of different degrees of complexity. Modern manipulators must be carried out with condition of maintaining stability of elements. Taking into account the priority of influence of the root link on stability of the manipulator as a whole, it is proposed to investigate the equilibrium positions of the rod for stability at a range of deviations π < φ < π. Criterion of stability of equilibrium position for systems with holonomic and stationary constraints located in conservative force field is determined by Lagrange-Dirichlet theorem: According to the theorem equilibrium positions of a conservative system in which its potential energy has minimum are stable. The results of the study of stability by taking into account angle of inclination of the link are determined by the dependence between the angle of inclination φ and the dimensionless force λ. The formation of the real appearance of a service multi-link manipulator for use in space conditions should be carried out on the basis of taking into account functional tasks and the available database on specifics of creation and use of existing devices. The studies carried out to date indicate that, along with geometric interpretation, which provides an assessment of the initial structure and approximate dimensions of the manipulator elements, it is necessary to analyze the operational loads that determine stability of circuit elements. Obviously, the actual dimensions of the manipulators will be determined by motion parameters (for example, angle of rotation) of hinge elements. The calculations performed show that to a large extent the condition and, consequently, the operability of the root link are determined by the axial load. The proposed studies allow us to assess the danger of such a load and give recommendations on the design of the manipulator, taking into account the properties of the elastic hinge and the size of the links. This will prevent monotonous departure from the considered equilibrium positions or fluctuations increasing in scope over time. | ||||||||
Popov I. P. Absolute reference systems in relative motion. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 124 It was noted that the problem of reference system selection at relative motion of the objects of commensurable mass is of particular relevance while interplanetary flights at a considerable distance from the planets. For the same inert objects moving relative to each other, different coordinate systems give completely different total kinetic energies of objects. In this sense, it impossible to recognize them as equivalent. It is obvious that none of these coordinate systems can be considered as absolute. Only the system which selection completely eliminates arbitrariness, can be considered as the absolute system of cordinates. This requirement is met by a system in which the total kinetic energy of objects is minimal. The absolute coordinate system coincides with the center of mass of the objects and with the epicenter of their hypothetical repulsion from the state (hypothetical as well) of mutual immobility. After a hypothetical repulsion, the velocities of objects relative to the center of mass acquire the same values as in the absolute coordinate system. Along with a wide variety of reference systems at the mutual motion of unaccelerated objects, including those associated with these objects (these reference systems can be considered relative), there is one absolute reference system associated with the center of mass of the objects under consideration. The considered repulsions of objects are calculated and may have nothing to do with reality. The number of objects while the absolute coordinate system definition is not limited by anything. It may be both two objects and a star system. | ||||||||
Smirnov A. S., Smolnikov B. A. Construction and analysis of rational modes of rigid body motion control. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 124 The paper considers the motion of a rigid body under the action of a control moment, formation of which is carried out in various ways and meets the specific control goals. The main properties of the collinear control and its modified version are discussed, which lead to an increase or decrease in both kinetic energy and kinetic momentum, and as a result they allow overclocking or braking of a rigid body. Orthogonal control is also considered, which does not violate the constancy of kinetic energy and kinetic momentum and leads to a reorientation of the rigid body in space. In addition, combined control options are constructed, which have the features of both collinear and orthogonal controls in their structure. First control option allows dissipating or accumulating kinetic energy at a constant kinetic moment, and the second option, on the contrary, leads to a decrease or increase in the kinetic moment at a constant kinetic energy. Such controls can be interpreted as rational, since they are efficient, have a fairly simple structure, and are convenient for practical implementation. Moreover, physical analogies are given for the constructed control options, which make it possible to correlate their action with inertia forces, dissipative forces of external and internal friction, as well as gyroscopic forces. Based on various methods, exact analytical solutions are constructed for the mentioned modes, and these solutions describe the process of controlled motion of a rigid body and demonstrate its properties. The results obtained in the work are not only of fundamental theoretical significance, but can also be used in solving applied problems of rigid body dynamics. | ||||||||
Barkova M. E. Safety system for shredding space debris in orbital conditions. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 124 The space debris shredding safety system is a fundamental system in the processing of space debris into fuel directly in orbit. This study is devoted to the possibility of testing the technology for processing metallized debris on Earth, as well as the development of the concept of a safety system for shredding space debris. In the wreckage of the stages of rockets, propellant vapors remain, which, if crushed, can provoke an explosion. The main problem of the article is the development of the concept of a safety system for shredding space debris directly in orbit. The purpose of this work is to consider ground tests of the technology for processing metallized space debris into fuel. The relevance of this work lies in the concept of a safety system for shredding space debris directly in orbit. The most important source of non-fragmentation debris was more than 2,460 firings of solid rocket motors, which released aluminum oxide (Al2O3) in the form of micrometer dust and slag particles ranging in size from mm to cm. The main cause of in-orbit explosions is due to residual fuel that remains in tanks or fuel lines, or other leftover energy sources that remain on board after a rocket or satellite stage has been dropped into Earth orbit. These fragmentation events are thought to have generated a population of objects larger than 1 cm, numbering on the order of 900,000. The sporadic flux from natural meteoroids can only dominate the flux from human-made objects near sizes of 0.1-1 mm. | ||||||||
Rabinsky L. N., Babaitsev A. V., Shesterkin P. S. Investigation of the effect of rolled products in layers of aluminum-fiberglass on static and dynamic properties. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 124 The composite materials is a new invention of the material combination which can be used in the aircraft industry. The main purpose of the invention is to have the lightweight structure and anti-corrosion effect with better strength. This type of materials is hybrid because of the combination of the metal and fiberglass. The new characteristic of this hybrid material is a combination of each advantage of aluminum, steel and fiberglass. Based on previous studies, the manufacturing of aluminum-fiberglass based material must follow the concept of interlaminar for the better bonding. This work is devoted to the study of the effect of rolled products in aluminum layers of alumina-glass-reinforced plastic. In particular, the study of static and dynamic properties along and across rolled products was carried out. Aluminum alloys are the most common materials used in the aviation and space industry. These alloys have a relatively high specific strength and a lower density than steels. Consistent optimization of the design of aircraft elements in terms of reducing their weight and the simultaneous fulfillment of specified strength requirements has led to the emergence of metal-polymer composite materials. These materials have a number of advantages over aluminum alloys: lighter weight, higher specific strength, crack resistance. Aluminum fiberglass plastics developed in Russia in the Russian-language literature are called SIAL. Over the past few years, a large number of works have been devoted to the study of materials of this type including in relation to the modeling of large parts of aircraft structural elements. This material consists of alternating layers of aluminum alloys and fiberglass reinforced epoxy. A composite of this type is a promising, improved material with improved specific strength, damage resistance, impact resistance, and fatigue strength. Formed from several layers of aluminum alloy sheet and layers of glass-fiber-reinforced glass-fiber-reinforced-polymer (GFRP), alumino-glass-reinforced plastic behaves like an elastic-plastic material primarily due to the presence of layers of aluminum alloys, and its complex failure mechanisms are determined by its composite structure. | ||||||||
Medvedskiy A. L., Martirosov M. I., Khomchenko A. V. Fracture and deformation mechanics of polymer composites in the presence of multiple bundles of arbitrary shape under the action of dynamic loads. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 124 Currently, elements of structures made of polymer composite materials (PCM) are becoming increasingly important, which have a number of advantages: high specific stiffness and strength, low specific gravity, high wear resistance and fatigue resistance, as well as the ability to create unique mechanical properties depending on the requirements for the finished product, etc. With the above advantages, PCM products also have disadvantages, which include their sensitivity to damage. To prove that the strength characteristics of PCM structures meet the certification requirements, it is necessary to carry out computational, theoretical and experimental work according to methods that allow us to show that the designed structural elements from PCM fully meet the requirements. Such elements can be large-sized aggregates (wing and tail panels, center section panels, forkill, wing spars, stabilizer and keel), or they can be quite compact (fairings, fairing, nacelles, structural elements of mechanization). Traditional structural metal materials, due to their stable characteristics, the duration of the period of preservation of mechanical and technological properties, provide the specified strength characteristics of the aviation structure. The level of safety provided by the PCM construction should not be lower than the level of safety provided by the metal construction. In the work, studies were carried out to assess the impact of internal defects (damages) of the type of bundles of various sizes and locations in layered elements of structures made of polymer composite materials (PCM): a cylindrical reinforced shell, a reinforced cylindrical panel, a rectangular reinforced plate. A technique is proposed for modeling structural elements made of PCM with defects of the type of bundles under the action of dynamic loads of various nature. | ||||||||
Kanashin I. V., Grigorieva F. L., Khromov A. I., Grigoriev Y. Y. Tension of a strip made of a compressible material with a continuous velocity field under plane deformation. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 124 The subject of the study of the presented article consists in determining conditions of the moment of a crack nucleation at the stretching of the plane sample from the compressible material under conditions of the plane deformation. The purpose of this study is studying the process of stretching a flat sample made from compressible material with a continuous displacement velocities field under the plain strain conditions. The material compressibility associated with the mass conservation law, which is formulated in the form of the equation of continuity, leads to a density change while loading process, in accordance with which the logarithm of the material derivative of density in time is being added to the system of equations defining the displacement velocity field. This system is being converted to a system of inhomogeneous wave equations. The following methods were applied while this research conducting. They are: — Analytical method for the velocity and deformations field determining; — Averaging method for obtaining the mean value of the auxiliary function on the sphere; — Method of descent for transition from the sphere surface integration to the circle integration. In the course of the studies, an intermediate result, namely the general solution of the system of wave equations for the velocities field determining, was obtained. The results of the study can be applied while mathematical models developing of the behavior of real structures’ elements in the problems of modern mechanical engineering and construction, as well as in assessing their strength. | ||||||||
Cherkasova M. V. Approaches to modeling the process of erosion products deposition on the gas discharge chamber walls of an ion engine. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 124 Currently, many tasks of space exploration use ion engines, including high-frequency ion thrusters. At the same time, special attention is paid to the terms of active engine operation. In the design of a ion thruster, the ion beam is extracted from the discharge plasma and accelerated using an electrode system operating on the principle of electrostatic lenses. The accelerating electrode of such system is subject to erosion due to bombardment with exchange ions. Electrode damage results in engine performance change for two reasons. Changing the electrode configuration worsens the characteristics of the ion beam and also the sprayed electrode material penetrates the discharge chamber and settles on its walls, changing the discharge characteristics. Extensive theoretical and experimental studies have been devoted to the erosion of the accelerating electrode itself, while the problem of deposition of sprayed material on the walls of the gas discharge chamber has not been practically investigated. This paper proposes a physical and mathematical model for depositing sputtered atoms of accelerating electrode material on the walls of a gas discharge chamber of a high-frequency ion engine. Two-dimensional model of spatial sputtering of accelerating electrode surface by exchange ions and interaction of sputtered material atoms with primary beam ions is considered. Possible ranges of emission angles of sprayed atoms penetrating inside the discharge chamber through the holes of the emission electrode are estimated. Based on the created model, calculation of the accelerating electrode erosion of the two-electrode ion-optical system with the accelerating electrode from molybdenum was carried out. In the first approximation, the penetration of sprayed molybdenum atoms into the plasma of the discharge chamber was simulated. An estimate of the distribution of polluting atoms over the conditional model surface was obtained. Quantitative estimates of surface contamination rate have been made. The developed physical and mathematical model of processes will allow in the future to create an engineering methodology for calculating the dynamics of deposition of sprayed material on the walls of the gas discharge chamber of a high-frequency ion engine. The use of such a technique will reduce the time of life tests and better predict the change in engine performance for long service life. | ||||||||
Pismarov A. V., Kirpichev V. A., Sazanov V. P. Prediction of the resistance of tired threaded parts. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 124 A method for threaded parts surface hardening is being widely employed to the fatigue strength increase. Maximal result of its application is being achieved under conditions stresses concentration with regard for the fact that destruction occurs as a rule in the places of prismatic shape violation. Thus, establishing a qualitative and quantitative relationship between static stresses and fatigue resistance of threaded parts is highly up-to-date task. A large group of parts in assemblies and structures has stress concentrators in the form of threads. Threaded joints are highly loaded elements, which operation defines the strength and reliability of the structure as a whole. The strength of threaded parts operating under conditions of an asymmetric cycle, which average stresses are stipulated by the tightening force, depends mainly on the tensile working stresses, as well as on the strengthening treatment. In this regard, development of the technique for determining the endurance limit of the threaded part by the known residual stress diagrams as well as average stresses of the cycle using the linear elastic fracture mechanics provisions presents interest. Based on the foregoing, the object of the study in this work is high-cycle fatigue, and the subject of study is threaded parts with residual stresses. The purpose of the study consists in developing a technique for predicting the fatigue resistance of the threaded parts by developing a technique for assessing the relationship between the stress intensity factor (SIF) and high-cycle fatigue characteristics. Using the graphs of the distribution of residual stresses in the cavities of threaded parts as the initial data, the nature of the SIF dependence on maximum stresses of the cycle of a hardened threaded part was determined in the work. The graph can be presented in the form of the three sections. The first section corresponds to the state when the crack edges are completely pressed against each other, that is, the fatigue crack does not open, despite the presence of cycle tensile stresses. The second section corresponds to the state when the crack opens from the inside, while the sides of the crack remain closed. The third section represents a straight line running parallel to the similar dependence of the non-hardened thread and corresponds to the scheme when the crack is fully opened. The starting point of the third section of the graph corresponds to the maximum stress. It was found from the calculations that the criterion for the most optimal technological mode of thread manufacturing with creation herewith of a compressive residual stresses field is the stress of the transition point of the second section into the straight third section. Starting from this point, the fatigue crack opens completely. The proposed technique for predicting the fatigue resistance of threaded parts from the standpoint of linear fracture mechanics allows predicting maximum amplitude of the cycle. | ||||||||
Sanchugov V. I., Rekadze P. D. Calculation of hydrodynamic characteristics for bench systems. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 124 The problem of article is the developing the V.P. Shorin’s load variation method for solving the problem of determining the own dynamic characteristics of a hydraulic pump as a vibrations source of the working medium. The method consists in calculating the pumps dynamic characteristics (considered by models of equivalent oscillation sources) while changing the bench systems behind the pump, registering pressure pulsations and converting into the own pump characteristics by V.P. Shorin’s models of equivalent oscillation sources. In known works, dynamic models of bench systems, as a rule, are idealized, either do not take into account all the elements of bench systems, or implement a limited set of bench systems (such as «acoustically open end», «acoustically closed end», etc.). While calculating the dynamic characteristics of bench systems, we propose to use information about the design and geometric dimensions of the systems flow part. The article summarizes the main aspects of calculating the bench systems dynamic characteristics, their hydrodynamic schemes describing the influence of both cavities, throttles and main lines, and connecting fittings, adapters and the units’ internal channels are presented. The work aims to create special bench systems with known dynamic characteristics in order to solve the problem of determining the own dynamic characteristics of a hydraulic pump. The developed models of bench systems with a throttle, a cavity, a «short» and an extended pipeline at the pump outlet, when used in the load variation method, will make it possible to calculate the pulsating state of the working medium behind the hydraulic pump both in the hydraulic systems of machine tools and in the fuel systems of a gas turbine engine at the early stages of design. The results of the work can be important for engineers and designers of hydraulic systems, because they contain specific formulas and recommendations on how to use them. | ||||||||
Petrov I. I., Serdyuk D. O., Skopincev P. D. Fundamental solutions for orthotropic cylindrical shell. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 124
A circular cylindrical shell of constant thickness is considered, the side surface of which is affected by non-stationary load. The shell material has symmetry with respect to the median surface, is linearly elastic, orthotropic. The motion is described in a cylindrical coordinate system associated with the axis of the cylindrical shell. The mathematical model of the object under consideration is described using the Kirchhoff — Love hypotheses. Fundamental solutions (Green’s functions, influence functions) are constructed for a cylindrical shell of great length, as well as a cylindrical shell pivotally supported at the ends. The Green function for an orthotropic shell is a solution to the problem of the effect of an instantaneous concentrated load on the shell, modeled by the Dirac delta function. To find the influence function in the case of an unlimited cylindrical shell, expansions into exponential Fourier series in angular coordinate, the integral Laplace transform in time and the integral Fourier transform in longitudinal coordinate are used. The inverse integral Laplace transform is being performed analytically, and the original integral Fourier transform is being found using numerical methods for integrating rapidly oscillating functions. In the case of a limited cylindrical shell, expansion into double trigonometric Fourier series in the angular and longitudinal coordinates is applied, as well as the integral Laplace transform in time. The inverse integral Laplace transform in this case is performed analytically. Verification of fundamental solutions has been carried out. Examples of calculations are given. The results are presented in the form of graphs. A new numerical-analytical fundamental solution of the dynamic problem of elasticity theory for an orthotropic elastic thin unlimited cylindrical shell is obtained, as well as an analytical fundamental solution in the case of a limited Kirchhoff-Love shell. The convergence of the solution is established. To demonstrate the realism of the constructed functions, examples of calculations for one variant of the symmetry of an elastic medium are presented. The nature of the movement of non-stationary perturbations allowed us to evaluate solutions. Fundamental solutions open up opportunities for solving new contact and inverse problems of load identification, allow performing applied research on calculating the stress and strain levels of orthotropic shells. | ||||||||
Averyanov I. O., Zinin A. V. Mathematical model of non-deformed cargo landing system with dampers to rigid plane landing process. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 124 To calculate dependability measures for developed dropped cargo landing systems with dampers we usually use statistics from similar models and mathematical statistical modelling of landing process. In this article we describe the mathematical model of dynamics landing process for cargo dropped systems with dampers we developed for its further using in statistical modelling. This mathematical model considers all the phases of dynamic landing process — from the phase when air dampers start resisting to the phase of system stopping — and is able to indicate typical failures like excessive acceleration and system overturn. It should also be appropriate from time cost point of view. Analysis of sources shows that existing models are not appropriate for the considered task: almost all of them consider only the dampers resisting phase; in case of finite-element models solutions it is not appropriate according to the time cost. A rigid body with dampers dropped to the rigid landing area (plane) is consided. The body is freely located in 3D space in the beginning of the process as well as the plane. We use dynamic equations of forces and moments equilibrium in 3D space with reactions from dampers and the plane. The body and the plane interaction realizes with contact algorithm. To solve the equations numerical simulation with finite-difference schemes is used. There are two tasks presented to demonstrate how the developed model works. The first task considers the translational motion of the dropped body with dampers. The second one — complex body movement. As the considered equation system is closed the algorithm we developed has benefits related to the existing solutions from the point of view of time cost. Thus, the dynamic landing model we developed is appropriate for statistical modelling tasks. | ||||||||
Zvonarev V. V., Vitaly V. ., Popov A. S. Method of calculating influence of frequency scanning interference on reliability of signal reception with QPSK modulation. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 124 To accurately assess the channel resource and determine the maximum signal attenuation in a complex electromagnetic environment, the article describes a technique that allows calculating the probabilistic-temporal characteristics of a radio channel with high accuracy and reliable forecasting. As the main characteristics of a radio channel in a complex electromagnetic environment, the article considers the probabilities of bit and character errors affecting the reliability of signal reception. The article presents a mathematically correct method for calculating the probabilities of symbolic and bit errors of coherent optimal character-by-character reception of a radio signal with QPSK modulation in the presence of interference with linear frequency modulation inside the symbol. The basis of the technique is the representation of a four-dimensional probability measure of the vector of output voltages of the correlation channels of the receiving device in the space of the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix of this vector. The results of the article are necessary to calculate the influence of interference in a connected radio channel, when finding the probabilities of symbolic and bit errors. The calculation method is integrated into the energy calculation algorithm of the transmission channel in the presence of interference with LFM modulation. The developed technique of the influence of frequency-scanning interference on the reliability of receiving a signal with QPSK modulation makes it possible to accurately determine the probability of symbolic and bit errors at given values of the level and deviation of the interference frequency. The results obtained show that the curves of the average probabilities of symbolic and bit errors have a threshold character. The presence of interference with linear frequency modulation significantly degrades the quality of the communication channel, completely disrupting the reception of information at the values of the interference level when the interference level exceeds the signal level. The extension of the graphs to the region of zero signal value at zero and non-zero interference value shows that the average probability of a symbolic error is 0.75. In the same case, the probability of a bit error is 0.5. It is determined that the phase-averaged interference probabilities of correct reception, and, consequently, errors in receiving signal positions in the presence of interference with LFM modulation, are the same, which allows the calculation of the transmission channel to be limited to using as an average the probability of receiving one signal position. | ||||||||
Letfullin I. R. Standards and technologies of short-range wireless communication networks. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 124 The article discusses the main technologies and standards for wireless data transmission, provides an overview and comparative analysis of short-range wireless technologies («last 100 meters» technology), and also discloses some technical characteristics. The advantages and disadvantages are shown. For the analysis of near-radius technologies, a method for comparing parameters was chosen based on information from domestic and foreign literature, scientific articles and publications. The analysis contributes to the selection of the most optimal wireless data transmission standard for organizing an efficient near-range network aimed at solving the main problem of Internet of Things devices — ensuring the secure connection of a large number of devices with limited power deployed over a wide area and meeting the performance criteria of the Internet of Things. Currently, short-range wireless communication is based mainly on Bluetooth, UWB, ZigBee and Wi-Fi standards, which are based on IEEE 802.15.1, 802.15.3, 802.15.4 and 802.11a/b/g/ah standards, respectively. The specified IEEE standards define physical (PHY) and MAC levels for wireless communication in a range of about 10-100 meters. Based on the review, it can be concluded that 802.11ah is the most promising next-generation Wi-Fi technology for large-scale applications of the Internet of Things with low power consumption, which combines support for high data transfer rates over long distances, low power consumption, low latency, and thanks to built-in mechanisms such as RAW, TWT and TIM, significantly reduces collisions when accessing the channel, and also provides the required QoS. It is also important to note that wireless technologies are changing rapidly following the needs of the Internet of Things market and it is recommended to monitor updates to existing standards and technologies, as well as the emergence of new short-range technologies. The requirements for power consumption of devices, data transmission security, high network fault tolerance, the ability of devices to withstand radio interference and ease of connection remain unchanged. | ||||||||
Ageev F. I., Voznuk V. V. A method for calculating the probability of a bit error of optimal character-by-character coherent reception of binary opposite phase-manipulated signals in the presence of narrowband noise interference in the radio communication channel. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 124 The article is solving the problem of the bit error probability computing of the optimal character-by-character coherent reception of the opposite phase-manipulated signals (BPSK signals) at the presence of the inadvertent narrowband noise interference. The article considers the Gaussian noise interference with uniform spectrum limited by the frequency band and arbitrary power, entering the pass band of the BPSK signals receiver. Application of the receiver based on either correlator or matched filter tuned to the signal being considered under conditions of the intrinsic noise of the receiver presence only is being understood to in the article as the optimal receiving of the opposite phase-manipulated signals (BPSK signals). Analytical expressions were derived and a technique for computing the bit error probability of the optimal character-by-character coherent receiving of BPSK signals with the presence of both intrinsic receiver noises and narrow band noise interference. The well-known expressions, being used for the probability estimation of the bit errors of the optimal character-by-character coherent reception of the BPSK signals against the background of the white Gaussian noise, form the basis of the obtained relationships. Based on the obtained results, the basic inferences were formulated ,and asymptotic probability estimations of the bit error of the optimal coherent BPSK signals reception at the presence of both intrinsic noise of the receiver and narrow band noise interference for the uttermost narrow band and wide band Gaussian interference were obtained. The article demonstrates the presence of the narrow bane noise interference, which spectrum overlaps the BPSK signal spectrum leads to the noise immunity degradation of the information radio-transmission channel, and the degree of the noise immunity degradation herewith depends drastically on both power, spectrum width and this interference place of location in the BPSK signal spectrum. | ||||||||
Moiseev S. N. Simulation of the difference error in target tracking by airborne radar and optoelectronic stations. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 124 The article deals with the task of modeling differential errors of target tracking by the onboard radar and optoelectronic stations of navigation and weapon-aiming complexes of aircraft in the interests of studying their accuracy characteristics. The presented work employs simulation model, developed for obtaining statistical estimation of the onboard high-precision target tracking systems based on employing well-known noise characteristics of reference measuring means and tracking channels of target tracking systems under study. The article demonstrates that the misalignment between the aircraft radar and optoelectronic stations leads to the shift occurrence in the differential error of the target tracking. The law of the shift in the differential error changing of the target tracking is similar to the misalignment error changing. This may be used for the error value evaluation and its program minimization. | ||||||||
Ermakov P. G., Gogolev A. A. Software complex of algorithms for autonomous determination of the angular orientation parameters of unmanned aerial vehicles. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 124 The article «Software complex of algorithms for autonomous determination of the angular orientation parameters of unmanned aerial vehicles» by P.G.Ermakov and A.A.Gogolev compares three approaches used for an Attitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS), namely Mahony, Madgwick and Complementary filters. For attitude determination on UAV’s board widely used a magnetic and inertial measurement unit (MIMU). MIMU consists of a 3-axis MEMS gyroscope, accelerometer and magnetometer. The accelerometer measures the acceleration of a UAV, the gyrosocope measures the angular rate of a moving object, and the magnetometer measures the Earth’s magnetic field. So, Mahony uses a proportional and integral controller to correct the gyroscope bias, Madgwick uses the gradient-descent algorithm. Both approaches use a quaternion representation, which a four-dimensional complex number representing the orientation of an object. A Complementary filter is proposed that combines accelerometer output for low frequency attitude estimation with integrated gyroscope output for high frequency estimation. Madgwick obtains better heading orientation than Mahony and Complementary AHRS approach in respect of the root mean square error (RMSE) of the Euler angles when compared to the motion capture system. | ||||||||
Abadeev E. M., Piskunova O. I., Tretyakov A. V. Method for adaptive control of the longitudinal movement of a small-sized aircraft with a signal limitation of the integral component. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 124 The article conducts the studies of characteristics of the promising control and longitudinal motion stabilization system of a dynamic object, such as a small-sized aircraft (SSA), based on the technique of the adaptive signal formation [1, 2]. The study of the control method being considered was conducted by the mathematical modeling method of an isolated pitch channel with implementation of the proposed SSA control laws at rather characteristic external impacts on it. Simulation was being performed under conditions of changes by the given “slow motions” law [3] of the flight parameters such as altitude and velocity. Comparison of the control processes of the SSA with the system being proposed and control processes with the conventional proportional-differential control technique [4] adapted to the given situation in [5, 6, 7] was performed to evaluate the effectiveness of the newly introduced control specifics. The relevance of the presented work consists in the fact that the velocity increase being achieved by the proposed technique, overshoot degree reduction and, correspondingly, increasing the control signals processing accuracy may contribute to the SSA maneuvering and controllability characteristics improvement. | ||||||||
Rozin P. E., Simonov A. V., Gordienko E. S., Zaiko Y. K. In-flight calibration of the "DEKART" CubeSat magnetometer. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 124 As part of the ADCS of CubeSat LEO satellites magnetic control systems have become the most widespread. The magnetic control system, as a rule, magnetorquers that create control momentum and magnetometers. Magnetometers are used in this system to determine the direction and magnitude of the Earth’s magnetic field intensity vector. To reduce the cost of creating a CubeSat spacecraft, it is common practice to use household digital magnetometers. These devices are characterized by low accuracy due to the lack of calibration of the zero offset and mutual orthogonality of the measurement axes of the device. Thus, the task of developing an algorithm and software implementing it for calibration of magnetometers become very important. The algorithm considered in the paper is based on the processing of measurements of a 3-axis magnetometer on Earth, after their transmission from the spacecraft. The processing consists in searching by the method of configurations minimum of the functional, as a result of which the values of the calibration parameters are determined. The value of the functional is determined as a result of numerical simulation of the spacecraft flight and determination of the calculated value of the Earth’s magnetic induction vector, followed by comparison with the transformed measured induction vector of the Earth’s field. The practical application of the algorithm is considered on the example of the «DEKART» spacecraft launched as part of the UniverSat program on September 28, 2020 at 14:20 (Moscow time) from the Plesetsk cosmodrome. «DEKART» CubeSat spacecraft was developed and assembled at the D.V. Skobeltsyn Research Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State University. | ||||||||
Piyakov A. V., Sukhachev K. I., Dorofeev A. S., Bandyaev V. A. Electrodynamic accelerator control system with calculation of motion parameters in real time. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 124 The work relates to the field of accelerator technology and is devoted to improving the control system of an electrodynamic linear accelerator of dusty charged particles. The existing accelerator is used to simulate the factors of the space environment and makes it possible to study the effect of high-speed micron-sized particles on the elements of the surface of the spacecraft under conditions close to real. However, this accelerator has a complex control system that requires the operator to control a large number of parameters in real time and to constantly adjust during the experiment. The need to measure physical quantities and calculate particle parameters, as well as manual control, increase the error in the formation of accelerating pulses in the dynamic section, which leads to inefficient particle acceleration or the loss of most of them. The article proposes a new method for controlling a dynamic accelerator, the basis of which is a method for determining the parameters of a particle, which makes it possible to refuse any measurements other than time-of-flight, made in an improved measuring section. The structure of the measurement section is presented in the article, while it is clear that minor changes are required in the already existing design of the accelerator. A control system has been developed that allows, according to data from time-of-flight sensors, to automatically control the dynamic section of the accelerator with high accuracy. This is achieved, among other things, by refusing to use memory banks with pre-calculated voltage switching times on the drift tubes. In the new control system, the calculation of the particle position and its instantaneous velocity occurs in real time, since the calculation of the particle's specific charge is no longer required. Knowing the position of the particle in the path allows timely switching of the voltage on the drift tubes while the particle is inside them. The proposed method for determining the particle parameters and the control system have a calculation error associated with the discreteness of the measured time intervals. An analysis of the error and its influence on the acceleration process was carried out, from which it is clear that the system allows particles to be accelerated in a wide range of specific charges, and the maximum deviation of the particle coordinate when switching the voltage on the drift tubes does not cause it to leave the fieldless space of the drift tube. In addition, the system has a margin of accuracy, since the simulation was carried out for the existing accelerator design and an increase in the frequency of time-of-flight sensors and a computer is not required, although this is possible if necessary. Thus, the proposed method for controlling a dynamic accelerator makes it possible to automate the process of conducting experiments and increase the efficiency of particle acceleration in an extended range of charges, masses, and initial velocities, and also makes it possible to increase the number of accelerating sections, thereby increasing the equivalent accelerating voltage of the system. | ||||||||
Storozhev S. A. Multi-agent control of the combustion chamber oxidizer using neuro-fuzzy technology in the MISO system. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 124 The an aircraft gas turbine engine (GTE) of aircraft from the point of view of control theory is a complex nonlinear object, the frame mathematical description of which is known a priori, has one input and several outputs. When operating a gas turbine engine, continuous monitoring of parameters is required (gas temperature behind the combustion chamber, rotor speed of the low-pressure compressor (free turbine), rotor speed of the high-pressure turbocharger (gas generator). The selective controller controls these parameters, realizing control in different modes of operation of the gas turbine engine. Further The development of GTE control can be associated with the use of neuro-fuzzy control of the oxidizer flow into the GTE combustion chamber. Purpose: improving the control of the combustion process in the combustion chamber of the gas turbine engine. Methods: a new approach to designing an adaptive state controller based on neuro-fuzzy technology using triangular terms with equal bases equal to the interval 0–1, whose vertices are shifted according to the arithmetic mean of the path traveled by the input variables, is proposed. Determination of the degree of membership is performed by singletons, synchronously shifting depending on the change in input parameters using proportions. On the basis of the proposed approach to designing an adaptive state controller with an oxidizer flow, the relationship between the input parameters of the combustion chamber and the development of the control control with maximum speed is estimated using the area ratio method or the weighted average method. The idea of the experiment, using the designed state controller, is to estimate the temperature change behind the combustion chamber, which should not leave the specified zone. Results: the developed adaptive state controller is characterized by the best values of the probability of non-failure operation during the experiment. Practical relevance: the research results can be used in the control of the combustion chamber. This can significantly reduce the uncertainty in the operation of the combustion chamber, ensuring a minimum release of harmful substances and guaranteed thrust of the aircraft. | ||||||||
Sudarenko D. A., Kakadei M. S., Yazykov A. A. Compare of technology ADO.NET and SQLite for the development of LTCC structural-parametric description database. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 124 The technology of low-temperature co-fired ceramics (LTCC) is considered. This technology provides an inexpensive solution in the mass production of electronic devices in the field of telecommunications, medicine, automotive technology, military equipment, aerospace and other industries. In the process of implementing LTCC technology, difficulties were identified associated with the influence of a large number of parameters depending on the components used, the time of use and configuration of equipment at each stage of production on the quality of products. The parameters of technological operations (TO) are highlighted, grouping is made according to the characteristics of parameters: resource, process, result, control and management. In real life, there is no system that would collect all of the above parameters together, compare them and give recommendations for improving quality. In this paper, a method for creating, describing and modeling parameters in the form of information support based on a structural parametric description (SPO) according to regulatory documentation is proposed to improve the quality of production of microwave components. Based on this classification, workplace models are built, and the data is aggregated into the MS Access database management System (DBMS). Since Access has a number of disadvantages and is not, in fact, a full-fledged database, technologies were considered as a DBMS ADO.NET from Microsoft (the Sharp C language framework) and the Qt SQLite framework (in C++). ADO.NET manages both internal data (created in computer memory and used inside the application), and external, located outside the application — for example, in a database or text files. The Qt framework contains a universal interface for working with various databases. Databases in the Qt view are drivers for the QtSql module. By default, when installing the framework, the SQLite database is available, for the rest of the databases, installation and assembly of drivers for Qt is required. A comparative analysis of these databases has been carried out, on the basis of which it can be assumed that the SQLite DBMS is suitable for prototyping at the initial stage and cross-platform applications, and the DBMS ADO.NET it is more complex, but more promising in terms of commercial use. | ||||||||
Zaitseva N. I., Pogarskaia T. A. Development of software complex for analysis and optimization of the aircraft assembly process. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 124 The presented work is devoted to describing the multiprocessor software complex ASRP (Assembly Simulation of Riveting Process), being developed as part of a joint project of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University and the AIRBUS SAS. This complex is meant for simulating and optimizing the aircraft assembly process, with account for the fact that aircraft building places rather strict requirements to the parts assembly quality due to high operational loads. The authors propose employing in the complex mathematical modeling and numerical optimization methods, which allow predicting and optimizing the quality of the parts joints prior to implementation of the technologies for the assembly line being developed. In the aircraft building industry, one and the same assembly technology is being employed while series assembly for all aircraft of the same type being assembled. Accordingly, while modeling the assembly process it is necessary to account for random assembly deviations, such as deviations of parts from the rated shape or errors in positioning. The ASRP suggests accounting for these deviations through modelling the random initial gap between parts. To optimize assembly processes, it is necessary creation and analysis of various options of the fixing elements positioning is required. A fundamentally new approach has been developed for the ASRP to optimize the temporary fastener patterns, based on the preliminary assessment of the stress-strain state of the assembled structure. When modeling assembly processes considering assembly variations and the fastener patterns optimizing, the necessity to solving many similar problems with hundreds of different initial data arises. For this reason, the ASRP suggests employing parallel computations for analyzing and optimizing the assembly processes. This presented article describes the structure of the ASRP software package, the developed methods for the assembly process modeling, methods for the initial gap modeling, as well as methods for optimizing the fastener elements placing. The efficiency of the proposed optimization methods and parallelization algorithms is being studied on a practical example associated with the analysis of the assembling process of the tail section of Airbus A350. | ||||||||
Morozov A. Y. Interpolation approach in problems of modeling dynamic systems with ellipsoid parameter estimations. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 124 | ||||||||
Dementiev A. N., Klyuev D. S., Novikov A. N., Mezhnov A. S., Peterskova Y. A., Zakharova E. V., Dementiev L. A. Development of a method for space-time processing of broadband signals in an adaptive antenna array. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 124 Numerous scientific articles and monographs are devoted to the theory of space-time signal processing in antenna arrays. This type of processing is possible only in directional antennas, namely in adaptive antenna arrays, since they have a multichannel structure and allow you to identify the direction of signal arrival due to the accumulation of phase delay. Adaptive antenna arrays make it possible to form «nulls» of the radiation pattern in the direction of the interference signal by adjusting the vector of weight coefficients in the processing channels. The level of development of science interprets that these channels operate at the same frequency, that is, they are harmonic, which does not allow solving the problem of processing broadband signals. In this regard, a number of nuances arise that require more detailed theoretical and practical studies. At present, the issues of processing broadband signals in adaptive antenna arrays have not been studied both theoretically and practically. There is no clear understanding of the methods for selecting and calculating the vector of weighting coefficients in the frequency band. Also, the issue of receiving signals and suppressing interference, the sources of which are in motion, was not considered. These issues are relevant, since the development of modern technologies dictates the need to expand the spectrum of the transmitted signal, which makes it possible to increase the volume of transmitted information, ensure electromagnetic compatibility in conditions of saturation of the frequency range, and also increase the resolution. The article developed a method that allows spatio-temporal processing of broadband signals with the suppression of interference of various spectra, the sources of which are in motion. This method is based on the gradient descent method, which makes it possible to form «nulls» of the antenna array radiation pattern in real time and provide the required signal/(interference+noise) ratio at the output of the antenna array, which in turn provides the required bit error probability for transmission systems. Data and accuracy of determining the parameters of the object of observation and location for radar and radio navigation systems. | ||||||||
Zhukov N. A., Kiselev I. A. Investigation of the influence of cutting tool flank face contact forces on the dynamics of end milling. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 123 In the modern machinery 5 axis end milling operations are widely used in the production of thin-walled workpieces with complex 3D surface geometry [1-3]. Such processes are always accompanied by vibrations of different elements of the technological system (e.g., workpiece, tool): free, forced, parametric vibrations may arise, as well as self-oscillations. One of the most undesirable vibration types are regenerative self-oscillations, which may cause dynamic instability of the steady-state cutting process: these vibrations arise due to the fact, that each tooth of the mill is cutting the surface, formed by a previous tooth, so the time delay effect is introduced [4-6]. At the early investigations of cutting dynamics it was observed, that vibrations amplitudes of the technological system’s elements decreased while machining with low spindle speeds [7,8]. This effect was called “process damping” and its presence was explained by contact interaction between the flank face of the tool and the machined surface [9]. The intensity of process damping is the higher, the lower is the ration of the mill’s teeth pass frequency to the vibrations frequency [10].
Modern time-domain models of 5 axis end milling processes lack process damping accountment [17-19], so numerically simulated machining dynamics at low spindle speeds (comparatively to the arising vibrations frequencies) are not correct, which is extremely actual for machining of thin-walled workpieces from nickel and titan alloys. In this work a new time-domain numerical model of end milling dynamics of flexible workpieces is presented. This model allows to consider complex 3D contact forces between the workpiece and both rake and flank faces of the cutting tool during end milling dynamics simulation. Model’s structure and its main blocks are described. The developed model was used to perform numerical experiment on the influence of contact forces, arising on the flank face of the cutting tool, on the dynamics of the flexible workpiece end milling. Obtained numerical results qualitatively match well known experimental data from literature. | ||||||||
Popov I. P. Artificial moment of inertia. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 123 The article demonstrates that creation of the “artificial mass”, which associates with neither volume, nor the density of the material, encased in the inertial object, is based on the requirement to the Newton’s second law satisfaction. As far as the equivalence principle of inertial and gravitational mass is not extended to the artificial mass, a device with the artificial mass may be incommensurably lighter than its mechanical analog with the same moment of inertia. This quality makes this device particularly attractive for application in aviation and astronautics, including light flywheels. The purpose of the study consists in analytical synthesizing of the artificial moment of inertia and identifying parameters determining it.
The existence of analogies between physical quantities of different physical nature does not automatically lead to the possibility of obtaining the corresponding functional dependencies. For this, technical means ensuring dimensionalities concordance of the dual quantities are necessary in the first place. If an artificial flywheel is being placed in a “black box”, it will be impossible to determine by any experiments whether an artificial or “natural” flywheel is inside it.
The main advantages of the artificial flywheel over a “natural” one are its incomparably lower weight and the possibility of electrically controlling the moment of inertia over a wide range by changing the magnetic field (excitation) and capacitance, which creates a good prospect for its application in automatic control systems. | ||||||||
Korovaytseva E. A. Comparative study of soft shells of canonical meridian forms static deforming at inflation. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 123 The presented work compares behavior of the soft shells of revolution with various canonical shapes of meridian (semi-sphere, cylinder, torus, cone) from the non-Hookian material at large deformations under the impact of the pressure uniformly distributed along the meridian. The shells’ sizes are being selected from the condition of the geometric sizes equity in the in terms of non-deformed shells surfaces areas.
The shells deforming is being described by the unified system of equations, applicable for any meridian construction form considered at arbitrary displacements and strains. Boundary conditions are being considered equal as well. Resulting relations of the nonlinear problem, being considered physically and geometrically, are formulated in the vector-matrix form. The problem is solved using parameter differentiation method algorithm. The initial nonlinear equation system herewith is being differentiated with respect to solution continuation parameter, which leads to interconnected quasilinear boundary and nonlinear initial problems forming. These problems are solved in steps using iteration method.
A number of features of the considered problem solution is established. In particular, for the hemispherical shell, the solution can be considered verifiable only until reaching some minimal value of pressure in supercritical area. However, from the calculations viewpoint, this problem solution possesses the highest iteration convergence rate. An ability of bearing the smallest magnitude of pressure among all the considered variants of shell meridian is characteristic for the conical shell.
For subcritical area, increasing of meridian and decreasing of circumferential strains is characteristic while approaching the fixed boundary of the shell, and for cylindrical shell, it is more intensive. Meridian and circumferential stresses in cylindrical shell exceed the ones in the spherical shell on the largest part of the meridian. In the toroid shell, stresses as well as strains remain minimal.
In supercritical area, the meridian strains in cylindrical and spherical shells decrease while the fixed boundary approaching. Strains in cylindrical shell become the smallest ones, and meridian strains in the toroid shell are the largest. Similar behavior is being observed for the stresses distribution along the meridian. | ||||||||
Seregin S. V., Dobryshkin A. Y., Sysoev E. O., Zhuravleva E. V. The influence of the reinforcement of carbon thin-walled open cylindrical shells on free vibrations. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 123 Thin-walled cylindrical shells found wide application in various industries. The development of technology puts forward more and more serious requirements for the strength and stability of structures along with their low weight and cost. Such requirements are being applied to aeronautical engineering and unmanned aerial vehicles. The optimal solution in many cases consists in applying thin-walled shells made of carbon materials with high strength properties. The shell structures are being exposed to temperature and wind loads, variable atmospheric pressure during the aircraft flight and many other dynamic impacts. Thus, the structural materials of the shells should be lightweight and durable. Recently, carbon materials, which are an order of magnitude lighter and stronger that metal, are being applied more often. Under operating conditions, shells are being exposed to high dynamic stresses that may lead to adverse effects. However, the problem of the multilayer carbon shells dynamics is not fully understood up to now. Thus, for example, the known theoretical studies in a number of cases, have significant discrepancies in the values of the lowest frequencies of the vibration spectrum of reinforced shells with numerical calculations performed by the finite element method. This fact requires an experimental study on the behavior of low frequencies. The article provides an experimental study of the effect of multilayer reinforcement of thin-walled carbon fiber open cylindrical shells on their free vibrations. Experimental samples were created on the Komsomolsk-on-Amur State University basis for the experimental study of the effect of multilayer reinforcement of carbon thin-walled open cylindrical shells on their free vibrations. Models of shells with single-layer reinforcement were made of 2/2 12K-1000-600carbon fabric. Two-layer reinforcement was created from a layer of 2/2 12K-1000-200carbon fabric and a layer of 2/2 12K-1000-400 fabric. A three-layer reinforcement was created from three layers of 2/2 12K-1000-200carbon fabric. The experimental data was compared with the analytical solution. The experiments revealed an increase in the vibration frequencies of carbon thin-walled open cylindrical shells with an increase in the number of layers of carbon fabric reinforcement in relation to the values of frequencies obtained analytically. | ||||||||
Zotov A. A. An analytical form for presenting a filler for three-layer systems, consisting of staggered cone-shaped elements. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 123 This paper considers the problem of analytical determination for the stiffness characteristics due to the use of a filler in the form of a regular cone-shaped (or pyramidal) cell’s system arranged in a checkerboard pattern for three-layer plates
At the moment, the most widespread are honeycomb, corrugated or folded fillers. The main filler’s advantages are low weight and high rigidity. However, there are circumstances that prevent their wider use. The closed volume formed by the core’s cells e promotes the accumulation of condensate, at the same time preventing its removal. On the other hand, there are technological difficulties associated with the provision and control of a reliable connection between a filler and bearing layers (especially on curved surfaces), thereby increasing the product cost. The structure of the cellular filler considered in the article largely allows to solve the above problems.
Due to the complexity and laboriousness of solving strength and stability problems for systems of variable stiffness, analytical solutions for a wide class of such structures are practically absent or hardly applicable in solving problems related to the design of products.
The article proposes a method for analytical filler’s representation in the form of a regular discrete cone-shaped cell’s system, with the aim of further determining the geometric properties.
Based on the analysis of the filler’s shape under study, contemplation its shape as a surface described by the trigonometric Fourier series was proposed. However, upon further analysis of the problem, it was possible to reduce the function describing the filler’s geometry to a simpler form. The final version of the shape function was a set of coefficient, cosine and sine. Filler’s representation in the form of a similar function allows one to determine the variable bending stiffness of a three-layer package when solving the problems of bending of plates with variable stiffness.
Representation of the shape of the considered filler in this form with high accuracy conveys the true geometry of the product and allows to analytically describe the geometric stiffness characteristics of the structure (areas, moments of inertia and static section moments) included in the differential equations of bending and buckling of a variable stiffness plate. | ||||||||
Mikhailova E. Y., Fedotenkov G. V. Transient deformation of the half-space-membrane system. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 123 | ||||||||
Egorov I. A. Taking into account the features of the flow around the arc-shaped wings at the design stage. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 123 Currently, arc-shaped wings are widely used for small-sized missiles. Therefore, techniques are needed to determine the aerodynamic characteristics of such wings, primarily the lift coefficient.
1.The peculiarity of the arc-shaped wing flow is reduced to three aspects
Reduction of local angles of attack
2. Reduction of the «useful» component of the local lifting force of the panel
3.The convergence of the wing panels, and the amplification of the mutual influence of the panels.
Consideration of all these aspects is possible when using the discrete vortex method.
The wing is divided into panels with a given pitch in span and chord. In each panel there is a Π-shaped vortex.
When determining the geometric parameters that determine the position of the wing point relative to the vortex, it is necessary to take into account the curvature of the wing.
Two schemes of arc-shaped wings are considered: with an opening angle of 90° and with an opening angle of 135°.
The scheme with an opening angle of 90° is taken as the basis for consideration.
The transition to a scheme with an arbitrary opening angle is reduced to a simple recalculation of coordinates.
The calculation is performed in the following sequence:
1.The coordinates of the wing points in space are calculated.
2.The parameters of discrete vortices in space are determined.
3.A matrix of coefficients of the system of equations is formed.
4.The angles of attack are determined taking into account the spatial orientation of the wing element
5.The circulation values and the value of the wing lift coefficient are determined.
The calculation results for a rectangular wing are presented.
The wing is divided into 24 panels.
Mach number M = 0.8, angle of attack α = 1º.
The conclusion:
1.The discrete vortex method is very convenient for constructing an arc-shaped wing calculation model.
2.Acceptable calculation accuracy can be obtained already with a large grid.
3.The greatest influence on the accuracy of the calculation has an increase in the density of the grid along the span
4.To obtain acceptable accuracy, the curvature of the arched wing must be taken into account at all stages of the calculation
5.An arched wing with an opening angle of 135° has bearing characteristics close to those of a flat wing | ||||||||
Kornev S. V., Pimenov I. A. Numerical investigation of velocity field behind the wing by different vertical position horizontal tail. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 123 The flow field of two lifting surfaces modeling wing and horizontal tail is investigated in this article. Aerodynamic characteristics and simulation of lifting surfaces’s flow pattern were calculated in the angles of attack were varied from 0 to 25 when the horizontal tail had have diverse positions in height: upper, initial and lower. As can be seen, if the horizontal tail has the lower location, it will be more efficient because the horizontal tail is located outside from vortex wake’s area behind the wing in high the angles of attack.
The main objective of this research is aerodynamic design’s optimization consisting in the choosing of horizontal tail position in height in order to reduce control system requirements and improving its reliability by reducing moment’s characteristics nonlinearity. Aerodynamic computation of lifting surfaces which geometry are the same surfaces of prototype MIG-AT was calculated for determination an efficient horizontal tale’s position in height. Fluid flow and gas calculation with turbulence was done on base numerical solution total system of hydrodynamics’s partial differential equations-continuty equation, Navier-Stokes equations, energy equation which were modified with Reynolds’s averaging procedure. The flow field around two lifting surfaces was computed in the software package Ansys Fluent. Visual simulation’ s analysis of velocity distribution has shown that the horizontal tail which has low and high position is located outside of wing’s vortex wave area in higher angles of attack. However, if an angle of attack increases, the horizontal tail which has higher location will be situated in wing’s vortex wave, that the lower horizontal tail. In this case, it will lead to pitch moment’s characteristics degradation. To sum up, when the horizontal tail has the lower location, it is more efficient because in this case, this variant has favorable characteristics of pitch moment, in spite of, lifting properties’s neverthless minor reducing compared with more high position of the horizontal tail. | ||||||||
Khatuntseva O. N. Generalized analytical solution of the plane Poiseuille problem for the turbulent regime of incompressible fluid flow. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 123 The possibility of describing both laminar and turbulent modes of fluid flow based on the same equations has been investigated. It is proposed to consider the Navier-Stokes equations (NSE) in a phase space expanded by the introduction of an additional stochastic variable. As a result, an additional term appears in the expression for the total time derivative, characterized by the production of entropy due to the excitation of stochastic perturbations.
For laminar flow modes, entropy production takes zero value, the additional term disappears, and the transition to the NSE in their standard form is carried out, while the corresponding solutions describe only laminar flow modes.
The inclusion of an additional term, characterized by entropy production (which is always non-negative), into the equations allows us to take into account the time irreversibility of physical processes in cases where this production is non-zero.
It is shown that the occurrence and maintenance of nondeterministic – stochastic processes – in a liquid is possible in those systems, where incompatible boundary condition occurs. In this case, the existence of one smooth solution becomes impossible, and we can only talk about the presence of two or more non-intersecting or non-smoothly intersecting asymptotes of the solution. The region located between these asymptotes (or in the vicinity of the point of “discontinuity” of derivatives) is an uncertainty domain that generates a stochastic process.
As generalized solutions to problems with two asymptotes of the solution, functions were considered that are the sum of two terms, each of which is the product of two functions: one of which determines one of the asymptotes of the solution, and the second determines the degree of influence of this asymptote on the overall solution at each point of the studied domain.
The “laminar” and generalized “turbulent” solutions of the plane Poiseuille problem are found in this formulation. The comparison of the found solution with experimental data of the wall-mounted universal velocity profile is given for different values of the Reynolds number. | ||||||||
Gavrilova A. Y., Kuli-zade M. E., Cherkasova M. V. Plasmomechanical interpretation of excited inert gas atoms states. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 123 A plasma-mechanical approach to the problems of gas kinetics has been developed to improve passive optical diagnostic methods. The article considers the solution of quasi-stationary system of equations of radiation-collision model of inert gases low-temperature plasma depending on priority of electronic and photo-processes. The system of linear differential equations of kinetics is being reduced to a matrix form with a non-zero right part, which is being interpreted as an influence factor, for which a relaxation matrix is being introduced. The obtained matrix equation is being solved by iterative methods for the selected final configuration of the inert gas atom levels (argon, xenon, krypton) using various models of influence factors.
If electronic processes are considered as an influence factor, then the calculated dependencies of electron concentration on the total number of nuclei correspond to the state of local thermodynamic equilibrium. Graphically, this dependence on a logarithmic scale is represented by straight lines. The populations of excited levels correspond to the Boltzmann distribution.
If photo-processes are being regarded as an influence factor, then, a deviation from the rectilinear dependence of the electron concentration on the total number of nuclei is being observed in the area of low and high electron concentrations. However, the populations of excited levels still correspond to the Boltzmann distribution.
The dissociative recombination processes addition to the “influence factor” in the case of two-temperature plasma, when the electron temperature is much higher than the temperature of heavy particles, fundamentally changes the character of the diagrams. The article presents diagrams of the metastable states of heavy inert gases, which include a non-traditional hysteresis region. Without accounting for the dissociative recombination, the curves of the metastable state diagram degenerate into a typical dependence.
The meta-equilibrium states diagram is useful for estimates in plasma spectroscopy, as well as for optical diagnostics of plasma flows. | ||||||||
Gidaspov V. Y., Duong M. D. The effect of the properties of a real gas on solution of riemann problem in detonating gas. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 123 The article considers a self-similar Riemann problem on the border between multicomponent gases which properties are being described by a virial thermal equation of state with a single-fluid mixing model. A physical-and-mathematical model, computational algorithms and numerical simulation results are presented. The computational model is implemented for the three cases, namely, the first one is “frozen”, i.e. physico-chemical processes in gases do not originate, and the components concentrations do not change. The second one is “equilibrium”, which means that concentrations of chemical components satisfy the chemical equilibrium conditions. The third is a combined one, i.e. the of components concentrations to the left and right of the gap can be eother “frozen” or “equilibrium”. The solution of Riemann problem always includes a discontinuity separating the initial gas mixtures and, depending on the initial parameters, a fan of rarefaction waves or a shock wave propagating to the left and right of the discontinuity. In the case of an explosive mixture, a recompressed detonation wave or a Chapman-Jouget detonation wave with a fan of rarefaction waves docked to it can propagate through it, while it is assumed that the composition of the combustion products is equilibrium.
A computational algorithm has been developed for solving the corresponding system of differential-algebraic equations expressing the laws of conservation of mass, momentum and energy for the cases of continuous flows (fan of rarefaction waves) and discontinuous flows (shock and detonation waves), supplemented by thermal and caloric equations of state and, if necessary, thermodynamic equilibrium conditions.
Computational and theoretical studies of the decay of the gap at the boundary: argon – methane-air combustible mixture and helium – hydrogen-air combustible mixture have been performed. The initial data ranges at which the results of calculations using the thermal equation of state of real and perfect gases differ significantly are determined. | ||||||||
Privalov A. E. Unified software platform for develop of multi-agent models of orbital spacecrafts constellation. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 123 The article proposes a unified software platform designated for multi-agent models developing of orbital spacecraft constellation with various target purpose. Mathematical model of the software platform was developed at a high abstraction level, ensuring a generalized description of orbital spacecraft constellation operation, regardless its target purpose and life cycle stage. Besides, the basic systems of coordinates, employed in the spacecraft ballistics, as well as function of transition between them were defined in the space of the model functioning. These specifics allow considering this mathematical model as a basis for the multi-agent models of the orbital spacecraft constellations of various target purposes. The object-oriented model based on the mathematical model in the form classes diagram, ensuring the platform program realization, was developed in the UML language
The software platform has realized in the Python programming language in the form of two packages, containing a set of classes and methods for developing multi-agent models of orbital spacecraft constellation with certain target purpose. Besides the program platform, such model should include the following modules: user classes library, which are the platform subsidiary classes, reflecting the target purpose of the spacecraft constellation; the experiment control subsystem, and information analysis and display subsystem.
The unified software platform may be implemented as a core for the multi-agent models developing of orbital spacecraft constellations with various target purposes. A high abstraction level allows creating models with various degrees of detail, corresponding to the life cycle stage of the orbital spacecraft constellation, keeping herewith the unity of the model, methods and algorithms. | ||||||||
Ezrokhi Y. A., Kalenskii S. M. The mathematical modelling methods for in-flight definition of the degradation of the gas turbine engine components performance . Trudy MAI, 2022, no 123 During the operation of the aviation gas turbine engine (GTE) its component technical state worsens continuously. It leads to degradation of the GTE main parameters, first of all, the engine trust and the specific fuel consumption.
Therefore the problem of the diagnostics of the gas turbine engine and its components during their operation is very actually, and its decision makes it possible to define authentically enough "critical" degree of deterioration of GTE components when their repair or replacement is necessary.
This problem is especially claimed, if there is a possibility to carry out engine components diagnostics not only during special separate ground tests, but in-flight operation in engine system.
The offered diagnostics way is based on an assumption that influence of efficiency change δηi of each taken separately turbojet components on its trust are independent among themselves and has linear character.
In this case it is possible to present the relative change of the engine trust δR as the sum of products of relative deviations δηi on the influence parameter Вi of the engine components efficiency on the trust change.
The numerical indicators of deterioration of separate engine components efficiency received according to a presented method can be used for the analysis of the reasons of engine trust loss during its operation and for to work out losses indemnification methods.
Also these methods can be used for definition of the engine components state necessary at transition to modern strategy of management by a GTE resource - operation according to a state.
The example of definition of the change of engine components efficiency for a two shaft turbofan engine with the typical level of parameters corresponding to 4 generation is considered. | ||||||||
Morozov A. Y. Adaptive interpolation algorithm for solving problems of celestial mechanics with interval uncertainties. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 123 The presented work performs the application of the previously developed adaptive interpolation algorithm to the problem of XF11 asteroid motion simulation with regard for the interval uncertainties in the asteroid position and velocity. The XF11asteroid motion around the Sun is being considered without accounting for the effect of the other planets. The original problem is formulated as a Cauchy problem for a system of ordinary differential equations (ODE) with interval initial conditions.
The essence of the adaptive interpolation algorithm consists in plotting for each time point piecewise polynomial function that interpolates the dependence of the solution to the problem on the point values of the interval parameters. An adaptive grid is being created over the region of the parameter uncertainty. Each node of the grid corresponds to the original problem solution with the parameters values determined by the node position in space. The grid adaptation is being performed depending on the interpolation error. In the places where the error is large, new nodes are being added, and in the places where the error is small, the grid is being rarefied.
The article presents the description of various existing methods and corresponding software libraries, such as AWA, COZY-VI, RiOT, verifyode, for solving this class of problems. Employing the adaptive interpolation algorithm, the obtained interval system of ODEs is numerically integrated and compared with known results from the standpoint of the interval estimates accuracy and computational costs. Application of the fundamentally different approach to solving interval problems, allowed the adaptive interpolation algorithm obtaining solution boundaries with controlled accuracy. The algorithm is not subjected to the wrapping effect, and runs orders of magnitude faster than its analogs. | ||||||||
Kondratieva L. A. Analytical approximation of inertial manifolds for the satellite motion model. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 123 | ||||||||
Zheleznyakov A. O., Sidorchuk V. P., Podrezov S. N. Simulation model of the system of maintenance and repair of electronic equipment. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 123 Simulation modeling is one of the most effective tools for studying complex systems today. Imitation is a kind of means of reproducing phenomena, just as a model is an abstract description of a system, object, phenomenon or process. That is, modeling is such an abstract form of reflection of reality, in which certain properties of the proposed objects are represented in the form of an image, a diagram, a plan, or a complex of equations, algorithms and programs. The use of simulation modeling in many fields of activity has a number of undeniable advantages. Firstly, it is an experimental method of cognition, which is a simple and visual tool for analysis. It helps to find optimal solutions to problems and gives a clear idea of complex systems. The advantages of this method are: simplicity, visibility, cheapness (compared to the experiment with recreating a real model), speed and convenience. The article provides a brief analysis of existing simulation models of complex systems in various environments. Due to the increased technical complexity of on-board equipment installed on aircraft, there is a problem in high-quality and timely maintenance and repair, therefore, when organizing these types of activities, it is necessary to take into account a large number of factors that can affect the timing and quality of work. To solve these problems, on the basis of generalized statistical information about failures, the AnyLogic system has developed a simulation model of the process of organizing, functioning and repairing blocks with all the external and internal conditions affecting it, which allows making a rational decision about choosing a repair site, assessing the workload of specialists when performing various types of work, as well as forming requirements for the rational composition and quantity of spare parts of aircraft products required for operational restoration of operability. | ||||||||
Dementiev A. N., Klyuev D. S., Novikov A. N., Mezhnov A. S., Peterskova Y. A., Zakharova E. V., Dementiev L. A. Мodel of the process of assessing the electromagnetic compatibility of the onboard equipment of the aircraft. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 123 As of now, the problem solution on space-rocket technology (SRT) application is impossible without radio-electronic means (REM) employing. This fact leads to the radio-frequency space oversaturation with electromagnetic radiation in the whole frequency range. The main causes, requiring effectiveness enhancing of the frequency spectrum employing and providing the REM joint operation under conditions of restricted space-time and frequency resources are:
- Expansion of the scope of the REM application for the SRT;
- Increase in their power and number;
- Sensitivity growth of radio receiving equipment;
- Impact of the great number of jamming sources on the REM
Problems of assessing electromagnetic environment (EME), and determining various electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) characteristics occur while the RST REM operation. Thus, the search for new ways of ensuring the REM joint functioning with the specified quality under conditions of limited frequency, time and territorial resources is up-to-date.
The EMC tasks consist in the following:
– establishing regularities for the optimal application of the radio frequency fields being created for information transmitting and/or receiving or extracting;
- establishing regularities of undesirable interaction of simultaneously functioning REM;
- identifying the ways and developing criteria and methods for the radio frequency space maximum application efficiency and capacity, including operational-technical characteristics of the REM, affecting the REM EMC;
- synthesizing the REM with the specified characteristics of the radio frequency spectrum (RFS) application, i.e. the characteristics, which include accounting for both out-of-band and stray radiation, and side reception channels.
With the scores of the onboard equipment with various characteristics and widely ramified onboard cable network (OCN) on the SRO, solution of the above said tasks relative to their interaction is of utter importance while the SRO development and manufacturing.
This will allow:
- analyzing the EME onboard the RST objects;
- evaluating the EME level with account for the frequency and spatial separation of the onboard equipment and OCN;
- determining the ways to EMC ensuring of the OE and OCN under specific operating conditions;
- simulating the processes of the electronic equipment functioning under complex EME.
This set of techniques and algorithms novelty consists in solving partial problems with the subsequent comparison of the obtained total values of the electric field strength at the specified points of the RST object, and the voltage induced on the OCN cables with the specified requirements, according to the developed techniques. | ||||||||
Azarov A. v., Karavaev M. N., Rozhkov S. S., Slavyansky A. O., Smolka K. A. Synthesis of the aircraft-based phase direction finder. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 123 The aim of the work is to create a small-sized passive radar complex for placement on an unmanned aerial vehicle.
The principles of construction of a radio direction finder operating in the range from 1 to 18 GHz, limited on weight and size characteristics, are considered. A direction finder with a different number of antennas (from three to five) was simulated.
An antenna system is proposed that provides a high probability of obtaining an azimuth to a radio source with an accuracy of up to one degree in the viewing area up to 180 degrees with elements representing a combined spiral antenna consisting of printed, hemispherical and cylindrical spiral antennas using plates of radio-absorbing material. Laboratory models of antennas were created and measured. A comparative analysis of the characteristics of the mathematical model and the antenna layout created by 3D printing was carried out, according to the results of which it should be noted the high efficiency of the manufacturing method used due to the high repeatability of the results, low cost and high speed of sample production.
When placing a passive radar complex on a UAV, it is possible to determine not only the direction to the radiation source – its angular, but also geographical coordinates, and hence the range to the source of signal. The calculation of several bearings on the source of signal from different points of the UAV trajectory spaced in the plane allows us to solve the problem of locating it using the maximum likelihood method based on a set of measurements of bearings on the source and UAV motion parameters (angle measurements and altimeter information). | ||||||||
Muratchaev S. S., Volkov A. S., Margaryan R. A., Bakhtin A. A. Development of an adaptive version of the OLSRV2 routing protocol in MANET networks. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 123 In this section, the results of simulation modeling of a MANET network based on the OLSR routing protocol were demonstrated. Two versions were taken: the standard OLSR routing protocol and the energy efficient OLSRv2 routing protocol, as well as the reactive AODV routing protocol. The developed algorithm for selecting routing protocols based on channel metrics was also implemented in the NS-3 simulation environment. Simulation was carried out for various speed parameters, as well as for various network density parameters. When developing the algorithm for selecting routing protocols, the standard formats of broadcast data packets were changed to be integrated into the overall structure, since the algorithm involves switching between routing protocols based on the current network metric.
First of all, to test the operation of the energy-efficient algorithm in the model, a comparison was made of the residual energy parameters in the network models. Thanks to the energy-efficient algorithm, the developed network model with an energy-efficient protocol saves more residual energy than a model with a standard routing protocol.
The simulation results are presented in the form of diagrams demonstrating the effectiveness of the modified protocol over the standard one in terms of network lifetime and packet delivery rate, as well as average delay. In a scenario with low node mobility, there is a 7% increase in the parameter compared to the standard routing protocol. When analyzing the results of simulation modeling, scenarios were identified in which the developed algorithm outperformed classical routing protocols in terms of average delay and data packet delivery rate. Also, a drawback was identified associated with a large number of added metrics, which leads to an increase in the number of generated service messages in the network. However, due to the stability of the protocol and its efficiency in various simulation scenarios, these shortcomings are compensated by parameters based on the residual energy in the nodes. | ||||||||
Buzhin I. G., Antonova V. M., Mironov Y. B., Antonova V. A. Analysis of hazardous events and vulnerabilities of 5G transport communication networks. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 123 Being compared to the 3G and 4G, the 5G network offers significant increase in data-transmission rate, delay reduction and high-reliability connection. These advantages will allow organizations to operate more effectively, as well as render services quicker, enhancing their quality. Data throughput of the fifth-generation networks is higher, thus, connection of comparatively greater number of users and devices is possible.
The most serious safety hazards facing consumers and enterprises in the 5G networks are as follows:
1. Significantly larger surface of attack.
2. Severe aftermath caused by cyber-attacks.
3. A potential for more aggressive spying.
4. Subscribers' activity monitoring attacks.
5. Dangerous DDoS attacks.
Let us consider the 5G/SDN/NFV possible vulnerabilities classification. Vulnerabilities occurring due to the insufficient organization of information technical protecting from the unauthorized access and technical channels of information leakage are beyond the scope of the system under consideration. In general, the SDN/NFV security ensuring issues are considered in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]. They are:
• Software vulnerabilities.
• Vulnerabilities caused by the presence of a software-hardware bug in the 5G/SDN/NFV equipment [7].
• Vulnerabilities of network interaction protocols implementation and data transfer channels (IP, OpenFlow, etc.) [7].
• Vulnerabilities of the information security tools (the ones in the form of PNF, VNF), software and hardware.
Let us adduce a possible information security threats (IST) classification [7]:
• The IST by the information type being processed in the system:
– voice information;
– information processed by technical means of information processing;
• The IST by type of possible sources:
– an external intruder;
– an internal intruder;
– malware;
– a hardware bug (embedded or stand-alone) (not considered in this model).
• The IST by type of the information security property that is violated:
– information confidentiality (leakage, interception, capture, copying, theft, provisioning, distribution);
– information integrity (loss, theft, destruction, unauthorized changes);
– information availability (blocking);
– accountability of processes;
– repudiation of information or actions.
• The IST by the system type: since the 5G/SDN/NFV refers to the class of distributed 5G/ SDN/ NFV connected to the international information exchange network, threats specific to this type of system are considered.
• The IST by type of implementation:
– implemented through special impacts (of mechanical, chemical, acoustic, biological, radiation, thermal, electromagnetic nature) (not considered in this model);
– implemented through leakages from technical channels (not covered in this model);
– implemented through unauthorized access to the 5G/SDN/NFV;
• IST by type of the vulnerability utilized:
– related to the use of software vulnerabilities (hypervisors, virtual features);
– associated with application vulnerabilities;
– implemented through hardware bugs (not covered in this model);
– related to vulnerabilities in network protocols and communication channels (IP, Openflow);
– the ones the implementation of which is possible due to the vulnerabilities related to the gaps in the technical protection of information from unauthorized access (not covered in this model);
– implemented through vulnerabilities associated with the technical channels of information leakage (not considered in this model) [10];
– related to the vulnerabilities of information security tools;
– man-made threats.
• IST by type of the object being affected:
– information processed at the automated workstations of the system administrator and user;
– information processed in peripheral processing equipment (printers, plotters, remote monitors, video projectors, sound reproduction equipment, etc.) (not covered in this model);
– information transmitted through communications channels (while transmitted, while processed);
– information processed within the 5G/SDN/NFV virtual infrastructure and that includes storage;
– applications;
– software providing the 5G/SDN/NFV operation (SDN/NFV units, virtualization tools).
Considering the possible consequences of the IST implementation, we should focus on violating the key properties of information to ensure its security: confidentiality, integrity, availability, accountability, nonrepudiation. | ||||||||
Podstrigaev A. S., Smolyakov A. V. Experimental investigation of the multi-signal time-frequency parameters estimation accuracy in the digital receiver with sub-nyquist sampling. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 123 The modern cognitive radio systems and the spectrum monitoring devices used in spectrum management have to perform wideband signal analysis. One of the ways to achieve a wide instantaneous analysis band is to use a multichannel sub-Nyquist receiver. Such a device receives signals from the many Nyquist zones and analyzes their aliases in the first zone. By aggregating information from the several independent channels having different sampling frequencies, it can disambiguate frequency measurements. However, due to such a receiver’s extensive analysis band (up to several dozen gigahertz), time overlaps of the input pulses become inevitable and regular events. Therefore, investigating time-frequency parameters estimation accuracy in the sub-Nyquist receiver processing multi-signal input gains great importance. The particular interest arouses the case in which the input signals are in distant Nyquist zones.
To perform the described investigation, we developed and built a sub-Nyquist receiver prototype. As a source of the input for the prototype, we used two microwave signal generators connected to the prototype through the microstrip power combiner during the experiment. The first generator formed a pulsed signal and swept its carrier frequency, and the second generated a continuous unmodulated signal with a fixed frequency. We chose the frequencies of these two signals, so they were several Nyquist zones far from each other, but their aliases in the first zone were close.
The experiment showed in the example of 1 microsecond wide pulses that the frequency estimation accuracy remains almost the same in the cases of one-signal and multi-signal input. However, the pulse width estimation error grows significantly for the multi-signal input due to the receiver mixing-up signals having close aliased frequencies. At the same time, the effect disappears entirely if the signals’ aliases are 20 MHz or farther from each other.
Nevertheless, we consider the errors estimations and the receiver’s frequency resolution obtained using the prototype enough for the vast majority of the wideband analysis tasks. Moreover, further errors reduction is possible through a run-time changing of the sampling frequencies and the fast Fourier transform width, and through the SDR techniques. Such techniques may include post-processing based on signal accumulation, software-defined processing methods, and tunable band-stop filters at the receiver input suppressing the powerful interfering signals.
It is also worth noticing that most of the described in the paper effects related to the processing of the multi-signal input do not result from any inherent properties of the sub-Nyquist receiver. One can equally observe the same effects in the receivers with narrowband signal processing. | ||||||||
Belskiy A. B. Requirements for on-board optical-electronic means of aerial reconnaissance of aircraft. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 123 The need for round-the-clock, all-weather and safe execution of combat and special missions by military aircraft, ensuring full situational awareness of the crew of the aircraft in the cockpit and the background situation under conditions of enemy information countermeasures impose increased requirements on airborne reconnaissance assets, namely on the functional characteristics of airborne monitoring, detection and recognition of targets, as well as determination of their coordinates and target designation
Airborne reconnaissance (monitoring) is carried out by special airborne technical means of reconnaissance of the aircraft, providing acquisition, registration, indication, processing and transfer of necessary data on objects and target environment.
Technical reconnaissance facilities include radar, radio-technical, and optoelectronic systems operating in various spectral wavelength ranges, independently or together in various combinations.
Optical-electronic systems are the most effective means for solving air reconnaissance tasks and obtaining information about the location and types of enemy objects due to their passive operation mode and high level of image resolution of targets (objects), including in complex background-target and operational-tactical environments.
The article discusses and analyzes the features of creating on-board optoelectronic systems to expand the capabilities of on-board optoelectronic systems for conducting aerial reconnaissance: building a system based on functionally-constructive unified subsystems and modules; multi-channel; using a hyperspectral channel for detecting, recognizing hidden, disguised objects; intellectualization of functioning; integration of individual subsystems and channels; automation of the processes of mutual alignment of channels, built-in monitoring and troubleshooting; automatic tracking of areal, point objects, with the allocation and further tracking of several targets; stabilization of the line of sight; interfacing with sensors for obtaining heterogeneous information; application of digital information processing methods; generation of output data from various sensors for processing and solving recognition problems; ensuring group interaction as part of the various control circuits. | ||||||||
Sokolov D. Y. Application of artificial neural network for solving problems of forecasting the movement of ground objects. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 123 The article deals with considering the artificial neural network application for solving the problems of the ground-based object motion predicting. It proposes a new approach to the neural network architecture elaboration and applying its training techniques as applied to the specifics of the problem of motion trajectory prediction in the space of parameters. Estimation of various training techniques is given, and optimal parameters of coefficients, employed in the neural network training algorithms are determined.
The task of the ground-based objects motion predicting is up-to-date as applied to both combat helicopters actions, in the case of their aiming at a moving maneuvering target, and civil aviation, including unmanned aircraft, when it is necessary to track various ground objects.
Application of the known types of neural networks for solving the problem of the motion predicting of a ground object (as an image of the object trajectory en masse) does not account for the sequence of passing the trajectory points by the object, which is an important information for solving the problem of the object motion predicting. Additional data processing and mathematical transforms allow solving the problem of accounting for the information on the sequence of passing points. However, this increases the overall complexity of calculations and may level the effectiveness of NN application for solving the forecasting problem.
The article proposes a certain architecture for a neural network building, in which each neuron corresponds to a separate point or region of space where the movement of an object being performed. This architecture assumes elaboration of a recurrent neural network, which imposes certain specifics on the training process and subsequent application of the neural network. Thus, the training process of a recurrent neural network should be iterative until a certain minimum of the objective function is reached.
The article discusses various ways of a neural network training and determines the most suitable ones from the standpoint of minimizing the errors and duration of the training cycles.
This article considers the movement in two coordinates (on a plane). However, in the general case, the space of parameters, in which the movement occurs, may contain greater number of coordinates (hyperplane). Both training and application of predictive neural network for the motion prediction in the space of parameters with any number of coordinates will be realized by the technique similar to the one for the motion on the plane.
In the prospect, the proposed version of a neural network building may be applied to predict the movement of various objects, including the abstract ones in a multidimensional hyperspace of their parameters. | ||||||||
Anan’ev A. V., Ivannikov K. S., Kazhanov A. P. Model of the aviation target destruction process based on non-stationary markov random processes. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 123 The analysis of existing approaches to the assessing effectiveness of the aviation destructive means application is carried out in the article. It was shown that during the assessing effectiveness required release determination can be carried out both without and with taking into account the means of enemy air defense, which is substantiated in general. At the same time, the attention is focused on the fact that in case of the probability approach employment in different calculations, the probability in models of aviation destructive means application is assumed to be constant in many sources. The current state of affairs is inconsistent, because as the air strikes are delivered, the error correction is done by the aviation complex crews on the one hand, and the opposing side increases the counteraction by air defense and electronic warfare application, or by withdrawal of the forces and equipment from the attack.
The application of a mathematical model based on non-stationary Markov random processes is proposed with the aim of efficient combat aviation application and taking into account the alterations in the defeat probability assessment. Considering the alteration probability in air strikes cycles in this case consists in its representation as a variable quantity depending on time, which is the main difference between the proposed model and known approaches.
In this article a new approach to the effectiveness assessment of the aviation destructive means application is proposed. That approach takes into consideration alternating the probability of different ground (sea) objects destruction during air strikes cycles. Based on calculations of the obtained differential equations employing numerical methods the comparative analysis of the results acquired by using the known techniques and the new approach proposed was carried out. The account of the alteration probability is carried out by introducing a time dependence of probability, which allows determining required release of aviation destructive means, according to the alternating from cycle to cycle combat application conditions. The proposed mathematical models of the aviation target destruction process based on non-stationary Markov random processes, have significant universality and can be extended to a wide range of tasks. | ||||||||
Kurennykh A. E. Software development for the integration of decision support models. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 123 The article deals with the issues of decision support and development of recommendations using computer modeling and methods for increasing the consistency of judgments, as well as issues of integration between information systems. The method for using sets of parameters and results of computer modelling in the process of multi-criteria evaluation of alternatives is proposed and formalized. This paper regards a possible solution to the problem of usage of simulation models in the process of decision-making support carried out with enterprises information systems. The integration of simulation models and models of decision support is set-theoretically formalized. Developed software form a separate module in the decision support system that makes it possible to rank alternatives submitted by simulation models. Designed architecture allows applying this approach for variable scientific and technical civil and military problems due to its universality.
In addition, in this paper the author formalized and developed mathematical and software to improve the consistency of judgments on the example of the method of paired comparisons, providing a sketch for an effective method to increase the consistency of judgments in a pairwise comparison matrix. Initially, there were identified criteria that are of great importance for experts who make judgments and then proposed a multi-criteria optimization task and a way to solve it. Basically, the method is based on well-known properties of matrixes containing paired comparisons marks, such as transitivity of judgments or consistency index for example. The use of both methods: integration of computer models and judgments consistency allows carrying out multicriteria analysis effectively with high precision. | ||||||||
Knyazev A. S., Antonenko A. S., Arbuzov E. D., Chebotaryov A. D. The use of a multifunctional aircraft indicator simulator in the educational process of the university. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 123 The experience of education program mastering by the students of aviation universities reveals that constant contact, physical or visual, with aviation engineering is necessary for apprehending the operation principles of the aircraft aggregates and systems. In some cases, training becomes extremely difficult or ineffective until the aggregates and systems being described are shown in operation, in progress. The educational material presentation employing posters or slides with diagrams, graphs and static images does not allow the students to form an understanding and perception of the material being presented to the full.
The cockpits of modern aircraft are equipped with multifunctional indicators (MFI), through which the crew interacts with the onboard complex. Working with the MFI prior to the flight allows making a flight route, enter the targets coordinates, landmarks, and radio beacons. Application of the MFI in flight allows the crew to solve the tasks of piloting, navigation and combat employment, providing the necessary information for this. In this regard, it is necessary to pay more attention to learning how to work with multifunctional indicators when mastering modern types of aircraft.
The best way to learn is training on real technical facilities. An alternative option consists in employing aviation simulators. However, they are rather expensive and require qualified maintenance. Besides, their placement requires a separate area in specially equipped premises with electric power and/or hydraulic power installations, as well as other necessary equipment.
The article considers the issue of obviousness and effectiveness increase of cadet-pilots training by employing separate cockpit element simulator in the educational process, namely multifunctional indicator, which allows cadets to choose necessary practical skills for working with the onboard equipment complex.
To introduce the MFI simulator into the educational process, information frames of the central information system (CIS) of the DA-42T aircraft were reproduced. The content of the developed CIS frames on the MFI simulator reproduces completely the indication in the DA-42T aircraft, contributing to the training quality improving and developing practical skills for working with CIS through the MFI in a real object (DA-42T aircraft). The obtained results of the work can be employed further to develop simulators of multifunctional indicators for other aircraft types. | ||||||||
Lukin V. N., Chechikov Y. B., Sekretarev V. E., Dzyubenko A. L., Altukhova N. F. Problems of maintenance of software and hardware systems. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 123 This article discusses the problems associated with the complexity of maintenance of hardware and software systems in conditions of lack of time, expansion of the complex and updating of the element base. The purpose of this work is to reduce the complexity of the development and maintenance of the software complex, increase the reliability of programming. The objective of the research is to substantiate the approach to the construction of software and hardware systems in the paradigm of object-oriented programming, as well as its application to the construction of systems of various levels of complexity. This article analyzes external and internal problems affecting the life cycle of hardware and software systems for various subject areas. An approach to solving problems is a technology based on an object-oriented paradigm that includes the concepts of interfaces, abstract base classes, vertical and fan inheritance, virtual functions, polymorphism. Object-oriented programming technologies ensure the simultaneous functioning of existing and newly appeared devices without rewriting the system. A variant of the RT adaptive OS for connecting on-board equipment is proposed, which significantly reduces the development time of serial and individual products and increases their reliability. An example of the possible application of the proposed methodology in the field of automation of laboratory research in medicine is given and it is shown how, with a wide variety of autoanalyzer fleet, common architectural solutions make it possible to develop a basic laboratory model with the possibility of detailing for each device. The novelty is the use of an object-oriented approach in the development of a real-time operating system (RTOS), which reduces the time and complexity of developing serial and individual products. | ||||||||
Sofin A. P., Fedorova L. A., Sudar Y. M. On the issue of the use of amorphous devices. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 122 Amoeboid movement application in robotic and transport devices is associated with partial repetition of movements existing in nature. Design of prospective devices with amoeboid thrusters will require the research based on the dynamic computations of the object. Mathematical model forming therewith depends directly on the device structure and established option of its movement. The main tasks needed to be solved while such kind of propulsor design are set. A cylindrical body rolling along a rough plane was selected as the object. The external forces applied to the cylinder are being reduced to the resultant vector, which, together with the point of contact, determines the plane of motion position. The device body contacts with the rough surface via the protruding pseudopods. Its orientation in space may be altered by the liquid volumes moving inside the rigid hull, which allows changing position of the point of contact with the surface and the resultant vector of external forces.
The device movement in one of the planes is being considered in the course of dynamic computation. With this, the limit values of the force under which contact of the cylindrical body rolling both without and with sliding is being exercised, are being determined. The other problem being solved is associated with determining characteristics of movement of mass center of the hull and its rotation relative to the axis passing through the center of mass center.
The numerical study results reveal the presence of characteristic sections of motion determined by the selected parameters of the problem. The performed computations accuracy corresponds to the model being used.
The complex of kinematic indicators should ensure the forming of requirements for the control laws for the device being developed. Devices with amoeboid propulsors may be considered as bodies with a movable internal mass.
In the prospect, amoeboid propulsors may prove to be more efficient means of motion and transportation compared to the conventional wheeled and rotary mechanisms. The extremely low impact on the environmental objects associated with low ground pressure and trifling atmospheric emission should be considered the most important advantage of the amoeboid aggregates application.
A detailed study of the implementation options for each method of movement points at the significant number of their variety, and they are fully dependent on the concrete conditions and functions being realized. Along with the typical ones, the presence of the variety of transitional and combined forms of movement should be accounted for. Modern literature analysis allows soundly consider that the next stage of the studies development related to the amoeboid devices creation seems to be application of a device with basic hull shape in the form of a sphere. | ||||||||
Aslanov V. S., Neryadovskaya D. V. A tether system at the L1, L2 collinear libration points of the mars-phobos system. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 122 The article considers one of the L1 or L2 collinear libration points application for a tether system deployment in the direction of Phobos in a plane circular restricted three-body problem in the Mars-Phobos system. An orbital spacecraft by which one of the tether ends is being fixed is located in L1 or L2 collinear libration points and is being held in one of these unstable points by the low thrust of its engines. The equation of the tether system motion in the polar coordinates system was obtained for the tether of constant length, the equilibrium positions were found, and the dependence of the vibrations period on the tether length was determined. Comparison of approximate solution for the small angles of the tether deviation from the local vertical with the numerical one was performed. The article demonstrates that the system “fixed” either in both the L1 point and L2 has potential wells in cases when the tether is being directed towards the Phobos side. It was revealed that the dependencies of the vibrations period on the tether length for the L1 and L2 points were fundamentally different. Comparison for both L1 and L2 of approximate and numerical solutions revealed herewith that the vibrations amplitude remained constant in contrast to the frequency. The results of this study may be employed for the future space missions provision. Thus, for example, a space lift may be arranged in the Mars-Phobos system, which tether will pass through the L1 or L2 libraion point. Besides, such lift may serve as an intermediate station for conducting studies associated with the space exploration around it, as well as a platform for the interplanetary flights. “Fixing” the tether system in the L1 or L2collinear libration point of the Mars-Phobos system will allow conducting remote studies of Phobos employing a vehicle with sensors, which will hover above its surface. | ||||||||
Popov I. P. Types of mechanical power for harmonic vibrations. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 122 The purpose of the study consists in detailing the types of mechanical power while harmonic oscillations. Due to the irreversibility of thermal energy, its derivative takes only positive values. With this, derivatives can be taken of both potential and kinetic energy. Harmonic oscillations herewith at which the derivatives (instantaneous powers) are necessarily sign-changing functions, which fundamentally distinguishes them from thermal power, deliver the most interesting case. The inductance coil magnetic field energy is the kinetic energy analog in electrical engineering, the capacitor electric field is the potential energy analog, and thermal energy dissipated by the resistor is the mechanical energy analog. The article shows that at mechanical vibrations not only sign-positive thermal power develops but the sign-variable reactive powers as well, which characterize the potential and kinetic energies reversibility. The active power is understood as the average value of instantaneous power over half a period, and reactive power is its amplitude value. The total mechanical power, on the one hand, is being described by the Pythagorean formula, and on the other hand, it is equal to the product of the rms values of the harmonic quantities. A feature of the complex representation consists in the fact that while the total power calculating, one of the multiplied vectors should be conjugate. The concept of mechanical reactive, active and apparent powers is a generalization of the corresponding concepts from electrical engineering, which is a manifestation of electro-mechanical dualism. | ||||||||
Egorov I. A. Consideration of plastic deformations in the design of wafer-type compartments. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 122 | ||||||||
Dobryshkin A. Y., Zhuravleva E. V., Sysoev E. O., Sysoev O. E. Vibrations of composite thin-walled cylindrical open shells. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 122 Structures with thin-walled open shells bear an optimal ratio of the internal volume to the area of the enclosing surface. Such shells application therewith has disadvantages, namely, they are very sensitive to the forced vibrations originating from the external forces, such as wind and snow loads, equipment operation, etc. The article shows the necessity to shell structures calculating on dynamic processes caused by the forced vibrations impact. A model for the circular vibration frequency computing of a thin-walled cylindrical composite open shell with hinged support was obtained. A numerical experiment was conducted to compare the results and determine the error between the obtained computational model and the proven computer aided calculation performed with the Lira-CAD program. The effect of the number of longitudinal half-waves on the circular vibration frequency of the composite open shell was determined. The numerical characteristics of the vibration frequency of thin-walled shells may as well change due to the extra inclusions on the shells, such as an orifice, reinforcing rib, an attached plate, etc. Experimental data testify that these changes are of non-proportional character, which does not correspond to the generally known results of theoretical studies. Thus, the structures analysis on the dynamic vibrations requires refined mathematical models development. The authors propose a new approach to the finite-dimensional model creation – a form of solving the problems of vibrations of a shell, carrying a small attached mass. The mathematical model refinement led to better quantitative and qualitative results compared to the known analytical solutions. In their earlier works, the authors analytically and numerically showed that the frequency reducing effect does not depend only on the magnitude of the shape initial irregularities, as is commonly believed at present, but on the geometric and wave parameters of the shell as well. The proposed approach is generalized for the case of vibrations of shells of finite length.
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Potanin D. V., Samokhin P. A., Zelenyi A. E., Yakovlev I. M., Samokhina E. A. Computer modelling of shock impacts influencing on flight consoles considering nonlinear properties of materials. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 122 The prediction of strength characteristics of flight elements at the initial stage of design is important for constructions subject in use to shock influences. This paper investigates dynamic loads and strength characteristics of flight control console at disclosure and latching of a console. These loads arise on the initial site of flight because of blow about an emphasis. Calculation is made in dynamic module finite element software based on the explicit method of integration of movement differential equations. Suggest calculation model considers friction between components. Friction is set between between plugs and an axis, between an emphasis and the console, and also between a stopper and the console. Elastoplastic properties of materials the most subject to deformation of assembly details are simulated with use of the diagram of plasticity. As a result of the simulation, the reaction forces between the most loaded parts of the assembly, the maximum flight console scope and fluctuations are defined. The period and amplitude of cross fluctuations of the console and longitudinal fluctuations of a compartment mean fluctuations. The stress-strain state of a console as a part of a flight compartment is investigated in the conditions of short-term shock loading. Verification of calculation is carried out by means of comparison of modeling results with the values received at a natural experiment on disclosure of consoles by the pyrotechnic mechanism. The relative deformations of the emphasis and the compartment upon impact were measured by strain gauges. To register the rotation of the console, a video was taken. Good convergence of calculation results with a natural experiment is shown. Values received by a numerical method of calculation differ from results of an experiment less than for 8%. | ||||||||
Baklanov A. V. The effect of the annular diffuser design on pressure loss. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 122 Despite the fact that random processes are ubiquitous, doubts remain as to how random they are, and whether this randomness is seeming, based only on the limitations of our knowledge.
If the uncertainty of the processes occurring at the quantum level is already largely beyond doubt, the stochasticity of macroprocesses, and turbulence in particular, is still a subject of scientific discussion, if only because they are described by deterministic equations.
The article shows that the Navier-Stokes equations used to describe hydrodynamic flows lose their deterministic properties when they are integrated by computational methods. This can explain the rather successful application of these equations in solving many practical hydrodynamic problems in the implementation of turbulent flow regimes. However, this approach to describing turbulent flows can be correlated rather with analog modeling of turbulence.
In order to describe both laminar and turbulent flow regimes in a controlled manner, the author proposes to consider the Navier-Stokes equations in the phase space expanded by introducing an additional variable characterizing the entropy production. For laminar flow regimes, the entropy production takes on a zero value, the additional term disappears, and the transition to the Navier-Stokes equations in their standard form is being realized.
The article considers the issues of the possibility of emergence and maintenance of non-deterministic, i.e. stochastic processes in a liquid due to the existence of incompatible between each other boundary conditions, as well as the ways of describing them relating to the turbulent flow. It is shown that the velocity profile of a turbulent flow can be described as a generalized solution of the problem, which is the sum of the two terms, each of which is the product of two functions: one of which determines one of the asymptotes of the solution, while the second one determines the degree of influence of this asymptote on the general solution in each point of the area of interest.
The plane Couette flow problem was solved by dint of this approach. Good agreement of the results with experimental data is demonstrated. | ||||||||
Khatuntseva O. N. Finding a generalized analytical solution to the plane Couetta problem for a turbulent flow regime. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 122 Despite the fact that random processes are ubiquitous, doubts remain as to how random they are, and whether this randomness is seeming, based only on the limitations of our knowledge.
If the uncertainty of the processes occurring at the quantum level is already largely beyond doubt, the stochasticity of macroprocesses, and turbulence in particular, is still a subject of scientific discussion, if only because they are described by deterministic equations.
The article shows that the Navier-Stokes equations used to describe hydrodynamic flows lose their deterministic properties when they are integrated by computational methods. This can explain the rather successful application of these equations in solving many practical hydrodynamic problems in the implementation of turbulent flow regimes. However, this approach to describing turbulent flows can be correlated rather with analog modeling of turbulence.
In order to describe both laminar and turbulent flow regimes in a controlled manner, the author proposes to consider the Navier-Stokes equations in the phase space expanded by introducing an additional variable characterizing the entropy production. For laminar flow regimes, the entropy production takes on a zero value, the additional term disappears, and the transition to the Navier-Stokes equations in their standard form is being realized.
The article considers the issues of the possibility of emergence and maintenance of non-deterministic, i.e. stochastic processes in a liquid due to the existence of incompatible between each other boundary conditions, as well as the ways of describing them relating to the turbulent flow. It is shown that the velocity profile of a turbulent flow can be described as a generalized solution of the problem, which is the sum of the two terms, each of which is the product of two functions: one of which determines one of the asymptotes of the solution, while the second one determines the degree of influence of this asymptote on the general solution in each point of the area of interest.
The plane Couette flow problem was solved by dint of this approach. Good agreement of the results with experimental data is demonstrated. | ||||||||
Berezko M. E. Influence of the choice of boundary conditions on the results of the calculation of wall mounted flows. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 122![]() | ||||||||
Maklashov V. A., Piganov M. N. Algorithm for determining the bias of coordinate estimates. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 122 The article deals with the methodology for determining the radio emission source location in the tasks of electronic reconnaissance. To determine the radio emission source location, the azimuth direction finding from the aircraft is employed. It is noted that the previously proposed model allows determining the source location, however, it requires the zones of uncertainty calculating. The article shows that the need to calculate the uncertainty zones is associated with the fact that the error ellipse, calculated during models operation, requires an unbiased estimate of the source coordinates. The unbiased estimation obtaining while triangulation is possible only in symmetrical geometries, when the triangle formed while position determining is close to the equilateral one. In all other cases an estimation bias (the mean coordinates estimation value deflection from its true one) is being observed. As far as it is necessary to have bounded area of the most probable location of the radio emission source, the problem of this area plotting comes into being. The authors developed an algorithm for determining the radio emission source coordinates estimation bias relative to their true values for the uncertainty zones computing while using triangulation method for its location detection. Modeling of the radio emission source location determining process was performed. It was suggested to employ the basic TargetLocation algorithm to obtain the output data. It realizes the triangulation method. With this, three steps should be performed. These are triangulation base size computing; determining angles of the triangle; computing the source relative distances from the bearing points; determining the target coordinates. Basic simulation stages were performed in MATLAB. The following procedures were executed herewith: computing correlation coefficient and mean square deviation of the target coordinates; computing semi-axes of errors ellipse and angles between the X axis and the main ellipse axis; correcting the errors ellipse sizes. Analysis of the simulation results was performed, which revealed that the method consisting in measurements sorting out and ellipse sizes correction by the bias value yields the uncertainty zone encompassing true position of the radio emission source. The authors established that the presented method allows increasing the location determining accuracy. The bias value largely depends on the tactical situation geometry. Thus, in practice, it is necessary to know either analytical dependence of this bias on the geometry and measurement errors, or possess the table of these values. To obtain the above said dependencies, a large series of experiments conducting is required. | ||||||||
Kozlov K. V., Volkov A. P., Starovoitov E. I., Popov E. V. A full-wave simulation of onboard earth surveillance radar electromagnetic fields for an emc ensuring. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 122 The use of onboard Earth surface surveying radar (including SAR) solves a number of tasks, which include the survey of the underlying surface, obtaining radar images of the terrain with a required resolution, detection of natural and artificial ground objects, operational mapping, etc. The installation of radar on board an aircraft is associated with the layout of various equipment in a confined space, taking into account the requirements of electromagnetic compatibility. Due to the fact that the strongest source of electromagnetic interference on board of aircraft is the radar, the assessment of its impact on the operation of the rest of the equipment is of paramount importance. The peculiarity of the UHF-band under consideration is that the wavelengths are comparable with the lengths of external and internal cable lines, as well as with the dimensions of the electronic equipment blocks. The paper presents the methodology of numerical modeling of the distribution of the electromagnetic field in the near zone, created by onboard radar of the UHF-band, designed for Earth surface surveying. For electrodynamic modeling of the electromagnetic field's distribution, the authors used a Finite Difference Time Domain Method. An assessment has been made of the electric field strength and current density induced on the electronic equipment block's housings located next to the active phased antenna array of the radar. These data can be used in works on electromagnetic compatibility of onboard electronic equipment. A description is presented of laboratory research schemes and the sequence of complex checks of equipment on the aircraft, associated major challenges. The authors separately considered problems arising during testing of satellite navigation equipment. | ||||||||
Titov K. D. Principles for constructing an ultra-wideband communication channel on an unmanned aerial vehicle of a lightweight helicopter type. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 122 The article describes the relevance and state of development of an unmanned aerial vehicle of a lightweight helicopter type of the home-produced “Grach” series. By reference to application specifics of the unmanned helicopter with a wide range radio reconnaissance station as a objective load application, the requirements imposed to the control and data transmission system place on it were formulated. The compliance of the installed system with the requirements is analyzed, and technical, economic and operational advantages of the communication systems based on ultra-wideband signals are demonstrated. Based on the earlier studies, devoted to the issues of creating a lightweight helicopter type unmanned aerial vehicle, as well as generating, processing and studying ultra-wideband signals, specifics and principles of a ultra-wide band communication channel design, which determine technical appearance of control, data transmission and local radio navigation system being installed on the aerial vehicle were formulated. Technical characteristics of the control and data transmission system, associated with pulses generation and processing; the signals radiation, and noise immunity assessment of antennae systems; frequency range selection, signal width and type; the issues of the system placing on the flying vehicle, as well as assessing the possibility of local navigation system integration into the communication system were analyzed and proved. Inferences were drawn on the substantiated technical characteristics impact on the tactical characteristics such as communication range, flight time, takeoff mass etc. | ||||||||
Smolyakov A. V., Podstrigaev A. S. Experimental study of the noise figure of the digital receiver with undersampling up to 18 GHZ. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 122 Due to the expansion of the frequency range and the number of emitting radio-electronic means in many scientific and technical fields, performing a wideband analysis of the signal environment becomes necessary. For this, one can use a multichannel undersampling digital receiver (USDR). Such a receiver estimates a signal carrier frequency by unfolding its spectrum in each channel from the first Nyquist zone to the subsequent zones. The unfolded spectrum components in each channel are then compared with each other. The goal is to find the frequency at which the components from all channels coincide. This frequency is assumed to be the true carrier frequency of the received signal and not its alias. In this work, we investigated the USDR prototype, which does not contain a low-noise amplifier (LNA) at its input. Therefore, the prototype’s noise figure (NF) is high and reaches 41 ... 52 dB. However, using an input LNA can significantly reduce the total NF of the device. At the same time, one should bear in mind that with an increase in the LNA’s gain above a certain value, the receiver’s dynamic range begins to rapidly narrow. The resulting frequency dependence of the NF in the 18 GHz band has significant non-uniformity (11 dB). Therefore, when creating wideband analyzers to reduce the sensitivity variation, it is advisable to use equalizers and amplifiers with compensating frequency dependences of the NF and gain. Using the USDR with characteristics similar to those obtained for the prototype, we can achieve a –125… –116 dBm sensitivity for the wideband analyzer. This sensitivity is high enough for the considered 18 GHz frequency band. | ||||||||
Nikitin A. D., Ivliev A. S. Possible methods for controlling the output power of amplifier modules based on m-type devices. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 122 The article is devoted to the study of the operation of M-type amplifiers in various output power control modes, to realize the possibility of multi-mode operation of transmitting modules of radar stations (RLS) on active phased array antenns using M-type electrovacuum devices (EVD). The need for such studies arose with the increasing requirements for powerful transmitting modules. The results of studies of various methods for controlling the output power of the amplitron are presented. A fundamentally new way to control the output power of M-type amplifiers is considered - control of the operating voltage with a change in the magnitude of the magnetic induction. As a result of the studies carried out on the possibility of operating M-type amplifiers in the output power control mode, the following was revealed: -when controlling the input signal, the range of output power variation is at least 1.0 dB; - when controlling the anode current, the range of output power variation is at least 5.0 dB; - when controlling the operating voltage, the range of output power variation is at least 5.2 dB. The results obtained can be of great practical importance in the construction of powerful transmitting amplifying modules for multi-mode radars with active phased array antennas and passive phased antennas array. It is shown that the use of a combined method of output power control, which combines the control of the input signal, anode current and control of the anode voltage, will allow changing the output power of the amplifier in the range of more than 11 dB. It was also shown that when controlling the input signal of the amplifier, it is possible to expand the operating frequency range of the amplifying module up to 10-12%. | ||||||||
Vorotyagin V. N. Method of structural and parametric configuration of the motion and navigation control system of a small space vehicle for remote earth sensing under different scenarios of destructive impacts. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 122 Today, methods and technologies employing Earth remote probing data being developed by Roscosmos enterprises allow suggesting unique ways for ensuring safety, increasing efficiency of exploration and extraction of natural resources, introducing the latest practices into agriculture, preventing and eliminating consequences of emergencies, as well as protecting environment and controlling climate change. The issue of new space technology developing (a small spacecraft for the Earth remote probing in particular) is becoming most relevant.
To increase the degree of the design decisions validity while creating a small spacecraft, the article considers:
- Conceptually new approach to the development of a scientific-and-methodological apparatus for multi-criteria selection of the onboard control system structure and parameter on the example of a small spacecraft motion and navigation control system;
- Optimization of its limited resources to ensure proactive compensation of destructive external agency impacts
The article presents the developed structural-and-logical scheme for motion and navigation control system configuring of the Earth remote probing small spacecraft. The proposed approach allows putting into practice a multi-criteria selection of effective configuration options for motion and navigation control system of a small spacecraft with account for various types of structural redundancy of the onboard equipment, and a wide range of element base. The conceptual and mathematical statements of the problem are given, and an algorithm for multi-criteria synthesis of the motion and navigation control system appearance of a small spacecraft is developed.
The proposed technique will allow, even at the spacecraft design stage, significantly reducing the number of design errors by the decision-maker, as well as improving the quality and efficiency of the created space systems application. | ||||||||
Anan’ev A. V., Ivannikov K. S. A dynamic model for assessing the effectiveness of scenarios for conducting aerial reconnaissance by an integrated spatially distributed reconnaissance aviation complex. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 122 Aerial monitoring (reconnaissance) piloted complexes application in the interest of operational strategic decision-making is of great importance for the State security ensuring. However, such complexes employing is often performed in extreme conditions stipulated by climatic (severe meteorological) conditions, the destructive effects of man-made disasters, the danger of air defense means employing by unlawful armed formations, conditions of armed hostilities waging, etc.
In this regard, the article proposes an integrated spatially distributed reconnaissance aviation complex, which, unlike the known ones, includes unmanned aerial vehicles, con-trolled by the onboard operators situated directly on the manned aircraft for waging and controlling reconnaissance (by air monitoring).
Application procedure of such complex has been considered for the most difficult case, namely aerial reconnaissance waging under conditions of armed hostilities while the ground situation disclosure two stages. At the first stage, under condition of radio signals receiving possibility, such as radio dis-tress signal, radio signals of the survey targets etc., passive radio and radio-technical reconnaissance is being waged with the technical capabilities of the piloted aircraft onboard sensors. At the second stage, supplementary reconnaissance and reconnaissance of the objects of interest is being performed by the optoelectronic and other means positioned on the unmanned aerial vehicles.
When proposing modernization of the aerial reconnaissance (monitoring) and basing on the system approach, it is important to apprehend how the solution being proposed will affect the system of a higher rank, namely executive, or, in a particular case, striking. For this, a dynamic model of the reconnaissance-strike actions process was developed. It represents a state graph with time and probabilistic parameters indication. The article shows the equations system solution based on the states graph in the form states probabilities time dependences. The article demonstrates the solution of the system of equations, which are formed on the basis of the state graph in the form of time dependencies of the probability states.
The proposed model wields significant commonality and may be propagated on the wide spectrum. | ||||||||
Blinov A. V., Razumov D. A. The procedure of formalization of strategies as an element of the methodology for taking into account uncertainty factors in forecasting the indicators of the implementation of space technology development programs. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 122 In the process of space technology development programs realization, various factors affect the program activities and implementation indicators. Development of respective technique for the factors considering is required. The forecasts of programs realization are based on the variant basics.
The program realization strategies defining is the initial stage of the uncertainty factors considering while the program indicators forecasting. The realization strategies are being based on the goals and priorities of the State policy of the Russian Federation in the field of space activities.
The two-level system of priorities is applied when defining strategies. The first level is strategic priorities based on the priorities of the State policy of the Russian Federation. The second level is the priority of the event within the strategic priority.
Program activities are being distributed among separate groups, affecting various properties of the program. When forming various options for strategies, a sequential search of the formed groups of program activities is used. The program activities priority is distributed by the Fishburn method according to the number of results achieved.
Possible strategy options are sequentially considered. Program activities are being ranked according to the degree of their impact on the contribution to various properties of the program.
The strategy under consideration will focus the allocated resources on the realization of a group of program activities aimed at achieving one of the properties of the program. The results changing of the program activities realization occurs due to the funding redistribution between the various groups activities. The funds of the lower priority groups of program activities are distributed in favor of the activities of the group with the highest priority.
Formation of groups’ priority of program activities aimed at achieving various tasks and properties is being performed. Further, the priority group's program activities are filled at the expense of the lower priority group, with account for the effect of the uncertainty factors. Funding redistribution of program activities according to the formed options of strategies takes place.
Sequential consideration of the the program realization options will allow selecting the most rational strategy. | ||||||||
Bannikov A. V., Litovka Y. V. Computational and logical intelligent control system for a multi-cathode galvanic bath. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 122 The most important electroplating quality indicator is the uniform distribution of the applied metal thickness the on the part surface. It is advisable to process small-size parts conjointly, since large-volume electroplating baths are being used as usual in industrial conditions. Accordingly, it is unprofitable to process one part in one operation cycle of the electroplating bath. Given that the shapes of the parts being processes may differ and the number of parts may vary, this or that parts’ placing on the special suspending device may lead to various values of the total unevenness. Besides, the ineffectual placing may cause significant metal losses and excess electric energy consumption. Accordingly, the task of such multi-cathode system optimal control comes into being.
The article considers a computational-and- logical intelligent system for controlling electroplating applying on the multiplicity of the parts-cathodes. The computational-and- logical intelligent optimal control system solves the problem of searching for the optimal placing of several cathodes of various shapes and weights in an electroplating bath to obtain coatings with minimal unevenness.
To solve the set problem, the developed system employs the full search method, modified Gomori algorithm and the branches and boundaries method. The initial data for one of the three methods selecting is the number and shape of the parts to be electroplated. Afterwards, employing both database and knowledge base, the best method for the problem solving being defined, and the problem solution of optimal parts-cathodes placing on the suspension from the viewpoint of the unevenness criterion is being solved. At each stage, the technologist has the ability to control the process of the task solving and result correcting.
As the result of the optimal control system application in electroplating production, the total unevenness of the galvanic coating on the surface of many simultaneously processed parts decreases; the parts processing speed increases; the number of defects in the production process decreases, and the load on the electroplating line operator decreases. It is worth noting as well the electrical energy consumption reduction by the galvanic line when implementing a computational-and-logical intelligent system for optimal control of the galvanic coating applying process employing a variety of parts-cathode of various shapes and sizes. The proposed Gomori method modification increases the control system efficiency and reduces the amount of time required to calculate the optimal parts placing on the suspension. | ||||||||
Ezrokhi Y. A., Kalenskii S. M. Identification of gte mathematical model by test data. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 122 One of the important tools applied at all stages of the aviation gas turbine engine (GTE) life cycle is the mathematical modelling of GTE operation. Such the engine mathematical model (EMM) allows to calculation of its altitude-velocity and throttle performances to form the initial data for gas dynamic calculations and designing of GTE units, for control system design, for planning of various kinds of tests, carrying out of GTE diagnosis and also decisions of other problems arising during the GTE creation and operation.
Efficiency EMM at various stages of the engine creation depends on adequacy of the modelling to its real operation. In this connection increase of accuracy EММ is rather important problem on which decision the expediency and productivity of application EММ in the practice substantially depends.
The problem of ЕMM accuracy and adequacy increase can be resolved during some stages.
At the first stage the initial aprioristic EMM was analyzed by audit of basic equations, inequalities, logic conditions, and also approximating dependences about conformity to those physical processes for which they were got.
So, in particular, at this stage correctness of use in EMM the thermodynamic equations applied to enthalpy and temperature of a working medium and it thermo physical properties, approximating dependences for the unit performance (received in advance by means of independent tests or calculations) from the viewpoint of their interpolation and extrapolation from area of their preliminary settlement-experimental definition is checked.
Besides, correctness of the continuity equation on an engine flowing path (taking into account possible selections, leaks and supplies of a working medium), conservation of energy and an impulse, and also the laws of engine control (taking into account accuracy of regulation and limitations), defining fuel flow into the combustion chamber, position of the compressors guide vanes and jet nozzle door (if these elements are changed from a one mode to other) is checked.
Generally the method of EММ identification with the engine tests results is reduced to a finding of certain number of correction factors to conditionally constant EMM parameters (to units performance, the sections of a flowing path area values, values of selections and leaks of a working medium and another), capable of the least divergence of the settlement and experimental results. | ||||||||
Zulfugarli P. R. New criteria for optimizing the functioning of imaging devices installed on high-speed unmanned aerial vehicles. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 122 Effective visual monitoring of the ground situation can be carried out using various imaging devices installed on the UAV. In this case, the spatial resolution can be up to 1 cm. The dominant direction here is the fulfillment of the criterion for overlapping images of each other, obtained at the rate of UAV movement. It is common knowledge. That in order to obtain a high-quality orthomosaic image, adjacent terrain images obtained during the UAV flight should overlap 60% in the forward direction and 20% in the direction perpendicular to the direction of movement. At the same time, when the carrier is flying at supersonic speed and the requirements for the overlap of time-sequential images are often not met. In such cases, qualitatively new criteria are required to optimize imaging systems. The resolution of photogrammetric images obtained from aircraft equipped with imaging devices is determined by such a metric as the Ground Sample Distance, or GSD for short, which is defined as the distance between two adjacent pixels.
With regard to high-speed flying objects equipped with imaging devices, the following optimization criteria have been proposed: (1) Design criterion α_1, (2) Functional optimization criterion α_2 The first criterion is put forward in order to achieve small design dimensions of the imaging unit for a given value of the number of pixels per unit image width and GSD = const. In turn, the second criterion is put forward from the conditions for achieving stealth devices for various detection systems. The solution of the formulated optimization problems showed that the criteria α_1 and α_2 are fulfilled with a square root dependence of the distance from the sensor to the ground object and the size of the sensor area on the focal length of the device, respectively. | ||||||||
Aslanova A. B. Questions of optimization of the combined power supply of the UAV with the use of solar batteries and ground air transmission of energy by a laser beam. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 122 To ensure the reliable operation of the UAV, a promising solution is the wireless transmission of energy through specialized ground base stations. At the same time, such power supply systems are expensive and dangerous for the population due to the high intensity of the laser beam and excessive electromagnetic radiation. A partial solution to this problem is the joint transmission of information and energy from a single base station. There is also another solution to the problem - the use of solar panels. However, the effectiveness of such a solution is still too low. In this case, the power supply of the UAV can be carried out according to the following simple rule (1) If there is a cloud, then the power supply is carried out through ground base stations by sending high-intensity laser beams; (2) If there is no cloud, then solar power supply is used.
The case of a cloudy sky is considered in detail, when the UAV, by definition, flies at the level of the lower boundary of the cloud cover.
The problem of finding the optimal height of this boundary with a constant height of the upper boundary of the cloud layer is formulated and solved. The corresponding algorithm for the implementation of the proposed method has been compiled. The possibility of optimizing the construction of combined power supply systems for UAVs by minimizing the total energy losses along the paths of their propagation is considered. The case of a cloudy sky is considered in detail, when the UAV, by definition, flies at the level of the lower boundary of the cloud cover.
The problem of finding the optimal value of this height with a constant height of the upper boundary of the cloud layer is formulated and solved. The corresponding algorithm for the implementation of the proposed method has been compiled. | ||||||||
Krasnov A. M., Tregubenkov S. Y., Rumyantsev A. V., Khismatov R. F., Shashkov S. N. Methodology for estimating the efficiency of optical-electronic systems using an analytical model. Noise model of the «Oes-operator» system. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 122 Efficiency assessment is an integral part of optoelectronic systems (OES) development stages, testing and operation. The lack of a unified technique for optoelectronic systems effectiveness assessing leads to the fact that various assessment methods are employed to compare different systems, which results in obtaining contradictory results that do not provide objective data for making appropriate decisions at various stages of optoelectronic systems life cycle. One of the ways to this problem solving consists in an analytical model developing, which will represent the basis for creating the unified complex of means for intellectual support for optoelectronic systems design and maintenance at all stages of the lifecycle.
The purpose of the presented article consists in describing an analytical model for the optoelectronic systems effectiveness assessing, in a part concerning the noise model of the “OES-operator” system.
The following noise components of the “OES-operator” system are considered: the noise variance of the visual system of the OES operator, and the noise variance displayed on the OES display. The article presents the formula dependences of the noise variance components displayed on the OES display. These are the spectral density of the noise on the display, the temporal noise bandwidth and the spatial noise bandwidth. A model for computing the temperature difference equivalent to the noise was considered.
Further, the article presents the example of the initial data presentation in the analytical model for optoelectronic systems effectiveness assessing, and the results of the noise impact assessment on such OES efficiency indicators as detection range, recognition and identification of an object.
The considered noise model of the “OES-operator” system as an integral part of the analytical model for optoelectronic systems effectiveness assessing is a tool for an objective assessment of the of the optoelectronic systems sensitivity, which excludes the subjective opinion caused by the human factor.
It is advisable to employ this noise model of the “OES-operator” system in the development of tactical and technical requirements for optoelectronic systems, and optoelectronic systems themselves at the preliminary and technical design stages.
Computing temperature difference equivalent to the noise allows performing assessment:
- Of noise components impact on the values of detection range, recognition and identification of the object to the specified tactical-and-technical requirements at the stage products testing;
- Of the OES radiation receiver sensitivity for this parameter compliance with the values indicated in the specified in operational documentation at the stages of mass production and operation.
Thus, the noise model of the “OES-operator” system implementation, which is an constituent part of a single software package for intelligent support of design and maintenance of optoelectronic systems at all stages of the life cycle, was considered. | ||||||||
Apollonov D. V., Bibikova K. I., Shibaev M. V., Efimova I. E. Creation of algorithms for the automatic control system of the convertible unmanned aerial vehicle. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 122 Convertible unmanned aerial vehicle called a tiltrotor is considered. Tiltrotor can flight airplane mode and helicopter mode by changing the propulsion thrust vector by tilting the axes of rotation of the engines. The tiltrotor has the ability to make a vertical take-off and land, it can also perform horizontal flight at high-speed cruise. It is difficult to develop tiltrotor control system due to the variable characteristics of the UAV during flight. This paper describes analysis of methods for selecting controller parameters of control system regulators. When analyzing fault tolerance ensuring controllability imposes requirements on the choice of control laws in the angular motion control loop and trajectory motion control loop. In addition to the widely used PD- and PID-controllers and the linear-quadratic controller, algorithms based on the concept of the invers dynamic problem and fuzzy logic are considered. Results of research on the creation of algorithms for the automatic control system of a convertible unmanned aerial vehicle are presented. All the described methods were analyzed to ensure the robustness of the automatic control system in order to ensure the necessary quality of control in cases where the control object differs from the calculated one. In case of failure of individual elements of the system the characteristics of control object change during operation, this problem is also considered in this paper. A comparative assessment of various methods for implementing control loops for UAV trajectory and angular motion using proportional-integro-differential, linear-quadratic, nonlinear controllers and the method of the inverse dynamic problem is carried out to identify the advantages and disadvantages of all these methods. | ||||||||
Panteleyev A. V., Belyakov I. A. Application of the bio-inspired optimization methods in the solar sail optimal open-loop control problem. Trudy MAI, 2022, no 122 This article discusses application of bio-inspired metaheuristic global optimization methods: Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO) and Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA) for the problem of optimal loop-open control. Optimal control needs to manipulate space probe with solar sail. These algorithms belong to the class of swarm optimization methods, which feature is possibility of data transfer between individuals. At the same time GWO and WOA were inspired by nature, therefore we may relate them to bio-inspired category. The behavior of a nonlinear deterministic continuous model of a plant is described by a system of differential equations with given initial conditions and a non-fixed terminal time. It is assumed that only time information is available during control, i.e. the open-loop control is used. Numerical solution is found in the form of saturation function, which guarantees fulfillment of parallelepiped control constraints. Function arguments are finding in the linear combination of given base functions. Since terminal moment is undefined, this article applies method of transformation to the fixed terminal time problem, which introduces new independent variable, related with time.
The task is to find optimal control law for realizing solar system mission flight from the Earth’s orbit to the Mercury’s orbit in the shortest possible time. Algorithm of two bio-inspired metaheuristic optimization methods application and software were created for numerical solution solar sail open-loop control problem. Software gives mathematical modelling with various parameters for a subsequent visualization. Comparison with known results was provided. Recommendations were provided for parameters choose to solve typical model optimization and applied solar sail control problem. | ||||||||
Popov I. P. Umov integral vector, back impulse and other mechanical quantities. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 121 Due to the widespread application of advanced science-intensive technologies in the space industry, these industries themselves are becoming a source of development not only of applied, but fundamental science as well. In this regard, Umov’s integral vector, backward impulse and other mechanical quantities in perspective may be of interest including the applied one. The said quantities are associated with the formal analogs of the Schrödinger equation (FAUSH). Formally, the Schrödinger equation (SH) induces the magnitude of mechanical motion of the zero order (in the sense that it is contained in the SH). It is noteworthy that the quantum mechanical design generates a macromechanical quantity. Obviously, other ACF can induce values of mechanical motion of other orders. The following theorem is proved: The following theorem is proved: the value of mev—1 in a hydrogen-like atom is quantized. The value of mev—1, corresponding to the basic energy level is a fixed (unchanged) quantum. Almost all of the obtained results were a consequence of the quantum mechanical differential equations application, however, the results themselves are predominantly macromechanical. The mechanical motion quantities of various orders are being induced by formal analogs of the Schrödinger equation. These quantities include both known (mass, momentum, kinetic energy) and unknown (Umov’s integral vector for kinetic energy, backward momentum, etc.). In all FAUSHs, the orders of the partial derivatives differ by one. For quantities of motion with a positive degree of velocity, the order of the temporal derivatives is higher than that of the spatial ones. For mechanical quantities with a negative degree, the order of spatial derivatives is higher. | ||||||||
Alimov N. I., Gorbulin V. I., Sudar Y. M. Formation of a family of trajectories of free spherical motion of a spacecraft as a rigid body, providing reorientation of its axis of dynamic symmetry to a given position. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 121 Analytical relations for trajectories parameters determining of the free (by inertia) spherical movement a satellite as a solid, which ensures reorientation of its dynamic axis of symmetry to the specified position in the regular precession mode, were obtained. A canonical inertial coordinate system, in which angles of orientation of the associated coordinate system, i.e. Euler angles, change in time linearly, was introduced. A peculiarity, explanating the ambiguity of determining the initial value of the rotation angle, is indicated, and the option of the pointed ambiguity elimination is suggested. The article demonstrates that spherical movement trajectory of a solid, which ensures the dynamic axis of symmetry retargeting to the required position in the predetermined time is a basic problem while reorientation control selection in the pulsing statement and computing required increment, kinetic moment and kinetic energy in the points of impulses application. The solutions being obtained allow assessing rather accurately the retargeting process duration and required energy consuming, necessary for further analysis. Besides, these solutions are a good initial approximation for the continuous control tasks. The authors introduced the notion of control strategy for spherical (angular) satellite motion control at lengthy time intervals, consisting of sequence of controls of the two active sections and ensuring transition from one angular motion trajectory to another, which kinematic and dynamic parameters are being determined based of the spacecraft flight program. The article proposes realizing continuous angular motion control computing at each active section based on the utilizing the concept of inverse problems of dynamics and algorithms for solving the problem two-pulse control of the satellite reorientation. | ||||||||
Korovaytseva E. A. Formation of a family of trajectories of free spherical motion of a spacecraft as a rigid body, providing reorientation of its axis of dynamic symmetry to a given position. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 121 The presented work studies opportunities of automatic segmentation method implementation for solving problems of axisymmetric static deforming of soft shells of revolution at large displacements and strains. Mathematical statement of the problem includes four quasilinear differential equations and nine nonlinear algebraic equations. Geometrical relations of thin shells nonlinear theory are employed herewith, and elastic potentials of various views are being engaged for nonlinear physical relations formulation. The opportunity of composite shell analysis is supposed, which corresponds to the statement of multipoint boundary problem. Algorithm of the parametric differentiation method is used for the problem solution. The initial relations of the nonlinear boundary problem are being differentiated herewith by the preselected parameter of the problem solving continuation. As the result, a system of interconnected quasilinear boundary and nonlinear initial problems is being formed. The result of the obtained system solving while studying shell deforming under conditions of large displacements and strains depends on simultaneous successful setting of a whole range of computational algorithm parameters. As far as the method of arbitrary search of parameters leads to irrational increasing the time of computer work with the program, the article suggests a reasonable setting of one of the algorithm parameters, namely, the number of segments into which the integration interval of quasi-linear boundary value problem is divided. The said number of segments is being determined at the stage of preprocessing with the help of authored automatic segmentation method, which was successfully applied earlier when solving the linear boundary value problems. The article presents results of the three problems solutions on soft shell inflation by the pressure, uniformly distributed along meridian, using parameter differentiation method, one of the steps of which is the automatic segmentation method. Selection of inflation problem of a cylinder from Mooney-Rivlin material fixed at its ends by a roller is stipulated by the existence of this problem analytical solution. Three cases of arbitrary selection of a number of segments, into which the shell is divided, and a case of automatic segmentation are considered. The article shows that it is possible in the last case to obtain an optimal combination of solution accuracy and iteration processes convergence rate. The choice of a hemisphere inflation from neohookean material fixed along the equator by a roller problem is dictated not only by the existence of analytical solution of this problem, but also by the presence of singular coefficients in resolving equation system Jacobi matrix at the problem integration interval. The said feature leads to the fact that in a fairly large vicinity of the shell pole the condition, used as a criterion of shell division into segments, is violated in each point of the meridian. As the result, the number of segments determined by the automatic segmentation method appears to be quite large. However, the problem solution result turned out to be one of the best among the shell segmentation options considered from the viewpoint of both solution accuracy and iteration processes convergence rate. It is worth emphasizing that in both examples under consideration, one of the options of arbitrary setting of segments number lead to a principally unsatisfactory solution result. Thus, the automatic segmentation method application is necessary to obtain correct solution. The problem of inflation of a hinged hemisphere of neohookean material is selected as it does not have analytical solution. As the result of calculations, it was established that automatic segmentation leads to the lowest iteration processes convergence rate among all the shell meridian division considered options. Along with this, with insufficient number of segments the solution obtaining turned out to be impossible. The performed studies revealed that automatic segmentation method application was necessary for the computer groundless actions minimizing concerning the calculation algorithm parameters setting, as well as for the problem solution results accuracy and iteration processes convergence rate increasing. Along with this, when solving problems, which resolving equation system has singular coefficients at some point of integration interval, the said method application requires additional studies, and apparently, application of some auxiliary techniques. | ||||||||
Korolenko V. A., Soliaev J. O. Evaluation of stress concentration around micro-sized holes within simplified models of strain gradient elasticity. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 121 This paper presents the results for the modeling of the deformed state and the level of stress concentration around the micro-sized holes. Analytical solutions are derived for the deformations of an infinite plate containing a cylindrical hole within several simplified one-parametric models of the strain gradient elasticity theory (SGET). Namely, we used the simplified strain gradient elasticity theory, the couple stress theory, the dilatation gradient elasticity theory and the fully symmetric Gusev-Lurie theory, which all are the special cases of the general Mindlin-Tupin SGET. Linear elastic isotropic behavior of the material is assumed. New variant of the Papkovich-Neuber solution of SGET equations in terms of displacements is involved for analytical derivations. It is shown that this solution can be reduced to the standard Helmholtz decomposition for the gradient part of the displacement field and to the standard representation of its classical part. Based on the derived solutions we investigate the changes of the stress and strain state around the holes of different diameter. It is shown that the choice of a suitable variant of a simplified SGET model and identification of the length scale parameter for the certain materials can be performed based on the experimental data for the failure loads for the samples containing holes of different diameters (with a minimum size of ~100 µm). It is also shown that identification can be also carried out on the basis of direct methods of strain measurements around the small-sized holes, for example, by using digital image correlation methods, which requires the use of microscopy or, at least, macro photography techniques at the micro-scale level. | ||||||||
Grishanina T. V., Guseva E. E. Method for calculating elastic vibrations of a cyclically symmetric structure. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 121 The article presents a new approach to the oscillation equations composing of elastic structures with cyclically symmetric structure. A cyclically symmetric elastic system is under consideration. At the k = 0, 1, 2, ..., N — 1 nodes of the system, located on a circle at equidistant points with angular coordinates of θk, the identic elastic rods of constant cross-section are being connected, working in tension-compression, torsion and bending-shear in and out of the plane of the system. To compose the oscillations equations of the system, both displacement and rotation angles components, symmetrical with respect to the radial plane passing through the k-th node, are being represented as cosine expansions in the circumferential direction, while skew symmetric ones are represented as sine expansions with wave numbers of n = 0, 1, 2, ..., N/2. Expressions of potential and kinetic energies for all elements of the system are being composed. With account for the cos nθk and sin nθk functions orthogonality conditions for different n on a system of equidistant points, the terms of these expressions for different n from the set of n = 0, 1, 2, ..., are being obtained uncoupled among themselves. As the result, the Lagrange equations in generalized coordinates for a cyclically symmetric system with 6N degrees of freedom disintegrate into separate groups of six equations for each number n being accounted for. Thus, the solution of the problem of a cyclically symmetric system oscillations of еру 6N order is being reduced to solving a number of problems for uncoupled subsystems of equations of the sixth order, representing separately harmonics n = 0, 1, 2, ..., ≤ N/2. | ||||||||
Gyagyaeva A. G., Kondratov D. V., Mogilevich L. I. Derivation of the dynamic equation for a geometrically nonlinear plate interacting with a thin layer of a viscous incompressible fluid. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 121 At present, different methods for solving the problem of hydroelasticity are applied. They allow solving a set of problems in question be means of assumptions and limitations with a required precision and reliability. To make engineer decisions while examining hydroelasticity problems, specialized computer software is used. It allows simplifying the calculating process of hydroelasticity problems and demonstrating a graphical solution of the problems. Thin-wall structures interact with viscous incompressible fluid, particularly plates and shell structures. They are used in machine industry, in instrument making industry, in aviation and space industry. Thus, one needs to build mathematical models and apply program systems to make decisions in designing machines and devices.The article consider the model of a mechanical system consisting of an absolutely rigid body (vibrator); an elastic rib, rectangular plate (stator) and viscous incompressible fluid. Using the Hamilton’s variation principle, the equation for the elastic geometrically nonlinear plate dynamics is derived. The mathematical model of the presented mechanical system consists of the incompressible fluid dynamics equations, the elastic geometrically nonlinear ribbed plate dynamic equations, the equation of motion for the absolutely rigid vibrator and the corresponding boundary conditions. The program for the analytical derivation of the dynamic equations for an elastic irregular nonlinear stator was developed. It takes into account the boundary conditions of a free support and the conditions of free fluid flow on the ends. The constructed mathematical model can be applied for the design of hydrodynamic supports. The mathematical model can be used in designing of hydrodynamic bearings that are operated in machine industry, in instrument making industry, in aviation and space industry. | ||||||||
Zotov A. A., Nagornov A. Y., Volkov A. V., Popov V. O. Analysis of the dynamic characteristics of three-layer shells with discrete filler. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 121 The problem is posed to study dynamic characteristics of a three-layer cylindrical shell with the discrete filler, which is a regular system of cone-shaped (or pyramidal) cells arranged in a checkerboard pattern. Three-layer structures in various technical objects often have a honeycomb filler’s structure are widely used. Despite the obvious advantages of honeycomb filler (low weight, high rigidity), there are circumstances that prevent their wider use. The closed cellular structure prevents the removal of condensate entering the internal space. And the complexity of ensuring and controlling reliable connection of the aggregate with the bearing layers (especially on curved surfaces) increases their labor intensity and cost. The proposed discrete structure largely allows you to solve the above problems. The design features influence of the of this three-layer shells type on the stress-strain state and stability under static loading has been studied in sufficient detail earlier. A complete solid-state and FE-model of the investigated shell has been constructed. A modal analysis of the cell design was carried out as a next step, and then, having selected the zones of interest, the frequency response of the structure was investigated in order to plot the frequency response and frequency response. The NASTRAN solver is used to calculate eigen-modes and frequencies, the analysis type is set to Normal Modes / Eigenvalue. The geometry of the model was built using PLATE elements. In three-layer structures, the dynamic characteristics can be changed by varying the thickness of the bearing layers or filler and, thus, to obtain the optimal weight, damping, and also radio-technical parameters. To determine the frequency response, a harmonic Frequency / Harmonic Response analysis is performed. It allows you to evaluate the response of the structure with a sinusoidal action. To assess the considering filler structure feasibility a comparative analysis of the dynamic characteristics between smooth and three-layer shells of equal dimensions material, was carried out. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that with an thickness increase, and, accordingly, the filler rigidity, the natural frequency decreases, however, with an increase in the bearing layers thickness, an increase in the values of the natural frequencies is observed. Also noted that main vibrations emanating from gas turbine engines are in the range up to 5000 Hz, and the cone-shaped structure is preferable for use in places subject to dynamic loads. | ||||||||
Malinin G. V. Methods of calculation of ribbed plates for strength and stability. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 121 The desire to increase the reliability of structures forces engineers and designers not only to turn to new materials, in particular composite materials, but also to the introduction of additional reinforcing elements that do not significantly affect the change in the weight of the structure. As such effective means is the use of stiffeners, which have become widespread in engineering practice. The foundations of analytical methods of structural mechanics applied to the problems of calculating ribbed plates and shells were laid by Russian scientists S.P. Timoshenko, I.G. Bubnov, P.F. Papkovich, V.V. Novozhilov, A.I. Birger. Currently, many scientists are also engaged in the calculation of ribbed plates and shells for strength and stability. In this paper, two analytical methods for calculating ribbed plates supported by a cross system of stiffeners are proposed: a method for calculating strength in determining the stress-strain state and a method for calculating stability in determining the critical load. The calculation of the stress-strain state and stability of the structures under consideration is associated with significant mathematical difficulties that an engineer can currently overcome with the help of modern mathematical packages. In this paper, the technique of strength analysis of the stress-strain state of a ribbed plate is implemented in the Mathcad package, and the stability problem is successfully solved in the Maple package. The calculation of the strength and stability of ribbed plates reinforced with ribs placed crosswise or parallel to one of the sides of the plate is considered. The proposed computational mathematical model is based on the replacement of the original ribbed plate with an equivalent flat isotropic plate. The stiffness characteristics of the equivalent plate are calculated taking into account the contribution of the reinforcing elements of the ribbed plate. It is assumed that the thin-walled structure is supported by a sufficiently large number of ribs located at a sufficiently small distance fr om each other, which allows their «smearing» relative to the median surface of the plate.Control examples of calculation according to the proposed methods are given. The results of analytical calculations are in good agreement with the results of numerical analysis performed by the finite element method in the MSC.Nastran/Patran package.The proposed methods will allow the engineer at the stage of preliminary calculation and design of the structure to identify the features of its stress-strain state, such as stress concentration sites wh ere it is necessary to reduce the size of the finite element grid during the refinement calculation in industrial packages of finite element analysis. | ||||||||
Sposobin A. V. Meshless algorithm for calculating supersonic viscous gas flows. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 121 Тhe article presents in detail the algorithm for the numerical solution of the Navier-Stokes equations [12] by the meshless method [8, 10]. The described method is used for numerical simulation of blunt bodies flow-around by supersonic viscous gas flow [1, 2]. Cartesian-grid-based immersed boundary method presented in previously published works was successfully applied to simulate such flows in the two-dimensional planar and an axisymmetric formulation [3]. Numerical studies of the gas thermal impact change on the streamlined surface while the highly inertial particle motion against the incoming flow along the symmetry axis were performed by dint of it [4, 5, 6]. Particles motion along various trajectories required gas-dynamics problems solving in the 3D formulation, for which the Cartesian-grid based methods application required too much computer memory. When solving gas-dynamics problems by the meshless method, a finite sets of nodes is being selected in the space. Approximation by the least square method is applied for spatial derivatives computing in computational nodes. The said approach is being used for convective and viscous fluxes computing. The convection fluxes are being computed by the AUSMPW+ method in conjunction with the MUSCL scheme and van Abada limiter. The system of equations time integration is being performed by the explicit Runge-Kutta method of the third order of accuracy. The flow-around surface is being represented by the model of isothermal wall with the specified temperature. Conditions of gas adhesion, as well as pressure gradient equality to zero, which modeling also employs the least square method, is realized on the said model. The meshless method gives the opportunity to compute the gas flow in the areas with complex geometry, it is simpler in realization herewith compared to the finite volumes method, since it does not require generation of the high-quality computational grid. It allows setting anisotropic distribution of nodes in space, which is of vital importance for qualitative resolution of the boundary layer near the flow-around surface. Along with the 3D realization, adaptation of meshless method for computing flat and axisymmetric viscous gas flows was performed. The software implementation of the described method is realized in the C++ programming language and employs the OpenMP technology for computations parallelization. A computational experiment was performed on modeling the sphere flow-around by the supersonic airflow at the Mach number of M = 3 and Reynolds number of Re = 105 was conducted for the said method verification. The spatial shadow patterns of the flow, pressure field and Mach number are presented. Comparison of gas parameters in the boundary layer, obtained by the meshless method with the computational results of continuous flow combined with the boundary layer equations is presented. Correspondence of the gas computational parameters on the flow-around surface to the reference data and approximate-analytical expressions is demonstrated. The heat flow value in the critical point coincides with the one calculated with the Fay and Riddell formula, and the heat flow distribution curve along the surface is close to the approximate-analytical one. The next stage in the development of the meshless method is planned to solve numerically the unsteady multiphase flows problem, in particular, to simulate the solid particles motion in the shock layer. | ||||||||
Bernikov A. S., Petrov Y. A., Sergeev D. V., Shtokal A. O. Depreciation of automatic spacecraft when landing on planets and their satellites, taking into account the elasticity of the landing device design. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 121 The spacecraft touchdown on the surface of planets and their satellites is one of the crucial flight stages. Since the planets surfaces are insufficiently studied, the kinematic parameters of the spacecraft movement may vary in a wide range. For the spacecraft shock absorbing while touchdown, landing devices are being used, which should ensure a touchdown with permissible overloads and a stable position of the craft on the surface. The landing gear consists of three or four supports, depending on the power scheme of the landing vehicle. The craft shock absorbing while landing is performed due to energy absorbers placed in the shock absorbers of the landing device. A rod, honeycomb, pipe and tape (flat rod) are being applied as single-use energy absorbers, which absorb the energy of the craft while landing due to plastic deformation. The accounting for the landing device design elasticity will allow correctly determining the dynamic loads and stability area of the craft while landing, which is especially important when landing on comets or satellites with low gravity. When solving the problem of landing dynamics, the equations of motion of the landing gear supports are employed, with account for the elastic deformation of the structure. The regard for the elastic deformation energy accumulated in the elements of the landing gear and in the places where they are attached to the body will allow determining the dynamic loads on the apparatus and structural elements, as well as correctly determining the area of the apparatus stability to overturning. To determine the friction forces originating from the contact interaction of the heel of the landing device with the ground, experimental studies on the of friction coefficients measurement are being used. Tuff, basalt, foam concrete of different strength, sinter sand were being considered as analogous soils. AMG-6 aluminum alloy, MA2-1magnesium alloy, and OT4titanium alloy were being considered as a material for the heel of the landing gear support. It follows from the experiments that for all combinations of rubbing metal-ground pairs, the friction process is oscillatory. When a spacecraft tpuchdown on bodies with low gravity, such as the Mars satellite Phobos, for which the acceleration of gravity is equal to df 0.005 m / s2, and even more so when landing on comets, for example Churyumov-Gerasimenko, for which the acceleration of gravity is up to 80 thousand times less than on Earth, accounting for the elastic forces of the landing device design when solving the problem of landing dynamics is essential. On the «Rosetta» spacecraft, three landing gear supports contain clamping motors to ensure landing on a slope without tipping over, which is possible due to the energy of elastic deformation of the supports. When performing works related to soil drilling, the spacecraft must be securely fixed on the touchdown surface of satellites (comets). The clamping motors application here will be inefficient, since high axial forces are required while drilling, and the drilling time is rather long. In this case of touchdown, the spacecraft can be held on the surface with harpoons. | ||||||||
Zagornyj S. V., Naumchik I. V., Dzitoev M. S., Mikhaylenko A. V. Exergetic analysis of elements of thermostating systems. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 121 The subject of the research is the regularities of changes in the thermodynamic parameters of thermostating systems of rocket and space complexes, depending on the composition of their equipment. The purpose of the work is to improve the thermostating systems of special RKK equipment to ensure the specified heat and cooling capacity, as well as temperature to ensure and maintain the accuracy and stability of their output parameters. The article presents the main results obtained during the study. The exergic analysis of thermostating systems for objects of rocket and space technology has been carried out. Research has been carried out on the possibility of using heat pump installations for thermostating objects of rocket and space complexes, which allows obtaining energy of a higher potential using low-potential renewable energy from natural sources of heat or low-temperature secondary resources. The expediency of including a vapor compression refrigeration machine into the thermostatting system based on a heat pump installation has been substantiated. Conditions are formulated under which the use of a heat pump will be more profitable than the use of a chemical heat source. A method of comparative analysis of a heat pump and a chemical heat source is presented, the results of which showed that direct heating consumes approximately twice as much fuel as heating using a heat pump. A schematic diagram of a universal all-season thermostating system based on a refrigeration and heating unit has been developed. The work performed is theoretical and experimental. The provisions outlined in the work are the result of the analysis and generalization of the research results of Russian and foreign scientists in the field of thermodynamics and heat transfer, the theory of heat engineering, the theory and practice of operating thermostating systems for rocket and space technology, as well as the results obtained in the course of research on the topic of research work of organizations industry and military scientific organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The main research results can be used both at the design stage in the formation of requirements for ensuring the specified heat and cooling capacity, temperature conditions and improving the level of thermodynamic efficiency of various objects of special equipment of rocket and space complexes, as well as to ensure the required values of the output indicators of the elements of thermostating systems at the stage exploitation. | ||||||||
Buzhin I. G., Antonova V. M., Mironov Y. B., Antonova V. A., Korchagina A. S., Kanishcheva M. G. Exergetic analysis of elements of thermostating systems. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 121 AdaptiveMobile has identified a vulnerability in the of the Network Slicing mechanism implementation, which could disclose information about arbitrary network segments or cause a denial of service. The vulnerability was assigned the CVD-2021-0047 number. Federal Service for Technology and Export Control (FSTEC of Russia) introduced vulnerability to the bank of threats and determined the level of danger as medium. One of the trends for this vulnerability elimination in the 6G networks is formulation of the classification principles and filtering of the 6G transport network traffic for effective application of the Network Slicing mechanism. The basic principles of collecting, filtering and traffic classification of the data transmission network are as follows:
The proposed principles and ways of solving the filtering and monitoring problem are aimed at eliminating the dangerous CVD-2021-0047 vulnerability. | ||||||||
Bakhtin A. A., Volkov A. S., Solodkov A. V., Sviridov I. A. A neural network-based signal modulation recognition system implemented on a FPGA. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 121 In cognitive radio systems including software-defined radio, an important task is to recognize modulation type of received signals under various signal-to-noise ratios in the communication channel. The detection of the modulation type in a received data packet can be used in ad hoc networks, as well as to provide dynamic spectrum access. To solve this problem, there are few common approaches, including the shape detection of the signal constellation, the study of the statistical characteristics of the signal, the use of deep neural networks and others. The use of deep convolutional neural networks leads to higher accuracy for large sets of different types of modulation. In addition, implementing the neural network on an FPGA allows not only changing the weights of the neural network, but also configuring the types and arrangement of layers without replacing the hardware component. The proposed system consists of hardware and software parts. The hardware part includes a Digilent Zedboard and an AD-FMCOMMS3-EBZ development board (based on an AD9361 configurable radio transceiver connected via an FMC connector). The software part of the system consists of the Petalinux distribution kit version 2019.1, the Linux industrial I/O driver, developed software for pre-processing the received signal and a trained neural network model. The developed software part performs the pre-processing of the signals and controls the configurable coprocessor located on the FPGA. The pre-processing consists in normalizing the received signal. Moreover, as the coprocessor does not support the softmax layer of the neural network, the necessary calculations are performed at the post-processing stage. To train the neural network, a set of samples of radio signals with different types of modulation (dataset) was generated in the Matlab environment. The generated signal samples were transmitted at a 1 GHz carrier frequency over a low noise wireless channel. The carrier frequency was chosen arbitrarily as it does not affect the processing algorithm. Before transmitting the signal, the transceivers were manually calibrated in order to reduce the frequency desynchronization, however, during the transmission; the frequency deviation value was being changed arbitrarily. The received signals were pre-processed and divided into bursts of 1024 samples in the in-phase and quadrature channels. Then AWGN with different power was added to the samples. Thus, samples with various SNR in range −5...15 dB with step 1 dB were formed in the dataset. The use of the DPU v3.2 coprocessor allows it to perform necessary computations for the neural network in the FPGA. We decided to use a compact neural network with a small number of Inception modules and fast connections. The most significant impact on errors in determining modulation at high SNR is the incorrect classification of the 8-PSK and 16-PSK modulations — instead of the first type, the second is often predicted and vice versa. At low SNR QAM modulations of different orders are erroneously classified as higher order QAMs due to the influence of noise. Despite this fact, the developed system shows an average accuracy of 90% of successful recognitions for SNR values above 12 dB and 70% and higher for SNR values exceeding 2 dB. The proposed system has great flexibility and a large possibilities for further improvement of performance. | ||||||||
Smolyakov A. V., Podstrigaev A. S. Experimental study of the accuracy of determining the time-frequency parameters of a pulse in a digital receiver with undersampling under a single-signal impact. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 121 One can use digital receivers based on undersampling (sub-Nyquist receivers) to solve tasks of ESM, cognitive radio communication, electronic signals intelligence and passive radar. The main advantage of the sub-Nyquist receiver for the user is software adapting the characteristics to the current tasks and the signal-interference environment. The efficiency of the sub-Nyquist receiver largely depends on the accuracy of determining the time-frequency parameters of the received signals. Since we can consider any signal as a pulse during a long-term analysis of the signal situation, it is advisable to carry out the study for individual pulses with the accumulation of measurement statistics. We investigate the errors in determining the carrier frequency and pulse duration to estimate the accuracy of measurements on the device’s prototype. We obtained the results in the form of dependences on the carrier frequency and the duration of the received pulse. With a decrease in the pulse duration, the mathematical expectation and the standard deviation in determining the frequency increase. The average relative error in determining the pulse duration increases with decreasing pulse duration. The standard deviation of the error in determining the duration for long pulses is more significant than for short ones. The article describes in detail the reasons for these phenomena. The most critical errors, as expected, correspond to short pulses. Analyzing existing radio systems allows us to conclude that obtained errors are acceptable for wideband analysis tasks. An additional increase in the accuracy of determining the frequency-time parameters of the signal can be performed based on the approaches proposed in the paper. | ||||||||
Vernigora L. V., Sysoev V. K., Kasmerchuk P. V., Dmitriev A. O. The concept of high-precision trajectory measurements using a coupled system of an onboard optical arc meter-interferometer and optical laser beacons. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 121 As far as the transition to a submillisecond accuracy level of optical angle measurements in space is inevitable in the near future, and the joint use of an onboard space optical arc meter-interferometer and optical laser beacons will significantly increase the accuracy of measuring spacecraft equipped with beacons. The small mass-and-size characteristics of beacons and their low energy consumption allow retrofitting the devices already prepared for launch with optical laser beacons, without going beyond the limits of the spacecraft design mass saving. A simplified version of the «OSIRIS» astrometric arc meter-interferometer of the microsecond accuracy level — the LIDA device for applied use is capable of achieving the accuracy of coordinates determining of the spacecraft equipped with optical laser beacons, almost four orders of magnitude higher than is currently achieved when near-Earth space monitoring. The LIDA arc meter-interferometer can be placed onboard a small spacecraft or be a passing load. GLONASS spacecraft observation by a space optical arc meter-interferometer of, provided they are equipped with optical laser beacons, will allow increasing coordinates accuracy determining of the spacecraft of this grouping to a centimeter level (or even better). Spatial position measuring of a spacecraft in the interplanetary space is extremely important for correcting the spacecraft trajectory during interplanetary missions. Until now, there are still no autonomous navigation systems of this level. In search of an acceptable solution to this problem, the Americans are even making attempts to develop navigation principles for measuring pulsed radio emission of pulsars. Angular positions measurements of the spacecraft with the onboard optical laser beacon by a space optical arc meter-interferometer will lead to the errors by the position in the tangential direction even at the distances of one million kilometers, not exceeding the size of the spacecraft. These capabilities are unlikely to be in demand in the decades to come for practical navigation. However, they may be of interest to fundamental science, for example, to clarify the gravitational constant magnitude and the scale of the Solar System. | ||||||||
Ilyin A. G., Khafaga A. S. Study of the passage of a mixture of a radio pulse and narrowband noise through a phase detector. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 121 The article considers the possibility of applying structural dissimilarities between the mixture of valid signal and noise, and simply noise to receive weak signals in digital information transmission systems. The presented work demonstrates that for structural differences application for the task of a radio pulse detecting against the background of noise and interference, it is necessary to employ non-linear conversion. One of the technical solutions consists in a phase detector application. The article shows the possibility of the research results utilization for developing two-channel receiving units with enhanced noise immunity for digital signals transmission. The possibility of substantial noise immunity increase of the receiving unit by extra receiving channel application with phase detector is shown. This signal receiving technique may be successfully employed in the regions remote from the cities devoid of the developed internet communication structure. The areas of national economy, included in State programs, such as »Far East Hectare» and similar purpose-oriented programs, financed by the local budgets of Russian Federation provinces and regions may be given as an example of the area of low-power digital data transmission systems employing. State programs such as the Far Eastern hectare and similar targeted programmes financed from local budgets of regions and regions of the Russian Federation. | ||||||||
Torishniy R. O. Application of the second-order optimization methods to the stochastic programming problems with probability function. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 121 The author considers the application of the second-order optimization algorithms for stochastic optimization problems with the probability function as the objective or/and constraint function. The approximation of the probability function is based on the replacement of the Heaviside function with its smooth analog — the sigmoid function. It has been shown previously that such approximation and its first order derivatives with respect to the elements of the control vector converge to the exact ones. Moreover, the replacement of the probability function with its smooth approximation within the stochastic optimization problem leads to a good approximation of the optimal control vector and the optimal value of the target function. The smooth approximation of the derivatives allows us to use the first-order optimization algorithms. Now the direct formulas for the second order derivatives of the approximated probability function with respect to the elements of the control vector are provided. The proof of convergence of the second-order derivatives is not considered in this research. Possible applications of such approximations include the development of the new numerical algorithms for solving stochastic optimization problems, and new algorithms to determine the surface level of the probability function. Some numerical examples are considered in this article. For the cases of linear, quadratic, and logarithmic loss functions it was shown that the values of the smooth approximation of the probability function and their derivatives tend to exact values as the parameter in the sigmoid function tends to infinity. Also, an example of the constrained stochastic optimization problem with the logarithmic loss function and the probability function as the target was considered. The modification of Newton’s method is used to solve this problem to determine an optimal investment portfolio with three possible assets. | ||||||||
Zaitsev D. O., Pavlov D. A., Nestechuk E. A. Methodology for monitoring the technical condition of onboard launch vehicle systems based on the processing of rapidly changing. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 121 The article proposes a technique for monitoring the technical condition of on-board systems of space-rocket and technology based on the rapidly changing parameters processing on a time scale close to real. This technique novelty lies in the proposal of a new of quality indicators system, on which base the estimated characteristics of rapidly changing parameters are being selected for the technical condition monitoring of onboard systems of space rockets at the operational processing stage. The process of initial data preparation for the of diagnostic signs forming based on the rapidly changing parameters processing to analyze technical condition of the onboard systems of space-rocket technology at the operational stage is under consideration. The task of rapidly changing parameters processing on real-time scale is being set, and both restrictions and goal function are being described. The authors propose a quality indicators system, by which the decision is made on one or another alternative selection. The article presents classification of methods for optimization problems solving, as well as optimization methods, on which basis statistical search method for the set problem solution was selected. The system of indicators, which includes indicators of accuracy and efficiency of rapidly changing parameters’ characteristics processing option, as well as of the technical condition monitoring completeness indicator of onboard systems of space rocket-technology is disclosed. The article solves the problem of the rapidly changing parameters processing option selection the best by the efficiency indicators with account for accuracy limiting, as well as by the technical condition monitoring completeness indicator of onboard systems of space rocket-technology. A practical example of this technique application in the object domain is presented. Certain characteristics of rapidly changing parameters of the space-rocket technology from documentation, as well as the set of initial data for the set of alternatives forming were employed as a practical example. The developed technique includes a number of steps. At the first step, the initial data is being formed as a set of all alternatives. At the second step, a set of alternatives, reduced according to the accuracy indicator, is being formed from the one obtained at the previous step. At the third step, a set of alternatives, reduced according to the technical condition monitoring completeness indicator of onboard systems of space rocket-technology, is formed from the one obtained at the previous step. At the fourth step, the best set of characteristics is being formed in terms of completeness indicator, which can be processed on a real-time scale. At the fifth step, a set of diagnostic features from the characteristics of rapidly changing parameters is being combined with the existing set of diagnostic features. A new requirement for the telemetering program and for making changes to the instructions for evaluating the operation of on-board systems of space rockets is being formed at this step A set of 26250 alternatives is presented as an example. The number of alternatives was obtained as the number of combinations from the ten characteristics of rapidly changing parameters extracted from the documentation on telemetry information processing of the Soyuz-2 launch vehicle, three methods of characteristics processing, five window functions, five options for window function size, five options for window function steps and seven options for processing nodes. This number is being considered for an example, since the Soyuz-2 launch vehicle uses 369 characteristics and much more other variables. A complete set of variables consideration is impractical, since it will lead to the need for about two million alternatives considering. Inferences on the presented technique applicability in the object area to form diagnostic signs for the technical condition analyzing of onboard systems of rocket and space technology are drawn. The developed technique application is expedient for improving the algorithms for the technical condition analysis of onboard systems of space-rocket technology at the operational stage. | ||||||||
Uryupin I. P. Methodology for monitoring the technical condition of onboard launch vehicle systems based on the processing of rapidly changing. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 121 The purpose of the research consists in developing an optimization algorithm for continuous systems in the class of piecewise constant controls. In classical problems of optimal control of continuous systems, the admissible controls are, as a rule, bounded measurable ones (in applied problems, they are piecewise continuous). In some complex continuous systems, physical implementation of such admissible control seems impossible Then one can narrow down the set of admissible controls, for example, to the class of piecewise constant controls with a fixed number of switchings and search for a solution in this narrow class. It is clear, the suboptimal controls herewith will be obtained, which, however, with an unlimited increase in the number of switchings, will tend to the optimal one. Thus, the problem of minimizing the number of switchings becomes actual. To solve the set problem, a numerical-analytical algorithm has been developed based on the necessary conditions for optimality of switched systems. Boundary problems and formulas expressing the optimal values of piecewise constant control are obtained analytically, according to the necessary conditions. The resulting system of equations, as a rule, is transcendental and its solution is rather difficult. Thus, the author proposes to use the numerical minimization of the functional, followed by fulfillment verification of the necessary conditions to search for the optimal switching moments. The proposed algorithm is realized in MATLAB. The problem of a linear oscillator controlling with quadratic functional is being considered as an example. The optimal solution to this problem in the class of continuous controls was obtained using the maximum principle. In this work, the optimal solution to the problem in a narrower class of piecewise constant controls is being searched for. This solution is being found using necessary conditions for the switched systems optimality. It may be regarded as a solution close to optimal continuous control. Besides the problem of an optimal piecewise constant control synthesizing, the problem of finding the minimum number of switchings, at which the difference between the approximate solution and the exact one does not exceed a given error is also solved. The main result of the work is a numerical-analytical algorithm for minimizing the number of switchings of optimal piecewise-constant controls for an approximate solution of the optimal control problem for continuous systems. | ||||||||
Borzov D. B., Chernyshev A. A., Sizov A. S., Sokolova Y. V. Methodology and algorithm for constructing a computer network based on a wireless protocol. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 121 With the wireless protocols development, reconfigurable computing systems consisting of multiple processor modules keep on evolving. Systems based on wireless protocols are being considered as prospective for reconfigurable systems building. The purpose of this work consists in reducing the time consumptions contributing to a reconfigurable real-time system performance improvement. The research methods employed in this work are based on the set theory definitions, graphs, probability theory and mathematical statistics. Particularly, the graph theoretical approach to distribution supplemented with introduction of the system of the real-time reconfigurable computing system criteria, built on the wireless protocol, is taken as the technique basis. The research task consists in developing a technique for building a computing network based on the wireless protocol, ensuring data exchange between spatially separated processor modules, as well as an algorithm for building the computing network, which realizes the developed technique. This article presents the developed technique and algorithm for building a computer network based on a wireless protocol. The developed technique novelty consists in introduction of the distance factor for more accurate selection of the preferred processor module for the wireless network. The developed technique and algorithm of a real-time computing system built on a wireless protocol allows ensuring the optimal tasks distribution organizing in a reconfigurable computing system. It appears possible to develop software for distributing computational tasks to processor modules in order to reduce the time spent on data transmission within the system based on the presented algorithm. | ||||||||
Nikulin V. S., Khizhnyakov Y. N., Storozhev S. A. Virtual adaptive vector-matrix meter of the oxidizer of the combustion chamber of a gas turbine engine. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 121 Fuzzy logic methods have found wide application in control problems. However, when using the apparatus of fuzzy logic, it is necessary to sel ect models of fuzzy logical operations, being selected fr om empirical considerations. This complicates the algorithms construction for specific problems solving. Application of »classical» operations is justified only for solving simple problems and does not require a large number of rules. The purpose of the study consists in modernizing the vector-matrix approach applicable to the design of a neuro-fuzzy adaptive meter for the oxidizer of a gas turbine engine algorithm. The vector models application is being proposed, aimed at the ease of implementation, high speed and of the field application expansion. Practical significance consists in application of the vector-matrix approach of adaptive fuzzy control in the design of the combustion chamber coefficient meter of a gas turbine engine allows computational accuracy increasing, training time reduction, the scope of application expanding at the non-deterministic objects automation in the MISO system. Application of the matrix apparatus replaces the projections of the linguistic variable (term-set) vector with the fuzzy vectors. The main operations on fuzzy vectors are given in the works of M.A. Martsenyuk, on which basis the design of a vector fuzzy oxidizer of the combustion chamber of a gas turbine engine is considered. Relevant is application of a singleton base for fuzzifier fuzzy vectors activation, as well as the fuzzy forward and backward vector implicators application for the turboprop scalar control forming. Vector-matrix representation of the initial information is convenient when programming the state-of-the-art controllers of various objects. The disadvantage of this representation consists in the fact that it is not adaptable. Thus, the article proposes to supplement the vector part of the meter with Sugeno polynomials, which coefficients are being adjusted with the teacher by least squares method. | ||||||||
Sviridov V. V. Methodology for assessing the quality of group interaction of robotic complexes in a variable phono-target environment. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 121 The main priority of the Russian Federation in the field of military construction is the creation of a modern army, the basis of which are systems and complexes of weapons, military and special equipment, which include robotic complexes (RTK), providing an adequate response to the entire range of security threats, not only existing, but also likely in the future. Nowadays the nature of modern wars has significantly changed, which have become high-tech, dynamic and remote, requiring fundamentally new approaches to both their conduct and military-technical support. Therefore, to modern robotic security complexes strict and, as a rule, contradictory requirements on providing such quality indicators as reliability, efficiency and completeness of problem solving, which is explained, first of all, by a priori uncertain dynamic environment in which the complexes operate. Maintaining these quality indicators of RTK group control at a given level is the most important factor in ensuring effective protection of critical facilities. With the increase of combat capabilities on the part of the enemy, the difficulty of controlling a group of RTK increases, it is no longer possible to maintain a given quality of their functioning manually. To solve this problem is possible only on the basis of automation of the process of RTK group control, i.e. development and creation of such adaptive system of group control of complexes, which under unpredictable influences of external conditions, based on analysis of own state of complexes changed values of parameters and/or structure of their interaction so that the preset quality of functioning of complexes for achieving common goal was kept. The purpose of this article is to develop a methodology for assessing the quality of group interaction of RTK when countering the enemy, based on the assessment of the contribution of each group complex to solving the overall target task. Group interaction of complexes is formed by adapting the group control system of RTK to terrain conditions, changing quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the enemy. The main problems facing the design of RTK is the complexity in the organization of their out-group and in-group interaction in a changing and non-deterministic environment, in the face of enemy opposition. One of the ways to solve these problems is to build a hybrid control strategy, i.e. integration of functional capabilities of centralized, collective, swarm and swarm control, in which, depending on changing and uncertain out- and in-group conditions, behavior of each complex is built on coordinated actions with neighboring complexes, which, in turn, depend on intentions of the complex itself in given conditions. In order to maintain a given quality of functioning of a group of complexes it is necessary to control the parameters, algorithms of their work and structure. At the same time control actions should be formed as a result of analysis of actual information received from means of reconnaissance RTK, internal controlled parameters of the complexes themselves. We have developed a methodology to assess the quality of RTK group control under conditions of changing background conditions, which represents a complex of models, the results of which together allow to achieve the set goal, namely: a model of detection of the enemy by RTK reconnaissance means based on the analysis of influence of terrain conditions and enemy characteristics, a model of counteraction of a RTK group based on equations of average dynamics, a model of assessment of probability of enemy defeat by RTK group under conditions of changing number of parties and chaos. The theoretical basis for the development of the presented methodology is the developed fundamental and applied research in the field of robotic control systems, viz:
The practical significance lies in the fact that the developed methodology of assessing the quality of group interaction of robotic complexes will allow to form the image of an adaptive system of group control of complexes, as well as to develop recommendations on the forms and methods of group application of RTK when solving problems of countering the enemy. | ||||||||
Sudarenko D. A. Development of a database management system for a structural and parametric description of LTCC technology using Qt SQLite. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 121 The low temperature co-fired ceramic (LTCC) technology was selected as the technology under study. This technology has found wide application for the manufacture of RF and microwave microcircuits of low and medium degree of integration and can be applied in various industries such as telecommunications, medicine , automotive, military and space technology. Variable data of LTCC technology (sheet sizes, pastes naming, time, equipment setup, and others) are scattered throughout the documentation. The number of documents and procedures for production, control and management is quite large. The presented article proposes a method of structural-parametric description of the LTCC technology to improve the quality of the of microwave components production. Based on this method, a database based on MS Access was developed. The MS Access database has a number of disadvantages, since it is non-networked and does not allow making multi-user systems. These problems are being solved by the SQLite DBMS, which will be discussed in detail in this article. The process of a database creating in the SQLite DBMS for the microwave components production developed on the Qt framework is proposed. SQLite is a C ++ Qt framework library that implements a small, fast, self-contained, highly reliable, full-featured SQL database engine. Databases are being partitioned into: 1) server databases, to which one can connect from different devices, and the data itself is stored on a specially dedicated server (MySQL, MS SQL, PostgreSQL); 2) stand-alone databases, to which SQLite belongs. SQLite implements a standalone (serverless) transactional SQL database engine with no installation, setup, or configuration required. Its code is an open source, and it is free to use for any purpose, commercial or personal. SQLite reads and writes directly to regular files on the disk. Thus, a complete database with multiple tables, indexes, triggers, and views is contained in a single file. The database file format is cross-platform, i.e. one can freely copy the database between 32-bit and 64-bit systems or between direct order and inverted order bites architectures. The Qt framework contains a universal interface for working with various databases. The databases in the Qt view are the drivers for the QtSql module. By default, when installing the framework, the SQLite database is available, for the rest of the databases, one need to install and build drivers for Qt. Qt provides an extensive database compatibility, with support for both open source and proprietary products. SQL support is integrated with Qt’s «model-view» architecture, simplifying GUI applications integration with databases The way of data aggregation in general form, as well as the relationship of tables in which the data is stored, and the way of data aggregation into aggregated indicators and portraits are presented. Assembly and connection of the other database libraries (PostgreSQL / MySQL / ETS) are adduced. A detailed process of a database creating in the SQLite DBMS for the microwave components production based on the LTCC SQLite Qt is shown. | ||||||||
Deniskina G. Y. Method for finding approximate solutions of elasticity equations using spline wavelets. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 121 In the technique being proposed the spline wavelets, built on the basis of an uneven subdivision scheme and a lifting scheme, are being employed for solving problems of the elasticity theory. The choice of such basic functions is justified by the fact that wavelets have a number of advantages compared to other basic functions. For example, the lifting scheme application allows composing wavelets with the given properties, such as smoothness, compactness of the carrier, symmetry, the required number of zero moments, vanishing at the boundary of the domain of functions corresponding to non-boundary mesh vertices. Lately, the wavelet analysis is attracting a lot of attention from the researchers, scientists and specialists in various disciplines. There are several reasons why wavelets are being successfully applied in signal processing, information compression, methods for finding approximate solutions of differential and integral equations [1, 2], computer geometry [3-5]. Such reasons include the following. Firstly, the high rate of wavelet coefficients decay. This allows obtaining rather accurate function approximations employing only a small number of summands in the expansion. Secondly, availability of fast cascade algorithms for finding coefficients of the function wavelet expansion. Thirdly, many commonly used wavelets (such as spline wavelets and Daubechies wavelets) have a compact carrier. In the proposed technique, a wavelet-system, consisted of smooth functions with the compact carrier, was built using the lifting scheme and a mask. Such wavelet systems may be employed for finding approximate solutions of partial differential equations and, as a consequence, they may be applied to solving problems of the elasticity theory. This application presupposes the use of the least squares method for finding approximate solutions of boundary value problems of mathematical physics [7]. | ||||||||
Apollonov D. V., Bibikova K. I., Shibaev M. V., Gavrilova A. V. Сhoosing the architecture of the automatic control system of a convertible unmanned aerial vehicle – a tiltrotor. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 121 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) has been the research subject of several recent applications. This paper describes the flight dynamics simulation and automatic control system architecture development of the tilt-rotor UAV. This tape of vehicle combines the high-speed cruise flight capabilities of a conventional airplane with the hovering capabilities of a helicopter by tilting their four rotors. The paper presents a mathematical model of convertible unmanned aerial vehicle (tiltrotor) and the architecture of a unified automatic control system for all flight modes of the tiltrotor. The authors propose a control system structure that uses a limited set of »top-level» control parameters, including the total engines thrust and three moments acting on the UAV. The principle of forming the total thrust and moments by means of redundant set of »lower level» effectors, including engines orientation angles and each engine thrust, as well as aerodynamic control surfaces deflection, is determined. The possibility of using the proposed control principle is confirmed by the results of flight dynamics simulation of UAV executing a typical application scenario including vertical take-off and landing modes, flight along a given route and transient acceleration and deceleration modes. The paper considers the issues of assessing the safety of UAV flight in the event of possible individual control failures, taking into account the existing redundancy. A criterion for assessing controllability in the form of the maximum guaranteed angular acceleration is proposed which allows comparing the consequences of failures of each control effector. The paper shows that in order to guarantee UAV controllability we need to impose requirements on the choice of controller operational algorithms, both in the UAV angular motion control loop and in trajectory motion control loop. | ||||||||
Popov I. P. Combined rotations in technical systems. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 120 The purpose of the research consists in generalizing the principle of a combination of movements to the circular movements. The relevance of the work is stipulated by the fact that in technical systems, including aviation and space technology, particularly, in aircraft transmissions, bearings, orbital systems, helicopter mechanisms and many others, combined rotational movements are widespread, and it is important to represent the nature of the total movement when designing. The author considers an xʹ0ʹyʹ coordinate system, which rotates in an x0y one without angular acceleration with the velocity of ɷ. The radius of rotation is ρ1. Wherein 0x||0ʹxʹ, 0y||0ʹyʹ. The object a rotates in a xʹ0ʹyʹ coordinate system without angular acceleration at a speed ±ɷ. The radius of rotation is ρ2. All standard characteristics of the ellipse were determined in relation to the case under consideration. The elliptical trajectory inclination is set. The article shows that in the case of the trajectory of the total motion is elliptical and the semiaxes are equal to (ρ1+ρ2) and |ρ1–ρ2|, the object performs circular motion in the coordinate system xʹ0ʹyʹ without angular acceleration with velocity –ɷ. Just as the result of the two nonaccelerated movements superposition is also an nonaccelerated movement, i.e. it is uniform and rectilinear movement, at rotations in the same direction the trajectory of the total movement represents a circumference. At circular motions with multiple speeds, the trajectory of the total motion represents spirals. The practical aspect of the study is being determined by the fact that the formulas obtained can be directly used in CAD when performing design work. | ||||||||
Lurie S. A., Shramko K. K. On the correctness condition in boundary value problems of gradient elasticity theory. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 120 The main subject of study in this article concerns the variational formulation of gradient models of elasticity and specific symmetry conditions in gradient theories of elasticity of a general form. Special attention is being paid to the symmetry conditions, which are a consequence of the fact that it is possible to change the order of differentiation in the components of the displacement gradient tensor in the potential energy density expression. First, the conditions of symmetry in the theory of elasticity and gradient elasticity are discussed, the features of the properties of symmetry in gradient models are noted in comparison with the classical theory of elasticity. Then the variational statements of gradient elasticity and the structure of the boundary conditions following from this statement are briefly discussed. Finally, the conditions for the formulation correctness of the of boundary value problems and their connection with the symmetry property of gradient elastic modules are established. This article presents the symmetry conditions analysis for components of the generalized elastic properties tensor of gradient models of elasticity. It is demonstrated that one of the conditions is related to the correctness of boundary value problems of gradient elasticity theories. It is established for the first time that physically and energetically insignificant components of the elastic modulus tensor may appear on the surface under boundary static conditions for stresses (with variations in displacements) and under boundary conditions on the contours of edges, which can lead to significant errors in solving applied problems. A procedure allowing always obtaining correct boundary conditions for arbitrary optioins of gradient elasticity theories is presented. | ||||||||
Duong M. D. Real gas, combustion and detonation, thermodynamic equilibrium, equilibrium detonation adiabat, mathematical modeling, power plants, methane-air combustible mixture, hydrocarbon fuel, extremum of thermodynamic functions. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 120 The article presents physico-mathematical models of equilibrium one-dimensional detonation with account for the real gas state equation. An original computational algorithm is presented for plotting an equilibrium detonation adiabat employing a simplified real gas state virial equation. Specifics of the numerical simulation algorithm implementation employing the real gas state virial equation are analyzed. Single-fluid approximation, according to which the extra additive, associated with the existence of the intermolecular interaction, appears in the equations of the real gas thermo-dynamic functions for transition from the pure gas state equation to the combustion products as a model of mixture was employed. The results of comparing the problem solution on the equilibrium parameters computing of the stoichiometric methane-air mixture combustion products at the constant specific volume and internal energy with the known literature data are presented for the developed algorithms verification. The difference was less than 1%. The perfect gases model application at high initial pressure may lead to the pressure dissimilarity from the real gas model by more than 30%. A study of equilibrium adiabat characteristics detonation products of a stoichiometric mixture of methane and air for initial pressures up to 50 atm was conducted. In this case, the perfect gas model application leads to the pressure decrease behind the detonation front up to 13%. The Chapman-Jouguet detonation velocity at the increased initial pressures may exceed the one calculated by the ideal model by more than 10%. The need to account for the properties of a real gas for detonating mixtures in the high-pressures region was confirmed based on the analysis of the numerical modeling results.
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Panfilov E. B. Mathematical model of the flow processes around a body with gas-dynamic controls for the high-speed flow. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 120 The objects interaction with a high-speed flow is accompanied by the occurrence of high dynamic and thermal loads. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure the reliability of functioning and the efficiency of movement control. One of the directions for improving the aircraft movement control efficiency is the development of gas-dynamic movement controls, movement stabilization and reduction of temperature loads on surface areas. In this regard, it is necessary to correctly determine the thermal regimes of the most heat-loaded areas of the aircraft surfaces. For this purpose, the study of thermo-gasdynamic processes near a conical surface with the presence of gas injection into a high-speed flow was carried out. A mathematical model of a high-speed flow around a body with the presence of gas injection into a high-speed flow is presented, which takes into account the processes of chemical kinetics that occur in air at high temperatures. The air was considered as a mixture of five components (O2, N2, O, N, NO). In the first approximation, for the model of chemical kinetics, the initial five reactions of the Park K. model are applied. With regard to motion in the upper layers of the atmosphere, these reactions describe the main features of the processes occurring in air at high temperatures. The rate constants of each forward and reverse reaction are determined using the generalized Arrhenius formula. Investigations of the processes were carried out in a high-speed flow (M∞ = 10) of a conical surface (θ = 10о) with gas injection holes located along the generatrix at a distance x/l = 0.3, 0.6, 0.9 from the nose. Free stream parameters: P∞ = 79.8 Pa, Т∞ = 270.7 K, mass fraction γN2 = 0.767, γО2 = 0.233. The parameters of the injected jets Tj = 293 K, J = 4.95 is the coefficient of penetration of the gas jet into the high-speed flow [4,5]. The mathematical model was verified by comparing the results obtained in a numerical experiment with the data of [7] and [8]. A good correlation of the calculation results was obtained. Small differences in data may depend on the choice of the chemical kinetics model and, accordingly, the reaction rate constants. Verification of the results obtained using the mathematical model with the results obtained experimentally showed a good visual coincidence of the shock-wave structure. Application of the model of chemical kinetics made it possible, in the first approximation, to obtain the thermodynamic parameters of the high-speed flow near the investigated body with the gas-dynamic movement controls with sufficient accuracy. Comparison of the temperature data obtained in the course of the full-scale and numerical experiments showed a discrepancy of the order of 18—23%. he data obtained in the course of the research showed that the developed mathematical model gives sufficiently accurate results and allows them to be used in the study of processes occurring near a body in a high-speed stream with a gas-dynamic movement controls. | ||||||||
Boikov A. A. Depressurization loads analysis method for flange connection of pipes with metal Z-shape seal. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 120 The article considers coupling of the pipelines by the non-contacting flanges, which is being pressurized by installing a Z-shaped metal seal into the connecting block. The issue of the coupling assessment necessity with a view to the seal edges breakaway from the flangesrsquo; surfaces is being put forward. This checkup should be performed prior to the tightness computing, since it may appear that the wedge-like seal edge breaks away from the seal surface under the impact of the internal pressure or axial external force, which leads to the impossibility of performing sealing functions by the assembly. Computational models applied by the author in the previous articles while obtaining expressions describing the pipelines flange coupling behavior with the Z-shape metal seal at the stage of both loading by the internal pressure and axial force were used. Derivation of expressions for the depressurizing loads is being based on introduction of other initial data concerning values of the force factors acting on the parts of the coupling. The reverse problem is being solved. Previously, the contact load was being defined through the known internal pressure and external axial force. In the present case, it is necessary to find the internal pressure of the external axial force, which will be the possible depressurizing load, by the known contact load on the detached edge. In the case of both with the internal pressure and external axial force, two possible values of the pressure and depressurizing force will take place, namely in the case of the upper or lower edge detachment. Minimum of the two possible values is being selected as the depressurizing force. As the result, the possibility will arise to define which edge will be the first to detach. | ||||||||
Prokudin O. A., Rabinsky L. N., Tran Q. T. Depressurization loads analysis method for flange connection of pipes with metal Z-shape seal. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 120 The article presents the studies of mechanical characteristics of a new composite material. The beam-shaped samples of rectangular cross-section from the laminar composite material were fabricated. The composite represents a pack of aluminum-lithium and fiber-glass plastic sheets of 0.3ndash;0.5 mm thickness. The effective elastic moduli of the composite pack obtained this way were determined by the experiment for quasi-static uniaxial tension. The basic dynamic tests were performed for cantilever beam samples made from the aluminum-fiberglass composite laminate for the freely damped oscillations. The freely damped oscillations were being excited kinematically by applying some initial transversal translation to the free-end section of the beam or dynamically by applying some transversal concentrated shock load. The gain-frequency characteristics of the samples of various geometric dimensions were obtained, and the peaks on the gain-frequency curves corresponding to the resonant frequencies of first eigenmode oscillations were revealed. The effective elastic moduli of the composite material were computed employing the obtained results. The damping factors of the studied composites were determined using the measured peaks widths in the vicinities of the resonant frequencies. The appropriate statistical analysis of the obtained tests results was performed, scattering of the results, corresponding to the samples of different widths was revealed. The exact solution to the direct problem on oscillation of the cantilever composite beam of laminated structure with the assigned physical constants was obtained for the accuracy evaluation of the obtained results. A model of transversal oscillations of the beam was developed, accounting for the transversal shift deformation, but neglecting the cross-section crimping deformation. The longitudinal and transverse translations of a point along the line, connecting the symmetry centers of cross-sections as well as the angles of rotation of cross-sections around transverse horizontal axe, are accepted as the model main kinematic variables. Relations for the deformations are written, and equations for both kinetic energy and strain energy of an oscillating beam are obtained. The appropriate equations of motion as well as their natural boundary conditions were obtained by the Hamilton variation principle. The boundary value problem for harmonic transverse oscillations of the cantilever beam was stated, and the corresponding characteristic equation for the frequency was derived. This equation is transcendental, and is being solved numerically. The complex moduli approach was applied to account for the damping effects. The frequencies and damping decrements obtained after the numerical-analytical solution of the direct problem of the beam oscillation are in good correlation with the test data. | ||||||||
Kyaw Y. K., Soliaev J. O. Topological optimization of reinforced panels loaded with concentrated forces. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 120 A method of topological optimization of geometry of reinforcing panels loaded with concentrated forces is proposed. The proposed method is based on the numerical solution of the deformation problem of a panel of variable thickness. The optimization parameter is the thickness of the panel defined by a fictitious density function. The objective minimized function is the total energy of deformation of the panel. As a result of solving the optimization problem, an arrangement of stiffening ribs is determined which provide, at their own minimum mass, a maximum increase in the stiffness of the structure. The advantages of the proposed method, as compared with the standard topological optimization approaches, are the reduced requirements to the computational resources and the possibility to obtain the geometry of the stiffening ribs, which can be manufactured, for example, by milling. The paper investigates the effectiveness of the approach used in comparison with variants of regular finning of panels. It is shown that for some loading variants mass efficiency of optimized structures can be more than 2-5 times higher in comparison with the best variants of regular finning. Application options for numerical calculations of both classical plate theory and revised theory taking into account the transversal shear are considered. It is established that in the considered optimization problems with the condition of minimization of total energy of deformations application of classical theory is more effective. | ||||||||
Eliseev A. V., Kuznetsov N. K., Eliseev S. V. New approaches to the estimation of dynamic properties of vibrational structures: frequency functions and connectivity of movements. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 120 The scientific and methodological foundations for solving dynamics problems of technological and transport objects, operating under high vibration loads, are being developed. The purpose of the study consists in developing methods for dynamic properties analyzing of technical means (machines, equipment, devices), which design schemes are being reflected in the form of mechanical vibratory systems with several degrees of freedom. The studies are based on application of analytical apparatus of system analysis and its applications to the problems of machines dynamics, equipment and instruments protection fr om the vibrational impacts, which constitutes the basis for operational safety and reliability provision of hardware components. The issues of extra bonds, being realized by the simplest mechanisms, impact on the dynamic properties of the systems were regarded. Specifics of mechanical vibrational systems were studied based on introducing the notions on frequency systems and their forms. Specifics of dynamic vibrations damping modes under single and joint (by two coordinates) effect of the two periodical disturbances were studied. The numerical modeling data is presented. Characteristic modes of natural vibrations can be distinguished in the dynamics of mechanical vibrational systems, being regarded as design schemes of technical objects of both transport and technological purpose. Vibrations occurring herewith reflect the system reaction on the harmonic type external disturbances, representing movement of elements with certain amplitudes vibrations ratios along various coordinates. These ratios are being formed based on the parameters values of the system elements at the introduction notion on frequency functions, associated with the detailed regard of potential and kinetic energies ratio, as well as natural vibrations frequencies function of the energy expressions structure. Particularly, extremal property of the potential and kinetic energies ratio of the system is associated with the natural vibrations frequencies values. Within the framework of the approach being developed, the effect of frequencies closing-in of the dynamic vibrations damping to the one of the natural frequencies was considered. The possibility of the lim it mode of the mechanical system realization with two degrees of freedom in the form reduction to the system with one degree of freedom was demonstrated. | ||||||||
Lokteva N. A., Serdyuk D. O., Skopincev P. D., Fedotenkov G. V. Unsteady deformation of anisotropic circular cylindrical shell. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 120 The unsteady deformation of a thin, infinitely long circular cylindrical shell of constant thickness under the impact of a concentrated shock load distributed over an arbitrary region on its lateral surface is being studied. The shell material is assumed to be linearly elastic, anisotropic, and symmetrical about its middle surface. The Kirchhoff-Love model is employed to describe the shell motion. The motion of the shell is being considered in a cylindrical coordinate system associated with the axis of the cylindrical shell, and the sought-for function of the normal non-stationary deflection is constructed by connecting the Greenrsquo;s function with the function of the operating load using an integral operator of the convolution type in spatial variables and time. The Greenrsquo;s function for an anisotropic shell is a solution to a special problem of the impact of an instantaneous concentrated load on the shell, mathematically modeled by the Dirac delta functions. Expansions in exponential Fourier series, integral Laplace transform in time and integral Fourier transform in longitudinal coordinate are being used to construct the Greenrsquo;s function. The inverse integral Laplace transform is being performed analytically, and the original integral Fourier transform is being found using numerical methods for integrating rapidly oscillating functions. The integrals of the convolution of the Greenrsquo;s function with the load function are being taken with quadrature formulas using the rectangle method. As an example, the unsteady dynamics of cylindrical shell was sstudied under the impact of arbitrarily time-dependent concentrated load and load distributed over the finite area belonging to the lateral surface of the shell. Several options of symmetry of the elastic medium (isotropic, orthotropic and anisotropic) herewith were analyzed, which demonstrates calculated solution versatility both in terms of influence nature and shell material. For the considered symmetry options, the study of the unsteady vibrations propagation character, which allowed evaluating the solution adequacy, was conducted.The presented approach to constructing the unsteady deflection function while transition to the dimensional values opens opportunities for the analysis of the stress-strain state of the extended cylindrical shells with account for various options of the material anisotropy and law of distribution of the unsteady loading along both coordinates and time. | ||||||||
Oreshkin V. I., Meleshin Y. M., Tsvetkov V. K. Digital antenna array signal bearing accuracy improving. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 120 This article discusses technical solutions for the development of receiving device for a spacecraft with a possibility of direction of arrival (DOA) estimation. The device must provide DOA) estimation of the incoming signal with a given accuracy and statistical characteristics under typical conditions for a spacecraft (weak signal, low consumption, small size). To solve this problem, it is proposed to use well-known sum-difference method of DOA estimation based on a small-size antenna array with digital diagramming (DBF). DBF antenna is a type of active antenna array, each channel is a separate receiver with digital signal processing. The formation of the phase and amplitude distribution in the antenna aperture is carried out in digital form. If we have information about the signals in separate channels of the antenna array, it is possible to use correlation algorithms for DOA estimation. For example, MUltiple SIgnal Classification algorithm (MUSIC). The essence of the algorithm is to calculate the eigenvalues of the correlation matrix formed from signals in various channels of the antenna array. This algorithm makes it possible to use the total energy of a data packet, since the values of the correlation matrix contain the integral result averaging the thermal noise. However, this approach is computationally expensive. It is necessary to carry out several convolution operations to form the correlation matrix. Instead, it is proposed to use the phase-interferometry direction finding (DF) method with use an only one convolution operation per antenna array channel to improve DF accuracy. The convolution operation is performed on the received signal, stored in memory, and the detected data to accumulate energy and reduce the effect of noise on the DF result. Due to the very weak signal against noise background, signal processing is carried out in several stages. The receiving signal is filtering and Doppler shift is compensating. Then an approximate DOA estimation is made. The resulting direction estimate is used to form the main beam of the digital antenna array. The detected signal data is used as coefficients to compress the entire packet and increase the energy of the signal to increase DF accuracy. | ||||||||
Pavlov A. N., Pavlov D. A., Umarov A. B. Digital antenna array signal bearing accuracy improving. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 120 In the course of the research and development works performing on a spacecraft creation and development (a small spacecraft in particular), the important and integral condition of studying the onboard systems capabilities of a small spacecraft consists in performing analysis and evaluation of its structural states architecture. These states reflect both functional and technological specifics of the small spacecraft control. One of the primary tasks associates with the necessity of structural and functional survivability evaluating of the subsystems and a spacecraft as a whole, which often has to be performed under conditions of uncertainty due to the impossibility of simulating the whole spectrum of the space medium conditions. With a view to the existing uncertainty, it is necessary to consider all possible modes of the system development or degradation while its separate elements failure, i.e. pessimistic, optimistic and intermediate scenarios. The structural analysis of the small spacecraft onboard system functioning begins, as a rule, with plotting a diagram of the object functional integrity, representing a logically universal graphical tool for the structural representation of the system objectsrsquo; properties under study. Functional integrity diagrams allow representing correctly both all traditional types of structural diagrams (block diagrams, fault trees, event trees, connectivity graphs with cycles) and a crucially new class of non-monotonic structural models of various properties of the studied systems. The functional integrity diagram of the small spacecraft onboard system allows graphical representation of logical conditions for their own functions implementation by the elements and subsystems of the small spacecraft. It allows representing also the modeling goals, i.e. logical conditions for the studied system property implementation, such as, the system reliability or failure, safety or accident emergence, these or that operation modes implementation of the small spacecraft onboard control system, etc. | ||||||||
Shkinderov M. S., Mubarakov R. R. Simulation of the noise immunity of an access control and management system under the influence of an electrostatic discharge. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 120 An access control and management system is an important element in ensuring the security of access to a building. The effectiveness of an access control and management system is dependent on reliable used in an area of operation where electromagnetic interference may be present. One of the dangerous sources of electromagnetic interference for such systems is visitors to the building. They may have accumulated static electricity. During normal walking, a person can be charged up to a voltage of about 15 kV. Electrostatic discharge may occur when passing through the turnstile. Electrostatic discharge can cause induced interference in communication lines and secondary power lines. Induced interference can lead to a violation of the noise immunity of the access control and management system in the form of short-term failures. The simulation model for investigating the induced interferences under the influence of an electrostatic discharge on the turnstile the paper proposes. The simulation results give an idea of the parameters of the induced interference in the wire lines of the access control system. On the basis of the parameters of the induced interference, the quality of the functioning of the system elements under the influence of an electrostatic discharge is assessed. For probabilistic assessment of noise immunity of system elements, a method based on calculating the probability of a single bit error is used. In this case, a temporary disruption in the functioning of the electronic elements of the system is possible. The results obtained are in good agreement with experimental data. | ||||||||
Masyukov I. I. Method and device for arranging tasks in reconfigurable computing systems. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 120 In view of the growing complexity of the problems being solved, reconfigurable computing systems (RCS) have become widespread in various branches such as industry, aviation, instrument making, etc. The RCS distinctive aspect consists in the ability of the internal architecture changing for the task being solved, allowing productivity and energy efficiency increasing. The high degree of integration and hardware configuration allowed FPGAs application as the main computational element. When solving the information graph on the RCS, in view of the employed and available resources of the reconfigurable field, it is being divided into subgraphs, for which a configuration, describing the tasks locating among the FPGAs is being composed. Due to the complexity of the location search problem, which is NP-complex, its execution on a host computer operating in real time seems impossible. The existing approaches are either inapplicable for the DCS configuration search, or being solved programmatically. Thus, the development of the tools reducing the search time for the RCS configuration is up-to-date. An algorithm and a model, including the problem of the set covering, were created when developing a unit for the tasks location in the RCS. The model describes the unit construction, and four criteria. These criteria are being based on the ideas of tasks selecting from an adjacency matrix based on the number of links, the intensity of exchange between them and the occupied and available resources for location, allowing reduce the number of enumeration options, which made it possible to reduce the computational complexity of the algorithm. The algorithm developed on the basis of the model, in the set of selection, storage and assignment procedures, can be implemented on the current hardware. In the course of experimental studies of the tasks arrangement in the RCS, an analysis of the performance and the resulting final configuration was performed. It is shown that the developed unit is 5.17 times faster than the similar software. Thus, the inference can be drawn on the hardware implementation of the presented method and algorithm advantage. The developed unit is applicable in the RCS operating in real time, due to its productivity increase. | ||||||||
Sudarenko D. A., Lyutov A. V. Development of a database management system for a structural and parametric description of LTCC technology using ADO.NET. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 120 Low temperature co-fired ceramic (LTCC) technology was chosen as the technology under study. Currently, LTCC technology has been widely used in various fields of electronics, especially for the production of microwave microcircuits of low and medium integration. This technology provides an inexpensive solution for mass production of electronic devices in telecommunications, medicine, automotive technology, military technology and other industries. During the implementation of LTCC technology, problems were identified related to the mutual influence of a large number of parameters at each stage of production on the quality of products. To improve the quality of the production of microwave components, a methodology of structural-parametric description (STR) of the LTCC technology is proposed. Based on this methodology, an MS Access database was developed. Access technology does not allow making multi-user, distributed systems; to solve this problem, it is proposed to use the database management system (DBMS) ADO.NET. Before Microsoft released the .NET framework, one of the main data access technologies used in applications was ADO (ActiveX Data Object). With the release of the .NET framework, ADO.NET became the successor to ADO. ADO.NET is a family of technologies that enable developers of .NET applications to interact with data using standard and structured approaches. ADO.NET manages both internal data (created in computer memory and used inside the application) and external data outside the application — for example, in a database or text files. Regardless of the data source, ADO.NET presents data in application code in tabular form, as rows and columns. When interacting with external data sources, ADO.NET can use disconnected data technology. With earlier technologies, developers typically created a persistent database connection and used various record-locking techniques to safely and correctly modify the data. With the advent of the Internet era, the strategy of maintaining open connections for each of the many concurrent HTTP requests to a web application has proven to be ineffective. For ADO.NET, the preferred strategy is to open the connection before the database query and close it immediately after the query is complete. The article discusses the structure of the ADO.NET framework of the Microsoft Visual Studio system, its main parameters and features. The ADO.NET architecture and parameters for establishing connections with external data sources are presented. The process of creating a database in the ADO.NET DBMS for the production of microwave components based on LTCC MS SQL Server is shown. ADO.NET manages both internal data (created in computer memory and used inside the application) and external data outside the application — for example, in a database or text files. Regardless of the data source, ADO.NET presents data in application code in tabular form, as rows and columns. The article discusses the structure of the ADO.NET framework of the Microsoft Visual Studio system, its main parameters and features. The ADO.NET architecture and parameters for establishing connections with external data sources are presented. The process of creating a database in the ADO.NET DBMS for the production of microwave components based on LTCC MS SQL Server is shown. | ||||||||
Popov E. P., Vereikin A. A., Nasonov F. A. Investigation of the physical features of aviation systems using mathematical modeling using the example of an air cooling system. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 120 The relevance of the research issue lies in the need to check and adjust algorithms of aviation systems at each stage of their development. In connection with the expansion of the application scope of aircraft developed by PJSC laquo;Sukhoi Companyraquo;, a need arises to solve the problem of geometry optimization in joint hydraulic and thermal calculations. For this purpose, special software complexes are being employed that allow replacing real complex systems structures with structural schemes in the form of blocks, i.e. mathematical models that fully describe these systemsrsquo; structures. Practice has shown that, along with the existing methods for technical condition monitoring of the air cooling system (SVO) as part of a prospective unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), there is a necessary to perform automated monitoring of the trend of product parameters during flight tests [1]. Let us consider how the method applied in the presented article will affect economic efficiency on the example of a PJSC laquo;Sukhoi Companyraquo; prospective unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). The insurance cost of the aircraft equals to 1.3 billion rubles, the insurance cost of the ground control point of a promising UAV is designated at 145 million rubles. Thus, the total price of the manufactured goods is 1.445 billion rubles [1]. The price is determined based on the cost recovery principle, where no more than 20% is the cost of the head contractorrsquo;s work. In summary we get the price of the goods produced of 1.445 million rubles, and the cost of the goods produced of 290 million rubles (20% of 1.445 billion rubles) [2]. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were identified and solved by the implementation and development of the algorithms SVO in the SimInTech PC, which allowed improving the efficiency of the workflow and eliminating system shortcomings. The structure of the SVO mathematical model building in the SimInTech PCSVO is a complex-branched network of pipelines, including various units such as heat exchangers, dampers, dehumidifiers, check valves, overpressure sensors and temperature sensors. Calculation of such systems manually or with the state-of-the-artn computational fluid dynamics software systems requires significant computational resources and labor intensity. Due to the laquo;Set conditionsraquo; block, various situations of electric fans operation (EV) are modeled, which ultimately allows apprehending of the system behavior in the situation being considered. It offers the possibility to simulate failure situations and timely detect and eliminate the system weaknesses. The method for creating the SVO mathematical model, which includes the physical processes, occurring in the system, and control algorithms, allows developing the basics for solving the problem of reliable control of the technical condition of the SVO as part of a promising UAV during operation. It allows as well detecting malfunctions occurrence, preventing thereby the irreversible process of the system destruction. The three considered cases of the SVO functioning simulation clearly demonstrate that application of the proposed method of working out allows identify the system operation shortcomings and increase the workflow efficiency. | ||||||||
Apollonov D. V., Bibikova K. I., Gavrilova A. V., Shibaev M. V. Issues of choosing the architecture of the automatic control system of a convertible unmanned aerial vehicle – a tiltrotor. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 120 The relevance of the research issue lies in the need to check and adjust algorithms of aviation systems at each stage of their development. In connection with the expansion of the application scope of aircraft developed by PJSC laquo;Sukhoi Companyraquo;, a need arises to solve the problem of geometry optimization in joint hydraulic and thermal calculations. For this purpose, special software complexes are being employed that allow replacing real complex systems structures with structural schemes in the form of blocks, i.e. mathematical models that fully describe these systemsrsquo; structures. Practice has shown that, along with the existing methods for technical condition monitoring of the air cooling system (SVO) as part of a prospective unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), there is a necessary to perform automated monitoring of the trend of product parameters during flight tests [1]. Let us consider how the method applied in the presented article will affect economic efficiency on the example of a PJSC laquo;Sukhoi Companyraquo; prospective unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). The insurance cost of the aircraft equals to 1.3 billion rubles, the insurance cost of the ground control point of a promising UAV is designated at 145 million rubles. Thus, the total price of the manufactured goods is 1.445 billion rubles [1]. The price is determined based on the cost recovery principle, where no more than 20% is the cost of the head contractorrsquo;s work. In summary we get the price of the goods produced of 1.445 million rubles, and the cost of the goods produced of 290 million rubles (20% of 1.445 billion rubles) [2]. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were identified and solved by the implementation and development of the algorithms SVO in the SimInTech PC, which allowed improving the efficiency of the workflow and eliminating system shortcomings. The structure of the SVO mathematical model building in the SimInTech PCSVO is a complex-branched network of pipelines, including various units such as heat exchangers, dampers, dehumidifiers, check valves, overpressure sensors and temperature sensors. Calculation of such systems manually or with the state-of-the-artn computational fluid dynamics software systems requires significant computational resources and labor intensity. Due to the laquo;Set conditionsraquo; block, various situations of electric fans operation (EV) are modeled, which ultimately allows apprehending of the system behavior in the situation being considered. It offers the possibility to simulate failure situations and timely detect and eliminate the system weaknesses. The method for creating the SVO mathematical model, which includes the physical processes, occurring in the system, and control algorithms, allows developing the basics for solving the problem of reliable control of the technical condition of the SVO as part of a promising UAV during operation. It allows as well detecting malfunctions occurrence, preventing thereby the irreversible process of the system destruction. The three considered cases of the SVO functioning simulation clearly demonstrate that application of the proposed method of working out allows identify the system operation shortcomings and increase the workflow efficiency. | ||||||||
Peshevets S. V. Methodology for substantiating additional requirements for the training of electronic warfare specialists. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 120 The article substantiates the expediency of improving the quality of training of specialists in the field of electronic warfare. A methodology has been developed to substantiate additional requirements for the training of electronic warfare specialists. The use of mathematical methods and models in the processing of expert information is substantiated in the interests of ranking the requirements for the training of specialists. Additional requirements for the training of specialists in electronic warfare have been formulated. It is shown that the most important requirements for specialists in electronic warfare are the ability to make decisions, organize and implement the use of forces and means of electronic warfare units against aerospace control systems. According to the results of the study, using the Rush model for evaluating latent variables and a model that takes into account the competence of experts, it was found that the most important requirements for the training of electronic warfare specialists to perform the tasks of disorganizing the control of airmobile robotic systems of foreign armies are such as: be able to make decisions on the use of forces and technical means of electronic warfare units, organize and implement the use of forces and technical means of electronic warfare units; be able to make a decision on the use of forces and technical means of electronic warfare units, organize their use of electronic warfare units and control them in the course of fulfilling the tasks of electronic reconnaissance and suppression in conditions of radio-electronic interference created by modern electronic means of leading foreign countries; know the features of the use of modern domestic samples of electronic warfare technology. | ||||||||
Popov I. P. Classical mechanics methods application to electric charges. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 119 The article proves three theorems associated with studying accelerated electric charges on the basis and in terms of classical mechanics. Active development of aerospace ion and plasma engines theory touches upon a number of aspects, the two of which are being considered in the presented work, namely the charged particles dynamics and electromagnetic radiation at their acceleration. It is assumed that the charge moving along the circular path, i.e. with the centripetal acceleration, should necessarily radiate electromagnetic waves. It spreads, inter alia, to the cyclotron radiation.
The terms and methods of classical mechanics are being used, which spread, inter alia, to the electric charges dynamics in a part of forces, accelerations, displacements, work and energy. The starting point is a credible statement. A number of mathematically correct transformations is being performed with it. Thus, the result is necessarily reliable. Electromagnetic waves possess momentum and energy. The wave receives energy from the energy source, which leads to energy reduction of the source itself. At the same time, any decrease in energy is being necessarily stipulated by the corresponding work performing. Three theorems has been proved. Theorem 1. A tangentially accelerated charge does emit electromagnetic waves. Theorem 2. A normally accelerated charge does not emit electromagnetic waves. Theorem 2 formalizes a well-known in mechanics circumstance that the centripetal force does not perform work (since the scalar product of orthogonal vectors must be zero). Theorem 3. Electric charge satisfies Newton’s second law. In view of Theorems 1 and 2, the cause of magnetron radiation should be sought in the tangential acceleration caused by the Coulomb interactions of the beam charges. | ||||||||
Ekimenko A. A., Mikhailov D. Y. Investigation of the interaction of space debris particles with structural elements of a spacecraft. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 119 During operation, spacecraft are constantly exposed to external factors that lead to degradation of the structure and external elements. As a result, such an impact leads to changes in the optical properties of materials, changes in the physical and mechanical properties of structural materials, the formation of craters and through breakdown of the walls, as a result of which the operation of both individual onboard systems and the spacecraft as a whole is disrupted, which is a very urgent task. One of the influencing factors on the spacecraft is the flow of cosmic dust particles and the pollution of outer space by space debris particles, which have different velocities. The size range of space debris and dust particles varies from a few micrometers to tens of meters. Solid particles with a size of less than 1 mm are considered as a constant influencing factor, characterized by the density of their flow. Also, an equally important parameter of space debris is the shape of the particles. The article presents the results of a study of the impact of particles on the design of the spacecraft. The process of crater formation with equivalent stresses at velocities of 1, 1.5, and 2 km/s is considered. Graphs of the total stresses over the thickness of the barrier and the change in the depth of the craters over time are presented. In this paper, as an object of research as an element of the spacecraft, the result of the interaction of a two-layer coating on impact with a particle of space debris, the size of which is much smaller than the thickness of the coating, is considered. The coating in the form of two plates made of a composite protective shield and an aluminum plate, are shown in Figure 1. The results of the numerical simulation are shown in Figure 3.The results of the evolution and the formation of craters at different points in time are shown. As a result of the collision of the particle with a softer barrier, the polymer coating substance is carried away. At the same time, a crater is formed on the aluminum barrier with an increase in diameter at particle velocities of 1.5 km/s and 2 km/s. Based on the results of numerical experiments, the impact effects of a steel particle on an aluminum barrier with a polymer coating are analyzed. Taking into account a comprehensive study covering the physical and mechanical, mathematical features of modeling a high-speed impact, a large amount of information about the interaction of a particle with an obstacle at different speeds of movement was obtained. The polymer coating is destroyed in all the studied variants, taking part of the kinetic energy of the particle. With an increase in the speed of movement, the amount of material entrainment and the diameter of the coating detachment from the aluminum barrier increases. After the destruction of the polymer coating, the particle hits the aluminum barrier. As the speed increases, the crater depth and stresses in the aluminum barrier also increase. The rate of increase in the depth of the crater is also proportional to the speed of movement of the particle. In all variants of the numerical experiment, the steel particle undergoes significant deformations, but significant mass entrainment occurs only at a speed of 2 km/s. The results of crater formation and stress in the barrier at different particle velocities of less than 1 mm in size allow us to create a foundation for further experimental studies to take into account the impact of particles on the spacecraft design elements. | ||||||||
Win K. K., Temnov A. N. Angular oscillations of solid bodies with a two-layer liquid near the main resonance. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 119 The development of rocket and space technology has led to the widespread use of cryogenic liquids, as a result of which it was proposed to create a certain stock of cryoproducts that are simultaneously in a two-phase or three-phase state, while forming layers of liquid, to increase their shelf life on board spacecraft or in tankers of future space refueling stations. Nonlinear problems of the dynamics of a solid body having a cavity filled with several liquids are of considerable applied and theoretical interest. Many important problems of the dynamics of mechanical systems, including liquid masses with time-varying boundaries, lead to the need to solve the problem of the interaction of liquid with absolutely solid bodies. In particular, the linear equations of motion of a solid body with liquids will allow us to determine the change in the characteristics of the stability of motion due to the deformability of the free surface and the interface of the layered liquid. The paper considers a problem in a nonlinear formulation about the vibrations of a solid body with an axisymmetric cavity around the horizontal axis OY and completely filled with two ideal and incompressible liquids. Nonlinear differential equations describing nonlinear oscillations of a solid body and the interface between two liquids in the vicinity of the main resonance of the vibrations of liquids are obtained. For a round cylindrical vessel, the hydrodynamic nonlinear problem is reduced to the sequential solution of linear boundary value problems. The obtained solutions of boundary value problems in the form of cylindrical functions were used to calculate linear and nonlinear hydrodynamic coefficients in the equations of oscillations of the mechanical system under consideration. | ||||||||
Sposobin A. V. Meshless algorithm for supersonic inviscid gas flows calculating. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 119 The presented work regards the problem solution of numerical modeling of blunted body flow-around by the supersonic inviscid gas flow [1, 2]. Such problem may be solved by rather wide specter of the well-known methods. Cartesian-grid-based immersed boundary method was successfully applied to solve this problem in the two-dimensional setting [3, 4]. It was employed to study the flow evolution in the shock layer while large-size particle movement along the symmetry axis was performed within the framework of a series of works [5-7]. The above said studies continuation while a particle movement along various trajectories required the problem solution of the gas flow modeling in the 3D setting. Unlike the finite volume method, the meshless method does not divide the computational domain into mesh cells, but uses the cloud of points to represent the values of functions. The least square method is being used for spatial approximation of function derivatives. The article describes the Harten-Lax-van Leer method in combination with the MUSCL scheme and Van Albada limiter as applied to Euler system solution in 3D space. The least square method is being used to approximate Neuman boundary conditions on the boundary of the surface [17]. The meshless method selection was stipulated by the possibility of gas flow modeling in the domains with complex geometry. This method is less fastidious to the computer memory compared with those on the Cartesian meshes, employed in the previous works [4-7]. The meshless method for Euler equations solving was adapted also to the 2D space for the flat and axisymmetric cases [14]. The software implementation of the described method is accomplished in the C++ programming language and employs the OpenMP parallelization technology [15, 16]. The series of computational experiments on the bodies flow-around by the supersonic flow was performed to test the method operation accuracy. The article describes in detail the problem of modeling the sphere flow-around by the inviscid gas flow at the incident flow Mach number of 3. The algorithm for the nodes set generation in the 3D space for the given problem is described. A good agreement with solutions obtained by the finite volume methods on Cartesian meshes [3] and reference data [21] is demonstrated. The next stage in the development of the meshless method is supposed to be solution of the Navier-Stokes equations in order to simulate supersonic viscous flows. | ||||||||
Snazin A. A., Shevchenko A. V., Panfilov E. B., Prilytskiy I. K. Investigation of the interaction with a high-speed flow of an underexpanded gas jet injected out of the body. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 119 The interaction of injected gas jets with an incoming high-speed flow is one of the most pressing issues today. The use of injected jets for motion control has a significant advantage over mechanical controls, especially with regard to high maneuverability. Calculations of the gas-dynamic parameters of a high-speed flow near a conical surface at Mach number M∞=10-17 were carried out with the characteristics of the incoming flow P∞=79.8 Pa, T∞=270 K and the parameters of the injected jets Tj=293 K and J=4.95 — the coefficient of penetration of the gas jet into the incoming flow [1,2]. The object of study is a conical surface with gas injection holes located along the generatrix at a distance x/l=0.3, 0.6, 0.9 from the toe. When analyzing the distribution of the zones of increased pressure in front of the place of injection of the jet and low pressure behind it, it was found that the value of the pressure coefficient with an increase in the Mach number proportionally increases both in the zone of increased and decreased pressure, regardless of the place of injection. The maximum pressure coefficient difference between the zones of high and low pressure is observed during injection at a distance x/l=0.3. In this case, the injected jet interacts with the head shock wave, locally pushing it away from the model. As a result, the p ̅ on the surface before and after the jets is much higher than in other locations of the injection holes. It was found that an increase in the oncoming velocity leads to an increase in pressure before and after the injected jet. In this case, in front of the injected jet, the pressure increases more significantly than downstream of it. With an increase in the Mach number, the maximum p ̅ shifts closer to the injection site. The analysis of the efficiency of the action of jets with different variants of arrangement in high-speed flow is carried out. He showed that, while maintaining the parameters of the injected jets constant, an increase in the incoming flow velocity leads to a decrease in the J coefficient, since the pressure gradient at the shock wave increases. It was found that the magnitude of the Ky increases with an increase in the incoming flow velocity. The maximum is observed when the injected jet is displaced closer to the nose of the model (at М∞=17), since in this place the injection of the jet is as close as possible to the head shock wave. The results of numerical experiments correlate well with the results of field experimental studies [2, 19, 20], carried out using the aerodynamic laboratory of the A.F. Mozhaisky MSA and contribute to a more complete study of the effect of high-speed flow on the elements of aircraft. | ||||||||
Rotermel A. R., Yashkov S. A., Sevchenko V. I. Experimental study of aerodynamic characteristics in a supersonic wind tunnel ST-3 using a software and hardware complex. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 119 The article considers the developed software and hardware complex for conducting weight experiments with the help of strain gauges, which allows automatically launching and measuring the forces acting on the model of the aircraft throughout the entire operation time of the supersonic wind tunnel. Experimental studies were carried out using a supersonic wind tunnel of the aerodynamic laboratory of the Military Space Academy named after A.F. Mozhaisky. Currently, the supersonic wind tunnel provides the most reliable data on the study of the force acting on the model when interacting with the incoming flow of aircraft of various geometric shapes. To ensure the study of the aerodynamic characteristics of aircraft in a supersonic wind tunnel, the question arises of the development, implementation and use of modern measurement technologies that will expand the range of experimental studies. One of the types of conducting aerodynamic tests is a weight experiment. This paper presents the results of the development, implementation and application of a software and hardware complex for conducting weight experiments in a supersonic wind tunnel using three-component strain gauges. The software package is implemented in the LabVIEW graphical programming environment, which is an application graphical programming environment used as a standard tool for conducting measurements, analyzing their data, and then controlling devices and objects under study. A computer equipped with measurement and control hardware and LabVIEW allows you to fully automate the process of physical research. Creating any program is very simple, because it eliminates many syntactic details. The system for measuring the forces acting on the model in interaction with the incoming flow, based on the software and hardware complex, allows you to determine the experimental values of the longitudinal X, normal Y and transverse Z forces, the value of which determines the corresponding dimensionless aerodynamic coefficients of the model (Cx, Cya, Mz, K, Xd). Because of the conducted experimental studies on a supersonic wind tunnel with the use of a software and hardware complex, it has shown its effectiveness. The efficiency lies in the possibility of plotting graphs in real time, obtaining the values of the aerodynamic coefficients in tabular data. Because of the implementation of the software and hardware complex, it allowed to reduce the time for preparing, conducting and compiling the report of the conducted experimental studies by half. | ||||||||
Vasilenko D. A., Dorofeev F. E., Dorofeev E. A. Developing neural network approximator for critical half-opening angle determining in the effect of lift coefficient sign changing for blunted conical bodies. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 119 The sign changing effect of the lifting force while the angle of attack changing in the high speed flat streams for the wedge was first discovered in the V.S. Galkin and A.A. Gladkov work in 1961. This effect in a free-molecular flow was found by V. S. Galkin in 1962. He showed that while the wedge flow-around by the free-molecular gas flow such critical one-half angle exists that at large angles the wedge lifting force became negative at any angle of attack. Moreover, this effect is being manifested at any gas velocities and the ratio of the wedge and gas surface temperatures. The presented work deals with this effect studying for the bodies in the form of squeezed blunted cones. The effect is being studied for the rarefied gas flow without supposition on the free-molecular flow-around mode. At present, neural-network approximators application for fast computing of aircraft aerodynamic characteristics becomes one of new and promising trends of computational aerodynamics. The dependence of critical one-half angle of the squeezed blunted wedge on the flow geometry and parameters was studied using the approximation based on the hypothesis of locality. The exact neural-network approximator, allowing compute the critical angle at any set of parameters, was developed based on the computed examples of this functional dependence. Aerodynamic forces acting on the blunted squeezed cone in the rarefied gas stream are being calculated. The article demonstrates that there is such an angle of the cone one-half angle, at which increase the lifting force becomes negative at an arbitrary angle of attack. The values of this critical angle were found for various geometries of the conic body and the Reynolds number of a high-speed flow. | ||||||||
Park S. ., Grigoryev V. G. Stability of thin-walled axisymmetric coaxial structures containing liquid under multifactor loads. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 119 The presented work supposes that the structure consisting of two coaxial, liquid filled shells to be under both internal and external pressure. The internal distributed pressure is being applied to the internal cylindrical shell, while external pressure is being applied to the external shell, and both these pressures are independent and variable. The distance between external and internal cylinders may vary as well, and each of these variables affects natural frequency and stability of the structure. The purpose of this work is to develop a methodology for studying the stability of axisymmetric thin-walled elastic shell structures composed of two coaxial shells, the cavities of which can contain an ideal incompressible fluid. The stability domain boarder, which separates the domain, where the loaded structure keeps stable, fr om the domain, wh ere the structure loses its stability, is being determined on the coordinate plane of two parameters. Computations for this study were performed with the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) system in the Excel spreadsheet processor medium. | ||||||||
Gerasimchuk V. V., Telepnev P. P. Reducing vibration activity level by a damping coating with reinforcing layer. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 119 The article deals with experimental studies on the vibration level reducing of spacecraft electromechanical actuators by increasing the structure damping properties by application of a multi-layer damping coating with reinforcing layer. A vibration-absorbing self-adhesive coating made of multilayer aluminum foil and rubber-based polymer interlayers was being studied as a damping coating. A structural element bending at lateral vibrations causes cyclic tensile-compressive deformation in the damping layer and damping forces corresponding to them. The tests were being performed on a force-measuring test-bench. A frame with a self-adhesive vibration-absorbing coating was fixed on a multicomponent measuring platform, on which electromechanical devices with moving masses were being installed. While these mechanisms operation, besides controlling impacts of the orientation system, negative forces and moments transferred over the spacecraft structure to the precise equipment occur causing its improper functioning. The force-moment reactions and vibration accelerations appearing herewith were being rasterized and processed by the special software. The authors revealed experimentally that damping coating with a reinforcing layer application could reduce the vibration activity level of a structure in the entire frequency range of electromechanical devices with moving masses (up to 7 %) operation. The levels more meaningful at the vibration activity reduction (up to 15%) were being registered in the peak regions of the high-frequency vibrations. The experimenters revealed that the damping coating operability directly depends on the fastening quality and correctness of the structure’s surface coating. Preliminary shapes determining of the vibrations of interest is required to determine the places of maximum stresses of bending vibrations occurrence. The damping coating should be fixed in the places of maximum stresses occurring at vibrations, so that temperature effect of mechanical energy into heat energy converting, and amplitude-frequency effect of the vibrations damping by the reinforcing layer manifest simultaneously and with maximum effect. At the authors’ opinion, different modes of vibrations with a broadband spectrum of disturbance frequencies will have a certain shape and frequency, into which external forces and moments «pump over» the main energy od disturbance, and it is this shape that will be optimal to ensure maximum reduction in vibration loading. The article suggests recommendations for locations selection for the damping coating with reinforcing layer installing. The test results may be applied to ensure the vibration loading level reduction of structural elements while a spacecraft design and pilot testing. | ||||||||
Babaitsev A. V., Rabinsky L. N., Min Y. N. Method for evaluating residual stresses in AlSi10Mg alloy specimens obtained by SLM technology. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 119 Today, additive technologies are used to create physical models, prototypes, samples, tooling, and the manufacture of plastic, metal, ceramic, glass, composite and biomaterial components. Of greatest technological interest is the manufacture of final parts from metal alloys used in the aerospace industry, mechanical engineering, automotive, oil and gas, electronics, medicine and other industries. Selective laser melting (SLM) is one of the most advanced and popular 3D metal printing technology. When manufacturing products using SLM technology, complex geometric shapes, including internal cavities and channels, can be reproduced, as well as with well-thought-out design solutions — to achieve a minimum amount of machining and eliminate expensive tooling. However, as a result of powder sintering and local uneven overheating, temperature residual stresses are formed in the synthesized parts. The level of which can significantly affect the performance of the resulting products. The paper presents a variant of the method for determining residual stresses in products made of PH1 stainless steel, obtained by the SLM technology. For this, a study of residual stresses was carried out on flat rectangular samples grown in 3 directions relative to the construction plane (parallel, perpendicular and at an angle of 45 degrees to the construction platform). The method for determining residual stresses is based on determining the deformation during drilling of the probe hole and subsequent numerical calculation to determine the residual stresses. Deformations were fixed using the image correlation method. Such a non-contact method makes it possible to determine with high accuracy the field of displacements and deformations using a drilling machine and a camera with a macro lens. The numerical calculation was carried out by the finite element method taking into account certain deformations from the experiment in the COMSOL Multiphysics environment. As a result of calculations, the distribution of residual strains and stresses was obtained for all samples for all its components. The most indicative results were obtained on a sample grown in the plane of construction. | ||||||||
Volkov A. S., Solodkov A. V., Suslova K. O., Strelnikov A. P. Prototyping noise immune codes in communication systems with channels code division. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 119 The article discusses a modified RS-code. The purpose of the work consists in developing a prototype of a shortened noise-immune RS-code using NI USRP-2974 for a CDMA-type system. The CDMA system is intended for information transmission in the air from a base station to a mobile one and vice versa. The subscribers operation in this system proceeds in the common frequency band and on one carrier while separation takes place by various code sequences application, which are being assigned individually for each channel. A shortened modified RS-code was selected for this partition. The article presents both coding and decoding procedures of the modified shortened RS-code with both errors and erasure correction for the CDMA-type systems. The Euclidean algorithm was being employed for cutting computing time of the key equation. This algorithm automatically obtains a polynomial of error locators in parallel with the key equation solving. This algorithm was being executed with the predetermined initial conditions, and operational procedure was being changed depending on characteristic features of each iteration. The errors position search was performed by the Chen procedure, and their value by the Forney’s algorithm. The article demonstrated that the shortened modified RS-code corrected errors and erasures being the part of signal-code structures in the communication systems with code division multiplexing under development. The codes are of maximal possible minimal distance for linear codes with similar length of both input and output blocks. The may be employed as well for the concatenated code creation with greater minimal distance. Prototyping of the shortened modified RS-code was performed using the NI USRP-2974 high performance stand-alone device with software defined radio communication (SDR) USRP for system design and deployment of next generation wireless radio communication systems. The discrepancy range of the bit error occurrence probability was found applying the RS-code. Graphs proving effectiveness of the error correcting method of the truncated RS-code by employing the binary channel with erasures were obtained . | ||||||||
Demin D. S., Kononenko P. I., Lebedenko V. I., Prilutsky A. A., Reznichenko V. I., Sidorchuk E. A., Sysoev V. K., Khmel D. S. The concept of an onboard radar based on active phased array antenna employing reflector with solid-setting pneumatic frame. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 119 The article considers a space onboard radar based on a hybrid mirror antenna for the L or P band and active phased array antenna transceiver modules, scanning along the forming surface of a cylindrical paraboloid of its reflector. The authors suggested using effective area of the reflecting surface of its reflector no less than 100 m2 for the L band, and no less than 160 m2 for the P band to obtain a high gain, and substantiated the requirements to the shape stability as well. For reflector of such a considerable size, the possibility of a light transformable structure development by forming a surface, employing flexible reflecting metallized grid, fixed on the frame being arranged under conditions of zero-grzvity by gas filling and hardening of the pneumo-frame was substantiated with account for limitations imposed by the nose cone of a carrier rocket. On orbital injection the soft shells and flexible grid of the transformable reflector structure are being rolled up and packed in a container of relatively small dimensions and easily withstand acting vibration and dynamic loads as a part of a spacecraft at the stage of operation and at insertion. The article presents the layout of the onboard radar complex with hybrid mirror antennae for L or P band as a part of basic module of the «Navigator» support systems. The possibility of the reflector frame rigid structure creating from the composite material based on pneumo-frame shells under conditions of the spaceflight was confirmed. Hardening technique for pneumo-frame applying the infusion of a binder being solidified was tested on the example of the cylindrical thin-walled beam. The article presents the results of the transformable structure of the frame panel testing on functioning and strength, as well as verification of bending computations by stress-strain state modeling of a composite material. Its stiffness and weight evaluation is presented either. The transformable structure endurance to the cosmic space factors impact was estimated, and measures to its enhancing were being suggested. A number of passive methods have been proposed for stability ensuring of the reflector shape. Methods for the shape monitoring and correcting, and methods for the deformations impact compensating by hardware-software means of the radar system were considered. In particular, the expediency of the mirror shape correction by mechanical actuators, as well as by phase correction of signals to align the front of the wave being radiated, was justified. The systematic approaches, substantiated in the article, such as deformation impact compensation; forming large-size reflector with rigid frame from composite materials by the gas filling and soft shells hardening under conditions of the space flight may find application for radar complex developing based the active phased array antenna with a hybrid mirror antenna. | ||||||||
Masyukov I. I., Borzov D. B., Titov D. V., Sokolova Y. V. Mathematical Model and Hardware-Oriented Algorithm for Programs Placement Planning in Systems on a Chip. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 119 A reconfigurable computing system () is a system that can be reconfigured after its manufacturing. A promising basis for such system constructing is an RCS-FPGA. One of the tasks of building an RCS in real time mode consists in changing the internal FPGA modules organization. However, this leads to the increase in the switching delay time. This time reduction is achieved by the internal modules redistributing, which allows increasing the RCS speed. The article presents a mathematical model and a hardware-oriented algorithm for program scheduling in systems on a chip, which will allow reducing the time delay in computing the new topology of a reconfigurable computing system and increase its fault tolerance. To achieve the smallest total length of interconnections, the article proposes to employ two criteria: 1) The programs with a maximum number of related programs must have a minimum distance to their adjacent programs; 2) Adjacent programs with maximum loading among themselves must have a minimum distance; Thus, to achieve the minimum total interconnection length of the program configuration in the system-on-chip, it is necessary to find such a mapping that would satisfy the above presented conditions 1 and 2. Based on the proposed criteria and method, a hardware-oriented algorithm was developed, which main advantages consist in the simultaneous selection and location search in the configuration of the selected programs. It reduces the total length of the obtained interconnects in the configuration being computed and the number of enumeration operations. The software modeling of the developed hardware-oriented algorithm and its results comparison with the algorithm program model, based on the ideas of the branches and boundaries method was performed. Comparison was performed for the following types of graphs: ring, fully connected, planar, Cayley direct product, star using the Halin construction, bipartite. It revealed that the hardware-oriented algorithm works more efficiently for a configuration search for the most of the presented graphs types: in configurations computing for all presented types of graphs (on average, the total length of interconnections is 8.4% less), and in operation speed in four out of six (6.6% faster on average). The presented method and the hardware-based system-on-chip configuration-planning algorithm developed on its basis are applicable in high-availability systems such as onboard aviation, tracking, surveillance, radar, recognition systems, etc. This approach application will reduce both the time spent on planning or design (compilation) of a new configuration plan, and reduce the switching delays of the system. | ||||||||
Scriabin Y. M., Potechin D. S. Rational analyzing function for precise feature extraction from an electrostatic signal. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 119 The article is devoted to the problem of extracting features from an electrostatic signal. This problem becomes relevant when using an electrostatic monitoring system to detect unmanned aerial vehicles. The law of variation of the electrostatic field tenseness at a particular point on the earth’s surface depends on the landscape. In addition, the process of determining the parameters of the UAV flight requires the precise of determining the signs of an electrostatic signal. In the works of other researchers, the wavelet transform based on the Morlet function is usually used to extract the features of an electrostatic signal. The exact definition of the features is carried out from the analysis of the resulting three-dimensional time-frequency distribution. In this paper, we consider another type of transformation of an electrostatic signal based on convolution with a complex rational function. We select a function that can provide a simpler time-frequency distribution. The simplicity of this distribution lies in the fact that the parameters of the electrostatic signal are extracted based on determining the intersection point of two two-dimensional functions, instead of determining the peak on the three-dimensional distribution in the case of the wavelet transform. The method under consideration has comparable noise immunity compared to the wavelet transform, in addition, it allows you to adapt the transformation to a specific electrostatic signal. | ||||||||
Agayev F. G., Asadov H. G., Zulfugarli P. R. Studying optimal UAV functioning modes in wireless information transmission networks. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 119 The article deals with studying optimal UAV functioning modes in wireless information transmission networks. It considers two optimization problems of the UAV functioning in in wireless information transmission networks. The purpose of the study consists in (a) parameters determining of optimal transmission mode where the throughout C(t) is of constant value (i.e. the throughput is invariable); and (b) parameters determining of the UAV optimal functioning when the integral throughput value reaches its extreme at the constant value of the integral cost function being newly introduced. For the first task, conditions for the throughput constancy achieving were analyzed, and concrete condition at which fulfillment ensured this constancy was obtained. In the second task, conditions under which the integral throughput value reaches its extreme value is being determined with account for the requirements to the cost function. It was determined that such extreme in the form of the throughput minimum manifested itself at the following conditions fulfillment: (a) the presence of the cost function in the form of the functional relationship σ = σ(P(t)), where σ is a mean-square deviation of the white noise, and P(t) is the power of the signal being transferred, is conceded; (b) constraint of this integral function is conceded; and © the direct dependence between the above said indices was being ensured. | ||||||||
Aslanova A. B. Mode indices optimization of battery powered unmanned aerial vehicles with differential payload shedding. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 119 The problem of provision of optimum flight regime of UAV with dynamically changing weight was considered in regard of UAV equipped with internal combustion engines. Expansion of the scope of application of UAVs equipped with electric motors and batteries (accumulators) may cause the need to take into account the factor of weight changes during the flight. Technologically, this may be caused by the need to remove used batteries or perform some specific tasks. These types of tasks performed by drones include differentiated delivery of payload (spraying chemicals to destroy agricultural pests, dumping water in the forest fire zone, dumping chemicals to form raindrops, etc.). In the long term, a section of the UAV flight path is also possible, where the weight of the drone increases due to the implementation of refueling in the air. Thus, the issue of optimizing the operating parameters of the UAV is being updated, taking into account the dynamic change in the total weight of the UAV during the flight. It should be noted that this question in regard of battery powered UAV is developed not completely. The article formulates and solves the problem of determining the optimal dependence of the UAV flight speed on the weight of a battery-powered drone in the mode of differential payload reset. The optimization criterion is the condition for minimization the average integral value of the aerodynamic drag overcoming force. The task is solved using non-conditional variation optimization method in line with Euler equation and Lagrange multiplier. It is shown that the optimal value of the flight speed of a battery-powered drone is directly proportional to 1/3 of the weight of the UAV and inversely proportional to 2/3 of the air density. | ||||||||
Wai Y. S., Filippova A. S. On geophysical disturbances impact on the Earth’s pole wobbles with the lunar orbit precession frequency. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 119 The article studies the contribution of basic geophysical disturbances (atmospheric and oceanic) to the wobbling process in phase with the lunar orbit precession by the analysis and processing of the NCEP/NCAR data on atmospheric circulation and NASA/JPL data on the ocean angular momentum. For this purpose, numerical integration of the Earth’s pole motion equation with account for the kinetic momentum of the atmosphere and ocean angular momentum was performed. Combinational harmonics associated with the wobbling process under consideration were separated as well. As the result of the integrating, the Earth’s pole movement accounting for the basic geophysical disturbances was obtained, and contribution of atmospheric and oceanic disturbances to the wobbling process synchronous with the precessive motion of the lunar orbit was determined. Combinational harmonics, being obtained as the combination of the pole wobbling basic harmonics and harmonic with the frequency of the lunar orbit precession, were found. It was found that more than 50% of the energy of the wobbling process being considered, in-phase with the lunar orbit precession, might be stipulated by the disturbance of the atmosphere and ocean. Wobbling with frequencies of cycle/year, caused by atmospheric and oceanic disturbances, coincide in phase with the corresponding wobbling of the observed motion of the pole. However, at least one third of this process is not explained by the disturbances being accounted for in the work. | ||||||||
Protsenko P. A., Khubbiev R. V. The methods of ranking the Earth remote sensing spacecraft to ensure the operational monitoring of emergencies. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 119 The article discusses the issues of ranking operational monitoring spacecraft of forest fires in order to determine the contribution of each spacecraft to solving the problem of monitoring for focusing the resources of the control complex on the most important spacecraft. For rapid response to emergencies is necessary to know the situation in the observed area. Since the area is large, it is impossible to fully reconnoiter it with one spacecraft flyby. In this regard, it is proposed to introduce a new criterion — the proportion of the observed area, showing which part of the area there is up-to-date information. Intelligent information about the area is relevant only for a certain period of time, since an emergency situation can arise in the area at any random moment in time. Let us assume that the information about the area is relevant for a deterministic period of time Δτ, those to assess the situation in the area at time t, only the radio visibility zones of the Earth remote sensing spacecraft located in the time range [t–Δτ;t] are taken into account. Based on the proposed approach to assessing the observability of a given fire-dangerous area, the methods of ranking the Earth remote sensing spacecraft has been developed. The ranking of spacecraft is made taking into account the fact of information obsolescence and the nonlinearity of the area monitoring by a variety of spacecraft. As result of a comparative analysis of existing ranking methods based on the frequency of observation of a given area, and the proposed methodology, the fact of consistency of the results was established. At the same time, the proposed methodology makes it possible to single out that set of spacecraft, the use of which significantly increases the efficiency of monitoring areas of emergencies. The presented methods can be used to study the capabilities and ranking of both orbital constellations, consisting of the same type of Earth remote sensing spacecraft, and different types. | ||||||||
Popov I. P. On parameters calculation of passive gravity-assisted maneuvers of interplanetary spacecraft. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 118 The purpose of the study consists in analytical description of the ballistic trajectory section corresponding to the normal fall of the spacecraft on the surface of an atmosphere-free planet. The motion of a normally falling body herewith is being characterized by an increasing acceleration of gravity. The problem of the speed, time and acceleration of the normal fall of a body on the planet’s surface in the absence of an atmosphere is being reduced to solving a second-order differential equation, which is solved by the standard method. The solution specificity is the formal use of the table integral at an intermediate stage. It turned out, however, that his formula is inauthentic, namely, the derivative of the right-hand side is not equal to the integrand. From this, It necessary follows that possible existing solutions to this problem based on employing the above said table integral are incorrect. The article presents correction of this table integral, which is an incidental result of the study. Temporal equation of a normal body falling on the planet surface in the absence of the atmosphere, as well as temporal equations of its speed and acceleration were obtained in this work. Expressions for the distance, speed and acceleration were obtained as implicit functions of time. The article presents a numerical example with regard to a planet with parameters of the Earth, according to which the period of normal fall of a body on the planet’s surface from the altitude of 629 km is 387.275 s = 6.455 minutes, while the body’s velocity at the planet’s surface is 3353.297 m/s. The results obtained may be handy for calculating the normal incidence of small celestial bodies and spent spacecraft structural elements. | ||||||||
Khatuntseva O. N. On finding a generalized analytical solution to the Hagen-Poiseuille problem for a turbulent flow mode. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 118 The modification of the Navier-Stokes equations by accounting for the additional degrees of freedom associated with the excitation of stochastic pulsations in the fluid flow allowed distinguishing two solutions to the fluid flow problem in a circular pipe (the Hagen-Poisel problem). One of these solutions is implemented for any values of Reynolds number and corresponds to the laminar flow regime, the second one is implemented only for large enough values of the Reynolds number and corresponds to the turbulent flow regime.
However, the boundary conditions, i.e. of the liquid «sticking» on the walls of the pipe with the of a linear velocity profile formation near the walls along the length of the viscous layer are V+ ~ y+. The zero derivative of the velocity in its center herewith allows obtaining a «smooth» solution to the problem for an arbitrary Reynolds number only in the case of a laminar flow regime.
Boundary conditions that arbitrarily «fixing» a solution at two or more points generally do not guarantee existence of a smooth solution to ordinary differential equations (ODE) or partial differential equations (PDE), even if these equations obey Cauchy’s existence and uniqueness theorem.
The absence of a smooth solution of the ODE or the PDE in the entire domain under study can be considered from the point of view of the existence of two or more asymptotes of the solution, as well as areas of uncertainty between them. A function of two summand, each of which is the product of two functions can be considered as a generalized (in the sense defined in the article) an ODE or a PDE solution. One function defines one of the solution asymptotes, while the other one defines the degree of this asymptote effect of the overall solution in each point of the area under study.
From this point of view, the presented work considers a generalized solution of the Hagen-Poiseuille problem for the turbulent flow regime of a liquid. One asymptote of the solution satisfies the boundary condition of liquid «sticking» on the pipe wall, while the second asymptote of the solution is a constant setting zero velocity derivative on its axis. A comparison with experimental data for the universal velocity profile in the near-wall flow region is presented. | ||||||||
Panfilov E. B., Shevchenko A. V., Prilytskiy I. K., Snazin A. A. Evaluation of the control efforts of the aircrafts gas-dynamic controls in hypersonic flight modes using the IT-1M hypersonic wind tunnel. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 118 Improving the aircrafts aerodynamic characteristics (AC) in a wide range of speeds is a perspective trend especially with significant restrictions imposed on the shape of structural elements is flow and motion control, namely effect on the airflow to restructure its structure in accordance with the required change in AC and other airflow parameters. The most effective method is the gas-dynamic method, implemented in gas-dynamic controls (GDC) (longitudinal and normal injection of a gas jet fr om a body into a hypersonic flow).
On the experimental setup of the aerodynamic laboratory of MSA the A.F. Mozhaisky — the IT-1M hypersonic impulse wind tunnel (HIWT), a series of experiments was carried out (with the parameters of the undisturbed flow: Mach number (M∞ = 17), Reynolds number (Re∞≈1.4 × 104) and pressure (p∞ = 200 Pa)) to determine the aerodynamic characteristics of an aircraft model using GDC.
The feature of HIWT is the ability to obtain experimental data on quasi-stationary processes in a time interval of 50 ms. Working gas — nitrogen (high purity, 1st grade, GOST 9293-74).
When a gas jet is blowing into an incident hypersonic flow, a complex shock-wave structure arises, as evidenced by the experimentally obtained shadow patterns of flow around a body using GDC.
As an indicator of the effectiveness of the use of a GDC with a different location on the model, the amplification factor was selected (K_у=1+ΔY/P_y, wh ere P_y the GDC thrust; ΔY the increment of the normal force due to the presence of an area of increased pressure in the separation flow zone). A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of various combinations of the use of GDC on the aircraft model when moving in hypersonic flight modes is presented.
As a result of a series of experimental studies on the IT-1M wind tunnel, the effectiveness of the usage GDC AC was investigated at hypersonic flight modes. The values of the aerodynamic forces (normal and longitudinal forces, as well as the pitching moment) acting on the aircraft model during hypersonic flight are obtained. It has been shown that the usage GDC significantly improves the main AC of aircraft. The most effective combinations of GDC for the model under study are options 2 and 3 (with J of the jet equal to 4.95 and 8.53) (Figure 8).
Experimental studies carried out with the use of the HIWT aerodynamic laboratory of the MSA named after A.F. Mozhaisky contribute to a more complete study of the behavior of aircraft elements in a hypersonic flow, as well as the verification of existing and newly developed computational codes for aircraft models with GDC. | ||||||||
Eliseev A. V., Kuznetsov N. K., Eliseev S. V. Frequency energy function in dynamic states estimation of technical objects. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 118 The article proposes a new approach to the dynamic properties evaluation of mechanical oscillatory systems, as calculation schemes for technical objects operating in modes of intense vibration loading.
The purpose of the study consists in developing ideas of employing frequency energy functions representing potential and kinetic energies ratio in a specific form based on the application of relations of coordinates in the free oscillations mode.
Technologies of system analysis and structural mathematical modelling, within which framework the block diagram of the equivalent in dynamic sense automatic control system is being correlated in mechanical oscillatory system, are used.
The article demonstrates that the design schemes of technical objects, represented by design schemes in the form of mechanical oscillatory systems, allow detailing perception about systems’ dynamic properties, associated with the objects’ dynamic state, defined by the spectrum of natural vibration frequencies in a wide range. Growing attention to the reliability ensuring and operation safety of machines and equipment predetermines the attention to the frequency properties of the systems and accounting for the specifics of theif formation and manifestation.
The authors propose a method for dynamic properties evaluation of mechanical oscillatory systems based on the frequency energy function, which allows determining the frequencies of natural oscillations and their dependences on the system parameters, depending on the so-called cohesiveness coefficient of amplitudes by the coordinates of the system. | ||||||||
Tolstikov V. G., Pykhalov A. A. Stress-strain analysis of aircraft airframe parts from composite materials based on scanning and global-local problem solution. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 118 The article considers mathematical modeling of laminated polymer composite materials, being built basing on scanning parts with a computer tomograph with further mathematical processing of the obtained information and finite element models building. The main aspect of the work consists in determining the degree of the internal defects impact on the strength of the manufactured part by the results of the analysis of the individual finite element model.
The computed tomography technology allows determining the type of defect, its size and location relative to the base surfaces of the part under study. The resulting raster model is the scan data output. The well-ordered packet of raster images with the defect in one of the of coordinates system axis direction of the object under study is being formed. The subsequent step consists in creating a wireframe model of the defect zone. The step consists of the following stages:
Further, the superimposition of the wireframe model of the defect on the 3D finite elements model of the part’s zone with the identified defect is being performed. The subsequent properties transformation of the finite elements that have fallen into the defect zone consists in the change (decrease) in the elastic properties of the material.
Detailed analysis of the stress-strain state of aircraft structures from composite materials may significantly increase the computational costs. To solve this problem, this article suggests employing the global-local analysis of the elastic theory. This will allow considering the defect zone obtained after scanning with sufficient accuracy, without the part finite element model complication.
The presented approach application allows determining the suitability of the parts from laminated polymer composite materials with a high degree of adequacy, which consists in determining the real defects, revealed while the scanning process with the computed tomography, impact on the strength of the part.
the effect on strength the part real defects identified in the process of scanning on a computed tomography. | ||||||||
Kazak P. G., Shevtsov V. A. Principles of design an energy-efficient cellular communication system and wireless broadband Internet access for the Arctic. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 118 Currently, the Arctic territories of Russia are actively developing. For integrated development it’s necessary to create a modern telecommunications infrastructure accessible to remote sparsely populated areas which is capable of providing broadband Internet access and mobile communications.
The use of modern developing satellite communication systems («Starlink», «OneWeb», etc.) as such an infrastructure has a number of disadvantages: a long delay time for data transmission to a user and the need to use additional user equipment of large dimensions due to directional antennas. With the help of such equipment, it’s possible to organize only a stationary access point with a small service area which doesn’t allow the implementation of mobile communication using compact standard user equipment.
An alternative to satellite communication systems are cellular communication systems developed by 3GPP, which use cellular communication standards that provide broadband Internet access (LTE, LTE-Advanced, LTE-Advanced-Pro). The disadvantage of such systems is their unprofitability in the Arctic.
To date, integration with self-organizing networks with a dynamic Ad-Hoc structure has already been considered as one of the ways to increase the profitability of cellular communication systems.
A new way of increasing the profitability of cellular communication systems in the Arctic is proposed. For this, cellular communication systems with capacity transfer, integrated with the Internet of Things LoRaWAN communication system are used.
The functions of the LoRaWAN communication system [12] are autonomous remote monitoring and site management which includes turning off the power supply of the site when there are no subscribers in the service area and turning it on when subscribers appear.
Reducing the energy consumption of the site due to the integrated equipment of cellular communication systems with capacity transfer and LoRaWAN communication system, as well as the proposed method for managing the power supply of sites allows the use of autonomous power sources, for example, using hydrogen, as the main ones to ensure the operability of sites.
This work is devoted to the study of implementation options and basic principles of operation of energy-efficient cellular communication systems with capacity transfer integrated with the Internet of Things LoRaWAN communication system. | ||||||||
Volkov A. S., Baskakov A. E. Bidirectional search procedure development for solving the the transport software-defined network routing problem. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 118 Modern communication networks represent a complex architectural solution that performs a number of telecommunication tasks, which solution allows the most efficient transmission of large amounts of data through the network. The annual growth in the transmitted traffic volume makes the network technologies application for a long period of time without changes impossible, since the requirements for its processing grow, and increasingly stringent restrictions are being imposed on the network solutions and equipment along with it. One of the most important parameters of data transmission is the end-to-end delay. It represents a set of time values required for an incoming network packet processing and transmitting it through the physical communication channels, as well as the operating time of the network protocols and technologies being employed, in particular, the time spent on of various tables’ construction and operation of algorithms software implementations.
Thus, the solution to the above-said problem can be reduced in the first approximation to the problem of finding a set of routes on a graph describing the a communication network topology.
The existing standard solutions to the problem of searching for the paths on a graph describe, as a rule, the solution to the single route searching per one algorithm iteration, or provide the ability to search for exclusively disjoint data transmission paths, which in some cases is not sufficient for solving the original problem. Application of the routes searching algorithm with the auxiliary graph constructing, allowing find a set of paths, including partially intersecting ones, on the graph from one vertex to another, or from one vertex to set of vertices, may alter the situation. This solution disadvantage consists in critical increase of the algorithm operating time while employing graphs of large dimensionality.
This problem can be solved by applying the bidirectional search method for the above-said algorithm with the auxiliary graph constructing. Thus, the original graph can be conditionally divided into two parts, being the subgraphs from the original graph, connected by the generated paths. A mandatory condition herewith is starting and ending points finding in the constructed subgraphs, then, the auxiliary graphs construction based on them will allow reducing the time complexity by up to two times, depending on the specific software implementation of the algorithm and the methods of the graph writing: adjacency list, incidence list, adjacency matrix etc. The calculated time complexity herewith for the tested network topology containing eight nodes and the connections between them will be 519.23 and 105.95 for the algorithm based on the auxiliary graph and its bidirectional variation, respectively. | ||||||||
Ageev F. I., Voznuk V. V., Khudik M. Y. Technique of increase of noise stability of data transmission systems with binary phase-shifted noise-type signals in the conditions of action of noises with different spectral structure. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 118 Relevance of this work decides by need of increase of level of noise stability of data transmission systems on phase-shift noise-type signals to noises with different spectral structure on the basis of purposeful modification of time structure of the pseudorandom sequence used when forming such signals.
The purpose of article consists in assessment of character and extent of influence on noise stability of data transmission systems with phase-shift noise-type signals of time structure of pseudorandom sequence in the conditions of influence of noises of different type, and also development of the general recommendations about ways of increase of noise stability of such data transmission systems on the basis of purposeful modification of structure of PSP of the used signals.
As object of research in article data transmission systems with phase-shift noise-type signals in the conditions of action of noises with different spectral structure are considered.
Subject in article is the technique of assessment of character and extent of influence on noise stability of data transmission systems with phase-shift noise-type signals of time structure of pseudorandom sequence in the conditions of influence of noises of different type, and also the recommendation about increase of noise stability of data transmission systems on the basis of purposeful modification of time structure of PSP.
The practical importance of article is that on the basis of the developed technique of assessment of extent of influence on noise stability of data transmission systems with phase-shift noise-type signals of time structure of pseudorandom sequence in the conditions of influence of noises of different type, recommendations about purposeful modification of time structure of this PSP which results in the maximum distinctions in ranges of signal and noise which finally leads to essential increase of the relation signal / (noise + noise) on output of the coordinated filter, and according to and to decrease in probability of bit error in the accepted signal are developed.
It is reasonable to use the offered technique at solution of problems of justification of technical requirements to data communication equipment with phase-shift noise-type signals, capable steadily to function in the conditions of difficult interfering situation. | ||||||||
Dmitriev A. O., Moscatin'ev I. V., Nesterin I. M., Sysoev V. K. Options analysis of navigation systems for the Moon. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 118 Conducting a detailed study of the Moon and its further development should be based on a high-precision positioning system for objects located on its surface and in the circumlunar space. Currently, many space agencies and research centers are developing navigation systems for the Moon. The proposed projects stay at various stages from concepts to experimental work. Thus, conducting detailed analysis of these projects is an up-to-date task.
Basic types of navigation systems, suggested to development by Russian and foreign researches, were outlined following the results of the analysis. Certainly, there is a number of concepts, such as navigation by pulsars, but they are even more complicated in realization and of less accuracy than those under consideration.
These are, in the first place, radio-navigational systems, which can be conditionally split into three basic groups: — The systems based on constant contact with terrestrial systems; — Navigation systems autonomous from the Earth navigation (i.e., those not employing the Earth GLONASS, GPS, etc. as a support) with lunar reference points; — Autonomous systems without reference lunar based points.
All types of the systems have both their advantages and disadvantages: this is either the presence of a mandatory binding to the Earth (hence, there are delays in receiving any kinds of signals at such a distance), or either a large number of spacecraft or a complex lunar based segment.
Systems with gravitational measurements and the artificial intelligence application cannot fully perform the tasks of global lunar navigation.
Thus, we believe that the proposed lunar optical navigation system is up-to-date and solves many of the problems and shortcomings of the above-mentioned modern projects and proposals in the field of navigation on the Moon. | ||||||||
Voronov K. E., Grigoriev D. P., Telegin A. M. Application of the direct propagation neural network for localization of the impact site of microparticles on the surface of the spacecraft. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 118 The purpose of this article is to demonstrate an experimental method for determining the impact region of microparticles in the surface of a spacecraft, through a neural network, with information about time delays in the data set. The article briefly describes the main types of neural network architectures that are widely used in various tasks. The theory of operation of the architecture of the neural network of direct propagation with mathematical explanations is given. The fundamental operations of neural network training, such as the method of error back propagation, gradient descent of the loss function, the training coefficient and its optimization, are also considered. The task of detecting the impact site of microparticles on the surface of the spacecraft body is set. As input data for training and testing the neural network, we used the results of an experiment to measure time delays on an experimental model with four piezo sensors. The output data was the numbers of the areas of the plate that were subjected to a simulated impact with a steel ball. The neural network model itself was written in the python programming language, using the Keras library and TensorFlow. This article also provides a detailed method for constructing a neural network model in python. The neural network obtained in the course of the study showed good results in terms of predicting the impact area of cosmic particles. The accuracy reached almost 90-100%. These results, as well as the advantages, disadvantages and prospects of the considered method, are given at the end of the article. | ||||||||
Nenashev V. A. Features of classification of the underlying earth surfaces according to the characteristics of echo signals in on-board radars. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 118 Today, on-board radar monitoring systems are actively used as devices for observing the earth’s surface. They have great practical advantages. The main of these advantages are:
— implementation of monitoring of the earth’s surface in unfavorable weather conditions and at any time of the day, as well as in various seasonal conditions; — sufficiently long range of action; — high accuracy in determining the coordinates of the detected physical objects and outlines of the edges of the underlying surfaces; — the ability to cover large areas of the monitored areas in a short period of time; — implementation of the mode in real time, etc.
The work defines, analyzes and forms the corresponding parameters of echo signals, the space of information features of characteristics. The most informative classification parameters have been identified, the main of which is the radar cross section (RCS) value. In this case, the selected parameters of echo signals are stable under the influence of various destructive influences on the signal during its propagation.
The distribution laws of Weibull, Rayleigh, Rayleigh-Rice, Hoyt, etc. are used as a model for the fluctuations of the envelope of the earth’s surface echoes, as well as the log-normal law and the K-distribution as the equivalent of the sea surface echo.
In this work, an algorithm for the classification of one information attribute, which is the RCS, has been developed. The block diagram of the algorithm is presented. The classification algorithm is implemented on the basis of comparing the RCS value taken from the corresponding base of classification features of objects and underlying surfaces with the RCS value calculated from the received values of the echo signal amplitudes observed in the receiver strobe of the onboard radar.
Through the use of on-board radar equipment, search, detection and classification of underlying surfaces is carried out, which makes it possible to perform these tasks regardless of weather, daily and seasonal conditions. In this case, the reliability of the classification algorithm depends only on the intrinsic fluctuations of the evaluated characteristics of the echo signals. The result of the work is the development of an algorithm for the classification of underlying surfaces by RCS. | ||||||||
Khanykov I. G. Technology modification for distance calculation between pairs of adjacent clusters in multilevel thresholding. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 118 The article considers the multi-threshold images processing technology, which consists in generating a series of partitions into clusters for the original grayscale image. Each image is being assigned to its own brightness histogram, which every column is a separate cluster of pixels. A cluster is being characterized by the number of pixels it contains and the average brightness value. All pairs of adjacent clusters are being browsed while traversing over the brightness histogram. The pair of clusters with the minimum distance between them is being selected for merging at the end of the histogram traversing. In general case, 256 partitions are available by the number of the gray levels. In a special case, when the image consists of K grey levels (K < 256), and there is a need to find a partition from t levels of grey, the necessity to generate K — t partition into clusters will arise. With the original version of the multi-threshold processing method, the distance between the pairs of adjacent clusters was computed through the product of the intra-class and interclass dispersions, which requires considering the brightness histogram as a function of the probability density. The original technique is full of complex design equations. The modification proposed in the presented work allows computing the distance between the pairs of adjacent clusters by the increment of the total quadratic error. This modification is justified by a number of reasons. Firstly, the number of computational operations reduces twofold. Secondly, the accumulated value of the total quadratic error, expressed through the mean-square deviation, serves as the quality indicator of the image partitioning to clusters. Thirdly, the set of the total quadratic errors, characterizing the series of partitions into clusters, forms optimal sequence of partitions as evidenced by the convex curve. | ||||||||
Gavrilov K. Y., Kamensky K. V., Malyutina O. A. Trajectory signal modelling in the aperture synthesis radar based on optical images of the Earth surface. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 118 The article deals with the development and research of algorithms for computer simulation of the signal trajectory in the aperture synthesis radar. It substantiates such modelling relevance, which is stipulated by the necessity to obtain radar images of one and the sane scene under various probing conditions. The radar images obtained thereby may be employed to analyze various synthesizing algorithms, trajectory instabilities, equipment errors and other factors affecting the quality of the resulting synthesized image.
These are the methods for direct and reverse forming of the trajectory signal. The first group of methods, in its turn, can use numerical methods of electrodynamics, or methods of geometric optics. The most appropriate approach is based on the methods of geometric optics, when optical images are used to form the amplitudes and phases of the trajectory signals of the probed scene, i.e. aerial photographs, photos from space, and etc. Based on this approach, trajectory signals and radar images synthesized on their basis were obtained when a continuous signal with linear frequency modulation was used as a probing signal.
The article presents the examples of the trajectory signals computer simulation and their corresponding synthesized radar images with high resolution (above 0.5 m). The trajectory signal simulation method based on optical images may lead to the synthesized images distortions, which appear in the form of alternating dark and light bands located horizontally and vertically. The conditions under which such distortions occur, as well as methods for their elimination, were determined. The reasons for the distortions appearance in the form of bands are, firstly, the discreteness of the reflectors’ location point in the optical image, and, secondly, the interference of the radio signals reflected from a group of closely located reflectors. In literature, the second phenomenon is called the speckle effect.
To eliminate distortion of the images synthesized on the basis of the described method for the trajectory signal simulation, the article proposes to adding a random phase component to the signals of point reflectors. This technique allows to forming the trajectory signals close to real signals.
The article also provides examples of the application of trajectory signal modeling to analyze the distortions of synthesized radar images in the presence of trajectory instabilities with different amplitudes. | ||||||||
Tanygin M. O., Dobroserdov O. G., Vlasova A. O., Ahmad A. A. Technology modification for distance calculation between pairs of adjacent clusters in multilevel thresholding. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 118 The purpose of the study consists in developing a method, algorithm and models of authenticity enhancing of the information packets source identification. This goal is achieved by extra checking the content of a special service word that is a part of the data packet for falling into the value range dynamically generated by the receiver. As the result, the number of packets, being analyzed by the receiver while identifying the source of the structured set of information packets, reduces. The article demonstrates that reduction of the number of packets being analyzed leads to the probability of identification errors origin reduction. Models for identification authenticity evaluation were developed based Markov chains apparatus. The process of information packs acceptance by the receiver from various sources is presented as a random process, in which a part of the states corresponds to the data packets processing errors occurrence, while the other part corresponds to the possibility of the reliable packets processing. The model parameters are the values range width, used for checking the data packet special word; the probability of a single data block inclusion into the structured set; the length of the structured set of data packets from the single source; the total number of data packets being processed by the receiver. The article shows that application of the method of limiting the analyzed packets set being analyzed allows enhancing identification reliability of the distributed information systems subjects, which exchange data packets of limited size. The probability of identification herewith of false source, which formed a certain structured set of packets, reduces by two or three times. In practical terms, it allows reducing the size of extra service margins in each data packet. This, in its turn, allows reducing information excessiveness of the processed data, increasing the data processing speed by the receiver, and reducing the size of both internal register memory and random-access memory of the receiver. | ||||||||
Grechishnikov V. M., Kuritsky A. A., Butko A. D. Principles of localization of short-circuit defects in the pins of chips connected in parallel to the digital data bus. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 118 To improve the reliability of the digital electronic modules of control systems in aviation, various redundancy schemes are often used, based on the parallel connection of the same type of functional elements to the data bus. The functionality of such channels is implemented on super-large integrated circuits (SLIC), made most often in BGA (Ball Grid Array) enclosures and equipped with a JTAG interface in accordance with the IEEE 1149.1 standard. The JTAG interface is the basis for the development of hardware and software tools for boundary scanning, which are widely used not only for programming, but also for rapid contactless search, localization, identification and visualization of defects on assembled printed circuit boards
In the process of automated soldering of BGA chips, defects may occur in the form of a short circuit (bridge) between their terminals located in the subcorp space in the zone of physical inaccessibility to traditional electrical controls. Such defects can be detected using hardware and software boundary scanning. However, due to the parallel connection of chips in the presence of a short circuit only under one of them, the defect will be determined under all, including defect-free, chips at the same time.
The authors investigated the possibilities of the boundary scanning method for localization of short circuits under microcircuits in BGA enclosures connected in parallel to the digital data transmission bus according to the double «hot» redundancy scheme. The calculated values of the currents on the monitored sections of the communication lines were found experimentally, which make it possible to accurately determine the position of the defect under the microcircuits in the BGA enclosures.
The conducted experimental studies have shown that the implementation of the results obtained in the technological processes of production control and diagnostics will significantly reduce the time of searching and restoring the operability of products. | ||||||||
Storozhev S. A., Khizhnyakov Y. N. A new status regulator adapting method employing fuzzy logic. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 118 From the control theory point of view, an aircraft gas turbine engine (GTE) is a complex nonlinear object, which frame mathematical description is known a priori. While the GTE operation, continuous parameters monitoring, such as gas temperature behind the combustion chamber, rotor speed of a low pressure compressor (free turbine), rotor speed of a high pressure turbocharger (gas generator), is required. Further development of gas turbine engine control may be associated with the fuzzy control application. The goal of the study consists in upgrading control the fuel supplying to the GTE combustion chamber. The article proposes a new approach to the state regulator adaptation employing triangular terms with different bases, which vertices are being displaced depending on the arithmetic mean values of the input variables of the gas turbine engine, and the bases of the terms are attached to the current abscissas of the term vertices. There is a possibility to develop an adaptive fuzzifier from the analysis of the «traversed path» of each input variable, based on the proposed approach to terms adaptation. The grade of membership determining of the fuzzyfier was performed on the singleton base. Defuzzyfication was performed based on the weight-average formula. This adaptive state regulator allows replacing the standard selector and ensuring adaptability to the GTE external operation conditions. The developed adaptive state regulator is being characterized by better values probability of no-failure of the engine electronic regulator (EER). The results of the study may be employed for the combustion chamber control. The obtained adaptive state regulator will allow significant reduction of the uncertainty in the combustion chamber operation, ensuring guaranteed thrust of the flying vehicle. | ||||||||
Kolpin M. A., Protsenko P. A. Method for correcting the work plan of the ground automated spacecraft control complex based on the search for the maximum clique in sparse network graph of operations. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 118 The necessity of automating the process of correcting the work plan of the ground automated spacecraft control complex in the interests of increasing the operativeness of countering emergency is reasoned. Method for correcting the work plan of spacecraft control agency is proposed. The plan in question can be represented as sparse network graph of operations. This circumstance makes it possible to reduce the problem of plan correction to the search for maximum cliques in independent subgraphs of the original graph using the known optimal and suboptimal algorithms of graph theory. This approach is implemented in two stages. At the first stage, the complement of the initial operations graph is constructed and a set of disconnected subgraphs is searched in it using known algorithms for finding the components of the graph’s connectivity (in depth or width). The advantage of these algorithms is the linear convergence time relative to the number of vertices and edges in the graph.
At the second stage, the search for maximum cliques of the found subgraphs is carried out. If the subgraph has less than 70 vertices, then the Bron-Kerbosch algorithm is used; otherwise, suboptimal procedures that allow finding acceptable solutions in polynomial time are used.
The modeling of the process of correcting the work plan of the control agency using the developed method and heuristic procedures FIFO and LIFO has been carried out. It is concluded that the use of the developed method provides an increase in the correction completeness index due to optimization procedures when solving the problem of redistributing of the resources of the ground automated spacecraft control complex.
The method developed can be used for: — creation of software tool for automated correction of the work plan of spacecraft control agency; — conducting scientific research to assess the stability and operativeness of spacecraft control. | ||||||||
Lebedev A. S., Dobrolyubov A. N., Bezrukov A. V., Yarigin D. M. Improving the information content of the system for detecting contamination of elements of rocket and space technology. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 118 The subject of the study is the methods of quality control of elements of rocket and space technology in production and operation. The aim of the work is to separate surfaces with various impurities (defects) due to an expanded dictionary of features based on second-order statistics (combination matrices).
The method of identification (recognition) of various damage to the surfaces of elements of rocket and space technology is considered.
The initial data for generating signs of damage discrimination is a two-dimensional array of intensities of electromagnetic waves reflected from these surfaces in the optical range. The reflection of light from the studied surfaces is recorded by the digital camera’s CCD-matrix when they are irradiated with a single-mode laser module S-5 (Sanyo) of the visible (red) range with a continuous radiation power of 5 MW in the spectral range of 635 nm, which is the optimal source of coherent radiation for building control and automation systems, alignment and marking devices, as well as for scientific purposes.
The generation of a dictionary of surface recognition features is based on nonlinear transformations of the resulting images (textures). To do this, the two-dimensional array is transformed into a second-order statistic ‒ the spatial dependence matrix (the matrix of combinations) .
The description of class recognition in the language of newly generated features made it possible to eliminate areas of ambiguous solution when identifying surfaces that were present in the previously developed method based on the feature space (mathematical expectation, variance, skewness and kurtosis coefficients) formed on the basis of first-order statistics (histograms of the intensity distribution of reflected signals). Thus, it is possible to separate the contamination (damage) of the surface of the studied elements from each other, eliminating the previously existing uncertainty.
The proposed methodology can be used to form expert opinions that exclude the «human factor» when assessing the condition of the studied surfaces of rocket and space technology elements at various stages of their manufacture and operation (at the manufacturing plant ‒ during production and in operating organizations during repair and maintenance work). | ||||||||
Dorozhko I. V., Ivanov O. A. Decision-making support system model for spacecraft onboard systems diagnosing based on Bayesian networks. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 118 The article proposes employing Bayesian networks capabilities, based on non-uniform data as well as fragments of knowledge representation and posteriori inference for the incoming information accounting, to solve the problems of the spacecraft onboard systems diagnosing.
The developed model and technique are based on mathematical apparatus of Bayesian trust networks, as well as the basic concepts and relationships of the theory of reliability and technical diagnostics of systems. The initial data is information on the reliability (structural and logical schemes, failure rate of elements) of spacecraft typical onboard systems and diagnostic models that linking the types of technical conditions and diagnostic features. For cause-and-effect relationships between the types of technical condition and diagnostic features, sets of conditional probabilities or densities of distributions are pointed, depending on the continuous or discrete type of diagnostic feature, respectively.
The results of the research are constructing technique and a model of an intelligent decisions support system for a spacecraft onboard systems diagnosing.
The article considers examples of new incoming information processing in a fragment of the Bayesian network at diagnosing spacecraft onboard systems. It quotes analytical calculations and posteriori inference results while new information incoming on the spacecraft blocks failures, as well as while incoming of discrete and continuous values of diagnostic features.
The model based on dynamic hybrid Bayesian trust networks includes discrete and continuous variables describing causal relationships of technical conditions and diagnostic features types, as well as relationships of blocks (elements) in terms of reliability. The results of the logical-probabilistic inference allow control the values of the spacecraft operational state probabilities in the course of time, as well as predict possible failures and take proactive measures.
Mathematical models of diagnosing, considered in the article, account for the types of elements connection, reliability of elements, as well as dynamics of technical states types and their relation to the diagnostic features, which may be both continuous and discrete. | ||||||||
Dement`ev A. N., Bannikov A. V., Arsen`ev K. V., Shiryaev A. A., Basak A. A. Quality control of the spacecraft onboard equipment functioning under the impact of the propulsion system radiation. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 118 One of the concepts for the prospective space systems development consists at present in the spacecraft energy capacity enhancement through the space purpose neuclear reacotrs application.
The article presents computational models that allow radiation conditions determining created by nuclear reactors of advanced spacecraft (AS) in the locations of onboard equipment (OE). In addition to the ionizing radiation (IR) impact from the outer space (OS), the radio-electronic OE is exposed to the penetrating radiation of a nuclear reactor. The article shows that along with a number of operational characteristics increasing, nuclear reactors application as power systems involves stricter requirements for radiation resistance. The results of the absorbed doses’ modeling and calculation for the of the payload insertion vehicle model containing reactor are presented.
Presently, in the context of modernization and the transition to an innovative path of development, space nuclear energetics become up-to-date again. The «Roskosmos» State Corpoation together with the «Rosatom» State Corporation propose developing a project of a spacecraft equipped with a nuclear rocket engine of a more than megawatt capacity for flights to the Moon and Mars 1.
The current requirements for the spacecraft consist in the active life increasing by the amount from10 to 15 years, which entails an increase in the requirements for ensuring the OE radiation resistance.
Among the numerous factors affecting the OE functioning, the IR CP impact may be distinguished due to the fact that both dose (DE) and single (SE) effects caused by the IR CP account for up to 50% of all OE SC failures.
Besides, the OE of a spacecraft with the onboard reactor should function normally in a stationary mixed field of gamma and neutron radiation, which characteristics’ values, as well as the ratio between the gamma and neutron components of the radiation field depend on the thermal power of the reactor, location of the equipment on the spacecraft relative to the reactor, the type and characteristics of the protection used, the reactor operation duration, as well as the presence of the residual gamma background of the reactor in the off state.
In this regard, when spacecraft systems designing, it is necessary to conduct studies on assessing the IR impact of various energies on the OE elements to ensure the required levels of radiation resistance.
The presented models account for the difference between the neutron and photon radiation interaction. The thechniqye for determining the neutron radiation propagation function in the form of the neutron radiation flux density in the the spacecraft structure materials depends greatly on the energy range, which affects significantly the physical processes of interaction. Besides, when neutrons propagate through the spacecraft structural elements, secondary gamma radiation occurs as a result of inelastic scattering and neutron capture. The quantitative characteristics of secondary gamma radiation depend on the type of material, its thickness, and the energy distribution of neutrons.
In the region of photon energies from twenty kiloelectronvolt to ten megaelectronvolt, to which the photons generated by the spacecraft nuclear reactor are being related, the main primary processes of gamma radiation interaction with the spacecraft structure materials are the photoelectric effect and Compton scattering of gamma quanta.
The article cosnsidered computational models, which allow determining the radiation conditions, created by the neuclear reactors of the advanced spacecreaft in the OE locations.
The authors show that the radioelectronic OE is being exposed to the penetrating radiation of a nuclear reactor in addition to the impact of the IR OS, and that along with the increase in a number of operational characteristics, the of nuclear reactors application as energy systems involves stricter requirements for radiation resistance. The models presented in the article allow the specific absorbed doses computing and, with account for the propagation function of the corresponding components of gamma-neutron radiation, determine the absorbed doses at a given point.
The article presents the results of absorbed doses modeling and calculation for a model of a payload insertion vehicle containing a nuclear reactor. It should be noted that the proposed model of the gamma-neutron radiation inpact from the reactor on the spacecraft OE elements is of an applied engineering nature and has no fundamental limitations on the linear dimensions of individual devices and structures when calculating the passage of the AI through the spacecraft elements, which allows it to be employed for calculating local dose radiation loads as well. | ||||||||
Efanov V. V., Zakota A. A., Gunkina A. S. Probability assessing technique for a fighter guidance to the allowed guided missiles launches zone under conditions of incomplete instrumentation. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 118 Confrontation of parties at ranges exceeding the range of visual visibility, and confrontation at visual visibility may be distinguished in modern air fight. In the first case, the long-range air fight, which represents a flight, detection, identification, closing-in. maneuvering and is being performed applying the surveillance and sighting system (SSS) and with medium and long-range missiles. In the second case, close air fight is being carried out under conditions of maneuvering with high-g, fully employing maneuvering capabilities of an aircraft, physical abilities of a pilot and with application of short-range missiles and cannon armament.
Until the moment of target detection herewith by the onboard facilities or visually by a pilot, the task-oriented control of a fighter can be implemented by a higher-level system. The system possesses the information on both the target and the fighter from the ground-based or airborne control points (CP) through the command radio link to bring it to the radar contact with the target.
After the SSS transition to the continuous direction finding" mode, the third stage of the short-range guidance begins. The basic task of this stage consists in bringing the fighter to a certain area of space, which is restricted by maximum and minimum launching ranges of guided missiles and limiting values of the fighter angular coordinates relative to the target. For the short-range guidance, the «direct close-in» method, directed to achieving the final goal of guidance, is widely used as the basic one.
This method assumes that the target is not maneuvering and keeps its movement parameters of constant. The fighter is being guided along a straight-line trajectory to the point of the intended rendezvous. The end of the short-range guidance phase is the fighter’s stationing to the starting position for the attack. The main task herewith consists in ensuring the target lock-on by the missile coordinator or its readiness for launch. Close guidance ends up with the attack of the target, i.e. applying the GM from the allowed launch zone.
In the incomplete instrumentation mode, the SSS performs target tracking only by the angular coordinates. However, the information on maximum and minimum range is necessary for launching conditions computing. The article suggests a technique for the probability assessing of the fighter guidance to the guided missiles launching zone under conditions of incomplete instrumentation. The gist of the technique consists in determining: — The probability of a target detecting and locking, under condition of absence of interference in accordance with the explicit dependence on time of identification, lock-on, average time the target staying within sight of the SSS, depending on maximum and minimum range, aiming time and relative close-in speed; — The probability jumping-off in accordance with the formula dependence of the sector width and guidance errors. The fighter and missile maneuverability is being checked herewith, and in case of missile maneuver capability exceedance, the lock-on sector width is being determined in accordance with the expression depending on the missile and fignter angular speed relative to the close-in speed and average lock-on range; — The root-mean-square guidance error in accordance with the formula dependence on course mean-square deviation and spatial position mean-square deviation of a fighter and a target. Position measuring accuracy herewith is being determined according to the expression, depending on the fighter to target speed ratio, target speed, measuring time and average lock-on range; — Additionally, the accuracy error of the fighter and target spatial position under conditions of the incomplete instrumentation based on the indirect target movement parameters determining method.
Simulation of process of the fighter guidance to the allowed launches zone under conditions of incomplete instrumentation allowed revealing that at the measuring accuracy of the target spatial position under conditions of instrumentation incompleteness form 2.6 to 7%, the probability of the fighter guidance to the allowed launches zone changes within the limits from 0.7 to 0.4. | ||||||||
Popov I. P. Sources of force and velocity, resonances and anti-resonances. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 117 The article considers parallel and series connections of a mechanical system’s elements with a source of harmonic force, or a source of harmonic velocity as a source of the external mechanical harmonic impact. A crank-and-yoke drive and a flywheel with a large moment of inertia can be the source of harmonic velocity. The source of the harmonic force can be represented by the rod of the pneumatic cylinder, which cavity can be in communication with the cavity of another pneumatic cylinder, which diameter is immeasurably higher than that of the first one, and which piston performs harmonic oscillations. The mechanical harmonic impacts, described in the courses of theoretical mechanics, correspond to the source of harmonic force. The article describes the four modes, namely resonances and anti-resonances of forces and velocities. The symbolic (complex) method implementation has significantly simplified the study of resonance and near-resonance phenomena, particularly, it allowed deeply unify and formalize consideration of various mechanical systems. The cumbersome and time-consuming operations associated with the preparation and solution of differential equations have been replaced by simple algebraic transformations. This method is based on the mechanical analogue of Ohm’s law in a complex representation and the concept of mechanical reactance, resistance, impedance, susceptance, conductance and admittance. The classical consideration delivers one amplitude-frequency characteristic, while the symbolic (complex) method delivers eight ones with a significantly larger number of characteristic points and characteristic ratios. Resonance and anti-resonance of forces, resonance and anti-resonance of velocities were determined. Resonances stem from the combinations of parallel connection of elements and a source of harmonic force, or a series connection of elements and a source of harmonic speed. Anti-resonances occur due to the combination of parallel connection of elements and a harmonic velocity source, or their series connection and a harmonic force source. | ||||||||
Lazarev S. I., Lomakina O. V., Khorokhorina I. V., Kochetov V. I. Analytical studies of mechanical displacements in baromembrane apparatus elements. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 117 Baromembrane devices of the flat-chamber type are applied for separation, concentration and purification of solutions by reverse osmosis, nanofiltration, ultrafiltration and microfiltration processes. Operating under excessive pressure, they possess the following characteristics: ease of assembly and installation, a sufficiently high specific separation area, reliable operation, and a small pressure drop. The difficulty in operation of such devices, for example, for reverse osmosis, lies in the large values of working transmembrane pressure. To solve this problem, the authors proposed to employ end flanges, characterized by increased rigidity and strength. The purpose of this work is to study the stress-strain state of the structures of the end flanges of the flat-chamber type baromembrane apparatus operating under high transmembrane pressure.
The flanges with shape of rectangular plates, are made of “caprolon” (dielectric material). There are holes on the cover for bolts, necessary for tightening the intermediate working chambers to seal them. To increase the strength characteristics, a metal plate in its structure, which is superimposed on the flanges is provided.
During this device operation, its individual working surfaces are being exposed to highly concentrated solutions. In the authors’ opinion, optimal dimensions selection, namely of flanges in this particular case, based on the strength and rigidity conditions is an urgent task. To study the stress-strain state of the flange, we use both analytical and numerical methods. Accounting for the strength parameters and stiffness, several options of the design scheme were considered to select the flange optimal dimensions:
– A flange without a plate and bolts;
– A flange with a plate but without bolts;
– A flange without both a plate and bolts;
– A flange with a plate and bolts.
Computations were performed using the SOLIDWORKS Finite Element Method (FEM) software.
Analyzing the data the displacements and stresses values computing, a good comparability of the results was noted. The conducted studies of the flange of the flat-chamber type baromembrane apparatus, in terms of strength and stiffness allowed determining the design scheme reflecting the design of the real device. A comparison of the techniques for the flange calculating revealed the correctness of the design scheme selection and the method for calculating the end flange of the baromembrane device. | ||||||||
Sysoev E. O., Dobryshkin A. Y., Sysoev O. E., Zhuravleva E. V. Modeling vibrations of a thin-walled cylindrical shell under uniform temperature impact at a variation formulation of the problem . Trudy MAI, 2021, no 117 The purpose of the article consists in verifying mathematical model of thin-walled cylindrical shell vibrations under the impact of the uniform temperature based on variation formulation, and employing various methods, including the experimental one.
The state-of-the-art construction often employs expressive and cost-effective shapes of buildings and structures in the form of thin-walled cylindrical shells. These buildings herewith are being exposed to temperature impacts and external forces action, leading to technogenic accidents. To avoid these accidents, frequency responce of buildings and structures should be computed. Dynamic temperature variations of the shell lead to the elastic modulus of buildings changing, which affects the frequency response dynamics. The existing vibration analysis models for thin-walled cylindrical shells do not fully account for this fact, thus, improved analytical models development is required with confirmation of the high quality of the developed model. Experimental verification is one of the most common methods of mathematical models proofing. The new theoretical basis parameters are being verified with a realistic scaled-down model of the structure, and comparison of experimental and theoretical data is being performed.
The article presents a new design model for thin-walled cylindrical structures vibrations being exposed to the uniform heating, based on variation formulation. The obtained design model has been verified by experiment, and its application range has been determined.
The new verified mathematical model can be used for performing structural analysis, in design bureaus conducting vibration analysis for cylindrical shells.
Comparison of experimental and theoretical results of was performed. Convergence of the results is less than 5%. It was demonstrated also that the experimental data revealed a discrepancy with the results obtained while vibrations computing of the open cylindrical shells by the well-known mathematical model. | ||||||||
Blinkov Y. A., Ivanov S. V., Mogilevich L. I., Popov V. S., Popova E. V. Longitudinal waves in coaxial elastic shells with account for structural damping and with fluid inside. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 117 This article studies longitudinal deformation waves in coaxial elastic shells with soft cubic nonlinearity, containing a viscous incompressible fluid, both between them and in the inner shell. The structural damping effect of the shell material in both longitudinal and normal directions and the environment surrounding the outer shell on the wave amplitude and speed was accounted for. The article demonstrates that this leads to the need for numerical methods application to study the nonlinear wave process. The numerical study of the model obtained in the course of this work being performed employing a difference scheme for equations similar to the Crank-Nicholson scheme. In the absence of liquid inside the shell, structural damping in the longitudinal direction as well as surrounding elastic medium, the velocity and amplitude of the waves, propagated in the shells, do not change. Computations show that the waves’ movement takes place in the introduced moving coordinates system in the negative direction of the abscissa axis. This means that the found nonlinear addition to the wave velocities in the linear approximation (the speed of sound) decreases the waves velocities and they become subsonic. The result of the computational experiment in this case coincides with the exact solution; therefore, the difference scheme and the system of generalized modified Korteweg – de Vries – Burgers (MCdV-B) equations proposed in this work are adequate. At accounting for the impact of inertia of the liquid motion in the inner shell, a velocity decrease of the deformation waves occurs, while the presence of the elastic medium surrounding the outer shell leads to their velocity increase. The liquid viscous stress in the inner shell and structural damping of the shells’ material in the longitudinal direction leads to the waves amplitudes decrease. Structural damping in the normal direction increases the wave amplitude by a constant value and decreases its velocity. | ||||||||
Lokteva N. A., Ivanov S. I. Noise-absorbing properties of a homogeneous plate with arbitrary boundary conditions under the impact of a plane acoustic wave in acoustic medium. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 117 The main purpose of the presented work consists in the displacements determining of the plate under the given boundary conditions. By reason of purely mathematical difficulties, such kind of problems consider, as a rule, a limited number of types of soundproof panels fixing, being reduced to the boundary conditions corresponding to the free bearing. Thus, obtaining techniques for solving the problems associated with interrelation of acoustic media and a plate is of significant scientific value. The approach used to solve problems with arbitrary boundary conditions is generally applicable to solving other problems, particularly, of the theory of plates and shells. It supposes a solution finding of a problem on sound absorbing properties of the homogeneous infinite plate. After this, strive for the fulfillment of boundary conditions in certain points of the infinite plate. The problem setting herewith is assumed related, where not only direct impact of the wave on the obstacle but also the acoustic media behavior prior to and after the noise absorbing obstacle are being accounted for. This formulation of the problem allows determining the noise level not only directly at the interface between the plate and the acoustic medium, but also at any distance from it.
The article presents the developed general approach to the solution of the problems with arbitrary boundary conditions for the plates. The problem of the plane harmonic wave interaction with the infinite homogeneous Kirchhoff-Love plate has been solved. The midline normal displacements were determined depending on the oncoming wave frequency. Influence functions for auxiliary forces, necessary to ensure the boundary conditions fulfillment in the specified points, were found for employing the method of compensating loads. The compensating forces values were determined based on the boundary conditions for rigid fixing of the plate edges. As an example, normal midline displacements, corresponding to the rigid fixing on the two edges and hinge attachment, were obtained based on superposition. The boundary conditions fulfillment in both cases was demonstrated. The sound absorption coefficient for a rigidly fixed plate has been determined. | ||||||||
Kulygin S. V., Kazachkov V. O., Kochkarov A. A. Vehicular flows monitoring on toll road sections based on the GNSS employing. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 117 Currently, the toll roads construction or organization of the toll roads on the already existing road network is a promising trend in the development of a high-quality road system. In the context of insufficiency of the budget funds being laid out in Russia for the toll road infrastructure development, the issue of attracting private investment for road construction has become acute. For investments attraction, the toll road system should be organized so that it would guarantee refunding of the committed facilities and sufficient profit margin to the investor for account of toll operation of the object, as well as economic concernment of the society, which would employ this system.
The obvious disadvantage of toll drive way systems with toll gathering points is the costly maintenance of the systems, both in terms of the entry and/or exit checkpoints equipment, and the involvement of full-time operators. The main disadvantage for the drivers is traffic jams creation at the entrance and exit of the toll road section.
To solve these problems, an electronic system of fees was implemented. With this technology implementation, the driver passes the toll plazas without stopping at a given speed. Payment is being made with special electronic systems. Today, the existing Russian systems have their drawbacks, such as inability to read heavily polluted or deliberately hidden license plates without transponders, as well as the lack of on-time payment guarantee of the drive way at the post-payment.
The purpose of the work consists in studying automated information systems that determine location of a vehicle by the Global navigation satellite systems GLONASS and GPS, to eliminate the above said problems peculiar to the electronic tolling systems.
Implementation of the ERA-GLONASS automated information data systems and vehicle monitoring systems opens up an opportunity to the electronic tolling system improvement. For vehicles with the above-mentioned systems, the approach does not require installation of additional equipment, and if the individual vehicle identifier is linked to the vehicle identification number (VIN) and its registration plate, it allows solving the problem of unreadable numbers. The absence of changes to the hardware on the car side allows also performing further modification of the system with device updates by simple flashing.
For this solution implementation, the machine (computer) code and previously released devices updating is necessary. The access point for vehicles registration at the entrance and exit of the toll road section are necessary to be installed herewith. Information transfer to the data processing center for the vehicles monitoring will be realized through the mobile GSM system. After data processing, a driver would receive a receipt for payment for the toll road section passage.
For the proposed solution verification, computation of the traffic being transferred from the vehicles to the GSM standard base station on weekdays and weekends/holidays based on the M/M/1 queuing system.
The article presents the obtained graphs of the distribution function of waiting time for a vehicle serving by a single station covering the toll road section. Inferences were drawn that the servicing waiting time would be less than 400 ms with probability of about 0.99 on both weekday and holiday.
The maximum number of vehicles served by one base station was computed as well. Thus, on a weekday, this number will be 118992, and on a weekend/holiday 161952 vehicles.
Thus, due to vehicles monitoring by the “ERA-GLONASS” and monitoring systems, which receive code signals from the Global navigation satellite systems GLONASS and GPS to determine the location, the barriers at the toll roads entrance and exit can be discarded. The solution will lead not only to the electronic passage fare system maintenance cost reduction, traffic jams reduction at the entrance and exit when transition to the electronic paying system with minimum costs.
The proposed modernization can also act as an independent system, and allows also improving the existing electronic fare payment systems in Russia to reduce the likelihood of unpunished free drive way, which opens up an additional opportunity to attract investment for construction and maintenance of the toll roads. | ||||||||
Bakhtin A. A., Volkov A. S., Solodkov A. V., Baskakov A. E. Development of an SDN-based network segment model for 5G standard. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 117 The main effort of the scientific community in the field of telecommunications at present is focused on the development of the fifth generation mobile communication networks, which feature is an increased data rate up to 10 Gbit/s. An important requirement for the fifth generation mobile networks consists in ensuring flexibility of their architecture for various kinds of applications functioning, of which realization is also possible by employing technologies of software-defined network (SDN) and network functions virtualization (NFV). The article proposes a model for a network segment organizing under the OpenFLow protocol control, and packages format with account for the possibilities for data transmission level control. The delay and throughput characteristics of the modeled nework segment, demonstrating the SDN networks advantages when employing the proposed format of the control packages, were obtained. The 5G standard envisages wireless communications with the encreased wireless data rate and throughput; enhanced coverage area; significantly diminished total delay and reduced energy consumption. Data transfer rate should reach the values from 1 to 10 Gbit/s in real networks which is ten times higher than the theoretical peak data transfer rate in the LTE network, i.e. 150 Mbit/s. The symmetrical delay herewith was originally being planned at the level not more than 1 ms, i.e. nearly ten times less than for the 4G. Other key tenets of the 5G development are high throughput in terms of the unit of coverage area and a huge number of connected devices. With high requirements for the delay and limited bandwidth, a new paradigm for organizing a cell and a base station as a whole is being introduced. The increase in demand for wireless infrastructure capacity has changed the way the networks are designed, and shifted the focus to multiple small cells as opposed to the original hexagonal of the large areas coverage Changes in architecture and radio interface put emphasis on the development of the 5G standard for smaller cell sizes and an increased number of antennas. Configuring and maintaining numerous network equipment, servers and routers with such a dense of the deployed 5G network is a daunting task. The Software Design Network offers a simplified solution to this complex problem. The fundamental principle of the SDN is the separation of the network between the layers of control and data transmission, which ensures speed and flexibility in 5G networks, as well as employing the existed network architecture and reducing the requirements for computing power of the network equipment. The SDN concept decouples data and manages layers by the software components. The software components are responsible for the management layer, reducing thereby the hardware requirements for the network equipment. Interaction between the two layers is being achieved through the open interfaces, the most popular of which is Open Flow. The article considered the requirements of the 5G standard for the network infrastructure. It demonstrated the general tendency to reducing the cell size, moving digital processing to the core network level, and locating on sites only radio transceivers, operating on the SDR technology. It was determined at the network architecture level that the software-defined network ensusres the greatest convergence, reuse of current network resources and the easiest scaling and standard changing in the future. The article shows that the most successful solution to preserve the existing network infrastructure is the OEPC protocol. It presnts the of service messages formats, as well as proposes a frame format with fields that support GTP tunnels. The simulation results allowed establishing that the SDN-consept based network ensures low delays and, with the selected packages format application, uniform balancing of the network loading. It allows employing the suggested modification of the packages fields to create new algorithms for the communication means control.
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Sentsov A. A., Nenashev V. A., Ivanov S. A., Turnetskaya E. L. Combining the generated radar images with a digital map of the area in on-board systems for operational monitoring of the earth's surface. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 117 The article considers the problem of combining the radar image generated by the onboard equipment of a small aircraft and a digital geographical map of the area, taking into account the heights in real time. To solve this problem, we use methods of correlation-extreme image matching, methods of high-precision on-board monitoring, methods of image matching and processing. To implement a system for the operational display of current location information received by radar equipment from the sides of small aircraft, it is necessary to combine radar and topographic (optical) images into a single information field. To do this, you need to find the appropriate functional transformation in order to overlay the actual data generated in real time on the geographical map. For this purpose, an algorithm for combining the radar image and a digital map of the area based on the correlation-extreme method has been developed. To solve the condition of the algorithm for finding a small aircraft at a point from the confidence square, a criterion for combining four pairs of reference points is proposed. In the case of an insufficient number of reference point pairs, the algorithm provides for the use of a unique pair, which allows you to perform a primary comparison of the contours of characteristic reference points and calculate preliminary estimates of the components of the error vector of navigation data. The software implementation of the above-mentioned algorithms on programmable logic integrated circuits can be performed using parallel calculations, which allows for a mode that is close to real time. The results obtained can be used to update topographic maps of the earth’s surface, for environmental monitoring of areas of high attention, as well as for the implementation of autonomous navigation of aircraft during operational search and rescue operations in areas of emergencies and natural and man-made disasters. The results of the work are adaptable for processing images obtained in different spectral ranges and combining them with a digital map of the area in order to increase the information content of the information obtained. | ||||||||
Panteleyev A. V., Karane M. S. Application of hybrid multi-agent interpolation search method to the satellite stabilization problem. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 117 The article regards the problem solution of satellite stabilization using the algorithm for finding the optimal open-loop control based on application of the expansion in terms of the system of basis functions and the multi-agent method.
Multi-agent algorithms are quite popular now and used in various fields of science. Multi-agent algorithms are not rigorously justified and convergence guarantee, however they are successfully applied in practice and demonstrate acceptable results in reasonable computational time. The article proposes a hybrid multi-agent interpolation search algorithm based on the Bezier, Catmull-Rom and B-splines interpolation curves construction. The curves are being constructed based on information on the agents, form the current population, position. In addition, the algorithm needs to solve the problems of one-dimensional parametric optimization to realize the exploratory and frontal search. Beyond that point, the described multi-agent method employs the ideas of swarm intelligence and migration algorithms.
Besides, the algorithm under consideration for the optimal open-loop control search is based on application of the expansion in terms of the system of basis functions. This approach is quite popular and actively used in the spectral method for nonlinear control systems analysis and synthesis. The authors propose to search for the optimal open-loop control in the form of a saturation function, which argument is a linear combination of the given basis functions with some coefficients to be found. Particularly, piecewise constant, piecewise linear, quadratic and cubic splines are being used as basis functions. In addition, the saturation function should guarantee the specified constraints fulfillment on the parallelepipedic-type control.
Based on the proposed algorithm, the software for the optimal open-loop control search has been developed, and its algorithm efficiency has been studied when solving the problem of position stabilizing of a satellite driven by engines. Comparative analysis of the effect of basis system selection was performed as well. As it can be seen from the numerical experiment, the algorithm successfully copes with the problem of the satellite position stabilizing and finds a solution close to optimal when using all the above-mentioned systems of basis functions. In addition, the interpolation method parameters were selected so that to achieve a high accuracy of the applied problem being solved. | ||||||||
Ermakov P. G., Gogolev A. A. Comparative analysis of information integration architectures of strapdown inertial navigation systems for unmanned aerial vehicles. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 117 The article describes a comparative analysis of separate and loosely coupled architectures of navigation information integration in the case of the following sensors application:
– inertial sensors based on micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) technologies comprising accelerometers measuring proper acceleration, and gyros, measuring rotation speed of a body;
– barometer, measuring air pressure under certain conditions; and, finally,
– GNSS-receiver forming information on position and velocity of the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).
Let us pay attention to the fact that the MEMS-based inertial sensors exhibit large errors that can be compensated using data on the position (latitude and longitude) and velocity of the UAV from the GNSS-receiver, as well as on the altitude, being updated by the barometer using hypsometric expression. However, navigation information about the UAV from inertial system is basic since it possesses a high refresh rate and property of independence on the external interference.
In the case of a separate integration architecture, the algorithm of the strapdown inertial navigation system restarts with new initial conditions for the UAV position and velocity from the GNSS-receiver and barometer, respectively. This approach requires minimal hardware and software costs, though the precision of the integrated navigation solution herewith is getting worse with the restart time increasing.
A loosely coupled integration architecture employs the integrated Kalman filter to evaluate the UAV coordinates, velocity and orientation, as well as systematic errors of accelerometers and angular rate sensors. Computed estimates of the inertial system errors are being subtracted from its indications for errors compensation. Thus, this approach is being characterized by high precision and reliability of navigation solution, but, at the same time, tuning integrated Kalman filter is not a trivial task. | ||||||||
Tanygin M. O., Alshaea H. Y., Mitrofanov A. V. Complexity of algorithm for data source determining. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 117 The article deals with the problem of complexity assessing of the procedures for determining the incoming information blocks source. The algorithm for processing the blocks analyzed by the receiver, implementing the data source identifying method, is described. The method is based on incoming blocks unification on the receiver side into the structured sets, and checking for these blocks certain logic values, being computed on the assumption of these blocks content and certain a priori information, known to both the source and receiver. The blocks, incoming to the receiver, are being buffered and then unified into the structured intersected sets. This sets form a tree-type structure in the receiver memory. Analyzing this structure, the receiver determines that structured set, which was formed by the target source.
The article shows how the number of these sets, being formed, affects the incoming blocks analyzing complexity. A mathematical model for assessing typical operations, executed by the receiver while the incoming blocks checking and their appending to the corresponding side branches of the tree structure, was developed based on the theory of probability.
Functional dependencies between the probability of the side branches of the tree structure forming and their length and parameters, used while organizing interaction between the source and the receive were determined.
Mathematical expectation of the number of operations executed by the receiver to analyze the contents of the information blocks service fields was estimated, based on the obtained probability estimates. The dependencies between the characteristics of the information systems, in which the considered identification method is implemented, the service information fields size and the number of elementary operations were determined. Based on the obtained results, the space of receiver operating parameters was partitioned into the ranges, in which the dependence of algorithmic complexity on the number of data sources can be approximated by various functions. The range where complexity increases linearly with the number of interacted elements of the information system growth was determined as operating range. This makes the studied method more preferable compared to the known ones with power and factorial complexity, especially when identifying the sets of large the data blocks. | ||||||||
Borzov D. B., Koshelev M. A., Sokolova Y. V. Modeling a reconfigurable real-time system with a decrease in the time spent on processing information. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 117 The purpose of the research is to reduce the time spent on processing information, contributing to an increase in the speed of a reconfigurable real-time system, by creating a methodology and an algorithm for distributing an array of computational tasks.
The research methods of the work are based on the definitions of set theory, graphs, probability theory and mathematical statistics. With their help, a mathematical model and a system of criteria for a reconfigurable real-time computing system, built on a wireless protocol, was created, which allows placing tasks according to the minimum-maximum time estimate. And also an algorithm for placing tasks in a computer complex is proposed, which allows increasing the performance of the system by reducing the time of data transfer.
As a result of the research, a method was developed for the distribution of computational tasks in a real-time reconfigurable computing system, which makes it possible to reduce the time of data transmission within the system, which increases the performance of the complex. A methodology for distributing computational tasks to individual processor modules has been compiled. The work of the proposed methods is simulated. And a system of criteria is proposed that describes the final state of a reconfigurable real-time computing system. As a result, the resulting system gave a gain in time of about 2.5 times. Placing connected problems in dynamic systems reduces the payoff coefficient linearly.
The resulting model can be used in distributed computing. The work of the proposed methods is simulated. Their analysis confirmed the increase in system performance as a whole. | ||||||||
Nikulin V. S., Khizhnyakov Y. N., Yuzhakov A. A. Virtual adaptive meter of deleterious substances in combustion chamber of a gas turbine engine based on the RBF-network. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 117 The soft computing technology toolkit is based on fuzzy systems, probabilistic models, neural networks, genetic algorithms, etc., which have their own advantages and disadvantages. This toolkit application was considered for an aircraft gas turbine engine (GTE) operating under conditions of uncertainties such as regulating hardware elements aging, variable ambient environment parameters, and variable fuel parameters.
Combustion chamber, ensuring the process of the air-fuel mixture (AFM) burning, is one of the basic parts of the gas turbine engine. Today’s progress in aircraft building development imposes requirements to the aircraft and engine soft-hardware facilities integration simplicity, as well as reduction of deleterious substances exhaust to the environment.
The purpose of the presented study consists in the following:
– developing method and algorithm for the adaptive virtual measurer of the deleterious substances exhaust by the GTE combusting chamber based on the RBF-network;
– adaptive control of air consumption into the combustion chamber;
– adaptive control of the gases temperature behind the combustion chamber employing fuel consumption regulation by the homogeneous collector.
The following research techniques were used in this work:
– grapho-analytical method for the RBF-network architecture building as an alternative to the Kohonen algorithm;
– an algorithm for oxidizer feeding control with the RBF-network;
– creating an algorithm for the current total value of deleterious substances correction at the specified value exceedance;
– creating an algorithm for the fuel consumption control in the homogeneous collector while temperature control behind the GTE combustion chamber by the adaptive fuzzy regulator
Based on the total computing of the deleterious substances, the following conclusion can be made on the exhausts requirements, which is 18 kg, as well as improvement of control system of the remote guiding device (RGD), and combustion products temperature behind the GTE combustion chamber.
The results of the research confirmed the decline of the combustion process uncertainty impact, and exhausts reduction in the airfield vicinity. | ||||||||
Knyazev A. S. Joint use of the X-Plane flight simulator and the SimInTech program to investigate the operation of aircraft systems. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 117 The work shows the relevance of using the X-Plane flight simulator as a research program. From the existing programs allowing to realize interaction with X-Plane such as Microsoft Visual Studio, Builder C ++, Delphi, Matlab Simulink, LabView, etc., many are import therefore their use in the Russian enterprises and universities is undesirable. Besides, it doesn’t allow students, teachers and engineers to conduct researches without license for these products.
In this regard, for interaction with the X-Plane flight simulator, it is advisable to use the Russian modeling program SimInTech, which is not inferior to imported analogues in terms of functionality and calculation quality, and also has some advantages and can be provided to Russian universities and enterprises for free. To interact SimInTech with the X-Plane flight simulator a set of primitive blocks is used. Ready demos projects with all necessary blocks which are adjusted for interaction with X-Plane are available to the user. When developing the project it is expedient to use ready decisions to start work.
Interaction of the user with X-Plane for the research purposes is carried out by receiving data from the simulator and sending data to the simulator. For an example it is considered the «Damper» block-submodel. It’s work is described and it’s elements are considered. The mechanism of interaction of the project in SimInTech with the X-Plane flight simulator is described. With use of primitive blocks in SimInTech the implementation (reproduction) of schemes of various aviation systems is possible. Sharing of SimInTech also X-Plane allows to accept from the flight simulator data which in real aircraft can be received from various onboard sensors and systems.
To interact with the X-Plane flight simulator, the program SimInTech developed demo examples that implement all available methods of sending and receiving data, so it is in no way inferior to other programs that can be used for the same purposes. References to documentation containing detailed instructions for use of SimInTech and X-Plane are given. | ||||||||
Zulfugarli P. R. Indicators computing technique for energy-information effectiveness mode indicators of unmanned aerial vehicles for remote sensing functioning. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 117 One of the major UAV shortages is limitation imposed on its energy provision. This shortage necessitates optimal distribution of the UAV energy balance by optimal selection of its flight trajectory and communication order. Alongside with that, the final product of the reconnaissance type UAV is the information volume collected while the performed flight. The main inference from the above said is that the UAV should operate in the energy-informational effective functioning mode. The purpose of the presented work consists in developing the technique for optimal mode parameters computing, ensuring energy-informational effective mode of the UAV functioning.
The suggested technique is based on the UAV representation of as a cyber-physical system fed by electric battery, and envisages performing a two-step optimization of the UAV functioning. The first step implements optimization of energy consumption optimization based of the battery discharge model. The optimization criterion at the first step is the indicator of the distance covered, defined as a product of the optimal speed of the cyber-physical system and the flight time during which the battery discharge was minimum at the minimum computed load current and specified battery capacity. At the second stage, the optimization criterion is the quantity of the procured information at the fixed length of the passed flight track.
The authors formed and solved the problem of the remote sensing UAV functioning optimization, performing the flight in energy-informational effective mode. Quadratic equation, which solution allowed determining the optimal load current value was obtained. Formulas for computing the stages optimality criteria of the suggested two-stage optimization method of the remote sensing UAV were obtained as well.
The obtained results may be employed in developing highly effective UAV implemented with a view of remote sensing information collecting and processing in the extended time functioning.
The major outcome of performed study consists in the possibility of the UAV energy-informational functioning implementation intended for of information collecting and remote sensing. | ||||||||
Efanov V. V., Zakota A. A., Gunkina A. S. A technique for accuracy evaluation for airborne target movement parameters determining under condition of its covert observation based on iteration method application. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 117 The article presents the analysis of the two approaches, namely positional and positional-rapid ones, for target movement parameters determining based on its track angles. It was revealed herewith that methods based the above said approaches are not employed at present.
With the positional approach application, only absolute or relative coordinates characterizing the target space position are being employed, while the positional-velocity method allows determining both velocity and acceleration of the moving target, enabling dynamics evaluation of its spatial movement. Within the framework of the latter approach phase coordinates of the target, mother aircraft and measurement are being represented as vectors in multi-dimensional space of states. The coordinates’ estimates herewith may be formed either in both Cartesian and polar coordinates based on either real or artificially generated measurements.
The positional approach to the coordinates’ evaluation is being realized based on the azimuthal-elevation, triangulation and kinematic methods. The azimuthal-elevation method employs the results of azimuth and elevation angle simultaneous measurements of the stationary ground target. The slant distance to the target is being determined based on the values of altitude and elevation angle. The scope of its application is restricted.
With the action against stationary ground targets, both triangulation and kinematic methods are used. The triangulation method for the target position determining employs analytical dependencies between the sides and angles of a triangle, which vertexes are associated with the target and radar station. This method implies solving algebraic equations. However, its application is restricted due to problems associated with the targets identification, staying at the same angular position. The simplest kinematic method rests upon the notion of the equations describing the process of reciprocal motion of the aircraft and the target including a motioning target. The state-of-the-art kinematic method, which might be named dynamic-kinematic, is based on mathematical description of reciprocal movement of a target and radar carrying aircraft in the state space.
The positional-velocity approach to estimating the target coordinates is being realized base on the pseudo triangulation and kinematic methods. The kinematic method is inapplicable due to the impossibility of nonlinear filtering of Markov processes implementation.
The authors propose a mathematical model for indirect parameters determining of the airborne target based on description of the objects rendezvous procedure in the form of linear equations corresponding to various options of the situational scenery while rendezvous. The article demonstrates the process of the system of linear equations preparation to the iteration process. Estimation of degree of convergence of system of linear equations, describing the rendezvous process of the objects at various values of the input parameters, was performed. It was revealed herewith that:
The degree of convergence for the system of equations which describe the process for objects approaching each other with different values of input parameters has been estimated. The results obtained show that:
– In case of the exact input parameters the degree of convergence is high, and the number of iterations achieves k = 55 for the mean-square values of range and velocity of correspondingly from δD1 = 1.5% to δD1 = 4.2% and δLt = 11.8%;
– In case of inaccurate input parameters (the error Δβ = ±0.1°, Δβ = ±1´,
Accuracy evaluation of the range to the airborne target and its velocity can be increased with multiple measuring of angular coordinates (using a «bunch» of measurements). Practical computations revealed that with n = 20–25 the error in the range determining was from 15% to 20%, and in velocity determining was 20%—25%. | ||||||||
Mingalev S. V., Kazimardanov M. G. Application of numerical method in improvement of fuel atomization characteristics of combustion chamber. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 117 The article is devoted to the research of approach to getting the drop-diameter distribution, the spray angle and the localization of kerosene flow inside an air-assisted atomizer by simulations performed with the coarse meshes, which are not fine enough to accurately imitate turbulence and with the level of mesh refinement that are not high enough to make the value of drop diameter independent on the mesh cell size. The simulation of fluid in the air-assisted atomizer, which was patented under the number RU2615618, was performed using ANSYS Fluent by the volume of fluid method in two configurations: 1) The five-degree sector on the mesh with minimal sell size 25 μm and 2-time, 3-time and 4-time adaptive mesh refinements at the gas-liquid interface, 2) The full geometry with fuel channels and swirlers on the mesh with minimal sell size 125 μm and 2-time adaptive mesh refinement. The last approach is the main way to simulate the atomization of fuel in air-assisted atomizers in UEC-Aviadvigatel JSC. Comparison of the results reveals that the value of spray angle doesn’t substantially depend on the minimum mesh cell size. Regarding the diameters of droplets, it plunged by more than 70% with the reduction of mesh cell size. Consequently, the simulation of atomization with coarse meshes gives the upper estimate of droplet radius and this result can be of practical use, if the value is so small, that its reduction wouldn’t substantially influence emissions of NOx and the gas temperature after combustion chamber being yielded by the combustion simulation. | ||||||||
Golyakov A. D., Richnyak A. M. Investigation of the fault tolerance of the optoelectronic navigation system of an autonomous spacecraft. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 117 The relevance of the topic of the article is due to the need to increase the autonomy of solving the navigation problem of promising spacecraft with a long period of active existence in the conditions of uncertainty of the existing disturbing effects of outer space. A promising way to combat these disturbing influences is the development and manufacture of fault-tolerant onboard systems of spacecraft, including onboard systems designed to solve problems of autonomous navigation.
The article provides a solution to the problem, the essence of which is to study the fault tolerance of the optical-electronic navigation system of the spacecraft, which can be used as an additional source of autonomous determination of the parameters of its orbital motion. The study of fault tolerance is carried out on the example of an optoelectronic navigation system of an autonomous spacecraft with a long active life, based on the zenith navigation method and containing two astronomical sensors, a local vertical builder, an altimeter and an onboard computer.
The main results of the work are the proposed indicators that allow us to assess the fault tolerance of the onboard systems of spacecraft. Using the method of mathematical modeling, the article shows the possibility of quantifying the fault tolerance of an on-board optoelectronic navigation system. The classification of fault tolerance indicators of onboard systems of spacecraft is developed, the ratio for calculating the conditional fault tolerance indicator is obtained, which allows us to evaluate the fault tolerance at known values of the failure probabilities of the components of the onboard system, and quantitative estimates of the fault tolerance indicators of the optoelectronic navigation system of an autonomous spacecraft are given.
The results obtained in the article are based on methods for assessing the fault tolerance of technical systems for various purposes, the theory of autonomous navigation of spacecraft, and methods for processing the results of navigation measurements.
The results of the conducted research can be used when it is necessary to justify the appearance of onboard systems of spacecraft with a long active life and the requirements for the fault tolerance of their optoelectronic navigation system, as well as when evaluating and monitoring fault tolerance indicators during the development and operation of these systems. | ||||||||
Kornilov A. V., Korchagin K. S., Losev V. V. Development of Complex Measurement Navigation System Algorithms of Aerial Application Based on Domestic Hardware Components. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 117 The article is devoted to the development of new methods and improvement of existing methods as well as analysis means of data processing in aircraft navigational systems. Particularly, are present an analysis of results of theoretical and applied data processing method development and research as a part of Comprehensive Measurement Navigation System are considered in the article.
The concept of the system is developed: taking into consideration application specifics, available limitations and level of accuracy and functionality requirements, hardware component is realized completely on electro- and radio-articles of Russian production. As raw data sensors the following sensors are used: inertial sensors (compensating silicon accelerometer, solid state wave gyroscopes), pressure transducers (static pressure transducer, total pressure transducer), navigation satellite system receiver and analogue magnetometer.
The system structure synthesis is performed, main data communications between data sources are determined in terms of available constraints and level of accuracy and functionality requirements for Comprehensive Measurement Navigation System. Possible data interconnection is conducted; as a result, methods and algorithms are established for quality improvement by means of measurement error reduction of flight and navigation parameters:
– autonomous compensation algorithm of gyroscope error;
– method of data fusion from inertial and barometric sensor;
– method of data fusion from inertial sensors and satellite navigation system.
The results of abovementioned method researches are performed using mathematical and semi-realistic simulation, as well as by ground tryout of the Comprehensive Measurement Navigation System test item.
Research data showed that developed solutions and methods of data processing allow to produce measurement navigation system of aerial application with required specifications based on Russian hardware components. | ||||||||
Agayev F. G., Asadov H. G., Aslanova A. B. Multifunctional unmanned aerial vehicles. Optimization and synthesis with account for noise effect. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 117 The article deals with optimization and synthesis of multifunctional unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) with account for the noises impact. The purpose of the work consists in of multifunctional UAV functioning optimization intended for sequential implementation the tasks of load delivery and making a terrain reconnaissance by remote probing technique. The necessity for this task fulfillment in military art is explosives delivery and release, as well as explosion aftermath assessing.
The authors employed the well-known results of the UAV navigation provision task using local radio-technical navigation system, allowing achieve high accuracy in the UAV delivery to the specified target no less than the satellite radio-navigation systems accuracy. The article considered the cases absence of radio-navigation signal suppressing, as well as multichannel Doppler signal processing and pulse-to-pulse phase manipulation of navigation signal under conditions of radio-electronic counteraction.
The task of the multifunctioning UAV functioning optimization, performing functions of the load delivery to the specified point (a) and (b) making reconnaissance in the vicinity of this point under conditions of local radio-navigation system (pseudo- satellites) application was formed and solved.
As the result of the UAV functioning optimization at the relatively small distances, the optimal functional dependence of the UAV positioning at the specified point probability on the flight distance was obtained.
The results obtained in the article can be implemented while developing and operating the multifunctional UAV of the similar purpose. The authors formulated and solved the problem of the multifunctional UAV functioning optimization, sequentially performing the functions of (a) load delivery to the specified point, and (b) making reconnaissance in the vicinity of this point
The results of the multifunctional UAV operating mode optimization at relatively small distances demonstrated the presence of the optimal functional dependence of the probability of the UAV positioning at the specified point ono the UAV flight distance value. | ||||||||
Popov I. P. Vibrations computing for ramified mechanical systems in the field of complex numbers. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 116 The article considers both parallel-series and series-parallel connection of consumers of mechanical power. The purpose of the work consists in developing compact algebraic methods for ramified mechanical systems computing at forced vibrations in the steady-state modes. Speeds of mechanical systems’ elements and forces applied to them are being determined algebraically through the known systems parameters and disturbing harmonic impact. A complex representation of harmonic and related mechanical quantities is used. This approach is widely used in electrical engineering. The main research methods within the framework of this work are methods of mathematical modeling and analysis. It is not the physical object itself herewith, which is being studied, but its mathematical model, namely the object “equivalent” reflecting its major properties, i.e. the laws it follows, connections peculiar to its constituent parts etc. As for the considered ramified mechanical systems, classical methods based on solving the second order differential equations are being multiply complicated and require solving the systems of equations, which are being reduced to the systems of higher orders. Symbolic (complex) description employing for the mechanical processes and systems allows apply instead simple and compact algebraic methods, which labor intensity is tenfold less.
A relation between mechanical values for various types of elements connection of mechanical systems was established. Being an unnecessary component of mechanical systems studying, vector diagrams are of great methodological value, since they demonstrate quantitative and phase relationships between systems’ parameters. | ||||||||
Gorodnov A. O., Laptev I. V. The effect of the wall heat capacity on the temperature stratification and pressure rise during natural convection of hydrogen vapor in a vertical cylindrical vessel. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 116 As of today, Russian space industry announced several projects of new launch vessels, such as super heavy class rocket and the rocket with reusable stages, operated on liquefied natural gas as a fuel. Moreover, other countries, such as USA, China and the ESA members, announced plans of future missions to Mars and Moon. A considerable part of the future space missions depends on the possibility of effective long-term storage of cryogenic fuel components under lowered gravity conditions. The important role of cryogens in space flights is being determined by their widespread application as a fuel and in life support systems.
Due to cryogens’ very low temperatures, the tanks for their storage are extremely sensitive to the thermal flows from the environment caused by solar radiation, aerodynamic heating and conductive transference from the other parts of a spacecraft. External heating and the presence of microgravity lead to pressure raise and free-convective motions in the storage tank. The pressure rise rate is being accelerated by temperature stratification effect. This effect has been demonstrated in many ground and space experiments.
One of the most important problem in experimental cryogenic storage studies is scale factor. Most of experimental data was obtained with small-size fuel tanks. This leads to the problem of geometric similarity violation of the fuel tank wall thickness compared to the real rocket storage tanks. To estimate the impact of this dissimilarity, the article considers the problem of the wall’s thermal capacity and thermal conductivity impact on temperature stratification and pressure rise at the vapor non-stationary thermal convection in the closed cylindrical vessel.
Low Mach numbers approximation is being used to describe evolution of the vapor temperature, velocity, density and other parameters. Boundary conditions, defining parameters range, physical properties of vapor and a wall material simulate conditions of the experiment on drainage-free hydrogen storage.
A series of computations at various wall thickness values was performed using numerical method proposed by Quazzani and Garrabos. The computation data demonstrates considerable reduction in the pressure rise rate, temperature stratification value and convection intensity with the wall thickness increase. The obtained results demonstrate the possibility of considerable underrating of the pressure rise rate and other heat exchange parameters on the steam blanket of the tank, when the wall’s real thermal capacity and thermal conductivity are not being accounted for. | ||||||||
Antufiev B. A., Sukmanov I. V. Dynamic behavior of thin-walled structures with elastic filler under the action of a moving load. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 116 The problem of dynamic deformation of a cylindrical shell with a collapsing elastic base under the action of internal pressure on the free part of the cylinder and a movable radial load is solved. The deformation of the structure is considered to be axisymmetric and is described by the equations of the moment classical theory of shells, and the filler obeys the Winkler hypothesis. Similar problems arise in the design of solid propellant rocket engines (solid propellant rocket engines). In this case, the destruction of the filler is explained by fuel burnout, and the internal pressure is due to the action of combustion products. A movable radial load simulates a pressure wave, as a result of which the problem of determining the critical speed of its movement arises, at which the solid propellant rocket walls lose stability. We will consider the solution of the problem in tw o versions – quasi-static and dynamic, which will allow us to compare solutions and choose the optimal one. In the quasi-static version of the solution, the deformed state of the shell, determined by its deflection w, does not depend on time t, but changes only along the x-axis. Examples are considered and parametric studies are carried out. In the dynamic version of the problem statement, we assume that the deformed state of the shell depends not only on its longitudinal coordinate x, but also on the time t. We will consider two types of pinning the ends of the shell – hinged pinning and rigid pinning. From a comparison of the graphs obtained, it can be seen that with rigid pinching of the ends of the shell, the natural vibration frequencies are higher than with their hinged support. | ||||||||
Shishkin S. V., Boikov A. A. Tightness analysis method for flange connection of pipes with metal Z-shape seal during the influence of external axial force. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 116 The most common problem in flange connections of pipes is to ensure their tightness during the functioning. At the same time it is unacceptable to design constructions of flange connections too strong and heavy, because it can lead to increasing of loads, acting on a flying vehicle. That’s why it is necessary to have a method of tightness analysis. In this article connection with Z-shape seal is estimated during the phase of loading by external axial force. The problem is – to obtain relations, which allows to calculate increment of contact pressure between edge of the seal and surface of flange. It allows to calculate total contact pressure and use it in tightness analysis of connection by means of Kozeni-Karman’s theory of equivalent porous layer. According to this theory, flanges and seal are estimated as rings with high curvature and modeled by means of theory of axisymmetric deformation of K.B. Bitseno. Problem is solved by using of system of equilibrium equations of flanges and equation of displacements’ compatibility of contact points of flanges and seal. Influence of the pipe on flange was taken into consideration by means of using of system of equations of displacements’ compatibility, applying to the profile of connection of flange and pipe. Displacements of pipe are estimated by means of moment theory of shells, displacements of flange are estimated by means of theory of axisymmetric deformation of K.B. Bitseno. As a result, universal tightness analysis method was obtained, which can be more useful in this case, in comparison with relations, obtained by means of theory of axisymmetric thin plates, applied to flanges, because a lot of flanges in vehicles can’t be modeled as axisymmetric thin plates because of their constructions. | ||||||||
Bykov A. P., Piganov M. N. Quality indices prediction of onboard radio-electronic devices. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 116 The article presents a technique for developing predictive mathematical models and quality indicators individual forecasting of the spacecraft onboard radio-electronic devices by the results of autonomous tests. For forecasting, Extrapolation method, based on the quasi-deterministic models application, was selected. Transient resistance between electrical circuits of the microprocessor based temperature controller, which installed on the honeycomb panels in the spacecraft unpressurized compartments, was selected as the predictable parameter. The training experiment data, obtained after the second cycle of the testing impacts, served as initial data for the prediction.
The second cycle of tests included checking the device functioning in normal climatic conditions, a low pressure effect test, and a higher humidity effect test. Linear, parabolic, logarithmic, and exponential models were proposed. When these models developing the predictable parameter normalizing by the mathematical expectation was used. The forecast models selection was based on minimum average dispersion criteria, computed at the reference temporal points of tests and minimum values of the erroneous solutions probability and consumer’s risk. The study of the above said models was performed.
Probabilistic characteristics of their efficiency were obtained. It was established that the logarithmic model ensured minimum average dispersion values and the manufacturer’s risk, as well as acceptable erroneous solution probability value, i.e. consumer’s risk minimum value. The parabolic model allows obtaining zero value of the manufacturers risk and acceptable level of erroneous solutions probability. | ||||||||
Bydanov E. V. Radio line resources managing technique, employing space-time signal processing, for situational centers. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 116 Active information development all over the world has predetermined the nature and methods of warfare. If the firepower in the recent past was the basis of success in any armed conflict, as of today, the basis of success is the reduction of the combat control cycles, fr om the target to detection to the decision of its hitting. Modern technical equipment of all management levels, situational centers in particular, allows achieving this. The most problematic side herewith is provision of stable, high-speed radio communication with the units staying in the field conditions, seaborne and airborne, wh ere fiber optic communication lines laying out is impossible.
One of the ways of solving this problem consists in equipping the physical level of the radio lines in use by the technology involving the time-space signal processing. This will enhance the radio line capabilities, and, besides conventional resources managing, allow managing the number of the antennae elements in use on both receiving and transmitting sides.
Analysis of works devoted to the transmitted data security at the physical level of radio links with similar technology revealed negligible attention to the issue. In this regard, the issue of developing a methodology for controlling a multi-antenna radio line is relevant.
A technique for resources managing of a radio line that employs space-temporal signal processing for data transmission and provides operators with modern communication services in in places where the fiber-optic communication lines laying-out is complicated or impossible, has been developed. The proposed approach allows operators data transmission by the radio line more secured from radio monitoring and noise immune. The power consumption herewith of the subscriber terminals of the presented radio line is much less. This is being achieved by a lower signal emission power, compared to subscriber terminals of similar technology, radio lines, and linearly depends on the distance to the subscriber terminal of the subscriber. | ||||||||
Volkov A. S., Solodkov A. V., Tsymlyakov D. V. Developing program-hardware interface for polar codes characteristics studying. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 116 Polar codes are the new generation of noise immune codes, employed in the standard of a new generation of mobile communication. Since these codes are not algebraic and, hence, do not have precisely specified characteristics due to the soft reception, all results shuld be obtained only through mathematical modelling, or by the test-bench testing. which allows giving the code effectiveness evaluation in certain conditions without mathematical calculations.
This article describes the work on the test bench development according to the principles of rapid prototyping for performing full-scale modeling of various types of signal-code structures based on the polar noise-immune codes being employed in the new generation communication systems. An overview of decoding techniques of polar codes being tested is presented, and mathematical foundation of these techniques is described to to a small extent.
Several development tools were used for the test bench development: Vivado, Matlab, and Verilog language. The hardware part of the test bench is the Diligent Zedboard PCB based on the Zinq-7000 of the Xilinx Company.
The article describes the key points of the test bench creation. It demonstrates the evaluation technique for the signal coding effectiveness at the white noise impact.
Data on the effectiveness and hardware costs for various types of decoders were obtained.
The polar codes in the control channel and LDPC codes in the data transmission channel were selected as basic polar codes for the 5G Standard. The polar codes, initially proposed by Erikan in 2009, are the first type of the structural channel codes, for which maximum throughput capacity of a binary symmetric channel without memory was proved, i.e. the case of reaching the Shennon boundary while employing the soft decoder of sequential exclusion. This decoder is of low hardware complexity compared to the brute force methods such as Chase's algorithms.
The basic idea behind the polar coding is to convert pairs of identical binary input channels (each bit of the input word is called a channel) into two sundry types of channels of different quality, when one is better and the other is worse than the original one. This will allow using nearly ideal channels for transmitting data to the recipient of the message, with this, presetting the bits (e.g., zero) in noisy channels so that decoding relies on values known to the receiver. Noisy and noiseless channels are called frozen and unfrozen, respectively. Only unfrozen channels are transmitting data. Selection of channels partition technique and the set of frozen channels fully determines the polar code.
There is a problem of optimal dynamic allocation of time-frequency resources to subscribers. It takes on a special character with their high mobility. The 5G next generation communication systems imply extremely high users’ mobility, and frequent switching between the base stations. For timely power adjustment, devices need to transmit information quickly to the base stations, and this, in turn, requires application of short code structures in service channels. These are exactly the polar codes, which demonstrate the best noise immunity at the same length compared to the other types of codes.
The same problem is the case when data transferring between drones or in self-organizing networks, and it can be solved using the specified class of codes.
Since the discovery of polar codes, several algorithms have been proposed for decoding polar codes. The two most popular of these algorithms are sequential exclusion decoding, which was suggested in the original article, and list decoding. The first method consists in data bits decoding one by one, and each decoded data bit together with previoiusly decoded bits is being used for the next data bit decoding by means of the received signal. This results in extremely long time for all bits decoding. Thus, the polar decoding seems unsuitable for the real time applications. Let us consider the main stpes of polar codes decoding. | ||||||||
Podstrigaev A. S. Improving the efficiency of a matrix receiver in a complex signal environment based on a fiber optic delay line. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 116 A matrix receiver and receivers based on it are used to analyze signals over a wide instantaneous bandwidth. However, in a complex signal environment (CSE), the receiver input pulses are overlapped in time. This leads to errors in determining the time-frequency parameters of the pulses. Therefore, the article aims to improve the efficiency of the matrix receiver in the CSE conditions. For this, it is proposed to connect a broadband fiber-optic delay line to the receiver input. A circuit of the delay line with a delay duration tunable in accordance with the duration of the received pulse is considered. Using the example of the electronic environment generated by pulsed radars, an increase in the number of signals processed simultaneously without errors is shown. The increasing is at least 2 times when using one delay line and at least 3 times when using two delay lines. In practice, the signal environment is formed by radio emission sources with different duty cycles. So, the number of simultaneously processed signals can be orders of magnitude higher. An important for practice advantage of the considered technical solution is the possibility of modifying an already existing matrix receiver without significant design changes. Additionally, when increasing the number of simultaneously processed signals stored main advantage of the matrix receiver – high sensitivity as in narrowband scanning receiver with a broad instantaneous bandwidth of operating frequencies, like a multi-channel receiver. The presented approach to increasing the throughput due to one or several delay lines can also be used for other receivers used in broadband analysis tasks. | ||||||||
Barkova M. E. Radio-navigational support of space solar power plant. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 116 The main problem of article is accumulating and transmitting the solar energy to the receiving device with minimum power losses.
The purpose of this work is radio-navigational provision developing of the solar space power plant (SSPP).
This work relevance consists in increasing the number of the engaged renewables, including solar energy, and in the fact of the transmitting beam holding techniques deficiency.
The main shortcomings of the existing projects are excessive attention to technical issues to the detriment of energy transmission ensuring with the minimum losses.
The SSPP consists of the transmitting and receiving segments. The SSPP transmitting segment represents a one spacecraft (S) or the S-system. The receiving segment can be presented by a spacecraft in need of energy or the rectennaes, which represent nonlinear antennas for f the laser transmitted radiation transforming into electricity.
By the type of provision the SSPP are being divided as follows:
- Technical provision (the SSSP space segment parameters technical parameters);
- Radio-navigation provision (trajectory and spacecraft movement selection, on account of its structural specifics, coordinates determining of the points with rectennaes, segments synchronization).
The obtained results can be applied while spacecraft development and operation.
The author concludes that parameters determining of the SSPP radio-navigational provision allowed creating the energy transmitting modes.
The author’s unconditional credit consists in creating the invention named “Solar Space Power Plant”, and its technical and its radio-navigational provision.
Some algorithms of the SSPP parameters, and modes selection found application in the JSC “Russian Space Systems”. | ||||||||
Balaban I. G., Balaban A. L. Telemetric system for parameters control of chemical current sources. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 116 The paper outlines the basic principles of building a telemetric system for monitoring the parameters of chemical current sources. A method of non-contact current measurement is proposed for ensure galvanic isolation, a distinctive feature of which is the use of three load resistors (shunts) in order to reduce the error in measuring currents of various magnitudes. The method allows to measure currents up to 120 A. Voltage measurement range: from 0 to +40 V, temperature: from 0 to +100 oC, capacities: from 0 to 511 A⸱h, insulation resistance: from 0 to 5 MOhm. The error in measuring current and capacity is not more than 5%, voltage and temperature is not more than 1%, insulation resistance is not more than 10%. The system operation algorithm is developed and implemented programmatically. The method for protecting telemetry information when monitoring the parameters of chemical current sources (CCS) is developed. Within the framework of the implementation of the strategy of import substitution in the economy of the Russian Federation, in the development of a telemetry system and control of parameters of chemical current sources, only domestic-made electronic components is used.
The research results can be used in the development of CCS condition monitoring devices used for power supply of autonomous devices for which there are no maintenance procedures during operation. The use of such monitoring tools will make it possible to analyze the operation of CCS in order to increase their reliability, determine ways to improve the equipment and establish the causes of its failures. | ||||||||
Nikulin V. S., Storozhev S. A., Abdullin D. M., Khizhnyakov Y. N. Adaptive virtual meter of harmful substances in the combustion chamber of a gas turbine engine using fuzzy technology. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 116 The toolkit of soft computing technologies is bas on fuzzy systems, probabilistic models, neural networks, genetic algorithms, etc., which have their own advantages and disadvantages. The application of this toolkit is considered for an aircraft gas turbine engine (GTE) of aircraft operating under conditions of uncertainty. The distribution of fuel between the manifolds is performed using a fuzzy regulator, the inputs of which are the pressure in the combustion chamber, temperature in the combustion chamber, fuel consumption in the diffusion manifold. Fuzzy controller output – calculation of the current value of the coefficient of the combustion chamber or the content of the oxidant in the combustion chamber. The calculation of the amount of harmful substances is carried out using a fuzzy regulator, the inputs of which are the temperature in the combustion chamber, the fuel consumption of the diffusion manifold, the consumption of the diffusion manifold in percent and the current value of the coefficient of the combustion chamber. Fuzzy regulator output – calculation of the current value of harmful substances in the combustion chamber for further calculation of the total emission of harmful substances for the takeoff and landing mode of the aircraft. Оn the basis of the total calculation of harmful substances, it is possible to draw a conclusion on the fulfillment of the emission requirements, which is 18 kg. The research results have confirmed the reduction of the influence of the uncertainty of the combustion process and the reduction of emissions in the airfield area. | ||||||||
Diukov V. A. Technological process optimization of complex shape composite aviation structures autoclave molding with prior correction of their geometry. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 116 The article presents geometry correction methods for the complex shape thin-walled composite structures. Topologically correct prepreg and shape-generating rigging models were developed. New prepreg theoretical models obtaining is being ensured by edges sectioning of the original parts by parallel or radial planes and creating surface by the intersection lines of the specified planes and associated facets. For parts creating, the surfaces were being truncated, thickened, and corresponding moulds were being built. The obtained parts and moulds were placed in assemblages.
Thermo-physical parameters of the composite prepreg were assigned to the models, and then the coupled problem of heat transfer and polymerization was being solved. Kinetic equation, which structure and parameters depend on the binder properties, is being employed to describe the dependence of the degree of polymerization on time and temperature. The type and parameters of the kinetic equation are determined from the results of materials analysis by the Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) using various numerical methods for these parameters identification. For the specified technological system, the heat injection method, namely autoclave molding, was selected. The law of temperature variation was selected in the most commonly wide-spread stepwise form: heating – isothermal dwelling – heating – isothermal dwelling – cooling.
As the result, both temperature and time optimalи regimes of the two-stage autoclave molding cycle were selected, which ensure achieving the required degree of polymerization value of the carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) prepreg, and minimizing temperature differential and binder degree of polymerization in the polymerized volume. Temperature and time regimes of cure affect the structure and quality of the material.
The results of the molding process simulations demonstrated a significant dependence of both the average temperatures and the degree of prepreg polymerization, and their spread in the prepreg and mould, on the characteristics of the technological process and technological limitations. | ||||||||
Trusfus M. V., Abdullin I. N. Marker images detection algorithm for the unmanned aerial vehicle vertical landing. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 116 The primary task while drones application consists in automatic landing ensuring. Most of the existing auto-landing solutions ensure accuracy up to three meters. For a more accurate landing, accurate distance measurements are required. Methods, ensuring accurate camera images, require accurate identification of the marker image points.
The marker image consists of two black rectangles situated in the center of each other at the angle of 90 degrees. The rectangles are applied on a white surface. Their detection is based on the objects’ contours detecting on a monochrome image with further test for compliance to marker geometric shape. The dependencies of distances between the points of the geometric shape equivalent to the claimed structure are presented.
This study considers the methods of adaptive binarization and the Canny boundary detector to perform camera image conversion to monochrome one. Detection of the outline of each object is being performed on the monochrome image. A convex hull of minimum area is being built for each outline in such a way that all the object points be inside. The search for the points corresponding to the marker’s apexes is being performed according to the presented dependence of distances on the convex hull. Checking of all points of the initial outline on the correspondence to the marker’s geometry shape by checking if each point lays on the corresponding side is being performed for the marker image identification.
Software was employed for conducting experimental study of the described algorithm. One of the programs employs binarization method, while Canny boundary detector is used in the other one. Photographs in 640 ´ 480, 800 ´ 600 and 1920 ´ 1080 resolution were used while conducting the study.
According to the results of the study, the highest detection accuracy and speed were displayed by an algorithm based on the use of the Canny boundary detector. False detection of marker images was not detected in any of the algorithms. The algorithm based on the adaptive binarization revealed the best performance in detecting marker images in «blurry» images. A conclusion was made by the results of the study that the developed algorithm allows detecting all points of the marker image of the vertical landing site designation without errors in false targets detecting. | ||||||||
Zaitceva I. S. Pilot-induced oscillations prevention through the nonlinear correction method. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 116 The purpose of this article is to solve the problem of nonlinear correction device synthesis to prevent the pilot-induced oscillations in a compensatory tracking system. The oscillations discussed in this article introduce a negative phase shift into the system. Thus, a simple and effective solution to this problem consists in embedding a nonlinear correcting device into the control loop. The pilot actions in the compensatory tracking task are aimed at ensuring the cutoff frequency of the closed system, at which the control error will be minimal. The aircraft–pilot system optimization, based on the pilot’s ability to adjust his control performance parameters, is illustrated by the software developed with the MAtLAB/Simulink tools. The goal function is given numerically in the form of the cutoff frequency of the closed-loop pilot-aircraft system, which corresponds to finding maximum system performance. Frequency quality indexes, control accuracy, and pilot model parameters are numerically limited. The pilot-induced oscillations prevention is demonstrated by the example of an unmanned aerial vehicle control system. The human pilot is described by the McRuer “at the cutoff frequency” model. The values of a pilot model and nonlinear corrective device parameters were obtained. Frequency and transient responses of the corrected rate-limited actuator system are presented. Handling qualities of the optimal system were assessed using the bandwidth criterion and the index of the transient process performance. The proposed method can be employed in the flight control system design and flight performance assessment. | ||||||||
Wai Y. S. Refined low-parametric model of the terrestrial pole motion. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 116 The terrestrial pole oscillations approximation refinement considered in the article allows approximation refining and propagating implementation of the small-parametric double-frequency model of the pole movement to the longer time intervals. Approximation accuracy improving while keeping the same number of the model parameters is of great significance. As far as it is impossible for the time being to predict the amplitudes relationship changing, as well as determine it in real time, the effect will always be detected behind the time, and it will fall on the approximation period for a considerable time, which will negatively affect prediction based on the basic model.
For the modified model, there is no need for the exact definition of the oscillation mode changing, and it is possible to be limited by the analysis of the resulting parameters of the pole modulation process without its subdivision into harmonics to solve the set problem. Establishing of the occurred changing of the average frequency over the harmonics modulation period with the delay to the extent, which is allowed by the ψ(t) function analysis is quite sufficient. For the modified model, there is no need for the exact definition of the oscillation mode changing, and it is possible to be limited by the analysis of the resulting parameters of the pole modulation process without its subdivision into harmonics to solve the set problem. Establishing of the occurred changing of the average frequency over the harmonics modulation period with the delay to the extent, which is allowed by the ψ(t) function analysis is quite sufficient. | ||||||||
Myo Z. A. On the polar tide impact on the Earth pole steady-state movenemt. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 116 A small displacement of polar tide and a phase shift of coefficients of the tesseral harmonic of geopotential relative to the Earth pole oscillations is the result of the Earth mantle viscosity. This displacement is quite small, and insignificant for practical tasks, such as satellite navigation. However, it presents considerable interest for studying the Earth pole since it determines the steady-state mode of Chandler wobbles, as well as amplitude of the necessary external disturbance for Chandler wobble excitation of the Earth pole.
The expressions of the tesseral harmonic coefficients variations, stipulated by the polar tide of the viscoelastic Earth model, were obtained in this work by methods of nonlinear mechanics with infinite number of degrees of freedom. A viscoelastic solid body, consisting of the axisymmetric hard core and viscoelastic axisymmetric (in non-deformed state) shell, being subjected to deformation according to the Kelvin-Voigt model, is being considered as a simplified model of Earth. There are no displacements on the inner boundary of the shell, and the outer boundary one is free. It is supposed that the deformation process of the Earth can be assumed as quasi-stationary.
These expressions are being compared with the ones recommended for accounting by the International Earth Rotation Service. The steady-state oscillations mode of the Earth pole are being studied based on the Euler-liouville dynamic equations, with account for variations in geopotential coefficients due to the tidal deformations of the Earth mantle. The article demonstrates that the polar tide model selection significantly affects the parameters of the steady-state oscillatory process of the Earth pole and the amplitude of the necessary disturbance with the chandler frequency to excite the observed chandler oscillation of the pole. | ||||||||
Chigrinets E. G., Rodriges S. B., Zabolotny D. I., Chotchayeva S. K. Numerical modelling of thermal fields in a polymer composite. Trudy MAI, 2021, no 116 Polymer composite materials (PCM), having reinforcing glass fibers in their content and named glass-fiber-reinforced plastics (GFRP), are the most widespread composites applied in the industry. Due to their high strength and stiffness at low specific mass, the PCM more and more widely employed in aircraft building and space industry, superseding conventional metal alloys. One of the glass-reinforced plastics machining specifics compared to metal materials consists in different heat balance ratio, since up to 90% of heat released while cutting transfers into the tool, whereas up to 70% of heat goes to the chippings while cutting metall.
In the especially loaded structures under study from polymer composite, the reinforcing packs from titanium foil placed between the reinforcing glass-fiber tape layers are used.
This layered material of the “glass plastic - titanium” type is employed in manufacturing spars of the main and tail rotors of MI-28 and MI-35 helicopters. MS 6530 infrared pyrometer is used for the temperature control in the cutting zone. Maximum acceptable temperature of the machined sample, which does not cause PCM thermal defects formation, is determined by the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The DSC 200 F3 Maia equipment of the NETZSCH Company was employed. Finite element modelling was performed with COMSOL Multiphysics CAE system.
Pyrometric data on average temperature registering in the cutting area allowed performing finite element modeling of thermal processes while a multilayer fiberglass plastic drilling, as well as revealing the sources and direction of heat flows. Mathematical model realized with the COMSOL Multiphysics software allowed revealing space-time regularities of temperature fields’ proliferation and values of critical temperatures inside the composite.
Cutting temperature rise in the process of titanium foil layers cutting leads to the composite layers warming up, which degrades polymeric matrix properties and intensifying thermal defects formation. Finite element modelling allowed upgrading technology of fiberglass spars of the helicopter main and tail rotors machining. | ||||||||
Popov I. P. Calculation of mechanical oscillations in the field of complex numbers. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 115 It was noted that traditional calculation of complex mechanical devices at forced sinusoidal oscillations is, as a rule, a rather difficult task. Most often, calculators, designers and technologists are interested in steady-state oscillation modes. The goal of this study consists in significant calculations simplifying by replacing the need to solve differential equations with simpler algebraic methods. The author employs complex representation of harmonic values and the values associated with them. Such approach is widely used in theoretical electrical engineering. The main research methods within the framework of this work are methods of mathematical modeling and analysis. With this, a mathematical model, i.e. the object “equivalent”, reflecting its basic properties, namely the laws it obeys, bonds peculiar to its constituent parts, etc., is being studied, rather than the physical object itself. The article considers the scheme of parallel connection, in which the speeds of all mechanical system elements iare equal, while the forces are different, as well as the scheme of series connection, in the forces applied to the mechanical system elements are equal, while speeds differ. Application of symbolic (complex) description of mechanical systems at forced harmonic oscillations (in the steady-state mode) allowed abnegate the extremely cumbersome and laborious computational algorithm, associated with differential equations solving, and replace it by the much simpler algebraic operations. Due to this fact, the computation time was reduced manifold. Being an unnecessary component of the mechanical systems studying at harmonic impact, vector diagrams are of significant methodological meaning, since they demonstrate quantitative and phase relationships between the system parameters. | ||||||||
Dobryshkin A. Y., Sysoev O. E., Sysoev E. O. Temperature impact on the elasticity modulus of structural materials. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 115 Elasticity modulus of a material, to be more exact Young’s modulus, significantly affects the figures while any operation of the material. Thus, the attention to this indicator long since cases interest. It should be noted that a significant u of research has been conducted in this area. There are indicators of the Young’s modulus of all structural materials, as well as its indicators at various operating conditions, including those at various temperatures, e.g. above and below zero Centigrade. The presented study was conducted with the purpose of solving the problem of buildings and structures strength and stability under the temperature effect. To do this, the review of the well-known data in the Young’s modulus area was performed, and revealing the most advantageous materials for implementation with the purpose of buildings and structures strength enhancing.
Not a single branch of human activities can do without employing the elements in the form of closed and open thin-walled cylindrical shells. These are, for example: hangars, pipelines, missiles, submarines, boats, aircraft and other elements. There are quite a few elements in the form of open and closed shells in the form of machine parts and mechanisms. This form of structures has become widespread due to their higher efficiency compared to the others such as, rectangular structures and parts, since less material is spent on their manufacturing. Besides, it is is easier to manufacture such elements, for example, by rolling. Often these parts, such as aircraft engine nozzles, or aircraft skin, are affected thermally. This phenomenon creates many difficulties, since the exposure temperatures are often above 1000°C. The Young’s modulus herewith is being significantly reduced, the same relates to the strength as well. | ||||||||
Averyanov I. O. Prediction of dependability for soft landing system with air dampers with Monte Carlo method. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 115 There are a lot of researches related to soft landing systems with air dampers (System). Today it is a trend to use numerical simulation with LS-DYNA Airbag module or fluid-structure interaction methods. But almost all of the researches are related to single landing process simulation. The article describes the developed dependability model of landing process for soft landing systems with air dampers.
This dependability model is based on physical model of landing process for soft landing systems with air dampers; it consists of mathematical model of fabric air dampers comes from and equations of rigid body motion – from. This physical model allows to get gradient landing area and position of the System in 3D space as initial conditions.
Monte Carlo method is used to realize mathematical experiments with random values of applied load factors. These factors are: landing area gradient angle, vertical velocity and mass of the system, horizontal velocity vector. Reliability function is used as a dependability measure. The following failure modes are considered: excessive acceleration, temp acceleration growing, final vertical velocity, system overturn of its excessive vertical jump, air damper failure.
Several thousand cases of mathematical landings with random initial conditions are considered to get statisitcs of their failures. It allows to get the reliability function of the whole landing process.
The case of air dampers efficiency improvement with the use of the developed model is considered. The idea is to use reliability function of the landing process as an optimization criteria for air damper structure – number of release valves and their combination in the air damper chambers are considered as target function.
Presented results show that the use of the developed model may be useful in design study of soft landing systems with fabric air dampers. | ||||||||
Nakhatakyan F. G. The impact of clearance in roller bearings on the power contact between its elements. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 115 The presented work studied thoroughly the problem of radial clearance impact on a number of roller bearing loading parameters. It is indicated herewith that the source of the clearance is of no importance. It forms as the result of wearing, or it is a preliminary, i.e. deliberate clearance from technical considerations. The problem was solved analytically, based on the proposed method, employing herewith the author’s technique for determining the pliancy of a “bearing” with a single rolling body.
Two characteristic schemes for a bearing loading with a radial force were considered. The first scheme describes an option, in which the radial force passes through the center of the maximally loaded roller, and the second one touches upon the case when the radial force passes between such rollers.
The problem has been solved with both absence of a radial clearance and its presence. The following parameters were determined: the bearing stiffness (pliancy); the number of load-bearing rollers; the maximum load on the roller, as well as the functions of these parameters on the radial clearance.
The main results of the work are as follows:
– bearing stiffness in the absence of radial clearance in both loading schemes is almost constant;
– with the clearance increase, the stiffness in the second loading scheme decreases more rapidly than in the first scheme, which can cause fluctuations in the rotor systems.
The obtained results can be employed while solving a number of problems, for example, when designing and studying the dynamics of the aircraft turbine mechanisms, or when evaluating the wear and performance of rolling bearings, as well as their durability. | ||||||||
Khmarov I. ., Egozhukov R. A., Markushin G. N., Koshelev A. V., Kanivets V. Y., Kondrashov N. G. Measuring laser-location characteristics of aerial object. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 115 Experimental-theoretical and experimental studies of the laser-location characteristics (LLC) of aerial objects are up-to-date scientific and practical tasks while creating promising and modernizing conventional active optoelectronic information devices, as well as in solving the problem of optical visibility reducing of objects.
Direct measurements of the objects LLC herewith are important for of experimental and theoretical methods, as well as mathematical models verification, and for information capabilities of laser devices evaluation. Of special importance is the study of objects’ reflection characteristics in the presence of various factors in the structure, associated with the objects application conditions (physical phenomena concomitant with the flight, the adverse effects of environment, physical fields and etc.) in the presence of the objects onboard optical-electronic devices (OED) and a translucent space-scattering of fragments (not amenable to the rigorous mathematical modeling).
However, when performing semi-natural and full-scale measurements on open routes there are difficulties associated with calibration (standardization) of locational signals reflected from remote targets, with the technical difficulty of creating laser measurement channels (LMC) with rather large linear dynamic range, and with measurement estimating inaccuracy.
The authors consider the methodological apparatus and devices solving these problems. They provide full-scale measurements of the air objects LLC in flight employing a near-infrared (IR) laser measuring complex (LMC) as a part of a multi-channel optical measuring system (MCOMS).
As the result, the authors developed and tested a method that implements of measuring and signals calibrating processes with a large dynamic range on open routes. Techniques for aerial objects’ laser-location characteristics measuring on open routes using LMC as part of the MCOMS have been developed and tested. Measurements of the effective scattering area (ESA) of four targets were performed with the LMC as part of the MCOMS. Dynamic measuring range of the EAD data is no less than 0.01–30 m2. The LMC as part of the MCOMS is capable of measuring the targets laser-location characteristics with meteorological visibility range of 20 km at the distances of 0.2–20 km. Under favorable weather conditions, the relative inaccuracy of the ESR of aerial objects measurements was 15–30%, depending on the target type. The results of measurements obtained using the LMC as part of the MCOMS meet the requirements to this class of measurement systems. | ||||||||
Baskakov A. E., Volkov A. S. Resources managing algorithm for transport software-defined communication network. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 115 Transport SDNs represent the imposition of actively developing concept of network resources centralized management on transport reconfigurable packet networks, including optical ones. The main parameters and principles of the PCS herewith are not only preserved, but also extended to the lower levels, including the level of physical resources management.
The basic stage ensuring the possibility for developing solutions to manage the resources of the communication network, along with the network protocols realizing their operation, consists in developing
– Mathematical base of the communication network under study;
– Processes of resources allocation;
– computation of the necessary paths, including application of the existing developments in the field of standard telecommunications networks, software-defined networks, communication networks of unmanned aerial vehicles or self-organizing communication networks.
Following the principles of the SDN concept, the resources of the optical network from the viewpoint of the higher layer (IP) will be considered as a set of virtual transmission paths with a certain bandwidth, and all the detailed information on the structure will be available herewith only to the lower optical layer. Such approach will allow outlining the two subtasks within the framework of the resources managing task of a packet optical network: the optical network resources managing to create a virtual IP topology, and managing the pool of virtual channel resources at the IP level.
The requirement for dynamic and optimal control of transport resources of a packet optical network, defined by the PCN concept, presupposes a rigorous mathematical formalization and optimization statement of this problem. The attention is worth paying to the network models represented in the form of differential-difference equations of state. Such models are successfully employed for solving routing problems at the IP-network level, regarding it as the problem of channel and buffer resources allocation between incoming IP-packet flows.
With a view to the developing trend of energy saving, minimum of electric energy consumed by the network was selected as the optical networks resources control optimality criterion.
Electric energy consumed by the network directly relates to the number of devices involved in it, which in turn is also determined by the choice of the method of overlaying the packet network atop the optical one. Among all possible options, from the viewpoint of economy, attention should be paid to the «transparent» architecture of the IP-ower-WDM, in which establishing of light paths exclusively at the optical level is possible without transit routers engaging.
The of the upper control level task consists in resources distribution of the available virtual topology between the incoming IP-flows, which e initial data is routing variables: the known structures of the virtual topology of the IP-network, and the volumes of the transmitted traffic. Besides, it is necessary to form the requirements for the virtual topology of the IP-level, namely, for the number of light paths between pairs of routers and their bandwidth.
It is possible to avoid additional complication by applying as the initial data the packet flow rate from the i-th to the j-th router with the given requirements for the average IP packet length and bandwidth, rather than the transmitted traffic volumes estimation.
The presented algorithm allows describing the process of managing the resources of the transport PMS by an aggregate of computational procedures. All levels of management herewith are linked by a single target function, namely by the minimum of total energy consumption, and their solutions are coordinated with each other. | ||||||||
Chistyakov V. A. Monopulse radio direction finder using digital antenna array . Trudy MAI, 2020, no 115 Digital technologies development at present allows improving radar systems, which opens possibility for application of complex modern methods of digital signal processing. It allows, in the first place, achieving the best results in radar systems operation, improving therewith weight and size characteristics of the systems under development.
Thus, application of digital phased antennae arrays for direction finding problems solving allows employing mathematical tools for angular characteristics estimations of the object under study.
The article deals with a monopulse direction finder with the sum-difference direction-finding method, accomplish based on the sixteen-element flat digital phased antennae array. The idea of the sum-difference monopulse method consists in generating both sum and difference signals to compare their amplitudes and angular coordinates estimation of the object. In addition, there is a necessity in direction-finding characteristic estimation of the antennae system to realize the said method.
Digital phased antenna array allows both sum and difference signals generation at the expense of correctly selected weight factors, avoiding herewith the waveguide converters application. The weight factors represent complex numbers able to change amplitude-phase characteristics of the signals.
To gain the possibility to estimate the azimuth and elevation angle of the place, the elements of the flat antennae array should be represented in the form of rows and columns, which will be nothing else but the linear antennae arrays. The two linear antennae arrays will form two pairs of both sum and difference signals for the azimuthal plane and elevation plane.
The result of the works was the monopulse direction finder simulation with the above-described digital antenna array, during which the monopulse response curve and radiation pattern were estimated. The sum and difference signals were generated, and the corresponding weight coefficients were obtained.
The dependence of the root-mean-square deviation of angular coordinates on the signal-to-noise ratio was plotted for more illustrative estimation of the direction finder with digital sum and difference signals generation. | ||||||||
Ivanov S. A. Inertial-satellite observations monitoring by combined goodness-of-fit criteria. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 115 GPS is the most widespread and advanced global navigation satellite system (GNSS). However, the GPS signals are the subject to a large number of different types of interference, both natural (the GPS signal can be weakened by trees, buildings, and antenna orientation), and imitation (intentional) interference. Intentional interference, also called spoofing, allows entering false GPS information into the navigation system.
Powerful jammers are easy to detect and neutralize due to the high intensity of radiation. Less powerful sources of interference are harder to find. It is important to deal with them by employing improved anti-interference technologies in receivers, improving the antenna, or integrating with an inertial navigation system or other devices insensitive to interference.
Inertial navigation systems (INS) are not affected by artificial interference. The main sources of errors in the INS are the errors in inertial sensors (gyroscopes and accelerometers), incorrect initialization of the navigation system, and imperfection of the gravitational model used for calculations.
The presented work is devoted to the problem of monitoring and violations localization reliability improving, namely, to the problem of detecting and parrying simulated interference in inertial-satellite navigation systems (ISNS).
The proposed solutions to the problem are based on the diagnostic ISNS models decomposition, and application of combined statistical criteria. The BINS error vector estimation and the reasons for the difficulties of satellite support for BINS are being considered. The technology of sequential processing of observations allows forming diagnostic parameters by the sample of residuals on a sliding time interval. The article presents and analyzes the results of field experiments with a typical BINS. Conclusions are drawn on the need for adaptive-robust processing of inertial-satellite observations.
The scientific novelty of the proposed work is associated with the addition of procedures for detecting and parrying anomalous inertial-satellite observations based on the combined statistical criterion x2/ϑ2 , with account for the fact that anomalous signals associated with the SNS are usually pulsed. Such procedures can be performed in both real time and according to the data from the on-board registration devices. | ||||||||
Kasmerchuk P. V., Vernigora L. V. Linearization method in the problems of spacecraft with electric propulsion power plant transfer to geostationary orbit. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 115 The work “Optimization of non-coplanar low-thrust flights by the linearization method” by P.V. Kazmerchuk and L.V. Vernigorа solved the problem of non-coplanar flight from a high elliptical orbit to a geostationary orbit (GSO) within the minimum time (the task of optimal response) employing modified linearization method. In this task, the thrust acts continuously, with a constant level, and control is performed by the thrust vector turn. Another important class of optimization problems of transferring the spacecraft (SC) with electric propulsion power plant to the GSO are the problems of the final mass maximization under the limitations on the transfer time (the problem with the fixed time). The flight time increase relative to the optimal response problem allows reducing fuel consumption and increase the final mass by disabling the propulsion system at the trajectory legs with less efficient control. The article considers the non-adjustable EPPs, which thrust can be either zero, or maximum.
Maximum principle is widely used to solve the tasks of the EPP SC flight optimization. Application of the Maximum principle allows reducing the original optimization task to solving a boundary value problem. When solving such boundary value problems, researchers face convergence problems, the initial approximation selection, stipulated by the locality of the Maximum principle, and the existence and uniqueness of solutions to the systems of nonlinear equations. To overcome the above said difficulties, the authors use various approaches, such as the continuation method, sequential refinement of motion models, combinations of numerical methods, and others. A specific feature of the fixed time task consists in the presence of a large number of local extrema, which further complicates the solution of the boundary value problem of the Maximum principle. This happens due to the fact that partial derivatives matrix of the discrepancy of a boundary value problem by its unknown parameters, one way or another used in all indirect methods, degenerates at the boundaries of the domains of attraction of local extrema.
Being a direct method operating in the controls space, the MLM belongs to the class of gradient methods (first order methods), which stipulates its large convergence domain. It turned out to be possible to use trivial initial approximations in the task of optimal response that allows expect its successful application for the tasks with a fixed time as well.
MLM also belongs to the class of local methods, but it is desirable to have an algorithm that allows getting solutions close to global ones. Looking ahead, we note that it was possible to parameterize the task with only two quantities: the initial value of the true longitude of the flight and the initial value of the EPS thrust. The resulting two-parameter family can be easily studied by direct enumeration to find the global minimum without the need to invoke global optimization methods.
The main problem when trying to use MLM for solving a task with a fixed time consists in determining the number of thrust switching points and their location on the trajectory, since there is no explicit information about the switching function. The solution algorithm should automatically determine the optimal values of these parameters along with the thrust vector direction optimizing at the active legs of trajectory. The article proposes an algorithm that allows regularly solving the tasks of EPP SC flight to the GSO with a fixed time. | ||||||||
Tugolukov V. A. Arranging measurements while shipborne aerial vehicles testing under non-test-ground conditions of the open sea. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 115 The article considers methodological issues arranging external trajectory measurements of the shipborne aviation systems’ parameters while the shipborne aerial vehicles testing under the open sea conditions and absence of the lack of the route measuring test-ground within the water area for the State testing of aircraft carrier. The author suggested a differential measuring method based on navigation parameters correction of the shipborne aerial vehicles relative to the aircraft carrier, and transmitting the set of corrections to measurements of all navigation satellites to the definable points. These corrections can be used at the satellite observations at the definable points with measuring at the coastal geodetic station with known coordinates of pseudo-range to all “visible” satellites and computing its measured coordinates, and then the measured ranges as well (according to the measured coordinates of both station and satellites). Then further processing information on computing the root-mean-square error of lateral and vertical deflections of the shipborne aerial vehicle while takeoff and landing on the ship, and at combat control from an aircraft carrier ship and / or from a shipborne radar patrol and guidance aircraft is proposed is being performed. The accompanying monitoring of the achieved values of the aircraft carrier efficiency levels is being performed, and the accuracy characteristics of the shipborne aircraft is being obtained to assess the feasibility of the requirements for the carried aviation systems and for the aircraft carrier ship as a whole.
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Bagretsov S. A., Chernaya T. E., Karpenko K. A., Tarasov A. G. Techniques for determining rational time for specialists training in automated training systems. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 115 It is necessary to combine theoretical and practical drill in the process of specialists training. However, the balance between these two types of training may differ drastically for various sphere of activities. The material of the article allows determine the rational learning time with known and unknown level of losses associated with operator errors. The proposed techniques allow predicting with fairly high degree of accuracy the required number of practical classes in special disciplines for this of that training period to increase the specialists’ level of training.
The proposed methods are based on the fundamental concepts and relationships of probability theory, utility theory, and fuzzy logic. The interval measure obtaining method is based on the concepts of a hypothetical game (pseudo-game). The interval boundary values usefulness is being coordinated based on the expert survey.
These methods allow determining the rational period of the training course studying by the student from the initial time instant, which ensures an optimal combination of the loss function indicators and costs in the sense of the minimax criterion. The obtained results can be used while the educational process planning to ensure the necessary level of students’ preparedness and minimize the learning process costs.
A rational combination of theoretical and practical stages of training allows prepare a specialist with professional knowledge, skills and abilities at a level guaranteeing the functional activities tasks fulfilling in any conditions of situation. The proposed scientific and methodological approach is advisable to be implemented while organizing the specialists training process when the necessary level of knowledge and skills is known for the correct functional duties performing with the required probability.
The proposed methods allow determining the specialists training period, which minimizes training the costs and the necessary level of a specialist training, which is defined as the probability of timely and error-free solution of problems related to his future professional activity. The technique allows accounting for specifics of the trainees’ further practical work, and defining criteria of the professional training levels and resource constraints on performing sales professionals training. | ||||||||
Nevolin A. O. Internet-protocols obfuscating encoding algorithms effectiveness measurement methods. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 115 Data encryption is not always possible today. In some situations attacker does not actually need to decode information – he just can organize DDOS-attack and turn attacked system off for a some (maybe long) time. If information system uses encryption protocols, it’s always a good hint for security analyst – if data is encrypted, that means than there is something important.
There are some ways to protect data and whole system – by alternative methods of secure data processing, digital steganography for example. A new method is protocol masking. In this way we encode some protocol so it looks like another. So attacker does not actually know what kind of information is transferred through channel that he is listening.
While encoding one protocol as another we must remember to keep it’s basic characteristic similar to referenced protocol. If we don’t, attacker can easily not only detect fact of masking, but also find out which protocol we used originally. So we need some metrics to describe measure of information “protectiveness”. These metrics can be, for example, statistical characteristics of protocol. If we keep them the same, the fact of protocol change will not be discovered by security analyst.
This article describes offered model of whole system. Also it proposes a models of attacker and legal user. Some strong mathematical measures of encoding efficiency are then introduced. They are based on statistical characteristics (commands or their parameters probability and other). Finally, some methods of XML-based protocols obfuscation are described and analyzed at the point of view of proposed characteristics. | ||||||||
Spevakov A. G., Kaluckiy I. V. A unit for unique sequence generating employed while personal data impersonalizing. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 115 A problem of data impersonalizing occupies special place in automated information systems while data processing. Such methods and algorithms are employed to improve the system security and reduce material costs for information security tools purchasing. One of the tasks consists in developing specialized units that will allow increasing the speed of data conversion during impersonalizing. Such units can be employed not only in large data processing centers, but also in information systems with a small number of personal data subjects, but demanding data processing speed. This allows performance improvement, as well operating costs and product weight reduction. The purpose of this work consist in the speed increase of the unit for generating a unique sequence for personal data impersonalizing by parallel computing and FPGA based implementation. The problem solution of increasing the speed of forming a unique sequence for impersonalizing personal data is achieved by implementing a method and algorithm for data impersonalizing that allows their FPGA based implementation employing parallel computing. The developed unit novelty lies in the fact that a method for introducing identifiers using hashing critical data and a private key was proposed. This allows increasing the of data privacy level, bating requirements for the security level of the information system, and increasing the of data processing speed by convolving critical data into a hash identifier by parallel computing employing the developed specialized device. The results obtained consist in the development of a unit for generating a unique sequence used for personal data impersonalizing. This unit implements the proposed method. The experiments confirming the proposed mathematical model adequacy in comparison with the software implementation were conducted. The proposed device allowed increasing the speed of hash identifiers computing by more than a thousand times, with power consumption decrease by 11.7 times. The results of the experiment allow recommending the proposed unit for implementation in automated information systems for personal data processing at the design stage or optimization of existing systems. It will reduce the information protecting system cost. The authors propose the presented solution implementation in the form of a FPGA based unit, which will allow increasing speed and reducing operation costs. | ||||||||
Borzov D. B., Basov R. G., Titov V. S., Sokolova Y. V. Processor load scheduling device in multiprocessor systems of critical purpose. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 115 The need to prompt response from the computing system side emerges in the state-of-the-art multiprocessor critical systems. The systems, which failures lead to the losses (economic, physical, human etc.) are defined as critical systems. In the event of failure, such systems are the subject to high requirements for operability, reliability, safety, security, etc. All costs herewith associated with introduction of changes to such system or its replacing (direct, indirect, etc.) are more important that the losses occurred in the case of the multiprocessor system failure itself. It is obvious that minimization of both time and hardware costs, necessary for the multiprocessor system response to the hazardous situation is of most importance.
The failures occurring in the internal processor modules, such as aircraft cockpits, surveillance systems, targeting, atomic systems etc., can be assigned to the critical situations. In case of the multiprocessor system failure herewith, its performance and response decrease, which is unacceptable in critical systems. One of the options for this issue solving may be processor loading planning in multiprocessor systems. In this case, the multiple loading of several processors by the same task (routine, subroutine, algorithm, file, etc.) can be avoided, and, with this, the queue of the incoming tasks can be planned in such a fashion that they are being fed simultaneously. This allows reduce unplanned operation downtime and, at the same, time increase its availability factor along with increased performance.
The presented work is devoted to critical multiprocessor systems, to which high availability objects, which operability is critical for any kind of activity, can be assigned. In such cases, a person, country, enterprise, organization, etc. is distinguished. A failure in this case leads to in the system response time decrease and a further decrease in its performance, and, thus, the availability. In this case, the application of the software for solving this issue is unacceptable, which means that it is necessary to use specialized hardware load scheduling tools. | ||||||||
Chigrinets E. G., Rodriges S. B., Chotchayeva S. K., Sorokin A. V. The experience of CAD/CAM systems application in educational process at the basic department of “Aircraft engineering”. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 115 Computer engineering gains more and more importance in the modern world due to the 3D solid-state modelling, analysis and simulation integration. In this aggregate of methods and means for the engineering problems solving, the groundbreaking role is being assigned to creation and application of the so-called digital twins, which are based on digital representation of separate real components, products, technologies and processes, allowing performing a wide specter of analysis and virtual simulations. The object location herewith does not matter.
Practical application training of the CAM systems is a weak side of the DSTU (Don State Technical University) compared to the theoretical preparation.
This article demonstrates the application example of the NX computer-aided manufacturing system by Siemens PLM Software in the engineering personnel training for an aircraft-building enterprise.
In the framework of their practical training, the students collected information that has become the initial data for the machining process simulation of the especially critical helicopter parts employing the NX CAM. Managing routines for the five-axis HURON K2X8 FIVE machining center were developed applying the «Machining» module, analysis of various cutting strategies was performed, visualization of the material removal was carried out, and the machine-tool operation simulation was demonstrated
Verification of the developed managing routines allowed revealing overcuts and and rough surfaces on the completed part, collisions of the machining center actuating devices with rigging and workpiece, tools contact during rapid feed, excessive and insufficient machining allowances. The revealed defects were corrected prior to program run on a CNC machine.
The demand for graduates of the engineering specialties are largely determined by the knowledge of modern CAD/CAM system at the technological preparation of production and the ability to employ them. The increased interest of today’s young people in computer technologies raises the interest of the students in the study and improves apprehension of the educational material. However, introduction of computer engineering methods into educational process faces certain difficulties as well. The main one is the insufficiently equipped laboratories of the University. Very often, the such programs implementation is being supported exclusively by the enthusiasm of individual tutors and department staff members.
This publication was prepared based on the cooperation between the department of Aircraft engineering of Don State Technical University and the division of Computer Aided Manufacturing of “Rostvertol Helicopters Co.” within the framework of “The new personnel of the military-industrial complex” project. | ||||||||
Malshakov G. V. Studying search alphabet distortion impact on entities identification based on data frequency analysis. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 115 The article recounts the results of studying the impact of the alphabet tokens degree of occurrence in the entity objects of the subject domain on the identification of entities based on data frequency analysis with various strategies for tokens exclusion.
The following dependences are shown:
– Dependence of autocorrelation on minimum allowable number of characters in tokens for various samplings (as a percentage of the initial data);
– Dependence of covering the entity objects alphabet of the subject domain on limitation on the number of characters in the alphabet tokens;
– Dependence of the number of correctly recognized entities of the subject domain for various samplings volumes on the limitation of the number of characters in lexemes of the alphabet of the subject domain entity’s frequency identification at unfavorable strategy for the subject domain entity objects exclusion;
– Dependence of the number of correctly recognized subject domain entities for various samplings sizes on the limitation on the number of characters in the lexemes of the alphabet of the frequency identification of the subject domain entity at a favorable strategy of excluding objects of the subject domain entities.
The impact of the degree of occurrence of alphabet lexemes in the entity objects of the subject domain and the strategy of excluding alphabet lexemes on the entities identification based on data frequency analysis was established.
The above said studies allow reducing the number of errors in identifying domain entities based on the data frequency analysis while ensuring the interoperability of the applied software. | ||||||||
Zakota A. A., Efanov V. V., Gunkina A. S. Evaluation technique for motion parameters determining accuracy of aerial target under conditions of covert surveillance. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 115 The object of the study is the system for parameters determining of aerial target motion under conditions of covert surveillance.
The subject of the study is a technique for accuracy evaluation of indirect target motion characterization system.
The objective of the study consists in accuracy improving of aerial vehicle motion characterization based on recommendations elaboration for creating conditions to perform measuring process and measurement data processing.
In the process of this work execution analysis of existing approaches to target motion characterization was performed. It revealed that advantage of pseudo-triangulation technique lies in nonlinear equations reduction to algebraic system of equations. However, under certain conditions it does not ensure target motion parameters determining. The approach eliminating this drawback through introduction of the closing-in with aerial target law is proposed.
This technique ensures aerial target motion simulation, namely computing its coordinates arrays; measuring process simulation, i.e. computation of arrays of precise and containing accidental errors of locating angles values. Besides, this technique ensures preliminary measurement smoothing and angular velocity evaluation of aerial target sightline. It allows:
- Define approximately potential value range for approximation dependence coefficients;
- Perform parameter identification of aerial target motion at various approximation dependence coefficient values within the established range;
- Select approximation dependence coefficient estimation value by minimum variance of inadequacy in calculated values of aerial target horizontal range;
- Characterize aerial target range motion with selected approximation dependence coefficient; measurement error assessment by spread in calculated values at different number of bearing measurements;
- Computation cycle repetition with increase in number of measurements in the case of exceeding spread in range estimations of its preset error value.
While computation performing the initial data is aerial target motion trajectory characteristics; the carrier acceleration value; the number of grouped measurements; total limit number of measurements, root-mean-square deviation in aerial target bearing measurement results.
To check capabilities of the said algorithm a series of numerical experiments was performed.
It was assumed while testing that the time interval between measurements wass , and . Results smoothing revealed the following:
- with rational choice of approximation coefficient value (in accordance with the specified procedure), discrepancy between approximation and real dependences was insignificant;
- approximation errors were by an order lower than the measurement errors.
It should be noted that the low error level while smoothing aws achieved at essential variances of approximation dependence coefficients caused by differences in measurement process implementations.
With the intent of justifiability check of the supposition on keeping the closing-in velocity constant, preliminary studies were being performed, during which parameters of the carrier flight were being determined by its flight simulation at the afterburning turning-on. This data shows that owing to the carrier considerable thrust-to-weight ratio, constant acceleration maintaining of a ≈ 4–8 m/s2 within quite a prolonged period of time is possible.
The technique testing results revealed that with the measurements number increase the range determining error fell and achieved the value of about 10% with the initial structure of the algorithm, and less than 10% at extra smoothing of the stored total data per each second of the measurement process.
The strongest impact on the results of the range determining is imposed by the carrier acceleration value and the interval between measurements.
The results of refinement and studies of еру fundamental algorithm for estimation of aerial moving target range are indicative of its high sensitivity to accuracy and amount of information being used. The relatively small size of the synthesized range linear interval (“range-finding baseline”) should be considered as physical reason of this effect.
The aerial target range and velocity estimation accuracy increases with adding to the number of notches. However, this technique requires significant time increase up to 20-25 sec per problem solution operation. Nevertheless, at present the passive sensors appeared, which are capable of measuring angular coordinates of aerial target with the time interval of t ≈ 1 – 10–2...0.5 – 10–2 sec.
With account for this, it is possible to perform multiple measurements of the desired data (angles) using “cluster” of indications when measuring angles of discrete angles.
Based on these results recommendations for creating conditions to perform measurement process and measured data processing were worked out. The proposed technique was employed for developing the method for air ordnance delivery in the environment of covert target observation. | ||||||||
Anan’ev A. V., Rybalko A. G., Ivannikov K. S., Klevcov R. P. Dynamic model of temporarily fixed ground targets hitting process by a group of small-class attack unmanned aerial vehicles. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 115 The article presents the dynamic model of the fixed ground targets hitting process by the by group of small-class attack unmanned aerial vehicles. Considering the said process is probabilistic both in states and in time, the dynamic model is based on the Markov’s random processes theory with continuous time and discrete state, and on the theoretic basis of the simplest flows.
A scenario for groups of small-class unmanned aerial vehicles application for hitting temporarily fixed ground targets, revealing the order of actions at each stage of the process under study, was employed as initial data for determining states of the dynamic model.
New dynamic model differs from the known ones by inclusion of the additional blocks. The first one realizes probabilistic parameters computing of wind disturbances due to the special maneuver, and the second computes the cycles of the unmanned aerial vehicles groups’ flights from the U-turn point to the target to the ammunition discharge point with account for its hitting probability with acceptable direction deviation.
Studying the model allows determine conflicting variable parameters of small-class unmanned aerial vehicles’ combat maneuvering and calculate their rational values. On the one hand, these parameters affect the discharge accuracy and, consequently, rational ammunition consumption. On the other hand, extra maneuvering may significantly increase the hitting time, which is utterly critical for the temporary fixed targets, which can be removed out of strike.
A statistical model was being studied initially in this work to solve the set problem on hitting temporary fixed targets in a specified time. Further, having solved numerically the system of linear inhomogeneous differential equations with constant coefficients, developed for the dynamic model, the authors obtained time dependencies for various states of the process under study.
The conclusion to the article presents the result of the impact estimation of the sought probabilistic parameters of a group of strike unmanned aerial vehicles combat maneuvering on the probability of the task accomplishment at various time instants. The most significant probabilistic parameter, which increasing requires extra operations while actions planning, was defined.
The most significant probabilistic parameter, which is to be additionally increased during the stage of operation planning, is detected. | ||||||||
Maskaykin V. A. Numerical method for studying temperature regimes of an inhomogeneous, structured body. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 115 In the aviation industry, thermal insulation mineral, fiberglass and polymer materials are employed for operation in extremely low temperature conditions. In certain cases, the structures, which perform the function of absolute isolation of gases from the external thermal impacts, are being created to obtain thermal isolation. If thermal isolation materials are being considered, the thermal isolation life span of such materials does not always satisfy the needs for temperature retention, and being regarded as a secondary subject operating in temperature regimes. The presented work solves two dimensional thermal conductivity problem of the element serving as a thermal insulator. It includes as well the study of heat transfer at the interaction of various materials between each other and their structural distribution in the element.
To solve the set problem, let us consider a conventionally selected segment (element) of the heat-insulating sheathing. The requirement consists in ensuring thermal isolation of the specified element in conditions of low temperatures by means of various materials and their structural distribution in the element. This problem solution is being performed by creating mathematical model and solving it numerically based on an implicit difference scheme. Computations of the mathematical model include the thermal conductivity problems of homogeneous body, a heterogeneous body with the structure of materials stratification, and the structure of the chess distribution of materials.
The results of the study show that the interaction of different materials in the element and the structural distribution of materials in the element play an important role in increasing thermal insulation properties. Interaction in heterogeneous bodies of various heat-insulating materials with each other has a low thermal insulation index, in contrast to the interaction of a heat-insulating material with the other, having the opposite thermal conductivity characteristics. An increase in thermal insulation in such body is accompanied by thermal insulation of a material with high thermal conductivity properties. A mutual substitution, “balancing” of the processes of thermal conductivity of materials with each other occurs. | ||||||||
Korovaytseva E. A. On some features of soft shells of revolution static problems solution at large deformations . Trudy MAI, 2020, no 114 The presented work demonstrates specifics of thin-walled structures mechanics at strong nonlinearity problems solution computational algorithms realization by an example of soft shell of revolution static inflation at the large deformations problem. The problem solution algorithm under consideration realizes the method of differentiation by parameter. The feature of the algorithm consists in using specific method of nonlinear Cauchy problem solving with right-hand side given on discrete mesh of variable step. Studying the properties of the system of equations under consideration revealed the necessity for solution regularization preceding of the suggested algorithm realization. Thus, the initial stage of solution construction uses the well-posed system of equations of technical theory of soft shells, as its solution is close to the solution of the problem being considered, but without having a poor stipulation. Analysis of various parameters of computational algorithm or properties of soft shells theory equations impact on calculation results cannot be performed in analytical form. Thus, for these issues studying numerical experiments concerning solution of hemisphere bloating problem with different conditions of the edge fixation are used. Physical properties of shell material are supposed to be described by Treloar relations. For the obtained results illustration only loading diagrams as pressure-deflection curves are used. The effect of the following parameters of the computational algorithm on the computational results was studied. These were the preliminary internal pressure magnitude, solution continuation parameter selection; the magnitude of initial and maximum allowable solution continuation parameter step; the number of parameter steps on which solution regularization was used; the ways of stress state calculation at developing the resolving system of equations. It is worth mentioning that in the presented work, apparently for the first time, the author managed to obtain the value of deflection of the soft hemispherical shell, being inflated, w0=35R (where R is the radius of the non-deformed shell) only in 60 solution continuation parameter steps. The maximum value of deflection herewith obtained prior to the loss in calculation stability reaches 108R. In this case the solution error is equal to 5%, and the number of solution continuation parameter steps is 280. A significant, difficult-to-predict dependence of computational results on the algorithm parameters mentioned above was revealed, up to obtaining wrong results. Thus, setting a miniscule value of the preliminary pressure may lead to the convergence problem of the solution correction right at the first step. An excessively large value of the step by the parameter leads to significant distortion of the results, while a too small one leads to the computation stability loss. Conclusions on the effect of basic stress state computing method and a number of steps by the parameter, at which the system of equations regularization is performed, may appear different for various boundary conditions at sphere equator and various methods of the solution continuation parameter selection. Thus, judging by the performed studies, when solving problems of the stress-strain state, being followed by large displacements and deformations analysis, applicability checking of any `previously developed recommendations concerning calculations in each concrete case is necessary. Realization of the selected solution algorithm or parameters assignment should not be restricted by only one method. Studying the problem solution behavior in a wide range of possible changes of the algorithm parameters is necessary; and in the absence of analytical solution, the repetitiveness of the results at various values of the assigned parameters can be the indicator of the obtained results certainty. Probably, such numerical experiments may and should be performed by the technique similar to the methods of experimental mechanics, and properties determining of this or that algorithm in application to the solution of this or that type of problems is similar to determining mechanical properties of materials at various types of the stress-strain state. | ||||||||
Baklanov A. V., Krasnov D. S., Garaev A. I. Gas-dynamic computation of experimental installation for gas turbine engine section testing. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 114 When designing test benches for of the combustion chamber sections testing performing it is necessary to perform gas dynamic calculation to determine parameters and characteristics such as the rate of fuel gas and air, the air velocity at the section inlet, and operational time of the experimental installation when employing a limited number of liquefied gas cylinders. It is necessary as well to know the range of a gas rate measurement and pressure on the measuring area of the gas main of the experimental installation to sel ect appropriate measuring devices
The combustion chamber section represents a 1/14 part of a full sized combustion chamber and consists of an outer casing, inner casing, a flame tube with a frontend device, in which the nozzles are installed. The fire tube is bounded by side cooling walls on both sides. Nine nozzles are being installed in the combustion chamber section.
The test bench includes a source of compressed air and a central main line leading to the section. Gas is being fed to the section collector through the fuel-feeding system and then to the flame tube head, which distributes it among the nozzles.
The following was determined fr om the computation results:
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Krauzina M. T., Sidorov A. S., Burkova E. N. Magnetic fluid application as a heat carrier in cooling systems under spaceflight conditions. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 114 This article presents the results of numerical simulations and experiments on studying mechanisms of heat and mass transfer in magnetic fluids. These substances belong to the class of nanofluids and are being employed as a heat carrier in cooling systems. The inter-particle interactions effect on diffusion processes in magnetic fluid was studied. Numerical experiment has demonstrated the possibility of convective cooling in the absence of gravitational field.
The flows’ modes and structures in a magnetic fluid in a vertical thin layer being heated from the one wide side, as well as a spherical cavity, being heated from below, were studied. The interaction of thermomagnetic and thermogravitational convective flows in a vertical magnetic fluid layer placed in a transverse magnetic field was being considered. A flat rectangular shape selection for the study is associated with a model of the simplest heat exchange device, as well as for comparing the results with known theoretical calculations in this problem. To study behavior of the inhomogeneously heated magnetic fluid in gravitational and uniform magnetic fields, experiments in a spherical cavity were performed. Besides, with this geometry, the simplest movement is being realized near the stability threshold of mechanical equilibrium when heating from below in the form of a sole whirl, rather than the system of interacting shafts as in the case of the flat layer.
The article demonstrates that thermogravitational and thermomagnetic tramsport mechanisms interaction under laboratory conditions leads to the complex behavior of the convective system and, as a consequence, to the heat and mass transfer processes complication. The authors propose the possibility of application of active and passive cooling systems with magnetic fluids onboard a spacecraft under conditions of microgravity. For this, numerical modelling performing of the cooling system is being planned to give estimation of its energy efficiency, as well as performing the full-scale space experiment. | ||||||||
Firsanov V. V., Pham V. T., Tran N. D. Strain-stress state analysis of multilayer composite spherical shells based on the refined theory. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 114 Nowadays, due to such advantages as high strength and low density, multilayer composite shells are widely used in various fields of mechanical engineering, including aerospace engineering. Theoretical and experimental studies have shown that when determining the stress condition of plates and shells, especially in the areas of joints (flanged, welded), local and rapidly changing load, as well as those made of non-homogeneous materials, the classical theory is not in line with the practice.
For multilayer composite shells, reliable determination of normal and shear stresses corresponding to lateral deformations represents an urgent issue. This article presents an option of the refined theory of the strain-stress state calculation of spherical shells made of layered composite materials. When creating mathematical model of the shell, the three-dimensional equations of linear elasticity are used. Components of the required displacements are being approximated by polynomials at a coordinate normal to the middle surface of the shell by the two degrees higher than the classical Kirchhoff–Love theory. A system of differential equations of equilibrium and corresponding boundary conditions have been obtained using the Lagrange variation principle. The formulated boundary value problem is being solved by successive application of finite difference and matrix sweep methods. The calculations were performed using a computer program.
A multilayer composite shell, rigidly pinched at two edges was considered as calculation example. The numerical results of the calculation of dimensionless shells deflection under the action of symmetric and asymmetric loads are practically identical to the published results of researchers, employing the other methods, which confirms the validity of the proposed refined theory.
The thickness impact on the stress condition of the shell is being studied. The article presents the graphs of the continuous stress distribution over the thickness of the shell are presented, which is of great importance for the composite materials. It has been established that lateral, normal and tangential stresses of significant value occurred in the edge zone of the multilayer shells. The authors recommend employing the proposed refined theory for their determining. | ||||||||
Shlyapnikov P. A. Determining limiting amplitude of hardened parts cycle with stress concentrators with compressing average stresses. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 114 The purpose of this work consists in developing a technique for the limiting amplitude quantifying of hardened samples with stress concentrators at various compressive average cycle stresses.
To confirm the previously obtained theoretical solution on predicting the maximum amplitude of parts with stress concentrators, hardened by the surface plastic deformation (PPD) methods at the central tension-compression cycle asymmetry and compressive average stresses of the cycle, an experimental study of cylindrical samples made of 45 steel with semicircular profile incisions hardened by pneumatic blasting was performed.
Both non-hardened and hardened cylindrical samples with concentrators applied to them in the form of an annular incision of a semicircular profile were subjected to studying. Incisions were being applied on the hardened sample after pneumatic blasting of a smooth cylindrical sample. As the result, the increment of the maximum amplitude of samples with stress concentrators due to surface hardening, as well as the redistribution of residual stresses of a hardened smooth sample as a result of applying the concentrator to the hardened surface of the sample were being determined.
Experimental limit amplitude determining of non-strengthened and hardened samples was performed with the UMM-01 testing machine, allowing implementing both tensile and compressive average cycle stresses. The results of the endurance limit determining are summarized in a table. For comparison, the table shows the calculated data obtained earlier by the computer modeling.
The author proposes to perform estimation of the hardened samples and parts with different asymmetry degree by the cycle limiting amplitudes diagrams with account for residual stresses. The limiting amplitudes diagram is based the modified Gann diagram.
A limiting amplitudes diagram of a cycle with average compressive stresses was obtained for an asymmetric cycle, where a hardened sample with a concentrator and a non-hardened sample with a stress concentrator were employed.
Fr om geometrical considerations, the equation for the coefficient of of residual stresses effect on the limiting amplitude at various compressive stresses of the stretch-compression cycle was obtained. As the result, a technique for the limit amplitude of hardened samples and parts estimating employing the lim it amplitudes diagram of the stress cycle of parts, with account for residual stresses was proposed. A simple equation for calculating maximum amplitude of hardened parts with concentrators at different degrees of cycle asymmetry was proposed. The obtained scientific results can be used in strength calculations without lengthy and costly tests. | ||||||||
Belyaev B. V., Golicov I. O., Dobrolyubov A. N., Lebedev A. S. Mathematical model for operability diagnosing of flying vehicles at crack-type faults . Trudy MAI, 2020, no 114 Recently, the acute issue of the possibility of orbital space vehicles flight prolongation after colliding with the object of technogenic origin, which may lead to sealed structures damaging in the form of surface micro-cracks arises.
The urgency of this problem will enhance in the oncoming years due to the current tendency of near-Earth space contamination increasing by technogenic particles. In this regard, failures diagnostics of flying vehicles with the damages if the form of cracks becomes of vital importance, since it will allow substantiating terms of space vehicles staying in orbit to fulfill the set task.
The article studied the issues of diagnostics of the flying vehicles’ sealed compartments with through micro-cracks functioning. The authors obtained equations allowing describe regularities of changing of the working medium leakage from sealed compartments through the through cracks, depending on their changing geometry. The algorithm of plotting regularities of the working medium leakage from the sealed compartments change in the presence of developing the through cracks in their shells was developed. The article presents typical regularities of the working medium leakage through the through cracks in time. Computational results of the compartment depressurizing depending on the through crack length, the degree of its opening, as well as free volume of the sealed compartment are presented.
The results, obtained in this work, allow solving the inverse problem for the instrument and habitable spacecraft compartments. Having the telemetry data on the gas state parameters (pressure and temperature) inside the compartment and these parameters changes with time, a possibility of diagnosing micro-dents characteristics under conditions of the orbital flight emerges. This, in its turn, allows assessing the time margin for the leakiness localization, or taking decision on the emergency landing of manned spacecraft.
The results of this work allow more quick failures diagnostics of flying vehicles operating under conditions of of the near-Earth space clogging with objects of natural and artificial origin. | ||||||||
Kostin A. V. Design procedure for computing printed circuit conductors on metal base for AC spacecraft devices. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 114 The article suggests the technique for the design procedure of printed conductor (PC) width of the printed circuit board, being installed of the metal base, for the onboard spacecraft devices, depending on the flowing sinusoidal current of various frequency. The technique accounts for non-uniform current distribution in the PC volume due to the skin effect. The following problems were solved while this technique developing:
The article presents the dependence of the PC active electrical resistance on frequency. This dependence was obtained under the condition that the PC width is much greater than its thickness. This condition is most often being fulfilled in practice. Such assumption was made with the purpose of simplifying the search for the dependence. As long as active resistance equation turned out to be rather complex even with account for the assumption, the article presents the graph of the reduced active resistance dependence. To obtain the active resistance value, the value of the reduced active resistance should be multiplied by the PC length value and divided by the value of its width. The active resistance value is being determined graphically for the specified AC frequency. It simplifies the PC width calculation while printed circuit boards design.
Analysis of active electrical resistance dependence on the frequency was performed. It was established in the course of the analysis that at the frequencies up to 100 kHz active electrical resistance weakly depended on the frequency. The skin effect can be ignored at these frequencies. At the frequencies above 1 GHz, the active electrical resistance does not depend on the PCB thickness. This allows making a number of simplifications, and calculate the active resistance by the thickness of the skin layer.
The previously developed technique assumes the presence of heat removal only through the printed circuit board on the metal base. The article references the publications recounting its gist.
According to this technique, the thermal resistance of insulation material layers is determined by both the geometry of their part, located under the PC, and thermo-physical properties of the materials themselves. When the current flows through the PC, the dissipated power is determined as the product of the square of current and the PC active resistance. This power will be equal to the thermal flow. Then the overheating will be equal to the product of the thermal flow and the thermal resistance of the insulation material layers. Refinement for the AC consists in the electric resistance dependence on the frequency.
Analysis of temperature distribution in the PCB volume due to the current distribution non-uniformity and heat dissipation from the one side only, was performed analytically by solving thermal conductivity equation. Calculations revealed that the skin effect would not be affecting the temperature distribution in the PCB volume significantly. Analysis of the frequency impact on the temperatures distribution was performed.
It was noted that the temperature distribution law became close to the linear with frequency increasing. This is associated with the fact that the AC is being pushed out to the PC surface, and heat sources inside PCB disappear.
It was noted that other assumptions made while developing the technique for the DC affect the calculation result for the AC as well. It is associated with the fact that the proposed technique is based on the previously developed one. First of all, this concerns the edge thermal fluxes effect to the PC temperature. The article stipulates that the method can be applied even if the PC width is not much great than its thickness. If the condition is met, the current flows along the lateral surfaces can be ignored. Non-fulfillment of this condition will lead to the situation when these currents will significantly affect the result. However, the presence of additional currents means that the larger PCB section will be employed while the current flowing. This will lead to the situation when actual active resistance will be less that the calculated one. Consequently, actual PCB temperature will be less than the calculated one. This will no degrade the PCB reliability, but even increase it.
The actual PC power will be less than the calculated one. And as a result the actual PC temperature will be less than the calculated one. This will not decrease the reliability of the PC and increase it instead. | ||||||||
Podstrigaev A. S., Smolyakov A. V. Signal spectrum studying at double frequency conversion. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 114 The article performs the harmonic composition analyzes of the output signal of the signal relay device with injection of Doppler frequency shift. Functional models of mixers and band-pass filters were developed in MATLAB. Mixers models are based on intermodulation tables. Band-pass filters models account for parasitic pass-bands. Powers of fundamental and spurious components of the output signal of device with double frequency conversion were determined by the developed models. The results were obtained for various device bandwidths. Simulation was performed for a single-tone input signal. The article considers three cases of the input signal location in the pass-band of the device, namely in the center of the band and at its borders. General patterns of changes in the device output signal while the device bandwidth changing were highlighted. Thus, with the device band-pass increasing, the power and number of spurious harmonics increase in its output signal. In each separate spectrum herewith, corresponding to the fixed value of the device band-pass, the power and number of spurious components decreases with the frequency increase. The cases, when the spectrum does not correspond to the above said patterns were considered in detail. The article demonstrates the possibility in principle to imitate Doppler frequency shift in the wide frequency band of the input signals with the relaying device of the signal with double frequency conversion. Thus, such device can be an integral part of a broadband simulator of radar targets.
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Vernigora L. V., Kasmerchuk P. V., Sysoev V. K., Dmitriev A. O. Method of lunar landing stations’ coordinates measurements using spacecraft optical television means. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 114 The paper describes use of optical laser beacons, with the help of which it is possible accurately and uniquely to determine the location of lunar landing stations when they are observed by optical television means of orbiting spacecraft. The optical beacon installed on the lunar landing station will be detected by the onboard television camera of the orbiter on the basis of a significant excess of light flux above the level of background noise.
Three coordinate systems are used to construct the method of lunar landing stations’ coordinates measuring: the International Celestial Reference System (ICRS), the Bound Coordinate System and the Instrument Coordinate System.
The presented technique is based on the quaternion algebra (Rodrigue-Hamilton’s parameters). Rodrigue-Hamilton’s parameters are widely used in analytical mechanics and they are closely related to Euler’s angles and an end-turn vector. They clearly determine the orientation of the solid body in space and do not degenerate by any parameters of rotation. Practice shows that calculation using Rodrigue-Hamilton’s parameters provides the lowest computational efforts compared to other methods, when the same accuracy characteristics are provided.
The accuracy of the optical laser beacon localization depends on the accuracy of determining of the orbiter’s orientation according to the measurements of the star sensor, the on-board TV camera resolution and the altitude of the orbiter’s orbit. The correlation between the spacecraft orbital parameters and the mutual position of the optical laser beacon is achieved by equalizing of a large array of observations. The equalization method takes into account all measurement errors: from errors in determining of the on-board TV camera orientation to satellite’s orbit deviations caused by irregularities of the lunar gravity field.
The presented technique will allow to locate the position of the lunar landing station with an optical laser beacon onboard with an accuracy of units of meters.
Thus, the integrated use of the orbiter on-board equipment and the binding of its measurements to the World Time Scale allows to determine the selenographic coordinates of lunar terrain points in the LRS system. This will allow to use it as a reference point for establishing of a high-precision grid of selenodetic coordinates, and to bring mapping of the lunar surface to the accuracy corresponding to the detail images of the lunar relief. | ||||||||
Borzov D. B., Dyubryuks S. A., Sokolova Y. V. Method and technique of wireless data transmission in multiprocessor systems for non-stationary exchange objects. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 114 The article considers data transmission improving in multiprocessor systems for movable objects using wireless data transmission between processor objects (software). The authors developed method and techniques for wireless data transmission with the ability to account for the movement in space of objects of exchange, which ensures increase in the multiprocessor systems performance and a reduction of the communication delay total value. With account for the task specifics, the authors perform the tasks place (programs, subroutines, files, etc.) between multiple software of a multiprocessor system, accounting for the current distance between the software, thus reducing the total communication delay, increasing the productivity and speed of the entire task performing en masse. The proposed ideas are supposed to be employed in critical multiprocessor systems (tracking, observation, aiming, control systems, etc.), when the extraordinary situation time in the system should be minimal. The proposed method and technique for wireless data transmission in multiprocessor systems for movable objects of exchange allows make conclusion on the possibility to design an appropriate algorithm and a specialized device for application in critical purpose multiprocessor systems. It contributes to the reduction of the communication delay total value and concurrent increase in multiprocessor systems performance.
The authors accounted for the problem of computing systems (CS) compatibility and its architecture with the structure of the processed tasks, manifesting itself in the fact that any CS performs the assigned task only for a certain class of algorithms and methods. The assumption was made that the structure of the task and the architecture of the system did not correspond to each other, and the performance of the entire CS was minimal. As far as there is no structure that processes the tasks of various types equally well, several types of topologies, matching up a certain type of algorithm, are used while computing systems developing. Thus, both the CS topologies and methods of their accommodation should be considered within the framework of this work to achieve maximum performance. The authors of the presented work account for the fact that the CS is based on wireless technology. Thus, the performed analysis of such communication methods’ protocols allowed revealing compatibility of their connection with topologies. | ||||||||
Chernetskaya I. E., Spevakova S. V. Multispectral electronic device for autonomous mobile platform of ecological monitoringMultispectral electronic device for autonomous mobile platform of ecological monitoring. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 114 A special place in robotic systems application is occupied by the task of developing specialized devices for orientation controlling of the autonomous mobile platforms (AMP) operating in constantly changing observation conditions. One of the tasks consists in developing an optoelectronic control device for controlling autonomous mobile platform for ecological monitoring. Such platforms can be used under conditions dangerous to human health, for analyzing radiation, chemical, and bacteriological contamination, as well as for round-the-clock monitoring of geographically remote places. However, operation of these devices involves employing them on the territories not prepared in advance, with complex landscape, or presence of obstacles, both temporary and permanent. The points for data collection for analysis may not be provided with access ways with road marking. A promising trend is optoelectronic sensors application to obtain information on the elements of the work stage, along the AMP path, which in its turn leads to the in the computational complexity increase of the image recognition algorithms and imposes additional requirements on the performance of the control device element base. This leads to the increase in weight and decrease in the criterion of the AMP autonomy. The purpose of the presented article consists in the performance improving of the device for the autonomous mobile environmental monitoring platform. The authors propose to employ multispectral video sensors that allow obtaining an image of the work scene in several spectral ranges, and hybrid image processing methods that will reduce computational complexity and improve the results accuracy. The problem solution of improving the speed of selection of the objects located on the path of the autonomous mobile environmental monitoring platform is achieved by detecting heterogeneous objects in various spectral ranges, by color and classification based on the albedo value. The developed device novelty consists in calculating three-dimensional coordinates of the geometric center, and the size of the objects highlighted in space by a sequence of images, obtained in drastic conditions in various spectral ranges from video sensors and lidar, from the mobile surveillance system. It allows adjusting the AMP original route, formed by positioning systems, based on the detected obstacles, increasing thereby the speed and precision of the AMP spatial reference. As the result of experimental studies, a comparative analysis of the devices, processing the multispectral imagery to search for the objects located in the field of view of video systems of observation was performed. A structural-functional diagram of multi-spectral mobile device for environmental monitoring platform was proposed. The article presents the description of the software-hardware test-bench employed for the experimental study by simulating the FPGA-based device. The authors were able to analyze the speed performance of individual blocks, which allowed realize even blocks loading and the FPGA internal resources optimization, as well as confirm mathematical substantiation of the proposed hybrid methods and assess the key characteristics of the device. As the result, it allowed reducing computational error at the distance of up to 100 m to the object, the RMSE up to 0.447%, MAPE — 0.397, and increase speed-performance. The object selection and its coordinates determination required 0.04 seconds.
The authors propose the presented solution implementation in the form of a device for autonomous mobile platforms control based on the FPGA. This will allow increasing performance of such platforms and reliability of the obtained results. | ||||||||
Tanygin M. O., Alshaea H. Y., Dobritsa V. P. Evaluating buffer memory organization impact on the message source detection procedures speed. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 114 Rather strict requirements to the control cycle duration are being laid in certain types of information systems, such as mobile objects control systems, robotic systems and other real-time systems. Thus, the bit capacity reduction problem of messages transmitted between controlling, monitoring, switching and executing devices is urgent for them. One of the approaches to this is size reduction of the additional service information fields, intended for data integrity and authenticity control. The purpose of the work consists in obtaining numerical dependencies between the required buffer memory volume of the receiver and the execution speed increasing of analysis operations, as well as determining conditions of the memory organization option, being under consideration, application.
The authors established the relationships between the probability error value of the data placing in the receiver buffer and the number of interacting devices, the buffer memory size, and the length of the fragmented message. The article demonstrates that with buffer memory organized as isolated areas, the speed of memory attribute analysis increases proportionally to the length of the fragmented message transmitted between the source and receiver.
The article shows that with a small number of interacting devices, buffering messages from various sources in isolated memory areas can increase the speed of analysis of attribute information by a factor determined by the fragmented message length. The ratios between the buffer size and the interacting devices number were determined, which reduced the probability of errors in data placement in the buffer up to a value not exceeding 0.1. | ||||||||
Solomatin M. S., Mitrofanov D. V. Biometric authentication methods application for automated control systems employing keyboard handwriting. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 114 Information technologies development in many areas of human life activity led to the necessity of automated systems for any process control. The task of information protectiveness, which enters, processes and stored in these systems, becomes up-to-date as well.
Earlier, it was noted in the works that, in our opinion, application of the intellectual detector of the information protecting system in the automated control systems, was up-to-date.
One of the intelligent detector subsystems is the authentication subsystem within the information system. Let us take a closer look at the biometric authentication. These systems are based on unique biometric specifics of the particular person. They can be divided into dynamic ones, which are subjected to changes with time, and static, remaining unchanged.
They can be divided into dynamic, which are subject to change over time, and static, which remain constant.
With authentication in the automated control system, we suggest employing user’s keyboard handwriting, which refers to the person’s dynamic characteristics.
Under the keyboard handwriting we understand a set of dynamic characteristics of the working with the keyboard. The standard keyboard allows measuring the following timing characteristics: the time of holding the pressed key and the time interval between keystrokes.
With this authentication technique employing there is no need to purchase extra expensive equipment. It becomes possible to read user’s dynamic characteristics, using a conventional keyboard that comes with a personal computer, and special software.
At present, three basic authentication algorithms based on the keystroke handwriting are being employed. These are analysis while password entering, analysis, based on entering extra text fragment or phrase, and constant covert monitoring. Each of the algorithms has its pros and contras. System development complexities, operation time, and requirements to the computer speed can be highlighted as the common differences.
Operation of each algorithm is based on comparison with the reference behavioral model.
During operation in the system training mode the user enters certain test phrases, which were prepared in advance and should be changing with the with the passage of time. The text phrases selection is an important stage, since it is necessary to collect sufficient amount of statistic information close to real operation.
After the learning mode, the estimates calculated based on statistical information are compared with the reference ones during the period of the system normal operation at the stage of identification. On their basis, a conclusion is made on the keyboard handwriting parameters match or mismatch.
When statistical data obtained in the course of work differs from the reference behavioral model by more than the value set by the protection system, the user gets a refusal to work, and protection system generates a warning message.
Thus, in our opinion, the user authentication application in automated control system employing the keyboard handwriting is prospective. | ||||||||
Shavnya R. A. Mathematical model of ice-covered wires galloping phenomenon. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 114 The article considers the problem on aeroelastic fluctuations of power transmission line ice-covered wires under the wind loading (this phenomenon is also known as wires galloping). The sought quantities are the generalized coordinates of the problem: the coefficients of the approximating functions of the Ritz method and local displacements. A rigid connection between cross section of the ice and cross section of the wire is assumed. It is regarded also that while moving the wire cross section remains in the same plane. The equations describing the process dynamics are being obtained using the D’Alembert-Lagrange principle equations. The summarizing system of nonlinear differential equations, obtained by grouping the terms at variations of work and latent energy, describes the process dynamics. The system should be integrated numerically using appropriate methods (Runge–Kutta, linear multistep methods in case of high stiffness of the system, etc.). Initial conditions for the dynamics problem integrating may be obtained from the solution of the statics problem. The equations for the static problem can be obtained by excluding all inertial terms (terms with a time derivative) from the equations of the dynamic problem. The problem of statics is also being solved numerically, for example method of continuing by the parameter. The phenomenon described in the article is similar to the aviation flutter phenomenon, and, correspondingly, the described model with certain add-ons can be applied to solve this type of problem. Besides, the model of the elastic tensile wire, described in the article, can be employed in other tasks with tether systems (aircraft fuel hoses, space tether systems, etc.). | ||||||||
Kriven G. I., Makovskii . V. On damping properties whiskered layer of modified fibre composites. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 114 In this work, for the first time, the effective dynamic properties of a whiskerized layer in modified composites are studied taking into account the structural characteristics of the interphase layer – the length of whiskers, the volumetric content of whiskers, and their mechanical properties. In the case of pure shear along the whiskers, the effective dynamic properties of the interphase layer obtained by the three-phase method and the Reuss method are estimated. In the calculation, we use two types of interfacial matrix: epoxy and viscoelastic polymer at temperatures below the glass transition temperature. Comparison of the obtained plots indicates the effect of a significant increase (by about an order of magnitude) of the effective loss modulus of the whiskerized layer if a viscoelastic polymer is used at a temperature below the glass transition temperature instead of an epoxy matrix. We will also show that an increase in the stiffness of whiskers has a positive effect on the effective characteristics of the interfacial layer, however, we note that this effect manifests itself only at very low volume fractions of the binder in the layer, in the rest of the range the effect is not so pronounced. high effective dissipative properties are realized, which opens up prospects for modeling and predicting modified fiber composites with abnormally high damping properties at the same time sufficiently high mechanical characteristics.
Note that the use of a more accurate procedure for calculating the effective properties, based on the three-phase method, gives somewhat large values for the effective characteristics of the loss modulus, but does not fundamentally change the dependence for the loss modulus. It is important to note that the proposed new procedure for modifying a fiber composite leads to a significant increase in the effective loss modulus, when the effective loss modulus can be significantly increased in comparison with modified composites obtained on the basis of only an epoxy matrix and even in comparison with the loss modulus of the epoxy matrix itself (more than 40 times compared to the loss modulus of an epoxy matrix). At the same time, we note that the effective mechanical properties change insignificantly, and all the useful characteristics and features of the modified fiber composites remain invariably high. | ||||||||
Filimonov I. A. Experience of developing personal bibliographic retrieval system, oriented on specific area of scientific or engineering knowledge. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 114 The article regards a case of personalized bibliographic retrieval system, as well as the examples of its application. The system is accommodated with the resources of the AI Corpus scientific publication, established at the Pole Allen Artificial Intelligence Institute. It complements such retrieval systems, as Google, and by engaging of certain open components can be extended by the functions of searching, referencing and analyzing of a higher level. The author proposes an approach, allowing perform a two-stage information retrieval, i.e. by the search in the Global Information Bank, and thereafter by the fine search within the boundaries of the information asset being retrieved with regard to the special areas of the system user interests.
To clarify of the problems of this article, a partial classification of informational systems by the nature and role of the informational retrieval being performed in them was proposed. The basic requirements to the implemented system were formulated. A technique for scientific documents passports cataloguing was proposed. The author performed comparative analysis of the implemented system with the general-purpose retrieval systems. Systems of information analysis services for a specialist in the area of software engineering are the research objects, dedicated to the problem under discussion. Physical purpose of the study consists in implementing experimental individualized bibliographic retrieval systems for both scientific and technical workers. The implemented system can be employed as well by the scientific and technical personnel for search, selection and analysis of scientific documents in the field of aerospace engineering. | ||||||||
Simonov A. S., Zhabin I. A. Fault tolerance insuring technique for communication network of multidimensional torus topology. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 114 The article describes a method for fault tolerance ensuring of a communication network with a multidimensional torus topology, tested while developing the Angara high-speed interconnect router. The high-speed data transmission is associated with a number of difficulties that should be overcome by the hardware designer to achieve acceptable fault tolerance. Problematics of the issue becomes especially acute with an increase in the number of nodes in the system, since the probability of failures is greatly enhanced with expansion in the number of connections.
The work on the fault tolerance ensuring was performed in the following areas:
– quality improving of the transmitted signal by parameters fine-tuning of the high-speed transceivers;
– automated control of the parameters of the signals eye diagram and optimal parameters selection of the transmitting and receiving sides of the data transmission channel;
– developing a fault-tolerant link integrity control algorithm with the ability of the damaged data retransmission;
– developing a data flow control mechanism to control the credit information of the virtual channels;
– developing network layer algorithms for network state monitoring, and quick routing tables rebuilding.
The algorithms and mechanisms described in the article continuity ensuring f the transmitted data flow and their guaranteed delivery over the communication lines between the nodes, exclusion of losses, duplications and distortions of packets during transmission. The conducted measurements have shown that the bit error rate (BER) was about 10-12, which corresponded to the permissible values.
The methods described in the article allow obtaining the availability factor of more than 0.99 for large computing systems. At present, they are implemented in the equipment of the serially produced Angara network equipment, and are also widely applied in the design of the second generation Angara high speed interconnect router. | ||||||||
Dobryshkin A. Y., Sysoev O. E., Sysoev E. O. Effective test benches for studying natural vibrations of open cylindrical shells and plates. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 113 A need for experimental test benches, with which one or several parameters can be measured with high accuracy, arises for conducting tests of thin-walled shells. One of the most significant factors is exclusion or minimization of measurement errors. The purpose of this work consists in identifying a new regularity able to eliminate or physically reduce the calculation error when determining numerical oscillations characteristics of the thin-walled open shells of various curvatures. It was confirmed in the course of the research that a significant number of factors affect the accuracy of certain characteristics of the oscillatory process. Description of all physical laws, affecting measurements accuracy while experimental set up, touches on a significant time period. Thus, on the assumption of the conducted study a technical device, named a test bench, was manufactured in the course of this work. Test benches allow significant measurement quality increase. A test bench for contactless study of natural and forced oscillations of open cylindrical shells was developed in the engineering structures laboratory of the Komsomolsk-on-Amur State University. This test bench is metallic and rigidly attached to the base. Its small size allows measuring numerical characteristics of thin-walled open shells vibrations with high fidelity while measuring their width, height and curvature, as well as mounting methods. The studies aimed at revealing effective devices improving measurements quality, were conducted for its creation.
The scope includes all thin-walled shells employed in aerospace technology, submarines and ground structures. In the course of shell structures operation accidents occur, sometimes with casualties. This circumstance necessitates improvement of technical and scientific aspects of calculation, as well as mathematical and physical models. Experiments setting and conducting for confirming and correcting the developed mathematical models is an integral part of these studies. Since human casualties take place while shells operation, the studies in this area should certainly be continued. Flights of spacecraft and other delivery vehicles, for which the shell is the only possible structural solution, make relevant the studies in the field of shells vibrations. | ||||||||
Arutyunyan A. M., Kuznetsova E. L., Fedotenkov G. V. Plane unsteady contact problem for a rigid stamp and an elastic half-space with a cavity. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 113 Plane non-stationary contact problems are being considered for absolutely rigid bodies with rectangular sections in plan (stamps) and an elastic half-space with recessed cavities of arbitrary geometry.
The problems setting includes the equations of plane motion of an elastic medium (Lamé’s equations), Hooke’s law, Cauchy relations, zero initial conditions, boundary conditions of the free edge on the boundary of the internal cavity in a half-space, conditions of contact between the boundary of the half-space and the stamp. To close the problem, the equations of translational motion of the centers of mass of the stamp are added. Cases of free slip and rigid adhesion are considered as contact conditions. We assume that outside the contact zone, the surface of the half-space is free of stresses. All equations and relations of the mathematical formulation of the problem are written in a Cartesian rectangular coordinate system.
At the initial time instant, a vertical load is applied to the stamp with a predetermined law of changing in time, which resultant is passing through the center of mass of this body.
The dynamic work reciprocity theorem is used to solve the problem. Application of the reciprocity theorem of works leads to the two-dimensional boundary integral equations, which kernels of are the transient functions. These functions represent solutions for a non-stationary problem for an elastic plane under the impact of concentrated mass forces. Integral Laplace transforms in time and Fourier transforms in spatial coordinates are used to build a solution to this problem.
The direct boundary element method with discretization in time is used to solve the two-dimensional boundary resulting integral equations. The linear interpolations in time herewith are used for displacements, and piecewise constant approximations for stresses. Special quadrature formulas based on the canonical regularization method are employed for singular integrals calculation.
As the result, a statement is presented and a method for solving new plane non-stationary contact problems for absolutely rigid stamps and an elastic half-space containing a recessed cavity with a smooth boundary of arbitrary geometry is developed. A resolving boundary integral equation is built and its discrete analogue is proposed. | ||||||||
Baklanov A. V., Krasnov D. S., Garaev A. I. Studying torch parameters behind the atomizer with jet and swirled fuel feeding. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 113 The discharges level of deleterious contaminants concentration in combustion products is one of the basic parameters, characterizing the combustion process effectiveness in combustion chambers.
The article being presented considers the impact of fuel feeding technique, realized in the atomizer, on the above said parameter variation. One of the considered atomizers ensures jet feeding of the fuel with the perforated atomizer, while the other one ensures swirled fuel feeding by the swirler integrated into the fuel passage. Basic geometrics of the atomizers, such as swirler sizes, the number of blades and the outlet nozzle diameter, are presented as well.
The flame tube simulator design, in which the tested atomizer is being placed, is regarded. The article presents the test bench installation designed for the atomizers testing in the flame tube simulator, as well as modes at which these tests were conducted. The results were obtained in the flame tube simulator with installed jet atomizers and atomizers with the swirled fuel jet. The analysis, by which results the inferences on the jet atomizers application efficiency were drawn, was performed. According to the performed studies, parameters of the atomizer with swirled fuel jet are being characterized by the presence of high values of CO and CH level in the combustion products, which is explained by the low mixing quality of fuel with air and, consequently, extremely low effectiveness of the fuel combustion. The atomizer with jet fuel feeding demonstrates low CO and CH values, which is indicative of the good quality of fuel mixing with air and high efficiency of combustion process organizing. | ||||||||
Gorelov S. L., Nguyen V. L. Rotation body of minimal aerodynamic drag in hypersonic rarefied gas flow. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 113 Equations obtained from local models gained wide proliferation for assessed calculations of forces acting on a body while its high-speed motion in a gas. The basis of these models is the assumption that each element of the body surface interacts with the gas flow independently from the other segments of the body, and the force acting on it depends only upon the element orientation relative to the motion direction. Such representation of the forces acting on the bodies in the hypersonic flow allows rather simple solution of variation problem on searching for the shapes of the bodies of minimal drag.
The drag force in the hypersonic rarefied gas flow for a rotation body with power-law generatrix is being computed based on several local models.
In this case, the drag factor value is being computed analytically. The variation problem is being reduced to the problem on the extreme value of the one-variable function, i.e. the degree of the rotation body generatrix.
Apart from the classical Newton aerodynamic problem, the problem of a rotation body with minimal drag for a free-molecular hypersonic gas flow is beings also solved as well. To determine the degree in the rotation body generatrix at the arbitrary Reynolds numbers the well-known local model for the approximate determination of pressure and friction on the body surface in a hypersonic rarefied gas flow is being used. In all cases, the problem is being solved for bodies of arbitrary elongation.
At Reynolds numbers tending to zero and for large elongations, the degree in generatrix of the rotation bodies of minimal drag tends to 2/3, and for Reynolds numbers tending to the infinity it tends to ¾. This is consistent with the well-known results for the free-molecular flow mode, as well as for the continuous medium (Newton formula), respectively. | ||||||||
Kartovitskiy L. L., Levin V. M., Yanovskiy L. S. Analysis of gas-dynamic compression based on modified Crocco pseudo-shock model. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 113 The article proposes a Crocco pseudo-shock model modification allowing evaluate parameters distribution while super-sonic flow transition to the subsonic flow in the structure of the mathematical model of the supersonic ramjet power plant with the deceleration zone.
Numerical simulation of the gas-dynamic parameters in the of the pre-chamber diffuser (isolator) channel of a specified geometry was performed. As part of modified Crocco’s model, the pressure distribution can be approximated by the orthogonal Laguerre decomposition
where coefficients bj
are determined by the numerical solution of the variation problem of minimizing entropy producing. For the adequacy testing of the modified Crocco pseudo-shock model, experimental data was obtained from experimental testing of a dual-mode ramjet engine combustor with a pre-chamber diffuser. Verification of the calculated pressure distribution along the pseudo-shock development zone using the principle of minimum entropy producing was performed by comparing with the generalizing experimental dependence. A certain discrepancy between the experimental and computed data can be explained by no accounting for the entropy producing processes, as well as by the effect of the heat-mass transfer processes on the parameters changes in the pseudo-shock structure. The original Crocco model employs the condition of constancy of the total pressure p* = const, which means
This assumption does not produce an adequate result. Thus, the solution of the original Crocco model for the compression zone leads to the values of M>2.0 - 2.5 in the cross section of the dissipation layers confluence. From physical estimation, the Mach number should approach 1.0 in the confluence zone of the dissipation layers, which can be achieved by modifying the Crocco pseudo-shock dissipative model. The model is intended for parametric studies as a part of the ramjet mathematical models. | ||||||||
Timofeev P. M. Methods comparison of returning the first stage of the reusable rocket. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 113 The article considers in detail the basic types of the first stages returning, such as returning along the ballistic trajectory to the launching site or another prepared site through the reusable engines, operating on the onboard fuel reserves (vertical landing); landing, employing parachute-jet systems; the first stage returning employing the aerodynamic quality, lifting wings and a turbojet engine.
The main disadvantages of each method of the first stages returning were considered in detail. Comparison of the method of the first stage returning employing the aerodynamic quality, lifting wings and a turbojet engine with the method of returning along the ballistic trajectory through the reusable engines operating on the onboard fuel reserves was performed. Both stages had equal remaining mass of mr = 0.38; specific thrust parameters of rsp = 300 s for the turbojet engine; flight range of L = 300 km; and initial return speed of | ||||||||
Maklashov V. A., Piganov M. N. Mathematical Model of Active Jamming Station Functioning. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 113
The article regards a model of the onboard active jamming station (AJS) functioning, algorithms for penetrating jamming suppression in a «compensation» way, compensation and modulation control algorithms while the penetrating jamming suppression in conditions of incomplete information on the radio waves propagation channel characteristics.
The AJS generalized mathematical model describes the operation of the radio waves radio channel along the object of the station location, the received useful signals and penetrating jamming. The following assumptions were accepted while the model developing:
— radio channel of the radio waves propagation is linear, since nonlinear electro-physical effects, caused by the object surface irradiation are smallish and can be neglected due to relatively small values of the AJS radio signals
— radio wave propagation along the object from transmitting to the AJS receiving antenna occurs over a number of ways (a multipath propagation character);
— the number of ways, electric length, damping and phase incursion are a priori unknown, and changing rapidly;
— while radio waves propagation along the object of the AJS accommodation, it is being delayed at each way of propagation proportionally to its length, which leads to the uncontrolled changes of the penetrating jamming phase and amplitude.
The article presents equations describing time and frequency properties of various realizations of the useful receiving radio signal. It is shown that amplitude and initial phase of the received radio signal fluctuate randomly due to the changes of radio waves propagation conditions.
When mathematical model developing of the penetrating jamming suppression mechanism, the fact of the low efficiency of classical algorithm, stipulated by the fact that compensation occurs at the very high carrying frequency of the radio wave radiated by the AJS, was accounted for.
The authors proposed to reduce the effect of negative facts on the effectiveness of penetrating noise suppressing by synthesizing a compensation oscillation from the components of the AJS’s emitted oscillation at frequencies arising due to its additional modulation. For this, penetrating jamming was separated into such components. To eliminate spectrum distortion of the receiving signal, when the filter extracted the jamming components, a criterion for modulation frequency selecting was introduced. This allowed utilizing a system of the 2n bandpass filters separating the penetrating noise into the components. To isolate the receiving radio signal from the received mixture containing penetrating noise, the authors proposed to employ a separate filter with central frequency matching the tuning frequency of the AJS receiver. The output signals are converted by a quadrature (synchronous) detector to obtain complex envelopes of interference in each filtering channel.
The article proposes the algorithm for synthesizing a complex envelope of the compensated oscillation from the complex envelopes of frequency components of the penetrating jamming. Compensating oscillation is being restored from the complex envelope by modulating harmonic oscillation in the quadrature modulator. A generalized structural diagram of the compensation method for the penetrating jamming suppression is described.
The algorithm for compensating oscillations forming was presented in the matrix form. Equations for the generalized linear algorithm for forming both the compensation oscillation and a value of power of the non-compensated residue of the jamming were suggested. This algorithm can be implemented in digital form using an ADC and a signal processor.
To optimize parameters of the proposed algorithms, the authors propose to develop a computer mathematical model of the penetrating jamming suppressing process at the input of the AJS receiver. | ||||||||
Gusev S. N., Miklin D. V., Moroz A. V., Sahno I. V., Sherstuk A. V. Semi-natural modeling of digital data transmission channel in the ultrasonic wavelength range. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 113 The presented work describes the laboratory installation for semi-natural modeling of the data channel in the ultrasonic wavelength range. Semi-natural modelling is understood as a study of a system on the simulating installation with real equipment elements inclusion into the model structure (in this case it is software algorithmic support of the digital receiver-transmitter track). The laboratory installation is meant for transmission line simulation of radar and optoelectronic information to the data receipt and processing point at the design stage. The purpose of the work consists in transmission quality improving of the spacecraft trajectory signal by the radar with the synthesized aperture antenna (SSAR). In the following, the SSAR laboratory breadboard will be developed, which will include the breadboard of ultrasonic SAR and ultrasonic data transmission system (UDTS).
The installation includes the hardware (PC, amplifiers, power supplies, ultrasonic sensors) and the software part. To create the Doppler effect in the channel, the possibility of linear or nonlinear (with or without acceleration) movement of the transmitter or receiver was realized. The receiver is implemented based on software signals reception and processing.
The result of the work is the developed laboratory installation of the OSPA integrated into the SAR layout based on the location acoustic complex, which allows obtaining the quality assessment of information packages transmiting.
The laboratory installation can be applied in scientific research and training when studying radio engineering disciplines. | ||||||||
Aung K. T., Babaitsev A. V. Studying geometrics impact of cylindrical shell under pressure clamped between rigid plates on the contact zone width. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 113 The presented work studies the impact geometrics changing of the elliptical cross-section cylindrical shell under pressure clamped between two rigid plates on the contact zone width. The study is being performed by the analytical modelling of the method with Wolfram Mathematics software. The dependence of contact zone width between the shell and rigid impediment changing on acting pressure was obtained in the course of analytical modelling. The study of major and minor semiaxes impact, as well as the shell thickness on the contact zone width changing depending on the acting pressure was being performed for the obtained solution.
The performed modelling results revealed that the minor axis increase entailed the contact zone reduction, while the major axis increase resulted in the contact zone width enhancing. The shell thickness increase reduces the contact zone of the shell with the rigid plate. Analytical dependencies of the contact zone width on the geometric parameter were obtained by approximation for studying the process of the contact zone width. Analytical alignment method was used as approximation. The obtained functions were being differentiated to determine the speed and speed-up of the contact zone width change while changing each of geometrical parameters. | ||||||||
Nagornov A. Y. Flutter of the unmanned aerial vehicle from composite materials with Wing-Tail Boom Configuration. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 113 A mathematical model for calculating the flutter of a composite unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) with a wing-tail boom configuration is presented. The mathematical model is built in the Nastran software with a finite element method (FEM). The elastic model of the device is represented by a set of beams connected through flexible joints. The aerodynamic model is constructed using the doublet-lattice method (DLM). To obtain the critical flutter speed from the rotational natural frequency of the control surfaces in the finite element model varied stiffness elements «CELAS2» modeling actuators of the controls. The design features of the device under study are considered. Calculations of flutter shapes are presented and the results are analyzed.
From the results obtained, it can be concluded that a UAV with a wing-tail boom configuration is subject to flutter of control surfaces, which is due to weight unbalancing of the controls.
The considered design scheme of the UAV has low natural frequencies of tail due to the elasticity of the tail beams and the wing, as well as the elasticity of the wing joints in the fuselage.
NX Nastran software package can be successfully used to calculate the flutter of composite aircraft. The advantages of the finite element method implemented in NX Nastran include the possibility of high detail of the computational model in order to more accurately simulate real aircraft structures. However, when verifying a computational model developed using FEM, difficulties may arise: the higher the model detail, the more difficult it is to correct the constructed model based on the results of the experiment. | ||||||||
Nguyen T. N., Podstrigaev A. S., Leonov I. E. Mathematical model of signal modulation type recognizing algorithm in the autocorrelation receiver for radio engineering monitoring means. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 113 The article presents a mathematical model development of the algorithm for recognizing the signal modulation type (linear-frequency modulation (LFM), phase-shift keying (PSK), and simple ones) in the autocorrelation receiver. Analysis of the algorithm implementation possibility on the FPGA basis is presented as well. Mathematical model adopts the assumption that the transfer gain of the autocorrelation receiver equals to one, and various distortionless filters pass the signal low-order components at the multipliers outputs. The article presents analytical description of the LFM, PSK simple signals processing in the autocorrelation receiver. Based on the developed model, the applicability boundaries of the algorithm were substantiated: 1.5 MHz bandwidth for the high-pass filter; up to 50 MHz for the bandwidth filters; and up to 100 KHz for low-pass filters. The time delay in the correlator of the autocorrelation receiver herewith lies within the 10 ns to 1000 ns range. Besides, based on the developed model, the effect of the delay time on the signal detection characteristics, which allows defining the optimal delay time for tuning the autocorrelation receiver while effective radar signals detection, was evaluated. Sequences of actions for analyzing the possibility of the developed model FPGA-based realization were proposed. The algorithm resource-intensity evaluation was performed. Evaluations of the resource-intensities of the filter system and spectrum obtaining devices, realized on the fast Fourier transform basis, were conducted. The evaluation result revealed that no less than 900 000 logic gates were required for the entire algorithm implementation. The appointed requirements are feasible for the majority of modern FPGAs, such as FPGA on the VU095 chip of the Virtex UltraScale family, which contains 1.176 million logic gates.
These requirements are true for most modern FPGAs. For example, it can be used the FPGA VU095 of the Virtex UltraScale family, which has 1.176 million logic gates. | ||||||||
Markarian A. O., Churkov I. S. Control tasks in the decision-making system in case of failures of automated workplaces. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 113 Automated workplaces are an integral part of any enterprise, including those in the aerospace industry. Errors that may occur at the automated workplace exert a negative impact on the activities of an individual company, as well as on the industry as a whole. At present, there are solutions to this problem, but they are being realized manually using software utilities to rectify some of the identified problems.
The purpose of this work consists in creating the structure of the decision-making system in case of automated workplaces failures and the formulating the decision-making criteria.
The following errors and failure factors were revealed while the errors statistics analysis process. The conducted studies allowed developing a mathematical model of the decision-making system and its subsystems.
The effectiveness criterion is optimization of the working places users activities by reducing the time spent the failures detection and elimination.
The following results were obtained.
The study of the failure statistics, allowing identify and describe statistical dependencies in the form of a mathematical model, was conducted.
A conceptual model of the decision-making system in the event of automated workplaces failures, consisting of four interconnected subsystems, has been developed. Management tasks for each of the subsystems were formulated. This is the scientific novelty of the presented results.
The system functioning allows ensuring the smooth operation of the automated control system, or reduce to a minimum the amount of the time spent on solving the problems of failures, which defines its practical meaningfulness. | ||||||||
Pogosyan M. A., Vereikin A. A. Automatic landing systems of aerial vehicles: analytical review. Information support. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 113 The article demonstrates that the basic problematic areas of aerial vehicles (AV) automatic landing systems (ALS) developing are information support and automatic control.
The purpose of the work being presented consists in studying the issues of information support, actual for the ALS of both manned and unmanned aerial vehicles, identifying the basic problems, hindering the AV ALS development with regard to to the information support and technical solutions, which can be employed while the AV ALS developing.
The article considered radio and satellite information support systems for automatic landing (AL) ensuring, technical vision systems (TVS), as well as a number of other systems. The authors suggested a multilevel classification of tools for the ALS information support.
The ALS radio-technical information support systems, capable of ensuring the ALS prior to the instant of the AV landing on the runway, assume high material costs on both installation and operation. Satellite navigation systems (SNS) with functional augmentations seem to be their alternative. However, in the case of large-scale warfare the satellite signal accessibility remains in question. Application of systems, ensuring autonomous navigation, such as TVS, correlation-extreme systems, etc., which also, in their turn, are not free from disadvantages and can depend significantly on the external conditions, can be the way-out to the situation.
Inertial navigation system (INS), corrected by the information received from the satellite navigation system with functional augmentation (differential navigation) and radio-technical navigation system (as a backup source of information), may be suggested as the core of the AL information support.
While the ALS designing, It can be recommended to develop information support based on the complex information processing by the following systems: INS, the ILS radio beacon system, global SNS with additional augmentation, and TVS. When designing the ALS for military purpose aerial vehicles, we recommend information support developing based on the computer processing of the information from the following sources: : INS, landing radar, global SNS with additional augmentation, VS, correlation-extreme navigation system using onboard radio systems.
The near-term prospects for the ALS development with regard to information support are associated with employing information received from the INS, radio navigation systems and global SNS with additional augmentation. The medium-term prospects of the ALS are associated with the widespread application of the capabilities of information complexing from external sources of various physical nature (mainly SNS, VS and correlation-extreme navigation systems using on-board radio systems) and increasing the accuracy characteristics of onboard INS. The long-term prospects of ALS are associated with autonomous navigation systems employing capable to operate in non-deterministic conditions, including the resources of control degradation. | ||||||||
Tabakov E. V., Zinina A. I. Automation of operation normativity analysis of the spacecraft onboard computer. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 113 The main block of the spacecraft control system (CS) is the onboard computer. In the process of the CS operation, it executes the onboard software modules (OSM), which define its behavior. Thus, correctness of the entire CS functioning depends on the onboard computer operation normativity. That is why thorough checkup of its operation in all possible operation modes on the test benches is of utter importance. Normativity control technique is the spacecraft telemetry information analyzing with regard to the signs, which characterize various aspects of the onbooard computer functioning and the OSM operation.
The existing analysis technique lies in decryption of the initial binary file of telemetric information (TMI) by the special program tool. As the result of its operation, a new text document, which content is presented in the form recognizable by a human, is being formed. Further, personnel of the enterprise extract the required information and analyze the obtained data. Despite of this approach simplicity, it has a number of significant disadvantages, such as:
Thus, automation of the detailed analysis performing presents interest. The similar work was already being conducted, though only as a part of the normativity control of the program modules execution times. The purpose of the presented work is development of the approach created earlier by adding the analysis as regard to the criteria characterizing the onboard computer operation.
The source data for the new algorithm represents normative values of the signs, which characterize the onboard computer state for its various operating modes, the cyclogram information and TMI. The analysis procedure itself is proceeding in three stages. These are:
Special program tool for performing automated analysis was realized based on the proposed algorithm. Its special feature consists in the possibility of operation with both graphic interface (manual mode) and automatic mode (at interaction with the existing automation tools). As the result of this work, the analysis of the onboard computer functioning while conducting test bench testing has been significantly simplified. | ||||||||
Zaretsky B. F., Kurmazenko E. A., Proshkin V. Y. Spacecraft crew life support control: systems approach. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 113 Automated control system (ACS) of life support systems complex (LSSC) is being described from the system approach position. The ACS and LSSC constituent parts are being regarded in aggregate and interaction between each other. Accounting for external surroundings, such as systems operating in conjunction with the LSSC, environment, the spacecraft sealed bay, crew and ground-based flight following services, is mandatory.
The effectiveness of the LSSC ACS developing and functioning is being defined by the great number of controversial criteria. The article suggests splitting all criteria into the three groups, so that criteria inside each group would not contradict each other. Three generalized global effectiveness criteria (GEC) were formed on this base. They are
– survivability, incorporating local criteria (LC), such as resource, reliability, etc;
– cost value, incorporating the LC such as energy consumption, weight, servicing time, material costs, etc;
– comfortability, incorporating the LC such as live environment parameters, interaction with crew, accommodation, operating modes, etc.
While extremum searching per each GEC, restrictions are imposed on the two remaining GECs.
The systematic approach sequence while the ACS developing:
– analyzing connections with higher-order system and external surroundings;
– analyzing the variety of effectiveness criteria, and developing the GEC;
– creating hierarchical structure of effectiveness criteria;
– system decomposition by the subsystems of less complexity; optimal solution search for subsystems in the LC structure, following from the hierarchical structure;
– optimal solution search for the entire complex system with ensuring extremum on GEC.
The first and second rank of importance criteria, such as sustainability, cost value and comfortability, were considered in the hierarchical structure of each GEC.
The suggested approaches to ACS for LSSC are realized while the new test bench design. The test bench is universal, and adapted (with minimum necessary changes) for refinement and maintenance of any life supporting system (based on physic-chemical regeneration processes) from the LSSC content. The test bench is described as applied to the oxygen regeneration system. The “Electron-VM” system is based on the oxygen obtaining by the water electrolysis technique, and it has been functioning onboard the International space station since 2000.
Simulation modeling of the ACS functioning, based on the “MARS-500” data, was conducted as a part of the suggested approach presentation.
The considered approach presents a technique for developing the LSSC ACC for a manned space object. | ||||||||
Dorozhko I. V., Osipov N. A., Ivanov O. A. Technical state prediction of complex technical systems by the Berg algorithm and Bayesian networks. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 113 The purpose of the presented work consists in predicting the diagnostic characters changes and correlating them with possible type of technical state for undertaking preemptive measures while complex technical systems diagnosing.
The approach being proposed and models are based on the basic concepts and relations of reliability theory and technical diagnostics of systems. The source data represents information on the reliability (failure rate of elements, structural and logical schemes) of complex technical structures and diagnostic models linking the types of technical states and diagnostic features. The sets of conditional probabilities or distributions density are being pointed for the cause-and-effect relationships between types of technical states and diagnostic features, depending of continuous or discrete type of the diagnostic character.
The algorithm for predicting the values of diagnostic features proposed in the article is based on the Berg linear prediction algorithm. It is adapted and studied herewith for the main functional dependencies of diagnostic features. The results of diagnostic characters predicting are considered on the specific examples, and estimates of the forecast accuracy are given. The model based on dynamic hybrid Bayesian trust networks includes discrete and continuous variables, which describe the cause-and-effect relationships of types of technical states and diagnostic features, as well as the relationship of blocks (elements) in terms of reliability. The results of the logical-probabilistic inference indicate that the decision on the type of technical condition of a complex technical structure changes significantly when accounting for the forecast estimates of diagnostic characters.
The proposed scientific and methodological approach can be employed to create diagnostic software for modern complex technical structures with artificial intelligence elements.
Mathematical models of diagnostics considered in the article account for the connections types, elements reliability, as well as dynamics of technical states types and their relationship with diagnostic features, which can be both continuous and discrete. the Technical condition predicting allows implementing the proactive management concept, parry possible failures, changing the operating modes in advance, switching to backup elements, etc. | ||||||||
Pankratov I. A. The fastest reorientation of the spacecraft's circular orbit plane. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 113 The article considers the problem of the fastest reorientation of the spacecraft’s circular orbit plane in quaternion formulation. The spacecraft orbit terminal position is not being fixed in the orbit plane. Control, i.e. the acceleration from the jet thrust vector, orthogonal to the orbit plane, is a piecewise-constant function, limited in absolute value. The spacecraft center of mass motion is described by the quaternion differential equation of orientation of the orbital system of coordinates. The article presents an original genetic algorithm, developed by the author, for finding the number of active section of a spacecraft movement and their duration. While this technique application there is no need in searching for the initial values of the unknown initial values of conjugate variables. To solve the Cauchy problem at one of the algorithm operation stages, a well-known partial solution of the quaternion differential equation of orientation of the orbital system of coordinates was used. Examples of the problem numerical solution are presented. A case, when the difference between initial and final orientations of the spacecraft orbit is units of degrees in the angular measure is considered. The final orientation of the spacecraft orbit plane herewith corresponds to the orbit plane of the satellites of the Russian GLONASS orbital grouping. Graphs of components of the quaternion of orientation of the orbital system of coordinates, angular variables, describing orientation of the spacecraft orbit plane, and optimal control are plotted. Specific features and regularities of the optimum reorientation process of the spacecraft orbit plane are established. | ||||||||
Bortakovsky A. S., Uryupin I. P. Routes optimization of continuous-discrete movement of controlled objects in the presence of obstacles. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 113 The objective of the research consists in developing techniques for optimal routes forming of the aircraft flat motion in the presence of obstacles. The problems of aircraft control routes planning and optimizing are being studied currently with increasing intensity. The relevance of these studies is determined by the need for effective automated control of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) for various purposes.
The article regards the models of the flat motion of control objects along the specified map with obstacles with various quality functionals. The map represents a connected graph, which arcs correspond to the continuous movements of the object, its vertices correspond to the discrete changes of its state (switches), and the path connecting several vertices of the graph describes the continuous-discrete nature of the motion trajectory.
The first section considers the control object movement along the rectangular grid. The movement between two grid nodes is either uniform of uniformly accelerated. The movement direction changing in the grid nodes (turn) is considered to be switching. A number of the grid nodes is inadmissible for the movement due to the obstacles contained in them. The problem on minimizing the number of switches, response time or response time with account for the number of switches is being set.
The second section solves the problem on the flat movement optimization of the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). The Markov-Dubins model was selected as the model of motion. The feature of the response time problem consists in the presence of intermediate conditions, i.e. the points on the map, through which the UAV trajectory should pass. This problem is being reduced to solving an aggregate of Markov-Dubins problems with additional finite-dimensional minimization.
The third section combines the two problems discussed previously in the first two sections. The UAV rational trajectory is being formed in two stages. Initially, the optimal polyline, i.e. the trajectory of movement on the rectangular grid with obstacles, is being synthesized. Then, the optimal Markov-Dubins trajectory is being built «atop» this polyline, and the vertices of the polyline serve as intermediate points for the UAV trajectory.
The result of this work is algorithms, allowing build rational routes of the UAV’s flat movement with many obstacles, such as in the city. It is difficult to solve the optimal control problem under such phase restrictions. Thus, application of the proposed rational control patterns seems righteous. | ||||||||
Khatuntseva O. N. Is the dynamic chaos a stochastic process in the autonomous systems of differential equations of the Lorenz system type. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 112 At present, there are no stability criteria similar to Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy criteria for systems of autonomous differential equations (SADE). The instabilities, manifesting themselves as a computational chaos, occur while the numerical integration of SADE. Moreover, the time step decrease does not lead to this instability elimination. Commonly, the studies on determining the sensitivity of solutions to the initial conditions setting are being conducted to explain the deterministic chaos phenomenon. These studies demonstrate exponential divergence of initially close solution trajectories, and impossibility of selecting such small computational error to «conquer» the uncertainty in the Lorenz type SADE.
The conclusion is drawn from this circumstance that since the principal difficulties do not allow achieving the necessary accuracy, there is no need to muse about determinism. However, such approach does not resolve the problem of solutions determinism, irrespectively to the possibility or impossibility of obtaining of the information regarding the evolution of the considered system. The issues of predestination in the closed systems, in particular with such closed system as Universe, conjugate with these issues.
The studies conducted in the presented work demonstrate that the deterministic chaos occurring in SADE of Lorenz type may be associated with the stochastic process and is not, in essence, the deterministic chaos for any finite time step.
The article discusses the issues associated with the possibility of turbulence modelling based on the Navier-Stokes equations via direct numerical simulation technique.
The problems related with the feasibility for modeling of the turbulence on the basis of Navier-Stokes equations via the direct numerical simulations are also addressed in the paper. | ||||||||
Baklanov A. V., Krasnov D. S., Garaev A. I. Studying parameters of combustion chamber section with jet-injection nozzle. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 112 Pressure losses, combustion completeness, temperature field unevenness at the outlet and hazardous substances release are one of the main parameters of a combustion chamber. The article presents a fuel combustion technique, in which an air jet is fed along nozzle axis, and the fuel is being inserted into the main flow by means of the radial trickles. The effect of the jet-injection nozzle setting into the combustion chamber section on the above listed parameters changing is being considered to estimate this fuel burning technique. The structure of the bench installation for the combustion chamber section testing, as well as modes at which these tests were being conducted are presented. Equipment, employed for measuring such parameters as flame temperature and concentration of hazardous substances in combustion products was described as well. To perform analysis and comparison of the obtained data, the experiments were conducted with the jet nozzle and the jet-injection nozzle being installed into the combustion chamber section in number of nine pieces. The section represents the 1/14 of the full-sized combustion chamber and consists of the outer and inner cases, and a flame tube with the with a frontend device, in which the nozzles are being installed. The flame tube is bounded by the side cooling walls on both sides. Nine nozzles are being installed in the section. Analysis of the component content (CO, NOx, CH) and combustion products was conducted, and combustion completeness was computed according to the obtained data. From the analysis results the inferences were drawn on the jet-injection nozzle application efficiency, and recommendations were given on the nozzles of selected type installation in the full-sized combustion chamber. | ||||||||
Budanova S. Y., Krasavin E. E., Nikitchenko Y. A. Navier-Stokes-Fourier model options for supersonic and hypersonic flows. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 112 The flows of the high-degree non-equilibrium are of considerable interest at present stage of the engineering development. Such flows are being realized, for example, while the hypersonic flying vehicles flow-around, reentry spacecraft, in vacuum installations and other technical devices.
The basic physico-mathematical model of a gas medium flow is the Navier-Stokes-Fourier (NSF) model. This model is theory-based for weakly non-equilibrium flows, but it can be applied for the flows of a high-degree non-equilibrium. In such flows, the NSF model coarsens the solution. For example, when computing shock waves, the disturbance area is narrowed. The model is short of viscosity. The opposite sign effects are being observed while the gas intensive expansion.
The presented work analyses the processes of the non-equilibrium stresses and heat flows forming at the shock wave front, employing the model kinetic equation (MKE). The hypersonic flow at the Mach number of M∞= 5 is under consideration.
The article shows that the heat flows gradients, absent in the NSE, contribute mainly to the non-equilibrium stresses forming process. The basic factor of the heat flows development are the fourth-order gradients, which are missed in the model as well.
Several options for improving the viscous properties of the NSF model are under consideration. It is known that in the case of multi-atomic gases a significant effect can be achieved by accounting for the voluminous viscosity in the equations of non-equilibrium stresses. Besides, the voluminous viscosity coefficient allows computing the temperature of the translational degrees of freedom molecules in the first approximation. Defining the shear viscosity coefficient by this temperature, will improve the viscous properties of the model.
The Stokes’s friction law can be obtained by using the moment stress equation as its strict first approximation. If one accounts for the terms of the second order of vanishing in the equation terms, containing gradients and divergence of the flow velocity, , then the shear viscosity coefficient will take a tensor form. The NSF model with this shear viscosity coefficient describes better the processes of viscosity and heat conductivity.
The article demonstrates that the improved option of the NSF model allows obtaining rather wide area of disturbances on the example density, velocity and temperature profiles in the flat shock wave. The profiles shapes differ slightly from real ones. This, probably, is a consequence of the artificial approach to the model improvement. | ||||||||
Duong M. D., Gidaspov V. Y. Computational algorithm for calculating composition of combustion products of hydrocarbon fuels in the presence of a condensed phase. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 112 The article describes the computational algorithm that allows computing the equilibrium composition of combustion products of hydrocarbon fuels in the presence of condensed components. The mixture of combustion products was considered as an isolated system of ideal gas without energy interaction and mass exchange with the environment. Numerical methods and computational algorithms, based on the thermodynamic potentials extremum search, are employed for the thermodynamic equilibrium search. The composition of the combustion products of hydrocarbon fuel in the air may include about 150 possible compounds of chemical elements C, H, O, N, Ar, with condensed phases of C(с) and H2O2(с) among them. The article presents specifics of the algorithm implementation with regard for thermodynamic functions at the temperature of the phase transition Tp.
Without this, in many cases, when the temperature value passes through the point T= Tp, the monotonous iterative process is disrupted, which may lead to the algorithm divergence. The results of numerical simulation of stationary equilibrium flow of combustion products of kerosene with the air in a Laval nozzle are compared with reference data. The effect of pressure on the composition of combustion products in excess of fuel was studied. Analysis of the computational results and reference data confirms the reliability of the developed algorithm. The impact of pressure (p = 1–100 atm) on the composition of combustion products in an adiabatic reactor with an excess of fuel was studied. It follows from the obtained results, that the condensed phase (p = 1–100 atm.) is a part of the combustion products at the air excess coefficient α < 0.36, the dependence of the soot concentration on the pressure changes qualitatively with the air excess coefficient changing. | ||||||||
Selim R. S. Eigenvalues of the Squire equation for laminar and developed turbulent boundary layers. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 112 The stability of the eigenvalue problem for two-dimensional laminar and turbulent external flow over a flat plate was numerically studied using the theory of time linear stability. That is, the classical as well as the efficient approach are considered in detail for the eigenvalue problem: two different methods are studied for deducing the spectrum of eigenvalues, namely the finite difference method and the collocation method based on basic functions. The first approach of the physical model discretizing leads to algebraic equations with large matrices that are difficult to solve efficiently, while the second one creates matrices that are usually complete and have a large number of conditions. This problem is being discussed here in the Appendix to the Squire equation, which describes laminar and turbulent boundary layers. The average velocity profile of laminar boundary layers is obtained numerically. The dispersion ratio as a function of the wave number α and other flow parameters for the problem (such as, the Reynolds number) is being defined for two different velocity profiles. The algorithm is realized in Mathematica, and the calculated eigenvalues are being compared between the two different methods.
The linear stability of a small class of engineering problems can be studied by solving the Orr-Sommerfeld equation. The most famous examples of this are the Blasius Boundary layer and the plane of the Poiseuille flow. While the plane flow of the Poiseuille is strictly parallel, in the first case, an irrational argument relative to the parallel mean flow must be called in, in such a way that the system of stability equations, obtained by substituting small wave-like perturbations in the Navier-Stokes equations and linearization of the Blasius profile, will be reduced to the Orr-Sommerfeld equation. A numerical method for solving the Orr-Sommerfeld spectral equation in a two-dimensional boundary layer (β = 0) was studied by the Chebyshev collocation method for laminar and boundary layers. To obtain the spectrum of eigenvalues of the Squire equation for the background field of a developed turbulent boundary layer, a collocation method (pseudospectral) based on Chebyshev polynomials was used. The technique was debugged on the profile of Blasius and Mucker. It is obvious that an increase in the number of Chebyshev polynomials has a significant impact on the accuracy of determining eigenvalues for the Blasius and Miskeg profiles. The impact of Chebyshev polynomial degrees on the accuracy of determining the real and imaginary parts of the eigenvalues of the first mode for laminar and turbulent boundary conditions was considered. | ||||||||
Krioukov V. G., Abdullin A. L., Nikandrova M. N., Gasilin V. V. Generation of reduced reaction mechanisms for heterogeneous flows in nozzles. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 112 Mathematical modeling of chemically non-equilibrium heterogeneous flows in nozzles of both solid engines and direct-flow engines with solid fuel is an urgent task of rocket engine theory. Such flows have a significant fraction of the condensed phase (possibly variable along the length of the nozzle), and are being initially described by huge reaction mechanisms. These features prevent the nozzle problems solution in a modern multidimensional formulation. These predicaments are being overcome in this article in two ways:
a) The condensed phase is being imitated by the “Large Molecules”, which allows consider it a gaseous substкance and include reactions with its participation in the initial reaction mechanism.
b) The initial mechanism is a priori redundant and includes many reactions that exercise minimum impact on the composition of the working fluid. They can be excluded practically without loss of accuracy in the characteristics computing. For this, various methods for reactions reduction can be used.
The presented article proposes a reduction procedure, consisting of two methods: DRGEP (Directed Relation Graph Error Propagation) and a method of linking with an adaptive threshold. The DRGEP method is focused on searching and removing from the reduced reaction mechanism only the substances with reactions engaging them. If insignificant reactions still remain in the mechanism, they are removed by the engagement method. The degree of the mechanism reduction depends on the reduction threshold ζL. The developed procedure requires a small amount of calculations and allows reducing the initial mechanism to a certain acceptable size, ensuring a controlled error in predicting the flow characteristics.
This procedure was applied to the task of reducing the reaction mechanism in the stream of combustion products of metallized fuel C + O + H + N + Al + Cl. The initial reaction mechanism included 33 substances and 68 reactions. The reduced mechanisms were generated at various thresholds of value of ζL = 0.02–0.12. For small ζL values, the reduction rate is | ||||||||
Popov V. V., Sorokin F. D., Ivannikov V. V., Degtiarev S. A. Developing a spatial model of a gear transmission with separate storage of the accumulated and extra turns for solving non-linear problems of aviation transmissions dynamics. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 112 Aviation transmissions ensure the torque transfer from the rotor to propeller or fan, and accessory box drive in the engines of various types, from the engine to the shaft of the main and tail rotors of the helicopter etc. [1-3]. Aviation transmissions should ensure high strength properties at small size. The dynamics analysis performing seems to be the best tool for these requirements compliance ensuring.
Many scientific papers deal with the gear transmission dynamics. The most meaningful and interesting gear transmission models are represented in the works of Cardona [9], Spitas [12], Qiu [13], Margielewicz [14], and Kubo [19]. Nevertheless, most of them do not account for the linear wheels movement, variable stiffness, interaction between gears and other machine elements, and unfit for the non-stationary dynamics studies.
The article presents a spatial model of the gear transmission capable of accounting for the aforementioned limitations and applicable for the non-stationary dynamics problem solving. The model is based on the Cardona’s model [9].
The model employs Euler vector and the rotation tensor associated with it as rotations description. The final rotation is being decomposed into the accumulated rotation and a small incremental one. This technique allows avoiding the problems associated with achieving exceptional points near the 2p angle [15-17].
The presented model can be employed for performing analysis of the wide spectrum of gear transmissions, such as spur gears, helical gears, conical gears and internal gears. The model allows accounting for the gear mesh stiffness, gear mesh damping, kinematic error of the transmission and backlashes. The gear transmission model can conjoin with the models of other machine elements such as shafts, bearings, cases etc.
The proposed model was verified by several well-known tests. | ||||||||
Yudin D. A., Firsanov V. V. Computational and experimental study of the strain-stress state of product structural elements at the impact against a solid obstruction. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 112 The article presents the results of computational and experimental study and mathematical modelling of product structural elements while the impact with the solid impediment. The problem of developing effective technique of numerical modelling of three-or dimensional dynamic impact problems.
The finite element method was used for the impact problem solving.
The results of strains and stresses computing were compared, using numerical modelling, with the results of the full-scale test, which demonstrated their validity.
The impact load tests are an obligatory part of the general complex of preliminary field tests of the prototypes of engineering products at the experimental development stage. The basic requirement to the field tests consists in ensuring the equivalence of the impact loading under the field conditions of the product loading while operation.
The validity of the impact loading tests ca be increased by improving testing and measuring equipment, as well as testing technique due to determining impact loads as close as possible to the operational ones.
To reduce the volume of the cost intensive field tests of the products, they are being replaced by mathematical modelling with modern software. The basic requirement for numerical computations consists in ensuring the equivalence of the impact loading while mathematical modelling to the loading under conditions of the field tests. Usually, the correspondence of the testing modes on the velocities and impingement angles, as well as overloads levels in the characteristic zones of the structures are being accepted as the equivalence conditions. | ||||||||
Timoshenko A. V., Koshkarov A. S. Comparative analysis of entropic metrics of space objects optical images informativity. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 112 The existing tendency to the intensity increasing of near-Earth space employing by ever-increasing number of states, expanding spectrum and increasing complexity level of the space operations, the expected deployment of the extra-large satellite systems for group space missions are increasing the risks for the space activities associated with technogenic contamination. Optical images are the most informative type of information on the situation in outer space. The article brings up issues concerning preliminary images rejection obtained by the ground-based optical means, unfit for the human operator recognition. Specifics of the space objects surveillance by the ground-based optical means with account for dangers for national space vehicles and manned flights safety are considered. Estimation of the conventional network of optical means is performed. The necessity of performing preliminary rejection of the images, being obtained, prior to the analysis performing by the human operator is substantiated. It is shown that the main post-detector processing method is blind deconvolution of images. The work with the functional of the entropy of the image being restored is required while deconvolution operations performing. Entropy metrics by Shannon, Tsallis, Capture and Rennie were selected for the study. A comparative analysis of the entropy metrics of informativity, which application is in demand when computing the deconvolution functional, was performed. Test images with different visual quality were selected. On the example of real images a possibility of their employing with account of images visual perception by the human operator was estimated. Within the framework of the conducted studies inferences were drawn on the applicability of employing various entropy metrics and the degree of their consistency with the structural-semantic approach of visual perception of images by a human operator. The trends of future studies on determining the generalized metric for the images of such class, as well as applicability of entropy metrics to the processing satellite-obtained data on the remote Earth monitoring were determined. | ||||||||
Gusev S. N., Miklin D. V. Model of the test radio signals simulator for aviation systems of the Earth surface surveying . Trudy MAI, 2020, no 112 The article presents description of the model of the test radar signals simulator designed for calibration problems solving of air borne synthetic aperture radar systems (SAR). Control algorithms, employed in the simulator, for forming simulating trajectory signals, which reproduce virtual objects on radar images, are being considered as the subject of the study.
The necessity of solving this problem is stipulated, firstly, by the complexity of SAR calibration for complex objects, employing calibration polygons; secondly, by the lack of a uniform approach to the calibration means development based on simulators, employing the retranslation principle of the SAR probing signal. Thus, the purpose of the article consists in developing a model of the test radar signals, allowing reproducing the target environment with the specified set of object of various structure on the radar.
The proposed model is based on application of the theory of spatial and temporal signal processing in SAR and computer modelling techniques, from which the viewpoint the target simulating trajectory signal is the sum of the reflected signals from the point reflectors in a complex concentrated target. Each echo signal from the point reflector herewith should be computed with account for the position and the nature of the reflection in the specified direction.
The developed model peculiarity consists in frequency correction procedure integration into the algorithm for simulating trajectory signal formation. It allows compensating the geometry violation of the wave front and the change in Doppler frequency spectrum, caused by the objects reproduction at the certain distance from the simulator location.
The result of the work represents the model structure of the test radar signals simulator and the algorithm used in the model for computing the simulated trajectory signal of a complex concentrated target with account for the time delay, amplitude and frequency correction.
The developed model was tested while seminatural simulation of the reproduction process of virtual objects on radar. The seminatural simulation results presented in the work proved the approach correctness and the adequacy of the developed model.
The proposed model can be employed at:
– SAR calibration at different stages of development and design;
– developing of simulators for the signals programming;
– substantiating the trends of methods and means developing of radar systems calibration for the Earth’s surface observing. | ||||||||
Kartukov A. V., Merkishin G. V., Nazarov A. N., Egorov V. V. Object images employing for air medium parameters analysis near moving objects. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 112 The tasks of monitoring, position assessing of the aircraft and interacting with the environment are of great importance in the aviation technology. At large distances, they are being solved mainly in the radio range (radar). At short ranges, the optical range methods are very effective near aircraft, since the wavelength is several orders of magnitude smaller and allows one to achieve high accuracy of the measured parameters.
Movement of various objects, such as a car, and plane, or a helicopter, is accompanied by their interaction with the air. The aerodynamic parameters of an object are necessary for calculating its speed characteristics and determining the possibilities for their improvement. Typically, the aerodynamic characteristics measurements are performed in wind tunnels employing the reduced models of the objects. The wind tunnel has a rather large and complex structure, requiring highly qualified service.
Registration of the aerodynamic parameters of the air medium occurring while the object moving is possible. Similar methods are used for the fuel quality analysis.
Employing the object images distortions allows obtaining all necessary information on the air medium parameters as well as the «clean» sky turbulence by relatively simple technical realization.
Further, a new technique for the fast and qualitative estimation of the moving object aerodynamic properties by distortions of the reference object image under the action of the turbulent wake. A set of reference objects installed along the path of movement allows determine the size of the turbulent wake, the impact of the structural elements of the object and evaluate their role in creating aerodynamic drag.
The illustrations to the article show the effect of a turbulent wake after a car travels on an image of a straight rail mounted on a track of movement. The white rod image blurred in its lower part, which is stipulated by the laminar layer transformation into the turbulent, is shown as well.
Compared to the known technique of wind tunnels application, the described technique: 1) does not require manufacturing of a high-precision model of the object being studied;
2) does not require highly qualified servicing;
3) in some cases, an experimental study is possible, wich cannot be implemented in a wind tunnel (for example, for a helicopter);
4) does not require presence of the fastening and information retrieval elements in the working area, distorting the flow;
5) allows building 3D models of the “atmosphere-object” structure using a set of reference rails. | ||||||||
Romanov A. M. Accuracy Estimation and Synthesis of Nonlinear Direct Mathematical Operations on Bitstreams. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 112 Field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) are widely used in the aerospace industry, both for on-board devices and ground equipment. This paper is devoted to accuracy estimation and synthesis of nonlinear direct mathematical operations on bitstreams (DMOB). DMOB or direct processing of sigma-delta modulated bitstreams is a promising method to reduce the resource area consumption of the FPGA designs which allows to implement complex digital signal processing algorithms on the basis of radiation-resistant FPGAs as well as FPGAs produced by Russian vendors, the logical resources of which are significantly smaller than those of foreign counterparts in commercial versions. The estimates of nonlinear DMOB accuracy which were previously obtained were empirical and covered only a small set of mathematical operations in a limited range of possible implementation parameters. This paper proposes a new approach to accuracy analysis and synthesis of nonlinear DMOBs which allows to implement a wide range of nonlinear digital signal processing algorithms directly on sigma-delta modulated bitstreams providing a given accuracy. The key point of this paper is that nonlinear DMOBs implemented by combining input averaging filters and nonlinear mathematical operation perform linear interpolation of this mathematical operation, and the number of interpolation reference points depends on the filter window. This statement supported by a number of assumptions is analytically proved for a one-dimensional case, and it is experimentally confirmed with regard to a multidimensional case. All the assumptions used in the proof are analyzed in detail, and the conditions of the proposed method of applicability for real projects are formulated on the basis of the assumptions. Solutions described in this paper allow to achieve a flexible compromise on the nonlinear DMOB FPGA core area usage and the computation accuracy. The example of the implementation of bitstream multiplier demonstrates that the proposed solution is superior to the previously known and widely used analogue. | ||||||||
Radin D. V., Makaryants G. M. Developing and experimental studying of dynamic characteristics of adaptive pressure pulsation dampener for the gas turbine engine fuel system. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 112 One of the key trends for the environmental and cost performance improving of modern gas turbine engines is the development of low-emission combustion chambers, which realize the concept of lean homogeneous mixture combustion. Pressure pulsations in the gas turbine engine fuel system can lead to unstable combustion in low-emission combustion chamber. The pump rotation frequency varies greatly depending on the engine operation mode. Thus, it is necessary to employ the adaptive Helmholtz resonator, being adjustable to the pump rotation frequency, to suppress the pulsations. In the work being presented, the adjustable element of the dampener was represented by the cavity volume. This study focuses on the developing and experimental studying of dynamic characteristics of the adaptive resonant-type pressure pulsations damper in the frequency range under consideration., An automatic design system was developed in the C# programming environment to perform theoretical studies. The experimental test bench consisted of a pump, a fuel cooling system, a resonator with a piston to change the cavity volume, and the imitation the fuel system. The pressure pulsations prior to and behind the resonator, as well as behind the pump, when the resonator was not installed, were being measured while testing. The resonator volume was being varied from minimum to maximum value. The efficiency of the adaptive Helmholtz resonator was being evaluated with the insertion attenuation factor, which represents the ratio of the pressure pulsations amplitude in the circuit without resonator to the pressure deviations amplitude in the circuit with the resonator. The frequency characteristic of the adjustable resonator efficiency represents the monotonically decreasing curve. The efficiency of the adjustable dampener increased by more than three times at the subresonant, and by more than half times at the superresonance frequencies compared to the non-adjustable one. The experimental data verified the theoretical computations with high accuracy. The adjustable Helmholtz resonator ensures much higher pressure pulsations damping than the non-adjustable one in the entire frequency range. | ||||||||
Efanov V. V., Zakota A. A., Volkova A. S., Izosimov A. V. The aircraft weaponry control technique in conditions of covert target surveillance. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 112 The military aircraft weaponry includes both guided and unguided weapons, radar and optoelectronic surveying-and-guidance complexes intended for striking both air-born and ground targets and ensuring aircraft defense.
There are known technique and devices for aircraft weaponry control, which perform the target detection and capture, determine its parameters, choose the weapons and perpetrate its preparation and launch.
The disadvantages of the above-described systems consist in the fact that the weapon control in conditions of the covert target surveillance is not being ensured.
Selection of the channel with the passive type radar means as a leading channel of the weaponry control system ensures discrete operation mode for the active type radar means of the slave channel of the weaponry control system. The mode of periodical measuring of the range on target herewith, being followed by the radar means of the leading channel of the weaponry control system, with transition to the continuous position finding at achieving the preset range or by the crew command. It ensures the possibility of covert target attacking at its capturing.
Identification of the targets being followed by the radar means of both leading and slave channels of the weaponry control system is performed, in the absence thereof the reset mode of capturing by the radar means of the slave channel of the weaponry control system is set. By this, the probability of the target tracking and the aircraft interference immunity is increased.
Targets identification is realized by comparing the absolute value of the angular coordinates difference of the target viewfinding by the radar means of the leading and slave channels of the weaponry control system with the preset threshold. With this, exceedance of the above mentioned threshold is conceded only during the set time interval.
The stealthiness of the passive radar stations operation ensures higher viability under combat conditions due to the hampering of their detection and jamming.
However, unlike the active detection and ranging, active detection and ranging does not allow obtaining the object range by the data of receiving signas from the single station. This is undoubtedly a serious disadvantage.
Analysis of the methods ensuring indirect determining of the targets’ range and motion speed was performed. It is necessary to utilize the joint results of several (more than two) tracking stations, removed from each other by the known distance, and any of the
The kinematic distance measurement method (KDMM) being used while working with only a single target is known. The KDMM is realizing one of the information restoring methods, and it comes into action if other information restoring techniques are unavailable. The information about a target is being by the angular coordinates in the vertical or horizontal planes with the supporting height. The results of the KDMM modeling show that the absolute error of distance measurement makes up from hundreds of meters to several kilometers.
The purpose of the work is consists in accuracy increasing of the the range and speed of aerial target movement determining in the covert surveillance mode.
To eliminate the KDMM shortcomings the method of covert determining the target motion parameters is proposed. Its essence consists in obtaining the target motion parameters based on solving the vector equations that associate the range, speed, and bearing of a fighter-interceptor with a target. To obtain herewith the parameters necessary for the equations solving the interceptor should perform certain maneuvers.
The modelling results analysis of the proposed method and algorithms realizing it allows making the following conclusions:
— the method ensures the much more accurate distance-to-a-target computing;
— the maximum error value is below the resolution range level of the onboard distance measuring devices.
The suggested algorithms for determining the target range and motion speed are approved with the semi-natural complex composed of the thermal direction finder, target simulator, microcomputer, interface with the personal computer, and the programmed-mathematical support.
The technique for evaluating the effect of measuring resolution of the track angle, flight-path angle, and velocity variation dynamics on the target motion parameters determining accuracy is suggested.
While semi-natural tests conducting it was determined that the suggested technique and algorithms are efficient in general. Practical computations on determining the range to a target demonstrate that the errors introduced by the computing process significantly increase, if the Gauss method is being used for the task on the forward motion and the rational selection of the reference element is not accounted for. At the same time, the instrument errors impact can be significantly reduced by the reference element rational selection at each step.
A technique for target detection was suggested for the case of decoy flares employing. The technique consists in
– the airborne target detection,
– selection of angular speed of optoelectronic module (OEM) guidance by the crosshair superimposition on the target on the screen,
– transferring the OEM to the automatic target guidance mode,
– measuring current target range,
– converting the digital code of range into the video signal, displayed of the screen in the form of the digital caption.
The following factors are additionally determined:
– angular velocities of the target motion by measuring the time intervals of the target shifting relative to the preset angular positions;
– angular accelerations of motion by evaluating dynamics of the target angular velocities;
– dynamics of angular accelerations changing by subtracting the subsequent and previous values of the angular accelerations of the target.
With this, the following factors are recognized:
– the target tracking, if the values of change in dynamics of the angular accelerations of the target motion are less than the set value;
– the decoy flare tracking, if the values of change in dynamics of the angular accelerations of the target motion are more than the set value.
In this case a man-portable weapon complex gunner receives the information capturing the decoy flare. | ||||||||
Dmitriev V. I., Zvonarev V. V., Lisicin Y. E. Justification technique for rational control methods of unmanned flying vehicle. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 112 The purpose of the article is efficiency increasing of the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) application based on the feasible selection and realization of rational control method.
The article considers the UAV application as the object of research. The subject of research is the UAV control methods.
The relevance of the topic in the modern military-political situation is determined by ensuring the State security in the field of military development, on the assumption of the existing threats. At present, UAV is the most important component of weapons, military equipment, automated reconnaissance and information transfer systems. Its application can significantly increase the efficiency of troops command and control, increase combat capabilities and combat means effectiveness.
The article presents a methodology for the UAV application effectiveness evaluating and a technique for the UAV control methods forming. The dependence of the orrect frame reception probability on the signal-to-noise ratio for a system with addition and with auto-selection is demonstrated. Recommendations on the UAV control method selection are given.
The practical significance of the article consists in the following:
– the developed technique for evaluating the UAV application effectiveness describes more accurately the conditions for receiving messages and allows compare radio channels with various characteristics (type of modulation, type and parameters of the noise-immune code, etc.) at the information receiving point, and perform the performance indicator computing of the UAV control methods;
– in supplement to the known methods, the developed technique for rational UAV control methods substantiating allows accounting for the dynamic characteristics of a random process, determine the exact parameters of the radio channel, and increase the reconnaissance depth (ensuring herewith the required survey resolution of the required probability of the correct frame reception and the given stealth).
It is advisable to use the obtained methodology when planning the use of UAVs with the aim of transmitting information over the radio channel with signal fading. | ||||||||
Philatov V. I., Bonch-Bruevich A. M., Khokhlachev E. N., Borukaeva A. O., Berdikov P. G. Parameters formalization of adaptive protection system for automated communication control system. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 112 The article analyzed the theoretical model of the system for protection of the automated communication control system (AССS) against accidental hazardous impacts, representing a threat to the aircraft control systems. The tasks for realizing systematic approach to solve the problem of ensuring the ACCS adaptive protection.
The simulation model for the AССS protection against hazardous impacts, employing the queueing theory, is considered. The article analyzed the properties of simulation modelling systems, namely GPSS World. The article presents also a mathematical model of the protection system and reviews the functions of its components.
The article used Kendal-Basharin representation for formal presentation of various options of the AССS protection organization against hazardous impacts. Model restrictions, which represent a function of loss for the untimely users requests compliance were considered
The task of the most rational organization of the ACCS functioning was put forward in the article.
From the performed analytical work the inferences were drawn that it was not rational to use the method of simple sorting of all possible options to obtain the optimal option of the ACCS adaptive protection system. There is a necessity to employ a combined algorithm of the directional search with the penalty of randomness together with static tests.
The topic of this work relevance is stipulated in the first place by the necessity to develop new methods and ways for the ACCS protection from the hazardous impacts, used for the aircraft control, for example, in case of the control interception prevention. | ||||||||
Lebedev A. S., Dobrolyubov A. N., Mikhaylenko A. V., Bezrukov A. V. Searching for diagnostic features for controlled surfaces contamination recognition system at the optoelectronic monitoring. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 112 | ||||||||
Anan’ev A. V., Rybalko A. G., Lazorak A. V. A technique for target run-in direction justification based on theory of risk when striking ground-based objects by aircraft complexes. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 112 This technique allows performing application planning of:
- The new military-purpose complexes, namely, small-class unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV SC),
- New weapons, such as free-falling unguided containers (FFUC), charged with the small caliber and capacity ammunition for damage inflicting to easily vulnerable ground objects.
The FFUC application specificity is its discharging from the carrier as a large-caliber ammunition, which requires special attention while the targeting point selection. The presence, in its turn, of asymmetrically located and different by their importance elements as parts of the ground target contributes to the several targeting points’ selection and, hence, determining rational direction of the approach.
Thus, for example, when employing large-caliber weapons against long narrow targets, it is necessary to select a certain rational angle of approach. At the same time, if the small-sized ground based objects are being attacked with the weapons, which scattering characteristics do not commensurate with the target size, the approach direction selection makes no difference, and targeting is being performed to the center of a target. The FFUC specifics and scattering parameters allow recognize “an aircraft on the open flying line” as a stretched area-type target with asymmetric location of the unequal by the damage probability and damage-inflicting scale vulnerable areas, rather than a small-sized single ground object.
Thus, the newly revealed property of the object of striking should be accounted for while rational selection of the target approach direction by the UAV CS and target striking by the FFUC.
The gist of the developed technique consists in the following:
- The ground target decomposition on n vulnerable zones, when the areas of these zones fit into the total area of the object;
- Criterion selecting (recovery time of the damaged units of vulnerable zones), and indicators defining (labor costs required to replace units of vulnerable zones) of damage inflicting risk for a ground target;
- Risk weight factors determining for each vulnerable area by the expert assessment method (Thomas Saati hierarchy analysis method);
- Determining probability of vulnerable zones hitting with the FFUC, with account for the targeting point disposition in range and direction, and the UAV SC accuracy characteristics;
- Employing the analytical expression of integral risk (the first multiplier is probability of the FFUC hitting the vulnerable zone, and the second one is the risk weight factor for each zone) for risk value determination when targeting point shifted by one step in range and direction for each iteration;
- Creating three-dimensional dependence (surface) of the integral damage risk on targeting point position on range and direction;
- Selecting rational direction of target approach as the result of revealing several local extremes of the integral risk function.
Thus, the target approach at the angle to the central axis of the ground-based target justified by the proposed technique ensures 20% increase in the inflicted damage compared to the target approach along the central axis only. | ||||||||
Kalyagin M. Y., Voloshin D. A., Mazaev A. S. Quadcopter flight control system simulation in Simulink and Simscape Multibody. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 112 Currently, the unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) are widely used throughout the world as means for monitoring, creating maps, optimizing agricultural activities, monitoring fire being dangerous areas, power lines surveillance, logistics, etc. The multirotor-type UAVs are widely proliferated due to their structural simplicity and the ability to both flying at near zero speeds and maneuvering with high frequency.
One of the most important tasks at the early stages of the UAV design consist in studying dynamic characteristics of alternative design options of the vehicles with account for their design characteristics. The state-of-the-art computer engineering systems are able to implement the end-to-end process of designing and linking solid-state UAV models with adaptive dynamic models and their operation in various modes by transferring design parameters obtained in CAD systems, directly to the simulation environment of the flight control systems. Of particular interest is the set of tasks associated with control algorithms developing to ensure the UAV normal operation under the impact of external disturbances.
The article proposes an approach to the solid-state and dynamic computer models linking of the unmanned aerial vehicle of the “quadcopter” type at the early stages of the design using Solidworks and Simulink/MATLAB software packages. The model designed in the Simulink/MATLAB environment allows evaluating the developed systems for an aircraft stabilization and control for the UAV, implemented according to the “quadcopter” aerodynamic scheme without starting the quad copter itself.
The discrepancy between the results of the computer model with full-scale tests is 2.3% for the pitch angle, 2.5% for the roll angle, 6.7% for the yaw angle and 3.7% for the height. The obtained high accuracy of the models conformity proves the possibility of applying the method for the automatic control system designing presented in the article. | ||||||||
Bagrov A. V., Dmitriev A. O., Leonov V. A., Moscatin'ev I. V., Sysoev V. K. Two-wave optical lunar navigation system. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 112 The article proposes creation of a global lunar optical navigation system based on light beacons located on the lunar surface, operating at two wavelengths. This system, based on optoelectronic devices on spacecraft and light beacons, will allow obtaining a high-precision navigation system both on the Moon surface and in near-Moon space.
Previous articles analyzed in detail the required number of spacecraft to create a radio-technical lunar navigation system and showed that this would require a grouping of eighteen navigation lunar satellites, and a complex data management system for this structure.
The beacons application allows create a lunar navigation connected system (LNCS) on new principles, which allow doing with a minimum number of navigation satellites. In addition, such system is needed, which can be built-up stage-by-stage from the local system (created for a separate lunar area) to the global one (over the entire lunar surface), and from periodic possibility of the object positioning to the twenty-four-hour one with high measuring operativeness.
The main purpose of the global optical navigation system based on a two-wave system of light beacons, being deployed on the lunar surface, is maximizing accessibility for the LNCS spacecraft in any circumstances. Application of two types of the light beacons, namely ultraviolet and infrared bands will allow observe the reference beacons by the spacecraft from both the Moon orbit and being placed at the Lagrange point. Ultraviolet emitters will allow reduce noises and exposure by the Sun radiation while the beacon surveillance by a spacecraft, while the infrared radiation will be able to pass through the Earth atmosphere for registration by the Earth-based telescopes. The proposed navigation system based on measuring optoelectronic devices located on the spacecraft and light beacons on the objects being positioned will allow high-precision navigation system, which will ensure spatial positioning of the objects on both lunar surface and near-Moon space. | ||||||||
Grigorieva F. L., Khromov A. I., Grigoriev Y. Y. Flat sample stretching in conditions of flat-stressed state at various displacement velocities fields. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 111 The presented article considers an algorithm for a strip deformation in conditions of a plane stress state, which is represented in the form of the stage-by-stage transition from continuous to discontinuous deformations speeds field. This problem solution is described by mathematical model of a rigid-plastic strip, made from various structural materials. Pre-eminent deformation speeds field is being determined depending on the billet material, which allows determine the process of the material origin and destruction as early as possible. The result of this work is deformation speeds field, as well as optimal E1 value determining, allowing characterize preferable flow selection depending of the material, from which the sample was fabricated.
The article also offers computation of force values, occurring while a flat sample deformation at various stresses values. A possibility of pre-eminent deformation scheme selecting is originating whereby depending on the material, which is used for the sample producing. The plate geometry changing is considered as one of the deformation parameters. Depending on the proposed approach to the deformation state, a stage is selected, at which a flat sample either obtains a neck shape, or is being deformed without it up to the material rupture. To the author’s opinion that this method can be implemented in various fields of aircraft building, machine building, material science etc. Employing the presented approach it is possible to study and obtain deformations of various structures while deforming during operation process, consider critical deformation zones and timely eliminate micro cracks and subsequent material destruction. This approach can be widely applied while examining aircraft skin, engines blades, wheel pairs of the train set etc. The data of the studies can prevent not only damage of various apparatuses, but also catastrophes associated with metal fatigue and destruction of the elements and entire structures. It is micro cracks evolution detection that will lead to optimization and their life span enhancing while of various apparatuses operation. | ||||||||
Nigar E. S. Dynamics of a Plate with Elastically Attached Mass. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 111 The article regards the problem of a beam dynamic loading by an impact body in the presence of an intermediate damper, namelly, a spring of a given stiffness. The purpose of the study consisted in determining the joint motion of a mechanical system of a beam-spring-body type, neglecting herewith the spring mass. The beam movement is being modeled by the equations of the plate cylindrical vibrations. The obtained equations for the joint movement of the beam–spring–body system consist of equations for the beam deflection and the equation of the body motion, with account for the spring stiffness. The system of equations, modelling the motion, consists of a fourth-order partial differential equation in coordinate, and a second-order equation in time, one of the boundary conditions of which is an ordinary second-order differential equation in time. The problem is solved by the integral Laplace transform method in time. The Durbin numerical method is used for the obtained solution inversion. Graphs of solutions, allowing observing the body behavior and calculating the beam deflection at a time instant, were plotted using this method. The graphs of analytical and numerical solutions coincide for small initial times. The dependence of the sought functions on the main parameters of the problem, such as spring stiffness and the beam bending stiffness, is demonstrated as well. It can be seen from the illustrating graphs that the beam deflection and body motion functions are directly proportional to the spring stiffness, and inversely proportional to the bending stiffness of the beam. | ||||||||
Maskaykin V. A. Theoretical study of temperature regimes when flowing-around axisymmetric bodies being transported on the aircraft external suspension. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 111 The presented article considers the temperature regimes while flowing-round the transported axisymmetric bodies, which internal temperature is limited. Conditions at which axisymmetric bodies’ transportation happens are represented by the negative ambient temperature and air medium disturbances. The necessity for minimizing the impact of the external ambient effect on the state of the object being transported arises while this problem analysis. The air medium disturbance impact on the object is assumed being in horizontal plane. The set problem was being solved by modelling the solid body flow-around in gaseous medium, including non-stationary heat transfer, employing finite element method. The problem of external ambient static temperature impact was considered to evaluate external factors effect on the axisymmetric body transportation conditions. This problem was solved by modeling non-stationary heat transfer using the finite-difference method. Materials applied in aviation engineering were selected as an axisymmetric body material.
The results of the study demonstrate that cooling time of the axisymmetric body without air ambient disturbance passes faster. It can be assumed that with increasing of the air flow rate, acting on the solid body (excluding the airflow drag effect at a nose portion), its cooling time will be less. Axisymmetric body materials with poor thermal insulation properties compensate rapid body cooling by heat transfer with the external environment (if we consider the temperature regime with air ambient disturbance), in contrast to the axisymmetric body of material with high thermal insulation properties. | ||||||||
Benderskyi B. Y., Chernova A. A. Heat transfer in a rocket engine combustion chamber while geometry changing of the channel-slot solid fuel charge. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 111 Geometry changing impact of channel-slot charge while its burning on inner-chamber processes execution in flow ducts and pre-nozzle volume of the solid propellant rocket engine are being studied by mathematical modelling techniques. Setting of the conjugate problem of heat transfer in the flow ducts and pre-nozzle volume of the rocket engine combustion chamber with channel-slot solid fuel charge is presented. Numerical schemes and algorithms are being described. Mathematical modelling is being executed based on fundamental system of differential equations of viscous compressible heat-conducting gas movement. In spatial setting, solution of the problem under consideration is performed numerically using finite volumes method with account for the Rhie-Chow correction. The second-order of accuracy counter-flow scheme is employed for inviscid flows discretization, while the second-order of accuracy central scheme is applied for viscous flows. The system of difference equations is being solved by the algebraic net method, and a conjugate gradients method is applied herewith to accelerate its convergence. Various positions of burning dome are being considered while the engine operation at the static section. Profiles of longitudinal velocities components at the charge slice are being compared. The article analyses topological specifics of the combustion products flow, characteristic to various burning dome positions, and singular points are being characterized on the nozzle-cap assembly and near the charge grain-end. Thermal flow density near the structural elements of the combustion chamber is being studied. It was revealed that diameter increasing of the thermal flows channel led to maximum density decrease of thermal flows in the exceptional point and separation zones on the nozzle bottom by 2.04 and 3.6 times respectively. The article demonstrates that with the channel size increase, the decrease of velocity absolute values at the channel cut by 2.2 times is observed. As the result of the inner-channel processes analysis in the pre-nozzle volume of the solid propellant rocket engine, criteria equations for thermal flows evaluation near the exceptional points on the nozzle-cap assembly and the charge grain-end were obtained. | ||||||||
Goldovskii A. A., Firsanov V. V. Impact Interaction Study Algorithms in Aviation Structures. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 111 The presented article reflects the problem of studying impact interactions in aviation structures. Engineering techniques development on studying the causes of highly-dynamical processes occurrence is a topical task from the viewpoint of application and operation safety of these or that aviation structures. The above appointed techniques are aimed to studying conditions, at which contact interaction of the two elastic-plastic bodies occurs. This article purpose consists in generalizing engineering approach to the processes studying, which could lead to impact process in aviation structures, and it, in its turn, to the hazardous or emergency situation.
Impact interaction of the two elastic-plastic bodies, i.e. internal impact of the metallic plug on the fuselage load-bearing element of the “stringer” type, act as a subject of studies. Due to the contact of the two bodies, stressed-strain state of the load-bearing element is being considered to obtain qualitative estimation of the power factors, impacting on the colliding elements. The article presents the algorithm for studying impact interaction, as well as numerical modelling of the two elastic-plastic bodies’ impact.
Based on the numerical modelling results, operation of the algorithms for impact interaction study is shown, and displacement and deformation values matching criterion in the damaged area nodes was refined. | ||||||||
Bykov A. P., Piganov M. N. Off-line tests technique for spacecraft onboard electronic devices. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 111 The article presents the off-line tests technique for spacecraft onboard radio-electronic devices. These tests allow accomplishing the ground-based experimental finishing of the onboard instruments. The authors suggest to perform the off-line tests in the framework of the design development test for the samples that passed the acceptance testing. Microprocessor temperature controller was selected as a testing object.
The following test objectives were determined as basic ones:
- substantiation of the samples operability in conditions of external affecting factors imitation close to real ones;
- evaluation of samples correspondence to the design specification and technical conditions requirements on the prime item;
- substantiation of schematic and design solutions for the required liter (0) assigning;
- technological documentation development
- substantiation of the electronic components base and other parts application.
The article describes dedication and structure of the device. The device consists of three identical channels. Each channel contains microcontroller and performs the following functions:
- signals receiving from the contact sensors;
- scanning contact sensors, temperature sensors, and potentiometric resistance transducers;
- receiving eight-bit code from digital sensors;
- forming control instructions;
- receiving “on”, “off” “interrupt” and “reset” instructions;
- forming voted clock pulses;
- performing information exchange through multiplexor exchange channel;
- performing information exchange through RS-485;
- generating telemetric parameters in the parallel code form.
The device is being set on honeycomb panels in the spacecraft non-pressurized compartments. Analysis of technical conditions on the device and previous tests results was performed for the tests modes selection. The technique envisages fourteen types of tests. The study of the tests sequence impact on their efficiency was performed. Selection of both equipment and testing impacts was performed. Algorithm of these tests performing was suggested. Metrological substantiation of the selected test equipment was given.
Tests under normal climatic conditions and rated voltage were being held after the design development test stage completion. Technology trainings were bing performed before acceptance tests.
The authors suggest performing functional test under normal climatic conditions in the following sequence: technical inspection; control of mass; transient resistance measuring; electrical and input circuits check-up; isolation resistance measuring, and functionality check-up in manual mode.
Vibro-bench tests successively in three mutually perpendicular directions are necessary for structural elements resonances detection. Optimal test modes are presented. TV-59349/AIT-440 Vibro-bench was chosen for their realization. Control sensor is being applied to confirm the absence of resonances at the frequencies up to 25 Hz.
The article presents the results of the device testing according to the proposed technique. Comments on design and technical documentation are described. Verification of the test technique, which confirmed the high quality of test algorithm, was performed. Testing time was reduced by 8%. Expert evaluation by the Delphi method revealed that the proposed option of the off-line tests will allow reducing the test cost by 10%. Changes were introduced into design documentation and operation modes chart of electric parts by the tests results. Manufacturing route of the device production was corrected.
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Kuznetsov V. S., Volkov A. S., Solodkov A. V., Soroka V. G. Noise-Like Communication System Simulation Based on Simplex Codes Ensembles. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 111 This article describes a mathematical model of a communication system based on selected signals and architectural solutions. This allows for statistical numerical modeling of both the reference channel with additive white Gaussian noise and real channels selected under conditions. An overview of methods for improving the reception characteristics of noise-like signals and the use of noise-resistant coding methods is given. The issues of creating a system prototype, software development methodology for heterogeneous systems, and debugging and testing of the end device were touched upon. Characteristic of a broadband signal system is being described as stealth, methods for its determining, and an example of calculation for the created communication system.
Communication systems with broadband (or noise-like) signals attract attention of specialists due to the combination of their characteristics such as their ability to operate in conditions of multipath propagation of radio signals, multiple access organizing, etc.
There is a problem herewith of power adjustment (a near-far problem), which is solved by centralized synchronous transmission in the downlink channel from the base station and adjusting the power of the subscriber station transmitters in the upstream channel to equalize the power at the receiving point. In the decentralized mode of operation without base stations, this problem has not been solved, especially at the possibility of subscribers’ mobility. In addition, a system with direct sequence spectrum expansion experiences significant degradation of performance when operating in asynchronous mode, i.e. at random time of transmission of pseudo-random sequences (PRS) in the ether. Communication system organizing possibilities in this case are determined by the cross-correlation properties of the used PRSs, which complicates significantly their search, and often generation and detection.
However, operation of multiple subscribers in the same band and in the same radio visibility zone can be organized by introducing an additional time division by introduction of the expanding PRS. With this, to increase the transmission rate, it is necessary to ensure signals transmission of from one subscriber to several at once, which can be guaranteed only due to the good correlation properties of the expanding ensemble. In this case, a timeslot is allocated to each subscriber in the personnel structure, which is set by a dedicated subscriber station, called a binding station, and a group of PRSs. Radiating to the air several PRSs simultaneously, the subscriber can transmit data to the address of several subscribers. With this, the PRSs discriminability at the reception is ensured by good characteristics of the employed expanding sequences, and the near-far problem does not arise due to the equal signal capacities for different subscribers with their principal equality at the transmission point. | ||||||||
Timoshenko A. V., Baldytchev M. T., Marenkov I. A., Pivkin I. G. Technique elaboration for various types of sources “suboptimal” monitoring routes by unmanned aerial vehicle. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 111 The article considers a method for “suboptimal” routes elaborating for different-type sources monitoring by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Currently, unmanned aerial vehicles equipped with optical monitoring and radio monitoring tools are used to solve the problem of searching, detecting and coordinates determining of various objects, including radio sources, in remote areas. This is due to the possibility of the direct barraging over the areas of the proposed search objects location. These problems solution requires the UAV optimal movement route, due to the limited resource of its energy carriers. It is quite obvious that the shorter the travel time between optical monitoring areas, the more areas can be surveyed in a limited time. ll in all, it leads to the higher the probability of more searched objects detection and higher the overall monitoring efficiency. However, the majority of scientific and research papers devoted to monitoring systems effectiveness improving with UAVS consider this issue superficially, or not at all. In this regard, the study of UAV flight routes optimization when monitoring sources is quite an urgent task. In the article, the “suboptimal” routes are understood as routes that ensure local extremum in the area of minimizing the UAV movement time between the specified monitoring areas under the impact of dynamically changing air masses movement and with a fixed performance of the UAV power plant. The route geometry impact on the accuracy of determining the radio sources coordinates is shown. Based on the simulation results, these factors impact on the monitoring routes elaboration is estimated. Comparing the results of the flight duration on routes, elaborated according to the developed method, relative to routes elaborated without account for the considered factors, demonstrates a gain in the flight duration reduction by of 5–7% on average, while sustaining the acceptable level of the geometric factor impact on determining the radio sources coordinates. | ||||||||
Petukh N. N., Blagodirev V. A. Circuitry for parrying single and dose effects in satellite receivers. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 111 This paper introduces new circuitry solutions for protection satellite electronic equipment from space environment which can damage electronic system and crush expensive space mission.
Of particular importance is the ionizing radiation of outer space from various sources both inside and outside our solar system. The functioning of satellite electronic equipment is influenced by several factors include galactic cosmic rays (GCR), trapped protons, trapped electrons, solar energetic particles (SEPs) and Van Allen Belts. The radiation effects of space environment can not only cause degradation, but also disable electronic and electrical systems of the satellite equipment.
To ensure the reliability of the electronic circuits of the on-board equipment, it is necessary to determine the total accumulated (full) dose of radiation «TID» (Total Ionizing Dose), including exposure to charged single particles (single radiation effects (SEE) (Single Event Effects) causing single failures), – forming the radiation medium at a certain height and orbital orientation during the spacecraft flight. Even on high-altitude commercial airliners flying along polar routes, documented cases of avionics malfunctions due to radiation from outer space were recorded.
To reduce the effect TID and SEE, it is proposed to consider circuitry solutions that can prevent premature failures of the satellite electronic equipment exposed to space environment.
Circuitry solutions to parry probable satellite electronic equipment failures (due to the action of heavy charged particles, high-energy space protons and dose exposure) provide a reduction in the effect of breakdown currents on the semiconductor elements of large – scale integration (LSI) and very large – scale integration (VLSI) in satellite equipment. | ||||||||
Tabakov E. V., Zinina A. I., Krasavin E. E. Analysis automation of spacecraft onboard computer cyclograms debugging. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 111 The onboard computer (OBC) belongs to the basis of the spacecraft control system (CS). It consists of several computational units (faces) duplicating each other. Thus, the spacecraft faultless performance depends upon the OBC operation normativity.
The OBC operation normativity is determined by many criteria. One of the most important of them all is correspondence of the onboard software modules (OSM) operation times to the specified values. The thing is that the CS being considered is the system of the “rigid” real time. The OSM operation times at the OBC faces are being strictly regulated by the cyclogram of its operation. The specified time-frames exceedance may lead to the system failure and spacecraft loss.
Information on the program modules operation completion at the OBC faces are being stored in the telemetric information (TMI) in the form of values the corresponding flags. The TMI contains also a vast volume of other information. Besides, the TMI data representation format is rather inconvenient for human perception. Thus, the approach, at which the operation times analysis is being performed by the TMI files parsing by a human is utterly ineffective, and leads to the great time and labor consuming. Due to this, the task of this analysis automation emerged.
The article suggests the algorithm for this task solving, i.e. automation of this kind of analysis. Based on the suggested algorithm a special software, realizing it, was developed. The development was being performed with C++ employing the QT platform. The application is provided with graphical interface and outputs the results in the form of a table in the separate file. As the result, the developed software simplified significantly such analysis implementation. | ||||||||
Sokhranniy E. P. Data Preprocessing and Priorities Values Computing of Requests on Performing Communication Sessions with Spacecraft of Scientific and Socioeconomic Implication. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 111 The article covers the final stages of addressing the problem of requests prioritizing for communication sessions performing with scientific and socioeconomic spacecraft, on which the solving methods for main areas of concern on conflicts arising from the engagement of the spacecraft ground control equipment, substantiated in [1], are realized. The initial information for data preprocessing for priority values computing are expert data in the form of Hierarchic Structure (HS) and Relational Matrix (RM), transformed into Comparison Matrices (CM), reflecting the results of qualitative expert estimates scaling into quantitative ones. The order of HS, RM and CM generation is specified in referenced documents [2] and [3].
To validate expert estimates scaling in the form of comparison matrices the last ones are being checked for conformance from the viewpoint of each expert judgments and opinions of the group of experts.
Generalized values computing of HS elements weight factors and requests priorities values for spacecraft communication sessions is performed based on the expert-specified consistent private data on the criticality of factors represented in the form of HS and affecting the conflicts solving procedure.
The developed formal models will allow for complete automation of the request prioritizing process for spacecraft communication sessions, as well as enhance the decision-making promptness and validity of the decisions made to resolve conflict situations. | ||||||||
Guskov A. A., Spirin A. A., Norinskaya I. V. Electromechanical Steering Drive Simulation Model for Small-Sized for Highly Maneuverable Flying Vehicle. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 111 The task of this work is mathematical and simulation modeling methods implementation at the stage of the design documentation development for electromechanical steering gear to determine its parameters and study characteristics.
Mathematical model of electromechanical steering gear with power stage, consisting of DC motor and reducing gear, representing a wave gear with wave generator was developed. A simulation model based on the electric drive functional diagram and differential equations, describing its operation, was developed in MATLAB Simulink. The study of the steering drive was performed with the developed simulation model. The values of static error of bringing the steering surface to the preset angle, and actuation time and steering speed at various set deflection angles and hinge moment value were obtained.
A prototype of the steering gear was developed and manufactured based on the conducted studies. Electric motor and reduction gear parameters of the steering gear prototype were determined based on the simulation results and refined while designing.
Experimental studies of a prototype steering gear were performed. The time dependences of the steering surface angle of rotation were obtained at various values of the angle being set and without steering surface loading.
Experimental study of the steering drive prototype confirmed its operability.
A comparative analysis of the simulation results and experimental data obtained from the steering gear prototype was performed. It was established that the simulation model reliably reproduces characteristics of the prototype of the object under study.
Thus, the developed mathematical model allows studying the electromechanical steering gear operation and obtain visual results of the system behavior at various conditions and operating modes.
Experimental studies of the created steering gear prototype demonstrated good convergence the simulation results and the experiment, which confirms the adequacy of the developed model.
Application of the developed simulation model while the electromechanical steering development allows saving time and overall cost of product by identifying problems and possible errors at the very beginning of the project, as well as reducing the development effort. | ||||||||
Lyapin A. A. Computational grid compacting for testing computing and control program modules of flight mission built on the input data priority basis. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 111 The article suggests the mesh-building technique algorithm improving for program modules testing as a part of the software for the flight mission computing and monitoring based on the input data priorities building.
The software support for the flight mission computing and monitoring (hereinafter referred to as SSFMCM) consists of a set of interconnected elements (program modules) [1]. A program module (further PM) is a functionally completed software implementation of a SSFMCM partial task (algorithm). Development and testing of the above said program modules may be realized by the special program tool (BTTesting) application [2-7]. Testing methodology (automated investigation testing [8-15], and calculations automation in aerospace engineering [16]) embedded in BTTesting implies a computational grid formation based on the input data priorities building of the PM being tested.
A testing methodology implemented in BTTesting (automated explorary testing [8-15], automation of analyses in aerospace industry [16]) means the generation of a computational grid on the basis of the attachment of priorities of input data of a PM under test.
The input data priorities building technique and computational grid generation algorithm were presented in [3]. The above appointed algorithm allows increase the number of testing steps for the input parameters with higher priority (the higher the perturbation of the resulting data, the higher its priority). However, the resulting data perturbations depending on the input parameter region variation is unevenly distributed. Knowledge of the above-appointed dependence will allow generation of the computational testing grid with uneven (discrete) step and, thus, increase the number of nodes in the regions with maximum deflection of the resulting data.
The article presents the algorithm for building the above mentioned dependence and discrete computational grid based on the assumption that the highlighted domains (with higher variations of the resulting data) contain maximum number of faults (incorrect decisions).
The developed algorithm allows compressing the testing grid within the input data areas variations leading to maximum deflection of the results, which allows obtaining the greater number of incorrect solutions per the same time unit, and, thus, employ the time resources allocated for testing more effectively. | ||||||||
Tugolukov V. A. Methodological Aspects of Aircraft Carrier Shipboard Aviation Systems External Design. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 111 The solution searching area formation by the parameters of shipboard aviation systems of the aircraft carrier, and system of preferences and principle of optimality formalization is rather complex optimization problem. Such system of preferences, which the Customer was being governed by, was being completely revealed in the process of analysis and sorting of concretely claimed alternatives of requirements. By formal instructions employing, it was possible to achieve only approaching to those optimality principles, the Customer operated while the system appraisal and decision-making.
In the methodological aspect, the analysis of the shipboard aviation systems is being set by the categorical algorithm of the system research by the “effectiveness–costs–time” common criterion, unfolded in the organizing-system aspect while the aircraft carrier operational functioning as a complex organizing-technical system within the limits of its lifecycle. The basic methodological aspects of the shipboard aviation system of the aircraft carrier external design, invariant to all stages of system optimization are activities focusing, organizational flexibility, multi-functionality, and operational functioning intensity commensuration to the aircraft carrier, i.e. target function.
The requirements for the quality indicators of shipboard aviation systems should be formed in the tactical and technical task to exclude the possibility of their ambiguous interpretation and subjective assessment of the quality of the systems.
The optimization process should be aimed at creating (developing) more efficient and less expensive shipboard aviation systems, and improving functioning quality of the existing systems, avoiding the exhaustive search and evaluation of possible options for shipboard aviation systems and the Aircraft Carrier design.
It is the system-dialectic and organizational-system aspects of external design that represent the basis of the criterion unity (“cohesion”) of optimization, evaluation and adoption of optimal design decisions during the creation, testing and operation of an Aircraft Carrier.
In logical terms, this approach to optimization problems solving summarizes organizational and system optimization regularities, the gist of optimization criteria, and reflects the requests of the design, management and organizational practice of the creation and trials of an Aircraft Carrier. | ||||||||
Kudravtsev A. S., Savchenko N. A., Saveliev I. I. Studying Nonreciprocal Device Based on Permanent Magnet for Zeeman Laser Gyroscope. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 111 For the first time, the dependence of the frequency non-reciprocity occurring in Zeeman laser gyroscope when the magnetic field of a permanent ring magnet is applied to its active medium was studied with account for the dispersion function nonlinearity of the active medium and non-uniform distribution of the magnetic field along the active medium.
The magnetic field non-uniformity always presents in the non-reciprocal device of Zeeman laser gyroscopes due to the peculiarities of the field distribution of the permanent ring magnet and the monoblock laser design.
The presented work demonstrates the presence of maximum in the dependence of the refractive index on the strength of the magnetic field applied to the medium.
The longitudinal magnetic field non-uniformity of the ring permanent magnet leads to a significant decrease in the amplitude of the frequency bias in the Zeeman laser gyroscope.
The presented work allowed experimentally determine the longitudinal magnetic field non-uniformity.
A technique for evaluation of the frequency bias maximum possible amplitude, which can be obtained in the Zeeman laser gyroscope while its implementation in non-reciprocal device of the ring permanent magnet for the longitudinal magnetic field creating was suggested. | ||||||||
Romanov A. M. Ensuring scalability and specified fault tolerance level of robots control systems. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 111 The article studies the issue of scalability and fault tolerance ensuring of robot control systems. Based on the analysis of the existing approaches in robotics, a set of techniques is proposed for ensuring the required fault tolerance level, as well as a control system scaling model based on them, which allows employing unified design principles for robots of various sizes and purposes. Creating and scaling robots according to this model allows maximal employing of all previously obtained results, and accelerating creation of the new market-ready products and their upgrade in the future. The model simplifies significantly conversion between various robotics areas including industrial, mobile, aerospace etc. In the course of the conceptual model description the author formulates further trends of research necessary for its realization. The suggested concept fully serves the Industry 4.0 ideology, when specialization of each product with preserving the fast time of its market entry rather than the possibilities of mass serial production, even customized, comes to the foreground. | ||||||||
Pogarskaia T. A. Multi-criteria optimization of fasteners placing while aircraft assembling by local exhaustive search. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 111 The article is devoted to the problem of temporary fasteners arrangement optimizing while aircraft assembly. Fastener number minimization keeping the final product assembly quality is one of the key factors of production intensification in the aerospace industry. The total labor intensity of the airframe assembly process, as well as extensive manual labor employing make the entire manufacturing process of the product multi-stage and time-consuming. Production acceleration requires its intermediate stages optimization.
The article presents three different settings of temporary fasteners arrangement optimization problems, which are studied further at optimization of a certain initial arrangement for the airframe assembly model. A gradientless technique based on local exhaustive search is considered as an optimization technique. Several specifics of the problem under consideration contributed to this technique selection. Firstly, the optimization problem being considered is combinatorial and relates to the NP class. Correspondingly, it is not possible to calculate derivatives, and global optimum can be found by the exhaustive search technique. The local exhaustive search, in its turn, does not require derivatives calculation of the target function. It is based on the idea of the exhaustive search of solutions in the diminished area and consists of independent iterations, as well as allows make modifications into optimization criteria and modify the target function.
Setting of the optimization problems, and the technique, described in the article, are being tested on airframe assembling model. Various multi-criteria optimization problems are being considered and tested, which application is aimed at avoiding the impact of the parameters, being set by the general problem setting, on the result. The article demonstrates that even two different target functions combination ensures more qualitative and stable results. | ||||||||
Protsenko P. A., Skripnikov A. N. . Trudy MAI, 2020, no 111 One of the tasks that should be solved while the near-moon space development is the task of navigation and ballistic support, which includes the initial conditions clarifying for measuring satellites current navigation parameters.
The rational technology for current navigation parameters measuring seems to be sequential conducting of four to five sessions by one to four means, located evenly on the visible part of one turn of the spacecraft orbiting the Moon. As the result of the conducted current navigation parameters measuring, the achievable accuracy of the initial conditions of the lunar spacecraft is being estimated by measuring current navigation parameters by the selected technology.
In accordance with the technology for performing current navigation parameters measuring, a methodology for accuracy assessing of obtaining initial conditions of the spacecraft position by current navigation parameters measurements has been developed. The methodology is based on obtaining range and radial velocity measurements at the specified intervals of current navigation parameters measuring, and their processing by the least squares method to obtain estimates of the initial conditions of the spacecraft motion. To obtain errors sampling of the spacecraft position while current navigation parameters measurements processing Monte-Carlo method is used, which essence is reduced to multiple modelling of the measured information obtaining process with required mean square deviation values by range and radial velocity measurements at normal distribution law.
Based on the presented methodological approach, a modeling complex was developed that allows evaluate the achievable accuracy of the lunar spacecraft position computing for modern radio means.
The conducted study serves as a guide for predicting the accuracy characteristics of the initial conditions determining for the spacecraft motion in the Moon orbit. Measuring of the current navigation parameters of a spacecraft in the Moon orbit with radio-electronic means from the Earth surface allows estimating the spacecraft location with errors of the order of tens of meters in coordinates and tens of centimeters per second in speed. It is worth noting that the obtained errors of the spacecraft position do not include the errors associated with discrepancies of the mathematical model of motion, used in the least squares method, with the actual aircraft flight process around the Moon. | ||||||||
Bykova T. V., Evdokimova E. V., Mogilevich L. I., Popov V. S. Longitudinal Waves Modelling in a Shell with Physically Quadratic Nonlinearity Filled with Liquid and Enveloped by Elastic MediumLongitudinal Waves Modelling in a Shell with Physically Quadratic Nonlinearity Filled with Liquid and Enveloped by Elastic Medium. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 111 A perturbation technique for deformation waves simulation based on considering the coupled problem of hydroelasticity in elastic cylinder shell with quadratic physical non-linearity is developing in the presented article. The shell is encompassed by the elastic medium and filled with viscous uncompressing liquid, which inertia of movement is accounted fort while considering its dynamics. The article demonstrates that the presence of encompassing medium leads to integral-differential equation, generalizing Korteweg-de Vries equation, possessing solution in the form of a solitary wave, called solitron. It does not hold an arbitrary constant wave number, in contrast to the Korteweg-de Vries equation solution. The uncompressing liquid behavior inside the shell are being described by the Navier- Stokes equations and continuity equation. They are being solved together with boundary conditions of adhesion to the shell wall. Solution is being presented by direct expansion of the sought functions by the small parameter of the hydroelesticity problem and reduced to liquid dynamics in the framework of the hydrodynamic lubrication theory. As the result, tensions from the liquid side, acting on the shell in longitudinal direction and normally, are being determined. The presence of liquid in the shell adds into the longitudinal waves equation a term, which does not allow finding the exact solution. Thus, numerical study is being realized using up-to-date approach, based on universal algorithm of commutative algebra. As the result of Gröbner differential basis construction, difference schemes of Crank-Nicolson type, obtained using basic integral difference relations, approximating the initial system of equations were generated. Numerical experiment revealed that liquid movement inertia reduced the wave velocity, and liquid viscous friction decreases the wave amplitude. | ||||||||
Zvonarev V. V., Pimenov V. F., Popov A. S. Modelling mutually correlated interferences impact on the signal selection quality in antenna array optimal by mean-square deviation minimum . Trudy MAI, 2020, no 111 The purpose of the article consists in identifying new qualitative properties based on a computational experiment in Matlab software and clarifying quantitative characteristics of adaptive antenna array (AAA) with the optimality criterion of minimum mean-square deviation in the presence of mutual correlation interference and changing settings of signal-to-noise conditions.
The article considers the properties of the optimal spatial AAA filter as the object of research.
The subject of this article is a quasi-narrowband signal and two interferences at the coinciding frequencies of carrier vibrations acting from different directions.
The relevance of this work is determined by the need to account for the impact of several mutually correlated interferences on the AAA characteristics. Mutual correlation of the two interferences leads to a change in the type of covariance matrix of the received signals and interference at the outputs of the AAA elements. Additional interference component, called correlation interference, occurs at the input and output of the spatial filter unit.
The article presents the results of computational experiment on the study of characteristics of optimal space selectionof a signal and two mutually correlated interferences in the linear equally spaced array, optimal by criterion of minimum of mean square deviation of a signal from reference. New properties of the optimal spatial filter are revealed.
Practical significance of the article lies in the fact that the developed technique allows determine:
– parameters of the signal-noise environment, leading to unacceptable the efficiency decrease of the spatial filter;
– the nature of the signal-to-noise plus interference ratio changing at the output of the optimized antenna array at different correlation coefficient values. | ||||||||
Aminova F. E. Studying guidance and stabilization algorithms effectiveness of “Start-1” space-rocket complex control system. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 111 The presented study deals with optimization of the testing process of management information system algorithms of complex objects on the example of guidance and stabilization algorithms of the management information system of the «Start» family light carrier rocket onboard complex.
The study practicality consists in application of the approaches for improving the testing processes for guidance algorithms of the space-rocket complex based on international standards not previously employed in the aerospace industry.
The purpose of the study is obtaining the expected end result of the study, assuming the stated contradiction solution by developing a testing model and recommendations for the test tests conducting.
The methodological basis of the study is the theory of systems, system and process analysis.
The following research techniques were employed while this work preparing:
– general scientific techniques such as analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, analogy, ascent from abstract to concrete and vice versa;
– special techniques such as logical, comparative, and process analysis;
– modelling as well as experimental tecnhiques;
The following software was used as toolbox: BPwin, Erwin Process Modeler (CASE-tools for modeling processes based on the IDEF0 process description standards (functional model)), PTC Mathcad 15 (computer algebra system of a computer-aided design systems class), MATLAB (application software package for technical computing and modelling problems solving)
The study relevance and novelty lies in the fact that international testing standards that not previously implemented in the aerospace industry are being applied for the first time. To this end, analysis of international and Russian standards on software testing and the experimental development of a testing model based on guidance and stabilization algorithms were performed. The results of the study allowed conclude that recommendations on testing are relevant and confirms their practical significance. | ||||||||
Kochetov V. I., Lazarev S. I., Sokolov M. V., Lomakina O. V., Shestakov K. V. Design procedure of geometrical parameters and strength characteristics of roll equipment. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 110 The article regards the issues of industries, such as aviation and automotive, where products in the form of thin-walled profiles of various cross-sections find more and more application. Basic equipment for obtaining rolled materials, determining the line capacity and the of the products quality, are rolling machines, called calenders, employed in tires, tubes, airbags and hoses manufacturing, operating under high excess pressure. Working organs of these machines represent rolls, rotating towards each other with equal or different circumferential speeds, which axes are located in horizontal plane. The process of materials irregularities transportation is accompanied by dynamic loads, affecting negatively the working organs reliability and products quality. In view of complex kinematics of agitated masses in the effective volume of the two-shafted machines, the existing theoretical methods of the process analysis are limited by the indirect mixing estimation by energy consumption on material deformation in the gap between the rotor and the body wall.
Thus, the purpose of the article consists in developing design procedure of geometrical size and strength characteristics of roll equipment, capable of withstanding the calculated power loads. The design procedure allows minimizing the strength losses arising as the result of fatigue cracks or damages occurrence while the roll equipment operation. Design parameters obtained by this technique allow predicting selection of materials with low rate of fatigue cracks development with determining parts size and application of elements of reliability.
The technique, developed in the presented work, allows obtaining optimal geometric size of the calender roll based on the optimization method application employing a dimensionless complex criterion. The developed technique gives reliable size of the calender roll obtained employing dimensionless complex criterion and methods of target functional optimization without restrictions using penalty functions. The article presents the example of optimal geometrical size selection of roll for the three-roll calendar with penalty functions technique and brute force method, confirming correctness of the approach to the set problem solution. | ||||||||
Dobryshkin A. Y. Oscillations of a rod carrying a small attached mass. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 110 In this paper, the oscillation of a rod carrying a small attached mass in a nonlinear setting is considered. The basis for the development of a new mathematical model is the general equation of oscillations. The mounting location and the influence of the small attached mass on the frequency characteristics of the natural frequency are taken into account. The first and second eigenfrequency characteristics of the oscillations of the rod carrying the attached mass are determined. It is also determined that the presence of a small attached mass is a factor that triggers the interaction of internal forms of vibration, which can lead the structure to a state of resonance. The obtained values of the wave-forming parameter above zero refer to the solid, and below zero to the weak parameter of the damping force. The presence of several components of the internal oscillatory process is a feature of the system in which the splitting of the frequency spectrum is possible. The small attached mass is one of the inclusions that deviate from the ideal mechanism of harmonic vibrations. The solution of an infinite system of nonlinear algebraic equations uses a new asymptotic approach based on the introduction of an artificial small parameter μ. The case when the system is close to the state of internal resonance is considered. As a result of the study, it was found that the mathematical model specified in the course of the study is better than the existing ones and is consistent with the available data.
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Korovaytseva E. A. Systematizing one-dimensional boundary problems of deformed solid mechanics. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 110 The presented work highlights four ways of problems description of deformed solid mechanics (DSM) existing at present, namely scalar, operator, tensor and vector-matrix. Features of each technique were analyzed from the viewpoint algorithm developing and subsequent programming. The article demonstrates that vector-matrix formalization ensures the most general problem setting, and allows developing most universal and effective solution algorithms. For performing one-dimensional DSM boundary problems systematization the author selected problems solving approach associated with the necessity of employing systems of differential equations.
Sufficiency of considering only one-dimensional problems is stipulated by the fact that multidimensional problems solution algorithms building creates no essential methodical problems compared with the case of one-dimensional problems. Independent of the type, structure, geometry, material, loading or fixing of the structures under study, a unified vector-matrix form is used for the given problem description. The engaged differential equations can be of two types, namely linear and nonlinear ones without any restrictions concerning the range of nonlinearities under study. Three forms are being considered in each type of boundary problem. They are:
As a result, all six forms of boundary problems are assumed canonical. Characteristic feature of the introduced forms canonization is highlighting of the resolving vector of desired variables, being differentiated with respect to a coordinate, as well as vector function of initial values of the problem parameters.
Six more forms of boundary problems with additional algebraic relations were built as well, which are the most widely used when solving applied problems of structures deformation mechanics. These forms can be reduced to linear canonical ones by identity transformations (for linear problems), or to quasi-linear canonical forms when building solution algorithm based on the parameter differentiation method (for nonlinear problems).
Thus the suggested systematization of one-dimensional boundary problems of solids mechanics, based on vector-matrix formalization of the resolving relations, allows reducing the number of problems requiring solution and the number of methods and algorithms of their solution developed, at the same time rising generality of these algorithms.
The irreducible spectrum of one-dimensional problems of mechanics of solids solution algorithms is associated with the six canonical forms introduced in the presented work. When programming algorithms of all the considered boundary problems types solution, only three programs for linear problems solution are basic, corresponding to the first three canonical forms. | ||||||||
Phone H. K., Sysoev E. O., Kuznetsov E. A., Sysoev O. E. Prediction of long-term strength of shaped parts of hydro-gas systems by acoustic emission parameters. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 110 High-pressure pipelines for hydro-gas systems are widely employed in aviation industry and machine building. Shaped parts of high-pressure pipelines are being manufactured by pressure shaping of structural materials, made of high-strength stainless steels, aluminum and titanium alloys.
Parts shaping leads to various defects occurrence in the structural material, which significantly affects the long-term strength of the products.
Strength calculations under the simultaneous action of internal pressure, tension, and torsion forces on pipelines mainly account for mechanical characteristics of materials, obtained under simple loads, but individual defects obtained while manufacturing the parts of hydro-gas systems are not regarded. Thus, the need in conducting studies and developing techniques that accounting not only for the materials mechanical characteristics under complex stress conditions, but also the evolutionary processes occurring in the material microstructure on the micro level while these structures manufacturing arises.
To account for the micro-processes dynamics and changes in the microstructure of structural materials while the parts manufacturing by pressure processing, the authors proposed to employ the method of acoustic emission (AE).
Acoustic emission occurs in a material under mechanical stress from the release of energy as the result of micro- and macroscopic phenomena caused by local dynamic rearrangement of the internal structure of the material. As the loading force is applied to the structural material, there are displacements of atoms and compaction of material discontinuities at the initial stage. Then the number, condensation and chaos of primary dislocations are increased, leading to dislocation loops and helical dislocations are formed.
As these transformations commencement the emissions of AE signals of corresponding frequency and amplitude occur, which have an individual fractal dimension in accordance with the stage of the microstructure evolution.
Thus, any change in the structure of the material in a complex stress state, as well as the appearance and healing of defects is accompanied by AE radiation. It means that the quantity and energy of AE signals can determine the stage of degradation of the structural material structure.
The article deals with the technique for strength prediction of the shaped parts of pipelines of Hydro-gas systems by the of AE parameters. When the structural material is deformed during the manufacturing process, along with various trajectories in two-dimensional deformation space under a plane stress-strain state, when damage accumulates in the work piece, that affects its strength and durability. Strength determining of the shaped parts of hydro-gas systems depends on mechanical characteristics of structural materials, methods of deformation and becomes a difficult task, since the defects accumulated by each part are individual. The article demonstrates the process of microstructure changing of aluminum alloys in the process of deformation. The durability prediction of parts fabricated by the process of metal forming was studied. A stable dependence for determining the time to failure for D16 alloy by the AE parameters with a fractal dimension of the of acoustic signals 1 ≤ D2attr ≤ 6 from the effect of internal pressure stresses in the manufacture of parts by process of metal forming was obtained.
The technique proposed in the article allows not only pridicting the long-term strength of shaped parts of pipes of hydro-gas system but also determining the time to failure for these parts by the AE parameters with a fractal dimension of the attractor of acoustic signals 1 ≤ D2attr ≤ 6. | ||||||||
Golovan V. I., Dudarkov Y. I., Levchenko E. A., Limonin M. V. Load bearing capacity of composite panels with in-service damages. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 110 The article presents the results of numerical and experimental studies of residual strength of composite panels with in-service damages. The issues of damage size impact on buckling and strength properties of panels, as well as on their modes of failure while the critical state achieving, were under study. Structural panels of wing and empennage of the airframe structure of a long-distance aircraft were considered in conditions of uniaxial compression. The article presents experimental data obtained while compressing tests of panels with normalized impact damages, and gives its comparison with computational results. Virtual modelling of experiments was performed based on finite element method including the geometrically non-linear problem setting, realized in NSC Nastran and Marc software complexes. A technique for numerical studies performing and methods for damaged area modelling are described. It is demonstrated that modern numerical methods allow predict the load-bearing capacity of structural composite materials in both initial state and in the presence of defects in them. The difference in reaction of highly-loaded wing panels and medium-loaded empennage on in-service damages was established by the parametric studies results. Destruction mode associated with the process progressive growth of the damage zone is characteristic for the panels of the first type. The load bearing capacity for the panels of the second type is determined in a greater degree by the total or local buckling. It was shown also that the damage effect on the residual strength of the composite panels depended on the energy of the impact to which all structures might be subjected while their operation, as well as on the place of the damage location. The technique for computing-parametric studies performing proposed in the article can be employed for preliminary estimation of normalized in-service damages impact on the load bearing capacity of panels from CFRP, and required level of allowable stresses to meet the strength safety requirements of composite structures. The obtained results can be useful at the draft design stages to formulate appropriate destruction criteria. | ||||||||
Bykova T. V., Mogilevich L. I., Popov V. S., Popova A. A., Chernenko A. V. Radial and Flexural Vibrations of the Round Three-Layered Plate Interacting with Pulsating Layer of a Viscous Liquid. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 110 The presented work formulated and solved the problem of forced radial and flexural hydro-elastic vibrations of the round three-layer plate. The study of a plate with light incompressible filler under the action of normal and shear stresses from the side of the pulsating layer of the viscous incompressible liquid was performed. The axisymmetric problem, in which the plate was regarded as the lower wall of the narrow channel, filled with a viscous fluid, was studied. The fluid movement in the channel was considered as a creeping one. Equations of the three-layer plate dynamics were obtained based on the zigzag normal hypothesis and the D’Alembert principle. The developed mathematical model consists of dynamic equations of a viscous incompressible fluid layer and dynamic equations of the round three-layered plate. The following boundary conditions were selected:
– liquid sticking conditions to the channel walls;
– the liquid free-flow conditions at the channel end;
– the plate rigid fixing conditions;
– and conditions of limited liquid pressure and the deflection plate at the symmetry axis.
The hydrodynamic parameters distribution of the fluid layer as the plate deflection functions was found, and resolving equations for determining the plate elastic displacements were obtained. The amplitude-frequency responses of the radial and flexural plate displacements corresponding to the main mode for the steady-state harmonic oscillations were plotted. The numerical study of the radial and flexural oscillations amplitudes on the main mode, which demonstrated the mutual effect of the inertia and stiffness forces of the three-layered plate in the radial and normal directions, was performed. The performed computation revealed a significant impact of inertia forces in the normal direction on the amplitude-frequency response of the plate radial displacements. On the other hand, the computations showed a slight effect of inertial forces in the radial direction on the amplitude-frequency response of the plate deflections. | ||||||||
Sapozhnikov V. B., Koroljkov A. V., Konstantinov S. B., Alexandrov L. G. Experimental estimation of unusable fuel of upper stages at the flight final phases. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 110 The article deals with the physical modelling of the spacecraft upper stages’ tanks emptying from the fuel components in condition of acceleration of various values impact on the liquid. The Froude number was selected as modelling criterion. The research experiments are conducted on the transparent physical model of the tank, being filled with various quantity of the model liquid, which flows out from the model with various consumption values while the research container with the model drop in the “weightlessness shaft” (or “drop tower”).
The tests determine the Froude number impact on the unusable liquid remnants in the model, caused by the “dynamic drop” of the “liquid-gas” interface surface into the drain port of the tank while its depletion (“funnel forming”). Approximation formula of the dependence of the unused remnant volume on the Froude number while tank depletion was obtained. It was demonstrated by the results of the experiment that the obtained dependence describes rather accurately the process under study up the Froude number of Fr ≤ 104. Within the range of Froude numbers values of Fr > 104, surface tension forces start to affect the result, and besides the Froude number, the Bond number should be accounted for while physical modelling. | ||||||||
Berezko M. E., Nikitchenko Y. A. Comparison of combined kinetic-hydrodynamic models of different orders on the example of the Couette flow. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 110 Boundary conditions formulating on a solid surface for moment equations systems represents significant complexities.
A strict formulation of such boundary conditions was obtained only for the Navier-Stokes-Fourier model (NSF) being an incomplete system of second-order moment equations. Under high non-equilibrium conditions, the NSF model with its corresponding boundary conditions significantly overestimates the coefficient of friction on the streamlined surface. Previously, the authors proposed a combined flow model supplementing the NSF model in the near-wall region with a kinetic equation with appropriate boundary conditions. This combination of hydrodynamic and kinetic models allowed significantly improving the solution in the near-wall region.
The presented article proposes a combined physical and mathematical flow model, employing model kinetic equation for polyatomic gases within the Knudsen layer, and the third-order system of moment equations (M3) within the rest of the computational domain. In the region of models concatenation approximating distribution function, representing a decomposition of the Maxwell equilibrium distribution function by the thermal velocity degrees, is being restored. Parameters of decomposition (non-equilibrium stresses and third-order moments) are determined in the M3 model approximation.
The example of the test problem solving for Couette flow demonstrates that this option of the combined model yields smooth solutions in the field of models’ concatination and allows a satisfactory accuracy of the flow field description in a wide range of Knudsen and Mach numbers. Both options of the combined model were compared. Analysis of the results revealed M3 hydrodynamic component employing in the combined model allowed enhancing the acceptable range of Knudsen numbers approximately by an order, while the Mach numbers could be increased up to hypersonic values. | ||||||||
Vuong V. T., Gorelov S. L., Rusakov S. V. Effects of non-monotony of aerodynamic characteristics of a plate in hypersonic rarefied gas flow. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 110 The study of rarefied gas flows allows revealing a number of effects that are not observed in the continuous flows. Despite the fact that the studies in this field are being conducted for more than 50 years, some properties of such flows are far from being well studied. For example, effects of non-monotony of aerodynamic characteristics for a plate in the hypersonic rarefied gas flow by Reynolds numbers have been previously studied in the works [1, 2]. However, behavior of these characteristics depending on different angels of attack has not been studied up to now. Thorough studies of these effects by the direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMС) technique depending on the key parameters such as Reynolds numbers, angle of attack, temperature factors and temperatures ratio of the plate surfaces were conducted in the presented work. It was revealed that with equal temperatures of the plate sides, the friction coefficients remained non-monotonous up to the angle of attack of 10 degrees, and up to 30 degrees by the pressure coefficient. Based on the obtained calculations, approximate analytical dependences of the coefficients of friction, pressure and lifting force on the angles of attack and temperature factors in a wide range of Reynolds numbers are proposed. These dependencies were applied for aerodynamic characteristics determining for arbitrary shape bodies in the framework of the local interaction hypothesis, and performed comparison demonstrated good conformance with the other authors’ data and experiment. At small angles of attack and different temperatures of the plate sides the lift coefficient changes its sign depending on the Reynolds numbers, and there are values of the angle of attack an temperatures ratio on the plates surfaces, at which the lift coefficient equals to zero. | ||||||||
Doan Q. H., Firsanov V. V. Edge stress state of variable thickness rectangular plate based on refined theory. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 110 Recently, a growing interest in developing refined theories of plates and shells is observed. This interest is aroused by the necessity of studying stressed-deformed state (SDS) while developing elements of modern structures, including aerospace engineering products. The article considers the edge stress state of isotropic rectangular plate of variable thickness under action of local load based on the refined theory. A mathematical model of additional stress state of “boundary layer” type, occurring near the clamped edge of the plate was developed. Three-dimensional equations of elasticity theory are applied while this mathematical model development. The displacements are approximated by the polynomials by the coordinate normal to the median plane two powers higher relative to the classical theory of Kirchhoff-Love type.
A system of basic equations of the refined theory and corresponding boundary conditions were obtained by the variation Lagrange principle. The solution of the formulated boundary value problem is accomplished the trigonometric Fourier series methods, finite differences, and matrix sweeps. One of distinguishing features of the proposed refined theory consists in the fact that direct integration of the equilibrium equations of the three-dimensional elasticity theory is employed while transversal and normal tangential stresses determining.
A refined mathematical SDS model of the rectangular plate with variable thickness, symmetric relative to the median plane in the longitudinal direction, was developed in this work. The article presents a comparison of the results obtained by the refined theory with the classical theory data. This technique allows consider not only the thin plates but also the plates of medium thickness. It was established that this refined theory should be used when studying the stress state in the zones of its distortion (joints, local loading zones, etc.). Additional, in relation to the classical theory, transverse normal stresses, are appeared to be of the same order with maximum values of the main bending stress. This result is important as it allows obtain more reliable evaluation of the strength and crack resistance of aircraft structural elements, as well as other machine building objects at the design stages. | ||||||||
Pushchin R. V., Pykhalov A. A. Stress analysis of the locking part of aircraft engine rotor blades with finite-element solution of contact problem of elasticity theory. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 110 The article regards the stress-strain state (SSS) analysis of the compressor rotor blades attachment of aviation gas turbine engines (GTE). The study is based on the finite element method (FEM) and the contact problem solution of the elasticity theory. As an example, the rotor blades structure with its attachment in the disk with a trapezoidal lock (Dovetail type) under the impact of a centrifugal load is considered. Parts designs are modeled by finite elements of the volumetric stress-strain state. The contact mating between the lock and the disk is modeled employing a special contact finite element. The results presented in this work demonstrate a complex picture of changes in mating conditions on the lock working surfaces. The results of calculations are shown in comparison with the results of traditional calculations. The difference manifests itself in the form of refining the value of places of stress concentration under the impact of various structural and technological factors of the blade attachment with a trapezoidal lock Thus, the calculation approach presented in the article allows detect the regularities of specifics of the impact of blade attachment elements on the product efficiency.
The purpose of the study consists in analyzing the features of three-dimensional parts models of the lock joint and changes in the conditions of their mating in operation. The proposed article presents the possibilities of the finite element method implementation (FEM) based on the solution of the contact problem of the elasticity theory.
The authors concluded that the static model was a preparatory stage for developing a new dynamic model of an aircraft engine. | ||||||||
Shipko V. V. Noise-resistant complexing of multi-and hyperspectral images in optoelectronic information support systems for modern and prospective helicopters. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 110 Currently, multi-channel Earth surface monitoring systems both air- and space based are being intensively developed. Helicopter information support systems (pilot survey, search survey, and sighting), which include multispectral and, in the future, hyperspectral optical radiation sensors that will be integrated into a single information system, are of no exception. Application of hyperspectral photography allows increase the detection and recognition efficiency of scene objects. In turn, while hyperspectral photography, the detected radiation is being split into hundreds of components of the generated hyperspectral image, which leads to a significant decrease in the level of the useful signal in relation to noise. Hyperspectral images are subjected to additive uncorrelated noise, which can reach high levels. At the same time, there are quite strict requirements for high spatial resolution of such complexes.
There are many image processing techniques and technologies, and one of the most important areas of processing multi- and hyperspectral images is their complexing.
The article considers an algorithm for multispectral images complexing in conditions of additive Gaussian noise, based on the interchannel gradient reconstruction technique. The proposed algorithm allows eliminate highly dispersed values of noise amplitudes in the multispectral image spectral components while their complexing. It also allows increasing the local contrast of the resulting image, containing elements of the original images of the same scene, obtained in different spectral ranges, while preserving the contour features of objects from all the spectral components of the multispectral image and the brightness portrait of the priority spectral component. The article presents examples of complex images and results of numerical studies, confirming the effectiveness of the proposed method are presented. | ||||||||
Mehtiev R. F., Savelyev A. N., Solod A. G. Hardware and software complex of operational monitoring tools for radar side remirroring of anechoic shielded chamber. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 110 The subject of study is the operational evaluation technique of the anechoic ratio of an anechoic shielded chamber (ASC) for conditions realization of radio wave propagation in free space while studying antenna and microwave devices of radio electronic systems and complexes as a part of hardware and software complex of operational monitoring tools for radar remirroring.
ASC application allows sharply reduce or completely eliminate full-scale test, which leads to significant cost and time saving. They are employed at every stage of radio-electronic equipment developing. The main characteristics on electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) at the specified size, operating frequency range and polarization are:
– normalized Site Attenuation (NSA);
– field irregularity in the work zone (AIWZ);
– voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR);
– anechoic ratio (AR).
The above listed indicators of ASC quality characterize its «isolating» properties, as well as also the properties, guarantying unambiguity and accuracy of the performed measurements.
The required AR full-scale insuring is a complex scientific and technical task. In most practical cases AR is not ensured in the entire ASC volume, but only in its part. Difficulties of the work zone forming in the ASC space are determined by its uniqueness for each concrete study (test). On the one hand, the uniqueness depends on the ASC shape and size, the type of radar absorbing material and its placement. On the other hand, it depends upon the radiation zone determined by antennas location options, radiation sources and auxiliary tools (antenna supports and their dynamic complexes). Thus, besides attestation, including periodical one, it is necessary to be in a position to ascertain in ensuring the required minimum reflection level in the work zone of the required size.
Therefore, it is necessary to be able to quickly verify the required minimum level of reflection in the operating area of the specified size during practical measurements in spite of periodic certifications.
Employing the hardware and software complex of operational monitoring tools for radar side remirroring 2–3 times accelerated calibration process in the work zone, and allowed successfully conduct State testing of satellite signals of three types of prospective products, namely aircraft, helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles. | ||||||||
Britvin N. V., Meshavkin K. V. Queue management algorithms analysis for information interaction improvement by network encoding technique. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 110 Rapid development of mobile devices and increase in their production leads to a transport collapse in telecommunication networks. The form factor reducing of such devices sets a new trend in their production, aimed at wireless access to the global network. Due to this fact, a problem with the frequency range is already observed, which, in its turn negatively affects the information interaction [1, 2, 3].
Besides the above-described problem, the TCP/IP protocol stack, just like most standards and algorithms for transmission and generation of packets, was aimed at the wired segment, which, in turn, is free from some disadvantages of the wireless segment [4].
Most MANET devices employ the Tail drop queue management algorithm [11], in which packets are received until the queue is full and starts discarding them. If the buffer is constantly full, the network will be overloaded. Retransmission of the discarded packets requires additional resources (mobile device battery consumption and the channel throughput). In the case of multiple short TCP sessions on the network, congestion ensues, and the so-called “Global TCP synchronization” may occur. Based on points stated above, we can conclude that the Tail Drop uses the router memory irrationally.
The RED algorithm starts to discard packets when the queue starts filling up. When the queue size exceeds a certain maximum threshold, the probability of discarding a packet becomes equal to one. Thus, all incoming packets are discarded. The RED algorithm is effective enough for its selection in most queue-based devices, along with its modifications, such as WRED and CBWRED. | ||||||||
Valaitite A. A. Estimation accuracy analysis of zenith tropospheric delays obtained by precise point positioning technique. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 110 At present, the number of application domains of global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers increased. Besides the tasks requiring high precision positioning such as geodesy, navigation, autonomous control of equipment, navigation data is used to such atmospheric parameters monitoring as integral water vapor content, pressure, tropopause height. Another example of the GNSS employing receiver, beyond the tasks associated with the consumer positioning, is track delay integration, obtained from the receiver with microwave radiometer measurements with the view of high-precision estimation of the tropospheric delay wet component for altimetry products
An accurate calculation of the values of zenith tropospheric delays can be obtained by the Precise Point Positioning (PPP) technique. PPP technique is a secondary measurement processing method allowing achieve centimeter positioning accuracy with a single GNSS receiver. The values of zenith tropospheric delays (ZTD) herewith will be estimated directly in the Kalman filter with the rest unknown values such as position, clock offsetting and velocity.
Due to the growing interest in this positioning technique, associated mainly with the possibility of its application in various fields, many ready-made algorithms for its implementation exist, both as online services and as software packages.
This article presents a comparative analysis of estimates accuracy of zenith tropospheric delays obtained by navigation measurements processing from the four ground-base stations of the International IGS network with three software products, namely gLAB, CSRS-PPP and MagicGNSS.
Zenith tropospheric delays estimated by this means were compared with reference tropospheric delays in the “*.zpd” format, provided by the International GNSS service.
The presented study revealed two basic tendencies. Firstly, it was found that MagicGNSS and CSRS-PPP software products allowed obtaining ZTD estimates rather close to the IGS tropospheric product value. Secondly, the dependence between the time of year and zenith tropospheric determining delay accuracy was revealed. | ||||||||
Solomatin M. S., Mitrofanov D. V. Intelligent detector model of automated control system protection system. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 110 At present, information technologies development, the emergence of new threats to the information security of information systems, such as any automated process control systems, as well as with increasing requirements for data security, led to the need of creating or constantly upgrading the existing information protection systems
Threats to the integrity, accessibility and confidentiality of information to the stored and processed data in automated control systems (ACS) can lead to loss of prestige of the organization, financial problems, threats to state and corporate secrets protection, etc.
Traditional methods of attacks detecting do not allow achieving optimal characteristics of internal attacks detection. The analysis reveals that attack detection systems building based on artificial immune system technologies is quite promising. This technique has several advantages over other methods, ensuring:
– high speed;
– a relatively simple learning algorithm;
– low resource consumption.
As a consequence of artificial immune systems, a promising area of research in the field of information protection of automated systems is the “intelligent detector” tools development. For further software realization and implementation in automated control systems, it is necessary to describe the requirements that will be imposed on the intelligent detector, basic functions of operation, and basic elements of the intelligent detector.
By the “intelligent detector” we will mean a system, operating in real time mode, protects against unauthorized access by automatically detecting external/internal impacts or threats, and elaborates an appropriate solution to eliminate or slow them down.
The requirements for the intelligent detector system include:
1. The objectivity (reliability) of the result. Evidence that vulnerabilities do exist in the information system, and describe in detail the possible consequences of their implementation.
2. Completeness of the description of possible vulnerabilities in the system.
3. General recognition of security assessment criteria. Employing simple and clear criteria for assessing information system sequrity.
The functions of an intelligent detector system can be divided into external (identifying and suppressing attacks) and internal (identifying and eliminating vulnerabilities).
The functions of an intelligent detector system can be splitted into external (identifying and suppressing attacks) and internal (identifying and eliminating vulnerabilities).
The intelligent detector of an information system, in our opinion, should perform the following functions:
1. Perform information gathering from the system.
2. Process the received information for a further solution developing.
3. Identify the cases of security policy breach.
4. Develop appropriate system responses to violations. | ||||||||
Barkova M. E. Technogenic space debris reprocessing into fuel on low orbits. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 110 The main problem of article is spacecraft project creation for space debris utilinzation.
The purpose of the presented work consists in concept developing and designing an CSD spacecraft, which will allow space debris reprocessing into a fuel.
This work urgency consists in near-earth space clearing from space debris by its reprocessing into a fuel.
Basic shortcoming of the existing projects of technical devices is crushing of bulky space debris that leads to smaller fragments formation.
The article suggests employing the concept of pseudo-liquid fuel creation. Pseudo-liquid fuel is a fuel from the fine metallized powder in a gas media. The CSD spacecraft f purpose consists of a space debris catcher and a system for its utilization by reprocessing into a pseudo-liquid fuel.
The obtained results can be applied while CSD spacecraft design and operation.
The author concludes that space debris reprocessing into pseudo-liquid fuel is most expedient as this type of utilization of space debris is waste-free.
The author’s undoubted merit of is creation of the invention named “A spacecraft for space debris utilization”, as well as the CSD operation developing.
The prospect of further developments in this field consists in the space debris reprocessing system improving to reduce economic spending for the project, further development of the CSD shock-proof frame and its fan-shaped solar collector to avoid breakages while the space debris gathering, as well as the CSD project improving for subsequent implementation. | ||||||||
Pogarskaia T. A. Fixture elements arrangement optimization when aircraft assembly based on mesh adaptive direct search. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 110 The presented article is devoted to the problem of the arrangement optimization of fixture elements while aircraft assembly. Minimization of fixture elements number preserving the final product quality is one of the key factors of production intensification in aerospace industry. The objective of the work consists in verifying further application possibility of Mesh Adaptive Direct Search and its modification to the problem under consideration. This method is stipulated by its following specifics, such as no need for derivations computing, and the structure, which implies two independent computing blocks. The first feature is important since the optimization problem under consideration is combinatorial and relates to the NP class. Correspondingly, derivations computing is not possible, and the global minimum can be found by the full enumeration method. The second feature, namely steps independence, opens the possibility of employing any algorithm as a search step. The article considers the following approaches: black box optimization, black box optimization with spatial relaxation of forces and a technique of modified step of searching based on total information on the problem being solved.
Computations were performed on the test model of the wing attachment with fuselage. The results are compared with Local Variation Method (a greedy algorithm) to evaluate their efficiency and possibility of their further application for optimization of full-scale models. Mesh Adaptive Direct Search proved to be applicable as it allowed obtain improved relative to the initial fixture elements arrangement. Modification of the algorithm searching step based on total known information ensured the best balance between computation time and the final result quality. | ||||||||
Belyakov A. Y. Solid fuel combustion surface modelling with regard for heat-conducting elements. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 110 The presented article describes a program for a charge of solid or paste-like rocket fuel combustion surface modelling, developed in MATLAB package. Initial data for the charge combustion surface forming includes heat conductivity factors of all fuel charge elements (of the fuel itself and all thermal conductive elements it contains), the charge geometry, stored in the form of a table (finite elements mesh), and the fuel combustion law. The fuel combustion law accounts only for the charge temperature field without considering combustion products pressure in the chamber and erosion processes, since it is quite sufficient to obtain qualitative pattern of the process being considered. The charge temperature field at each time instant is formed by solving the equation of thermal conductivity in finite differences. The article presents derivation of the equation of thermal conductivity fr om the differential equation of thermal conductivity. The results of the program execution are presented in the form of a table wh ere zones of solid, gaseous and transient states of the fuel are highlighted by various colors. Qualitative comparison of the obtained results (the charge combustion surface at a given time instant after the burning commence) with the results of the experiments on the subject of interest was performed. The trend for future works in the field was proposed as well, namely, on programs creation for designing rocket engines, operating on solid- and paste-like state fuels, with thermal conductive elements included into the fuel charge. | ||||||||
Gusev P. Y., Gusev K. Y. Prediction of production plan implementation of aviation enterprise employing a fuzzy neural network. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 110 Prior to a new product production startup or changing production program of aviation enterprise, it is necessary to unambiguously determine whether there are enough production resources to fulfill the new production program. The answer to this question is possible only in the case the presence of sufficient amount of reliable information on the production work.
In cases where information is insufficient, the authors propose to use simulation model as an information source. The article considers a simulation model of a workshop for parts production fr om polymer composite materials. The developed model was verified by the key points of production. In the simulation model, a series of experiments was carried out where production plan was the variable parameter, and the fact of the monthly production plan fulfillment was the criterion.
Based on the experiments, a data set was generated. This data set was analyzed, and certain conclusions were drawn on the production work.
To automate the predicting process, a fuzzy system model with an external knowledge base is employed, wh ere the Gauss function is used as a form for representing fuzzy sets. The first stage of this model functioning is a knowledge base compilation from the training sample in the form of “input vector”-“predicted value” pairs. The data in the knowledge base is stored in the form of membership functions for the corresponding Gaussian curves rather than in absolute values. At the second stage, using the generated knowledge base, a forecast is performed by calculating the degree of belonging of the existing situation and the reference.
The fuzzy-neural network functioning with fuzzy sets is required to perform mathematical operations performed by the following blocks: a block for bringing state variables to fuzzy sets, a block for generating a solution, a block for mapping output fuzzy sets to the forecast value.
Based on the above-described algorithm, a software module for the production plan analysis and its fulfillment forecasting was realized. The developed module allows employing various data entry formats, as well as conducting experiments.
A test sample was analyzed, from which a knowledge base was being formed, and control checks on the test sample were carried out. The results of check test gave 93% of forecast matches in the test sample. | ||||||||
Blinkova O. V., Kondratov D. V. Interaction Dynamics Problem of a Layer, Being Squeezed, of Viscous Compressible Gas with Elastic Plate. Trudy MAI, 2020, no 110 The rapid process of technology and engineering development in the modern world leads to the necessity of developing and considering mathematical models of thin-walled elastic structural elements. The study of elastic thin-walled structures, the space between which is filled with a viscous liquid or gas, is becoming increasingly interesting. The article tackles the problem of modeling the flow of a viscous compressible gas in a slotted channel consisted of two plates. The first plate is rigid, and performs harmonic vibrations in the vertical plane (vibrator), while the second one is represents an elastic plate (stator). Mathematical model in dimensionless variables is a coupled system of partial differential equations, describing motion dynamics of a viscous compressible gas (Navier-Stokes and continuity equations) flowing between two plates and an elastic beam-strip with the corresponding boundary conditions. To solve the set problem of a viscous incompressible gas and an elastic linear plate interaction, we switched to the dimensionless variables of the problem. Small parameters of the problem, i.e. relative width of the viscous gas layer and relative deflection of the elastic stator, were selected. These small parameters of the problem allowed using the perturbation method to simplify the system of equations. The article presents a technique for solving this problem, being a combination of the direct method for solving differential equations and the Bubnov-Galerkin method. An expression for the amplitude-frequency response of the elastic stator was obtained. The study of the amplitude-frequency response of the elastic stator will determine the operating modes under which the resonant phenomena occurs, and accounts for them when developing new structures in the modern engineering and aerospace industries. The presented mathematical model can find application in gas-dynamic vibration mounts and dampers. | ||||||||
Sizov D. V., Aslanov V. S. Space debris capturing technique ensuring its safe tether-assisted towing. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 109 Rockets upper stages are one of the most dangerous type of space debris, not so much herewith due to their weight and size, making collision with them rather dangerous, as they might spontaneously explode due the presence of residual fuel, creating plenty of debris with unpredictable trajectories. In this regard, many ways of space debris removing, and spent rocket stages in particular, have been proposed and analyzed in recent years. One of such methods is tether-assisted towing of passive space debris (object) by an active spacecraft (tug) to the upper atmosphere. The article considers the process of removal, consisting of three stages: harpoon capturing of the object, tether unwinding, and towing. Towing will be safe if both the tether and the object are oscillating around their equilibrium states. In this regard, the authors propose a capture technique, which employs the impact impulse from the harpoon to reduce the initial angular velocity of the object so that it will move to the position required for safe towing while the tether unwinding. Dependencies allowing determine the required position of the harpoon point of impact, and the object orientation at the moment of capture are presented. A tug thrust control law while tether unwinding, ensuring the tug reaching the specified point with the specified speed, is proposed as well. As an example of the proposed approach application, numerical modelling of the Ariane 4 rocket upper stage removal is presented. The numerical modelling results revealed that with the specified tug thrust, the tug’s reaching the specified position with subsequent towing was possible in the wide range of the tug masses. The results of the presented work can be employed for planning future missions on space debris removal from low near-Earth orbits. | ||||||||
Nizametdinov F. R., Sorokin F. D., Ivannikov V. V. Developing a shell finite element for large displacements of aircraft structural elements modelling. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 109 Structural elements in mechanical engineering, including structural aircraft elements, are often described by a model, for which large generalized displacements at small deformations are characteristic. Thus, the parts, such as aircraft skins sections or aircraft engine housings, while considering evolution; thin-walled rotors etc. can be referred to these elements [1, 2].
Application of a moving coordinate system associated with an aircraft leads to the necessity of introducing extra inertial loads (gyroscopic, Coriolis, et-cetera) while an aircraft evolution considering. In case of deformable systems, such as aircraft hull and wings, it leads serious complications in mathematical description of a finite element. However, if immovable coordinate system, associated with the Earth, is employed, then the necessity for the extra loads does not arise, since the movement is not decomposed into translational and relative components, though large rotations, which an aircraft performs while moving relative to the Earth, should be herewith accounted for.
The purpose of the article consists in developing such a finite element, in which displacements and rotations are large, while deformations and, hence, relative changes of the element size are small.
Many works were devoted, and a whole number of techniques were developed to solve the problem of describing large displacements of structural elements to determine displacements and power factors in them. A rather complete review of these works and techniques is presented in [3, 4]. Particularly, works [3, 4] mentioned the corotational approach with the Euler vector application for finite rotations description, which was employed in this paper. This approach is rather new. Thus, it has not yet reached the same level of popularity as the Lagrange approaches both general and modified [6, 7].
Despite its novelty, the approach is based on the old idea of separating displacement as rigid whole and purely deformational motions. Each approach has its drawbacks. Lagrange approaches have one common disadvantage, which consists in the fact that each element must be recoded from scratch for geometrically nonlinear analysis [8]. The main drawback of the corotation approach is the problem of tracking the shadow position, and selecting the point with which this position is associated. However, there are studies demonstrating that the best choice is binding to the element center of mass [9].
Due to the growing interest in such an approach, many studies devoted to the development of ordinary [10, 11] and specialized [12-15] finite elements using this method appeared in recent years. The main differences of the approaches proposed in this paper are the possibility of obtaining fully analytical relations for the stiffness matrix and the vector of elastic forces; the ability to describe unlimited large rotations, and the absence of the need to additional degrees of freedom introducing.
The Euler vector used in this work is the most common and natural way to describe finite rotations [16-19], though, the Euler vector has a disadvantage, consisting in the presence of a limit value of the rotation angle (2π). With this rotation angle value, the tensors linking small physical rotations with derivatives of kinematic parameters appear degenerate. To overcome the problem, the presented work employs modification based on Euler vector correction while approaching the limiting value. The modification is described in detail in [3] and is not linked to both the base element or to the number of nodes.
The article presents an algorithm for deriving the tangent stiffness matrix and the vector of elastic forces for a geometrically nonlinear shell finite element on the example of a four-node finite element. However, the algorithms are of rather general character and can be applied to almost any basic element (not necessarily a shell) without significant changes.
Based on the test problems solution results, an inference can be drawn on the derived relationships correctness, rather good accuracy of the developed element, which allows its successful application for computing structural elements of machines, subjected to large generalized displacements at small deformations. Besides, the authors can claim that the developed element possess high performance compared to the analogs due to the transparent closed analytical expressions for tangent stiffness matrices and the nodal force vector. | ||||||||
Voropay A. V., Grishakin V. T. Viscous friction modelling in material of a plate under its non-stationary loading with differential and integral operators. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 109 The article presents results comparison of deflections computing in a certain point of a viscoelastic plate, obtained within the framework of classical Kirchhoff thin plates theory with the results of the similar computing based on the refined theory of Timoshenko type for medium thickness plates. Transversal pulse loading of a rectangular homogeneous isotropic viscoelastic plate, hinged along its contour, is considered while computations. Accounting for internal viscous friction based on Kelvin-Voigt model for Kirchhoff plates was realized by the well-known approach, employing differential operators.
The article proposes a new approach to transient analysis in a viscoelastic continuum caused by non-stationary force disturbances, based on integral transformations and the Efros theorem. This approach employs a smoothing linear integral operator and can be applied to any solutions, obtained in the framework of elasticity theory, which can be represented in the form of Duhamel’s integrals. The possibility of relatively fast recalculation of the plate deflections and deformations with account for the internal friction for various values dissipation and vibration coefficients is not excluded herewith.
The presented graphs allow making a conclusion that integral and differential operators application to account for energy dissipation while viscoelastic plates deforming (moreover, with various hypotheses of deformation by Kirchhoff and Timoshenko) gives close results. That is, the solutions, obtained by the two independent methods for different differential equations, practically coincide. This fact confirms the new developed approach propriety, correctness of smoothing integral operator application and veracity of performed calculations.
The indisputable advantage of the approach presented in the article, which employs smoothing linear integral operators for solving the deformed solid mechanics problems, as applied to viscoelastic continuum, consists in the fact that it does not utilize information on frequencies and shapes of free vibrations of the object under study. Thus, the suggested technique is not sensitive to the boundary conditions description errors and imperfection of the accepted hypotheses of deformation (Kirchhoff, Timoshenko, etc.). Due to the above-said property, the suggested approach can be effectively employed while data processing of full-scale experiments. | ||||||||
Dobryshkin A. Y., Sysoev O. E., Sysoev E. O. Experimental verification of mathematical model of forced oscillations of an open thin-walled shell with a small attached mass and rigidly clamped edges. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 109 The article regards the problem of numerical characteristics determining of a rectangular in-plan view open thin-walled shell, rigidly pinched along one of its sides.
A theoretical analysis of theories of oscillations of an open cylindrical shell and a curved plate was performed. The shell calculation was performed based on the Germain-Lagrange equation using asymptotic methods for solving differential equations, the Padé approximation, and the recursive perturbation theory. Approximation was performed by expansion in a series in a variable of wave-forming parameter. Analytical dependencies were obtained between the shell oscillation frequency and the wave-forming parameter of a cylindrical open shell. The performed studies were verified by the experimental studies. For these purposes, a special test facility was developed, test samples were fabricated, and a program of experimental studies was developed. Mathematical models and the shell vibrations studies refinement is necessary to reduce the onset of resonance effects and prevent accidents. The numerical data determined with the Padé approximation is very accurate, and describes perfectly frequency characteristics of the oscillatory process at the wave-forming parameter staying within the range from zero to unity. The data obtained in the course of the experiment setting up, represents minimal discrepancies for the RTV method (recursive formulation of perturbation theory). In the range of the wave-forming parameter less than 0.5, the data obtained during the experiment setting up, are inconsistent with numerical data determined using the Padé approximation method. The refined mathematical model demonstrates significant conformity with the experimental data at ε > 0.4. Thus, the range of ε > 0.4 is excellent for the calculation applying the mathematical model obtained in this article. | ||||||||
Selim R. S. Eigen modes of Orr-Sommerfeld equation in the developed turbulent boundary layer. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 109 Spectral methods for solving mathematical physics problems have been intensively studied in the last two decades due to their good approximation properties. Estimation of complex eigenvalues of the fourth order ordinary Orr-Sommerfeld differential equation, which has attracted attention of a number of mathematicians in recent decades, is stipulated by its relevance in the problems of hydrodynamic stability. These methods are considered to be extremely effective for hydrodynamic stability problems where high-precision results are needed. Orr-Sommerfeld type equations are essential for the shear flows analysis, which are important in many fields. One of such areas is climate modeling, when an attempt is made to explain the origin of a mid-latitude cyclone, which in its turn is responsible for creating areas of high and low pressure from which variable weather conditions arise. On the problem of transition from laminar to turbulent flow, all the ideas involved, physical mechanisms, methods used and results obtained are considered, and, if possible, the theory is correlated with experimental and numerical results. It is well known that classical Orr-Sommerfeld eigenvalue problem, which occurs in the linear analysis of the hydrodynamic stability of some basic gas flows, was first solved using the direct spectral method. A numerical study of the eigenvalues of the Orr-Sommerfeld equation for the Blasius boundary layer in the time setting is conducted, and the spectrum of the Orr-Sommerfeld operator is also investigated by Reddy, Schmid and Henningson. In a general mathematical framework, spectral methods for hydrodynamic stability problems are considered, and the Orr-Sommerfeld equation is analyzed, posed with homogeneous boundary conditions that contain a derivative up to the first order.
The collocation method (pseudospectral) based on Chebyshev polynomials is debugged on the Blasius profile and compared with the results of the work Mack.
It is obvious that the increase in the number of Chebyshev polynomials has a significant impact on the accuracy of determining the eigenvalues for the Blasius and Musker profiles. The effect of Chebyshev polynomial degrees on the accuracy of determining the real and imaginary part of the eigenvalues of the first mode for laminar and turbulent boundary layers was considered. The real and imaginary parts of the eigenvalues depending on the wave number for the first three modes of the Orr-Sommerfeld equation for the profile of a developed turbulent boundary layer were obtained This is important for the study of the dynamics (including nonlinear) of Tollmien-Schlichting waves. | ||||||||
Gidaspov V. Y., Kononov D. S. Numerical simulation of fuel combustion in stationary detonation wave in variable cross-section channel with supersonic flow at the inlet and outlet. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 109 The authors studied the case of (H2 + 0.5O2 + 1.881N2) hydrogen-air mixture combustion in the stationary detonation wave. Analysis of possible flow patterns with stationary detonation wave was performed in chemically equilibrium quasi-single dimensional problem statement according to the technique [8] for a channel in the form of two successively arranged Laval nozzles. In case [8], solution depends exclusively on the radii ratio in the current, initial and minimum channel cross-sections. Passage modelling of a chemically non-equilibrium flow rate through the speed of sound was being realized employing “adjustment of fire” method (algorithm for a singular point passing) [10] using equilibrium solution as an initial approximation. This algorithm allows obtaining a quasi-one-dimensional non-equilibrium stationary solution with a detonation wave in the longitudinal x-coordinate of the l with the given mixture and basic thermodynamic parameters by varying setting coordinate of the detonation wave. Positions of detonation wave are close enough in both equilibrium and non-equilibrium cases. The range of mixture with detonation wave flow rates can be predicted with equilibrium analysis. As in the equilibrium case, three possible solutions with detonation waves in non-equilibrium flow exist in the loop.
Only one solution with detonation wave in the expanding section is stable. This fact was proved by Godunov’s method. The presented quasi-one-dimensional formulation of the problem can be employed for the initial analysis of flows. At the same time, the indisputable advantage of this technique is the high speed of calculations. | ||||||||
Gridin V. N., Smakhtin A. P. Physical modeling of magneto-hydrodynamic processes of powerful tropical cyclones evolution. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 109 One of the most devastating natural disasters on the Earth are powerful tropical cyclones. As a result, people die, serious damage to engineering structures occur, general violation of the environment ecology in areas exposed to powerful tropical cyclones eventuate. Long-term tropical cyclones monitoring from space revealed a certain geographical regularity in the processes of powerful tropical cyclons origination and development. The main areas of tropical cyclons origination are insular regions of Southeast Asia in the Pacific Ocean and Cape Verde Islands in the Atlantic Ocean near the west coast of Africa. Traditional areas suffering from destructive tropical cyclones are the coastal zone of the United States, Mexico, Cuba, Japan, China, Philippines and in the Far East of the Russian Federation. Similar phenomena in the form of tornadoes are observed periodically off the Black Sea shores in the southern regions of the Russian Federation.
In the areas being subjected to destructive cyclones and tornadoes, people die, houses, bridges and other engineering structures are destroyed.
As the result of tropical cyclones origination, the flights of civil aircraft are canceled, and sometimes destruction of aircraft staying at the airport occured.
The deficiency, at present, of adequate physical model of tropical cyclone origination and development does not allow elaborate a strategy for successful abatement with these natural disasters. The abatement with negative impact of destructive tropical cyclones so far is narrowed down to passive warning of population of possible natural disaster towards ensuring timely people evacuation from the potentially dangerous regions to the safe ones.
The presented article performes an assessment of the atmospheric electricity impact on the powerful tropical cyclones dynamics and demonstrates the possibility of creating an experimental setup for physical modeling of the processes accompanying the destructive tropical cyclones evolution.
Understanding the nature of origination and evolution processes of high-power tropical cyclones will allow create a scientific and technical basis for strategy developing for reliable and effective abatement against these natural disasters, by suppressing the process of powerful air vortices developing at the initial stage of their development. | ||||||||
Voronich I. V., Kolchev S. A., Panchuk D. V., Pesetsky V. A., Silkin A. A., Tkachenko V. V., Nguyen T. T. On aerodynamics specifics of a small-sized aircraft of normal configuration. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 109 The article presents the results of experimental and computational studies of the model flow-around of a small-sized aircraft of normal scheme in the range of Reynolds numbers of Rе = 2÷8 х 105. Experimental studies were performed in the T-102 TsAGI wind tunnel on the full model and the “fuselage-wing” combination both with and without accounting for horizontal and vertical empennage. The tests were conducted at flow rates of 10÷55 m/s, and the turbulence intensity of the incoming flow was about 0.4% at the speeds of 20 m/s and higher. With this, the range of angles of attack was α = -5÷40° for forward and reverse runs, and the range of slip angles was β = -20÷20°. Special attention is being paid to the efficiency of aerodynamic controls. Basic model has the maximum lift coefficient is Cya max = 1.2 at α = 10÷12°; drag coefficient at zero lift is Cxa0≅0.017; maximum aerodynamic quality Kmax ≅ 21 at Cya≅0.5. The computational study was conducted based on Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations with closure by turbulence model SST + γ — Reθ. In the described conditions at cruise angles of attack, the laminar-turbulent transition on the wing occurs in the form of laminar separation on the upper surface followed by turbulent reattachment (“laminar bubble”). The Reynolds number affects significantly on the flow at supercritical angles of attack, i.e. with the Re increase, the lift and drag increase along with critical angle of attack. On the most part of the wing the effects of three-dimensionality are weak due to the small sweep. The computed flow fields also revealed the presence of the resource for the model aerodynamic characteristics improving. While computing and experiment, satisfactory agreement was reached on the basic characteristics of the complete configuration for the subcritical angles of attack. | ||||||||
Shishkin S. V., Boikov A. A., Kolpakov A. M. On strength analysis of a Z-shape metal seal with incising elements, being elastic-plastically deformed. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 109 Flange joints with metal deformable seals are used in piping systems of aviation and space engineering. The article presents the joint with non-contacting flanges, sealed-off by the Z-shaped sealing installing in the unit. As the result of the threaded joint tightening, the flanges close in, squeezing the seal, which elasto-plasticaly deforms herewith. The problem of obtaining a technique for calculating the seal stiffness and its strength analysis is being set. The seal is considered as a profiled axisymmetric ring, subjected to power factors being axisymmetric as well. Theoretical study was conducted, within which framework the K.B. Bitseno theory of rings axisymmetric deformation and I.A. Birger method of variable elasticity parameters were considered with the view of their combining.
Since the seal in the presented problem is subjected to the pure bending, the authors consider its bend stiffness only. The article presents derivation of basic relationships of the design procedure of the Z-shaped seal, elasto-plastically deformed while the joint tightening. It presents the basic assumptions, which allow simplify the technique, making it fully applied. Similar to any other calculation, performed by the I.A. Birger method of variable elasticity parameters, the technique obtained in the article is iterative as well. It can be applied in strength analysis of flange joints while calculating stress-strain state of the Z-shaped seal.
Finally, encompassing rather narrow spectrum of structures types, the research problem solution possesses utterly high potential for further application in similar tasks, where computing of the stress-strain state of the profiled ring being elasto-plastically deformed is required. The main advantage herewith of the obtained design procedure is its relative simplicity due to the fact that elasto-plastical problem is solved completely by the theory of elasticity methods, which is inherited from the above mentioned method of variable elasticity parameters. | ||||||||
Firsanov V. V., Nguyen L. H., Tran N. D. Studying electroelastic state of cylindrical shells from piezomaterials based on refined theory. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 109 Piezoelectric effect was discovered by the Pierre and Jacques Curie brothers. The essence of the piezoelectric effect consists in the fact that electric charges originate on the surface of crystals of certain classes while their deformation, and vice versa, mechanical strains occur in the crystal under electric field impact. Functional structural elements based on piezoelectrics application are widely employed in various fields of engineering, automation, computer engineering, and especially in the aerospace industry. Such structures are rather technological and allow effectively control their deformations. Thus, studying and computing the stress-strain state of structural elements from piezoelectric materials is an up-to-date task.
The article suggests a version of a refined theory for electroelastic state calculating of cylindrical shells from piezoelectric material. Mathematical model is built based on the three-dimensional equations of theory of elasticity. The problem of reducing three-dimensional equations to two-dimensional ones is realized through representing the required displacements by polynomials along the normal coordinate two degrees higher with respect to the classical theory.
A system of differential equations of equilibrium in displacements and potentials was obtained using Lagrange variation principle. Operational method, based on Laplace transform, and Maple software are employed while solving the formulated boundary value problem. Shell deformations are obtained by geometric relationships, tangential stresses are determined from the Hooke law relationships, and transverse stresses are determined from the equilibrium equations of three-dimensional theory of elasticity. Electric potential distribution on the shell surface is obtained by direct integration of the electric field intensity expressions.
A cylindrical shell from PZT piezo material is being considered as an example. Let us apply an electric potential on the upper and lower surfaces of the shell with hinged-fixed edges on the boundaries. Based on the computational result, the article demonstrates that with the absence of mechanical loads, and electric potential action only on the shell surface the stress-strain state existed inside the shell.
Comparing the results obtained in the presented work with the classical theory data allowed establishing that while studying electroelastic state of the cylindrical piezo shell near the zones of the stressed state distortion, for example, near hinged edges, the refined theory should be employed, since maximum stresses in this zone were being substantially refined.
In the boundary zone, transverse normal and tangential stresses, which are neglected in classical theory, appear to be of the same order with maximum stress values corresponding to the classical theory. Such high levels of additional stresses should be accounted for when evaluating the strength and durability of shell structures. | ||||||||
Gerasimchuk V. V., Ermakov V. Y., Telepnev P. P., Shapovalov R. V. Experimental validation of regulated magneto-fluid vibration protection system concept. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 109 The article is devoted to the experimental studies on vibration load reduction to an acceptable level of the space complex structural elements from the disturbances by devices with moving masses by a magneto-fluidic vibration protection system with an adjustable elastic-damping characteristic
According to the authors’ opinion, namely the magneto-fluidic vibration protection systems are capable of reducing the vibration load of scientific equipment to the levels that ensure its proper functioning under the impact of internal disturbances sources, such as devices with moving masses. Magneto-fluidic vibration protection systems with adjustable elastic-damping characteristics allow direct coupling of electric control channels with the actuating devices of the vibration protection system without intermediate mechanical devices. The high-speed response is ensured thereby, and the structural scheme of the vibration protection system is simplified.
Changing current in the electromagnetic control coil, the experimenters controlled magnetization of the magneto-rheological suspension and, adjusting the elastic-damping characteristic of the vibration protecting system in relation to the movable masses rotation speed, they managed to:
– “cut back” peak values of the force-torque characteristic in the low-frequency region in the area of resonant peak of vertical oscillations to the levels below the allowable one;
– reduce peak values of the force-torque characteristic by 40% in the region of the force-torque characteristic resonant peak of flexural-and-torsional vibrations.
The authors experimentally affirmed the concept of possible reduction of the vibration loading on scientific and precise equipment of the space complex of parasitic disturbing impacts from the force-torque devices with movable masses throughout the whole range of their cranking speed by the magneto-fluid vibration protection system with adjustable elastic-damping characteristic.
The vibration isolation effectiveness with simultaneous required vibration loading ensuring can be achieved by “blocking” the vibration isolator operation in the low-frequency region and excluding generated hazardous manifestation of vibration isolation resonant peaks and “turning-on” the vibration isolation effect of the vibration protection system in both medium- and high-frequency ranges. | ||||||||
Shmachilin P. A., Shumilov T. Y. Matrix beam-forming scheme of a digital antenna array. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 109 The presented article regards issues of developing and modelling a digital beam-forming architecture of a digital antenna array based on a problem of homogeneous electro-magnetic wave incidence on a curtain of a linear digital antenna array. It presents requirements and basic suppositions for realizing modelling process of digital beam-forming algorithm based on matrix beam-forming scheme. Analysis of previous generation transceivers structures and their differences from the structures of modules, which could be built based on the up-to-date technological level, was performed. The issues of digital antenna arrays building, employing state-of-the-art units for digital signal processing, involving functional schemes and data processing algorithms of higher-end, are tackled as well.
The article offers a modification of the of matrix beam-forming algorithm, employing discrete Fourier transform, as well its modification, ensuring numerical simulation modeling. A feature of the beam-forming scheme algorithm operation is that the process of beam forming is performed separately for each spectral component of the input digital signal. It allows eliminate the beam frequency variation effect, and improve thereby directional and frequency properties of the array as a whole. The article considers all steps of the input digital signal conversion throughout the beam-forming scheme. Methods for phasing and spectral matrices computing, as well as their application for digital signal computing at the output of the beam-forming scheme, are presented as well.
The article presents a technique for the digital direction pattern and its characteristics evaluating for digital antenna array with the digital beam-forming method under consideration. Numerical simulation results of the system operation, including parameters evaluation of the direction pattern for harmonic input signal and it spectrum, as well as examples of digital signal and its spectrum at the output of the beam-forming scheme being modelled are presented.
It is shown that the presented algorithm ensures forming of the angle selectivity properties of the antenna array.
In conclusion, considerations on the possibility of application of up-to-date high-performance hardware for analog-to-digital conversion and signal processing are presented.
The results of the presented work can be applied for developing state-of-the-art and prospective digital antenna arrays for communication or radar systems. Such kind of systems impose high requirements on the processed signal bandwidth, number of ranges of adaptive radiation pattern forming and possibility of multi-beam reception. | ||||||||
Volkov A. S., Muratchaev S. S., Kulpina Y. A. Developing simulation model of two-rank MANET Network. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 109 Decentralized mobile MANET networks (Mobile Ad-hoc Network) are self-organizing radio networks with a topology without basic stations. The presented work is devoted to the study of MANET networks performance improvements. Mainly, the two-rank MANET network concept is considered. It supposed that single-rank MANET network conversion into the two-rank topology would improve the network operation in a part of such parameters as throughput and average latency. Many merits and demerits, the main from which was the small coverage zone and its impossibility of widening by technical means, were revealed while studying properties of this class of networks.
A simulation model of the proposed two-rank architecture of the MANET network was developed in the Network Simulator 3 simulation environment. Based on the simulation results, two graphs were plotted, namely, the dependence of the average latency value and the dependence of the batches delivery coefficient on the data transfer rate.
Modeling was performed in three stages. The first stage was the MANET ad-hoc network consisting of 350 nodes modeling. Based on the results, a graph of the network bandwidth dependence on simulation time was plotted. The values of average latency, throughput, a share of lost batches and average route setting time were obtained as well. The second stage was the MANET two-rank network simulation. Characteristics of the network interaction similar to those at the previous stage, and a graph of the throughput versus simulation time were obtained. The third stage consisted in both single-rank and two-rank MANET networks simulation with gradual data transfer data-transfer rate value changing. Two graphs were plotted by the results of the simulation. They are the dependencies of average latency and batches delivery coefficient on the data-transfer rate. The effectiveness of the proposed two-rank network topology allows achieving an average gain of 15-30% compared to the classical MANET networks representation in parameters of throughput and average network latency. Basing on the simulation model operation, inferences can be drawn on the communication quality improvement practicality by the two-rank topology implementation in the MANET network. | ||||||||
Zhitkov S. A., Ashurkov I. S., Zakharov I. N., Leshko N. A., Tsybulnik A. N. Detecting technique for aerodynamic target moving along rectilinear trajectory in space. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 109 The article presents a technique for rectilinear trajectory detecting of an aerodynamic target in space based on the Hough transform, which can be used in modern radar systems. This technique allows solving the problem of trajectories detection of aerial objects in conditions of low energy availability of radar signals.
A technique for the rectilinear trajectory detecting of an aerial object in space is based on the tracking-before-detecting technology employing the Hough parametric transform. The article suggests an option of this technique realization for ground-space multi-position radar system for aerodynamic targets detection. A technique for Hough transform application for straight lines selection in space consisting in 3D image projection onto orthogonal planes, rectilinear areas extraction on these planes and backward merge of the selected fragments into a straight line in space was developed. Both algorithm of space-time marks selection, belonged to the selected straight line, and algorithm for identifying segments on a plane into segments into space were applied. Detection quality indicators computing was performed, and an optimal threshold for decision-making on the trajectory detection was selected on their basis. The article presents the results of the suggested technique operation obtained by modelling in Matlab.
The suggested technique for detecting a rectilinear trajectory of an aerodynamic target in a ground-based-space multi-position radar system allows detecting rectilinear trajectories of aerial objects in space at low values of the signal-to-noise ratio. | ||||||||
Chistyakov V. A. Angular coordinates monitoring system of radio emission source for space communication equipment. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 109 At the beginning of radio communication systems development, the main task consisted in establishing contact between two subscribers. However, improvement of radio facilities and increase in their number in all over the world, has led to the need of ensuring an error-free information exchange through communication channels.
Various noise protection techniques are used to solve this problem, and adaptive control of the antenna directional pattern in particular. However, in conditions of non-stationary interference, noise immunity techniques can be realized, if information on radio emission sources location was previously obtained. It is well-known that spectral methods (super-resolution methods) for processing signals, received from the antenna array (AA) outputs, allows estimates forming of the radio emission source angular coordinates rather accurately.
The super-resolution methods are splitted into two groups according to the scanning technique, i.e. the ones with sequential and parallel direction finding of radio sources.
The first group includes such techniques as thermal noise technique, Keipon method, and method of multiple signals classification (MUSIC). The output goal function of such methods represents continuous dependence of the output signal power on the angular position. In the space scanning process by mathematical reference signal, maximums of the objective function correspond to the angular coordinates of the radio emission sources. These methods are applicable to antenna arrays of any configuration.
The second group of methods with parallel scanning includes the Pisarenko, the subspace rotation (ESPRIT), and the ROOT-MUSIC methods. However, for practical applications, structural limitations on the antenna arrays shape are imposed on this group of methods.
A method for multiple signal classification (MUSIC) is employed for angular coordinates monitoring system realization in the presented work. It possesses the best of all resolution from the group of methods with sequential space scanning, and is applicable for antenna systems of any configuration.
The MUSIC method operation consists in employing the signal and noise subspaces of the correlation matrix input signals, with which the objective function evaluation and direction-finding peaks formation proceeds
The process of the angular coordinates monitoring system operation is performed based on 25-element flat rectangular antennae array. Both narrow-band and broadband signals are employed as radio waves. The result of the work is formed direction-finding peaks obtained in the course of the studies. Evaluation of qualitative characteristics of this method was performed as well. | ||||||||
Zinoviev Y. S., Mishina O. A., Zakharov A. Y., Hatanzeiskaya M. A. Detection Characteristics Estimation Techniques of Gground-Based Electro-Optical GEODSS system. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 109 The issues of near and outer space studying are actual fr om both scientific and practical viewpoint. From scientific viewpoint, it means studying the Solar system (including asteroids, comets, distant Galaxies). From a practical point of view, this is the control of space objects and the monitoring of the contamination of near-earth space with space debris. As for practical viewpoint, it means space objects control, and monitoring near space, littered by space debris.
To solve these problems, systems of outer space control are being developed in Russia, the United States and other countries. An important component of the US space control system is the ground-based electronic-optical deep space probing GEODSS complex (GEODSS — Ground based Electro-Optical Deep Space Surveillance).
Based of well-known tactical and technical characteristics accessible in open information sources, the article considers a technique for detection characteristics estimation of photometric channel of ground-based Electro-Optical GEODSS system.
In contrast to the well-known works, the presented article accounts for significant unevenness of the quantum efficiency of modern photodetector devices operating in visible range. The assessment is performed according to reference objects in geostationary orbit. Estimation of possibilities for applying Johnson bands for solving spectral selection problems is also considered. Basic expressions for computing both the integral signal-to-noise ratio and in Johnson bands are given.
To assess the energy parameters of the telescope, two types of reference objects with specified characteristics are considered, namely a mirror and diffuse spheres.
Photometric channel modeling of the optical-electronic system GEODSS allowed determine the main detection parameters of reference objects in geostationary orbit. The article demonstrates that this opto-electronic system is capable to detect a mirror sphere of 5.6 cm in diameter in the geostationary orbit at accumulation time of no less than Ta = 2 s, while it detects a diffuse sphere of the same diameter at accumulation time of Ta = 1 s.
The worst detection conditions are formed in the 800–1000 nm band, wh ere the quantum efficiency of the CCID-16 detector is low (n < 0.35). As the result, even at Tn ~ 50 s, the detection conditions are not met.
However, in the three Johnson bands (400–500 nm, 500–600 nm, 600–800 nm), the optoelectronic system works efficiently with both mirror and diffuse spheres. Thus, the optoelectronic system receives spectral characteristics of space objects and can solve the problems of their recognition. | ||||||||
Glushchenko A. A., Khokhlov V. P. A method for a spacecraft maneuver detection based on current trajectory measurements. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 109 Two main tasks are being solved in the process of space surveillance. These are space objects detection and their tracking to maintain necessary accuracy of the orbit parameters. Unpredictable parameters changes of a space object movement, caused by the propulsion system starting (maneuver), spatial orientation changing or destruction, can become the cause of tracking process failures. To avoid such situations, timely detection of such unpredictable movement parameters changing while trajectory changes processing and solve the problem of a space object movement parameters refinement are necessary.
Analysis of known ways of unpredictable changes detecting in movement parameters of space objects revealed that with information limiting existing in practice, the quality of space monitoring problems solution can be ensured through the application of trajectory measurements processing methods with the space object maneuver detection.
Considering practical implementation of such method, employed in the process of outer space monitoring, reveals that maneuver-detecting problem is solved currently with acceptable quality under the standard conditions of space objects tracking. However, in some cases, such as emergency (off-normal) situations onboard an important spacecraft, the requirements for operativeness of supplying a customer with information on a spacecraft movement parameters may be significantly increasing.
The article considers a method for detecting and determining parameters of a spacecraft maneuver performed on the time interval between the two adjacent stages of its monitoring by measuring tools. This method employs a spacecraft orbital parameters changes as informative signs for maneuver detection. Maneuvers parameters determining (maneuver time and speed increment) is being performed using relationships of the linearized spacecraft movement model. Based on simulation, evaluation of its application effectiveness while maneuvers parameters of low orbit spacecraft detecting and determining was performed.
In contrast to the known ones, the advantage of the regarded method consists in the possibility of increasing efficiency of both maneuver detecting and its parameters determining in conditions of the existing information limitations. The results obtained using the method for maneuver parameters evaluation can be used to solve the problem of a spacecraft movement parameters refinement. | ||||||||
Zakharov R. S., Skvortsov B. V., Taipova D. R. Extra errors analysis of capacitive sensors of launch vehicles fueling system. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 109 The article regards the problem technological equipment unification for launch vehicles of «Soyuz» family. This problem consists in the fact that in the process of modernization, a vast nomenclature of spaceport equipment and launch vehicles modifications appeared. However, their compatibility is not foreseen herewith at present, i.e. the newer modification of a launch vehicle cannot be connected to the spaceport equipment, and, vice versa, technological equipment of new generation does not fit for launch vehicles of older modification. Besides, simultaneous maintenance of several equipment complexes increases maintenance time and cost. This problem is now being solved by installing a new generation equipment at both launching and technological complexes, leaving the old kit at its place. However, this kind of modernization leads to stoppage of regular operation of launching and technological complexes for the time of installing and testing. Different technological equipment kits have both various operational documentation and differing operation technologies, which enhances requirements to maintenance staff. An operator of the same system of various modifications has to know all specifics of their operation. In case of emergency, he must understand clearly operation logic of that particular system, which he operates at this particular moment. It leads to technical maintenance costs increase, and, thus, to a rocket launching costs increase as well.
As part of this problem solution in the field of equipment for the of fueling level measuring, the article proposes a universal capacitive sensor of the of fueling level with a compensation section for the «Vostochny» spaceport, and the scheme of its connection, as well as the analysis of extra errors of capacitive sensors.
As the result of additional errors studying, associated with the fuel both temperature and environment changes, an analytical expression determining the total temperature coefficient of the level sensor, linking up temperature coefficients of component materials, and fuels under control, was obtained. | ||||||||
Novomeisky D. N., Kulikov A. V., Piganov M. N. Algorithm for film structures machining process by torch discharge. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 109 A limit of mass-size indicators was exceeded while developing a variant of onboard defense complex (ODC), which included the active jamming radar station. In this respect, the decision was taken to realize the ODC control and monitoring unit based on another structural basis, i.e. in the form of microchips with irregular structure. Such microchips include both thin- and thick-film substrates with high-precision resistive elements. The thin-film substrates are produced by the technique of vacuum-heat sputtering on a glass ceramic substrate. The thick-film substrates are fabricated by the metal-screen printing technique with subsequent burning-off. Schematic design stage revealed while workable samples testing that laser adjustment operation did not ensure the required reliability of film-elements. Studies of other adjustment techniques were conducted. As the result of experimental studies, the adjustment technique for resistors processing by the high frequency torch discharge was selected. The main advantage of this method is the moderate temperature in the processing area. This excludes subsequent element material degradation processes. Further studies confirmed high reliability of film resistors after adjustment. Simulation of this technological operation was performed.
The algorithm for resistors adjustment by processing them with the high-frequency torch discharge is presented. The feature of this method is that it allows simultaneous of the element mounting to the zone of adjustment and a gap size calculating. Thus, the gap computing time is not accounted for directly during adjusting process. The program allows determining the gap values dependencies on a number of parameters of the affecting system. Computing results herewith are being presented in the form of graphs, which can be used afterwards. Besides, computing of other parameters, included in the adjustment model, is provided.
The algorithm ensures high precision of calculations and can be used for process automation of microchip elements adjustment, and solving the problem of this operational control of the process The program is written in LabVIEW language. Mathematical model of microchips film-elements adjustment by the torch discharge was used while developing the algorithm and calculation program. | ||||||||
Gainanov D. N., Chernavin N. P., Chernavin P. F., Chernavin F. P., Rasskazova V. A. Convex hulls and convex separable sets in the multiclass pattern recognition. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 109 The paper is devoted to the multiclass pattern recognition problem in its geometry statement. Such problems are often occurring in various areas of financial mathematics, diagnosis and forecasting. There is proposed a geometry based approach connected with separatebility properties of convex hulls of sets of finite-dimensional space.
The multiclass pattern recognition problem under consideration is to construct a decision rule to assign an arbitrary input point to some class of the training sample. The main idea is to construct a convex hull for each class of training sample and then to assign an input point to such a class which convex hull will be the most closely to the corresponding point. It is shown that in case when classes of the training sample do not intersect (by points), the proposed approach entails the uniqueness of the decision rule. In general case, it is required that the convex hull of each class does not contain points from other classes. The problems, which training samples satisfy this condition, were called as convex separable set solvable.
The results of computational experiments show that a number of classic pattern recognition problems are convex separable set solvable. In particular, there are presented in the paper the results of computational experiments using test data of the public library. As it turned out, the Iris Fischer problem – fundamental in this particular class – is a convex separable set solvable. Moreover, the constructed decision rule provides the classification of the training sample corresponding to the best known solution. This non trivial fact allows one to expect a high application efficiency of the proposed approach.
It occurred that the hardest stage of the proposed approach is to construct convex hulls for training sample. For these purposes, there were used well known Gale transformation for a sequence of points and after that a convolution S. N. Chernikov’ algorithm to search a minimal infeasible systems of an infeasible system of linear inequalities. These auxiliary algorithm is based on the previously proved dual relationship between hypergranes of a convex polyhedron and multiindices of minimal infeasible systems of an infeasible system of linear inequalities. The corresponding procedure were described in the paper in frame of the small academic example.
It should be also noted that the formalization of the class of convex separable set solvable problems of multiclass pattern recognition, as well as the further development of methods for constructing a convex hull in a finite dimensional space, are objects of further research.
An application meaning of the results obtained, in addition to the above mentioned problems of financial mathematics and forecasting, are also connected with important industry problems such as, for example, metallurgical production. One of the most important problem in such production is to reduce manufacturing errors due to reassignment or complete termination of irrational technological routes. In this regard, the direction of further research could be associated with mathematical modelling, and its continuation in frame of multiclass pattern recognition, to solve problems on the operational technological routes control in the discrete production (in particular, un the metallurgical production). | ||||||||
Naumov A. V., Martyushova Y. G. Distance learning system adaptation based on statistical processing of the results of users activities. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 109 The article regards the of statistical analysis tools of the distant learning systems (DLS) operation analysis aimed at adapting user’s individual tasks forming process to create his individual training trajectory and control of a compromise of answers. Probabilistic model of the time consumed by a user for the responses to the task is taken as a basis for the user responses compromizing algorithm. The Van der Linden model with log-normal response time distribution is used herewith. The left-hand confidence interval is formed with its aid, and in case, if the user’s response goes beyond its boundaries, a signal to the system administratof is generated on possible compromizing of the response. A certain set of system administrator actions exists herewith based on the signal occurrence, namely the task substitution, tutors’ face-to-face cpnversation with the user, etc. The DLS user individual trajectory forming algorithm is built based on the Rush Model of the probability of right response of the user to the task. The model parameters are the level of the task complexity and the level of the user’s abilities, which are assessed by the maximum likelihood method. User’s individual trajecroty is formed stage-by-stage. Individual task fo the user is formed for each course section by integer programming problem solving method, which parameters are the total complexity level selected by the administrator, and evaluation vector of tasks complexity, obatained based on the Rush model. Individual learning trajectory correcion is performed by limitations in the integer progamming problem, controlling the total complexity of the task, and by user ranking method by the user progress categories with the Rush model.
Depending on the category that the user enters, the administrator selects a specific level of total block of tasks complexity for the individual training trajectory generation task. The proposed algorithms for the individual training trajectory forming of the DLS user and compromizing his answers are implemented in the mathematical support functioning package of the MAI DLS CLASS.NET. | ||||||||
Simonov A. S. Simulation model of high-speed Angara communication network with kD-tor topology. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 109 The article describes the implementation and experience in application of a simulation model of the Angara high-speed communication network, designed to build multiprocessor computing systems with high performance scalability on its basis.
The studies performed with the simulation model allowed working-out basic solution on the router micro-architecture; algorithms of its components operation; a batch format; basic operation; routing and arbitration algorithms; perform optimization of the router architecture parameters, including basic relation on throughput capabilities, network connectiveness, memory buffers size; balance throughput capabilities of the router components, and perform verification of the custom ASIC. Based on the results of the simulation, the final technical appearance of the router was formed, implemented both in custom ASIC and in Angara communication network equipment based on it.
The experience gained can be employed to create perspective samples of network equipment. | ||||||||
Makhnev M. S., Fevralskikh A. V. Verification of results of determining rotational derivative of aircraft heel in a wide range of angles of attack. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 109 The article gives an account of aerodynamics numerical modelling to determine rotational derivatives of aircraft heel at angle of attack values range from – 5° to 90°. The aircraft reversed motion is being modeled, with this, the incident flow velocity vector and angular rotational speed vector are collinear. Numerical modeling (CFD modeling) of aerodynamics is based on solving the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations, and closed by k-ε Realizable turbulence model, by control volume method. For CFD modeling of laminar-turbulent transition near the aircraft surface, the presented work employs wall functions of the Enhanced Wall Treatment type.
The results of stationary coefficients determining of aircraft aerodynamic forces and moments by CFD modeling are in good agreement with the results of experiments with a scaled aircraft model in a wind tunnel. Rotational derivative values of the roll moment coefficient obtained from the of numerical modeling and experimental results are also in good agreement with most values of the aircraft angles of attack. Values mismatch of the lateral force derivatives and the yaw moment with respect to the angular roll velocity obtained by different methods is determined by the corresponding aerodynamic disturbances and measurement errors during their experimental determination. For further research trend, the authors consider reproduction of experimental conditions of a wind tunnel in CFD modeling, such as structures of model mounting, consistency assessments of experimental data recording with the model rotation frequency and eddy formation frequency. As a whole, the results of the study reveal that CFD modeling allows determining not only coefficients of aerodynamic forces and moments, but their rotational derivations by the heel velocity. However, conducting of extra experiments seems up-to-date for verification of various approaches to rotation modelling. | ||||||||
Mustafaev T. A. Studying hail shot characteristics and solving trajectory problem of uncontrolled flight of an arbitrary shaped solid body for aircraft engines full-scale testing on durability. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 109 Along with the development of computational methods for studying the strength characteristics of aircraft structural elements, a field experiment is widely used, reproducing the real impact of birds on aircraft structures at the collision in flight. The presented article is devoted to the study of the hail shot characteristics and trajectory problem solution of uncontrolled flight of an arbitrary shaped rigid body for full-scale tests of experimental and serial aircraft engines on durability by test bench, simulating the hit by birds or hail.
The full-scale tests on of large birds’ ingress in the aircraft engine, which, according to current regulations, are performed on a running engine, or rotating impellers of fans or compressors on the test benches are extremely cost intensive. Thus, it is expedient to perform computing analysis of the working blades resistance to the impact interaction with a bulky bird and hail prior to the full-scale tests conducting.
Test bench installations for conducting tests on blades resistance to impact interaction with a bulky bird or hail should maximally reflect conditions of real interaction of full-scale impeller with a bird or hail. They should also satisfy a lot of hardly compatible requirements, such as mathematical model for computing internal and external ballistics of the test bench, trajectory problem solution of a solid body uncontrolled flight, which we will try to solve in the presented article. | ||||||||
Vinogradov A. V., Borukaeva A. O., Berdikov P. G. The mathematical model of the motion of the aircraft and ballistic algorithms for calculating the nominal and perturbed motion parameters ballistic aircraft. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 109 With a view to aircraft and rocket engineering rapid development, considerable complication of aircraft design and cost intensity of its developing, the effectiveness significance at the early stages of design, when aircraft basic structural characteristics are being selected and nominal parameters of its movement are determined, increases.
Occurrence of small asymmetries, as well as small thrust eccentricities for aircraft with power pack, due to technological errors while aircraft components fabrication and their assembly, is possible during production process of various types of aircraft.
The article deals with the algorithms of nominal and perturbed motion parameters of ballistic aircraft while operational change of target marking in flight. The presented algorithms are based on an aircraft mathematical model, which, in its turn, allows ensuring achieving the target movable point in condition of operational changes of target marking.
The applied directedness of the guidance theory is confirmed by the fact guidance system, materialized as the result of the guidance theory application to solving specific problems concerning control of the aircraft center of mass, is necessarily a part of the ballistic aircraft control system.
Equations of motion (basically, Cauchy differential equations) and a technique for differential equation solving form the basis of the mathematical model. The mathematical model complements gravitational field characteristics, atmosphere characteristics, the aircraft dynamic characteristics, and its power pack characteristics.
In the general case, the problem of mathematical modelling of the elastic flying machine dynamics is split into, at least, two more problems. The first one is direct modelling of the elastic flying vehicle behavior, determined by the interacting forces, and the second is accounting for action of flowing forces and moments, stipulated by the elastic flying vehicle deformation, and control system operation.
The presented article considers theoretical basics of the approach to the solution of the set problem, based of real aircraft structure substitution by the equivalent scheme and its realization for the rockets as the simplest from the sketchness viewpoint class of aircraft. Accounting for the aerodynamic forces and moments herewith, caused by the aircraft elastic deformation, is realized based on the simplified stationary hypothesis. | ||||||||
Bal M. A. Model and algorithm developing for efficiency assessment of anti-missile defense overpowering by hypersonic flying vehicle with regard for counteraction of aviation complex. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 109 The article proposes an improved model and algorithm for effectiveness assessing of anti-missile defense overcoming by hypersonic aircraft with regard for aviation complex counteraction. To assess the overcoming effectiveness, a corresponding model of aviation anti-missile defense complex effort was proposed. Setting of matrix game between a hypersonic aircraft and anti-missile aviation complex with effectiveness matrix filling out for subsequent selection of the most effective, from the viewpoint of antimissile defense, flight path was proved. The developed model and algorithm relevancy are emphasized by the fact that they can be employed for the process modelling of anti-missile defense overcoming by the hypersonic aircraft and its effectiveness assessment with regard for the aviation complex counteraction at any option.
Hypersonic aircraft with necessary aero-ballistic quality and capable of performing atmospheric maneuvering at rather long distances from the object to be protected, are effective enough means for target hitting, covered by conventional and prospective anti-missile complexes of the missile defense system.
The idea of aircraft component introduction into missile defense system is not novel. The possibility of a spacecraft destruction by the missiles launched from aircraft complexes was previously considered. Since the spacecraft moves at present over the paths with calculated parameters, aiming at them is being considered as stable.
As for the hypersonic flying vehicles problem, their destruction by aviation systems of missile defense system will obviously be much more complex. Nonetheless, it is viable in principle, and in a number of cases, its fulfillment from the enemy viewpoint may be more effective than performed by ground-based and/or marine missile defense system complexes. | ||||||||
Panteleyev A. V., Luneva S. Y. Numerical technique for solving fully fuzzy systems of linear equations. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 109 The article considers the problem of numerical solution of a linear system of equations with a fuzzy rectangular matrix and a fuzzy right-hand side. An uncertainty of the parameters, described by the intervals of possible values, presents, as a rule, in the practice of engineering and economic calculations. Besides, the level of confidence, set in the fuzzy set theory by the so-called membership functions, may be assigned to the numerical value from the interval. One of the possible types of membership functions are triangular ones, which set triangular fuzzy numbers. The authors suggest employing the triangular numbers description in the form of an average value and deviations from the average value. A technique for fully fuzzy system solution, employing the more accurate formula for the fuzzy numbers product, correct in the absence of the assumption of scatter smallness around the average value, as well as the apparatus for obtaining pseudo-solutions of the systems of linear algebraic equations, was obtained in the article. The class of problems to be solved is limited to finding positive solutions of systems of linear equations, provided that the fuzzy numbers included in the matrix of the system and the right-hand side are also positive. Quite stringent condition were obtained, under which the solution of the system is positive. The article presents four examples, illustrating the proposed method application for systems with matrices of various sizes and ratios of the rows and columns number, as well as comparison of the obtained results with solutions obtained using well-known formulas. | ||||||||
Shikhin S. M. The task of data monitoring of spacecraft operation control system with the problem area covering. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 109 The state of the up-to-date software tools and objective hardships of ensuring data control of the space equipment planning and control system (SE PCS) and its lifecycle management, related to the problem area complexity, require improving approaches to the corresponding problems solution. The problem of software and hardware tools (SHT) verification and their reliability is not yet solved in the general case. It seems that the reason for this is the lack of modelling and full coverage of the entire wide problem area, including both applied tasks and corresponding SHT. Thus, it is necessary to cover the entire problem area to ensure data control, and their management based on considerable data and knowledge on entire problem area under consideration. Data control should be performed over the entire life cycle of the spacecraft equipment planning and control system by modifications of various types of software components
In the case under consideration, such an approach requires a uniform formalization of the entire complex, non-uniform, but internally unified problem area, as applied to the task of data monitoring of the spacecraft control and its life cycle managing system. For such formalization ensuring, the author suggests radical modelling and RADICAL universal language of radical schemes. Thus, the goal of the presented work is brief description of the approach to ensuring data control of the spacecraft equipment planning and control system based radical modelling.
In general, the proposed approach is aimed at the wide application of software and hardware, standardization of the problem area of the spacecraft SE PCS and other complex ASs, and their intellectualization, i.e. the ability of solving contingency situations and self-learning on their basis. | ||||||||
Korovaytseva E. A. Mixed equations of the soft shells theory. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 108 The article proposes a new variant of resolve relationships of the soft shells theory. This variant differs from the existing ones by the numerical realization convenience. Both equations of large deformations theory and technical theory of soft shells are considered. The principle of virtual displacements is applied to derive equations of the shell equilibrium. Expressions for components finite deformations are used in the V.V. Novozhilov’s form. Functions of generalized forces were introduced to the final notation of variation equation. It allows setting down the equations of the soft shells theory in the form used while boundary problems formalization. As the result, the system of equations describing the soft shells behavior at large deformations includes the equations of equilibrium, additional projection relationships, dependencies, describing the true forces reduction to the initial state metric, and geometry relationships. For the system of equations closure, physical relationships, linking real forces with deformations, are used. Thus, the finally composed system consists of 23 equations with 23 unknowns.
While considering the technical theory of soft shells, deformations are assumed small, and forces, acting in the shell being deformed, are represented as a sum of two terms, corresponding to the main and additional stress states. The initial state geometry is considered as known. Forces and displacements corresponding to the additional state are being determined from the system of equations, obtained as the result of variation equation components linearization relative to the main state. As in the case of large deformations, functions of generalized forces are introduced for the additional state. As the result, a system of three equations of equilibrium is formed for the main state. The system of equations for additional state consists of 18 equations, and includes equilibrium equations, additional projection equations, geometrical equations and physical relationships. The system is supplemented by the boundary conditions.
The obtained relations are not pretending on fundamental changes or add-ons, but unlike the known relations they do not require reducing to a single equation relative to one variable. They can be reduced to Cauchy normal form, convenient for application of numerical methods for direct integration, and standard methods of ill-conditioned boundary problems solution. | ||||||||
Phone H. K., Sysoev E. O., Kuznetsov E. A., Min K. H. Life cycle durability prediction of high-pressure pipelines under the impact of low-cycle loads. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 108 Nowadays, high-pressure pipelines are widely employed aircraft and machine building in hydro-gas and fuel systems. While machines and mechanisms production and operation much attention is paid to control of high-pressure pipelines made of high-strength steel, as well as aluminum and titanium alloys. Pipelines operate under conditions of low-cycle loading impacts from the internal pressure, stretching and torsion, which affect significantly on their long-term strength at various types of the stress-strain state and shapes of loading cycle. Under real operation conditions, these structural elements operate under both linear and complex stressed states. A serious problem of materials consumption and cost reducing arises in the course of designing, ensuring herewith the strength and durability of the part. For the structures failures prevention, overstated strength margins are specified, and, as a consequence, increase their materials consumption and cost. However, with this approach microstructure damages of the material and abrupt change of the material strength while damage accumulation while fabrication and operation are not accounted for.
The problem solution consists in setting quantitative and qualitative dependencies of the material microstructure changing and long-term strength, which defines structural materials durability and residue resource of object under operation.
The acoustic emission (AE) method is the most suitable for these changes recording. The AE reflects microstructure reconfigurations of structural materials under the impact of any loads, but calculations should account for the most informative AE signals from the defects, which are not recovered during further operation, with fractal dimension of attractor signal of 1 ≤ D2attr ≤ 6 .
The article considers technique of durability forecasting of the pipelines under the impact of low-cycle loads at different loading trajectories in the two-dimensional stress space in a plane stress-strain state employing the acoustic emission method. The problem of determining the high-pressure pipelines durability depends on the dangerous damages accumulation in the structural material of pipelines as the result of plastic deformations accumulated from low-cycle loads, characterized by high stresses, various cycle forms and loading trajectories. The residual life evaluation of the existing pipelines is currently based on the latest achievements in the field of fracture mechanics, metallurgy, non-destructive testing methods, and current design standards for strength and conditions of actual operation. The existing methods herewith do not account for microstructure evolution of the structural material in real time. The acoustic emission method allows accounting for transformation of the structural material microstructure in real time, and predict the residual life.
The proposed method allows significant reduction of the laboratory tests number for predicting the high-pressure pipelines durability under the impact of low-cycle loads at various loading trajectories. | ||||||||
Khatuntseva O. N. Determining critical Reynolds number of laminar-turbulent transition in a flat Poiseuille problem based on “discontinuous functions” method. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 108 The existing methods for determining critical Reynolds numbers of laminar-turbulent transition are related mainly to determining the loss of linear stability of laminar flow mode [1-3]. However, the attempts for resolving the best-known “classical” problems of the hydrodynamics are far from the success. Thus, the Hagen-Poiseuille problem and the flat Couette problem possess linear stability for any Reynolds numbers. There is a limitation on stability for laminar flow mode of the flat Poiseuille flow. However, the critical Reynolds number for stability loss computed by Orszag is 5772, which is exceeds experimental data almost six times.
The presented article continues the author’s circle of publication devoted to the solution of the hydro-dynamical problems, assuming an analytical approach existence for their consideration. The possibilities of “discontinuous functions” method application for theoretical estimation of the critical Reynolds number value of laminar-turbulent transition for the Hagen-Poiseuille problem and the flat Couette problem are studied in [17-18]. The method may be applied in the cases, when different functions specifying various physical processes exist, such as laminar and turbulent flow modes, as well as the jump-like transition from one physical process to another.
The author succeeded to analytically define functions, describing quasi-stationary turbulent and stationary laminar flow modes for the Hagen-Poiseuille problem and the flat Couette problem. These problems solutions were obtained at the cost of accounting for the entropy production in the Navier-Stokes equations, stipulated by stochastic pulsations excitation in the fluid flow. The similar approach to the velocity profiles determining both in laminar and turbulent flows applied in [19] for the flat Poiseuille problem solution. The presented work is devoted to the Reynolds number critical value determining by the “discontinuous functions” method in the for the flat Poiseuille problem. The critical value for Reynolds number at which laminar to turbulent flow mode transition was possible, was found. The article presents the results comparison with the available experimental data. | ||||||||
Zagordan A. A., Zagordan N. L., On special generalized coordinates application for studying joint flexural vibrations of the blades of the main rotor, which is fixed on the elastic-damping support. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 108 The article considers bending vibrations of the main rotor blades, linked through the “pylon–main rotor” support, as naturally stranded rods, in both traction plane and rotation plane. The general system of equations of vibrations for the “main rotor–support” dynamic system, and assumption resonant diagrams of the main rotor with corresponding amplitude-frequency characteristics in the form of dependencies of changes of coefficients dynamic by frequency for the loads, passing to the main rotor shaft, are presented.
To transform the system of linear integro-differential equations with partial derivatives and periodic coefficients, governing the joint bending oscillations of the main rotor blades and the main rotor hub on an elastic damping support, into the system of ordinary differential equations with periodic coefficients, Bubnov-Galerkin method was used. Transformation of the initial generalized coordinates governing each individual blade oscillations in rotating coordinate system into special generalized coordinates governing the joint oscillations of all rotor blades is demonstrated as well.
To analyze the computational results on forced vibrations being obtained, and collation with the experimental data on vibrations recording at the rotating parts of the hub, the motion pattern and vibratory processes character of the hub and blades, rotating in the rotating and non-rotating coordinate systems, are considered. The graphs, demonstrating the trajectory change of the point on the blade, and vibrational process character while transition from the rotating system to non-rotating one, are presented.
Computing of resonant diagrams and amplitude-frequency characteristics for MI-38 helicopter with six- and five-blade rotor with flexible plastic-composite blades. Comparative analysis of dynamic response of the “main rotor–support” system with various number of blades was performed together with corresponding amplitude-frequency characteristics plotting.
Based on the comparative analysis of the “main rotor–support” system dynamic performance for the two variants of the main rotor, and inference on the six-blade main rotor preference over the five-blade one was drawn for the MI-38 helicopter. | ||||||||
Piganov M. N., Shopin G. P., Nazarov A. A., Ovakimyan D. N. A Unit for Integrated Circuits Logic Gain Determining. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 108 The article substantiated the necessity to account for logic gain of logic gates and integrated circuits. The authors suggest a new unit for the logic gain of microchips determining. The unit contains rectangular voltage generator, an integrated circuit being tested, a follower, loading elements, a switch, the AND gate, comparator, a pulse counter, a voltage reference source, univibrator, reversible pulse counter, decoder and indicator. The unit operates in both high and low level modes, and ensures high accuracy and validity of the logic gain determining.
Rectangular pulse generator, AND gate, pulse counter, voltage reference, and comparator are connected in the unit in series. The comparator output is connected to the second input of the AND gate. The input of the follower and signal input of the switch are connected to the output of the test circuit. The output of the follower is connected to the comparator second input. The univibrator input is connected to the comparator output. The output of the vibrator is connected to the subtracting input of the reversible pulse counter. The summing input of the reversible pulse counter is connected to the output of the AND gate. Each input of the decoder is connected to the reversible pulse counter output of the same name. Each decoder output is connected to indicator input. Each pulse counter output is connected to the cognominal input of the switch. Each of the outputs of the switch is connected to the cognominal load element 8-1 – 8-k, for each of which, starting from the second, the number of digital micro-schemes inputs, forming it and interconnected with each other, is two times higher, compared to the previous one. The unit allows determining the logic gain of the integrated circuit being tested by the high level changing (the first mode), and by the low level changing (the second mode) of its output signal.
Ensuring the second mode of the unit operation, allowing determine the logic gain of an integrated circuit being tested by the low level changing of its output signal, requires:
- Connecting the first input of the comparator to the follower output, and its second input connecting to the reference voltage source;
- To set the reference voltage source value to maximum allowable value of the the low-level voltage (logic zero) of output signal of integrated circuit being tested.
The suggested unit allows enhancing accuracy and validity of the integrated circuits logic gain determining. It is rather simple to operate.
Besides, the advantages of the unit compared to conventional ones consists in:
- the possibility to work with TTL, Schottky-TTL, and CMOS chips series;
- integrated circuits logic gain determining in two modes without changing the content of its blocks;
- ensuring automatic operating mode, and adaptability to changing microchips being tested and load elements 8-1 – 8k. | ||||||||
Tsvetkov V. A., Kondrat’eva S. G. Optimization of a broadband phased array with vibrator emitters. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 108 The article studies the issue of matching antenna arrays (AA), consisting of vibrators and cross vibrators, located above the final metal screen at a height of ≈ λ/4. This matching is performed within the frequency range of ±10% and scanning angle of ± 60°.
Vibrators are powered by ideal oscillators with controlled impedance, located between the vibrator arms. At the first stage, a comparison of “blinding” properties in planar and linear AAs is performed. The results of comparison revealed that “blinding” manifested itself more strongly in flat AAs. At the second stage, the AA configuration is selected to mitigate “blinding” effect. Since “blinding” appears only in the E-plane, and depends on the distance between the vibrators, the best location option is to turn the emitters at an angle of 45° to the edges of the AA. In the third stage, the optimal emitter option is selected. Emitters with straight arms, sloping arms, and pins of sundry heights between these types of emitters are compared. The largest minimum width of the array pattern over the gain antenna pattern within the frequency range and radiation level along the screen, which should be no less than —10 dB. The best characteristics are demonstrated by the grid of vibrators with straight arms and pins of 0.225 λav for both vibrator and cross vibrator AAs.
At the last stage, the selected variant is optimized for the height above the screen, arm length and generator resistance. The gain level equal to 0 dB is selected as an optimization criterion. The direction pattern width at gain of 0 dB within the frequency range of ±10% was no less than 118.4° for vibratory AA, and 118.2° for cross-vibratory AA. Maximum SWR value within the frequency band in the scanning range of the vibratory AA was 3.3
The width of the beam along the 0 dB be realized gain in the frequency range of ± 10% was not less than 118.4° for the vibratory AR and 118.2° for the cross-vibratory AA. The maximum value of the SWR in the frequency band in the scanning range in the vibrator AA was 3.3. For the cross-vibratory AA, maximum SWR value was 3.3 as well. | ||||||||
Fomin A. I., Malyutina O. A. Efficiency index justification while information transmission radio systems design at the stage of scientific and research effort. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 108 A mandatory item of the standard terms of reference for the implementation of scientific and research work (SRW) performing is the “Technical and economic requirements” item, which, in particular:
- establishes the limit value of the research cost;
- determins the stage at which technical and economic justification of the research continuation practicality is carried out;
- establishes the need to determine the estimated costs of implementing the results of research.
Each of items specified in the requirements is associated with evaluation of the technical complexity and efficiency of the designed information transmission radio systems (ITRS). Currently, the most common industry performance indicator of RW is a generalized indicator of the effect/cost. The research effectiveness justification is all the more necessary at the stage of determining the research contractor by the customer.
As a rule, the method of comparing some of the most important from the contractor’s view point characteristics of the designed ITRS with similar characteristics of a prototype is employed while technical effect assessing. With account for the dynamics of the characteristics being compared an inference is being drawn that the SRW performing will lead to the positive effect, and a new more efficient ITRS will be developed while the results of the experimental and development effort implementation. Besides certain voluntarism while the prototype selection and a set of compared characteristics, the drawback of this method consists in complexity of technical efficiency estimation, which may be explained by the necessity of vector indicator application, accounting for the values of individual characteristics.
The purpose of this article consists in developing a methodology for effect/cost calculating, based on the analysis of relative values of ITRS the main technical characteristics, formed by comparing these characteristics values with tmaximum potential values of the reference ITRS.
The relative indicator of technical efficiency, characterizing the effect of the R&D products being developed while the SRW performing, and economic efficiency indicator, characterizing increase of technical effectiveness per unit of the investment in the SRW under development, were suggested for estimating the effect/cost indicator widely used for SRW performing efficiency.
Rejection of subjective indicators of the preceding ITRS samples, which are being selected as prototypes at present, may be assigned to the advantages of the suggested indicator. | ||||||||
Talaev A. D., Borodin V. V., Petrakov A. M. Macromodel of LPWAN networks multiprotocol interaction. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 108 Currently, there are more than a dozen different independent IOT protocols with radically different characteristics. Each Protocol is being developed and employed for specific the tasks. Combining a vast number networks into a single infrastructure based on different standards will significantly increase the versatility and adaptability of the system as a whole. The article is devoted to the issues of networking and development of a macromodel of Multi-protocol interaction.
Networking can be performed at various levels. The article analyzes the options for integrating at both applications and at the sensors levels. In the first case, interaction is performed through the appropriate network gateways, data from which comes to the Multiprotocol application server, which clients are end users. The Uni on-level network of sensors means that each sensor contains both hardware and software, enabling data exchanges in the different networks with the corresponding mono-protocol gateways. With to the considered variants of separate networks combining, two main methods of organizing Multiprotocol control systems are proposed.
To solve the problem of management based on a local network node in a Multiprotocol system, each node is equipped with software and hardware to analyze parameters of its operation, the state of the networks, and the environment. In this case, based on the parameters obtained, the node is able to independently sel ect the working network. Multiprotocol system in this case consists of nodes capable of working in several networks alternately
To implement a centralized management system, a management center Advisory module is added to the network, which is responsible for distributing nodes across networks and reconfiguring the network. The decision is made based on the information received from each of the terminal nodes about the state of the node, sensors and sensors working with it. | ||||||||
Leshko N. A., Petrochenkov D. M., Morgunov M. Y., Fedotov A. V. Coordinates determining mathod of scanning radio emission source in multi-position radar system with uncooperative illumination. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 108 Multi-position passive methods for radio emission sources coordinates determining are widely employed in radiolocation. A number of literature sources suggest various methods for coordinates determining, which have already become conventional.
Some these methods require exact knowledge of the signals time and phase structure, while the other employ dynamic properties of the radiation source and additional special measurements of angular coordinates, i.e. bearing angles. For both cases, the corollary is the complexity of the equipment capable of realizing necessary measurements with the specified quality. Thus, developing methods for coordinates measurement of radio emission sources, allowing reduce the number of measurements is an important scientific and technical problem, requiring its solution. The problem of signals phase and time structure comparison in spaced-apart receiving points at a large a priori uncertainty due to the presence of the uncooperative illumination source is rather complicated while considering a multi-position radar system with uncooperative illumination source. It is necessary to regard the other properties of illumination sources. A scanning mode might be this property.
The article puts forward a method for calculating the scanning radio emission source coordinates, based on measuring the time intervals between successive irradiation of reception points of a multi-position radar system.
The coordinates calculation of the radiation source is achieved by the following:
- Measuring the scanning period of the source;
- Calculating the scanning source angular velocity;
- Measuring the time intervals between successive irradiation of reception point of a multi-position radar system;
- Calculating the distances to the radio emission source and azimuthal directions, using the base distance between the reception points of a multi-position radar system.
When organizing scanning of the space in a multi-position radar system based on a searchless spatial-multichannel survey method, the proposed time-based method for determining the distance to a scanning radio emission source allows reducing the uncertainty of the of the radio emission source location, improving thereby the accuracy of coordinates determining the of secondary radiation sources.
The main advantage of the proposed method for coordinates determining of the scanning radio source is the minimum number of measurements, the absence of measurable angular quantities, and independence of the reception points spatial orientation of a multi-position radar system relative to each other.
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Starovoitov E. I., Yurchik I. A. Characteristics Optimization of an Aviation Synthetic Aperture Radar and Its Micro-Navigation System. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 108 Falling of separable modules of launch vehicles occurs after space launches. Detected separable modules of launch vehicles are being evacuated from the impact area for further utilization. Search operations in a hard-to-reach terrain may take a good deal of time and require heavy spending. The authors suggest employing airborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) for operational search and detection of separable modules of launch vehicles. This radar characteristics may differ from the analogs at hand.
An inertial micro-navigation system is employed to improve data quality being acquired by SAR. Currently, micro-navigation systems are employed in a great number of airborne SARs
Measuring error of the micro-navigation system is determined primarily by the the errors of its sensitive elements (accelerometers and gyros).
The types of sensitive elements applied in inertial units, and gyro errors correcting techniques of micro-navigation system, accumulated while long-term operation, are described. Analysis of requirements placed to micro-navigation system with inertial blocks based on laser gyros was performed.
For the assessment, it is assumed, that the aircraft-carrier flight is performed at an altitude of 9 km with a speed of 200 m/s. Characteristics of SAR, operating in Ku, X and C frequency bands, and sensitive elements of the units were determined for this initial data.
Based on Pareto sets, a technique for optimizing the inertial block mass (with account for the laser gyroscopes drift) of the micro-navigation system, and permissible error in the radial velocity measuring was developed. The same technique may be employed to optimize the inertial block size.
The results of this work may be used for developing airborne various purpose SARs. | ||||||||
Sokhranniy E. P. Methods for Solving Key Problematic Issues of Conflicts Resolution on Spacecraft Ground Control Systems Employing. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 108 Specifics of spacecraft (SC) control by radio coverage zones and according to technological cycles of spacecraft control does not allow application of existing classical methods and techniques for planning ground spacecraft control means employing, which stipulates the necessity for original planning technologies developing.
Analysis of conventional planning of spacecraft ground control means application revealed that tha main planning problem consists in the necessity of conflicts resolution on the ground control means employing.
The main cause of conflict situations occurrence was determined as insufficiency of control means to realize requests from Mission Control Centers on communication session with space vehicles. The article presents the main conditions of conflicts occurrence, whereof the main is growth of the spacecraft orbital constellation. Analysis of conventional conflicts resolution process drawbacks, as well as possible aftermath of untimely or unsubstantiated decisions allowed formulate the basic problematic issues of conflicts resolution. They consist in operational efficiency increasing of decisions on conflicts resolution making and their validity.
The author suggests m ethods of problematic issues solving, consisting in
- automation of the decisions preparation process based on formalization of the said process,
- ensuring required values of confidence probability of expert evaluation on account of the expert panel of experts, consisting of no less than seven specialists, and expert evaluations concurrence (expert’s judgments expert panel opinions) with pre-arranged data for decision-making,
- processing firstly the top-priority requests;
- ensuring minimum damage from time shifting of conflicting requests realization.
The expected results of the suggestions implementation for problematic issues resolution are specified. | ||||||||
Borminsky S. A. A method for multilayer liquids density and viscosity integrated control in tanks based on ultrasonic sounding. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 108 The article proposes an acoustic method for integrated control of multilayer liquids parameters, based on analysis of ultrasonic signal, propagating from the acoustic emitter upward the tank. The method is based on ultrasonic signal propagation upward the tank from the emitter through a multilayer medium. A line of acoustic receivers herewith is located above the emitter at a predetermined distance. In general, each acoustic receiver contains two channels. The first channel measures acoustic pressure using a piezoelectric transducer. In addition to the transducer, the second channel contains a buffer rod with fixed acoustic parameters, which allows determining the medium density. The fixed distance between the receivers allows determine the sound speed in the given layer. Thus, the media boundary height in the tank is determined by the propagation time. The liquid viscosity is determined by the attenuation. This method improves the accuracy and reliability of parameters measuring, as well as allows eliminate the need for an additional sound-collecting waveguide and reference reflectors, usually employed for high-precision measurements. The absence of the waveguide ensures a number of advantages. Firstly, with the line of receivers application the signal amplitude is much higher, than while employing reference reflectors, which significantly improves noise immunity and accuracy of the incoming acoustic signal front determining. Secondly, multiple signal re-reflections, hampering with the media boundaries positions determining, occur in waveguide measurements in the presence of additional reflectors. Acoustic receivers employed in the proposed method are small-sized and practically do not reflect signals, which allows determining even weakly stratified media. Thirdly, the waveguide presence impedes ensuring the same liquid stratification as in the tank itself especially while fuel drain/fill operation. While liquid adding to the tank, only the lower fraction enters the waveguide, which makes the layered media measurements inaccurate. Fourth, the waveguide absence allows employing practically any frequencies for measuring. The additional effects herewith peculiar to the waveguide sound proliferation do not arise. Structurally, the whole sensor consists of long studs, on which receivers and emitter are located. This design allows quick extraction of the sensor for precipitation removal and other maintenance operations.
The article considered various options of media location relative to acoustic receivers for measurements implementation, on which ground a signal-processing algorithm was developed. The following cases were considered: homogeneous medium with a medium level above the second receiver from the bottom; homogeneous medium with a level between the first and second receivers; several fractions, when each has more than two receivers; two fractions with media boundaries between the first / second and second / third receivers. This combination of the considered options allows obtain all the necessary cases while operation.
A prototype device was developed. With inexpensive components application it demonstrated the errors of combined measurements of level, density and viscosity of 0.1%, 5% and 12% correspondingly. | ||||||||
Romanov A. M., Gringoli F. ., Sikora A. . Wireless synchronization of onboard computing devices through WiFi. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 108 This article deals with the problem of wireless synchronization between onboard computing devices of small-sized unmanned aerial vehicles (SUAV) equipped with integrated wireless chips (IWC). Accurate synchronization between several devices requires the precise timestamping of batches transmitting and receiving on each of them. The best precision is demonstrated by those solutions where timestamping is performed on the PHY level, right after modulation/demodulation of the batch. Nowadays, most of the currently produced IWC are Systems-on-a-Chip (SoC) that include both PHY and MAC, implemented with one or several processor cores application. SoC allows create more cost and energy efficient wireless devices. At the same time, it limits the developers direct access to the internal signals and significantly complicates precise timestamping for sent and received batches, required for mutual synchronization of industrial devices. Some modern IEEE 802.11 IWCs have inbuilt functions that use internal chip clock to register timestamps. However, high jitter of the interfaces between the external device and IWC degrades the comparison of the timestamps from the internal clock to those registered by external devices. To solve this problem, the article proposes a novel approach to the synchronization, based on the analysis of IWC receiver input potential. The benefit of this approach is that there is no need to demodulate and decode the received batches, thus allowing it implementation with low-cost IWCs. In this araticle, Cypress CYW43438 was taken as an example for designing hardware and software solutions for synchronization between two SUAV onboard computing devices, equipped with IWC. The results of the performed experimental studies reveal that mutual synchronization error of the proposed method does not exceed 10 μs. | ||||||||
Simonov A. S., Semenov A. S., Makagon D. V. Trends of high-speed communication networks development for multiprocessor computing systems. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 108 The inter-nodal communication network is a key component for mass-parallel supercomputers. JSC “NICEVT” has developed the first generation of the Angara high performance communication network designed for application as a part of multiprocessor computational systems (MCS) of petaflop class, and ensuring high computer capacity scalability at real problems solving.
The following main trends can be distinguished in the MCS development:
The second generation of the MCS Angara with multidimensional torus topology, which development is scheduled for completion in 2019, is designed fro creating an MCS of subexaflopcic performance range. It is characterized by the modified Torus topology support, and much higher NIC characteristics, allowing plugging-in up to four processors at each node.
In the course of specification development of the second-generation Angara communication network, besides the operational parameters improvement, emphasis was placed on a significant functionality expansion, aimed at effective operation in both the high-performance MCSs segment and for data storage and Bulky Data processing systems.
These functional capabilities relate to SR IOV virtualization technology support, batches protection from the third-party tasks, non-guaranteed batches delivery for TCP/IP protocols stack realization, more effective routing algorithms for supporting the networks with “modified torus” topology, zonal adaptive routing and other features.
The MCS Angara third generation, which development is planned to be performed in 2021-2023, is focused on supercomputers creation of exaflops range, and is characterized by further improvement in NIC characteristics and optical connections application. | ||||||||
Algazin S. D., Solovyov G. H. On fast solution of the primal biharmonic problem. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 108 At present, finite element method is the most widespread technique for solving the problems of deformable solid body mechanics. Its shortcomings are well-known and consist in the fact that while displacement approximation by a piecewise-linear function we obtain discontinuous tension. With that, it is worth mentioning that the majority of deformable solid body mechanics problems are described by the equations by the elliptic type equations, which result in smooth solutions. It seems relevant to develop algorithms, which would account for this smoothness. The idea of such algorithms belongs to K.I. Babenko. This idea was put forward by him in the early seventies of the last century. The long-term application of this technique for the elliptic tasks on eigenvalues proved its high efficiency. For example, the task on eigenvalues for the zero equation of Bessel was considered. With this, the first eigenvalue was defined with 22 signs accuracy after the decimal point on the mesh consisting of 22 nodes.
Unlike classical difference methods and finite-element method where dependence of the convergence speed on the number of mesh nodes is of power character, here we have an exponential decrease of error.
The first edition of the book by K.I. Babenko [22] contains the summary of fundamentals of the non-satiable numerical methods. It should be noted, that the studies in computational mathematics in this direction were not sufficiently popularized both in Russia and the world, and they are still practically unknown abroad.
Confirmation to this fact consists in the fact that nowadays an actual “rediscovery” (probably independent) of the same computational techniques started abroad under the name of “spectral” methods (S. Orszag, D. Gotlieb [4], E. Tadmor the USA). It is represented also by (h – p)-specializations of the finite element method (O. Widlund, the USA and S. Schwab, Switzerland), in which the power p of polynomials, employed for functions approximation within one finite element, increases simultaneously with the mesh refinement (i.e. at h → 0). Thus, we can only regret that the works by Babenko and his disciples appeared to be practically forgotten by now. | ||||||||
Vasil'kov Y. V., Timoshenko A. V., Sovetov V. A., Kirmel A. S. Functional characteristics assessment technique for radio-monitoring systems at restricted data on reliability parameters. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 108 The article regard specifics of modelling and functional characteristics assessment of radio monitoring systems at restricted data on reliability parameters. It considers the issues of the systems mathematical models adequacy, including sundry approaches to the adequacy assessment. Approaches for earlier probability determination of hazardous event occurrence, which are based on trends extraction both in cases of noiseless assessments and in case of strongly noisy ones are presented. In the last case, the beginning, end and slope angle of the trends, which are employed while modelling radio-monitoring systems with random components, are extracted.
Specifics of failure flow intensity characteristics identification of the system elements while simulation organizing for analyzing failure flow intensity impact on the simulation results are considered, and recommendations are given for the cases, when the failure flow intensity is unknown in advance.
Specifics of mathematical simulation organization for the cases, when the failure flow intensity is unknown in advance, were considered, and analysis of the failure flow intensity effect on the simulation results was performed. | ||||||||
Jahidzadeh S. H. Issues of utilization optimization of extra photovoltaic panels for feeding unmanned aerial vehicles units. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 108 At present, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) are widely employed for surveillance and information acquisition. One of the main problems of successful UAV functioning is providing them with power sources. Traditional solution of this problem consists in employing electric batteries and hydrocarbon fuel, which eventually leads to the UAV free flight duty period limiting. However, equipping UAV with solar batteries is non-traditional, but rather perspective solution. Solar batteries are unique type of power sources, which allow performing 24-hours flights, when energy stored in accumulators is employed while nighttime. It is noted that at present UAV energy supplying by solar batteries placing on the upper surface of the wings is a prospective solution to this problem. Numerous facts of this idea realization proved the effectiveness of solar batteries application for the UAV electric power supply. At the same time, solar energy employing for the UAV energy supplying is associated with a number of problems, which solution would help even more enhancement of their functioning effectiveness. One of these problems is the UAV supplying with extra solar batteries installed on the lower surface of the wings to utilize the diffusive solar energy. The purpose of the conducted studies consists in analysis of achieving higher efficiency of the extra solar batteries, installed on the lower surface of the wings. The article formulates and solves the problem of providing low altitude UAV with extra solar panels, realizing conversion of diffusive and reflected solar energy into electric energy. The author suggests enhancing the UAV components energy supplying by additional employing of dispersed reflected solar radiation. Theoretical basics of solar panels, installed on the lower surface of the wings, were analyzed. The issue on the most effective application of the extra solar panels installed on the lower surface of the wing was formulated. The article represents a variant of the problem solution of solar panels employing on the lower surface of the wings with maximum efficiency. According to the obtained results, the total extra radiation, which can be converted into electric energy, may be effectively utilized in case that the following condition would be met: with the Sun angle of altitude increase albedo should decrease and vice versa. This interrelation can be realized physically by special selection of space-time flight trajectory, meeting this requirement. | ||||||||
Hismatov I. F. Meteorological conditions reproduction technique while aircraft optoelectronic systems simulation. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 108 The development objective of the technique considered in this article is fidelity increasing of the aircraft optical-electronic systems functioning simulation in the modes of ground-based object searching, auto-capturing and tracking due to the correct regard of meteorological conditions in calculations of brightness fields of target environment optical radiation.
At present moment, the problem of optical radiation transfer in the atmosphere is solved successfully, though techniques for its solution are still rather complicated, so that engineers would be able to employ them in practice of optoelectronic systems simulation. The article offers engineering approach to accounting for the atmosphere «optical state», based, however, on the simulation results with application of the proven optical models.
The technique suggested in the article is based on the application of interpolation methods for determining transparency and brightness of inclined paths in the atmosphere between the objects of sighting and recording instruments. A method for the atmosphere brightness and transparency computing on random paths according to tabular data containing these characteristics on ray the paths is proposed.
Application of the developed methodological apparatus allow reproducing while simulation conditions of OESTG functioning such as objects sightings against horizon in conditions of high air humidity or low values of meteorological sighting distance.
The methodological apparatus of the inclined paths brightness and transparency computing, presented in article, may be applied in software complexes for synthesizing images of the 3D scene of the aircraft optical-electronic systems target environment at the polygonal representation of its objects in mathematical models.
The developed methodological apparatus may be applied as well to create hardware-in-the-loop simulation of the aircraft optoelectronic systems, in which synthesized images are reproduced by collimator projection devices in the aircraft flight dynamics.
It should be noted, that the meteorological conditions replication technique, suggested by the author of the article, combined with the developed by the author 3-D model of brightness fields of the ground-based target guidance and technique for digital images synthesis form the simulation method basis for aircraft optical-electronic systems operation. Accounting for meteorological conditions impact on the atmosphere optical characteristics herewith enhances significantly the synthesized images fidelity, and, consequently, the optoelectronic systems quality indicators, obtained while their simulation.
In so doing accounting of meteorological conditions influence on atmosphere optical capabilities greatly increases validity of synthesize images and hence optical-electronic systems indicators of quality obtained by modeling them. | ||||||||
Ryazanov V. V. Spacecraft motion control while contactless space debris removal. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 107 The urgency of the issue under consideration is determined by the need to develop methods for cleaning the near-Earth space from space debris objects that pose a threat to the spacecraft functioning. The article considered the process of removing the CubSat3U format nanosatellite from the near-Earth orbit by a contactless method employing an active spacecraft equipped with ion and control engines. A nanosatellite can serve as a universal base for conducting orbital experiments to develop the technology for removal using ion beam. When analyzing the removal process, it was assumed that at the stage of towing the distance between the active spacecraft and nanosatellite remains constant. For the stages of approach and towing, it is necessary to know the maximum value of control engines thrust, and the time of movement stabilization at which the nanosatellite center of mass will be located on the longitudinal axis of the blowing engine of the active spacecraft. The presented work is devoted to the analysis of the proposed control laws for the active spacecraft. The author obtained differential equations of the motion of an active spacecraft relative to a nanosatellite in the orbital coordinate system for the stages of approach and towing. The article suggest control laws of an active spacecraft relative to nanosatellite for the stages of approach and towing. Aerodynamic coefficients of the object being removed were used for determining the force transmitted from the ion beam to nanosatellite. With the selected coefficients of the control laws, the time of motion stabilization was determined. | ||||||||
Ulybyshev S. Y. . Trudy MAI, 2019, no 107 This article is a continuation of the previous work, where the issues of substantiation and elaboration of the design appearance of a promising spacecraft towing vehicle (STV) with two variants of the propulsion system (DU) using liquid rocket engines (LRE) and stationary plasma engines (SPD) were considered, as well as the calculation of the power supply system of STV.
This paper describes in detail the features of the implementation of schemes for the space debris object (SDO) disposal by the STV, with the SPD remote control. The control laws of thrust vector orientation at the stages of flight to the SDO orbit with its subsequent removal, ensuring the problem solution, are selected. Mathematical modeling and comparison on the reachability area for two variants of the orbit of burial being formed, coplanar to the SDO orbit and synchronously precessing with it, were performed. In the first case, determining the scheme of one mission to the SDO orbit and the coplanar descent are hampered by the required orbit mismatch along the longitude of the ascending node (LAN) for the flight start and ensuring the possibility of operations repeating. In the second scheme, this aspect is eliminated by creation of synchronous precession orbits (SPO) during the flight by the inclination correcting. The limits of these schemes efficiency depending on the inclination and altitude of the SDO orbit were determined. Recommendations on the possibility of these flight schemes application depending on the orbits parameters of the towed objects are formulated. | ||||||||
Ledkov A. S., Sobolev R. G. Electro-dynamic tether system stabilization in a circular orbit. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 107 The existence of technologies for strong materials production allows create extended space tether systems, which can be employed to solve a wide range of practical issues. Some projects imply the space tether system stabilization in a certain position. Stabilization can be realized by of the conductive cable interaction with the Earth electromagnetic field. The goal of the work consists in searching for the tether current control law, ensuring of the space tether system stabilization in a certain stationary state in a circular orbit. In contrast to the majority of existing works, the article considers the simultaneous stabilization of the system center of mass in a circular orbit and tether deflection angle stabilization in a certain stationary position.
A mathematical model of the cable system is described, and equations of motion using the second-kind Lagrange equations are obtained. In the framework of the assumptions made, the tether is considered as inelastic massless rod, and the bodies connected by it are material points. The model accounts for the attraction of the Earth and the Ampere force. A current in the electro-dynamic cable is considered as a control element. Control is sought as the sum of the programmed and stabilizing current force. It is shown that a limited set of program motions in a circular orbit can be implemented in the system. Equations of these motions are obtained. The stabilizing control is sought in the form of a linear dependence on generalized coordinates and velocities. The law of stabilizing control is sought in the form of a linear dependence on generalized coordinates and velocities. Selection of the control law parameters was performed using the Lyapunov theorem on asymptotic stability in the first approximation. Numerical simulation was executed to demonstrate the effectiveness of using an electrodynamic tether for the system stabilization in a circular orbit.
The results of the work may be employed while preparation of space programs involving of electro-dynamic tether systems implementation in a circular orbit. | ||||||||
Anan’ev A. V., Rybalko A. G., Goncharenko V. I., Klevcov R. P. Operational evaluation of target hit errors by free-falling containers of small-class unmanned aerial vehicles. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 107 The article introduces a new approach to solving the problem of in-the-field operational determining of systematic error of drop-off a free-fall unguided container by prospective small-class strike unmanned aerial vehicles.
Analysis of the existing techniques of drop points’ coordinates determination of destruction weapons, employed for the manned aircraft, revealed their poor accuracy, which does not allow further performing the effectiveness evaluation of strike unmanned aerial vehicles application while ground targets striking.
Two ways of drop points coordinates determination of a free-fall unguided container were developed. They are based on modification of measuring and resection methods. The first technique realizes the direct measuring method, differing from the other by the sounding signal device application, particularly, a laser measuring device. The second technique is based on the indirect measurement method. Its difference from the resection method consists in the simplified order of measurements realization, and the application of one laser measuring device, instead of three.
The presented work reveals the content and the order of realization of each technique, which allows apply them not only for tests performing, but also while planned flights execution of unmanned aerial vehicles to maintain a high-level proficiency of operators at the ground control stations.
A scientific-methods apparatus for accuracy evaluation, based on comparing a polygon area as well as error theory methods, was developed for determining measuring error of the drop points coordinates of ammunition dummies performed by suggested and well-known methods.
Thus, two new operational techniques for drop points determining of ammunition dummies, being dropped from strike unmanned aerial vehicles, were developed. These techniques ensure two times and more increasing in performed measures accuracy. It will allow increase the efficiency of the systematic error determining for the batch small-class strike unmanned aerial vehicles in the field (combat) conditions. | ||||||||
Polyakov A. A., Zashchirinski S. A. Virtual space application for mock-design tests on a spacecraft electronic model. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 107 A spacecraft creation in modern conditions makes the developer both conduct a profound engineering analysis in various fields and a large volume of tests in conditions close to the flight with the simulation of various impacting factors.
With the advent of advanced software for simulation modelling a concept of system-oriented design, based on application of the system of object-oriented models for developing basic simulation model of a space product, came to the forefront.
The described approaches allow performing tests, including model ones, with the help of which it is possible to determine with sufficient probability the spacecraft operational parameters and the reserve resource for each of them to make a decision on the readiness of the device for further application without flight design tests or with a significant cost reduction on them. Naturally, modelling, and simulation modelling in particular, herewith starts playing the main role, and its results evaluation with modern means of information processing. Already today, the modern means of modeling, engineering analysis and virtual design allow eliminate materiel application from mock-design, or at least significantly reduce the number of full-scale tests, substituting them by a greater amount of virtual tests.
At present, a technique for mock-tests executing by the spacecraft electron layout, employing virtual medium, is developed and conciliated at JSC “NPO Lavochkina”.
Virtual models application for tests preparation not only reduces the costs and risks associated with them, but also reduces the time required for the testing process itself.
It is obvious that the problem of experimental testing of the device can be fully solved only when it is completed by device tests, least of all differing from the standard sample, under the full-scale conditions, i.e. flight tests.
The presented article describes successively the goals and objectives imposed during the prototype tests in accordance with State Standards, as well as software and technical means to transfer the tests into the virtual space. | ||||||||
Babaitsev A. V., Burtsev A. Y., Rabinsky L. N., Solyaev Y. O. A technique for approximate stresses evaluation in a thick-wall composite axisymmetric structure. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 107 Design calculations based on one-dimensional models of rods with variable cross-section can be effectively applied in the design of structures with large elongation. Similar one-dimensional models are employed, for example, for the design of columns, supports, rocket systems, etc. Such models allow, as a first approximation, evaluate the strength of a structure and determine loading conditions of its elements (compartments, sections) for further refined numerical calculations.
The article presents an option of the strength analysis performing method for a thick-walled axisymmetric structure consisting of a metal core (reinforcing component) and an external thick-walled shell of composite material. The structure is loaded with a linear load distributed along a part of its length associated with the acting external pressure and inertial forces associated with the resulting acceleration. The technique is based on a one-dimensional model of a composite rod with variable cross-section, approximately accounting for transverse deformations, which is necessary when analyzing a thick-walled structure operating under pressure. In the proposed approach, the geometry of the product is splitted into sections and approximated by fragments in the form of truncated cones and, in particular case, cylinders. As the result of the calculations, the distribution of the normal longitudinal tensile / compression stresses in the outer shell and in the reinforcing rod is being determined, and the tangential stresses at the boundary of their contact are being estimated. As the result of the test calculations, a reasonably good consistency of the proposed one-dimensional analytical calculation method with the numerical result obtained by refined finite element modeling for normal stresses acting in the rod and in the shell in the direction of the symmetry axis of the structure is shown. Numerical calculations were performed in the Comsol Multiphisics system using in a axisymmetric formulation. For tangential stresses at the contact boundary between the rod and the shell, approximate estimates, which quantitatively differ rather strongly from the numerical modeling, are obtained, and, therefore, require developing a refined technique accounting for the uneven normal and tangential stresses distribution in the radial direction. | ||||||||
Mitin A. Y., Tarlakovsky D. V., Fedotenkov G. V. Non-stationary contact of a cylindrical shell and perfectly rigid elliptic paraboloid. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 107 The article studies a strain-stress state of a circular cylindrical shell of the Tymoshenko type and perfectly rigid cylindrical paraboloid in the process of their collision at the supersonic stage of interaction. The process of vertical impact is being considered, where the shell movement is regarded in Cartesian coordinate system. The contact occurs in free sliding conditions.
The problem setting includes equations of the shell motion, and equations of the elliptic paraboloid as a perfectly rigid body, boundary and initial conditions. To solve the problem, influence functions are used for a circular cylindrical shell, which represents normal displacement and is a solution to the initial-boundary problem of the impact on the surface of an elastic shell of normal pressure, given as a product of Dirac delta functions.
A numerical-analytical algorithm for solving the system associated with the inversion of Fourier-Laplace integral transformations, which is based on the bond of Fourier integral with decomposition into a Fourier series on a variable interval, was developed and implemented. Examples of computations are presented.
The goal of the work consists in formulating a spatial non-stationary contact problem for perfectly rigid impactors and a circular cylindrical shell of the Tymoshenko type.
The relevance of the research topic is stipulated in theoretical terms by the small number of studies of spatial non-stationary contact problems. From a practical viewpoint, it is associated with the need to determine the stress-strain state in the process of collision of an perfectly rigid body with a shell structure. | ||||||||
Stepanov R. P., Kusyumov A. N., Mikhailov S. A., Mikhailov S. A. Experimental study of wingtip vortices behind the finite-span wing. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 107 The article presents the results of experimental study of wingtip vortices behind a rectangular wing of a finite-span in the near field (at a distance of 0.5 to 4.2 wing chords length from the trailing edge). A rectangular wing with a modified Göttingen 387 airfoil and aspect ratio of 7.8 was used in the experiments.
During the experiments, the Reynolds number corresponded to Re = 350000, and an incoming flow velocity was set to 28 m/s. Wing tip vortices were studied at various angles of attack in the range from —6° to +18°. Experiments were performed in T-1K wind tunnel of Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev. The wingtip vortices study was performed by the velocity fields, obtained with PIV-system. Parameters identification of the vortex core was performed employing Cross-Sectional Lines method and Q-criterion, and demonstrated good agreement. The article presents dependencies of the core size changing on the angle of attack and a distance to the core section. It is shown that the vortex core size increases away from the wing the wing and the angle of attack increasing. The dependencies of the vortex core square on the Q value were plotted. It was established that the wingtip vortex bunch stranding at large angles of attack occurs at the shorter distances, than at the smaller angles of attack. The article demonstrates that maximum value of relative circulation is almost constant and independent from the angle of attack value. | ||||||||
Balakin S. V., Serbinov D. L. A method for liquid fuel rockets fueling level sensors parameters determining by the AC technique. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 107 Methods for parameters determining of various objects based on the judgment on the measuring object according to its mathematical model and associated with analysis of alternating current passage through these objects gain more and more proliferation [1].
These methods found widespread occurrence in space rocket industry in particular. Abandonment of the CE5002 AC bridge, which was widely employed on technical complexes of space-rocket products, was the reason for new measuring techniques developing.
Dielectric liquids and cryogenic liquefied gases, reaching the temperatures about −253°C, are rocket fuel componentThe fueling level sensor represents a cylindrical air capacitor in double version in accordance with Fig. 1. Thus, the capacitive measuring method became widely spread in space-rocket products due to the possibility of operation in a boiling component, linearity of characteristic, movable parts absence etc. The fueling level sensor represents a cylindrical air capacitor in double version in accordance with Fig. 1.
A universal meter for impedance parameters' analyzer for performing studies in the field of materials analysis of ferroelectromagnetic phenomena, ion and superionic conductivity etc. [8] was developed at V. A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of Sciences.
The measuring devices for impedance measurements such as materials analysis, ferroelectricity, ionic and superionic conductivity etc. was developed in V. A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of Sciences.
In this transducer, computer controls measuring sequence and connects phase frequency detector (PFD) and analog to digital converter (ADC) firstly to the measuring object, and then to the reference with excitation voltage phase step of
Where T is integration interval; Uij(t) is PFD input signal; Gj(t) reference signal.
Computer receives the codes carrying information on Uij(t), and computes real and imaginary part of the voltage at the tested object and measure.
The developed device allows measuring fueling level sensor parameters with high accuracy, but the main restriction while its application is the presence of a long double-wire cable communication link, reaching the length of 500 m. With such a cable link length, the phase measurements are extremely difficult to be realized due to the parasitic components of the communication line.
That is why the authors took another path aimed at developing a new technique for fueling level sensor parameters determining.
As long as the fueling level sensor (FLS) is a two elements two-pole, its parameters determining consists in alternating current impact at the two specified frequencies firstly on fueling level sensor, and then of the reference.
According to the given FLS equivalent circuit we have the following equations to determine its parameters:
where CW is working capacity of the sensor;
RL is leakage resistance of sensor;
RR is reference resistance;
ω1, ω2 is excitation frequencies;
However, operation results revealed that currents induced by the communication line length fr om the external sources, as well as AC frequencies difference value affect measuring results, namely, the more the AC frequencies separated, the higher the measuring accuracy.
Thus, the goal of the new measuring approach is increasing measuring accuracy due to bias currents compensation and providing one measurement at the direct current excitation using the following equations:
wh ere sign of Δ denotes bias currents compensation, which were measured at turned-off AC and DC current sources.
The Xilinx FPGAs were employed for the newly developed technique realization, on which base measuring data processing and computation blocks, and functional blocks of analog measuring channel, including analog-to-digital converter of integrating type, sine voltage generator, frequency and scale of amplification control circuit.
The developed measuring technique allowed create a unit for ensuring FLS parameters measuring on the technical complex instead of out of production CE5002 AC bridge.
The technique described in the article may be applied for parameters measuring of two-poles, employed as physical processes sensors (temperature, pressure, level of liquid and granular media, etc.) at the industrial objects, transportation means and, above all, in the systems for measuring fueling level of liquid fuelled rocket carriers in the space-rocketry. | ||||||||
Golomazov A. V., Smirnov N. Y., Iosifov P. A. Creating a concept of information support for decision-making based on man-machine interaction procedures. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 107 At present, studies on the information support formation for decision-making in the environment of multi-agent systems can be referred to as particularly relevant, since a multitude of problems to be solved can be represented as functional agents of multi-agent systems. Such studies integrate both the results of solving deterministic problems and the problems solved based of the theory of fuzzy sets.
This scientific article reflects theoretical aspects of the interaction between the Cargo Owners and Carriers, and information support formation for decision-making in the multi-agent platform environment. At the same time, methods for solving the tasks based on a deterministic and fuzzy approach are proposed at reaching a consensus of interacting subjects. The article explores the possibility of applying the dialogue interaction principles of interacting subjects based on the multi-agent system (MAS) software in conditions of uncertainty, risk and conflict.
The considered approach of interaction between the Cargo Owners and Carriers is based on the following main provisions that ensure [6]:
Personnel is presented with the opportunity to form requests for the selection and extraction of information available in the system. These queries describe combinations of features using the functions “equal”, “not equal”, “greater”, “less”, “greater and equal”, “less and equal”, “nesting” or special functions for which information will be selected, and those information components are determined that should be extracted from the selected array and provided to the specified persons. Requests can be formed for both interconnected and unrelated fuzzy information.
In this mode, on the request of personnel from among the subjects, the generated request can be cataloged in the MAC environment and used multiple times with the possibility of correction before the next execution.
The set of forms for displaying the information received as the result of a request processing can be diverse enough (text, statistical data, graphs, charts, etc.), and it depends on the specific ways of using information on the activity being monitored, allowing the interacting swarm subjects of Cargo Owners and Carriers advance to a consensus more intensively and expeditiously. | ||||||||
Gerasimchuk V. V. Dynamics modelling of the landing platform two-link mechanism. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 107 The article is devoted to the dynamics study of the two-link mechanism of the landing platform of the landing module. Federal space program includes the planet rover delivery on the planets under exploration by landing modules. An important scientific problem on rational selection of design solution for studying the deployment dynamics of the multilink mechanism of the landing platform gangway is formulated.
The author analyzes the existing methods of compiling the multi-link mechanisms motion dynamic equations, and chooses the of Denavit-Hartenberg matrix representation together with the Lagrange-Euler method for complete description of the mechanism motion. The movement dynamics is represented as a two-link mechanism with rotational joints. Further, we formulate a direct problem of kinematics to determine the vector of generalized accelerations for a given force and moments. A system of nonlinear differential equations of motion is being derived, which is numerically integrated, and modeled in the EULER software complex. The EULER software package was developed by NPO Avtomatika and meant for mathematical modeling of multi-component mechanical systems dynamics. The results are compared, and conclusion is made on the sufficient convergence of the results (the discrepancy does not exceed 15%).
The author draws attention to the fact that nonlinearity generates heterogeneity of dynamic, elastic and velocity properties of the mechanism and the variability of parameters in nonlinear equations. This feature is clearly manifested in the positions of the multiplicity π of the generalized coordinates and at their zero values. When φ1 = φ2 = 0, the mechanism is pulled into a line, or if φ multiples of π and the links are folded, a loss of controllability may occur. The author explains this by the fact that the choice of the conceptual model of the mechanism and the formation of its kinematic design model is an independent task.
Approbation of the developed system of non-linear equations with the results of the work on the transformable structures of the EXOMARS SPACECRAFT landing platform was performed additionally. A conclusion was made on the model suitability at the outline design and determining the layout and main kinematic characteristics of the mechanism of the landing platform gangway of the landing module of the interplanetary space station. | ||||||||
Yudin D. A. Numerical modelling results of the products structures upon the impact when hitting liquid and solid impediments. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 107 The article presents an adaptive theory and the results of mathematical modeling of structural elements of products while encountering with various types of obstacles. The problem of developing an effective method for the numerical simulation of three-dimensional dynamic problems of hydroelasticity and structural dynamics is being solved. Finite element method is used to solve these coupled problems.
The results of the stress-strain state calculations using numerical simulation, as well as some highlights of the process of impact interaction of the product and obstacles are obtained.
In recent years, a large number of analytical and semi-empirical methods have been developed to study the stress-strain state of structures under impact. However, these methods were used mainly for a limited type of structures, as a rule, of simple geometry and in the presence of a number of restrictions in the problems formulation and boundary conditions formation. At the same time, it is obvious that in order to solve practical problems along with those of the objects of the rocket and space industry, it is necessary to account for rather complex geometry of structural elements and the corresponding boundary conditions. The main modeling problem in this case is the need to obtain a joint coordinated solution of the equations of structural dynamics and the equations of flow of liquid or solid barrier. In this regard, numerical modeling is considered to be one of the main and non-alternative approaches these days for solving these complex problems.
The advantages of the FEM are as follows: relatively simple setting of boundary conditions, sufficiently high accuracy, and the capability of tracing the entire evolution of the free boundary as well as a high degree of universality. It is worth noting that this method application while performing calculations in the areas with complex free surface behavior can lead to the cell grid boundaries overlapping due to large deformations of the simulated structure.
The goal of the work consists in developing an effective methodology for numerical modeling of three-dimensional dynamic problems of hydroelasticity for specifying the stress-strain state of elements of metal structures impact upon water and a solid impediment impact. | ||||||||
Goldovskii A. A. Numerical models for contact zones prediction as the result of impact interaction of aviation structures with barrier in emergencies. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 107 This presented article is devoted to the study of issue on the possibility of predicting and determining the contact zones of the colliding elements according to the result of their impact interaction. Developing methods for predicting contact zones is an urgent task in the case of any objective data absence on real cause-and-effect relationship, led to the impact interaction, and subsequently to some abnormal situation (emergency). Frequently, the study of an emergency often comes down to many experimental works, in which the opportunity of repeating all the conditions of an abnormal situation (emergency) that has already happened is not always possible. The presented article suggests a method, which may significantly reduce the number of experimental studies of abnormal situations (emergencies) in combination with the numerical simulation. The general application area of the developed models is aerospace industry and mechanical engineering.
The subject of the study is the impact interaction of two elastoplastic bodies. Due to the shock interaction, the stress-strain state of an elastoplastic barrier is considered to obtain a qualitative assessment of the force factors acting on the colliding elements. The article presents the main methods for studying impact interaction, as well as numerical simulation of the impact of two elastoplastic bodies.
Based on the conducted numerical simulation, methods for determining contact zones of impact interaction are presented; an algorithm for recovering the picture of impact interaction is developed; the main drawbacks of the method are considered; ways of development in terms of describing more complex geometric bodies and sequential-circular motion are proposed. | ||||||||
Kovalev N. V., Baikov A. E. On sticking zone of a box with internal oscillator on a horizontal plane. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 107 Problems of the theory of mechanical systems with dry friction are popular at present among researches and find many applications while studying, for example, motion of mechanisms consisting of a solid body and moving masses in it. Discontinuity of the right hand sides of the equations of motion creates many problems while studying, and classical theory of differential equations does not work for the equations of movement with dry friction.
The first paragraph of the article considers very simple and popular model of the system with dry friction, i.e. a box clenched by springs on the conveyor belt. A dry friction force, subordinate to the Amonton’s-Coulomb law, acted between the box and the belt. A sticking zone was plotted, and periodic movements and limit cycle of the box on the conveyor belt were obtained.
The article regards translational movement of a box with internal oscillator along the horizontal plane. An Amonton’s-Coulomb dry force acted between the box and the plane. Equations of movement of the box with internal oscillator were obtained it the second paragraph of the article. These equations concede general solution in every domain of continuity. The slipping zone conditions when the static friction forces act on the box were obtained.
The third paragraph of the article validates mathematical correctness of the model under consideration. This correctness is based on the concept of Philipov’s solution of the ODE system with discontinuity of the right hand sides. The model determinateness follows out from Filipov’s theorem on existence and uniqueness-in-the-future solution of Cauchy problem.
The final motions of the system are studied in the last paragraph. The box always falls into the sticking zone after several iterations. | ||||||||
Tokarev V. V., Deniskina A. R. Vendors’ Maturity Assessment Processes Modelling and Automation Based of the Best International Practices. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 107 The article considers the issues of modeling and automation of processes and tools for assessing vendors’ maturity based on the best international practices, contributing to possible risks identification at the early stages of contractual relations, their prevention and elimination.
The data on existing both domestic and foreign techniques for vendors’ assessment was systematized. Analysis of the main causes of default on contract commitments by the nuclear industry vendors was performed. Exigencies and expectations of the sectorial quality services, as well as external customers’ requirements were formalized. The article analyses the results of the discrepancies, revealed by the customers while pre-contract and inspection audits, as well as corresponding sectorial legislative, regulatory and other requirements and recommendations. The most important trends for the vendors’ maturity assessment. Based on studying and analysis of the best world practices, a technique for works applicability signs assignment, necessary for meeting the customer’s requirements. As the result, a customer acquired the possibility to draw up a checklist for its specific requirements.
To unify the checklists configuration variants, work types classifier was introduced for manufacturers and contractor/servicing enterprises.
Data analysis results on the existing object revealed that the presence of explanations, describing the mechanism for compliance with the requirements assessment eliminates a possible judgment subjectivity and a risk of cassation from the side of the enterprises under the audit.
The authors developed a checklist form, which should contain a set of the following signs, ensuring the possibilities of its configuring according to the customer’s requirements, introducing the audit evidence and objective calculation of the vendor maturity level (the total score). It should contain also the requirement description, its clarification, systemness, and applicability for the type of work; assessment of the compliance with the requirement; assessment substantiation (records of the audit evidence); the auditee surname, name and patronymic, the date of the assessment performing.
The developed vendors’ maturity model accounts for the difference of the errors elimination costs, occurred at various stages of product manufacturing life cycle. | ||||||||
Grushenkova E. D., Mogilevich L. I., Popov V. S., Popova A. A. Longitudinal and bending oscillations of a three-layered plate with compressible filler contacting with a viscous liquid layer. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 106 The study of a three-layered plate interaction with a layer of pulsating viscous incompressible liquid was performed. The liquid layer motion was regarded as a laminar one occurring in a narrow channel with parallel walls. Sticking conditions at the boundaries of liquid contact with the channel walls were assumed. The upper wall of the channel is being regarded absolutely rigid. The lower wall of the channel represents three-layered plate, and its bearing layers satisfy Kirchhoff's hypotheses. The plate filler is being regarded compressible in the transverse direction. The free support conditions are accepted at the plate end-faces. Oscillations of the three-layered plate are caused by the pressure pulsations at the channel end-faces. Pressure in the liquid layer changes herewith according to harmonic law.
The plane problem of longitudinal and bending hydroelastic oscillations of the three-layered plate was studied. The elastic displacements amplitudes of the three-layer plate were supposed to be much smaller than the thickness of the liquid layer in the channel. On the other hand, the longitudinal size of the channel was supposed to be much bigger compared to its transverse size. The hydroelastic problem consists of dynamics equations of the three-layered plate with compressible filler and liquid dynamics ones. The hydroelasticity problem was formulated. It consists of dynamic equations of the three-layered plate with compressible filler, as well as viscous liquid layer dynamic equations, namely Navier-Stokes and continuity equations. Accounting of normal and shear stresses, acting from the liquid side on the plate bearing layer contacting with it, is being performed while the experiment. Linearization of hydrodynamic equations was performed by the perturbation technique, and solution of the above said problem was obtained for the case of steady-state harmonic oscillations. Hydrodynamic parameters of the liquid layer were determined. Frequency dependent distribution functions of elastic displacements of the plate's layers and pressure of the viscous liquid layer were plotted. | ||||||||
Dudarkov Y. I., Levchenko E. A., Limonin M. V., Shevchenko A. V. Computational studies of some types of operational and technological damages impact on bearing capacity of stringer panels made of composite fiber reinforced plastic. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 106 At present, one of the main tendencies while aircraft design is carbon fiber reinforced plastics implementation in the load carrying structure of the airframe. Composites allow the structure weight reduction and the aircraft performance improvement. There are examples of composite materials successful implementation in the wing structure, stabilizer, fuselage and other aircraft structural elements in civil aviation.
A serious problem on the way of effective implementation of modern polymer composite materials in the aircraft airframe load-bearing structures is their high sensitivity to in-service damages and technological defects. The issues of strength characteristics degrading in the presence of damages and defects are generally being solved on the experimental basis. Nevertheless, computational methods allow performing similar estimations.
The article presents the results of numerical studies on operational and technological damages effect on strength and stability characteristics of a stringer panel. Impact damages of skin, stringer delamination, and the stringer peeling fr om the skin were regarded as damages. The effect of the above said damages' sizes on the strength and stability characteristics of the panel was being studied. The studies were performed by the finite elements method, including its nonlinear version.
The article demonstrates the presence of the critical damage size of the skin. Prior this size the requirements to residual strength can be met. This lim it exceeding leads to irreversible process of composite destruction and exhaustion of the panel bearing capacity. Numerical studies of the panel bearing capacity with damage in the stringer allowed determining the minimum value of the panel residual strength at the damage zone size increasing. The obtained results may be handy for the composite structure residual strength estimating and forming damage criteria with regard for possible in-service and technological damages. | ||||||||
Ivanychev D. A. Solving thermoelasticity problems for anisotropic solids of revolution. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 106 The goal of the work consists in determining the stress-strain state of anisotropic bodies of revolution in conditions of temperature exposure with no internal heat sources. The body boundary is free fr om external forces and kinematic dependencies.
The task setting is ensured by the inverse method development for the class of stationary axisymmetric thermoelasticity problems for transversely isotropic bodies. The author proposes the theory of the internal states’ spaces basis forming, including displacements, deformations, stresses and temperature. First, a basis of plane auxiliary states is formed for the case of plane deformation, based on the general solution of the plane thermoelasticity problem for a transversely isotropic body. Further, on its ground, a basis of internal spatial states is being induced by integral overlays method. This basis is being orthonormalized based on the Gram-Schmidt recursive-matrix orthogonalization algorithm, where integrals of the product of temperatures act as cross scalar products. After the basis orthogonalization the target state is being determined by the Fourier series, wh ere the coefficients represent definite integrals which kernels compose the functions of the temperatures in the basic elements multiplication by the specified temperature.
Verification of the solution is performed by comparing the specified temperature field with that obtained while the solving.
A strict solution of the test problem for a circular cylinder, and an approximate solution for a body in the form of a stepped cylinder, made of rock, with the corresponding conclusions on the series convergence are presented. A graphical visualization of the results is presented as well. The advantage of the presented approach consists in the fact that the most time-consuming calculations, namely an orthonormal basis construction, are performed once for a body of a certain configuration. Subsequently, this basis can be used for solving various thermoelastic problems for this body. | ||||||||
Khatuntseva O. N. Analytical method for velocity profile determining of the turbulent liquid flow in the flat Poiseuille problem. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 106 The present paper continues the circle of publications devoted to solving the hydrodynamic problems allowing an analytical approach to their consideration. Searching for analytical solutions in rather simple «model» problems is not an end in itself. Developing an approach, enabling accounting for the laminar and turbulent flow modes specifics in Navier-Stokes equations (NSE), for further correct NSE integrating by both analytical and numerical methods is the main motivation of this work. However, studying specifics of various flow modes is possible namely while solving the problems allowing exact (analytical) solutions. Unfortunately, due to their complexity the Navier-Stokes equation have such solutions for a very restricted set of problems, namely for very simple geometries. The most well-known of them all are:
– The Hagen-Poiseuille problem, describing the flow of the incompressible thermally non-conductive liquid in a tube of a circular cross-section;
– The flat Couette problem describing the flow of incompressible thermally non-conductive fluid between two infinite parallel plates, moving under a constant velocities in opposite to each other directions in their own planes;
– The flat Poiseuille problem describing the flow of incompressible thermally non-conductive fluid under the pressure drop between two infinite parallel plates.
There is unique analytic solution describing the laminar profile of velocity for any Reynolds numbers in all these problems while Navier-Stokes equations integration under the absence of entropy production caused by excitation of velocity stochastic pulsations.
Two solutions were determined analytically due to the account of the entropy production in NSE for both the flat Poiseuille problem and other above-listed problems (considered in the previous articles). One solution corresponds to the laminar flow mode, and the second to the turbulent one. The first one is realized for any Reynolds numbers and is specified by the parabolic velocity profile in the total fluid flow domain, and the second one is realized for relatively high Reynolds numbers and is specified by the logarithmic velocity profile in the center of the flat channel. The multiplier prior to the logarithm function is the von Karman constant. The article presents comparison of the results with the available experimental data. | ||||||||
Ermakov V. Y. The use of the magnetic-liquid effect to reduce static and dynamic imbalance from the moving masses of drive devices. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 106 While mechanical systems with rotating or moving masses operation, small amplitude vibrations, which cause negative effect on both control system (CS) operation and sensing elements, are being transferred to the spacecraft structure, which may lead to the CS orientation accuracy degradation. This problem can be solved provided that mounting locations of both precision instruments (PI) and moving masses are known. It is required to determine the moments of inertia of the spacecraft elastic structures provided that dynamic requirements depending on the spacecraft angular velocity are fulfilled, and minimize:
- micro vibrations while special spacecraft precision instruments operation;
- functions of static and dynamic imbalance.
A five-degree-of-freedom vibration isolator employing magneto-liquid effect was developed to reduce the effect of the above said factor on the relative movement of the optical path. The experimental results of its mathematical modelling are presented as well. The tests on studying the effect of the cavity height between the permanent magnet enveloped by the magnet liquid and the unit case, as well as the permanent magnet and case materials on the system characteristics; the permanent magnet base area on the system operation effectiveness were conducted. The results of experimental studies of the vibration system with vibration isolator employing magnet liquid effect revealed 5–10 times reduction of absolute linear traversing. The suggested system herewith was recommended for “Spectrum-UV” spacecraft adaptation as a tool for eliminating undesirable micro disturbances created by flywheel-motors. | ||||||||
Zvonarev V. V., Moroz A. V., Sherstuk A. V. Evaluation technique of direction pattern characteristics of an ultrasonic radar in the antenna aperture synthesizing mode. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 106 The purpose of the article consists in direction pattern characteristics verification of ultrasonic radar in the antenna aperture synthesizing mode, which were obtained both by experiments and calculations.
The object of this article is ultrasonic radar in the antenna aperture synthesizing mode.
The subject of the article is the transmitting ultrasonic sensor functioning.
The methodology of writing the article is comparing the results obtained employing a mathematic model of the radar system in ultrasonic wavelength range and by experiments with its real prototype.
Developing the radar with synthesized antenna aperture assumes:
– functioning processes modeling of elements of the pattern under development to obtain the direction pattern characteristics;
– designing and developing the prototypes realizing the main operation modes of the pattern or its constituent parts.
The authors proposed to develop a prototype in ultrasonic range rather than in radio range, which allowed modelling the main processes with real equipment employing high accuracy and reliability. Modelling of the unit’s elements functioning processes is being performed to obtain the values of direction pattern characteristics. The obtained values evaluation is being performed with the technique for evaluating the direction pattern of the ultrasonic radar in the antenna aperture synthesizing mode.
The article regards the issues of direction pattern parameters modelling, as well as presents the evaluation results of characteristics of the direction pattern of the ultrasonic transmitting device, obtained applying the suggested methodological approach. Experimental validation of the results applying ultrasonic test site was performed.
Application of the presented technique allows refine errors evaluation model of a radar-location channel of the radar prototype with the synthesized antenna aperture, and solve problems of radiometric calibration of the system through path prior to its manufacturing.
The developed technique is practical to employ while developing algorithms for controlling direction pattern of prospective radars with synthesized aperture already at the stage of laboratory workout.
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Generalov A. G., Gadzhiev E. V., Salikhov M. R. Spiral antennas application for prospective onboard systems and complexes. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 106 The onboard antenna-feeder devices constitute an integral part of space vehicles according to both the type used (small or large) and the target-oriented task: Earth remote sensing; weather observation; emergencies monitoring; communications; scientific research; applied research and etc.
Each of the above said tasks solving is accompanied by a certain set of onboard equipment application.
However, there are onboard radio links, such as inter-satellite communication, navigation system, telemetry etc.), which include receiving and transmitting antennas.
The article presents the spiral antennas application for prospective onboard systems and complexes of transportation vehicles.
For example, application of a quadruple single-turn antenna (with operating frequency of 406 MHz) with circular polarization of the clockwise rotation was proposed as a receiving antennae, while a quadruple spiral antennae (with operating frequency of 1544 MHz) with circular polarization of the counterclockwise rotation was proposed as a transmitting one. The emitter and recording device of the transmitting antenna are fabricated by printing technology. Both spiral antennas are employed as a part of the antenna system of the COSPAS–SARSAT onboard equipment.
The COSPAS-SARSAT system includes two types of space vehicles:
- of a low Earth orbit;
- of a geostationary orbit.
The article presents also the spiral antennas developed for various onboard systems and complexes such as telecommand system, satellite navigation, inter-satellite communication, scientific system, etc., for the spacecraft such as “Meteor”, “Ionosphere”, etc. | ||||||||
Mikhalyev S. M. Aerospace System Adaptation to Satellite Injection into High-Energy Orbits. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 106 The object of the study is a reusable aerospace transportation system based on a twin-fuselage subsonic carrier aircraft for launching various payloads into near-Earth orbit.
The purpose of the work consists in determining the applicability of reusable aerospace systems for injecting payloads into high-energy orbits including interests GLONASS.
The method and methodology of the works handling are based on theoretical and computational works, including application of Computer-Aided Design and Computational Fluid Dynamics.
The work presents the follwing:
– analysis of the main GLONASS parameters as the initial data for the aerospace system configuration design;
– trajectory formation of the reusable aerospace system with its return to the launch point of its first stages;
– comparative analysis of various types of the space-rocket system fuel;
– aerospace system basic parameters optimization for GLONASS satellites delivery into orbit.
The article analyses application of partially reusable aerospace system, i.e. maximally unified modification of the fully reusable aerospace system, for satellites injection into high-energy orbits.
To increase the rocket system energy performance required for delivering GLONASS satellites to the high-energy orbits, the authors proposed an aerospace option with the non-recoverable second rocket stage and a space accelerating block on oxygen-hydrogen fuel (like the two first stages of the aerospace system). The performed analysis of appearance formation allowed determining optimal trajectories and thrust-to-weight ratio of the aerospace system and the space acceleration block. | ||||||||
Karpuhin E. ., Makarenkov N. S. Application of frequency-hopping OCDM-OFDM signals for physical level attacks preventing. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 106 It is utterly important to ensure the intentional radio jamming resistance for information and communication systems of special and military purpose. Attacks on such kind of networks may inflict vast damage, including a State level. Simulated jamming exercises the most dangerous impact among the existing intentional interferences, since they repeat the signal structure while its transmission. The impact of such kind of interferences may also disrupt the information availability while attempting to get access to it through a radio channel.
The presented work proposes application of frequency-hopping OCDM-OFDM signals to counteract the physical level attacks of OSI model and enhancing the signal structural stealth. Jamming immunity from the relay interference, indicators of structural stealth, and the impact from Doppler effect were considered. Simulation revealed the energy gain of 1 dB while employing the suggested signal-code structure prior to frequency hopping OFDM signals in conditions of relay interference. It demonstrated also that the signals of this type possess higher structural stealth figures, as well as more stable to Doppler effect compared to OFDM-frequency hopping signals.
The disadvantages of the proposed approach include the complexity increase of the signal-conditioning and synchronization systems on both the receiver and transmitter. It is necessary to ensure assignment of code signature from the earlier generated OCDM to each each subcarrier of the OFDM signal while the signal forming process. Besides, the frequency-hopping spread spectrum process is rather complicated itself. It requires fine synchronization between the receiver and transmitter, as well as knowing the pseudo-random sequence. The suggested signals will be less effective while data transmission in the channel without attacker, than the structure with FH-OFDM application. | ||||||||
Masalkin A. A., Kolesnik A. V., Protsenko P. A. A technique for application planning of satellite radio-monitoring system means. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 106 The presented work puts forward an approach to raise the effectiveness of the satellite radio monitoring system means application. The subject for studies is methods for the said system planning.
The existing methods of solving the problem of planning the satellite radio monitoring system means involvement are based on employing a flexible approach, foreseeing larger encompassing of the territories with high population density, and a smaller one for the territories with small population density. This approach has a number of disadvantages including inability for regarding the density of space vehicles location on a geostationary orbit, and impossibility of simultaneous transponders radio monitoring of one spacecraft accounting by several radio monitoring means.
To eliminate the above said disadvantages the authors suggest a technique for application planning of the satellite radio monitoring system means regarded in this article, and based on solving the problem of discrete programming. The quality indicator is effectiveness, i.e. the number of serviced channels. The problem is aggravated by the fact that the objective function is non-linear, which makes impossible application of mathematical programming methods. For this complexity resolve, a linearization technique for the function with Boolean parameters based on additional variables introduction is put forward.
This technique essence consists in performing an iteration procedure for solving the problem of discrete programming with subsequent refinement of the objective function value.
Computational experiments were conducted employing suggested technique for radio monitoring means planning. The obtained results prove the principal possibility of increasing the satellite radio monitoring system effectiveness by 15-30% due to channels duplication elimination. | ||||||||
Podstrigaev A. S., Slobodyan M. G., Mozhaeva E. I. Criteria set for efficiency evaluation of counteraction to unmanned aerial vehicles methods. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 106 The presented work puts forward a technique for qualitative comparison of technical means for counteracting the growing unlawful application of unmanned flying vehicles (UAV). This technique is based on a set of criteria for the effectiveness evaluation of UAVs counteraction techniques developed by the authors.
The article itemizes the most widespread technical methods for the UAV counteraction. It states the main disadvantages of the conventional approaches to these methods evaluation, such as evaluation incompleteness, poor analysis of application conditions, and in many cases the lack of quantitative indicators.
reveals the most commonly used techniques of counteraction methods and the basic disadvantages of approaches to efficiency evaluation of these counteraction methods. They are an incomplete evaluation, weak analysis of practical implementation conditions and, in most cases, quantification deficiency. It is demonstrated, that physical principles difference of counteraction methods realization causes a problem of their direct comparison. Thus, the goal of the presented work consists in developing the system of criteria for qualitative evaluation of the UAV counteraction methods devoid of the said disadvantages.
The presented set of criteria allows performing a comparative evaluation of various UAV counteraction methods with regard for their characteristics of detection and counteraction, the UAV recognition quality, hardware volume, versatility and consequences of its implementation, electromagnetic compatibility, economic indicators etc. The proposed system envisages criteria splitting into sub-criteria, as well as partitioning the latter into their own sub-criteria and further by analogy if necessary. The final quantitative evaluation is computed by the special equation employing the obtained evaluating coefficients depending on the introduced weight coefficients of each criterion and sub-criterion.
The developed set of criteria allows quantifying various implementations of the existing UAVs counteraction methods; compare various implementations of one or several methods of UAVs counteraction; educe more effective counteraction methods for specific application conditions; forecast the efficiency of prospective counteraction methods. | ||||||||
Kosachev I. M., Chugai K. N., Rybackov K. A. Methodology of high-precision non-linear filtering of random processes in fixed structure stochastic dynamic systems (Part 2). Trudy MAI, 2019, no 106 The article presents a methodical approach to high-precision nonlinear filtering of multidimensional non-Gaussian random processes in continuous-time stochastic dynamical systems with a fixed structure. The high accuracy of the developed algorithms for the optimal nonlinear filtering problem is stipulated by application of a posteriori higher order central moments of the filtered process. Adaptability of the developed high-precision nonlinear filtering algorithms is ensured by real time computing of a posteriori skewness and excess kurtosis for all phase coordinates of the filtered process, their subsequent comparison with the threshold values corresponding to Gaussian random process. If necessary, a posteriori higher central moments of the process being filtered are used in filtering algorithms.
The methodical approach under consideration to high-precision nonlinear filtering of multidimensional non-Gaussian random processes can be applied for eight basic variants of filtering problems, but engineering algorithms are presented only for the filtering problem with additive noises in mathematical model of the stochastic dynamical system.
The second part of the article describes five stages of the proposed methodical approach (the first three stages were described in the first part of the article):
4. Obtaining formulas linking a posteriori arbitrary order central moments with a posteriori cumulants for the filtered process.
5. Truncation and closure of a system of stochastic differential equations for a posteriori central moments of the filtered process.
6. Synthesis of high-precision optimal non-linear filters.
7. Setting known and computing missing initial conditions for a posteriori central moments of the filtered process.
8. Solving the optimal filtering problem (obtaining optimal estimate of the filtered process). | ||||||||
Evdokimenkov V. N., Lyapin N. A. Minimax optimization of enemy pursuit maneuvers in conditions of close air combat. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 106 One of the main tasks facing a fighter aircraft consists in gaining the dominance in the air and holding it up, which is considered as the irremissible condition of successful of a warfare conduct for all kinds of armed forces. This task can be solved by destroying the enemy aircraft in the air. Besides, the air operations effectiveness while performing other missions also depends to a great extent on the crew ability to wage the air combat. Thus, the experience of aviation utilization in war conflicts is being carefully studied all over the world to search for tactical techniques, ensuring advantage in air combat.
The article presents the situation, when the attacking fighter aircraft tends to move through the active offensive maneuvering to the area of possible attacks, which configuration depends on characteristics of TSAs located on it. With this, the actions of an enemy aircraft performing passive defensive maneuver are aimed at evading the attack of the aircraft-fighter to prevent its entering the area of possible attacks of his aircraft.
All this is indicative of the need of employing the game approach to study offensive maneuvers of the aircraft-fighter.
The article presents an algorithm for the guaranteeing trajectory control of an aircraft-fighter for the pursuit-and-evasion task in conditions of a close air combat. It also presents modelling results, reflecting the effect of the attacking aircraft-fighter maneuvering capabilities on achieving positional superiority in an air combat. | ||||||||
Golomazov A. V. Decision-making information support method realizable in multi-agent system environment. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 106 The need to improve the quality and efficiency of transportation and logistics management systems requires application of mathematical methods and models contributing to that increasing the level of intellectualization of decisions being made.
For this purpose, the proposed method employs a structure including the interacting subjects monitoring of transportation and logistics process (TLP), and selecting on its basis the significant content of factors of variables and characteristics, representing the basis of their decisions selecting. The article proposes to improve this quality by models and algorithms application, based on deterministic approach and fuzzy logic principles. Structurally, this method was regarded in the form of functional agents complexes developed based on the theory of multi-criteria selection in uncertainty conditions, game theory and principles of potential risks size and direction reduction evaluation of the interacting TLP subjects.
A possibility of periodical or continuous correction of the said content of significant variables appears herewith. This, in its turn, contributes to the decisions being taken adequacy level improvement. The intellectualization level increasing of the decisions being taken is achieved by developing complexes of functional agents being formed for the interacting TLP agents. These agents forming is performed in the method based on both deterministic approach and principles of fuzzy sets theory. Models and algorithms of functional agents allow realize information support of the TLP interacting subjects with regard for the risks and conflict situations. The method includes realized functional agents for negotiations process support, transportations planning and predicting.
The above said agents are interconnected and dynamically functioning in the multi-agent system (MAS) environment. Multi-functional agents developing by this method is base on:
- The multi-criteria theory of selection preferable solutions options in the uncertainty conditions;
- Matrix, bi-matrix, corporate and dynamic games, as well as strategies estimation with regard to Nash equilibrium;
- Ford and Fulkerson methods;
- Travelling salesman problem, knapsack problem and dynamic programming (rational route selection);
- Gantt charts plotting methods, and network scheduling and managing (transportations planning);
- Moving average method and approximation (predicting), ELECTRE method, and fuzzy logic algorithm (negotiation process support). | ||||||||
Romanov A. M. A novel architecture for Field-Programmable Gate Array-based Ethernet POWERLINK controlled nodes. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 106 The article solves the problem of Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)-based Ethernet POWERLINK controlled node implementation with minimal application of both logical cells and memory blocks. As a solution, a novel modular architecture is proposed, which resource intensiveness can be flexibly adjusted depending on the required functionality. Unlike previously known solutions, the proposed architecture does not employ soft-processors and does not require the incoming frames buffering. All data is processed “on the fly”, which allows the node to send a response to the request from the managing node with the minimum latency allowable by the Ethernet standard. The novel architecture employs one shared kernel for interaction with the Ethernet physical layer chip (PHY). This kernel forms a common data channel to which all other modules are connected. Each module processes frames of a certain type (synchronous, asynchronous, cross-traffic frame) and generates corresponding responses. Based on the proposed architecture, the first Russian Ethernet POWERLINK device was created, which compliance with the Standard was certified by Ethernet POWERLINK Standardization Group. By the results of experimental studies, it was demonstrated that the novel architecture requires from 3.5 to 9 times less FPGA logic resources, and up to 126 times less block memory for the of Ethernet POWERLINK devices implementation. The result of no less importance is the possibility of proposed solutions implementation based on FPGA chips from Russian vendors, including those in radiation-resistant version, which allows apply them in aerospace technology. | ||||||||
Ulybyshev S. Y. Mathematical modeling and comparative analysis towing vehicle schemes application to solve the problem of space debris objects removal to the disposal orbit. Part 1. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 106 The presented materials of the study, split into four parts (separate articles), consider the complex issue of mathematical modeling and comparative analysis of the two types of remote control and associated with it design appearance of a promising spacecraft-towing vehicle (STV). The STV is designed to solve the problem of space debris objects (SDO) removal into the disposal orbit from satellite systems (SS) configuration. On the example of mission realization of the SDO removal from the specified orbital plane with return ensuring for the next object removal, scenario of the STV repeated application is being numerically computed.
Substantiation and workout of the design appearance of the prospective STV with two types of propulsion system (PS), such as liquid rocket engine (LRE) and stationary plasma engine (SPE), is being performed. The article presents the STV electric power supply system calculations and determines its weight and energy characteristics, as well as solar batteries size. Specifics and options of possible schemes of SDO removal into the disposal orbit were analyzed. Disposal orbits parameters have been determined for each STV PS type. The issue of the mean value computing of the STV SPE ballistic coefficient on the typical turn of functioning while SDO towing into the disposal orbit was considered. The boundaries of minimum possible altitude of the SPE application ensuring acceleration above the level of atmospheric deceleration were determined. | ||||||||
Scriabin Y. M., Potechin D. S. Determining the unmanned aerial vehicle horizontal flight path through the line of electrostatic sensors. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 106 The article considers the problem of unmanned flying vehicles (UAV) detection and localization. This problem is associated with the UAVs rapid growth in number and relatively mild laws on the UAVs' regulation and flights organization. Thus, it is utterly important to ensure safety of critical facilities and highly crowded places fr om possible threats associated with the UAV application, as well as monitor the air space any time and under any weather conditions. To solve the problem, the authors propose to employ electrostatic monitoring technology.
It is worth mentioning, that conventional detection methods have problems with the low-altitude small UAVs detection. The advantage of electrostatic monitoring technology consists in the fact that this technology is capable provide information passively on low-altitude targets by monitoring changes in the electrostatic field in several points on the Earth surface. Besides, combining electrostatic monitoring technology with other existing detecting techniques may increase the probability of targets detecting.
The authors propose employing the time-frequency analysis for the electrostatic signal extraction. This method may be based on positions of the electrostatic signal extremes. The article defines analytical solution of the electrostatic problem of a point electrostatic charge movement above an infinite horizontal conducting plane.
The results of the analytical solution of the electrostatic problem of a UAV detecting by three electrostatic sensors lying on one straight line are presented. The article determined the theoretical lim it of the UAV detection by an electrostatic sensor. Theoretical equations for the UAV coordinates calculating based on the time-frequency analysis of electrostatic signals were derived.
The article presents experimental electrostatic signals received by an electrostatic sensor while the UAV flight. Two types of sensors were examined in the experiment. These are electrostatic fluxmeter and electrostatic probe.
The authors note that the electrostatic sensor system is potentially capable of detecting UAVs with a charge of 1 µC at the altitudes up to 100 m. | ||||||||
Vernigora L. V., Kasmerchuk P. V. Low-thrust spacecraft trajectories optimization by linearization method. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 106 Problems of a low thrust spacecraft trajectories optimization are rather complicated problems of nonlinear optimization in the presence of constrains. The authors suggest applying linearization method modified for compound dynamic systems optimization for solving them. The Modified Method of a Linearization (MML) is quite a general method of nonlinear optimization problems solution. However, specifics of trajectory optimization problems of a low thrust spacecraft require confirmation of the MML application possibility to solve them. Two problems are being solved in this work:
- A flat flight optimization of a spacecraft with electric propulsion unit (EPU) and a solar sail between the Earth and Mars orbits;
- An optimization problem of a flight between two arbitrary non-coplanar near-Earth orbits.
The obtained results were compared to the results obtained by other authors.
The flat flight optimization problem of a spacecraft with EPU and a solar sail between the Earth and Mars orbits was solved for the two values of dimensionless initial acceleration of 1.0 and 0.02. An error of 0.37% in term of criterion, and 0.32% in the flight range angle was obtained for the first problem. In the second problem, the flight range angle error was 4.9%. The criterion value agreed within the put forward significant figures. In the flat flight optimization problem of a spacecraft with EPU and a solar sail between the Earth and Mars the results obtained with MML are better than the results obtained by the majority of other authors in the sense of criterion value. In the optimization problem of elliptic-to-geostationary orbit transfer for minimum time the obtained error in the criterion value was 0.05%, and control and trajectory nature coincided with the considered work.
Based on a number of the well-known examples the article demonstrates the MML steady work while solving the offered problems of trajectory optimization of a low thrust spacecraft with EPU and solar sail. A close agreement of the results with the results of other authors was obtained. This allows make conclusion on the possibility of MML application for solving the regarded classes of the trajectory optimization problems for low thrust spacecraft. The main advantages of the method are the large area of the solution convergence, which allows selecting trivial initial approximations, operating in terms of the loop problem without the necessity of obtaining additional structures of the transversability condition type etc. Rather slow convergence in the problem of transfering a spacecraft with EPU between two noncoplanar orbits, associated with the necessity of selecting a small-size area of the acceptable variations (the area in which the linear programming problem is being solved) to ensure the acceptable linearization level may be related to the shortcomings. | ||||||||
Ivanov S. V., Mogilevich L. I., Popov V. S. Longitudinal Waves in a Nonlinear Cylindrical Shell Containing a Viscous Liquid. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 105 The problem of wave propagation in gas dynamics and elastic shells theory is being studied by linearized equations, propagation velocity being constant and equal to sound propagation velocity in unperturbed medium. Nevertheless, a certain set of occurrences, despite the dependent variables small values, are fully defined by perturbations propagation velocity dependence on dependent variables values and are studied basis on non-linear equations. These studies are performed by the perturbation method. The equations for an elastic body dynamics and liquid for the joint hydroelasticity problem are solved simultaneously, the corresponding boundary conditions impenetrable surfaces are being accounted for herewith. This approach is employed to sudy the non-linear deformation waves of elastic shells, containing viscous incompressible liquid.
The perturbation method for studying deformation waves in physically non-linear elastic cylinder shell, containing viscous incompressible liquid, was developed. The method of two-scale disintegration leads to Korteweg – de Vries generalized modified equation not having the exact solution. The surrounding elastic medium, the structure damping in the longitudinal direction and viscous liquid impact require the numerical solution of the equation.
There are no studies on viscous incompressible liquid impact on the non-linear wave process in elastic shells, the liquid being inside them, with considering its inertia movement local members. The presented article studies consideration viscous incompressible liquid impact on non-linear deformation wave propagation, which requires computer modeling, the liquid being inside the shell. The existing methods of mathematical models qualitative analysis do not fully allow studying deformation wave models in case of the shell filled with viscous incompressible liquid. Transition to initial discrete analogue models represents a far more universal method of models investigation. This publication studies the impact of the structure damping in longitudinal direction, surrounding the elastic medium and viscous incompressible liquid inside the shell on the wave amplitude and velocity. Systematic studying of this model wave movements in physically non-linear elastic shell is performed by the difference scheme in analogy with Crank-Nicholson for heat conduction equation. | ||||||||
Ivanychev D. A. Solving the mixed type axisymmetric problems for anisotropic bodies with mass forces. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 105 A technique for solving the mixed axisymmetric problems for the bodies bounded by the coaxial rotating surfaces from transversal-isotropic material being under the impact of mass forces was developed in this work.
Its basis is a notion of the internal and boundary states, conjugated by the isomorphism, which allows establishing one-to-one correspondence between the elements of these spaces. The internal state includes the stress tensor components, deformation tensor components and displacement vector. The boundary state includes the forces and movements at the boundary, as well as mass forces. The isomorphism of the state spaces is proved, which allows finding the internal state to be reduced to the study of a boundary state isomorphic to it. The basis is formed based on the general solution of the boundary value problem for a transversely isotropic body of revolution and on the method of creating basic displacement vectors. The orthogonalization of the state spaces is performed. Finally, the desired state detecting is reduced to solving an infinite system of algebraic equations regarding the Fourier coefficients.
The article presents the solution of the problem with mixed boundary conditions for a cylinder. The material is a transversely isotropic siltstone with the anisotropy axis coinciding with the geometric axis of symmetry. Mass forces, imitating centrifugal inertial forces, act on the cylinder. Mechanical characteristics have an analytical polynomial character. The article presents the explicit and indirect signs of problem solution convergence, and graphical visualization of the results. | ||||||||
Britenkov A. K., Bogolyubov B. N., Deryabin M. S., Farfel V. A. Measuring electromechanical characteristics of a complex shape compact low-frequency hydro-acoustic irradiator. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 105
Low-frequency hydro-acoustic irradiators are employed in a wide specter of practical applications: from the long-distance underwater acoustic communication and teleguidance to seismic-geophysical prospecting. The irradiator case manufacturing is one of the most complicated technological procedures while its fabrication and tuning. The proposed structure of the hydro-acoustic transducer with corrugated radiating sheath allows eliminate a number of problems such as sealing, tolerance to hydrostatic pressure, parameter spread and reliability. Mechanical transformation ratio measuring was performed to evaluate the suggested irradiator effectiveness. Distribution of oscillations amplitudes of the radiating case and active element were obtained by the laser vibrometry method. The article presents the comparison of the irradiator mechanical characteristics measuring results in the water with the results of its resonant frequency evaluation based on the simplified theoretical model. | ||||||||
Nguyen T. T., Tarlakovsky D. V. Antiplane non-stationary motion of electromagnetic-elastic half-space with account for piezoelectric effects. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 105 The article considers homogeneous anisotropic unsteady electromagnetic-elastic motion related to the rectangular Cartesian coordinate system. The resolving system of equations includes equations of motion, Cauchy relations for deformations, Maxwell equations, as well as linearized generalized Ohm’s law and piezo-effects accounting for the physical relationships.
The article demonstrates that the antiplane movement is possible for the transversally isotropic medium in conditions of magnetic piezo-effects absence. It is assumed, that in this option the displacement and non-zero component of electric induction vector are set, and zero initial conditions and all components of stress and strain state are limited at the half-plane boundary.
The problem solving is being sought in the form of convolution functions of the specified displacement and electric induction with relevant surface Green’s functions. Laplace transformations in time and Fourier transformations in space coordinate are applied for their plotting. Analysis of images and characteristic equation revealed the intricacy of plotting the originals in an explicit form. Thus, the method of a small parameter, which is used as a coefficient, linking mechanical and electromagnetic fields, is employed. With this, it was marked that with the zero small parameter these fields are independent.
An explicit form of images of the first two coefficients of the corresponding power series was found. Their original are being found either by sequential Fourier and Laplace transforms inversion, or with the algorithm of joint Fourier and Laplace transforms inversion. In the most complicated case, the original is being presented in the form of definite integral, being calculated by a numerical procedure.
As a result, the problem solution is reduced to the two linear operators in convolution functions for the sought-for functions.
The examples of calculations are presented for the the material of a half-space in the form of quartz. The article demonstrates the dependencies on time and spatial coordinate of the resolving relations kernels, as well as electric induction and displacement for the concrete option of boundary conditions. Induction changes linearly along the coordinate, as the Heaviside function in time, while the displacement changes correspondingly as the Dirac delta function and linearly.
It is stated that single-error corrections introduced into the solution with due regard to piezoelectric properties of the medium have the order of the coefficient linking mechanical and electromagnetic fields. | ||||||||
Abramova K. A., Soudakov V. G. Flow Control Optimization by Tangential Blowing-Out on Transonic Airfoil. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 105 Aerodynamic characteristics optimization of the transonic airfoil while flow-around control was performed based on numerical modelling. A jet of compressed air was blown-out from a small slot nozzle tangentially to the upper surface of the airfoil in the region of the shock wave. The blowing-out affects the shock wave and boundary layer interaction (SBLI), thus improving the airfoil performance.
The flow-around modelling was performed in the framework of the Reynolds equations. Computations were carried out in the 2D-setting for a mode with the Mach number of M = 0.72 and Reynolds number Re = 2.6 ∙ 106, computed by the chord, which corresponds to the testing mode in the wind tunnel.
Numerical optimization was performed to find optimal blowing-out parameters. With this, the blowing-out position, its intensity and the angle of attack were varied. Two objective functions were considered, namely, aerodynamic quality maximization and drag minimization at the constant lifting force. For the first objective function, position was being varied from 55% to 96% of the chord, and for the second one from 55% to 65% of the chord. The intensity was being varied from 100 to 300 kPa. The angle of attack was varied from 0.9 to 2.5 degrees.
The adaptive single-objective optimization was used. This method consists in employing Optimal Area Filling, Kriging response surface, and MISQP gradient algorithm (Mixed-Integer Sequential Quadratic Programming). Optimization revealed that for the lift-over-drag ratio objective function maximization, the optimal slot position was 83% of the chord, and the optimal jet intensity is Cµopt = 0.0049. For the objective function of Cxa minimization at a constant Cya ≈ 0.51, the utmost right position of the nozzle (65%) of all considered, and jet intensity Cµopt = 0.0051 are optimal. Tangential blowing-out with optimal parameters increased Kmax by 6% for the case of maximum quality; in the case of minimization of drag, Kmax increased by 3.5%, while the drag decreased by 1.1%.
Further the authors are planning consider more complex objective functions, accounting for the jet reaction contribution, as well as energy consumption for its blowing-out. | ||||||||
Zhbanov V. A., Kashevarov A. V., Miller A. B., Potapov Y. F., Stasenko A. L., Tokarev O. D. Studying icing under various conditions. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 105 The article discusses the results of aircraft icing studying performed at TsAGI in the conditions of liquid droplet, crystalline and mixed clouds. The experimental set-ups for icing studying are described. Methods of ice crystals forming in the flow of icing wind tunnel are presented. The article presents data on the size and shape of the obtained crystals.
The results of the latest activity of TsAGI in international research projects on icing are presented. A number of coatings were studied under the conditions of run-back ice formation within the framework of the ICETRACK project.
The HAIC project (High Altitudes Ice Crystals) is studying the physics of icing under fully glaciated conditions. The experimental results on the formation of run-back ice on a wing profile model with a heated leading edge are described. The experiments were performed under conditions of crystal impingement for the cases of the initially dry heated surface and for that covered with an artificially created liquid film.
The physical-and-mathematical models of the of ice crystals interaction with both dry and wetted surfaces of streamlined bodies were developed.
For the case of a wetted surface, the water film movement along the surface is considered. The impact of the finite melting time of the crystals and the dependence of the effective suspension viscosity from the mass fraction of the dispersed phase on the processes occurring in the film are accounted for.
The movement of spheroidal crystals in the airflow is considered for the case of a dry surface. The model accounts for the orientation of non-spherical particles with respect to the air velocity vector. It is shown, that the process of ice accretion on the wing profile surface in the stream carrying oblate spheroidal crystals differs greatly from the case of a flow with spherical crystals
A numerical verification of the developed models was performed by comparison with the experimental data. The results of these studies are important for the problems of icing of engines and Pitot tubes in fully crystalline and mixed conditions. | ||||||||
Kirillov O. E., Mirgazov R. M., Golubev N. V., Petruhin D. A. Experimental studies of non-stationary aerodynamic characteristics of a helicopter airfoil vibrating in pitch angle. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 105 There is presently no reliable theoretical approach capable to predict the unsteady aerodynamic forces acting on the airfoils at the helicopter blade sections operating near or beyond the dynamic stall angle of attack. However, numerous wind-tunnel tests of vibrating airfoils do provide a valuable experimental foundation for establishing phenomenological models, through which certain semi-empirical predictions can be made.
The article presents the results of experimental studies of non-stationary integral and distributed aerodynamic characteristics of the helicopter's airfoil in stationary and non-stationary modes. The stationary mode is a fixed airfoil in a uniform steady airflow. The non-stationary mode is an airfoil vibrating in the pitch angle in a uniform steady airflow. The studies were being performed in the vertical, closed-circuit TsAGI wind tunnel with an open test section at Reynolds numbers Re = 270,000 and 540,000, and at reduced frequencies from 0.06 to 0.26.
A particular feature of the study was application of two methods for aerodynamic characteristics determining, namely, a direct method of forces measuring using balance, and calculating forces by integrating the pressure distribution along the chord. The obtained results are compared to each other, and their satisfactory agreement in the stationary mode is shown.
Another feature of the study is the analysis of forces pulsations and pressures on the airfoil surface. In particular, using the wavelet analysis, a phenomenon called “frequency explosion”, specific for the dynamic stall of the flow, is demonstrated. | ||||||||
Krioukov V. G., Abdullin A. L., Nikandrova M. N., Iskhakova R. L. Reactions Mechanisms Reduction While Modelling The High-Temperature Flows in Nozzles. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 105 Modern models for high-temperature chemically non-equilibrium flows calculating in nozzles are based on the detailed chemical kinetics. For this purpose, a certain reaction mechanism is built into the model. An expert approach is usually used to substantiate (reduction) this mechanism. However, it requires significant time consumption, and is performed only by the experienced specialists.
However, a number of automated reduction methods (an automated approach) are already developed thus far, and widely used. The article proposes a procedure for reducing the reaction mechanisms for chemically non-equilibrium flows in aircraft engines nozzles. This procedure consists of two methods: DRGEP (Directed Relation Graph Error Propagation) method and method of engagement with an adaptive threshold. The DRGEP method is focused on selection of only unimportant species and removal them from reaction mechanism along with reaction triggering them. If insignificant reactions still remain in the mechanism, they are removed by the method of engagement.
This procedure is included in the program for calculating chemically non-equilibrium flows in a nozzle. It generates a reduced local mechanism (L-mechanism) from the initial (redundant) set of reactions for the given values of the parameters αok, Pос , rm. Joining the L-mechnisms, obtained with the other values of these parameters it is possible to form a global mechanism (G-mechanism) for the specified area of their variation.
The cre ate d procedure validation was performed for the combustion products flow in the profiled nozzles for the LRE engine fuel (“О2 + kerosene” and “N2O4 + C2H8N2”) for a wide range of variation: oxidant excess ratio ( αok = 0.7…1.2); pressure (Pос = 20…100 atm.); minimum radius (rm = 0.006….0.06 m) with a geometric degree of expansion fa = 50.
With an acceptable error in the flow characteristics prediction:
a) G -mechanism recombination of the working medium “О2 + kerosene” was reduced from 47 reactions and 16 substances to 15 reactions and 9 substances (H , H2 , O , O2 , CO2 , H2O , CO , OH , HCO);
b) G -mechanism recombination of the working medium “N2O4 + C2H8N2” was reduced from 82 reactions and 26 substances to 27 reactions and 15 substances (H, H2, O, O2, CO2, H2O, CO, OH, N, N2, NO, NH, HCO, HNO, N2O).
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Firsanov V. V., Pham V. T. Stress-strain state of the spherical shell based on the refined theory. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 105 The classical theory does not produce a satisfactory compliance with practice while calculating the stress-strain state of structural elements in the areas of fixture and action of local and rapidly changing loads, as well as structural elements made of heterogeneous materials. To describe the volumetric stress-strain state, it is necessary to develop a refined, with respect to the classical theory of the Kirchhoff-Love type, theory based on the three-dimensional equations of the elasticity theory.
The presented work proposes an option of the refined theory of the stress-strain state calculation of isotropic shells. The mathematical model is built based on the 3D equations of the elasticity theory. The problem of 3D equations reduction to the 2D equations is being solved by representing the desired displacements with polynomials over the normal coordinate of two orders higher relative to the classical theory.
The system of differential equations of equilibrium in displacements with variable coefficients was obtained using the Lagrange variational principle. The aforesaid system of equations solution was being performed by methods of finite differences and matrix run. As a result, the displacements in the grid nodes were obtained, and splines were used for their approximation. The shell deformations are being found by dint of geometry relationships, and tangential stresses are determined from the Hook’s law relationships. Lateral stresses are obtained by direct integrating of the equilibrium equations of the 3D elasticity theory.
A hemispherical shell rigidly clamped along the lower contour of the base is considered as an example. Comparing the obtained results with the data of the classical theory allowed establishing that the refined theory should be used while studying the stress-strain state of the spherical shell near the zones of the stress state distortion. For example, it should be applied in the vicinity of a rigidly clamped edge, since the maximum stresses in this zone are being refined substantially.
Neglected in the classical theory, the transverse normal and tangential stresses in the border zone are of the same order as the maximum stress values corresponding to the classical theory. Such high levels of additional stresses should be accounted for while assessing the shell structures strength and durability.
With distancing from the edge the stresses, obtained by the refined and classical theories are practically concurring, which confirms the fidelity of the obtained results. | ||||||||
Philatov V. I., Borukaeva A. O., Berdikov P. G., Kulakov D. V. Developing methods for noise-proof signals distinction. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 105 The purpose of this work consists in selecting an optimal device for processing a complex signal, ensuring a low noise level. The article considers the operation principle of the scheme for forming and processing a complex signal with informational modulation. It describes also the receiver operation, which performs the inverse transformation of the signal. The authors consider several types of demodulator schemes and their principle of operation. Based on the existing options for schemes structures that solve the problem of the channel selection in which the signal is located, the comparative analysis of the options for the solver structure, allowing substantially reduce the interference impact, was performed. In conclusion, the brief comparative review of the proposed solver units is carried out. The authors make conclusion on selection of a certain type of solver unit that increases the noise immunity of complex signals due to selection of the signal certain parameters.
Relevance of the presented work theme is substantiated primarily by the necessity of developing the new techniques and methods allowing detecting, classifying and distinct complex signals of this or that radio-receiving unit, since more and more radio-electronic means employed onboard the civil and military aircraft are operating with complex signals. The most widespread complex signals herewith are the signals based on linear M-sequences. Application of complex signals is stipulated by their pronounced noise-proof characteristics necessary in conditions of radio channels operation in jamming environment. The radio channel saturation by the complex signal herewith requires the receiver quite accurately detect exactly its own radio signals. In this regard, it is necessary to develop an approach allowing determine the class and distinct the type of signal-code structure to step-by-step simplification of the algorithm for signal detection, identification and processing. | ||||||||
Krylov V. P., Pronin T. Y. Relative statistical evaluation of printed circuit boards mechanical characteristics technological non-uniformity. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 105 A model of statistical factor analysis was applied for a batch of 12 samples of glass-epoxy double-sided and multilayer printed circuit boards (PCBs) to examine the engineering tolerance of the average values of elastic modulus and mechanical loss coefficient. Experimental estimates of the variations were obtained in the form of ratios of standard deviations of the technological and measuring errors.
Samples of various thickness with a shape of rectangular plates with 130 by 60 mm size were alternately secured in the fixture on a vibrating table by the four screws on the corners. Registration of frequency characteristics near the first resonance was performed with the IMV shaker i220 in the sinusoidal vibration mode within the frequency range of 5 ... 2000 Hz with a vibration acceleration of 2 g. In this frequency range the device has no natural resonances.
The measurement cycle consisted of two series of measurements of each sample, performed within one working day, with one-hour interval between each series. Three cycles were performed: before and after the heat treatment in a convective reflow oven, and after 6 months of storage at room temperature.
The numerical values of the mechanical characteristics were measured by solving inverse ill-posed problems using SolidWorks Simulation program. The calculated model of factor analysis assumes the random nature of technological and measuring errors, as well as a linear correlation between the series of measurements. The Pearson correlation coefficient uniquely determines the relative statistical evaluation of the technological error of the aforementioned mechanical characteristics of the PCBs within the batch.
The relative estimate of the elastic modulus variation equals to 14 and does not depend on the heat treatment and storage within the confidence interval of the sample value of the correlation coefficient. The corresponding estimate of the variation in the coefficient of mechanical loss, initially equal to 3, increases by more than 50% after the heat treatment and returns to its original values after storage.
Recommendations on the application of the results obtained while the vibration strength testing of electronic devices of the unmanned spacecraft are given. | ||||||||
Zvonarev V. V., Popov A. S., Khudik M. Y. Error probability computing technique for symbol-by-symbol receiving of discrete messages in the presence of interference. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 105 The purpose of the article consists in obtaining analytical expression for of error probability computing of symbol-by-symbol receiving of discrete messages in the presence of interference.
The article presents the analysis of optimum symbol-by-symbol coherent correlation reception without noise, the principles of modems' circuit and constructive implementation, methods of achieving high noise immunity by transmission and reception of the phase-shifted keyed signals in satellite radio channels, in the TV transmission channels, computer simulation of the correlation receiver.
Mathematical formalization of the device in the form of equations is the solution of statistical problem of finding addition to the probability determination of the correct exceedance of one Gaussian random variable over another in the presence of negligible algorithm of optimum reception deliberate, harmonious and coherent with signal, noises.
The article presents the technique and results of error probability calculation of the of symbol-by-symbol reception of binary phase-shifted keyed opposite signals in the presence of the harmonious co-phased noise, not considered by the correlator. Optimum symbol-by-symbol reception of discrete messages is performed by the correlation receiver, or the matched filter configured on the signal in the noise absence, in the presence of receiver noises only.
The approach considered in article is necessary for calculation of error probability of character recognition the presence of the additive noises of various structures, which are not considered by the reception algorithm of the manipulated radio signals.
The developed technique application is prospective for potential noise stability calculation of the symbol-by-symbol reception in conditions of presence of the deliberate noises of various structures at a radio channel. | ||||||||
Smirnov A. A. Applying digital predistortion introduction technique to improve energy efficiency of info-communication radio equipment. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 105 In recent years, the explosive growth of portable info-communication devoces is being observed. Several factors became the catalyst of this development, including Internet of things (IoT) development, a wide proliferation of UAVs (unmanned flying vehicles), the fourth industrial revolution (4.0 industry) etc. These conditions impose a complex of requirements to the info-communication electronic equipment, responsible for data transmission. One of the basic tasks is energy efficiency enhancing of the radio devices under development.
The article considers methods of digital predistortion (DPD) introducing and envelope tracking (ET) as ways of efficiency increasing of info-communication means, and performs a comparative analysis of both methods implementation.
Radio module is the most energy-consuming part of modern radio communication devices. It consumes up to 50% of the total battery charge. Power amplifiers, in their turn, are the main energy consumers of the radio modules. They consume up to 50% of the radio module total consumption as well [1].
Due to its non-linearity, the amplifier requires a precise selection of the input level to ensure its operation in linear mode. However, this requirement contradicts to the need for the amplifier most effective utilization, i.e. obtaining the maximum possible signal at its output. A compromising solution consists in finding an optimal operating point.
Modern standards of communication and data transmission are very sensitive to various kinds of nonlinearities. This is determined by the high peak to average power ratio (PAPR) as well. The higher this value, the less time the amplifier runs at maximum power. | ||||||||
Ananev A. V., Stafeev M. A., Makeev E. V. Developing communication organization method employing short-range unmanned flying vehicles. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 105 The article proposes a method of radio communication employing a group of short-range UAVs-repeaters allowing ensure information exchange in conditions of the enemy counteraction. The main correspondents of the article are members of the reconnaissance and strike contours involving manned and unmanned short-range aircraft.. The disadvantages of this communications method when employing a single UAV in the information area are the high vulnerability of the transmission system due to the destruction of a single UAV-repeater, and insufficient communication range. The purpose of this article consists in providing a method of organizing application of groups of unmanned aerial vehicles in reconnaissance and strike contours, including those involving aviation. Analysis of the radio communication structure employing a single UAV-repeater is presented. The necessity of using a composite communication channel formed by the groups of unmanned aerial vehicles repeaters is substantiatied. The result of the of the proposed method application is the ability of high-quality information exchange between the subscribers located outside of the direct visibility zone within the required period of time. The positive effect is being achieved due to the fact, that the method comprises communication establishing between subscribers by deploying a radio link for a limited period of time (required for the task accomplishment) in the areas of interest. These are the areas where the deployment and application of terrestrial communications is hampered (difficult terrain, swamps, fires, electromagnetic incompatibility, radio-electronic counteraction). The article presents the results of the method practical approbation.
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Chistyakov V. A. Algorithm for adaptive noise filtering in digital antennae arrays of satellite communication. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 105 Currently, no radio equipment can do without an antenna system, ranging from primitive radios to complex space systems. So on modern communication spacecraft, complex antenna arrays (AR) are installed, which differ in their configuration, a set of elements and a number of other important parameters. The main trend of space technologies development is noise immunity of communication channels in conditions of both peace and wartime. The article proposes an algorithm for adaptive filtering of useful signals against the background of various disturbances, which allows ensure necessary interference protection of communication channels during messages transmission
The adaptive algorithm is based on the method of direct inversion of the signals correlation matrix at the input of the antenna system. The main idea of the algorithm consists in obtaining an optimal weighting factors vector that allows changing the amplitude-phase distribution of the antenna array in such a way that deep sags are formed in the directional pattern (DP) in the direction of the interference.
The optimal weighting factors vector estimation computing is being performed by direct inversion of the interference correlation matrix. This method implicate creating a sample estimate of the correlation matrix using a pack of training vectors.
The advantages of this algorithm include a high rate of convergence of the weight coefficients vector and a rather deep formation of sags in the DP of AR in the direction of interference. Nonetheless, this algorithm is difficult to implement, in the case when the correlation matrix is degenerate, which makes its inversion impossible. This problem occurs when the signals from the outputs of the antenna array elements are linearly dependent.
However, there are two ways to solve this problem.
The first method involves application of the so-called diagonal load, which allows increase the difference between the maximum and minimum values of the correlation matrix, allowing thereby solve the singularity problem. Also, this method is noteworthy in that it allows evaluating the correlation matrix when the number of training pack is less than the number of the antenna array elements.
The second method involves increasing the number of training pack so that their number is at least twice the number of the antenna array elements.
The process of adaptive filtering is represented by the example of a flat rectangular 25-element array antenna, which input receives useful and interfering signals. The narrow-band signals with FM4 modulation, acting within the main lobe of the directional pattern, are used as the useful signals. The interference, in turn, is represented as a white Gaussian noise with a wide spectrum. In consequence of the algorithm modeling, the author has formed an adaptive antenna array directional pattern, and presented a useful signal spectrum passed the adaptive processing, which allowed filtering-out the interfering signals components.
Thus, the performed simulation has confirmed theoretical calculations of the adaptive filtering algorithm for the direct inversion of the correlation matrix, which makes it attractive for applicaiton in modern digital antenna systems.
However, the main factors affecting the technical characteristics of the adaptive filtering algorithm should be noted as well.
The first factor affecting the high characteristics of the above-described algorithm is, in the first place, its own noise caused by analog and digital equipment included in the antenna system.
In particular, the internal noise of the analog-digital path is determined by the jitter of the aperture, jitter from sampling, and differential nonlinearity.
The second factor is the length of the sample of training packs. As was said above, the correlation matrix of the input signals might be degenerate, which would lead to an inaccurate estimation of the weight coefficients. Thus, to avoid this situation, it is necessary to increase the number of training pack.
The third factor, causing the operation errors of the adaptive filtering algorithm is the decorrelation of the signals in the receiving channels of the digital antenna array. This is due primarily to the nonidentity of the amplitude-phase characteristics of the antenna array channels, as well as the moments of signals sampling discrepancy in them. Thus, decorrelation of signals leads to the fact that the non-diagonal elements of the correlation matrix of the input signals decrease in modulus, which causes an incorrect estimate of the weight coefficients.
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Vasil`ev V. A., Fedyunin P. A., Danilin M. A., Vasil`ev A. V. Problem issues of information support of striking aircraft complexes management. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 105 The article substantiates the need for further improvement of the information supply organization for the management striking aircraft complexes with the direct support of the Ground Forces. The analysis of the information supply management organization, which means information collection, processing and transmission in time, was performed. The impact of the message delay in the control channel due to the perturbing action on the effectiveness of the striking aircraft complex control was estimated. The contradiction between the need to increase the intensity of control information transmission to maintain its adequacy and the limited capacity of the aviation radio network capacity was revealed.
The order of access to common time-frequency resources of aviation radio networks is determined by the random multiple access algorithm with carrier verification, for which the system queuing models are well-known. Information flows through logical connections are represented by a stationary Poisson flow, and the transmission medium is represented by a multiple-access radio channel Application of this model allows determining the pack delay time as a function of the information exchange intensity and network parameters. The steady state of the network is characterized by low latency and the highest performance. An unstable state is characterized by irreversible latency increase, and performance decrease. Representation of the information exchange process without introducing model elements into the network, which account for the state of the network under the impact of the intentional interference may lead to an error in determining messages delay.
The effectiveness of target indication and guidance of striking aircraft complexes on the maneuvering ground target depends on the delay of managing messages, which leads to an error in determining the information damage management.
This contradiction resolution may consist in the information intensity updating of the assignment control, at which specified permissible information damage in predicted conditions of situation and a priori known dynamic characteristics of target will not be exceeded. With a large number of options for the situation and target movement parameters, this approach has low efficiency. Its more advanced version is represented in adaptive traffic intensity control in the control channel of the striking aircraft complexes or speeds of logical connections in aviation radio network.
Practical implementation of this approach will ensure the required timeliness of information exchange while target indication and guidance, and increase the likelihood of the guidance of striking aircraft complex on the target. | ||||||||
Titov A. G., Neretin E. S., Dudkin S. O., Brusnikin P. M. Developing the onboard data server for application as a part of radio-electronic equipment employing the concept of integrated modular avionics. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 105 Modern onboard equipment (OBE) complexes include the systems for which storage and processing of a large amount of information is required. The real time data access is required herewith.
Analysis of the existing data storage systems revealed that on the samples of domestic aircraft, information is most often stored on computers which main functions are not data storage, but data processing. The main part of computing resources is spent on running applications. This leads to slow processing of requests to the database, which in turn affects the operation speed of the systems that need data from the database or that are writing to the database.
The article is devoted to the development of an onboard data server (BSD) with employing the concept of integrated modular avionics (IMA) for the onboard equipment (OBE) complex of the medium-range MS-21 aircraft.
The main functions performed by the BSD are storing the aircraft systems databases (DB) (such as on-board maintenance system and air navigation system), supporting database management systems (DBMS) for these databases and ensuring access to them at the request of functional applications as part of OBE.
The BSD represents computing platform of a separate data server ensuring execution of several independent functional applications and interaction with on-board equipment via the interfaces AFDX, USB, Ethernet, RS-232.
The article proposes and describes four operation modes, namely, starting mode, operating mode, advanced monitoring and technological modes. Switching algorithm between the OBD operating modes is described.
The authors propose requirements for the onboard data server, software requirements, architecture and design of the onboard data server.
The BSD employing will allow relieve the load the computing kernels of the functional applications of aircraft systems, simplify the work of the maintenance personnel, interacting with the onboard maintenance system and the aircraft crew, when compiling the flight plan using navigational data processed on the server. | ||||||||
Kosachev I. M., Chugai K. N., Rybackov K. A. Methodology of random processes high-precision filtering in stochastic dynamic systems with fixed structure. (Part 1). Trudy MAI, 2019, no 105 The article presents a methodical approach to high-precision nonlinear filtering of multidimensional non-Gaussian random processes in continuous-time stochastic dynamical systems with a fixed structure. The high accuracy of the developed algorithms for the optimal nonlinear filtering problem is stipulated by application of a posteriori higher order central moments of the filtered process. The adaptability of the developed high-precision nonlinear filtering algorithms is ensured by computing in real time a posteriori skewness and excess kurtosis for all phase coordinates of the filtered random process. Further, they are compared with the threshold values corresponding to the Gauss random process, and, if necessary, accounting for by iteration way filtering algorithms of a posteriori higher central moments of the filtered process.
The methodology under consideration for high-precision nonlinear filtering of multidimensional non-Gaussian random processes may be employed for eight basic options of filtering problems. Though engineering algorithms are presented only for the problem of filtering with adaptive noises in mathematical model of the stochastic dynamic system.
The methodical approach to high-precision nonlinear filtering of multidimensional non-Gaussian random processes can be used for eight basic variants of filtering problems, but engineering algorithms are given only for the filtering problem with additive noises in the mathematical model of the stochastic dynamical system.
The first part of the article describes three stages of the proposed methodical approach:
Other stages of the proposed technique will be described in the second part of the article. | ||||||||
Zhukov S. V., Danilin A. I. Infrared optoelectronic transducer of the helicopter main rotor deformation state. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 105 This article deals with developing a method and a device for a helicopter main rotor deformation state. It proposes an additional infrared channel for the main rotor monitoring. The article considers fundamentals and operation conditions of the proposed method and device. The experiment was performed with the blades models, manufactured from various materials. The experiment was being conducted for various setting angles of the blade model. As a result, the studies of the blade models setting angles impact on the reflected flux formation were conducted assisted by the setting angle adjusting mechanism. Amplitude characteristics, showing the dependence of the signal amplitude from setting angle of the blade model, were obtained. Natural and technogenic sources of jamming radiation, and the atmosphere bandwidths are presented. Natural interference of the infrared band were studied experimentally. For this purpose, an experiment with infrared radiation detector was performed. As an addition to the experiment, the impact of natural sources of infrared radiation and optical properties of the atmosphere on the sensors operation was considered theoretically. Based on the considered data, a part of the infrared band spectrum was offered for utilization for the subsequent development of the sensors and systems. The article presents the description of the experimental test bench for the workout of separate propositions of the method and separate units of the device. Conclusions on the applicability and further development of the method are drawn. | ||||||||
Baranov N. A., Taipova D. R. A device for space particles parameters measuring and evaluating their impact on the satellite-building materials. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 105 The article describes the effect of small fractional space debris on satellite-building materials that are most vulnerable to the impact of dust particles, such as various optical products materials (portholes, protective glasses, lenses, mirrors, solar batteries, thermal control coatings and electrovacuum insulation).
Collision with particles of the centimeter-sized space debris is fatal for a satellite, and the space stations may be damaged. A head-on collision with millimeter-sized particles will cause the satellite or station equipment failure or destroy it. The smaller particles are cannot inflict significant damage to satellite equipment, but may lead to degradation of the fragile parts.
The article proposes the design and principle of operation of a flat panel cosmic dust detector. This device makes allows perform complex spatial registration of the impact of meteoroid and technological particles on the spacecraft. The basis of the device design is a body made of nanocomposite material or beryllium aluminum alloy with mechanically fixed cells containing the following materials: a piezo-active polarized PVDF film, a thin-film capacitor sensor, a phosphor, various satellite-building materials, and an aerogel layer for trapping and further post-flight study of fractional space debris. The detector registers and measures parameters of impacts based on several physical phenomena, such as an MDM structure breakdown consisting of a dielectric layer and metal conductive layers deposited on it, phosphor glow and a signal from the piezosensor. The design being described includes special target inserts from vulnerable satellite building materials to control the degree of their degradation under the impact of a dust particles stream. | ||||||||
Kuksenko S. P. Simulation of a spacecraft noise immune power network. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 105 The article presents a generalized characteristic of a spacecraft power grid and tendencies of its improvement with regard to power buses application. It proves the relevance of mathematical modelling employing with account for electromagnetic compatibility requirements while the system designing. The article presents a brief description of the software prototype developing specifics in TUSUR for designing elements of the spacecraft distribution network. The prototype is based on the TALGAT system, which functional was updated. The system was employed earlier while fulfilling several space projects. TEM-approximation, the method of moments and the modified method of nodal potentials for calculating parameters of the of transmission lines segments and the response at the end of the structure were used as the mathematical basis for the software prototype developing. Such an approach allows significant simulation time saving, and thus, considering a greater number of possible topologies of the power supply network, as well as speeding up the process of its designing, as compared to electro-dynamic simulation.
The article presents the simulation results of the power bus and wire taps connected to it, as well as the development of a module for evaluating the effectiveness of shielding enclosures with apertures and a database of conducted interference signals. Computing of N-norms used to characterize the signal in the time domain and determine the limit of susceptibility of the equipment were also implemented. Thus, they may be used to evaluate not only the immunity of the spacecraft power supply network, but also its reliability, as well as to identify the most critical network nodes to eliminate product failures during operation.
The approach to reducing the time spent on simulation was tested. It is demonstrated, that the simulation can be accelerated up to 19 times when the frequency dependence of the relative dielectric constant of the dielectric is accounted for. | ||||||||
Tleulinov M. K., Jafarzade A. . On reaction determining in connections of combined lifting member and control surfaces of low aspect ratio. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 104 The article considers the combined structure, consisting of a lifting member and control surface, connected in three or more points, i.e. statically undefined manner. The reactions value of such structures is determined not so much by the external loading as by the displacement compatibility conditions of lifting member and control surface hinged to it. Thus, it matters how the structure is being modeled, and what design models are being employed. The issue of the interrelation of reactions in the control panels hinging nodes, obtained while modelling according to the beam and plate analogies at small aspect ratios is studied. It was established earlier that the difference in reactions, obtained with the rod and plate models, decreased with the structure aspect ratio increase. It was close to zero at medium and high aspect ratio. The presented article studies the issue on the interrelation of the reactions in the control panels hinging nodes, obtained while modelling according to the rod and plate analogies at small aspect ratio. The frontal (laying in the control surface plane) reactions are being evaluated. It was established, that with small aspect ratio the divergence of the rod and plate values of the frontal reactions depended greatly on the aspect ratio and relative thickness. With this, the less the aspect ratio, the greater the dependence from the relative thickness. The difference between the reactions decreases with the relative thickness increase.
Thus, there is no need to use the plate model while determining the reactions value in the control surface hinging nodes at the lifting member length to width ratio greater than two. If this ratio is less, this necessity occurs. With this, the less the aspect ratio, the more the need for the plate analogy. | ||||||||
Khatuntseva O. N. Analytical method for velocity profile determining of the turbulent fluid flow in the flat Couette problem. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 104 Despite the great progress related to the solution of hydrodynamical problems both for the laminar and for turbulent flow modes based on the numerical solution of Navier-Stokes equations (NSE), the main question is not resolved at the mathematical level of rigorousity: whether the NSE describe both these modes.
The Navier-Stokes equations represent the Newton second law for the selected small enough but finite volume of the isothermal liquid, and describe this volume acceleration under the action of the force caused, on one hand, by the pressure gradient and external forces, and, on the other hand, by viscous force action on the surface of this volume.
In case of the deterministic, i.e. laminar, liquid flow mode the NSE correctness for such process describing is undoubtful. However, while transition to the turbulent liquid flow mode a great number of additional stochastic degrees of freedom occur. In this regard, the issue on the possibility of such system description by the deterministic Navier-Stokes equations remains open.
It is obvious that the issue on the possibility or impossibility of the turbulent flow mode description based on the NSE can be considered in the simplest way on the example of solving those hydrodynamic problems, which allow analytical solutions. Regrettably, due to their complexity, the NSE have such solutions only for the restricted set of problems for very simple geometries.
The flat Couette problem is one of such problems. The transition to the analysis of Navier-Stokes equations in the space expanded via the additional variable, which specifies the entropy production due to the excitation of the stochastic pulsation in the fluid flow enables to find two solution of this problem. One of them corresponds the laminar flow mode, and the second corresponds the turbulent flow mode. is characterized by the linear velocity profile over the complete liquid flow domain. The second one is realized for the high enough Reynolds numbers, and is specified by the velocity profile proportional to the hyperbolic sine with parameters dependent on the Reynolds number.
The critical Reynolds number, at wich the laminar to turbulent flow mode transition is possible, is determined. Comparison with the available experimental data is presented. | ||||||||
Baklanov A. V., Makarova G. F., Vasil'ev A. A., Nuzhdin A. A. Gas injector geometry changing impact on the fuel jet spread angle. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 104 Ensuring of qualitative fuel supply to the combustion chamber primary zone is an important process affecting the fuel burn-up characteristics. Thus, the injector structure impact study on mixture, spread angle and fuel jet flow structure is an actual problem.
The article considers the combustion chamber injector of the NK-16ST gas turbine engine as the subject of research.
The injector contains a screw in its structure serving fuel swirling device, which allows classify it as a centrifugal gas injector.
This work performs research work on studying changes of a swirled fuel jet supplying method impact on the angle of fuel spray cone forming. For this purpose the installation was developed. Injector and flame stabilizer with a swirler, to which compressed air is supplied, are being fixed in the working section of the installation. The installation structure makes provision for separate control of the compressed air supplying to the air and gas pipelines.
A small metal balloon filled with aluminum powder to admixture it to the air is installed in the fuel line for the flow pattern visualization. A screen with the graduated scale is being installed to fix the spread angle of gaseous fuel and spread angle axial line shifting behind the injector
The results of the study allowed reveal that changing the distance between the screw and injector output section did not significantly affect the opening angle of the swirled jet, while the diameter change of aperture in the injector output section affected significantly the opening angle of the swirled jet. Flow characteristics of injectors were plotted. Structural measures allowing affecting the cone angle of the gaseous fuel and hence forming the necessary fuel burning process parameters were determined. | ||||||||
Varyukhin A. N., Ovdienko M. A. OpenFOAM software verification using seaplane gliding modelling problems. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 104 Drag force, seaworthiness and gliding stability of marine aircraft, including seaplane, amphibious aircraft and ekranoplan are the main characteristics which define their operational capability. Currently, the hydrodynamic layout development is being performed by the towing tests of dynamically scaled models. The reliable design procedure for hydrodynamics and seaworthiness performance determining could have allowed decrease the number of experiments and increase their efficiency. For this purpose, the open source computational fluid dynamics toolbox (OpenFOAM) verification was performed for hydrodynamic gliding and fast water entering problems
The test study was performed based on several experimentally validated typical problems. The keeled plate gliding on a partial and full width, keeled body on a regular wave, keeled plate water entry, and gliding with a stern interceptor are among them.
A comparison of the experimental and numerical results revealed that OpenFOAM accurately simulates the flow pattern and free surface of keeled planning plate. It also replicates the lift force and pitch moment (within the limits of the experiment accuracy). Unfortunately, the match of computational and experimental results for the drag force was no achieved. In general, this accuracy level can be considered as satisfactory for the certain class of problems where the drag force determining is not principle.
Further, it is necessary to perform parameters variation of the turbulence model, computations with more detailed computational grid, as well as perform simulations without the near-wall functions in the boundary layer etc.
A good agreement of computational and experimental values of hydrodynamic lifting force acting on flat-keeled body while its passing through the series of regular waves was achieved. A close agreement for both flow patterns and hydrodynamic lifting forces, acting on the bodies, was achieved while modelling the water entry by four different keeled bodies. A good agreement of additional lifting force and drag force was obtained while gliding modeling of a flat-keeled plate with stern interceptor.
As a conclusion, it can be recommended to apply the OpenFOAM open source software for obtaining the hydrodynamic lift force and the moment acting on the body while gliding and entering the water in steady state and transient cases. It is necessary perform additional studies to determine the drag force of gliding bodies accurately. | ||||||||
Sorokin F. D., Zhang H. ., Popov V. V., Ivannikov V. V. Experimental verification of the roller bearing energy model for aircraft engines supporting nodes modelling Part 2. Studying the rings bending impact on the full-load characteristic in case of a bearing unfixed in the bearing race. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 104 Bearings with flexible rings analysis is presented in a vast number of technical papers [3-11]. One of the first attempts to perform analysis of the bearing with account for its structural deformations was made by Jones and Harris [3]. They incorporated the outer ring flexibility into the model, although for a very particular case such as the support of an idler gear in a planetary transmission. Later Filetti and Rumbarger [4], developing a general method for predicting the impact of sthe tructural support upon bearing performance, treated the outer ring as a set of beam elements and used 1D linear springs for the rollers in contact. This model proved to have good correlation with experimental data. However, a priori knowledge on the attachment points of the outer ring significantly limits the approach applicability. Moreover, as with the of Jones and Harris formulation [3], only one of the bearing rings is deformable in the Filetti and Rumbarger model [4]. The recent model of Cavallaro et al. [5] considers deformations of both bearing rings. In contrast to the previous formulations, the problem of the rings deformations determination was formulated in terms of forces. The model considered also the centrifugal expansion of the rings, the cage rotation and the lubricant presence. Balykin et al. [6] has also recently studied the effect of the bearing races compliance, although limiting the discussion to some specific cases of external loading.
To verify the energy model of the roller bearing, a full-scale experiment was performed with the universal Zwick/Roell Z100 test machine. The roller bearing of 12309KM type was being loaded by the local compressive load acting on the outer ring. The bearing outer ring deformation was being measured by the strain gage. The experimental data comparison with the numerical results obtained by FEM and the results obtained from the previously developed energy model also confirmed the impact of ring compliance on the elastic characteristic of the bearing. The study revealed that in the absence of structural elements that exclude the rings bending (shafts, clips), the energy model of the roller bearing should be supplemented by a technique for accounting for the rings deformation. | ||||||||
Turanov R. A., Pykhalov A. A. Analysis of the "ear-plugˮ type structure operation by the finite elements method and by the contact problem of elasticity theory solution. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 104 The wing to fuselage connection is one of the most critical part of any aircraft. Here, in most cases, the wing represents the main bearing surface, and the fuselage is the load. With the wing design complication, such as a caisson type, the urgent task of analyzing its fastening elements with the fuselage arises to obtain the most advantageous design in terms of mass and reliability. This problem has been traditionally solved by of empirical methods. This solution can be significantly expanded employing highly efficient theoretical methods that allow analyzing both the parts stress-strain state (SSS), and their conjugation conditions.
The results of experimental studies presented in the works of E.V. Ryzhov [7], show that while the joint structure loading, out of the total amount of deformations 80% from them are those at the parts joints, and only 20% are deformations of the parts themselves. Thus, in contrast to its monolithic analogue the operability of the prefabricated structure is determined by both the strength of the parts and the conditions of their conjugation (layout) aimed at ensuring the minimum level of stress concentration in the joints assemblies of the aircraft structure.
With the empirical approach, when solving design problems of this type, there is a need to create a large number of field test samples. As a result, the total and time costs are rather large. With the advent of modern computational technologies based on FEM, new computational techniques have appeared that allow the most detailed study of the perception of mechanical loads in the aircraft’s structural elements. They include the structural elements connecting the aircraft’s wing to the fuselage, which main component is the ear-plug design. Under certain operation conditions of the product (aircraft) the stress field in the presented structures attains the unevenness of a high gradient.
Thus, the task is relevant, and its implementation is possible by the finite element method and employing the solution of the contact problem of a solid deformable body, by building a finite element model and introducing a contact joint between the node elements (fork, ear, bolt, nut).
The basis of the design is an empirical method for calculating the stress-strain state of a fixed plug-type “Ear-plug” type, which is employed as a test object in this work. | ||||||||
Firsanov V. V., Vo A. H., Tran N. D. Studying stiffened shells stress state by the refined theory with account for ribs elasticity and clamped edge. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 104 The presented article considers the clamped edge pliability and ribs stiffness impact on the stress state of stiffened shells determined by the refined theory.
Computing was performed according to the approach based on the shell displacement expanding into polynomials, one degree higher than the classical theory of Kirchhoff-Love type, over the coordinate normal to the median surface. Differential equation of equilibrium and boundary conditions of the shell were obtained based on the 3D theory of elasticity and Lagrange variation principle. The formulated boundary problem was solved by an analytical method using the Laplace transform.
The calculation results revealed quickly damping additional stress states of the “boundary layer” type while calculations were performed by the refined theory. The values of longitudinal and circumferential shell stresses are substantially refined nearby the stress state distortion zones (in places of ribs fixing and clamped edge), while normal stresses values are of the same order with maximum values of the main (internal) stress.
The study revealed that the shell stresses reduced several times with account for the clamped edge pliability. An important result related to the additional stress state consists in the fact that with the ribs stiffness increases, the transverse normal stresses, neglected in the classical theory, increase substantially. The obtained results can be applied for the design and evaluation of the strength of aircraft stiffened shells. | ||||||||
Philatov V. I., Borukaeva A. O., Berdikov P. G. Distance measuring system employing modulation chaotic noise function. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 104 The article discussed in detail the general characteristics of a distance measuring system or the range in which the transmitted signal is modulated by the chaotic noise. The distance measurement is performed by correlating the transmitted and received modulation signals. The modulating signal spectrum determines the function of this correlation dependence, and, hence, the system output, on the distance to the reflecting object. Particular attention is paid to the possibility of practical implementation of the filter, which limits the linear portion of the “system distance – output systems” characteristic for the system with noise modulation. Some new results that can be obtained are indicated. The article considers limitations of the method, and describes several types of noise-modulated systems. The successful operation of the system of one type is revealed. With a result of the described work, a system similar to the existing altimeters is proposed, but free from the ambiguity of reference inherent to the systems with periodic modulating function, devoid of systematic errors and allowing measure distances below several meters. This makes it particularly suitable for application as an altimeter in blind-landing systems. A method of analysis consideredin the article allows, within practicality, design the system with the desired “output – distance” ratio which can be installed further in the aircraft to determine the distance when performing takeoff and landing. | ||||||||
Kuznetsov V. S., Volkov A. S., Solodkov A. V., Slepov A. V. Studying OFMD with Amplitude-Phase Shift-keying Pulse-Amplitude Subcarrier Modulation and 10 bit/s/Hz spectral efficiency. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 104 The presented work suggests a new modulation process, based on amplitude-phase modulation, with introduction of additional data transfer channel with amplitude modulation into quadrature to the transmitted signal with the amplitude-phase modulation. The OFDM system employing the suggested amplitude-phase amplitude-pulse modulation as a primary modulation method with frequency effectiveness of 10 bit/sample was considered.
Due to the quadrature modulation and demodulation scheme, with 8 amplitude levels of phase-shift keyed signal and 16 levels of a signal with amplitude-pulse modulation this method ensures frequency effectiveness in the output bandwidth up to the value of γPM-APM = 20 bit/s/Hz.
Additional advantages of this new proposed quadrature discrete modulation method consist in its high reliability while one of the modulation blocks failure, as well as its successful operation while phase inversion of the carrier recovered synchronization. Amplitude-phase modulation was selected as a prototype of the suggested modulation method.
A simulation model of a data transmission system with the given modulation method and OFDM technology was developed for studying the method of primary amplitude-phase amplitude-pulse modulation with selected effectiveness, surpassing the traditionally employed modulation methods in OFDM mode.
The simulation results allowed obtain experimental dependencies of the bit error caused by the signal to noise ratio conforming the analytical computation. The signal constellations of the amplitude-phase amplitude-pulse modulated signal, which shapes corresponded to the shape of the modulation type described by the author were obtained as well. The spectrum of the amplitude-phase amplitude-pulse modulated signal and OFDM signal were plotted. The spectrum effectiveness of the method, which also conformed with the theoretical computation, was obtained using the graph of the amplitude-phase amplitude-pulse modulated spectrum.
The required signal/noise ratio in the channel with additive Gauss white noise can be evaluated for the system functioning at the permissible error level by the dependence of the bit error probability, obtained while the system modelling. Thus, for the error level of 10–6 the required signal/noise energy ratio is 36.5 dB. The graph of power peak-factor distribution of the OFDM signal was obtained. The distribution appears the same as when the phase keying modulation used as a primary modulation. It is explained by the fact, that the main parameter affecting the distribution shape and peak-factor value is the number of subcarriers in the OFDM signal. | ||||||||
Gusev S. N., Sahno I. V., Khubbiev R. V. Evaluation technique for virtual objects on radar images formation quality. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 104 The article proposes an approach to solving the problem of calibrating quality of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) employing test signal simulation system. Thus, the subject of the research is the quality evaluating methods of virtual objects formation on radar images in the interests of SAR calibration.
At present, a common approach to evaluating the bjects imitation quality on radar images does not exist. Thus, the goal of the work consists in developing alternative approaches to assessing the quality of virtual objects formation on radar images, which allow obtaining quantitative characteristics of similarity degree of virtual and real objects.
The proposed method is based on applying correlation analysis technique and the theory of signal detection, which allows drawing a comparison between two images. The radar images herewith are represented by matrices of independent random variables characterizing the values of the intensity and coordinates of the corresponding target marks on the radar image. A special feature of the proposed approach is the study of the statistical characteristics of differential radar images.
The result of the work is a method for evaluating the virtual objects formation quality on radar images, and analytical expressions for computing the following characteristics:- the correlation index of the reference and virtual radar images:
The developed method was approbated during a semi-natural simulation of the virtual objects formation process on the radar images. The simulation results, presented in the work, validated the method and the required quality of the predefined virtual object formation.
The proposed method can be used for:
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Semakov S. L. On one approach to the probabilistic estimation of a civilian aircraft safety landing. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 104 The problem of probabilistic estimate of safe landing for a civilian aircraft is considered. As is known, for civilian aircrafts, multi-channel means of recording flight parameters (MMRFP) are established, and in the ground service of the airline there is a division engaged in decoding the records of MMRFP. If necessary, the entire flight can be decoded, but, as a rule, only the most important parts of the flight, including the landing, are deciphered. The following task is posed: after a real flight, relying on the MMRFP records, we have to analyze the implementation of the random landing process and we have to characterize the quality and, in particular, the degree of safety of this particular landing of the aircraft in question. As a rule, according to the MMRFP, the deviations of the flight parameters fr om their nominal values at given times, such as the time of flight of the runway end, are estimated. However, often going beyond the individual restrictions set out in the Flight Manual of an aircraft not only does not create the prerequisites for an accident, but also, taking into account the whole situation, can reduce the probability of an undesirable event. Therefore, it is not individual deviations that are more important, but an integral indicator of the landing process, for example, the probability of a safe landing, by which one can objectively judge the quality of piloting (manual or automatic) and the degree of safety of the landing in general.
In this paper, an aircraft motion is described by an n-dimensional random process Υ(x)={Υ1(x),...,Υn(x)}T, where T is the transposition symbol, x is the flight distance counted from the moment the landing process is considered from a fixed point of the landing surface (or its continuation), Υ1(x) is a random process of changing the flight altitude. A safe landing is the event ZD consisting in that the component Υ1(x) reaches the zero level (the level of landing surface) for the first time at any moment x* from a given interval (x',x"), x0<x'<x" , and at this moment the condition (Υ2(x*),...,Υn(x*))∈D is fulfilled, wh ere D is the specified subset of Rn-1. A scheme is proposed that allows decoding the MMRFP record of a specific landing implementation a posteriori to assess the quality of an already perfect landing from the point of view of its safety, i.e. a posteriori estimate the probability of event ZD. | ||||||||
Vataeva E. Y. Dynamics modelling of the extremal control system operation with extremum memorization. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 104 Landing is the most complicated and potentially dangerous operation mode of the aircraft. It is well known, that in the landing mode the aircraft behavior differs from its behavior in the other modes. It relates to its dynamic characteristics as well. The study of landing dynamics is characterized by complexity and specificity, associated with significant instability of the considered modes related to the essential changes in flight parameters. The main feature of the landing mode is the aircraft proximity to the Earth surface, and the need to fly at low speeds, implementing rather complex evolutions. The article considers the issue of dynamics modeling of nonlinear automatic control systems (ACS) in transient conditions. A system with extreme characteristics is selected as an object, namely the extremum seeking system with extremum memorization.
The main task of the extremal control system is the automatic maintenance of the optimal value of the regulating action, which ensures an extreme value of the coordinates, object parameters, or any indicator of the process efficiency during uncontrolled and unknown changes in the properties of the control object itself and its operating conditions.
It must be borne in mind that the interaction of the braking wheel with the surface along which it rolls is of an extreme character. The feature of the developed system is that the aircraft behavior on the left slope of the characteristic differs greatly from its behavior on the right slope. The left slope of the characteristic characterizes a stable movement of the system, while the right slope corresponds to an unstable state of the system. This article addresses the issue of developing an extremum seeking control (ESC) system with extremum memorization in “Matlab/Simulink”. A semi-natural system ECS was developed on the NI ELVIS – II platform in conjunction with the LabVIEW graphical programming language. This complex can be employed for studying and developing regulators for various braking systems. | ||||||||
Volkov S. S. An approach to solving the problem of personality identification by gas-discharge visualization method. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 104 The article considers the approach to solving the identification problem by gas-discharge visualization (GDV) method. This approach is planned to be applied in aerospace branch for the purpose of prevention of industrial espionage and penetration to the classified objects.
This work purpose consists in demonstrating the unique possibilities of the gas-discharge visualisation method.
The work novelty consists in the fact that the approach to solving the problem of identification with the GDV method was not applied anywhere else, and was not considered. The interest to the personality identification in an aerospace complex is caused by the fact that many modern identification methods have shortages and can be falsified. In this connection, a necessity for searching for the new identification methods, one of which is represeted by the suggested approach. The hypothesis that the GDV-images possess the «identification cells» was put forward, and the images with the filter obtained in the process of shooting are constant and arenot subjected to changing. Thus, based on the identification determination they will be the reference, with which the images without the filter will be compared. The images without a filter are made while an employee authentication
The article presents the example of application of the proposed identification method in aggregate with the automated assessment system of the operator psychophysiological state (PPhS). The given example is interesting to that it allows perform simultaneous monitoring of health and readiness for professional activity, and, at the same time, to carry out personality identification of the aerospace complex employee
In consequence of the study, it was confirmed that the above said approach really allows identifying the personality. The obtained data confirms the put forward hypothesis. However, it is necessary to perform at least ten iterations for the higher purity of the experiment.
The author recommends apply the approach to the personality identification with the GDV method combined with the automated system for phsycophysiological state estimation. This will allow both ensure claasified information integrity, and perform monitoring of physical and phsycological health of all employees of aviation, rocket and space branches. | ||||||||
Nemychenkov G. I. Control of beams of trajectories of automation type stationary systems given discrete inaccurate measurements. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 104 The article considers the problem of optimal control for deterministic discrete stationary automation-type systems under parametric uncertainty in the presence of discrete inaccurate measurements.
The discrete automation system (SAT) is described by recurrent equations and serves as a mathematical model of control devices in the form of a memory automation. On a continuous time period of the SAT operation a finite number its state changes occurs. At the switching moments, when the changes of the state occur, the system trajectory has jumps. The system maintains its state between switches. In contrast to the classical models of discrete systems [1, 2], changes in the states, occurring at specified (clock) moments of time, the SAT switching might be arbitrary, not predetermined by moments of time [3, 4]. The quality of one trajectory control of the system is estimated by the functional, which takes account of the switching costs. Selection of the number of switches and clock moments is one of the control resources and is a subject to optimization [5]. This does not exclude multiple switching at a fixed time [3]. Thus, the problem of optimal SAT synthesis generalizes the problem of the discrete controlled system control [1, 2].
The problems in which suboptimal beam control is optimal are of interest. The well-known results relate to the linear-quadratic problems where the linear systems control is evaluated by a quadratic quality functional. It is shown in [6] that the optimal control of the beam of trajectories of a continuous system coincides with the optimal control of one (isolated) trajectory coming from the geometric center of gravity of the set of possible initial states.
Generally speaking, the principle of separation is not fulfilled in the linear-quadratic problem of controlling the beams of the set of trajectories In the examples given in [7], the optimal control does not coincide with the optimal control for the trajectory coming from the geometric center of gravity of the set of possible initial states. The reason for this consists in the fact that the price function in the linear-quadratic control problem of non-stationary CAT is not quadratic. It is shown in [18] that for the linear-quadratic control problem of stationary CAT, the price function is piecewise quadratic. This circumstance allows prove the validity of the principle of separation (with some modification) [19].
Based on the sufficient conditions the algorithms of synthesis of suboptimal and conditional suboptimal control of beams of set trajectories are developed. The algorithm efficiency the is demonstrated by the academic example of a linear-quadratic problem. | ||||||||
Shipko V. V. Method and algorithms of inter-channeled gradient reconstruction of multi-spectral images in optical-electronic complexes of air and space reconnaissance. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 104 The goal of the work consists in improving the accuracy of multispectral digital images reconstructing distorted by applicative interference due to the inter-channel redundancy property of multi-channel optic-electronic complexes of air and space reconnaissance.
The author proposed and studied a new method and algorithms for inter-channel gradient reconstruction of the information component of multispectral images distorted by the impulse and spatially extended applicative interference, based on the implementation of the inter-channel redundancy property.
The proposed method is based on the assumption of the approximate equality of gradients of the adjacent channels of multispectral images. The method consists of the two stages.
At the first stage, the spatial position of the interference in each component is estimated. For these purposes, an algorithm for inter-channel gradient detection of interference in each spectral channel based on a new principle of the inter-channel discrepancy between the gradients of individual spectral channels of a multispectral image, has been developed. At the second stage, an inter-channel gradient reconstruction of the spectral channels of the multispectral image is performed in the distorted sections according to one of the developed algorithms, based on the borrowing information on the gradients of the corresponding sections of undistorted channels.
As the results of the numerical and experimental studies demonstrated, the proposed method allows obtaining a higher detection and reconstruction accuracy of distorted image areas in comparison with existing processing methods. In this case, the computational costs of the developed algorithms allow processing color (3-channel) images in a time scale close to the real one. | ||||||||
Groshev A. V. Algorithmic improvement strategy for accuracy characteristics and information reliability of inertial satellite navigation systems withing unmanned aerial vehicles. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 104 Nowadays information reliability improvement of inertial satellite navigation systems (ISNS) and competition in correction and guidance accuracy are the most significant tasks for developers of special types of advanced unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).
Non-redundant ISNSs for highly dynamical UAVs, tested in natural and semi-natural conditions, as well as with complexes of simulation and mathematical modelling, are the subject of research in the presented article.
The research objective is the development of the ideology and program-algorithm solutions for the accuracy and information reliability improvement of high-precision ISNS for UAVs, continuous true navigational information acquisition for the control system of highly dynamic UAVs in condition of unstable operation of the satellite navigation systems consumers, or and electronic countermeasures.
Strategy and effective program-algorithmic solutions for ISNS failure information identification and elimination of co-processing were developed based on SINS mathematical models, satellite navigation systems and electronic countermeasures systems consumer equipment scientific software of complex system, seminatural and development tests. Such a strategy and solutions improve the control stability, accuracy and information reliability of the system.
Errant information identification algorithms based on Kalman filter (KF) residuals, which are able to retain the characteristics of the system in varied operating conditions, and also the results of its tryout on the mathematical and simulation modeling systems are considered in the article. Approaches based on tolerance control using time-series model predictions or KF squared residuals normalized with RMS deviation of its moving unweighted average which is calculated with intervals by means of sliding window are suggested. The article enlightens an approach to the satellite navigation systems consumers equipment corrections after the “information shadow” for high accuracy systems, and presents the results of mathematical, simulation and semi-natural tests.
Correction methods for satellite navigation systems and electronic countermeasures systems consumer equipment after “information shadow” for high accuracy systems are presented.
The proposed methods and algorithms were used while ideology formation of the certain types of UAVs application. | ||||||||
Ivashova N. D., Mikhailin D. A., Chernyakova M. E., Shanygin S. V. Neural network solution of the operational planning task for unmanned aerial vehicles route flight and time setting for ground based objects observation employing the fuzzy logic while displaying these results on the computer screen prior to the start. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 104 The article considers the possibility of neural network realization of operational planning of the route flight of the unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) while ground based objects observation, when the flight task requires correction due to the change of dynamic situation. It happens when either the observation quality of certain object appeared too low, or video information indicates the new objects occurrence, or observation of a number of of objects was untimely.
The number of ground based objects, coordinates of their position and their relative importance as well as the number of UAVs and their current coordinates at the given planning step are regarded as set in the formulated problem statement. The article demonstrates that the operation planning at each step consists of two operations. The first operation consists in determining the initial set of the most important objects of observation, and the second is assigning for each of them their “own” UAV.
The authors suggest the problem solution with the three layer neural networks of sequential distribution with sigmoidal activation function in the first two layers and relay function in the last layer. The article demonstrates that these neural networks training required a small number of examples. Employing special schemes for determining the number of the primary target and the number of the servicing UAV, the onboard program neural network complex was formed. This complex is capable of realizing the process of operational planning in the real time mode.
At the same time, the objects significance estimation representation in the form of the multiplicative convolution of partial criteria reduces the input signals number, and, hence, the neural network structure dimensionality. The structural diagram of the fuzzy logic expert system for the allowed search time determining, and detecting each of the objects of observation with account for the three factors: the growing risk of detection failure at the searching time increase; significant fuel consumption excess, as well as the time reduction to the flight termination.
The adaptive fuzzy logic expert system, determining the moment of observation termination depending on the current parameters of the dynamic situation, was formed to automate the process of continuing managing servicing of the next object of observation, while searching for it in the proper place. | ||||||||
Eremin E. O., Kharlamov G. Y. Instrumental photometric standard for onboard optoelectronic devices of near-Earth monitoring space systems. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 104 The article introduces a notion of an instrumental photometric standard for onboard optoelectronic instruments and considers specifics of its forming. This standard employing allows evaluate energy characteristics of a particular onboard optoelectronic device in various background-signal conditions with a reference accuracy. The structure of the instrumental photometric standard application is based on employing classical methods of astronomical photometry and statistical processing of measurement results. The proposed method is similar to the satellite photometric observations processing, but the onboard optoelectronic device is evaluated by the photometric stars-standards, and not contrariwise. The article presents equations for energy units conversion between the in-system units and astronomical photometry units. Basic photometric and spectrophotometric catalogues that can be employed to develop the instrumental photometric standards of the onboard visible and infrared optoelectronic devices are considered (both for visual and infrared optical bands). Graphical representation of the reviewed star catalogs’ photometrical bands is presented. The methods of photometric measurements on digital frames from the onboard optoelectronic devices, namely the method of aperture photometry and method of PSF-photometry (Point Spread Function photometry) are briefly reviewed. The method of standard stars samples forming for developing the approximating models of the instrumental magnitudes for different background-signal conditions is presented. Applications of an instrumental photometric standard for onboard optoelectronic devices are the near-Earth space monitoring systems at the stages of flight tests and exploitation. Efficiency of algorithms of construction and employing implementations of the instrumental photometric standard for the onboard optoelectronic devices based on simulated and experimental data will be considered in the subsequent articles. | ||||||||
Mironenko V. V. Cutting-downs shaping on sheet parts employing a movable clamp. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 104 The possibility of the defect of an «incomplete stamping» type is demonstrated on the example of the part with the standard cutting-down. This part has a standard cutting-down, and according to the regulatory document OST 1.52468-80 should be shaped without defects. Such defects occurrence leads to the manual refinement, and, hence, to the part cost value increase. The author proposes a scheme of shaping with the movable clamp application, allowing avoid the above said defect. The article demonstrates this scheme application for producing the parts with non-standard cutting-downs. It demonstrates also the scheme of shaping with the movable clamp, and describes the route of the part shaping to obtain the maximum effect from the suggested technology application. The author shows on the model parts that only the movable clamp application allows avoid the defects of “incomplete stamping” and “corrugation forming” type. The model parts were selected from the regulatory document OST 1.52468-80 zones, in which the part should come out with the defects. However, a movable clamp application for shaping allowed avoid defects such as “incomplete stamping” and “corrugation forming”.
For all three parts, a finite element analysis was performed with the PAM-STAMP 2G simulation program of the French ESI Group company. Actual tests with the INRTU experimental installation and the QFC1.2×3 industrial press were performed according to the simulation results.
The purpose of the article consists in improving the conventional technological process of producing the parts with the cutting-down element. The article solves the following tasks:
replacing the unstable forming method with a newer one:
As a result, a technology for cutting-downs shaping with a movable clamp has been found that allows stably producing of the flawless parts with both standard cutting-downs, and cutting-downs that go beyond the normative documentation recommendations. The technology is universal, and it can be employed at various aircraft-and machine building enterprises. | ||||||||
Lobastov I. A., Paleshkina Y. V., Alexeeva N. N., Paleshkin A. V. Selecting design parameters of the centrifugal test bench while quasi-static-oscillating loading of the test object with free oscillations of the system. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 104 At present, rocket and space technology (RST) is developing at a rapid pace in all advanced countries. A huge amount of resources is invested in this promising sector. RST has a number of features. Its design cannot be duplicated, and it is almost impossible to repair it after the start of flight operation. The designed construction has to function at all operation stages. The loading factors determine the shape and internal structure of the structural elements and the structure as a whole, and loading analysis is an important, integral part of the rocket design of and space technology elements. Thence, a problem arises as recently as at the preliminary design stage on the possibility of application of the already existed experimental base of the space-rocket engineering designer for performing experimental developing in conditions close to the product natural operation conditions. According to the tasks set in the work, the calculation part was separated into three components. In the first part, a well-known mathematical model is used for the movement simulation of the descent vehicle in the atmosphere of the planet with different input angles along the ballistic trajectory. The data obtained while calculations served as an initial data for the second stage, namely, computing and selecting parameters of the centrifugal test bench to perform tests at quasi-static-oscillating loading with natural oscillations of the system. At this stage of the test simulation, the result represented the analysis and selection of the design parameters of the test bench, and the mode of testing under given conditions of functioning and operation of the product. At the third stage, based on the compiled algorithm, the calculation of the centrifugal drive power was performed, with account for the operating limitations for the selected stand operation mode.
With the result of the performed work based on mathematical models and computational algorithms, a software package was developed using MATLAB, allowing obtain at various initial data operational and energy parameters of the test bench for certain testing modes. | ||||||||
Kudinov I. A., Kholopov I. K., Khramov M. Y. Multispectral panoramic video images forming technology for aviation optical-electronic vision systems. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 104 The article considers the video image forming technology according to the information from distributed multi-spectral cameras of the aviation panoramic optical-electronic vision system. It analyses the main problems of a panoramic frame stitching quality reduction while working with multi-spectral cameras. The article presents the geometric formulation of the problem and main analytical expressions describing the spherical panorama forming procedure without evaluating the point features of the scene, and searching matches between them using descriptors. A robust to shooting conditions algorithm for panorama image forming according to the results of preliminary photometric calibration of multispectral cameras with the special test-object and information on the angle orientation of the reference camera, obtained from the inertial micro-electromechanical sensor, was developed. One of the possible variants of the universal test-object realization for the multi-spectral cameras calibration is presented. The main operation modes of a panoramic vision system prototype with television and thermal cameras developed by the authors are considered including vision improving functions such as blending and contrasting according to Multiscale retinex algorithm, as well as information integration from the technical vision channels operating in various spectral areas. The article shows that computations parallelization using CUDA technology allows realizing vision improvement functions including information integration from multispectral sensors and overlapping additional signographic information for two independently controlled 1024 x 768 pixels regions of interest with a frequency not less than 30 Hz. The results of semi-natural experiments on the window of user interest display in the “transparent cabin” mode are presented.
Display of video information in the region of interest in accordance with the concept of “transparent cab” are presented. | ||||||||
Voskoboynikov M. A., Podstrigaev A. S., Davydov V. V. Modelling and evaluation of wind impacts on parachuted radio monitoring module. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 104 The article presents the development and examples of the mathematical model application, which allows estimate the wind impact on the parachuted radio-monitoring module. The antenna beam direction of the radio-monitoring module depends on the parachute and carrier design, wind forces and atmosphere parameters. The developed model allows obtain the time dependences of angular deviation of the antenna beam from the vertical (Θ angle) at various wind impacts, as well as parachute and carrier parameters. These dependences allow estimate the view area of the radio monitoring module on the ground. The mathematical model assumes high rigidity of the parachute slings and canopy. This allows applying the Newton’s second law for rotational motion to prepare mathematical expressions. Simulation based on the obtained formulas was realized in MATLAB Simulink. The main advantage of MATLAB Simulink when solving this problem is the possibility of changing variable coefficients while integrating differential equations. The wind speed in the MATLAB Simulink model is set by signal generators. This allows obtaining the time dependences of the angle for a variety of wind impacts. As a result of modeling in MATLAB Simulink, the dependences of maximum and average deviation angles for the specified parachute and carrier parameters on the wind speed at various altitudes were obtained. Simulation results allowed estimating stability of the zone of vision position of the small-sized radio-monitoring module. | ||||||||
Chigrinets E. G., Verchenko A. V. CAD/CAM/CAE systems, OMV technologies and neural network based data analysis algorithms at the aviation industry enterprises. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 104 In modern tough competition, aviation enterprises seek to maximize the capabilities computers application for products designing and manufacturing. To automatize these tasks, digital technologies such as CAD/CAM/CAE systems can be employed.
A technique for a 3D model of a helicopter dustproof device developing in the CAD system based on the coordinate measurement with account for real manufacturing deviations is presented.
The overview of milling technology of a helicopter part with the uneven hardness was performed. Optimization method of machining technology based on the finite element method with CAE implementation for the engineering analysis system is proposed. Computation results of unwanted deviations of the non-rigid thin-walled elements under the impact of the load direction were processed.
The problem of performing adaptive machining to program the milling of the detail contours on the CNC machine in case of virtual workpiece location was solved. The CNC-program correction by measuring the workpiece actual position on the machine table is proposed. The control program correction can be implemented as the result of solving the task of minimax, while searching such state of its position in space, so that the maximum allowance on the machined contour would be minimal. A mathematical model is developed, that unambiguously identifies the workpiece position on the machine table according to the measured coordinates of the three points. The developed algorithms of automatic search for the of the CNC-program correction to implement the principle of adaptive machining solution of the minimax problem. The program was created, and the method for the CNC-program designing for virtual workpiece locating on the CNC machine is developed. Experimental testing has confirmed efficiency of the developed technique
Manufacturing of the new aircrafts requires development and improvement of new materials and technologies, imposing ever-increasing demands for quality and operation reliability. Most carrying aircraft structures made of polymeric composites are machined to ensure the high quality holes providing reliable fixation and assembly of the composite structure (e.g., spars of the main and tail helicopter rotors blades). Delamination, which can reduce the structural integrity of the material, is the important technological problem occurring while fiber reinforced composite materials drilling. The tool geometry and machining conditions are the most important factors affecting the quality of the processed holes.
Using a series of experimental data that include the delamination sizes depending on the machining conditions, the database for the further modeling has been developed in a matrix form. The first attempt to build an empirical description of the sizes of delamination that depends on two design variables (cutting speed and drilling feed) was unsuccessful, probably, due to the nonlinearity, which is generic for the drilling process.
To overcome this difficulty we proposed and tested an approach, which is based on the the artificial neural networks (ANN) employing to predict the quality of the holes drilled in the titanium foil reinforced glass fiber epoxy-based plastics. ANN training was being conducted using an errors back-propagation algorithm. Testing of the prediction accuracy was shown that ANN can provide quality of size prediction that exceeds 97%.
The obtained results allow recommend the artificial neural network application to predict the size of the drilling holes delamination in GFRP. In the process of statistics accumulation the ANN are able to perform the self-training to produce the results based on the newly obtained information, thus, adequately predicting the quality of the machined holes. | ||||||||
Karpenko O. N., Kostin P. S. Method for dive characteristics evaluation of the attack aircraft. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 104 The article considers the isssue of determining the aircraft dive characteristics based on simulation. To achieve the goal of the study, a software-modeling complex was developed, which allows evaluate the characteristics of a dive attack aircraft. To achieve the goal of the study, a software-modeling complex was developed, which allows evaluate the characteristics of a dive attack aircraft. All models and most of the blocks are implemented in the Matlab@Simulink software package.
With a view of performing simulation of the attack aircraft dive and pullout the aircraft control laws were developed. These control laws were formed in accordance with the requirements of the guidelines for the attack aircraft flight operation.
The time of the pullout time and altitude change while the pullout were determined by the simulation results at various flight modes. The simulation was performed with pitch angles from – 20 to – 60° with an interval of 10° and at velocities from 600 to 900 km / h with an interval of 50 km / h.°
A nomogram for determining the altitude loss while the pullout as a dependence from the values of airspeed, dive angle and normal overload at the end of pullout was plotted based on the simulation results.
The presented method of dive characteristics estimating allows reduce the time, financial and labor costs for the relevant tests of an aircraft. | ||||||||
Balakirev N. E., Nguyen H. D. Tonality recognition specifics in a speech flow. Trudy MAI, 2019, no 104 The article discusses one of the possible approaches to solving the problem of recognizing specific speech aspects related to tonality, which occupies an important place in human communication. The degree of a particular state of tension is, above all, reflected not in the content of words, but in the way they are pronounced, which sometimes carries a different meaning regarding the content of words. Solution of such problem can be used in aviation technology, in particular, for automatic recognition of the emotional state onboard, for highlighting the emotional segments of speech in the records of flight recorders, as well as the speech of passengers of local and international flights. Tonality is of special key importance in the tonal languages of Southeast Asia, although it is of no little importance for European languages also, reflecting the character of the spoken phrase and introducing additional meaning into the content of the words and sentences being recognized. Anyhow, the tonality itself manifests itself identically, but in has its specifics in relation to the information content of a phoneme or a word. And it relates in the first place to the consideration of an object itself, bearing information about the tone. In contrast to the solution of the word sequence recognition problem, where the set of frequencies is a guide, the tonality recognition problem cannot rely on the generally accepted mathematical methods of wave processing and recognition. Considering the tonality recognition issues is, as a rule, beyond the scope of wide discussion in these methods, and the sphere suggestions for algorithmic solutions of this problem is considerably confined. Thus, the tonal component of the phoneme, that can be obtained by the special methods different from the conventional methods, is considered by the examples in the first place. The authors suggest the methods based on setting relations between the characteristic points and representation of these relations configuration in the form of matrix model.
In fact, such model is a qualitative tonality characteristic that does not depend on the amplitudes value, which allows compare different manifestations of tonality expressed in the loudness of pronunciation. The comparison itself assumes the presence of a qualitative measure, which allows reflecting the degree of difference of the considered phonemes in the speech flow. | ||||||||
Marchukov E. Y., Kulalaev V. V., Vovk M. Y. Calculation method for dynamic target destruction by laser beam within the specified range. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 99 The near and far space exploration is impossible without creating modern technologies of constructional assembly welding employing laser radiation when the structural surface can be considered as a conditional target. At the same time, the calculation method development of laser beam thermal effect is one of prior scientific tasks, which solution is obtained in this paper based on the variation method [1-20]. The advantage of the variation method [1-3] consists in the possibility of solving nonlinear problems of the heat and mass transfer when the coefficient of thermal conductivity is a tensor quantity in non-isotropic mediums [3-8]. Such situation is implemented completely at impact of the powerful laser beam on physical environments of various targets while their destruction at a specified variable range. In these initial conditions of thermal impact of the powerful laser beam the thermal problem solution of target environment destruction using the variation method [4, 7] becomes significantly simpler. In this case the solution is reduced to searching some function, describing the formation of caverne mobile walls with some temperature gradient on the surface of liquid-alloy. The solution of the specified task herewith is performed for the benefit of the wide class of various industrial technological processes, including technologies of near and far space exploration.
The presented method is based on the solution of the non-stationary problem of the powerful laser beam installed on the mobile platform effect on the dynamic target firm surface – the structure for variable range. The thermal spot sizes are determined by the output aperture of the focusing laser optics. Under the impact of thermal gradients on the target surface depending on time of laser beam influence the mobile borders destruction of the target body occurs in the form of a melting cavern and material boiling. If the conditional target represents the sheet of metal with the specified thickness, the formed cavern can form through smelting rate of metal that is not admissible. The cavern borders movement is described in the paper as the corresponding mathematical model of an unknown quasi-stationary temperature field formation, which is formed by large concentration of heat energy on the limited area of the thermal spot at the set influence period. The application example of the cavern formation calculation method in industrial laser welding processes is given.
The results of this work can be employed for the benefit of creating and optimizing industrial technological processes of temperature processing, various materials cutting and welding by laser machines in different physical environments. | ||||||||
Popov V. V., Sorokin F. D., Ivannikov V. V. Finite element of a flexible rod with separate storage of accumulated and additional rotations for the problems of nonlinear dynamics of aerial vehicles structures. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 99 Dynamical behavior of various aircraft parts, such as wing spars, fuselage stringers, propeller blades etc. [1–4], can be accurately described by a flexible rod model, as though these structures may undergo large displacements and rotations, while their strains remain small. A large set of numerical techniques is available for flexible rods dynamics analysis. However, FEM is the most appropriate in the present context.
A number of finite elements has been developed for solving flexible rods nonlinear dynamics problem. Reference [5] is one of the pioneering work in this area. Treating a rod as a three dimensional body, which dimensions and kinematics are specifically constrained, the author proposes a powerful model, where both displacements and strains can be arbitrarily large. This contribution gave rise to an entire family of the so-called geometrically exact approaches for statics and dynamics analysis of flexible beams [6, 7].
Another popular alternative to constructing geometrically nonlinear beam models is the so-called corotational approach [8]. A simple corotational finite element based on the small strain hypothesis was proposed in [9]. Being quite simple to derive and implement, this model suffers fr om a serious issue, namely, the total Lagrangian formulation is chosen for storing both displacements and rotations. For the latter, it leads to numerical problems when approaching the rotation angle of 2π value. The model from [10], which in fact combines the two aforementioned fundamental approaches, eliminates this limitation introducing the updated reference configuration, though the underlying math is much more complicated as nonlinear elasticity theory is applied. The similar incremental description of rotations is also used in [11] in the context of constructing a specific rod finite element adapted for multi-body dynamics problems. However, the obtained tangent stiffness matrix revealed to be non-symmetric even for the simple conservative loading cases. This, obviously, restricts the selection of linear solvers to be used in association with this model, and, thus, compromises the overall performance of the numerical solution.
The Absolute Nodal Coordinates [12, 13] formulation is another reliable technique for building nonlinear rod finite elements based on the choice of high order interpolation functions for the rod geometry and deformation description.
The majority of existing approaches (along with the currently presented) employ the Euler vector for rotations description. But alternative quantities, such as the Rodrigues vector [14], can be introduced as well. A particular attention to exact conservation of momentum and total energy is given in this article. This aspect was carefully studied also in [15] in the context of nonlinear of rods dynamics.
The present contribution is the continuation of the authors’ previous work [16], wh ere a flexible rod finite element for static analysis has been proposed. The nonlinear rod FE, which large motion kinematics is based on the updated Lagrangian formulation for the rotations increments, is currently adapted for transient dynamics problems. The rotations data is separated into two parts. The accumulated rotation is stored as the rotation matrix, while the incremental part is described by the Euler vector [17]. Unlike the existing approaches, the design of the developed element is beyond the scope of the well-known stiffness and mass matrices of the conventional rod FE that significantly simplifies the derivations. This allows embed practically any linear rod model, whether it is of Timoshenko or Euler-Bernoulli type.
The article presents the closed-form expressions for the element generalized mass and gyroscopic matrices, and for the right hand side inertia loads vector. Owing to the underlying update Lagrangian formulation for rotations description, the proposed element does not exhibit any numerical instability related issues for any rotation magnitudes during the structure evolution. Besides, as the total rotation matrix is updated after each Newton-Raphson iteration [18], nearly quadratic convergence has been achieved.
To demonstrate the element workability and robustness two numerical examples were analyzed. The results were compared with the existing reference data [19, 20, 21] and with the third party FEM packages.
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Pokrovskiy A. N., Dadashov C. M. Some specifics of Blasius problem solutions. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 99 The presented work performed numerical study of solutions behavior of laminar incompressible boundary layer on a flat plate (Blasiumo problem). It is common knowledge that Blasius proposed a statement of the problem as applied to a flat plate, except for the leading and trailing edges, allowing obtain the plate resistance with an adequate degree of accuracy. In this article, the authors outline four typical types of plates to refine the statement of the problem, and eliminate some inaccuracies being assumed in the previous statements of the problem.
In this paper, the authors conclude that new advanced methods serve the purposes of ensuring an aircraft optimal design and upgrading its performance characteristics. To this effect, it is necessary to improve conventional and develop new methods for aerodynamic characteristics computing with improved accuracy by accounting for viscous effects significantly affecting the aircraft characteristics and dynamics of its motion.
The authors tackle such issues, as a plate’s nose meltback commencing at supersonic flight speeds due to the impossibility of removing of large heat quantity, released in a flow, through the plate nose. In this respect, the authors analyze the succession of the problem statement on triangle strip flow-around by a supersonic airflow, from an idealized infinitely small to really blunted one.
Four approaches to employing various models for the problem solution on resistance of the plates and blunted wedge were examined. Two characteristic plates’ types, namely geometric and physical, are examined.
A method for computing resistance of the plates and blunted wedge, applying programs, was proposed. To compute the plate resistance, the authors show the necessity to compute the friction coefficient with LAYER-2 program, as well as resistance of the cylinder contamination and bottom pressure. Cxpl is computed for both laminar and turbulent layers with account for the friction resistance coefficient Cxfr , coefficient of cylinder blunting resistance Cxbl and bottom pressure coefficient Cxbot :
Сxpl = Cxfr + Cxbl + Cxbot
In conclusion, it is noted that LAYER-2 program application enabled computing resistance of these plates with improved accuracy, including all components of total resistance:
Сwклина = Cxзат + Cxтр + Cxдон + Cxклина
. | ||||||||
Konyukhov I. K. Analysis of “flying wing” scheme application at unmanned aerial vehicles of “air-to-surface” class. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 99 The article describes some ways and hardships of a “flying wing” scheme application while developing long-range cruise missiles of “air-to-surface” class. Advantages and disadvantages of “flying wing” arrangementh and history of its development are briefly touched. An attempt to classify the “flying wing” type in applications to the particular structures of aircraft was made. A number of problems, occurred while these aerial vehicles development, were described. One of them is еру wing parameters selection (airfoil type, warps, sweep angle etc.) to ensure maximum aerodynamic quality over the whole flight path. This problem is not simple due to the low wing loading, specific to the arrangement under discussion, which is not optimal at low flight altitudes required for effective overcoming the enemy air defenses. Another crucial problem is an internal arrangement of wing-hull since it does not fully fit for locating all necessary elements of an aerial vehicle, such, in the first place, as the power plant, warhead and large-size radio-electronic devices. The presented work focuses mainly at the cruise missiles of a “flying wing” type allocation in the internal bays of a carrier (external arrangement). Several design options of the exterior, capable of solving this problem, were highlighted. They are as follows: accommodation by stack across the weapon bay, the wing folding, and a concept with the developed center wing-hull. Merits and demerits of these options were considered. Height-to-width aspect ratios of the weapon bay necessary for the most effective allocation of a cruise missile of the “flying wing” type was studied. These ratios differ greatly from those of attack aircraft of the traditional arrangement, but they fit perfectly the arrangement inside the next generation strategic bombers (B-21, PAK DA, H-20) under development at present. | ||||||||
Krutov A. A., Pigusov E. A., Chernavskikh Y. N., Chernousov V. I. Conceptual design of next generation heavy transport aircraft. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 99 The lion share of Russian transport aviation profits accrues to transportation of oversized and heavy cargoes by wharf aircraft An-124 and Il-76. The significant share of these cargoes accrues to An-124 due to its higher weight-lift ability and the size of the cargo cabin. The intensive exploitation of An-124 aircraft by the Aerospace Forces of the Russian Federation and civil air cargo carriage will eventually lead to the airframe service life wear-out (even with account for its prolongation). At the same time, the An-124 production recommencement is impossible due to the current geopolitical situation. It is also worth mentioning, that An-124 effectiveness while containers and pallets transportation (constituting the biggest part of freight traffics) is rather low compared to cargo modifications of wide-body passenger aircraft
Thus, there are prerequisites for developing new heavy transport aircraft employing modern achievements in the field of design, aero dynamics, strength, material science, control systems etc.
The perspective heavy transport aircraft should become the adequate replacement of An-214 for Russian military transport aviation, and, at the same time, be attractive to civil cargo airlines, i.e. possess the economy of General cargos transportation, comparable to cargo modifications of passenger aircraft.
The technical concept of the prospective heavy transport aircraft “Elephant” (HTA “Elephant”) meant for carry the wide range of cargoes, including heavy and oversized cargoes, was developed within the framework of Government Contract with the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation in Central Aero-hydrodynamic Institute.
Selection of the major parameters of the aircraft was performed. The draft aerodynamic characteristics and weight reports of the developed arrangement options were determined. Computation of HTA “Elephant” performance and take-off and landing characteristics was performed. The selected geometry and weight parameters ensure transportation of 150 tons of payload at a distance of 7000 km with basing on a runway 3000 m long. With maximum payload of 180 tons, the practical flight range is 4900 km. The takeoff weight limitations while basing on a runway 2500 m long are also determined.
The obtained results will be applied as a ground for the studies continuation of a prospective heavy transport aircraft. | ||||||||
Bagrov A. V., Dmitriev A. O., Leonov V. A., Mitkin A. S., Moscatin'ev I. V., Sysoev V. K., Shirshakov A. E. Global Lunar optical navigation system. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 99 The lunar surface exploration and the future construction of lunar bases should be based on a high-precision objects positioning system on the Moon, such as lunar-ships and manned vehicles. The similar-by-purpose global positioning systems operate successfully on the Earth, allowing users to determine their position anytime with an accuracy less than 5 meters. The wish to replicate the worked-out global positioning system also on the Moon seems quite natural.
Being the full analogue of the Earth version of the global satellite positioning system, the lunar global positioning system is rather very complex and expensive. It stems from the fact that operation of the whole system consisting of 8 to 18 spacecraft is required to serve even one customer.
The goal of the work consists in developing a lunar navigation system based on new principles. Such a system can be created based on optical-electronic surveillance systems and light laser beacons.
An optical navigation system including lunar reference points, a SPACECRAFT at the Lagrange point and an auxiliary SPACECRAFT on the lunar is to be developed.
This goal achieving is realized due to the main components, including the scientific novelty of the project:
The objects global positioning system on the Moon surface, employing the frame selenocentric coordinate system, can provide measurements in real time, if the optional azimuth tool is placed in the libration points. | ||||||||
Remshev E. Y., Danilin G. A., Titov A. V., Ermolenkov P. A. Ensuring technological and performance characteristics of products from titanium alloys by method of acoustical emission. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 99 The article analyses the possibility of employing a method of acoustical emission for revealing external and internal defects in metal parts, and predicting relaxational properties of mechanisms’ elastic elements while static, dynamic and cyclic loading in the course of long-term operation.
Method of acoustic emission (AE) is the most promising non-destructive method for disk spring quality control. It allows detecting various defects in the products under the workload and predict stability (or instability) of performance indicators, including propensity to relaxation.
Elastic elements and springs of different purpose are widely used in various mechanisms, such as shock absorbers, energy storage devices and actuators, operating under complex cyclic conditions under dynamic and conditionally static loading. The VT23 titanium alloy microstructure evaluation criteria based on the level of acoustic emission signals were established either.
The regularities of acoustic emission signals level changing depending on the defects presence and development, relaxational withstandability and microstructure of disk springs made of spring steel and titanium alloy at the stage of their fabrication and pre-operational testing were established based on the experimental studies. The VT23 titanium alloy microstructure evaluation criteria based on the level of acoustic emission signals were established as well.
Two-factor mathematical prediction model for relaxation disk springs (made of 60S2A steel or VT23 titanium alloy) stability prediction depending on the level of acoustic emission signals level at the stage of gripping in the course of long-term operation was constructed.
Recommendations on practical application of the research findings were developed, and scientifically substantiated method for disk springs of steel and titanium alloys relaxational strength predicting was designed based on the established regularities. | ||||||||
Bogdanovich A. B., Polyakov V. A., Volkov E. N. The study of hydraulic characteristics of a model gel-like substance based on carbohydrates. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 99 In this article, an experimental study of the flow of a model gel-like substance consisting of hydrocarbons is carried out. The gel-like substance is used in the supply systems of advanced aircraft. The main task of the study is obtaining dependence volumetric flow rate of the model gel-like substance fr om a supply pressure and a temperature.
The dynamic viscosity of the model gel-like substance is 100 Pa·s at the temperature of + 5ºС.
The main equipments for an experiment are a displacement device of piston-type and a universal testing machine. Experiments were carried out with the model gel-like substance in the temperature range of + 3ºС... + 35ºС.
The graphs of the dependence volumetric flow rate of the gel-like substance from the supply pressure were based on the experimental data obtained.
Empirical dependences of the volumetric flow rate on the supply pressure and the temperature of the model gel-like substance were obtained.
The volumetric flow rate of the model gel-like substance is described by a power-law:
QD = kT ⋅ µ ⋅ Fnz ⋅ (ρD/98066,5)n, wh ere kТ = f (TН) – is an empirical coefficient that takes into account the dependence of the viscosity of the model gel-like substance on the temperature, m / s;
m – a consumption coefficient of the throttle, –;
Fnz – a minimum area of an orifice throttle, m2;
pD – the supply pressure, Pa;
n – an exponent, –.
As a result of the work methodological approach was proposed and a methodology for the calculation and experimental determination of the flow characteristics of the model gel-like substance that imitate the viscosity and a composition of gel-like fuels was developed. The error in determining flow characteristics of gel-like substances does not exceed 1%.
Empirical dependences of the volumetric flow rate from the supply pressure for the model gel-like substance were defined in the temperature range from + 3ºС to + 35ºС and the supply pressure from 0.02 MPa to 6 MPa. A discrepancy of experimental and empirical dependences is not higher than 6%.
The dependence of the volumetric flow rate on the supply pressure is a power-law. The nature of equation changes depending on the viscosity of the substance. | ||||||||
Ezrokhi Y. A., Drygin A. S., Kizeev I. S., Selivanov O. D., Fokin D. B. Prospects of a three-flow technology application in conditions of supersonic flight. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 99 The article presents the results of the third loop application possibility estimating to enhance the engine and power plant characteristics in the range of the large supersonic flight speeds. The authors consider various possible options of three-flow turbojet engine schemes with combustion chamber, as well as tackle the issues of the third loop control.
In the course of this work, a new critical unit of the three-flow turbojet engine was revealed. This is a three-flow mixer. The coefficient of total pressure additional losses while mixing was computed for one of its possible designs.
Computations of the two-flow turbojet engine with afterburner with take-off thrust of 98 kN, assumed as a basic, and its possible modification, employing the third loop technology, were performed. Due to the additional losses while mixing significant effect on the characteristics being obtained, computations of a three-flow turbojet engine were performed with the values of the above said losses of 0 and 7%.
Comparative evaluations of characteristics of power plants options with the two-flow and three-flow turbojet engines as parts of a supersonic aircraft were performed. The aircraft take-off weight variation was accounted for in association with the engine weight increase while the rest components remained the same. While meeting the requirements to the equal take-off thrust-to-weight ratio, the computations with various additional losses level in the combustion chamber were performed.
The obtained results demonstrate that application of the third contour technology with all three contours’ streams mixing prior to the combustion chamber potentially allows increase the engine thrust in flight modes with large supersonic speeds (М = 2,2–2,8) and, accordingly, the maximum altitude (ceiling) and flight speed, thereby considerably expand an application range of the gas turbine engine. | ||||||||
Moung H. O., Kyaw Z. L., Prihod'ko S. J. Developing an algorithm for aerodynamic coefficients identification accuracy increase based on harmonic input signals. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 99 The presented article deals with the problem of algorithm for aircraft aerodynamic coefficients accuracy increase on flight experiments data. All the signals employed while coefficients identification contain measurement noises, approximated by normally distributed random values with zero average and specified dispersions. A method of harmonic signals decomposition was considered to improve the identification accuracy.
As a rule, the flight modes, when control signals are being set by the pilot, are employed for identification. It is evident, that the high-accuracy reproduction of the signal wwaveform is impossible with manual control. Thus, the precise a priori knowledge of a test signal in this case is impossible, which determines the strong dependence from measuring errors. Therefore, the authors suggest apply a hardware-generated test signal, such as combination of two sine waves with different frequencies. For linear object, such double-frequency signal creates responses at the same two frequencies. Since we know now the exact shapes of the input and output signals, we can represent them as a composition of the four linearly independent harmonic components. The multiple regression method should be applied to obtain the coefficients. In this case it is highly efficient since reference harmonics are precisely known. Thus,
Thus, the basic regression analysis requirements are fulfilled, ensuring unbiased estimates of coefficients in the presence of the object signals’ measurement noise. Further, employing the decomposition coefficients, we reconstruct the signals, which are now to a high degree free from noise.
The article presents the results, demonstrating the high accuracy of coefficients identification at high levels of measurement noise. | ||||||||
Borisov A. E., Leont'ev V. A., Rubinshteyn M. A., Rusakov I. V. The new TsAGI research helicopter simulator VPS-5 . Trudy MAI, 2018, no 99 This article describes briefly the new research helicopter simulator at TsAGI intended to conducting researches in helicopter flight dynamics. The simulator uses the helicopter flight dynamics model developed in TsAGI and has several significant features distinct from that of other research simulators in Russia.
Its 8-channel projective visualizing system has semi-spherical screen up with viewing angles up to 200 degrees along horizon, 50 degrees above horizon and 60 degrees below the horizon with side view. The latter is very important to research take-off and landing operations from small area surfaces.
The simulator has fixed one-seat pilot cabin with interactive displays imitating cabin gauges and indicators, and realistic pilot controls identical to controls of civil helicopter Mi-8.
The Moog’s 4-channel digital electro-mechanic control loading system (CLS) is attached to cyclic pitch stick, collective pitch stick and pedals. Characteristics of CLS can be adjusted either by reconfiguring the generic software application model or by developing new software application model using development libraries and environment integrated with Matlab/Simulink. CLS allows the simulator to be reconfigured to different kind of helicopter flight control systems.
The simulator is equipped with software applications that broaden the research area. ‘MFD Editor’ application allows creation of virtual indicators and control panels. ‘Local weather’ application allows to model in simulator’s world both standing and moving atmospheric areas with local weather peculiarities. There is a wide library of standing and moving virtual objects such as buildings, offshore platforms, ships allowing research of marine flight operations. The simulator can be combined with another helicopter flight simulator in TsAGI in the single virtual world.
The advanced features of new helicopter simulator allow researching a wider range of flight dynamics issues of existing and developing helicopters. | ||||||||
Vereshchikov D. V., Voloshin V. A., Ivashkov S. S., Vasil'ev D. V. Applying fuzzy logic for developing simulation model of pilot's control actions. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 99 Wide application of mathematical and in-line simulation modelling became vital and almost uncontested method of modern aircraft developing and trial. It allows reduce the amount of test flights and increase the informativity of conditions, as well as reduce degree of risk of flight experiment. Thus, one of primal problems is security of the obtained results adequacy. Adequacy of the simulation modelling results is ensured by application of Authentic mathematical models of aerial vehicles and Participation of the pilot-operator, as a obligatory link in the system “Pilot-Control system-aircraft” with its intrinsic behavior. However, the problems occur when it becomes necessary to perform a set of a target problem modelling of piloting to obtain statistically authentic results. As a result, the statistical data obtaining becomes a rather labor-consuming problem, requiring considerable amount of resources and time. Solution of this problem consists in developing authentic “pilot-operator” model.
At present, many works on creation of models of the pilot’s operations with subsequent simulation modelling are fulfilled. With up-to-date approaches to such models development it is possible to refer to:
− quasilinear models;
− theory of fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic;
− artificial neural webs;
− genetic algorithms.
Any quasi-linear model is understood as a model in which the relation between the input and output signals retains linear properties. Such model allows solving only single-loop single-channel problem. Thus, it is successfully employed, mainly, for the analysis of control systems. However, in real flight the pilot solves a multiple-loop multi-channel problem, and his responses to an input perturbing signal are of non-linear character, and, besides, apart from a linear component, “trail” component is also present among the pilot’s operations. Thus, the quasi-linear model is not capable to describe precisely enough the character of pilot’s operations, and it can be employed only for a narrow circle of problems. Artificial neural websnetworks and genetic algorithms are devoid of these shortages. However, in turn, they are complicated enough in the realization. | ||||||||
Mironenko V. V., Matsuro E. A. To the question of optimization and design of parts, produced by cavity elastic forming, with the use of reconstruction. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 99 Using the example of a classic shape for a box-type part, optimization of the cavity elastic forming process using a cover with guaranteed clearance is considered, as well as classical optimization of a part based on modeling and optimization based on the technology of “technological reconstruction”. Schemes of classical cavity elastic forming process and cavity elastic forming process with guaranteed clearance are presented. The main aspects of using NURBS technology for restoring the shape of a part fr om a finite element mesh are described. The problems arising in the case of classical optimization using simulation and the ways of their solution using “technological reconstruction” are shown. The results of calculation in the form of gradients are presented: plastic deformations; thickness and quality zones based on the Keller-Goodwin lim it strain curve.
The purpose of the article is to improve the existing technological process for the production of “box” parts, which relate to sheet metal forming production. The following problems are solved in the article:
– replacement is not a progressive and non-stable method of shaping, to a newer method;
– elimination of local loss of stability (wrinkles) along the flange;
– elimination of thinning in radius transitions and bottom separation;
– search for the most rational technology for optimizing the geometric shape of a part in the region of radius.
As a result, the technology of “technological reconstruction” has been developed that allows rationally optimizing the shape of a part taking into account the way it is formed. The technology is versatile and it is possible to use it in various aircraft-engineering enterprises. | ||||||||
Chernodarov A. V., Ivanov S. A. Identification of models and adaptive filtering of inertial sensors noises. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 99 This article is devoted to the problem of reliability increasing of of inertial measurement units (IMU) error estimation by an extended Kalman filter (EKF). This problem is associated with the noise models of inertial sensors and real processes inadequacy. Gyroscopes and accelerometers are considered as inertial sensors. It is known, that the models inaccuracy and other causes of methodical and instrumental character result in the EKF divergence. The EKF divergence manifests itself in the fact that the actual estimation errors considerably differ from their predicted mean square values obtained while solving the Riccati equation for the covariance matrix. It should be noted, that the actual estimation errors come to light only at the stage of mathematical simulation. In the known works the models inadequacy is compensated by the corresponding EKF parameters adjustment over the renovative sequence. This renovative sequence is the difference between actual and predicted observations. The predicted observations are formed by estimating the IMU errors. However, in real operating conditions, due to the errors of external measuring tools or lack thereof, such adjustment is not always possible. In addition, there are approaches to estimation of statistical characteristics of inertial sensors by the Allan method. This method allows estimate the stability of errors on the moving intervals of averaging. However, such approaches do not associate with the EKF parameters tuning. Thus, their application does not ensure the EKF adaptation in real operating conditions. The scientific originality of the proposed work is associated with the addition of procedures for the noise models of inertial sensors tuning to the known EKF adaptation algorithms. The authors propose to perform the adjustment of models based on structural-parametric identification by of correlation processing of the sensors error estimates. Such processing can be performed both in real time, and according to the data of onboard recording devices. The developed algorithms allow take account for the change in accuracy and dynamic characteristics of inertial sensors through the corresponding coefficients of the IMU errors. To implement the proposed identification technology, the errors of inertial sensors should be included in the estimated parameters vector. The performed studies revealed that when the EKF is included in the IMU error estimation circuit, it is necessary to perform not only the factory bench calibration of inertial sensors, but also the identification of their noise models. The article presents the results of experiments confirming the expediency of noises identifying models of inertial sensors while operation. | ||||||||
Dyachenko S. A. Synthesized vision system model developing for perspective civil aircraft. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 99 Following the increase of safety requirements for flights of modern aircrafts and significant growth of their avionics functionality a relevant task is the development and implementation in civil avionics systems a number of additional systems which could provide situational awareness of crew of rather cockpit external situation and reducing probability of a human mistake to a minimum in case of a catastrophic situation.
The technical vision systems (TVS) provide the crew with necessary information of the aircraft orientation and cockpit external situation in the visualized form convenient for the human.
Among the existing types of aviation class TVS (from the view point of integration into avionics structure) the synthetic vision system (SVS) is the most preferable due to the absence of the need to install any additional equipment on the aircraft.
SVS is the hardware and software solution based on onboard computers and flight indicators providing the real-time three-dimensional view of a cockpit external situation.
The purpose of this work consists in developing the SVS model with application according to the concept of the integrated modular avionics (IMA) for the future civil aircraft of transport category.
The following results of the SSV developing and modeling of are presented in this article:
– analysis of the existing types of aviation TVS;
– analysis of the corresponding standards requirements for development of the civil aircraft equipment imposed to SVS;
– the new SVS architecture with application of the IMA concept;
– the proposed SVS hardware structure;
– the program and algorithmic of the SVS to synthesize 3D images of the land surface topographical sites with high degree of informational content;
– the results of the proposed SVS testing, which proved its suitability for the designated tasks.
The developed SVS prototype complies with the basic documents for the development of modern civil aircrafts.
Assessment of the computing time of the developed algorithms based on series of tests with various examples of the land surface confirmed the validity of the DO-315 requirements in the part of frequency updating. | ||||||||
Mironov A. N., Flowers K. Y., Kovalsky A. A., Palgunov V. Y. A technique for possibility and conditions vindication for specified lifespan indicators prolongation of antennae systems of a spaceport measuring complex ground stations. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 99 The article deals with the issues of developing a technique for possibility and conditions vindication for the specified lifespan indicators prolongation of antennae systems (AS) of a spaceport measuring complex (SMC) ground stations (GS).
The standard SMC facility is an GS containing antenna system, which, in its turn, includes mission-critical components, such as antenna rotary mechanism, mirror system (antenna array) and radio frequency equipment set. For this reason, the object of research is AS GS SMC, and the subject of research are the processes and scientific methodological vindication of the possibility and conditions for the specified lifespan indicators prolongation of AS GS SMC.
The purpose of the studies consists in developing scientific and methodical provision for vindication of the possibility and conditions for the specified lifespan indicators prolongation of AS GS SMC based on actual state with account for the limited volume of initial data on reliability of the element base and capabilities of failure recovery.
The authors performed system analysis of the approaches to assessment of technical condition and forecasting AS GS SMC residual resource, developed mathematical model of the AS GS SMC limit state achievement, and an algorithm for forecasting the AS GS SMC residual resource (service life).
The following basic methodological principles constitute the ground for the technique under development:
– Prolongation of the AS GS SMC assigned lifespan indicators should be performed within the limits of the predicted residual lifespan;
– Forecasting of the AS GS SMC residual lifespan should be performed with account for the element base reliability variation in time, and possibility of the equipment maintenance at failures;
– An acceptable fidelity of the AS GS SMC residual lifespan predictive estimate in conditions of restricted statistical data volume should be provided by the sound selection of the predictive model dimension, and employing extra expert information on the element base reliability and operability restoration capability while failures;
– In case of mismatch of the planned term and the actual AS GS SMC residual lifespan , the list of additional measures, allowing increase the actual AS GS SMC lifespan to the required values with minimum material and financial costs should be determined
Application of the scientific and methodical apparatus proposed in article will allow increase the validity of decisions on AS GS SMC operation management, and ensure their reliable and safe functioning under material and financial costs saving.
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Kuzmin R. E. Phase locked loop of satellite communication systems receiving channels. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 99 The article considers the receiving channels phase synchronization method of a satellite subscriber terminal with two receiving antennas. Such a method allows us to solve the problem of raising the signal level in the subscriber system against the background of noise. For the possibility of in-phase addition of signals of two channels before demodulation, it is necessary to eliminate the phase difference between them, which arises due to the spacing of the antenna pair elements by at least a quarter of the wavelength. It guarantees the independence from noise in each of them. To eliminate the phase difference, a phase-locked loop (PLL) system of receiving channels with a quadrature modulator is employed. Such scheme is a full-fledged substitute for the phase-shifter or digital phase rotation algorithm. While working with the system model, an imitation model was constructed from two receiving channels of a satellite communication system with phase-locked auto-tuning. It is shown that the system allows increase the level of the valid output signal by implementing the PLL ring. The effect of the low-pass filter band on the system speed was studied, and the dependence of the phase error at the output from the signal-to-noise ratio was obtained. In the long term, this system can ensure the operation of both the receiving and transmitting parts of the communication module with the antenna array of several elements. | ||||||||
Talaev A. D., Borodin V. V. LPWAN standards for mobile nodes' group interaction. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 99 The rapid development of IOT requires creation of group interaction networks. For large sensor networks creation, LPWAN networks (NB-IoT, LoRa, Bluetooth mesh, ZigBee) may be employed. Thus, a flexible adaptive structure of these standards can ensure enhanced reliability by additional nodes and alternative routes.
Group interaction allows the sensors to perform a distributed task solution.
The networks of group interaction possesses the following features:
– High-speed adaptive mechanisms;
– Sufficient distance to ensure the connectivity of the sensor network to each other and Peer-to-peer structure;
– Reduced power consumption due to limited resources of a node and sensors ability to transmit data for a long time without loss, as it is important for successful group processing.
Promising is application of standards such as LoRa, Bluetooth mesh and ZigBee for those operating on unlicensed frequencies.
Standards LoRa allows deploying large networks with the star topology, which is convenient for providers. On the other hand, the standard Bluetooth mesh allows building distributed Peer-to-peer networks and providing distributed processing of sensors data.
It is necessary to account for the possible movement of nodes in the network and their speed. For ZigBee, the time necessary for a node to enter the network may be several seconds. A restriction on the number of hops in the network exists as well.
The use of existing Wi-Fi standards or cellular systems does not allow deployment of sensors networks of group interaction with sufficient energy efficiency and relatively low costs as LPWAN networks. | ||||||||
Morozov D. V., Chermoshentsev S. F. Fault localization model in the unmanned aerial vehicle control system equipment employing a flexible in-flight functioning algorithm. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 99 The authors developed a model of fault localization of the onboard test and control equipment of the unmanned aerial vehicle control system while its self-control. The model is represented in a graph form. The graph is a polytochomic decision tree. The graph vertices reflect the functional composition of combinatorial subsets of elements (KPI) in elementary self-tests, in controlled and suspicious situations, PDA and efficiency. KPIs and their taken decisions are based on the results of inspections and the functional KPI membership. Arcs are the probability of the states and events transition. Such graph structure allows solve the problems associated with carrying out the appropriate self-calibration (ES), in case of failure localization in the on-board control-checking equipment.
Expressions for the false rejection probability and the on-board checkout equipment false failure detection probability are obtained. They allow solve the problem of determining the optimum depth of failure localization, with account for elementary self-tests intersection and applying a flexible operation algorithm in-flight, and solve the final task of intended application. The analytical equations obtained in general form for the corresponding decisions account for states of functional components, such as on-board checkout equipment, self-monitoring systems, the fault suspected area of elements, the controlled area of the elements, and the controlled area of the elements changing process.
While the next elementary self-test performing employing a mathematical model, a loss matrix is constructed, and the false rejection of the remaining elementary self-tests from the suspected region of elements is estimated. As a loss we consider the probability of false rejection by the onboard control and checking equipment of an unmanned aerial vehicle by the elementary self-test performed, selected from the elementary self-tests area, covering the suspected fault region of elements combinatorial subsets. | ||||||||
Evdokimenkov V. N., Kim R. V., Popov S. S., Galenkov A. A. Software for probabilistic-guaranteed estimation of aerial vehicle onboard equipment condition. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 99 The article considers the purpose, functionality and architecture of the aircraft systems condition post-flight monitoring software. The program was developed for calculating the probabilistic estimates of aircraft systems technical condition and decision making on further aircraft safe operation. The program employsflight recorders data as primary information for analysis and relational database to accumulate pre-processed flight data, but it allows processing data stored in .xls and .txt files as well. Methods and algorithms used in the software under consideration are based on conception of the aircraft system reference pattern, which presumes the system representation by the reference set of points in the state space of parameters. The reference patterns are to be formed for each flight phase of the exact aircraft. Using the points appropriate to normal aircraft system operation, the reference patterns can be represented by the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the Mahalanobis distance from the center of the pattern to each point of the reference set. The program allows select a set of flights and the flight phase to create the etalon set of points and calculate Mahalanobis distance CDF. To make a decision on the current condition of the exact system the probabilistic criterion (quantile) is computed after each flight using Mahalanobis distance CDF. The program package architecture is based on the «Layers» software pattern and includes three layers: presentation layer, business layer and database layer. The considered software may be useful as an additional tool for maintenance specialists during the whole aircraft operation period. | ||||||||
Vasil’eva S. N., Kan Y. S. On linearization of perturbed motion model in the problem of ballistic trajectories scattering probabilistic analysis. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 99 The article considers the probabilistic analysis problem of ballistic impacts scattering at spherical Earth surface. The starting point of the trajectory is also located on the earth’s surface. Trajectories scattering is caused by a random perturbation of the initial velocity vector. The circular probable deviation is employed as a scattering characteristic. It represents the circle radius length, the probability of hitting which equals to 1/2, i.e. it concurs with quantile of 1/2 level for the norm of a random vector, characterizing the trajectory impact deflection from the nominal one. These vector components are computed using the equations of Keplerian theory of elliptic motion in the central gravitational field. They depend nonlinearly on the velocity perturbation vector. In this respect, the analytical obtaining of the quantile from the norm of this vector is impossible.
The velocity perturbations are assumed to be small compared to its nominal absolute value. The vector of small random parameters of velocity perturbation is modeled as an componentwise product of a small deterministic parameter and a vector of random parameters. It is assumed that the random parameters vector has a standard normal distribution with independent components. The article suggests the linearization method consisting in approximation of the above said non-linear dependence by the linear model, which is obtained by deviation vector Tailor expansion along the velocity perturbation vector. It is being proved, that the error occurring while such substitution is of the order of a small deterministic parameter.
As a model example, The authors consider the flight of a material point to a specified distance at the known values of nominal initial velocity, departure angle and azimuth. The computation results of the circular probable error by the Monte Carlo and linearization methods for a wide range of initial values are presented. Calculations of linearization method relative error compared to Monte Carlo method are also given. This error does not exceed 1.5%, which was confirmed by theoretical accuracy estimates of the linearization method, proposed in the article. | ||||||||
Bortakovsky A. S., Shchelchkov K. A. A group time-optimal tasks of aerial vehicles. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 99 The goal of the study consists in developing methods for forming the time optimal control laws for groups of objects. The problems of group performance find practical application in the field of controlling the groups of manned and unmanned aerial vehicles. There are also applications in biology and robotics. In the theory of optimal control such problems are new and insufficiently explored. The article considers four group performance problems. They are the task of simultaneous achieving one goal by a group of objects, the task of managing a group with its leader selection, the task of achieving several goals with a single or multiple sequential separation of active control objects from the carrier. The solution of these rather simple academic tasks allows developing and testing methods for optimal position control synthesis, which can be implemented in complex applied problems.
Optimal positional control developing is based on the method of dynamic programming, consisting in finding the price function (the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman function). In the problems under consideration, the centralized management of a group is based on the optimal decentralized positional control of individual mobile objects. The price function is formed from auxiliary functions, i.e. partial price functions for individual objects of the group.
The result of this work is the solution of the assigned group time-optimal problems, as well as the methods of constructing the price function and optimal positional control. The developed methods can be employed in the aerospace field while planning the aircraft groups’ application.
For theoretical studies in the field of optimal control of the groups of mobile objects, the solved problems can be employed as testing ones. The developed methods of the price function constructing can be employed for solving other more complex problems. Given that even in academic examples the solution is being found numerically, the application of the proposed methods of synthesis indissolubly related to the development of the appropriate approximate algorithms, as well as programs for the numerical implementation of these algorithms. | ||||||||
Shchelykalin M. Y., Formatorov S. O. Analysis of incoming correspondence processing changing of a space industry enterprise while Redmine projects management system implementation. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 99 The article considers an improvement of the spacecraft onboard software development by correspondence workflow automation. The analysis of existing in MEDB «MARS» letters workflow was performed to identify the stage where the introduction of information technology would reduce the development time and increase quality. It was decided that the automation of the maximum number of steps is the the basic method to improve the existing process. The conclusion was made on the reason of information system creation to automate process of letters registration and control. The system requirements were formulated. Based on this requirements and terms of implementation, the decision was made to create the system based on Redmine project management system.
The Redmine system was set up and extended with some plugins to meet the standard tasks of letters registration and control process. The following plugins were created:
Plugins development process was supported by functional automatic tests. The tests were performed with Selenium automation browser tool.
The proposed solution has been successfully introduced into the production process and employed while the development of several spacecraft control systems, including KazSat-2, Electro-L, Elektro-L № 2, Elektro-L № 3, Spektr-R, Spektr-RG. | ||||||||
Zamolotskikh O. A., Nikolaev A. V., Nikolaev A. V. Ballistic characteristics computing technique for identical models in conditions of a carrier aerodynamic interference. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 99 One of the most important tasks of aircraft employing is the delivery of goods discharged from external suspension devices in a strictly designated area. However, while suspension and subsequent discharge of identical goods under the same conditions, but with different external components of the carrier aircraft suspension, significant deviations of the drop of goods from the calculated occur. To determine the causes leading to high values of the drift, simulation of the process of flow around the aircraft when loads were located at various external points of the suspension was performed in the ANSYS software complex. According to the simulation results, the conclusion was made that the main reason, leading to discrepancies in the results of discharges from different external points of the suspension, is aerodynamic interference (AI) from the carrier, which represented an additional aerodynamic forces and moments, leading to a change in the aerodynamic qualities of ballistic bodies. Thus, the problem of accounting for the changes in the aerodynamic qualities of loads, depending on the location in the mathematical model of the movement of the ballistic body, arises. The article presents method for accounting for the aerodynamic interference characteristics, as well as the development of a technique for the ballistic characteristics computing of the goods located on the external suspension devices in the conditions of aerodynamic interference.
The following conclusions can be drawn from the results:
1. The phenomenon of aerodynamic interference significantly distorts the aerodynamic characteristics accepted and used in the onboard complexes.
2. The quantitative change of aerodynamic qualities of the model induced by the AI should be accounted for in the function containing the cargo ballistic properties , i.e. ballistic characteristics.
3. The developed technique allows accounting for the individual specifics of the cargo geometry and ballistic properties and obtain ballistic characteristics, reflecting the real process more fully.
4. Since AI manifests itself briefly, it is necessary to develop an accounting method of the characteristics of AI in the onboard ballistic algorithm, which envisages both movement in the interference and unperturbed field of the atmosphere. | ||||||||
Rusakov D. Y., Chernushin V. A. Defects imitation in multilayer honeycomb structure from polymer composite materials by honeycomb filler underrating method. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 99 Nondestructive control is utterly weak part of composite materials quality control. The most general non destructive control method of composite honeycomb structures is acoustic impedance method. To adjust defectoscope control parameters the sample with defects imitation is required.
The article compares the honeycomb underrating method for defects imitation and flat-bottom holes method. Advantages and disadvantages of both methods were analyzed.
The most general defects imitation method is flat-bottom holes method. However, this imitation method has a disadvantage. The defect area on sample larger becomes every time, than the defect area obtained from the mathematical model of this sample. With a honeycomb cell of a big size (the side length of 5 mm or more) this effect becomes rather crucial.
Another problem while applying imitation by flat-bottom holes method consists in impossibility of double-sided sample control. Thus, imitation of both sides is required, that makes the sample size much bigger.
Control of the sample while performing this this operation is realized by ID-91M acoustic impedance defectoscope. Extra control of the sample is performed via radiographic control.
A sample with two types of defect imitation was fabricated especially for this work. All in all, there were four defect imitators by flat-bottom holes method and four by honeycomb underrating method. The area of both pairs of imitators was equal in theory. Nevertheless, results of tests revealed that these areas are not equal. The area of imitators made by honeycomb underrating method was closer to the theoretical area of the defect.
As result of this work, we obtained data, confirming the advantage of the honeycomb underrating method compared to the flat-bottom holes method. | ||||||||
Likhachev V. P., Sidorenko S. V. Noise immunity of images autofocusing algorithm by entropy minimum at complex background situation. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 99 Modern SAR ensure a longer range, compared to optical systems, a faster (within a few seconds) radar image of a large land area receiving with a sub-meter resolution, as well as independence of the images quality from weather conditions and natural illumination state of the scenery.
Comparatively small weight-size indices of modern SAR allowed install them on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) of small class, which application reduces significantly the operation costs and maintenance of a carrier. However, application of such UAVs as SAR carriers is associated with significant instabilities in the trajectory and flight speed due to atmospheric turbulence.
To form a high-quality radar image with given resolution in time scale close to the real one, it is necessary to obtain accurate information on the carrier motion parameters and, primarily, its flight speed.
Placing a high-precision inertial navigation system on a small class UAV is impossible, and application of navigation receivers under interference conditions does not ensure the required accuracy in estimating the SAR carrier speed while the radar image formation. To compensate the speed estimation error, various radar image autofocusing algorithms are employed, such as the radar image autofocusing with regard to the minimum entropy function. It does not require the presence of powerful point-like reflectors in the field of vision. However, to evaluate the efficiency, for example, in solving the problems of correcting navigation errors by the radar image in conditions of a large noise / signal ratio q, additional investigations are required.
The relevance of the article is determined by the need to form a radar image with a specified resolution in a time scale close to the real one, by a small SAR installed on the UAV, which lacks the capability to compensate for trajectory instabilities from information from the inertial navigation system, etc. In the presence of noise-masking interference and background reflections, it is necessary to determine the boundaries of the stable radar image autofocus algorithm functioning at minimum entropy.
The article deals with the operation of a radar station with digital SAR with the RLI autofocusing for a minimum of the entropy function in conditions of noise-masking interference and complex background situation. | ||||||||
Usachov A. E., Mazo A. B., Kalinin E. I., Isayev S. A., Baranov P. A., Semilet N. A. Efficiency increasing of numerical modeling of turbulent flows by application of hybrid meshes with structured multi-scaled blocks and unstructured insertions. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 99 Method of hybrid meshes was developed for the stationary and non-stationary internal turbulent incompressible flows numerical modeling. Numerical modeling of the internal turbulent flow in a flat parallel duct with cylindrical cavern located on its lower wall was performed to validate accuracy and stability of the method. The goal of the studies consisted in verifying the proposed methodologies realized in VP 2/3 code [6] (based on the hybrid mesh technology [7] and turbulence differential models) on various meshes. Three kinds of meshes such as a coarse hybrid mesh, a refined hybrid mesh with non-structured block and non-structured triangular mesh were analyzed.
An experimental setup to study 2D plane flow in parallel channel with circular cave was built in the Institute of Mechanics, Moscow State University [3]. Viscid incompressible flow was studied in a flat parallel duct with cylindrical cavern located inside one of the duct walls. The Reynolds number was 1.3 × 105.
The modelling methodology and numerical approaches are based on solving Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations for incompressible fluid and hybrid grids concept. While quantization of the convective flows through the control volume facets, the counter-flow schemes of a second order accuracy were applied [11].
The pressure was computed by semi-implicit methods (SIMPLEC), based on the SIMPLE procedure proposed by Patankar [10]. The VP2/3 bundled software, which is successfully employed for numerical modelling of various heat and mass exchange problems with viscous fluid and gas flows was developed based on this technique. Computations with different hybrid meshes are compared to the experimentally measured values of the velocity horizontal component in the center of the cavern and static pressure on the lower wall of the duct.
The verification and validation of numerical modelling of a flow in the duct with cylindrical cavern were performed with the differential model of Menter’s SST turbulence. Computed and experimental data demonstrated a close agreement. | ||||||||
Markushin A. N., Baklanov A. V. Test results of washing-out of coked atomizers of NK family combustion chambers by mixture of kerosene with technical detergent. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 99 Ensuring reliable and failure-free performance of a gas turbine is the most foreground task for aeronautical engineering manufacturer. The combustion chamber is the most thermo-stressed part of the gas turbine with a great number of complicated gas-dynamic and thermodynamic process. Thus, the reliability of a gas turbine in many respects depends on a combustion chamber reliability. While aviation gas turbine with a multi-atomizer combustion chamber operation the combustion chamber fuel supply lines are subjected to coking due to low thermal stability of the supplied the fuel. It leads to premature engine removal. For this reason, the article presents the results of works on washing-out the partially coked atomizer by various of kerosene-technical detergent mixtures to define the more efficient of this mixture composition. The method of washing have been chosen due to the addition an antioxidant additive to fuel, or periodical combustion chamber washing-out by kerosene in mixture with active agents allowing decompose a carbon formation and a resinous depositing, as well as remove them together with fuel. The article describes the structure of the test bench and single-atomizer combustion chamber section, which was employed for testing eight partially coked nozzles. The article presents also the tests operation modes.
The results of the study revealed that the fuel mixture with technical detergent effectively removes deposits of thermal fuel decomposition from the coked atomizers. The maximum efficiency of carbon removing was obtained with the mixture of kerosene with 10-15% of technical detergent.
It follows, that this method is effective for realizing an atomizer channels cleaning channels, and may be recommended for application while the routine maintenance of gas turbine operating on liquid hydrocarbon fuel such as kerosene or diesel oil. | ||||||||
Chernomorskii A. I., Kuris E. D., Mel'nikov V. E. Control program for translational and rotational motion of Uniaxial Wheeled Module. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 98 Uniaxial wheeled module (UWM) is one of the most perspective types of unmanned ground vehicle for environmental monitoring tasks, particularly aerodrome. This vehicle is capable of both carrying equipment, and managing angular orientation of the platform, on which it is mounted. Simple algorithms for forming control moments, developed by the UWM wheels’ drive motors, were obtained. These moments provide a quasi-optimal in time UWM movement from the starting position on the horizontal underlying surface to the final position at the given UWM orientation in these points of its stationary positions. Non-holonomic vehicle model was obtained on the assumption of the absence of wheels slippage relative to the underlying surface, and insignificance of the effect of the platform angular movement around wheel axis on the linear movement of the center of UWM wheel axis. Adequacy of this model was confirmed by the results of experimental studies of UWM developed in MAI. Two types of its trajectories of simple configuration, predetermining the minor time of the UWM’s movement realization. It was demonstrated analytically, that it was impossible to transfer the UWM from the starting stationary position to the final one with the given in this position course angle within a single switching of the moments signs. Thus, the first trajectory was split into two stages, and the second into three ones. In each stage, the moments are formed based on maximum principle of Pontryagin in the form of constant in modulus (at each stage) maximum possible values, using at the stages only one simultaneous switching of these moments’ signs.
Travelling times’ comparative evaluation for UWM moving along the two selected trajectories was performed, based on the developed algorithms for forming control moments of wheels’ drive motors. It revealed the dependency of these times from both azimuth angle and course angle of the UWM final position . | ||||||||
Kulikov S. V., Shcerbakova V. M., Frolov A. V., Vikulova Y. M. Definition of a matrix idling cut open a non-uniform line when you change the deduction in one of the poles. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 98
Determination of properties of inhomogeneous lines for use in various filters. | ||||||||
Panev A. S. On motion of a rigid body with mobile internal mass on a horizontal plane in a viscous medium. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 98 We consider a movement of a solid body carrying sliding single mass point. A body of M mass is situated on a horizontal plane, and a single mass point of m mass is moving inside it over circumference of R radius, which center coincides with the center of mass of the body, counterclock-wise. The forces of dry and viscous friction act between the body and the horizontal surface. Moreover, the angular velocity of the points’ circulatory movement is constant. We assume that at the initial instant the body stays at rest, and the moving mass occupies its lowest position
This work aims is complete qualitative investigation of all possible modes of motion body without the horizontal plane liftoff.
In addition to theoretical interest, the study of mechanical systems of this type can have an applied value, for example, as the creation of vibrating robots moving due to the forces of inertia that arise when moving internal masses. The advantage of such devices is that they do not require special propulsion (wheels, tracks, legs, and so forth.) And can be performed in an enclosure, the latter fact makes them resistant to attack by the external environment and allows to apply, on solid surfaces, and in liquids. Such devices are promising for the modern space industry. In particular, they can be useful for the study of celestial objects: asteroids, planets, solar systems and their satellites.
Based on the analytical and numerical studies made in this work we obtained the following conclusions. Three possible modes of motion were found, the conditions for their existence depend on the parameters of the problem: κ is the coefficient of dry friction,ν is the coefficient of viscous friction, and
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Sysoev O. E., Dobryshkin A. Y., Nein S. N. Analytical and experimental investigation of free oscillations of open shells from alloy D19 carrying a system of attached masses. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 98 Experimental studies have been carried out to determine the influence of the system of attached masses on the natural oscillations of shallow cylindrical shells of aluminum alloys, the results of which have been compared with theoretical calculations. The purpose of the experiment is to measure the free oscillations of an open, sloping cylindrical shell for various variations of the attached masses. Oscillations of an open, slender, thin-walled cylindrical shell, rectangular in plan, were measured using induction accelerometers. The theoretical calculation of the shell was carried out on the basis of the equations of motion of the theory of shallow shells, using the Bubnov-Galerkin method. A significant splitting of the flexural frequency spectrum is found, influenced not only by the systems of attached masses, but also by the values of the wave formation parameters, which depend on the relative geometric dimensions of the shell. The correspondence of analytical and experimental data is found, using the example of an open shell of alloy D19, which allows us to speak about the high quality of the study. A qualitative new analytical solution of the problem of determining the magnitude of the oscillation frequency of a shell carrying a system of attached masses is shown. For calculations, a hinged-supported open-shell model is used. The solution is based on the general equation of shell vibrations, a system of two differential equations describing small bending vibrations of the shell. On the basis of the general equation of oscillations of the shell (plate), an experimentally discrete nonlinear model of oscillations of a shallow shell bearing a system of attached masses with two degrees of freedom was obtained and confirmed experimentally. The experiment was carried out on a thin-walled cylindrical sloping open-shell model. The material of the sample is an aluminum alloy of the D-19 grade. Geometrical characteristics of the sample: R = 318 mm, L = 800 mm, H = 93 mm., δ = 0.4 mm. The shell is installed in a stand made in the laboratory of building structures. Experimental studies confirm theoretical studies. These studies can be used in the design of swimming machines, aircraft and other shells that have an attached mass. Carrying out of experimental studies has shown the validity of the obtained mathematical model, namely: the presence of a system of attached masses in an open cylindrical shell leads to splitting of the bending frequency spectrum of oscillations and the smaller of the split natural frequencies decreases at the same time. | ||||||||
Kuroedov A. A., Borisov D. M., Semyonov P. A. Determining combustion zone acoustic admittance of non-metal and metalized energy condensed systems. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 98 The work is devoted to the experimental study of combustion zone dynamic characteristics for metallized and non-metallized solid propellants. The goal of the study consists in developing a device to determine acoustic admittance and the pressure-response function of solid propellant combustion zone at various pressure pulsation frequencies and operation pressure.
The pulsed T-burner consisting of a classical T-burner and two auxiliary pressure pulsation generation (AG) chambers is proposed. Changing the T-chamber sections number allows varying frequency of created longitudinal vibrations combustion products, making it possible to measure acoustic admittance of the combustion zone in a wide frequency range. Nozzle design envisages the possibility of changing the throat diameter before launching by replacing the molybdenum liner. A pyrotechnic compound placed in the AG free space ensures the tearing up of metal diaphragm, clamped in the channel, connecting AG and T-burner.
To determine the solid propellant acoustic admittance a series of firings is being performed. For each firing cylindrical charges with a channel are prepared and glued to T-chamber cover. During the T-chamber firing without AG the installation, the operation time necessary for the right setting of time delay of triggering pyrotechnic compositions in AGs for the next firings is determined. Further firings are performed with AG, in which the decay constants of the two pressure pulses, created at the main operation segment, and at the end after both charges burning out are being fixed. Acoustic admittance of the solid propellant combustion zone and a function of combustion zone pressure-coupled response are calculated according to the obtained coefficients.
The acoustic admittances of a non-metallized solid propellant (AP / low-molecular rubber) and metallized propellant (AP / butyl-rubber /Al) were measured at frequencies in the range 150 to 850 Hz. Comparison of the obtained results to the published data indicates the perspective of the proposed installation implementation. A significant relative error of acoustic admittancehav and pressure-coupled response function determination requires more close attention to the technique of pulse pressure forming in the T-chamber.
The obtained acoustic admittance values can be used as boundary condition for solid fuel power plants acoustic stability calculation while employing various numeric methods. | ||||||||
Kuli-zade M. E., Reshetnikova O. F., Skorokhod E. P. The development of kinetic models of the moving plasma. The Einstein coefficients for ion xenon.. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 98 The study of the flows of a moving plasma, both experimental and theoretical, as well as the fundamental issues of plasmomechanics currently belong to the rapidly developing fields of science, which are used in solving the problems of engine building, rocket and space industry. In particular, the modeling of physicochemical processes is necessary for multilevel kinetics, low-temperature plasma spectroscopy, and optical diagnostics of plasma flows.
Einstein’s coefficients of spontaneous radiative transitions are the main terms of numerous kinetic equations, they are used to construct the state vectors of the plasma under investigation in the processing of spectra.
To compile the kinetic equations themselves, we need a scheme of levels and (what is fundamentally) their grouping, both for the XeI atom and for the XeII ion. The schemes compiled and supplemented in the quantum-defect approximation for the XeI atom and for the XeII ion make it possible to calculate the transitions that are absent in the reference edition [12].
In works from the list cited in [1, 2], on the study of the xenon plasma of the Hollow engine, little attention has been paid to the question: what levels and configurations should be taken into account in calculations. Usually in foreign publications, the averaged blocks are considered using the experimentally obtained constants, the kinetics for the atom, separately for the ion, is separately written. A joint model of the kinetics of excitations of an atom and an ion is not considered.
Calculations of the Einstein coefficients were carried out in the Coulomb approximation. The radial integrals were calculated using the Bates-Damgaard method. The angular dependences of the xenon ion are recorded in the LS – relationship. The values of the oscillator strengths and the probabilities of ~ 1000 radiative transitions of the xenon ion are given.
The averaging of the radiation constants is associated with the determination of the matrix element factor [11] (by adding the moments of dipole transitions). Recommendations are given on the use of tabular data of XeII in accordance with the chosen scheme of levels and configurations taken into account. | ||||||||
Fedotov D. A., Skvortsov K. G. Investigation of the strength of puncture holes. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 98 The object of the present study is holes obtained by piercing the uncured polymer-fiber material of the structure. Puncture is carried out with the help of a pointed rod – indenter. The force field of the reinforcing fibers is not interrupted. The wall of the hole is thickened due to the increased content of fibers.
The aim of the study is to develop a hole punching technology, thread cutting by puncture, and also experimental study of the holes obtained.
Tensile tests carried out on multi-layered woven glass fiber-reinforced plastic samples with a hole of 8 mm showed a reduction in tensile strength in comparison with solid samples by 31.7% and 4.2%, respectively, for drilled and molded holes.
A special device was developed to pierce holes of various diameters in GRP plates up to 30 mm thick, as well as piercing elements for smooth holes and threaded holes.
Initially, the tensile test was carried out. Tests were made on samples cut from prefabricated plates in the size of 350×350 mm. To fabricate plates, T-13P cloth (100) was chosen, impregnated with binder EP-5122. The plates were made on a special device. The layers of fabric were stacked by alternating warp and weft. Such a technique made it possible to obtain characteristics of plate material, which are the same in all reinforcement directions. In the center of each plate we punctured holes.
18 plates with punctured holes in the center with a diameter of holes 6; 9; 13; 16; 18 and 20 mm were made. We made 3 plates for each diameter. We cut out of them the following samples: 1 sample with a punctured hole, 2 samples with holes drilled and 2 samples without holes. The width of the samples was equal to 3 hole diameters. Samples with holes of 20 mm were 50 mm wide. All samples were stretched to failure.
Based on the results of the tests, the following conclusions were drawn:
Further, the samples were subjected to cut tests. For the testing, 5 plates with punctured holes were made. Samples for testing were cut from the same slabs. In this case we had one sample with a punctured hole, and two with drilled holes. In the holes the bushings were inserted, through which the sample was loaded. On the one hand, the load was applied to the sample, and on the other hand it was applied to the pin. In such tests, the pin cuts the sample material along two planes.
Analysis of the test results showed that the breaking stresses on the cut in samples with punctured holes are 2-3 times larger than in the samples with drilled holes. This result can be explained by the fact that in the first case the threads of the reinforcing material near the hole are not cut, and the drilling cuts them.
Also we carried out tests to cut the thread obtained in the prepreg by the puncture method. For the production of plates with threaded holes, we made piercing elements which had a thread cut on the cylindrical part. We produced five such plates with different hole diameters. To test the thread in the holes we screwed rods with a corresponding thread into these holes. A tearing force was applied to the bolt until the thread was broken.
As a result of the tests, the following conclusion was drawn: the stresses on the cutting edge of the GRP thread have a value equal to the cutting strength of the GRP material. Thus puncture of the threaded hole allows to achieve the maximum value of the strength characteristics. | ||||||||
Duong D. T. Model wing inviscid flow-around computation by finite element method of high accuracy in conditions of thin ice formation. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 98 The article presents the model wing inviscid flow-around computation by finite element method of high accuracy in conditions of the thin ice formation. The goal of the article consists in solving the problem of flow-around MS(1)-317 profile and NACA 64A008 wing by non-viscous gas water suspension. The system of equations of water content in the framework of Euler approach is described. The system in itself is not hyperbolic, and regions of “vacuum”, where water content ρ tends to zero, appear. To eliminate the said problem the system regularizing was performed to make the system hyperbolic. The new primary variable r = lg ρ was introduced. The resulting modified water content equation system was solved by Galerkin method with discontinuous basis functions (RMG). Orthogonal polynomials are used as basis functions in RMG. Initial and boundary conditions were formulated. At the initial instant the aqueous dispersion mixture is considered moving together with the gas. Parameters on the solid surface were computed in a special way.
The problem solution is split into two stages. At the first stage, the inviscid dry gas flow-around the wing is computed. Then, the obtained field is used as the basic field, and the finely-dispersed aqueous mixture flow around the wing is calculated. The water suspension droplet, sticking to the wing surface (capture coefficient β), defines the probability of the thin ice appearance.
As an example, calcolations for two typical problems were performed: the flow around the MS(1)-317 profile and the NACA 64A008 wing. The obtained results were compared to the experimental data. It is shown, that in the case of moderate incidence angles, the RMG scheme of the third accuracy order ensures the calculation accuracy of the water droplet capture coefficient on the wing about the 5% order. It is acceptable in practice. | ||||||||
Kalyagin M. Y. Modeling of aerial vehicles instrument bays by porous-composite impactors. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 98 The article presents the model for parameters computation of an aerial vehicle’s (AV) instrument bay interaction with impediments (reinforced panels). The AV’s instrument bays are presented as porous-composite bodies, approaching the impediments at various angles. The viscoplastic flow in the panel material emerges under action of the highly intensive loads. Based on Renkin-Hugoniot theory, the author obtained the equations, describing the shock wave velocity in porous bodies. Computation results obtained employing these equations accord well with the laboratory tests results. The article presents the criterion of the beginning of viscoplastic flow progress in the panel under the action of impactor.
The proposed model of shock interaction allows obtain the laws of panel’s flexing and velocities alterations as a function of coordinates and time, as well as the distribution of stress and temperature.
Computaion resuts revealed that:
– The area of the intense viscoplastic flow was localized in a narrow region near the impactor contour;
– The destruction of the panel occurs at the stresses significantly exceeding the yield strength of the panel material;
– The effect of temperature growth on the physico-mechanical characteristics of the panel material in a first approximation can be ignored.
Calculations were performed for velocities of 300–900 m/s, panel thickness of 20 mm, and angles of interaction of 90° and 60°. The destruction of the panel occurs in the region where shear deformation reaches the limit value of p/4.
The results of the study can be used while solving problems of various bodies’ interaction. | ||||||||
Alekseeva M. M. Solid fuel ramjet aircraft volumetric-mass configuration formation technique. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 98 The process of the volumetric-mass configuration formation (VMC) is one of the main stages a product shape formation. With the purpose of preliminary formation of the aircraft VMC, a complex mathematical model (CMM) and software to form shape of the system “Aircraft – power unit – fuel” were developed. Unlike earlier created, this CMM represents the uniform program complex intended for formation of a technical shape of aircraft and its power unit (PU) at stages of preliminary design. It allows compute not only thrust-economic and mass-size characteristics of an aircraft, but also geometric, aerodynamic, mass-volume characteristics and trajectory parameters of an aircraft movement by standard flight programs (profiles), as well as the effect of the properties of employed fuel on them.
The distinctive feature of this model its multidisciplinary approach and adaptedness to the optimization setting of the study. It allows optimize any airplane, engine and fuel parameters and their characteristics to form an optimal technical shape of the “Aircraft – power unit – fuel” system according to the selected effectiveness criteria. It gives the possibility to form a 3D model after configuring the project of a product to obtain more detailed information on aerodynamic characteristics (ADC), mass convergence of airframe and PU, computing of the center of masses and inertia moments of a product, preparing for 3D numerical modeling using the programs of 3D gas dynamic computation etc. The built-in universal model for computing equilibration thermodynamic characteristics of any gas mixture with account for K-phase allows evaluate effectiveness of application of this or that fuel for the given system. It expands greatly the abilities of both parametric and at optimization studies at various criteria. Dialog interface allows making changes in the project data and view the results in real time mode. It also provides availability of databases on starting and cruise solid fuels, structural materials and thermal-protective coating materials, ADC and characteristics of air-intake device which are updated daily and can be employed for the VMC formation.
Realization was performed by modern programming languages Fortran-95, Delphi and Win 32 API, using dynamic DLL technology. Verification of CMM is based on verification of the system model elements and on comparing the system criteria to real samples. With the help of this CMM, a number studies was performed to shape the “Aircraft–power unit–fuel” system. | ||||||||
Proshkin V. Y., Kurmazenko E. A. Global criteria of efficiency and their hierarchy for life support systems for space stations crews. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 98 The authors suggest employ three global criteria of efficiency (GCE) to analyze life support systems (LSS) for space stations crews and planetary bases. These GCE integrate a number of LSS’s partial criteria (PC) such as survivability (G) (integrating such PCs as resource, reliability etc.); cost value (integrating PCs such as energy consumption, weight, servicing time, material cost etc), and comfort F (including such PCs as habitat, interaction with crew and other systems, layout, operation modes etc.).
The GCE hierarchy (significance) relative to each other depends on the type and characteristics of the LSS, its complexity and availability of means for reprocessing the source substances into final product within the system. Survivability is of most significance for regenerative LSS (RLSS), the cost value – for LSS on consumable components (LSS-C), and comfort – for emergency life support systems (LSS-E).
G > C > F. RLSS with a long operating time (several years), operating constantly, without maintenance.
G > F > C. RLSS, which operates periodically and for a short time (hours), with maintenance.
C > F > G. LSS-C with simple structure and processes.
C > G > F. LSS-C with more complex structure and processes (more probability of abnormal situations effecting the crew occurrence).
F > C > G. Emergency stock of consumables.
F > G > C. LSS-E for operation in abnormal situations on board.
G ≈ F ≈ C. Biotechnical LSS of future planetary bases, which will have a more significant cost value (high consumption of mass and energy) and comfort (specific requirements for greenhouses LSS).
While performing analysis, influence coefficients on three GCT kG , kC , kF are being determined for each parameter. The total coefficient is kΣ = a1 kG + a2 kC + a3 kF .
Weight coefficients a1 , a2 , a3 have their own values for each LSS and relative to each other correspond to the GCE hierarchy. For example, on board of International space station for Russian “Elektron-VM” system (О2 generation by water electrolysis): a1 = 9, a2 = 3, a3 = 1.
Application of this analysis in relation to existing and LSS being developed allows identify parameters and components with higher coefficients of influence and gives directions for constructional and operational modernization.
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Zareckiy M. V., Sidorenko A. S. Dynamic state of aviation products structures with weld junctions. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 98 The reliability of aviation products structures depends on vibration intensity acting while joint flight of the product with carrier aeroplane and causing significant stress levels. The highest stress level is observed in the zones of structural irregularities (junctions and abrupt changes of cross-sections). Thus, the problem of credible determining of vibration characteristics in the product structure in the zones of irregularity under operation conditions is topical. At the same time, experimental studies of vibrations in the zones of jointing and irregularities are rather labor consuming and costly.
The article presents the methodology and results of numerical models development and calculated estimation data of vibration characteristics of an aviation product structure containing continuous weld junctions. Modeling of dynamic state of an aviation product was performed employing the system of solid-state modeling and complex structures design SolidWorks. Models developed employing solid finite elements allow account for structural irregularity, and estimate characteristics of components of spatial local deformation.
Based on the developed models, dynamic characteristics of a product structure and vibration acceleration characteristics at random kinematic loading for various variants of weld junctions were determined. Spectral densities and accelerations distribution dispersion in various points of the structure were plotted. Zones of maximum accelerations levels were determined corresponding to the conditions of joint flight with a carrier airplane. Significant effect of weld joint characteristics on the vibration acceleration levels of the product structure was registered.
The developed methodology can be applied to estimate characteristics of dynamic state of frames and structural components of aviation products suspensions at various weld joint characteristics and specified conditions of random loading. | ||||||||
Isaev A. I., Skorobogatov S. V. Methodological aspects of burning process experimental research in combustion chambers of gas-turbine engines. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 98 Air-fuel mixture burning is a complex physical-chemical process, which can conventionally considered as fuel spraying, its evaporation, mixing with air, and air-fuel mixture ignition and burning, where all these processes occur simultaneously for the most part. With this, for the most part all these processes occur simultaneously, and until now there is no universal technique allowing account for all details of the phenomena under study while their mathematical modeling. Besides, apart from physical-chemical processes, the phenomena associated with streams gas dynamics are of great importance for the analysis. While spraying, liquid fuel is crushed into small droplets. The average diameter of these droplets stipulate the surface area, affecting thereby the liquid heating and its subsequent evaporation and mixing with air. The fuel combustion efficiency in its turn is determined by the composition of the fuel-air mixture, as well as organization of ignition and combustion of this mixture in the combustion chamber. With regard to the complexity of these processes and their interaction with each other, full-scale experiment is still an integral part of combustion chambers designing.
The goal of this article is to study the methodological aspects of modelling the processes in real combustion chamber, which occur in one and the same time interval. At the stage of full-scale experiments on the combustion process study, a number of difficulties associated with the nature of the phenomena under study occur. So, while a fuel-air mixture burning in the combustion chamber, the boundary between the combustion and mixing zones is of rather conditional character. Thereby, it makes it impossible to consider the processes occurring in these zones separately one from each other.
The authors proposed the design of the chamber’s test bench, allowing split the combustion and the mixing zones. Also the technique for overcoming limitations of measuring equipment while fuel-air mixture reached stoichiometric composition was considered. | ||||||||
Stepanov R. N., Kozhevnikov I. A. Upgrade of monitoring instruments for aircraft liquid systems condition by industrial purity parameters. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 98 Solution to the problem of ensuring industrial cleanliness of the aircraft fluid systems’ and components’ working cavity allows significantly reduce the consumption of liquids; improve the reliability and service life of onboard equipment in aircraft operation; reduce the time spent on aircraft maintenance and repair, as well as the complexity of the production, repair and maintenance. This presents a significant gap in the implementation of the control of the contamination level of the working cavity side of the liquid systems.
For complex spatial geometry of the internal cavities of the aircraft liquid systems, relevant regulations stipulate the implementation of indirect control of pollution by changing the concentration of the contaminants resulting from the controlled VSA of the liquid. In these conditions, the procedure for fluid sampling for subsequent system analysis is of special importance.
Simulation results confirmed experimental studies demonstrating the unpredictability of the contaminant particle distribution over the cross section of the pipeline at various points in time with the same specified initial conditions. It indicates the impossibility of guaranteeing the reliability of the liquid sample at its point or slot selection.
To improve reliability of the fluid sample technical solutions for sampling devices that implement two methods of selecting a volume and a point of fluid sampling were developed:
– the full flow sampling device provides volumetric sampling, maximally identical to the analytical control, from which it was originated, designed for ground maintenance of an aircraft,
– the sampling device of a needle-type point ensures isokinetic sampling, constructively, with minimal weight and size parameters in a normalized embedded rebar elements of aircraft pipeline systems, intended for placement directly in on-board systems. | ||||||||
Kudryavtsev S. I. Studying the safe flight termination ballistic scheme of manned transport spacecraft engine module . Trudy MAI, 2018, no 98 The problem of safe flight termination organization for engine module (EM) of a prospective manned transport spacecraft (MTS) in the case of descent from the Earth’s artificial satellite orbit and high-precision landing of reentry module (RM) on Russian territory is considered. In MTS project the reboost of EM after its separation from RM after MTS deorbitation is planned in order to provide its orbital life-time on several orbits. Then EM will be deboosted for drowning its unburned elements of structure (UES) in desert area in the South of Pacific. Such a scenario of MTS descent will eliminate the possibility of damage for the population and objects of ground infrastructure near RM landing site. The features of EM reboost maneuver to ensure UES drowning in permitted region are studied. As a result elliptic pre-descent EM orbit has a very adverse position of perigee relatively the target drowning area. So, additional fuel consumption for reliable EM UES srowning will be required. The features of EM descent from elliptic pre-descent orbit are also analyzed. Dependence of longitudinal size of UES drowning points dispersion area (SPDA) vs deorbiting delta-V value is given. The purpose of trajectory design consists in selecting minimum delta-V then SPDA is still inside of permitted area borders. Elliptic profile of EM pre-descent orbit causes a specific effect of some disturbances such as engine thrust uncertainty to the total SPDA size. This study permits to determine the way to decrease SPDA size for the same fuel consumption. Fuel consumption for EM safe flight termination including fuel for EM reboost and final deorbiting is estimated. Scenarios of MTS descent for the cases of RM landing in various regions of Russia are given. | ||||||||
Kozyaychev A. N. Studying algorithm of bank angle limitation near the Earth surface employing test bench. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 98 The relevance of the problem of runway surface contacting with a wing or a nacelle for the modern airliners (wing or nacelle strike) is presented in the article. To solve of this problem the author suggests limit the maximal bank angle near a runway surface. It is suggested to employ the dependence of maximal bank angle on flight altitude. The description of the bank angle protection algorithm near ground is based on the principle of switching between a control signal from the pilot and a signal for stabilization of the set maximal bank angle in case of its surpassing. To demonstrate functioning and performing simulator studies, the of bank angle protection near ground algorithm was included in a flight control system algorithms of the perspective medium-range airliner.
The results of the studies of the of bank angle protection near ground algorithm obtained at the TsAGI flight simulator with participation of test pilots are presented. Various options of roll control at take-off, landing and maneuvering on roll near ground including landings with a crosswind and with a gust of crosswind were considered. In th course of the studies at flight simulator of the of bank angle protection near ground the algorithm was modified based on proposal of test pilots. The modified bank angle protection near ground algorithm was highly appreciated by pilots as the function increasing comfort of operation, especially in cross wind when maneuvering on a roll near ground. In addition, this algorithm was recommended by test pilots for including in algorithms of a flight control system of perspective airliners. | ||||||||
Ulybyshev S. Y. Launching a group of microsatellites employing intermediate orbit with synchronous precession. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 98 The paper considers the task of launching a grouping of microsatellites employing intermediate orbits, possessing the property of synchronous precession of the ascending node longitude relative to the working orbit. As launch vehicle the article considers the “Soyuz-2.1 b” with launch block “Volga”, which after separation of the payload performs the inundation maneuver. The proposed scheme envisages separation of satellites from launch vehicles in the intermediate orbit. Then they are independently translated into the working orbit. This allows increase the mass delivered payload and reduce deployment time segment of the satellite system (SS) with installation of microsatellites in specified positions on the working orbit to 1.5 days. It reduces the required cost of fuel on the injection module to the problem of inundating. The simultaneous launch the grouping microsatellite segment SS into orbit with synchronous precession allows employ it as the standby orbit and significantly reduce the time of recovery of SS in case of failure of one of the microsatellite in the working orbit. The costs of fuel herewith for shifting standby microsatellite to the working orbit will correspond to nominal values for other aggregates from the given segment of SS. The article presents the methodology for evaluating costs of fuel and characteristic velocity for operation of putting a microsatellites grouping into intermediate orbit, bringing them to the working orbit and performing inundation maneuver by the launching block.
Comparison on time and energy indicators with the traditional option of putting groups of microsatellites directly on the working orbit when after separation apparatuses are set in the desired operating position through re-phasing maneuvers. The revealed advantages in terms of increasing mass of a payload delivered to an intermediate orbit are substantially dependent on the magnitude of the orbital inclination and the mostly tangible for near-polar deviations from 75° to 105°. While putting microsatellite groupings into near-polar orbits the additional payload mass may be comparable to the mass of a microsatellite itself. | ||||||||
Alekseev A. V., Doroshin A. V., Yeromenko A. V., Krikunov M. M., Nedovesov M. O. Dynamics of a composite spacecraft with movable unit in three-axis gimbal. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 98 The presented work is associated with modelling of angular motion of a variable configuration spacecraft caused by the presence of the additional movable rigid body inside the main carrier body fixed in the gimbal. The internal body is a movable unit of various functional purposes, such as antennae, telescope or operating component of a remote sensing system.
As a basis for considering a spacecraft in this problem, we can employ the model of double rotation of a spacecraft with movable longitudinal axis (on two transversal angles). In this case the presence of two additional degrees of freedom, allowing model the relative angular motion of the body-rotor relative to the carrier body, the mechanical structure of a spacecraft with double rotation is substantially enriched in the sense of functionality and dynamics.
The 3D relative motion of the internal body with respect to the main body of the spacecraft can be realized by means of a triaxial gimbal suspension. Then the considered mechanical system will have six degrees of freedom and allow ensure the necessary spatial orientation of the internal body, as well as fulfill the technical task of the spacecraft in its functional purpose.
For example, such mechanical systems and corresponding structural schemes can be employed for allocation of mobile equipment in a spacecraft, and orientating/redirecting/correcting its angular position by dint of internal drives fixed in the main body of a spacecraft.
As such equipment one can indicate, for example, massive manipulators, antennas, telescopes, movable nozzles of propulsion systems, structural elements of space tether systems, etc.
The mathematical model of angular motion of the considered system was obtained employing dynamical theorems and Lagrange’s formalism.
Equations of angular motion of a spacecraft with variable configuration without any constraints on relative rotation angles of the internal body/unit were obtained in this work. The authors performed numerical modeling of dynamics of movement without a spacecraft torque in case of internal control moments nonexistence.
The topicality of the work and its practical significance are characterized by the current intensification of the development of new modern platforms of nano-satellites, containing multifunctional mobile elements. | ||||||||
Liang Q. ., Litvinenko Y. A., Stepanov O. A. Analysis of Attitude Reference System Accuracy versus Rotation Angle Sensor Errors. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 98 At present, various methods of compensation for errors in orientation systems and Inertial Navigation Systems (INS) based on the rotation modulation technique are widely used. This method can enhance the autonomy of orientation system and navigation system and allows the system to operate for a long time even on relatively coarse sensors.
The data processing problem of attitude and heading reference system based on rotation modulation technique is studied in this article. A novel orientation system consisting of two micromechanical IMUs mounted on two separate rotary platforms with orthogonal axes is proposed. It can improve attitude system performance while reducing requirements for external sensors. This structure allows estimate errors of angular rate sensors without dynamic motion model of the object and any other external information. Though, in this case, the accuracy of the orientation system under consideration depends not only on the IMU measurement errors, but also on the encoder measurement errors of the angular positions of the platforms.
The error of the angle sensor consists of two components: constant and random error. Based on covariance analysis, the accuracy of the gyroscope errors was estimated employing various error level of angle sensors. It has been proved that the constant error component of the angle sensor has the same effect as misalignment angles, and the random error component affects the accuracy of the orientation system in the way similar to gyro measurement noise. The resulting data is very useful for designing the attitude and heading reference system based on two units of micromechanical gyroscopes, especially for selecting the type of micromechanical gyroscopes and angle measurement sensors. | ||||||||
Gusenitsa Y. N., Dorozhko I. V., Kochanov I. A., Petukhov A. B. Scientific-methods approach to evaluating readiness of complex technical systems with account for metrological assurance. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 98 Substantiated evaluation of metrological assurance procedures effect on readiness for application is necessary while complex technical systems design and maintenance of their life cycle. It requires development of new complex models, connecting reliability figures with indices of technical condition.
The proposed approach and models are based on fundamental concepts and equations of the reliability theory of technical systems. The model proposed in the article is based on well-known and well-tested apparatus of Markov random processes, and analytical dependences obtained from the solution of systems of equations of Kolmogorov-Chapman, describing the developed model.
Mathematical models binding the coefficient of readiness, control reliability and the probability of metrological activities successful implementation of complex technical systems were developed. The analytical dependence linking the indicators of reliability of complex technical complex and the performance of the process control and metrological procedures was obtained. The proposed network model for obtaining the probability of successful implementation on metrological support of complex technical systems was suggested. The article presents a calculated example of the evaluation of the effect of metrological assurance procedures on the maintenance of readiness to apply complex technical systems. Analysis of the results allows draw inferences on the metrological assurance procedures degree of effect on the maintenance of readiness to use complex technical systems.
The proposed scientific and methodical approach can be employed while complex technical systems development, as well as justifying the composition and characteristics of technical means of metrological assurance.
The obtained analytical relationship may present practical interest for military representatives, employees of bodies of state certification, industry representatives. It can be used also for formation and justification of reliability requirements, as well as requirements to metrological support in tactical and technical tasks for development (modernization) of complex technical systems, as well as to account for the effect of activities of metrological assurance on availability of complex technical systems at all stages of the life cycle. | ||||||||
Lunev E. M., Neretin E. S., Budkov A. S. Performing trajectory guidance algorithms testing at searching modeling bench. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 98 Airspace is becoming increasingly saturated due to heavier traffic in specific dense areas. This necessitates a reduction in aircraft separation while maintaining the equivalent level of safety. It is clear that increasing airspace capacity, enhancing operational efficiency and fuel savings, while ensuring the best safety level of air traffic cannot be reached without combined employing of air and ground elements. New implementations being studied now require aircraft to maintain a specified level of accuracy and precision in the position update in all flight phases and in particular during aircraft landing. Recent navigation systems offer the required navigation performance to achieve these objectives, in conjunction with increased routing flexibility. Based on today’s forecast, some areas seem more appropriate for a new type of operation such as the so-called Area Navigation or RNAV, the Required Navigation Performance (RNP) concept, the Future Air Navigation System (FANS A and B) enhancement concept and new approach and landing capabilities based on FMS (so-called FMS landing system) or FLS (Flight Management Landing System). RNAV involves the development of navigation procedures based on instrument flight (particularly important in adverse weather conditions), enabling aircraft to fly point-to-point without conventional ground-based radio navigation aids. It can be used en-route in association with the RNP concept, but also for terminal area navigation (approach phase) and for instrument approach procedures. RNP is a navigation element that is expected to affect current and future existing airspace structures. It concerns navigation performance accuracy that is essential to fly the aircraft in RNP airspace. Aircraft must meet or exceed these performance and precision requirements to fly in that airspace. RNAV and RNP are two key elements of a more global concept that is FANS. This new enhanced concept involves not only navigation (with RNAV and RNP), but also surveillance and communication areas through an air traffic management link. Surveillance will allow the Air Traffic Control (ATC) to receive the aircraft position and its planned route in order to reduce aircraft separation and communication will assist in the automatic sharing of real-time information and digital communication between pilots and ATC. For these reasons FANS can be seen as a chain linking a pilot and a traffic controller.
For this concept of navigation, trajectory guidance algorithms were developed and tested. Results of the test reveal that the accuracy of the developed algorithms is high enough to provide a new navigation concept. | ||||||||
Mikhailin D. A., Alliluyeva N. V., Rudenko E. M. Comparative analysis of the effectiveness of genetic algorithms the routing of the flight, taking into account their different computational complexity and multicriteria tasks. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 98 The paper presents results of the genetic algorithms research. This algorithm solves routing problem the aircraft executes the automatic flight on a pre-laid in memory of his computer flight mission. The cases of single- and multiobjective implementation of the genetic algorithm.
The multicriteria of routing tasks decision can be performed in two stages:
– finding a plurality of routes connecting a start and end point;
– verify the achievements in them the values of all criteria to select the best options.
Multiple routes selecting in a graph between two vertices can be carried out on the basis of minimizing the target function graph.
Estimated computational complexity of the described algorithm one criterion. It is shown, that when a large number of vertices and edges of a graph minimizing the objective function method the most beneficial in the development of preflight tasks.
In real conditions of planning the generated flight plan to meet a number of sometimes conflicting requirements of cost, flight duration, the total importance included in the plan of points. Their importance is uneven and variable, the timeliness of the observations according to the given schedule, etc. The essence of the alternative approach is that the full planned route is divided into several sections (blocks), each of which the dominant one private criteria. This method is suggested by the practice of observation, when one area important the timeliness, on the other – the economy. Thus, the objective functions of genetic algorithm are specified criteria. After the procedure, the formation of “elite” based on specify criteria starts the procedure of “crossing”. It is produced by blocks permutations of intermediate route points in the flight mission and provides a sufficient number of “descendants”. Then, inside all three blocks of the interblock points performs “mutation” that will be performed only between the boundary of points.
It is shown that due to the high performance of modern on-Board computers, implementing complex routing algorithms when observing terrestrial objects with a specified flight schedule does not cause difficulties.
On the basis of simulation results the performance of the algorithms a comparative analysis of their work effectiveness. | ||||||||
Krikov D. S. Frequency spectrum synthesizers in radio electronic systems. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 98 Frequency synthesizers (FS) find wide application in modern radio electronic systems (RES), such as mobile communications, precision measuring devices, radar and radio navigation systems. The development of new and promising RES as well as the outdated radio engineering systems modernization requires more advanced, in terms of technical parameters, FSs. The article examines mobile devices, measuring equipment, radio direction-finders and transceiver modules. A structural diagram, technical data on the capabilities of the device and an analysis of its operation are presented for each type of devices. Based on the results of the analysis, conclusions are to be made on the method of frequency synthesis, FS quantitative and qualitative characteristics, and trends for their improvement. In the field of mobile communications, engineers are trying to reduce weight, size and power consumption of microcircuits being a part of mobile devices, including the FS chip. Qualitative development of measuring devices requires time reduction of frequency tuning of the FS to the microsecond-nanosecond range. Radar systems require not only high speed, but also low levels of spectral components and phase noise of the FS. For radar systems employing active phased array antennas the critical parameters of FS are weight, size, power consumption and cost. The current level of FS based on digital phase-locked loop (PLL) with integer or fractional frequency division factor, digital direct synthesis and hybrid structures does not allow achieving high values of certain FS parameters, without degrading the other.
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Mikhaylov V. Y., Vitomsky E. V. Models for performance evaluation of a variant of fast search device over code sequence ensemble delay. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 98 Considered are async-targeted and control-measurement aerospace systems using complex coded signals. This work is devoted to the creation of models for performance estimation of the processing method and delay acquisition devices based on fast conversions.
The use of a variety of simplified methods and search algorithms are limited when limited observation time and high requirements to synchronization reliability and accuracy. The solution based on principles and mathematical models developed by the authors: principle of the fast conversions in Galois fields, algebraic model and structure of the delay acquisition device of the subclass code sequences. Key features of the processing method are receiving “in General” in two stages and accumulation of the symbols of the set synchronized by the delay of short sequences, which generated by the samples of the initial code sequence. Usually adopted buffering the implementation phase detection not used in the present embodiment search schema, which is usually required when performing other fast transformations methods.
Two search schemes are considered: an optimal and two-stage quasi-optimal scheme with a detector in the first search stage. Two channel models for different modes of operation of the schemes are constructed. They are makes it possible to choose the detectors threshold. Event model for these schemes built to their performance estimation. Based on these models analytical estimates of loss time to search were obtained. The developed two-stage quasi-optimal scheme version slightly loses on time in relation to the optimal scheme. This allowed us to justify increases energy efficiency of two-stage quasi-optimal scheme with a detector in the first search stage. | ||||||||
Maslakov M. L. New methods of adaptive signal correction in aviation HF data transmission modem. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 98 The importance and need for HF data transmission lines is increasing greatly with expanding of the aviation industry and innovation of requirements for air traffic services and airspace control over the Arctic region and ocean areas. Currently, the increased requirements to bit error rate and data transmission rate can be considered in the following areas:
– design of adaptive filtering algorithms;
– design of adaptive correction methods and principles;
– design of the new signal structures.
Recently, the author is working on all these areas. The article presents the following methods developed by the author:
– application of guard intervals;
– method of adaptive correction with guard intervals compensation;
– new algorithm of adaptive correction with decision feedback;
– methods of adaptive correction with quasi-coherent, weight quasi-coherent and in-phase quasi-coherent summation of test signals;
– method of non-test adaptive correction;
– algorithm of non-test adaptive correction with decision feedback.
The results of bit error rate numerical modeling obtained according to the methods considered in this article and algorithms of the adaptive signal correction are shown.
The presented methods can be used both in newly designed and in existing aviation HF data modems. These methods allow reduce a bit error rate and the probability of the information packet loss, as well as increase the data rate (up to 30%) in definite cases.
Some of the methods considered were implemented in a serial modem layout and tested on a real HF channel. All methods developed by the author were patented in Russian Federation. | ||||||||
Bulygin M. L., Markova A. S., Mullov K. D. Multi-channel ScanSAR mode realization in a space-based SAR. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 98 This paper discusses implementation of a space-based synthetic aperture radar (SAR) multi-channel ScanSAR mode. Employing the digital active electronically scanned array (AESA) allows forming a multi-beam pattern and implement high resolution multi-channel SAR modes. One option is implementation of the multi-channel ScanSAR mode.
Computation of imaging characteristics and SAR parameters are given for multi-channel ScanSAR mode. For example, using K = 4 antenna beams (channels) allows scanning M = 3 partial strips (total swath of 70.29 km, elevation angle of 40°) with a resolution of about 3.7 m. For single channel SAR system with aperture size 4 × 1.6 m resolution is 8 m.
SAR digital AESA was realized as a multi-segment antenna. Each segment is completely autonomous and allows form, transmit, receive and process signals. This architecture requires an exact synchronization of the segments with each other. Synchronous operation and management of all segments is ensured by the on-board processor.
Intersegmental time synchronization is realized as follows. For transmition synchronization in the samples of the linear frequency modulation probe signal, a linear phase shift is added. At the receiving point, delay filters are used to synchronize signals in each segment. These approaches allow increasing the synchronization accuracy by 20 times.
The presented synchronization methods are implemented employing high-speed field-programmable gate array. To create a fault-tolerant firmware realizing high-speed signal processing, it is necessary to account for the specific conditions of the on-board SAR equipment in space functioning. This requires selecting the appropriate hardware in the design of the SAR system.
Thus, the multichannel scanning mode employing allows improve significantly the radar imaging characteristics. Implementation of this mode requires solving the problem of an intersegmental synchronization of on-board equipment. At the same time, the on-board equipment and its firmware must meet the requirements of fault tolerance in space.
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Ronzhin A. L., Nguen V. V., Solenaya O. Y. Analysis of the problems of unmanned flying manipulators development and UAV physical interaction with ground objects. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 98 The ability of aerial unmanned vehicles to manipulate or carry over surrounding objects, expands greatly the types of missions and application areas, enhancing the operator's ability to perform dirty, dangerous or monotonous operations. To date, employing of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for direct interaction with the environment is still limited due to its instability. Adding an onboard manipulation system to a UAV significantly complicates functioning algorithms, structure and leads to an increase in overall dimensions. The physical interaction of the manipulator with objects affects the UAV instability, which in turn leads to difficulties in the UAV positioning and reduces the accuracy of gripper guidance. In addition, the physical interaction of the manipulator with objects requires UAV's higher power resources. The article analyzes modern research of UAVs with a manipulator, including flight control problems, avoidance of contact with the earth, surrounding space, as well as manipulations with the captured object. Developing mobile manipulator of unmanned aerial vehicle (MM-UAV) is accompanied by a much greater number of difficulties than the creating traditional ground-based robots, performing the tasks of movement together with manipulation. The most difficult issue is the lack of a stable platform in the air. Ground vehicles can stop to perform operations and perform precise manipulations in a stable state, while MM-UAV in most cases does not have this capability. In fact, even employing robust flight stabilization systems, the MM-UAV airborne platform will be situated in a certain area of space, lacking herewith the precise fixed coordinates, especially while out-door operations. The lack of stability of the aerial platform can be partially compensated by manipulator control. The range of manipulator movements and the field of view of the sensors also depend on the side, with which the platform approaches the object. The body of the air platform itself is limiting the workspace of the manipulator. Thus, to increase it, in most cases the manipulator is mounted directly to the lower part of the platform. Still, experiments are performed on full-scale models rarely enough, mainly it is a computer or combined simulation, where the model of the manipulator is suspended in a special frame that simulates the UAV free movement. Based on the analysis, a list of new problems arising in the physical interaction of UAVs with objects through an embedded manipulator is formulated. The above said tasks and requirements allow defining the UAV hardware and software parameters necessary for manipulating and transporting ground objects, as well as interacting with ground-based service robotic platforms and other collaborative robots.
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Makarenkova N. A. Controlling the kinetic moment of the solar sail by changing of the reflectivity of its surface. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 98 In the article, the management of a solar sail, which uses the pressure of sunlight to move, is considered. It is a promising spacecraft, since it does not require the consumption of rocket fuel. This is especially important in the case of long missions. To achieve the required orbits, it is necessary to periodically change the orientation of the sail according to the specified program. Therefore, the problem of controlling the spatial rotation of the solar sail without the expense of the working fluid is especially important and relevant. The solar sail, represented in the form of a thin rotating mirror film attached to a cylindrical rigid insert, is considered. The flywheel is introduced to compensate the kinetic moment of the system “rigid ins ert – film”. In this case, the reorientation of the spacecraft is possible due to a change in the angle between the vectors of the kinetic moments of the structural elements. The solar sail will rotate about an axis that coincides with the sum of these vectors. In this case, the design in which the kinetic moments of the flywheel and the system “rigid insert – film” are equal in absolute val ue, is most preferable. In this case, any desired turn can be reported to the solar sail for an arbitrarily small change in the angle between the vectors of the kinetic moments of the elements of the structure, and therefore for arbitrarily small energy expenditure. In this case, the instrument compartment can occupy a fixed spatial position after reorientation. The imbalance of the vectors of the flywheel kinetic moments and the “rigid insert–film” system will inevitably arise during the long-term operation of the solar sail in orbit. This will lead to unwanted rotation of the instrument compartment. It is proposed to use a change in the reflectivity of the film as an external control action. The algorithm for controlling the solar sail, which allows it to be reoriented to the required angle, has been developed. It is established that in comparison with the spatial rotation only due to the forces of sunlight pressure, the control time has decreased more than twice, and the energy consumption has decreased by 4.5 times. The algorithm that allows to eliminate the imbalance of the vectors of the kinetic moments of the “rigid insert–film” system and the flywheel, is also developed. | ||||||||
Rybnikov S. I., Nguyen T. S. Improving the accuracy of lateral movement control of the medium-haul aircraft using the Kalman observer of alternating wind disturbance. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 98 Currently, many accidents are associated with bad weather. This is because the aircraft and crew control system does not accurately predict the impact of external factors of a complex meteorological conditions on the flight process. Therefore, the requirement to develop a system for an accurate assessment of the environmental impact on an airplane is very important. Factors of meteorological conditions include: wind, humidity, air density, temperature. Synthesis of the automatic lateral movement control system in the mode of turn in unfavorable weather conditions (presence of a side wind) is a complex task. This work considers the development of a system for assessing the influence of the side wind on the movement of the aircraft.
The purpose of this article is to improve the quality of the lateral movement control process of the medium-haul airplane by minimizing the static error of deviation from the specified track with the introduction of the signal f or estimating the angle of the side wind and the slip angle in the control law. The input signals (angle of the course, roll, angular velocities) are measured by the BINS.
To obtain an estimate of the slip angle, the angle of the side wind and the drift angle from the given path, a Kalman filter is used, constructed using a linear stationary mathematical model of lateral motion of the aircraft [1]. As a result of the work, Kalman’s discrete filter was created, which allows to provide accuracy of obtaining estimates of the angle of slip, wind angle and angle of drift, which are subsequently introduced into the control law.
The simulation results confirmed the hypothesized hypothesis that the introduction of additional estimated parameters for the motion of the medium-haul aircraft improved the characteristics of transients when working off the deviation from a given track line in the presence of a side wind. In particular, when one-sided and two-sided gusts are acting at a speed of up to 10 m / s, the error of position of the plane concerning the set trajectory of system compensation of indignation decreases approximately by 3 times. In this case, the smaller the step of the discrete Kalman Filter, the more accurate the perturbation estimate it performs.
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Nguyen Viet H. N., Ha M. T. Formalization of the problem of optimal target information distribution from spacecraft to ground data processing stations. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 98 Targeted operation of a space system includes a management of the targeted application of satellites, receiving information, processing and transmission to consumers.
At the same time, the question of the rational distribution of information obtained in an inhomogeneous ground infrastructure, places of its storage and further processing requires a more detailed study.
The solution to this problem should ensure, on the one hand, the maximum value of the information, and on the other, its economic attractiveness to the consumer.
The paper proposes a formalization of the problem of optimal distribution of the targeted information fr om satellites to ground data processing stations (GDPSs) and the methodical approach to its solution, which focuses on the creation of specialized software.
We assumed that the distribution destination information from the spacecraft to the ground data processing stations proceeds sequentially. The mathematical formulation of the problem includes models of physical resources; a query model; model assignment request; constraint model; model of residual available resources; model initial data; problem statement. At the same time, the task can be substantially simplified by conventionally dividing it into two subtasks.
Task 1 consists in constructing the optimal route for the passage of an application through ground stations with known intermediate stations for storing / reading information. The initial station can be a GDPS, wh ere the primary information is stored; a GDPS, which stores the intermediate results of processing previous applications that meet the requirements of the current processed. The end of the route is the consumer.
Task 2 involves determining the optimal allocation of the stored information with the statistics of the applications and their geographic information binding.
This task can also be considered as an optimization, for which:
For a small number of nodes and user requests, the optimal distribution problem can be solved by an enumeration method. Otherwise, one of the following methods can be used: the method of linear convolution of criteria, the Pareto method and its modifications, the method of successive concessions and limitations, the confident judgment method.
The conditions for the applicability of the proposed approach can be divided into several groups: the conditions for applying a methodical approach to solving the posed problem, the conditions for the adequacy of mathematical models of objects and processes, the conditions for the applicability of the initial data | ||||||||
Solovjeva I. A., Solovjev D. S., Litovka Y. V., Korobova I. L. Modification of analytic hierarchy process to enhance decisions made objectivity. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 98 Units and components of aviation technology are subjected to corrosion processes while in service. Galvanic coatings are employed to repair parts, damaged by corrosion, and improve their protective and decorative characteristics.
The problems emerging while preparing electroplating industries relate to the class of weakly structured and multi-criteria problems, in a number of cases not subjected to formalization whatsoever. Thus, the solution of these problems can be obtained employing the intuition, experience and knowledge of the person making the decision. To solve these problems, decision support systems based on user and computer dialogue using artificial neural networks, production fuzzy models of knowledge and genetic algorithms are already being employed. In its turn, there are no works aimed at finding solutions to the emerging problems using methods of decision theory. The authors give preference to the analytic hierarchy process for solving the problems under consideration due to its universality. However, this method is not devoid of subjectivity in evaluating the alternatives in question when choosing a solution. The authors suggest a modification of the traditional analytic hierarchy process, which is aimed at reducing the share of experts participation in the decision making process. It is assumed, that some of the criteria by which alternatives are evaluated are given numerically. The authors suggest evaluate alternatives by such criteria as the ratio of their values, which allows get rid of the 9-point scale. When calculating weight factors, a function is introduced that returns 1 or —1, depending on the criterion minimization or maximization, to match the best alternative of the considered criterion to the maximum weighting factor. In this case, the calculations of the consistency index and the consistency relation become unnecessary. These innovations make allow exclude an expert when assessing a significant amount of quantitative data and, consequently, avoid variants of the estimates mismatch. This, in turn, makes the decision-making process more objective and fast. The effectiveness of the proposed modification of the analytic hierarchy process is compared by the example of decision-making on the selection of coating metal taking into account physical, mechanical, economic, environmental and technological factors. For the example under consideration, the expert was excluded from 180 comparisons. | ||||||||
Stetsenko N. S., Khokhlov A. V. Identification of Rabotnov nonlinear constitutive relationship on the data of polyethylene and polypropylene creep tests. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 103 The paper presents calibration technique for the Rabotnov nonlinear (quasi-linear) constitutive equation is developed using a set of creep curves of the material under uni-axial loading. The constitutive equation describes rheonomic materials behavior and generalizes the linear integral relationship of viscoelasticity with an arbitrary creep function by introducing the second material function. We propose to construct isochronous creep curves by the test data, approximate them by a number of special families of functions depending on 4-7 parameters and sel ect the most suitable family (the one yielding the smallest value of the relative quadratic deviation from the experimental points). As a rule, such families of functions could be chosen, which permit the analytic inversion of the constitutive equation, which enable not to resort to an approximate treatment procedure and reduce the identification error. Next, a “basic” isochronous curve should be selected (its selection is related to the choice of the characteristic time scale for the test under study). A nonlinearity function is being found fr om it. Then, with account for the specific features of the experimental data, the type of the creep function approximation is selected, and its parameters are found (using the nonlinearity function obtained before). The advantages of the identification technique were considered compared to the conventional one. In particular, the procedure for quantitative estimation of the similarity condition fulfillment for experimental isochronous creep curves (the necessary condition for the relation applicability) was proposed.
The identification procedure was applied to polyethylene and polypropylene creep tests. High-density polyethylene is widely used for manufacturing of water and gas supply pipes and other products. Thus, the study of their mechanical characteristics and their behavior modeling is of great interest. Verification of the obtained material functions was performed using the creep curves, that were not used for the identification procedure, stress-strain curves with constant rate and multi-step creep tests. It was shown, that the technique developed herein describes the experimental data well.
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Ovdienko M. A. Development of a calculation model for planing seaplane equipped with automatically operated interceptors. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 103 The presented work is dedicated to the development of high-speed vessels equipped with automatically controlled hydrodynamic interceptors to improve their hydrodynamic characteristics and seaworthiness.
The hydrodynamic interceptor is a small plate, being mounted transversely to the flow, near the aft cut or planing step of the gliding vessel. Due to the flow deceleration afore them, the area of increased pressure formed created, which leads to the total lift force increase and the displacement of its application point towards the interceptor. Thus, the interceptor can operate as a hydrodynamic mechanization to control the trim and roll angles. The interceptor minimal effort is required to move the due to the orthogonal position of the plates’ direction extension and the forces acting on it. It allows developing high-frequency control systems based on interceptors.
The author proposes to install controlled hydrodynamic interceptors on stern of seaplane forebody hull. It is possible to achieve optimum trim angles, which ensure minimum resistance, by controlling interceptors. It is also possible to fend off the oscillations and overloads acting on the seaplane during the planing on waves by controlling interceptors in the automatic mode. To verify this proposal, a mathematical model of the seaplane planing in conditions of smooth water, as well as regular and irregular waves was developed. The mathematical model is based on the plane cross sections method and accounts for the presence of hydrodynamic interceptors. Besides, this model allows simulating the operation of an aerodynamic pitch-rate damper, which is used as an elevator.
Computations were performed for a seaplane with a take-off mass of 37 tons, the of forebody width near the stern of 2.1 m, and a take-off speed of 52 m/s. Computations of planing on calm water confirmed the assumption on the possibility of the effective trim angle control, and thus ensure a minimum drag force. It was found that uncontrolled interceptor could lead to self-oscillations, but the automatic control system introduction completely eliminated the possible instability. Thus, the automatically controlled hydrodynamic interceptors can be considered as a tool of the seaplane steady planing boundaries expansion.
The seaplane planing dynamics in conditions of regular waves were simulated at the wavelength of 50 m and a wave height of 0.8 m. The computation results revealed that the hydrodynamic interceptors control system allowed reducing by several times the amplitude of the seaplane oscillations in the trim angle and in the vertical plane. Automatically controlled interceptors are most effective while joint operation with aerodynamic pitch dampener.
The performed studies confirmed the assumption put forward. Automatically controlled hydrodynamic interceptors application can be recommended for hydrodynamic and seaworthiness characteristics enhancing of the conventional and prospective seaplanes. | ||||||||
Sorokin F. D., Zhang H. ., Popov V. V., Ivannikov V. V. Roller-bearing energy model experimental verification for aircraft engines supporting nodes modeling. Part 1. Roller-bearing loading by radial force and lateral moment on the special test bench, preventing the rings bending. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 103 A wide range of scientific contributions discloses various aspects of roller-bearings parts behavior and interaction [1-15]. De Mul [9] developed relatively simple but at the same time quite efficient model where each rolling element was discretized with a set of thin slices and the nonlinear static equations were constructed afterwards. The paper [10] significantly advances the de Mul’s ideas. It revealed that the use of energy conservation approach instead of equilibrium equations derivation was much more convenient. Once the deformation energy of the roller is constructed, the forces acting onto the rolling element (along with the corresponding tangent operators) are easily restored from the potential as the first order (or the second order for the tangent operators case) derivatives.
To verify the energy model of the roller bearing, a full-scale experiment was performed on the universal Zwick/Roell Z100 test machine. Roller bearing of the 12309KM type, fixed in a special device that secured the outer ring, was loaded by a radial force and bend moment through a rigid bar. Deformations of the parts, used for the bearing fastening and loading, were preliminary estimated by calculation using the FEM. The experimental data was processed by the of least squares method to approximate it by analytical relationships. Comparison of the experimental data with the numerical results obtained from the previously developed energy model revealed their good agreement. From the study, we can conclude that the energy model of the roller-bearing is rather accurate. | ||||||||
Firsanov V. V., Doan Q. H. The study of the stress-strain state of symmetrical rectangular plates of arbitrary geometry based on the refined theory. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 103 The article presents a refined theory of the stress-strain state calculating of rectangular plates symmetric in respect to the plane and arbitrary geometry in the longitudinal direction. Equations of the plate state are described by the relationships in the three-dimensional theory of elasticity. The required displacements of the plate are decomposed into two polynomials in a coordinate, normal to the plate surface, two degrees higher than that in the classical theory of the Kirghoff-Love type.
The system of basic equations of the refined theory and the corresponding boundary conditions were obtained by the variation Lagrange principle.
One of the distinguishing features of the proposed refined theory consists in employing direct integration of the equilibrium equations of the three-dimensional elasticity theory to determine the transverse normal and tangential stresses.
For isotropic rectangular plate of various thicknesses, a system of differential equations of equilibrium displacements with various coefficients, containing additional terms, accounting for the effect of a thickness change on the stress-strain state of the plate was obtained by the Levy method.
To solve this boundary value problem, the finite different method was employed. An example of the stress state computing of a rectangular plate with a thickness varying according to linear and parabolic laws was investigated. A comparison between the results obtained by the refined and classical theories was performed. It was established, that when studying the stress state in the zones of its distortion (joints, local stress zones, etc.), a refined theory should be used, since the additional corresponding stresses were of the same order as the values of the ground stress state.
In this article, the basic equations of the refined theory for the plate were obtained using the Lagrange variation principle and expansion of the desired displacements in thickness. This technique allows account for both the thin plates, and the plates with average thickness. As an example, the calculation of stress-strain state for a rectangular isotropic plate with variable thickness under the action of a distributed load is considered. The comparison of the strain-stress state of the plate computing according to the refined and classic theories is presented. | ||||||||
Zotov A. A., Kolpakov A. M., Volkov A. V. Algorithm for constructing a 3D model of a three-layer rotation shell with cone-shaped cells of the filler and variable shape forming. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 103 Assigned the task of designing and manufacturing three – layer rotation shells with filler from conical cells and variable forming. The long-term operating experience of various technical objects made with the use of three-layer bags has shown their high efficiency due to the fact that, with low weight, they have high specific strength and rigidity. Their disadvantages include: low impact strength, complexity with the removal of condensate, low shear strength, the complexity of manufacturing. Traditional techniques for combining filler with bearing layers in the form of gluing or spot welding have low reliability, it is difficult to control the quality of joints. New technologies for manufacturing these structures from high-strength reinforced composite materials (glass, carbon plastic) and wide possibilities for optimizing their geometrical parameters make it possible to achieve higher strength characteristics of the aggregate for transverse compression, longitudinal shear and bending. Nevertheless, the problems of condensate removal, reducing the complexity of manufacturing, ensuring the reliability of the connection of the aggregate with the support layers, as well as the complexity of the construction of structures with variable geometric configuration make us look for new solutions.
This one shows the possibilities of using three-layer structures with a filler in the form of staggered cone-shaped cells made using 3D printing, which, in our opinion, largely avoid the above disadvantages.
The proposed regular structure and form of the elements of the aggregate makes it possible to carry out in one operation the construction of a complex configuration, providing ways to remove condensate, reliability of connection with the outer layers, having high thermal and sound insulating properties. A mathematical model has been developed and a demonstration model manufacturing algorithm has been implemented. CAD – model built according to the results of the calculation of the parameters of the shell and its placeholder.
Samples are made by FDM-technology. The presented designs are offered for use in aviation, aerospace, automobile, engineering, as well as in the production of refrigeration and cryogenic devices. | ||||||||
Amir'yants G. A., Malyutin V. A. On experimental determination of aircraft structures stiffness characteristics. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 103 The competitive air materiel development is impossible without permanent improvement of methods for the aircraft stiffness characteristics studies, as well as their elastically similar and “rigid” aerodynamic models. The goal of the work consists in increasing the efficiency, informativity and precision of the stiffness characteristics study.
The article presents the results of studies aimed at improving the system of the stiffness characteristics experimental determination of full-scaled air materiel objects and their aeroelastic models. It presents a brief description of some basic elements of the system, in particular, the robotic test bench for determining stiffness characteristics, multi-channel data acquisition system, and automated loading system.
The results of experimental studies using the above said technical means are presented. For example, using the automated loading system and data acquisition system, the stiffness of fastening elements of the aerodynamic model in the wind tunnel working section was determined. The measured stiffness parameters were used in the computational scheme of the model in the ARGON software package, on which basis the aerodynamic loads were computed. The robotic test bench application for stiffness characteristics determination while determining the beam stiffness characteristics, and influence coefficients matrix allowed quickly and efficiently performing the stiffness tests of the elastically scaled model frame.
Some examples of ARAMIS stereophotogrammetrical system application for measuring spatial movements are presented. The abilities of this system are illustrated by its application in the international AFLoNext project of the Seventh Framework European programme. Quickly obtained data helped to compose a quantitative representation of the mutual movements of the engine nacelle, pylon and wing compartment. Another example of the ARAMIS application system is the of displacements measurement of the high aspect ratio wing in the wind tunnel flow.
The developed and improved system is one of the main elements of a multidisciplinary approach to the design of advanced air materiel, safe in terms of aeroelasticity and strength, and perfect in weight efficiency, aerodynamic and tactical-technical characteristics. | ||||||||
Azarov Y. A., Garifullin M. F., Chernovolov R. A. Evaluation of dynamic-scale models loading while buffeting study. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 103 The presented work considers the specifics of the selection procedure of loads, acting on the dynamic-scale model (DSM), while testing in wind tunnels (WT) at various Mach and Reynolds numbers.
The article presents the procedure of aerodynamic loads refining, acting on DSM, based on “rigid” aerodynamic models’ WT testing. Based on dynamic pressure measurements in certain points of the rigid model, distributed aerodynamic loads for cross sections, normal to the DSM wing stiffness axis, can be determined. The information on linear and rotational forces, acting on cross sections is employed while the DSM design, ensuring the structural strength with the required safety coefficient.
Recommendations for computing distributed loads acting on the DSM and determining safety margins (the safety factor required for the testings equals to four) which fulfillment is necessary while th model design and fabrication, are given.
The stages which execution will allow perform the studies in WT are listed. The goals, objectives, features, problems and advantages of the DSM studies at natural Re numbers are formulated. The DSM design and manufacture specifics using various structural-power circuits made from modern materials and using modern technologies are demonstrated.
Some problems of ensuring the required Re numbers in studies of the phenomena of unsteady aeroelasticity in WT are considered. The difference between conducting an experiment with rigid aerodynamic models and DSM, as well as with full models and semi-models is shown. | ||||||||
Belyavskiy A. E., Sorokin A. E., Strogonova L. ., Shangin I. A. Heat accumulating processes selection for spacecraft thermal conditions ensuring systems. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 103 In some cases, it is possible to employ the reversible processes, accompanied by endothermic effects in phase or chemical transformations of working bodies, for heat absorption, released from the energy sources onboard the spacecraft.
With the cyclic energy sources long-term operation, the most effective trend is application of such reversible endothermic melting processes, which are accompanied by the heat absorption at the interface between the liquid and solid phases of the working substance.
The article considers the issues of heat accumulators’ application in the thermal conditions ensuring systems (TCES) to ensure a spacecraft rational thermal state, including habitable bays. It is necessary for the crew medico-technical life support, and the spacecraft TCES weight reduction while the radiator-emitter design on average integral rather than maximum thermal loading when the heat accumulator introduction into the system.
The given dependences of volume and heat-mass characteristics of different processes and concepts of heat storage allow evaluate them from the viewpoint of the efficiency of the heat accumulator application in the spacecraft. It is shown, that the most effective and rational in the thermal respect are the phase-transition melting-solidification processes, thermochemical reactions and sorption reactions.
The successful solution of the space exploration problems requires improvement of the conventional and development of new ways and means of absorbing and diverting the energy dissipated by the equipment. These include the heat storage materials and devices on their basis, absorbing the energy dissipated by consumers in cyclic switching modes
The article deals with the characteristics of heat storage devices and processes occurring while changing the aggregate state of working bodies, namely, the phase transition materials with the required temperature of solid-to-liquid transition and back, their difference from traditional systems. The choice of the type of phase-transition processes from the viewpoint of their prospects for application in the spacecraft the system for thermal regime is justified.
A new trend of the thermal accumulators improvement is indicated, namely, application of composite form-stable phase-transition heat-accumulating materials that retain their shape during the working fluid transition from the solid state to the liquid state and back. This type of heat accumulators do not require sealing of the volume of phase-transition heat-accumulating materials, but it is necessary to ensure reliable mechanical and thermal connection with the structure on which the energy sources are installed.
The required thermal conditions provision of the onboard equipment is a complex and important problem of creating effective thermal control systems. Largely, this is facilitated by the development of heat storage systems for application in complex thermal control systems for further development of the heat storage devices such as heat accumulators. | ||||||||
Erkov A. P., Dudchenko A. A. On the issue of variable stiffness plates stability. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 103 The article considers the problem of stability of the three types of variable stiffness plates: with the thickness stepped changing, thickness continuous linear changing, and with thickness combined changing (with the areas of both constant and continuously variable thickness). The plates are loaded with a compressive force, uniformly distributed over the two opposite edges. The force is applied in the median plane of plates. The boundary conditions are as follows: hinged joints over all four sides of the plate. Plates from isotropic materials and from laminated composites were considered. Three types of plates from isotropic material, and the plate from laminated composite with the stepped thickness changing were considered.
To study the stability of plates of variable stiffness the Ritz method was used. Analytical calculations were performed with the Maple math package. It was assumed that before plates were buckled, the stresses were in the elastic zone and were not exposed to destruction.
The results of analytical calculations were compared with the results obtained by the finite element method (MSC.Nastran / MSC.Patran). For each type of plate, three geometry options were calculated, and for the plate made of laminated composite material, three options for layups were considered additionally. In the case of an isotropic material, the maximum error compared with the results obtained in MSC.Nastran / MSC.Patran was not more than 7%. In the case of laminated composite plate, the error was not more than 9%.
In general, the accuracy of the applied method depends on two main factors:
The results of the work can be employed in the design of thin-walled structures, namely, to evaluate the stability of the thin-walled plates in areas of varying thickness. | ||||||||
Bezuevskii A. V., Ishmuratov F. Z. Aero-strength studies of a large aspect ratio strut-braced wing. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 103 It is believed in many works that by now the aircraft classical scheme is almost brought to perfection, and the probability of new significant breakthroughs is minimal. However, today many other classes of the structures, inferior to the classical scheme by a number of parameters, have significantly larger range of possible basic and parametric improvements. One of these classes of structures is the aircraft with a large aspect ratio wing of a closed structure employing different struts options. The article provides an overview of publications on the study of of such constructions application. In particular, the authors consider the works with different variants of strut-braced wings, as well as the impact of the strut parameters on the aeroelasticity characteristics.
The effect of the strut on the aeroelasticity characteristics and weight efficiency for an aircraft with a large aspect ratio wing was studied. According to the parametric calculations results, the six flight cases of loading with positive and negative overload were found, which determined the strength of the wing. By the terms of strength, the wing box construction parameters for the aircraft without strut and with strut were determined in these calculated cases. The analysis of the obtained structures revealed that the wing box mass of the strut-braced wing is 11% less.
The comparative computational studies of the aeroelasticity characteristics of the obtained structures were performed. It is shown that the velocity head of the determining form of the flutter and the aileron reverse in roll control is 8% — 10% higher for the case of a wing with a strut.
Parametric studies of this model were performed. The optimal position of the strut on the wing chord is the trailing edge of the wing box. This allows win up to 2% of the wing box weight, and increase slightly the efficiency of the aileron and critical speed of the flutter. The wing kink is the most successful position of the strut in terms of the wingspan for this computational model. Also, it is worth noting note that the base stiffness of the strut 2 times increase would be optimal for this model. In this case, the structural weight of the wing box can be further reduced by 6%, and the aileron efficiency and the critical speed of the flutter slightly increased.
This approach application allowed reducing the model wing box weight by 17% without the aeroelasticity characteristics deterioration. | ||||||||
Kizeev I. S., Kozhemyako P. G., Ezrokhi Y. A. Computational and experimental study of air bleeding from the compressor intermediate stage effect on its characteristics. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 103 Recently in connection with the studies of three-stream schemes of adaptive cycle engines the fan with air bleeding is considered as a basic part of three-stream adaptive engines. The values of such bleedings herewith can reach 15-20 % and more. Under such conditions, this pressuring element representation as a set of two compressor stages (the first – from the inlet to the bleeding point, the second – from the bleeding point to the outlet), with their own characteristics independent from the bleeding value, may lead to significant errors in determining integral characteristics of a power plant with a three-stream engine. In this connection, the problem of adequate characteristics setting of such adaptive fan acquires considerable importance.
The article presents the results of a compressors characteristics behavior changing estimation as a result of the air bleeding from an intermediate stage. Physical bases of the air bleeding effect on vane machines characteristics are presented as well.
Two compressors with different numbers of stages are considered: the three-stage compressor with air bleeding of 0 to 15% from behind the first or second stage (relative to the air consumption at the compressor inlet), and the six-stage with compressor with air bleeding of 0 to 10% from behind the third stage.
The obtained results of numerical computation and experimental data revealed that the additional air bleeding at maximum frequencies did not lead to the pressure line shift of a group of stages to the bleeding point. However, the pressure lines of the stages beyond the bleeding point were being shifted to the right and downward with the increase in the bleed air. At the lower rotation frequencies, the additional air bleeding did not lead to the pressure line shift for the first group, but it led to the significant shift of the pressure line to the right and upward for the second group.
This stratification of the pressure lines of the second group, following the bleeding point, can be explained as follows. While tapping a part of propellant from the multistage compressor airflow duct the operating point shifts right and downward (or downward in case of vertical branch) on the pressure line of the characteristic of the first group of stages by the lower values of pressure ratio, ensuring lower temperature levels of the air fed to the inlet of the second group of stages. This leads to the operating point shift on characteristic of the second group towards the larger reduced values of air consumption. Besides, the impact of non-uniform field of parameters at the inlet of this group of stages, appeared due to the air bleeding at the peripheral area of the blades, leads to the operating point shift in the same direction. | ||||||||
Baklanov A. V., Makarova G. F., Vasil'ev A. A., Nuzhdin A. A. The flame tube head perforated cowl impact on the main characteristics of the gas turbine engine combustion chamber. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 103 The combustion chamber main parameters are the pressure losses, the unevenness of the temperature field in the outlet, and ecological characteristics. While the combustion chamber refinement for specific parameters it is rational to introduce changes in the design, and impact thereby the processes occurred in it. Very often, to reduce the flame tube resistance the designers resort to installing the perforated cowl, which reduces the frontal impact and distributes the air to the outer and inner cavities between the hull and the flame tube, ensuring minimal pressure losses. The presented article considers the impact of the flame tube head perforated cowl installation on the changes of the indicated parameters. The design of the perforated cowl is considered and the apertures number and diameter as well as the cowl fillet radius are listed. The structure of the test bench installation, with which the combustion chamber section was tested, as well as regimes at which these tests were performed, are presented. The results were obtained for the section with the cowl and without it. The analysis was performed, which results allowed drawing inferences on the necessity of the flame tube head header cowl in the full-scale combustion chamber. The results of the experiments revealed also that the flame tube head header cowl installing did not deteriorate the hydraulic losses in the combustion chamber, but appeared to be highly effective in terms of temperature reduction in the flow core at the section outlet.
The cowl installation leads to the air redistribution in such a way that its consumption in the burning area increases and leads to the temperature reduction in the flow core. The temperature reduction in the burning zone was obligatory affected the nitrogen oxides (NOx) reduction. The cowl did not affect the combustion efficiency, and the carbon oxides concentration in the combustion products increased herewith. | ||||||||
Gimavied A. G., Bukin V. A., Gareev A. M., Greshnyakov P. I., Kutuev S. S. Turboprop rotation frequency stabilization while its testing together with water brake. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 103 While a turboprop design and operation a necessity occurs to determine their developed power and compressor gas-dynamic stability margin. Depending on the engine power water brake, electric and other installations are employed. However, water brake which shaft was connected to the turbo-compressor shaft through the clutch, was traditionally employed for the powerful engines. Disturbances from the water brake side in the form of water pressure (consumption) oscillations often occur while the engine testing. These disturbances lead to its rotor rotation frequency oscillations, which do not allow accurate determining the engine power or the compressor stability margin. The available information on stability provision of the engine rotation frequency while its testing on hydraulic braking installation, is insufficient. The article presents results of theoretical and experimental studies of speed oscillations of the turboprop engine rotor connected with the water brake. It is shown that in the engine-water brake system, the torque oscillations are excited by the frequencies:
– rotary frequency of 140 Hz;
– resonance of the water brake frame with the engine of 14.5...15.5 Hz;
– fluctuations of water in the water brake supply pipes of 3...5 Hz; – the processes in the water brake rotating disk cavities and the of the test bench hydro mechanical engine speed regulator functioning of 0.15 ... 0.30 Hz.
Oscillations of the engine rotor speed occur in the low frequency range of 0.15...0.30 Hz due to its inertia. From all measures of the engine rotor speed stabilization, the best result was achieved by employing hydraulic dampers for pressure fluctuations at the inlets of water brake throttle valves. It ensured the amplitude of the engine rotor rotation frequency oscillations at 15...25 rpm at maximum mode, and the joint point of operation of the engine with water brakes. However, when determining the compressor gas-dynamic stability margin, an oscillatory process is observed, slightly exceeding the permissible amplitude values. Further turboprop engine rotor speed stabilization at this water brake installation, at which the compressor gas-dynamic stability margin determining is possible, can be performed by improving its test bench system for engine speed automatic regulation. | ||||||||
Barkova M. E. The satellite for utilization of space debris in near-earth space. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 103 The main problem of article is creation of the spacecraft project for space debris utilization.
The purpose of the presented work consists in developing the concept and design of spacecraft, which will allow space debris reprocessing into fuel.
The relevance of this work consists in the near-earth space clarification from space debris by their reprocessing into fuel.
The main shortcomings of the existing projects of technical devices are large space debris crushing that leads to the smaller fragments formation.
The article suggests employing the concept of pseudo-liquid fuel creation. Pseudo-liquid fuel is the fuel obtained from the fine metallized powder in the gas environment. The spacecraft consists of a trap for space debris gathering, and a system for its utilization by which the space debris are reprocessed into the pseudo-liquid fuel.
The obtained results can be applied while the spacecraft design and operation.
The author comes to a conclusion, that the space debris reprocessing into the pseudo-liquid fuel is the most expedient, since this type of space debris utilization is waste-free.
The author’s unconditional merit is creation of the invention named “The spacecraft for the space debris utilization”, as well as the spacecraft operation design.
The prospect of further developments in this area consists in upgrading the system for the space debris recycling to reduce costs for the project, the spacecraft anti-shock body and its fan-shaped solar collector refining to avoid damaging while space debris collecting and the spacecraft project improvement for future realization. | ||||||||
Larina E. V., Tsipenko A. V., Afanas’ev A. A., Kryukov I. A. Turbulent 3D simulation code application to the pressure “hysteresis” analysis in the gas ejector vacuum chamber. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 103 While studying operation of the supersonic gas ejector as a vacuum pump, special attention was paid to the so-called “hysteresis” observed in the dependence of the pressure in the vacuum chamber on the working gas pressure. The “hysteresis curve” occurs during the ejector start-stop, and oscillatory flow mode, undesirable at the unit operation, is observed herewith. In this regard, a series of numerical experiments on the oscillatory flow mode modelling was performed, and experimental data on the gas ejector operation was analyzed.
The simulation presented in the article was being performed employing the scheme of the increased order of accuracy and a three-parameter k-ε-μt turbulence model. Simulation of the flow with the uniform shear was performed in the simplified and 3D formulation. Collating with the other models was made.
Simulation of a plane submerged jet in the boundary layer approximation was made. A good agreement with experimental data on the averaged flow velocity was obtained.
A simulation of the supersonic overexpanded jet in a three-dimensional formulation was performed. The Pitot pressure at the jet axis was collated with the experiment and other models. The qualitative conformity with the experiment was obtained.
The numerical simulation using the k-ε-μt turbulence model dempnstrated that the “hysteresis” at the ejector start-stop is associated with a non-stationary parameter changes during the ejector start-stop. Thus, the ejector channel and the vacuum chamber parameters will be determined unambiguously under the steady-state boundary conditions. However, when real-life installations operation, the time required to reach the optimum mode at the smooth pressure increase is noticeably longer, than with a first sharp coming to overestimated parameters and then a small smooth throttling of the working gas pressure. The hysteresis loop reflects just this process.
The transient mode with low-frequency pulsations is necessary for the turbulence model verification. These mode predictions are important for the ejector optimal operation. Thus, a 1D self-excited oscillation model should be developed in future.
The work was financially supported by the RFBR grant No. 16-38-60185. | ||||||||
Us N. A., Avershin A. A. Mathematical model of the mono-bloсk ring gyroscope optical scheme Mathematical model of the optical scheme of the ring monoblock gyroscope. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 103 Creation of NINS is one of the priority trends of domestic and foreign instrument making. High requirements for accuracy, availability, continuity and functioning reliability at various operating modes of mobile objects are specified to them. Ensuring implementation of these requirements at the present stage of development of technology is possible through application of laser gyroscopes as sensitive elements of inertial navigation. The presented research considers the new segment of laser gyroscopes – a ring monoblock gyroscope with the semiconductor laser diode (RMG with SLD) incorporating the advantages of the known gas ring laser gyroscopes (RLG) and fiber-optical gyroscopes (FOG). Applications of the new sensor of angular speeds like RMG with SLD as the NINS sensitive element allows simplify the design, adjustment and production technology, as well as vary precision parameters of the object modifications due to the mono-block geometry scaling and controlling the radiation mode of the laser diode. All this makes the task of analysis of the structure and processes, occurring in RMG optical scheme with SLD, with intent for further reliability enhancement of the navigation system output characteristics. The article presents and studies mathematical models of the basic structural and technological RMG solution and a model with increased quality factor, differing by the inclusion of optical resonators with high quality factors of a Fabri-Perot type. Mathematical models were realized using vector-matrix apparatus, which base is the ABCD matrix law. The algorithm for quality factor computing of the RMG optical scheme with open optical channels was developed.
The modeling results of the triangular optical scheme of two structural and technological solutions for optical channels lengths of 50, 100, 150 and 200 mm were analyzed, and rational RMG design options were systematized. | ||||||||
Surovtsev P. Y., Suslin A. S. Correlation-difference algorithm for aerial objects detection observed against non-uniform sky background. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 103 The aircraft optoelectronic target detection systems employ algorithms based on brightness analysis. The target detection criterion is the of brightness threshold surpassing But there is a problem of false alarm caused by these algorithms due to the complex (e.g. cloudy sky) background.
This problem is solved applying the algorithms based on the frame subtracting called the difference algorithms. The criterion of target detection in this algorithm is the difference image with a non-zero signal. The difference algorithm can not be implemented in aircraft optoelectronic system without modification.
Thus, the goal of this work consists in developing an improved difference algorithm for the airborne optoelectronic system. The article proposes a correlation-difference detection algorithm. This algorithm allows apply difference algorithm for such airborne optoelectronic systems as FLIR.
The algorithm consists of two parts:
In this work a semi-natural simulation of an airborne electro-optical target detection system against a complex background was performed. For the simulation FLIR with 50 Hz work frequency and 90 degrees field of view was used.
Thus, the algorithm allowed detect the target against the cloudy background and with displacement of the line of sight between the two frames in elevation of 45″ and azimuth of 31″.
In summary:
– The semi-natural simulation experiment revealed that the proposed correlation-difference algorithm can detect a target against cloudy background without false alarm;
– The proposed algorithm can be applied for optoelectronic system jitter compensation caused by vibrations of moving / stationary vehicle. | ||||||||
Kolesnikov S. Y., Skornyakova N. M. Comparing various types of tracers in particle imaging velocimetry method. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 103 The presented work is devoted to studying measurements dependence, obtained by the particle imaging velocimetry (PIV) on the type of the employed tracers. The PIV is used for velocity measuring in the selected stream 2D section or its 3D volume while hydro- or aerodynamic experiments.
The accuracy of the flow parameters determining depends on the reflective particles, serving as speed determining markers. Their images represent the reference points for particles migration computing. Certain requirements are imposed on markers: they should be rather large so that they could be distinguished on the image, and, at the same time, they should be small enough and light to follow a stream accurately.
Several types of the tracer particles are employed in PIV experiments. The experiment was performed with applying three types of tracers: polyamide particles, hollow glass spheres and aluminum particles. The stream under study was created by the laboratory chemical mixer rotation in a water volume to which the observing markers were added. The whirlwinds fields of speeds in liquid for a nozzle of the «cross» mixer type were built Velocity measurements were performed separately for each tracer type, and fields of displacement vectors were constructed for the same rotation mode of the mixer.
The results of the experiment were analyzed regarding compliance of fields of speeds to the data obtained in similar studies. Results of the work demonstrate that for this class of experiments the best results were obtained with polyamide particles. | ||||||||
Krylov A. A., Korniyuk D. V. Technological approaches to zero offset compensation in MEMS gyroscopes being a part of the inertial measurement unit. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 103 The work describes one of the calibration algorithms for MEMS gyroscopes as part of a small-size IMU, and technological process of calibration data acquisition. The IMU consists of three mutually orthogonal angular velocity sensors and microcontroller. Microcontroller corrects the original data acquired from gyroscopes by compensation functions describing the known systematic errors with computed coefficients. The article declares physical specifics of zero offset origin. Resizing of silicon cells and electronic elements, which process data from capacitive sensors, induced by temperature variation, leads to the change of sensitive elements oscillations, and, as a result, to the deviation of original frequencies. The temperature change has also leads to the vacuum pressure change due getter properties variation. The article presents a method for zero offset dividing into components. The two main components are the initial offset and the temperature drift. The initial offset depends also on the environmental temperature, but it can be compensated by the initial calibration. It is shown that the drift behavior is correlated to the internal temperature rising. The article presents a review of the applicable zero drift compensation methods for micromechanical gyroscopes. Most of these methods do not account for the temperature variation. In this regard, a new algorithm of zero drift approximation is proposed. It contains piecewise linear functions with weights corresponding to temperature rising in segments. As another error, the zero drift has instability and, as a result, can be evaluated by systematic and stochastic components. Using several independent switch-on-switch-off cycles we can accumulate statistics and highlight systematic component by computing the arithmetic mean. The IMU can be calibrated by several temperature points in operating range. The article demonstrates case of algorithm working in random conditions (temperature point). The intermediate points values calculation is also performed in piecewise linear function. For automatiion purposes this method was realized programably with algorithm of automatic calibration points search. The algorithm is based on the drift function smoothing by low-frequency filtering. The filtered signal can be analyzed as a function with a number of the most noticeable inflections. These points can be found as pertaining to the most acute angle. The algorithm allows reducing the zero drift by 5-20 times compared to the values obtained without compensation. Compared to the polynomial approximation of the third and fourth power, the drift value for the piecewise linear approximation appeared to be 2-3 times less. | ||||||||
Matafonov D. E. Developing and Completion of a SpaceWire Router based on a Russian-Made Field Programmable Gate Array. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 103 The growing popularity of small spacecraft and increasing requirements to the onboard control systems performance necessitate consideration of various variants of architectures. Classic bus solutions are approaching their performance limits due to the increasing number of connected modules, as well as introducing the risk to the system functioning in case of a line failure. Transition to a network architecture is proposed as one of the possible solutions to these problems.
The article considers the FPGA as a possible variant for the degree of integration enhancement to mass and size characteristics reduction, as well as productivity increase. Since domestic designs allow application of the Russian-produced components only, it was rather problematic to implement miscellaneous logics in FPGA, before the 5578TC094 chip appeared. Its research prototype was obtained by FSUE MEDB “Mars” in 2017.
The 5-port breadboard model of a SpaceWire router was fabricated to evaluate the functionality of this FPGA and integrated controller parameters. The built-in LVDS transceivers characteristics were measured, and the SpaceWire channel was tested at speeds of 100 Mbps and 150 Mbps. A “byte doubling” effect was discovered and eliminated at 150 Mbps, which is approaching maximum operating frequency of 160 MHz of the FPGA project. The occupied logic capacity estimation revealed that the router could be combined with the other functional parts in one chip. For example, it could be conjugated with the other interfaces or programmable processor core.
The obtained results suggest a possibility of significant productivity enhancing of the onboard control systems by increasing the rate of exchange, as well as reveal the necessity of further studies in the field of fault-tolerance in the conditions of ionizing radiation. | ||||||||
Philatov V. I., Borukaeva A. O., Berdikov P. G. Algorithm for analyzing the consistency of expert estimates of the parameters of the hardware and software complex of the automated workplace. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 103 This article tackles the issue of discordance of opinions of the experts and suggests a technique for the degree of compliance rate estimation. The concept of compliance estimation basis, namely, concord was considered. The algorithm for the experts’ opinions compliance analysis is described. The analysis on experts’ compliance estimation methods selection depending on quantitative and qualitative measuring scales usage, and measure of the degree of compliance was performed. The problem where
The problem in which there are many software and hardware workstations for aircrafts, having the same set of properties and properties in respect of each match quantitative evaluation experts group. The results of evaluations are presented in the form of a matrix. Described mathematical formalism concordance calculation coefficient – consent coefficient. It carries out a check of the algorithm as part of the expert survey, which resulted in peer reviews for all hardware and software complex of automated workplaces characteristics were obtained. These expert evaluations (expert group, consisting of 13 experts in the field of information systems) were tabulated. Using the data obtained was conducted analysis of variance in order study the characteristics of hardware and software of computer workstations. Created schematic block diagram describing the steps of parameters expert estimates the coherence algorithm APM compound hardware and software systems for aircraft. Calculated variance estimate and the concordance index (degree of coherence of software and hardware parameters workstations ratings people). As a result, estimated coefficient of concordance and relevance given the inequality which proves the validity of a good engine algorithms and to assess the consistency of expert APM AIC parameter estimates Connection program for aircraft.
The proposed method in this paper analyzes the consistency of expert opinion for all the characteristics of software and hardware of computer workstations is a hot topic that needs to be considered in the development of hardware and software for unmanned aerial vehicles. | ||||||||
Selvesyuk N. I., Veselov Y. G., Gaydenkov A. V., Ostrovsky A. S. Performance evaluation of objects detection and identification on an image from special optoelectronic systems for airfield observations. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 103 The article considers the problem of determining the dependencies of detection and recognition characteristics of various objects in the airfield sector of observation from the equipment parameters and observation conditions. It describes the methods for determining a priori and posteriori estimates of image quality indicators obtained by optical-electronic observation systems. The article gives scientifically based recommendations on the image spatial-frequency characteristics reduction to the optimum values according to the criteria set by the operator performing visual analysis.
A posteriori assessment is based on the tests including the object of interest of a given class against the background of the underlying surface. The subject of the assessment is the image of the scene (object and background). Observation characteristics of the scene are determined by the evaluation of the geometric and contrasting characteristics of the image of the object of interest, the frame size and the problem solving time. The proposed a posteriori estimation method of the characteristics of observation of objects of interest allows estimate the probability of object detecting on digital images when conducting field tests with a minimum of computational costs and special equipment.
The a priori estimate is based on calculations including parameters of the optical-electronic system, with those obtained using special test equipment among them, as well as the required observation conditions. The article presents and describes in detail the a priori method for estimating the characteristics of observing objects of interest, proposed by the authors. The a priori assessment of the observation characteristics is based on the modulation transfer functions apparatus, as well as the threshold modulation characteristics. It consists in automatically estimating the resolution in the laboratory using experimentally obtained transfer characteristics based on test objects of various configurations. It is shown, that the proposed method provides the possibility of a reliable analytical evaluation of the observation characteristics for arbitrary ranges, sizes and contrasts of the object of interest, fields of view of the optical-electronic system and meteorological conditions.
The prospects for the development of methodological apparatus for determining the characteristics of objects detection and recognition are considered. The main attention is paid to the implementation of algorithm for the search function of the eye transfer function, the corresponding camera transfer function, as well as methods for characteristics assessing of the camera ringing.
Application of the method of reliable a priori evaluation of the observation characteristics reduces the material and time costs of conducting tests of video surveillance systems of airfield objects and is of great practical interest. However, the a priori assessment (and method) requires calibration and verification based on the a posteriori direct field test method.
The presented methodological apparatus can be used for the tasks of remote airfield control services using non-radar technical means of monitoring the situation on the airfield. | ||||||||
Karelin A. V., Skripachev V. O., Tumanov M. V., Zhukov A. O. Small spacecraft onboard scientific equipment configuration forming technique for the Earth radioactive contamination monitoring. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 103 The article presents the technique for small geophysical spacecraft onboard scientific equipment forming for the Earth radioactive contamination monitoring. Monitoring of different hazards, including hydro-meteorological and geophysical phenomena, is possible with traditional space systems of remote Earth sensing. The number of potential sources of radioactive contamination increased with the beginning of industrial application of nuclear energy in developed countries, In the present economic situation in the country, the issue of minimizing costs of new space remote sensing spacecraft constellations creation is at the forefront. However, in view of limitations imposed on the configuration of a spacecraft onboard scientific payload (requirements for energy consumption, weight, size, etc.), the necessary onboard scientific payload implementation on a small spacecraft may present a difficult task. To justify the rational configuration of the onboard scientific payload, it is expedient to employ expert evaluation methods. The most promising methods based on determining physical effects occurring under the action of ionizing radiation have been determined to perform the remote radioactive contamination monitoring. Since the nomenclature of the on-board scientific payload is rather wide, we shall confine ourselves to the following types of instruments: a visible-range spectrometer, an infrared spectrometer, a microwave radiometer, an onboard ionosonde, and a radio frequency analyzer. We use the method of sequential comparisons to determine the utility of the on-board scientific payload. The present study shows the principal possibility of employing the method of successive comparisons to determine rational configuration of a small spacecraft for radioactive contamination monitoring. The developed technique can also be employed while developing the appearance of for various purposes small spacecraft. | ||||||||
Lyalin K. S., Khasanov M. K., Meleshin Y. M., Kuzmin I. A. Spectral method for ACF side lobes suppression for long pseudo-random binary sequences. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 103 Signals with internal modulation are employed in aviation and space remote sensing systems to obtain a high-quality radar image. This approach allows reaching high image resolution preserving the high signal to noise ratio. The main disadvantage of this approach is sufficient growth of side lobe level. This drawback occurs in a radar image as bright strips that spread out of point or group targets along the range axis. This effect degrades sufficiently the ability to sense the image by human eye and automatically process the image. A typical dynamic range of radar targets brightness is 90 dB, wherein the best side lobe level, which has been achieved in this work is −35 dB by using of phase-shift keying signal of base 2000 and with matched range filtering.
One way to suppress side lobes is unmatched or quasi-optimal filtering, in which the core of the matched filter is changed to achieve desired optimum characteristics, with some loss of effective signal energy. In this work, a method for obtaining the coefficients of a quasi-optimal filter is proposed. The filter allows completely suppress the side lobes in the survey band by pushing them out of the visible radar image range.
The method uses a simple approach of transforming the desired form of the signal response fr om time to frequency domain, wh ere it is possible to find the relation between the input and desired signals, performing the “reciprocal convolution” which corresponds to the quasi-optimal filter impulse response. The main issue here is the difference between the amount of points in the input and output signals, as the output has to be the bigger length of impulse response. We solve the issue by adding additional points to the input signal, which result in a noise-like signal at the output signal’s edges. By selecting the appropriate amount of the “dummy” points we are able to establish the sidelobe-clean region in the output signal.
The article presents theoretical details as well as simulated and practical results. | ||||||||
Alekseev V. V., Lakomov D. V. Analytical model for graphic images processing in the city life-support systems for objects damages detection. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 103 The article studies the possibility of application of the updated Canny algorithm supplemented with Robinson operator for images objects recognition and integrity violation detection of construction and housing and municipal services objects by an unmanned aerial vehicle in automated mode. It also describes Gauss filter application for the image blur, as well as special cases of boundary conditions for image pixels. The impact of the standard deviation value when blurring images on the image itself is demonstrated. The article describes a mathematical model of image analysis, based on the Robinson operator, and other applicable mathematical operators for embedding gradient values in image pixels. The Robinson operator, by convolution of the original image in four directions, allows more accurate search for the contour, compared to the other operators (Roberts, Sobel, Pruitt, Gauss, Laplace), which use only two directions of convolution. The results of this method studies while processing images of various objects of housing and communal services in the IR range are presented. Typical images of various objects in the infrared range were taken: transformer substations, electrical cables and sockets, heating pipes, heating mains, factory pipe, heat pipe, distribution panel, communication lines, a general picture of the city from the drone. Inferences were drawn the advantages and disadvantages of this analytical model, as well as the features of this model while the analysis of both clear and blurred images and the main obstacles in the images analysis. Based on this study, recommendations on the algorithm parameters selection are given. The conclusions made in this article can be employed in technical vision systems, as well as in decision support systems used to identify the damage to the analyzed objects in the field of urban planning and housing and communal services, as well as in other areas (Geology, agriculture and many others). | ||||||||
Sheludyak T. B. The Model of Digital Television Information Receiving in Spacecraft Ground Based Control Complex. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 103 Television information is widely used for spaceflight control. Information plays an important role in daily management, dynamic operations performing and response to abnormal situations. Television systems upgrading to digital technology required some enhancements of the testing and monitoring features of digital television information of the ground based space flight control facility.
The article describes a computer simulation of the digital television information receiving system. The system was developed to analyze the processes of generation, coding, compression and transmission over the digital television information communication channels coming from the Russian Segment of the International Space Station, as well as cargo and manned spacecraft operating with the Space Station.
The simulation runs on a VMWare virtual server with the GNS3-simulated network structure. The proposed model allows simulate the main elements of a television system employed for the flight control. The model is applicable for the digital television information receiving system testing in various circumstances, or planning its performance in case of its modernization.
A system monitoring feature has been developed, based on simulation of the described ground based space flight control facility digital television information which was implemented with the PRTG software. It allowed simulate the following emergencies: communication channels interruption; hardware failure; various traffic loading in channels; hardware setup errors, and television signal source jamming.
The receiving system simulation functioning was verified along with digital television information test casts during the broadband satellite and fiber optic trunk channels deployment for ground based Russian Segment of the International Space Station control system. | ||||||||
Baghdasaryan G. Y., Mikilyan M. A., Vardanyan I. A., Panteleyev A. V. Closed cylindrical shell in a supersonic gas flow in the presence of a non-uniform temperature field. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 103 The article considers the problem of stability of a closed cylindrical shell under the action of an inhomogeneous temperature field and a supersonic gas flow, flowing around the shell. The authors obtained stability conditions for the unperturbed state of the aerothermoelastic system under consideration. It is shown, that the combined action of the temperature field and the ambient flow can control the process of stability, and change significantly the value of the flutter critical velocity by means of the temperature field.
The study is based on the following well-known assumptions:
a) Kirchhoff-Love's hypothesis on undeformable normals;
b) “The law of flat sections” in determining the aerodynamic pressure;
c) The linear law of temperature variation over the thickness of the shell;
d) The Neumann hypothesis on the absence of the temperature changes.
For simplicity and clarity, it is assumed that the heat exchange with the environment from the shell front surfaces proceeds according to the Newton – Richman law (the temperature remains constant on the surfaces), and the side surfaces are thermally insulated.
Under the action of a stationary temperature field, non-uniform in thickness, the shell bulges (with deflection and longitudinal movement) and, as a result, the aeroelastic pressure occurs. The above said bulging state is presumed unperturbed, and its stability is being studied under the action of the temperature field and the pressure of the flowing gas flow. Stability regions are plotted, and the the critical velocity values are obtained. Numerical computations revealed that accounting for the effect of thermoelastic stresses of the unperturbed state on the stability region is essential. The computational results of the critical velocity for the combined effect of the temperature field parameters and various values of geometric parameters are presented. | ||||||||
Chepko I. N., Bogomolov D. V., Karpenko O. N. Managing the units and spare parts inventory for the State aviation equipment: the main problems and ways of solution. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 103 The article considers the basic principles of the stocks management system. The uniqueness of the approach to the repaired units inventory management for operation of difficult products ensuring is proved. The purpose of the presented work consists in the analysis of the existing planning tools and inventory management. The analysis of the conventional technologies of inventory management application in the system of planning and inventory management of the repaired units to ensure operation of aircraft of the State aviation was performed. The history of the theory of inventory management was studied. Contradictions between the growing quantity of both complexity of the new problems of aircraft application, and old standard technology of planning and units inventory management are revealed. The fact that 60% of all airplanes stand idle in faulty condition due to the lack of spare parts is the vivid illustration to it. Application of probabilistic approach to the description of the processes of stock management of the repaired aircraft units was justified. Application of imitation modeling as an instrument of planning and managing the multinomenclature stocks of units for aircraft operation was proved as well. The article describes the two-level system for planning and inventory management of units for of aircraft operation as a part of association is described. The principles applied for the mathematical METRIC models description are used. The effective planning tool is simulation with application of real databases of statistical information. The necessity for modern technical developments application, in particular, in the field of information technologies when planning stock of units for aircraft operation of the State aviation is proved. Probabilistic approach application for description of the system of planning and inventory management of the repaired units is proved The functioning efficiency of the system for planning and inventory management of units is estimated by two parameters: the level of failures (service) elimination, and units shortage level. The authors suggest employing the marginal analysis technology to create the optimum plot of the units stock dependence on the amount of deficiencies. Imitation modeling application in the system for planning and inventory management of units is aimed at costs minimization on the product life cycle when ensuring the required parameters of the reliability, readiness, and maintainability of an aircraft of the State aviation. | ||||||||
Gusev P. Y. Planning automation of production process at aircraft building enterprise employing a digital replica. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 103 The problems of production processes planning of aircraft building enterprises are of particular relevance. There are many software products based on theoretical planning concepts, such as CRP, APS, MES to solve such problems. However, such software do not ensure adequate feedback with production, which does not allow respond promptly to deviations from the plan. The purpose of this work consists in searching for possible solutions to ensure the operational control of the production plan implementation and its optimization. To achieve this goal, a decision was taken to apply a digital production replica, based on a simulation model.
A working plan developing for a production unit employing a ready-made simulation model is not a time-consuming task. However, while application of such plan, a lot of difficulties occur. Primarily, there is the problem of shift daily tasks preparing. The second problem arises with the impossibility to fulfill the developed plan. To solve such problems, the author proposes to employ an automated planning system using a digital replica of production. The two software clients have been developed to ensure interaction of the digital replica with the planning department and manufacturing facility’s level of production. The software client of the planning department allows prepare plans automatically for the enterprise production processes. The software for manufacturing facility level can encompass all employees of the enterprise. The information terminals provide an automatic transmitting of the shift daily tasks to the manufacturing facility level.
The proposed automated planning system demonstrated high accuracy in complex application. For example, when planning production processes at a workshop for the parts production from polymer composite materials, the digital replica contained information on the entire production system. Thus, when developing a working plan for one of the sections, all possible paths of material flows intersection of the other sections were computed. Use of automated planning of production processes of the workshop for the production of parts from polymer composite materials has significantly improved the accuracy of calculating the timing of the finished product. | ||||||||
Privalov A. E., Dorozhko I. V., Zaharova E. A., Kopeyka A. L. Simulation model for assessing the availability of technical systems taking into account characteristics of the diagnostic process. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 103 In the development of complex technical systems accompanied by their life cycle, it is necessary to maintain readiness for use, which requires the development of new complex models linking reliability indicators and technical condition diagnostics indicators.
The proposed approach and models are based on the basic concepts and relations of the theory of reliability of technical systems. The models proposed in the article are based on the well-known and approved apparatus of Markov random processes, analytical dependencies are obtained from solving systems of Kolmogorov-Chapman equations describing the developed models.
Mathematical models have been developed that relate the availability factor, the reliability of the control of a complex technical system. A simulation model has been developed that relates the reliability indicators of a complex technical system and indicators of the technical condition diagnosing process. Analysis of the results allows us to conclude about the degree of influence of the characteristics of the diagnostic process on the availability of a complex technical system.
The proposed scientific and methodological approach can be used in the development of a complex technical system, as well as to justify the approximate values of the periodicity of monitoring and diagnosing CTS, as well as to form a sequence and composition of inspections in order to increase availability.
The obtained analytical dependence may be of practical interest for military representatives, employees of state certification of products, industry representatives and can be used in the formation and justification of reliability requirements in the tactical and technical tasks for the development (modernization) of a complex technical system, as well as to take into account the influence of process characteristics diagnosing the availability of a complex technical system at all stages of the life cycle. | ||||||||
Nizametdinov F. R., Sorokin F. D. Euler vector application specifics for large turns description while flying vehicles structural elements modeling on the example of a rod finite element. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 102 Structural elements in mechanic engineering are often may be reduced to a rod model, characterized by large generalized displacements with small deformations These elements are, for example, propeller blades, outer wing spars, etc. [1-4].
Many works have been devoted to the problem of describing the large displacements of structural elements represented by rod models. For example, a wide class of methods is based on the use of systems of differential equations [5-10]. At the very beginning of computational mechanics development, the method of representing elastic bodies by a set of solid elements was used, and the elastic properties of deformed bodies were modeled by elastic bonds [11-13]. Attempts were made to combine the solid-state modeling with the finite element method (FEM) [14]. According to this method, the total displacement is a sum of independent large rigid displacement and small elastic displacement due to deformations [15]. The next step was the method of successive approximations, which was modified to the method of the attached coordinate system. But this method was not widely used due to the appearance of more advanced approaches, such as the method of absolute nodal coordinates [16-18]. This formulation is the most complete, but at the same time is very complicated for performing out practical calculations [19]. In [20], the asymmetric Piola-Kirchhoff tensor is used. In [21], the position of the FE cross-sections is given by the radius vector and two ortas. Such approach increases the number of kinematic parameters, but allows avoiding singular points.
In [22], the FE is constructed using an independent description of displacements and rotations by Hermite polynomials, which leads to the problem of shear locking. In [23], the quadratic approximation of the tensor elements ro`tation is used. In [24], the vector-tensor theory of large rotations is used, but the magnitude of the rotations is restricted by the angle of 2π radians. In [19], the Craig-Bampton method is used.
A widespread approach to the geometrically nonlinear beam FE construction is the co-rotation approach [25]. In [26], a co-rotational FE is considered, in which the hypothesis of the relative strain smallness is built-in. The disadvantage of this element is the presence of singular points at the rotation angle of 2π. The model [27] had no such shortcoming due to introduction of an intermediate position. But it is considerably more complicated due to application of the nonlinear theory of elasticity apparatus. An incremental description of the rotations was also used in the element proposed in [28] in application to the problems of multi-body dynamics. Such a variety of approaches is explained by the presence of more than a dozen methods of large rotations describing [29-31].
The most common and natural way to describe finite rotations is the Euler vector [6, 32-34]. However, the Euler vector has a disadvantage, namely, critical value of the rotation angle (2π). At this value of the rotation angle, the tensors connecting small physical rotations with derivatives of the kinematic parameters become degenerate. The article considers two modifications to overcome this problem. These modifications allow describe infinitely large rotations. Their comparison is performed on the example of the rod FE. The features of both modifications are described in the paper. The tangential stiffness matrices and the node-force vector of the rod FE were obtained in a closed analytical form, with account for these features. The solution of test tasks by two approaches, analysis of the program code allowed reveal the advantages and disadvantages of both modifications.
The modification based on the adjustment of the Euler vector when the critical rotation value is reached is extremely simple for implementation, and correction is not required at every step of the solution. This modification can be integrated into the FEM package without significant changes in its architecture. Disadvantages of this modification are as follows: sudden change in the Euler vector when the critical value is reached, and asymmetric stiffness matrix.
The incremental way of description is not free from such shortcomings as the sudden change in the Euler vector, an asymmetric tangent stiffness matrix. But this modification is much more difficult for implementation and requires completely different system of storing the results. In addition, the architecture should provide the possibility of combining incremental and non-incremental elements.
Modifications are considered on the example of a rod element, but without significant changes they can be extended to other two-node FEs, such as FE farms, FE springs, FE rigid constraint, etc. | ||||||||
Pogosbekian M. Y., Sergievskaya A. L., Kroupnov A. A. Comparative modeling of N2 molecules dissociation in thermally non-equilibrium conditions. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 102 At strong shock waves in rarefied gases, chemical processes such as dissociation and exchange reactions occur in conditions of thermodynamic non-equilibrium, and the rate coefficients are the functions of both translational—rotational and vibrational temperatures.
The object of the study are chemical reaction models of the of N2 molecules dissociation occurring in thermally non-equilibrium conditions.
The goal of the work consists in comparative study of physico-chemical processes models on the example of dissociation of nitrogen molecules. For comparison, the well-known and frequently used theoretical dissociation models, representing the process in a single-temperature, two-temperature, and level approximation, were chosen. The article presents a detailed description of theoretical models allowing calculate the goal functions of the N2 molecule dissociation models in thermally non-equilibrium conditions, both in the two-temperature and in the level approximations. To perform a valid and reliable comparison, in addition to theoretical models, the results of molecular dynamics of N2 molecules modeling obtained by the classical trajectory method, as well as data from a physical experiment on a shock tube are used.
To simulate molecular dynamics, the computer “MD Trajectory” complex was used. Computational experiments with theoretical models were performed in the environment of the Internet Catalog of physical and chemical processes models.
A new functional, depending on the translational temperature and expression for the empirical parameter of the Marrone-Treanor model was proposed based on the comparison. The modified model application allows describe the results of trajectory calculations in a wide range of translational temperatures from 2000 to 10000°K. | ||||||||
Fedyushkin A. I., Puntus A. A. Nonlinear features of laminar liquid flows on Earth and in microgravity. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 102 The article presents the numerical modeling results of hydrodynamics and heat and mass transfer and discusses the non-linear features of laminar flows. It considers numerical simulation results of hydrodynamics and heat and mass transfer and discusses the laminar flows features at moderate Rayleigh and Reynolds numbers in the following problems:
The results based on the numerical solution of the Navier-Stokes equations for a viscous incompressible fluid for flow regimes studying in a flat diffuser with a small angle and opening are presented. Flow regimes transition in a diffuser from a symmetric stationary regime to asymmetric stationary one and then to asymmetric non-stationary regime in their dependence on the Reynolds number is demonstrated. The values of Reynolds number defining the ranges of a given regime existence are pointed out.
The impact of controlled vibrations on the heat-mass transfer and, in particular, on temperature boundary layers in the melt for crystal growth processes were studied. Analysis of the controlled vibrations effect on hydrodynamics and heat-mass transfer for the microgravity and normal gravity conditions was performed. The of numerical simulations results revealed that vibrations can enhance heat and mass transfer and mix the melt, as well as reduce dynamic, thermal and concentration boundary layers. Vibration can also increase the temperature gradient of the solidification front, which, in its turn, can increase the rate of crystal growth. The numerical simulations results demonstrated that vibrations can make the crystallization front shape flatter.
In zero gravity, while lateral heating of the two-layer system “air-liquid” in the volume with free walls, the interface due to thermo-capillary convection and small perturbations can be rotated by 90° and assume a stable position parallel to the heated wall.
Gravitational convection (even in the presence of thermocapillary convection) is a stabilizing factor for the horizontal position of the interface. | ||||||||
Krovjakov V. B., Korolenko V. V., Stepanov R. N., Greshnov A. S., Rachkov P. V. Problematic questions of unsteady liquid flows modes organizing while liquid systems cavities cleansing. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 102 While performing studies in the field of improving technologies and equipment to ensure the required level of LHC induction chambers working cavities, it was found that hydrodynamic methods are the most effective from the viewpoint of quality and economy, and among them the washing method employing the unsteady fluid flow modes organization with optimal for each purification facility modes of pumping . Its disadvantage consists in the dependence of the pressure intensity and velocity oscillations, and, consequently, cleansing efficiency from the purification object design features and its geometric parameters. As the cavity being cleansed moves away from the source of vibrations their intensity decreases.
The results of the performed study allowed develop technical solution on the hydro-pulse cleansing of the HHS working cavities technology consisting in the fact that according to conventional cleansing technology by pumping through the internal cavities of the cleansed object in the unsteady mode. This unsteady mode is being created by the fluid flow rate changing from 0 to the value determined by the fluid pressure, not exceeding the pressure for the part being cleansed. A periodic change in the fluid flow rate in the maximum possible range, determined by the specified pressure, corresponds to the periodic change of its speed in the maximal possible range also.
Thus, the maximum possible velocity oscillations amplitude is reached, determining the flow degree of turbulence, tangential frictional stresses magnitude on the surface being cleansed, and other factors affecting the of contaminants breaking-off and removal intensity. In the process of studies, technical solutions on the proposed technology implementation were also developed.
Due to the insignificantly small fluid compressibility, all manipulations with its volumetric feed (and thus with speed) at the inlet of the product to be cleaned undergo infinitesimal changes as they move along the cavity of the product up to the outlet from it (unlike the pressure oscillations created by the change in the areas of the passage section). Hence, the cleansing liquid unsteady mode retains its maximum cleansing ability in all areas of the cavity being cleaned. | ||||||||
Khatuntseva O. N. On the Occurrence Mechanism of of the Random Value with the “Heavy” Polynomial “Tails” in the Stochastic Processes of Gaussian Distributions. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 102 Most of the economic, biological, physical and other processes are adequately unpredictable. The lack of the determinism in such stochastic processes is related not only to probability distribution of the considered process possible realizations of the, but also with the possible unsteady behavior of the probability density. Stochastic process may gain the additional uncertainty if the probability density of the random value realization can be described at random fr om the set of the feasible functions describing it.
The article considers the problems related to the possible of the probability density non-uniqueness of the random value realization in stochastic processes. It shows that the method for the stochastic processes description for the systems with no selected equilibrium states allows find different probability densities for the stochastic process that may realize at random way the certain range of random values.
In this respect, the following conclusion based on the Lindeberg Central Limit Theorem can be made. The Gaussian distributions with “heavy tails” manifestation may be considered as the consequence of the hidden factors occurrence in the system, affecting the probability density dynamics when random value realization of the considered process causes the variation of the probability density of realization. It confirms the prognosing feasibility of natural and technogenic catastrophes based on the considered random values distributions analysis from the viewpoint of their deviation from the normal (Gaussian) law of distribution. In hydrodynamics, such deviation indicates the appearance of the coherent structures and the possibility for the transition form the laminar flow mode to the turbulent one.
The phase space dimensionality analysis allows determining both stable and unstable branches of the solution for the probability density in such random value realization domains, wh ere a unique solution may be realized. | ||||||||
Firsanov V. V., Vo A. H. The study of the longitudinally stiffened cylindrical shells under action of local load by the refined theory. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 102 At present, engineering calculations of ribbed shells are based on the results of the classical theory of Kirchhoff-Love and Timoshenko-Reissner type. The hypotheses adopted in this theory does not allow accounting for the shell transverse deformations, leading to the errors in the determining the stress-strain state (SSS). It forces to develop increasingly advanced methods for SSS calculating with account for the distortion zones, including those near the joints of structural elements, as well as local loading.
The purpose of this article consists in developing a refined version of the theory of the SSS calculating of longitudinally stiffened cylindrical shells under the impact of radial axisymmetric local load.
The shell displacements are approximated by high degree polynomials with respect to the classical theory of Kirchhoff-Love and Timoshenko-Reissner type. Basic equations and boundary conditions obtained by the minimum total energy of deformation principle are presented. The boundary value problem solution is performed by operational method based on the Laplace transform.
The results obtained in this article allowed establish that the with the ribbed shell calculation by the refined theory there were always rapidly damped additional edge stress states of the “interface” type. Near distortion zones of the stressed state, the transverse normal stresses, neglected in the classical theory, were obtained of the same order with the maximum values of the basic flexural stress. Moreover, for the thicker shells the transverse normal stresses contribution to the total SSS increases significantly. | ||||||||
Kuruliuk K. A. Videogrammetry system for contactless measurements of large-size objects deformation fields. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 102 Large-size engineering objects under operation are subjected to various stresses, leading to considerable deformations. Normal functioning, strength and safety of such objects is achieved through thorough studies and testing, in which methods and tools for measuring geometric motion and deformation parameters play an important role. Particularly, in recent years, the problems of deformations measuring of aircraft large-sized models and structural elements arose. One of the promising measuring methods for solving this type of problems is optical method of videogrammetry (VGM), combining modern means of optics, digital image recording, numerical image processing and mathematical analysis. High information value of the VGM method is stipulated by the fact that one image allows getting information on hundreds and thousands of points of an object simultaneously. At the same time, it was necessary to create a mobile measuring system which would not be associated with particular experimental installation or wind tunnel, and which could be quickly applied in different conditions to measure deformation of full-scale aircraft elements while their ground testsand in flight.
The purpose of this work consists in improving videogrammetry method and developing a mobile measuring videogrammetry system (VGM system) to ensure non-contact measurements and visualization of distributed deformations of large-size objects in engineering, as well as expanding this method’s application area. A step-by-step measuring technique employing one digital camera was stated and developed. A two-stage of a measuring system calibration technique was developed.
Control tests of mobile VGM system sample were carried out for measuring deformations of natural wing of a new transport aircraft sample under operating test bench conditions during industrial ground life tests. The maximum measurements distance was of 26 m. The root-mean-square error of normal deviations of points did not exceed 2.5 mm.
This work was performed within the framework of the “Development of mobile videogrammetry measuring system for operational non-contact measurements and visualization of distributed deformations” Project according to the Grant from Moscow Region Government in the fields of science, technology and innovation. | ||||||||
Vyatlev P. A., Goncharov K. A., Sigaev V. N., Sysoev V. K., Yudin A. D. Glass elements fabrication technology analysis for space elements thermo-optical covering. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 102 A spacecraft (SC) thermal conditions ensuring is associated with thermo controlling coating selection. The coating type of the «solar reflectors» class is intended for application on the radar surfaces, ensuring extra heat removing into surrounding outer space in conditions of these surfaces’ contemporaneous irradiation by the Sun. The K-208Cp thermoregulation coating represents the plates of optically transparent glass K-208 of 150 ± 20 microns thickness with sizes of 20×20 mm, 25×25 and 40×40 mm, with electrically conductive coating on one side and silver and stainless steel layers on the other side, successively applied in vacuum. These plates are glued to the hull by the metallized side. The article presents the system analysis of fabrication of the glass elements for this coating.
Glass elements require several stages of manufacturing technology. The article describes all stages of production. High demands are placed on the glass elements geometric parameters. They are the plate sizes, glass elements quality and flatness fault. Long-term studies helped to establish the optimal temperature regime at which the change the glass elements shape does not occur.
The cycle of manufacturing technology includes chemical hardening processes. The main problem of application of glasses is their weak mechanical strength. A simple and effective method of the glass plates hardening is the method of low-temperature ion exchange. | ||||||||
Zagidulin A. R., Podruzhin E. G., Levin V. E. Modeling a motion of a non-free system of rigid bodies in the case of calculating damping of the light aircraft landing gear. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 102 The article describes the mathematical model of the light aircraft landing gear using the method of modeling the motion of a system of rigid bodies with holonomic constraints based on Lagrange equations of the first kind. Traditionally, in design practices for calculating the landing gear damping, Lagrange equations of the second kind are used in generalized coordinates. The disadvantage of this technique is that for each kinematic scheme of landing gear it is necessary to make up its own system of equations, which is a very laborious process. To solve this problem, it is advisable to use a technique based on Lagrange equations of the first kind, which makes it possible to formalize the process of composing equations of motion of a non-free system of rigid bodies. This approach allows us to represent the aircraft landing gear model in the object form – as a set of objects: rigid bodies, power factors and mechanical constraints, which ensures the modularity and extensibility of models.
For the landing gear presented in the article, constraint equations in joints of the construction are written. Expressions are given for the determination of active forces: axial force in the shock absorber, the force of compression of the wheel’s pneumatic. Results of numerical simulation of landing impact are presented in the article.
The method used in calculating damping of the aircraft landing gear differs from methods of calculation previously used, primarily universality. When the system of rigid bodies changes, there is no need to rewrite the equations of motion in generalized coordinates, only the dimensionality of the system changes, and the form of equations is unchanged. Such a universal approach is more algorithmic and simple in numerical implementation. | ||||||||
Rebrov S. G., Golubev V. A., Golikov A. N., Morgunov A. E. Experimental studies of oxygen-hydrogen and oxygen-methane fuels laser ignition in the ignition device by a semiconductor laser. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 102 The article describes the results of experimental work on the laser ignition of oxygen-hydrogen and oxygen-methane fuels in the ignition device. In the course of the studies, a semiconductor laser with the fiber output of radiation, which main designation consisted in its utilization as a radiation source for solid-state laser pumping, based on active YAG: Nd medium, was employed as the ignition energy source. While experimenting, the fuel mixture ignition resulted from the optical breakdown spark when laser radiation was being focused near the target surface located in the ignition device reaction cavity.
The main task of the experimental work was determining the fundamental possibility of semiconductor lasers application for the studied fuel mixtures ignition. Positive results of the experiments on both oxygen-hydrogen and oxygen-methane mixtures ignition at the maximum output energy parameters of the laser employed allowed proceed to the second stage of the study on determining the impact of the laser source and the ignition device operating characteristics changes on the possibility of both fuel pairs ignition. As a result, the data was obtained on the operating ranges of the output energy and laser pulse-repetition frequency, as well as consumption and excess coefficient of the oxidizer for the studied fuels, determining stable laser ignition.
In the course of the work carried out, the possibility of rocket fuels laser ignition from a semiconductor laser with a fiber output was demonstrated, which application will reduce the requirements for thermal stabilization and facilitates the vibration isolation of the ignition system when placed on board a spacecraft. | ||||||||
Baklanov A. V., Vasil'ev A. A. Adaptive technologies application in the issue of studying the flow structure formed by the burners in the GTE combustion chamber. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 102 In conventional practice, ensuring the necessary parameters of combustion chambers is achieved by studying several options of swirl burners to obtain the optimal design, acceptable for the combustion chamber. The swirl burners’ production is a labor intensive and expensive process. Modern additive technology application for the parts manufacturing is actually the technology allowing produce shortly the burner with necessary design and test it, obtaining the parameters of interest to the developer.
The article presents the result of designing and producing combustion chamber burners of gas turbine engine by the prototyping method. Printing of burners was performed with 3D Picaso printer, which operates by the plastic extrusion technology. In other words, the burner model is fabricated by layer-by-layer applying of extra fine layers of molten plastic. These layers, becoming a virtual cross-section in CAD model, are united or fused together to form an object of the adjusted form. The ABS and PLA plastics, which allowed machining, polishing and painting, are used for printing. Several burners with different blade angles were produced. The article presents the equipment and materials being used for the burners producing, the design of test bench, which was used to study the flow pattern in outlet of the produced burners.
Based on the performed studies, it was discovered that the near placed burners with various swirl directions of blades formed the short structure of turbulent jet. It is explained by mutual penetration of turbulent layers directed towards each other As result, the vortex energy content scale of is decreased as the jets energy is spent for collided layers interaction. The authors conclude that in modern low-emission combustion chamber the short residence time of gases of about 7 ms is provided. It is necessary to reduce the level of nitrogen oxides formation in combustion products. Thus, organizing the opposite twist between the burners in the upper and lower stages is may be useful to ensure the low-emission combustion. | ||||||||
Khramin R. V., Kikot' N. V., Lebedev M. V., Burov M. N. Design procedure for heat dissipation of hybrid bearings with grease lubricant. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 102 Grease-lubricated bearings application is a promising trend for weight reduction and reliability increase of small-size engines, which allows eliminate the oil system utilization. Since the lubricant grease working temperature is, as a rule, lower than the temperature of conventional aviation oils, accurate assessment of the bearing thermal state is required. To reduce heat generation within the bearings under study, ceramic rolling elements, rather than traditionally used steel bodies, are used. The bearing lifespan is determined by the loads and thermal state of the bearing elements and grease. To determine the bearing thermal state, we are to know the values of heat flows affecting the bearing. Heat flows from the surrounding parts and air can be sufficiently determined by the verified commercial software products. To determine the heat flow generated by the grease-lubricated bearings, it is required to create and verify a design procedure, as there are no branch calculation methods for heat generation of grease-lubricated bearings. It will be impossible to justify performance of the engine, equipped with such bearings, before the certification body without the verified heat- generation calculation method for grease-lubricated bearings.
The article presents the design procedure for heat emission of hybrid grease-lubricated bearings with ceramic rolling elements. The computational experimental Demidovich’s method is used as the main criterion equation. The Demidovich’s method is distinguishes from the other bearing heat-emission computation methods by availability of the similarity theory elements, as the main criterion equation uses of the bearing geometry features. That is why the dependencies defined by this method represent flexibility for the studied bearing size. The experimental data for the design procedure verification were obtained during the tests of the angular ball bearing size 126308. The coefficients describing the experimental data with enough engineering accuracy were determined due to the analysis. The heat flow calculated in accordance with the presented design procedure can be automated and built in the bearing 3D-model together with the heat flows from the bearing environment. | ||||||||
Starovoitov E. I. Laser ranging systems characteristics for unmanned aerial vehicle strapdown inertial navigation system. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 102 Further development of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) includes the onboard navigation systems improvement. It is associated with broadening the tasks, performed by advanced UAVs: increasing autonomy fr om the human operator, increase in speed, radius of action, flight time and altitude range
The article studies characteristics of laser ranging systems (LRS), intended for error correction of the strapdown inertial navigation system in the UAVs onboard navigation systems. The author considered the LRS structures based on 3D Flash Ladar-technology and optical-mechanical scanners (OMS) of conventional and hybrid types.
Either Diode-pumped solid-state lasers (DPSSLs), ordiode lasers and fiber lasers can be employed in LSR. Avalanche photodiodes (APD) and PIN photodiodes can be employed for the reflected signal receiving.
The article analyzes the OMS performance. The maximum UAV’s flight speed, on which the LRS with OMS operates, is determined of the ratio of the angular resolution to the angular size of the field of view. Maximum range of LRS measurements is primarily determined by scanning speed and laser pulses’ repetition frequency, and secondly by the power of laser pulses. To expand the speed range, wh ere the conventional type of OMS can be employed, it will be necessary to narrow its angular field of view. In the same flight range of altitudes, the maximum permissible flight speed for hybrid type of OMS will be higher by an order of magnitude.
APD and PIN photodiodes can be implemented in 3D Flash Ladar systems (in which case the maximum range of measurements is reduced by an order of magnitude, as well as increase in the receiving aperture is required).
Traditional type of OMS, based on fiber laser, can be applied for operation in the range of altitudes from 0.4 to 2.0 km (from 0.2 to 1.2 km when PIN photodiodes are used) and flight speeds to 850 km/h.
Hybrid type of OMS, based on fiber laser and APD, can be applied for operation in the range of altitudes from 0.2 to 1.0 km and flight speeds up to 1300 km/h.
Characteristics analysis of of all three LRS types revealed, that the most promising was LRS structure based on hybrid type of OMS, having the highest efficiency. This structure employs fiber laser and APD.
The results of this work can be used while developing the onboard navigation systems for advanced UAVs. | ||||||||
Agishev A. R., Kasatkin V. G. Corrections planning for a spacecraft Low-Thrust Geo-Transfer. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 102 After the spacecraft (SC) is put into geostationary orbit (GEO), its longitude may differ from the longitude of the stand point. The initial deviation of longitude may be of several tens of degrees, while the period deviation corresponds to the larger speeds of a SC drift along the orbit. The plan of deployment correction, including information on the initial time, corrective action duration and direction, that change the orbit period and eccentricity, is required to set the SC into stand point.
The purpose of the work consists in developing a high-speed algorithm for GEO transfer plan computing.
The existing methods of transfer employ complex control optimization methods, requiring extra memory and computational resources. Their application onboard the SC is not always possible due to the limited computing resources. Another group of methods uses analytical calculations of the correction plan, but their application is impossible in practice due to the actual space systems’ limitations.
In the proposed method, the correction plan is computed while simulation process. Computing is performed in a cycle by control intervals. One iteration contains testing of the simplest logical conditions and flight simulation at the current control interval. The control interval duration is equal or greater than 24 hours by the correction value by the current 24 hours.
A distinctive feature of the proposed method is the optimal dependence between longitude and orbital period. If the spacecraft deviations match this dependence, the spacecraft would be set into nominal GEO longitude by these daily period corrections.
The algorithm workability was verified for 1000 GEO transfer computations from different initial orbits. The final deviations of the longitude after the maneuver are acceptable for spacecraft station-keeping.
The efficiency of the method was being checked by comparing deviations of longitude and period, as well as maneuver duration and the characteristic speed with the calculation by a well-known method using difficult, resource-intensive algorithm of GEO transfer. The comparison results revealed the proposed algorithm effectiveness, and the relative simplicity of calculations by the method and characteristics of the maneuver give it an advantage in the computations onboard of the spacecraft. | ||||||||
Us N. A., Zadorozhniy S. A. Model of noise and instability sources of a ring monoblock gyro. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 102 Various systems operating on different physical principles are applied as gyroscopic sensors of modern high-precision aircraft strapdown inertial navigation systems. The most widespread in the world are laser gyroscopes implementing the Sagnac effect and differing in design and technological versions. Commercially available inertial navigation systems employ two types of such gyroscopes: ring gas and fiber-optic. Relatively recently, a novel design, occupying an intermediate place between ring gas and fiber-optic gyroscopes, appeared in the group of laser gyroscopes. This unit was called a “ring monoblock gyroscope with the semiconductor laser diode”. The vital difference of this unit consists in the presence of the polyhedral optical monobloc with the triangular optical scheme with open channels, placed inside the unit. The problem of the bidirectional optical signal formation form the laser diode is solved by the original resonator-splitter design. With this, the semiconductor laser diode is placed inside the gyroscope optical scheme. The ring mode of the optical signal is realized by the mirror system. Information retrieval about the navigation object angular velocity is performed by dynamic interference pattern processing from the gyroscope output. The new design and technological solution of the gyroscopic sensor requires its error knowledge based on the corresponding generalized noise and error sources mathematical model. The article examines the triangular optical monoblock diagram of a laser gyro with high symmetry relative to the axis “resonator-beam splitter – interference mixer – photo detector” to evaluate potential noise and instabilities. This optical scheme was not analyzed earlier due to the fact that the ring gas laser gyroscopes were unclaimed. Estimates of the given design and technological solution potentialities as a sensitive element of the aircraft inertial navigation system were obtained. The article demonstrates that the optical system possesses the internal mutual phase modulation presence, and compensation of the internal temperature gradients of the object under study exists as well. The developed structure of the ring monoblock gyroscope is recommended as high precision, thermally stable ring monoblock gyroscope with laser semiconductor diode for the aircraft strapdown inertial navigation systems. The design and technological solution specifics of the sensor may be the basis while solving the problems on sensitive elements of the inertial navigation system backing-up. | ||||||||
Kondratenko V. S., Rogov A. Y., Kobysh A. N. A new approach to hydrocarbon liquids leakages control onboard an aircraft. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 102 The article considers a new approach to control of leakages from the aircraft fuel and hydraulic systems in flight, implemented based on sorption sensor cable sensitive to hydrocarbons. It shows that the traditional methods of aviation fuel leakage and hydraulic system working fluid (aviation oil) control, based on computational algorithms, have significant drawbacks, namely, a time delay of leakage detection and inability to determine quickly its location. The authors propose an alternative solution to these problems, i.e. gravity independent sorption cable hydrocarbons sensor (SCHS) highly sensitive to the hydrocarbon liquids. Sorption mechanism of interaction with the liquid leakage, ensuring its high sensitivity, allows placing the SCHS directly on the elements of the aircraft fuel and hydraulic so as to ensure the ingress of liquid on the sorption sheath of the cable regardless of the possible directions of leakage. If this condition is met, the liquid leakages detection can be performed at any aircraft position in space, including active maneuvering, which significantly expands the range of the aircraft with the SCHS leakages control application. The unique SCHS sensitivity and speed allow considering it as the basis for the onboard automated systems for early leakages detection in the aircraft fuel and hydraulic systems. While developing leakages detection systems for leakages locations determining, a zone method with assigning a separate cable for the controlled object, or reflectometry method while organizing control at extended object can be employed. | ||||||||
Arevshatyan E. S., Pavlova N. V. The first step of the automated training system. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 102 The article presents the students testing system model developed using the expansion and addition of the classical methods of knowledge assessment of the students. It is applicable for effectiveness analysis.
It is applicable for the effectiveness analysis of mastering of the passed through material, both by students and tutors. The system is realized based on the client-server architecture using basic web client templates and a server part of Apache. It is developed as the first step of automated information processing system with developing structure.
It was required to develop the first step of the developing automated system of the university training of the students mastering the program of disciplines for the specialties, associated with aircraft onboard equipment development. At this stage, the tasks of development of the program and algorithmic provision were set and solved. They allow:
Due to the structure selection and used software the system is implemented as the developing automated system and intended for operation within the network using of client-server architecture, based on the JavaScript programming language and the Apache server, and MySQL databases
Method of written tests supplemented with further mastering of materials at the conceptual level is used in the first stage of system.
The results on the program development and algorithmic provision for the first stage of the developed automated training system are presented.
The system imitation model with two levels of data access (the teacher and students) and two levels of didactic material granting is developed both in the form of tests and in the form of the text.
It is advisable to consider also application of the kernel of the created system for developing various training systems for operators of commercial unmanned aerial vehicles. | ||||||||
Kovalsky A. A., Zinnurov S. H. Models and algorithms for a communication spacecraft dynamic radio resource backing-up while servicing non-stationary information streames with account for delay in control. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 102 The goal of operative satellite repeater’s radio resource distribution (reservation)is set as the nonlinear programming problem, and the example of its solution while servicing a non-stationary message stream formed by the group of voice subscribers is given.
Modulated Markov process and its special case, called interrupted Poisson process are used as a model of non-stationary message stream formed by voice subscribers, with account for signal suppression during pauses. Modulated Markov process mathematical model of a servicing process with the time lag while of additional channels connection was developed as a three-dimensional Markov chain. Algorithm of this problem solution was developed, and the example for the case, when the ingress flow was being formed by only one subscriber, is presented.
The object of the study is channeling equipment of a ground station of a communication satellite, which employs a communication spacecraft for the channels radio resource organizing. An object of the study is a technology of backing-up a communication spacecraft radio resource. The research objective is directed to the capacity growth of the ground station of satellite communication, due to the choice of optimum value, the backed-up radio resource for each direction of communication.
The simulation model of dynamic back-up of a communication spacecraft radio resource, based on the software product recommended for performing scientific research in the field of mathematical and simulation modeling, namely Matlab/Simulink/SimEvents, together with the interactive building tool for complex Stateflow models was developed and described. The Stateflow software product based on the theory of finite state machines and queuing systems application is intended for logical queuing systems design.
The developed approach to managing of communication satellite’s limited resource distribution, allows achieve substantial advantage savings (about 30%) of the communication satellite radio resource, due to its dynamic redistribution between the radio communication directions. | ||||||||
Zanin K. A. Developing a model of space radar bistatic interferometer basic parameters. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 102 The article introduces a mathematical model of basic parameters of the bistatic space interferometer with two synthetic aperture radars. The space interferometric survey consists in obtaining a digital model of the terrain relief. Bistatic (tandem) interferometric survey implies simultaneous operation of the two spacecraft. In this mode, two synthetic aperture radars form interferometer defining the phase difference of the signal incoming from the Earth surface. However, high accuracy of defining space vehicles position and phase stability of the radio electronic path is required.
At present, several commercial digital relief models exist in the world. The most complete in coverage and best in accuracy is the DLR model obtained by “Terrasar-X” – “Tandem-X” spacecraft in bistatic mode of radar operation.
Relief height definition in bistatic interferometric mode requires minimum amount of a priori information, though it requires high accuracy of defining space vehicles position and phase stability of the radio electronic path.
The article analyses selection of the interferometer basic parameters with account for the requirements of the relief height determining accuracy. The impact of position determination errors of space vehicles in space on measurement errors is being evaluated. As an example, the analysis of the requirements to navigational and ballistic provision of interferometric tandem spacecraft “Terrasar-X” and “Tandem-X” is presented. | ||||||||
Khrustaliov M. M., Khalina A. S. Identifiers of reduced dimension in the problem of the unmanned aerial vehicle stabilization in perturbed atmosphere. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 102 Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have taken their rightful place in modern activities. The UAV control processes improvement is undoubtedly actual and allows employing more and more unmanned robot-vehicles.
The article considers the problem of a small UAV horizontal flight stabilizing in the vertical plane with account for angular motion. Due to the UAV smallness, the wind should be taken into account, and the control system should ensure high stabilization quality while being simple enough.
Stochastic quasilinear system was selected as a model for the control process description with account for the wind, as accounting for the ongoing processes most adequately, but, at the same time accessible for the effective analysis. Vertical and horizontal components of the wind disturbance are set by the modified Dryden-type generating filters
The authors suggested to employ minimum number of measured motion parameters to simplify the stabilization system.
Since that it is not always possible to stabilize the system by a limited set of state vector components for control, it is conventional to use the state identifiers. However, there several problems exist herewith. The generally accepted in practice formulation the problem of optimal control synthesis is based on the separation theorem. According to this theorem, the optimal control consists of an optimal filter, forming an estimate of the state vector, and optimal regulator determining the control under the assumption that the state vector is known exactly. The result of this theorem is strictly proven for linear systems only. As for the quasi-linear systems, to which the considered system is referred to, the separation theorem is inapplicable.
The presented paper proposes a natural approach to the joint synthesis of the control srategy and the identifier. In this case, the authors propose selecting both the control strategy parameters and the identifier parameters from the condition of the general stabilization quality criterion minimum. The proposed method feature consists in the absence of control and observation synthesis problems separation.
The general method for solving problem of optimal quasilinear stochastic system synthesis to find optimal control strategy in the presence of incomplete information on the system state vector was used. This method was earlier developed by the authors. It includes the necessary optimality conditions and the numerical method of the gradient type. | ||||||||
Lisov A. A., Chernova T. A., Gorbunov M. S. System approach to the degradation processes in electrical devices. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 102 The presented work considers a system approach to the electric devices reliability and operating efficiency enhancing, ensuring faultlessness by forming the information computer system for analysis, modeling and evaluation of electronic devices degradation state, as well as their diagnosing and forecasting theiremr residual resource forecasting according to the simulation results. It is especially actual in aviation using such devices.
The closest prototype in relation to the system of failure prevention in technical systems being developed are the already formed and recommended approaches based on methods for complex technical systems faultlessness provision. The closest prototype on analysis and faultlessness provision of electric motors are the developments on electric motors reliability by of O. Goldberg School.
The presented work suggests the degradation deviations of stator phases voltages, and functions of rotor mechanical oscillations in the run-down mode while power supply turning-off as characteristic parameters. Information content of the induction motor characteristics in the run-down mode while supply circuit turn-off was established relatively to the subject of research. Criteria of the induction motor stop and its removal from service were established.
The system approach to the degradation processes analysis of electric devices allows:
The electric devices operation efficiency is determined by the “individual tracking” of each object from the industrial batch, operating in concrete conditions with its own “individual” modes history, ensuring optimal resource, intervals and terms of check test, excluding remove from service of the still fit products. | ||||||||
Nuriev M. G. Physical simulation of an unmanned aerial vehicle electronic means noise immunity. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 102 An important factor affecting the safety of unmanned aerial vehicles is the impact by the electromagnetic field of a remote lightning discharge. Powerful external electromagnetic fields may lead to the of noise immunity disturbance of on-board electronic systems. Particularly in recent years, a trend towards the unmanned aerial vehicles development with a fuselage made of nonmetallic materials with low efficiency indicators for electromagnetic fields shielding gains momentum. Based on the technique of physical modeling of electromagnetic interference in electronic communications lines under the impact of electromagnetic fields, the problem of predicting the noise immunity of an unmanned aerial vehicle electronic means under the impact of a remote lightning discharge is realized. Physical modeling is a method of experimental study of various physical phenomena, based on their physical similarity. Computation of all the stages of the method of physical simulation of electromagnetic interference was performed. The imitation and measurement equipment was chosen. A test bench and a model of the studied object were developed. The article presents an example of physical modeling of electromagnetic interference in electronic systems’ communication lines of an unmanned aerial vehicle under the impact of a remote lightning discharge. To predict the noise immunity of the onboard electronic systems of unmanned aerial vehicles, it is necessary to compare the parameters of electromagnetic interference in communication lines with critical values, leading to a temporary functioning disruption or sensitive elements damaging. The noise immunity forecasting of an unmanned aerial vehicle electronic elements under the impact of electromagnetic interference of a remote lightning discharge was performed. When detecting possible noise immunity failures of the onboard electronic systems, it is necessary to take already known as well as new measures to reduce the interference in advance. | ||||||||
Zinchenko A. A. Weight control organizing while aircraft engineering production. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 102 The experience shows that theoretical weight calculation does not often match weighing results. This statement holds for parts and assembly units made by casting and die molding from rolled metal and composite materials. This includes also electrical equipment and harnesses which weight is about 9% of total aircraft weight. It is difficult to account for paint coating put on aircraft parts, as well as sealants ensuring junctions seal.
Untimely transfer of parts and assembly units weighing results to design bureaus is followed by organizational difficulties of internal weight control in production. The internal processes analysis of various organizations allowed creating a working model of weight control automated system at PJSC AAC “PROGRESS”. The company standard and “Weight control” software developed with C++ programming language and Oracle database is used as a basis for weight control automated system.
Putting weight control automated system into operation has significantly shortened searching and processing time for parts and assembly units weighing control and documents writing.
The weight control automated system developed at PJSC AAC “PROGRESS” is a significant move on the way to internal production processes automation. It possesses a high potential of further development. For example, the weight control system could be supported by the following:
– A server with the data field (cloud), accessible to all the participants, working with weight control;
– Calculation methodology of aircraft parts and assembly units at the design stage, which, for example, will include NeuroWorks [1] software developed on the principle of artificial neural network. The program uses exploratory-dependent formulas, therefore it might use weight control automated system’s weights database;
– Cooperating enterprises involvement into weight control automated system. This will accelerate data submission on parts and assembly units to aircraft designer;
– Parts and assembly units identification by their direct marking [2] (barcode numbering, FRID), this will allow tracking parts and assembly units throughout the aircraft life cycle in a better way;
– Modern weight control means allows entering information on parts and assembly units, such as weight, time, date, photo, overall dimensions, into the database;
– The terms for synchronizing weight control automated system and CAD, CAE systems . This will allow eliminate input of parts and assembly units points for aggregates center of mass determination of the whole aircraft and use actual values of distributed loads when estimating aircraft configuration in CAE systems;
– Accounting for the aircraft parts technological allowances. The allowance for the parts could be excluded fully or partly, or not removed at all. This value might be used for discrepancies analysis parts and assembly units, and as criteria for the technological production upgrade;
– Record keeping of non-ferrous and precious metals.
The software application for processing the aircraft levelling information affected by the mass/inertia loads on the fuselage might be a supplement for the weight control automated system.
Thus, the new model of weight control automated system will positively affect the aircraft design time, its serial production and enterprises cooperation even with partial implementation of the above-mentioned points. The weight control automated system will become a part of the life cycle informational support system article (CALS-technologies). | ||||||||
Nabatov A. N., Vedenyapin I. E., Mukhtarov A. R. Applying ontology approach to information system design. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 102 The article considers the problems of corporate information systems development, design, upgrade and operation. The process complexities that are needed to be overcome by the participants – customers, the owners of corporate information systems, executors – architects, designers, programmers, implementation specialists, as well as those who will operate the information system – administrators and users, are discussed. The well-known and new approaches to the information systems design are being studied. The advantages and disadvantages of these approaches are considered. A design approach associated with the known technologies combining is proposed. At the core of the proposal is sharing the ontological and entity-relationship modeling methods. An example of the information system design beginning for an ordinary manager is considered. The example describes the environment, both technical and information, as well as classification of tasks and resources necessary for the manager while performing his official duties. The example is given based on ontological approach. On this basis the state vectors, describing the manager’s workplace, as well as his tasks, are presented. The ontologies integration into a unified structure is shown, and a conclusion on the links complication between the combined ontology elements is made. This conclusion is also confirmed by the state vector. Similarly, a connection-based approach is simulated on the same example. A principal possibility of these approaches combining based on the basic subject area commonness is shown. Generality is ensured by a single glossary, applied in both approaches. This allows conducting a comparative analysis of the obtained models. The XML representation format as the consolidation platform is proposed. It is demonstrated that both the ontology and the entity-relationship models can be represented as an XML structure. | ||||||||
Nikolaev S. V., Barantsev S. M., Kolodezhnov V. N., Shatovkin R. R., Kupryashkin I. F. Motion dynamics modeling of objects of smooth ballistics while solving the problems of aircraft complexes flight tests. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 102 The article is dedicated to developing the mathematical model of the of aerial bombs movement smooth ballistics to determine the possibility of bombing. The mathematical model is based on the numerical solution of a system of differential equations, accounting for aerial bombs ballistic characteristics, as well as their kinematic and gravitational parameters. Ballistic characteristics determine the aerodynamic properties of air weapons, significantly affecting parameters of their trajectory, and is entered into the bombing sight while the sighting angle determining. Based on this mathematical model, a computer program meant for air weapons of smooth ballistics movement simulation after their discharge from the carrier aircraft was developed. The program is useful for scientific and methodological support of aircraft testing, flight tests planning, and movement parameters computing of the air weapons. The modeling results validity evaluation was performed by comparing he obtained results with ballistic tables. The obtained error within the limits not exceeding 5% allows recommend the developed software for assessing the combat capabilities of aircraft systems when attacking ground targets during flight tests. The obtained solutions are taken as a basis of the method for studying ballistic characteristics of air weapons and computational-experimental method for determining the combat capabilities of aircraft systems when attacking ground targets during flight tests. | ||||||||
Lyapin A. A. Algorithm for stochastic variations generation of a vector with specified constraints. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 102 Software for flight task analysis and control consists of a variety of interrelated components (program modules) [1]. A program module is a functionally completed software implementation of a specific task (algorithm) of a software for analysis and control of a flight task. To ensure quality and reliability, each program module should be debugged, verified and tested in autonomous mode [2, 3, 4].
The above-mentioned program modules are verified and tested using special software tools (program complex BTTesting [5, 6]).
The paper covers a method of automatic variations generation of a vector with specified constraints (imposed on the vector length and ranges of its components variation) while forming a computational grid for verification.
There are methods for constructing random vectors with dependent components [16], such as the method of conditional distributions, elimination method (von Neumann), etc. To apply the method of conditional distributions, it is necessary to determine the distribution density of the vector components, and the von Neumann method allows construct random variations of the vector components and restrictions on its length. The algorithm proposed in the article represents a simple mathematical formulation as well as easy software implementation.
An application program [17-22] integrated in the BTTesting program complex is designed based on the algorithm. The article presents user’s interface and an example of the algorithm utilization.
The presented algorithm allows to replace manual entering of initial vector parameters by their automatic generation while forming a computational grid for verification. This lowers labor efforts of a white-collar operator and prevents a human factor impact. | ||||||||
Le T. D., Nesterenko V. G. Study and optimization of the thermal state and acceptable level of stresses in the shroud of the turbine rotor blades of a gas generator of aviation high-temperature gas turbine engine. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 102 The article presents a technique for shrouds of gas generators’ turbine rotor blades designing for conventional and prospective high-temperature gas turbine engines to increase their efficiency, service life and reliability through their cyclic strength in particular. Based on the results of the design studies of temperature state and strength characteristics evaluation of the airfoil blades and their shroud shelves of various configurations, a technique allowing optimize their convective-film cooling was developed. With account for the increased strength characteristics of heat-resistant alloys with rhenium additives, this technique allows designing the shrouds of the high-temperature turbine blades of new generation, while maintaining the required level of allowable stresses and safety margins.
The purpose of the study consisted in identifying the critical areas of the shroud, as well as the airfoil blades requiring increased cooling intensity at reasonable costs of the cooling air. The shroud is usually calculated on bending under the centrifugal forces action, as a cantilever beam of variable cross-section, embedded into the section adjacent to the airfoil blade. A shroud cooling system, which ensures a temperature reduction of the blade of the high-pressure turbine, where the stress values in the shroud are maximum, has been developed. The parameters for the temperature and stress state calculation of the turbine blade shroud of a gas generator were selected to maximize the mode To simulate the viscous flow of incompressible gas in the turbines flow passage, the Navier-Stokes equation was used. In the flow passage domain, a tetra grid was used. On the gas domain surface, a thickening of the grid with 10th prismatic sub-layers was created.
The results of the conducted studies allowed obtain practically significant conclusions and recommendations, which also have a scientific novelty associated with the specification of the nature of the gas flow and the expedient employing of the convective or film cooling in different parts of the shroud and the airfoil blade. | ||||||||
Tran L. T., Tarlakovsky D. V. Moment Elastic Half-Plane under the Action of Surface Non-Stationary Normal Displacements. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 102 The article discusses an elastic homogeneous isotropic half-plane filled with a Cosserat medium. At the initial moment of time and at infinity, there are no perturbations. On the border of a half-plane, non-stationary normal displacements are given. All components of the stress-strain state are limited. A complete system of equations of the asymmetric theory of elasticity is presented, which includes linear vector equations of motion in displacements, geometric and physical relations. Using the representation of fields of displacement in the form of potential and solenoidal parts, a system of equations of motion with respect to the scalar, vector displacement potentials and angle of rotation is written.
For the plane problem in question, a rectangular Cartesian coordinate system is used. The resolving system of equations includes three hyperbolic equations for the scalar potential, the nonzero component of the vector potential, and the rotation vector. The solution of the problem is sought in the form of convolutions of a given normal displacement with the corresponding surface Green functions. To construct the latter, we apply the Fourier transform with respect to the coordinate and the Laplace in time. The originals of the images are found using the joint inversion of the Fourier and Laplace transforms.
Examples of the action of various non-stationary loads on the border of a half-plane and examples of calculations for a granular composite of aluminum shot in an epoxy matrix are given.
As results of this article, an analytical solution is constructed for the problem of the propagation of non-stationary surface kinematic perturbations in the moment-elastic half-plane, which allows using quadratures to find stresses for any law of load variation. It is established that the corrections made to the solution, taking into account the moment properties of the medium, have the order of the coefficient relating the fields of displacement and rotation. It is shown that the surface Green’s functions in this case have an integrable singularity at the front of the shear wave. | ||||||||
Gerasimov K. V., Zobova A. A. Dynamics of a vehicle with omniwheels with massive rollers with account for a roller change contacting with supporting plane. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 101 We study the dynamics of a vehicle with omni-wheels moving along a horizontal plane. In this work, we consider dynamics of the rollers, and suggest the model for contact switching from one roller to another using impact theory. We consider behavior of the simplified model of the omni-wheel as a rigid disk with a non-holonomic sliding constraint (MassLess Rollers Model – MLRM).
Dynamics of a symmetrical vehicle with N omni-wheels, each carrying n rollers, moving along a fixed horizontal absolutely rough plane are considered under the following assumptions: the mass of each roller is nonzero, the plane and rollers are absolutely rigid, so the contact between a supporting roller and the plane occurs in one point. The slippage is allowed only at the instant just after the change of the rollers in contact (a tangent impact).
Between the impacts, the motion dynamics are governed by the equations in pseudovelocities. Compared to MLRM, the additional terms proportional to the rollers’ axial moment of inertia and depending on the angles of wheels’ rotation appear. For free motions (without control), we showed analytically the existence of the energy first integral, cyclic linear integral for the non-supporting rollers, and slow change of the MLRM first integral. It is shown that some MLRM motions disappear. All analytical results were confirmed by simulation. Comparison of the main types of motion for symmetric three-wheeled vehicle for MLRM and the whole model was performed.
For switching between rollers, an impact theory problem is posed and solved, impact forces and energy loss being obtained in assumption of non-elastic impact and ideal constraints. Right before the impact instant only holonomic constraints are imposed on the system. After the impact, a set of differential constraints are applied. The impact problem is then formulated as a system of algebraic equations. The system admits the unique solution. We consider the impact as non-elastic in the sense that it is equivalent to projection of the vector of generalized velocities onto the plane defined by constraints in the space of virtual displacements, orthogonal in the kinetic metric. Thus, the normal part of the generalized velocities vanishes, and the kinetic energy of the system decreases by the value of the kinetic energy of lost generalized velocities, in accordance to Carnot’s theorem. Then the solutions were obtained numerically combining both smooth parts of motion and impacts. | ||||||||
Korovaytseva E. A. On ensuring solution accuracy of model analysis problems. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 101 By the example of modal analysis problems formulation, introduction of three simplest canonical forms is suggested, allowing structuring the description of problems solution algorithms and reasonably minimize their spectrum. For the basic algorithm, supposing the method of initial parameters application, the use of integral approach to the problem solution is proposed.
This approach supposes orthogonality of normalized integral matrices of the initial and conjugate differential equation systems condition checking at each integration step at the problem preprocessing step and segmentation of integration interval at the points in which this condition is not met. This approach efficiency is illustrated by the examples of free oscillations of hinged beam and cylindrical shell problems solution analysis. It is shown, that tenth and higher natural frequencies of the hinged beam cannot be calculated correctly without using segmentation according to the approach suggested. The article compares several numerical integration methods combined with segmentation. They are Runge-Kutta method, realized in authorial program, and Runge-Kutta, Adams-Bashforth, Gear and trapezoids with free interpolation methods realized as built-in MATLAB functions. Runge-Kutta method realized in authorial program demonstrated the best accuracy and computational speed. Besides, comparison of Runge-Kutta method of the fourth and tenth orders of accuracy shows that the method of the higher order is less accurate.
Calculations of the first natural frequency and mode of cylindrical shell oscillations were performed according to the general moment theory with account for inertia in three directions. Godunov’s orthogonalization method was used. The numbers of orthogonalization and integration steps were calculated according to segmentation methodology suggested in the paper and common approximate methodology based on numerical experiments of the prior authors. The studies revealed that applying common approach to integration interval segmentation cold lead to wrong results of natural frequencies and modes calculation, while application of the approach suggested in the paper allows obtaining results with the required accuracy. | ||||||||
Egorov A. V. Bending deflection of a non-uniform bar at axial compression. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 101 The article considers a process of deformation of a hinged-mounted non-uniform bar at the axial compression. Numerical computation was performed with ANSYS and LS-DYNA software, using 3D finite elements in elastoplastic domain. The fact of stability loss was being established through the values of bending deflections being determined.
The bar non-uniformity was specified by the three elastic insertions with elasticity modulus differing from basic material of the bar. The insertions were located along the bar superficies non-symmetrically relative to its axis. A steel bar with elasticity modulus of
The insertions were of a small volume: in total 0.8% relative to the bar volume.
Based on modal analysis, forms of oscillations and natural frequencies of the non-uniform bar were obtained with ANSYS software, which were compared to the shapes and frequencies of the uniform bar.
Lateral motions (bending deflections) of an axially compressed non-uniform bar were found by computing its stress and strain state with LS-DYNA software in dynamic setting, which allowed obtaining bending deflections as a function of time. For the first five forms of stability losses of the non-uniform bar corresponding loads were calculated.
Loading of the bar bending deflection over one half-wave (per the first form) was compared to Euler’s critical load. It was shown, that the obtained critical loading exceeded it by 21%. This loading can be considered as the upper estimation, since the insertions were of small volume.
With an assumption of the bar non-destructiveness, the process of shape changing, associated with large displacements was established with LS-DYNA software, and a time instant of ultimate strain reaching in the upper thin layer on the bumpy surface of the bended bar was indicated. | ||||||||
Golubev E. S., Mugla D. R., Barzov A. A., Sysoev N. N. Probabilistic analysis of ultra-jet hydro-physical technologies effectiveness. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 101 The article considers comparative effectiveness of various scientific and applied approaches to the study of ultra-jet hydro-physical technologies. The possibility of effective construction of a probabilistic simulation apparatus was demonstrated on a concrete example of determining an optimal length of a nozzle, forming the cutting abrasive-liquid jet. The results of this problem solving by simulation using Monte Carlo method, supplemented by direct experimental studies are presented. Prospects for the development of the proposed approach in the field of analysis of ultra-jet hydro-physical technologies are outlined.
The high labor-intensiveness and cost of the direct experimental analysis of the effectiveness of various operational ultra-jet technologies (UJT), as well as the search for optimal modes of their implementation in production conditions are the reasons for the need to develop the apparatus for theoretical study and mathematical modeling of the interaction of ultra-jet (UJ) and the material being processed. Besides, the task of creating appropriate engineering methods for express determination of rational conditions for ultra-jet treatment of materials and liquids, in particular, by the acoustic emission method is topical. In this regard, we formulate in short form the main options for analyzing and optimizing the physical and technological parameters of UJT designed to ensure their low-cost determination at the early stages of technological production preparation. We will herewith accoinput unt for interconnection of physically dominating UJT processes, in particular, fatigue-discrete US-erosion of the machined material or a solid-state target with input physical characteristics of various operational UJT and their output parameters. | ||||||||
Savitskiy D. V., Aksenov A. A., Zhluktov S. V. Numerical simulation of argon plasma interaction with carbon sample of thermal-protective coating. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 101 Real picture of physico-chemical processes around a hypersonic vehicle is extremely complex. While air deceleration in the head shock wave, almost all kinetic energy of the approach flow transforms into internal energy. This leads to the air heating up to high temperature (tens of thousands degrees) right behind the shock wave, which, further, subsides, while approaching the vehicle due to endothermic reactions of dissociation and ionization. As a result, the flow of multicomponent thermochemical non-equilibrium gas mixture forms in the shock layer. Interaction of the heated gas with the thermal heat shield of the vehicle initiates numerous additional interrelated processes. They are heterogeneous chemical reactions at the vehicle surface, homogeneous chemical reactions with participation of the heat shield destruction products, conjugate heat exchange between the gas and heat shield, non-stationary coating heating. The necessity to describe these processes leads to significant complication of mathematical model. The model of the hot gas interaction with the thermal shield is defined by the coating type.
The article presents a complex mathematical model describing the hot gas mixture flow near a hypersonic vehicle, mass entrainment from the vehicle surface, the ablation products effect on the processes proceeding in the gas phase, the heat shield heating, and the vehicle surface shape changing The model is not too complex. It was developed for systematic engineering calculations of the hypersonic flows near real vehicles.
The 3D flow of argon plasma around a carbon sample of a heat shield is simulated. The conditions are corresponding to the experiment performed at the Joint Institute for High Temperatures of RAS. It is assumed, that sublimation is the main mechanism of the sample ablation. Calculations were performed with the FlowVision software. The article presents the simulation results. The numerical modeling results are compared with the experimental data. The difference between the computed and experimental values of the mass loss rate is found to be within the experimental error. | ||||||||
Konstantinov S. G. Numerical modeling of a solid sphere free fall into the water. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 101 A solid body motion trajectory depends significantly on its hydrodynamic characteristics. Thus, an important problem consists in determining aero-hydrodynamic forces and moments, impacting the body depending on its special position and media properties. Application of modern computing techniques, allowing accounting for complex physical pattern of the body flow-around in viscous turbulent flow of liquid and compressible gas, becomes highly relevant for determining dynamic characteristics of a solid body free falling and immersing into the water.
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) methods, constructed on the solution of the Navier-Stokes equations, allow simulate the fluid and gas flows dynamics with account for the viscosity, compressibility and detachment phenomena effect.
The main problem while the CFD methods application is the simulation of turbulent flows. Until now, universal turbulence models, capable of accounting for all the scales of turbulence have not been developed. Thus, with regard to computing resources costs, the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations closed by a particular turbulence model are widely employed. With this approach, the numerical experiment accuracy depends largely on the correct choice of the turbulence model.
To assess the validity of the RANS method, the aerodynamic characteristics of the sphere were computed using three most widely used turbulence models, i.e. Spalart-Allmaras, k-SST and k-e, realizable in the ANSYS FLUENT program.
Comparative testing of turbulence models based on aerodynamic characteristics computing of the sphere while airflow over a wide range of Reynolds numbers revealed that the computing results obtained from the Spalart-Allmaras and k-SST turbulence models are closest to the experimental data.
To determine the aero-hydrodynamic characteristics of a sphere free falling into water, as well as the trajectory of incidence and immersion, calculations were performed using the RANS method with the k-ω SST turbulence model and Volume of fluid (VOF) and Six degrees of freedom (6DOF) models contained in the program ANSYS FLUENT.
Based on computing results, the sphere hydrodynamic characteristics, trajectory and sinking speed were determined. The patterns of the total velocity in the calculated area were obtained, and visualization of the cavity formation process in the water while immersion of the sphere with hydrophobic properties was demonstrated. The numerical modeling results of the sphere immersion into the water were compared with the experimental data.
The results of sphere aero-hydrodynamic characteristics computing and numerical modeling of the sphere immersion into the water demonstrated satisfactory agreement with experimental data, which indicates the fidelity of the physico-mathematical model of the applied method.
The implemented method can be employed in the aircraft building industry to solve problems related to determination of the dynamic characteristics of seaplanes and helicopters capable of being driven and moving along the water surface with account for the impact of the incoming airflow, currents and free surface waves. | ||||||||
Khatuntseva O. N. On finding the critical Reynolds number of laminar-turbulent transition in Hagen-Poiseuille problem. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 101 In the previous article [1], two solutions for the Hagen-Poiseuille problem were analytically obtained based on the Navier-Stokes equations with account for the entropy producing caused by the stochastic perturbations. The first solution corresponds to the laminar mode, and the second relates to the turbulent flow mode. The solution related to the turbulent flow mode at the central part of the tube was specified by the logarithmic velocity profile with the multiplier inversely proportional to the von Karman constant analytically determined in [1]. The solutions corresponding to the laminar and turbulent modes differ slightly directly at the tube wall. In the present work, this circumstance allows determine the minimal Reynolds number at which the transition fr om the laminar to the turbulent flow mode is feasible. The method of “discontinuous” functions was employed for these purposes.
The method of “discontinuous” functions description was offered in [2]. It may be used to describe the processes subjected to jump-like transitions, applied to the physical processes that can be uniquely described by
The laminar-turbulent transition completely satisfies for this model of “discontinuous” functions behavior. With small Reynolds number values only the laminar mode of a liquid flow can be realized, while with Reynolds number values exceeding certain critical value both laminar and turbulent flow modes can be realized. At that, with Reynolds number increasing the turbulent flow mode stability increases, while the laminar flow mode stability decreases. The laminar to turbulent mode transition at Reynolds numbers exceeding the critical occurs jump-like and randomly.
The critical Reynolds number found in the work is approximately 1970. | ||||||||
Glushkov T. D., Mitrofovich V. V. The impact of a fan inlet guide vane blades design effect on its characteristics. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 101 During the definition of one of the modern helos’ cooling fan system’s aerodynamic perfomance, it was estimated that its aerodynamic efficiency at the operation points is much lesser then pre-calculated meaning. When analyzing velocity distribution in blade passages of pre-seriesly-built fan prototype and its high-scale model, it was determined that the reason of prototype performance reduction is insufficient flow angle at inlet guide vane (IGV) outlet. As result negative rotor airfoil cascade angle of attack α leads to insufficient energy transfer from the rotor to the airflow and reduction of fan performance.
The pre-seriesly-built prototype of fan had certain deviations from the recommended shape of the input guide vane blades, in particular, great radial tips at hub and shroud, and through slot, presented at the IGV blades peripheria, that permits to hub and shroud tip leakage flows. Downwash of flow resulted in sufficient reduction of IGV outflow angle and cutting the full pressure ψ and power λ factors. Testing of same prototype with IGV radial gaps deleted, shown that radial gaps deletion sufficiently lessens the negative impact of vane design drawbacks.
Inlet guide vane blades stagger angles θIGV significantly impacts on size, angle and direction of downwash. When θIGV<95° IGV downwash direction is contrary to rotor rotation, as result rotor inflow angle if relative movement decreases, rises airfoil cascade angle of attack and energy transfer to the airflow. If θIGV~95° IGV outflow has axial direction, and velocity distribution at rotor inlet consists to expected. When θIGV>95° IGV downwash direction coincides to rotor rotation and fan performance decreases.
It was also shown that even minor deviations from the recommended vanes coronets’ shape significantly impact upon the overall aerodynamic and cinematic features of the fan installation. | ||||||||
Bolsunovskii A. L., Buzoverya N. P., Skomorokhov S. I., Chernyshev I. L. Computational and experimental studies of high-speed wings for advanced long-haul aircraft. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 101 The article presents the description of a design technique and results of the study of two high-speed wings of the long haul aircraft thematic models. Two values of the cruise Mach number were considered: quite mustered in the world practice M = 0.85, and near transonic one M = 0.9. The wing for M = 0.85 has a sweep of χ1/4 = 32.7° and average relative thickness of t/c=11.2%, while for the more high-speed wing the sweep was increased up to χ1/4=38.5°, and the relative thickness was reduced to `t/c =9.5%, which was comparable to the B-747 wing parameters.
The wings were being designed using the aerodynamic design technique developed by the authors, which employs direct and inverse methods of computational aerodynamics, as well as optimization procedures. The design is performed in three stages. At the first stage, the initial geometry of the wing is selected according to the available data from the prototypes. An the second stage, it is being modified by solving the inverse problem with a given favorable pressure distribution at the main cruise flight mode. The specified pressure distribution is selected by the designer so as to minimize the wave drag (to weaken or even eliminate the shock waves), profile drag (to weaken strong pressure gradients and eliminate flow separations) and induced drag (to provide close to the elliptical load distribution over the span). Finally, the third stage commences a multi-criterion optimization procedure intended to expand the range of flight modes with minimal drag losses.
The thematic models were tested in TSAGI’s transonic wind tunnel T-106M both at cruise speeds and at low Mach number M = 0.2. The tests confirmed that the developed wings indeed ensure the achieving of the design cruise Mach number of M = 0.85 and M = 0.9 correspondingly and may be recommended for prospective long haul aircraft layout developing. | ||||||||
Zharenov I. A., Kulesh V. P., Kuruliuk K. A. Measuring deformation fields of panels suffering impact damages with videogrammetry method. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 101 While operation the aircraft structures are subjected to mechanical, thermal, acoustic and other loadings, which lead to their forms changes, i.e. deformation. Normal functioning of such objects depends on adequate response of the structure to the external impacts. One of the most important factors affecting the strength, survivability and safety of aircraft engineering objects is the impact damage of the skin.
The processes associated with impact damage to the skin are of great interest in the studies of the aircraft of structural elements strength. The processes associated with the skin impact damage are of great interest while studying the strength of the aerial vehicle structure. To develop structures stable to the impact damages and forecasting possible changes of their functional and strength characteristics the studies based on computational methods are employed and new models are created. However, these models and techniques require experimental verification and confirmation. The impact damages peculiarity consists in significant three-dimensionality of the skin normal deformation. Thus, deformation distribution fields measuring with high point density is necessary for mathematical models correct verification. The optical method of videogrammetry (VGM) is one of the prospective methods for such measurements.
The presented article offers the application of the optical method of videogrammetry for non-contact measuring of the residuaal deformation fields of the skin while impact damages inflicting. A measuring technique employing a single digital camera was developed.
Testing of a series of panels of aircraft structures from aluminum alloy was performed. The root-mean-square error of measurements of normal deviations of points on the dents’ surface up to 7mm depth did not exceed 0.01 mm.
It was demonstrated, that the measurements with high points density by the VGM method opens possibility to determine the shape and volume of the dent, which allowed verify the finite element model of the impact damage more completely. | ||||||||
Trofimchuk M. V., Krovjakov V. B., Berezovsky D. V., Andreev M. V. Aircraft protecting unit from mechanical impact of hitting elements. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 101 Among the aircraft indices such as tactical, flight-performance, operational, economic, etc., the most important for a military aircraft is its combat survivability as an aircraft’s capability to continue the flight and task performing in conditions of hitting its separate units, systems and airframe by enemy’s means of destruction took place.
The experience of military conflicts reveals that the combat survivability of an aircraft is primarily determined by the protection of vital aggregates, which constitute less than 20% of the total aggregate of airframe and engine systems. Thus, to minimize the weight and size costs on ensuring the combat survivability of an aircraft, it becomes sufficient to ensure locally or strengthen protection with modern effective means only of its vital aggregates.
The disadvantages of existing methods and means of local protection of vital aircraft units are as follows:
– aerodynamic characteristics deterioration when placing the armored elements outside the fuselage;
– the aircraft useable volumeы reduction when placing the armored elements inside the fuselage;
– substantial increase in the aircraft weight characteristics.
As a result of the studies performed routinely by the specialists of Air Force Academy, a technical solution was developed of the device for aircraft protecting from the mechanical impact of the hitting elements. Its essence lies in the fact that along the perimeter of the aircraft skin section from its inner side, a flexible impediment is fixed in the zone of vital units’ location, and its area herewith exceeds the area of the protected skin area. Thus, the problem of fixing a flexible obstacle in the constructive state of “slack” (sagging) is solved, by which the effect of its resistance increasing to the impact of hitting elements is achieved. In this case the number of secondary fragments impacting the aggregates decreases by 95 to 97%. The energy of the damaging element itself decreases to a value sufficient only to form dents on vital aggregates that do not lead to their failure. The probability of accomplishing a combat mission by an aircraft increases by 15-18%.
The advantage of the developed technical solution is the possibility of its installation not only on newly designed, but also on the aircraft in operation without significant mass-size costs. The developed device can also be implemented to protect the other mobile and fixed technical facilities, including ground structures. | ||||||||
Andreev D. V. Analysis and control of technical risk levels at various lifecycle stages of helicopters. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 101 The article analyzes the problem of ensuring a helicopter flight safety at its design stage. As a criterion of the degree of safety estimation the notion “risk”, being spread on the functioning of a complex technical object is used. The author suggests solving the problem of flight safety provision using the “acceptable risk concept”. Unlike the existing risk assessment model bearing exceptionally statistical character, the proposed approach provides not only risk assessment, but also risk management through the implementation of special measures. These may include, for example, a limitation on the operating conditions of the helicopter and / or additional technical procedures during its operation.
The methodological basis for risk assessment is the fail-safe tolerance analysis, which shows the ability of the system (or helicopter as a whole) to ensure the safe completion of the flight in the expected operating conditions in the event of a failure onboard. It allows determine the reliability of systems and helicopter as a whole. In case of their inconsistency to the specified requirements, the analysis of fail-safe systems allows solve the problems of optimizing the architecture of the helicopter systems as far back as at the design stage. The analysis results can also be used for planning the periodicity and preparation of works on maintenance and repair of the helicopter, or transferrring certain systems for maintenance according to “their actual state”. Such technique will allow minimize technical risks at all stages of the helicopter life cycle, i.e. from the development stage to the operation stage of the serial aircraft.
The article presents classification of the failures consequences and describes the risk assessment process using the risk matrix. On the example of designing a system for indicating the main rotor rotations, the article demonstrates the possibility of selecting the optimal design variant by the fail-safe criteria. | ||||||||
Astapov V. Y., Khoroshko L. L., Dudkov K. V. Evaluation of additive technologies application for creating models of space missile head. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 101 The external outlines of a head fairing affects significantly missile aerodynamic characteristics as a whole. In case of loading, they determine the aerodynamic forces and moments affecting not only the head fairing itself but also the bays to which the fairing is being fixed. The fairing outline should ensure such a gas flow-around, at which minimum zones with vortex flow character is realized. Aerodynamic models are being employed for a head fairing blow-down. It is a complex product, which is firstly being designed, and then manufactured according to the requirements to a particular testing system. Very strict requirements on geometric similarity and surface quality are being placed on the model. Aerodynamics models manufacturing according to the conventional technology is based on machining and is rather labor consuming process. The authors suggest employing new and prospective forming methods, namely additive production, to produce an aerodynamic model, which will change radically both technology and a structure. The additive production principle consists in the fact that functional products and surfaces are being created by layer-by-layer adding of material, i.e. fusing or sputtering the powder, with adding a liquid polymer or a composite. Additive technologies may be systematized according to various criteria, such as the used material phase, radiation source, layer formation method. All modern systems of rapid prototyping operate according to the similar layer-by-layer principle of a physical model construction. Additive technologies employing allows meeting specifications to the aerodynamic model.
For the aerodynamic model growth, the 3D CAD model was being translated into machine G-codes, describing the extruder or laser motion trajectory (depending on the technology). The SLA (Stereo-lithography) was chosen as a rational option in terms of the final product quality and cost. Several models were manufactured and tested at various modes. For the pipe operating area, a drainage model in 1:100 scale was developed. The goal of the tests consisted in experimental determination of the pressure distribution along the head fairing surface, as well as external pressure in the area of the most large-size superstructures installed on the model.
Prior to the head fairing aerodynamic model manufacturing commence, tests of the samples for obtaining the physical properties of the material, being obtained in the process of formation with the layer-by-layer synthesis installation, were performed. The obtained models fully meet the requirements of geometric similarity. When loaded with external loads, the models did not deflect and did not break in the joints areas. They proved their reliability while load application. The test task was experimental determination of the pressure coefficient distribution on the surface of the head fairing and in the area of superstructures. | ||||||||
Baturin O. V., Kolmakova D. A., Popov G. M., Matveev V. N. Obtaining an equation for computing profile losses in a blade row of axial turbine while design calculation. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 101
The article proposes a method for reliability evaluation of losses models based on statistical analysis of deviation of experimental data from calculated. It showed that those deviations are subjected to the normal distribution law, and could be described by the value of mathematical expectation
The values of profile losses were calculated by five well-known models for 170 various axial turbines cascades, representing the diversity of turbines employed in aircraft gas turbine engines. The findings were being compared with the experimental data. The results of comparison were subjected to statistical analysis. It was found, that the best model describing the profile losses in axial turbines was the model developed in the Central Institute of Aviation Motors (Russia). It allows calculate the profile losses deviating from the actual values of losses by 8 ± 84% with a probability of 95%.
With account for the above mentioned statistical criteria, a new equation was proposed based on the analysis of the profile losses’ nature and employing mathematical optimization techniques. This equation opens the possibility of defining the profile losses of an axial turbine more accurately than by the use of the studied models. It allows calculate the profile loss values in the axial turbine deviating from the actual values of losses by 10±61% with a probability of 95%. This new proposed equation accounts for more geometric and operational factors affecting the losses value. | ||||||||
Abashev V. M., Kiktev S. I. Assessing the channel wall deformation impact on the gas flow structure in combustion chamber. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 101 One of the most pressing problems in the design of large multichannel combustion chambers of power plants with high-speed flow is the study of the flow process in the channel and the channel walls and flow interaction. Several experimental studies demonstrated that braking in rectangular channels of high-speed flow could vary greatly from the flow in a cylindrical pipe. The article deals with calculation and theoretical study of the flow of high-speed airflow in a rectangular channel with deformed inner wall. It assessed the changes in the nature of the flow of gas flow in a rectangular channel in the presence of deformations of these sections under the impact of thermal and force loads. In this article, the authors used the finite volume method, based on the system of Navier-Stokes differential equations. The model of the shear stress (Shear Stress Transport), which is a combination of k-ε, k-ω models was used. This combination of models allows calculate both the flow of the wall-adjacent layer, and the free flow at sufficient level away from the walls. The wide application of the SST model allowed adapt it for most flows, including the stationary problems solution at large Mach numbers. The numerical studies of the large multi channel combustion chambers with high-speed flow revealed that the deformation has a predominantly undulating shape. For this purpose, design models of cut-off wedges with a deformed surface were developed. The cut-off wedges were placed in the calculated volume, through which the heated supersonic gas flow proceeded. The design model consisted of two volumes: 1 – the volume simulating the air flow, 2 – the compartment wedge.
Conclusions on the deformed surface impact on the flow structure were made. Numerical studies revealed the presence of local zones in which shocks occurred. | ||||||||
Khomovskii Y. N. Studying specifics of strained state of a box-shape channel of ramjet engine. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 101 In hypersonic ramjet engines of underslung type the structural forms of air intake units, transition parts (the so-called insulators), through which the air is supplied to the combustion chamber and combustion chambers themselves represent thin-walled channels of rectangular or circular cross-sections. The airflow duct of an American X-51 hypersonic rocket and, particularly, its insulator is a consistent combination of channels of this shape.
The thin-walled structural elements of box, oval and cylindrical shape, forming the insulator sections, are exposed mainly to the pressure drops and temperature gradients. The stress state of such elements has its own specifics, and no sufficient information on it is available in the known literature sources. It relates, in the first place, to the inner corners. A significant concentration of stresses may be supposed in these places. Instead of a real insulator, let us consider the stressed state of a boxed-shape channel on the example of its six cross-sections.
The calculations were performed separately for the cases of loading by temperature gradient, pressure drop and a joint impact of these loads. The impact of R radius (R = 1; 3; 5; 13; 21; 28,5 mm) in the inner corners of models on the stress concentration factor was considered for each model.
Analyzing the obtained results, we can draw conclusions that the stresses in the corners of the models arising from the influence of pressure are very sensitive to the inner radius (in contrast to the temperature stresses). This may indicate the feasibility of separate consideration of these factors in the calculation of stress-strain state. Separate evaluation of stress concentration factors along the x and y axes may be handy for evaluating the strength of shells made of carbon-carbon composite materials with a fiber structure. | ||||||||
Vovk M. Y., Kulalaev V. V. Normality Criteria While Processing Experimental Studies of Gas Turbine Engines Parameters Based on Applied Mathematical Statistics' Methods. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 101 The article performed the generalized analysis of normality distribution criteria for experimental data processing [1-20]. A new «vector» criterion and design technique were suggested and examples of distribution normality verification were given, allowing employ the limited volume of experimental data, which was a rather significant factor while gas turbine engines (GTE) tests performing. The new technique of the distribution normality evaluation while analyzing the field of the GTE workbench tests was imposed by the fact that the vast majority of the experimental data used in engineering are subjected to the normal distribution law [1-5, 8-10]. In the applied mathematical statistics in practical regard the probability distribution characteristics are considered as a center of the statistical data grouping, the degree of dissipation and random values behavior in the vicinity of the center. The symmetry relative to the distribution center is also being analyzed. In terms of applied mathematics, analysis of distributed statistics herewith requires certain knowledge, practice and intuition while primary analysis of the set of the experimental data, where subjective factor gains a significant role. The state-of-the-art condition of the GTE tests development based on applied mathematical statistics requires introduction of reliable and powerful evaluation criteria of statistical data, which possess the property of algorithmization. It reduces to minimum the subjective approaches and determines the topicality of the scientific problem, considered in the article.
While identification of a mathematical model in global software accordint
While identifying a gas turbine engine mathematical model in the global software complexes by the experimental data of a definite engine series and performing also the regressive analysis the accomplishment of condition of the normal field distribution of the experimental data is required. Thus, to ensure the validity of the regression analysis the mandatory preliminary analytical verification of the normal distribution law with the normality criteria [8-10, 13-20] in place is required. Currently, there are 21 fitting criteria, modified for the normality distribution verification [8]. The types of the fitting criteria with the normal distribution law (normality criteria) are widely presented in the bulk work [8]. The table of the strength of various criteria of the normal distribution is presented ibid [Table № 80, p.278]. The following specifics of the known fitting criteria should be noted: the criteria work well with the sample values from 8 to 5000 and require employing special tables, requiring precalculation (ex. Shapiro-Wilk criteria, Filliben, La Breck and etc.). Practically, the wellknown criteria calculations require compilng voluminous tables for the subjective analysis, which leads to serious labor costs, and requires “...not only knowledge, practice, intuition” [8], but also considerable constraints of computer employing. The newly introduced normality distribution criterion [Kr1] may be used for the experimental points array processing and regressive statistics analysis for the rig testing of various types of gas turbines and possesses algorithmization features for computer calculations. It may be employed also for creating applied the software global complexes for automated experimental data arrays processing with sufficient shortening of time and design scope on the computer including experimental dataprocessing for actual gas turbine engine tests verification. | ||||||||
Rebrov S. G., Golubev V. A., Lozino-Lozinskaya I. G., Pozvonkov D. M. Laser ignition of oxygen-methane fuel in a combustion chamber. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 101 The article presents the results of the studies on the main regularities of laser ignition of an oxygen-methane gaseous fuel in a combustion chamber. A small-sized laser was installed directly on the mixing head with radiation leading-in along the axis of the chamber. The ignition was performed by initiating a spark of optical breakdown while radiation focusing in the fuel mixture volume. Mixture formation in the combustion chamber was provided by six coaxial-jet nozzles and typical for many modern liquid-fuel rocket engines operating on fuel components oxygen-hydrogen, oxygen-methane.
The studies of laser ignition specifics were performed in two directions. The first direction was determination of laser ignition possibility depending on the parameters of the fuel mixture. With this,the effect of feeding sequence of fuel components and characteristics of the mixture (pressure and flow rate) on the laser ignition possibility and ignition character were studied. The order of the components feeding was set by the control commands of the test bench. The output nozzles with various critical sections were employed for changing the flow velocity and pressure of the mixture components in the combustion chamber. The second direction of the research was studying the effect of the location of the initiation region of a spark of optical breakdown on the ignition reliability. For this purpose, lenses providing the laser radiation focusing at various distances from the mixing head plane were employed.
Final recommendations for both combustion chamber and laser ignition system characteristics selection, ensuring reliable ignition when radiation introduction into the chamber from the mixing head along the chamber axis, were given based on the results of the performed work and the obtained regularities. | ||||||||
Legkonogikh D. S., Golev I. M., Preobrazhensky A. P., Zelenin A. N. Application specifics of electrically driven units in an aircraft power plants. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 101 The article analyzes the work on the creation of electric drive units for aircraft and propulsion systems. The trends of gas turbine engines electrification are presented, the most important of which is replacement of mechanical and hydraulic actuators of propulsion unit by electric ones. The article demonstrates that application of electrically driven units in gas-turbine engine systems has a number of advantages associated with reduction mass and size parameters reduction, reliability increase, combat survivability and other operational properties of aircraft power plants. However, the effective implementation of these measures requires solution of some problematic issues of the development of onboard electric energy sources with high specific power. The review of domestic and foreign developments of electrically driven units for existing and prospective aircraft engines is presented. One of the possible options of fault-tolerant structural scheme of the fuel system of a twin-engine aircraft power plant with electric fuel pumps is proposed. This structural scheme will allow performing partial or full restoration of the fuel system in case of operational failures occurrence, as well as in the case of combat damages. The inference was drawn that at present application of electric drive for the units of relatively low power was most expedient.
For actual mass introduction of electrically driven units to aircraft systems it is necessary to carry out further works on assessing the possibility, feasibility and effectiveness of these measures. | ||||||||
Glushkov A. V., Ulybyshev S. Y. Application of the clock mode to the propulsion system for a spacecraft high-precision orbital maneuvering and reorientation. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 101 The article sets forth the possibility of a clock mode operation of the propulsion system to solve effectively the problem of the spacecraft center of mass travel, as well as controlled rotation around it. Configuration of the propulsion system consisting of two triples of nominally equal liquid rocket engines with opposite directions of the resulting thrust vector located uniformly on the circumference of a given radius is under consideration. The said design solution allows effective fuel consumption to move the center of mass in space, and in conjunction with the mode of clock operation used to control the engine, ensured the high accuracy of the pulse. While the spacecraft reorienting, this algorithm allows make reversals and guidance of the selected axis in a specified direction, minimizing herewith the total increment of the characteristic speed, which leads to a linear movement of the center of mass, as well as parrying the growth of the kinetic moment along all three central axes of the spacecraft.
The article presents the description of the algorithm for the mode of clock operation of the propulsion system, as well as the results of mathematical modeling, confirming its performance and ensuring all the stated requirements. It was shown, that the problem of guidance and retention of the spacecraft selected axis in a specified direction was realized with minimum fuel consumption, and the linear travel of the center of mass was practically nonexistent. This are necessary conditions for the effective application of liquid-propellant rocket engines for a spacecraft reorientation, and this is highly demanded in practice. | ||||||||
Giliazov M. R., Nagulin K. Y., Gilmutdinov A. H. Dynamic characteristics of galvanometric scanner for laser surface treatment. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 101 A high-speed galvanometer scanner for laser technological equipment was developed. Closed-loop type of galvo was selected for the précised localization of laser beam on an object surface. For angle measurement, high-speed capacitive sensor was used. This galvo presents the conjugation of a metallic rotor and stator, consisted of permanent magnets, stator plates of a special shape, and a coil.
To enhance the resonant frequency the torsion bar was fixed to the rotor end. On its other end the mirror was fixed.
The scanner ensures a deflection angle of the laser beam within the range of ±22.5° with maximum frequency of 285 Hz. The scanner dynamic characteristics were obtained by numerical simulation. The galvo resonant frequency was evaluated with the damped oscillations analysis. As the initial conditions, the magnetic field distribution precalculated in the stationary state by the MUMPS method was taken in the simulated device. Further, the time calculation was also performed using the MUMPS method, with a time step sufficient for analysis.
After that, the control signal was optimized with the help of PID-regulation of the supplied current. The criterion of optimality was the maximum linearity of the motion of the scanner’s rotor.
The change in the magnetic flux during the oscillation process over time was studied. The time for establishing the forced oscillations amplitude of the rotor (0.02 s) was estimated. | ||||||||
Zinoviev Y. S., Mishina O. A., Glushchenko A. A. Prospects for ground- and space-based optical telescopes development. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 101 The issues of the near and far space exploration are topical in both scientific and practical terms. On the one hand, it is the study of the Solar system (including asteroids and comets), distant Galaxies, while on the other hand, it is the problem of increasing of the number of space debris and spacecraft.
The new generation of the ground- and space-based telescopes with enhanced characteristics are required to solve these problems.
The article presents the review of the prospects of the ground- and space-based optical telescopes development both in Russia and abroad. It considers the results of the works on implementation of the ground-based telescopes implementation for space monitoring developed in the USA, currently carried out, and on creating large space telescopes with controlled composed (segmental) apertures under development in several countries led by NASA.
The performed analysis of the prospects of the ground- and space-based optical telescopes development allowed revealing the basic tendencies of modern telescope building. These include the increase in the diameter of the main mirror of the telescope both through the application of the controlled composed (segmented) apertures principle, and through the methods of aperture synthesis. Besides the permeability and angular resolution increase, application of this trend allows create long-range telescopes, which is extremely important for solving the problem of asteroid danger. Another important trend is creating photometric channels of ground-based telescopes (GEODSS, MMT– 9) with high rapidity, which allows obtaining signatures of space objects with high time resolution and solve the problem of their identification. Finally, creation of a fundamentally new MMT– 9 system allowed detect and study the fast-changing (in time and space) radiation sources of unknown localization in huge survey sectors (up to 900 square degrees). It allows respond to emergencies in space close to real one. | ||||||||
Vasil'eva A. V., Sedov D. P. The construction principles of the radio altimeter system for measurement parameters motion of the recovery capsule. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 101 The key factor while selecting the landing system of a modern spaceship is a single requirement, namely, the necessity of multiple use of a reentry module. A simple parachute system with landing on a firm-land is not capable to slow-down a spaceship to the necessary extent, since it is rather difficult to create the landing shock absorber which would withstand such loading and protect the ship’s hull from damaging. Besides, due to uncompensated lateral velocity and under strong wind the capsule e may fall on its side. To account for lateral velocity and cant angles of a reentry module relative to the surface it is necessary to employ the system ensuring measuring of the corresponding parameters.
The radio altimeter system is included in the reentry module of a manned spacecraft and is intended to measure the current drop altitude from 500 to 0.5 m, the current components of the velocity vector of the center of masses, current cant angles of the reentry module relative to the underlying surface.
The radio altimeter system differs from the earlier designed by implementation of the original technical solutions ensuring carrying-out of the draft proposal requirements on the range and accuracy of measured parameters, built-in self-monitoring, reliability factors, vitality and withstandability to external impact.
Radio altimeter system presents is a pulse Doppler radio altimeter of motion parameters. The authors suggest employing the multi-beam two-mirrors antennae with nine beams as an antennae system.
To ensure performing the task of landing in case of failures in the system the dual redundancy of transmitting modules is implemented. Each module functions independently and executes the flight parameters measurement. The use of information from all transmitters enhances accuracy of the parameters measurement.
The article presents all basic principles of radio altimeter system developing for measuring parameters of movement of a reentry module. It demonstrates operating algorithms of the unit and basic equations for the required parameters computing. The functional diagram of the radio altimeter system was developed and the ways of its reliability increasing were suggested. The effectiveness of the suggested algorithms was substantiated by the system operation modeling. Evaluation of the radio altimeter system accuracy characteristics demonstrating correctness of the selected methods was performed. | ||||||||
Burenko E. A., Nesterov S. V. Active frequency-selective filters designing. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 101 While their studying, students of radio engineering specialties necessarily face the task of designing electric frequency-selective filters [1, 2, 3]. Due to the trend towards microminiaturization and difficulties in constructing small-sized filtering devices with inductors for radio engineering systems, linear active RC-filters are widespread [4]. The article presents the examples of filters synthesis for various purposes.
The task of the filter synthesis consists of several stages:
– approximating function selection for a specified filter characteristic;
– the filter transfer function constructing according to the approximating function (any characteristic of the filter as a four-pole can be reduced to the transfer function and vice versa);
– determining the filter structure corresponding to the obtained transfer function;
– filter design and analysis of its characteristics.
There are many ways to construct a filter with a given transfer function of the desired order. One of them consists in presenting the transfer function H(p) as a product of cofactors H1(p), H2(p),.... HN(p) of the transfer functions of the first and second orders, with each cofactor is realized by a separate link (four-pole). Further, these links are connected to each other in cascade, i.e. the output of the first link is the input of the second.
The transfer function of the polynomial low-pass filter has the form:
A first-order low-pass filter with a transfer function in the form of (2) can be implemented, if a parallel RC-circuit is used in the feedback circuit of the operational amplifier. It is quite simple to implement a second-order filter. To implement the low pass filters, highpass and bandpass filters, the second order filters schemes found wide application.
Based on the above said links, the scheme of the low-pass active RC-filter of the fifth order was developed (Fig. 1), realized with the characteristic of the Legendre polynomials (Fig. 2).
Similarly, the scheme of the active low-pass RC-filter of the sixth order is shown on Fig. 3 and its optimal monotonic response is shown on Fig. 4.
To obtain the transfer function of the high-pass filter, it is enough in to replace the p operator with 1/p in equation (1):
where K∞ – the gain of the upper frequencies of the filter.
The scheme of the active high-pass filter of the seventh order with amplitude-frequency response on the Legendre polynomials is implemented based of the known first- and second order links.
The scheme of the active high-pass filter of the seventh order with an optimum monotone characteristic was also realized.
By replacing variables, one can convert the amplitude-frequency responce of the low pass filter to the amplitude-frequency responce of the band pass filter. To do this, the following variables must be replaced in the transfer function (1):
where f–x и fx are respectively the lower and upper cut-off frequencies of a passband of a bandpass filter.
Based on the first- and second the order links the schemes of bandpass filters of the fifth order with amplitude-frequency responce on polynomials of Legendre and with optimum monotone approximation of amplitude –frequency characteristic are realized.
The transfer function of the cutoff filter can be obtained fr om the transfer function of the low pass filter (1) by a frequency domain conversion:
where High-order cut-off filters can be constructed by cascading the considered links, parameters of the elements and characteristics are determined by the selected approximation.
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Kuznetsov V. S., Volkov A. S., Sokovikov S. A. The study of the OFDM signals with primary amplitude-phase amplitude-pulse modulation. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 101 Technology of transmission with multiple carrier frequencies in the form of multiplexing with orthogonal frequency division OFDM and methods on its basis are widely accepted as one of the most prospective access schemes for application in the communication systems under development.
A new effective method of quadrature discrete modulation with receiving in the continuous channel with additive Gauss noise, called AFM-APM (amplitude-phase modulation amplitude-pulse modulation) is proposed. Due to the quadrature modulation scheme at FM-16, 8 levels of FM amplitude and 8 levels of APM signal in quadrature, this modulation method ensures frequency efficiency in the output bandwidth of
This modulation method allows realize 10 bit/count instead of 6 bit/count with the number of levels not more than with QAM-64.
The possibility of employing the suggested modulation as a method for subcarrier OFDM-signals was considered. The OFDM effectiveness is defined by the primary modulation effectiveness. With AFM-APM OFDM the 8 bit/count is realized, preserving the peak-factor at the QAM-16 level. Previously, no modulation technique allowed achieve such results. The probability of bit error to the Ebit/N0 ratio was modeled. It was demonstrated that more energy consumption was required for the AFM-APM realization. But, since AFM-APM employs cascaded modulation technique, its application in OFDM becomes possible. It is necessary to transfer to cascaded modulation implementation, which allows realizing the high efficiency with simple complexity. Each cascade realizes a part of the volume. The first cascade is FM-16 demodulator, the second is the quadrature modulation of a 4 ´ 4 system with quantization along the co-phase axis.
To compare AFM-APM with the other modulation techniques it is necessary to compare with those techniques, which ensure the same volume of data transmitted per the specified count. Since the AFM-APM provides 8 bit/count it should be compared to QAM-256. By the the modeling results asymptotic advantage of QAM-256 is about 7dB, though its realization in OFDM is impossible.
When comparing with the channel with the same frequency effectiveness and error probability qbit = 10-7, the Gauss channel requires 36 dB, which is 5 dB more than with AFM-APM. | ||||||||
Gogolev A. A., Gorobinskiy M. A. Micro unmanned aerial vehicle intrinsic position determining in conditions of enclosed space. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 101 Micro unmanned aerial vehicles (micro-UAV) of a multicopter type are capable of performing a target assignment in enclosed space (indoors) due to their relative compactness and possibility to maneuver in a limited space. Modern UAV complexes employ the receiver of satellite navigation systems (SNS) GLONASS/GPS, which signals do not penetrate the premises as the main information channel. As a result, maneuvering and target assignments performing inside the premises in autonomous mode is drastically restricted while the UAV control by the operator is hampered due to the lack of visual control of the situation around the UAV and presence of the obstacles along the route path.
According to the concept of the UAV development, the task performance should perform in automatic mode. This means that UAV should have an autonomous navigation system operating independently from GLONASS/GPS signals. For this purpose, the UAV is equipped with onboard computing means, but they have certain shortcomings. The strapdown navigation system (SNS) demonstrates large drift indices and accuracy of about 2 to 3 meters; the barometer’s accuracy is about 0.5 meters which is not enough for solving the problem of autonomous piloting; magnetometer is source of significant readings outburst in case of a large metal object presence.
This article suggests the solution of the problem of determining the micro-UAV space position bypassing GLONASS/GPS signals, but employing the SNS and visual navigation system. Data processing from SNS and magnetometer is being performed by Mahony filter at 50 Hz frequency. Due to this fact, the state vector has a high updating rate and a little time of errors accumulation. The altitude computing is performed by complexing information of the barometer and Mahony filter. For spatial position determining the visual navigation system employs code guide-marks, located in the premises, for unambiguous description of ambience specifics. The visual navigation accuracy is 5 cm. Correction of Mahony filter and visual navigation is performed by complementary filter.
The presented hardware-software complex allows determine the intrinsic position, applying the onboard computer, in real time mode with accuracy of about 10 cm, which is about 1/5 of the aerial vehicle linear size. | ||||||||
Torres Sanchez C. G., Vorontsov V. A. Design parameters evaluation of small reentry vehicle with account for initial data uncertainty. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 101 The article presents the analysis of trajectory parameters of a small reentry vehicle along a ballistic trajectory with account for the most significant perturbing factors, and calculation of their impact on the spacecraft mass.
The standard engineering models were applied to compute the thermal fluxes along the descending trajectory to compute the mass of the front shield of the thermal protection system. A method based on the Pflanz-Ludke method was applied to compute the parachute system parameters.
To obtain preliminary estimates of the design parameters three approaches were provided:
The design parameters computing in extreme (worst) conditions was being performed in such a way that of each parameter deviation led to the more severe conditions.
A probabilistic approach was performed using the equivalent perturbations, also called the Dostupov method. This method is used for statistical analysis of nonlinear dynamical systems. The essence of these methods is based on the fact, that instead of random realizations of parameters, as it is done in the Monte Carlo method, nonrandom quantities, called equivalent perturbations, are pre-computed in advance. These equivalent perturbations are added to, or computed from mathematical expectations. With these parameter values, the value of the function Y is calculated. Then, the required probabilistic characteristics are formulated.
The results of the study revealed that the equivalent perturbation method application allows saving from 2% to 4% on the mass of the reentry vehicle. | ||||||||
Eliseev E. O., Krukov D. A. The system of identical data cryptographic generation based on the Diffie-Hellman algorithm. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 101 Data encryption is a method of secured data transmission. There are two classical approaches to confidential, reversible data encryption for their transfer or secured storage. An encryption key is the basis for using each of them. The purpose of the article consists in developing and studying the operation of the system for identical information generation from a source to a destination that does not employ encryption keys, but which ensures cryptographic protection. The results of this article are the network application for a full cycle of secured data exchange by employing the operations with metadata without applying linear and nonlinear functions of data and encryption keys. This application provides peer-to-peer network communication in accordance with the state diagram. The article presents both the state diagram and the algorithm. The data generation bitrate is probed by the various algorithm settings. The article contains references for increasing the algorithm efficiency and ways of preventing active mitm-attacks. It was clarified that the system envisaged the possibility of confidential and integrity data generation, if the requirements for the metadata options were satisfied. Compared to the similar cryptosystems the proposed system demonstrates relatively low speed in the case of bulky data fragments which havs high entropy distribution bytes. It remains relatively stable throughout due to the one-way functions application realized by fundamental Diffie-Hellman algorithm, and metadata of data fragments employing. For further research of the system for identical data cryptographic generation it is useful to analyze the possibility of increasing the variability of combinations and the length of a common DH-secret, as well as searching for the optimal metadata settings for the real-time generation and system attacks resistance. | ||||||||
Lebedkin I. F., Molotkov A. A., Tretiyakova O. N. Mathematical modelling of complex heat exchange while developing SLM laser technologies. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 101 An important task of development and research in the field of additive technology is mathematical models developing. A large number of changing parameters, such as laser power, speed, the bulk layer thickness, laser spot diameter, etc.) makes the process of the machine optimal operation mode selecting time consuming and expensive. Besides, various designs of created objects require creation mode of their own. Application of mathematical modeling can significantly reduce research and production costs. In this case, we start solving a simplified problem of heating the body by a mobile heat source, which is a Gaussian beam of radiation, with account for the phase transitions in the material. Calculations are presented in two versions, using third-party software that makes the calculation by the finite element method, and using its own software that performs calculation by the explicit finite difference scheme. The obtained results were compared to the results of other studies. A qualitative matching of the results was observed. The results discrepancy is caused mainly by the assumptions made while the model developing. In the future, it is necessary to account for the medium dispersion and particles movement during the process. As revealed by the experiments, the air flows movement and of the material evaporation from the surface exert a significant impact on the result as well. Strong restrictions on the spatial and temporal steps can be tried to circumvent using implicit methods with the property of absolute stability. The mathematical model and numerical computation method upgrading continues. | ||||||||
Kurianskii M. K., Lolaev S. G., Paschenko O. B., Romanova T. N. A method for developing an optimal plan of fuel consumption by the maneuverable aircraft. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 101 This article considers the problem of fuel consumption control of maneuverable aircraft which fuel configuration consists of several fuel tanks distributed throughout the fuselage. Therefore, while fuel depletion in a separate tank the aircraft center of gravity changes, which leads to a change of the pitch and roll angles. Thus, the quality of fuel consumption control is determined by such criteria as the aircraft center of gravity changing relative to longitudinal and lateral axes of rotation occur within the given range; maximum fuel mass is used; the number of switches between various fuel tanks is minimal. The goal of the article consists in developing a new method of creating an optimal order of fuel tanks utilization satisfying the specified criteria.
To solve this problem, the setting of task of multicriteria combinatorial optimization was performed and the heuristic method of its solving was suggested. Since the number of switches between the fuel tanks is a discrete integer value, the problem was formulated in a discrete space. To solve the problem, the simulation model of the fuel consumption process that allows to simulate changes of aircraft’s center of gravity for a given fuel configuration and for the order of the fuel tanks utilization was created. While this method developing, the elements of greedy algorithm, method of full enumeration and branch and bound method were used.
Based on the proposed heuristic method the software implementation was developed, which solves the problem of automation of selecting optimal plan of fuel tanks utilization for a specified fuel configuration. The program can be used as a decision making support in the process of designing the fuel configuration of maneuverable aircraft. | ||||||||
Beltyukov S. V., Philatov V. I., Borukaeva A. O., Berdikov P. G. Multi-channel detector's analysis results application for evaluation of a rank demodulator noise immunity. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 101 Characteristics of multi-channel detectors were studied to solve the problem of the valid signal detecting on the background noise. The proposed employing a rank demodulator for ensuring high noise immunity of communication channels. The results of multi-channel detector’s analysis were used to evaluate this characteristic. The conclusion is being made on the preferential use of the rank demodulator based on the study of the dependence of an error equivalent probability per information bit from the signal/noise ratio. A scheme for its application realizing reciprocal ranks computing is proposed. The article presents design equations for the error probability, probability of a summed rank presence it the signal channel and mutual probability of noise ranks with account for envelope distribution for the case of common ranking of an array consisted of kM counts of the envelope. The dependencies of error probability per bit of information for the rank modulator are also presented. A conclusion is being made that the rank modulator with a total ranking throughout the array of samples has the best noise immunity. | ||||||||
Dobryansky V. N., Rabinsky L. N., Radchenko V. P., Solyaev Y. O. Width evaluation of contact zone between flat-oval cooling channels and transmitting module case of active phased-array antenna. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 101 The layout of modern digital active phased antenna arrays involves transceivers and digital control circuits placing on the antenna canvas in each radiator, which leads to its dense filling and, consequently, intense heating. Thus, the task of heat power removing from the antenna comes to the fore and requires the development of effective thermal control systems that meet not only the requirements for active phased antenna arrays cooling intensity, but also for reliability, maintainability, structural strength under high-cycle loading conditions, etc.
The article presents a technique for deformable thin-walled cooling channels, used in mobile radar stations thermal control systems, modeling. In the idle state, the cooling channels are placed between the receiving and transmitting modules of active phased antenna arrays with small gaps, which allows their convenient installing and maintenance. While operation, the coolant hydrostatic pressure is injected into the channels, causing the channels to deform and contact the walls of the receiving-transmitting modules, ensuring the discharge of the generated heat to the external cooling system. One of the main parameters characterizing the heat dissipation intensity is the contact zone width, realized between the channels and the walls of the receiving and transmitting modules. The article solves the problem of determining this parameter. It considers the contact between deformable channels with a flat-oval cross-section and cooled surfaces of the heated receiving-transmitting modules of active phased antenna arrays. The problem is being solved with account for hydrostatic pressure acting inside the channels, the geometry of the channel cross sections and the gaps between the modules being cooled. The solution of the contact problem for a cylindrical non-axisymmetric shell is reduced to solving the problem of a beam deformation of unit width (cross-section contour) for the case of a plane deformed state. The solution was obtained in an implicit form since the width of the contact zone was defined as the root of a sixth degree polynomial. The dependence of the contact zone width on the geometric parameters (gaps, section dimensions) and the actual pressure was studied. | ||||||||
Nesterenko V. G., Revanth R. A. Design features and efficiency of compact air-to-air heat exchangers installed in the turbofan engine's turbine cooling system. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 101 The article presents the designs of the basic air-to-air heat exchanger (HE) installed in the turbofan engine bypass section and its modifications based on the computational studies results performed by the authors with ANSYS CFX software. This set of studies includes studies of HE blocks consisting of individual small-sized cylindrical or oval tubes, equal in area to cylindrical tubes, having a smooth or unsmooth inner surface, with circular projections being micro-intensifiers of heat exchange.
The purpose of the study consists in determining configuration and geometrical parameters of the HE tubes that provide a higher temperature drop of cooled air withdrawn from the high-pressure compressor in the turbofan engine, such as the AL-31f and RD 33, as well as lower pressure losses in its bypass section.
The second task was to obtain the dependences of ∆Т = f (d, l) and σ = ∆р/p for various configurations of tubes and tube bundles, with the cross-flow of cooling air.
All computations were performed with the ANSYS CFX software, which ensures the comparability of the obtained computational results. From the viewpoint of possible increase in the temperature drop of cooling air and minimum pressure losses in the bypass section of the turbofan engine, the best results were obtained from a HE with oval tubes with diagonal sizes of 6.3*4.0 mm and micro heat transfer intensifiers with protrusions on the smooth inner surface of the tube with a height of 0.30 mm, installed at intervals of 5.0 mm. These tubes are recommended for application in the HE of the turbofan engine.
The final part of the work presents a new constructive scheme of tubular HE. Its tube diameter was increased to 6.0 mm, compared to the previous HE with the tubes of do = 5.0 mm diameter. Here, in one block, one tube cools the air incoming from the intermediate stage of the high-pressure compressor, which is then employed to cool the low-pressure turbine. In the other two tubes of this HE, which diameter was also increased to do = 6.0 mm, the air drawn from the high-pressure compressor outlet is cooled and supplied to cool the high-pressure turbine rotor. This design allows reduce the mass characteristics of the HE, employed in the engines consisting of two different heat exchangers, and reduce the pressure loss in the bypass section of the turbofan engine as well. | ||||||||
Holostova O. V., Safonov A. I. On equilibrium positions bifurcations of Hamiltonian system in cases of double combined third order resonance. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 100 Motion of a near-autonomous time-periodic two-degree-of-freedom Hamiltonian system is considered near the trivial equilibrium position, stable in the linear approximation. The system is assumed to realize simultaneously two Raman third-order resonances being strong and weak. In this case, the frequencies of small oscillations are related also by the fourth-order resonant ratio. In the complete nonlinear system, this equilibrium position is unstable. By the perturbation theory methods, normalization of the Hamiltonian of the perturbed motion is performed in the members up to the fourth order inclusively with respect to disturbance, and account for the existing resonances. On the assumption that the summand coefficients related to the fourth-order resonance are small, the approximate (model) system, dependent on the three parameters, was considered. The issue of existence and number of equilibrium positions of the model system was solved by analytical and graphics methods. The domains, where the number of equilibrium positions of the model system can vary from zero to five were identified in the space of parameters of the problem.
As an application, the problem of motion of a dynamically symmetric satellite (modeled by a rigid body) about the center of mass in the central Newtonian gravitational field on the orbit with small eccentricity was considered. The satellite motion was studied near its periodic motion, emerging from the hyperboloid precession on a circular orbit. For parameter values, corresponding to the multiple Raman third-order resonance, the coefficients of the normal forms of the model system are found. It was shown, that there are three equilibrium points in this system, two of which are unstable and the third stable in the linear approximation. | ||||||||
Pikalov R. S., Yudintsev V. V. Bulky space debris removal means review and selection. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 100 The near Earth space littering with space debris is one of the most important problems of modern astronautics. The sooner the active actions on removing the most dangerous bulky objects of space debris from the orbits start, the less risk that the situation in near Earth space would develop according Kessler catastrophic scenario.
The article presents the most known and well elaborated t thus far techniques of active near Earth space clearing from space debris. The considered techniques were separated in two groups, such as a group of passive techniques of removal from the orbit, and active techniques. Passive techniques of removal suppose application of various physical fields and media for the space debris deceleration. The active techniques implies creating an artificial impact on the space debris object on the part of a space tug. Active methods are separated by the type of the impact into contactless, implying remote force impact on the space debris object, and contact techniques with direct mechanic interaction between the tug and space debris.
Remote impact on the space debris object can be performed with a laser. Here, the material ablation effect under the action of laser radiation is employed to create a small reactive force. High-speed particles flow created by the ion thrusters of the space tug can also be used to create the force, affecting the debris. The flow of charged particles can be employed to transfer the charge to the space debris, and utilizing the electrostatic field formed around the it to push the debris away from the orbit. Non-contact methods are most safe for the space tug, but the acting forces level is low, which leads to a longer duration of the withdrawal process.
The techniques supposing direct mechanical interaction between the objects are most effective. The mechanical link is formed due to the capture of the space debris object by the tug. For capture either manipulators, or docking units, or net and harpoon can be employed. From our viewpoint, the most promising are capturing and transportation techniques with tether bond. These are most safe techniques for the tag. They allow control the impact level on the tug of the space debris object, especially if the space debris object rotates with significant angular velocity. The techniques forming rigid mechanical bond can be employed for capturing the objects, which do not possess significant kinetic moment.
Manipulators, special docking devices, nets, harpoons can be used to capture the space debris. In our opinion, the methods imply using of the tethered connection is most promising methods of active debris removal. These methods are most safe for the space tug, especially if the debris object rotates with high angular rate. | ||||||||
Aslanov V. S., Sizov D. V. Dynamics of harpoon-assisted capturing of space debris. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 100 This study focuses on the problem of space debris capturing with harpoon. In contrast to the existing works on this issue, the paper deals with the process dynamics and accounts for the space debris motion disturbances caused by the harpoon. The objective of the article consists in analyzing the behavior of the system consisting of space debris in orbit and a damper equipped harpoon while capturing process and after it. The paper proposes two mathematical models of capturing. The first model studies three stages of the process, namely perforation, damping, and the target motion after the harpoon fixing in it. The interacting force between the target and harpoon is considered as a time function, which parameters depend on the harpoon properties. The second simplified model is based on a hypothesis that the target and harpoon interaction is absolutely inelastic collision. Both models are applied to simulate of a lightweight target capturing, and the simplified model’s restrictions are demonstrated. A large space debris capturing is also being studied. Numerical simulation reveals that the large rotating object after its capturing either continues its rotation in the initial or in the opposite direction, or starts wavering. The article formulated the conditions for the body transition from rotation to wavering after being captured by the harpoon. The results of this work may be employed for the space debris removal systems developing. | ||||||||
Khatuntseva O. N. On accounting for stochastic disturbances effect on Navier-Stokes equations solution in Hagen-Poiseuille problem. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 100 The Navier-Stokes equations (NSE) are equations of the law of conservation of momentum (or the second Newton Law) for the selected fluid volume. They describe the acceleration of this volume under the action of forces caused by a pressure gradient and external forces. Notwithstanding that the NSE numerical solutions are widely used in many scientific and practice applications, the issue of proving of the possibility (or impossibility) to describe turbulent flow modes by NSE is still open. It is associated, in particular, with the fact, that the porlems allowing analytical solution (such as Hagen-Poiseulle or Couette problem) do not have solutions corresponding to the turbulent mode of the flow.
If ask a question what aspects are not accounted for while turbulence modelling by NSE, on assumption of the first principles, it can be noted that the turbulence mode as well as other stochastic processes, possesses an important statistical feature, namely, excitation of a large number of the independent degrees of freedom (pulsations) at various scales of the system consideration. The law of conservation of momentum herewith for the selected fluid volume in the NSE form, written with no accounting for this process, is violated since not all of the resultant impact, directed at the selected volume, goes into its acceleration. A part of this impact should go into excitation of the extra internal degrees of freedom.
The stochastic system entropy is the parameter, characterizing the relation of micro and macro processes. Thus, accounting for the entropy generation in the selected liquid volume in such process is obligatory. On this basis, the Navier-Stokes equations may be rewritten by introducing the total time derivative to its left part as an extra member responsible for the velocity changing while changing the differential entropy of the selected volume.
Navier-Stokes equations modification by accounting for the extra degrees of freedom, associated with stochastic pulsations excitation in a fluid flow, allowed obtain two solutions of a problem of a fluid flow in a tube with circular cross-section (the Hagen-Poiseulle problem).
One of these solutions exists at any Reynolds numbers and corresponds to the laminar flow mode. The second one is realized only at relatively high Reynolds numbers, and corresponds to a turbulent flow. The Von Karman constant was determined analytically in the expression, describing the logarithmic velocity profile in the central part of the tube. | ||||||||
Kotel'nikov V. A., Kotelnikov M. V., Platonov M. A. Effusion of neutral gas in vacuum. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 100 The neutral gas effusion into the vacuum space is studied by computer simulation methods. In General, this problem is six-dimensional in phase space (x,y,z,vx,vy,vz) and non-stationary. As a hole, it is proposed to consider a rectangle, which one side is much larger than the other. This model shape of the hole due to the shear symmetry will allow on the one hand to significantly reduce the dimension of the problem (in this case, in the phase space, the problem depends on x, y, vx, vy), and on the other hand to obtain all the main features of the distribution of gas parameters in the computational domain. The computational model of the problem is based on the method of successive iterations in time, when the transition process from the initial to the final stationary state is modeled, that is, the establishment of the distribution of gas parameters in the computational domain. The methods of characteristics were used to solve Vlasov equation. The calculation algorithm was implemented in the form of a computer program in C++ using the tools of the OpenGL graphic library. The size of computational domain was of 2 x 2 and contained 39942400 cells of the computational grid, the time step was of 0.01 ht dimensionless units. Control of the count end time was performed visually using a graphic window displayed on the screen during the account. According to the observations on the monitor, the following was observed:
These two conditions were fulfilled by the end of the calculation. Then the results were subjected to further analysis. The information on the parameters of the rarefied gas flowing from the effusion orifice to the vacuum is based on the distribution function f(t,x,y,vx,vy), which was studied in detail in the course of computational experiments. It follows from the graphs, that the distribution function changes its shape in a typical way when it is shifted from the hole to the boundary of the computational domain along the axis of the jet symmetry. The graphs show also the fields of velocities and concentrations of gas particles in the computational domain. The conducted researches may be useful to developers of portable devices for the small leakages diagnostics employed in the vacuum and space industry. Computer simulation of effusion of a rarefied gas in vacuum gave a presentation on the features of the gas distribution parameters in the computational domain, both during the transition process and in the final stationary state. | ||||||||
Brutyan M. A., Ibragimov U. G. Self-similarity parameter effect on critical characteristics of Hamel type compressible flow. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 100 The article envisages the stationary flow of a viscous compressible gas flowing out the vertex of cone.
This flow is an analog of the famous Hamel flow between the two plane walls, inclined to each other at an angle. Unlike the classical case, axisymmetric compressible flow is considered. It is worth mentioning, that the studies on this theme were being carried out earlier by Williams (1967), Byrkin (1969) and others.
In this work the flow inside a cone is assumed radial, i.e. only one velocity component is not trivial: V*=(u*,0,0). Moreover, all flow gas-dynamic parameters are assumed dependent from the distance to the source r* by the power law, while conductivity coefficients are temperature dependent by the Frost law η*, κ*∼T*k, so:
It appeared that self-similarity solutions existed only at the certain relation between the self-similarity parameter m and the power law index k in the form of 2mk=1.
In this case, the system of Navier–Stokes equations written in spherical coordinates is being reduced to the system of nonlinear second-order ordinary differential equations (ODE). The problem key parameters are included to these equations and boundary conditions. They are α, Re0, M0, Tw, Q. It was established that the solution was determined by specifying only two parameters, while three others were being found automatically.
The nonlinear ODE system was being solved at various values of self-similarity parameters: m = 5·(k = 1), m≅0.66 · ( k = 0.76 ) and m = 1 · (k = 0.5 ).The first combination corresponds to Maxwell’s molecules model, second relates to the well-known Frost’s empirical model (η, κ~T0.76 ), and the third corresponds to the Hard Spheres model.
It was established that the ODE system solution existed only at the cone semi-opening angle less than some critical value of α*. With larger α, the medium continuity assumption becomes inapplicable (Kn=M0/Re0→1) , so the gas temperature on the cone wall appears negative , which is physically unacceptable.
Thus, the presented work performed the analysis of viscous compressible gas flow in a cone at various values of self-similarity parameter m and set corresponding critical flow characteristics. | ||||||||
Vuong V. T., Gorelov S. L. Nonlinear phenomena in a rarefied gas in Couette problem. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 100 Heat and momentum transfer processes in a rarefied gas enclosed between two infinite parallel plates with different temperatures and moving relative to each other are studied. The Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method was applied to calculate the distribution of density, velocity, temperature, heat fluxes and viscous stress tensor over a wide range of Knudsen numbers and at different values of plates’ temperatures and velocities. The obtained results were compared with the analytical results for the free-molecular case and for a wide range of the Knudsen numbers. Calculations of the heat flux and friction stress (tangential component of the viscous stress tensor) were performed by the self-similar interpolation method. It was established, that there is a normal component (which is not presented both in the free-molecular flow and in the case of a continuous flow) in the transition region between the free-molecular flow and continuous flow in addition to the tangential component of the viscous stress tensor. This effect was explained by the fact, that the gas density and temperature distributions in the transition region flow were not uniform. Moreover, both normal and tangential components have essentially non-monotonous behavior in the considered range of the Knudsen numbers. Maximum magnitude of the normal and tangential components depends on the plates’ velocity and their temperatures ratio. In addition, the heat flux to the hot wall depends on the Knudsen number and can change its’ sign at a certain temperature drop ratio and the plates velocity. | ||||||||
Borisov A. D., Vasiutichev A. S., Laptev I. V. On ramjet parameters selection, ensuring a cruising flight specified mode. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 100 The main feature of ramjets is direct link between parameters inside the propulsion system and parameters of the incoming airflow, which in its turn determines the aerodynamic forces acting on the flying vehicle. Thus, the process of ramjet development is inseparable from the flying vehicle developing as a whole. The flying vehicle layout scheme selection requires considering large number of different options. While developing a new scheme, engineers are generally guided by the existing prototypes and/or analogues. Determining the flow path cross-sections of the propulsion system; fuel reserve and the way of acceleration to the ramjet starting point; control ranges and other parameters is performed while their optimization process along flight trajectories with given restrictions (above all, size and weight).
A large number of parameters determining the flying vehicle flight and the performance characteristics of its propulsion system, their significant effect on each other complicate analyzing the quality of the selected scheme The article presents an engineering technique allowing coordinating and optimizing the parameters of the propulsion system and the vehicle that provide a given cruise flight mode.
Parametric calculations were performed for a 600 mm in diameter flying vehicle. The dependence of thrust and specific impulse on relative inlet area and excess air ratio are presented.
The developed technique is being applied for preliminary determining the acceleration and cruising parameters of a ramjet. | ||||||||
Blagodyreva O. V. The problem of a cruise missile aeroelastic vibrations based on Ritz method. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 100 The article presents the study of aeroelastic stability of the elastic cruise missile based on Ritz method employing a different number of approximating functions and comparative analysis with the similar computations, performed on the basis of the finite elements method (FEM).
A cruise missile performs a longitudinal short-periodical motion in an incompressible airflow. The missile is being modeled employing a beam scheme, including a fuselage, two wing straight consoles and deflectable controls, i.e. elevation rudders. The wing is considered as an elastic beam, working in bending with transverse shear and torsion, while the missile hull and stabilizer are assumed sheer rigid. It is assumed, that the wing consoles elastic vibrations occur in line with the flat sections hypothesis. Aerodynamic loads are being determined based on the quasi-stationary theory of plane-parallel flow of the wing cross-sections flow-around. The longitudinal compression of the missile body under the engine thrust impact is accounted for as well.
The unknown functions of the transversal fuselage axis displacements, the wing axis transverse displacements and torsion angle are presented in the form of expansions in generalized coordinates, representing the movement along the natural forms of oscillations of a free structure with fixed controls. Computation results convergence to a certain value close to the exact analytical solution, which is achieved by increasing the number of approximating functions, is demonstrated on an example. The graphs of the missile natural frequencies dependence from flight speed variation and engine thrust were plotted.
Critical velocities and stability regions of the missile flight were respectively determined for each method.
All calculations were performed in “Wolfram Mathematica 8”. | ||||||||
Glazkov V. S., Ignatkin Y. M. ANSYS Fluent software verification while studying aerodynamic characteristics of Savonius rotor. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 100 The paper presents the results of calculations of the aerodynamic characteristics of the Savonius S-type rotor, performed by numerical modeling of CFD hydrodynamic processes in the ANSYS Fluent software package in the two-dimensional formulation of the problem. The calculation area extends over a distance 7D behind the rotor; 3D – in front of the rotor and has a width of 6D, where D is the diameter of the wind wheel. For the calculation area, a grid of a combined type was constructed and division into calculation zones was made. On the boundary between the rotating and static computed zones, the sliding condition of the grids was applied. To take into account the effect of disruptive phenomena on the surfaces of the aerodynamic profiles of the rotor, a prismatic grid of the boundary layer was constructed with different cell heights. The 6DOF solver is used, which makes it possible to simulate the problem of untwisting the wind wheel from the resting state to reaching the working rpm under the action of an incident flow of different speeds and to trace the change in aerodynamic characteristics during this unsteady regime. The dependences of the instantaneous values of the torque coefficient on the rotor rotation angle are obtained. The dependences of the averages of the power factor of the wind wheel for the different values of speed are obtained. Comparison of the obtained results with the experimental data at different operating conditions of the windmill showed satisfactory agreement. The results of calculations of the lateral force resulting from the rotation of the S-type wind wheel in the range of the velocities of the oncoming stream V = 6..7.5 m / s, squeezed by the manifestation of the Magnus effect, are obtained. These calculation results are necessary for further strength analysis in the case of installing a windmill on the supporting structures of slow-moving aircraft as an emergency source of energy. | ||||||||
Lohmatkin V. V. Integral imaging performance evaluation models for Earth remote sensing spacecraft with account for reliability at the stage of electrical testing. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 100 The object of the study is reliability and integral imaging performance.
The subject of investigation is integral imaging performance evaluation for Earth remote sensing spacecraft with account for reliability of onboard systems and characteristics of special-purpose hardware.
The objective of the study consists in developing simulation algorithms and models of onboard support systems and special-purpose hardware partial failure effect on the integral imaging performance of the observation spacecraft.
The article employs the logical-probabilistic approach to the operability analysis of complex engineering systems, simulation method, synthetic sampling and method of statistical analysis. The author suggests a model of onboard systems failures while electric testing in relation to a spacecraft reliability level, based on statistic material analysis on the check switch-on.
An algorithm and mathematical models of special-purpose hardware modifications failures integral imaging performance evaluation, based on the algorithm of the integral evaluation of imaging performance figures, were developed. The article suggests the technique for performance evaluation of reliability figures of the onboard support systems and opto-electronic target hardware. This technique is based on simulation of the target functioning of a spacecraft with account for onboard systems failures.
The results of the performed studies are employed at ground testing stages of the observation spacecraft at the integral imaging characteristics evaluation with account for onboard systems reliability characteristics. Employing the developed models and algorithms allows evaluate the integral imaging performance with account for the onboard systems reliability figures and onboard opto-electronic target hardware characteristics.
Mathematical models of special-purpose opto-electronic hardware failures, simulation algorithm of special-purpose hardware partial failure effect on the integral imaging performance of the observation spacecraft, and corresponding software were developed. The integral imaging performance dependence from a spacecraft reliability figures can be plotted employing the software. These dependencies allow perform complex evaluation of integral imaging performance in relation to the spacecraft reliability level. | ||||||||
Ionov V. A., Lobkova L. A., Makovetsky M. B. Mathematical model of a passenger aircraft's emergency turbo-pump system drive. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 100 The paper tackles the problem of energy delivering to the onboard hydro system of an emergency turbo-pump station. This hydraulic energy is being fed into airflow by the air actuator. The turbo-pump station provides feeding for aircraft driving actuators before auxiliary power set is activated and main engines are started.
Output actuator should function without strike loads on reinforce mechanism of turbine, and without damage of aircraft structure. The pump station nominal functioning start needs 1 or 2 seconds, while total time period for the total hydraulic system action starts functioning in nominal mode is 6 to10 seconds.
Air hydraulic system, which provides station starting, has essential advantages compared to the previous emergency sources of hydraulic feeding.
Air hydraulic system needs no energy system power, its weight and size are smaller, and it is autonomous.
The article proposes the actuator mathematical model. The model is based on the gas state equations.
The coefficient of gas rate, pre-critical and post-critical gas flow depend on the vent gas flow geometry. Moving liquid volumes, liquid density, moving structure elements mass, spring stiffness, loading actuator level are accounted for.
The liquid consumption balance equation is used to describe the hydraulic cylinder action. Constant and variable throttles regulate fluid consumption. The liquid pressure gradient for these throttles depends on spring stiffness.
The results of modeling are presented as curves for the hydraulic cylinder plunger movement process, and liquid pressure in the hydraulic cylinder. Plunger movement velocity surge and plunger pressure surge are characteristic for initial period of actuator operation. | ||||||||
Gueraiche D. ., Popov S. A. Improving the fuel efficiency of a transport aircraft by minimizing the weight of its non-planar lifting surface. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 100 The article evaluates the effect of various design solutions, improving the wing lift-to-drag ratio of a medium-range transport aircraft, on its fuel efficiency. In particular, the most common on modern airliners design solution , which consists in employing a non-planar lifting surface in the form of the classical wing-winglet combination, has been studied in details. A designing calculation technique has been developed for determining the magnitude of aerodynamic loading for various non-planar wing configurations, with account for increments of the local angles of attack and sideslip. These local angles change simultaneously with the general angle of attack changes, resulting in a non-uniform growth of the aerodynamic force coefficient along the wing-winglet span. Geometrical analysis allowed the representing the local lift coefficient as a function of the general angle of attack of the aircraft. The integral of this spanwise lift distribution function along the wing-winglet span allowed calculate of the total aerodynamic loading. The obtained local lift distribution function along a non-planar lifting surface has been applied to estimate the changes in total aerodynamic loading of an aeroelastic wing, the non-planar upward flexed shape of which can be easily parametrized through a second order function.
Weight-equivalents comparison of different configurations allowed perform a quantitative analysis of the increase in the aircraft fuel efficiency, resulted from the increase of the lift-to-drag ratio, aerodynamic loading redistribution along the wing-span and corresponding changes of the wing structural weight. The internal structural layout of the wing was chosen arbitrarily, so the structural weight growth was determined as a function of the structural material density, given the hypothesis that sustaining the initial margin of safety without changing the wing structure can be achieved solely by choosing a material with a higher ultimate strength, and as a result a higher density. | ||||||||
Kuz'michev V. S., Filinov E. P., Ostapyuk Y. A. Comparative fidelity analysis of turbofan engines masses mathematical models . Trudy MAI, 2018, no 100 The article presents comparative fidelity analysis of aviation gas turbine engines mass models accessible in open press. The authors of models are Torenbeek (Delft University of Technology, Nederland), Raymer (Conceptual Research Corporation, USA), Jenkinson (Loughborough University, UK), Svoboda (The University of Kansas, USA), Clavier (Cranfield University, UK and France), Guha (Indian Institute of Technology, India), Byerley (USAF Academy, USA) and Kuz'michev (Samara National Research University, Russia). Thermodynamic and dimensions parameters, used for analysis, of 77 modern bypass engines, differing significantly on working process parameters are presented in the article. Missing data for the above said base were obtained by the mathematical models identification method.
Mass of each of 77 engines was determined by all eight models, and the obtained results were compared to the real engine mass. The analysis results revealed that some of the considered models such as Guha’s, Byerley’s, Jenkinson’s and Clavier’s models are applicable only for high-scale engines and their inaccuracy does not exceed 12%. The listed models calculate the small-scale engines weight with significant error. Moreover, the error value increases with the engine size reduction. This trend applies to all models without exception. For example, Kuzmichev's model has a total error of 6.3%, but for engines weighing less than 1500 kg the standard deviation approaches 20%. Based on the analysis presented in the article, it can be concluded that Svoboda’s and Raymer’s models can be employed for the aircraft conceptual design. Besides, these models can be applied at conceptual design stage. Torenbeek’s and Kuzmichev’s models are more detailed and account for cycle parameters. Thus, they may be employed for engine cycle optimization at design operational conditions.
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Zavyalik I. I., Fetisov E. V., Trofimchuk M. V. Application of experiments planning theory methods for flawlessness evaluation of aircraft engine fuel system units. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 100 Theoretical and experimental studies, conducted at the present-day stage of domestic aviation development revealed that at the interaction of the aircraft fuel system elements and units with aviation fuel, complex physic-chemical processes, affecting technical state level of both separate units and the fuel system in general and as a consequence aircraft fault-free operation, were running.
In this connection, the problems of the aircraft fuel systems flawlessness improvement and development of new, more sophisticated methods of its evaluation seem relevant.
While aircraft operation a great number of random external and internal factors affect the of the fuel system units of the aircraft engine. It is impossible however to evaluate all these factors effect on functioning of the fuel system units of the aircraft engine.
To solve this problem, a complete factor experiment on the central compositional rotational-order plan of the second order has been carried out.
Application of the developed mathematical model while studying the of fuel system aggregates reliability with the expansion of the ranges of values of input parameters (external factors) and internal parameters of the system (fuel engine system aggregates) allows obtain a reliable estimate of the failure-free operation level of the fuel system aggregates. | ||||||||
Orlov D. A., Saitova A. G. Spacecraft optimal control while forming an orbit of the Jupiter artificial satellite at the section of preliminary aerodynamic deceleration braking. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 100 The article studies the problem of a spacecraft (SC) movement control while executing preliminary aerodynamic deceleration in the atmosphere, and SC transition into transfer orbit after its outing the atmosphere, application of accelerating burn of reference speed in the apofocus of this orbit, and its transfer into the orbit of artificial satellite of Jupiter. Minimization of total power consumption on the orbits’ formation is employed as the basic criterion of optimality. Control laws for angle of attack and roll attitude on the atmospheric section of SC movement were determined through maximum principle of Pontryagin. Restrictions on maximum allowed values of temperature and overload, affecting the SC while the descend process in the atmosphere were accounted for.
A technique for the optimal control of a spacecraft while moving to Jupiter with account for flight dynamics specifics was developed. Using the Pontryagin maximum principle, the laws governing the angle of attack and roll at the atmospheric portion of the space vehicle motion are defined. Limitations on the maximum permissible temperatures and overloads that act on the spacecraft during the descent in the atmosphere are taken into account.
Assessment of the possibilities, and analysis of energy efficiency of this technique of putting the SC into the orbit of artificial Jupiter satellite depending on the altitudes of conditional perihelion point was performed. It was shown that for all considered initial data range the combined outing technique led to significant energetic advantage. Energy consumption is 15-20 times less, compared to propulsive technique for outing into orbits with aphelion point altitudes less than 6000 km for SCs with lift-to-drag ratio of 0.6.
The obtained results are of practical importance and may be used for the study of planets and their satellites, for the deep space in ballistic centers, scientific centers, and organizations, preoccupied with this issue. | ||||||||
Agishev A. R. Longitude and period mean-square deviation computing after series of corrections completion near geostationary orbit. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 100 Putting a spacecraft into assigned longitude of geostationary orbit state and transfer to a new longitude state is performed on pre-calculated plans, containing information on values and time of fulfilling all orbit corrections. The result of these maneuvering contains random errors caused by measuring errors of the orbit parameters and errors of correction performing. Check measurements and extra corrections, which should be foreseen in advance, are necessary to ensure the required maneuver performing accuracy. In this case, calculation of static characteristics of random deviations, occurring as a result of performed planned corrections, is effective.
The initial data for the calculation are the plan of transversal and binormal corrections, as well as mean-square deviation of the period measuring error and mean-square deviation of correction performing error.
In the calculation, all mistakes are considered as independent random variables with a zero expectation. The main feature of method is account for the effect of each mistake on the longitude deviation. The total deviation of orbit period and longitude of the geostationary spacecraft are the period measuring error effect, as well as transversal corrections’ performing error and transversal components of binormal corrections. While calculation, all errors are assumed as independent random values with mathematical expectation equal to zero. The main peculiarity of the computation method is an accounting for longitude evolution, which is the consequence of each error, occurring while maneuvering process.
Verification of the calculation correctness was performed by the software simulation of the correcting flight of the spacecraft in geostationary orbit. Characteristic quantities of measuring and corrections performing errors were accounted for. Simulation results confirm the calculations correctness. Computed mean-square deviations correspond to its confidence interval with 0.99 probability, found from a sample of 50 realizations. Mean-square longitude deviation for a spacecraft correction was 0.9%.
The proposed method of calculation can be applied in control measurements planning and final corrections to ensure accuracy of the spacecraft transfer into geostationary orbit. | ||||||||
Zwe M. M. Experimental determination of the variation of feed force values during drilling of printed circuit boards. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 100 The article defines the experimental dependence of the drilling force on the number of drilled holes when drilling mounting and adapter holes in printed circuit boards. Expressions for the calculation of the temperature in the cutting zone and statistical characteristics of the envelope family of the maximum values of the drill vertex temperature are given. Dispersion of the instantaneous temperature distribution of the drill tip is revealed. The number of mounting and adapter holes in one Board can be up to several thousand pieces. The defects appeared in the surface of the holes for drilling printed circuit boards. Occurrence of these defects is connected first of all with heating of a drill during drilling. At the same time, the drilling accuracy significantly affects the quality of the printed circuit Board, which, in turn, depends on the quality of the layer combination and on the material parameters. It should be noted that defects formed at the stage of drilling, not only can lead to failures, but also increase the cost of products by increasing the cost of subsequent stages, as require the introduction of additional operations in the manufacture of printed circuit boards. The reliability of the drilling process depends on: the material of the dielectric base and foil; tools, mainly drills; machine tools; drilling modes; human factor. Problems of providing process of drilling of mounting holes in printed circuit boards are caused by considerable differences in hardness of components of base materials. The main tool for obtaining mounting holes in printed circuit boards are carbide drills. They are made of tungsten carbide with cobalt carbide additives (VK6, VK8 according to GOST 3882). Drilling modes have the greatest impact on the reliability of the drilling process, since, on the one hand, they can vary in a sufficiently large range of values, and on the other hand, they provide the technologist with sufficient freedom in choosing these values. During drilling, the heating occurs during the hole drilling due to the friction force on the back surface of the drill. The cooling of the drill bit provides pupils with the transition of the tool from hole to hole. Educated family of functions allows to statistically assess the variation of the technological characteristics of drills within a single batch and, consequently, to predict the durability of the drills and, consequently, the probability of failure of the process of drilling holes. At each moment of time, the dispersion of the maximum temperature values in the heating-cooling cycle will be subject, based on the conditions of operation, to the normal distribution law. The experiment showed the degree of dispersion of the feed force values when drilling holes in printed circuit boards. Experimentally, the determination of the change of drilling force from the number of tested holes makes it possible to calculate the variation of the force directed normal to the rear surface. This force significantly affects the temperature in the cutting zone during drilling of printed circuit boards. | ||||||||
Borodin V. V., Petrakov A. M., Shevtsov V. A. Simulation model for adaptive sensor networks studies. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 100 The article presents a simulation model for the adaptive sensor communication networks effectiveness study and analysis. It presents the model structure, and describes its functional capabilities and limitations. With the aim of reducing the simulation time, a number of controlling mechanisms was implemented in the model, particularly a threshold value control of the selected set of parameters, forecasting the parameters changes, with account for previously obtained results. The proposed model is used in the following studies:
– Determining the conditions of the network staying in a steady state, and its the transition to the lock state. It was shown, in particular, that the network state estimation can be performed based the analysis of the local parameters behavior (i.e. computed at each node);
– Development and optimization of multi-station access algorithms, determining the area of effective application for adaptive network management;
– Bandwidth optimization service channel to manage the network functioning process, preventing its transition to the unstable state and the lock state;
– Analysis of the input message flow view impact on the network efficiency; size optimization of the packets allocated from messages;
– Development of algorithms for optimal network management, both local and global (network-wide) parameters;
– Development and optimization of algorithms for the service channel operation for the route information transmission;
– Development and research of routing algorithms preventing duplicate packets and looping routes, as well as determining the delivery time of routing information, network load, and the amount of transmitted information;
– Studying the network behavior in the space of complex geometry (in particular, on the surface of the hemisphere, torus, etc.), as well as in the presence of opaque partitions spatially separating the network nodes;
– Studying of the network behavior and routing algorithms in non-stationary conditions, including nodes or communication channels failures, the time variation of the selected nodes activity, changing the space configuration of the, in which the network operates.
At present, according to the results of the study, a voluminouse statistical material was obtained. A part of the results of the study are reflected in references [17–20]. | ||||||||
Generalov A. G., Gadzhiev E. V. Developing Miniature Antenna System for Small and Microsatellites. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 100 Nowadays, active process of entire space hardware including the onboard hardware miniaturization is gaining momentum. The onboard antenna-feeder devices are also affected by this process of miniaturization. With account for a number of specifics of the onboard antennae , a relevant up-to-date problem on developing small-sized, flush-mounted, reliable, simple and high-tech antennae system for small spacecraft arises. A particularly urgent need for the onboard compact VHF antennae is felt. The article reveals the advantages of microstrip antennas application, developed on printed technology, to solve the problem of developing small-sized flush-mounted onboard antennae systems for small spacecraft.
antennae design and the material applied as a dielectric substrate are proposed and presented. Such an approach allowed reducing the onboard antenna size by 2-2.5 times compared to the existing analogs.
The article presents the design of onboard antennas for two types of small spacecraft CubeSat and “Ionospere”.
The electrodynamic modeling was performed employing CAD means. The results of developing the onboard UHF-band microstrip antenna model by finite elements method are presented. Basic model parameters such as voltage standing-wave ratio, radiation pattern, and gain were obtained and evaluated.
Further, the designed antenna layout is presented. Measurements performed employing the method of the reference antenna in the JSC “NIIEM”. The article presents the results of measuring tanding-wave ratio, radiation pattern and gain. The good agreement of the results obtained while simulation and prototyping was obtained.
Thus, a small-sized, low-profile on-board microstrip antennas for small spacecrafts were proposed and developed in this article. | ||||||||
Gorbulin V. I., Khodor M. A. Distribution technique of observation facilities fields of vision in the area of responsibility. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 100 The article substantiates the proposal multi-channel panoramic optoelectronic means application for the air situation monitoring. The task on the fields of view distribution of the surveillance facilities in the area of responsibility was set. The article describes the specifics of algorithms building for the field of observation of a panoramic optical-electronic devices, depending on the form of fundamental of the of accommodation centers lattice of the fields of view of elements of the monitoring tools.
The described technique allows determine the best of all considered structure of photosensitive elements’ fields of view allocation and dimensions required for it at specified number of photosensitive elements and the size of area of responsibility. Analysis of computation results performed for various correlations of zone of responsibility size of fields of vision of observation facilities and different photosensitive elements number revealed the absence of the best lattice options. Hence, there is a need to automate the development of the best version of the lattice and calculate the parameters of the Dirichle region. This conclusion indicates the relevance of the presented algorithm.
Visual analysis of the options graphical representation of for covering the panoramic optical-electronic means area of responsibility suggests a certain redundancy of the panoramic optical-electronic means’ area of vision, which leads to the diversion of resources to control the space outside the designated area and, also to a decrease in efficiency as a result. With account for the potential range of he considered air objects detection and the their speeds range, efficiency is one of the critically important parameters, and in conditions of military operations it requires elimination or maximum possible reduction of all negative factors.
To eliminate the indicated disadvantage, the article proposed to optimize the coating by the fundamental parallelogram deformation. The comparison of the values of the coating coefficients obtained by two methods reveals the advantage of the technique, using deformation among the overriding options of the lattice of 12%. | ||||||||
Bulygin M. L. Realization specifics of multi-beam exposure modes with beams frequency separation in spaceborn synthetic aperture radar based on active phased-array antenna. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 100 Multi-beam SAR modes allow increase imaging parameters (such as swath, resolution) in AESA-based spaceborne SAR systems. An example is a multi-beam SAR mode with azimuth DBF with frequency separation of beams at the receiver.
However, multi-frequency echo-signal receiving by analog AESA is leads to frequency dispersion of AESA on receiving. This effect leads to additional deviation of each beam in elevation and additional amplitude losses. As a result, it leads to deterioration in multi-beam SAR modes performance: the swath shortens, and energy performance decreases.
AESA frequency dispersion effect while receiving can be slightly reduced in multi-beam spotlight mode, where this effect reduces swath. It can be achieved by antenna pattern extension in elevation.
AESA frequency dispersion on receiving leads to omissions in milti-beam ScanSAR imaging, which is unacceptable. In milti-beam ScanSAR this effect’s compensation is possible in two ways.
The first one is special alternation of current frequency values between the beams. This option does not increase the azimuth sector to which the beams are directed. But it can be applied in multi-beam ScanSAR only when the beams number is equal to the number of partial strips of scanning.
The second one is implemented by operative control of multi-beam pattern azimuth position. The multi-beam pattern is being redirected in azimuth through switching to the next partial strip. This option increases more than twice the azimuth sector in which the beams are directed. But it can be used at an arbitrary number of beams and partial strips of scanning.
Increasing the number of partial scanning strips weakens the AESA frequency dispersion effect on the swath on receiving in multi-beam modes, since it affects only the first and the last partial strips.
In this way suggested ways of compensating the effect of AESA frequency dispersion on receive allows reduce the effect of this impact on imaging characteristics. Moreover, an algorithm of inter-beam current frequency values alternation uses less azimuth sector in which beams are directed than an algorithm of operative control of multi-beam pattern azimuth position. It may be important in spaceborne SAR systems where AESA beam deviation in azimuth capability is limited. | ||||||||
Uryupin I. P. Synthesis of piecewise-smooth approximations of aircraft movement trajectories. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 100 The goal of the study consists in developing an algorithm for optimal switched systems synthesis. Switched systems relate to hybrid control systems and described by differential equations and recursion inclusions. They serve as mathematical models of dynamic systems with an automata part. Switched systems find wide application in aerospace engineering in the field of flying vehicles movement control. The article envisages the problem of optimal trajectory synthesis of the switched system, approximating a continuous trajectory of the aircraft movement. The trajectory is a
The trajectory is a piecewise-linear function and, in general, it cannot coincide with the predetermined continuous curve. Solution of the set problem allows develop and check a method of synthesis of optimal piecewise smooth approximations of movement trajectories which can be employed in complex applied problems.
The algorithm is based on sufficient conditions of optimality. The synthesis technique consists in finding generating functions of price, conditional optimal structures and conditional optimal switching moments from which the price function is compiled (the Hamiltonian – Jacobi – Bellman function). The synthesized optimal positional structure of the switched system allows receiving optimal trajectories for any initial states.
The result of this work is the solution of the problem of synthesizing optimal piecewise smooth approximations of the aircraft movement trajectories, as well as the method applied herewith of creating generating functions of the price and an optimal positional structure. The developed method may be impemented in Aerospace area.
The problem solved in the article can be employed as a test task for theoretical research in the field of optimal control. The developed algorithm of creating generating function of the price and a positional structure for the trajectories piecewise smooth approximations can be applied to solve other more complex problems. Given, that even in academic examples the solution is numerical, the application of the proposed synthesis methods is inextricably linked with the development of appropriate approximate algorithms, as well as programs for the numerical implementation of these algorithms. | ||||||||
Semakov S. L., Semakov I. S. The simplest forecast model of time series and its reaction on linear and parabolic input impacts. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 100 | ||||||||
Eremin A. I., Selvesyuk N. I. Amended estimate of landing danger coefficient while descent along glideslope with account for vertical wind. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 100 The article envisages an approach to aircraft flight-safety checkout system developing at the crucial flight stages with account for external factors and piloting errors. The kernel of the safety checkout system algorithmic provision is analytical calculation of integral danger coefficient.
Most of the accidents with human casualties occur while discent and landing. In this connection, auxiliary means for flight-safety automated control should present onboard an aircraft.
The problem of continuous aircraft landing safety control in longitudinal channel after beginning the descent along the glideslope under vertical wind action and piloting error was formulated and solved.
The specific feature of the approach proposed in the article consists in forecasting the potential consequences due to the dangerous deviations from the glide path at the hypothesis on optimal threat elimination by specified integral criterion evaluating the landing quality at the end of landing. Bellman’s dynamic programming method was employed to compute this criterion.
Scaling factors of the formula for integral danger coefficient computation were determined by computer modeling for various initial data with account of the initial piloting errors while vertical wind action in the process of the aircraft descent along the glideslope.
The article demonstrated that the suggested model for qualitative danger evaluation while landing adequately imitated pilot’s anxiety increasing and its subsiding after hazardous situation elimination. | ||||||||
Polyakov V. B., Neretin E. S., Ivanov A. S., Budkov A. S., Dyachenko S. A., Dudkin S. O. Architecture of prospective onboard equipment control complexes. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 100 Avionics of a modern aircraft is developed in accordance with the integrated modular avionics (IMA) concept, based on a common computing platform and an open network architecture. With this approach, the functions of aircraft systems (for example, flight management, stall warning, etc.) are allocated to logical sections, i.e. functional software. It is located in one or several physical modules (unified in terms of design), which are set in a common housing, i.e. a crate. Based on the IMA concept, avionics was realized on a number of aircraft, such as, MC-21, Boeing 787, Airbus A380, F-35, Su-57.
Additional advantages are provided by implementing the Distributed IMA approach. In this case, it is possible to dispose the modules in separate blocks outside the crate in the places of concentration of the onboard units and sensors. This approach allows reduce the weight and size of the cable network; increase the noise immunity of the transmitted data, and system reliability in total.
Some modern aircraft employ control systems of common aircraft equipment, which allow realize computer functions of a number of aircraft systems (such as hydraulic system, system of doors, hatches and emergency gangways, parking brake system) in a single block. Data reception from sensors, and instruction issue to actuators is performed by information input-output devices, distributed all over the aircraft. Application of the aircraft equipment control system provides the time and material expenses reduction at every stage of the aircraft life cycle due to enhancing functions of the software together with the number of computing units’ reduction, i.e. system function integration in one computing unit.
The architecture of the perspective control system for onboard equipment based on the distributed IMA concept is proposed. With increased reliability this architecture can significantly reduce the material and time expenses of onboard equipment development, maintenance and modernization. Also, the architecture of the complex components, namely, onboard equipment control module and data conversion module was proposed.
This complex was designed for performing functions with the assigned FDAL (Function Development Assurance Level) “A” (the aircraft function loss is classified as catastrophic) in accordance with the ARP4754A Standard.
To achieve this goal, the development process described in RTCA DO-178, DO-254, and DO-297 was implemented. These documents set the software and hardware development process requirements for onboard equipment of civil aviation. | ||||||||
Dolgikh A. E., Zhidkov P. M. A model of aircraft impulse laser rangefinder operating on aerodynamic objects. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 100 The simulation model of an airborne impulse laser rangefinder was developed. The article describes three basic structural parts of the model. The model was realized in C++. The model realized the processes of laser generation, reflection from a complex object, small signal receiving and digital information processing. Later, the obtained model results were compared to a priori information on the distance between a laser and a target. Aerodynamic targets were represented by 3D polygonal models. The rangefinder photodetector is discrete in time. Computing the number of photons for each clock cycle is performed by strobing the irradiance map over the range map. The irradiance and rang maps were created by the rendering method. To account for of different polygons’ overlapping each other, the rendering was performed employing the z-buffer algorithm. The model describes the radiation noise of photodetector was using the Poisson distribution. The readout noise was described by the normal distribution.
The range measurements are being performed several times. Then the results are analyzed by the trajectory processing. In contrast to signal accumulation, this processing is stable to the laser response shift from the target in clock cycles of photodetector unit. The true and false trajectories selection is performed by the threshold value of the trajectory length. The model operation was realized on the example of three aerial vehicles, such as Boeing747, Hornet and Tomahawk. The authors demonstrated the possibility of model tests statistical analysis for determining dependencies of operation range and measuring accuracy from pulse duration and sampling frequency of photodetector unit. The extreme value of laser rangefinder range capacity was determined by the signal/noise ratio level, ensuring stable measurements. Based on the obtained results the authors suggested application of pulse duration of τ < 100 ns and sampling frequency of about 60 MHz. | ||||||||
Badalov A. Y., Razumov D. A. Modeling technique in a life cycle of a cosmodrome large automated system of a Smart City level. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 100 The design and development of large-scale automated systems (AS) is always associated with surmounting of a large number of uncertainties, which structuring is often performed by employing the practice of standards and modeling in the framework of Systems & Software Engineering trend. Methods of the large systems (LS) analysis suppose their decomposition in the frame of structural and/or functional paradigms, which allow consider the obtained components as objects for functional, structural and other kinds of modeling. The complexity is stipulated by the fact, that the structural realization of such systems is ambiguous, and determined by a variety of factors, such as the presence of communication channels, the level of duty services automation, the interaction of agencies, the level of financial provision etc. Thus, the design of such LSs is associated with decomposition of the General problem at the level of the life cycle paradigm in the frame of structural and functional component hierarchy, which nodes contain the dispatching services and control centers. Besides, the problems of organizational and regulatory interaction require rather flexible approach to realization at each stage of a life cycle. While a cosmodrome of a regional level automated control system (ACS) design, the necessity occurs to optimize the taken decisions. Systems of this kind are functioning at all time and continuously, irrespective of automation level. In this sense, the time of their operation possesses a power of the continuum. Thus, the presented article suggests modeling technique exactly within the life cycle (LC) of a cosmodrome LS, including implementation of a simulation model for the system key performance indicators (KPI) optimization. The presented materials come in handy for the designers of large regional automated systems in the Smart City context such as cosmodrome ACS, as well as ASs of regional and municipal levels, ASs of a large-scale sporting events of national and international levels, situational centers of regional and municipal governments, departmental automated systems, including such a specific sphere, to which organs of government and management are related. | ||||||||
Sokolov S. V. The Integrable Case of Kovalevskaya in a Non-Euclidean Spase: separation of variables. Trudy MAI, 2018, no 100 In this paper we consider the problem of the motion of a Kovalevskaya top in non-Euclidean space. Applying, as in the Euclidean case considered in the classical papers of Kovalevskaya and Ketter, non-trivial transformations of phase variables involving both generalized coordinates and conjugate momenta, we find the Abel-Jacobi equations and give the separating variables on the plane.
As is well known (see, for example, [1]), Helmholtz proposed, in the axiomatic construction of mechanics, to abandon the Euclidean property of space, and postulate only the possibility of the motion of a rigid body typical for all Riemannian spaces of constant curvature. In the light of this it is obvious that the study of the dynamics of a rigid body in spaces of constant curvature is of prime importance.
Referring to the recent review [1] for a detailed explanation of the history of research, as well as modern statements of problems in this relevant field, we note only that in classical papers attention is concentrated on obtaining equations of motion and searching for additional integrals. In this paper, following the work of Kovalevskaya [2] and Ketter [3], we obtain separated equations for the problem of the motion of the Kovalevskaya top in non-Euclidean space. As a direction for further research, one can indicate an analysis of the stability of motions that are specific to Hamiltonian systems that are completely integrable with respect to Liouville, by methods that were developed in [4,5], as well as a classical analysis of orbital stability (see, for example, [6-18]).
As a result we are reducing an integration of the original problem to hyperelliptic quadratures. An analytical expressions which were derived in presented paper can be used for the subsequent analysis of the phase topology. | ||||||||
Larina E. V., Tsipenko A. V. Experimental data on flow in gas ejector for turbulence model verification. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 97 Gas ejector is a convenient device for verifying mathematical models, which is based on comparison with experimental results. Advantages of flow in an ejector for a numerical experiment:
The authors considered a single-stage axisymmetric ejector of the classical single-nozzle design. Compressed nitrogen was employed from the balloon system with a stagnation temperature of 300 K. The article presents all necessary geometry, inlet pressure in the ejection nozzle, and the pressure sensor positions. The sensors scanning slot is 0.001 s.
Data collection system ensured the time interval of 0,001 s between the two sensor readings. The sensors error was less than 35 Pa (0.005 psi). The results of various launches were not being averaged.
One-dimensional theory comparison with the experimental data reveals that the 1D theory gives a lower (optimistic) estimation of the start-up pressure. The experiments demonstrated also that minimum level of the ejector high-frequency noise corresponds to the minimum stable pressure in the vacuum chamber.
A numerical simulation of the ejector operation for several variants of the ejecting gas pressure employing the authors’ original code based on I.Kryukov and I.Ivanov code and Godunov’s method was carried out. The vacuum chamber pressure fluctuation and the shock-train separation point displacement were obtained. A numerical experiment yields acceptable average flow parameters, but absolutely unacceptable frequency characteristics.
The presented experimental data are quite complete and suitable for turbulence model verification.
The work was supported by the RFBR grants No. 16-38-60185, No. 16-01-00444a.
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Chernakov V. V., Iksanov H. S., Myakochin A. S., Nazarenko I. P. General technique for computing the test bed variant of a space power unit in transient operation modes. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 97 The subject of this work is the power unit of the space nuclear power plant in the test bed version. The purpose of the work was to develop a general methodology for calculating the power unit of the test bed version of a nuclear power plant for space applications in transient operation modes. An additional task was to determine the minimum set of independent variables, allowing fully characterize the operation of the power plant in non-stationary modes.
The computation technique is based on a unifying physical and mathematical model of the power unit. The physico-mathematical model is being built on a modular principle and includes the models of all the components of the power unit along the energy conversion contour. The article describes also the algorithm and the scheme for calculating the parameters of a closed gas-turbine circuit in a nonstationary formulation. The technique and algorithms are described on the example of a test bed version of a space nuclear power installation with a resistor heater as a heat source.
This technique can be used to perform calculations while the design, development and evaluation of space nuclear power units efficiency, as well as in modeling and developing control algorithms for the energy conversion loop in the modes of the source thermal power alteration. The technique can also be changed and supplemented depending on the layout and design of the particular power unit, the characteristics and specifics of its constituent parts, the type of heat exchangers, heat source, etc.
The main feature of the work is that this technique allows compute all most important parameters of the energy conversion circuit of a space nuclear power unit exactly at non-stationary operating modes. This is necessary at the start-up phase and while switching from one mode to another for development of control algorithms for the entire spacecraft. | ||||||||
Aslanov V. S., Yudintsev V. V. Cable towing of a space debris object with a cavity filled with liquid. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 97 Space debris active transportation employing a space tug with a tether link is one of the promising techniques of near-Earth space cleaning-up. When developing such transportation means, it is necessary to account for the specifics of space debris objects, particularly, the presence of elastic structure elements, and fuel remnants. There are two types of the space debris, namely, overaged spacecraft and orbital stages of rocket carriers. On one hand, orbital stages are simpler for transportation compared to spacecraft, since they do not contain large attached elastic elements, such as antennas or solar batteries. On the other hand, orbital stages might contain fuel remnants affecting the motion of space debris and the transportation system at large. The presented work is devoted to this phenomenon. The purpose of this work is development of a simple mathematical model of a transportation system with account for the fuel remnants onboard the space debris object of a space station type.
The article studies the effect of fuel remnants on the safety of withdrawal the space debris with fuel remnants. The authors obtained equations of motion in central gravitational field of a mechanical system, consisting of a space tug, space debris object and a tether. The space debris object is considered as solid body, containing a moving mass of liquid. The liquid fluctuating in the tank is represented as an equivalent pendulum system. Stationary solutions of the equations of movement were found, and linearized equations in the neighborhood of stable stationary solutions were constructed. The results of numerical modeling, demonstrating the closeness of analytical solutions of the linearized equations and numerical solutions of the initial equations of motion are presented.
The obtained linearized equations can be useful for determining transportation system parameters, ensuring safe withdrawal of the space debris. | ||||||||
Ruslantsev A. N., Dumansky A. M. Deformation of carbon fiber-reinforced plastic deformation under the time-varying loads. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 97 Rheological effects such as creep and relaxation may appear in the material when operating under long-time load. This can lead to a delayed fracture, so it is important to analyze the regularities of polymer composite materials deformation with account to the time factor. The presented article considers models implemented for describing rheological effects, shows their advantages and disadvantages.
The most common cases of loading can be described by the relationships of hereditary mechanics. Besides the fact that the hereditary approach is the most common form of a relationships between stresses and deformations at time varying loads, it allows identify a number of interrelated functions characterizing the material.
A model based on the matrix equations of the theory of laminated plates and relations of a hereditary type is proposed. It allows establish the dependence of deformations from time under time-varying loading.
To reveal time effects, the test for creep and relaxation of BMI-3/3692 carbon fiber-reinforced plastics samples with reinforcement scheme [±45°] and KMU-4L with reinforcement scheme [±20°] were performed. The BMI-3/3692 samples were tested for creep at time-varying loading also. The KMU-4L samples were tested for creep and relaxation. Resistive strain gages were employed to register longitudinal and transverse deformations. Nonlinearity and hysteresis are appearing on the stress-strain diagrams of the tested samples. Likewise, the diagrams of stresses and deformations are essentially dissimilar to each other, which can be explained by time-dependent factors.
Calculation for BMI-3/3692 carbon plastics with reinforcement scheme [± 45°] and KMU-4L with reinforcement scheme [± 20°] was performed employing the model proposed in the work. The Abel kernel was chosen as a creep kernel. Rabotnov kernel was used as a relaxation kernel.
Mechanical characteristics of the BMI-3/3692 carbon plastic were determined: E1 = 84 GPa, E2 = 80 GPa, ν12 = 0.04. G12 = 7.5 GPa. . The kernel parameters were determined by the least-squares method. Minimum of disparity of computed and experimental parameters was determined numerically. The following parameters values were obtained: α = –0.7, β = –0.05, k = 800.
The elastic characteristics of the of KMU-4 carbon plastic monolayer were determined: E1 = 150 GPa, E2 = 4 GPa, ν12 = 0.32. G12 = 3.3 GPa. The kernel parameters were also determined numerically: α = –0.8, β = –0.05, k = 150.
The article presents the graphs demonstrating a good correspondence between calculated and experimental data.
The proposed model can be used to calculate the stress-strain state of composite structures while long-term deformation. | ||||||||
Azarov Y. A., Chernovolov R. A. Some specifics of modeling an aircraft aeroelasticity in transonic wind tunnel. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 97 The article considers specifics of modeling the phenomena of the dynamic aeroelasticity, such as flutter and bugging, on dynamically congruent models in the wind tunnels (WT) in transonic range of Mach numbers.
The goal of the research is developing recommendations on similarity criteria selection for modeling the phenomena of aeroelasticity in the transonic mode by additive technologies.
The major stages of this work are analysis of existing structures of transonic aeroelastic models by weight, stiffness and strength characteristics, and comparative analysis of model materials’ specific stiffness and strength characteristics.
The article gives recommendations for the similarity criteria selection while design, manufacture and testing of dynamically similar models (DSM) in transonic WT. Implementation of the synthesized criterions will allow obtaining the reliable results of the experiment and successful transferring to the full-scale design.
It was shown, that the major problem is caused by the fulfillment of the mass similarity condition – the Newton’s criterion. This problem is stipulated by models’ structure overweighting. The article gives examples of overweighting effect on the flutter critical speed.
The design features of the main types of transonic DSMs force diagrams were considered. The effect of the main strain load carrying elements’ cross sections shapes of DSMs on DSM’s weight effectiveness was considered as well.
A comparative analysis of the specific stiffness and strength characteristics of homogeneous materials (metals), thermoplastics and isotropic composite materials was performed. This analysis results allowed obtain estimations of weight efficiency when used in DSM designs.
The article presents also the prospective directions for weight reduction of models of beam and plate scheme. | ||||||||
Grishin A. A., Strugovets A. G. Evaluation of design decisions in the part of losses for current collection devices in the transmission of electrical energy from solar batteries. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 97 This paper covers the slip ring assembly layer total resistance estimation method. This method is meant for application upon slip ring assembly design and engineering. The primary objective of this paper was to obtain the capability of slip ring layer heat dissipation simulation modelling based on the equivalent circuit.
The role of the slip ring assembly in the spacecraft electric power subsystem is considered; the basic structural elements of the assembly are described; the principles of operation of the device are explained. The major output performances of the slip ring assembly such as the voltage drop value across the layer of the slip rings and the total power dissipated on the device are defined. The process of current flow through the slip ring assembly is demonstrated. An equivalent circuit for a layer of slip ring assembly with ten contact rings is presented and reviewed in detail. The equation system for the equivalent circuit loop currents is defined. A relationship between the contact resistance and the impedance of the slip ring layer is established. Contact resistances are introduced into the system of equations. The formula of the impedance function of the layer of slip rings layer is obtained from the value of the contact resistances. The total resistance and the heat dissipation value of the slip ring layer upon nominal slip ring installation are estimated. The experimental and theoretical plots of the slip ring assembly layer impedance variation are provided for comparison. The adequacy of the assumptions taken and acceptability of the technique for practical application was validated. The analysis of contact resistance variation value versus the slip ring layer total resistance in case when the inner ring is displace versus the outer one was carried out.
The paper concludes that there is satisfactory convergence (within 4.5%) of the theoretical results with experimental data. Application of the above technique will allow predicting the slip rings heat dissipation variation during the design phase as well as to estimate their lifetime with lower costs. | ||||||||
Ispulov A. A., Ivanov S. L. Accuracy evaluation of the filtering algorithms while tracking a maneuvering air target on angular coordinates. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 97 At present, algorithms for coordinates and parameters evaluation of the air target (AT) movement on fighters are realized based on simplified filtering algorithms, particularly by α,β-filtering and α,β,γ-filtering. The main drawbacks of these algorithms are insufficiently accurate and stable tracking of maneuvering AT while low rate of information update and missing of adaptation to rapidly changing air combat (AC) conditions. Implementing of more complex models of a relative movement of a fighter and AT with refined parameters is one of the possible ways to overcome these shortcomings. The purpose of the paper is a comparative assessment of the filtration accuracy when tracking a maneuvering AT in angular coordinates using the α,β-filtering algorithms and the Kalman filter (KF) for the Zinger and Song models with refined parameters at a low rate of data update about the target. In the interests of obtaining an extrapolated evaluation and the operation of filtering algorithms, determination of the values of the maneuverability coefficient when an AT is performing the combat turn is required. The data on the AT spatial movement was obtained by semi-detailed simulation on the flight test-bench. Maneuverability coefficient determination was performed via correlation-spectral processing, by a transition from the time domain to the spectral domain – the direct Fourier transform. To achieve the purpose of the work, modeling of the filtering algorithms at a low information update rate about the target has been performed by statistical tests method. The mean square deviation of filtering errors has been used as an accuracy index. The α,β-filtering algorithm for the model of uniform rectilinear motion, the KF algorithm for the Zinger model, and the KF algorithm for the Song model have been analyzed. Analysis of the presented results allows us to draw the following conclusions:
Thus, to ensure high tracking accuracy of the maneuvering AT in angular coordinates in the AC conditions at a low information update rate in modern aviation sighting systems, it is advisable to apply filters that employ models of relative target movement of higher orders. The filtration accuracy index increase for the KF with the Song model is 40%, as compared to the α,β-filter, and 30% for the KF with the Zinger model. However, if AT maneuver changes, it will be necessary to implement the procedures for adapting the filter parameters to the maneuver type. In addition, the filtering algorithm selection should be performed either by the criterion of the estimation error minimum or by the criterion of the transients minimum time. | ||||||||
Enkin A. A. Methodology for aircraft rational control law forming while performing maneuvers in horizontal plane. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 97 The article presents the methodology for agile aircraft rational controls forming while executing a turn in horizontal plane. The flight of an agile light airplane is selected as an object of study. While solving the problem of rational trajectories selection provisions of the direct variation method were assumed as a basis. The existing techniques, where the reference trajectory is set as dependence of phase coordinates from the physical time in the form of a polynomial, exhibit a significant drawback. This dependence of an aircraft speed from the trajectory geometry, i. e. time derivatives of coordinates, uniquely determine the speed at each point of the trajectory. A distinctive feature of the proposed methodology from the existing one is the aircraft control laws forming method. Control functions for aircraft roll and normal speed overload herewith are determined from the required accelerations for monitoring reference trajectory, specified in the form of polynomial dependence of phase coordinates from time. Tangenital overload control is formed on the assumption of specifics of maneuvering in horizontal plane. These features consist in the existence of a certain flight speed, at which maneuvering in horizontal plane is performed with maximum angular rate of turn. The degree of approaching this rate herewith is determined by the moment of the engine operation mode switching, and ensures the possibility of fuller realization of aircraft performance characteristics inherent to its structure (maneuvering characteristics).
Thus, the developed methodology ensures the accounting for maneuvering specifics in horizontal plane while forming an aircraft speed mode control, and allows eliminate the “stiff” dependence of flight speed from the trajectory geometry. It allows also determine the rational trajectory of the combat maneuvering in the horizontal plane, by which high levels of maneuverability inherent to the aircraft structure are achieved.
Application of this methodology is possible while developing the systems of intellectual support for a pilot’s decision-making, as well as aircraft automatic control systems. | ||||||||
Evstifeev M. I., Eliseev D. P. Present-day approach to navigation instruments design. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 97 Computer aided design systems have been widely used in developing of various technical systems. Concern CSRI Elektropribor has a long experience employing PTC Creo Elements, which shows an effectiveness of 3D modeling employed in innovative navigation devices. It allows both increasу labor productivity and cut devices developing time by paralleling activities while working on project. Moreover, it ensures quality improvement of the systems under development, while 3D models are working well for both finite element analysis of mechanical characteristics and rapid prototyping. Thus, 3D modeling has become a design standard for gyroscopes being the most complicated navigation instruments.
At present, a high-tech manufacturing faces such a critical task as developing innovative and competitiveness products. That is why risky and challenging solutions should be applied for navigation devices design. Correctness of these solutions could be achieved in two ways: computing and prototyping. As the first way, finite element analysis is widely used around the world as non-alternating method of predictive modeling. In recent years, with advancement of additive technology, devices prototyping and, sometimes, their manufacturing is being provided by 3D printing. Highlighted sequence of design provides a systemic approach to the developing based on up-to-date technology and allows suggest the following method of navigation devices design. 1) Developing 3D models of devices’ parts and assemblies. 2) Employing finite element analysis of devices’ mechanical characteristics. 3) Rapid prototyping by additive technology. 4) Errors’ determining and correcting.
The method differs from the others by implementation of closed process “design, modeling, manufacture”, which provides improvement of products quality and labor productivity. Moreover, this method is recommended for bachelor students teaching on design basics. It contributes essential part in developing engineer skills of students . | ||||||||
Konysheva V. Y., Maximov N. ., Sharonov A. V. Wavelet analysis in linear dynamic systems control and diagnostic problems. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 97 The paper considers one of the possible approaches to solving the problem of linear dynamical systems control and diagnostics. Analysis of available publications [2, 4, 9] on the subject revealed that the statement of the problem of diagnostics assumes knowing of the current values of the dynamic systems state vector. However, measuring all the state vector coordinates is not always possible. Firstly, such situation may arise due to the lack of “access points”. Secondly, if the measurement results of some of the state vector coordinates contain “unacceptable” errors, which do not allow them to be used to solve problems of control and diagnostics of objects.
The proposed approach presupposes the existence of a control points shortage, but requires the observance of Kalman’s observability conditions, which allows restoring all the coordinates of the state vector. With this regard, the problem posed combines three problems: the problem of estimating the coordinates of the state vector, the problem of determining the altered parameters of the object, and the problem of determining the moments of appearance of these alterations (the moments of “discord”). Solution of the first problem is traditionally associated with the constructing the Kalman filter. To solve the second problem, the authors propose to apply the equations of parametric sensitivity. To localize the instants of the onset of such “discords”, the article proposes to apply the expansion of the parametric sensitivity functions in Fourier series with respect to the orthonormal wavelet basis.
The results of mathematical modeling of the solution of the problem of control and diagnostics of the simplest linear dynamical systems confirmed the operability of the proposed approach. | ||||||||
Busurin V. I., Mevedev V. M., Karabitsky A. S., Groppa D. V. Algorithms of digital information analysis for optimizing checkup of control systems. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 97 The basis of technical support for information, measurement and control systems consists of electronic devices and systems for communicating, gathering, processing, transmission and display of information, which, in stages of development and production, are subjects to diagnosis.
For means of checkup and most of other types of control system tests, it is common to use checkout equipment (CE). The CE hardware and software are developed individually for the needs of specific tests of inertial control system. To simplify the design and improve versatility, this article offers to rethink the software design methodology for CE, allowing forming CE software automatically for control and diagnostics purposes of several similar inertial control systems. This solution will significantly reduce the time and cost of developing hardware and software parts of the CE.
Forming of the software is performed by attaching additional software modules (ASM), which are responsible for unique to a particular inertial control system (ICS) equipment or functionality, to basic software module (BSM). Designed software remains unchanged while being used for control and diagnosis of various ICS’s. BSM performs such functions as distributing software threads and their priorities, ASM launching and control. ASM are developed in conjunction with CE and have unique features. Interaction between the modules is performed by means of shared memory and communication protocols between modules. To sel ect ASM’s necessary to complete the specific test job, the software should analyze digital data, incoming fr om the control system. This data-analyzing algorithm is separated into several major steps: searching for keywords employing reference list, comparing reference lists and detection of ‘answer’ keywords. | ||||||||
Bukhalev V. A., Boldinov V. A. Signals filtration at low-frequency interference in unmanned flying vehicles measuring-information systems . Trudy MAI, 2017, no 97 The authors consider the problem of information processing in measuring information systems of unmanned aerial vehicles’ (UAV) at low-frequency interference. As a rule, the classical approach to solution of the problem of low-frequency interference filtering proves to be unusable due to the estimates divergence. The authors propose to solve the put forward problem by employing optimal filters realizing the «interference whitening». The thus obtained mixture of valid signal with white noise The suggested algorithm of optimum filtering consists in preliminary passing-through of a measuring instrument output signal through the forming wideband filter. The thus obtained mixture of a valid signal with white noise is fed to low-frequency filter forming an optimum valid signal estimation. The structure and parameters of the synthesized filter depend on the nature of the low-frequency interference in the measurement channel. As a rule, intensity of UAV’s trajectory fluctuations can be considered as approximate constant and not depending on UAV control system type. On the contrary, dispersion of noise disturbance, may either increase, or decrease while UAV approaching an object. The nature of the organized interference depends on jammer actions. The optimum filtration algorithm has been constructed for both cases. The disadvantage of the proposed approach is the unjustified complexity of optimal algorithms implementation for solving applied problems. The main problem consists in an adequacy of the developed mathematical model (linearity, a small order of the equations, unauthenticity of basic data and other) to the real system under study. It feels particularly sharp while creating the UAV navigation and guidance algorithms with their tight restrictions on speed and memory of the onboard computer. One of the effective ways to solve this problem is to replace the differential equations for the coefficients that determine the passband of the optimal filter by their steady values, calculated by algebraic formulas obtained from differential equations. The simulation obtained results allow draw conclusions on the applicability of the proposed approach to filtration problems in the opto-electronic and radio engineering measuring information systems of UAV. In this case, the accuracy of angular coordinates estimating of the object of observation will decrease by 10–15% of the true values. | ||||||||
Kovalsky A. A., Afonin G. I., Tereshenko S. V. Propositions on the main trends of central timing system modernization for ground-based spacecraft control automated complex . Trudy MAI, 2017, no 97 There is a need for standard time signals and frequencies in various spheres of action. The necessity for frequency and time synchronization of technological and information processes at spacecraft (SC) ground-based automated control complex (GACC) is of special topicality. The article presents the main central timing system (CTS) modernization for SC GACC as well as specifics and perspectives of SC CTS GACC while employing data transmission channels of satellite communication system (SCS) “Primorka” and satellite radio navigational system (SRNS) GLONASS. The object of the study is SC CTS GACC. The subject of the study are methods and means of time signals distribution. The purpose of the study consists in increasing SC CTS GACC stability by implementation of data transmission channels of the SCS “Primorka” and the satellite radio navigational GLONASS system (SRNS). System analysis of methods and means of time signals propagation in SC CTS GACC, and possible synchronization error sources was performed in this work. The block diagram of SC CTS GACC creation with three-level architecture was developed. The upper level (the CTS backbone network) is between the State time references and central stations, which will meet the strict requirement on characteristics quality. The intermediate level between CTS central points and CTS peripheral stations will be connected by SCS “Pimorka”. The low level – between CTS peripheral station and a customer SC GAACC, accounting for the SC GAACC requiremetns. Realization of the proposed three-level SC CTS GACC will allow significantly increase the SC CTS GACC stability. | ||||||||
Efimov E. N., Shevgunov T. Y., Kuznetsov Y. V. Cyclic spectrum power dencity estimation of info-communication signals. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 97 The paper introduces cyclic periodogram averaging block algorithm for the estimation of cyclic power spectral density (CPSD) using time-smoothing approach. A brief overview of the cyclostationarity phenomena and the corresponding cyclic characteristic functions are provided; a detailed theoretical description of the proposed algorithm focusing on the task of cyclic power spectral density estimation of the finite length digital infocommunication signals is presented. The structure of the CPSD function on bispectral plane for the case of finite length digital signals is described. The properties of the support region of CPSD on bispectral plane such as resolution element shape and effective width are taken into the consideration in order to avoid significant gaps alongside cyclic frequency axis.
In order to demonstrate the proposed algorithm as well as the advantages of the cyclostationary approach itself, a numerical simulation is carried out. A mixture of two amplitude-modulated signals with wide-sense stationary random processes used as their modulation sequences is chosen for the simulation. The parameters of the simulation such as effective bandwidths of the mixture components and their carrying frequencies are selected in a manner that a significant overlapping in the frequency domain is to occur. The analysis of the estimated cyclic power spectral density as a two-variable function obtained with the proposed algorithm allowed to successfully determine the number of the components in the signal mixture, their carrier frequencies, separated periodograms for each of the components and make the conclusion of the statistical independency of the underlying random processes. The results of the numerical simulation confirm the correct work of the proposed algorithm as well as demonstrate the selective properties of the cyclostationary approach.
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Tikhomirov A. V., Omel'yanchuk E. V., Semenova A. Y., Mikhailov V. Y. Prediction of radio waves propagation parameters when employing low-lying antennas in conditions of urban development. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 97 Design of ground mobile communication systems operating in urban conditions, including episodic networks, requires accounting for the effects of various factors of radio waves propagation on the received signal parameters. Depending on the types and urban building density the signal may contain include line-of-sight, reflected, diffracted and refracted components [1]. In the absence of a priori knowledge of obstacles’ type, size and shape the path loss can be estimated based on measurements. Empirical estimation should bear statistical character and based on determination of median values of path loss.
Due to the terrain and building types variety as well as the relative position of transceivers and, hence, difficulty to predict the effect of particular factors along the propagation pass on radio waves damping, a universal model for losses calculation while radio waves propagation in urban conditions does not exist. Models for predicting the signal level in ground mobile radio communications system can be employed only in cases of mobile networks with highly raised antennas of basic stations. Due to the growing popularity of the urban wireless networks (WLAN) and mobile ad hock networks, implicating a large number of mobile transponders, the purpose of this study is predicting of radio waves propagation at low-lying antennae in urban conditions by modifying the existing models on the ground of experimental data.
Based on the experimental study at the frequency of 870 MHz performed in Zelenograd, radio waves propagation losses were determined in conditions of urban building. The obtained experimental values of propagation loss were applied for linear approximation. The values of coefficients were determined and Stanford University Interim (SUI) model modification was suggested for urban media for the cases of antenna suspension height of up to 10 m. The article demonstrates that while estimating radio signal propagation in urban conditions with low-lying receiver antennae the attenuation degree equal to four can be employed. | ||||||||
Yastrebtsova O. I. Conditions for the absence of “blinding” in microstrip antenna arrays. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 97 The paper considers one of the problems occurring in microstrip antenna arrays, namely the effect of “blindning” when the array radiation vanishes at certain scanning angles. The topicality of this problem is associated with wide implementation of antenna arrays in various Earth exploration satellite systems including synthetic aperture radars.
Fr om the published sources we know that this is due to the interaction of surface waves supported by the structure of the antenna array, in this case a dielectric layer, with dominant Floquet mode. Determining angles whereby the risk of “blinding” occurs is possible by applying the plane of phase constants, wh ere both Floquet modes and surface waves, excited in dielectric substrate of the microstrip antennae array, are depicted. The intersection of the circles corresponding to the surface waves with the circle of the radiating Floquet mode at a given scanning angle will mean the possibility of “blinding”.
This method was applied to the two dipole microstrip antenna arrays: in the first case the dielectric of the substrate was selected in such a way that only one surface wave of electric type was excited. In the second case, three surface waves were excited − two of electric type and one of magnetic.
Possible “blinding” angles were determined by performing plotting on the plane of phase constants. They were verified hereafter by modeling of an infinite antenna array, which allowed obtaining radiation element diagram. All the “blinding” angles found analytically appeared on the radiation patterns. The angle, not appeared while simulation, took place only in the second case, which corresponds to the theory, since the appearance of blind angles can depend, for example, on the method of the radiator excitation. The method applicability for the considered problem was confirmed thereby.
The conditions ensuring the absence of blinding angles at a given range of scanning angles were formulated hereafter. The restrictions are imposed herewith on both the distances between the radiating elements and parameters of the dielectric substrate. A famly of curves representing the dependence of maximum distance between radiating elements from maximum scanning angle of microstrip antenna array was plotted. It allowed determine structural parameters of antenna array by the maximum value of the scanning angle. | ||||||||
Bakhtin A. A., Volkov A. S., Baskakov A. E. Studying specifics of MAC algorithms realization in mobile self-organizing communications networks. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 97 With account for the trends of mobile self-organizing communications networks development, the number of technologies and communication systems employing the principle of infrastructure building without the use base station will increase in subsequent years. Thus, more and more tasks, which should be solved on a data link layer of the system developed, are being revealed. A base station absence in the network topology generates the tasks of organizing the message delivery route selecting, which is especially important in mobile self-organizing communications networks. The concept of mobility itself, i. e. nodes’ permanent spatial motion imposes additional restrictions on the communication system. Thus, the problem of transmitting the service and information frames in conditions of a non-constant connection between nodes occurs. Currently, one of the most widely used algorithms for the environment accessing is the CSMA\CA algorithm. Stations and subscribers of the 802.11 network, that is, Wi-Fi networks are operating on its base. The algorithm is based on the principle of transferring the service frames of the RTS-CTS-DATA-ACK format. Using this algorithm allows solving the problems of a hidden node. The MACA algorithm lies at the heart of the implementation of CSMA\CA and is distinguished by the use of RTS-CTS-DATA service frames, without delivery confirmation. These algorithms have disadvantages, such as a large number of service frames in the communication channel and a possible non-delivery of the service frame with a changing network topology.
To solve these problems, an algorithm MMAC was developed. Application of this algorithm implies the presence of two or more communication channels by each node: separate communication channels for the transmission of service frames and for the transmission of data frames. Since this imposes additional costs on the implementation of the second channel, the algorithm has been modified. The LCM MAC algorithm employs the principle of separate transmission of service and information frames in different time slots.
A study of their efficiency was performed by simulating these algorithms in the software environment of Network Simulator 3. Analysis of simulation results revealed that the access algorithms for the MMAC and LCM MAC algorithms demonstrate the best packet delivery rate and network bandwidth compared to the MOCA and CSMA\CA algorithms (at the average by 20% and 500 bit / s, respectively). Based on the performed work, it was revealed that the actual task of research and development of a mobile self-organizing communication system, namely its data link layer, is the solution of a number of tasks:
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Isaev A. I., Skorobogatov S. V. Hydrodynamic verification and validation of numerical methods of the flow calculation in combustion chamber of a gas turbine engine. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 97 Currently, the engineering practice widely uses software packages for engineering design automation. They include the systems allowing solve complex problems of computational hydro-gas dynamics. The specificity of the employed mathematical tools imposes certain constraints in the course of operation. Thus, there is no universal mathematical model at present, which would reliably describe all turbulent flows specifics for the entire spectrum of problems. Instead, there are many semi-empirical models correlating well with the experimental data for only a certain range of problems.
The most widely used models are the models of Reynolds averaged Navier–Stokes equations. At the same time, these models have a greater number of variations, most of which found application in commercial software packages as well. Such diversity creates the problem of selection of the most appropriate model for the particular solution case. Thus, verification and validation are the intrinsic part of the turbulent flows numerical modeling.
The purpose of the article is the methodology of verification and validation of a flow computing in a combustion chamber air-gas channel of a gas turbine engine with transverse vortex system. The authors performed reviewed the most relevant turbulence models employed in software packages of computational hydro-gas dynamics. Their advantages, disadvantages and constraints associated with the empirical data are listed.
Based on the developed combustion chamber model, the full-scale model for hydrodynamic research and the finite element mesh for calculations in the software environment were created.
The article presents the results of experimental studies and the results obtained by numerical methods. They performed their comparison and analysis. Based on this data, the two models corresponding to the selected confidence interval, were separated out.
At the next stage validation of turbulence models was being performed. As a result, it allowed give qualitative estimate of flow kinetics over the entire computation region.
Verification revealed that of all the models considered, the best conformity with experiments was ensured by the SST k-w model and standard k-e model.
In consequence of validation, the authors managed to find that the SST k-w model reproduced the flow kinetics in air-gas channel of the combustion chamber with a transverse vortex system more correctly. | ||||||||
Golovkin M. A., Efremov A. A., Makhnev M. S. Methods for estimating the rotary derivatives of forces and moments acting on the aircraft model. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 97
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Ashurkov I. S., Leshko N. A., Tsybulnik A. N. Conceptual model of a spaced system for complex ballistic targets radar observation. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 97 The article describes the model of spaced radar system with uncooperative radiation sources, integrated into a set of national technical means of space-rocket machinery tests monitoring. A model based on estimation of spatial and accuracy characteristics of complex ballistic targets elements allows selecting a rational variant of implementing a set of national technical means of monitoring at the finish area of foreign missile testing grounds.
In general terms, a mathematical model of a simulation-analytical type of a spaced radar system is being represented in a form of an interrelated structure and includes models of uncooperative source of illumination, complex ballistic target and receiving site integrated to a set of national technical means of control. Potential accuracy of coordinates measuring of a complex ballistic target was computed. Сriterion of optimality was selected as an arithmetic mean of range estimation CSR. The required information zone is represented in the form of a discrete set, for which maximum possible number of the receiving site allocation variants was determined. Further, applying the direct-searching method the value of the target function is determined for each variant of the set, which meets the specified limitations. Then the variant ensuring the goal function minimum is selected. Selection of the receiving site allocation rational variant allows realize potential capabilities of the spaced radar system for complex ballistic targets detection and measuring its’ coordinates in the full.
The proposed model of spaced radar system with uncooperative radiation sources integrated into a set of national technical means of monitoring space-rocket machinery tests being carried out by foreign countries allows select rational location and direction for receiving site at the finish area of foreign missile testing grounds. | ||||||||
Rybalko A. A., Naumov A. V. A model for ensuring fault-tolerance of container virtual services at data centers. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 97 The following work is focused on the topic of enhancing the reliability of distributed services using container virtualization technology. An infrastructure based on container virtualization is presented and analyzed in the environment of changing workloads. Means of deployment, monitoring and lifecycle management are included in the infrastructure. The solution also includes a thorough description of networking exchange between services and service-monitoring system interchange of data in a multi-tenant environment. In modern datacenters the efficiency of resources usage is based on the number of business applications per host unit, while maintaining the isolation of applications from each other, as well as providing the stability, backup and disaster recovery, lifecycle management and network interconnections control.
The article compares the benefits of full and container virtualization, as well as analysis of service-oriented architecture on the base of container virtualization. The instruments analyzed from full virtualization perspective are VMware ESXi, KVM, Microsoft Hyper-V, Citrix XenServer, while OpenVZ and LXC/Docker technologies were reviewed from the side of container virtualization. One of the most important criteria analyzed is the scalability of the resulting solution built using the virtualization instruments presented above. Using container virtual machines, the number of objects on each host greatly grows, which is a more effective usage of resources from one hand, but poses a problem of monitoring and lifecycle management of a much larger number of objects on the other hand. The article analyses the network infrastructure and the monitoring toolset designed to handle much larger numbers of controlled objects than what is currently available on the market.
A hybrid architecture of Token Ring and Partial Mesh domains are presented as the more scalable and effective solution in the article for network communications between container hosts and between containers themselves. This hybrid approach is also applicable in different infrastructures build for high loads and big data processing. | ||||||||
Lyapin A. A. Testing of programming modules for flight task calculation and control based on the source data prioritization. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 97 The article proposes the diagram of computer-aided exploratory testing of calculation and control of the flight task software developed by State Rocket Centre “Academician V.P. Makeyev Design Bureau”. Calculation and control of the flight task software (ССFT software) is a key system of rocket complex and prepares for intercontinental ballistic missile’s flight-control system data, special automatics, and flight-control system of detachable elements. ССFT software consists of programming modules developed by engineers of State Rocket Centre and related organizations. Programming module (PM) is a functionally completed software implementation of CCFT particular task (algorithm).
To ensure quality and reliability every programming module should be debugged and tested in autonomous operation. Reliability of programming module is the probability the module operation without crash.
In this work the author suggests applying a method of computer-aided exploratory testing for debugging and testing PM from CCFT software. This method accounts for input parameters’ priority built on the basis of computational stability index of explored tasks.
The testing diagram accounts for programming modules’ potential crash. It is based on determination of input parameters’ priority. The author suggests employing priorities that are based on computational stability of tasks.
The testing diagram can specify the test data area variation and makes the best use of testing time resources. The diagram also performs qualitative evaluation of calculation and control of the flight task software’s functionality. This diagram is being used for CCFT software testing by engineers of State Rocket Centre. | ||||||||
Anzheurov A. S., Denisova I. P., Kostikov Y. A., Pasisnichenko M. A. Numerical analysis of the new type retroreflector application effectiveness while laser ranging of a spacecraft . Trudy MAI, 2017, no 97 When laser ranging of a spacecraft the light impulse reflected from retroreflector , forms spot on the Earth surface, which center is usually located at a significant distance (from hundreds to thousands meters) from the station’s receiving telescope, due to the velocity aberration effect. Thus, the receiving telescope appears to be at periphery of the spot.
Due to the fact, that the electromagnetic radiation energy flow in the pulse decreases as distancing from the pulse axis to its periphery, only a small portion of the light energy hits the receiving telescope. Often, this portion is not enough to register the moment of the reflected impulse arrival at the laser station. To eliminate this shortcoming the Research and production Corporation “Systems of precision instrument making” suggested the retroreflector of a new type, in which maximum of intensity of the reflected impulse’ direction diagram was shifted from optical axis to periphery by coating the retroreflector edges with various coatings, so that the spot changed into a luminous ring. It allowed shifting the intensity maximum to about 1.2 arcseconds from the reflector optical axis with angular width at the level of half-power of about one arcsecond.
Mathematical modeling and numerical analysis of a new type retroreflector implementation effectiveness for laser ranging of high-orbit and low-orbit spacecraft were performed in this work. The conducted study revealed that ensuring the most favorable conditions for low-orbit spacecraft ranging (the orbit height of 300−550 km) in retroreflctor of a new type requires shifting of annular directional diagram maximum of the reflected impulse relative to the central beam not by 1.2 arc-seconds, but several times more, i. e. approximately by 9.7 arc-seconds. High-orbit spacecraft (orbit height of 6000−34000 km) for the same purpose must be equipped with retroreflectors of a new type, in which the maximum of the directional diagram of the reflected impulse is shifted relative to the Central beam by about five arc-seconds.
This means that at the stage of designing of each spacecraft the unique retroreflector of a new type should be developed and manufactured maximally effective for operation at the projected orbit. | ||||||||
Ruslantsev A. N., Dumansky A. M., Alimov M. A. The stressed-deformed state model of curvilinear composite beam. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 96 Polymer composite materials are applied in a wide range of aviation and space technology products. A lot of such products’ components are curvilinear beams that work on bending. However, in connection with pronounced property anisotropy, composed materials’ behavior in such components differs significantly fr om metals. While developing design technique, information is required on material’s working in these or that conditions. For this purpose, samples with shapes close to typical structural elements are tested, in which course the stressed-deformed state of these elements is studied. Classical tensile, compression and shear tests cannot fully demonstrate the behavior of multilayered composite materials. Bending tests can provide additional information that fully describes the behavior of the material. ASTM D6415 Standard describes the samples testing of a typical structural element. The radial stresses in the sample are determined at the end of the test. Based on the experimental data listed in the ASTM Standards, a conclusion can be made that the destruction occurs in the curved zone of the sample due to delamination. While composite structures designing, the interlaminar stresses should be taken into account, since the contact zone between the layers has a low strength and destruction can be caused by the delamination of the material. Thus, determination of internal stresses caused by interlaminar interactions during stretching and compression of layers is an important task. The model determining the stress state in a layered curvilinear composite beam is suggested. The model correctness is verified by comparing the calculated stress values and the results obtained by finite element modeling. It is shown that the discrepancy between the results does not exceed 5%. Calculations for curvilinear beams with cylindrical anisotropy of properties and for layered beams were performed. It is shown that maximum stress values are determined by the bending moment and geometric parameters of the beam. The most effective stress reduction can be achieved by reducing the curvature of the laminated beam. It was determined that the central part of a composite beam, wh ere delamination is most possible, was the most dangerous zone. Optimum relationship of the beam’ material strength in circumferential and radial directions was determined. Recommendations to increase the bearing capacity of curved beams were elaborated. | ||||||||
Kalashnikov S. T., Mokin Y. A., Shvaleva R. K. On changes of pressure center position of a sharp cone with small surface variations under hypersonic flow-around. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 96 The problem of evaluating maximum possible changes in the position of the pressure center at small angles of attack and specified constrains on surface distortions of hypersonic vehicles in the form of sharp cones with small-parameter linearization is reduced to the math problem of a linear functional norm. The developed integral expression of linear functional, evaluating changes in the position of the pressure center for the shape variations is based on a semi-analytic method of differential locality hypothesis. The general integral expression of the preset functional norm in linear space of weak surface variations for the specified restrictive function is developed.
The validity of the developed analytical expressions being strictly in the class of sharp cones is confirmed by analyzing test examples for two possible types of linear surface variations and their linear combination. The first variation is related to a linear scale and the second one relates to a cone angle. The compliance of numerical results of analytical estimates of δxƒ to the exact result is taken as a criterion. The validity of the obtained analytical results for bodies close to a sharp cone shape is estimated by comparing with the results of numerical computations based on the solutions of inviscid Euler equations for models of perfect gas or equilibrium and dissociating air.
It is shown that the first variation of the sharp cone pressure center δxƒ
at the specified weak variation of its surface under supersonic and hypersonic flows at small angles of attack depends only on two dimensionless parameters: a cone angle θk
and relation of derivatives
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Bakhvalov A. V., Greshnyakov P. I., Gimavied A. G. Studies of hydraulic drive efficiency with discrete valve and switched inertia tube. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 96 For the last years, energy efficiency is one of the main and important issues in developing fluid power technology. The discrete method of regulation is of particular interest while the development of such systems, in which the fluid stream is alternately supplied to the hydraulic drive actuator. For this purpose, discrete action valves are used. They are relatively simple, reliable, insensitive to contamination, and possess low cost. The paper presents the mathematical model of the hydraulic drive for loads lifting, containing discrete valve and switched inertia tube. Employing a switched inertia device (inertia tube and discrete valve) in the hydraulic drive system allows increase efficiency of such system by 20-30% due to the inflow of additional liquid from the low-pressure line (so-called flow amplifier mode). As a result of dynamic processes simulation in MATLAB/Simulink package, transients occurring while hydraulic drive operation were calculated. The article analyzes the effect of the following parameters on the hydraulic drive efficiency: the discrete valve operation frequency in the pressure line, the pulse duty cycle, the diameter and length of the inertia tube. Regulation quality estimation is given in the movement of the output link of the hydraulic drive with a cargo on the set trajectory. It was established that for the hydraulic drive with the pressure in the pressure line of 15 MPa and a weight of the cargo up to 1000 kg, the use of a hydraulic drive scheme with discrete valve and switched inertia tube allows increase its efficiency by 17% compared to the throttle control. The recommended parameters for such system configuration are as follows: the discrete valve operating frequency is 40 Hz, the pulse duty cycle is 30 to 50%, the inertial tube diameter is 10 mm, its length is no more than 10 m. The diameter of the discrete valve hole in the pressure line should be sel ected fr om conditions for ensuring the required speed of the output link. The disadvantage is acoustic noise while using a switched inertia device. It is necessary to use a pulsation damper to eliminate it. The obtained results can be useful for selecting hydraulic drive schemes with a higher coefficient of energy efficiency. | ||||||||
Vasiliev V. V., Lazarev V. V. Twin-fuselage aircraft: pro et contra. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 96 The article analyzes virtues and shortcomings of the twin-fuselage aircraft configuration as applied to a passenger and cargo aircraft. It notes specifics of aerodynamic and weight perfection of the twin-fuselage aircraft. The peculiarities of aerodynamics and weight perfection of the twin-fuselage aircraft are noted. The article also reveals the differences between twin-fuselage aircraft configuration and the aircraft of traditional schemes. The main ones are the as follows. The aircraft increase of the moment of inertia relative to the longitudinal axis complicates the compliance with the Part 25 airworthiness for recovering the aircraft from a turn with the tilt of 30° and entering it into a turn of the opposite direction with the tilt of 30° within no more than 7 seconds. The emergence of specific natural modes of aircraft oscillations with the rotation of the fuselages in pitch plane with opposite phase. The advantages of unswept central part of the wing are asserted. Attention is drawn to the increase of the aircraft pivoting radius on the ground and the complication of aircraft control when the pilot’s line of vision is shifted from the axis of the runway. As twin-fuselage aircraft configuration has no advantages over traditional aircraft configuration, its use is advisable only for solution of specific problems. For example, developing a passenger aircraft with a passenger capacity exceeding 500 seats, or a multifunctional heavy transport aircraft for the cargo placing in two fuselages, as well as a hard cargo on the external sling between the fuselages. Existence of the fuselage of certified donor aircraft will provide technical and economic efficiency of the twin-fuselage aircraft. | ||||||||
Boyko S. O. Methodology of spacecraft structural components position fine adjustment. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 96 With significant increase of satellite structural components size specifics of their relative position adjustment occur, associated with singular masses separate by a certain distance and structural elements coupling them. All structural components are affected by various space factors, including temperature impact, which leads to satellite structure optimal geometric disposition changing due to deformations. The author suggests employing the six-degree-of-freedom adjustment actuator to ensure fine adjustment. To control the adjustment device movement the author suggests the methodology based on implementation of measuring machine, three measuring spheres and an algorithm for measurement results processing. Contacting the spheres in at least four points, the measuring machine computes the coordinates of the position of each sphere’s center, which defines the spatial position of the adjustment device upper base. Data spheres’ centers position control is performed at the initial position (prior to spacial movement performing) and end position (after spacial movement performing). Position determining technique consists in the following. Using the obtained coordinates, we determine the values of the three linear and three angular movements of the plane, formed by the centers of the three spheres. To determine the movemeents one should compute coefficients of coordinates’ transformation matrix for the displacement from the initial position to the end position. Analyzing theoretical (defined by control block) and actual (computed from co-ordinate measuring device data) values of the adjustment actuator spatial movement allows evaluate transmission errors for every degree-of-freedom. Specified errors led to satellite structural components relative offset in an area, which depends on their distance from each other. The proposed final adjustment methodology of structural elements and mechanical devices allows account for interaction of separate actuators in adjustment devise and structure of satellite geometry changing to achieve the specified parameters during ground experimental tests and on-orbit satellite functioning. | ||||||||
Gordeev S. V., Kanev S. V., Suvorov M. O., Khartov S. A. Evaluation of high-frequency ion thruster parameters. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 96 There is an increasing need for low Earth orbiting satellites for various purposes. Such satellites are cheaper to put into orbit (for altitudes 160−300 km), and can ensure high-resolution for Earth observation. However, lowering orbit altitude means that atmosphere gases concentration and the aerodynamic drag force increase causing decrease in the spacecraft orbit lifetime. Electric propulsion thrusters could be used to counteract the aerodynamic drag. For example, the European Space Agency spacecraft GOCE operating in a near-circular orbit with altitudes of 250−280 km for more than four years used the ion thruster T5 of QinetiQ Company for aerodynamic drag compensation. This thruster used onboard xenon as propellant. When the whole amount of propellant was consumed, the vehicle began lowering and burnt in atmosphere. Application of atmosphere gases as propellant may substantially increase lifetime of low orbit spacecraft. This work focuses on the operation of high-frequency ion thrusters operating with atmosphere gases as propellant. Such thrusters may be used to counteract the aerodynamic drag of low Earth orbit spacecraft. Work processes in the ionization chamber of ion thruster were modeled. A mixture of atomic and molecular nitrogen and oxygen was considered as a propellant. During ionization each of these gases partially transforms in singly charged ions. The thruster characteristics, namely its thrust and consumed power were analyzed and compared to characteristics of the spacecraft from the viewpoint of its aerodynamic drag and solar panels power. The results of this work demonstrate the possibility of creation a low orbit spacecraft with high-frequency ion thruster operating with atmosphere gases as propellant to counteract the aerodynamic drag. | ||||||||
Borovikov D. A., Ionov A. V., Seliverstov S. D., Yakovlev A. A. Analysis of the effect of additional axial stage of a compressor on characteristics of small-sized turbojet engines. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 96 The article is devoted to the analysis of changes in characteristics of small-sized gas turbine engines with a two-stage axial-centrifugal compressor instead of a single-stage centrifugal compressor, and analysis of the current level of cycle parameters of small-sized gas turbine engines. The work was performed by mathematical modeling, using empirical data. Initial stage of the work revealed that even a slight improvement of modern small-sized engines cycle parameters would lead to a significant improvement in the main characteristics of the engine. Models were developed with average parameters in their class: air flow of 650 g/s, gas temperature of 1100 °K. A number of assumptions was made: the efficiency was fixed for all units, except the compressor at the operation level of design mode; generalized characteristics of high-speed turbocharges and characteristics of single-rotor single-loop single-cascade jet engine compressors were adopted as the characteristics of compressors. For a single-stage centrifugal compressor, the compression ratio in the rated mode was adopted as 4 at the level of the leading serial analogues, and for an axial-centrifugal as 5.7. Analysis of the obtained altitude-airspeed performance revealed that by employing an axial-centrifugal compressor instead of a centrifugal one we can expect improvements of the main parameters (internal thrust, specific thrust, specific fuel consumption) of the engine up to 10−15% in the entire range of airspeeds and altitudes. Particularly, in the basic modes of flight of an unmanned aerial vehicle equipped with a similar engine, i. e. cruising (M = 0.8, H = 8000 m) and take-off (M = 0, H = 0m), thrust grew by 8%, and fuel consumption reduced by 12%. This result allows concluding that it is reasonable to use a constructive scheme of a small-sized engine with a two-stage axial-centrifugal compressor while developing new engines. | ||||||||
Moiseev K. A., Panov Y. N., Moiseev K. K. Mathematical model of a two-link tractor moving on the dirt road. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 96 The article presents a mathematical model of a two-link object movement on the dirt road with periodic unevenness. This model may be useful for the suspension system development at the initial design stages. Mathematical models are presented for different viscoelastic characteristics of the coupling device. It studies the smoothness of the unit in resonant modes of motion of a two-unit tractor. The study of smoothness is based on the intensity curves, which are constructed using the amplitude-frequency characteristics. These characteristics were obtained from the solving the systems of differential equations by analytical matching method or numerical Runge-Kutta method. Matching method is very effective for dynamic systems studying if a differential equation does not exceed the sixth order. It is an organic combination of operator method and the method of variation of constants. Operator method allows construct the equation authorization for the original system of differential equations, and find coefficients of dissipation and frequency of free oscillations of the system under study. As for the method of variation of constants based on the solutions obtained by the operator method, it allows determine a particular solution of the original system of differential equations in the form convenient for analysis. The obtained results can be applied to ground-car mobile and crawler units, a well as aircraft while studying its landing or emergency landing. According to the obtained results the authors concluded that the improvement of the smoothness of a two-unit tractor when driving on dirt soil with periodic unevenness requires modification of the viscoelastic characteristics of the hitch mechanism, which, in its turn, alter geometric and weight parameters of the tractor. | ||||||||
Alliluyeva N. V., Rudenko E. M. Mathematical method of objective function calculation and routing problems solving. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 96 A lot of tasks of unmanned aviation on observation of the objects, in the most general set up is reduced to route selection between the two benchmarks, which lead to mathematical problem of optimization on the graph. It is assumed herewith that the route is closed and passes through all ribs of the graph. The optimization task on the graph meant for calculating the set of closed routes of minimal length relates to the integer programming problem [1]. The goal of the work consists in solving the optimization problem on the graph leading to obtaining optimal closed routes (OCR). The authors suggest genetic algorithm (GA) as an optimization method. For its implementation the objective function of sevral variables was developed, which simplified significantly the program code and reduced the computation time. The objective function represents the sum of three functions. The first function depends on the edges of the graph, and penalizes edges and loops which do not belong to the graph. The second function depends on the Euler model of the original graph, i. e. the method of the graph reduction to the Euler type by adding multiple edges. The third addend depends on the vertices of the graph and accounts for their multiplicity. The minimum of the objective function is achieved on OCR only. The GA application allows obtain limited quantity of OCRs from a large variety of variants during finite time, which can be reproduced several times by using the group of the graph’s automorphisms. The presence of the OCRs variety allows planning the order of graphs fly-offs afield while solo and group flights, promptly regroup monitoring routes in consecutive and dispersed flight over various ribs and without intersection at vertices. | ||||||||
Diveev A. I., Konyrbaev N. B. Quadrotor group control by variation analytical programming technique. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 96 The article analyzes an applied problem of area monitoring with a quadrotor group. The problem solves in two stages. At the first stage, the problem of searching an optimal route for each quadrotor is solving. This problem is the problem for travelling salesman group in 3D space, and related to the class of computation tasks of NP-difficulty. Variation genetic algorithm is applicable for such task solving. This genetic algorithm employs the principle small variations of basic solution. All genetic operations perform on the sets of basic solution variations. The rate of convergence of the genetic algorithm depends on the obtained basic solution. At the second stage, the problem of synthesis of quadrotors control to ensure their movement along the routs obtained at the first stage is solving. To solve the problem synthesis of control the numerical symbolic regression method was employed, i. e. method of variation analytical programming, which allows finding mathematical expression for a control function. The arguments of this function are contained in the quadrotor state vector. The control function ensures an optimal mode of quadrotor stability relative to the point in state space. An example of control problem solution for two quadrotors group is presented. | ||||||||
Terekhov R. I. The study of a regional airplane's emergency remote servo-control specifics in longitudinal channel. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 96 In this article servo-control means the principle when control levers are coupled with their control tabs rather than main control surfaces. Control tab is a small surface located in control surface tail section. Its deflection causes the hinge moment occurrence, which moves the control surface. The purpose of the emergency servo-control consists in ensuring redundancy of a mixed flight control system. The study was conducted for regional aircraft with two independent hydraulic systems and two elevators for longitudinal adjustment and control. Two conventional electrohydraulic servoactuators (EHSA) provide each elevator deflection in the main control mode. Each elevator has a control tab with electro-mechanical actuator (EMA) for emergency control in case of both hydraulic systems failure, when all the EHSAs switch to damping mode. The estimated value of control tab’s own hinge moment is significantly less than elevator’s hinge moment. Such small-sized EMA of low weight could be used to control tab deflection. The description of elevator deflection dynamics includes the non-linear dependencies of both elevator’s and control tab’s hinge moments, damping force caused by EHSAs in damping mode, and elevator aerodynamic damping. After the loss of hydraulic power, the elevators move under the hinge moment. It could result inthe exceeding the operational values of angle of attack or normal g-factor of the aircraft. For smooth and safe transition between control modes, the control tabs in main mode should be controlled so as the elevator hinge moment close to zero. Furthermore, such deflection of control tabs allows reduce the EHSAs load during the flight. The handling quality of an aircraft being in servo-control mode depends on a considerable degree on the actuator damping coefficient. In the course of the study the acceptable range of actuator damping coefficient values necessary to provide the required handling qualities in emergency control mode has been determined. Flight simulator study with test pilots involved proved that aircraft handling qualities in servo-control mode ensured the safe flight continuation and landing. | ||||||||
Kozlov A. V., Kozlova M. V., Skorik N. A., Sharonov A. V. Application of multispectral satellite imagery to monitoring of vegetation activity annual dynamics. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 96
The paper presents the results of application of multispectral images obtained from OrbView-2 and Envisat missions to monitoring of vegetation activity annual dynamics at 12 test sites in Volga-Akhtuba floodplain based on conventional FAPAR index over a decade since 1997, including drought summer season of 2006, as a part of a project conducted by N.N. Zubov State Oceanographic Institute for monitoring of Lower Volga. The territory under consideration extends over 9000 square kilometers, thus making the use of satellite imagery to be the only source of assessing the overall ecosystem state. Time series of FAPAR values for regular (non anomalous) years are being approximated by a single harmonic model function. This function then serves as a reference to analyze deviations of particular FAPAR values from it. To introduce stronger physical relation between reference model function and parameters of the environment we consider using public annual temperature data from weather stations of World meteorological organization in addition to satellite images. The two models, one with temperature variations included and one without these, are then calibrated and compared against each other at all test sites. Mathematical and physical rationale for both types of models and some visual examples of their calibration are given. Our study concludes that despite of the fact that using the temperature data improves the accuracy of vegetation dynamics model, this effect does not prove to be significant, while yet increasing demands in the amount of input data for analysis. Quantitative statistical results support the case.
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Malygin I. V., Belkov S. A., Tarasov A. D., Usvyatsov M. R. Machine learning methods in classification of radio signals. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 96 This paper is devoted to the issue of recognizing received encoded radio signal sequences. Traditionally, correlators or matched filters are used in communication systems to detect and process noise-like signals. These two models use a threshold detection parameter. The use of a neural network is proposed to improve the quality of signal recognition when the noise characteristics in an environment are unknown. The neural network is a non-linear model with a relatively large number of parameters which tests proposed examples during the learning phase and attempts to reproduce the relationship between them using the responses. To use the neural network, it is necessary to reformulate the original issue in terms of optimization. That is, to enter a quality functional, which will be optimized, and choose a method of optimization for the given functionality. To select the neural network parameters that achieve the optimum of the quality functional, the back propagation algorithm will be used. The stochastic gradient descent algorithm determined by the quality functional will be used to calculate parameter updates of the neural network. For convenience, only digital signals will be considered in this paper. Nevertheless, the method described in this paper can be applied to a continuous signal. The digitizing of a continuous signal will transform the task into one of signal detecting, which has been formulated above. In each cycle of the receiver’s operation, a signal is generated at its input. The signal is a sequence of fixed-length and can either be similar to the protocol-defined signal, or be significantly different. Therefore, the task can be formulated as a task of binary classification of the received signal in each cycle of the receiver’s operation as a valid signal and noise. It is assumed that the quality of recognition will be better than with the traditional methods because, during training, the neural network is able to memorize the special features of the noise and, consequently, use the obtained model at the signal classification stage. A diagram for an experimental stand is also provided in this paper that would allow for the confirmation of this assumption. | ||||||||
Yanushkevich V. F. Radio-pulse signals interaction with anisotropic media above hydrocarbon deposits. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 96 The article analyzes the interaction of electromagnetic waves in radio-pulse signals mode with the medium above hydrocarbon deposits. Tensor of the dielectric permittivity constant of an anisotropic medium over the deposit in the mode of radio-pulse signals is derived by means of a quasi-hydrodynamic approach using multi-particle electron-ion currents. The study was carried out based on the solution of the electron motion equation. Hilbert transform was employed to find the envelope and instantaneous frequency of the two acting signals. The components of the medium’s dielectric permittivity constant above hydrocarbons were analyzed. Selection of the radio-pulse signals’ frequencies was stipulated by determining characteristics of media over deposits at great depths compared to the earth surface. It is shown that the results of the study can be used to identify the environment over deposits by the nature and magnitude of the total and differential components of the dielectric permittivity constant of the anisotropic layer. The tensor of the dielectric constant of the anisotropic medium over the hydrocarbon deposit in the radio-pulse signals mode can be used to determine the electrodynamic characteristics of the medium above the deposit in a wide range of probed signals’ frequencies, dielectric permittivity and conductivity of the media. The studies can be applied to determine characteristics of the medium over the deposit under the propagation of electromagnetic waves with right and left-hand circular polarizations, which increases the informative value of the methods of contouring and the hydrocarbon deposits allocation. The propagation of electromagnetic waves with left-hand polarization while changing the dielectric constant of the medium leads to the alteration in the combination component with a change in the sign of the differential component. Thus, it can be used to develop methods of electromagnetic exploration, search and identification of hydrocarbon deposits. Electromagnetic methods of hydrocarbon search and identification can be updated due to the received information on objects through not only one or two information channels but also using larger quantity of them, which enables their boundaries to be identified against the background of the underlying environment with a sufficiently high level of certainty. The results of the study can be applied in geophysics search. | ||||||||
Kuznetsov V. S., Shevchenko I. V., Volkov A. S., Solodkov A. V. Ensemble of Gold’s codes generation for direct-sequence spread spectrum. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 96 The article considers generation of m-sequences and Gold’s codes employed in spectrum spreading systems. The goal of the article consists in ensembles systematization and search for all pairs of polynomials, forming Gold’s codes. Gold’s codes have a low level of cross-correlation between the sequences in the ensemble, which allows employ them for users’ separation in communication systems. Maximum number of users in the system depends on the number of sequences in the code ensemble. The classical method of e-sequences and Gold’s codes generation is representation of generator in the form of linear-feedback shift register (LFSR), since this approach ensures the simplicity of algorithm implementation to a digital unit. Employing the classical generation method (based on the generator representation in the form of LFSR) becomes non-optimal while generating ensembles of long sequences (N > 210 – 1). The generation time of all Gold’s code pairs grows significantly due to the number of all possible combinations increasing while sorting pairs of sequences. The Gold’s code generation method using the Berlekamp-Massey algorithm and decimations defined for the codes under consideration generation was selected. Based on this algorithm the authors developed the program for searching the preferable pairs returning the Gold’s code under addition modulo two. The main goal of the program is generation of all volume of the Gold’s code family. The obtained results were checked by evaluation of the value and number of cross-correlation peaks of the two tested sequences. The obtained results can be implemented in the systems employing direct spectrum spreading, such as CDMA. The paper presents the number of binary polynomials and the list of the number of unique polynomial pairs for the code length up to m ≤ 16, forming Gold’s codes. The full list of primitive polynomials for the code length of N = 210 – 1 is presented. The example of preferable pairs of primitive polynomials of m-th degree (m = 5) is given. The number of pairs polynomials for generating Gold-like codes for the degrees of m = 8 and m = 12 of code seeds is given. The obtained results can be implemented while developing communication systems with users’ separation for obtaining overall Gold’s ensemble and studying the properties of the obtained sequences and their derivatives. | ||||||||
Bakhtin A. A., Omel'yanchuk E. V., Semenova A. Y. Analysis of present-day capabilities of organizing ultra-high-speed satellite radio links. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 96 According to the «Digital Economy of Russian Federation» program, new requirements for wireless communication technologies, including technologies for remote sensing systems (RSS) are now being put forward. The share of Russian remote sensing data in the total amount of remote sensing data used in Russian geographic information systems will grow steadily and reach 90% by 2024 [1]. At the same time, it will be necessary to ensure complex implementation of the overall technical capabilities of the manifold of spacecraft and ground infrastructure in order to obtain the large amount of RSS data of the required quality [2]. The article considers technical characteristics of modern remote sensing spacecraft from the viewpoint of radio downlink organization. It presents the problem of the discrepancy between the current throughput rate of the satellite channel and the volume of transmitted information from the remote sensing. The existing radio RSS links keep on employing various frequency ranges depending on the requirements for the communication system. However, the X-band and K-band have the largest bandwidth for RS data transmission. It is shown that the standard transmission rates in the X-band are 150 Mbps and 300 Mbps employing standard modulation and coding methods, while maximum throughput rate of the satellite radio channel of some foreign satellite communication systems reaches 1 Gbps [3]. Future methods and modern trends for increasing throughput rate were determined based on the analysis of modern satellite transmitters for remote sensing systems: methods of modulation and error control coding in the X-band , as well as the possibility of transition to the K-band. The article shows that in practice the use of the K-band at the present time does not allow achieving the required advantage in radio link capacity. This, in particular, is caused by more stringent requirements for the implementation of on-board and ground-based equipment imposed on the transmitters in the K-band, as well as due to the higher losses in the propagation of radio waves in this range. As the main recommendations for the development of high-speed satellite radio links equipment, we should indicate implementation of modulation and coding schemes with high spectral efficiency, the use of several channels and the adaptability of the communication system. The authors propose a modulation scheme with high spectral efficiency [23] as well as the implementation of four-channel transmitter scheme [24] allowing combine X- and K-band transceivers to achieve larger total throughput rate of the radio link. Development prospects in this area should also include the development of an element base in the K-band of frequencies and an increase in the accuracy of antenna guidance for a polarization decoupling employing. | ||||||||
Vovasov V. E., Betanov V. V., Turlykov P. Y. Navigation receiver and accelerometers integration for coordinates and orientation evaluation of highly-dynamic objects. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 96 One of the effective methods of noise immunity improving is implementation of integrated inertial-satellite systems. NAP GNSS with INS integration will allow eliminate the existing shortcomings of each system separately. Typically, integration involves the joint processing of pseudo-range, pseudo-phase and pseudo-velocities, obtained by the GNSS receiver, as well as vectors of angular velocities and accelerations derived with non-stationary Kalman filter, which will be called the Kalman filter type (KFT). Highly dynamic object is characterized by the presence of jerking while moving. The jerking is customarily understood as the discontinuous change of the third derivative of a coordinate with respect to time. To ensure this requirement it is necessary to employ navigation receiver with signal phase tracking system with the third order astatism. Employing a navigation receiver with conventional second order filter within the system of signal envelope tracking just enough for delay tracking. Since the exact model for integrating equations of orientation is based on the model proposed by Bartram, it complicates the use KFT, as it requires rather complex notation of derivatives in analytical form. The state vector of the filter should include accelerometers’ instrumental error, namely the rate of zero drift and scale factor error of each, which expands the state vector, and thus reduces the potential accuracy. Besides, the use of high-speed gyroscopes requires a priori orientation setting. In this regard, we suggest using no gyroscopes, positioning accelerometers to the phase center of navigation receiver antenna, and rotating herewith the frame with mounted antenna and accelerometers in a prescribed manner. It is necessary for orientation determining in the event of uniform movement of the object, i.e. when the measurement of the accelerometers is close to zero. Integration of these devices, each of which possesses the ability to determine positioning, gives the system a new feature, namely orientation determining. In this case, the KFT forming-up with this type of integration does not cause mathematical difficulties, and adaptive KFT element in use allows tracking course maneuvers of the object, while frames rotation allows orientation estimating even with rectilinear and uniform motion of the frame’s center. | ||||||||
Erokhin V. V. Multi-criteria optimization of the trajectory of an aircraft in the augmentation area of the satellite navigation system. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 96
A promising trend for improving organization and management of air traffic is the implementation of the concept of communications, navigation, surveillance and air traffic management, developed by the international civil aviation organization. This concept is based on the principles of broadcasting automatic dependent surveillance (ADS-B), which is a digital system for airborne transmission of flight path parameters by data of the global navigation satellite system (GNSS). To solve the problems of high-precision positioning and of flight safety, a ground-based augmentation system is used. When controlling the flight path, the aircraft position relative to the ADS-B ground station changes, thus affecting the Position Dilution of Precision (PDOP). In addition, when the distance from a local area augmentation system (LAAS) increases, the effect of decorrelation factors on the compensation of systematic errors increases as well. | ||||||||
Klenov E. A. Algorithms and software for competitive analysis (on the example of aerospace industry objects). Trudy MAI, 2017, no 96 Solving problems of the competitive analysis refers to the modern theory of decision-making. Decision makers should have necessary and sufficient information on new technologies in the industry, key competitors, potential risks, etc., as well as have time to process it and take optimal decisions. The goal of this work is developing of competitive analysis tools that is methodical, mathematical and software systems for supporting decision-making based on global competition modeling on the major stages of the life cycle of aerospace industry high-tech products. The article suggested for the first time an extension of the classical model of analysis of M. Porter’s five competitive forces, namely, a model of global competition. It also proposed methods for competitive strategy designing and forecasting the state of the industry markets based on of the behavior of intelligent agents, game theory and decision-making theory, methods of analysis of the competitiveness of high-tech product. Among the obtained results are the following:
The developed models, algorithms and software are used for the analysis of global competition for existing businesses of the aerospace industry and has shown its effectiveness. | ||||||||
Mikhailov N. A. Development of an algorithm of a group of unmanned aerial vehicles evolution for signature reduction. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 96 For a long time the work has been underway on the development of the systems defending from small-sized unmanned aerial vehicles (SUAV) [1-3]. Modern unmanned air systems are capable of successfully overcoming the enemy’s air defense systems when used singly, [5], but the use of SUAVs group significantly increases the probability of their detection, due to better group’s visibility and less maneuverability compared to a single SUAV. The complexity of SUAV detecting is associated with a small value of radar cross-section (RCS) in radar observation range. In the optical and infrared observation ranges, the small sizes of SUAV complicates their detection as well. However, there is information on developing the control system for enhancing RCS for a group of missiles or UAVs [4]. One of the current problems of multiple SUAV’s application consists in reducing the group’s visibility in optical range when passing the air defense systems. As it is noted in [6], the visibility can be reduced by «reducing of the aircraft size». In this case, regarding the multiple SUAV’s application, we should speak about reducing the total area occupied by SUAV’s group in the image. An appropriate SUAVs group regrouping to reduce its visibility can solve this problem. This paper demonstrates how various groups’ readjustments could reduce their visibility. Various scenarios of the group entry into the scope of the enemy’s air defense systems were considered. A comparative efficiency analysis of various staffed formations was carried out. An algorithm providing for the operational reconstruction of the drone’s group, oriented to implementation using the Pixhawk autopilot was developed. Computer simulation using the model of autopilot and drone, which showed the operability of the proposed algorithm, was performed. | ||||||||
Sirotin A. N. On special cases of a problem of an optimal control of angular movement of symmetric spacecraft stabilized by rotation . Trudy MAI, 2017, no 96 Stabilization by rotation and stabilization of a spacecraft relative to the three axes are the main methods employed to maintain the exact solid body orientation. The idea of rotation stabilization is based on the application of a gyroscopic effect. The advantage of this method, compared to the other approaches, consists in simplicity and the lack of a prolonged active rotation period to maintain orientation in a certain direction. Rotational stabilization was being employed for a large number of foreign and Soviet/Russian spacecraft. Application of rotation stabilization for passive control is relevant for spacecraft with limited resources. However, the shortcomings of the passive stabilization method are also well known and are associated mainly with the problem of the exact reorientation of space antennas and optics. Thus, frequently used maneuvers for angular motion lead to the need to resort to solving problems of controlling the exact reorientation in three-dimensional space. The article studies the problem of angular motion optimal control of a rigid body by stabilized rotation. The efficiency criterion of is a minimum of energy costs. Compared to the general problem of reorientation and rotation control, the problem of bodies with stabilized rotation from the mathematical viewpoint is somewhat simpler. It is explained by reduction of dimensionality and complexity of the corresponding nonlinear equations of the system. Nevertheless, the problem of controlling joint reorientation and rotation remains complex and nonlinear. This, in turn, does not allow obtaining the required analytical result at the given time. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to obtain a characterization of extremal trajectories. There is a possibility to study in detail the problem of zero stabilization by rotation, when the projection of the angular velocity on one of the axes is identically zero. | ||||||||
Vasilyev B. E., Magerramova L. A., Kolotnikov M. E., Golubovsky E. R., Volkov M. E. CIAM data bank on materials structural strength. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 96 The design of a modern aircraft gas turbine engine (GTE) is associated with numerous calculations of the stress-strain state, strength and dynamics of the engine components and parts. It involves several processes, including substantiation of the main components sources, certification, analysis of the defects origins detected while operation and implementation of measures that can prevent the defects occurrence. Thus, the design procedure requires a complete set of data on the structural strength (realized in the course of the design) of the materials used. This paper presents the results of the long-term work in CIAM on the development of the database (DB) for information storage on the structural strength of the metal alloys used in manufacturing of the main and critical parts of an aviation GTE. The DB contains characteristics of a large number of materials obtained from experiments on 10000 specimens (more than 120 titles). Knowing these characteristics is necessary to perform calculations of the static strength and cyclic durability, dynamic characteristics and life of the GTE parts in a wide range of loading and operation conditions. The DB is based on the “Granta MI platform” software and consists of several sections containing reference information, experimental results, statistical processing results and characteristics for calculations. A description of the database structure, its functional capabilities and user interaction features is provided. A structure has also been developed for the DB section designed for samples made by using additive manufacturing. The developed CIAM databank on the structural strength of materials corresponds to current global analogues and can be used by the aircraft engine industry to calculate strength and dynamics, as well as to examine defects. | ||||||||
Aksenov A. Y., Zaytseva A. A., Kuleshov S. V., Nenausnikov K. V. Possible landing support variants while unmanned multi-rotor flying vehicle's off-line control . Trudy MAI, 2017, no 96 The paper analyses the problem of a small multi-rotor UAV control in various flight modes. The modern tendencies of control systems design for self-supporting UAVs assume employing methods allowing decrease the level of the spacial position uncertainty and surrounding conditions of the UAV itself without external pilot’s (operator) engagement. With this, the standard technological solution for a certain number of critical flight phases, requiring precise spatial positioning and control (such as take-off, hovering over landing site, and landing) does not exist. These phases require more precise UAV’s control, due to the necessity of holding it in a specified point in space. The presented article analyses principles of auto-take-off-auto-landing systems design, based on computer vision (CV) methods implementation, and considers specifics of markers employing. The article analyses the existing auto-take-off-auto-landing systems without global positioning implementation. It suggests an approach to the auto-take-off-auto-landing system design based on computer vision, for an UAV of a multi rotor or a helicopter type. Three types of the system components mutual arrangement were considered and analyzed, and merits and demerits of each configuration were formulated. The article shows that with any cameras positioning within the auto-take-off-auto-landing system, it is necessary to employ markers to facilitate localization of the key points the UAV or a landing site by the CV systems. Various methods of markers’ positioning and realization of marker labels, depending on marker’s position were analyzed. Markers on the landing site can be realized by the following methods: contrast image of some pattern, liable to identification by the CV methods; lights, remotely controlled by the processor; colored or infrared LEDs, operating in continuous or pulse mode. Variants of marker labels on an UAV are as follows: colored or infrared LEDs, operating in continuous or pulse mode; lights, remotely controlled by the processor; the system of angle reflectors and illuminator; contrast image-pattern (including a fuselage shape). The studies revealed that the controlled markers mode was preferable in all cases, when formation of a control channel between an UAV and landing system was possible. Further research will be devoted to development of software for auto-landing system based on obtained marker implementation recommendations. | ||||||||
Lukin V. N., Nikitin I. K. Video sequences retrieval algorithm. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 96 The article focuses on the algorithms of the event detection in content-based video retrieval. Video has a complex structure and can express the same idea in different ways. This makes the task of searching for video more complicated. Video titles and text descriptions cannot give the whole information about objects and events in the video. This creates a need for content-based video retrieval. There is a semantic gap between low-level video features, that can be extracted, and the users’ perception. The task of event detection is reduced to the task of video segmentation. Complex content-based video retrieval can be regarded as the bridge between traditional retrieval and semantic-based video retrieval. The properties of video as a time series are described. The concept of anomalies in the video is introduced. A method for event detection based on comparing moving averages with windows of different sizes is proposed. According to the classification given at the beginning of this article, our method refers to statistical methods. It differs from other methods of low computational complexity and simplicity. The video stream processing language is proposed for function-based description of video handling algorithms. So, our method is formulated in the form of a declarative description on an interpreted programming language. Unfortunately, most of the existing video processing methods use exclusively imperative approach, which often complicate its understanding. Examples of this language implementation are given. Its grammar is described either. As it was shown by the experiments, the implementation of the proposed video events retrieval method, unlike their counterparts, can work for video streams as well with a real-time and potentially infinite frame sequences. Such advantages within low computational requirements make implementation of the method helpful in aviation and space technology. The algorithm has some disadvantages due to necessity of parameter selection for particular task classes. The theorem on near-duplicates of video is formulated at the end of the article. It asserts the near-duplicate videos express the same sequence of phenomena. | ||||||||
Astapov V. Y., Khoroshko L. L., Afshari P. .., Khoroshko A. L. Application of CAD system for simulation and study of magnetic-pulse welding of the tubular structures. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 96 Liquids and gases are widely used in aircrafts structures as energy carriers for propulsion systems, in hydraulic actuators and pneumatic boosters, and as coolants, lubricants or in pneumatic actuators to ensure vital activity of a crew and passengers. The presence of liquid and gaseous media onboard an aircraft leads to the necessity of employing piping systems. One could hardly imagine fuel and pneumatic systems of modern aircraft without pipelines and automatic equipment, regulating their delivery. At present, aircraft and helicopter pipeline systems count thousands of tubular structures joints. The aggregate length pipelines herewith is hundreds plus meters. There are various pipelines with diameters sized from units to several tens of millimeters from various materials – aluminum, titanium, steel and other alloys. The great majority of them herewith are various fixed junctions with tips, flanges or pipes between each other. The presented article is devoted to methodology development of automated design of both aircraft pipelines structures in 3D space, including various complex pipeline structures, and modeling the process of magnetic-pulse deformation and formation of fixed junctions of pipelines between each other from homogenous and heterogeneous materials using CAD system. For this purpose a computer solid-state simulation is used together with solving the dynamic problem of junction formation while varying various structure parameters, characteristics of materials and parameters of magneto-pulse deformation. On creating pipelines parts and further modeling of the magnetic-pulse deformation the Autodesk Invertor design environment was used. To model 3D objects which axisymmetric tubular workpieces of junction structures can be related to, various tools for geometry creation were used. While modeling the process of high speed deformation by pulsing magnetic field and formation of junctions the Autodesk Simulation Mechanical 2015 program, allowing effectively try out tubular workpieces assembly with the required surface shapes, parts sizes and specified characteristics of materials, was used. This simulation of the process of connecting tubular workpieces by pressure of pulse magnetic field allows select effective modes of deformation in terms of junction quality to form the required parameters of welding in cold state in contact zones of tubular structures. | ||||||||
Ye W. T., Markin L. V. Discrete models of ensuring service areas and automated layout of aircraft. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 96 The article considers the solution of a problem of the instruments automating layout design in the aircraft technical compartments. An additional requirement to the layout is the ensuring of service areas, which is understood as assembling or servicing ease of the equipment. The purpose of this study consists in developing methods and algorithms, providing access to assembly tools and the workspace while installation and maintenance of the already installed equipment. The gist of methodological approach employed in this study consists in modeling of spatial movements of the equipment necessary for performing maintenance work on this equipment. The set of equipment necessary for its assembling and dismantling (screwdrivers, wrenches, special installation tools etc) is determined for each unit. On its basis the geometry model of this equipment is formed. Further, all necessary movements for both the assembly process itself (such as a wrench rotational motion) and the process of installation tools delivery to the work point are determined. Thus, modeling of this process is rather complicated task of geometric modeling. Solving method is geometric modeling of both placed objects, and mounting hardware and the trajectory of its motion. Thus, both the mounting hardware and motion trajectory are considered as assembling objects. Intersection with other objects is unallowable. Geometric receptor models, discretizing the installation area, are used a modeling method. Selection of receptor models is stipulated by the fact that a solid-state model of the entire positions of the assembling tools in the course of their delivery and operation is utterly geometrically complex. Based on heuristic algorithms the possible trajectory of assembling tools delivery to its point of use is used. This trajectory represents a solid-state model of the instantaneous movements of the installation tool along the sel ected path. Based on the receptor computational model the authors developed the procedure for determining the movement trajectory of the installation tools, or the finding of fact of impossibility to service the concrete object, which indicates the poor (low-tech) design decision. The disadvantage of the receptor geometric model is that it is not a initial model for a design engineer. The initial information for the designer is parametric model containing of the primitive's description and its main parameters values, which can easily determine fr om the drawing. Therefore, the necessity in extra program module “Parametric model”↔“Receptor model” arises. Thus, we can consider receptor model as an “intrаcomputer model”. The advantage of the receptor model, determining its selection for our studies, is the ease of determining the condition of intersection of geometric objects described by this method, which cannot be described analytically. For instruments in need of servicing three receptor models are being developed: geometric shape of assembling tool, its delivery trajectory to the point of use, and working space where this tool would be used. With this, the database is used, determining the necessary installation tool for each type of the object in servicing. The type of the assembling tool is determined by the type of attachment this object in aircraft structure. The installation tools acceptable for the specified operation are ranked also according to productivity and operational comfort. Thus, the installation tools are checked on workability by preferability. The preferability is determined by productivity and operational comfort of installation tools acceptable for work. Thus, a solid state geometric object of extremely complex shape lacking analytical description is developed. If this object can be accommodated among the already installed aircraft instrumentation, this equipment can be serviced, otherwise– it cannot be serviced. The possibility of rather easily determining the fact of intersection of all objects of the scene described by receptor models, is the substantiation of selection in our studies of receptor method of geometric modeling. The authors developed the software in C# implementing the described receptor geometric models allowing evaluate the possibility of servicing the already installed equipment in the aircraft technical bay. | ||||||||
Buslaev S. P., Vorontsov V. A., Grafodatskiy O. S. Problems of Venusian spacecraft landing modeling for various soil-analogues. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 96 The subject of this study is the problem of Venusian analogues-groups simulation, which arises anew while planning the future spacecraft expeditions to new areas of Venus. Here, under the analogs-soils, we imply mathematical models or purposefully made in terrestrial conditions artificial physical models of soils to substitute natural soils of Venus. These analogs-soils are employed for landing dynamics calculation and testing of a spacecraft landing on soil. The goal of this work consists in analyzing the problems while developing new analogues and the experience of employing analogs-soils in JSC “NGO Lavochkin” during the by-gone Soviet spacecraft “Venus 9-14” and “Vega 1-2” development. At present, planetologists еtake interest in studying new areas of Venus, where tectonic processes occurred earlier. They expect to bump into ancient rock yield of the planet in these areas, which wlould help to elucidate the history of Venus evolution. On June 15 1985 the Vega-2 spacecraft landing had completed a fifteen-year series of successful landings of ten Soviet spacecraft on the surface of Venus. Structurally, the landing mechanism was attached to a cushioning toroidal shell, which was deformed and absorbed the kinetic energy of the spacecraft, while hitting the surface. Analysis of radar images of the Venusian surface revealed that all Soviet spacecraft landed in the areas with predomination plain types of Venusian terrain. The terrain relief of this area differs from the one, with the new landing areas. The area with the new landing areas was called “tesserae”, which in Greek means “tile”. The “tessera” relief represents an aggregate of intersecting ridges and furrows, the ridges’ height herewith can reach up to 1–2 km, the ledges – up to 1 km, while slope angles of the surface can reach up to 30 degrees. The spacecraft landing practice was performed at the JSC “NPO Lavochkin” on both physical and mathematical test benches. The article lists the objectives of physical tests. Models of deformable and non-deformable soils were employed for landing practice. The article presents the description of the physical test bench, which was employed for developing mathematical model of a spacecraft penetration into deformable Venusian soil. It also presents the description of mathematical models of landing on various models of soil. The work lists the sequence of models simulating the spacecraft hit with the soil. These models are listed by the degree of their complication – from a flat impact on an non-deformed flat surface to a spatial impact on an elastic-viscous-plastic medium with a complex relief. Finally, the article drew conclusions that two most common basic problems exist for soil-analogue: – Selection of hypothetical soil of Venus in the “tesserae” area; – Selection of Earth soil-analogue, corresponding to the hypothetical Venusian soil. The relief in new regions of Venus is much more complicated than the terrain in which Soviet vehicles landed, so these problems are of particular importance for the safe landing of spacecraft. | ||||||||
Emelyanov A. A., Malyshev V. V., Smolyaninov Y. A., Starkov A. V. Formalization of the problem of operative target functioning of diverse spacecraft for remote Earth probing. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 96 The existence of a steady and rapidly growing demand for remote probing data (RPD) stimulates organizations operating the domestic spacecraft grouping (RPD) and ground infrastructure to seek the ways to improve the system’s efficiency. Presently, the topical problem consists in the lack of multi-objective planning of intended use of aggregate information resource of diversified orbital grouping, insufficient level of automation, the lack of means for feasibility calculation of consumers’ applications, insufficient operative planning horizon, which does not allow rational employing of a spacecraft technical capabilities. The article considers the issues associated with formalization of up-to-date task of target grouping operations planning for various types of remote probing spacecraft and development of a set of interrelated mathematical models necessary for specialized software developing that allows create optimal control programs for surveying in a realistic situation at a given planning interval. An approach to the solution of the planning problem for a spacecraft group of the one type is proposed. The initial set of surveying objects is being divided into subsets according to the type of shooting equipment specified in the consumer’s application, and by the geometric parameters of the survey areas. Models for changing the occupied volume of the on-board storing device and changing the orientation of the line of sight of the camera are presented in the form of discrete equations of state. The basic formulas necessary for determining the moments of possible shooting of point and area objects, determining the boundaries of possible radio communication intervals with ground receiving points of information, checking the conditions of shooting by illumination and the amount of clouds over the survey area are presented. A technique for calculating the area captured in a single survey of a specific spacecraft and the area captured by a spacecraft group in the planning interval is described. As a model of the plan, a pair of interrelated programs is considered: a time sequence of switching on and off the survey and radio transmitting equipment of the spacecraft of the group and a piecewise linear program for reorienting the line of sight of the camera. A criterion for the effectiveness of the plan is introduced in the form of a linear convolution of the normalized information efficiency and the relative costs of the onboard resource of a group of similar spacecraft. The solution of the task of planning the target functioning of a grouping of diverse types of spacecraft is reduced to the sequential solution of planning problems for groups of the same type of spacecraft that are part of the initial grouping. | ||||||||
Lavrentyeva M. V., Govorkov A. S. Objects identification in e-model structure by identified formal parameters in the design and engineering environment. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 96 The study relates to the field of design automation and technological preparation of production in aircraft construction. The authors propose a technique for a product e-model objects’ structure identification by formalized parameters. For this purpose, the technique for contour pattern recognition, allowing identify geometric primitives bounding the surfaces, that form contours of each structural element, is employed. Thus, the necessity to develop structural geometric model of a product arises. It is necessary to identify hereafter the formal parameters of a part structure objects. The article considers the sequence of work with part’s e-model, which employs production rules, theory of sets elements, and apparatus of mathematical logic. The obtained structural and technological parameters of a part allow qualify it to a certain type, i. e. identify. Identification of a part, its structure and data on its coupling face allows define technological parameters, which structural form sets the geometrical requirements to basing. The article presents several basic rules for establishing the relation between individual parts, which can be used while a part processability evaluation, development of routes of producing and assembling, as well as technological equipment design. Thus, recognition systems implementation will significantly increase production efficiency by structural and technological problems solution unification. It will serve as a platform for intelligent systems of decision making of various directionality within the industry, which will allow decrease the effect of human factor while decision making due to formal criteria employing. Recognition systems implementation will allow ensure competitive products’ manufacturing with product’s structure with high target manufacturing and operating processability indices. The project is based on idea of technologist’s knowledge formalization, and developing on its basis the system of decision-making support. It will allow reduce the number of errors while performing technical control of the product while production start-up, and decrease production costs due to analyzing several design solutions and selection of composition-optimal structural elements with the specified level of processability and cost. The project is flexible while adjusting, with the possibility of implementation at various machine-building enterprises. | ||||||||
Zanin K. A. Developing of a model of spacial resolution evaluation of a synthesized aperture space radar. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 96 At present, there are contradictions in the formulation of the indicators of resolving power of synthetic aperture radar (SAR). Developers of SAR equipment usually suggest evaluate the resolution through the width of the profile of the scattering functions (hardware function). This definition simplifies the commissioning of the target equipment, but does not take into account the resolution relationship with the radiometric characteristics of the X-ray diffraction pattern, the background signal of the underlying surface, and random synthesizing errors. The inflated expectations of the consumers of radar information quality come into conflict with the requirements of the design specifications formulated by the developer of the target equipment based on their parochial interests. As a result, to formulate the requirements of the design specifications, it is necessary to develop methods for evaluating the quality of the radar image (SAR) that account for the characteristics of SAR. The article suggests an improved method for estimating the spatial resolution of a synthesized aperture radar, based on the condition that the modulation amplitude exceeds the signal equivalent to noise. The modulation difference is evaluated with account for attenuation of the spatial frequencies of the complex scattering coefficient on the SAR information path. To evaluate the resolution, the author suggested to employ two types of test objects with harmonic amplitude and phase modulation. Mathematical relationships determining the resolution equation through the spatial function of amplitude modulation transmission by the radar information path are considered. Analysis of the image formation specifics in radar complexes compared to optoelectronic ones was carried out. The article shows that the SAR provides spatial resolution about twice as low as the limiting value determined by the half-width of the hardware function. An improved method for determining the space radar’s resolution capability with account for the synthesized aperture formation specifics and random errors, is suggested. The proposed model of a test object with harmonic change in the complex amplitude or phase of the reflected signal allows relate the resolution capability of the SAR with its radiometric characteristics and reflection from the underlying surface. The function of modulation transmission of the amplitude and phase of the information path of the PCA for harmonic test objects was obtained. The properties of the amplitude modulation transfer function dependence on the spatial frequency made it possible to explain certain characteristic properties of the radar compared to optical images. The article shows that the SAR ensures approximately the same spatial resolution for the amplitude and phase harmonic modulation of the object scattering function, which is approximately two times worse than the limiting one. Increasing the contrast of the object to absolute values slightly improves the resolution up to 1.6 times. In case of low-contrast objects, the amplitude modulation is transmitted without distortion; the resolution capability is determined only by the realized signal-to-noise ratio with a resolution of 2.5 times worse. If an object is observed against speckle noise, the resolution of the SAR drops three or more times. | ||||||||
Yudintsev V. V. Spatial motion model of Yo-Yo Mechanism. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 95 The article considers the spatial motion of the Yo-Yo mechanism. When employing the Yo-Yo mechanism for an angular velocity damping of an object performing complex spacio movement, the effect of this movement on the operation of this mechanism should be accounted for. As an option of Yo-Yo mechanism implementation, which assumes an object’s complex spatio movement, the author considers implementation of a mechanism as a part of autonomous docking module meant for capturing space debris’ objects. After the docking module separation from the space tow and its docking with a space debris object, it is possible to use the Yo-Yo mechanism for an object’s longitudinal angular velocity damping.
To analyze the spatial motion effect fn the object, on which the Yo-Yo mechanism is installed, on the movement of mechanism’s elements (wire ropes with loads) a mathematical model of the spatio motion was developed. Besides the angular motion of an object the model supposes the location of the plane of the wire ropes reel-out at a distance of an object’s center of masses, as well as the possibility of asynchronous movement of the mechanism’s wire ropes. To form the equations of motion, the Lagrange formalism was used. Equations were set down for each phase of the Yo-Yo mechanism motion.
The performance of the mathematical model is demonstrated by several numerical examples of the of the angular velocity damping of the debris’ object of a prolate and oblate type in terms of the ratio between the principal moments’ of inertia values. It is shown that the determining factor affecting the motion of the wire ropes of the mechanism is the transverse angular velocity of the object. The initial transverse angular velocity of the carrier leads to the exit of the Yo-Yo mechanism wires’ from the plane of the wire ropes reel-out, which can lead to disruption of its operation. The Yo-Yo mechanism can be used as part of an autonomous docking module to decrease the space debris objects’ angular velocity, such as spent orbital stages of carrier rockets with a longitudinal moment of inertia less than transverse moments of inertia. | ||||||||
Kuznetsov M. M., Kuleshova Y. D., Reshetnikova Y. G., Smotrova L. V. Occurrence conditions and high-speed overlap effect value in shocked gases' mixture. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 95 In the previous articles the authors formulated two theorems on the high velocity translational non-equilibrium in a shock wave of a one-component (ordinary) gas. It was noted herewith that the proofs of those theorems in case of shocked gas mixture required overcoming of several significant difficulties. The main difficulty consists in the fact that bimodal distribution of molecules velocities in gas mixtures cannot be used without doubt to determine the structure of a shock-wave, as it was done for the ordinary gas. As a rule, the area of applicability of the classic Tamm – Mott-Smith bimodal distribution with constant approximation of the auxiliary macroscopic velocities and kinetic temperatures for the groups of molecules in the supersonic and subsonic “wings” of such distribution is limited by the small values of concentrations of one of the mixture’s components. Only in this case it is possible to keep all the advantages of the bimodal approximation of partial distribution functions in binary gas mixture to obtain a simple analytical solution for shock wave structure. That is why obtaining necessary and sufficient conditions for high velocity translational non-equlibrium for arbitrary values of gas mixtures’ component concentration becomes much more complex. The paper presents rigorous formulation and substantiation of these conditions. These conditions are applicable to the case of variable auxiliary approximation macro parameters of “hot” wing of a binary gas mixture bimodal distribution. At the same time, the values of auxiliary macroscopic velocities and kinetic temperatures for groups of molecules in subsonic «wing» are kept constant. In binary gas mixtures with distribution functions for both the light and heavy components three types of functions of molecules’ pairs distribution throughout their relative velocity module exist. These functions are: G(ll) is the distribution function of pairs inside a light-light component, G(lh) the function of molecules’ pairs of light-heavy component and G(hh) is a function of molecules’ pair inside a heavy component. The numerical calculations of the corresponding “overlap” effect of bimodal distributions for pair of molecules was performed for a special case of small concentration values of heavy component in binary gas mixture (Rayleigh gas). It is known that in Rayleigh gas this effect for function G(hh) is most noticeable. While its computation, the molecules’ rotating degrees of freedom were accounted for. | ||||||||
Minin N. V. The use of combined pulsating air breathing jet engine as a propulsion system for small-size unmanned aerial vehicles. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 95 In the report is considered the problem of creation and study of design of the new type of small-sized jet engine with free-piston membrane supercharger of a fuel mix in which the part is used for internal cooling heat-stressed mobile units of the engine and reception of work of compression of the compressor membrane type. The scheme of the new energy installation is developed. Thermal and thermodynamic calculations by technique of the authors are made. The basic constructive sizes of the engine are calculated and the problem of cooling of piston unit by the charge of a fuel mix of the engine that has led to partial regeneration of heat in a cycle to decrease in the specific charge of fuel and increase in altitude is solved. The maximum power of the power plant is limited by the working diameters of the piston group, its mass, frequency of operation. Examining the design parameters of the engine raises questions on the solution, for minimum capacities — the task of maximum piston operation speed at a speed of up to 30 m/s, a constructive and technological solution to the problem of avoiding traditional spring-ring sealing methods and switching to a smooth pair, Liquid wedge. And also complete withdrawal from the rotational movements of the crank drive, use in the atmospheric engines of the membrane compression system, with direct massless drive from the reciprocating motion of the lightweight piston group and the group of damper compression in the cycle. And the use of synchronizing mechanisms synchronization of moving pistons, cyclically operating without compression loads. Based on the developed methodology, the main parameters of the aircraft with a starting mass from 1 to 100 kg have been evaluated and it is shown that the proposed new variant of the combined remote control has a weight efficiency comparable with known developments and deserves further more thorough research. Based on the preliminary technical and economic analysis of the lightweight UAV, it is shown that the proposed version meets all the basic requirements of the current stage of development of launch vehicles. | ||||||||
Sokolov S. V. The Integrable Case of Adler–van Moerbeke. Mechanical interpretation. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 95 The Adler–van Moerbeke integrable case is considered. The case of integrability founded in 1986 by M. Adler and P. van Moerbeke is the most complicated in the rigid body dynamics. It came due to papers A.S. Mishchenko and A. T. Fomenko dedicated to integrability of Euler equations on finite-dimensional Lie groups. As a result a new family of integrable quadratic Hamiltonians with additional integrals of fourth degree on so(4) was appeared. The existence of quartic additional integral is connected with special symmetry so(4) admitting real representation as direct sum of two copies of so(3). Euler equations on Lie algebra so(4) also describe the motion of a rigid body with an ellipsoidal cavity filled by a perfect incompressible vortical fluid around a fixed point in a case of uniform fluid vorticity. These equations as a model of the Earth’s rotation were studied by V. A. Steklov. Modern results for integrable metrics on so(4) and their mechanical interpretation can be found in many reviews. After Poincare we consider rotations of rigid body with cavity, which contains inviscid incompressible liquid, about fixed axis. Such a case characterizes by additional integral of Lagrange type and corresponds to axially symmetric mass distribution. We give one of the possible mechanical interpretations for the integrable case under consideration. We explicitly present the most convenient form of additional integral. Put some partial relations between principal values of inertia tensor we reduce our system to Poincare case. Connections with some classical integrable mechanical problems are observed. Conditions of physical realizability for this mechanical model are discussed. | ||||||||
Shchukin A. V., Khabibullin I. I., Il'inkov A. V., Takmovtsev V. V. The effect of diffuser dimple's shape on its flow-around pattern. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 95 This experimental study is aimed at the searching an easy-to-manufacture shape of the previously submitted by the authors highly efficient surface thermal exchange intensifier of a separation type with high functioning intensity of large-scale vortex structures, namely two-cavity diffuser dimple. This dimple, placed in an array of dimples demonstrated a higher level of heat dissipation, exceeding more than three times the heat dissipation while a smooth plate flow-around. It was accepted as reference. The high level of thermal effectiveness of this dimple is associated with implementation of optimal relative height of the rib separating its hollows, the diffuser shape of its hollows for the backflow, as well as with their slope in plan view of the relative direction of the main flow. Based on visualization of the flows and determination of the pressure coefficient Cp in the bottom part of the studied dimple’s variants the experimental data was obtained on its shape in terms of the self-organizing large-scale vortex structures. The ways of geometric shape of the two-hollow diffuser dimples’ simplifying were studied, and, hence, its manufacturing technology under condition of preserving the intensity and continuity of large-scale vortex structures functioning. The authors established that without the hollows’ separating rib, when the entry edge is described by the line of radial contour, two-hollow dimple passes into the class of one-hollow dimples with permanently functioning single large-scale vortex structure. The rarefaction level, however, in the in the dimple’s epicenter decreases compared to the two-hollow diffuser dimples. The performed comparative studies revealed the existence of the rational geometry of one-hollow diffusor dimple of a separation type ensuring permanent functioning of vortex structures. This dimple allows much simpler manufacturing technology compared to the two-hollow diffuser dimples. However, it is inferior to the latter in the intensity of large-scale vortex structures. Thus, following the two-hollow diffuser dimple structure it is necessary to explore and find such installation angle relative to the main flow that provides maximum vortex intensity. This is essentially the algorithm for further optimization of the easy-to-manufacture one-hollow diffuser dimple of separation-type studied here. | ||||||||
Pozhalostin A. A., Goncharov D. A. On axisymmetric parametric oscillations of a fluid in a cylindrical vessel. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 95 The authors considered the case of axisymmetric parametric oscillations of an ideal fluid filling the cylindrical vessel. They obtained the differential equation of parametric oscillation damping with account for the main parametric resonance, as well as numerical values of the variables comprising this equation. It was shown that could initiate small oscillations of the system, with the corresponding values of the modulation index. The value of the modulation index is determined by Van der Pol method. The problem was considered in the linear formulation, with fluid movements were assumed small. The velocity potential satisfies the Laplace equation in a cylindrical domain. On the wetted surface of the vessel the conditions of impermeability were met, while on the free surface of the liquid the linearized boundary condition was met. The velocity potential, in accordance with the Fourier method, was represented as a series of the hyperbolic functions, Bessel functions of 1st order and the time factor. The equation for the parametric oscillation was obtained for the time factor from the equation for the velocity potential. The kinetic energy of the mechanical system was determined by the gradient of the velocity potential. The reduced inertia coefficient of the system was calculated by the Green’s function method. The viscous resistance force in the fluid was assumed proportional to the first degree of speed. The fluid velocity was defined as the gradient of the velocity potential. Then we compose the Rayleigh dissipative function. Expression for the potential energy was composed. We composed the Lagrange equation of the II-nd order with account for the dissipative forces, due to the presence of viscous friction in the mechanical system under consideration. The resulting differential equation is a second order differential equation with a small parameter. The damping coefficient implies experimental determination. We indicate references to the papers, which present the numerical values of the damping coefficient. Further, the damping coefficient was assumed as known. The averaging was performed, and the border region of parametric resonance instability was sett. The conclusion on the existence of the small oscillations of the respective values of the modulation index was made. | ||||||||
Kuli-zade M. E., Skorokhod E. P. Development of kinetic models of the moving plasma. The constants of the radiative d-p transitions of the xenon ion. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 95 Multi-level physicochemical kinetics at present remains relevant to General theoretical issues of spectroscopy of low temperature plasmas and optical diagnostics in the framework of radiation plasmodynamics, in particular for the device-specific debug modes, where “working fluid” is the Xenon plasma. When composing kinetic equations, multiple radiation constants (Einstein coefficients) are necessary. Selection of the model itself is predetermined by considering the xenon ion level scheme, recorded in LS-relations. The level scheme composed and supplemented by the quantum-defect approximation allows calculate the transitions that are absent in the reference edition [12]. Six models of probabilities' calculations including the radiation transitions 5d ‒ 6p relating to the lowermost levels are considered. The radial integrals required for calculations of Aki /106 transition probabilities were calculated by the the Bates–Damgaard method using two different values of the effective quantum number: a specific level, and for the entire configuration as a whole. They were also calculated according to the of Hartree–Fock–Slater method. Angular dependencies for these three methods were performed in approximation of the LS–relation and in the framework of intermediate relation. The article presents the results of the above-mentioned six quantum-mechanical models for 5d ‒ 6p 314 dipole transitions. A comparison with experimentally obtained results of other authors was made [18–21, 24, 16]. The reference data includes also the values of the photo-transition probabilities obtained from the experimental data on the line shifts corresponding to the quadratic Stark effect [22]. The Einstein coefficients differ within a few orders of magnitude. Thus, for the transition 6p 4P5/2 → 5d 4D7/2 with the wavelength of 605.115 nm, the probability calculated by him in Bates‒Damgaard approximation with the use of a relation gives the value of Aki /106 = 0.48 with account for the intermediate relation of 1.5; according to the Hartree-Fock-Sleter method in the framework of the intermediate link ─ 0.041. The other authors give: 20.5 ─ [19]; 52. ─ [20]; 21. ─ [16]. The value obtained from experimental data on the lines' shifts corresponding to the quadratic Stark effect [22] is Aki /106 = 52.9. The presented Einstein coefficients calculations results from the 5d levels supplement the reference data of the 6s ‒ 6p photo-transitions probabilities [15]. | ||||||||
Blagodyreva O. V. Ritz and finite element methods application to aeroelastic vibrations computation of a cruise missile . Trudy MAI, 2017, no 95 The article studies the aeroelastic stability of a cruise missile performing longitudinal short-period motion in incompressible airflow. The missile is modeled using a beam structure, including the fuselage, two straight outer wings and flight control surfaces — elevators. The wing of the missile is considered as an elastic beam operating in bending with transverse shear and torsion, while the fuselage and the control surfaces of the missile are considered as rigid. It is assumed, that the elastic vibrations of the wing panels occur according to the hypothesis of flat sections. Control drives with wiring are considered disconnected, and their effect on the structure is replaced with the unknown control forces. Aerodynamic loads are determined based on the quasi-stationary theory of plane-parallel flow cross sections of the wing. The longitudinal compression of the missile body under the effect of thrust force of an engine is also accounted for. The equations of small vibrations of the system are represented in the form of Lagrange equations of the second kind in generalized coordinates. The generalized coordinates are considered as normal coordinates, representing the movement over the eigenvibration mode of a free structure with fixed operating controls. Based on the Ritz method the unknown functions of transverse displacements of the axis of the fuselage, the transverse displacements of the axis of the wing and the angle of twist of the wing are presented in the form of expansions along the generalized coordinates. For a more accurate study of the behavior of a wing’s flexural-torsional oscillations the finite element method (FEM) was used. The wing is separated into a number of compartments — finite elements (FE), within each the geometrical, stiffness and mass properties are assumed to be average and constant. The article presents a comparative calculation of the flutter of an elastic missile using the Ritz method and the finite element method (FEM). The graphs of the variation of natural frequencies of the missile depending on the changes of the flight speed and engine thrust power are plotted. The critical speed and the stability region of the missile were defined respectively for each method. All the calculations were performed with the software “Wolfram Mathematica 8”. | ||||||||
Gnezdilov V. A., Grishanina T. V., Nagornov A. Y. Deformation of a plane statically indeterminate frame system with buckling bars. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 95 Long frameworks (lattice beams) are often used in different building structures (cranes, masts, bridges, pylons of electric air-lines, etc.), as well as in space structures deployed or assembled on orbit. In some cases such structures can undergo to large elastic displacements with large angles of the bar turns. At the design it is usually required that there must not be any irreversible deformations and damages (cracks) in the structure at the maximum operational loads. Statically indeterminate frames allow elastic buckling of some compressed bars with moderate finite deflections limited by the relative longitudinal displacements (contaction) and the turn angles at the joints which connect the buckled bars with the others. In this work the new approach is developed for solution of geometrically nonlinear problem of deformation for a plane frame system with large displacements and turn angles taking into account buckling of some bars with moderate elastic deflection. Every bar of the system rigidly connected in the movable joints with the other bars and subjected to tension or compression and bending in considered as a beam finite element. Large displacements and turns of bar in the structure are described by four unknown coordinates of the bar ends (the joints it connects) and by three supplementary generalized coordinates. Two of them represent the relative turn angles of the bar ends and the third — its deflection due to moderate elastic bending. Such representation of describes sufficiently exactly the possible instability of the bar with moderate buckling deflection. The nonlinear equilibrium equations in displacements for the system loaded by the forces and moments applied in the joints are obtained by use of the virtual work principle. These equations are solved numerically. The example of calculation of the system behavior subjected to the increasing load with the successive buckling of some compressed bars is considered. | ||||||||
Garipova L. I., Batrakov A. S., Kusyumov A. N. Accounting for dynamic conditions of aerofoil flow-around while solving the problem of a helicopter main rotor trimming angles determining. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 95 The main rotor trimming is one of the important tasks of helicopter aerodynamics. The aim of trimming consists in determining the values of balancing angles (total and cyclic pitch angles) of the main rotor, which allows minimize longitudinal and lateral moments, as well as vibration load. A simple approach to the main rotor's balancing angles determination is based on the Blade Element Momentum Theory (BEMT), based on steady-state aerofoil aerodynamics. However, while straight and level flight the helicopter's blade sections motion bears a complex oscillated character. For this reason, aerofoil performances can differ significantly from its steady-state equivalents. The aim of this research is numerical simulation of the oscillating NACA 23012 aerofoil flow-around to study the effect of dynamic flow conditions corresponding to a forward flight mode on the values of the main rotor trimming (total and cyclic pitch) angles. Numerical simulation was performed using HMB code (Liverpool and Glasgow universities) based on the Unsteady Reynolds averaged Navier–Stokes equations (URANS) with k‒ω SST turbulence model. The results of study revealed that the dynamic condition leads to significant changes of the aerofoil aerodynamic characteristics and the main rotor trimming angles compared to the steady state formulation. Based on these results a correction can be employed to improve the simple BEMT approach accuracy. | ||||||||
Klyagin V. A., Petrov I. A., Shkurin M. V. Analysis of avionics' blocks placement on the aircraft of various types. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 95 Avionics’ layout on a modern aircraft is a complex engineering task. A quality solution to this problem currently became potentially possible by using PC. However, at this moment, existing application programs are based on heuristic methods [1, 6, 7] or on analytical solution [4, 5] of the problem. They are still not widely used. One reason for this is the lack of information about the patterns of avionics’ distribution. Statistical analysis will highlight patterns that will become the basis of new methodology. Statistics will clarify the existing methods as well. The first necessary step for the analysis -is gathering information on the layout diagrams of aircrafts in context of avionics’ placement. Combat aircraft of the second half of the twentieth century were studied. The most common source was the photos of real aircraft, showing the avionics (e. g. open avionics bays). Next step consisted in calculating the total number of items of avionics with the differentiation of the installation type. This work assumes the following types of installation:
Thus, the article presents the analysis of the avionics’ placement on combat aircraft of the second half of the XX century according to the installation type for the various classes and the date of the first flight. The results show that for all classes of the aircraft, the vast number of blocks were arranged on the shelves. Single mounted makes approximately 9.5% of the components. Only two out of the 35 types dominated by point installation. Also seen a number of patterns such as on devices with smaller dimension is slightly higher relative number of blocks with a single installation. Based on the work a conclusion was made that for the automated layout method development it is useful to represent the location of the avionics in the planes. | ||||||||
Ngo Q. T., Solenaya O. Y., Ronzhin A. L. Analysis of mobile robotic platforms used to batteries service of unmanned aerial vehicles in autonomous missions. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 95 The problem of increasing the operating time of unmanned aerial vehicles in autonomous missions is considered. Approaches to charge or replace on-board batteries on the accompanying robotic platform are analyzed. The key issues remain questions of the autonomous landing of the unmanned aerial vehicle on the platform and the way of servicing battery. The available prototypes of service robotic platforms are differed in the complexity of internal mechanisms, speed of service, algorithms of joint operation of the platform and unmanned aerial vehicle during the landing and maintenance of the battery. Autonomous landing of aerial vehicle in modern studies is considered not only on a fixed platform, but also on a mobile platform that moves in various environments. Landing unmanned aerial vehicle on a service charging station is realized with the help of various systems of navigation and analysis of the surrounding area. A battery-replacement system significantly reduces the preparation time of a multi-copter for a new flight and increases the total number of multicopters that are simultaneously in an autonomous mission. The charging system has a lower cost compared to the battery replacement system by minimizing the mechanical components of the structure. Modern means of navigation and technical vision ensure the landing of UAVs on the ground robotic platform can be performed with high accuracy in indoor environments. In outdoor application, taking into account the influence of weather conditions, the landing error is much higher. To communication the mobile platform to unmanned aerial vehicles, wireless means are mainly used to ensure their coordinated work during landing and take-off, and also to control several vehicles in the queue for charging. The purpose of this study is to develop a multifunctional mechanism for connecting a multi-copter to a ground-based robotic platform that performs the functions of their transportation and maintenance. Based on the results of the analysis, a classification of existing systems installed on robotic platforms for the maintenance of batteries is made. A further study will be devoted to the development of the requirements for the design of a multicopter maintenance system on a projected ground platform, taking into account its functional purpose, as well as the creation of software and hardware for the joint operation of multicopters and a platform. | ||||||||
Rebrov S. G., Golubev V. A., Golikov A. N. Laser ignition of oxygen-kerosene fuel in rocket technique: from igniters to rocket engines . Trudy MAI, 2017, no 95 The article reviews the main results of research aimed at introducing laser ignition for rocket engines using oxygen-kerosene fuel. The purpose of the work was to determine the operational parameters of the laser ignition system and the ranges of the composition and fuel rate of the fuel mixture to ensure reliable ignition in igniters, rocket thrusters and sustainer rocket engines. The method of initiating a spark of optical breakdown in area with favorable ignition characteristics of the mixture was used as a method of ignition. The laser radiation was focused either in the volume of the mixture or near the metallic surface for that. The tests covered a wide range of changes in the operating parameters of both combustion chambers and ignition systems. Laser ignition was successfully tested on chambers, starting from a small volume of several cm3 for igniters and low-thrust engines to the sustainer chamber of the engines of the first, second stages of the Soyuz launch vehicle with a volume of 65 dm3. The tests were carried out using mixtures of both a reducing composition at a value of oxidizer-to-fuel ratio to 0.1 and an oxidizing composition with a value of oxidizer-to-fuel ratio up to 11. Laser parameters were also ranged for output pulse energy from 1 mJ to 100 mJ and for pulse repetition frequency from 10 Hz to 100 Hz. The complex of carried out works made it possible to develop the technology of laser ignition of oxygen-kerosene fuel with the determination of the necessary operating parameters of fuel mixtures and the ignition system itself with regard to rocket technology: igniters, thrusters, large combustion chambers for rocket engines with thrust up to 18 tf. Guidelines for introduction of laser ignition for large size rocket engine combustion chambers have been developed on the basis of experience gained. It was also shown the feasibility of laser ignition of large-sized oxygen-kerosene chambers using small-sized lasers mounted directly to the combustion chamber. These results allowed to propose a scheme of laser ignition system to replace the existing pyrotechnic for the first and second stages of the Soyuz launch vehicle, based on the use of micro lasers with fiber radiation delivered to them from a reusable stationary diode pumping station placed on the launch site. | ||||||||
Dolgushev V. G., Ionov V. A., Kun N. V., Matveenko A. M. Development trends of modern aircraft onboard hydraulic systems. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 95 Resiliency is essential for operation of an aircraft during its lifetime. In modern aircraft hydraulic system a specified level of fail-safety in the design process is ensured by the initial selection of the structure and parameters of the system, which cannot be changed during the flight. The fail-safety can be improved by increasing various safety factors and redundancy of elements. Nevertheless, in its turn, it leads to the system weight increase. However, the increase of fail-safety without weight increase is possible through adjustment of internal parameters by changing operation modes (e.g., unloading in cruising flight and the crossing of the settings at high loads or failure in the system). The decisive factor is the smaller weight of the system, giving the opportunity to increase the combat effectiveness of the aircraft either due to the smaller mass and therefore greater maneuverability, or to the larger mass of ammunition. For large passenger aircraft, using forced modes to compensate for failures of pipelines, implementation of titanium alloys and high rated pressure level will allow create a hydraulic system with a significantly smaller mass. A mixed system, incorporating centralized hydraulic system and stand-alone drives is expedient to be applied on the military-transport aircraft, which due to the extra mass is possible to achieve high survivability. | ||||||||
Borisov A. E., Leont'ev V. A., Novak V. N. Analysis of the features of the main rotor with negative offset of the flapping hinge. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 95 In this paper a new concept of a high-speed main rotor of a single-rotor helicopter is considered. A new concept of a high-speed main rotor is to use the design rotor hub, which allowing to obtain a natural frequency of flap motion blade lower than the rotational speed of the rotor. Reduction of the natural frequency, as well as its increase (screws with positive flapping-hinge offset or rotors with elastic fastening of blades) leads to a phase shift of the flapping motion of the blades. The phase shift of the blades flapping motion leads to an increase the angles of attack on the advancing side of rotor and to a decrease in the retreating side, and thereby detracts from the appearance of a stall at high flight speeds. The analysis of the effect of its design features on aerodynamic characteristics is carried out. Presented are the equations of the flapping motion of main rotor blades with negative offset of flapping hinges, as well as of the moment on the rotor hub. The paper also considers the method for calculating the coefficients of the first harmonic of the blade flapping motion and the expressions for calculating angles of attack in blade sections. The analysis of the operation of rotors with both negative and positive flapping-hinge offset is carried out, an estimation of the influence of some rotor parameters on angles of attack of blade sections is obtained. Also presented are the results of calculating such rotors that illustrate the possibility of increasing angles of attack on advancing blades and reducing them on retreating blades by means of the swash plate deflection. | ||||||||
Afanas'ev V. A., Monakhova V. P., Muhina S. D., Versin A. A., Nazyrova O. R., Bolkhovitin M. S. Experimental means development for pressure receivers' calibration. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 95 The article presents the results of the structural components' development of the experimental workbench for calibration of receivers of total and static pressures in the jet of a gas flow. The speed range of the controlled gas flow at the subsonic nozzle edge is regulated from λс = 0.3 to λс = 1.0. The necessity of this workbench development is associated with the fact, that pressure receivers' designs are developed individually for various placement locations along the path of the gas turbine engine compressor. The basic requirements that had to be met while the development of the stand are as follows – The relative velocity of the gas stream λ in the placement of the receiving holes of the comb should be measured with an accuracy of ±0,01; – The numerical values of the pressures in the pneumatic circuits of the comb should be stay within ± 0,3% of measured values; – The linear and angular positioning parameters of the receiving holes of the comb under study should be determined with an accuracy of ±1 mm and ±0.5 degrees respectively. The following calculations were performed in this work: – Calculation of the subsonic nozzle profile; – Design of the diffuser. Calculation of the subsonic nozzle profile allows obtaining a controlled airflow at the outlet with a uniform velocity value in the cutoff of the nozzle. The pointing device allowing the smooth movement of the inlet orifice of the studied receiver with the possibility of speed adjustment, and position it on the geometric axis of the nozzle, as well as change the angle between the flow velocity vector and the axis of the inlet orifice within the limits of ± 45° in the tangential and meridian planes. The article also presents a calculation of the diffuser design meant for for converting the kinetic energy of the flow into static pressure. | ||||||||
Konstantinov M. S., Min T. . Optimization of the trajectory of launching the spacecraft into the geostationary orbit for transport system with specific impulse of the engine 600-900 s. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 95 The spacecraft flight from the low Earth orbit to the geostationary orbit is considered as a typical transport operation. The optimization of the interorbital flight, the control laws for the movement of the spacecraft during the flight and the flight trajectory are carried out. The main goal of the work is to provide the users who analyze the interorbital flight, the possibility of correct and simple estimation of the characteristic velocity for the transport operation in question. When optimizing the flight from the low Earth orbit to the geostationary orbit, a method based on the Pontryagin maximum principle is used. The problem of optimizing the trajectory reduces to the boundary-value problem. The boundary-value problem is solved using the evolutionary strategy with the adaptation of the covariance matrix. The characteristic velocity for the operation is considered as a function of the specific impulse of the engine and the initial reactive acceleration. Specific impulse of the engine is considered in the range of 600-900 s. The initial reactive acceleration is considered in the range 1.25-12.5 mm / s2. The results of the analysis are presented in the tables form of the characteristic velocity reactive as the function of initial reactive acceleration (the range 1.25-12.5 mm/s is considered) and the specific impulse (range 600-900 s). Such a range is typical, for example, a solar thermal rocket engine. Another result of the work is the analysis of the optimal flight, the analysis of the properties of the optimal flight and the optimal control law for the movement of the spacecraft during the interorbital flight. The results of the work can be used to analyze the space transport systems for interorbital spacecraft flight with the specific impulse of the engine in the range of 600-900 s. The characteristics of the optimal flight scheme are analyzed. The optimal flight path contains three characteristic sections. On the first of them, the SC engine operates at the perigee section of the multi-revolutions trajectory. In this area, the eccentricity of the orbit increases (the radius of the apogee increases, with a slight increase in the perigee altitude). The inclination of the orbit decreases a little due to a small yaw angle (less than 2 degrees). At the end of the first segment of the flight path, the radius of apogee appears to be substantially larger than the radius of the geostationary orbit. On the second part of the trajectory, the engine operates at the apogee sections of the trajectory. In this case, the radius of the perigee of the trajectory increases actively, the radius of apogee hardly increases. The yaw angle on the flight path provides an effective reduction in the inclination of the orbit. At the beginning of the section, the yaw angle value is large, the optimal yaw angle decreases in each revolution. At the end of the second section of the trajectory, the inclination of the orbit is practically zero. On the third part of the flight path (the duration of the section is approximately two revolutions of the trajectory) the active sections are located in the vicinity of the perigee of the orbit. The engine breaks the spacecraft, providing zero eccentricity of the final orbit. | ||||||||
Lunev E. M., Neretin E. S., Budkov A. S. Development and study of aircraft trajectory control model while flying en-route of four-dimensional area navigation. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 95 This work is devoted to the analysis of the existing algorithms of trajectory control and their updating up to the level of 4-D area navigation (4D-RNAV) for further implementation while developing prospective automatic control systems for en-route flight. With the advent of satellite systems, navigation has changed qualitatively in the direction of increasing accuracy. However, navigation is only one of the constituent parts of the overall process of flight execution. It should be considered thereupon in general concept, namely, communication, navigation, surveying and organization of the air traffic, developed by ICAO in the 1980-s. The navigation concept of the future developed by ICAO is based on the area navigation. The area navigation principle allows an aircraft to execute a flight on any desired path and thus realize the advantages of navigation of higher accuracy in improving the structure of air area. It leads to simplifying of air traffic servicing, and foremost decrease of aircraft operating costs. The planned flight path can be specified not only in the horizontal plane in the form of a route, but also in the vertical plane, by specifying the flight heights of the waypoints, angles or gradients of the trajectory inclination. In addition, a space-time trajectory can be set, when for some points the time of their flyby is specified. In accordance with the dimension of the «space» in which the guidance is carried out, the area navigation is subdivided into three types: – 2D-RNAV ‒ two-dimensional RNAV in the horizontal plane — LNAV (Lateral Navigation). Sometimes, using a literal translation, it is called lateral navigation, since the guidance is provided only by lateral evasion; – 3D-RNAV ‒ three-dimensional RNAV in the horizontal and vertical planes. For navigation in the vertical plane, the abbreviation VNAV (Vertical Navigation) is used; – 4D-RNAV is a four-dimensional RNAV in the horizontal and vertical planes plus the solution of the problem of regulating the speed of flight for passing points of the route or arriving at the aerodrome at a given time. Zone navigation by time is abbreviated as TNAV (Time Navigation). [3] The problem of area navigation implementation consists not barely in ensuring the flight on an arbitrary path, but in ensuring its accuracy according to the requirement set in the given region. In modern aero Thus, the issues of area navigation were closely interleaved with RNP problems. They were so closely interleaved that these two ranges of issues were incorporated into a single ICAO document «RNP Manual» [1]. Today RNP is considered as a tool for flight technical and regulatory control with RNAV application. Depending on the strictness of requirements to the accuracy of the specified path following, and the type of functional requirements to onboard equipment the following notations are widely used: – B-RNAV (Basic RNAV) — the main (basic) area navigation; – P-RNAV (Precision RNAV) — precise area navigation; ‒ RNP-RNAV — area navigation with required navigation performance. RNAV is considered by ICAO as the main type of navigation of the future, since it has a number of undeniable advantages over conventional, traditional navigation. | ||||||||
Sypalo K. I., Medvedskiy A. L., Babichev O. V., Kazarinov G. G., Kan A. V. Engineering of Aircraft Demonstrator. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 95 The article presents the methodology for creating demonstrators of technologies in aircraft building, based on the harmonization and use of the existing system of national standards. As one of the mechanisms of realization of a control system of research works, it is supposed to use a scale of assessment of technology readiness level. The technology readiness level scale is taken as a basis for gradation of development stages of new technologies by many departments and the organizations, both in the USA, and in some other countries. The classification used reflects a condition of research programs depending on the current technologies readiness level that simplifies control for developers and customers control over the course of research works and the choice of the technologies, most ready for industrial introduction. The scale of technology readiness level represents the formalized assessment of degree of the technologies maturity for practical use when developing from the idea to a prototype of the complete system tested in the conditions close to real. On the grounds of the system engineering tools which are based on the formalization of measurements of technologies readiness levels, and use of the existing national standards base — state standard specifications — the methodology of creation the technologies demonstrators of technologies in aircraft industry has been offered. The presented methodology of creation of technologies demonstrators in aircraft industry solves a problem of integration of the existing system of national standards with the world practice of quantitative and quality standard of the developed technologies. Harmonization of standards on carrying out research and development with world practice and also use of quantitative and high-quality indicators of technology readiness level scale, including methodology for creating of aircraft technology demonstrators, will allow to reduce significantly risks during creation of the aircraft equipment. | ||||||||
Kotel'nikov V. A., Kotelnikov M. V., Filippov G. S. The role of guard electrodes in probe diagnostics. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 95 Flat remote and near-wall probes are widely used in probe diagnostics of rarefied plasma (static and dynamic). They are installed on hypersonic aircraft and space satellites in order to study the radiophysical parameters near their surface. Flat probes can be installed both parallel and perpendicular to the flow velocity in the rarefied plasma streams. Nonlinear border and edge effects occur at the edges of a flat probe, which have a significant influence on the probe current. The boundary effect is associated with the thickening of the lines of force of the electric field at the boundary of the active surface of the probe. The final effect arises under the influence of a directed flow velocity if the probe is oriented parallel to the flow velocity. Charged particles enter the space charge layer of the probe. They can fly through the probe line and not contribute to the probe current, depending on the potential of the probe and the velocity of the plasma flow. The present article is devoted to an analysis of the effect of these nonlinear effects on the probe current. In the literature, there is insufficient information on this issue, the technique for conducting a probe experiment, and processing probe characteristics, taking into account the border and edge effects. The physical and mathematical models of the problem are formulated. Extensive computational experiments were carried out. Conclusions and recommendations useful for the practice of probe measurements are made. Consider a probe in the form of an elongated strip of width 2rр and potential φρ. The directional plasma flow rate U∞ is parallel to the probe surface and perpendicular to its short side (fig. 1).
a) the probe is oriented along the flow,
b) the probe is oriented towards the flow;
1 - probe surface,
2, 3 - the surface of the guard electrodes.
If the characteristic size of the probe is 2rр≥103rd, (rd is the Debye radius), then the effect of the border and edge effects can be neglected and the Bohm formula can be used when processing probe characteristics. If 2rр<103rd, then the arising nonlinear effects can be removed by constructing the guard electrodes in the form of strips along the elongated sides of the probe, separating them from the probe by thin insulating layers. In this case, the Bohm formula is also used. The width of the guard electrodes is calculated in numerical experiments and is presented in the work in the form of graphical dependences U∞, rp and the potential φρ (fig. 2, 3). If the probe in the form of a strip is directed by its active surface towards the flow, the border effects is absent, and the edge effect is analogous to the case of parallel flow around the probe. If 2rр≥103rd, then the Langmuir formula, which describes the ion current with concentration, flow velocity and probe potential, is valid. If 2rр<103rd, then guard electrodes are placed, which remove the effect of edge effects. Their size is much smaller than with parallel flow around the probe. Recommendations for choosing the width of guard electrodes are given in the work as a function of the characteristic parameters of the problem.
If flat probes of another geometry (square, disk, etc.) are used, it is recommended to take their characteristic size 2rр>103rd. In this case, the role of border and edge effects is small and one can use the recommendations stated above for probes in the form of an elongated rectangle. | ||||||||
Vernigora L. V., Pichkhadze . ., Sysoev V. K. Analysis of optical beacon emitter parameters for spacecraft navigation system. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 95 Spacecraft (SC) optical observation is one of the main method of SC tracking and measurement of their parameters. The successful development of semiconductor emitters' technology allowed gaining the high-efficient laser diodes with high capacity level at low mass and dimensions parameters. This permits to develop optical beacon systems for spacecraft navigation based on these diodes. Firstly, these are optical beacons installed on planetary landing stations, such as Luna-Glob/Luna-Resource-1 (and in the future – on modules descending to the Martian surface). Installation of such beacons allows high-accuracy location of the landing stations with the help of spacecraft optical TV equipment and ground-based tracking stations. Being connected to the radioisotope power source they can be used as beacons for future lunar missions. The article describes the developed algorithm for semiconductor light sources' selection necessary to solve the problem of optical beacons design for space expeditions: 1. The beacon's radiation should be reliably registered by the receiving optical system. This requires the following steps: ‒ Determination of the necessary emission power. Selection of the emitter's power is stipulated by sensitivity of the receiving ground-based optical system, distance to the spacecraft, the light source radiation angle and, of course, the time of exposure; ‒ Selection of the semiconductor light source allowing creation of low divergent light beams, which is necessary for transmission of this radiation for long distances; ‒ Determination of necessary emission spectrum of the semiconductor light source (rather wide emission spectrum of the semiconductor light source is allowed for “space-to-space” system). In the case of “Spacecraft‒Earth” system selection of emission spectrum is stipulated by the atmosphere's properties; ‒ Time persistence of the optical beacon should not exceed the frequency response of the receiving equipment, necessary for signal coding. 2. Optical beacon should provide operation in the space flight conditions: diminutive mass and dimension parameters, long lifetime, radiation and vibration resistance, capability to operate at low voltage, high efficiency. The results of the analysis were used for selection of the optical laser beacon emitters developed within the framework of Luna-Glob and Luna-Resource-1 projects. | ||||||||
Zakovryashin A. I. Construction of membership functions of radio-electronic equipment parameters on experimental data. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 95
Estimation of a radio-electronic equipment object’s workability supposes its diagnosis. | ||||||||
Kulikov S. V., Gudaev R. A., Mikhalchenkov A. A., Zelenkov A. V., Vikulova Y. M. Methodology of synthesis of ultrahigh frequency matching units on nonhomogeneous loops. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 95 The goal of the article consists in improving the methodology of broadband matching units’ synthesis for complex loads, allowing ensure maximum of match strips spacing by employing nonhomogeneous stepped loops. The set goal is achieved based on Kohn method allowing compute broadband matching units for complex loads on nonhomogeneous loops. The versatility of the suggested method consists in the fact that instead this method any other method, allowing compute a matching unit on homogeneous loops can be used. This work was supported by the Grant of the President of Russian Federation. Based on the obtained results of studying of characteristics of the broadband matching unit on nonhomogeneous loops performed using mathematical model the following inferences can be drawn: Increasing of relative match strip width ω leads to damping reduction in a stop band. Reducing the standing wave ratio in the match strip КСТ leads to a decrease in attenuation in the stop band. Increasing the number of loops of the matching unit contributes to the increase i in the stop band. When placing a heterogeneous loop near the source, the attenuation in odd tuple bands increases, and in even tuple bans decreases. The match strip relative width increase w, stand wave ration in match strip reduction and increasing the number of loops of a broadband matching unit affects the value of match strips’ spacing, which is expressed in its reduction. Employing the five-step loops can significantly improve the characteristics of band rejection, but the characteristics in match strip are degrading. The simulation results of the synthesized broadband matching unit on nonhomogeneous loops confirmed the principal possibility of developing physically realizable impedance matching units with an increased spacing of the parasitic match strips. | ||||||||
Rybnikov S. I., Nguyen T. S. Analytical design of damping system for flexural aeroelastic vibrations of the wings of airliner. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 95 The analytical design of the active system of damping of flexural aeroelastic oscillations of the wing, which is optimal according to the extended variational criterion of generalized work. The first tone of aeroelastic oscillations of wing airliner often have frequencies of the same order with the natural frequency of undamped oscillations of the steering gear. Therefore, the synthesis and analysis of the dynamics of the stabilization systems of the airliner dynamics such the angular position of the wing is expedient to take into account and to ensure high quality in these adjustment systems may be required to build the system damping vibrations of aeroelastic wing independent or internal in relation to systems organized on the basis of the aileron channels. The assumption of the symmetry of the oscillations of the wing considered the synthesis of active system of damping of flexural vibrations of a wing of the airliner. For the synthesis of the damping system uses the method of analytical design of optimal regulators (AKOR) according to the criterion of the generalized work, the extended variable energy members of the penalty function, which takes into account the work of the control forces to move the controlled object. The joint variation in energy of the members of the penalty function is intended for counter control the level of damping wing in the transitional processes of the system, on the one hand, control-related energy consumption. Damping of flexural vibrations of the wing is constructed using as the executive bodies of external ailerons, or specially imposed limit deflected surfaces mounted on the wing. Steering was adopted with a minor, about 15% excess frequency undamped oscillations over the frequency of the third tone aeroelastic oscillations of the wing that allows you to build a complicated damping system oscillations, which includes the first and third tones. In the mathematical model of the damping system first and the third tone of Flexural vibrations of a semi-wing and working steering aileron are described by differential equations of the second order. The control is constructed as linear, in variants with complete information about the control object and with incomplete information containing signals only of the total velocities and displacements of the console. Performed parametric synthesis of the system damping with the current settings of the extended control object, it is shown that the choice of coefficients criterion, if sufficient control actions, it is possible to reduce vibration of the object, providing an unambiguous or even its monotonous transition function with its adjustable duration. The change in the coefficient km for the energy the members of the penalty function in the process of designing the system is an effective impact on the nature of the transition process in it. With its growth, the absolute values of the feedback coefficients in the system, its natural frequencies, the level and efficiency of the control action decrease, and the transient process in the system approximates to free fluctuations of the object. With decreasing km, conversely, the moduli of the feedback coefficients in the system and its natural frequencies increase, as well as the values of the control actions and their efficiency, the oscillation of the transient process decreases, then the process becomes single-valued and then goes monotonous. Tightening restrictions on the derivatives of the deviations from the ends of the console from a stable state to be performed in the form of an increase in the coefficients in front of them, with sufficient energy, leads to a decrease in variability transients in the system, in extreme cases , to its complete elimination . The handling qualities transients change in the coefficient km is maintained. | ||||||||
Smirnov K. K. Automation of operations of traceability of integrated structures quality in the manufacture of VLSIs. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 95
Nowadays the quality of modern integrated circuits is considered as a complex indicator, which depends on production operations metrology support and improvement of technological process. The modern development of microelectronics with wide miniaturization solutions complicates control technology, measuring and testing of VLSI integration. Moreover, it requires constant improvement of the technological way of manufacture, technological solutions in the design of the production tools, creation of new instruments of monitoring and evaluation parameters, as well as the tightening of the shop rates and the transition to higher levels of automation of production processes. | ||||||||
Astapov V. Y., Khoroshko L. L., Jozdani M. S., Khoroshko A. L. Manufacturing of Sheet-Metal Edge Formers of Aircraft Access Doors by Magnetic Pulse Method and Simulation Using CAD System. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 95 When designing any components of various aircrafts, it is important that the designer knows the technical capabilities of the preforming and forging production, and focuses on the most advanced technology processes of their manufacture. A large number of components used in an airplane design are composed of parts made of sheet materials, which are used as edge formers. The presence of a web, edging and various elements increasing the stiffness and reducing the weight, is common for such parts. These sheet-metal parts present intricate and mainly closed forms, the manufacturing of which by methods of the plastic deforming requires rather complicated forging outfit and their finishing to the required dimensions following the deforming. The article is concerned with a topical issue of the determination of optimal conditions of exposure to the deforming force required in the prove-out of an intricate shape forming process of edge former structures by deforming a sheet-metal workpiece with the pulsed magnet field pressure, and the simulation of this process. The process of the magnetic pulse forming makes it possible to concentrate the exposure, deforming a sheet-metal workpiece, within the range of pre-set parameters and within a specified zone, but requires a thorough adjustment of technical regimes. Recommendations are developed for the determination of the required power parameters of the sheet-metal workpiece forming process ensuring the maximum efficiency of the process that reduces the number of technological operations, the complexity and the time of manufacture of the outfit and the equipment operation. In the theoretical solution, the improved mathematical models of the magnetic pulse deforming of the sheet material were developed with account of actual mechanical characteristics of the workpiece materials. The theoretical dependences obtained were experimentally tested on samples; the assumptions and assertions made were verified. The impact of the magnetic pulse deforming on certain properties of sheet-metal part materials was determined. The proposed new technical solutions for implementing the processes developed in practice were examined. Methods for experimental testing of the high-speed magnetic pulse forming of sheet material were developed and implemented using various moulds of complex geometric surfaces, including the material shift dynamics and the impact of the deforming on the metal characteristics, as well as special aspects of the forming and influence patterns of power parameters, processing factors and tool configuration in operation of magnetic pulse sheet-metal forming were established. The influence of the magnetic pulse deforming on mechanical and process characteristics of materials after their exposure to the pulsed magnet field pressure and forming in a mould was determined. It is found out that when applying the pulsed force action, the metal is compacted, its surface hardness is increased, and micro-fractures and porosity are eliminated, that is the quality of a metal zone deformed by the pulsed magnet field is improved. ANSYS LS-DYNA program, a multipurpose software-based multi-function system of a finite-element complex, was used for the computational investigation and simulation of the magnetic pulse forming process of edge former surfaces. When solving the problems by CAD system, the geometrics of workpieces, material specifications, and energy parameters of the magnetic pulse deforming were variated. The workpiece shift and its deformation in moulds having different profile shapes were simulated. Based on the solutions obtained and in comparison with scales of equivalents, it is possible to determine any timing-wise shift of the sheet-metal workpiece web, the final finite deformation of workpieces, any stresses arising in contact zones with forming tools during the deforming and forming. | ||||||||
Efimov A. I., Il'in V. N. Methodology for analysis of objects shape data, received from video sequence of the camera. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 95 In this article we will discuss different ways of analysis of objects shape data, received from webcams. Purpose of this research was development of various areas of augmented reality and computer vision. In the analysis of the video sequence, we can distinguish several steps:
In the future we decide to develop halftone recognition to make object shape restore even more accurate. We can also create variation of described algorithms without using of special marker, but it required bunch of sophisticated changes in it. Described algorithm can be used to get object’s 3D models for create it copy on 3D printer. Next important area for us is augumented reality, because of potential of depth map to resolve problems of real and virtual objects intersections and increased range of objects for tracking. Depth maps also has an ability to create stereographic image from set of frames of video. Analysis of objects shapes is important way of development of computer vision and recognition. | ||||||||
Deniskin Y. I., Dubrovin A. V., Podkolzin V. G. Innovative production life cycle processes quality management on basis of computer aided quality management system. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 95 The article describes the work on semantic analysis of terms and definitions of national and international standards for quality management. Construction of semantic maps graphically displays the types of information flows within the information system for lifecycle processes quality management. The trend of increasing the number of applications of digital manufacturing enforces to develop new approaches in the field of quality and competitiveness of products. This kind of manufacturing is a relatively new and isn’t explored yet on domestic enterprises wide enough. Objective. Providing an integrated life cycle processes quality management of innovative products within digital manufacturing on basis of the computer aided information support. Subject of research — quality of innovative product lifecycle processes within digital manufacturing. Research methods. The research was performed using methods of the system analysis, graph theory, the principles of total quality management, expertise of quality control, methods of functional modeling (IDEF0), FMEA methodology, universal CASE-tools. Practical value of the work is to create an integrated information support tools for the designing and integrated lifecycle process management on the basis of the fundamental requirements of national and international standards in the field of lifecycle support and quality management, in accordance with the specifics of automated enterprise management systems (ERP). Developed functional and information models may serve as a basis for the rational designing of enterprise process model and for the innovative enterprises structure management. Designed qualitative methods for evaluating the quality of the life cycle processes within digital manufacturing make it possible to provide information support for quality management system foundation (control, management, maintenance, improvement, planning) within digital manufacturing. | ||||||||
Podaruev V. Y. Program code developpment experience based on Galerkin method with discontinuous basic functions of high order of accuracy. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 95 The paper enunciates the experience of developing the software based on the Galerkin method with discontinuous basis functions of high accuracy. The purpose of the work consists in describing the specifics of of the program code developing intended for use on a multiprocessor computer system. The methodollogy of the work is based on the modern approach to simulation of complicated 3D flows using Galerkin scheme with discontinuous basis functions. The methodology of this work execution includes theoretical analysis of the method, application of modern approaches to programming, verification and validation of employed ideas and demonstration of the developed code’s suitability for complicated nonlinear calculations. The result of the work are recommendations for the software developing based on modern methods of computational aerodynamics. To develop a software interface for specific codes, it is convenient to use the Python programming language. Before proceedeing to descring the computational domain topology, the calculated grid type (structured or unstructured) should be defined. It is necessary to determine what types of geometric objects are to be worked with. In the case of “serendipian” elements, the desired order of the problem approximation should be selected and the elements for linear, quadratic, cubic, etc. cases should be identified, with further changing only the sets of shape functions, characteristic to the specified elements. It is convenient herewith to realiize these sshape functions in the form of the so-called “lambda” functions included in the C++ standard. The results of this work can be applied for educational purposes in technical universities and in practical works on developing new software in scientific institutes and design offices. The main conclusion of the paper is that a high-order scheme allows diminish entropic errors while calculating the flow after stagnant zones, as well as calculate all the flow specifics, which are characteristic for flow around the high-lift wing with released slats and flaps. Modern programming approaches allow ensure the high code scalability. In addition, the main features of the Galerkin method with discontinuous functions, such as reconstruction of conservative variables, the approximation of convective, diffusion and source terms, Gaussian quadratures, with account for the surface curvature, coordinate transformations using “serendipian” elements, are briefly described. | ||||||||
Krasinsky A. Y., Ilyina A. N., Krasinskaya E. M., Rukavishnikova A. S. Mathematical and computer modeling of rover with elastic suspension longitudinal dynamics. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 95 In the paper we provide a method of constructing an accurate mathematical model and solving a steady motion stabilization problem by the example of a simple rover − a four-wheeled mobile single-link manipulator with elastic suspension. It is an actual problem [16] because Lagrange equations of the second kind are not applicable for such systems. Redundant coordinates and equations of motion in M.F. Shul’gin’s form [1-3] are used to model the mechanical part of the manipulator dynamics. Vector-matrix form of the equations is convenient for analysis and control theory and the theory of critical cases [6-8] applying. The algorithm of solving stabilization problem was developed in [10-11]. The manipulator has to move rectilinearly with a constant speed and keep its clamp (with a camera or a scanner, for example) on a specified height. The system has a geometric constraint as the link is connected with a DC motor gear wheel by an inextensible arm AB. As a control action additional tension at the anchor engine is accepted. The wheels are simulated as two springs. Solving the problem consists of a few steps:
Results of numerical computations showed that the control law provides asymptotic stability with respect to all variables. This algorithm was programmed in MATLAB. | ||||||||
Lisov A. A., Chernova T. A., Gorbunov M. S. Modeling of limiting states in the operation of electromechanical transducers. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 95 In actual operating conditions of electrical industry’s products the degrading changes of their properties should be accounted for. The object of research is various kinds of electromechanical converters, for which even a slight degradation of the properties leads to the serious technogenic aftermath. Methodological basics for solving such problems were considered and suggested; a number of regularities of degrading changes is established, and mathematical models were developed. Analysis of the characteristic parameters changes allows the four most typical types of functions for describing these regularities: the entire rational functions or polynomials; fractional rational functions; exponential functions; function describing the saturation processes. For each dependence under consideration, examples of the limiting state attainment forecast and the residual resource calculation are given. Models’ building of degrading changes supposes tabulating the measured values and selection of such approximating function, which will provide the least mean square deviation from the tabular dependence. The best results in solving the problems of this kind is ensured by the method of least squares (OLS). Analysis of considered functions degradation of processes’ descriptions allows establish the following: all functions have an initial value, known from the nameplate data on the device in service. Thus, it is expedient while the degradation changes analysis to study not the whole function, but only its degradation deviation. The initial value of the deviation function is zero, so its plot passes through the origin. When determining the number of approximating function parameters their number is reduced by one for the deflection function, therefore decreasing the order of normal OLS systems. A practical tool for predicting the modes of functioning of electrical devices and estimating the residual resource has been developed, and a residual resource has been calculated for the degradation changes described by the dependencies of a different type. Prediction of residual resource is based on the solution of nonlinear equations, in which the degradation deviation function takes normative allowable values. The solution of the equation must be determined by limiting the value of the argument, as the moment of failure. Estimation of the residual resource of the device was performed based on the moment of failure. | ||||||||
Aleroeva H. T., Aleroev T. S. Fractional differential equations and kernels, and small vibrations of mechanical systems. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 94
The article studies the Dirichlet boundary value problem for the equation of motion of an oscillator with viscoelastic damping in the case when the damping order is greater than one but less than two. Such problems simulate many physical processes, in particular, string vibrations in a viscous medium, changes in the deformation-strength characteristics of polymer concrete during loading, etc. Earlier, in the case, when the order of the fractional derivative is less than one, the authors established basic oscillation properties, using the methods of perturbation theory. They are as follows. All the frequencies are simple (i. e., the amplitude function of the natural oscillation of a given frequency is uniquely determined up to a constant factor); the natural oscillation with the lowest frequency In the case when the order of the fractional derivative is greater than one, the previously used technique based on perturbation theory for the study of oscillatory properties does not work. In this paper, we investigate the Green’s function of the corresponding problem, which allows us to establish the positivity of this Green’s function. From this fact, some oscillatory properties follow for the equation of motion of an oscillator with viscoelastic damping in the case when the order of the fractional derivative is greater than one. Since the application of the first eigenvalues is usually of the greatest interest in applied problems, the results obtained can be applied to evaluate the study of the natural oscillation with the lowest frequency, and also to establish that the fundamental tone has no nodes. | ||||||||
Kuroedov A. A., Borisov D. M. Effect of averaging method of solid propellant power plant operating parameters on acoustic vibrations damping factor. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 94 The article deals with studying the work process stability in a solid propellant power plant (SPPP) chambers with respect to small pressure perturbations. The research method is based on the energy approach, which allows evaluate the gas flow stability, comparing the disturbances energy inflow and outflow. The aim of this study is the analysis of the two time averaging methods of the SPPP chamber parameters – simplified time averaging widely used in the foreign studies of the SPPP stability (No 1), and common time averaging (No 2). The analysis is based on calculations of the first longitudinal acoustic mode oscillations damping factor for the three types SPPP chambers for various applications with tubular grain. The acoustic disturbances in steady incompressible gas flow propagating in a cylindrical channel with permeable walls are considered. The first oscillation longitudinal mode damping factor is determined with averaging small isentropic perturbation energy equation over the chamber volume and time. The damping factor as a function of the tubular grain radius of the three SPPP types calculated by two time averaging methods was obtained through computational experiment. It was found that for all SPPPs under consideration the work process in combustion chamber is more stable while using averaging No 1 to averaging No 2. The greatest difference was observed for the small-scale SPPP. Relative divergences for small-scale, mid-size and large SSSPs are 61%, 32% and 26% correspondingly. According to the performed studies, a conclusion was made that the time averaging No 2 is more suitable for practical calculations. | ||||||||
Berezko M. E., Nikitchenko Y. A., Tikhonovets A. V. Joint of kinetic and hydrodynamic models by the example of the Couette flow. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 94 The problem of setting the boundary conditions on a solid surface for the viscous heat-conducting gas equations becomes very relevant in the case of hypersonic and moderately rarefied flows. The statement of the boundary conditions at the level of gas-dynamic variables results in significant errors for relatively large Mach values (M) and Knudsen (Kn) numbers. Physically adequate formulation of the boundary conditions on active (absorbing or releasing the gas) surfaces is impossible without considering molecular processes.
The kinetic models describing the gas flow at the molecular level make it possible to set the physically adequate conditions on the surfaces with different properties for any flow regime. However, the kinetic calculation of the flow field of complex geometry by The purpose of this work is the development of a physical-mathematical flow model (KIN_NSF) containing the Navier-Stokes-Fourier model (NSF), «joined» to the kinetic model equation of polyatomic gases. The kinetic model is used in the near-wall Knudsen layer. The remaining flow range is described by the NSF model. In the range of the model, joining the approximating velocity distribution function of molecules is recovered by the parameters determined by the NSF model. It represents the expansion of the local-balanced distribution function in terms of the thermal velocity. The expansion coefficients (unbalanced stresses and heat fluxes) are presented in the Navier-Stokes approximation. The developed KIN_NSF model is efficient enough for the practical applications and at the same time allows setting the boundary conditions at the kinetic level of the gas with the surface interaction processes description.
A series of test calculations has been performed on the example of a flat Couette flow in the intervals
The results of the calculations revealed that the KIN_NSF model is not much inferior in accuracy to the kinetic model, and it substantially exceeds it in the efficiency. With When describing flows of the dense gases, the economy of the KIN-NSF model does not depend on the Kn number and depends weakly on the M number, which is typical for the NSF model. | ||||||||
Novak K. V., Oleshko V. S., Starikova I. O., Toforov M. S. Analysis of complexes with unmanned aerial vehicles used by special operations forces of the United States of America. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 94 As effective military instruments, used to amplify its political and military influence abroad, mainly in third world countries, the USА is considering special operations forces. One of the actively used in recent years, the types of weapons the special operations forces of the USА are the complexes with unmanned aerial vehicles, which, in order to enhance the effectiveness of special operations forces, capable of solving the following main tasks: – obtaining in advance, or constantly in the course of warfare intelligence information about the enemy by its transfer on control points in real time; the results of targeting on mobile, time-critical and again you manifest to order to command posts, aircraft, ships, and weapons outfitted with equipment retarget in-flight (cruise missiles, sea- and air-based); – jamming weapons and retransmission signals; – defeat of enemy on call of duty provisions in the air or on the ground. Armed forces special operations United States at present-presence of the complexes with unmanned aerial vehicles of various ranges from multi-purpose unmanned aerial vehicles long range reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicles of small and middle range. Currently, units of the special operations forces of the USA successfully used the complexes with unmanned aerial vehicles RQ-11 “Raven” and the RQ-14 “Dragon eye”, “Puma” and “WASP AE”, PD-100 “Black Hornet”. On the basis of the conducted analysis of tactical complexes of the special operations forces of the USА and considered international experience, it is possible to argue that the Armed forces of the Russian Federation: – is the actual application of tactical complexes with unmanned aerial vehicles in the interests of tactical units and special operations forces; – is it appropriate to conduct scientific research in the development of miniature unmanned aerial vehicles as a component of the advanced equipment of the Armed forces of the Russian Federation; – is it appropriate to conduct scientific research in the field of combating tactical complexes with unmanned aerial vehicles a potential enemy. | ||||||||
Ershov G. V., Murlaga A. R. Unitized ultra-broadband system for helicopters’ individual passive protection. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 94 The article discusses passive jamming systems development allowing decrease helicopter signature from prospective observation and guidance facilities in infrared, laser and visible centimeter wavelength ranges. The standard ejection unit, as a part of modern helicopters configuration and meant for false thermal targets jettison, was taken as a basis of the suggested system. The false thermal targets ensure signature reduction only within the infrared wavelength range. Thus, the authors suggest supplementing the standard ejection unit with special ammunition to form the cloud (screen) of volume-distributed composition from nano-structured carbon material (technical carbon of “Veil” brand). While furnishing the standard unit, the volume of the chamber, containing the powder, in the suggested ammunition will be 58.9 cm3. With bulk density of 195 kg/m3 of technical carbon of “Veil” brand the weight of powder contained in the chamber is 11.5 g. The number of the ejected ammunition ensuring the cloud (screen) formation depends on the helicopter type, as well as the types of observation and guidance facilities, weather conditions etc. The efficiency of the suggested engineering solutions was confirmed by the results of laboratory and actual test. These results revealed that a) the transmission factor of the technical carbon of “Veil” brand varies within the range of 7% to 15% within the above pointed wavelengths range; b) the absorption of about 85% is reached with technical carbon concentration of 25·10-4 g/ml; c) with technical carbon concentration increase the absorption factor increases either. The system suggested in the article is able to ensure effective protection of helicopters from prospective observation and guidance facilities due to its wide spectral range and unique electrodynamic properties the technical carbon of “Veil” brand. Further studies will include model developing and experimental studies related to the particles’ distribution of the technical carbon of “Veil” brand particles in the cloud (screen) depending on ejection conditions. | ||||||||
Krivoruchko D. D., Kuli-zade M. E., Skorokhod E. P., Skrylev A. V. Spontaneous emission probabilities for ion ХеII and distribution of excited states in low-temperature plasma of Hall-effect Thruster. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 94 Nonequilibrium low-temperature xenon plasma of Hall-effect Thruster (HT) was investigated by spectroscopic measurements in the 250 - 1100 nm range. e Facility and investigation methodology description is discussed in detail in [1]. The problem researched is to find coefficients for all xenon lines using various models and experimental values of the lines intensities, to determine concentrations of excited states (population), to construct distribution of excited states (DES). Within the framework of the six models the probability calculations including radiative transitions related to the lowest levels are considered. The examined probabilities are tabulated. A comparison is made with the experimentally obtained results of papers [20-21]. Based on the spectrum data, a DES was constructed for each position of the recording equipment: 1) the lens was mounted coaxially with the HET stream and "look" at the center of the channel; 2) the radiation was sel ected by an external lens system perpendicular to the axis of the engine at a distance of 1 cm from the cut; 3) the radiation was taken at an angle of 14 ° to the axis of the HET, starting from the channel cut; 4) - in a different plane, from the position 1 to 12 down. The distributions for different parts of the plasma jet 1-4 are of the same nature. For position 2, the distributions were analyzed using the Einstein coefficients calculated with different models. The structure of the DES is sensitive to the choice of the model for calculating the probabilities of radiative transitions. The intermediate type of coupling for the angular dependences of the matrix elements did not lead to the expected result. The DES based on these data had pronounced energy oscillations, what could have been caused by the erroneous determination of the percentage of different states. The use of the LS- coupling in combination with all three models of calculating radial integrals does not give a wide spread of populations. The DES using experimentally determined Einstein coefficients [20-21]agrees well with the results when the probabilities were calculated in the Hartree-Fock-Slater approximation with the LS- type of coupling. The concept of a state vector is introduced, as a combination of the distributions of the excited states of an atom with analogous ion distributions. Just as in atomic physics, for each atom, there is a different level scheme (Grotrian) corresponding to the wavelengths of the ruled spectrum, so any plasma has its own "bar code" in the form of individual distributions of excited states of atoms and ions obtained fr om spectra. | ||||||||
Kanev S. V. Flow of electrons in weak stationary magnetic field. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 94
The wide spread plasma conductivity models as applied to certain types electric rocket thrusters give results inconsistent with the experiment data on local and integral parameters of plasma in magnetic field. The goal of this article was development of a mathematical model of electrons flow through the magnetic field, which may be used for parameters computation of such kind of thrusters. Analysis of gas discharges in ion thrusters, such as stationary plasma thrusters (SPT) and thrusters with anode layer (TAL), revealed two specific features of magnetic fields used in them. Firstly, the width of the area with magnetic field is comparable to Larmor radius of electron. Secondly, due to plasma sparsity the electron collision with heavy particles are quite seldom, i. e. The developed model’s application to SPT and TAL discharge voltage computation revealed close agreement with the experimental data. | ||||||||
Belousov A. P., Mel'nikov A. V., Khartov S. A. The model of electrons dynamics in a discharge chamber of a high-frequency ion thruster. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 94 Fundamental research of the properties of high-frequency discharge is needed to improve the energy characteristics of high-frequency ion thrusters. And the development for this purpose a simplified physical model of the dynamics of electrons will allow us to quickly numerically estimate the most favorable conditions that ensure the efficient transfer of high-frequency field energy to electrons in the plasma. Analysis of the characteristics of an inductive discharge in the gas-discharge chamber of a high-frequency ion thruster has allowed to determine the main dependences for finding the distribution of concentration and temperature of electrons along the radius of the ionizer. The distribution of the concentration of electrons along the radius of the ionization chamber is determined by the distribution of the potential of plasma arising because more movable electrons leave the plasma volume faster than ions. Using the Harrison and Thompson solution for the flat approximation can be obtained the distribution of the potential of plasma. And, substituting this solution into the Boltzmann equation which connect the potential of plasma and the concentration of electrons, possible to calculate the distribution of concentration of electrons along the radius of the gas-discharge chamber. The distribution of temperature of electrons, depends on the intensity of the vortex electric field in the volume of the discharge chamber. The induced electric fields are determined by the system of Maxwell’s equations. These fields can be calculated by the finite element method in the COMSOL Multiphysics program. The comparison of the obtained numerical results with the experimental data is showed the possibility of using the proposed dependencies for a preliminary assessment of the local plasma parameters in a gas chamber of a high-frequency ion thruster. | ||||||||
Kopylov A. V., Tikhomirov . A., Mokretsova O. V. Thermal protection systems for combined rocket-ramjet solid fuel engine. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 94 On the basis of multifactorial analysis, computational research and tests carried out constructively-similar samples developed the following thermal protection system structures of a combined rocket-ramjet engine solid fuel (KRPD-T):
Also in work the analysis of use on the outer surface of the housing KRPD-T outer thermal barrier coatings — based low molecular weight silicone rubber to protect against aerodynamic heating. Study outer thermal barrier coatings outdoor temperature is confirmed by testing structurally similar samples. The system of thermal protection allow you to:
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Sinitsin A. A. Calculation of Interplanetary Earth-Mars Low Thrust Transfer without Method of Gravispheres. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 94 The article considers the spacecraft interplanetary transfer from circular low Earth orbit to circular low orbit near Mars by propulsion system with constant values of thrust and specific impulse. The main goal of the article consists in null length gravispheres method inaccuracy estimation. Due to the nearness of planets’ phases, the simulation revealed substantial for heliocentric phase value of excessive hyperbolical velocity on the edge of gravispheres. while applying conventional technique, imposing the null value of excessive hyperbolical velocity for the trajectory conjugate phases and the planets’ heliocentric phase. These simplifications affect the transfer effectiveness figures, namely, transfer duration and final mass. Another factor, defining the value of gravispheres method inaccuracy consists in neglecting the long duration of gravitational attraction of the Sun on planet phases, as well as of the planets on heliocentric phase of spacecraft trajectory. The article presents the developed technique for direct determination of spacecraft trajectory (without applying gravispheres method) including Earth, Sun and Mars gravitational attraction effect on a spacecraft (as Newton’s dynamic model). Thrust vector direction is defined from solving variation problem with transfer duration as performance index (minimum time problem) applying necessary optimality condition in the form of Pontryagin’s maximum principle. Maximum principle application allowed simplify variation problem to the three points boundary value problem, solved numerically. Comparison of transfer performance indexes, i. e. duration and final spacecraft mass, obtained by the developed technique implementation, and application of gravispheres method is presented. In the last case on planet phases variants of parabolic velocity and hyperbolic excess velocity with value similar to the direct solution (without gravispheres method applying) is considered. Presented computation results revealed worsening of transfer duration and final mass in the case of applying gravispheres method vs. direct trajectory calculation (4-11% for duration and 2-6% for mass). | ||||||||
Efremov A. V., Alexandrov V. V., Valerov K. V. The research on influence of manipulator type and kind of control signal on pilot-aircraft system characteristics. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 94 Two types of possible feel system are considered. One of them is the displacement sensing where the signal transmitted to flight control system is proportional to the stick displacement. The other one is the force sensing where the output from the manipulator is proportional to the force. The analysis of pilot model taking into account two loops in neuromuscular system demonstrated the potentiality of the force sensing type of the feel system in decrease of the phase delay in pilot describing function. The ground-based simulation was carried out for the exposition of feel system types effects. For that purpose the pitch and roll tracking tasks were executed for the different controlled element dynamics, stick stiffness, for the side and central sticks. The experiments demonstrated that usage of the force sensing type of the feel system causes the decrease of pilot phase frequency response characteristics for all investigated variables. The effect is higher for the controlled element dynamics with improved flying qualities and smaller manipulator stick stiffness. The phase delay was decreased up to 120 deg in longitudinal channel and up to 140 deg in lateral channel. The increase of the spring stiffness decreases this effect up to 50÷700 in lateral and longitudinal channels. The usage of force sensing type of feel system causes the decrease of variance of error up 40÷700 in the both channel. Such effects took place for the side and central sticks too. The experiments demonstrated that in lateral channel pilot generates higher phase delay in comparison with longitudinal channel especially for the case of dynamics with deteriorated flying qualities. | ||||||||
Makarenkova N. A. Solar sail spatial position control. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 94 The solar sail, represented in the form of a thin rotating mirror film attached to a cylindrical rigid insertion, is considered. The flywheel is introduced to compensate the kinetic moment of the “rigid insertion—film” system. The author suggests to use albedo’s changes for creating the control moment. It will result in the structure elements’ kinetic moments vectors non-collinearity. As a result, the spacecraft will start rotating around the axis coinciding with the sum of these vectors. To study the advantages of the described control method, an assessment of the time and energy required for the solar sail reorientation in the case of a structure without compensating flywheel and with its presence is made. It is established, that the change in the angular velocity of the “rigid insert—film” system due to the tangential component of the light pressure force is 0.01% of the initial value. In view of this value’s smallness, a decision was taken to neglect it in the further investigation. The shape of the film surface under the effect of the gyroscopic moment occurring while the sail surface albedo changing was established. The dependence of the film deviation from the plane of the rigid inserting from the angular velocity of the sail turn was obtained. The results of the conducted studies reveal that for a solar sail with a flywheel the turn time decreased by more than two times, and energy consumption decreased almost by factor of seven, compared to the solar sail structure without a flywheel. | ||||||||
Starovoitov E. I. Space system reflectors’ metallization selection for orbital Earth surface lighting. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 94 Energy consumption growth continues worldwide and human activities negative consequences are manifested in ever-increasing degree. Electric power generation for the nighttime lighting leads to heavy consumption of hydrocarbon fuel. The negative consequences for the ecology can be reduced by dint of space technologies, using reflected sunlight for the nighttime lighting. The article analyzes spectrum of reflected Sun radiation from metallic coatings of various types of reflectors’, used in the space system for orbital Earth surface lighting. It is known by now that artificial lighting can disrupt at night photo-biological reactions of various living bodies, including humans. The short-wavelength spectrum region should be pointed out specially, featuring pronounced photo-biological effect. Thus, the author suggests to reduce the reflected Sun radiation flux in short-wavelength region (ultraviolet radiation and blue color), exerting the strongest biological effect. To ease the load on operator’s visual organs and reduce the undesirable effect on ecology, various metallic coatings are recommended for use in the orbital lighting system. Five types of metallic coatings for space reflector, namely aluminum, silver, titanium, copper and golden, were considered in the article. Reflectors with silver coating are suitable for ultraviolet radiation reduction (0.28–0.38 mcm) in reflected radiation, and for ultraviolet radiation reduction (0.28–0.38 mcm) and lighting by blue color(0.44—0.48 mcm) reflectors with copper and golden coatings can be used. At the same time, taking into account the entire set of requirements, titanium coating is optimal choice of reflector coating. | ||||||||
Saba A. ., Thanh P. C. Optimization of Solar Energy Harvesting While Powering Wireless Methane Sensor from Renewable Energy Sources. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 94 Recently, there has been growing research interest in the application of wireless sensor networks (WSN) for monitoring of gas concentration at industrial facilities and in urban areas. Methane monitoring is one of the areas where WSNs can be used. In the absence of grid power, the operation of wireless methane sensors is determined by the capacity of their onboard batteries. The battery replacement or charging procedure can become a limiting factor for wireless sensor networks consisting of a large number of nodes or those located in difficult to access areas, such as networks used in some oil and gas projects. In this work, a hybrid power supply based on renewable energy sources is developed to increase the autonomous operation time of wireless methane sensors. The power supply converts solar and wind energy into electrical energy stored in supercapacitors. This paper describes two algorithms allowing increase the efficiency of supercapacitors charging in hybrid power supplies. The first one is a maximum power point tracking technique (MPPT) by finding what maximum power from solar panel can be achieved. According to the algorithm, maximum power point tracking is performed by changing the discharge time and comparing the output power of the solar panel before and after these changes. Load balancing mechanism ceases in case of obtaining a maximum power point. Rebalancing is performed by periodically changing the inductor discharge time. The second algorithm provides an efficient switching mechanism for supercapacitor charging. Both algorithms are applied to a power supply, which harvests solar and wind energy and is used for powering an autonomous wireless methane sensor. | ||||||||
Kazakov V. A., Senyuev I. V. Measuring temperature distribution on the sample surface while testing in thermal wind tunnel. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 94 While conducting experiments in the thermal wind tunnel it is necessary to measure the temperature distribution on the sample surface within the range up to 3000°C. This task is solved with pyrometry, allowing temperature measuring by equilibrium radiation’s registration of the studied object in visible or near infrared spectral range. The complexity of the optical temperature measurement is caused by the absence of precise information on the tested model’s materials emissivity. Very often, these materials are novel, and information on their optical properties is inaccessible. Furthermore, the chemical composition of the sample surface may alter during the experiment and, in some cases, the surface destruction may occur. All these processes can change surface emissivity significantly. It should be noted, that emissivity change over the surface could appear rather non-uniform. Thus, it is necessary to use temperature-measuring methods, which do not require information on the tested object emissivity. As a rule, the tested objects are axisymmetric or flat bodies, and, therefore, the information on a temperature distribution along one line on the sample surface is sufficient. The multi-channel spectrometer based on digital CCD camera was developed. It ensures a momentary acquisition of emission spectra along a certain line. The spectrometer consists of two lenses, slit diaphragm, diffraction grating and CCD camera with a lens. The radiation of the heated object is passing through two lenses and falls on diffraction grating. Lenses are combined to form the Kepler telescope scheme, producing the parallel beam. The third lens is used to form the spectral image of the slit on CCD array. The developed multi-channel spectrometer was tested in TsAGI together with NRU MPEI. Tests proved the performance of the spectrometer and the ability to measure temperature distribution in the absence of emissivity value of the sample material. | ||||||||
Amenitskiy M. V. Medium and heavy class uavs control system potential threats analysis. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 94 The goal of the article consists in substantiation of aerial flying vehicles’ (UAV) control systems analysis with a view to the present ability of control interception and confidential information discredit. The author developed the UAV control system’s information influence algorithm based on STANAG 4586 Edition No 3 Control System (UCS) Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) NATO Standardization Agreement 4586. The presented algorithm determines possible channels for impact. The basic criterion for determining the system element as subjected to an external impact is existence of communications links, passing through the space points accessible for an intruder. To confirm the impact possibility, the supposed attack scenario is described using the suggested impact vector. The article considers various impact directions, which goal consists in intercepting control over the UAV, and reveals various merits and demerits of each of them. The UAV control system information flows algorithm was developed. The revealed impact vectors were analyzed by the “strengths and weaknesses” method. Several requirements to activities on UAV prototype model design management aimed at information security enhancement of the UAV control system were determined. It was revealed in the course of the studies that the most effective impact on the control system of medium and heavy class UAVs is the impact on the systems of spatial positioning and navigation. | ||||||||
Anisimov O. V., Kurchidis V. A. Diagnostic information formation in the form of electronic equipment electrical circuits’ fragments. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 94 Transition to the electronic representation of electric circuits in the existing information support systems does not ensure significant time gain while forming diagnostic information in the form of electric circuits’ fragments. It restricts the information support systems’ abilities on reducing duration of technical diagnostics and recovery of electronic equipment of complex technical systems. The time of complex technical systems recovery can be reduced by decreasing the time necessary for forming diagnostic information in the form of electric circuits’ fragments. The proposed method contributes to the recovery time of complex technical systems reduction by improving the efficiency of information support automation means of the diagnostic systems. This method allows forming diagnostic information in the form of electric circuits’ fragments based on their structural and functional properties’ description in object notions and terms of natural language. The presented method is based on the mathematical apparatus of the theory of sets and relations, predicate calculus, the theory of formal languages and grammars. There is a good reason to consider the obtained results as methodological basis for the modern information support systems for technical diagnostics, oriented on applying an electronic folder of the product as an information base of such systems. It contributes to functionality enhancing of the relevant information support systems. Implementation of the proposed method allows repeatedly reduce the diagnostic information formation time of electronic equipment electric schemes in the form of fragments and to decrease the recovery time of complex technical systems up to 14%. From a practical point of view, the proposed method ensures a time reduction of the diagnostic information formation. This method creates a formalized base for the architecture development of information support system for technical diagnosis process. The aggregate of the obtained results is aimed at electronic equipment models and methods representation on account of the necessity to form diagnostic information in the corresponding application domain. This work is a starting point for further research in the field of process of information support of the complex technical systems’ technical diagnostics. The developed method of the diagnostic information formation while complex technical systems recovery is based on implementation of the aggregate of models and methods, ensuring concordance of conceptual and schematic and graphical representation of radio electronic equipment based on elements’ patterns of electric circuits. | ||||||||
Osipov N. A., Shavin A. S., Tarasov A. G. Methods of identification interference taking part in robotic systems broadcasting. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 94 In the conditions of electromagnetic radiations impact, various by the nature of emergence and nature of distorting influence, for increase of autonomy of robotic systems from positions of information transfer it is necessary to solve two problems: to provide authentic transfer of important and technological information and to distinguish the transferred information distortion reasons. The Methods of identification interference, is based on the solution of a problem of classification. As the signs describing distorting influence of hindrances, estimates of random variables which characterize are used, how many time each important and technological team, taking into account the compelled repetitions was transferred, a Fisher’s linear discriminant strengthened by Bagging algorithm is chosen as the qualifier. The methods of identification interference operating in the communication channel of robotic systems, including three main points is developed: – formation of a vector of signs of distorting influence of hindrances; – identification of a vector of the signs characterizing distorting influence of hindrances; – the alarm system to the operator on management point. In article offers on realization of a technique of identification of hindrances in intellectual system of recognition of the transferred information distortion reasons are presented. Application of the developed methods of identification interference in common with way of non-uniform error-detected coding allows to localize the information distortion reason in a communication channel and to exclude possibility of passing of unreliable information. The methods of identification interference can be realized in intellectual system of recognition of the transferred information distortion reason and to be a segment of system of support of decision-making. | ||||||||
Arnol'dova E. A., Balalaev A. Y., Zaytsev A. G. Effectiveness evaluation results of multiple-beam self-focusing adaptive antenna arrays of radio-electronic systems. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 94 The goal of the paper consist in Effectiveness evaluation results of multiple-beam self-focusing adaptive antenna arrays of radio-electronic systems. The paper considers information radio-electronic system searching for radiation sources in conditions of complex signal-jamming environment, characterized by a priori uncertainty relative to their number and spatial position. The radiation sources’ signals feature overlapped energy spectra. The search is performed by the adaptaion results of the multiple-beam self-focusing adaptive antenna arrays as a part of antenna block of information radio-electronic system. The adaptation result represents separate estimations of the radiation sources signals’ amplitude-phase distribution at the aperture of the radio-electronic system antenna block. It allows form separate spatial channels for receiving the signals from radiation sources according to maximum criterion of signal/interference + noise ratio. The signal detection is based on Neyman-Pearson criterion by sampling results analysis, formed at the output of each spatial receiving channel. Estimation errors occurrence of vector of parameters of the multiple-beam self-focusing adaptive antenna arrays results in signal/interference + noise ratio decrease in spatial receiving channels, and, as a consequence, to efficiency reduction of radio-electronic systems by criterion of “correct detection probability”. Evaluation of the total error’s fluctuation value of the vector of parameters of the multiple-beam self-focusing adaptive antenna arrays was executed using a well-known estimation technique, as well as according to the simulation results of the considered adaptation algorithms. The obtained results revealed the parameter, mainly affecting the fluctuation value in evaluations of amplitude-phase distribution formed according to the results of the multiple-beam self-focusing adaptive antenna arrays adaptation. This parameter is angular misregistration of the radiation sources between each other. At keeping herewith the equality of the radiation sources’ angular positions the fluctuation error value would be affected by their number and bandwidth value of the self-adjustment closed loop of the multiple-beam self-focusing adaptive antenna arrays. | ||||||||
Linkevichius A. P. Optimization method of adaptive phased antenna array technical state monitoring and control complex. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 94 The goal of the work consists in optimization method development of decision-making on technical servicing (TS) of adaptive phased antenna array (APAA), including the structure of works, periodicity and TS duration. The decision-making on servicing and recovery is realized in the framework of the unified APAA technical conditions monitoring and control complex, which is developed using reliability characteristics’ modeling, and internal control systems abilities. The research methodology accounts for the availability of the APAA hardware and software components and uses modern logical-and-probabilistic methods for the reliability analysis of the systems under restoration, based on reliability flowcharts. The problem of reliability characteristics optimization (probability of no-failure and readiness factor) is formulated as the basic method for adaptive TS. Its practical realization is based on implementation of numerical methods for solving an optimization problem. The author suggests a design method of a complex for monitoring and control of technical state of prospective APAAs based on complex use of built-in monitoring data and numerical solution of optimization problem. To that end, the APAA reliability model, accounting for its specificity as highly reliable information system and including the redundancy specifics, was developed successively. This complex based on practical use of the reliability model allows compute the content and structure of TS complex, which will ensure the optimal combination of duration, scope, TS periodicity and APAA reliability characteristics (readiness factor optimization). The obtained results can be applied in the field of reliability increasing and operational life extension of APAA and radar stations in total. | ||||||||
Izmaylov A. A., Volkov A. P. Low – profile wideband antenna with improve pattern, using artificial magnetic conductors (AMC) surface ground. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 94 Active antennas’ array are the main type of perspective aviation and space radar complex of different appointment, with the wideband of working frequencies, consist of vibrator systems, which located over the metal screen. One of the important parameters either for aircrafts and for space systems - is profile height of antenna. As for aircraft, it is important to protect aerodynamics of airplane, for space systems, it is important for compact location antenna inside fairing. The perspective method of lowering the profile height is using periodical microwave composite structures with parameters of artificial magnetic conductors (AMC). AMC structures working in the quasi-static field (wave length more than period of structure) and defined by equivalent parameters in quasi-static approximation. The tangent component of magnetic field on AMC structure is equal to zero, and reflective coefficient is +1. The paper presents the composite L – a band structures to improve characteristics of antenna’s system. AMCs have been chosen as design concept of the baseline array element due to the significant size of reduction they can offer. Although the majority of satellite communications operates at frequencies above L-band, there are interesting opportunities for satellite communications in the very high frequency (VHF)/ultra-high frequency (UHF) spectrum. A standard printed square patch has been selected as reference low-profile element. The binary patch emitter was chosen to improve the directive characteristics of antenna. Desiged antenna has the lateral dimension of 14 millimeters (0.093λ0), staying wave ratio below 2, and directivity 10 dB, working band of frequency is 40%. Traditional case of location vibrator over AMC surface compared with developed antenna. | ||||||||
Korolev V. O., Gudaev R. A., Kulikov S. V., Aldohina V. N. Solution of a problem on object’s type recognition based on antennae's directional pattern as a feature. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 94 The goal of the article consists in object type recognition algorithm developing, based on antennae system’s direction pattern. To achieve this goal the authors suggest the distance function use, which determines the difference between various radiation pattern cuts of the antennae systems. The decision-making on the type of the object under recognition is performed using Student criterion. The algorithm proposed in the article allows the object recognition performing based on directional diagrams with the ability of the significance level variation. Based on the presented data, the authors draw inference on the possibility of the object type recognition problem solution by applying the directional pattern of the antennae system, constructed according to the measurement results, as a recognition feature. The proposed algorithm allows perform the object type recognition based on antennae directional pattern, constructed according to the measurement results. The problem is topical, notwithstanding the difficulties associated with multiple beam structure of directional patterns of antennae systems. Addition of new recognition features allows describe the object in more details and increase the probability of the object recognition correctness according to features aggregate. | ||||||||
Boev S. F., Zyuzin A. V., Kostrykin P. A., Khaibutov K. E., Khaibutov M. E. Possibilities of application of multifrequency quasinoise signals in the conditions of conducting radio engineering intelligence by the opponent. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 94 The purpose of article is assessment of reserve and consideration of a possibility of application of multifrequency quasinoise signals in reserved radio engineering systems in the conditions of conducting radio engineering investigation by the opponent. On the basis of a mathematical model of the broadband multi-frequency quasinoise signal synthesized with use of conversion of Jacobi-Angera in article the method of formation of the considered broadband signal realized on the modern element basis is considered. It is shown that generation of a multi-frequency signal is carried out on the basis of the harmonic phase shift keying of basic narrow-band accidental process which is rather just realized in practice with normal distribution of the instantaneous values, by expansion in a row on Bessel functions of the first kind. The multi-frequency quasinoise signal described in article in the form of a pica of a body of uncertainty in the required intervals on time of delay and on the Doppler shift on frequency is close to a noise signal. For certain initial conditions — equality of a band of the initial narrow-band accidental process and frequency of phase harmonic shift keying, the range of a multi-frequency quasinoise signal becomes continuous and shumobodobny. The dependences of assessment of an index of Lyapunov and probability of disclosure of a signal structure on frequency change of phase shift keying of MCh KSh of a signal calculated by means of simulation modeling in case of the modified interpolation method allow to conclude that in case of increase in frequency of phase shift keying there is a rise of values of the considered index and reduction of probability of disclosure of structure of a signl. It occurs in connection with proportional broad banding of frequencies of the occupied MCh KSh a signal. Application of multi-frequency quasinoise signals of big duration and occupying the considerable frequency band will allow to increase reserve of operation of radar station in the conditions of guiding by the opponent of radio engineering investigation, saving at the same time high resolution capability on range and speed. | ||||||||
Ibragimov D. N. The minimum-time correction of the satellite's orbit. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 94 The minimum-time problem of the correction of the movement of the satellite is considered in this paper. The orbit of the spacecraft is assumed to be circular. Correction Correction is carried out by means of low-thrust engines capable of generating acceleration in the radial and transverse directions. Controls are assumed to be ideal and impulsive. It is proved that the initial problem can be reduced to the minimum-time problem for the linear non-stationary system with discrete time and limited control. The solution of the minimum-time problem for a non-stationary linear discrete-time system is based on the use of the class of sets of 0-controllability — such sets of states of the system from which the origin can be reached in N steps, starting with step k. For the case when the set of feasible controls is a strictly convex body with non-empty interior, an analytic description of the sets of 0-controllability is constructed: each set can be represented as the algebraic sum of strictly convex sets, i.e. it is also a strictly convex set. The lemma on the uniqueness of the expansion of the boundary point of the sum of two strictly convex sets is proved. It is possible to construct a criterion for the optimality of the trajectory of the system and control on the basis of this lemma. The trajectory and controls is connected with each other by a system of conjugate vectors. The obtained results are formulated in the form of the maximum principle. It is also proved that the initial state of the conjugate system is a normal to the set of 0-controllabillity, whose boundary point is the initial state of the control system. For the case, when a set of feasible controls is an ellipsoid, an explicit form of optimal control is proposed. It is proved that if the initial state is an internal point, then the maximum principle becomes incorrect, and optimal control is not unique. Nevertheless, an algorithm is proposed that makes it possible to reduce the given case to the considered one. The obtained theoretical results are applied to the problem of correcting the satellite’s orbit. The results of the calculations are given in the table. | ||||||||
Belyaeva O. V., Paschenko O. B., Philippov M. V. Fast bilateral filtering of aerial images based on decomposition of spatial filters. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 94 The paper considers the problem of fast bilateral filtering of aerial photographs, which allows eliminate small-sized noise and interference, while maintaining sharp boundaries of the objects, necessary for the initial frame processing. Hence, the emphasis is increasing the rate of bilateral filtration as an important stage of the frames processing and restoration. To solve the problem, a fast method of bilateral filtering based on decomposition into independent spatial filters, which allow aerial photographs filtering by several processes simultaneously is considered. To achieve the processing speed of the bilateral filter, a method based on decomposition into recursive Gaussian spatial filters is proposed. Unlike the ordinary bilateral filtration, the presented filter can be parallelized. According to the method, N sets of linear independent filters (components) are computed based on N ranges of pixel intensities on the processed frame. The number of ranges is user-defined (from 2 to 255). The remaining components are computed by bilinear interpolation from the already obtained components. Each component requires computation of two filters, rank and spatial. Hence, the computational complexity of the method will depend on the calculation of the spatial filters in the N components. The Gauss kernel approximation proposed by Deriche are used in the article for the spatial filters quick computing. This allows increasing the rate by several times, using the pre-calculated filter coefficients that specify the form of the Gaussian function, instead of costly computing the Gaussian distribution of each pixel in the frame. The coefficients are calculated from the infinite impulse response of the Gaussian filter, which can be represented by a recursive sequence with constant coefficients. Thus, the article reduces the time of bilateral filtration due to bilinear interpolation over N independent spatial filters. The time for calculating the spatial filters is reduced due to the use of the fast Gaussian filtering method by Deriche based on constant coefficients. The article also uses parallel calculation of independent components of the proposed method of bilateral filtration. The steps, proposed in this article allow get real-time results. | ||||||||
Dudakov N. S., Makarov K. V., Putyato S. A. Model of real-time information systems for problems with a wide range of input data. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 94 The purpose of this article is database modelling for real-time special-purpose systems. It is shown that the use of the all-purpose client-server databases for solving the air force and air defense tasks leads to poor query performance. In some cases, the use of more simple distributed databases allows reducing the query time by 90%, but the amount of data does not allow using them as a single solution. Given the limitations of the scientific and methodological methods for evaluating the effectiveness of the database, the article offers a method of modeling the database, which allows to parametrize data and evaluate database performance. Database modelling helps to carry out the management structure of the database. Database modeling is made by mathematical methods of queuing theory, the DBMS performance criteria are based on the average execution time of queries to the database. This article provides a method for constructing an optimal database structure when using a distributed inhomogeneous database for processing of data with a wide range of characteristics. Restrictions in optimization problem are based on database load. The optimization problem is reduced to the Boolean satisfiability problem — the problem of determining if there exists an interpretation that satisfies a given Boolean formula. The variation of the branch and bound algorithm is used to solve the SAT-problem. It is shown that the design of real-time database management system based on database modeling techniques can significantly increase the performance of data processing. This article provides a model of a database management system as a queuing system. It is shown that the application of optimal control database structure allows you to double the capacity in dealing with real-time heterogeneous tasks. | ||||||||
Gurevich O. S., Kesselman M. G., Trofimov A. S., Chernyshov V. I. State-of-the-art wireless technologies: problems of application onboard an aircraft. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 94 Many realizations of wireless technologies found application in various technology areas. Intensive search process for the trends of wireless systems and units implementation, allowing rapidly gain an appreciable economic effect, commenced in aviation industry. Expert judgments reveal that wireless technologies implementation will allow develop highly efficient aircraft control, monitoring and diagnostic systems of new generation, reduce weight and size by 20–40%, increase reliability and reduce system’s maintenance cost by 5–8 times. The onboard wireless sensor network application in onboard systems, not critical for the flight safety, can be considered successful. Wireless technology application in such mission-critical systems as flight or engine operation control is associated with a number of contradictory requirements. Thus, the reliable data transfer between network nodes at a speed of 30–100 Hz and accounting for the signal decay requires transceivers power increase onboard an aircraft. However, onboard wireless units power supply from standalone power sources, prevention of radiation effect on neighboring radio channels and electronic equipment requires low energy consuming. The article analyzes materials of foreign firms on studying the possibility of wireless systems based on protocols of IEEE 802.11 standard application onboard an aircraft. The results of studying the possibility of narrow-band wireless data transmission at the frequency of 868 MHz in wireless aircraft engine automated control system are presented. Experiments were conducted on laboratory complex CIAM with various variants of central radio module shielding by fuselage, and wireless sensor shielding by the engine nacelle, and various distances between them. The article shows that with complete screening simulation and distance of more than 13 m the information channel errors occurred, and from the distance of 15 m complete loss of connection took place. The wireless information channel failures were not observed for the other variants of shielding in the survey distance of 30 m. The main problems of applying wireless technologies in the aircraft onboard systems are as follows: – ensuring reliable wireless data transmission with the required rate and at a predetermined distance; ensuring electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of wireless sensor network with onboard avionics systems under tough operating conditions on and aircraft and engine; – reducing power consumption of wireless electronic devices for control and monitoring systems, as well as the system for technical condition diagnostics of an aircraft and engine. | ||||||||
Terentiev M. N. Review of Publications on Wireless on Sensor Networks Self-Organization. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 94 This paper is devoted to various aspects of wireless sensor networks (WSN) self-organization. The WSN specific features distinguishing them from a more general class are revealed. These features are as follows: directions of data flows, nodes mobility and limited resources. The article formulated the main WSN performance indicators, such as network lifetime, reliability, scalability and message transmission rate. With reference to the WSN, the following principles of self-organizing systems developing are considered: local interactions rules that achieve global goals developing; ceasing a perfect interaction seeking; implicit coordination application; reduce the information volume on the system state; developing the protocols adapted to the changes. The article substantiates the importance of the general self-organization mechanisms (positive and negative feedback, nondeterministic behavior, nodes interaction) in various WSN functioning protocols and methods, such as MACA, S-MAC, PCM, SMACS, SFSN, flooding, AODV, OLSR, hierarchical routing. Based on the analysis, the conclusion was made on the impossibility of developing a fully functional WSN with the agreed values of its performance indicators without developing a unified method of the WSN functioning based on the self-organization principles. | ||||||||
Kindinova V. V. Model of problem analysis of the warehouse logistics object in aviation. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 94 The problem of increasing the efficiency of the operation of the object of warehouse logistics in the example of a warehouse of aircraft parts is considered. As performance measures are considered indicators adopted in queuing theory, characterize the performance and loading facility. To solve the problem developed simulation system based on the integrated use of the conceptual, analytical and simulation methods. The simulation model of problem analysis is an important part of the simulation system, it allows to investigate low-level operating processing processes, evaluate alternatives, develop recommendations for the modernization of processes. The model of problem analysis is implemented with the use of a hybrid approach. It is developed on a modular basis, which allows one to integrate within the framework of one model elements described by heterogeneous mathematical schemes. The approach of modeling the input stream of a complex structure has been developed, the requests of which undergo multiple splitting, corresponding to the transition from one technological process to another. Application of the developed approach to modeling input stream of the detailed presentation level, makes it possible to configure both deterministic and random input with group heterogeneous requests. The approach allows to obtain the following parameters of the functioning of the object warehouse logistics: the waiting time and the start of the service pack; delays inside the pack; packets delay, the number of requests in the system. The dynamics of changes in these parameters is necessary tracked, since the group receipt of requests significantly worsens the performance of the system in comparison with the general arrivals of the same average intensity. Unlike existing approaches, the proposed approach assumes the representation of the input stream by a set of interrelated agents, which allows modeling the input stream with group heterogeneous requests. The model of input stream is implemented using the agent-based approach of simulation modeling. The algorithms of generating initial data for modeling of the random input are developed. Simulation experiments were performed: estimates of workload and downtime was obtained; the effective technology of unloading pallet was identified; the limiting capacity of the acceptance zone was calculated. | ||||||||
Merkulov I. E., Endogur A. I. Supersonic aircraft's welded compartment model development with account for constructive-technological scheme. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 94 The article describes the approach to modelling welded sections of supersonic aircraft with account for their constructive-technological schemes. It based on possibility of accounting for the sequence of factors at finite element analysis, such as, residual tensions caused by welded zones shrinkage, model variability of material sections and their stiffness, etc. The current state of a problem regarding developing of mathematical models of welded structures and their subsequent optimization is analyzed. The proposed method of system synthesis of a section structure considered an order of welding assembly of section design. The developed finite element model of a welded compartment with account for the residual tension is based on modification of a method of forces better known as an “inherent strain method”. This method comprises some thermal-affected zones of a welded section initial design for obtaining pre-tensed state of a compartment. The modeling results revealed distribution changes of operational deflections of the section panels when the residual stress was introduced previously by the bearing. Application of the developed model allowed obtain at a time the stress-strain state dependencies of the welded sections fr om the design data and optimize the top panel thickness. The developed aircraft’s welded compartment model allows evaluate the effect of constructive-technological scheme on its stress-strain state. Applying this model the authors will solve various optimization problems containing requirements and restrictions to allowable stresses, such as deflections magnitude, buckling modes, weight lim it, etc. The solution of such multifactorial, multi-parametric optimization will appreciably reduce timing for a product study and development. | ||||||||
Egorchev M. V., Tiumentsev Y. V. Neural network based semi-empirical approach to the modeling of longitudinal motion and identification of aerodynamic characteristics for maneuverable aircraft. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 94 The simulation problem for longitudinal motion of a maneuverable aircraft is considered including identification of its aerodynamic characteristics, such as the coefficients of aerodynamic axial and normal forces, as well as the pitch moment coefficient. This problem is solved in the class of modular semi-empirical dynamic models that combine the possibilities of theoretical and neural network modeling. This approach differs significantly from the traditionally accepted method for solving problems of this class [6-8], based on the use of the linearized model of the disturbed motion of the aircraft and using the representation of the dependencies for the aerodynamic forces and moments acting on the aircraft in the form of their expansion into a Taylor series, leaving in it, as a rule, only members not higher than the first order.
Accordingly, the solution of the identification problem with this approach is reduced to reconstructing from the experimental data the dependences describing the coefficients of the Taylor expansion, in which the derivatives of the dimensionless coefficients of the aerodynamic forces and moments with respect to the various parameters of the motion of the aircraft
In contrast, the semi-empirical approach realizes the reconstruction of the relations for the force coefficients
A mathematical model of the longitudinal motion of a maneuverable aircraft is derived, which is used as a basis in the formation of the corresponding semi-empirical ANN-model, as well as for the generation of a training set. An algorithm for such a generation is proposed, which provides a fairly uniform coverage of the possible values of state variables and controls for the maneuverable aircraft by training examples. Next, a semi-empirical ANN-model of the longitudinal controlled motion of the aircraft is formed, including the ANN-modules realizing the functional dependences for the coefficients | ||||||||
Aslanov V. S. The swing principle for deploying of a tethered system for the delivery of the capsule to Earth. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 93 The field of space tethers has received very much attention in recent decades. The central advantage of using tethers in many of these applications is that very little fuel needs to be consumed. The tethered systems offer numerous ways of beneficial implementation on modern spacecrafts and allow to perform multiple tasks including such as payload delivery from the Earth orbit. It is the task of payload delivery from an orbit is the closest to wide practical realization from all other space tether’s tasks. As demonstrated by the mission of YES2 a re-entry capsule can be returned to Earth by a tether. Braking of the capsule is achieved using momentum provided from the swinging tether. The more a deflection angle of the tether from the local vertical, the more braking effect of the capsule is achieved. The goal is to find the control law that allows one to increase the angle of deflection of the tether from the local vertical, i.e., to increase momentum provided from the swinging tether. This control law can be applied to the final phase of the deployment of the tether, both for dynamic so the static deployment. The control law is based on the principle of a swing with variable length. Simulations show that the system can be controlled quite well using the proposed control law for the tether length rate. For stability analysis in the neighborhood of the equilibrium position is used Lyapunov function. Opportunity to perform separation of the capsule is shown for to oscillation of the tether system, and for the rotation. The control method allows to reduce a required tether length for deliver capsules on Earth’s surface. Using this method, we have shown that it is possible to diminish tether length at 5 km as compared with YES2 mission. Results of the numerical modeling showed that the control law is effective for the final phase of the tether deployment, when the initial deployment occurs by means static or dynamic scheme. | ||||||||
Semenov M. E., Solovyov A. M., Popov M. A. Stabilization of unstable objects: coupled oscillators. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 93 As is known, the problem of inverted pendulum plays a central role in the control theory. In particular, the problem of inverted pendulum (as a test model) provides many challenging problems to control design. Due to their nonlinear nature, pendulums have maintained their usefulness and now they are used to illustrate many ideas emerging in the field of nonlinear control. Typical examples are feedback stabilization, variable structure control, passivity-based control, back-stepping and forwarding, nonlinear observers, friction compensation, and nonlinear model reduction. The challenges of control made the inverted pendulum systems a classic tool in control laboratories. It should also be noted that the problem of such a system stabilization is a classical problem of the dynamics and control theory. Moreover, the model of inverted pendulum is widely used as a standard for testing of control algorithms, such as PID controller, neural networks, fuzzy control, etc. The article investigates the dynamics of a mechanical system consisting of two inverted pendulums hinged on the moving platform and coupled by a spring. The force applied to the platform causing its horizontal motion is treated as a control. The purpose of this work consists in solving the problem of pendulums stabilization in vertical position using the horizontal motion of the platform at presence of the information on the angles of deviation. To solve this problem, we developed the algorithm of the pendulums stabilization near vertical position, found the stability zones and their dependence on the spring stiffness. | ||||||||
Volkov V. A., Semenov V. V., Sidhu J S. S. Wave drag of planar periodic relief structures. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 93 For smooth and piecewise smooth planar relief structures with any periodic profile, within the framework of linear theoryan exact formula, linking the total wave drag coefficient of the aforementioned finite relief structures and their infinite counterparts were obtained. The specified exact formula contains a defect function, which arguments are two similarity parameters: the fractional part of the wave number and the phase value at the leading edge. The defect function is defined only for periodic relief structures, having infinite analogues. Those, where the defect function identically equals zero are called special, and all the rest are usual. The defect function of usual periodic relief structures becomes zero for integer values of the wave number. It can differ from zero only for fractional values of the wave number. The drag wave force of special relief structures is directly proportional to their length. For all the other planar relief structures, this rule may not be applied. The uniqueness of the special planar relief structures is stems from the fact that they have a saw-tooth profile, in which all the vertices of the teeth have the same obtuse angle, which bisector is parallel to the axis. The presence of the abovementioned properties in the special relief structures make them promising candidates for the role of standards used during calibration tests of various installations. If the calibrated planar attachments have special relief structures, then the following advantages will be achieved. Firstly, the technology of special planar relief structures manufacturing is the simplest and virtually insensitive to defects of its practical realization. Secondly, using the same reference attachment with special planar relief structures, and successively cutting off from it by parallel forming bands, makes it possible to perform a precision calibration for a specified range of wave drag. The use of reference planar attachments with special relief structures can increase the accuracy of various installations, and, at the same time, reduce the amount and cost of testing carried out during calibrations. | ||||||||
Kurmazenko E. A., Kochetkov A. A., Proshkin V. Y., Kiryushin O. V., Pushkar' O. D. Selection principles of prospective technologies for life support system of interplanetary manned spacecraft. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 93 Solution of certain partial problems of ensuring the crew life and activities cannot be regarded as a process of creation of an interplanetary manned vehicle ecological-engineering system development. Such system is designed for long-term manned missions to the planets of the Solar system, in which rather complex interaction of separate elements and products serve as initial materials to ensure functioning of the other in abiotic part of the of ecological-engineering system — integrated life-support system. The determinants of the of integrated life-support system development are space mission program, the type of interplanetary manned vehicle, characteristics of interfaces with onboard systems and its technological structure. The goal of this paper consists in developing selection principles of advanced technologies for integrated life-support system for long-term space missions design, with account for current design constraints. The paper considers natural morphological classification of the technologies based on the following attributing features. These features represent crew metabolism products ‒ a form of energy and primary power services for transformation processes, produced by components of the crew habitat; a special technology and formulated efficiency factors for integrated life-support system technology selection, reflecting its properties as a complex integrated system and features of the considered technologies. The basic principles of technology selection and the list of critical technologies for integrated life-support system of interplanetary manned vehicle developing are formed. | ||||||||
Egorov I. A. Heat flow balance accounting on the aircraft outer surface. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 93 When flying at high speeds, the surface temperature reaches high values. In this regard, is the role of radiant heat flow in the heat exchange process increased. There is a need for more accurate recording. This article is on the radiant heat flow accounting by numerical integration of the aircraft construction heating process directed. The task is reducing to calculation about the skin one-dimensional heating (along thickness). The heat equation is recorded in the central finite differences form. As a result is create the algebraic equations system. For the boundary points used equations of boundary conditions. For the outer surface used the balance equation of heat flow. The heating process is calculated numerically by the method of numerical integration. The nonlinearity of the dependence of radiant heat flow on the surface temperature is eliminated by using the value of the surface temperature at the previous integration step. Investigated the validity of this approach under various intensity of heat. It is shown that in some cases it is possible to obtain divergent process.The scheme formulated solutions to ensure the sustainability of the process and increase its accuracy. The calculation is performed in the following sequence:
Proposed scheme solution allows to properly take into account radiant heat flux for the intensely hot designs. Conclusions:
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Nesterov M. S., Popelo V. D. Additional characteristic for aircraft infrared visibility normalization. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 93 The paper introduces the characteristic for quantitative description of infrared (IR) visibility with account for aircraft’s intrinsic equilibrium radiation. The most important state of an aircraft sample’s thermal field, wherein the IR visibility is evaluated, is the state of the intrinsic equilibrium radiation. The aircraft intrinsic equilibrium radiation technical characteristics currently applied for IR evaluation are defined by current observing conditions. The presented work aims at introduction of characteristics, defining the properties of IR visibility in thermal equilibrium with the environment, satisfying the following basic principles: — Measured value must be constant, while changing the conditions of the object observation in a wide range, if the object’s properties as the goal, do not vary in time; — Measured value must be associated by linearly dependence with the parameter of the received reflected or emitted signal; — The value measured in the optical range must be comparable to similar variables used as characteristics of the object in the other electromagnetic spectrum bands. In contrast to currently applied IR visibility figures, the introduced characteristics of effective radiating surface (ERS) does not depend on external observing conditions. The authors considered physical quantities derivations from ERS for the case of linear and distributed objects surveying. Specificity of the introduced characteristics consists in constancy at an object observation conditions variation, as well as existence of linear relationship with a signal value on the radiation receiver (radiant flux density). The presented characteristics allow obtain unambiguous solution of the inverse problem of restoration of a value of an object characteristic according to the measured value of the received signal. | ||||||||
Titov V. A. Peculiarities of Analysis of Space and Rocket Structural Units’ Loading Based on Results of Telemetry Information Processing. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 93 Algorithms are discussed for loads and stress analysis of space and rocket technology articles’ structural units in conditions when direct measurements of dynamic impacts are absent but there are available readings of recorded structure response parameters which are characteristics of external loading conditions. The problems discussed are divided in three groups and at each of them an impact may be characterized by: — deterministic quasi-static behavior, at that measured kinematic parameters include separating signal components, which characterize displacement of a structure as a solid; — deterministic behavior, at that its temporal characteristics correlate with vibration frequencies of a structural unit; — random behavior distributed over space, and measurement results are structural responses with account of dynamic character at a wide frequency range. General idea of the algorithms consists in determination of external loading through mathematical processing of telemetry data using equations of motion and further integration of these equations with known right-hand member for estimation of internal load factors and mode of deformation at examined structural units. The dynamic models used possess high dimensionality, and force impacts to be restored ‑ long duration. Here high computational recourses are required for operation calculations on decision-making and for statistical computations (with varied structural parameters or external loading characteristics). This defines requirements on computational speed of devising algorithms, which are realized in the program complex developed. The results’ reliability is provided by fulfillment of requirements imposed on high degree of dynamic models’ adequacy to full-scale structures. Quality of inverse problem solution (restored impact) in all cases is estimated by agreement of parameters telemetered (measured in tests) with calculation results on these parameters obtained through the dynamic models with restored force impact. Special attention is paid to identification of dissipative characteristics, which influence significantly on restored time dependences of loading and stress parameters at structural units. The program complex was developed basing on suggested algorithms and it was used for loads analysis of structural units of launch vehicles, International Space Station and at liquid-propellant engine firing tests. | ||||||||
D'yakonov G. A., Nechaev I. L., Semenikhin S. A. Experimental methods of increasing the ablation pulse plasma thrusters specific characteristics. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 93 In this paper, we study the prospects for improving the mass-dimension characteristics of ablative pulsed plasma thrusters (APPT) designed for small spacecraft (SSC) weighing up to 1000 kg. The urgency of this direction development arises from connection with the needing of high-efficiency electric propulsion systems (EPS) of low thrust. It should combining low mass and power consumption with a large resource and total thrust impulse. One of the promising areas is the creation of EPS based on ablative pulse plasma engines (APPT). Prospective increased resource propulsion system should have significant reserves of working fluid and autonomous systems for their storage and supply, through which temporary reconciliation between the energy supply and the mass acceleration into the discharge channel can be. The also necessary parameters are the space propulsion system mass decreasing, the accelerating channel geometry invariance, as well as stability and high specific characteristics during the entire life of the thruster. The most studied version of the APPT is rail-type, with solid dielectric plates. We experimentally investigate its characteristics in this paper. The most important for the EPS practical application are such characteristics as the thrust total impulse PΣ, which determines the SSC characteristic speed, the power consumption N and the EPS total mass, including the mass of the power processing unit (PPU). Currently, the direction emergence problematic assessment was investigated. The possibilities of reducing the mass of the APPT are considered by using new plasma acceleration schemes like channels with an asymmetric discharge. The characteristics of the best pulse thruster flight prototype samples are presented as the result of laboratory experimental testing. The test equipment brief description and the measurement error is giveto assess the error of the results. The main problems that have arisen during the development of new laboratory samples of APPT are considered. In the short term, it is possible to reduce the total mass of the APPT by approximately 15%, using the obtained results. | ||||||||
Gurevich O. S., Gol'berg F. D., Zuev S. A., Busurin V. I. Compressor mechanization control of gas-turbine engine using his simulation model. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 93 Basically, the control of modern gas-turbine engines is carried out according to variables which implicitly describe engine basis characteristics, such as a value of thrust, a specific fuel consumption and so on, because their measurability is out of contact. Hardware development of digital automatic control systems (ACS) has broken new ground for an engine control, health monitoring and diagnostic. It has become possible to bring into ACS software (SW) sufficiently detailed simulation model «virtual engine» and calculate unmeasurable engine critical parameters with high fidelity while in engine operation. The article describes new principles of based on such SW control of high-pressure compressor mechanization, which is adaptable to engine operating conditions — closed loop control of guide vanes angle and air bleed valve position according to calculated values of compressor stall margin and efficiency, along with controlling according to excess air ratio in the combustor chamber. A functional block-diagram and heart of software of such control system have been developed in respect to modern turbofan engine with high bypass ratio. As a result of accomplished researches it was shown that using of new control methods may allows: — decrease specific fuel consumption without sacrificing required value of thrust on cruise modes; — decrease up to 10% spent stall margin of HPC during acceleration; — decrease by 5...10% spent stall margin of LPC add stage and decrease by a factor of 1,5...2 maximum values of excess air ratio in order to keep steady combustion in the combustor chamber. | ||||||||
Sha M. ., Agul'nik A. ., Yakovlev A. A. Analysis of mathematical modeling results of subsonic flow inleakage at subsonic profiles. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 93
Aerodynamic characteristics of blade machines can be determined with high accuracy by experimental studies of models in wind tunnels. However, the cost of such experiments is quite high and, in addition, this method of research does not allow full-scale optimization of all geometric parameters. In this connection, numerical modeling is becoming increasingly important. | ||||||||
Woo S. W. Interplanetary Trajectory Optimization of Spacecraft Driven by Solar Electric Propulsion System with Cluster of Similar Thrusters. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 93 Interplanetary space missions often require large velocity increment leading to necessity to use the main solar electric propulsion systems (SEPS) with high specific impulse to decrease propellant consumption. Electric propulsion system with constant power consumption makes it necessary either excessive increase in the size and mass of the solar arrays or excessive decrease in the consumed power and thrust to provide SEPS operation at the greatest distance from the Sun. Therefore usage of non-adjustable thrusters leads to necessity of using a cluster of the thrusters in the composition of SEPS to permit most efficient power regulation of SEPS using maximum permissible number of operating thrusters depending on the available electric power. The interplanetary trajectory optimization of spacecraft driven by solar electric propulsion system with cluster of similar thrusters is considered. Fixed-time propellant minimization problem is considered. The technique uses Pontryagin maximum principle to reduce the optimal control problem to the boundary value problem and continuation method to reduce the boundary value problem to the initial value problem. Solution of the power-limited trajectory optimization problem is used as initial guess values for initial values of the costate variables. The power-limited trajectory optimization method does not require a user-supplied initial guess. The continuation parameter is introduced into right-hand parts of differential equations of optimal motion to provide the coincidence of these differential equations to the power-limited problem at zero value of the parameter and to the staircase-thrust problem when the parameter equals to one. The smoothed dependencies of the step function of thrust switching and staircase-thrust function are used to provide convergence of the continuation technique. Numerical experiments show good convergence and computational productivity of the presented technique. Presented numerical examples demonstrate importance of consideration the stepped thrust profile at early phases of mission design. | ||||||||
Smorshko I. A. Design-ballistic analysis technique for technical realization of “lunar” takeoff and landing spacecraft. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 93 There is a need in the 21st century to implement elaborate methods combining the use of knowledge fr om various areas of science and technology. The article presents the solution technique for design-ballistic analysis problem of technical implementation conditions of “lunar” runway for a takeoff and landing spacecraft. The example of its implementation while special research conducting is given.
As a result of work the equation is obtained:
Equation (1) is basic for this technique development. The developed technique consists of two main parts, namely, ballistic and design. Ballistic calculations allow obtain the relative finite mass of a spacecraft and the relative mass of the consumed fuel by the known values of characteristic speed while realization of this or that branching operation. The problem of characteristic speeds determination is the most complex and depends on concrete mission statement, sel ected flight scheme, landing technique, maneuvers and other dynamic operations.
Depending on an input data set and task purposes, equation (1) allows obtain calculated values of such parameters as To assess the conditions of a spacecraft technical implementation and the maximal frequency rate of the carried-out operations without refueling and other specified conditions, it is necessary to consider the denominator of the equation (1), on account of a condition:
The computational algorithm scheme is shown on the Figure.
Figure. The computational algorithm scheme based on a the design-ballistic analysis technique of technical any takeoff and landing spacecraft implementation conditions (general view)
The first option is not limited to a set of the obtained dependences specified in flowcharts, any variations of quantity (the solution of the equation, sufficient for an opportunity) and the structure of initial parameters are possible and, respectively, at the exit various results can be received (see Figure).
The second option represents formation of Earlier published materials contain results of the carried-out design-ballistic analysis on the opportunities of the “lunar” runway creation for a takeoff and landing spacecraft obtained during conducted studies based on the developed technique. The developed design-ballistic analysis technique of conditions of technical implementation “lunar” runway for a takeoff and landing spacecraft is a flexible, efficient and convenient “tool” for conducting studies, that can be applied by specialists of the branch while spacecraft projection and educating students of an appropriate profile at higher education institutions. | ||||||||
Leont'ev V. A., Krymskii V. S., Ignatkin Y. M., Makeev P. V. Computational-experimental studies of tail rotor characteristics at helicopter yawing rotation mode. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 93 In this paper, the computational-experimental studies results of the tail rotor (TR) aerodynamic characteristics at the helicopter yawing rotation mode, at hover are shown. The experimental studies have been carried out by using the experimental model, developed in TsAGI. The experimental model main rotor (MR) diameter DMR=2,5 m, the tail rotor diameter DTR=0,586 m. The computational studies have been carried out using two models: the helicopter mathematical model, developed by TsAGI and the non-linear blade vortical model of a rotor, created by «Helicopter Design» department of MAI. The computational-experimental relationships between the tail rotor thrust coefficient Сt and a yaw angular velocity ωу of the helicopter model showed, that for small values of the tail rotor pitch about φTR=3,8º an increase of ωу resulted in Сt increase, however starting from the tail rotor pitch φTR=9,2º and higher, the coefficient Сt decreased. The experimental results confirm the analytical and the mathematical modeling results in the paper [10]. Analysis of the computational-experimental studies results showed that when the angular velocity ωу is growing TR blades are subjected to high Coriolis forces in addition to aerodynamic forces. Coriolis forces have different direction from one side of the TR to the other and therefore, flapping motion of the TR is increasing. By reaching some rotation rate ωу, one side of the TR goes beyond stall, hence the TR thrust ceases to increase. On the other side of the TR blades angles of attack decrease reducing the total TR thrust. The computational relationships Сt=f(ωу) and mk=f(ωу) of the TR at the helicopter yawing rotation mode with the MR are in general agreement with the experimental results. They show that the MR vortex wake insignificantly affects on the TR aerodynamic characteristics. | ||||||||
Markin N. N. Angular movement of a passenger aircraft while lift-off from the runway. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 93 The workload of the pilot while takeoff is extremely high. Thus, an aircraft decision speed V1 is defined for particular take-off conditions. After reaching the decision speed, V1, the aircraft keeps on accelerating until the rotation speed, VR, is reached. At this moment, the aircraft nose is lifted. The angular movement of an aircraft on take-off is considered atypical, if a pilot cannot lift the nose wheel and perform the take-off at the estimated speed. Thus, the situation when negative pitching moment is greater than its expected value may create prerequisites for flight accidents. The equal situation may occur when wing’s icing reduces the lift, and the error in determining the aircraft alignment increases the diving moment and other factors. A pilot can use stabilizer to increase the positive pitching moment. The pilot can use stabilizer to increase the positive pitching moment. The angular movement dynamics in this case is considered after the aircraft takeoff to analyze the stalling at a large angle of attacks. The state space system describes the aircraft angular motion and actuators of stabilizer and elevator. The linear quadratic regulators are used for the given two-input linear system. The simulation reveals possibility of stalling at large attack angle with negative pitching moment, if braking force is greater than its expected value. | ||||||||
Petrukhin V. A., Mel'nikov V. E. Pendulum vertical sensor with relay control. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 93 The paper considers the possibilities of stability increasing of a physical of mathematical pendulum to perturbing horizontal accelerations by forming corrective actions on the pendulum from accelerometer and introducing relay control of the compensating signal level. The conducted studies and simulation results authenticate the realizability and high accuracy characteristics of a pendulum vertical reference of such kind. A number of technical applications in the form of control, orientation and navigation problems for aircraft of various classes and purposes can be realized on its basis. Features and benefits of the proposed pendulum vertical reference (PVR) consist in a sufficiently high accuracy with no accumulated errorsin in time, inherent to the vertical channels in SINS, operating in an autonomous mode. This article considers one of the VPR channels with a pendulum and correcting accelerometer to identify the specific and basic features of the VPR. The second channel is implemented in a similar way. In addition to previous studies, to extend the capabilities of the VPR, a relay control mode of the pendulum motion in the vicinity of the vertical is proposed to extend the capabilities of the VPR. | ||||||||
Vavilova N. B., Parusnikov N. A., Filatova G. A. Preparing the navigation system of the underwater vehicle before immersion. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 93 In the article the navigation problem for an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) is under consideration. In AUV’s navigation the following sensors are usually used: transponders that measure the distance from the AUV to transponders in known locations, velocity sensor, depth sensor, gyroscopic course sensor. A peculiarity of this work consists in the usage of Strapdown Inertial Navigation System (SINS) of medium accuracy together with mentioned above sensors. AUV’s navigation problem is posed as SINS correction problem with aiding measurements. Principal possibilities of this approach are investigated on the basis of the analysis of covariance with experimental data. AUV are used in a wide range of scientific and applied research of ocean, such as a marine geological research, a study of the seafloor, ecological research of water environment. The value of the data provided by the underwater vehicle depends on the accuracy of a navigation system used. That is why the development of high-precision AUV’s navigation system is relevant today. The presented paper differs from previous investigation in this domain by taking SINS of medium accuracy into consideration. Furthermore, data provided by SINS is regarded as the main data. Resulting navigation solution is based on SINS integration with aiding measurements delivered by special sonar beacon with known location (by means of GPS), sensors of velocity and depth. The estimation algorithm is based on technique of Kalman filtering. Mathematical models take into account specific peculiarities of AUV motion (low speed, relatively short distance between a vehicle and a beacon). The two typical types of the AUV’s motion were taken into account. The research method was based on analysis of covariance analysis with implementation of real data. The experimental data was provided by scientific educational center «Underwater robotics», Far Eastern Federal University and IPMT RAS. Marine Autonomous Robotic System «MARK» has two main hardware parts — an autonomous underwater vehicle and an afloat vehicle. An equipment of a shore control center is also included. The afloat vehicle is a mobile beacon with a transponder. The location of the latter is determined by GPS. Vehicles have radio links with hydroacoustic communication system. The presented article studies two representative mechanical trajectories of MARK’s motion. In the first case AUV moves rectilinearly with the constant depth, an afloat vehicle moves along a «zigzag» path with the side 200 m, intersecting the AUV’s trajectory. In the second case AUV moves along a square path clockwise with the side 100 m, an afloat vehicle moves along a square path counterclockwise with the side 200 m. In both cases the direction on the beacon was being changed and as a result the problem of position’s estimation became well-conditioned. Derived results show that the standard deviations of the position’s estimation errors are less than 3 m. It was discovered that navigation solution is not possess the same accuracy. Estimations of the coordinates stabilize after some interval of time, which is depended on the trajectory. Therefore, a preparing method is proposed to achieve equal precision of the estimations on the whole interval of movement. The results of the preliminary analysis that was done give evidence the proposed algorithm can improve the accuracy of aided AUV’s navigation system in several times. | ||||||||
Bogdanov I. V., Velichko A. N. Background and target situation forming method for special optronic systems of missile and space purpose. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 93 Solution of the tasks given in the work proposed developing of the background and target situation (BTS) forming method for special optronic systems of missile and space purpose in wide range (from UV to long-wave IR region) that are used in defense and research goals, practical implementation of the method to confirm the correctness of selected schematic circuit, as well. BTS is formed in optronic devices field of view to solve integrated task enabled to conduct different tests types including: reliability testing of single or one of group objects autodetection during background lateral noise simulation of entrance pupil; estimate of characteristics accuracy (for example, constant and random errors of angular deviation measuring); checking of different algorithms of an object under observation selection (spectral, spatial, trajectory and other characteristics). First part of the work analyses current methods and modes of BTS forming. It is examined both national and foreign experience, marked out main advantages and shortcomings of implemented methods, given their schematic circuits, as well. Second part of the work considers realization of BTS forming methods for optronic device as benches on the base of Nudelman Precision Engineering Design Bureau laboratory. It is presented structural assemblies and elements, optical schematic circuits, software for the benches control and testing procedure. The result of the done work is the ultimate method of BTS forming for optronic devices of space and missile purpose that is realized in special benches and enables to reduce optronic devices development expenses due to operability tryout in laboratory environment and to improve the devices quality before space launch. | ||||||||
Smirnov K. K., Sukhov A. G., Tsimbalov A. S. Problems of tests conducting of microcircuits in BGA-type metal-polymeric packages. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 93 The article focuses on the problems related to a special purpose chipping in metal-polymeric packages with ball leads of the BGA-type (Ball grid array). During microcircuits’ burn-in test and functional control within the specified temperature range a lot of cases of the ball leads separation occurred. This separation led to the need to discard the operable ICs at the final phase of testing. Furthermore, the separation was occurring during the transportation of products. The author analyzed the reasons for strength decline of the leads on various production and testing stages. The method for minimization of the the leads’ strength reduction was worked out. Moreover, the sound arguments are presented in favor of moving the ball-leads formation from the ICs manufacturing to the printed board assembly. The author made the following conclusions:
a) Control of their geometry did not reveal deviations from the initial state; b) Functional control did not reveal changes of electric parameters of IC. The obtained results demonstrate the necessity to include the interim and maybe finishing burn-off operation in the process of the metal-polymeric packages with ball-leads of the BGA type to increase the strength of their attachment. | ||||||||
Aldohina V. N., Demyanov A. V., Gudaev R. A., Byk V. S., Vikulova Y. M. The method of object type recognition in aerospace space on the basis of analysis of radio technical characteristics taking into account the informative character of the signs. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 93 The aim of the work is to increase the probability of correct recognition of the type of object in the airspace based on the analysis of the radio technical characteristics of emissions, taking into account the informativeness of the recognition features to a level not lower than required by the regulatory documents. To achieve this goal, we propose a method of recognition using the principle of multichannel with discrete accumulation and using weight coefficients calculated on the basis of the entropy approach. Based on the analysis of the data presented, an increase in the number of characters makes it possible to increase the probability of correct recognition, and the application of weighting coefficients gives, albeit a small, but guaranteed increase in the indicator under consideration. The scientific novelty of the method of recognizing the types of radiating objects on the basis of a set of radio engineering features and weighting coefficients is that it differs from existing ones in that the determination of the type of the radiating object is made on the basis of comparing the additive convolution of particular solutions multiplied by the corresponding weight coefficients reflecting their informativeness with Threshold calculated for the current recognition situation. The theoretical significance of the developed method for recognizing the types of radiating objects on the basis of a set of radio engineering features and weighting coefficients is that it is a development of the theory of pattern recognition and differs from existing ones in that the definition of the type of the observed object is made on the basis of a comparison of the additive convolution of particular solutions multiplied by the corresponding weighted ones Coefficients reflecting their informativeness, with a threshold calculated for the current recognition situation. The practical significance of the method for recognizing the types of radiating objects on the basis of a set of radio technical features and weighting factors is to improve the methodological and algorithmic support of the space monitoring system aimed at providing the required probability of correct recognition. The result of this method implementation will be a decision on the recognition of the type of radiating objects based on the analysis of radio technical information taking into account its informativeness. The considered method of recognition of types of radiating objects allows: — to make the recognition of the types of radiating objects on the basis of radio technical information; — expand the characteristic space used to describe types of recognized radiating objects; — determine the informativeness of the features of the recognition of the types of radiating objects; — minimize the error in recognizing the types of radiating objects; — Reduce the computational cost of conducting recognition of the types of radiating objects. | ||||||||
Boev S. F., Pimenov P. N., Pronin S. A., Shevyrev A. V. The influence of parameters of the ultra-short pulse of electromagnetic radiation on the functioning of radio-electronic devices. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 93 The ultra-short pulsed electromagnetic radiation is relatively new kind of man-made electromagnetic radiation featuring by the pulse duration less than 10 ns. Such radiation forms an obstacle with a spectrum width up to several GHz. It is known that the ultra-short electromagnetic pulse is most dangerous because of its high penetration capability due to continuous filling of the spectrum. Ultra-short electromagnetic pulse (EMP) can have a significant impact on the operation of the modern devices with information pulses durations is comparable with the pulse durations of the EMP. Ultra-short EMP has an impact on the majority of modern wireless broadband data transmission devices, due to interference of overlapping the EMP spectrum of operating frequencies. There are two channels of EMP influence on electronic devices: — Pulse broadband interference — Surge of electromagnetic energy This gives us grounds to consider the potential impact of ultra-short EMP through the foster paths of the devices due to the bandwidth pulse spectrum as well as a direct effect of electromagnetic radiation on hardware (the conductive structure), due to the high concentrated energy of the pulse. Influence on the reception paths of the devices due to the fact that on working frequencies in the reception paths gets part of the generated by EMP broadband interference. The most interesting fact is ultra-short complex sequence pulses with a relatively low pulse repetition frequency package and a short interval between pulses in the package can be regarded as the least expensive energy, but the most dangerous EMP when exposed to radio-electronic devices. The further study of the EMP impact on the radio-electronic devices will identify their vulnerabilities and minimize the impact of EMP. | ||||||||
Surovtsev R. S., Zabolotsky A. M., Gazizov T. R. Pulse signal transmission in the meander line without distortions by near-end crosstalk. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 93 The possibility of pulse signal transmission in a turn of meander line without distortions of its waveform by near-end crosstalk is shown. First of all, the paper presents a brief review of investigations devoted to meander delay lines and approaches to minimization of the signal distortions in these lines. Then the condition of the signal transmission without distortions is formulated and the optimization of cross section parameters and the length of meander line turn is performed in accordance with this condition and for line matching with measuring tract. According to the optimization, a printed circuit board with meander line turn prototypes is produced from the two-side fiberglass FR-4, and the experimental investigations based on combined oscilloscope С9-11 are executed. Finally, the experimental results are presented as an example of one turn with length of 151 mm providing delay of 1 ns. Signals with duration of 440 and 280 ps at half of the maximum amplitude value are accounted. It is shown that waveform of the pulse with duration of 440 ps is affected by near-end crosstalk, which is evident at the signal rise and fall as the positive and negative step with amplitude of 53 mV. If duration of a signal is decreased to 280 ps, the near-end crosstalk pulse with amplitude 52 mV arrives before the rise beginning and after the fall ending and has no impact on its waveform and makes up 10% of the signal amplitude. Thus, the possibility of pulse signal transmission without distortions by near-end crosstalk is experimentally proved. | ||||||||
Samartsev N. S., Kolotilov E. D., Koshelev B. V. Algorithm of data exchange via digital data-link “Ground-to-Board-to-Ground”. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 93 During last two decades the dramatic growth of air traffic intensity in civil aviation was continuously increasing the workload on the air traffic service (ATS) controllers and the flight crews of the aircraft. This problem was becoming critical and affected the flight safety, especially in terminal airspace. According the CNS/ATM concept improving the efficiency and safety of the modern air traffic management (ATM) system can be achieved through the development and implementation of advanced information technologies and air traffic procedures. One of the most promising technologies recommended by ICAO is the automation of the process of information exchange between aircraft and air traffic control (ATC) centers. For its implementation, modern and prospective flight management systems (FMS) should have a new functional capability such as to support communication via data-link “ground-to-air-to-ground”. As a part of the work on creation of a prospective FMS, an algorithm which allows the generation and processing of data-link messages was developed. The structure of the algorithm was presented in the paper. The concrete algorithm for the flight plan data exchange via the data link “ground-to-air-to-ground” was made in the form of the FMS software module, which is a complete module that allows it to be easily integrated into the software architecture of other FMS. For debugging purposes a simulator of the communication management unit data was developed. The algorithm of a flight plan data exchange via data-link «ground-to-board-to-ground» was successfully tested in the modelling laboratory of MIEA. All work was performed under appropriate standards ARINC 429,ARINC 702A-3, and ARINC 619. | ||||||||
Ivanov V. F., Koshkarov A. S. Noise immunity increase of GLONASS users’ navigation equipment by complexation with inertial navigation sensors. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 93 High reliability and adequacy of navigational sightings is the definitive requirement to the aircraft modern navigation complexes. This requirement is especially topical for spacecraft navigation systems in conditions of jamming impact. Experience of navigation equipment operation reveals the presence of a pronounced threshold effect occurring due to implementation of tracking systems for navigation signals processing, i. e. with noise intensity increase the increase of position measurement error is observed, and a certain noise threshold intensity leads to navigation task failure. To enhance the noise tolerance of navigation complexes methods of the user’s navigation equipment complexation with inertial sensors can be used. The proposed method of deep complexation compared to conventional methods allows reduce the probabilities of false captures by tracking meters and signal parameters tracking failure; compensate the object’s dynamics impact on tracking systems; and reduce the tracking rings’ astatism. The pointed above method was used to simulate the navigation complex operation on a software receiver. The ability of using incomplete set of navigation equipment structural elements while realization of deep complexation method is demonstrated. Simulation of navigation complex operation based on deep complexation method revealed the possibility of noise tolerance enhancement to certain types of noise by the stable operation of tracking systems. The proposed complexation method combined with software realization of navigation equipment should increase the efficiency and reliability of navigational sighting in conditions of complex interference situation. | ||||||||
Kozirevskiy V. K., Veselov A. I. Method for reducing computational complexity of face detecting teaching procedure based on Viola-Jones method. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 93 The article suggests a method for computational complexity reducing of Viola-Jones face detecting teaching procedure. The reference detector teaching procedure is based on AdaBoost algorithm, representing an iterative procedure of algorithmic composition construction (strong classifier). Each element (weak classifier) of the composition analyzes only one feature of an image. In Viola-Jones method feature is the result of image convolution by some pre-defined filter. A set of possible filters is developed in advance and the best feature in terms of strong classifier’s classification errors decreasing is selected at each learning iteration of AdaBoost. The proposed method is a modification of AdaBoost algorithm where complexity reduction is achieved by adaptive selection of the features to be analyzed. The idea of the modified method is based on the observation that at each iteration of the learning procedure the reference algorithm selects weak classifiers, correcting errors of the previously selected weak classifiers. It means that the weak classifiers with similar performance are unlikely to be selected at the adjacent iterations. Thus the space of the tested weak classifiers can be reduced. The proposed method includes two modifications of the reference algorithm. The first modification consists in a feature pre-analysis operation which is performed to estimate the correlation between the responses of different filters. This stage is performed before the reference AdaBoost algorithm is started. In the process of teaching, only the features with low correlation can be analyzed at the adjacent iteration, thus reducing the number of weak classifiers to be evaluated for boosting the final strong classifier. Practical relevance: the proposed algorithm reduces the computational complexity of Viola-Jones face detector teaching, which is an open issue in computer-vision-related systems. | ||||||||
Kyi M. H., Markin L. V. Mutual shading computation of spacecraft solar antennas. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 93 The goal of the study is geometric modeling of solar batteries illumination process onboard a spacecraft or while their location on the surface (on Earth, or, for ex-ample, in lunar settlements). With a specified geometry of their location, the issues of their effective area are studied herewith with account for their mutual shading by each other, as well as by other foreign objects. Solution of these issues should form the basis of software and mathematical sup-port development for solar batteries and concentrators placement and orientation automation on both the ground surface and onboard a spacecraft. The goal of the study consists in effectiveness evaluation of solar batteries layout both among themselves and with other objects, such as a space station hull. This article describes both physical and mathematical statement of the optimization problem on solar batteries placement either in space, or on Earth. It demonstrates that in mathematical statement this problem is considered as an optimization problem of mathematical programming aimed at maximally effective utilization of these high-tech energy sources for both space orbital stations and space settlements. The solution method of this problem is geometric modeling of space station and solar batteries with a certain orientation. The receptor geometric models, discretizing both batteries location area and a space station itself were used as a modeling method. Using C# the software complex allowing solar concentrators’ effective area modeling was developed based on the developed receptor geometric model. The graphic shell was developed herewith, allowing display numerical values of the obtained results. When the software complex is operating after the station and batteries geometry loading in parametric form, geometric model is converted to matrix form, and layer by layer sections’ scanning starts. In each layer of the 3D matrix a 2D matrix is formed, presenting a kind of a 3D matrix slice through a specified distance. Current solar batteries slices’ areas and effective (accumulated) area of a space station’s hull sections are calculated in each section (slice) of receptor matrix. This accumulated area is the spacecraft solar batteries’ effective working area of a specified geometry and sun orientation with account for all kinds of solar batteries’ geometry. The authors developed also a method allowing converting geometry models of the studied objects, developed with any geometry modeling system, such as Solid Works, into receptor models, used for computation operations. The developed mathematical support and software allow evaluating the solar batteries’ effective area at spacecraft specified design parameters and its solar energy flow direction orientation. Simulation procedure allowing optimize the spacecraft solar batteries’ design and geometry parameters among permissible constructive solutions based on the described above receptor model is outlined either. The application area of the obtained results is the design automation of spacecraft and geo-electric power stations located on Earth, or in space colonies. | ||||||||
Lisov A. A., Chernova T. A., Gorbunov M. S. Defining parameters of differential equation of electric motor rotor mechanical rotation mathematical model while its' switching off. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 93 The presented work discussed the problems of modeling and mathematical methods for diagnosing the degradation wear of an electric motor in case of bearing unit destruction ‒ one of the most drasic failures. The investigations were carried out on the example of an induction motor with a «squirrel-cage» type rotor widely used in industry and for home appliances. For the degradation wear modeling, the mode of motor switch off from the network, the so-called «run-out» mode was sel ected. As a rule, the run-out mode is considered as the final one in the electric motor work cycle, and is not given due attention. It turned out that this mode presents a source of important information, which implementation makes possible to make judgement on the status of electric motor, its wear, operational safety and the residual resource. This processes occurring in the electric motor is modeling as a second-order link has been carried out. The mechanical rotation of the rotor in the run-out mode is described by an ordinary homogeneous differential equation of the second order with constant coefficients. Parameters of the differential equation, i. e. its coefficients, reflect physical and mechanical properties of the electric motor: its geometry, material properties, etc. The authors proposed to determine the state parameters of the electric motor differential equation fr om the known empirical function of its rotor rotational speed damping, registered in each cycle of its switching off. The paper presents the algorithm of mathematical approximation of the rotor damping rate empirical function by an analytic function with the required levels of accuracy and further determination of the corresponding differential equation parameters. Moreover, the distortion of the rotor rotational speed damping function suggests mathematical methods for diagnosing the degradation wear of the electric motor elements, mainly wear of its bearing assembly. With the degradation of bearings, with embrittlement, dying of metal surfaces with small particles, the moment of resistance of their rotating parts increases substantially. In the run-out mode, the braking torque is increased in the bearings, the stopping time is shortened. Thus, if in the run-out mode the initial speed is less than the passport speed and the braking time is shortened ‒ the degradation processes begin in the bearings. The mechanical time constant TM of the rotor shaft braking function is the characteristic parameter of the degradation processes in bearings. These features can be obtained with the simplest measuring instruments (voltmeter, stopwatch and tachometer) without planning and implementing special experiments, but directly during lectric motor operation. | ||||||||
Gavva L. M. Strain-stress parametric analysis of structurally anisotropic panels of composite materials with account for manufacturing technology in MALAB. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 93 The paper discusses the stress-strain state of flat rectangular laminated panel from composite materials, which casing is eccentrically supported by the longitudinal-transverse stiffening set. The panel is subjected to arbitrary distributed transverse load per unit area in the stationary temperature field. Boundary conditions on the contour are assumed of quite general type. The following technological factors occurring during the composites manufacturing herein should be taken into consideration: residual thermal stresses arising during cooling after hardening, and pre-stressed tension in reinforcing fibers. Schematization of the panel as structurally anisotropic, when thin-walled reinforcing elements are in the complex resistance, was proposed as a design model. Further development of the theory of thin-walled elastic rods, related to the contact problem for the skin and the rib, with the refinement of the above said model reflects the scientific novelty of the research. The problem of determining strain-stress state of structurally anisotropic panels is reduced to the solution of the boundary value problem for equation of the eighth order in the partial derivatives in a rectangular field. The resolved eighth order equation and natural boundary conditions are obtained with Lagrange variation procedure. The solution in closed form is constructed by unitary trigonometric series for the particular case of conformable boundary conditions on two opposite sides, and by the method of uniform solutions for arbitrary non-conformable boundary conditions at the contour. We examine all possible variants of the boundary edges restrictions in relation to the connecting plane problem and the bending one. Computer software package has been developed in MATLAB for multi-criterion optimization for the design of structurally anisotropic composite panels of FA. Since the solution obtained by exact analytical methods, the calculation time was minimized, that is of interest from the viewpoint of practical design using parametric analysis. The results of the stress analysis calculations offer the possibility for reducing and optimization of the aircraft elements’ weight characteristics. | ||||||||
Rybin V. V., Tsvetaev V. E. Simulation of fractional aircraft control systems by spectral method in Faber-Schauder function system. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 93 Today a variety of Computer Mathematics Systems (CMS) and expansion packs are applied for the spectral method of non-stationary control systems computer simulation. Modern technologies associated with fractal approach in different applied areas, and in radio engineering, radiodetection and theory of dynamic systems in particular, produce new element base, where mathematical models contain fractional integrating and derivative operators. For example, control systems with PID control realize control laws, increasing processing speed and stability margin compared to the similar systems realizing classical control laws. Technical implementation of such derivatives and integrals can be realized with several methods: by Gruenwald’s approximate dependencies, or continued fractions, or Fourier transform and spectral transform. Spectral method is already propagated to control systems for models containing fractional integrating and derivative components, and the expansion packs MLSY_SM, Spektr_SM+Simulink+Matlab, Spektr_SM+VisSim+Mathcad CMS have been modified for such systems’ simulation. This software commplex does not contain program packs in the Faber-Schauder function system. The presented paper considers the development of the MLSY_SM SCM Mathcad expansion pack for non-stationary uninterrupted non-stationary control systems with integer number and fractional order spectral method in the Faber-Schauder functions system analysis. Derivation of spectral algorithms with fractional integrating and derivative components of an arbitrary order and of some other spectral characteristics is based on using a symbolic processor of Computer Mathematics Systems Mathcad. Software implementation of the expansion pack MLSY_SM_SH+Mathcad contains software modulus developed using the derived symbolic algorithms. The structure of the pack and its program modules calls are described in Appendix. The expansion pack itself is used for analyzing and parametric synthesizing of the control system for homing missile. Mathematical model of the missile uses a target coordinator (mounted on a gyro-platform) for measuring the sight line rotational speed. Differential equation, describing the target coordinator, contains a fractional order derivative. As a result of the performed work the expansion pack MLSY_SM_SH of Computer Mathematics Systems Mathcad applied for investigation on a stochastic model homing system which uses a fractional target seeker was developed. The dependence of the root mean missing value from differential operator fractional order of target coordinator and navigation constant of command generation block was studied. Optimal values of a fractional parameter and navigation constants were selected. A comparative analysis of homing missile system’s classical and fractional models was carried out. | ||||||||
Aleroeva H. T. Fractional calculus and small angle motions for mechanical systems. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 92
Many problems of mechanics and mathematical physics associated with perturbation of normal operators with discrete spectrum, reduced to consideration in Hilbert space | ||||||||
Aslanov V. S., Pikalov R. S. Rendezvous the space debris and the space tug using tether. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 92 The problem of space debris it is one of the most important problems of modern astronautics. According to the forecast made by Donald J. Kessler, the space debris can put an end to further space exploration. One of the solution its problem are so-called the active debris removal systems. The essence of this concept is the use of the special space tugs, which carry out the capture of the large space debris objects and their leading away from the orbit. This work focuses on the stage of pulling the space debris by the tug. The main particularity of this paper is to that the rendezvous of the tug and the space debris is done by controlling the length of the tether according to a prescribed law. A mathematical model describing the spatial motion of the tug — space debris system was developed. The tug and the space debris are considered as material points, which connected by a viscoelastic tether. Internal interaction of the tug and the space debris is determined by the viscoelastic force of the tether. The tug is under constant thrust. Motion occurs in the gravitational field of the Earth. The linearized equations of motion was derived. The tether length control law for the rendezvous of the space debris and the tug by means of the viscoelastic tether is proposed. An analytic expression for the frequency oscillations of the tether was obtained. A series of numerical simulations was performed to study the dynamics of the system at the time of the maneuver rendezvous. The simulations are run for 50 seconds with the tug thrust constantly on and without any active control system. The initial altitude is set to be 800 km and the initial velocities of the spacecraft are equal and in accordance to a circular orbit. The Runge-Kutta method is used to propagate the differential equations. Results show that at the end of the maneuver rendezvous in the tether, there are high-frequency oscillations and their frequency increases. That confirmed our analytical expression for the frequency of oscillations of the tether. Influence of the viscoelastic properties of the tether on the dynamics of the system was studied. It is shown that higher stiffness for the tether is better for implementation safety rendezvous of the tug and the space debris. The results of the calculations show that the practical implementation of the rendezvous of the tug and the space debris is possible, but requires additional measures to damping of the oscillations. The obtained results can be applied to study the properties and possible configurations of the active debris removal system, as well as applications for the tasks of implement rendezvous of two bodies using tether. In future research on the subject we should find ways to reduce the oscillation of the tether and verify the dynamics with regard to the consideration of the tug and the space debris as solids bodies. | ||||||||
Popov V. V., Sorokin F. D., Ivannikov V. V. A flexible rod finite element with separate storage of cumulated and extra rotations for large displacements of aircraft structural parts modeling. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 92 A great number of aircrafts parts, modeled numerically, can be treated as a flexible rod, which exhibits large displacements and rotations, but which strains remain small. Spars wing panels, fuselage stringers, screw blades are among these parts. The paper presents derivation of tangent stiffness matrix and deformation loads vector of a geometrically nonlinear flexible rod finite element with large rotations and small increments stored separately. The tangent stiffness matrix and the deformation loads vector are both written in the closed forms and can be programmed relatively easily. The element is derived with conventional finite rotations theory, based on the Euler vector and rotation tensor. Following the Updated Lagrangian formulation, the element rotations are decomposed into to the accumulated part and the small incremental one. This approach allows avoid possible singularities and reach rotation angle magnitudes as large as 2p and even more. The proposed algorithms for the stiffness matrix and deformation loads vector computation are verified by some classical benchmarks. The thorough comparison of the obtained numerical results with existing publications, presenting alternative nonlinear beam formulations, reveals the high accuracy and numerical stability of the developed finite element. It is worth noting, that in the majority of works in this area the authors derive their nonlinear beam models departing from general expressions of the elasticity theory, which are subjected to certain assumptions regarding the dimensions and kinematics of the analyzed object. Such approach though being general (can be applied not only to beams), suffers from excessive complexity for one’s understanding and can hardly be implemented straightforwardly. In the current contribution an alternative paradigm is proposed: the finite element is constructed on the basis of a well-known linear ancestor, which operates with simple strength of materials hypotheses. The classical beam stiffness matrix is wrapped by specific mathematics responsible for the proper description of large rotations and displacements. In this aspect, the developed finite element reminds the corotational FEA concept, described in [28]. Another important advantage of the presented nonlinear beam formulation is the symmetry of its tangent matrix, which is particularly important for numerical implementation, since it permits the more efficient linear equations solvers to be invoked and significantly improves convergence of Newton-Raphson iterations [29]. Not all the geometrically nonlinear beam models (see, for instance, [30]) possess this property. | ||||||||
Krioukov V. G., Abdullin A. L., Demin A. V., Safiullin I. I. Comparison of explicit and implicit difference schemes of calculations for chemical non-equilibrium processes in nozzles. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 92 The calculation of chemically non-equilibrium flows in the nozzles of rocket engines is normally performed using numerical implicit schemes (due to the stiffness of chemical kinetics equations). But the progress in developing of the stable explicit methods creates the possibility to use these simple methods instead of the implicit schemes. In this study, we introduce a calculating method of potential number of integration steps for explicit schemes, and their effectiveness is evaluated. The method includes: -calculation of a chemically non-equilibrium flow along the nozzle length using the implicit scheme; -parallel determination of the Jacobi matrix eigenvalues; -calculation of the number of potential steps for the explicit integration scheme based on the stability bound. The calculation of flows was carried out within the framework of the inverse nozzle problem, using the implicitly differential scheme of Pirumov U. G. Numerical research was carried out for the combustion products:
- liquid propellants (O2 + kerosene; N2O4 + C2H8N2) for Laval nozzles at: excess oxidant ratio - solid propellants (metalized fuel - C10.8760H46.546O25.806AL9.665CL1.517N6.781; nitrocellulose fuel - C23.498H30.259O34.190N10.011) for Laval nozzles at pressure Poc = 20…70 atm; minimum radius rm = 0.005…0.05 m and geometric expansion fa = 33.9. The number of steps of the explicit scheme (K1) was calculated for the Runge-Kutta method of the 4th order. For the reactive media of liquid propellants, a huge number of potential steps (К1 ≈ 109) were obtained at high Poc and rm values. However, with a decrease of the Poc and rm parameters, K1 also decreased (to about К1 ≈ 107). In the subsonic part of the nozzle, the K1 values were approximately 10 times higher than in the supersonic part. For the reactive media of solid propellants, the results show the same trend, but at a lower level of K1 values, especially in the case of nitrocellulose fuel, when max (K1) ≈ 106. | ||||||||
Krivoruchko D. D., Skrylev A. V., Skorokhod E. P. Excited state population density and spontaneous emission probabilities ХеI plasma of Hall Thruster. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 92 In the bginning of the paper a low-temperature xenon plasma of Hall Thruster (HT) was investigated by spectroscopic measurements in the 250‒1100 nm range. More than 50 xenon atoms (Xe I) transitions were explored. A measure light power emitted by the plume at optical range was found to be about 0,5 W. The spontaneous emission probabilities (Einstein coefficients) for xenon atom were calculated at the Coulomb approximation (~800 transitions). The obtained results were compared with the results of other authors. By analysis the Hall thruster spectrum Xe I excited state concentrations were identified for 25 terms use getting Einstein coefficients.
According to Maxwell’s electrons and Boltzmann distribution the value of excited state concentrations as a function of their energy is a line with line inclination equal to | ||||||||
Nazyrova R. R. Variational calculus as a foundation of medium flow with allowance for real gases state equation. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 92 The modern phase of competitive liquid-propellant engines design is based on employing various mathematical models, including the knowledge of both fluid mechanics and thermochemistry. Mathematical models provide a number of possibilities to study both the most idealized processes and of the special phenomenons, such as the intermolecular reaction of substances, by the equation for real gas state process. Well-known works on the studies of fluid by real gas are based on the accentuate of the amount of virial coefficients in the equation. The presented work is dedicated both to define the each mathematical model as an element of variational calculus tasks class, and to explore mathematical models to find the identical to the initial theories confirmations. The formal expression for the chemical potentials correlation for any substance of the thermodynamic system, described by the equation of the ideal gas state and by the equation of the real gas state, has the integral form. Thus, the mathematical model for any equilibrium state is the task of the variational calculus. Special mathematical technologies (the equivalent transformation, structuring, averaging of integrals) define the task or the subtask of models as the element of classes for the linear or the convex programming. Thus, there is compared to the correct technology of calculations, describing criteria of the identical with model and the acceptable precision of the solution, for the mathematical model of any equilibrium state. The results of mathematical calculations confirm the efficiency of technologies and present the variations of fundamental properties of fluid mechanics. | ||||||||
Polonik E. N., Surenskiy E. A., Fedotov A. A. Automation of airframe with geometrical stress concentrators fatigue life calculation . Trudy MAI, 2017, no 92 Description of SNCalculator software for fatigue life calculation for aviation structures with geometric stress concentrators is given in this paper. SNCalculator is integrated in engineering analysis program Femap. This feature helps to increase automation of fatigue life calculation. Material constants, stress history mask, parameters of calculation theories and mechanical stress level are initial calculation data. Stress data are automatically loaded from Femap model for which static analysis was accomplished. Libraries allow re-use of materials and stress history mask. SNCalculator has post-processing features such as: save results, export results to Excel spreadsheet, export results to Femap FEM, stress cyclogram viewer. Fatigue life calculations algorithm is based on three most widely spread in aviation branch methods: “quality” of construction (developed by Loim V.B.), similarity theory (developed by Kogaev V.P.) and fatigue rating theory (developed by Strigius V.E.). The first two methods are using conception of effective stress concentration coefficient. First method use “quality” as a parameter, which is identified by experimental data and exploitation of analogous structures data. Effective stress concentration coefficient in second method is calculated by Kogaev’s theory of similarity. Third method uses fatigue rating which defined as maximal normal stress of zero-to-tension cycle for which fatigue life is equal 105 cycles with 50% probability with reliability level equal 0,5. Main steps of above mentioned methods are described. Scheme of algorithm of fatigue life calculation realized by SNCalculator is given. | ||||||||
Averyanov I. O., Suleymanov T. S., Tarakanov P. V. General method developing for analysis of soft landing system with air dampers. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 92 The principle structure component of any soft landing system with air dampers is shell with a gas inside it. Behavior of such shell component during the landing defines the safety of the landing object. Area landing relief, weather, soil elasticity etc. defines the conditions of landing. Thereby, the deformation of the landing system every damper could be unique. However, different approaches are developed by other engineers and scientists, and the most popular — numerical methods to develop in LS-DYNA. The main idea is to develop a mathematical model to estimate the behavior of the dampers under loading and also take into consideration elasticity of soil and cargo. Herewith, an interaction between inside and outside gas with shell is included into consideration. The proposed mathematical model is developed using combination of finite element and finite volume methods. Besides, the developed model uses an Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) approach. Such mathematical model has to be verified. Therefore we solved different problems using this model and compared them with well-known analytical solutions. The first problem is to define a behavior of a closed cylindrical shell container. The air fills the inside volume of the container and the outside one. The inside and outside pressures differ from each other. The shell is considered as elastic and is loaded by the other body with various initial velocities. Furthermore, all bodies are in the gravity field. We obtained results by means of the developed analytical approach and ALE approach. These results show a satisfactorily difference. Then we considered the problem of air flux through the perforation in the air damper during the landing. It helps us to define the influence of the outside air volume on the flux from the damper in case of numerical approach. We also used ALE approach to simulate the deformation of the two air dampers with perforations during the landing. The influence of the considered dampers on each other is presented. Hereby, verification of the developing mathematical model to analyze the soft landing system with air dampers shown good convergence with analytical solutions. Then we will try to solve more sophisticated problems and compare the results with appropriate experimental data. | ||||||||
Golovkin M. A., Golovkina E. V., Gorban V. P. Flow structures near the models of helicopter configurations. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 92 Flow patterns obtained in water tunnel are presented for helicopter models and their components. Flow visualization was performed using the method of dyed jets. A detailed description is given for the models in which the jet blowing was realized. Visualization of Ka-50 glider model has shown that with decreasing the angle of attack the rearrangement of limit streamlines occurs in nose fuselage so that at α = −10о they are drawn in the underwing area. At α = −10о the vortex cores are generated initiating from the nose section then following under fuselage and along it to the area of horizontal tail. During slip these vortex cores become greatly distorted that may have a significant influence on horizontal tail operation. Investigations of flow structure in the vicinity of Ka-50 glider model with backswept wing has shown that trailing-edge vortices running from tip to root wing sections and further along the aft fuselage to stabilizer area are clearly visualized on this model. In the presence of slip the said vortex structures of the model become visually distorted that may have a significant influence on its longitudinal static stability. Investigations on Mi-26 helicopter model with main rotor simulation has shown that even in the absence of slip (β=0) the flow over the right and the left side of fuselage is essentially asymmetric due to the impact of rotating rotor. On the right side behind the pylon the area of disturbed flow generated by the main rotor disturbances is formed. This is confirmed by comparison with the flow pattern in the right-side view with inoperative rotor. Then this area drifts downstream towards horizontal tail. The flow over the left side of fuselage is much smoother. Only some of pylon disturbances reach the area of tail boom and loading ramp joining. Flow patterns obtained at negative and positive slip of this model are also presented in the paper. The paper presents the results of the investigation of the cylinder model with controlled circulation using a specially contoured slotted nozzle. Visualization was performed in the water tunnel and weight tests were carried out in the wind tunnel. The azimuthal position y of the slotted nozzle determined in reference to the direction of the incoming flow velocity vector and the jet pulse coefficient сμ varied over a wide range. Tests showed that in the region of 100° ≤ Ψ ≤ 135° in lift coefficient and drag increment dependencies on ψ there appeared discontinuities and ambiguity characteristic of hysteresis effects indicating the presence of two possible flow regimes. At small values of cμ separation occurs above the slotted nozzle, the lifting force increment is caused by air suction from separation zone near the cylinder and by reactive force of the jet. With increasing cμ the boundary layer is attached by the shock, the lift increases drastically, the flow over the upper part of the cylinder is without separation. Investigations of Ka-60 helicopter model in water tunnel with simulation of jet blowing from the slotted and jet nozzles, as well as the air intakes operation have shown the following. The air intakes take water from behind the rotor hub allowing for elimination of separation area behind it that causes the essential part of parasitic drag of helicopter body. The unseparated flow over the tail boom in the vicinity of the slotted nozzle is clearly seen that induces a side force compensating a considerable part of rotor reaction torque. Flow patterns near Yak-24 tandem-rotor helicopter model are also presented in the paper. Visualization of tip vortices shedding from the aft rotor is especially clear. At fixed rotation frequency of rotors the spacing between these cycloid vortices increases substantially with increasing the incoming flow velocity. It is noted that flow visualization in low-speed water tunnel is a highly effective and low-cost technique to reveal characteristic features of the flow over aircraft models in addition to wind-tunnel investigations. | ||||||||
Konyukhov I. K. Compact lift systems of subsonic small-size unmanned aerial vehicles. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 92 The paper presents the comparison of various types of aerodynamic characteristics of compact wing types using computer simulation. This problem was solved in three-dimensional statement given viscosity and compressibility. the author studied three types of grid wing; four types of contour wing, such as biplane cellule, which lifting surfaces were joined by vertical wing-tip pylons; and triplane cellule with vertical wing-tip pylons. The purpose of this research consists in checking appropriateness of using grid wings with planar airfoil as lifting and control surfaces for small-size subsonic unmanned aerial vehicles, compared with contour wings with convex airfoil. The sturies revealed that grid wings at subsonic speed have a great value of drag coefficient and very low value of lift-to-drag ratio. These parameters can be slightly improved by plane edges revision. The advantage of grid wings with planar airfoils is the ability to operate at very high angles of attack and a smooth nature of flow separation. Reducing the number of internal surfaces significantly reduces the drag coefficient, but lift coefficient reduces either (though not so much). We got in the limit the contour wing with planar airfoils of lift surfaces. It has rather high lift-to-drag ratio, but low lift coefficient. It may be increased by replacing planar airfoils by thick convex airfoils. Simulations have shown that at subsonic speed lift-to-drag ratio of the contour wing is higher than that of a grid wing by several times. Maximum lift coefficients of both types are approximately equal. This allows conclude that under the condition of solving problems of strength and rigidity, the contoured wing is more promising than the grid wing for most types of compact unmanned subsonic aircraft. | ||||||||
Animitsa V. A., Krymskii V. S., Leont'ev V. A. Tail rotors with various solidity values characteristics in hover mode while helicopter rotation computational studies. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 92 A helicopter uncontrolled left rotation mode (for the main rotor clockwise rotation) is one of the worst modes for the helicopters of classic structure. This phenomenon was repeatedly observed at the stages of a helicopter hovering, take-off and landing, requiring increased values of engines’ apparent power at low flight speeds. The main cause of helicopter’s entering the uncontrolled rotation mode is the main rotor operation special feature, associated, in the first place, with the flow induced by the main rotor impact on the tail rotor under a certain air speed direction [1]. There are other contributing factors, which may cause helicopters’ entering uncontrolled rotation mode, such as maximum gross weight; high ambient air temperature; engine low power margin; main rotor reduced rotational speed, blustery wind, landing site blanket created by buildings and constructions capable of generating wind flow vortices, or its directivity and velocity variations. The takeoff or the sideslip landing can be considered as contributing factors as well. At the uncontrolled rotation mode itself, the conditions of tail rotor flow conditions altering. However, this alternation does not facilitate the dangerous mode quitting. Moreover, the angular velocity progressively increases. In the course of this work, the characteristics of various tail rotors have been calculated under rotation conditions with the left angular velocities of ωу=0; 30; 60; 120°/s, when hovering out of air-cushion effect. The computational studies have been carried out by using the helicopter mathematical model, developed in TsAGI [2]. A relationship between the tail rotors relative thrust coefficient and the angular velocities Сt/σ(ωу) has been obtained.
The computational results of studies of the tail rotor with the solidity σ = 0,12 are shown in Figure 1. Under minor tail rotor pitch φtr, the coefficient Ct/σ is increasing insignificantly, and the blades rotate under pre-stall mode. When the φtr is increasing up to 21° and more, the coefficient Ct/σ is sharply decreasing. The tail rotor thrust is not increasing, but is sharply decreasing.
Figure 1. Relationships Сt/σ = f(ωу) for σ = 0,12
The angular velocities ωу influence on the tail rotor operating conditions has been analyzed. The distributions of the lift force coefficients Су
and the tail rotor blade angle of attack α, on the r = 0,75R blade section, vs the blade azimuth and the angular velocity have been obtained. The changes of the tail rotor blade lift force coefficient Су on the φtr = 25° are shown in Figure 2. The Graph shows, that when the ωу increases, the lift force coefficient Су decreases.
Figure 2. Relationships Cy = f (ψ) for σ = 0,12, φtr 25º | ||||||||
Azarov Y. A., Chernovolov R. A. Drained aeroelastic aircraft models. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 92 Drained dynamically scaled models have been designed to study aircraft unsteady aerodynamic performance in wind tunnels. Nowadays this kind of experimental research is preferred for future aircraft both flutter and buffeting safety studies, along with verification of CFD methods with allowance for the structural elasticity. While drained dynamically scaled models developing a number of requirements, including geometric, mass, stiffness and dynamic similarity, should be met. Furthermore, additional requirements for safety margins and high fidelity of measurements are implied. In the Laboratory of Dynamic Modeling of the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute several models have been designed and manufactured: — Drained dynamically scaled model of short-range passenger aircraft wing — Drained reference dynamically scaled model of transport category aircraft wing — Drained dynamically scaled model of short-range passenger aircraft horizontal tail — Drained dynamically scaled model of medium-range passenger aircraft flap The creation of drained dynamically scaled models became possible through the use of advanced polymer composite materials and FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) additive technologies. Verification of the model geometrical characteristics is carried out on a coordinate measuring machine. The results of this work are as follow:
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Basharov E. A., Vagin A. Y. Analysis of Polymeric Composite Materials application for helicopter airframe design. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 92 The studies conducted in the 1980s of the 20th century by a number of the US aircraft manufacturers under project administration of U.S. Air Force Materials laboratory, has shown that practical application of polymeric composite materials (PCM) in military airplanes and helicopters design results in not only considerable decrease of their weight and cost, but also in higher survivability, maintainability, many other improvements. In the late 70s of the 20th century the U.S. Government, by request of the Air Force, invested in research work and Advanced Composite Airframe Program (ACAP) to demonstrate helicopter weight and cost reduction potential with maximum wide PСM application in its design. The ACAP program results were extremely successful. S-75 and D-292 demonstrators made clear the advantages of PСM application in the helicopter airframe structure achieved by maximum structure integration and use of large-size three-layered panels with honeycomb core, special shape of external panels to reduce the radar signature, as well as the implementation of the parts highly resistant to battle damages and capable of energy absorption at crash landing. At about the same time, the helicopter development projects known today as Ka-50, Ka-226, Ka-60/62 were in progress in our country. From the very beginning wide application of PCM in the helicopter structure and, first and foremost, in the airframe was the target goal. PCM implementation in the fuselage structure purported weight reduction, labor hours and industrialization cost reduction, as well as lifetime and combat survivability increase, and operational costs reduction. This task was successfully solved. Based on world-wide successful results of PCM implementation in primary and secondary helicopter airframe structures, the 90s of the 20th century marked a consistent trend among all key helicopter manufacturers to extensive PCM application in new helicopter airframes. That is why when the development of Ka60/62 helicopter project was initiated in the late 80s, Mr. S.Mikheev, Kamov Company General Designer, set up the task of extending PCM application in the fuselage design up to 60‒70%. The manufacturing technological problems of large-size integral three-layers panels made from PCM were solved successfully. At the same time the manufacturability and costs analysis of the proposed technical solutions led to refusal of PCM application in the critical parts and assembles of Ka-62 fuselage. Based on the analysis of design and manufacturing experience on helicopter airframe parts made of PCM, the paper offers substantiations and main conclusions on PCM wide-scale implementation in the helicopter design. Advantages and disadvantages of PCM application are demonstrated and main present-day obstacles on the way of wide PCM implementation in Russia in the helicopter design are outlined. Possible ways of their overcoming are suggested as well. | ||||||||
Kychevskii S. V., Gervald A. V., Onyfrienko V. V., Titov Y. P. Air pressure in aircraft pressurized cabin control optimizing method. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 92 The subject of research is the air pressure regulation system in the aircraft pressurized cabin. The purpose of the work consists in developing a mathematical model of predicting the required air pressure in the aircraft pressurized cabin with a view to predictive actuation of control valves of conditioning and pressure regulation system to prevent accidents. The performed evaluation of air pressure regulation in modern aircraft of the fifth generation pressurized cabin capability revealed that at intensive combat maneuvering mode in vertical plane, and in case of the aircraft cabin decompression at high altitudes, the conventional facilities did not ensure pressure regulation in the cabin according to medical-technical safety requirements for crewmember safety under extreme conditions of high-altitude flight. These modes do not ensure reliable protection of crew members fr om unfavorable factors of high-altitude flight. The evaluation of the technical capabilities of air in the pressurized cabin of modern aircraft 5th generation pressure control systems showed that there are modes of intensive combat maneuvers in the vertical plane, as well as instances of cabin depressurization of the aircraft at high altitudes existing facilities do not provide pressure regulation in the pressurized cabin according to health -technical requirements of crew safety in the extreme conditions of high-altitude flying, thus these modes do not provide reliable protection of the crew from the adverse factors of high altitude flight. The paper proposes the method for air pressure control based on the flight parameters control and computing for the preset time interval the pitch and vertical speed values, depending on the control stick position changes, according to previous calculations our mathematical model shows required pressure in the pressurized cabin and its rate of change. If the pressure in pressurized cabin deviates from the lim it value, the proactive changes in pressure in the pressurized cabin are performed in pre-calculated time interval by affecting air regulator and pressure regulator valves. The paper presents mathematical model of pressure control in the pressurized cabin and the valve control algorithm in the pressure control system. | ||||||||
Schurovskiy Y. M. Gas turbine engine lubrication system mathematical modeling specifics. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 92 The paper presents the developing principles of dynamic mathematical model of oil systems with electrically driven pumps for gas turbine engines (GTE). The oil system with electrically driven pumps can replace the traditional system with pumps driven by gearbox. The demonstrational oil system model with adjustable electrically driven pumps was developed in the CIAM. Experimental studies of its characteristics on the workbench with the simulator oil chamber GTE demonstrated the complexity of hydro- and gas-dynamic processes occurring in it, and the need to develop dynamic models of such systems. The literature generally discusses the mathematical models for the study of oil systems based on static hydraulic ratios without considering the dynamic characteristics of pipelines, gas content changes over the path of pumping the two-phase mixture, and others. The dynamic mathematical model of the system based on finite element with lumped parameters is designed to sel ect its characteristics and control laws. The finite element describes the part of pneumo-hydraulic circuit of oil system. Gas and hydraulic network system are divided into separate sections of working medium flow (pipelines, etc.), concentrated volumes, pumps, located on sections, are described by quasi-static characteristics. The distributed pressure losses due to friction within the pipeline are focused at the border and summed with the losses on other hydraulic resistances of this section. It is assumed, that the pressure, temperature, mass gas content and thermal characteristics of the working mixture are constant along length of the concentrated section and vary only in time. The volumes of the type of oil cavity, where two-phase medium is formed fr om air and oil, describe the stratified flow of oil-air and air-oil mixtures. The change of thermal and thermodynamic characteristics is calculated in the acoustic volumes, where the two-phase flows merge. Calculation of two-phase mixture movement in the pipelines is made with allowance for its inertia and compressibility. Solution of the system model is carried out in a computer program by direct numerical calculation without iterations (Euler method). Comparison of the calculated and experimental processes in the demonstration lubrication system revealed their good agreement in the area of the 1-st tone oscillations of hydraulic network system 0.2 ... 5 Hz. | ||||||||
Agul'nik A. ., Gusarov S. A., Omar Hewa H. O. Gas-steam turbine cycle basic parameters selection for gas pumping units. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 92 The paper tackles with the issue of a gas turbine and steam-turbine cycles’ basic parameters of a gas turbine installation under development for gas pumping units, based on aircraft jet engine. The goal of this work consists in gas pipelines pumping units’ efficiency increase by utilizing a gas turbine engine high-temperature exhaust heat energy and the realizing a lower-temperature steam cycle. With the combined power plant processes T-S-diagram it was performed the selection of the main parameters of the gas turbine and steam turbine cycles according to the needs of temperature differences. Calculations show that the creation of a combined gas and steam power unit is possible. The initial temperature of the gas turbine cycle should not exceed 1500 ... 1600 K to ensure that the free power turbine will work without blade cooling. Based on a combined power plant processes’ T-S diagram the authors carried out selection of the gas turbine and steam-turbine cycles’ basic parameters with allowance for the temperature difference requirements. The computations demonstrated the possibility of such combined gas turbine installation development. The gas turbine initial temperature herein should not exceed 1500 ... 1600 K to ensure the free power turbine operation without blade cooling. pumping unit based on aircraft jet engine RD-33. Whereby the results demonstrate that the power of such combined plant will be 20 MW (15.5 MW and 4.5 MW) with effective efficiency of 45‒50%. All the above said allows draw a conclusion that gas-turbine installations are prospective for gas pipelines gas-pumping units’ drives and allows reduce of fuel gas consumption for compressor station’ auxiliaries. | ||||||||
Pavlov P. V., Popov F. N. The information-diagnostic system flaw control. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 92 The work is dedicated to the development of flaw control information diagnostic system, the ability to expand the possibility of non-destructive testing devices which operation is based on optical radiation speckle patterns method. Method of «chessboard» is used as speckle imaging tool. This method allows analyze the dynamics of the parameters changes in a defect by analyzing the changes in the studied surface roughness parameters, as well as to carry out work on determining the depth of defects in the internal structure of composite materials. This method is applied to control the subsurface structure. Its operation principle consists in sensing of the object with increasing laser power. Experimental studies have confirmed the effectiveness of these methods, and proved that the method of «checkerboard» can be used to monitor the cracking and residual lifespan assessment of details, employing the method for determining the internal structure of composite materials, and the depth of the defect in the internal structure of an object. Thus, the introduction of the developed information-diagnostic system will allow for flaw detection of aircraft control units and assemblies at a new technological level. | ||||||||
Kruchinin M. M., Kuzmin D. A. Helicopter chassis drop tests mathematical modeling. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 92 Drop tests present a necessary part of a helicopter design and certification. However, man-hours necessary for carrying out these tests are rather labor consuming, and the tests themselves are not safe. Thus, helicopter chassis drop test mathematical model development is considered as a topical task. Drop tests consist in dropping the aircraft landing gear with the reduced weight attached to it from a specified height. this weight is selected according to the norms of safety. The paper considers mathematical modeling of drop testing of the main and front landing gear struts of the Mi-38 helicopter with software packages LMS. Amesim. Imagine. Lab and LMS.Virtual. Lab. The authors describe the methodology and stages of front and main landing gear shock absorbers mathematical models development with the data packs, and the numerical experiment obtained results. The synthesis of shock mathematical models, as a combination of the pneumatic, hydraulic and mechanical systems operation, held in LMS.Amesim. Imagine. Lab package. Validation of models of shock absorbers made by comparing with the received data compression diagram of the manufacturer. Building a model of the landing gear mechanical and mathematical modeling of its contact with the surface of pneumatics was performed in LMS. Virtual. Lab pack. The landing gear drop tests modeling carried out by sharing calculation in packages LMS. Virtual. Lab and LMS. Amesim. Imagine. Lab. The simulation results are compared with manufacturer’s experimental data of field tests. is confirmed The reliability of the used models is confirmed by operational work diagram representing the dependence of force at the point of contact on pneumatic vertical movement of the center of gravity of the dropped cargo at various test conditions. Comparison of the calculated and experimental data demonstrated the possibility of using this method for the preliminary analysis of the permissible loads in the tests for dropping, which provides a significant reduction in the volume of drop tests. The possibilities of further development of the developed method for helicopter landing simulation in various conditions regulated by the rules of safety. | ||||||||
Busurin V. I., Mevedev V. M., Karabitsky A. S. Modular inertial control systems control and diagnostic systems for design features. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 92 The basis of technical information, measurement and control systems support consists of electronic devices and systems for information communicating, gathering, processing, transmitting and displaying, which, belong to subjects to diagnosis at the stages of development and production. For means of control and most of other types of inertial control system tests, it is generally accepted to implement checkout equipment (CE). Hardware and software of the CE are developed individually for the requirements of inertial control system specific tests. To simplify the design and improve versatility, this paper offers to rethink CE software design methodology, allowing form CE software automatically for control and diagnostics purposes of several similar inertial control systems. This solution will significantly reduce the time and cost of the CE hardware and software parts developing. The software forming is carried out by attaching additional software modules (ASM), responsible for unique to a particular inertial control system (ICS) equipment or functionality, to basic software module (BSM). The developed software remains intact while being used for control and diagnosis of various ICS’s. BSM performs functions such as distributing software threads and their priorities, launch and control of ASM. ASM are developed in conjunction with CE, and possess unique features. Interaction between modules is carried out through the shared memory and communication protocols between modules. Considering the fact that ASM’s are designed to perform specific tasks, such as recording telemetry in the selected format, working with mezzanines boards, or record sensor readings, as well as due to the fact that they are designed as a separate project, the developers unassociated with basic module design can be involved in their creation. Small size and relative simplicity of development of each module significantly accelerates this process. Uniqueness of each CE set of hardware components, such as a set of sensors, opto-boards, interfaces, makes it possible to determine most of required ASM, by self-control using the ICS simulator. Trial ISU run and analysis of incoming telemetry can help to determine additional software modules. | ||||||||
Evdokimchik E. A. Control algorithm to automatic perform the avoidance maneuver from collision with terrain. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 92 A controlled flight into terrain remains a serious problem for the commercial and military aircraft. It is difficult for a pilot to adequately estimate the degree of maneuverability and safety on a modern maneuverable aircraft. To improve the flight safety applies systems which warns the pilot of the ground proximity and performs an automatic collision avoidance maneuver in case of security threats. The article deals with the control algorithm for performance of the automatic maneuvers intended to avoid collision with the ground. The proposed algorithm is designed for the aircraft with control loops of g-load and roll angle. A collision avoidance maneuver is divided into two phases. The first phase is focused on stopping the descent of the aircraft. The goal of the second phase is the safely transfer control of the aircraft to the pilot. The first phase of maneuver can be performed by using two control strategies. The first control strategy consists of a roll to wings level combined with performing a desired g-load. Desired g-load is negative when roll angle more than the point ahead angle and positive in other case. The point ahead angle depend on the ratio of performances of g-load and roll angle control loops. The recommendation for chose the point ahead angle for a particular aircraft is given. The second control strategy is to perform aerobatic figure, called “overturn”. The control algorithms of vertical flight speed and altitude to execute the second phase of the avoidance maneuver is designed. The logic for perform avoidance maneuver and block diagram of the control algorithm is created. | ||||||||
Il'yasov S. P., Kornilov A. V., Losev V. V. A standby instrument system for a high-maneurability manned aerodynamic aircraft. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 92 The paper tackles the issues concerning a process of methods and techniques development, meant for increase the quality factors of the high-maneuverability dual-purpose aircraft avionics through enhancing the technical performance of the standby instrument system. The authors proposed, in particular, to employ an electronic integrated standby instrument system, in which the indigenous compact medium-accuracy sensors are used. The distinctive features of the systems are the data communications between the elements, as well as software and hardware tools based on them. It allows measuring the significant number of an aircraft movement parameters, increasing the accuracy of measurement and enhancing the reliability and usability factors. The results of the semi-scale modeling are given with the use of the real-time telemetry under real flights of the high-maneuverability aircraft, ground-based adjustment and flight tests. | ||||||||
Hein Tay Z. T., Mel'nikov V. E. On the possibility of determination aircraft takeoff weight. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 92 The exact knowledge of an aircraft take-off weight, including the actual fuel weight on board and center mass is a factor in flight safety and its controllability. Conventional weight measuring systems do not allow for the rapid control of these parameters in real time. The authors consider the possibility of an aircraft take-off weight operational determination while maneuvering along the taxiway to the runway starting area. For this purpose, the taxiway must hold the traceable area equipped with sensor bars, embedded in an underlying surface according to the number of the aircraft’s support landing gears, and electronic component to ensure the operability of the sensors, information processing, and remote transmission to Central office for decision making. The paper justifies the layout of sensor bars, the geometry of the receiving surface, perceiving the pressure force of the aircraft landing gear on the underlying surface, and specifies the requirements to the primary sensors energy characteristics, which converts the pressure force into an electrical signals and their number. Particularly, the longitudinal dimension of the sensor bar must have a phase of whole position of contact patch of wheels on the perceiving surface of the sensor. This allows extracting the additional information useful to diagnose the state of the wheel elements of the landing gear. The main requirements to the primary sensors are high accuracy and versatility. The most promising seems to be the sensors, such as electromechanical transducers, based on amorphous and crystalline quartz with frequency dependent output signal. This can be unified quartz string transducers of forces and deformations. Quartz capacitive transducers can be in conjunction with the quartz crystal oscillators as well. Further, the paper presents the main available characteristics of the sensors, which determine the ultimate load, steepness and temperature error. | ||||||||
Karpunin D. N. Advanced onboard means to confirm the accuracy characteristics of systems for remote sensing of the earth. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 92 The questions of creation of a highly stable promising means to confirm the performance of optoelectronic equipment for remote sensing at the stages of flight test and operation during the active lifetime of the spacecraft, which provide the possibility of high-precision onboard calibration with traceability to national standards. The objects of research are models of onboard black bodies based on phase transitions of high-purity substances and their eutectic compounds, which build to confirm the accuracy characteristics of remote sensing equipment in the infrared spectral range, as well as highly stable detectors that measure external influencing factors around the spacecraft area. Creation of highly stable onboard equipment is based on unique property of substances in the process of phase transitions, as well as a special design for the required characteristics. Theoretical and experimental research, including microgravity, was conducted. As a result, found that the physical principles and design features underlying the work of emitters allow to ensure the traceability of measurement results to national standards, the compensation of the temperature dependence of sensor equipment will provide the reliable data on the measurement object, namely, the state of its own outer atmosphere of the spacecraft. Development of advanced tools onboard calibration confirmation of the accuracy characteristics of remote sensing equipment will deliver the required level of output quality. The results are used to implement the requirements of international and national standards, which are needed to confirm the accuracy characteristics during operation, what is currently not provided with the required metrological characteristics. Creating a promising onboard calibration means for verification accuracy characteristics of remote sensing equipment will ensure the achievement of the required level of quality of the data and improve their competitiveness. | ||||||||
Kolpin M. A., Protsenko P. A., Slashchev A. V. Effectiveness evaluation technique for ground automated control functioning of a spacecraft. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 92 The absence of common methodological base for functioning efficiency evaluation and capabilities of Ground Automated Control Complex (GACC) makes practically impossible the procedure of scientific study and evaluation of various options for its development and introduction of advanced unified spacecraft management tools. The results of scientific and methodological ground-based activities applicability analysis from the viewpoint of an individual spacecraft GCC evaluation capabilities, revealed the difficulties in estimation GACC overall efficiency. Thus, it becomes urgent to develop alternative approaches to estimating the GACC effectiveness, allowing obtain estimates of GACC’s operating efficiency indicators based on composition, structure and parameters of the Orbital Constellation (OG) of space crafts, as well as the requirements and limitations of spacecraft control technology. Spacecraft GACC functioning efficiency estimation method was designed for this purpose. It allows obtaining rational GACC structures for controlling spacecraft OG and evaluating their implementation effectiveness. The developed method demonstrates several advantages over the existing conventional approach, such as: – The ability to plan collaborative control operations in automatic mode; – The plans obtained using the conventional approach do not always meet the required sequence order of control operations, unlike the plans prepared using the developed method; – Сomputation speed with the proposed method is 1.5 times higher than with the existing approach. The proposed method can be implemented in the following cases: – Computations for spacecraft GACC functioning effectiveness assessing t in various conditions, performed at stages of a long-term and operational planning of its resources employing; – Prospective composition spacecraft GACC evaluation capacity and advanced spacecraft control technology studies; – The study of various kinds of requirements for both in general (GACC) and in particular (spacecraft); – Justification trends in spacecraft GACC development and improvement. | ||||||||
Belozerova I. N., Kudriavtseva N. S. Analysis of ultrasound parameters for a spaceman bone tissue regeneration during long-term space missions. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 92 The paper discusses mathematical modeling, analysis and parameters selection of ultrasonic interaction with a spaceman’s injured bone tissue to accelerate its regeneration during long-term missions. The authors developed a mathematical model of ultrasonic interaction with multi-layer system of a biological human tissue based on reflection of the mechanical ultrasonic energy at the boundaries, such as “soft tissue — cortical bone tissue”, “cortical tissue — trabecular bone tissue”, “trabecular bone tissue — bone marrow tissue”. Mechanical ultrasonic elastic stresses of biological cells in the bone tissue such as displacement amplitude (deformation) and shear forces on the cells of cortical bone that stimulate regeneration of the cortical bone tissue without causing cells destruction and cellular organelles were computed. The temperature gradients in the cortical bone were computed to evaluate thermal effects of ultrasound on biological cells. Finally, the recommended parameters of ultrasonic exposure for accelerated regeneration of a spaceman’s cortical bone tissue: intensity of ultrasonic source: I0 = 0,05 — 0,1 W/cm2, the oscillation frequency f = 0,02 — 0,1 MHz, the duration of continuous exposure shall not exceed 10 minutes were elaborated. Moreover, the weight of a spacecraft life-support system will not be increased as the ultrasonic device is already a part of the medical and technical equipment onboard the orbital station. The presented study is the first one to offer implementation of ultrasound with the parameters selected to accelerate a spaceman injured bone tissues regeneration during long-term missions. | ||||||||
Suchkov A. V. Simulation of broadside impact on frequency-scan array antennas. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 92 Frequency-scan array antennas (FSAA) are widely used in airspace surveillance radars and air traffic-control systems. In most cases, these antennas present a planar equidistant array of linear emitters connected to the traveling wave multichannel power divider (PD). PD is based on couplers, connected in series with sinuous delay line (DL). It is well known that sharp increasing of PD input voltage to standing-wave ratio (VSWR) on the frequency corresponding to beamforming near broadside is a significant disadvantage of such antennas. The reason for this is the in-phase addition of large quantity of even low reflections from periodic discontinuities: couplers and DL bends. This effect, which leads to a significant gain reduction and unacceptable distortions of directional pattern, is called a “broadside impact” in technical literature. Currently, to eliminate the broadside impact, the method, based on integer odd number of quarter-wavelength in DL shift between all of even and odd discontinuities was proposed. This paper presents the simulation results obtained using the algorithm, realized in MathCAD. The algorithm was designed for FSAA PD input VSWR evaluation at a certain reflection level from periodic discontinuities and amplitude-phase distribution (APD) forming in frequency-scan plane. During the simulation it has been established that the aforementioned elimination method have a disadvantage, i. e. occurrence of broadside impact in the lower and upper operating frequency range when wide-angle scanning with pattern at a relative bandwidth of more than a few percent was implemented. Thus, the new method, which was designed for complete elimination of broadside impact, is proposed. It is based on automated iterative search procedure of electrical lines lengths connected between the couplers and DL bends. The iterative convergence condition search procedure is defined by PD input VSWR lowest possible value, which achieved in operating frequency range at a certain reflection level from discontinuities. Reasonability of transition from PD series circuit to series-parallel circuit with wide-angle scanning implementation in a relative bandwidth of more than 5% was analyzed. Thus, the main practical result of research concludes in FSAA broadside impact complete elimination possibility and, respectively, operating frequency range and scanning sector expansion without reducing the antenna gain requirements. | ||||||||
Lobachev N. Y. Non-uniformity (of capacitive type) effect on a waveguide Ka waveband filter frequency response in case of adjustment elements made of conducting material replacement by elements made of dielectric material. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 92 With reference of constantly growing demand for radar installations of new generation implementation, the issue of meeting the strict requirements to SHF-devices becomes quite topical. Filters play one of the key roles practically in every navigation or communication system. The main functions of the filters consist in ensuring: ‒ pass-band in the specified frequency band; ‒ necessary suppression level; − low level of insertion losses; − specified amplitude-frequency response. The main purpose of the research is consists in comparison of influence of heterogeneity (capaciti character) on filter skirt. Two ways of setting of the waveguide filter has been presented. The presented paper focuses on studying the procedure of waveguide SFR-filter of Ka waveband tuning. The filter key parameters while tuning are as follows: its characteristic conformance to specification requirements and total tuning time, which is especially up-to-date at mass production. To ensure these parameters at conventional tuning metal screws are used. These screws present a non-uniformity (of capacitive type) for cavity links matching adjustment. The presented study suggests innovative solution in this sphere, which consists in metal screws substitution by fluoroplastic ones. It is associated with some key specifics of this material. It is noteworthy that in the framework of this research thermo- and vibro-strength test were carried out. These tests present an important criterion, warranting the features stability of the tuned unit. The assumption that by material substitution we will manage not only cut the time of waveguide filter tuning, but also ensure the more qualitative frequency response were substantiated experimentally. Moreover, while working on this problem the accessory for convenience in this procedure realization was developed. Thus, the presented work presents complex comparison of the obtained parameters, complexity and time component of the two variants of waveguide filters tuning procedure. | ||||||||
Arefiev R. O., Arefieva N. G., Skrypnik O. N. Improvement of air navigation support of the landing phase by optimizing the allocation of pseudolites GLONASS. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 92 The article is devoted to the problem of the rational quality definition of the GLONASS system pseudo satellites and to the problem of optimization of their location relating to the runway for supplying better accuracy of the aircraft positioning on the final landing stage. The article presents the optimization criterion based on the minimization of the vertical geometrical factor both in a pre-set point and lengthwise the glide path. The difficulty in solving the problem is in a constant change of a geometrical factor due to the satellite moving relating to a user. The problem of optimization has been solved during a period of time which is equal to a period of orbital movement satellites GLONASS frequency with an hour discreteness. In this case we get a set of pseudo satellites locations which are optimal for a certain chosen moment of time. The method of finding the only positioning of pseudo satellites among others offered is based on the creation of the histogram of the latitude and longitude coordinates. To define the optimal pseudo satellites location, certain algorithms are drawn up which are based on the method of a direct search ( by Hook-Jeeves) and a no rigid polygon (by Nelder-Mid). The comparison of results got by both methods proved the adequacy of found solutions. To conduct the research a program complex LabView was created. It has got the module of orbital movement GLONASS imitation which works on the base of the functioning almanac of the system. The data out of this almanac are the characteristics of a nautical session in a set point of any pre-set period of time. And the data out of the optimization module that implements certain algorithms are the coordinates of optimal position pseudolites points. On the bases of the carried research there is a benefit in the average value of geometric factor both lengthwise the glide path and certain points provided in case of the pseudolites optimal position. The Influence of the number of optimal position pseudolites on the vertical geometric factor value in a zone of the airdrome was researched. It was proved that for the vertical geometric factor minimization and the zone increase, within provided minimum value, the use of more than three pseudolites is not rational. | ||||||||
Gogolev A. A. Semi-natural modelling of unmanned aerial vehicles like multicopter. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 92 Rapid development of multicopters became possible due to the popularity of MEMS technologies, brushless engines and high-capacity lithium-polymer batteries. Multicopters are widely used in unprofessional aviamodelling, military and civil tasks because the construction is very easy-to-use. In spite of this multicopters don’t have the ability of windmilling and glide landing therefore multicopter are damaged easily. Semi-natural modelling helps us to reduce risk of damage, decrease time and increase the efficiency of developing UAVs. Semi-natural modelling have the maximum accord with full-size UAV. Semi-natural modelling system of multicopters consists of two parts: modelling system and computing center. Computing center computes math model of multicopter and environment, visualizes the results of math modelling, registers parameters of math model and modelling system. Modelling system controls the multicopter in math model, makes the dynamical similarity of the system, simulates of navigation system, visualizes the environment of modelling. Computing center consists of multicopter math model, environment math model, visualization system, registration system. Modelling system consists of Stewart platform with six degrees of freedom, collimation system, imitator of navigation system (GPS, barometer, compass), quadcopters CPU. Equations of math model compute in Matlab/Simulink system. Model of environment is used from Matlab/Simulink system and simulates wind, gravity and atmosphere. Registration system registers parametres of math model, parameters of Stewart platform, navigation parameters of quadcopters CPU and navigational parameters of collimation system. Stewart platform with six degrees of freedom consists of Arduino Mega, 6 servos and some peripheral devices. Quadrotor CPU stands on Stewart platform and rotate on it. Besides it Quadrotor CPU control the math model through the signals to the brushless motors. Imitator of navigation system simulates the parametres and transmits it to the quadrotor CPU. Collimation system makes the image of environment for modelling the optical systems. As the result the article shows the structure of semi-natural modelling system for the modelling of control system of quadrotor and optical system. | ||||||||
Protasov V. I., Sharonov A. V., Sharnin M. M., Klimenko A. S. Error probability minimization while object identification by onboard computing system of an unmanned aerial vehicle. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 92 This work set and solved the problem of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) computing power sharing to ensure reliable identification of a number of objects, employing neuron network identification. The main requirement imposed on a group of neural networks’ joint operation is related to incorrect detection of objects in complicated cases, when this probability in a single network is sufficiently great. The authors found the conditions, which fulfillment defines the possibility of forming a group of neural networks, solving the problem of detection of any degree of complexity and returning a wrong answer with the probability not exceeding the preset small value. Theoretical justification of neural networks’ joint operation organization is based on evolutionary solutions adjustment method. On its first stage populations of separate neuron networks solutions were formed, and possible answers were generated, where the room was left for discarding the answer. At the second and subsequent stages the exchange of variants was carried out, and neuron networks, which «discarded» the answer, select, in their judgement, the right answers from proposed answers, or refuse to answer again. This iteration process continues until the majority of neuron networks give coinciding answers. It is quite clear that this answer ca be of three types: <<right>>, <<wrong>> or <<cannot decide>>. The probability values of such answers depend on the number neural networks in the group, problem complexity, initial probabilities of right and wrong answers generation by single neuron networks, and of probabilities of right or wrong selection of foreign answers at the stages of solutions adjustment. To obtain analytical solution of the set problem of defining conditions which fulfillment a group of neuron networks goes wrong with the probability not exceeding the preset small value, the authors employed the result of Condorcet jury theorem and Rasch model. The authors proved the theorem on inconsistent solution of a problem of arbitrary complexity, obtained by a group of neuron networks, probability tending to zero, as well as the theorem on limit value of existence problems’ complexity, which cannot obtain the proper solutions with the pre-set probability. The judgement was exercised, that the proved theorems bear universal character and can be implemented to the group of natural intellectual objects, such as performing the task on context scientific citation number building in complicated cases. The paper describes “error-free” objects detection technology by a UAVs group. Preliminary processing of images under detection was carried out according to the algorithm presented in [11]. Computer simulation of images detection by a group of neural networks confirmed the workability of the approach under discussion and allowed draw inferences on probability value of correct objects detection significant increase in simple cases, and reduce practically to zero the probability value of incorrect detection. | ||||||||
Gainanov D. N., Rasskazova V. A. Mathematical modelling of locomotives' traffic problem by graph theory and combinatorial optimization methods. Trudy MAI, 2017, no 92 The paper tackles the problem of railway cargo transportation planning and organizing. Oriented multi-graph of a train traffic energy efficient strategies and a set of this multi-graph permitted paths, i. e. a set of normative threads of a train schedule, are put under consideration. Non-oriented conflict graph is determined on the set of train schedule normative threads, associated with a monotonous Boolean function. The paper envisages the problem of creating a conflict-free set of train schedules, reduced to the monotonous Boolean function maximum upper zero search. The conflict-free schedule threads herein should ensure the specified volume of transportation. For this purpose, conditions of amount of traffic provision should be met, given by correspondence matrix. The transportation plan for the available set of locomotives is formed based on non-conflict set of the graph normative thread sets. A problem of locomotives’ assignment and movement is formulated for the transportation plan, which optimizes the number of completed transportation assignments, a number of used locomotives and a number of «empty runnings». The graph-combinatorial problem of subgraph nodes of oriented graph of transportations dependencies coverage by oriented paths. The above-mentioned criteria herein are formulated in terms of the determined coverage properties. The algorithmic diagram. The main results of the research consist in mathematical formulation of the problem of optimal assignments of locomotives and its reducingtion to the dual graph-combinatorial problem, which solution structure is offered. The obtained results could find an application for solving practical problems on railway transportations optimization with regard to the required fleet of locomotives and its utilization ratio. | ||||||||
Denisov S. L., Medvedskiy A. L. Numerical-analytical method to calculate plate response and durability under broadband acoustic loads and its verification. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 91 New ICAO requirements for external aviation noise reduction draw increasing attention to the new types of airframe design/layout to use airframe as shield from engine noise. While targeting external noise reduction, the wingbody layout looks like the most promising. This layout places engines over the airframe. It is necessary to note that this layout leads to increase of the airframe area which suffers from acoustic loads. In turn, these loads produce the stresses which can lead to fatigue airframe failure. So despite of significant progress in aviation engine noise reduction, the discussions about acoustic fatigue and durability of aircraft structures (for example, plates and shells) gain back their popularity. In this paper we proposed the hybrid numerical-analytical method to calculate the response and durability of isotropic metal plate under broadband acoustic loads with four different acoustic field spatial distributions: fully correlated, partially correlated, delta-correlated and diffuse field distribution. For the simple-supported metal plate, mean square stresses and durability obtained by the proposed hybrid method were compared with the exact analytical solution. It is necessary to note, that proposed hybrid method may be applied for the plate with clamped-clamped or clamped-simple supported edges. The mean square stresses, calculated by the hybrid method, fit well the exact analytical solution but are highly sensitive to acoustical field spatial distribution, external acoustic field frequency spectrum and number of eigen modes taken into account. We calculated durability by using four different approaches providing the mean square stresses as input data. Calculations performed by Wirsching-Light method (for narrowband Gaussian process) and Kowalewski method (for wideband Gaussian process) give, correspondingly, lower and upper estimations of the plate durability. Miles and Rajcher methods (both are for wideband Gaussian process) produce relatively close values located between the results of Wirsching-Light and Kowalewski methods. | ||||||||
Khokhlov A. V. Long-term strength curves Produced by Linear Viscoelasticity Theory combined with failure criteria accounting for strain history. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 91 Interaction of the linear viscoelasticity constitutive equation with several failure criteria is studied under uni-axial creep conditions in order to simulate creep rupture and to assess lifetime of viscoelastoplastic materials or structural elements. The limit strain criterion and two proposed new families of hereditary failure criteria are considered. They are constructed to take into account a whole creep curve and damage evolution. The proposed failure criteria families depend on a positive real parameter and include the limit strain criteria as a particular (limit) case. Every criterion of the first family yields rapture time that is greater than the one given by the limit strain criteria and every second family criterion yields rapture time that is less (or equal) than the lifetime given by the limit strain criteria. The difference between the predicted creep lives can be made negligibly small or considerably large. The failure criteria governing parameters regulate their memory fading rates and provide an additional option to tune the model and fit it to creep rapture test data. Equations of long-term strength curves generated by three chosen failure criteria are derived for arbitrary creep function. Their general qualitative properties and their dependences on the criteria governing parameter and creep function are studied analytically and compared to each other. It is proved that qualitative properties of all three theoretic long-term strength curves are the same as basic properties of typical test long-term strength curves of viscoelastoplastic materials. Thus, coupling the linear viscoelasticity constitutive equation with fracture criteria considered in the paper provides adequate qualitative description of creep rupture and lifetime of viscoelastoplastic materials and structural elements. | ||||||||
Gidaspov V. Y. Numerical simulation of stationary combustion and detonation waves in boron particles with air mixture. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 91 The paper presents the results of numerical studies of ignition and detonation of boron dispersed particles with air combustible mixture. A simplified physico-mathematical model of the process was developed. The dispersed particles are considered two-component and consisting of boron and boron oxide. Material melting and evaporating processes are allowed for, as well as surface reaction or boron oxide formation. Carrying gas is multicomponent staying in thermodynamic equilibrium. The presence of boron fine particles, boron oxide and boron nitride in combustion product is allowed for herein. The structure and minimum velocity of stationary detonation wave propagation, as well as maximum velocity of the flow at stationary-state combustion were obtained by computational method. It was demonstrated that calculated wave parameters asymptotically approach their equilibrium values. | ||||||||
Skorokhod E. P. Photo-ionization cross sections xenon data. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 91 Physical — chemical radiation plasma-dynamics promptly developing field of science finding application at the solution of problems of engine building of the space-rocket industry. In [1-9, 14-16] the special attention is paid to computer creation of optical models of gases and the plasmas intended for the solution of problems of radiation plasma-dynamics. Such constructions are based on quantum-mechanical calculations, these or those approximations and semiclassical generalizations of elementary radiation processes. In work [3] for mass calculations the so-called optical model of the environment was formulated. It is necessary to emphasize that in this treatment temperature of the environment and radiation is supposed the general, the Sakha and Boltsman local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) is used [6]. In our works [7-8, 14-16] kinetic approach was considered. Constants of different plasma chemical reactions are necessary for this purpose.
For reaction of photo-ionization process
The method of quantum defect is considered in details [7]. Results of calculation of photo-ionization cross sections for xenon (the maximum value in a threshold) are given in the table.
The maximum values of photo-ionization cross sections
Xe (in units 10- 18 cm2).
Results of calculation of photo-ionization cross sections for xenon are given on the figure. For the purpose of simplification in case of mass calculations some simplified treatment with use of a formula of Kramers is specified.
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Larina E. V., Kryukov I. A., Ivanov I. E. Numerical simulation of axisymmetric jets using differential eddy viscosity models. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 91 The work deals with numerical simulation using semi empirical turbulence models which include a differential equation for turbulent viscosity in two-dimensional case. k‑ε‑µt model [5] and k‑ε‑µt(Λ) model [6] are used to describe the mean turbulent parameters. The one-parameter models of eddy viscosity (νt −92 [7] and Spalart, Allmaras [8]) are used in one of the jet problems. Averaged flow and turbulence parameters are implemented in Cartesian and cylindrical coordinate systems. Simulation of axisymmetric subsonic jet in quiescent air in initial and transition regions with mean velocity u=87m/s have been conducted using k-ε-μt model. Initial region length has been determined with reasonable accuracy. Difference between calculated and experimental velocities is less than 5%. Verification of turbulence models in the flat plate boundary layer problem with M = 0.5 have been performed. Skin friction coefficient and velocity in logarithmic coordinates are compared with analytical solutions. Underexpanded supersonic turbulent jet simulation at M = 2 in the nozzle exit [13] have been conducted. Calculated static pressure and Mach number distributions along the jet axis are compared with experimental data. The k-ε-μt model reproduced 7 jet barrels. The positions of the maxima and minima are closest to the experiment in comparison with other models. The maxima and minima of the pressure oscillations and Mach in all barrels underestimated. The νt‑92 model reproduced 12 jet barrels that is fully consistent with the experiment. The positions of the maxima and minima are distinctly shifted in comparison with experiment. The k-ε-µt(Λ) model reproduced the flow similarly with k-ε-μt model (7 barrels), but predicted flow core length is bigger. Spalart, Allmaras model reproduced only 5 barrels and predicted flow core length is smallest in comparison with other models. Numerical simulation of supersonic axisymmetric jet from converging nozzle in quiescent air [15] has been performed. A comparison with the Pitot pressure and velocity distribution along the axis is shown. The ratio of the chamber total pressure to ambient static pressure equals to NPR=2.5 and 4. In the case of k-ε-µt model at NPR=2.5 the initial region length is in satisfactory agreement with experiment, but the number of oscillations is underestimated. The k-ε-µt(Λ) model overestimates the initial region length. Oscillations of the Pitot pressure and velocity have bigger magnitude for all jet barrels in comparison with k-ε-µt model. In the case of k-ε-μt model at NPR=4 the Pitot pressure in the first barrel is bigger than experimental value. The difference in amplitude decreases downstream. The peaks begin to keep up and become less appreciable. Pitot pressure produced by k‑ε‑μt(Λ) model is underestimated in the first barrel. The subsequent barrels predicted by the model are much better than the first. Numerical simulation of overexpanded cold jet using the k‑ε‑μt model in quiescent air at Mach 3.005 in the nozzle exit [16] has been performed. The calculated axis Pitot pressure is underestimated, but the position of the local maxima and minima and local minima values are determined with good accuracy. The biggest difference along the axis between the calculation and experiment is in the two initial jet barrels. The largest deviation from the experiment in all cross-sections is found near the axis. | ||||||||
Shevtsov S. N., Sibirskiy V. V., Chigrinets E. G. Application of neural networks in predicting the quality of machining of carrying composite structures. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 91 Manufacturing of new aircrafts requires development and improvement of new materials and technologies, ensuring ever-increasing demands for quality and operation reliability. Most carrying aircraft structures made of polymeric composites are machined to produce the high quality holes providing reliable fixation and assembly of composite structure (such as, spars of the main and tail helicopter rotors blades). Delamination that can reduce the material structural integrity is basic technological problem, occurring while fiber reinforced composite materials drilling. Tool’s geometry and machining conditions are the most important factors affecting the quality of the processed holes. The main purpose of this work consisted in the study the process of drilling holes in a multilayered polymeric composite of “GFRP-titanium” type, which is employed in the design of the Mi-28 helicopter rotor blades spar, as well as for soft tool predicting the quality of the holes development. Using a series of experimental data, including the delamination sizes depending on the machining conditions, the database for the further modeling has been created in a matrix form. Our first attempt to build an empirical description of delamination sizes, depending on two design variables (cutting speed and drilling feed) has been unsuccessful, probably, due to nonlinearity, generic for the drilling process. To overcome this difficulty we proposed and tested an approach, based on the artificial neural networks (ANN) implementation, to predict the quality of the holes drilled in the titanium foil reinforced glass fiber epoxy-based plastics. ANN training has been conducted using an errors back-propagation algorithm. Testing of the prediction accuracy revealed that ANN could provide the quality of size prediction exceeding 97%. According to the obtained results, we recommend to use the artificial neural network for the delamination at the GFRP drilling holes size prediction. In the process of statistics accumulation ANN are able to carry out self-learning and produce the results based on the newly obtained information, and, thus, adequately predict the quality of machined holes. | ||||||||
Makarov L. K. Calculation of the is intense-deformed condition of a wing of the supersonic plane with a defeat means. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 91 For modern warplanes essential complication and expansion of a circle of solved problems is characteristic. At the same time conditions of their operation become complicated: flights are made in a broad band of altitudes and speeds, with various versions of loading on external, including, suspension points. The listed features demand profound studying and an estimation of the is intense-deformed condition (NDS) of configuration items of the plane as a whole and outer wings in particular. Researches of the NDS of the plane on the basis of the conventional approaches which appreciably are based on land and flight experiments, becomes more and more expensive, labour-consuming and long, and, in some cases, and impossible on safety conditions. The numerical methods using modelling of a design of the plane in the form of beam and balochno-lamellar schemes [1], have limitations at NDS calculation. Now the increasing role is played by the new approaches based on wide application of modern numerical methods and computer technologies [2,3]. In the known literature [4,5] at calculation of the NDS of a wing with aviation means of defeat (ASP) the interference between them is not considered. Nevertheless, between a wing of the plane and подкрыльевым ASP there is the significant interference interaction characterised by presence of horizontal, vertical and lateral interference forces [6,7,8]. Significant on value interference forces lead to occurrence in a wing additional bending and torques that essentially changes its NDS. Thus, working out and application of the techniques, allowing to consider influence of interference interaction between a wing and ASP on the wing NDS, is an actual problem. In the present activity results of an estimation of reliability of calculation in program ANSYS of parameters of the NDS of an outer wing of the plane are presented at supersonic speeds without aviation launching sites (APU) and with them, executed by comparison of experimental and computational values. Besides, results of research of influence of an interference on the outer wing NDS are presented at various rules ASP underneath the wing. | ||||||||
Isaev A. I., Mairovich Y. I., Safarbakov A. M., Khodatskii S. A. The study of air-fuel mixture formation process in pulse combustion chamber and thermodynamic computation of pulse combustion. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 91 Many known projects of pulsejet realize the Humphrey cycle in their operation. Practically all the projects are aimed at argumentation of the pulse combustion chamber design. In the course of the pulsejet development, designers do not pay much attention to fuel-air mixture formation, though this process determines the combustion efficiency, and, as consequence, the amount of hazardous emissions, to which more and more strict requirements are placed. While fuel-air mixture formation, it is necessary to organize a volumetric circulation zone to spread it over the entire volume of the combustion chamber. The existing ways of circulation zones organization do not provide their large volume. When pulse combustion chamber design, it is necessary to control the flow in its air-gas channel to achieve the greatest possible volume of the circulation zone. We solve the scientific problem to ensure the mixing process in the pulse combustion chamber. The main purpose of this work is the process of pulse combustion organization of the fuel-air mixture. Scientific novelty of the work includes: — argumentation of pulse combustion chamber design; — technological process developing of fuel-air mixture organization in flowing combustion chamber with pulse fuel supply and its combustion; — development of methods for calculating parameters of the gaseous atmosphere in pulse fuel-air mixture combustion in the pulse combustor. | ||||||||
Krovjakov V. B., Romanov A. A., Koroteev A. Y., Yalpaev A. A. Hydro-pulse-jet cleaning-out and aircraft liquid systems and components working cavities pollution control. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 91 Solving the problems of industrial purity (IP) of fluid systems and components (FSC) working cavities, and implementation of working and process liquids (WPL) of aircraft (AC) can significantly reduce consumption of liquidsю It also increases reliability and service life of onboard equipment (as a consequence, improves the flights safety); reduces the aircraft maintenance and servicing time (as a consequence, increases the aircraft combat readiness); reduces the complexity of maintenance. The object of research in this entry are the methods and means of ensuring aircraft FSC working cavities IP. The purpose of research consists in developing technological solutions and advanced hardware designs for effective treatment and control of contamination level of oil, fuel, hydraulic systems and components. Research subject refers to the priority areas of science, technology and engineering in the Russian Federation: NoNo 5, 7, 8, 9, and to basic critical technologies in the Russian Federation: NoNo 1, 24, 27 (Presidential Decree of 07.07.2011, No 899). During scientific research the authors carried out the following: analysis of the existing and prospective methods and means of cleaning-out and its quality control. They defined the trends for cleaning-up efficiency enhancement and its control validity. Cleaning-up technology consisting in FSCs’ internal cavities bleeding (with pressure and velocity fluctuations) was defined as a basic one. The obtained in the presented study significant positive effect on quality and duration of the cleaning-up process is achieved due to the fact that unlike existing technologies, the developed hydro-pulse technology realizes the non-steady fluid flow mode by periodic change of flow rate from zero to the value, effective for specific cleaning system without creating fluid pressure fluctuations (patent RF 1568343). Compared to domestic and foreign counterparts, this technology allows 2 to 3 class (according to GOST 17216-2001) quality improvement and 5 to 7 times cleaning process duration reduction, up to 10 times liquid systems and assemblies plunger resource increase. FSC IP level control is one of the most important manufacturing operations. It defines aircraft tolerance for use according to the drive parameters on one hand, and the aircraft manufacture, repair and maintenance on the other hand. It defines the moment of the FSA cleaning operation process termination, which occupies a significant portion of the total of the works on their service duration. For complicated spatial geometrical parameters of aircraft FSA internal cavities relevant Regulations foresee execution of their pollution indirect control ‒ measuring the contaminants concentration in the outflowing fluid from the controlled FSA during bleeding in the rinse mode and operation mode. In these circumstances, special attention should be paid to liquid sample drawing process. To improve the reliability of the liquid sampling the authors developed and and proposed methodologies and design solutions of sampling devices (SD) along the lines of: – full flow SDs, ensuring isokinetic sampling, as maximally identical to the object of analytical control, from which it was sel ected for use in ground bench (test, developmental, washing) equipment; – needle type SDs constructively with minimal weight and size fit to normalized elements of aircraft FSA reinforcement pipe systems, for their accommodation directly at the aircraft onboard systems, in coordination with the aircraft developers. The presented technological and design solutions are cross-industry and cross-samples value and apply to all objects of weapons, military and special equipment, containing in its design, fluid (oil, power, hydraulic, fuel, etc.) systems and units. The equipment developed in cource of the presented work is implemented in the OJ-SS “NIIASPK” serial products manufacturing (aviation industry), technical Adoption Deed of 21.04.2016, the results of the research on the technologies development implemented in Academy research effort and aviation industry, including those carried out by the State contract fr om 09.01.2014, No 14411.17B9999.18.001 for PAO "NPK"Irkut", the Adoption Deed of 17.03.2016, 01.06.2016 r .; in the educational process of the Academy, Adoption Deed of 01.06.2016 (the Implementation and Realization Acts are included). | ||||||||
Bolkhovitin M. S., Borovikov D. A., Ionov A. V., Seliverstov S. D. Micro gas turbine engine test bench development. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 91 This article is devoted to problems of development and experimental studies of micro-jet engines (micro gas turbine engine with a thrust of up to 1000N). The main focus is a test bench for engines of this class. During the project are solving the following tasks:
Presently, the authors are carrying out researches of designed micro-jet engines with thrust 100N and 400N using created test bench. The test bench works on the research of regime parameters of engines, as well as working out the design of the engine. Test bench consist of a mechanical part, movable rails for fixing the engine, test bench control system and measurement system. Test bench control system allows providing power to other systems: fuel pump, valves, measurement system, as well as start and ignition systems. Regulation is carried out by single parameter — fuel consumption. The measurement system includes: speed sensor, temperature sensor, fuel consumption sensor and thrust sensor. Test control and data collection are automated and are conducted by LabView environment. Engine is mounted on rails for ease of moving and assembly / disassembly, as well as allowing of its moving in the axial direction during thrust. Also, during 400N engine experimental research, defined it starting diagram, recorded correlation between fuel consumption and thrust. A test launch of 400N engine allows verifying it numerical model. Based on this verifies, for engines up to 1000N calculation software, is under developing. | ||||||||
Mulin P. V., Berezuev A. V. Signal generation on mnemonic indicator for manual thrust control mode during landing approach. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 91 The subject of research and development consists in signal generation on a mnemonic indicator algorithm development for a seaborne aircraft. Research methods include system analysis, synthesis of structures and algorithms, simulation. The work aimed at a signal generation on the mnemonic indicator technique determination. The model included atmospheric turbulence, the mnemonic indicator, dynamic airplane control structure, and aircraft dynamics. The simulation models consisted of multiple systems of differential equations. The system was linearized for simulation. The signal generation on mnemonic indicator technique is offered for a seaborne aircraft manual thrust control mode during landing approach. Its basis is formed by complexation of signals, indicating flight speed deflection, angle of attack deflection and normal acceleration component, with no delay in a control loop. It allows correct dynamic characteristics of angle of attack thrust control loop, make them similar to flight speed deviation control, and simplifying by this the pilot’s task of aircraft holding in an permissible zone of the angle of attack variation in conditions of wind disturbances. Angle of attack control loop modeling for manual thrust control mode in the conditions of wind action were carried out. The Dryden gust model and a Monte Carlo simulation approach were used. Recommendations on a signal generation at the input of the mnemonic indicator algorithm parameters are given. | ||||||||
Pchelnikova-Grotoba O. N., Min M. T. Resource assessment of solar energy for the supply of airport ground systems in the Republic of Myanmar. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 91 The calculation of the guaranteed monthly average of solar radiation on the territory of Myanmar. The influence of the angle of inclination of the receiver of solar radiation to the solar radiation and the sel ected optimum tilt angle of the receiver. For some objects, distant from power grids over long distances, perhaps only Autonomous power supply, as connecting them to the centralized system requires a large capital outlay associated with the construction and operation of long transmission lines. For such objects the cost of electricity generated from renewable sources of energy becomes commensurate with the cost of electricity generated fr om power systems, and this factor ceases to be limiting for the application of renewable energy sources. In addition, Autonomous fuel-fired power plants have a lower quality of electricity, and when energy generators based on renewable energy sources gain great prospects to compete. The current values of solar radiation intensity and duration of their action depends on latitude, climatic zone, time of day and year, and other factors. Because of this they are random, so the probability of its intensity corresponds to the probability that the random variable in the interval: To increase the solar radiation by orientation angle of the receiving site. It is therefore necessary to calculate the optimal angle of the receiver solar radiation with the aim of maximizing the solar radiation during the year as a whole, and for monthly optimization of this angle. Comparing the arrival of solar radiation at different angles of the receiver of solar radiation in the cities of Myanmar we can conclude that the arrival of solar radiation during the installation of the receiver the solar radiation at an angle βсезis reduced in all regions of Myanmar approximately 1 % in comparison with the arrival of solar radiation during the installation of the receiver the solar radiation at an angle βмес. Therefore, the best option is the orientation of the receiver of solar radiation with the seasons twice a year, which allows no additional cost to the complexity of the solar system installation to a significant increase in the arrival of solar energy. | ||||||||
Tiuvin A. V., Afonin A. A., Sulakov A. S. Features of using functionally redundant accelerometer blocks in strapdown navigation and gravimetric complexes. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 91 This article deals with questions of strapdown graviinertial complex (BGK) efficient version design, redundant structure of its primary information sensors and advanced functional operation algorithm, making it possible to achieve sufficient accuracy of vector gravimetric measurements and determine the orientation and navigation parameters. The purpose is achieved through the use of functionally redundant blocks of inertial sensors, as well as through evaluation and correction of errors of inertial and satellite components of complex navigation system directly in the gravimetric survey. Functional algorithm is based on the basic equation of the inertial navigation with the use of optimal Kalman filtering methods in the case of a tightly coupled structure of a complex navigation system. The technique of functionally redundant blocks inertial sensors data treatment is presented. The listed mathematical expression are showing that an increase in the number of block units increases strapdown graviinertial complex accelerometers accuracy. A method of selecting a rational design of the accelerometers block with cone structure is describe. It is indicated that, in general, the best half-angle of the cone depends on the ratio of measurer statistical error model coefficients and the value of the measured vector. Calculations of inertial measurement unit with cone structures optimal configurations have shown that increasing the level of inertial measurement unit redundancy increases considered technical solution efficiency. For example, compared with the three sensors inertial measurement unit, in the case of four sensors influence the random error can be reduced by 14%, for the five sensors — 23%, six — 29%. | ||||||||
Antonov D. A., Zharkov M. V., Kuznetsov I. M., Lunev E. M., Pron'kin A. N. Unmanned aerial vehicle positioning based on photographic image and inertial measurements. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 91 Onboard equipment of middle range (MR) grade (UAV) must include an advance navigation complex, forming navigation data for control system. This data must meet high accuracy, availability, integrity and continuity requirements to provide safe flight and successful flight mission execution. In addition, hardware of MR UAV navigation complex must meet high weight and size, power consumption and final cost requirements. Meeting mentioned requirements causes use of low-cost and small-size systems and sensors of primary information, which in its turn causes the necessity of use primary data processing mathematical techniques, allowing to achieve defined performance. Required accuracy provision at different stages of flight for this UAV grade simultaneously increasing control automation today is not completely solved task. Landing is one of the most complex stages of flight and capability of automated landing depends heavily on the accuracy of navigation parameters determining. The majority of existing systems providing automatic UAV landing proposes use of global navigation satellite system (GNSS) integrated with inertial navigation system (INS). However, it is well known, that GNSS signals cannot be always available including jamming cases. Therefore, it is advisable to explore possibilities of INS integration with other systems, which are free of GNSS disadvantages to analyze the potential accuracy of navigation parameters determining. Based on photogrammetry artificial landmark image processing attitude and navigation system (photogrammetry system — PS) is sel ected as such system in this article, which has a high degree of autonomy and of insensitivity to interference as compared with GNSS. Due to the principle of its action PS is commonly used at landing stage and for its operation uses the photographic image fr om the onboard camera, which is usually a part of UAV onboard equipment. An option of scheme design and algorithms of INS and PS integration for use at UAV landing stage is offered. Required for synthesis of integration algorithms mathematical errors models of INS and PS are considered. | ||||||||
Lebedev G. N., Mikhailin D. A., Roumakina A. V. Non-measurable flight parameters multi-stage identification while on-board measuring tools’ signals complexing. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 91 The problem of non-measurable flight parameters identification, including wind affects and remained fuel weight, appeared necessary information for safety and flight control monitoring. The authors offer a multi-stage procedure of assessment, according to which less precise, but simpler means are implemented at the initial stages of assessment, while more complicated elements are put into operation as may be necessary. A complexed two-stage identifier of side wind is formed, consisting of a windblast estimation block, a block of its steady state value evaluation and a block of logic switching from one estimation to the other, using aperiodic filtering for the first case and modified Kalman filter for the other. The identifier, employing optimal Kalman filter prognosis operation, provides the most precise indirect estimation technique of the steady-state wind. The authors offered “freezing” the most significant for evaluation correcting matrix coefficients of optimal Kalman’s filter, and zero the rest coefficients, so as to eliminate variable coefficients and provide offload the onboard computer. According to the offered multi-stage identification concept, every stage employs different set of sensors. Satellite navigation data appears more useful for the situation of initial wind effect, as well as a group onboard sensors, such as accelerometers and airspeed sensor, reacting faster to wind changes than other sensors. To evaluate the steady-state value, other sensors, controlling the aircraft reaction, mainly, to the constant wind component effect. | ||||||||
Eliseev V. D., Evdokimchik E. A., Kotel'nikova A. V., Chemodanov V. B. Formation of astatic control systems of objects with uncertain parameters on the basis of a modal-invariant subsystem. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 91 The object of article is the method of formation astatic control systems of dynamic objects with uncertain parameters on the basis of robust modal-invariant systems. The methods of formation static control systems for dynamic objects with uncertain parameters on the basis of the theory of modal-invariant systems are well known. The established value of controlled coordinate in the presence of parametrical errors and action of constant disturbances of object in such systems is a variable. There is a problem of formation of astatic system on the basis of a modal-invariant subsystem with integrating property. Thus there is no necessity for traditional addition of an integral link. It allows not to increase an order of system and represents practical interest especially at a hand control. Integrating properties of system are reached at the expense of maintenance of a zero root in the characteristic equation of a subsystem by known methods of modal control. After closing of system by feedback on the controlled coordinate we create astatic system. The offered method of formation of linear astatic system with preliminary formation of structure and parameters of a modal-invariant subsystem with integrating property provide astatism on control and disturbing influences, and also the lowered sensitivity to uncertainty of parameters of control object. The example of synthesis of astatic system is given and the possibility of reduction of its sensitivity to uncertainty of object parameters is shown. | ||||||||
Tikhomirov A. V., Omel'yanchuk E. V., Semenova A. Y. Examining the possibility of selectivity increasing of low-pass filter with linear phase response. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 91 The paper envisages the possibility of a low-pass filter sensitivity without its phase response deterioration. At present, high-speed radio data transfer lines operating in perspective frequency bands (such as K-band), digital means for radio signal filtration, meeting the Radio Regulations requirement do not exist. In this case, additional analog filter is added to radio transmission path. This causes intersymbol interference (violating Nyquist condition). Intersymbol distortions occur herein, caused by non-linear character of phase responses of the applied LPFs. Thus, the necessity of data transfer speed increase of radio channel data transfer (and, correspondingly, the effectiveness of radio frequency spectrum implementation) determines the necessity of carrier shaping by the filter with maximum amplitude-frequency response slope. The selectivity of the filters with group delay approximation is inferior to filters with amplitude response approximation. It to employing additional low-pass filters, deteriorating the group delay uniformity in the passband. One can conclude that the filter calculation implies compromise between frequency response slope outside the passband and the group delay uniformity in the passband. This problem can be solved by combining LPF with linear frequency response (such as Bessel, Gauss or Papulis filters) and notch sections with transfer function zeros outside the LPF passband to obtain the frequency response with greater slope without significant effect on phase response and, correspondingly, group delay. Implementation of notch elements with the rejection frequency selection irrespective of LPF cutoff frequency seems to be the most perspective technique. On an example of implementing the fifth-order Bessel filter for filtering out spectral components of impulse signals, the authors prove that the proposed technique allows ensure gain in suppressing minor lobes of pulse signal, while preserving the group delay uniformity. | ||||||||
Dobychina E. M., Snastin M. V., Obukhov A. E., Haralgin S. V. Airborne radar antenna array test at the antenna measuring and computing complex. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 91 The paper considers the antennae arrays testing set carried out at the anechoic chamber (AEC). Automated measuring and computing complex (AMCC) was used for high-frequency feeders of centimeter and millimeter band slotted waveguide antenna arrays (SWAA), mm-band preamplifier parameters, estimating of mm-band airborne radar radome parameters, transparent radome influence at the mm-band SWAA performance measurement. Comparisson of the basic measured parameters with same antenna array measurements at the far field test range is presented. To define SWAA gain the absolute reflection from a mirror technique was applied. Its idea consists in comparing reflection coefficients from the fider matched measured space radiating antennae arry (AR) input, and from the input of the same antennae with a reflecting surface, installed at some distance of R in front of it. It may be either flat screen, or reflector. The matching disruption is explained by the antennae input impedance change affected by the flat screen, which is equivalent to the effect of the same antennae, but located at the distance of 2R and operating with opposite oscillation phase. The gain measurement error value caused by chamber walls reflections, and nonideal antennae input and fider matching, while oprating in free radiation mode, were defined by statistical averaging of measurement results obtained for various distances to the reflector. Experimental studies of absolute antenna gain measurement absolute reflection from a mirror technique demonstrated measurement accuracy of about of 0.5 dB match with far field relative technique measurements. These studies proved the possibility of narrow beam antenna array measurement at the near field. In the course of the studies another antennae parameters measurement technique was mastered, and a series of experiments was carried out. Anechoic chambers impllementation allows signifficantly reduce or even completely eliminate the far field test range tests. It leads to significant cost and time savings associated with complex electronic equipment development. | ||||||||
Ananenkov A. E., Маrin D. V., Nuzhdin V. M., Rastorguev V. V., Sokolov P. V. To the question of small-sized UAVs surveillance. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 91 The article is devoted to the problem of the detection and coordinate measurement of small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in the city with strong reflections from the local objects. This problem is related to the rapid growth in the number of UAVs and with a relatively soft laws aimed at the regulating and organizing of small UAVs flights. Therefore, it is necessary to provide the safety of the important objects and places with mass of people from possible threats associated with the use of small UAVs and to monitor the air space at any time and in any weather conditions. Only radar sensor meets these requirements. It’s noted that there were attempts to solve this problem with using military radars that designed to detect mortar and artillery shells. But these radars are very expensive. Therefore, truly effective solution to this problem is the producing of a cheap short-range radar system for detection and tracking of such UAVs. However, using the radar for these objects that fly at low altitude, is associated with the complexity of the detection process. This is due to the presence of spurious background reflections from objects of urban area. These reflections exceed echo-signal from UAV by orders of magnitude. The methods for detection of small-sized aerial objects against the background of intense reflections from the underlying surface (US) were noted. The detection can be implemented by extending the spectrum of the probing signal (PS) with reducing the pulse duration. This PS does not have side lobes of range selection function (SF) that allows to observe small target in close proximity to major. Using an ultra-short pulse (USP) PS allows to apply inter-periodic compensation methods, that allow to solve problems related with the small radial component of the velocity vector of the UAV. The results of the radar field tests in terms of urban development are presented. It was able to detect hovering and low speed UAVs during the experiment. Echo signals of several production samples of UAVs were investigated. The algorithm of calculation and the obtained values of average radar cross-section (RCS) for the UAVs are presented. The images of radar indicator with source data for different durations of the PS, including the UAV marks, are noted in the article. The authors note that measured average values of RCS using USP radar are large enough for stable radar detection UAV at 3-5 km range. | ||||||||
Timoshenko A. G., Teplyakov I. M., Kuznetsov V. S., Solodkov A. V. Energy stealthiness ensuring technique during the target coordinates determination. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 91 The article describes the problem of creating a location system based on mobile units, adding new functionality without changing the communication systems’ hardware component count. Target detection by equipment employed for communication systems equipped with vertical pin vibrators is limited not only by the parameters of the antenna radiation pattern, but also by the level of the amplifier maximum output power level, usually not exceeding 5 W. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) started the realization of a similar air-based project for deploying on unmanned aerial vehicles this year. The proposed decision is aimed at the modernization of the existing mobile subscriber communications with antenna suspension height not exceeding 2 m. To ensure the energy stealthiness of wireless devices operating in radar mode and determining the local coordinates of targets the proposed method consists in using simplex codes with a large base. The carried out computations revealed, that implementation of codes with 4096 base as an expansive pseudo-random sequence, can ensure energy stealthiness at the level of —20 dB with a probability of target detection no less than 0.9, and the probability of false detection of about 10-6. It is possible to build Kasami family for the selected base. The authors carried out computation of target detection parameters, and defined the target distance error, which amounted to about 5 m, with a detection distance of about 5 km and an effective scattering area of a target of about 6 m2. The proposed method is expected to be tested on radio communication mobile devices, with an output power up to 5 W, and omnidirectional antennas. For the obtained data analysis, an earlier proposed modified Fortune algorithm will be used, when the curve is used sweeping right line for Voronoi diagrams plotting. Such an approach will allow reduce the target errors in range up to 2.5 m and azimuth up to 10–3 rad correspondingly. Thus, the number of communications devices involved in the location should be greater than three, including no less than two radiation sources, operating alternately. | ||||||||
Mikhnenko N. K., Vakhromeev P. V., Ktitrov S. V. Determination of the optimal aircrafts assignment for carrying out search and rescue operations. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 91 We consider the problem of determining the optimal assignment of aircrafts for carrying out search and rescue operations (SRO) based on the assumption that only one aircraft is allowed in the zone during the SRO. Every zone, attainable fr om given aerodromes should be taken into account [1]. The goal is to maximize the total search time by all involved aircrafts. In order to ensure compliance of both conditions, we proposed to solve the problem in two stages. The goal of the first stage is to maximize the number of aircrafts that can be assigned to the SRO zones assuming the latter are reachable fr om the given aerodromes. The goal for the second stage is to maximize the total search time. We can assign the task of finding the maximum possible aircrafts, which can be distributed to the SRO zones in the form of matchings “type of aircraft / aerodrome” (TA), as follows:
subject to:
where m – the number of SRO zones; k – the number of different TAs; hi – the amount of aircrafts of ith TA; xij – variable, that adopt values either 1 or 0, depending on whether the aircraft of ith TA is assigned to jth zone SRO or not. We represent the assignment of the second task in the following way:
subject to:
where tij – search time of the ith TA in jth zone SRO (taking into account flight time to the zone SRO since departure and flight time to return to the aerodrome); We proposed to consider two methods of solving assigned tasks: • Simplex method; • Methods based on algorithms for solving Boolean satisfiability problems (SAT). It is necessary to emphasize that assigned tasks belong to the class of pseudo boolean (PB) linear programming problems (LPP). In most cases, algorithms, based on the simplex method, are applied to solve the problems of this class, as a result of the inapplicability of itself. However, due to the structure of assigned tasks, it is possible to use simplex-method without any modifications to obtain the optimum PB solution. In recent decades, the determinants of Boolean satisfiability (SAT Solvers), based on the SAT methods, have made significant progress. The record performance of modern SAT Solvers opens up new prospects for their use in applications wh ere previously it was considered to be possible only conditionally. However, due to the NP-completeness of the SAT-problem, there are examples, the time, required to search for the optimum solution of which, is showing the exponential growth. One of SAT approach inapplicability cases is demonstrated later in terms of assigned tasks by the example of the currently best SAT Solver in PB LPP category [2]: Nagoya Pseudo-Boolean Solver (NaPS) v. 1.02b [3]. During the analysis of the assigned tasks, the algorithm, that under certain conditions, related with input data, can reduce the dimension of the assigned tasks, was developed. It is given below: Suppose k TA and m SRO zones are given. Furthermore, we can distinguish SRO zones, attainable only by ith TA.
Then the algorithm becomes as follows:
Testing the effectiveness of the developed algorithm was carried out with solutions sensing method (SSM) [4]. SSM — is the method for solving PB LPP, which has exponential complexity. Consequently, it is particularly sensitive to reduction of the assigned tasks dimension. This became the reason of selecting this method. We will use the abbreviation of MSSM for SSM modification with the developed algorithm.
Figure 1 — Comparison of SSM and MSSM effectiveness growth Based on the results (fig. 1), the following conclusions can be made:
Examples, which evaluated the effectiveness of the selected approaches, can be divided into 2 groups:
This separation is explained by the following formula:
demonstrating the increase rate of the solution space, depending on the input data.
Figure 2 — Illustration of the Naps 1.02b results for the 1st group of constraints
Figure 3 — Illustration of the Naps 1.02b results for the 2nd group of constraints Time spent to find the optimal solution of the same test examples using the simplex method in all cases did not exceed 3 ms. According to the results of the tests (fig. 2, fig. 3), the following conclusions can be made:
Based on these results it is the simplex method we proposed to use for solving such class of problems. | ||||||||
Busurin V. I., Kazaryan A. V., Korobkov V. V., Yin N. W. The study of ring resonator first and second modes of deformations effect on characteristics of angular velocity transducer based on optical tunneling effect. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 91 This paper presents adjusted mathematical model of angular velocity transducer (AVT) based on optical tunnelling effect (OTE). The effect of the initial gap, the optical source incidence angle and optical spot radius on the of the angular velocity transducer based OTE characteristics is calculated at different angular velocities. The article studied the effect of the ring resonator primary and the second mode of angular velocity transducer based on optical tunnelling effect (OTE). The initial mathematical model assumed parallel displacement of the gap between the prism and ring resonator. It determined optical output power on photo detector by the optical spot central point. In real configuration, the ring resonator surface is deviated a few nanometres from the prism surface. Considering the gap variation for different contact points of the optical spot, it is possible to determine the adjusted mathematical the primary mode model. In the secondary mode, the adjusted mathematical model is defined based on the gap change at various points of the ring resonator surface. The OTE-based angular velocity transducer is implemented using the results of the initial and adjusted mathematical models. Optical output power is defined according to the compensated mathematical model by various contact points on the prism border. This paper presents the study of the OTE-based angular velocity transducer, and proposes the adjusted mathematical model for the ring resonator first and second modes. The authors considered the effect of the output power errors when using the adjusted mathematical model compared to the initial model with variation of the initial gap, radiation source’s incidence angle, and the optical spot radius. The paper demonstrates that the optical spot radius affects strongly, and for relative error, no more than 1%, the optical spot radius should not exceed 50 mcm. Incidence angle herewith affects the output signal, and it can be changed within the range from 42° to 50°. The results of the article allow study error elimination while AVT design. | ||||||||
Zagrebayev A. M., Ramazanov R. N. Searching for the best time shift for the fastest reactor recovery to nominal power after reactor trip. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 91 A force majeure resulting in the necessity for temporary reactor trip may occur at the nuclear power plant (NPP) while normal operating mode. The paper envisages one of the operation c aspects of nuclear power plant operation in force majeure conditions. The station is assumed to consist of several power units being at various stages of the campaign. Let there is a necessity to NPP trip due to a force majeure. The threat termination can occur at an arbitrary point of time either. It is quite clear that not all power units in general will be able to raise the power up to nominal value immediately. This difference can be stipulated by, for instance, the presence of different operating reactivity margin for xenon poisoning compensation, or, in general, by different maneuver effectiveness. The authors consider the system, consisting of two reactors. With brief shifts between reloads after unscheduled trips of both reactors, a period exists when neither can restore nominal power, since both stay in iodine well. For the rest of time both reactors can restore nominal power in no time. On the contrary, with large time shifts one of the reactors at a certain point would possess reactivity margin to compensate the iodine well, when the other still stays in the iodine well. If the reactor stays at such a campaign stage, that it is impossible or undesirable to handle the control rods, to get out of the iodine well one should alter boric acid concentration in the active zone. Reactivity margin due to boric acid presence in the coolant is proportional to its concentration. Let the boric acid concentration time dependence within single campaign be approximated with enough accuracy by linear function. Since the moment of trip is random, we can speak about average flow time for starting one reactor at the power level depending on the shift. The paper offers setting and solution of the optimization problem for selecting the best time shift between the off-load refueling of nuclear reactors, allowing quick start of at least one unit after the reactor trip. This work demonstrates that the time shift between off-load refueling allows quick launch of one reactor, but does not allow the start of both. In the general, for NPP consisting of N reactors the optimum shift is 1/N of the reactor campaign. | ||||||||
Vasilyev S. V., Demchuk V. A. Support of the functional stability of the board integrated computer systems. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 91 Integrated computer system (ICS) operation in real conditions is associated with occurrence of various module failures, caused by destabilizing effects. The separate module failure herewith may lead to either system crash, or functioning in degraded performance mode, possible at the expense of reallocation of damaged module functions between the system good modules. One of possible system responses to failure consists in functional reconfiguration, while the system feature to keep the ability to fulfill its specified functions with required quality in conditions of functional failures is interpreted as functional stability. ICS reconfiguration task in flight requires permanent monitoring of the system condition, and decision making on optimal ICS configuration according to a known rule. System reconfiguration capacity defines directly its functioning safety and the task performance quality as a whole. Redundant resources available in the system define the above said abilities while of failure occurrence. Thus, the task of optimal (rational) ICS structural synthesis at the stage of design with restrictions on employed resources seems to be topical. The paper envisages algorithm of optimal distribution of aircraft ICS at the design stage, ensuring maximum level of functional system stability during failures under operation. For this purpose, the system structure is represented in the form of marked oriented weighed multigraph, which peaks match the system modules, while its arcs match the functions, executed by the given units. Such functions are defined as internal. The external functions call, or the system tasks, are determined as some assemblage of possible paths in the column for each external function. ICS structure representation in the form of the weighed digraph allows examine various versions of ICS structure in the condition of degradation, that is, a certain unit inability to execute specified function. Degradation leads to removal the ribs matching the given function from the column. Thus, the approach, which allows examine in-process the effect of units’ failures on operability of the remaining intact is offered. It means that the capability of functional links registration between the units, specific to hardware systems is employed. Resources redistribution within the limits of the offered algorithm is examined in two ways. Firstly, it is oriented on reaching external functions calls maximum execution quality at a runtime environment of everything not below the specified level. Secondly, it assumes redistribution of hardware-software means corresponding to a maximum execution quality of critical external functions calls. Selection of optimal ICS structure within the limits of the accepted strategy of resources redistribution is determined by optimization. In-process two criteria are offered (a survivability index, a figure of merit), which applicability is determined by singularities of particular ICS. The paper presents the results of numerical simulation. The offered algorithm can be used at the ICS design stage to meet the requirements on fail safety and survivability. | ||||||||
Tochilova O. L. Wavelet Analysis of Missile Stability. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 91 The paper is devoted to development of new statistical data processing technologies obtained during simulation of missile motion in accordance with the complete mathematical model for a big quantity of randomly realized sets of tolerances, each of them is characterized by a specific transient process. The necessity for the research has emerged in connection with the fact that existing diagnostic methods did not allow identify variants of tolerance combinations, whereby the oscillations with frequencies, amplitudes and durations exceeding the design values, occur in the respective transient processes. The process of critical variants manual study is labor intensive and ineffective. Not only is the information on the spectral content, but also the spectral components temporal localization is of interest herewith. Thus, the classic Fourier processing, with only frequency representation of a signaldoes not allow solve this problem. A new methodology is described, allowing automation of the frequency and time domain analysis process of a large quantity of nonstationary signals. This methodology is based on the implementation of wavelet and wavelet package transformations of one-dimensional signals to obtain their frequency and time presentations, and subsequent analysis with pre-set parameters. The paper presents an example of the developed methodology implementation to reveal the variants of tolerances combination, located on the stability boundary, where oscillations’ with frequency, amplitude and duration higher than the preset values present in the respective transient processes. The main results of the developed technique implementation for stabilization algorithm parameters adjustment are presented. | ||||||||
Zaitsev V. V. Evaluation of integral funnel in aircraft dynamics on exposure to uncontrolled factors. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 90 Consider a dynamic system under limited uncontrolled factors impact is under consideration. A problem of aircraft movement study in many cases narrows down to such systems research. Uncontrolled factors of no little significance can be aircraft aerodynamic characteristics approximation errors, forces and moments allowing for wind impact, atmosphere characteristics deviation from normal (and corresponding disturbance in aerodynamic characteristics). It is common knowledge that solutions for non-linear systems can be obtained in special cases. Thus, the problem of a system phase flow evaluation arises (in a corresponding definition — evaluation of system integral funnel). This work considers the system with the same critical points nonoccurrence for all parameters, or system critical points nonoccurrence in the region under consideration. The main problem of the known method of comparison is lack of comparison systems building algorithms for common non-linear systems. The paper considers corresponding comparison systems building for systems with «drift» and estimation improvement issues. Comparison systems are developed using various generalizations of Lyapunov special functions (the system of functions with equiscalar surfaces distorted by hyperplanes in particular). The temporal separation of the integral funnel under study is evaluated (in particular) as an intersection of sets, bounded by Lyapunov special functions surfaces. The possibility of obtaining high-accuracy evaluations is demonstrated in some suppositions. The paper gives examples of system solutions evaluation for planar motion in a vertical plane for the problem of estimation of errors impact while aerodynamic performance characterization on the system phase flow. Methods and corresponding algorithms for a dynamic system integral funnel estimation suggested in this work can be effectively implemented in theory of differential equations (solutions evaluation), control theory (attainability domains estimation), aircraft and spacecraft dynamics applications (allowance for aerodynamic coefficients errors, wind impact, etc.), as well as for motion ballistics and dynamics of submersible craft in games theory dynamic problems. The indisputable advantage of the suggested techniques consists in obtaining analytical functions describing estimations and high efficiency of algorithms. The result of the suggested technique presents warranted estimations contrary to direct integration (which allow integrate finite number of trajectories, and using additionally methods of integrating results processing obtain some heuristic evaluations). | ||||||||
Aslanov V. S., Alekseev A. V., Ledkov A. S. Harpoon equipped space tether system for space debris towing characterization. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 90 This paper studies a process of space debris removal by space tether system. The stages of space debris capture by a tethered harpoon and commencing of towing are considered. The system consists of a tug, equipped with low thrust engine; a passive object, i. e. space debris, modeled by a spread rigid body, heavier than the tug, and an elastic tether. The aim of this paper consists in defining the space tethered system parameters, which provide safe space debris towing after its capture by the harpoon. The mathematical model of described system was developed. The model accounts for of the towed object rotation around its center of mass and the possibility of the tether slack. The disturbances occurring from the harpoon impact on debris were identified for the worst case, when the harpoon enters the most distant point from the space debris center of mass. Border values of towing system parameters, ensuring safe capture and following space debris removal, were obtained by numerical simulations series. It was shown that in case of a low thrust of the tug, the system rotation could result in its transition into a chaotic mode. In case of a high-thrust, the towed object may start rotating due to the harpoon impact and a periodic disturbance of the elastic tether. The results of this work can be used for new space systems for space debris de-orbit design. | ||||||||
Gidaspov V. Y., Moskalenko O. A. Numerical simulation of detonation initiation in a kerosene-air gas-droplet mixture impinging shock wave. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 90 The paper studies the process of detonation initiation of a of gas-droplet kerosene-air mixture incidental shock wave in a shock tube. A simplified physical-mathematical model of the process was developed. Drops of hydrocarbon fuel are considered as a single component of fuel droplets evaporation and gas-phase chemical transformations. The paper focuses on mass fraction droplets in the processes of detonation wave formation and propagation in the channel. The authors propose consistent methods of recovery according to the reference data on the thermal part of the Gibbs potential of gasoline, kerosene and diesel fuel in liquid and gaseous states. The results, obtained by numerical simulation time scanning process, encompass the following:
By computation, we found and observed experimentally two fire-ignition modes of the combustible mixture. | ||||||||
Larionova A. A., Dudchenko A. A., Sergeev V. N. Mechanical design of components composite-metal connections. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 90 In this article considered method of analytical solution by determine parameters the transition zone of the wing joint for transmission of load from the composite to the metal. The developed method allows determine efficient length of transition seam zone, which depends on the value of loads, the diameter of the bolts, and material of composite and metal. First of all, it is determined by the length of the inclusion zone. Then, it is determined by the required number of rows for fasteners, depending on the diameter of the bolt or rivets. Mechanical connections have a significant disadvantage associated with the drilling of holes for bolts or rivets, which leads to cutting fibers, stress concentration at the site of setting bolts and weakening of the strength and rigidity of the construction at this location. However, thanks to good strength and stiffness characteristics with low weight, the composite material (CM) are used in load-bearing structural elements of aviation and space technology.
Results were obtained in carrying out the work:
It shows good agreement between the calculation results. | ||||||||
Golovkin M. A., Golovkina E. V. Flow Structure Visualization nearAircraft Models in Low-Speed WaterTunnel (Aircraft Aerodynamic Configurations). Trudy MAI, 2016, no 90 Results have been given of a flow structure visualization in the neighborhood of a number of models of aircraft, such as MiG-23, MiG-29, Su-27, «Buran» orbital vehicle, delta-winged and forward swept wing aircraft models, and the models with intakes mounted on the upper surface of lifting body. The investigations were intended for revealing specific features of flows and vortex structures generated during flow over aircraft elements.
Model tests have been performed in TsAGI HT-150 and HT-400 very low-speed water tunnels (flow velocity of As a result of the conducted investigations some specific features were revealed of flows and vortex structures generated during flow over a number of aircraft models. Visualization of flow over the MiG-23 aircraft model at a sweep angle χ=47°of wing outer panels at the leading edge showed that in the presence of sliding at the angles of attack α above 17° the windward vortex core generated by confluence of forebody and wing extension vortex cores, approaches the vertical tail and passes above it. Due to the strong downwash induced by the united vortex core in the vertical tail region, the rolling and yawing instability of the aircraft model develops. The leeward united vortex core shedding from the forebody and wing extension propagates along the right wing outer panel, which causes the still greater development of rolling instability at these angles of attack. As a consequence of the investigations on visualization a mechanism of yawing and rolling stability loss of the MiG-23 aircraft model confirmed in wind tunnels was revealed and the original ways of improving these aerodynamic characteristics were found. Visualization of flow structure on the MiG-23 aircraft model with a sweep angle χ=74° at the leading edge of wing outer panels showed that the above-mentioned united vortex cores (windward and leeward ones) descend in the tip wing sections and pass at a considerable distance from the vertical tail. Therefore, the noted above degradation of lateral static stability characteristics for the model with χ=74° did not occur, that is confirmed by wind tunnel tests. Investigations of flow structure in the neighborhood of the delta-winged model showed that the vortex cores generated nearby the wing leading edges slightly rise from the tip chord of vertical tail. In the presence of sliding the vortex structure is not as much skewed as in case of the MiG-23 model with χ=74°; as a result, one might expect that the lateral characteristics of such model must be satisfactory. Visualization of flow over the forward swept wing model has revealed the following flow features. Tip vortex cores of the wing can be plainly seen. Due to the flow in the boundary layer of such wing directed from tip sections to the plane of symmetry up to the very large angles of attack, a greatly considerable (spanwise) part of the tip sections is flowed round without flow separation. Nearby the trailing edges of wing the vortex cores are generated which move to the plane of model symmetry. The vortex cores of wing extension can also be plainly seen, which unite with the said trailing edge vortex cores. Such vortex structure and the absence of flow-separation phenomena in the tip wing sections define good lateral characteristics of such model up to the very large angles of attack, which is confirmed by the model wind tunnel tests. For the model with air intakes on the lifting body it is shown that the vortex cores generated on its upper surface, including if there is sliding, do not ingest into the engine intake. Detailed investigations into visualization of flow over the «Buran» orbital vehicle model conducted over a wide range of angles of attack α and sideslip β have revealed the following main features. At α=15°, β=0 the sufficiently powerful vortex cores are visualized which are generated on the forebody and wing extension and passing at some distance from the fuselage. On the backside of cockpit canopy, an extensive separated flow is developed and two more other vortex cores are generated which move along the fuselage upper surface. In this case, the flow over the wing extension is the one without separation. As the angle of attack increases, the wing extension vortex cores lose the stability and their «burst» takes place (at α=25° it occurs about in the middle of the wing root chord and at α=30° it does immediately behind the wing extension) so that practically all wing outer panels are surrounded by separated flow. If there is sliding, the vortex structure is markedly warped so that the windward vortex core generated above the cockpit canopy and passing over the fuselage approaches the vertical tail and the leeward vortex core moves away from it. During flow structure visualization nearby the MiG-29 and Su-27 aircraft models the following features are revealed. On the wing extensions of the models sufficiently powerful vortex cores are generated which uniting with the forebody vortex cores, pass nearby (inside) the tail panels. At α=25°the vortex cores «burst» in the vicinity of a quarter of wing chord. If there is sliding at α=15° the windward vortex core passes inside the right panel of vertical tail; the leeward forebody and wing extension vortex cores do not unite so that the wing extension vortex core passes inside the left panel of vertical tail and the forebody one does nearby the trailing edge of left wing panel. At α=20° and in the presence of sliding the vortex cores «burst» before reaching the vertical tail, with the leeward vortex core «bursting» up-stream of the windward one. At α=20°, β=4° the vortex cores «burst» in the vicinity of the quarter of root chord of wing. Drooped leading edges on all said conditions are flowed round without flow separation. The results on visualization found use in improving aerodynamics of the said aircraft, in analysis of force tests in wind tunnels, and may be useful in developing other aircraft. In addition to wind tunnel tests, investigations into the flow visualization nearby the aircraft models in the low-speed water tunnel are the high-performance and low-cost method for revealing features of flow over aircraft models. | ||||||||
Makarov L. K. Supersonic aircraft with a rocket positioned asymmetrically on an elastic wing balancing. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 90 While aircraft developing and upgrading, the research on its balancing capability during various flight phases and with various types and versions of air-launched weapons (ALW) allocation including asymmetric configuration [1, 2] is carried out. This process consists in definition of required corners of controls displacement and the bank angle value. Flight tests provide the most reliable estimation of balance characteristics. However, carrying out such tests is accompanied by huge material and time expenses. Moreover, such process sometimes presents considerable risk. In references [3, 7] at calculation of balance characteristics of an aircraft with ALW allocated asymmetrically underneath the wing, the interference between them is not considered. Nevertheless, during some flight phases there is a significant interference between the aircraft wing and ALW. This interaction is characterized by occurrence of horizontal, vertical and lateral interference forces [4–6]. Significant values of interference forces alter aircraft aerodynamic characteristics, so that trim angles of controls displacement and bank angle value changes. Besides, significant in magnitude interference forces lead to occurrence additional wing bending and torques which deform an aicraft wing. Thus, design out and application of the techniques, allowing consider influence of interference interaction between an elastic wing and asymmetrically disposed ALW on aircraft trim, is a topical problem. | ||||||||
Arutyunov A. G., Dydyshko D. V., Endogur A. I., Kuznetsov K. V., Tolmachev V. I. Transport aircraft development prospects. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 90 At present, three extensive areas of the transport airplanes, encompassing various types of cargo exist: — Standardized aircraft containers and pallets transported by freighter aircraft, such as Boeing B-747-400F or Airbus A310-200F; — Unique cargoes transported by special cargo planes (e. g. Boeing B-747 LCF or Airbus A300-600ST); — Non-convential industrial cargoes, mechanisms and vehicles transported using airlifters with cargo ramp such as Antonov An-124-100 or Lockheed C-5M. Specifics of ramp cargo aircraft are as follows:
Specifics of an intermediate-range airplane will be as follows: — Classic aerodynamic scheme with fuselage, wing and empennage; — Supercritical wing with a thick airfoil (with average relative thickness of 12 to 13%); — High aspect ratio (λ ≈ 8.5 ... 9) and moderate sweep angle ( χ ≈ 23 ... 250); — Relatively simple high-lift devices (e. g. single-slotted or fowler flaps with slats). For heavy lifters maximum L/D ratio will be about 18...19. Cruise speed of such aircraft will be about 800 km/h. Turbofan engines with high bypass ratio m ≈ 10 and low specific consumption Cp = 0.5 kg/kgf∙h will be used as the power plant of intermediate-range heavy lifters. Airframe weight can be reduced through wide using of composite materials. For intermediate-range aircraft, designers can consider implementation of the unconventional empennage (for example V-tail). The follwing features probably will be typical for long-range transport aircraft: — Hybrid wing-body aerodynamic scheme with maximum L/D ratio about 23...24; — Distributed power plant with low specific consumption about 0.4 kg/kgf∙h; — Implementation of boundary layer ingestion systems increasing L/D ratio by about 3...5 units. | ||||||||
Kolykhalov D. G., Sysoev O. E., Ivanov I. N. Manufacturability estimation of aircraft’s pipeline systems in the early stages of design. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 90 “Manufacturability”, as a concept for complex technical products or systems is a complex of characteristics that determine the ease of manufacture, the unification, standardization and interoperability, as well as the economic costs of production and operation. Manufacturability can be considered a product that requires no special difficulties in the manufacture, does not require large economic costs, consists of a minimum number of parts, uniformly and maintainable. In the early stages of the design, you can pre-determine the technological operations of aircraft’s pipeline systems production, from the shape of pipelines can be concluded about the complexity of the product as a whole. Designers solve the problem of pipelines, their modification and analysis of the design decisions in the early stages of aircraft’s hydraulic systems design. For this purpose, use specialized CAD-system. The degree of complexity of e-pipe model increases with the transition to the next stages of design. For example, in the early stages of design (preliminary design) designer carries out the basic units in the compartments, pipe lines appear simplistic. Connecting fittings and fasteners are not being worked. Later model detail, broken down into its assembly units, standard products. As a result, at the final stage of the electronic layout design is a high degree of approximation of the real piping system as an integral and inseparable part of the electronic product layout. Analyzing the possibility of splitting pipelines in some areas can offer an estimation of pipelines manufacturability for two incoming assembly zones: pipes and piping sections made entirely of tube billets with an additional study of the process. Evaluation manufacturability pipes and pipe sections are based on a comparison of the resulting configuration, taking into account the complexity of manufacturing, and configuration, taking into account the direct unprocessed portions of the pipeline. Factors that were taken into account when calculating the manufacturability: — total number of straight sections; — total number of bevel angles in the plane; — total number of bevel angles in two planes; — total amount of bending angle; — total number of rotation angles; — total number of processed ends; — total number of steeply curved horn-shaped areas; — total number of flanged holes in the pipe wall. To evaluate the manufacturability can set the threshold value of the coefficient manufacturability (eg — 0.5) below which assume that the estimated element has a low manufacturability, higher — high manufacturability. However, the productions often use the concept of “level of manufacturability”, We know about the four levels. In this regard, we can establish the following ranges of values of the coefficients for the comparative assessment of manufacturability: — first (0.70 ... 1.0) — a high level of manufacturability; — second (0.40 ... 0.69) — the average level of manufacturability; — third (0.20 ... 0.39) — Low level of manufacturability; — fourth (0.05 ... 0.19) — very low level of manufacturability. Pipeline with low manufacturability may have very high durability, reliability and survivability performance. However, the cost of producing this kind of products is very high and can be justified in some cases, in the production of rocket, space and military equipment. An improvement in manufacturability for mass production of civil aircraft becomes very relevant, since it increases the efficiency of production by reducing the complexity and the use of the most efficient processes. | ||||||||
Kuroedov A. A., Laptev I. V., Borisov D. M. Condensed phase effect of acoustic instability of solid propellant power plant. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 90 The purpose of this work consists in numerical study of the condensed phase effect on the finite amplitude disturbances in the solid propellant power plant (SPPP) combustion chamber. The goal of the study is determining the decay factor for the first two combustion chamber longitudinal oscillations eigen modes, and condensed phase particles optimal size, leading to maximum decay of the disturbances under study. Two-phase ambience motion is considered as a multiphase flow of the gas phase and dummy gas particles. The condensed phase represents solid rigid spherical particles of the same size and weight. Density, temperature and heat capacity of the particle are considered constant over its volume. Force and thermal interactions between carrier ambience and the particles are accounted for. The problem is solved in the quasi-unidimensional set up. Computational domain corresponding to the SPPP duct is split into two subdomains: the combustion chamber and the nozzle. The problem is solved numerically by Godunov method, based on arbitrary interruption decomposing problem solution. Time dependencies of relative deviation of pressure in model set chamber for various frequencies and condensed phase solid particles radiuses were obtained in the course of numerical experiment. Based on the obtained distributions decay factor values were determined for the first two gas phase carrier longitudinal oscillations. The particles size range corresponds to the particles size in solid propellant, used in actual power plants. Solid particles optimal sizes leading to maximum decay of finite amplitude disturbances were determined as a result of numerical simulation. The obtained data conforms the results obtained while solving the equation of motion of a solitary solid particle in a continuous medium. Further analysis shows that there is optimum particle size for each mode, which causes the greatest attenuation of finite amplitude perturbations. These results correspond to the results obtained by solving the motion equation of a solitary solid particle in a continuous medium. The developed mathematical model is suitable for predicting the evolution of finite amplitude disturbances in the SPPP ducts. | ||||||||
Borisov A. D. Studying jets injection into the combustion chamber method effect on air-fuel mixture mixing efficiency. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 90 The advantage of the combined air-jet engine structure, with gas generator placed in its loop, consists in work process better stability due to relative independence of the processes in gas generator and main combustion chamber. Gasification and partial fuel decomposition (with a small quantity of oxidizer) occur in the gas generator due to pyrolysis and/or burning reaction. The derived gas is mixed with the air and reheated in the main combustion chamber. Gas generator jet high temperature must ensure self-ignition and flame stabilization. The important problem consists in providing efficient mixing of the two-phase gas generator gas flow with the main flow. It is necessary to calculate the injected get propagation in cross-flow to determine optimal injection angle, since the fuel and oxidizer pattern and mixing behavior over chamber cross-sections affects significantly the combustion chamber work process. Various versions of axial gas generator nozzle with co-current injection unit were studied, and an optimal (from the combustion efficiency viewpoint) was sel ected. With the use of a gas generator nozzle cluster with multiple jets, mixing intensifies. The supersonic flow is further decelerated by the oblique shocks, occurring due to jets injection at the angle of chamber axis. It all leads to combustion efficiency increase for the structure with four circular jets and a central one. The injection angle dependence of the mixing efficiency was studied for the case of jet injection fr om the combustion chamber wall. The results were compared with empirical formulas for the jet trajectory in a cross flow. Most uniform distribution of the injected gas was obtained at an angle α = 135°. The necessity of the accounting for the condensed particles spectrum was demonstrated for two-phase gas-generator gas. | ||||||||
Rozin P. E. Earth observation “Auriga” small spacecraft attitude control and stabilization system. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 90 The paper describes the Earth observation «Auriga» small spacecraft attitude control and stabilization (ACSS) system. «Auriga» spacecraft has been under development since 2014 at Dauria Aerospace, based in Skolkovo, Moscow region. The first part of the article presents the key parameters of ACSS measurement devices and actuators complied with requirements of ACSS on accuracy in three-axis stabilization mode. It also presents primary characteristics of the on-board autonomous ballistic task (6 meters accuracy for on-orbit position determination). The second part of the article presents operation logic of on-board ACSS task for the three-axis stabilization mode. It shows that all operations can be presented as four sub-modes with different types of orientation program. At the end of the second part, information on the selected type of interpolation of the orientation program in one of the sub-modes is presented. The results of modeling show that spherical linear interpolation of quaternion is suitable for all types of rotations (except orbital orientation, which is calculated using autonomous ballistic task information) for «Auriga» spacecraft mission. The third part of the paper presents the results of software-in-the-loop test for orbital orientation sub-mode. It shows, that all accuracy requirements confirmed with high level of margin, provided that at least one star tracker is operable. Without an operable star tracker, the «Auriga» spacecraft keeps stabilization using MEMS-gyro information. Since the gyro generates high-level noise, it was shown that it was impossible to comply with accuracy requirements for more than 1000 sec. But in other orientation modes, where accuracy requirements are not so severe and star tracker is inoperable, gyro becomes very important measurement device. | ||||||||
Huang Y. . Optimal Control for Lunar Vehicle Manouver to the Selected Soft Landing Point Between Hoverings. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 90 This work deals with the problem of lunar lander flight optimal control for soft landing at the sel ected point of the Moon, using the «hovering» scheme after the main deceleration step. The method of thrust vector control program selection for landing phases between hoverings, providing zero velocity and vertical orientation at the beginning and the end of this step is given. The aim of this work is to provide a method of traction control problem approximate solution at the stage of controlled landing, satisfying all the given boundary conditions. Essentially, the optimality criterion is considered as the amount of required fuel for the controlled landing, which should be minimized. Formulation and solution of the problem, resulting in this work, differs fr om formulation and solution, obtained in traditional papers. It is the difference, which at the beginning and the end of controlled landing ensures vertical orientation, zero speed and coordinates of lunar lander. To achieve this goal a flight movement model of lunar lander was developed, an optimal control problem was formulated, simplifying assumptions were introduced, the methods for solving the boundary value problem in conjunction with optimization, using computational algorithm and program solutions, were formed. The results of a numerical computation example are presented. The main result is a method of selection the angle pitch and engine thrust control program for the lunar lander between hoverings, providing zero velocity and vertical orientation for the lunar lander at the beginning and the end of this controlled landing step. | ||||||||
Antonov D. A., Zharkov M. V., Kuznetsov I. M., Tchernodoubov A. Y. Vehicle navigation system accuracy and noise immunity improvement techniques. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 90 The main source of navigation information of most known intelligent transportation system (ITS) projects is an on-board satellite navigation system (SNS) GPS-GLONASS receiver. The key feature of SNS consists in positioning accuracy and noise immunity level decreasing in case of operation in compact urban planning due to multipath. The paper analyses the requirements for a vehicle navigation system application as a part of ITS, and estimates functional limitations caused by the features operation specifics in urban environment conditions. Techniques of multipath occurring in dense urban conditions mitigation are also presented. Today lots of satellite navigation system (as a part of ITS) accuracy and noise immunity improvement techniques exist and being researched at various levels. One of the most prospective approach is an on-board vehicle navigation system design, functioning in ITS, as navigation complex using cooperative information processing techniques form SNS receiver, inertial sensors, odometer measurements and other sensors and vehicle systems. The advantage of this approach is not only the accuracy of vehicle movement parameters improvement but also the possibility to improve fault tolerance by timely detection and exclusion of abnormal measurements from navigation solution, which oftenly occurs in compact urban planning conditions. The paper discusses accuracy and noise immunity of vehicle navigation system improvement techniques using algorithmic and hardware/software approaches, including complex information processing algorithms. Based on current and prospective requirements to vehicle navigation system accuracy and the existing accuracy and noise immunity improvement techniques analysis, the recommendations for complex fault-tolerant vehicle navigation system design are formulated. The study was performed under the financial support of Russian Foundation for Basic Research and The government of Moscow as a part of the research project No 15-38-70055. The main part of the research consists in recommendations on complex fault-tolerant vehicle navigation system design formation which should allow system design with declared specification at the next stage of the project using world experience in this area of research. | ||||||||
Kuporosova E. S. The effect of inertial measurement unit harmonic oscillations on reckoning algorithm error of pedestrian navigation system. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 90 To study the accuracy of inertial reckoning algorithm operation with pedestrian navigation system, a robot’s movement, imitating human gait, was modeled. The experiment with a human movement over closed rectangular rout with inertial measurement unit (IMU) mounted on the users’ waist was carried out to evaluate quantitative and qualitative characteristics of a robot’s movement. The study focused on the accuracy of the input data processing algorithm (without an external correction).
The human motion model with IMU was developed as a kinematic model of a robot, imitating a human gait. Sensors transfer functions are assumed equal to 1. The real experiment and data recordings were carried out with IMU ADIS16405. Sampling time Conclusions:
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Vancov S. V., Zwe M. M. The study of heat dissipation process during PCBs drilling. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 90 It is well known, that approximately 30% of failures occur in PCBs interconnections. Drilling is still the most popular process for producing a hole. The main surface defects of the holes appeared during PCB dielectric base drilling are as follows: —made shaggy, —vitrification, — ribs formation at the entry and outlet of the drilled hole. The occurrence of these defects is associated primarily with the drill bit heating during drilling. The accuracy of drilling is highly affected by the quality of the PCB, which, in turn, depends on the quality of the alignment layers and the parameters of the material [1-3]. It should be noted that the defects caused by drilling, could lead not only to failures, but also increase the products cost due to the increased cost of subsequent phases [4], as they require additional operations introduction to PCB manufacturing process. While drilling heat is generated in the hole by frictional force on the back surface of еру drill. Cooling of drill bit takes place during the tool transition from hole to hole. The drill will be considered as isotropic heat conducting rod. Let us consider the following practical conditions of a drilling process, namely: — length to drill diameter ratio is greater than 10; — heat transfer is significantly complicated; — heat transfer, caused by heat exchange between the drill and the material of the dielectric substrate is even more complicated. The equation of heat dissipation in the drilling cycle of heating
Here, T — temperature of the element of the drill; Equation for the top of the drill takes the form,
T* — temperature at which cooling starts while idling; Tc — ambient temperature; b — coefficient of heat exchange with environment. The above relations allow make preliminary calculations of the drill temperature during the process of g holes drillin in PCBs and, thus, to determine the number of drilling cycles that can be performed without the risk of defecting holes. | ||||||||
Sokolsky A. M., Sokolsky M. L. Analysis of factors affecting electrochemical migration intensity. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 90 Ensuring highly moisture protection is one of the main factors of avionics reliability improvement. However, since it is impossible to ensure absolute moisture protection, moisture is accumulated among connecting links. Notwithstanding that moisture is purified from admixtures, conducting electric current, while passing through moisture-proofing material, it reacts with salts, alkalis and acids, used for PCB production and left on its surface after clearing operations. A medium propitious for electro migration process develops. As a result, it leads to short circuit inception with subsequent failure of onboard equipment. Electro migration mechanism consists in creation a potential difference between loaded conductors, which forces positively charged metal ions of a conductor with higher potential to precipitate on the conductor with lower potential. It causes the growth of parasitic interconnections, i. e. dendrites. Electro migration results in short circuit, which may be followed by equipment overheating, and further lead to inflammation onboard a aircraft. The main factors affecting electrochemical migration phenomenon intensity are as follows: potential difference between conductors, ambient temperature and relative humidity (as a condition for condensate formation). | ||||||||
Popov L. N. Digital graphic equalizer based on filters with finite impulse response. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 90 Graphic equalizer (EQ) main building block is a set of bandpass filters (BPF), allowing convert the original signal into a set of narrowband signals [1]. Controlling their gain with subsequent summing up we obtain the required type of equalizer Bode diagram. The advantage of digital filters with finite impulse response (FIR filters) implementation consists in the possibility of designing and EQ, which does not introduce phase distortions into transmitted signal. However, the use of such filters operating in real time is impeded by the necessity of executing a great number of multiplication operators per one sample of digital signal. The purpose of this paper consists in demonstrating the way to decrease the number of necessary multiplications by a certain delay of signal passage through the equalizer. The author suggests to form each BPF using two low-pass filters (LPF) by subtracting the output signal of the LPF with a low boundary frequency, Fgk, fr om the output signal of the LPF with a high boundary frequency, Fgk+1. The above said LPF boundary frequencies herewith remain the BPF boundary frequencies under condition that the filters gain at boundary frequencies is equal to the half of its maximum value. The problem of equalizer filters design herewith comes to realizing LPF with boundary frequencies of Fg0, Fg1 ... FgN — 1, where N is required number of BPFs. Each of these BPFs forms a signal with a delay increasing with boundary frequency decreasing. The need to align the delays requires implementation of first genus FIR filters, which delay is equal to integer number of sampling periods.
To compute the filters coefficients a weighting method, implementing Kaiser Window [2, 3]., was used. The necessity to obtain the line of LPFs with similar amplitude-frequency response, required Kaiser Window modification, defining it with the equation
Here parameter µ can take a fractional value, contrary to the classical definition. It is shown that obtaining an LPF filter with similar characteristics and boundary frequencies Fg1
and Fg2, requires fulfillment of the condition:
Thus, if the sel ected parameters β and µ for the most wideband LPF of a line with boundary frequency of Fg0, then the similar parameters of a filter with boundary frequency of Fgn will be βn = β and µ = µRn under similarity hypothesis, where R = Fgk/Fgk + 1. Design equations allowing compute coefficients for the nth filter of the line with specified parameters β, µ and R. The paper shows that direct equalizer realization based on signal processor within operating frequency band of 20 Hz—20 kHz is impossible due to the great number of multiplication operators (no less than 15348) per one sampling period.
A known method of required multiplication operators’ reduction consists in implementing interpolated FIR (IFIR) filters with embedded structure [5, 6]. The author proposes equalizer filter functional scheme, where shaping sub-filters with higher boundary frequency act as masking sub-filters within IFIR filters with lower boundary frequency. Such structure is formed by cascade coupling of the blocks shown in the Figure below.
The first stage with parameter L = 1, generates the signals: The equations allowing compute the equalizer frequency response for the specified parameters β and µ are presented. Based on numerical experiments the paper shows, that with ±12 dB control range the acceptable quality of 15-channel equalizer characteristics can be obtained with β = 4.5, µ= 6.92. The required number of multiplication operators herein equals 162 per one sampling period, which is 1000 times less than in the case of a direct scheme. To evaluate the software realization complexity for the proposed equalizer structure, the storage space required to store constants and variables that define its current state was calculated. In the case of using 32-bit numbers, the storage space requires about 300 KB. The methods stated above can be implemented either in allied fields (frequency analysis, adaptive filtering [7], etc.). | ||||||||
Tikhomirov A. V., Ivanov M. S., Omel'yanchuk E. V. An acoustic direction finder development. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 90 In article the principle of operation of an acoustic direction finder is considered, the method of computation of temporal determination is defined, assessment of the required sampling time is made for hardware-software implementation of a digital part of an acoustic direction finder. It is shown that the level of development of the modern component basis for acoustic devices allows to reduce significantly their overall dimensions and to increase the accuracy of temporal determination. Thus, the possibility of effective combination of acoustic sensors with units of digital signal processing is available. It allows to increase number of at the same time analysable acoustic channels. The purpose of this article is determination of requirements to sampling time in case of hardware-software implementation of a digital part of an acoustic direction finder. The specified principle of operation of a direction finder is based on computation of an azimuth of the purpose in delivered on distance of a basis two the direction finding of devices. Each of devices is defined a difference of the course of the sound wave coming to each of sensors and value of a lateral angle is calculated. On the basis of the direction finding method considered in article the distance to the purpose is calculated. As a result of the taken laboratory measurements frequency rate of sampling in case of which the accuracy of determination of a lateral angle not worse 3 ° is reached was defined. Search of the methods allowing to expand dynamic range of the researched loudspeaker system when saving the specified accuracy of determination of a lateral angle can be the direction of further researches. | ||||||||
Kovalsky A. A. Models of statistical consolidation and algorithms of scheduling of the diverse traffic terrestrial stations of satellite communication in the conditions of the changing interfering situation. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 90 Scientific work is devoted to the organization of statistical consolidation of a diverse traffic in channeling equipment of the terrestrial stations of satellite communication (TSSC) in the conditions of the changing interfering situation. Object of research is the terrestrial station of satellite communication. An object of research is the technology of consolidation of satellite radio lines by transfer of a multiservice traffic in terrestrial stations. The purpose of researches consists in capacity growth of terrestrial stations of satellite communication due to statistical consolidation of a multiservice traffic in different conditions of an interfering situation. Models of statistical consolidation and algorithms of scheduling of a diverse traffic taking into account priorities in service and not stationarity of the entering information flows on the basis of markovly the modulated poisson processes are developed. Research of dependences of increase in throughput of TSSC on application of technology of statistical consolidation and change of parameters of quality of service of a diverse traffic is conducted. Recommendations about upgrade of channeling equipment of TSSC are offered, and also the model of special program software of channeling equipment of TSSC is developed. | ||||||||
Kartukov A. V., Merkishin G. V., Nazarov A. N., Nikitin D. A. Environmental disturbance aerodynamic parameters registration while object moving. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 90 A number of engineering problems associated with the object movement in the air require the information on the air state right behind the moving object. For example, while large aircraft takeoff we need to know the period of turbulence existence to impose restrictions on the time interval between two airplanes takeoff. For airplanes and helicopters landing we need air-cushion size evaluation to work out requirements on minimum overflight height over buildings and constructions in the entry area. The turbulence presence is of great importance also during aerial refueling operations. At the instant of beam breaking, one can observe strong pulses of positive and negative polarities, caused by recharging processes of capacitances in the circuit. After the end of breaking, the beam deflects to the areas with bigger pressure and oscillates in the region of red, blue and green zones. Approximately after 20 ms the beam returns to the yellow zone region, and oscillates with damped amplitude to the level, existing prior to beam breaking. The existing research techniques do not allow registering the fast parameters variation and non-uniformity fluctuations in the air, and yield the averaged picture at a certain time interval. The developed facilities allow registering the variations in medium density and disturbances behind a moving object in the form time function with resolution less than 0.1 ms. The paper presents the angle curves of the laser beam passing through disturbed environment fluctuations after four-channel square-shaped photoelectric detector. The emitter (laser diode) is set at the side of an automobile road, and its beam is directed perpendicularly to automobile movement at the height of 1 m. And photodetector is set at the other side of the road. Its output signals were fed to the computer through ADC, where they were registered and processed. After an automobile crossed the beam, the occurring in the air turbulence and disturbances caused the beam refraction and its movement along the four-channel photodetector aperture. The current beam position was determined according to signal levels in the photodetector channels relationship. The presented system allows performing analysis of pressure transmitted fluctuations in the air, occurring in response to the moving object, evaluate their amplitudes and frequencies, transient time. It can be useful for aerodynamic performance studies of the objects of various shapes. | ||||||||
Rastorguev V. V., Nuzhdin V. M., Konovaltsev A. V., Ananenkov A. E., Маrin D. V. On capability of airborne radar implementation enhancement. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 90 The article deals with the topical issue of onboard radar functional capabilities enhancement. The compact multi-mode airborne radar (CMMAR) is designed for mapping and radar monitoring of the Earth’s surface on board the aircraft, helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Onboard monitoring is especially important in the development of natural resources, fire-fighting and search and rescue operations in remote areas with severe climatic conditions, when difficult to observe in the optical range. The placement of aerial vehicles (AV) and UAVs in such areas at stationary airfields with well-developed engineering infrastructure are not always possible due to the limited operating range (shoulder): aircraft — carrier. This circumstance forces the use of temporary airfields either. Ensuring the safety of the temporary airfield takes time and considerable expenditure on technical equipment. Thus, a new feature of the CMMAR consists in the territory protection mode with a fixed placement of this radar on the aerodrome. The article discusses the main shortcomings of the existing technical means of protection areas, and formulates a list of requirements for advanced system protection, allowing show the obvious advantage of using radar in areas with harsh climatic and weather conditions. The main objective of protection mode in CMMAR is detecting unauthorized approach to the area of protection and violation of its borders by small-sized objects. The article describes technical characteristics of known specialized radars — the closest analogs to the protection mode. Comparative analysis of the performance revealed that the CMMAR in guard mode stays, in general, at the level of the existing modern specialized radars. Nevertheless, the main and principally irremovable drawback of using specialized radar is the necessity of their acquisition, installation and activation, as well as personnel training and operating costs. The paper presents the evaluation of low-speed and small-sized objects detection range, such as a human person, which demonstrated the ability to achieve detection target values in guard mode unnatural for the designed onboard radar. | ||||||||
Sychev M. I. Radar data trajectory processing based on multi-model filtering. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 90 The aircraft coordinate and movement parameters radar estimation is discussed. Multi-model filters application is proved. The emphasis is on horizontal movement models selection. Three civil aircraft basic horizontal movement types and their parameters are defined. The first type is uniform motion, the second is standard turn, and the third is uniform speed change. Three types of multi-model filters are described. They differ in the merge point of hypothesis for the model state vector changes, and its result implementation. The combined information from all the hypothesises is used in the first algorithm to proceed the transition to the next step. The first algorithm can be viewed as Nth Kalman filter operating in parallel. Here N is the number of models the state vector changes. The second algorithm describes state vector extrapolation for each hypothesis individually, and then their interrelation. As a result, the second algorithm has N2 extrapolation blocks and N update blocks. Hypotheses combined after the update is performed exclusively to provide information to the filter output, but is not used on the next step. The third algorithm is a N2 Kalman filter operating in parallel with the combined information for the individual hypotheses after their upgrade. Various variants of estimation of motion models parameters, such as speed of the aircraft turn and longitudinal acceleration are considered. The different types of algorithms for these parameters estimation are presented. One of them is independent filters for these parameters estimation. The other is extended state vector describing aircraft coordinates and motion parameters. The approach to the simplified multi-model filters design is offered based on approximation of a correlation matrix of a state vector for the specified motion model by a constant matrix. Results of comparative simulation of the considered multi-model algorithms are presented. | ||||||||
Guseynov A. B., Makhovykh A. V. Structural and parametrical synthesis of rational onboard discriminating device as a part of an unmanned aerial vehicle. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 90 Modern military and technical concepts of precision weapons creation and development provide us with system approach to develop perspective flying vehicles (FV) and their onboard structures with elements of artificial intelligence, including, automatic subsystems of images recognition. These devices provide identification of the true targets from false. Implementation of such devices along with modern computer facilities allow in general exclude the human operator, increase quality, speed of decision making and efficiency of task accomplishment. The purpose of this work consists in development of a system technique, models and the flowchart of the structural and parametrical analysis and synthesis of project decisions for the onboard distinguishing device as a part of the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). This work states the technique of forming the rational shape of the onboard distinguishing device as a part of an unmanned aerial vehicle based on complex “Сost—Efficiency” criterion, and formulates matrix of the signs characterizing an object from the recognition viewpoint. It presents structurally functional scheme of the distinguishing device. For recognition efficiency evaluation of an object the rule of risk minimization called a Bayesian method of probability of an object, belonging to classes true and false is used. Technical similarity of an object and reference is determined by average probability of recognition over the whole range of a sign distribution law numeric indices variation as a random variable. Problem definitions of the structural analysis and synthesis, as well as parametrical optimization are formulated. The flowchart and methods of the solution of tasks based on complex criterion — a minimum of task accomplishment cost with the preset efficiency are formulated. The system methodology presented in this work can be applied to the complex analysis and synthesis of project decisions on UAV shape and its separate subsystems. | ||||||||
Dudakov N. S., Makarov K. V., Timoshenko A. V. Database design methods for command and control special-purpose systems. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 90 The purpose of this article is development of database design methods for command and control special-purpose systems. It is shown that the use of the all-purpose client-server databases for solving the air force and air defense tasks leads to poor query performance. In some cases, the use of more simple distributed databases allows reducing the query time by 90%, but the amount of data does not allow using them as a single solution. It is proposed that in dealing with heterogeneous highly dynamic tasks, it more effective to use a special-designed database in order to meet the requirements of the designed system. Given the lack of scientific and methodological methods for selection of proper software in the design of the database, the article offers a method of formalizing requirements for the composition and structure of the DBMS to solve the required tasks. The article provides a way of grouping and quantitative description of the requirements at the stage of conceptual design of DBMS, which forms the space on the basis of the requirements specification while modeling each task as the DBMS client. It is shown that in case of the total area of a the requirements of a certain type, it is effective to use an inhomogeneous distributed DBMS. Thus, with weakly bound heterogeneous data and the anticipated load, the article proposes to use multiple databases, each of which handles a particular piece of data. Continuous data partitioning and management of the database structure allows having a data partition that provides better performance. The article provides the technique of the requirements substantiation to the structure and characteristics of DBMS for command and control special-purpose systems. It is shown, that the developed technique for DBMS design can increase query performance by more than twice in air force and air defense tasks. | ||||||||
Chistyakov M. G., Nazarov A. V., Morozov S. A. Radiation-resistant elements design methodology for CAD of the electronic-components base of a “system-on-chip” type. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 90 At present, a crucially important problem consists in implementation of CMOS VLSI design, executed with the sub-micron «silicon on insulator» technology (SOI) in the dual-use equipment for of various management and control spaceborn systems, nuclear power and of many other facilities design. The priority here is the development of the of the base elements design of a CMOS LSI dual-use, which include both elementary logic gates, and other types of functional units. The solution to such problems now is impossible without creation of appropriate software tools and methodology of their aggregation and use in a single cycle of electronic-component base functional blocks models development. The article presents already tested designing route of standard CMOS-SOI elements library with minimal topological size of 0.25 microns, ensuring a guaranteed level of radiation resistance. It demonstrates the of software route, implementing the presented route and shows its practical realization on a concrete example. The process of the individual library element design (buffer) using CAD-systems is described in detail in a step-by-step manner. Practical value of the work consists in the fact that the output data formats are presented on each stage of the design. Besides, graphic illustration of the results of design on each step are presented. | ||||||||
Anosov Y. V., Kurdumov N. N. An embeddable symbolic mathematical expressions recursive interpreter with enhanced functionality. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 90 The paper considers the problem of application software developing. One of its functions herewith consists in recognition and interpretation of various mathematical expressions, given in symbolic form. The paper also presents designed by the authors built-in interpreter of such mathematical expressions, based on look-up tables and complex recursive computations. The presented command interpreter has small size, supports a wide range of mathematical functions (including hyperbolic), parenthesis and functional notation of any nesting level. The multilevel system for symbolic mathematical expressions analysis realized in the interpreter allows tracking a great number of lexical, syntactic, semantic and mathematical errors (including run time errors). The presented interpreter can be used for developing various mathematical application software by simply including the interpreter module into the project under development by directives of tools development environment «Microsoft Visual Studio» and appropriate registration of calls by C-language means [1-3]. | ||||||||
Tannenberg I. D., Ramazanov R. F. Validation of Logos – CFD solver of rigid body motion under action of airflow. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 90 This paper is based on results of experimental study in which the motion of various plates and shapes under the air flow action was carried out. Task calculation of free motion in plate flow on russian software Logos-CFD was considered to determine body motion path. Plates possess 12 inch (12″) and 6 inch (6″) in length, 6 inch in width and 0.4 inch in thickness. Calculation results are compared with motion paths getting as test results on the wind tunnel as well as with Monte-Carlo calculation method. Solver settings were sel ected fr om task solution experience of rigid body motion in air flow. Solver used overlapping grid possibilities as the most fast and stable simulation method of Euler grids joint motion. The task was calculated by SA All Y + turbulence model using AUSMPW scheme of convection flow splitting on the 2nd approximation order. Calculations were carried out in multiple-access computing center RENC-VNIIEF. Conclusions: — In three of four calculations adequate agreement of plate motion paths were obtained as compared to the test; — Calculation method on CFD enabling of Euler grids mutual motion gains significantly versus describing [4] motion path calculating according to Monte-Carlo method; — The accuracy of vertical square plate calculation can be improved by means of DDES of unsteady vortexes and by wind tunnel path simulation; — We can conclude that it is advisable to use Logos-CFD for motion path calculation under action of subsonic flow without initiation of detached flows. | ||||||||
Belousov E. O. Noise suppression method for MEMS angular velocity sensors. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 90 Gyroscopes or angular velocity sensors are considered main component part of inertial navigation systems which are used for determining coordinates in space in absence of external reference sources. In present microelectromechanical sensors are widely applied because of their advantages such as small size, low power and cost. These advantages allow MEMS gyroscopes to be implemented on board of robotic unmanned landed or aerial vehicles. Operation principle of the MEMS gyroscope involves measuring Coriolis force that is applied to vibrating or oscillating body. In this work semiconductor vibrating ring is considered as such body. Readout circuit provides an excitation signal to the resonating body while sensing and demodulating input signal which is modulated by the resonance frequency. Errors and nonidealities of the gyroscope consist of nonidealities of the microelectromechanical structure as well as integrated readout circuit. Both of these noise sources provide thermal and flicker noise to the output signal. This work proposes a noise suppression method for the readout circuit using additional adaptive feedback. This feedback circuit senses corner frequency of the input signal and adjusts readout bandwidth and output noise in accordance with this corner frequency. Model of sensor and readout circuit was developed in order to estimate dynamic and noise performance of the system. Adaptive system architecture that consists of frequency sensing loop and decision device was proposed. Analysis of the adaptive system was performed which resulted in addition of reconfigurable compensation circuits to the system. Proposed method increases average signal-to-noise ratio by 5 dB which leads to increased horizontal positioning accuracy by 3,4 m after one minute integration. | ||||||||
Skorobogatykh I. V. On deformable satellite plane motion in central gravitational field relative to the center of mass. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 89 The problem of the satellite, consisting of axially symmetric solid and deformable parts, motion relative to the center of mass is studied in the case, when its center of mass is moving in a circular orbit around the center of gravitation attraction. The Voigt-Kelvin model is used for deformable material description. Equation of deformations and motion around the center of mass is obtained using d’Alembert-Lagrange variation principle. The elastic displacement vector is expanded in series of free oscillations nodes of deformed part of the satellite. These nodes are orthonormal. The deformations are considered as quasi-static. This is used for obtaining of approximate solution of deformation equations. These solutions are substituted in equations of rotation. The special case of plane rotations of satellite is considered. Two series of the satellite equilibrium positions in orbital coordinate system are found. The first is the case when the satellite symmetry axis is directed along the radius vector of the center of mass, and the second is the case when the satellite symmetry axis is orthogonal to the radius vector of the center of mass. The first series of equilibrium positions is asymptotically stable, and the second is unstable. The work shows that the evolution of every plane rotational motion tends to the first equilibrium position. Thus, it is shown that the satellite is captured in a stable equilibrium position, in which the satellite symmetry axis is directed along the radius vector of the center of mass in the orbital system coordinate. | ||||||||
Bardin B. S., Chekina E. A. On stability of resonance rotation of a dynamically symmetric satellite in a plane of elliptical orbit. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 89 We deal with the stability problem of a resonant rotation of a symmetric rigid body about its center of mass in an elliptical orbit. The motion of the body can be described by canonical system of differential equations with Hamiltonian
If the parameters α,
The resonant rotation is a planar motion such that the body completes three rotations in absolute space during two orbital revolutions of its center of mass. In this paper we study the stability of the resonant rotation in an extended formulation taking into account both planar and spatial perturbations.
Let us introduce perturbations
The equations of perturbed motion have canonical form, that is the variables
By analyzing linearized equations of perturbed motion there was found eccentricity interval Table 1. Results of the stability study in nonresonant case
| ||||||||
Yershova A. Y., Martirosov M. I. Dispersion-reinforced composites experimental and theoretical studies as applied to the problems of the aerospace industry. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 89 Composite structures are introduced into the aircraft industry very rapidly, ranging from small nonessential components to the most important systems. This tendency is associated primarily with the possibilities opened by the implementation of new materials, which in aerospace industry cannot be done without significant volume of research effort on studying physical and mechanical features of the composites, and methods for evaluating their performance. In this regard, the study of granular composites based on unsaturated polyesters requires a separate study, development of techniques of carrying out experiments to determine the mechanical characteristics and properties, selection of appropriate constitutive equations for describing the features of the mechanical behavior of the material. Due to its properties, and mechanical properties one of the most interesting and promising types of polymer composites is injection molding artificial stone, which is a structural composite material, which main components are unsaturated polyester resin and inert granular filler. The article presents an experimental study of the mechanical properties of casting artificial stone, namely, equipment selection for the experiment, developing methods and conducting experiments to determine mechanical characteristics of the material. The results of mechanical tests allowed, firstly, define elastic characteristics of a new class of granular composites based on unsaturated polyesters — artificial injection-molded stone. Factors of compliance and calibration the fracture toughness experimental values are the intensity of energy release G1С and critical value of stress intensity factor К1С. A comparison of the mechanical characteristics of the material obtained with different types of tests was made. The obtained values of the mechanical characteristics appeared to be comparable with the characteristics of natural stone. It is shown that the material properties strongly depend on the type of stress state. The technique of determining the parameters of the equations is adopted to describe the established dependence of the elastic characteristics from the type of stress state. The obtained values of the parameters defining relations allow solve wide range of problems on stress-strain state and health products of the artificial injection-molded stone. Currently this material is used in aviation and aerospace, as non-radioactive and light finishing material. | ||||||||
Nikitin P. V., Tushavina O. V. Analysis of energy balance equation of hypervelocity particle in interaction zone with solid surface. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 89 The presented work performs the analysis of energy balance equation in the interaction zone of hypervelocity heterogeneous stream with solid surface. The problem is solved analytically and aims at revealing the physical entity of the kinds of energies realized while interaction of a heterogeneous stream with a flat impediment. The necessity of solving such problem associated with the study of impact mechanism of «k-phase» when forming various functional coatings on the surfaces of low-temperature structures by high-speed heterogeneous flows. A particle temperature and the surface temperature in the impact area play decisive role when forming high-quality coatings on the surfaces of the structures. In this regard, one of the problems of the present work consists in determining the levels of the said temperatures. In this work, we obtained the equation of energy balance in the impact area of high-speed particles and a hard surface. Solution of this equation allowed us to derive the relationship to calculate the instantaneous temperatures of the particle and the solid surface in the impact area. | ||||||||
Shakirtov M. M. On the influence of the external load cycle asymmetry coefficient on the characteristics of the loading cycle taking place at apex of crack-like cut. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 89 The connection between the external load cycle asymmetry coefficient and the characteristics of loading cycle of the material at the apex of crack-like cut is observed. The development of fatigue cracks is defined by loading cycle characteristics. The fatigue strength of the material depends on the external loading cycle asymmetry coefficient. Symmetrical loading cycle produces considerably lower fatigue strength than the pulsating loading cycle. Fatigue process is determined by the stress-strain state at of the tip of the cut. The material around the tip also undergoes cyclic loading. The load is transferred by the surrounding elastically working material. The cyclic loading of a flat specimen with central crack-like cut is observed. The specimen is made of cyclically hardening material. The external load cycle asymmetry coefficients differ from 0 to 0.9. The problem is solved by finite element method in two-dimensional formulation. The specimen is in plane stress conditions. The finite element model is analytically verified. It is confirmed that the proposed model produces nonlinear static simulation with sufficient accuracy. For cycles with different values of the asymmetry coefficients stress values at the tip of the cut have been tracked throughout loading history. It was found out that the stress state evolution process radically changes when reverse plasticity takes place at the crack-like cut tip. It was illustrated that any asymmetry coefficient of the external load produces symmetrical loading cycle at the tip of the crack-like cut. The amplitude of this symmetrical loading cycle increases from cycle to cycle. Moreover, the closer the external load asymmetry coefficient value comes to the unity, the smaller the loading cycle amplitude rate of increase becomes.When its value is close to unity, reverse plasticity does not occur. In this case material around the tip undergoes asymmetrical loading cycle with constant amplitude. | ||||||||
Popov S. A., Gondarenko Y. A. Influences mathematical model of a condition of a flow on aerodynamic characteristics of the maneuverable aircraft. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 89 Purpose of the work is investigate of the influence of a condition of a tear-off and vortex flow around a maneuvering aircraft with external suspension on his aerodynamic characteristics. Methods of the work are the analysis and numerical experiment. Results of the work. Currently the of a condition of a tear-off and vortex flow in the mathematical model of the aircraft is taken into account by entering the internal variable x. The behavior of this variable can be described by the equation:
where τ1, τ2 — time constants, caused by a lag effect of the processes of development of separated flow around or recovery non-separable flow. In the simplest case, the variable x may be regarded as the relative coordinate of the point of separation of flow from the upper airfoil surface or the point of destruction (explosion) of vortices above the upper surface of the wing. For a full layout of the aircraft with the wing of complex shape in plan, including external suspension, a of a condition variable x has a different more complex form and appears in the form of a generalized variable. It is known that the parameters characterizing the state of a tear-off and vortex flow, can be used: — coordinate of the point of separation of flow in each section of the streamlined surface; — number and area zones of separated flow; — the coordinates of these zones on the streamlined surface; — parameters characterizing the symmetry (asymmetry) of zones of separated flow on a streamlined surface. The analysis of the above parameters suggests that they all depend on the location along the wingspan of the points of separation (R) and reattachment (S). The locus of these points for various sections of the wing will determine the position of the lines of of separation (lR) and reattachment (lS). In this case, a generic variable x can be represented by parameters which determine the position of the lines of separation and reattachment. To determine lines of separation and reattachment with the use of the software Ansys Fluent, the authors investigated the process of flow airflow around the maneuverable aircraft at high angles of attack with various embodiments of external suspension. The results of the research are: − a field of condition of a tear-off and vortex flow of profiles of a wing and the stabilizator of the maneuverable aircraft airplane with different options of placement of external suspension brackets and without them; — analysis of the impact properties of the external mounts on the condition of a tear-off and vortex flow around of the maneuverable aircraft; − analysis of influence of a status of a tear-off and vortex flow on aerodynamic characteristics of the maneuverable airplane; − a mathematical model of influence of a status of a tear-off and vortex flow on aerodynamic characteristics of the maneuverable airplane with external suspension brackets. Application area of results. Results of this work can be used in scientific and design organizations engaged in development of aerodynamic configurations maneuverable aircraft and control systems, and also in aviation institute of higher education for educational process improvement. Conclusions.
Thus, the mathematical model of influence of a status of a tear-off and vortex flow on aerodynamic characteristics of the maneuverable airplane with external suspension brackets includes two-dimensional fields of condition of a flow of profiles of a wing and the stabilizator for different sections to which each point there corresponds a certain value of lift coefficient | ||||||||
Arutyunov A. G., Dydyshko D. V., Kuznetsov K. V. History of transport aircraft evolution. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 89 Design of a new aircraft starts fr om collecting and analyzing of the data on aircraft created earlier, being in operation prospective models. It allows understanding the position of the aircraft under design, evaluate its competitiveness, and identify the areas wh ere the breakthrough technical solutions are required. This article presents a brief analysis of the history of initiation and development of the transport airplanes. It outlines the aircraft, which can be considered the most generic for the given class. The article presents and analyzes the data on certain transport and passenger aircraft characteristics, and describes the transport aircraft most distinctive features. Transport aircraft existing in the world are necessary to classify according to their purpose as follows: military transport aircraft, civil transport aircraft with cargo ramp, freighter aircraft and special transport aircraft. The development of the transport airplanes can be traced by the examples of the following aircraft, characterizing each of these stages: Arado Ar.232 — the first airplane designed for special military transport assignments; Me.323 — the first serial military transport aircraft; Lockheed C-130 Hercules and Antonov — the first mass military transport aircraft; Antonov An-22 — the first heavy-lift transport aircraft; Lochheed C-5 Galaxy and Antonov An-124 Ruslan — the first super heavy-lift transport aircraft. Some parameters dependencies of these airplanes, characterizing their transport capacities, presented in this article, reveal that the advanced transport airplane (ATA) will not probably have the cross-section of its cargo bay more than 27 ... 30 m2. The ATA’s useful-to-takeoff load ratio will be not less than 65%. There are no preconditions for the ATA cruising flight speed growth, and most likely it will remain at the level of ≈800 km/h. The commercial transport airplane will most probably be equipped with two turbojet bypass engines with higher bypass ration ≈ 10. Takeoff thrust of currently existing engines allows create transport aircraft with take-off weight of about 280...300 tons. | ||||||||
Platonov I. M., Bykov L. V. The study of mesh quality influence on the location of boundary layer transition over a swept wing. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 89 While performing mathematical modeling, it is imperative to have in mind the inherent inaccuracy of numerical methods and the precision of the solution, which depends on the finite elements discretization. In this paper the influence of mesh quality on results accuracy will be studied based on the case of fluid flow over a swept wing NFL(2)-0415. A series of experiments were performed on a wing with above mentioned profile in the Arizona State University. To perform a mathematical modeling a system of Navier-Stokes equations and a turbulence model were used. In this instance the turbulence was modeled using the intermittency model. To estimate mesh quality the location of boundary layer transition along the chord length was determined by the intermittency parameter. When intermittency equals 0 the flow is considered laminar, when it equals 1 — it is fully turbulent. Results acquired during CFD modeling were compared to experimental data. An important factor to consider is the local wall distance y+, a parameter which signifies the normal distance fr om the surface to the center of first cell. The correct description of boundary layer highly depends on such parameter, which, consequently, affects flow regime and aerodynamic parameters, such as lift and drag. Three different sizes of mesh were reviewed. A mesh independent solution was achieved, wh ere the results stopped improving with increasing mesh size. These sizes were 1.4 and 2.3 million elements, with the appropriate local wall distance y+<10. It is a good practice to always perform mesh independence studies whenever mathematical modeling is involved. Mesh quality criterion such as y+ must be applied to cases of near wall flows, i.e. the boundary layer flow. | ||||||||
Vershkov V. A., Kritsky B. S., Makhnev M. S., Mirgazov R. M., Trebunskikh T. V. Comparison of the results of numerical simulation of flow around the helicopter rotor in a variety of software. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 89 The results of numerical flow simulation around the helicopter rotor have been obtained in commercial programs FloEFD, Ansys Fluent, RC-VTOL are presented in article. The program RC-VTOL was developed in TsAGI. The main aim of the article is to compare the program’s features and requirements. The conclusions are made about the software usability to solve problems concerning the helicopter rotor. The main features of the program FloEFD are the automatic grid generator, which build a Cartesian grid adapted to the body, and the turbulence model using a «Two-Scale wall functions.» RC-VTOL is based on the nonlinear vortex blade theory. The blade is modeled as infinitely thin surface. Vortices are trailed from the sharp trailing edges of each rotor blade. Therefore, for the calculation it is not necessary to build a three-dimensional grid, which may cause a numerical error. The validation of the program FloEFD was made at the first stage of calculations. For its validation the Caradonna and Tung benchmark for rigid two-blade rotor are used. The hover mode with the rotation frequency n = 2500 RPM was considered. The numerical data were compared with the results obtained in the program NUMECA FINE/Turbo. The comparison shows satisfactory agreement between calculations in commercial programs and experiment. The horizontal flight regime (V∞ = 11.5 m/s) was discussed at the second stage. The experiment was made by L.S. Pavlov in a wind tunnel TsAGI T-105. The rigid one- and four-bladed rotor with a frequency n = 348.5 RPM was considered as the object of experiment. Calculations were made in three different software packages: FloEFD, ANSYS Fluent and RC-VTOL. Analysis of the results, based on the calculation of the speed and accuracy of the results, shows the advantages and disadvantages of each program. The RC-VTOL program required 10 minutes for creating a numerical model of the rotor and the numerical grid and 20 minutes for the calculation of each case. The calculation in ANSYS Fluent took about 48 hours to simulate each case and about seven days to set up the project and the calculation mesh. Setting up the model and generating the mesh size of about 2.7 million cells in the program FloEFD took about 35 minutes and about 36 hours for the calculation. The results show satisfactory and in some modes good agreement with the experimental data in all software its mean about their suitability for the calculation of the helicopter main rotor. | ||||||||
Avdeev A. V., Metel'nikov A. A. Laser air-based power plant for space debris combat. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 89 There are no open articles about air-based continuous chemical HF(DF) laser for space debris combat. However, air-based laser installations are operate and maintain easier than space laser installations. This point makes their use attractive for solving space debris problem. The subject of research is the system of laser air-based power plant (LAPP) — spacecraft (SC) — a fragment of space debris (FSD). The object of research is performance characteristics of major subsystems LAPP for space debris combat. The aim of the research is to define the basic performance characteristics LAPP for space debris combat. In this work carried out LAPP system study. Also functional system diagram and working algorithm of the unit are designed. There are basic LAPP subsystems:
The main factors which affect LAPP performance are defined. There are LAPP optic system disalignment caused by aircraft vibration and transmitted energy decrease caused by effects of aero-optical disturbances. In this work was defined permissible guidance system error for space debris combat. Also the transferred energy and the minimum aperture of the laser channel were evaluated in this work. The calculation was made for system features: LAPP characteristics:
SC characteristics:
In summary, the minimum aperture of the laser channel was defined as 0,08 m. The maximum guidance system error was evaluated as 7’’. The maximum guidance accuracy was 3’’. | ||||||||
Matyushin M. M., Lutsenko Y. S., Gershman K. E. Space groupings flight control element structures synthesis. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 89 The paper is devoted to spacecraft and space groupings control and functioning issues systematical consideration at large. For the first time, the authors present in this paper the structural diagram of the existing spacecraft (space grouping) flight control system, reveal space grouping flight operating control, control tools and control objects. Flight control processes were analyzed within the framework of the existing system, and flight control generic methods shortcomings were considered. The paper is focused on the issues of flight operating control developing and space grouping flight control formation. The paper shows that the adopted nowadays control structure has rather complex arrangement. Besides, flight controls computing and forming space groupings flight control vectors are scattered in space, and each of them computes only the part of the common space groping flight control vector. This, in its turn, leads to the iteration process of flight control vector searching. It does not allow solving the problem of space grouping flight optimization and necessitates multiple conformances. Consequently, the process of flight control vector computing has low efficiency and the occurrence of conflicts when operative treatment of the decision-making personnel is required. Based on the analysis of space grouping flight control procedures the authors proposed new flight operating control structures, allowing increasing its quality. In the authors’ judgment, the last version of space grouping flight operating control structure is the most adequative to modern requirements on the efficiency, cost and reliability of space grouping flight control vector developing, and complies with modern technical capabilities. Space grouping operating control optimality index quantitative analysis can be obtained based on the flight control technologies models. Such models allow developing flight operating control cost estimation, time-dependent and reliability models. The results of the studies on these issues will be presented in subsequent publications. | ||||||||
Barkova M. E. On parameters selection About the choice of parameters of an orbit of a space segment of solar space power plant. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 89 The main problem of solar space power plant (SPS) consists in energy transfer to the Earth with minimum losses. The paper aims at the SPS space segment orbit parameters selection. It presents the SPS space segment orbit selection technique development and modified mathematical model of movement with account for perturbing factors associated with the energy transfer. The problem is reduced to obtaining the exact provision of the SPS space segment in an orbit, determination of rektenn ground segment coordinates and their synchronization. The paper deals with the problem of SPS space segment provision definition. The obtained results can be applied to SPS design and operation. The author comes to a conclusion that the SPS space segment should be low-orbital. The results of the perturbing factors associated with SPS operation impact are summed up at the end of the paper. The paper reveals that the perturbing factors associated with SPS operation do not affect SPS space segment movement. The merit of the paper consists in developing the SPS space segment orbit selection technique, and revealing the perturbing accelerations caused by the solar space power plant operation. | ||||||||
Vereshchikov D. V., Kuznetsov A. D. The mean of adaptive control of a military transport plane with by non-parachute landing of heavy cargo. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 89 Now there was a requirement of landing of heavy cargo. In the course of the movement of cargo on a cargo cabin of the military transport plane at the time of dropping arises indignation. It considerably complicate piloting and create danger of an exit of parameters of flight out of limits of operational restrictions. The mean of landing from extremely small altitude provides the highest precision of a landing of freights. Extremely small altitude is called transport plane flight altitude at distance between wheels of the released chassis and the Earth’s surface of 5±2 m. Piloting even more becomes complicated because of need of parrying of the destabilizing moments of the earth in close proximity. Now development of digital computer facilities at the high level. Therefore there was an opportunity to solve the specified problem by partial automation of flight control of the military transport plane when landing with use of an adaptive mean of control. For development of a way of adaptive management and carrying out imitating modeling the mathematical model of the difficult dynamic system «plant — cargo» has been created. This model considers mutual inertial interactions of her elements. The mathematical model is realized in the Matlab@Simulink program. Comparison of results of modeling with materials of flight tests has confirmed reliability of the created model. The mean of adaptive management is based on the principle of compensation of external indignation because of fast by change of position of the center of masses when moving cargo. Direct measurement of the revolting moment is inaccessible. It is estimated at rate of control on change of the parameters of flight bearing information on indignation. This assessment is carried out by parametrical identification of aerodynamic characteristics of the plane by means of reference model. Identification of unknown aerodynamic characteristics is made by a recurrent method of the smallest squares. Indications of sensors of parameters of flight are used. Thus the new way of adaptive management of military transport plane at a stage of direct dropping heavy cargo is developed. The mean consists in formation of correcting elevator deviation on the basis of the current identification of aerodynamic characteristics of the plane. The way provides automatic stabilization of angular provision of the plane. There is compensation of the revolting moment. Results of mathematical modeling confirm operability of this way of adaptive management of plant when landing heavy cargo from midget heights. Due to compensation of the revolting moment throwings of kinematic parameters of flight are reduced. It facilitates work of the pilot and will allow to increase maximum weight. Level of safety of flight will be high. This way is offered for realization for the first time as adaptive control algorithms are applied only by maneuverable planes now. | ||||||||
Evdokimenkov V. N., Kim R. V., Yakimenko V. A. Technical and biological parts of ergatic system "pilot-aircraft" accommodation using artificial neural network approach. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 89 This paper presents an approach for operational control and post-flight analysis of pilot’s activity features, which would increase the level of safety and efficiency level of modern aircraft. The presented approach is based on usage of individual-adapted neural network models, which characterizes individual piloting style. The designed models might be used in so-called pilot’s support systems which main function is generating recommendations during the flight. These recommendations may increase the pilot’s control actions efficiency. The considered models provide an opportunity for determining the prediction of accuracy of bringing the aircraft to the terminal point of the trajectory on the basis of the current ergatic system “pilot-aircraft” state, which includes components that describe technical state and pilot’s activity features. The structure, parameters and set of neural network models inputs are determined based on data recorded by flight data recorders in previous flights and continuously refined as new data become available. The multilayer perceptron (MLP) might be used as an example of considered artificial neural network model. The main property of MLP is an ability to approximate any functional relationship between current state of ergatic system “pilot-aircraft” and the prediction of accuracy. We calculate the information signal value, which is displayed, on the basis of the difference between the predicted and required state in a terminal point. The given results confirm the efficiency of presented approach. | ||||||||
Vavilova N. B., Parusnikov N. A., Subkhankulova G. A. The Navigation Algorithm of the Underwater Vehicle with Strapdown Inertial Navigation System. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 89 In the article the navigation problem for an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) is under consideration. In AUV’s navigation the following sensors are usually used: transponders that measure the distance from the AUV to transponders in known locations, velocity sensor, depth sensor, gyroscopic course sensor. A peculiarity of this work consists in the usage of Strapdown Inertial Navigation System (SINS) of medium accuracy together with mentioned above sensors. AUV’s navigation problem is posed as SINS correction problem with aiding measurements. Principal possibilities of this approach are investigated on the basis of the analysis of covariance with experimental data. AUV are used in a wide range of scientific and applied research of ocean, such as a marine geological research, a study of the seafloor, ecological research of water environment. The value of the data provided by the underwater vehicle depends on the accuracy of a navigation system used. That is why the development of high-precision AUV’s navigation system is relevant today. The presented paper differs from previous investigation in this domain by taking SINS of medium accuracy into consideration. Furthermore, data provided by SINS is regarded as the main data. Resulting navigation solution is based on SINS integration with aiding measurements delivered by special sonar beacon with known location (by means of GPS), sensors of velocity and depth. The estimation algorithm is based on technique of Kalman filtering. Mathematical models take into account specific peculiarities of AUV motion (low speed, relatively short distance between a vehicle and a beacon). The two typical types of the AUV’s motion were taken into account. The research method was based on analysis of covariance analysis with implementation of real data. The experimental data was provided by scientific educational center «Underwater robotics», Far Eastern Federal University and IPMT RAS. Marine Autonomous Robotic System «MARK» has two main hardware parts — an autonomous underwater vehicle and an afloat vehicle. An equipment of a shore control center is also included. The afloat vehicle is a mobile beacon with a transponder. The location of the latter is determined by GPS. Vehicles have radio links with hydroacoustic communication system. The presented article studies two representative mechanical trajectories of MARK’s motion. In the first case AUV moves rectilinearly with the constant depth, an afloat vehicle moves along a «zigzag» path with the side 200 m, intersecting the AUV’s trajectory. In the second case AUV moves along a square path clockwise with the side 100 m, an afloat vehicle moves along a square path counterclockwise with the side 200 m. In both cases the direction on the beacon was being changed and as a result the problem of position’s estimation became well-conditioned. Derived results show that the standard deviations of the position’s estimation errors are less than 3 m. The results of the preliminary analysis that was done give evidence the proposed algorithm can improve the accuracy of aided AUV’s navigation system in several times. | ||||||||
Tarygin I. E., Kozlov A. V. On observability issues in temperature calibration of inertial measurement units. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 89 The paper treats the modification of previously developed inertial measurement unit (IMU) calibration technique [1-3, 8] that uses a single axis turntable of a low grade with horizontal axis of rotation. It allows multitude of parameters to be determined in a simple experiment which requires neither to meet any strict conditions nor to obtain any measurements fr om a test bench. Originally, the method was designed to estimate null biases, errors of scaling factors and sensitive axis misalignments of IMU sensors. Having been tested in industry for IMUs of different grades for a long time, this method proved its suitability and shows a great potential for extension. Previously it was shown how calibration method can be modified in order to account for sensor error model parameters variation over temperature [3]. The present work aims to include temperature time derivative variations as well. Temperature time derivative variations in sensor output are commonly observed in fiber optic gyroscopes [4, 5]. Conventional approach considers conducting a special experiment for these variations to be determined. We suggest an extension of the method mentioned above that treats the introduction of the coefficients of temperature time derivative variations of instrumental error parameters into sensor measurement model. The calibration experiment left the same, except that temperature time derivative is expected to be non-constant to ensure the observability of these coefficients. Our study is intended to understand which temperature variation patterns establish good observability of desired coefficients, which of them do not and so on. The paper provides analytical investigation of the observability of time-temperature derivative coefficients and investigation via covariation modeling. Two different temperature experiments are considered: the self-heating of the IMU and a calibration experiment carried out in a thermal chamber wh ere temperature is automatically controlled and decreases and increases linearly over time. Both of these two modes are examined in terms of possibility to determine coefficients of inertial sensor error variation due to the change of temperature time derivative. | ||||||||
Matasov A. I., Tikhomirov V. V. Strapdown inertial navigation system calibration while vertical axis turn around. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 89 The paper considers the calibration of a strapdown inertial navigation system (SDINS) while the vertical axis turn around. The system measures the location and relative velocities of an object. To implement the parameter estimation the Kalman filter is employed. The turn is required to obtain the estimates of the additive constant errors of the accelerometer unit and angular velocity sensors with sufficient accuracy. The problem is studied in a unified experiment that includes the axis turn around and two static positions of the system during certain time intervals. The main difficulty consists in the presence of the derivative of the angular velocity in the system matrix. In order to overcome this circumstance, the sampling is executed by analytical calculation using the integration by parts. Such approach allows us to exploit all experiment data more fully. In traditional setting, the analysis is partitioned into two independent steps, which are related to the SDINS case positions before and after the turn. Besides, due to the alignment procedure, the initial covariance matrix is not diagonal. A mathematical formalization is presented, the corresponding software is developed, and the results of simulation are described. The obtained results verify the efficiency of the proposed approach. The system accuracy is really improved by the inclusion of the turn into the active part of the calibration experiment. | ||||||||
Rybin Y. M., Ageev I. M., Bubnova M. D., Shishkin G. G. Primary information conductometric water transducers features under conditions of slowly varying ambient temperature. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 89 The paper presents the long-term fluctuations of the distilled water conductivity obtained experimentally. It shows that those fluctuations presents the cause of water conductivity temperature coefficient values variations in primary information conductometric water transducers. The method is based on the earlier discovered phenomenon of water electric conductivity properties changes under magnetic field impact. The experimental study of various physical factors affecting water presents significant difficulties. Thus, at this stage of study the most important task consists in improvement of instrumentation and measuring technique to provide measurement repetition and obtain accurate and reliable experimental data. The measured values of the distilled water conductivity temperature coefficient in the conductometric cell is largely dependent on the rate of temperature change in the course of measurement process. The lower the speed herewith, the greater the deviation from the TAP table value of 2%/°C. With classical linear temperature dependence of water electrical conductivity superimposed by large enough statistically significant long term variations thereof observed at temperature changes speeds of dT/dt less than 0.1°C/h, and possibly due to fluctuations in the basic mobility of charge carriers in water — hydrogen ions. The time dependence of the distilled water electrical conductivity at slow changes of its temperature has a pronounced cyclical abnormity. The presented study provides a starting-point for further research. Thus, the developed water electric sensors and instrumentations allow measuring and studying weak ELF magnetic fields excited in near-Earth space. The measuring problem of ELF weak magnetic fields caused by ionosphere phenomena and associated with solar activity effect on Earth space is of great interest for both scientific and practical applications. The study of magnetic field impact on water is very important for magnitobiology, water physics, as well as for solar-earth connections and solar activity effect on biosphere and noosphere. From a practical standpoint, this problem is very important for determination of ELF wave effect on space radio channels parameters of aerospace information system. | ||||||||
Stepanova M. A. Solderless connections in avionics: connections of a Press-Fit type. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 89 Compression electrical solderless connections are widely used in electronic systems, including devices designed for extreme operating conditions, such as automotive and aerospace equipment. The contact insertion gained such popularity due to a number of advantages over conductive pastes, welding and soldering. It demonstrates the rapidity of execution, relative ease of performance, efficiency and reliability. In most cases, forging connections are made in the holes of the PIN contact pressing mounting basic — the printed circuit board. This article presents solderless connections, namely, press-in connections. Their advantages, basics of contact formation and application fields of this type of connections are shown. One of the fundamental criteria for ensuring the reliability of press pin connection is the force hold contact in the hole of the PCB. This paper shows how high temperature affects the force hold contact in press-fit connection. The conducted experiments revealed clearly that the high soldering temperature could not significantly reduce hold force of the connection. | ||||||||
Kokuev A. A., Makarov K. V., Timoshenko A. V. Airborne meteorological monitoring system control with account for radar system blind areas. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 89 The paper aims at vindication of the necessity to account for radar stations blind areas while controlling airborne meteorological monitoring systems. The paper analyzes radar station operating within the metrological system and develops radar station mathematical model. It also reveals detection areas zonal limitations, stipulated by the radar station design principle, and elucidates metrological monitoring figure of merit, consisting in a of single aircraft detection area width. The authors hypothesize that accounting for radar station blind areas will allow provide non-occurrence of such monitoring areas sections, where convective clouds areas would not be detected. Based on the analysis the authors performed numerical modeling of meteorological monitoring figure of merit value, namely, the single aircraft detection area width, in relation to the angle at which the watch in monitoring area is performed. Modeling is performed either with accounting for the blind area, or neglecting it. The obtained difference in a single aircraft detection area widths reaches 14% for certain search angle values. It allows consider the above said hypothesis on the necessity to account for blind area impact confirmed. A mathematical model of the radar system was supplemented according to the necessity of considering the blind areas. Hypothesis of the necessity of accounting for radar stations blind areas of the airborne meteorological monitoring systems was put forward and confirmed by numerical modeling. | ||||||||
Gazizov R. R., Zabolotsky A. M., Belousov A. O., Gazizov T. T. Spacecraft Autonomous Navigation System PCB Bus Voltage Maximum Localization. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 89 This work emphasizes the signals maximums along the PCB multiconductor transmission lines study topicality. As long as import substitution and technological independence achievement are of great importance, we decided to employ domestic electromagnetic compatibility computer modeling system. The paper presents the results of analyzing the spacecraft autonomous navigation system real PCB bus in time domain, using various combinations of loads and active conductors. The analysis was performed by quasi-static approach embedded into TALGAT system. Cross-sections of every conductor were plotted. Ultrashort pulse of trapezoidal form with amplitude of 1 V, rise and fall times of 1 ns was selected as an excitation. Simulation was performed for 40 cases, but only six are presented as revealing the most meaningful results. Time response at 20 points along each transmission line was calculated for each of those 40 cases. This study topicality consists in revealing both maximums and minimums of the signal. Autonomous navigation system radio receiving unit PCB bus parameters were calculated. We revealed and localized voltage maximums 1.2 and 2.7 times greater than the signal amplitude at the input. In two cases, the voltage maximums were localized at the points near the lower layer conductor. The coupling between these conductors may appear to be critical. The case where two peak values presented (maximum and minimum) was revealed. It was shown also that maximum localization was not constant. | ||||||||
Klebanova I. V. The usage of wireless communication systems for the operational management of mining equipment. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 89 The article describes the functionality of the Mine Fleet Management Systems (MFMS), and basic requirements for the selection of wireless radio systems to ensure their effective functioning in the conditions of the mining companies. In surface mining the most widely used for dispatch tasks are the following wireless communication systems: VHF, trunking system (TETRA), GSM and broadband systems and technologies for wireless data transmission: WiFi, WiMax, specialized standards providing MESH networking. Organization of the reliable communication system is the core element in deployment of MFMS for solving the following tasks: operational management of the mining equipment and optimizing scheduling of vehicles, reliable transmitting data to the dispatch center without delays, interrupts and data loss. Wireless systems for MFMS should provide:
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Matveev A. M., Novikov S. V. Small-size digital radar implementation capabilities for aircraft. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 89 The advent of on-board high-performance radio-electronic systems featuring high sensitivity; considerable resolution; long range; small size, weight and power consumption, capable of transferring large amounts of information; as well as high performance and small-size computers provided the capability for helicopters and airplanes to perform detection and identification of various objects tasks, including the ones of rather small size. Realization of such systems involve new design principles, implementation of highly integrated electronic components, maximally digitized equipment, which provide high reliability level and interspecific unification. The compact radar system-MBRLS-MF2, developed at the Moscow Aviation Institute, is targeted for installation on-board aircrafts and other carriers. It provides round-the-clock and all-weather information of the required detail level (up to detailed, which allows not only detecting, but, if necessary, identifying the kind and type of an object). The MBRLS-MF2 can be used for monitoring or performing specific tasks in the interests of law enforcement structures, agriculture and forestry, borders and closed areas protection; reconnaissance while anti-terror and drug control operations, as well as in the interests of national defense during tactical and educational and training activities carrying out. Due to excellent weight and size characteristics the station can be mounted on practically any man-carrying and unmanned flying vehicle with takeoff weight starting from 40 kg. | ||||||||
Agapov O. A. Useful signal detection against the background of active jamming signals in full polarization basis with known inter-channel correlation matrix. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 89 The presented work deals with useful signal detection algorithm synthesis against the background of active jamming Gaussian interfering signals under known radar station inter-channel correlation matrix, operating at full polarizing receiving and emission. Operation at full polarizing receiving and emission means the possibility to emit various signals at various kinds of polarization (such as horizontal and vertical), as well as distinguish various components in the polarizing basis of the impinging wave. As an example this work analyses the radar station, which antennae represents a certain antenna array, consisting of similar elementary emitters. Each of these elementary emitters is cross-shaped and consists of two independent orthogonal dipoles. In the process of emission each dipole radiates the signal on the same carrier frequency but with different envelopes. While receiving a signal each dipole is connected to its receiving channel.
Synthesis of the algorithm was carried out in the framework of an adaptive Bayesian approach [8]. The algorithm is reduced to the decision rules of a useful signal, which is defined as a comparison of the crucial statistics value with a certain threshold determined for a given probability of false alarm Z > h0
. The logarithm of the crucial statistics is determined as:
where U — matrix of dimension 2P × 2 (P — the number of channels), defined by the relation:
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Kalashnikov V. B. Comparative analysis of objects with unknown polarization scatter matrix detection algorithms by mathematical modeling technique. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 89 The purpose of the paper consists in obtaining the answer to the question: implementation of what detection algorithms of objects with unknown polarization scatter matrix (PSM) is most effective from the practical point of view. To achieve the object in view the author compares characteristics of optimal and empirical algorithms. The paper considers herewith either classical detecting procedures (optimal and quasi-optimal), ignoring PSM of an object, or detecting procedures accounting for such uncertainty factor in received polarizing channels as PSM of an object. Detecting characteristics evaluation is carried out using the Monte-Carlo technique. The author considers the cone and cylinder at various aspect angles as typical observed objects models. Based on the carried out analysis, the inference on the effectiveness of the procedures, accounting for the a priori unknown PSM compared to classical procedures, is drawn. The carried out analysis revealed that optimal detecting rules under complete polarization analysis (CPA), accounting for such uncertainty factors in received signal as PSM, are certainly more effective than the classical ones. Among these rules, accounting for a priori unknown PSM, the optimal detecting rule with CPA and uniform space distribution of the PSM elements appeared to be the most effective. Moreover, despite rather complex technical realization of this rule, its implementation is justified by high efficiency compared to classical detecting rules. | ||||||||
Borodavkin L. V., Bondarenko A. P. Differential frequency dependence on range and velocity refined equation for frequency chirp modulation signal. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 89 The paper outlines the differential frequency refined equation derivation for correlation-filter processing of a linear frequency chirp modulation signal. The signal with linear frequency chirp modulation commonly used for radar-location. Single slope linear frequency chirp modulation is considered. The universally accepted formula does not provide the necessary accuracy of the differential frequency measurement processing for large time-bandwidth signals and high-speed spacecraft. The refined equation provides range referencing to the emission commence and accounts for target offset during exposure time. The accounting for the signal propagation in this equation provides exact targets’ range and range rate time reference. The refined equation accounts for range and range rate time variations on the interval between emission commence and signal reflection at the target. The target offset during emission time leads to Doppler’s dispersion effect, which can be accounted for in the equation. This effect should be considered while forming heterodyne signal parameters. Neglect of this effects results in residual linear modulation while signal compression. The authors obtained the complete equation derivation and carried out numerical analysis of the summands for long-range radar parameters. The refined equation is reduced to classical formula, used for the low-speed targets and small time-bandwidth signals. The summands additional to the classic equation cannot be omitted for the signals with linear frequency modulation and large time-bandwidth. The refined equation is more flexible to account for transmitter and receiver parameters values. Such an approach can be implemented for more compound signals. The range acceleration should be taken into account for super-large time-bandwidth signals, or the targets with high radial acceleration value. The paper considers the practical features of the obtained equation, and suggests an approach to obtaining derivative transformations. | ||||||||
Nemychenkov G. I. Optimal discrete systems of automatic type approximate synthesis. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 89 The work regards discrete systems of automate type (SAT), which serve as mathematical models of control units in the form of an automata with memory. Discrete system of automate type models the switching control of complex dynamic systems operating modes, and is one of the hybrid systems components [1]. A discrete system of automate type is described by recurrence equations or containments, and serves as a control units mathematical model in the form of an automata with memory. It is one of the components of dynamic systems with automata part [2, 3], as well as logical-dynamic [4, 5, 6] and hybrid systems [1, 7]. A hybrid system means a system where the processes have several levels of heterogeneous description, while the system state is characterized by ever changing or discretely changing components [8]. One can encounter such systems solving applied problems concerning mechanical and electric power control systems, as well as control problems of aircraft, technological processes, and computer network traffic and in many other areas.
The aim of this work is development of software and algorithmic support for the synthesis of positional control based of sufficient optimality conditions. The software and algorithmic support for the synthesis of one-dimensional and two-dimensional systems of automate type was developed. The algorithm operation was analyzed using academic examples with known analytical solution. Certain restrictions on the number of switching count occur very often, while solving the aircraft movement control problems. For example, a satellite transfer from a low circular orbit to higher (geostationary) one, requires the upper stage «breeze-M». The permissible of the upper stage cruise engine firing should not exceed 10. Thus, if the engine state (on/off) is described by a discreet system, the total number of system switching would, naturally, be limited. Such restrictions can be accounted for during switching systems synthesis [9, 10]. Implementation of switching systems for satellite active stabilization problems to describe the jet engine operation allows accounting for inefficient fuel consumption while its firing and cut-off [6]. The author developed the discreet SAT synthesis algorithm, described by recurrence containment, and consisting in conditional cost functions construction. The bundled software for SAT with single or repeated switching synthesis. An academic example was solved for 2-dimensional discreet SAT synthesis. | ||||||||
Zakovryashin A. I., Koshelkova L. V. Estimate the maximum allowable time of application complex object on purpose. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 89 Efficiency of application of modern technology can be significantly enhanced through the use of elements of artificial intelligence. Technical condition of a complex object depends on the States of its essential parameters. The availability of diagnostic tools allows you to collect and process measurement information in the parameters object. Solved the problem of individual forecasting and smoothing of the trajectory parameters on the basis of joint processing of the measurement and a priori information. When processing data, we used the method of least squares on the small sample sizes. Individual prediction of relevant parameters allows us to estimate the time points for which the probability of the option beyond the boundaries of the tolerance field reaches a specified level. Joint processing of the measurement and a priori information allows to assess the maximum allowable time to use the object as intended. If you have multiple of the same objects with the same maximum time of application is their ranking. dual performance capacity. The ranking of objects is performed on the residual performance capacity. The supply of object the estimated by the quantitative estimation of the technical state. The obtained results can find application in the on-Board operative advising expert system as well as the ranking of the same objects before applying them to their destination. | ||||||||
Busurin V. I., Korobkov V. V., Kazaryan A. V., . ., Naing T. L. Analysis of the impact of destabilizing factors on characteristics of acceleration transducer based on optical tunneling effect. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 89 In this article the impact of destabilizing factors on the characteristics of acceleration transducer based on optical tunneling effect of the optical transmitter is discussed and an error analysis of the acceleration transducer based on optical tunneling effect is conducted to obtain more accurate information about acceleration. The error analysis of the acceleration transducer is conducted, showing the possibility of construction with small-sized and heat-stable devices for control and correction of gyroscopes. . For the acceleration measurement, a sensor, based on optical tunnelling effect, with the «prism-total internal reflection-plate», can be designed. Under the influence of the acceleration, the central part of the sensing element is deflected and maximum deflection is 0.21µm. This deformation is detected based on optical tunneling effect. To improve the linearity of the conversion function the serves the use of two independent channels of output optical signal detection using an additional prism disposed symmetrically relative to the central part of sensing element. It has been shown that a change in the ambient temperature range from −40 ℃ to + 60 ℃ acceleration transducer error is less than 0.7%. It is shown that the proposed implementation of the acceleration transducer slightly affected by lateral acceleration as well as the maximum lateral force is much smaller than the critical Euler force (within a given range of transverse acceleration). The effect of gas damping for the structure under consideration sensing acceleration transducer element is investigated. | ||||||||
Brekhov O. M., Balyan A. V. Multi-level fault injection method for computer networks functioning analysis. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 89 The widespread use of computer networks in all spheres of human life, including the areas related with the risk for life, such as aviation and cosmonautics, medicine, etc., increases the need to ensure the reliability and fault tolerance. Errors in the functioning of such complex and distributed systems can not be avoided. Consequently, the actual objective is the study of the system behavior under the influence of faults. In order to solve this problem it was decided to apply fault injection. Existing works in fault injection are strictly connected to one of the OSI network model levels. They make it possible to implement faults and analyze the functioning of computer networks with reference to a specific level. This fact seriously limits networks analysis capabilities. Faults and failures that occur at low levels, parry at higher levels and vice versa. However, fault injection and analysis of the reaction only at one level do not give a complete picture of the system functioning under the influence of faults and failures. In this paper, we propose a method of multi-level fault injection. The method is based on the injection of faults at all levels of OSI model and analysis of the system reaction. The obtained data can be used to detect levels of the OSI model, which have the greatest influence on the reliability and fault tolerance of the computer network. The application of the obtained data in order to improve the degree of fault tolerance will allow to increase the efficiency of the network functioning. This paper presents the main types of faults occurring at different levels of TCP/IP protocol stack. Following results were obtained:
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Belkin V. D. Software platform for the organization and operation of wireless sensor networks of different classes of topologies. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 89 Research work is devoted to the study of the principles of organization and functioning of the wireless sensor network (WSN) and creating tools for its implementation. The main goal of this work is to create a software platform to enable the application of WSN. The first task of the research is devoted to the development of a tool for configuration of a workplace of the programmer on a UNIX-like operating systems that provides: 1) the development of applications for WSN nodes, 2) reprogramming the central microprocessor of the node, 3) debug your application. The result of solving the first problem is the first module of the software platform. The second objective of the research is dedicated to the creation of the second module, the elements of which govern the functioning of the hardware components of the experimental nodes EVB8871. Collectively this module allows you to manage the components of WSN: to run the program a central microprocessor host to control power modes, to configure the timers, clock switches, LEDs, sensors, etc. in Other words, this module performs the basic functions of the operating system. The third objective of the research is dedicated to the creation of a third module responsible for the transceiver. As transceiver nodes EVB8871 equipped with a chip Texas Instruments CC2520, which is a ZigBeeTM/IEEE 802.15.4 transceiver of the second generation, specially designed for RF applications in the 2.4 GHz band. This chip is an independent processor, which should be controlled to perform the desired action. The third module includes configuring a transceiver and an implementation of a stack of communication protocols which are the basis for the organization and functioning of WSN. From all levels of the protocol stack is of particular interest for the network because it is responsible for initializing the network, the interaction between the nodes and the further functioning of the network, i.e. its ability to self-organize. Thus, a software framework for application development of BSS includes three modules that are implemented during the research work. Speaking about the results, it should say on their broad spectrum of applications: aerospace, automation of buildings, transport infrastructure, medicine, defense and security. Part of the work aimed at conceptual development of the ideas applied projects aimed at solving acute problems in one area or another. | ||||||||
Volkov V. A., Kudryavtseva I. A. Application of particle filter algorithms for solving nonlinear filtering problems. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 89 The idea of particle filters dates back to the fifties. However, rediscovering particle filters occurred in 1990-s with the paper by Rosenbluth M. N., Rosenbuth A.W. «Monte Carlo calculation of the average extension of molecular chains». An important resampling technics was discovered. The progress in research became visible in 2000-s due to the growth of computational powers. Particle filter technique is becoming involved in many spheres of science: stochastic control theory, signal and image processing, satellite-based navigation system. Particle filters became the very popular method for solving filtering problems in non-linear and non-Gaussian cases. The algorithms combine Bayesian approach with Monte-Carlo technique. Moreover, particle filters don’t involve local linearization or another functional approximation. The solutions of stochastic discrete filtering problem by using Bootstrap Particle Filter with Residual Resampling, Bootstrap Particle Filter with Roulette wheel Resampling, Monte-Carlo Particle filter, Unscented Particle Filter are presented. Described task is solved by developed Software solution, based on MATLAB and Microsoft Visual Studio C# 2010 platforms. The results are compared to the results obtained earlier by other authors. | ||||||||
Morozov A. Y., Reviznikov D. L. Modification of initial value problems solution methods for systems of ordinary differential equations with interval parameters. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 89 Studying applied problems, we frequently encounter systems of ordinary differential equations that contain uncertainty or ambiguity of initial conditions or parameters. A natural demand for such problems is obtaining an outer interval enclosure of the solution by the known values of initial conditions or parameters. In particular, such problems arise in applied mechanics, thermodynamics and chemical kinetics. There exist a number of Taylor series-based numerical methods for solving an IVP for ODE systems with interval parameters, such as Moore’s direct method, the parallelepiped method and Lohner’s QR-factorization method. All these methods represent a certain extension of the classical Taylor series method that takes into account the interval set up of the problem. Applying rigorous interval methods, which include the class of Taylor series methods, to more real-life systems often gives unsatisfactory results due to excessive lengths of the obtained intervals. This effect (excessive overestimation of intervals’ lengths) is usually called the wrapping effect or Moore’s effect. The methods at hand are based on representing each integration step as some transformation that deforms the solution region using an interval Jacobian matrix. In the majority of cases, the wrapping effect appears due to the usage of this matrix, which implies deforming every volume element by all real Jacobian matrices in the region of interest. The suggested approach consists in computing the interval Jacobian matrix only in some discrete points of the region, which allows us to significantly reduce the wrapping effect at the cost of the fact that the obtained enclosure is now slightly less guaranteed to contain the solution. In this paper, we present the test results of applying the suggested method to model problems, which show its efficiency and give evidence of the fact that this approach can be used for finding solution to the problems in the class of interest. | ||||||||
Kondrashin M. A., Arsenov O. Y., Kozlov I. V. Virtualization and computing clouds technology application within complex distributed simulated systems creation. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 89 This article considers the approaches to developing complex distributed simulation systems for conducting experiments on test subject using up-to-date methods and means of virtualization and cloud computation organization. Simulation means modeling performed with computers. It allows automatization of experiments conducted on a tested system. Distributed modeling is the modeling employing multiprocessor computers and/or computer network. The main requirement, defining the necessity of distributed modeling architecture implementation is complex simulation systems integration. The main advantages of the distributed modeling systems are as follows: the possibility of multiple stand-alone hardware sets integration while conducting an experiment; a new sample development verification by one of the distributed system element substituting; developing simulators for teaching personnel, operating the real system. Labor consuming process of preparing for conducting an experiment and original setting of the interconnections between the system elements; requirement of the exact notion of necessary computing resources at the stage of modeling system design; the need for implementation of special algorithms for hardware computing resources balancing can be referred to as the drawbacks of distributed simulation systems while developing complex simulation systems. Today, in the age of computer technologies we suggest using the virtualization and computing clouds technology when developing distributed modeling complexes. Such technology helps you to get rid of the most of the disadvantages when building the distributed systems for modeling. Virtualization is a hardware-software opportunity of computer/server physical resources (processor, memory, storage and network adapter) utilization optimization through their representation in the shared access between units (virtual machines) logically isolated from each other. The paper suggests an approach for the distributed modeling systems developing, using the virtualization and computing clouds technologies. We provide the description of the technology and its advantages, foremost among which is an easily scalable distributed modeling systems creation. The simulation complex of the SC GCC elements and SC GСС in general under development at TsNIIMash (Central scientific research institute of mechanical engineering) is described. The paper shows that the virtualization and cloud computation methods utilization when building the distributed modeling systems allow get rid of the most of the problems emerging from building analogous systems in a traditional way.A description of the developed applications allowing automatize the virtualization platform control process is also presented. | ||||||||
Kupreev S. A. The conditions of existence of limit cycles in dynamic motion system of related objects on an elliptical orbit. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 88 Orbital tether system (TS) is separately formed area of the promising technologies. Research work should be combined with experimental design work and provide science-based data (the results of theoretical research of problems of dynamics of flight control laws-deployment-folding design-exploratory research elements of TS) to establish programs for flight and special devices able to complete the target task [1]. The solution of problems of dynamics of functioning of the TS in elliptical orbits is more complicated than for circular and requires a special theoretical study. The conducted scientific studies of the problems of dynamics of the relative motion of the connected objects [2-8] showed the effectiveness of applying the mathematical apparatus of the qualitative theory of dynamical systems and bifurcation theory [9-11]. The full results of qualitative research provide an opportunity to develop a clear picture of the possible types of phase trajectories of the system, and, consequently, of the characterization of possible trajectories of the controlled motion under all values of the control parameters, under any initial conditions of motion and at any period of time. When conducting qualitative research of dynamic systems of the controlled motion, the most difficult is the determination of the bifurcations associated with the appearance and disappearance of limit cycles, covering the phase cylinder. In this regard, in this paper we formulated and proved two theorems. It is analyzed the dynamic system of controlled motion of related objects in the plane of the elliptical orbit without taking into consideration disturbing factors. On the basis of the mathematical apparatus of the qualitative theory of dynamical systems defined by the equilibrium state, conditions for the existence of limit cycles are formulated and proved. The bifurcation values of the control parameter, associated with the appearance and disappearance of limit cycles at the considered dynamical system are determined. The study of equilibrium states and conditions of the existence of limit cycles of a dynamical system has allowed to establish the number of all types of the qualitative structures of the phase trajectories of the controlled motion of related objects. The range of values of the relative angular velocity of the continuum limit, covering the phase cylinder, is set. | ||||||||
Kuznetsov E. A., Sysoev O. E., Kolykhalov D. G. Prediction of limit states of pipelines of high pressure of hydraulic and gas systems in the commissioning phase. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 88 In the manufacture and operation of pipelines of various diameter high-pressure hydro-gas systems in the air and rocket, there is the problem of forecasting safe their life. Statistical methods of calculation of durability of the effects of cyclic loading allow large scatter in the data and suggest the use of unnecessarily large reserves of strength. Therefore there is a need for research and development of criteria that take into account the mechanical properties of materials under complex stress state and defect structure of the material of construction. This is possible by using acoustic emission techniques. Normally, before entering the hydro-gas systems in their operation under pressure 25% higher than the maximum operating this load causes an elastic-plastic deformation of the material of construction of the first cycle of loading and acoustic emission. If the capture test parameters of the acoustic emission, it is possible to establish a microstructure of the structural defects of the material. To develop and test the proposed methodology in Komsomolsk-on-Amur complex program material longevity research has been developed State Technical University with software loading on different trajectories of mechanical low-cycle loading in flat tension conditions. Cyclic loading of tubular samples in the chosen path was made before its destruction n and simultaneously recorded acoustic emission signals. acoustic emission signals in the analysis were divided according to the degree of danger of generating sources. Each recorded acoustic emission signal is seen as a time series, formed a kind of dynamic system, and fr om the standpoint of nonlinear dynamics of the task is to determine the dynamic system of degrees of freedom for the one-dimensional projection of its evolution in the phase space. Using modern methods of nonlinear dynamics for the one-dimensional time series was reconstructed multidimensional attractor, the metric properties which are very similar to the evolution of the study of the dynamical system. Knowing the general laws of change of the acoustic emission signal parameters for certain values of stresses for the structural material, it is possible to build a surface lim it Status Word for reference points for the respective kinds of stress-strain state, for all values of voltage and determine the durability of parts experiencing cyclic loads along any path loading. With the above approach, this will require setting a minimum number of time-consuming experiments. Thus, the prediction of longevity of details of pipelines of hydro-gas systems in aircraft and rocket may carry out the initial stages of operation for the acoustic emission signal parameters with a high degree of reliability at a relatively small number of preliminary experiments. | ||||||||
Golovnev A. V., Tarasov A. L. Maneuverable aircraft lateral stability ensuring at high attack angles by differential deflection of the wing leading edge flaps. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 88 The purpose of the work consists in studying the possibility of ensuring lateral stability of maneuverable aircraft at high attack angles by wing leading edge sections differential deflection with via computational experiment using detached-eddy computational experiment. The authors used numerical experiment and analysis as methods of working. Leading edge flaps are used on modern aircraft to provide smooth flow around wing leading edge without separation while attack angle increasing. We propose to deflect only the root sections of leading edge flaps at high values of attack angles. It will allow fixing separation over the leading edges end sections and balancing aircraft loose-flow vortex structure. The paper carries out comparison of lateral aerodynamic performances of a maneuvering aircraft obtained by detached-eddy computational method. It presents the range of aircraft attack angles where implementation of the suggested wing leading edge sections differential structure is efficient to improve its aerodynamic performance. The calculations were performed using the method of detached eddy simulation. Pressure fields in aircraft sections and its surface were used to analyze the flow-around structure. The results of this work can be used by scientific and design organizations engaged in development of maneuverable aircraft aerodynamic configurations and control systems, as well as by aviation universities for educational process improvement. It is expedient to use the suggested leading edge flaps differential configuration with attack angle values of 28–33 degrees, which will allow static transverse stability degree increase, as well as yaw angles values at which it preserves transverse and lateral stability. With this, the wing leading edge flaps differential deflection within this range leads to slight reduction of the aircraft lateral static stability reduction. | ||||||||
Nikolsky A. A. Helicopter airfoil design by solving the generalized inverse problem. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 88 While aerodynamic design many authors used the inverse problem to improve the profile aerodynamic performance. However, applications based on solving the inverse problem are not widely used for helicopter airfoils for the reason that their aerodynamic design requires simultaneous monitoring of several regimes of plow. For this reason, the general inverse problem with additional constraints on the airfoil pitching moment was formulated at the previous stage of the study. The purpose of the present study was to clarify the applicability of this mathematical model for successive improvements of helicopter airfoils integral aerodynamic criteria. Based on the generalized inverse problem solving method, the author developed the pressure distribution adjustment procedure for successive improvements of helicopter airfoil performances. The paper describes the application of the generalized inverse problem concept for aerodynamic design of helicopter airfoils. It considers the following pressure distribution improving variations for NASA series airfoil: Airfoil pitching moment increase at zero lifting force and small Mach numbers without noticeable losses of maximum lifting force values at small Mach numbers and maximum lift to drag ratio at moderate Mach numbers. Airfoil maximum lifting force increase at small Mach numbers and practical permanence of the other integral criteria. Airfoil lift to drag ratio maximum increase moderate Mach numbers and practical permanence of the other integral criteria. The interactive decrease of wave drag at high Mach number and practical permanence of the other integral criteria. The results were verified by CFD calculations. This study established that mathematical model based on the concept of generalized inverse problem and simple physical considerations allow modify pressure distributions successively improving helicopter airfoils performances. | ||||||||
Zudov K. A., Kudrov M. A., Malyutkina K. I., Kharchilava Y. E. The assessment of the impact of the wind vortex structures arising from the flow of the mountainous relief on the plane approaching the landing. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 88 Aircraft landing is one of the most difficult flight stages in the conditions of mountain relief. The most frequently happening accidents are caused by human factor. Therefore, additional attention is required to the training of pilots flying in the mountainous terrain. First of all, it is about training pilots on flight simulators. The main advantage of using the flight simulator as the training is the safety of the emergency situations working off, which is extremely dangerous in a real flight. For flight simulators the simulation of the air currents in the mountainous area of an airfield is an important point in the formation of the aircraft landing conditions on the mountain airfield. In this article the method to determine the most dangerous conditions of the landing approach of the aircraft in the mountainous terrain was described, as the assessment of the impact of the wind vortex structures arising from the flow of the mountainous terrain. The estimation was made on the basis of the data obtained in the course of calculation of the parameters of the wind vortex structures for the Kushok Bakula Rimpochee Airport. The article aims to create a scientific and technological advance in the field of developing the technical equipment for flight personnel training, as well as in the modernization of existing ones. The results, which are given in the article, can be used to improve the level of the pilots training by doing aircraft landing in the conditions of the mountainous airfield. The importance of this problem is due to the need to improve the safety of the aircraft landing. | ||||||||
Bodryshev V. V., Abashev V. M., Tarasenko O. S., Mirolyubova T. I. Image intensity as a quantitative aspect of gas flow parameters. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 88 The article addresses a method of digital processing for gas flow photos. It gives numerical analysis using the criterion of image intensity at all gas flow stages (before compression shock, in the compression shock and beyond it). Laws of variation of image intensity values are seen to be correlated and depend on the streamlined body shape and initial flow rate. Quantitative parameters of image intensity which characterize the gas flow in compression shocks and wave flow areas were identified using linear regression analysis. In case of “horizontal” gas wave flow, the arithmetic mean deviation of intensity was selected as a determining parameter. In case of several compression shocks, the arithmetic mean of the difference between the maximum and minimum intensity values in the compression shock was selected as a criterion. For the “inclined” gas wave flow, the arithmetic mean deviation of intensity relative to the regression line was selected as a determining parameter. The mathematical apparatus for calculation of suggested criteria is offered. | ||||||||
Gorunov A. V., Molodoznikova R. N., Prokofev A. I. One-sided pulsed heating of cylindrical shell of variable thickness. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 88 The work is devoted to the first stage of solving linear decoupled quasi-static problem of thermoelasticity for a circular cylindrical shell of variable thickness — the study of the temperature field during the heat pulse of radiant heat flux fr om an infinitely distant source of radiation. The thickness of the shell changes smoothly along the taper near the ends. Between design and the environment comes convective heat transfer by Newton’s law. Plane-parallel pulsed heat flux falling on the shell perpendicular to its axis of rotation. The ambient temperature in the considered time interval and temperature of the shell at the initial time equal to zero. The solution of the problem carried out in two stages: first, the temperature field of design during pulse heating , and then after the cessation of the heat pulse.
It is believed that the conditions are met
wh ere The process of heat conduction by the district to coordinate both stages of the solution of the problem can be neglected when
( R — the shell radius, The case when the shell thickness decreases with the distance from the end face according to the exponential law. Using Laplace transform the problem of determining the temperature field after instantaneous pulse heating. The calculations showed that when 2
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Nikitin P. V., Shkuratenko A. A. The impact of catalytic active surface on intensity of convective heat transfer. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 88 This work presents the carried out analysis of catalytic active surface impact on heat transfer intensity while the body of axisymmetric shape is flown around by dissociated airflow. One has to tackle problems of such kind in the course of aircraft duration flight with supersonic speed in the atmosphere. The main feature of heat transfer on the surface of flying vehicles of such type consists in heat- and mass exchange between the surface of the lying vehicle and chemically active layer along the whole flight trajectory. The heat transfer intensity in this boundary layer depends entirely either on gas state parameters or chemical state of high-temperature air components mixture. Overall, these two features, in the end, determine the boundary layer type: equilibrium, non-equilibrium, «frozen». The above said is an important issue, since the boundary layer type determines the selection of the certain class of heat-protective material. The studies of heat transfer in non-equilibrium flow of dissociated gas [1] conducted by various authors revealed that with flying vehicle flight at the altitudes above 40 km, high-temperature air parameters are such, that the molecules passing through the shock wave and compressed layer dissociate into atoms. The atomic gas in its turn enters the boundary layer zone, diffuses to the flying vehicle surface and recombines on it. As a result of this physico-chemical processes complex, heat currents into GLA structure drastically increase. The heat exchange intensity in this case strongly depends on catalytic activity of thermal protection materials. American researcher R. Gulard analyzed for the first time the problem of catalytic activity of materials on heat transfer in dissociated currents. However, while deriving the equation for heat current density R. Gulard was incorrect while setting up the problem. This work modifies thereupon Gulard’s equation, and obtains new equation. The authors compared the calculated and experimental data on heat currents densities into catalytic active surface. The calculations were made both using Gulard’s equation and the newly obtained equation. The paper shows the mismatch of the calculation data obtained according to Gulard’s equation, experimental data and the results obtained using the newly obtained equation. | ||||||||
Vikulin A. V., Yaroslavtsev N. L., Zemlyanaya V. A. Methodology of the development of heat-stressed parts of gas turbine engines. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 88 The objects of research are heat-stressed parts of high-temperature gas turbine engines (GTD) and gas turbine plants (GTP) with the complex system of branched channels. The purpose of research is the development of the methodology for thermal designing of cooled structures of high-temperature gas turbines of 5-6th generation GTE and GTP on the basis of the experimental database. The creation of blade modifications differing in the cooling channels design by the conventional technique of the investment casting is connected with great difficulties and is time-consuming technological process. Therefore the expeditious conduction of the research of a number of versions of the modified blades is so difficult. The developed methodology will allow to solve the complex problem aimed at increasing the reliability and service life of modern gas turbine engines while minimizing experimental studies and, consequently, material costs and power inputs. For the achievement of this aim in the paper the manufacturing techniques of the modifications of the cooled gas turbine blades such as modular development, implantation technology, development of a ceramic rod were considered and analyzed. For the creation of a basic original project of the blade at the early stage of its designing when there is not the executed in metal version, the choice of types of heat exchange intensifiers, of their arrangement and geometrical parameters is carried out proceeding from the analysis of empirical and experimental data. The subsequent development of the original project of the basic blade on the thermal state is carried out on the simplified on geometry and material versions executed with the use of universal equipment. The modular development technology allows to adjust the design of sel ected area in the blade on the thermal state, but there are difficulties with observance of the uniqueness conditions and the boundary conditions at interface of the areas of an internal cavity. For the purpose of the adjustment of the blade on the thermal state at the later stages of its designing when there is the casting version of the basic blade, the technology of the development with expeditious changing in the design of cooling channels by implantation method is developed. This technology allows to carry out changes in geometry of the internal cavity on the prototype and to receive directly a qualitative assessment of the thermal state obtained as a result of the carried-out changes. For the final development of the gas turbine blade on the thermal state and for its adjustment on the workability in the course of a mass production, the technology of the development of the ceramic rod forming the cooling channels in the blade modifications is used. This technology of the development of the design of the ceramic rod allows to carry out expeditiously the constructive changes in the internal cavity of the blade, however requires the accurate equipment and highly qualified specialists. Scientific novelty of researches consists in the development of the comprehensive program of thermal designing and improvement of the constructions of heat-stressed parts of GTD and GTP with the purpose to increase the reliability and service life of the engine based on the high-informative methods of research and control of their functional parameters. The practical significance of the offered methodology of the thermal designing consists in decreasing laboriousness and reducing the material costs for experimental adjustment of designs of the cooled gas turbine blades, and also in increasing the accuracy of qualitative assessment of their thermal state. The proposed complex of scientific and technological decisions allows to shift the focus of the experimental work fr om full-scale tests to simulation studies, and thereby to reduce significantly the material costs for the development of the GTD as a whole. The received samples of the constructive elements of the aircraft equipment can be used in the development and creation of modern and perspective gas turbine engines, and also in the creation of thermo-technical devices. | ||||||||
Isaev A. I., Mairovich Y. I., Safarbakov A. M., Khodatskii S. A. Influence of geometrical characteristics on the vortex structure in the pulse combustion chamber. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 88
The pulse combustion chamber is involve: flame tube head, designed in the form of a check valve; parallel portion volume for mixing fuel with air and combustion; gas collector for flow throttling; pulse fuel nozzle for fuel feeding; spark plug, igniting the fuel-air mixture; peripheral flow swirler. Creating a volume circulation zone is one of essential points in pulse combustion chamber design because it has a great effect on burning in the pulse combustion chamber of a gas turbine engine. Availability of circulation zones in a pulse combustion chamber determines air-fuel mixing efficiency, which in its turn influences the value of propulsive burn and release of NOX, CO and other pollutants. That is why it is very important to know the structure of the flow in the combustion chamber. It is effected by many factors but only some of them considerably change the size of circulation zones. They are DКС
combustion chamber diameter, DС diameter of outlet section of the combustion chamber gas collector. One effective way of flow structure controlling is using of the flow swirlers in the pulse combustion chamber Control actions of the circulation zone size are geometrical characteristics of the swirler which include | ||||||||
Protopopov A. P., Vorob'yeva Y. A. Spacecraft maneuver on high-elliptic orbit in the area of semi-minor axis using electrojets. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 88 The goal of the paper consists in developing an algorithm of changing an orbit inclination with low thrust electrojets. The spacecraft with eight electrojets with reaction wheels takes up a high elliptic orbit. Electrojets are necessary to control either the center of mass, or angular motion. The system of four reaction wheels with total kinetic moment of 30 N m s realizes around of center of mass control. Several constraints are imposed on correction as follows: the change of an orbit period should be minimal; only one electrojet at a time can be in use due to energy saving restrictions; correction run time should not exceed one hour with possible allowed deviation of one minute. Algorithm with three engine firings was developed based on equations for orbit period stability and equations for spacecraft angular movement. Equations for period deviation estimation during correction were obtained from Kepler law using eccentric anomaly. Angular momentum variation law equations include spacecraft and reaction wheels angular moments, as well as electro jet moment. The authors used the diagonal spacecraft inertia tensor. Analytical equations for spacecraft angular momentum with reaction wheels calculation with an allowance for electrojets are obtained. The paper presents the comparison between existing orbit correction algorithm with four firings and the developed algorithm. Numerical simulation results show that the algorithm involving three engine firings can be implemented with some restrictions for the initial angular momentum. | ||||||||
Petrukhin V. A., Mel'nikov V. E. Pendulum vertical sensor for unmanned aerial vehicles. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 88 Considered the possibility of creating vertical sensor on the basis of physical or mathematical pendulum which has increased resistance to perturbing horizontal acceleration of object. A positive result is achieved by forming a corrective signal on the pendulum fr om the accelerometers, angular motion sensors and feedbacks. As a result of theoretical analysis and simulation show that the rational choice of the corrective elements parameters can be realized quasi-imperturbable pendulum vertical as a backup, and in some cases the main vertical sensor to a certain class of aircrafts. The physical and mathematical pendulum, disturbing by base accelerations, adjusted by a high-frequency accelerometer and some other correction sources. Depending on the relative position of the original pendulum and accelerometer formed corresponding control algorithms that significantly affect the dynamics of the vertical sensor and the steady deviation from the vertical angle. For example, for the horizontal acceleration ax steady deviation angle from the vertical is: (1 — δ) ax / g, wh ere δ — feedback depth 0 <δ <1. That is, under certain conditions, such a pendulum becomes quasi- imperturbable and can find useful solutions. This study proves the possibility of creation of such vertical sensor for different objects, conditions of use and functionality. In particular, as a backup artificial horizon, primarily for the UAV, as a device for the correction of SINS on objects for different purposes, or as an independent in the formation of the INS horizontal channel, when used with one or two-component tracking housing. As element base of vertical sensor standard components can be used: pendulums, accelerometers, CRS as macro and micro performance depending on the required accuracy, weight, size and power constraints. Of interest is the ability to create vertical sensor on this basis in the form of a one-piece structure made of the same type on the design and technology of correcting elements, for example, carried out with the use of quartz glass as the main material of construction of the main functional elements required. | ||||||||
Tuktarev N. A., Grishin D. V., Busurin V. I., Akhmedova S. K. Autonomous inertial-magnetometric device for defining aircraft attitude angles. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 88 Attitude solution for fixed-wing aircrafts using a magnetometer remains relevant due to its well-known advantages. Taking this fact into account inertial-magnetometric method is proposed for computing roll, pitch and magnetic heading angles in static position of an aircraft as well as in motion, but with some restrictions depending on included sensors and algorithmic support. There exists a well-known problem of ambiguity of spatial attitude defining in case of measuring geomagnetic field by a single three-axis magnetometer. In proposed inertial-magnetometric device the problem is solved by applying two magnetometers set horizontally and rotated 180 degrees about vertical body axis. Complementing the system by block of triaxial gyroscope allows to connect multiple measurements of geomagnetic field in time, filter measurement errors and increase the accuracy of attitude computation. The research was conducted for three cases: case of fully eliminated deviation of magnetometers and absence of angular misalignment error between them, case of angular misalignment error of 0.5 degrees and 1 degree with the flight above magnetic anomaly. The research justified the application of two magnetometers for solving aircraft attitude defining problem. The research also resulted that estimated attitude angles maintain acceptable accuracy at increase of angular misalignment error between two magnetometers. Along with this the influence of magnetic anomaly almost doesn’t reduce the accuracy of estimation. Thus, three angles are defined. Along with this the estimation of angles is provided without accumulation of error and with following accuracy: pitch and roll of about 0.2 degrees rms, magnetic heading of about 0.6 degrees rms. The device is fully autonomous and allows usage of microelectromechanical gyroscopes with drift of about 300 degrees per second, and has an ability of self-recovery and readiness time of 10 seconds. | ||||||||
Kolosovskaya T. P. A Suboptimal Estimation and Parameters Identification Algorithm for Aircraft or Other Vehicle Navigation Systems Using the Earth's Magnetic Field Information. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 88 The purpose of this paper is to present the solutions of the problem of nonlinear filtering algorithms synthesis and analysis for magnetic field navigation systems (NS) of an aircraft or the like for military and civil applications. A three axis orientation magnetometer mounted on an aircraft or the like is used for sensing the earth’s magnetic field and for forming the nonlinear measurement vector with the measurement noise vector taking into account the declination maps. The solutions of the problem of algorithms synthesis and analysis for magnetic field information signal processing were obtained by using the suboptimal extended Kalman filter (EKF) which allows to estimate the magnetic course of an aircraft, the inclination angle ( the angle a vector representing the total magnetic field makes with its trace on a horizontal plane), the module of the magnetic-field strength vector and the Poisson’s coefficients, indicating the constant and the inductive magnetization. Computer simulation results of the adaptive filtering schemes reflect the behavior of the state vector estimates, the estimates errors, the covariance matrix, and the a posteriori hypothesis probability density with comparison for different conditions with different initial values and different Gaussian white noises vectors of the system state and of the measurements with corresponding variances, for imitation of environmental influences on the system. The estimated magnetic course can serve as necessary information for the true course computing on board of NS, in the radar silence and radio silence modes, during a flight above surface areas with uninformative relief such as deserts and oceans, and as a method of accumulating errors correction for inertial navigation systems. The proposed algorithms and system of course determination provide high efficiency and estimation accuracy comparing with other existing navigation algorithms and permit to abandon the performing of laborious and expensive magnetic deviation work inherent for traditional algorithms. Many scientific researches have been performed in the class of adaptive filtering scheme of the state vector estimation together with parameter identification. The purpose of this paper is to propose new approach of the extension of EFK adaptive estimation in the classical stochastic dynamic systems with deterministic structure to the case of signal processing and parameter identification in stochastic magnetic NS using the theory of Markov processes and optimization of stochastic systems with random structure or with switching parameters. | ||||||||
Khat'kov D. N. Application of informational approach to the solution of a problem of a defectoscopy by a method of free oscillations. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 88 On the example of free oscillation method, the author considered the methodology of information approach to the solution of a fault detection problem with a great number of unidentified factors. The paper presents either general conceptual, or particular functional diagrams in addition to free oscillation method, which point the place and interaction of such analysis methods as induction and deduction while opening the «black box» of a defect. These functional diagrams contain several heuristic stages of reference synthesis. The first stage features primary uncertainty elimination of solution region with respect to the presence of fundamentals within the frequency range, determined by the quality of manufactured samples, complemented by the subsequent statistical measurements, which identify the boundaries this range. Ultimately, linking the second part of the solution with the results obtained at the third stage, allow determine the uniqueness of the solution obtained, i. e. the fact of the presence of additional harmonics means the presence of the defect. As a result, the bandpass filter thus obtained, will present that significant reference, and further fault detecting equipment algorithm will be developed in relation to this reference. The formed reference herewith will be compatible with complex hardware path of contact excitation and wireless acoustic signal receiving. Such an approach to reference forming allows drastically decrease the number of calibration measurements, since the method of specified products testing is set. The paper presents positive results obtained with arbitrary signal model and practical examples of implementing the given methodology, which does not make use of complex physical calculations of complex phenomena while elastic interaction peculiar to implementation of free oscillations method. Typical defect search results on casting pump body of a complex shape located in the area of the threaded portion of large diameter and a massive disk weighing 90 kg with thickness of 70 mm with thin cracks and delamination up to 70 mcm are presented as illustrations. | ||||||||
Ovodenko V. B., Trekin V. V. Investigation of efficiency of compensation medium effects in a radar. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 88 It is well-known that the Earth’s lower and upper atmosphere conditions have a significant impact on radio wave propagation. Refraction and time delay are the most important effects in relation to the Ultra High Frequency radar. The improving of the target tracking accuracy requires the accounting of atmospheric effects on the radar operation mode. The effectiveness of the compensation medium effects on a radar operation is presented in the paper. We have developed a model for calculating atmospheric effects on the radar for its use in near real-time. This model is primarily focused on correcting the effects that are responsible for radar range and elevation angle bias error. Two ways for corrections calculation are considered. The first way is using climatological models for long-term forecast. The second way is based on the real-time updating method of the ionospheric model using slant TEC measurements for short-term forecast. The two-dimensional ray tracing scheme is applied to calculate corrections. The corrections are provided for the radar in the form of three dimensional look-up tables with 10 min intervals. The each target measurement (range, elevation angle and azimuth) can be corrected for each radar hit. We have performed a comparison between radar measurement and reference data of the calibration satellite position to make this evaluation. The results of comparison between real radar measurements and reference measurements showed the high efficiency of applying the operational corrections forecast. The range error decreased by 47.6% and the elevation angle decreased by 65.4% for the long-term forecast. As for operational forecast, only the range error decreased by 82% and the elevation angle remained unchanged. | ||||||||
Shmelev V. V. The solution of the optimization problem on the network model process. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 88 Automated process control necessarily implies the formation of five components: the objective and constraints (resources) of a process, alternatives and the selection criteria in the performance of the process and a model of the process. The paper proposes a structural and logical approach to the synthesis, verification, monitoring and control of process models. Each step of the process is represented as a universal network structure, built on the principles of Petri nets. This versatile network structure of the operation is the distinctive feature of structural and logical approach. Simulation capabilities approach, taking into account the modifications introduced Petri nets sufficiently match the complexity of logical relationships of various technological processes. The network structure is graphically represented in the notations of Petri nets, and formalized by means of set-theoretic approach. To enable optimal process control shows the version of the mathematical structure of the selection of the optimal control on a simulated process. The structure comprises a set-theoretic model of the controlled process, a variety of options tuples layouts input position universal network structures that act as control actions, a set of relations that limit choice and reflecting the technological, technical, territorial, resource, space-time requirements, as well as a set of relations of preference ( performance), determine the choice of the optimal tuple. Marking the universal structure of the operation is the output position information on the current status of the operation. As an example of solving the optimization problem management process represented a universal network structure, the features of the application of the method of dynamic programming-ing. In accordance with generally accepted procedures using the method of dynamic programming in the elements, and the notation of the proposed model of the process considered the construction of a multi-step management process with the production on it optimal control problem. Then analyzes the elementary approach to the problem of having excessive computational complexity. Formulated and proved the principle of optimality of Bellman. Formalizes the reverse and direct the procedure for calculating the optimum process control. The scope of application of the developed structural and logical approach and created its model-based information technology support system may be the process of decision-making in complex technical systems. The ability to solve optimization problems using the proposed model can greatly increase the effectiveness of such systems. | ||||||||
Shchelykalin M. Y. Use of information technologies to support development of onboard software. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 88 Article is devoted to increasing the efficiency of the spacecraft onboard software development, mainly debugging and verification. The analysis of existing in MEDB “MARS” onboard software development process was conducted in order to identify the stage where the introduction of information technology will reduce development time and increase quality. It was decided that the automation of the maximum number of steps is the main way to improve the existing process. It was concluded that creation of an information system to automate the development process — Test automation system (TAS) necessary. The system requirements were established. Based on this requirements and terms of implementation, it was concluded that the use of third-party COST systems for several typical problems solving is advisable. Integration of turnkey typical solutions and of custom own developed kernel system will greatly reduce time of system development and implementation. To simplify further improvements it was decided to use only open source third-party components. Based on the identified typical tasks to automate, two standard-class systems for integration in TAS was marked out software version control system and software error management system. Comparison of existing version control systems is given, on the basis of which Subversion system was chosen as the most simple. Similarly, a comparison of software error management systems, such as Redmine, Bugzilla, Trac is given. It concluded that Redmine has the best options set from these errors control systems. The interaction interface between TAS with version control system Subversion and error management system Redmine is developed. The mechanisms of software systems integration into a common automation system were described. The proposed solution has been successfully introduced into the production process and used in the development of several spacecraft control systems, including KazSat-2, Electro-L, Elektro-L № 2, Spektr-R. | ||||||||
Afanas'eva M. A., Kuznetsov E. B. Numerical method for solving nonlinear boundary value problem for differential equations with retarded argument. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 88 Considered the numerical solution of nonlinear boundary value problems for differential equations with delay by the false position method. Affecting the question of finding false position method’s parameter with more accurate methods of finding a number of possible parameter values and find the parameter in the case of solutions of a singularly perturbed equation. For more accurate location solutions and for finding all possible solutions used E. Lanaye’s parameter continuation method and the method of continuation with respect to the best parameter. The numerical studies demonstrate the advantage of using the described approach. In the case of solving a system of singularly perturbed equations using the false position method and the method of optimal parametrization it is possible to find all the solutions with the required accuracy, while other methods are not always possible to find all the solutions. Cauchy problem on each step of the the false position method solved by Runge-Kutta method of fourth order of accuracy. The suggested method of solution differential equation with retarded argument can be useful for solving tasks of mechanics of deformable solids, radiolocation, theory of automatic control. | ||||||||
Bobronnikov V. ., Tereshchenko T. S. The decision support system for justification of selection of design parameters for stand-alone energy systems. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 88 One of the significant problems for the consumers, who has made the decision to pass to the stand-alone energy systems based on alternative energy sources is the choice of components meeting his requirements and effective in the climatic conditions of operation of the system. The research objective is development of the layout of decision support system (DSS) to justify the selection of design parameters for stand-alone energy systems based on renewable energy sources — wind and Sun. Such systems are particularly often used by consumers located in remote areas where there is no possibility of using traditional energy network. Simulation modeling of functioning of stand-alone energy system as nonlinear dynamic system, including main devices which are its part (solar panel, wind turbines, diesel generators, energy storage) and also the random natural factors significantly influencing its functioning, such as wind, solar radiation and cloudiness is provided in a software complex. The key indicators of efficiency are the cost of acquisition, deployment and operation of system, and reliability (continuity) of supply to the consumer the necessary energy. The developed simulation models allow to obtain more exact and approximate to real conditions of operation, results, when forming stand-alone system from the existing components for specific consumers taking into account amount of the energy consumed by them, geographical and climatic features. The description of structure of the software complex that implements decision support system and reflect interaction of system components with each other and with factors of external environment is also submitted in the paper. Layouts of the interface of the program and numerical results received by means of DSS are given. The decision support system is supposed to be used for an assessment of efficiency and comparison of various options of creation of stand-alone energy systems and formulation of recommendations about its application, including in aerospace industry. | ||||||||
Ignatkin Y. M., Makeev P. V., Shomov A. I. Computational modeling of applied tasks of helicopter aerodynamics based on non-linear vortical model of a rotor. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 87 Computational modeling and problem solving in the field of aerodynamics -so called ‘computational experiment’ recently has become more and more actual in design of aircrafts and its modernization. This happens, first of all, due to rapidly growing possibilities of computing techniques, which give a chance to implement mathematic models, adequately reflecting complex physical processes of flow-around of aircrafts’ different lements Using of modern methods of computational modeling in problem solving for aircraft aerodynamics lets amplify and partly even replace hard expensive experiments in a wind tunnel and flight tests with security risks. The article contains review of possibilities and demonstration of practical examples of using non-linear blade vortical free-wake model of helicopter rotor and its software algorithmic implementation created in Helicopter Design Department of MAI. Model and software provide an opportunity to calculate parameters for main, tail and propulsion helicopter rotors and their combinations considering interference, getting full aerodynamic characteristics and rotors’ flows schemes, including special regimes, when vortical wave is significantly non-linear. Model and software are used to solve various applications tasks of helicopter rotors’ aerodynamics. Research is carried out for the benefit of industry players. The results of research are included into academic activity of Helicopter Design Department of MAI. | ||||||||
Gol'dshtein R. V., Gorodtsov V. A., Lisovenko D. S. Variability of Poisson's ratio forhexagonal crystals underpressure. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 87
In the paper variability of Poisson's ratio for the different hexagonal crystals under hydrostatic pressure is analyzed theoretically. As a result, all extreme values of Poisson's ratio are determined analytically. Special attention is paid materials with negative Poisson's ratio. Seven hexagonal auxetics at zero pressure (crystals with a negative Poisson's ratio) MoS2, Zn, Be, BeCu alloy (2.4% at.Cu), TiB2, C7H12, MnAs are identified. Variability of Poisson's ratio is analyzed for these crystals at zero pressure and two nonauxetics at zero pressure (graphite and SiC). Numerical values for all еxtrema of Poisson's ratios were obtained. Auxetic surfaces (the surface of the zero Poisson's ratio) were plotted for all auxetic hexagonal crystals and two nonauxetics (graphite and SiC) depending on the crystal orientation and the hydrostatic pressure. It is shown that the seven hexagonal partial auxetics MoS2, Zn, Be, BeCu alloy (2.4% at.Cu), TiB2, C7H12, MnAs can become complete auxetics under certain pressures. Partial auxetics are crystals whose Poisson`s ratio can change the sign with the change of orientation, while complete auxetics are crystals, in which Poisson's ratio is always negative regardless of orientation. Analysis of the pressure influence on Poisson`s ratio shows that crystals MoS2, TiB2 and MnAs are auxetics in the whole range of pressure values at which the crystal is stable. Auxetics Be, BeCu alloy, C7H12 and Zn have one nonauxetic zone in a range of pressure variation. The crystals of graphite and SiC, which are nonauxetics at zero pressure, also become partial or complete auxetics at some negative pressure (at isotropic stretching). As a result, numerical and analytical analysis shows that all hexagonal crystals may be partial and complete auxetics depending on the values of hydrostatic pressure. It has been found that Poisson ratio corresponding stretching in the [010] direction and the transverse deformation in the | ||||||||
Ha L. V. Similarity law in the developed turbulent boundary layer. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 87
Developed turbulent boundary layer contains organized vortex structures, which determine various physical properties of the flow. Recent experimental and numerical studies confirm the existence of coherent structures. The flow in the developed turbulent boundary layer is well described by Navier-Stokes system of equations. However, solution of these nonlinear equations presents severe difficulties. One of possible alternative approaches to solve these equations describing the developed turbulent boundary layer is a waveguide model, where a hypothesis for the equality by order of tangential stresses at the side and maximum value of the least damping mode of Tollmien-Schlichting waves decrement value. This hypothesis can be expressed by the equation To do it we, firstly, solve the spectral problem at non-uniform grid for Tollmien-Schlichting equation for vertical component of speed. Here we used numerical integration to transfer differential equation to difference form of second order of accuracy. Such approximation gives us standard matrix, which is solved in «Mathematica» package. Then we will find the δ**(x) dependence, inserting it into the formula, and obtain a. This hypothesis allows separate out the coherent structure and close the moment equations system, determining the average coherent pulsations dynamics and stochastic component spectral density. This work is aimed at the test of this hypothesis. | ||||||||
Vasil'ev L. M., Galaktionov A. Y. On an approach to hypersonic vehicles development projects feasibility qualitative and quantitative evaluation with regard to aeromechanics. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 87 The issues of high-speed aircraft design and development methodology with regard to feasibility of various projects are considered in the paper. The well-known foreign projects are exemplified as a subject of research to detect the destructive factors affecting the hypersonic flying laboratories projects. Methodological working out of the issue concerning hypersonic vehicles development projects feasibility quantitative and qualitative evaluation to design corresponding industry methodologies without considering specifics of engine unit workout. The time of transition from laboratory research to practical industrial production was accepted as a project feasibility quantitative measure, which can be evaluated a priori with both algebraic relation and using ordinary differential equations, such as works by U.V. Chuev and S.M. Eger, which elements are introduced in the presented paper as scientific research tools. The problem of the high-speed flying vehicles working-out cycling is associated with parameters margin evaluation for ambiguous and non-stationary aero-physical processes. Considering that with high-speed flying vehicles flight speed increase (Mach number) the share of non-stationary effects and their specific energy performance increase in the overall volume of utilization flights, the paper observes the corresponding aero-mechanical effects, drastically affecting the feasibility of the project. As a rule, with mode change (in the case under consideration — the stream pattern change) some non-steady effects occur, associated with either loss of controls effectiveness and dynamic system instability of flying vehicle — controls system, or with higher overloads. The latter is illustrated by numerical calculations of aerodynamic performances results, obtained by the authors. To calculate either stationary or non-stationary aerodynamic performances a program for obtaining numerical solution of complete non-stationary Navier-Stokes equations developed by the authors was used. Computational experiments were carried out in the framework of perfect gas model with laminar flow mode in moving coordinates. To determine damping and anti-damping characteristics associated with high-speed flying vehicles flight stability and instability the conjugate problem of flight dynamics and non-stationary aerodynamics was being solved. The attainability of the goal set to flying vehicle project and the degree of its feasibility are associated with the degree of studies and the extent of fundamental, forecasting, as well as scientific and applied research, required before starting corresponding development effort. | ||||||||
Animitsa V. A., Borisov A. E., Kritsky B. S., Mirgazov R. M. Main rotor vibration overload caused by thrust pulsation analytical studies based on vortex theory. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 87 The paper presents the results of numerical study of the impact of the main rotor blades individual control by their pitch angle cyclic variation to reduce thrust pulsations transferred to the main rotor hub, resulting in negative effect of the helicopter structural elements, crew and passengers. The study consists in developing the methodology and mathematical model of blades azimuthal control at blade frequency and its overtones. The authors carried out numerical studies of the thrust variable loads caused by non-stationary flow around main rotor blades transferred to the rotor hub at higher relative flight speeds. The thin lifting surface scheme was used to model the flow through the blades process. The authors performed an analysis of varying loads and educed the amplitudes of their deviation from the conventionally controlled main rotor thrust without higher harmonics control. Rotor blade pitch higher harmonics control algorithms were developed, which allow reduce thrust the main rotor pulsations at thrust average value. Computational studies showed that rotor blade higher harmonics control allows reduce the level of variable loads. The required blade setting variation herewith comes up to ±0.2 degrees, which conforms to maximum additional displacement of the control rod realized in practice with the value of about 1 mm. | ||||||||
Dolgov O. S., Bibikov S. Y. Elements of Method of plan view formation on the layout scheme synthesis stage of front-line aircraft constructed by the normal balancing scheme and with internal cargo bays. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 87 This article describes the main elements of a method, which allows to generate the aircraft plan view with a minimum number of iterations (revisions after aerodynamic and weight calculations results). The elements of the method are described by the example of the front-line aircraft layout scheme development (synthesis), front-line aircraft model (with two engines and internal cargo bays) made by the normal balancing scheme. The synthesis is carried out on the basis of pre-defined design parameters, constraints, and solutions, which are set by the designer, based on parametric relations and statistical relationships analysis. Designer need to determine the so-called «Layout Field» on the stage of aircraft layout scheme synthesis. «Layout Field» is a plan view on the aircraft geometric shape formation initial stage. Plan view determines the load-bearing capacity and area chart, which defines aircraft volume and wave component in the aerodynamic drag increase. Aircraft plan view formation — is, traditionally, the first stage of geometric shape design. At the beginning of this stage constructor needs to determine: — The area of the plan view. — Restriction on the transverse dimension of the plan view (wingspan), if available. — A limit on the size of the plan longitudinal view (aircraft length). — Limit on the width of the fuselage side ( distance of the wing chord side). — The position of the wing along the length of the aircraft. — The position of the center of mass (to a first approximation). — Variants of the cargo bays, air intakes and engines location (interconnected with each other). — Engines position along the length of the aircraft. — Air intakes position along the length of the aircraft. — The parameters of the horizontal tail (area and shoulder). — The position of the aerodynamic focus and the center of the sail of the plan view. After that, the designer checks the feasibility of the given boundary conditions. Feasibility of the boundary conditions сhecking is carried out to control the results of the method. Checking algorithm is reduced to compare results, which were obtained at this stage, whit previously determined design parameters. If the boundary conditions are not met, the designer performs a variation of decisions determining the schemes synthesis, beginning, in order, with the least important, up to the boundary conditions feasibility. If it’s impossible to fulfill one or more conditions, this variant of the scheme is not considered further. Due to verify the boundary conditions feasibility, the possibility of reducing the number of unnecessary options is realized at this stage, and thereby this will reduce labor and time for further analysis. After checking the boundary conditions feasibility, the designer carries out a further scheme synthesis. There is a study of the longitudinal and cross sections, layout elements placing, mass and aerodynamic performance calculation. | ||||||||
Astapov V. Y., Khoroshko L. L., Afshari P. .., Khoroshko A. L. Computer aided design in the modeling mode of technological processes producing the elements of the flying apparatus constructions. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 87 Pipes with different diameters and various joints as well as pipes with nipples having huge diversity which are composed of the pipes materials are widely used in aircraft construction design. In order to ensure performance characteristics regarding the pipes joints and their parts having wingtips, stringent requirements on tightness, strength, vibration resistance are imposed to guarantee interchangeability and manufacturability. This article is dedicated to a process modeling concerning the development of tubular joints of aircraft constructions by deforming one of the joined tubular parts using pulse magnetic field. In produce of new equipment construction the meticulous development test of technological processes is required, especially when impulsive methods of processing of materials are applied. For this purpose, computer modeling of the deformation process using the modern resources of software is applied. By using magnetic pulse formation process, it is possible to concentrate the deforming pipe, control according to the parameters at the required zone and the mentioned process provides tight joints. At the same time, it requires precise technological development procedures. Presented results of work on developing method modeling the high-speed mode of the process of producing a magnetic pulse of some tubular structure elements of flying apparatuses. For this, the solid models of pipeline samples and inductor are developed at first using computer aided design. Solid modeling of construction parts was carried out by using Autodesk Inventor software and simultaneously the HyperMesh package was utilized for generating small grids as well as the geometrical parameters of 3D solid models. To estimate the possibility of formation of tubular part compounds and their welding’s on program LS-DYNA, the modeling process of magnetic-pulse deformation is performed by varying the parameters of the magnetic field generated by the pulsed pressure, geometrical parameters and position of tubular work pieces and characteristics of their materials. By obtaining the solutions, it is possible to determine the final deformation of work pieces, stresses arising in the areas of compounds. The data obtained from the modeling process allow for developing the required control parameters of parts deformed by pulse magnetic field, designing instruments and forming the required high quality tubular joints of aircraft structure. | ||||||||
Vyatlev P. A., Dmitriev A. O., Karchaev K. Z., Sysoev V. K. Performance evaluation of space solar power plants based on laser channel of energy transmission. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 87 The efficiency of space solar electric power station with application of a laser channel of energy transfer is analyzed as well as a concept of control system of this laser channel of energy transfer behavior of such electric power station. The necessity of development of a demonstrative space solar electric power station on the basis of present space-rocket and optical and electronic technics is shown. The technology of energy transfer by means of laser radiation has been recently significantly developed due to the fact that efficiency coefficient and power of developed lasers for the last 10 years have dramatically increased because the divergence of laser radiation is too small and it allows creating ground receiving areas of energy with dimensions that are on several degrees lower than in case of using microwave radiation. Moreover, ground receiving photo-integrated devices can operate from laser and solar radiation, so the efficiency of overall solar electric power station increases. Solar space electric power stations unlike nuclear-thermal ones do not have unsolvable physical and technical problems, but have some financial and technical difficulties which can be solved by applying modern optical electronical and space technology. In order to develop some manufacturing technologies of industrial solar space electric power stations it is necessary to develop a demonstrative solar space electric power station on the basis of present space-rocket technics that allows first of all development testing of guidance of a high accuracy, keeping of laser ray on the ground photo-integrated area and developing of highly-efficient utilization system of radiation generators’ heat of energy transfer channel. The development of such demonstrative solar space electric power station on the basis of present space-rocket and optical and electronic technics that has a level of transfered power equal to10-100кW is feasible today and all obtained technical solutions may be used for realization of the future industrial solar space electric power station and of net space system (nuclear electrical power unit-small-sized satellites). | ||||||||
Siluyanova M. V., Chelebyan O. G. The use of alternative fuels in aviation gas turbine engines. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 87 Toughening environmental requirements of ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) on emissions from aircraft engines, forcing the major powers to search for alternative sources of energy, in particular to expand the scope of biofuels.The use of renewable biofuels obtained from plants or fatty acids is very promising. At present, aviation accounts for about 2% of man-made emissions of CO2. When using biofuel, the emission of smoke, solid carbon, carbon monoxide, sulfur, and total carbon dioxide is decreased. Thus, the use of bio-kerosene obtained from jatropha, instead of the traditional kerosene in aircraft would reduce «carbon trace» almost by 80%. Alternative fuels have physical properties that are slightly different from the traditional kerosene. This paper presents results of an experimental study of the influence of the physical properties of the liquid on the parameters of air-fuel spray device for the front module pneumatic type of the combustor gas turbine engine. To determine the characteristics of the spray and the study of the process of crushing and mixing alternative fuels with high viscosity developed a model biofuels based of kerosene TS-1. As a result of this work has received a number of dependencies characteristics average diameter, velocity and concentration of fuel droplets in the stream of the burner of kerosene and biofuel model. Summarizing the findings, it was found that when using viscous fuels should be used pneumatic atomization method for the specified operating parameters of combustor gas turbine engine. Despite the fact that it is not yet available in the Russian industrial-scale biofuel production, this area has a great future because of the large acreage and water surfaces in our country. | ||||||||
Sokolov N. L. The analysis of combined methods of artificial satellite orbit formation. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 87 The goal of this work is to conduct a comparative analysis of the known and future spacecraft insertion profiles to the orbits of Mars and Jupiter artificial satellites’. Different modifications of combined profiles are researched which require conducting of propulsive maneuvers with an aerodynamic acceleration of a spacecraft in the atmosphere, as well as the profile consisting in the propulsive orbit formation. The main optimality criteria are the minimum of total energy consumption and the maximum of physically realizable spacecraft reentry corridors. The task solution of spacecraft optimal control is fulfilled with the use of necessary optimality conditions of Pontryagin’s maximum principle. The areas of rational application of profiles are detected including preliminary aerodynamic braking of a spacecraft in the atmosphere, shared control by aerodynamic and propulsive forces in the atmosphere, multiple passage of upper atmosphere by a spacecraft. It is shown that the use of a combined profile for orbit-shaping with atmospheric maneuvering is high efficient as the power consumption with its use is 3-3.5 times less in comparison with the propulsive profiles during the insertion into the Mars satellite orbits and 7-10 times less during the insertion into Jupiter satellites. It is determined that during spacecraft reentry near the lower boundary of the corridor it is reasonable to perform the propulsive trajectory correction maneuver. It allows reducing of total required energy consumption by 1.5-2 times or expanding of physically realizable reentry corridor by 10-15 % in comparison with the profile without a correction impulse. The energy consumption can be more considerably reduced for the profile with a spacecraft’s multiple passage of upper atmosphere. However, with the use of the given profile, the time for satellite orbit-shaping considerably increases. The obtained results are of practical importance and may be used for deep space missions. The general principles of the methodological approach are adjusted for the solution of other tasks of spacecraft optimal control. | ||||||||
Pavlova N. V., Smeyukha A. V. Improving the effectiveness of the useful task of modern maneuverable aircraft. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 87 The range of problems solved by modern multi-functional aircrafts constantly expanding. These circumstances make it necessary to develop new on-board algorithms, particular using the methods of artificial intelligence. Design of current and promising methods require evaluation of their efficiency, which makes it necessary to use new modes in the process. One of the most important stages at the introduction of new onboard algorithms is simulation, in which the comparison of various algorithms and implementing their programs and assesses their effectiveness. In the article estimates based on modern methods of probability theory and mathematical statistics, as well as results of their use in the evaluation of the effectiveness in the simulation of the stand HIL. Modern maneuverable aircraft must solve the problem of resource allocation and management task such as multi-criteria problem of recognition with it using artificial intelligence techniques. Solution of such problems by using a strictly mathematical description and on the basis of on-board resources is often impossible. These circumstances make it necessary to develop new on-board algorithms. The introduction of modern and advanced method requires the evolution of their performance, which makes it necessary to use new methods. Article focuses in the use of new approaches based on the methods of probability theory allow more objectively evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of useful tasks. | ||||||||
Mullov K. D. Space radiation impact on FPGA based digital units and irradiation stability hardening methods for such systems. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 87 Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are increasingly being used as a key component of digital systems due to their in-field reprogrammability, low non-recurring engineering costs, and relatively short design cycle. These characteristics, combined with high performance and high logic density, prove their feasibility for a number of ground and space level applications. Recently, a great interest aroused in using FPGAs onboard a spacecraft. FPGAs, like all semiconductor devices, are susceptible to radiation exposure. Radiation effects on electronic circuits used in extra-terrestrial applications and radiation prone environments need to be corrected. Since the variety of FPGA manufacturer’s offers, the radiation impact on them need to be studied and robust methods of fault tolerance need to be devised. The main subject of study in this paper is the effects of cosmic ionizing radiation on FPGAs, and some fault-tolerant design strategies. The paper gives a classification of radiation effects and classification of the various methods of increasing radiation resistance of digital equipment. Operation principles of the presented method are also discussed in this paper. The main result of the work is analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of methods allowing increasing the radiation resistance of digital FPGA-based devices and recommendations for hardware developers on the use of these methods. This paper summarizes the radiation effects on FPGAs, and methods to mitigate these effects. It also provides a case study of a successful FPGA system operating in space. | ||||||||
Adzhibekov A. A., Zhukov A. A., Alekseev O. A. Experimental assembling and testing bench for metamaterial based multilayered antenna modules. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 87 It has been shown recently; that metamaterials (multilayered metal-dielectric structures with unusual electromagnetic properties) can improve radiation characteristics of antenna, for example increase its gain without increasing antennas lateral size. In order to manufacture such multilayered metal-dielectric structures several techniques, based on thick and thin film technologies are used. If creating a microwave multilayered split ring resonator based metamaterial with distance between two layers over 1 mm is necessary, this techniques not always can be used. In this case dielectric layers and films with metal structures must be manufactured separately and then multilayered metamaterial modules must be assembled. In order to assemble these layered structure assembling and testing bench is used. During the assembling process a microwave radiation source with antisymmetric radiation pattern is used for matching each layer. Microwave radiation of the source is transmitted through matched layers and then received by reciever. Ideally matching is perfect if minimum of the signal power at the receiver is achieved. To confirm capability of the bench experimental research was carried out. Test two layered structure and special radio transparent fixture were made, one of the layers being fixed and the other one being movable. Signal power at the receiver dependency of the displacement between layers of the test two layered structure at frequency 27 GHz was measured. Experimetn shows that estimate matching error is approximately 100 mkm. The Designed assembling and testing bench provides technologically efficient assembling and testing metamaterial based multilayered antenna modules with distance between two layers about 1-10 mm and for frequencies range approximately 1-30 GHz and matching error less then 1,5 % of wavelength at operation frequency. | ||||||||
Genov A. A., Osipov V. V., Savilkin S. B. The principles of realization of the mobile satellite communication network standard DVB-RCS with the spatial frequency resource time division in the X-band. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 87 Satellite networks handheld earth stations are ongoing through the spacecraft in geostationary orbit, as a rule, with direct relay with frequency-division multiplexing (FDMA). Transition to the standard DVB-RCS[1]. with a spatial frequency TDMA, involves placing on board a spacecraft multipath receiving-transmitting antenna and multi-board digital platforms standard DVB-RCS, providing multi-channel demodulation of earth stations. Using the DVB-RCS standard with MSF-TDMA can significantly extend the functional characteristics of mobile networks through satellites in geostationary orbit [2, 3, 4, 5]. To move to a higher rate of information transfer, adopted in satellite communication networks standard DVB-RCS, need to be more than an order of magnitude increase the energy potential of satellite radio links spacecraft , which can only be achieved through the establishment of on-board the spacecraft multipath receiving-transmitting antennas. As a prototype under consideration DVB-RCS standard mobile satellite communication network creating issues with MSF-TDMA is used in the currently deployed in the X-band portable earth station network operating in the direct mode, the relay FDMA frequency division channels. Earth stations in the network, despite the relatively high functionality and power characteristics, to ensure a direct telephone connection to each other is forced to operate at the lowest possible data transmission speeds. Modernization of communication satellites by the introduction of the multipath receiving-transmitting antennas allow to implement X-band-based earth stations, networks mobile satellite DVB-RCS (MSF-TDMA) standard, which will be provided by the possibility of organizing a high-speed direct connection of subscriber earth stations each other. Proposed in the present work the modernization of communications satellites option by installing on-board the satellite multipath receiving-transmitting antenna implementing DVB-RCS standard with the space-time-frequency resource sharing, enables the creation of mobile satellite communication networks standard DVB-RCS through satellites in geostationary orbit. For the practical implementation of these proposals in the paper version of the modernization of communications satellites greatest challenge is the creation of high-speed digital switches, a key element of the multipath receiving-transmitting antenna for satellites in geostationary orbit implementing zonal service. | ||||||||
Borodin V. V., Petrakov A. M., Shevtsov V. A. The analysis of algorithms of routing in a communication network groups of unmanned aerial vehicles. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 87 For increase of efficiency of group of unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) [1, 2, 3] the adaptive radio network with switching of packages which knots are aircraft is used. For providing requirements to an adaptive network it is necessary to solve a number of complex problems, in particular, to provide effective management of a strip of frequencies, to develop adaptive route protocols and to choose optimum route metrics [4, 5, 6]. Now the protocols of routing focused on search of the shortest route distance with a binding to network topology and location of hubs [5, 7, 8, 9, 10] are used. Despite a great interest to the considered subject, in our opinion not enough attention is paid to questions of modeling of probabilistic and time characteristics of algorithms of routing. The offered work is devoted to research of efficiency of algorithms of routing in the conditions of not stationarity, in particular, at change of structure of a network. In this work the adaptive radio network with switching of packages and casual access under the Aloha [11, 12, 13] protocol is investigated. Influence on characteristics of algorithm of routing of qualitative characteristics and volume of route information which knots on the office channel, and also options of the organization of the office channel exchange is considered. It is shown that the problem of routing can be solved if to be limited to calculation of the metrics containing only data on a condition of knots (nodal metrics). The volume of information distributed by knots in this case is proportional to a square of quantity of knots. However in some cases it is necessary to transfer, along with a state as well data on characteristics of communication channels between knots (channel metrics). The volume of information distributed by knots in this case is proportional to a cube of quantity of knots that significantly exceeds information volume in case of transfer of nodal metrics. It is shown that generally transfer of channel metrics is actual for display of new network structure in local route matrixes of each knot at reorganization of a network. The option of the organization of the office channel depends on the volume of the transferred route information. At the small volume, in particular, by transfer of nodal metrics, the allocated channel can be used, and mailing of route information is carried out along with an exchange of information packages. If the volume of data is big, in particular, by transfer of channel metrics, interruption of transfer of information packages for a while which is required for mailing of data on new structure of a network is necessary. For the purpose of increase of efficiency of a network by transfer of channel metrics use of the combined mode at which transfer of metrics is carried out in information package in the mailing mode is offered. Results of imitating modeling have shown high efficiency of the combined method in the certain ranges of change of a traffic and power of the channel. | ||||||||
Ivanov S. L., Avramov A. V., Tkachenko S. S. Complexation of the airborne radioelectronic radar systems for the indirect identification of objects. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 87 Means of the radar system with active response are used nowadays to identify objects detected by side-looking airborne radars. Analysis of the experience of using a radar system with active response testifies its lack of effectiveness, especially in terms of multi-purpose complex and signal-jamming environment. A perspective approach to the development of the systems of identification of objects is formation of systems of indirect identification. Functioning of such systems is based on the use of information on the types (classes) of the observed objects and comparison of this information with a priori information on the types of objects used by the warring parties of the conflict. On Board of the aircraft the radar station and the station of electronic intelligence can be attributed to the sources of information on the types of the observable objects. The aim of this work is the development and research into the algorithm of the indirect identification of objects using information from the airborne radar and the station of electronic intelligence. The problem statement of the development of the algorithm of the indirect identification of objects is made to achieve this goal. The type, state affiliation, class of object and index of its identity with the source of radio emission, observed by an electronic intelligence station are considered to be parameters describing the state of the identifiable object, observed by a radar station. Statistical relations between types and state affiliation, types and classes of objects are formalized by using the appropriate conditional probabilities. Dynamics of change of the parameters of the state of the identifiable object in a discrete-time is described using Markov and nominal-Markov chains. Also it is assumed that the airborne radar makes decisions on the type of the identified object, and the electronic intelligence station makes decisions on the class of the observed source of radio emission. The accuracy of the generated solutions is known and described by the corresponding probability matrixes. In addition, decisions on their identification are formed according to the coordinates of the observed objects that are measured by the stations. The accuracy of these decisions is described by the corresponding probability matrix. Rules of forming the decisions that are optimal in criterion of the maximum of the posteriori probability on the state affiliation and type of the identified object are derived with the use of the Bayesian approach. Surveillance of the airborne radar and the electronic intelligence station, and also the information on the statistical relations and the dynamics of change of the state parameters are used in the calculation of the posterior probability of the state parameters of the identifiable object. The comparison of the algorithm with its simplified version is made in the interest of the study of the efficiency factor of the developed algorithm of the indirect identification. As a result it is concluded that the gain in the accuracy of the indirect identification of objects from the use of the algorithm may exceed 10% in terms of determining the state affiliation and exceed 30% in terms of determining their types. | ||||||||
Ashurkov I. S., Leshko N. A., Kakaev V. V. Using brute force to optimize the space structure multiposition radar system. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 87 The purpose of this article is development of solution algorithm of optimization task of multiposition radar system space structure with uncooperative source of illumination given the limitations for mutual location of the MPRS elements and also limitations for quality of radar system information. For the solution of the task, there was determined target function — cross section of the working zone of MP RS on the given height of the target flight. We chose the criterion of optimality — maximum of target function and stated the limitations. The area of analysis is presented in a form of discrete set for which maximum possible number of variants of MPRS space structure is determined. Then, using the brute force method we determine the value of target function for every structure variant satisfying the given limitations and choose a variant with which maximum target function is achieved. The choice of optimal variant of space structure allows us to fully realize potential possibilities of MPRS for the detection of objects and measure of their coordinates. There was offered an algorithm of solution of optimization task and the results were obtained of the optimization of the space structure of the multiposition radar system with uncooperative source of illumination and three receiving stations. Efficiency of the use of algorithm is assessed by the value of coefficient of working zone increasing. | ||||||||
Ignatov A. N. On solution of the problem of correcting scalar terminal state of an aircraft for an arbitrary distribution of a multiplicative perturbation. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 87 We investigate the problem of correcting scalar terminal state of the aircraft. We consider the case of one correction. The correction is carried out by a high-thrust engine. The initial state of the aircraft is random. Distribution of the multiplicative perturbation connected with implementation error of rated specific impulse is arbitrary and independent fr om the initial state of the aircraft. Optimal control is selected in the class of piecewise constant functions, depending on the initial position of the aircraft. Optimal control is searched by maximizing the probability that the terminal state will be in a certain zone. We find an analytical expression for criterial function by the law of total probability and propose an algorithm of searching for optimal solution. Since we should optimize the function of unknown origin on open sets for searching for optimal solution, then we approximate criterial function by the method of middle rectangles. To find optimal solution of obtained function we discretize the initial probability measure and we replace the continuous random variable characterizing the multiplicative perturbation by the discrete random variable in approximating function. Then we reduce the optimization problem to the mixed-integer linear programming problem. We consider an example. We investigate the dependence of the optimal value of the criterion on the number of the segments of the partition and the number of realizations for a fixed set of input data for calculations using the IBM ILOG CPLEX package. We show that the accuracy of solution is more influenced by the number of segments of the partition, rather than the number of realizations, if the number of realizations is large. In the example we give a form of optimal control, which is close to control, obtained using the optimal confidence set in the case wh ere the initial position and the multiplicative perturbation are normally distributed random variables. The resulting control has a dead zone and is nonlinear. | ||||||||
Ibragimov D. N. Approximation of the feasible control set of discrete-time system for the minimum-time problem. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 87 The minimum-time problem of the linear discrete-time system with convex set of the feasible controls is considered in this paper, i.e. problem of transferred given system to 0 by means of feasible control in minimum number of steps. Specifity of 0-controllability problem for linear discrete-time systems is related to the difficulty of using conventional methods. These features is characterized by lack of explicit form of the solve of the problem of dynamic programming and lack of analogue of Belman’s equation, incorrectness of maximum principle for minimum time problem in discrete-time case, nonuniqueness of optimal solution. The algorithm of the construction an optimal solution has been developed in previous works. But this method can be applied only to the systems with linear constraints of the feasible controls set. The main improvement of the new algorithm is its workability for any systems with the convex constraints on the controls. This fact is reached by using polyhedron approximation instead the real set of the feasible controls. The theorem of the convergence of the sequence of polyhedrons to the compact convex set, which is approximated, is formulated and proved in this paper. Also the method of the estimating of the accuracy of approximation is represented in this paper. It is based on the calculating of Hausdorff distance between two polyhedrons. This problem is reduced to projecting exterior points of the first polyhedron to the faces of the second polyhedron, i.e. this is the quadratic programming problem with the linear constraints. The designed algorithm is tested on the problem of the minimum time orientation of the aerostat. As a mathematical model, a solid body suspended on a cord and able to perform rotational movements is used. The upper end of the cord is fixedly mounted and operated with two fan motors, generating the opposite control moments about the vertical axis. The body is subjected to the torque is linearly dependent on the angle of rotation caused by an elastic cord and the moment of viscous friction linearly dependent on the angular velocity. It is assumed that the engines instantly gaining momentum, influence on the running engine center of gravity is neglected, and the atmosphere is considered to be stationary and homogeneous. This model is described by linear discrete-time system with convex set of the feasible controls. | ||||||||
Kupreev S. A. A method of forming modes of the controlled motion of the tether systems to solve practical problems in elliptical orbits. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 87 Orbital tether system (TS) is separately formed area of the promising technologies [1]. However, the consideration of the function of space bundles in the elliptical orbits is not sufficiently covered by specialized literature. In the known works [2-12] the solution of practical problems with the use of the TS is discussed in the terms of functioning bundles in the circular orbits, while a number of problems can be solved only in the elliptical orbits. The solution of problems of the dynamics of functioning of the TS in the elliptical orbits is more complicated than for the circular and requires a special theoretical study. Scientific problem, the solution of which is devoted to the work, is in full qualitative analysis of the topological structures of the dynamic system of the controlled motion of the TS and the formation of suitable modes of their movement during the operation in the elliptical orbits. An effective method of the formation of modes of the controlled motion of the tether systems to solve practical problems in the elliptical orbits is proposed. The method is based on the mathematical apparatus of the qualitative theory of dynamical systems and the theory of bifurcations [13, 14]. All types of quality structures of a dynamic system of the controlled motion of related objects are set, all bifurcations of the system under study and the bifurcation values of parameters that define the totality of characteristics of the controlled movement in elliptical orbits are identified. It gives you the opportunity to have a clear picture of the characterization of possible trajectories of the controlled motion under all values of the control parameters, under any initial conditions of motion and at any period of time. As a result of the analysis of all types of the qualitative structures of the phase trajectories, a set of implemented modes of the controlled motion is defined and the regions of initial conditions where they are implemented are set. The modes should correspond to particular steady phase trajectories of the system and the set of orbito-resistant non-singular phase trajectories that fill the fixed region of the phase surface. | ||||||||
Filonova A. A. Method of the airport capacity evaluation in dependence of the SID/STAR routings topology. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 86 Mathematical modeling is acknowledged method by analyzing the wide range of problems in the air traffic control purview. One of the actual problems in this scope is an estimation of the maximum throughput capacity (MTC) of the airport that can be expressed as an ultimate count of movements that can be performed on the runway system per a time unit in the presence of continuous demand. ICAO recommends using one hour as a most suitable time unit. The critical overview of the models that includes the solving of the mentioned problem demonstrates that they are not able to consider the whole range of factors, which exert one’s influence on the MTC value, in particular lateral separation minima for the aircrafts following the same route or moving crossing tracks in the airport area. This research expands the approach based on the space-temporal sampling (quantization) of the investigating process. This allows take in consideration the restrictions imposed by lateral separation minima by the estimation of MTC value. The offered analytical calculation of the saturation capacity value in dependence of the topology of SID/STAR takes place in terms of macro-characteristics that significantly reduce the dimension of the problem. One of these characteristics is topology «complexity» — the system of constraints imposed by separation minima on SID/STAR intersection. These characteristics could be expressed as scalar value. This paper investigates the impact of this value on MTC of the airport. As a second macro-characteristic is proposed to use the occupation numbers which are defined by analogy with quantum mechanics and represents the quantity of aircrafts which may be in the airport airspace without creating conflicts. The evolution of air situation is described with Markov processes in discrete state space. The system of hypotheses allows us to express conditional probabilities of transitions between states of stochastic process in analytical form. An assessment for MTC of the airport and study its dependence from topology «complexity» provide on the basis of steady-state solutions. There is the software developed that allows to estimate the MCT for the real airports using the logic of the macro-characteristic model. As an example the capacity for three Moscow airports is estimated. According the results the topology of SID/STAR can reduce the MCT up to 10 percent of the full runway capacity. | ||||||||
Vorontsov V. A., Karchaev K. Z., Martynov . B., Primakov P. V. Venus Exploration Program and International Cooperation. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 86 Considerable success has been achieved in the Venus exploration. Specifically it concerns planet’s atmosphere and surface study by contact methods. Thirty years ago descent vehicles of the Vega mission spent record breaking time, about two hours, on the Venus surface. For the first time in the history of planetary studies balloon probes drifted in Venus atmosphere for two days. They conducted atmosphere properties studies by means of the scientific instruments designed and developed by the institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences in cooperation with science community of other countries. It slightly opened secrets of the planet, in particular an enigma of the atmosphere super rotation. Vega (Venus — Halley comet) mission activities could become a perfect example of the international cooperation. The scientists from eleven countries participated in this project realization. Various Venus exploration mission scenario alternatives are currently being developed after a long break in the Venus research. A modern and perspective Russian spacecraft Venera-D project intended for the long-term planet study is thought to consist of an orbiter, subsatellites, a lander and balloon probes. Proposals of the international mission organization with distribution of the responsibilities for the various spacecraft components between parties and probable usage of various launch vehicles are under consideration. The international cooperation in the implementation of the Venus research complex program shall enable to significantly increase the scientific performance of the projects with simultaneously high cost effectiveness. | ||||||||
Lamzin V. A. Methodical bases for predictive researches on spacecraft modifications. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 86 Methodical bases for predictive research on perspective spacecraft (SC modifications) as a part of the space system (SS) of remote sensing (RS) were considered when upgrading with a given point in time. They allow to define rational (optimal) planning and design solutions for the future technique sample taking into account implementation of the project (dynamics of the external technical, economic and organizational connections (restrictions)), also, it is possible to determine the rational parameters of an object and its subsystems, in which the required tactical and technical performance can be obtained. The concepts of multi-level management of developments and implementation of multi-level design model are the basis of the created method. A two-level model of project management and correlated statistical method for two-level optimization are used. The statistical method involves solution to the main problems of the planning stages for the project as whole and replaceable subsystems, as well as the tasks of directed adaptation of project dependencies of top level. Design problems statements of upper and lower project management and two-level optimization of the SC target hardware module parameters are given. Algorithm of research project involves the sequential solutions to the tasks for the developments on the upper and lower levels of management with the implemented design solutions. On the one hand, this approach makes it possible to take into account the peculiarities of design solutions to spacecraft subsystems without the expansion of the project model, on the other hand, optimization of the subsystem parameters unit on the lower level of management (with the detailed design model) is carried out taking into account the dynamics of functional limitations (weight, size, information and power). The implementation of such approach makes it possible to organize a multivariate study (when restricted with periods of work) and provides a definition of sustainable design solutions by expanding the range of possible solutions. The developed methodical bases for predictive studies allow to carry out optimization of performance modifications of spacecraft and its subsystems, to form a efficient algorithm of coherent optimization, to evaluate the effect of the key technologies parameters on the performance of advanced equipment. The key (basic) technology refers to forward-looking design and technological solutions (DTS) to the basic subsystems implemented while creating spacecraft and their modifications in the planning period, on which the scientific and technical level, the competitiveness and efficiency of equipment are depended. In turn, such studies (during the inverse problem solving) allow to highlight the key (basic) DTS and find their rational parameters. The effectiveness of a new technology created in the planning period depended, mostly, from the implementation of key technologies. | ||||||||
Lunev E. M., Neretin E. S., Dyachenko S. A., Dubrovo A. I. Software and Algorithms Development for the Perspective Aircrafts Synthetic Vision System Prototype. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 86 This article describes the software development of Synthetic Vision System (SVS) prototype, which provides enhanced situational awareness for flight crew and decision making assistance during approach and landing phases of flight in nonvisual flight conditions for future civil transport aircrafts. The SVS uses as initial data the known aircraft present position and terrain elevation map database (map size, map grid intervals Δ1 and Δ2, and Х, Y, Z coordinates of grid reference). As the sources of such data in this article respectively appears the flight management system (FMS) and the terrain awareness and warning system (TAWS). For 3D-modeling of initial data it is necessary to express the coded topographic data in terms of primitive solids. Tin the most simple way the terrain region of consideration could be approximated as set of rectangular parallelepipeds, the bases of which are the terrain elevation map squares and the heights of which are the corresponding maximum terrain elevation. After 3D-modeling of terrain region of consideration it is also necessary to cut off the unfaced lines and surfaces. To solve this the z-buffer method is chosen by reason of its most suitableness to implement on airborne equipment of civil transport aircraft and central display system architectural features. The SVS generates an image of the terrain elevation in region of consideration in 3D view for displaying it on the primary flight display combined with the other flight and navigation information in real time mode. Based on the proposed algorithm the software developed. Simulation results confirms the adequacy and applicability of the proposed approach to improve the situational awareness of the crew during approach and landing phases of flight in nonvisual flight conditions for transport category aircrafts. | ||||||||
Slesaryonok S. V., Shepet I. P., Rubinov V. I., Titov Y. P. Autoequalization of errors of navigation sensors nominal strapdown inertial navigation system. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 86 The research subject matter is functioning mathematical models of inertial navigation system (INS) in stand-alone mode operation and of inertial sensor’s errors. The aim is to increase the accuracy of coordinates determination of the aircraft location under the conditions of absence of information from navigation radio engineering systems. The relevance of the work consists in continuous toughening of requirements to modern inertial navigation systems regarding increase of their precision parameters, reliability and improvement of operational characteristics. Feature of the stand-alone mode of functioning the INS is accumulation during all operating time of an error of coordinates determination and angular position of the aircraft. Reduction of rates of increase errors can be executed due to increase accuracy of the sensitive elements of INS, and also accuracy of installation and adjustment. It leads to the essential growth of cost of all flight and navigation complex and labor expenses at INS service. Methods of autoequalization provide such creation the scheme of INS which compensation of the revolting influences and reduction errors due to not essential changes of the design and modification of algorithm of the functioning system is provided. Development of onboard computing systems and algorithmic providing the strapdown INS allows to receive high precision of aircraft coordinates determination using gyroscopes and accelerometers of average accuracy. The results of research of possibility of INS aircraft accuracy increasing are presented in the offered article. As the main tool during simulation modeling was used the package of applied programs MathLab, by means of which were received optimum parameters of uniform and periodic laws of rotation the block sensitive elements and precision characteristics INS with autoequalization of errors. The results of the comparative analysis of two offered rotation laws are presented. The changes entered into design of INS are proved. The results of research can be used at modernization of the existing strapdown INS for the purpose of obtaining high precision characteristics of the aircraft coordinates determination with the minimum financial and labor expenses. | ||||||||
Prokhorov P. D. Optical measurements organization of helicopter blade configuration in operation. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 86 There is a probability of blades approach up to their collision and following crashing during some flight modes connected with dynamic maneuvering on coaxial rotor-type helicopters. Safety of such helicopters can be increased by blades’ real-time control with account for their attained pose. The task of helicopter blades configuration measurements at real-time is considered to research effectiveness and safety of helicopter coaxial rotors operation. An optical measurement system is proposed. It is based on image processing from a high- speed camera to indicate blade tip’s position in helicopter coordinates. The measurement equipment and its position are fixed. The problem of shooting frequency count on the assumption of measurement-system specification was considered. Two things have negative influence on estimation of the helicopter blade tip position: low contrast between the blade and the background, and background texture, which makes difficult to detect blade’s edges. The first problem is thought to compensate with the help of blade’s LED-highlighting, the second by using a contrast display towards the blade. One of the key moments of blades behavior on different modes research is blade identification, because they don’t have visual differences. However, the unique motion trajectories may differ critically. It is proposed to lay-of a contrast highlighter towards blade face. Developed an optical method of measuring the blade tip position of the helicopter including the structure of the experimental measurement setup, a set of algorithms and associated software for allocation, determine the position and identification of blades. The used algorithms for blade’s detection and identification are described. The research results confirm the operability of suggested approach. | ||||||||
Suchkov A. V. Frequency scanning monopulse slotted-waveguide antenna array. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 86 The object of this work is to develop a manufacturable design of the monopulse slotted-waveguide array for three-coordinate radar with frequency scanning in the elevation plane. To achieve the specified technical and design characteristics, numerical methods of electrodynamics and automated software packages for electromagnetic field simulation of three-dimensional microwave structures was used to perform the following tasks: development of antenna block diagram; synthesis of the antenna and its main elements, carrying out the numerical analysis and the parametrical optimization of the electrodynamic models; a consideration the constructive and technological realization of the antenna. The main results are as follows. The practical implementation of the advanced design of the monopulse waveguide-slot antenna array with frequency scanning showed that it achieves higher values of technical characteristics in comparison to the well-known analogues. The features of serial beam forming network (BFN) was explored to eliminate the typical deficiencies of BFN. Obtaining a low level side lobes in the plane of the frequency scanning without insertion of additional loss in sum-difference BFN was proven. The effective techniques of numerical analysis and parameter optimization of electrodynamic model of BFN was developed. The issues of constructive and technological realization of an antenna were considered; they allow to simplify the manufacturing process by minimizing the influence of manufacturing tolerances of electrical parameters and to improve weight and performance characteristics. The application of such antennas in modern radar systems will increase the accuracy of aircraft altitude measurement and the maximum detection range, improve radar immunity and its performance characteristics. | ||||||||
Romanov A. S., Turlykov P. Y. Research on the impact of spoofing interference on the equipment of navigation information consumers. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 86 This experimental research confirms the vulnerability of geodetic user equipment of global navigation satellite system (GNSS) to spoofing attacks. The functions of user equipment are based on the receipt of radio frequency signals transmitted by navigation satellites. The structure of the signal for civil consumers is made up of unencrypted code, which is accessible by the general public and lets one deceive a GNSS receiver by broadcasting counterfeit GNSS signals, structured to resemble a set of normal GNSS signals. As part of this research, spoofing signals are created by a multi-GNSS constellation simulator that has 24 channels, supported signals GPS ranging code C/A radio frequency link L1 and GLONASS standard-precision signal in L1 band. Spoofing signals are added to the authentic signal ensemble and impact the reference station receiver Topcon NET-G3A. When the spoofing signal ensemble is at low power, positional accuracy decreases. When the power of the spoofing signal ensemble increases the number of satellite signals suitable to determine position decreases. If the threshold level of power of the spoofing signal ensemble is reached, then there is inaccurate information from the user equipment and the receiver plots erroneous coordinates. The disadvantage of this type of spoofing signals is the anomalously high value of signal-to-noise ratio that can detect spoofing signals and can be used to create systems counteracting spoofing signals. The absence of detection subsystems for deceptive spoofing signals is revealed by user equipment in automatic mode. | ||||||||
Markin L. V., Korn G. V., Kyi M. H., Ye W. T. Discrete models of geometric modelling layout aircraft equipment. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 86 The article discusses the layout automation products, high-density layout (especially aircraft equipment). Layout Automation is one of the most difficult tasks of design automation. Therefore, the aim of this study is the development of intelligent algorithms and automated layout relevant special mathematical and software. The paper shows that with an abundance of computer-aided geometric models to describe the geometric shape of any complexity, their use in automated layout tasks, does not provide a solution to the problem the most dense placement. The mathematical formulation of the problem as a layout optimization problem, indicating its objective function, constraints and performance criteria. In this setting, the efficiency criterion adopted most dense arrangement of composable objects in a specific confined space. An approach (using geometric models receptor), which is a sampling space for placing individual elements (receptors) having discrete values of «0» or «1» depending on whether this receptor belongs to a specific object or not. This approach allows for the creation of geometric models of the automated layout pass from exhaustive search of accommodation composable objects to intelligent algorithms, the automated placement. This is due to a unique easy to determine cases of mutual intersection composable objects, both among themselves and with the prohibition. The article shows the results of approaches and the use of geometric models of the receptor at the automated layout aircraft. In particular, we show their use to address such trivial tasks automated layout as void spaces, bodily tracing software service areas have arranged objects. The results of the study the accuracy and performance of the proposed methods. Simulation possible to estimate the CPU time and costs, which are also of the expected size increasing with decreasing d receptor and a corresponding increase in the accuracy of the model by a parabolic relationship between a few seconds to about 3 minutes. This means that the amount of the receptor, for example, 0.2 mm form submission error is 0.06 mm ± 0.18, which is sufficient for conceptual design stage is a reasonable compromise between the expected accuracy of the algorithm and the cost of computing resources for its implementation. Application of the results — the creation of new methods and algorithms in the library automated layout methods. It is shown that the use of geometric models of receptor has both its advantages and its drawbacks, one of which is the need to block the conversion of geometric models’ parametric model ↔ receptor model "that brings some additional difficulties in the interpretation of the results of the automated layout. Rapid growth performance computing makes discrete receptor models more attractive and increasingly popular practice in the design of high-tech equipment. It is shown that the receptor geometric models provide sufficient accuracy and performance at the stage of conceptual design of aircraft. At the same time that there is considerable scope for reducing the computing power required and the implementation of receptor geometric models (for example, by the use of adaptive size of the receptor). | ||||||||
Polonik E. N., Surenskiy E. A., Fedotov A. A. Automation of aircraft components with geometrical stress concentrators fatigue endurance calculations. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 86 The paper contains the description of the computer program SNCalculator meant for fatigue endurance of aircraft components with geometric stress concentrators computation. SNCalculator is integrated into finite elements computation bundled software Femap. It allows significantly increase the degree of computations automation. As an initial data, the program uses material constants, stress history mask, parameters of calculation theories and mechanical stress level. Stress data is automatically loaded from Femap model after accomplishing its static analysis. Libraries allow re-use of materials and stress history mask. SNCalculator posesses post-processing features, such as results saving, export of the results to Excel spreadsheet, export of the results to Femap FEM, stress cyclogram viewer. Fatigue endurance calculations algorithm is based on three most widely spread in aviation industry techniques: quality of design analysis (developed by Loim V.B.), similarity theory analysis (developed by Kogaev V.P.) and fatigue rating theory analysis (developed by Strigius V.E.). The first two methods employ conception of effective stress concentration coefficient. The first method implements «quality» as a parameter, which is identified by experimental data and study of analogous structures data. Effective stress concentration coefficient is calculated for the second method by Kogaev’s theory of similarity. The third method uses fatigue rating, which is defined as maximal normal stress of zero-to-tension cycle for which fatigue life is equal 105 cycles with 50% probability and reliability level equal 0.5. The paper describes the main steps of the abovementioned methods and presents schematic algorithm of fatigue life calculation realized by SNCalculator. | ||||||||
Egorov I. A. Determination of aircraft multi-shield skin temperature field with variable materials characteristics. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 86 This article is directed on assessment of variability thermalphysic characteristics of constructional and the heat protection materials on aircraft construction heating. It is including the materials’ thermalphysic characteristics variability of temperature. It uses compact, fast-acting calculation procedure. It is examining heat extension coherently thermal conduction. The task is reducing to calculation about skin one-dimensional heating (along thickness). It supposes that thermalphysic characteristics de-pend on temperature. Therefore the thermal conductivity coefficient of the material is variable along thickness. The thermal conductivity one-dimensional differential equation writes down as derivative of two functions product. The skin thickness is splitting into several calculation points with defined step. The thermal conductivity differential equation is producing in the difference form by way of central finite differences. This expression use only adjacent points temperature value. Thusly it is creating algebraic equations set with three diagonal coefficients matrix. The fast-acting sweep method is using for the equations set finding . The boundary conditions equations are using for the skin confines points. The supply and divert heat transfer rate balance equation is using for the external and internal surfaces. The heat transfer rate equality as boundary condition equation is using for the different materials meeting surface. The analysis of constructional and heat protection materials thermalphysic characteristics achieves appreciable relation their value from temperature. Especially it is exhibiting for the heat-resistant materials, which works in wide temperature range. Also it is very considerable the thermalphysic characteristics vari-ation of radome materials and some of the heat-insulating materials. The calculation results is achieving, that the using of the thermalphysic characteristics value, achieved at room temperature, for greatly heating constructions can give great inaccuracy (to 50%). The disregard of value thermal conductivity coefficient variableness along material thickness can give great inaccuracy too (to 29%). The suggested determination scheme permits to correctly simulate the heat conduction process in sandwich structure with consideration of thermalphysic characteristics relation to temperature and without additional admissions. It distinguishes suggested determination scheme from «the heat balance equation» method, which used in some methodologies. | ||||||||
Salosina M. O. Thermal regime of solar probe considering hypervelocity dust particles impacts. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 86 This article presents the analysis of effect of the hypervelocity dust impacts on the thermal state of the solar probe and the destruction of its thermal protection during the flight at close vicinity to the Sun. The relevance of this problem is caused by extremely high velocities of dust impacts on the structural components of the spacecraft, which are expected to be as high as 350 km/s depending on the perihelion distance; significant mission duration (~ 7 years) and greater values of cumulative particle density in comparison with the near-Earth environment. The main information about the density, composition and dynamics of dust particles at the close vicinity to the Sun is presented. In accordance with the described dust distribution model the cumulative density at different distances from the Sun and the cumulative flux of particles acting on the spacecraft following the orbit with a low perihelion during the period is calculated. These results suggest that the impacts of dust particles with mass > 10-6 g are rather rare events. Thus, the main damage to the surface of thermal protection shield cause the impacts of grains whose mass is ranging between 10-16 and 10-6 g, moving in the opposite direction of the Sun. A 100 mkm particle with average density of 2.5 g/cm3 (with mass 1.3·10-6 g) moving at 100 km/s will create in solar probe heat shield material a crater of diameter 0.18 cm and depth 0.22 cm. The diameters of craters formed in the spacecraft’s shield material by the collisions with the dust grains with a smaller mass (10-16 <m <10-6 g) will not exceed 2 mm. Due to the small size of the particle the period of high-pressure action is limited by 10-11 — 10-13sec, so the shock wave in the material decays rapidly and the energy transmitted to the material becomes insufficient for evaporation and melting. At some distance from the point of impact only local temperature rise to several hundred K is possible, that has no appreciable effect on the equilibrium temperature of the shield. | ||||||||
Galeev A. V. Optimization of schemes and modes of filling pressure feed system components of rocket fuel for testing of combustion chambers the rocket lpe. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 86
The creation of promising LPE for upper stages and upper stages of launch vehicles working on the components of rocket fuel (CRF) (liquid oxygen and hydrogen, kerosene, liquefied natural gas, etc.), requires a large amount of offline testing of units and systems in experimental units (EU) of the test bench.
When performing serial-parallel connection of the cylinders to the reservoir pressurization and issue of uneven development will decrease in 2 times and will amount to ~ 12.5 %, which would increase the duration of test at 12 — 15 % when the feed system. On the basis of consideration of processes of heat exchange of a cylinder with a cryogenic component and the environment, and the generalized dependence of the Nusselt criterion from the criteria of Reynolds and Prandtl justified method technologies balloon filling systems for increasing the length of the test combustion chamber. Thus, the expediency of application of a series-parallel configuration of the cylinders in the PFS and the technology fueling systems cryogenic component in three stages: charging, exposure, refueling. | ||||||||
Ivanutkin A. G., Danilin M. A., Presnyakov M. Y. An approach to communication and radio technical flight support performance indicators selecting. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 86 In airspace areas over the aerodrome environs complex and critical tasks of air traffic control, such as takeoff, forming-up, en-route flight and landing are solved. Communications and flights radio technical support (RTS) are the only sources of objective information for flight crews concerning their location on the ground and in the air, and the air situation in area of responsibility for mission control groups. Thus, a number of contradictions occurs, on the one hand the increased requirements to communication and radio aircraft flights technical support, and on the other hand — the need to identify communication and radio technical support performance indicator, characterizing meeting of the specified requirements. On this basis, the problem of communication and flight RTS performance evaluation indicators selection, characterizing the information exchange quality of aviation control system arises. The basis for the selection of indicators to measure the effectiveness of communication and aviation RTS forms the target destination, realized by the communication system and RTS through meeting its requirements for timeliness, reliability and security. As a generalized indicator of communication and RTS efficiency one can use the probability of task, completion with the desired quality at all stages of the aircraft flight. The offered approach to the selection of communications and RTS efficiency evaluation indicators will allow high-grade and effective development of proposals on decision making associated with the organization of communications and radio technical support at the state aviation aerodromes. | ||||||||
Serkin F. B., Vazhenin N. A., Veitsel A. V. Analysis of Local Positioning System Prototype. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 86 Research and development of radio systems, which allow to determine position of a mobile objects originate in the mid-20th century. At present time, global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), allowing precise positioning are widely used. However, the positioning task arises not only in the open air environment, but in areas where the satellite signals are severely distorted or are not available, for example, in shops, hangars, deep pits, office buildings, etc. High positioning accuracy by using GNSS becomes difficult in the presence of severe multipath fading or shadowing. But there are local positioning systems that can complement of completely replace the GNSS on a limited area or indoors. Typically, these systems use time division multiplexing techniques (TDMA) for system transmitters. Currently, the relative or local positioning systems are used widely in practical tasks, which require differential precise positioning from a knowing point. In this paper a mathematical model, describing the local positioning system with TDMA, is presented. Based on this mathematical model the prototype is developed. Prototype is based on software-defined radio technology using Universal Software Radio Peripheral hardware from Ettus Research company. This hardware allows to down- or up-convert signals, perform filtering and stream a very high amount of data to or from general purpose computer. To process this data the state-of-art multithread software was developed for use with Intel Core i7 central processing unit. The experiments with prototype was conducted at the test site. Results of experiments confirm the efficiency and precision of the proposed algorithms of generation and processing signals in the system. | ||||||||
Litvinenko A. O. Software complex of automatic planning of using facilities of Ground Automatic Control Complex. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 86 This article is devoted to the software complex of automatic planning of using facilities of Ground automatic Control Complex (GACC) and the results of its trial experiment. The way of software complex design includes formulation of complex creation problem, development of requirements and solution to the existing problems, structure definition and the conduction of the trial experiment of software. As a result of work there has been created a new software complex which allows solving the problem of the automated task of plan creation, its automated verification, resolution of conflicts, forecast of the state of the system «Orbital Group of Satellites — Facilities of GACC» depending on the management decisions. The trial experiment of the software complex in the modes of its functioning has shown an ability to perform software complex functions in accordance with the forecasted dynamics of system «Orbital Group of Satellites — Facilities of GACC» On passing the test the designed software complex will be implemented in the hardware-software complex of the Center of situational analysis, coordination and planning.
The proposed automated planning facilities of GACC software complex can be applied in the management of automatic satellites of scientific and socio-economic purpose. The methodological basis of the software complex is built on the earlier developed models and methods, which have improved the efficiency of the formation of the plan of using the facilities of GACC. On passing the test the designed software complex will be implemented in the hardware-software complex of the Center of situational analysis, coordination and planning. | ||||||||
Denisova I. P. Mathematical modeling of electromagnetic process for gravitational wave channel of communication. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 86 Gravitational waves are known to be one of the most wonderful predictions of Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity. In this theory the possibility of propagation metric tensor perturbations as waves follows from the hyperbolic Einstein’s equations. However, for a long time, no attempt to detect gravitational waves or any trace of their existence succeeded. Therefore, in scientific literature, time to time, some doubts had been expressed about the existence of gravitational waves. The situation changed dramatically after the observation of the double pulsar system PSR 1913+16 which began in 1975 and showed that the power is leaving the system for gravitational waves, as it had been forecasted in the General Theory of Relativity. However, the most convincing proof of the existence of gravitational waves was demonstrated in September 2015, when the LIGO Observatory registered a sufficiently powerful pulse of gravitational radiation. Therefore, nowadays, the most significant task in the theory of gravity is the theoretical analysis of the processes which leads to emission, detection of gravitational waves, and finding the ways to practical mastering the gravitational-wave channel of communication. In this paper we construct a mathematical model of the electromagnetic process for the emission of gravitational waves, generated during propagation of electromagnetic waves in a constant magnetic fields. According to the mentioned in the article calculation, such processes lead to the high frequency gravitational waves emission and can be used to find a practical mastery of radio, microwave and optical frequency gravitational — wave channel. A direct calculation shows, that taking into account the curved shape of the front of electromagnetic-wave changes substantially the amplitude asymptotic (wave-function) which has been created by the gravitational waves. This fact should be taken into account for assessing the efficiency of an electromagnetic wave transformation into a gravitational one on astrophysical conditions, as well as in the calculation of laboratory sources of gravitational radiation. | ||||||||
Gurakov M. A., Krivonosov E. O., Kostyuchenko E. Y. Quality indices of dynamic signature recognition systems based on naive Bayes classifier and neural network. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 86 The research aims at creation of an authentication system based on the traditional password protection with biometric addition, providing security indicator improvement compared to the original version. This addition is a dynamic handwritten digital signature authentication based on neural networks and Bayesian classifier combining. The paper considers the possibility of combining classifier based on neural networks with Bayesian classifier by linear combination of outputs to reduce the overall probability of error classification regardless the error types. Within linear combination, neural network plays the leading role, since the results of neural network match those of linear combination. Results similarity was confirmed by comparison with expected values. It means that a linear combination without using errors of types 1 and 2 taken into account separately does not make sense because of the possibility of implementing neural network instead of linear combination. Thresholds of authentication for using errors of 1-st and 2-nd types taken into account separately accounting were created. The systems based on modified naive Bayes classifier and neural network, depending on the thresholds of authentication, was implemented. Software module for calculating errors of the 1-st and 2-nd type in neural network and Bayesian classifier was developed. The behavior of user dynamic parameters within signature recognition systems was presented. Performance evaluation of authentication system in the form of probabilities of errors of 1-st and 2-nd types was obtained. | ||||||||
Bardin B. S., Savin A. A. Study of orbital stability for planar oscillations of a magnetized symmetric satellite in a circular orbit. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 85 It is considered the motion of a satellite about its center of mass in a central Newtonian gravitational field. The satellite is a magnetized dynamically symmetrical rigid body, whose typical linear dimensions are small compared to the radius-vector of the mass center. The above assumption allows us to consider the problem in a restricted formulation, that is we assume that the motion of the satellite about the center of gravity does not affect the motion of the center of mass [1]. It is also assumed that the orbit of the center of mass is circular. The orientation of the satellite relative to the orbital coordinate system is described by Euler angles ψ, θ, φ. In this paper it is assumed that magnetic moment arises from the magnetization of the material of satellite shell by earth’s magnetic field [1, 4, 5]. Earth’s geomagnetic field is described by dipole model [6]. It is assumed that the Earth’s magnetic dipole axis coincides with the axis of rotation (direct dipole), and the orbit of the satellite lies in the equator plane. Under these assumptions, the equations of motion of the magnetized satellite about the center of mass can be written in Hamiltonian form. One of the generalized coordinates (proper rotation angle φ) is a cyclic coordinate, so the corresponding momentum pφ is the first integral of the motion. Planar periodic motions are possible only if pφ=0. It is assumed that the perturbations satisfy the above equality. The problem has three parameters: the parameter β, which characterizes the geometry of the masses; the parameter ξ, characterizes the effect of the magnetic field of the Earth; doubled amplitude of planar oscillations Ψ. Linear analysis of the orbital stability for periodic motions is performed. The above motions are planar pendulum-like oscillations such that the polar principle axis of inertia is located in the plane of the orbit of the mass center. To this end local coordinates are introduced in the neighborhood of the unperturbed periodic motion and linearized equations are written. Separately, it was considered the special case when amplitudes of the oscillations are small. In this case small parameter (doubled oscillation amplitude) has been introduced. It allowed to study the orbital stability analytically. In particular, using the normal forms theory the explicit formulas describing the boundaries of parametric resonance domains were obtained. For oscillations with arbitrary amplitudes linear stability analysis based on the numerical integration of the linearized system has been performed. In typical cross-sections of the three-dimensional parameter space the domains of orbital instability and stability have been obtained. The results of numerical analysis of orbital stability are in good agreement with the results of analytical study performed in the above mentioned special case. | ||||||||
Animitsa V. A., Borisov A. E., Kritsky B. S., Mirgazov R. M. Analysis of computational and experimental researches on systems for individual control of the blades of the helicopter. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 85 The article gives a review of methods for individual blade control of the helicopter rotor. Low and high harmonics control features in order to improve aerodynamic performance, reducing vibro g-load and noise of the helicopter were presented. It is established that one of the directions of works to increase in flight speed is individual blades control of the helicopter rotor, which is the implement for addition control of the blades attack angles, superimposed on standard controls from the collective and cyclic pitch control mechanism. Researches abroad for individual blades control is aimed to reducing vibro g-load and noise of the main rotor, to improve the aerodynamic characteristics of the carrier system and finding ways of rejecting traditional collective and cyclic pitch control mechanism. Individual blades control of the helicopter rotor can be divided into two components: 1) low harmonics control (rotational frequencies and their overtones) and 2) high harmonics control (blade frequencies pass and their overtones). The purpose of the low harmonics control is to improve the aerodynamic characteristics of the rotor by reducing areas of stall on the retreating blades of the rotor and approach angle of attack sections of the blades for the optimum profile quality. The purpose of the high harmonics control is to reduce vibro g-load and noise of helicopter rotor on the flight modes with large horizontal velocity. The article describes the different methods used to individual blades control of the helicopter rotor:
The results of numerical investigation of the influence of individual blade control by azimuth by means of cyclic change of the angle of installation to reduce vibro g-load transmitted to the hub from helicopter main rotor. The influence of the main (the fifth blade harmonic, for 5 blades rotor) harmonic was investigated. It is established that the selection of the amplitude and phase controls for separate blade is possible to minimize the amount of vibro g-load. | ||||||||
Odintsova S. A. Studing of the dimensionless criteria for estimating bulkhead’s weigh efficiency. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 85 The purpose of this paper is to present an overview of bulkhead design problems, which can be efficiently solved using a special non-dimensional criterion of load-carruing efficiency. Nowadays optimization algorithm based on fully-stress design philosophy and employing variable density model, is used. Such algorithm provide means to generate optimal load-carrying scheme of structures, subject to a wide range of design constraints. Reinforced bulkheads are usually located in the areas of perception of concentrated loads fr om the wing, empennage, landing gear, etc. In the case of a wide range of engineering solutions, it is extremely important to assess different load-carrying schemes of bulkheads. Previously, a special criterion called «the load-carrying factor» was used for assessment of bulkhead load-carrying schemes. The load-carrying factor is the dimensional value which limits its the applicability to some extent. Therefore, new non-dimensional criterion was introduced for assessment of load-carrying efficiency of different bulkhead structures and knowledge accumulation. This article takes into consideration reinforced bulkheads, loaded with the bending moment. The values of novel non-dimensional criterion were studied for different boundary condition in this research work. It was defined an area of geometric parameters wh ere exists some engineering solutions more advantageous than traditional beam with the constant structural height. The developed non-dimensional criterion of load-carrying efficiency was used in the practical task of finding optimal bulkhead load-carrying scheme for maneuverable aircraft with two specific cutouts for the engine compartment. The obtained load-carrying scheme present the possibility of reducing the structural weight by 19%. The non-dimensional criterion have predictive opportunities for assessment of different bulkhead load-carrying schemes at early design stages. | ||||||||
Ispulov A. A., Zledenny N. P., Ivanov S. L. Coordinate and motion parameter extrapolation of evading air target using Song model. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 85 In air surveillance mode, fighter’s airborne sighting systems make use of air target motion coordinate and parameter assessment algorithms based on α,β-filtering with low data update rate which is insufficiently effective in close maneuver air combat environment and doesn’t provide aimed engagement of air target. One of the possible ways to overcome the noted shortcoming is air target motion coordinate and parameter extrapolation accuracy enhancement using more complex models of spatial target motion, Song model in particular. Objective of this paper is to define Song model characteristics to improve air target motion coordinate and parameter extrapolation accuracy in close maneuver air combat with low target data update rate. To specify Song model characteristics, it is required to define maneuverability factor values at maneuvering of fighter relatively air target in close maneuver air combat with execution of «Combat turn» and «Oblique loop» space maneuvers, «Rolling» and «Ordinary loop» vertical maneuvers and «Banking» yaw maneuver. To accomplish the objective, there was performed semi-realistic simulation of close maneuver air combat resulting in definition of ensemble of realizations for random process of closure jerk (third range derivative) for each type of air target maneuver. This enabled to calculate experimental correlation functions of lighter-to air target closure jerk averaged by the number of realizations. Maneuverability factor was estimated using spectra-correlation processing via transition from time domain to spectral domain — direct Fourier transform. To validate practicability for employment of the results obtained, there was performed comparative analysis of range extrapolation accuracy to air target. Absolute magnitude of extrapolated estimate error was taken as accuracy figure. Improvement in accuracy of range extrapolation to air target for Song model, as compared with second-order air target motion model, can achieve 18%, 15% — with rectilinear uniform motion model and 11% — with Singer model. So, based on spectral-correlation processing of the semi-natural experiment results, there were defined parameter values of Song model describing spatial relative motion of fighter and air target in close maneuver air combat. The comparative analysis proved availability of improvement in accuracy of air target coordinate extrapolation with making use of the refined Song model. Employment of this model together with prior uncertainty handling algorithms relatively type of air target maneuver, Mane parametric identification algorithm in a fighter’s airborne sighting systems will provide improvement in accuracy of coordinate and motion parameter estimation in the air surveillance mode and, as a consequence, improvement in accuracy of weapon delivery. | ||||||||
Bobarika I. O., Demidov A. I. Improvement suction lines of hydraulic systems taking into account cavitation. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 85 Research is directed to the solution of the task of designing and modernization of suction pipelines structure of hydraulic systems to improve resource using systems engineering analysis. Purpose — development and testing the search technique and eliminating of hydrodynamic and vibratory cavitation in suction pipelines structure at various mode, including transient. In this paper proposed solution technique of similar task. Technique consists of several basic steps.
Hydrodynamic analysis, by-turn, consists of the following steps:
Technique approbation was made by the example of suction pipelines section of hydraulic systems of modern aircraft wh ere possible cavitation. Cavitation occurrence was noted during transient process of increase pump delivery from minimum to maximum. For a certain time inside of solution of quasistationary task the origins and the points of cavitation occurrence and the volumetric concentration value of saturated vapor. The developed technique allowed to identify the pipelines section, including the points which are dangerous in the view of hydrodynamic cavitation occurrence and the points which are dangerous in the view of vibratory cavitation occurrence. Two variants of modernization were suggested. It was considered using the described technique. As a result of assessment changes the efficiency of one of the samples. At that, the data received as a result of simulation goes with real pattern inside the pipeline, it confirms correctness and justifiability of the suggested technique. | ||||||||
Makarenkova N. A. Research of the solar sail surface cloth form during it’s spatial spread. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 85 The spatial spread of the solar sail, in which the shape of the surface of the membrane is maintained by centrifugal forces, is considered. A mathematical model of the solar sail is represented as a set of approximating circles connected by a thin stretched weightless membrane [3]. The surface shape of the rotating membrane in the case effect of the sunlight pressure on the membrane is investigated. Since the membrane deviation is a minor value compared with its radius, the pressure effect of the sunlight on the surface shape of the solar sail cloth in the further investigation was not considered. Also, the surface shape of the solar sail in the case of a uniform rotary motion in the time of its reorientation was simulated. Dependences of deviation of the outer edge of the membrane from the plane, in which the rigid insert lies, at different radiuses of the rigid insert and at different angular velocities were constructed. The problem of the active damping of the membrane fluctuations was considered. A finite-dimensional system obtained as a result of the approximation of the membrane by several circles, was investigated. The roots of its characteristic polynomial, which determine the natural frequencies of the membrane fluctuations, turned out to be greatly separated from each other. In this regard, only the first non-zero frequency was solved to damp. Control law, which transfers the roots of the characteristic polynomial in the left half-plane and provides damping, was suggested. Transients by the angels, that define the spatial position of the solar sail, were obtained in the case the shift of the roots to the left half-plane. | ||||||||
Siluyanova M. V., Popova T. V. Development of the design and calculation method of plate heat exchanger for turbines with combined cycle . Trudy MAI, 2016, no 85 Currently one of the urgent problems of modern engineering practice is the problem of fuel efficiency. One of the solutions of this problem is to using the heat recovery. The key technology in this case is the heat exchanger (HE). One of the most important components of the designing of the HE is the method of a calculation and design. The purposes of the study are: development and verification the three-dimensional calculation method of the HE; development of the analytical evaluation program of calculation, on the basis of the criterion of dependencies from the three-dimensional calculation method; development of the parametric 3D-models of the HE plate and tools for its manufacturing. In the study, the three-dimensional calculation and design method were developed and described. Development of parametric 3D-models and tools helps to reduce the time of design and preparing the calculation model. The test to verify three-dimensional calculation method was carried out. The verification of the method, basing on the test data, and additional verification, basing on criteria dependencies were performed. As part of the verification a structured hex-mesh and an automatic tetra-mesh were considered. In the frame of practical work the most convenient option of the mesh was chosen. Basing on the three-dimensional calculation research the evaluated analytical program was developed. This program is used to obtain a preliminary assessment of the heat transfer surface with given geometric parameters and operating modes of HE. Considered method is used to obtain a preliminary assessment of the heat transfer surface with the specified geometric parameters and operating modes of the heat exchanger. This allows reducing development time and cost of full-scale tests. | ||||||||
Kachalin A. M., Zadorozhnaja O. N. The system of satellite control of aircraft systems (Unified Information System Of Interaction ( Trudy MAI, 2016, no 85 Currently in the world there is an urgent practical need for a creation of single information system for operational awareness of the movement of aircrafts of various departments of airspace users. If we talk about safety, it is directly related to the operational situational awareness of the progress of the flight. This also applies to operational awareness in the air and on the ground. Over time there will appear more and more modern means of operational monitoring and registering the crash site, the aircrafts will no longer disappear without a trace, but this is not the goal of solving the existing problems. The most important goal is to always avoid losing aircrafts out of sight with the help of the new information technologies. The system is based on the statement: «Improving safety is ensured by the development of operational information interaction between the airspace users (ATC, airports, airlines, etc.) in order to create safe and efficient flow of aircrafts both on the ground, and during all the phases of flight». Today the solution to this problem in the Russian Federation should not be considered outdated in comparison with the achievements of other countries. The staff of the Resource Center of Scientific Research and Innovative Technologies (RC SRIT) MAI (National Research University) together with specialists of LLC «Softaero», FSUE «GosNIIAS», and the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics (Russian Academy of Sciences) developed and brought to practical application the Unified Information System Of Interaction (, aimed at solving tasks of automatic control of flows of aircrafts. This system of operational situational awareness is based on cloud technology in order to provide information service to air traffic control, airports, airlines and handling companies. The system analyzes the current air situation and recommends actions for the organization of stable (safe and efficient) course of arrivals (Aman) and departures (academy) of aircrafts. The project has passed the «point of no return» and today the projects are in the preparation phase of the implementation of for foreign airlines. Other goals are creation of learning courses using on-line situations from, the interaction with EUROCONTROL, preparation of other special projects. It is worth noting that the complex is being developed by national enterprises with 100% national software and national equipment like transmitters via the iridium satellite network, AZN-V 1090, video cameras and other components. This system is successfully tested on the aircrafts of Russia, can be also used on ground vehicles, including combat vehicles and on ships. | ||||||||
Shevtsov V. A., Borodin V. V., Krylov M. A. Construction of combined cellular network and self-organizing network with with dynamic structure. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 85 This article is about of the new solution to improve provides a data rate. The urgency of solving this task is associated with a deficit and limited frequency resource and the high cost of building new base stations for cellular communication systems. As such a method for reducing network overhead and maintaining high data rate, in growth the number of mobile subscribers, proposed integration of cellular networks, ad hoc network with a dynamic structure and Wi-Fi networks. The research is performed for developing Ad hoc network- Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET). A MANET is an autonomous system of mobile nodes, which may operate in isolation, or may have gateways to and interface with a fixed network. From the point of view of build combined networks with dynamic structure, the analysis of current structure of cellular networks and MANET was conduct. On the basis of the research operation of the mobile subscriber in MANET networks, developed the algorithm to work users in combined communication networks. This algorithm provides the satisfaction of quality of service (QOS) in the construction of the route, which is an integral part of all user networks. Reviewed questions of construction combined MANET and cellular communication. Their functional scheme is built. In this scheme the transfer procedure for the by MANET technology begins in case a mobile subscriber outside of network coverage or failure to transmission from the network due to a lack of available channels. Further research will be devoted to writing the mathematical apparatus of describing the operation of a combined network with a dynamic structure, which will allow evaluating the functioning and implementing a qualitative analysis of the developed system. | ||||||||
Zaytsev D. Y., Neretin E. S., Ramzaev A. M. Universal Avionics Modular Controller Architecture Development. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 85 The paper describes high-performance hardware controller development. The designed device allows to implement FDAL—A aircraft function and provides reduce of the development and certification costs. Designed controller consists of the unique hardware-only platform and set of hardware-only applications. Each of application implements specific algorithms so the whole device performs the assigned objectives. The platform architecture based on the reflective memory concept. That means the of virtual common memory for all application, and specific strictly determined memory exchange algorithms. Each application represents by hardware module performs the task exclusively assigned to it. The platform has ability to control some equal applications. Designed controller architecture has the modular-system roots, that aims to excellent scalability and flexibility characteristics and allows to implement new functions without the existing functions implementation modification. The controller development is divided to two independent tasks — platform and application development. After that the IMA integration in performed. As a certification approach the task-by-task certification method (as described in DO-297) is suggested. | ||||||||
Dolgov O. S., Bibikov S. Y., Katkova E. A. Method of plan view formation on the front-line aircraft layout scheme synthesis stage. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 85 This article describes a method, which allows to generate the aircraft plan view with a minimum number of iterations (revisions after aerodynamic and weight calculations results). The method is described by the example of the front-line aircraft layout scheme development (synthesis), front-line aircraft model made by the normal balancing scheme with two engines and internal cargo bays. The synthesis is carried out on the basis of pre-defined design parameters, constraints, and solutions, which are set by the designer, based on parametric relations and statistical relationships analysis. Designer need to determine the so-called «Layout Field» on the stage of aircraft layout scheme synthesis. «Layout Field» is a plan view on the aircraft geometric shape formation initial stage. Plan view determines the load-bearing capacity and area chart, which defines aircraft volume and wave component in the aerodynamic drag increase. Work is carried out taking into account the structure and division of tasks in the interconnected units, which sequential study allows to achieve the objectives. The transition to the formation of the plan view implies a preliminary definition of design parameters, boundary conditions and areas chart. Design parameters determination, described in the work, carried out at the selected engine thrust based on the approximation of design parameters statistical dependencies of a number of existing fighter aircraft 3, 4 and 5 generations at a selected level of superiority over the prototypes according to the criteria of energy characteristics and the specific load carrying properties. Thus, to determine such parameters included in the methodology, as an area washed by the surface, the volume of the aircraft, space and lengthening the base of the wing. The initial step is to determine the range of possible design parameter values (area of aircraft surface, aircraft volume, area and lengthening of the base wing), in which the method will be working out (verification) further. With the known range of the basic parameters and criteria, there is a further possibility to define the existence region of the main part of the design parameters. The rest of the plane parameters are determined on the basis of a design layout constraints based on the existence region of these parameters. The presented method of determining rational variants of the airplane geometric shape in the early stages of design allows to pre-drop not implemented vectors of design decisions, which, in turn, will reduce the time and costs of the aircraft view synthesis and improve the quality. The possibility of reducing the number of unnecessary options is realized at this stage, and thereby this will reduce labor and time for further analysis. | ||||||||
Paleshkin A. V., Mamedova K. I. Modeling of settlement external thermal loadings to a spacecraft surface by means of infrared heaters. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 85 The article is devoted to the methodical approach for a choice of an optimum operating mode of the infrared simulator concerning the accuracy of modeling of an isotropic field of the radiant streams, which are let out in the direction of the examined object during the complex electrical tests in the heat vacuum camera. For this purpose it is necessary to provide the set temperature condition for an object at vacuum camera preparation stages and during the tests and, also, it is necessary to overcome the interval of environmental pressure, at which there is a possibility of electric breakdown of a gas interval. Achievement and maintenance of the demanded vacuum level (P≤10-3Ра) in the camera is connected to the need for maintenance enough low temperatures (less than 90K) on camera screens. In this regard there is a need to supply examined object by power offsetting its energy due to radiation of an external surface of elements and providing the demanded thermal mode. For realization of this approach to the solution to the considered task it is necessary to have the geometrical models of a thermostatically controlled surface of a product and the simulator, as well as the information about spectral and integrated radiation characteristics of elements of the object external surface and radiators of the simulator. Thus, the side modules of the simulator are located along forming surfaces of the circular cylinder coaxial with the vacuum camera, and face modules placed in the plane perpendicular to the camera axis and intended for thermostat control of bottom part of the examined object. Methodical approach to optimization of the power operating mode of the simulator of external heat loads on the surface of spacecraft was implemented with the help of FORTRAN-oriented simulation program based on gradient methods for criterion functions minimization. The computational experiment was carried out for various levels of temperatures of thermostat control. Optimum values of the electric power brought to each module of the simulator are revealed and errors of reproduction of the demanded temperatures are defined. Calculations showed that the infrared simulator without reflectors can provide a satisfactory thermostating of the most important external surfaces of the examined object during electrical tests in the conditions of modeling both of space vacuum and external thermal conditions in the range of temperatures [-10; 30] ° C for devices and the equipment without the use of bench heaters for internal heating. | ||||||||
Alekseyev I. I., Klepikov D. S., Gogaev G. P., Isaev A. M. Active control on overall flow pattern of engine impeller of axial compressor of gas-turbine engine. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 85 A one of the main trend in the design of compressor of fifth or sixth generation ofgas-turbine engine of highly-maneuverable aircrafts is reduction in the number of stages of compressor while keeping or increase efficiency, stall margin and other settings. In solving of this task highly important the support unseparated flow around working surfaces of compressor flow path, which can be support by a development method of flow control. As such in VUNTs Air Force «Prof. N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin military and air academy» perform investigation of active control of flow pattern. Work objective resides of developing effect method of active control of flow pattern in compressor rotor wheel of gas-turbine engine for further formation state of the art instruction. The investigation is concerned withactive control of flow patternin compressor rotor wheel. Research subject is influence of active control of flow pattern of test medium. Are described following method of active control of flow pattern included injection test medium:
Results of calculated investigation shows that these methods of active control of flow pattern allow increase any characteristics of compressor stage and compressor totally. The control effect visualize on off-design point more than other, efficiency relies upon inject direction, injection force, and form, quantity, layout ofprofiled injection ports. In departments of aviation engine be carried out research of test medium injection on compressor stage characteristics. Next stage of work is simulation of active control of axial flow compressor of gas turbine engine. These methods of active control will let to improve characteristics not onlyfifth or more generation of aircraft engine, but also4++ generation. Also these methods may be used in earth-based power plant, whichwill take a positive economic effect. | ||||||||
Metechko L. B., Tihonov A. I., Sorokin A. E., Novikov S. V. The impact of environmental regulations on the development aircraft engine manufacturing. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 85 The topic of the article, which is closely linked to the environmental criteria of Russian aviation industry, was chosen not only because of the considerations of the aviation Institute profile and the professional specialization of the authors, but, mostly, due to the relevance of the innovations and knowledge-based areas defined by the Governmental Commission on modernization and technological development of the economy in Russia. The article analyze the impact of a toughened environmental regulations on profit growth and the development of knowledge-intensive industries, such as aircraft engine industry. In order to perform a sustainable research we used mathematical models of the development processes and interaction between the ecological and economical requirements in primary and secondary markets of the high-tech industries. The subjects of the mathematical modeling data were the calculations of the maximum and minimum periods of the environmental standards revision needed to revive the demand on the aircraft engine manufacturing market and to maintain the optimal marginal values of the aircraft manufacturers and companies engaged in air transportation. The presence of the secondary market of science-intensive production allows to harmonize the interests of aircraft manufacturers seeking to increase the demand for their products, and consumers of those products. The companies that are engaged in the air transportation decrease their losses on the technical issues during forced updates caused by the new environmental standards. Based on the results obtained, we have formulated several findings about possible harmonization of the environmental and economical interests of the participants of aeronautical engineering and aircraft operation. The similarities in the development patterns of the aviation engineering market and market development of the high-tech industries and other innovation clusters were found. Finally, we propose a list of important directions to the future scientific research and construction work in the field of aeronautical engineering based on the analysis performed. The obtained findings regarding the impact of toughened environmental requirements in the environmental cluster development process on the aviation engine building can be applicable and useful to predict the development of other areas of innovation. | ||||||||
Lubkov N. V., Spiridonov I. B., Stepanyants A. S. Effect of built-in test characteristics on system reliability measures. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 85 This article discusses the impact of built-in test dependability, fault- detection and isolation ratio on reliability of redundant systems. The results and conclusions of the article focused on responsible usage systems with high reliability and safety requirements. We present probabilistic approach to assessing the quality of built-in test based on splitting the total flow of system failures into two components — the failures, detected by the control, and latent failures. In this case the main testability index, fault detection ratio, can be defined as conditional probability of failure detection, provided that the failure occurred. The usefulness of such approach is possibility of joint reliability&testability modeling of aviation systems. We have developed a number of reliability models of typical redundant schemes that take into account parameters of built-in test. Markov reliability models were constructed for the following structures: unredundant scheme with imperfect built-in test and special recovery strategy; classical redundant structure with imperfect built-in test and graceful degradation, consisting of two parallel operating elements; redundant structure with imperfect built-in test, consisting of two parallel elements, operating in a master-slave mode; «2 out of 3» redundant scheme with repairable elements and imperfect fault coverage. Dependences of reliability and availability indices upon fault-detection ratio were investigated. Investigations were carried out on such indices as mean time to failure, probability of failure-free operation, probability of dangerous failure, operational availability factor. We have demonstrated the strong dependence of these indices on the quality of built-in test. Construction and analysis of such models allows the designer to justify the requirements to built-in test and maintenance parameters. | ||||||||
Denisov M. M., Denisova I. P. Unified parameterization for three types of ballistic trajectories. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 85 Solving various tasks in celestial mechanics and space dynamic, as unperturbed motion the movement on three types of trajectories such as elliptic, parabolic, and hyperbolic which are characterized by the value of eccentricity, have been used. It is convenient to specify the laws of motion along these trajectories in a parametric form. However, the existing parametric formulas for setting motion have one serious drawback as they have a different functional form for each type of trajectory. This circumstance had not caused a particular concern before the beginning of the space age, since the transition from one trajectory to another for very large space objects in move was virtually impossible. With the advent of spacecraft equipped with thrusters, such transitions have become possible as the engine operation change the value of eccentricity. The existing parameterization could not be used for these transitions theoretical studies, since one parameterization will not enter another while a continuous variation of the eccentricity. So, performing these calculations, it seems inconvenient to describe the transition of the spacecraft from one orbit to another, and it is not clear at what point you need to start using another parameterization. To eliminate this non-analytic behaviour of the formulae in the transition of the eccentricity using the value of one, in this paper a unified parametrization that enables such a transition has been we construct. This enables to describe the motion of the spacecraft under the action of the thrusters with a continuous transition from one orbit type to another one, using the unified parameterization for the organization of iterative scheme of the method of successive approximations ( a method of osculating elements in a more general scheme). In this scheme, in the initial approximation the eccentricity, the argument and the orientation angles of the orbit in space are considered constant. The following approximation is taken into account a small variation of these orbital elements under the action of a thruster. Consistent application of this iterative scheme with unified parameterization allows to obtain both analytical and numerical solution of the problem on motion of a spacecraft moving from one orbit type to another. | ||||||||
Zakirov R. G. Prognostic of the aircraft radio-electronic equipment health. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 85 Presently different methods of flight safety management system are developed. One of the most important methods is a prognostic method based on predicting the occurrence of a situation. The prognostic method of flight safety management system is widely implemented in the diagnosis of aircraft systems health monitoring. This article reviews the diagnostic methods of forecasting technical condition of avionics equipment, a probabilistic method and numerical analysis method. The probabilistic prognostic method allows to determine the probability of keeping a healthy state of the object of technical diagnostics, or vice versa, the probability of coming of inoperable conditions of avionics. In Generally, probabilistic prognostic methods are very time-consuming, difficult to algorithmization. In addition, they require knowledge of the statistical characteristics of the electronic equipment, which is not always possible. In this case it is often more appropriate to apply the methods of numerical analysis. The numerical analysis methods allow for forecasting technical condition without taking into account the probability of failure of elements belonging to the object of diagnosis (and other probability characteristics of electronic equipment). The availability of data about the previous conditions of aircraft radio-electronic equipment is required. Based on abovementioned it is can be concluded that using of the appropriate mathematical apparatus makes it is possible the diagnostic data to estimate not only the current state of the aircraft radio-electronic equipment, but also to make its prediction state. At the same time as the mathematical apparatus is advisable to use a probabilistic method and numerical analysis. The main difference between these methods is that the probabilistic method takes into account the probability of each element of the system failure for calculating of the overall system failure probability. A numerical method does not take into account the probability of failure of the system elements, and is based on the analysis of the previous condition of the equipment. In the district of applying the method allows to implement the principle of predictive safety management, as well as the economic effect of avoiding downtime of the aircraft due to a sudden failure of avionics. | ||||||||
Boev S. F., Pilkov A. V., Kuptsov N. M., Radomskiy A. N. Experiment-calculated estimation of industrial overhead transmission line interference influence on high-sensitivity radars. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 85 The capability of electrical and electronic systems, equipment, and devices to operate in their intended electromagnetic environment within a defined margin of safety, and at design levels or performance, without suffering or causing unacceptable degradation as a result of electromagnetic interference. In condition to provide a function of inadmissible radio noise, at the stage of a choice in order to choose a point of a dislocation it’s essential to carry out the experimental analysis of an electromagnetic environment. So far as the sensitivity of the existing measuring equipment is much lower than the sensitivity of the HSR radio-receiving device, according to all standard techniques, the results received from carrying out the experimental analysis of electromagnetic environment at the point of dislocation are incomplete. Therefore the data of an influence of electromagnetic environment on high can be obtained not only experimentally, but also by calculations. This problem is particularly acute concerning overhead power transmission lines (PTL), the level of a man-made noise from PTL is impossible to capture on the point of HSR dislocation by the measuring equipment. Therefore in order to receive the fuller results on electromagnetic environment it is necessary to carry out a settlement and experimental assessment of influence of PTL on HSR. At the first stage it is essential to take measurements of levels of intensity of the electric field of a man-made noise according to GOST 22012-82. The measured level of a man-made noise needs to be recalculated in the HSR the dislocation point and compared to reference sensitivity of HSR. Then there must be a conclusion of the influence of PTL on HSR or lack of such influence. | ||||||||
Redko A. O., Smerchinskaya S. O., Yashina N. P. Preferences aggregation at variable criteria importance. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 85 We consider the problem of choosing the optimal alternative options. Selection is based on aggregation of criteria preference when weighting criteria importance coefficients are variables. Preferences by criteria are set a numeric evaluation of alternatives, and the criteria scale may be non-uniform. This article describes a technique developed by the authors consistent aggregation of criteria preferences, taking into account the importance of criteria that enables ranging alternatives by the preference and / or make a choice of optimal alternatives. Of particular interest is the method of calculating the variables of criteria importance coefficients based on the preferences of the person receiving the decision maker (DM). In the process of dialogue with decision-makers identified vector estimation equivalent alternatives, which are then approximated by a curve of indifference. Previously developed algorithm allows you to find the constant coefficients of the importance of criteria by conducting approximation points equivalence alternatives straight indifference. This article points the equivalent alternatives approximated curve, which allows to take into account the preferences and decision-makers of the importance coefficients can vary with changes in the alternatives assessment. The algorithm is demonstrated by the purchase of passenger aircraft aviation transport company. In the example we have assumed that when choosing aircraft economy class the most important are criteria such as price, reliability of operation, the cost of after-sales service. | ||||||||
Gress E. S., Krylov S. S. Logical model of the automated system statistical rating assessment of quality students’ performance. Trudy MAI, 2016, no 85 The article discusses the logical model of the automated system of statistical rating assessment of the quality of students’ performance. University educational process model, which is automated by authors’ software, has been described. System architecture is presented. Information system is based on 1C:Enterprise technical platform. Authors have developed a formula that defines student rating by session. Then researchers have identified the limitations of the 1C:Enterprise platform standard capabilities for accelerating calculation of student rating by session, which are defined by this fomula. The article mentions the features of implementation of 1C:Enterprise technologies in information system development. After this, authors have suggested their own ways of accelerating report generation through the use of new aggregates. System data storages have been presented as ER diagrams. The old and the new structures of queries that calculate student rating by session have been presented by schemes. The practicability of the described approach has been proven by computational experiment. Researchers have compared the time required to execute the old and the new queries. The testing has been based on information about performance of real students from the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Physics of the Moscow Aviation Institute. There are 5934 records in testing tables. Computational experiment results have been measured twice. At first, the queries have been executed without cache influence. Secondly, the queries have been executed with cache influence. Without cache influence, it took 7.25 times less time to execute the new query using aggregate suggested by authors in comparison with the old query. With cache influence, the new query using aggregate suggested by authors has been executed 3.77 times faster than the old query. Results of this research can be used in automated rating system or information system for educational process automation that are based on 1C:Enterprise technical platform. | ||||||||
Mukhametzyanova A. A. Excitation and stabilization of equilibrium by parametrical constrained control of a two-mass pendulum. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 84 The paper considers the task of plane motion control of a two-mass parametric pendulum. The purpose of the work is to build new control laws with specified properties that implement processes of excitation and damping the pendulum near the lower equilibrium position. Precisely, the possibility of a pendulum excitation and swing damping parametric control near the lower equilibrium position are discussed. The problem is solved by the method of Lyapunov’s functions of the classical theory of stability. Two equivalent weightless rods pin-edge fixed at the suspension generic point model the pendulum. Two equal point masses are attached to the ends of each rod. The pendulum allows rotational or oscillatory movements in a vertical plane around the suspension point. Along with these movements in homogenous gravitational field, the pendulum has two equilibrium positions. As is known, the lower position is steady and upper the position is unsteady. Let us consider the possibility of control realization by implementation of continuous variation of the angle between the two rods. In this case the control law can be set by the function depended on the representative point of motion of the gravity center of pendulum. Natural restriction on the gravity center movement along the bisectrix of angle between the two rods is assumed. Let us consider that the control law has continuous derivative. In this paper two control laws of processes of excitation and damping pendulum are developed. The corresponding Lyapunov’s functions proving the asymptotic pendulum lower position stability and instability in cases of the pendulum damping and excitation are sel ected. It is shown, that with controlled movements according to the first law the asymptotic oscillations amplitude damping of pendulum occurs for any initial conditions of the movement. When implementing control according to the second law the increase of the amplitude and the transition fr om oscillatory to rotational motions takes place. The theoretical results are confirmed by numerical modeling. The results of this work may present applied technical interest and be applied while flat pendulum movement of various mechanical systems modeling and control. | ||||||||
Shmyrov A. S., Shmyrov V. A. About a family of criteria of quality in the problem of motion stabilization in a neighborhood of the collinear libration point. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 84 Flying near collinear libration points has been implemented since 1978, when the spacecraft ISEE-3 was launched in the vicintyof collinear libration point L1 of Sun-Earth system. Many spacecrafts are widely known, in particular SOHO — solar tracking station. This work considers controlled orbital movement in near unstable collinear libration point L1 of the Sun-Earth system. We use Hill’s equations as a mathematical model. These equations are the non-linear approximation of circular problem of three bodies equations. We also use linearized equations of motion. Libration point is a model concept of circular restricted problem of three bodies, and getting to the libration point is not the purpose of such studies. The important characteristic of the orbital motion of a spacecraft near libration point is the special function of phase variables of «hazard function», which is presented in our article. A spacecraft does not get away quickly from the vicinity of the libration point, when module of the hazard function is small. At zero value of this function the spacecraft stays near libration point wthin the framework of linear approximation. In this paper, we present quadratic functionals, which were built with the help of «hazard function». The instability of the libration point L1 requires solving the problem of spacecraft motion stabilization. The standard methods of modeling of linear-quadratic optimization are often successful for such tasks exploration. For this widely studied model, we proposed the special family of functionals. We applied also sufficient conditions of optimality in view of these functionals, and obtained the stabilizing controls in the explicit analytic form. We simulate controllable orbital motion near collinear libration point with obtained controls. The graphs show that in the course of transition from the model of Hill’s equations to a more adequate model of restricted problem of three bodies, the qualitative nature of controllable motion of a spacecraft on the given period of time integration near L1 does not change. | ||||||||
Хедрих (Стеванович) . . Элементы математической феноменологии: математические и качественные аналогии. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 84 Статья начинается с описания двух книг Михаила Петровича: ’’Элементы математической феноменологии’’ и ’’Феноменологическое отображение’’. Приводится краткая биография Михаило Петровича (1868-1943) как выдающегося сербского математика, ученика А. Пуанкаре. Некоторые базовые понятия математической феноменологии связаны с элементами нелинейных преобразований криволинейных координат, таких как базисные векторы касательного пространства в текущем положении фазовой точки, скорости их изменения (как модуля, так и компонент угловой скорости их вращений). Эти элементы представлены в различных криволинейных координатах. Теория Михаила Петровича содержит два типа аналогий: математическую и качественную. Приводятся примеры аналогий для многих реальных систем, в частности, рассмотрены аналогии в динамике систем с дробными показателями, имеющими одну или несколько степеней свободы, так же как и в multi-body динамике гибридных систем с дробными показателями. Исследованы математические аналогии между векторными моделями напряженного состояния деформируемого тела в точке, векторными моделями, описывающими малые деформации нагруженного тела в фиксированной точке, векторными понятиями моментов инерции твердого тела в фиксированной точке относительно заданной оси. Некоторые понятия, касающиеся диссипативных функций для фракционных динамических систем, представлены в соответствующих таблицах. Показано, что качественные, структурные и математические аналогии при анализе собственных фракционных колебаний имею место при исследовании динамики систем, близких (по своим свойствам) к механическим системам: в электрических и биологических фракционных цепях. Они являются полезным инструментом для упрощения моделей, усиливают эффективность анализа через построение феноменологических отображений между локальными и глобальными моделям. | ||||||||
Хедрих (Стеванович) . . Элементы математической феноменологии: феноменологические аппроксимационные отображения. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 84 Михаил Петрович (1868-1943) — выдающийся сербский математик, ученик А. Пуанкаре. Статья начинается с краткого описания двух книг Михаила Петровича: ’’Элементы математической феноменологии’’ и ’’Феноменологическое отображение’’. Некоторые базовые понятия математической феноменологии, такие как элементы нелинейных преобразований криволинейных координат, описаны в предыдущей статье. Структурные аналогии в системах, состоящих из деформируемых тел, представлены в этой статье. Описаны феноменологические аппроксимационные отображения нелинейных эффектов в окрестности стационарной точки или стационарного состояния динамической системы. Исследованы линейные и нелинейные аппроксимации, с помощью которых строятся приближенные дифференциальные уравнения и приближенные решения в окрестности сингулярной точки. Показано, что метод локального анализа, использующий феноменологические отображения, позволяет получать информацию о нелинейном поведении динамических систем. Метод локального анализа, основанный на использовании таких отображений, иллюстрируется на ряде примеров. | ||||||||
Bardin B. S., Panev A. S. On periodic motions of the body with movable internal mass over a horizontal surface. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 84 We consider a movement of a solid body carrying sliding single mass point. A body of M mass is situated on a horizontal plane, and a single mass point of m mass is moving relatively to it over circumference of R radius, which center coincides with the centre of mass of the body. Moreover, the angular velocity of the points’ circulatory movement is constant. Frictional forces between the body and horizontal plane are specified by Coulomb friction model. We assume that at the initial instant the body stays at rest, and the moving mass occupies its lowest position.
Thus stated the problem has the two parameters: k — Coulomb friction factor and The study of the motion of the abovementioned mechanical system presents not only theoretical interest, but also can be applied to the development of mobile devices (vibrating robots) moving due to the displacement of internal mass. Such devices are promising for the modern space industry. In particular, they can be useful for the study of celestial objects: asteroids, planets, solar systems and their satellites. Based on the analytical and numerical studies made in this work we obtained the following conclusions. The set of values of parameters k and μ wherein the movement of the body is possible is broken down into three areas: I, II and III. The movement of the body in the abovementioned areas bears qualitatively different character. If the values of the parameters belong to region I, then the body performs a periodical reciprocating motion with a period equal to the period of a full turn of the point along the circle. The body moves during equal intervals of time in positive and negative directions. These time intervals of movements interlace with quiescence intervals of the body on horizontal plane. With parameters from area II, the body moves with alternate velocity. With that, during one cycle the body shifts in positive direction, changing twice the direction of its movement. Time intervals of motion in negative direction are separated from those in positive direction by quiescence intervals. But if parameter values belong to region III, there are no quiescence intervals, and body motion in general will not be periodic. The movement is of asymptotic nature, i.e., it approaches a certain limiting periodic mode of movement. In this limiting mode, the body moves in positive direction. The work is carried out at the Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) at the cost of the grant of the Russian Scientific Foundation (project № 14-21-00068). | ||||||||
Churkin V. M. Parachute System with elastic top cords forced vibrations. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 84 The paper considers parachute system with elastic top cords forced vibrations in a vertical plane. While setting the equations of motion the parachute canopy is considered as a symmetrical solid body. The top cords are modeled as two linear weightless springs, and the weight — as a point mass. Disturbing action causing these vibrations is presented as an additional component of the parachute canopy pressure center velocity vector directed horizontally and changed according to harmonic law. The parachute system with elastic top cords forced vibrations is analyzed with methodology, implemented earlier for studies of forced vibrations of a parachute system model with unchangeable geometry and a model with pivotally suspended weight. The parachute system vibrations are considered in frequency range of the fundamental resonance. It is assumed that the parachute canopy is made of the cloth with low permeability, and, hence, the parachute canopy aerodynamic force normal component is described by highly nonlinear dependence from parachute canopy angle of incidence. While generation of equations of parachute system disturbed motion, harmonic linearization of this non-linear dependence is performed. The equations obtained are separated into two systems: with constant and varying components of desired solutions. We obtain the values of vibrations shift, while the system with varying components is used to obtain amplitude and phase, corresponding to the specified frequency of the desired vibrations. The results obtained allow plotting the amplitude-phase-frequency characteristic of a parachute system. | ||||||||
Kuzenov V. V., Ryzhkov S. V., Skorokhod E. P. Computer simulation of plasmodynamic processes pulse jets capillary discharge. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 84 Modern space programs set specialized practical problems to the developers while designing new engines and their upgrading. Capillary pulse discharge with an evaporating wall of the channel was described in [1]. As a part of the radiating plasma dynamics, taking into consideration the radiation transfer, the problem is set as follows: plasma and gas-dynamic processes in the flame of a capillary discharge with an electrode vaporizing under the assumption that the brightness temperature and the temperature of the outflowing plasma are equal to each other. The results of calculations are given in [1]. Numerical studies of pulsejet, flowing through rather «wide» slice, the channels of more than three millimeters, revealed that the jet formed unsteady vortex structures near the boundaries. It presents the spatial distribution of temperature and pressure of the jet, formed by three channels, for times: t = 18.5 ms, t = 41.6 ms, t = 94.6 s. The impact of the magnetic field is considered. For a single channel capillary discharge with an evaporating electrode it demostrates the distributions of temperature in the flame of a capillary discharge when applied to a stream of the external magnetic field B = 1.58 Tl and B = 2.5 Tl, respectively. The magnetic field affects the high temperature (near the axis) of the plasma jet and a wake vortex (toroidal vortex) in a triple configuration of the shock waves. If the value of the magnetic pressure pmag= 25 atm, toroidal vortexdoes not occur, and the longitudinal size of jet is approximately twice the size of the jet without a magnetic field presence. Similarly, the maximum value of the temperature obtained is 1.5–2 times greater than the temperature value obtained by the calculation without the effect of the external magnetic field. | ||||||||
Aleroev T. S., Khasambiev M. V., Khamzatova Z. U. On some boundary-value problems of Sturm-Liouville for a second order differential equation with fractional derivatives in less significant members. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 84 In this paper, we study boundary value problems of Sturm-Liouville type the fractional differential equations. Such kind of problems stay in the spotlight of many authors in the first place due to their activities in various physical processes modeling, such as heat and mass transfer within an ambient of fractal structure and memory; random straying point particle, that starts its movement from the origin according to self-similar fractal set; oscillator movement under elastic forces, peculiar to viscoelastic medium, etc. It is also worth noting that many direct and inverse problems associated with degenerate hyperbolic equations and equations of mixed hyperbolic-parabolic type are easily reduced to Sturm-Liouville problem for second-order equations with fractional derivations in less significant members. This work consists of two parts. The first part is devoted to the study of boundary value problems for fractional differential equations, and the second — to the study of the of Sturm-Liouville problem for a second order differential equation with fractional derivatives in the less significant members. In the first part the paper explores non-selfadjoint integral operators, induced by differential equations of fractional order and boundary conditions of Sturm-Liouville type. It should be noted that the spectral structure of these operators is poorly studied. The method, sated in the first part, allows obtaining estimates for eigenfunctions and eigenvalues. In the second part of the work, we show that the operator generated by the second order differential expression with fractional derivatives (in the sense of Caputo) in the less siginificant members and boundary conditions of the Sturm-Liouville is an operator of Keldysh type. All the eigenfunctions of this operator are written out. We proved by methods of perturbation of linear operators theory that this operator possesses the main oscillation properties, ie all its eigenvalues are simple and of the same sign. The obtained results show that the second order differential equations with fractional derivative in the less significant term can be applied to study the motion of the oscillator with viscoelastic damping. | ||||||||
Grischenko S. V. Calculation and engineering structure an airplane made of laminated polymeric composite materials taking into account the effects interlaminar. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 84 The article is devoted to the actual problem of layered polymer composites considering vozmozhnoyh interlaminar negative effects that lead to delamination — mean the destruction of the composite, which is the worst predicted today. This problem is particularly relevant for areas of variable structure laying laminate composite, in other words — the transition zones. Due to changes in the structure of the load is distributed between the layers, which leads to the entry in the work space of the interlayer shear and tearing. The question is based on the design strength and is considered mainly in relation to the transitional zone. Solutions are based on the assumption that the interlayer tension in the layered composite material similar to stresses in the adhesive joint. It is also the most logical, since by itself layered composite is a set of layers glued together. Since the flexural rigidity of its own composite layer is relatively small, and they are rigidly connected to each other with the minimum eccentricity to determine the interlayer stresses as the base model will use a model of Volkersen with more altered boundary conditions. The concepts of strong and weak layers: a strong layer — a layer that gives the load in the redistribution, weak layer — a layer that takes the pressure off during redistribution. The highest values of shear and normal stresses occur interlaminar on the free edge of the weak layer, so from the point of view of the load-bearing capacity, we are interested mainly by their highest values. The shear stresses between the layers occur due to the difference of the glued layers. Normal stresses arise due to the occurrence of local points, which causes separation plate. In practice, before determining the amount of stress between the layers, it is necessary to analyze the structure of the transition zone, highlight the strong and weak layers, define their characteristics of elasticity and thickness. After identifying the strengths and weaknesses of layers to them, respectively, are assigned to the indices 1 and 2. Then, you must adhere to the following sequence:
This technique not only allows speculative and constructive choose the design parameters of the transition zone, but also to evaluate the strength. Also, a technique gives an idea of the physics of structure work of the transition zone under load, provides requirements and recommendations that will effectively reduce the range of possible values of matching options, and generally reduce the complexity of the design. The dependences obtained open additional possibilities for parametric design optimization of constructive transition zones. | ||||||||
Maksimov A. K. An indirect method of determining aerodynamic Angles: an angle of attack and an angle of sideslip. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 84 An indirect calculation procedure for an angle of attack and an angle of sideslip of any aircraft is considered with using flight parameters measured by aircraft systems. A lift coefficient is calculated from flight dynamics equations which include such parameters as dynamic head, weight and wing area, and normal g-load. Analytical expressions are obtained for the lift coefficient and attack angle relation with an approximation technique using the plots of this relation which are constructed as a result of aircraft model wind-tunnel tests. In addition, the dynamic head is calculated for each dynamic pressure value determined in flight with a pitot tube using the known dynamic head dependence of dynamic pressure. It is shown that an angle of sideslip can be indirectly determined from a side force equation. Probable calculation errors for an angle of attack and an angle of sideslip are considered. These errors are estimated with taking into account the measurement errors for the parameters which are involved into the angle calculation formula. A possibility to estimate the systematic and random components of the measurement error is considered. With a great number of measurements, the random error follows the normal law. With a small number of measurements, the confidence probability and the confidence interval are estimated by using the Student’s distribution. Calculations are performed to estimate the indirect determination error for a lift coefficient for a typical flight of such airplanes as Yak-52 and M101T «Gzhel». The airplane wind-tunnel tests yield the indirect determination errors for an angle of attack. The accuracy estimation results meet the known measurement accuracy requirements stated in certain publications. Calculations are performed to estimate the indirect determination error for an angle of sideslip for a typical flight for a M101T airplane. The resulted estimates satisfy the accuracy requirements known from publications. | ||||||||
Sorokin V. A., Kopylov A. V., Tikhomirov . A., Stirin E. A., Loginov A. N., Fedorov D. Y., Valui P. V. Thermal protection system of coated carbon composite materials development for aviation engines heat-stressed structures. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 84 Based on the analysis of damages arising from heat erosion, thermochemical and oxidative effects of combustion products flow, heat-stressed of rocket and aircraft engines structures made of carbon composite materials we propose thermal protection methods. The development of a thermal protection system for heat-stressed aircraft engines structures of carbon composite material depending on the temperature level of the firewall, chemical composition of combustion products, pressure, etc. can be performed in several ways:
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Siluyanova M. V., Shpagin V. P., Yurlova N. Y. Curved baffle introduction impact on flat jet nozzle characteristics analysis. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 84 At present the air force faces the challenge of visibility of a flying vehicle in infrared band, caused by hot parts of an engine, turbine blades, afterburner components, nozzle, as well as jet exhaust stream. In principle, the visibility problem can be eliminated by flat nozzle implementation. It becomes possible due to angle of visibility reduction of hot engine parts. However, implementation of flat nozzle only, as a rule, is not enough. To achieve full shielding of hot engine parts bending of nozzle channel is needed. As a rule, bending range is strictly limited, and, thus, one must apply more complicated methods. One of such methods is integration of buffles of special form into nozzle channel. It allows concealing the problematic engine parts behind the smaller curve of a nozzle. The presented study considers the similar case. We designed the subsonic nozzle blocking entirely the visibility of engine hot parts. We achieved this effect by bending the flow duct of the channel and integrating into it specially curved buffles. We considered linear law of variation on the length of a rectilinear tapering channel cross-sectional area as an initial model. We worked hereafter at the nozzle of the initial version, but with already described engine shielding method. The effect was reached by bending the initial channel and integrating specially bended buffles into it. In this work, we carried out the analysis of introduction of deflectors into the channel impact on gas-dynamic losses. The calculations were performed with software ANSYS CFX. Three-dimensional viscous turbulent flow of compressible gas modeled using the Reynolds, averaged Navier-—Stokes based equations, closed with the SST Menter turbulence model. Computational domain of the calculation was a nozzle channel without considering external flow around it. The unstructured mesh consisting of tetrahedrals with a layer of prisms on all surfaces, with the condition of the wall, was used. The calculations were conducted with the following equals for both cases of boundary conditions: ∙— input — the pressure and the temperature; —∙output — the average static pressure. The boundary conditions correspond to the turbofan with a bypass ratio degree of m ≈ 4 (engine — analog of the turbofan engine PS-90A). The calculation reveal that base flat nozzle does not have separation areas, and losses inside the channel are related only to tтhe of the stream wall friction. The value of the velocity coefficient for this option is φ = 0.994. The curved channel with deflectors does not also have found separation areas, but due to the increased contact area the friction losses increased too. A numerical calculation showed, that in case of the channel with integrated deflectors, the nozzle coefficient of velocity, compared with the original version, decreased by 4.4% and φ = 0.952. This work results in conclusion about the possibility of profiling non-separable flat unobtrusive nozzle using the proposed method of deflectors integrated into the channel. In this case, the velocity coefficient of the nozzle, selected as a criterion for estimating losses in the output device, in this case fell within 5%, and the pressure field and the output speed remain uniform. The obtained results allow speaking about the possibility of using presented method for designing nozzles with limited sizes. | ||||||||
Kulifeev Y. B., Mironova M. M. Automatic lateral motion control procedures for an airplane-type unmanned combat aerial vehicle at the airborne path. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 84 This article demonstrates usage of analytical automatic control system (ACS) design by means of the inverse dynamics method within the scope of designing flight-navigation ACS of a UCAV by the example of lateral motion control at the airborne path. The mathematical simulations of UAV dynamics are based on its aerodynamic, mass-inertia and geometric characteristics and parameters, and also on usage of solid mechanics equations. Dynamic model equations are used to synthesize UAV motion control procedures both for flight and ground motion. Moreover, the real-time dynamic model provides for UAV motion data not measured with instrumentation that are necessary for the ACS procedures. UAV flight lateral motion can appear in the case of course change or under such external disturbance as side wind.
For lateral motion control it is necessary to keep the set earth reference value of lateral coordinate
UAV controlled lateral motion is induced by a sideway force that originates under UAV heel. Therefore, at the first stage of procedure execution, it is necessary to define relevant (required) angle of heel At the second stage of lateral motion control system operation the required UAV heel must be provided by means of aileron movement. The UAV flight under side wind influence was simulated to check operability of submitted lateral motion control procedures. UAV takeoff, stabilization of horizontal flight at the specified speed and altitude, and landing on a concrete runway were simulated. Simulation results prove satisfactory performance of the lateral control channel procedures. The established procedure of UAV lateral motion control at the airborne path is sufficiently efficient to eliminate the UAV lateral displacement under flight at the airborne path. Thus, it has been proven that the inverse dynamics method can be used to synthesize the prospective digital control systems for the airplane-type UAVs. | ||||||||
Starinova O. L., Fain M. K. Optimization of electric propulsion spacecraft transfer to the libration point L2 of the Earth-Moon system. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 84 The optimal interplanetary trajectories and the trajectories of flights to the Moon pass near the libration point L1 of the Earth-Moon system. Therefore, there is a growing interest in building a space station on the halo orbit near this point. Establishing such a station would require development of a transport system capable of providing the necessary traffic. Implementation of the electric propulsion will greatly improve the mass efficiency of such transport operations and reduce the cost of creation and maintenance of the station. The exact solution of the problem was established with the use of the Pontryagin’s maximum principle and the numerical integration. In this work we use the Fedorenko successful linearization method that accepts the limitation on composed functions that have Freshe derivatives. The method is based on making the variation optimal control problem the iteration problem of linear programming. Contrary to the optimal control choice, here the Sun’s perturbation was accounted. According to the above-stated control program the steering angle λ2 could be neglected. The analysis of the optimal solution shows, that the optimal control program for λ1 has three different segments of operation. The optimal control programs for the Earth-L1 and L1-L2 transfers and corresponding trajectories were obtained. The results are in good agreement with the results obtained by the Pontryagin’s maximum principle. The applied method demonstrates its effectiveness for the complex optimization of the SC transportation. Findings may be used to calculate the required design-ballistic parameters of the future lunar missions. The optimal interplanetary trajectories and the trajectories of flights to the Moon pass near the libration point L1 of the Earth-Moon system. The usage of the electric propulsion will greatly improve the mass efficiency of such transport operations and reduce the cost of creation and maintenance of the perspective Moon station. | ||||||||
Syrin S. A., Tereshchenko T. S., Shemyakov A. O. Integration of scientific and technological development industry forecasts, including rocket and space industry in the long term forecast of the Russian Federation scientific and technological development. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 84 The great attention is paid in Russia to scientific and technological development of space-rocket and industry in the long-term outlook. Particularly, government documents define the directions of its development up to 2030, including the Russian Federation forecast of scientific and technological development for the period up to 2030 (FSTD-2030), forecast of long term social and economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030, the state and federal programs for scientific and technological orientation. Based on the results of the existing world experience in the development of scientific and technological forecasts development of the space industry we generated requirements to the contents, structure and characteristics of main forecast elements. Proposals are prepared for the use of industry forecasts on a national level. Also, the authors formulated the list of the main problems concerning the integration of industry forecasts in the long term FSTD-2030 and variants of its solution:
Mechanisms contributing to the harmonization of scientific and technological development forecast results at the sectoral and national level were analyzed within the framework of this research. | ||||||||
Kupreev S. A. The method of formation of the optimum modes of the operated movement of tethered systems at the solution of practical tasks. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 84 To determine the major trends of application of tethered systems performing a wide range of practical tasks in space the effective method of optimum schemes formation of tethered systems operated movement based on the general integrated approach application is offered: — determination according to preliminary data of the list of tasks which are reasonable to solve, using tethered systems [1–10]; — development of management methods of the relative movement of the connected objects in the course of expansion and functioning of tethered systems; — determination of the possible modes of the movement of tethered system objects based on research of the sel ected management methods; — determination of set of modes of tethered system movement by which each of the practical tasks can be solved; — development of efficiency indicators allowing carrying out a comparative assessment of various modes of the movement of a sheaf for the solution of the considered task, and define a positive effect of the solution of this task with application of tethered system compared to traditionally used technical means; — selection of such practical tasks where the use of the tethered system solution is reasonable, and to defining the modes of the movement of a sheaf which give the greatest effect fr om application of tethered system. The realization of this approach is possible due to mathematical models of the operated movement of the connected objects in the form of nonlinear autonomous dynamic systems. For these dynamic systems based on the qualitative theory apparatus of dynamic systems and the theory of bifurcations [11, 12] such methods have been worked out and the studies of the operated movement of tethered systems have been carried out. The results give a general idea of the efficiency of application of tethered systems for the solution of the practical tasks considered in the paper. | ||||||||
Doronin D. O., Kuprikov N. M., Ivanov B. V., Rabinsky L. N. Comparison of data on the characteristics of Antarctic atmosphere surface layer of the with advanced Russian meteorological measuring tools and monitoring. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 84 Having its interests in Arctic and Antarctic regions, Russian Federation is seeking maximum economic efficiency while designing and running this infrastructure. Making allowances for infrastructural limitations, proliferation of technologies and geography of exploiting it becomes quite clear that primary measure to provide competitive recovery of Russia in Polar Regions should be monitoring of environmental local objects, ships and aircrafts to support ecological balance and control technogenic impact on the environment. The implementation of new information technologies, hardware and software, providing a competitive advantage will ensure safe and efficient operation of high-tech marine and aviation equipment. Development of polar transport infrastructure will ensure the growth cargo transportation reduce operational risks, enforce monitoring of local environmental objects and warnings on emergencies. The proposed technique will allow provide real-time operational control over the strategically important waters and borders for Russian Federation. Intercalibration of monitoring data of polar geophysical and hydro meteorological conditions is necessary in the interest of aircraft operation. Significantly increased incidence of utterly severe weather events (local and deep cyclones, catastrophic floods, storm surges and wind, snow fracture of fast hamice, critical volumes of liquid or solid precipitation, snow , etc.) complicate the development of industry, infrastructure, and navigation on polar routes. The state of the ice cover, temperature of the surface layer of air and circulation of the atmosphere, in general, are the most significant indicators of rapid changes in Polar climate system. Against the background of the observed current climate changes, resistive pattern of circulation processes in high latitudes also varies. Changes in traditional trajectories of polar cyclones contribute to the appearance of non-specific to the season’s ice conditions along Polar routes. This is especially critical on the general background of reducing the thickness of multi-year ice and multi-year displacement (pack) ice thinner annuals. | ||||||||
Vavilova N. B., Vasineva I. A., Parusnikov N. A. On calibration of an aircraft strapdown inertial navigation system using high-precision turntable. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 84 Calibration is an important stage of the preparation of a strapdown inertial navigation system (SINS) for operation. The calibration consists in the determination of instrumental errors of inertial sensors by conducting special experiments on a turntable. In the Laboratory of control and navigation at Lomonosov Moscow State University new calibration methods based on the implementqtion of low-grade turntable have been developed. Moreover, these methods have been successfully implemented at some specialized enterprises. This article extends the calibration methods that were developed for SINS calibration procedure on low-grade turntable to the case of high-precision turntable application. One can find characteristics of high-precision turntables e.g. in [4]. SINS consists of three accelerometers, three angular rate sensors and an on-board computer, realizing navigation algorithms. Mathematical models of a calibration algorithm include SINS error equations; models of instrumental errors of inertial sensors: angular rate sensors and accelerometers; model and the equations of supporting measurements. We assumed that instrumental errors of each of the accelerometers include a zero offset error, a scale factor error, non-orthogonality errors and a high-frequency noise component, which is assumed as a white noise. The calibration procedure comprises three cycles in order to obtain the acceptable accuracy. In these three cycles SINS is consistently set on a turntable platform in three different positions. At each cycle the platform’s rotation is characterized by angular velocity Ω, with the law of Ω behavior close to meander. There is an opportunity to extend the aiding vector for high-precision turntable due to additional angular data, provided by turntable. After that, the corresponding equations should be written. Finally, the observability analysis for all calibration parameters should be carried out in these three cycles of rotation. The investigation of SINS calibration was based on covariance analysis. Thus, due to simulation the possibility of obtaining an acceptable accuracy for SINS calibration procedure by means of angular data, provided by turntable was shown. So we can recommend to apply the abovementioned methods. | ||||||||
Vavilova N. B., Golovan A. A., Kalchenko A. O. Estimation of strapdown inertial navigation system errors during aircraft taxiing and takeoff. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 84 The errors of the strapdown inertial navigation system (SINS) change with time of system’s operation. The paper investigates the possibilities for these errors estimation while aircraft taxiing and takeoff. These estimated values are used afterwards to correct measurements of inertial sensors during the flight. The position and velocity data provided by GPS are used for the estimation procedure. The SINS includes three single-component accelerometers, three angular rate sensors and an on-board computer, which implements the navigation algorithms. Mathematical models of the proposed calibration algorithm include SINS error equations, a model of instrument errors of inertial sensors and models of supporting measurements. It is assumed that instrument errors of each of the accelerometers include zero offset, a scale factor error, non-orthogonality errors and a high-frequency noise component, which is assumed as white noise. A similar model is assumed for the instrument errors of the angular rate sensors. The examination of the SINS calibration is based on the covariance analysis. A priori standard deviations selected for the estimated parameters correspond to standard deviations of SINS operation parameters. In order to analyze the accuracy of the calibration the autonomous navigation mode has been simulated using the estimated parameters on a trajectory consisting of straight-line segments and turns. The duration of the simulation was 1 hour. The simulation of a flight without calibration results in an error equal to 4.4 km. The usage of the proposed estimations helps to improve the accuracy up to 1.9 km. Thus, numerical simulation shows that the implementation of SINS calibration while taxiing and takeoff improves the accuracy of further autonomous navigation. | ||||||||
Bardin V. A., Vasil'ev V. A. Control system for ulttrasonic piezomotors. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 84 Goals An object of the research is a control system for ultrasonic piezomotor (USPM) meant for high-speed stage of appliance for precision positioning of multifunction test equipment. The subject of the research is control signal frequency adjustment methods to varying USPM resonant frequency under the influence of external factors. The aim of this work is to develop USPM structure, electric circuit, as well as and USPM control methods with function of self-regulation without the use of external velocity and displacement sensors. Metods USPM control of is realized by feeding the piezoelectric elements with control signals shifted by 90°. Frequency adjustment of the control signal during USPM resonance frequency change is performed by measuring control signals amplitude at the USPM piezoelectric elements and keeping it within the working area of relationship amplitude/frequency near the value of the amplitude at the resonant frequency by stepping the output frequency of the controller. Results We developed the USPM structure consisting of a stator in the form of a hollow cylinder with four surfaces clipped lengthwise with rigidly attached piezoelectric elements, and a rotor mounted in its hole. The USPM control circuit is also developed. During circuit operation the microcontroller generates and adjusts operating frequency of the control signal; current amplifiers and transformers amplify voltage input signals and form two bipolar signals, isolated from the digital part of the circuit; optocoupler with a resistive output element forms a low-voltage feedback signal, which is fed to the input of the integrated ADC of the microcontroller. Practical importance We developed high-speed actuator control system for positioning device of multifunctional test equipment, used in combination with precision drive. This provides linear movement of the test sample along one coordinate with a resolution of a fraction of a micrometer with a speed of a several mm/s.Originality The developed control system of speed actuator of precision positioning device employs the original design, electric circuit and control method without the use of external feedback sensors to adjust the control signal operating frequency. This technical solution simplifies the design, improves the efficiency and performance reliability. | ||||||||
Trofimov D. V., Baev A. B. Application of sparse Fourier transform to narrow-band radio signals analysis. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 84 The discrete Fourier transform (DFT) is a component of numerous computational techniques in signal processing and scientific computing. The most popular means of computing the DFT is the fast Fourier transform (FFT). FFT is one of the most fundamental numerical algorithms. It computes the DFT of an N-dimensional signal. The algorithm plays a central role in several application areas, including signal processing. However, with the emergence of bulk data volumes problems, when the size of the processed data sets can easily exceed terabytes, the «fast» in FFT is often no longer fast enough. In many applications, however, most of the Fourier coefficients of a signal are small or equal to zero, i.e., the output of the DFT is (approximately) sparse. Since most of video, audio, medical images, spectroscopic measurements (e.g., nuclear magnetic resonance), global positioning system (GPS) signals, seismic data, and many more massive data sets are compressible or are sparse, these results promise a significant practical impact in many big data domains. The sparse Fourier transform (SFT) addresses the big data setting by computing a compressed Fourier transform using only a subset of the input data, in time smaller than the data set size. The first algorithms of this type were developped for the Hadamard transform. Developed SFT algorithms compute an approximation or compressed version of the DFT in time proportional to the sparsity of the spectrum of the signal (i.e., the number of dominant frequencies), as opposed to the length of the signal. The algorithms run in time proportional to the sparsity or desired compression, considerably faster than in time proportional to the signal length. This is made possible by requiring that the algorithms report only the nonzero or large frequencies and their complex amplitudes, rather than a vector containing this information for all frequencies. We focus on explaining the basic components and techniques used in the aforementioned algorithms and present an empirical analysis of the performance of the algorithms. In this paper, the general principles of the sparse Fourier transform are considered as well as the numerical comparison of several simulation algorithms. | ||||||||
Nazarov A. V. Global tracing method of the matrix large integrated circuits. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 84 Goal: It is known that the quality of the final stage of matrix large-scale integrated circuits (LSI) design automation (the local routing stage) is determined by the efficiency of forming the large integrated circuits channels netlist generated in the preliminary stage of global tracing. While the problems of local tracing are covered sufficiently by publications, the problems of LSIs global tracing are insufficiently covered. The existing publications on this matter are devoted primarily to multilayered LSIs tracing. The paper proposes LSI global tracing with essentially limited pathways. Design/Methodology/Approach. The paper presents the algorithm of the first phase of the creating conductors of a matrix LSI — the phase of global conductors tracing. This phase increases the efficiency of the successive stage of the tracing — the layout of interconnections of channels. The proposed algorithm is based on the Bellman-Kalaba method, which had been modified by introducing a system of penalties. This system of penalties allows taking into account the essntially limited resources for conductors tracing of the LSIs in the process of their synthesis. Conclusions. According to the proposed method computer-based algorithm for LSI conductors tracing was developed. The paper presents the detailed description of the algorithm. Besides, it describes a system of penalties imposed on the new tracks, which take into account the previously created connections. This system of penalties is presented by formulas. The efficiency of the proposed algorithm is illustrated by the concrete example. Practical implication. The algorithm implementation leads to reduction and balancing of separate channels loads. And, as consequence, tracing resources of the selected type of LSI are employed more efficiently. Originality/Value. According to studies the suggested algorithm allows reducing the total area occupied by the LSI conductors approximately by 20–25 percent. | ||||||||
Khodorovskii A. Z., Nazarov A. V., Azarov A. V., Magomedgadzhiev A. M. Minimizing the amount of data at the output of the analog-to-digital converters at a given conversion error. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 84 The paper considers the issues of ADC parameters selection based provision of minimum of output data amount condition with specified converted signal recovery error. In contrast to amount of data reduction techniques (such as data compression) realized, as a rule, by digital stream output from the analog-to-digital converters processing, this paper analyses the possibilities of data amounts reduction during primary signal digitizing directly in the process of analog-to-digital conversion. Such an approach in fact supplements the existing techniques, since dataflow optimized by the abovementioned way further can be subjected to processing with traditional techniques. The scope of the research was strictly defined while problem definition. It is stressed that the case in hand is quasi-reversible signal conversion. Besides, the signals are represented as a regular flow of uniformly quantized samples. Signal recovery is realized by Lagrange interpolating polynoms, and recovery quality is estimated from the output signal uniformity view point. It is demonstrated that the only requirement to input signal is their differentiability. Thus, the results of the study can be successfully applied to a wide class of signals encountered in measuring and telemetric systems. It is shown that the relative values of the optimal transformation parameters does not depend on the signals dynamics, which is utterly important from the viewpoint of practical use of ADCs. Recommendations are given on the selection of ADCs optimal parameters. While selecting ADC parameters we studied instrumental errors and system-wide indicators of their effectiveness. In conclusion, we described the procedure of the ADCs selection and gave an example of practical use of this procedure. | ||||||||
Ryazantsev L. B., Likhachev V. P., Shatovkin R. R. The phase difference method for determining the convergence acceleration of fighter with an air target. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 84 Purpose The behavior of air targets during an air combat is characterized by performing of complex maneuvers accompanied by large overloads. Maneuvering targets has a strong impact on the quality of support. Late detection of the start of the targets’ maneuver quite often leads to the disruption of auto-tracking due to the emergence of large tracking errors caused by the mismatch of the models to the real behavior of air targets. Recapturing of the target takes an additional time, and this may be the cause of the first attack failure, which is utterly important in conditions of highly maneuverable combat. To prevent the failure of the automatic tracking, the onboard systems should be supplemented with supporting devices that detect the beginning of the targets’ maneuver providing correction parameters or the structure of servo gauges. The traditional method of determining the start of the maneuver is computing the statistical characteristics of deviations of the actual and estimated parameters of target motion. This requires obtaining measurements over several periods of the on-board radar station observation space. Another way to determine the beginning of the maneuver if a target is to use the information about the acceleration of of air targets and the fighter closing-in. However, the known methods for this purpose are additional sensors, e.g., optical-location system support. Significant reduction the time spent to determine the start of the maneuver to one contact of the on-board radar antenna with an air target, and elimination of additional sensors is possible by analyzing the changing characteristics of the reflected echo caused by maneuvering. Design/methodology/approach The content of this method consists in the following. After each radar contact of the on-board radar station beam pattern with an airborne target, the slope of linear-frequency modulation of a received pack echoed signals, which is proportional to close-in acceleration, is measured. Evaluation of the linear-frequency modulation slope is based on the phase difference method. This method consists in dividing the received echo signal into two parts equal in time, which are multiplied in a complex conjugated way. The position of the obtained correlation function maximum in frequency domain herewith is proportional to close-in acceleration. Originality/value The originality of the result is that the adoption of the decision about maneuvering air target coincides with the period of a contacting antenna. Practical implications Implementation of the proposed method allows increasing the stability of the tracking gauges on-board radars while tracking maneuvering air targets. | ||||||||
Kirsanov A. P., Yampol'skii S. M. Rectilinear covert trajectories of the air object in the detection area of an onboard Doppler radar. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 84 An onboard radar operating in impulse—Doppler mode has the characteristic features of the detection zone. The feature lies in the fact that at every point of the detection zone an airborne object has a sector of directions, where the onboard Doppler radar will not detect it as long as it moves in these directions. This sector is called the sector of invisible motion directions of the flying object. Due to these features, there are hidden trajectories, and objects, flying along such trajectories can not be detected by an onboard Doppler radar such as AWACS radar. The most hidden trajectories are non-linear paths with variable curvature. However, under certain conditions, rectilinear secretive trajectories also exist. They are easier then nonlinear hidden trajectories, and therefore, are of a particular interest. The article focuses on a rectilinear covert trajectory of the air-borne object within the viewing range of the mobile airborne Doppler radar. Such trajectories are characterized by simplicity of calculation and ease of implementation. The conditions are found under which rectilinear covert paths exist. The formulas for the calculation of the trajectories are derived. All sorts of secretive rectilinear trajectory are found. Schemes of the secretive movement on a straight-line trajectories in the coordinate system associated with a mobile Doppler radar are presented. Classification of rectilinear covert trajectories depending on the parameters of a movement of the air object and Doppler radar is presented. | ||||||||
Bui C. T., Маrin D. V., Rastorguev V. V. Comparison of attenuation of electromagnetic waves in the millimeter and infrared wave range in hydrometeor and dust. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 84 At present, the safety of flight, take-off and landing of light aircrafts in condition of reduced optical visibility is of extreme importance. This paper considers the characteristics of attenuation of electromagnetic waves in the millimeter and infrared wave range contained in hydrometeor and dust with regard to the light aircrafts of, helicopters and drones flight safety systems. The radar of short range, created by a group of specialists of the Department of Radio Receivers at the Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), allows create highly detailed radar image (e.g., area of the runway, taxiway) and thus ensure the safety of take-off and landing of aircrafts. It should be noted that modern small aircraft, depending on the urgency of the tasks perform flight, takeoff and landing in conditions of limited or absence of optical visibility (for example, for helicopter meant for high-rise buildings firefighting systems). So one of the important tasks in the design phase of the radar for the aircraft is the estimation of electromagnetic waves attenuation in the MM-wave range while their propagation in the atmosphere containing hydrometeors, sand and dust. Given the proliferation of thermal imagers operating in the infrared range as the possible sensor of vision systems of aircraft and other vehicles, the article compares the characteristics of attenuation of electromagnetic waves in the millimeter and infrared ranges. Thus, a preliminary assessment of the possibility of using the on-board aircraft radar and thermal sensors when operating in conditions of poor optical visibility is given. The article shows the advantages of the use of electromagnetic millimeter waves for aircraft compared with the infrared range for the vision systems of aircraft at the hydrometeor and dust. Comparing the results of attenuation evaluation of electromagnetic waves in the millimeter wavelength, with the results obtained for the infrared range of electromagnetic waves propagation in the atmosphere with the presence of hydrometeors can be seen that the infrared radiation is attenuated considerably stronger. | ||||||||
Bogdanov A. S., Shevtsov V. A. Synchronization in the simulation model of adaptive algorithms for positioning and control. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 84 Location and management determination adaptive algorithms are intended to ensure the performance capacity of perspective mobile radio communication networks, where the function of positioning and control is transferred from the mobile radio network to subscriber’s mobile station. Developing local radio navigation field in the territory of mobile radio communication network generated at the cost of installation of radio navigation signals sources, implementing for the most part fully formed mobile communication network infrastructure is necessary for adaptive algorithms functioning. The simulation model under development is meant for studying perspective mobile radio communication system, employing adaptive algorithms for positioning and control. It should facilitate the solution of the problem of positioning within mobile radio communication system on the ground surface; give possibility to use network packet switching with arbitrary number of routing nodes, communications links haul and type as synchronization networks; use standard synchronization packs as BS equipment synchronization algorithms. Thus, among the topical issues emerging when developing simulation model of a perspective mobile radio communication system are the issues of system and protocol selection, fundamental for providing high precision positioning of subscribers. Considering the wide use of packet switching networks as a basis for modern networks, the necessity of high precision synchronization, and synchronization algorithm functioning with minimum computational cost, it seems rational to use PTP protocol as a basic synchronization technique for imitation model of positioning and control adaptive algorithm, which provide functioning of the perspective mobile radio communication network. | ||||||||
Rodionova D. A. Synthesis of optimal deterministic feedback optimal control systems using iterative dynamic programming. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 84 Nowadays optimal control problems arise in various branches of science. Optimal control synthesis is often applied to modelling manned motion of aerial vehicles in air-space systems. One of possible approaches to solving optimal control problems is the usage of metaheuristic optimal globalization methods. One of these methods is the Luus-Jakola global optimization method (random search with systematic reduction in the size of search region method). This method generates a sequence of iterations, each one sel ected fr om a neighborhood of the current position using a uniform distribution. With each iteration, the neighborhood decreases, and then increases again at the start of next pass. This methods converges with sufficient accuracy for global optimization problems and thus can be used in optimal control problems. In this paper, the problem of feed-back optimal control for nonlinear deterministic systems was considered and an approach applying iterative dynamic programming is suggested. Iterative dynamic programming method can be applied to high-dimensional optimal control problems, such as the problems of finding optimal paths of aerial vehicles. An algorithm for finding solution to feed-back optimal control problem using the iterative dynamic programming and Luus-Jakola methods is elaborated. The software environment for the algorithm is developed, which allows to apply the method to a number of typical problems and to analyze how parameters of the algorithms influence the accuracy of the obtained solution. Examples demonstrating method’s efficiency are provided, such as determining the maximum radius orbit transfer of a spacecraft in a given time. It is shown that the developed method is applicable to nonlinear feed-back optimal control problems and allows us to find the solution with sufficient accuracy in a reasonable amount of time. | ||||||||
Shmelev V. V., Manuilov Y. S. The use of modified Petri nets to the modeling process post-flight analysis telemetry data. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 84 The article presents evaluation of the approach to complex technological processes modeling. The approach under evaluation consists in using the graph model of a technological process. Such model is developed based on modified Petri net, and provides the possibility of controlling the trajectory of the developing process. The ramification of the technological process development is provided by indicating, controlling and controlled positions. A distinctive feature of this approach is the possibility of implementing not only temporal control of the processes, but an event-driven technological control as well. With such kind of control the processes are measured by the milestones of meaningful events related to the other processes. In addition, the approach allows parametric control, when the process is measured in the degree of compensation subject to control discrepancies between their current settings and specified (projected) parameters. Thus, the proposed approach compares favorably to the widespread method of modeling processes, when using a process model in a recursive manner. It seems appropriate to consider the characteristics of this approach using еру concrete technological process of the space industry. As such, it is proposed to use the process of post-flight analysis of telemetry data received during the preparation, launch and flight of the carrier rocket Soyuz-2. Under consideration are the urgent tasks and advanced features of special software-aided planning and control of technological processes of processing and analysis of measurement information obtained by the results from the telemetry of the carrier rocket at the stages of preparation, launch and flight to the launch site. Critically marked shortcomings of the existing solutions, the cause of which are used as a model of technological processes namely in a recursive model. The whole process of post-flight sequential analysis of the information is decomposed into the processes of several levels. The article shows straightforwardly the procedure for creating a model of the analysis of only one flight performance, namely, of the propulsion booster based on the proposed approach. We present a modified Petri net, modeling the process under consideration. Modification of classical Petri nets means the introduction of a hierarchy of colored network chips and new network elements: transitions—procedures, predicate transitions, as well as input and output positions of the network. The proposed approach can be implemented to create the information technology of automated control process of processing and analysis of measurement data of complex technical objects. Successful practical testing confirms the sufficient adequacy of the processes modeled with this approach to real technological processes in the application domain of analysis of measurement information in space industry. | ||||||||
Kargin V. A., Skorokhodov Y. A., Nikolaev D. A., Shovkalyuk A. P. Algorithms for estimating of information processes probability characteristics on statistics of the exceedances above the given levels. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 84 The subject of this paper is algorithms for information processes probability characteristics estimation. The aim is to organize and present the results of the basic scientific research on the carrier rockets telemetry data on-line processing. This work uses methods of system theory and system analysis theory, decision-making theory, probability theory and mathematical statistics, the theory of ejections of random processes trajectories, pattern recognition theory. Based on the studies of statistical characteristics of telemetry data obtained during the flight test of the carrier rockets such as «Soyuz» and the analysis of the on-board systems technical condition we propose classification of telemetric information «non-homogeneity» by nature of their images. The proposed classification of telemetered parameters structural-parametric non-homogeneity is the first step in the process of developing complex of models and mathematical tool for on-line processing of telemetry information. We suggest a method for nonlinear transformations estimation of information processes based on registration of the number of cross-cups of process realizations with specified levels. Based on analytical equations presented we developed original algorithms for probability characteristics estimation by statistics of «level exceedance». The developed algorithms use zero counters, they are rather simple for realization, and do not require great large computational cost. It all allows implement them for telemetry of rocket carrier at the boost phase automated system and obtain the estimates of telemetered parameters in a mode close to real-time mode. | ||||||||
Smerchinskaya S. O., Yashina N. P. Preferences aggregation based on the importance of the criteria. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 84 Problems of multicriteria selection are some of the most widespread problem types arising while decision making. The main difficulty in conventional algorithms implementation is that they are meant for numerical estimates setting by different criteria. Moreover, the criteria scales should be uniform. Furthermore, while decision making account must be taken of the fact, that criteria may be of various importance. The paper suggests the technique of preference aggregation by criteria and the best alternatives selection that does not require reduction of criteria scales to uniform. The preference aggregation algorithm presented in this work with an allowance for criteria coefficients of importance is a generalization of the preference aggregation algorithm developed by the authors earlier without allowance for criteria importance. It draws on the total preference majority graph plotting. The advantage of this algorithm is that controversial paths breaking is performed by elimination of arcs of smallest weight, thus preserving and considering all expert estimates. In the second part of the paper, the authors propose an algorithm for obtaining coefficients of the criteria importance. This technique of obtaining the coefficients is based on plotting straight lines of indifference for each pair of criteria. We plot the straight line of indifference approximating the points of indifference corresponding to vector estimation of equivalent alternatives. We obtain the equivalent alternatives through the dialogue with the decision-makers: change the values of an alternative assessment by one of the criteria, and then set the compensation on the scale of the other criteria. This article gives examples that demonstrate the algorithm in a dialogue with decision-makers and subsequent preferences aggregation, based on the obtained weighting factors when comparing of criteria importance and the procurement of medium-range passenger aircraft. | ||||||||
Bityukov Y. I., Kalinin V. A. The use of wavelets in computer-aided design. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 84 This article focuses on the application of wavelet theory in problems of geometric modeling of aircraft structures. Wavelets are the mathematical tool for layering functions. With their traditional applications in approximation theory, physics and signal processing, wavelets recently found applicaiton in many problems of geometric modeling, mainly in computer graphics. While apparent smoothness of curves and surfaces is enough for the computer graphics, CAD/CAM/CAE-systems require the surfaces belonging to different classes of smoothness. In this article we present the wavelet basiс set built on the interval, based on B-spline of arbitrary order. 2D wavelets are built based on this wavelet basiс set. on the ground of The famous Chaikin’s algorithm used for design of curves and surfaces of arbitrary smoothness class is generalized on the ground of these scheme. Now, CAD/CAM/CAE/PDM-systems are widely used by the companies engaged in the design and manufacture of complex aircraft systems. This is stipulated by a number of reasons, among which the problems of product quality control are of utter importance, especially while its approach the world market. Based on the principles of optimization and products parameters control at all stages of the design and manufacture such systems provide a comprehensive design work with sufficient reduction of terms together with simultaneous quality improvement. The main objective here is the steady decline in the cost of production and updating its product range, improved reliability, maintainability, cost, etc. We can consider the development of methods for modeling curves and surfaces of arbitrary shape technology based on Bezier (Bezier) and NURBS, which has become the international industry standard for the design of complex curved surfaces one of the main achievements of the modern period. That is why the problems of improving current methods of geometrical modeling of 3D objects using mathematical apparatus standard for CAD/CAE/CAM-systems, as well as the adaptation of these methods for specific industrial applications are actual today. | ||||||||
Ginzburg I. B. Offline-capable fault-tolerant client Web applications for Earth remote sensing data access. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 84 This paper presents a new method of Web applications operation for the National Geographically Distributed Information System for Remote Sensing Data Receiving, Processing, Archiving and Dissemination (ETRIS DZZ) that extends the possibilities of this system. The proposed method is based on implementation of the software solution called offline-capable fault-tolerant Web application (autonomous web application, AWA) into the client-server system interaction process. The main feature of the proposed AWA is the ability to preserve all the information (both downloaded from Web server and received from user input) as long as it is needed. AWA provides a qualitative and quantitative advantages over traditional Web application. Quality advantages are: the possibility to work offline with information downloaded from the Web server and automatic updating of locally stored data; the possibility of an emergency backup of user input and automatic shipping of the stored user input data to the Web server when the connection to the server is restored. Quantitative benefits are: reduction of the network traffic; reduction of Web page loading waiting time. Software-information AWA complex based on the proposed method, in contrast to its predecessors, is fully compliant to requirements of: cross-platform, fault tolerance and autonomy. This allows end users to consume a variety of terminal devices (including stationary and mobile devices) and data channels (including any local area networks and public wired and wireless Internet connections) for ETRIS DZZ Earth remote sensing data access without risks of losing user input data or having inoperative application in case of connection failures between client and server. | ||||||||
Brekhov O. M., Tin M. A. Processing database queries by associative computing system. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 84 The paper considers the problem of database (DB) query processing by associative computing system (ACS). This problem, as an idea, was formulated by T. Kohonen, since ACS implementation can, in principle, significantly increase the speed of query processing. Due to the necessity of large volumes of DB requests processing and element base upgrading, which is now the main trend of onboard and ground aerospace complexes DBs development, solution of this problem arouses great interest. The additional increase in query speed processing herewith can be achieved by orderly processing of elementary requests forming DB query. Processing time decrease is possible with concurrent (parallel) processing execution of comparison operation based on associative memory (AM). On the assumption of abovementioned considerations, we identified problem of determining the structure of the associative computing system. There are two possible main methods for the request execution: in-depth development (sequential processing of table columns), and with the of in-width development (sequential processing of table rows), as well as the combined method comprising in-depth and in-width development. Based on in-depth development method realization we propose ACS architecture for orderly requests. the paper presents the developed algorithm for orderly requests processing and efficiency evaluation of orderly requests processing. | ||||||||
Brekhov O. M., Tin M. A. The efficiency of interleaved memory for querying in the database. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 84 Interleaved memory is a known means to enhance memory performance. Employing this mechanism for data arrays processing when successive numbers of cells of an array are arranged in successive sections of memory cells (per mod m), found application firstly for high-performance computers, and then became widespread in many classes of computing systems. The above said circumstances have attracted the attention of many researchers to study the efficiency of interleaved memory via analytical modeling and simulation. Query processing in DBs is associated with processing of data sets. As a result, a great number of address calls streams to interleaved memory sections appear. The calls of target treatments of different streams to gain access to the same sections, which will decrease the interleaved memory effeciency. In this paper, we studied the interleaved memory efficiency by analytical modeling considering address requests of conflicting streams, and obtained the following results. The absolute and relative average and mean-square deviations of a number of sections in use in cycle of memory access as function of interleaved memory sections number, the number of streams of targeted calls and the number of address requests were determined. Number of sections margin of 1.6 will provide at the average 100% request servicing with any number of streams. Relative average number of sections used in one cycle of memory access depends on the number of streams of targeted calls, but does not depend on the number of address requests in a single stream. With increasing number of streams of targeted calls relative average number of sections used in one cycle of memory access tends to a constant 1 — e—1 = 0.632. Absolute mean-sqaure deviation of the number of sections used in one cycle of memory access decreases with increasing number of targeted calls to flow at a constant absolute value of the average number of sections used. The ratio of the absolute standard deviation to the absolute average number of sections used in one cycle memory access decreases with increasing number of address requests in a stream. The average number of sections used in one cycle of memory access is a significant parameter characterizing the of interleaved memory efficiency. | ||||||||
Korotkova T. . Multicriteria algorithm of decision-making in the system of information security for the objects of civil aviation. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 84 The problem of data protection in the aviation systems is considered. The system description of security hazard sources for objects of civil aviation is presented. There are threats of privacy violation, information integrity violation, and malfunction of the system. Hazardous exposures can be accidental and deliberate. All in all the threats are classified as internal and external. The system approach to the description of the information security leads to the problem of information security system synthesis. This problem involves revealing of the protected information, the system of threats and channels of information leakage, assessment of vulnerability and risks, definition of requirements for information security, selection of protection means and security management. To provide the information security system synthesis, a hierarchical system of decision-making is proposed as well as an algorithm based on expert evaluation. Other features of the system are the multicriteriality and the presence of the uncertainties. The decision-making flowchart includes information types, the system of threats, selection of quality indicators, information classification by units of operations, formation of generic quality indicators of protective system. Quality indicators of information protection are arrayed by operation units and threat types. As result the dimension of the problem and the number of possible choices are reduced. The components of the matrix depend on vectors which elements are the uncertain parameters. They are implemented to perform the operation of maximization. The operation of minimization is carried out by the control variables, which define the protection factors. The best option of protection is provided on the principle of the guaranteed result. This option is obtained on the base of the minimax estimation. To obtain optimum solutions the principle of the Pareto cooperative equilibrium is used. Verification is carried out based on computer experiment. A set of procedures of Delphi expert estimation method is applied. The method has three components: intuitive-logical analysis of the problem, decision and delivery of quantitative and qualitative estimates, data processing by a software module and derivation of the final estimate of the degree of information protection. The core modules of the program are Connection module, Administrator module, Users module, Estimates module, Reports module, Authentication module, and Results module. | ||||||||
Ibragimov D. N. Response speed optimal air-balloon movement control. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 83 The paper presents the algorithm of response speed optimum position control in the form of an air-balloon movement control problem. As a mathematical model, a solid body suspended on a cord and able to perform rotational movements is used. The upper end of the cord is fixedly mounted and operated with two fan motors, generating the opposite control moments about the vertical axis. The body is subjected to the torque, which is linearly dependent on the angle of rotation caused by an elastic cord and the moment of viscous friction, linearly dependent on the angular velocity. It is assumed that the engines instantly gain momentum, and influence of the running engine center of gravity is neglected, The atmosphere is considered to be stationary and homogeneous. This model is described by linear discrete-time system with polyhedron set of the feasible controls. The subject of discussion is problem of zero-controllability of linear discrete-time system with the bounded set of feasible controls, i. e. the problem of transfer the given system to zero by means of feasible control in minimum number of steps. Specificity of zero-controllability problem for linear discrete-time systems is related to the difficulty of using conventional methods. These features is characterized by lack of explicit form of solver of the problem with dynamic programming and lack of analogue of Belman’s equation, incorrectness of maximum principle for minimum time problem in discrete-time case, non-uniqueness of optimal solution. The solution of the problem is based on the conception of a zero-controllability set in N steps, i. e. the set of points from which the system can be transferred to its origin by no more than in N steps, using a certain number of control actions. It is proven, that in this case the zero-controllability set is a convex compact polyhedron that can be represented as the algebraic sum of other polyhedrons. The algorithm of constructing faces of a zero-controllability set in any N steps is developed. The method of computation of minimum time for reaching the origin from any initial state based on exact description of zero-controllability sets is constructed. While the optimal feedback control has explicit form if description of zero-controllability sets is available for any step. At last, the considered problem of the construction of the minimum time air-balloon movement control is completely solved by the investigated methods. | ||||||||
Kudrov M. A., Zudov K. A., Yudin M. A., Kharchilava Y. E. The research of the evolution of the wind profile over the underlying surface. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 83 The basic idea of this scientific work was the study of the evolution of the velocity profiles over the underlying surface. The purpose of the work was to obtain the vision of change in the velocities distribution in the flow over the surface with the adhesion condition in relation to a given initial velocity profile. The initial profile of the wind around the boundary layer. It also presents physical and mathematical explanation of the derivation of the velocity profile of wind on the basis a two-layer model of the boundary layer. The conclusion was based on the theory of M.I. Yudin and M.E. Shvets for the coefficient of turbulence. Moreover, in this work we simulate the wind profile evolution for flowing over flat surface with the length of 10 km, obtained on the basis of two-layer model. The modelling was carried out by the numerical integration of the Reynolds equations with the closure of turbulence model SST. It was verified by means of numerical calculations that the resulting profile of the wind speed based on a two-layer model has evolved significantly at fluxion over a smooth surface, which is caused by not taking into account the rotation of the Earth, and the temperature profile in the course of the calculations. Whereas the logarithmic profile of wind velocity, which is a characteristic of the surface sublayer, does not change in the course of calculations. | ||||||||
Kuzenov V. V., Ryzhkov S. V., Gavrilova A. Y., Skorokhod E. P. Computer simulation of plasmodynamic processes in the torch of capillary discharge. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 83 Modern space programs give specialized practical tasks to the developers in order to develop new engines and their improvement. Capillary pulse discharge with an evaporating wall of the channel is a relatively simple way to obtain plasma. It is known that this type of discharge is characterized by a long, relatively stable structure of a pulsed plasma stream in the atmosphere. A capillary pulse discharge is a generator of plasma streams, which is an inter-electrode ins ert made of a dielectric cylinder with an axial bore that is used as a main channel of capillary discharge, electrodes and the body. As part of the radiating plasma dynamics, taking into consideration the radiation transfer, problem is set plasma and gas-dynamic processes in the flame of a capillary discharge with an electrode vaporizing under the assumption that the brightness temperature and the temperature of the outflowing plasma equal to each other. Specific calculations with plasma-forming substance performed for Al flooded space (air under normal conditions), the timing of the maximum discharge current is equal to tmax = 25 ms. The val ue of the total energy stored in the buffer storage, was 2,7 kJ, the channel diameter capillary discharge is 10 mm. The numerical solution of the system developed in accordance with the non-stationary two-dimensional radiation magnetogasdynamic model, which is based on the method of splitting into physical processes and spatial directions. The spatial distribution of temperature, pressure and density shown in a quasi-stationary part of the jet, on time t = 94,6 s. The results show that at time of about 100 ms brightness temperatures plummet from 10 to 3 kK and then relatively little change over time. In this paper the results are compared with other calculations and experimental work for the high-current discharge channels [15, 18]. In [15] jet diameter d0 = 0,2 cm, the pressure on the cut p0 = 143 atm, the axial velocity of the plasma u0 = 10,8 km/c, radial velocity v0 = 0, the plasma density ρ0 = 1,89 ∙ 10-4 g/cm3, the density of radiant energy flux S0 = 23,9 mW/cm2; environmental parameters were taken to be: p∞ = 31,6 bar, ρ∞ = 1,52 ∙ 10-2 g / cm3, T∞ = 2,59 ∙ 10-2 eV. In [18] calculations Underexpanded plasma jet made for the channel diameter d = 0,2 cm. In the jet nozzle exit temperature T = 3.5 eV, pressure p = 70,8 atm, the density ρ = 1,29 ∙ 10-4 g/cm3, velocity u =10 km/c, the Mach number M = 1,24. Parameters of the ambient air following: p∞ = 1,63 atm, ρ∞ = 1,29 ∙ 10-3 g / cm3, T∞ = 0,038 eV. In [15, 18] Mach disk locations after the jet to a quasi-stationary mode does not correspond experiments [8-10]. However, calculations of how [15] and [18] give the same values of Mach disk position. Authors of the experimental work [10] observed two bright glow: have cut the capillary and in the Mach disc, which means an increase of temperature in these areas. This is consistent with the calculations of this study and [15]. Brightness temperature jet, measured experimentally, equal to 23,5 kK [8-10]. Calculated brightness temperature jet differs by more than 10 kK. Numerical investigations of pulse jet flowing through the slice rather «wide», more than three millimeters channels, show that near the boundaries of the jet formed unsteady vortex structures. The work was performed in the framework of the program of the Presidium of Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Ministry of Education (Project No. 13.79.2014/K). | ||||||||
Gidaspov V. Y. Numerical simulation of one-dimensional stationary equilibrium flow in engine detonation. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 83 Physical and mathematical model and computational algorithms for the simulation of chemical equilibrium flow in the nozzle detonation engine in quasi-one-dimensional stationary statement. The case of fuel combustion in stationary detonation wave with the subsequent acceleration of the flow to supersonic speed. Investigated flow regimes allowed under the one-dimensional stationary model. Suggested form of presentation of the results of mathematical modeling in the form of the R-R diagram, which allows for the known input parameters to determine the realized type of flow at different ratios between the radii of the input, critical and exit sections of the channel.
The section AB of the curve 6 corresponds to an overdriven detonation wave in the tapered portion of the channel at the point corresponding | ||||||||
Zaikovskii V. N. Experimental investigations of spatial flows in nozzles of jet engines. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 83 The paper describes investigations of formation of large-scale longitudinal counter-rotating structures in the airflow duct of the subsonic and supersonic parts of nozzles of jet engines. The reason for their emergence is interaction of impinging jet flows with curvilinear surfaces in the transonic part of the nozzle. The governing effect of the free-stream velocity on the vortex intensity is demonstrated. The presence of spatial structures affects heat and mass transfer, as well as erosion of the inner surfaces of the engine duct. Three types of such spatial structures were investigated experimentally. The first group includes spatial vortices observed in the free space behind solid-propellant charges with star-shaped channels, which were widely used in solid-propellant rocket engines. Based on experimental data, methods of effective suppression of the adverse effect induced by these structures were proposed. Further, the results of ITAM SB RAS studies were considered, where formation of large-scale vortices in the free space behind the solid-propellant charge with a duct having a circular cross section was shown. The presence of solid-propellant charges with channels of different configurations in the engine duct inevitably leads to generation of spatial structures of different intensities. The third type includes large-scale paired vortices formed in the nozzle with a permeable supersonic bell mouth. The following vortex formation mechanism is implied. Zones of gas ejection and injection are formed in the nozzle with a porous wall at a certain pressure in the settling chamber. A change in the flow regime leads to positive curvature of the streamlines. As the gas flow near the wall has a negative gradient ∂u/∂r < 0, this leads to violation of equilibrium between the pressure gradient and the centrifugal force. As a result, instability starts to form in the flow, which is finalized by formation of large-scale longitudinal vortices. | ||||||||
Lebedev G. N., Roumakina A. V. Logic control system to avoid obstructions unmanned aerial vehicle during cross-country flights. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 83 At present existing of the approaches to the solution of a problem of planning of a route for flight, first of all, need to belong to process of serial flight and supervision of motionless objects. However in these methods the insufficient attention is paid to a choice of a route of flight of the obstacles which are, especially, arising during flight, in other words those, information about which is not laid into the memory of computer (high speed digital computer) before a departure. The special feature of this question in relation to the unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) that in case of sudden changes of a dynamic situation of flight plan has to be carried out without participation of the person in the automatic mode. The purpose of this work is to develop of the logical control system of route of flight of the unmanned aerial vehicle focused on flight of obstacles in a route information about which is known in advance or comes to flight time, and the planned points of a route are fixed. Is formulated the formulation of the problem of logical control of cross-country flight (UAV) with the circuit of obstacles and are introduced the concepts of most logical control and designation of settings into the regulators of the channels of the longitudinal and yawing motion (UAV). Is developed the algorithm of logical control of multimode over flight BLA of one point in another during the automatic partition of trajectory into a number of sections with its regimes and determination of the boundaries of these sections in the form of the coordinates PPPM (an intermediate point of the planned route), which supplement the list of basic PPM (point of the planned route), entering the flight mission (flight plan). Is shown that at flight of obstacles the developed algorithm in real time forms a piecewise and linear trajectory of round of tops of this obstacle that corresponds to numerous reassignment of settings in regulators of management of lateral motion of (UAV). The computer simulation of cross-country flight taking into account obstacles showed the high speed operation of algorithm on board (UAV), and also the ability to form operational reporting about the facts of encounter with the obstacle, the selection of the version of actions and to report the coordinates of newly assigned PPPM for the delivery(transmission) to the earth. | ||||||||
Spiridonov I. B. The method of the testability analysis of operational model of the plane. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 83 Testability analysis is one of the phases of the design process. We examined approaches to the creation of operational model of the plane, its diagnostic model is presented by objects of physical classification breakdown. Testability analysis procedure establishes the methodology and decision making logic, which should be a prerequisite for the determination of maintenance tasks for troubleshooting and disaster recovery facilities top-level control (system, plane) in the event of failure of its components (systems, subsystems, LRU). The publication shows that the testability analysis task is options chosen evaluation and control devices evaluation and their optimality for maintenance tasks. For the plane testability assessment is offered the method of the testability analysis of operational model of the plane, based on application of logical-and-probabilistic simulation evaluation with attraction of the failure tree device. Advantage of such approach is possibility of adequate models creation and carrying out exact calculations of testability indicators on evident and widespread in the theory and practice reliability analysis and aviation-related systems safety. Failure tree models are presented for the analysis of data reliability of integrated control systems, considering functional flavor and robustness of integrated control systems. Unreliability of integrated control systems is treated as possibility of hardware failures like malfunction and false response of integrated control systems. Offers according to the accuracy grade of the integrated control systems (depth of control) in the general expression for an uncertainly control criteria are given. This method offers the approach to the formalized description of information objects control for the automated analysis of the plane testability, based on XML technologies. The universal data model of testability in the form of a XML scheme reflecting three-level operational structure of the plane is developed. | ||||||||
Ogoltsov I. I., Rozhnin N. B., Sheval V. V. Development of mathematical model of spatial flight of a kvadrokopter. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 83 The article discusses the physical and mathematical models of spatial flight unmanned aerial vehicle helicopter — type drone. These devices have received wide application in various fields of national economy. However, a deterrent to their wider use is the lack of a common approach to defining the shape of the autopilot, allowing purposefully and with acceptable quality to automatically control the flight path of the drone. The investigated materials are intended to define the shape of the autopilot, its structure, basic circuits and their parameters. The physical model of a kvadrokopter considering all main forces and the moments causing him forward and rotary motions is offered. On the presented physical model of the spatial movement of a kvadrokopter mathematical descriptions are developed. According to the presented physical model of the motion of a quadrocopter developed mathematical descriptions. They all control forces and moments are generated by using four Electromechanical DC motors with propellers on their rotors. Forces and moments are created independently by each engine by regulating its speed. In mathematical models the ineradicable interactions between various drives of traction screws having fairly complex character are considered. It is necessary to consider the spatial movement in all six degrees of freedom for more correct description of the motion of a quadrocopter . The peculiarity of the task to be solved was consideration of the dynamics of the actuators, forming the traction forces and moments with the screws. The main contours in the structure of the autopilot: contour stabilization of the angular position of the quadrocopter, the contour of the positioning of the quadrocopter in space and circuit for stabilizing the speed of rotation of the motors, that together purposefully to control the flight path and the angular position quadrocopters space. were considered in the course of research on mathematical models of the dynamics of the movement. Algorithms of realization the control in each of contours are offered. The Suggestions on selection of parameters of contours of control allowing to provide the steady movements of the acceptable quality are given. All offers formulated in work are checked by means of digital computing experiment. The received results allow to develop the autopilot for control of a kvadrokopter with the set characteristics of accuracy and stability. | ||||||||
Tarasenko O. S., Bodryshev V. V., Abashev V. M. Method for digital processing shadow images of supersonic gas flowing over aircraft structural parts. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 83 The study of gas stream flowing over solid bodies is highly relevant for development of aviation and rocket-and-space equipment. Such research is carried out using unique stand units with flowing visualization. Gas-dynamic flow visualization itself is performed using various equipment and processed using various methods. Shadow and schlieren images are widely known. They are based on the phenomenon of light deflection when it passes through transparent medium density inhomogenuities. When gas flowing field is visualized using the schlieren method, illumination variation is in proportion to gas density gradient in the area under consideration, and when the shadow method applied, variation in the illumination is determined by the degree of density gradient variation. Both the shadow and the schlieren method provide for production of 2D images, which can be successfully used for following up the pattern of gas stream flowing over an object, but are almost useless for quantitative estimation. The purpose of the study is developing a method for digital processing shadow images and determination of the parameter characterizing the image and correlating with the basic gas stream parameters (velocity, pressure and density). Application of this method will allow determining gas flow operational properties (for example, pressure) at any point of the stream, thus making possible the analysis of the respective design solution and choosing its best variant. In this paper image intensity (brightness) is suggested as the basic image analysis parameter. The obtained results contribute not only to better understanding of the physical constituent of supersonic gas flow, but also to determination of the real gas flow intensity values with their further processing by pressure estimation. | ||||||||
Yaskevich A. V. Hysteresis math model describing structural deformation of mechanisms for space vehicle docking. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 83 Spacecraft mechanical joining during docking is provided by using specialized mechanisms of docking units. These mechanisms may be deformed with hysteresis caused by dissipation of mechanical energy due to internal structural friction. Their deformable elements are complex assemblies composed of a large quantity of parts differing in material and dimensions, or multistage rotation gears with backlashes. The development of a theoretical model of mechanical energy losses in such objects is practically impossible. Simple math models of deformations with hysteresis are considered in this paper. They are based on test data and do not explain the causes of the hysteresis phenomenon. These models are intended for the calculation of reaction forces and moments in mechanism and spacecraft motion equations, i.e. for the estimation of the mechanical energy dissipation effect on docking dynamics. Therefore they have to provide a high computing efficiency for reducing time on numerical integration of differential motion equations. The hysteresis of mechanism stiffness is of a «double loop» type reflecting mechanical energy losses due to internal structural friction forces. Its math models with constant and variable parameters are considered by the example of a simple «probe-cone» type docking mechanism with independent linear and angular deformations. Hysteresis models for other types of mechanisms may be obtained similarly. In the hysteresis model with constant parameters, forward and back loop branches for positive and negative deformations are presented with any necessary precision as sets of straight line segments numbered according to a deformation increase from zero to the maximal value of the permissible working range. Transitions between forward and back branches are described by single straight line segments with maximal slope coefficients. The state of deformation model is defined by the sign (positive or negative), branch type (forward, back or transitional) and straight line segment number that corresponds to a current deformation value. Model state changing conditions are described in a table form. Parameters of transitional branches, with a change of deformation velocity sign, are obtained from the solution of second order systems of linear equations. Hysteresis math models with variable parameters describe deformations of rotation gears with friction clutches. Rotation of the input shaft of such clutch is nonreversible. Therefore arguments of the table description of the stiffness of its input gear are corrected according to the nonreversible rotation angle in case of any change of the rotation rate sign. Parameters of the piecewise-linear hysteresis model are generally determined by static test data of a mechanism or its elements. Adjustment of the hysteresis model can be made by using dynamic test data in case direct static measurements are difficult or impossible to take. Piecewise linear models of deformations with hysteresis are used to describe deformations of various docking mechanisms or their elements. They have a high computing efficiency and appropriate engineering accuracy. The paper presents a comparison of math modeling results and dynamic test data obtained at a 6-DOF hybrid facility, for a «probe-cone» spacecraft docking process. Their good coincidence is particularly ensued from taking into account deformations with hysteresis. The above described hysteresis models based on test data may be used in various engineering applications wherever the effect of this phenomenon on a dynamic process needs to be estimated without explanation of its causes. | ||||||||
Galayko N. M., Severina N. S. Comparison of methods for solving the system of ordinary differential equations of chemical kinetics equations. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 83 This paper considers questions, related to comparison of different methods for solving rigid systems of differential equations, which describe distribution of a detonation wave in a flat channel of constant cross section. This assignment compares the results obtained by several methods, e.g. Euler, Gear, Pirumov. Thermodynamic method for studying chemical reactions suggests the theoretical possibility of the testing processes under different conditions. If pressure and temperature are constant, then spontaneous process flow is possible only in the direction of reducing the Gibbs energy. However, this condition does not allow to estimate the speed of the transition from the initial to the final. Chemical reactions can take place at different speeds — from slow to very explosive. In some cases it is necessary to increase the reaction rate, in other contrary, reduce. Problems of chemical kinetics is the study of the rate of chemical processes. It is necessary to determine velocity dependence on various parameters for the rational chemical reactions. Modern computer mathematics systems allow to give a quick and clear forecast of the chemical behavior of the system over time. Systems of equations of chemical kinetics contain differential equations, the main feature of which is low sensitivity of the solution in the presence of rapidly decaying perturbation. (Rigid system of differential equations). There are various ways of implementing the software solution of a mathematical model chemical kinetics processes. This assignment compares three methods for solving differential equations, which describe the chemical interaction of the components of the gas mixture in the problem of the distribution of the stationary detonation waves in a flat channel of constant cross section, filled with stationary stoichiometric hydrogen-air mixture. This assignment solves system of equations describing the one-dimensional inviscid steady flow of multicomponent reactive gas mixture behind the shock wave propagating with constant velocity D. To close the system uses thermal and caloric equation of state of the combustible mixture, which is a mixture of perfect gases. According to comparison, Pirumov’s method requires the smallest number of steps for all velocities behind the shock wave. All calculation methods showed fairly similar results at speeds approximately equal speed Chapman Jouget, but Pirumov’s method gave the solution with the least amount of steps. Comparison also showed that Gere’s method gives a solution quickly than Euler’s method at all speeds. | ||||||||
Timushev S. F., Fedoseev S. Y. Methods of numerical simulation of vibration of the liquid rocket engine axial booster pump. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 83 The problem of reducing the hydrodynamic vibration of pumps of LRE feed system is the key issue to improve the reliability and service life of propulsion unit. In this regard, the actual task is modeling pressure pulsations in the flow path and the pump hydrodynamic vibration at early stages of turbo pump unit design. The article deals with numerical simulation of three-dimensional unsteady turbulent flow in the booster pump unit of liquid rocket engine. The analysis completed of the spectrum composition of pressure pulsations occurring in the flow path of the pump unit. It is found that pressure pulsations spectrum at the outlet of the working screw includes the tonal component on the blade passing frequency (BPF) and its harmonics. At the screw inlet pressure pulsations spectrum tonal components with rotor frequency and BPF dominate. It is found that pressure pulsations at the screw exit is the result of rotor-stator hydrodynamic interaction; pressure pulsations at the screw inlet are generated by the uneven pressure field, which is enhanced by hydrodynamic interaction of wakes from pylons terminated by the radial gap leakage flow from passing screw blades. Numerical modeling of the pump casing vibration begins with definition natural modes and frequencies of mechanical oscillations. Modeling of the forced vibrations of structural elements and the pump casing ensures assignment of distributed dynamic loads from the pressure pulsations. Comparison of the computational results and experimental data suggests that the proposed approach can be used by designers when developing pump units. | ||||||||
Okorokova N. S., Prokof'ev M. V., Pushkin K. V., Sevruk S. D., Suvorova E. V., Farmakovskaya A. A. The possibility of using alkaline-stannate electrolytes in hydronic chemical current source as the hydrogen generator. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 83 The article presents the investigations results of the most effective electrolyte-cathode compositions searching for hydronic chemical current source (CCS) with an aluminum anode. We examined current-voltage characteristics (CVC) of some metals and alloys — nickel, molybdenum, titanium, and steel Ст3 in purely alkaline electrolyte (4 M NaOH), and in alkaline electrolyte with addition of sodium stannate: 4M NaOH + 0,06M Na2SnO3∙3H2O. This alkali-stannate electrolyte has been sel ected for research because it is the most effective in terms of alkali aluminum anode corrosion inhibition in air-aluminum (AA) CCS with a gas diffusion cathode (GDC). The best CVC in pure alkaline solution were obtained for molybdenum and nickel. However, molybdenum as the cathode showed a high tendency to hydrogen embrittlement. After a series of cathode tests the electrode made of molybdenum foil (0.1 mm) collapsed when installed in the test cell due to the small deforming effects. In the alkaline-stannate electrolyte CVC of cathodes made of different metals were significantly deteriorateв due to the formation of the tin coating on the surface to a different degree, especially in prolonged and/or repeated use. To explain the causes of different degree of potential reduction we carried out the structure investigations of the formed coating in the alkali-stannate electrolyte of electrodes made of various metals. The investigations were made by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The surface of nickel electrode was studied. The electrode was tested as the cathode for three experiments in a row to obtain discharge characteristics of a hydronic CCS in a cell with an anode fr om an Al-In alloy. Stationary discharge current was set to 1000 A/m2. As the experiments showed, the structure of the tin coating formed on the electrode surface is porous with a high degree of porosity (~ 50%). It causes the difference in the CVCs of cathodes of different metals due to hydrogen evolution, both on the surface of the substrate (base material), and on surface coating. Thus, it is shown that the use of stannate ions additives to the alkaline electrolyte of a hydronic CCS is undesirable, since it leads to deterioration of cathodes’ characteristics. Therefore, for inhibiting of the aluminum anode corrosion and, thereby, for increasing its use factor, it is necessary to introduce additions of organic inhibitors in an alkaline electrolyte of a hydronic CCS. | ||||||||
Kaz'min A. I., Manin V. A., Fedyunin P. A., Ivanutkin A. G. Stand for investigation of electro-physical parameters radio-absorbing material and coatings used for reducing radar visibility aviation complexes. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 83 Experimental studies of the properties of radio-absorbing materials and coatings to solve the problem reducing the radar visibility of aviation complexes occupy a unique position. Foreign and domestic experience shows that without development of laboratory-polygon base to achieve significant results on this issue is impossible. One of the main problems in experimental research within the problem of reduction the radar visibility is the study of electro-physical parameters of radio-absorbing material such as, complex permittivity and permeability, wave resistance and coating thickness. The purpose of research is to develop a laboratory stand for research of electrophysical parameters of radio-absorbing materials and coatings. The principle of operation of the laboratory stand is based on the effect «spill» slow surface electromagnetic waves on a plane surface and scan results from the interaction of the field with a coating layer in the functions of the complex electro-physical and geometrical parameters (permittivity and magnetic permeability and thickness of the coating) As a result of theoretical and experimental studies designed laboratory bench for the study of electrophysical parameters of radio-absorbing materials and coatings. The advantages of the proposed device is to provide non-contact measurement, high efficiency and accuracy of measurements, a large number of simultaneously monitored parameters, low cost primary transmitter and at least elements of the device. The resulting specifications developed by the laboratory stand can effectively use it in the study of electro-physical parameters existing and emerging models of radio-absorbing materials and coatings aviation complexes . Besides laboratory bench can be used as a basis for the design and development of modern equipment for controlling the parameters of radio-absorbing materials perspective aviation complexes with reduced radar signature. | ||||||||
Volokitin D. A., Knyazeva V. V., Rumyantsev D. S. Stability system and camera control for aero video shooting with unmanned aircraft. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 83 The work is dedicated to the creation of the camera stabilization and control system, located on board of the unmanned airplane with take-off weight not exceeding 15 kg. The task was to improve features of video shooting to the large range of angles at which the camera can be rotated with respect to the aircraft. Thus, it was important to provide a mode in which the camera is able to film even in the upper hemisphere of the aircraft at angles up to + 20˚ above the horizontal plane, while in most UAVs camera overlooks only the lower hemisphere. The main objective was to maintain the video camera, installed on board the UAV, in a given direction when maneuvering in the air. To solve this problem was performed as follows: — the controller, position sensors and acceleration were set; — the motherboard with the necessary inputs and outputs were set up; — a mathematical model of the aircraft, algorithms and programs for controlling the position of video camera were developed; — the regimes of observation «In the direction», «At the rate» and «Tracking point» were realized; — possible to change the settings of Camera: aperture, shutter speed, focal length, etc.; — given mass-dimensional characteristics were kept up; — the camera functions control was provided to the operator in real-time. The block of video camera was built into the fuselage of the aircraft. Whole device fits into a cylinder with a base diameter of 0.15 m and height 0.15 m. One of the main tasks was solved — to make the camera independent of the inertia of the aircraft. Low-inertia precision solenoid motor rotates the camera head around each axis. The range of variation of the angles of the first axis: ± 180°, on the second axis: between +20° to −120°. Created system allows you to shoot along the longitudinal axis of the aircraft and to view the upper hemisphere. Stabilization of the camera head is performed by a PID controller. The complex is able to solve problems of finding people, detection of fires in the forest and, of course, the problems of intelligence service. | ||||||||
Klenov E. A., Kukhtichev A. A., Skorodumov S. V. Development of hardware-software complex for control of the physical state of aviation specialists using wearable devices of microelectronics. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 83 Most of aircrafts in aviation and aerospace can be represented as a combination of two main components: the technical part — the mechanisms of varying complexity, and the team of aviation specialists (pilots, astronauts, navigators, air traffic controllers) that control the aircraft and supporting their performance. To ensure the control of aviation specialists physical state (PhS) we should use special wearable devices of microelectronics (WDM), implemented in the form of smart bracelets, watches, lenses or glasses and the elements of smart clothes. Controllable WDM data (heart rate, blood pressure, muscle strength, and others) are transmitted to the data center (DC) as a part of a hardware-software complex «TsifroMed» using techniques of biofeedback (BFB) which representing a man as a biological control object. The system «TsifroMed» collects and analyzes the data from WDM and provides a team of analysts a wide range of capabilities for monitoring, coordination and communication with the aviation specialists: emergency medical assistance, alert other crew members PhS of aviation specialists (in particular the pilot), change tracking PhS during continuous operation, the detection of abnormalities in the preparatory phase of the pilot and providing an immediate impact by sending signals to the elements of smart clothes etc. The study focuses on a team of aviation specialists (the interaction and communication with them) and continuous monitoring of their PhS, to minimize the risk of accidents and air crashes caused by human factor. Such monitoring will reveal a variety of problems, such as during the preparation of aviation specialists, and in the course of their work, for example, reveal the impossibility of transferring physical overload fighter pilot or astronaut to maintain the health of muscles during long-duration space flight. The basis of system «TsifroMed» is a three-tier architecture — an architectural model that assumes the presence of three components: 1) the client (the client layer as user interface); 2) application server (logic layer as program modules and data handler); 3) database server (data layer as store large amounts of data). The study notes the particular importance of monitoring the physical condition of aviation specialists, both at the stage of their preparation and at the stage of execution of their duties as pilots, astronauts, navigators, air traffic controllers and others. To solve the problem, we developed a prototype of information system «TsifroMed» (as a hardware and software system) that provides continuous monitoring of the physical condition of aviation specialists on the basis of indications of portable devices using microelectronic technologies of biofeedback. Implementation of «TsifroMed» in the aerospace industry would minimize the risk of accidents and air crashes caused by human factor, to exclude a variety of risks, such as those associated with large congestion or long stay in weightlessness and improve the training quality of future aviation specialists. | ||||||||
Surovtsev R. S., Gazizov T. R. Evaluation of Signal Integrity in Printed Circuit Boards of Spacecraft Autonomous Navigation System. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 83 The paper proves the topicality of assurance of signal integrity in spacecraft autonomous navigation systems. As it is important to achieve import substitution and technological independence, we propose to use domestic system of computer modeling of electromagnetic compatibility. We provide results of analyses of various circuits of real printed circuit boards of spacecraft autonomous navigation systems with and without estimation of losses and real loads in time and frequency domains. The analysis is carried out by means of quasi-static approach implemented in the TALGAT software. Three illustrative cases are examined. Firstly, influence of boundary conditions on the wave form in the coupled lines was evaluated with and without estimation of losses in the conductors and dielectrics. We revealed that mismatching of a line at the beginning and at the end leads to the big number of reflections, which can be used for correction of the signal rise time degradation due to the losses in real interconnects. Then, we evaluated the level of crosstalk and the transmission coefficient in the five-conductor line in time and frequency domains. The worst case is when one conductor is being simultaneously affected by all others. As a result, we obtained high level of crosstalk, at the near end it is 6.5% of the signal level in the active line, at the far end it is 2.8%. Simulation in frequency domain showed that the first crosstalk maximum in the passive conductor is 20% of the signal level in the active line, and it can be seen at the frequency close to those of the navigation systems. Finally, evaluation of synchronization of signals in the differential pair was carried out. The obtained difference of the signals is rather big, 3.5% of the signal in the active conductor. | ||||||||
Dembitsky N. L., Lutsenko A. V., Pham V. A. Expert system in technological preparation of parts assembling process on printed circuit board. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 83 The article considers the approach to solution of the problem of production method options selection applied in assembling electrical components on a printed circuit board (PCB) implementing a knowledge base and expert system. The study aims at creating the software providing process design allowing automatize the primary information processing on the parameters of production methods options realization. Introduction of expert system to the software was made necessary due to the need to analyze interrelated factors, affecting the effectiveness of a technological process. All the factors were combined into eight groups with in accordance calculating assignments. These groups of factors generate libraries of basic program classes, which encapsulate inside the main features and methods of production methods parameters processing. The interaction of these classes is realized through the external memory (blackboard), where the values of all parameters of a production method are stored. The study considers the example of implementation of the suggested model for estimation of selection of the equipment for radio components on PCBs according to the effective items peak output criterion. The parametric model of assembly errors contains four logically interconnected models: component model, PCB model, assembly robot model, and technological operation model. Each of the models determines analytical and logical dependencies of the factors affecting the effectiveness of a production method, and is represented in the program complex by the class. The developed mathematical models are generic models for prediction of production method of PCB-based units’ efficiency. They allow perform calculations of quality evaluation and production method options selection according to reference books data (components structure, equipment parameters and materials) The knowledge base in the form of library of classes provides opportunities to expand the functionality of the software for optimization of technological preparation for assembling PCB-based units. The output of expert system provides optimization problem model in canonical form, which is used in the optimization algorithm The suggested approach is experimentally and small-scale production oriented, where the performance of highly costed analysis is limited by financial resources and the lack of qualified specialists. | ||||||||
Kuznetsov A. S., Kuznetsov S. N., Postnikova V. N. Methods of conversion of parametrical models of components modules at the design of Radio technical systems. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 83 The system approach in the course of the development of radio technical systems allows significantly reduce the development time and cost by using the modules of different production readiness [1]. The basis of information support of such of design systems is a database (DB), which is used for storage and selection of both parametrical models of the RTS modules, and parametrical models of the whole projects of Radio-Technical systems (RTS). Thus, a need emerges to carry out conversion of parametrical models of modules and their characteristics from the module storage format into the project storage format. The execution time of procedure of modules converting in many respects depends both on DB’s creating, and on algorithms of performance of the separate functions, included in the procedure. To reduce the time of the converting procedure and thereby improve performance of the whole CAD is possible by using of the capabilities of modern databases. Particularly, it is possible to use one of the two methods of creating of D. B.— by using cursor or temporary tables. In the first case cursor, which represents the area in random access memory of the D. B. server to which all selected component modules are successively stored. In the second case, the parameters of the selected modules are stored in the temporary table. The conversion procedure is reduced to assigning to each module a unique composite key that corresponds to the format of the current project. For a large number of convertible modules the second case is preferable since using the cursor process of converting is carried out sequentially (line by line). That increases the time of conversion. The most resource-intensive part of the process of conversion is a function of performing a hierarchical query. For creation a hierarchical query, it is possible to use such method as «parent/child» or method, which uses the type of data of HierarchyID [4, 5]. The main advantage of the HierarchyID method in comparison with the method of Parent/Child, is the ability eliminate the cycles and recursive queries CTE, which implementation consumes a lot of time. Particularly, when the number of modules (N) equals 10000, the time of query execution with the HierarchyID method, will be 15 times less, than in the first case. Therefore, this method is useful for a large number of modules, included in the hierarchical tree. Thus, based on our research, we can conclude that the implementation of the conversion procedure for large Ns (N > 1000), to improve the performance of date support CAD it is reasonable to use DB with temporary tables, and while executing hierarchical query — a method, that uses the data type HierarchyID. At the same time, with a small number of modules (N < 1000), both during convertsion procedure realization, and executing hierarchical queries, D. B.’s performance does not significantly depend on its structure. In this case, it makes sense to implement D. B. with simpler structure realization, such as, with the cursor using, and to execution of hierarchical requests — the Parent/Child method. | ||||||||
Serkin F. B., Vazhenin N. A., Veytsel V. V. Analysis of signal-to-noise ratio estimation algorithms based on inphase and quadrature components of the received signal. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 83 Signal-to-noise ratio estimation plays significant role in state of art communication, navigation and location systems. Signal-to-noise ratio affect performance of these systems and its estimation can be used to control systems and adopt its characteristics for various conditions. The paper presents a comparative analysis of various signal-to-noise estimation algorithms. These algorithms based on quadrature components of the received signal. Considered the quality of operation of these algorithms in two cases: when the phase synchronization has zero error, and when there is a various fixed error. All considered algorithms can be divided into two categories: based on in-phase and quadrature components itself and based on received signal vector length. Analysis performed for channel with additive white Gaussian noise and binary phase shift keying modulation. MATLAB/Simulink software used to simulate realizations of algorithms in described specific environment. Algorithms accuracy analysis obtained for 10% maximum error. The results of the work can be concluded as follows: all considered algorithms have estimation errors for signal-to-noise ratio of less than 10 dB; the minimum level of these errors can be achieved with algorithm (2.31); algorithms, that are effective in the presence of phase synchronization error, and algorithms, that are effective in the case of zero phase synchronization error, can be selected; algorithms based on received signal vector length are resistant to phase synchronization errors, but they have highest errors in less than 10 dB area. | ||||||||
Koteshkov M. A., Dobrov V. P., Klochkov V. V. Methods of high technology products’ serial and pilot production capacity level optimization (on example of satellite communication equipment). Trudy MAI, 2015, no 83 In this article we consider the problem of optimizing the production capacity of the serial and pilot manufacturing of high-tech products characterized by urgent and unpredictable nature of orders, and the need for prompt release of prototypes and pilot batches of products for testing and debugging. To optimize the level of capacity and equipment performance in the field of serial production we propose an adapted model of multi-channel queuing system with a queue. Among the losses due to expectation lags are also taken into account logistic losses caused by storage of expensive component and work in progress. We optimize both the number of service channels and their characteristics (from a discrete set of options), which allows to optimize the parameters of the production equipment and technology, and to assess the effectiveness of flexible equipment and technology implementation. We compose a model of a new product release process consisting of two stages: the development of pilot production and mastering of serial production. We take into account that the latter costs less. We formulate a problem of finding the optimal ratio of the serial and pilot production levels. Using the developed mathematical models and optimization methods, we carry out parametric calculations using measurable technological parameters one of the high-tech industries. It is shown that in this industry even a significant redundancy of capacity of serial production (up to 20-50%) may be optimal, and such a redundancy allows to increase the expected profits of enterprises for a 10-20%, and to reduce significantly (30-50%) the orders execution duration. The optimal level of pilot productions’ capacity can reach 20-50% with respect to mass production, but only under the condition that pilot production provides a significant — 3-5 times — reducing the time of pilot batches production, and the increase in costs will not exceed 20-30%, compared with mass production. The developed methods and models require only measurable initial data and can be used in various industries to optimize the level of production capacity, characteristics of the production equipment and technology. | ||||||||
Petrov I. A. Multi-Channel Microwave Band Switches for High Levels of the Switched Power. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 83 Controlling devices for microwave range with semiconductor elements (SE) are intended for controlling amplitude and phase of signals, and switching signal for different channels commutation. Controlling devices include breakers, electrically controlled attenuators, multiple channel switches and switching matrixes, phase inverters. Recently p-i-n diodes and field-effect transistors with Shottky gate are used for controlling devices, including multiple channel switching devices as SE. The multiple channel switches can be implemented as series, series-parallel and parallel cut-in SE inline. The channels of the switches can bifurcate both from one point, or consist of consecutively bifurcating switching groups, in which case they have a more broadband operational frequencies. The necessary condition for creating the switches for increased power level is a compensational capacity of reactive parameters of SE in the structure of the switch. The capacitance compensation of the semiconductor structure allows use SE with smaller impedances in on- and off-mode, to reduce the power dissipation in SE, raise rated dissipation power and, consequently, raise significantly the microwave power commutated by the switch. This report analyzes the main circuits of the multi-channel switches, their advantages and disadvantages. It shows that using the broadband structures with short-circuit and open-circuit stubs in different circuit designs of the multi-channel switches allows increase the operating frequency range, reduce the open channel losses, enlarge the closed channel decoupling, increase the level of commutated microwave power. The improvement of electric parameters of switches is connected with proposed circuit configurations, which allow compensating input reactive conductance of stubs, short-circuits and SE, connected to transmission path of the open channel. | ||||||||
Strobel O. . Automatic train control system with using of fiber optic wireless Local Area Networks. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 83 This article presents the design of optimum WLAN-Settings for maximum throughput or respectively minimum of collisions in a WLAN over fibre system. Although it is shown that the fibre delay might violate some of the timing boundaries of the media access (MAC) protocol, with a careful choice of slot time, these networks can benefit even without the need for modifying the existing protocol. The network topology is based on a WLAN-Environment that is used in a subway in Nanjing (China) to accomplish the Trainguard MT System. Radio over fibre (RoF) technology enables both, distribution of wireless signals over long distances and reducing costs of antenna sites, since the signal processing can be done at a central point. The 802.11 standards were developed for WLAN’s which operate in relatively small areas, where no significant signal delay occurs. Normally the propagation delay in air is much smaller than 1 µs. In WLAN over fibre systems additional delay time occurs. The propagation time is the sum of an air propagation delay and the delay caused by the propagation through the fibre. In continuous communication or point-communication conditions, Siemens Automatic Train Control (ATC) system ensures train safety and continuous supervision. The safety of train separation is based on the moving block principle. The ATC sets two terms on data stream. The throughput for the ATC has to be 10 kBit/s for downlink and 1 kBit/s for uplink, and every transmitted frame must not be older than 10 ms. There are two typical frame sizes used by the ATC system. 30% of all frames are 170 Byte in size and 70% are 220 Byte in size. The used WLAN standard is 802.11b, therefore the maximum throughput is 11 MBit/s. The simulation results have shown that WLAN over fibre can only be realized with the change of slot time depending on the length of fibre. For demonstration that there are too many collisions without the change of the slot time, another simulation has been performed. The result fr om a simulation shows wh ere the slot time has not been changed. Especially the retry-counter reaches often its maximum value, which leads to the fact that frames were discarded. As a result the ATC system fails because now many frames have not been transmitted within a period of 100 ms. In summary, it can be stated that without a change in slot time there are too many collisions, thus leading to a system failure. Therefore the slot time is enlarged by the latency time. Thus, finally it has been proofed that a common MAC-Layer can be used in a WLAN over fiber scenario. | ||||||||
Yakimov V. L., Pankratov A. V. Algorithm of Diagnostic Signs Formation for Onboard Dynamic Systems Based on Hurst Index. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 83 The effective signs search for an onboard systems states assessment is the important trend of technical diagnostics. It is especially actual in the conditions of emergency functioning. The results of various flight tests of space-rocket hardware allowed obtain acceptable statistical material, showing that temporal rows of telemetric parameters of onboard dynamic systems in the conditions of emergency functioning are characterized by existence of different trends, noises and jams. To detect such features of temporary rows it is possible to use methods on based on RS-statistics and Hurst index calculation. The developed algorithm of diagnostic signs formation includes Hurst evaluation in an «observation window» on temporary rows on the set of telemetric parameters; smoothing of the received Hurst indices estimates within «a smoothing window»; determination of the distribution law of diagnostic signs on telemetric parameters realizations; formation of confidential intervals (admissions) on the received diagnostic signs; optimization of algorithm parameters. The formed diagnostic signs were used for processing of onboard dynamic systems telemetric parameters of the carrier rocket and the small spacecraft. The possibility of clustering of the proposed diagnostic signs for telemetric parameters of one or several similar objects was shown. The analysis of telemetric information with use of the offered diagnostic signs allows detect differences between states of onboard dynamic systems, including conditions of emergency functioning. The used approach combined with classical methods has to increase efficiency and reliability of the automated processing of telemetric information of the space-rocket hardware objects. | ||||||||
Osipov N. A., Shavin A. S., Tarasov A. G. Communication channels models of the automated systems of preparation and start-up of rockets of space appointment in Simulink. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 83 Article is devoted working out of program models of the communication channels in Simulink. Models are intended for the analysis of reliability of an information transfer by preparation and start-up of rockets of space appointment as processes of updating and re-equipment of starting complexes demand support of high quality of the information exchange, considering features of functioning of the automated systems of preparation and start-up. At construction of communication channels models in Simulink library Communications System Toolbox blocks, and also blocks of subsection Ports&Subsystems have been used, allowing to model a feedback and the duplicated channel by means of such algorithmic designs, as a cycle with a postcondition and conditional transition. The program model of the communication channels with a solving feedback in Simulink is developed, allowing to analyze reliability of an information transfer with application of the codes which are finding out errors. The program model of the duplicated channel of an information transfer with a solving feedback in Simulink is developed, allowing to analyze reliability and a continuity of process of an information transfer. The developed models can be used for formation of statistical data necessary at an estimation reliability of an information transfer and definition of dependence of values of indicators of reliability from parameters of a transferred file, characteristics of the channel with noise, algorithms of coding and decoding. The offered models are intended for carrying out of computer experiments within the limits of educational process and research work, and also for perfection of knowledge in the field of the theory of an information transfer and skills of modeling of information-operating systems. | ||||||||
Sychev M. I., Fesenko S. V. Estimation of coordinates and parameters of movement of aircrafts by the information from radar. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 83 Growth of intensity of air traffic and requirements on its safety leads to increase of requirements on support of trajectories of aircrafts on all sites of flight, including zones of intensive maneuvering. The particular interest is represented thereupon by multiple model algorithms. Multiple model methods have been generally considered the mainstream approach to maneuvering target tracking under motion-mode uncertainty. Aircraft movement is described by several models of possible movement. For example, for civil aircrafts at the description of horizontal movement three models are usually used. The first basic model is uniform movement. The second model is turn (circle movement). The third is change of speed. Aircraft tracking is carried out under the information fr om surveillance facilities. Today the primary and secondary surveillance radars are used. The general approach to the solving of a problem of aircraft tracking is the description of its movement by several models. Target tracking is a hybrid estimation problem. The condition vector describing coordinates and parameters of aircraft movement has the discrete parameter. It is interpreted as an index of model of aircraft movement. This parameter is described by a Markov’s chain with the matrix of probabilities of transition from one condition to another. In the literature the formal conclusion of the algorithm describing change of density of distribution of probabilities of a condition vector is spent. The target motion-mode uncertainty exhibits itself in the situations wh ere a target may undergo a known or unknown maneuver during an unknown time period. In general, a nonmaneuvering aircraft motion and different maneuvers can be described only in different motion models. The use of an incorrect model often leads to unacceptable results. A primary approach to target tracking in the presence of motion-mode uncertainty is the so-called multiple model method, which is one of the most natural approaches to hybrid estimation. In practice, constructive algorithms are based on a Gaussian approximation of the density distribution of probabilities function. Usually it is interpret as linearization. Block diagrams of three types multiple model algorithms are presented. Comparison of their characteristics was made. Results of simulations are presented. | ||||||||
Bulygin M. L., Vnotchenko S. L. Synthesised radar aperture eclipsing and nadir return graphs in MATLAB. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 83 This paper discusses the calculation method of spaceborne synthesised aperture radar (SAR) eclipsing and nadir return graphs in MATLAB. Spaceborne SAR systems operate in conditions of effect of blind zones and nadir returns presence. The correct selection of the period of repetition frequency of the probing signal allows reduce the effect of these factors on the echo-signal. However, distribution of these factors depends on slant range and spacecraft orbit height. Theses parameters, in turn, depend on the height of the terrain. The paper presents geometric relationships of SAR side view including orbit high changes and height of the terrain. Signal timings of probe, echo and nadir signals are set out. Eclipsing and nadir return graphs are calculated and built using MATLAB functions. Graphs were plotted as functions of slant range and repetition period. The effect of terrain and elevation changes of the orbit of the spacecraft on the position of eclipsing and nadir returns zones on graph were studied. Linear dependence between slant range and repetition period for boarders of eclipsing and nadir returns zones was found. An analytical dependence between number of eclipsing and nadir returns and their positions on graph was established. The results of graphs calculations in MATLAB and using analytical dependences completely coincide. Thus, presented analytical dependences help to calculate positions of eclipsing and nadir return zones on graphs much easier and quickly. For example, these analytical dependences can be used to produce an on board algorithm of spaceborne SAR probe signal repetition period calculation. | ||||||||
Leshko N. A., Ashurkov I. S. Calculation of working zone of multiposition radar system by the exterior light source. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 83 Purpose The article is dedicated to the development of methodical approach to the evaluation of the usage of the exterior radar system as light source for the multiposition radar system (MPRS) in conditions of lack of prior data about the light source coordinates. As an uncooperative transmitter there was considered RS AN/APY-2 of the plane of long-distance radar detection and of system control AWACS. Design/methodology/approach Here were evaluated the possibilities of radar facilities in the survey of sizes and position of working zone. Working zone of MPRS is determined by the light source as the crossing of detection zone and position finding zone. We indicated relations for the evaluation of position finding zones, detection and working zone by the light source using goniometrical and differentially-ranging methods of coordinates calculation. Condition of using possibility of uncooperative transmitter as light source of MPRS and forming of initial data for the calculation of the working zone of the system is belonging of the coordinates of light source to the working zone. If the light source is within working zone then it’s possible to form initial data for the calculation of working zone by using targets. Otherwise, it’s necessary to reduce requirements to the indices of detection quality and accuracy of measurement of light source coordinates. Findings/Originality/value The suggested methodology of designing of working zone of MPRS by the uncooperative light source allows evaluation of possibility of its usage in multiposition RS and differs from the known in the lack of prior data about exterior light source coordinates. | ||||||||
Yudin V. N., Kamnev E. A. Principles of creation of anti-navigation interference field. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 83 Currently there is a rapid development of satellite radionavigation systems (RNS), which stimulates not only civil but also military needs. Therefore, in situations of conflict arising the need to counter satellite RNS. The purpose of counteraction is to create difficulties for the successful solution of the navigation issues in the enemy consumer equipment of satellite RNS. Counteraction to consumer equipment of satellite RNS may be achieved by creating anti-navigation field (ANF) for solving tasks: 1. Counteractions to dangerous objects equipped with the apparatus of satellite RNS by electronic countermeasures (ECM). For the solution of such tasks the spatial area within which objects are located and neutralized must be known. 2. Protection of own objects fr om weapons guided on these objects through the information received from the equipment of satellite RNS by ECM (object protection). Usually initial data for the organization of the object protection are coordinates of protected objects, possible kinds of weapons and also dangerous directions of attacks. 3. Protection of area (region, several regions of the country) from any weapon equipped with the apparatus of satellite RNS by ECM. This task is comprehensive. Solution of one automatically means solution of the private tasks 1 and 2. Particular interest is the evaluation of possibilities of creation of the ANF for the protection of the territory. Traditional approaches for the object protection in this case are unacceptable. The approach based on joint using of jammers and spoofers in the ANF is suggested. The advantage of this approach lies in the facts that basic energy costs are used for the creation of the ANF in the barrier zone, wh ere jammers are located, and in the rest of the protected area low power spoofers are located, which provide sharp decrease of summary energy costs for the creation of the ANF. | ||||||||
Pomazueva E. A. Software for solving the problem of parametric synthesis of optimal average generalized PID-controller for the flight control problems. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 83 The solution to the PID-controller optimal parameter search for the flight control problem for a given set of initial states and the set of input signals is obtained. An algorithm and software is suggested. The novelty of the approach is to add the term with the second derivative of the error and to calculate the integral component not on the whole time interval, but only on an interval defined by a «memory» of the system in the application of the optimality criterion controller parameters characterizing the average cumulative error with respect to the set of possible initial system states and set of input signals. The problem is solved as an unconstrained minimization problem for a function of several variables using the method of simulated annealing followed by refinement of the result by adaptive random search. Solve the problem of finding optimal parameters of the PID controller for the longitudinal motion of the aircraft is given. A comparative analysis of the impact of the controller parameters on the quality of transition process and appropriate recommendations are made. The software, which has a modular structure and user-friendly interface and implements the proposed procedure for solving the problem. This software allows you to arrange the results in tables and graphs. This paper shows that the proposed technology solutions and the corresponding software can reduce the value of the criterion, as compared to its initial value, and improve the quality of the transition process. The suggested technology of solution of the parametric synthesis problem can be useful for solving of engineering problems by construct of PID-controllers. | ||||||||
Glebov I. V., Kotenko V. D. Automatic control method of vacuum prepregs technology manufacture. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 83 Automatic control system is an integral part of any modern manufacturing techniques. Prepreg technology of production of composite materials is by far the most common and used. Prepregs for advanced composite materials, both structural and functional, are produced by various methods with a high degree of automation. However, there are a prepregs, production of which, even today, is the long method of impregnation of workpieces by immersion in the impregnating composition. This duration is due to the high requirements on the content of polymer in the prepreg and the uniformity of its distribution. To accelerate the technological process of manufacture of the prepregs MSFU jointly with ZAO ZEM of RSC Energia. S. P. Korolev was developed vacuum technology repeated impregnation with intermediate vacuum dryers. However, the method of control of polymer in the prepreg is proposed in this technology not provides high accuracy and process automation. The article describes the method of automatic control of the production process of a prepreg for the implementation of this technology. Control method is the constant monitoring of the weight of the impregnated preform on stages vacuum impregnation and vacuum drying. This allows from the mass difference, measured after a specified period of time, to determine the amount of impregnating composition arrived in the impregnation or the quantity of the removed solvent by vacuum drying. For the implementation of this method uses a special impregnating chamber, equipped with a weighing system billet-based force sensors and the control system, which, by the calculated values, produces the inclusion of modes of vacuum impregnation and drying of the workpiece. For this, the system has various control circuits. The loop of temperature control maintains a constant temperature in the impregnation chamber. The loop of pressure control by opening and closing the electromagnetic valves connected to the vacuum line and the atmosphere, creates the necessary pressure chamber for the flow of process vacuum impregnation or vacuum drying of the workpiece. The contour control valve binder is using a servo drive to control the amount of binder which comes in workpiece that allows you to set a predetermined rate of impregnation. The article presents the algorithm of the system control that can be applied in the software implementation. Thus, the method of automatic control of the process of manufacturing the prepreg allows with high accuracy to control the parameters of the prepreg by to the content of the polymer and to smoothly control the production process to obtain the best distribution of the polymer on the area and the thickness of the prepreg. | ||||||||
Pegachkova E. A., Kondarattsev V. L. Searching of safe capabilities of effectively defeats the aim. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 83 Consider the problem the problem of searching for optimal from the point of safety of bomber in the bombing on a protected ground aim command vector on the basis of constructing a mathematical model of a two-step algorithm of making a decision is considered. For this the brief substantiation of the choice of a stochastic model for the first step of the algorithm is given, the problem of constructing a payoff function for the second step is considered in the work. A program with test examples demonstrating the operation of the algorithm with real data set is made on the basis of the primary model. Due to the specificity of such systems the question is broached of connection of continuous and discrete systems which has raised a large number of important problems in such priority area for the country as aviation technologies. As a result of the construction of a formal model, a part of the software package was written, which is responsible for finding of the optimal probability of safe target hit. Based on the input of instant tactical situation, the dynamics of flight and data on the impact zone, a probabilistic assessment of the effectiveness of getting into this area is built, as well as the assessment of the effectiveness of the scatter fragments based on preselected mechanical model of bomb explosions. The program builds a possible strategy by combining all the defined actions of releasing the bomb. The payoff function, which is basically a preference relation on fuzzy sets, sets encourage or punitive terms for each situation on a set of pairs of strategies and combinations of all set in the program of discrete and continuous parameters that are sampled for the ultimate goal. As a result, the optimal strategy, if it exists, is displayed for recommendations of dropping the bomb. Except for the specific settings reset, three main situations are considered: reset is not recommended due to the low probability of falling into the impact zone; reset is not recommended because of the risk of the process; reset is recommended, and reset parameters are available to the pilot. Note that most of the research carried out in this paper is devoted to the building of preference relationships for the construction of the payoff function. As the main results can be noted following things. After the analysis of «Bomber — Air Defense» interaction system a primary decision-making model for instant tactical situation was founded, as well as the software package piece responsible for the search of the optimal strategy. | ||||||||
Bezglasnyi S. P., Krasnov M. V., Mukhametzyanova A. A. Parametric Control of Plane Motions of a Barbell Shaped Satellite. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 82 The paper considers the problem of a barbell shaped artificial satellite plane motions control. The satellite is modeled as a weighable rod with two point masses, fixed at its ends. The third mass point can move along the rod. The satellite motions in relation to its center of mass take place in Newtonian gravitational field. The barbell shaped satellite has two stable equilibrium positions in circular orbit. The authors discuss the possibilities of a pendulum oscillation build-up and damping parametric control in the vicinity of low equilibrium position. Problems of the gravitational stabilization with reference to plane disturbances of diametrically opposite relative equilibrium positions of the satellite in a circular orbit are studied. A continuous control law of a moving mass is formulated according to a swing-by concept. We implement the control law by continuous variation of the distance between the satellite center of mass and the moving mass. This control represents the function, depending on the phase state vector representative point of the barbell shaped satellite. The goal of this paper is building new control laws with preset properties. These laws should realize the processes of the satellite oscillation build-up and damping in the vicinity of low equilibrium position. Moreover, they should provide the satellite re-orientation, while it moves from one equilibrium position to the other, diametrically opposite, as well as gravitational stabilization of the satellite two opposite equilibrium position in relation to the local vertical. We solved the problem by the method of Lyapunov’s functions of the classical theory of stability. In this paper control laws of oscillation build-up and damping, diametrical reorientation and gravitational stabilization in relation to the local vertical of the dumbbell shaped artificial satellite are built. The Lyapunov’s functions that prove the asymptotic stability and instability of the satellite two equilibrium positions in cases of its damping and oscillation build-up correspondingly are selected. It is shown that with controlled movements according to the first law the asymptotic damping of oscillation amplitude of satellite occurs under any initial conditions of the movements. When implementing control according to the second law the growth of the oscillations amplitude and transition from oscillatory to rotational motion takes place. Theoretical results are illustrated by graphical representation of the numerical results. The results presented in the paper can be used for modeling and control of plane pendulum movements of various space mechanical systems. | ||||||||
Okonechnikov A. S., Tarlakovsky D. V., Fedotenkov G. V. Unsteady motion of a concentrated load, applied to the boundary of the half-space. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 82 Abstract Purpose In some aircraft engineering problems it is necessary to take into account different unsteady state effects. Such effects can occur, for example, when the aircraft contacts with small solid particles from the atmosphere. In such problems sometimes one has to take into account the movement of the load, produced by such particles. Also such problem can be interested in high-speed transport engineering. In general formulation of the problem, it is extremely difficult to analyze such effects. In this paper the unsteady state response of a half-space due to a concentrated moving load is proposed. The half-space material is assumed isotropic, elastic and homogeneous. By means of the proposed method we found the solution of the problem and analyzed all possible singularities of the solution for different speed modes. Approach This problem is formulated in terms of elastic potentials. The load is modeled by means of Dirac’s function. In this formulation, the load has a random law of motion. After the problem is formulated, the superposition principle is applied. In this principle the Lamb’s problem solution is used as a Green’s function. After the general analysis, it is necessary to assume some definite law of motion of the load. Findings As an example, the case of load movement with constant velocity has been studied. The solution has been obtained and the result is analytical. A part of great interest play singularities of the solution on different speed modes and on some critical velocities. Such critical velocities like- speed of Rayleigh wave, and speed of elastic waves. Practical implications Such results can be used in transport engineering. Effect of Rayleigh wave as a result of train wheels and rails contact. Our results can help to find avoid such undesirable effects. Originality This is first time this problem was fully analyzed. In different papers only quasi-stationary or steady response was researched. Some authors obtained approximate solutions, our result is analytical and accurate. | ||||||||
Belostochny G. N., Myltcina O. A. Static and dynamic behavior of shallow shells under the influence of quickly changing temperature and force impacts. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 82 The paper investigates two classes of shallow shells, such as bicurved and constant twisting shells, based on desultory thermoelasticity. The bicurved shell is subjected to linear temperature field through shell thickness as well as quickly changed power load along spacial coordinate on two opposite edges. The constant twisting shell stays in convective heat exchange state with the environment through main surfaces. At a certain time instant, the external surface of the shell is subjected to a concentrated force for a time interval. During this time interval an abrupt change of temperature occurs (loss and restoration of thermal protection). It leads to temperature difference change. Thermal conductivity and thermoelasticity solutions were obtained by trigonometric series superposition methods with variable coefficients over spacial coordinate and products of polynomials by the Heaviside functions. In case of constant twist shell we used double trigonometric series wing coefficients variable over time coordinate. Equations for coefficients of approximating series were obtained in closed forms that are extremely convenient for quantitative analysis. We obtained numerous 3D static images of bicurved shell deflection surface, and graphs of forms of deflection and middle surface points movement of a constant twist shell versus geometric parameters, BIO number and thermal and force effects. Quantitative analysis of the obtained analytical solutions has revealed a number of regularities in the behavior of shallow shells subjected to quickly changed temperature and force effects useful for engineering analysis in well-known technical areas. | ||||||||
Fedorov M. Y., Kraus E. I., Shabalin I. I. Analysis of emergencies consequences resulted in space-based nuclear power plant reactor ground impact. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 82 Implementation of Nuclear Power Sources (NSP), including Nuclear Space Power Plants (NSPP), as onboard sources of electric power at space crafts (SC) requires nuclear and radiation safety assurance of such systems. Among other issues, it is required to assess a state of the nuclear reactor and its radioactive materials after emergencies related to an impact effect on construction. The paper considers consequences of emergencies related to NSPP’s nuclear reactor ground impact. Emergencies occur due to failures of rocket carrier stages or unsanctioned NSPP exit from a nuclear safe orbit, such as NSPP collision with space debris (SD) fragments. Consequently, the NSPS’s nuclear reactor or its burnt section, containing an active zone (AZ), may fall down to the Earth surface. 2D model numerical experiments allow gaining a state of the reactor after an impact interaction with three types of surfaces (hard — granite, semi-hard — sandstone, water), draw conclusions on a radiation hazard level of the destroyed object, and then foresee measures for mitigation of radiation accident consequences. Studies of consequences of reactor ground impact include the following stages: — Development of a geometric model adequate to a calculation method; — Calculation of shock-wave process parameters using special software developed; — Analysis and interpretation of the obtained results in terms of radiation hazard. On studying the reactor destruction process during the impact in 2D formulation we consider several models resulting from intrinsic properties, namely: cylinder models representing the cross section of the reactor, and two-dimensional model. Geometric models of the reactor, developed according to the principles given in the paper and considered in the aggregate allow assessing the hazard of the destroyed object and a state of its nuclear material with a high degree of confidence. Numerical modeling of the ground impact demonstrates that a destroyed AZ will be in undercritical state in all cases due to separation of the neutron-reflecting block and presence of safety bars containing Boron-10. | ||||||||
Nushtaev D. V., Zhavoronok S. I., Klyshnikov K. Y., Ovcharenko E. A. Combined numerical and experimental investigation of the deformed state and buckling of the meshed cylindrical shell subjected to the axial compression. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 82 A cylindrical shell of meshed structure with small axial and radial global stiffness is investigated both numerically and experimentally. The pre-buckling deformed state, the loss of the global stability of the equilibrium state with a straight shell’s axe, and the post-buckling state are studied. The experimental measurement correspond to the axial kinematic loading of the shell with one fixed end and other end moving with the fixed small velocity, so that any dynamic effect can be neglected. The deformation pattern is constructed on the groundwork of the performed tests and plotted in the frame «axial deformation — axial force». A critical force corresponding to the loss of the global stability of the initial equilibrium state of the shell is found as well as the ultimate bearing capacity of the meshed structure loaded by the axial force. The test data are used to validate the finite element model of the meshed shell that is used as a basis of numerical simulation of the buckling and the post-buckling state. The finite element modeling is performed for both linearized and fully nonlinear problem’s statement accounting the plasticity of the shell material, the non-steady contact interaction of the cells of the meshed structure during the axial compression, and the effect of the dry friction on the global bearing capacity of the structure. The effects of all the mentioned nonlinearities are investigated, and the three-dimensional stress-strain state of the meshed structure is studied; the area of plastic flow are found. The deformation pattern corresponding to these numerical results is constructed and compared with the experimental measured one. Using the obtained results the numerical model is improved, the friction coefficient is adjusted, and finally the good correlation of the test data and the numerical simulation is obtained. On the groundwork of these results the methodology of the numerical simulation of the buckling and post-buckling of meshed shells with small axial and radial rigidities is proposed. Using this methodology the numerical simulation of the meshed shell made from the titanium nickelide is performed. The buckling and the post-buckling state of the shell are simulated on the basis of the model of the superelasticity of the titanium nickelide. The area of the superelastic behavior are found. The deformation pattern is constructed on the groundwork of the numerical simulation results and plotted in the frame «axial deformation — axial force». The obtained results as well as the proposed methodology of the finite element simulation of the mechanical behavior of meshed shells during the post-buckling deformation accounting the effect of the dry friction forces in the local contact area of touching cells can be used for the computation of special elements of power plants of aerospace technic as well as for the elements of the surgical technic like the coronary stents. | ||||||||
Lokteva N. A., Serdyuk D. O., Tarlakovsky D. V. Influence of form rolling wave on a rectangular plate sound insulation properties of complex structure. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 82 Currently, the level and dynamics of development of new advanced aircrafts are making increasingly high demands on the degree of increase in noise and vibration protection. The same problems arise in other areas of new technology (machinery, transportation, automotive, and others.), Where it is necessary to ensure effective shumovibroizolyatsiyu. In recent years, all these industries there a growing interest in the use of new functional materials that allow to obtain the desired level of noise and vibration protection design elements created by the organization of the right kind of their internal structure. This leads to the need to develop new sophisticated mathematical models to describe the behavior of structural elements taking into account the peculiarities of their structure. One such model used in this study. Purpose This paper investigates the sound insulation properties of a rectangular plate, surrounded on both sides of the acoustic environment. The plate has a complicated three-layer structure (bearing layers elastic isotropic and anisotropic filler). Variants of the impact on the flat plate, cylindrical or spherical harmonic waves. For solutions used decomposition unknown functions in trigonometric series. The purpose of work is to develop an analytical method for determining the absorption coefficient of sandwich plate in the acoustic environment, and the definition of its sound insulation index depending on the type and frequency of the incoming wave.
Approach To solve the problem of the analytical methods used, which are based on the description of the occurrence of wave processes in various media via wave equations.
Findings A method for modeling the process of absorption of vibrations in the audio range for different parameters of the plate and different types of waves, affecting the barrier. This method can be used in the problems of choice of optimum parameters of three-layer absorber.
Practical implications The practical value lies in the fact that the evaluation methods obtained sound-insulating properties of the sandwich plate by reacting it with a different shape and frequency of wave action. The resulting methodology allows the design of effective sound-absorbing barrier in the acoustic environment in the frequency band of interest impinging sound waves.
Originality In this paper, based on the analysis of the interaction of elastic wave plate, a model of the elastic wave passing through a three-layer orthotropic plate with soft filler and symmetrical structure in the thickness. We study the effect of the geometry of the incoming sound wave in the sound insulating properties of three-layer barriers. | ||||||||
Ignatkin Y. M., Makeev P. V., Shomov A. I. Aerodynamic interference of helicopters main and tail rotor at horizontal yawed flight. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 82 It is known that on horizontal flights with low velocities vortex wake of main rotor rolls up, making two secondary vortex cores on the periphery of each wake. Top intensity of these cores is observed on the flight velocity V ≈ 10 m/s. There can be episodes when tail rotor of a helicopter is nearby one of these vortex cores. In this situation tail rotor happens to be in powerful unsteady field of induced velocities produced by vortex core and this may lead to sharp change in its aerodynamic characteristics, including significant rotor’s thrust drop. This fact can provoke flight accident, connected with tail rotor’s loss of efficiency and uncontrolled rotation of a helicopter. The aim of the paper is computational modeling of main and tail rotors’ interference horizontal flight regime on low velocities with sliding. The research has been conducted on the basis of non-linear blade vortical model of a rotor created at the department «Helicopter Design» of MAI and software package based on it. For main and tail rotor’s of MIL MI-2 helicopter there was been modeled horizontal flight with angle of attack of main rotor αH = 0° and flight velocity V = 10 mps and slide (yawing) angles βH = −90...90°. As a newest of computation there were obtained dependencies of tail rotor’s thrust change (due to interference for two variants of its rotational direction) on slide (yawing) angle in relation with isolated tail rotor’s thrust at the same regimes. There is observed change of relative thrust due to interference from 68% to 174% (where thrust of isolated rotor is taken as 100% in each computational point) depending on tail rotor’s rotational direction’s, flight velocity V and slide (yawing) angle βH. For the most typical regimes there is demonstrated a form of free vortical wake of main and tail rotor’s. There are analyzed reasons of interference and its influence on aerodynamic characteristics of tail rotor. The results of research can be used in the process of rational directions of tail rotor’s estimation and evaluation resources of handling in yaw (directional controllability) in flight at different regimes with yawed low velocities flight. | ||||||||
Golovnev A. V., Kotov I. A., Tarasov A. L. Numerical simulation of aerodynamic asymmetry and a method for providing lateral stability of maneuverable aircraft. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 82 The purpose of the work is studying of the possibility of providing lateral stability of maneuverable aircraft at high angles of attack due to the differential cluster deflection of wing leading edge flaps. Working method consists of the analysis and numerical experiment. Results of the work. The aerodynamic asymmetry is one of the reasons limiting the admissible angle of attack of modern maneuverable aircraft with wings extension. Modern airplanes use deflection of wing leading edges to provide smooth steady airflow around the wing leading edge. We suggest to deflect only root section of the wing leading edge, which will allow fix the airflow separation on the front edge of the end sections and to symmetrize flow vortex structure. A comparison of averaged values and the range of variation of asymmetric roll and yaw moments, as well as the lift-drag ratio of the test aircraft in various configurations deviation sections of wing leading edge flaps is performed. The calculations were carried out using the method of detached eddy simulation, which allows you to accurately determine the frequency amplitude of asymmetric moments. The features of computational grids were used to calculate the aerodynamic characteristics of the aircraft by means of the method of detached eddy simulation are shown. Analysis of the oscillation spectrum of the asymmetric rolling and yawing moments was carried out using a continuous wavelet transform. Application area of the results. The results of this work can be implemented in scientific and design organizations engaged in development of aerodynamic configurations of maneuverable aircraft and control systems, as well as at aviation universities for educational process improvement Conclusions. 1. Maneuverable aircraft reaching high angles of attack is accompanied by asymmetric rolling and yawing moments. 2. The differential deflection of wing leading edge flaps of the wing at high angles of attack allows reduce the average values of the amplitude and low-frequency components of asymmetrical lateral moments acting on the aircraft. 3. The differential deflection of wing leading edge flaps leads to a slight decrease in the aerodynamic qualities of the aircraft. | ||||||||
Vershkov V. A., Voronich I. V., Vyshinsky V. V. Methodical specifics of numerical simulation of a flow field near the rotor at a hover mode within the framework of computational grid methods with regard to vortex structure. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 82 A numerical simulation technique of a flow over a lifting rotor in hover mode is considered within the framework of Numeca FINE/Turbo software. For its validation, the test experiments by Caradonna and Tung for rigid 2-blade rotor are used. This work is aimed at systematization of the factors determining accuracy of numerical solution for flow over lifting rotor problem, and testing numerical technique, which has a potential to attain an industrial applicability. The main conclusion based on the review of present-day works lies in the priority of adaptation of computational grid in the area of vortexes. Resolution of tip vortexes at the scope of one rotation is sufficient for getting reliable values for pressure distribution coefficients and integral characteristics at hover. The system of Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes equations closed with Spalart-Allmaras and SST turbulence models was used as model of gas motion. The entire computational domain containing rotor blade is considered in rotating coordinate system with the terms responsible for action of the centrifugal and Coriolis forces taken into account. The numerical method is built on the basis of central differences scheme with artificial viscosity and local time stepping technique. The multigrid technology was used for its acceleration. Calculations in non-stationary formulation were performed to verify the obtained results. Structured multi-block grids of H-topology with O-layer around blades generated semi-automatically with adaptation to boundary layer and vortex system region were used for calculations. Resolution of boundary layer by grid was ensured at the level y+ < 1 throughout the whole blade span (on average y+~0.1). For evaluation of industrial suitability of numerical techniques criterion we proposed the criterion based on accuracy of pressure coefficient surface distributions: |δCp|<0.05. It corresponds to the typical experimental data error and ensures reasonable accuracy of integral characteristics. Obtained numerical results stay in satisfactory agreement with experimental data. The structure of streamlines is in agreement with theoretical considerations. Coordinates of tip vortex correspond to Kocurek-Tangler model up to angular size of γ @ 360°. | ||||||||
Kraynov A. M., Vorontsov V. A. Results forming scheme and technical solutions advanced spacecraft for the delivery and functioning lunar rover. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 82 The purpose of this work is the formation and selection of scheme and technical solutions (STS) spacecraft (SC) for the delivery and functioning of perspective lunar rover (LR) so that the weight of the transported payload LR was the highest. At the first stage of the work carried out analysis of the components of the spacecraft systems with LR at various stages of functioning, analysis of the influence of their construction schemes on the total weight. When choosing STS system components SC with LR significantly affects the mass of opportunity of integration of systems, also it is necessary to take into account their interdependence. In the second phase of the selected STS perspective spacecraft with LR as an element of the space complex of the domestic program of lunar exploration. In order to reduce the time and cost to develop considered the opportunity of use the developed landing platform (LP) spacecraft «Luna-Resource/1P» to deliver a perspective lunar rover. The problem is reduced to the determination of volume of necessary adaptation LP and development mobile platform LR to provide the maximum possible mass transported payload. In solving the problem have been chosen: — arrangement of LR on the LP; — volume of the necessary adaptation LR; — options for creating service and special systems LP and LR. The result of the work performed are STS perspective SC with LR to provide the maximum possible mass transported payload as well as the tools and methodology for the formation and selection STS any other spacecraft for the delivery and functioning planetary rovers. | ||||||||
Klimenko D. V., Timushev S. F., Korchinskiy V. V. Comparative analysis of pressure pulsations in designs of the tubular guide channels of the LRE screw centrifugal pump. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 82 An important task is to improve the LRE feed system turbopump vibration reliability. The most powerful source of vibration are high-speed screw centrifugal pumps. In the spectra of pressure pulsations, vibrations and dynamic deformation of the screw centrifugal pump casing dominate tonal components at the blade passing frequency and their higher harmonics. These fluctuations are due to unsteady hydrodynamic interaction non-uniform flow outgoing the centrifugal impeller with guide vane channels. Application of tubular guide channels allows smoothing the pressure pulse of the rotor blade passage, reducing the amplitude of the pressure pulsations and vibrations and significantly improving the dynamic strength of the structure. The mechanism of reduction of pressure pulsations and vibration of the pump casing when using tubular channels guide unit revealed. The numerical simulation of unsteady flow in the pump is undertaken to assess the designs and provide further optimization. Numerical analysis was performed using the method of «sliding grids». The calculation results and comparative analysis of variants of the guiding unit of the high-speed screw centrifugal pump outlined. In the computational experiments identified signals and spectra of pressure pulsations at different points of the pump outlet path, energy parameters and energy loss in the pump outlet path. | ||||||||
Kuzenov V. V., Ryzhkov S. V., Frolko P. A., Shumaev V. V. Mathematical model of pulsed plasma thruster with a preionization helicon discharge. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 82 | ||||||||
Samokhin V. F., Moshkov P. A. Experimental research of acoustical characteristics by power plant of aircraft «An-2« in static conditions. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 82 Motivations Work is devoted a community noise problem of light propeller aircrafts. In the paper the basic results of acoustical characteristics experimental research by light propeller aircraft (LPA) of «An-2» in static conditions are presented. Spectral and power characteristics of LPA power plant (PP) acoustical radiation and also directional characteristics are obtained. The problem due to decrease noise of PP is rather actual for a general aviation LPA, whereas ICAO norms act on maximum community permissible noise levels of such planes [1]. The given work is continuation of author researches [2,3,4] by acoustic characteristics of LPA power plants. Research object Measurements of LPA «An-2» acoustic characteristics have been carried out. The plane PP involves an internal combustion engine (ICE) «ASH-62IR» with 4-bladed propeller of variable pitches «AV-2». Measurements of acoustical characteristics were conducted at the various engine power settings determined by a rotational speed of a crankshaft. Research results As a result of the executed research it is installed that the basic share of energy (to 75 %) acoustical radiation of thу light propeller aircraft PP at moderate values of a Mach numbers of a rotor velocity (M) It is wet M<0,72 it is concentrated in the field of low frequencies (16-100 Hz) and the important role is played here harmonious and low-frequency broad-band by making radiations of a propeller and the reciprocating engine. At high rotor velocity Mach numbers, (M≈0,8) to ~94 % of acoustical energy of the PP it is radiated by a propeller, in the core, on harmonics of frequency of following of blades. The primary source of broadband acoustical radiation in the field of medium frequencies to 1000 Hz is the vortex sheet behind a propeller, and in the field of high frequencies over 1000 Hz a prospective source is interacting of a vortex sheet behind a propeller with system of an air cooling of the engine. The estimation of the contribution of various spectral components of acoustical radiation in total sound power of the aircraft PP is executed. It is installed that acoustical efficiency of the aircraft «An-2» PP with 4-bladed propeller on the maximum power condition is equal ≈ 0,055 % that in 2-3 times more low, than at aircrafts with 2-bladed propellers. | ||||||||
Baturin O. V., Popov G. M., Gorachkin E. S., Smirnova Y. D. Three-stage axial compressor reprofiling using mathematical optimization methods. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 82 Low-pressure compressor (LPC) operation has some peculiarities. First, the LPC stages operate with cold air. For this reason, transonic or subsonic flow exist in LPC. Second, the flow in LPC has complex spatial structure. LPC blade geometry is described by a large number of parameters. For this reason it’s difficult to pick up optimal combination of parameters manually. The solution of this problem is the usage of optimization methods to find the optimal combination of parameters. This approach was tested in this work. The main goal of this work was the LPC modernization for new parameters of gas turbine engine. The goals of the LPC modernization were as follows: • the LPC total pressure ratio increase of 4% in comparison with the original LPC. • the LPC rotation frequency increase of 2% in comparison with the original LPC. • the LPC mass flow rate decrease of 11%. • the LPC efficiency increase of 1%. The LPC modernization was performed using optimization methods that implemented in the software package IOSO. To perform optimization the LPC numerical model was created using NUMECA FineTurbo software. It was verified before optimization by comparison of calculated and experimental LPC characteristics. The LPC numerical model was parametric and allowed changing geometry of all LPC blades. The total number of optimization variable parameters described the LPC geometry was 61. The optimization goals were the increase of LPC efficiency and decrease of mass flow rate. Thus, LPC efficiency and mass flow rate were used as the optimization criteria. The set of unimprovable solutions (Pareto set) was obtained as a result of solving optimization task. Pareto set was a compromise between the efficiency increase and the mass flow decrease. Each point from Pareto set had a correspondence with LPC unique geometry represented as an array of optimization parameters. One point of the Pareto set met all the required parameters of modernized LPC. The LPC geometry that guaranteed the efficiency increase of 1,3 %, the total pressure ratio increase of 4% and mass flow rate decrease of 11% in comparison with the original LPC was obtained as a result of the study. | ||||||||
Timushev S. F., Klimenko D. V., Firsov V. P., Antyukhov I. V. Numerical modeling of pressure pulsations in the turbo expender of perspective cryostatting system. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 82 Modern cryostatting systems find important applications in power and space transportation systems. The cryostatting system is a closed hydraulic loop for the thermal management and control of thermal modes of superconducting cable lines, cryogenic rocket and space units fuel tanks. The working medium is liquid nitrogen. One of the main components of such a system is the criorefrigirator. In the criorefrigirator compression scheme is used with following expansion of neon in the turboexpander, machine with gas-static bearings. Urgent task in the design phase is to determine the pressure fluctuations in the flow of the turbo expander and dynamic loading of the structure. This paper presents the numerical simulation of unsteady gas-dynamic processes in the turbo expander radial turbine flow. Expansion turbine consists of mounted on the same shaft the radial turbine impeller and centrifugal compressor first stage, that also serves as a gas-dynamic brake. Gas is fed to the expander casing through two pipelines. Further, it is accelerated in the nozzle cascade and enters the turbine impeller blades. After expansion and reduction the temperature, the exhaust gas passes through the axial diffuser. Rotor speed is 25,200 rev / min. The geometry of the computational domain is developed in order to capture the main features of the flow in the working fluid cavity, including the geometry of fourteen working blades and eight vanes of the nozzle cascade. The computational domain is divided into three sub-regions: the casing of the nozzle cascade, rotor, exhaust part. The problem is solved with the use of so-called sliding surfaces which serve for transmitting the data from the rotor, where the calculation is carried out in a rotating coordinate system into the stator zone accounting an angular displacement and sub-grid interpolation. Time step chosen from the condition to ensure the angular displacement in one time step within a single cell of the computational grid. The instantaneous velocity, pressure, temperature and Mach number fields are obtained with calculations. Few points in the nozzle vane channel oblique zones are selected to fix pressure pulsations. The spectral analysis of the data reveal that the tonal component with blades passing frequency dominates the spectra of pressure pulsations, its amplitude is above 7000 Pa. Calculation of loading on nozzle blade gives the amplitude of force 2 N and amplitude of momentum 0.03 N m | ||||||||
Ezhov A. D. Determination of the thermal contact resistance between the composite materials C-Si-C and titanium alloy. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 82 Details connections made of new materials, which lack the information of their behavior in the connections, are often used in the problems of calculation of the thermal state of the construction of aviation and aerospace technology. Thereby, the problem of determining the thermal contact resistance between quite perspective materials — carbon-carbon composite materials and titanium alloys is considered. The modeling of rough surface between two contiguous samples is performed. The finite —element model considering the peculiarities of surface micro relief is built. A thermo-mechanical calculation resulted into values of relative surface s shift, the actual contact area and temperature field is carried out. Taking into account these temperatures contact thermal resistance for a wide range of pressures was calculated. Verification of the results was performed by comparing the correlation analysis with the results of the thermal contact resistance counted on the analytic dependence of a number of authors. The presented method of thermal contact resistance calculation allows to find the values between the different materials used in the aviation and space industry. The results of calculations and comparisons with known dependencies showed that the method is adequate and its application does not require specific knowledge about the state of the contacting surfaces. | ||||||||
Vnuchkov D. A., Zvegintsev V. I., Ivanov I. V., Nalivaychenko D. G., Starov A. V. Testing of ramjet with hydrogen combustion and thrust measurement in a wind tunnel. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 82 Purpose The aim of experiments performed was to develop the method of ramjet engine model testing in the wind tunnel with the simulation of incoming air flow and with thrust characteristics measurement. Design / methodology / approach For these tests the universal model of axisymmetric ramjet with the possibility of different fuels combustion was developed and fabricated. The ramjet of a pulling scheme includes a frontal air inlet and a combustion chamber with length of 380 mm. The model was installed in a wind tunnel by using of two supporting pylons, which by means of strain gauges were attached to the wall of the working section. The strain gauge readings give the total force acting along the axis of the tested model. There are a few openings inside pylons for hydrogen feeding. Model was equipped with thermal sensors and pressure gauges in order to obtain distributions of heat fluxes and static pressures in the engine channel. Tests were conducted at M = 2.5 in the blowdown wind tunnel T-333 with a working section of Eiffel type. Stagnation pressure was P0 from 0.4 to 0.5 MPa, the stagnation temperature was T0 = 290 K. A typical experiment with combustion constructed as follows. After wind tunnel working mode release the synchronization system was started that implement automatic feeding of fuel into the combustion chamber and simultaneously the inclusion of a pilot flame inside of the model. Burning of the pilot flame lasts 1 second only. The feeding of main hydrogen and its combustion was continued for a further 2 seconds after turning off the pilot flame. Findings After treatment, the test results showed that if fuel feeding and hydrogen combustion in the combustion chamber occur, then the drag of the model decreases due to appearance of the inner thrust. The maximum value of the inner thrust reached was 800 N with combustion efficiency of about 0.3-0.4. In the range of test conditions the heat fluxes pattern within the combustion chamber (in the vicinity of the critical section) does not exceed q = 1,3 MW / m2. The static pressure in the combustion chamber during the combustion of hydrogen does not exceed 0.28 MPa. Accordingly, the relative pressure within the chamber of combustion does not exceed the P / Pn = 9.6. Practical implications Results of this work will allow us to improve ramjet design methods and technology of ramjet testing in ground facilities with combustion and thrust characteristics modelling. Originality / value Taken into account the real complexity of the completed tests with combustion and measurement of ramjet engine thrust characteristics in conditions of incoming air flow they could be classified as unique. | ||||||||
Syrin S. A., Tereshchenko T. S., Shemyakov A. O. Forecast analysis of scientific and technological development of Russia, USA, China and the European Union as the leaders in the world aerospace industry. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 82 The paper presents results of the existing international experience research in scientific and technological forecasting development of the space industry. Seven industry forecasts were analyzed in framework of this research made in the Russian Federation and abroad. The following documents were chosen for the analysis: 1. Forecast of the Russian Federation scientific and technological development in the long term outlook (till 2030) (Conceptual approaches, trends, forecasts and conditions for implementation). 2. Forecast of scientific and technological trend development with significant applied potential in the long term outlook, presented by institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 3. NASA (2010) National Space Policy of the United States of America. Washington. 4. ASI (2009) Strategic vision 2010-2020. 5. Strategic Options for Chinese Space Science and Technology. 6. NASA Strategic Plan 2014. 7. The ESA Technology Tree Version 3-0 Paris European Space Agency. Deduction about the features of these forecast documents was made by results of the analysis. 1) A difficult search of risks, trends, threats and priorities should be referred to common features. Also there is no obvious connection «product—technology—market» in the forecasts, and because of that it had to be revealed on the base of the experience in the space industry. 2) There is a little congruence of foreign forecast documents with the Russian development plans (because of differences in the signification: foreign documents are accented on the industry, and the Russian ones — on the economy of the country), but there is a good field for comparison of the space industry priorities and key objectives. 3) American forecasts are based on the USA leadership and enhancing understanding of the achieved results in overall areas of the space science and industry, consolidation and performing the USA as trend and vector legislator of space development, including development of international standards. 4) Italian forecast is interesting with the statement of non repeating of research and development directions conducted in other EU countries, and it links own objectives with coordinating of the European Space Agency activities. 5) Chinese forecast is focused on the development of scientific and technological research and developments and does not infringe the issues of manned cosmonautics. 6) European forecast «Technology tree» is an applied document for compiling the strategy or target program of the industry. This form of forecast is recommended to use as an enclosure to the Russian forecast. In these research the authors assessed the compliance of the Russian forecasts with the forecast of scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation for the period till 2030, with the forecast of longterm social and economic development of the Russian Federation for the period till 2030 and with the state and federal programmes of research and technological orientation. | ||||||||
Kogan I. L. Precalculated and Experimental analysis of hydrogenation reactor operation. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 82 The purpose of this paper is the choice of optimal design parameters of the hydrogenation reactor to provide a high conversion rate. At a theoretical preparation phase a hydrogenation reactor simulational model for a selection of optimal temperature conditions with consideration for design specifics (using of «Comsole» and «LabView» engineering software complex) has been built. A list of the model parameters which variation enables the reactor operating conditions to be close to the optimal ones is as follows: ― the volume rations of feed reagents CO2 and H2; ― the pressure of CO2 and H2 mixture in the reactor upstream ; ― the volume feed rate of the CO2 and H2 mixture to the reactor; ― the type and characteristics of the catalyst. In the preliminary tests of the hydrogenation reactor prototypes, the following provisions have been obtained: ― an increase in the reaction temperature not lead to an increase in the conversion rate since the optimal heat condition for the conversion rate is reached in the narrow temperature interval inherent in every variety of catalysts; ― on order to obtain a stable authothetmal condition it is necessary to carry out the variable heat exchange along the reaction zone length since a decrease in temperature down to 120-140oC at the end of the catalyst bed allows the most optimal conversion rate be reached; ― the reactor unit proposed previously and enclosed in the capsule being at the same time a CO2 storage tank is considered as unsatisfactory as it is impossible to obtain a constant temperature due to the influence of the variable pressure in the tank on the value of heat exchange; ― the usage of advanced catalysts makes it possible to reduce the process temperature and ensure a quick reaction ignition. Based on the research data obtained on a new design of the experimental reactor unit permitting usage of various types of catalysts, possibility of temperature monitoring along the length and diameter of the catalytic bed, dimensional and layout characteristics being selected based on models corrected in the course of experimental try-out of reactor operation has been proposed. | ||||||||
Lisutenko A. S., Mirsaitov S. F., Titov A. A. The device for measurement of saltationing grains’ parameters. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 82 It is proposed the device for measuring of saltationing grains’ parameters with an upgraded optical system and based on a combination of the interference method and the method of light scattering by particles, crossing the laser beam. The proposed device consist of a laser, illuminated an acoustic-optic modulator (AOM), which is served voltage of high and low frequency from the control unit, two measuring channels with upgraded optics. Laser module illuminates the AOM by an advanced beam, which is served voltages of the two closely located frequencies from the control unit, which allows us to create a interference pattern in the diffracted beam. At the output of the first AOM beams of the first and zero order are standed out. Grains are introduced into the measurement volume with the tube. When grains fly out through two beams, light is scattered on them and enters two measuring channels. The first channel is formed by a lens, photodetected module, phase detector and a frequency control unit, and the second — lens, photodetected module and a digital oscilloscope. When grains fly out through the interference pattern in the first channel, light, scattered on it, will acquire the Doppler frequency shift, which is proportional to the grain’s speed with flying through measuring volume. The second measuring channel allows to estimate the size of the saltation grain, using the amplitude and the shape of the pulse signal from the outputs of the photodetected module. As a result of researching for the first channel we get that photodetector`s minimal detected power is 2,74*10-11 W. The signal-to-noise ratio is 26.37. And it is sufficiently for reliable reproduction of information. For the second channel photodetector`s minimal detected power is 3,55*10-13 W. The signal-to-noise ratio is 253.5. Accuracy of velocity measurement is about 5%. The relative error in measuring the size is 0.86%. Studies have shown, that using of proposed upgraded optical system of the device may extend the range of measurement saltation particles’parameters. | ||||||||
Velichko A. P., Manzuk K. I., Reznik K. N. Automated servo IR radiometric system design principles. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 82 The article deals with issues related to ground based infrared system for Sun tracing in automatic mode. The goal of the automated servo IR-system design is embodiment of regular Sun monitoring and measuring its radiation temperature with allowance for direction pattern overlapping by clouds. It will allow obtaining such atmosphere and meteorological objects characteristics as transmission factor of an optically semitransparent cloud, its optical density, optical thickness, as well as atmosphere transparency factor, atmosphere optical density in spectral range, and atmosphere turbidity factor. IR-Pyrometer TI-315E mounted on viola-azimuthal mounting constitutes the main part of the complex. The range of measured temperatures is expanded due to compensation light filter up to 500 °К. The small angular size of an observed object required the design of high precision drive for viola-azimuthal installation. To ensure constant Sun tracking independence we developed a tracking program using Sun ephemerides. It allows fixing Sun radiation temperature fluctuations caused, specifically, either by Earth atmosphere transparency changes, or by Sun disk overlapping by optically semitransparent clouds. Practical significance of installation consists in the fact, that we suggested a particular solution of the problem. The paper outlines the design of separate units on a structural level with their main characteristics, and defines their interaction to provide operating control of overall system in automated mode. The indubitable advantage of the presented design consists in IR-radiometric system ability to operate during daylight, and its design supposes installation mobility. | ||||||||
Shigaev A. K., Luchkin R. S., Mashkin M. N., Tyurin V. S. Robust algorithm of space objects images in a picture of low quality. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 82 The process of restoring the space object localization area in a low-quality picture implies a choice between two below-mentioned hypotheses. 1. Background emission is fixed 2. Object image is found in the picture In the context of the second hypothesis the space object localization area is selected. The transition from background to object or vice versa is followed by brightness jump located in the area of background/object border, provided that the background spectra and the hiss spectra are concentrated in a low-frequency region. Thus, we can find the transition from background to object using this assumption. As a result of the algorithm operation the found area of an expected localization of the object image is cut out from the original picture in the form of a square the size of which is multiple of the power of 2. Definite quality characteristics of solution to the problem are recommended in order to estimate the algorithm efficiency and an informative value of the obtained results. In the course of the work we’ve synthesized the robust algorithm of selection of a distant object of unknown shape in a low-contrast picture formed in the atmospheric vision system. The algorithm is stable in the context of a probabilistic description of complicated background conditions. A decision-making criterion concerning the image presence in the picture is recommended and the structure of parallel three-channel background information processing is developed. Estimation of the algorithm functioning quality is obtained by means of statistical modeling. | ||||||||
Tran Q. D. Accuracy of determining the landing trajectory of aircrafts using a baro-inertial information and computing complex evaluation. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 82 This paper examines the problem of evaluating the accuracy in determining aircraft trajectories using a baro-inertial information and computing complex. The solution to the above-mentioned problem is proposed on the basis of application of complex mathematical modeling. Simulation of the motion of an aircraft during the landing flight phase on a glide path was carried out and the aircraft’s altitude estimation errors were obtained. The algorithm implements simulation of an aircraft’s motion in a non-inertial coordinate system in accordance with the flight plan, the state of the medium of motion (with atmospheric variations), using general nonlinear models of aircraft performance, control system, comprising of aircraft optimal control algorithms for identifying required trajectories and control laws, aircraft stabilization and balance algorithms, measuring and computing complex based on a gyro-inertial block, barometric altimeter and onboard digital computing machine. The novelty of this study consists in that the air data system (ADS) is simulated as accurately as possible in describing the aerometric part of the information and computing complex by using developed mathematical models of flow around an aircraft and airflow in pipelines of ADS based on numerical solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations. The algorithm of the inertial block comprises of an algorithm that calculates the orientation angles and an algorithm calculating the velocity and coordinates. Determination of flight altitude based on the readings of the inertial systems is an unstable computing process. In order to ensure accurate determination of flight altitude, a method is used based on the co-processing measurements of the inertial system and air data computer. The study of the influence of aerometric characteristic parameters of the ADS (pitot-static system installation site, the diameter of the hole of the pipelines, pipe lengths, installation angle of the pitot-static system, and so forth) on flight altitude measuring errors (static and dynamic) is reflected in this paper. The mathematical model of turbulence under development presented in this paper allows simulation of flow around the aircraft and airflow in the pipelines of the ADS. The implementation of the developed model presented in the paper allows for solution of the above-mentioned problem, namely, for determining the installation site of the pitot-static system, for optimization of the pitot-static system, as well as for the calculation of the measurement errors of the pitot-static system. The calculated values of the errors Δ1Pst, Δ2Pst and dynamic distortions allow the prediction of errors in Pst in the ADC software in the ADC’s onboard computer in oder to implement distortion compensation. The results obtained from this study allow estimation of characteristic parameters of the ADC impact on flight altitude measurement errors. It is shown that the dynamic distortion has little effect on measurement errors. The distortion on the flow angle of the pitot-static system and interference of the airframe and pitot-static system greatly affect the measurement error. For the accuracy in determining the flight altitude, it is necessary to utilize a co-processing of measurements of the strap down inertial navigation system and ADC. | ||||||||
Efimov E. N., Shevgunov T. Y. Direction of arrival estimation using artificial neural networks. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 82 This paper introduces artificial neural network (ANN) based approach to the problem of direction of arrival estimation. The optimal solution to the given problem is based on estimation using maximization of the likelihood function (known as ML method), which depends on the estimated parameter, i.e. the direction of arrival, and the data calculated based on the received signals. This method allows one to obtain estimation with high accuracy, but it gives no closed form of the estimator owing. Consequently, it has to be calculated via numerical solution of optimization problem which requires a vast amount of computational power. The alternative approach based on multilayer perceptron ANN with a special neuron in its output layer is presented in this paper. This network learned with deterministic learning approach is able to estimate consuming significantly lesser computational power at cost of a small accuracy reduction. The paper includes theoretical explanation of the proposed approach and the structure of ANN used to obtain the estimator. In order to investigate the efficiency of the proposed approach, a set of numerical simulations was performed using the known model of passive radar system with ring antenna arrays. It is shown that the time required by the ANN estimator to perform a single estimation is 10 times less than time required by ML estimator, while the accuracy reduction is kept lower than 10% within the signal-to-noise ratio from −8 dB to 18 dB. The results also indicate the absence of the significantly important dependency between the accuracy of the estimation and the true value for the ANN estimator. | ||||||||
Ivanutkin A. G., Kaz'min A. I. An approach to the effectiveness of radio-technical flight support evaluation. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 82 — Purpose Radar support systems are the only source of objective information for the aircrew on their location on the ground and in the air; and for operational control groups — on the situation in the area of their responsibility. One of the types of information support for an aircraft that allows formation and data delivery on the location of an aircraft on the ground and in the air for the crew, as well as command and control aircraft using the software of highest quality is radio engineering operations. Development of information technologies and their implementation in the subject area of control requires functioning and processing of large amounts of information to ensure aviation systems control. However, to date, the existing approaches to the substantiation requirements, selection criteria and evaluation of radar support of aviation operations need to be further developed. The specificity of the tasks and increased information requirements of the aircraft crew make it necessary to search for new ways of organizing radiotechnical support operations. Thus, the objective need exists for new approaches to evaluate the effectiveness of such type of information to ensure aviation safety. — Design/methodology/approach To evaluate the effectiveness of radar support for aviation proposes an approach based on the achievement of the basic requirements for radio-technical support as to the information processing represented in the forms of information units, information networks and information areas. — Practical implications Based on the analysis and implementation of aviation research the paper analyzes the main characteristics of radio-technical support quality as an information processing, and based on the analysis of the three groups overall performance efficiency of the radio-technical support of aviation operations. Based on a thorough analysis of the properties of the information processing, determining the quality of its operation, the system requirements for radio-technical support are defined, and private performance indicators of its operation are selected. — Originality/valuability Originality and novelty of the proposed approach mean the development of the methodology for assessing the effectiveness of aviation radar support, different from the existing ones. It allows take into account the maximum number of factors affecting the quality of information for aviation support. The proposed method of radio-technical support of an aircraft efficiency will provide better and faster development of proposals for making a decision on the organization of aviation radio-technical support. | ||||||||
Zykov L. S. Multi-band radiators for active phased antenna arrays (review). Trudy MAI, 2015, no 82 Purpose This paper focuses on search and systematization of technical solutions which provide the functioning of present multi-band systems. The paper also shows the main courses of modern antenna industry development. Design/methodology/approach The initial review and analysis of present dual band and wideband radiators for active phased antenna arrays manufactured in Russia and other countries. Findings The paper shows main directions of research and prototypes of wideband radiators and their characteristics. This paper also conducts the analysis of wideband and multi-band radiators, which are designated as perspective in Russian literature and in literature of other countries. Each radiator in this paper have its main advantages and disadvantages indicated, from which one may notice that desirable results may be easily obtained with wideband radiators because improvements in their directivity characteristics are only narrowing the operating bandwidth. The increase in construction complexity may help in obtaining the desirable directivity characteristics without bandwidth narrowing. It also may upgrade the narrow-band radiator with required directivity to reconfigurable radiator, which will provide the same directivity for each narrow band, obtained by increasing construction complexity. Practical implications Results of this paper may be used in development of the on-board radars apertures, to define their functionality and dimensions. Originality/value This review paper indicates that the most frequently used types of radiators for on-board radars are patch radiators. The results of this paper show that there are many types of multi-band and wideband radiators. This paper shows that multi-band radiators manufactured at present are more complex and less efficient than wideband radiators, but provide their bandwidth by construction complexity instead of directivity in wideband radiators, and it gives research direction in this field. | ||||||||
Kishko D. V. Transmitters synchronization in distributed radio systems of aircrafts navigation and landing. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 82 The article shows the methods of synchronization transmitter devices in distributed radio systems. This systems primarily includes global navigation satellite system (GNSS), ground radio systems navigation (LORAN-C, OMEGA), pseudolite radio navigation system (Locata, DeckFinder), Multilateration system (MLAT). Correct work of those systems requires coherency of the signals which emitted by distributed transmitting devices- initial phases of emitted signals should be functionally interrelated. Process of synchronization provides a quasi-coherent emitting of the radio signal from phase center antennas of distributed transmitting devices. The synchronization algorithm is considered by the example pseudolite navigation systems. The considered pseudolite navigation system consists of two segments. The first one, which called system segment, includes a set of transmitter-receiver devices wich placed near the service area of the system and control and monitoring subsystem. The second one, which called user segment, are includes navigation equipment of the consumer of this system. The considered algorithm belongs to the class of two way synchronization methods and doesn’t need calibration procedures for receiving and transmitting path of devices, but requires determination of distance between the phase centers of the antennas for each pair of devices. The article showns that the synchronization accuracy depends on distances measurement errors between the phase centers of the antennas, and on the parameters measurement errors of radio signals from each device(pseudo-ranges and carrier phase). The standard deviation error of the synchronization transmitting devices is estimated at 0.01 ns, which comparable with accuracy of precise synchronization methods, such as TWSTFT (two way satellite time and frequency transfer). Synchronization of the transmitting devices is performed in the background during the main task operation system. This allows to reduce error noise of parameters measurements of radio signal by using filtering algorithms such as Kalman filter. | ||||||||
Kishko D. V. Coordinates determination based on multimodal filtration of ambiguous phase measurements. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 82 In our days phase signal measurements are used in many radio systems. For example, in GPS, GLONASS or pseudolite navigation system (like Locata) carrier phase measurements allows to determine three-dimensional vector of coordinates with centimetre accuracy. Carrier phase measurements have cycle ambiguity property. One of the most common algorithms for ambiguity resolution is the LAMBDA method. However, for correct operation of LAMBDA method requires a large number of measurements. For example, it requires at least 12 satellites for good quality operation in GPS when operating in the L1 band frequency. In the article describes filter algorithm for determining three-dimensions coordinates vector of a static object. The algorithm is based on processing ambiguous phase measurements and allows minimizing number of measurements. In the proposed algorithm, the likelihood function of state vector is represented as a set of modes (points, particles) as is done in particle filter. In the paper are presented formulas for calculating the characteristics of each mode (point or particle) on a prediction and correction filter steps: position, value of the likelihood function and an integer ambiguity vector. On correction step is performed ambiguity resolution using the LAMBDA method. In the article is shown results of work the algorithm on the example of processing signals from pseudolites navigation systems with small bases between transmitters. The size of the convergence region of the algorithm for case with 4...8 transmitters and different number of modes involved in the filtering process are shown. It is shown that already at 5 transmitters the convergence time of the algorithm is determined by 10 time samples. Also the case of using contrast ratio (the ratio of height of the two adjacent height mod) as an indicator of true ambiguity resolution was discussed. | ||||||||
Valaitite A. A., Nikitin D. P. Analysis of the possibility of using Quasi-Zenith Satellite System QZSS as a source of precise ephemeris for a high-precision positioning mode. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 82 Currently, an increasing number of applications, which is necessary to achieve centimeter-level positioning of the receivers of the global navigation satellite systems (GNSS). One way to achieve centimeter-level positioning accuracies is to use the Precise Point Positioning — PPP GNSS receiver mode. This mode of GNSS receiver operation does not require differential corrections from the base station, but its operation requires precise ephemeris. For this information could be used differential corrections transmitted from Japanese satellite navigation system (SNS) QZSS. The paper discusses the use of data transmitted in the signal MADOCA-LEX SNS QZSS as precise ephemeris for organizing the Precise Point Positioning mode of GNSS receiver. For the analysis was made choice an alternative source of precise ephemeris to obtain positions in the Precise Point Positioning mode for comparing the quality of precise ephemeris transmitted by QZSS system and other sources. As these sources was also used posteriori precise ephemeris from service NRCAN, and real-time precise ephemeris from service CNES. The experiments have showed position accuracy in the PPP mode and the efficacy of the precise ephemeris from QZSS applying to the GNSS GPS and GLONASS. The experimental results showed that in the Precise Point Positioning mode with precise ephemeris from QZSS system, user position accuracy can achieve in real time is less than 10 cm level and using precise ephemeris from other services is about than 4-5 cm. The loss of accuracy characteristics in PPP mode with precise ephemeris provided by QZSS system in comparison with the service CNES possible due to the fact that the experiment was carried out in Moscow. The quality of precise ephemeris supplied by QZSS in the European territory of the Russian Federation may degrade due to a loose network of base stations in this area. In the Asian area is possible the opposite effect, however, this assumption requires further research. However, the accuracy of user position using precise ephemeris from QZSS system as correction information for Precise Point Positioning mode, allows using PPP mode to solve a number of tasks requiring high precision positioning. | ||||||||
Perov A. I., Dneprov V. V. Potential accuracy of GNSS-based attitude determination. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 82 The potential accuracy of the attitude determination of an object by means of global navigational satellite systems (GNSS) is considered in this article. GNSS is now widely used for a variety of technical problems, including the determination of orientation angles (attitude determination) of the object. There are two approaches to solve a problem of the attitude determination. The first approach is classic two-stage algorithms. The phase difference between signals received at spatially separated points is measured during the first stage. The information about angular orientation is extracted from phase shifts on second stage. Another approach is to use single-stage algorithms, immediately giving an estimate of the angular orientation. Such one-stage algorithm is presented in [1]. The accuracy of attitude determination is characterized by a covariance matrix, which is described by quite complex Riccati equations. This fact does not allow getting required estimates of accuracy quickly enough. The purpose of this paper is to obtain general equations for calculating the potential (i.e. Cramer-Rao lower bound) estimation accuracy of GNSS-based attitude determination for an arbitrary number of reception points and their arbitrary location. Equations to describe attitude determination problem, GNSS signal model, likehood function are presented in the paper. Such equations are obtained and their analysis is given in the article. As shown in the article the increase of reception points quantity can decrease the most likely RMS of attitude determination. The RMS value of the orientation angle is approximately 1.5 arc. min. when 10 GNSS signals are received at 6 points with maximum distance between them 2 m. | ||||||||
Vorontsov V. A., Fedorov E. A. Development of a prototype intelligent system operational monitoring and the technical condition of the spacecraft onboard computer. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 82 For today, practically any onboard complex belongs to the class of difficult technical systems. Therefore, improvement of quality of functioning and definition of full technical condition of onboard systems is an important problem. In providing the demanded level of quality of functioning and reliability of difficult technical systems the special role belongs to various methods of diagnosing, after all mission of all device depends on work of these systems, and working capacity loss at least of part of onboard system is inadmissible today. Therefore, the main task of any designer of onboard systems is an assessment of quality of reliability of the onboard equipment. However, ideal «working capacity» and full «not working capacity» in practice meet very seldom, these states are now certain boundary a state on a scale of all possible conditions of the spacecraft rather. At this stage of development of onboard systems, complete control of a state is exercised through the analysis of telemetric information. We will consider as it occurs. Some information shots about a condition of a certain onboard system prepare, then they are prepared in a format for transfer on a land complex of reception of telemetry, then there is a communication session after that the telemetry is analyzed and if in information there are any shots which it is required interventions of land operators, information transfer about reconfiguration of «critical» system is made. It is not difficult to track a long chain of interactions. Here it should be noted that all emergencies share on parried, i.e. expected and not expected. In addition, if information in telemetry indicates not expected emergency, time for decision-making on parrying of such situation can extend very strongly in time, this time can be fatal, especially if the device calculated on development of distant space. For the reason that possibility of the automated identification «before — defective» states onboard KA isn’t provided, all this doesn’t give the chance of a prediction of a condition of KA on the following communication sessions and doesn’t allow to take in due time a measure on prevention of hardware failures. | ||||||||
Anamova R. R. Aerotechnics Additive Production Tooling Automation. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 82 Nowadays additive manufacturing technology is rapidly developing. Therefore questions of using materials, software and equipment for additive manufacturing are actual. The goal of this work is development of program components for work preparation of additive manufacturing (PCWPAM) differing from the state-of-the-art by the possibility of functional enhancing and adaptation to new production objectives. To achieve the assigned objectives we solved the following problems:
As a result of this work we obtained software components for process design with the following performance capabilities:
We carried out a validation of generated G-code instructions with extraneous software (Polygon for Designer). The validation demonstrated correctness of methodologies and algorithms included into PCWPAM. According to generated G-code we carried out the «control» printing of a part without any extraneous software. It proved the efficiency of the developed software components for additive manufacturing process design. The similarity of additive manufacturing operating procedures allows speaking about applicability of the developed software components for other technologies of layer-by-layer synthesis either. | ||||||||
Kyi M. H. Geometric patterns of external antennas layout of solar spacecraft . Trudy MAI, 2015, no 82 The aim of the study is the geometric modelling of solar illumination on board the spacecraft or their position on the surface (or in the world, such as in the lunar settlements). At the same time explores the issues of their mutual orientation and shading at a given specific geometry of their arrangement. Addressing these issues should serve as a basis for the development of software and software of the automation system placement and orientation of the solar panels and hubs on the ground and on the spacecraft. The purpose of research — to assess the mutual shading of solar panels, both among themselves and with other entities (such as the space station). The article shows the physical and mathematical formulation of the problem of optimization of placing solar panels in space or on the ground. The article shows that the mathematical formulation of this problem is seen as an optimization problem in mathematical programming, aimed at maximizing the use of these high-power sources in outer space stations and space colonies. The method of decision — geometric modelling space station and solar panels with a specific orientation. As a method of modelling the receptor used geometric model is sampled as the battery accommodation space, and the space station itself. Based on the geometric model developed by the receptor software system created in C #, which allows to simulate the effective area of the solar concentrators. At the same time it developed a graphical shell, allowing to see the numerical value of the results. When the software package after you enter information about the geometrical dimensions of the station and solar panels (in parametric form), it is converted parametric geometric model in the matrix, and begins scanning stratified sections. Each layer is formed 3D matrix 2D matrix is like a slice of 3D matrix for a given distance. Each section (cut) receptor matrix calculates the area of this section of solar panels, efficient (cumulative) cross-sectional area of solar cells and the accumulated area of the cross sections of the housing space station. This accumulated area I is an effective working area of solar spacecraft given geometry and orientation relative to the sun, taking into account all types of solar shading. The field of application of the results is to automate the design of spacecraft and geo-electric stations on the ground or space colonies. To develop mathematical and software allows you to estimate the effective area of the solar panels in the specific design parameters of the spacecraft and its orientation relative to the flow of solar energy. | ||||||||
Kravchuk M. O., Kudimov N. F., Safronov A. V. Turbulence modeling issues for supersonic high-temperature jets computation. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 82 The paper presents the result of numerical calculation of isothermal and high-temperature turbulent jets based on average Navier-Stocks equations with modified turbulent viscosity model SST. The results of numerical computation were compared with experimental data. This work gives recommendations on using corrections to compressibility and temperature effects. Correct modeling of supersonic jets is a difficult problem that includes accurate physical modeling of turbulence processes and shock waves. Parameters of isobaric supersonic jets have strong dependence on turbulence models. Thus, in this work we selected isobaric jets to simulate with LES and different RANS turbulent models. After comparison with experimental data, the following have been detected: 1) k-w SST model with standard Wilcox corrections increases jets potential core length for supersonic high-temperature jets and decrease without these corrections. 2) This drawback for isobaric jets can be fixed by changing critical Mach number of turbulence fluctuations (Mt0), or by using Abdol-Hamid temperature corrections, that include total temperature gradient. 3) Developed recommendations for changing Mt0 depended on total jet temperature when Mach number is around two. 4) LES (WALE) model for isothermal jets have good compliance with experimental data. Though, high-temperature jets LES model increases the scale of turbulence and thus decreases the length of jets potential core. | ||||||||
Shitov S. V. Flutter of elastic plate in air flow at small supersonic speed.. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 82 In the linear approximation, we investigate the stability of elastic thin metal strip that is mounted in an absolutely rigid surface. The band has a periodic hinge reinforcement, thus, the band consists of a series of identical spans, separate span will be called a plate. All the edges of the plate is set hinged support. We consider small oscillations of the plate, which are described by the equation of motion of the Kirchhoff-Lyave. Oscillation occurs adjacent plates in opposite phase. The band is streamlined with one hand supersonic flow, and the other is set to a constant pressure, which balances the band in a flat undisturbed state. Feed gas flows steadily perpendicular to the front edge of the plate. Gas modeled nonviscous and perfect. Perturbations of the gas is sufficient to consider potential. In the linear approximation of the motion is described by the wave equation. Unsteady nonviscous gas pressure acting on the oscillating plate obtained from gas dynamics, has the form of two-dimensional integral of a combination of deflection plate and its derivative, with a core of special functions [30]. This two-dimensional integral can be reduced to one-dimensional in the case of the strip, is a series of rectangular plates. Such a statement can be considered as a first approximation to the study of flutter isolated rectangular plate. Expression for the pressure in the limit of M → +∞ gives the formula piston theory, but at Mach 1 < M < 2 nothing to do with the piston theory is not, moreover, in this range, there is another type of flutter (singlemode), which is different from classical coupled mode flutter of plate. Single-mode flutter largely been studied in two-dimensional problem in [23], [24] and [25], [26], experiments were conducted confirming its presence. In this paper we study the three-dimensional setting. Further, given the fact that the pressure is expressed through the deflection plate, get one closed integro-differential equation of oscillations of the plate. Thus, the problem of stability in the linear approximation is the problem of finding the complex natural frequencies of the equation. This problem is solved numerically by the Bubnov-Galerkin method. The system is unstable if and only if at least one of the natural frequencies has a positive imaginary component. In conclusion, in the linear approximation, we consider the problem of the stability of elastic bands. To calculate the pressure acting on the deflection of the plate, use the exact theory of potential flow of gas. For the first four frequency domains of instability in the plane (Lx; M) for different values of Ly. Where Lx and Ly --- dimensionless length and width of the plate (physical length and width divided by the thickness of the plate), --- the Mach number of the incident flow. | ||||||||
Platonov I. M. Modeling Hydrogen combustion in a hypersonic flow using Ansys CFX. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 82 While designing and constructing new aircrafts and space-rockets sometimes it is useful to perform a preliminary modeling of the design as applied to future exploitation conditions. This measure allows the designer to spot problem areas in the structure and flaws in organization of working process early in project development cycle. In this document the problem of estimation the effectiveness of different type of fuel injection is considered. To solve stated problem a mathematical model is put together, including Navier-Stockes equations, chemical kinetics and turbulent model. In chemical kinetics the reactions of hydrogen combustion and air dissociation are taken into account. Hydrogen combustion is described by seven elemental reaction equations. Air dissociation described by five equations. This amount of equations allows for 80% of total impact on flow by chemical transformations, which is enough for a preliminary calculation. The chosen turbulent model is SST — Menter turbulent model, because it describes both freestream and near wall flows sufficiently enough. To solve the problem via numerical methods a tetra-mesh of 500 thousand elements was built. Computations were performed in quasi-stationary mode. Verification of the mathematical model was performed using data from experiments conducted in the Institute of Theoretical and Practical Mechanics combustion laboratory, Siberian Branch, by P.K. Tret’yakov. The combustible used in experiments was hydrogen. Studies were conducted for adjacent and supersonic hydrogen injection into a scram-jet. The experiment facility was a profiled supersonic nozzle, from which hot air was dispensed. On the symmetry axis a pylon was mounted, thru which hydrogen came into the flow. Some results of numerical simulation of supersonic combustion were given in this article. They correlate with experimental data fairly well. Based on these results it is possible to perform a numerical simulation of supersonic combustion in a scram-jet engine using the proposed mathematical model. | ||||||||
Dmitriev V. G., Egorova O. V., Rabinsky L. N., Roffe A. I. Some specificities of the finite difference approximation of the boundary conditions of conjugation of elements of complex structures for the solution of nonlinear initial-boundary value problems. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 82 Some new methods of construction of conservative finite difference schemas and iteration procedures are presented. The mentioned methods are developed for the numerical simulation of static and dynamic deforming of compound cage structures that are widely used as supporting frames for aerospace complexes, for instance in launchers. It is supposed that the frames are made from the reinforced concrete; this fact does not reduce the applicability domain of the developed mathematical models. The Timoshenko’s beam model is used as a base element of the compound structure, therefore the effect of the low shear rigidity that is common for various structural materials (fibrous composites, reinforced concrete, e t. c.) can be efficiently accounted. The mathematical model is based on the nonlinear relationships of the middle flexure beams theory, the hypothesis of elastic behavior for the concrete, and the one of elastic-plastic behavior for the concrete reinforcement. The deformation plasticity theory is used to consider the elastic-plastic strain state of the reinforcement; the plastic strains initiation is modeled by the Mises yielding condition while the unloading is elastic. In the same time the initiation of cracks in the concrete is considered as well as their closure. The Lagrange principle is used to derive the equilibrium equations for the compound structures, and the dynamics equation are constructed using the Hamilton’s variation principle. Various types of structural element conjugation are considered and the corresponding formulations of the boundary conditions are introduced. To construct the discrete analog of the stated problem the finite difference approach is used for the spatial and time variables. The conservatism of the resulting schema and the convergence of solutions to exact ones are secured by the variation difference method. The accurate finite difference approximations for different conjugations of structural elements and the initial conditions are presented. The use of the quasi-dynamic formulation of the pseudoviscosity method for the static strain state of the compound structures allows one to construct the single-type iteration procedure for solution of both linear and nonlinear problems. The estimation of the optimum parameters of the iteration procedure are obtained and the convergence acceleration algorithm for the pseudoviscosity method is proposed for nonlinear static problems. In the same time the approximation of the second order time derivatives in the grid equations of motion by the finite difference operators of the second order of accuracy allows one to construct the unified finite difference schema for static and dynamic problems. This property of the developed method is useful for the computation of reinforced concrete structures of launchers subjected to the dynamic loads because of the possibility of efficient accounting of the initial static stress state induced by the gravitation. The proposed algorithm of numerical solution of nonlinear initial-boundary value problems allows one to estimate the residual bearing capacity of compound frame structures after intensive dynamic loading of various type including the seismic ones. | ||||||||
Pankratov A. V., Yakimov V. L., Makovskij V. N. The Analysis of Bit Sequence Redundancy for the Project Based on Field Programmable Gate Arrays. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 82 FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Arrays) are powerful tool for rapid development and can replace specialized chips of high performance of ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit). The configuration of FPGA can be updated remotely, using the Internet. It makes does FPGA more attractive than ASIC. The configuring bit sequence of FPGA is stored in an external bulk non-volatile memory and transferred to internal static memory after switching on the device. It contains the complete information about a functionality of FPGA, operation modes of input/output ports, coordinations and communications of all used components. In the article the mechanism of conversion of device description in language of the high level in the configuring bit sequence which is written in the external bulk non-volatile memory of FPGA is considered. On the basis of the analysis of the considered conversion the families of bit flows corresponding to the given schematic diagram are selected. As an example unremovable redundance of a bit flow for switching node of a programmable array of connections is considered. The programmable array of connections is responsible for all communications between logic blocks of FPGA. Switching in a node of a matrix is carried out by field transistors, and each connection is controlled by one bit of the configuring bit sequence. Redundance of the configuring bit sequence is defined by number of possible options of switching and number of the involved bits of the configuring sequence. For xc3s1200e chip redundance makes about 35%. It is offered to consider possibility of assembly algorithms implementation of the project on FPGA using the model considering redundance. | ||||||||
Ginzburg I. B., Padalko S. N. Offline-capable client Web applications for satellite data processing systems. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 82 This paper presents a new class of cross-platform Web applications as a component of the National Geographically Distributed Information System for Remote Sensing Data Receiving, Processing, Archiving and Dissemination (ETRIS DZZ) that extends the possibilities of this system. A set of client and server components is proposed for server-controlled automatic local storage and updates of Web application code and data cache to provide offline capabilities and eliminate the need for constant connection to the server to allow client Web applications work offline with the data obtained before during periods of connection failures or in those areas where connection to the server is unavailable. The requirement of offline ETRIS DZZ data handling is connected, firstly, to the big volume of the requested data (can reach hundreds of megabytes per session), and rather long period of that data relevance. It’s irrational to reload unchanged data each session. Secondly, many end users don’t have the possibility to load a large amount of data because of a bad connection to the server. Apart from the large amount of remote sensing image data with a long period of relevance, there are text and vector analysis results layers, which also have a certain period of relevance, allowing caching, and have a much smaller amount — up to ten megabytes per session. Moreover user each time loading constant overhead, which used to generate client interface, to load and display the data layers and provide a variety of portal services on the client side. The proposed solution reduces the amount of traffic, the number of requests to server and meets the challenges of cross-platform, fault tolerance, and autonomy of the client application. As a result of this solution various kinds of devices, including mobile devices, can be used as terminals for ETRIS DZZ, store relevant data locally and update this information automatically. | ||||||||
Aleroev T. S., Khasambiev M. V., Isaeva L. M. A boundary value problem for one-dimensional fractional advection-dispersion equation . Trudy MAI, 2015, no 81 In last time, there is very great interest to the study of differential equations of fractional order, in which the unknown function is under the symbol of fractional derivative. It is due to development of the theory of fractional integro-differential theory and application of those ones in different fields. The fractional integrals and derivatives fractional integro-differential equations are wide using in modern investigations of theoretical physics, mechanics, and applied mathematics. The fractional calculus is a very powerful tool for describing physical systems, which have a memory and are non-local. Many processes in complex systems have nonlocality and long-time memory. Fractional integral operators and fractional differential operators allows to describe some of this properties. Using of the fractional calculus will be helpful for obtaining of dynamical models, in which integro-differential operators described power long-time memory by time and coordinates, and three-dimensional nonlocality for complex medium and processes. Differential equations of fractional order appears when we use fractal conception in physics of condensed medium. The transfer, describing by the operator with fractional derivatives at long distance from sources, leads to other behavior of relatively small concentrations as compared with classic diffusion. This fact redefines the existing ideas about safety, based on ideas on exponential velocity of damping. Fractional calculus in the fractal theory and systems with memory have the same importance, as a classic analysis in mechanics of continuous medium. In last years, the application of fractional derivatives for describing and studying of physical processes of stochastic transfer is very popular too. Many problems of filtration of liquids in fractal (high porous) medium leads to the need to study boundary value problems for partial differential equations in fractional order. In this paper considered first boundary value problem for stationary equation for mass transfer in super-diffusion conditions and abnormal advection. Then solution of the problem given explicitly. The solution obtained by the Fourier’s method. Also, studied some properties of this solution. Obtained results will be useful in liquid filtration theory in fractal medium and for modeling of temperature variations in heated bar. | ||||||||
Obukhov Y. V., Popov A. S., Orlov V. S., Kotova A. O. Simulation for safety risk assessment. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 81 The main objective of Safety Management System (SMS) is to provide a reasonable level of safety risks and operational errors, as well as hold them under the control. To solve this problem it is necessary to promptly identify hazards and assess the severity and frequency (probability) of events that may occur. This article preesents a simulation system of air traffic, that allows to perform safety risks analysis using statistical simulation of the air traffic flow in controlled airspace, operations of air traffic controllers (ATC) as well as the impact of hazards, such as faults/failures of technical systems and errors/violations of ATC and aircraft crews. The air traffic flow submodel simulates flights through the airspace area, which executes various parts of their route — en-route flight, climb after take-off from airport, descent. The most detailed submodel of air traffic controller was developed to simulate the execution of routine tasks of ATC, such as aircraft tracking, messaging with aircraft crews and between controllers, environment analisys, conflict detection and resolution. The submodel of air traffic is able to simulate flights in the airspace of ATC sector. Other submodels of navigation system, ground surveillance system, communication system are comparatively simple, they provide an opportunity of faults and failures simulation. Count of collisions, dangerous proximities and violations of separation minima are calculated during simulation. The model alows to perform the safety risk assessments, and evaluation of minimum time between failures for technical systems. Also, it is possible to obtain different indicators of ATC system, such as ATC workload, mean count of airplanes under control, intensity of air traffic, operation delays and others. On the basis of the model studies of safety of flights in creating the St. Petersburg enlarged airspace center have been perfomed. Three types of hazards were considered: changes in the bounderies of sectors, combining radar data from all sources and air traffic control from a single hall. For each sector some different scenarios were used: with current and perspective airspace structure, with real and increased air traffic flows. Three sectors were considered ULLL/South-East, ULLL/North, ULLL/Petrozavodsk. Studies showed, that the reorganization of airspace does not lead to unacceptable risks. | ||||||||
Kostin P. S., Vereshchagin Y. O., Voloshin V. A. Programmno-modelling complex for seminatural modeling of dynamics of the maneuverable plane. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 81
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Endogur A. I., Kravtsov V. A. Ideology of design of aviation designs from polymeric composite materials. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 81 The article is devoted to the design of structures made of composite materials (CM) and contains the problems that arise when designing such structures. It is shown that in all cases of the structure loading, local bulk stress concentrations of stretching-compression (wrinkling) appear in the layers of CM pack in the joint zone of regular part (fixed in composition of CM pack) with the adjacent structure. In this case, the structural strength will mainly depend on the strength of the binder. The dependence of concentration factors is shown. Theoretical formulas for estimation of the joint action of local stress concentrations on the strength of the structure effect do not exist. Stress concentration magnitude in CM layers versus constructive and technological factors, material properties characteristic is shown. The article presents an empirical formula for the loss of strength in the joint zone in relation to the regular part of the structure estimation. It is shown that actual increase of thickness in the joint zone in comparison with the regular part of the construction depends on the number of fasteners rows. With double-row seam the thickness increases, respectively, by 1,5–3 times, and with triserial — by 1–2 times. It is necessary herewith to take into account the non-uniformity of fasteners rows loading. The dependence of weight saving by replacing B95 stringer panels with CM structure fr om the volume (area) fraction of joint zones related to the total area of the panel. The presence of joints reduces possible weight saving of the structure by 35–37%. If the value of the joint zone square fraction is more than 20% of the total CM panel area, implementation of CM by weight criterion loses its meaning. Optimal structure of CM panels and racks will be the structure, wh ere the strength of the binder fibers corresponds to the strength of bearing layers, which corresponds, for example, to the structure of animal bones. | ||||||||
Rybin A. V. Methodology of detecting and analyzing rough aircraft landings based on numerical simulation of incident. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 81 Modern widely used methodology of estimating damage of an aircraft after rough landing is based on two parameters — overload at the center of gravity and aircraft landing mass. Because of high complexity of landing dynamics such approach in some cases could be very unreliable. The most important in methodology is a key term of making decisions about possibility of further aircraft operation. The need to develop the new criteria of rough landings for both operated and developed aircrafts today is obvious to many aviation experts. New method of detecting rough landings is presented in current work. It based on flight data from an aircraft such as vehicle orientation, translational and angular velocities, overloads and weight. This information represents the initial conditions of detailed math model of an aircraft interacting with a ground. Aircraft model includes flexible airframe and nonlinear landing gears. Finite-element model of the airframe was built with beams and lumped masses elements. This simple model represents all general inertia and stiffness characteristics and was verified with experimental data obtained from modal test of the full-scale aircraft. The math model is built in widely used preprocessor MSC.Patran. Using programming language it can be built automatically. This feature is very useful for research on wide range of load cases. Landing gears are modeled using solid parts linked with non-linear forces. Whole problem was solved using MSC.Adams solver. The model corresponds to Tu-204SM civil aircraft and carefully verified with experimental data. A functional relationship between landing loads and landing conditions is planned to obtain as a result of investigation of wide range of landing cases. This relationship allows estimate aircraft state after the rough landing using data from flight recorders without any numerical simulation of landing incident. | ||||||||
Pavlenko N. S. Parameterizations of main rotor hub required for blade damping lead-lag oscillations. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 81 During the engineering design all kinds of self-oscillations should be excluded, including «chord flutter» and ground resonance. The importance of structural main rotor hub parameterization is determined by helicopter safety during the flight and on the ground. The article is devoted to the research of impact of available damping over the main rotor stable operating. The flutter calculation was made by means of isolate blade disturbance motion analysis. The equations of flexural-torsional oscillations are contemplated in the stability analysis. The solution stability of differential equation system with periodic indexes, describing blade oscillations, is considered by means of numerical Floсk technique.
It’s shown, that unsteadyness of main rotor blades, in mode with dominating blade oscillations in plane of highest stiffness («chord flutter»), can’t be excluded only owing to relative first lag-mode frequency of free oscillations, | ||||||||
Komkov V. A., Gudzev V. A., Kursakov A. V., Kharitonov S. V. Selection of parameters unmanned aerial vehicle vertical takeoff-planting increased range. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 81 The analysis of the parameters of small-size unmanned aerial vehicle vertical takeoff-planting increased range. Describes the objectives and tasks of the operation of this unit. Created unmanned aerial vehicle vertical takeoff-planting aircraft is based on the aerodynamic design of the «flying wing», with integrated four horizontal lift fan of large diameter ranging in ring mines in the thicker portion of the wing. This greatly simplifies the management and load balancing modes, vertical takeoff and landing, as well as modes of complex maneuvers in flight.It also reduces noise and increases the safety during maintenance. Horizontal flight provides pullings crew propeller engine. Lifting force in horizontal flight mode is created with the end portions of the wing profile of the decrease in the relative thickness. Gondola payload and special equipment is located on the rigid suspension below the wing at the center, which provides (low alignment) additional stability in horizontal flight and take-off and landing.To stabilize the longitudinal horizontal flight at the top of the wing at the junction of the large and small parts, there are two vertical keel. Chassis — or four-wheel-type «slide». The device is controlled via radio with remote control in manual or automatic modes. In automatic mode, the entire flight from takeoff and landing is performed without operator intervention.Flight was made on a previously set route. In automatic mode implements the following features: automatic take-off, automatic landing, the flight of the programmed route, automatic return to the starting point, the mode of «hovering» at a given point, circled the object of interest in a circle with a given radius. Ultralight carbon fiber casing, carboxylic and high foams gives high performance characteristics, which is very important for transport and targeted delivery of small loads. The design created by LA can increase the payload and flight range by increasing the wingspan.
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Mikhalyev S. M. Intercontinental aerospace system. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 81 The object of this study is the aerospace system that radically reduces the flight time at intercontinental ranges (up to 18000 km.). The aerospace system is based on a rocket sub-orbit launch. The three-stage orbital launching system consists of a subsonic carrier (like a foreign analog SpaceShipTwo [1]), hypersonic plane-booster with liquid-propellant engine [2] and a shuttle with liquid-propellant engine. The launching mass of space-rocket system is 120 tons. The aim of this work is to design a new generation of aerospace system configuration (Fig. 1) and to estimate the impact of different fuels on the main technical characteristics of space-rocket system (payload mass, overall dimensions of stages, fuel tanks volume etc.).
The research methodology is based on the synthesis and analysis of the design-theoretical, scientific and technical background of TsAGI [3] in this area including reusable aerospace systems as well as additional design studies using sets of computer programs developed in TsAGI.
![]() Fig. 1 Aerospace system in 2D and 3D. The configuration design of the future twin-fuselage carrier and three versions of aerospace system with different fuels in the first stage were accomplished in this work. Aerodynamic and flight characteristics of space-rocket and aerospace system as an assembly were determined. It was shown that the considered aerospace system concept permit to reduce the time of intercontinental flights to 80 minutes. The best variant in terms of payload mass is to use the oxy-hydrogen fuel in the first stage of space-rocket system.
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Timofeyev Y. M. Procedure of initial parametric reliability analysis of electropneumatic valves for systems of space rocket complexes. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 81 An important scientific and technical problem is the preparation of electropneumatic valves (EPV) for gas supply systems of space and rocket complexes initial reliability analysis method taking into account the production process effect. The investigation of the present work is concerned with EPV. The subject of investigation is an initial parametric reliability of EPV. The investigation objective is the development of EPV parametric reliability analysis system taking into account the valves production conditions. At the first point of work the analysis of existing methods of EPV reliability calculation was performed. At the second point the EPV schematic circuits and functional concept were studied. What is more, deterministic mathematical and digital models of the most widespread EPV designs were worked out. At the third point the analysis of influence of EPV parameters spread in values on their technical characteristics was carried out. As a result the list of parameters which make the greatest impact has been received. At the fourth point the investigation was performed, its objective was to determine the type and the parameters of distribution law of values of production deviation of parts sizes, springs hardness and sealants mechanical properties. At the fifth point an approach to form the digital models of operation of EPV with regard to the production process was developed. In accordance with the accepted approach and using the results obtained previously a series of computer programs was designed. At the sixth point the method of EPV initial reliability calculation was developed, this method is based on developed mathematical models, obtained research results and accepted assumptions. The proposed method for evaluating the initial reliability of the EPV has received approval during the process of development of the new-designed pneumatic automation systems. | ||||||||
Lohmatkin V. V. Monoscopic stereoimaging performance evaluation models for Earth remote sensing spacecraft subject to on-board systems reliability. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 81 Object of investigation: Monoscopic stereoimaging reliability figures and productivity. Subject of investigation: Monoscopic stereoimaging productivity evaluation for Earth remote sensing spacecraft with allowance for on-board systems reliability and motion control system dynamic characteristics. Investigation objective: Developing models and algorithms for on-board support system partial failures and target hardware effect on monoscopic stereoimaging productivity simulation modeling Procedure of work: the paper uses logical-probabilistic approach for complex engineering systems operating capacity analysis; simulation modeling, statistical testing, and statistical analysis methods On the basis of materials on failures statistical data analysis, we suggest a target operation fault time estimation model depending on the observing spacecraft level of reliability. Power gyroscopic system mathematical models of failures development is based on forming stereoimaging kinematic diagram with account for power gyroscopes failures. Results: On the basis of imaging performance assessment algorithm, an algorithm and mathematical models of on-board control system failure have been developed for monoscopic stereoimaging performance evaluation. Monoscopic stereoimaging performance evaluation technique has been proposed for Earth remote sensing satellite with account for reliability characteristics of on-board support systems and special-purpose electrooptics. This technique is based on simulation modeling of spacecraft special-purpose operation with account for of on-board systems failure. Practical applications: The results of the studies are used at early design stages of observing spacecraft for target efficiency evaluation with account for on-board systems reliability indices. It possible to evaluate the monoscopic stereoimaging performance with account for on-board systems reliability and movement control system dynamic characteristics. Resume: Mathematical models of powered gyroscopic system failures, simulation modeling algorithm of powered gyroscopes partial failure impact on monoscopic stereoimaging performance of observing spacecraft and relevant software have been developed. Implementation the software gives possibility to obtain monoscopic stereoimaging performance versus spacecraft reliability characteristics with account for changing of slew angular velocity. Such dependences allow evaluate the monoscopic stereoimaging performance fully depending on the reliability level of observing spacecraft and dynamic characteristics of powered gyroscopic system. | ||||||||
Petrov V. A., Semyonova O. V., Tonevitskaia S. A., Khaustov A. I. Parameters characterization of pulsatile liquid flow in bioreactor closed microchannel at orbital station. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 81 This work aims at main physical parameters characterization of pulsating flow of nourishing liquid in closed micro channels (100 μm height, 500 μm width) of bioreactors for cells cultivation onboard the orbital station A series of experiments allowing consider pulsating nature of the fluid flow in the channels and determine the speed and flow rate of the liquid delivered to the cells without tracer agents insertion was conducted on a specially designed stand. According to the data obtained from the pressure sensors integrated into the fluid micro passages, the dependencies of fluid flow rate and speed versus various pressure values (±10 kPa, ±30 kPa, ±50 kPa) and frequencies (: 0.1 Hz, 1 Hz, 2 Hz, 3 Hz) were determined. Methodology of liquid flow in micro channels characterization, allowing estimate the values of pressure, speed and flow rate of liquid delivered to the cells without insertion of tracer agents was experimentally evaluated. Dependencies of pulsatile liquid flow parameters versus operating modes of the pump in the microchannel of bioreactor for biological research on orbital station were obtained. Our study shows that increase of operating frequency of pump valves leads to an increase of liquid flow rate and average velocity of nourishing liquid. At the same time, flow velocity peak or maximum instantaneous values for various cycles of the pump operation are equal in amplitudes and do not depend on operation frequency of pump valves. The obtained experimental dependencies of pressure losses in microchannel segment versus the flow rate in it give the possibility to determine the flow rate in closed microchannel at any operating mode of bioreactor without its integrity violation prior to its proper use. | ||||||||
Zimin I. I., Valov M. V. Designing the small satellite for Earth observation. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 81 The paper presents the results of designing the small satellite created in the JSC «Academician M.F. Reshetnev «Information Satellite Systems» for Earth observation purposes. The objective of this scientific work is creation of the Earth remote sensing small satellite, which will fully comply with the world trends of space technology progress and the current SC technical requirements. This objective is achieved due to creation of the Earth remote sensing small satellite based on the new multipurpose space platform — «NT-100-01». This platform uses the active, triaxial attitude determination and control subsystem, the main loop of which is designed on the basis of star trackers and control drive wheels. Such an engineering solution allows to use the satellites on the «NT-100-01» platform basis to perform tasks of high-accuracy shooting of the Earth surface in different optical and radio ranges, as well as to perform, if necessary, the satellite repointing for shooting of objects that are not covered by the satellite-covered area. The small satellite could be launched into low circular operational orbit by single launch (including concurrent launch), as well as by tandem launch as part of several small satellites unit. The Earth remote sensing small satellite of high spatial resolution and multispectral shooting is intended for multiregion remote sensing of the Earth surface for the purpose of:
The information obtained from the small satellite could be used for performance of the following tasks:
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Chicherova E. V. Application of fuzzy logic algorithms to control the speed of the power turbine of a gas turbine engine. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 81 The article focuses on the issues of enhancing the quality of electronic system for gas turbine engine automated control. It also analyzes power turbine rotation frequency control loop with various electronic regulators, such as linear PD-controller, PD- controller with reduced the proportional gain, fuzzy P-controller with differential compensating element. During operation of turbine rotation frequency control loop with initial PD-controller the required transient performance quality can not be provided. Achieving the desired speed of the power turbine is accompanied by an overshoot of about four percent 4% and amplitude ripple of 0.2%. Response time can be up to 20 seconds. Reducing the proportional gain provides aperiodic transient, increases stability margin (no overshoot) and static accuracy. However, required performance cannot be achieved. Transient time comes up to 15 seconds. Fuzzy P-controller provides high static accuracy and performance, but the transient is accompanied by overshoot. To decrease this overshoot and provide aperiodic transition process with fuzzy logic controller differentiator with a negative gain is added. Due to its negative gain, differentiator compensates the overshoot. For controller proper operation differentiator operates in a strictly defined range, when the following error of the power turbine speed falls within the limits of ±[0.25%, 2.9]%. The developed controller increases the system performance up to 6 seconds, and provides an aperiodic transient, as well as high static accuracy of the system. The analysis showed that non-linear or piecewise controller is the best choice to ensure the required quality for speed control of a power turbine. For example, it can be PD-controller including a fuzzy P-gain and differentiator with limited interval of operation. Operating range of differentiator depends on power turbine speed mismatch errors.
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Mesnyankin S. Y., Dikov A. V. Calculation of a thermal contact resistance of power plants’ elements with wavy surfaces. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 81 A numerical method for determining the thermal contact resistance of wavy surfaces is considered. This method is based on the solution of the mechanical problem with the latest achievements of the contact mechanics and the elemental analysis of the heat flow’s passage through analyzed connections which are modeled by superimposing the roughness on the wavy surface. Described stages of the simulation allow to determine the actual area of the contacting surfaces using software package ANSYS. Deformation is calculated by the known properties of the contacting materials and attached specific load. Later a temperature field is defined by the known geometric model and given values of the heat flow, the thermal conductivity and a temperature of one of the surfaces. Further the temperature field is compared with the temperature distribution of uniform material which characterizes the ideal connection. The value of the thermal contact resistance is defined as the temperature difference between the second boundary of the analyzed real and ideal connections which is divided by the heat flow density. The results of calculations are compared and demonstrate a good coincidence with the known experimental data and the known complex analytical functions. The results of the work are illustrated with drawings of the three-dimensional stress distribution and temperature field near the contact spots. Comparison of the results which are obtained in this work are made in the form of two graphs, which shows the data of experiments and calculations on the analytic dependence. The results open up the possibility to abandon complex formulas which are based on empirical equations. The results of the research work allow the proposed method to be used widely for finding the temperature difference in the thermal loaded connections of the real constructions. | ||||||||
Bolkhovitin M. S., Korolev N. N., Monakhova V. P. The improving the efficiency of management of technological processes in the manufacture of precision molded compressor blades of turbojet. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 81 For creating of modern engines and ensuring their serial production becomes a matter of priority to develop a model of formation of a strategy to improve the efficiency of production on the basis of new technical solutions and improved processes to create products. Particular attention should be paid to high-volume engine components. The most common items are the gas turbine engine compressor blades. The currently existing in RF technology of production of compressor blades is not unequivocal, the principles of its construction is not structured. The purpose of this work is to increase the efficiency of technological process of manufacture of compressor blades of turbojets. The authors analyzed the technical process using the tools of quality management, built-up the flowchart of process and identified one bloc that needed to be modified. Workpiece production is the most resource-intensive stage in the process. It is performed by hot extrusion and hot stamping. The matrix for stamping is a very expensive and responsible element of technical process. Operations on its production are very labor-consuming and include locksmithing work by a worker. To avoid this non automated operation, we take a stamp after locksmithing changes and after receiving on her correct workpieces of blade, and scan it. Stamp for producing blade workpieces was scanned by CMM machine. Based on it the 3D model of stamp has been designed. From 3D model we can create new drawings for production. The proposed process can be used for improving the technology of producing blades that are already applied in aviation industry, and to ensure the high effectiveness of new blade standard size production. | ||||||||
Aldonin F. I., Akhmetzhanov R. V. Calculation of the main working characteristics of ion thruster capacity of 20-30 W. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 81 Recently low mass satellites (up to 100 kilograms) are actively developed and created. These devices can be used for remote sensing of the Earth and for other purposes. To maintain the orbit of these satellites and to increase their active lifetime and the share of the payload we should have the appropriate engines to control their orbital motion. As these engines can be used electric propulsion with the power of several tens watts, which are having significantly greater lifetime and specific impulse compared to liquid-propellant rocket engines. This article presents the results of studies on the development and creating of the laboratory sample of radio-frequency ion thruster (RIT) with a capacity of 20-30 watts. Calculation of the basic operating characteristics of power consumption for the 20, 25 and 30 watts had been done. It was shown that the efficiency of the engine can be achieved up to 32%, with the thrust of the engine up to 0.5 mN. For the three modes of operation of the engine (at different power consumption mentioned above) calculation of basic geometric parameters of the electrodes of the grid system, which allow to achieve calculated characteristics of the engine, was done. Calculation of geometric parameters was performed in the software package IGUN. As input data were specified current density of ion beam and the electron temperature of the plasma in the discharge chamber and the potentials of the electrodes of the grid system of the thruster. The design of the engine was made. It was given the constructive scheme of the laboratory sample of radio-frequency ion engine that meets the calculated results of the study. Currently the process of manufacturing of thruster’s parts and components is going on. Thus, an inductor, a ceramic discharge chamber and the electrodes of the grid system and electrode holders were made. In the future it is planned to make an experimental test of the sample of radio-frequency ion thruster capacity of 20-30 watts based on facility of the Moscow Aviation Institute in order to confirm the calculated characteristics. | ||||||||
Ageev I. M., Bubnova M. D., Rybin Y. M., Shishkin G. G. The Development of Conductive Sensors and Device for ELF Magnetic Field Measurements. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 81 Purpose In this paper research results of the weak (<0,5 mT) ELF (0,1-100 Hz) magnetic fields generated near Earth space by original measurement method, by water electric sensors and instrumentation, are given. Design/methodology/approach The method is based on discovered earlier phenomenon of change of water electric conductivity properties under a magnetic field action. Research of different physical factors influencing on water presents severe experimental difficulties. So at this research stage the most important task is the improvement of apparatus and measurement technique to get measurement repetition and to obtain accurate and reliable experimental data. Findings The measurements of magnetic field inductance of 0,77 mT and of 6-8 Hz frequencies were carried out in this paper. The greatest influence of magnetic field on electrophysical water features and sensor parameters has been observed for frequencies of 6,5 and 7,5 Hz. These results agree well with ionospheric waves excitation and Schumans resonances. Research limitations/implications The present study provides a starting-point for further research. Originality/value Thus the developed water electric sensors and instrumentations allow to measure and research weak ELF magnetic fields excited in near-Earth space. The measurement problem of ELF weak magnetic fields caused by ionosphere phenomena and connected with solar activity influence on Earth space is of great interest for both scientific and practical applications. The study of magnetic field influence on water is very important for magnitobiology, water physics, as well as for solar-earth connections and solar activity influence on biosphere and noosphere. From a practical standpoint this problem is very important for determination of ELF wave influence on space radio channels parameters for aerospace information system. | ||||||||
Busurin V. I., Pham A. T., Akhlamov P. S. Analysis of design parameters influence on the characteristics of optical microelectromechanical angular velocity transducer. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 81 Optical microelectromechanical (MOEM) angular velocity transducer may be constructed on the basis of optical tunneling effect (OTE). Characteristics and measuring range of such a transducer are determined by design parameters of its units. The influence of destabilizing factors on the angular velocity transducer are calculated. This paper describes the created refined mathematical model of the MOEM angular velocity transducer based on optical tunneling effect that provides high sensitivity with low-rate measurement error and defines conversion function of the refined mathematical model. The described method of determination of optical output power Pout by using refined mathematical model performed to take into account the variability of the initial gap for different contact points of optical radiation on modulated boundary of the prism. Thus, the optical output power is defined as the integral dependence of all points, which are located in the obtained elliptical region by taking into account the variability of the gap d. The modeling of characteristics of the transducer and the definition of relative errors of the optical output power POUT_ref with refined mathematical model are calculated and compared with result that has been received when used approximate model POUT_app. It is shown that the measuring error decreases when using the refined model instead of approximate model. The influence of design parameters of the sensitive piezoelectric element (SPE) on the characteristics of the refined mathematical model of angular velocity transducer based on optical tunneling effect is described. To ensure the margin of error (less than 1% on the entire range of measurement) it is needed to use technologies which allow to manufacture SPE with deviation of thickness not more than ± 0,5µm and of length not more than ± 0,25mm. Additional temperature errors of the MOEM angular velocity transducer on the entire operating range of measurement are calculated. It is taken into account the temperature influence on all parameters. Analysis carried out that the impact of temperature in the range of measuring had little influence on the characteristics of the transducer (values of additional temperature error on the borders of the working temperature range are 0.11% (at T = - 500С) and 0.18% (at T = 1500С) at the maximum angular velocity ±4 rad/s). Using two channels of output signals decrease the temperature dependence by 8 times compared with single channel and improve the linearity of the conversion function. | ||||||||
Avdeev A. V., Metel'nikov A. A. Theoretical development of space-born lidar installation based on cw chemical DF-laser onboard for atmospheric monitoring. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 81 The first step in the solution of a serious problem of the atmosphere pollution is the study of the nature of its pollution form. Today lidar solves this problem with a high degree of accuracy. The purpose of this work is the theoretical development of the space based lidar installation main subsystems on the basis of the cw chemical DF-laser (CCDL), operating in pulse-periodic mode. In the process of lidar installation design, we considered the following: active environment generator (AEG) of CCDL, optical system, photodetector, forming telescope, emission receiving and transmitting channels. We propose master clock—power amplifier structure (MC—PA) as CCDL optical system. DF-CCDL transition to pulse-periodic mode with pulse on-time of 15 ns is performed by clock resonator Q-factor modulation with CdTe electro-optical gate. As AEG prototype of AEG CCDL AEG Mg-5 developed at NPO «Energomash», enhanced up to the active environment area of 564 cm2, perpendicular to the flux is used. Estimated peak power of emission impulse at the system output was 2,6 MW. In the course of receiver design, it was suggested to implement the InSb photodetector with effective area of 0.1 m3. The weight of the designed installation with allowance for fuel reserve for operation during 1495 s is 2.76 tons, with occupied volume of 6.49 m3. The weight of the spacecraft with the lidar installation on board equals to 5.73 tons. The carrier rocket Proton-M was used to place the installation into deployment orbit. Evaluation of propane concentration range detected by the developed installation was carried out; and the results are as follows: 472 — 0.21 mg/m3, which exceeds the TLV upper limit more than 1.5 times. The same is for ethane: 434 — 0.036 mg/m3, which exceeds the TLV upper limit more than 1.5 times; methane: 735 — 1.02 mg/m3, which is twice the TLV upper limit. The results show that the developed lidar allows obtaining information even from severely contaminated regions. | ||||||||
Kniaz V. V., Busurin V. I. Automatic detection of obstacles on a runway using computer vision . Trudy MAI, 2015, no 81 Onboard systems for automatic detection of obstacles on a runway are highly demanded nowadays. Such systems reduce the potential hazard for the safety of air travel during the landing and the takeoff stages of the flight. Ground based obstacles detection systems are being tested in the biggest airports. Such systems usually use LIDAR or optic sensors.There is a high demand for a mobile obstacle detection system that could be installed on an aircraft. This paper presents an algorithm for detection of obstacles on a runway based on an iterative minimization of a difference of scale photographic maps of a runway. Scale photographic maps are generated from images captured by an onboard camera. The paper presents the structure of the proposed algorithm and detailed explanation of its major steps: the generation of a photographic scale map, the creation of a scale map difference image and the estimation of geometrical parameters of an obstacle. The paper also concerns a problem of an automatic estimation of the class of the detected obstacle. It is proposed to create a database of 3D-objects of potential obstacles. The class of the discovered obstacle could be estimated by comparison of its dimensions with dimensions of objects in the database. The proposed algorithm was tested using image sequences of a runway created using a 3D-model on an airport and a scale model of a runway. The algorithm demonstrated reasonable precision and robustness during experiments. The next stage ofresearch is supposed to be the development of more accurate foreign objects classification algorithm and modification for real-time application. | ||||||||
Tolchenov A. A., Sudorgin A. S. Automated geo referencing system. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 81 One of the critical problems of Earth remote sensing is data binding to images when necessity of on-line processing of large bulk of data with due attention to high precision and reliability arises. Manual binding requires a great number of resources. Thus, a need to design an automated data binding system satisfying imposed requirements becomes relevant. Data binding assumes imagery comparison, when one image is transformed to match another one. Precise automatic imagery comparison presents a complicated task and has a set of solutions, heavily dependent on the nature of photographed scenes. Creation of universal method seems to be impractical for several reasons. Thus, with allowance for a number of assumptions, we propose a method combing currently available methods. The first stage of the proposed method consists in search area selection, based on a priori information. In the course of the second stage, the search area is covered with temporary points. Very often images of earth sensing contain uninformative temporary areas in the form of forests, fields, water bodies etc. Thus, we need a method allowing obtaining mostly clear cut objects among uninformative areas. To achieve this goal we suggested implementation of Moravec operator based on calculating the mean value of image pixels values squared differences in different directions. Image fragment with considerable brightness changes gives greater value of Moravec operator. For search area uniform coverage with temporary points, and multiprocessor systems performance optimization, the search area is split into sectors, and Moravec operator is applied to each sector. The third stage consists in points positions refinement using areal methods. Prior to it, scale difference and rotation of compared images compensation should be performed. Supporting points obtained undergo verification, and pairs of points with poor measure of concordance will be rejected. Then compared image is transformed according to selected transformation model, using previously found supporting points. This work has been realized as part of the software package, built on a client-server architecture. Calculations are made on dedicated servers. The client part is used by operators, to generate jobs and sending them to the server for later execution, as well as performance monitoring, display and editing obtained results. | ||||||||
Videnkin N. A. Multipurpose method for measuring the inertia tensor of the spacecraft. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 81 Nowadays, the rocket and space industry is extremely needed for a reliable test equipment, which is characterized not only by high accuracy, but is also able to work in automatic mode. Test rigs with computer-controlled static inertial characteristics may serve as a proper example. The operating technology of these rigs is designed to minimize the number of manual and transport operations. Besides the accurate determination of static inertial characteristics — mass and center-of-gravity coordinates, it is possible to significantly increase the quality of spacecraft work process by measuring the dynamical inertial properties. It is especially important for interplanetary spacecraft and deep space stations. Thus, it is necessary to complete the structure of the static balancing test rig by measuring the spacecraft main central moments of inertia and the direction of its main central axes of inertia (the main parameters of the central inertia ellipsoid). The main purpose of this work is the development of the multipurpose method for measuring the inertia tensor parameters of the spacecraft in its bound coordinate system. The method being developed is based on the existing static balancing test rigs. The objectives of the work are: 1) To make the choice of the basic method for measuring the spacecraft parameters of the central inertia ellipsoid based on analysis of techniques used in practice. 2) To optimize the process of measuring the parameters of inertia tensor for objects with different ratios of inertial characteristics within the permissible loads on the rig. It is necessary to carry out a comparative analysis of the current equipment models to choose the optimal base scheme of combined test rig it. Nowadays the development of test rigs is elaborated in many countries. The general trend of modernization is to increase the level of accuracy of measurement and automation of the measurement process. Leading companies in this field are «Space Electronics» (USA), «APCO Technologies» (Switzerland), FSUE «NPO «Tekhnomash» (Russia) and FSUE «TsAGI» (Russia). Significant disadvantages of the various types of equipment are low accuracy, the use of complex engineering solutions (current balance, air bearings) and the lack of technical means to measure all the parameters of the central ellipsoid of inertia without relocation. It is suggested to use the method of inverted physical pendulum with a stiff fixation as basic for measuring the moments of inertia. The method consists in calculation of the moment of inertia about the axis by the measured values of period of harmonic torsional oscillations made with an elastic system. The value of stiffness coefficient of this system is calibrated. The dissipative forces are acted on a system and causing damping of the oscillatory process during oscillations. These forces include friction forces in rolling bearings, the friction force in the spring material, the frictional force of the air. The friction force makes a significant contribution to the dynamics of oscillations, so there is a problem of its compensation. Supplement the measurement system by the control device capable to create a self-oscillation process can serve as a solution. To ensure the metrological parameters specified by the technical requirements of the test rig it is necessary to maintain the oscillations on strictly defined amplitude for spacecraft with different inertial characteristics. | ||||||||
Samoilenko M. V. Tomography method of position location and power rating of a source. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 81 The paper presents a new tomography method of remote coherent sources signals processing. This method allows reconstruct 3D coordinates and power of coherent source by the spatial covariance matrix of received signals. This method was patented Presented method consists in the following. The area under control, knowingly containing coherent signal sources, should be divided into spatial elements of resolution. The size of these elements defines the accuracy of precision of position location definition of the sources. Let us fix the coordinates of elements of resolution, as well as attenuation of radiation coefficients and phase advance, emerging due to spatial signals distribution from each element of resolution to antenna array (AA) elements. This prior information allows reconstruct the covariance matrix of the sources by the components of spatial covariance matrix of received signals. The covariance matrix of sources is a special matrix, formed as an auto-covariation of the vector, containing the radiation from each spatial element of resolution. The diagonal of this matrix holds the radiation power of each spatial element of resolution. We determine position locations and power of the sources by the source matrix: if the value of a certain diagonal component is close to zero it means the corresponding element of resolution holds no source. And if a source is present in some element of resolution, the power of the source will be equal to the value of corresponding diagonal component. The principle of the covariance matrix of the sources restoration bases on the new scientific direction — tomography approach in signal processing, which was invented by Professor, doctor of technical Sciences Vitaliy Ivanovich Samoilenko. In the paper presents computer simulation results. The problem is examined in the plane of the leaner 7-element AA. Simulation results confirm the efficiency of the method. | ||||||||
Suchkov K. I. Interpretation of test results of radar components in the risk assessment of its creation. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 81 Methodology of the designing radars developed at JSC RTI based on the interaction of automation systems engineering design and hardware and software experimental base, and design technology — on the interaction of these components. Accumulated long-term experience has allowed RTI to bring this technology to a high level and successfully use it in the design of several generations of radars. For these purposes RTI developed a stand of General Designer (SGD), which carried out comprehensive tests of the radar component on the stages from the mathematical model to the final production model. The main task of the SGD is to obtain reliable data on compliance with the current settings of the developed radar component specified functional-parametric matrix. These data are needed to calculate the availability factor on the basis of which the evaluation of the risk of radar is occurred. Combining tests of virtual and real objects, on the one hand, offers additional opportunities, and on the other — poses new, previously not decide tasks such as: · Development of an algorithm for converting the measured component radar parameters to availability factors. · Development of methodology for adaptive data processing of testing radar components. The calculation of the statistical characteristics of availability factors is proposed to put the labor input, i.e. the effort required to create modules, because labor input is the most convenient for the formalization of the unit. Labor input is complex index, which are objectively related to the budget, can be represented as a function of the qualifications and competence of staff, and at the same time it is convenient to plan and evaluate, and thus receive verified assessment. Since information on the execution of projects is stored for each radar component, it provides source data for plotting the availability factor of each component depending on time. It is necessary to consider not only the planned labor input across life cycle, but also the values of the initial estimates of effort invested before starting work. Thus, the evaluation of the effectiveness of the process of creating radar based on a comprehensive risk index, calculated according to the real information of labor input, enables the transition from deterministic valuation of the design process to stochastic planning and resource management that impact on quality indicators of the processes of creation. The high accuracy of the estimates of the current risk of the creation process of radar is achieved through the data about the realized radar component parameters promptly obtained from the stand of General Designer. | ||||||||
Dembitsky N. L., Lutsenko A. V., Pham V. A. Optimizing selection of equipment for production of airborne radio complex. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 81 Modern manufacturing of radio-electronic equipment for flying vehicles requires implementation of cost intensive technological installations of high complexity, specialized premises and skilled specialists. Introduction of state-of-the-art innovative technologies and launching of new production facilities means a group of actions including acquisition, launching, development and organization of operation of complex technologies. Under severe conditions of competition, this process should meet a whole number of factors, which is impossible without application mathematical methods of optimization and software tools. This work aims at developing of mathematical and software tools to solve the problem of providing enterprises with innovative technologies with regard for technological and economic criterions limitations. In consequence of carried out study we obtain mathematical model that presents target optimal selection in the form of mathematical programming problem. The special feature of the problem is a large number of factors affecting the optimal solution. Moreover, each of the sel ected factors can be transferred to either criterion or limitations. This is where the requirements to mathematical model, algorithms and methods of their software processing come fr om. The input data of this developed software complex include the structure of an innovative technological process, parameters of production, technological equipment and its installation and operating requirements. According to the proposed conception of modeling we developed algorithms and programs adaptable to specific productions and complexes of technological equipment, which makes this software complex a universal tool for the set problem. | ||||||||
Philatov V. I. The radio connection broadband system of the increased speed in the process of transmitting the information. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 81 It has been worked out the approach for the synthesis radio system with high demands to the process of high demands to the process of transmitting the information. This approach is based on the analysis and the application of the more energy efficient designs of a signal. That means using of multi-line constructions of the radio system with the orthogonal code devision of channels into 2 types: non-linear code sequences and multilevel quadrature amplitude-inverse modulation of the signals. Each channel consists of 2 quadrature channels. The code sequence P1 is used in the inphase channel for transmitting m-symbols of binary information. And the code sequence P2 is used in the quadrature channel for transmitting the second combination of m-symbols of binary information. Moreover, P1 is orthogond to P2. The high-order digit of m-digit code combination specifies the kind of the sequences P1 and P2. The rest of the m-1 information categories define a discrete value of the amplitude sequence. In its turn, in each quadrature channel of the receiver there is a convolution of the sequences P1 and P2. Then the sign of the response signal detected is being determined in the demodulator. Then there is a determination of the number of the amplitude interval in each quadrature channel (m-1). This number will correspond to the information category in which the response amplitude of a received signal is. That means, there is a simultaneous assessment of 2m binary units of accepted information in each channel of a receiver. To determine the values of noise resistance characteristics that’s enough to estimate it in one of the quadrature channel. The lower boundary interval’s value and their absolute value must ensure the selection of the amplitude signals with specified probability of false admission. The size of the intervals has different value, as the resulting probability of the symbol’s false admission depends on reliability of determining the sign and chosen interval amplitude signal’s number. Dispite the fact that the sequence provides the necessary Walsh correlation characteristics of the ensemble it is extremely limited, which is of significant disadvantage. It is proposed to the developed modulation type, which was named m-QAIM — multiposition quadrature amplitude-inverse modulation, using code division radio using sequences based on nonlinear full code ring (NFCR). The article also shows a diagram of a radio transmission device that was developed based on the algorithm proposed SCC using wideband signal. Thus, the practical realization of the experiment allowed the opportunity to show the efficiency of frequency and power resources in the radio channel. | ||||||||
Borodin V. V., Petrakov A. M., Shevtsov V. A. Analysis of the efficiency of data transmission in a communication network group of unmanned aerial vehicles . Trudy MAI, 2015, no 81 Currently, for many tasks it is proposed to use a group (Swarm) of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) [1,2,3]. The grouping efficiency is greatly improved when using a communication network, the nodes of which are aircraft included in the grouping. The movement of the UAV relative to each other causes in the General case, the change of their relative position, resulting in the structure of the network also changes. This leads to the need for each node to periodically update information about the current network configuration. The basis for the construction of the route is the connectivity matrix of the network, which contains information about the characteristics of the communication channels between the adjacent (i.e., having a direct channel of communication) nodes. Update the adjacency matrix requires additional exchanges of information between nodes. Because the speed of information transmission is limited, the update of the matrix will be performed for the final time. The work deals with the problem of estimating the time required to update the adjacency matrices using different algorithms access. Considered two mechanisms for network access during the upgrade process matrix — cyclic access and random access. A comparative analysis of access methods showed that in the absence of distortion (or in the case of a small amount of distortion) cyclic access provides higher efficiency compared with random access. Random access is useful when a relatively high probability of data corruption (of the order of 0.1 and above), a large number of nodes (more than 40) and low network connectivity. | ||||||||
Kosmynina N. A. Spacecraft control languages. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 81 Logical set of control actions to be uploaded on-board a spacecraft to implement a singular control task is called a management procedure. Problem-oriented languages allow define a management procedure as a script and run it during communication sessions with a spacecraft in automated mode for an unlimited number of times. All control languages support execution of the following tasks: instruction issue to the spacecraft, setting proper time delays, different conditional tests, and several other operations, such as printing a message to an operator. Recommended functional tasks that should be supported by any control language are described in the following documents: Standard ECSS-E-ST-70-32C: Test and Operations Procedure Language (PLUTO); OMG SOLM specification. Examples of existing control languages are Python, PLUTO, CSL, JOTR, STOL, TAO, CSTOL, CCL, JAS, ICL, Btscript, Cecil, CIL, TOPE/tcl, UCL, Elisa, PIL, etc. As for control languages, there are no general tendencies: control languages can be general- and special-purpose, object-oriented and procedural, control scripts can be implemented sequentially and simultaneously, on the basis of priority, scripts can be run upon operator command and automatically, after reaching preset time and conditions. The great majority of existing control languages aroused the problem of portability, when already designed and tested set of control procedures can not be used to control the spacecraft after control handover from one control center to another, without installing new control software and learning both new control software and control language. As a solution to the problem described, the new software was developed allowing translate control procedure texts from one control language to the other. | ||||||||
Brekhov O. M., Balyan A. V. Fault injection method introduction to analyze the functioning of board backup router. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 81 In the board network of aerial vehicles router is a central device that provides interaction with the flight crew, ground crew, board and ground networks. Its main task is to ensure the connection of internetwork and exit to the external network for the crew and passengers, playing the role of a gateway. The default gateway is usually the interface of router. Consequently, the default gateway fault will result in stopping of normal work of network. For the achievement of high-level availability of default gateway redundancy protocols are used. These protocols must provide fault-tolerant connection nodes of intranet with a default gateway and, accordingly, to provide a reliable exit in an external network. An important task is to test and analyze the functioning of the protocol. In this paper, HSRP protocol is examined, because it was the basis for development of other first-hop redundancy protocols such as VRRP, CARP. HSRP (Hot Standby Router Protocol) — the main task and purpose of this protocol is the achievement of high-level availability and fault tolerance of default gateway. In this paper, the fault injection technique approach is proposed for the analysis of protocol functioning. The basis of this approach is the imitation of an additional router in HSRP group, for the realization of different scenarios of faults. Therefore, faults are injected in HSRP group and protocol’s behavior is analyzed under their influence. Possible refuses in the system and methods of their injection are considered, the experimental analysis of this methodology and protocol is realized under influence of failures and faults. As a result of the done work is noted, that this methodology meets the requirements, namely: does not depend on the operating system, does not change settings and parameters of the system, does not depend on the chosen topology, amount of routers and HSRP groups. | ||||||||
Eskin V. I., Poluektov S. P., Rubinov V. I., Plotitsyn D. A., Afanasev A. S. Maneuvering aircraft altitude and speed sensor modeling. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 80 The research subject matter is the mathematical model of maneuvering aircraft altitude and speed sensor. The aim is to increase the altitude and speed measuring accuracy during the maneuverable aircraft flight while solving the problem of static air pressure perception. The relevance of the work lies in the fact that altitude and speed parameters measuring accuracy requirements are increasing as related to their metrological characteristics, reliability and performance improvement. The situation is due to the need to meet mobility requirements, to ensure flights regularity and flight safety in conditions of vertical separation reduction. The vertical separation can be reduced only after the problem of the absolute barometric altitude measuring accuracy improvement is solved. But this requires the information channel altimetry revision and improvement. Due to the fact that the absolute barometric altitude is a function of the static pressure and airflow temperature, then applied to the scientific problem solved, the particular problem of above mentioned primary air parameters measurement accuracy improvement comes to the fore. In the article the results of on-board airflow static pressure measurement accuracy improvement possibility research are given. As the main instrument in the course of simulation SolidWorks and ANSYS software packages were used. With the help of this software the instrumentation channel static pressure accuracy characteristics of different pitot-static tubes (standard and several examples of pitot-static tubes under development) at the altitudes of 5,000, 10,000 и 15,000 m at airflow to Mach 2,2 with the angle of attack to 30 degrees were obtained. The results of standard pitot-static tube and pitot-static tube under development comparative analysis are given. The design modifications of the pitot-static tube under development static pressure chamber intake ducts are demonstrated. The obtained results can be used for designing the on-board pitot-statiс tube with minimal errors in the measurement channel of the static pressure in a wide range of altitudes, velocities and angles of attack. This allows to recommend the proposed pitot-static tube for maneuverable aircraft. | ||||||||
Parkhaev E. S., Semenchikov N. V. Some Aspects of Airfoil Optimization Process for Small Size Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Application. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 80 Recently, aircraft scheme mini — and micro- unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) are considered to be a new promising direction of advancement of UAV. The increased interest in this class of aircraft is due to simultaneous appearance of new advances in the aircraft components miniaturization and new concepts of such devices application. The purpose of the present study is to design and to solve small size unmanned aerial vehicles airfoil optimization problem for better performance. Analysis of obtained results and conclusions for further research are presented. In the presented paper method of direct numeral airfoil optimization is used. As far as the method of direct numeral airfoil optimization implies the calculation of airfoil flow and airfoil performance, the calculation method (aerodynamic model) considers the aspects of airfoil flow at low Reynolds Numbers due to laminar-turbulent transition and separation bubble. Additionally this method and used technique is economical and efficient. Xfoil code is one of the few aerodynamic models that solves viscous-inviscid interaction problem in airfoil analysis. So called genetic algorithm was used for optimization process. Genetic algorithm refers to stochastic method of numerical optimization. In case of multiobjective optimization the method, based on homogeneous criteria comprising to one overall (integral) criteria was used. This method involves sum of criteria weighted by coefficients drawn up according to relative importance and other weights. It is so called weighted sum method. Examples for numerical calculations of the airfoil optimization process using direct numerical method for one or more objectives at low Reynolds Numbers are presented. It was shown, that in order to design practical airfoil the optimization process should be multiobjective. Numerical results in application of small size aerial vehicle were obtained, some important notice and conclusions was made, necessity and practical value of multiobjective approach were shown. | ||||||||
Borodin V. V., Shevtsov V. A. The choice of parameters for access control in communication networks with mobile objects. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 80 Modern aviation communication system based on the modular principle with the use of open architecture. For this class of networks characteristic is the constant change in the number and composition of concurrent mobile objects, a significant limitation on the time of network access and the use of relatively low-speed data channels. A certain compromise of conflicting requirements to the network is the use of the protocols of random multiple access, in particular, Protocol synchronous Aloha. In the present work we study the behavior of the network under heavy load. Interest in this problem stems from the fact that due to the limited frequency resource growth in the number of mobile objects leads to a corresponding increase in network traffic. Thus the probability of the transition network in an unstable condition characterized by a significant deterioration in the efficiency of its functioning. With the aim of improving the operational characteristics of the network it is necessary to clearly identify the current state of the network and to predict its transition to an unstable state. In this paper an attempt is made choice of such control parameters whose values allow to detect the access network from the steady state. For a detailed analysis of the characteristics of the network developed a simulation model that allows to investigate the behavior of the network under rather General assumptions.
Qualitative changes in the distribution of the transmission time impact on the behavior of the moments of the distribution. It is shown that the coefficient of variation of time the packet has a critical value of the order of unity. The critical value indicates the transition network in an unstable state. The obtained results allow to choose the parameters of the network management for the timely prevention of the transition it into an unstable state. | ||||||||
Evdokimchik E. A. Autorecovery system from dangerous height with prognosis of height of completion recovery maneuver. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 80 When the pilot flies at medium and low altitudes in adverse weather conditions, he can make downward maneuver that cannot be completed without crossing a dangerous height (dangerous height is height below which the collision with obstacles is very probable). Necessity for monitoring of dangerous height increases the load on the pilot and diverts him from performing a specific task. So the efficiency of implemented task is reducing. The object of article is to create an autorecovery system, which would allow to fly without focusing attention on the control of dangerous height. At the present time there are the ground collision systems based on the prediction of the aircraft trajectory and the formation of a safe corridor. Using these systems for highly maneuverable aircraft is limited because of their ability to perform intensive and low predictable maneuvers. Also, there are the ground collision systems based on calculation of a altitude which is lost during the execution automatic recovery maneuver. This height is calculated as a function of the motion parameters. The disadvantage of these systems is that the loss of height is determined at the time of inclusion of the automatic recovery and not taken into account changes in the permissible and available g-loads that may occur during the recovery maneuver. Some algorithms do not use the maximum possible g-load on current fly mode. As a result, the area in which the «Recovery» mode intervene in the control of the aircraft increases. The paper proposes a system based on integration of simplified differential equations of aircraft motion. The system consists of trajectory and velocity prediction block, model of pilot actions, and the aircraft model. This approach makes it possible to predict the height of the completion of the recovery maneuver and other aircraft motion parameters. These parameters are taken into account in determining the permissible and available g-loads during the recovery maneuver, which increases the accuracy of the system. A command occurs when the height of completion recovery maneuver is equal to dangerous height. Recovery maneuver consists of a roll to wings level combined with a pull up at 5g or the maximum available. Result of the work is improving the safety near the ground. As a result of the paper the parameters of the proposed system for the MiG-29 K(KUB) is defined. A mathematical modeling has showed the acceptable performance of the system. | ||||||||
Romanenko I. V. Improving folded mechanical systems test methods . Trudy MAI, 2015, no 80 Research area of work is large folded mechanical systems tests. During the on-ground tests it’s necessary to reduce gravity force activity on joints of mechanical system. Zero-gravity systems are usable for that purpose. Zero-gravity impact on test results and that may cause corruption of results. Goal of research is entering of analysis of mechanical system dynamic that allows get information about mechanical system behavior, about working capacity, and set specification to developed test equipment for reducing its impact on test process. On test preparation stage analysis of dynamics is usable for finding of most effective test pattern. On test stage usage of suggested method allows effective test result analysis. During execution of competitive work methods of analysis of mechanical system behavior in compliance with on-ground test conditions is done. Features of all main stages of modeling are defined, process of developing and verification of calculation model is done. Universal calculation models are composed. These models may be used for analysis of similar mechanical systems dynamic. Work describes results of analysis of spacecraft solar array dynamic. Features of motion, main parameters of functionality and actual loads are defined with application of modeling on design stage. Most effective zero-gravity system for that test object is picked and specification for its key parameters is done. Calculation model successfully pass verification on test stage. Maximum loads in plane of weakness are defined with calculation model. Analysis of some test patterns for maximum loads definition is done and most effective pattern is chosen. Difference between computed value and test value is 5%. Described method of analysis is applied for precursive analysis of test pattern in common time. Method is applied for test equipment design and also for large folded mechanical systems test. That will provide high quality of on-ground test in JSC “ISS”. | ||||||||
Kabanov A. A. Designing products with regard to organizational and technical capabilities of discrete production engineering. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 80 The paper presents a search and selection methodology for preferred embodiments of product designs engineering solutions meant for discrete engineering production capabilities. As methodology tools we use network and simulation modeling technologies. The paper also considers product, production process and production system models. Implementation of the methodology is shown by the example of aerospace products industry. Method of solving this problem is based on the following assumptions:
Solution algorithm: — Product mathematical model development: graph of product assembly; — Product manufacturing process of product manufacturing network model development based on the graph of the product assembly; — Network model analysis to identify critical and near-critical paths of the network model of product manufacturing process; — Identifying «critical» processes that define found critical and near critical paths of the network model, as well as structures that will be subjected to changes. — Development of engineering options of the obtained solutions; — Development of products manufacturing production process variants network models; — Analysis of the production lead time; — Development of resource network models, allowing taking account of production capacity constraints; — Analysis of resource network models, selection of a preferred embodiment according to the criterion of the smallest value of the production lead time; — Development of a production system simulation model based on the selected variant of the resource network model to account for the organization component and market volatility situation: of production operation mode, portion nature of production, and production disruptions; — Developing a model of market conditions impact on products time of delivery. | ||||||||
Berdnikova N. A., Chichurin V. E. Design and manufacturing of the central reflector sector of the «Millimetron» Space Observatory. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 80 «Millimetron» Space Observatory with the space telescope 10 meters in diameter is meant for study objects in the Universe at millimeter and infrared wavelengths [1]. The study of space telescopes analogues all over the world gave the following variants of mirror design: — waffle structure with ribs in the form of a combination of triangular and pentagonal elements (ASC LPI them. Lebedev RAS) [2]; — sandwich made of composite material with triangular ribs (Planck telescope) [3]; — silicon carbide waffle structure with ribs in the form of triangular elements (Herschel Telescope) [4]. This paper considers design and manufacturing of the mirror based on composite materials. The main problem of implementing composite materials for highly-stable sizes design consists of synthesis of the material, its qualitative and quantitative composition, as well as reinforcement structures to ensure minimum thermal deformations at a certain level of stiffness and strength characteristics [5]. Thus, one of the objectives of this work lies in selection of optimal composite material reinforcement structure of reflecting surface. All calculations were carried out using finite element method. Another problem of this work lies in selection of central mirror optimal ribbing structure. We considered various variants of the central mirror design, and carried out modal and static analysis for each variant. From this analysis, we selected the central mirror design, satisfying the specified requirements. Further, we carried out product design and production engineering solutions for central mirror manufacturing. As a result, we selected central mirror sector-manufacturing technology that combines thermal compression and vacuum autoclave molding using a unique equipment. A feature of this technology lies in the fact that sector shaping is performed in one technological cycle. Raw stocks of all materials for all sector elements (reflecting surfaces, ribs, edges) laying out is carried out in in the raw state. Reinforcement ribs necessary shape are formed by an utility unit. The adhesive is not used in the design. We made tests of this technology with the pattern corresponding to the accepted engineering solutions for the central mirror. The results of the pattern manufacturing confirmed the efficiency of the chosen technology. Thermal vacuum tests confirmed stability of the pattern geometry. | ||||||||
Panin Y. V., Korzhov K. N. Design of heat transfer device for alternative termal regulation method of space craft . Trudy MAI, 2015, no 80 Thermal control system (TCS) is one of main spacecraft support systems. Development of TCS allows increasing mass and energy efficiency of a spacecraft. Therefore, the task of TCS improvement by means of employed in TCS heat pipes (HP) efficiency increasing becomes more and more up-to-date. One of HP efficiency increasing methods means application of special types of HP, which are capable to regulate themselves a value of a transferred heat current. That means that HP is able to change one of its key parameters – the value of transferred heat power during HP operation in the preset temperature ranges. Such type of heat pipes are called variable conductance heat pipes (VCHP). A breakthrough in the field of VCHP took place at the end of the 80-s of the last century when loop heat pipes (LHP) that outperformed, in many ways, conventional HP appeared. Conductivity regulation in VCHP is carried out by means of either mechanical regulators, or electric heaters, or thermo-electric modules. While wide technical capabilities are provided by rather complicated manufacturing technology characterized by long-term experimental development accounting for VCHP's high cost. The paper presents design of gas control variable conductance HP, i. e. gas-controlled HP (GCHP) GCHP is an alternative to LHP widely used at present for TCS of modern unpressurised SC. The task of such facilities design seems quite up-to-date, as far as gas controlled VCHP application will allow to increase reliability of autonomous TCS, shorten production time and reduce cost. Comparative analysis of VCHP state-of-the-art developed by Lavochkin Association is presented in this paper. Also other possible options of alternative VCHP application for SC thermal control are offered. Algorithm of VCHP developed on the basis of application of capillary structure with axial grooves is offered. Methodology of main design parameters for VCHP with axial grooves determination are presented. A version of simplified engineering calculation method of variable conductance HP adapted for gas-controlled VCHP with axial grooves is considered. Design of gas-controlled VCHP prototype and results of its testing confirming possibility of application of simplified engineering method for designing such devices is presented. | ||||||||
Maslov G. A., Lapushkin V. N. Method of statistical processing of the random vibration process in experimental development of the aircraft. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 80 It is possible to use the considered method of statistical processing of the random vibration process (RVP) for the solution to the four application-oriented tasks. 1. Measurement of random vibration process on mobile objects in installation sites of the onboard equipment of its accessories of elements. Mathematical processing of the records of RVP received in the case of a large number of experiments. Research on the RVP statistical parameters characterizing its temporal frequency and energy state. 2. Analytical formation of energy spectrums of RVP. Creation, as a base for statistical characteristics of RVP, the generalized energy spectrums reflecting for some time frame the energy and spectral state of RVP in separate points of sampling, in dynamic zones of mobile object and object in general. Unification of energy spectrums, their representation as recommendations for tests of the onboard equipment for influence of RVP, and bringing these recommendations about a measure of accumulation of statistical material to the level of standard norms of tests. 3. Formation of an energy spectrum on test bench of random vibration. Development of test methods for detection of the onboard equipment reaction to the RVP influence. 4. Research of dynamics characteristics of shock-absorbing systems in case of RVP influence. Study of different mechanical models of shock-absorbing systems and devices. Detection of optimum diagrams of arrangement of the elastic and damping elements for obtaining the best parameters of vibroprotection for the onboard equipment. Research in high-frequency area of dynamics of shock-absorbing distributed parameter systems. Creation of amplitude-frequency characteristics of vibration isolation for different mechanical models. Distinctive feature of the provided method consists in that the random vibration process with the energy spectrum, standing in the given confidential intervals, affects the onboard equipment during the time, which is equal to the work of the appropriate probability on these inequalities for the period of maintenance of this equipment. The similar output is also formulated for duration of laboratory tests of the onboard equipment concerning its technical resource. | ||||||||
Krapivnych E. V. Influence of hydraulic characteristics of inlet and outlet lines on static characteristics and performance of the pressure regulator liquid reactive engine. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 80 Purpose This paper deals with the choice of the design parameters of the pressure stabilizer (STP) ensured persistence of output pressure. The STP scheme that was designed is single-stage with slide valve pair. Objective of this study — experimentally determine the nature of influence of hydraulic characteristics of inlet and outlet line on the output parameters STP, check the correctness of the design calculations and design decisions taken on 4 prototypes STP. Design/methodology/approach In the design process of STP the engineering calculations were carried out, which allow: 1) for a given stationary operating conditions to calculate the basic design parameters of STP,, 2) to evaluate influence of hydraulic characteristics of inlet and outlet lines on static characteristics of STP. On the basis of these calculations 4 prototypes STP has been designed and manufactured and then tested. Tests have shown that the calculation results have good agreement with the experimental values. This proves the correctness of the used methodology. Method of STP calculation was used to develop a mathematical model to determine the parameters of STP for dynamic conditions. In addition, the nature of influence of inlet and outlet lines on the static characteristics of STP was experimentally defined. The tests do not simulate the stabilizer in the composition of the engine. In this case, the STP considered as a static object. The tests were carried out on a hydraulic rig. Static characteristics were recorded for four schemes: 1) scheme № 1 — «stabilizer + input pipeline+ output pipeline»; 2) scheme № 2 — «stabilizer without stand pipeline»; 3) scheme № 3 — «stabilizer + input pipeline + output pipeline + drain pipeline»; 4) scheme № 4 — «stabilizer + drain pipeline.» Findings 1. The experiments confirmed the correctness of the calculations and design decisions taken. 2. It is shown experimentally influence of the hydraulic characteristics of inlet and outlet mains (input, output and drain pipe) on the level of static characteristics. It has been established: — The level of the output pressure in the presence of pipelines connected to the STP higher than the output pressure level in the absence of in the connecting pipes STP; — The drain pipeline has greatest influence on the value of the output pressure; — Increasing the inner diameter of the outlet pipe of STP with dy = 6 mm to 8 mm (assuming that the input and the drain pipes are also present in the test circuit) reduces the range between low expenditure ( — Used in these tests inlet and outlet hydraulic lines with desired characteristics can not affect the performance of STP i.e. it do not affect the stability of the process of pressure stabilization. Practical implications Experimental research methodology has been developed; it facilitates the design of similar stabilizers. In addition, this design of pressure stabilizer is introduced into production. Originality/value The value of a given work is to auto design single-stage pressure regulators. | ||||||||
Okorokova N. S., Pushkin K. V., Sevruk S. D., Farmakovskaya A. A. Research of the energy increasing means and functional possibilities of the power plants based on the aluminum-air chemical current sources. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 80 Among the autonomous high efficient energy sources for aeronautical and space purposes the aluminum-air (AA) chemical current sources (CCS) stand out as being of low cost, high theoretical energy density, accessibility, safety and environmentally friendly of the electrode materials. However, in spite of a lot of research doing under the AA CCS their industrial production has not started yet. It concerns a lot of serious obstacles connected with aluminum anode, which have to be solved during the developing of the AA CCS. The ways of increasing the energy and operation characteristics of the AA CCS have been analyzed and predicted in this work, with subject for over wide the fields of its application and functional possibilities. There are also a lot of experimental results in this work, namely polarization and corrosion characteristics of several aluminum anodes in alkaline and saline electrolytes with the different inhibitive additives (the corrosion inhibitors in the alkaline electrolytes, polymer coagulants which are modifying an aluminum hydroxide gel in the saline electrolyte). It’s also shown that in AA CCS it is possible to use an industrial made protector alloy AP4N (Russian alloy classification) as an alternative anode towards an experimental especially developed aluminum alloy Al-In (created in MAI with subject for increasing energy characteristics of AA CCS). As the corrosion inhibitors in alkaline electrolyte for AA CCS with a small rated power the salt of the organics acids can be used, for instance the sodium citrate. Addition of the coagulants based on polyacrylamid into the saline electrolyte has led to modifying of the aluminum hydroxide gel structure, which substantially simplify the usage of such current sources. In this paper the research results in a hydronic CCS with aluminum anode are also shown. The hydrogen evolution reaction from the water occurs on the cathode in hydronic CCS. Authors have considered this CCS not only as a source of electricity, but also as an electrochemical regulated hydrogen generator for oxygen-hydrogen fuel cells, which makes it possible to increase the functional possibilities of the CCS with the aluminum anodes. | ||||||||
Siluyanova M. V., Popova T. V. Research of the energy increasing means and functional possibilities of the power plants based on the aluminum-air chemical current sources. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 80 Currently, one of the urgent problems of modern engineering practice is the problem of fuel efficiency. One of the solutions to this problem is to use the heat recovery. The key technology in this case is the heat exchanger (HE). One of the most important components of the designing of the HE is the method of a calculation. The purpose of the study is to develop and verify the three-dimensional calculation method of the HE. The presented calculation method is based on the software package ANSYS CFX. The basis of the calculation is the method of the numerical simulation of RANS. As a model of turbulence there is the SST model. Basing on the criteria dependencies of the Nu (Re), the verification of the three-dimensional calculation method was performed. As a part of the verification a structured hexa mesh and an automatic tetra mesh were considered. Both of the grids showed satisfactory results in the convergence of the experimental and calculation data. The discrepancy between the experimental and calculated data for Reynolds numbers less than 2000 for the hexa mesh was ~ 20% and in the case of the tetra-mesh it was 25-27%. At the higher Reynolds numbers the convergence of the calculated and experimental data is increasing: for the hexa mesh it is 1-8% and for the tetra mesh — 9-15%. As far as in a practice the creation of the structured hexa mesh takes more time, than creation of an automatic tetra mesh, the automatic tetra mesh was accepted as the most suitable option. Considered technique is used to obtain a preliminary assessment of the heat transfer surface with the specified geometric parameters and operating modes of the heat exchanger. This reduces the design time and the cost of the full-scale tests. | ||||||||
Kolesnik S. A., Formalev V. F., Selin I. A. Mathematical model and software package of conjugate heat transfer between viscous gas-dynamic flows and cooled gas turbine blades. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 80 Physical and mathematical model, algorithm and software package for solving the problem of conjugate heat transfer between a viscous gas-dynamic flows and cooled gas turbine blades produced by means of a compound permeable shells technology are expounded. The mathematical model includes the dynamical and heat boundary layers equations, equations of the flow and heat exchange of air, in flowed from a power machine compressor, in complex channels inside the compound permeable shells (CPS), space no steady heat conduction in CPS skeletons, cooler injection in the gas-dynamic boundary layer, conjugate heat transfer between hydraulic gas dynamic flows and CPS construction.
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Krupenin A. M., Martirosov M. I. Numerical research of the unsteady interaction of a round layered plate with the surface of liquid. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 80 Object: the object of the research is dynamic characteristics of the three-layer round symmetric plate with isotropic filler. Topic: the research of impact interaction of three-layer round symmetric plate with isotropic filler. Aim: to examine the influence of various factors on the dynamic characteristics of a three-layer round symmetric plate with isotropic filler during its vertical fall on liquid. Research method: dynamic characteristics of a three-layer round symmetric plate with isotropic filler were numerically investigated in the software complex ANSYS AUTODYN, the permitting equations are equations of conservation of energy, momentum and mass. The solution is carried out by explicit method. The task is placed in the axisymmetric formulation of coherent, i.e. equations for plates and liquid are solved simultaneously. The obtained results are processed in software complex MathCad 14. Results: as a result of the work there are obtained the dynamic characteristics of a three-layer round symmetric plate with isotropic filler when it hits the water with different initial velocity of interaction taking into account the gravitational forces, the air gap and without. Conclusions: the numerical experiment without the air gap shows that the dependence of hydrostatic pressure from the initial speed is linear. The effect of air gap causes oscillation plate and the surface of the water, which leads to the uneven of their interaction and significantly affects the value of the maximal pressure, however, with the increasing speed of interaction the effect of air gap is reduced. Stresses in the filler are in ten times less than stress in the carrier layers, which allows to use more light and less durable materials. | ||||||||
Kotel'nikov V. A., Kotelnikov M. V. Method of probe diagnostics flows of dense plasma using a flat wall surface probe. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 80 Physical, mathematical and numerical models of the problem of a flat wall probe in the shape of oblong rectangular, engulfed by parallel to its surface flow of weakly ionized plasma were developed. We carried out full-scale computational experiments resulting in obtaining theoretical values of current density versus probe typical size r0, its potential φ0, directional velocity of a dense weakly ionized plasma u0, ions and electrons temperatures ratio ε, parameter D0, that characterizes orifice gas molar mass. Non-linear end and edge effects and their impact on probe current density were studied. The studies show that probe current density at reasonably large negative potentials (φ0 < —40) and probe typical sizes (r0 > 50) exceeds minimal limit value, practically irrespective of parameters of the problem. Obtained ion saturation current limit value allows developing an original probe experiment methodology with its further processing. This methodology does not require availability of probe characteristics set, applicable for large probes of any geometric shape (disc, square, rectangle etc.), meant for application with streams of various molar masses. Probe experiment processing is simple and does not require complex computational algorithms application. The suggested methodology may be useful for probe experiment results processing with GLA, as well as dense weakly ionized plasma jets, flowing out of different purpose plasma jets. | ||||||||
Baikov A. E. On the stability of equilibrium position of three-link rod system under tracking forceload. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 80 The destabilization of stable equilibrium position of a non-conservative system with three degrees of freedom under joint action of potential, non-conservative positional forces and small linear viscous friction with complete dissipation force is considered. It is assumed that the system has an isolated equilibrium position. The problem of the stability of three-link rod system under non-conservative tracking forceload in a horizontal plane is investigated. Tracking force applied to rigid body forms a constant angle with its axes. The rods are joined by viscoelastic spiral springs. Stability of equilibrium position is studied in linear approximation using Lyapunov’s theorems. The coefficients of characteristic polynomial are constructed by using Le Verrier’s algorithm. They depend upon the invariants of the matrix of linear approximation equations. Zigler’s effect condition and stabilitycriterion were obtained using perturbation theory. The stabilizationregion and Ziegler’s area werebuilt in the parameter space with the help of computer algebra methods. Using Lagrange equations of motion formulas for the coefficients of characteristic polynomial are obtained. Stability of three-link rod system’s equilibrium position is investigated when there is no dissipation. Zigler’s area and criterion for the stability of the equilibrium position of a system with three degrees of freedom, in which the friction forces take small values, are constructed. The results of the study may be useful in stability analysis of a non-conservative system with three degrees of freedom, in particular, of the three-link rod system that can be used as a model of elastic rod. | ||||||||
Anosov Y. V., Danilin A. N., Kurdumov N. N. On the stiffnesses of spiral wire structures. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 80 Purpose
Analysis of overhead transmission lines (PTL) consists in the solution of a number of problems associated with calculations of static states and vibrations of conductors and cables together with spiral accessories, vibration dampers and other attached devices on them. Their solution is only possible if the correct accounting bending and torsional stiffnesses of the wire structures. In some problems, these parameters are crucial, for example, associated with the development of energy security and reliability systems for information-telecommunication supply of aerodromes, aircraft and rocket systems, overhead transmission lines of general purpose, subjected to wind in different climatic conditions. Analysis of the literature and the state of the art in this field of mechanics shows that there are not common methods that would allow simulating the deformation of such structures, to calculate their stiffness characteristics, load-bearing capacity, optimize design parameters. In this regard, the development of methods for the analysis of stress-strain state of the multilayer wire structures, each layer of which is formed of a spiral wires or their strands is actual and practically significant problem. Design/methodology/approach In this paper each wire layer is considered on the basis of the energy approach as equivalent to the elastic properties of anisotropic cylindrical shell and the wire structure as a whole is modeled as a system of nested cylindrical shells interacting by forces of pressure and friction. Findings Based on this approach, the formulas for calculation of flexible and stiffness matrices are obtained. The formulas for calculation of bending and torsional stiffnesses of the PTL conductors and cables are also obtained with regard to their internal structure and interaction of wire layers each other. Research limitations/implications Resolving equations for a wire layer are obtained in the framework of Hooke’s law without taking into account the possible plastic deformation. Originality/value The new approach is suggested to modeling the deformations of multilayer wire structures taking into account the layer interaction between each other. | ||||||||
Dmitrochenko L. A., Sachkov G. P. Functional algorithms and attitude determination error equations for strap-down inertial navigation systems. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 80 One of the main tasks when developing a strap-down inertial navigation system is creation of attitude determination algorithms providing both convenience of numerical realization of the algorithms, and minimization of computing errors. Attitude determination algorithms for strap-down inertial navigation systems and its error equations are considered in the paper. The main purpose of the paper is receiving the functional algorithms allowing direct calculation of aircraft orientation angles in the form of heading, roll, and pitch. It is specified that the use of Rodrigue-Hamilton parameters for orientation angles calculation do not give particular advantages compared to their definition with orientation matrixes. Qualitative differences of the suggested algorithm from the algorithm based on orientation matrixes are noted. The algorithm is convenient when using in the systems that requires calculation of angles of heading, roll, and pitch. The algorithm under consideration also can be applied when carrying out numerical or semi-natural experiments using rotary tables or motion simulators for inertial sensors and inertial navigation system characteristics research. The equations in variations allowing describe errors of strap-down inertial navigation systems in specified tasks are obtained in the paper. Variants of equations set down in relation to the movement along a loxodrome and along a great circle route are given. Dependence between projections of absolute angular rate in various coordinate systems is shown that is actual for various tasks of navigation and orientation of different mobile objects. Possibility of use of the suggested error equations both for platform or strap-down inertial navigation systems is noted. | ||||||||
Velichko A. P., Mechkov V. V., Perminov Y. I. Automatic lidar-radiometric complex formation principle. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 80 The structure of meteorological active-passive complexdeveloped by the authors is described. It determines the meteorological parameters of the atmosphere and cloudsby remote method. The complex consists of the following measuring devices:
- infrared thermometer with scanningpartfixes radiation temperature of extended metaobjects. The main parts of the complex are located on a common platform which automatically orients the measuring part tothree mutually perpendicular planes. The angular position is controlled by high-precision sensors inclinometer. The operator can control the measuring complex from a remote locationby using the digital video camera for surveillance and Wi-Fi module for connection between the individual components. Experimental datasare processed by a special program.It allows obtainingthe following characteristics: temperature and height of the lower border of the cloud, its water contentand liquid water content, the concentration of ground-level aerosol. The complex is fully automated. Experimental datasare needed forshort-term forecast of development of the observed metaobject,as well as long-term weather forecast ina region. This development allows to obtain information about the object by remote method in real time. Mobile measurement complex can be used in various areas, including hard-to-reach. | ||||||||
Kropotov A. N., Makashov A. A., Plyasunov V. M. Implementation of visual positioning system for underwater vehicles. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 80 Underwater vehicle's visual positioning system (VPS) is designed to determine its local motion parameters near object site. This article describes implementation of such system and its adaptation for small-size ROVs. Using specially developed algorithms for video images processing the VSP processes video information obtained from underwater vehicle (UV) video camera. It allows to measure UV’s both cruising and lag coordinates and velocities, as well as its distance from the seabed which are used for closing feedback loops in motion control system. Comparison of correlation-extreme algorithm, optical flow method and methods based on descriptors collating was made. As a result we choose modified Kanade-Lucas tracker (KLT), representing one of the methods for optical flow evaluation. We also consider it worthwhile to further study of binary descriptor-based tracker for VPS. We adapted KLT for use with small-sized remote controlled ROV. To achieve this goal we increased frequency and conducted laboratory and semi-natural testing. Algorithm efficiency with trim and list angles up to 30° was experimentally proved, under condition of obtaining these angles values from external sensors. The absence of drift error of coordinates measured by VPS in length of time was also shown. Based on Bode diagram we came to a conclusion that visual positioning system can be represented as pure time delay link within the control system. A full-scale tests of VPS on ROV in the special natatorium showed that developed VPS can be used for small-sized highly dynamic ROVs local positioning within object site. The represented video positioning algorithm can be also used for automated drone hovering mode. | ||||||||
Kulikov A. M. Application of design patterns in software of flight mission planning system. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 80 Flight mission planning systems [1] for various aircraft have a lot in common, and perform the same tasks. Therefore, the actual task is to develop unified software for such systems that could be quickly adapted to specific requirements of the particular technical specification. To achieve this goal, the hierarchical modular software architecture is proposed, where a «model-view-controller» concept [2] and other concept [3] are applied for the proposed architecture. The following software subsystems are defined in the proposed architecture: cartographic subsystem (the first level), subsystem of navigation situation input (second level), subsystem of flight planning (third level), subsystem of flight data preparation (fourth level). Subsystems of a lower level do not depend on subsystems of a higher level. A concrete planning system can contain more than one subsystem at a certain level. Subsystems of higher levels are possible. A major module operate with major subsystems by a common template Each subsystem consists of two modules: business logic module and module of graphic user interface. Business logic modules realize application environment models, application task kernels, read operation, and data processing and storage. While user interface modules determine dialog boxes configuration, logic of domain models (data) imaging, and semantic processing of user actions. The modules of business logic do not depend on the user interface modules. Pattern «Observer» is used to present notification concerning events (changes) within models at runtime. If new customer wants to use another configuration of dialog windows then it is possible to develop new user interface modules while keeping existing business logic modules intact. Conversely, in case of domain algorithms changes (or significant changes in data access and processing), business logic modules can be replaced with minimal modification of existing user interface modules or keeping them intact. In addition, software partitioning in business logic part and the user interface part enables more efficient of developers abilities usage: some of them specialize in the development of domain models, and others concentrate on the development dialog windows. The proposed architecture was implemented for one of flight mission planning systems developed by Ramenskoye Design Company. The developed software has passed certification and has been successfully implemented with some other systems. Thus, we obtain the software platform, which further implementation and development can lead to significant cost price and launch date reduction of new products, and profit markup of an enterprise. | ||||||||
Pavlov P. V., Gorunov A. E. Hardware-software complex of nondestructive testing of aircraft parts. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 80 In order to increase the efficiency of the optical methods of the nondestructive testing of assembly units, equipment and component parts of the aerial vehicle of the Russian aircraft, the complex of statistical and natural tests on use of a method of speckle-structures of optical radiation and correlation analysis of images, for diagnostics of a status of surface and subsurface structure of aviation details was carried out. During numerical and experimental studies it is established that the value of an interval of correlation of the registered speckle-pictures directly depends on the dimension of defect of the probed sample, the bigger the dimension of defect, then the smaller the interval of correlation of a speckle-picture. The limits of applicability of algorithms of correlation analysis of digital speckle-pictures for determination of parameters of roughness of the controlled objects are also defined, it is established that in case of registration of a speckle-picture by scheme using radiation transmitting through optical system (through sample material) the range of the dimension of roughness for which a method of correlation processing is applicable is about 4 times bigger than in case of reflection of wave front from a surface with the subsequent registration of a picture at once on a screen matrix. It is established that it is effectively to use the correlation analysis for determination of high-rise parameters of a controlled surface at the maximum height of roughness of hmax ≤ 8λ− for reflection and hmax ≤ 32λ − for a radiation transmission through a sample. During an experimental study on application of the method of speckle-structures of optical radiation for an estimation of the internal structures of composite materials it was established that with the increase of the dimension of internal defect the value of the radius of correlation of the speckle-picture increases, and the width of the energy spectrum decreases witch is explained by a smaller transmission of laser radiation through the material in the area with a bigger diameter of the internal defect. In case of control of the optically nontransparent surfaces the inverse relation is observed, so the bigger the high-rise parameter of roughness or width and depth of the defect, the smaller the value of the radius of correlation of the registered speckle-picture. It is established that the most sensitive parameter of the registered speckle-pictures in using correlation analysis is the value of the radius of correlation of a speckle-picture. Consideration of the features of realization of the method speckle-structure optical radiation in laboratory conditions and also the existing optoelectronics element base in use allowed to develop the model of the test mobile speckle-laser defectoscope. The software module which would allow to automate the process of defectoscopic control with the use of a method of speckle-structures of optical radiation is developed for the correlation processing of speckle-pictures with the use of the Qt tools, QWT libraries and the compiler GNU C ++. This software module carries out the following tasks: — capture of a speckle-picture from a mobile defectoscope; — definition of the speckle-picture parameter (radius of correlation and width of the energy spectrum); — displaying information on the defect-free or malfunctioning of the controlled unit to the operator. Thus, the hardware-software complex of non-destructive control allowing executing operations of defectoscopic control of aviation details and manufacturing conditions is developed. The results of the work can be used for justification of tactical technical requirements on creation of devices of non-destructive control, which principles of operation are based on use of the method of speckle-structures of optical radiation. | ||||||||
Fadin D. A. Realizing computational algorithms on integer microprocessor systems using MATLAB Simulink. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 80 The purpose of this work consists in code creation for on-board digital signal processor of a medium-range guided missile. The program code must realize the specified missile guidance algorithm. Microprocessor has a limited set of debugging tools (system «input—output») and insufficient computing power for floating point data processing. Approach The offered technique implies the sequential transformation and debugging of the guidance algorithm in MATLAB-Simulink using «physical», «discrete» and «integer» models. We use «Physical» model to receive control algorithm internal data in accordance with sampled test data. Creation of «discrete» and «integer» models is carried out with allowance for specifics of the microprocessor computing environment. The «discrete» model helps to select formulas of numerical integration techniques for dynamic units implementation. Formula selection criterion is defined as the relation between its precision and execution speed, estimated by the tests of a microprocessor basic operations. All variables and constants of guidance algorithm in «integer» model are represented as fixed-point data with limited bit length. To maintain correctness and precision of mathematical operations, normalizing binary shifts should be added to the model. These shifts operations exclude underflow and data bit grid overflow. Various methods of solution are applied to impart desired properties to integer dynamic units. They include adding of correction coefficients, the structural transformations of blocks, data allocation in multiple variables, reset of schemes and varying frequency of block solutions. Tables with program-extensible domain in binary notation are used for calculating mathematical functions with finite range (sine-cosine). CORDIC‑algorithm is applied for calculation of the functions realizing rotation of a coordinate system. The «integer» model is converted into C-code automatically or manually after confirming its accuracy. The results, value and practical application The proposed technique allows adapting computational algorithms for integer microprocessor systems in the absence of their standard debugger. The final «integer» model is optimized by precision and speed of data processing. Debugging and customization of program code are performed in a short time inside the language of technical computing MATLAB-Simulink without a microprocessor’s debugging tools. This technique is used in several products of JSC «KBP»; its effectiveness is confirmed by full-scale tests of guided missiles. | ||||||||
Boev S. F., Petrakov A. M., Dembitsky D. N., Kazantsev A. M., Pankratov V. A. Risk assessment event model of early warning radar development. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 80 The urgency of developing new approaches to the design and producing of a new generation of early warning radar is stipulated by the contradiction between increasing requirements to the characteristics of a new generation of early warning radar and the development of basic breakthrough technologies for their creation. Developed by JSC “RTI” methodology for creating an early warning radar of a new generation provides initial decomposition of design specifications imposed by the Customer into major functional tasks. Functional tasks represent the basis which is more stable and repetitive from generation to generation. It allows providing maximum continuity of performed functions during transition from one generation of products to another, and as a consequence increasing unification level of a number of early warning radars. And functional-algorithmic systems are formed on the basis of the functional tasks. The proposed methodology peculiarity lies in the fact that we introduce a new approach to the development of an early warning radar of a new generation. It is based on the design and implementation of a unified hardware and software design platform for radars. For functional-algorithmic systems of an early generation radars development, hardware and software functional components (blocks, modules) testing, as well as evaluation of deviation scope of current values of blocks and modules characteristics from those requested by the JSC “RTI” Customer the General Designer test bench was designed. It represents the main and uppermost interlink between theoretical development and practical implementation of the stations. Let us represent the radar development as a complex multivariate process subjected to variable and often unpredictable effects of different events, a full description and formalization of which is extremely difficult. The aforesaid formalization is possible when using the methodological apparatus of mathematical statistics, which allows operate with generalized concepts and highlight the most significant risk factors that affect the simulated process characteristics. The represented event model advantage lie in the fact that the ability to implement operational management of the processes of development of a radar based on joint analytical treatment of the theoretical and experimental results of the process of creating the radar at all stages of the life cycle of its the creation. The deviations of requirements to module parameters from tactical and technical requirements are recorded with General Designer test bench and compared to predetermined characteristics of the functionally-parameter matrix. Deviation of measured parameters is converted to values of the modules readiness factors, which are used for calculations and risk operation monitoring. Using mathematical event model expressions it is possible to calculate risks of an early warning radar development, successively evaluating modules parameters with General Designer test bench. And according to obtained data take reasoned decision on the necessity of selecting some other module in the case of its nonconformity to performance characteristics. The presented method formed the basis of mathematical and software development for an early warning radar automated system (ASC) design. One of the main requirements to the ASC, was JSC "RTI" design works management methodological reserve buildup, which fundamental component is General Designer test bench. Efficiency upgrading of working process by th implementation General Designer test bench should lead to radical improvements in design timing data and adjustment of the station systems. | ||||||||
Borodin V. V., Petrakov A. M. Analysis of control algorithms of adaptive network data transmission by local parameters. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 80 At the present time to effectively control the aircraft are used in communication systems to interact not only with the ground control, but also for data exchange between aircraft. Each aircraft is both the source and relay messages. An important feature of the data network in this case is the dynamic change of network configuration and no external configuration mechanisms. It should also be noted relatively small lifetime of the network in the same configuration.
The proposed work deals with the problem of analysis of control algorithms that ensure high network efficiency based on the analysis of only local parameters that each node can determine yourself. The paper discusses four methods of managing network random access to puncture synchronous Aloha. Analysis of management methods is based on a simulation model.
The second method uses to change the repetition period of the current number of retransmissions. When it reaches a certain level, the period increases with each new re-transmitting the packet. In case of successful transmission of the repetition period is reduced. For this method, the optimum rate of increase and decrease of the repetition period and the threshold for the number of retransmissions. The third method uses to change the repetition period of the current network load. In the case of distortion of the package, the repetition period is increased to an appropriate current load limits. This limit value of the repetition period is determined from the condition of ensuring the minimum transfer time is only possible for this network the number of nodes. For a successful packet transmission, the repetition period is reduced. The fourth method is a combination of the second and third methods of control. When the distortion of the package, the repetition period is gradually increased, but only up to the boundary values. The simulation results show that in the whole range of traffic and the number of nodes the best features of the fourth, the combined method of control. Amongst the top three management methods at low and medium traffic is the second best method of control, and at high traffic and a large number of nodes, the best is the third method of control. | ||||||||
Bulygin M. L., Mullov K. D. Analysis of control algorithms of adaptive network data transmission by local parameters. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 80 This paper discusses the design of the probing signal generator for spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar. Spaceborne SAR systems operate in conditions of interference signals influence (range and Doppler ambiguity, blind zones, etc.). The correct selection of pulse repetition frequency (PRF) of the probing signal allows reducing influence of noise on the echo-signal. In order to reduce the noise influence, the FPGA-based signal generator for spaceborne SAR is proposed. Onboard memory blocks are mostly affected by space radiation (heavy charged particles). For this reason instead of Memory-based architecture an algorithm based on the Direct Digital Synthesizer architecture is presented. To increase the sampling rate up to 480 MHz the method of parallel processing is used (four 120 MHz channels for each I and Q quadrature).Thus achievable bandwidth equals 400 MHz (20 percent less than sampling rate), that allows to provide range resolution about 1 m (orbit altitude 514 km, angle of sight 20 degrees). The special algorithm of PRF calculation is used. This algorithm takes into account blind zones distribution and nadir reflections on PRF – angle of sight plane. PRF values for the whole range of angles of sight are stored in FPGA memory. The initial data for the signal generator are angle of sight, duty cycle and bandwidth. Angle of sight determines the working value of PRF. Duty cycle and working value of PRF determine the duration of the probe pulse. Bandwidth provides the required range resolution. Thus the probing signal generator provides desired characteristics of probing signal.
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Vdovin D. V. Method two-stroke spectral processing additional signals. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 80 The development of modern radar systems in the field of aviation and space exploration is inseparably linked with the use of complex-modulated sounding signals. The object of study in this work is complex phase-code manipulated signals. The technical result of the work aimed at improving the performance of modern radar systems, such as resolution, speed and range of analytic detection range. Scientific novelty of the work lies in the proposed method of processing of probing signals. The aim is to develop a method for spectral processing of additional signals, alternating in time, eliminating the influence of the Doppler effect on the side-lobe level of the processing result. The paper discusses detailed analysis of the influence of the Doppler effect on the agreed process additional signals considered by the example of the total treatment, developed a method of push-pull spectral processing additional signals, which eliminates the influence of the Doppler effect on the treatment result, a closer look at the device, based on the claimed method. It is shown that the industrial applicability of the proposed method is possible due to the fact that all the operations used in the feasibility of digital technology and software in the computer technology. The use of the method satisfies the conceptual design technology features modern radar systems in the field of aviation and space exploration. | ||||||||
Martirosov V. E., Alekseev G. A. The quasi-coherent QPSK modulator. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 80 This article presents the results of the development of the new quasi-coherent QPSK (quadrature phase shift keying) signal modulator structure, compared to traditional schemes of quasi-coherent QPSK signal former it has complex of improved parameters: increased locking range and holding range, the minimum synchronization time, improve accuracy and stability of the manipulation phase in the presence of destabilizing factors affecting the parameters of the device. In the article, it is shown a block diagram the device. The description of the operating modes are given. Phase portraits of the device, timing diagrams of transient processes for mode of initial synchronization and mode of synchronous operation are shown. The results of the device simulation in MATLAB / Simulink are presented. The dependence of the frequency synchronization time on initial frequency detuning were obtained for developed device and QPSK signal modulator based on traditional phase locked loop (PLL) (transfer function described by a differential equation of order 2), in Matlab / Simulink. The results obtained during the study show a significant extension of the locking range of the developed device compared to the considered conventional scheme of quasi-coherent QPSK signal modulator. Time frequency synchronization of developed device has also significantly reduced and slightly changed in the all considered range of frequency detuning. The new structure of quasi-coherent signal modulator QPSK presented in the paper are promising for use in practical applications such as the reference oscillations using signals received from distant sources of standard time and frequency scales. | ||||||||
Zhabin A. S. Space experiment on time scales synchronization using an optical laser location system. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 80 This paper describes the perspective way to provide a subnanosecond accuracy of time scales checking is using a space optical laser location system. The application is satellites of GLONASS system or others and land stations with central synchronizers or other object with its own time scales used for the local purposes. The considered system consists of land and space segments. The land station provides short impulses of laser radiation (the wavelength is 532 nanometers, impulse duration less than 400 picosecond) in the direction to the spacecraft and registers exact time of start impulse and arrival time of an impulse reflected by the retroreflex system installed on a satellite. These measurements are made in a land station time scale. The space segment provides precision registration arrival time of a laser impulses in a satellite time scale. These measurements open a way to calculate time scales difference between a space satellite and land station. The solution of perspective problems of precision checking time scales requires transition from nanosecond accuracy of measurements to subnanosecond accuracy. Optical laser location systems allow to solve problems of far located objects time scale synchronization with from tens to hundreds picoseconds accuracy. Such accuracy wasn’t reached by any other systems so far. This work is performed by the Federal program «Maintenance, Development and Use of GLONASS System for 2012-2020», the customer is a Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation. | ||||||||
Aye M. W., Temnov A. N. Rotation of a rigid body with an ellipsoidal cavity is completely filled with stratified fluid. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 79 This work is associated with the increasing use of cryogenic liquids in a rocket and space technology. In this work we report the results of the analysis of the stability of rotational motion of a rigid body with ellipsoidal cavity completely filled with stratified (cryogenic) liquid. The problems of the motion of rigid bodies with cavities filled with a homogeneous ideal or viscous fluid are sufficiently studied. However, the development of modern technology and the practice is set for researchers a number of new problems of dynamics of solid bodies with liquid-filled cavities. One of these problems of the motion of solids with cavities filled with a cryogenic liquid. An essential feature of the cryogenic liquid is the heterogeneity of temperature and density, which is observed in all modes of exploitation and storage. In this abstract, assuming no heat exchange with the external environment, we consider the problem of the stability of rotation of a rigid body with an ellipsoidal cavity filled with an ideal stratified fluid. Obtained the characteristic equations are considered some special cases: A) rotation of a rigid body with hardened liquid, B) rotation of a dynamically symmetric rigid body with a homogeneous liquid having a cavity in the form of an ellipsoid of revolution. The regions of instability of motion of a rigid body with a homogeneous fluid in the plane of two parameters, which are coincide with the results of other authors. At the end of the paper the regions of instability of rotation of a rigid body with an ellipsoidal cavity entirely filled with stratified fluid are presented in different cases: a) in case of weightlessness but taking into account the moment of inertia of a rigid body, b) in case of mess weight, when the moment of inertia of a rigid body is equal to zero or not equal to zero. The given investigation of the stability of rotation of a rigid body with a stratified fluid showed that the stable stratified liquid reduces the instability regions. The result also indicate that in case of an ellipsoidal cavity hydrodynamic effects of stratified fluid created a large finite number of partial movements, compared to homogeneous fluid. | ||||||||
Panteleyev A. V., Letova T. ., Pomazueva E. A. An application of global optimization methods to the parametric synthesis of generalized proportional-integral-derivative controller for the flight control problems. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 79 The solution of the PID-controller optimal parameter search problem for a given set of initial states and the set of input signals is obtained. An algorithm and software is suggested. The novelty of the approach is to add the term with the second derivative of the error and to calculate the integral component not on the whole time interval, but only on an interval defined by a «memory» of the system as well as to apply the criterion of optimality of the controller parameters that characterize the average cumulative error with respect to the set of possible initial system states and the set of input signals. This problem is solved similar to the problem of unconditional minimization of the multivariable function J(Knp , KD1 , KD2 , KI) using the method of simulated annealing and further refining of the result with the help of adaptive random search method. An example of solving the problem of finding optimal parameters of the PID controller for the longitudinal aircraft motion is given. A comparative analysis of the impact of the controller parameters on the quality of transition process and appropriate recommendations are made. The suggested technology of solution of the parametric synthesis problem can be used in solving the engineering problems by constructing PID-controllers. | ||||||||
Pismennaya V. A. Algorithmic and program software of the memetic algorithm for the search of the conditional global extremum. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 79 The memetic algorithm for finding the conditional global extremum of functions created by the author based on the concept of meme is considered. Currently a great attention is paid to solving global optimization problems. Aircraft designing requires the solution of these problems especially when optimizing the characteristic parameters (weight, flight range, aerodynamic characteristics) and developing control systems of individual structural elements and whole object as well. This article deals with the problem of the orientation of the spacecraft. During the flight the spacecraft orientation maintaining is the most common problem. In the article flat version of the problem when the spacecraft is turning in a single plane due to the rotation of the flywheel, mounted inside the spacecraft, is considered. At start time, the angular velocity of the spacecraft and the orientation angle are zero. It is necessary to bring the spacecraft orientation angle to the target for the finite time due to the rotation of the flywheel, with zero angular velocity. Application of the algorithm is also advisable for a number of optimization problems such as the problem of stabilization of the satellite (problem of damping rotational motion of the satellite using engines installed on it), the problem of interception (target interception by missile), the problem of stabilization of the height of the aircraft. Application of the described algorithm significantly reduces the time required for solution of such problems. Usage of existing numerical methods is associated with a number of difficulties: large computational load, the requirements for the task, difficulties in achieving convergence of the method. So there is a need to develop and use the so-called heuristics. These methods have no rigorous justification of convergence, but in most cases they allow to obtain an acceptable solution to the problem. The term «meme» was introduced and defined by R. Dawkins in 1976 as «the basic unit of cultural transmission, or imitation». The term «Memetic Algorithm» was first introduced by P. Moscato in his report in 1989 as hybrid genetic algorithm coupled with an individual learning procedure for refining the solution of the problem. At the stage of particular learning the solution (individual or its genotype) is replaced with a new one (learned) solution in case if the new solution has a larger adaptation value independent upon the rest part of the population. Thus, there is the so-called cultural development of the individual, which is then transmitted to its descendants during next generations. At the moment, the term «Memetic Algorithm» is widely used as a designation of the interactions of evolutionary or other approach based on the concept of population, and particular learning of individuals or other local procedure enhancing the solution of the problems of the global extremum search. In the developed algorithm, the cultural evolutionary component is implemented while solving optimization problem by using either the ant colony method or simulated annealing method. During the cultural evolution information about memes is used to generate in terms of the solving problem better individual. On the basis of the proposed algorithm the software complex is formed in C# language, allowing to apply the developed algorithm to different functions, as well as to analyze its performance. Effectiveness of the method is demonstrated on several model examples that have both simple and complex structure of level lines. | ||||||||
Kotel'nikov V. A., Kotelnikov M. V. Flat background probe in the mode of the continuous environment. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 79 Consider a flat wall surface probe in the form of an elongated rectangle, located on a streamlined dense plasma surface. The problem is non-stationary two-dimensional, multi-parameter if the flow velocity is parallel to this surface and perpendicular to the long side of the rectangle. Mathematical model of the problem includes the equation of continuity for ions and electrons and the Poisson equation for the self-consistent electric field. Total speed of charged particles vector consists of three components: convective, diffusive and a component that is associated with mobility. Convective component is determined from the solution of gas dynamic part of the problem and is considered a given. Numerical model of the problem is based on the method of successive iterations in time. In particular, the continuity equation is solved by Davydov method of large particles, and the Poisson equation — by spectral methods. Sets of current-voltage characteristics (CVC), sufficient for practice within limits of geometrical dimensions of the probe and values of directed plasma flow velocity, were obtained in numerical experiments. This set of CVC allows you to refine the results of processing the characteristics of probes installed on the surface of hypersonic aircraft (HA), as well as in plasma jets flowing out of technological plasmatrons in various applications (plasma chemistry, plasma spraying, plasma processing of surfaces, plasma electronics and etc). In addition to probe characteristics profiles, the self-consistent electric fields, the concentrations of ions and electrons, evolutionary curves for streams of charged particles upon a plane probe and information about the role of nonlinear finite and edge effects are described in article. This information is necessary for analysis of heat, charge, mass flows and momentum flux from plasma upon the surface of HA. | ||||||||
Bezglasnyi S. P., Krasnov M. V., Mukhametzyanova A. A. Сonstrained control of motions of a two-mass pendulum. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 79 In this note the problem of control of plane motions of a two-mass parametric pendulum is considered. The pendulum is modeled by two equivalent weightless rods with two equivalent point masses. They are fixed on the rods and moving along the circle with the center at the pivot. Pendulum can perform rotational or oscillatory motions in a vertical plane around the point of attachment. Pendulum motion occur in a uniform gravitational field. Two-mass pendulum has two equilibrium positions. Lower position is stable and upper position is instable. Friction forces is neglected. Possibility of parametric control of pendulum excitation and swing damping in the vicinity of the lower equilibrium position are discussed. The control is realized by varying continuously the angle between two rods. It is a function that depends on the representative point of motion of the gravity center of pendulum. We assume about the restrictions on move of the gravity center of pendulum along the bisectrix of angle between rods. The aim of this paper is to build new control laws with specified properties that implement processes of excitation and damping pendulum near the lower equilibrium position. The problem is solved by the method of Lyapunov’s functions of the classical theory of stability. In this paper the two control law processes of excitation and damping pendulum with the assumption of restrictions on the movement of the gravity center are constructed. The Lyapunov’s functions that prove the asymptotic stability and instability of the pendulum lower position in the respective cases of the pendulum damping and excitation are constructed. It is shown that under controlled movements according to the first law occurs the asymptotic damping oscillation amplitude of pendulum for any initial conditions movements. When control according to the second law is the growth of the amplitude and the transition from oscillatory to rotational motions. The theoretical results are illustrated by graphical representation of the numerical results. Results of paper can be used in modeling and control of plane pendulum motions of various mechanical systems. | ||||||||
Zveryaev E. M., Olekhova L. V. Iterative interpretation of Saint-Venant semi-inverse method for construction of composite material thin-walled structural elements equations. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 79 A problem of the construction of the composite material beam and plate state equations similar to the classic ones is considered. The construction process is based on the Saint-Venant semi-invers method treated as the iteration one and subjected to the contraction mapping principle. The theory equations are transformed to be applied the simple iteration method. The small parameter is isolated to analyze the convergence process. In accordance with the Saint-Venant semi-inverse method to extract the wishing solution from general equations it is necessary to ask some of the stresses and displacements, and via the rest equations to calculate all the other unknowns. Because of understanding the semi-inverse method as the iterative one the null approximation values are taken the same as these in the classic theory. The first approximation solution gives the possibility to determine all unknowns expressed via the null approximation values. The boundary conditions verification on the face surfaces gives the state body equations with the effective coefficients to determine the first approximation values taking into account the integral composite properties. In general case 16 effective coefficients are obtained for the strip whereas the plate 48. To determine these simple formula are given. All coefficients have to be taken into account to satisfy all boundary conditions at the end faces and determine the stress-strain state in the domain of application of the local load. In the rest body domain the stress-strain state is described by the slowly varying functions calculated from the theory of bending beam and plate classical equations with only effective coefficient of flexural rigidity. The substitution of the found from these equations values into the expression for first approximation unknowns gives the local stresses and displacements. Thus the Banach fixed-point theorem (also known as the contraction mapping theorem or contraction mapping principle) may be considered as the generalization of Saint-Venant semi-inverse method. | ||||||||
Dolgov O. S., Bibikov S. Y. Methods of supersonic aircraft preliminary squares graph formation. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 79 This article describes the approach used by designers in determining fighter aircraft geometric shape. In determining the geometric shape, the boundary conditions are the aircraft squares graphs. The aircraft squares graphs formation takes place on the basis of the classical formula for the body «Sears-Haack.» Further transformation of the aircraft squares graphs is carried out taking into account the changes in statistics. The volume and the squares graphs of bearing surfaces are determined separately. Designer needs to determine the so-called «Layout area» to form the aircraft geometric shape. At the initial stage of the geometric shape formation «Layout area» is a planned aircraft projection, which determines the airplane carrying capacity, and the squares graphs, defined the sheer aircraft volume and the aerodynamic drag wave increase. Aircraft planned projection formation traditionally is the first parameter taken in to account for the geometric shape development (after design parameters preliminary determination), is directly related to the aircraft squares graphs and vice versa. Furthermore, the importance of squares graphs defined for the designer illustrates the distribution layout volume in the theoretical layout loop of plane and, thereby, enables the analysis of rational distribution. Squares graphs (at this stage) is the source of the parameters describing the «necessary» square cross sections. The term «necessary» means that supersonic front aircraft geometric shape formation should follow certain patterns of cross-sectional areas distribution along its length. In this paper we use two concepts: «aerodynamic» squares graph, and a «full» squares graph. Under the first refers the cross-sectional and exclude «channels» graph (the volume occupied by the air intakes and engines). Under the «full» squares graph means aircraft cross-sectional areas graph, built with the contribution of all components, including ducts and nozzles. After defining the squares graph main parameters, it is necessary to define the parameters of its shape, namely the location of mid-section along the aircraft length. For the Sears-Haack’s body it is characteristically a mid-section location at mid-length, and for modern supersonic aircraft is typical shift back of mid-section. This is due to purely as the layout features, as well as with typical supersonic flight speeds at cruising. That makes it necessary to provide a minimum gain of the wave drag at these flight speeds, and displacement (from the middle of the aircraft length) of mid-section position. | ||||||||
Tikhonov R. S. Influence of the training set non-homogeneity on space-time adaptive processing performance in airborne pulse-Doppler radar. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 79 One of the crucial issues for modern airborne radar systems is to provide all-aspect low scattering targets detection at maximum range. Currently airborne radar is equipped with two operational modes to meet this challenge: high pulse-repetition frequency for approaching target detection and medium pulse-repetition frequency for receding target detection. Although maximum detection range provided for receding targets is often insufficient because of the terrain clutter. Significant improvement of radar characteristics could be achieved by using space-time processing. The adoption of space-time processing algorithms became possible due to the introduction of multi-input-multi-output phased array radars and progress of digital signal processing. Since in practice all the required information about clutter background covariance matrix is unknown, space-time adaptive processing (STAP) is used. Clutter covariance matrix sample estimation is computed using training set composed of range bins that surround the cell under test. With that the surrounding range bins should contain similar interference to achieve STAP performance closed to potential (optimum). Although when the training set considers clutter background closed to altimeter its non-homogeneity increases. The article contains performance analysis of STAP in multi-input-multi-output phased array radar when the training set composed of range bins considers clutter background closed to altimeter. According to numerical analysis non-homogeneity of training set has least influence on the suboptimal STAP algorithm based on apriori knowledge of clutter characteristics for different bins. The algorithm significantly reduces (for 15-20 dB) clutter energy losses for low flying receding targets compared to conventional signal processing (at the same radar signal parameters) at sample support about 10-12. The level of the computational complexity of the algorithm allows its real-time hardware implementation. | ||||||||
Moiseev D. V., Trinh V. M., Mozolev L. A., Moiseeva S. G., Pham X. Q. Light unmanned aerial vehicle flight routing in the fixed wind field on the basis of a solution of travelling salesman problem variants. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 79 The article formulates a number of problems of practical interest, such as detection of a light unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) flyby route over predetermined points on the earth surface. Routing problem is reduced to different variants of closed and open traveling salesman problem. In particular, we considered variants for the open problem when information about starting and end points of a route is available, or not available. Flight duration over the route herewith is minimized, as far as it provides the rise in operativeness of target function solving. Lightweight UAV is characterized by a relatively small range and short flight time. This allows to assume speed and direction of wind as constant over the entire zone and flight time. Traveling salesman problem matrix elements, representing the flight time between pairs of points, are calculated taking into account the effect of wind. Routing problems under discussion are mathematically formalized as a linear integer programming problem with Boolean variables. Each of the considered arrangements presents its features in limitations and target function records. In terms of computing route preparation is reduced to the successive solution of integer linear programming problems with addition of conditions eliminating sub-loops. Solution algorithmic basis stems from branch-and-bound procedure, realized by MATLAB function bintprog. Thus, the main result of this paper is the development of a unified approach to mathematical formalization and numerical solution of a number of topical and called for in practice light UAV flight routing problems in the fixed wind. We present examples of flight routes. In particular, the calculation of the closed flyby route over 40 uniformly distributed in the flight area points on the computer with Intel ® i3-4160 CPU @ 3.60GHz and 4.00 GB of RAM required 61 seconds. | ||||||||
Rybaulin A. G., Sidorenko A. S. Research of a local stress state and estimation of durability of an aviation article’s structure with discrete welded connections at random loading. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 79 In load-carrying structures of flight vehicles the connection of details with the help of spot welding is used. Feature of spot welding is the raised stress concentration which can cause decrease in characteristics of the connection fatigue strength. Fatigue cracks arise between welded elements on a contour of a welded point. For an estimation of aviation structure durability the definition of local stress state characteristics in zones of welded points at action of dynamic loadings is necessary. In the product techniques of numerical simulation and calculated data evaluating of the stress state characteristics of a of flight vehicles structures with dot welded connections at random vibration are presented. Action of random stationary kinematic loading under operating conditions aviation product on an external suspension bracket of the maneuverable carrier is considered. The load-carrying structures of the product represent the thin-walled cylindrical shell containing filling material simulating weight of a product. On a shell by means of spot welding the X-shaped wing symmetrically relative to a vertical plane is fixed. For simulation the dynamic deformation of a structure with discrete welded joints the system of solid-state simulation and finite element calculation for complex structure Solid Works is used. Numerical models are developed with the use of solid-state finite elements and allow to estimate the characteristics of the local deformation structures in zones of irregularities. The spot weld model based on experimental data and taking into account the change of mechanical characteristics of the source material in a zone of thermal influence is offered. Improvement of material properties is spent on hardness size in section of welded points. Welded points are modeled by allocating the related circular areas on the plane and on the shell and specify the conditions of a mutual motion’s absence between them. Each spot weld contains up to 420 finite elements SOLID of the second-order. The stress state characteristics are determined for a case of loading structure stationary random acceleration with a specified spectral density. Spectral characteristics and levels of stresses vibration in various points of the product structure are obtained. Zones of the maximum stresses in a structure are defined and dynamic stress state peculiarities in welded connections are revealed. For an estimation of welded connection durability on the basis of the received spectral density and algorithms of statistical modeling time relationships of random process of stress are constructed. | ||||||||
Malyshev V. V., Starkov A. V., Titkov M. A. Simulation of a soft landing in terrestrial conditions. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 79 The paper presents a model of the spacecraft with a soft landing, soft landing simulation methods and the expected size of the stand for throwing tests in terrestrial conditions. For the definition of the critical angles and approaches permissible speed limits applied at planting stands throwing tests. The test stand is designed for the experimental study of the process soft landing spacecraft on the moon, Mars and other planets using polnomassovogo dynamically similar layout. To solve the problem of the spatial movement of the spacecraft requires two numerical processes:
On a real stand to ensure perfect accuracy suspension layout of the exhibition on the device and reset the layout giving the desired spatial orientation impossible. It is therefore advisable to choose such options stand that will provide the best simulation of the lunar acceleration with errors show the simulation parameters. Maximum possible accuracy of the point of suspension, the site and removing the device from the equilibrium point is taken decimeter, and the size of the stand taken by analogy with a stand named NGOs Benches, built in 1965. In an inclined bench throwing tests implemented the most simple scheme unloading. Mock lander suspended on a cable carries contact with an inclined rotating platform simulator and soil lunar surface. This type of discharge best represents the forces acting on the spacecraft at the time of landing on the moon. The main criterion for choosing the optimal size of the stand taken accuracy simulate lunar acceleration. Thus, it is proposed to install the suspension point at a height of 27 m, and the pad at a distance 4.1 m to simulate the predetermined velocity in the vertical plane of the layout to be moved at a distance of 4.1 m to 9.3 m and at a distance of 4.2 m to 5.2m, to simulate a horizontal velocity component. | ||||||||
Kazakov R. R., Mingaliev E. R. Analysis of the ways to improve the environmental performance of the boosters. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 79 In modern conditions the reduction in funding for space programs, the significant cost of the launch vehicle, cutting production of launch vehicles and spacecraft, the tasks of creating and maintaining a normal part of space-based communications, navigation, missile warning and etc. are connected with difficulties and the risk of non-compliance. In recent years there is much tension around the issue of environmental safety in restricted zones and areas allocated for receiving separated parts of carrier rockets. It is connected with the fact that after the fall on the Earth’s surface there is a possibility for spill of rocket fuel components, which are currently characterized as highly toxic. One of the most dangerous is the heptyl. The effect of heptyl on the environment, as well as to the life expectancy, pathology and serious illness of population living close to areas allocated for receiving the separated parts of carrier rockets is analyzed. The main existing approaches to improving environmental safety based on decontamination, neutralization, as well as localization of straits zones are described. The basic ways to improve environmental safety are proposed as follows:
A comparative analysis of the proposed methods is carried out. Each of the discussed methods has a number of advantages and disadvantages; most of them require some structural improvements of the launch vehicle and its component parts. | ||||||||
Konstantinov M. S., Nguyen D. N. Optimal trajectories to Jupiter in view of possible of temporary cutoff of the electric propulsion. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 79 Subject The interplanetary trajectory of spacecraft (SC) with electric propulsion Article Design of trajectory of spacecraft with electric propulsion (EP) to Jupiter using Earth’s swing-by with the ability to reject disturbances associated with temporary cutoff of the electric propulsion. Purpose
Design/methodology/approach The trajectory optimization problem is formulated by using the Pontryagin’s maximum principle. Optimality conditions of gravity assistance are used. The continuation method along parameter is used to solve the boundary value problem. Originality/value The novelty of this study is related to the formulation of the problem as well as to the development of method for finding such a nominal trajectory, at the implementation of which a large duration of contingency cutoff of the EP at any point of the flight trajectory is allowed Results Estimates of the permissible duration of abnormal cutoff of electric propulsion for the considered program trajectories are obtained. A method of the design of an interplanetary trajectory with the need to reject the perturbations caused by temporary cutoff of electric propulsion. Practical implications The interplanetary missions of spacecraft with electric propulsion. Conclusions In this paper we propose an approach to designing of the interplanetary trajectory of SC with EP with the need to reject the perturbations caused with temporary cutoff of electric propulsion at a point of the transfer trajectory. Estimates of the permissible duration of the supernumerary cutoff of the EP for the several program trajectories are obtained. The nominal trajectories need to be corrected to increase the allowable time of abnormal cutoff of engine Two ways to correct the nominal trajectories are proposed. The first way is based on the increase of the duration of the coasting segment of the terminal phase of the heliocentric trajectory. The second way is based on the introduction of one or several additional coasting segments. For the considered transport problem the determination of a new (corrected) nominal interplanetary spacecraft trajectory gave a possibility to increase the allowable duration of unintended cutoff of electric propulsion up to 2.75 days in any point of the trajectory of flight. | ||||||||
Pikalov R. S. Influence of climber motion on the nonequatorial space elevator dynamics. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 79 Within the framework of this work the effect of the climber motion on the nonequatorial space elevator is studied. The dynamics of the payload after separation from the elevator is considered. Space elevator is a system designed for delivery of a payload into Earth orbit. It consists of a tether, space stations — counterweight and a climber. The tether connects the counterweight located in the geostationary orbit with the Earth. The climber with a payload moves on the tether. A mathematical model describing the spatial motion of the space elevator was developed. A series of numerical simulations was performed to determine the effect of climber’s motion on the space elevator’s dynamics. The motion of the payload after separation of the elevator was studied. The tether is simulated as a pair of inextensible inelastic bars of variable length and cross-sectional area. Counterweight and climber are considered as material points. The developed model takes into account the effect of the tether bending, but it does not require large computational cost. Results show that a uniform climbing of payload leads to buildup oscillations of the space elevator. It is shown that the latitude of the point of the tether’s attachment to the Earth affects the oscillations in the elevator. The motion of the payload after its separation from the elevator is researched. The dependence of the apogee and perigee on the payload’s separation altitude is obtained. | ||||||||
Kolmakova D. A., Popov G. M., Baturin O. V. Estimation of lack of knowledge about initial data influence on the numerical simulation results of work flow of axial turbine blade row. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 79 Comparison of the turbomachinery numerical modeling results with experimental data shows that designers cannot achieve quantitative agreement while having qualitative agreement of the results. Uncertainty of modeling initial data is one of the reasons. The researcher must specify the particular channel geometric dimensions to create computational model. The actual dimension value is unknown — it is known only the range of possible values, defined by measuring instrument error or technological tolerance value Similarly designer does not have reliable information about the workflow parameters, measured directly or indirectly with error. Also, usually the flow parameters distribution has complex nature, simplifying in the simulation. Thus, there is only a rough idea of the tested channel actual sizes and flow parameters taken as boundary conditions for the numerical simulation carrying out. This leads to significant calculation quantitative errors. Currently, there is little number of publications on this subject. And algorithms and software implementation taking into account initial data uncertainty are at early stage. Therefore, research aimed at quantification of initial data uncertainty impact on turbomachines calculated performances was conducted. Analysis of industry standards and turbomachinery workshop drawings from various companies was conducted at the preparatory stage. The most important turbomachinery geometric dimensions and bogey value of tolerances for it were identified in the analysis. Error values for the flow physical parameters were taken according to technical literature. The quantification of geometric and physical variables uncertainty impact on turbomachinery row workflow was conducted using untwisted airfoil cascade of axial turbine nozzle assembly (NA) with uniform cross-section throughout the channel height. Channel capacity, loss factor and NA outlet flow angle were accepted as controlled performance criteria. The NA base variant calculation results and experimental data comparison demonstrated that created model adequately described the processes occurring in the cascade, but not well predicted the losses numerical value. The series of computational calculations were carried out for this cascade. The first group of calculations was aimed at the impact of geometric parameters uncertainty on NA parameters identifying. The second group — at identifying the studied parameters depending on the flow parameters changes that are used as boundary conditions in the simulation. The obtained results showed that initial data uncertainty in CFD calculations has a significant impact on the obtained quantitative estimates. The difference between calculated data modified in accordance with the technological tolerances and accuracy of the measured values of the geometry and process parameters may exceed 5% by value of the considered criteria. | ||||||||
Vdovenkov V. A. Aircraft industry production potential development management under temporal restrictions. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 79 The principle strategic planning documents — the State program of the aviation industry development until 2025, the Federal target programs — dictate the multiple increase of new technological level aircraft manufacturing, which requires large-scale construction of new production facilities and modernization of existing facilities. They demanded that Russian aviation industry to switch to import substitution for high-tech aircraft component production at a growing rate. At the same time, the major problem of the Russian aviation industry development began the delays of enterprises’ technical re-equipment and modern production facilities creation investment projects’ implementation. The result is shifted delivery of high demand products, the loss of the industry’s competitive position in the market and direct economic loss due to use of outdated technologies. In this article we propose a simple method for estimating these losses, depending on the duratuion of this delay and technological parameters of production processes. It allows us to estimate what the increase in investment would be justified, if it were possible to avoid delays in the implementation of the investment project. The method relies solely on measurable indicators that can be found in the available statistics. It is shown that the refinement of the investment project parameters requiring delay its implementation for a year, may not be economically justified unless it can reduce the required investment volume by 20-30%. This conclusion should be taken into account in the process of financing for development of the aviation industry companies. We also systematize the institutional and organizational factors that cause significant delays in the implementation of investment projects in the industry. These factors take place at the level of the enterprises and integrated structures, and at the level of the whole industry. The need for accelerated development of the Russian aviation industry industrial potential and accelerated development of new products requires changes in the procedures of making decisions about allocating financial resources, monitoring their effective and targeted spending. | ||||||||
Degtiarev S. A., Kutakov M. N., Leontiev M. K. Dynamics of rotors with crack in shafts. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 79 Crack in the shaft influences the rotor system during operation. Crack is a reason for parametric oscillations due to presence of local variable stiffness. The aim of the work is to develop the algorithm of consideration of transverse crack influence at mathematical simulation of dynamic behavior of the rotor system. The article gives the methodology and algorithm of consideration of transverse crack when modeling dynamic rotors behaviour. In the rotor system model crack is substituted for the elastic link dividing the shaft into two sections and described by the stiffness matrix with variable factors. When describing crack, only rotation along lateral axes is taken into account. Displacements at other freedom degrees are neglected. Law of change in stiffness coefficients is obtained by the authors on the basis of the existed crack models and considers opening and closing of crack under external forces. Calculation results of dynamics behavior of the two-support rotor with crack obtained for the crack’s depth of 30% of the shaft diameter at the acceleration regime from 0 to 4000 rpm and at the stationary regimes1/3х, 1/2х, 1х of the first critical speed are presented. Calculation is hold in the program Dynamics R4 designed to calculate rotordynamic tasks; the algorithm of crack consideration was included there. The obtained results show appearance of parametric resonances at 1/3х, 1/2х and 1х of critical speed; the cascade diagram shows excitation frequencies multiple of 1х, 2х, 3х of the rotor frequency, etc. Orbits of the rotor centre in the crack section are given. Calculation of flexibility of the beam with crack done in Dynamics R4 using the presented crack model showed convergence with similar calculation in the finite-element system with error of less than 1%. The proposed methodology and the algorithm should be mainly considered as an instrument to train the engineers in the vibrational diagnostics area and to obtain limiting values of diagnostics signs of crack. | ||||||||
Vovasov V. E., Betanov V. V., Gerko S. A. Testing technique for calibration of dual-frequency GLONASS navigation receiver using Kalman filter type. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 79 The aim of this work is to study the errors of the estimates of the coordinates of the stationary antenna, geodesic bound to the area. The work was carried out secondary processing of information performed by the Kalman filter type (KFT). As measurements are used pseudoranges L1 and L2 obtained double-frequency navigation receiver Javad GNSS TR-G3T. Taking into account the calibration procedures for the specified receiver is defined by the difference of values of the delays in L1 and L2, with zero litter, and changes in latencies per liter, in the same range. It was considered that information from the slot is missing, however, the calibration parameters allowed to obtain measurement values, which is the difference of the frequency-time corrections not accounted for in the ephemeris. Dimension processing navigation receiver confirmed the hypothesis of linearity of the instrumental delays and the possibility of determining the frequency-time corrections not accounted for in the ephemeris. The estimates of the coordinates of the KFT offset no more than a few meters for a long service life navigation receiver. In general, experimentally confirmed the correctness of the calibration procedures navigation receivers needed for the navigation to obtain unbiased estimates of the coordinates of GLONASS. | ||||||||
Sokolenko I. V. Development of a radiation-protective composition material of space application on the glass matrix basis. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 79 The text deals with the development of a new highly effective radiation protective material of space application. We have created a new composition material on the basis of inorganic high-lead glass matrix reinforced by modified nanotubular chryzotile. In the composite production we have used the following components: high-lead glass of special chemical composition; nanotubular chryzotile modified by inclusion of lead tungstate PbWO4; nanocrystalline powder PbWO4. The non-standard matrix material choice is explained by the qualities of the chosen matrix. Due to high density and high lead and boron content it can perform both binding and complex radiation protection functions in the developed composite. The characteristics of initial components and received samples of the material were studied using numerous methods of analysis. Production of the composite samples consists of careful mixing of the initial components taken in the required proportion, subpressing of the received mixture in a compression mould, and the following high-temperature pressing at temperature 430-450oC. Investigation of the mechanic, thermal, radiation-protective and other properties of the received material has proven that it has the range of considerable advantages over its polymeric analogs. In particular, it has density 5,5-6 g/cm3, temperature stability up to 400oC, compressive strength up to 300 MPas, high level of aggressive space factors and radiation resistance. All the aforementioned characteristics definitely surpass those of its polymeric analogs. Radiation-protective properties of the composite are defined both by the high density and high content of a range of heavy and light elements. Furthermore, it is easy to change the chemical composition of the received material and therefore to vary its shielding properties from different radiation types. It is also noteworthy that the material has relatively low prime cost and can be successfully applied not only in space but also in a wide range of fields dealing with ionizing radiation. | ||||||||
Spiridonov I. B. Testability analysis of aviation systems organization. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 79 The process of testability control at design stage includes testability modeling, calculation and analysis of indices, comparison of the calculated values with the specified requirements correcting project solutions. The production system functional model developed for solution to the problem «Testability Analysis» with IDEF (ICAM Definition) methodology to automate testability control at design stages was developed. The model describes processes of system production during the testability with respect to the system quality used for solving the main problem. Implementation methods of calculation and testability analysis require the introduction of automation in the analysis procedure. It depends of necessity to process with large amount of initial information for production of calculations taking into account a lot of testability criteria evaluations in analysis process. The proposed approach to the organization of design process allows to:
To realize testability analysis requirements as a part of design process the special software was created. Software functions are given as follows:
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Malykhina M. A. Interaction system of quality management and marketing management in the modern organization. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 79 Purpose: to analyze the communication system of marketing management and quality management in the modern organization, identify the factors and levels of integration, the potential scope of applying international quality management systems to marketing. A comparative analysis of the marketing role in the international awards in the field of quality management revealed that the requirements to the marketing process in the international quality awards are not spelled out in detail, and the quality of the marketing process is not included in the purposes. Article shows that in the modern version of ISO 9000 requirements to marketing processes that is based on market research and generated on their basis requirements for products or services that meet the consumers’ expectations. Integration requirements for marketing in the quality management system lags behind the real needs of today’s organizations, especially Russian, requiring the use of advanced foreign experience to reduce the time necessary for the modernization of the Russian economy. The author develops a classification of integration levels of marketing management and quality management and complements this classification based on quality components. Author analyzes the communication of marketing management and quality management in marketing of services. The article shows how marketing management interacts with quality management in the framework of management theory — structurally, in terms of processes and performance, as well as identifies the factors contributing to the integration of marketing management and quality management. The article discusses the relationship of marketing management and quality management in the light of the modern theory of social systems by Niklas Luhmann. The integration of these management subsystems does not arise automatically, and the author reveals customer satisfaction as the common ground between the two subsystems as the basis of communication between them. Conclusions of the study are applicable to the development of marketing performance indicators systems in modern organizations, as well as for embedding of marketing into a quality management system to reduce costs and monitor the effectiveness of marketing operations. | ||||||||
Kriule E. G. IP management in the actual corporate integrated structures. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 79 Subject area of the case. IP management Importance. The article is discussed the problems of IP management in actual integrated structures, including the creation, registration, state registration and commercialization of intellectual property; discussed the scheme of patent and licensing information exchange in the corporate integrated structures, which could apply in the aerospace industry. Methods. The analysis of current law in the field of intellectual property, the appliance of the system method, including synthesis of patent and licensing activity experience in the companies of the aerospace industry and experience of payment remuneration to the authors of intellectual property. Results. Three main stages of IP management are described in integrated structures: creation of intellectual property, including encouraging creators of intellectual property; registration of intellectual property, including enterprise registration, agency registration, state registration (receiving protection documents) and registration of protected intellectual activity results to accounting as intangible asset; commercialization of intellectual property in different directions, including the use of protected intellectual activity results in its own production and stimulating inventive activity through the remuneration payments to authors for intellectual property use; At the second stage of IP management is proposed the scheme of patent and licensing information exchange between patent departments in the corporate integrated structures. For making high-quality and timely IP management solutions by the main organization of integrated corporate structures suggested use a single database of intellectual property in this scheme. The single database of intellectual property is filled with information about own developments and created by organizations protected intellectual activity results. Practical implications. The results of the study can be used to create an effective system of IP management in modern integrated corporate structures, including the field of aerospace industry. Conclusion. The article has practical significance for creation a system of patent and licensing information exchange within creation or modernization IP management system in the corporate integrated structures. The provisions of article can be used in the process of education specialists in the sphere of IP management. | ||||||||
Zueva T. I., Khmelevoi V. V. The formation of a helicopters fleet in view of volume of demand for services and its quality. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 79 Development of transport system is one of priority State programs of City of Moscow on 2012-2018. Subprogram «Development of new types of transport» suggests, in particular, development of air transport, as well. The main objectives of this type of transport, in addition to commercial use, are the tasks of public-social nature. The most important step in solving the problems of maintenance of execution of services is the stage of formation of helicopters park, helicopter centers of the city of Moscow based on the volume of demand for services and its quality. The article considers the problem of building a fleet of helicopters, depending on the volume of demand for services and their quality, and two stages of its solution. At the first stage, the decision on the purchase on the global and domestic markets such models of helicopters (HM), which, on the one hand, are characterized by high competitiveness and, on the other, cover services of helicopter ports (HP) clients. In addition, the implementation of a successful operation for the purchase HM, is required, in advance, to develop a nomenclature procurement portfolio that meets the requirements of operators and clients — users of the services of the HP. At the second stage, in accordance with the demand for services is determined quantitative composition HM for every position of the nomenclature of the portfolio, taking into account the quality of services provided specific HM. The quality of the services proposed to be evaluated using a points-based assessment system, which as of scales is invited to consider the rationality of use of a particular HM for specific services (loading of helicopter), and as indicators of the quality of services — runtime services, including fast delivery, tariffs for the basic, additional, related services, professionalism of personnel safety. The task of forming helicopters of the HP is solved in two versions — as a task of linear programming and more simple algorithmic way. The problem is solved for linear restrictions on the quantity demanded and valid flight resource, and also taking into account limitations on the amount of investment for the purchase of helicopters. In this formulation, investment in the development of ground infrastructure of the HP are not taken into account. The proposed procedure allows to form the effective operation of a fleet of helicopters, taking into account the interests of operators and consumers that find their expression in terms of HM market competitiveness, operating conditions, in the structure and volume of demand for services. | ||||||||
Bazadze N. G. Problems of competence development in organizational communications for corporate structures in aircraft manufacturing industry. Trudy MAI, 2015, no 79 Subject area of the case. Organization of management Purpose. This study describes new methods of higher educational programmes in training specialists for enterprises of aviation-industrial complex based on integration of education and practical training at the enterprise — the dual educational programmes. Design/methodology/approach. The methodological approach is based on the analysis of foreign experience (German dual educational programmes) and application of techniques of lean manufacturing and organization of management. Practical implications. The article describes fundamental principles and uniqueness of the new format of management studies, as well as the directions of development of a dual educational technologies. The methodological approach can be used in educational programmes in order to improve the quality of preparation experts in branches. Originality/ Value. Main target of integration process in aircraft corporations and universities is to reduce the gap between the information received during studying in University and required competencies in corporation. Approbation of the organizational mechanism of interaction between the parties were shown on the basis of organization of interaction between Moscow Aviation Institute and The Public Join-Stock Company «Russian Aircraft Corporation «MiG» (PJSC «RAC «MiG»). | ||||||||
Vu B. Z. V.Z. Vlasov generalized problems on stress state of cylindrical vessel under hydrostatic pressure in the case of physically orthotropic material. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 78 In recent times in various areas of engineering, new materials are increasingly being used to construct structures of various purposes with high limiting characteristics. This trend is particularly true in aviation and aerospace industry where more stringent requirement of designing high strength to weight ratio structures are forcing the designers to boldly introduce new advanced materials despite their relatively high cost when compared to the traditional materials. This article is devoted to the actual problem of strength of thin-walled aviation and aerospace constructions as well as to the study the influence of orthotropic material on its stress-strain state. We study the circular cylindrical shells constructed from materials, which have three different elastic properties in their three mutually perpendicularly directions, and also are known as orthotropic shells. The influence of material characteristics, which are based on orthotropic shell structures with hinged pin on the stress-strain state of the structure will be investigated. The structure is subjected to constant hydrostatic pressure along its length corresponding to the horizontal location of the vessel partially filled with liquid. In the case of isotropic material, various authors have studied the problem of finding the average stress values in shell structures under hydrostatic pressure. The difference in this study firstly, the shells are not isotropic material; secondly, we use differential equation from the general theory of orthotropic shells constructed from the hypothesis of Christoffel-Love. To obtain the most effective solution when considering such boundary problem, we use method double trigonometric Fourier series. The numerical results on the stress-strain state of orthotropic shells, constructed from hypothetic materials, are represented in the graphical format. Furthermore, the stress values and their normal displacements of the vessels, made from steels 1X18H10T, aluminum alloys D 16T, boron and fiberglass reinforced plastic composites are compared. | ||||||||
Bykov L. V., Nikitin P. V., Pashkov O. A. Mathematical modeling of high-speed flow around a blunt body. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 78 Reliable thermal protection of a lander and increasing speeds of atmospheric vehicles lay new higher requirement to the adequacy of elevated heat flow values obtained during the flow simulation of structural elements of aircraft by hypersonic flows. The paper presents a mathematical model describing the processes of heat and mass exchange, as well as chemical kinetics occurring on the surface of the a blunt cone frontal part of an aircraft during flight in the atmosphere at hypersonic speeds. The model is based on discrete analogues solving of Navier-Stokes equations on an irregular grid, together with convection and diffusion equations for each component of the gas mixture and the equations of turbulence model. The relevance of this work is stipulated by the necessity of maximum precision of heat and mass exchange parameters prediction on the surface of a hypersonic aircraft. Solution of this problem allows optimization of its trajectory, geometry, weigh and layout parameters at the stage of shape design, and accordingly, determine the requirements for the necessary thermal protection of a lander. To solve the problem of flow around a blunt body by hypersonic flow we selected a blunt cone with the following parameters: taper — 6°, radius of bluntness — 0.0381 m, incident flow velocity M∞ = 25.0. The static temperature of the gas in the stream: T∞ — 265.86 K, pressure P∞ — 53.85 Pa. Mass concentration of molecules: C (O2) = 0,233, C (N2) = 0,767. The problem was solved in two-dimensional axisymmetric formulation. Calculation of heat transfer processes on the surface was carried out taking into consideration the catalytic activity of the surface. On solving the problem, we used the discrete analogues of the Navier-Stokes equations for viscous compressible heat-conducting model environment, and the radiative transfer equation. The results of the simulation of flow around blunt cone are presented and analyzed. The reliability of the results was checked by comparing them with the results of previously published studies. The proposed mathematical model can be used for solving the gas dynamic and thermal problems for the design of heat-stressed structural elements of hypersonic aircrafts. This work has been supported by grants № 11-08-00828, № 13-08-01328 a, 14-08-00982 from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. | ||||||||
Kondratov D. V., Kalinina A. V. Examination of processes of a hydroelasticity of a ridge pipe ring a lateral view at action of vibration. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 78 One of the topical problems of modern machine industry and missile design is the development of engineering methods of computation of operating performances of the complex mechanical systems to secure their reliability and profitability. Machine elements are often subjected to significant vibrational loadings. For the machine elements being the complex mechanical systems various absorption systems are used. For instance, the magnetohydrodynamic dampers can be efficiently applied for the vibration absorption. The considered systems can be modeled by two cylindrical shells enclosed each other with fluid filling between them. This model is useful for explosion engines, flash float gears of navigation, liquid rocket engines, telescopic landing gears, actuating rams with a hollow plunger, and fuel systems of flight vehicles. It is necessary to score that the fluid between shells in such model is damping the eigenvibrations of shells as well as is cooling the shells. For the weight reduction thin-walled shells are used. The outer shell can be geometrically irregular, and the interior one can be modeled as absolutely rigid cylinder. Use of geometrically irregular outer shells with bulkheads not only allows to reduce the weight but also ensures the stability under various vibrational excitations. The mechanical model of the system with the ribbed pipe of ring cross-section formed by two surfaces of the coaxial cylindrical shells interacting with a viscous incompressible fluid is considered. The exterior shell is geometrically irregular, and the interior one is the absolutely rigid cylinder (see Fig.1).
Fig. 1. Model of a mechanical system. The mathematical model of this system consisting of partial differential equations of dynamics of the viscous incompressible fluids and the elastic ribbed shell with their boundary conditions is constructed. The mathematical model is represented by the coupled equations: the non-linear Navier-Stokes partial differential equations, the continuity equation, the partial differential equations of dynamics of both the interior and exterior elastic cylindrical shells of Kirchhoff-Love type, and their boundary conditions. To derive the dynamical equations for the geometrically irregular shell the Hamilton’s variation principle was used. The irregular surfaces of the shell are described by means of generalized Heaviside functions. The investigation techniques of hydroelasticity problem for ribbed pipes with ring cross-section under vibration loadings are analyzed. The coupled problem of hydroelasticity is solved by means of a perturbation technique and in the guess of the harmonic law of vibration; the dimensionless variables are used. The solution of the equations of hydromechanics is formulated as the monomial small-parameter decomposition where the parameter describes the relative width of the supporting stratum of the fluid, and the monomial small-parameter decomposition with the parameter describing the relative deflection for each shell. To solve the dynamic equations for the outer shell the Bubnov-Galerkin method was used. The expressions for components of velocity of a fluid, hydrodynamic pressure, and displacements of the exterior elastic geometrically irregular cylindrical shell are obtained. The proposed mathematical model and research techniques allow to explore the hydroelasticity of a ribbed pipe of a ring cross-section with elastic geometrically irregular outer shell and absolutely rigid interior one with the viscous incompressible fluid between them at presence of the vibration. The solutions of these problems allow one to find the causes of the cavity corrosion of machine elements and increase the strength and a reliability of mechanical systems. | ||||||||
Zveryaev E. M. Isolation of type Timoshenko equations from spatial theory elasticity plate equations on the base contraction mapping principle. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 78 A dynamic spatial theory elasticity equation for the plate is taken as initial ones. The equations are reduced to the dimensionless form and a small parameter equal to the ratio of the plate height to its character length is isolated from themes. The integration of the system of the 12 equations with the 12 unknowns is done with the help of the simple-iteration method permitting to establish the asymptotic small parameter development form for every unknown. The transversal displacement and shear stresses are chosen as the started functions permitting to select the prescribed stress-strain state and by means of them to determine the rest unknowns in the null approximation in turn, and at last the same ones. If the start approximation functions are chosen depending on middle plane coordinates only the problem solution is written by the quadrature. The same values being calculated in the first approximation give the correction of the null approximation values. The isolated plan equations have the hyperbolic type whereas bending equation are of hyperbolic type with respect to shear stresses and of parabolic type with respect to transversal displacement. In strength of this the obtained equations might be useful for the chock type solution taking into account the wave processes. If a load vary slowly along coordinates the problem solution is reduced to the slowly vary unknowns function of stresses and displacements. In this case the problem is reduced to the problems sequences in such a way that the output data of the one problem are the input data for the next one. | ||||||||
Ageev R. V., Mogilevich L. I., Popov V. S., Popova A. A. Viscous liquid movement in a flat channel, formed by a vibrating stamp and a simply supported plate. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 78 The problem of viscous incompressible liquid layer movement in a flat channel with the walls formed by a vibrating stamp and an elastic plate is set up and analytically solved in a two-dimensional problem’s statement. The liquid’s movement is excited by the known pressure difference at the butt ends. The law of the stamp movement as an absolutely rigid body is also considered as a known function. The problem statement results a coupled system of the Navier-Stocks equations, the continuity equation for viscous liquid layer, the plate-stripe dynamics equation, and the boundary conditions. The boundary conditions of liquid adhesion to the channel walls, of free liquid leakage at the butt ends and the ones of simply support of the plate at the butt ends make up the boundary vaue problem’s statement. The complex of dimensionless variables of the problem is formed; the relative liquid layer thickness and the stamp oscillations amplitude are taken as small parameters. The linearization of the problem by means of perturbation method is made. The solution of the linearized problem for established harmonic oscillations regime is carried out. The form of the plate deflection is approximated by the trigonometric series of longitudinal coordinate. The laws of elastic channel wall deflection and liquid pressure in the channel are found. The solution is carried out by the means of the perturbation method for the established harmonic oscillations. The pressure distribution in the liquid and the deflections of the channel wall are found. The frequency dependent deflection amplitude and the dynamic pressure along the channel are obtained, and the investigation of the hydroelastic oscillations of channel walls is provided. On the basis of the performed calculations it is shown that the keeping of two or three members of the series in the solution is quite enough for practical purposes. Considering each consecutive series’ member leads to the emergence of additional resonance frequency of the plate oscillation. | ||||||||
Apollonov V. V., Pletnev N. V. Triggered in atmosphere lightning modelling. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 78 We carried out commutation of gaps of arbitrary shape experiments in electric breakdown in atmosphere mode. The length of the gaps formed by exploding wires was up to 1.9 m with energy stored 200–4100 J and charging voltage less than 11 kV. With this, two modes are possible: exploding wire mode without electric breakdown, and electric breakdown mode (EB restrike) in the channel formed by exploding wire with current pause less than 250 ms. The paper presents voltage and current oscilloscope traces at discharge gap, as well as luminescence for both modes. The values of channel resistance are given for breakdown mode. Based on experimental results we discuss the breakdown mechanism and streamer initiation within the discharge gap of 5.3—17kV/m. Geometry evaluations of individual overheated copper drops plasma formations are carried out. We also discuss wire explosion products formation — large aerosols with participation of copper oxide particles (CuO, Cu2O), as well as current flow character during the breakdown. The paper presents estimation of channel temperature and average speed of its expansion. It is shown that with specific energy of 600 J/m inserted into the channel the electric breakdown simulates real processes in the trigger type lightning, that is artificial lightning used for thin wire channel formation in the direction of a thunderstorm cloud during small rockets launching. | ||||||||
Blinkova A. Y., Ivanov S. V., Kuznetsova E. L., Mogilevich L. I. Nonlinear waves in viscoelastic cylindrical shell with a viscous incompressible fluid and surrounded by an elastic medium. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 78 The equations describing strain waves dynamics for coupled hydroelasticity problems, including the dynamic equation for geometrically nonlinear viscoelastic shells surrounded by elastic media and accounting the dynamic equations for viscous incompressible liquids inside shells, are derived by means of asymptotic methods with appropriate boundary conditions. The obtained equation generalizes the well-known equation of Gardner. Accounting the small radius of the shell midsurface as compared with the strain wavelength, the dynamic equations for viscous incompressible fluids are asymtotically transformed to the classical equation of hydrodynamic lubrication theory. In this paper, the Cauchy problem for the derived equation is solved numerically taking into account the effect of the fluid and of the surrounding elastic medium. The finite difference schema is based on the construction of an overdetermined differential equations’ system. These ones are approximating the integral conservation laws and the integral relations between the unknown functions and their derivatives. As a result, the finite difference scheme is defined as a compatibility condition for this system and automatically provides the integral conservation laws for the areas composed by the basic finite volumes. The fluid filling the shell that is immersed in an elastic medium result the increasing or decreasing of the strain wave amplitude, depending on the Poisson ratio of the viscoelastic medium. On the other hand, the elastic medium surrounding the shell increases the velocity of the nonlinear wave deformation. Use of the proposed model significantly enhances the possibility of the experimental data analysis for the significantly nonlinear dynamical systems such as fuel and cooling systems for aerospace engineering, etc.. | ||||||||
Starovoytov E. I., Leonenko D. V. Oscillation of a circular sandwich plate on an elastic base under a parabolic loads. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 78 Axisymmetric forced vibrations of elastic circular three-layer plate have been studied. The plate is fixed on elastic base. Because of the symmetry of the problem the tangential displacements in the layers are absent. On the contour of the plate assumes a rigid diaphragm that prevents relative shift layers. The padding between the carrier layer is considered easy, that allows us to neglect his work in the tangential direction. Elastic base describes the Winkler model. To describe the kinematics asymmetrical thickness package adopted broken normal hypothesis. Solution of the problem is contained in a cylindrical coordinate system. External vertical load acting on the plate is not dependent on the angular coordinate. Applied to the plate following types of loads: locally parabolic distributed on a circle with a given radius of the concave parabolic uniformly distributed local rectangular. Forced transverse vibrations of circular three-layer plate associated with the elastic foundation, described by a system of differential equations derived from the variational principle of Hamilton. External load and the desired solution are presented in the form of expansions in series. Numerical results are obtained for the contour clamped circular three-layer plate, unbound and bound with a base of medium hardness. The resultant force and the parabolic rectangular loads assumed to be equal. The dependence of the change in the deflection of circular three-layer plate associated with the elastic base of medium hardness, the radius of the spot the local distribution of the dynamic load have been found. In the absence of an elastic foundation deflections vary little. A plate associated with a deformable base deflections when distributing loads on the entire surface increases approximately twofold. Deflection reaches maximum values during operation load on the entire outer surface of the plate. Maximum deflection of the convex parabolic load time exceeds the amount of deflection of a rectangular load of 1.35 times. Consequently, for the same magnitude of the resultant convex parabolic load more dangerous than rectangular, as in the plate causing Larger deflections. This effect is observed for the plate associated with an elastic base, both with and without it. In the absence of an elastic foundation deflections vary little. A plate connected with a deformable base deflections when distributing loads on the entire surface increases approximately twofold. Numerical results are compared with the case of the local surface load of rectangular shape. | ||||||||
Mikhailova E. Y., Tarlakovsky D. V., Fedotenkov G. V. Non-stationary contact of a spherical shell and an elastic half-space. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 78 The stress-strain state of a spherical shell of Timoshenko type and elastic isotropic half-space in process of their impact on an arbitrary time interval of interaction is investigated. In this case the contact area changes dynamically. The movable spherical coordinate system is used for the shell and for the half-space the non movable cylindrical coordinate system is used. Contact occurs in frictionless circumstances. Statement of the problem involves the equations of motion of the shell and the half-space, the physical and geometrical relations, the coupling equations for displacement and elastic potentials, he coupling equations for stresses and elastic potentials, equation of motion of the shell as a rigid body, boundary and initial conditions. To solve the problem the influence functions for the half-space and spherical shell is used. First of them received explicitly earlier. Second of them is a normal displacements of the shell as a solution of the initial-boundary value problem on the impact of the normal pressure on the surface of the elastic shell, given as the product of the Dirac delta function depending on the angular coordinate and time. To construct the influence functions the expansions in series of Legendre polynomials and their derivatives are used. The initial system of dynamics equations of the shell is reduced to the infinite system for the unknown coefficients of expansions, which are depend on time and angular coordinates. With the help of the Laplace transform in time and further treatment the solution of this is system is constructed. A system of governing equations, the basic equation of which follows from the boundary conditions and integral representations of normal displacements of the shell and the half-space, based on the principle of superposition is developed. The kinematic relation between the radius of the contact area and the depth of penetration of the shell, the equation of motion of the shell as a rigid body written in integral form, and the initial conditions are completing the system. A numerical-analytical algorithm for solving a system based on the method of quadratures using the formulas of Gauss and Simpson is developed and implemented. In the case of singular integrals the method of weighting coefficients and canonical regularization is used. As the results of the calculations the graphs of the distribution of the contact pressure and normal displacements are shown. Dependences of contact pressure and normal displacements on time in a front point of the shell are also presented. The analysis of the received results is carried out. The obtained results can be used in the aerospace industry in the cases of predicting the results of hard landing of the space landers on the ground. | ||||||||
Nikolsky A. A. The possibility of using nonlinear lift functions of attack angle in the lifting line theory. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 78 Purpose — Many authors considered direct problem of obtaining wing-lift coefficient dependence on incidence angle, using a well-known airfoil dependence based on modified theory of lifting line. The first purpose of the study was to clarify the limits of applicability of this mathematical model in case of nonlinear lift dependencies. The second purpose was to develop methods for solving inverse problem of determining the aerodynamic characteristics of the airfoils based on the results of wing model tests in wind tunnels, taking into account the nonlinear dependence of the lift on the angle of attack. Design / methodology / approach — Based on the modified theory of lifting line we developed a two-step iterative algorithm for solving direct problem for rectangular wing of finite span. To verify it an alternative optimization method was developed based on the genetic algorithm, which allows determining the global optimum. Extensive computational studies led to the conclusion of the modified theory of the lifting line approximate nature, in contrast to the classical Prandtl theory. Findings — Introduced is the concept of acceptance criterion, which allows satisfying the hypothesis of flat sections with a reasonable accuracy and finding the approximate solution of the direct problem. The limits of applicability of the modified theory are discussed. On the basis of an algorithm for solving the direct problem, an optimization algorithm for solving inverse problem was developed in trust region of wing angles of attack. Practical applications — The results of this study will be used in recalculations of wings test data. Originality / value — This study establishes that for mathematical model based on modified lifting line theory, the trust region of wing attack angles is limited by a near vicinity of critical angle of attack. The paper describes a straightforward procedure to recalculate wing aerodynamic characteristics to get airfoil characteristics for later use in the calculation of the main/tail rotor. | ||||||||
Verbickij A. B., Sidorenko A. S. Dynamic deformation of structural elements of flying vehicles at their emergency impacts with barriers. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 78 An emergency disconnection of a flying vehicle from a carrier vehicle is often caused by destruction of connection points or by an abnormal function of launching device. The emergency disconnection at stages of landing or starting runs results the impact of the flying vehicle to a runaway surface. To predict the impact’s effect and the explosion or ignition danger, the dynamics, the deforming state, and destruction of the vehicle have to be estimated. The technique and the results of the numerical simulation of the dynamic deformed state of the flying vehicle structure are performed for the medium velocity impact with the rigid flat barrier after the emergency separation from the carrier at starting and landing run stages. The problem of transient dynamics is solved by the finite elements method using the LS-DYNA system and the explicit integration approach. The finite elements of shell type with one point of integration are used; the deformation curve is by the bilinear function approximated. An initial velocity and an incidence angle are used as input data for the dynamics problem for the structure with known geometrical, mass, and stiffness properties. The eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes of the existing vehicle as well as the accelerations for some structural elements in the transient process resulted by the impact are computed and compared with the semi-nature tests data. The numerical simulation has shown that the structure destruction occurs on compartments’ joints so that corresponds to the experimentally observed destruction. The obtained correlation between the computational and experimental values of eigenfrequencies and impact accelerations confirms the usability of the developed numerical technique for the simulation of impact interaction of flying vehicles structures and barriers. The developed numerical simulation technique allows one to estimate the dynamic stress state parameters for various flying vehicles at emergency impacts. | ||||||||
Turkin I. K., Kondrashev G. V. Accounting requirements for aeroservoelastic stability of maneuverable unmanned aircraft during the stage of electromechanical rudder drive design. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 78 The purpose of this study is to propose an electromechanical rudder drive design method. Main objective of this method is to determine critical values of rudder drive design parameters on stage of conceptual design and reduce time expenses required for experimental obtaining of the aeroservoelastic (ASE) stability margins. A mathematical modeling approach has been chosen to solve the rudder drive design problem. The rudder drive model has been developed in MATLAB/Simulink environment corresponding to block diagram of real electromechanical drive. The frequency response function (FRF) has been measured from real electromechanical rudder drive and then compared with calculated FRF obtained from Simulink to validate the developed rudder drive model. During the validation process it is found that the mathematical model of a rudder drive reliably reproduces the characteristics of the real drive and thus can be used to preliminary estimate the ASE stability margins. The developed model has the potential for further improvement, for example to include new tasks such as rudder drive stability regions formation for several design parameters. Further development of the model should be directed towards the detailed backlash simulation in reduction drive. To solve this task reducer should be represented as two (or more) gear wheels which are moving separately from each other in backlash. The design method described in this study can help to replace a part of the experimental studies with mathematical modeling. Also with the help of this approach it is possible to reduce the risk of ASE instability in the final stages of design, thereby avoiding costly changes to the automatic control system and rudder drives to eliminate shortcomings. | ||||||||
Prostov Y. S., Tiumentsev Y. V. Application of non-adaptive neural networks for solving of the piecewise constant independent component analysis problem. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 78 In this paper we consider the possibility of applying non-adaptive artificial neural networks (ANN) to solve non-stationary problems like piecewise constant independent component analysis (ICA). Usually adaptive ANNs are applied to such problems but this leads to large computational costs in comparison with non-adaptive models because of requirement to calculate higher-order statistics. The idea of the proposed method is based on the fact that while solving the piecewise constant problem by non-adaptive ANN, we can try to detect changes in problem conditions with consequent retraining of the network for compliance to the new conditions. If it is possible then we can significantly reduce computing costs on time intervals when conditions are constant. The proposed method implies that we need to automate the retraining process. To achieve it we have to introduce some metric which describes the presence of changes in problem conditions. We should also adjust the learning rules of the ANN model. We show in this paper that piecewise constant ICA problem with Poisson-like independent components can be solved using non-adaptive model [5] with metric based on average neurons activity and original learning rules with only learning rates affected. The model obtained as a result was tested on the piecewise constant version of the «Foldiak bars» problem and has proved its efficiency. Thus the proposed method can be applied in some cases to produce adaptive ANNs from non-adaptive models. However generalization of the obtained results to identify applicability conditions of the method as well as a general algorithm for ANN conversion requires further research. Furthermore convergence problem for generated models seems to be complicated enough due to the large number of influencing factors. | ||||||||
Ushkar M. N. The automation of the system engineering of the informing radio systems. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 78 The article introduce the conception of the automation of the system engineering of the informing radio systems (IRS), which have been constructed according to the modular approach. The purpose of the work is the terms’ reduction and efficiency upgrading of the designe choice by using adopted modules of high productive preparation as element of IRS’s structure. Methodology of the proposed engineering conception is based on the integration of the various dedicated CAD in the unified design cycle, which includes system model’s forming, system engineering on the signal level, covering the structural elements IRS with the modules of high productive preparation, input rating and ranking of structural vary according to the input parameter. As a mathematic base of tasks solving should be used strict hierarchical Petri-net,which allow to provide adequate introduction IRS on the different levels of functional hierarchion. Data-driven design of the design cycle is completed by the system of informational support (SIS). By information content SIS is above the standard PDM-systems, as SIS integrate the information of diverse task-orientated CAD ( schematic, constructive). The principle result of the work is the route of the system designing automation, which is based on the integration of the task-oriented CAD, which allows the usage of the modules of high productive preparation in the project.
Consequentle introduced conception of the automation of the system engineering IRS, which based on the integration of the diverse task-oriented CAD in the unified design cycle IRS, provides efficiency upgrading of the IRS engineering due to the consumption of modules of high productive preparation. | ||||||||
Guseynov A. B., Nizov D. E. Analysis of ways to decrease the visibility of the air intakes in the radar wavelength. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 78 Air intake devices are one of the main elements of jet engines and aircraft as a whole. In forming the design of the aircraft for intake to meet the following requirements: minimum external resistance , minimal pressure loss during braking flow in the channel , the uniformity of the velocity field and the pressure at the inlet of the engine , the stability of the process air flow , simple structure, low weight , cost and dimensions, low radar cross section (RCS). The presence of input devices and air ducts in air-breathing jet engines causes a large number of possible layout schemes, the design and layout appearance of the aircraft. In forming the shape of the aircraft can be solved following problems associated with air intake devices: the definition of rational shape, number, layout, ways to reduce RCS and optimum design parameters. These problems can be solved by simultaneously solving problems at three levels:
In this paper we formulate the problem of structural and parametric synthesis of design solutions to reduce RCS of the air sampling devices based on complex technical and economic criteria and its particular forms. Proposed a matrix of alternative technical solutions for stealth air intake devices and their design parameters. The structural logic of structural and parametric synthesis image of the aircraft developed. Presented block diagram analysis of the preferred embodiments of masking devices, taking into account their impact on aerodynamic, energy, ballistic characteristics of the aircraft, on the weight, cost, performance visibility and efficiency of the aircraft. Introduced the technique of assessing RCS of air-intake devices. Conducted research on the impact of technical solutions for masking air-intake devices and their design parameters on the RCS. | ||||||||
Mayorov D. A., Shemyakov A. O. Dependence of information content of aerial objects impulse characteristics upon the location of pulse response. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 78 Pulse-by-pulse rearrangement of carrier frequency wave is considered to be one of the perspective aspects of radiolocation development. Employment of frequency hopping techniques improves the range resolution characteristics and allows frequency-hopping signals usage for the purposes of identifying aerial objects through pulse response modeling. Impulse characteristics of aerial objects are of discrete structure which has a significant influence on the signal information content that may decrease the quality of identifying aerial objects. The aim of the article is to study the peculiarities of aerial objects impulse characteristics formation depending on the relative position of scattering centers in radial direction and frequency hopping parameters. It was investigated that appearance of scattering centers response between the samples leads to the distortion of impulse characteristics. This is reflected in the lowering of pulse response amplitude, in distributing the amplitude between two adjacent samples of impulse characteristic, and in acquiring idle footstalls by the responses, distributed according to the width of impulse characteristic display. Relative position of scattering centers influences the amplitude of their responses in impulse characteristic. The degree of such impact decreases correspondingly to the growth of distance between the scattering centers. To employ impulse characteristic in purposes of identifying aerial objects during the training of neural network identifiers, one should take into consideration possible distortions of impulse characteristic caused by disagreement of scattering centers responses and samples of impulse characteristic. The investigation revealed that the most effective way to remove the distortions is to increase the range of frequency hopping as well as scale-up of impulses in a pulse packet. | ||||||||
Zakirov R. G. Optimization of algorithms for onboard radio-electronic equipment diagnostics. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 78 Development of onboard avionics systems on the way of integration in a single complex requires the creation of more advanced methods of their diagnostics. Among existing methods, the half split, or dichotomy method, is the most widely used nowadays. The analysis identified the main disadvantage of this method is to ignore the probability of failure existing in any part of the system. Algorithm of troubleshooting of the ladder-type system can be improved by using of known computing mathematics methods of functions optimization, where the search strategy is to find applicable point that is optimal in case of using of the Fibonacci series to build a sequence of iterations. Application of the optimal Fibonacci method for optimization of troubleshooting in ladder-type system is in division of the system to such parts that ratio of quantity of elements included in each to be the same as adjacent numerals in Fibonacci series. The imperfection of the above-mentioned method is that proportion of system division depends on the troubleshooting step number and therefore has to be recalculated again at each step. In this case, instead of the optimal Fibonacci method, the method using golden section is offered. Based on analysis, it is concluded that quantity of measurements by using golden section method is 4 percent less than in the case of using dichotomy method. The proposed troubleshooting method is very perspective for using in automatic diagnostic of avionics systems to optimize the time for troubleshooting if the quantity of elements of the system is large. The troubleshooting algorithm built on proposed method will reduce the average quantity of measurements during avionics system troubleshooting. It is also possible to combine proposed method with others to improve overall efficiency. | ||||||||
Zakharenko E. G. The insurance of the design risks of enterprises - developers of the ground-based automatically controlled complexes of administration of the automatic spacecraft. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 78 Of article Yegor Glebovich’s Zakharenko on the theme «The insurance of the design risks of enterprises — the developers of the ground-based automatically controlled complexes of control of automatic spacecraft», examined to the object of publication in the electronic scientific journal «transactions of the MAI» In the article are examined questions of estimation and basic methods of control of design risks during the organization of development and experimental production of the ground-based automatically controlled complexes of control of the automatic spacecraft (NAKU KA) in the enterprises of rocket-space industry (RKP). The methodology of performing work is based on analysis, estimation and subsequent development of detailed control algorithm by the design risks of enterprises — the developers of NAKU KA depending on the scenarios of risky events and taking into account the division of damage into several indices, connected with the degree of the concrete scenario of design risk. The results of work are:
The results of the article in question can be used for the development of technical-normative documentation for the creation of competitive NAKU KA within the framework of design activity at enterprises in RKP, and also in the design activity of enterprises in the adjacent fields of defense- industrial complex (OPK), and furthermore, in training process the MAI and other VUZ (Institute of Higher Education). | ||||||||
Ageyeva N. G., Rebiy E. J. Development of the network architecture of management of the innovation system in the early stages of the cycle of aeronautical products creation. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 78 One of the main elements of the management in the development and implementation of aviation technology are different interaction network measures aimed at the acquisition and transfer of knowledge and technology between the designs, production, research and educational institutions. Quality, intensity, and the early stages of developing airlines entering into the network of interaction is determined to achieve «breakthrough» improvement options, the long-term effectiveness and efficiency of aeronautical products. The purpose of the work is to form the processing model of management changes in innovation practice of creating aviation technology considering the evaluation and the choice of the innovation concepts including the system of criteria of innovation attraction of the projects and selection criteria of potential coauthors in science and innovation networks allowing acceleration of the design process, reduce the development time of the new aviation technology, increase the quality of the projects. The processing model of changes in innovation practice on the early stage of the cycle of aviation production based on the system and coordination-oriented approaches using the Robust Portfolio Modeling, RPM. The results of the study are: the main stages of the evaluation and selection of projects, management procedures of organization of the selection process of potential scientific and innovation networks, tools for their implementation, the system of relationships between the main stages of the creation’s cycle of aircraft products. The scope of application of the results of the study are the management and planning of the enterprises working in the early stages of the development cycle innovation products and services, where the initiators and sources innovation developments can be users themselves. | ||||||||
Chumakov D. M. Additive manufacturing opportunity for aviation and aerospace technology development. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 78 The article analyzes the actual development trends of Additive Manufacturing (AM), applied in the aerospace industry in the United States (US) and Europe. Ongoing studies on the analysis of AM-technologies are of a generalized nature of popular science, so this paper attempts not only to structure the data obtained by the application in the aviation and aerospace industry (which is the target area of civil and military equipment), but also to give economic assessment of the application of developments. The research materials are selected to demonstrate the difference between AM-technologies and the traditional processing techniques, as well as to point out the features and specifications of parts, components and assemblies produced by various technological methods. Details and statistics obtained in the course of the study show that in recent years the scope of AM-technologies has become quite important. Due to technological advances and economic benefits of their use, its utilization has become the best indicator of the innovative development of progressively developing countries. Strategically, it’s necessary to track the emergence of technologies and developments in the world of theoretical and practical understanding of the functioning of innovation. US and European countries are leading in the development of new technologies. The study of the results of their work will give more data to support the need for the introduction of
The introduction of AM-technologies has not yet received any adequate attention from the Russian government. Scientific studies are still at a nascent stage and have no systematic approach to the study of AM-technologies. In this direction, foreign development have arrived ahead of the domestic one, besides the studies of scientific nature, an increasing number of techniques are being implemented into production. Therefore, it is advisable to use international experience of creating and operating AM-technologies in industrial sectors such as satellite and engine manufacturing to optimize the production of high-tech counterparts in the Russian aviation and aerospace industry. | ||||||||
Vassilieva O. A. Investigation of some Statistical Characteristics of the Cauchy Problem for Burgers-Huxley Equation Solution. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 78 Burgers-Huxley equation is applied in various areas of science such as nonlinear acoustics, fluid dynamics, biology, ecology chemistry etc. The Cauchy problem for Burgers-Huxley equation describes the evolution of the initial process with consideration of the effects of nonlinearity and diffusion. There are a lot of noise sources of different physical nature. This explains the importance of stochastic solutions of the Cauchy problem for Burgers-Huxley equation investigation. The Cauchy problem for Burgers-Huxley equation with stationary normal process as initial condition is considered. Solution of this problem is a stationary stochastic process for any fixed value of time variable. As a rule, the practical interest is not stochastic solution itself but its statistical characteristics such as distribution, correlation function. Burgers-Huxley equation is nonlinear partial differential equation. There is no analytical solution of the equation in general case. So, numerical methods of statistical characteristics of Burgers-Huxley equation solution investigation are very important. For fixed value of time variable the solution correlation function is investigated. For some values of equation parameters and under rather general assumptions stochastic solution of Burgers-Huxley equation for fixed value time variables is ergodic in wide-sense process. Thus, the solution correlation function can be obtained from a single sufficiently long realization. This realization is a solution of the Cauchy problem for Burgers-Huxley equation for given value of time variable. The finite-difference method of second order is used for numerical solution of the Cauchy problem. The quadrature formula of second order is used for approximate calculation of the correlation function. Some numerical results are presented and discussed. | ||||||||
Prozorov S. E., Verbin A. V. Threat assessment and risk management. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 78 The purpose of this paper is to find the relationship of risk, threat and vulnerability protection of an object. For the degree of the threat to civil aviation estimation it is necessary to solve two fundamental problems: to estimate the threat and deal with the risk. It is obvious that the establishment of measures necessary to deter high-risk associates with high costs. Consequently, these measures should be realized in the case of maximum necessity. This is the basis of the risk management concept. Let us specify the concepts necessary to this concept implementation: threat, danger, risk, aviation security risk factor. It should be understood that the management of threats and risks is a difficult task, which involve not only aviation security special services, but also government agencies. It is necessary also to understand the factors affecting on the probability of selecting a particular object by an offender. From the results it obtained in this work a conclusion can be made that the main activity of the aviation security to protect the object against acts of unlawful interference is to reduce its vulnerability due to the adoption of measures increasing the probability of parrying of some kind of unlawful interference committing. The factors having impact on the degree of protection of the object, include: the effectiveness of special technical means used to ensure aviation safety, efficiency technologies used, the quality of facility personnel. These factors are necessary to enhance the security of the object. The main characteristics of the process of aviation security organization are stability, efficiency, continuity and secrecy. Without sufficient capacity to prevent threats it is possible, however, to reduce the risk to an acceptable level by creating adequate protection measures and thus providing risk management on the basis of systematically organized protective procedures. The important Important components of the risk assessment process are control checks to verify aviation safety provision activities compliance to international standards, as well as control of completeness and quality of aviation security measures, taking into account the current level of threat. Risk management in the socio-economic system, which is characterized by the presence of constraints in terms of available economic resources, is the process of optimal allocation of eligible costs of risk reduction, providing the level of security attainable in economic and social conditions of the existing society, adopted as an acceptable level. | ||||||||
Tin P. . Determination of the relative significance of efficiency and safety of air traffic with the aid of the inverse problem of the linear programming. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 78 This work is devoted to the solution of the inverse problem of linear programming to establish weight coefficients of the importance, effectiveness and safety of aircraft movement in echelon of landing approach. The air traffic controller knows how he should act in a concrete case, but he does not know the mathematical model of the criterion. In one case he makes alternative decisions on reduction, or increase of a distance between planes due to lateral maneuver or increase in draft. In other cases at increase of risk of air traffic, the air traffic controller prohibits entry of one of the planes into an echelon and gives command to leave to a repeated circle. Therefore expediency arises to reconstruct the criterion by separate examples of optimum behavior and then implement them in general cases. This criterion, as well as restrictions, can be presented in the form of linear convolution of parameters. The variables by nature are not negative, and selected decisions are alternative. Thus the process of selection of the most rational decision can be treated as finding of one of the vortexes of convex polyhedron. It can be done by means of a known direct problem of linear programming. The inverse problem sets the group of linear inequalities in the form of restrictions on a set of variables. The polyhedron vortex taken for the best decision with coordinates is also known. It is required to identify criterion coefficients whenever possible more precisely. The paper offers the reverse simplex method of identification of unknown criterion function of criterion in the form of linear convolution if the result of the decision at known restrictions on variables in the form of linear inequalities was set. The reconstruction of criterion function by means of the received interval estimates allows using the solution of a direct problem with new conditions — or in automatic mode, or as a prompter, reducing thereby influence of a human factor. Accuracy of the solution of the inverse problem depends on what vortexes of a polyhedron, and how many of them become known as a result of rational alternative actions of the person taking the decision that can be used for identification. The example confirming operability of the offered algorithm is presented. | ||||||||
Okorokova N. S., Pushkin K. V., Sevruk S. D., Farmakovskaya A. A. The development of the basic module schemes for the dimension-type series of power plants based on the air-aluminum chemical current sources. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 78 Currently, there are a lot of works developing the power plants (PP) based on the aluminium-air (AA) mechanically rechargeable chemical current sources (CCS), which have high specific energy and profitable economical and operational characteristics. For this kind of PP it is reasonable to create a functional dimension-type series of the AA PP. This paper examines the basic module diagrams for the modular dimension-type series and evaluates the energy and mass exchange characteristics as well as the energy loss characteristics for power plants of various schemes. During the development of the basic diagrams of the PP and its service systems, the unique specifics of the AA CCS and the special properties of the reaction products were considered in addition to the usual approaches. Since the consumed materials in the AA CCS are the aluminium, water, and oxygen, they should be constantly fed into the reaction zone and the reaction products should be removed in case of a long constant work. Accordingly, the block diagram of the PP based on the AA CCS with a circulating electrolyte should have a range of subsystems which will provide the energy and mass exchange. The fundamental property of the AA system is a high buffer capacity of the alkaline electrolyte, i.e. a significant part of the water can be consumed from the electrolyte without further water supply, given that the electrical characteristics of the current source change insignificantly. Considering the high electrolyte buffer capacity, in several cases the water storage and supply system can be excluded from the PP. Therefore, another scheme with a circulating alkaline electrolyte system is proposed. An integrated block diagram without circulation (the so called filled scheme) is also examined. A light scheme of the PP based on the AA CCS with the neutral, saline, electrolytes is examined. Since there is no corrosion at the no-current mode in the AA CCS with the neutral electrolytes, it is not necessary to pour out the electrolyte in the intervals between the PP operations. For the proper choice of the basic module diagrams of the dimension-type series, the energy and mass exchanges in the AA CCS have been evaluated and the energy loss has been compared in different basic diagrams. This paper also describes the main characteristics of the basic modules of the AA PP. It is shown that the main factor limiting the power rate of the basic modules is a maximum reachable power rate of the single battery which is determined by the technological limits of production of the large area gas-diffusion cathodes and the possibility of providing the proper conditions for the energy and mass exchange. As a conclusion it can be said that based on the main determinative characteristics it is possible to create 23 modular dimension-type series, which include 35 basic modules in each series. Besides, the basic module can include 16 or 18 batteries depending on its power rate. Also, the optimal schemes of the PP basic modules are chosen in this work. | ||||||||
Novikov I. N., Abrosimov E. A. Development of a generalized mathematical model of calculation and designing of combustion chambers of vertical counter flow type.. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 78 Power and heat-power facilities state-of-the-art requires environmental, energy and economic efficiency enhancement of the work process. In its turn, these requirements are associated with
The most promising solution to the problems mentioned above is the application of combustion chambers of vertical counter flow type. Our research pursues an objective of developing science-based methodology integral characteristics calculation to design various modifications of suggested combustion chamber for practical application. For our research we choose the device in the form of a two-stage two-zone chamber as a model for theoretical study of the fuel combustion process. The feature of this kind of the combustion chamber lieы in the fact that it combines the main features of working process and construction elements of the single-stage, two-stage and two-zone combustion chambers. After the investigation of the combustion chamber of the complex type, it is easy to transfer the obtained results to one-stage, two-stage and two-zone combustion chambers. In the work we obtained parametrical equation linking thermo-dynamical and gas-dynamical parameters of the main elements of combustion chambers. This equation allows obtaining the integral characteristics of the two-stage two-zone combustion chamber and estimating the influence of each main element, that combustion chamber consists of, upon its output parameters and construction. This equation includes coefficients of the air surplus and the combustion completeness in each of main elements. As a result, the work gives the linkage between the integral parameters of the combustion chamber. We found out that the product of all the integral parameters of the process is equal to unity. This equation provides the implementation of the ten variants of the constructive scheme of the combustion chamber for the relevant working modes, i.e. we can choose different modification of the combustion chamber. | ||||||||
Formalev V. F., Kolesnik S. A. Method, algorithm and program complex for calculating heat state of cooled rocket micro engines. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 78 The paper presents physical and mathematical model, algorithm and description of the program complex meant for calculating thermal state of a cooled micro rocket engines block, used to operate space objects. The micro engines block looks like a plain profile box of the engines (every one has length no more 15mm) with two cross cooling channels that are situated next to combustion chambers and nozzles, where liquid or gaseous refrigerant can be used. The thermal energy source is introduced by high-temperature gas-dynamic flow with stagnation temperature of about 2000 degrees Kelvin. Under these conditions, metal structure of micro engines block has a temperature limitation. As a result, heat energy discharge using a refrigerant is necessary. With this, the larger the velocity of a refrigerant the larger is the discharge. In order to define thermal state of the micro engines block it is necessary to solve heat transfer problems between hydro-dynamic and gas-dynamic flows as well as between multiply connected bodies bounded with uneven boundaries: — non-viscous flow in the combustion chamber and nozzle of the micro engine;
The paper presents a new method for numeric solving of combined heat transfer problems and problems of three dimensional non-steady heat transfer. We used a method of reflection of multiply connected area with any boundary into classical form area (rectangle, parallelepiped...), where it is possible to make up a through orthogonal grid. At that, coordinate lines can enter and leave the calculated area any arbitrary number of times. The program complex for calculating thermal state of the block of cooled micro rocket engines was designed using the presented above algorithm. Namely, to determine heat-exchange parameters of gas-dynamic flows in gas-dynamic and cooled channels, as well 3D non-stationary thermal conductivity in multiply connected regions with arbitrary boundaries. We obtained and analyzed multiple numerical solution results. | ||||||||
Kologov A. V., Reznik Y. O., Soloviev V. N., Ushakov A. N., Tsarkov K. A. Development of the control system of new generation leak detecting equipment for testing elements of rocket and space technique. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 78 One of the major tasks of rocket-and-space equipment production is ensuring structural continuity. Thus, all systems and elements of the rocket-and-space equipment undergo tests for tightness so that to detect and eliminate all leakages appeared in the course of production. For leakage detecting one can use highly sensitive leakage detectors of various types from either domestic or foreign producers. Moreover, performance capabilities of all leakage detectors listed in this paper do not satisfy the requirements placed on industrial leakage detecting equipment having a number of special properties. Design of such equipment is the subject of the present work. The paper presents the main features of industrial leakage detector in addition to its high sensitivity and permissible measurement error that are of great importance while hermetic tightness control of different reservoirs. The developed prototype of the industrial leakage detector allows operation within the range from 3.3211∙10-27 to 4.9816∙10-25 Pa (from 2 to 300 Da), it is equipped with oil-free forepump system with productivity of 15 m3/hour and operates under control of a hardware-software complex on the basis of the industrial tablet computer and the controller. The total error of working gas consumption detection makes less than 40%. This error can reputed rather small, considering that calibration leakage error, as a rule, is more than 20%. Extorr Inc company Extorr XT-300 analyzer as a a part of a hardware-software control complex of a leak detector takes measurements of pressure of helium mixture in the chamber and presents the results in the form of partial pressures (Torr) by atomic unit within the range from 0.5 to 300 Da. To determine helium partial pressure we select measurements corresponding to the mass of helium with due account for peak degradation. Namely, partial pressures are measured within the vicinity of weight 4 (helium) by which integrated value is calculated. Background and noise components are filtered by averaging Helium stream (m3Pa/s) is defined by means of the developed experimental calibration function f(x) in the form of (1)
According to the results of the measurements taken at tests there we calculated coefficients of function f(x). Their values are: a1 = 0.0058, а2 = 1,5979∙10—11, a3 = —4∙10—6. The developed leakage detector prototype has passed preliminary tests and showed satisfactory performances. The subsequent installation refinement under conditions close to production will allow making necessary improvements to its hardware and software parts, and producing pilot batch for pilot industrial application. | ||||||||
Lam T. T. Solving boundary value problem of trajectory planning for aircraft executing spatial maneuvers. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 78 This paper presents a study on two methods of constructing spatial aircraft trajectories: simple method of trajectory planning and Taranenko’s direct method. Both methods are based on the inverse dynamic concept. We need to find trajectory and control variables for an aircraft from initial point
With simple method of trajectory planning, solving boundary value problem of flight dynamic accomplished without control and state variables constraints. This method assumes that three coordinates of the aircraft represented analytically as functions of argument τ Here Aircraft’s coordinates approximated by Here ki, hi, wi — coefficients, а The coefficients ki, hi, wi were determined by satisfying the boundary conditions and system dynamic equations. With Taranenko’s direct method, the problem was solved with both control and state variables constraints. The trajectory optimization problem was transformed into a nonlinear programming problem and then solved numerically using an appropriate algorithm. In example cases, two methods were applied with the same boundary values. The comparison of two methods is given. Analysis of the results leads to a concousion that the simple method of trajectory planning can easily produce unrealizable trajectories and thus it cannot be used for onboard computations. | ||||||||
Trokhov D. A., Turkin I. K. On unmanned aircraft for reconnaissance missions performance upon the sea design procedure. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 78 The paper analyses current situation with global sea surface monitoring system development implementing high-altitude reconnaissance UAVs. We present approaches to rational design algorithm for aerial reconnaissance over the sea UAV image building with allowance for weight and tactical criterions. Complexity and relevance of iterations in UAV design algorithm are noted. We believe that it is expedient to select takeoff mass as a criterion of optimality, since it can be considered as a universal criterion of optimality. We also disclose UAV complex performance evaluation approach within the framework of surveillance operation as an aggregate of operation fragments assessments interchanging each other. The paper gives image design definition and discloses its main content. It also touches upon the importance of resolution index of target equipment for imagery intelligence. The paper gives recommendations on content of the target equipment providing required resolution afield, and presents the estimation of efficiency results of typical target equipment based on the criterion of object of intelligence t recognition probability. One of the main tasks of image shaping is analysis of reconnaissance objects, their air defense, electronic warfare means, and indicators of visibility. It is important to analyze the weather conditions and sea surface state dependence of aerial reconnaissance efficiency. It is necessary to develop a mathematical model of complex operating effect to substantiate requirements to UAV trajectory, to the structure and parameters of the target equipment. It is essential to create UAV aerodynamic model, UAVs weight model, geometric layout, UAV effective area of scattering calculation model, layout and alignment models, as well as other models within the framework of the selected reference image. The paper describes an approach to aerial sea reconnaissance UAV image forming algorithm with allowance for target reconnaissance equipment. It presents estimation methodology for target equipment optical channel and on-board water-borne targets radar installation effectiveness. Simulation results show that sea reconnaissance tasks solving is possible one include both optical and radar channels into target equipment. Optical channel must have the following parameters: matrix dimensions — 30 mm × 30 mm; number of pixels in matrix row — 3000; focal distance — 200 mm. Radio channel antennae gain should be in the range from 3000 to 4000, and transmitter power — from 2 to 4 kW. | ||||||||
Melnikov V. ., Matyushenko I. N., Chernova N. A., Harlov B. N. Problems of large space structures creating. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 78 Present-day space projects of large-scale power plants are based on large-scale structures of the frame and frameless implementation. These are solar battery (SB) frames, centrifugal thin film SB, solar sails and reflectors, frame multistage refrigerators and drip emitters, cable antennas. Side-by-side with solar cells characteristics improvement is Improvement of SB load-bearing panels (frames and substrates) using new composite materials and mechanisms to control their deployment goes side-by-side with solar cells characteristics improvement. American and Japanese solar power stations (SSPS) carcass constructions reach sizes of up to five kilometers. Rigid frame trusses imbedded in these projects, as well as towing vehicle with a rigid frame size of 400 ´ 400 m solar cell and a capacity of 15 MW meant for an expedition to Mars design study carried out by Keldysh Center together with RSC «Energia» are not based on any experience of creating such large structures in space. The structures of similar scale (stadiums, or supermarkets) have not been created even on Earth surface. The inability of full-scale ground development test and accounting for weightlessness factors as well as deep vacuum impact on structure deployment process are principal rigid frame trusses drawbacks. There are numerous examples of the inadequacy between ground testing without regard to weightlessness and space experiment. Creating a large space structure with life time of about 15 years with high precision surface and its orientation as well as the existence of such structure in a flow of space debris and meteorites presents rather difficult problem. Centrifugal solar cells have a number of significant advantages over their carcass analogs. They are not sensitive to meteorite hazard in particular, and may find efficient application for space vehicles in wide power range: from satellites with higher energy consumption of 30 ... 50 kW to SSPS with power from 1 to 10 GW. Centrifugal solar cells can be used also for Mars expedition power system, since their feasibility and specific characteristics (kW/kg) 3 to 5 times outperform nuclear power installation. They have no high-temperature loops of fissile uranium; do not require radiation protection; do not lead to disastrous effects in the case of failures; do not require special utilization, as well on-stream serviceable and repairable. Long-term program of space experiments on the ISS includes the preparation and conduct of the orbital experiment «Banner SB» with centrifugal membrane structure SB 6-kW, hydrogen-oxygen electrochemical storage of electric power and oxygen-hydrogen low-thrust rocket engine. Innovative oxygen-hydrogen concept is widely developed all over the world. It lies in the development of oxygen and hydrogen production system by means of electrolysis of water on orbits, storage systems of these gases, as well as missiles fueling systems developing. Centrifugal SB can serve as an effective basis for future propellants production factories in space, as well as for a wide range of promising applications. | ||||||||
Kishko D. V. Analysis of accuracy estimation of own coordinates in the radio navigation systems with small bases between transmitters. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 78 One of the possible solutions of the determination position of aircrafts by using local ground-based high-precision radio navigation systems is considered in the article. This system consists of 4 evenly distributed on a circle of 50 meter radius ground-based transmitters, a control-correction station and an on-board receiver. The synchronization of signals is produced by operation of the control-correction station. Estimation of coordinates is performed on-board the aircraft. Analysis of accuracy coordinates estimation when aircraft is far from the transmitters is shown in the paper. Characteristics of accuracy estimation of local coordinates are investigated for a few types of algorithms. The use of non-filtering Least-Squares Method (LSM), Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) and Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) is considered in the article. The influence of divergence of the receiver’s clock has been examined on accuracy estimation for two types of measurements, i.e. range and difference pseudo ranges. In the first case, divergence of the receiver’s clock is included in state vector, while, in the second case, divergence is made up for forming of the difference pseudo ranges. Results of simulation show the equal accuracy of LSM algorithms with pseudo ranges and different pseudo ranges. EKF and UKF with pseudo ranges measurements give more than twice better estimate in comparison with EKF and UKF with difference pseudo ranges measurements. This effect achieves because the influence of clock divergence in pseudo range methods include in the state vector. Results of simulation also show equal accuracy of EKF and UKF algorithms with the same measurements. | ||||||||
Ivanov S. V., Naumov A. V. Application of bilevel problem of stochastic programming to optimization of energy saving projects. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 77 A statement of the bilevel problem of stochastic programming with quantile criterion and several followers is suggested. Random parameters of the problem assumed to have a discrete distribution. In this problem, there are several decision makers: leader and several followers. These decision makers may have different own purposes. The followers choose strategies solving their optimization problems when a leader’s decision is already known. The leader chooses his own strategy taking into account the followers’ optimal strategies and solving his own optimization problem. The followers’ problems are assumed to be linear in follower’s decision variables. Due to this fact, the followers’ problems may be replaced by nonlinear equilibrium constraints using the slackness complementary conditions. The following theorem is proved: the original problem can be reduced to a mixed integer mathematical programming problem. This theorem is used in solving the problem of optimization of energy saving projects. In this problem, the leader is a transport company and the followers are companies carrying out the energy saving projects. The aim of the transport company is to minimize investment costs and expenses for the purchase of energy resources. The aim of a followers is to maximize own profit carrying out their project. In this application, the random parameters are the demands for different energy resources in different planning periods. It is proved that this applied problem can be reduced to a mixed integer linear programming problem. The results of a numerical experiment concerning typical section of the railway are presented. Three projects for saving two energy resources: electrical energy and diesel oil are considered in this experiment. | ||||||||
Nikitchenko Y. A. First approximation models for nonequilibrium flows of polyatomic gases. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 77 Physical-chemical processes, which take place in the gas and on the surface that is streamlined by this gas, depend on the energy of thermal motion of molecules. In nonequilibrium flows, the energy of thermal motion is distributed unevenly between translational and internal degrees of freedom of molecules. Under these conditions it is necessary to consider the energy of the translational degrees of freedom (translational temperature Tt) separately from the energy of the internal degrees of freedom (internal temperature TΩ). The physical-mathematical models of the first approximation are most common in practical applications. These models can be obtained from the system of moment equations of polyatomic gases [1]. A method for constructing models of the first approximation is described in [2]. Two models of the first approximation are considered. The first model is written down by using the thermodynamic variables. Its system of equations contains 5 scalar equations (5-moment model). This model is the Navier-Stokes-Fourier model. The coefficient of bulk viscosity is adduced in an explicit form. The system of equations does not contain Tt and TΩ temperatures. These parameters are defined by a special dependency through the coefficient of bulk viscosity. The second model contains 6 scalar equations. The Tt and TΩ temperatures are defined by independent moment equations (two-temperature model). The heat flow is represented by two components. The first component is the energy flow of the translational degrees of freedom. The second component is the energy flow of the internal degrees of freedom. The coefficient of bulk viscosity is not used. The exchange of energy between translational and internal degrees of freedom is described explicitly. Numerical testing of the models was conducted on the sample problem of the shock wave shape. The tests have shown that 5-moment model produces qualitatively incorrect values of Tt and TΩ temperatures. The second law of thermodynamics was violated in some profile areas. The two-temperature models only produce errors of quantitative nature. These errors can be reduced by the adjustment of free parameters of the model. The two-temperature model has significant advantages over the 5-moment model during the modeling of the nonequilibrium flows. These advantages are essentially important for the description of physical-chemical processes. | ||||||||
Popova A. I., Tretiyakova O. N. Design calculation of valves for aircraft systems of automatic pressure control. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 77 The paper is devoted to the development of a program, which is aimed at automating the design and calculation of parameters of the pressure control system valves within the airplane air conditioning systems. Thus the program should accelerate the development of new valves with the help of computers. A generalized classification of valves has been proposed for the development of this program. This classification unites the whole diversity of types of valves within one scheme. The classification system divides the valves into the following types according to their purpose: exhaust valves, emergency valves, and combined valves. Three categories of actuator valves are allocated according to the type of their closure members: valves with solid, elastic and aerodynamic closure members. Three types of valves can be distinguished by the kind of energy they consume (actuation types): pneumatic, hydraulic and electric. This paper considers the actuator valves, which are classified according to the type of consumed energy (actuation). The main characteristics and groups of input and output data have been allocated for each valve type. The design features of the individual valve elements, such as spring and diaphragm, were studied. The program algorithm was formulated based on the allocated input and output data. The program is a universal structure of mathematical calculations. Calculation formulas are specified via entries in the configuration file with mathematical expressions. These expressions use Python mathematical operators. The program is written with taking into account the possibility of its scaling. This possibility is taken into the account both in nature of the program and volume of calculations, which are carried out on the basis of specific data. The change of calculation logics, amount of calculations and introduction of new calculations does not require any changes in the existing program code. It is only necessary to to supplement the program with the blocks for calculation of new valve types. The calculations of two real pneumatic valves were presented to confirm the operational capability of the program: membrane-spring valve for the Tu-204 airplane and piston valve for IL-96 airplane. | ||||||||
Sokolov N. L. Space debris orbit determination method with the use of onboard facilities of a spacecraft. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 77 Flight safety of spacecraft (SC) in the space debris environment has become significantly important. One of the main conditions for the solution to this problem is prompt determination of space debris orbit parameters. It allows to estimate characteristics of its rendezvous with controlled spacecraft. It should be noted that detection of small-sized space debris fragments by ground-based facilities is rather difficult. So the solution to this task using onboard facilities has great current interest. The analytical method proposed in this work allows to determine space debris orbit parameters with the help of measurements of spacecraft onboard facilities. The method is based on the transformation of initial system of differential spacecraft motion equations with the use of a number of proved assumptions and composition of final calculation dependencies for calculation of time and spacecraft angular position between two measurement moments following each other. It is supposed that space debris fragments are located in the visibility zone of onboard optical sensors. The computational errors and calculation duration are estimated. The numerical and graphic materials are introduced. It is shown that during the spacecraft motion along the low circular orbits with the calculation intervals of no more than 100 seconds the computational errors do not exceed 0,1 %. There is the same level of computational errors during the determination of parameters of high elliptical orbits with the eccentricity of up to 0,7 in the conditions of reducing the measurement intervals to 20-25 seconds. The proposed method provides calculation of orbit parameters of space debris fragments in the wide range of initial conditions for the required calculation accuracy. The computational errors can be reduced due to the increase of a number of measurements and use of the known data filtering and smoothing algorithms. At the same time, for the final estimation of accuracy characteristics it is necessary to consider different perturbing factors influencing on the motion dynamics of spacecraft. First of all, they include changes of ballistic coefficients during the flight. | ||||||||
Sysoev V. K., Barabanov A. A., Dmitriev A. O., Nesterin I. M., Pichkhadze . ., Suymenbaev B. T. Analysis of demonstration solar power space station layout scheme. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 77 Development of space solar power station technology shows the necessity of demonstration space solar power station development based both on the available space-rocket equipment and on electro-optical technology. Laser emission is chosen as energy transmission channel, because it gives the possibility to receive focal spot of acceptable size. The key factor determining power capacity of such demonstration space solar power station is the necessity of oversize transformable photoconverters design development at available SC with the relevant fairing. Factors, which determine layout schemes of demonstration space solar power station various alternatives, are the following: - the necessity for oversize photoconverters design and cooling radiator; - the necessity for a system by means of which it is possible to adapt photoconverters and cooling radiators design for available rocket fairing; - the necessity for oversize optical telescope installation on SC for laser emission transmission. Four SC layout schemes of such demonstration space solar power station have being studied: - SC scheme with unified hex module; - SC scheme with unified quadrangular module; - SC scheme with photoconverters' deployable curtain on the base of pneumatically rigidizable design; - SC scheme with flexible photoconverters' deployable curtain based on solar sail principle. Detailed design works on these variants allow to make an optimum choice of solar power station space segment layout. However, performance of work on demonstration space solar power station will allow not only to perform flight tests of such space complex and receiving capable hybrid space solar power station. Demonstration experiment in real outer space conditions is an integral part of space station preparation, because it is the only mean to confirm the possibility of decisions made during theoretical research. | ||||||||
Mansurov V. S., Moskovkin S. A., Rebrov S. G., Yanchur S. V. The results of development and ground tests of lithium-ion battery for space application. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 77 The design of lithium-ion battery for space application is developed. The lithium-ion battery contains prismatic lithium-ion accumulators in series connected into the electric circuit with the electronics module and the device for active equalizing voltage battery charge and discharge. The full cycle of ground tests, including electrical, mechanical, climatic tests are carried out with prototypes of battery. The program and methodology of testing, including cyclic tests simulated mode in geostationary orbit (charge current: 20 A within 120 minutes; discharge current: 40 A within 60 minutes; discharge depth - 80%) are developed for carrying out electrical tests. Battery tests were carried out in both normal climatic conditions and under vacuum (3·10-6 mm Hg). The test results showed that the actual discharge capacity at the beginning of the testing was approximately 81 A-h (the nominal capacity is 50 A-h), the actual power-intensity was approximately 2300 W-h. When cyclic battery tests on the appropriate battery modes operation on geostationary and low earth orbits in normal climatic conditions were conducting the energy efficiency was approximately 0,96, the maximum surface temperature of the batteries wasn’t greater than 22 ºС while the temperature of the cooling system plate surface was about 13,5 ºС. When cycling of the battery in a vacuum were conducting the temperature increased to 32-34 ºC while discharge current was 40 A and tendency to a slight further growth with cycling continuation was observed. | ||||||||
Fedorov V. A., Obukhov V. A., Mogulkin A. . Investigation of Temperature Deformation of the IES Electrodes Based on the Continuum Thermo-Mechanical Calculation Model. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 77 A continuum thermo-mechanical model for densely perforated electrodes of the ion-extraction system (IES) was developed. It is based on representing the emissive, accelerating and decelerating electrodes as structurally orthotropic sloping thin-walled spherical (profiled in general case) panels. An uneven heating of the electrodes along the radius and through their thickness was considered as the basic loading factor. As a consequence, the coefficients of electrode filling with materials, which are simultaneously the coefficients of constructive orthotropy in the considered model, were directly taken into account in the initial equations of thermoelasticity. Relations between the geometric sizes of round perforation holes, regularly arranged according to a triangular scheme, and the coefficients of electrode filling with materials were calculated by a special algorithm, which gave an opportunity to properly consider the thermal impact on the IES as a whole. Acceptance of such thermo-mechanical model of electrodes resulted in a diagram of dependence of the constructive orthotropy coefficients on the ratio of hole diameter to the distance between them. For the direct calculation of strain state of spherical electrodes at their uneven axisymmetric heating, there was used the mathematical apparatus of matrix boundary integral and integrodifferential equations represented in convenient dimensionless form. Solution of such equations obtained in the geometrically nonlinear statement of the problem on the bending of sloping spherical panel was based on iterative methods in combination with process of step-by-step temperature loading of considered electrodes. It is advisable to use the above algorithm for solving the obtained integral equations at critical stages of checking calculations on durability and rigidity. When conducting multivariate research calculations, it is better and more effective to make preliminary calculations by simplified algorithm. It is the first approximation of the iterative process for solving the appropriate integral equations not in the numerical but in the analytical form. The obtained resulting nonlinear algebraic equation of the third degree relative to the dimensionless additional deflection is solved by using the corresponding software package, such as MathCAD. In accordance with the above simplified algorithm of calculation of additional deflections of sloping spherical panels, there was conducted a multivariate study of the deformation process of emissive electrodes made of molybdenum and its alloys, titanium-niobium alloy of invar-class, as well as of a carbon-carbon composite material. For the accelerating electrode there was considered a molybdenum alloy and carbon-carbon composite material. The base diameter of the ion beam was taken to be equal to 160 mm and 450 mm. The developed thermo-mechanical model can be extended to a wider range of problems relating to the geometry of electrodes and the materials used. | ||||||||
Tyrymov A. A. Numerical modeling and calculation of compliance for centrally cracked specimen based on graph model of elastic solid. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 77 The method of numerical analysis of the mechanical fields in the deformable body, based on graph model of an elastic medium in the form of directed graph, is considered. A new type of elementary cell is introduced to describe the features that appear near a crack tip in isotropic elastic material. An elementary cell is considered as a subgraph that corresponds to a single element of continuum. The configuration of a cell is defined by installing hypothetical devices upon an element of a solid. The equations of elementary cell are derived using the deformation energy as invariant that remains constant under the transformation of an element into a cell. A procedure determining the parameters of the elementary cell is described. The graph of a whole body is constructed the same way as for an elementary cell. Equations of state of the original solid body are derived by using the transformation of generalized coordinates of a decomposed solid body elements into a system of generalized coordinates of entire solid body. This transformation is performed using nonsingular and mutually inverse matrices. The specific nature of the graph discrete solid body model is such that allow you to construct nonsingular matrices without numerical inversion. Kirchhoff graph laws were used for derivation of a system of defining equations. Graph rules (apex and contour) have mechanical interpretation and their application cause the equations of equilibrium and strain compatibility to be satisfied when the net dimensions are reduced. The results of numerical calculation of compliance and stress intensity factor in a centrally cracked tensile plate obtained by graph method are presented. | ||||||||
Starovoytov E. I., Lokteva N. A., Starovoytovа E. E. Deformation of orthotropick three-layer rectangular plate. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 77 Bending of elastic rectangular orthotropic three-layer plate with a hard core and the composite layers under the influence of local load is considered. Statement of the problem is carried out in a rectangular coordinate system associated with the median plane of the aggregate. To describe the kinematics of the plate the hypothesis of broken normal are taken as follows: in the bearing layers Kirchhoff’s hypothesis are correct, in incompressible thickness filler the normal remains straight and does not change its length, but turns on some extra angle. On the contour of the plate it is assumed a presence of a rigid diaphragm, which prevents the relative layers shift. Deformations are small. The equilibrium equations and force boundary conditions follow from the Lagrange principals of virtual work. As the fixing conditions the free bearing plate fixed on the contour of rigid tower is accepted. The plate is exposed to the following external loads: locally uniformly distributed load, concentrated force and concentrated moment. The solution of the boundary value problem is carried out in a double trigonometric series. The projections of the load are expanded in trigonometric series. To find the displacement amplitudes a system of linear algebraic equations obtained from the differential equations of equilibrium in terms of displacements is used. The analytical solution is written out in the determinants. Numerical parametric analysis of stress-strain state of the plate under the action of local loads has been carried out. Numerical results are obtained for the three-layer square orthotropic plate package, which consists of the following layers: support layers — high-strength carbon fiber epoxy binder, filler - polytetrafluoroethylene. The action of surface loads such as load distribution on the entire outer surface of the plate and a force applied in the middle of the plate are considered. With equal resultant of forces data the movements from loads strapped on to the center of the plate are more. Differences in amount of displacement along different axes are explained by orthotropic of bearing layers materials. The presented method of the three-layer rectangular orthotropic plates calculating allows to obtain sufficiently accurate parameters of the stress-strain state for engineering practice. Orthotropic materials of bearing layers are substantially affects the displacements and stresses in the plate. | ||||||||
Sidlerov D. A., Ponomarev A. A. Numerical simulation of fuel droplets evaporation and combustion regimes in the combustion chambers of liquid rocket engines. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 77 In this article a physical-mathematical model, which gives the possibility to compute features of individual and group regimes of evaporation and combustion of dense turbulent sprays, consisting of fuel droplets, is considered. Investigation results of operational process peculiarities inside combustion chambers by varying the regimes of evaporation and combustion of fuel droplets are presented. Working process development inside liquid rocket engine combustion chamber is in a significant extent determined by an interaction of liquid sprayed flows of fuel and oxidizer. Combustion of propellant droplet arrays can be profoundly affected by the collective interaction between droplets that impedes large scale intermixing of fuel and oxidizer vapor thus forming oxidizer or fuel reach regions with unflammable conditions inside sprays. Additionally, the presence of large number of comparatively cold liquid droplets tends to decrease the temperature inside spray. Three spray combustion regimes can be proposed: 1) individual regime of combustion, typical for sparse sprays, when every droplet is surrounded by an individual combustion front; 2) regime, when droplets in internal regions of the spray have no individual combustion fronts, and at the same time in the outer regions of spray individual droplet combustion regime takes place; 3) regime, when droplets inside the spray only evaporate, and combustion front surrounds all the spray on the outside. The mathematical model includes equations of the Navier-Stokes type and the k — ε turbulence model. The combustion rate is defined by the model of turbulent vortex dissipation and from the generalized equation of chemical kinetics of the Arrhenius type. Calculation of motion, warming up, evaporation and breaking of droplets is conducted in the Lagrange approach. Thereat, the interchange with mass, momentum and energy between phases of gas and droplets with regard to turbulent flow characteristics are taken into account. The equations are digitized with the control-volume method and solved with an algorithm of the SIMPLER type. Additional relations, which give the possibility to identify realization of individual or group spray combustion regimes, are being proposed. This technique is widely used at Keldysh Research Centre for numerical modeling of the working process in subscale and full-scale combustion chambers and gas generators that operate with a variety of injectors and using different propellants. Possibilities of the method have been demonstrated by an investigation of features of the working process inside a combustion chamber with coaxial jet injectors under different regimes of fuel spray combustion. | ||||||||
Evdokimenkov V. N., Kim R. V., Voronov A. A., Vekshina A. B. Integral estimation of aircraft systems condition based on reference regions. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 77 This paper presents an approach to the problem of aircraft systems technical state estimation method. This method uses information stored by regular on-board flight information monitoring systems. The principle of the method is based on reference pattern formed by way of finite set of points within the space of state variables of controlled on-board system for every generic flight mode upon condition of its normal operation. To estimate current aircraft system condition considering non-controlled factors action including factors of accidental action, we use probability criterions that characterize probability of current controlled parameters set membership to reference pattern. In this work we suggest computational algorithms for such probability criterions. These algorithms intend to apply Mahalanobis distance from reference region points to its geometric center as a variability measure of controlled system parameters values. Estimation of the probabilistic criteria is performed using Mahalanobis distance distribution function. This function is obtained by approximating Mahalanobis distance cumulative distribution function which can be calculated based on the information about previous flights of the exact aircraft. With the help of distribution function we can calculate the probability of occurrence Mahalanobis distance value exceeding the argument of the function in case of normal operating of controlled system. We define this probability as a main probabilistic criteria. We also define an inversed probabilistic criteria as a quantile of the distribution function for given probability value. In this case quantile is a Mahalanobis distance value that will not be exceeded with a given probability value. Developed algorithms allow us to identify the moment of abnormal operation mode occurrence. To solve this task we use inverse probabilistic criteria. This moment occurs when the current Mahalanobis distance calculated using the current flight data exceeds pre-determined quantile value. Developed methods and algorithms were used to estimate Su-35 aircraft conditioning system state. The analyzed period encompassed 50 flights, beginning from 80th to 129th, carried out during two years of exploitation. By using the proposed method an abnormal performance in the temperature channel of air conditioning system was detected in 2 out of 50 flights (105th and 106th). Obtained results fully correspond to the state of the system fairly confirmed by technical inspection report. According to the report the breakdown of turbo-compressor due to inadmissible overheating of a bearing was registered during 106-th flight. | ||||||||
Platonov S. A., Glotov V. D. Researching of GLONASS monitoring by using high-precision positioning methods. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 77 The article describes existing methods and systems of monitoring of GLONASS radio navigation field and highlights their weak side i.e. low precision of monitoring of user accuracy. The presented example of current accuracies for high-precision positioning methods demonstrates that the monitoring of radio navigation field must perform in high precision mode. Technique combining two high-precision methods (relative positioning by phase measurements and precise point positioning) was overviewed and main results of its implementation were presented. The results of relative positioning for two couples of Russian receivers (manufactured in «Navis» and «Izhevsk radio factory») showed that using of two similar receivers on a base station and rover can result to fixed solution with accuracies not worse that for GPS-only solution. It was also obtained that optimal solution of high precision GLONASS monitoring is autonomous monitoring in a receiver because of high influence of local error sources like multipath, loss of visibility in city canyon, radio noises and systematic errors of phase measurements. The necessity of global network monitoring of continuously reference stations with using various high precision ephemeris and clock information is approved in real time mode and in post-processing by receivers of various manufactures as well as high precision monitoring in various software. | ||||||||
Valaitite A. A., Nikitin D. P., Sadovskaya E. V. Investigation of the multipath effect on the estimation of the GNSS signal parameters using simulator of navigation field. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 77 This paper considers the possibility of assessing influence of the reflected signal on the parameters of the GNSS signal from the simulator satellite navigation signals Spirent, so that let getting measurements of the selected satellite when exposed only multipath errors. The research was depended of the multipath error of a GPS C/A signal in the presence of one of the reflected signal from the delay of given amplitude of the reflected signal and the comparison of experimental results with theoretical calculations. A result of comparison was revealed that the value of the envelope multipath errors are obtained in the real experiment, in a good agreement with the value of the envelope multipath errors are obtained by the theoretical calculation for the navigation signal receiver. This fact allow to use theoretical calculation at the design stage of a new receiver, in order to assess the influence of multipath errors on the accuracy of the measured navigation parameters at the selected frequency plan and the filter in a high-frequency part of the receiver. The results of field experiments can be used to analyze the ability of the equipment to withstand the multipath errors at a stage of mass production. A theoretical calculation and methodology are in the experimental study are universal and can be used to estimate the multipath error for any GNSS signal. | ||||||||
Mokrousova E. I. Methodological approach to the evaluation of effectiveness of integrated structures restructing (in terms of aero engine building). Trudy MAI, 2014, no 77 Purpose The purpose is to prove that the theory of potentials can be justifiably used to estimate the effectiveness of organizational transformations. Design/methodology/approach The point of this method is to calculate the potential of the business system before and after transformations. Findings The article estimates the business system competitiveness through correlation of its potentials and shows the methodological approach in finding areas of competitiveness in the system under consideration. In addition the article analyses the key points of the theory of potentials in the context of business processes in the business system. It highlights the fact that a concept of potential reflects the dynamic nature of competitiveness as its key property. It is noted that potentials of the object is defined on the basis of its functioning costs. When market context is excluded, it makes values of costs and business equity potential equal. The method of costs calculation also influences potential’s value. Research limitations/implications These findings can be used to determine effectiveness of organizational transformations of economic systems. Originality/value The originality of this research consists in the proposition of non-traditional approach to the evaluation of effectiveness of organizational transformations of economic object. | ||||||||
Konstantinov A. A. Investigation of the multipath effect on the estimation of the GNSS signal parameters using simulator of navigation field. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 77 The purpose of this work is to develop the technique, by which one can effectively develop software to realize mathematical tool for aerodynamic forces simulator with FPGA. To develop this technique we carry out system analysis of the aerodynamic equation, which constitutes a part of the aerodynamic forces (AFS) simulator. This analysis resulted in selection of integral form of the equation for further implementation with FPGA. We performed discretization of the equations, and reduced them to fixed-point arithmetic. To increase the speed of algorithm operation, we replace division operator with binary shift. While developing the technique we used existing recommendations for FPGA programming in LabVIEW. After implementation of the developed technique a list of typical mathematical operations and methods of their implementation, based on the analysis of the equations included into the algorithm are formed. In addition the separation of slowly varying and rapidly varying parameters calculations is performed. Implementation of this technique during aerodynamic forces simulator design allowed to increase the speed of the algorithm for eight interconnected channels from 17.7kHz to 416.6 kHz, which corresponds to 24 times increase in performance. To obtain the results we used National Instruments equipment: eight-channel analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with 16 bit resolution and sampling rate of 750 kHz as well as eight-channel digital-to-analog converter (DAC) with 16 bit resolution and sampling rate of 1 MHz. The proposed technique can be implemented during various measurement and information as well as management systems design, with severe requirements for operation speed, accuracy and channeling with explicit synchronization of execution. | ||||||||
Mikhailova E. A., Kamakina O. V., Efimova P. E. Preliminary evaluation of checking fixtures used for disk diameter measurement at aviation companies based on econometric equations. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 77 While production order making, one usually has little information about cost calculating, so that it is difficult to decide whether order profitability is sufficient or not. This problem is especially important if production life cycle is rather long, which is common considering aviation industry. The article considers the method of gage cost preliminary evaluation. The gages mentioned are used for rotation solids diameter measurement at the industrial companies. A set of recently designed gages was chosen and a number of different parameters were subjected to analysis for giving preliminary evaluation of material and labor costs. One who makes tool set order has his requirements and the designer while developing the gage fixes a set of variables. While investigation it is proved that connection does exist between the first and the latter mentioned, which is shown in the form of correlation coefficients matrix. It is stated that gage parameters required determine tool set material and labor costs. The cost evaluation method is proposed based on econometrics equations. The method gives the description of the parameters connection in the form of linear regression equations, in which order requirements are used as independent variables and the cost as the dependent one, so that it can be calculated at the moment the order is transferred to the tool set department. The equation gives a preliminary sum of costs providing rather high degree of its accuracy due to strong parameter correlation. Production profitability can be easily evaluated using such method that is really important for industrial companies. | ||||||||
Smirnov M. P., Utolin K. S. Space industry production companies budgeting. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 77 Russian production companies engaged in space industry are controlled by the Government through a special federal authority, ROSKOSMOS (Federal Space Agency), and another authorized organization, joint-stock company “ORKK”, as stated in Decree of the President № 874 of 2nd December, 2013. The revenue secured by the state-guaranteed order in the total income of such companies exceeds 80%. Strong governmental support gives the companies significant advantages in terms of stable guaranteed orders and loan capital. However, in these circumstances they become exposed to regional and country risks. The situation in the international market of space services has considerably changed over the last 20 years towards co-operation and commercialization of businesses. The Russian companies face increased competition which may have a negative effect on their financial and economic operation results. Under the current conditions management of the companies face the necessity to adopt new operational methods and introduce an up-to-date manufacturing resources control and financial management system in order to ensure sensible allocation of the resources to the company units. The system to be implemented should encourage cooperation between companies within the industry on the technological grounds. During the analysis performed and identification of the features specific to space production (ex., single-item production, state-order orientation) provisions for the introduction of a budgeting system to space companies have been determined highlighting industry technology centers. Such a system is being tested at Machine-building Plant of Rocket&Space Corporation "Energia". In the course of its implementation main steps were determined for research and development of industry technology center functional model. This conversion is only possible with a control system properly organized which would enable keeping records in the context of required analytical procedures. Development of the budgeting system suggests the following steps: 1. Linear-functional budgeting; 2. Matrix budgeting system; 3. Establishment of branch technology centers (divisional management system). The last mentioned step shall include the essential market research and technology attractiveness expertise in addition to the traditional feasibility study. Any innovation should be implemented gradually step by step, otherwise the introduction of any unproven production solution in the business practice of a company can result in failure to meet principal production deadlines. | ||||||||
Yahya Taha Abdo Al Ademi -. -., Ahmed Abdulbaset Arabi Abulkasem -. -., Pulko . ., Nasonova N. V., Lynkov L. M. Wideband shields of electromagnetic radiation on the basis of liquid-containing cellulose. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 77 The disadvantages of the majority of wideband electromagnetic shields with geometrically non-regular surface areas follows: their large thickness, weight and sufficient cost. The electromagnetic shielding constructions of a linear corrugated shape are suggested, which are based on compressed cellulose filled with a hygroscopic solution. The EMR attenuation and reflection characteristics are investigated in the frequency range of 0.7-17 GHz for the different orientation of corrugations with reference to the electromagnetic waves polarization. The electromagnetic shielding constructions based on liquid-containing compressed cellulose of a linear corrugated shape and flat shape are suggested. In order to stabilize the liquid-content, the hygroscopic metal salt solution in equilibrium concentration was synthesized. The solution is characterized by high sorption and, as a result, prevents liquid content variation when the ambient temperature and humidity alter. The sample surface microstructure was studied using metallographic microscope МЕТАМ—Р1 with amplification up to 507 times. The obtained microphotographs show, that there are local volumes of the solution preserved within the cellulose fiber structure during the whole period of the investigations. The experiments show, that the samples of flat shape 5 mm in thickness possess the reflection coefficient as low as −12 dB. The reflection characteristics for the flat-shaped sample on a metal base are quite flat in a wide frequency band. The EMR attenuation increases from 2 to 14 dB with the frequency increase due to the radio-absorbing properties of the liquid-containing filler. | ||||||||
Tarlakovsky D. V., Dang Q. G. Transmission of axial-symmetric superficial disturbances in the elastic-porous half-space. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 76 Mathematical modeling of non-stationary processes in saturated environment on model-based two-component environment is an important and urgent problem. Its urgency is dictated by pressing request of practice (extraction of groundwater, oil and gas, construction of earthen weirs, dams and earthworks, stability of slope, underground construction, etc.) and the need for further development of the general theory of multi-component environment, including questions of construction of mathematical models and basis of analytical and numerical methods for solving concrete boundary problems. Similar problems also find application in various areas of new technology, including problems of different apparatus landing of aviation, rocket and space technology.
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Karpov V. V., Semenov A. A., Kholod D. V. Transmission of axial-symmetric superficial disturbances in the elastic-porous half-space. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 76 Purpose
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Murlaga A. R. Analysis of HAARP Heating Facility Main Features with Satellite Monitoring. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 76 An application of satellite systems for monitoring of the ionosphere from space after its artificial steerable disturbance is discussed in this paper. An arrangement of satellite group for continuous HAARP data acquisition is suggested. To solve the problem of HAARP monitoring, one must obtain an optimum value of a model function for the satellite group. This function depends on a set of variables (number of satellites in the group, quantity of information received from HAARP, an amount of costs, time for the satellite group developing). The purpose of this paper is to elaborate variable that was formerly defined as a set of the following characteristics: periodicity of HAARP activation, parameters of radiated signals (carrier frequency, signal polarization and modulation, frequency of modulation) and antenna array scanning angle. As a result of the investigation, one can see, that only frequency of modulation, periodicity of HAARP activation and antenna array scanning angle are of great importance and must constitute variable, while the other parts should be neglected. Moreover, the latter two have no effect on structure of the group neither on the orbit type, nor on the on-board equipment and are derived automatically if the frequency of modulation from HAARP radiated signal is detected. The variable defined in such a way that allows to optimize the model function and to optimize consequently satellite on-board equipment (now one is able not to use equipment in 2,8 — 10 MHz frequency range), to improve mass-overall characteristics of the whole system and to decrease its price. | ||||||||
Ponomarev A. A., Ponomarev N. B., Kirillov E. B. Experimental investigation of the structure of overexpanded supersonic stream. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 76 The main purpose is to investigate the properties and features of free shock and restricted shock flow separation in supersonic nozzles. According to earlier articles on this subject, the main feature of the restricted shock separation is cap shock formation. Also the reverse flow zone is formed near the nozzle axis of symmetry. This fact was derived from indirect results and must be proved.
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Batalov V. G., Stepanov R. A., Sukhanovsky A. N. Application of direct optical methods for investigation of two-phase flow characteristics. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 76 One of the important parts of gas turbine aircraft engine is nozzle. Mechanical and pneumaticalnozzles are wide spread and used for qualitative spraying of fuel. The spray should be uniform in azimuthal direction, with specified spray angle, structure and drop size distribution. Experimental study of two-phase flow characteristics in the nozzle spray is presented. It was shown that velocity field measurements by PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) method have some specifics.The behavior of drops in a basic flow (air flow) strongly depends on the drop size. The velocities of relatively large drops with characteristic size of tens or even hundreds of microns are different from the velocity of main air flux. Whenconcentrationofsuchdropsishightheychangevelocitydistribution in the air flux.Thedropsizingwascarriedoutbydirectopticalmethodbased on pair of glare spots. Theessentialfeatureofproposedmethodisvalidationprocedure,thathelpto select pair of glare spots placed on one drop. Theprocedureofvalidationgivesnotonly reliable dataaboutdropsizesbutalso dropsvelocity distribution. Sowiththeuseofproposedmethoditispossibletostudydependencedropsvelocityontheir sizes and to reconstruct spatial distribution of flow rate. Thenumericalrealizationofproposed algorithm effectively scales for multiprocessor systems. Itrequiresonlyminimaladaptationforclustersoftware. Thispossibilityisveryimportantforanalysesofmultiplemeasurementsforrepresentativestatistics. Asaresultofourstudythesoftwarepackage "Programfordropsizinganddropsvelocitymeasurementsbytheir optical images"(sertificate of registry № 2013611440 от 09.01.2013). | ||||||||
Yakovkin V. N., Besschetnov V. A. The assessment of damping capacity of the disk-shaped damper for the conical gear of gearbox of gas-turbine engines. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 76 The breakdowns of a conical gear of gearbox sometimes occur in service of gas-turbine engines, resulting in shutting down the aircraft engine during the flight. The results of the study of one of these cases showed that the destruction has the fatigue nature. Usually the maximum vibratory stresses, located in gear, take place in modal oscillations with three or four nodal diameters. Detuning from resonance by changing the geometry variables is not always possible for this type of cog-wheels. The solution for this problem was suggested as the increase of the damping capacity of an element by adding a disk-shaped dry friction damper.
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Markovtsev V. A., Filimonov V. I., Markovtseva V. V. Development of automated production line for cutting sheets and rolls ofВ95пчАМ and 1163АМaviation alloys. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 76 The quality of aviation profiles, which are manufacturedby bendingfrom clad sheet blanks ofaviation alloys, largely depends on the width of the original piece.Obtaining minimum bend radii and thickening of the corner areas of bent profiles helps to increase thestiffnessof the structure of the aircraft fuselage frame.Therefore the paper considers the theoretical basis forthe development of a production line for the longitudinal and transverse cutting of the sheets of1163АМand В95пчАМ(the equivalentof 7075) aluminum alloys.After cutting the strips are usedfor manufacturing of aviation detailsby bending.
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Shavin A. S. Error model in communication channels of automated preparation and start-up systems of space rockets. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 76 Purpose:
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Shevtsov D. A., Turchenko I. S. Topologies of magnetic-regulated rectifiers for prospective aircraft power supply systems. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 76 Three-phase stabilized (regulated) rectifying units are the key converter elements for modern highly reliable aircraft power supply systems.
For single-output onboard MRRUs the new proposed structure with SWSI at the second side of a transformer is more advantageous, because of its implementation with less number of power diodes, than in the other circuit. Therefore, it causes less power losses and provides smaller size and weight. Besides, this solution allows to connect the ground of a control system to the secondary side power ground, while in the other structure the additional local isolation is needed, which makes the structure more complex.
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Yampol'skii S. M., Naumov A. I., Kichigin E. K., Rubinov V. I., Mokh M. A. Errors in prognostic relief characteristics in statistic approach to low-altitude aircraft flight control synthesis according to a digital height map. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 76 The subject of the research are developed tabular-analytical and tabular-approximating methods of altitude evaluation statistic performance calculations according to a relief height digital map.
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Brekhov O. M., Wunna K. K. Evaluation time of multiquery processing. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 76 Reducing the total time of multi-query queries processing can be achieved through co-processing of a subset of elementary queries that form an intersection of queries with multi-query. It is well known [1, 2] that the order of elementary queries processing is a significant parameter of query processing time. Here, in elaboration of our work [3] the task of forming a multi query execution plan based on the order of elementary queries processing in multiprocessor database aerospace systems is discussed.
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Blagov A. V. Researching of the adequacy of self-similar traffic models used for the quality of service network evaluation. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 76 The paper is devoted to the study of telecommunication networks service quality by means of simulation models. Models simulating network traffic with a certain number of parameters at the same time become more and more important in practice due to increased service quality requirements for telecommunication networks. Self-similar network traffic analysis tasks become relevant for its implementation for modeling telecommunication networks during design stage. The paper considers modified telecommunication traffic models «Input M/G/∞» and «On-Off Sources» created by the author. These models allow simulation of self-similar traffic with preset properties and at the same time with predetermined statistical characteristics of small orders. A method is suggested to design and analyze two-dimensional queue distribution in given queueing system where traffic data serves as an input stream. The method is tested with developed modified models of telecommunications traffic: «Input M/G/∞» and «On-Off Sources».
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Gadzhiev E. V. Ways of design small-sized, low-profile on-board antenna feeder systems of spacecrafts. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 76 The purpose of this paper is to show the advantage of microstrip patch designed by printing technology in solving the problem of design small-sized, low-profile on-board antenna systems for small spacecrafts consisting in the fact that these antennas have a low mass, volume, cost of the production, simplicity of construction etc. For practical application, this type of antenna was proposed to design for a new antenna system of small spacecraft «Ionosphere» included in space complex «Ionosonde» created by JSC «Corporation VNIIEM» commissioned by the Russian Federal Space Agency.
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Isakov M. V., Nuzhdin V. M., Sokolov P. V., Usachev V. A., Schneider V. B. Reflection from water surface by using ultrashort pulse outgoing signal. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 76 The topical issue of ultra-short pulse (USP) technology is introduce in the short-range radar, which should provide the performance of low-sized object detection against background reflections from the water surface with different excitement and grazing angles of vision. The paper reveals the measured reflection characteristics from water surface by using USP probing signal (PS) in radar systems for development and analysis of algorithm effectiveness.
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Belousova E. S., Lynkov L. M. Study of the spectral and polarization properties of powdered shungite after annealing. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 76 Abstract
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Chernykh N. A. Logistic models of mutual crediting in commercial contracts. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 76 There are favourable conditions for mutual latent crediting both for customer and supplier in commercial contracts, which include chain of mutual payments and procurements. This circumstance is caused by the fact, that the schedule and amounts of mutual settlement of accounts may bring benefit for one of the contract sides which consists in free credit resources obtained from the partner.
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Ivanisov V. Y. Organizational-economic features of the modern science intensive defense articles price formation. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 76 The subject of this article is the features of research and advanced development and its influence on the price limit setting of the new high technology defense products. Current legislation brings the relations between the high technology defense products developer and development customer to the work and labour relations, i.e. the relations of material products manufacturing under the contract of work and labour. The key criterion to distinguish research and work and labour relations is the concept of «new knowledge». The aim and the result of defense product development is the creation of knew knowledge about a new defense products and the knowledge of previous defense products becomes initial knowledge for creation of a new defense products. At the same time all the material factors of development process and mainly their combination in the form of new defense product prototypes are only the material means for reaching the required new knowledge. Engineering perils realization fairly lead to the extension of research and development terms and raise of the expenses. In its turn the contract of work and labour doesn’t contemplate the engineering perils. The state customer signs state contract for the development with the fixed price limit in the judicial field of work and labour. Fixed development price limit set by the state customer doesn’t correspond with the real demand for funds for the development without regard to the costs of engineering and technological perils in the process of new defense product creation and without regard to the real, not expected, inflation raise of the development costs.
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Lebedev G. N., Dao N. T. The simulation results multilink system the design part control and production of aviation equipment under competitive conditions. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 76 In this paper we continue the investigation of the multi-link control to answer the question — how resources should be allocated among the branches of a similar nature to achieve maximum production efficiency.
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Fomkina V. I., Melik-Aslanova N. O. The simulation results multilink system the design part control and production of aviation equipment under competitive conditions. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 76 At the present stage research and development (R&D) is the main engine of the qualitative economic growth especially in such high-tech and intensive industries as aerospace industry.
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Kaloshina M. N., Ermakova O. V. The basic approaches to determining the value of research and development in aerospace industry. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 76 At the present stage research and development (R&D) is the main engine of the qualitative economic growth especially in such high-tech and intensive industries as aerospace industry.
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Kanevsky E. V. Ensuring resource safety at logistic production management of aviation engines. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 76 The present stage of development of the enterprises of aviaengine-building it is necessary to consider the organization of productions in constant interrelation with management of deliveries of material resources and management of realization of finished goods. In the conditions of the increasing competition the success of the enterprises of aviaengine-building depends on speed of response to continuous changes in external infrastructure. The enterprises have to have the management mechanisms, allowing to carry out adaptation to market conditions and the competition in the world markets of the Russian producers of engines of aircraft. Need of formation at the enterprises developing and making engines for domestic aircraft, the organizational and economic conditions allowing these enterprises normally to function in the conditions of developed market economy moves forward.
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Kachalin A. M., Zadorozhnaja O. N. Complex system for target training and qualification improvement in aerospace industry. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 75 The development of aerospace has always been one of the priorities of the Russian Federation government. Clearly, the process of staffing and providing with highly-skilled professionals in aerospace should be continuous and efficient. Currently, the majority of leading Russian enterprises develops and trains their human resources beforehand, choosing among the most talented students from industry-specific schools. Target preparation for aerospace is the guarantee of enterprise and sector development.
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Zareckiy M. V., Sidorenko A. S. Simulation of dynamic stress state of an Aeronautical product structure with random loading. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 75 There is the reliable determination of vibrational stresses characteristics in aeronautical product structure during the operation of aviation products along with a plane-carrier topical problem. These characteristics are needed to evaluate the strength and durability performances of the aeronautical product and for an estimation of operating possibility with the more rigid modes of flight. Experimental study of the problem with the use of full-scale prototype or physical models has a significant labour input and cost.
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Do X. D. Numerical simulation the vortex in Couette-Taylor flow of compressible gas. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 75 The Couette-Taylor flow in compressible gas is of great importance in theoretical physics as well as for technical applications. There is a variety of research papers on the flow in incompressible gases and liquids considering both theoretical issues and numerical simulation results. However, the number of studies for the compressible flow is limited, despite its increasing applications. The purpose of this paper is to obtain numerical results for the Couette-Taylor flow in compressible gas using the software ANSYS CFX to study the vortex structure within one symmetric couple and the effect of the cylinder surface temperature as well as Reynolds number on the vortex structure and vortex density.
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Lurie S. A., Dudchenko A. A., Nguen D. K. Gradient model of termoelasticity for laminated composite structures. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 75 Local stress fields concentrated near the interfaces of layered composite materials and excited by thermal loads are investigated on the groundwork of the gradient thermoelasticity theory. The new model of gradient thermal conductivity for layered composites is proposed to analytically describe the thermal barrier properties of not modeled interfaces by the classical heat conductivity theory. The barrier effect modeling becomes possible due to the raised order of the equations of the gradient thermoelasticity and heat conductivity models as compared with the classical ones, so that the boundary conditions of new types can be formulated. The proposed model allows one to define both deformations and normal stresses on the interfaces of composite structures subjected to thermal loads.
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Krupenin A. M., Martirosov M. I. Verification of numerical model for interaction between rectangular plate with the water surface. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 75 Object: the object of the research is dynamic characteristics of the rectangular plate.
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Blinkov Y. A., Kovaleva I. A., Kuznetsova E. L., Mogilevich L. I. Nonlinear Waves in three Coaxial Elastic Cylinderic Shells with Viscous Incompressible Fluid between them. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 75 The equations which describe the strain waves by means of asymptotic methods for solving the hydro-elastic problem that includes the dynamic equations of three coaxial geometrically nonlinear elastic shells are obtained. Energy dissipation and equations for an incompressible viscous fluid between cylindrical shells with appropriate boundary conditions are taken into account. We obtained equations, which generalize the well-known Korteweg-de Vries equations by introducing the term describing the liquid impact between the shells. The radius of the medial surface of the shell is significantly smaller than the wavelength of deformation, and therefore the asymptotic transition to the classical equation of hydrodynamic lubrication theory is made in the equations of viscous incompressible fluid.
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Shutov P. V., Efanov V. V. Aircraft munitions automation testing method. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 75 The paper discusses the current issue on methodological support of fragmentation testing, analysis of existing theoretical and experimental methods of obtaining data on the characteristics of fragmentation fields. The analysis shows the need to improve reliability of the source data for fragmentation, increasing the information value of existing ammunition test methods, as well as automating of the process of collecting and processing of the raw data obtained.
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Kernozhitsky V. A., Kolychev A. V., Makarenko A. V. Methodology development for calculation of the multiple unit thermionic thermal protection of hypersonic aircraft. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 75 Presented article is devoted to structure realization of thermionic thermal protection of the multiple unit scheme with a characteristic size of thermionic elements about 1-10 mm. There is a technique for calculation and numerical estimations of thermal protection operation performances during the aerodynamic heating of hypersonic aircraft structure units in the temperatures ranges from 1500K to 2100K. It is shown, that thermal flows of electronic cooling can make an essential contribution into the balance of thermal flows on the forward edge of hypersonic aircraft wing, protected with the help of multiple unit thermionic thermal protection during the flight, because thermal streams of electronic cooling can reach size in 1.5MW/m2 and above, that is directly confirmed by known experimental data about thermionic transformation. The maximum temperature of structure elements with multiple unit thermionic thermal protection is lees then radiation and equilibrium temperature in a point of the maximum thermal streams by a 600K.
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Sokolov N. L. Calculation method of suboptimal spacecraft paths in the powered flight phases of satellite orbit ascent. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 75 The calculation method of suboptimal spacecraft paths of space vehicle is elaborated in the powered flight phases to the earth satellite orbits during the engine thrust vector control. The problem of one-stage-space vehicle ascent is considered for the vertical and horizontal launches. The maximum of spacecraft finite mass is used as an optimality criterion which is equivalent to the providing minimum fuel consumption. The restrictions of maximum admissible overload values and velocity head are considered.
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Ivanyukhin A. V. Power-limited spacecraft trajectory optimization in Kustaanheimo-Stiefel variables. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 75 The paper concerns the power-limited spacecraft trajectory optimization in parametrical space of Kustaanheimo-Stiefel (KS) variables. There are shortly discussed the KS-variables and their main properties. The problem of optimal control is formulated as a problem with mixed constraints (equality constraints on functions of the control and state variables), which follow from the bilinear relationship and it is solved using the Pontryagin’s maximum principle.
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Kozhevnikov V. V., Smirnov A. A., Smirnov P. E., Cherny I. A. Computerized diagnostic system for the parameters of radio-frequency ion thruster output beam. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 75 While studying operation of radio frequency ion thrusters, it is necessary to analyze its output beam parameters. A computerized diagnostic system was developed for this purpose comprising: probes for the determination of local plasma parameters inside the beam; three-dimensional coordinate mechanism for probes transportation; software and hardware control unit for the coordinate mechanism and for the collection and initial procession of test data. Faraday cup probe was used for the diagnostics of charged particles current inside the beam, as well as for the ion beam profile determination. Angular divergence of the ion beam was used to define thrust losses. Retarding potential analyzer was used for the ion energy determination. That helped us to define thrust losses in view of the known densities of charged particles of different types. The ExB filter was developed to determine densities of multiply charged ions. Charged particles separation in the crossed electric and magnetic fields was provided by such filter. Determination of the electric field distribution in the beam is rather interesting, because it allows calculation for the charged particle motion in the beam.
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Busurin V. I., Korobkov V. V., Naing T. L. Computerized diagnostic system for the parameters of radio-frequency ion thruster output beam. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 75 In this paper, the design parameters of four-beam acceleration sensor based on optical tunnelling effect are considered and that the errors analyses of this sensor to get more accurate sensing of acceleration for passenger aircrafts is conducted. For the acceleration measurement, a sensor, based on optical tunnelling effect, with the «prism-total internal reflection-plate», can be designed. The sensing element is designed with quartz, and basic sensing element consists of light emitting diode, prism, four-beam element, photodiode and processing block. The transfer function of this acceleration sensor is determined by the output optical power and the output voltage, dependent on the magnitude of the deflection element and sensing gap. Under the influence of acceleration, the deflection of sensing element depends on the length, thickness and width of the sensing element as well as the additional mass, installed in the centre of the element. Moreover, the effects of angle of incidence light, initial gap of sensing element and the effect of temperature are also significant. The effect of the deflection of sensing element due to above mentioned factors is considered. Such acceleration sensor can be used under actual conditions, e.g., as a part of control systems on an aircraft, or inertial navigation systems. This sensor should be used in cases when reducing size and weight, the ability to operate in explosive and hazardous environments are critical. Due to quartz high temperature resistance capability, it can maintain its characteristics in different temperature zones that are typical for aircraft. | ||||||||
Kirillov V. Y., Klykov A. V., Zhegov N. A., Nguyen V. H., Tomilin M. M. Research of the frequency characteristics of models of the coupling impedance of on-board cables of flying vehicles. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 75 Purpose
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Abdulkhakov A. R. An algorithm and software for knowledge-base reduction in software computing expert systems. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 75 Expert systems are used to solve complex practical problems in different spheres of human activity. Methods and data mining algorithms are widely used to create knowledge-bases for expert systems. However, this mechanism often generates thousands of rules, which makes it difficult for experts to analyze and interpret data, and also makes knowledge-base rules excessive and very often conflicting with each other.
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Duong D. H., Chaika Y. V. Design automation of electronic control devices for precision actuators. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 75 The article deals with electronic control devices computer-aided system design procedure. These devices are meant to work as a component part of the control circuit of high-precision electric drives based on contactless torque motors.
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Starovoitov E. I., Savchuk D. V. Program «MITRA» for modeling of characteristics of onboard laser ranging systems of space vehicles. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 75 In this paper, characteristics of onboard laser ranging system of space vehicles are investigated with using of mathematical modeling methods. The selected model is the classical equation model of laser ranging based on the geometrical optics approximation. The numerical method of spectral density is based on Planck’s law for black body.
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Bojprav O. V., Borbotko T. V., Lynkov L. M. Program «MITRA» for modeling of characteristics of onboard laser ranging systems of space vehicles. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 75 In this work it’s introduced the research results of interrelation between the electromagnetic radiation (EMR) reflection and transmission characteristics of shields with a flat and geometrically inhomogeneous surface shapes based on composite perlite containing materials and their surface temperature is studied. The dynamics of surface temperature specified EMR shields ranging from —18 °C to +18° C is obtained. It’s established that the EMR reflection coefficients values of these at their surface temperature +18 °C are
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Nemoudryi K. V. Airdromes and airports as one of the elements of Russian regional aviation system. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 75 Purpose
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Zamkovoi A. A. Airdromes and airports as one of the elements of Russian regional aviation system. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 75 Formation of profitability ratios of R & D in the aviation industry from the federal budget is currently one of the most urgent scientific problems in the aviation industry. Methodological approach to the formation of basic standards of profitability should be developed taking into account the rational combination between budgetary and extra-budgetary funds and the necessity for stabilization of organization financial position in view of aviation industry as the release profile and non-core products.
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Malykhina M. A. Integration of public relations and marketing research in the social marketing of services. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 75 Purpose: to develop a new approach to the formation of a set of integrated marketing communications. The article shows the system model of quality management, market research and public relations interrelation in social marketing of services. In order to analyze the customer perceived quality parameters and to measure satisfaction with these parameters, fixing «breaks» between satisfaction and value of each of these indicators to the customers, the article shows what quality settings are «visible» to the client. To develop a methodology of satisfaction measurement with medical care, the theory of service quality by A. Parasuraman, V. Zeythaml and L. Barry has been adapted to the specific medical services. Based on analysis of a comprehensive marketing program «Dialogue with the patient» the author shows the integration of public relations with marketing research, which revealed the use of a unified communication (marketing research) to achieve several goals at once — receive marketing information for management decisions, strengthen customer relationships , and also to find new customers on the recommendation of existing customers. It goes beyond the standard application of public relations for the reports of marketing research results to a wider audience, demonstrating a kind of symbiosis in which marketing research use is not one-sided. The article brings new understanding that marketing research is the marketing communication, which allows to build a dialogue, the value of which is higher than just getting information of the recipient.
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Rumyantsev D. S., Tsarkov K. A. Solving information constrained control problem for quasi-linear stochastic systems and the robotic arm control example. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 74 In the paper, we present a constructive algorithm for synthesis of the suboptimal information constrained control law for quasi-linear stochastic dynamical systems. This algorithm can be used directly for solving applied control problems. The information constraints are described as follows. We suppose that each control vector component depends on a prespecified set of precisely measured state vector components.
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Kolychev A. V. Parameters estimation of thermionic thermal protection functioning of hypersonic flying vehicles. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 74 At the present time the working out and making of hypersonic flying machines (HFM) which can become a base of perspective systems for deducing of payload and vehicles is actual. The intensive aerodynamic heating of nose parts and forward edges of wings and other devices of construction HFV leads to the necessary presence of thermal protection systems.
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Kaz'min A. I. Microwave method and device of the analytical express control quality of aviation fuel. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 74 — Purpose One of the most important components in the structure safety is the quality of aviation fuel. The presence of impurities in the fuel, such asmoisture and mechanical fine impurities of different physical nature, can lead to failure of the fuel system and aircraft incidents. Analysis of physical-chemical parameters of fuel directly before refueling the aircraft with the help of devices express control isincreasingly important. Thus, the task of developing high-precision analytical devices rapid quality control of aviation fluids is relevant. — Design/methodology/approach For rapid analysis of the quality of aviation fuel, an approach based on the application for information purposes microwave waveguide-antenna techniques. The essence of techniques is that measure of the measured value is the evaluation result of the topological deformation space-time structure microwave radiation interacted with the control object — Practical implications As a result of theoretical and experimental studies the layout of the instrument for rapid controlling quality aviation fuel was designed Advantages of the proposed device is to provide noncontact measurement, high efficiency and accuracy of measurements, a large number of simultaneously controllable parameters, the low cost of the primary transmitter and the minimum elements of the device. — Originality/value The originality and novelty of the proposed method are to improve the accuracy and efficiency of the control parameters aviation fuel through the use of for informational purposes change the mode ofthe waveguide transmission line, as well as the effects of the interaction of electromagnetic waves microwave with liquid dielectrics and ferrites. | ||||||||
Yashutin A. G., Surenskiy E. A. Software application for force distribution and detailed strength analysis. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 74 This paper provides a brief description of the software application designed for detailed strength analysis. Department of Development of algorithms and programs of Stress Division, which is a part of engineering department of IRKUT CORPORATION, has been developed this program for several years. This application is designed to reduce the time required to perform detailed strength calculations of the standard airframe construction.
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Zakharov A. G. Technique of Calculating Positioning Errors of Motion Simulator End Member. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 74 Purpose
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Rybin A. V. Investigation of the dynamics of passenger airplane landing. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 74 The problem of landing dynamics investigation remains one of the most important tasks in airplane performance calculation. Its significance is especially emphasized by the fact that most aircraft accidents still occur during landings. It is necessary to take the following factors into account for the detailed investigation of the important physical aspects of the considered problem: · the strongly nonlinear behavior of the landing gear shock absorbers, · the Coulomb friction forces in tires and seals, · the contact interactions between moving parts of shock absorbers, · the contact between rotating deformable wheels and ground, The developed mathematical model of the landing gear legs demonstrates all of the required functional parts of the real mechanism. Mass-stiffness beam based airplane model is linked to landing gear legs. The whole described system is solved by direct integration method with the usage of MSC Software products (MSC.Nastran or MSC.Marc). A specially developed program code for MSC.Patran preprocessor simplifies building and editing of both aircraft and landing gear legs models significantly. It also allows the designer to carry out the optimization.
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Fedorov D. S., Budanov S. A. Investigation of the dynamics of passenger airplane landing. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 74 The main purposes of the operation of the complex for endurance bench testing of the full-scale attack airplane structure, which provides an extension of the design service life of the aircraft fleet, are the following:
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Kalibovets V. E., Popov R. V. Development and justification of the means and ways of helicopter passenger neck injury prevention during an emergency landing. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 74 Preventing injuries of passengers and crew members of the modern helicopters is a key factor for providing competitive success on the transport vehicles market of today. However, the existing equipment that ensures injury prevention for helicopter passengers under emergency conditions is represented by complex engineering systems, which are based on the obsolete energy absorbing chair design. Such chairs are built according to a concept with a uniaxial shock absorption system and safety belts, which cannot ensure complete passenger safety during an emergency landing.
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Lohmatkin V. V. Modeling Earth remote sensing spacecraft target efficiency evaluation with regard to the onboard systems reliability. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 74 Object: Parameters of reliability and target efficiency of the spacecraft;
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Kosmodemianskii E. V., Kirichenko A. S., Klyushin D. I., Kosmodemyanskaya O. V., Makushev V. V., Almurzin P. P. The innovative format of missions for the removal of small satellites. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 74 This article deals with carrying out missions of employing a large number of small spacecraft (SSCs) including those of "CubeSat«format. This task is associated with an increased number of «CubeSat» small spacecraft being developed by educational, scientific and industrial organizations which will result in the need of expanding the market for launching «CubeSat» spacecraft. Currently, the growth of the number of «CubeSat» projects allows to predict the launch of 30 to 50 satellites annually within the next 6 years. Given the growing number of SSCs projects having practical value and developed in the interests of government agencies it can be said that the task of launching these spacecraft becomes highly specialized.
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Potapenko M. Y. Development and research of the stationary plasma thruster with a hollow magnet anode. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 74 Today, small-sized Spacecrafts with mass up to 500 kg are applied to fulfill a wide range of special space tasks. Electric Propulsion Systems based on Stationary Plasma Thrusters (SPT) are mostly used aboard such small-sized Spacecrafts.
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Petrov A. K. Development and research of the stationary plasma thruster with a hollow magnet anode. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 74 The problem of wide range F ion sources (IS) constructing is very relevant nowadays. These sources are used in technological processes such as sputtering, cleaning, ion assistance, surface modification and as an electric propulsion system. The gridded ion sources are used in the applications where the ions with energies 200-1000eV are necessary. However such sources have limited service life. Possible alternative is an RF gridless ion sources developed by R.Boswell and C.Charles during the last decade. Its operational principle is based on the dense plasma production under conditions of the helicon waves excitation and ion acceleration in the double layer at the outlet of the IS. The maximal achieved ion energy is about 120eV.
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Gusev A. A., Ilyina I. Y., Usachev O. A. Development of next generation space platform for the METEOR series oceanographic satellites. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 74 World ocean problems solution nowadays is becoming the most actual directions of earth remote sensing (ERS) from the space. The role of the world ocean in natural processes as well as in humankind life is commonly known. However, the exploration of the ocean is the most difficult problem of the science. The conservative methods for scientific study with the help of research vessels can not solve the majority of oceanographic problems immediately and on the rims. That is why the ocean remote sensing methods have begun to develop.
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Salo M. P., Nalota A. G. Propellant precondition processes and the ways of their improvement. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 74 The assignment of some flying vehicle (F/V) sets specific conditions for propellants gassing — Nitrogen Tetroxide (NTO) and Unsymmetrical Dime-thylhydrazine (UDMH). For example, for space crafts it is strongly recommended the fuel has no dissolved gas. F/V assigned for permanent standby in a wide range of environment temperature drop, should be filled with propellant of certain gas rate concentration in it.
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Krivcov A. V., Shablii L. S. Coupled gas dynamically simulation unmanned aerial vehicle engine. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 74 Purpose
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Zubko A. I., Doncov S. N. The analysis of the operability conditions and diagnostic development for the new generation ceramic bearings. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 74 Objective
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Samokhvalov N. Y. Test Rig for Turbine Vanes Aerodynamic Study. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 74 This paper is focused on development of the test rig dedicated to aircraft engine turbine vanes study with various design measures to optimize turbine vane passage flow aerodynamics.
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Dikshev A. I., Kostyanoi E. M. Determination of rational parameters and operating algorithm of a ramjet bicalibre missile. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 74 Purpose
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Udodov A. N. Application of energy efficient wireless technologies for engine control. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 74 One of the main issues while designing classical control and monitoring systems for gas turbo engines is the presence of wiring and multiple wiring harnesses used to couple the sensors to the central processing unit reducing overall system reliability (around 30% of system failures are caused by various connection defects) and scalability and increasing weight and cost. The objective of this work is to present an application of energy efficient wireless sensor networks (WSN) in engine control systems replacing classical wired connections between sensors/actuators and engine controller. Implementing an engine WSN for coupling sensors/actuators to the engine controller enables to reduce the system weight, increase system reliability due to lower connections and, if needed, flexibly vary the number of system components without any need of redesign. It also provides capability to standardize modules of control and monitoring to use them with different types of engines. Methods and tools for the implementation of wireless data transmission and power supply organization are researched, justified and selected. A scheme of energy efficient wireless system node containing thermoelectric generator and impulse ultra-wideband transceiver is proposed. The direct amplification scheme making able to reduce transceiver design complexity resulting in power consumption and dimensions reduction is used. Calculations made allow to determine the maximum data transmission speed in the network requirements for the given transmission range, signal duration and probability of errors. The possibility of further optimization of the energy efficient transceiver scheme allowing to increase the transmission rate is shown. The node scheme allows to create energy-efficient wireless networks for data transfer in the gas turbo engine control system. | ||||||||
Stirin E. A., Loginov A. N., Tikhomirov . A. Mathematic simulation and performance computation of combustion products of Combined Solid-propellant Rocket-ramjet Motor gas-generator . Trudy MAI, 2014, no 74 The article is considered issues of mathematic simulation of flow performance of working medium in combustion chamber of gas-generator and duct of fuel flow controller under computational solution of equations of internal ballistics in nonstationary scenario and calculation in CFD. Examples of such calculation results are given.
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Govorkov A. S., Zhilyaev A. S. Practical application of “Manufacturability analysis system” during the control of aircraft elements manufacturability. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 74 The presented research lies in the field of automation of production planning during the product manufacturability control. The paper describes the general functional structure of the developed system, which is required to carry out the manufacturability control. This control is based on the manufacturability recommendations, which are structured within a knowledge base. The description of the production environment objects and their interrelations is implemented within the database module.
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Bimakov E. V., Kasimov T. R. Development of Control System of Autonomous Mobile Robot Based on Voxel Computer. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 74 The paper is devoted to building of the control system for high-adaptive and autonomous mobile robots (CSAMR) based on the use of the new software-controlled computer device, so-called voxel computer (VC).
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Kosinskiy M. Y., Shatsky M. A. Models and Technique Development for Spacecraft Control System Operational Reliability Analysis and Prognosis Based on Fuzzy Sets and Neural Networks. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 74 Spacecraft onboard control system (SOCS) is a complex multicomponent set of devices. It includes both hardware and software components.
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Belavkin P. A. Substantiation of Functional Tasks and Structure of Intellectualized Subsystem of Problem-oriented Control System Based on Medium of Scheme Radicals. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 74 The justification of functional tasks and structure of the perspective problem-oriented control system for complicated dynamic objects was conducted. This line of research is aimed at improving efficiency of intended purpose of the objects under consideration (flying crafts of different classes and types). The main approach to achieve the desired objective was intellectualization of the problem-oriented control system of complex dynamic objects, as well as the method of system integration of dissimilar problem-oriented systems.
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Grishanova I. V. Development of testing procedure for program modules of automated control systems. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 74 This research work was aimed at creation of a system automatically monitoring the event occurrence in the ground-based control system software for the «Souz-2» launch vehicles.
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Brekhov O. M., Than H. M. Optimization of the number of processors in the execution of nested queries. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 74 In [3] a plan is proposed to optimize nested-query processing time for a single-processor database.
is determined by the expression Minimum query processing time for the unordered data table of all the elementary queries in the order of elementary queries is specified by condition is determined by the expression Where
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Vays S. N., Repina M. V. Interpolation methods for the generation of radar test data. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 74 Test radar impulse developing questions have very high priority, as they are needed when hardware is calibrated, tried out and approval and preliminary tests of the digital radar impulse processing device of perspective radar. The fact that blocks of test data were generated out of real radar signals allows essentially expand range of use. A number of important parameters of developing radar can be estimated within ground-based measurements verifications without flight testing.
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Blagodyreva O. V. Investigation of the flutter of a composite wing. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 74 A method of finding the mechanical characteristics of a composite wing is considered. A preliminary computation of the flutter safety is carried out for several variants of layered composite structures. A Ritz method combined with the Ritz polynomial approximation is used for the computation of the flutter stability in subsonic flows. Two variants of the layered structure are considered and the flutter-safe variant is selected.
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Alyakretsky R. V., Ravodina D. V., Trushkina T. V., Vahteev E. V., Alekseeva E. G. Antierosion coatings development for power units of space crafts. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 74 Article type: Research and practical
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Nasonov F. A. Methods of reduction of honeycomb structures’ displacements in manufacturing the polymeric composite structures. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 74 The honeycomb structure forming’s technologies often result the displacements of the honeycomb elements. The deviation of the structure’s form from the structural norm reduce the quality of composite structures and result the rejection of the defective structural elements. The deviation of the form may be detected wore often after the sandwich structure’s disassembling and cannot be eliminated.
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Kuznetsova V. B., Sergeev A. I. The technique of introduction of electronic data interchange in the production of complex aircraft engineering. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 74 The improvement of the manufacturing process of complex products using PDM- systems for aviation enterprises determines the relevance of the study. However, the results of studies in this field require individual adaptation to the particular enterprise. This study developed the technique of introduction of electronic data interchange, including the algorithm for paperless issuing of engineering and design documents (EDD) of the aviation enterprises, the model of а placement information structure and the typical scenarios in the Teamcenter medium. The study showed that the competent organization of a unified information space can significantly reduce the time and cost of introduction the PDM- system that makes it possible to reduce the labor intensiveness and number of errors in the preparation of EDD.
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Ershov D. M., Lobanov S. V. Strategic project office for aerospace enterpr. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 74 In order to maintain competitiveness on the world market aircraft manufacturers need to plan and implement development projects. Many of the Russian aerospace industry companies are currently experiencing shortage of resources, so they (resources) should be spent as efficiently as possible. The vital need for performance management techniques in aerospace industry is based on the fact that planning and investment are complicated by the long production cycle, high resource consumption and relatively low profitability of production.
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Korotaeva I. E. Translation of American Aviation Realia into Russian (Culturological Aspect). Trudy MAI, 2014, no 73 The article is devoted to the problems of translation of culture-loaded lexical units of American English included in the Aviation Group. Translation is a culturological phenomenon and a means of cross-cultural communication. The problem of interaction between language and culture is very important for modern linguistics. Language is a particular system of words used by a people or nation. Culture consists of the ideas, customs, and art that are produced or shared by a particular society. The term «culture» embraces the entire way of life of members of a community insofar as it is conditioned by that membership. Cultures are chiefly transmitted through languages.
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Korotaeva I. E. The Role of Language and Culture Dictionaries in the Formation of Sociolinguistic Competence of Students. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 73 The article is devoted to the problem of using elements of culture-oriented linguistics in foreign language teaching. The investigation is based on the competence approach. In the course of language learning the students will need to acquire sociolinguistic competence. Sociolinguistic competence is concerned with the knowledge and skills required to deal with the social dimension of language use. Language is a sociocultural phenomenon, a particular system of words used by the people of a particular country to communicate with each other. Communication depends on the congruence of the models of the world and of language which have been internalised by the persons taking part. Of considerable importance to the learner of a particular language is factual knowledge concerning the country or countries in which the language is spoken, such as its major historical, cultural, geographical, environmental, economic, political features (realia), etc. It is the aim of language and culture dictionaries to ‘complete the picture’ for the readers of foreign languages or Russian students, whenever the theme of the matter in question. The overall intention of this kind of Anglo-Russian dictionaries is to reflect modern English to give all the entries a full sense of historicity or contemporaneity. Language and culture dictionaries indicate the special connotation of the given term. The majority of entries would contain an explanation of its significance to Englishmen, notably in cases where this is not apparent from the translation the term itself. | ||||||||
Panovskiy V. N. Application of the interval explosion method. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 73 In the given work the interval explosion method, which was created by the author, for the solution of the problem of determination of optimum program control of the discrete and continuous dynamic systems is considered (the problems about spacecraft orientation and stabilization and «smooth landing» are solved as the example).
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Orlovskaya N. M. The efficiency analysis of bioinspired global optimization methods. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 73 An aerospace systems design is based on the optimization problems solving. This design phase is very important, because it allows to find the best combination of characteristic parameter values, that make using of aircraft more effective. For this reason, selection of an efficient optimization method is very important.
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Egorov A. V., Azarov A. V. Numerical-analytical method of analysis of metal-composite pressure cylinder. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 73 High-pressure cylinders consisting of an inner hermetic metallic enclosure (liner) and an outer force composite shell from carbon-filled plastic are widely used in space engineering. We suggest a numerical-analytical method of calculating the cylindrical part of a metal-composite pressure cylinder. The method takes into consideration non-linear deformation curve of the liner and structure in homogeneity of the linearly elastic composite shell. Solution of the problem in this formulation is based on the method of successive loading and on the model of an ideal elastoplastic liner at each loading step. Multilayer composite shell is considered to be orthotropic with longitudinal, circumferential and shear-generalized rigidity. Experimental deformation curve of the liner is replaced by specially built analytic approximating polynomial function; this makes it possible to automate calculations.
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Aleksushin S. V. About the evaluation of the natural frequencies of a flight vehicle fin at early design stages. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 73 The prediction of a cantilever flutter for a FV requires a rather precise evaluation of natural torsional and bending frequencies for the fin, which is installed on a FV. However, test data concerning the natural frequencies is not available at the early design stages, which require the creation of the design-production documentation for the fin. So it is necessary to do the appropriate calculations for evaluation of the natural frequencies during these stages.
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Smirnova S. I., Pakhov V. V., Stepanov R. P., Zherekhov V. V., Barakos G. -. Estimation and minimization of the influence of various supporting devices on the integral aerodynamic characteristics of the models of axisymmetric bodies and isolated helicopter fuselages in a low-speed wind tunnel. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 73 Estimation and minimization of influence of supporting devices on the aerodynamic characteristics of various bodies during the wind tunnel tests has always attracted considerable attention. The three-dimensional interference of a model and supports is quite complex. It depends on the type of the supporting devices, the character of the flow around the bodies, the angle of attack and the yaw angle. The influence of the suspension system causes the emergence of the systematic measurement errors. Corrections for this influence are especially important for well-streamlined wind-tunnel models (axisymmetric bodies, isolated fuselages of airplanes and modern helicopters.) Systematic experimental investigations were carried out in the wind tunnel of KNRTU-KAI in order to determine the influence of various supporting devices on the aerodynamic characteristics of axisymmetric bodies with different aspect ratios and helicopter fuselage models. The supports drag was minimized with the help of a single-panel suspension system, which was designed at the Aerodynamics department of MAI. This approach allowed to identify the influence of various suspension devices (bottom struts and side support stings) on the integral aerodynamic characteristics of various models. It also helped to estimate the nature (cause) and magnitude of the required corrections. | ||||||||
Donukov I. A., Maslov Y. V., Mishchenko V. Y., Triadskiy N. N. Installation of formation of press packets of brake disks of aviation wheels: from idea before implementation. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 73 In article questions of development and creation of trial installation of formation of press packets of brake disks of aviation wheels from carbon — carbonic composition materials are considered. Operating experience of installations existing in the aviation industry revealed a number of shortcomings: non-uniformity of fibrous structure of a press packet, bad decomposition of carbon fiber, non-uniformity of submission of pitch, big duration of process of formation, high percent of spoilage, etc. New installation which allows to change essentially the diagram of submission and mixing of components of a press packet was developed for elimination of these shortcomings. Submission of carbon fiber of the guaranteed sizes directly from a zone is thus carried out are sharp also submission of carbon pitch directly from a grind zone in a zone of mixing of components. It allowed to provide stability of executed process, considerably to reduce overall dimensions of installation, to resolve environmental friendliness issues in a working zone. For support of process carbon fibers are sharp was essentially new installation is developed and implemented are sharp which feature is stability of support of the required length of a fiber, its rather low cost, and also possibility of fast readjustment at the required length of cut-off fibers.
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Kuznetsov I. P., Parshin A. A., Khaletsky L. V., Shitov V. Y. Creation of the requirements for the dynamics and main parameters of the control loops of an advanced agile aircraft flight control actuator. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 73 The paper reviews the key problems, which arise during the development of a flight control actuator for an advanced agile aircraft. These problems are related to the creation of the requirements for the dynamics and main parameters of the control actuator, which are justified from the engineering point of view. The example of a flight control actuator design illustrates the main methodological approaches to the selection of the values of its control loop main parameters for the advanced agile aircraft with aerodynamically unstable configuration. The values are selected in such a way as to provide the required dynamics of the «aircraft — flight control system — flight control actuator» closed-loop system.
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Glebov I. V., Kurmazenko E. A., Romanov S. Y., Zheleznyakov A. S. Prediction of the perspective regenerative air revitalization system functioning for long – term autonomous manned spaceflight. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 73 The functioning prediction problem solving given the likely off-normal situations is of particular importancein aLife — Support Systemdesign intendedfor interplanetaryspacecraft crews.Oneof the possible approachesto its solution, based on an analysis of perspective regenerative air revitalization system is considered in this paper.The carbon dioxidereduction system designed to removecarbon dioxide from the gaseousenvironmentinhabitedmodulus,its concentration andsubsequent processingbyhydrogenation reactionto gaseoussubstances:methaneand water vapor is selected as an object ofprediction. The proposed approachis based on the simulation modelcreating designed forthe analysis of functioning modesundernormal operationandin the case ofpossibleoff —normal situations. The structure ofthe simulation model, the functionof its individualcomponentsand software implementation are defined andalsothe results of preliminarycomputational experiments are presented.
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Khusnetdinov I. R. Trends analysis of domestic and foreign booster’s super-heavy. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 73 Development results in research on super-heavy rockets in United States, Russia, ESA and China show that promising projects of super-heavy rocketsare constructively implemented based on the schemes of «Energia» and reusable space transportation system «Space Shuttle». The main purpose of the NASAAgency is the Mars mission planned for 2030. Expedition to the Mars demands several launches of new super-heavy rockets, so NASA has focused on the development of «SLS» (Space Launch System) and has displaced creation oflight and middle class rockets to the private companies.
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Okishev Y. A. Numerical method of optimal dates getting moon libration point L1, with the influence of noncentral earth's gravitational field and perturbing acceleration of the Sun. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 73 The aim of this work is to find the optimal date of getting a spacecraft (SC) to the libration point L1 of the «Earth — Moon» system with the influence of the second zonal harmonic of the Earth and the perturbing acceleration of the Sun. A ballistic flight happens with two inclusions of the chemical rocket engine. We assume that the criterion of the optimization is the minimum value of the total pulse of the velocity, which is necessary for the flight with a low near-earth orbit to the lunar libration point L1. Ephemerides of the Moon and the Sun are taken from the planetarium DE-403 of the production JPL.
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Bogacheova D. Y., Borovik I. N. Mathematical models to calculate the mixture ratio of fuel components in the boundary layer of the combustion chamber of liquid rocket engine of small thrust. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 73 When protecting the combustion chamber walls liquid rocket engine of small thrust using the internal film cooling the boundary layer is formed between the core flow and the wall as a result of turbulent mixing. Temperature of gases in the boundary layer is lower than the temperature of the main flow and the mixture ratio of components in it is variably along the combustion chamber. For the calculation of the thermal state of the engine combustion chamber and nozzle (in particular, for the calculation of convective heat flow) we need to know the mixture ratio along the walls of the combustion chamber.
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Korshun V. E., Markianov A. V., Rusakov A. V., Sizov A. A., Tverdokhlebova E. M., Homin T. M. Spacecraft propulsion and electrical power systems electronic databank designing. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 73 Spacecraft propulsion and electrical power systems (PEPS) electronic databank (EDB) is being designed. It includes performance onboard propulsion systems (PS) and electrical power (EPS) system as well as the information on PEPS subsystems in the structure of f multipurpose spacecraft. EDB includes some standard and prospective spacecraft PS and EPS which is needed for Russian astronautics tasks. Availability of such EDB will allow to estimate in a complex the state of scientific and technical development in this area at present and in the long term. It also will facilitate for onboard PS and EPS and spacecraft developers to search demanded subsystem during the design and other works. EDB is intended for the experimental design bureau and the scientific research institutes which are engaged in designing and development of spacecraft and onboard PS and EPS.
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Balashov V. V., Mogulkin A. ., Khartov S. A., Shlygin A. V. Thermal Model of the Thruster Cluster of the Electric Propulsion System . Trudy MAI, 2014, no 73 A thruster cluster (thruster module) consists of eight thruster units, each of which includes a 35 kW radio-frequency (RF) ion thruster with the cathode-neutralizer, RF generator, gas-distribution unit (GDU), and power processing unit (PPU). The thruster module has a three-level concentric structure. The levels are interconnected by a frame system. PPU and flanges for mounting thrusters and cathode-neutralizers with discharge-initiation units are located at the first level. The GDUs for thrusters and neutralizers are located at the second level. The third level contains elements used to fix thruster module to the spacecraft structure. Each thruster casing is divided into several sections with different radiative properties, allowing directing heat flows from the thruster module components. Static thermal analysis was conducted by the finite-element method using the software package ANSYS. For constructing the finite-element model and making calculations, the software package Workbench was used. The computational model is based on the developed geometric model of thruster cluster and the required boundary conditions. While developing the finite-element models of the thruster and thruster module parts, there was used a mesh generator ICEM CFD integrated into the platform Workbench. The temperature distribution fields were defined by calculation for each element of the thruster cluster. | ||||||||
Beliayev E. N., Gnesin E. M. Development of non-linear mathematical model of liquid rocket engine operating at steady state. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 73 Mathematical modeling of LRE by thorough theoretical analysis of the developed design and the processes in units and the engine is intended to identify the characteristic features of their functioning and to choose the optimal static and dynamic characteristics of the components and assemblies of the developed engine to perform requirements to it. In this paper we present the results of the development of a nonlinear mathematical model of 11D58MF liquid rocket engine, developed by RSC "Energia" for use in RB DM type. A mathematical model allows to simulate the conditions of the engine full thrust regime, to carry out energy balancing the engine in a conditions of the deviations of static characteristics of pipelines and all its components (pumps, turbines, combustion chamber (CC), a gas generator ( GG ), throttles, washers, etc.) and to provide the extensive research related to: changing the schema of engine, with abnormal and emergency situations, with the engine operation in conjunction with test units or missile systems, etc. The model also allows you to explore new design solutions for the engine modernization and increasing its reliability. | ||||||||
Khairulin V. T., Bagin S. V., Shvyrev A. A., Tikhonov A. S., Gaskarov A. V., Samokhvalov N. Y. Low Reynolds numbers influence on cascade losses in low pressure turbine. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 73 To analyze the effect of low Reynolds Numbers on losses in a low pressure turbine, the experimental study of gas-dynamic characteristics of two-dimensional cascades for three turbines was performed at low Reynolds Numbers at CIAM’s U300S test bench.
To verify the experimental data a numerical simulation of Cascade 1 and Cascade 2 was performed at the inlet turbulence of 5%. The following conclusions can be made therefrom:
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Muller A. ., Smirnova M. E., Feili D. ., Khartov S. A., Holste K. ., Schippers S. -. Using emittance measurements system for diagnostic of ion thruster. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 73 Tracing of the ion trajectories would give a large amount of information about the ion thruster. The genuine method is introduced that an interrelation of the results of a full simulation of the ion trajectories with the results of an experiment, measuring the emittance of the source would give an access to the plasma parameters of the discharge in the ion thruster. Furthermore measuring the emittance in different distances would give valuable information about the thrust vector and its variation and also beam forming itself with prospective evaluation of the space charge. Usage of emittance measurements for optimization of basic aperture for extraction system can give reliable indication its perfection in terms of divergence and correspondingly lifetime.
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D'yakonov G. A., Lyubinskaya N. V., Semenikhin S. A., Khrustaliov M. M. Ablative pulsed plasma thruster for small spacecraft. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 73 Special attention is recently paid to small spacecraft (SSC) with a mass of a few to several tens of kilograms. But for a SSC to become controllable there is a need to develop a highly efficient and compact thruster for the orbit correction and keeping. Appropriate propulsion system should be designed in view of the limitations for mass and power on board. The propulsion system must be lightweight, space-saving and cheap with high efficiency in power consumption of up to about 25 W.
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Krundaeva A. N., Shmotin Y. N. Construction development of a combined case and its dynamic strength calculation at breakage of the rotor blade. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 73 Presented paper is devoted to solution to the problem of blade fragments localization during its accidental breakage with the help of proposed design of a combined case which consists of the metallic base and layer of untreated aramid yarns tightly wound on the metal substrate.
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Vinogradov S. S. Synthesis of a fuzzy-logic based navigation controller for “Raptor” small-size helicopter. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 73 The paper considersthe problem of synthesis ofa fuzzy-logic based control law for the Raptorsmall-size unmanned helicopter, which operates in thepresence of parametric and external disturbances, with incomplete measurement of the state vector. At that the angle error and its rate of change are available for measurement.
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Duong D. H. A simulation model of a non-contact electric motor. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 73 The aim of this work is to develop a model of non-contact motors for system of simulation and design of electronic devices OrCAD/PSpice. The models are contributed to automate the design, simulation, and optimization of high-precision actuators according to both the properties of the electronic drive control units and the properties of gears and actuators.
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Zinin D. E., Melnikov G. A., Miloserdov A. S. The prospect of using phased array antennas in vehicle-borne antennas of Communications Satellite Corporation. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 73 Recently Communications Satellite Corporation (COMSAT) has been rapidly developing . In this connection, there is a need to work out antenna systems with high power gain (about 35-60 dB), and coverage area, which is a cone of revolution with a vertex angle of 8,7º. Such antenna systems may be created either in the form of a multibeam antenna or a phased array antenna. It is well known that phased arrays have redundancy emitters compared with their theoretical minimum quantity [1], but this phenomenon is poorly studied.
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Denisenko D. V. Application of boundary integral methods to the design of planar microwave devices. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 73 This article discusses the numerical simulation of shielded planar microwave devices in the final stages of their designing. The aim is enhancing the reliability of simulation results and improving obtained characteristics of fabricated devices. Microwave filters of different designs and ranges of frequencies from 1 to 20GHz made on polycor substrates from 0.25mm to 1mm thick were measured. Numerical modeling of microwave filters was performed by 3D finite element method (FEM) and 2.5D method of moments (MoM) using AWR EMSight. Conductors were simulated in two ways: infinitely thin sheet and metals with finite thickness. In 2.5D MoM metal thickness was modeled by adding new dielectric layer with two infinitely thin sheets connected by vias at all edges. Then numerical results were compared to the experimental data while FEM showed the best agreement with experiment. To explain the differences between FEM and MoM results of simulations, existing methods for modeling of planar microwave devices were briefly reviewed. Strengths and weaknesses of planar microwave devices simulation software based on the MoM were identified. None of the widely known programs based on the MoM appears to allow modeling complex shielded planar microwave device with accuracy comparable with FEM. Eventually, the task of developing a new modeling program based on MoM arises. With mixed potential integral equation formulation chosen to solve the problem, the software will implement 3D conductor model with finite thickness using full-wave Green's functions of a rectangular cavity with uniaxial anisotropic multilayered dielectric media. | ||||||||
Skakun I. O. Time scales comparison using the signals of global navigation satellite systems. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 73 The necessity for high precision comparison of time scales arises in various fields of science and technology: from the transmission and distribution of energy and telecommunications systems to the time and frequency national laboratories. A unified state system of time can serve as an example of the latest category and in the frame of which the secondary national standards of time and frequency recreate the national time scale.
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Gorbunova A. A. Stochastic sources localization algorithm based on near-field two-point planar scanning data. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 73 The important problem that is considerable through the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) analysis is to determine the spatial-frequency distribution of the device under test (DUT) radiation in both the near and far field. This is similar to one of the antenna systems analysis problem where the antenna directivity and gain should be determined with high accuracy. The conventional solution of both problems is provided by the frequency domain measurements of the complex amplitudes for each frequency at different space points. This procedure can be carried out both in the far field and near field with some modifications. At the same time, near-field measurements provide better accuracy and reduce the measurement setup requirements. On the other hand near field measurements allow a direct computation of the far field in a limited sector of space angles. The proportions of the sector for planar measurement scenario depend on the object and measurement plane dimensions as well as the distance between them. In accordance with the equivalence principle [1] the DUT may be replaced with a set of electric or magnetic dipoles. This simple dipole model allows analyzing the radiation pattern in the wider space region. The proposed technique for the estimation of spatial-frequency DUT radiation can be implemented by using the identification of the dipole model parameters based on the near-field measurement.
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Mokrousova E. I. Creation of integrated production structures as basis for the reform of high-tech production in the Russian aero-engine industry. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 73 Purpose
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Galkevich I. A. Methodical approach to estimating the competitiveness of commercialspace rocket hardware . Trudy MAI, 2014, no 73 Historically, the development of the domestic aerospace industry did not imply the use of market mechanisms to regulate the nomenclature and volumes of space rocketry, with issues of competitiveness of products in the domestic and international market is not a priority. However, currently, while maintaining priority meet state needs to create SRH as a prerequisite acts competitiveness of their products in the global market space . This condition is necessary for the preservation and development of the space industry as an independent high-tech industry.
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Sultanov F. F. Intercorporate informational-analytical system of monitoring an enterprise project activity. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 73 The aim of the research was to develop a project managing informational system (IS) using Microsoft Enterprise Project Management (EPM) that will realize the interaction between the main project participants. The unified information space created by the system allows to monitor the realization of project stages and accelerates the process of decision-making.
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Novikov A. N. Audit of management systems of economic objects in aviation industry. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 73 Subject of research
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Brekhov O. M., Than H. M. Justification of the quasi-optimum distribution of elementary queries in multiprocessor database. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 73 Criterion for the distribution of elementary queries to processors naturally defined as receiving a minimum processing time of queries when all the processors would have completed its work at the same time , while , of course, necessary to keep the order of processing of elementary queries on each processor in accordance with the terms of [1,2].
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Nikitin P. V., Pavlyuk E. A. Calculation of Heat and Mass Transfer on the Landing Spacecraft Surface. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 72 The spacecraft protection against the intense aerodynamic heating is one of the most important problems inprogram of outer space exploration. The main task at the design stage of creating a new spacecraft is selection and development of reliable and efficient thermal protection system. For the development of such a system is very important to calculate correctly the thermodynamic processes of gas dynamics, heat and mass transfer on the spacecraft surface. Otherwise, the system of thermal protection would be unreliable and spacecraft cannot achieve the strategic mission.
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Zakovryashin A. I. Quantitative assessments method for technical states of complex systems. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 72 This paper develops the method of quantitative assessments for the technical state of the object representing its stock performance, also measured as a level of degradation. Such state of the object is determined by the set of its essential parameters by means the continuous mathematical model that allows to identify dangerous situations.
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Zuyev Y. V., Lepeshinskii I. A., Nikitin P. V. Influence of interphase convective heat exchange on dynamic characteristics of a two-phase turbulent jet. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 72 Influence of interphase convective heat exchange on change of phases velocities in a two-phase turbulent jet are investigated.
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Alexandrov V. V., Sidorenko G. U. About the possibility of self-oscillations formation of a two-link inverted pendulum with a movable fulcrum. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 72 In this paper we consider a movement of the inverted two-link pendulum on a cart system with restricted resources of perturbation. The pendulum system has two ideal motors. One of the motors is located in the node of the pendulum, and with the aid of the second motor pendulum is mounted on the cart. The control of the ideal motors is constructed as a feedback of potentiometers measurements. This provides oscillatory behavior of the system and ensures asymptotic stability of the zero equilibrium point. By means of the changing coordinates the system represents in a new form. The new system is considered under assumption of smallness of coefficients ligation and multiplicity of eigenfrequencies. The selection of the cart system acceleration as piecewise constant function of the angular velocity is based on the analysis of maximum deviation of pendulum’s center of gravity using Pontryagin`s maximum principle. The orbitally-stable limit cycle for fourth-order system has been constructed by integrating the system with selected deviation and constructing the successor function on a secant plane in four-dimensional space. Self-oscillations correspond to the limit cycle. The achievable line was founded on the secant plane. The achievable line means that in the phase space trajectories of the system that begin from this line necessarily come back to the line infinite times. Obtained system’s self-oscillations can be a maximum, i.e. limit cycle can be a boundary of the achievable set for the pendulum center of gravity. The resulting algorithm of the cart movement can be used as a test motion for the imitation stand for the vestibular prosthesis verification. | ||||||||
Bezglasnyi S. P., Batina E. S., Piyakina E. E. Parametric constrained control of motions of a two-mass pendulum. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 72 This paper presents the problem of the control of plane motions of a two-mass pendulum (swing). The swing is modeled as a weightless rod with two points of mass. The one end of the rod is hinged to a fixed point and can perform rotational or oscillatory motions in a vertical plane around the pivot. The first mass is fixed on the rod, and the second one is bound to slide along the rod. The swing moves in a uniform gravitational field. The two-mass pendulum has two equilibrium positions. The lower one is stable and upper one is instable. Friction forces are neglected.
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Kibzun A. I., Khromova O. M. On stochastic system position correction by quantile criterion. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 72 The article is devoted to solving problem of stochastic system position correction by quantile criterion. The single-pulse correction case is considered in the article. It is required to determine the correction pulse which will provide system movement from one position to another in minimal time. This problem can be written as a two-stage stochastic programming problem. The strategy is determined on the first stage, and different random factors (interference) appear with the realization of the first stage strategy. The impact of random factors is partially compensated by the choice of the new strategy (the second stage strategy). Traditionally, the expectation value (average loss) is considered as the problem criterion in the two-stage stochastic programming problems. But the control accuracy which is guaranteed with a given probability is more appropriate criterion in the aircraft control problems. Mathematically, this criterion is described with the quantile function.
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Kan Y. S., Travin A. A. A software for the probabilistic analysis of the systems with the piece-wise linear structure. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 72 The evaluation problems for the probabilistic and quantile criteria arise when estimating the terminal precision of the aircraft control under the random disturbances. The probabilistic criterion reflects usually the probability of attaining a control goal and the quantile one is a making decision result (the control precision) guaranteed with a given probability. The known evaluation techniques for these criteria are iterative numerical procedures having no stopping rules. For this reason they cannot allow us to obtain a result with the given precision. The paper presents more exact techniques for evaluating the cumulative distribution function and quantiles of the random variable which is piece-wise linear with respect to the Gaussian random vector.
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Getmanov A. G., Mamonov S. V., Martirosov M. I., Rabinsky L. N. On the experimental investigation of the mechanical properties of the polymer coatings on the aluminum specimen. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 72 Various aluminum alloys are widely used now days as main structural materials for aviation technique. It must be noted nevertheless that the aluminum structural elements operating in aggressive media must be protected by various paint-and-lacquer coatings having good anti-corrosive properties. The combination of aluminum bases and lacquer protections secures the strength, the longevity, the wearing-off strength, and the required functionality.
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Barkin M. Y. Approximate solution of the Liouville equations in action-angle variables for the Euler-Poinsot problem. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 72 Construct an approximate solution of the Liouville problem about free rotational motion of an isolated celestial body with weakly variable geometry of mass, based on the equations of motion in action — angle variables for the Euler — Poinsot problem.
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Konstantinov M. S., Nguyen D. N. Optimal trajectories of the spacecraft with electric propulsion for the Jupiter flight via swing-by in the three-body problem. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 72 The accuracy analysis of the point gravity method during the design of interplanetary trajectory of the spacecraft with electric propulsion via Earth swing-by.
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Busurin V. I., Naing T. L., Berdjugin N. A., Akhlamov P. S. Research of the characteristics of the acceleration sensors based on optical tunneling effect. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 72 Accelerations measurement in aggressive environments and high temperature conditions, typically performed in aviation and space equipment, in particular in aviation engines, may be implemented using a quartz transducer based on optical tunneling effect (OTE).
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Bityukov Y. I. On a local coordinate system on a smooth surface, used in computer simulation of the manufacturing process of composite structures. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 72 In the design of complex equipment we observe a replacement of the traditional processing means of geometric-graphical information by the paperless technologies. Thanks to that new opportunities appear to use of automated design systems. New technologies arise which associate with the use of electronic models of design object. The main advantage of using the electronic model of the product is possibility of its use in the different modules of the systems of continuous design of the class CAD/CAM/CAE. In the modern CAD/CAM/CAE-systems geometric modeling of objects, computer solution of geometrical and engineering-graphics tasks occupy the central place.
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Burago N. G. Method of a calculation aerodynamic factor of a aircraft with X -wings, having a small span. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 72 The main purpose of the article was the investigation of aerodynamic characteristics of the aircraft wings which have a small span and large solid length along the body. Given characteristics make necessary to develop a new methodology for calculation of the aircraft aerodynamic coefficients.
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Nyi N. H., Markin L. V., Sosedko A. A. Implementation of receptor geometric models in the problems of automated layout design in aviation technology. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 72 The subject of the article is the development of geometrical models and algorithms of computer-aided design of the connecting tracks which are comparable to the extent of already placed objects (so-called physical trace) with their sizes. The additional requirements of routing design of trace are restrictions of smoothness to the flow lines of the track.
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Dobryakov V. A., Engalichev A. N., Nazarov A. V. Comparison of Computational Complexity of Boundary Element Method and Finite Element Method for Thermal Modeling of Pin-Fin Heat Sink Rod. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 72 The purpose of the current work is tо compare the computational complexity of the boundary element method and finite element method for the numerical example of thermal modeling of the technical object.
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Dobryakov V. A., Engalichev A. N., Nazarov A. V. Initial Placement of Basic Elements of Large-Scale Integrated Circuits by Random Assignment Method. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 72 The purpose of the current paper is obtaining such initial placement for basic elements of integrated circuits which provides higher quality with less computation time compared to known methods; that will increase the efficiency of the optimization methods of the placement such as a method dichotomy or Steinberg’s method
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Lebedev G. N., Vu X. H., Vu X. D. Integrated management of engine thrust and steering actuator of an aircraft during automatic docking. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 72 This work focuses on the design of an integrated control system for engine thrust and steering actuators of an aircraft during automatic docking.
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Rebrov S. G., Yanchur S. V., Mansurov V. S., Moskovkin S. A. Fire and explosion safety research on space purposed Li-ion accumulators . Trudy MAI, 2014, no 72 Fire and explosion safety experimental investigations of Russian space applicated prismatic lithium — ion accumulators are carried out in SSC Keldysh Research Centre. The main aim of this study was the test of lithium — ion accumulators for ignition and explosion resistance in the case of external short circuit and shock generated by metal punch.
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Ageyeva N. G. On the experimental investigation of the mechanical properties of the polymer coatings on the aluminum specimen. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 72 Considered the state and prospects of development of management processes basis on the requirements of the manufacturer of modern aircraft. This requires development of adequate tools for organization and management of domestic aviation systems design with sufficient organizational, financial and spatial flexibility.
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Endogur A. I., Kravtsov V. A., Soloshenko V. N. Principles of rational aviation structural design with the use of composite materials. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 72 The article deals with the principles of rational structural design with the use of composite materials (CM) based on taking into account peculiarities of abutting joints design. There has been analyzed distribution of local stress in the area of bolt joints installation at stretching and compressing (crushing) of CM. It is shown that magnitude of crushing compressive stresses which cause splitting (gauging) of CM threads in the areas where CM mate the adjacent structure is significantly larger than that of stresses in the regular CM area. Such stresses appear in the areas of fittings installation at loading the structure made of CM and typically mean the beginning of structural damage. There has been formulated a principle of weight efficiency being primarily affected by the use of CM in structures of abutting joints mass.
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Formalev V. F., Kuznetsova E. L., Selin I. A. A method, an algorythm, and a software for the numerical simulation of heat state of heat-protective composite materials subjected to the aerodynamic heating. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 72 A mathematical model, an algorithm, and a software for the numerical simulation of heat state of heat protective composites undergoing various physical and chemical transformations under high temperature aero and gas dynamic heating of hypersonic (M>5) flying vehicles’ structures. Several high-temperature physical and chemical processes are taken into account, the normal heating of composites up to 600K, the thermal destruction (pyrolysis) of binding agents with generation of porous residuals from thin-fiber reinforcements and pyrolysis gases filtering through porous structures to outer surfaces streamlined by hypersonic flows, and the injection of these gases into the hypersonic flow. At the temperature of phase transform reached by the heated porous residual the mass loss such as the flowing, the evaporation, and the sublimation effected by the friction in the hypersonic boundary layer begins. The existence of two transient interfaces of phase transform of the composite around the thin area of the pyrolysis and the multi-dimensional transient heat and mass transfer with nonlinear and anisotropic thermal and physical properties have to be taken into account.
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Alekhina O. A., Ukolova L. E. Practice and scientific research work for bachelors of training orientation "Advertising and Public Relations in aerospace field" and for masters of training program "Public Relations in aviation sphere". Trudy MAI, 2014, no 72 Purpose: to analyze the features of training of bachelors and masters in advertising sphere and public relations for aerospace field. The article deals with the specifics of bachelors training at «Advertising and Public Relations in aerospace field» and with the specifics of masters at «Public Relations in aviation sphere» in Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University). The article analyzes the features of the interpenetration of classroom teaching, practical training and scientific research work of students. It is shown in the article that practice and research work are closely connected with theoretical training, there must be integration of scientific and practice disciplines, theoretical knowledge must be supported by practice skills. The authors consider the features of contents of training programs for student’s practice and scientific research work of different studying forms, taking into account the modern requests of advertising and public relations sphere and interests of employers that are representatives of aerospace field. The authors think that the estimation criteria of efficiency of graduates are awards from special contests and future professional career of graduates. Conclusions of the study are applicable to the training of bachelors and masters, studying at «Advertising and public relations» in different institutions of higher education, and for training of graduates, taking into account the specifics of different spheres. | ||||||||
Iskandarova O. Y. The conceptual bases of formation of professional foreign language communicative competence a student of aviation Technical University. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 72 The conceptual foundations of professional foreign language communicative competence in teaching of foreign languages at the aviation technical University students, can be achieved through the development of skills and knowledg of the course of professional interaction in a foreign language. The most important structural components in the formation of professional foreign language communicative competence of students of the aviation University are: motivational and value, informative and behavioral-activity components. With the help of the foreign student’s communicative competence in Aviation Technical University, you can plan the students efforts, deliberately apply psycho-pedagogical methods and anticipate, predict the results. Organizational-MOTIVATIONAL COMPONENT-system of values-people, professionals, communication, cognition, motivation, orientation, evaluation of experience MEANINGFUL procedure is the system of knowledge, skills and foreign language skills to master the aeronautical knowledge, mastering the communicative activities, communication equipment, professionally-relevant communication qualities. EFFICIENTLY-CRITERIALNY COMPONENT-stepwise level monitoring of foreign students ’ communicative competence, professional analysis, correction. Organizational and motivational aspect of preparing students for forming of communicative skills is implemented under certain conditions: 1. Focus study of scientific literature, learning a foreign language to communicate, as one of the main educational values. 2. The activity of the students when discussing professional work. 3. Encouraging the active communication between students and teachers, with each other, a foreign language classes. 4. Organization of research, research work on professional activities in a foreign language class as part of the contextual approach. Meaningful procedure component. Knowledge of communicative activity updates the communicative behavior: 1. Knowledge of the role and place of communicative skills within the professional competence of the expert. 2. Knowledge of the entity and the main components of professional foreign language communicative activities. 3. Knowledge of the patterns of foreign professional communication skills specialist of aviation profile. 4. Knowledge of algorithms of behaviour in situations of communication, tactics, and strategy. 5. Knowledge of the tools, forms, methods of information transfer in the process of communication. 6. Knowledge of different kinds of communicative activity. Meaningful procedure component is implemented by means of language learning based on the scientific literature. (6) 7. Communicative skills are implemented by mastering the communicative techniques and technology. | ||||||||
Kuznetsov A. N. Development of Professional Intercultural Strategic Competency of Non-Linguistic Students. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 72 Introduction The current situation in the Russian and international job markets — with their business internationalization challenges — requires certain revision of both the content and methods of tertiary non-linguistic education. Thus, there is the progressing issue of the development of what the author termed to be ‘the professional intercultural strategic competency of non-linguistic students’ (PISCoNoLiS) which is scrutinized in the present paper. Research Questions The research work was based on a sequence of research questions: 1. What are the rationale and the research background of PISCoNoLiS? 2. What should be the components of PISCoNoLiS? 3. What should be the efficient methods, environments and resources for the development of PISCoNoLiS? Theoretical Background The research is backgrounded a number the previous research projects and the relevant publications of Russian and international academics in the theory and practice of intercultural communication (Deniels, Herskovits, Hofstede, Faerch, Kasper, Kluckhohn, Kostomarov, Leont’ev, etc.), the paradigm of the competency approach in education (Zimniya, Kuznetsov, etc.), intercultural training (Alipichev, Herskovits, Kostomarov, Kuznetsov, etc.), scripting for didactic purposes (Lim, Kuznetsov, Popov, Rummel, Weinberger, etc.). Methods Among the principle research methods of the present study there were the following: the SWOT analysis of the intercultural communication in the professional field, the SWOT analysis of intercultural training, expert evaluation, trial teaching, student sampling and dyading, contrasting and comparing of speech patterns across languages, material sampling, and the content analysis of the training manuals. Results The professional intercultural strategic competency of non-linguistic students has been researched in the context of the emerging novel requirements of the present-day job market, the paradigm of the competency approach in education, reality of the Russian and international education, and the outcomes of the previous research in the field. The author presents the rationale and the theoretical background of PISCoNoLiS research, its components, as well as the most efficient methods, environments and resources for the development of PISCoNoLiS. Special focus is being given to the development of the PISCoNoLiS relevant training methodology and tools (strategy layout, a series of manuals, multimedia training kit, etc). Though, further research in the field the development of PISCoNoLiS has proved to be required. | ||||||||
Chuksina O. V., Janovskaya G. S. Methodical aspects of teaching professional aviation terminology. Trudy MAI, 2014, no 72 The article deals with the problem of teaching lexical competence and terminology at the Aviation University. The ultimate goal of the foreign language course in non-linguistic universities is the development of intercultural communicative competence. Professionally oriented new standards are not provided with textbooks and teaching aids, which would be fully consistent with the aims and objectives of learning a foreign language in aviation universities. Professional aviation terminology is studied while improving lexical skills of the linguistic competence, i.e. the ability to adequately and correctly use and understand speech patterns based on the knowledge of phonological, grammatical, lexical, stylistic features of the target language (in comparison with the native language). The topics for the English lessons are selected according to the major specialty courses of the university, for example, the history of flights, the outstanding people in the aviation and space, the basic concepts in the field of aviation. Experience shows, some special aviation terminology is acquired in the English lessons during the first year of studying in the University. To select the minimum terminology comparative analysis of bilingual and monolingual aviation dictionaries with General vocabulary dictionaries is required. The main method of term formation is considered to be syntactic, i.e. formation of terms in a chain. For example, multicomponent combinations predominate in English technical terminology and they cause difficulties in translation. The typology of lexical exercises to overcome these difficulties includes the following ones: continue the word family table; match each of the expressions on the left with their explanation from the list on the right; fill in the word family table; make the diagram of the text using the key words from the text. For the exercises to be effective they should be designed to blend with the terms studied during the earlier lessons. | ||||||||
Avakyan A. A. Stationarity of failure flow for electronic elements and systems . Trudy MAI, 2013, no 71 It is shown theoretically that the failure flow for electronic elements and systems is not a Poisson one. In order to the failure flow being a strictly Poisson flow, the probability of a binary event must tend to zero, with the number of elements approaching infinity, that dis-agrees with the physical model of a failure. At the same time, multiple statistical data for electronic element and system failures obtained with rigorous calculation methods, con-firms the Poisson character of their failure flow. The paper discloses and gives a strict ex-planation for this contradiction between the practice and the theory. The contradiction oc-curs because the operational time is less than the mean failure time for a circuit element by a factor with value from ten thousand to hundred thousand. Over such a long interval related to the maximum value both the failure distribution density function and the failure rate function have in practice the same values and they are stationary during the entire operating life. The proven theorem declares that the failure rate for a system, which consists of the infinite number of absolutely reliable elements (element reliability characteristics and their quantity tend to infinity), tends to a constant value. The theorem shows that it is not reasonable to improve system reliability for a system with a great number of elements by improving the reliability of system elements. The results obtained in the paper will be in-teresting for researchers in reliability theory. | ||||||||
Polaynskov Y. V., Sannikov I. A., Leontiev V. L., Shabalkin D. Y., Yevseev A. N. Development and implementation of programs on building skills of university graduates. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 71 The paper proposes approaches to solving the problems of one of the priorities of the strategic development of the Ulyanovsk State University (ULSU) «Aviation technology and aviation mobility» in order to implement the model of advanced training of specialists that is aimed at the satisfaction of needs of the CJSC «Aviastar-SP» and other companies realizing their activities in the aviation field.
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Polaynskov Y. V., Chernyshev Y. A. Technology of basic training organization for future specialists in aircraft engineering. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 71 The training of students in professional work for the industry is an important task for the regions with developed aircraft industry. Contracts of domestic enterprises for the aircraft production are the long-term ones. The process of human resources formation for the modern airlines begins with the work with students.
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Kuznetsova E. L., Tarlakovsky D. V., Fedotenkov G. V., Medvedskiy A. L. The impact of transient load distribution on the surface of the elastic layer. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 71 The plane transient problem of the linear elasticity theory for the thin layer of the aircraft paneling represented as an homogeneous isotropic layer of uniform thickness is studied. An arbitrary distribution of the surficial load | ||||||||
Vyshkov Y. D. Method of thermodynamic functions for the research of the Magnetic Suspension and Balance System for wind tunnel aircraft models. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 71 The paper considers the application of the thermodynamic functions method for the research of the Magnetic Suspension and Balance Systems (MSBS) for wind tunnel models with six degrees of freedom.
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Zagidulin A. R., Podruzhin E. G. Modeling the compression dynamics of main a landing gear strut of a helicopter. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 71 The paper proposes a method for simulating the two-dimensional motion of an arbitrary holonomic rigid-body system. This method allows to automate the process of constructing models of aircraft landing gear legs with arbitrary kinematic schemes. It is based on the solution of the Lagrange equations of the first kind. The method allows to model equality (bilateral) and inequality (unilateral) constraints, which restrict the motion of the rigid bodies system. The ideal holonomic constraints are imposed on the positions of the bodies. These constraints are described by the following equations
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Fedoseev S. Y., Timushev S. F., Kuznetsov A. V., Panaiotti S. S. Calculation of centrifugal pump critical NPSH. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 71 In recent years, required Time Between Overhaul (TBO) of centrifugal pumps for TPS, NPP, marine and other facilities is up to 40,000 hours. One of the main factors limiting the growth of the TBO is cavitation erosion of impeller blades. NPSH is usually chosen with respect to the cavitation flow break operation mode. However, this NPSH choice not guaranteed to work without cavitation erosion due to unsteady flow behavior at the impeller inlet. In this regard, it suggests ways to calculate NPSH of the cavitation inception. On the basis of the published experimental data the inception cavitation coefficient empirical formula is derived. Furthermore three-dimensional unsteady turbulent flow in the impeller validated with experimental data published shows cavitation inception operation modes on different flow rates including back flow phenomena range. The described method of computer modeling can be recommended to optimize the pumps against cavitation erosion. Cavitation flow break NPSH value calculated from the equations of flow, energy and momentum for the plane cascade of plates of finite thickness. The data obtained are generalized to the circular cascade of centrifugal impeller. For optimization by flow break NPSH the Rudnev analytical formula and Shemel & Shapiros empirical formula are recommended. All this data give one the opportunity to reasonably choose the centrifugal pump NPSH required. | ||||||||
Popov G. M., Kolmakova D. A., Krivcov A. V. Gas dynamic and strength tuning of low-sized axial turbine. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 71 The research subject of the present paper is a single-stage axial turbine of the turbocharger TK-32. Turbocharger is manufactured by LLC «Penzadieselmash» (Penza, Russian) and used as unit supercharge for locomotive diesel. The aim of this work is to ensure the turbine work capacity when rotor speed is increased by 10% without significant reduction of safety margin and coefficient of efficiency.
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Zagornyan S. S., Kozlov A. A. Mathematical model of the dimensions and mass characteristics liquid propellant rocket thrusters. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 71 Liquid propellant rocket thrusters (LPRT) are the executive bodies of spacecraft reactive control system. Modern liquid propellant rocket thrusters have a relatively small value of required thrusts 0.01 — 1600 N, which is explained by small level perturbations acting on the spacecraft in free flight and operating at pressures in the chamber | ||||||||
Abgarian V. K., Akhmetzhanov R. V., Loeb H. W., Obukhov V. A., Cherkasova M. V. Numerical Simulation of the Primary Ion Beam and of the Flow of Secondary Ions in the Grid System of an Ion Thruster. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 71 Ion thruster relates to one of the electric propulsion types, in which the plasma-forming gas is accelerated in the form of a beam of positively charged ions, subsequently neutralized by electrons at the thruster exit. One of the basic units of the ion thruster is the grid system designed to extract ions from the gas discharge plasma and to accelerate them up to the required speed. The slow secondary charge-exchange ions originate during the primary beam motion in the interelectrode gap and in the neutralization zone; they bombard the accelerating electrode, causing its erosion, which limits the thruster lifetime.
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Ardatov K. V., Nesterenko V. G., Ravikovich Y. A. Classification of high-performance recuperators GTE. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 71 The objects of the study are structural systems and structural elements of gas turbine engines recuperators.
Insofar as there are many classifications of structures recuperators GTE, there is a need to organize them somehow, i.e. separate them using the most important and fundamental design features. The main aim is to familiarize readers with the most effective design techniques to improve the efficiency and reliability of gas turbine recuperators. | ||||||||
Beliayev E. N., Nassimento L. B., Kolomentsev A. I. Problematic issues of energy parameters balance of liquid rocket engines. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 71 Energy balancing of LRE is originally produced during developing of the new rocket engine, determining its characteristics, choice of pneumohydraulic scheme. At the initial stage of development, during the balancing of energy parameters previously established experience is taken into account. Based on this experience, the new developed engine has attainable values of pumps and turbines efficiency, the needed pressure for reliable cooling of the combustion chamber, the fuel spray nozzle components, regulatory units, etc.
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Bolkhovitin M. S., Ionov A. V. The improvement of turbine engine compressor blades die tooling manufacturing quality. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 71 Here we examine the problems related to update the technological process of die tooling manufacturing for section extruding in the process of production of gas turbine engine compressor blades.
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Avdeev A. V., Bashkin A. S., Katorgin B. I., Parfeniev M. V., Semenov S. N. Assembling of multi-purpose space large scale laser system based on the cw chemical HF(DF) laser onboard. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 71
The structural scheme of the spacecraft (SC) with the multi-purpose space large scale laser system (MPSBLSLS) onboard placed in an unpressurized compartment of a non-refundable SC (target module) with 180 days lifetime on earth orbit was developed. The estimation of weight and size characteristics of SC own systems was carried out. Weight and size characteristics are defined and implemented in the layout of the compartments of the target module spacecraft components MPSBLSLS such as systems of periodical-impulse generation of radiation, storage and supply of fuel components of the laser forming optical systems and laser ranging.
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Barabin G. V., Gusev E. V. Photogrammetric method of creating single image captured by sectional sensor through satellite acquisition. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 71 The article describes the methods of building a single image from images bands obtained by separate CCD sensors satellite cameras with overlapping areas. The aim was to develop methods that provide the more accurate matching and focused on working with large images (of the order of several gigabytes) which have a small area of overlap. It is also necessary to obtain a refine model of satellite acquisition for new joined image. This refine model can be used for photomap building when necessary.
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Gusev E. V., Paleshkin A. V., Pichuzhkin P. V., Rodchenko V. V. Ways of reducing environmental damage during abnormal operation of rocket and space technology. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 71 One of the most important indicators of development level of rocket-and-space technology along with the energy and accuracy characteristics is its accident-free operationing. The solution to this problem affects the total set of program measures to ensure reliability, algorithms development and operational documentation. However, many issues closely connect the work and characteristics of product units with work of flight control system.
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Alifanov O. M., Ivankov A. A., Netelev A. V., Finchenko V. S. Study on thermal shields characteristics of aeroelastic braking devises of reentry vehicles descent into the planets atmosphere. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 71 Aerothermodynamics investigations of perspective atmosphere descent vehicles (DV) are the main point of interest of Russian and foreign scientists, who have deal with design of modern space technologies. In these descent vehicles the aerodynamic and thermal protective shields made to the shape of aeroelastic constructions in part or in whole, and in particular made to the shape of hermetic gas pressurized shells are used for effectiveness deceleration.
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Lamzin V. A., Lamzin V. V. Analysis of possibility to decrease project realization risk of space system in the planned period. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 71 Methods for complex technical-economic analysis of perspective rocket-space system (RSS) are continuously improved. First of all it is connected with the new directions of its technical and technological development and with change of technical-economic tasks of research. It is also should be underlined that development of such RSS objects as space system (SS) of Earth’s remote sensing (ERS) is carried out in condition of significant indeterminations and connected with great cost. It makes the acceptance of project decisions much harder. Project mistake can lead to the great financial loss and others negative moments. According to this there is a problem of methods creation for project decisions estimation, in which indeterminations would be taken into account and possibility of risk would be minimized in order to provide stability solutions and increase efficiency of space systems exploitation with restricted cost.
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Konstantinov M. S., Min T. . The analysis of one spacecraft flight profile for Sun exploration. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 71 Analysis of the flight scheme (Earth — Earth — Venus — Venus — Venus — Venus — Venus) for the spacecraft injection into the system of working heliocentric orbits with low perihelion and large inclination.
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Vytrishk F. M., Gultyaev N. N. Improvement of the canonical model of a ballistic missile with uncontrollable movements to reflect its movements around the mass center. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 71 In this paper we consider the direction of improving ballistic calculation algorithms (BA) and point trajectory of uncontrollable aviation missile (UAM). It is shown that factors leading to a decrease in accuracy is not quite accurate count in the BA value of the initial angle of nutation UAM occurring in the presence of attack angles and aviation system slipping at start-up.
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Gorunov A. V., Molodoznikova R. N., Prokofev A. I. Temperature field of the supported thin-walled constructions with one-sided heating. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 71 A temperature field in a reinforced by frames and stringers arbitrary-shaped shell exposed to a plane-parallel radiant heat flux from an infinitely remote heat source is investigated. A convective heat transfer exists between the shell and the environment. Geometric parameters of cross sections of reinforcing elements are small as compared with both the distances between them and the radius of curvature of the shell midsurface. With these assumptions, the normal component of radiant heat flux moves smoothly over the surface of the shell. Therefore, the gradients of temperature field will reach the extreme values in the vicinity of the reinforcing elements in the directions perpendicular to their axes.
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Gorunov A. V., Molodoznikova R. N., Prokofev A. I. Nonlinear heat conduction problem for a thin shell. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 71 The problem of heat conductivity for an arbitrary thin-walled shell exposed to a plane-parallel radiant heat flux from the infinitely remote source of radiation is considered. A convective heat transfer between the shell and the environment is described by the Newton law. Thermophysical parameters of the shell depend on the temperature.
with the initial condition
and the boundary one:
![]() Here the following notations are used:
The obtained asymptotic solutions provide the accuracy sufficient for practical use for various aircrafts structures. | ||||||||
Кomarov I. S. Nonlinear heat conduction problem for a thin shell. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 71 One of the main tests of RST (rocket and space technology items) is the test of their resistance to pyrotechnic shock loads (actuation of pyrolocks, pyrovalves, etc). Shock loads from pyrotechnic devices are characterized by a broad range of frequencies and amplitudes. This shock loads can’t lead to the entire structural failure, but can dactivate electronic components which are widely used in modern spacecraft and launch vehicles. As a result shock experiment testing is very important for the designers. Testing of RST items in accordance with reliability requirements and state standards determine the necessary maximum similarity between real and prototype shock loads. One of the most important tasks is the construction of shock test machines that are capable to reproduce the normalized load in case of shock response spectrum. Shock test machines can’t be used in the testing of large-scale models. It is explained by the fact that source of shock loads are mounted in different points of structures. In order to meet industrial specifications or industrial space requirements it is necessary to develop mobile devices that can produce the required loads. Therefore mobile shock pulse generator which is capable to simulate the pyrotechnic shock loads on large-scale models was designed in the TSNIImash. This paper presents the techniques of modeling the effect of pyrobolt actuation on the launch vehicle fuel tank in plane of separation with the help of developed generator. Shock response spectrum was calculated and compared with the previous experimental data. Using the finite element package Abaqus (Explicit) numerical simulation of shock load impact on launch vehicle fuel tank was conducted. Numerical results show high coincidence in comparison with experimental data. The proposed method of calculation allows numerically choose the parameters of a mobile shock pulse generator to generate the required loading conditions. Developed generator and established methodology of numerical simulation make it possible to carry out qualification testing of structures without the use of standard pyrotechnic devices. | ||||||||
Kirillov V. Y., Klykov A. V., Nguyen V. H. Modeling the impact of powerful electromagnetic interference on aircraft’s electrotechnical complex. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 71 This paper analyzes types and sources of powerful electromagnetic interference (PEMI), affecting elements and systems of an aircraft’s electrotechnical complex (ETC), and describes a method for calculating the current flow through the braided shield of a cable, and the common mode voltage on inner conductors of a shielded cable, inside a wing made of composite material, at the impact of a lightning’s electrical field and the magnetic field of current flowing along the aircraft’s fuselage.
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Nikhamkin M. S., Voronov L. V., Lubchic O. L. Simulation by smoothed particle method of gas turbo engine holle fan blade foreign object damage. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 71 Modern fan design for aviation big size gas turbine engines is supposed to use hollow wide-cord rotor blades. Hollow fan blade developing requires complex problem solution in the fields of aerodynamics, design, technology, vibration damping, fatigue resistance and operation damage durability. The article is devoted to the problem of turbo engine hollow fan blade resistance to foreign object damage.
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Reznikov S. B., Bocharov V. V., Ermilov Y. V., Lavrinovich A. V., Kharchenko I. A. Multifunctional converters for aircraft power supply systems. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 71 The authors propose a radically new implementation of a circuit synthesis technology of controlled sine wave inverters on the basis of standardized modules made from reversible impulse converters with pulsating output voltages.
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Reznikov S. B., Bocharov V. V., Kornilov A. B. Multiphase cycloconverters with active power factor correction to ensure electromagnetic compatibility power supply systems for fully-electric aircraft. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 71 The authors propose a new circuit solution for the design of multi-phase reversible frequency inverters for aviation applications with double-acting direct connection of cyclic converters with active correction of power factor for electromagnetic compatibility with power supply system of an aircraft owing to the high quality of current being consumed. It is assigned for use in the secondary power supplies of prospective aircraft with power-intensive, in particular, fully-electrified equipment.
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Brodsky A. V. Computer-aided solution to optimization problems in aerospace design engineering. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 71 Optimization problems are the most often solvable in aerospace design engineering. That’s why tools for solving such problems are really requested and used both in autonomous engineering procedures, mainly aided at search for Pareto solutions, and in their results agreement. Various optimization methods are developed and widely used in practice including in interactive operation. But a designer should know and understand specific conditions, which the constituent elements of formal optimization problem should follow. He also should be able to manually convert his initial applied problem to the form of the relevant optimization algorithm class. If one takes into consideration that the majority of practical problems enable only computational solution, a designer should have knowledge in programming to get the integrated program. The objective of this paper is to develop an approach to programming components construction for solving optimization problems in CAD system so that to assure automation of the whole solution process starting from a verbal description to receiving final results.
The general operator scheme of automation instruments operation is formed.
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Padalko S. N. Computer-aided solution to optimization problems in aerospace design engineering. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 71 Presented work is focused on conditions determination for educing of informational «bottom-up» links in the process of aerospace engineering designing in integrated automated systems, and it is based on the following statements:
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Stolyarchuk V. A. Preprocessor of the SIGMA system for training of developers of CAE application used in aerospace industry CAD systems. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 71 This article describes a Preprocessor of an educational training software program intended for preparation of developers of engineering analysis systems used in CAD systems in aerospace industry. The purpose of the Preprocessor is preparation of the input data for calculations where proposed subject of calculations is a flat bar. The Preprocessor generates an optimal finite element mesh using various triangulation methods and evaluates its quality before any calculations take place.
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Tiuvin A. V. Analytic Adjustment and Calibration of Inertial Navigation Systems Inertial Gage Unit. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 71 The research purpose is to examine the approaches to implementation of analytic adjustment and calibration procedures of accelerometer and gyroscope blocks which are included in a strapdown inertial navigation system’s inertial measurement units, and also to prove the efficiency of the presented analytic adjustment and calibration procedures and algorithms.
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Bobronnikov V. ., Kadochnikova A. P. Algorithm of Integration of the Strapdown Inertial Navigation System and Magnetometric System for Navigation of Aircrafts. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 71 The present research paper focuses on the task of integration of inertial and magnetometric sensors for navigation of an autonomous flying vehicle. The actuality of the problem is based on specifics of widely used strapdown inertial navigation systems (INS). In the absence of additional navigation aids to supplement INS, zero drifts of gyroscopes lead to errors in the angular rate measurements, which result into so-called «angle drifts», accumulated proportionally to the vehicle operation time.
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Avakyan A. A., Kurganov A. V. Physical model and failure distribution law for electronic elements and systems. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 71 A structure of an electronic circuit element is considered. It is shown that the physical failure model for a circuit element is based on two types of binary events: a conductor break and a dielectric breakdown. The physical failure model is formalized in the form of the binary failure distribution law and the binomial failure distribution law. It is proved, with the Lyapunov limit theorem, that the failure distribution law for electronic components and systems is normal. Since no failures are available on the negative part of the event time line, the failure distribution law for a circuit element is truncated normal. Some estimates of expectations and probable deviations of failures are obtained for electronic circuit elements. These estimates allow us to state that the failure probability distribution density and failure rate are equal and constant over the period up to one million hours (hundred years). Therefore, the circuit elements of electronic systems operate practically on the stationary part of failure rate. However, while the theory of redundant fail-safe systems with a great number of circuit elements is built, the application of the Poisson failure law produces relationships became less adequate to the proposed model. The results presented in the paper can be interesting for specialists in reliability theory. | ||||||||
Mayorov D. A., Perehozhev V. A., Shemyakov A. O. Development of an algorithm for obtaining and processing of spectral features air site for identification and selection of the moving targets. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 71 There are many scientific works about the problem of the moving air object spectral signs reception and processing. The range portrait is one of air object spectral signs. The special range portrait processing can assure the identification and moving target detection in the perspective frequency tuning radar. One known moving target detection method is based on special processing of air object complex frequency response characteristics and air object range portraits. The scientific purposes of this work are the development of the offers on realization of this moving target detection method for perspective frequency tuning radars and the development of the air object spectral signs reception and processing algorithm for identification and moving target detection.
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Il'in V. N., Lepehin A. V. Research of approaches to constructing sets of equivalent alternatives in aircraft radio equipment design process. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 71 The aim of this research is to formulate guidelines on the use of different criteria of preference when forming a set of equivalent alternatives (Pareto set) depending on the capacity (size) of the initial set, the number of specific criteria, etc. for the creation of the Pareto set of minimal size.
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Martirosov V. E., Alekseev G. A. The software implementation of phase locked loop system. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 71 The aim of this work is to study the methods of calculating the parameters of the digital phase locked loop (PLL) and the creation of its program implementation.
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Lurie S. A., Solyaev Y. O., Nguyen D. K., Medvedskiy A. L., Rabinsky L. N. Investigation of thermal stress local effects on the boundaries of layered structures. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 71 A stationary problem of the thermoelasticity based on the strain-gradient theory of laminated composite structures is considered. A formulation of the plane strain problem of strain-gradient thermoelasticity is formulated and an solution’s algorithm for the uniform in-plane heating are proposed. It is shown that use of the strain-gradient thermoelasticity models providing deformations continuity in contact areas allows one to consider some phenomena that are not described by the traditional thermoelasticity and can be due to the effect of stress localization in contact areas. As a result the strain-gradient elasticity theory predicts the local additional tensile stresses in the layer with a lower coefficient of thermal expansion. The obtained solution is an generalization of the traditional thermoelasticity solutions and allows one to take into account the effect of scale parameters on stress-strain state of materials.
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Petrov A. P. Influence of non-uniformity of air flow velocity field along the frontal surface of porous objects on their aerodynamic resistance. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 70 The first part of the paper considers the hypothesis about the influence of the non-uniform air flow on the aerodynamic drag of porous objects. The aerodynamic drag of porous objects such as radiators, mesh guards and screens, aerodynamic grids and grills, etc., which are installed in the air duct, is bigger than their resistance in ideal laboratory conditions. This difference appears when the air flow with non-uniform velocity distribution along the frontal surface flows through such an object. The research allowed to establish the factors, which influence the increase in the aerodynamic drag of the porous objects. The paper presents a formula for determining the aerodynamic drag of porous objects in a non-uniform air flow. The degree of change of radiator aerodynamic drag depends on two factors: the value of air flow non-uniformity and aerodynamic characteristics of the radiator itself (these characteristics are obtained during the tests with uniform flow).
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Kudimov N. F., Safronov A. V., Tretiyakova O. N. Numerical study of multiple turbulent supersonic impinging . Trudy MAI, 2013, no 70 In this paper the triblock and single supersonic turbulent underexpanded jets are numerically studied. The primary goal of the current research is to provide the numerical simulation for analysis of multiple turbulent supersonic underexpanded jets interacting with the barrier. Calculation grid consists of 2 million cells that makes possible to provide the quite good modeling of expansion waves and shock wave such as incident shock as well as the reflected shock and slip stream line in supersonic jets. Numerical simulation was based on the three-dimensional Reynolds equations with turbulent model SST. Three-dimensional compressible Reynolds equation was solved with the help of finite volume method of Godunov TVD scheme type with the second order of approximation in space discretization.
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Sereda V. A. Formulation of optimization problem for ground launching devices. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 70 Ground launchers of unmanned aircraft vehicles with expansion machine for cold or hot working fluid and flexible transmission are main purpose of this article as well as formulation of optimization problem for ground catapult, which includes the boundaries determination of investigated system, the search for characteristic criterion, definition of intra-variable and model description.
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Samokhin V. F., Ostrouhov S. P., Moshkov P. A. Experimental Research of Pilotless Vehicle Noise Sources with a Pusher Ducted Propeller. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 70 In present work the basic results of acoustic tests low-sized pilotless vehicle (PV) are shown. Power plant (PP) of PV is arranged in a tail unit of a flight vehicle. The power plant consists of the two-stroke piston engine of air cooling P-032M and pusher ducted propeller. On the engine the reduction gearbox with the coefficient of reduction ≈ 2,102 is set.
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Vyshkov Y. D. Mathematical model of the Magnetic Suspension and Balance System for wind tunnel aircraft models. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 70 The Magnetic Suspension and Balance System (MSBS) for wind tunnel models was created as the result of the collaboration of the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) and the Central Aero-Hydrodynamic Institute (CAGI). The MSBS was created for carrying out aerodynamic tests of the models with six degrees of freedom in a subsonic wind tunnel with the section size of the instrumentation chamber equal to 40 cm × 60 cm. Wind tunnel MSBS is being developed in order to solve the main problems of aerodynamics, which cannot be solved in the presence of the effects of mechanical support devices, and study the base pressure, etc. The tested models are the bodies of rotation with the diameter of about 4 cm and 40 cm length (or less). The models could be equipped with a tail unit and low-aspect-ratio wings. A ferromagnetic core made of electrotechnical steel with the shape of a cylindrical tube was placed inside the model. The MSBS has 6 degrees of freedom. The model angle of attack could vary within the limits from −45 to +45 degrees. The range of flow speed variation was 0 − 100 m/s. The MSBS includes 7 electromagnets. All electromagnets except for the one, which creates the longitudinal force, are installed symmetrically relative to the test section of the wind tunnel. The electromagnet, which creates the longitudinal force, is installed on one side of the test section of the wind tunnel. The shape and position of this electromagnet provides easy access to the model and a good visual observation. Each electromagnet is equipped with a separate system of current control. The upper coils of electromagnets have a common ferromagnetic core, which helps to increase the vertical force. The lower coils do not have a common core in order to obtain the required moments of forces and the necessary forces by extreme attitude testing. The position and the attitude of the model are measured by the optical position sensor. The optical system includes the compensation of the influence of the change in the intensity of the light, which falls on the model. The control system uses the control algorithms, which provide the maximal area of stability of the suspended object under the conditions of the control power limitation. The roll stability around the longitudinal axis of the model is achieved by placing a permanent magnet inside the model. To provide the roll damping the magnet is fixed inside the model by a spring and a damp cell. Investigation and improvement of the Magnetic Suspension and Balance Systems and techniques requires the creation of a mathematical model, which would correspond to the real system sufficiently. This paper adduces such a model, which is intended for simulation of the Magnetic Suspension and Balance Systems for a wind tunnel. The paper also presents some results of the research of the dynamic properties of the mathematical model. | ||||||||
Nikonov K. P. SolidWorks Calculation of Mechanical Action on the Pressure Sensor for Aeronautical Engineering Test Equipment. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 70 When testing products of aircraft and space engineering various precise sensors that provide highly accurate measurements are extremely demanded. About 60% of all measuring devices are pressure sensors. Potential measurement accuracy depends particularly on the external effecting factors. Thus, strict technical conditions on stability against external mechanical action are applied to pressure sensors that are under modernization or development. More complex calculations require new methods for pressure sensors designing. In the article a new technique which integrates ECAD and MCAD systems for designing pressure sensor with differential capacitive measuring sensor is presented. The proposed route of pressure sensors design procedure includes: simulation modeling in MATLAB environment, development of basic wiring diagram and printed circuit boards in ECAD MentorGraphics, design, development and execution of verification calculations in MCAD SolidWorks. Designing of 3D-model of the pressure sensor is made by data exchange between ECAD and MCAD systems using IDF files and CircuitWorks module. Analysis on vibration and shock action are executed in CosmosWorks module using the finite element method. Simulation modeling allowed to determine resonant frequencies f0i along with pressure sensor waveforms, maximum relative movement zmax of the sensor elements, as well as shock acceleration ау. In order to confirm the correctness of selected circuit and design solutions, as well as the results of metrological characteristic studies there have been carried out preliminary tests of the pressure sensor model. As a result of testing it was determined that the proposed design of the pressure sensor provided proofness against mechanical shocks and vibration, and in total, the sensor accuracy meets the requirements of the specification. Estimated error of simulation does not exceed 5 %. Time required for pressure sensor development is reduced by 20 %. Results of the work can be used for designing of any class of pressure sensors. | ||||||||
Kicheev V. E. The energy method for mass analyzing of spring landing gear of a light aircraft. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 70 In light aircraft design commonly used the spring gear, wherein the shock absorbers are used as springs working in bending and they absorb the main part of the impact energy during landing. At the initial stage of aircraft designing we must have a valid value of the relative weight of landing gear. For the following development of reliable methods for mass calculation of light aircraft landing gear the task of analysis of specific load on the wing and material mechanical characteristics depending on the relative mass of the spring main landing gear is assigned. An ideal equal stress spring of rectangular cross-section has been considered. The relationship between the strain energy and mechanical characteristics of springs material and main design parameters has been found out. Using Aviation Regulations AP -23 the work of external forces absorbed by a leaf spring has been determined. From the condition that the work of external forces and strain energy are equal an analytical relationship between relative weight of all the springs of the main landing gear and specific load on the wing and material mechanical characteristics has been found. The strong influence of the material on springs relative weight has been shown. | ||||||||
Zareckiy M. V., Sidorenko A. S. Estimation of longevity index for flying vehicles structures under random loadings. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 70 Operation reliability is one of the basic requirements to flying vehicles carried by launcher aircrafts. An intensive vibration causes high-level stresses in the areas of structural irregularity so that results the fatigue damages accumulation. These stresses must be considered to estimate accurately the strength and reliability of both carrier and carried vehicle, therefore the correct estimation of loading levels and of the durability of structures is one of the most practically important problems of aircrafts design. The main goal of the presented investigation is the mathematical modeling of the dynamic stress and strain state of cinematically excited aircrafts’ structures and the estimation of their durability. The random excitation caused by the flight loadings is transferred from the carrier to the carried vehicle through the suspension brackets. The SolidWorks software is used to simulate the dynamic stress state. The stationary kinematic excitation is defined by several types of the acceleration spectral density. The properties of the random vibrations of the carried flying vehicle are computed using the constructed numerical models. The areas of the maximum amplitudes of vibration are found as well as the zones of the maximum stresses, and both the spectral properties and stresses are computed. It is shown that the maximum stress dispersion corresponds to two lowest eigenfrequencies. The random stress processes corresponding to various spectral densities of stresses are computed using the statistical simulation algorithms as the harmonic series with random parameters for each time value. The obtained random processes are reduced to the sets of regular stress cycles that are equivalent by damaging capacity to the random ones on the basis of the standard algorithms. The repeatability diagrams for the regular cycles are calculated using the linear hypothesis of damage summation, and the fatigue damageability of the structure is estimated. The developed models of random forced vibrations can be used to estimate the dynamic stress state, the vibration strength, and the durability of various carried flying vehicles. | ||||||||
Sakornsin R. . The research wing of aerodynamic characteristics with a projection at different angles of deflection projections and different layouts of the wing of a seaplane at the joints. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 70 As a result of observations of the shape of the bird wings and the analysis of the positive impact on the aerodynamics of the wing vortices, it was decided to use a triangular protrusion for the wings of a modern flying boat. At that it is possible to observe the improvement of the wing aerodynamic efficiency. The circulation of the speed along the airfoil contour of the wing with a triangular protrusion was analyzed at different wing positions. The research of the wing with the different projection angles of protrusion deflection was also carried out.
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Kazakov E. N., Smirnova M. E., Khartov S. A. Problems analysis of using of four electrodes ion-optic systems in electric propulsion thrusters. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 70 Future trends for space scientific-research activities make demands to the spacecraft and propulsion systems for them. Worldwide space programs and near-earth objects infrastructure evolution analysis enable the effective usage of electric propulsion for many of the delivered tasks. This paper focuses on analysis of one of the best possibility to increase engines performances and lifetime without bringing too many changes in the thruster design. One of the main aims of this work was to find out if four electrode ion-optic systems could bring appreciable result to increasing lifetime, thrust and specific impulse of ion thrusters in comparison with its conventional three electrode systems. For that the analysis of state-of-the-art of ion thrusters was performed and all available results of integral performances were included into the summary table. As a result the current ranges for main thruster parameters were defined. In the paper it is also presented some estimations of efficiency and expediency of usage of four electrodes ion-optic systems for one of most prospective technology for future applications – ion thrusters. Benefits arising from this issue delivered as a conclusion. | ||||||||
Loeb H. W., Mogulkin A. ., Obukhov V. A., Petukhov V. G. Analysis of a Reusable Lunar Transfer Vehicle Using Nuclear Electric Propulsion. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 70 A reusable electrically propelled cargo spacecraft with nuclear power plant, which should perform five round–trips between a low Earth orbit (800 km) and a low Lunar orbit (100 km) and transport components of a future permanently manned Lunar station, is considered. The spacecraft will weigh 61.8 tons, payload of 25 tons including, at the launch from the low Earth orbit. The nuclear–electric propulsion system will consist of a 1 MW nuclear power plant (of 20 tons in mass) and 4 clusters of 10 radio–frequency ion thrusters each. 28 of them will produce total thrust of 18.2 N and consume 840 kW of power. 10.8 tons of Xenon will be consumed per a round trip. The designed radio–frequency ion thruster “RFIT–45” with the ionizer diameter of 45 cm shall have the following performance: power consumption of 35 kW, specific impulse of 7000 s, and lifetime of 50 000 hrs. According to the mission analysis, the reusable lunar transport spacecraft can deliver up to 128.5 tons of payload to the low Lunar orbit or 57.4 tons of payload to the lunar surface by 5 trips during about 7 years, delivery of payload of 205.2 tons to the low Earth orbit being necessary for securing mentioned operations, that being 2 – 3.5 times less than without the use of electric propulsions. | ||||||||
Solov'ev V. L. Improvement of tightening uniformity of group threaded connections during aircraft units assembly. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 70 The improvement of methods (ways) and means of implementation and control of preload force remains one of the main directions of development of research on improvement of threaded connections reliability up till now.The research is focused on the process of assembly (tightening) of group threaded connections of aircraft units.
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Lebedev G. N., Eliseev V. D., Ivashova N. D. A problem statement and an approach for automatic control of UAV landing maneuver in strong crosswind. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 70 This paper focuses on the problem of automatic landing of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) on a runway in the presence of a strong crosswind. This paper is suggesting the following landing procedure: an airplane deviates from the initial flight path adopting a course opposite to the wind direction from a given position, so as to minimize the lateral speed of the airplane relative to the ground from a certain ground proximity level, the rudder being used to align heading starting from the bank removal moment and through all the subsequent manoevers. Ailerons and rudder linear and relay control laws are formulated, then a controller logic is devised, using both linear and relay controllers, for the task of monitoring the degree of coherence of the lateral and the longitudinal control channels. In this work a new method of automatic landing was introduced. The landing maneuver is split in three parts. In the first part, the aircraft is following a precalculated path with an offset from the initial path. In the second part, the UAV follows a glidepath while performing bank control. During this stage, the lateral speed is nonzero and the course is directed towards the wind. In the third part, the bank deviation is eliminated by rudder control. It should be noted that, for better accuracy, an adjustment for the wind value may be added to the control system, therefore complicating the controller structure, which is a suitable topic for a future work. The paper suggests a new landing procedure, which may be of interest in the field of research in automatic control. | ||||||||
Lebedev G. N., Vu X. H. Logical layout for an integrated terminal aircraft control system using linear and relay controllers. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 70 This research is discussing a terminal aircraft control system of improved performance.
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Kolosov S. P. The development of methods for intellectual data analysis, as elements operating of the aircraft airborne avionics of NATO countries. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 70 In the article the analysis of the element of building systems was conducted according to the technical and tactical characteristics on the basis of the parameters range of functioning systems in the generated model. The purpose was a comparative analysis of the parameters and identifying the characteristics set out to solve the problems, viewed the functionality of onboard systems of the aircraft when they resist.
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Mishin A. Y., Kiryushin E. U., . ., Gurlov D. V. Microelectromechanicheskie sensors - based Compact Strapdown Inertial Navigation System. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 70 Performance analysis of an integrated strapdown INS based on MEMS sensors, and improving its accuracy by compensating instrumental errors are discussed. Development of mathematical models for computation of MEMS sensors` errors; system errors algorithmic compensation by use of the mathematical models described below; development of calibration procedures for MEMS sensors, laboratory testing of calibration procedures and estimation of the results obtained; MEMS-based strapdown INS testing, consisting of the following steps: laboratory temperature tests and field testing. In the process of carrying out ground tests of MEMS-based strapdown INS a number of short term trips were performed. Each trip included a stage of initial alignment on the fixed base and a stage of motion between two waypoints. An initial angle of azimuth orientation was laid by means of magnetic compass. Azimuthal orientation was corrected according to GPS receiver track data during movement. The dead reckoning error of the system under test was estimated by comparing its data with output of a reference strapdown INS integrated with GPS receiver.
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Kuzin A. U., Kurmakov D. V., Lukyanov A. V., Mikhailin D. A. Microelectromechanicheskie sensors - based Compact Strapdown Inertial Navigation System. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 70 Approaches to realization of the neural network (NN) regulator in the automatic control system (ACS) of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) are studied in the paper. UAV flight in the approach and landing modes affected by wind disturbance in the vertical plane is considered. The structure of the NN and modeling of NN regulator training results are presented.
After the deviation from the preselected altitude of flight becomes less than 10 m, the control law switches to the following one:
![]() where | ||||||||
Okorokova N. S., Pushkin K. V., Sevruk S. D., Suvorova E. V., Farmakovskaya A. A. A way of the Working Process Organization in Case of the Long-Term Operation of Power Plants with Aluminum Fuel for the Aerospace Industry. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 70 Aluminum based chemical power plants use oxygen as an oxidizer, and that is why they are called as the aluminium-air power plants (AA PP). An AA PP is an energy efficient one among the currently known chemical current sources (CCS) in consequence of the high density of energy output (720-2340 kJ/kg or 250-700 Wh/kg), and it trails only the oxygen-hydrogen (О2/Н2) fuel cells (FC) with cryogenic storage system and some CCS with the lithium anode.
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Anamova R. R., Ripetskiy A. V. Issues of the aviation radar systems designing automation. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 70 This paper focuses on waveguide layout in the ground-based large-sized phased antenna arrays. Automation of the waveguide transmission lines designing is considered. Subject of the research includes routing methods and algorithms and its application to the waveguide layout meeting radio and technological requirements. The main purpose of the research is to optimize waveguide layout and to decrease design and engineering time and costs.
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Tazetdinov R. G., Tverdokhleb A. A., Tibirin G. S. Ballistic stability of fabric armor package for airplane armored jacket. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 70 The article is devoted to creation of fabric armor package mathematical model, its calculations and experimental study of protective characteristics. The steel balls were chosen as simulator of destroying impact. Each layer of armor package was separately considered as a sphere during the supersonic hit period or as a combination between sphere and tore during the following period. Interaction between layers was defined by pressure and friction. The mathematical model allows to determine the number of punched fabrics layers depending on mass and velocity of the ball. Corresponding dependencies are given in the article. The slippage of the ball between threads and armor package overpunch was observed in preliminary tests. The placement of polymeric film in the package excluded the possibility of overpunch due to the slippage. The best results were obtained with the help of polyvinyl chloride film with thickness 0.5 mm placed between 25th and 26th layers of 30-layers package. The tests results concerning the number of punched layers mostly correspond to the calculations. | ||||||||
Nikulina E. N., Tarasova E. V. Direct material budgeting peculiarities for aviation enterprises. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 70 An important part of the budgeting system at the industrial enterprises is the budget for direct costs of basic materials. This budget reflects the need for basic materials and components for the production program, the size of the carry-over stocks of materials and costs of purchase of materials differentiated according to the months of the plan year. At the enterprises of aviation industry the formation of the budgets is associated with certain difficulties connected with a long production cycle and the unequal distribution of costs in stages of manufacturing. At the beginning of the production cycle, the need for basic materials is great. Then, at the stage of machining material costs are significantly reduced, as in the process of production auxiliary materials are mainly used. Another burst of need in the material, and hence the financial resources, is associated with the beginning of the build stage, especially Assembly facilities. This is because the production process involves expensive finished and semi-finished products, in particular various electronic equipment. The article presents an algorithm of calculation of norms of material consumption per product, differentiated according to the stages of the production cycle. The algorithm takes into account the lead in time of the launch of structural elements of the product related to the date of completion of final Assembly. The proposed technology allows substantiate the need for material and financial resources more accurately, which creates conditions for the timely implementation of production tasks and increases the effectiveness of working capital management of the enterprise. | ||||||||
Boiko A. A. The concept of strategic planning reproduction of fixed assets of space-rocket industry enterprises. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 70 This article describes the main features of fixed capital assets renewal, goals and algorithm steps strategy in natural and value forms. The results of the research can be applied in developing the methodology for strategic planning of space-rocket enterprises fixed capital assets’ renewal. The implementation of the proposed concept will allow to develop effective strategic plan of renewal the enterprise fixed capital assets production of, which in turn will create the conditions for optimizing the cost of fixed assets reproduction, improving reliability and durability of the equipment for the competitiveness growth and for the enterprise as a whole. | ||||||||
Sobolev L. B. Branch Innovative System (BIS) of the Russian aviation industry. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 70 Creation of the Russian national innovative system (NIS) while causes difficulties because of weakness of private business in innovative industries. However it is possible to begin with creation of the branch innovative systems (BIS) in aviation industry and electronic industry as the national security of the country depends on innovation of these industries in many respects. In the USA and other developed countries there are the state and state-private organizations carrying out coordination of research and development in aerospace industry and advising the military-political country leaders for decision-making. Besides, close cooperation between aerospace scientific centers, leading technical universities and aircraft manufacturing corporations is adjusted.
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Laznikov N. M., Zueva T. I. Application of a cost index of life cycle of an innovative product at the aircraft industry enterprise. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 70 Factors that form cost of the innovative product at different life-cycle stages were considered, also cost formation approach "from the developer and the manufacturer" was used, that is the "prime cost plus rate of return" model, as well as scopes of life cycle’s cost index were considered. The method of the system analysis and an assessment of products, and also method that allows calculating a cost index of life cycle in dynamic statement for the entire period of life cycle – the discounting method are used in the present article. Main results of the present work are the following. The factors that form cost of the innovative product at different stages of life cycle are considered The accounting items’ structure for calculation of life cycle’s components cost is given, and also the general principles of calculation and resultant model of calculation of the life cycle cost of the innovative product at the aircraft industry enterprise in dynamic statement, taking into account time factor are stated, approach "from the developer and the manufacturer" is considered. The main practical approaches to formation of cost of the innovative product on the aircraft enterprise only are considered in the present article. The offered concepts and methodology of calculation may be used while carrying out the feasibility study on creation of innovative products on the aircraft industry enterprises ( assessment of requirement for investments; assessment of competitiveness of new development; assessment of efficiency of new development; assessment of expediency and feasibility of the project of creation of the innovative product), and, further, taking into account specifics of specific objectives, can form a methodological basis when carrying out the feasibility study on innovative products and processes in engine-building. | ||||||||
Melik-Aslanova N. O. Analysis of the results of bond issues at aviation enterprises. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 70 Over the past decade enterprises of the aviation industry have successfully issued and placed corporate bonds. The experiment of issuing bonds dates back to 2002. Analysis of bond issues by enterprises of the aviation industry demonstrated that the market for bonds of enterprises from the aviation industry is developing. Enterprises prefer to issue bonds for no more than three years, thereby reducing costs on the bond issue and maturity date. The maturity date of each issuer differs and depends on the goals of the issue and intended use of the proceeds. The main goal of a bond issue is to raise funds to finance a company’s investments and core production activities, and also to repay credits taken out by the company and also by its subsidiaries and associates. Notwithstanding the difficult financial position of the issuers, they have effectively managed their debt commitments in respect of the bonds. The coupon yields on bonds of the aviation industry over the past three years considered here are at the level of 8.25%, which complies with the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The performance ratios of the bond issues of enterprises from the aviation industry are presented in a table in this article. All the bonds of the aviation enterprises were assigned a BB rating, which implies that investments in these bonds do not imply short-term risk. At the same time, there are significant uncertainties due to the issuer’s sensitivity to adverse business, financial and economic conditions | ||||||||
Krupenin A. M., Martirosov M. I. Numerical simulation of the behavior of a three-layer rectangular plate with vertical impact of liquid. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 69 Object: the object of the research is dynamic characteristics of the three-layer rectangular symmetric plate with isotropic filler. Topic: the research of impact interaction of a three-layer rectangular symmetric plate with isotropic filler of liquid. Aim: to examine the influence of various factors on the dynamic characteristics of a three-layer rectangular symmetric plate with isotropic filler at a vertical fall of the liquid. Researchmethod: dynamic characteristics of a three-layer rectangular symmetric plate with isotropic fillerinvestigated numerically in the software complex ANSYS AUTODYN, thus permitting the equations are equations of conservation of energy, momentum and mass. The solution is explicitsolver. The task is placed in the axisymmetric formulation of coherent, i.e. equations for plates and liquid are solved simultaneously. The obtained results are processed in software complexMathCad 14. Results: as a result of the work are obtained dynamic characteristics of a three-layer rectangular symmetric plate with isotropic filler when it hit the water with different initial velocity of interaction, taking into account the gravitational forces and without. The air gap between the plate and the liquid are not taken into account. Conclusions: the influence of gravitational forces depends on the initial velocity of the body, and the geometry of the model. When increasing the initial speed of interaction of the influence of gravitation on the dynamic characteristics of rapidly decreasing. On the considered section of the velocities of the initial interaction dependence of displacements, velocities, accelerations and stresses on the initial velocity of uniform. Maximum stresses appear in the first carrier layer of about 50 mm from the center of the plate (~1/5 a). Stresses in the fillera ten times less stress in the carrier layers, which allows to use more light and less durable materials. Maximum stresses in the second carrier layer a half times less than the maximum stress in the first, that allows to make in the construction of asymmetry in thickness. | ||||||||
Rei Juhnbum . . Vibrations calculation of compound shells of revolution with circular frames by finite element method. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 69 Axisymmetric (n = 0) and non-axisymmetric (n = 1,2,...) vibrations of compound elastic orthotropic shells of revolution with ring frames are considered (n is the number of sine or cosine waves in the circumferential direction). The preliminary axisymmetric stress-strain state of the shell is taken into account. The deformation model of the shell is based on the Kirchhoff-Love hypothesis. The dimensions of the frame cross sections are considered like small in comparison with their radii. The eccentricities of the frame connections with the shells are taken into account. The ring frames with arbitrary solid cross sections which are assumed non-deformable are considered as curvilinear rods undergoing to tension-compression, bending in the two planes and torsion. The thin-walled frames with the arbitrary open or closed deformable cross section contours are considered as shells of revolution. The finite element method (FEM) is used to calculate vibrations of a compound axisymmetric structure. The finite elements (FE) of the shells and thin-walled frames are considered as narrow ring conical belts. In the limits of the belt width the meridional and circumferential displacements are approximated by two-term linear functions and the normal displacement is approximated by four-term cubic polynomial. The shell of revolution poles are replaced by the circular plates or orifices with sufficiently small radius. The amplitude values of the axial, radial and circumferential displacements as well as meridional angles of rotation for n-th harmonic on the FE junction circles and on the ring reference circles are considered as generalized coordinates. The equations of vibrations of the system in generalized coordinates are obtained by the Lagrange method taking into account the junction conditions between the rings and FE as well as the fixation conditions. Afterwards for practical calculations the obtained equations are transformed to uncoupled equations in the normal coordinates which represent to the motions for the normal modes of the system. The developed by FEM algorithm is sufficiently general and can be used for calculation of vibrations of compound systems of arbitrary orthotropic shells of revolution with variable along the meridian thickness and with different ring frames. All coefficients of rigidity and inertia matrices of the FE and rings are written in formulas. As an example free axisymmetric vibrations of a cylindrical shell fixed at the upper and connected at the lower via an elastic ring with a spherical shell with an attached massive load are considered. Calculations of the mode frequencies are fulfilled for two variants of the connecting ring with the same area but different shape of the cross section. | ||||||||
Kudimov N. F., Safronov A. V., Tretiyakova O. N. Experimental study on multiple turbulent supersonic impinging jets . Trudy MAI, 2013, no 69 Supersonic impinging jet presents practical interest for land development of rocket launch gasdynamic. The multiple supersonic turbulent jets of rocket engines are extremely important for land development, especially because of the fact that there are no experimental data for this kind of flow. The typical cases of interaction between single jets and a barrier are considered in works [1-3], but tasks on interaction between multiple jets and barriers are still under-investigated whereas they are essential during the technical issues solution. Some of these tasks are considered in [4,5]. With respect to distance between nozzles and barrier there are complex three dimensional turbulent flows with subsonic and supersonic flows areas, rarefaction waves, shock and viscous-inviscid interaction in turbulent mixing layer. This paper presents wall surface pressure distribution at various distances from nozzles to the barrier. Analysis findings of experimental data can be applied during the development of rockets with multiple configuration nozzles. The obtained data can be used for the verification of calculation programs for determination of multiple jets gas-dynamic impact on various configurations. | ||||||||
Kotel'nikov V. A., Kotelnikov M. V., Nguyen Xuan Thau . . Mathematical Modeling of Disturbed Zone Near the Plane Electrode Streamlined by a Rarefied Plasma Flow. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 69 Plane electrode can be considered as an element of the surface of a satellite moving in the ionospheric plasma. It can be in front of the satellite, in which case the velocity vector is perpendicular to the plasma flux incident onto the surface thereof. If the plane electrode is disposed on the side surface of the satellite, the velocity vector of the plasma flow is parallel to its surface. A mathematical model of the problem in both cases involves the kinetic Vlasov equations for ion and electron distribution functions and the Poisson equation for the self-consistent electric field. Maxwell distribution with appropriate values of directed velocities is used as the initial and boundary conditions for the distribution functions. The electrode surface potential is considered as given, while at the outer boundary of the computational domain the potential is assumed to be zero. If the electrode is represented as an elongated rectangle, the problem is formulated in a four-dimensional phase space. Thus, the problem is time-dependent, multi-dimensional and multi-parameter. A numerical method of successive iterations in time is used to solve the problem. Kinetic equations are solved by the method of characteristics or the Davydov method of large particles, and the Poisson equation is solved by spectral methods. The computational algorithm is optimized and adapted for the computer of Pentium type with medium processing power. Distribution functions for ions (IDF) and electrons (EDF) for two mentioned cases were obtained as a result of numerical modeling. The self-consistent electric field isolines were obtained also. With the known IDF and EDF, their moments were calculated. The presented velocity profiles of charged particles allow qualitative assessment for the end and edge effects that influence the distributions of ion and electron current densities over the plate in a complicated and non-linear way. | ||||||||
Blinkov Y. A., Ivanov S. V., Mogilevich L. I. Modeling of Deformation Waves in Physically Non-linear Shell, Containing Viscous Incompressible Liquid. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 69 The coupled hydroelasticity problem formulation: the dynamic equations for the both geometrically and physically nonlinear elastic shell, the equations of dynamics of the viscous incompressible liquid being inside a cylindrical shell, and its boundary conditions has been considered. The equation for non-linear deformation waves in shell has been derived by the use of methods of solution for the mentioned hydroelasticity problem. The used asymptotic transition to the classical equation of hydrodynamic lubrication theory becomes possible when the radius of the shell midsurface is significantly smaller than the deformation wave length. The obtained equation has been solved as the generalized and modified Korteweg-de Vries equation including the term corresponding to the liquid impact inside the shell. In the absence of the liquid the equation has a known exact solution which can be considered as an initial condition for the numerical solution of the new equation. The numerical solution of the Cauchy problem for the new equation considering the effect of the liquid media to the shell dynamics is shown. The formulation of the difference scheme is based on the construction of the predetermined system of differential equations derived from the integral approximation of conservation laws and the integral relations connecting the unknown functions and their derivatives. As a result, the difference scheme is defined as the condition for the compatibility of the system and automatically secures the fulfillment of the integral conservation laws in the domains composed form the basic finite volumes. The presence of liquid inside the shell results a substantial change of longitudinal deformation waves propagation. If there is no liquid in the shell, a solitary wave (soliton) moves retaining its original shape and velocity. The presence of the liquid in the shell with the Poisson ratio less than one-half results the exponential increase of the wave amplitude under and to the absence of wave oscillations at the forefront due to the energy dissipation. In the absence of energy dissipation the oscillations would occur at the leading edge of the wave. Thus, it can be stated that the liquid contributes to a constant extra “feeding” energy (the original source of excitation), providing for the amplitude growth. Consequently, the use of these models allows one a widening of experimental data analysis possibilities for various principally non-linear systems: fuel supply, cooling, blood and lymph stream pulsating waves etc. | ||||||||
Vu Viet Trung . . Estimation of Earth orientation parameters in the problem of coordinate-time supporting for navigation satellites. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 69 Development and modeling algorithm to compute the ephemeris prediction, which accounting the Earth rotation parameters in the problem of coordinate-time supporting for navigation satellites. In order to improve the accuracy of navigation tasks was developed algorithm with the Earth rotation parameters, which are in the differential equations of the orbital motion of the satellite and the matrix of transition from terrestrial to celestial coordinate system and vice versa. Theoretical modeling of the vibrational-rotational motion of the deformable Earth, appropriate observations and measurements are carried out by using the approximate methods of nonlinear mechanics, combining with numerical experiment. Oscillating process is described by model of the Earth’s pole, which is based on the considering gravitational-tidal torques from the Sun and the Moon. In implementing the transition from terrestrial to celestial coordinate system has been used numerical methods of the celestial mechanics for the calculation precession and nutation parameters, which are recommended by the International Astronomical Union (IAU). Modeling the orbital motion of the navigation satellites was simulated on the basis of the constructed algorithm in inside revolution time interval within the models of Earth’s rotation parameters, which are adequate observations and measurements IERS and accepted theory of nutation IAU. The results of modeling is shown that the mathematical models used EOP (Earth's poles oscillating process and irregular rotation of the Earth) and the developed algorithms with their directly accounting on the basis of IERS, to extend the time interval and increase the prediction accuracy of the satellite ephemeris. The developed algorithm for computing the prediction ephemeris within the Earth rotation parameters can be applied to solve the problems of coordinate-time supporting for navigation satellite and other tasks that associated with the movement of the satellites in medium and geostationary orbits. The implementation of the transition from terrestrial to celestial coordinate system with the forecasting ability not only solves the problems, which are associated with the orbital motion of the satellite, but also series of important geophysical, geodetic, astronomical and other tasks. | ||||||||
Zherebin A. M., Toporov B. P., Gorlov V. M. Methodological Foudations of Aviation Complex External Design. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 69 The paper focuses on pre-design of Complex Aviation Systems (CAS) as the initial stage in the process of creation (modernization, modification) of aircraft with different missions. This is the stage whenfunctional-and-technicalidea (requirements and possibility of creation)and concept of the CAS within the country's aviation areshaped and proved. This is also whenthe rational main performance and parametersas well as the type of the created CASaredetermined.Pre-design stage defines themodes of CAS rational operationand ways of itsinteraction with other systems and complexes, which are involved in the process of CAS creation and operation duringmission fulfillment. The topic of the paper are the main methodological approaches and methods of solving the key pre-design problems: the problem of CAS synthesis (CAS fleet structure), which consists in determining the rational values of main CASperformanceand parameters (i.e. the performance and parameters that have the greatest influence on CAS mission effectiveness and cost)according to the adopted objective function; and the fleet-type problem, which consists indetermination of qualitative and quantitative composition of the CAS fleet structure under the requirement that this fleet should be able to successfully carry out the whole set of the missions allocated for aviation with the considered purpose. The paper seeks to improve theeffectiveness and justifiability of the decisions madeduring pre-design via the use of scientifically proven methodology ofthe solution of main design problems. The paper proposes to simultaneously solvethe problem of rational CAS fleet structure optimization in terms of quantity and type nomenclature together with the problem of optimization of the main performance andparameters of each type ofCASwithin this fleet as a two-level iterative optimization procedure. The first level of this procedure provides fora consecutive solution of two optimization problems: the problem of CAS synthesis for the given set of missions, which are assigned to the fleet and should be carried out by it; and the fleet-type optimization problem, which determines the fleet structureand the distribution of missions among the different CAS types. The second level (cycle) of the iteration procedure is determined by the correction of the given multitude of missions according to the optimization results obtained at the first level. The problem of CAS synthesis that is solved at the first level of the iterative cycle is a classical calculus of variations large-scale problem. A decomposition method is used to reduce the length of the control vector. At that structural CAS decomposition is coupled together with the operational decomposition, which aims at selecting main performance and parameters of the CAS subsystems at the lowest possible levels of the operation hierarchy that are described by simpler operation models. The created hierarchical system of operation models is used during the process of pre-design for the evaluation of the CAS mission effectiveness. At that the method of reversed invariant standard etalon creation is used forproviding solvability of the problems of selection of optimum ways of the CAS operation, which are especially complex at the upper levels of the operation hierarchy. Thismethod allows making unequivocal reverse transition from the reference (etalon) phase coordinates of the operation process to natural ones. The work resulted in the development of methodological approaches and methodsfor the solution of problems of synthesis and fleet-type structure optimization of CAS, which are intended for carrying out given missions during a conflict under the conditions of uncertainty. At that the missions themselves and the conditions, under which they must be carried out,can change during the considered planning period of time. The paper describes the above mentioned methodological approaches and methods for the solution of the problems of CAS synthesis and fleet-type structure optimization. These methods allow substantiating the rational values of the main performance and parameters of advanced types of CAS. This justification essentiallymakes up the initial information, which is necessary tostart the design and development of these CAS. This initial information should be adduced in the request for proposal forCASconcept projects. Besides,thecreated methods allow developingversions of rational CAS fleet structurefor various values of the initial dataduringa short period of time.Such development can be carried out for the cases when the accurate forecast of the initial datafor the planned period of timegives only an interval estimate orisessentially impossible to make. The development of such versions of rational fleetsgives the necessary baseline for advanced planning of the creation and production of CAS. | ||||||||
Nyi N. H., Kyaw H. -., Markin L. V. The study of algorithms using receptor geometric model in the problems of physical route tracing in aviation technology. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 69 The subject of this research paper is the development of the mathematical methods and software of computer-aided design for aviation technology. We consider the computer-aided design system for connecting the routes between already placed objects, particularly electrical wiring, pneumatic and drainage systems, hydraulic systems; this problem seems to be more difficult that the development of the systems of automated arrangement of airplane’s technical compartment. The dimensions of the routes between already placed objects, the objects dimensions, and the minimal radii of curvatures can be compared and they must be variable; this is the main peculiarity of the considered problem. The use of the discrete grid-based method based on the receptor geometric model which simulates the basis designs of the routes in layout space for the design algorithm is proposed. Advantages and disadvantages of the use of the receptor geometric models were also described in the presented paper. Thus, the advantage of the proposed method is the possibility of an effective direction search at each step of the route design, and its ability to determine the intersection of the projected route with the pre-composed objects. The drawback of this method is an inability to secure the smoothness of the projected track, and its high requirements to the computational power. However, the computational power of modern computers provides a practical implementation of this method. The main obtained result consists in the development of the simulation software in C# and testing of routing algorithm between already placed objects. The possibility of the algorithm to find effective obstacle avoidance (as already arranged objects) is shown and more options are available to smooth the path to reach the required minimum radii of curvature. Due to the new data structure of algorithm in improvement for speed compared to traditional routing solution with discrete-tracing algorithm A* (A-star), new algorithm is about 1300 times faster than the classic A* and approximately 15% more effective compared to using the most effective modifications of A* algorithm by Masatomo Kanehara. The scope of application of the obtained results is the computer-aided design system for aircrafts and other transport systems, i.e. technical objects with a high density layout. However, an additional difficulty of wide practical application of this method is the need to develop a transition module for the conversion of geometric parametric models used by designers and specified in drawings in a geometric model of the receptor (in fact, intra-machine), and need to use back and forth. As a result of the investigations, the possibility of the use of a method of computer-aided design of the connecting lines of a given size and minimum radii of curvature of the objects is shown; a relatively short computation time is need (few minutes). The essential difference between the existing algorithms and proposed one is the ability to modify the size and length of the tracks directly in computation process. Another features and applications of the algorithm is beyond the scope of this article (e.g. related research - Masatomo Kanehara algorithm - was created to design the route obstacle avoidance robot manipulator). | ||||||||
Ignatkin Y. M., Makeev P. V., Shomov A. I. Computational modeling of aerodynamic interference of helicopter main and tail rotor at horizontal flight mode with a sideslip. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 69 The paper is focused on the problems of providing flight safety for a single-rotor helicopter at special flight modes. At these modes the tail rotor can be exposed to some conditions, under which its aerodynamic characteristics change drastically. Herewith in case of tail rotor thrust decay its effectiveness as a control unit decreases. This can lead to loss of directional trim of the helicopter, its uncontrolled rotation and crash. The paper aims at carrying out the computational study of main and tail rotor interference during low-speed horizontal flight with sideslip. The research was carried out by using the specially created software, which is based on the non-linear rotor vortical blade model developed at the “Helicopter Design” Department of MAI. The research was carried out for a calculation model of a combination of main and tail rotor of Mi-2 helicopter. The case of horizontal flight with angle of attack of main rotor αн = 0º and flight speed V = 10 mps was modeled during the research. The helicopter sideslip angles within the range of βн = -90…90º with pitch 10º were considered. The shape of the free vortical wake of main and tail rotors was built for the mentioned above modes with and without taking into account interference. Diagrams of induced velocities of the main rotor vortical wake in the area of tail rotor location were constructed. Reasons of interference effect emergence were analyzed and its influence on aerodynamic characteristics of the tail rotor was estimated. As a result of the research it was established that main and tail rotor interference develops to a large degree at the considered flight modes. At that the interference is determined by the vortex wake structure of the main rotor, which forms two secondary vortex cores at horizontal flight modes, and the location of the mentioned vortex cores relative to the tail rotor. It was shown that the severity of exposure of the tail rotor to main rotor influence depends on the operation mode and rotation direction of the tail rotor. The research results show that the decrease of tail rotor thrust due to interference reaches its maximum of 26 % compared to the thrust of the isolated tail rotor at βн = -50. It was established that the counterclockwise direction of tail rotor rotation (upper blade moves backwards) is optimal in terms of influence of interference on its thrust. The research results can be used for estimating and choosing the optimal direction of tail rotor rotation and determining directional control and stability margins during design and modernization of helicopters. | ||||||||
Ignatkin Y. M., Makeev P. V., Shomov A. I. Computational modeling of aerodynamic interference of helicopter main and tail rotor during vertical descent, including vortex ring state of the main rotor. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 69 The paper is focused on the problems of providing flight safety for a single-rotor helicopter at special flight modes. At these modes the tail rotor can be exposed to some conditions, under which its aerodynamic characteristics change drastically. In case of tail rotor thrust decay its effectiveness as a control unit decreases. This can lead to loss of directional trim of the helicopter, its uncontrolled rotation and crash. The paper aims to carry out the computational study of main and tail rotor interference during vertical descent of the helicopter, including the range of vortex ring states of the main rotor. The research was carried out by using the specially created software, which is based on the non-linear rotor vortical blade model developed at the “Helicopter Design” Department of MAI. The research was carried out for a calculation model of main and tail rotor combination of Mi-2 helicopter. The case of horizontal flight with angle of attack of main rotor αн = 0º and flight speed V = 10 mps was modeled during the research. The descent with the range of speeds Vу = 0…15 mps for angle of attack of main rotor αн =0º was considered. The shape of the free vortical wake of main and tail rotors was built for the mentioned above modes with and without taking into account interference. Diagrams of induced velocities of main rotor vortical wake in the area of tail rotor location were constructed. Reasons of interference effect emergence were analyzed and its influence on tail rotor aerodynamic characteristics was estimated. As a result of the research it was established that main and tail rotor interference develops to a large degree at vortex ring state mode of the main helicopter rotor. At that the interference is determined by vortex wake structure of the main rotor and its location relative to the tail rotor. In addition the severity of exposure of the tail rotor to main rotor influence depends on the operation mode and rotation direction of the tail rotor. The research results show that the decrease of tail rotor thrust due to interference reaches its maximum of 26 % compared to the trust of the isolated tail rotor at Vy = 6 mps. At that the main rotor works in a mode of intensive vortex ring state and the tail rotor ends up in the core of the main rotor vortex ring and gets exposed to heavy influence of its inductive velocities field. The research results can be used for estimating and choosing optimal direction of tail rotor rotation and determining directional control margin during design and modernization of helicopters. | ||||||||
Kuporosova E. S., Milehin L. N., Maksimov E. Y. The comparative analysis of the shock-absorbing suspensions of payload on the movable platforms. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 69 An oscillate-base shock-absorbing suspension of the payload on the oscillate platform. Determination of the most optimal construction scheme for shock-absorbing suspensions of the payload on the oscillate platform. The mechanical movement model of the suspensions systems was developed by Lagrangian approach. The frequency-response characteristics of the models were researched by using the transfer functions. The disturbance motion of the shock-absorbing suspensions was simulated with the polyharmonic vibrations of the platform. The operation quality parameters of the different suspension schemes are detected: 1) value of the amplitude-frequency characteristics; 2) root-mean-square error vertical coordinate for the shock-absorption object. 3) effectiveness factor of the vibration protection equal to ratio low bound of the frequency spacing of vibration to natural frequency of the shock absorption object. This paper describes the different schemes developing of shock-absorbing suspensions of the payload with the oscillate platform. The best model parameters were reached for the three-stage scheme. This scheme has a following structure: shock-absorption object– intermediate frame (rubber cords), intermediate frame – support (rubber cords), support - platform (shock absorbers). | ||||||||
Vu Viet Trung . . Forecasting the disturbed polar motion of the Earth within a short time interval. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 69 Modeling the fundamental components of the Earth’s rotation parameters for solving navigation problems. Develop a few-parameters model for forecasting the movement trajectory of Earth's pole within short time intervals for some navigation problems. Theoretical modeling of the vibrational-rotational motion of the deformable Earth, appropriate observations and measurements are carried out by using the approximate methods of nonlinear mechanics, combining with numerical experiment. Oscillating process described by model of the Earth's pole is based on the considering gravitational-tidal torques from the Sun and the Moon. The numerical simulation for the model is made, providing a set of basic functions and the estimation of the unknown coefficients. The calculations were carried out by setting up the filtering algorithm of the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service's (IERS) data observations with the least squares method. The length of interpolation's interval, or in the other words the number of the measurements processed, depends on the total estimation’s error for the given set of based functions in attempt to minimize the error. Using the mathematical model of the Earth's polar motion, which is constructed by applying celestial mechanics’ methods, an interpolation and forecast of the trajectory of the Earth’s pole are obtained. Intervals of interpolation vary between 30 and 60 days and forecast based on such interpolations is made for short time intervals, from 15 to 40 days. The comparison between the constructed model for different time intervals and the IERS-provided observations is made. The value of the standard deviation of the theoretical curve from the experimental one, obtained by using IERS data observations during the respective time intervals of the filtering algorithm, the interval settings, proves the sufficient accuracy of the constructed model. When being placed into the real environment with the up-to-date IERS observations’ data the higher accuracy for the short-term forecast is achieved by taking into an account structural properties of the few-parameters model. One of the main perspective applications of the mathematical models of the Earth’s motion is to improve the orbital-rotating parameters of a flyby because for the modern the space technology and telecommunication systems the accuracy of the coordinate-time support is of a great importance. The forecast of the fundamental components of Earth’s rotation parameters at a short time interval (up to 40 days) allows much more accurate estimation of the parameters of the satellite's orbit, which in turn provides a significant increase of the accuracy of the forecast of satellites’ ephemeris calculated for the following days. | ||||||||
Rebrov S. G., Golikov A. N., Golubev V. A., Molchanov A. M., Yakhina G. R. Numerical Simulation of Mixing Process in Combustion Chamber for Laser Ignition with Hydrogen-Oxygen and Methane-Oxygen Propellants. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 69 The object of the article is a research of the mixing process in the simulated combustion chamber with laser ignition for hydrogen-oxygen and methane-oxygen propellants. The goal of this work was to confirm location of the initiation ignition zones and work conditions of the laser in experimental researches of the laser ignition system with hydrogen-oxygen and methane-oxygen propellants in the combustion chamber by the use of numerical simulation. For validation of the choice of ignition zones, which were used in the experiments, the numerical simulation of the mixing process in the combustion chamber and analyses of mixture ratio before the laser cut in were conducted. ANSYS ICEM CFD was used for creating mesh model and ANSYS CFX was used for the fluid dynamic simulation. The cyclic sector of sixty degrees with symmetry condition was created. This decrease calculation time and computational capability of simulation process. The grid model consists of 547618 elements and 579059 nodes. The steady-state and transient problems were simulated. The solution of the steady-state problem shows the mixture parameters in stabilized conditions. The transient problem is useful for more detailed study of mixing process, when the components start to flow in the combustion chamber. The results of the experimental researches are data on mixture ratio in focusing points of laser beam for hydrogen-oxygen and methane-oxygen propellants. According to the results a reliable ignition was achieved by initiating spark optical breakdown in the areas with excess oxidant ratio α = 0,4..0,5 and α = 0,75 for hydrogen-oxygen mixture and α = 0,3 and α = 0,6 for methane-oxygen mixture. The results of the transient problem confirm the conclusion of experimental researches that the simultaneous fuel-feed and laser cut-in (regime 20Hz) provide “smooth” ignition without overpressure in the combustion chamber. The researches confirm reliability of the laser ignition. It may be used in a full-scale rocket engine and in a gasifier of different purpose. Thus, this work demonstrate that the results of numerical simulation of the propellant mixing process can be used for prediction of optimized focusing zones in a liquid rocket engine, which allows to ignite the propellant mixture with a minimum pulse energy. | ||||||||
Vazhenin N. A. Simulation of Electromagnetic Radiation of Stationary Plasma Thrusters. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 69 According to recent studies of the thin time structure of stationary plasma thruster (SPT) radiation, in addition to a purely thermal component this stochastic process contains a non-thermal one representing stochastic sequence of radio pulses with complicated internal structure. This radiation represents interference for the space communication systems. The purpose of this paper is to discuss development and investigation of simulation models of the SPT non-thermal interference electromagnetic radiation. In view of considerable mathematical complexities related to the adequate description of pulse interference and to the application of analytical methods of interference immunity investigation for various algorithms of reception, the development of simulation computer models for SPT radiation is of great practical and theoretical interest. The specialized program complex has been developed for simulation modeling of SPT impulse electromagnetic radiation, allowing generating a random sequence of complex pulse signals with the given statistical characteristics. The program complex developed on the basis of a complex envelope method allows generation of random sequence of radio pulses having the given distribution laws of amplitude characteristics, repetition intervals, duration, the given form of an envelope, duration and carrier frequency for each pulse. The developed model of SPT radiation showed good agreement with test measurements of SPT radiation, and can be used for modeling and prototyping algorithms of signal procession in space communication systems. This study provides a starting-point for further forming simulation models of stationary plasma thruster radiation. The results obtained can be used to analyze the effects of stationary plasma thruster radiation on the operation of space radio communication systems. | ||||||||
Ageyeva N. G. Actual changes in the organization and management of aviation systems design. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 69 Changes in organization and management of aviation systems design are connected with the need of transition of the design organizations to a new stage of development. At the entry into the world market it is desired not only to update and modernize the administrative system but also to change the process of life cycle of researches and developments in organization of the interaction between the organization and external of new products and technologies. Widely spread is a universal tendency to manage such interactions on the basis of the open innovations concept. This requires development of adequate tools for organization and management of domestic aviation systems design with sufficient organizational, financial and spatial flexibility.
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Davydov A. V., Degtiarev S. A., Ivanov A. V., Leontiev M. K. Modeling and analysis of dynamic characteristics of turbopumps with annular seals. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 69 Annular seals in turbopumps influence their rotor dynamics significantly. They cause rotor autorotation and may result in the stability loss. The results of modeling for the rotor with hydrodynamic seal in the Dynamics R4 program system environment and their analysis are presented in this paper. Rotor of the hydrogen turbopump on two supports was the subject of our study. Double deep-annular bearings were used in the supports. Circular vane-type dry-friction damper supports were placed between the case and the bearing outer rings. Tightness of the air-gas turbine and impellers may be provided by annular seals of different types including those with floating rings. Finite elements being the parts of the program library, such as the rod beam elements, inertia elements, elastic and rigid links, etc., were used for the rotor modeling. Every rotor component was simulated separately and was included into the complete rotor model as a separate subsystem. Links simulating junctions and fits in the rotor and its supporting units were specified between the subsystems. The bearings were loaded by axial forces. The analysis was carried out in linearized and nonlinear statement. Linearized statement may be used only for typical annular seals or if friction forces stop a seal ring. Stiffness coefficients Kxx, K xy and damping ones C xx, C xy were calculated using the procedure developed by Childs for an annular seal. Such coefficients are the functions of seal geometry, rotor speed, liquid properties, and differential pressure. They are defined for the central shaft position in clearance and are used for the analysis in the linearized statement. In nonlinear analysis it is supposed that the ring has inertia, and it is affected by hydrodynamic and friction forces. With such statement, solution is found by direct integration of the rotor system motion equation with the determination of a seal reaction on the rotor and the ring at every integration step. To define the seal reaction, the algorithm, that allows determination of the annular seal hydrodynamic force with consideration of the rotor motion and tracing such force influence on the rotor and ring dynamics, was developed. It is shown that sometimes hydrodynamic force appearing in seals may exceed the rings friction, and they start moving, changing the rotor dynamic characteristics. | ||||||||
Кalugina G. A. Marketing research of aviation industrial companies in aircraft family definition. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 69 Aircraft production industry is a very knowledge-intensive sector. Its effective operation is very essential for provision of government social-economical development. In the conditions of competitive market, such as Russian and world market of civil aircraft, the necessary condition for obtaining commercial success is an increasing of competitiveness of civil aerotechnics, that depends on variety of parameters: aircraft performance and operation characteristics, reliability, safety, economical characteristics, comfort and ease of maintenance, standardization and certification, additional services and guaranties. Along with above mention there is a factor “aircraft family” that has influence on appeal of product proposal of aircraft production companies. Marketing research plays an important role while definition of directions of aircraft family development. It is reasonable to you strategic analysis instruments for generalization of results of market and production resources analisys. Therefore the subject of the article is definition of a role and possibilities of marketing research and marketing analysis in elaboration of strategic alternatives of product offering development of aircraft-production enterprise. In consideration of the premises the theme of the article – marketing research of aircraft production enterprises aircraft family elaboration. The objective of the work is to determine the civil passenger aircraft competitiveness increasing directions on internal and on the world market. The method of the work is system analysis of internal and external environment while strategic decision making and complex estimation of market potential of variants, competitive environment perspectives changes, construction technological and operation characteristics of the current variants. This provides to select the most efficient aircraft family development variant taking into account a degree of creation possibility and influence intensity of above mentioned factors. The results of the work are showed by the example of feasibility evaluation of SukhoiSuperjet 100 aircraft family development variant by Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company. The example characterize a result aria use, that could be determined as plans feasibility increasing of aircraft production company. On the basis above mentioned it is possible to make a conclusion that company internal and external environment marketing research plays a key role as well as a proper interpretation of research results made with strategic analysis methods, during definition of aircraft production company output program. | ||||||||
Volkov A. A., Mishchenko V. Y. Test method for determination of individual components of volumetric losses in power supply units. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 69 The paper adduces a method of determination of individual components of power losses in power supply units of hydraulic systems. Determination of individual components of volumetric and mechanical losses in hydraulic pumps of power supply units allows to define the following: the temperature conditions of the hydraulic machine; loads acting on the structural elements, many of which (piston bearings, a flat fixed valve, a face seal) are essentially hydrostatic bearings. Besides such determination allows to select the right structure of the pressure and consumption unloading system, which leads to reduction of some individual components of the losses. The paper presents a mathematical model of the hydraulic machine efficiency depending on dimensionless groups, which describe its mode of operation as well as structural and technological quality of its implementation. These groups include coefficients of working fluid leakages, dry and fluid friction coefficients. Coefficients of similarity of operation modes of the hydraulic machine depend on the statistical coefficients of individual types of losses, which can be defined on the basis of experimental research of various types of pumps. The defined above dimensionless groups and their connection to the quality parameters (leakage and friction coefficients) indicate the areas of optimum operation of power supply units and hydraulic machines. Experimental research, which is connected to volumetric losses via the pump control mechanism, was conducted. Pressure fluctuations in the pressure pump line, overpressure upon activation of hydraulic power consumers and service life of the pump depend on the performance capability of this pump control mechanism. The operation of the pressure and consumption unloading system leads to the change of the control system configuration. A transition from the differential throttle control system to the direct acting regulator and vice versa takes place. This transition is accompanied by the change of loadings on the feeder control unit and change of the components of the volumetric losses, the value of which should be determined for the specified operation modes. The results of the research can be used for the design of power supply units with pressure and consumption unloading. The application of the proposed method results in significant reduction of heat emission both in power supply unit and in the whole system. This in turn reduces the weight of the heat-exchanger devices respectively. | ||||||||
Savchenko D. I. Algorithms of the associated targets numbering problem in information and control systems. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 69 The increasing of the efficiency of situation coverage in the information and control systems of various carriers is achieved by solving the task of association target data fed by all information sources. But for all that two results of this method sequential applications could be different, e.g. in consequences of mistaken decisions about associations. In condition of associated targets data being changed appears a need in maintenance of targets data identifiers (numbers), trying to keep them stable with the time. The purpose of the work is to specify and analyze the requirements of the problem of the associated targets numbering in the information and control systems of various carriers, and create the algorithms that would solve the assigned task. The method of system analysis and the method of formalization with set theory applied were used as the main instruments in the performed work. The main results of the work are: a) a specification of the requirements for getting a stable associated targets numbering system, for the easing of the situation estimation by an operator and ensuring tasks solution regularity in the information and control systems; b) a combination of algorithms of the numbering task solution has been proposed, that satisfies original requirements. The main algorithm to solve a problem of associated targets numbering has a linear complexity relative to amount of targets. Other algorithms have a linear complexity relative to amount of the sources or constant complexity. The offered algorithms could be used in the information and control systems that need to process and associate the targets data, fed by the several sources, including the control systems of surface ships and vessels. Offered requirements and algorithms are generic and could be used in many different information and control systems. For a given control system some requirements could be precised or reduced with an opportunity to simplify applied algorithm. | ||||||||
Opryshko N. V., Opryshko Y. V., Ruban N. V. Dynamic model to calculate operating costs of passenger aircraft. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 69 One of the main indicators of competitiveness of an air carrier is the low cost of airline tickets subject to compliance with safety and comfort standards. An aircraft corporation, which is be able to offer the cheapest aircraft to operate, can force the competitors out of the market and strengthen its position in the global market of civil aircraft. The cost per flight-hour is the criterion that takes basic operating costs of the using a passenger aircraft (airport charges, ownership, fuel per flight-hour, flight crew and cabin crew, aircraft maintenance) into account. This criterion does not consider the time factor, and this can lead to unacceptable errors in the comparison of aircrafts with different flight technical and economic characteristics. Research objective is creating a dynamic model to calculate the cost per flight-hour passenger aircraft, taking a time factor and variability of environment into account. We use methods of forecasting and time discount. To calculate the hourly cost of aircraft ownership, we have to divide the amount of discounted lease payments of wet leasing into aircraft cumulative life; the received sum will reflect the hourly cost of aircraft carrier ownership. If the lease agreement provides that the lessee bears the operating costs, it is necessary to divide labor-intensive characteristic of regular service with the annual indexation and target price of materials for repair, given the current moment of discounting cash flow, into the frequency of the work performance. The cost of the flight crew including stewards is offered for calculation as a sum of wages and insurance contributions, indexed with allowances made for inflation and modified to current point in time, divided by the cumulative life of aircraft in hours. To calculate cost of aviation fuel per flight-hour we have to determine the average cost of 1 ton of fuel for the entire statutory service life of the aircraft and bring it to the current point in time. The calculated expected average cost of fuel inclusive of the dynamics of change in the price will reflect the actual cost of fuel over the operating life of the aircraft. For the distribution of airport charges per flight-hour, we propose to multiply the amount of expenses tо ensure takeoff and landing by the statistical or normative number of takeoffs and landings and divide into the cumulative life of aircraft in hours. The suggested model is focused primarily on airline executives to support decision making in choosing the aircraft. However, the use of this model will allow managers of Aircraft Corporation to assess the real competitiveness of aircraft manufactured by the corporation and looking for methods and ways to improve it. Resulting from the use of this model of the flight-hour cost is probabilistic in nature and has a certain level of uncertainty associated with projected value of indicators which are used in the model. However the accuracy of cost accounting in this case would be much higher than using a fixed value of cost of flight-hour. | ||||||||
Savchenko D. I. The increase of the probabilistic characteristics of the target information association by means of accumulation of made decisions. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 69 The association of targets data fed by few information sources is an effective way to increase comprehensiveness and reliability of the covering situation in the information and control systems of various carriers. In the real systems the association task is being solved regularly, what gives an opportunity to increase the probability of making correct decisions using accumulation and taking into account previous association results. The purpose of the research is to develop a decision rule and an algorithm meant to increase probabilistic characteristics of target data association from two information sources with the help of accumulation and taking into account the decisions made in previous invocations of the task. A graph theory and combinatorial optimization were used in the work. The decision rule is made by the generalization of the majoritarian decision rule, and the algorithm is made by the reduction to the Assignment problem. Mathematical modeling and simulation were used to check correctness of the proposed approach. The main results of the work are the decision rule and the algorithm meant to increase the probabilistic characteristics of the target information association. The complexity of the algorithm is polynomial and it is the most efficient algorithm compared to other known analogues. Modeling and simulations with experimental data have proved the increasing of the probabilistic characteristics. Particularly the usage of the proposed algorithm for conditions described in the paper resulted in the same probabilities of correct decisions in situations where the distances between targets have been reduced in 1.2 times. In the great number of being upgraded and developed information and control systems of various carriers the association of targets data fed by several sources task is solved by reduction for the number of solving the task association of data fed by two sources. In this way proposed algorithms could be used in the real information and control systems, where the processing and association of the targets data fed by the several sources tasks are being solved, including the systems of surface ships and vessels. The proposed approach allows increasing the probabilistic characteristics of target information association without increasing complexity of the association algorithm, which consequence in the increase of the efficiency of the situation coverage and solving of the typical tasks for given information and control systems. It means that described approach could be useful in practice. | ||||||||
Yampol'skii S. M., Golovin V. Y. Pressing questions of automation of delivery of supplies for aircraft after-sales service. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 69 The research is to provide the delivery of supplies for aircraft after-sales service. | ||||||||
Zhuk A. Z., Ilyukhina A. V., Pushkin K. V., Sevruk S. D., Farmakovskaya A. A. The influence of admixture of organic aluminium alkali corrosion inhibitors on the air aluminium electrochemical generator characteristics. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 69 The specific energy characteristics of air-aluminium (AA) electrochemical generator (ECG) with alkali electrolyte are higer than for nickel-cadmium and nickel-hydride batteries, which are traditionally used in aerospace techniques. To provide the high efficiency index of aluminium as anode material in ECG it is necessary to decrease its corrosion rate in alkali electrolyte to the utmost without degradation or with certain increase of its activity in current-producing process. On the basis of the research performed earlier it was discovered that the composition of anode (aluminium-indium alloy А995 + 0,6 масс.% In) and electrolyte (4М NaOH + 0,06M Na2SnO3⋅3H2O) have meet all the requirements. Indium in the anode alloy fulfils a function of depassivating agent and ion stannates in alkali electrolyte inhibit its corrosion. However in the ECG working process the tin from electrolyte deposits in the metal form on aluminium surface. In the anode corrosion process it precipitates onto the interelectrode gap in the form of a sludge that can result in interelectrode short circuit. Therefore, the critical task is to search the alkali corrosion inhibitors for aluminium anodes alternative to stannates and to examine their influence on the electric, energy and operational characteristics of AA ECG. The paper contains the results of the experimental research of the influence of the admixtures of a number of organic aluminium corrosion inhibitors to AA ECG alkali electrolyte on these characteristics. The research was performed at the temperature of 333К. It were obtained polarization and corrosion characteristics for the following combination: A995 aluminium and Al-In anode alloy in 4M clear solution of NaOH with the addition of 0,052М potassium citrate; for the same alloy and for АП4Н protect alloy in 8M clear solution of NaOH; in the same solution with the admixtures of 0,06M Na stannate (for reference), 0,01M citrate and 0.01M sodium benzoate. The research has shown that above mentioned admixtures decrease polarization characteristics of aluminium indium anodes reducing their corrosion rate. Besides, their usage leads to the negative difference effect as opposed to alkali stannate electrolytes that demonstrate the positive difference effect. Therefore, the organic inhibitors that have been examined could find limited application in AA ECG. | ||||||||
Mikhailova E. A., Remizova N. A. Budgeting in the organization developing the equipment of aviation complexes. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 69 It is now one of the most progressive ways to improve cost management is the process of budgeting. Budgeting as the tool of financial planning is an effective way to improve the quality of cash flow management and activities of the enterprise as a whole.
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Vovasov V. E. Relativity Theory andEtherodynamicsin the Context of GLONASS and GPS. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 69 Theobjectiveofthisworkisthecorrectionof radial velocityofhighly dynamic objects applying the signals of GLONASS and GPS navigation satellites, taking into account both thesatellite signal lags, andetherodynamics phenomena. Allthemostessentialphenomena of relativitytheory onthereceivingofnavigationsignalssuchasthe gravitationalred shift, the rotation rate of GLONASS satellitesand planetsperihelion, the light deflection in the gravitational field have been considered.It has been also testified that all the corrections related to the effects of the special relativity theory should be substituted with the corrections of the theory of signallag and the corrections related to the effects of general relativity theory should be completed with the corrections of etherodynamics. The corrections to the Doppler frequency formulation related to the radial acceleration of navigation receiver and relative shift of signal frequency per distance unit occasioned by the viscosity of the ether have been obtained. Suchcorrections let explain the “red” shift of star and galaxyspectra without universe extension hypothesis and the implementation of these corrections requires the experimental verification by means the algorithms proposed in this work. Comparative study of difference between the gravitational force acting on a body at rest and the Newtonian force has been carried out as in the frame of general relativity theory so in the theory of signal lag. It’s shown that the gravitational force formulation obtained on the basis of the theory of signal lag without introducing the concept of the “Dark matter”allows one to explain the existence of the radial marginal stars of galaxyacceleration greater than the acceleration evaluated by the gravitational attraction of the galactic center, calculated according to the formula of Newton. | ||||||||
Borisov Y. A. Forecasting the Company Pricing Policy in a Particular Market. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 69 The purpose of this work is to develop a price setting procedure based on conditions of total profit maximization.
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Vazhenin N. A. Influence of Electromagnetic Radiation of Stationary Plasma Thrusters on Noise Characteristics of Space Communication Links. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 69 As investigations have shown, the electromagnetic radiation of stationary plasma thrusters (SPT) represents a broadband random process, the spectral power density of which is from some tens of Hz to some tens of GHz. This radiation represents interference for space communication system channels. The purpose of this paper is to assess influence of the SPT electromagnetic radiation on noise characteristics of space communication systems. Space communication systems are relatively narrow-band ones in many cases. But according to the results of experimental studies, the SPT radiation is a broad-band process at the same time. For the preliminary analysis of interference immunity of such communication systems under the SPT radiation influence the model in a form of the additive white Gaussian noise in the receiver band can be used. As a first approximation, such approach allows rather simple quantitative assessment for the influence of SPT radiation on quality characteristics (reliability, operational range, data transmission rate, etc.) of communication systems. Calculations show that under such assumptions for the operating SPT the signal-to-noise ratio may become worse by 2-8 dB at the initial noise temperature of the system from 100К to 10К. In this case, the maximum range of communication system Earth-SC can decrease by 1-4 dB that is potentially more than 2 times. Thus, under certain conditions the SPT self electromagnetic radiation can interfere substantially the noise characteristics of space radio communication systems. In this connection for minimizing the influence of SPT radiation on space communication systems it is necessary to undertake special measures. Results obtained may be used to analyze the SPT radiation influence on the operation of space communication systems. | ||||||||
Grubrin I. V., Ligina I. U. Adaptive Interference Filtering in the Multi-Channel On-Board Systems. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 69 In this paper, we propose the direct inversion of matrix interference algorithm with respect for the criteria of maximum signal-to-noise ratio as the solution of the adaptive interference filtering problem in the multi-channel on-board systems. The use of the proposed adaptive structure allows one to take into account the properties of the timing filter, unlike the known structures with gradient adaptive processing algorithms, which have a low rate of convergence as one of their disadvantages. The structure of adaptive processing is implemented on the basis of multiply-delay line weights in the channels of each tap, which are building not only matched filter, but also take into account the different properties of temporal frequency filter. | ||||||||
Pivovarov D. E. Numerical investigation of natural convection in slope longitudinal air layer. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 68 It is the numerical investigation of the natural convection flow pattern and heat transfer rate inside rectangular box heated from below and cooled from above with insulated sidewalls. The box is inclined from horizontal to vertical position and back round the shortest side. This is the longitudinal configuration of the inclined layer for which the transversal rolls are typical. Direct numerical simulation (DNS) of Navier-Stokes equations for incompressible fluid is applied. The numerical method is based on a second-order central difference approximation in space and on integration for time by a third-order semi-implicit Runge–Kutta method. Spatial discretization retains some important properties of the Navier–Stokes equations, including energy conservation by the nonlinear and pressure-gradient terms. The scheme is supplied with a local error estimation and time-step control algorithm. The hysteresis with subject to changing the inclination of the box has been confirmed. Different convection interactions have been detected. It is noted that there are oscillations of flow for some angles at high Rayleigh numbers. The comparison of regime diagram for spatial and plane flow showed the discrepancy in number of rolls and the borders of their number change. The study is limited by laminar regime for incompressible fluid for which Boussinesq approximation is right. The observable fluid was air. The Rayleigh number is varied between 103 and 105 and the angle range from 0 up to 90°. This is the study of spatial pattern and heat transfer rate of convection interactions in the longitudinal layer defined by the aspect ratios of the box. The diagram of the interactions regime was sketched. | ||||||||
Kozlova O. A., . . Principles and scheme of creation of the system intended for measurement of pressure and its change rate in the trunk-route airplane. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 68 The purpose of the research is to enhance sensitivity of the device that measures pressure and its change rate; to increase the speed of response and decrease discrimination threshold of the system intended for measurement of pressure and its change rate. The paper considers the most known methods of measurement of pressure change rate. The analysis shows that the existing systems used for measuring pressure change rate have certain shortcomings. The systems, which make measurements based on pressure drop, are characterized by low sensitivity and substantial time lag. Other systems, which measure pressure change rate by deriving electric signal from pressure, are characterized by low interference resistance due to existence of high-frequency noise in output signal. The paper proposes the construction principle, which expands the functionality of the known methods via application of the convectional jet converter as the main converter of signal energy kind. The output signal of such converter is the mass rate of air flow, which contains information both about pressure and its change rate. The analysis is carried out and structural layout of a version of the system intended for measurement of pressure and its change rate is substantiated. The proposed version is based on convectional jet converter and is characterized by advanced metrological performance. The proposed concept of pressure measurement system provides comfortable conditions in airplane passenger cabin. This is attained via improved accuracy and speed of response of the process of control and adjustment of gasdynamic parameters within the airplane cabin, in particular, via maintaining the given level of air pressure and its change rate. The main problem of expansion of operation range of systems of gasdynamic parameters monitoring consists in widening the range of their invariance to the effects of thermal agitations. Additional research is required to solve this problem. Acquisition of measurement information is based on information redundancy of the output signal of the anemometric-sensitive element, which acts as a basic element of the system sensor. Preliminary research of the model sample of the system sensor confirmed the possibility of its application within systems, which are intended for monitoring pressure change rate in airplane passenger cabin. The scientific research results can also be used for information support during monitoring icing parameters of filtration probes of compressors of surface gas compressor stations and other gas-hydrodynamic objects. | ||||||||
Blagodyreva O. V. Flutter stability polynomial calculation of a short wing. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 68 Ritz polynomial calculation of short wing flutter stability is considered by the example of a rudder bar in subsonic flow. Eigen frequencies and forms of the first two oscillation tones are identified. A flutter stability boundary is determined in accordance with relative density of air. Deformation of a short wing is representing as deformation of its middle surface in relation to the straight normal hypothesis. Ritz polynomial calculation allows to describe a deformation function in the form of coordinates polynomial series in direction of flow and wingspread. Mathematical powers of the polynom depend on boundary conditions of a short wing and number of freedom degrees, which is necessary for finding the predetermined number of oscillation tones. A short wing is modeled with the help of specific units allowing to increase the precision of output. Calculation of flutter stability considered by the example of a rudder bar in subsonic flow has shown a good convergence with the experimental results. This fact confirms the highest precision of methodology. Simplicity of the mathematical model, quickness of data preparation and computation speed give the base for calculation efficiency of a flutter stability boundary. Ritz polynomial calculation can be applied for flutter stability computation of both single aircraft unit and whole aircraft. If initial data is initialized exactly or if they can be corrected on the basis of results of ground frequency test, then it is possible to get calculation accuracy within 1-5% diapason. Ritz polynomial calculation is realized as independent engineering software showing high accuracy of calculation. The important feature is application of the straight normal hypothesis. This approach is applicable for construction, which assumes realization of this hypothesis, only. | ||||||||
Burlak E. A., Nabatchikov A. M. Seminatural research stand for evaluating the characteristics of the human operator in the unmanned aerial vehicle control. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 68 The increasing number of various mission types, which are fulfilled by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), leads to the continuous increment of the importance of human operator and his responsibility for the efficiency and safety of the system. The aim of the research is to study the work of a human operator during the control of unmanned aerial vehicle. The paper presents the results of the development and approbation of simulation complex, which allows investigating the performance of the human operator during manual UAV control. The main specific feature of the research simulator consists in combination of the relative interface simplicity with the full simulation of the UAV dynamics. This approach allows using relatively simple software that is developed by the researchers themselves. At the same time the most important advantage is that the usage of the program is fully controlled by the researchers and can quickly change depending on the task. The considered version of the research simulator allows for implementing the following: the complete equations of UAV spatial motion; the model of the aerodynamic coefficients and algorithms of the remote control system (RCS), which was selected for the UAV modeling; standard atmosphere and wind models. Experimental studies of the human operator during the control of dynamic systems with various structures were conducted. The presented study provides a starting-point for further research of the performance of the human operator in dynamic systems The paper aims at developing analytical methods for optimal design of UAV control and guidance systems, which can solve the problem of matching the dynamic characteristics of the systems with control capabilities of human operator. The solution of this problem significantly influences the performance of human operator and thus has a great impact on performance indicators of unmanned aircraft systems as a whole. | ||||||||
Kolychev A. V. Active thermionic thermal protection of elements of a design of the hypersonic flying machine at their aerodynamic heating and borders of its applicability . Trudy MAI, 2013, no 68 The purpose of the article are definition of applicability of active thermionic thermal protection of hypersonic flight vehicle elements at their aerodynamic heating, and also study of structure of constructive shape of hypersonic flight vehicle elements with thermionic thermal protection. In activity it was established that heat flows of electronic cooling can reach values in 1.5MW/m2. This means that hypersonic flight vehicle can move in atmosphere in the conditions of heat flows 3MW/m2 that essentially expands operating conditions hypersonic flight vehicle on speed and altitude. The new kind of thermal protection based on the phenomenon of thermionic emission is offered. At movement in atmosphere with hypersonic speeds the external cover is heated up to temperatures at which at the expense of thermal energy got at aerodynamic heating hot electrons are emitted from the internal surface of external cover and then are besieged on the internal cover (anode). Further, at the expense of the received energy electrons can performuseful work under load in the onboardpower consumers. After that electrons return to the cathode and a cooling cycle is repeated again. Thus, simultaneously there is an electronic cooling and electric energy is generated. The border of applicability of thermionic thermal protection from the heat flows, typical for functioning of thermionic thermal protection is determined. Some aspects and features of application of thermionic protection were determined. The given research is a component of thermionic thermal protection research. The novelty is that the phenomenon of thermionic emission is first used for thermal protection systems. The temperature of hypersonic flight vehicle elements as a result decreases and electric energy is simultaneously generated. | ||||||||
Gubsky V. V. Application of adaptive high-lift devices by an light transport airplane. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 68 The paper presents the results of calculation and experimental research on increase of efficiency of high-lift devices of light transport airplane. The purpose of the research is to estimate the efficiency of various versions of adaptive high-lift devices during landing. This is done via usage of a program, which provides numerical solution of the Navier–Stokes equations. The result of estimation of the efficiency of adaptive high-lift devices is presented. One of the main elements of these high-lift devices is the rear rotary part of the wing, which is situated above the flap. Four versions (angles) of double-slotted flap deflection were studied: 20 degrees (take-off configuration); 32 degrees (landing configuration) and large angles (35 degrees and 40 degrees). Also the influence of the size of the slot between the deflector and the main part of the wing on flap efficiency was investigated. Computational research was carried out via FINE/HexaTM computational software system by NUMECA Int. (Belgium). The airplane model tests were carried out in T-102 wind tunnel in TsAGI. Computational research revealed the specific features of viscous flow streamlining of airfoil with adaptive high-lift devices and its advantages over the “normal” high-lift devices. Utsage of adaptive high-lift devices leads to considerable lift increase. For example, the deflection of the rear wing part onto an angle δ=5º increases the lift coefficient of model take-off configuration by 28% in comparison with the basic version. The lift coefficient increase for model landing configuration in this case would be around 11÷13 %. Deflection of the adaptive element onto an angle δ=10º increases lift coefficient by 20%. It is possible to make the following conclusions according to the results of the conducted research: Modification of double-slotted flaps increases their efficiency. The lift performance of the high-lift devices version with adaptive single-slotted flaps is only slightly worse than that of “normal” double-slotted flaps. Other aerodynamic performance of these versions is almost identical. Thus the results of analysis and experiments allow recommending the version of high-lift devices with adaptive elements for further investigation of structure design variants. The development of wing high-lift devices for modern airplanes remains a topical and complex problem in modern aerodynamics. Airplane take-off and landing modes become more and more complex due to increase of take-off and landing weights and speeds as well as more rigid flight safety requirements. Thus the research on development of improved concepts of high-lift devices, which can provide for necessities of the advanced created airplanes, has great practical value. The paper elaborates one of such concepts and addresses the abovementioned issues. | ||||||||
Kuvshinova E. Y. The methodology for determination of optimal flight path with low thrust between the low-Earth and low-Lunar orbits. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 68 The optimization of flight trajectories to the Moon of spacecraft with electric propulsion system is the subject of this study. The problem of flight of spacecraft with electric propulsion system between the low-Earth and low-Lunar orbit in condition of minimal time with searching for program of optimal thrust vector control in terms of minimizing consumption of characteristic velocity is considered in this work. The main aim of this work was to develop a methodology for determination of optimal trajectory for interorbital flight between low-Earth and low-Lunar orbits with low thrust in condition of restricted problem of three bodies. Optimal flight trajectory was determined with taking into account the gravitational fields of the Earth and the Moon (restricted problem of three-bodies) and without the division into sections. Direction of thrust vector was defined by the law obtained using the maximum principle of Pontryagin. Thrust and density impulse was assumed as constant for the total trajectory. The continuous working mode of electric propulsions has been considered. Moon ephemerides were determined according to the EPM 2008 model developed by "Institute of Applied Astronomy RAS". Methodical software for calculation of optimal flight trajectories with low thrust between low-Earth and low-lunar orbits in condition of restricted three-body problem without dividing the trajectory on sections has been developed. The estimation of characteristic velocity consumption for flight from the Moon artificial satellite orbit to the Earth artificial satellite orbit has been received. Results of this work can be used for effectively solution to the transportation problems connected with payloads delivery into low-lunar orbit in the case of decision about step-by-step deployment and operation of ongoing lunar base (including with astronauts) with the respect to investigation and exploration of the Moon. | ||||||||
Protopopov A. P., Bogachev A. V., Vorob'yeva Y. A. Spacecraft orbit correction on high-elliptic orbit with low-trust engines. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 68 Orbit inclination correction problem of spacecraft with inertial actuators is considered, spacecraft is found on high elliptic orbit, correction is provided by using the electrojet engines under undisturbance orbit period. Main complexity of this problem is non-linear changing of angular rate and it leads to the difficulty of determination of elector jet cyclogram. Given algorithm was developed based on equations for undisturbance orbit period and equations for inertial actuators angular momentum. Equations for orbit period were obtained from 3rd Kepler law. Equations for angular momentum of inertial actuators were obtained from angular momentum variation law. Spacecraft inertia tensor is considered as diagonal matrix. This algorithm can be used in spacecraft software in the cases when spacecraft is found on high elliptic orbit and it uses inertial actuators for attitude control. The present study provides a starting-point for further research and optimizing this algorithm to apply it for satellite angular momentum control while orbit correction is in progress. Body reference frame coincides with the orbital reference frame (it is similar to LVLH – local vertical local horizontal) while orbit correction is in progress. Equations for operating engines cyclogram calculation and angular momentum estimation at the end of orbit correction were developed. This algorithm probably will be used in future satellite software to optimize orbit correction. | ||||||||
Gimranov Z. I. Magnetic pulse test-bed for the controllable separation of the nanosatellite. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 68 The number of CubeSats launched every year for carrying out of technological experiments and for educational purposes is steadily increasing. The main problem is searching for inexpensive opportunities for launches of such small satellites into orbit. As a rule, they are launched in condition of piggy-back launch with the priority of main payload. The traditional method for CubeSats nanosatellites separation is a device, which uses a spring pusher, for example, the ISIPOD separation device, which is produced by the company ISIS located in Netherlands. However, if a group of CubeSats needs to be launched with the help of these devices there will be the problems caused by the impossibility of operative influence on the speed of CubeSats separation. In order to eliminate this lack and to provide controlled deployment of CubeSats group, it is proposed to use a device, which allows to change the separation speed of each CubeSat and based on usage of electromagnetic forces. Experimental research on the magnetic-pulsed drive designed for nanosatellite separation on the example of CubeSat nanosatellite were carried out. Experimental test-bed for testing of CubeSat mass-dimensional analogue was created. The new separation device is based on the principle of non-contact action on the object. The main advantage of this action is the absence of damage probability on separated object during the time of removal into an orbit. Advantages also include the possibility to control the separation speed with the help of stored energy. The positive results were obtained during testing and CubeSat mass-dimensional analogue was separated with 0.5 - 3.0 m/s velocity. The results can be used for creation of nanosatellites separation device, allowing to quickly set up the required separation speed. The prototype of the separation device was made and verified. The positive conclusion has been received for patent № 2011118259/11 (027041) RU, 20.06.2012 МPК В64С 1/10 “Method for the nanosatellite piggy-back launching and device for its separation.” | ||||||||
Vlasenkov E. V., Kombaev T. S., Kraynov A. M., Chernikov P. S., Shakhanov A. E. Design of perspective small-size spacecraft with electric propulsion engine. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 68 This work can be used at designing small-size spacecraft with electric propulsion engine. It shows one possible option of design and layout scheme of small-size spacecraft with electric propulsion engine. The opportunity of producing such spacecraft is shown. The main results of this research are the design and system characteristics of small-size spacecraft. It was taken into account that spacecraft transfers to the Moon after packet launch. The flight scheme consists of the following stages: Coplanar interorbital flight from pericenter of starting high elliptical orbit (circular orbit H = 42164 km, i = 51.4°) to an intermediate circular orbit; Transfer from an intermediate orbit to collinear libration point L1 of the Earth-Мoon system; Transfer from L1 to target polar circle orbit of Moon satellite with altitude 100km. As a propulsion system was chosen engine КМ-60 (power 670 Wt, thrust 36 мН, spesific impulse 1716 sec, service life 4100 hours), mounted on two-stage drive. Mass balance spacecraft for starting orbit H = 42164 km, i = 51.4° is: Payload-11,8 kg; Board control - 26,4 kg; Radio system and antenna system - 7,2 kg; Power system – 70 kg; Propulsion system (with working body) - 118,3 kg.; Thermal condition system - 4,00 kg; Cable network - 9,00 kg; Construction - 12,00 kg; Brackets, small parts, standards - 5,00 kg; Reserve – 20,00 kg; Adapter with separation system - 13,00 kg; Total – 296,70 kg. Time of flight to polar Moon orbit 100km-high in described work statement is near 700 days. There are some questions that have to be solved while designing this spacecraft. Some systems have to be miniaturized and adapted for use at small-size spacecraft, for example, electric propulsion engines are rarely used at spacecraft and work systems have low standardization and used for heavy spacecraft have high mass-and-dimensional characteristics. Mainly it refers to electric power supply which power is high due to presence of electric propulsion. However Russian astronautics has got backlog of producing high-efficiency electric power systems with small mass-and-dimensional characteristics That’s why in producing small-sized spacecraft the main attention should be paid to electric power systems design. . It is also worth noting that for the chosen engine the guaranteed life at the moment is less than the required The results of this work can also be used in design of spacecraft for researches of asteroids that orbiting at Earth orbit. As orbits of such asteroids have different inclination it is useful to choose orbits with inclination close to future orbits of heavy-weight Spacecrafts. It’ll give an opportunity to reduce flight time and increase mass of the payload. | ||||||||
Dorofeev R. Y. Increase of energy efficiency of a power supply system of the spacecraft at the expense of use of energy of an electrostatic charge of a surface of spacecraft in orbital service conditions. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 68 Use of energy of electrostatic charges will allow to receive a new power source on the satellite of any size and to compensate decrease in term of life of solar panels. Reports of use of energy of the electrostatic charge received on a surface of the satellite is presented. The ability to use this energy in a regular power supply system of the satellite is considered.Use of possibility of accumulation of energy of static electricity and its application for additional recharge of satellites storage batteries will allow raising their resource and energy efficiency of a power supply system Use in a power supply system of the saved-up electrostatic charge will allow to increase energy efficiency of the satellite, but also, will promote decrease in an adverse effect on work the onboard equipment of electromagnetic fields that will lead to increase in service life of the satellite.Electrostatic charging systems will bring reduction of malfunctions at the expense of decrease harmful impacts of electrization on onboard equipment of the satellite Wide use of miniaturized satellite demands to increase service life of such devices. Now it is very difficult. Use of energy of an electrostatic charge will provide opportunities to develop small spacecraft. Practical application is possible on various satellites, in particular miniaturized satellite. Introduction of electrostatic charging systems will make the minimum constructive additions to the satellite, and subsequently, can become its important part. Electrostatic energy is accumulated in regular battery satellite, by means of electrostatic charging systems intended for preservation of solar energy. Usage this solution will reduce the influence of the space factors on service life of the spacecraft. | ||||||||
Kurchanov M. V. Increase energy-ballistic efficiency missiles of the near tactical zone. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 68 Increase energy-ballistic efficiency missiles of the near tactical zone. The article describes ways to increase energy-ballistic efficiency missiles of the near tactical zone by the use of acceleration-affecting propulsion system, adaptive control elements and creating torque with threaded grooves. The advantages and disadvantages of these methods were indentified. The results of numerical experiments that reveal the enormous potential of these areas were presented. For example, application of the acceleration-affecting propulsion system allows to increase the available overload just before hitting the target by an average of 6-8 units, and reduce the probability of missiles miss at 5-20%. Adaptive control elements provide increase in the probability of the target destruction, as anti-aircraft and anti-tank systems of precision weapon. They have advantages over conventional aerodynamic control elements such as: the ability to control the lift force, rapid action capability to control the lift force through the use of piezoelectric elements, and work in a wide range of angles of attack. The investigations can be concluded that using of the torque effect for supporting a slew rate of the unmanned air vehicle may be realized only with stabilizing aerodynamic surfaces installed without angle relative to a longitudinal axis of the rocket, while achieving a significant reduction of drag of the aircraft. Also, this method can be used for leveling, which eliminate manufacturing errors of stabilized block of guided missiles. The present study is a starting-point for further research of the increase energy-ballistic efficiency of the near tactical zone missiles. In the Russian Federation during the last two decades the development of weapons systems concentrated on the extensive area. In this regard, the development of high-precision missile system formed by the direction of improvement structural and technological parameters and energy ballistic performance aircraft. In this area, for small guided missiles is possible to improve their performance characteristics by applying acceleration and affecting propulsion system adaptive controls, as well as ways of creating torque with threaded grooves that are innovative in this area. | ||||||||
Ordin A. V., Ripetskiy A. V., Ivanov A. O. Service life extension of a local area on a perforated grid of front flap of a high-speed aircraft air intake. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 68 The subject of the inquiry is a problem of high-speed aircraft service life extension as one of the central problems of modern aviation. The author deals with a problem of short life time (less than 100 flight hours) of a high-speed aircraft air intake panel. A high-speed aircraft air intake panel has been analyzed with relation to fracture pattern, aircraft operation conditions, statistics of operating hours prior to fracturing. Service life extension of a local area on a perforated screen of a high-speed aircraft air intake. The real cause is air intake nose part torsion motion which appears as a result action stalling of boundary layer on an air-intake structure. The common version that air intake perforated screen damage is caused by dynamic pressure in Mmax mode is shown to be baseless. The real cause is air intake nose part torsion motion which appears as a result action of boundary layer stalling on an air intake structure. Measurements of vibration overloads and stress in an air intake nose part (place of forward panel attachment) show that significant oscillations are set up in descent (with an elevated angle of attack). Frequency tests of an air intake nose part have shown that torsion motion of an air intake nose part (f=170Hz) excites torsion motion of a front screen whereby a loading diagram of a perforated screen has been suggested in the article. For practicing perforated screen repair vibration tests have been conducted on a full-scale panel and subscale demonstrators corresponding to perforated screen parameters (material, thickness, and configuration). Fractures appeared as a result of conducted tests correspond with service fractures. Repair works have been performed by welding with specially selected additives. Tests of overhauled samples have shown service life extension of the repaired with additives samples by 5-10 times in comparison with original samples which provides more than 2000 hours of service life for a front screen of an air intake (takeoff and landing). | ||||||||
Fedulov V. S. Sliding rocket engine nozzle with electric drive for head extension. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 68 The purpose is to develop the optimal law of head extension sliding for rocket engines nozzle. To maximize the effectiveness of the sliding nozzle usage, it is proposed to develop a controlled drive for the head extension, using a stepping electric motor with high torque, set in one of the links in the hinge-lever mechanism. Offers of the theoretical study are based on the analysis of the Russian and foreign patented design developments of rocket engine nozzles. The analysis of existing concepts of extension, which are used before starting the engine, was carried out. Strengths and weaknesses of structures were identified with subsequent conclusions. Based on the findings, it is proposed to create a new drive for rocket engines sliding nozzle with head extension. It’s possible, for example, to apply the theoretical framework for the study of the control law to reduce impact loads to nozzle of rocket engines. Described method of head extension with the controlled electric drive allows to reduce significantly the impact loads at minimal time of head extension. The present study provides a starting-point for further research in the field of rocket engines. The application of this electric drive is also possible for sliding nozzles of liquid and solid rocket engines. The proposed scheme can significantly reduce the impact loads on structure and keeps high-speed characteristics of extension nozzle. Moreover, it is possible to consider the nozzle structure in which the hinge-lever mechanism for extension with electric drive is installed on the inner surface of the bell that allows to drop the entire extension system after fixing the head in the operating position, thus reducing the nozzle mass. | ||||||||
Polous M. A., Alekseev P. A., Ekhlakov I. A. Modern computational technologies for justification the characteristics of nuclear power propulsion systems in design works of creation a new generation of thermionic space nuclear power unit. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 68 The purpose of current research work is to examine the modern mathematical methods used in the calculation of new generation thermionic space nuclear power unit. The calculation of characteristics of space nuclear power unit is divided into a set of problems, three of which are examined in current research work. The problem of three-dimensional numerical calculation of the electrical and thermal characteristics of the electricity generating channel is solved with the help of modified software suit Comsol with numerical solver developed by the authors which makes it possible to simulate the thermionic problem in three-dimensional formulation using the experimental current-voltage characteristic of the thermionic converter. The problem of optimization of the reactor core structure is solved with the use of the simulation model to calculate the neutron-physical characteristics of the reactor and techniques of genetic algorithm to optimize the structure of the core. And the problem of optimization of the weight and size characteristics for the radiation shield is solved with the use of artificial bee colony algorithm for finding the optimal profile of the radiation shield. Application of considered modern mathematical tools enables to solve the problem of calculating the characteristics of space nuclear power unit quickly and effectively. Conducted research is the first step to the creation of the modern computational code for calculation of the characteristics of space nuclear power unit in solving large-scale space challenges of today. | ||||||||
Marusich K. V. Providing of the required machining accuracy of precise details in aviation and missile technology by the control of thermal deformations on numerical control machine tools. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 68 The purpose of research is improving the accuracy of machine tools for processing on the basis of management's executive bodies on the results of predicting the thermal displacement. The main direction of improving the accuracy of manufacturing precision products aviation and missile technology is to improve the quality of the machine tools. At the same quality criteria are the performance, accuracy and reliability. These indicators are closely related to thermal processes taking place in machine. The development of an automated control system of executive bodies of machine tool to compensate temperature deformation is the subject for study in this work. During execution of field experiments the regularities of changes in the thermal characteristics of machine tool, depending on the mode of its operation were obtained. Increasing the machining accuracy of numerical control machine tools is realized on use of original algorithm for compensation of thermal deformations based on forecast mathematical models. This algorithm permits to provide the thermal displacements along spindle axis within the limits of 10 microns regardless to duration of technological operation performed on machine tool. The article presents the scientific based technological solutions to increase the machining accuracy on metal-cutting machine tools that have a significant importance for domestic machine tool construction. The possible limits of precision with usage the algorithm developed for the compensation of temperature deformation are identified. The method of predicting, allowing to form the thermal characteristics of machine tools is proposed. The control method of thermo-deformation condition of machine tool based on automated predicting thermal displacement of executive bodies is developed. | ||||||||
Kruzhkov D. M., Kim R. V. Autonomous spacecraft onboard integrated navigation system algorithms modification. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 68 The subject of research in the proposed article is a set of geostationary Earth orbit (GEO) and high-elliptical orbit (HEO) satellites autonomous navigation system functioning algorithms. The main purpose of the space vehicles under consideration is tele- and radiocommunication functioning providing. The required accuracy of satellite positioning is achieved by periodical download of navigational solution from a ground control complex. The development of autonomous navigation systems will increase reliability of space vehicle functioning and simultaneously decrease a load on the ground control complex. A concept and an architecture of the autonomous navigation system based on Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver and optical star tracker were described in [1, 2]. Accuracy estimates of the proposed system [1, 2] were acquired with space vehicle on-board integrated navigation system functioning simulation modeling. The goal of the research is to enhance accuracy of a navigation task solution. It is intended to achieve by modifying structure, parameters and functioning algorithms of the on-board integrated navigation system. Particularly, application of satellite-to-satellite measurements and phase measurements, adding a secondary GNSS-antenna to the on-board space vehicle navigation system, primary GNSS-antenna aperture modification. Different methods of mathematical modeling, theory of probability and statistics, optimal filtering, object-oriented programming were used. The main applied methods of navigational solution obtainment were methods of optimal Kalman filtering, including its scalar modification [3]. Acquired results prove effectiveness of the proposed methods and algorithms. The accuracy of acquired navigational solution increased from 0.005 to 0.001 (RMS) by eccentricity for satellites on GEO and from 0.03 to 0.003 (RMS) for satellites on HEO. These results may be used in the development of on-board integrated astro-satellite system prototypes for space vehicles on GEO and HEO. | ||||||||
Vorokov A. V. Possibility of using method differential optical absorption spectroscopy for prospective domestic scientific equipment. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 68 The problem of measuring the composition and characteristics of the Earths' atmosphere is a priority for a number of science and human activities. Domestic equipment able to conduct such measurements does not currently exist. Foreign scientific equipment usage and data is not enough to solve the problem of monitoring gas composition of the atmosphere, even on Russian territory. To solve these problems, a special scientific device is introduced: a spectrometer for atmospheric gas composition SA-MP (for UV, visible and NIR range). High resolution capability of SA-MP is enough to find traces of gas components in the atmosphere at pixel level, and a wide spectral range will define the characteristics of aerosols and clouds. In oder to get the resulting data in SA-MP, it is proposed to process the spectral density of a light beam luminance with DOAS method (developed IUP in Bremen). DOAS is a method used to determine the concentrations and total amounts of atmospheric trace gases from remote sensor measurements. The light traveling through the atmosphere is partly absorbed by trace gas components along the way according to BougerLambert-Beer’s law of absorption. A list of possible problems with the DOAS method usage is described, and computational methods of removing approximation are discussed in the article. Methods for processing information from specific spectral ranges SA-MP (part of the DOAS method) are also provided. The positive and negative aspects of DOAS method are identified and a final conclusion on the applicability of the DOAS method in spectrometer SA-MP is reached. | ||||||||
Ivanov N. S., Tulinova E. E. Reverse construction permanent magnets synchronous generators for wind turbines and low scale hydro turbines Inverted Construction of Synchronous Generators with Permanent Magnets for Wind-power Stations and Small-scale Hydropower Engineering. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 68 This work is devoted to consideration of engineering issues of designing up-to-date wind-power stations. The aim of the paper is development of a design procedure for inverted construction of synchronous generators with permanent magnets (PM) for wind-power stations and small-scale hydro power engineering. Determination of the main parameters of generators on the base of calculation of two-dimensional magnetic field in active zone of a generator is the theme of this article. Calculation of the stationary two-dimensional magnetic fields of a synchronous generator is based on the analytical solution of the Poisson equation in various areas of the active zone of the electrical machine with PM. Based on the analytical solutions the expressions for determination of the main parameters of a generator with PM have been obtained. It was showed that for greater number of ports magnetic field is mainly concentrated in the air gap and rapidly decreases outside of it. New analytical expressions for estimating rational parameters of wind-energy generators were obtained. Using the presented approach the parameters of synchronous generator with output power of 10 MW were calculated. The article provides a starting-point for further research in the field of synchronous generators with PM design for wind-power stations and small-scale hydro power engineering. | ||||||||
Efimov E. N., Shevgunov T. Y. Identification of target scatterers in radar images using radial basis function neural networks. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 68 This paper introduces a neural network based technique for the identification of complex targets in ultra-wideband radar systems. This technique is based on the known multi-scatterer complex-valued model for representing two-dimension radar images synthesized by common ultra-wideband radar systems. The neural networks are built via structure diagrams representing the whole net implementing the desired transformation as a set of interacting adaptive elements, each of them in turn implements the partially transfer functions of bidirectional (forward and backward propagation) data signal processing. The class of radial basis feed-forward artificial neural networks learned by error back-propagation supervised methods is chosen due to the ability of such networks to highlight the local feature of the presented data. It was shown that a stable approximation result could be achieved if the number of elements in hidden layer of the networks corresponds to the number of scatterers necessary for the accurate fitting of artificial targets. The simulation showed that the importances of scatterer parameters are different, thus the estimation of center positions of scatterers can be carried out more accurately than their widths. The accuracy of the scatterer parameters estimation depends on the distance between a chosen scatterer and others and signal to noise ratio. The simulation results reveal the high sensitivity of the accuracy to the level of noise while scatterers are placed closely in the radar image. The proposed neural processing method is a relatively new but promising approach for the problem to be solved. The main benefits and drawbacks of this methods are examined in the conclusion as well as comparison with another system identification technique traditionally used for the considered problem. | ||||||||
Shakhanov A. E., Ruchenkov V. A., Krut A. V. Multiplexing on-board X-range antenna systems for spacecrafts . Trudy MAI, 2013, no 68 Due to upgrading target characteristics of S/C of different missions the necessity of developing advanced on-board antenna systems appears. These antennae include multipath switched antenna systems. Such systems change beam position of gain pattern without collimation in channels but by switching multidirectional emitters. The article reviews two X-range antenna systems with 7 and 16 radiating elements. This systems have low mass-dimensional parameters, scan by multiplexing emitters and without moving parts in semi-sphere of angles. Multiplexing systems works successfully with air communication systems that confirms the necessity of their studying and integration on S/C. Multiplexing antenna systems consist of emitters, switching system and UHF channel. To provide communication in set angle sector emitters are specifically oriented. As emitters for this antennae are chosen microstrip radiator. In comparison with other types of emitters (ex. horns) this one has smaller dimensions, are easy to combine to each other and sometimes are easier to allow isolation from neighbor antenna systems. The Input data for one Multiplexing system were: - amplification factor not less than 5 dB; -antenna must work in semi-sphere of angles; -signal power not less than 10 W; -Working frequency band 8,1-8,5 GHz (right elliptical polarization). An emmiter with waveguide powering has been designed as emmiter for the antenna. It allows to minimize the number of dielectric materials in the design of emmiter. On the amplification level of 5 dB the emmiter has the width of antenna directivity diagram of about 75 degrees, V.S.W.R. ≤ 1,1 , S1 parametr ≥ of 0.7. A form of regular truncated pyramid approaches for these antenna systems. AS should consist of seven emmiters situated on the faces of regular truncated pyramid for operation in semisphere of angles with amplification of 5dB (there are 6 emmiters located on the side faces and an emmiter on the upper face. AS consisting of 16 emitters will have a form of a half of icosahedrons which has emmiters on the faces. In this case, AS in semisphere of angles will have amplification of 8dB. But in this case it should consist of two types (because the faces of icosahedron are hexagons and pentagons). Therefore increase of antenna gain will complicate the AS and increase its mass-dimensional specifications. According to this work it is possible and actual to construct multiplexing antenna systems for application on spacecraft. Multiplexing antenna systems can be used in transmissing lines of spacecraft that change the orientation in a wide range. Multiplexing equipment of such spacecraft requires use of nonmechanical retargerting devices. Using of the described multiplexing antenna systems consisted of seven emmiters on low-orbit spacecraft increases the informativity of radio link to 200 Mbit/sec and higher. | ||||||||
Gigolo A. I., Kuznesov G. Y. Numerical solution of the direct problem of scattering applying to cylinders with different cross-section shape. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 68 The purpose for this research was to find the main regularities of direct scattering problem solutions applying to elongated objects. Since the analytical solution of direct scattering problem exists only for objects with simple geometry, the numerical methods are required for scattered field calculation. In this research, space-time samples of scattered field were calculated using finite differences time domain method (FDTD) because of its possibility to cover wide frequency ranges with a single simulation. Compared to other methods, FDTD is simple and can be performed by any personal computer, since it does not require great computational resources. In this research, the objects were considered as ideally conducting and elongated one and only parallel polarization, where an electric field vector is parallel to the cylinder axis, was studied. It allowed using 2D models and calculating only 3 of total 6 vector field components, which reduces the numerical solution. The analysis of the obtained results shows that the main diffraction lobe direction and the direction of the incident plane wave usually are the same. The growth of object electric radius causes the growth of side lobe number. It also causes narrowing of the main lobe as well as radar cross-section growth. Plane wave incidence on square and triangular cylinders raises the side lobe level in specified directions. If the plane wave incidence direction is normal to the triangular (or square) cylinder's side, the back reflection level is only 1-2 dB less than main lobe level. Otherwise, when the wave is incident on the edge of the object, the back reflection is nearly unnoticeable. These results may be used for geometry and electromagnetic parameters retrieval in the inverse problem solution which is common in ground penetrating radar and the similar applications. | ||||||||
Efimova N. A. On TEM Lens Horn Antenna as Element of Circle Antenna Aarray. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 68 In the article, a new design of the TEM horn antenna is proposed and studied. The effective design of the circle array by these new elements is considered and studied theoretically in ultra-wide frequency band. The author discloses advantages and disadvantages of using TEM horn antennas as an element of a circle array. Proposed new design of the TEM horn lens antenna is under consideration whereas the horn lens is studied as an element of a circle array in the ultra-wide frequency band. Antenna’s matching and radiation characteristics are calculated by the numerical simulating carried out with the method of the finite elements. Different geometries of the lens and different methods of the excitation of the TEM horn are considered. The paper reveals the simulation results for the circle array of the proposed TEM horn lens antennas. One can notice a good matching characteristic of the model and very small interference between different elements of the circle array. On the other hand the width of the radiation pattern of the TEM horn lens antenna is very small which can be a disadvantage when one uses the TEM horn lens antenna as an element of a circle array. The paper provides engineers and scientists involved in ultra-wide band antennas and ultra-wide band radio monitoring with the obtained results for their future research. | ||||||||
Murlaga A. R. A Method of Electromagnetic Radiation Attenuation by means of Modified Water Vapor. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 68 Some problems dealt with infrared and radar perceptibility of different objects are discussed in this paper. Currently used methods of the ambient medium modification for the perceptibility attenuation had been analyzed and a number of their defects had been revealed. Thus, such methods cannot provide the required defense for a long time, that leads to additional financial expenditure and pollute environment. A fundamentally new idea based on the radiation attenuation by means of water ionized by electromagnetic waves vapor is suggested for the problem of infrared and radar perceptibility solving. Water vapor is a part of the environment and omnipresent, but has faint absorbing properties in infrared and radar ranges. One needs to find a way to impart the required absorbing properties to the water vapor. A number of experiments with water vapor modified by UV radiation and penetrated by millimeter electromagnetic waves is suggested. A laboratory device consisting of glass box, UV lamp and a plate with hot water is developed and described in the present work. Different conditions are involved to prove that the modified water vapor strongly attenuate millimeter waves indeed. The derived medium can efficiently attenuate millimeter electromagnetic waves up to 2 dB/m and it has considerable (about 10…15 minutes) lifetime. The effects under consideration can be applied for the defense of artificial objects from millimeter and centimeter range waves. In this case, the object has to contain a roentgen source on-board only. | ||||||||
Tokmakov D. I. Problems of creating a system of cooling of the phased array centimetric. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 68 The aim of the presented research consists in the choice of the junction type of cooling channels and headers of the active phased array’s cooling system, junction testing and operability of thin-walled tubes estimation. An analysis of the obtained results has been performed. Deforming thin-walled metal cooling channels are an efficient solution for heat sink. The swelling by the internal pressure of the thin-walled tube secures a tight stable mechanical and thermal contact of cooling channel and cooled surface, then the heated coolant liquid flows ot through the exhaust manifold to the heat exchanger. The main requirements to the coolant system are the tight contact of the thin-walled tube and the heat transferring surface to adjoining in the area of width about 30mm, the reliable joints securing leaks’ absence. To minimize the thermal resistance in the contact the cooling channels should be mechanically tighten to the cooled object but the modern phased arrays do not allow place the clamping mechanism. An efficient alternative method consists in using of the coolant’s pressure to swell the thin wall pipes and provide contact of the cooled wall and the pipe. To investigate the proposed approach the stainless steel pipe 12X18H10T with wall thickness 0.25mm rolled out to the flat tube with dimensions 45x3.5x0.25mm was chosen. On the basis of the preliminary computation it was found that the pipe sections with a gap of 0.1 mm secures the required contact area length of 30 mm at a pressure of 2 bar. The experimental results have shown that the required area length can be provided at a pressure 1.5bar. The tests have shown that the soldered joint has sprung a leak that appears under cyclic loading of the pipe. The leak was avoided by increasing the tinning zone up to 20mm; the improved section stood for 3000 cycles. One of the tested specimens has the soldered joint of the pipes to the collector. The small pipe’s thickness results the deformation of the pipes heated during the soldering so that the required tight contact of the pipe and the collector can’t be secured. This deformation can be avoided by using some supplementary parts so that results structure’s fragility and damaging of the soldered joints during transporting and installing of the radiator in tests device. A laser welding was used as another joint method. The welding was carried out on the specimen similar to this used to test the soldered joints. A collector’s fragment and a small section of thin-walled tube were used as a specimen to test at pressures up to 5 bar and no leak was found. It was shown that the cooling system with thin deformable tube can be efficient but requires more careful design including the use of other materials (e.g. 36NHTYU). It has been found that the laser welding provides the joint of the best strength. The most accessible and maintainable are the mechanical and solder ones. Practical implication. The proposed cooling system can be used in the array antennas with high-density radiating elements / modules of a stationary or mobile systems. The main disadvantage of the proposed cooling system is the probability of foreign objects into the gap between the cooled wall and the thin-walled pipe so that decreases the heat contact patch and results deformation and damage of the thin pipe. The dust protection of the antenna system must be used to avoid the mentioned defect. | ||||||||
Kurochkin A. V. Optimization of the architecture of multilayer wear resistant nanostructured coatings. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 68 Wear-resistant coatings are an important part of modern tool materials. The coatings are applied to the most advanced tools. Coating technology allows us to give them the characteristics needed for specific processing conditions and to ensure that the coating effectively complements the physical and mechanical properties of the substrate of hard alloys. Optimizing the coatings architecture (change their composition and thickness), it is possible to create a universal hard alloys for different workpiece materials and operations. Studies have found that the internal stresses and the boundary conditions in the coating lead to its significant bending. Coating bending leads to the creation of compressive stresses. That causes the development of a crack near the interface between the coating and the base. Compressive stresses at the surface of the coating stop the growth of cracks originating from the interface between the coating and the base. The cracks in the coating depend on the properties of the coating and the intermediate layer. Although crack growth can occur near the surface of the coating, internal cracks may appear, which are not fully spread to the surface of the coating. The system of "coating- sublayer-substrate" is sensitive to the properties of its components, so it is possible to optimize the coating. To control machining with using coated tools the complex optimization problem should be solved. It was necessary to relate the criteria describing the properties of the coating to the physical processes in the cutting zone. Architecture of the multilayer coating for a specific machining process for different materials is selected from the developed optimization techniques. You can define the cutting conditions for maximum coated tool life. The advantage of the technique is that it provides a selection of the most resistant coating on the tool. Harnessing the power of multi-layer wear resistant coating and machining equipment increases the number of tool regrinding, increase tool life period between regrinds, and improve the quality of the machined surface. | ||||||||
Orlova D. V., Trushkina T. V., Vahteev E. V., Alyakretsky R. V. Study porosity oxide coatings on aluminum alloys. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 68 The corrosion resistance of the metal depending on operation conditions significantly effects to the operability of aluminum alloy structural elements. One of the most promising methods of protective coatings application is a microarc oxidation (MAO) due to the high wear and corrosion resistance, insulating and decorative properties of coatings. The effect of the application process’ parameters on the structure and properties of oxide coatings is not investigated adequately. The insufficient study results together with the absence of technologies and standards limits the use of MAO, so the study of the properties of MAO coatings is an important problem. Corrosion resistance, electrical and other properties of the coatings depend on the porosity. Therefore estimation of the protective properties of the coating must consider its porosity. Several methods for determining the porosity of the protective or protective and decorative coatings are known. The simplest and most common measurement methods are corrosive electroplating methods based on treatment with a special solution or applying the paste. To identify the effect of process’ parameters on the porosity of the MAO coating the aluminum alloy AD33 and AMg6 specimens of thickness of 1 mm and 2.5 mm and in-plane dimensions 50x50 mm were used. Coating formation was carried out in two electrolytes, calcium silicate and aluminate, for the following modes of MAO: current density - 15 ... 60 A/dm2, the duration of oxidation - 60 min., the ratio of the cathode and anode component of the current Ik / Ia of 0.6 to 1, 2, bath temperature - 15 ... 60C. After coating application the phase and structural composition of MAO coatings were investigated. The maximum content of solid oxide Al2O3 on the surface of the has been observed when the ratio of the anodic and cathodic current component Ia / Ik was equal to 0.6. Since the porosity effects on the corrosion resistance of coatings the in rapid testing for corrosion resistance have been made. To estimate the rate of corrosion both qualitative and quantitative properties were used. The change the look of the metal surface and the microstructure variation were the used to estimate the corrosion rate qualitatively. Investigation of the corrosion resistance in laboratory was based on the accelerated corrosion tests by creating conditions of increasing environment aggressivity allowing rapid corrosion attack. Signs of corrosion were observed after 7 days of test. On the uncoated specimens the corrosion attack was observed on about 70% of the surface. On the conventional anodized specimens slight pockets of corrosion were observe and the specimens with micro-arc oxidation coatings survived the tests without any surface damage. Thus, the investigation revealed that the protective properties of the coating are significantly depending on the technology. It was found that the coatings obtained by microplasma processing have good barrier properties (corrosion resistance) in the marine environment compared as compared with coatings of the classical anodizing. | ||||||||
Makarov V. P. Development of risk management system for flight safety in airline. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 68 Accordingly to the aviation experts the growth of air traffic will increase the number of the flight accidents. The development of the flight accident prevention methods is an actual task of the aviation industry. This task can be solved by developing the risk management system for flight safety in airlines. In this paper the approach for development of the risk management system is considered based on the forecasting of flight accidents in the forthcoming flight, the identification of the most significant hazards and the development of measures for flight accidents prevention. The forecasting method includes modeling of the possible scenarios of flight accidents and their probability estimation. The models of flight accidents can be represented as «trees». The input data for the models is the following: flight date, aircraft reliability information, weather forecast and other. So it’s possible to assess the possibility of flight accident in every flight under specific conditions. As an example, a model of one of the possible scenarios of aircraft overrun is presented in this paper. There were developed the full models of different types of flight accidents such as controlled flight into terrain, runway excursion, loss of control in flight and other types. The models describe the most typical and shortest scenarios of flight accidents that present the major threat for flight safety. The developed method of the flight accidents’ forecasting and flight accidents models was introduced in the Automated system of flight accidents’ forecasting and prevention in Volga-Dnepr airline. After trial operation and revision of the system it can be used by other airlines. Application of the developed method in airlines will reduce the number of flight accidents in Russian aviation. | ||||||||
Belskiy A. B., Sakharov N. A. Application of analytical method of helicopter target sight system pointing accuracy evaluation. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 67 The subject of research in the proposed article is a method of accuracy evaluation for helicopter target sight system. The topic of the paper is the application of analytical method of helicopter target sight system pointing accuracy evaluation. The aim of the article is improvement of helicopter target sight system by means of aiming mark displaying accuracy and comparison the analytical evaluation method with the results of mathematical simulation. The methods of mathematical simulation were used. The article presents analytical evaluation method of helicopter target sight system by using aiming mark displaying accuracy, involving initial measurers and pseudo-measures. The method is compared with mathematic model approach. It is concluded that the evaluation results, received by using both methods are closed, but the method, described in the article, allows the user to calculate percentage of primary data error in resulting error. The analytical method, presented in the article, can be used for solution the problem of aiming in the presence of pseudo-measures. Variants of practical use of offered method are also given in the article. The paper results show that the developed analytical method useful for better description the evaluation of helicopter target sight system by means aiming mark angular data assessment accuracy. Also the percentages of primary errors assessed with analytical method are reliable. There are several conclusions can be drawn from the paper. Firstly, the use of analytical method in the design of helicopter target sight system allows defining the requirement of source information sensor and its processing algorithms. Secondly, this method helps to detect and apply critical aiming conditions. Thirdly, the mathematical method indentify the reference quantity factor in algorithm of aiming mark in helicopter target sight system for different application conditions. | ||||||||
Belskiy A. B., Choban V. M. Theory and algorithms for calculation of elevation angles of aircraft position relative to ground target. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 67 The paper describes the possible ways of usage of standard coordinate system for piloting and orientation of aircraft and objects under observation. The topic of the article is the theory and algorithms of elevation angles calculation for determination of aircraft position relative to ground target. Operating of military aircraft connects with determination geodesic position for quick detection and connection targets to the map. The information about aircraft position, direction target line of sight allows detect the target position and auto-tracking by means of algorithmic computation. There were used methods of mathematical and algorithmic description in the proposed article. As a result of the work the system concept for determination of target position relative to aircraft, aircraft coordinates correction relative to object under observation position determination and auto-tracking, when the full inf Algorithmic methods suggested in the article allow to correct aircraft self-contained INS when GPS data are absent; define coordinates of objects under observation without range information if elevation data are available; and auto-track selected object with certain geodesic coordinates according to information about aircraft position. The results of this work are useful for air force and helicopters. | ||||||||
Bojprav O. V., Borbotko T. V., Lynkov L. M., Sokolov V. B. Electromagnetic radiation shields based on crude iron production powdered waste. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 67 The purpose of present work is the development of the electromagnetic radiation shielding constructions based on crude iron production powdered waste (sludge treatment cupola gases), representing, as well as ferrites, metal oxides compounds. For purposes of this research sludge treatment cupola gases, characterized by the certain fractions size, was poured in a container with a rectangular cross section, made of radio transparent material and containing an insert made of molded pulp, and having a rectangular recess in the form of truncated pyramids slurry. Shielding characteristics measurements (reflection and transmission coefficients, power of the electromagnetic radiation passing through the shielding construction) were conducted in the frequency range from 0,8 up to 18 GHz using panoramic meter transmission and reflection coefficients, the transmitting and receiving antennas, electromagnetic radiation power meter. It was found that the magnetic properties and grain size of sludge treatment cupola gases have a greater impact to the transmission coefficients than reflection coefficients of electromagnetic radiation shielding constructions produced on the basis of sludge treatment cupola gases. The developed electromagnetic radiation shielding constructions can be mounted on the walls of anechoic chambers, in which high-precision and sensitive to electromagnetic interference equipment (satellite systems, ground penetrating radar, marine beacons, etc.) is tested. Also it’s possible to implement multi-layered design electromagnetic radiation shields of gradient type on the basis of powdered sludge treatment cupola gases using technology described in this paper. Furthermore, the sludge treatment cupola gases can be used as filler in the manufacture of single and multilayer electromagnetic radiation shields of composite type, characterized according to the type of binding solution (portland cement, silicone, etc.) by various physical properties, in the manufacture of coating or filling solution for electromagnetic radiation shielding constructions with geometrically inhomogeneous surface. | ||||||||
Verbickij A. B., Sidorenko A. S. Dynamic response of airplane structure during takeoff and landing accidents. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 67 The study was perform to examine the dynamic response of an airplane and its payload during takeoff and landing accidents, such as collisions with a plane wall, a runway or a ground. The initial conditions for the numerical simulation of airframe dynamics problem correspond with real accidents conditions for the considered aircraft’s type. A modeling of the structural dynamics of aircrafts under impact loads is a quite difficult problem even in simplified problem statement, so that only numerical simulation can be efficient. To solve these problems of computational mechanics the explicit algorithms are most useful. Here the finite element software LS-DYNA is used to simulate the nonlinear transient dynamic response of airframe structures. The structural elements of the airplane’s fuselage and center wing section was modeled as resultant beams with concentrated masses at the location of nonstructural units such as fuel tanks, avionics, etc. External payloads on central and two lateral hardpoints were modeled as the beams with the stiffness and the density being constant per length. The appropriate initial conditions and properties of obstacles (structural walls, runways or ground) have been considered. The total accelerations time dependencies were obtained for both of airframe and payload. The peak acceleration of payload were calculated for each case. The strength of payload’s suspension points was estimated. The analysis of the structural dynamics of aircrafts during different accidents is very important to estimate the impact effect to the crew, payload, some structural elements, and avionics. The risk of triggering explosive and flammable onboard items can be also estimated. | ||||||||
Vovasov V. E. The signal delay theory applied to GLONASS and GPS. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 67 The objective of present paper is the method for computation of the location coordinates of GLONASS and GPS navigation satellites according to received ephemeris data and reasoning for the delays of gravitational interaction and electromagnetic signal being delivered from a satellite. Approach proposed in the paper is named the theory of a signal delay; it is based on the proper computation of the delays of signals and their derivatives. It was shown that the analogue of the electromagnetic signal delay proves to be a clock shift in one inertial coordinate system relative to another one – such data are stated in a special theory of relativity. When the radial range computed at the start moment of the gravitational interaction signal radiation, then the time delay could be interpreted as unaccounted time interval resulting in a calculation of the coordinates with errors based on the differential expression application. The intermediate results are the expressions to calculate the radial range during the signal radiation time interval as well as this interval to be computed. The expressions obtained are practically identical to the Lorentz transform as to coordinate and time in the case of small radial rates of the signal sources compared with the velocity of light. The results obtained are invoked to specify the calculations are related to the GLONASS and GPS coordinates computations and currently based on application of the general and special theories of relativity. The theory of a signal delay is predicated on the classical representation of space and time and makes it possible to take into account the relativistic and gravitational effects and to explain them from the physically intelligible event – signals delay in the air. | ||||||||
Grudnitsky V. G., Mendel M. A. Stable and monotonic numerical schemes for discontinuous flow modeling based on conservative characteristic form of conservation laws. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 67 The article is concerned with numerical schemes for gas-dynamics problems. The goal of research was to develop effective numerical algorithms using conservative characteristic form of conservation laws. Conservative characteristic form was established from divergence form of conservation laws with the aid of identity flows transformation. No linearization of the flow’s vector-function (which requires continuity of the function) was made as opposed to Euler equations. That’s why final equations are conservative and also admit discontinuous solutions. Quasi-linear conservative representation of conservation laws allows developing conservative characteristic numerical schemes and formulating necessary and sufficient conditions of stability and monotonicity. There were made two numerical schemes which are presented in this article. First one is appropriate for one-dimensional non-static problems. A number of tests (propagation of a shock-wave through high and low density area) were made. The results appeared to be extremely accurate next to discontinuities. Shock-wave and tangential discontinuity fronts are propagated without numerical diffusion influence. Two-dimensional supersonic and hypersonic flows modeling are first extension of the method. The fact that fluid velocity is greater than sound velocity allows us to solve time-independent equations. Static computations of supersonic flow in a flat duct with a wedge were made. The scheme can be simply modified to solve cylindrical-cemetery problems. Numerical schemes for three-dimensional models call for further investigations. Present study demonstrates wide range of advantages which conservative form of conservation laws provides for construction of numerical schemes for gas dynamics. Monotonicity, stability, conservative and characteristic type make them work for discontinuous flows modeling and accounts for high-precisely results. | ||||||||
Eliseev V. D., Belova E. S., Kotel'nikova A. V., Chemodanov V. B. Some practical methods for independent estimation of parameters of aviation system objects. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 67 The paper is devoted to the development of practical engineering methods of continuous real-time assessment (identification) of the unknown object parameters, which is based on the signals of measurement of input and output object coordinates. The subject of the paper is connected with the proposed idea of independent (separate) evaluation of any/each of the unknown object parameters (e.g., dynamic coefficients of the airplane). The paper aims at developing some practical methods and algorithms for separate estimation of the unknown parameters of static and dynamic aviation system objects. The research method is based on preliminary formulation of a required system of equations with variable coefficients according to the signals of measurement of the input and output object coordinates. This equation system can be used for estimation of all unknown object parameters. Such system can be constructed, for example, on the basis of signals that contain current and past values of all measured coordinates. These values can be obtained by passing the signal through dynamic elements such as pure time delay links. Such signal processing provides for continuous calculation of the Cramer formulas determinants for the formulated equations system. This allows performing a reduction of the overall objective of estimation of all the unknown object parameters to a number of independent tasks of assessment of separate unknown parameters. After that these problems are solved via application of the methods of estimation of a single parameter in the presence of “measurement noise” such as the method of minimization of the current value of the squared error. The estimation methods and algorithms, which were obtained during the research, can be used for the assessment of airplane dynamic coefficients as well as gradients of devices of object coordinate measurement or control channel. The paper presents some examples of obtaining the appropriate estimation algorithms and illustrates their effectiveness with the mathematical modeling results. This allows recommending the developed methods and algorithms of estimation of unknown object parameters for practical application, which will result in improvement of the quality of aircraft control systems. The research proved the possibility of obtaining particular algorithms of automatic continuous evaluation of parameters of the static objects and dynamic objects, which can be considered as static objects, in the presence of “measurement noise”. Accurate real-time measurement of aircraft control parameters is essential for enhancing its handling qualities. However, it is hard to assess these parameters precisely due to a number of complications. The paper offers a practically proven method for solving this problem. | ||||||||
Erokhin A. P., Deniskin Y. I. The general approaches to creation of parametrical models of aviation designs taking into account a multiplication on a theoretical contour. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 67 The use of parametric geometrical models for aviation constructions design is investigated. The parameterization of geometrical models is considered for groups of constructively and geometrically similar details containing the curvilinear surfaces of aircraft theoretical contour. The parametric model of such detail allows one to construct the models of remaining details by use of the simple change of required parameters and will reduce the input data for digital models of the considered group’s details in direct ratio to number of details. The geometrical element of auxiliary geometry forming the sized basis for geometrical model of a detail is called a "binding". To secure full model’s parameterization and to eliminate geometry failures the determination of the bindings must be independent from the model position so that allows one to conserve all geometrical reconstructions at ever change of the position. This specificity requires avoiding the bindings’ changeover if the model position in construction changes. To eliminate the mentioned changeover of binding planes and surfaces the continuous determination of axial elements used as bindings is necessary instead of the discrete one. The use of the revealed regularities of determination of axes of the constructive and force diagram (CFD) is proposed as a continuous determination method. This approach is based on the known fact that the discretely located axes can be defined by parallel shift with a certain step with respect to its initial position. The use as bindings of the elements forming the sized bases for CFD axes is proposed contrary to the use of the force set axes. The term "basic bindings" is for this kind of bindings introduced. On the basis of the described approach and the use of available basic bindings the remaining bindings can be determined “in model” instead of their import from the master geometry. Such bindings’ determination avoids their changeover at ever change of the model position and requires only the new values of parameters defining the binding’s position with respect to the rather basic bindings. The proposed above bindings’ determination avoids also failures of evolution of geometrical elements at changes of model’s position in aggregate construction. On the other hand the model spatial position of the model can be parameterized together with the model’s form. A new method of construction of parametric models for aviation constructions that takes into account the multiplication on theoretical contours can be developed on the basis of the proposed continuous bindings’ determination aproach. | ||||||||
Klimov A. K., Klimov D. A., Nizovtsev V. ., Ukhov . A. Efficiency of application of nanostructural сomposite materials and products from them in the aviation industry. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 67 The short review of properties and scopes is provided in article developed and investigated in «СIAM» Federal State Unitary Enterprise together with JSC «Diaprom» and JSC «Kuznetsov» of the nanostructured superfirm composite materials and coverings on their basis. The carried-out research works allow to draw a conclusion on big prospects of application of the nanostructured composite materials on the basis of carbides, carbonitrides and diborides transitional and refractory metals for aerospace objects. Subject of this work is consideration of scopes of the created superfirm composite materials. Creation of superfirm composite materials and powders on their basis for receiving coverings and monolithic composite materials for the purpose of increase of a technological level of aerospace objects was the purpose of this work. The created coverings and monolithic composite materials allow to create for aerospace objects both the aerospace industry units and devices of new generation. The method of work had research and experimental character directed on the solution of specific practical objectives. As a result of the carried-out works composite materials of new generation with operated electro - physical properties were created. These materials allowed to create various units of new generation for aviation engines, aerospace objects and the aviation industry, significantly having increased their reliability and a resource. The created composite materials and designs from them already found application in various units of aviation engines (pumps, reducers, hydraulic cylinders, bearings), in designs of aerospace objects (sheetings of a glider of the aircraft, bearings of mechanization of a wing, pneumatic cylinders), in the aviation industry (industrial equipment, wearproof details of high-precision machines). particularly the (re)introduction of accrual accounting, and provides insights into the nature of accounting change both in public sector organisations and generally. As a result of the done work the new family of composite materials which allowed to create designs of units and mechanisms in the aircraft equipment and the aviation industry of the new generation, working at the new original principles is created. | ||||||||
Konstantinov M. S., Min T. . Optimization of spacecraft trajectory onto the heliocentric orbit. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 67 The main subject of this study is an interplanetary trajectory of spacecrafts with electric propulsion. The paper is devoted to the optimization of the spacecraft trajectory with electric propulsion into working heliocentric orbit. The purpose of this article is the analysis of the optimal directinsertion trajectory of the spacecraft with electric propulsion into the working heliocentric orbit with low perihelionand high inclination as well as the analysis of the possible types of extremals. The trajectory optimization problem of spacecraft with electric propulsion into working heliocentric orbit with a given perihelion radius, a phelionradius and inclination to the ecliptic plane for the fixed time is carried out by usingthe Pontryagin’s maximum principle. The compliance with the transversality conditions for solving the boundary value problem was ensured. The analysis of the possible types of extremals of the optimal directinsertion trajectories of the spacecraft with electric propulsion into the working heliocentric orbit with low perihelionand high inclination was carried out. As a result of this work the characteristics ofthe optimal direct insertion trajectory of the spacecraft into the target heliocentric orbit for space transportation system on the basis ofthe launch vehicle "Soyuz-2," the chemical upper stage "Fregat" and the electric propulsion type “RIT 22” are obtained. The analysis of multiple types of extremals is presented. Seven types of extremals are shown and their propertiesare analyzed. These results can be used during the development of space research programs with using the heliocentric trajectories. For example, to study the inner heliosphere of the Sun from close distances and positions of outer ecliptic plane. By using the space transportation system based on the launch vehicle "Soyuz-2," the chemical upper stage "Fregat" and the electric propulsion system type «RIT-22", we can insert the spacecraft with the mass more than1350 kg into the heliocentric orbit with a low perihelion and inclination to the ecliptic plane equal to 30 degrees. In this case, the required mass of xenonis 640...650 kg. The essential optimal conditions for spacecraft insertion into the heliocentric orbit are obtained and ensuring compliance with these conditions in the solution of the boundary value problem are carried out. | ||||||||
Korolev V. V. Controlling of aircraft turbofan transient rating. Fuel distribution to main combustion chamber collectors. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 67 This article examines modern or perspective turbofan engine for multipurpose maneuverable aircraft. In this kind of engine, the ratio between fuel consumption at maximum rating and at ground idle is approximately 50. Therefore it is necessary to apply multi-collector combustion chamber. The subject of this article is controlling of aircraft turbofan transient rating and fuel distributing to main combustion chamber collectors. The purpose is to minimize the time of full acceleration; to improve the air-to-fuel performance; to improve the completeness of fuel combustion at steady-state rating. There were analyzed the rules of fuel distributing to main combustion chamber collectors accomplished by standard (serial) fuel distributor. Defects of this scheme (design) were discovered. There were analyzed all the important influences on characteristics of transient rating and full acceleration of turbofan. There were analyzed the restrictions on choosing method of fuel distribution to the main combustion chamber collectors. The preferable rules of fuel distribution to the main combustion chamber collectors were chosen. There was developed a structure of digital gas turbine power plant control system which is able to accomplish this kind of fuel distribution. The results can be applied for aircraft turbofan engine controlling by full authority digital electronics (FADEC). The implication of the proposed control system structure is advisable for multi-collectors main combustion chamber and fuel batcher digital control system. The developed structure allows to reduce the time of full acceleration up to the modern standards; to avoid working with unfilled main consumption collector; to improve the air-to-fuel performance and completeness of fuel combustion at steady-state rating. | ||||||||
Kuz'michev V. S., Kulagin V. V., Krupenich I. N., Tkachenko A. Y., Rybakov V. N. Generation of the gas turbine engine working process virtual model Subject area of the case. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 67 Thermogasdynamic simulation of the gas turbine engine working process. The article is focused on the use of gas turbine engine working process virtual models in connection with ASTRA CAE-system. The theoretical framework is based on the methods of gas turbine engine working process theory, systems analysis, operations research, optimal control theory, mathematical simulation, calculus mathematics and computer-aided designing. Method of gas turbine engine working process virtual models generation in connection with ASTRA CAE-system is developed. The described approach was approved on the designing of high efficiency multi-purpose gas generator, prospective bypass engine of 30 tons thrust, gas turbine locomotive power plant, during the computational modeling of Tu-154M and An-124 flight cycles and other research studies. The results have shown good coincidence with experimental data and the results of specialized mathematical models and computer-aided systems, developed and used by the design offices. The described approach and developed method of gas turbine engine working process virtual models generation may be used by the design offices of the aviation propulsion engineering industry during the designing, research and development of prospective gas turbine engines and power plants. Use of the developed method provides more fast, more extensive and detailed investigations on the initial stages of gas turbine engine designing as well as design data refining using the results obtained at the following designing stages. Thus the reducing of design time and improvement of gas turbine engine characteristics is attained. | ||||||||
Luk'yanova A. A., Voeykova O. B. Education forsustainable development from the positions of the space program of the world educational system. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 67 The formation of the educational system of the third millenium is under the scrutiny of the United Nations andin accordance with the adopted decisions therea new world educational model should become a universal mechanism to ensure the strategy of sustainable development of mankind.Education as the most important subsystem, providing stability to the whole world socio-ecological-economic system in the future, is the focus of this article. The problem of transformation of the global educational system in response to the challenges of globalization and moved threat of antropologiekological catastrophe requires the selection and approval of new ideological and value attitude inside the existing educational system, support to which will make it possible to accomplish a passage to the most optimum civilizational development. Despite ongoing efforts in the introduction of courses sustainable development of all countries of the Bologna process and in educational institutions of the USA and Canada, the emerging system of education for sustainable development, based more on the idea of its ecologization not give the desired result. For the permission of the prevailing situation, in the article it is proposed to turn to the traditions of the domestic thought, which was called name «Russian kosmizm». In the framework of kosmism gets new meaning the strategy of sustainable development as its basic principles are difficult to implement without the implementation of the key ideas of this conception, such as noosferizatsiya of public consciousness V.I. Vernadskogo or the idea of K. E. Tsiolkovskiy about the mastery of deep space for purposes of the solution of the problems of the overpopulation of the Earth and limitedness of natural and energy planet resources. Russian kosmists who stood at the origins of space science, and not only reflected in their works the fundamentals of cosmic world outlook, but also theoretically substantiated the transition to the humanistic-noosphere to the future of mankind. In connection with this contributors it is proposed to supplement the concept of the ecological education for purposes of sustainable development by the ideas of the «space program educational system». Theoretical substantiation of the space program spinoffof modern education, proposed by the authors of the article provides a new look on the problem of realization of provisions of the strategy of sustainable development, strengthen the international education system to ensure sustainability of global socio-ecological-economic system in the future. The separate theoretical positions represented in the article can be used for the development of strategy of educational establishment for the realization of the purposes of sustainable development in accordance with the recommendations of United Nations and UNESKO. | ||||||||
Manokhin A. E. Pulse Signal Enhancement by Disturbance Canceller on Narrow-Band Gaussian Disturbance Background. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 67 The method of two-channel adaptive cancelation of narrow-band non-correlated disturbances is presented in this paper. The method used in the model disturbances canceller is based on adaptive modeling a mix of a desired signal and a disturbance in the basic channel and disturbance in the reference channel. To increase of the compensative accuracy in the reference channel, the additional adaptive filter is used, which not only equalizes disturbance level in channels, but it also corrects the disturbance correlation function in the basic channel as much as possible leading it to approach the correlation function in the reference channel. The proposed framework can be applied to cancel narrow-band disturbances in multichannel systems, telecommunication systems, and mobile communication systems. In the case of signal-disturbance power ratio lesser than minus 10 dB and the equality of disturbances power in channels the adaptive alignment allows to raise even more the degree of cancelation and to decrease error probability twice. Moreover, the method has proven to be useful in the case of mutually uncorrelated and unequal power disturbances in channels. | ||||||||
Matveev Y. A., Kovalevskaya O. V. Pulse Signal Enhancement by Disturbance Canceller on Narrow-Band Gaussian Disturbance Background. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 67 This article provides the methodology and gives the performances analysis of launch vehicle modification based on the ballistic missiles, in which the additional upper fourth stage with a solid engine is used. The given parameters of ballistic missiles, which are used in launch rocket base, observe the problem of fourth stage rational parameters choice and the program for elimination of transport operation, as well as provide the delivery of maximum payload mass into the desired orbit. The fourth stage includes the solid propellant motor with control system and connectors compartments, the reserve of the fourth stage fuel and payload which includes the aggregate and instrument compartment with the control system. Research method is built in such way that the use of the fourth stage mass m04 = mпг + mРБ4 = m04зад with given breeding program determines the altitude and speed of aircraft at the point of apogee — Va. In order to provide the necessary aircraft movement on the orbit ΔV = Vобр — Va the essential addition to the speed was calculated. We suggest that the total impulse thrust of fourth stage will be given directly in the point of contact within a negligible amount of time. Using the dependence DV = — Pуд4ЧgЧn(1-mт4), ![]() It is possible to calculate payload delivered to orbit mПГ = m04 — mРБ4. The method allows to predict the characteristics of launch vehicle modification based on ballistic missiles. The achievable performance of launch vehicle modification by payload mass and circular orbit altitude are determined with the help of design features in orbital injection (apogee motor start of the fourth stage) and given parameters of the upper fourth stage with a solid propellant motor. It is necessary to underline that the maximum of relative mass payload of launch vehicle modification (it is measure of effectiveness of launch vehicle modification) is achieved when m04 is equal to 900 kg. In this case the apogee altitude ha is equal to 800 km and the mass payload delivered to orbit mпг is equal to 160 kg. At the same time the maximum mass delivered to orbit will be obtained when m04 will be equal to 2600 kg (mпг is 270 kg). In this case the orbit altitude is 300 km. The resulting estimates can be used for direction choice of the project design in design bureau. | ||||||||
Mikhailova E. A., Sbitnev S. N. Project-process approach to the management of the aircraft engine company . Trudy MAI, 2013, no 67 The development of the method of production management, which helps to raise the quality of production planning, reduce production costs, shorten production cycles and reduce the parts in work in progress. The development of the system design and implementation of the project-process approach, organizational management mechanism on the example of the approach to aero engine company. Project and process-oriented approach is based on a combination of project and process management, takes into account the characteristics of each method. The possibility of applying the elements of project and process approaches to the management of the company aircraft engine production. The expediency of the use of project-process approach. Use the synergy method to evaluate the effects from the implementation of the approach. Use the statistical method to the information of the results of an approach to aero engine company. A scheme of design and implementation of the project-process approach, describes each of the stages of the approach. The organizational management mechanism, improve the performance of listed companies. The approach can be applied to aircraft engine building, as well as other machine-building enterprises, including multinational companies and holdings. The use of project-process approach has significant results in an enterprise aero engine: more efficient use of resources of the enterprise, improving the quality of planning at all stages of the value chain of the final product cost reduction in order to achieve the target cost, which is a measure of actual output in Russia in the world market of this industry. | ||||||||
Nerubailo B. V., Vu B. Z., Zaytsev V. M. For a calculation of stresses in vessels under unsymmetrical hydraulic-statics pressure and heating. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 67 The problem to be considered in this paper isboundary problemsdevoted toa stress-deformed state of a circle cylindrical shell with varied conditions on the boundaries and with the presence of hydraulic-statics pressure action, which is constant along of an axis, that correspondents to a horizontal position of vessels, which are partially filled by a liquid. Such problem in condition of endshinge joints was solved in the V.Z. Vlasov’s monograph with the help of double trigonometric seriesmethod, in which an axial stress is shown only on the basis of the semi-momentless theory. Since the dry part of the vessels cylindrical shell with no liquid can havethe very high temperature, which can lead to appearance of high thermo-elastic stresses, it is needed to consider a problem of stress-deformed state calculation of cylindrical shells being under action of temperature, which is constant by length and piece – constant along the contour. The method of asymptotic synthesis (MAS) and ordinary trigonometric series with the method of initial parameters are used for an essential widening of studyingpossibilities for stress-deformed state. An attraction of the MAS is stipulated by necessity to calculate the bending moments in a zone with absence of hinge joints, for example, on the rigidly fixed edges of the shells, where it is impossible to find the bending moments on the basis of the semi-momentless theory, because of algebraic non-differential dependence between the axial and cross bending moments and the radial displacement, as far as the partial derivative of the radial displacement with respect to an axial coordinate is equal to zero; but the radial displacement is equal to zero with the condition of rigidly fixed edges of shells, therefore the bending moments are equal to zero too. But by attracting the MAS the stress-deformed state on the basis of semi-momentless theory equations was supplemented with symmetrical and unsymmetrical edge effects, destined to play an essential role in calculation of stress state on shells rigidly fixed edges. In this way the submitted here investigations could be interpreted as some generalization of V.Z. Vlasov’s problem in the case of shells witharbitrary boundary conditions under action of both the unsymmetrical hydraulic-statics pressure and piece-constant temperature field. The MAS in the form of differential equations of the semi-momentless theory and the edge effect theory equations allowed to get the analytical solutions and simple formulae for important unknown quantities of stress-deformed state in the case of circle cylindrical shells with varied conditions on boundaries. | ||||||||
Nikitin D. P. Vibration resistance improving for GNSS receiver operating in circuit of guidance systems. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 67 The development of algorithms for improving ofthe vibration resistance of navigation equipment performingmajortasksina guidance system under strong vibration impactscan be provided without any additions or modifications of the receiver hardware. It is based on the method of impactcompensation by meansthe softwareprocessing of the additionaldata from receiver common broadbandtracking loop. This approach is to compensate common channel interferencesfor satellites,e.g. vibration, by forming an additional general targeting for controlled oscillators for all satellite channels. This targeting allows one to remove an additional dynamic impact from PLL system. The possibility of usingthe common broadband tracking loop for guidance control tasks in mobile GNSS applications was confirmed by experimental studies. Experiments have shown there are no observed reduction of satellite tracking compared tothe conventional receiverfor the impact of thevibration with the frequency rangefrom 8 Hz to 40 Hz and accelerationsmore than 3.5 G. That allows one to continue running the main tasks in case of such vibration impacts.Considered methods allows one to expand the functionality of navigation receivers which increases the total quality ofnavigation equipment applied in industrial automatic and semi-automatic control tasks. | ||||||||
Pukhir G. A., Nasonova N. V., Lynkov L. M. Stability of shielding characteristics of liquid-containing materials under conditions of water phase transformation. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 67 The progress in the development of electromagnetic radiation shielding and absorbing materials includes a synthesis of composite liquid-containing materials. The mechanical parameters of the materials are ensured by a porous matrix (which can be ordered or disordered, fibrous or powder) and a polymer binder. The shielding effectiveness of the composite materials is produced by the properties of the liquid, which fills the pore space of the matrix. The stability of the electromagnetic parameters of the liquid-containing materials mainly depends on the temperature dependence of the water dielectric permittivity and doesn’t change significantly up to a temperature of +50°С. The issue of interest is the investigation of the material characteristics behavior at the points of phase transformation of water, which is the main component of such shielding materials. The work is aimed at exploration of the influence of the physic-chemical processes, taking place in the volume and on the surface of the liquid-containing composite materials, when the temperature alters in a wide range, upon the stability of their shielding characteristics. The liquid-containing powder and fibrous adsorbents in a silicone polymer were subjected to a step heating up to +150°С under a gravimetric control of their residual water content and shielding characteristics through measuring the EMR transmission and reflection coefficients in the frequency range of 8…12 GHz by a scalar network analysis technique. Development of weather-proof electromagnetic shields and absorbers is as important as to ensure the high shielding effectiveness. The influence of the adsorbent matrix type and solution content upon the shielding effectiveness was determined. The samples based on fine powders are characterized by a high flexibility, good manufacturability and shielding effectiveness comparable to the similar thicker samples. The EMR reflection coefficient of powder-based samples 2 mm in thickness on a metal plate is -8.5…-12.0 dB for water-containing samples and -13.0…-17.8 dB for the samples, containing the hygroscopic solution. The composite materials based on liquid-containing powders, distributed within an elastic polymer, are suggested for flexible electromagnetic shields and absorbers designs, capable of effective protection of stationary and mobile objects under high temperature, with a high stability of their shielding characteristics. | ||||||||
Starostin K. I. Optimal choice of the hight pressure water separation structure and para-meters. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 67 The Environmental Control Systems (ECS) of most modern aircraft include High-Pressure Water Separation (HPWS) loop schemes. Fig. 1 shows a typical layout of such HPWS loop scheme. ![]() Fig. 1. Layout of a loop scheme of high-pressure water separation. where C, R are the heat exchangers (C is the condenser, R is the reheater); Т1, Т2 are the first and second cooling stages of multi-stage turbo-machine; MS-1, MS-2 are the moisture separators (dryer dehumidifiers). The functioning of HPWS loop scheme during humid air processing influences the dependence of its workability on the altitude and speed of the airplane flight as well as the operability of separate ECS units. Thus the purpose of this paper is to calculate ECS workability areas for various values of altitude and speed of flight. The calculation is performed by using the available mathematical model of HPWS loop scheme and the computing program that is based on this model. The paper also aims at considering possibilities of the system optimization in terms of starting and equivalent weight criteria. The mathematical model of the considered system includes the general equation of humid air enthalpy as well as a system of the equations, which are used for calculation of air parameters at the each unit outlet. The equations were solved by using the modified method of chords, which was developed with taking into account the function features connected with the processes of moisture evaporation and freezing. The developed program was used to obtain the workability areas depending on the altitude and speed of flight. A method of evaluation of operability of separate ECS units was developed and applied to analyze system functioning in the course of the numerical experiment. This method includes tests and criteria for each unit. Various ECS were compared according to the criteria of starting and equivalent weight with the help of the developed program. This calculation was performed for several versions of the system structure. The conducted research showed that the workability area of ECS with the HPWS loop scheme is narrow when humidity has no profound effect on system units functioning (Fig. 2), ![]() Fig. 2. ECS workability areas depending on altitude and speed of flight. where number “1” is the area for the air cycle ECS with one-stage cooling turbine without the HPWS loop scheme; number “2” is the area for the ECS with the HPWS loop scheme, which includes a condenser, a reheater and a one-stage cooling turbine; number “3” is the area for the ECS with the HPWS loop scheme, which includes a two-stage cooling turbine. However the HPWS loop scheme starts to gain an advantage upon the transition of the system outlet air temperature to negative values at low flight altitudes. This advantage emerges due to the reduction of the required conditioning air consumption for the HPWS loop scheme. The systems without the HPWS loop scheme are forcedly limited to positive values of the output temperature for all flight modes. The results of the performed calculations are adduced in Fig. 3. Fig. 3 shows that there is a strong correlation between the adjusting weight of the system and its starting weight. ![]() Fig. 3. The starting and equivalent weight of the considered ECS types. where type #1 is the air cycle ECS with one-stage cooling turbine without the HPWS loop scheme; type #2 is the ECS with the HPWS loop scheme, which includes only a condenser; type #3 is the ECS with the HPWS loop scheme, which includes a condenser and a reheater; type #4 is the ECS with the HPWS loop scheme, which includes a two-stage cooling turbine. Fig. 4 presents the calculated areas of system operability as well as the dependence of the total weight of the condenser and reheater on their efficiencies (hc and hR). ![]() Fig. 4. Dependence of the total weight of the condenser and reheater on their efficiencies hc and hR. The analysis allowed to establish the following: to optimize ECS with HPWS loop scheme in terms of the weight criteria it is desirable to have the values of condenser and reheater efficiencies close to each other. During the research an assumption was made that the air-flow rate does not change within the allocated ECS section and system functioning mode is considered to be stationary. The usage of the HPWS loop scheme as a part of the ECS narrows its workability area. Therefore, it is expedient to provide the ECS with bypass lines. These lines would allow the system to go around some of the units of the loop scheme during the flight at the altitudes, at which the amount of moisture in the atmospheric air is insignificant. The comparative calculations showed that the system with HPWS loop scheme, which includes a condenser and a reheater, is optimum with respect to the criteria of starting and equivalent weight. Usage of the loop scheme with the two-stage cooling turbine can be justified by the increase of operation reliability of the heat exchangers. Application of the proposed numerical methods for modeling of aviation ECS functioning at the early design stage can undoubtedly be useful and serve a practical purpose for organizations connected with manufacturing and operation of these systems. | ||||||||
Strogonova L. ., Stolyarchuk V. A., Makarova S. M., Vasin J. A. The Problems Habitability Manned Lunar Station. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 67 This paper presents the authors pilot project of the collective of authors about habitability of manned lunar station, problems and methods of its solution. Lunar base will be an extremely productive choice for future space efforts. Further exploration of the Moon is scientifically important; the Moon offers a stable and radio-quiet platform for astronomy and space physics, material resources are available for use in near-Earth space or on the Moon itself, the Earth-Moon operations offer the technological stimulus for interplanetary missions at lower cost with less risk. We face new standards of the Moon Base habitability and construction. It is the task with many unknowns. From detailed investigation of the habitability problem we understand to all stages of so unique design. Case study of the habitability showed the next:
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Shatlovskaya K. V. Risk analysis of financing of the aircraft repair enterprises. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 67 The problem of modernization of the domestic industry costs today especially sharply. In the conditions of market economy and the competition those producers who effectively use the resources successfully function. Efficiency of economic activity of the enterprise is defined by the organization of formation of its financial resources. Feature of the aircraft repair enterprises is formation of sources of financial means at the expense of own capital in the form of the authorized, reserve and additional capitals, insignificant dependence on external sources of financing that doesn't allow to attract and use enough of resources. For ensuring continuous economic activity with necessary financial resources, the system of financing of the aircraft repair enterprises has to be adapted for requirements of the modern market. For this purpose it is necessary to develop the long-term financial plan coinciding on the terms from state program of development of aviation branch as a whole. The increase in volume of repair, equipment service at reduction of term of performed works with an entry into the international market has to become strategy of development of the aircraft repair enterprises. For realization of this strategy of the organization have to optimize system of financing of a production activity, increase a share of the borrowed funds allocated for modernization and expansion of production. Main purpose of the industrial enterprises is the increase in their market cost that is interfaced to a large number of risks, management with which allows the organization to function and achieve successfully goals with the minimum losses. Main purpose of the industrial enterprises is the increase in their market cost that is interfaced to a large number of risks, management with which allows the organization to function and achieve successfully purposes with the minimum losses. For modernization and production expansion the aircraft repair enterprises need to attract external investors. Therefore the risk of decrease in investment appeal has decisive impact on possibilities of further development of the organization. For volumes of investment depends, whether the branch will be able to adapt for requirements of the modern world, to develop in parallel with becoming complicated technologies and needs of customers. To make the weighed decision on expediency of implementation of this or that investment project, and at its acceptance to try to minimize the possible losses caused by risks inherent in it, the careful comprehensive analysis of the project assumed to implementation, a correct assessment of risks inherent in it is necessary. For an assessment of investment risks most optimum to use a method of imitating modeling of Monte-Carlo. This method allows to estimate complex influence of factors on results of investment. | ||||||||
Shchipakov V. A. Problems of pulse detonation gas turbine engines creation. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 67 A new approach to solving the problem of pulsed detonation engines has been proposed. The approach differs complete absence of mechanical valves and special ignition systems. The pulsation process in such an engine is initiated by generating high-frequency self-oscillations in a gas-dynamic resonator. The resonator is periodically filled with a specially prepared, nonequilibrium, exothermically reacting fuel-air mixture. The heat enhancing the oscillation amplitude is released in the course of detonation-like combustion. The results of model experiments are reported. For present day possibility of the further improvement of the features aircraft gas-turbine engines is practically exhausted that is explained by restriction on existing materials, used at production GTE and many other reasons. Opened at the last years perspective of the using two-stage combustion fuel have greatly raised the interest to engines of periodic fuel combustion. In the article the perspective model of the engine with two-stage combustion fuel is described. The advantage and defects of the different schemes of the engines, similar models and problems of the designing are considered. Transition from the thermodynamic cycle with heat emission under the constant pressure (p — const) to the cycle with heat emission under the constant volume (v — const) is one of possible ways to improve the efficiency of aircraft engines. Theoretical studies have proved that this would result in achieving the increase of the cycle efficiency by the factor of 1.3 to 1.5. For several decades, the attempts were made to implement the theory of the pulsed engines (based on the v = const concept) into practice, but they did not succeed so far. This is attributed to the complexity of the design, inertia and low passing capability of mechanical valves in these engines, as well as to low combustion velocities attained. The above turned to be the main reasons for low impulse frequencies, high thermal and vibration loads, elevated noise level, and finally the unsatisfactory engine performance as a whole. | ||||||||
Anamova R. R. Waveguide layout in the antenna arrangements for the aeronautical communication . Trudy MAI, 2013, no 66 Subject of research include waveguide transmission lines of the ground-based large-sized phased antennas for the aeronautical communication.A problem of waveguide layout is typical for antenna arrays with great number of emitters because of bounded space of antenna aperture and great number of waveguide elements to place in it andseveral types of waveguide transmission lines using in the antenna arrays.The modern computer-aided design systems don’t solve the waveguide layout problem completely.
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Gidaspov V. Y. Numerical simulation of stationary waves of burning and detonation in a mixture of magnesium particles with air. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 66 Development of the physico-mathematical model of the process, computational algorithms and program complex for simulation of combustion and detonation of combustible mixtures, consisting of particles of metals and air. The calculation of the fine structure of stationary waves, combustion and detonation, determine the ignition delay minimum speed of detonation and the maximum speed of burning.
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Bezglasnyi S. P., Khudyakova M. A. The synthesis of asymptotically stable motions of a gyrostat variable structure. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 66 The necessity to realize of the set motions and orientation of satellites and spacecraft in orbit requires the development of a mathematical theory of control and new algorithms of control. Work is devoted to the active control of randomly set of the spacial motions of a satellite-gyrostat variable structure relative to its center of mass.
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Kurennov S. S. The two-parameter elastic foundation model used for the computation of the glued connection stressed state. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 66 This article is dedicated to the development of the method of calculation of adhesive joints. Here is proposed to model the adhesive layer with a two-parameter model of the elastic foundation.
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Kasumov E. V. Algorithms of determining the rational parameters of units in numerical modeling of dynamic response mechanisms. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 66 The purpose of this paper is stepwise development of complex of nonlinear mathematical models of design and checking calculations of aircraft mechanical systems.
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Myint Z. M., Khlopkov A. Y. Cognitive approach to the solution of hypersonic flow problems. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 66 To create a useful engineering program for determination of main aerodynamic characteristics of complex-shaped bodies in rarified atmosphere. The program should provide for sufficiently short calculation time to be applied at early stages of high-speed vehicle design. To determine the main aerodynamic characteristics of reentry vehicles in rarified atmosphere on all segments of their trajectories – from orbital flight to landing on Earth.
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Myint Z. M., Khlopkov A. Y. Investigation of aerothermodynamics of the advanced hypersonic reentry vehicles. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 66 Investigation of aerothermodynamics in space is a key technology for the design and optimization of space vehicles since it provides the necessary databases for the choice of trajectory, guidance, navigation and control, as well as for thermal protection and propulsion systems. The purpose of this work is to provide a method for calculation of aerothermodynamic characteristics during the flight in rarefied, transitional and continuum regimes, which could be used for rapid engineering calculations at early stages of reentry vehicle design.
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Nikolsky A. A. About airfoil shapes spline parameterization. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 66 Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to describe a new general approach for airfoil shapes parameterization. Applications to airfoil optimization are also discussed.
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Nedelin V. G., Parafes S. G. Ensuring of the aeroelastic stability of maneuverable unmanned aircraft at the stage of preliminary design. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 66 One of the most important problems of the maneuverable unmanned aircraft designing is a security from a flutter and aeroelastic stability with the help of automatic control system (ACS). The aeroelastic interaction between unmanned aircraft and ACS can be presented in the form of a multiply-connected loop. There are two line feedbacks in this loop: through the malleability of the actuator and the control loop. This structure indicates that in addition to the flutter the stability losses in the system «actuator– rudder» and in the loop «elastic aircraft– ACS» are possible. The problems associated with stability of the multiply-connected loop «elastic aircraft– ACS» should be considered at the stage of preliminary design. Detection of the oscillations presence fact in the multiply-connected loop only in the design final stages (the laboratory and the flight tests) leads in significant additional to great money costs and time consuming to eliminate undertaken measures. In this paper the iterative approach for solution to the problem of ensuring of maneuverable unmanned aircraft aeroelastic stability at the stage of preliminary design is considered. The approach includes three stages. The first stage is the choice of the structure and main parameters of aircraft circuit stabilization from the view pointof its regarded aeroelastic characteristics. The second stage is subsystems rational individual design: the air frame and the ACS (including stabilization system and actuator). The third stage – the harmonization of the structure and parameters of the airframe and ACS with the purpose of safety requirements satisfaction for the flutter and aeroelastic stability with the help of ACS.
- coordination methods for parameters of constructive-technological solution to the airframe and ACS (the actuator and stabilization systems) with the viewpoint of requirements compliance of the aircraft aeroelastic stability. | ||||||||
Yaremenko A. V., Nikitchenko Y. A., Popov S. A. Numerical research of mutual influence of X-43A airframe and scramjet in maneuvering. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 66 To investigate the mutual influence of hypersonic vehicle airframe and functioning scramjet engine at various angles of attack.
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Letova T. ., Yakovishina D. D. Algorithmic and software for plan generation of the information transfer from the space vehicles tandem onto the receiving information points. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 66 In this article the development task of algorithmic and simulator complex software allowing to form the plan of information transfer from the space vehicles tandem onto the receiving information points is considered.
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Karagodin V. V. The approximate calculation methods of the extra-atmospheric active trajectory leg. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 66 Object of the research is the approximate and numerical methods for flight vehicles trajectories calculation, used in ballistics design during cycle development, and estimations of their basic design-ballistic characteristics.
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Nogov O. A. The planning of sessions during the data relay and communication control with the help of MSDRS “Luch”. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 66 The article presents materials about creation of general (long-term) and detailed (daily) plans for conducting of data relay and communication sessions in the Data Relay and Communications Control Center of Multifunctional Space Data Relay System “Luch”.
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Vazhenin N. A. Phenomenological models of pulse noise from stationary plasma thruster. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 66 As recent studies of thin time structure of electromagnetic emission of stationary plasma thruster (SPT) have shown, such stochastic process, in addition to a purely thermal component, contains a non-thermal component representing stochastic seguence of radio pulses with complicated internal structure.
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Bogomolova T. V., Melnikov O. V. Application of ANSYS FLUENT for structural calculations of rotor blades of the last stages of turbines. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 66 The results of the calculations of the static strength of long blades of steam turbines with the software package ANSYS-WORKBENCH are presented. Described and illustrated the basic steps of calculations. The results are compared with data of known methods.
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Odnokurtsev K. A., Vlasevsky A. A., Lukin P. A. Calculation of Manipulator Drive Movements When Using Different Positioning Methods. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 66 Movements of manipulator drives when performing coordinate positioning of an object in space.
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Afonin A. A., Kurmakov D. V., Yamashev G. G., Sulakov A. S. Small-sized microcontroller computer module design for modern systems and complexes of orientation and navigation, gravimetry and control of air-sea dynamic moved objects. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 66 This article deals with questions of small-sized microcontroller computer module design for modern systems and complexes of orientation and navigation, gravimetry and guidance of air-sea dynamic moving crafts. The main goal is development of printed circuit board of the computer module on the base of up-to-date microcontrollers for collecting and processing data as a component of a strapdown gravitation-inertial navigation complex (SGINC).
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Kurshin A. V. Modified navigation algorithm for GPS / GLONASS positioning of the space consumer. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 66 The problem of location determining of an artificial Earth satellite (AES) using the Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) GPS and GLONASS was considered. To improve the accuracy of navigation it is proposed to use a modified navigation algorithm, which, in addition to measurements of GNSS, uses information about the motion of the satellite model in non-central gravitational field of the Earth. There is also considered the specific challenges with which the companies pursuing international manufacturing strategies are faced.The mathematical modeling of the orbital segment GNSS GPS and GLONASS, disturbances, and movement of space consumer were used for the research. The disturbances on the satellite, inaccurate knowledge of satellite ephemeris and time were mathematically modeled.The resulting navigation algorithm can be used for navigation of nano-satellites, remote sensing satellites and scientific satellites. In addition, these algorithms can be used in navigation of aircraft moving along the ballistic trajectory.The present study provides a starting-point for further research on advanced model of orbital consumers. Research can be carried out by the refined model of the consumer motion. The correct motion model is able to compensate the perturbations provided by non-spherical gravitational field of the Earth, gravity of the moon and the sun, the pressure force of sunlight.The use of modified navigation algorithm can significantly improve the accuracy of consumer navigation space, especially in the field of continuous navigation. The appliance of this method allowed to increase the accuracy by 75% in comparison with the least square method. | ||||||||
Afonin A. A., Sulakov A. S., Yamashev G. G., Mikhailin D. A., Mirzoyan L. A., Kurmakov D. V. About Possibility of Strapdown Gravitation-Navigation Complex for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Guidance Creation. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 66 This paper presents a new approach to creation of integrated informative-measuring complex for unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) automated guidance. The authors consider a variant of the integrated complex including flight planning system, automatic UAV guidance system, and strapdown gravitation-inertial navigation complex — the main source of attitude, navigation, and gravimetric information both for operation of UAV guidance system, and for realization of the flight objective function — execution of automatized vector gravimetric survey. Operation of the main modules of the integrated complex is illustrated with functional and structural diagrams, mathematical models, and operation algorithms. The new approach offered can provide qualitative and quantitative benefits when carrying out aerial gravimetric surveying both at the part of mobile gravimetric measurements, and at the part of planning, information provision, and UAV guidance optimization.
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Ivanchenko A. J. Using an adaptive tuning PID controller for a radar antenna. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 66 The purpose of this study is to develop an adaptive control system radar antenna based on the classic proportional and integral differential (PID) controller with application to modern technology management as a fuzzy control module.
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Khrustaliov M. M., Rumyantsev D. S., Tsarkov K. A. Galerkin method in problems for optimization of quasilinear dynamic stochastic systems with information restrictions . Trudy MAI, 2013, no 66 Numeric and approximate analytical methods in problems for optimal control of quasilinear stochastic dynamic diffusive systems with information restrictions. Galerkin method in problems for optimization of quasilinear dynamic stochastic systems with information restrictions.
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Kirillov V. Y., Tomilin M. M. Effect of Intentional Electromagnetic Interferences on the On-board Cables of Space Vehicles. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 66 Intentional electromagnetic interferences which are generated by special technical devices can cause degradation of performance, disruption of operation modes, total loss of operating capability, and damage of elements, modules, and devices onboard of a space vehicle. Cables, connecting the on-board devices and units, due to their large length and presence in different parts of a space vehicle especially on the outer surface of the space vehicle construction can become the main receivers of intentional electromagnetic interferences. Therefore, it is important to provide the required level of electromagnetic interference immunity of on-board cables. For this purpose one must know values of conducted electromagnetic interferences in the on-board cables and coupled transmission lines of space vehicles whichcan arise because of intentional electromagnetic influence. This problem is considered in this paper.
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Zvonareva G. A., Ibragimov . R. Control software of the interface device of the satellite service channel. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 66 There are the aspects of control software development of the interface device considered in this work. The interface device is a part of the onboard equipment of the satellite service control channel and this device plays key role in the controlling the satellite from the ground control station. The main functions of the interface device is receiving messages from the ground control station and sending telemetry data to ground station. Additionally the device must receive and handle the control signals from satellite onboard apparatus. The interface device consists of hardware and software. The most important functions are performed by the control software.
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Belskiy A. B., Choban V. M. Mathematical modeling and recognition algorithms of target on the image generated by aircraft sighting system. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 66 An object of the proposed article is the theoretical basis of thermal imaging sighting system formed by electrooptic systems of the aircraft used for analyses, processing and development of recognition algorithm
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Shatovkin R. R., Likhachev V. P., Ryazantsev L. B. Target Tracking Based on Model with Random Structure and Maneuver Phase Difference Indicator . Trudy MAI, 2013, no 66 A maneuvering target has the strong influence on the performance of the automatic tracking system. The failure to detect the beginning of its maneuver often leads to the failure of tracking due to the appearance of large errors because of the wrong gauges of the real behavior of target. Modern and future electronic systems of this class have to include special devices to detect and determine the intensity of maneuver – indicators intended to correct the settings and filters support structure in accordance with the real situation.
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Kulikova A. N., Golovanov P. V. Development of performance criteria for the processes within the framework of the budgeting system of aviation enterprise. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 66 The presented paper studies economic relations associated with the management of an aviation enterprise, which uses a budgeting system integrated with a quality management system.
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Ershov D. M. Quantitative model of strategic performance. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 66 The paper proposes a new quantitative model of strategic performance (QMSP) which is considerably extended in comparison with the original model proposed by M. Hell, S. Vidačić, and Z. Garača. Within the scope of original model linear optimization problem was formulated to find the optimal resource allocation and evaluate strategic performance corresponding to this allocation. In this problem the criterion function was the total level of main strategic objectives’ accomplishment while constraints were dictated by the structure of cause-consequence relationships between strategic objectives and limitations on resource amounts. Objectives and activities were suggested to be linked with one-to-one(zero)relationships. For an objective to reach x percent accomplishment level, corresponding activity has to be implemented the same percent.
The new QMSPE was proved to be more suitable for evaluation of aerospace enterprise’s strategic performance. It was applied within strategic planning process of “ESTO-Vacuum”(this company produces vacuum equipment for production of avionics)and demonstrated its high potential as a planning instrument. | ||||||||
Avakyan A. A. Synthesis of Fault-Tolerant IMA Platforms for Aircraft Equipment Subsystems. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 65 The purpose of the present paper is to consider the research results in the fields of creation of fail-safe systems of aircraft avionics, which are capable to automate the critical aircraft processes and to satisfy the requirements of airworthiness regulations, flight regularity, all standards for aircraft equipment as well as to minimize maintenance costs. It is shown that the architecture of such systems must meet the concept of integrated modular avionics (IMA).
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Belousov M. G., Tsurkal A. A. Investigation of the factors influencing the damaging and destruction of compressor blades of aircraft engine. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 65 With the help of the suggested methods for researching dynamic tensions of compressors blades at resonant oscillations at high modes the area of occurrence and the subsequent development of fatigue cracks up to the final breakage can be defined. The problem of foreign objects distribution in the engine compressor has many aspects. Great complexity of processes and phenomena, variety of the factors at the same time operating and connected among themselves, often controversial complicate the full solution of this problem.
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Bocharov V. S., Generalov A. G., Gadzhiev E. V. Design of an UHF - band rectangular microstrip antenna for application on spacecraft «Ionosphere». Trudy MAI, 2013, no 65 In this paper, the design of an ultra-high frequency (UHF) band microstrip patch antenna is presented. This type of antenna is offered to solve one of the important problems of antenna technology – the design of small-sized, low-profile on-board antennas.
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Grischenko S. V., Popov Y. I. The development of a composite laminate macromodel for the analysis of stress-strain behavior in irregular zones of typical airframe . Trudy MAI, 2013, no 65 Preliminary assessment of stress-strain behavior is an important stage in design of any aircraft structure. Such assessment allows determining the first approximation of geometrical parameters of the designed structure elements already at the stage of its development. The more accurate the methods of stress-strain behavior assessment are, the lower are the costs of the subsequent design adjustments, which are implemented on the basis of the structure test results. Design calculations of composite laminate structures are carried out by mainly using composite laminate macromodels, which are based on the theory of laminated anisotropic material, and various finite element models. The main role of the finite element models in this calculation consists in determining the effective stress. To obtain the solution in the first case an assumption is made that the deformations are equal and constant along the packet thickness. In the second case it is possible to construct a composite laminate model, which would take into account the interlayer and interfacial interactions between the composite laminate components. However, in this case the required computing capacity grows manifold directly proportional to the number of layers. The goal of this research is to develop the method of analysis of stress strain behavior of any composite laminate packet in irregular zone of typical airframe structures. This is attained by creating a special mathematical macromodel for numerical analysis of the deformation of an arbitrary laminate composite packet, which allows for possible movement of the layers relative to each other with taking into account the shear stiffness of the binder. Only two-dimensional stress state is considered in this study. An assumption is made that the interlayer space in a composite laminate packet is filled exclusively with the binder, the mechanical properties of which are isotropic. In the framework of the developed model a multilayer laminate composite packet, which actually consists of N monolayers with hM thickness, is considered to have N orthotropic lamina with hK thickness and N-1 binder layers with hC thickness. Each orthotropic laminae in the model is considered as a composite monolayer with a somewhat higher percentage of fiber content. The binder in the model is considered to have isotropic mechanical properties. Thus it is assumed that the packet consists of layers of 2 different materials. The interfacial connections are considered ideal, i.e. the deformations are constant along the materials interface. It is also assumed that composite monolayer can only be in two-dimensional stress state, while intermediate binder layer can be in three-dimensional stress state with the exception of longitudinal deformations along the Z axis. Therefore, the possibility of occurrence of shear deformations γXZ and γYZ and, subsequently, shear stresses τXZ and τYZ. in the intermediate binder layer is not excluded from consideration. The problem is reduced to the determination of the strain and deformation of composite layers according to the laws of the classical theory of elasticity of a laminate anisotropic material. For intermediate binder layers the deformations (including shear deformations) are determined first, the tangential shear, normal and equivalent strains are determined afterwards. Interlayer shear deformations are defined by solving the equations of strain compatibility for the intermediate binder layer. This is done by using the dependence of the longitudinal deformation within the binder layer on the coordinate along the Z axis (boundary conditions are assumed as equal to zero): where ε l(2) and ε l(2) are the deformations of the adjacent layers 1 and 2. A calculation of a hypothetical loading case was carried out to investigate the capabilities of the methodology and analyze the results. A 40-layer composite laminate packet was considered. It was assumed that a certain load is applied to it. The load acts on a certain number of the upper packet layers (loaded layers). The dependence of the layer and interlayer deformations on the coordinate along the packet thickness shows a strongly pronounced inverse proportionality. Interlayer shear deformations tend towards zero with greater intensity. Such dependence is most pronounced for the packet, which is reinforced in only one direction. The shape of deformation distribution in the layers is independent from the amount of the applied load, the loading condition and calculation pattern. This means that there is a certain invariant characteristic of the deformation of the composite laminate packet, which depends only on the structure and properties of the packet. This allows assessing the stress-strain behavior of such packet at the stage when the load itself and loading condition are unknown. It is necessary to gradually increase the thickness in the irregular zone to enable a more uniform loading of the composite laminate layers. However, based on the obtained solutions for the interlayer deformation it is possible to conclude that the interlayer shift directly depends on the size of the transition zone. Therefore the problem of determining the optimal size of the transition zone emerges. The optimal zone should allow gradual loading of the layers without exposing the interlayer binder to dangerous strains. If there are shear stresses between the layers, they usually substantially prevail over normal ones. Thus delamination calculation can be based on the shear strength of the binder material. However, creation of an integrated strength criterion may be required. There is a significant increase of the interlayer deformations in areas where the load is transferred from the layer with reinforcement angle 90° to the layer with reinforcement angle 0°. This is caused by the fact that the difference in stiffness of these layers is too big. When the load is transferred from the layer with reinforcement angle 0° to the layer with reinforcement angle 90°, a reversed interlayer effect can be observed, which consists in small values of the interlayer deformations and strains. | ||||||||
Zhelonkin A. A. The construction and investigation of the MSC.ADAMS dynamic model of the helicopter. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 65 To create and research the dynamic model of the helicopter. To simulate the processes, which occur under operation conditions. To determine the requirements for the dynamic model components. To study and test the technologies of modeling and research with ANSYS and MSC.ADAMS software products. The dynamic model of the helicopter is a large assembly based on the modal component technology. Operation conditions were modeled as a transition process. The modal components were built with the help of finite element analysis (FEA) in ANSYS. Development and research of the dynamic helicopter model as a large assembly was carried out in MSC.ADAMS. The research allowed obtaining force factors in the nodes of the dynamic model, vibrations and movement of the helicopter and its interaction with the airfield. Modeling shortcomings were identified. An incomplete helicopter model with incomplete and simplified component models was developed. Thus the research results are of an experimental nature and can serve as a basis for further investigation. The study allowed obtaining knowledge and practical experience of developing the entire dynamic helicopter model and its components. The directions and fields of further work were defined. An understanding about the technologies of modeling within ANSYS and MSC.ADAMS environments was obtained. | ||||||||
Zhuravlev R. V., Didenko R. A., Luginina N. S., Gabov D. V. Development of a method predicting of resonant stresses in the GTE blades. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 65 When creating turbochargers important task is to predict the resonant stresses of rotor blades at the design stage, in order to minimize the risk of destruction in the work, due to the high level of dynamic stresses caused by uneven gas flow. At the moment, most of the existing methods for predicting the possibility of resonance in the GTE blades based on empirical evidence and some assumptions. To optimize the process of forecasting the level of resonant stresses a more universal computational method, closely linking gas dynamics and strength. One of these methods is the Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI). The advantage of this method is no need to rebuild the geometric models and grids at each step of the calculation, resulting in a significant reduction of complexity.
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Zimin I. I., Valov M. V., Yakovlev A. V., Galochkin S. A. Small satellite "Mikhail Reshetnev". Results of operation. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 65 This article presents the operation results of the small satellite of scientific and experimental goals – the “MiR” satellite, which was create for testing a number of JSC “ISS” engineering developments and its partners.
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Kabanov A. A. Simulation in aviation and aerospace industry. What precedes to the experiment?. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 65 The study objects of this article are the production processes in aviation and space-rocket industry. The main attention is paid to the manufacturing flows in production systems. Simulation is considered as one of the methods of construction and research on manufacturing flows. In order to create a simulation model it is needed to carry out a serious and difficult work, which is sometimes more time-consuming than the process of construction and analysis of simulation models. The purpose of this article is the study of the processes, which precede to the creation of simulation model. This article presents one of the possible approaches to the development of manufacturing flows simulation methods. It is shown that the simulation model includes a set of different types models such as the product mathematical model, network product model, the network model of the processes, as well as the model of network resources used in the creation of the product. The approach is primarily designed for engineers, which are the main data sources on the production system. It is proposed to develop a simulation model in three phases, where the last one is actually the formation of a simulation model. Also it is needed to identify the data sources for the constructing simulation model. And finally, it is necessary to develope approaches for the construction of works complex general methodology, which is needed for the creation of manufacturing flow simulation model. In addition, the article gives information about software used for the simulation, provides a brief overview and fields of their application. The article will be interesting for the engineers involved in production systems design, for the manufacturing flow simulation engineers, as well as for the specialists participating in creation and management of industry production systems. | ||||||||
Kazbekov B. V. The combination of IR and visible imaging in the problems of identification of mobile ground targets on board UAVs. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 65 Algorithms and methods for automated digital image processing in the visible and infrared ranges obtained from the board of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) searching for moving ground targets.
Image processing received from the UAV board becomes complicated by the following factors:
In this study the author used methods of mathematical modeling, computer vision, and the theory of probability and mathematical statistics.
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Karpenko D. S., Maximov I. A., Ivanov V. V. Method to Telemetry Data Compression using Binary Arithmetic Coding. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 65 The new general method of context-sensitive probabilistic compression for measurement data is presented in the paper.
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Kovaleva A. A., Pichulin V. S., Skedina M. M. Noninvasive methods research of cellular blood composition in conditions of space flight. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 65 Blood is a diagnostically important biological fluid. From a physical point of view it is a suspension, where the liquid component — blood plasma and the solid component — formed elements, characterized by certain concentration, shape and size. Long duration space flight (SF) can lead to change of those parameters and some of them can be irreversible. So it is necessary to monitor the cellular composition of blood for timely preventive measures.
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Krylov N. V. Strength analysis of wave gear with intermediate rolling bodies with rotational motion of the output link. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 65 The purpose of this work is to develop a method to find the forces and stresses in the most loaded places of the wave gear with intermediate rolling bodies — areas of contact of rolling bodies with other elements of the gear, and find the dependence between stresses in these areas and gear geometric parameters based on analysis made by this method.
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Kuzmina E. V. Management efficiency of export potential of an enterprise. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 65 To analyze the structure of the world space market of launch vehicles, depending on the distribution of classes over the years, and to propose possible ways of its development.
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Kuznetsov E. B., Leonov S. S. Mathematical modeling of the pure bending for the aviation material beam at creep conditions. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 65 The paper deals with the solution of pure bending of a rectangular beam of D16T material at constant temperature loaded with a constant bending moment. Research of the construction for creep and long-term strength are considered. A comparison is provided of the two methods for the problem solution based on the numerical results, as well as a comparison of the numerical solution with the experimental data.
The method of solution continuation with respect to a specific parameter is first shown in this work, as well as the best parametrization of the problems of the creep theory. Obtained results and considered methods can be widely used in mechanical engineering, aviation and other high-tech industries.
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Lipov B. P. Ergonomic adaptability and problems of improvement of anti-g protective systems. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 65 The paper addresses questions of improvement of aviation crew protection from shock overloads.
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Lohmatkin V. V. An estimation of productivity of the space vehicle expressed in the area of the finished shooting Earth surface, with reliability taken taking into account reliability. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 65 Parametres of reliability of the spacecraft;
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Mamayev A. A., Semenikhin K. V. Robust trajectory estimation for a maneuvering aircraft under constraints on the acceleration vector. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 65 The problem of a robust trajectory estimation for a maneuvering aircraft from the range and direction cosine measurements is studied in account for unknown parameters constraints.
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Gureev E. D., Murlaga A. R. Some ways of space system arrangement for HAARP heating facility monitoring. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 65 Some problems dealt with control of ionosphere modification under powerful electromagnetic waves produced by ground based heaters are discussed. The interaction between powerful electromagnetic waves and ionosphere leads to ionospheric modification. It occurs a number of effects of great importance, e.g. remote territories monitoring, underground probing, location and communication systems influencing. Therefore the problem of ground-based-heater-activity monitoring is considered in this paper.
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Proshkin V. Y., Kurmazenko E. A., Kochetkov A. A., Gavrilov L. I. Operational Issues of Air Revitalization and Monitoring Systems Providing for the Russian Module on Board of the International Space Station. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 65 Nowadays Air Revitalization and Monitoring Systems (ARMS) service on board of the International Space Station (ISS) has features:
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Pyatunin K. R., Luginina N. S., Didenko R. A. Testing and adaptation of new approaches to unsteady flow simulation for aerodynamic problems. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 65 Results of unsteady flow simulation for 1½ model turbine stage are considered. For cases with unequal numbers of blades/vanes in adjacent rows (“unequal pitch”) a computation over multiple passages is required to ensure that simple periodic boundary conditions can be applied. For typical geometries, a time accurate solution requires computation over a significant portion of the wheel or full wheel. It require prohibitive computing resources and becomes problematical especially for aviation industry with hard regulated times of developing. In this case it is necessary to use some simplifications (change number of blades, geometric and gas-dynamic scaling, transformation of problem to 2D simulation), which may result in inaccuracy in developing, because this technique is not allow to correctly simulate interaction of blade rows with unequal blade pitch. A number of methods are now available that address the issue of unequal pitch while significantly reducing the required computation time. Considered here are a family of related methods (“Transformation Methods”) which transform the equations, the solution or the boundary conditions in a manner that appropriately recognizes the periodicity of the flow, yet do not require solution of all or a large number of the blades in a given row. This paper will concentrate on comparing and contrasting these numerical treatments. The first method, known as “Profile Transformation”, overcomes the unequal pitch problem by simply scaling the flow profile that is communicated between neighboring blade rows, yet maintains the correct blade geometry and pitch ratio. The next method, known as the “Fourier Transformation” method applies phase shifted boundary conditions. To avoid storing the time history on the periodic boundary, a Fourier series method is used to store information at the blade passing frequency and its harmonics. In the final method, a pitch-wise time transformation is performed that ensures that the boundary is truly periodic in the transformed space. This method is referred to as “Time Transformation”. The three methods are realized in ANSYS CFX v.14 solver. Verification of used technique and comparison of simulation results with results of full mesh simulation is also presented in this paper. | ||||||||
Sakornsin R. ., Popov S. A. Improving the Aerodynamics of the Straight Wing with Slanted Tips and Floats by Adding a Triangular Protrusion. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 65 The paper aims at conducting numerical studies of the effect of triangular protrusion on the aerodynamic characteristics of seaplane wing.
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Kashina I. A., Salnikov A. F. The method for determination of structural elements natural frequencies of the solid-fuel rocket engine system . Trudy MAI, 2013, no 65 Frequency characteristics of solid propellant rocket engine design elements.
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Semenov S. A. Graphics processing unit is in molecular dynamic simulations . Trudy MAI, 2013, no 65 Demonstration of graphics processors usage in molecular-dynamic simulations.
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Sementsova A. N. Analysis of temperature stress and deformation in caisson composite constructions. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 65 This paper presents a method of thermal residual stress calculation arising in composite caisson constructions after the manufacturing process. It is necessary to examine the influence of temperature on bulk integral constructions.
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Sokolova A. A. Canards position and its effect on aircraft stability, controllability and maneuverability. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 65 The paper aims to investigate the phenomenon of the shift of aircraft aerodynamic center along the incoming air flow, which occurs upon the transition of the aircraft to supersonic speeds within the given Mach range. The influence of the shift on aircraft stability, controllability and maneuverability is also examined. The paper seeks for ways to reduce the adverse effects of aerodynamic center shift (ACS) and retain the stability (instability) of the aircraft at the preassigned level. The paper proposes structural measures for addressing the problem and uses a heuristic research method. It is supposed that there is a structural capability to shift the canard along X axis. Thus functional dependencies of aerodynamic center position upon the flight speed are constructed for various canard positions. Based on this data it is possible to build a functional dependency of canard position upon the speed, which would help to decrease adverse effects of aerodynamic center shift (ACS). This idea is proven mathematically. Proper change of the canard position along X axis during acceleration provides for a static position of aerodynamic center. This in turn helps to retain the stability (instability) of the aircraft at the preassigned level. The present concept provides a starting point for further research in aerodynamics and aircraft design. Its elaboration requires further investigation. The proposed concept could be useful for supersonic aircraft design. Due to the lack of research on the load factor change during the canard movement, which could be potentially dangerous for human pilots, the presented concept could be quite useful for the design of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). The problem of retaining aircraft stability, controllability and maneuverability at supersonic speeds within the given Mach range remains open for more than 50 years. The presented concept aspires to solve that problem. | ||||||||
Mokrousova E. I. Method Approaches to the Evaluation of Competitive Advantages of Aero Engines. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 65 To define methodological approaches to evaluate the competitiveness of aero engines (AE) in order to increase its adequacy.
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Usovik I. V., Darnopykh V. V. Automation of parametrical analysis and optimization of Earth observation systems target functioning. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 65 Since the beginning of researches of a near-earth space use of systems of remote sensing of Earth received broad application. The purposes of use of such systems is receiving a complete idea of Earth and processes passing on its surface, in the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, an ionosphere, a magnetosphere, etc. As shows experiment, use of remote-sensing instruments of Earth allows to solve a number of various tasks: from weather forecasting before forecasting of emergency situations. Due to the increase in number of consumers of this information, now there is a process directed on creation of multipurpose satellite systems of remote sensing of Earth, consisting of several spacecraft’s.
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Antipov E. A., Balashov V. V., Veber A. V., Kufyriev R. Y., Mogulkin A. ., Nigmatzjanov V. V., Pankov A. I., Popov G. A., Sitnikov S. A., Khartov S. A. The Way to Choose Structure Materials for High Frequency Ion Thrusters. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 65 Selection of high frequency ion thruster materials and development of manufacturing processes for critical structural elements.
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Obolensky Y. G., Pohvalensky V. L., Cheglakov D. I. Control law for the automatic docking procedure during aerial refueling. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 65 Automatic in-flight refueling of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).
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Shirokov I. N., Alexey L. I. Using of ANSYS software to create an experimental setup capable of modeling the workflow in the double-circuit combustion chamber of rocket-ramjet engine. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 65 A general principle of operation and a brief history of the multicircuit direct-flow combustion chambers on solid fuels are revealed. An algorithm of using ANSYS software to create an experimental setup capable of modeling the workflow in the double-circuit combustion chamber of rocket-ramjet is engine is proposed. Since 1935, engineers have been developing technologies for hypersonic systems that can fly faster than the speed of sound in the atmosphere. Hypersonic systems would have many benefits. For example, a hypersonic missile capable of an average speed of Mach 5 could strike a time-sensitive target in short timeframe. One of possible way to achieve real hypersonic prototypes is using perspective schemes and a first step for that is 3D modeling. The scientific paper contain complete algorithm in which a real design are created from simple scheme. The main purpose of the research is to develop a scientific basis for designing small-sized double-circuit combustion chambers, which provides after-burning of primary combustion products of fuel in small gas vortexes. But, the present study provides basic findings. Further tests are needed. In this research were used software packages: ANSYS 14 and Solid Works 2012.
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Yanakova E. S. On radar signals selection on the heterogeneous land surface. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 65 Solution of high-frequency radar signal processing for adapting the system to the characteristics of the reflecting heterogeneous surface is one of the important problems of modern security radars. This paper deals with software and hardware solutions of the problem of adapting the system under complex correlated noise reflected from homogeneous underlying surface.
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Safronov A. A. The calculation of the maximum thermal power space liquid droplet radiator. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 65 In the article a new type of space radiators is considered. These radiators are based on the radiative cooling of drip shroud of actuating medium, spreading in space between liquid droplet generator and droplet collector. The energetic opportunity of applying of liquid-droplet radiators for power systems is studied.
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Korchemkin Y. B., Kochetkov O. S. Polarizer for satellite communication systems with polarization multiplexing. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 65 The modern satellite communication systems such as «Yamal-200» and «Express AM3» consist of a set of satellites using the polarization multiplexing in a wide frequency range of C-band. Earth station antennas of such systems should have a level of cross-polarization isolation waves of circular polarization not less than 30 dB in the reception band 3.4 — 4.2 GHz and transfer band 5.75 - 6.55 GHz. Polarizers of antennas for these systems must provide a 90-degree differential phase shift with a deviation of not more than 2-3 degrees, but the lack of higher order modes, the occurrence of which leads to a deterioration of the polarization characteristics. The purpose to the present work is to develop a suitable polarizer for advanced satellite communication systems.
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Kordover K. A., Zhdanov A. A., Danilov A. M. Universal control unit for ground-based debugging complex’s storage array. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 65 Debugging and modeling of complex processing devices based on field-programmable gate arrays (FPGA) using specialized computer-aided design (CAD) programs can be a time-consuming process. Ground-based debugging complex (GBDC) is developed to accelerate the debugging of the FPGA designs based on custom hardware. The devices debugged by GBDC may include storage units with various interfaces and memory organization. At the same time GBDC array of storage devices consists of memory chips that have strictly defined structure and parameters and can’t be reconfigured or replaced afterwards. Therefore, it proposes to use some means for emulation of memory chips used by device being debugged. For this purpose the universal control unit for ground-based debugging complex storage array is developed and described in this paper.
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Sukhanov N. V. Aircraft control scheme based on neural networks. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 65 The main aim of this work is to provide a good base for the applicability of neural network inverse-adaptive scheme designed for spacecraft control.
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Larin A. A., Reznichenko V. I., Artemev A. V. Development of multi-layer composite structures for the protection aircrafts from the automatic weapon bullets. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 65 To provide a methodology for multilayer armor design aimed at ensuring the required level of object protection from small-caliber ammunition up to 12,7x108 mm.
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Kovateva Y. S., Bogacheova D. Y. Evaluation of the thermal state of the combustion chamber rocket engine of small thrust using environmentally friendly propellants. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 65 Study the possibility of using existing engineering design procedures (EDP)[1,2,3] assessment of the thermal state of the combustion chamber of liquid rocket engine (LRE) in relation to the rocket engine of small thrust.
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Shemyakov A. O. The Concept of Compromising Information in General Scheme of Vulnerability Analysis of Automated Data Processing Systems. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 65 For the analysis of security incidents of university automated system (AS), it is necessary to proceed from not only the research methods used by intruders, but the identification of system properties allowing them to carry out their actions. Thus, the task of identification and evaluation of compromising information is araised. The concept of the information compromising AS, i.e. identifiable information that allow to find vulnerability and to use them afterwards, is a problem studied in this paper. It was shown that it is possible to separate several classes of threats realization in accordance with the considered types of vulnerabilities.
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Mozharov V. A. Mathematical Model of Spatial Alignment of Interconnect Elements in the Multilayer PCBs of Avionics. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 65 The aim of the work was to develop mathematical model of aligning the interconnect elements in multilayer PCBs to ensure high reliability and improve mass and dimensions parameters of electronic modules of modern aircraft onboard equipment without increasing the cost of final products.
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Mozharov V. A. A mathematical model of relation between shrink of laminate and its structural parameters. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 65 The purpose of this work was to elaborate a mathematical model relating the adjustment for foiled laminate shrinkage to the copper foil and dielectric substrate thickness, which will allow to calculate the correction for shrinkage of the whole range of materials used in manufacturing. The solution is based on the combined use of regression analysis and fundamentals of measurement tasks theory. A general form of dependency of the necessary correction for shrinkage from parameters of PCB laminate was defined. The model was calibrated using ISOLA IS680-333 as an example. The proportion of unexplained variability in the variance of shrinkage correction has been evaluated. The submitted mathematical model allows to forecast the correction for shrinkage of the whole range of base materials used in production using measurements from several samples. This approach results in a significant reduction in time and material costs of precision PCB production. A mathematical model relating the adjustment for foiled laminate shrinkage to copper foil and dielectric substrate thickness, helping to reduce costs and to accelerate the introduction of new models of foiled laminate, was elaborated. | ||||||||
Galeyev . G. To the Question of Providing of Safety of Working and Exploitation of Propulsion options Space Systems on the Components of Fuel. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 64 In the article the ground of application of methods and devices is conducted for providing of safe terms of realization of stand tests of motive options and their systems on a high-efficiency fuel pair lotwo and hydrogen. The questions of safety of working off and exploitation of the space systems are considered, advantage of application of restoration chart of reheat of generator gas is shown in engines working on the condensated natural gas and lotwo, with the ground of charts, parameters and optimal multipleness of the use of them in the objects of multiple space systems. | ||||||||
Makhrov V. P., Glushchenko A. A., Yuriev A. I. Influence of hydrodynamic characteristics on behavior of free surface liquid in high speed flow. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 64 This article is about theoretical research results of behavior of free cavern bounds, created behind the body in high speed fluid flow by hydrodynamic characteristics. In practical tasks such characteristics are usually ring wings with proper profile in section. It has been shown, that usage of ring vortex characteristics and numerical method of solving Navie-Stokes equations using Flow Vision it is possible to create a cavern with bounds in specified limits. | ||||||||
Rodchenko V. V., Sadretdinova E. R., Gusev E. V., Galeyev . G. Design for traffic penetrator in the lunar soil. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 64 At present, humanity has managed to look into the depths of our lunar satellite to a depth of 3 meters. Perhaps only by drilling on celestial bodies, first of all automatically - without human intervention, to answer the question of the laws of planetary evolution, in which the origin of life is either a product of a local accident or the result of yet unknown causes. As the development of space bodies challenges extraterrestrial drilling will inevitably become more complicated. Need drilling to depths of hundreds of meters to study the spread of frost on the surface of some planets and satellites, to find, for example, water, for seismic, biological and other studies. Drilling may be necessary during the construction of lunar bases. There is a project for the construction of a lunar base with deep well, a few tens of meters at the bottom which will be blown up charge of high power. This forms a spherical cavity, it is suitable for the equipment of the shop, secure layer of lunar soil from large changes in temperature and cosmic radiation. These works will require a penetrators fired from landers space probes and penetrates the soil to a considerable depth at a relatively low curb weight. | ||||||||
Zolotov A. A., Nurullaev E. D. Allowing forplanned preventive maintenance, emergency and planned replacements technical systems resource rationing. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 64 Technical systems reliability ensuring tasks on operational stage are considered. Probabilistic-cost parameters forecast algorithms on product maintenance process are given. Technical systems resource rationing methods allowing for planned preventive maintenance, emergency and planned replacements are presented. Presented results can be useful to technical systems operation specialists and corresponding profile students. | ||||||||
Liseitsev N. ., Samoilovskii A. A. Long endurance flight of the UAV over Russian territory view. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 64 Feasibility of long duration flight UAV, using solar energy in Russian territory is considered. The main parameters of such vehicles for flight in different region of Russia are determined. | ||||||||
Gorbatenko S. A., Makhrov V. P., Yuriev A. I. The particular of cavity streamline of the lengthen bodies in vertical stream. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 64 Тhе paper presents the some results of theoretical and experimental research of axisymmetric cavity streamline of the lengthen bodies in vertical stream. These streams are known as Lighthill-Shushpanov flows. The results of the testing have been cited as an example of the new method of the cavity formation for the lengthen bodies in vertical stream. | ||||||||
Ryzhov Y. A., Popov S. A., Vu M. H. Influence of spinner shape relative size of hub and diffuser on the axial fan characteristics. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 64 The paper presents the results of numerical studies of the effects of spinner shape, relative size of hub and the diffuser on the characteristics of axial fans. Obtained the coefficients of of the total pressure, productivity efficiency and power factor.Shows the influence of the spinner shape and relative size of hub on the characteristics of the fans. | ||||||||
Popov S. A., Vu M. H., Ryzhov Y. A. The physical aspects of using the forward skew blades for axial fan. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 64 The paper presents the results of a comparative analysis of computer simulation to determine the characteristics of advanced high-pressure fan with swept blades H-1 and fan TsAGI OV-23. The influence of the number of blades on the mass flow - dynamic pressure characteristics and the coefficient of efficiency of axial fans H-1 and OV-23 has been analyzed. Shows the advantages of the fan with blades forward-swept over the fan TsAGI, expressed in increasing the efficiency and expansion of its range of stable work with equal dimensions and angles of blade setting. Presented by the explanation physics of the phenomenon increase the stability of an axial fan with blades forward-swept towards of flow separation. | ||||||||
Rodchenko V. V., Zolotov A. A., Gusev E. V., Galeyev . G. Development of a mathematical model of reliability of complex technical systems space infrastructure. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 64 In article the substantiation of structure and quantitative values of indicators of reliability of system of gas supply of a technical complex is spent. The mathematical model of reliability of system of gas supply of a technical complex taking into account possibility of restoration of an efficient condition after refusal in the course of performance of works is considered. | ||||||||
Karasiov V. N., Levin V. M. Simulation of thrust performances ramjet engine for high supersonic velocities of flight. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 64 The questions of simulation of working process in a supersonic ramjet engine working on aviation kerosene are considered. The computed examples of performances for one scheme of a supersonic ramjet engine are given. | ||||||||
Danilin A. N., Kozlov K. S., Kuznetsova E. L., Tarasov S. S. Modeling of damper vibrations for conductors of overhead power supply systems. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 64 Now experimental studies of damper effectiveness for overhead power supply systems play a key role in the power dissipation analysis. But the mathematical models are of interest as well, allowing not only to calculate the damper dynamic characteristics, but also to optimize their design parameters in order to increase the dissipation effectiveness in the widest frequency range. Spatial vibrations are modeled for a system consisting of a flexible elastic rope and weight (solid), rigidly attached to one rope end. The problem is solved with a full account of the stiffness and inertial characteristics of the system. The energy dissipation takes into account, which has a pronounced hysteresis type. The equations are obtained in geometrically linear formulation. Further studies involve the use of non-linear dynamic equations using the deformation equations in the quadratic approximation and physical relationships considering the hysteresis losses. | ||||||||
Endogur A. I., Kravtsov V. A. The stress state of a composite panel in the area of the hole. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 64 The article presents the dependence of the stress concentration in the loop holes in the polymer composite material from the geometrical parameters of the rows of holes. | ||||||||
Lazarev I. V. Simulation of star tracker system. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 63 Simulation of star tracker system. It deals with questions of projecting an observed area of a star sky is described. Calculation of an optical signal on a surface of an opto-electronic device, coming from a star with a random visible magnitude is made. Transformation of optical signal to electric and processes of recognition of observed group of stars are imitated, with the aim of calculating spacecraft orientation. | ||||||||
Lebedev G. N., Vu X. H. The problem of synthesis algorithm for maximum speed automatic ship landing at a given point. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 63 The problem of the maximum speed of the ship docking at a given point isconsidered.A combined operation with relay and linear regulators that provide the terminal phase of a terminal high accuracy position and velocity isproposed. | ||||||||
Lebedev G. N., Gatich S. A. Aircraft landing run control system. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 63 The question of aircraft landing run control is considered in the paper. Control is accomplished by the elevator, elerons, rudder, differential brake moment on base wheels and by rotation of front wheel. Control algorithms is described, their efficiency is denoted. | ||||||||
Lebedev G. N., Tin P. ., Zaw M. H., Medvedev A. M. Flight control of airliners crossing their routes during the approach to landing. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 63 The problem of optimal control of lateral movement of vehicles as they approach on crossing routes at any angle. | ||||||||
Lebedev G. N., Dao N. T. Optimal production of management in crisis situations, given the improvement created by new aircraft. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 63 The simultaneous production and improve its quality by manufacturing and constructive level of the enterprise is considered. It is shown that the demand for the products is dependent on the rate of increase of its quality, which is especially important in times of recession. | ||||||||
Ryabzev M. V. Angle sensor of multiturn electric drive. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 63 The paper presents the results of model tests encoder calculation accuracy, the algorithm processing, cascade multiplexing scheme. | ||||||||
Seregin S. I. The algorithm of orientation parameters definition for rotation around longitudinal axis flying objects. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 63 Introduction of beskardanny systems of orientation and navigation in a contour of management of the pilotless aircraft (A) is the most perspective task [1]. The special class is represented by LA having rotation on a list. In work the algorithm of definition of stretching conditions of such LA is presented. Various ways of formation of stretching conditions were considered and the most expedient is defined in application onboard high-dynamic LA. | ||||||||
Tin P. . Comparison without priority and with priority of the air traffic control systems using queuing theory when aircrafts are landing to the aerodrome. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 63 Multi-channel system priority service aircraft is considered when landing. The possibility to select the length of the queue or the entrance to the track given the number of channels in the allowable probability of failure in service is described. | ||||||||
Tin P. ., Gorbachev Y. V., Gasanzade K. I. Priority service aircraft during landing and passengers after their arrival. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 63 Multi-channel system priority service aircraft when landing and the passenger sat the airport upon arrival is considered. The possibility to choose the number of channels for a given allowable probability of failure in service is described. | ||||||||
Khanykov I. G. Parametrical defects’ localization of remote-acting tracking system. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 63 The way of parametrical defects localization in remote tracking system is considered. Systems of the algebraic communication equations of blocks' and transfer function's factors are made. Failed unit is determined by rank tests’ and residue vectors’ values. | ||||||||
Petenev E. K., Pushulin S. V., Chemodanov V. B. Information transfer from multiple sensors to the control system on board of a light unmanned aerial vehicle. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 63 The issues of effective data transfer and aggregation of information from multiple sensors based on a simple communication protocol on board of a light UAV. | ||||||||
Veremeenko K. K., Galay I. A. Calibration algorithm development for inertial navigation system with use of two-axis motion simulator. Trudy MAI, 2013, no 63 Calibration method and algorithm for high-accuracy inertial navigation system are considered. As an input to the calibration algorithm uses the signals from the output of the system (coordinates, velocity and orientation angles). The method and algorithm which is given in article are realized on two-axis motion simulator.An example of work of inertial system calibration simulation software is given. | ||||||||
Kulifeev Y. B., Afanasyev Y. N. Algorithm of automatic plane landing. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 62 Article is devoted to consideration of a problem of automatic control by longitudinal movement of the aircraft of plane type for ensuring automation of landing. The task is solved at the expense of management of the rotary stabilizer and change of draft of the power plant. The assessment of working capacity and efficiency of the offered algorithm is made. | ||||||||
Kim N. V., Krylov I. G. Using a group of unmanned aerial vehicle in the task of monitoring. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 62 The problems of a group of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), related to the organization of coherent planning and control of UAVs that perform various monitoring tasks. | ||||||||
Efromeev A. G. The microprocessor control system of actuating motor with rotating stator. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 62 The article describes the microprocessor control system of the correction unit drive of list rotating aircraft. Brushless torque motor is used as actuating element of the correction unit drive. | ||||||||
Gubskiy P. M. Burst of projectile with time-impact fuse control. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 62 Burst of projectile with time-impact fuse control under firing a round from aviation gun is examined in the article. Solution of this task is presented under firing from helicopter on the anti-tank missile complex “MILAN” by high explosive and kinetic energy multielement projectiles. This solution is consisted in determination of optimal burst point location. Burst point location control is realized by selection of gun orientation and burst time of every projectile in round. | ||||||||
Ponjatsky V. M., Fimushkin V. S., Kushnikov D. V., Fedorishcheva V. G., Petrushin A. V., Shidlovsky D. J. Working out and debugging by means matlab of operating programs of a steering drive. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 62 The basic design stages and debuggings of the software realising algorithms of management by a steering drive on microprocessor systems are considered. As tool means for modelling and generation of operating programs it is offered to use the environment of dynamic modeling MATLAB. | ||||||||
Archipova O. V. New solution of pilot intellectual support mode indication problem. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 62 The research objectives of considered paper are formation of the new concept for intellectual system functioning results representation and efficiency of use of the offered variant of indication justification. Analytical calculation of temporary expenses of the operator and root-mean-square deviation of the general time is given in work for three situations compared each other representing the same fragment of distant air fight. | ||||||||
Krylov N. V., Samsonovich S. L., Stepanov V. S. Computer-aided design of cycloidal reducers with rolling elements. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 62 The possibility of automating the design of electromechanical drives on the basis of cycloidal reducer with rolling elements is considered. The basic principles of the design of a unified gear module are defined. The automation designing of 3Dparts, assemblies, and drawings of the cycloidal reducer with rolling elements is considered. The example of the two-stage gear based on standardized modules is given. | ||||||||
Korneev N. I. Tactical methods simulation in knowledge bases flight operational advising expert systems for typical operating situation. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 62 The paper describes the modeling system of typical situations of flight, within the established strategies of different groups of aircraft. Behavioral strategy includes possible flight trajectories for each aircraft of the group, there is a problem with the implementation of the planned tactical method before the flight through one of the fragments of BOSES - Block Construction of Trajectories. | ||||||||
Orkin B. D., Orkin S. D., . . A target distribution of the ship group air defence resources algorithm structure. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 62 The article deals with a target distribution of fleet fighters; long-, medium- and short-range antiaircraft missile complexes and antiaircraft artillery complexes as a part of the aerocarrier ship group air defence system algorithm structure. Air defence resources distribution algorithms for other types of ship groups are, as a rule, particular cases of the given algorithm. The proposed algorithm is a part of the typical ship groups defeat by means of aviation mathematical simulation model used as the air-to-ship weapons performances substantiation toolkit. | ||||||||
Baranov M. V., Borisov M. V., Korchagin O. A., Krylov N. V., Samsonovich S. L., Stepanov V. S. About a choice of an electric motor velocity and ratio of a rudder drive reducer of the transport aircraft. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 62 Justification of a choice of the BLDC motor and cycloidal reducer with rolling elements for an electromechanical drive of a rudder of the transport aircraft is given. Influence of ratio of a reducer and electric motor parameters is considered: factor of an electric reduction, inductance of phases and a way of formation of currents in phases on the general overall dimensions depending on chosen velocity of the electric motor. | ||||||||
Borisov M. V., Samsonovich S. L. About the choice of the constructive parameters of the linear electromechanical actuator. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 62 Is considering actuating unit, which consist of two gears: output gears – transforming rotation to linear movement, and intermediate gears – transforming rotation to rotation movement. Is considering the choose of the parameters of the harmonic gear with rolling body as intermediate and linear ball screw-and-nut gears with separator as output. | ||||||||
Goriachev O. V., Efromeev A. G. Stabilized in roll correction unit control algorithm design technique. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 62 The article describes the quasioptimal control system rotor speed with independent rotating stator. Brushless direct current motor is used as actuating element of control system. | ||||||||
Goriachev O. V., Minchuk S. V. The mathematical model of thermal processes in electric torque motor. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 62 The article describes the design procedure of electric torque motor thermal processes model based on finite-element method. Parameters of the linear thermal model are obtained as solution of the nonstationary heat-transfer task. | ||||||||
Kornilov V. A., Molodyakov D. S., Sinyavskaya Y. A. Multicopter flight control system. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 62 In the article we consider the problem ofsyntheses of multicopter flight control system, propose the variants of architecture of automatic control system. The basic flight modes and variants of control are described. | ||||||||
Pankov A. P., Panarin A. A. An automated system for the research of the drive horizontal guidance optoelectronic system. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 62 The article considers the construction of automated complex, permit make experimental for the experimental study of the drive the horizontal guidance the electro-optical system. Mathematical modeling of the system with the use off uzzy logic. | ||||||||
Alexandrov V. S., Vasiliev A. A., Zuykov V. A., Morozova E. V. The research of controlled electro pneumatic valve with a sensitive element valve. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 62 The problems of analyzing the characteristics of the controlled pneumatic valve, which provides a cut-off of gas and its flow with a constant low pressure to the consumer in the form of a supersonic nozzle, forming with it adjustable gas-dynamic actuator. | ||||||||
Goriachev O. V., Chadaev A. V. Two-coordinate system of aiming and stabilization for optical electronic unit characteristics’ analysis. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 62 The article comes up with analysis of two-coordinate system of aiming and stabilization for optical electronic unit with various control algorithms characteristics in accounting of inertial sensible elements unit real parameters. | ||||||||
Ilyuhina N. S., Frolov A. A. Investigation of the influence of operating parameters of the dynamic characteristics of the relay electromagnetic steering drives. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 62 In this work presents the mathematical description, calculation and analysis of dynamic characteristics of the relay solenoid actuator. The influence of operational parameters on the dynamics of the drive. | ||||||||
Stepanichev D. I. The mathematical model of electric drive with reciprocating-rotating motion of function element. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 62 The article is devoted to the mathematical model of electric drive with reciprocating-rotating motion of function element. The electric drive is based on ball screw. | ||||||||
Garevskaya N. V., Poliansky V. V., Sabadyr A. M., Semcov A. S. Development construction and motion control algorithm of walking machine. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 62 The object of investigation is controllable/autonomous walking machine with high passability. The model of walking machine was created, interaction with the environment math models was developed, geometrical dimensions of passable obstacles was defined. On basis of selected model were developed functional capabilities and control system algorithm. The model sample of walking machine was created. | ||||||||
Kozorez D. A., Obrezkov I. V., Tikhonov K. M., Tishkov V. V. Development of an integrated solution model helicopter functional task. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 62 Intergation results of SolidWorks helicopter rigit body physical model and SimMekhanics/Simulink/Matlab mathematical models of: helicopter dynamics, tracking system system with human operator, mobile artillery system and typical functional tasks model solutions effectiveness evaluation are shown. | ||||||||
Pravidlo M. N., Kuznetsova Y. O. Using of a priori information about the aerodynamic loading missiles for performing safety separation . Trudy MAI, 2012, no 62 In the work is considered the algorithm design of initial signal formation on aircraft carrier which is transferred into the inertial missile control system. | ||||||||
Obnosov B. V., Daneko A. I., Zakharov I. V., Trubnikov A. A., Reshetnikov D. A. Methods and means of increase of efficiency of checking the unified automated test systems. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 62 In given article is described the problem of optimization of checking of the unified automated test system. Ways of minimization of units test composition are offered. | ||||||||
Obnosov B. V., Daneko A. I., Zakharov I. V., Trubnikov A. A., Reshetnikov D. A. Functional control subsystems missiles "air-to-air" short-range. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 62 The article deals with image and methodological support of hardware and software for the rapid assessment of the technical condition of missile class "air-to-air" short range of the operating organization with the application of the method of functional control. | ||||||||
Avdeev A. V. On the space debris elimination by using space-borne laser system based on the autonomous cw chemical HF laser . Trudy MAI, 2012, no 61 The possibility of using space-based large scale laser system (based on the cw chemical HF laser) to protect the spacecraft against the impacts from space debris is shown. The most probable cases of space debris (that moves on elliptic orbits) approaching the spacecraft (that moves on circular orbits) are studied, such as when their orbits cross at certain angle or are located in the same plane. The technique of laser pulses impact on the space debris approaching the spacecraft is developed for the cases considered. | ||||||||
Belyaev A. N. Mathematical modeling of the adaptive closed-loop system of forced separation of loads. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 61 It is developed the mathematical model of functioning of the autonomous adaptive system on forced separation with feedback for the pusher moving speed which don’t require the information about acing outer forces at the aviation load. It is analyzed the influence of pyrotechnic device type on the moving parameters of separated aviation load. | ||||||||
Brykin B. V., Evdokimov I. E. Numerical modeling of fluid flow in labyrinth seal test bench. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 61 In the article leads results of the tree-teeth labyrinth seal flow modeling obtained with ANSYS-CFX. The results were compared with experimental data acquired on test facility «Dynamic Seal Model». Experimental data allowed to compare measured pressure distribution along chambers and in circumference of the rotor in the chamber’s centers. Such integrated approach for verification of the modeling strategy and ANSYS-CFX permits more efficient using this software in engineering practice, seals design in modern gas turbine. Also it helps to find way to increase efficiency of the gas turbines through improving their dynamics. The article is useful for engineers specialized in aerodynamics and turbo-machinery. | ||||||||
Medynsky M. M. Analytical modeling of operations and a estimation of efficiency of CHS in volume of a sortie combat . Trudy MAI, 2012, no 61 In article two examples of use of the queueing theory for analytical modeling of operations and a estimation of efficiency of a combat helicopter system (CHS) in volume of a sortie combat are considered. The majority of the military operations developing on the scheme of «queueing», are casual processes which are not-Marcovian process. The method which allows to bypass this difficulty by means of transforming of a not-Marcovian process to the Markovian process and to use for research mathematical apparatus of the queueing theory is considered. The offered technique is rather universal for analytical modeling not only operations of helicopters, but also many other combat operations of aircraft which are modeling like of model of queueing. | ||||||||
Pravidlo M. N., Belyaev A. N. Analysis of limiting possibilities of ejection systems of existing aircraft armament installations. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 61 At this work the criteria of safety separation of aircraft loads with aid of aircraft armament installation from the aircraft carrier is determined. It is analyzed the maximum possibilities and control algorithms of single- and multi positioned systems of the forced separation of the aircraft armament installations with open-loop control system. It is proposed the scheme of adaptive system building of forced separation with the closed control circuit. | ||||||||
Zakovryashin A. I. Features of intellectual support of decision – making. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 61 Technical diagnosing, quantitative are estimated.Technical conditions, individual forecasting, ranging of the same objects on time of no-failure operation,are estimate.The recommendations for the person making decisions are considered. | ||||||||
Tretiyakova O. N. Mathematical modeling of thermal processes in the film with periodic heating. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 61 The article deals with the numerical solution of the direct heat conduction problem by periodic heating of the sample using an anisotropic conductive thin film. Its solution is needed for determining the thermal properties of materials. | ||||||||
Nagulin K. Y., Ibragimov R. A., Gilmutdinov A. H. Three dimensional non-stationary model of inductively coupled plasma torch for optical emission spectrometry. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 61 Three dimensional non-stationary model of inductively coupled plasma torch for optical emission spectrometry was developed and experimentally tested. The processes of ignition and steady burning were considered. The effects of plasmoids formation and pulsations and rotation of the plasma jet were identified, experimentally confirmed and interpreted. Simulated results are in a good agreement with the experimental data obtained by Schlieren measurements. | ||||||||
Salakhov R. R., Gureev V. M., Khairullin A. K., Salakhov I. R. Intelligent cooling system of engine. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 61 The authors propose intelligent cooling system of engine, which is providing high fuel efficiency and reducing of emissions. | ||||||||
Spirin G. G., Vasilevsky D. V., Poberegsky S. A., Simankov D. S. Estimation of influence of radiation on the result of short-term measurements of thermophysical properties of semipermeable media. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 61 The method of short-term measurements in the stage of irregular thermal mode applied to the study of solids on the example of quartz glass. For obtaining values of heat physical characteristics of the studied bodies which have not been distorted by radiating transfer it is necessary to probe a temperature field only optically a translucent layer. | ||||||||
Ageyeva N. G., Rebiy E. J. Increase of hi-tech airlines role as suggestion sources of innovative developments. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 61 The state and prospects of innovation systems models development, initiated by enterprises-users, are reviewed in the article. Motivations to innovative enterprises activity were educed and the innovation instruments system was offered. The necessity of airlines direct participation is grounded for product/technologies innovative developments. | ||||||||
Goncharenko V. I., Kan Y. S., Travin A. A. Mathematical and programming tools to analyse the falling points dispersion for the aircrafts fragments. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 61 Presented are the mathematical and programming tools (MPT) to analyse the dispersion of the aircrafts (AC) fragments over the Earth surface with taking into account the atmospheric breaking and small perturbances of the initial velocity at the passive stage of trajectory (PST). The circular probilistic deviation (CPD) of the AC fragment falling point from an assumed nominal one which is defined without random perturbances is accepted as a performance index of the dispersion. It is shown by using the MPT in a model example that the CPD is increased very much for the nominal trajectories with low initial angles within the broad range of the spherical flight longitude. | ||||||||
Balashov V. V., Volkov Y. F., Demidov A. S., Kashelkin V. V., Pashutov A. V., Khartov S. A. Electric propulsion structure materials properties prediction. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 61 It is analyzed whether it is possible to estimate damage accumulation taking place in cantilever samples made of C-C composite material caused by vibration testing by means of observing how self-resonant frequency of the samples changes during test. References to previous results obtained for the samples made of stainless steel and other materials are given. The simplified variant for generating a strength surface for the composite material by using tensor-polynomial failure criterion is examined. | ||||||||
Kornev S. V., Artamonova L. G. Calculating meshes requirements for external subsonic aerodynamic task solution of aircrafts. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 61 In the given work aerodynamics characteristics calculations of flat plate profile were presented. Investigations on two calculating meshes, built with conditions, when fist site of the mesh in one cause is at the distance of h = 10-5 of wing chord and in second cause is at the distance of h = 10-4 of wing chord were carried out. The aerodynamic coefficients, calculated by this two meshes, are practically coincide is established. | ||||||||
Krasnov A. M. Aircraft Weapon Control System aiming process analysis framework. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 61 It is considers stochastic approach to aiming process in general, using variable structure of weapon control system. Quality indicators of aiming process was formulated. The general problem solution of aiming process analysis was considered, taking into account its dynamics and absorption and recovery implementations of Markov’s stochastic processes theory. | ||||||||
Ledkov A. S., Dyukov D. I. Research of chaotic motion of the spacecraft with a tether making small oscillations about a local vertical. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 61 Mechanical system consisting of a spacecraft, a weightless elastic tether and a payload is investigated in this paper. The spacecraft is considered as a rigid body, and the payload – as a material point. Chaotic motion of the spacecraft in case of a vertical tether and in case of the presence of small oscillations of the tether in neighborhood of steady radial state is compared. It is shown that existence of small oscillations leads to increasing of a chaotic layer thickness and to fuzzying of regular trajectories on Poincare's sections, but doesn't lead to quality change of a pattern received for the case of vertical tether. Motion of spacecraft in case of slack tether is studied. It is shown that existence of sections of the free motion of the tether and the payload leads to chaotization of spatial motion of the spacecraft. | ||||||||
Nazmiev R. I., Tsivilskii I. V., Shpilev A. I., Nagulin K. Y., Gilmutdinov A. H. Investigations of double-stage helix-furnace hybrid atomizer. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 61 Complete numerical model of double-stage atomizer for analytical spectrometry was developed. It consists of graphite vaporizer and tungsten helix-shaped atomizer model. Our approach is based on the numerical solution of the Navier-Stokes equations and the molecular kinetics and takes into account both of heating by electric current, gas dynamics and unsteady heat transfer, as well as evaporation and condensation of substances’ atoms. Solution was validated with the help of prototype of helix-furnace atomizer specially developed for this purposes in our lab. The simulation results are in good agreement with experimental data. | ||||||||
Bliznova T. B., Obolensky Y. G., Polkovnikov V. A. Steering gear dynamic characteristics limits determination based on aircraft marginal flight modes. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 61 Main principles of modern steering gear dynamic characteristics limits determining are developed, using aircraft marginal flight modes, such as marginal overload and disposable roll rate. A new method of steering transmission mechanical characteristics calculating is presented. | ||||||||
Schelchkov A. V., Popov I. A., Yarkaev M. Z., Rusev A. K. Experimental investigation of heat transfer and friction factor in discrete roughened tubes in forced flow of water. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 61 The paper presents the results of experimental studies on friction factor and heat transfer in tubes with 2D- (obtained by rolling) and 3D- (obtained by stamping) discrete roughness for forced convection of water in the range of Reynolds number Re = 200 ÷ 100,000. Preliminary assessment of thermal-hydraulic performance data was done. | ||||||||
Skorynina A. O., Erokhin P. V., Artamonova L. G. Determination of influence of additional organ of management (corymb) on the aerodynamic coefficients of a airfoil wing. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 61 The results of numeral design of type are presented with the declined wing flap and additional organ of management (by a corymb). Was a corymb set in the place of joint of type and wing flap on leeward part covered under the corner of relative chords of type δ=45°. The results of aerodynamic coefficients were got (Суа, Сха, mz, K). | ||||||||
Nikonov K. P., Orlov V. P. Use of system computer modelling matlab at design of the sensor of pressure. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 61 A method of designing a differential pressure sensor with capacitive-primary head with the use of computer simulation MATLAB. Proposed route design and standard design procedures for a class of pressure sensors in the simulation environment MATLAB, the development of basic electric circuits and printed circuit board pressure sensor method through designing in CAD Mentor Graphics, design development and implementation of verification calculations among Solid Works. For the investigation of the metrological characteristics of the primary differential capacitive pressure transmitter and test the adequacy of the model was made mock pressure sensor. | ||||||||
Sadykov I. R., Morozov O. G., Sadeev T. S., Stepustchenko O. A., Kokurina O. E., Arbuzova E. Y. Fiber-optic refractometric sensor. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 61 In this issue the results of mathematical and physical modeling of fiber-optic refractometric sensor based on π-shifted fiber Bragg grating are presented. | ||||||||
Nikitin A. V., Soldatkin V. V., Soldatkin V. M. Construction and algorithms measurement system’s of the wind vector parameters on the start and take-off and landing modes of helicopter. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 61 Principles of construction, construction scheme stationary aerometric combined receiver and algorithms processing of the primary information , measurement system of the wind vector parameters in the parking lot, while driving and maneuvering on the earth's surface, in the takeoff and landing and hovering single-rotor helicopter are considered. | ||||||||
Salmin V. V., Starinova O. L., Volozuev V. V., Petrukhina K. V., Tkachenko I. S., Gogolev M. Y., Chetverikov A. S., Materova I. L. Optimization of circumterraneous and Interplanetary Missions of the Spacecraft with Electric Propulsion System. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 60 Design and ballistic optimization methods of spacecraft missions with electric propulsion thrusters are considered. The results of different spacecraft trajectory optimization are presented. | ||||||||
Loeb H. W., Schartner K. ., Dachwald B. ., Ohndorf A. ., Seboldt W. . Interstellar Heliopause Probe . Trudy MAI, 2012, no 60 There is common agreement within the scientific community that in order to understand our local galactic environment it will be necessary to send a spacecraft into the region beyond the solar wind termination shock. Considering distances of 200 AU for a new mission, one needs a spacecraft traveling at a speed of close to 10 AU/yr in order to keep the mission duration in the range of less than 25 yrs, a transfer time postulated by European Space Agency (ESA). Two propulsion options for the mission have been proposed and discussed so far: the solar sail propulsion and the ballistic/radioisotope-electric propulsion (REP). As a further alternative, we here investigate a combination of solar-electric propulsion (SEP) and REP. The SEP stage consists of six 22-cms diameter RIT-22 ion thrusters working with a high specific impulse of 7377 s corresponding to a positive grid voltage of 5 kV. Solar power of 53 kW at begin of mission (BOM) is provided by a light-weight solar array. The REP stage consists of four space-proven 10 cm diameter RIT-10 (radio-frequency ion thruster) that will be operating one after the other for 9 yrs in total. Four advanced radioisotope generators provide 648 W at the beginning of mission (BOM). The scientific instrument package is oriented at earlier studies. For its mass and electric power requirement 35 kg and 35 W are assessed, respectively. Optimized trajectory calculations, are based on our «InTrance» method. The program yields a burn out of the REP stage in a distance of 79.6 AU for a usage of 154 kg of Xenon propellant. With a hyperbolic excess energy C3 = 45.1 km2/s2 a heliocentric probe velocity of 10 AU/yr is reached at this distance, provided a close Jupiter gravity assist adds a velocity increment of 2.7 AU/yr. A transfer time of 23.8 yrs results for this scenario requiring about 450 kg Xenon for the SEP stage, jettisoned at 3 AU. We interpret the solar and SEP/REP as a competing alternative to solar sail and ballistic/REP. Omitting a Jupiter fly-by even allows more launch flexibility, leaving the mission duration in the range of the ESA specification. | ||||||||
Lutishev L. A. Tentative Estimate for Physical Reliability of Different Elements Based on the Boltzmann Distribution Law. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 60 Reliability issues are becoming increasingly important during the development and operation of modern products, thus increasing the flow of information that helps to identify various reliability aspects for products differing in complexity substantially: from elements to large systems. This includes new scientific and mathematical approaches, engineering methods, analysis of statistical and logical data, etc. However, there still remains a serious problem of increasing the reliability of various elements, thousands and thousands of which are used in real designs. A large number of theoretical, numerical and experimental works is conducted, which are generalized in [1, 2], for example, but to date there are no reliable enough and convenient methods for the evaluation of reliability of different elements, especially when their own parameters and operating conditions are changing. In most cases, either empirical coefficients for simple linear relationships or results of numerous time-consuming test studies are used for such assessments. | ||||||||
Victorov A. S., Ganzburg M. F. Increasing of the Reliability and Specific Performance of the Stationary Plasma Thruster Control Equipment . Trudy MAI, 2012, no 60 The article describes the technologies developed and introduced into production at the Joint Stock Company «Avionics and Communication System» to increase the reliability and the specific performance of the power and control equipments of the stationary plasma thruster. | ||||||||
Bombardelli C. . Removing Space Debris and Deflecting Asteroids with Ion Beams. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 60 The tasks of actively removing space debris and deflecting asteroids are greatly simplified by the use of contactless actuation, in which linear and angular momentum is transferred to a target without a direct mechanical interaction. The recently proposed ion beam shepherd (IBS) concept enables contactless actuation in a very efficient way by using the beam momentum of an ion engine or space plasma thruster pointed towards the surface of a target. This article summarizes the main aspects of the IBS technology and its applicability to the space debris removal and asteroid deflection problems. | ||||||||
Chodnenko W. P., Kolosova M. V. Corrective Propulsion System Based on the SPT-100 for Advanced Meteorological Spacecraft. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 60 The general performance of the spacecraft from the space segment «Meteor MP», and basic requirements for spacecraft corrective propulsion system are presented. | ||||||||
Gopanchuk V. V., Kozubski K. N., Potapenko M. Y. Hybrid Plasma Thruster for Small Spacecraft . Trudy MAI, 2012, no 60 The results of the development of highly efficient electric propulsion of low power for small spacecraft are presented. The parameters and performance of the new scheme thruster PlaS-40 (average diameter of acceleration channel is equal to 40 mm) with small power consumption 200…650 W are investigated at discharge voltage from the following range 100…500 V. | ||||||||
Vasin A. I., Koroteev A. S., Lovtsov A. S., Muravlev V. A., Shagayda A. A., Shutov V. N. Review of works on Electric propulsion at Keldysh Research Center . Trudy MAI, 2012, no 60 The article describes the work on creation electric propulsion, conducted at the Keldysh Research Center. An overview of the achievements in the development of the Hall and ion thrusters, as well as studies of the basic physical processes occurring in the thrusters of this type. A brief description of the experimental framework to carry out full cycle of tests of electric propulsion systems at the stage of ground tests. | ||||||||
Lebeda A. ., Lebeda A. . Radio Frequency Ion Thruster – Radio Frequency Generator, Power Supply, and High Voltage Converter. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 60 APCON has developed and manufactured Radio Frequency Generators (RFG), since 2001 for Astrium Space Transportation and in cooperation with research projects with University of Giessen. The design is based on Design Reference Project of Satellite Artemis (RITA-10). The space qualified RITA-10 Radio frequency ion propulsion system has an operating life in excess of 20,000 hours and a nominal specific impulse of 3058 s. Until then APCON realized the following types of RFG's: RFG-900W for RIT−22/ ASTRIUM (thrust is 250 mN) (The thruster has achieved a nominal specific impulse of 6,400 seconds and has been operated in ground testing facilities for more than 10,000 hours); RFG-600W for RIT-15 (thrust is less than 180 mN); RFG-200W for RIT-10 (thrust is less than 80 mN); RFG-40W for RIT-3.5 (thrust is from µN to 4.0 mN). These thrusters ware not built for aerospace application. The experiences with this unit have encouraged further and comprehensive design refinements which were applied in the following development of the ion thrusters next generation. | ||||||||
Neumann A. . DLR’s Test Facility STG-ET. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 60 Chemical and cold gas thruster plume flow and plume spacecraft interaction are subject of research and application at the German Aerospace Center, DLR, Germany, since about three decades. DLR is extending these activities in Göttingen to cover electric space propulsion testing and thruster investigation. For this purpose a new high vacuum facility, named STG-ET, has been built especially for electric propulsion testing. The vacuum chamber measures 12.2 m in length and 5 m in diameter. The design focus is on plume interaction with spacecraft components and on long-term tests. The facility will be equipped with advanced measurement methods for plasma analysis and thrust and thrust vector measurement. Inauguration of the facility took place in October 2011. This paper describes the facility, special design features, and first tests performed in the vacuum chamber. | ||||||||
Neumann H. ., Feder R. ., Bundesmann C. . Thruster Relevant Material Sputter Investigations. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 60 Sputtering is an important process in the application of electric propulsion devices. For instance, the extraction grids of gridded ion thrusters are subject to grid erosion by charge-exchange ions, which works towards an increase of the accelerator grid hole diameter and limits the thruster lifetime, or the acceleration channel walls of Hall Effect ion thrusters are suffering from strong erosion by ions from the discharge plasma itself. One of the challenges facing further application of electric thrusters for space missions is the establishment of valid lifetime predictions. For the modelling, reliable sputter yield data are required, which, however, are often not available in the required energy and angular dependency for the ion-material combination under consideration. Especially sources of errors in sputter yield measurements like the influence of the background pressure, the roughness of the starting surface and the role of knowledge of the primary ion beam properties will be discussed in this short paper. Beside this an idea to surface modification of Titanium is given and assessed. Measurement strategy for isolating material like BN is short outlined and preliminary data are announced. More complete descriptions for metals and isolator sputter yield measurements of the Leibniz-Institut für Oberflächenmodifizierung (IOM) group are given in special papers [1, 2, 3]. | ||||||||
Schönherr T. ., Cho S. ., Koizumi H. ., Komurasaki K. ., Yamamoto N. ., Miyasaka T. ., Kuninaka H. . Japan’s Itinerary Towards High-Power Electric Propulsion. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 60 With the success of the asteroid explorer mission “Hayabusa”, and increasing availability of high electric power in space, Japan is moving to develop a high-power electric propulsion system in the 10 to 100-kW class. With a decades-long expertise in various electric propulsion systems, several concepts are studied to yield the best possible design while enabling new mission types for scientific and commercial application. | ||||||||
Bundesmann C. ., Scholze F. ., Neumann H. . Advanced Electric Propulsion Diagnostics. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 60 We set up an advanced diagnostic system for in-situ characterization of electric propulsion thrusters. The system uses a high precision 5-axis positioning system and several diagnostic tools, such as a telemicroscope, a laser head, a pyrometer, a Faraday probe and a plasma monitor, for gathering a comprehensive set of performance parameters of electric propulsion thrusters, including, for instance, erosion of lifetime limiting mechanical parts, surface temperature of selected thruster parts, current density distribution, ion energy distribution and beam composition. The capabilities of the system are, exemplarily, demonstrated for a gridded ion thruster and a Hall-effect thruster. | ||||||||
Lauer D. ., Leiter H. ., Cortes-Borgmeyer S. ., Feyhl D. . Electric Propulsion Activities at European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company Astrium Space Transportation. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 60 This paper presents the activities of Astrium Space Transportation in the field of electric propulsion. Astrium ST is an electric propulsion provider for propulsion systems, components and test services. The Radio Frequency Ion Thruster family "RIT" is described and a presentation of the pressure regulation device XRFS is given. Additionally, electric propulsion system aspects are included in this paper. Astrium has a broad knowledge in test conduction for life & endurance tests, environmental tests and sophisticated tests like dual firing or solar radiation for electric propulsion. The description of Astrium ST's test activities and services is complemented with the history of EURECA and ARTEMIS. Both missions mark milestones for electric propulsion in Western Europe. Both missions were equipped with Astrium ST's RIT-10 thruster assemblies RITA 10. | ||||||||
Loeb H. W., Popov G. A., Obukhov V. A., Feili D. ., Collingwood C. ., Mogulkin A. . Large Radio Frequency Ion Engines. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 60 A large RF-ion thruster “RFIT-45”, having an ionizer diameter of 48.6 cm and consuming 35 kW of power, is described. It is scheduled to generate a thrust of 760 mN at a specific impulse of 7000 s and a lifetime of more than 50,000 hours. The beam current will be 7.0 A, the positive high voltage 4.5 kV. A 1 MWe nuclear power plant could supply up to 30 clustered thrusters. At lifetime penalty, a thrust-enhanced single engine may generate 1.08 N at nearly 50 kW of power. To keep the lifetime specification, an enlargement of the rf-thruster (65 cm ionizer diameter and 70 kW or 80 cm and 105 kW) may reduce the number of clustered engines, too. The RFIT-45 engine has been designed in accordance with smaller RIT-devices. A set of technical drawings is available. The scheduled performance data were derived from scaling laws of the RIT-family. | ||||||||
Konstantinov M. S., Petukhov V. G., Loeb H. W. Application of RIT-22 Thruster for InterhelioProbe Mission. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 60 It is considered application of electric propulsion (EP) module based on radiofrequency ion thruster RIT-22, as a main propulsion system of InterhelioProbe solar orbiter. It is presented comparison of RIT-22 option with stationary plasma thruster SPT-140D and bipropellant propulsion options. Carried out mission analysis shows the RIT-22 option is preferable for InterhelioProbe spacecraft. | ||||||||
Kim V. P. Stationary Plasma Thrusters in Russia: Problems and Perspectives. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 60 The state of the Stationary Plasma Thruster (SPT) development in Russia and directions of their further development are considered in this paper. It is shown that development of thrusters of different power is reasonable nowadays including development of the medium power SPT with increased specific impulse and life time. The problems appearing in the different directions of development are considered also. | ||||||||
Gnizdor R. Y., Nesterenko . N., Mitrofanova O. A. SPT-100 Thrust Forcing. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 60 Upgraded SPT-100 thruster model performances at low discharge voltage are presented. The thruster operation parameters region for spacecraft insertion into the target orbit are determined. | ||||||||
Ostrovski V. G., Smolentzev . A., Sokolov B. A. Experience of High-Power Electric Propulsion at S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation «Energia». Trudy MAI, 2012, no 60 Research and development of high power electric propulsion at the S.P. Korolev RSC Energia have more than semi centenary history. Main steps are the development of lithium-fed magnitoplasmodynamic thrusters are presented, which resulted in the creation of large engines (500 kW) with high specific characteristics and long life. 500-hour testing of such thruster and space experiment with its model are conducted. A newly developed radiation-cooled thruster with anode layer tested at TsNIIMASH with bismuth at the power of 34 kW demonstrated specific impulse of 5200 s and efficiency of 70 %. An alternative propellant (iodine) is proposed for high power engines with closed electron drift and testing of iodine SPT has been started. | ||||||||
Loeb H. W., Popov G. A., Obukhov V. A. Radio Frequency Ion Thruster Laboratory of Moscow Aviation Institute – a New Form of Russian-German Cooperation. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 60 Resolution No. 220 of the Russian Federation Government “On measures for attracting leading scientists to Russian educational institutions of higher professional education” opened the door to new forms of international scientific cooperation. Moscow Aviation Institute became the winner of competition and received a grant for the foundation of the «Radio-Frequency Ion Thruster Laboratory (RF IT Laboratory)» under the leadership of Prof. Horst Wolfgang Loeb for the execution of the R&D work “Research and development of space high-impulse high-frequency electric ion thrusters” for the period of 2010-2012. The history of cooperation between MAI and universities of Germany in the field of electric propulsions and results of the RF IT Laboratory activities as of a new form of Russian-German cooperation in this field are presented in the paper. | ||||||||
Galkin V. V. Solar Panels and Storage Batteries of the Joint Stock Company «Saturn» for Spacecraft with Electric Propulsion. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 60 A power supply system (PSS) of spacecraft, using electric propulsion in particular, is always comprising a primary and a secondary power supply units, the latter providing PSS operation in the shadowed path of the trajectory or compensating the lack of power from the primary power supply unit. Solar panels are generally used as the primary power supply units, and storage batteries of various types are used as the secondary ones. The state-of-the-art of such panels and batteries and prospects for their improvement are considered by the example of developments of the JSC «Saturn». | ||||||||
Gusev Y. G., Pil'nikov A. V. The Electric Propulsion Role and Place within the Russian Space Program. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 60 Basic trends in the development of electric propulsion (EP) based propulsion systems (PS) of spacecraft (SC) designed for scientific studies and practical use of space may be conditionally divided into five main groups. Such division is stipulated by the PS power level and, correspondingly, by the EP power level and type. The first group is intended for securing operation of small satellites (50…500 kg) during the missions aimed at the remote Earth sensing, meteorology, mapping, etc., which are as a rule realized in the low earth orbits. Electric propulsion systems (EPS) of this group are characterized by relatively low power of up to several hundred Watt. The second group based on the EPS with low- and medium-power EP (1…2 kW) is intended for securing operation of the orbit correction and maintenance systems of SC with the mass of several tons. Primary task of the third group is to secure maneuvers for heavy (5 tons and over) interorbital platforms (4…6 kW EP). The fourth group comprises propulsion systems with nuclear reactors (NPP) and EP of 20…30 kW in power for the near-earth and lunar transportation missions. The fifth group comprises super-power PS of MW class with the EP power of 50…100 kW for the deep space exploration, transportation and interplanetary missions. | ||||||||
Kazeev M. N. Pulsed Plasma Thrusters in Russia. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 60 Up-to-date R&D works in the field of ablative pulsed plasma thrusters are reviewed, as well as application of such thrusters in Russia. A set of flight models of electric propulsion systems based on the next-generation ablative pulsed plasma thrusters with the discharge energy from 8 J up to 155 J is developed by the RIAME MAI. The Research Center “Kurchatov Institute” studies physical processes in high-power APPT and develops technology for modifying surface layer of constructional materials under the influence of intense plasma flows. | ||||||||
Kozubski K. N., Koryakin A. I., Murashko V. M. History of space stationary plasma thruster’s and their application in Russia, USA, and Europe. New challenges for stationary plasma thruster. On the 40-th anniversary of the first stationary plasma thruster space tests. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 60 History and application of stationary plasma thrusters (SPT) (Morozov thrusters) on board Russian and foreign spacecraft are reviewed. The review covers events beginning from the first space tests of SPT on board the Meteor spacecraft up to the current SPT application on board Russian and foreign satellites. The following new challenges for SPT in the twenty first century are considered: high specific impulse, long operational lifetime, high and low power levels. | ||||||||
Plokhikh A. P., Vazhenin N. A. Principles of Constructing Ground Test Facilities for the Investigation of EP EM Radiation. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 60 Elaboration of principles for constructing test facilities for the investigation of electromagnetic (EM) radiation of electric propulsion (EP) under ground conditions is considered. Based on the analysis of the available domestic and foreign test facilities, general requirements are identified and new approaches to the design of modeling stands, intended to solve practical problems in order to ensure electromagnetic compatibility of electric propulsion, were proposed. The recommendations on the arrangement of such facilities are given and options of engineering implementation of the next-generation test complexes to be used to investigate EM radiation of EP of various types are presented. | ||||||||
Di Cara D. ., Bulit A. ., Del Amo J. G. Electric Propulsion Testing: European Space Agency Propulsion Laboratory Experience. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 60 The ESA Propulsion Laboratory (EPL) is located at ESTEC, the European Space Research and Technology Centre of the European Space Agency. ESTEC, sited in Noordwijk, The Netherlands, is the largest ESA establishment, a test centre and hub for European space activities. It has responsibility for the technical preparation and management of ESA space projects and provides technical support to ESA’s satellite, space exploration and human space activities. EPL provides test services to the ESA Propulsion and Aerothermodynamics Division of ESTEC, which is responsible for R&D activities and support to ESA projects in the areas of chemical propulsion, electric and advanced propulsion and aerothermodynamics. This paper will describe the EPL organization, facilities and activities. | ||||||||
Lotz B. ., Collingwood C. M., Feili D. . Radio Frequency Ion Thrusters Operated with Non-Conventional Propellants. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 60 By European Space Agency (ESA) subcontract, the University of Giessen investigated a 10 cm diameter Radio Frequency (RF) ion thruster RIT-10 operated with atmospheric gases. Such «RAM-EPs» will be used for air drag compensation of very low orbit satellites which take the propellant from the ambience. The performance tests have been carried out in the large Giessen test facility «Jumbo» with Nitrogen, Oxygen, and with a mixture of both, without and finally with 10 % of Xenon additive. The discharge characteristics showed the known graphs. Also in accordance with theory, the generated thrust at a given beam current was about a half compared with xenon operation. Maximum thrust was found to be 8 mN. A 500 hours endurance test showed no degradation effects. | ||||||||
Derz U. ., Seboldt W. . Mars Sample Return with Electric Propulsion. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 60 The present paper takes a fresh look at future Mars Sample Return Mission including electric propulsion (EP) for the transfer. The standard mission scenario includes two spacecraft (S/C) launched separately from Earth: an orbiter and a lander. The lander sets down on the red planet together with an ascent vehicle to collect samples. The ascent vehicle would then take off from the Martian surface into Mars orbit with traditional chemical propulsion to transfer the samples to the orbiter waiting there for the return trip to Earth. The results of the system analysis identify EP for the orbiter as most beneficial in terms of launch mass, enabling a launch into Geostationary Transfer Orbit (GTO) by a relatively modest launch vehicle like the Soyuz-Fregat. Concerning the lander, a separate transfer with chemical propulsion appears more advantageous compared to an electrical one. Such a hybrid version of the sample return mission could be conducted within 1150-1300 days. In an advanced scenario, the lander could even ride the electric orbiter, piggy-back style, to the Red Planet. | ||||||||
Feili D. . The Loewe Grant RITSAT. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 60 On January 1, 2012 an «excellence initiative» within the «Loewe» program started with the aim of continuation of the research and development of rf-ion engines of the RIT type. The grant comprises 3.77 million EUR for three years, and it is given by the Minister of Science and Art of the Federal Country of Hessia, Wiesbaden. The R&D work will be mainly done by Giessen University with the assistance of 4 other German scientific institutions. | ||||||||
Feili D. ., Collingwood C. M., Lotz B. ., Loeb H. W., Musso F. ., Di Cara D. . Radio-Frequency Micro Thrusters and Their Applications. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 60 Since a couple of years, scientific European Space Agency missions like «Post Goce», «NGGM», and «LISA» are being prepared which need a very precise micro-thrusting in the range of 50 to 2500 μN. Thus, in 2004, Giessen University started a scaling-down program of the standard RIT-10 engine. Three mini-thrusters have been built and tested, whereby the 2.5 cm device, called μN RIT-2.5, reached the status of an advanced breadboard model. Following extensive optimization tests at Giessen, the thruster was operated at the Nanobalance Facility of Thales Alenia, Torino/Italy under ESA/ESTEC contract. Thrust range and linearity, thrust resolution, thrust noise, and response time have been measured showing that the μN RIT-type would be a good candidate for micro thrusting on the above mentioned satellites and spacecrafts. | ||||||||
Vasin A. I., Koroteev A. S., Lovtsov A. S., Muravlev V. A., Shagayda A. A., Shutov V. N. Review of works on Electric propulsion at Keldysh Research Center . Trudy MAI, 2012, no 60 The article describes the work on creation electric propulsion, conducted at the Keldysh Research Center. An overview of the achievements in the development of the Hall and ion thrusters, as well as studies of the basic physical processes occurring in the thrusters of this type. A brief description of the experimental framework to carry out full cycle of tests of electric propulsion systems at the stage of ground tests. | ||||||||
Loeb H. W., Popov G. A., Obukhov V. A., Feili D. ., Collingwood C. M., Mogulkin A. I. Large Radio Frequency Ion Engines. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 60 A large RF-ion thruster “RFIT-45”, having an ionizer diameter of 48.6 cm and consuming 35 kW of power, is described. It is scheduled to generate a thrust of 760 mN at a specific impulse of 7000 s and a lifetime of more than 50,000 hours. The beam current will be 7.0 A, the positive high voltage 4.5 kV. A 1 MWe nuclear power plant could supply up to 30 clustered thrusters. At lifetime penalty, a thrust-enhanced single engine may generate 1.08 N at nearly 50 kW of power. To keep the lifetime specification, an enlargement of the rf-thruster (65 cm ionizer diameter and 70 kW or 80 cm and 105 kW) may reduce the number of clustered engines, too. The RFIT-45 engine has been designed in accordance with smaller RIT-devices. A set of technical drawings is available. The scheduled performance data were derived from scaling laws of the RIT-family. | ||||||||
Konstantinov M. S., Petukhov V. G., Loeb H. W. Application of RIT-22 Thruster for InterhelioProbe Mission. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 60 It is considered application of electric propulsion (EP) module based on radiofrequency ion thruster RIT-22, as a main propulsion system of InterhelioProbe solar orbiter. It is presented comparison of RIT-22 option with stationary plasma thruster SPT-140D and bipropellant propulsion options. Carried out mission analysis shows the RIT-22 option is preferable for InterhelioProbe spacecraft. | ||||||||
Kim V. . Stationary Plasma Thrusters in Russia: Problems and Perspectives. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 60 The state of the Stationary Plasma Thruster (SPT) development in Russia and directions of their further development are considered in this paper. It is shown that development of thrusters of different power is reasonable nowadays including development of the medium power SPT with increased specific impulse and life time. The problems appearing in the different directions of development are considered also. | ||||||||
Babenko E. A. Agent-based model of competition in the high-technology products’ market (for example, the major aircraft manufacturers of combat aviation). Trudy MAI, 2012, no 59 This article coves the development and the research of the agent-based model of competition players (companies) in high-tech products’ market by the example of the major aircraft manufacturers of combat aviation. It explores the dynamics of oligopolistic competitive situations caused by the companies’ actions in high-tech sector of the market, in order to select the most promising strategy for the company to maximize its profit. | ||||||||
Dunchenko O. M. Mathematical model of Martian wind disturbances. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 59 Researches of the Martian atmosphere by automatic interplanetary stations revealed a sufficiently strong wind effects in the lower 20-25 km layer of the planet atmosphere. In this paper is carried out the analysis the probabilistic characteristics the field of wind speed based on the statistical experimental data. The mathematical model of wind disturbances is considered in the form of canonical decomposition. | ||||||||
Zhegov N. A., Kirillov V. Y. The study of the susceptibility of on-Board cabling spacecraft to electromagnetic interference in the microwave frequency range. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 59 There is the analysis of the susceptibility of the spacecraft onboard cable to electromagnetic interference in microwave range in case susceptibility of separation cable expounded in present paper. The cable exposed in several stages with following control of integrity unified pyrotechnic device. Installation and the schema of research is presented. | ||||||||
Zakharyan R. R., Mologorsky A. A. Problems of the automatic stand creation for experimental research of sensors. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 59 The aim of this study is to develop and test an automated test bench for the study of indications from the sensors (in the case of pressure sensors) using a personal computer. In practice, a prototype of the hardware and software can be used for automated testing of multiple sensors, and computer analysis of results, with the result that the program automatically selects the most appropriate sensor. | ||||||||
Ignatkin Y. M., Makeev P. V., Shomov A. I., Konstantinov S. G. Computational Modeling of Vortex Ring State Modes of Helicopter Main Rotor at the basis of free wake vortical model. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 59 This research is dedicated to behavior of helicopter’s main rotor in the vertical descent by computational methods. Two actual methods of helicopter rotor aerodynamics modeling are used. At the first the method based on the non-linear blade vortical model (free-wake model). At the second the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method. Results of computational modeling of main rotor at the vortex ring state modes are presented. Full aerodynamic characteristics, including all components of forces and moments of a rotor were received. Also in the focus of view are rotor flowing specifics. As a result of a work there was received and analyzed a set of features aimed at determination of VRS dangerous area. Comparative analysis of the results received of both used methods and its comparison with data of experimental and flight test are presented. | ||||||||
Kozhevnikov A. S. The software for statistical modeling and analysis of random processes with jumps, which describe the stock price dynamics of aircraft industry . Trudy MAI, 2012, no 59 We consider models which describe stock price evolution of aircraft industry. The problem of finding the probability characteristics of these stock prices is studied in this paper. The universal algorithm based on the use of Monte Carlo method is developed for statistical modeling of the stock prices. The software based on the developed algorithm is described and allows to set the parameters of the models, to simulate the paths of random processes and to calculate the statistical estimates of the probability density, expectation and variance, to plot these characteristics. | ||||||||
Piskovatsky A. A. About the principle of the analytical description of dynamics of flight of the rocket under the influence of the distributed forces. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 59 In article possibility of the analysis of the distributed forces of the rocket and the analysis of dynamics of its longitudinal movement not concerning the center of masses, and concerning the center of action of the moments of its distributed forces is investigated. More complex analysis of dynamics of flight of the rocket allows to define more precisely the operating moments of the rock-et, to avoid the methodical mistakes arising at reduction of forces of the rocket to the center of masses. | ||||||||
Vinokurov I. V. Group import of equipment’s like driver of modernization of Russian manufactures. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 59 Article provides an overview on economic situation in industry field. Economic situation examines from the point of view of necessity and opportunity large scale technological modernization of Russian manufactures. Assessed of using mechanism of centralization import equipment’s in historical retrospective Soviet Union period and showed necessity using resembling mechanism in a market economy nowadays. It was described not previously used in the manufactures mechanism of group buying, which can became a driver of modernization of Russian industry manufactures. | ||||||||
Vorobiev I. N. Dynamic instability of the thin-walled tubular beam loaded by solar heating. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 59 In this article is solved the plane problem of the dynamic instability of the thin-walled tubular beam loaded by solar heating. The finite element method (FEM) has been used to solve the problem. Different cases of the nonlinear thermoelastic vibrations and dynamic instability loaded by non – steady solar heating have been considered. | ||||||||
Dehaeze F. ., Barakos G. N., Batrakov A. S., Kusyumov A. N., Mikhailov S. A. Simulation of flow around aerofoil with DES model of turbulence. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 59 CFD predictions of aerodynamic loads could be improved by resolving a larger part of the turbulent flow spectrum. Mainstream CFD methods, currently in routine use employ the URANS approach that is inherently limited in terms of the size and frequency of the resolved flow structures. This paper attempts to apply hybrid methods of turbulence modeling and simulation aiming to resolve a larger part of the flow spectrum. Results for several DES closures are presented for the flow around a stalled aerofoil. The calculations reveal some of the advantages of DES over URANS as well as some of the performance issues associated with DES. The limitations of the available experiments for CFD validation are also highlighted. | ||||||||
Kirillov V. Y., Slipachenko A. A. Design of onboard cable network of the perspective aircraft. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 59 The development of air borne equipment systems is characterized by rigid requirements to the weight component. These requirements are determined by the ever increasing detalization of project and the mutual associativity of the air borne systems and the modules` models of the projected item. The most essential task while projecting an aircraft is finding the methods which allow of carry out end-to-end design of an aircraft`s electrical equipment from drafting of schematic circuit diagrams to development of the 3D models of harnesses in the general assembly model and the compiling of a suite of documents describing the preproduction engineering process. | ||||||||
Manturov D. V., Klochkov V. V. Organizational aspects of Russian aircraft industry and applied science`s development strategy formation. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 59 Organizational problems of Russian aircraft industry and applied research strategy elaboration are considered. The principles of technological development complex strategic planning system are justified. | ||||||||
Podkorytov A. N. Precise Point Positioning in GNSS with use of pseudophase measurements ambiguity resolution. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 59 The use of pseudophase measurements ambiguity resolution procedure for Precise point positioning (PPP) in Global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) is considered in the article. Specific conditions for implementation of ambiguity resolution procedure in absolute mode of point positioning have been determined. Results for PPP tests using ambiguity resolution of pseudophase measurements (Integer PPP mode) compared with PPP tests without one (Float PPP mode) are shown in the article. There are considerable improvement in accuracy of positioning and essential reducing of convergence period for Integer PPP mode. Necessary products of network solution from Natural Resources Canada (Geodetic Survey Division, Earth Sciences Sector) were used. | ||||||||
Sobolev L. B. Network form of business organization in aviation corporations. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 59 The network enterprises [1,2] are one of innovative organizational forms of a big business. The similar form takes root in such space corporations, as Airbus, Bombardier, Suchoy. In some works the network enterprises designate also other terms: «virtual enterprises», «the expanded enterprises», etc. As a rule, it is a question of a network of partners (the enterprises, the organizations, separate collectives and people), in common carrying out activities for development, production and sale of a certain production. | ||||||||
Bazadze N. G., Shelenkova E. V. Problems of development of competences on organizational communications for corporate structures of the aircraft manufacturing industry. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 59 In this article authors revealed problems of the aircraft manufacturing industry in innovative development of reorganization and formation of corporate structures. As the solution of the revealed problems the offer on creation of organizational communications of new type for the aircraft manufacturing corporate educations corresponding to today's policy of modernization of an aircraft manufacturing complex was created. In policy of modernization of aircraft industry the essential role belongs to leaders of new generation, development of which organizational competences start to be formed already in the course of training in profile space higher education institutions. | ||||||||
Кalugina G. A., Milodanova J. A. Strategy of conjuncture conditioned transformation of Russian aviation engine enterprise. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 59 This paper detects the main key elements of operation and development world leading aviation engine corporations. Marks out prospective direction of conjuncture conditioned strategy transformation of Russian aviation engine enterprise. Develops the basis cooperation scheme between customer and original engine manufacturer to provide product supply in time according to the contract. | ||||||||
Govorov A. A., Martirosov M. I. Self-induced vibration of compressor blades in aircraft engine. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 59 The study describes investigation of interaction between components of blade engine accounting mechanical links that remains in gas flow. Analysis has been made with 2D mathematical model of homogeneous blade row. The study shows investment of aerodynamic forces to development of self-induced vibration. Basic conclusions put into a real object and the paper shows computations and plots for the object. | ||||||||
Zelencova L. S. Features of introduction of the integrated information systems in aviation manufacture of engines. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 59 In this article the questions of formation of the integrated information system of the organization competitivesustainability production in the aviation engines are considered. | ||||||||
Mosolov S. V., Sidlerov D. A., Ponomarev A. A. Comparative analyses of the peculiarities of the operational process in LRE combustion chambers with coaxial-jet and jet-centrifugal injectors using numerical simulation. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 59 The numerical simulation method, developed in Keldysh Research Centre, is used for the research of the influence of interaction of jets from the injectors on flow, mixing and propellant combustion processes in sub-scale multiinjector combustion chambers. Sub-scale combustion chambers using coaxial-jet and jet-centrifugal injectors, operating to the gas-liquid scheme and propelled by oxygen and hydrocarbons (kerosene) are considered. | ||||||||
Obnosov B. V., Ochkovsky A. A. Optimization of the parameters of the coordinator purpose television systems controlled aircraft bomb guidance. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 59 The problem of choosing optimal parameters of the television guidance system at the design stage is considered. As an optimization method was chosen as a modified non-gradient random search. | ||||||||
Yudin V. N. Information indicators of uncertainty – a basis for optimization of radio-electronic suppression radio-electronic watch facilities. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 59 The problem of optimization of radio-electronic suppression of a radio-electronic watch facility is considered. It is shown that criteria functions for such tasks is perspective to build on the basis of the information indicators of uncertainty defined as entropy of a posteriori distributions of probabilities of parameters, measured by results of supervision. | ||||||||
Romanov V. M., Kuznetsova A. Y. Economic aspects of R & D in the space industry. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 59 The article considers the economic aspects of R & D management in the space industry, the necessity of introducing AISUP for R & D management, its benefits, and selection criteria. | ||||||||
Kuz'michev V. S., Kulagin V. V., Krupenich I. N., Tkachenko A. Y., Rybakov V. N. Methods of optimal gas turbine engine design at initial design stages. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 59 Gas turbine engine initial-stage design tasks are examined. Examples of bypass engine optimization for long-range aircraft are given in two variants: without gas generator restrictions and with a given gas generator. The examples of parameters selection for gas turbine power-plant and gas turbine locomotive are given. | ||||||||
Gurov L. V. Numerical analysis of lasing parameters obtained for short pulse chemical HF laser with HYLTE nozzle array. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 59 Presented are the results of numerical simulation of autonomous chemical HF laser operating in a pulse-periodic mode with continuous pumping. To produce active medium, perspective HYLTE nozzles were considered that are notable for providing fast mixing of reactants within the lasing region. To simulate the reactants’ flow in the nozzles and the resonator cavity, a system of equations based on 3D Navier-Stokes equations was used. The performance parameters of this laser operating in a continuous-wave mode were also estimated and compared to the corresponding parameters obtained in case of pulse-periodic mode. | ||||||||
Pisarenko V. N. Control of maintainability in f full operational cycle of object. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 59 The new approach to maintainability as to controlled process of operation based on measurement of indexes and parameters of operation, processing of these data, analysis and development of control effect on object of operation is considered. | ||||||||
Ruzakov M. A., Serpichev A. I. Strategic progress methods of program-technical potential of aviation enterprise management system. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 59 This article contains research for applying strategic management methods of program-technical potential of enterprise information system, recording to aspect of applicability of them for the aviation enterprise. It also contains survey of actual methods to apply information technologies in management. We explore dependence of management system evolution strategy components, according to program-technical aspects. Is introduced model for strategic management of program-technical potential of management system. | ||||||||
Vazhenin N. A. Empirical models of distribution laws of pulse noise from stationary plasma thruster. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 59 Experimental researches of statistical characteristics of own electromagnetic radiation of stationary plasma thrusters have shown, that the given radiation can carry strongly pronounced not thermal (pulse) character and represents a pulse noise for onboard radio systems. In the given work mathematical models, applicable for the description of distribution laws of such radiation which knowledge is necessary for an estimation of a noise stability of space radio communication systems are systematized and analyzed. | ||||||||
Vazhenin N. A., Kirianov I. A. Estimation of statistical characteristics of algorithms of the LDPC-decoder on imitating model. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 59 In article codes with low density parity checks (LDPC) are considered. The description of algorithms of decoding is resulted. The imitating model on which research of algorithms was conducted is described. As in article results of modeling are presented. | ||||||||
Makhorin A. O. Using cutting planes on the solution of aircraft maintenance scheduling prob-lems. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 59 In this article there are considered some classes of problem-specific cutting planes that can be used on practical solution of scheduling problems based on modeling disjunctive resources with the branch-and-bound technique. | ||||||||
Rodchenko V. V., Sadretdinova E. R., Zagovorchev V. A., Lugovtsov I. V. Choice of parametres of penetrator for research of a lunar ground. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 59 Penetrators are designed for a rough landing given that their head-end which is a penetrating probe with a solid-propellant rocket will penetrate deep in the lunar soil. Penetrator is a self-contained lander equipped with systems and devices that provide its motion after separating from the orbiter, the penetrating into the rock, as well as carrying out scientific research and the transfer of the scientific information to the orbiter for the data relay to Earth. The article deals with the impact of the engine operating on the specifications of the penetrator for the lunar soil study. | ||||||||
Gribakin V. A., Radionov N. V., Artyemenko . V., Fadeev A. S. Space appointment rockets’ start-up safety increase: economic aspect. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 59 In the article there are stated questions of expenses distribution for investment programs fi-nancing, allowing to space appointment rockets’ start-up safety increase. There are considered theo-retical and practical aspects of the economic problems of integer programming solution methodic development on the basis of discrete analog of the fastest descent method, allowing to prove the economic feasibility of innovative projects versions choice, which are a part of the innovative-investment program. | ||||||||
Andrianova E. G., Krukov D. A., Petrov A. B. Improving the memory reliability in personal identification microcomputer systems. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 59 Thepaper presents the realization of error correcting codes in the integrated circuits microcomputer systems with limited resources, such as SMART-card, RFID-tags, etc. Proposed coefficient of efficiency and memory memory usage for the Hamming code.Alternatively the well-known Hamming codebeen proposed solutions, based on noiseless coding of Reed-Solomon codes, as well as theLRC-code. | ||||||||
Latyshev V. V. Parameters estimation of navigation signals within the theory of information geometry. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 59 The main concepts of differential geometry are considered. It is shown how the choice of coordinate system naturally leads to the coordinates being estimates of parameters of exponential family of density probability distributions. The orthogonal decomposition of the observable data is considered, allowing to reduce dimension of the space of observations and at the same time to keep amount of Fisher’s information on estimated parameters. The results of numerical modeling of procedure of reduction of dimension for a signal in the form of Gold's 7-bit code are presented. The time delay and Doppler shift are considered as the parameters. | ||||||||
Makhrov A. S., Pirogov S. Y. The characteristics entrance device of external compression of impulsively-periodic energy supply influence in the filling undisturbed flow.. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 58 Numerical investigation result are present to demonstrate an influence of energy supply influence on the shock-wave structure in the entrance device of external compression under given operating mode. It is shown, that energy supply in the filling undisturbed flow can be used for the change of shock-wave structure arising in an input of the entrance device under the given operating mode. | ||||||||
Afanasiev V. V., Chudetsky . M. The concept of artificial cloud formations in space research. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 58 The analysis of experimental data to model meteorite impact in order to use them to determine the interaction between particles of artificial cloud formations with cosmic bodies. The result obtained by empirical relationships, which are recommended for use in calculations of asteroid impacts on high-speed particles. | ||||||||
Borodin V. V., Petrakov A. M. Reliability model of devices served at the orbital space station. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 58 The article dwells on the model of reliability of the elements operated at the orbital space stations. The model allows for a possibility of periodic adjustment or preventive maintenance of the element in order to eliminate the effect of degradation of the said element. Mathematical model of reliability of such element is provided, and asymptotic reliability laws of the serviced element are obtained. | ||||||||
Borodin V. V. Reliability evaluation of devices served at the orbital space station. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 58 The article presents mathematical model for evaluation of availability factor of the served devices at the orbital space station. The model allows for reliability of the said device and time for recovery and scheduled preventive maintenance. The model for specification of distribution function for the period of preventive maintenance under conditions of accidental load of the device is provided. | ||||||||
Galashin M. E., Lisovskaya T. V., Dadashev M. S., Melnikov M. J., Bugayskaya A. K. Signals generator based chip 1879BM3. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 58 The generator of various type of signals for real radio conditions simulation is described. The generator can be useful for communicating devices characteristics check. The random pulses flows generation algorithms for simulation of the not intentional and intentional interferences, using generator are described. Assessment for generated random pulse signals characteristics in comparison with theory are given. | ||||||||
Svetushkov N. N. The possibilities of heat treatment computer simulation. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 58 This paper describes a software environment designed to allow a calculation and control the accuracy in modeling the processes of heat treatment of products made of materials with varying thermal characteristics (in terms of eutectoid transformations), based on a new approach to the solution of unsteady heat conduction equations - the method of "geometric integrals." The calculations were made and obtained the distribution of temperature fields in the thermal processing of various pieces of heat-resistant nickel alloys under conditions of blowing an air stream. | ||||||||
Bocharov V. V., Postnikov V. A., Reznikov S. B., Kharchenko I. A. Power saving combined power system with high power quality for «fully electric aircraft» concept. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 58 Problems of power and fuel savings and electric quality increasing in autonomous power supply systems (APSS) for prospective aircrafts with power-consuming mostly or completely electrified equipment (ESS of AD with CEE) are considered. The structure of power-consuming combined direct and alternating current PSS without an interstitial constant frequency of rotation speed drive for an alternating current generator with high degree of the electrical power compatibility (that means the minimal sequential power transformations while delivering power from generator to services) is described. The article can be useful for different transport objects application APSS designers. | ||||||||
Korneev M. F., Maksimov A. N., Maximov N. . Methods of selection of the anchor points for visual navigation of unmanned aerial vehicles. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 58 This article describes methods for isolating anchor image applied to the problem of localization of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) based on passive visual scene. The estimates of the accuracy of determining the position of UAVs, depending on several factors taken and recommendations on the use of the proposed methods and formulated the problem for further research. | ||||||||
Verbickij A. B. Dynamic response of a helicopter’s structure during impact with a ship’s superstructure. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 58 The study was perform to examine dynamic response of a ship-based helicopter and its payload during emergency landing to the ship. The helicopter was impact at different forward velocities and different angles of impact with ship’s superstructure (hangar). The cause of the accident is an engine failure. During this study numerical simulations of a helicopter dynamic were executed for different initial conditions. Total acceleration versus time responses of airframe and payload were obtained. Peak acceleration of payload were calculated for each forward velocities and angles of impact. | ||||||||
Savchenko D. I. Optimal decision rules and algorithm of targets data association. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 58 The article contemplates an approach to the association of situation data fed by two information sources. Optimal universal and case decision rules are offered, as well as an applicable polynomial association algorithm. Whilst making decision rules a number of assumptions of the known rules had been omitted. | ||||||||
Kuz'michev V. S., Kulagin V. V., Krupenich I. N., Tkachenko A. Y., Rybakov V. N. Analysis of gas turbine power-plant efficiency improvement by means of heat regeneration potential.. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 58 Preliminary study of impact of heat regeneration and intercooling on turboshaft engine effective efficiency is described. | ||||||||
Sharov V. D. Comparative evaluation of landing safety of AN-100-124 aircraft in two landing configurations. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 58 In this article there are presented the results of research of comparative evaluation of landing safety of AN-124-100 in landing configuration 30/17 и 40/17 for the purpose of approving an acceptable risk level of landing in configuration 40/17 and for approving a practicability of certification of this aircraft for usage in airlines in both of these two configurations. | ||||||||
Makhorin A. O., Musolov M. N., Churkin D. N. Automated Computer System for Solving the Aircraft Assignment Problem. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 58 This article describes features and the structure of an automated computer system developed for solving the aircraft assignment problem. A brief description of the main system components, data base structure, and user graphical interface is given. Some implementation aspects are considered. | ||||||||
Voronin A. Y., Dubov Y. B., Zhelonkin M. V., Zhivov Y. G., Poedinok A. M. Investigation of spin of an aircraft using fixed-base flight simulator.. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 58 The technique of spin investigation of maneuverable aircraft is described. The technique includes wind-tunnel tests, numeric evaluations using qualitative methods of nonlinear dynamics, mathematical simulation and piloted simulation using fixed-base flight simulator. Recommendations for spin flight tests are formulated. | ||||||||
Manturov D. V. The technical and economic analysis of working out and manufacture of aviation technics on the basis of the programmno-goals management of the aviabuilding industry. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 58 The technical and economic analysis of a current state and prospects of development of competitive production of domestic aviation equipment is carried out. The main directions of innovative development of the aviation industry of Russia, including within formation and implementation of federal target programs and creation of a perspective scientific and technical reserve are offered. | ||||||||
Alifanov O. M., Kolesnikov V. A. Defining the elements of the thermal conductivity tensor of anisotropic materials basing on an inverse problem solution. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 58 We present an algorithm for determining the temperature dependence of the volumetric heat capacity and thermal conductivity tensor elements with respect to the anisotropic thermal conductivity of the materials used in the aviation and aerospace technology. The effectiveness of the algorithm is demonstrated by the example of solving the problem of computational experiment data. | ||||||||
Mosolov S. V., Sidlerov D. A., Ponomarev A. A., Smirnov . L. Numerical research on the peculiarities of the operational process in LRE combustion chambers propelled by oxygen and hydrocarbons. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 58 The numerical simulation method, developed at Keldysh Research Center, is used for the research into special features of the working process in sub-scale combustion chambers of the LRE propelled by oxygen and hydrocarbons (kerosene). The chambers using jet-centrifugal injectors and operating to the gas-liquid scheme are considered. The influence of structural parameters and operating conditions of injectors, and also of the jet interaction on processes of flow, mixing, combustion was studied. | ||||||||
Arseniev V. N., Fadeev A. S., Kazakov R. R. On providing the launch vehicle separated elements falling into assigned ground area during the launches from the new launch pads . Trudy MAI, 2012, no 58 The problem is considered of the zone definition where the launch vehicle’s element should separate to fall into the assigned ground area. The problem is shown to be ill-defined, and a set of the solutions exists. The approach is suggested allowing determining the separation zone securing the separated element falling into the assigned ground area under the atmosphere and wind parameters variation at minimal decrease of the spacecraft injection accuracy. | ||||||||
Zareckiy M. V., Sidorenko A. S. Dynamic state of aviation article’s structure under random kinematic loading . Trudy MAI, 2012, no 58 Results of working out of numerical model and data of a computational estimation of characteristics of random vibration of aeronautical engineering articles in the conditions of joint flight with the carrier are presented. Dependences for spectral characteristics and vibrational acceleration and stress levels in various points of an article’s structure are received and zones of maximum levels of vibration and stresses for the articles placed on an external suspension of the maneuverable carrier are defined. Results of numerical experiments are compared by use of article’s dynamic models with various levels of complexity. | ||||||||
Fadeev A. S. Organization of the ground launch complexes operations supporting operative deployment of orbital constellations. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 58 The issues of the ground launch complexes’ operations based on advanced orbital constellations’ deployment strategies are discussed. The selection of the launch vehicles supporting the required orbital constellation architecture as well as corresponded ground launch complexes should be performed taking into account limitations of ballistic, technological, environmental and financial nature. The mathematical programming optimization problem is formulated and the solution method is described based on the branch and bounds method. The methodology for the allowable plans’ synthesis is suggested integrating the problem of allocation approach and branch and bounds method concept. This methodology is to be implemented jointly with the known methods of the falling rocket stages’ environment impact evaluation and ground space infrastructure economical optimization allowing management of the ground launch complexes during deployment of the advanced satellite constellations. | ||||||||
Daynov M. I., Metechko L. B. Technigue of teaching of discipline “Ecology” to student with application of interactive technologies. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 58 In article the original technigue of teaching of discipline “Ecology” to student ENGECIN MAI is submitted. Convincing results of the analysis of statistic of progress of student and eхternal interactive testing interactive technologies of student in half-year after studying a rate “Ecology” a resulted at carrying of federal eхamination in sphere of the higher professional education (FEPE) organized by the Ministry of education and a science of the Russion Federation. | ||||||||
Linkevichius A. P., Stupin D. D., Kochkarov A. A. Control for realization of system projects in hi-tech b2g-holding. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 58 In paper the basic stages of system project`s formation and realization in hi-tech branches of economy are described. Personnel maintenance formation of separate stages realization, as key components of resource maintenance process of system projects are considered. | ||||||||
Kochkarov R. A. Instrumental support and monitoring mechanisms of aerospace target programs. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 58 The program-oriented approach to budgeting is considered in the paper. Classification of target programs by scale of implementation is carried out. Recommendations about increase of productivity of target-oriented methods of management by economy are offered. This includes the construction of formalized representation of target program and structuring of its lifecycle. | ||||||||
Nguyen N. M. Developing a mathematical model for transport vehicle with three omnidirectional wheels. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 58 This paper suggests a more generic mathematical model of vehicle with omnidirectional wheels, which describes not only the plane motion when the platform and all wheels are considered as a rigid body, but also the platform’s spatial motion. Only using this motion allows us to analysis the characteristics of the equipped on platform inertial measurement unit (IMU) in purpose to create a criterion for choosing parameters of embedded sensors according to the precision of control algorithm. We also create a program, using some control rules, including PID regulator and optimal control algorithm, for simulating the vehicle motion. | ||||||||
Nadiradze A. B., Rakhmatullin R. R. Aerodynamic characteristics for grid-type surfaces under free molecular flow. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 58 The results of numerical calculations of aerodynamic characteristics for two different grid-type surfaces under free molecular flow are presented. The relationships between transmission and exchange factors and mesh density, azimuthal and polar incident angles for particles, and local accommodation coefficients are examined. The domain of applicability for an assumption on mesh azimuthal symmetry is estimated. | ||||||||
Rybkin P. N. Mathematical Model of TV3-117VM Engine. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 58 The article describes a mathematical model of the TV3-117VM engine used as a fragment of the mathematical model of MI-8MTV flight simulator. The model is structured according to engine automatic control. A real performance of the engine compressor has been used to compute power and fuel consumption. | ||||||||
Gol'berg F. D., Gurevich O. S., Petukhov A. . Amathematical model of the engine in acs gte for increasing of safety and quality control. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 58 The computing capabilities of modern digital electronic ACS GTE allow to increase essentially quality of control of aviation engines. One of such capabilities relate to application of the high level integrated on-board mathematical model of engine (OMME) in ACS - the full thermogas dynamic mathematical models of engine working in real time. Using such models makes it possible to control the engine parameters, which directly characterize efficiency of using of engine, such as thrust, specific oil consumption, coefficient combustion efficiency , gas dynamics stability margin etc. Besides, it is possible to implement the compensation of sensor failures of controlled and external parameters, Р*1 и Т*1. Using of full thermogas dynamic models of engine as a part of ACS is considered to be one of the perspective direction in the development of aviation GTE in perspective foreign engineering of digital ACS. | ||||||||
Kruzhkov D. M. Navigation parameters estimation of satellite integrated astro-gnss navigation system . Trudy MAI, 2012, no 57 It is considered the estimation of navigation parameters accuracy provided by the integrated navigation system. The way of possible accuracy improving problem solution by special configuring Kalman’s filter is described. Illustrations of navigation system processing simulation results after special integrated filter configuring are shown. | ||||||||
Sein H. ., Baskakov A. I. Pplication of interferometric radar analysis of the landing surface relief for safety helicopter landing. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 57 This paper presents the choice of parameters of ground surface irradiation geometry for the design of an airborne radar, operating at 35 GHz (= 8.6 mm) and intended to be used as a helicopter assisted landing system before landing in a dusty environment and on rough unprepared terrain in the day time and night time as well as under adverse weather conditions. The potential accuracy estimation of landing field relief is implemented. | ||||||||
Zhdanov I. Y. Increase of investment appeal of the air transport enterprises with use of a credit rating. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 57 In article ways of increase of efficiency of interaction of the air transport enterprises and investors are considered. The block diagram of increase of investment appeal of the entities on the basis of use of a credit rating is offered, key factors and mechanisms of its management are allocated. | ||||||||
Vorobiev I. N., Grishanina T. V. The nonlinear dynamic behavior of a beam after buckling. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 57 In this article is solved the plane problem of the dynamic behavior of an elastic beam loaded by static forces which cause instability. The finite element method (FEM) has been used to solve the nonlinear problem. Different cases of the dynamic behavior of the elastic beam loaded by gravity forces have been considered. | ||||||||
Demidova O. . Numerical simulation of swirling jets with nonequilibrium chemical processes. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 57 An algorithm for the numerical simulation of turbulent combustion of hydrocarbon fuels in a weakly swirling gas flows. The peculiarity of the algorithm is to use the method of splitting into physical processes, together with the local linearization method for solving the equations of chemical kinetics. | ||||||||
Dolgov O. S., Dolgova T. V., Karimov A. H., Lyakishev M. A. Evaluating the effectiveness of dual-purpose aggregates in the construction of modern unmanned aerial vehicles. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 57 The paper describes the new type of UAV – multi-purpose unmanned aerial platform with dual-purpose units (aggregates). Analyzed the possible variants of dual-purpose units uses in the aircraft. Compared inertia-moment characteristics of the multi-purpose unmanned aircraft platform with dual-purpose units and UAV “Global Hawk” (without dual-purpose units). | ||||||||
Kurshin A. V. Improving the accuracy of GLONASS positioning consumers by increasing the refresh rate of satellite clock information . Trudy MAI, 2012, no 57 In work shows the possibility of increasing the accuracy of the location of the consumer satellite navigation system GLONASS, by increasing the refresh rate timing information to the satellites. An algorithm for evaluation of care satellite clock relative to the system time, the results of simulation the refresh rate time information at different intervals. | ||||||||
Nemoudryi K. V. The Regional Aviation as a Condition of an Effective Social and Economic Development of the Subarctic Area . Trudy MAI, 2012, no 57 Nowadays the air transport plays a special role in the providing of the accessibility of the regions and inhabited localities of Russia. Aviation is often the only transport means, but not more than 7 % of the citizenry use it, and the market concentration of air transportations at the Moscow airports was 75.4 % on the 1st of November 2010. The development of the regional aviation is an essential factor which determines not only the transportation accessibility of the Arkhangelsk Region, but also its economic development. | ||||||||
Samokhin V. F., Moshkov P. A. Acoustic characteristics of an easy propeller airplane with internal combustion engines. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 57 In article the noise problem on the district of easy propeller planes (EPP) is considered, the short review of gears of generation of noise by the propeller and an internal combustion engine and existing analytical models of noise of the air propeller is given. The main results of a pilot study of acoustic characteristics of the easy propeller plane of the Yak-18T type in static conditions are presented. Existential, spectral and power characteristics of acoustic radiation of the EPP power plant are provided. The new gear of generation is revealed by the subsonic air propeller of acoustic radiation of pulse type. It is established that the acoustic capacity of the EPP power plant is defined by capacity of total acoustic radiation of the air propeller and the engine. The acoustic efficiency of the EPP power plant of the Yak-18T type in stationary conditions makes ≈ 0,15 %. | ||||||||
Artyemenko . V., Tkachev D. A. Technology Rate of Profit Definition For Price Defense Products Aviation Industry. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 57 The article presents analysis of the theoretical and practical methods of forming the initial prices for the products of the state defense order for the example of aviation industry in the interest of the Air Forces of the Russian Federation. The authors proposed a method of pricing of defense products on the basis of an agreed level of profitability, which can be used by general customers, the Russian Defense Ministry in the development of guidance documents on pricing for defense products. | ||||||||
Klykov A. V., Kirillov V. Y. Capabilities of computer simulation for solving problems of electromagnetic compatibility of electrical wiring interconnection aircraft system . Trudy MAI, 2012, no 57 The article analyzes the capabilities of computer simulation for solving problems of electromagnetic compatibility of aircraft electrical wiring interconnection system. | ||||||||
Nikulina E. N., Trubina A. V. The analysis of the prospects for evaluation of aviation enterprises in Russia. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 57 The article provides information characterizing the state of the aviation enterprises’ evaluation market in Russia, as one tool that helps for creation of a highly competitive industry. Authors of article focuses attention on the current state of the aviation industry, analyze the financial condition of aviation businesses and make well-founded conclusions about the necessity of expanding of the scope of the aviation enterprises’ evaluation in Russia. The article also shows the ways of introduction (implementation) of an independent financial evaluation for the practice of the management of aviation companies. | ||||||||
Hlopov B. V. Researches of magnetic properties of thin-film materials of the modern hard magnetic disks in case of influence of an outside constant magnetic field. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 57 Benchs for research of the parameters defining stability of magnetic properties of thin-film materials of the modern hard magnetic disks in case of impact on them of a constant magnetic field are developed and created. Techniques of determination of the magnetic fields providing guaranteed erasing of information from carriers on rigid magnetic carriers (NGMD) are developed, a technique of monitoring of a completeness of erasing of information on the basis of atomic force microscopy (ASM), value of an outside influencing constant magnetic field exceeding value of coercive force of a thin-film magnetic material effectively and safely erasing information from magnetic carriers is defined. | ||||||||
Hlopov B. V. Researches of magnetic properties of thin-film materials of the modern hard magnetic disks in case of influence of an outside impulse magnetic field. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 57 The bench for research of the parameters defining stability of magnetic properties of thin-film materials of the modern hard magnetic disks in case of impact on them of an outside impulse magnetic field is developed and created. Techniques of an assessment of the magnetic fields providing safe erasing of information from carriers on rigid magnetic carriers (NZhMD), in particular a technique of visual check of a completeness of erasing of information with use of atomic force microscopy (ASM) are developed, losses in protective casings are defined when screening magnetic fields. Offers are provided to normative documents by determination of amplitude and frequency values of strength of a periodic magnetic field and value of strength of an impulse magnetic field with an optimum pulse duration. | ||||||||
Malyshev V. V., Starkov A. V., Fedorov A. V. development of program-modeling complex methodology for dynamic spacecraft operations and its means of testing. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 57 The basis for ensuring a high level of reliability and safety during dynamic operations is a comprehensive experimental development of products in as close to real conditions of the application operation using mathematical and simulation modeling. The article is devoted to development of program-modeling complex methodology which is solving the problem of dynamic spacecraft operations and its means of testing. | ||||||||
Ignatkin Y. M., Konstantinov S. G. Researches aerodynamic characteristics of a profile and blade tips helicopter rotor using CFD methods. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 57 The results of calculations aerodynamic characteristics a profile and blade tips helicopter rotor executed by a method of numerical modeling hydrodynamic processes (CFD) on supercomputer МАI are presented. Represents comparative testing of RANS turbulence models on the basis of calculation results aerodynamic characteristics profile NACA 230-12 and their comparisons with experiment. Represents results of calculations aerodynamic characteristics for four blade tips and comparison their with results of the experiments conducted on a models in wind tunnels МАI. | ||||||||
Ignatkin Y. M., Konstantinov S. G. Researches of aerodynamic characteristics of a main rotor helicopter using CFD method. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 57 The results of calculations aerodynamic characteristics main rotor helicopter on a hovering are presented. Calculations are executed by a method of numerical modeling hydrodynamic processes (CFD) on supercomputer МАИ. Comparison results of calculation with experiment are presented. The character of a current in a blade tip, form of a vortical trace, field of inductive speeds created by the main rotor helicopter are investigated. Analysis of influence blade tip geometry and anhedral angel for three blade tip types on rotor is executed. | ||||||||
Lanskii A. M., Lukachev S. V., Matveev S. G. Research of raspylivaniya of fuel the pneumomassage sprayers . Trudy MAI, 2012, no 57 In the article the results of experimental researches are considered on influence of structural and regime parameters on descriptions of fuel torch. Some new features of management his dispersible descriptions are exposed. | ||||||||
Kartukov A. V., Merkishin G. V., Repin A. I., Sushko S. V. Investigating the methods for using the laser for analyzing the engines petrol. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 57 It is regarding the using the laser for investigating the engines petrol. Experimental equipment is operating by refracting the laser beam above of investigated liquid. | ||||||||
Rebrov S. G., Golikov A. N., Golubev V. A., Romanuk V. A. Laser ignition of propellants in igniter by using a micro-laser. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 57 Experimental investigations of laser ignition of propellants oxygen - methane, oxygen - ethanol, oxygen - kerosene in laser igniter using micro-laser are conducted. Ignition was carried out by initiation of optical breakdown by laser radiation focused near metallic target surface. Experiments were conducted with wide variation of fuel-oxidizer ratio, launch cyclogram, component supply delay and moment of laser switching on. | ||||||||
Zueva V. V. The methodical principles of an associativity of space equipment possibilities and services consumers’ requirements estimation. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 57 The article presents prospects of development of space services sphere, the marketing research procedure for space services, considering associativity of consumer requirements and space complexes possibilities, is offered. The algorithm of the customizeability account, promoting increase of space complexes competitiveness and increase of their functioning efficiency for requirements of various consumer groups is presented. The kinds and parameters of customizeability are allocated; the list of the factors defining an associativity of potential and requirements for services of space complexes is defined. | ||||||||
Hein T. A., Baskakov A. I. The optimal choice of operating frequency for space multifrequency radio interferometer in ocean research. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 57 The report selected the optimal operating frequencies, corresponding to the ocean wave height coordinates. Formed suggested probe signal with an angular modulation with an appropriate choice of the modulation index, allowing a more uniform spectrum of the eleven harmonics and to vary the frequency differences in a wide range. The report received potential accuracy characteristics of the sea surface intensity assessment (ordinate sea waves) of the spacecraft by multi-frequency cross-correlation function of reflected signals. Realize the high accuracy measurement of ocean wave height for all possible ranges of the sea surface intensity by synthesizing aperture antenna and using an antenna array. | ||||||||
Sakornsin R. ., Popov S. A. Optimization of the aerodynamics for the wing seaplane with floats on the end . Trudy MAI, 2012, no 57 The possibility has been studied of using modern CFD (CFD - Computational Fluid Dynamics) software package for solving problems of designing wings seaplanes. The description of the physical-mathematical model and the algorithm for solving the problem based on the Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes equations are given. The analysis is given of application of several turbulence models: Spalart-Allmaras, three different modification models and standard model, under which has been selected the most appropriate model, which gives the best result of calculations with experimental data. Testing of the methodology used and the software have confirmed the validity of the results. The results of series of numerical studies of typical configurations of the wing with float on the end wing are presented. The effect is studied of several variants of the deviations of the wing and the location of the end floats on the values of the total aerodynamic coefficients of forces and moments acting on the seaplane wing. | ||||||||
Malyshev V. V., Kabanov D. S. Optimization of an algorithm for payload delivery by automatic underwater vehicle . Trudy MAI, 2012, no 57 A problem of payload delivery by an automatic underwater vehicle (AUV) to a given point is considered in this paper. Optimal algorithms for different AUV motion stages are developed. The essence of algorithms consists in numerical definition of control actions using Pontryagin's maximum principle. The solution is obtained under conditions such as precision requirements and constraints on the control variables. Accuracy evaluation of payload delivery by AUV is performed. Numerical calculations of AUV dynamics and collected statistical data using the simulation model are presented. | ||||||||
Bukharin, V. V., Kiryanov A. V., Starodubtsev Y. I., Truskov S. S. Method of detection of the network analysis of the information traffic of an information-telecommunication network. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 57 In clause the method of detection of the network analysis of the information traffic ITCN is considered. The developed method allows to raise reliability of detection of computer attacks, including passive attacks on ITCN by transfer of verifying packages and analysis of answer-back packages from routers of an external network used on a route of transfer of packages of the message. | ||||||||
Bukharin, V. V., Kiryanov A. V., Starodubtsev Y. I. Method for protecting computer networks from attacks. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 57 The way of protection of an information network is considered at occurrence of infringements of external perimeter of system of protection of the information computer attacks, sold by means of realization. The given way allows to raise efficiency of detection of computer attack at the expense of use of trace of routes of transfer of packages. | ||||||||
Klebanov Y. M., Bruyaka V. A., Vavilov M. A. Application of a method of the modal displacement to definition the optimum sensor locations at vibrating tests of products. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 57 In article the results of definition the optimum sensor locations and activators at vibrating tests of a product «Souyz 2 stage 1B», received on a method of the normalized modal displacement, are presented. Calculations are carried out through FEM in ANSYS | ||||||||
Musabayev T. A., Nedajvoda A. K., Shlenov Y. V. Network model of space-rocket complex components preparation to application. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 56 In the article features of working out of network schedules (network models) of space-rocket complexes’ components preparation processes for application and questions of an estimation of efficiency and calculation of the basic time characteristics of space-rocket complex preparation technological processes are considered. | ||||||||
Musabayev T. A., Rozhdestvensky A. V., Milyukov I. A. Features of the space-rocket complex land equipment systems restoration. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 56 In article the features of the approach to starting complex equipment of special technological systems restoration and maintenance are considered. The basic indicators of reliability of technological systems of various types are defined. The dependences describing a condition of system from a condition of its separate elements are presented. They allow to prove terms and standard items of system’s spare elements for maintenance of its further functioning. | ||||||||
Kalinin S. Y., Rozhdestvensky A. V., Shlenov Y. V. Operation of the space-rocket complex economic efficiency estimation. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 56 In article the features of an estimation of economic efficiency of operation of separate systems of a space-rocket complex (SRC) and the SRC as a whole are considered; variants of decisions on possibility of their operation are considered; the technique of an economic estimation of possible decisions on operation of systems is stated and criteria for comparison of economic efficiency of decisions are established. | ||||||||
Nedajvoda A. K., Mihajlov . G. The space-rocket technics manufacturing quality control system. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 56 In article the ways of improvement of quality of space-rocket technics are considered and analyzed. The mathematical model of units and systems assemblage quality in a kind of ”a black box” managerial process is offered. The block diagramme of a quality of space-rocket technics units manufacturing control system and the basic components of model of units” manufacturing process are presented. | ||||||||
Nedajvoda A. K., Rozhdestvensky A. V. The space-rocket technics’ efficiency and quality estimation . Trudy MAI, 2012, no 56 In article the basic approaches to an estimation of efficiency and quality of complexed technical systems on an example of objects of space-rocket technics are considered. Mathematical models of the description of efficiency of space-rocket technics’ systems are offered. Expert methods of an estimation of efficiency of complexed technical systems and features of their application are considered in detail. | ||||||||
Yeliseyev Y. S., Volkov P. V. Electronic gas-turbine engine AL-31FM1 model. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 56 In article on an example of designing of the major units of the AL-31FM1 gas-turbine engine possibilities and real results of application of various specialized automated designing systems are shown. Examples of solving various design and engineering problems of basic gas-turbine engine units are given. | ||||||||
Yeliseyev Y. S., Poklad V. A., Eliseev V. D. Application of information technologies at designing газотурбинных installations. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 56 In article the role of CALS-technologies in hi-tech products designing is shown. Complex use of CALS-technologies is considered in gas-turbine power installations’ designing. Concrete examples of specialized designing systems use in creation of separate elements of energy power plants are given. | ||||||||
Zavalishin I. V., Finogeev A. G. Features of the gas-turbine engines' parts technological manufacture preparation . Trudy MAI, 2012, no 56 In the article features of technological manufacture preparation of gas-turbine engines' parts are considered. The modern jet-engine’s gas turbine construction features defining technical perfection of the engine are pointed out. The description of modern technologies applied at Russian gas-turbine production enterprises is given. | ||||||||
Budantsev A. V., Zavalishin I. V., Kharin A. A. Technique of constructive-technological decisions formation in the aviation engines’ creation process . Trudy MAI, 2012, no 56 In article the technique of formation of constructive-technological decisions in the aviation engines parts creation process is described. Also the developed imitating mathematical model of industrial system including elements, properties and decision parameters (constructive, technological, cost) and their interrelations is presented. | ||||||||
Artyomov A. V., Zavalishin I. V., Chernetsov V. I. Methods of the analysis of constructive-technological decisions in aviation gas-turbine manufacture. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 56 In article the substantiation of necessity of the analysis of constructive-technological decisions in the technical preparation of jet-engine parts manufacture process is resulted. Authors offer the technique of the analysis providing performance of an estimation and comparison of constructive-technological decisions taking into account multi-variant approach of these decisions. | ||||||||
Yanovskiy L. S., Krymov V. V., Finogeev A. G. Alternative variants of support power-plants based on of fuel cells for aviation engines . Trudy MAI, 2012, no 56 Alternative variants of power plants, used as support power-plants of aviation engines, and created on the base of fuel cells are considered in the article. Schemes of power-plants using the fuel cells of different construction and workings on various fuels are presented. The estimation of support power-plants variants is executed. | ||||||||
Yanovskiy L. S., Mihajlov . G., Kharin A. A. Rules of coke formation at aviation biofuel thermal decomposition. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 56 In the article rules of coke formation process on walls of pipelines and heat exchangers of aviation engines, as a result of biofuel thermal decomposition at engine work. Results of an experimental research of coke formation process on internal walls of tubes at thermal decomposition various aviation fuels, including alternative fuels from bioraw materials are given. The influence of fuel additives on coke formation is analysed. | ||||||||
Yanovskiy L. S., Kazakov V. A., Pavlov V. V. Modelling of biofuels heat-mass exchange processes in pipelines of aviation heat exchangers. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 56 In the article the question of heat and mass exchange processes modeling at a biofuel flow in pipelines of aviation engines’ heat exchangers in conditions of fuel thermal decomposition and coke formation on internal walls of pipelines is considered. Authors offer mathematical dependences on which fuel average parameters’ changes, a thickness of coke adjournment, temperature of a pipeline wall, the degree of decomposition of fuel on a wall, hydraulic characteristics of a fuel stream on length of a pipe can be calculated. | ||||||||
Yanovskaya M. L., Kharin A. A., Zavalishin I. V., Budantsev A. V. Complex of additives diminishing coking of biofuels in aviation engines’ thermoexchangers . Trudy MAI, 2012, no 56 In the article questions of working out and using of additives on biofuels for the purpose of prevention of coking on the walls of thermo exchanged devices’ channels in gas-turbine aviation engines are considered. The coking occurrence reasons and distribution of cokes concentration to channel density on its length are described. The selection of components for creation of the multifunctional additive with a condition of a choice of raw materials from the assortment developed by Russian enterprises is conducted. | ||||||||
Yanovskiy L. S., Krymov V. V., Zavalishin I. V., Berezko P. N. Structural and functioning scheme of the aviation support power-plant based on fuel cells. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 56 In article the basic functioning features of gas-turbine support power-plant of the modern passenger airplane are considered. The basic technical and operational characteristics of fuel cells are analyzed, and the expediency of their application as power plant on civil long haul airplanes is established. The function chart of aviation power-plant based on the battery of the fuel cells, providing effective performance of support power-plant is offered. | ||||||||
Yanovskiy L. S., Pavlov V. V., Slesarev Y. N., Chernetsov V. I. Mathematical modelling of biofuels coking process in pipelines of aviation engines. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 56 The mathematical model of coke formation process in a biofuel flow in warmed channels of the aviation engine heat exchanger in the form of equations system of heat transfer and diffusion for the dissolved oxygen, middle products, high molecular connections and for particles of adjournment in margin layer is presented in the article. Results of calculation of characteristics of coke formation process depending on external conditions of process of fuel flow are given. | ||||||||
Brindikova I. V., Bushanskiy A. S., Milyukov I. A., Tolstov A. A., Kharin A. A. Technical and staff training aspects of GLONASS application in launch complex monitoring. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 56 Authors conduct the detailed analysis of objects of space-rocket complex surface infrastructure. Factors, influencing basic parameters, determining the state of objects of the complex, are defined. On the basis of GLONASS perfomance analysis results practical recommendations on application of modern navigation technologies at the land objects of a space-rocket complex are developed. Also recommendations on navigation technology competent staff training system organizing are given. | ||||||||
Yanovskiy L. S., Kazakov V. A., Slesarev Y. N., Kharin A. A. Experimental research of fuels produced from natural gas and bioraw materials. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 56 The processes of liquid hydrocarbonic fuels’ production are considered in the article. Results of experimental research of alternative synthetic liquid aviation fuels (SLF) from natural gas or bioraw materials are given. The physical, chemical and operational indexes of experimental samples of synthetic fuels, got from natural gas are presented. | ||||||||
Firsanov V. V., Makarov P. V. Features GTE blade disk natural frequencies and shapes calculations with regard to flutter problem solution. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 55 Description of the features of modal analysis compressor blade disk is considered. It is shown that the change of natural frequencies and modes of compressor blade is determined with number of nodal diame-ters, disk flexibility and interaction between blades shrouds. It is illustrated, that calculation of the natural frequencies and mode of whole rotor it is necessary in order to get correct result. The practice recommen-dation to development suitable finite-element models of rotor and blade disk is represented. Features pic-ture of displacement of modern fan wide chord blade hesitant with natural mode with regard to flutter prediction is considered. | ||||||||
Liseitsev N. ., Samoilovskii A. A. State-of-the-art, problems and development perspective of the aircraft, using solar energy to flight. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 55 The main features and principles of functioning was considered in the article. Continuous flight problems was described. Analysis of solar powered aircraft development perspective was made. | ||||||||
Golovkin M. A. Relations for rotary derivatives of wing rolling- and yawing-moment coefficients. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 55 Analytic expressions to determine the rotary derivatives of wing rolling- and yawing-moment coefficients with respect to total angular velocity and its components are found using vector relations with approximation of strip hypothesis. The obtained relations can be used to assess the specified derivatives of the high-aspect wing in all angle-of-attack ranges in case distributions of normal and longitudinal force coefficients and angle of attack derivatives in wing sections and inductive wash spanwise are known. Expressions for swept wings, constant chord wings as well as wings with elliptic law of spanwise load distribution are presented. | ||||||||
Golovkin M. A., Kochish S. I., Kritsky B. S. Calculation procedure of aerodynamic characteristics of the combined carrying system of the aircraft. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 55 Within the limits of the vortex theory the design procedure of non-stationary aerodynamic characteristics of carrying system «the central body - blades» convertible aircraft is considered. Comparison of calculation results vs the experiments data and calculations by other techniques is given.Examples of calculations are given. | ||||||||
Repneva A. I. Design synthesis algorithm of digital signal processing devices.. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 55 The work shows the main difficulties that arise at the system design phase digital signal processing devices (UTSOS). Identified the need to improve the quality of design, which can be achieved by creating an algorithm which allows to carry out the formalization of the process of choosing the optimal CTV. In the course of the requirements to multiple source components UTSOS, made choice of these components, the synthesis produced structural and technological options for products, as well as the choice of optimal CTV complex indicator of quality. | ||||||||
Ryzhov Y. A., Nikitchenko Y. A., Paramonov I. V. Numerical Research on Hypersonic Flow of Sharp Edge Based on the Navier-Stokes-Fourier Model. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 55 The influence of the coefficient of bulk viscosity on the distribution of normal stress on a sharp edge was analyzed. The problem is solved of air flow over a thin plate ( , , ). It is shown that at Mach and at the value of the coefficient of bulk viscosity , the distribution of normal stress is described by smooth curves. At high Mach numbers, the results are physically inadequate for any value of . | ||||||||
Endogur A. I. Influence of technological imperfections on serviceability of a design. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 55 The kind of the law taking into account influence of the sum of a design elements imperfections or conditions of operation of complex products on convergence of the theoretical and practical characteristics of durability or resource of a design is stated. The examples showing an opportunity of use of this law at tests of designs and also at operation of space or automobile engineering are given. | ||||||||
Zherebin A. M., Kropova V. V., Rusak . A. Methodological tools for risk assessments of programs and plans realization for aerotechnics development. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 55 Basic provisions of an offered approach to risks estimations of programs of aviation techincs realization are stated; the concept of the environment of network modeling as information and program tools of support and support of researches on an risks estimations and decision-making on risk management locates; results of modeling experiments with use of the developed and program realized pilot version of a complex of an assessment and optimization of temporary and cost parameters of network model of the aviation complex design project are given. | ||||||||
Kuprijanov A. I., Shevtsov V. V. Potential sensitivity and range of action of the laser microphone. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 55 Potential efficiency of detection and accuracy of reproduction of a speech signal which modulates the laser radiation disseminated by the vibrating surface is considered | ||||||||
Tischehko M. N., Artamonov B. L. Possible ways of modernization of heavy transport helicopter Mi-26. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 55 The basic opportunity of creation of the perspective heavy transport helicopter of the one-screw circuit with the steering screw is examined. On an example of the requirements in due time declared in American program JTR to flight-technical characteristics of the perspective device, the technical opportunity of their performance is analyzed by deep updating now most load-lifting domestic helicopter Mi-26. | ||||||||
Tischehko M. N., Artamonov B. L. Problems of increase of cruiser speed of flight of the helicopter and ways of its decision. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 55 On the basis of the power approach various ways of increase of cruiser speed of flight of rotary-wing flying devices of various circuits are analyzed. Using concepts of aerodynamic quality and propulsive factor of the flying device it is shown, that the most perspective by the given criteria is the tilt-rotor aircraft. | ||||||||
Khrustaliov M. M., Khalina A. S. The simple algorithm of stabilization of orientation of the satellite with flexible element. . Trudy MAI, 2012, no 55 The problem of stabilization of the orientation of the satellite with flexible element (rod) is considered on a circular orbit. Using the principle of separation of movement on the slow quasi-static and fast oscillating we obtain a system of ordinary differential equations, describing the controlled movement of the satellite with flexible rod. The model was applied to study the stabilization of the angular position of the satellite relative to the local vertical. It is established, that the simple linear regulator, used for the stabilization of orientation of the hard satellites, ensures the stability of the orientation of the satellite with flexible element in the proper choice of the coefficients of the regulator. | ||||||||
Halov M. O. A cluster model for the implementation of the shape memory effect in titanium nickelide. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 55 The work is devoted to addressing the demand for the formation of martensitic technique in the aerospace industry. | ||||||||
Efremov A. V., Korovin A. A. The modification of criteria for flying qualities and PIO prediction.. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 55 There are considered the shortcomings of the basic criteria used for the flying qualities and PIO prediction. The analysis of Have PIO, LAHOS and Neal-Smith data base is carried out. It is offered the rules for preliminary selection of configurations for making more precise of the level boundaries. The comparison of predictive potentialities of criteria is considered too. | ||||||||
Halov M. O. Prospects of application memory alloy TiNi-based devices in the aerospace industry. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 55 The work is devoted to addressing the demand for the formation of martensitic technique in the aerospace industry. | ||||||||
Zherebin A. M., Kropova V. V. Criterial basis for processes of preparation and decision making in the management of the aerotechnics development. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 55 Article considers the main activity direction of the management of the aerotechnics development. The article discusses coordinated and interrelated system of criteria for making strategic and tactical decisions which is complied with the ideology of Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution System (PPBES). An approach is proposed to overcome the uncertainty of the main acting factors. | ||||||||
Zherebin A. M., Kropova V. V. Evaluation of the effectiveness and sustainability of functioning of the scientific and industrial base of the aerotechnics development.. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 55 Article proposes an approach to assessing the realizability of programs and plans for aerotechnics development based on the modeling of scientific and industrial base of aerotechnics creation, and the analysis of the effectiveness and sustainability of its operation. | ||||||||
Evstratov D. I. Resuts of mathematical modelling of the area of delay is given power of the energy converter gazogidravlicheskogo steering gear. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 54 a mathematical model describing the work of the energy converter gazogidravlicheskogo steering gear in the area of delay is given power. | ||||||||
Zavedeyev A. I. Construction of Spacecraft State Control System of Ivproved Failurestable . Trudy MAI, 2012, no 54 Synthesis, methodology and algorithms of failurestable control on base principles of analytic surplus functional reserve and reconfiguration are considered. | ||||||||
Zavedeyev A. I., Kovalev A. Y. State Diagnostic and Principles of the Improving of Onboard Spacecraft Control System Failurestable. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 54 Different approaches to problem of improving onboard spacecraft control system failurestable on base principles of optimization and reconfiguration with using probability index and adaptive logic in diagnostic algorithms are considered. | ||||||||
Aleshin B. S., Antonov D. A., Veremeenko K. K., Zharkov M. V., Zimin R. Y., Kuznetsov I. M., Pron'kin A. N. Small-sized Integrated Navigation & Landing Complex. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 54 One of possible approaches of working out of a small-sized integrated navigation & landing complex for an unmanned aerial vehicle is presented. The construction concept, design, and software of the complex are considered. An example of working out of a small-sized onboard navigation & landing complex based on the suggested approach and results of its flight tests are resulted. | ||||||||
Lebedev G. N., Tin P. ., Tran V. T. Assigning dynamic priorities when servicing aircraft with an arbitrary rate during approach and landing flight in formation. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 54 The problem is the simultaneous control of the security accompanying the movement of aircraft and control by automatic means. We propose a combined two-tier structure and control that provides with an adaptive adjustment controls necessary safety of flight in a passing motion during the approach. | ||||||||
Aleshin B. S., Antonov D. A., Veremeenko K. K., Zharkov M. V. Tightly-coupled multyantenna integrated inertial/satellite navigation system. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 54 Results of the first stage of investigation of design possibilities and the main properties of the tightly-coupled inertial/satellite navigation system are given in the article carried out under the support of the Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research. The main objective of the first stage of investigation was development of theoretical bases for the creation of the integrated system. The main feature of the research is inclusion of the GNSS multiantenna receiver in structure of еру system that allows obtaining attitude determination | ||||||||
. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 54 | ||||||||
Karasev O. I., Vishnevskiy K. O., Veselitskaya N. N. The opportunities of Foresight methodology use for strategic forecasting of industry development. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 53 Article touches upon with a set of national and foreign Foresight projects devoted to future development of aviation industry including S&T Foresight until 2025, launched by the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge, National Research University “Higher School of Economics” (ISSEK HSE). Special attention focuses on Roadmap “Use of nanotechnologies in aviation industry”. | ||||||||
Vovasov V. E., Gerko S. A. Research of algorithms for highly dynamic orientation definitions of objects using SRNS simulators. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 53 The article deals with the functionality of the simulator signals SRNS IM-2, confirming the possibility of using the simulator for solve the problems in estimating the angles of spatial orientation definition objects. We derive expressions for the pseudoranges and pseudoranges double difference from the assumption of different time between time the formation scenario simulator and the arrival time of a signal to the navigation receiver, identifies the amendment to the classical equations describing the pseudoranges double difference. It was established experimentally that mathematics IM-2 simulator is that to solve the problems of assessing the orientation angles of objects to use half-amendments to the classical formulas. | ||||||||
Lai T. T., Tarlakovsky D. V. Аxisymmetric perturbations from the surface of a sphere filled with pseudo-elastic Cosserat medium. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 53 Axisymmetric kinematics of perturbation from the surface of a sphere filled with homogeneous isotropic medium with restricted rotation (the Cosserat pseudo-continuum) are considered. These models are used in the study of the behavior of different structures, which are made from composite materials, including objects of aviation, rocket and space technology. In order to find out the solution, we use a serial expansion in Legendre polynomials and Laplace transform of the time. To find the original function we use asymptotic method – representation of functions as power series in time, which corresponds to expansion of the image of functions in a Laurent series in a neighborhood of infinity | ||||||||
Nguyen N. H., Tarlakovsky D. V. The unsteady influence-functions for the study of above the surface in a porous elastic half-plane object . Trudy MAI, 2012, no 53 The kinematics of perturbation in a porous elastic half-plane object is studied here. It includes two components: the deformation of the frame and the compressible fluid located in the pores. The Biot model is applied in order to get the solution. We use Fourier spatial coordinates and Laplace transform in time. The originals can be found in the case of one-direction and above the surface of the half-plane. In the latter case, algorithm is used to invert changes together of Laplace and Fourier, which are based on the construction of analytical representations of the images. | ||||||||
Shorin O. ., Shchuchkin V. M. Using smart antennas to reduce overload in radio access network. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 53 The dependence of load in a mobile radio network`s cell from the angle of the directivity pattern at the base station (BS) is analyzed in this article. Main characteristics of the antenna technology, which most affect on performance load cell are determined. The prospects for the use of smart antenna systems are investigate in conjunction with algorithms for early detection of local overloads on the basis of subscriber`s mobility the parameters. | ||||||||
Vu M. H., Popov S. A., Ryzhov Y. A. The problems of modeling the flow in the axial fan of the wind tunnel. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 53 The possibility of application of modern software package for computational fluid dynamics (CFD - Computational Fluid Dynamics) for the purpose of designing axial fans has been studied. It is shown that the use of Realizable turbulence model gives results in better conformity with experimental data than the model SST . The effect of the number of blades on the mass flow - dynamic pressure characteristics of a given geometry of the fan, as well as the use of the second propeller in order to improve the efficiency of the axial fan has been analyzed. | ||||||||
Zaharova L. F., Novikov S. V. Strategic changes at the enterprises of an aviation-industrial complex: a substantiation and realization. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 53 The problem of a strategic choice on an example of the enterprises of the industry creating means of production and defining technological way of a national economy is considered. The special place in industrial production is occupied with the aviation branch providing competitiveness of the country on a world scene. In article the mechanism integrating strategic, design and operatively - the tactical planning is offered, allowing integrally to connect strategic installations of development of the consolidated enterprises and their practical realisation. | ||||||||
Manturov D. V., Klochkov V. V. Methodological problems of Russian aircraft industry development strategic planning. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 53 The problems of Russian aircraft industry development strategies’ scientific substantiation methodology improvement are considered. The priority directions of aviation development prospects’ systemic strategic research are determined. | ||||||||
Romanov V. M., Kuznetsova A. J. The economic mechanism of management of research and development on working out of flying machines of near and far space . Trudy MAI, 2012, no 53 The economic mechanism of management of research and development on working out of flying machines of near and far space is considered in article. | ||||||||
Gusarov S. A. Evaluation of channel losses in blade grids of axial small size turbines.. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 53 It was suggested the classification of losses in blade grids of axial small size turbines and the methodic of evaluation of channel losses their. | ||||||||
Pashentsev V. N. Charge model of thin polymer films with an electron beam with 80 keV electron energy. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 53 Charging model of the dielectric thin film by electron beam is based on currents balance in the dielectric: charging current of absorbed electrons and discharging current of space charge electric field of accumulated electron. During electron irradiation dielectric discharge is facilitated by the fact that the dielectric irradiation conductivity is increased by several orders of magnitude compared to the dielectric conductivity before irradiation. The calculations of the electric field in the dielectric film which is charged by a pulsed electron beam with an energy of 80 keV, average current density of 0.1 µA/cm2 and dose rate 670 Gy/s are presented in the paper. Dielectric charging depends on the ratio of electron mean free path and film thickness, surface, dose rate, the secondary electron emission from the film surface and the irradiation conductivity. | ||||||||
Borisov I. V., Tsipenko A. V. Computing experiment for fire fighting helicopter operation analysis . Trudy MAI, 2012, no 53 The simulation approach of water discharge from helicopter liquid tank on external load (EL) is proposed in this article. The application program FlowVision is used for numerical experiment. The experiment-calculated procedure for lifting rotor (LR) velocity field estimation is suggested. This procedure is based on real LR experimental data for different helicopter airspeed and known vertical speed versus radius in LR plane. There is supposed absolute rigidity of liquid tank and rope. The fire is burning round cylinder oil storage tank. The numerical experiment with Ka-32 helicopter is getting for presentation of this simulation approach. This helicopter is moved rectilinearly and evenly with airspeed 38 km/h. This numerical experiment procedure can used for fire-fighting helicopter design and operation analysis. | ||||||||
Kayumova D. R. On the Stabilization of the Robot with Deformable Wheels with Incomplete Information about the State. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 53 | ||||||||
Rebrov S. G., Golikov A. N., Golubev V. A. Laser ignition of rocket propellants in model combustion chamber. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 53 Experimental investigations of direct laser ignition of non-hypergolic components in model combustion chamber are conducted. Two ways of mounting of laser on combustion chamber are investigated - axial attachment to nozzles head and mounting on lateral chamber surface. Results of experiments with following couples of propellants are described: oxygen-hydrogen, oxygen-methane, oxygen-ethanol, oxygen-70% solution of ethanol in water. | ||||||||
Martynova . . Formation of an approach to automated prototyping of large size objects.. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 53 The formation of an approach to automated prototyping of large objects is described in article. Classification of models is described; existing methods of modeling were analyzed, the scope of automated layout techniques of large objects was revealed. The technic of modeling, based on the developed software module "Maket" has been proposed in the study. | ||||||||
Afanasyev M. V., Danilochkina N. G., Milovanov P. D., Ryapukhin A. V. The mechanism of corporate governance in integrated holding type of rocket-space industry in Russia. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 53 The paper presents methods for constructing a system of corporate governance in integrated missile and space industry. The problems in the management holding company, and the mechanisms of internal corporate governance. They allow you to effectively implement the package of measures to the most significant areas of activity of the corporation. | ||||||||
Zhumatayeva Z. E. Research on robust stability of control systems aircraft. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 53 This paper investigates robust stability control systems aircraft, built in the three-parameter classes of structurally stable maps with control law, given in the form of disaster “hyperbolic umbilic”. Stability analysis is based on linear approximation and the use of algebraic Hurwitz criterion. It is shown that the introduction of the control law in the form of disaster “hyperbolic umbilic” motion control system of the aircraft becomes resistant to external disturbances and noise in all the unknown parameters of the object control and set parameters of the regulator. The results are confirmed by numerical experiment conducted on the basis of the program complex Vissim 6.0. | ||||||||
Buraga A. V., Kostyukov V. M. Comparison of range estimation methods for small unmanned aerial vehicle. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 53 This article compares two methods of passive optical location in application for range estimation. Basic stages of algorithms and implementation details are described. Article examines numerical simulation results and reason for development of complex range estimation algorithm. | ||||||||
Zaharov A. A. Signaling of orientation of the standing wave, developed by capacitor gages, in a wave solid-state gyroscope. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 53 The analysis of formation and passage of signals of orientation of a standing wave on sinus and cosines to channels from the resonator to analog-digital converters (АЦП) in a wave solid-state gyroscope (ВТГ) is carried out at motionless basis ВТГ. Using electric analog of mathematical model of the condenser of variable capacity and a symbolical method of calculation of electric chains, analytical dependences of signals on inputs of buffer amplifiers from parameters of measuring chains of capacitor gages are found at their food from sources constant and an alternating voltage. Expressions of signals of orientation from exits АЦП taking into account presence of deviations of factors of transfer and zero signals of intermediate blocks are received. Research of influence of the specified errors on a periodic error of measurement of a corner of orientation of a standing wave is conducted. | ||||||||
Zaharov A. A. Expression of a methodical error of measurement by a wave solid-state gyroscope with differentiation. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 53 Measurements by separate channels of integrating wave solid-state gyroscopes with differentiation (VTG-IGD) with the task of constant angular speed ( ) have found out a periodic hindrance with a prevailing harmonic, the amplitude and which frequency are proportional . Such phenomenon can be caused poor-quality formation and (or) transformation of the signals arriving from gages of a corner ( ) positions of a standing wave on two channels. Thus target signals can functionally look like: Аs=А1•sin2 + c1, Ac=A2•сos2 + c2, also there is a periodic error ( ). It is shown that the amplitude of a harmonic sin4 is proportional |А1–А2|/(А1+А2). Functions of the measured corners and (turn of the basis of a gyroscope) from and dependences of the measured corners , increments of a corner , speed of change on time are received at the task . The analysis of skilled parameters of a hindrance is carried out. | ||||||||
Zay Y. ., Khlopkov A. Y., Kyaw Z. ., Thu Y. H. Using local method for calculating of aerodynamic characteristics of hypersonic vehicles in the transitional regime. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 53 Research shows the calculation of the aerodynamic characteristics of hypersonic vehicles in the transitional regime with a local engineering method. This problem is particularly important when aircraft is moving at high altitudes. This paper proposes to create a simple engineering program for calculation of aerodynamic characteristics of different body shapes. In this paper presents the aerodynamic calculations of hypersonic vehicles using the local method with various Reynolds numbers. | ||||||||
Vestyak V. A., Zemskov A. V. Solution of one-dimensional boundary value inverse problems for a homogeneous layer. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 53 A problem of obtaining of physical-mechanical properties of a media using boundary measurements of displacements and thermal fields is considered. The problem is solved in a periodicstatement. An equation binding unknown values to the boundary displacements field is constructed. The field geometry and boundary conditions allow to reduce the problem to an one-dimensional thermoelasticity problem. Resolving equations from which desired values can be obtained are constructed using a finite Fourier's transform of a spatial variable. These equations represent a systme of non-linear algebraic equiations and are solved using numeric methods. | ||||||||
Fedorov I. A. Process of creation of the automated system with use of the decision tables . Trudy MAI, 2012, no 53 Development in a short time and with the minimum expenses of the specialized program systems providing information support of automated workplaces of production and design space-rocket systems is an actual task of the enterprises of branch on a way to increase of competitiveness of made production and reduction of terms of its delivery to the consumer. IDEF0 and procedural charts are used for modelling the process of design of the automated system for milling processing a compartment of an anti-aircraft missile on the NC machine with use of the universal program tools realizing possibilities of a nonprocedural programming language. | ||||||||
Kotelnikov M. V., Nguyen Xuan Thau . . Technique of use of computer graphics in computing experiments. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 53 Features of use of computer graphics in computing experiments for the purpose of increase of their efficiency on an example of problems of mechanics and electrodynamics backgraund plasmas are considered. It is discussed methodical questions of use of computer graphics at all stages of preparation, carrying out and the analysis of results of computing experiment. | ||||||||
Kuzmin A. M. Numerical realization of physical and mathematical model of destruction chlorine organic connection. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 52 Annotation: In article described realization of physical and mathematical model which includes process of crushing, evaporations and formation mix. Realization phases frosts of products of combustion, as the mechanism of prevention of formation PCDD/PCDF. | ||||||||
Moiseev D. V., Pham X. Q. The behaviour of the light aircraft optimal tours with the wind prognosis taken into account. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 52 In this article is formulated and proved some properties of closed routes detour points with known location in the impact of aircraft on a constant direction and wind speed. The possibility of using these properties in the preparation of closed routes of flight. | ||||||||
Tiumentsev Y. V., Kozlov D. S. Neural Network Techniques for Fault Identification of Aircraft Sensors and Actuators . Trudy MAI, 2012, no 52 This paper focuses on an algorithm of fault identification based on an appropriate combination of identification task for an aircraft simulation model together with classification task for a failure event. Neural network based techniques are suggested to solve identification and classification tasks as applies to the fault diagnostics problem. The results of simulation for sensor and actuator faults with regard to a fighter aircraft are presented to demonstrate efficiency of the proposed approach. | ||||||||
Nedelin V. G. Analysis of structural and technological solutions of folding fins with the requirements of aeroelastic stability.. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 52 This article presents a general formulation and circuit of solution analysis design and technological solutions folding fins. The algorithm is based on the dependencies presented in [1], and it contains a number of changes due to structural features of the object. | ||||||||
Kasumov E. V. Development of mathematical models system of the design calculations of aircraft mechanical systems.. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 52 The features ofthe external loadscalculation underkinematicandpoweranalysis ofspatial mechanical systemsofcompositematerials are considered. For eachtype of aircraftaeromechanicalscheme there is its own systemof power and moments, which has its ownfundamental differences.In terms ofsystem of equations solutionsof associatedobjects movementaeromechanicalschemeof aircraftis consideredas a systemof objects associated by boundary conditionsin three-dimensional space. Given setof models allowsto calculate thetypicalprofile ofa light helicopterflightwith simultaneouskinematicandpoweranalysis ofcontrol system of two-bladedrotor. There are madecalculations of fluttercharacteristics ofmain rotor bladewith simultaneousevaluationof the torsionhub deflected mode. | ||||||||
Loshkarev A. N. Technique of a resource estimation of the aviation structure in the operational loading conditions. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 52 Results of working out of design procedures of dynamic characteristics and of a resource estimation of elements structural products aviation articles in the conditions of joint operation with the carrier are presented. Working out of the final-element model of a structure with the account of a structural features and loading conditions is executed. Algorithms of an estimation of indicators of durability of thin-walled designs of considered products taking into account influence of welded connections are generated. The technique of tests for vibrating durability which can be used for partial replacement of flight tests by the appointed resource laboratory vibrating tests is developed. | ||||||||
Behtina N. B. Features of definition of land loadings on an aircraft at motion on runway by means of mathematical modelling. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 52 There is a deficit of data of repeatability of land loadings in comparison with gust loads of a wind and maneuvering loads on an aircraft in flight. The most productive method of research of the given problem is the system of mathematical modelling of the flight dynamics developed in MSTUCA. | ||||||||
Le Q. D., Semenchikov N. V., Tran Q. D., Yakovlevsky O. V. Airscrew Jets Effect on Aerodynamic Characteristics of Airship Near Ground Surface. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 52 The results of CFD investigation of flow features and aerodynamic characteristics of an airship with propulsive units near the ground surface are presented. The variation of airscrew propulsive coefficient, aerodynamic force and moment coefficients of an airship with propulsive units are studied. | ||||||||
Pichulin V. S., Smirnova G. G. A mathematical model of pilot’s heat state adjustment for different flight conditions.. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 52 The mathematical model worked out in this article provides a way to regulate pilot’s heat state for different flight conditions. Depending on pilots working regime, that is the level of pilot’s expenditure of energy, this model provides a way to determine an optimal temperature of air being forced into ventilation suit and to ensure the comfort pilot’s heat state. This model can be used in individual life support systems. | ||||||||
Purtov I. S., Sincha D. P. Method analysis and development of video information processing alghoritm for UAV coordinates localization based on the recognition of the underlying surface images. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 52 This paper presents the basic working stages of the unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV) localization algorithm, based on the analysis and further evaluation of image features. The results of working of algorithm searching images in graphical database, which is a set of test photos achieved from UAV, are presented. | ||||||||
Vorontsov V. A., Krajnov A. M., Martynov . B., Pichkhadze . ., Khartov V. V. Suggestions for expansion research program of Venus from the experience of the design Lavochkin association. . Trudy MAI, 2012, no 52 At present one project “Venera-D” for creation a spacecraft to study Venus is included in Russian Federal Space Program. The letter "D" means - long-term studies. As a result of research work a set of scientific problems was defined and a project image of the spacecraft was formed. In addition, within the research work conducted an analysis of alternative facilities that can be used in following missions to study Venus. | ||||||||
Bobe L. S., Rakov V. V., Kanaev P. A., Arakcheev D. V. The influence of noncondensing gases on the heat-and-mass transfer process in the rotary distiller of a system for water reclamation from urine.. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 52 Research into the influence of the content of noncondensing gases in the rotary multistage vacuum distiller on the operational efficiency of the distillation subsystem of a system for water reclamation from urine. The subsystem is designed for a space station and based on the vacuum distillation method with heat recovery in the rotary multistage distiller and in a thermoelectric heat pump. The data for analysis are obtained in experiments conducted at residual pressure in the distiller from 400 to 800 mm H2O, coolant temperature from 19 to 24°C, gas content in the distiller condensate collection chamber from 0.2 to 0.7 and distiller rotor rotational speed of 1200 rpm. In analysis the relationships of diffusion/convective heat-and-mass exchange in the vapor/gas boundary layer based on the expanded analogy between these processes. It is shown that with an increase in the content of noncondensing gas in the distiller condensate collection chamber the efficiency of energy input to the distillation cycle and condensate output are redused. The analysis results are in agreement with the experimental data and confirm the validity of engineering decisions aimed at minimization of the content of noncondensing gases. | ||||||||
Avdeev A. V. On the obtaining and amplifying the short pulsed radiation in the active medium of cw chemical HF laser. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 52 An optical scheme is proposed to be used to obtain high-power pulse periodic radiation in the space-based laser, where HF chemical laser gain generator is used to provide continuous pumping. The application of the "driving oscillator-amplifier” system is justified in this scheme, so that laser pulses with the required parameters can be obtained and further used to clear the near-Earth orbits from the space debris with the size ranging from 1 to 10 cm. It is shown the maximum length of the active medium in the output amplifier can be about 260 cm. Considering larger values here will lead the negative influence of the amplified spontaneous radiation to become more evident. | ||||||||
Bobe L. S., Astafiev V. B., Kapitsa A. A., Sterin V. F. The mechanism of filtration in the membrane filter/separator of system SRV-K2M. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 52 The membrane filter/separator incorporated in the system for water recovery from humidity condensate is being experimentally tested on the International Space Station (ISS). The membrane filter/separator (MFS) acts as a preliminary separation stage in the humidity condensate separation and pumping unit. In addition to condensate separation from a condensate/air flow the membrane filter/separator provides liquid pretreatment by means of its filtration through micro porous membranes. The principle of operation of the MFS and its design are described in [1]. The paper deals with the results of research in the mechanism of filtration in the membrane filter/separator. It is demonstrated that the filtration process in the MFS occurs with sedimentation on the surface of a membrane. Specific studies intended for development of procedure for apparatus life calculation have been conducted. Based on the data obtained the MFS life calculation procedure is proposed. The design data are in good agreement with the data obtained in trial operation of the membrane filter/separator aboard the ISS. | ||||||||
Shilov . B. Models and Algorithms for Selecting Angles of Setting for Observation Satellite Star Trackers. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 52 The article deals with selection criterion for determination of star trackers setting angles. The author developed mathematical models and simulation algorithms to evaluate relative time of guiding star trackers axes to sky areas excluding possibilities of sunlight exposure and Earth shading. | ||||||||
Konstantinov M. S., Min T. . Analysis of complicated flight schemes to Saturn with gravity assists and deep space maneuvers. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 52 This paper is devoted to the analysis of complicated flight schemes to Saturn with gravity assists and deep space maneuvers for the next launch windows. The idea of gravity assist was implemented long ago. But the use of only this idea would not allow realizing some interplanetary trajectories with complicated flight schemes. For this reason, the possibilities of using deep space maneuvers and active gravitational maneuvers are analyzed. Deep space maneuvers were also used in “Cassini” project. | ||||||||
Yaskevich N. A. Recursive algorithm of dynamic equations calculation for space manipulator. . Trudy MAI, 2012, no 52 A new recursive algorithm for calculation of closed form dynamic equations for simple kinematical chain is configured. It has computational efficiency О(n2) and is used for motion simulation for space manipulators with rotation joints. This algorithm may be modified for taking into account links flexibility and for realization of parallel calculations. | ||||||||
Tikhonov A. S., Samokhvalov N. Y. Thermal design turbine split rings by methods of numerical simulation in the conjugate heat transfer statement. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 52 In this paper numerical simulation of a thermal state of a sector of the modern gas-turbine engine turbine split ring in the conjugate heat transfer statement in ANSYS CFX 12.1 is executed. Experimental verification of the received results on the basis of metallographic researches of sectors and modern gas-turbine engine tests is spent. A number of actions for decrease in temperature of sector on 45K in comparison with an original design are offered. | ||||||||
Bogatyy A. V., D'yakonov G. A., Nechaev I. L. The ablative pulsed plasma thruster (APPT) with the divided mechanism of plasma ionization and acceleration. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 52 Paper is devoted to the perspective direction of development of ablative pulse plasma thrusters (APPT) – engines with two-stage system of acceleration of a working body. The principle of action of APPT’s, various types of thrusters, their merits and demerits, possibilities of increase of there characteristics and problems accompanying are considered. | ||||||||
Borovik I. N., Hohlov A. N., Bogacheova D. Y. Development of experimental and computational system for investigation of film-cooling effectiveness liquid rocket engine of small thrust. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 52 The technical article about problem of development method optimal mass flow rate determination of film-cooling LRE small thrust. It describes ways of cooling the walls of the chamber and nozzle rocket engine, and an algorithm for the development of LRE of small thrust with using experimental and computational systems. | ||||||||
Kanev S. V., Lutishev L. A., Nigmatzjanov V. V., Khartov S. A. Simulation of working processes in gas-discharge chamber of high-frequency ion engine. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 52 The paper presents: a brief description of the mathematical model for calculation of induced electric field in the chamber of radiofrequency ion engine and the electron temperature. Calculated values are shown for different variants of the model settings - step of winding the inductor, effect of ion-optical system. | ||||||||
Ermilov Y. I. The rigid symmetric rotor dynamic stability the foil fluid bearings . Trudy MAI, 2012, no 52 The rigid symmetric rotor dynamic stability in the foil fluid bearings to the influence of the disturbing forces of the lubrication layer and external disturbing rotor forces are examined. The design equations are obtained. Calculation results of the rotor dynamic stability with different variants of the foil fluid bearing and their analysis are presented. | ||||||||
Mannapov A. R. Pulse electrochemical machining of gas turbine finger seals . Trudy MAI, 2012, no 52 Typical design of finger seals and conventional technologies of their machining are consid-ered. A new technology of pulse electrochemical dimensional machining of curved narrow slots is suggested, as a technology of making of regular microrelief on contact surfaces of fingers’ pads. Description of machining attachments and processing conditions are given. Also the article contains photos of finger seal rings, produced with proposed technology. | ||||||||
Egorov K. S. Experimental research of plate-ribed high-compactness heat transfer surface characteristic. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 52 Research problem of heat and hydrodynamic characteristics of high-compactness heat transfer surfaces was considered. Experimental facility and and instrumentation methods was presented. | ||||||||
Anisimova T. V., Danilina A. N. Inverters with multicarrier modulation. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 52 The paper discusses inverter multilevel output voltage forming methods that can be implemented using fully digital techniques. The first method is based on the symmetric regular sampling PWM, with stepped reference signals and modulating triangular waveform. The other method – the asymmetric sampling, offers smaller number of full bridge modules and voltage sources without degrading output voltage quality. Mathematical equations that define PWM switching instants of the multilevel inverter are non-transcendental. Practical implementation of these methods using microcontroller directly is possible. Keywords:cascaded multilevel inverter, symmetric regular sampling, asymmetric sampling, multilevel PWM. | ||||||||
Mayorov D. A. The estimation of frequency hopping signal for moving target detection . Trudy MAI, 2012, no 52 The new moving target detection method for the frequency tuning radar was developed. The influence of variable factors at the working capacity and method characteristics was investigated by the mathematical model approach. | ||||||||
Ponomarev L. I., Vechtomov V. A., Miloserdov A. S. Krupnoaperturny radiator fог а multibeam antenna satellite communications system. . Trudy MAI, 2012, no 52 Тhе krupnoaperturny optimization of the emitter is held; the results of numericaI ca1cuIations KU depending оn the parameters of the emitter; specified minimum number of irrаdiаtогs in the radiator to provide the desired sector review; shows the minimum пumbег of rays from the desired CS МАК | ||||||||
Petrov I. A. Designing linear and nonlinear microwave devices with broadband agreeing structures . Trudy MAI, 2012, no 52 In article are considered examples of the designing linear and nonlinear microwave devices with use broadband agreeing structures with and opened trains. The Structures microwave device, synthesized by classical methods, are combined with periodic broadband structure that allows vastly to enlarge the number a parameters for the following parametric syntheses. As a result manages vastly to enlarge the number variants circuits of the building under development microwave devices, increase their operating range of the frequencies, reduce the size, add the devices new frequency characteristics. | ||||||||
Goncharov V. A. Characteristics of the fricatives antennas for broadband telecommunication systems. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 52 The characteristics of broadband fricatives antennas theoretically investigated, that apply in electronic and telecommunication systems. Score of harmonization on the input a perfect fricatives antenna is conducted. Calculated model of a weakly directional radiating element is designed. Special method optimization of the reflection coefficient such antennas is offered. Results of experimental researches antennas characteristics type of the Vivaldi are presented. | ||||||||
Ovchinnikova E. V., Ribakov A. M. Strip array antenna for radar.. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 52 The article considers the design of the horn-waveguide antenna array with monopulse beam pattern for the radar. Antenna array is made by galvanoplastic technology. | ||||||||
Kondrat’eva S. G. Multifunctional board array of integrated radio electronic complex.. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 52 Electrodynamic model developed monopulse array of horn radiators. The characteristics of the direction and the scheme of constructing antenna array | ||||||||
Larin A. A., Reznichenko V. I. Application of a X-ray tomography for control units of flying machines from composite materials. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 52 development of nondestructive control methods of composite designs allows to define more precisely all a site and the sizes of material internal structure defects. Creation techniques of an estimation changing physicomechanical properties of a product together with application of a modern quality monitoring will allow to predict a resource of a design and it strength and stiffness properties. | ||||||||
Efimova N. S., Kachenovskaya S. G., Shkapova T. A. The methodical approach to the estimation of efficiency of creation of the uniform information environment at management of productions in aircraft engineering. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 52 Article is devoted an actual problem of introduction of information systems at the enterprises creating modern kinds of aviation arms. The structure of creation of information systems in the aviation industry is considered. Features of a substantiation of cost of procedures of automation of manufacture in aircraft engineering are considered. | ||||||||
Milodanova J. A. Adaptation strategy of commercial offer of aircraft engine corporation to economic situation. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 52 In this research the main tendencies of world aviation industry including aircraft engine sector were determined. The key lines of adaptation strategy of commercial offer were suggested. The tables of classification of original engine manufacturers and second tier suppliers were created and then systematized. The statements of positioning theory were adapted to aviation industry business. Product portfolio for aviation engine manufacturers was developed. | ||||||||
Plonskaya N. I., Kreneva G. V. The application of scenario planning to develop a strategy for Russian low cost airline. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 52 The article considers scenario planning technique application for company’s strategy development. The Russian low cost airline has been chosen to illustrate step-by-step how scenarios are developed. The exercise has resulted in viable competitive strategy development with implementation recommendations being given. | ||||||||
Tuzikova E. S. Industry characteristic aspects of market quotes dynamics forecasts in Aerospace&Defence. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 52 The article investigates interconnection and interdependence of company's fair value and market quotes dynamics. It also focuses on prospects of market forecasts based on changes in company's fair value. The research was made on the basis of US Aerospace&Defence industry and tested by creation and following analysis of virtual portfolio of selected companies. | ||||||||
Ruzakov M. A., Bairamova T. S. Designing of innovation strategy development of aviation engine manufacturers . Trudy MAI, 2012, no 52 This paper provides an overview of decisions are made today by aviation engines manufactures and challenges facing the global market in the future. Due to international globaliazation, direction of grows is quickly becoming a major managing focus. In view of this several strategy vectors are designed to achieve long term aim of United Engine Corporation. | ||||||||
Kibzun A. I., Chernobrovov A. I. The optimization problem of the production with the quantile criterion and integral quantile criterion for terrestrial space systems . Trudy MAI, 2012, no 52 We consider optimization problem of the production with the quantile criterion and quantile integral criterion. We proposed acceleration stochastic quasi-gradient algorithm for minimize the integral quantile. We consider the equivalence of quantiles and quantile integral problems for large values of probability. And also we use the solution of the quantile integral criterion to construct an upper bound for the quantile. We consider example of solving the problem for terrestrial space systems. | ||||||||
Le Q. D., Semenchikov N. V., Tran Q. D., Yakovlevsky O. V. CFD Investigation of a Propulsive Unit Effect on Airship Aerodynamics . Trudy MAI, 2012, no 52 The results of CFD investigation of flow and force and moment characteristics of an airship with propulsive units are presented. Effects of angle of attack, angle of side-slip, propeller revolution number and flow velocity on aerodynamic force and moment coefficients are studied. | ||||||||
Bolosov D. A. CALCULATION OF STATIONARY AERODYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF A THIN WING WITH THE ACCOUNT OF ITS ELASTIC DEFORMATIONS. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 51 In work the approach to calculation of stationary aerodynamic characteristics of a thin wing with the account of its elastic deformations on supersonic speed of flight is considered. Statement of a problem with the generalized algorithm of its decision is given. Calculation models are considered: flow field about a wing (a space-marching method with MacCormack´s technique in the assumption of a inviscid continuous flow), the is intense-deformed condition of a wing. The choice of models is proved. Results of work are aerodynamic characteristics of a typical wing of the high-speed aircraft with the account of its elasticity in comparison with corresponding aerodynamic characteristics of not elastic wing. | ||||||||
Panovskiy V. N. Application of the interval analysis for the search of the global extremum of functions. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 51 Object of research in the given work are the developed methods of search of a global extremum of the functions, based on the theory of the interval analysis: method of a dichotomy of a direct image, method imaginary values cutoff and method of colonies.The objectives of the given work were detecting of possibility of effective application of the interval analysis as a base component of methods of global optimization, the formulation and the decision of the problems interfering its effective application, working out of algorithms, scheduling of improvement of the developed algorithms.The result of the given work is formation algorithmic and program software of all three methods which efficiency is shown on an example of search of a global extremum of the several typical functions with isolines of different difficulty level. | ||||||||
Zolotarev A. A., Kuleshov S. V. Engineering and ergonomic studies and design of intelligent system evaluating the functional state of flight crews and specialists carrier profile. . Trudy MAI, 2012, no 51 The aim of this work was to create an intellectual system "crew-aircraft", which allows real-time to perform the following tasks: monitoring the functional state of the crew in flight and ground training in the process, personalization continuous monitoring psycho-physiological state of the crew; assessment of the capacity to reduce pilot (crew) and implementation of the automatic switch to an automatic "drone" aircraft control mode; constant flight and vnepoletnuyu logging of the functional state of the crew and synchronize the time with e-digital magazines of the crew and aircraft, automatic digital sensor data logging, wireless-based, assessment of psycho-physiological abilities of members of the crew. | ||||||||
Bogushevskaya V. A., Zayast O. V., Maslyakov Y. N., Matsak I. S., Nikonov A. A., Saveliev V. V., Sheptunov A. A. Development of remote power supply system for unmanned aerial vehicles. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 51 Leading high-tech countries aims to create a wireless remote power supply systems for spaceships and aircrafts, different devices, as well as infrastructure. For space and aircraft applications the most promising technology is the wireless transmission of electrical energy (WTEE) by laser beaming. In this paper it is considered creation features of a remote power supply system (RPSS) for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) based on a WPEE-technology by focused monochromatic infrared radiation beam. Studies have shown the promise of development and the possibility of its implementation in the near future. A demonstration experiment was planned. | ||||||||
Kolychev A. V. Active thermal protection of configuration items of a hypersonic flight vehicle on new physical principles at aerodynamic heating. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 51 Objective of this research is working out of the concept of active thermal protection (ATP) configuration items of hypersonic flight vehicle (HFV) on a new physical principle at their aerodynamic heating. In activity the concept which basic feature is the system of thermal protection on the basis of the phenomenon of thermoemission cooling with simultaneous direct transformation of thermal energy of aerodynamic heating to electrical energy is offered. Application offered ATP leads to technical effect which consists that the temperature of heated up unit HFV is essentially reduced, in comparison with a case of its absence and as on board HFV electrical energy which it is possible to direct on maintenance of activity of various onboard special systems is generated. | ||||||||
Makeich G. S., Tukaev M. U., Chibisov Y. N. MOLOT project of hypersonic unmanned launch aircraft with combined shielded turbo-ramjet propulsion system. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 51 The research is conducted at the development of a first stage of superlight carry aerospace transportation system - hypersonic unmanned launch aircraft with combined shielded turbo-ramjet propulsion system. Principal research result is a scientific and technical basis of a making possible hypersonic unmanned launch aircraft (March number M = 4.3). This aircraft is a prototype to demonstrate technology of a combined turbo-ramjet propulsion system for a mid carry and heavy carry aerospace transportation system launch aircraft. | ||||||||
Gusev D. I. Formation flight automation problem . Trudy MAI, 2012, no 51 A formation flight mode development is one of the possible solutions for formation flight automation problem. This paper is focused on the formation flight mode objects and its structure definition, development process decomposition to several phases and flight trials methodology questions. It also covers human-machine interface and control algorithms design and simulation for formation flight mode. The formation flight mode development results presented in this paper are the foundation for further mode phases development. | ||||||||
Bolshunov K. Y., Babulin A. A. Application of numerical methods for aerodynamics characteristics prediction of aircraft at icing condition.. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 51 For assurance of necessary safety and efficiency level of planes flights in an icing conditions it is necessary on an early design stage to define influence on aerodynamic characteristics of the ice which formed on a plane glider. The purpose of the given work – definition of influence of an ice simulators which mounted on a wing leading edge on aerodynamic characteristics of plane MC 21 200. As well the modeling methodology of a flow around the plane in the icing conditions was developed. In the course of work are received integral aerodynamic characteristics and stream parameters on a surface and in space around the model. As well was made comparative calculation of aerodynamic characteristics of plane MS-21-200 for configuration a wing-fuselage with the ice on a wing leading edge and without it. Also is carried out the comparative analysis of results of calculations with results of tests of full model of plane MS-21-200 in WT Т-128 TsAGI. Modeling was made at various Reynolds numbers. Simulations was made with use ANSYS FLUENT software. Results of this work have been used for a choice of an anti-icing system configuration for aircraft MS-21-200. | ||||||||
Shilova M. S. The estimation procedure influence of hinge moment’s control surfaces to fighter’s dynamic characteristics.. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 51 It is engineered and applied the methodology estimate fighter’s dynamics data with a glance hinge moment’s action, created mathematical base and model «fighter – control system – hinge moment», defined flight zone. | ||||||||
Nadia Del Corto Baradel .. .., Dugin D. A. Microsatellite to collect information about the Sun. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 51 The purpose of the paper is to develop a concept of a microsatellite for the following collection of information about the solar radiation and the solar wind at a 652 km height geostationary orbit and its further transmission to Earth, to the center of processing, study and predictions of solar activity, as well as for analyzing the efficiency of the solar sail as a spacecraft stabilization system. | ||||||||
Dorofeev R. Y. Creation monitoring system electrization surfaces satellite for maintenance of an estimation and management of electrostatic situation in orbital conditions. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 51 In the given publication the description of features of construction of the monitoring system electrization surfaces satellite of the companion for the purpose of reliability increase in interests of increase of operational life satellite.In the given publication the description of features of construction of the monitoring system electrization companion surfaces in interests of increase of their reliability in orbital conditions is resulted. Project basic purpose on monitoring system creation electrization companion surfaces is possibility of its application by working out of a complex of concrete actions, ways and the methods directed on increase of reliability onboard equipment by maintenance of its security from influence of negative factors in orbital service conditions. Besides, realization of the given project will allow to develop and introduce modern technologies of creation of microelectronic devices for companions. Scopes of the offered monitoring system электризации are the enterprises and structures of space branch of the Russian Federation, creating and using satellite devices, including companions with equipment and the equipment, made by the enterprises which carry out now technical to the policy, directed on increase of a resource and reliability used by companions. | ||||||||
Ilyina I. Y. Space activity efficiency indicators related to meteorological systems. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 51 This article describes a topical issue of defining space activity efficiency indicators taking into account expenses, space equipment creation time, its innovativeness and use efficiency. The proposed indicators will allow monitoring efficiency of national space systems and compliance of their data to users’ requirements during the design and operation phases and obtaining information on the competitive ability of information products of national space systems in the international market of Earth remote sensing data. This article represents space activity efficiency indicators related to meteorological satellites. | ||||||||
Malova N. V. Software and data complex of a space system for sea object observations. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 51 The paper addresses the timeliness of solving the sea object observation objective and creating a unified information center. A description of the method for creating the software and data complex of a space system is shown. Object database structure for information storage is described and proposed, and the principles of solving the observation objective using spacecraft means are represented. The results of development with the use of the technology proposed are described. | ||||||||
Monakhov D. O. Thermal cycling tests of spaceborne fourier-transform spectrometer of high spectral resolution. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 51 This paper proposes an integrated method for providing the thermal tests of spaceborne equipment. The method allows revealing of additional valid failure modes and provides more complete test results` analyses, than the point estimate. In order to implement the method the special instrument is created – the “Resource” installation. The effectiveness of the installation is confirmed by conduction of tests of three specimens of IKFS-2 instruments of a total duration over 8 thousand hours. The installation represents the conditions of sealed housing of Meteor-M spacecraft, including the heat transfer intensity, which provides the full modeling of real-life operating conditions. | ||||||||
Popov N. A., Travnikov R. I. Method and equipment of optical diagnostic rocket engine plume on ground testing. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 51 This paper describes the method of optical diagnostic rocket engine plume during the fire launch on ground testing. The equipment of optical diagnostic has an optic fiber for translating emission light and consists from two independent channels for registration spectra in different optics regions. The example of spectra rocket engine plume and lines of construction elements is describing on normal regime and when defect appears. | ||||||||
Ionov A. V., Katenin D. A., Fedoseev S. Y., Popov V. A. DESIGN AND TECHNIQUES OF MANUFACTURING SMALL SERIES OF TURBO-MACHINE IMPELLERS PRODUCED FROM ALUMINUM ALLOY.. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 51 It is hard to achieve the low costs of the details of small series of their release at the high quality requirements while designing and manufacturing the details of the difficult geometrical form, such as impellers of turbo-machines. In this paper the ways of designing and manufacturing of impellers which allow cut down expenses on their producing in the conditions of a small batch production are stated. | ||||||||
Korovin A. V., Ustyuzhanin D. A. Procedure of assessing precision parameters of satellite astro-inertial system with development of a model for estimating observabiliti of navigational-aid satellites.. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 51 A structural scheme of procedure for a priory assessment of location precision with the aid of satellite astro-inertial system as well as a model and relations for estimating observability of navigational-aid satellites are presented. Examples of observability determination are suggested. | ||||||||
Kruzhkov D. M. Communication satellite integrated astro-gnss navigation system estimation accuracy. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 51 It is considered the problem of the integrated navigation system development, based on utilization both optic-electronic sensors and multichannel GLONASS/GPS receiver. The system developing is designated for satellites, operating on geostationary and high-elliptical orbits. | ||||||||
Pikalov S. A. Ranging study of how an operational definition of coordinates of ground targets on board aircraft systems. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 51 Inertial-satellite tracking system (ISTS) has recently found wide application in high-precision weapons systems. However, the use of products whose ISTS is used as a final guidance system, perhaps only at fixed ground targets with known coordinates to start. Measurement of the coordinates of the detected target-operatively with the help of on-board data-measuring systems with the required accuracy for the application of such products at this time. The implementation of on-board air combat systems perspective ranging method precision positioning of ground targets with their sighting and navigation system will expand the range of the targeted objectives of this type of aircraft weapons. This article describes the results of the study, obtained by the mathematical model. | ||||||||
Zimin A. S., Krinitskiy G. V. Using multi-antenna systems to improve the noise immunity of satellite navigation systems for mobile vehicles. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 51 Object of this present work is the application of multi-antenna systems to improve the noise immunity of satellite navigation systems for mobile objects. The aim of research is to develop noise-navigation system with multi-element antenna system for determining the angular position of a moving object in space. The paper discusses methods of construction and application of adaptive antenna systems for solving problems of interference suppression, as unintentional as well as custom designed. | ||||||||
Bekishev R. A. Quadrifilar helical antenna radiator modeling for Global Navigation Satellite Systems. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 51 Broadband quadrifilar helical antenna radiator modeling is performed where the radiator is designed for operations with the Global Navigation Satellite Systems while providing equal reception of the signals from carrier frequencies of the Systems common and dedicated channels. | ||||||||
Poklad P. M. Precision intellectual electric drives for tracking and setting systems for telescopes and visual programs for electric drive life cycle.. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 51 Description of the structure and the operation concept of microprocessor based electric drive system powered by digital pulse phase loop designed and suitable for visual axis control of optical telescope is given. Description of the product life cycle software is presented. | ||||||||
Efimov E. N., Shevgunov T. Y. Development and Analysis of the Technique for the Building of Artificial Neural Networks Based on Adaptive Elements. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 51 This paper relates to the feedforward artificial neural networks learned with error backpropagation supervised methods. Authors consider the generalized system approach to describe the main concept of structure diagram of interactive adaptive elements which are implementing the transfer functions of bidirectional – forward and backward – signal propagation. The prototype of the software, including the class library of the basic adaptive elements and their interconnections, was developed using Python (object oriented programming language) for SageMath (mathematical package with GPL-compatible license). As the demonstrative examples, two following problems were solved: the approximation of radar response and the classification of two random processes. | ||||||||
Anisin D. A., Morozov I. V. Design automation of technological process.. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 51 The paper shows the basic methods, means and examples of design automation and manufacturing of parts, components and assemblies of structure of the spacecraft. Solved the problem of creating integrated systems of design automation including: design of structure, design of technological process, manufacturing equipment. Provided recommendations for the parameterization of the 3D models for automation solving of technological problems. It is showed in the paper the possible field of application of the method. | ||||||||
Fedotova E. V. Development of algorithms and model of formation of the distributed wireless communication system for means of antiaircraft short-range defense.. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 51 Features of application of a communication system impose increased requirements to security and a system noise stability. Therefore in a developed communication system the broadband signals that have been used applied in military a ratio-location still in days of the Second World War. The main advantage of their application that they do difficult signals similar to casual noise. Therefore such signals also have received the name of noise-type signals. Because of high cost of manufacturing of communication equipment it is actual use to imitating models at a design and synthesis stages. The imitating model intended for developing and debugging of algorithms of formation and functioning of the mobile broadbanded wireless communication system, is developed and described in the article. The algorithms fulfilled on model, will be realized in new a communication system. | ||||||||
. ., Ivanov S. L. Algorithm of processing of the information of is active-passive systems of a complex of the onboard radio-electronic equipment of the plane of front aircraft. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 51 In work the description of functioning of adaptive algorithm of joint processing of the information onboard radio-electronic equipment and onboard station of radio engineering investigation of the plane of the front aircraft providing support of air targets with different dynamic characteristics on the basis of use for adaptation of decisions on type of the purposes from station of radio engineering investigation is resulted. | ||||||||
Kustov M. A. Investigation of intelligent materials efficient usage in composite structures. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 51 Creation of new technologies and ways of composites diagnostics characterizing their physical and deflected mode becomes essential since temperature-deformation effect in rocket- space equipment has shifted up both at technological and operational stages. Disposing of optic fiber sensors it becomes possible solving the urgent problems on estimation of deflected mode level in critical zones of multi-layer walls typical for plastic cocoon-like cases with embedded elements and heat shielded bottoms. Shrinkage occurrence peculiar to elastomers can be restrained by unidirectional filaments with shape memory. Primary investigation results allow to rely upon the efficient usage of intelligent materials during trial development of new rocket-space specimens. | ||||||||
Smirnov M. M., Malyugin A. S. Development of a polymeric composite material does not possess the “STOP-effect” for the manufacture of precision guides and special precision equipment aviation enterprises. . Trudy MAI, 2012, no 51 It is known that polymeric composite materials (PCM) combine all the properties of their constituent components, the formation of which can be a structural material in a given range of operational and technological parameters of the equipment. The task of creating pasty composites cold cure for friction units of machines and mechanisms for general-purpose distributed into three separate sections: - select the best binder for the composite material;
- creation of an antifriction multicomponent filler imparts antiskachkovye properties of composite materials;
- creation of technology-application to the worn-out piece of equipment. As a result of complex research, conducted by the authors, have developed new composite self-lubricating materials pasty cold hardening on the basis of high-binders, characterized by small relaxation self-oscillations at low sliding speeds, as well as methods of applying these materials on the worn-out rails and other items of equipment.
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Okorokova N. S., Pushkin K. V. Controlled hydrogen generator based on hydronic chemical current source. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 51 This paper presents the voltammetry data obtained during the experimental research of the electrochemical characteristics of working parts in hydronic chemical current source (CCS) with an aluminum anode. This is the first research paper that shows that the application of hybrid power plant "hydronic CCS + O2/H2 fuel cell (FC)" is effective and safe solution to the problem of hydrogen storage for free-running power plants based on O2/N2 FC. | ||||||||
Barabasah J. A., Molchansky A. V. Adaptive Control System of Business Processes: a Case of a Machine Assembly Shop. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 51 The subject of research in this paper is an adaptive control system which automates document circulation in a machine assembly shop. The objective of the research is to construct an adaptive control system of business processes in a machine assembly shop (hereinafter “system”) with a possibility of monitoring and work results estimation of each business process member including workers. The paper describes main stages of system building. Selection of software is justified which was chosen for system creation. Algorithm and system testing requirements are described. Calculations are provided for economic expediency of introduction and use of this system to automate document circulation in the shop. | ||||||||
Antoshchuk A. S., Kuznetsova A. J. Development of risk identification, evaluation and treatment system of JSC “Komsomolsk-on-Amur aircraft production association”. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 51 The article deals with developed and introduced at JSC “ Komsomolsk-on-Amur aircraft production association ” single risk evaluation, identification and treatment system. It considers risks emerging during all subdivisions of Organization work and includes risks emerging straight during production process. Risk management process consisted in organization of risk management cycle is described in details. | ||||||||
Kozlov A. E. Theoretical soundness forecastings of the production potential of the region (on example of the Primorsky region) and practical value of the study. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 51 The Forecasting of the production potential of the region is a direct factor, characterizing in the aggregate social-economic factors of the region in more ranked type. The givenned factor is not determined by regularity by value. This value accounting, built on equations of the plural regression and checked on adequacy with use the Fisher-criterion and Snedekor-criterion. At model, founded on made calculation is perfected by form and can more carefully and be used at forecasting. | ||||||||
Dolganova A. A. Investigation of new approaches to organizing production in the creation of end-use product.. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 51 Annotation: The article discusses how to achieve economic results by creating a fundamentally new product on the market using the tools of QFD-analysis, as well as the use of the knowledge economy and competence-based approach when creating a new quality of training for companies implementing Lean Production. | ||||||||
. ., . . Study of the differential fiber-optical converter of angular movings. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 51 In this article is offered constructive-technological decision of the differential fiber-optical converter of angular movings, which is base element of fiber-optical sensors of acceleration, force, pressure and other physical sizes. Differential fiber-optical converters transforming change of an angle of slope of reflecting surfaces of a modulating element in change of intensity of a network stream. | ||||||||
Yarygina M. V. Folding wings design and weight analysis. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 51 This paper describes some variants of the folding wing structural design. Several types of junctions that are used in the aircraft design are analyzed. A review of wings weight formulas is shown. There is a description of the weight model of the folding wing and the results of its testing on the Su-33 and MiG-29K aircrafts. | ||||||||
Sutyrin A. A. Equipment operational control of surface cleanness Space Rocket technology products.. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 51 When you create the various elements of SRT (fuel tanks, rocket engine, etc.) which contact with the components of the cryogenic fuel surface density of the oil pollution generated after machining of these elements, should not exceed 100 mg/m2. Existing methods of measuring the density of oil pollution is to sampling with controlled surface and subsequent analysis on a fluorometer in the laboratory. The disadvantage of this methods are high on the length of time, difficulty and the use of consumable materials. Studies have shown the ability to create methods and equipment free of these shortcomings. | ||||||||
Gavrilova A. Y., Kuli-zade M. E., Skorokhod E. P. Distributions of atoms excited states in argon plasmas jet. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 50 As part of a two-temperature model of meta-equilibrium quasistationary plasma tasked and solved the problem of modeling the distributions of excited states of argon to explain the classic V. Kolesnikov’s experiment, referring to the spectroscopic studies of arc discharge at atmospheric pressure (differently valued nature distributions in the plasma of argon arc). The calculations of distributions of excited states of argon are in good agreement with the considered experiments in super sounding jet of argon plasmas. | ||||||||
Gusev A. N., Ivakha . . To the question of experimental refining of functioning resource of aviation starting equipments.. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 50 The article presents numerical investigations of experimental methods refining of functioning resource of aviation starting equipments by repeated static loading as well as dynamic loading. By using of these methods the results of numerical calculations of functioning resource of aviation starting equipments were compared. | ||||||||
Dunchenko O. M. Markov model of Martian atmospheric density. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 50 Descent of space vehicle in Martian disturbed atmosphere can be presented as multivariate Markov process. At the same time it is necessary to create the system of stochastic differential equation for disturbance, i.e. the equations of the Gauss-Markov model. We will consider later the uncertainty of the atmospheric density model as disturbances which are the results of Martian dust storms. Let’s create the linear non-stationary Gauss-Markov model of the 1st order at partial statistical information. | ||||||||
Raznoschikov V. V., Demskaya I. A. Mathematical model of calculation thermo-physical properties of synthetic liquid fuel. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 50 The paper represents the mathematical model (MM) of thermo-physical properties of fuels and individual hydrocarbons (IH) and their mixes in various ratio, and also synthetic liquid fuel (SLF) is submitted. Results of experiments by determination thermo-physical properties individual hydrocarbons and their mixes which were compared with results of calculation of MM are submitted. | ||||||||
Kiselyov A. G., Simahin E. A., Skorokhod E. P. The commutation relations of momentum operators in a multi-electron problem. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 50 We have considered different commutation relations between the total orbital momentum operator of the particles and a scalar product angular momentum operators, or sum squares of momentum operators, etc.In case of many-electron problem, we have considered combinations different operators with the spin momentum operator. | ||||||||
Kotel'nikov V. A., Kotelnikov M. V., Morozov A. V. Mathematical simulation of low-density plasma stream, flowing out of the plasma engine. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 50 The structure of a plasma stream effusing of a nozzle of the electro-jet drive in vacuum, by the solution of combined equations of Vlasova-Puassona is viewed, distribution functions of charged particles, velocities, concentration and the self-compounded electric fields in a plasma stream, depending on the characteristic parametres of a problem are gained: directional velocity on an edge of a nozzle, concentration, breadths, the relation of temperatures of ions and electrons. | ||||||||
Milodanova J. A. The competitiveness of aero engines as the structured factor of the demand trend. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 50 Original author’s approach to management of aero engines competitiveness was suggested in the work. The competitiveness of aero engines was analyzed in many technical and economical aspects. To evaluate competitive level it is important to develop methods and systems of appraisal including tendency of demand and factors of supply. The main components of competitiveness were defined while methods of management were considered. | ||||||||
Mikhaylov V. Y. Numerical model of the analytical estimating and selection of signals ensembles in the asynchronous address telecommunication systems. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 50 Cross-correlation properties of M-sequences ensembles are completely determined by the Galois field structure, from which they mapped to the binary symbols. This dependence is very complicated. In the case expandable M-sequences lengths and, especially, expandable polynomials degrees some important properties of cross-correlation function can reveal by the numerical methods. One of these methods for even values of polynomials degrees proposed in this paper. Feature of the method and based on it the techniques for reviewing the characteristics of their cross-correlation function is analytical in nature, which certainly expands the boundaries of knowledge about the properties of these widely used encoded sequences. Discussed in the article examples of estimating methods show high accuracy of the analytical results. The results obtained can also be viewed as a starting point for further method development and further detail the properties of M-sequences cross-correlation function. In addition the proposed method can be successfully applied to estimate the correlation properties of the composite encoded sequences that are algebraically related to the M-sequences, in particular, the Gold codes. The proposed method and the cross-correlation function estimation technique may be useful in selecting ensembles of complex encoded signals in the asynchronous address and command control airspace communications systems. | ||||||||
Muzhdabaeva N. V., Sokolovskiy V. I. The Technical and economic analysis of home market of spare parts and accessories for transport planes. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 50 Article is devoted to the problems of updating of the Russian park of transport planes. Data on the enterprises which are developing and serially letting out transport aircrafts of marks "Il", "Tu" and "An", and also carrying out their aftersales service and repair are resulted. The separate part of article is devoted to the enterprises which are projecting and letting out completing products, units, systems of navigation and life-support for transport planes. Problems of deliveries of accessories and spare parts to the given type of planes are considered. | ||||||||
Naumov A. V., Ivanov S. V. The problem of the investment distribution in industries of the aerospace complex. . Trudy MAI, 2012, no 50 We consider the problem of the investment distribution which is earmarked for the development of the aerospace complex in terms of the random demand for the products of industries and competition. This model is based on a two-stage bilevel stochastic programming problem with the quantile criteria. We show that in the particular case the problem reduces to a single-stage stochastic linear programming problem. We give the sufficient conditions for the existence of the solution. For the case of discrete distribution of the vector of random parameters we provide a special method. This method is coming of the original problem to a mixed integer linear programming problem. | ||||||||
Podkorytov A. N. Antenna phase center offset mathematical model in Precise Point Positioning with Global Navigation Satellite Systems. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 50 The technique of accounting satellite and receiver antenna phase center offset in Global navigation satellite systems is shown in the article. Also experimental results that show the significance of accounting such offsets in Precise Point Positioning are outlined. Technical reasons of appearance antenna phase center offsets are considered in the article. Experimental results are provided for post-processing high precision user coordinates estimation process in absolute mode. | ||||||||
Skorokhod E. P., Voynitskiy S. . Calculation of argon population in the flowing arc.. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 50 According to metha-equilibrium model of two-temperature quasistationary plasma calculated distributions excitation states of argon. Results of calculations are in good with the experiments of I.V.Podmoshinskiy, H.Shindo and S.Imazu. | ||||||||
Khaustov A. I., Shashkin I. N., Malgichev V. A., Nevzorov . M. Design features of the axial pump bearings for thermoregulation systems of aircraft. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 50 The results of the design of axial pump bearings for thermoregulation systems of aircraft with a view to minimizing the size and the high requirements for reliability. The paper considers the approaches to the selection of materials of friction bearings. Showing the results of designed bearing unit tests in the experimental samples of axial pumps. | ||||||||
Khaustov A. I., Shashkin I. N., Kindeev M. I. Design of axial flow pumps for thermoregulation systems of aircraft. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 50 The paper presents results of numerical analysis of fluid flow in the axial pump for thermoregulation systems of aircraft. There are the features of the flow of coolant in the pump at different operation modes. It was found that the pump operation at low flow rate accompanied by significant and intense reverse flow and separation effects, while varying the angle at the entrance to the impeller geometry can minimize the identified effects. | ||||||||
Leonov V. A., Chubarev I. V. Robust-adaptive controller design for spatial motion of high-speed vehicle. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 50 This paper describes the design of a nonlinear robust-adaptive controller for spatial motion of airbreathing high-speed vehicle. The control strategy, rely on Lyapunov theory, aims at stabilizing spatial motion. | ||||||||
Shemyakov A. O. Shemyakov Alexander O., postgraduate student of Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University). MAI, Volokolamskoye shosse, 4, Moscow, Russion Federation, А-80, GSP-3, 125993; phone: (499) 158-40-66; e-mail: Trudy MAI, 2012, no 50 In this article the legislative base defining the procedure of classification of information to the state secret or to the confidential information are considered. The structure of the confidential information of university and possible variants of its leak by physical, organizational and technical methods of reception of the information are analyzed. Legal and illegal methods are considered. | ||||||||
Doroshin D. R. Method of airborne gravimetry data processing with respect to the gravitational anomaly spatial inhomogeneity. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 50 The airborne gravimetry problem with respect to it’s statistical spatial nonhomogeneity is considered. The problem reduces to the estimation problem for state space systems with jumps. The application of method of gravity anomaly and noise parameters estimation based on solving the identification problem for the moving averages mixture model with Markov jumps is considered. The solution of the identification problem allows to apply the optimal Kalman smoother for the anomaly estimation on the survey flight line. The results of the testing this technique on flight data are presented. | ||||||||
Dudchenko A. A., Cuong L. K., Lurie S. A. Calculation and designing the contour supported composit panel loaded with cross-section force. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 50 In article calculation and designing he supported composit panel loaded with cross-section loading is considered. The solution is realized in the analytical form with use of V.Z.Vlasov’s variation method in series on displacements to design planes. The panel can be loaded by any cross-section force and have any conditions of fastening. The received solution is a basis for satisfaction of a condition of strength in a designing problem. Examples of the solution of a problem are resulted. | ||||||||
Artamonova L. G., Erokhin P. V., Skorynina A. O. The influence of the upper of plate on joining of the stalled flow partition join thwarted flow.. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 50 The results of numerical and experimental studies on the reattachment of the flow behind the partition and the effect of the form of the partition on the attachment point of the flow. Partition was set of the plate perpendicularly at 0,25 chord. | ||||||||
Kotel'nikov V. A., Kotelnikov M. V. Probe measurements in a stream of the rarefied plasma expiring from magneticplasmadynamic engine. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 50 The technique of processing of probe experiment in a stream of the rarefied plasma by means of the flat probe focused on a meeting to a vector of speed of a stream is offered. Results of processing of probe characteristic received in a stream, expiring of magneticplasmadynamic engine are resulted. | ||||||||
Kotelnikov M. V., Nguyen Xuan Thau . . Optimization of the program block in problems of background plasma mechanics and electrodynamics. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 50 Features of optimization of the program block in mechanics and electrodynamics problems of background plasmas on an example of a problem of a flow of the cylinder placed in a stream of low-ionized dense plasma are considered. The choice of an optimum step on time, the size of settlement area, a settlement grid, feature of a choice optimum certainly-raznostnyh and numerically-analytical methods of calculation is discussed. The special attention is given to possibility of application classical stability conditions of Kuranta-Fridrihsa-Levi to problems of the given class. | ||||||||
Gusev V. Y., Krapivenko A. V. Technique for remove harmonic noise on digital images. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 50 In this paper have considered the problem to remove harmonic noise from image. Such noise can appear on the satellite photos owing to the nature of the equipment (the so-called dark current drift). For remove this noise, we use filtering in frequency domain after application Fourier transform. Using this approach offers significant advantages over the methods of spatial filtering when using the luminance values of pixels and can be a noticeable loss of useful information in the form of reduced sharpness and blur boundaries. When using frequency filtration to remove the periodic noise are removed mostly just noise, as cut is only a small portion of the spectrum of whole image. And this method is useful enough, because exist algorithms for fast Fourier transform (FFT). | ||||||||
Lapenkov V. I. Profitability of the federal state unitary enterprises. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 50 Reviewed by specific factors, which influence the formation of unprofitability of the federal state unitary enterprises of the space industry. | ||||||||
Manokhin A. E. Algorithm of two-channel canceling disturbances at their mutual non-correlation in channels . Trudy MAI, 2012, no 50 In this article the algorithm of two-channel canceling disturbances is presented. It is efficient in conditions when disturbances in canceller’s channels are mutually non-correlative. It is theoretically proved, that developed by the author algorithm allows optimally to extract a desired signal by criterion of the least mean-square error. | ||||||||
Matveenko A. M., Chapligin V. J. The conditions of the appearance cavitation in the crevices of structural еlements of xial-piston hydraulic machines. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 50 Investigated the influence of acceleration of structural elements and the fluid viscosity on the process of emergence and development of cavitation in the crevices, theoretically derived formulas for the three cavitation criteria, two of which (by acceleration and fluid viscosity) were previously unknown. Formulas are derived which express the cavitation criteria through the critical values of the basic hydrodynamic criteria. Is presented a mathematical model of the conditions of the appearance of cavitation in the crevices of structural elements, taking into account the fluid viscosity and the accelerations of structural elements. | ||||||||
Rybin V. V. Simulating distributed and fractional distributed processes and control systems by the spectral method in engineering calculation software. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 50 Presently various mathematical computer-oriented systems and their extension packages are used to simulate control systems by the spectral method. Modern technologies such as a fractal methodology in various applications (for example, dynamical systems) generate the new electronic components. These component models contain fractional integral and differential operators. In this paper the spectral method is applied for simulating distributed and fractional distributed processes and control systems. To simulate such systems the MLSY_SM extension package for Mathcad was modified. We demonstrate the MLSY_SM extension package to solve the anomalous diffusion equation and to simulate automatic control systems of a nuclear power plant with fractional PID controller. | ||||||||
Yanyshev D. S. Implementation of Lambert function in theory of turbulent friction. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 50 In this article the main properties of Lambert function are discussed. Here there are provided several problems, where implementation of Lambert function lets to derive exact analytical solutions for equations which otherwise could be solved only numerically | ||||||||
. ., Krivilev A. V., Sitnikova A. V. Investigation of Mechatronic Module of Drive with Three-Phase Brushless Motor and 180-degree commutation method . Trudy MAI, 2012, no 50 The mechatronic module with the digital control system and three-phase brushless dc motor in case of 180-degree commutation method has been investigated. The results are new analytic expressions of proposed approaches, a computer model of the mechatronic module in Simulink, Matlab script files for automation of model simulating and visualizing of results, modules in AHDL for programming in CPLD, minor differences in currents and voltages of phases between simulation results and experiments, torque-speed and efficiency characteristics. The new method has been defined. This method has linear torque-speed and regulation characteristics, and minimal energy losses. It can be recommended for new electric drives. | ||||||||
Mozharov V. A., Shuman K. V. The adaptation of computer aided manufacturing of printed circuit boards of high precision to the defined parameters of the geometric stability of the laminates. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 50 The article describes the main problems of the manufacturing of printed circuit boards (PCB). The dominating factors of technology process, which affect quality PCB, are identified. Ways to improve the stability of the process technology, which are reducing costs and improving quality of product, are described. The methodology of evaluating the geometric stability of the laminates in multilayer PCBs and the methodology of processing the results and using these results to adapt computer aided manufacturing (CAM) system. | ||||||||
Bishaev A. M., Kim V. P. On the possibility to create fully kinetic model for description of the rarefied plasma jet behaviour exhausting Stationary plasma thruster. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 50 The jet exhausting stationary plasma thruster (SPT) is the accelerated plasma flow consisiting of at least ions, electrons and atoms. Knudsen numbers for all mentioned particle interactions are close or exceeds 1. Therefore an adequate description of such flow behaviour is possible only on base of the kinetic theory. For this purpose the different model equations are created at macroscopic level which are solved jointly with Maxwell equations or some statistical methods of simulation are used (like Bird’s method). And the principal difficulty is appeared in the determination of an electric field in plasma due to the corresponding Maxwell's equations degeneracy. Till now this difficulty was overcomed by usage of the selfconsistent electric field method associated with one or another way of the conservation equations satisfaction by the condition of the electrons and ions densities equality. The problem statement for the fully kinetic description of all particles dynamics simulation in plasma and for determination of the electric field are presented in paper and possible method of this problem solution is discussed. | ||||||||
Khrapko R. I. Concerning Electrodynamics’ Nonlocality. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 50 Experimental solution of the key problem of angular momentum transport by an electromagnetic radiation is presented. According to the classical electrodynamics, angular momentum of a circularly polarized light beam is localized near to the surface of the beam; however, the quantum theory predicts the spin angular momentum fills all body of the beam. We offer to interfere two beams, which pass through two half-wave plates, one of which is divided into two parts concentrically. When one of the parts is being rotated manually, the light frequency changes if this part absorbs angular momentum. It results in a movement of interference fringes, and makes it possible to verify theoretical predictions | ||||||||
Khrapko R. I. Spin is not a moment of momentum. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 50 The modern idea that spin of an electromagnetic radiation is a moment of a linear momentum seems to be incorrect. This fact is of great importance for calculating the torque, which experiences an absorber of a circularly polarized electromagnetic beam. We show that the classical monographs of Jackson and Becker contain inaccurate calculation in the case of a radiation produced by a source localized in a finite region of space. We use a spin tensor introduced into the electrodynamics previously when calculating the total torque. | ||||||||
Afanasyev M. V., Milovanov P. D., Ryapukhin A. V., Danilochkina N. G. The introduction of indicators of business space rocket complex of Russia to justify their decisions on recorporatization.. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 50 The article was designed to offer the choice of an effective system of indicators, providing the establishment of control of information flow in the formation of a new structural appearance of the aerospace industry. Comparison of these indicators is the basis for the development of rating companies, which reveals the strengths and weaknesses of the economic activity of the object relative to the external environment. In the course of compiling a scorecard companies were divided into groups according to the terms of the organization of production in each of the groups identified their own characteristics and formed the approaches to their assessment. Presented indicators are designed to study the economic object (corporations, companies) in key areas such as production, capacity, organizational structure, ownership and performance. Feature of the technique is the ability to evaluate the data lines simultaneously from two sides, the qualitative and quantitative. Through a system of indicators is a tool for study recorporatization of the company. | ||||||||
Stepaniants G. A. About symmetrical transformation of the spectrum of the unstable object when controlling with criterion of the minimum of the energy expenses. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 50 This article is considering stationary linear object, which have strictly positive real parts of all characteristic values (the spectrum). It is shown, that if the control is providing minimum of the integral of the square of control signal, spectrum of the object is symmetrically displaying in the left half of the complex plane. Proof and example are presented. | ||||||||
Pham V. A., Duong D. H., Nguyen D. T. Application Of Microcontroller Atmega16 In Multichannel Transmitting Device . Trudy MAI, 2012, no 50 The work is dedicated to the design of a radio transmitter, designed for transmission over a distance of information coming from several sensors. The transmitter of the transmitter of information is made on the microcontroller. Using the MCU enables the development of devices that have qualities such as weight and size and the best energetic performance, relative cheapness, simplicity and reliability. The undoubted benefits of products made with the use of microcontrollers include compatibility with the PC via standard interfaces. We solved the problem of designing circuitry and design of the transmitter. The estimation of parameters, confirming the efficiency of a transmitter under defined conditions of application. | ||||||||
Demchenko O. F. Structurization of methodology of mathematical modelling of organizational structure of isolations of a modern russian aviation-industrial complex. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 50 The structure of methodology of modelling of organizational isolations of the lowest and intermediate levels, characteristic for a modern aviation-industrial complex of Russia is offered. The mentioned structure is entered into maintenance of performance of the feasibility report on administrative decisions concerning corresponding organizational isolations. | ||||||||
Kuimov N. D., Kharin E. G., Yasenok A. . Pilot's role in the complex analysis of navigation tasks during realization of flying tests of "IL" airplanes. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 50 The importance of the stage of flying tests is considered in the general cycle of creation of modern airplane. Tasks which a crew decides on the stage of preparation to the tests, during realization of flying experiments and analysis of their results are considered. The method of complex analysis to realization of navigation flying tests is formulated. It's based on the joint analysis of results of tests pilots, developers of equipment and leading engineers on tests. Application of complex analysis allows raise efficiency of test flights and objectivity of the got results due to association of high-quality estimation of functioning of equipment, executable a crew and quantitative estimation of necessary characteristics. | ||||||||
Manturov D. V. The basic directions of the integrated application of information technology at the manufacture organization in aircraft engineering. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 50 The paper considers the problem of introducing modern approaches to design and manufacture of aircraft through the use of information technology, bringing together all the processes of the company from marketing, design, production preparation and corporate project management system, to after sales service. | ||||||||
Rybin V. V. Simulating automatic control systems of nuclear power plant by the spectral method in engineering calculation software. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 50 The energy, which requires for solving modern energy-intensive tasks of spacecraft control, can be given only by nuclear power plants. The spectral method is suitable for simulating automatic control systems of a nuclear power plant. Presently various mathematical computer-oriented systems and their extension packages are used to simulate control systems by the spectral method. In this paper the spectral method is applied for simulating automatic control systems of a nuclear power plant on conditions that it is described by the point kinetics equation. In order to simulate such control system the MLSY_SM extension package for Mathcad is used. | ||||||||
Mojzyh E. I., Zavalov O. A., Kuznetsov A. V. Experimental Investigation of Aerodynamic Characteristics of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle with Lifted System of Shrouded Rotor. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 50 In the Paper there are the results of Experimental Investigation of Aerodynamic Characteristics of the model the disk-shaped Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) with Lifted System of Shrouded Rotor in the side flow mood. The obtained results provided to expose the features of the ring and rotor interaction on these moods. It was the base for development of the aerodynamic calculation method. | ||||||||
Gopanchuk V. V., Mitrofanova O. A., Potapenko M. Y. Study of the configuration of the core of the magnetization source of magnetic systems of electric propulsion. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 50 Results of researches of influence of various forms of cores of external sources of magnetising force of magnetic systems of electric propulsion thrusters on azimuthal evenness of distribution of a magnetic field in a working interpolar interval are presented. | ||||||||
Elnikov R. V. Use of lunar gravity assist maneuver in interplanetary electric propulsion trajectory design. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 50 This article describes amethod for calculation and optimization of interplanetary trajectories which use lunar gravity assist maneuver for space vehicles equipped of electric propulsion system. As an example of application techniques, analyzed the Earth –Moon - Mars trajectory for space transportation system, based on launch vehicle "Soyuz2-1b" and upper stage "Fregat".We present estimates of the gains in the final mass of the spacecraft, which can be obtained through the use of lunar gravity assist for this flight. | ||||||||
Fedorchenko E. ., Nikitin P. V. Heat and mass exchange on a permeable surface of the system of the thermal protection of the descent vehicle of the spacecraft small form. Trudy MAI, 2012, no 50 . Results of the analysis of heat and mass destruction in the surface layer of thermal protection of reentry spacecraft small form committing ballistic descent to Earth. The calculation of trajectory parameters and heat transfer on the surface of the landing of the spacecraft at hypersonic flight segment. According to the calculation results, a series of experiments on high-temperature gas-dynamic stand to determine the thermal protective performance TRV series. Selected material surface layer of a heat of the thermal protection of spacecraft. The estimation of the thickness of the destruction of the layer. | ||||||||
Rybnikov S. I., Tin P. ., Stepaniants G. A., Gorbachev Y. V. Assigningdynamic prioritieswhen servicingaircraftwithan arbitraryrateduringapproach and landingflightin formation. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 Solvedthe problem of computingdynamic prioritiesto the input ofa passenger planeat a givenairortrainsystem.At the same timetake into account thepossibility of raisingthis priority,with a limitedstock offuel. | ||||||||
Shydakov V. I. Ground Effect on Aerodynamic Characteristics of Aerial Vehicle with Lifted System of Shrouded Rotor. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 The paper contains the Method of Lift Calculation of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) with Lifted System of Shrouded Rotor in the condition of Ground Effect. There was the investigation of the correlation of the elements of the total thrust (ring, rotor, bottom part) for the various ground clearance. | ||||||||
Zavalov O. A., Shydakov V. I. Aerodynamic Design of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle with Lifted System of Shrouded Rotor. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 In the paper there are the results of Power Analysis of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) with Lifted System of Shrouded Rotor on the hover mode and horizontal flight. There was the estimation of the Power Characteristics of UAV of this type depending on the parameters of its aerodynamic layout. | ||||||||
Pegachkova E. A. Approximate synthesis of optimal systems of automate type . Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 We consider determined discrete systems of automate type (ATS) modeling operating of a dynamic automate with memory. Sufficient conditions of ATS optimality at instantaneous switches of the automate part have been obtained. Methods of approximate synthesis of optimal position control has been carried out. Methods of suboptiomal synthesis of ATS have been applied for the task with square criteria of quality, software tool for the approximate solution of the problem created. The equations for finding suboptimal regulators of ATS with taking under consideration instantaneous repeated switches of the automate part have been obtained. Analytical and approximate solutions of the example of synthesis of optimal controller for linear ATS with square criteria of quality were given. | ||||||||
Alekseev V. A., Kudriavtseva N. S., Titova A. S. Climatic chamber parameter choice for miniature onboard equipment thermal tests. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 Theoretical justification of climatic chambers parameter choice for thermal tests for miniature onboard equipment (MOE) operating in spacecraft nonpressurized modules is discussed. It allows us to change the numerous expensive thermal tests for MOE in heat vacuum chamber by much more cheaper thermal tests in climatic chamber at the phase of acceptance tests. | ||||||||
Gorbachev Y. V., Tin P. ., Rybnikov S. I. System maintenance supremacy of civil aircraft when landing on a given track. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 Soft the problem of calculating dynamic priority input passenger flight in a given air echelon. In this into account may improve this priority with a limited stock of fuel. | ||||||||
Morozov H. I. The method of quantitative assessment of the environmental safety of production of aerospace objects. . Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 In this paper we describe a method of quantifying the environmental safety of aerospace objects. The methodology is the calculation of individual assessments of environmental danger of the object, obtaining values of the overall environmental risk assessment and the transition to environmental safety. A sequence of calculations are given an algorithm for obtaining private evaluations and assess the overall environmental hazard of the object. | ||||||||
Tazetdinov R. G., Zotov V. A., Tibirin G. S. Calculation of protective characteristics of the high-altitude compensating jacket for airplane crews. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 The article is devoted to designing the mathematical model,design procedure and calculation of protective characteristics of a high-altitude compensating jacket (ВКЖ), to protect the pilot from influence of the lowered barometric pressure during high-altitude flight. The methods allow to choose jacket design data at a stage of its designing, reducing thereby number of expensive tests. | ||||||||
Tariverdiev A. S. Special economic zones in russia. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 The review of special (particular) economic zones at the present stage. The basic problems in the field of creation and functioning of special (particular) economic zones are formulated and ways of their decision are offered. Directions of increase of efficiency of functioning of special (particular) economic zones and their further prospects in the Russian Federation are described. | ||||||||
Zuyev Y. V. Mathematical model of a two-phase turbulent jet in view of interphase heat exchange by radiation . Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 The estimation of size of members of the two-phase turbulent jet equations describing radiation of phases is spent. It is shown that at reference temperature of phases smaller 2500К it is necessary to consider only change of the particles energy, equal to a difference between a stream of particles radiation and a stream of the gas radiation absorbed by particles. The simple formula which can be used for an estimation of radiation influence on jet parameters is received. The system of the equations describing a two-phase turbulent jet, taking into account radiation is written down. | ||||||||
Mel'nikov V. E. Unified Frequency Transducers In Accelerometers. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 Summary: Issues of open circuit pendulum accelerometer accuracy improving by application of unified frequency transducers of pendulum displacement in the field of inertial forces are considered. It was shown that pendulum accelerometers with frequency output have a prospect for their implementation in the middle range accuracy measurements . | ||||||||
Churkin V. M. The Analysis of Dynamics Nonrigid Parachute and Playload System . Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 Consider the motion in the vertical plane Nonrigid Parachute and Playload System. In writing the equations of motion parachute connector and the load are modeled by rigid bodies connected by joints of an ideal. Compiled a simplified nonlinear equations of the perturbed motion of the system that take into account the nonlinear dependence of a normal component of aerodynamic force from the parachute canopy angle attack. The method describing function are expressions for the main parameters of the vibrational modes arising from the movement system. | ||||||||
Korshunov A. V. Some aspects of efficiency evaluation of target-oriented systems. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 The article focuses on the category of efficiency and its correlation with the categories of quality and effect. The existing system of the efficiency indices of target-oriented systems is subjected to analysis. For efficiency evaluation it is suggested that indices based on the comparison of required and obtained effects, those allowing to evaluate not only the degree of ‘fulfillment’ but also that of ‘overfulfillment’ of the tasks facing the system should be taken into consideration. | ||||||||
Krasnov A. M. Complex aviation with random change structure objectives control system. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 The article deals with the management goal defeat at the expense of purposeful change the relative position of means of destruction, and goals. A mathematical description of the dynamics of the vector of the relative position of aircraft ordnance (TSA) and goals in the attack as a system with random change in the structure. We formulate the problem of aiming and tracking of managed ASP and determined their place in the task of destroying the target. The question of quality review process and formed a common sight, and private aviation quality sighting system | ||||||||
Afonin A. A., Repnikov A. V., Tiuvin A. V. Ground-based strapdown geodesic complex. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 The construction ability of a minimal ground-based strapdown geodesic complex composition for operative mobile objects launcher preparation is discussed. A main purpose of the article is the accuracy analyze problem for the complex of precision accelerometers and global navigation satellite system consist. The usage of functional redundant conical structure block of accelerometers for accuracy increase is suggested. | ||||||||
Boytsov B. V., Artamonov I. M., Deniskin Y. I. Technological modernization of IT systems based on integrated quality metrics. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 Article considers the most important factors that define success of modernization projects for information and telecommunication systems. The process of modernization was analyzed both for system as a whole and for different phases of the process. Criterions for goals and quality metrics of modernization were defines and set. Phased model of modernization was developed and described. The model can be used as an effective tool to plan cost and resources needed for modernization and to make reasonable decisions regarding the modernization itself. | ||||||||
Pavlova N. V., Zagrebin D. A. Production expert system for brain bioelectrical activity research at flight and control staff. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 Production expert system with fuzzy rules for brain bioelectrical activity research by ultrasound doppler and electroencephalography methods was developed. Possibilities, features and benefits of using developed expert system with fuzzy rules for brain bioelectrical activity research at flight and control staff presented. | ||||||||
Churkin V. M. Program module approximate research deployment parachute canopy. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 Describes the construction of the software module approximate investigation of the dynamics of deployment parachute canopy. Discovery process is modeled by the motion of perfectly flexible elastic thread - frame strip, passing in a sling. The equations of motion that Coy-string are replaced by discrete counterparts. At the initial stage of expansion, when the canopy has not yet fulfilled part, applies to "force boost" - the dome probetsya constant pressure differential acting up until the pole is formed executed region. After this drop in the backlog of the dome is assumed to be zero, and the completed parts - a constant in the dome with the addition of the calculated dynamic component. The proposed software module allows the calculation of the basic relations describing the process of opening the dome, determine the values of congestion in the thimble, the pole and on the edges of the dome. The possibility of modification of the module for solving the dynamics of opening the parachute with a dome or cupola rifovannym arbitrary shape. | ||||||||
Alifanov O. M., Medvedev A. A., Sokolov V. N. Approaches to creation and directions for application of small-scale space vehicles in space activity . Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 In the article innovative approaches to small-scale space vehicles development on an example of the Earth remote sensing satellite "MONITOR-E", created on the basis of the unified space platform (UKP) "Yakhta" are described. Correctness of the put in pawn and chosen principles and the constructive-technological decisions in working out of the considered objects is confirmed. Characteristics of the "MONITOR-E" and UKP "Yakhta" are given. The application of small-scale space vehicles in space activity is described. | ||||||||
Afonin A. A., Repnikov A. V., Sulakov A. S., Yamashev G. G. Simulation results analyze of a strapdown gravi-inertial navigation complex. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 The article includes structure, main algorithms and characteristics of a perspective mobile small-sized strapdown gravi-inertial navigation complex for aero and navy applications. The simulation and scaled-down results are presented. Metrological performance of complex correspondence with needs of up-to-date aero and navy gravimetry is shown. | ||||||||
Balyk V. M., Zenkov D. N. Statistical evaluation of the completeness of flight-tests aircraft.. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 This article deals with actual issue of flight test programming of an unmanned aerial vehicle during its try-out sessions. Also, the article gives insight into evaluation method of flight test completeness. This method could be a pretext for justifyng a nessecity of a new flight test. The method is based on a recovery of a polinomial model from a statistical sample of a telemetry data. The following model will be evaluated by statistical criteria. The main specialty of statistical criteria is in knowing criteria's values for particular cases, when virtually every consistent pattern could be described by the polynomial model. Which means that these criteria could be a measure of completeness for the experimental model as well as a pretext for continuation of a test flight. | ||||||||
Alekseev V. A., Karabin A. E. New type of heat-accumulating device for cooling the radioelectronic satellite equipment. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 The article investigates the effectiveness of a new type of heat-accumulating devices, known as frameless, in which, unlike in traditional ones, the working body does not require the sealing of its volume during phase transitions from solid to liquid and back. | ||||||||
Boytsov B. V., Artamonov I. M., Deniskin Y. I. Quality metrics alignment for modernization phase of corporate information system. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 The article is focused on major problems of quality metrics defining and aligning in time of modernization phase of corporate information systems (CIS). Differences between stable and transition phases of CIS from metrics’ point of view are selected and given. Method of alignment analysis for sets of metrics at different CIS levels and method of metrics coordination between transitional and stable phases of CIS operation are proposed. The methods allow to develop set of metrics that take into consideration potential problems of modernization, organizational structure of company and modernization goals. | ||||||||
Troshin A. N., Burdina A. A. Formalization of Task for Optimization of Value of Corporate Structures considering Regional Reliability Factor. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 This article states and solves an optimization task for planning of sustainable development of a regional corporate structure (RCS), considering a reliability factor, wherein a criterion for optimization is an index of RCS value for shareholders (owners). This article also describes the procedure for strategic planning of RCS sustainable development and specifies the principles on which RCS strategic planning is based. | ||||||||
Boytsov B. V., Vasilev S. L., Gromachev A. G., Jurgenson S. A. Nondestructive testing methods used for the design of polymer composite materials. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 This article discusses the methods of nondestructive testing used for the construction of the RMB. The most detailed X-ray and ultrasound treated control methods. | ||||||||
Rybnikov S. I., Kurmakov D. V., Gorbachev Y. V. Integrated automatic control system of longitudinal motion of aircraft with engine thrust control, and elevator.. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 Solve problem of simultaneous control of engine thrust and elevator at take-off mode. Variability of the balanced angle of attack has shown on this mode. | ||||||||
Lebedev G. N., Aung M. T., Stepaniants G. A., Dektyarov Y. I. Assessment of sustainability of high-tech design and manufacturing techniques of aviation crisis. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 Studied sufficient conditions for stability of nonlinear dynamical systems with optimal management of production. Proposed to use the Lyapunov method and applied in calculations of the Bellman function. | ||||||||
Zakovryashin A. I., Agaletskiy P. S. Elements of Integrated Logistic Support. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 Article describes the problems of integrated logistic support, it shows traditional and modern methods of organizing the maintenance and repair of complex high-tech products. | ||||||||
Zakovryashin A. I. Intellectual system of the technical diagnostics . Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 Article describes the problems of intellectual system of the technical diagnostics, it shows discrete and continuous to the model of the states, prognostication of quantitative estimations, recommendations on application | ||||||||
Zakovryashin A. I. CALS technology of creation of complex high-tech products. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 Article describes the problems CALS technology complex high–tech products, it shows role single information space and features of introduction of technology on enterprises. | ||||||||
Korshunov A. V. On the fault hierarchy in the functioning of target-oriented systems and a method of trasforming the vector index of damage into a scalar. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 The article deals with the phenomenon of damage as a result of the retaliatory effect of the environment on the morphology, functional and information qualities of a target-oriented system. Morphological (qualitative), functional and information types of damage are discussed. Their hierarchy is demonstrated. Their evaluation indices and methods of transforming these indices into scalars are considered. A method of mediated transformation of indices into scalars for three types of damage is suggested. | ||||||||
Kostyukov V. M., Kapyrin N. I. A model of a gas turbine engine and its control system for unusual values of the angle of incidence and atmospheric conditions. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 | ||||||||
Lapenkov V. I. Effect of structural factors on the economic indicators in the system of motivation. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 Considered are the peculiarities of application in the system of economic motivation of the in-dicators, the magnitude of which depends on structural factors. The article describes the method, which allows to avoid errors due to the structural factor. | ||||||||
Latyshev V. V. Dimension reduction techniques for Bayes Doppler shift estimations in in telecommunication channels. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 Abstract—The subspace-based technique is used for Doppler shift estimations of a signal of the known waveform. The tool to find required subspaces is the special orthogonal decomposition of received data. It allows concentrate Fisher information about desired parameter in a small number of the first terms of the decomposition. This approach gives the low-dimensional vector of sufficient statistics. It leads to computationally efficient Bayes estimation. | ||||||||
Kozlov V. V., Popov B. N. Static characteristic of brushless DC motor digital correction. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 The paper describes the new static characteristic of brushless DC motor digital correctionmethod, which excludes trigonometric transformation in the real-time scale and provides rotor velocity stability as in case of vector control. Also this paper describesanalytic expressions of correction angle for different brushless DC motor modes. | ||||||||
Mel'nikov V. E. Influence of Direct Circuit Parameters of Force-balance Accelerometers on Their Accuracy . Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 In the given paper capability of improving accuracy of force balance pendulum accelerometers by choosing rational factors of direct circuit elements is considered. | ||||||||
Mel'nikov V. E., Melnikov V. Y. Some Peculiarities of Force-balance Pendulum Accelerometers with Integrators in Direct Circuit. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 Possibility of improving accuracy of force-balance accelerometers by integrating element introduction into the direct circuit loop either integrating amplifier or by imparting integrating property to the pendulum, the first element of the circuit is considered. | ||||||||
Nazarov A. V. Computer simulation of percolation processes in homogeneous structures. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 The paper presents the results of computer simulation of percolation processes in homogeneous structures. During the simulation the percolation threshold is automatically determined by Hoshena and Kopelman method of marking multiple clusters. With the help of the algorithm experimentally determined: percolation threshold for a square lattice, dependence of time simulation on field sizes for the different steps of the cells increases the likelihood of the simulated structure, dependence of the percolation threshold on the size of the field and dependence of the simulation time on step increase in concentration. | ||||||||
Nastasin K. S., Rodionov V. V. Routing features in combined cellular/wireless broadband access network.. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 Designing combined cellular/wireless broadband access network puts the task to provide required QoS and maximum network resource utilization. The problem is solved using new routing algorithms, created in compliance to combined network features. | ||||||||
Veremeenko K. K., Pron'kin A. N., Repnikov A. V. Restructuring algorithms of UAV onboard integrated landing system. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 Structure and restructuring algorithms of unmanned aerial vehicle integrated landing system is presented. Main modes, including approach and landing are considered. A switch-over from full-size filter to a decomposed form for approach mode is shown. | ||||||||
Alifanov O. M., Medvedev A. A., Sokolov V. P. Small-scale space vehicles as the evolutionary step of transition to micro and nano satellites. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 In the article the substantiation of the tendency of the space vehicles’ mass-size characteristics improvement under modern conditions of intensive space market development and is given. Actuality of the implementation of small-scale space vehicles in the sphere of navigation, satellite communication, monitoring and Earth remote sensing is described by comparison to the space vehicles of the same functionality but considerably exceeding them in mass-size characteristics. | ||||||||
Troshin A. N., Chemerisova A. V., Chizhik A. S. Application of the cost approach for a substantiation of criterion of development of the industrial enterprise. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 This article is set and formalize the task of identification of the criterion of sustainable development of the industrial enterprise, who is consist in optimization of business cost for an owners (stockholders) with accountability of limiting system and specified factors of internal and external enterprise environments. Either main factors of business cost growing was considered. | ||||||||
Rybnikov S. I., Fomichev I. D., Stepaniants G. A. Automatic safety management system with a virtual aircraft leading. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 Consider the problem of automatic traffic control system of manned and unmanned aircraft. Discussed the design principles and structure of systems management systems. Proposed a method for organizing virtual host systems. The examples of control systems by the relative position of objects and prevent dangerous approaches | ||||||||
Sharonov A. V., Maximov N. ., Sincha D. P. Steady method of search of images in visual databases. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 Considerable interest in unmanned aerial vehicles have recently increased the need for an effective system of pattern recognition [1]. Unlike other systems, pattern recognition (biometric identification systems, facial recognition systems, systems of identification documents, etc.), direct object, subject to classification (recognition) in this case, is the image itself, which, of course, can be distorted by various factors. At the heart of any system of pattern recognition are mainly two algorithms: an algorithm for forming a handle (index) of the image (i.e, an organized set of attributes of the image) and an algorithm for estimating the degree of similarity between two images in their descriptors. Quite promising variant of these algorithms is presented in this article. | ||||||||
Guseynov A. B. Methods of structural and parametric synthesis of structural and layout image UAV.. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 The paper analyzes the methods of structural and parametric synthesis of shape unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Presents a block diagram of decomposition of the research object of the task and quality criteria for the design decisions. Consider the matrix signs appearance UAV technology solutions to them and their design parameters. Structural logic of forming a rational aspect of the aircraft is given. Formulated the problem – solving methods are given of structural synthesis and optimization of design parameters. | ||||||||
Dmitriev O. N. Conceptual problems of substantiation of arbitration administrative decisions in economy . Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 Problem questions of the feasibility report on administrative decisions concerning economic object of management in conditions of plurality of subjects of management and according to plurality of their interests, carried out by means of transition to the arbitration subject of management and according to arbitration optimization of the specified decisions are allocated. | ||||||||
Martirosov V. E., Melehin S. V. Equipment for data transmission with the use standard power supply networks . Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 In the article the information technologies for resources saving (electric and thermal ener-gy, water supply) are represented. Information system ISERS is intended for detailed monitoring the consumption of energy resources on large-scale enterprise. In this system the original technologies of data transmission over the networks of power supply 220/380V (PLC technologies) are used. The equipment of system is executed on digital signal processors (DSP) and the microcomputers. | ||||||||
Ageyeva N. G., Rebiy E. J. Organizational-economic directions of development of innovative strategy of the enterprises of an aviation-industrial complex. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 In article the condition and prospects of development of models of systems of an innovation is considered. The urgency of development of organizational communications is shown, the basic sources of an innovation are revealed and the system of tools of development is offered. With reference to an aviation-industrial complex organizational directions of perfection of innovative strategy of the enterprise are offered. | ||||||||
. . Cost Reduction of Rapid Prototyping for Aerospace Engineering. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 This article describes an approach of reducing the cost of prototypes by minimizing labour-intensivness of prototypes finish by means of optimization of build parameters of RP-process | ||||||||
Boytsov B. V., Kuprikov M. Y., Maslov Y. V. Improving the guality of the preproduction by application of the technology of rapid prototyping. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 49 The paper shows the basic methods and means of creation of the prototypes of the projected parts of the objects of aerospace technigue at the stages of planning of constaction. Rapid prototyping technology allows to check the correctness of the created construction, to optimize it, what can provide the reguiredguality of products at the early stages of the life cycle. It is showed in the paper the possible field of application of rapid prototyping technology at the stages of planning. | ||||||||
Zhuzhukin A. I. Portable speckle – interferometer for vibrating subject vibration modes study without special test rig. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 48 The article deals with the development of portable speckle – interferometer not needing complicated adjustment allowing subject vibration characteristics study without using interferometric table. Speckle – interferograms of compressor stage 7 blade vibration modes obtained with smooth base wave interferometer and those ones obtained with portable speckle – interferometer were compared. Identity of obtained results is shown. Vibration characteristics of parts of compressor wheel and turbine nozzle vane unit were investigated with the portable speckle – interferometer. | ||||||||
Vostrikov O. V. The substantiation of structure of the navigation system of shock unmanned aerial vehicle. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 48 The article is devoted to a substantiation of structure of the navigation system of small shock unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) of the average duration of the flight, which belongs to the class of remotely operated aircraft systems and which is intended for destruction of ground-based small-size targets. The article considers the problems solved by UAV, methods of navigation and navigation systems, capable to solve tasks assigned to the system. On the basis of the analysis of opportunities, merits and demerits of modern navigation systems the author makes a conclusion that for the implementation of all the requirements, which must meet an UAV, it shall be equipped with combined system of navigation, which implements the principles of complex processing of information. | ||||||||
Ageev I. M., Rybin Y. M., Bubnova M. D. Data-collection unit based on PC sound card. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 48 The multichannel hardware-software device has been developed. It guarantees collection and processing of data with high quality. The standart PC sound card is used as data collection plate. | ||||||||
Bodrishev A. V., Kuprikov M. Y. A method of estimation of an object order with regard to requirements of maintainability, removability and interchangeability in passenger compartments of airliners.. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 48 The article discusses assessment of an object position at a given location of a layout based on the optimal conditions of maintainability, removability and interchangeability. There are also considered cases of comparison of the object layout in a specified cell with accepted failure parameters. The basic comparative criteria is the correlation coefficient between the availability (the geometric component of the layout decision), and service parameters. The designed calculation module is part of a program to create an optimal layout solution for a newly designed item. | ||||||||
Govorkov A. S. Management in parametres of objects of the industrial environment by working out of technological process of assembly of a product. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 48 Research concerns area of automation of technological preparation of assembly manufacture in aircraft construction. The algorithm of formation of a choice of technological operations is offered at assembly of knot of a glider of the plane on the basis of use of an image of a product. The description of objects of the industrial environment and their interrelation is executed in the form of teoretiko-plural model. | ||||||||
Mirzoyan A. A. Optimization of takeoff thrust management for noise reduction of supersonic business jet. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 48 Takeoff thrust management parameters such as initial altitude and lapse rate of thrust throttling were optimized in the work. It was shown, that the optimization under given market requirements to supersonic business jet may significantly increase the feasibility of design, identify effective ways to meet strong mission and environmental restrictions. Optimization of main engine and aircraft design variables such as bypass ratio, overall pressure ration, turbine inlet temperature at takeoff, etc. were additionally considered for maximal increase of takeoff thrust management efficiency. | ||||||||
Lebedev G. N., Mirzoyan L. A., Efimov A. V. UAV multiple-choice path planning for monitoring of highways and ground targets. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 48 Optimal path planning for monitoring of highways and ground static targets by unmanned aerial vehicle is considered in the paper. The optimal conditions of switching from the flight under the highway on the flight to neighboring ground target are defined. The obtained conditions allow planning UAV flight at joint monitoring of both long-distance highways and group of the ground targets. | ||||||||
Obnosov B. V., Ochkovsky A. A. Guidance system for controlled air bomb. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 48 The paper describes the technique of pair-wise comparison of guidance systems guided air bombs. As the performance criteria were used, describing the beneficial effects from the use of guided air bombs, and the possibility of reflecting around the clock and all-weather use. Account of the basic performance criteria can adequately describe the quality of guidance system in a hierarchical structure guided air bombs complex aircraft armament and create a priority number of alternative guidance systems. | ||||||||
Ruzakov M. A., Krugliayeva E. A., Malenkova N. M. The economic mechanism of automation of processes of creation of control systems of the flying machine. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 48 In article problems necessary for working out of methods of automation of the organization of pilot production at manufacturing of control systems by the flying machine with use of modern information systems are considered. Introduction of new methods of information support of pilot production of defensive production of aviation instrument making, as factor of increase of efficiency of the organization of manufacture is considered. | ||||||||
Ulyashin V. . Main trends of competitive development of russian aircraft industry. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 48 The article deals with the main factors and their elements which substantially influence the development of civil aviation aircraft in the world. The article considers new technologies which can be used for civil aircraft production. Analysis of various types of production structures dealing with aviation aircraft is presented. The article considers the main trends of development of Russian aircraft industry from the point of view of increasing its competitiveness in the world market. | ||||||||
Sypalo K. I., Kuznetsov M. N. Rational homing of high-speed aeroballistic UAV on terminal part of the path. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 48 In this article the approach is provided to solve the problem of determining homing method meeting requirements of accuracy with the constraints imposed on the terminal part of trajectory for the high-speed aeroballistic unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) with the high aerodynamic efficiency into the atmosphere. The problem is complicated by the uncertainties of aerodynamic characteristics of the aircraft and the wide range of uncontrolled effects of the different nature. The algorithm generates aboard continuously updateable reasonable trajectory according to the data from the multispectral surveillance system. The results of modelling show us the applicability of the proposed approach for generation of optimal control actions in different conditions with low sensitivity to the effects of uncontrollable factors. | ||||||||
Medvedskiy A. L., Tarlakovsky D. V. Plane non-stationary problem about interaction of the firm indenter with imperfections and elastic half-space. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 48 In work any stage of interaction of absolutely firm indenter and elastic isotropic homogeneous half-space within the limits of a plane problem of the theory of elasticity is considered. The non-stationary contact problem is shown to system of the functional equations (SFE), containing multiple singular integrated equation of type of Voltaire of I kind which kernel are superficial functions of influence for an elastic half-plane. For decision SFE the method of grids for existential area of contact [1, 2], modified for multicoherent areas of contact and spline-parameterizations directing the drummer is used. Examples of the decision of contact problems for the elliptic indenter with initial imperfections are resulted. The considered approach is used in problems of dynamics of a landing of lowered space vehicles on rocky. | ||||||||
Dyakin K. M. Model of expert knowledge for formation scenary parameters for system-dynamic model (on the example of formation of the investment program) . Trudy MAI, 2011, no 48 Article describes possibilities of application of model of the expert knowledge presented in the form of decision trees, for formation of scenary parameters of a simulation model on an example of formation of the Investment program of the enterprise. | ||||||||
Moiseev K. A., Panov Y. N. The method of estimation of dynamics of cylindrical shells under impact . Trudy MAI, 2011, no 48 The article uses a combined method of investigation of the dynamic behavior of anisotropic cylindrical shell reinforced by irregular set of circular ribs, which allows to obtained an analytical solution for a system of different eguations in partial derivaties. | ||||||||
Sypalo K. I., Kuznetsov M. N. Algorithm of reasonable homing of the high-speed aeroballistic UAV on terminal part of the path. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 48 This article is about the algorithm for finding optimal solution of the problem of high precision homing on the terminal part of the trajectory for high-speed aeroballistic unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) with high aerodynamic efficiency into the atmosphere. The described algorithm, in essence, is solution for nonlinear optimal control problem with some of unique features. The mentioned problem is complicated by the uncertainties of aerodynamic characteristics of the aircraft and the wide range of uncontrolled effects of the different nature. The algorithm generates aboard continuously updateable optimal trajectory in the form of numerical determination of control inputs have obtained by variational methods according to the data from the multispectral surveillance system. The problem is solving within following constrains: on accuracy, absolute value and orientation of the velocity vector at the end of the path, total waste of control actions and resolution of the multispectral surveillance system. Simulation results show us the applicability of the proposed algorithm for generation of optimal control actions in different conditions with the low sensitivity to the effects of uncontrollable factors. | ||||||||
Lyubimtseva S. V. Current trends in the organization of production in the aviation industry . Trudy MAI, 2011, no 47 The aviation industry is a subsystem of the Russian social production which is influenced by national and global economic systems, in relation to them it is completely open. It is characterized by long-stored state of instability and recession. Ensuring the competitiveness of the industry requires innovative transformation of production, changes in the organization and selection of system features. This should take into account the peculiarities of building knowledge-based economy and modern trends in the global market. | ||||||||
Pegachkova E. A. Optimal output of satellite in geostationary orbit, taking into account costs of inefficient fuel consumption when the engine is switched on and off. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 47 We consider the problem of transition artificial Earth satellite with an initial circular orbit to geosynchronous orbit with minimum fuel consumption. Solution in the classical setting (in the class of continuous systems) leads to an infinite sequence of impulse inclusions (at extremely the little time) of the engine with a maximum thrust of around pericenters on osculating orbits. The total fuel consumption becomes less at this mode, but the overall stabilization time increases unlimitedly. Therefore, we have considered the problem in view of inefficient fuel consumption (in the class of logic-dynamical systems). Approximate solution is based on necessary optimality conditions of logical-dynamic systems. A comparison of the conditions necessary to apply the maximum principle. The results of calculations in a classical setting, and for logic-dynamical systems, as well as their practic applicability, are discussed. | ||||||||
Bespalova V. E. Questions of an estimation of investment risk of innovative projects of the aviation industry. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 47 In article some problem aspects of a current state of the enterprises of the aviation industry has been analysed, prospects of their development are defined. Ways of perfection of a technique of the scenary analysis of innovative projects of the aviation branch are considered, allowing to spend an exact estimation of level of investment risk. Classification of design risks of the innovative enterprises by level of financial losses is resulted. | ||||||||
Gladkov S. O., Bogdanova S. B. Description of the properties of fractal antennas by the quasiclassical kinetic equation in the space of noninteger dimension.. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 47 For example of fractal radar antenna it was suggested the analytical method for description of physical properties of such objects. Due to this method we can calculate difference kind physical characteristic of metallic fractal. It was shown the dependence physical properties of fractal on his dimension. | ||||||||
Zagordan A. A. Current state of the wheel shimmy theory. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 47 On the basis of the review of publications in domestic and foreign press the analysis of a current status of a problem of the theoretical description of the aircraft wheel shimmy phenomenon was spent. Various models such as the classical mathematical models, modern approaches to the description of oscillatory instability of rolling bodies on a hard surface by dry friction first of all are considered. On the basis of results of the analysis offers on the further perfection of the shimmy theory with reference to high-frequency vibrations of aircraft uncontrollable landing gear are formulated. | ||||||||
Kuprikov M. Y., Komissarov A. A. Maneuverable aircraft face design under the cost limitation conditions . Trudy MAI, 2011, no 47 This article is dedicated to the peculiarities of the maneuverable aircraft face design process under the cost limitation conditions. An object of analysis is a vector of technical characteristics that can be modified by the airframe cost limits. It examines mathematical models that determine the cost of the aggregate taking into account its’ technical characteristics. | ||||||||
Kislykh V. V., Kudimov N. F., Panasenko A. V., Tretiyakova O. N. About modeling problems of gasdynamic flow Piston Gasdynamic Unit for development of products of space-rocket mechanics.. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 47 In article it is stated statements of problems and results of numerical modeling of processes in Piston Gasdynamic Unit intended for reception of a supersonic stream of gas for development of products of the space-rocket mechanics. The technique of the decision of three interconnected physical problems of calculation of dynamics of movement of the piston has been developed. The algorithm of parallel calculations with use of Message Passing Interface (MPI) technology MPI for problem calculation on multiprocessing computing systems is realized. The received results of computational fluid dynamics have been comparison with results of experiment. | ||||||||
Karimov A. H. Main goals and tasks solved by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 47 The paper describes main goals and tasks which are solved by unmanned aerial vehicles. Shows the classification of modern UAVs by weight, altitude and flight duration. Analyzes the main advantages and disadvantages of using UAVs over manned aircrafts and spacecrafts. | ||||||||
Karimov A. H. Future unmanned aerial vehicles capabilities.. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 47 In this paper analyzed the situation on the world market of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Considered the main trends shaping the characteristics of the UAV based on the conditions of their application. Identified areas in which the use of UAVs is essential for ensuring the defense. Considered the possibilities of future unmanned aircraft systems. | ||||||||
Karimov A. H. Design features of new generation unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Trudy MAI, 2011, no 47 The paper describes design features of new generation unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) as a part of unmanned aircraft systems. Elaborated approach to the development of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), depending on the tasks assigned to the UAS. Held the analysis of possible solutions in the guise of promising UAVs types, to significantly improve aircrafts characteristics. | ||||||||
Bodrishev A. V., Kuprikov M. Y. Choice of the layout decision in the absence of an obvious prototype with factor application konkordacii. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 47 In article the question of a choice of the optimum layout decision from several offered variants in the absence of the authentic statistical data is considered. It is offered on each parameter influencing a choice of the given layout decision, to spend an expert estimation. The quantity of the parameters influencing a choice of configuration, is defined by a project stage (degree of study of a design). The coordination of opinions of experts is estimated by factor size конкордации. The purpose of increase of objectivity and trust degree to received during poll of value of weight factors the technique of definition of their sizes which considers level of competence of involved experts, on the basis of their self-appraisal and an estimation of degree of their acquaintances to field of knowledge which the estimation, corresponding heads concerns is offered. The resulted results are of great importance at designing of new products in the aviation industry at initial design stages of a product. The developed settlement module is a part of the general program on creation of the optimum layout decision of again created product. | ||||||||
Kozachenko D. A., Grigoriev E. V., Bodryshev V. V. Invariant method of calculating the geometry of electronic product model. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 47 In this paper, a mathematical algorithm for calculating the single criterion of the geometry of the Electronic Model Products (EMP). Results of the analysis methods to create a solid model in the form of local criteria affecting the complexity of the geometry of the product. The mathematical apparatus designed to automatically calculate the single criterion of the geometry of parts and assemblies. This criterion will accelerate business processes Design and technological preparation of production (ETC) machine-building enterprises of the aviation industry, due to the automatic decision-making depending on the complexity of the geometry of the EMP | ||||||||
Strelets M. Y., Popik V. N., Prusakov A. I., Basmanova A. O., Komissarov A. A. Cost effect of airframe structural-technological parameters. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 47 The article is dedicated to effect of the airframe structural/technological parameters selection on aircraft cost. Presented formula allows to compare costs of various structural/technological airframe options varied by the following parameters: Weight percentage of various material types in the construction, percentage ratio of parts and componentry manufactured by various production methods | ||||||||
Sithu . .., Htun N. N., Markin L. V. Receptors geometric models in automated building system for technical compartment in light aircraft. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 47 Improving the quality of products associated with improving the quality of their design, which is achieved by using modern information technologies. Considering the high density layout of a modern transport technology, is an urgent development of mathematical software and automated layout system. The basis for the creation of mathematical development and software development need the steps to geometric modeling as placed objects, and the allocating process. The report examines the issues related to the automation design - location of geometric objects among already deployed areas of prohibition. Such a problem was occured, for example, when allocating or linking the technical compartments of light aircraft. So the ability to use the results of receptor (voxel) geometric models is proposed. Placement algorithm is based on the analysis of shape and dimensions of free areas and allocating objects in suitable shapes and sizes on unplaced areas. | ||||||||
Darnopykh V. V. Automation of parametrical analysis of Earth observation systems target functioning . Trudy MAI, 2011, no 47 Modern applied tasks of Earth observation systems development requires to consider different factors and restrictions, including ballistic structure of system constellation, parameters of on-board special equipment as well as different requests for serving. It is necessary to provide a complex parametrical analysis of the system for choosing its optimal parameters. The special software was developed for providing such analysis. It is considered on the model example of target functioning of Earth observation system. | ||||||||
Zaitsev A. V., Kanushkin S. V., Nikishov A. ., Semenov. . V. Approach to testing and diagnosis system using aerospace neural network identifier. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 47 When using technical systems which can more or less threatening human life and health, especially acute question of timely maintenance of systems designed to prevent or minimize the risk of sudden failure of systems. | ||||||||
Kuznetsov I. M., Pron'kin A. N., Veremeenko K. K. Navigation complex for airport vehicle. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 47 The paper discusses the on-board navigation system, which is the part of an Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System (A-SMGCS), intended for use on-board of airport vehicles. The structure of the complex is offered, its basic characteristics are considered. The technique of simulation and hardware-in-the-loop modeling is given, in accordance with which the numerical investigation of system’s properties using the developed software is performed. Several scenarios of modeling are considered. One of the scenarios includes initial operation of satellite navigation system (SNS) operating in differential mode and the gap of SNS when the system continues to work in autonomous mode - by complex processing of information from the strapdown inertial navigation system (SINS) based on micro-mechanical gyroscopes and accelerometers, on-board odometer and a magnetic compass. The accuracy of navigational maintenance needed to meet the requirements of Doc 9830 AN/452 ICAO is estimated. The results are given in the form of estimation error of basic parameters and their standard deviation. | ||||||||
Korshikov S. B., Terentiev M. N., Musolov M. N. Capabilities of use effective distortion method for complex systems creation in high-technology fields of industry. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 47 The article describes possible applications of effective distortion method at industry. This method increases encoding performance and protects product 3D models data. | ||||||||
Belashova I. S., Shashkov A. O. Intensification of nitriding processes for the aircraft details. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 47 For nitrated details of aviation technics, such as sheet details of a covering and an internal power set, details of fixture, etc. the new method low temperature nitriding – in conditions of thermo-gas cycles consisting in periodic alternation of cycles of saturation and resorption the nitrated layer is developed at the greatest possible decrease in sating ability of atmosphere. The offered new method of thermo-gas cycles nitriding is effective, new technology of hardening of modern details of the space technics allowing to 10 times to reduce the expense of sating gas and emissions in atmosphere, in 4-6,5 times - process time, and also to increase a thickness of a diffusive layer in 2-6 times without decrease in its physicomechanical characteristics. The new technological parameter – duration of the half-cycles is offered, allowing simply from the point of view of realization and effectively to regulate phase structure and a structure of a layer for the purpose of reception of demanded physicomechanical characteristics of strengthened details. Keywords: nitriding; thermo-gas cycles; duration of half-cycles; saturation; resorption (denitriding) | ||||||||
Abashev O. V. Methodic of calculation the aircraft elements with using the artificial neural net. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 46 One of the most important task the aircraft design is estimate mass of the aircraft elements. Increased a tolerance, opportunity of using one method for the weight design, decrease outgoing of time and money form new requirements for methodic and soft in weight designing. Article describe the method of calculation the aircraft elements of construction with using the mathematical method of the artificial neural nets. The results of the project research are presented. | ||||||||
Aung Z. M., Matveev Y. A. Methods ofpredictingcharacteristics of advancedtechnologysystemsfor regionalmonitoring. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 46 It is the technique of predicting the characteristics of future spacecraft observations in the technical systemof regionalmonitoring. The research results are effected for the projectinterms oftechnical and economiccharacteristics ofthe spacecraftobservations. | ||||||||
Belokon A. M. Building a system of strategy-oriented operational management. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 46 The article presents the features of the integration contours of the strategic, tactical and operational management of industrial enterprise. The features of constructing a system of goals and key performance indicators (KPI) of enterprise and related industrial and financial model of the upper level of abstraction on the basis of the developed system goals, which is used to predict changes in values of the KPI-indicators of enterprise and scenario analysis of the company. The article gives directions taken as a basis for constructing - Balanced Scorecard, the principles of the theory of automatic regulation and control, methods of system analysis. The features of the various tools of information-analytical systems, such as statistical analysis, simulation, fuzzy logic, knowledge management, and use these tools in the construction of Executive Dashboard, which is the main tool to support operational decision-making, focused on business strategy. | ||||||||
Voblikov E. D., Volyntsev A. B., Zhuravlev A. A., Kichanov A. V., Shevtsov D. I., Ponomarev R. S. Integrated optical modulator based on the Mach-Zehnder Interferometer with an asymmetric waveguide topology. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 46 This article is devoted to numerical study and application aspects of the Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) design. The MZI operating point position is studied with respect to waveguide topology and waveguide width with beam propagation method. Experimental samples of MZI based on numerical study results are fabricated. Operating point position of five various MZI topologies is measured with experimental set up. Comparison of numerical and experimental results is accomplished. | ||||||||
Goncharenko V. I., Kobzar A. A., Kucheryavenko D. S. Identification of parameters of aircraft’s movement on the active part of the trajectory using a discrete wavelet-transform. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 46 The task of identifying the parameters of the aircraft’s movement on the active part of the trajectory is characterized by several features associated with the presence of a limited amount of tracking data for individual sections of the flight. For the filtration studying an array of telemetry data containing the discrete values of the apparent velocity, the algorithm of filtering was developed based on discrete wavelet-transform. The technique of identifying the parameters of the aircraft’s movement was put forward on the results of telemetry in the absence of a priori data about the statistical characteristics of measurement errors and estimated parameters. | ||||||||
Eliseev V. D., Belova E. S., Kliuev E. D., Kotel'nikova A. V., Chemodanov V. B. Automatic programmed control of pilotless vehicle’s lateral motion for the drift angle elimination. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 46 An option of an automatic-programmed system of drift angle elimination is examined. This system allows raising the landing accuracy under the sidewind by shifting the trajectory beforehand and using the two final U-turns based on the signals of yaw angle or sidewind. | ||||||||
Ermilov Y. I. The rigid symmetric rotor dynamic stability in the elastic-damper sliding liquid bearings . Trudy MAI, 2011, no 46 The rigid symmetric rotor dynamic stability in the elastic-damper sliding bearings to the influence of the disturbing forces of the lubrication layer and external disturbing rotor forces are examined. The design equations are obtained. Calculation results of the rotor dynamic stability with different variants of the elastic-damper sliding bearing and their analysis are presented. | ||||||||
Zareckiy M. V., Sidorenko A. S. Vibration state of aviation articles at flight of docked spacecraft with the carrier . Trudy MAI, 2011, no 46 Results of working out of numerical model and data of a computational estimation of characteristics of random vibration of aeronautical engineering articles in the conditions of joint flight with the carrier are presented. Dependences for spectral characteristics and vibrational acceleration levels in various points of an article’s structure are received and zones of maximum levels of vibration for the articles placed on an external suspension of the maneuverable carrier are defined. Results of numerical experiments are compared by use of article’s dynamic models with various levels of complexity. | ||||||||
Il'in V. N., Lepehin A. V. Technology of automation of structurally-parametrical synthesis on the basis of a method of a morphological box. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 46 Structurally-parametrical synthesis is one of the basic procedures at designing of various devices and systems. As a rule, this procedure is carried out manually because of complexity of its formalization. In article the technology of automation of structurally-parametrical synthesis on the basis of a method of the morphological box is offered, allowing essentially to accelerate realization of this procedure and to synthesize a projected object. | ||||||||
Kicheev V. E. Designing of structural elements of the aircraft using the similarity criterion . Trudy MAI, 2011, no 46 The problem of designing of three different structural elements operating under static loading has been analyzed. The similarity criterions have been assigned. The limits of applicability of the design calculations formulas have been defined. | ||||||||
Korobovskaya E. A., Nikulina E. N. Peculiarities of the mergers and acquisitions in air travel market in the world and Russia . Trudy MAI, 2011, no 46 Mergers and acquisitions in air travel market, despite the economic crisis, is actively continuing. Airlines seek to restructure their business: many carriers are undergoing bankruptcy, the other using the union's assets are increasing their share both in the world and the Russian aviation market. At the same time the similar processes in domestic market have their specific character and peculiarities, the Russian aircraft building affects on them as well. | ||||||||
Lebedev R. V., Livshic S. A. Analysis critical flow regime extension - viscous fluid in tubula reactor. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 46 In article realization analytical treatment heat-mass exchange extension - viscous fluid in tubula direct-flow reactor. get opportunity to take dependent quantities temperature, hydrodynamic phase-locked oscillator, and rheological dynamics characteristic. Determination limit overpatching phase-locked oscillator whose realize safe working conditions engineering equipment, mast avoid off-design conditions of job, and it will well be reflected on worker safety instrumentation. | ||||||||
Loshkarev A. N., Sidorenko A. S. Dynamic deformation of a design of the aviation products at joint operation with the carrier . Trudy MAI, 2011, no 46 The procedure and results of the of the stress-strain state’s numerical analysis of elements of an aeronautical engineering’s structure at dynamic loading in the conditions of joint operation with the carrier are presented. Working out of the final-element model of a structure with the account of a structural features and loading conditions is executed. On the basis of computational researches dynamic characteristics and the maximum stresses for a bearing surface of an aeronautical engineering are defined. | ||||||||
Partola I. S. Evolution of mathematic simulation instruments for space launch vehicle engine devices . Trudy MAI, 2011, no 46 A typical composition of space launch vehicle (SLV) engine devices (ED) is under consideration. An interconnection between control hard and soft instruments for engine devices and ED effectiveness growth is shown. Stages of evolution of mathematic simulation instruments for SLV ED systems and processes are detailed. A conclusion about necessity of mathematic simulation instruments development as ED effectiveness growth base is formulated. The task to develop common mathematic simulation instruments complex for ED processes and control algorithms is postulated as basis to cut ED experimental verification duration and costs. | ||||||||
Sorokin A. E., Vuchkovich A. ., Zhidayev S. S. Analysis of development trends of staffing aircraft manufacturer production for the future.. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 46 In this article there has been made a great analysis of major development trends of personnel management system at aviation industry enterprises. It has been made by Open Joint Stock Company “Combined Aircraft Corporation” within the framework of development personnel strategy on long-term perspective. | ||||||||
Gorev . N., Popov S. A., Kozlov V. V. Experimental study of the possibility of using acoustics to control flow separation on the wing of an aircraft.. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 46 Experimental studies of flow patterns of the wings in the subsonic wind tunnel for a wide range of angles of attack, even before the flow separation. The possibility of control of flow separation by means of a localized vibrating element. In the experiment, we used the method of weight measurements and measurements of the pressure distribution through the drainage holes on the surface of the model. It is shown that, in the arrangement of small-size aircraft can be placed transmitters on the surface of the wing - a membrane embedded in the surface and can be placed in the fuselage emitters irradiating wing. | ||||||||
Bogdanov A. S., Shevtsov V. A. Handover on the signals of local radionavigation networks. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 46 The article describes the essence of the adaptive algorithm handover in perspective of integrated communication networks and navigation, shall determine the composition and structure of the digital maps that passed in the mobile station to implement the proposed algorithm. | ||||||||
Eremin N. A. Method of aircraft appearance preferred embodiment selection at the pilot project of preliminary design. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 46 In this paper methodical technical approaches to the process of comparative appraisal and selection of aircraft appearance preferred embodiment from among alternative versions under development at the pilot project of preliminary design are expounded. In this Method the selection process is realized by means comparative appraisal of alternative versions as per effectiveness/cost parameter for calculations of which there are simplified analytical models. | ||||||||
Krasilnikov P. S., Storozhkina T. A. Investigation of parametric resonance oscillations of mathematical pendulum variable length. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 46 When the length of mathematical pendulum varies according harmonious law with small amplitude, linear and nonlinear oscillations of pendulum at resonance 1:2 are researched. It is shown that the non-linear change of time reduce the equation of linear oscillations to Mathieu’s equation. The approximate analytical solution of Mathieu’s equation at resonance 1:2 is obtained. The non-linear equation containing terms of third order is considered. Amplitude- frequency characteristic of resonance oscillations was obtained, it is shown also that amplitude of oscillations takes finite value as opposed to unlimited values of linear approaching. | ||||||||
Baranov V. N., Zaw L. O. Direct solution of the problem of optimizing control spatial motion of light aircraft in flight testing. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 46 In this paper we solve the problem of synthesis of control algorithm light aircraft during flight | ||||||||
Klimov D. A., Miktibekov B. ., Nizovtsev V. ., Ukhov . A. Perspective applications of Nanostructured composite materials based on high-melting metal carbides and oxides for air-cosmic objects. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 46 Observed experiment thermal conductivity and thermal resistance properties of ZrzC-Zr2O2-, NbвС-Zr2O2-, TaC- Zr2O2- и HfC-HfO2-based on compositions allow to make a conclusion of great perspectives of application of Nanostructured composite materials based on high-melting metal carbides and oxides for air-cosmic objects, which work in range up to 2000ºC purposely to increase phisico-mechanical parameters and heat- and thermal resistance. | ||||||||
Semenov A. S. Analysis and prediction of hierarchical clusters by self-organizing fractoids . Trudy MAI, 2011, no 46 . To implement the subsystems of planning operations of the spacecraft, located at a considerable distance from the earth one method of analysis and information forecasting by hierarchical clustering and model of the spacecraft behavior based on self-similar (fractal) patterns is introduced. This allows us to significantly increase the speed of information processing. We consider an algorithm for hierarchical clustering which are synchronized with the behavior model of the spacecraft. Generalization of behavior is self-organizing model called fractoid. | ||||||||
Ravikovich Y. A., Ermilov Y. I., Kholobtsev D. P., Ardatov K. V., Napalkov A. A., Shakh D. I. Experimental study of sliding liquid bearings in abnormal modes. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 46 The experimental study of operating of sliding liquid bearing at various loads with failure of oil system for simulation abnormal mode of turbine engine gearbox is carried out. Dependencies friction coefficient of fluid bearing fr om velocity, temperature and time in the oil starvation mode is presented. The lim it values in the load mode of oil starvation is presented. | ||||||||
Boguslavets I. E., Vestyak V. A. Conversion of signals in the information system of the complex tracking of moving objects. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 46 This document describes the process of gathering information about aircrafts, its transformation into digital form. The basic methods of transformation are presented: the discrete Fourier transform, fast Fourier transform (FFT), Walsh-Fourier transform, discrete Walsh transform (DWT). On the basis of marginal analysis, it is proposed to apply the fast Walsh transform procedure in sensors. Because of its simplicity the fast Walsh transform procedure allows hardware implementation, which is capable of carrying out the conversion in real time. | ||||||||
Karimbaev T. D., Klimov D. A., Miktibekov B. ., Nizovtsev V. . Development techniques of acoustic constructions calculating properties determination. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 46 In this article a technique of experimental acoustic constructions (AC) calculating properties determination both in surface layer and comb altitude direction was suggested. Analisis of native and foreign normative materials for AC specimen testing realization was carried out. Methods of testing were studied and specimen sketches for AC calculating properties were suggested. AC specimen calculating properties determination testings had been carried out for: - longitudinal tention in coating surface, - tension and pressing in comb cores altitude direction, - outermost coatings creep in reference to each other, - fatigue and damping. | ||||||||
Danilenko A. N. Development of methods and algorithms of the decision-making intellectual support in personnel control systems . Trudy MAI, 2011, no 46 In this paper we propose the methods and algorithms of the decision-making intellectual support in personnel control systems on the base of fuzzy neural networks. The automatic generation algorithm of knowledge base is developed according to the established criteria of fullness and minimality. The reduction of feature space on the base of the specialists’ expert judgment is produced. | ||||||||
Fomkina V. I., Moskvicheva N. V. Technology of a substantiation of market value of the affiliated society to be allocated in the process of reorganization of the enterprise of the aviation industry. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 46 The restructuring of enterprises of the aviation industry is aimed at preserving and developing the production, scientific and technical potential accumulated in the aviation industry for many decades. One of the main tasks of the restructuring process is the creation of an efficient organizational and methodological management system for the development, production and realization of products. Competent scientific approach to the creation of such system will make it possible to achieve the expected economic effect appearing in the positive dynamics of market value indicators of separate enterprises and, consequently, in the increase of the capitalization level of the aviation corporation and the industry in whole. | ||||||||
Chemerisova A. V. Efficient use of the productive potential of an enterprise for the production of switching equipment for aviation machinery. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 46 This article provides a definition of the productive potential of an enterprise, deals with issues relevant to efficient use of the productive potential at enterprises for the production of switching equipment for aviation machinery (based on example of a KEMZ Concern open joint stock company), determines the goal of using the productive potential and lists the indicators for evaluation of efficiency of using human resources. | ||||||||
Bichkov N. G., Klimov D. A., Miktibekov B. ., Nizovtsev V. . Estimation of an optimum thickness of high-temperature coatings beam structures on working blade of turbines taking into account action of centrifugal loads. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 46 Thermal barrier coating (TBC) ceramic top-coats made from Y2O3-stabilized ZrO2 (YSZ) have been used successfully in gas-turbine engine applications for more than 30 years. YSZ derives its favorable performance from a combination of properties that include low thermal conductivity, high thermal expansion coefficient, and phase stability to relatively high temperatures. With advanced engine requirements of improved performance and increased durability, a new generation of thermal barrier coatings is needed that will provide greater insulation (lower thermal conductivity) and permit higher operating temperatures. | ||||||||
Vinnikov V. V., Reviznikov D. L., Sposobin A. V. Usage of probe particles in direct numerical simulation of dusty flow over an obstacle. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 46 A new modification of algorithm for direct numerical simulation of dispersed admixture dynamics in heterogeneous flows is presented. Distinctive feature of this method is a combination of direct simulation of particles collisions using trajectory approximation and conception of probe particles. | ||||||||
Suntsov P. S., Lukovnikov A. V., Fokin D. B. Features of mathematical modelling of rocket-ramjet for high-speed aircraft . Trudy MAI, 2011, no 46 The description of the methods and complex of the mathematical models, offered for carrying out estimating calculation of the technical and economical performances of rocket-ramjet on solid fuels at optimization design parameters of aircraft are presented in this article.The algorithm of the matching of the combined action separate elements considered engine at different operating conditions its work are developed. | ||||||||
Baranov V. N., Zaw L. O. Solution to the problem of optimization control spatial movement of a light aircraft on the basis of the minimum principle of Pontryagin. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 46 The problem of developing and implementing the control algorithm of light aircraft, which must fend off the occasional atmospheric disturbance, causing a deviation from the trajectory of the flight task. Numerical solution of two-point boundary value problem of the canonical system of the Pontryagin maximum principle | ||||||||
Avdeev A. V. Requests of parameters of space-based laser system on the base of autonomous cw chemical HF laser for clearing near-Earth space from dangerous debris . Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 The feasibility of using the space-based large scale laser system on the base of cw chemical HF laser for clearing near-Earth space from the fragments of space debris is justified and the requirements to its characteristics (power, angle divergence of laser output beam, pulse duration when lasing occurs in a pulse-periodic mode, repetition rate of pulses and duration of impact on fragments of space debris for their removal from an orbit of protected space vehicles) are determinate. Possibility of launching such a laser system on orbit by Proton-M Launch Vehicle is considered. | ||||||||
Amelkin A. S. Jet engine bearing with reinforcing bush.. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 In this article the structural technique of geometry stabilization of bearing’s seat is described and analyzed on force and thermal deformation of bearing housing. Suitability of introduced engineering solution is shown. | ||||||||
Andreev A. V., Kiryanov A. ., Pashkov O. A., Starostin S. V., Ushakov N. V. The aircraft with aerodynamic lifting body. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 The article presents the results of aerodynamic characteristics for an experimental aircraft with aerodynamic lifting body. An analysis of this. The prospects of this area of work. | ||||||||
Andrianov P. A. Innovative technologies in face gears drives manufacturing. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 The paper describes the innovative technology of face gears drives manufacturing oriented to job-lot production or batch production. The field of application is aircraft and instrument engineering, special equipment production | ||||||||
Anishchenko . A., Molin K. E. Problem-solving of helicopter dynamics by finite elements method using software package MSC.Nastran.. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 Currently the stage of dynamic and life test is the most time-consuming and expensive in the process of creation and modernization of helicopters.Preliminary calculations based on the available techniques is not always possible to obtain exact results and avoid the high cost of model shops. In this work a promising approach to the problems of the overall dynamic strength of the helicopter, based on the wider application of the finite element method is demonstrated by the problem of helicopter airframe`s dynamic loading by recoil from automatic cannon with a single shot. | ||||||||
Antamoshkin O. A. Designing of highly reliable real-time systems. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 The used combined method is developed within the limits of the approach oriented on the purpose to development of software and directed on implementation of designing of fault-resistant difficult management systems by space vehicle Gonets-M. | ||||||||
Archipova O. V. Onboard operatively advising expert system for long-range air combat one on one on board maneuverable aircraft . Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 The basic version of board promptly advising expert system of long-range air combat one on one is based on the results of mathematical research of individual fragments of long-range air combat. In the given work the knowledge base of expert system is described and simulated air combat for long-range duel situations with different initial conditions. Knowledge Base intelligent system constructed by a hierarchical principle, using the production rules and operatively solve game problems. It is aimed at solving problems in long-range duel situation of air combat in the counter and counter-intersecting courses under a single missile launches from each aircraft, using optimal spatial offensive and defensive maneuvers, choosing the optimal time of launch rockets and the moments of interference information systems of the enemy. Modeling a number of typical combat situations gives an opportunity to make a game matrix outcome of the battle, which demonstrates the effectiveness of selected strategy of action for the fighter aircraft in a long distance air missile battle, as well as to optimize an image of knowledge base for the crew intelligence support system. | ||||||||
Bazheryanu V. V., Volkova I. I. Reducing the power inputs of autoclave equipment by changing the manufacturing technology of polymer composites . Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 Autoclaves used for the manufacture of parts made of polymer composite materials consume large amounts of energy. Changing technology molding parts of polymer composite materials has reduced production time, labor and energy costs. The quality of the gluing of parts of this advanced technology, supported by the results of acoustic control and mechanical tests. | ||||||||
Boldyrev S. V., Ovchinnikov A. G., Merkulova E. V. Solid propellant attitude control motor using in prospective manned spacecraft emergency rescue system. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 The present article is reviewing the solid propellant attitude control motor and its using for the emergency rescue system of a new generation manned transport spacecraft. In case of the accident in the I step flight area, while launching a new generation manned transport spacecraft from Vostochny space centre, application of the solid propellant attitude control motor allow: – to use configuration of aerodynamically and statically unstable launch abort vehicle; – to ensure the emergency rescue system mission and, in particular, for putting the descent vehicle in a dedicated near launch site at the proper time of starting landing system. | ||||||||
Volchkov G. V., Vystavkin A. G. Space nuclear power plant with dynamic energy . Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 In the present competitive work the results of design shape of space nuclear power plant (NPP) with dynamic (steam-turbine) energy conversion by electric capacity of 500 kW are resulted. In work are presented the weight and overall characteristics of nuclear power units and separate units, the design-layout scheme of a product, recommendations about installation operation are offered. The results obtained can be used to produce energy transport module based on megawatt-class nuclear powered. | ||||||||
Gorbunova A. A. Design of the Complex Radar Image Processing Algorithm for Target Identification. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 The objects of study are wideband radar systems centimeter waves used to generate high resolution radar images of objects. The purpose of the radar under consideration is the recognition of ground and air targets. The paper discusses the commonly used coherent pulsed radar with a scanning antenna and radar using the principle of inverse synthetic aperture antenna (ISAR) for processing received echo signals. The aim is to develop radar image processing algorithm using the procedure of parametric identification, which allows to evaluate the quantitative composition of multipoint target scatterers and get a portrait of this target by calculating the complex scattering coefficients and the coordinates of the point scatterers. This portrait can be used to enhance recognition, as it contains additional information about the target, its shape and size, as well as the parameters of movement. | ||||||||
Dvoynikov S. M. Frequency analysis of multirate sampled systems of stabilization. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 The approximate method of equivalent transformation of mathematical model multi-rate systems of stabilization to an equivalent single-rate kind with any, including with the smaller sampled period is offered. The offered method can be used at a problem solving of the analysis and a synthesis of algorithms of stabilization on the basis of frequency methods with use of a nyquist criterion at calculation of frequency characteristics with a breaking in a researched contour. | ||||||||
Dolgov O. S. Analysis of aircraft control system and moment of inertia characteristics in case of variable payload and fuel masses.. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 The paper describes new approaches of moment of inertia shape formation of future technology vehicle. Defined preferable zones of placing fuel and payload accordingly its mass. The analysis features of the definition of moment-inertia characteristics of the aircraft relative to the axes OX, OZ and OY. The aspects of the harmonization of moment-inertia shape the possibilities of governance. Analyzed features of aircraft moment-inertia characteristics over axes OX, OZ and OY formation. Identified the aspects of adapting moment-inertia shape formation with the possibilities of aircraft control system. | ||||||||
Zheksenov M. A., Pechurin V. A., Volchenkov A. S. Patch antenna array for unmanned aerial vehicle . Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 A compact 8 elements circularly polarized patch antennaarray (AA) for reception reflected from the Earth’s surface signal of GLONASS and GPS systems on the L1 frequency band was designed. The AA consists ofradiators placed along two lines with four elements in each line. The radiators centers are situated in a triangular grid. A beam former (BF) of the AA consists of an eight-channel Wilkinsoninphase power divider, eightquadrature hybrids and coaxial cables connecting their ports. At the input of theBF a low- noise amplifier and a bandpass filter are mounted. Measurements have shown the following values of basic AA parameters: gain 14.7dBi, side lobe level is less than -12 dBi. | ||||||||
Zagrebin D. A. Medical integrated system software for some system modules. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 Medical system software for such system modules as electroencephalograph, electrocardiograph, pulse oximeter, CO2 module, noninvasive blood pressure module, invasive blood pressure module and doppler system was developed. Possibilities and benefits of integrating this modules presented in the article. | ||||||||
Zakharov D. N. Development of methods for determining the influence of ground proximity on the longitudinal aircraft aerodynamic characteristics. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 During takeoff and landing aircraft is for some period of time near the earth's surface. Wind tunnel capacity and theoretical methods are not enough to describe the effect of ground proximity with given precision, taking into account a moving screen. A method to determine the longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics of aircraft was developed to select the control algorithms and to obtain mathematical modeling materials needed for the certification of aircraft Tu-204/214 and Tu-334 during landing of the 3d A category. The development of requirements specification and flight tests data processing technique for Tu-204CM is based on this method. | ||||||||
Zakharov D. L. Development of a velocity fields and concentrations measurement procedure using PIV in flows which are typical for gas-turbine engines. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 The goal was the development of PIV technique (Particle image velocimetry) for examination of complex turbulent streams, which are typical gas flows for aircraft engines and gas-turbine installations. Comparisons between PIV data and LDA (Laser Doppler anemometry) were performed. Also phase-averaged velocity fields measuring procedure by means of PIV has been developed. Besides, the measuring procedure of fields of gaseous fuel concentration behind front module of combustion chamber with various types of injectors as a part of the front module has been developed. It is shown the possibility of use PIV technique in the experimental researches developing of perspective aviation engines and gas-turbine installations. | ||||||||
Zimina E. P., Vasiliev M. V. Application of cad systems for design documentation development in electronic form. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 Paperless Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) and data communication is the key to create the Development and Life Cycle support Center. Modern radio electronic systems contain large variety devices, differing in signal type (analog, digital, SHF) and functionality (antenna, antenna-feeder device, receiving and transmitting devices). Realization of such systems requires different special CAD, CAM, CAE. The adoption of Development and Life Cycle support Center gives much benefits, such as: decreased time of design documentation development; decreased number of errors in documentation development; decreased cost of searching, record keeping, multiplication and correction of design documentation; decreased time of documentation transfer to the factory. | ||||||||
Zolkin S. N. Investigation of heavy launch vehicle loading while moving in the dense atmosphere. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 This paper is devoted to the analysis of heavy launch vehicle loading while moving in the dense atmosphere in the area of maximum high velocity pressure in the stream wind and wind thrust. The thrust action time is chosen on the bases of the information about the first cross упругихvibration modes of launch vehicle construction. So that to insure obtaining maximum amount of the construction internal power factors in providing the strengths. Such analysis has been performed for the heavy launch vehicle construction with the payload consisting of a buster and satellite. The finite element model made for the solution of this problem has been verified according to the first vibration modes in respect to its full scale object. As result of the calculations the plots of the most essential inner power factors in launch vehicle construction sections were obtained and the comparison of the equivalent tensile and compression forces of carrying capability of compartments and nodes of its body was performed. | ||||||||
Cheremnykh E. A., Zykov A. V. Development of control algorithms and dynamic behavior research of spacecraft with a big rotating solar sail.. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 The results of dynamic behavior research of compound spacecraft with frameless rotating solar sail and powered gyro with Hook gimbal suspension are presented. Solar sail with central rigid insertion is used for transmission of angular momentum as well as momentum to space platform. Stability of stationary shape of a sail at regular precession is proven by direct Lyapunov method. Using modal decomposition, adaptive observer algorithm is developed for estimation of oscillation rates of membrane disk for their active damping. | ||||||||
Kalas V. O. Investigation resonance oscillation in the Sitnikov problem with optical emission. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 Two equal masses move on two coplanar elliptic orbits around their barycentre while a third infinitely small mass bodymoves throw the mass center on a line perpendicularly to the motion plane ofthe first two masses. In the neighborhood of the stable equilibrium point is researchedone-dimensional oscillation of infinitely small mass body. Parametricresonance conditionwas defined. By theaveraging methodwe got averaged equations and investigated resonance and near-resonance region. Phase portrait was plotted. Example of this problem is a system of two stars with equal masses and emission. Between them areclouds of particles, which are subjected to gravitation and light pressure | ||||||||
Kapustin D. U. Development of methodology the task solution the launching of the aviation weapon of variable shape from the compartement aircraft. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 The work explores the dynamic processes of disclosure folding parts control surfaces the aviation weapon of variable shape in a disturbed flow in the vicinity of the aircraft. As the result this work the methodical software was the first developed, which enables to evaluate the effectiveness of technical solutions to ensure the safety of launch aviation weapon of variable shape from the compartment aircraft. | ||||||||
Kapustyan A. V., Koroleva . A. The portable registrar of environment parameters. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 The comfortable condition of the person and its working capacity in many respects depends on value of parameters of the surrounding his environment. Therefore continuous control over a state of environment will allow each concrete person to function optimum, or, at an exit of some parameters of environment for boundary values, to accept certain preventive actions on decrease in consequences for the health. Application of devices of registration of environment parameters with the sensitive elements made with application of MEMS-technologies will allow, by estimations, to improve overall dimensions measuring equipment characteristics in 15…20 times, to increase service life in 1,5…3 times and to lower production cost price. In work the prototype of a design of the device of registration of parameters of environment is presented, and also calculation of economic efficiency of the project is carried out, expected results and prospective effects are presented. | ||||||||
Kozlov I. V., Nabokov S. A., Smirnov A. S. Digital communication radio line imitation modeling program. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 Algorithms, program and interface for data transfer modeling in airmobile digital communication radio line are designed. Energetic potential analysis procedures of troposphere communications radio line consider interference interactions of propagation waves are derived. Models of video signal formatting, modulation, space communication channel, receiver and transmitter antennas, the digital demodulator and display systems of a received signal on the computer screen taking into account noise are designed. Paper contains comparison of original image and the simulation modeling result for SNR estimation. | ||||||||
Stupnev V. Y., Komrakov A. A. System for information monitoring of articles at stage of their experimental design and development. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 The paper deals with application of information technologies for automation of monitoring, processing and analysis of information during laboratory and test bed development stages of existing and next generation high precision weaponry specimen. Taking into account the requirement for efficient apparatus to work with ever increasing scope of data and exceptional role of information component during the development of the next generation high precision weaponry specimen, the authors have created and introduced a system called «СХОД» (system for automated data collection, storage and processing) for information monitoring of the articles at the stage of design and development. «СХОД» system gives information support for the process of rendering engineering solutions and taking managerial decisions by means of automation of data collection, data processing and analysis of the data on monitored articles. In addition, «СХОД» system makes it possible to use previously obtained data in order to minimize the number of full-scale tests of the articles. | ||||||||
Kornakova O. V. The noise stability of photodetector device based on HgCdTe under influence of IR-range laser radiation. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 Paper is devoted to a vital topic of influence of noiseon a work of photodetector. Technical shape of photodetector device (PDD) was determined and hybrid matrix IR-detector based on HgCdTe was chosen. | ||||||||
Korobkov A. A. Methodological support for calculation of the thermal protection characteristics of HA. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 During performance of the competitive work the following analyses were carried out: analysis of HA functioning conditions, analysis of problem situation of HA projecting and methods for definition of HA movement parameters. Mathematical model and definition procedure for basic movement parameters of a long atmospheric flight HA. Evaluation of aerodynamic heating parameters of HA surface and warming of HA thermal protection was carried out, developed evaluation methodology for thermal protection parameters of HA lateral surface makes it possible on the basis of trajectory-ballistic parameters and heat flow size to define thermal protection parameters of HA lateral surface in total considering dependence of thermal characteristics of heat-shielding materials on thermobaric parameters. | ||||||||
Korotygin A. A., Bagrov S. V., Pyatunin K. R. Design of fan blisk with hollow blades for high-bypass turbofan engine. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 Bypass ratio increase is one of main tendencies in aircraft engines industry. These changes bring about greater size and mass wide-chord blades usage. One of the competitive ways of the problem decision is a design of hollow titanium blades. In this work are researched existing designs and revealed their advantages and flaws. Also original blisk with hollow titanium blades design is offered and technology of manufacturing is developed. In project is used 3D aerodynamics and strength design. | ||||||||
Kostyanoi E. M. Increase of Aircraft Ballistic Efficiency By Means of Optimization of Their Design Characteristics. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 The paper offers a general concept of ballistic efficiency – a prospective field which enables estimation of how rational the process of expenditure of an aircraft energy potential on a trajectory is organized. It defines the place of ballistic efficiency in the structure of weapon systems’ combat efficiency. It also gives consideration to the ballistic efficiency coefficient – the parameter enabling quantitative evaluation of rationality of expenditure of an aircraft energy potential used for delivery of a given payload to a certain distance. As an example illustrating the use of ballistic efficiency coefficient we give a task aimed at optimization of tactical short range aircraft design characteristics in order to maximize its flight range. Analysis is given of various measures aimed at increase of firing range, particular solutions to be implemented as well as main limitations. | ||||||||
Kuznetsov A. G. Automation of process of landing of the small-sized unmanned aerial vehicle in special situations. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 In work questions of automation of landing of the small-sized unmanned aerial vehicle (SUAV) are considered. Landing automation assumes the organization of the help to operator SUAV based on analysis current and predictable spatial position SUAV. As a source of the navigating information the system of technical sight is considered. | ||||||||
Kuz'michev R. V., Sitin D. A., Stepanov V. S. Pivot-type actuating mechanisms for “more electric” aircraft. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 Kinematic schemes drive of “more electric” aircraft were considered, were analyzed: potentials and limitation of actuating mechanisms with pivot-type, general requirements to functional elements of actuating mechanisms with pivot-type, ways their organization and the most perspective constructions such actuating mechanisms. Schemes of redundant drives with pivot-type and schemes drive of system, which controls the objects with lack of inflexibility were describe. | ||||||||
Lunev E. M. Examination of the convergence of new algorithm of navigation parameters definition for an unmanned aerial vehicle on the basis of the ground-based objects photographic image. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 This article examines convergence of new algorithm of navigation parameters definition on the basis of photographic image developed by author. It is founded that this algorithm based on Newton numerical method is stabile in meaning of solving convergence in particular area of initial datasets only (when the touchdown point is not too far away or too close). Two ways of modification developed algorithm are proposed for problematic areas of initial datasets. The second one is guarantee convergence for whole range of initial datasets. | ||||||||
Magin V. V., Klabukov V. A., Rogoza A. V. High-speed generator with electromagnetic bearings for space electric power plants. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 In this paper elaboration is presented and investigations are made for a possible design of high-speed (rotational frequency – 60000 rev/min) electric generators with power of 250 kW and electromagnetic bearings that can be used in gas turbine units with an energy conversion system for space electric power plants. Elaboration of the most optimal types of high-speed electric generators is done: synchronous generator with permanent magnet excitation and generator with out-closed magnetic flux. The study showed that it is impossible to make a generator with out-closed magnetic flux with power of 250 kW and rotational frequency 60000 rev/min. Therefore the only possible high-speed generator type is a synchronous generator with permanent magnet excitation. Electromagnetic bearing assemblies being able to provide sustained operation of a turbo-generator without maintenance are studied. Radial and axial electromagnetic bearing designs are defined. Design-theoretical study of electromagnetic bearing design characteristics is done. Calculation of critical rotational frequencies for the synchronous generator with permanent magnet excitation is made. This calculation showed that it is necessary to overcome minimum one critical rotational frequency. | ||||||||
Makeev P. V., Shomov A. I. Computer simulation of "vortex ring state" mode of main rotor of helicopter.. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 With the help of software package on the basis of a nonlinear vortex model of helicopter rotor with the free diffusion trace, developed at the department "Design of helicopters" of the Moscow Aviation Institute, carried out comprehensive study of aerodynamics of rotor helicopter at "vortex ring state" mode. For the particular case with three-bladed helicopter rotor, carried out numerically simulated and analyzed a number of modes of steep decline the helicopter, the relevant area of "vortex ring state". Based on the characteristics of the free vortex wake, the vector velocity field, streamlines, and the aerodynamic characteristics of rotor blades and the flapping motion received the combination of features that can determine a dangerous region of the "vortex ring state" mode. | ||||||||
Matveyev A. V., Makhukov A. A. Accompanying simulation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle during flight tests. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 This work describes technique and bundled software of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle’s (UAV) motion accompanying simulation during flight tests. Accompanying simulation is technology and advance research which based UAV’s flight simulation model and directed to simplification of the flight tests result analysis. This technique and bundled software have tested during OJSC «Yakovlev design bureau»’s UAV flight tests. Telemetry information was analyzed and necessarily source data was formed. According to flight tests data simulation model of longitudinal controllable motion was compounded and corrected. Results of flights were analyzed. Realization of introduced upgrades allows to finish flight test with success. | ||||||||
Merkulov V. I., Milyakov D. A. A study of self-guidance algoritm for aircraft in respect of hypersonic aerial objects. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 an analysis of introduced self-guidance algorithm that allows of very manoeuvre hypersonic objects interception is carried out. The results of efficiency and responsibility investigations of algorithm under the conditions of measuring instruments errors while very manoeuvre hypersonic aim striking are presented. The investigations were carried out with simulation. Findings of carried out investigations including possibility of hypersonic objects striking and influences of application conditions and measuring instruments by accuracy of control signal forming. Moreover the measuring accuracy requirements are formulated. | ||||||||
Mukhin A. V., Yefimov A. A. The automated search of the filter parameters of difficult dynamic system on the basis of genetic algorithms. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 In this work the approach to the decision of a problem of the automated search of the filter parameters is offered for difficult dynamic system on the basis of using genetic algorithms and definition stability spaces. | ||||||||
Naydenov A. V. Working principle and synthesis of main parameters electro-hydraulic drives with combined speed control output element . Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 In work results the principle of electro-hydraulic drive with a combined speed control output element. A method for the synthesis of the basic parameters of the drive. | ||||||||
Nikitin A. I. Aircraft mathematic model parameters identification technique based on the follow-up system synthesis . Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 The given paper considers aerodynamic coefficient identification technique suggested by author. In fact, solves inverse dynamic problem: with aid of angel velocity and acceleration records restores forces and moments, which were cause of this velocity and acceleration. Paper describes algorithms and equations for restoring aircraft longitudinal and lateral motion parameters for aircraft without dampers. Transient process plots until and after identification shows suggested technique efficiency. | ||||||||
Nosova I. S. Automation of production planning. Item no. plan for shops of main proceedings.. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 One of last and most actual directions in development of system of planning of manufacture - Formation of the nomenclature plan for shops of the basic manufacture and the control over its performance. The big list of programs (directions) of work, deadlines of manufacture, weak complete set of shops ASP necessary ДСЕ from shops MOP, SZP, long process of study of list ДСЕ and as investigation, untimely delivery of tasks at a shop level, amplification of the control of performance of schedules of manufacture has caused sharp necessity of reception of lists ДСЕ which is a subject obligatory delivery, their finishing up to shop-divisionals nomenclature plans and the control of their execution. The basic problem to obligatory delivery consists in formation and study of the list of the nomenclature that now at association there are databases and the software for work with the nomenclature scarce DSE, but it is so isolated, that there is no opportunity to receive the FULL summary list of the nomenclature in all directions (programs) and to coordinate it to volumetric parameters. Workers of shop services, experts PDU should work with software products, each of which has the specificity of work, the various interface, and the organization of storage and processing of the information (Oracle, SQL Server, Access, Paradox). | ||||||||
Ogurtsov P. S. Blank’s shaping process modeling in environment of material’s afterflow on rigid matrix in autoclave. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 In this article offer results of blank’s shaping process modeling from В95пч Т2 alloy, which HWD is: 400x600x6 in material’s afterflow environment on rigid matrix in autoclave, which has bicurvature work contour. | ||||||||
Koletskaya E. K., Lovchinskaya M. .., Pobirukhina E. V. Evaluation of commercial building systems «Yamal-300K» FOR development of Russia.. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 The globalization of international relations, building a global information infrastructure and common information heritage of humanity, international information policy aimed at the political, economic and cultural integration of the world community through the use of new advanced aerospace technology, creating an effective system of human rights, social institutions, free access to and information exchange. The need to move towards the information society is determined by the emergence and dominance in the global economy of new technological structures, the transition of information resources into real resources and social and economic development needs of society for information products and services, the increasing role of information and communication infrastructure in the system of social production, improvement of educational, medical, scientific, technological and cultural spheres, based on international information exchanges, and equitable sharing "of global information good." | ||||||||
Poroshchay K. S. Manufacturing of assembly and test fixture for pipelines is based on the electronic models and continuous applications of information technologies. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 This article describes new design and manufacturing technology of assembly, weld and test fixture of pipelines, based on modern information technology in pipeline manufacturing for prod-ucts. The aim of the project is to reduce the preparation time for production of pipelines, material consumption and labor costs, increase accuracy of fixture. Fixture is made of the simple parts, which are produced on the laser center and lathe. As-sembling of fixture comes down to a simple attaching of details. Ease of manufacture and low cost materials provide high economic efficiency of fixture. A key feature of the project is reference-free method of pipelines manufacture and manufac-turing technology of fixture, which does not require of tangible medium dimensions (working sam-ple and reference pipelines). This will significantly improve the quality of fixture and precision pipeline, save material and labor resources by 1.5 - 3 times, and reduce manufacturing time of fix-ture by 1.5-2 times. | ||||||||
Prokhorova A. S. Specificity of energy audits in the management of energy costs for industrial plants. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 Currently, there is a problem creating a system of energy expenses governance of industrial plants. In this paper, the technique of energy audit energy consumption and the power of an enterprise-specific work in the wholesale electricity market and power (WEMP), this is one of the important stages of implementation and operation of an effective management system of energy expenses of industrial plants. | ||||||||
Pykhov Y. . Analysis of combined correction schemas in autotracking system of satellite transponder from board of rail-based vehicle. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 The subject is antenna beam steering control system for geostationary satellite transponder autotracking from board of rail-based vehicle. The comparative analysis of some combined control and PID-regulation schemas, including trajectory filters, is carried out. Parametrical optimization for considered correction schemas using criterion of minimum energy losses is performed. | ||||||||
Savelyev V. M., Antonov D. A. Strapdown inertial navigation system in-flight alignment for unmanned aircraft on the moving base. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 This paper deals with the in-flight alignment problem of the airborne strapdown inertial navigation system (SDINS) of unmanned aircraft. Design of alignment algorithms that increase alignment accuracy and decrease alignment duration is the purpose of the investigation. Initial alignment system pattern is proposed. Various integrated data processing modifications are analyzed. SDINS alignment simulation procedure is proposed. It allows to analyze developed integrated data processing modifications and to discover most efficient alignment system patterns. | ||||||||
Sapogov V. A., Anisimov K. S., Novozhilov A. V. Fail-save Computer System for Aircraft Integrated Flight-control Systems.. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 This article describes one of the approaches to functional and data exchange architecture of airborne distributed computer system (ADCS) for integrated flight-control systems (IFCS) to realize the fail-save requirement for airborne flight-control systems. The technical figure of fail-save ADCS for typed integrated flight-control systems (IFCS) for long-range civil aircraft was generally developed. To provide the required reliability control of integrated flight-control systems (IFCS) and designed level of flight operating safety the new principles of fail-save software development and rearrangement of its functional modes in case of failure were formed. | ||||||||
Sapozhnikova J. A., Chernikov D. G. Hybrid and combined technologies in plastic working of metals. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 This scientific paper is concerned with development of hybrid and combined technologies of sheet pressing which use static and dynamic loadings. Unique in world practice technological schemes of a number of operations have been developed, patents of the RF for these schemes have been taken already or are executing. A possibility of use of the multi-purpose finite-element complex ANSYS/LS-DYNA for computer simulation of coupled static-and-dynamic processes has been demonstrated with concrete examples. The technique of computer simulation of coupled problems has been developed; the complex of experimental investigations of processes “stretching – forming” and “bending – flanging”, confirming the advantages of combined operations, has been performed. Within the extent of experimental-and-industrial checking the machining attachment for a number of new technologies developed has been designed and produced, sampling of them has been carried out. Photos of the finished parts produced with these technologies are given. Technical-and-economical advantages of the technologies developed have been formulated. | ||||||||
Sbitenkova M. A. Hybrid inertial navigation system. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 A present work considers a problem to maintenance demanded characteristics of independent navigation system with small weight, size and cost. It investigates methods that increase navigation’s accuracy of strapdown inertial navigation system (SINS). It is offered a hybrid principle of construction of inertial navigation systems as a way of improvement characteristics of SINS’s accuracy. The hybrid inertial navigation system (HINS) represents the strapdown inertial measuring unit in the biaxial gimbal suspension with static indicator gyrostabilization. This constructive decision allows to improve characteristics of navigation system’s accuracy, at the same time it meet the demands to keep acceptable size, weight, cost and gives possibility to fulfill unlimited maneuvers by object and autonomy work of control system. | ||||||||
Serokhvostov S. V. Investigation of Micro Air Vehicles dynamical characteristics and the influence of design on them. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 45 Analyzed is the applicability possibility of large aircraft dynamical characteristics definition technique for micro air vehicles. Analytical expressions of dynamic characteristics are investigated with respect for MAV. Considered are the conditions of Micro Air Vehicles (MAV) stability and the influence of MAV design on these conditions. Static and dynamic stability conditions, characteristic frequencies and times are obtained for the most important flight mode (cruise flight) and the influence of MAV design parameters is investigated. Comparison with flight experiment is made. | ||||||||
Fedorov A. V. Calibration algorithm of airborne gravimeter using multiresolution analysis.. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 44 The solution of the problem calibrating airborne gravimeter in the process of shooting. Propose an algorithm to calibrate the gravimeter using methods of multiresolution analysis (MRA) based on wavelet-transform. Numerical results are given. | ||||||||
Bityukov Y. I., Deniskin Y. I., Miroshnichenko P. V. Application splines on the uniform grid in the problem of solid-state modeling. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 44 Article is devoted to development of geometrical model within the framework of one of the major methods of reception of products from composite materials - windings by continuous fibres in a direction of action of force and related to it of process of the automated calculation. In article the uniform way of the task of surfaces of dependent sections with curvilinear forming and a way of solid-state modeling of the environment received by methods of winding or the calculation is developed. | ||||||||
Bykov L. V. Simulation of gas flow and heat transfer in supersonic nozzle. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 44 | ||||||||
Vidov K. S., Gusev D. I. . Trudy MAI, 2011, no 44 The subject of investigation is algorithmic support of formation flight mode based on airborne equipment modeling and virtual prototyping complex. Information model of relative coordinates measurements and mathematical model of automatic given formation hold are developed. | ||||||||
. Artemyev V. J., Vorontsov V. L. About standardization, efficiency, the purposes and the stimulus, concerning developments of the domestic telemetry related to the space-rocket and rocket industry. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 44 Results of the analysis of expediency and possibilities of harmonisation of the purposes of im-provement of onboard radio telemetering systems and program and technical means of telemetering complexes of the cosmodromes in the course of their development, development of the enterprise of space-rocket branch and standardization process development of the domestic telemetry concerning the space-rocket and rocket industry are presented. The considerable attention is given scientifically-methodical aspects of standardization. | ||||||||
Lebedev G. N., Vu X. D. Application of dynamic programming for automated training of operators of air traffic control. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 44 We consider the problem of learning simple and complex skills in the formation of a training plan taking into account the individual characteristics of trainees. The possibility of automation of learning in a computer class. | ||||||||
Generalov L. K. Workpieces shaping control by means of anticipatory signals. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 44 The author considers an accuracy improvement method of lathing with CNC-machine, which is based on the use of the anticipatory signals obtained by means of automatic control system modeling. An anticipatory signal allows to keep constant current in the motor armature circuit at the gear load changing, which is achieved by the cutting depth regulation in the process of lathing. As a result of it elastic deflection stabilizes and lathing accuracy improves. | ||||||||
Legaev V. P., Generalov L. K. Metal-cutting machine gear control with the spindle eccentricity compensation . Trudy MAI, 2011, no 44 The article deals with a developed mathematical model of automatic control system in metal-cutting machine cross-feed providing higher accuracy of workpiece machining. The result is achieved by the introduction of an additional correcting signal into the gear control system, representing an error caused by the spindle eccentricity. The eccentricity error is functionally connected with cutting force and upon its change with the model help a correcting signal is formed supporting a controlled value after the transient process completion. | ||||||||
Gusev D. I. Relative coordinates measuring radio system estimation for formation flight mode development. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 44 The methodic of relative coordinates measuring radio system trials for estimating its accuracy characteristics and aircraft maneuverability constraints during formation flight is presented in this article. The results of these trials will be the foundation of formation flight mode development | ||||||||
Dudchenko A. A., Canchaya Rojas . A. Optimal choice of composite fuselage cross-section form design. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 44 The present work deals with the method of the optimal choice of fuselage structure, which gives the minimum weight of the shell. The useful volume of a fuselage compartment is calculated depending on a pay load. Variants of cross-section fuselage structure are considered depending on the perception of external loading. The stress-deformed state of composite design is analyzed to estimate the maximum stress zone. The shell thickness is estimated by using conditions uniform strength. | ||||||||
Kotel'nikov V. A., Kotelnikov M. V., Morozov A. V. About probe measurements in a companion trace. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 44 The mathematical and numerical model of probe problems in the indignant zone of the companion is developed. Initial and boundary conditions for probe problems are received from predesigns of parametres of the indignant zone of the companion which is flowed round by a stream arefied plasma. Influence of the form of functions of distribution and other features of area of an arrangement of a probe on results of processing of probe experiments is investigated. It is established that the error connected with neglect by these features, can lead to processing errors зондовых experiments of 50 % and more. | ||||||||
Lebedev R. V., Livshic S. A. Steady flow with complicated rheological fluid in extremely flat canal. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 44 In at work is carried out research of a laminar mode of current of nonlinear-viscous liquid the infinite slot-hole channel in view of action dissipation and chemical sources of a thermal emission at boundary conditions of the first and third sort. Bifurcation analysis of the equation of energy is made by means of a method based on decomposition of required functions in Taylor's series. | ||||||||
Legaev V. P., Generalov L. K., Moyseyanchik M. . . Trudy MAI, 2011, no 44 There has been done a research of manipulator boom rise driving gear with the use of a correcting model in automatic control system increasing the movements accuracy. It has been established that the correcting model has some positive effects allowing not only to exclude the screw mechanism time-varying parameters influence on the movement accuracy but also to improve in general the driving gear dynamic indexes. | ||||||||
Egorova E. U., Levitin . M., Ovcharenko V. N. Identification of the aerodynamic moment of pitch coefficient of multipurpose maneuverable aircraft based on flight test. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 44 In the article the identification aerodynamic characteristics of the angular motion is described in the time domain from parameter’s recording of longitudinal maneuvers. The algorithm of adaptive identification is used, witch permits estimate elements of the pitching moment coefficient. As element’s initial approximation the aerodynamic database values are chosen which obtained from the results of wind tunnel tests. | ||||||||
Chubarev I. V., Leonov V. A. Robust-adaptive controller design for the longitudinal motion of high-speed vehicle. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 44 This paper describes the design of a nonlinear robust-adaptive controller for an airbreathing high-speed vehicle. The control strategy, rely on Lyapunov theory, aims at stabilizing longitudinal motion. | ||||||||
Prokhorova E. .., Lovchinskaya M. .., Kurilenko A. .. Problems of the estimation economic benefit from commercial services space activity realization. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 44 In that article stand questions about the problems of the estimation economic benefit from commercial services space activity realization. The available mechanism and the scientifically-methodical device of economic calculations in the field of space activity aren’t to the full adequate to complexity and perfection of created space systems. Creation of essentially new space system demands the account synergetic effect. It is considered as effect of interaction of elements of uniform space system which is characteristic for programs as they assume close interaction much fragments. The synergetic effect of space system is a part of the general social and economic effect of system. It is very important just time. | ||||||||
Markina N. L. Computational algorithms for solving Navier-Stokes equations in the presence of cavitation. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 44 A technique for numerical simulation of viscous cavitating flow is presented. Modified PISO algorithm is implemented for the Navier-Stokes equations solution. Fluid flow through a two-dimensional variable cross-section nozzle was simulated to verify the algorithm. | ||||||||
Ponomarev P. A. Method development of new generation mobile tethered aerostat systems design. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 44 The article presents the main features of the new generation mobile tethered aerostatic complex, describes their structure and considers the design generalized algorithm. | ||||||||
Ruzakov M. A., Kachenovskaya S. G., Shashkov A. N. Methodical approach to mixed financing aviabuilding manufacture in terms of innovative-investment processes in industry.. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 44 The article presents a methodical approach to formation mechanism of financing production and commercial activities of companies, developers and manufacturers of aircraft and major components in today's financial environment | ||||||||
Sinyavskaya Y. A., Kornilov V. A. Hierarchical optimization in the automatic control system projection.. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 44 The system projection methodology of pitch channel of robot pilot of flying machine with electromechanical servodrive as subsystem is considered. Projection problem is formulated as an optimization problem with the quality criteria defined in terms of the control system. The solution of the problem is based on the principles of system approach and the methods of hierarchical optimization, which make it possible to fulfill the control system decomposition and determine the appearance characteristics of there subsystems in a structure -parametric form. | ||||||||
Smagin D. ., Pugacev G. N., Dolgov O. S. On-board testing of hydraulic systems and their importance in the development of modern aircraft types.. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 44 To improve and streamline the testing of hydraulic systems onboard aircraft analysis and evaluation of modern methods of testing as it is presented the development of modules for packaging and assembly stand steering test integrated electro-hydraulic (EGRP) complex vehicles and their systems of governance (for example control system aircraft). | ||||||||
Sobolev L. B. Aviation management tasks. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 44 One of the main reasons of delayed "transition period" in reforming the Russian economy (and aviation branch in particular) is weakness of management, absence of uniformity in approaches to management and the organization of a manufacturing which are characteristic for the western style of a management. It is necessary to generate national style of management on an operational experience in market conditions of the successful enterprises and to fix it in the legal acts and the Russian management ethic code . | ||||||||
Yakhnenko M. S. Research and the analysis of resonant and interferential fluctuations of pressure in pipeline systems of the flying machine and the aviation engine. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 44 Possibility of use of results tensometry pipeline of the plane for designing and completions of a construction of aircraft taking into account it vibrostressing is considered. | ||||||||
Panarin S. I. Learning effectiveness improving for students of aerospace disciplines using specialized rating system. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 44 In aerospace industry one of the main issues is the problem of the qualified specialists education. During the learning process positive incentives improve the effectiveness of the education . One of such incentives is the rating system. In this work the construction and evaluation of the specialized rating system is regarded with examples on the distance learning system that is used for learning mathematical courses by students of aerospace disciplines. | ||||||||
Dolgov O. S. Trends of aircraft moment-inertia form changes on the structural diagram formation stages.. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 44 The paper describes the trends of moment inertia form changing of future aircraft types on the structural diagram formation stages. Analyzed axial moments inertia values changes, depending on the production of fuel (Jx) and on the mass of payload (Jz). Done a comprehensive analysis of the moment-inertia layout parameters influence on the aircraft form. | ||||||||
Dolgov O. S., Kuprikov N. M., Lyakishev M. A. Algorithm of aircraft moment-inertia layout formation process automation on the early stages of design. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 44 The paper describes the process of developing the algorithm, as well as the algorithm itself of aircrafts moment-inertia shape formation process automation in the early stages of design using specialized software. Developed: the moment-inertia models, algorithm, software package to determine the moment-inertia characteristics of the aircraft with sufficient accuracy, intuitive 3D interface for viewing and easy processing of computations. This work was supported by the Federal Program "Research and scientific-pedagogical personnel of innovation of Russia for 2009-2013 activity 1.2.2 on". The work has research teams under the guidance of candidates in the following areas: - design of aircraft - Microelectronics - instrumentation based on new physical principles - laser, plasma and beam technologies for nuclear technology, "state contract № 14.740.11.0340 on September 17, 2010. | ||||||||
Lyubimtseva S. V., Nagapetyan P. I. Static proportion of innovative sector of the economy. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 44 One of the consequences of transferring the aviation industry and civil aviation to free market is a significant reduction in capacity utilization with the background of actual decentralization of management and the absence of an active and comprehensive support to the industry by the state. This leads to the inevitable loss of technology, personnel and innovative capacity. The difficult situation has arisen in a number of related industries, such as the production of special construction materials. Restoring competitiveness of the industry in a global economy needs the active innovative transformation and optimizing the parameters of the innovation cycle in the enterprise. Solution to this problem requires an analysis of general patterns of innovation and deep knowledge the features of the industry. The article discusses the innovation cycle and the static ratio of innovation process at different levels, which can help to solve different issues of effective management of the industry. | ||||||||
Kotel'nikov V. A., Kotelnikov M. V., Maltsev-Gorsky D. A. Processes of carry near to a cylindrical probe in a stream of dense plasma in a magnetic field.. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 44 It is stated mathematical and numerical models of processes of carry of an electric charge near to a cylindrical probe in a cross-section stream of dense plasma at availability of an axial magnetic field. Nonlinearity in behavior of average density of an electronic current depending on parameter of the Hall is detected. In the limited interval of variation of number of Reynolds curves pass through a maximum, which which is kept at variation of dimensionless radius of a probe, its potential from the attitude of temperatures of ions and electrons. The physical explanation is given to the detected nonlinear effect. | ||||||||
Evdokimov I. E. Heat Transfer In The Jet Propulsion Exhaust Nozzle . Trudy MAI, 2011, no 43 The article gives in account results of modelling heat exchange between hot gases and thin wall in jet propulsion test bench exhaust nozzle. In the paper present analysis of the predicted and experimental temperatures. Also it is discussed about the optimal spectral models allows to improve accuracy independently of objective complexity of modelling gas flow characterized high velocities and intensive turbulence. All calculations were carried out in the commercial ANSYS CFX and it refers some features of modelling in this bundled software. The article is useful for specialists and researchers in the field of heat exchange using ANSYS CFX. | ||||||||
Shtrikman M. M., Kashchuk N. M. Determination of residual stress and deformations during friction stir welding of three-layer panels, made of aluminum alloy materials.. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 43 Finite element model, allowing to analize the resistance and deformations during friction stir welding, is described in the paper. An example of model's practical appliance for determination of optimal welding conditions also is given in the paper. | ||||||||
Bryzgalov A. P., Kovalchuk I. V., Hnykin A. V., Shevela . A., Yusupov . G. Simulation of Synthetic Aperture Radar Assigned to Solving the Problems of Its Internal and External Design. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 43 Problems and examples of mathematical simulation applied to synthetic aperture radar (SAR) are considered using two models. The simulation model of SAR is intended for development of space-time processing algorithms and creation of radar images. The mixed-level simulation complex is intended for simulation (including real-time) of radar images that meet real SAR images. The complex is used for development of detection and recognition algorithms and communication of SAR with related systems. | ||||||||
Korunov S. ., Belova G. N., Gudkova T. I. Problems and prospects of a commercialisation of the Russian segment of the international space station (MCS).. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 43 In the article actual problems of use of results of space activity in national economy branches are considered. These problems are considered in a context of innovative activity on an example of one of the most complicated as of today the high technology projects of the Russian Federation - of the MCS. The basic instruments of innovative activity and prospect of their use in space branch are analysed. | ||||||||
Komarov V. A., Kuznetsov A. S., Lapteva . . Impact of wing deformations on early stages of aircraft design. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 43 An approach for estimation of wing deformations based on mathematical model of body with variable density is proposed. The approach is implemented in the software tool coupling aerodynamic and deformation analysis modules. The results of parametric study for a number of wings with different geometrical parameters are presented. It is shown, that significant reduction in structural mass can be achieved by accounting wing deformation on early design stages. | ||||||||
Lebedev I. I. Research and developing software for modeling emergency evacuation from aircraft. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 43 Emergency evacuation is the one of the most important problem of passengers’ safety. Addition the real demonstration of evacuation with results of computer modeling will extremely reduce cost of type aircraft certification and time for it realization. Results of mathematical modeling coincide with results of real demonstration. Finally this model and software would replace a certification tests. Also this software can model a non-standard emergency landing, for example, landing with breaking of nose landing gear, or water landing. These types of emergencies are very dangerous and cannot be reproduced by people throw process of certification demonstration. Implementation of the offered software will solve this problem. | ||||||||
. ., Lyakhovetsky M. A., Tyurin V. N. Microarc Oxidation of zirconium alloys applying to perspective engine and power plant.. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 43 The results of corrosion resistance study of samples made from zirconium alloy (Э-110) coated with microarc oxidation (MAO) at the different regimes – are presented in this paper. The advantages of MAO method as compared with ion-plasma depositions methods are exhibited. There are considered the mechanism and physicochemical concept of zirconium alloys plasmaelectrolysis. The optimal regimes of coatings forming and electrolyte compositions with using of mathematical design of experiments are determined. It was obtained, that corrosion resistance of samples with MAO coatings in two times higher than samples without coatings. The materials obtained in this paper applying both in space nuclear power plant and in ground-based nuclear power plant. | ||||||||
Naumov, O. N. Analysis of the influence of static and dynamic asymmetry on the rotational movement of the capsule for controlled deployment of the tether system. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 43 The paper analyzes the spatial motion of the deployed tether system consisting of a base spacecraft and the landing capsule.The problem is considered taking into account the rotation of the end-bodies about their centers of mass. Capsule and the spacecraft is considered as rigid bodies, carrying out the angular motion under the action of the force of elasticity of the tether. The tether is attached to the capsule is not strictly on the axis of dynamical symmetry, and with some small shift, which determines the static asymmetry of the capsule. Tensor inertia of the capsule is different from a dynamically symmetric, with small deviations of the data is characterized by its dynamic asymmetry. Tether is deployed to a predetermined law. | ||||||||
Nadiradze A. B., Shaposhnikov V. ., Korsun A. G., Kurshakov M. Y., Gabdullin F. F., Tverdokhlebova E. M. Formation of Spacecraft own Ionosphere and Effects of its Impacts. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 43 The mechanisms of both the formation of ionized environment around a geostationary spacecraft, called in the paper spacecraft own ionosphere (SCOI), and the generation of the main SCOI’ component – the secondary plasma fluxes from the electric thruster exhausted jet, are considered. It is described the computer simulation technique to calculation the negative effects of SCOI impacts among them: erosion, force, contamination, optic jamming and radio noice. The presented software was developed jointly the MAI’ and TsNIImash’ specialists and allows to solve the basic problems relating to the determination of SCOI parameters and its impact on the spacecraft. | ||||||||
Kurenkov, V. I., Stratilatov, N. R., Fedorenko, O. G., Shilov . B. Models for assessment of relative time of SC cooler Sun exposure. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 43 Selection criterion of the cooler location on observation SC surface has been introduced in the article with account of relative time of Sun effect on the cooler, complex spatial geometry of the cooler panels and Sun angles change during orbital flight and SC programmed turns when special-purpose operation. Respective mathematical models, algorithm and software have been developed. | ||||||||
Malyshev V. V., Pijavsky . A. Student's science at national research technical university. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 43 The information technology of formation student’s research competence, based on mathematical modeling, the laws of operated development youth scientific abilities is considered. | ||||||||
Okhotnikov D. A., Kornev Y. I., Immoreev I. Y., Stepanov R. J. Radars for supervision and the control of premises and territories of the airports and air terminals.. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 43 In the article features the construction of ultra-wideband radar, developed at the Research Center for UWB technologies of the Moscow aviation institute (SRC UWB MAI) and designed for continuous observation and monitoring of premises and areas related to unauthorized entry or movement of people, including non mobile people (at movement of the thorax) and the people behind optically opaque barriers (walls, vegetation, fog, smoke). Examples of practical use of such radars. | ||||||||
Kopkin A. S., Dudnik V. V. Investigation of Assistant System of Aviation Chemical Work Quality Improving . Trudy MAI, 2011, no 43 This article is devoted algorithm of functioning of agriculture helicopter assistant system which allows to record information about aviation chemical work and to give pilot data about optimal moving track relatively the current parameters of wind. The results of helicopter experimental flight with this system in record regime also presented. | ||||||||
Ashurbeili I. R., Lagovier A. I., Ignatiev A. B., Nazarenko A. V. Capabilities of an Airborne Laser Energy Transfer System for Space Junk Removal and Spacecraft Orbit Sustaining.. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 43 Use of an airborne laser energy transfer system (LETS) for applications such as space debris removal or low-orbit spacecraft sustaining provides a set of advantages over the ground-based and space-based systems. It is less subject to atmospheric turbulence and absorption influence than ground-based system which leads to a great increase of duration and efficiency of interaction between LETS and target. Also, high mobility of an airborne LETS allows interacting with the multiple targets (or more frequently interact with the single target). In the same time, the performance of an airborne LETS is subject to some additional degradation factors that have to be countered or taken into account. The beam jitter control is especially important for orbit sustaining applications, where the laser spot should be kept within the geometrical limits of an energy receiver. This article formulates and considers principal requirements to an airborne LETS and evaluates its potential capabilities for the two above mentioned applications | ||||||||
Opryshko N. V., Ruban N. V. Development of decision-making model at renewing equipment Russian industries. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 43 This article describes the problem of high level of equipment depreciation in Russian industry. Review of different finance sources for renewing equipment was made and most popular sources of external finances - credit and leasing were analyzed in the article. Was created decision-making model at renewing equipment, allowing consider maximum factors. | ||||||||
Stoljarov D. V., Popov Y. I. Choice of the rational scheme of load-caring frames of integral arrangement fighter. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 43 This article considers the method of strength and parametric analysis for the perfection of frames designs for the tail part fuselage frame of the integral composition fighter. An object of analysis is the structure of a full-size power with a ring in pod zone of the integral composition fighter two diverse engines. It is consider the causing of form of cross-section fuselage section to rational scheme of load-caring frames. | ||||||||
Yarygina M. V., Popov Y. I. Methodoffolding wing weightanalysis. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 43 The paper describes some peculiarities of naval aircrafts and folding wing special. Theexperience of naval crafts design is presented; the classification of typical methods of folding wing design is made. There are described the factors influencing mass increase. The method of folding wing weight analysis is shown. The influence of each junction element on wing mass increase is detected. | ||||||||
Bissenov O. V., Tsarev E. K., Obolensky Y. G. Automatic stabilization of the unstable UAV runway rollout lateral dynamics under control constraints. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 43 Abstract. The paper considers the analysis and synthesis of an autoland flight control system of a tailless UAV in lateral motion stabilization mode during runway roll-out. The UAV lateral motion is unstable and, consequently, stability region of the closed loop is bounded due to control constraints. The maximum stability region is computed. The scheduled-gain static controller, obtained using LMI, is used for lateral motion stabilization during runway roll-out. The simulation results are presented using high-fidelity nonlinear aircraft model. | ||||||||
Melnik . I., Favstova L. A. Basic requirements for product structure management of russian-developed products in PLM system. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 43 The fundamental characteristic of product is product structure. Other product characteristics are drawn up around one. Product structure management bases on stored information about com-prised components, performances, configurations and relations between all parts and assemblies contained. User is able to view any information about product including documents of occurred parts. Article is devoted the principles of product structure management of russian-developed prod-ucts and implementation of these principles in PLM system. | ||||||||
Kochetkov A. A., Kurmazenko E. A., Khabarovsky N. N., Kamaletdinova G. . The HSCSO enhancement during 520-day isolation experiment under MARS-500 PROJECT. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 43 One of the main problems which restrict implementation of interplanetary flights, is a guarantee of reliability and safety of the onboard system operation in conditions autonomous manned spaceflight. This issue is not fully analized, that is why it is necessary to answer to a series of new issues, which distinguish interplanetary missions from orbital flight of comparable duration (1.5 - 2 years). The main aim of the “Mars-500 project” is learning of the “man – environment” system in conditions of prolonged isolation, which simulates the flight to Mars (long duration, autonomy, changes of the communication conditions with Earth – restrictions of expendable resources and the information transmission rate). | ||||||||
Alifanov O. M., Matveev Y. A., Lamzin V. V., Lamzin V. A. Theoretical bases for effective modernization of Earth remote sensing space systems. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 43 Problem questions of effective modernization of Earth remote sensing space system (ERS SS) and creations of spacecraft (SC) modifications are considered. The primary problem of search a rational design decisions of ERS SS with the account of development (modernization) of technics during the planned period is formulated. Shows the logical scheme of the dismembered research of the primary problem and its main tasks are defined. The researches conducted using developed methodical bases, allow to estimate quantitatively characteristics of alternative variants of ERS SS, to determine their rational values, to establish the laws of development of technics and technologies. | ||||||||
Arbekov A. N., Leontiev A. I. Development of space gas turbine plants in the works of v.l. samsonov . Trudy MAI, 2011, no 43 The paper displays the main milestones in the development of the home space closed-cycle gas turbine plant by the team of researchers headed by V.L.Samsonov from the Bauman Moscow State technical university. The problems to be solved are being formulated. Main achievements in the development of such plants and their critical units are being described and directions of further research are offered. | ||||||||
Bobe L. S., Solyankina A. A., Astafiev V. B., Sterin V. F., Andreychuk P. O., Zapryagaylo E. D. The experimental operation of the membrane filter-separator (MFS) on the International Space Station. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 43 The paper describes a membrane filter-separator and separation of gas-liquid flow through semi-permeable walls and water-retaining materials on the basis of which the JSC NIICHMMASH has developed a two-stage separation method for space stations’ life support systems. The membrane filter separator works as a preliminary separation stage. It was designed owing to continuous increase in condensate contamination and irregularity of its supply and with purpose of increasing service life of the separator fitted with nickel porous tubes, being the second separation stage. The membrane filter-separator has successfully been in operation on the ISS since the 1st of September 2009. Home-produced recovery systems with two-stage static separators exceed foreign ones in life, reliability, power consumption and quality of separated condensate. | ||||||||
Brykin B. V., Leontiev M. K. Calculation of leakage aerodynamic forces in labyrinth gas seals. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 43 In the article carried out investigations of the gas flows in the labyrinth seals. Also aerodynamic forces arising in steady-state rotating rotor were calculated using commercial CFD ANSYS-CFX. Different labyrinth seal models were investigated - model with a given clearance (uniform) and model with an eccentricity. For these cases were obtain results for gas flows in the steady-state conditions leaking through seals with different eccentricities. The article is useful for engineers specialized in aerodynamics and turbo-machinery. | ||||||||
Dishel V. . Inertial/Satellite GNC Systems for Space Launchers: Theory and Results of the First Realized Missions . Trudy MAI, 2011, no 43 The new approach to formation of redundancy of satellite measurements and to statistical treatment of these measurements in the problems of dynamic filtration is presented. This approach is directed towards the use in integrated GNC systems for dynamic objects the guidance of which is a process of irreversible nature. On the basis of the influence function theory, the analytic dependences of estimation errors upon inertial and noninertial measurements errors, dynamic disturbances, and various setting parameters are obtained. The interrelation of estimations obtained on the basis of the proposed approach and in terms of the Kalman filter is shown. The theoretical results laid the groundwork for the new version of the dynamic filtration method that served as a basis for the onboard software of the integrated inertial/satellite GNC systems for space launchers. The results of the first applications of that sort of systems during Fregat upper stage missions (injections of Meteor-M, Globalstar-2, and Electro-L satellites) are discussed. | ||||||||
Podlipyan P. E., Maximov N. . Multi-phase algorithm for solving the problem of planning the flight of unmanned aerial vehicles. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 43 This article describes new approach to solving the problem of planning the flight of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) to monitor the distributed targets. This approach is based on the representation of the planning problem as a capacitated vehicle routing problem and it further decomposition into subtasks. Based on this approach multi-phase algorithm for solving the problem of planning the UAVs was developed. | ||||||||
Mamayev A. A., Semenikhin K. V. Minimax identification of aircraft motion in the presence of ellipsoidal constraints on the kinematic model parameters. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 43 The problem of aircraft trajectory estimation from range and direction cosines measurements is studied in the minimax framework. Using the ellipsoidal constraints on the unknown parameters of kinematic model, the iterative estimation algorithm is designed on the basis of the dual optimization theory. The efficiency of the obtained solutions is illustrated by means of computer simulation. | ||||||||
Yurchenko I. I., Karakotin I. N., Kudinov A. S. Influence of heat protection features on heat fluxes of supersonic launch vehicles and methods for heat protection optimization . Trudy MAI, 2011, no 43 The main contribution to the heat protection weight makes aerodynamic heat fluxes to the head fairing. General physical laws for LV head fairings surface as well as for blunted models, represented in papers by laminar-turbulent transition in boundary layer researchers, were obtained and were applied when reducing heat fluxes factors were being looked for. It was shown that the main factor providing reducing heat flux magnitude is surface roughness height. The carried out analyses revealed that more optimal and predictable approach associated with non-loss heat protection applying. Using spread material on the heat protection outer surface were proposed in order to reduce heating by the Sun while standing on the launch pad and for boundary layer condition changing owing to less roughness height. That features lead to thermal resistance improvement of the external heat protection layers. | ||||||||
Kalashnikov V. V., Dudnik V. V. Investigation of Engine Monitoring Unit for Ultralight Aircrafts . Trudy MAI, 2011, no 43 This paper offer structure and working principles of ultralight aircraft’s engines` measuring complex. The results of the Rotax 912 engine stand testing are presented. | ||||||||
Anickin N. . A Method for Determining Transaction Serialization Order in a Database Management System with Strong Strict Two-Phase Locking. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 42 A method for determining transaction serialization order in a database management system (DBMS) with strong strict two-phase locking (SS2PL) concurrency control protocol is proposed. Possible applications of this method for global concurrency control in a Mobile Data Access System (MDAS), which is a distributed heterogeneous database system with client working in a mobile environment, are considered. | ||||||||
Annenkova I. U., Gribanov A. S. Errors of the position lines for various methods of direction finding of the emitting source. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 42 Mathematical expressions for comparison of the methods of direction finding of the emitting source by the measurement errors are obtained. Graphs of distribution of the measurement errors in the coordinate space relative to measuring instruments are presented. | ||||||||
Dudchenko A. A., Basharov E. A. Determination heating in layers of the rubber multilayer beem of the type torsion under cycle loading . Trudy MAI, 2011, no 42 The main purpose of the work was determination heating in layers of the rubber multilayer beem of the type torsion from composite materials under cycle loading on base analytical formulas built on base of the Duamell-Neimans thermotension hypothesis, theory thermal conductivity in paper by V. Gaitvud and theories function dispersion under cycle loading constructive details in paper by V. Moskvitin. The work has analysis to influence heating on strength, stiffness and adhesive properties in layers beam different section which can get reason fatigue exfoliation. | ||||||||
Volkov A. A. . Trudy MAI, 2011, no 42 The article deals with the research of intensity of aircraft pressure compartments ventilation. The mathematical model represents a system of nonlinear differential equations (according to the number of aircraft compartments under research) interrelated by starting conditions. Obtained as a result of the system solution, air consumption rates in the compartments and their variation in time in case of failure situations make it possible to define carbon dioxide concentration in all aircraft pressure compartments. | ||||||||
Gopanchuk V. V., Potapenko M. Y. Study of the configuration of the hybrid plasma thruster discharge chamber . Trudy MAI, 2011, no 42 Results of researches on the impact of the discharge chamber configuration hybrid plasma thruster on operation and characteristics to increase stability of specific parameters and characteristics in the models of different dimension types within the range of operating power of 100 w to 2.3 kw, including operating modes at high discharge voltage are presented. | ||||||||
Demkin V. V. Simulation of temperature and air velocity fields in aircraft cabins. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 42 The article deals with physical simulation of ventilation processes in hydraulic trays for imitating aircraft cabins. The article gives a survey of hydraulic trays design, the process of surveying ventilation airflow in an aircraft cabin, which allows comparing physical and mathematical simulation. | ||||||||
Dudchenko A. A., Basharov E. A. X Investigation to springy line three-layer beem with greatly differring layer stiffness . Trudy MAI, 2011, no 42 The main purpose of the work was investigation of the behaviour to springy line at loading three-layer beam on base analytical formulas built on base of the theories bending multilayer beam in paper by V. Vasiliev, theories loading three-layer shell in papers by E. Grigolyuk and nonlinear finite element method for bending springy peg within the frameworks of nonlinear dynamic flexible pegs stated in papers by F. Shklyarchuk and T. Grishanina. It was revealled and given explanation appearance unusual types to springy line to springy line at loading beem with greatly differring layer stiffness. | ||||||||
Zhundrikov A. V., Kichigin V. I., Petukhov I. V., Shevtsov D. I. Aging and structure-change processes in proton-exchange waveguides in lithium niobate crystals. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 42 Time variations of the refraction index of proton-exchanged guiding layers on lithium niobate (X cut), which reflect slow aging (stabilization) processes in waveguides, were studied by mode spectroscopy technique. Structural changes in channel proton-exchanged waveguides after long-term stabilization (3 years) were studied by wet chemical etching of proton-exchanged layers and 3D profilometry. | ||||||||
Zakalyukin I. V. Dynamics of a beam with two sleights via systems of implicit differential equations . Trudy MAI, 2011, no 42 The qualitative behavior of a non-holonomic mechanical system fr om robotics is investigated in a vicinity of the sub-manifold wh ere the rank of the system of the constraint equation falls down. New method to study singularities of first integrals of non-holonomic systems which can be reduced to a system of two first order implicit differential equations in two unknown generalized coordinates | ||||||||
Zay Y. ., Khlopkov A. Y., Kyaw Z. . Basic approaches to the Monte-Carlo method construction in computational aerodynamics. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 42 The development of numerical statistical method in rarefied gas dynamics relates with the usage of statistical modeling Monte-Carlo method in the first place. It has been used for calculation collision integral in regular finite-different program for solving kinetic equations, solution of integral equation, direct statistical simulation. Currently, most general methods for solving problems in rarefied gas dynamics present direct statistical simulation method. In this case, it is impossible without handling kinetic equations. The present work views general approach to construct Monte-Carlo method. | ||||||||
Komarov A. A. Numerical model of externally attached aircraft freight oscillations.. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 42 The methodology and results of development of the numerical model describing dynamic state of objects externally attached to the wing are submitted. The aircraft impact with a landing strip due to emergency landing is considered. The problem of transitional interaction is solved using finite element method, on basis of which the model of an aircraft carrying externally attached objects is developed. Time dependences of displacements, velocities and accelerations for different points of the objects are obtained. | ||||||||
Konstantinov M. S., Loeb H. W., Petukhov V. G., Popov G. A. Feasibility Study of Manned Mission to Mars using Nuclear Electric Propulsion. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 42 It is considered a flight profile for manned mission to Mars using nuclear electric propulsion. Considered flight profile has long duration (1000…1100 days) and it requires relatively low spacecraft mass at low earth orbit (200 metric tons). It is carried out feasibility study of the flight profile. Performance index is required propellant mass. Here minimization of required propellant mass is equivalent to maximization of total dry mass of nuclear electric propulsion system. It is shown the considered flight profile requires nuclear electric propulsion system having specific mass less than 15 kg/kW while thrust efficiency is 0.75, relative tankage mass is 0.1, and manned orbital complex mass is 60 metric ton. | ||||||||
Loeb H. W., Petukhov V. G., Popov G. A. Heliocentric Trajectories of Solar Orbiter with Ion Propulsion. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 42 There are carried out analysis and optimization of low-thrust heliocentric trajectories of solar orbiter. There are analyzed and optimized both direct flight profile and flight profiles using multiply Earth and Venus gravity assists to decrease perihelion radius and consequence of Venus gravity assisted maneuvers separated by resonant orbits to increase inclination. It is analyzed the expediency of various orbital resonances using. It is demonstrated the feasibility of radiofrequency ion thrusters using to transfer into typical target heliocentric orbits. | ||||||||
Mishchenko V. Y. Open hydrostatic drive for gyroplane rotor starting. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 42 The article suggests a method of defining design and hydrodynamic parameters of hydrostatic drive, occasionally operating in conditions of significant inertia and positional load. As a simulation case there has been chosen the process of gyroplane rotor starting, there have been defined main parameters of the drive. There has been obtained existence domain of hydrostatic drive project. | ||||||||
Badalova A. G., Panteleev P. A. Functional diagram of a system of strategic risk management of aviation and industrial complex on the basis of value approach. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 42 The paper suggests a functional diagram of the system of risk management of aviation-industrial complex (AIC), which specializes in the development of new models of aircraft, representing a multiloop system with feedback. Four interconnected circuit correspond to the four horizons of management: regulatory and strategic, strategic, tactical, operational. Risk management is constructed in such a way that each circuit has been implemented corresponding subgoal management achievement in the aggregate which is aimed at achieving the main goal - to increase enterprise value. The proposed scheme satisfies the basic management principles: continuity, focus, systematic, integrated approach. The technique of calculating the basic cost parameters of the company used to manage risk as targets of the strategic risk management. | ||||||||
Dolgov O. S., Kuprikov N. M., Lyakishev M. A. Moment-inertia layout analysis about axis OX of promising types of seaplanes. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 42 The paper describes new approaches of moment of inertia shape formation of future technology seaplanes. Defined preferable zones of placing fuel and payload accordingly its mass. Rated regularities between the geometric characteristics of alternative variants of placing fuel in the wing and payload (water) in the fuselage and the moment of inertia parameters about axis OX of the seaplanes. | ||||||||
Dolgov O. S., Kuprikov N. M., Lyakishev M. A. Analysis of the influence payload mass to the aircrafts moment of inertia characteristics over axis OZ.. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 42 The paper describes new approaches of moment of inertia shape formation over axis OZ of future technology airplanes. Defined preferable zones of placing payload in a fuselage accordingly its mass. Rated regularities between the geometric characteristics of alternative variants of placing payload in the fuselage and the moment of inertia parameters over axis OZ of the whole aircraft. | ||||||||
Kwak J. ., Yun H. S. Rigidity matrix of a bay of an anisotropic cylindrical shell with the arbitrary cross section for bending, transverse shear and torsion. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 42 Some bays of elastic wings of large aspect ratio and blades of helicopter rotors are made as anisotropic shells in order to couple deformation of bending, transverse shear and torsion. When changing the bending moments in this case it is possible to change correspondingly the twisting angles of the cross sections and so to control by distribution of the aerodynamic load along the span. In this work using the theory of thin-walled beams we obtained approximate analytical solution for calculation of the stress state and determined the yielding and rigidity matrixes of a bay of an anisotropic cylindrical shell with arbitrary symmetric one-closed contour or the cross section for bending, transverse shear and torsion. The results of this solution for the yielding matrix coefficients of the shell bay are compared with the numerical solution by the finite element method. | ||||||||
Badalova A. G., Panteleev P. A. Formation of fuzzy inference to find the level of risk in the enterprise aviation industry. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 42 The problem of finding the level of risk in the enterprise of aviation-industrial complex (AIC). To solve it, the authors proposed algorithm for forming fuzzy system, which is used to find the risk level on the grade on the basis of linguistic values of the probability of risk event, the probability of changes to the financial performance of the company after the risk event and the indicator of the relative changes in financial results. Examples are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the system formed. | ||||||||
Ruzakov M. A., Kachenovskaya S. G., Gorshkova E. N. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the personnel of the productive capacity of business aviation and related industries . Trudy MAI, 2011, no 42 In the article presents a methodical approach to formation of Scorecard personnel component of productive efficiency and innovation potential of companies, developers and manufacturers of new aircraft, components, on-board equipment, devices. | ||||||||
Nikitin P. V., Sotnik E. V. Reproduction of the convective-radiant heat exchange accompanying the entrance of space vehicles in the atmospheres of planets with the second space velocity. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 42 The problem of protection of the construction of a recoverable space vehicle from intensive exposure joint convective and radiant thermal streams becomes actual by development of reusable space vehicles of new generation. The decision of this problem will demand statement scale theoretical and experimental researches directed on studying of process of interaction joint convective and radiant thermal streams with a surface of heat-protective coating of the spacecraft. Thus development of the new heat-protective materials possessing higher heat-protective properties at their minimal density (ρ ≤ 103 kg / m3) is required. In the given work results of reproduction of the convective-radiant heat exchange accompanying an entrance of space vehicles in atmospheres of planets with the second space velocity are resulted. Such researches are carried out on the faculty « Aerospace heating engineers » of the Moscow Aviation Institute (the State Technical University) at support of the Russian Federal Property Fund, the project №09-08-00169-a. | ||||||||
Opryshko N. V., Ruban N. V. Credit and leasing integration for equipment renewal in air industries. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 42 This arcticle dicribes the problem of high level of equipment depreciation in Russian air industry. Renovation of funds could be promoted using leasing and credit instruments. The article offers an estimation method that was developed to compare both ways and to make a decision which of them should be used. It takes into account cost factors and non-cost factors and provides combined application of leasing and credit instruments. | ||||||||
Soliaev J. O. Modeling of effective mechanical properties of ceramics, based on stain-gradient theory of interphase layer. . Trudy MAI, 2011, no 42 The paper develops a gradient continuum model of the mechanics of materials with applications to the materials with a high density of internal interfaces. Assess the effective properties of material, taking into account the internal structure and scale effects, is given. The proposed model is based on the representation intergranular phase of the medium in the form of additional phase. Also the special surface properties of grains are modeled, due to the introduction of the surface energy of deformations. The model takes into account both the presence of variable properties inside the grains, and scale effects associated with the grain size. | ||||||||
. ., Say Khing Aung Tint . . On adaptation of electronic education and testing system for retraining of young experts at the enterprises of an aviation complex. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 42 The problem of an adaptation of electronic education system for retraining the young experts at the enterprises of an aviation complex is considered. Using the statistical analysis of testing program results, algorithms of adaptation of an initial system content are constructed. The theory of statistical hypotheses is used in the work for the statistical analysis. Results of approbation of the offered system for a number of groups of experts are presented. | ||||||||
Yudin A. V. Compensation of environment perturbations on control system of multidimensional thermal object. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 42 The control system of an autoclave is considered. Obtained the transfer functions for correcting links to reduce the influence of ambient temperature on temperature instability on internal thermocouples of regulator. | ||||||||
Lamzin V. V., Matveev Y. A. The algorithm of a two-level optimization of space system parameters in the presence of uncontrollable factors. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 42 In the article the algorithm of a two-level optimization of space system parameters is considered. It includes the decision of two extremal problems, the organization of the directed adaptation and ensure the coordination of design decisions. The algorithm considers features of search of design decisions in design office by working out the perspective space systems. | ||||||||
Matveev Y. A., Lamzin V. V. The method of a two-level coordinated optimization of space system parameters in the presence of uncertainties. Trudy MAI, 2011, no 42 Usually in solving the problems of designing a space system (SS) the process of acceptance of design decisions has multilevel, hierarchical character and passes in conditions of considerable uncertainty of the initial information. In the article the statistical method of the coordinated two-level optimization of Earth remote sensing space system parameters in the presence of uncertainties is offered. The method is a typical part of multilevel process of developing management. Possibilities of the offered method and questions of an estimation accuracy of the solution at top level of developing management are considered. The method allows to determine the requirements to accuracy of model parameters and to carry out an effective refinement of the design decision. | ||||||||
Averina T. A., Rybackov K. A. Analysis of ensemble path control systems with random structure in application to satellite stabilization problem . Trudy MAI, 2010, no 41 We consider the analysis problem of nonlinear ensemble path control systems subject to the random change of structure and two methods for its solving: the statistical simulation method and the spectral method. Developed methods and algorithms are used to analysis of the satellite stabilization system. | ||||||||
Arzhenenko A. Y., Bayrakovsky S. A., Vestyak V. A. The implementation of a mechanism connecting the provider's billing system, tuning the interface of interaction with the end user.. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 41 The aim of this paper is to study and implement a way to add new providers in the billing system and the implementation of "flexible" interface configuration interaction of the ISP's end user, which is especially important to register air, the realization of ticket sales. This article describes the development tools and programming examples that can be used as a practical application for solving such problems. The examples of the interaction of objects with the database software module that controls the settings of the service providers. | ||||||||
Bolshov O. A. On the security assessment of the speech information in radio channels with vocoder transformation. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 41 This paper represents the results of studies designed to provide information security of radio communication channels transmitting speech messages. On the basis of empirical data on the human hearing sensitivity thresholds, some threshold signal noise ratios were determined at the input of an intelligence receiver, where an operator can hardly read messages at the lowest possible limit. | ||||||||
Boriskin A. D. Probabilistic and structural compression data from Global Navigation Satellite System. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 41 This article is about two new methods of compression data from Global Navigation Satellite System. The first one – is probabilistic method, when more probable values are coded compression) allows to write in more compact form information about satellite and signal with shorter code, and less probable – with longer code. The second method (structural numbers. | ||||||||
Arzhenenko A. Y., Volkov P. A., Vestyak V. A. The organisation of the interaction between databases within the limits of the automated account using ERP-system.. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 41 Article is devoted the organisation of the interaction between databases that provide account of the enterprise activity in cosmonautics and the aviation industry on very stage of the manufac-ture: from the purchase of materials till the realization of ready production, during the creation of the divaricate system of the automated account on the basis of an automated enterprise resources controlling system of an ERP-class. With a view to increase the efficiency of automation earlier au-thors offered the creation of such system and the development of data exchange objects. The result of the introduction of such objects taking into account the requirement of specific manufacture is a fundamentally new automatic control system – the system of the automated account of the enter-prise activity which allows to use computing resources most efficiently in the production of aircrafts and other aviation and space equipment. | ||||||||
Volkov N. N., Volkova L. I., Mironov V. V., Tsatsuev S. M. Research of an environment impact on radiant cooled nozzle extension heat condition during altitude test.. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 41 Numerical model counting an environment impact on radiant cooled nozzle extension made of carbon-ceramics composite materials heat condition is presented. Appropriate method of numerical interpretation of LRE experiment on test bench results was developed as a result. | ||||||||
Goryainov A. V. On the convergence of the skeleton algorithm for solving a generalized problem of linear programming. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 41 A new so-called skeleton algorithm was proposed for solving a generalized problem of linear programming, but the issue of convergence of the algorithm has not been studied in details yet. In the paper a convergence of the skeleton algorithm, i.e. an opportunity to obtain a solution with a given accuracy in a finite number of steps is proved. | ||||||||
Lanskii A. M., Lukachev S. V., Matveev S. G. Statistical analysis of the effect of dimension on the parameters of GTE combustion chambers. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 41 The article gives an analysis of the effect of dimension on characteristics and parameters of the combustion chambers of GTE. The features associated with changes in cycle parameters and the appearance of the engine, as well as with the change of scale of relative values that characterize the structure and processes in the combustion chamber | ||||||||
Dolgov O. S., Kuprikov N. M., Lyakishev M. A. Adapting of control system parameters with moment of inertia characteristics of the aircraft in case of variable payload mass and fuel output.. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 41 The paper describes new approaches of moment of inertia shape formation of future technology vehicle. Defined preferable zones of placing fuel and payload accordingly its mass. Rated regularities between the geometric characteristics of alternative variants of placing fuel in the wing and payload in the fuselage and the moment of inertia parameters of the aircraft. Designed method of moment inertia characteristics of long-haul passenger aircraft determination with targeted accurate intervals. | ||||||||
Markin N. N., Chistov M. S. The aircraft landing control in the pointing time. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 41 Runway complexes of major airports are very scarce and expensive resources and their capacity is gravely limited by separation requirements between aircrafts. This paper considers the aircraft landing problem when the separation requirements have to be fulfilled. If an arriving aircraft enters the radar range of an airport, then air traffic control must assign a landing time and a runway has to be assigned in case of multi-runway systems. In order to solve the aircraft landing problem, the aircraft landing control is proposed to construct the sequence of landing aircrafts for each runway and the aircraft landing in the pointing time. | ||||||||
Vasiliev I. S., Kozlov I. P. Propagation of Electromagnetic Wave in a Planar-Stratified Dielectric Layer Close to Zero of the Permittivity. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 41 Propagation of Electromagnetic Wave in a Planar-Stratified Dielectric Layer Close to Zero of the Permittivity An accurate solution to the problem of a normal incidence plane wave propagation in a plane-stratified dielectric layer of arbitrary thickness close to a zero of the permittivity is studied. Computed data for the wave are presented. | ||||||||
Gerashchenko A. N., Kulikov N. I., Kupriyanov A. D. The analysis of active zone parameters of the thyratron motor with the discretely distributed winding for the gearless electric drive. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 41 The result of the research of active zone parameters influence of the thyratron motor with the discretely distributed winding on values maximal interlinkage branch, the cogging torque amplitude and the harmonic structure of the curve EMF was considered at this article. These performances define quality index of the gearless electric drive based on the thyratron motor. | ||||||||
Duong D. H., Pham V. A. Development of regresion models for calculating area of printed circuit board functional cells. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 41 The work is dedicated to the development of a regression mathematical model for approximate estimation of the square circuit board functional cells. We made a statistical study of parameters of functional cells in limited samples and constructed statistical distribution of the ranks of the area of printed circuit boards, the total number of findings of integrated circuits and the total installation area of radioactive elements to be placed on the PCB. For treatment method of statistical regression analysis, a mathematical model as a regression equation is related to the estimation of the area of the PCB functional cells with pin count blocks of integrated circuits and the total installation area of radioactive elements. | ||||||||
Kasmerchuk P. V. Differentiation of functionals on a trajectory of compound dynamic system. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 41 In work parities for calculation of Freshe’s derivatives in a case of a general functionals, defined on a trajectory of compound dynamic system are received. The received parities allow to reduce essentially computing expenses for a finding of the specified derivatives in problems of optimization of trajectories (which gravity assist maneuvers can contain) spacecrafts (SC) with the low thrust, characterized by of a high dimension control vector produced by approximation of initial continuous control. Correctness of the received parities proves to be true comparison with a numerical method of calculation of the specified derivatives. | ||||||||
Korzhueva L. M., Novikov S. V. Perfection of system of an estimation of efficiency of innovative target programs of an educational complex . Trudy MAI, 2010, no 41 The article analyzes the infrastructure projects in education and the classification of innovative subsystems. The authors presented a system evaluation of the effectiveness of innovative targeted programs that will allow for the selection of the most effective investment direction, implemented educational and research institutions. | ||||||||
Krikunov M. M. Research of dynamics of a three-dimensional movement of bodies of variable structure. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 41 Research of a three-dimensional motion of solid bodies of a constant and variable structure remains to one of central problems a dynamics of solid body and their systems, and also has the important value for applied problems of mechanics of space flight. In-process investigates a solid body of a variable structure with desired laws of a modification of moments of inertia. Equations of motion of a solid body of a variable structure are injected on the basis of a formalism of Hamilton. On the basis of the inferred equations the mathematical model of motion of a solid body of a variable structure in canonical variables Andyae-Deprit is under construction. For the analysis of dynamic it is carried out analytical and a numerical modeling of motion of a body. Existence of chaotic conditions in a system is displayed on the basis of method of Melnikov-Wiggins. Outcomes of activity can be used for the analysis and synthesis of conditions of an attitude of a space vehicle on the active legs with a modification of a mass. | ||||||||
Kuznetsov V. S. Restructuring of the Aircraft Company’s management system. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 41 Creating an efficient and competitive aircraft industry requires not only the consolidation of the industry into a single corporation, but the specific changes in aircraft construction enterprises themselves, members of the United Aircraft Corporation. | ||||||||
Lanskii A. M., Lukachev S. V., Matveev S. G. The study of aerodynamics and mass transfer in vortex burners of the combustion chambers of gas turbine engines.. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 41 Results of the investigations of aerodynamic flow structure and masoobmena a swirl burner combustion chambers of gas turbine engines. An empirical formula was obtained by the residence time of fuel-air mixture in the recirculation zone on the scale of the burnerthe swirl, the escape velocity, mixture composition and method of its filing. | ||||||||
Medvedskiy A. L., Kornev Y. V., Kurbatov A. S. Reserch of physicomechanical properties 4D carbon-carbon of the composite material on macro and micro levels at action of heats. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 41 Work is devoted definition of physicomechanical characteristics on macro and micro levels 4D the composite materials reinforced carbon-carbon (CCCM) at action of a temperature field. In work the technique of definition of physicomechanical characteristics 4D reinforced carbon-carbon composite on the basis of methods nanoindention of matrix and binding is offered. Elastic characteristics a component spatially reinforced CCCM are defined. | ||||||||
Neretin E. S., Chubarov O. U. Information-measuring and operating system for small draught liguid rocket engines fire tests . Trudy MAI, 2010, no 41 In given article is described the developed automated information-measuring and operating system for small draft liquid rocket engines fire tests (ZHRD МТ). The basic results of work are: working out of structure and algorithms of system work. Use of the automated system allows to receive, analyse and draw conclusions on quality of work of various ZHRD МТ. | ||||||||
Pron'kin A. N., Kuznetsov I. M., Veremeenko K. K. UAV Integrated Navigation System: structure and investigation of characteristics. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 41 The paper discusses the integrated navigation system of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), it is proposed its structure and basic characteristics are investigated. The research of the system properties is carried on using developed method on the simulation and hardware-in-the-loop modeling software complex. UAV approach was simulated in correction mode of strapdown inertial system (SINS) by the satellite navigation system (SNS) and pseudolites (PL). The effect of PL signals at the accuracy of navigation solution of SNS was investigated. The results of complex processing of navigational information in the integrated navigation system are presented. | ||||||||
Rybin V. V. Development of MLSY_SM CKM extension package for Mathcad in the projection grid finite basis. . Trudy MAI, 2010, no 41 Presently various mathematical computer-oriented systems and their extension packages are used for calculations in the education. These packages are applied for a study of spectral form of the control system mathematical description. The design technique of MLSY_SM extension packages for Mathcad, Maple, Mathematica, and Matlab is discussed in [9]. Such packages allow analyzing the linear nonstationary continuous or discrete control systems in the spectral domain. In this paper MLSY_SM extension package for Mathcad in the projection grid finite basis and features of its formation are considered. Use of MLSY_SM extension package is illustrated by the Cauchy problem solution. Also MLSY_SM can be used for analysis and synthesis of the aircraft control systems, which are an important part of the airspace rocket complex. | ||||||||
Ryabov A. A., Zhelezov S. A., Rechkin V. N., Shmotin Y. N., Veselov A. V., Muller A. . Investigation of Computational Techniques Efficiency in Thermal Stress Analysis of an Aircraft Turbine Exhaust Frame. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 41 Comparison of Finite Element (Abaqus) and Finite Volume (STAR CCM+) computational techniques efficiency in investigation of an Aircraft Turbine Exhaust Frame thermal stress is being performed. Basic characteristic features, meshing efforts, numerical calculations results accuracy and convergence are being studied. Advantages of STAR CCM+ novel computational technique that can improve calculation efficiency and essentially reduce development effort are being demonstrated. | ||||||||
Tikhonov K. M., Tishkov V. V. SimMechanicsMatlab as means of modeling the dynamics of complex robotic systems. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 41 The technique of robotic system simulation based on the integration of SimMechanics and Matlab using CAD-compiler is considered as a promising way to create adequate models of me-chanical systems. This article was prepared with the support of RFBR grant 10-08-00897-a. | ||||||||
Shcherbakov M. A., Marchukov E. Y., Kartovitskiy L. L. Vortex structuring of the gas flow in the compressor cascade. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 41 In this paper, the numerical study results for spherical cavities on the suction face of the compressor blade have been done to define the range of the compressor cascade operating condition without the flow separation. For increase of the regime without the flow separetion the range of optimal geometric parameters of cavities were obtaned. The modified blade profile characteristic was compared with the basic profile on the other compressor cascade operatinfg conditions. It is shown the designate study field has future. | ||||||||
Tretiyakova O. N., Svetushkov N. N. Problems of laser interaction modeling with anisotropic materials and composites. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 40 The problem of simulation of thermal processes in laser irradiation on the surface of various materials is discussed, in which uses a new approach based on the solution of integral equations of heat transfer. For aims of describing the physical characteristics and geometry of the model authors use the principles of the cluster model, implemented in the software package CLUSTER2D. Article describes the features of software to create thermophysical model for numerical calculations. This approach helps to avoid oscillations in the resulting numerical solutions, which arise when applying the finite-difference and finite-element methods. | ||||||||
Katulev A. N., Kuznetsov A. U. Analyze of stability autonomous of nonlinear dynamical systems . Trudy MAI, 2010, no 40 The new method for analyze of stability of nonlinear autonomous dynamical system without introduction function of Lyapunov is elaborated. The reliability of the method is proved theoretically, and its useful is confirmed by results of research the stability of concrete nonlinear autonomous systems of second- and fifth-order. | ||||||||
Erofeyev V. I., Malkhanov A. O., Morozov A. N. Localization of strain wave in the nonlinear elastic conductive medium. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 40 The effect of magnetic field on the formation of localized waves in nonlinear elastic conductive medium. An evolution equation for describing the propagation of a wave beam in the medium, coinciding with the well-known in the theory of nonlinear wave equation Khokhlov-Zabolotskaya-Kuznetsov. The dependence of the parameters of the beam on the external magnetic field. | ||||||||
Erofeyev V. I., Morozov A. N., Nikitina E. A. The influence damaged material on the speed of it is elastic waves. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 40 The purpose of this study is to develop a mathematical model, which in a single scheme, and based on principles of continuum mechanics allows you to record the evolution equations of damage accumulation taking into account the geometrical and physical nonlinearities of the process. To solve this problem we propose a new approach based on the relationship of dynamic equations and the equations of material damage it. | ||||||||
Belov A. A., Igumnov L. A., Karelin I. S., Litvinchuk S. Y. Using the BIE method for analyzing boundary problems of 3-D dynamic visco- and pore-elasticity. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 40 The results of analyzing the dynamic state of visco-elastic bodies using the boundary element method (BEM) in combination with the convolution quadrature and Dourbin methods are presented. The analysis of visco-elastic boundary problems in 3-D formulation in explicit time is constructed without using stepped procedures. A model of a porous medium with a two-phase internal structure introduced by Byo is examined. The results of analyzing the dynamic state of finite porous-elastic bodies using BEM are given. Numerical experiments are presented. | ||||||||
Vasilevsky D. V., Simahin E. A., Spirin G. G. Calculation of effective heat conductivity of an elementary cell by means “action”. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 40 It is suggested to use the “action” (integral analogy of electrostatic field energy) to calculate the effective heat conductivity of elementary cell. The suggested approach is applied to the calculation of heat conductivity of disperse materials, the characteristic, necessary in design of heat performance of space vehicles. The maximum divergence of calculation results in the comparison with the numerical ones does not surpass 10%. | ||||||||
Shilin I. A., Vestyak V. A. Integral Representations of Legendre Functions Arising in Poisson Transform. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 40 We have derived some integrals representations of Legendre function by using so-called Poisson transform, which maps any homogeneous and infinitely differentiable function on the cone into a corresponding function on the two-sheeted hyperboloid. Above representations are applied in Fourier method or the method of separation of variables in the initial-boundary value problems of Dirichlet and Neumann problem for Poisson equation in a dihedral angle. These problems, in turn, are directly related to the nonlinear flow problem, the lifting force, and vibrations of an airplane wing. | ||||||||
Zay Y. ., Kyaw Z. . Calculation of aerodynamic characteristics of aircraft in high-speed rarefied gas flow. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 40 The present work defines the basic aerodynamic characteristics of typical aerospace vehicle during hypersonic flight in rarefied atmosphere, obtained with the Monte-Carlo method based on the hypothesis of locality. The present results are the aerodynamics characteristics of aerospace vehicle by Monte-Carlo method in free molecular flow at different values of Reynolds number and temperature factor. The results can be used for aerospace vehicle design project. | ||||||||
Gavrilov D. G., Mamonov S. V., Martirosov M. I., Rabinsky L. N. Comparative characteristics of strength properties of samples with different types of coatings for aviation wares.. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 40 Results of tests investigations of steel samples tension without coating and with applied protective coatings of different types are under consideration. The same consideration is provided for four points twist. | ||||||||
Komarov V. V., Ponomarev A. A., Ponomarev N. B. Experimental Investigation of Restricted Shock Separation in Nozzle with Exit Cone. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 40 The so-called restricted shock flow separation (RSS) was revealed experimentally in a high-area-ratio model nozzle having a truncated ideal contour and a 45° back exit cone intended initially for facilitating ground tests of rocket engines with such nozzles. Transitions from the usually observed free shock flow separation (FSS) to RSS and vice versa in this nozzle with the exit cone of different exit diameter during increasing and decreasing the chamber pressure are analyzed. To this effect both static pressures and their pulsations were measured on the nozzle surface, and also surface oil pictures in the flow separation region are employed. | ||||||||
Zaharov A. A. Way of experimental definition of scale factor of a wave solid-state gyroscope with digital differentiation . Trudy MAI, 2010, no 40 The pre-production model of an integrating wave solid-state gyroscope with differentiation (WSG-IGD) has found out the following feature of change of the measured values (Ωизм) to constant angular speed set to the sample Ω [radian/second]. Function Ωизм(t) contains not sinusoidal periodic component, to the greatest which first harmonic correspond amplitude Ωим1≈0,0066 Ω and circular frequency ω≈1,09Ω . By the analysis it is established that feature is caused by a methodical periodic error of measurement of a corner of orientation of a standing wave in the resonator. Using this feature, the way of experimental definition of scale factor (K) WSG-IGD is developed and tested. On the given sample the measured factor has made K=0.2773. Recommendations about application of ways of definition of scale factor WSG-IGD are considered. | ||||||||
Zaharov A. A. Mathematical model of the converter of two-polar pressure in frequency, its likelihood information at work on small pressure in the conditions of a background hindrance.. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 40 The mathematical description of characteristics of the converter of two-polar voltage in frequency (CTVF) in the conditions of an entrance background hindrance is considered. Mathematical model CTVF is constructed at use of characteristics of unipolar converters. On wasps-novanii of this model population mathematical expectations (МE) target frequency CTVF (depending on a constant component of entrance voltage) and extreme values of a deviation of this frequency from МE are received. It is spent linearization expressions МE for small entrance signals. | ||||||||
Zaharov A. A. Model of the converter of two-polar voltage in frequency at its work on small voltage in the conditions of a background hindrance and temperature changes (together with compensatory gyrotachometer). Trudy MAI, 2010, no 40 The description of characteristics of the converter of two-polar voltage in frequency (CTVF) is considered at small voltage in the conditions of an entrance background hindrance, a random error of start and temperature changes. On the basis before the developed model "ideal" CTVF it is defined linearization population mathematical expectations (МE) frequency CTVF (depending on a small constant component of entrance voltage). Functional dependence specified МE from temperature CTVF is Thus received. For algorithmic correction of errors of the converter methods of measurement of parametres of zero zone CTVF are offered at its joint work with a two-scale gyroscopic measuring instrument of angular speed. | ||||||||
Kartashov D. A., Medetov N. A., Smirnov D. I., Orlov R. S., Ivashchenko O. V. Calculations efficiency improvement for results of multilayered structures double-wave X-Ray reflectometry at usage of GPU and CUDA technology . Trudy MAI, 2010, no 40 Calculation efficiency of results double-wave X-ray reflectometry for multilayered structures on GPU with application of platform NVIDIA CUDA is considered. For the first time effective implementation of calculations on interpretation of the data relative double-wave X-ray reflectometry on the basis of technology CUDA is offered. In this paper comparison calculation speed of mathematical model on GPU NVidia GeForce 8500 GT with speed of calculation on the basis of the CPU Intel Core 2 Duo E6400 is spent. Experiments have shown, that calculations time of parameters for multilayered structures on GPU is reduced more than 10 times in comparison with calculation on the CPU. | ||||||||
Akimov E. V., Kuznetsov M. N. Probabilistic Mathematical Models for the Evaluation of Wireless Sensor Networks Reliability. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 40 This paper deals with the stochastic mathematical models of components and operational aspects of wireless sensor networks (WSN), designed to evaluation the reliability of the network using the theory of markovian processes. These models can also be used to solve other problems associated with the design and analysis of WSN. | ||||||||
Bogdanov A. S., Shevtsov V. A. Positioning and management in modern mobile radio networks. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 40 The article reveals a new way to determine the location and management in modern mobile radio networks, based on the integrated use of mobile radio communication network and deployed within its range of local radio-navigation network. | ||||||||
Tretiyakova O. N. About using IT- technologies for the creation differential teaching technical university students system . Trudy MAI, 2010, no 40 The description of 3D-modeling a computer practical work by using IT- technologies is stated in article. | ||||||||
Bolshov O. A. Threshold signals at limiting restriction of speech. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 39 In this article the matter concerning the evaluation of the speech information protection against unsanctioned access is considered and some conditions are defined for which the information safety appears to be sufficient. | ||||||||
Bardin D. S., Karpuhin E. . Ensuring reliable delivery over UDP using Reed-Solomon codes. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 39 Proposed architecture of a system, built on technology .NET Remoting using Reed-Solomon codes to ensure safe delivery UDP-packets. The use of Reed-Solomon codes is intended to improve the efficiency of applications, using the protocol UDP. | ||||||||
Blagov A. V., Privalov A. Y. Some modifications construction of models M/G/ input and On-Off sourses for self-similar telecommunication traffic simulation. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 39 The paper describes pressing question of modeling of the telecommunication traffic. Authors present a simple numerical methods of parameters calculation for well known traffic models M/G/ Input and On-Off Sources, which allows to simulate both self-similar properties and some statistical characterizes. | ||||||||
Buyukli T. V., Shorstov V. A. About problem statement of compressor cascade vibration analysis for aeroelastic characteristics estimation. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 39 Investigation of unsteady disturbance in cascade, received by cylindrical surface separation of model fun blade row, is developed. Flows in cascade on choke mode and stall mode are investigated. Stationary and oscillating cross-sections are used in computations. Necessity of Flow – structure interference accounting is shown. Rotating stall initiation condition are received. | ||||||||
Gorelov S. L., Zayar S. . Falling bodies on the Earth from deep space. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 39 We calculated the trajectory of motion of bodies falling to Earth from deep space by the example of spherical meteor. Calculations are performed for different impact parameters, the velocity at infinity and the different sizes of bodies. To calculate the drag force and heat flux during the motion of bodies in the atmosphere using the new dependence on the Reynolds number, constructed on the basis of self-similar interpolation. The possibility of destruction of meteors from the forces of pressure and heat in the atmosphere. | ||||||||
Dmitriev S. A. Research of enterprises’ staffing problems. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 39 This paper contains research of the staffing problems faced by the enterprises of aviation and aerospace industry. The results of “Evaluation of specialists’ training quality and their professional advancement” monitoring are given. Some practical ways out of the situation in the enterprises are outlined. | ||||||||
Ermilov Y. I., Ravikovich Y. A., Klimenko A. V., Kholobtsev D. P. The mathematical model of the sliding liquid bearing having heat transfer with ambient . Trudy MAI, 2010, no 39 Abstract The mathematical model of the sliding liquid bearing is presented. The model allows heat transfer throw bearing case and bush with ambient. Dependencies bearing load capacity from materials thermal conductivity, eccentricity and rotation speed are presented. | ||||||||
Zakalyukin I. V. Singularities of non-holonomic constraints degeneration and controllability. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 39 We consider the asymptotic behavior of controllable mechanical generic system with linear non-holonomic constraints in a vicinity of the submanifold where the rank of of the system of the constraint equation falls down by one. We show that if the control parameters are the generalized forces bounded by some constant, then the attainability domain for arbitrary initial point does not contain the neighbourhood of this submanifold. On the other hand, the control kinematic system determined by the same constraint equations is completely controllable. An example of a system with degeneration of linear constraints is considered. The system consists of a heavy beam with two attached sleighs. | ||||||||
Ivakha V. V. To the question of assurance of aviation launching equipment with technical exploitation on condition.. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 39 The article presents basic specifications to the aviation launching equipment construction on the life cycle stages with considering of technical exploitation on condition. Main problems of the life cycle stages and possible solutions of the problems in considering of technical exploitation on condition of the aviation launching equipment construction are offered. | ||||||||
Ignatskaya I. V. Interaction Graph Software Modeling and Analyses Conception. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 39 | ||||||||
Kolesnikov A. V., Paleshkin A. V. Numerical method of the choice of the power mode of behavior of mesh heaters. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 39 The methodical approach developed by authors and algorithm of the decision of a problem of a choice of a power mode of behaviour of the mesh heaters used for imitation of external thermal loadings on elements of an external surface of a space vehicle is stated. Efficiency of the given approach on an example of the decision of modelling problems is illustrated. | ||||||||
Leferov A. A., Kupriyanov N. D. Urgency and problems of increasing efficiency of a piston internal combustion engine with direct injection of water.. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 39 Urgency and problem of increasing efficiency of a piston internal combustion engine by recycling of heat of the exhaust gases are considered in this article. Classification of modes of recycling of heat of the exhaust gases is spent. Prospective advantages of direct injection of water are defined. Patent search of decisions for direct injection of water is spent. Result of patent search is classification of modes of direct injection of water (steam) and choice of the most perspective decisions. The current state of problem and most important questions demanding decisions are defined. | ||||||||
Nesterenko V. G., Matushkin A. A. Design methods of modern air-jet engines turbine rotor blades film cooling system improvement. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 39 Main principles of a choice of parametres and feature of designing of system of film cooling of a profile part of a feather of working shovels of high-temperature turbines GTE are considered at high sizes gas temperatures 1650К <(Т *) gas <1850 … 1900К for сопловым the turbine device on an input in the driving wheel. The expediency of orientation of channels of protecting cooling at an angle to a turbine axis is revealed, is close to a radial direction. In this case discrete streams of individual channels form a uniform protecting veil and their thermal efficiency becomes comparable to the system of cooling consisting of separate cracks. Also possibilities of economy of the expense of the cooling air spent for cooling of blades of the driving wheel of the turbine are investigated. With that end in view, various sites of a feather on shovel height, and also its bent and выпуклою the parties, it is necessary to cool differentially, in conformity with available distribution of temperature of gas to a profile part of a feather of a blade and level of non-uniformity radial distribution diagram gas temperatures on an input in the turbine. | ||||||||
Opryshko N. V. Development of evaluation system of cooperation efficiency between an industrial enterprise and a leasing company . Trudy MAI, 2010, no 39 The article analyses a problem of Russian industrial enterprises obsolescence and considers means of equipment renewal financing, including leasing. The evaluation system of cooperation efficiency between an industrial enterprise and a leasing company was developed by the author. | ||||||||
Repin A. I., Merkishin G. V., Popova L. V. By the point of the parameters and the structure optimization of the initial orientation of the navigation systems in the azimuth. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 39 In this article the materials are given for optimizing the structure and the parameters of the initial orientation of the navigation systems in the azimuth. The algorithms are obtained for optimal nonlinear filtration under conditions of Gaussovoy approximation posteriori density of the probability. The filtrate equations can be simplified if the pulses amplitude is given and it is taken the possibility of SNS at short distances with the chosen power of the useful signal into consideration. Then it is not difficult to obtain the equations solution for the second central moments after temporary average. It is given the schedule of the errors dispersion of the useful signal filtration (the messages). | ||||||||
Romanov V. A., Rybackov K. A. Spectral characteristics of multiplication, differentiation and integration operators in the generalized Hermite basis. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 39 In this paper generalized Hermite functions are considered, recurrent expressions of its derivatives and primitives are obtained. Calculating algorithms of spectral characteristics for multiplication, differentiation, and integration operators are formulated. They are approved on a number of examples (including functional approximation, approximation of derivatives and primitives, analysis of linear deterministic control systems). | ||||||||
Smerchinskaya S. O., Yashina N. P. Construction of the aggregated preference relations on the basis of a loaded majority graph. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 39 Choice problem arise during the design and creation of modern rocket and space technology, for comparative analysis of technical means, as well as decision making in terms of managing non-standard aircraft. In this paper we propose an algorithm for aggregating expert estimates, given the strict preference. Aggregation of preference relation reflects the individual preferences of experts and does not contain any circuits. The method is based on the construction of a loaded majority graph. The algorithm containes an original procedure, the destruction of contours. | ||||||||
Htun H. . Definition of the average velocity field in the transition region of the boundary layer on a plate in an incompressible fluid. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 39 A statistical method for simulating a boundary layer transition flow is proposed as based on experimental data on the kinematics and dynamics of turbulent spots (Emmons spots) on a flat plate placed in an incompressible fluid. The method determines intermittency with allowance for overlapping spots, which makes it possible to determine the forces on the plate surface and the flow field near the transition region if the mean streamwise velocity field in a developed turbulent boundary layer is known as a function of the Reynolds number. In contrast to multiparameter transition models, this approach avoids the use of nonphysical parameter values. | ||||||||
Yuldashev A. A. The research of the influence of the normative base about occupational safety and health on activity of the enterprise.. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 39 The article explored sources of the state normative requirements in sphere Occupational Safety and Health (OSH): Constitution Russian Federation, federal laws, resolutions Government Russian Federation. The main positions politicians are considered of the OSH and organizations production on enterprise. The conceptual model of the formation the duty regulations will presented with provision for state normative requirements of the OSH. | ||||||||
Zagordan A. A. Research of elastic wing leading edge flap working capacity under action of external loadings. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 In an effort to improve the wing aerodynamic characteristics of a deck basing aircraft MiG-29K, the Russian Aviation Corporation MiG has developed a wing leading edge flap, consisting of three sections along wing span axis. Flap parts deviation is provided by twelve mechanisms of a flap chord curvature. Flight and static tests revealed insufficient rigidity of the third section in neutral position. The mathematical model of flap elastic deformable third section was proposed to describe a pattern of wing leading edge flap work under action of external forces and to determine the loadings affecting the parts of mechanisms. EULER software was employed to create the model. Simulation results have allowed to draw the number of conclusions. | ||||||||
Sorokin Y. A. Methodology of computational analysis the tyre failure impact jet blast in the wheel bay. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 This paper describes methodology of computational analysis the tyre failure impact jet blast in the wheel bay. Analysis consists pattern of flow, flow characteristics and singularity, interaction with construction. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) was used for this problem at first time in Russia for RRJ aircraft family (Sukhoi SuperJet 100). Some results of parametric investigations are stated. | ||||||||
Yatsenko A. N. Workout of ergonomic proposals for the electronic displays of primary-flight information on progressive and modernized helicopters . Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 The aim of the work is the workout of ergonomic proposals for presenting primary-flight information on electronic displays in the helicopter cockpit. The work presents data on the problem of the use of electronic displays, material of experimental assessment and proposals on the improvement of I-frame of the primary-flight information. The ergonomic recommendation which were set out in the work and adapted for the workout of standard-technical documents which determine the volume and the view of primary-flight information which is reproduced on the electronic displays in helicopter cockpit. | ||||||||
Ignatkin Y. M., Makeev P. V., Shomov A. I. Software for calculation of aerodynamic characteristics of rotors of helicopters on the basis of the nonlinear vortical theory. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 On the basis of developed at department «Designing of helicopters» of the Moscow aviation institute of mathematical model [1] the software intended for calculation of a wide range of problems of aerodynamics of the helicopter rotor with using of personal computers is created. The model is constructed on the basis of nonlinear vortical theory of the rotor [1] with using model of vortex diffusion. The results received [1; 2] are interesting at creation and modernisation of rotors of helicopters. The software is the convenient tool for the decision of a wide range of problems of aerodynamics of the helicopter rotor. | ||||||||
Makeich G. S., Tukaev M. U., Chibisov Y. N. Analysis of trajectory longitudinal motion of multimode supersonic unmanned vehicle developed by canard and tailless aerodynamic scheme. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 The research is conducted at the choice of an aerodynamic configuration of a multimode supersonic unmanned vehicle (MSUV) with subsonic ramjet and shield inlet. Investigations include an CFD aerodynamic calculations and longitudinal trajectory simulation. Measurement research is a М = 2… 4 by March number and Н = 100… 25 000 м by altitude. MSUV considered as prototype of a accelerator aircraft of a reusable aerospace system. Basic results is the program of a MSUV trajectory longitudinal motion and program defined optimal MSUV aerodynamic configuration with ramjet shield inlet. This aerodynamic configuration named “hybrid scheme” since optimal configuration combine behaviour of a canard and tailless schemes. | ||||||||
Kovalevich M. V., Klimova A. A. Combining traditional operations of sheet metall forming and superplasticity forming for parts of aircraft fabrication. . Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 Many parts of aircraft manufacture of high strength and hard-alloys. One promising area of intensification of stamping operations is the application of superplasticity effect. It ensures the possibility of manufacturing complex shape parts with extremely high degrees of overall and local deformations. Due to the fact that the deformation is entirely due to thinning of the free part of the workpiece without moving the flange, and the degree of deformation is of great importance, the details prodused superplastic forming, have considerable variation in thickness. The successful development process requires the development of effective methods and ways of control the distribution of the thickness. The study demonstrated the effectiveness of combining processes stamping and to reduce the thinning of the SPF. Introduction of superplastic forming technology will create new construtions, reduce costs and cycle of components, shorten production preparation. | ||||||||
Kuprukhin A. A., Nikitin P. V. Catalytic and radiative properties in the thermal protection of spacecraft.. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 The paper presents a method of experimental determination of catalytic and radia-tive properties of advanced materials for thermal protection of spacecraft gliding class. The method was developed for use in the high-gas-dynamic stands reproducing full-scale thermal parameters during the flight of the spacecraft (spacecraft) in the atmosphere of the Earth and other planets. The influence of catalytic and radiative properties on heat transfer on the surface of spacecraft. | ||||||||
Frolov V. N., Garanin I. V. Experimental study of detonation initiation and behaviour of combustion chamber model for the pulse-jet detonating engine. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 A systems of detonation initiation are studied in the combustion chamber. The parameters of the combustion chamber are rated in the self-oscillation mode, the maximum frequency of pulsations is set. | ||||||||
Knyazev I. A. Influence of geometrical form of internal cavity in construction of transversal traction.. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 This construction can be applied in different directions of development REHF. Presently on the rockets of class «air-to-air» сhange of a vector of a direction reached by turn a flaps. Application of engine of TT on the rockets of «air-to-air» will allow considerably to decrease time of change of vector of direction of rocket, for a few seconds a rocket will be able not only to turn in necessary direction, but also without the special labour will develop on 180º at the minimum radius of turn as a result hit of purpose a rocket probability will grow considerably. Introduction of this construction in a space subject, will allow us to decide the row of problems. One of main problems it is a decline of weight accordingly increase of useful loading. For example, in composition engine installation emergency rescue system (ERS) «Souz-TMA» uses additional engines, which provide thrown down product evade launch vehicle and balance weight which stabilizes flight ERS. Design installation TT on ERS will allow to liquidate additional engines and a balance weight which weighs about 400 kg. | ||||||||
Bogomolov M. V. Products' virtual testing. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 A new approach to strength testing of new typical products for our company, called Products' virtual testing, is provided in this work. This approach provides modeling of the construction's nonlinear deformation processes in time, which allows not only to perform calculations of the construction's separate parts but also to perform an analysis of the whole construction's testing. The advantages of a new approach are compared to the classical methods of construction strength assessment. This approach is concluded to be promising and needing to be implemented in the product cycle of the company. | ||||||||
Kuzmicheva A. O., Melnikova N. S. Development and implementation of the algorithm of inductive generation of regression models for automatic control system of aircraft gas turbine engine. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 This article devoted a method for automatic determination temperature Т*г of the gas flow before working engine turbine. Control by this parameter optimizes engine traction-economic characteristics, to direct exhausts the reserves of its efficiency, partly to fend off decline of engine thrust owing to the inevitable deterioration engine characteristics in operation. Desired (regression) depending the optimal complexity had got by multilayer group method of data handling (GMDH). To generate an optimal model specialized software was developed using modern information technologies. | ||||||||
Tkach V. V. Using modal analysis in multidisciplinary investigation of Liquid Propellant Rocket Engines. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 Article represents the methods for multidisciplinary investigation of Liquid Propellant Rocket Engine’s main element – main turbine disk. Descriptions of mathematical models being used during investigation, LMS modal analysis processing sequence for mathematical model correction are given here. It is also showed what these methods allow to increase an evaluation accuracy of alternating stresses and high cycle fatigue margin. | ||||||||
Sevostyanov A. I. Method of Distant Measuring of the Profile of the Ceramic Ring of a Hall Thruster.. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 The following article proposes the usage of the optical triangulation method for the distance measuring of the profile of the ceramic rings of a hall thruster which would enable life test cost and time reduction. | ||||||||
Kirpichev K. U., Neretin E. S. The real time high-frequency optical electronic elements and knots test stand development. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 In given article is described the developed complex for high frequency optical electronic different function devices testing. The basic results of work are: working out of complex structure and algorithms of work. Use of automated complex allows to receive, analyse and draw conclusions on quality of work such optical electronic components, as laser diodes, photodetectors and matrix optical electronic light modulators. | ||||||||
Malshakov G. V. Efficiency of automation of managerial processes of high school on the basis of CALS - technologies. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 The analysis of economic efficiency of automation of managerial processes on the basis of CALS - technologies is lead. Analytical expressions for calculation of economic benefit are received at designing the management information system institute of higher education with use CALS - technologies which differ that with the purpose of increase of accuracy of an estimation of effect use a logic matrix of interaction of subsystems. | ||||||||
Kovalev L. K., Koneev S. M., Poltavez V. N., Goncharov M. V., Il'yasov R. I. Magnetic suspensions based on HTS bulks for high speed on-land transport. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 Calculation methods for magnetic fields and levitation forces in magnetically levitated carriages on the base of bulk high-temperature superconducting (HTS) materials and permanent magnets (PM) are considered. The analysis of parameters of magnetically levitated systems of various configurations and design is presented. Experimental and theoretical characteristics of large-scale model of high-speed transport with bulk HTS and PM and design load ~ 600 kg are presented. | ||||||||
Mishin A. Y., Frolova O. A., Isaev Y. K., Yegorov A. V. Aircraft integrated navigation system. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 The subject for this study is an integrated data measurement system for an advanced uninhabited air vehicle (UAV) which consists of a strapdown inertial navigation system, a satellite navigation unit and a radio instrument system for velocity component and altitude measurement. The aim of this study is to create a concept and software algorithmic solutions for building of the integrated system that can provide the UAV control system with valid navigation data having the proper accuracy under diverse operation environments. In this paper the mathematic models for the inertial data sensors / systems are synthesized, the data flow diagram and operation logic for the integrated system software are developed, the results of the synthesized algorithm simulation using the digital computer system are given. | ||||||||
Tirtichny A. A. Choice of structural elements of micromechanical autooscillating inertial sensors. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 There’re basic principles of micromechanical autooscillating inertial sensors’ designing in this paper. Methods of analysis of optoelectronic position sensor’s parameters are developed. Advantages of electromagnetic drivers are examined. It’s established that application of the micromechanical autooscillating inertial sensors simultaneously allows engineers to achieve both increasing of sensitivity and rising of measurements precision. | ||||||||
Lobanov B. S., Hlopov B. V., Fesenko M. V. The portable unified device for deleting from electronic data carriers of various type. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 Progress in the field of information technologies, large-scale information of all fields of activity demand constant perfection of methods and means of a safety of the information. One of components of a safety of the information is creation of conditions of its reliable storage, processing, transfer and destruction. The requirement for the equipment for guaranteed destruction of the information from magnetic carriers is caused by necessity of preservation of modes of the limited access to documents. Appearance PUE01 does not open its functional applicability and looks as hand luggage. | ||||||||
Sysuev A. V. Estimation of advantage probabilistic system analysis approach by guaranteeing with presence of small stochastic parameter. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 The probabilistic and guarantee quality system analysis approach in conditions of stochastic uncertainty with presence of small stochastic parameter are compared. Approximate absolute and relative evaluations of the effectiveness are obtained. The uncertainty is assigned of the Barmish class distributions. Provided to be that using of quantile criterion is more effective than guarantee criterion in that conditions. This effect is appeared not less than 39%. | ||||||||
Kiyko A. S. The decision problem of choosing the parameters of the orbital structure of the multi-purpose space systems. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 The problem of choice of the orbital structure of the spacecraft with a long term of active existence in highly elliptical orbits multipurpose space system is consider in this article. The spacecraft solves the problem of monitoring of the Earth's surface and bring the information to subscribers of this space system. The author say that for choice the orbital structure may be used an approach, based on consideration of spatial-temporal characteristics of the system and the time of the maximum permitted degradation. | ||||||||
Polosukhina K. A. Definition of global earth monitoring satellite orientation, based on imaging data processing. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 This article is about the method of local vertical construction, which is based on the satellite imaging data, for satellite of Global Earth Monitoring System that is placed on highly eccentric elliptical orbit. The main difference of proposed method from the traditional ways of satellite orientation is that it doesn’t demand for any special equipment, which determines the direction of the center of the Earth (i.e. construct the local vertical). | ||||||||
Vdovichenko A. G. Use of frequency synthesis for an estimation of characteristics freedoms in a working zone of the stand for tests radiotransparent radoms radar-tracking heads of homing. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 Present clause is devoted to a question of maintenance of necessary conditions for measurements of parameters radiotransparent radoms perspective flying devices in freedom chambers due to an estimation of characteristics freedoms in a working zone of the chamber, known ways of measurement of factor freedoms are considered, and also their comparative analysis is lead. | ||||||||
Kravchuk S. V., Shatsky M. A., Kovalev A. Y. Design principles of control and management system for satellites usage. . Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 Principles of software design for hierarchical satellite control and management system are described in the article. The created system coordinates the operations of different subsystems of satellite (stabilization, navigation and other subsystems) in order to accomplish the target satellite function on different periods of flight and operations (goal satellite purpose, orbit correction, failure counter etc.). The described principles are invented in satellite control systems produced in MOKB MARS | ||||||||
Chekanov S. S. Designing universal geoinformation system based on Adobe Flex technology. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 This article examines related to Flash Rich Internet Application (RIA) technology - Adobe Flex - as a tool for the development of geoinformation systems (GIS). Argued the necessity of creation a new universal GIS. Described the architecture of author's client/server browser-based GIS; considered issues of vector data representation, increasing of self-descriptiveness and readability of spatial data. Cited the advices of designing user interface, as instance presented geoplayer and revolver menu. While researching and developing Adobe Flex technology proved to be the optimum for the creation of geoinformation systems with modern level of requirements. | ||||||||
Posadsky A. I., Novikov S. A. Problems and models, methods and results of investigation of dynamic course of planning analysis in computer-aided space monitoring system of movable naval objects. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 Problems of formation and dynamic updating of the plan of supervision of the mobile sea objects, time made on a set interval are considered. The data about results of survey of areas of possible position of these objects, arriving in the centre of reception and processing of the information of System is thus considered. Приводится описание разработанной имитационной модели, как инструментального средства для исследования эффективности алгоритмов планирования. | ||||||||
Aleksushin S. V. Implementation of integrated approach to winged missile transport loads assignment. . Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 Complex procedures and programs, realizing unified loads assignment approach for structure fatigue evaluation and transport bench test conditions setting, are presented. Flying vehicles transport loads evaluation methods are considered. The methods include simulation of moving on random road profile and determinate road irregularities. Corresponding evaluation examples presented. Cyclic loads evaluation technique with use of dynamic simulation and in-situ loads measurements are suggested. | ||||||||
Smirnov M. ., Malyugin A. S. Creation ultralight armor materials for aircraft and ground forces . Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 One of the modern directions of laminates hybrid structure is the creation of new synthetic armor with low specific gravity and minimum zapregradnym shift at high dissipation of impact energy, low penetration and high cyclic survivability. These materials are required in the aviation engine building, in the manufacture of airframe (aircraft) and helicopters, the production of anatomical body armor, armored assault helmets, mounted passive and reactive protection of mobile ground equipment, storm barriers, blast containers and many others. etc. The authors of the project developed a constructive-technological method for rigid panels made of soft poliaramidnyh materials while maintaining all the original properties of the fibers contained a polymer with high impact resistance. | ||||||||
Smirnov M. ., Malyugin A. S. Development of hybrid composites based on synthetic resins, modified with nanoparticles of metals and ceramics. Creation of pilot production. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 Polymer composite materials selected by the authors as a model environment for the introduction of solid nanoparticles as the target modifiers, drastically changing the properties of the composite are the most preferable to the current macro-structural materials. Obtained in this material may be applied not only in the development of repair compounds, but also for designing special polymer composite materials for constructional purposes, including those with extremely high properties. The proposed approach to the layout of a polymer composite material containing nanoparticles of carbon, metals and ceramics, as well as similar Micron, significantly reduces the costs of conducting research in the distribution of particles in viscous media. | ||||||||
Mitin I. A., Nikulochkin M. J. Expert system for an estimation of conformity of the plane configuration to AP-25 requirements regarding engine rotor burst. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 The methods and results of working out of expert system for the analysis of configurations of planes about conformity to standard documents of the Aviaregister of Interstate Aviation Committee (AR IAC) are presented. Methods of reception and the analysis of initial data in the environment of CAD/CAM system ProEngineer are stated, examples of work of subprograms of system are shown at checks of configurations of planes. Preliminary results are received. | ||||||||
Mannapov A. R., Zaytsev A. N. Features of creating plurality of small-sized pins by the method of pulse electrochemical machining. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 Aspects of pulse electrochemical machining of small-sized (0.1…1 mm) juxtaposed pins by vibrating electrode-tool in the form of thin non-isolated perforated plate are considered. Specific features of this machining scheme are explaned and attempt of formalized discription are given. | ||||||||
Kravchuk S. V., Shatsky M. A., Samus P. A. Satellite stabilization and orientation system using star-sensor information. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 Structure and algorithms of stabilization system are described in the article. The created system is based on star-sensor information about the orientation and radial speed of satellite. This ability enables to raise operational safety and reliability under partly or full gyroscope failure. The system is applied in space satellite control system and accomplished operation tests. Capability of using the designed system both on already launched and newly-made satellites was shown during the tests and utilization. | ||||||||
Sologub G. . A computer environment for a creation of simulation knowledge testing system. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 A simulation knowledge test technology is described as well as a program realization of a computer environment meant for generation of tests and organization of computerized testing. | ||||||||
Sgadova N. A., Strulev I. M. Analysis of the shape of a reflecting surface of а parabolic antenna deformed under the action of the weight loading. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 The structure of the antenna with reflector, which has property of homology in a wide range of elevation angles, is considered. In the process of the antenna designing the method of a quantitative estimation of reflector deformation, based on the analysis of deflection of the reflector deformed surface from an approximating surface, is used. | ||||||||
Ivanov S. A. Electrostatic discharge protection methods at electronics manufacture with high-integrated elements using. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 Principal types of high-integrated elements damages, arising at electrostatic discharge influence on electronics, are considered in this article. Complex actions for prevention of electronics damages by the electrostatic discharge during all cycles of manufacture, transportation, installation and operation are stated also. | ||||||||
Ivenkov I. I. Correction of farness distortions with internal calibration in aviation SAR. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 The radar-tracking images data processing has been received by a SAR with sensitivity-time control (STC) are considered. Theoretical models of underlying terrain of various types are offered. Theoretical STC functions for various operating modes SAR and types of the underlying terrain are calculated, allowing to improve the radar-tracking image at the expense of correction intensity distortions. Possibility to bring the correcting factors, considering instability of parametres of blocks on a pilot-signal is considered. | ||||||||
Alekseev E. V., Fitenko V. V. Experimental research of altimetric channel of landing radar for spacecraft “Fobos-Grunt”. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 The article constitutes the results of testing altimetric channel of lander radar for spacecraft “Fobos-Grunt”. Methods for estimating the accuracy of altitude measurements in the absence of external trajectory of measuring are considered. | ||||||||
Saharov V. O. Speech control channel of mastering automation system radar equipment. Soft and hard means . Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 The paper aim is speech control channel creating for radar equipment. Research and models of speech signals presented to synthesize speech command recognition system. Soft and hard are worked out. | ||||||||
Savinov M. . Potential accuracy of three-channel direction-finding phase-phase sensing element with ellipsoobraznym location of the reception points. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 In this work we compared the characteristics of the potential accuracy of measurements of angular coordinates for the three and four-channel monopulse direction-finding phase-phase sensitive elements with semi-arbitrary location of the receiving points on the ellipse in the plane of equal phases, which are in optimal maximum likelihood. Criterion it is shown that for low signal to noise ratio, three-channel sensor element has up to two times greater the potential accuracy of measurements of angular coordinates of location of the object. | ||||||||
Mikheyeva L. S. Development strategy for enterprise by integrating systems of management business processes. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 Radio Engineering industry is an important system-branch of the economy of Russia. Economic reforms in Russia are carried out in a crisis situation in the domestic aviation and space industries. One the way out of crisis is the formation of a new organizational management and strategy development company based on process-value approach. Therefore, the organization conducting the re-engineering of business processes achieving the growth of the main indicators of economic efficiency of enterprises | ||||||||
Klonitskaya A. Y. The method of analysis and diagnosis of the financial and economic state of marginally profitable and unprofitable industry organizations. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 The proposed method allows to determine the type of enterprise activity, which lead to the emergence of losses and affects the deterioration of the financial and economic situation of industrial enterprises. The basis of the method consists in comparing the profitability of the industry average, and calculating the tax impact of the businesses with signs of deterioration in the financial and economic conditions. The effectiveness of the proposed method is to calculate the lost income from the budget of RF subjects. Articles are considered internal reporting enterprises, whose analysis will reveal the validity of the reflection losses. | ||||||||
Gusarova Y. V. Classification method of industrial enterprises by tax performance. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 The original author's method of tax performance diagnostic of one kind of economic activity is represented, and also the classification of enterprises by this indicator. The aim of the research is the identification of signs of the alleged unprofitability based on the connection of tax performance indicator and profitability of enterprises. Measures of influence aimed to eliminate "unfair" business are proposed. | ||||||||
Yuldashev A. A. The creation of the safety conditions of the labour as way of the reduction power capacity of production. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 The main positions politicians are considered of the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) of the projecting and producting aircraft and space-system engineering. The priorities of “The power economy strategy of Russia till the period of 2020” are considered. The explored ways of the redaction of non-production losses of the heat. It is offered the method of making labor safety condition, corresponding to the priorities of the power economy strategy of Russia, which allows to short the consumptions of heat energy. | ||||||||
Bogacheva M. N. The etstimation of efficiency of development of global power on the basis of use of lunar resources «helium -3».. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 In this article it is told about the industrial mastery of the Moon, namely about the output, the processing and the delivery of lunar «Helium-3».The calculation of the economic expediency of the realization of this project are so given | ||||||||
Buslaeva T. S. Improving the planning of projects and programs in the JSC Sukhoi Design Bureau. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 The work deals with the problems and ways to improve the mechanism for planning projects and programs in the JSC Sukhoi Design Bureau. In this paper we proposed to the formation of plans for organizing a more frequent step plan, with each step of the work shift at the beginning of the interval model, reserves are determined by performance of work, the work included in the plan ac-cording to the key preferences, suggested exercise plan in two stages: first, included in the work plan that can be done completely, then comes afterfilling plan. We used the methods of economic-mathematical simulation, heuristic methods. Application of the proposed approaches to planning will take timely planning and management decisions in the organization and intelligently allocate limited resources to achieve targeted results. | ||||||||
Gavrilov V. . Development of economic-organizing mechanism of formation of aircraft promoting strategy to market. . Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 The present article is devoted to analyze current situation and define key elements of successful development of aircraft production sphere in Russia. In accordance with it economic-organizing mechanism of formation of aircraft promoting strategy to market is developed. Structural and procedure frame of mechanism is defined. Technology of strategy preparation is developed. | ||||||||
Chemyakin A. V., Wroblewski E. G., Zaretsky D. M., Yudakov S. V. Methods of computer design technology ejection devices for missile aircraft of the fifth generation. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 This work is devoted to simulation of aircraft armament robotic systems The analysis of technology market of mathematical modeling. For example, aircraft ejection systems for aircraft of the fifth generation of advanced technology research examined the kinematic and dynamic properties of complex linkage: the technology of solid-state models, measurement technologies of mass-dimensional characteristics, including tensor of moments of inertia of complex parts, and immediately the process of creating models of complex spatial mechanism with the subsequent investigation of its kinematics and dynamics. The work is the development of the technology of computer simulation, which permits a sufficiently adequate dynamic model of linkage with varying parameters and to measure position, velocity, acceleration of any of its points and the magnitude of reactions in the hinges at any time. | ||||||||
Strizhevskiy M. N. Automated modeling aerodynamic heating of objects with flight speeds up to 6M.. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 The article describes the features of automated control rapid processes of heating, cooling and loading in strength tests. The document contains a formulation of the problem, reveals some of the most problematic issues and describes the developed prototype model of the system. | ||||||||
Tverdokhleb A. A. Matrix model of elastic systems of start. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 The generalised model of systems of start of aviation means of defeat in a kind of the universal matrix model allowing uniformly to describe elastic of property of a launcher at modelling of process of start of aviation means of defeat is developed. Features and properties of matrixes of the rigidity are thus investigated, allowing to carry out their transformations, necessary removals at modelling or imposings of additional mechanical communications, and the technique of definition of factors of matrixes of rigidity with use of a method of static calculation of designs is developed. | ||||||||
Malyugin A. S., Smirnov M. . Development of large non-metallic tooling for forming parts based on polyurethanes and hybrid plastic. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 38 When manufacturing large-sized products from polymer composite materials and special processes, the use of conventional metal molds becomes unprofitable because of the large metal, high labor intensity of production (the locksmith and machining) and the energy process. To solve this problem is more efficient use of large tooling of polymer composite materials. To improve the cleanliness of the surface shape of the snap-polymer composite materials, the project used the gel coat based on polyurethane or polyurea cold hardening. As a result, studies were selected in the optimal ratio of polymeric materials in the construction equipment for various applications. | ||||||||
Kosarukin V. . The development of foundations of Engineering Ethics. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 37 Ethical aspects of engineering work: during processes designing of, constructioning of and creating of the technical facilities, most of all, during creating the combining few the complexes - megakompleksov ( in particular for example, during designing and creating the objects of military aviation technology). The questions the psychophysiological and moral the qualities of an Individual - of an engineer, the qualities, which determining its professional activity in society; about aspects of assessment of their; and the ways of formation of attitudes the engineer into him professional activities in accordance with the teachings of the Noosphere. | ||||||||
Monakhova V. P., Myshelov E. P., Prokhorova I. V. Training process qualitative evaluation survey of students under the direction of “Power generating systems of aviation and rocket-and-space systems”. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 37 In this article the questions of evaluation of training quality (based on excellence model) are being examined (award of Government of the Russian Federation in quality management area). The end-users (students) satisfaction survey results are being presented, as the most important (in accordance with the model) qualitative characteristic of educational process. | ||||||||
Shumilina A. G. Usage rating models of competence in the training system of personal in the area space. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 37 In this article pay attention to the personal of area space, take problems education, models of competence and it‘s using by enterprises. | ||||||||
Kraev V. M., Yanyshev D. S. Problem of transitional process by turbulent flow in aerospace engines channels. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 37 The importance of transient process in channels flows applying to aerospace engines engineering is discussed. The simple engineering approach for hydraulic resistance by turbulent flow estimation presented. A common analytical decision for Prandtl type equation for resistance coefficient carried out. The results of modern approach for turbulent flow in round cannel calculation presented. | ||||||||
Bashilov S. A., Nikitin P. V. Method of formation of thermal-resistant screening coatings on a surface of carbon - carbon heat-shielding materials.. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 37 Carbon - carbon Composite Materials (CCCM) on the majority of the thermo-physical and other characteristics can be attributed to the category of the most perspective materials which will find wide application by development and creation of planning space flying devices of new generation.
However in such aspect CCCM it should be characterized not only high thermal stability, but also other optimum properties, for example, by a high degree of blackness of a surface of a heat-shielding coating (εw > 0,85) at its low catalytical activity (Кw <1,0). In this article science bases of the high-technology techniques of formation of thermal-resistant heat-shielding coatings on surface CCCM by improvement of the "εw - Кw" properties are analyzed. | ||||||||
Pravidlo M. N. On method of identification aerodynamic interference characteristics, during flight test data analysis. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 37 In this article are discussed methods of flight test results evaluation, allowing identification of aircraft-carrier and missile aerodynamic interference characteristics for correction of mathematical model of missile separation aerodynamic. | ||||||||
Lobanov I. E., Dedov A. V. The theory and experiment intensification of heat exchange for the twirled flow inside a pipe. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 37 Purpose of work theoretical and experimental research intensification of heat exchange at turbulence current of heat-carriers with constant thermal by properties in direct round pipes with the inserted braided tape. As a result of research the decisions for intensification of heat exchange were received at turbulence current of heat-carriers in the above-stated channels, more general, than existing. The decisions, received in the given research, support by an existing and original experimental material. The existing decisions are a special case of the new decisions. The received experimental data distinguish by originality. The realized theory allows more precisely to predict a level intensification of heat exchange, than available; the theory is necessary for using at operational development existing and development perspective heat exchangers of devices and devices. The application of the developed settlement methods intensification of heat exchange will allow to lower metal-consuming and dimensions, and also temperature of walls perspective heat exchangers of devices with intensification by heat exchange. | ||||||||
Dudchenko A. A., Basharov E. A. Accounting of the deplanation uneasiness at torsion multilayer beam from composite materials. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 37 The main purpose of the study was development of the analytical method of the account of the diplanation uneasiness at calculation a stress-strain state for multilayer beam. On base analytical formulas built on base of the theories bending multilayer beam and theories of the torsion peg of the utter section stated in papers V. Vasilieva and V. Vlasova was designed method of the account of the diplanation uneasiness beam from composite materials. | ||||||||
Panteleyev A. V., Metlitskaya D. V. The software complex “Genetic algorithms of search of a conditional extremum with binary and real coding”. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 37 Genetic algorithms of search of a conditional extremum with binary and real coding are described. Strategy of search of the solution of a problem and algorithms of the solution of a problem are suggested. On the basis of algorithms the complex of software which allows to find a conditional extremum of functions of one and many variables has been developed. The analysis of efficiency of suggested algorithms is presented. | ||||||||
Formalev V. F., Selin I. A. Heat waves in nonlinear anisotropic space. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 37 Quasilinear parabolic equation with initial conditions is solved in an anisotropic space where heat conductivity tensor’s components have power dependence from temperature. Analysis of the solution has show a wave type and finite speed of the diffusion of heat as opposed to infinite speed of case parabolic type linear equation. It is displayed that heat wave’s front in the anisotropic space likes ellipse in case of a plane and likes ellipsoid in case of space. Results are discussed. | ||||||||
Afanas'ev A. V., Dudchenko A. A., Rabinsky L. N. The influence of fabric plies to residual stressedly-deformed condition. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 37 The influence of polymeric composite material structure to residual stressedly-deformed condition after forming process is analyzed. Distributions of residual ply-stresses and curvature components are obtained for different number fabric and unidirectional plies in structure. | ||||||||
Sologub G. . Principles of development of a computer environment for simulation testing of qualifying characteristics of a personnel in the field of designing of space-rocket systems. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 37 The problem of intelligent automated testing of competence characteristics of engineers for aerospace industry is considered. An overview of existing software tools for generation of tests is performed. Advantages and disadvantages of these tools are analyzed. The principles of a development of computer environment meant for simulation knowledge test are presented. | ||||||||
Panteleyev A. V., Aleshina E. A. Particle swarm optimization application for an optimal control problem for a deterministic discrete-time systems. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 37 We consider the problem of finding optimal control for deterministic discrete-time system. The detailed algorithm that used different updates of PSO was formed. On the base of developed algorithm we made software that allows us not only to solve the problem but also to display the results in an obvious visual form. The efficiency of software was proved on model examples. | ||||||||
Panteleyev A. V., Dmitrakov I. F. The application of differential evolution method for optimization of aerospace systems parameters . Trudy MAI, 2010, no 37 Detailed algorithms of application of the Differential Evolution method are suggested, the software environment for visualization of algorithms is developed. | ||||||||
Kolesnikov A. V., Paleshkin A. V. Optimization of the power mode of behavior of the simulator of external thermal loadings. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 37 The methodical approach developed by authors and algorithm of the decision of a problem of a choice of a mode of behaviour of the simulator of the external thermal loadings providing maximum within the possibility of the accepted scheme of the simulator accuracy of reproduction of set thermal loadings on a surface of the examinee of object is stated. Efficiency of the given approach on an example of the decision of specific targets is illustrated. | ||||||||
Lukovnikov A. V., Raznoschikov V. V., Yanovskaya M. L. Selection and Optimization of Aviation Gasious and Condensed Fuels by Criteria of Aircraft Efficiency . Trudy MAI, 2010, no 37 There are presented the concept and techniques and global mathematical model offered for estimation of new aviation fuel, optimized on structure, by criteria of a system efficiency «Aircraft – Engine – Fuel». Results of parameters optimization for turbojet operation process and structure aviation condensed gas fuel for subsonic transport aircraft of various load-carrying capacity are presented. | ||||||||
Smirnov O. . Simulation modeling of layerwise synthesis in manufacturing. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 37 A system approach to the research of Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing (PRM) technology is employed in work to manufacture complex components. A radically new scheme of universal technological module to analyze integrated algorithm of RPM while producing component parts has been developed. On the basis of this scheme a complex of functional, mathematics and imitation models has been built, which makes it possible to perform calculative experiments. The methods developed provide an opportunity to chose this or that RPM technology in order to manufacture components in specific economic and technical circumstances. | ||||||||
Bityukov Y. I., Deniskin Y. I. Geometrical modelling of multilayered winding. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 37 The summary. Given article is devoted development of geometrical model of technological process of winding of designs from fibrous composite materials. For today's time that fact was not considered that at tape packing on a surface technological оправки the surface form changes. Given article is devoted the decision of this problem. In article the geometrical model of multilayered winding in which change of the form of a surface according to thickness of a tape will be considered will be constructed. | ||||||||
Bityukov Y. I., Deniskin Y. I. Geometrical and computer modelling of technological process of winding. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 37 The summary. Given article is devoted construction of geometrical model of technological process of winding of designs from fibrous composite materials. On the basis of the constructed geometrical model the computer model of the specified process has been developed. In article its description and possibilities is resulted. | ||||||||
Manbekov D. R., Shevtsov D. A. The use of volt-second integral information for balancing the magnitization process of push-pull converter. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 37 In the article is showing the possibility of applying control of full-bridge converter according to the volt-second integral ([VSI]). To guaranteeing the symmetrical reversal of polarity of core the special unit – VSI shaping unit were proposed by the authors. There were examined diagrams, both with the galvanic and without the galvanic decoupling of entrance and output with the description of their strong and weak sides. | ||||||||
Rybin V. V. Typical difference operators in the spectral domain in relation to biorthogonal bases. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 37 A research of typical difference operator features on basis of the spectral method for linear non-stationary continuous, discrete and discrete-continuous control system description and analysis is considered [2-4]. The results of such research are general features of two-dimensional non-stationary transfer functions for the typical difference operators and initial value operators (two-dimensional non-stationary transfer functions are defined in relation to biorthonormalized bases [5]). | ||||||||
Arzhenenko A. Y., Volkov P. A., Vestyak V. A. Increase of functioning efficiency of ERP-systems by means of crea-tion of the interconnected databases. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 37 Article is devoted to research of development of manufacture controlling systems by resources from the beginning to the origin of ERP-conception as leading conception of automated accounting and to the analysis of advantages and weaknesses of modern ERP-system. Problems of efficiency de-cline of automated accounting at the increase of capacity of ERP-system in the conditions of the developing manufacture are considered. As the decision of these problems the withdrawal from the concept of construction of ERP-systems on the basis of a uniform database and creation of the in-terconnected databases which are responsible for various fields of activity is suggested. Such ap-proach allows to redistribute the loading on system and to raise the efficiency of automation of manufacture that is especially claimed in such areas, as astronautics and the aviation industry. | ||||||||
Arzhenenko A. Y., Bayrakovsky S. A., Vestyak V. A. Tools development and design tools automated clearing system (ACS). Trudy MAI, 2010, no 37 Already, such services as ticketing, Air cargo is an integral part of the billing system (BS). The aim of this paper is study of development and the development tools of modern BS providing similar services, the definition of its architecture, a comparative analysis of existing products in order to identify the best mechanisms for the development of modern services offered by BS. | ||||||||
Malinina N. L. The antagonism between two main types of net models and the ways for settlement . Trudy MAI, 2010, no 37 The suggested paper tries to lighten two diametrically opposite approaches to the construction of the net models. The pictorial representation of the directed graphs is proposed as the mathematical abstraction. Both the advantages and the shortcomings of the net model, which are based on either the vertex or the edge graphs, are examined. It is proposed to set the problem of the net model’s synthesis as the operation of the transformation of vertex graph into the edge graph. | ||||||||
Petrova V. A. Instruments of organization planning in the system of human resourses. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 37 In the article offer structure system of human recourses as main asset scientific and technical enterprise, substantive necessary of using this instruments as goal development enterprises without mobilization of investment. | ||||||||
Shulzhenko A. D. Role and place of modeling of business processes in the mechanism of integration development of the air transport enterprise. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 37 In the article the place of modeling of business processes in the mechanism of integration development of the air transport enterprise is considered. The role of procedure of formalization of business processes and formation of organizational and professional competence within the limits of the high technology economical manufacture in the conditions of introduction of innovations is analyzed. | ||||||||
Novikov A. N., Pronkin N. N. Definition of directions of state defense order formation process modeling. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 37 The directions of state defense order formation process as the most important factor of providing economic effectiveness of aero industry enterprises are defined. On the basis of critical analysis of functioning method of state defense order formation is made the restructuring of decision-making process in scope of structure and volume of state defense order. The organizational actions for making the state defense order formation procedure more effective are proposed. | ||||||||
Fursova M. . Priority areas of strategic financial plan development (on the base of aircraft industry enterprises). Trudy MAI, 2010, no 37 A necessity is proved to develop and to adopt strategic financial plans as the central element of budgets for companies of domestic aircraft industry. A mechanism is suggested to form strategic financial plan in order to increase the efficiency of companies of domestic aircraft industry. | ||||||||
Panagushin V. P., Gusarova Y. V., Klonitskaya A. Y. Methods of evaluation of financial and economic risks during the implementation of government work by the aviation industry enterprises. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 37 The original author's approach on the assess of financial and economical risks during performance of government work by the aviation industry enterprises is represented. An algorithm of evaluation of financial and economical risks by non-fulfilment of government work on four stages based on comparison of productive potential of aviation industry enterprise and government work is described. | ||||||||
Piyavsky B. S., Abdykerov S. . Methodology of Multi-Criteria Evaluation of National Research Institution Development Programs. Trudy MAI, 2010, no 37 Awarding a higher educational establishment with a National Research Institution category implies a compulsory fulfillment of a series of parameters, stated in the Ministry of Science and Education regulations. To meet the compliances for an educational establishment’s development plan, a multi-criteria methodology is developed, that helps to estimate the use of different development programs proposed by diverse departments of the institution. This methodology is based on a successfully used technology of multi-criteria decision-making and allows to produce the choice and compilation of an optimal development plan for a higher educational establishment over a number of consequent years. | ||||||||
Khrapko R. I. Chains of electromagnetic's fields. Trudy MAI, 2009, no 36 A consistent use of the exterior differential forms in the electromagnetism shows that fields of electromagnetism are geometrical quantities of two different types: differential forms and contravariant (antisymmetric) tensor densities. These types are connected with each other by a specific operation, named the conjugation, which is a part of the Hodge operation. Field tubes and families of bisurfaces depict electromagnetic fields. The conjugation allows a many-fold differentiation of the fields and leads to field chains. The Helmholtz’s decomposition of a field is a decomposition into a closed part and a closed after conjugation part of the field. Chains of fields of electric and magnetic dipoles are considered in detail. Concept of boundary of a field is used widely. Laplacian is represented in terms of the conjugation, and its action on isolated chains is considered. A sufficient condition of harmonicity of a field is found. | ||||||||
Khrapko R. I. Green functions for first order equations. Trudy MAI, 2009, no 36 Green functions for first order differential equations are considered rather than for common second order equations (for Poisson equation, e.g.). It is shown that a delta function for first order equations gives a closed part of the function that is integrated with the delta function rather than the original function itself as is common. A solution for a first order differential equation is considered as generating. Formulae are presented which relate the generating operator and a boundary operator. The Helmgoltz decomposition is compared with the Poincare decomposition. | ||||||||
Andreychuk O. B., Semena D. ., Chudetckiy Y. V. Use of the data of space monitoring for an estimation of risks of influence of the cosmodromes on surrounding environment. Trudy MAI, 2009, no 36 Research of dependence of frequency of occurrence of fires from time, seasonal and other factors in the territories adjoining to rocket proving grounds is conducted. The initial data for research was the database on forest fires of the Russian federation, based on results of space monitoring. | ||||||||
Malin I. K., Krapivenko A. V. The eye-tracking system development with use of reasonable video equipment. Trudy MAI, 2009, no 36 The tracing technologies of human sight direction (i.e. eye-tracking) are used in various systems of computer interfaces designing. The timeline of eye fixing and trajectory density allow to obtain the conclusions about what elements of considered object or of entire image attract the greatest attention. Also, this technology is potentially capable to answer the question what defects arising at compression of the video image with partial loss of quality are most appreciable. As a specific example of this concept, we develop the approach of eye-tracking system with use of easy-accessible video equipment that allows to expand area of that systems. | ||||||||
Sidorenko A. S. Dynamic state of a helicopter’s structure at impact with an obstruction. Trudy MAI, 2009, no 36 The procedure and outcomes of development of a numerical model and data of computational researches of a dynamic state of a load-carrying structure of the helicopter are submitted at its abnormal collision with different obstructions at stages of take-off and landing approach. Impact of a helicopter’s structure with an obstruction reconstituting properties of the building or a ship deckhouse under the given requirements of the approach is considered. The problem about non-stationary interaction is solved with use of a finite element method on the basis of which models of a load-carrying structure and an obstruction are developed. Time dependences of displacements, velocities and accelerations in different points of a structure of the helicopter are obtained. | ||||||||
Koleboshin V. G., Krapivenko A. V. The results of fractal compression of images at various forms of range domains. Trudy MAI, 2009, no 36 The method of fractal compression of images by means of iterated functions system is observed in the article. The basic ways of image splitting on not-crossed range areas are considered – they are triangular partitioning with restrictions where the image contours are interpreted as borders, the quadro-tree, and the proposed expansion of quadro-tree subdividing. Comparison of the compressed images quality and compression degree is resulted. | ||||||||
Vostrikova S. M. Estimation Procedure for Socioeconomic Damage due to Environmental Pollution by Galvanic Industry. Trudy MAI, 2009, no 36 The hierarchy system of galvanic industry security indexes presented in article [1] is being developed. The social and socioeconomic indexes of the third and second levels of the hierarchy system are discussed in detail. These indexes allow to connect social, ecological, economic and technologic aspects of galvanic industry and take into account different exposure pathways of the pollutants on the human health and environment. | ||||||||
Rybin V. V. p-stage discrete orthonormalized and biorthonormalized wavelet basis for description of signals and linear nonstationary discrete control systems on the segment [0, L–1]. Trudy MAI, 2009, no 36 The spectral method [1-4] was developed for analysis and synthesis of nonstationary continuous, discrete, and continuous-discrete control systems. In the last decade, the wavelet transform is used widely in digital signal processing [5, 6, 7-9]. Wavelet transform is liked to Fourier transform, but it describes better the local features of functions in the spectral domain. A wavelet application for linear nonstationary control system analysis is discussed in [10, 11-12]. In [11] the discrete wavelets are constructed by continuous wavelet discretization. In [8] the construction algorithm of p-stage discrete orthonormalized wavelet basis on the segment is suggested. In this paper the construction algorithms for p-stage discrete orthonormalized and biorthonormalized wavelet basis are considered. Its realization in the MLSY_SM extension package [11, 12] for Mathcad is shown. | ||||||||
Nabatova D. S. Formation of the learning process for solving bimatrix games using algorithm Lemke-Howson. Trudy MAI, 2009, no 35 The description of a computer practical work for students and bachelors МАI on computing algorithm Lemke-Howson of the decision bimatrix games is stated in article. The basic aspects of calculations and an example with representation of working windows of the program are considered. | ||||||||
Golovnev I. G., Platov S. A. Engineering model of turbulence with the diffusion of pressure fluctuations. Trudy MAI, 2009, no 35 The popular low Reynolds turbulence model of k-ε Lam-Bramhorst is modified by the inclusion of the model of pressure-velocity diffusion into the equation of turbulence energy transfer; it allowed to forecast the laminar turbulent transfer in the boundary layer with the accuracy sufficient for engineering operations. The pressure-velocity diffusion model is a non-gradient type looks as dpv/dy=Cpv*d(kU)/dy (dpv/dy integral on the layer cutting is equal to zero, dpv/dy=0 in turbulent homogeneous non-shear flow) with Cpv constant coefficient. | ||||||||
Khrapko R. I. Polarization does not change the shape of molecules. Trudy MAI, 2009, no 35 The concept is criticized about quasi-elastic dipoles of dielectric which are being stretched out when polarizing. | ||||||||
Khrapko R. I. Difference Between Spin and Orbital Angular Momentum. Trudy MAI, 2009, no 35 Reasons are presented against considering a moment of momentum flux density to be a spin flux density. A spin tensor is proposed to describe spin of a photon in the frame of the classical electrodynamics. | ||||||||
Kulik Y. P., Fedorov I. A. Functional modeling of organizational and technical systems of development of the working documentation for mechanical details. Trudy MAI, 2009, no 35 Development of the interconnected system of the working documentation is the primary goal of technical preproduction of any industrial product. Quality of development process of the design, technological and operational documentation first of all will define the quality of turned-out products. For mechanical items with an operated configuration this process possesses the specificity. In this work the organizational and technical system of creation of the working documentation is described with use of methodology of functional modeling IDEF0, and also processes of management of mechanical items configuration are identified within the limits of this system. | ||||||||
Kulik Y. P., Fedorov I. A. General approaches to management of the configuration of mechanical details. Trudy MAI, 2009, no 35 Application of coprojectization technology by all participants of product life cycle, known as "parallel engineering", is the necessary condition of the product quality improvement, decrease in time and material costs. First of all it is reached by realization of the most effective administrative decisions at all stages of technical preproduction, based on fullest account of the opinions of all experts, participants of the project. Process of making up of project decisions at such approach is called as management of the product configuration. In this work general approaches to management of the configuration of mechanical details are considered. As a final goal this configuration has the creation of the interconnected system of details' design, technological and operational documentation. | ||||||||
Antonov Y. F. Topological generator with the phase 2G HTS commutator. Trudy MAI, 2009, no 35 The structure and dynamic superconductor’s intermediate and mixed states of are described, including its cooperation and electromagnetic effects. It is briefly discussed the design of the 2G HTS topological generator and experimental results. | ||||||||
Khrapko R. I. Spin flux gives rise to antisymmetric stress tensor. Trudy MAI, 2009, no 35 In the frame of the standard electrodynamics, a torque is calculated, which acts from a circularly polarized electromagnetic beam with a plane phase front on an absorbing surface. And a moment of momentum flux in the same beam is calculated in the frame of the same electrodynamics. It is found that this torque is twice more than the moment of momentum flux. We have inferred that the calculation of the electromagnetic angular momentum flux in the beam is incorrect. Namely, this calculation takes only a moment of momentum into account as an angular momentum, and does not take account of spin. An analysis of the field theory foundations of the electrodynamics confirms this inference. Some changes in the field theory allow to obtain an electrodynamics’ spin tensor, which accompanies the Maxwell energy-momentum tensor. Using this spin tensor for the beam yields the equality between the torque and the angular momentum flux. In this way, the electrodynamics is completed by a spin tensor. | ||||||||
Khrapko R. I. Experimental Determination of Angular Momentum Flux Density. Trudy MAI, 2009, no 35 An interference experiment is proposed to answer a troubling question, how is angular momentum flux density is ditributed over a circularly polarized light beam with plane phase front. | ||||||||
Baranov A. ., Baranov A. A. Satellite constellation deployment maneuvers. Trudy MAI, 2009, no 34 The algorithm developed in Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics was successfully used for many years to calculate rendezvous task for the piloted and automated vehicle and orbital station [1,2]. This algorithm has become the main choice for calculating maneuvers of European ATV owing to being simple, reliable and efficient. The ideas that proved their efficiency in practice were used to develop the algorithm of calculating maneuvers of satellite constellation deployment [3,4]. This paper describes the ways of improving the algorithm, referred to in [4], for finding difference in the numbers of revolutions of the chaser vehicle and target vehicle and also provides algorithms of numeric-analytical definition of maneuver parameters themselves. | ||||||||
Balashova N. N., Bolkunov A. I., Ignatovich E. I., Revnivykh S. G., Serdyukov A. I., Schekutiev A. F. The outcomes of the global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) orbital constellations comparative analysis. Trudy MAI, 2009, no 34 Existing RNF and GNSS OC description system provides accuracy, availability, integrity, continuity. These parameters are insufficient for the RNF and OC comparative analysis. | ||||||||
Revnivykh S. G., Serdyukov A. I., Bolkunov A. I. Some Aspects of Designing and Developing Advanced Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). Trudy MAI, 2009, no 34 Russia and USA both have Moon and Mars exploration in their plans. Exploration will require specific planetary infrastructure, with positioning, navigation and timing as its crucial component. Therefore, the design of new GNSS and the creation of the appropriate design instruments are high priority tasks of the global growth. | ||||||||
Golikov A. R. Semi-analytical Theory THEONA & Constellation Motion Analysis. Trudy MAI, 2009, no 34 At present, the projects with constellations (and formation flying) attract great interest for various reasons. Firstly, they can represent various configurations. And these architectures are extremely interesting from the point of view of space applications. Their structural nature can be used to create a flexible and efficient range of measurements, to synthesize virtual instrument. Here is the possibility of receiving of wide variety: methods (options) for given problems & data. The semi-analytical theory named THEONA provides the satellite motion prediction with high rapidity and good accuracy. For the problem examined here, an efficiency of the theory increases even more: it has developed additional methods with united structures of integrals and special functions of THEONA. Accordingly, it leads to higher speed computations, relative error decreases to 10-12. So, new version of THEONA permits to provide almost all necessary operative and research calculations for the tasks with constellations and formation flying. I propose several examples of accuracy estimations of orbit propagation based on THEONA. It is considered absolute and relative motion of constellations for different classes of orbits. This analysis shows an efficient use of THEONA for the study of relative motion evolution of constellations. | ||||||||
Mozhaev G. V. The Problems of Optimization of Satellite Systems Motion: State of Research and Prospects. Trudy MAI, 2009, no 34 The tasks of optimization of nominal orbital structures of satellite systems are examined in the paper. Attention is given to the ways of formulating the tasks whose major components are models of dynamically stable orbital structures under optimization and quality criteria aimed to attain different goals. The paper discusses the results obtained by other authors researching into the tasks of optimization of nominal orbital structures. Further research directions are outlined in the paper. The tasks of optimization of the processes of flexible correction of satellite systems are examined. Flexibility of correction means that its purpose is to bring the parameters of relative satellites motion to nominal values. For the cases when correction is performed by means of low-thrust engines, analytical solutions of tasks for different types of flexibility have been found by methods of the group presentation theory. | ||||||||
Zaramenskikh I. E., Ovchinnikov M. Y., Ritus I. V. Nullifying feasibility of slow gravitational perturbation effect on the formation flying configuration. Trudy MAI, 2009, no 34 In order to keep Formation Flying it is necessary to eliminate the secular drift in relative motion. With an allowance for nonspherical Earth if the satellites have different orbits there are the secular drifts in longitude of ascending node and in argument of perigee. In the present paper the ability to nullify the secular drifts for two satellites in perturbed gravitational field is performed. The deputy satellite has low thrust propulsion and passive magnetic attitude control system. | ||||||||
Ulybyshev Y. . Satellite constellation design for continuous coverage: short historical survey, current status and new solutions. Trudy MAI, 2009, no 34 A short historical survey of satellite constellation design for continuous coverage is presented. Comparison results of the major types circular orbit constellations for continuous global coverage are described. A table classification of satellite constellations based on an interface between concepts «constellation type» and «coverage type» is proposed. New constellation design methods for the complex coverage are also briefly described. Two type of continuous coverage are considered. First, it is a traditional simple continuous coverage connected with a visibility points on the Earth’s surface. Second, it is a more complex coverage for arbitrary geographic regions. If implies that, at any time, the region is completely or partially within the instantaneous access area of a satellite of the constellation. The key idea of the methods is based on common two-dimensional maps of satellite constellations and coverage requirements. The space dimensions are right of ascension of ascending node (in an inertial space) and time. In the space, visibility requirements of each region can be presented as a polygon and satellite constellation motion as a uniform moving grid. At any time, at least one grid vertex must belong to the polygon. The optimal configuration of the satellite constellation corresponds to the maximum sparse grid. Algorithmic basis for the methods is modern computational geometry. As an example, satellite constellation in circular orbit for continuous coverage of full geographic region by a satellite from the constellation is presented. The methods are extended to design of MOLNIYA type elliptic orbit constellations. Kinematically regular elliptic orbit constellations for continuous coverage of geographic latitude belts is considered. An analysis method of single track constellations for continuous coverage of arbitrary geographic areas by a satellite from the constellation is described. As examples, satellite constellations on elliptical orbits with periods ~12 and ~24 hours are considered. | ||||||||
Blake C. ., Misra A. . Constrained reorientation of satellite formations using a quasi-rigid body formulation. Trudy MAI, 2009, no 34 The quasi-rigid body formulation views a formation of satellites as a single entity by attaching a coordinate frame to the formation that captures its overall orientation. To begin, this paper reviews the formulation and presents the quasi-rigid body equations of motion. Then, a nonlinear controller for a formation is derived using Lyapunov stability theory. System performance criteria can be met by tuning the proportional and derivative feedback gains. Because the controller is based upon the quasi-rigid body equations of motion, it can be used to regulate orientation errors or track a time-varying trajectory for the attitude of the formation; this is shown through simulation results. Finally, the formulation is used to design two constrained reorientation trajectories for formations in deep space, one of which is a single Euler axis rotation, while the second is motivated by axisymmetric rigid body dynamics. It is shown that the second approach provides as much as 11% fuel savings over the Euler axis rotation. | ||||||||
Prado A. . Sub-optimal control to perform station-keeping for a satellite in a constelation. Trudy MAI, 2009, no 34 This paper considers the problem of orbital maneuvers that use a low thrust sub-optimal control to perform station-keeping in a satellite that is part of a constellation. The main idea is to assume that the position of a satellite that belongs to a constellation is given, as well as a nominal orbit for this satellite, not far from the initial orbit. Then, it is necessary to maneuver this satellite from its current position to the nominal specified orbit. The control available to perform this maneuver is the application of a low thrust to the satellite and the objective is to perform this maneuver with minimum fuel consumption. A sub-optimal approach will be used, to allow a simple implementation of the hardware. | ||||||||
Pontani M. ., Teofilatto P. . Correlation-based constellations of satellites for local telecommunication and monitoring services . Trudy MAI, 2009, no 34 Low Earth orbit constellations deserve several advantages with respect to geostationary platforms, i.e. lower costs for satellite development and launch, increased imaging resolution, as well as reduced power requirements and signal time delays. This research is concerned with an original method for constellation design, based on the use of a correlation function. All satellites are placed in repeating ground track orbits, and two conflicting requirements are considered: the maximization of the maximum continuous coverage and the minimization of the maximum revisit time of a target area located on Earth surface. A suitable way of determining the related optimal constellation configurations is based on avoiding overlapping between visible passes of distinct satellites. With this intent, an analytic expression can be derived for the correlation function, which is employed to evaluate the overlapping between visible passes. Then an algorithmic search for the zeros of this function allows determining some constellation configurations with the desired characteristics. This heuristic method turns out to be a successful approach for constellation design and several results are reported with reference to different latitudes of the target area and distinct repeating orbits. | ||||||||
Rainjonneau S. ., Cote J. ., Martinot V. . Review of possible replacement strategies of telecom constellations. Trudy MAI, 2009, no 34 A bit more than ten years after the deployment of the first constellations of satellites in the field of telecommunications, there is a need to re-populate them with a second generation to ensure the continuity of service. Thales Alenia Space is aware of this need as it has been strongly involved in this field in the late 90's and has always kept an active leading part in the reflections on constellations. In that context, this article presents a review of possible replacement strategies of telecom constellations, after having exposed the complexity of the process by enumerating some of the constraints that apply to this critical phase in terms of service. | ||||||||
Saiki T. ., Natsume K. ., Kawaguchi J. . Three dimensional geometry maintenance for formation flying on elliptic orbits. Trudy MAI, 2009, no 34 There has been impending interest in the formation flying with many satellites. Multiple satellite system enhances the missions' flexibility with less total mass and cost, and realizes some missions that were impossible with a single satellite. At the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS/JAXA), the plasma and magnetic field observation missions with several satellites is under investigation. The mission under consideration is designated as SCOPE. The observation area of the SCOPE mission is twenty or thirty earth radii away fr om the center of the earth wh ere the geomagnetic field has interaction with the energetic particles from the sun. Therefore its orbit becomes highly elliptic. This paper first discusses the design method for spontaneous maintaining the formation geometry on the elliptic orbits. In the observation aspect, the formation of plural satellites is requested to constitute a polygon that assures the high spatial resolution observation. This study next show the orbital design method for the SCOPE mission. The frozen property that maintains high spatial resolution near the apogee is found feasible for elliptic orbit. Numerical examples are presented with practical illustrations. | ||||||||
Wu A. M. A Cost-Effective Imaging Satellite Constellation. Trudy MAI, 2009, no 34 Imaging satellites utilize optical, infrared, or radar sensors to conduct the Earth observations, which are now extensively applied to our daily life. In the beginning we considered one-satellite mission, which is required to implement with high-resolution sensors, short revisit cycle, and global coverage. Now we considered mission conducted with multiple satellites, which may be operated by same or different countries, to increase the spatial coverage and to reduce the revisit cycle. Equatorial coverage can be achieved with multiple satellites, but the polar coverage can be done with a large field of regard. Daily revisit and global coverage can be both satisfied by selection of affordable number of satellites with certain field of regard. When taking into account operation complexity and polar coverage, it is recommended to use a constellation with shorter repeat cycle and large field of regard. One can also combine it with an equatorial orbit of 0-deg inclination or a polar orbit of 90-deg inclination. | ||||||||
Cappelletti C. ., Guarducci F. ., Paolillo F. ., Ridolfi L. ., Battagliere M. L., Graziani F. ., Piergentili F. ., Santoni F. . Microsatellites Formation Flying for In-Situ Space Debris Detection. Trudy MAI, 2009, no 34 Since nineties, the GAUSS (Group of Astrodynamics of the «Sapienza» University of Roma) has started UNISAT program with the aim to design, manufacture and launch University microsatellites, completely built and operated in orbit by students of the school of Aerospace engineering. In the framework of this program four satellites have been launched, two years apart one from the other, starting in 2000, and a fifth satellite is nowadays under construction. In the same period, GAUSS has also been involved in optical space debris surveillance, participating to the IADC (Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee) observation joint campaign and, more recently, by manufacturing the first Italian observatory completely dedicated to space debris monitoring. Combining these two experiences GAUSS students, researchers and professors are analysing the feasibility of a formation flight mission in order to detect space debris, taking advantage of an in situ observation above Earth’s atmosphere. The paper deals with this space debris detection mission focussing on LEO orbital regime. As a matter of fact, these orbits are very crowded. Small (from 1 to 10 centimetres) debris in these orbits are difficult to detect and track by ground based optical systems. A constellation of satellites boarding optics and sensors sensible to infrared or visible radiation could monitor the LEO space debris environment through in-situ measurements. Moreover, a constellation of satellites flying in small formations permits to achieve not only debris detection but also preliminary orbit determination, thus simplifying follow-up ground base observations. The paper gives an overview of the proposed constellation of satellites flying in small formations, highlighting main constraints, achievements and flaws of a few possible solutions. The proposed mission configuration is made up of three satellites in a trailing formation. One satellite, the central one, will be responsible of detection and fast orbit determination of LEO objects. The other two smaller satellites will be able to track the object in order to allow a larger number of pictures and a better orbit determination. Numerical simulations of these control strategies have been carried out taking into account different sensor accuracies; the results of some study cases are reported. Two orbit control strategies are analyzed in order to keep the satellites within the formation constraints: the use of periodic maneuvers with chemical propulsion or a continuous counterbalance of the main perturbation (i.e. the aerodynamic one) with the use of Pulsed Plasma Thrusters. In the end, sensors and optics feasible for this mission are analysed and two different image processing methods have been studied in order to achieve automatic in-orbit debris detection. | ||||||||
De Pasquale E. . Atv Jules Verne: in-flight demonstration of new RDV technology . Trudy MAI, 2009, no 34 On the 3rd of April, 2008, the Automated Transfer Vehicle Jules Verne (ATV-JV) successfully docked to the International Space Station (ISS). One of the mission objectives was to demonstrate the new technology developed to perform autonomous rendezvous (RDV) to the ISS with particular focus on functionalities critical for guaranteeing the ISS safety. ATV RDV innovative technology has been in flight demonstrated. Some of those technologies have potential application to formation flight: phasing manoeuvres to fly ATV to a precise position in proximity of ISS, accurate relative GPS autonomous navigation with proximity link communication, innovative RDV sensors, RDV guidance via station keeping points and final approach. An ESA-lead team based at ATV-CC in Toulouse has performed a near real-time assessment of GNC critical functions of RDV during two dedicated demonstration days. Successful trilateral reviews of the reports, involving teams from ESA, CNES, Astrium in ATV-CC, ISS Mission Control Centre in Houston and in Moscow have confirmed the good behaviour of ATV GNC resulting in a GO from ISS Management Team for the continuation of ATV-JV mission. The proposed paper presents a summary of results of in-flight experience which are related to the assessment of RDV technology with emphasis on observed performance of those functionalities which could be applied to formation flights. | ||||||||
Guidotti P. Y., Delpech M. ., Djalal S. ., Gaudel-Vacaresse A. ., Berges J. C., Gamet P. ., La Marle O. . GNC challenges for SIMBOL-X formation flying mission. Trudy MAI, 2009, no 34 SIMBOL-X is a hard X-ray space-based observatory to be launched in 2013 onto a High Elliptical Orbit (HEO). This new generation telescope covers by a single instrument a continuous energy range starting at classical X-rays and extending to hard X-rays (i.e. from 0.5 to 80 keV). For mass and size reasons, a classical monolithic instrument cannot be used and this Franco-Italian mission will thus consist of two satellites. The Mirror spacecraft (MSC) will be in free flight on a HEO orbit and will target very precisely the source to observe, focusing the hard X-ray emission thanks to its mirror module. At the focal point, 20 meters behind the Mirror satellite, the Detector spacecraft (DSC) maintains its position on a forced orbit. This paper aims at presenting some of SIMBOL-X GNC challenges. The first part will introduce main formation flying phases and related system requirements. In the next section focus will be made on DSC GNC design: algorithms and equipment adapted to the previously introduced phases will be presented. The last section deals with the line-of-sight (LOS) restitution problematic: for scientific purposes the line-of-sight between the two spacecrafts shall be reconstructed a posteriori very precisely. The last section will thus describe the chosen methodology to address this challenging problem. | ||||||||
Funase R. ., Kawaguchi J. . Design of formation and appropriate coordinate expression along general elliptic orbit using regularization. Trudy MAI, 2009, no 34 This paper deals with how the formation flight target is expressed as trivial and fixed in some appropriate coordinates, instead of an orbital target. This fixed bin/slot property is essential for the formation maintenance control. A new coordinate transformation is introduced for the case of circular reference trajectory, and compared with conventional C-W coordinate, the advantage of the new coordinate transformation is shown in terms of control performance index and formation maintenance property. Then, the discussion is extended to the case of general elliptic reference orbit, where regularization and Levi-Civita non-linear coordinate transform is introduced as a formation design methodology. Pseudo-constant distance formation around elliptic orbit is designed as an example and the effectiveness of the proposed method is numerically verified. | ||||||||
Funase R. ., Arakawa M. ., Tsuda Y. ., Kawaguchi J. . Decentralized formation control considering information propagation. Trudy MAI, 2009, no 34 There is a growing interest in formation flight of satellites and its control strategy. The centralized control architecture is optimal when all information is shared by every member in the formation, however, it possibly shows unstable behavior in a realistic situation where the information exchange cost (for example, communication load) is large and the information can be only partially shared. This paper proposes a new decentralized control strategy for multi-vehicle formation control, which effectively propagates the information between adjacent agents and uses the information in the control calculation. The strategy can overcome the drawback of the centralized approach while maintaining the communication load very low. The effectiveness of the proposed strategy is numerically verified by applying to one-dimensional car train control problem and two-dimensional in-plane satellite formation control problem. | ||||||||
Radice G. . Deployment considerations for spacecraft formation at sun-earth l2 point . Trudy MAI, 2009, no 34 The coordination and control of a constellation of spacecraft, flying a few meters from one another, dictates several interesting design requirements, including efficient architectures and algorithms for formation acquisition, reorientation and resizing. The spacecraft must perform these transitions without interfering or colliding into each other. Furthermore position keeping is fundamental for formation efficiency. This paper presents an optimal deployment of the DARWIN formation using the potential function control technique in the vicinity of the Sun-Earth L2 point. The method hinges on defining a potential function from the geometric configuration of the constellation together with any collision avoidance requirement. A review of the fundamentals of relative motion and dynamics is presented before describing the features of the different control algorithms and validating the method using Lyapunov’s theorem. The potential function method has been used to control both translational and rotational control. Obstacles, in the shape of other satellites and constrained payload pointing directions have been included. Finally it will be shown that the attitude control algorithm can successfully used to avoid plume impingement that can have catastrophic consequences for the mission. | ||||||||
Sakai S. ., Kaneda R. ., Maeda K. ., Saitoh T. ., Saito H. ., Hashimoto T. . Dynamics of electro magnetic formation fling satellites in leo. Trudy MAI, 2009, no 34 Electromagnetic formation flight (EMFF) for satellites in LEO is discussed. EMFF is a technique to control the satellites’ relative position using electromagnetic force without any propellants. It is estimated that the superconductive magnets have capability to produce required magnetic force for formation keeping. The problem to use EMFF in LEO is the huge amount of disturbance torque, caused by enormous magnetic moment and earth magnetic field. Sinusoidal driving of the superconductive coil is proposed for this issue, and novel method is also proposed for magnetic force control using phase difference between the magnetic moments. Proposed methods are evaluated with experiments with actual superconductive coil, and hardware in the loop simulations is also carried out to demonstrate the relative position control capability of proposed system. | ||||||||
Shima T. ., Yamada K. ., Yoshikawa S. . Control strategy for along-track formation flight to achieve virtual telescope in low earth orbit. Trudy MAI, 2009, no 34 Future space missions such as virtual telescopes and interferometers require precision formation flying, i.e., a highly precise control of the relative positions of spacecrafts. This paper discusses a strategy to suppress the relative position variation during one orbit. It proposes a new approach to design a state feedback impulsive controller. By estimating the disturbance fr om the result of the previous control cycle and compensating for the estimated disturbance in a feed-forward manner, stable control can be achieved under uncertainties of natural disturbances. An along-track formation control in a low earth orbit is taken as an example, wh ere the J2 term and air drag are considered as representative natural disturbances. Numerical simulations are performed to validate the proposed controller. | ||||||||
Tarabini Castellani L. ., Llorente J. S., Sjoberg F. ., Jacobsson B. ., Teston F. ., Burger F. ., Cropp A. . PROBA-3 formation flying guidance navigation and control. Trudy MAI, 2009, no 34 PROBA-3 is an ESA technology demonstration mission devoted to the validation of the novel technologies required by future Formation Flying (FF) missions. The PROBA-3 mission and in particular its Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC) architecture are being defined within the currently running Bridging Step after phase A. The Bridging Step includes evaluation and consolidation of the results of the two previous phase A studies before the start of the project phase B foreseen for the end of 2008. This paper describes PROBA-3 GNC including requirements, GNC architecture and design, and to a lesser extent, the calibration process. A key feature of the GNC is a design that allows the verification of different types of control architectures (functions allocations), facilitating the change in the level of centralisation of the control. The paper also includes the definition and description of the different GNC modes, the sensors and actuators to be used at SC and at FF level, and the way they are going to be used. Emphasis is put on the flexibility of the system for maximisation of technology demonstration. | ||||||||
Frenkiel R. ., Pirson L. ., Thevenet J. . Formation flying interferometry: from the coarse control to the science mode. Trudy MAI, 2009, no 34 Interferometric missions with an instrument distributed on several vehicles in orbit allow deep space observations with an accuracy never reached, but demand a formation flying Guidance Navigation and Control (GNC) with a ultra-high level of precision. One ESA mission of that class, dedicated to exo-planets detection and characterization is nowadays identified: DARWIN. The different GNC stages, from the initial closed loop engagement at the end of deployment to the final control of the Optical Path Difference (OPD) and intensity mismatch used in science mode will be described. First, a focus on the Navigation Process Unit (NPU) based on the Radio-Frequency (RF) sensor and the modes developed to achieve the coarse formation acquisition, the FDIR Collision Avoidance Mode (CAM) and the recovery after a failure will be given. The RF subsystem is developed by TAS under a CNES contract. Its aim is to provide a coarse relative position sensor and the Inter-Satellite Link (ISL), necessary for the finest mode. It covers a 30 km distance range, but will be adapted up to a 100 km range. It has 3 functional modes and is bi-frequency. The coarse mode covers all the directions of space and is based on the received powers measurements of several antennas scattered around each vehicle. The interferometric mode Before Ambiguity Raising (BIAR) measures the widelane phase shift and provides intermediate accuracy measurements in a privileged direction. The interferometric mode After Ambiguity Raising (AIAR) measures the carrier phase and provides 1 cm on inter-vehicles distance and 1 deg on Line of Sight accuracy measurements in the same direction, after a GNC maneuver. The two last modes require a triplet of antennas forming two orthogonal baselines. The CAM and the reconfiguration are based on the RF coarse mode. The CAM is used in a decentralized way to assure the robustness to formation level failures, whereas the reconfiguration is centralized in one vehicle to have a better coordination. The first control stage is based on the fine RF mode. These modes are generic to all formation flying missions. Then, an overview of the EMMA configuration of DARWIN, a novel concept proposed by TAS, will be described from the system and GNC points of view. The Darwin GNC contains two more control stages in addition to the first one based on the RF sensor. The second stage based on optical coarse and fine metrology and ionic or Field Electrical Emission Propulsion (FEEP) actuates the Collecting Spacecrafts (CS) relatively to the Beam Combiner Spacecraft (BCS) and acts on the formation's geometry. The third stage, internal to the BCS, acts directly on the scientific beam, adding an optical path with an Optical Delay Line (ODL) and changing its orientation with corrective tip/tilt mirrors based on piezo-actuators. The joint use of these two stages allows to meet the science requirements imposed on the OPD (<1nm) and the intensity mismatch. | ||||||||
D’Amico S. ., Ardaens J. ., De Florio S. ., Montenbruck O. . Autonomous formation flying - TanDEM-X, prisma and beyond . Trudy MAI, 2009, no 34
Formation flying is commonly identified as the collective usage of two or more cooperative spacecraft to exercise the function of a single monolithic virtual instrument. The distribution of tasks and payloads among fleets of coordinated smaller satellites offers the possibility to overcome the classical limitations of traditional single-satellite systems. The science return is enhanced through observations made with larger, configurable baselines and an improved degree of redundancy can be achieved in the event of failures. Different classes of formation flying missions are currently under discussion within the European engineering and science community: technology demonstration missions (e.g. PRISMA, PROBA-3), synthetic aperture interferometers and gravimeters for Earth observation (e.g. TanDEM-X, postGOCE), dual spacecraft telescopes which aim at the detailed spectral investigation of astronomical sources (e.g., XEUS, SIMBOL-X), multi-spacecraft interferometers in the infrared and visible wavelength regions as a key to new astrophysics discoveries and to the direct search for terrestrial exoplanets (e.g., DARWIN, PEGASE). These missions are characterized by different levels of complexity, mainly dictated by the payload metrology and actuation needs, and require a high level of on-board autonomy to satisfy the continuously increasing demand of relative navigation and control accuracy. | ||||||||
Razoumny Y. N., Shkolnikov D. A., Razoumny V. Y. Satellite communication system design using locally-stationary orbits. Trudy MAI, 2009, no 34 The geostationary circular orbit (GSO) (at the height of approximately 36,000 km with zero inclination) proposed by Arthur C. Clark in the middle of the 20-th century has become very popular for creation of different satellite systems for communication, TV broadcasting and some other purposes. Insertion one or more satellites to geostationary orbits is the best way to provide coverage of big equatorial parts of the globe. In spite of obvious GSO advantages it is clear now that GSO implementation has some difficulties connected with existing limitation for insertion of GSO satellites as well as impossibility to cover the non-equatorial regions of the globe. The elliptical orbits of Molniya type firstly used for Russian communication satellites of the same name do not have the GSO disadvantages mentioned above. But this type of orbits (with 63,4 deg inclination and perigee and apogee of nearly 500 km and 40,000 km accordingly) can not pretend for universal use. The locally geostationary orbits (LGO) invented by first author of the present paper in 1987 give the possibility for design of the satellite constellations in more general situations connected with the Earth local coverage. Mathematical description of the LGO includes GSO and Molniya orbits as the particular cases (herewith the GSO is the only circular orbit in the locally geostationary, generally elliptical, class of orbits). Taking into account that implementation of LGO based on emulation of geostationary observation of the Earth using elliptical orbits is becoming nowadays very popular, the paper contains some new aspects of LGO parameters calculation for different implementations. | ||||||||
Razoumny Y. N. Introduction to the theory for optimal design of satellite constellations for earth periodic coverage. Trudy MAI, 2009, no 34 Design of satellite constellations is associated with continuous or periodical coverage of an Earth region of interest depending on the concrete task of the space mission. Satellite constellations for continuous and periodical coverage are principally differed by orbit parameters as well as by methods of constellation design. In this study route theory for design of constellations for circular low Earth orbits providing periodical coverage with minimum revisit time criteria is described. The route theory includes: 1) consideration of so called route orbital pattern as mathematical abstraction of arbitrary constellation; 2) analytical solution for calculation problem of distribution of revisit time values on Earth surface for one satellite and multi-satellite route pattern; 3) formulating several regularities for revisit time as a function of satellites positions in constellation; 4) development of method for optimal design of constellation under given criterion and requirements. Using of route orbital patterns is practically not connected with restriction for type of constellation. It is also shown that optimal constellations calculated using the route theory are in general not worse and in many cases much better (in respect of criteria mentioned above) comparing with the analogs found using other well-known methods for periodical coverage. | ||||||||
Grechkoseyev A. K., Pochukayev V. N. A Study for GLONASS ephemeris determination using intersatellite measurements based on Orbital Dice . Trudy MAI, 2009, no 34 An approach is submitted to a research based on orbital dice for GLONASS SV ephemeris determination on condition that intersatellite range measurements are used. The formulation and proof is made for sufficient conditions of uniqueness of the orbital dice improvement using intersatellite range measurements. In addition, mathematical proof is made for satisfiability of sufficient conditions in case of GLONASS system. Analytical estimations are derived for orbital dice relative coordinate improvement errors subject to intersatellite range measurements errors. Derived results allow to relate characteristics of moving orbital dice with observability of broadcast ephemeris improvement problem and as well as with processing algorithm effectiveness for intersatellite range measurements. | ||||||||
Bezklubaya S. A. The Kievan Rus’s culture as the medieval paradox. Trudy MAI, 2009, no 33 The article contains analysis of forming of Kievan Rus’s culture from the end of 10th till thy middle of 13th centuries as syncretical one. The syncretism was regarded as process of appearance and developing of culture’s heritage. The epoch-created property of minding models of this process was regarded as it’s distinctive features (fine arts, religious, phylosophy). | ||||||||
Welmogko I. N. Changes in the social structure of the Soviet society in the middle of the XX century. Trudy MAI, 2009, no 33 In the article "Changes in the social structure of the Soviet society in the middle of the XX century" social structure of Soviet society and the main tendencies it's changes in condition of the developed socialism is analyzed. City economic priority towards the village influenced mass immigration. As a result the agrarian manufacture lost the most perspective part of labour resources. In accordance with theoretical postulates in the 50-th and in following years the task was given to the country to remove differences between social groups and to make classless society. | ||||||||
Nefedov V. N. Necessary and sufficient conditions of the extremum in the analytical optimization problems. Trudy MAI, 2009, no 33 The mathematical programming problem with equation type restrictions or without any restrictions is considered. It is assumed that in the neighbourhood of origin (which belongs to the admissible set) the objective function and functions in the restrictions are analytical. Some necessary and sufficient conditions of local minimum are suggested, which allow in many difficult for investigation cases give an answer on the question, whether the origin is the point of local minimum or not. | ||||||||
Rybin V. V. Development of MLSY_SM extension package for Mathcad in the biorthogonal wavelet basis. Trudy MAI, 2009, no 33 Presently various mathematical computer-oriented systems and their extension packages are used for calculations in the education. These packages are applied for a study of spectral form of the control system mathematical description. The design technique of MLSY_SM extension packages for Mathcad, Maple, Mathematica, and Matlab is discussed in [8]. Such packages allow analyzing the linear nonstationary continuous or discrete control systems by the spectral method. In this paper MLSY_SM extension package for Mathcad in the biorthogonal wavelet basis and features of its formation are considered. Examples are given to illustrate the efficiency of the developed package. | ||||||||
Rybin V. V. Development of MLSY_SM extension package for Mathcad in the m-th order Daubechies wavelet basis. Trudy MAI, 2009, no 33 Presently various mathematical computer-oriented systems and their extension packages are used for calculations in the education. These packages are applied for a study of spectral form of the control system mathematical description. The design technique of MLSY_SM extension packages for Mathcad, Maple, Mathematica, and Matlab is discussed in [8]. Such packages allow analyzing the linear nonstationary continuous or discrete control systems by the spectral method. In this paper MLSY_SM extension package for Mathcad in the m-th order Daubechies wavelet basis and features of its formation are considered. Examples are given to illustrate the efficiency of the developed package. | ||||||||
Bolshov O. A. The hiding of speech communications. Trudy MAI, 2009, no 33 In the article is considered the problem of speech communications via open radio channels and are determined levels of signals, providing necessary intelligibility during digital transformations of speech. | ||||||||
Bolshov O. A. Threshold signals in angle modulation. Trudy MAI, 2009, no 33 The article considers the issue of evaluation of degree of the information security which the engineering systems that establish leakage channels owning to the side and casual electromagnetic radiation from vocoders, are operating with, and defines the threshold levels (with minimum power) of signals for technical channels of voice data interception in angle modulation. | ||||||||
Kudryavtseva I. A. The application of the Monte-Carlo Method for plasma diagnostics problem solution with spherical probe in transitional mode. Trudy MAI, 2009, no 33 The problem of plasma diagnostics with the spherical charged probe is considered. In case of strongly ionized and collisional plasma the mathematical model is developed. The model includes the Fokker-Planck equation, describing transport and charged particles collisions processes, and the Poisson equation, describing self-consistent electrical field influence. The method of the problem solution based on the Monte-Carlo Method is obtained. | ||||||||
Philatov V. A., Chuksina O. V. The slang phraseological norm mobility. Trudy MAI, 2008, no 32 The slang phraseological norm mobility degree possibility is considered in this article. Normal tibs of British, American, Australian and Canadian English areal praseological units , their structure and semantics, linguistic and extralinguistic factors are analized. | ||||||||
Pichulin V. S., Luk'yanik V. U., Soboleva A. U. Centrifuge of short radius as hydrostatic model of terrestrial gravitation. Trudy MAI, 2008, no 32 In connection with occurrence of a real opportunity of realization of interplanetary expeditions for the good physical form, health and high working capacity of cosmonauts it is necessary be ready to use with the traditional methods, new preventive means of adverse influence of weightlessness - a centrifuge of short radius (CSR), creating artificial gravitation. However imitation of physiological effects of the gravitation created on CSR is necessary to estimate quantitatively, in connection with distinctions of the nature of artificial and natural gravitation. There is the theoretical substantiation of a choice of a human's pose and parameters of rotation for using CSR as adequate hydrostatic model of terrestrial gravitation in the article. | ||||||||
Ionov D. A. Selection of gte diagnostic algorithms by the functional parametrs. Trudy MAI, 2008, no 32 In the present paper was made an optimal algorithm research of Gas Turbine engine's technical state diagnostic. New criterion functions for fours most active modules were taken with the help of regression analysis and allows appraising engine's technical state by the meaning of based-measured parameters. Developed algorithm allows to move to engine's technical state exploitation throw the whole life circle. | ||||||||
Ionov D. A. Selection efficient control algorithms of fuel-air solution by complex of staff-measured factors. Trudy MAI, 2008, no 32 The authors has been viewed method of getting ultimate air excess factor by staff - measured engine operation factors which are taken into consideration engines unit performance degradation, during its operation. In this article is shown comparative analysis of turbo - jet engines management efficiency of afterburning conditions between traditional, program control and proposal. | ||||||||
Borovik I. N., Kozlov A. A. Mathematical model of an estimation of mass characteristics oxygen-hydrogen expander cycle liquid rocket engine on its basic design parameters. Trudy MAI, 2008, no 32 In the article the mathematical model of an estimation of mass characteristics oxygen-hydrogen expander cycle liquid rocket engine on its basic design parameters is considered. Results of the research a degree of influence of each of the basic design parameters (mass flow rate, oxidizer to fuel ratio, nozzle expansion ratio and chamber pressure) on weight characteristics of oxygen-hydrogen expander cycle liquid rocket engine made by means of developed model is shown. Operational effectiveness extendible nozzle cone for increase in specific impulse expander cycle liquid rocket engine is shown. The analysis of data received on model (on an example of engine RD-0146) has allowed to formulate recommendations on further perfection expander cycle liquid rocket engine. | ||||||||
Vinnikov V. V., Ganiev K. O., Reviznikov D. L., Cheredov V. V. Program Complex for Numerical Simulation of Wave Stirring. Trudy MAI, 2008, no 32 This article provides description of developed algorithmic and program complex for mathematical modeling of stirring processes in enclosed domains and ducts. Various methods of admixture tracking are implemented. Program complex is tested on representative set of problems. Comparison of contour and marker methods is carried out. It is shown that contour method is most accurate and highly resource consuming, as opposed to economical lower precision marker method. A genuine dipole method is proposed as a compromise between high accuracy of contour method and low computational expenses of marker method. | ||||||||
Bolshov O. A. Threshold signals at delta-modulation. Trudy MAI, 2008, no 32 In this article the matter concerning the evaluation of the speech information protection against unsanctioned access is considered and some conditions are defined for which the information safety appears to be sufficient. | ||||||||
Pavlovets I. I., Chuksina O. V., Janovskaya G. S. The language material selection for the English course in the technical university. Trudy MAI, 2008, no 31 The article is devoted to the description of the language material for the English course in the technical university. Principles of lexicon selection are listed. The characteristic of general scientific lexicon and the terminology used in aviation materials is given. The grammar for reading and speaking is specified. | ||||||||
Chuksina O. V., Janovskaya G. S. Development of annotating and abstracting skills on the basis of specialty texts. Trudy MAI, 2008, no 31 This article discusses some theoretical questions and gives methodical recommendations for teaching students at technical higher educational establishments to abstract and annotate texts on specialty in foreign language. The algorithm of training is provided. The authors list exercises for development of text compression skills. | ||||||||
Philatov V. A., Chuksina O. V. Sea slang phraseological norm components. Trudy MAI, 2008, no 31 This article is the investigation of phraseological norm components as a phraseology level language category and its slang massive. This phenomen is shown as a language category of English language and its territorial varieties. The peculiarities of semantics and structure in the field are also studied. | ||||||||
Philatov V. A., Chuksina O. V. Phraseological Norm and British Air Force Slang. Trudy MAI, 2008, no 31 This article is a try to analyze British Air Force sublanguage slang norm as a special slang part of the English language. The semantic and structural peculiarities, lacunas and microsystem components of the subject are described. | ||||||||
Welmogko I. N. Soviet government economic policy peculiarities in the middle of XX century. Trudy MAI, 2008, no 31 The article "Soviet government economic policy peculiarities in the middle of XX century" provides the analysis of the main tendencies of the economic development in the USSR in the past century. The alteration of economic policy starts with the attempt to limit the heavy industry production amounts, to increase the production rates of the national consumption goods and the acceleration of the farming development in the country, which for the long period served a non-repayable donor of the industry. The economic policy priorities shift and orientation on social development favored life conditions of Russian people to increase. However economic persisted to develop unevenly and extensively, attempts to reform we inconsistent being purely administrative in nature. | ||||||||
Dorogov A. V. Calculation of mass characteristics of a fuselage of the unmanned transport aircraft having vertical take off and landing capacity. Trudy MAI, 2008, no 31 This paper is dedicate to factors which are necessary for taking into account at calculation of mass characteristics of fuselages for manned and unmanned transport planes civil application. Author developed of formula for calculation of mass characteristics of a fuselage of the unmanned transport aircraft having vertical take off and landing capacity. The formula allowing operatively estimate influence of design parameters on mass characteristics of a fuselage. | ||||||||
Zernov V. I., Paramonov A. P. Forecasting of efficiency of modernization of transport space complexes with application of expert system. Trudy MAI, 2008, no 31 In clause considers questions of forecasting of efficiency of modernization of the space-rocket techniques, connected with an estimation of economic and technical parameters of quality of development. Results of the researches connected with the analysis of experience of application of expert system during search of technical decisions, providing the maximal profitability of the project of modernization of a complex are resulted. Efficiency of a method of search of rational decisions proves to be true at research of updating of a booster rocket with use of the expert system, allowing estimating profitability of the project of modernization of a space-rocket complex at the initial stages of design development. | ||||||||
Airapetyan R. M. Becoming of Russian geopolitics. Trudy MAI, 2008, no 30 In the work of the senior lecturer of the chair of history of MAI humanitarian faculty Robert Ajerapetjan the problem of formation of Russian geopolitics is being examined during becoming of the Russian centralized state. The author brings to a focus the principles of foreign policy Ivan III, Vasily III, IvanIV were guided. How were the priorities in definition of directions of foreign policy and the nearest and future task of foreign policy determined. In understanding of these questions already during the medieval history of Russian the author considers nothing but appearance of rudiments of geopolitics. | ||||||||
Mkrtchyan G. A., Vecherinina E. A., Cheprakova L. A. Corporate governance: theory and practice as adapted to the industrial spheres of Russia. Trudy MAI, 2008, no 30 Corporate governance (CG) as a new international phenomenon in the world economic relations, and as a scientifically well grounded medium and practice for dynamic and sustainable value creation, is discussed. The main principles and standards of the CG, introduced by the United Nation's Conference on Trade and Development, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, et al., are presented and explained. The CG system and structure are described. | ||||||||
Malinin L. I., Malinina N. L. Topology properties of the designing process. Trudy MAI, 2008, no 30 The aim of the article is to investigate mathematical properties of the designing process. Problems, covered in the item, are famous for modeling, when we engaged in the automation of the designing process. It is proved that the designing process is closed, bounded and connected metric domain. It is proved that the designing process as the mathematical object represents the directed progressive- bounded graph. It is proved that for providing connectedness the graph may be enlarged with some elements of the designing process, and it is defined with which elements exactly the graph may be enlarged. It is proved that ordering relationship on the sets of both edges and vertexes of the graph couldn-t be independent. The topological invariants of the designing process are defined. | ||||||||
Vinogradov V. S., Tretiyakova O. N., Khakimov D. V. Mathematical modeling of heat-mass transfer in a flat layer of the absorbing and disseminating environment. Trudy MAI, 2008, no 30 The problem of heat-mass transfer in a flat layer of the radiating and absorbing environment with variable on thickness in factor of absorption in approximation of a grey body is considered. Fields of temperatures and intensity of radiation in system "film-substrate" are defined. Statement of a problem and methods of its decision is discussed. | ||||||||
Martirosov V. E., Ramires Agilar K. A. Statistical modeling of coherents algorithms Bit-by-bit reception of signals QAM. Trudy MAI, 2008, no 30 In the article are given the results of research of the noise stability of the bit-by-bit coherent reception of signals QAM. The researches are carried out by methods of statistical modeling on PC in program environment MATLAB 7.0.1. Is carried out the comparison of the obtained results of statistical modeling with accounts on the analytical expressions given in published earlier works. | ||||||||
Khromtsev A. V., Fomin A. I. Research of the "whitening" filter influence on the digital radio line synchronizing system performance characteristics. Trudy MAI, 2008, no 30 In the article the narrow-band noise control method based on the "whitening" filter application on high-speed broadband digital radiosystem without use spectrum spreading is considered. The results of computer simulating showing the "whitening" filter influence on the radiosystem synchronizing system performance characteristics are resulted. | ||||||||
Fomin A. I., Hamad A. . The analysis of reliability of communication in channels with fast and slow fading. Trudy MAI, 2008, no 30 In article the generalized method for calculation of reliability of communication in various channels with fast and slow fading is submitted. | ||||||||
Remennikova I. A. Opportunities for use of computer technologies in teaching foreign languages in a non-language high school . Trudy MAI, 2007, no 29 The article considers questions of teaching the French language by means of the virtual language environment. It also describes the experience, opportunities and conditions of use of some linguistic computer technologies and the Internet in educational process and for self-education of students as well. | ||||||||
Airapetyan R. M. No title . Trudy MAI, 2007, no 29 Description not available | ||||||||
Chibisov Y. N. Criterion of comparison of aerodynamic layouts and selection of an aerodynamic configuration of reusable winged boosters perspective transport space systems . Trudy MAI, 2007, no 29 The research is conducted at the choice of an aerodynamic configuration of a reusable winged booster of transport space systems. The methodology (criterion) of comparison of aerodynamic layouts of boosters is designed. The aerodynamic layouts of a reusable winged booster executed on aerodynamic configurations "normal", "tailless", "canard" are designed. Their computational balancing aerodynamic performances are determined. | ||||||||
Betkovsky U. Y., Sidorenko A. S. Application of a hydraulic drive in the capacity of the vibration exciter at trials for a resonance . Trudy MAI, 2007, no 29 The problem of rational selection of the electrohydraulic vibration exciter for vibration tests of a beaming is considered. Trials are carried out{conducted} by structural loading by a harmonic moment of flexion in a condition of a resonance. Formulas for definition of values of power of the vibrator and coordinates of his{its} connection with a design at which the level of structural loading is ensured greatest possible for the given system "design - vibrator" at use of limiting{marginal} capabilities of the vibrator are obtained. Operation is carried out at a support of the Russian Fundamental Researches Fund (the design No 06-08-01005). | ||||||||
Betkovsky U. Y., Sidorenko A. S. Estimation of agency of the contiguous component a spectrum on resonance oscillations of mechanical systems . Trudy MAI, 2007, no 29 Steadied forced vibrations of a linear stationary mechanical system are considered. Requirements at which fulfilment, interaction interference of oscillations with the contiguous natural frequencies can be neglected are determined and the system in a environ of a resonance can be considered as a system with one degree of freedom. The problem is decided in the supposition, that elements of a damping matrix are proportional to elements of quasielastic coefficients matrix are or elements of a inertia matrix. Operation is carried out at a support of the Russian Fundamental Researches Fund (the design No 06-08-01005). | ||||||||
Bolshov O. A. Threshold signals at pulse code modulation . Trudy MAI, 2007, no 29 | ||||||||
Rybin V. V. Blocks development for Spektr_SM + VisSim + dll extension package . Trudy MAI, 2007, no 28 Presently integrated systems Simulink+Matlab and VisSim+Mathcad are used for visual mathematics modeling. The tutor procedure complex based on VisSim is produced for learning of automatics control systems. The Spektr_SM extension package of Simulink+Matlab and VisSim+Mathcad are designed and used for learning of control systems mathematics description forms. In this article technology features designing of the Spektr_SM extension package of VisSim + dll are considered. | ||||||||
Kicheev V. E. No title . Trudy MAI, 2007, no 28 Description not available | ||||||||
Smirnov V. U. Aerodynamic compatibility of an aircraft and loads . Trudy MAI, 2007, no 28 The analysis of an aerodynamic interference in "an aircraft - bulky load" system is conducted. The main theses of the concept of aerodynamic compatibility are formulated. The value of researches of aerodynamic compatibility in the system functioning quality researches in "an aircraft - bulky load" system is shown. | ||||||||
Smirnov V. U. Influence of aircraft on aerodynamic characteristics of loads on external suspensions . Trudy MAI, 2007, no 28 The analysis of an aerodynamic interference of an aircraft and the bulky loads arrangemented on aggregates of the external suspension is conducted. Results of the calculations received by means of model developed by the author, and their comparison with experimental data are obtained. It is shown, that the aerodynamic interference in system “an aircraft - bulky load” leads to change not only total aerodynamic characteristics of load, but also to change of aerodynamic characteristics of separate elements of load. | ||||||||
Kuchumov D. V., Safronov V. S., Turkin I. K. No title . Trudy MAI, 2007, no 28 Description not available | ||||||||
Kotelnikov M. V., Garanin S. B. I-V characteristics of a cylindrical probe in a stream dense of weak plasmas . Trudy MAI, 2007, no 28 The mathematical and numerical model of a flow of a cylindrical probe by a stream dense of weak plasmas in a magnetic field is developed. It is obtained I-V characteristic of the cylindrical probes located across a stream and angular dependences of density of a current on contour of the cylinder. Results of numerical modelling can be used for probe diagnostics of plasma streams. | ||||||||
Bolshov O. A., Threshold signals at linear kinds of modulation . Trudy MAI, 2007, no 28 This paper represents the results of studies designed to provide information security of radio communication channels transmitting speech messages. On the basis of empirical data on the human hearing sensitivity thresholds, some threshold signal noise ratios were determined at the input of an intelligence receiver, where an operator can hardly read messages at the lowest possible limit. The received data will provide development of security standards for analogous radio electronic communication facilities and systems. | ||||||||
Ageev I. M., Shishkin G. G., Eskin S. M. Studying of influence of low-frequency magnetic field on water . Trudy MAI, 2007, no 28 Influence of low-frequency weak intensity magnetic field on water has been researched by means of water-conductometric sensors. Magnetic field inductions are 0.35mTl, 0.92mTl and 1.77mTl, frequencies are changed from 1 to 12Hz. It has been determined, that the influence of magnetic field on water conductivity is detected even for weak intensity fields from frequency 4Hz. The peak of action is observed for frequencies 7-8Hz. The increasing magnetic field intensity shifts maximum in more high frequencies. | ||||||||
Mkrtchyan G. A., Vecherinina E. A., Dobryashkina E. N., Cheprakova L. A. No title . Trudy MAI, 2007, no 27 Description not available | ||||||||
Pavlovets I. I., Chuksina O. V., Janovskaya G. S. The students conference in English on the topic of the specialty as a model of oral scientific communication . Trudy MAI, 2007, no 27 The main features of the conference devoted to the Cosmonautics Day that is traditionally organized by the Department of Foreign Languages of Moscow Aviation Institute are summarized. The description of the text-book is given. Its aim is to help the students to get ready for the oral presentation in the conference. Skills that are necessary for the effective oral scientific communication of specialists are enumerated. Extra-linguistic features of scientific conference are mentioned. | ||||||||
Egorova L. F., Chuksina O. V., Janovskaya G. S. Techniques of teaching translating activity in technical high school . Trudy MAI, 2007, no 27 The components of communicative professional translator's ability are considered in the article. Skills and habits to be acquired by the students in the process of translation studies in the technical high school are enumerated. The teaching techniques and classification of the exercises used to develop communicative professional translator's ability are given. The stages of training various kinds of translation are stated. | ||||||||
Kicheev V. E. No title . Trudy MAI, 2007, no 27 Description not available | ||||||||
Kicheev V. E. No title . Trudy MAI, 2007, no 27 Description not available | ||||||||
Larichev E. A., Safronov V. S., Turkin I. K. The technique of definition of critical dynamic loading of a cylindrical composite environment in conditions of complex temperature and force loading . Trudy MAI, 2007, no 27 This article is devoted to the technique of definition of critical dynamic loading of a cylindrical composite environment in conditions of complex temperature and force loading. Results of the numerical decision of the differential equations of research of dynamic behaviour of cylindrical environments from composite materials are submitted. | ||||||||
Vaschenko A. V. The usage of the molecular beam epitaxy method for making thin films and multi-layer semiconductor substances in space . Trudy MAI, 2007, no 27 The possibility of producing thin films and multi-layer semiconductor substances by means of molecular beam epitaxy method is considered in the article. The main benefits of the method are specified. The author produces the existing experience of the application of the technique on the land-based and space plants. | ||||||||
Vaschenko A. V. The examples of the space systems for the molecular beam epitaxy method realization in space . Trudy MAI, 2007, no 27 The paper takes up the possibility of the molecular beam epitaxy method realization in space by means of such systems as MKS, KA "PHOTON-M" and the dedicated KA. The advantages and shortcomings of the each one are expanded. | ||||||||
Bortakovsky A. S., Pegachkova E. A. Synthesis of optimal control of linear logic-dynamical systems. Trudy MAI, 2007, no 27 We consider the optimal control problem for logic-dynamical systems whose dynamical part is given by linear differential equations and whose logic part is defined by linear finite difference equations modeling the automaton with memory. The quality of the control is determined by a quadratic objective functional. This setting is analogous to the classical Letov-Calman problem of analytic construction of optimal regulator. The equations on the synthesis function and on feedback optimal control are derived. We show that the optimal control of the dynamical part is provided by a linear regulator (similarly to the classical case), and optimal control of the logical part is determined by recurrent equation. We describe several examples of these optimal processes including those which require countable set of switches of the logical part. | ||||||||
Khrapko R. I. No title . Trudy MAI, 2007, no 27 Description not available | ||||||||
Sokolov A. I., Ivanov I. E. Investigation of pulsing modes of flow in disk Hartman's generator . Trudy MAI, 2007, no 27 The results of numerical simulation for ideal gas flow in disk Hartman's generator are presented. It is carried out research of influence of depth of the resonator on amplitude and frequency characteristics. Results received at numerical simulation gas flow were compared with the results received in acoustic linear approach. | ||||||||
Vinnikov V. V., Reviznikov D. L. Immersed Boundary Method for Numerical Simulation of Supersonic Flow over Blunt Bodies on Rectangular Grids. Trudy MAI, 2007, no 27 Article is dedicated to generalization of ghost-cell immersed boundary method for solving problems of computational aerohydrodynamics in complex geometrical domains, using rectangular grids. High efficiency of this method is demonstrated on a benchmark problem of supersonic flow over the circular cylinder. Comparative analysis has shown good agreement of obtained results with benchmark solutions. | ||||||||
Malinina N. L. Deductive and inductive deduce rules' systems for the construction of formal systems . Trudy MAI, 2007, no 27 The aid of the article is to compare complexity of deductive (DDRS) and inductive (IDRS) deduce rules' system when constructing formal systems. While using the rule "if q, then P" (DDRS) the construction of formal system is at least accomplished with the help of polynomial algorithms. So the main feature of the programming development now is the constant increase of software cost as far as the complexity of tasks increases. The IDRS (rule "P, if q") does not demand the knowledge of the information transmission addresses and there are no repeated deduce rules. The comparison of DDRS and IDRS permits to conclude: DDRS is more complex in sum then IDRS and does not provide simple linear regulating of algorithm's operators while constructing a formal system. Besides IDRS allows to formalize the process of algorithm's construction in linear mode. | ||||||||
Gerasimov G. V. Efficiency of transfer of mosaic videoimages without use of developing converters . Trudy MAI, 2007, no 27 The main task of TV is the finding of ways of such transformation of the image of object so that it was possible to transfer the image methods of telecommunication, but thus it is necessary to achieve that the image created by the reception television device, corresponded to object of transfer as more as possible precisely. An object of research is the principle which is used at construction of system of transfer of mosaic videoimages without use of developing transformations. Studying of construction of the flat optical image not by means of each element, and all elements of the image at once. | ||||||||
Zuong D. T. Technical realization and experimental research of a nonlinear radar-location . Trudy MAI, 2007, no 27 Tactical-technical characteristics of nonlinear locators' serial are considered, experimental researching results of nonlinear radar methods with the use of NR-900 EM device are submitted and metrological maintenance of nonlinear radar measure is described. | ||||||||
Morozov A. E. Factorial Analysis in Modeling Daily Activity of Higher School . Trudy MAI, 2007, no 26 Opportunities of using methodology of the factorial analysis for modeling daily activity of higher school are considered. The author shows that the factorial approach allows to reveal implicit links between investigated parameters, to generalize and simplify model structure, to raise the quality of taken managerial decisions. | ||||||||
Tkachenko D. P. To the question of issue characteristics nox of front devices of chambers of combustion . Trudy MAI, 2007, no 26 In clause results of an experimental research of issue characteristics NOx of the complex modelling front device in which it was possible to divide process of burning on diffusioneous and homogeneous are presented. | ||||||||
Tishkov V. V., Firsanov V. V. The computational method of vibration-dynamic condition of aeronautical engineering objects in extraordinary situations. Trudy MAI, 2007, no 26 The computational method of vibration-dynamic condition of aeronautical engineering objects in extraordinary situations is considered. The regression model built based on integration of data obtained from an experiment with similar samples is cited. | ||||||||
Vaschenko A. V. The effect of the perturbing aerodynamic forces from the atmosphere reactance on the spacecraft orbit evolution . Trudy MAI, 2007, no 26 The main outcomes of the spacecraft perturbed motion researches are presented. The author touches upon the effect of the perturbing aerodynamic forces from the atmosphere reactance on the spacecraft orbit evolution. The calculations of the circular orbits of the spacecrafts of different characteristic surfaces and weights are developed. The influence of the Sun activity level on the spacecraft orbit evolution; and the dependence of the perturbing aerodynamic acceleration value on the orbit height. | ||||||||
Vaschenko A. V. The influence of perturbing forces related to the shape irregularity of the Earth on the satellite orbit evolution . Trudy MAI, 2007, no 26 Spacecraft perturbed motion is investigated in the paper. The influence of perturbing forces related to the shape irregularity of the Earth on the satellite orbit evolution. The paper contains the results of the spacecraft orbit evolution calculations. | ||||||||
Vaschenko A. V. The task of finding dependences between the gross weight of the fuel used for interorbital transfer and the molecular screen weight on the operational orbit height is set . Trudy MAI, 2007, no 26 The article describes the usage of satellites for producing semi-conductors with the molecular beam epitaxy method. The task of finding dependences between the gross weight of the fuel used for interorbital transfer and the molecular screen weight on the operational orbit height is set. | ||||||||
Kundelskiy R. V., Burdina A. A. Development and application experience of Balanced Scorecard for holding distribution activity . Trudy MAI, 2007, no 26 Wide spreading of holding type enterprises results in necessity of working out improved management instruments for definite sectors of economy and kinds of activity. The article describes development and application experience holding distribution monitoring system based on Balanced Scorecard methodology. The system intends for Russian holding enterprises with high work share in cost price (high technology productions, medical industry, commerce, service). Use of described system has motivated associated companies to target achievement, has put in order intracorporate relations and payment discipline, has helped to achieve considerable improvement of main productivity indexes. | ||||||||
Druzhinin V. A. Evident finite difference scheme for solution of mixed boundary value problem for parabolic differential-difference equation . Trudy MAI, 2007, no 26 The solving of mixed boundary value problem for parabolic differential-difference equation by the evident scheme of finite difference method is considered in this article. These problems are interesting because the behavior of their solution in some subregion may depend from its behavior in another subregion. The fact that stability and convergence of the evident scheme for considering problems is arrived if Lax type condition is realized is shown in this article. The factor-method theory is used for convergence proof. These theoretical researches are illustrated by solution graphs that show the specific features of considering problems. | ||||||||
Smirnov V. U. Strict definition of improper integrals by hadamard that are found in mathematical models of aerodynamics for the fractional degrees of a singularity . Trudy MAI, 2007, no 26 Improper integrals by Hadamard that are found in mathematical models of aerodynamics and other problems of mathematical physics are studied. The case of a strong singularity at the end of a segment of integration is considered. The fractional degrees of a singularity are researched. The existence theorem of an improper integral by Hadamard in the considered case is proved. Strict definition of an integral in terms of final value by Hadamard for the fractional degrees of a singularity is given. Explicit expression for an integral by Hadamard that doesn't contain improper integrals convenient for application in mathematical models is obtained. | ||||||||
Smirnov V. U. Strict definition of improper integrals by hadamard that are found in mathematical models of aerodynamics for the whole degrees of a singularity . Trudy MAI, 2007, no 26 Improper integrals by Hadamard that are found in mathematical models of aerodynamics and other problems of mathematical physics are studied. The case of a strong singularity inside of a segment of integration is considered. The whole degrees of a singularity are researched. The existence theorem of an improper integral by Hadamard in the considered case is proved. Strict definition of an integral in terms of final value by Hadamard for the whole degrees of a singularity is given. Explicit expression for an integral by Hadamard is obtained. The expression for an integral by Hadamard that doesn't contain improper integrals convenient for application in mathematical models is obtained also. | ||||||||
Smirnov V. U. Numerical integration of the improper integrals that are found in mathematical models of aerodynamics . Trudy MAI, 2007, no 26 Improper integrals by Hadamard that are found in mathematical models of aerodynamics and other problems of mathematical physics are studied. The integral arising at an evaluation of a velocity from a discrete rotational segment in a control point, arranged inside of a rotational stream is considered. Other integrals that are found in problems of numerical modeling of an aerodynamic interference are considered also. Expressions for integrals by Hadamard that doesn't contain derivatives under an integral convenient for a numerical integration are obtained. Procedure of a numerical integration of improper integrals is obtained also and recommendations on its application in mathematical models are given. | ||||||||
Perepiolkin V. V. Modelling and the analysis of rotational-oscillation movement of the deformable Earth . Trudy MAI, 2007, no 26 The interpolation of pole's oscillation on an eight-year time interval and the two-year prediction are constructed by means of the basic mathematical model containing Chandler wobble, annual wobble and irregular slow drift (trend) of an average pole of the Earth on the basis of the measurements data of parameters of Earth's rotation by the least squares method . A Comparison of the theoretical curves (prediction) and the realized pole's movement was made on the basis of the data of the International Earth-Rotation Service (IERS). An extended model taking into account lunar perturbations is considered. On the period of beats is shown manifestations of high-frequency lunar wobbles with monthly and fortnight periods and possibility to interpolate these wobbles for a short time interval. | ||||||||
Reviznikov D. L., Sposobin A. V. Direct numerical modeling of disperse phase flow of gas-particle mixture over a body . Trudy MAI, 2007, no 26 A realization of the discrete-element method for numerical modeling of two-phase flow of gas- particle mixture is developed. One modeling particle corresponds to one real particle. Particle reflection from body surface, particle rotation and inter-particle collisions are taken into consideration. Numerical simulation of the supersonic two-phase flow over a circular cylinder is carried out. The results are presented to illustrate the influence of inter-particle collisions and particle rotation on parameters of body-flow interaction. | ||||||||
Rodionov G. L., Sidorenko A. S. Dynamic state of an aircraft's structure at accident at a takeoff . Trudy MAI, 2007, no 26 The procedure and results of a numerical analysis of an aircraft's dynamic state at abnormal falling at a takeoff stage are submitted. The problem about impact of an aircraft's bearing structure by an obstruction reproducing properties of a ground under the given impact's conditions is considered. The problem about non-stationary interaction is solved with use of a of finite element method (FEM) on the basis of which models of a load-bearing structure and an obstruction are designed. Operation is carried out at a support of the Russian Fundamental Researches Fund (the design N 06-08-01005). | ||||||||
Galetskaya I. M., Remennikova I. A., Figon E. B. The principles of creating a coursebook for learning French and German languages on the basis of English . Trudy MAI, 2006, no 25 The idea of multilingualism gains much importance now when the process of globalization of different spheres of life seem irreversible. The globalization process made Russia a part of the international community. The graduates of universities become part of the international workforce. To make them competitive on the modern job market we are to provide them with the necessary professional skills such as the ability to obtain information and present it effectively both orally and in writing. The article considers the principles of creating a coursebook which on the basis of students' knowledge of English will enable them to become aware of the French and German languages and at the same time obtain certain skills of coping with scientific and technical texts in these languages as well. The book will help learners transfer their first language reading skills into their second language. The authors suggest the original methods of teaching foreign languages, which are used in the second and third stages of training in MAI. | ||||||||
Kochneva L. . Self-consciousness, psychological conditions and methods of its development within educational activity of students. Trudy MAI, 2006, no 25 Higher requirements to specialists with higher education who are guided on realization themselves in profession are founded in the article. Carried out research let us suggest approaches to psychological preparation of technical university students that will make citizenship development and formation of professionally important qualities, personal value realization of professional maintenance of future activity during the course of life possible. | ||||||||
Konioukhov G. V., Koroteev A. A. Liquid droplet radiators of newdeneration space powerplants . Trudy MAI, 2006, no 25 Brand new type of space radiators is considered. These radiators are based on the radiative cooling of specially formed fine-dyspersated shroud of actuating medium, freely spreading in space between liquid droplets generator and hydrocollector. | ||||||||
Konioukhov G. V., Koroteev A. A. Analytic methods of drop flow radiative cooling calculations in the conditions of micro gravity and deep vacuum . Trudy MAI, 2006, no 25 Analytic methods of calculation of liquid droplet radiator's shroud radiative cooling in the conditions of micro gravitation, deep vacuum and external radiation are concidered. | ||||||||
Konioukhov G. V., Koroteev A. A. Heat exchange via radiation dispersed thermal liquid of spacecrafts . Trudy MAI, 2006, no 25 Method of liquid droplet radiator's shroud radiative cooling calculation is presented. In the case of optical transparency in one direction, the possibilities of simplified method's realization are considered. | ||||||||
Mkrtchyan G. A., Dobryashkina E. N., Cherner N. V. Some theoretical and practical issues of managerial controlling . Trudy MAI, 2006, no 25 The definition of the managerial functions of controlling, its system relationships with other managerial elements √ primarily with the enterprise's objectives and plans √ are given; the conceptual independence and the unique characteristics of controlling, as distinct from other organizational and verification activities within the firm, are set forth; the controlling process including its basic steps √ (a) measuring the performance of the firm, (b) comparing the measurement data to the established standards and the objectives of the plan, (c) identifying the deviations and their causes and taking corrective actions √ are describe; the "feedforward control" of the controlling process and the "feedback" of conventional automatic systems, as well the real-time information, are compared. | ||||||||
Myakochin A. S. Development of a technique of an estimation and regulation of economic feedback from use of land-property complexes of the industrial enterprises . Trudy MAI, 2006, no 25 The article about the problem of efficiency of use of a land-property complex of the industrial enterprises of city of Moscow is consecrated. The technique of an estimation of economic feedback from use of a land-property complex of the industrial enterprises is developed. The automation, the developed technique, by creation of software product is made. | ||||||||
Asriyants G. S., Kravchun S. N., Tretiyakova O. N. Heat transfer in thin films with variable thermal properties in discontinuous heating mode . Trudy MAI, 2006, no 25 Investigation of nanostructures characteristic features is one of today's important research areas in condensed state physics. Nanostructures include thin films on a substrate. The importance of these researches results from the rapid development of microelectronics and nanotechnologies. The discontinuous heating method proved to be very effective in investigation of thermal properties of a thin film on a substrate. We provided calculations for amplitude and phase of temperature oscillation in a 1 thin film with steeply decreasing thermal conductivity in the proximity to the border with substrate. We also examined the case which arises from ferroelectric phase transition analysis. It was shown that it is possible to avoid any noticeable influence of a thin film heterogeneity on the measuring results with decrease of the temperature gradient in it. | ||||||||
Vinogradov V. S., Tretiyakova O. N., Cheredov V. V. Mathematical simulation energy loss of relativistic electron beam in an amorphous body . Trudy MAI, 2006, no 25 A research of a charged particles beams transport through various environments and the phenomena connected with it both for theoretical researches, and for practical applications is interested. In the given work the simulation algorithm of the electrons beams transport through amorphous bodies (environments with the disorder nuclear structure) is presented. For calculation of a body heating as result of a energy distribution the heat conductivity equation for axial-symmetric target is solved. | ||||||||
Brekhov O. M., Korneenkova A. V. Features of program emulation of onboard digital computers with changeable commands's system . Trudy MAI, 2006, no 25 Clause is devoted to research and development of a method and a technique of program emulation of onboard digital computers with changeable commands's system. Feature of considered onboard digital computers is the expansion of a base commands's set. | ||||||||
Firsov G. V. The method of maintenance of fault tolerance of calculations of scaled network onboard computing systems . Trudy MAI, 2006, no 25 Materials of given article are devoted to the description of a method of maintenance of fault tolerance of the network onboard computing systems, constructed on the basis of the algorithm of the acceptance of the consolidated decision (ACD). The considered algorithm is based on a "parliamentary" method of formation of the final decision on isolation of the given up part of the system, based on an exchange of "opinions" on a condition of system between units on each system cycle. The distributed real time operating system (DRTOS) in which as the key mechanism the algorithm of acceptance of the consolidated decision is used is developed and realized. The description of structure and properties of the developed operating system is resulted. | ||||||||
Lomtev S. A. Information-basic approach to management of production modernization . Trudy MAI, 2006, no 25 Concepts and methodical recommendations on forming the automated system of production modernization management on the basis of applying principles of natural systems self-organization and idea of generalized Fourier series are presented in the article, owing to which complex processes are considered as a result of system (super additive) merge of basic elements. The gist of the suggested information-basic approach is a developing system of the hybrid (human-machine) intelligence that is based on modern information and communication technologies, that allows to make effective administrative decisions on production modernization and capable of fast prediction on the basis of dynamic information processing. | ||||||||
Ageev I. M., Shishkin G. G., Eskin S. M. The propagation of the human bioradiation in waveguides. Trudy MAI, 2006, no 25 The decay of bioradiation in dielectric and metallic waveguides was measured by means of conductive water sensors. It was presumed that measured bioradiation had electromagnetic features with frequencies of submillimeter band. | ||||||||
Krylova I. E. Realities and prospects of post-soviet Armenia. Trudy MAI, 2006, no 24 In this article there is a characteristic of political and socio economic situation in Armenia, also there is a short analysis of relationships of the country with its nearest neighbours; our special attention is paid to the locating factor of Armenia between the countries, which are not always friendly. In the conclusive part some perspectives of the development of Armenia are observed and also there are some ways of overcoming the present crisis. | ||||||||
Shcherbakova E. A. A study of boosters for recovery payload mass from geostationary orbit . Trudy MAI, 2006, no 24 In activity, the research of the project of a space vehicle is carried out on the basis of present boosters with a problem of returning from geostationary orbit (GSO) of the refused artificial satellites of the Earth with the preliminary analysis of the mass-power characteristics of possible versions of operation. Three versions of the possible scripts of operation of returning of a payload mass are considered. By results of the conducted calculations, the conclusions with the instruction of the most expedient version of returning of a payload mass are done. | ||||||||
Kasmerchuk P. V. Specificity of simulation and procedure of optimization of SC flight trajectories with a rotor solar sail, including multiple gravity-assist maneuvers. Trudy MAI, 2006, no 24 Specificity of simulation and procedure of optimization of SC flight trajectories with a rotor solar sail, including multiple gravity-assist maneuvers is considered. The problem of optimization of SC flight trajectories with a rotor solar sail is defined as a problem of optimization of compound dynamic system, which is decided by the method of sequential linearization, is proposed. | ||||||||
Babkin A. N., Poltavets G. A. Conditions extravehicular activity on a surface of Mars and frame of operations of crew. Trudy MAI, 2006, no 24 In the present article the analysis of the domestic publications on a subject of manned expedition on Moon, Mars and stuffs NASA on the given problematics is conducted. Dans of the proposal of the writers on development and prolongation of these activities. | ||||||||
Babkin A. N. The analysis and experimental improvement of the factor of working positioning of an astronaut on a surface of Mars. Trudy MAI, 2006, no 24 In the article is regarded an factor "working positioning", which one is similar on physical sense to the factor "fixation" taken from model of efficiency orbital extravehicular activityes (EVA). In an investigated system planetary EVA to ensure positioning marsonaut (astronaut in the pressure garment assembly under an overpressure located on a surface of Mars) notably is more difficult. It is necessary to lower energy consumptions both time for slopes and crimps of "aerogirder" of the pressure garment assembly from an equilibrium position, that can be reached by an marsonaut by activity in the most expedient posture. | ||||||||
Role of organizational culture in merger and acquisition process . Trudy MAI, 2006, no 24 Result main causes motivated companies to start process of merger or acquisition, give consideration to main mistakes, made on different stage of merger and acquisition, represent basic types of organizational culture. Give consideration to research of company activity in a field of organizational culture on preparatory and planning stages of integration. | ||||||||
Dembitsky N. L., Vasil'eva T. U. The technology expert system for radio electronic equipment production . Trudy MAI, 2006, no 24 This paper is about technology expert system for radio electronic equipment production. It's considered main scientific direction to study automatic technology design methods and new organization technology expert system method development. | ||||||||
Ageev I. M., Rybin Y. M., Shishkin G. G., Eskin S. M. Water electric sensors for week physical fields and bioradiation measurements . Trudy MAI, 2006, no 24 Sensors of week physical fields and radiation of bio objects were designed. Operating principle of sensors is based on measuring the electrical conductivity of water under heating. High sensitivity of sensors allows using them for investigations in biophysics and biochemistry, water physics and solar-terrestrial connections. Sensor's measured data depend on psycho emotional human status and so they can be widely used for medical and industrial applications. | ||||||||
Krylova I. E. Transcaucasia today: geopolitical review. Trudy MAI, 2006, no 23 In this article there is a short characteristic of geopolitical situation in Transcaucasia in the post-soviet period; our special attention is paid to the characteristic of present situation in Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia, and here there are main difficulties, which faced these countries in the period of their reforms. | ||||||||
Kasmerchuk P. V. Optimization of the flight trajectories including multiple gravity-assist maneuvers of the space craft equipped by a solar sail. Trudy MAI, 2006, no 23 The procedure of optimization of the flight trajectories including multiple gravity-assist maneuvers of the space craft equipped by a solar sail is considered. The proposed procedure is based on concept of optimization of the compound dynamic systems by the method of sequential linearization and allows to form the general approach to decision of problems of interplanetary missions optimization with use of a solar sail. With use of the proposed procedure problems of optimization of the flight trajectories to Mercury and to the Sun neighborhood on a base of cheap conversion "Dnepr" LV are decided. | ||||||||
Zernov V. I., Shcherbakova E. A. A study of economic efficiency for recovery of geostationary boosters . Trudy MAI, 2006, no 23 In activity the problem of maintenance of ecological cleanness of geostationary orbit (GSO) is considered at the expense of application of reusable salvaged geostationary accelerating units. The problem of designing of ecological pure accelerating units which are not polluting working orbits is put. At the solution of a problem is determined: - ways of returning booster and optimum parameters of a system of returning; - degree of an economic efficiency salvaged boosters; - change of the characteristics of units at introduction to their structure of systems of saving. For lowering costs of speed, it is offered to use known idea of parabolic transition offered A. Shternfeld, which now has found a use at the ascent of freight on GSO from northern latitudes. The use of reusable booster units in geostationary orbits is economically profitable, cutting in half the expenses. It should be compulsory with regard to the requirements of the ecological purity of geostationary orbits. | ||||||||
Shcherbakova E. A. Algorithm of common designing of the reusable booster for geostationary operations . Trudy MAI, 2006, no 23 The problem of common designing of the reusable booster for fulfilment of geostationary operations is put. On the basis of present boosters for clearing of geostationary orbit (GSO) from disabled artificial satellites of the Earth is regarded an issue of designing of a special flight vehicle. In activity the preliminary parametric analysis by criteria of an economic efficiency of operation, in result is carried conducted which is concluded a ratio of main specifications for an economically expedient projected system. | ||||||||
Gerashchenko N. N. Some methodological approaches to business processes resource management for aviation industry enterprises . Trudy MAI, 2006, no 23 Modern aviation industry enterprises are more and more demanding to staff choice. The efficiency of their education according to traditional methods doesn't meet modern free market requirements. Therefore the article deals with the complex industrial and educational area which is a complicated complex system (CCS) with various hierarchy levels. The ultimate goal of CCS is to provide competitive products while training highly-qualified staff. Methodological techniques proposed in the article allow to identify, describe and explore a great number of system links and to work out generalized ways of their analysis and efficiency assessment according to the general technical and educational criterion. | ||||||||
Khrapko R. I. Where is the dielectric polarization energy hidden? . Trudy MAI, 2006, no 23 It is shown that the quadratic dependence of electric energy on electric strength causes an additional electric energy in comparison with the energy that corresponds to a macroscopic electric field. | ||||||||
Malinina N. L. Methodology of comparative estimation of various ways' efficiency of algorithms and software design . Trudy MAI, 2006, no 23 Methodology of comparative estimation of various ways' efficiency of algorithms and software design is based on net models and graph-schemes of algorithms structural properties, that is on the number of graph mutually independent ways analysis. The design cost of algorithms and software considers as a sum of separate stages costs of the common technology scheme. The job's analysis according to each stage of this scheme allows to deduce the approximate formulas for each stage cost of various technologies of algorithms and software design. According to the formulas we can receive areas of advantageous application of different methods of algorithms and software design depending on the algorithms and software size. The reliability of the analytical relations is verified by the fact of their agreement with other authors' experimental data. electric field. | ||||||||
Gerasimov G. V. The pixels of video and multivariate digital signal transmission system without application of scan conversion . Trudy MAI, 2006, no 23 At present, video transmitting system start to play the increasing role in various areas of technical and life. Generally, the existing television system use various types of scan conversion: interlaced scanning, progressive scanning, spiral scanning ets., but at the same time it is required consumption expenses of a significant part of throughput of system, and also the problems of image preservation with the set degree of accuracy in conformity to the quality of image transmission. Therefore, the development of the new principles of video transmission and of multivariate digital signals transfer in general represent a rather important issue of the day. | ||||||||
Kim K. H., Bezverbiy V. K., Gouschine V. N. Method of optimization design using the uncertain Lagrange multipliers for main design parameters jet aircraft of the vertical take off and landing (VTOL) with control jet nozzles . Trudy MAI, 2006, no 22 In this paper, method of design optimization for main design parameters jet aircraft of the vertical take off and landing (VTOL) with control jet nozzles and modeling of motion were performed. Application of uncertain Lagrange multipliers method was given possibility of analytical solution. Analytic form of model movement was analyzed to have influence for design parameters to flying description. | ||||||||
Shnyryov A. G. Selection of rational amount of agricultural airplane . Trudy MAI, 2006, no 22 The topic of article is selection of rational amount of agricultural airplane carrying capacity, based on weather impact analysis on the annual work content. | ||||||||
Shnyryov A. G. Effects of the airplane maneuvering qualities on production per hour of the aerial chemical works. Trudy MAI, 2006, no 22 The article is devoted to the researches of the effects of the airplane maneuvering qualities on production per hour of the aerial chemical works using software "Trajectory". | ||||||||
Golubev V. A., Monakhova V. P. Thrust Augmenter Research Methods . Trudy MAI, 2006, no 22 Results of design-theoretical and experimental research of ejector thrust augmenter characteristics brought. Values of ejection coefficient η = 4.64 and propulsion increase of 50% (propulsion augmentation coefficient δ≅1.5) relative length of ejection channel of L = 6.7 and considering area relation at ejector inlet of were α = 0.042 obtained. | ||||||||
Popov S. A. The Total Differentials Method for Numerical Solution of Hyperbolic Systems of Equations . Trudy MAI, 2006, no 22 The new fundamental method of solution of hyperbolic system of differential equations, the characteristic form of which can be a more than quartic polynomial with nonzero coefficients is presented. The method is based on the approximation of full derivatives relations of macroscopic variables. The method has been applied to H.Grad equations. The results of data validation are submitted. | ||||||||
Nefedov V. N. On one method of analysis of a polynomial on constancy of signs in the positive orthant . Trudy MAI, 2006, no 22 The present article is the continuation of the articles [1-3], in which the problem of constructing the applicable in practice necessary and sufficient conditions of the positivity (or nonnegativity) of a polynomial in several variables with real coefficients in the positive orthant was investigated. In the articles [1,2] the necessary condition and some sufficient conditions were received. In the article [3] the necessary and sufficient condition was received without any restrictions on the polynomial. But the applicable in practice method of verification of fulfilment of this condition was described in [3] for the special class of the polynomials. One of the basic ideas of this method consists in use of the methods of vector optimization. In the present article the same (as in [3]) necessary and sufficient condition is used and the method of verification of fulfilment of this condition also makes use of the methods of vector optimization. But the verification method prescribed in this article does not require any conditions on the investigated polynomial. | ||||||||
Khrapko R. I. Moment of the Poynting vector is not spin . Trudy MAI, 2006, no 22 A common opinion that a moment of the Poynting vector is spin is a common delusion due to a serious defect of the general field theory. We present a circularly polarized Laguerre-Gaussian beam without an azimuth phase structure as evidence of this. It is shown that the moment of the Poynting vector in this beam is an orbital angular momentum, not spin. Meanwhile, this beam, as well as a circularly polarized plane wave, clearly carries spin. But the standard electrodynamics does not sight it. Spin tensor of the standard electrodynamics is zero. So, this delusion causes many conflicts, vagueness, and paradoxes concerning electromagnetic angular momentum. The only way to resolve the paradoxes is to use an electrodynamics spin tensor which we introduced into the electrodynamics and demonstrate in this paper. | ||||||||
Khrapko R. I. Poynting vector. Arithmetic mistake . Trudy MAI, 2006, no 22 Expressions for a polarized light beam must be corrected to correspond to results of papers. | ||||||||
Popov S. A. The Mathematical Modeling of Separation and Unsteady Flows . Trudy MAI, 2006, no 22 The subject of this article is to prove the need of application of H.Grad thirteen-momentum system of equations to describe the heat-conducting viscous gas unsteady flow. The numerical results for the crossflow about a circular cylinder obtained from Navier-Stokes and H.Grad equations are compared. The hypothesis that H.Grad equations have no bifurcation of solution is offered. | ||||||||
Martirosov V. E. Information system for saving energy and resources (ISERS) . Trudy MAI, 2006, no 22 In the article the information technologies for resources saving on large enterprise are represented. Information system ISERS is intended for detailed monitoring the consumption of energy resources on large enterprise. In this system the original technologies of data transmission over the networks of power supply 220/380V (PLC technologies) are used. The equipment of system is executed on digital signal processors and the microcomputers. | ||||||||
Barannikov L. N., Tkachev A. B., Khromtsev A. V. Efficiency of using suboptimal receive as a whole and cyclic codes with voting decoding . Trudy MAI, 2006, no 22 In the article considered using an error-correcting coding at suboptimal receive as a whole for raising noise-immunity in digital channels and brought simulation results for channels with independent errors. | ||||||||
Barannikov L. N., Tkachev A. B., Khromtsev A. V. Efficiency of using suboptimal receive as a whole in channels with packet errors. Trudy MAI, 2006, no 22 In the article considered using an error-correcting coding at suboptimal receive as a whole for raising noise-immunity in digital channels and brought simulation results for channels with packet errors. | ||||||||
Mkrtchyan G. A., Vecherinina E. A., Remennikova I. A., Cheprakova L. A. Communicative functions of the engliss and russion punctuation marks. Trudy MAI, 2005, no 21 The current definitions of punctuation commonly met in Russian and English linguistic sources, as well as the communication functions of punctuation marks are discussed.. Much attention is given to the description of the theoretical and practical aspects of punctuation, as well to the main historical treatment of the problem. The common origin and the symmetry of punctuation marks in the main European languages are stressed. All the punctuation marks of the English language and the rules of their functioning are shown. The rules of use of capital letters in the English and Russian writing are set forth. | ||||||||
Remennikova I. A. Teaching phonetic and lexical particularities of the French speaking language on the advanced level in a technical university. Trudy MAI, 2005, no 21 The article gives a brief characteristic of such notions as the normative phonetics-orthoepy, a language norm and speech norm. It also gives general characteristics of the modern French speaking language and basic tendencies of the modern French pronunciation. The system of exercises for audition used in the Moscow Aviation Institute on the advanced level of teaching French is presented as well. | ||||||||
Dubrovin L. D. Human factor and neutralizer "Gamma-7N". Trudy MAI, 2005, no 21 Field-level electromagnetic radiation with the frequency higher than 10 GHz can cause a response in human brain and central neural system with consequent unconscious mistakes that can be very dangerous in fine professional activity, for example, in aircraft flight control. Investigations were made with the participation of All-Russia Catastrophe Medical Center and special device "Gamma-7N" was developed in order to reduce such danger. | ||||||||
Ngo H. P. Parallel-recursive methods of wavelet-transformation for bidimentional signals processing . Trudy MAI, 2005, no 21 This paper is devoted to parallel-recursive methods of performance of wavelet-transformation for one-dimensional and bidimentional discrete signals. The algorithm of parallel- recursive methods of performance of wavelet-transformation should provide effective processing on parallel systems. | ||||||||
Ngo H. P. 2D Legendre moments application for processing of discrete signals . Trudy MAI, 2005, no 21 Image feature representation techniques using orthogonal moment functions have been used in many applications for signals processing. Legendre moments are very popular in this technique. In this paper, we introduce a new rotation invariants of Legendre moments based on Legendre polynomials. The moments unchanged for translated, rotated, contracted, reflected and elongated non-symmetrical or symmetrical images. The algorithm is tested on model image. | ||||||||
Khrapko R. I. The Beth experiment is under review . Trudy MAI, 2005, no 21 It is shown that the modern Maxwell electrodynamics cannot explain the result of the Beth experiment. So, the modern electrodynamics is not complete. A spin tensor is used for an explanation of the experiment. It is shown that this tensor completes the Maxwell electrodynamics. A theory of the Beth's experiment is presented. | ||||||||
Zakharov M. A. Choice of parameters of dynamic making aerodynamic characteristics for modeling longitudinal movement of planes at the big corners of attack . Trudy MAI, 2005, no 20 The mathematical model of aerodynamic characteristics with inclusion of the non-stationary components corresponding to structure of a flow and), in nonlinear and linear representation is considered. It is explained cosinusoidal dependence rotary and also linear non-stationary derivative of a corner of attack. New approximations of functions are offered: (with the parameter dependent on centering of the plane) and (with, having two rough local minima). Communication expressions with derivatives, calculated of complexes, experimentally measured in wind tunnels is determined. The technique of a choice of parameters of dynamic making aerodynamic characteristics for modeling is resulted. | ||||||||
Yoo S. C., Popov Y. I. The design analysis of the stabilizer with various types fastening. Trudy MAI, 2005, no 20 In work research of a design of the stabilizer of horizontal plumage longeron, caisson and monoblock constructive - power circuit is lead at various kinds of fastening of plumage (console, four-dot, three-dot) on a fuselage and on Kiel, local airlines used in civil transport planes. Research was carried out in system NASTRAN for windows. The task will consist in definition of a picture of distribution of efforts and pressure in elements of an irregular zone of a design of the stabilizer. | ||||||||
Khrapko R. I. A mirror reflecting a circularly polarized plane wave receives spin. Trudy MAI, 2005, no 20 A reflection of a circularly polarized electromagnetic plane wave and a transmission of the spin of the wave to the reflector are considered. An expressions for a classical electrodynamics spin tensor and for the torque are used. | ||||||||
Khrapko R. I. Angular momentum of the electromagnetic field. Trudy MAI, 2005, no 20 A defect of the standard classical electrodynamics is the theory does not know spin. The spin tensor of the classical electrodynamics is zero. The absence of spin in the theory implies an absurd corollary: a circularly polarized plane wave has no angular momentum at all in direct contradiction to quantum theory. An orbital angular momentum of a circularly polarized beam without an azimuth phase structure is erroneously recognized as spin. An expression for electrodynamics' spin tensor is presented. | ||||||||
Khrapko R. I. Do volume forces, or do surface forces act on polarized dielectric? . Trudy MAI, 2005, no 20 Static electric field in linear uniform neutral dielectric is divergence-free and irrotational. Thus the Maxwell stress tensor is divergence-free as well. So, according to Maxwell, the volume force is ZERO. Only surface forces act on the polarized dielectric. Nevertheless the result contradicts textbook [5] | ||||||||
Khrapko R. I. Exercises in the canonical spin tensor . Trudy MAI, 2005, no 20 The canonical spin tensor of the standard electrodynamics is inadequate. This is shown by the use of a plane electromagnetic wave and a standing electromagnetic wave as examples. An improvement of the tensor by adding of a magnetic term is considered. The true spin tensor is demonstrated. | ||||||||
Astrakhantseva E. V., Gidaspov V. Y., Reviznikov D. L. Application of TVD-Schemes for Solving Hemodynamics Equations . Trudy MAI, 2005, no 20 Problems of mathematical modeling of blood flow in large vessels are considered. A second order spatial and time discretization SSP-TVD-scheme is implemented for the hemodynamics problem. A number of test problems with analytical solutions are proposed. In particular, a solution for Riemann problem is given. Various features of boundary conditions implementation for the system of hemodynamics equations are discussed. Questions of convergence and a choice of grid parameters for various schemes are investigated. | ||||||||
Buryakov A. A. Methods and technologies of data exchange of computer aided design systems . Trudy MAI, 2005, no 20 For needs of modern accelerated paces of technological progress the dynamics of designing of complicated objects, such as the airplane, containing 106-108 parts, is one from major of its performances, both the reduction of terms and cost of designing becomes from main requests. The use of modern computer aided design systems changes both means and methods of a solution of design problems. For deriving an optimum outcome in designing the use of a number of functionalities of one or several existing application systems and in addition developed specialized modules if necessary. The article presents substantiation both choice of methods and technology of data exchange with computer aided design systems. | ||||||||
Sernov V. G. Appendices of the modern theory of movement of an artificial satellite to forecasting trajectories of navigating satellites. Trudy MAI, 2005, no 20 One of the major problems constantly solved during functioning of systems of differential navigation, the problem of precision forecasting of trajectories of navigating satellites is. The more exact is such forecasting, the expenses for operation of system will be smaller. In clause aspects of use of achievements of the modern theory of movement of the center of weights of artificial satellites of the Earth to forecasting movement of navigating satellites are considered. | ||||||||
Tazetdinov R. G., Fetisov G. P., Khotina G. K., Krys M. A. Chemical sources of a current (HIT) with the electrolytes formed during chemical reaction between electrodes of components. 2. Electrochemical conditions of elements on systems alkaline metal - halcogen . Trudy MAI, 2005, no 20 In work on the basis of the diagrams of a condition of electrode components the analysis of electrochemical condition of cells a HIT with electro casts, formed is carried out (spent) during chemical reaction between electrodes components. | ||||||||
Tazetdinov R. G., Fetisov G. P., Khotina G. K., Krys M. A. Chemical sources of a current (HIT) with the electrolytes formed during chemical reaction between electrodes of components. 2. Electrochemical conditions of elements on systems alkaline metal - halcogen . Trudy MAI, 2005, no 20 In work on the basis of the diagrams of a condition of electrode components the analysis of electrochemical condition of cells a HIT with electro casts, formed is carried out (spent) during chemical reaction between electrodes components. | ||||||||
Pichulin V. S., Mishra D. . Thermal computations of new incubators . Trudy MAI, 2005, no 20 After a detailed study of present day incubators, it was found that most of them do not perform well when operating in tropical climates. Therefore the authors propose a change in the design of incubators. As a result, perfect hatching performance is achieved. Thermal computations of such incubators are drawn here too. | ||||||||
Pichulin V. S., Mishra D. . Thermal computation of modern incubators . Trudy MAI, 2005, no 20 The performance of industrial incubators is characterized by its hatching performance shown in different countries with different climates. Generally incubators suitable for cold climates are used in countries with tropical climates where the temperature rises up to 450C. In this paper thermal computations are performed for multistage industrial incubators (6 stage and 9 stage) with different boundary conditions in accordance to the expected temperatures in a variety of climates. The results of these computations are drawn here too. | ||||||||
Pichulin V. S., Mishra D. . Temperature fields in industrial incubators. Trudy MAI, 2005, no 20 Modern poultry is technology based and industrial incubators with a hatching capacity of tens of thousand eggs are utilized. The microclimate found inside incubators is a result of CO2 (carbon dioxide) production, O2 (oxygen) consumption and heat dissipation by the eggs during the incubation period. In order to maintain suitable microclimatic conditions required for high hatching and post hatching performance, it is imperative to keep the incubation temperature at optimal levels, which is 37 to 38 0C for most poultry species. In this paper a set of mathematical models is proposed for the heat flow in industrial incubators with a horizontal ventilation scheme. A numerical method solving these equations is also provided here with test results. | ||||||||
Mkrtchyan G. A., Vecherinina E. A., Remennikova I. A., Cheprakova L. A. The meaning of a language unit and its importance in teaching a foreing to students . Trudy MAI, 2005, no 19 The basic theoretical problems relating to the meaning of a language unit, the two-sided essence of the language unit, the content- and expression aspects of the word (word combination and sentence), and the division of the unique language into its system and its structure, as well as the language levels, are being discussed. The working definitions of the notions and terms functioning in the given sphere of linguistics and language-teaching methodology are concidered. The main types of language-unit meanings (referential, pragmatic, and inner-linguistic) are presented and explained. Much space is given to the description and elucidation of the norms of the language system and the language structure. | ||||||||
Generozov V. L., Muraviev U. V. Method of the ground bench tests on parachute extraction . Trudy MAI, 2005, no 19 The development of parachute systems having various functions, namely, the space parachute systems designed to descend the vehicles on the planets with an atmosphere stipulates the solution of the parachute extraction out of the canister, pack problem. Up till now this problem has been solved either by computation or on base of full-scale test data, in case such test was possible to be carried out. The present paper data prove the ground bench tests conduction to be real, besides there are given the criteria for the bench test simulation of the extraction device motion parameters similar to those of a full-scale parachute, including a space parachute system | ||||||||
Vikulin U. U. Designing of surfaces segments of external contours of flexible-skin wings in CAD programs. Trudy MAI, 2005, no 19 The improvement of the aerodynamics characteristics of aircrafts requires introduction of the new progressive approaches, one of which is the application of an adaptive flexible-skin wing. In a kind of constructive, layout, technological and aerodynamic complexity of such unit using for its development CAD/CAM/CAE of a high level, such as UNIGRAPHICS, CATIA and others, allows conducting a life cycle support of a product. In present clause two basic tasks arising at designing of an adaptive wing are opened. This conducting a designer database of ready external contours using a principle of parametrical designing in CAD/CAM/CAE and mathematical modeling two-dimension contours of flexible coverings for various corners of a deviation of mechanization leading and trailing edges of an adaptive wing. | ||||||||
Afanas’ev A. A., Kyi S. . Research on fatigue durability in punched plate and cylindrical panel. Trudy MAI, 2005, no 19 Influence of design factors in fatigue durability of punched panel under uniformly distributed stationary random pressure load by using hypothesis of spectral of total failure is stated.The results of micro modules and coefficients of stress concentation of load factor in bending and tension on punched plate are used for calculation. | ||||||||
Ivanov G. S., Furzikov S. A. Area transformations exfoliated in parallel areas' beam on Geerst's conversion . Trudy MAI, 2005, no 19 There is a constructive way of setting involution area transformations, which represents the totality of Geerst's conversion that belongs to parallel areas' beam. We concluded the transformation formula, analyzed the F- and P- systems, and investigated homoloid qualities. Area transformations intend for modeling two factors dependences. | ||||||||
Osadchy V. I., Zyuzko T. I., Orlov V. P. Using multidimensional Hermit sets for representation of physical fields of objects . Trudy MAI, 2005, no 19 It is proposed to use Hermit sets for analysis of physical parameters of objects. Mathematical models are analyzed and pointed some advantages of such method. One can only several coefficients for effective describing of field with complicate shapes. Method of selection of coefficients for approximation of videoinformation is proposed. | ||||||||
Khrapko R. I. Retarded time is not needed . Trudy MAI, 2005, no 19 It is shown that an unique time may be used when applying the Ampere and Biot-Savarat-Laplace laws even in the case of a time dependent electromagnetic field. The paper is published at | ||||||||
Khrapko R. I. Professor Soper's mistake . Trudy MAI, 2005, no 19 The impossibility to obtain the electrodynamics Maxwell tensor in the framework of the Lagrange formalism is confirmed by a professor Soper's mistake made on this way. Nevertheless, a heuristic method allows using the Lagrange energy-momentum and spin tensors for obtaining the classical spin tensor. The paper is published at and | ||||||||
Khrapko R. I. Helmholtz's decomposition theorem, etc. . Trudy MAI, 2005, no 19 Several ways of the decomposition of vector fields into the irrotational and solenoidal parts are considered. The fact is used that quantities of electromagnetism are covariant (antisymmetric) tensors or contravariant (antisymmetric) tensor densities. The classes of quantities is related by a conjugation. All differential operations, grad, div, curl, are considered from a single point of view as well as the inverse integral operations are. It is shown that a repeated differential operation or repeated integral operation yields zero, but the conjugation between the two operations leads to infinite or finite chains of quantities. Laplace operator and the inverse Laplace operator are expressed in terms of the differential and integral operations. The results are illustrated by simple examples. The paper is published at | ||||||||
Furzikov S. A. Hyper area of the tetra infinite as a model of production issue of diacetone-sorbosa oxidation process . Trudy MAI, 2005, no 19 This article deals with a problem of optimization diacetone-sorbosa oxidation process by making its mathematical model as two competitive areas. They connect production issue on high-tension current and substance with a function of three parameters (electrolysis time, the current consistence and summary anode area). As a result time intervals of changing parameters are determined. This provides the maximum production issue. | ||||||||
Mkrtchyan G. A., Vecherinina E. A., Cheprakova L. A. Problems of english-russian/russian-english translation of technical terminology . Trudy MAI, 2005, no 18 The problems of English-Russian/Russian-English translation of scientific and technical terminology, and the interpretation of the meaning of single, two-word, and multiword terms are discussed. The main requirements to scientific and technical texts, and in particular, to the translation in the target language are set forth. The description of neologisms, "false friends of translator", and of the grammatical features of technical texts is given. The practical aspects of stylistic adaptation of the target-language text are shown. | ||||||||
Galetskaya I. M., Remennikova I. A. Some problems of creating a professionally-oriented course book of a foreign language. Trudy MAI, 2005, no 18 The necessity to create update textbooks and course books for technical universities is one of the aims of this paper. First of all these needs must be satisfied by the course books designed by Russian authors. One of the most urgent problems of teaching a foreign language in a technical university is a lack of a good textbook meeting all the requirements of the program. The paper deals with some approaches to the theory of a textbook, the methodology of selection and organization of the texts for reading and relevant exercises. The authors share their experience in creating a course book for teaching reading professionally-oriented English and French texts designed for students and post-graduates. | ||||||||
Galetskaya I. M., Remennikova I. A. Lexicography and methods of teaching foreign languages in technical universities. Trudy MAI, 2005, no 18 The article deals with the necessity of using dictionaries of different types - for general and special purposes - and methods of teaching foreign languages by means of them all levels: from first year students to post-graduates. The article contains lexicographical analysis of the dictionaries of different types. The computer and some new forms of technical communication like Internet have opened up new opportunities for learning and teaching the languages. The article presents some peculiarities of teaching technical translation with the help of modern electronic dictionaries and translators. | ||||||||
Letova T. ., Kondakov V. K., Bogomolov M. N. Developing computer-oriented teaching aids on applied mathematical sciences using TBBuilder 2 program. Trudy MAI, 2005, no 18 It is possible to fill information base for computer-oriented teaching aids on applied mathematical sciences using TBBuilder 2, which includes: theoretical information, algorithm examples, sums for independent solution with step-by-step answer control and control of final answers, independent calculation work, questions for boundary control and exam, topic list and recommended literature list. Using TBBuilder 2 any user is able to fill information base, having elementary knowledge in usage of textual and graphical editors. TBBuilder 2 peculiarities, methodical comments, main program components and examples are examined in this issue. | ||||||||
Prudnikov V. A. Simulation manufacturing operations by means of constructing equivalent electrical models method technological foundation of machine-building articles design process at up-to-date stage of their creation about. Trudy MAI, 2005, no 18 There is method of creation equivalent electrical models for analyzing technological operations work through in limits technological foundation of machine-building articles design process at up-to-date stage in this report. Two tasks under review the simulation method as an example. It is freight hauling and tooling electric-valve for switching in pressure limit. It was indicates possibility to creation typical decisions and data obtaining what couldn't get by initial customers. Offer as applied to approach permit get information more exactly by model analyzing manufacturing operations in details. | ||||||||
Khrapko R. I. John Roche asks "What is mass?". Trudy MAI, 2005, no 18 Roche's paper "What is mass" is reactionary. It impedes teaching because presses on inadequate concept of mass. | ||||||||
Ivannikov S. V., Rodionov G. L., Sidorenko A. S. About construction of mathematical model of the car's motion . Trudy MAI, 2005, no 18 With the purpose of shaping the block of the mathematical simulation included in a transport training simulator, the analysis of domestic and foreign researches on development of the algorithms, describing dynamics of car is carried out. Methods of simulation dynamics of car as elastic - mass system, simulation of the propulsion system and transmission are surveyed. Sentences on rational structure and composition of simulation algorithm of dynamic of the car as interdependent subsystems of the differential equations are developed. The suggested equations of driving are a basis for creation of the software, permitting to imitate on the COMPUTER driving of the car in real time. | ||||||||
Rybackov K. A. Spectral characteristics of linear functionals and their applications to stochastic control systems analysis and syntheses . Trudy MAI, 2005, no 18 The concept of linear functional spectral characteristics is introduced. Possible applications to stochastic control systems analysis and syntheses are considered. In particular, the determination problem of the state vector expectation and covariance matrix, marginal and conditional probability density functions of the part of the state vector. | ||||||||
Belyaev D. V. Associative model of semantic contexts for query expansion problem . Trudy MAI, 2005, no 18 In the article the review of methods for solving of information retrieval queries expansion problem is given. The formalized concept of a semantic context is entered. The semantic contexts model of natural language texts is offered. Properties of the offered model are considered and the method of its construction is proved. The algorithms of construction and application of associative model of semantic contexts for the decision of queries expansion problem by relevance feedback are resulted. | ||||||||
Zavjalov P. A. The model of a task-level inquiry system . Trudy MAI, 2005, no 18 The subject of the article is a model of a task-level inquiry system for periodic reporting. Inquiry systems are being rated. A formalized model of this system is described. A software implementation of the suggested model is listed. | ||||||||
Glebov O. I. Dedicated system of electronic documents circulation . Trudy MAI, 2005, no 18 Subject of this research is technology of remote electronic reporting via public communication channels basing on cryptographic protection facilities. This article describes building, functioning and development of electronic report delivering system via public communication channels. During the work process there were defined purposes, functions and primary objects of electronic report delivering system via public communication channels basing on cryptographic protection facilities. Also, documents circulation scheme was worked out and main subsystems were set off. | ||||||||
Popov B. N., Fam T. T. Boolean control automats on the programmable logic platform for electrodrives . Trudy MAI, 2005, no 18 According to control unit design experience for different electric motors the general structure of Boolean automat was built. The main aim of this automat is to control the switch elements of the bridge semiconductor amplifier for direct and speed motor regulation. This general structure orientates to be realizing on the programmable logic platform. As an example the original automat for two-phase AC motor with phase method speed regulation was designed. | ||||||||
Barannikov L. N., Tkachev A. B., Khromtsev A. V. Using the cyclic codes in digital erasure channels . Trudy MAI, 2005, no 18 The usage of the cyclic codes in digital erasure channels for raising noise-immunity is considered in this article. The results of calculations and modeling for channels with independent and packet errors are presented here. | ||||||||
Mkrtchyan G. A., Vecherinina E. A., Cheprakova L. A. Technical terms and technical terminology . Trudy MAI, 2004, no 17 The definition of the term and the terminological system is interpreted. The contents, structure, characteristics, and the functioning of terms in scientific and technical texts, as well as the problems of the overall composition of technical terminology, specific features of synonymy and polysemy, are presented. The description of the contextual meaning of some groups of words of the common national language, used in technical literature, is given. The sources and ways of formation of new terms, the appearance of proper names, technical abbreviations, and acronyms in science and technical texts, are set forth. | ||||||||
Rybin V. V. Development and application of the Spektr_SM extension package for Simulink CMS Matlab . Trudy MAI, 2004, no 17 Presently variable computer-oriented mathematics systems (CMS) [8] are used for learning of control systems mathematics description forms for education software. Matlab mathtematic system sets off these systems [10]. The modeling package of block dynamical systems (Simulink) enter into this system. In this article the design technique of the Spektr_SM extension package [9] for Simulink package is considered. The Spektr_SM extension package is based on MLSY_SM extension package [8] for CMS Matlab. The functional block-scheme of control systems permits to introduce setting up the problem. The Spektr_SM extension package admits of analyze linear, non-stationary, determinate and stochastic, discrete, continuous, continuous-discrete control systems in the spectral domain. Characteristics and description of the package are provided. Examples of control systems S-models construction and results of analysis of these systems based on the Spektr_SM extension package for Simulink package are realized. | ||||||||
Zakharov M. A. Definition of conditions of gauging and structure of complexes of rotary and non-stationary derivatives of the flying device at their measurement in a wind tunnel with imitation of flight lateral movement. Trudy MAI, 2004, no 17 Methods of measurement rotary and non-stationary derivative lateral movement and their complexes on the dynamic installations established in aeropipes, with linear and angular (around OX and OY) fluctuations of model are submitted. Determined expression of fields of relative speeds and factors of the aerodynamic moments - for flying device (ЛА) in oscillatory flight and for model ЛА at imitation of this flight on installation. Allowable amplitudes of fluctuations of model and a vector of speed of air, allowable values of constant corners of attack and sliding , and also new possible corners are found. Measurements of complexes with new proportions of derivatives (and also only with rotary derivatives and ) in structure of complexes are offered. | ||||||||
Zakharov M. A. The analysis of a technique of measurement of complexes of aerodynamic derivatives in conditions of required corners of attack and sliding. Trudy MAI, 2004, no 17 The analysis of a technique of measurement of dynamic angular derivatives , and also complexes of rotary and non-stationary derivatives, prepared to their subsequent division, in conditions of required corners of attack and slidings is carried spent. It is established, that measurement at is incorrect, and calculations of a derivative and complexes, are made under erroneous formulas. New formulas for definition are given. Oscillatory experiments are offered at positions of an axis of the fluctuations which are taking place through axes OZ and OY models. As a result of realization of these experiments (together with the experiments connected to fluctuations around of axis OX) unshared complexes may be measured directly without computing operations of reduction of axes. | ||||||||
Khrapko R. I. Defects of the general field theory . Trudy MAI, 2004, no 17 It is shown that the Belinfante-Rosenfeld procedure is incorrect. The standard application of the Lagrange formalism to the general field theory resulted in a mistaken inference about an absence of spin. An expression for electrodynamics' spin tensor density is presented. | ||||||||
Khrapko R. I. Divergence between theory and experiment in the electrodynamics . Trudy MAI, 2004, no 17 Absorption of a circularly polarized light beam without an azimuth phase structure in a dielectric is calculated in the frame of the classical electrodynamics. We consider transferring of angular momentum and energy to the dielectric. Our theoretic result differs from the experimental result of Bishop et al. [6] (Phys. Rev. Let. V. 92, 198104 (2004)). We found that the torque acting on the dielectric consists of a surface part and a bulk part that equal one another. The theoretic value of the total angular momentum of the beam is twice as much as the experimental result. | ||||||||
Vinnikov V. V., Reviznikov D. L. Implicit immersed boundary ghost cell method for problems of viscous incompressible fluid flow in complex domains . Trudy MAI, 2004, no 17 In the present article a modification of immersed boundary method for numerical solution of transport problems in domains with curvilinear boundaries is proposed. Cartesian grid finite difference method for solving Navier-Stokes equations for viscous incompressible flows is considered. Implicit extrapolation procedure for approximation of boundary conditions at curvilinear boundary is applied. Numerical solution of test problem for flow in symmetric channel with smooth expansion is carried out. Obtained results are validated by comparison with high precision results, taken as "exact". | ||||||||
Glukhov V. A., Suzdaltcev A. L. Searching for the solutions on ensemble pareto on the basic of the multy-purpose method to taking in to account of the uncertainties . Trudy MAI, 2004, no 17 A problem vector-valued criteria optimization is considered in terms of set theory. The basic concept of the approach is a method of formal description of weight coefficients and the method of scalarization by the system of non-equalities. This set allows us to create the integral as well as min-max criterion on the way of solution of simple geometrical problem. | ||||||||
Sychev M. I. Modern electronic documentation management systems and their development tendencies. Trudy MAI, 2004, no 17 In this article the review of the common modern electronic documentation management systems is given. Classification of the given systems with the description of prominent features of the software products placed in the market is made. For each system the direction and the purposes of their development is described. | ||||||||
Polyvyanniy V. E. Problems in CAD add ERP systems integration. Possible ways of the decision problems. Trudy MAI, 2004, no 17 The article presents model of building corporate integrated information system is offered by means of integration of systems of a computer-assisted design of workpieces with control systems of resources of the factory through a control project data management system. The similar model allows to operate life cycle of a workpiece from a design stage up to a stage of issue of a finished product. Possible modes of integration of systems and also model of a heading of the integrated corporate intelligence system are offered. | ||||||||
Galetskaya I. M., Kulik E. N. Some Problems of Teaching Foreign Languages to Post-Graduates at MAI . Trudy MAI, 2004, no 16 Over the years the English language has been growing into the world's principal language of science. Many countries other than the English speaking publish mainly in English. According to UNESCO, over one half of the world's science is published in the English language. English has become the only truly global English. The globalization process made Russia a part of the international community. The graduates of universities consequently become part of the international workforce. To make them competitive on the modern job market we are to provide them with the necessary professional skills such as the ability to obtain information and present it effectively both orally and in writing. This paper describes experience and the results of skills courses for post-graduates at Moscow State Aviation University. Through various kinds of activities the post-graduates achieve a certain threshold proficiency in the language. | ||||||||
Remennikova I. A., Galetskaya I. M. Methods of Teaching French as a Second Language in Technical Universities . Trudy MAI, 2004, no 16 The methods of teaching French language are considered in the article. They are intended for the students who speak English or learn it as a first foreign language simultaneously. The method of comparative analysis is focused the phenomenon of positive analogies and interference is included as well. The author describes the experience of application of the following methods at the Department of foreign languages of MAI. Furthermore she recommends some training aids and the system of control of knowledge and skills. | ||||||||
Remennikova I. A., Galetskaya I. M. Entry Tests as an Optimal Method for Assessing Language Skills of the Students at Technical Universities . Trudy MAI, 2004, no 16 The present article shares the experience in using entry tests to assess skills of the students learning English and French languages at the Moscow Aviation Institute (the State Technical University). The authors give a detailed description of making, organizing and checking the language entry tests. The paper deals with some concepts of grading the students according to their knowledge of language after fulfilling the entry tests. Some samples of English and French tests are presented in the article. The method described allows to assess objectively the language skills of the students. | ||||||||
Mkrtchyan G. A., Vecherinina E. A., Cheprakova L. A. Text: linguistic characteristics and communicative functions . Trudy MAI, 2004, no 16 Problems of the text theory, the text's characteristic features and universal properties, the entity and the binary opposition of Language versus Speech (discourse), the text in the inner- and inter-lingual communication and in the foreign language instruction (training) process, the text's grammar aspects and the syntax of the "larger-than-the sentence" entities, the sentence actualization and the theme/rheme relationships within a sentence and a text, etc., are discussed; the notions of "microtext" and "macrotext", as well as the means of implicit expressiveness are presented and described. | ||||||||
Tazetdinov R. G., Averjanov A. A., Zotov V. A. The calculation simulator of stress and pressure on pilot's body in anti-g suit or high-altitude partial-pressure suit with laid on bladders . Trudy MAI, 2004, no 16 The simulator was created and the combined equilibrium equations where solved. The result was the stress (linear strengths) in material and the pressure on pilot's body in anti-g suit or high-altitude partial-pressure suit with laid on bladders in operational status. | ||||||||
Guan S. ., Dudchenko A. A., Endogur A. I. Calculating the optimizing parameters of three-layered spherical shell . Trudy MAI, 2004, no 16 This paper focuses on analyzing the stress-deformation relationship of three-layered spherical shell which fixed on ring and taken effect under the shell's sole weight. In the condition of meeting flexibility and stress, the optimizing position of ring on shell and the optimizing parameters of shell has been ascertained that based on the results of analyzing stress-deformation. | ||||||||
Darnopykh V. V. Planning of purpose control for spacecrafts and satellite systems: problems, methods and algorithms of their solving . Trudy MAI, 2004, no 16 The boundary of XX and XXI centuries is a new stage of cosmonautics development. It is a stage of active deployment of low-orbit satellite systems for monitoring and communications as well as international space station. That is why the scientific direction of satellite systems operative planning becomes actual. The problem of operative planning has two main tasks - on-board techni-cal task and algorithmic vs software designing task. The article contains a review of practical sat-ellite systems planning problems and techniques of their solving. | ||||||||
Khrapko R. I. Absorption of a circularly polarized light beam . Trudy MAI, 2004, no 16 Absorption of a circularly polarized light beam without an azimuth phase structure in a dielectric is considered. We calculate transferring of angular momentum and energy to the dielectric. Our result differs from the result of Loudon [1] (Phys. Rev. A68, 013806). It is found that the torque acting on the dielectric divides into surface and bulk parts in another way and is twice as much as in the paper [1]. To explain the difference a concept of classical spin is used. Absence of the concept in the modern electrodynamics is discussed. | ||||||||
Khrapko R. I. Classical spin in space with torsion and without torsion . Trudy MAI, 2004, no 16 Operational definitions of energy-momentum and spin tensors and the equations connecting these tensors in a curved space and in a space with torsion are considered. According to the definitions, these tensors uniquely localize momentum and spin. By the definition of the spin tensor, as an example, absorption of spin of a circularly polarized electromagnetic wave is calculated for an electro-conducting medium. Such absorption results in an asymmetric energy-momentum tensor of the medium. The widespread objections against a reality of classical spin tensors are considered and rejected. A uselessness of the Belinfante symmetrization procedure is shown. The derivation of the metric energy-momentum tensors is criticized. Attention is directed to an analogy between the momentum and angular momentum conservation laws and the equations of motion of a dipole particle. | ||||||||
Tazetdinov R. G. The thin-walled cover element equilibrium during curvilinear axis rotation . Trudy MAI, 2004, no 16 Using non-moment theory the combined equations of thin-walled (metal, tissue or polymer - filmed) cover element equilibrium during curvilinear axis rotation were deduced. | ||||||||
Rybackov K. A., Sotskova I. L. Spectral method algorithms for control system analysis in unbounded areas of time and phase coordinates . Trudy MAI, 2004, no 16 The spectral method algorithms for the analysis of stochastic control systems in the unbounded areas of time and phase coordinates are given in the paper. In particular, we consider the computational procedures of non-stationary transfer functions of elementary links such as the differentiator, integrator, amplifying circuit with any given factor, and multiplier regarding generalized Laguerre and Hermite polynomials and functions. | ||||||||
Galetskaya I. M. Some difficult Cases as Translated into Russian . Trudy MAI, 2004, no 15 While translating any English article into Russian the student often faces difficulties connected with the language peculiarities such as a wide usage of terms, compound nouns, attributive noun groups, conversion, complicated terminology groups. Prefixes and suffixes for forming new derivatives are widely used as well. Such difficulties in the translation are also caused by a lack of student's knowledge of the native language, their inability to express their thoughts adequately and strong interference of the English language too. The article focuses on translating terms, sophisticated noun groups, noun-forming and verb-forming suffixes and prefixes. Some examples of overcoming these difficulties are provided. In order to understand and translate the text properly, the student must possess some background knowledge. In conclusion it should be noted the following: while you are translating from English, think of Russian! | ||||||||
Galetskaya I. M. Professional Training without Interpreter . Trudy MAI, 2004, no 15 In today's challenging business environment learning a language is of vital importance for a specialist. The language must become the tool, which will give a young specialist a possibility to work successfully competing labor market. The specialist involved in the area of international cooperation has to deal with a number of economic and management problems associated with his (her) professional activity. To solve this problem this specialist must possess certain skills and knowledge of both theoretical and applied character. The course of studies at the faculty of Management and Business of Moscow Aviation Institute combines general language and specific purposes. The globalization process made Russia a part of the international community. To make our graduates competitive on the job market we are to provide them with the necessary professional skills such as decision-making, the ability to obtain information and present it effectively both orally and in writing. | ||||||||
Mkrtchyan G. A., Vecherinina E. A., Cheprakova L. A. A brief review of language and translation theory . Trudy MAI, 2004, no 15 The problems of interlingual communication in the sphere of transmission of technological and economic information, and the basic points and methods of mastering a foreign language at higher educational enterprises, are considered; the basic aspects of the theory of translation and the fun-damental problem of equal-worth interlanguage translatability (the diversity of national languages versus the universality of human thinking and human mentality) are discussed; the typology of kinds of translation, and a brief review of history of translation in Europe and in this country, as well as the present-day status of automatic (machine) translation, are presented. | ||||||||
Gluhova U. N., Cheprakova L. A. Press as one of the means of a foreign language education (on an example of the French language) . Trudy MAI, 2004, no 15 In the article some questions about organization of the work with newspapers and magazines on lessons on a foreign language are considered. In particular the question about linguistical and extralinguistical aspects of a press is esteemed; some directions on which can pass work with newspapers during lessons on foreign language are offered, as well as separate tasks for performing by the students with miscellaneous level of preparation are presented. | ||||||||
Zakharov M. A. Research of conditions of measurement rotary and non-stationary flying devices derivative lateral movement . Trudy MAI, 2004, no 15 Methods of measurement rotary and non-stationary derivative and their complexes on the dynamic installations established in aeropipes are submitted. Expressions of fields of relative speeds of flying device (FD) in oscillatory flight and model FD are determined at his(its) imitation. It is shown, that at a constant stream of air complexes, (are measured at fluctuations of model on a roll) and, (at fluctuations on roving), where ao corner of attack. Derivatives may be measured at motionless model and angular fluctuations of a stream or at linear fluctuations of model and a constant stream. At equal angular fluctuations of model and a stream derivatives , (may be measured at antiphase fluctuations) or complexes , (at inphase). | ||||||||
Zakharov M. A. Mathematical model of spatial movement of the maneuverable plane, taking into account non-stationary effects of a fly-off flow at the big corners of attack. Trudy MAI, 2004, no 15 On the basis of the specified model of aerodynamic factors of the longitudinal movement, taking into account non-stationary effects отрывного flows at the big corners of attack, the mathematical model of spatial movement of the maneuverable plane with reduction of its(her) system of the nonlinear differential equations an initial kind is constructed. The initial data for introduction in the program of the decision of the specified system on the digital computer are prepared. The initial data on aerodynamic factors are taken from known (covering ranges 0...90o for corners -40o...40o for corners ). Also are approximately predicted for corners -720o...720o under the periodic law. The constructed model is illustrated with decisions at various positions of controls by plane. | ||||||||
Zakharov M. A. Non-stationary components of factors of cross force, the moments of a roll and the rovings of the plane caused by vertical plumage . Trudy MAI, 2004, no 15 The comparative analysis of non-stationary components will be carried out(spent) (caused by the vertical plumage, dependent on a derivative of a corner of sliding on time ) For various cases of a relative ventilation of the plane: at movement of the plane (in flight) and at movement of air concerning motionless (and also rotating) the plane (for example, in an aeropipe on installation with an opportunity of periodic change of a direction of a stream). Corners of attack and a corner of a taper of a stream on vertical plumage are determined valid and settlement (stationary). The current corner of a taper of a stream on vertical plumage contains a corner of a stationary taper and a corner proportional . At definition of total non-stationary components on the specified installation, there is the methodical error caused by distinction of values For moving and motionless planes. | ||||||||
Matveev A. I., Abidin V. B. Conventional take-off and landing and short take-off and landing fighters space-time performance comparison . Trudy MAI, 2004, no 15 Conventional take-off and landing (CTOL) and short take-off and landing (STOVL) fighters space-time performance impacted on their combat capabilities and performance, is compared. Unified on most fundamental parameters CTOL and STOVL fighters intended for identical design combat missions set with similar ordnance payload, are considered. It is demonstrated, that for the considered design combat missions set of tactical fighters and for the performance area analysed, STOVL fighters are significantly superior to CTOL fighters. | ||||||||
Popovich K. F., Shkolin V. P. Integrated avionics complex of new generation. Trudy MAI, 2004, no 15 The architecture of integrated avionics complex for UBS Yak-130 combat trainer is considered. The complex was designed on the basis of bus and modular computer system networks as well as the possibility of its using is shown for the light multipurpose aircraft. | ||||||||
Guan S. ., Dudchenko A. A., Endogur A. I. Optimization Design of Cylindrical three-layer Shell . Trudy MAI, 2004, no 15 From the view of the minimum displacement, this paper analyses a three-layer cylindrical shell fixed on four beams (two horizontal longitudinal beams and two transverse elastic circular beams), and calculates the optimum positions of the transverse beams and the optimum structural parameters of the shell and beams. | ||||||||
Khrapko R. I. Absorption of light by electric conductive medium . Trudy MAI, 2004, no 15 Absorption of a circularly polarized light beam by electric conductive medium is considered. It is confirmed that the beam carries the double angular momentum in comparison with the prediction of the standard Maxwell electrodynamics. So, the electrodynamics is not complete. A spin tensor and a torque bivector are used. The torque bivector is an analog of Lorentz force. The both quantities are absent in the modern electrodynamics. | ||||||||
Karp K. A., Darnopykh V. V. Studying of space policy and space law on the base of modern open and distance educational technologies. Trudy MAI, 2003, no 14 The article is devoted to some problems of modern space education at the department "System analysis and control" of Moscow aviation institute (state technical university). The structure of educational programs for space policy and space law are described. The new technologies of open and distance studying process are described also. The article is finished by description of first experience and perspectives. | ||||||||
Mkrtchyan G. A., Vecherinina E. A., Cheprakova L. A. Interpretation of primary texts to condense their content for composing new limited-size secondary ones . Trudy MAI, 2003, no 14 The types of newly-composed small-sized (succinct) secondary documents obtained by condensing the content of primary source texts, currently in use in information service, are considered. The treatment of the theoretical aspects of the problem, as well as the techniques of work on the source texts in composing the secondary ones, are presented as identical both for professionals working in information networks and for students getting respective training at universities. Besides, in the latter case the treatment of source texts, selecting the valuable information, and the reconstruction of new secondary texts is considered to be a powerful means for teaching the students and for checking the results of training. All the secondary texts named in the paper are adequately described; their definition and basic characteristics, as well as the specific features with which one text differs from another, are presented. | ||||||||
Kicheev V. E. Designing of the compressed shanks of power aircraft members with use of the similarity criterion. Trudy MAI, 2003, no 14 A new approach to designing of the compressed shanks is offered. The similarity criterion is produced. The rationality of its application is shown for designing. | ||||||||
Zakharov M. A. Research of conditions of measurement rotary and non-stationary Derivatives on dynamic installations in wind tunnels. Trudy MAI, 2003, no 14 Measurements rotary are analysed () And non-stationary () Derivatives and their complexes on dynamic installations. Expressions of fields of relative speeds of flying device (fd) in oscillatory flight and model fd are determined at his imitation. According to modern model of aerodynamic factors the terminology of derivatives is offered. It is shown, that at motionless model and angular fluctuations of a stream resulting non-stationary derivatives are measured , (with a methodical mistake from horizontal plumage (ph)). In conditions of rotating model and a constant stream complexes are measured (), () (without a mistake from ph). At rotation of model and angular fluctuations of a stream complexes are measured (), () (at inphase fluctuations of model and a stream) and (at antiphase fluctuations). At measurement , With a constant stream and vertical fluctuations of model of a mistake from ph is not present. | ||||||||
Pismenny V. L. Cold forcing of gas turbine engine . Trudy MAI, 2003, no 14 The concern of creating gas turbine engines for high-speed aircraft is offered. The prospects of developping aircraft engines for different purposes are considered. | ||||||||
Khrapko R. I. Circularly polarized beam carries the double angular momentum . Trudy MAI, 2003, no 14 It is shown that, in reality, a circularly polarized light beam without an azimuthal phase structure carries the double angular momentum in comparison with the prediction of the standard Maxwell electrodynamics. So, the electrodynamics is not complete. A spin tensor is introduced into the electrodynamics. | ||||||||
Rybackov K. A. Spectral method software . Trudy MAI, 2003, no 14 The software to solve the control theory problems is considered. The purpose and interaction of the basic program units and the possibility of the automated algorithm generation in a spectral domain for some control theory problem classes when using interactive generator are given. | ||||||||
Kudinov N. A., Kondakov S. A. Software source code corporate standard . Trudy MAI, 2003, no 14 The article is devoted to the problem of corporate software source code normalization. Authors introduce indicators of matching producing software to corporate standards, useful to quality assurance control, and present corporative source code normalization system composition algorithm. | ||||||||
Chikin A. V. Acquisition of linear signals in nonparametric apriory uncertainty . Trudy MAI, 2003, no 14 In this paper a method of solving the estimation linear signals problem is proposed. The problem is complicated with nonparametric apriory uncertainty and has much number of applications to wireless communication. | ||||||||
Klimov V. V. Experimental investigation of convective heat transfer in a linear aerospike nozzle . Trudy MAI, 2003, no 14 Experimental research of convective heat transfer on a central body (plug) of linear aerospike nozzle is submitted. The model consists of a plug nozzle with external expansion flow and two flat supersonic slot-hole nozzles of preliminary (internal) expansion. Hot gas with total temperature 800-1000 К - products of ethanol combustion in air is used as a propulsive medium of model. A calorimetric method has been chosen to measure convective heat fluxes along a surface of truncated plug and in its base area at various nozzle regimes. The research goal is to retrieve empirical data for an evaluation of plug thermal conditions, which can be used to create the nozzle thermal protection in perspective linear rocket engines of reusable space launchers. | ||||||||
Rybin V. V. Development and application of MLSM_SM extension packages for Mathcad, Maple, Mathematica, Matlab CMS. Trudy MAI, 2003, no 13 Presently variable computer-oriented mathematics systems (CMS) [8-11] are used for mathematic computation for education software. Using of these systems for learning of control systems mathematic description forms admits to design extension packages for CMS. In this article the design technique of MLSM_SM extension packages for Mathcad, Maple, Mathematica, Matlab CMS is considered. These packages permit to analyse linear, non-stationary, determinate and stochastic, discrete, continuous, continuous-discrete control systems in the spectral domain. Characteristic and description of these systems are provided. The results of analysis of the self-pointed rocket control system based on Mathcad computer-oriented mathematics system [8] and MLSY_SM extension package are realized. | ||||||||
Rybin V. V. Development and application of the Spektr_SM extension package for Simulink CMS Matlab . Trudy MAI, 2003, no 13 Presently variable computer-oriented mathematics systems (CMS) [8] are used for learning of control systems mathematics description forms for education software. Matlab mathtematic system sets off these systems [10]. The modeling package of block dynamical systems (Simulink) enter into this system. In this article the design technique of the Spektr_SM extension package [9] for Simulink package is considered. The Spektr_SM extension package is based on MLSY_SM extension package [8] for CMS Matlab. The functional block-scheme of control systems permits to introduce setting up the problem. The Spektr_SM extension package admits of analyze linear, non-stationary, determinate and stochastic, discrete, continuous, continuous-discrete control systems in the spectral domain. Characteristics and description of the package are provided. Examples of control systems S-models construction and results of analysis of these systems based on the Spektr_SM extension package for Simulink package are realized. | ||||||||
Snesareva N. V. A some problems of the Russian conservatism in historical science. Trudy MAI, 2003, no 13 The title of this article is "A some problems of the Russian conservatism on the history science". This article was written by of candidate for science research Snesareva Nathalie Vadimovna. She writes about the reflection of problems of the Russian conservatism in the doctrines of the native and of the foreign research workers. The subjects of this article are definition of the terming " conservatism", the genesis of Russian conservatism, and the typologies of the native conservatism. | ||||||||
Zakharov M. A., Leonov V. A. Calculation of parameters of longitudinal movement of the plane at the big corners of attack with definition of parameters of stability short-period Movements. Trudy MAI, 2003, no 13 For preparation of the decision on the computer, on the basis of the standard model of longitudinal movement of the maneuverable plane, the system of the nonlinear differential equations of 6-th order is deduced, in view of non-stationary making aerodynamic factors and with inclusion of the relaxational equation of a fly-off flow. The decision in the program "MathCad" is received. Modes of flight (after switching-off of system of improvement of stability and controllabilities) are considered at various corners of installation of the stabilizer: (t) (in maneuver "Cobra Pugacheva") and (0) (at initial indignations for the analysis of stability of movement). The linearization is executed and the system of the equations in increments from basic movement is made. For a finding of criteria of stability assumptions are entered and the differential equations of 3-rd order are received. Expressions of aperiodic and oscillatory stability are determined. | ||||||||
Vinogradov V. S., Ivanov A. V., Cheredov V. V., Pal'ciz A. A. Integrated absorted ability of dielectric covering on a metal basis in the IR-range of waves lengths . Trudy MAI, 2003, no 13 In the given work research of influence of thickness of some the dielectric coverings put on a metal basis, on integrated absorbic ability (factor of thermal radiation) systems "substrate - covering" as the whole in a range of lengths of electromagnetic waves 1?25 micron is carried out. | ||||||||
Ukhalin A. S., Gorshkov V. V. New ideas in the technology of frame components restoration . Trudy MAI, 2003, no 13 The article discusses methods of frame cast-iron components restoration and suggests a new non-traditional methods of repair. Special attention is given to the efficiency of polymer material, used in unit restoration. The object of research is the pressurized sealed joints, that are being formed in the process of frame's components restoration of the units. | ||||||||
Rybackov K. A., Sotskova I. L. Optimal control problem of the partially observed systems with the variable structure . Trudy MAI, 2003, no 13 We consider the new approach to syntheses of the optimal control for the multidimensional stochastic systems with the variable structure under incomplete information about the system state. The sufficient conditions of the optimality are given. The general case of the performance index and the optimal control in average are considered. | ||||||||
Dubovick S. E., Soshnikov D. V. Using Semantic Networks extended by and/or trees for structural and dynamic knowledge representation in intelligent system. Trudy MAI, 2003, no 13 The article presents a model for structural and dynamic knowledge representation using semantic networks extended with and/or trees. Presented model unifies several traditional AI approaches to knowledge representation in a single graphical formalism, which can be used to express both static/structural and dynamic aspects of problem domain knowledge, allowing unified inference procedure and effective machine representation. | ||||||||
Chikin A. V. Fast decoding method for linear block codes. Trudy MAI, 2003, no 13 Fast decoding method is proposed for a wide range of linear block codes. Algorithm and probability analysis are described in the paper. | ||||||||
Chikin A. V. Method of a fast detection and acquisition pseudonoise signals in wideband communication systems. Trudy MAI, 2003, no 13 In this paper an algorithm of joint detection and acquisition pseudorandom series, used in wideband communications systems (for instant, CDMA), is synthesized. The synthesis is fulfilled at a nonparametric apriory uncertainty condition and, in addition, with the demand to result of being optimal in chosen cannel class. | ||||||||
Bobrovnikov A. E. Principle of functional distance testing system Web-site with frame hierarchy structure of subjects. Trudy MAI, 2003, no 12 Construction aspects of a testing system with frame hierarchy structure of subject Web-site in Internet are described in this article. The offered model frame hierarchy of subject of any matter allows to lead the remote control of knowledge. Thus, process of testing will vary dynamically depending on results of answers to questions. In this article you can find description of the toolkit for construction of subject filling. Structure of a web-site of testing system realizing offered architecture of construction of frame hierarchy testing systems is described. | ||||||||
Welmogko I. N. The highest representative body of the Russian Empire: the experience of low creation on the national question. Trudy MAI, 2003, no 12 Analyzes the state Duma`s work of 4convocation on the national question in article "The highest representative body of the Russian Empire: the experience of low creation on the national question. The publication covers more than a 10-year period since 1906 to 1917. The events, which had a great influence on the following development of our country, took place on Russia at that time. The deputies of the Duma were forced to advert to the national problems of numerous nations of the Russian Empire because of the worsening of political situation in the state. The experience research of the law creation on the national question of the highest Russian representative body at the beginning of 20th century is still actual at present nowdays. | ||||||||
Shnyryov A. G. The analysis of existing constructive decisions of aircrafts. Trudy MAI, 2003, no 12 Analysis of main technical characteristics for agricultural aircraft. Analysis of agricultural aircraft designs. Analysis of expected operation conditions and technical requirements influence on initial design parameters. | ||||||||
Churkin V. M., Serpicheva E. V., Silantiev V. M. Analysis of free oscillation of parachute system with payload aerodynamics. Trudy MAI, 2003, no 12 We make non-linear analysis of free oscillation of parachute system (PS) at the stage of descent having respect to payload aerodynamic characteristics. The results of theoretical calculations are compared with results of numerical integration of PS motion equations. | ||||||||
Pismenny V. L. The mathematical model of the sound gas ejector with the cylindrical chamber of confusion in the system of the turboejector engine. Trudy MAI, 2003, no 12 The calculation of the working line of the gas ejector in the system of the turboejector engine is given. The characteristic of the gas ejector in the system of the gas-turbo engine is illustrated. The characteristic is first defined. | ||||||||
Bitushan A. E. Increase of a production efficiency (especially exact details for engines of modern warplanes). Trudy MAI, 2003, no 12 Description not available. | ||||||||
Vinogradov V. I., Kudinov N. A. The computer-aided method of corporate standardization's of software system development on Oracle Designer 6i . Trudy MAI, 2003, no 12 The corporate standardization of the source code problem and the outline of the monitoring system of the corporate standardization's requirements observance for the projects with use of the Oracle Designer's product are being viewed (taken up, considered) in the article. | ||||||||
Malyshev V. V., Kurshin V. V. Navigation of the air consumer by digital maps . Trudy MAI, 2003, no 12 The task of navigation of the air consumer in real time is solved by digital maps and GLONASS/GPS/WAAS equipment. It is offered to use in the onboard computer the display reacting to pressing - touch-screen. Is developed and the concept of construction of the software for the onboard navigating computer functioning in real time and processing the data on the current coordinates of object is realized. The navigation of the air consumer is carried out including on terminal cards at landing the plane. | ||||||||
Kurshin V. V. Testing of GPS/WAAS/GLONASS algorithms . Trudy MAI, 2003, no 12 The task of debugging and testing of navigating algorithms of the air consumer using measurement of satellite systems GPS/WAAS/GLONASS is solved. With this purpose the technique of debugging and testing of navigating algorithms was offered. For a possibility of realization of repeated debugging the special hardware-software complex of testing of navigating algorithms and appropriate technique was developed. At testing algorithms is applied both simulation modeling, and real satellite measurements. | ||||||||
Yudin V. N., Nguen Z. H. A synthesis of algorithms for acceptance of the solution about the trajectory of air objects base on observed data from radar. Trudy MAI, 2003, no 12 A synthesis of algorithms for acceptance of the solution about the trajectory of air objects base on observed data from radar. | ||||||||
Krylov S. S., Dzuba D. V. Graphics Component of Interactive Math Education Systems . Trudy MAI, 2003, no 11 The paper looks at a specialized module of construction and visualization of interactive illustrations for computer aided algebra and geometry teaching systems. Unlike common universal 2-D and 3-D graphics systems, the designed component ensures imposition of strict mathematical conditions on the elements of the graphic scene. This approach is extremely convenient in the course of development of teaching systems as it considerably simplifies the preparatory process of interactive illustrations. | ||||||||
Volkov A. A., Stepanov A. A. Systems of unloading of pumps . Trudy MAI, 2003, no 11 Object of research were control systems of submission {supply} of the hydropump. Activities are connected to research of power characteristics of power units. The special attention has been given to efficiency of power units on various modes of unloading. During activities the reasons of decrease {reduction} in efficiency and possible {probable} ways of the solution of this problem have been analysed. | ||||||||
Zakharov M. A. Non-stationary components of factors of normal force and the moment of a pitch of the plane, caused by horizontal plumage. Trudy MAI, 2003, no 11 The comparative analysis of non-stationary components be carried out (caused by the horizontal plumage, linearly dependent on a derivative of a corner of attack on time ), for various cases of a relative ventilation of the plane: at movement of the plane (in flight) and at movement of air concerning motionless (and also rotating) the plane (for example, in a wind tunnel on installation with an opportunity of periodic change of a direction of a stream). Corners of attack and a corner of a taper of a stream on horizontal plumage are determined valid and settlement (stationary). The current corner of a taper of a stream on horizontal plumage contains a corner of a stationary taper and a corner proportional . At definition of total non-stationary components on the specified installation, there is the methodical error caused by distinction of values ( ,), for moving and motionless planes. | ||||||||
Pismenny V. L. Turboejector engine . Trudy MAI, 2003, no 11 The principles of work and choice of optimum parameters of work of turboejector engines are stated. The principle possibility of using turboejector engines for an aircraft with a cruising supersonic speed is shown (М = 3,5/3,8). | ||||||||
Rybackov K. A., Sotskova I. L. Variable structure system analysis in the generalized characteristic function class . Trudy MAI, 2003, no 11 We consider the new approach to solution of a theoretical probabilistic analysis problem for the multidimensional stochastic systems with the variable structure, i.e. the systems for which the uneven changing of some parameters or the structure as a whole is typical. The spectral form of the mathematical describing of systems is suggested [2,5,6,7]. In the paper the equations and the algorithm to solve the problem in the spectral area are given. | ||||||||
Malygin V. V., Silin V. B. Design of cas distributed information-calculating system. Trudy MAI, 2003, no 11 This article argue for necessity of building up computer-aided design systems (CAS) based on information-calculating networks that brings to combinatorial task of the distribution CAS computation process among interconnected single computers. It also proposes formalization scheme for described task, describes major results of its analysis and lists perspective solution methods. | ||||||||
Malygin V. V. Basic characteristics of the possible solution set of computation process distribution problem. Trudy MAI, 2003, no 11 This article describes analysis of combinatorial solution set (space) of computing network structure design problem. It also presents formal definition of the combinatorial space point, estimations of the space size and its metric characteristic, simple coordinate system. | ||||||||
Malygin V. V. Relative error of random search in combinatorial optimization of one structural function . Trudy MAI, 2003, no 11 This paper describes research on relative error estimation of random search method of distributed information-computing system structure design problem. Developed method and analytical dependence of distribution quality function limits are presented. | ||||||||
Malygin V. V. Statistic method for the best computing network structure search. Trudy MAI, 2003, no 11 This paper describes investigation on computing network structure quality function convergence. Basing on obtained results statistical method of the best structure probabilistic search is proposed together with its effectiveness estimation and necessary calculation tables. | ||||||||
Lifanov A. S. Detection, velocity estimation and imaging of moving targets with single-channel sar . Trudy MAI, 2003, no 11 In clause the original method of selection of the driven targets with use of a series of the subaperture images of a fragment of the hologram is considered. Questions of increase of quality of the radar-tracking images, questions of autofocusing, definition of parameters of movement of the found objects also are considered. The ways of the further development and perfection of the offered algorithm are given. | ||||||||
Welmogko I. N. Russian regions' national problems' reflection in the nork of the and the Russian Imperia's representative organ . Trudy MAI, 2003, no 10 In the "The national problems of the russian regions and the Russian parliament" the attitudes of parliamentary factions to the national problems of different regions of the Russian Empire are analysed. The article has a large documental basis, the considerable part of which consists of the stenographic reports of the plenary meetings of State Duma. Researching in the stenogaphs, archival documents, periodicals' materials the author comes to the conclusion that the national were touched upor during the discussion of various questions at the Duma's meetings and added a special acuteness to the parliamentary debates. | ||||||||
Pismenny V. L. Investigation of the influence of parameters of the working process on specific parameters of a two-chamber turbo-jet engine. Trudy MAI, 2003, no 10 The range of the specific parameters change of a two-chamber turbo-jet engine is determined. The influence of flight conditions on specific parameters of a two-chamber turbo-jet engine is analysed. The comparison with a one-chamber turbo-jet engine is made. | ||||||||
Some features of leasing projects in civil aviation. Trudy MAI, 2003, no 10 Several organizational and methodical variants of cooperation between participants of aviaton leasing process which contribute to renovation of civil aircraft park are offered. International experience in new aircrafts leasing procedures is analyzed. | ||||||||
Nadiradze A. B. Parallel development process model of complex engineering systems . Trudy MAI, 2003, no 10 The paper considers a parallel development process model of complex engineering systems. It is shown that a parallel development process has two clearly distinguished and alternate phases - a development phase and a confluence phase. Basics features of these phases are given, selection criteria of optimum confluence point frequency are determined. | ||||||||
Establishment of Organizing Forms of a Company to Produce Current Sources in Aviation Industry. Trudy MAI, 2003, no 10 Companies of so called 4-th level of "technological chain" creating aviation equipment didn't enter the basic foundation of aviation industry, namely the program confirmed by the Government of the Russian Federation. According to one of the possible ways of foreign investment to establish a joint venture in the form of simple partnership. This venture is created for realizing the program activities on producing highly qualified energy systems with stable financial structure. The analyses and investigation of this project showed that it would be in demand and profitable. | ||||||||
Khrapko R. I. Spin and localization of energy-momentum . Trudy MAI, 2003, no 10 The conception of lack of uniqueness of energy-momentum tensors and of non localization of energy, which have prevented to take notice a classical electrodynamics spin, are criticized. | ||||||||
Khrapko R. I. An experimental test of the Maxwell electrodynamics . Trudy MAI, 2003, no 10 The Beth's classical experience raises a doubt. The Beth's plate was rotated by a spin angular momentum of the beam rather then by an orbital angular momentum. We offer to illuminate a disc in space by circularly polarized electromagnetic radiation to measure the angular momentum carried by an electromagnetic beam. The theory of the Beth's experiment is presented. | ||||||||
Khrapko R. I. Multipole fields . Trudy MAI, 2003, no 10 It is shown, that Taylor polynomials and multipoles form mutually inverse systems of functions. It establishes a relation between the Taylor expansion and the multipole expansion. Quadrupole fields are considered as an example. | ||||||||
Gavrushin A. V., Nadiradze A. B. Solar battery cover glasses transparency measurement under accelerated ion flows action . Trudy MAI, 2003, no 10 A measurement method and some results concerning glass transparency changing under accelerated ions action are represented in the report. An idea of relative measurements is the main principle of this method. An optical pair is used for measurement - examined sample is placed in an operating space of the optical pair. Transparency value is determined as a ratio between two signals measured by optical pair: with the sample and without it. It is shown that such scheme of measurement permits to obtain relative error of measurement is about 0.01%. Such accuracy permits to record small changes of transparency caused by glass surface cleaning and other physical processes. | ||||||||
Rybin V. V. Description of signals and linear non-stationary control systems in wavelet base . Trudy MAI, 2003, no 10 The dynamic calculation of automatic control systems is one of the most complex stages of designing of such systems. New spectral method of calculations of non-stationary automatic control systems adopted for computer is designed. Wavelet transformations are using for digital processing of signals. These transformations are cognate with usual Furies transformations and have advantages for representations of functions in the spectral domain. The spectral technique of digital describing of signals and systems are discussed in the article. Algorithms of analyses of non-stationary determinate and stochastic control systems in the wavelet basis are obtained. | ||||||||
Chikin A. V. Estimation algorithm of a digital system state. Trudy MAI, 2003, no 10 In this paper it is supposed that states of a digital system are presented as given binary time series. The optimal state estimation problem is solved in present of noise of discrete time observations. Once-only and recurrent algorithms of estimation, which have a little computational complexity, are given. | ||||||||
Zakharov M. A. Mathematical model of factors of the aerodynamic characteristics in longitudinal motion of a flight vehicle on large angles of attack in view of separated flow past. Trudy MAI, 2002, no 9 In the given activity with the purpose of increase of accuracy of modeling the new mathematical model of the aerodynamic characteristics with introduction of exact (non-linear) expressions of components , flow(streamlining,) appropriate to structure is offered. This model is unified for exact (non-linear) and approximate (linearized) expressions . It is supposed, that the static (non-linear) components can be determined under the data of wind-tunnel tests, and the values rotary derivative are updated. Two versions of analytical relation are offered and gives their analysis. The comparison of these functions is carried out(conducted) and their derivative with known [8]. On the basis of adopted relation there is a solution of a relaxation equation with the help of the program "MathCAD". Is considered(examined) errors of a linearization of deviation(rejection) x - and non-stationary making , appropriate structure of flow(streamlining). | ||||||||
Rosina O. M., Shirshova A. U. Imagemaking and other communicative technologies as a vanguard of financial diplomacy. Trudy MAI, 2002, no 9 Communicative technologies (imagemaking, public relations etc), as means of sampling and preparing partners' or society reaction, stands for a vanguard when related to financial diplomacy, being at the same time the methods of diplomacy itself. Practically, the aim and the dominant idea of financial diplomacy is achieving financial and economic efficiency using the methods of diplomacy. Suggested technologies can be regarded as means generating such methods. The innovation that the authors presents is imagemaking using exclusive method of communicative technology - virtual psycoharmony (psychological harmony) of image (of personality, community, man-machine system). That method has a wide sphere of application in business, technology, fine art - the examples are systems "pilot - plane", "investors - stock market", "artist - spectator" and others. | ||||||||
Khrapko R. I. An inner incompleteness of Maxwell theory . Trudy MAI, 2002, no 9 A specific experiment was proposed in Oct. 1999 as a proof that a circularly polarized plane wave with infinite extent carries spin angular momentum in contradiction with the widespread point of view. This conclusion implies existence of classical electrodynamics spin. It is shown that absorption of a circularly polarized beam cannot be described in the scope of the Maxwell theory but requires an introduction of a classical electrodynamics' spin tensor. The latter paper of Allen et al. is criticized. | ||||||||
Nikitin E. P. The biotensors resonant frequences . Trudy MAI, 2002, no 9 Teasurements of have been made of the resonant frequences of directional antennas, biotensors in the metric - decimetre - centimetric - wave band. The biotensors were switched to the wavequides of electromagnetic wave generators. | ||||||||
Nikitin E. P. Helicopter biolocation search . Trudy MAI, 2002, no 9 Distant examination the petrolium product pipe in the route Daugavpils - Ventspils has been made from a helicopter applying the biolocation method. The operator in the co-pilot's seat manipulated with directional antennas and biotensors usnally used in search for water and mineral deposits. | ||||||||
Bakulev P. A., Sychev M. I., Nguyen T. L. Tracking a Maneuvering Target Using Interacting Multiple Model Algorithm . Trudy MAI, 2002, no 9 The IMM algorithm on two α-β filters for tracking trajectory of a maneuvering target is considered. The results of statistical modeling are given. | ||||||||
Chikin A. V. A method of search the optimal block code parameters using an "effective speed" of information transfer criteria in memoriless binary symmetric channel. Trudy MAI, 2002, no 9 In this paper the author proposes an effective information transfer criteria in memoriless binary symmetric channel for comparison and selection the best of concerned block codes. Using the suggested criteria a method of search the optimal code parameters is obtained. Only the most spased linear block codes is considering here. Also some examples, which demonstrate the application and effectiveness of the method, are given. A recommendation to summarizing the method for more wide class of linear block codes is given in the conclusion. | ||||||||
Chikin A. V., Zimin A. G., Ionov I. A. A method of estimation an effectiveness of block codes while transmitting the information over the communication channel. Trudy MAI, 2002, no 9 In this paper the authors propose a method to compare block codes using a quality of information transfer criteria in memoriless binary symmetric channel. Thereto an "effective speed" of information transfer concept is introduced. The exact means of "effective speed" are calculated for some block codes. | ||||||||
Pismenny V. L. Investigation of a thermodynamic cycle of a forced two-chamber turbo-jet engine . Trudy MAI, 2002, no 8 The possibilities of the in crease of the traction of a two-chamber turbo-jet engine, because due to of the forcing of the main cycle, are cosidered. The influence of the conditions of the flight of an aircraft on the quantity of the forced cycle is analysed. | ||||||||
Stepanov O. N., Spasibina E. V. Management accounting in the system of financial business management . Trudy MAI, 2002, no 8 Management accounting solves the task of providing financial information for each level of enterprise management from head management to the medium and lower management level for adoption of scientifically-founded strategic and tactical management decisions. The main components of such a management system include: - material components (department, specialist, software); non-material components (trends, income centers, cost centers, chart of accounts, reporting formats on costs, on profits and losses; financial analysis reports on results obtained by the management accounting system, accounting policy); procedural components: system of co-relations in reference to information gathering for the needs of management accounting; availability of various level of management accounting system. The levels of management accounting system are established depending upon the business specifics: the first level - means the total registration of all the financial-commercial operations in a special data base; the second level - means entering the data in a consolidated, generalized form with application of different registers (for example, accounting); the third level - means providing sampling reports on separate issues. The first level with elements of the second reveals itself as the most optimum, i.e. total registration of all the financial operations including summary data on separate blocks. | ||||||||
Stepanov O. N., Spasibina E. V. Methodological materials for execution of results on documents turnover check-up . Trudy MAI, 2002, no 8 The contents of report with results of documents turnover includes introductory and descriptive parts of the project with precise specification of each part's structure and contents of the descriptive part, which is being studied trilaterally in their co-relation: fr om the point of view of functions performed, documents used and work places providing fulfillment of separate processes. The concrete example for execution of the results of documents turnover is under study in the second part of the published materials, wh ere stocktaking of returnable packaging at the factory during the product sales has been chosen, the analysis has been made and conclusions and recommendations on organization for improving this process are provided. At the end of the article the staff duties of the storekeeper of the packaging warehouse are stated. | ||||||||
Vdovin V. A., Afanasieva O. A., Degtiariov A. V. Model of optimization of the diagram of payments under the investment credits . Trudy MAI, 2002, no 8 The search of ways of decrease of expenses connected to service of debts on the investment credits, is rather urgent for the enterprises expecting to use extra means as a source of financing of measures on development and modernization of manufacture. The purpose of clause is the development of model allowing to use methods optimization of the decisions and a standard software for an economic substantiation of the diagram of payments under the credits during investment designing. | ||||||||
Afanasieva O. A., Vartsibasov G. U. Application of modern information technologies for the decision of tasks of the financial analysis . Trudy MAI, 2002, no 8 There are submitted the integrated structure of the automated analytical system of the financial condition analysis of organization basing on modern information processing technologies, such as neural networks and genetic algorithms. The system allows to simulate the future condition of investigated object and to develop the recommendations for optimum financial strategy of its behaviour. | ||||||||
Investment efficiency estimation in aircraft leasing operations. Trudy MAI, 2002, no 8 A model that allows to compare distinct leasing projects in aircraft building and to underline the links between different parameters of the project is observed. Conditions under which aircraft financial leasing is profitable both for leaser and lessee are defined. An area of compromise that defines the parameters of permanent and variable payments that provide mutual benefit is constructed. A calculation of payments under leasing agreement is conducted with respect to particularities of aircraft leasing. | ||||||||
Rosina O. M., Trofimov A. S. Financial diplomacy as man-machine subsystem of financial management. Geometrical and graphical methods for supporting the operative decisions. Trudy MAI, 2002, no 8 The novelty of this work consists of the next main results: developed the structure of the financial diplomacy data; made the well-grounded selection and adaptation of the "Financial diplomacy" subsystem modelling methods as the man-machine system of "Financial management" considering the human factor; developed the conceptual model of "Financial diplomacy" subsystem functioning; used the imitational geometrical modelling as the method of solving problems in financial diplomacy area; developed the graphical interpretation of space "efficiency - time - value" and the method of the dynamical information imaginary for all (including extreme) subsystem functional regimes; used the geometrical means for supporting the effective decisions. | ||||||||
Spirin G. G., Hamzin N. D. Study short-lived conditions in liquids. Trudy MAI, 2002, no 8 This article consists of theoretical data about warmth parametrs investigation of liquids, which don't bear a long warming owing to chemical reactions and parametrs of cooled liquids by short-lived measurement method. | ||||||||
Spirin G. G., Hamzin N. D. Measurement the homogeneous nucleation temperature of organic liquids. Trudy MAI, 2002, no 8 Proposed automatic scheme to measure homogeneous nucleation temperature of liquids by short-lived warming method. | ||||||||
Spirin G. G., Hamzin N. D. Research the thermal characteristics overheated liquids. Trudy MAI, 2002, no 8 Given article are adduced idealized and experimental data on definition of the thermal characteristics of overheated liquids. | ||||||||
. ., Budkina E. M. Neural network system as a method of solution identification task of the state of complicated technical object . Trudy MAI, 2002, no 8 Neural network and fuzzy hybrid methods for construction of system situational control of conduct complicated technical object on the basis of the current information are discussed. | ||||||||
Churkin V. M., Popov D. A., Serpicheva E. V. Analysing parachute systems vibrations inducted by canopy pulsation. Trudy MAI, 2002, no 7 The article investigates a stable parachute system's response to canopy pulsation. Canopy pulsation is taken into account as an aerodynamic force's harmonic motion. Describing function method is used to determine parachute system vibration's general parameters and existence conditions both in principal resonance frequency range. | ||||||||
Fedorov I. A. Reengineering of a rigging check process. The First phase . Trudy MAI, 2002, no 7 The manuscript is denote to the analysis and re-designing of a rigging check process, as a process of checking a mutual location of parts and aircraft units. Analysis and improvement is performed with a strategy of "Reengineering of a business processes", realizing, so-called, "process approach" - one of the eight principles of quality management, that were declared in international standards ISO 9000 year of 2000. There is a general scheme of undertaking a rigging check process, considered as a working of a technological system on the determination of a real mutual location of aircraft units. The manuscript has a detail description of the first phase of reengineering - "organizing actions on improvement". The result of the undertaking of the first phase is a definition the process refining purpose and tasks. | ||||||||
Fedorov I. A. Reengineering of a rigging check process. The Second phase. Trudy MAI, 2002, no 7 The manuscript is denote to the analysis and re-designing of a rigging check process, as a process of checking a mutual location of parts and aircraft units. Analysis and improvement is performed with a strategy of "Reengineering of a business processes", realizing, so-called, "process approach" - one of the eight principles of quality management, that were declared in international standards ISO 9000 year of 2000. There is a general scheme of undertaking a rigging check process, considered as a working of a technological system on the determination of a real mutual location of aircraft units. The manuscript has a detail description of the first phase of reengineering - "organizing actions on improvement". The result of the undertaking of the first phase is a definition the process refining purpose and tasks. | ||||||||
Fedorov I. A. Reengineering of a rigging check process. The Third phase. Trudy MAI, 2002, no 7 The manuscript is denote to the analysis and re-designing of a rigging check process, as a process of checking a mutual location of parts and aircraft units. Analysis and improvement is performed with a strategy of "Reengineering of a business processes", realizing, so-called, "process approach" - one of the eight principles of quality management, that were declared in international standards ISO 9000 year of 2000. There is a general scheme of undertaking a rigging check process, considered as a working of a technological system on the determination of a real mutual location of aircraft units. The manuscript has a detail description of the first phase of reengineering - "organizing actions on improvement". The result of the undertaking of the first phase is a definition the process refining purpose and tasks. | ||||||||
Fedorov I. A. Reengineering of a rigging check process. The Forth phase. Trudy MAI, 2002, no 7 The manuscript is denote to the analysis and re-designing of a rigging check process, as a process of checking a mutual location of parts and aircraft units. Analysis and improvement is performed with a strategy of "Reengineering of a business processes", realizing, so-called, "process approach" - one of the eight principles of quality management, that were declared in international standards ISO 9000 year of 2000. There is a general scheme of undertaking a rigging check process, considered as a working of a technological system on the determination of a real mutual location of aircraft units. The manuscript has a detail description of the first phase of reengineering - "organizing actions on improvement". The result of the undertaking of the first phase is a definition the process refining purpose and tasks. | ||||||||
Khrapko R. I. Concepts of modern natural sciences. Trudy MAI, 2002, no 7 This work is a methodical manual on the course " Concepts of modern natural sciences ". It includes many humanitarian and world outlook questions. The education supplies differ from other editions of this type in detailed and original analysis of many actual problems: the ecology, a demography, the phenomenon of human being, the quantum mechanics uncertainty, the standard cosmoligical model, creationism, etc. The manual consists of two parts. | ||||||||
Khrapko R. I. Concepts of modern natural sciences. Trudy MAI, 2002, no 7 This work is a methodical manual on the course " Concepts of modern natural sciences ". It includes many humanitarian and world outlook questions. The education supplies differ from other editions of this type in detailed and original analysis of many actual problems: the ecology, a demography, the phenomenon of human being, the quantum mechanics uncertainty, the standard cosmoligical model, creationism, etc. The manual consists of two parts. | ||||||||
Pankov A. R., Popov A. S. Minimax estimation of space vehicle trajectory by condition of incomplete information. Trudy MAI, 2002, no 7 The problem of parametеr identification of the space vehicle trajectory regression model with incomplete apriory information about the pаrameter and noise characteristics is considered. The minimax method of systematic error compensation is suggested. The explicit expressions for the minimax linear estimators in some valuable special cases are presented. The of corresponding numerical tests are considered. | ||||||||
Soshnikov D. V. Java Universal Library for Intelligent Applications. Trudy MAI, 2002, no 7 The article presents an approach for creating distributed intelligent systems for collective knowledge sharing and re-use over computer networks, based on production-frame knowledge representation. Distributed frame hierarchy can be formally considered as a static deliberative multi-agent architecture, however, knowledge representation in such systems is uniform throughout all network nodes, and also the same for internal knowledge representation used in reasoning, and explicit conceptualization of problem domain. Thus, presented approach allows to create auto-ontological self-documenting clusters of knowledge, that can be used cooperatively in solving a particular problem, or adjusting the knowledgebase to better suite a particular area of expertise. A system called JULIA (Java Universal Library for Intelligent Applications) is presented, that implements outlined ideas in a prototype software implementation that has been used to create several real-life examples of intelligent systems. | ||||||||
Sizikov E. V., Soshnikov D. V. Jewel - ontology-based system for intelligent search in Internet and intranet networks. Trudy MAI, 2002, no 7 In this work describes approach to ontology-based intelligent search in Internet and Intranet networks. This way offers to embed some special annotations into a web page to give intellectual description of it content for search system. These annotations uses to build frame-based index expert system, which further uses to determine the relevance of a given resource to user's request in the process of logical inference. Also discusses features of the experimental intelligent search system created on the basis of the proposed methods. | ||||||||
Glavnov V. A., Krapivenko A. V. Acceleration of videostream compression process by cross-frame interpolation method. Trudy MAI, 2002, no 7 Two acceleration principles of videostream compression process by cross-frame interpolation method were considered in this article. The article contains basic terms definitions that used for description of cross-frame interpolation compression method and its compress acceleration process. Classical methods of domain shift searching were considered briefly. The estimation of calculation multiplicity for classical cross-frame interpolation algorithm and its accelerating cases was given in the article also. | ||||||||
Khrapko R. I. Science and religion. Trudy MAI, 2001, no 6 An inconsistency of science and religion is shown. What is more, a blocking influence of religion to the science is demonstrated by numerous examples. The contents of the article is report material which is submitted for the international symposium 2 - 4 Octobers 2001г. "Science, anti-science, and paranormal belief". Text of the article is placed on | ||||||||
Pismenny V. L. Investigation of a thermodynamic cycle of a two-chamber turbo-jet engine . Trudy MAI, 2001, no 6 Thermodynamic cycles of a perfect and practicable turbo-jet engine are considered. Their features and methods of choice of optimum parameters are analysed. The theoretical means of receiving varied specific tractions and specific spendings of fuel by two-chamber turbo-jet engines are given in this article. | ||||||||
Khrapko R. I. Spin angular momentum of dipole radiation. Trudy MAI, 2001, no 6 Angular distribution of the angular momentum flux proceeding from a rotating electric dipole is shown to have a maximum in the plane of rotation of the dipole. The conclusion is made about an orbital character of this angular momentum. It is affirmed that, besides this flux, there is a flux directed perpendicularly to the plane the rotation, directed just as a radiation of circular polarization is directed. For a calculation of the flux an expressions which are absent in modern electrodynamics are used. So, it is emphasized that modern electrodynamics is not full. | ||||||||
Budkina E. M. Using device neural networks for the decision of a task of reconstruction graphical pictures. Trudy MAI, 2001, no 6 The article consider of use of sigmoidal function in quality activation function Hopfield network. To draw an analogy between functioning this neural network and homogeneous fuzzy set type k. The efficiency of using Hopfield network with function hyperbolic tangent for reconstruction greatly distortedly pictures is show. | ||||||||
Budkina E. M. Neural network method of evaluation parameters state aircraft at results of measurements. Trudy MAI, 2001, no 6 This article presents theoretical analysis of using neural networks for forecasting of parameters, which characteristic the aircraft state based on the results of trajectory measurements. The principle possibility of using this method demonstrates on the results of values of carrier rocket speed. | ||||||||
Lobanov S. V. Statistical algorithm of compression of the information. Trudy MAI, 2001, no 6 In given article the description of algorithm of coding of rearrangements with the recurrences, compression of the information being statistical algorithm is submitted. Two variants of a method are examined: two passed, demanding a priori knowledge of statistics of a coded sequence, and one passed, forming statistics during work. It is shown asymptotical an optimality of algorithm at increase of length of a sequence. Dependence of time of coding on length of a compressed sequence is resulted. It is informed practical results of modelling of algorithm on the computer. | ||||||||
Yazev P. M. The performance improve of third order phase-lock loop of navigation receiver in brief miss of signal. Trudy MAI, 2001, no 6 The behavior of third order phase-lock loop of navigation receiver in brief miss of signal and fluctuation noise is investigated. Expressions are derived to compute probability of independent acquisition and probability of cycle slip. The way of performance improve have been recommend. | ||||||||
Vasilyeva A. O. Conflict of roles and its getting over. Trudy MAI, 2001, no 5 Here are shown the definitions and typology of the conflict of roles, peculiarities of its studying in sociology, and some practical recommendations of its getting over. | ||||||||
Grigoryeva U. G. Gypsy culture self supporting in situation of territorial sharing. Trudy MAI, 2001, no 5 There is a project of ethnographical research of gypsy culture in the article. The main results consist of describing and analyzing mechanism of cultural saving in gypsy community in Russian Federation. | ||||||||
Kozhanov A. A. Naturalistic explanations in sociology. Trudy MAI, 2001, no 5 This is a methodological analyze of naturalistic paradigm in sociology as the main concept of scientific explanation. The idea is that effective using of any sociological scheme is absolutely impossible without understanding of deep logic of scientific conclusions. Or as M. Meterlink wrote: "There is no miracles except the truth..." | ||||||||
Kondrashova M. V. Associative experiment in sociolinguistic researching. Trudy MAI, 2001, no 5 Associative experiment is a method of language structure analysis applying in sociology and social psychology. Here are shown basic theoretical conditions and practical possibilities of using this method for language structure studying within a community. | ||||||||
Maksaeva U. V. Fashion as a type of sociocultural regulation of social behavior . Trudy MAI, 2001, no 5 Here is shown the main sociological approaches for "fashion" studyings as a sociocultural phenomena. There is also given mechanisms of collective and individual behavior regulations in article. | ||||||||
Mogilyeva E. V. From theory to PRactice. Trudy MAI, 2001, no 5 The article dedicated to some aspects of practical activity in Public Relations. The author emphasize the importance of adequate scientific definition of what PR is. | ||||||||
Nechepurenko U. S. Historical way of civil society development in Russia. Problems and peculiarity of growing. Trudy MAI, 2001, no 5 The author gives a try to show the stages of Russian civil society becoming since very beginning until now underlying the character and problems of this contemporary process. | ||||||||
Razdorskaya A. A. Dynamics of masculine opinion of women social position in Russia. Trudy MAI, 2001, no 5 The article grounds on author's sociological research taken for empirical verifying hypotheses of changing the social position of women in Russian society transformations. | ||||||||
Chaushyan M. P. Main aspects of social action from the Urgen Habermas theory of communicative action point of view. Trudy MAI, 2001, no 5 The article is dedicated to problem of social action as basic definition in sociology and from the point of view a prominent German philosopher and sociologist Urgen Habermas. Here also shown the perspective direction of social action studying. | ||||||||
Chernov I. V. Social anomie aggravating and contemporary youth in Russia. Trudy MAI, 2001, no 5 Anomie is a social disorder, sharp social problem and actual subject for sociology. This article consider the causes of social anomie aggravating in Russian society. | ||||||||
Bratoukhina A. I. Some Features of Research of Dynamic Durability of Blades of the Carrying Screw With Out Gimbal by Fastening at Flight in a Restless Atmosphere . Trudy MAI, 2001, no 4 The analysis of pressure in blades of the carrying screw of the helicopter is carried out at their various fastening to the cartridge. The accounts are executed at change of a mode of flight and influence atmospheric turbulence. Accounts with change hard and mass characteristics of the blade also were carried out, by the joint decision of the equations of fluctuations of the blade and equations of balancing of the helicopter. On the basis of the carried out accounts the parameters are established, which influence is most essential, that has allowed to formulate the recommendations for reduction of a level of variable pressure in blades of the carrying screw. | ||||||||
Bratoukhina A. I. About Weariness of Durability of the Blade of the Carrying Screw of the Helicopter at Action of Wind Loadings . Trudy MAI, 2001, no 4 Clause is devoted to consideration of a question about pressure in the unrotative blade and cartridge of the carrying screw of the helicopter under action of wind loadings. The assumption is made, that the helicopter is on parking and his(its) screw does not rotate. The account was carried out for the carrying screw with out gimbal by fastening of blades. The task about the own and compelled fluctuations of the blade of the helicopter is solved. The deformations and internal efforts (bending moments and pressure in longeron of the blade) are determined. The analysis of results is carried out and the influence fix of the blade in ground conditions of operation is appreciated. | ||||||||
Gouschine V. N. Unification of Vehicles. Trudy MAI, 2001, no 4 The problem of unification in tasks of designing unification of vehicle is considered, the mathematical formulation of statements of various variants of a task of unification is given, the technique of a choice of optimum design parameters with the help of uncertain multipliers Lagrang is discussed. | ||||||||
Gouschine V. N. Information - Computer Technology of Development (IC - technology) - new direction of wide introduction of computer facilities in scientific researches and construction work . Trudy MAI, 2001, no 4 The information -computer technology (IC-technology) of development of samples of new engineering as a new direction of wide introduction of computer facilities in scientific researches and construction work is considered. The contents of technological lines and structure of subsystems of industrial complex System of automation of development is submitted. | ||||||||
Gouschine V. N. Research and Analysis of Application of Rocket Blocks with Solid Rocket Unit as Accelerators of Liquid Rockets - Carriers . Trudy MAI, 2001, no 4 The efficiency of application solid rocket unit of blocks for increase of carrying capacity of existing liquid rockets - carriers is considered. The results are submitted for a rocket - carrier of "Zenith". Is shown, that the increase of weight of useful loading on 45% is possible. The accounts have shown, that the following circuit of work of steps is expedient: the engines of accelerators are included simultaneously with engines of the second step. | ||||||||
Leshchinsky K. N. Method of an establishment of homogeneous state of a disperse materials . Trudy MAI, 2001, no 4 In the article the numerical scheme of calculation of heat exchange of a dispersiblis material is offered on the basis of solution of a non-stationary problem of heat exchange within the framework of an elementary cell. The given approach allows to determine time of an establishment of homogeneous state of a sample, its effective heat conductivity, and also eliminates the certain reserve connected to a choice of isothermal surfaces in a traditional method. Features of the numerical decision of the given problem are considered: construction of the scheme of finite difference approximation, the amendments permitting to save conservatism of the scheme. | ||||||||
Khrapko R. I. Tubes of force and bisurfaces in electromagnetism. Trudy MAI, 2001, no 4 Faraday's lines of force are not enough to an adequate graphical representation of electromagnetic fields. It is necessary to use surfaces. The surfaces permit to represent evidently, for example, a generation of a magnetic field by an electric current, or to represent a generation of scalar potential by an electric field. However, strictly speaking, it is necessary to use tubes instead of lines, and bisurfaces instead of surfaces. A conception of differential (exterior) forms and pseudo forms is used for an explanation. We speak that an external differentiation of a form results in its boundary and the integration of a form by the Biot-Savarat formula results in a new form named as termination. The termination of a termination is zero, the same as the boundary of a boundary. A boundary is closed. A termination is sterile. A conjunction is considered. The conjunction converts forms to pseudo forms and back, converts closed forms to sterile forms and back. The conjunction permits to construct chains of the forms.The conjunction differs from the Hodge star operation by an absence of the dualization. | ||||||||
Bolshov O. A., Kuprijanov A. I. Minimum capacity signals in the channels of transmission and information leakage transmitted wiht wide-range modems . Trudy MAI, 2001, no 4 The article contains the problem of estimation of conversational protection transmitted with wide-range modem fr om non-sanctioned reception and determined minimum capacity ( momentum ) signals at the entrance of the interception receiver wh ere no speech intelligibility is provided. | ||||||||
Surkov V. V. Analitycal synthesis aggregated optimum on high-speed governors. Trudy MAI, 2001, no 4 The analytical way of synthesis of high-speed governors on the basis of use aggregated variable, satisfying to the considered conditions of high-speed governors is offered. The example, illustrating application of an offered way of synthesis is considered. | ||||||||
Surkov V. V., Suhinin B. V., Lovchakov V. I., Feofilov E. I. Analytical designing of optimum accuracy of high-speed governors of multidementional systems. Trudy MAI, 2001, no 4 The scientific bases of the theory of designing optimum on accuracy high-speed multidimensional automatic systems are considered. The rather simple engineering way of continuation of the decision of a task of analytical designing of relay governors by methods of dynamic programming of R Bellman or principle of maximum of L.S. Pontrjagin is offered. The example, illustrating application of the offered theory is resulted. | ||||||||
Tryamkin A. V., Skidanov S. N. Research on parachute systems filling process . Trudy MAI, 2001, no 3 In the given article the process of filling of parachute systems is investigated. The experimental relation between the effective area of parachute resistance and filling time is received. The results of the solution of motion equations system "freight - parachute" show good convergence with the experimental data. | ||||||||
Kobko L. I. Integrated combinatorial method for scheduling workplaces of primary manufacturing systems . Trudy MAI, 2001, no 3 This work concerns the actual problem of applying mathematical methods in manufacturing process control. We examine the problem of optimal workplace scheduling that lies at the core of operative control systems for flow-line and batch production. At present, heuristic methods are applied for practical solution of this problem since, due to a number of its features, precision methods degenerate into the exhaustive search of variants. In this work a new method for the solution of the problem has been proposed. It is a hybrid computing procedure that applies, in order to accelerate the convergence of exact branch and bound method, the technique of searching the local-optimum solution of combinatorial problems at definite steps of the branch and bound algorithm. | ||||||||
Khrapko R. I. New Anthropic Cosmological Principle . Trudy MAI, 2001, no 3 We are lonely because the Universe is bad for live. It is more probable to observe a universe in which life is a rare phenomenon. | ||||||||
Khrapko R. I. Rest mass or inert mass?. Trudy MAI, 2001, no 3 Rest mass took the place of inert mass in modern physics textbooks. It seems to be wrong. This topic was considered by the author in the article [1, 2]. Additional arguments to a confirmation of such a thesis are presented here. | ||||||||
Khrapko R. I. Logic paradoxes in physics and mathematics . Trudy MAI, 2001, no 3 A deep attitude to logic paradoxes, as Zeno's paradoxes, B. Russell's paradox, points to an imbecility of members of the species Homo Sapiens. The author intends to pay attention to a weakness of world-wide logic paradoxes and hereby to reject attempts to discredit logic. | ||||||||
Khrapko R. I. Spin density of electromagnetic waves . Trudy MAI, 2001, no 3 Contrary to a standard opinion, it is affirmed that circular polarized plane electromagnetic waves carry a spin angular momentum. A field of a rotating electrical dipole is considered. An unusual covariant form of electrodynamics is used, the form represents a self-dependent interest. A reason of the elimination of the electrodynamics spin tensor is found out. A concrete nonzero expression for an electromagnetic wave spin tensor density is suggested, and a virtue of this expression is demonstrated at an example of absorption of circular polarized electromagnetic waves. | ||||||||
Miasnikov N. P., Rodionov G. L., Sidorenko A. S. Strength of thin-walled structures with local damages . Trudy MAI, 2001, no 3 The analysis and generalization of design and experimental researches of local mode of deformation and strength for plates and shells with nonthrough damage, having various geometry, are presented. It is shown, that the most effective way of desgn determination of local stress and strains in a nonthrough damage zone with an entering angle is the using of a finite element method and certain simulation technology. On the volumetrical high dimensionality finit elements base numerical models of plates with various mode nonthrough damages are developed. The models allow to evaluate stresses and local deflection maximums, influence of nonthrough damadge sawing on stress concentration value and, as result, to diminish of damages danger. | ||||||||
Matveev A. M. Model pattern construction of underlaying surface for radiolocation systems with Dopler beam narrowing on the basis of information about a surface received in optical range . Trudy MAI, 2001, no 3 In this article the possibility of underlying surface simulation for radar-tracking systems is esteemed on the basis of the information on the same surface obtained in optical range. The simulation was carried out in a reference system conterminous to a reference system of the map in optical range, where the direction of the bearer coincides attitude of the optical map, that has allowed to receive the pattern of the underlying surface map in a radio-frequency range with maximal fidelity with other things being equal. The results of raster maps simulation are reduced at different lateral angles of deflection of the antenna directional diagram of the bearer radar-tracking system. The median filtering is esteemed as preprocessing the map for its consequent analysis. | ||||||||
Sudakov A. A. Designation of channels in a system of a digital cellular communication of the standard is-95 (cdma) and principles of their shaping . Trudy MAI, 2001, no 3 The novelty and complexity of systems of a cellular communication based on technologies of Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA), requires some ordering of their functions. Especially in view of the large number of the publications printed in Russia for last years. In the given work the designation, structure and principles of shaping of channels in a system of a cellular communication of the standard IS-95 is considered. | ||||||||
Kozoriz V. I. Electron with a spin in a field of a flat electromagnetic wave . Trudy MAI, 2000, no 2 The problem of motion of an electron with a spin in a field of a flat electromagnetic wave surveyed within the framework of a pseudo-classical mechanics. The solution of a problem, as for spin, and space coordinates is obtained. | ||||||||
Kozoriz V. I. Analyses of motion supersymmetric electron in a Coulombian field . Trudy MAI, 2000, no 2 The problem of motion of an electron with a spin in a Coulombian field surveyed within the framework of a pseudo-classical mechanics. The physical estimation of motion of an electron with a spin in indicated a field is given, the precise analytical solution on a spin of an electron for the elementary case of motion is obtained, the problem of Tomas precession is researched. | ||||||||
Khrapko R. I. The true energy momentum tensor is unique . Trudy MAI, 2000, no 2 The canonical energy-momentum tensor of electrodynamics is obviously wrong. One cannot use an invariance of a Lagrangian to derive true energy-momentum and spin tensors. | ||||||||
Khrapko R. I. What is mass? . Trudy MAI, 2000, no 2 Does mass depend on velocity? Is mass additive when bodies are joined? Is mass of an isolated system conserved? Sundry physics teachers and experts answer these questions differently because of disagreements on a definition of mass. We show that it is more rational to prefer relativistic mass dependent on velocity to rest mass. | ||||||||
Khrapko R. I. The nature of the red shift . Trudy MAI, 2000, no 2 A photon has no proper mass-energy and frequency. ts frequency is indicated twice: when it is radiated and when it is absorbed. The measurements are coincided if and only if the radiator and the absorber do not have velocity with respect to the photon worldline. Because of it red shift, gravitational and cosmological, is a Doppler effect. | ||||||||
Kudrin O. I., Finogenov S. L. To the problem of heat accumulating substance choice for the solar thermal propulsion . Trudy MAI, 2000, no 2 The possibilities of the simplification of the solar thermal propulsion creation, and the possibilities of the simplification of the solar concentrator orientation conditions are considered. In such engine the solar radiation absorber and the thermal energy storage carried out jointly as the unified system, and contains lithium hydride as heat accumulating substance. The solar radiation absorbing surface of this system created from the material with real spectral-selective properties. The heating temperature of such surface can corresponds to the lithium hydride melting temperature. The required accuracy of the solar concentrator can be reduced, therefore the permissible angle of concentrator-absorber system disorientation from the direction to the Sun can be increased. | ||||||||
Ponomarev P. A., Skidanov S. N., Timokhin V. A. Increasing of air bags soft landing systems power-consuming by using of a breakable element . Trudy MAI, 2000, no 2 This article concerns a soft landing systems for a touching down object. Air bags are widely used in a soft landing system. The subject of the article are the investigation of the influence of air bags parameters on deceleration process, this process mathematical model creation. The authors propose the air bag design improvement by internal breakable element, with ties up the air bag initial volume. | ||||||||
Kurdumov N. N. About design of thin-walled open-cross profile constructions of composite material . Trudy MAI, 2000, no 2 The problem about composite loading of a thin-wall design of the open structure(profile), asymmetrical on geometrical and stiffness to the characteristics is reviewed. Adopted in this work the computational scheme is lower the solution allows to refuse a hypothesis about absence of shift in a middle surface adopted V.Z. Vlasov [2]. As in reduced activity the system of authorizing equations is constructed, which one has some differences from known equations of V.Z. Vlasov a rule (situation,position) of a point also is determined, concerning which one there is a turn of cross-section, and which one in the given activity and is hereinafter called as center of rotation. | ||||||||
Savinov G. F. Linear optimal filtering at not white noises . Trudy MAI, 2000, no 2 This activity presents the algorithm of an optimal filter for a case, when the input effects and the noises are random Gaussian processes, which are different from white noise. As against known algorithms no nonlinear vector-matrix differential equations for the errors of filter correlation matrix definition are decided. The presented algorithm does not contain traditionally used shaping filters also. All specified above reduces a volume of computing operations at its use in hardware systems. | ||||||||
Sokolovsky D. V. Algorithms of creating a rational set of restored plants of historical heritage. Trudy MAI, 2000, no 2 The algorithm of creating a rational set of restored plants of historical heritage with one or several resources limitations is defined in the article. The article also contains examples of problems solving for creation a rational set of plants with different limitations. | ||||||||
Sokolovsky D. V. Conceptual model of the information system to manage historical heritage . Trudy MAI, 2000, no 2 The article describes the developed conceptual information model adequately circumscribing structure of data in management system for the process of saving and restoring of historical heritage. The information model provides sufficiency and reliability of the information. | ||||||||
Sokolovsky D. V. Criteria for estimation of efficiency of historical monuments protection . Trudy MAI, 2000, no 2 The article considers criteria of efficiency estimation for the rational set of plants of historical heritage as subject of restoration and restoring in the defined periods with restricted resources from all of their set. | ||||||||
Sokolovsky D. V. Information system for control of restoration . Trudy MAI, 2000, no 2 The article describes the information system is intended to provide a essential search possibilities for the specialists which are deal with saving of historical heritage. The brief performance of its subsystems, type of search requests and schemes of their implementation is given. | ||||||||
Sergienko A. A., Semenov V. V. Wave resistance of profiled surfaces of the jet nozzle and head of a missile . Trudy MAI, 2000, no 1 Theoretical analysis and experimental research of a supersonic flow of gas nozzle and head part of the flying device with rhombic, row-like and chess relief surfaces is carried out in the work. For small displacement of a surface the theoretical description of the problem in linear approximation with flat waves is presented. In experience with model nozzle inserts it is revealed a new phenomenon - critical modes of a flow over the relief surface, which happen each time, when the corner of an inclination of a wave of displacement coincides with the Mach corner, and in the case of =0 of this corner the flow passes in the Prandtle - Meyer form of the flow. | ||||||||
Semenov V. V. Regulating altitude characteristic of nozzle with the large degree of expansion . Trudy MAI, 2000, no 1 The way of essential increase of an overall performance of a high-altitude nozzle in terrestrial conditions is offered by variation of its expansion ratio at the expense of a ring slot on a supersonic part. The results of slot-hole tests at a differential installation on overexpansion modes are resulted. It is shown, that the results of fire tests of a slot-hole nozzle coincide well with the experimental data received at its cold purges by compressed air. The optimum sizes of a ring slot and its site on a supersonic part of the round nozzle are determined. It is established, that at organization of several ring slots in a supersonic part of the high-altitude nozzle the range of change of external pressure, at which the positive effect is kept, considerably extends. | ||||||||
Kudrin O. I., Finogenov S. L. About the choice of thermal storage substance for the solar thermal propulsion . Trudy MAI, 2000, no 1 The possibility of significant simplification of solar thermal propulsion (STP) with thermal energy storage (TES) of impulse working mode is provided by means of usage of lithium hydride LiH, having high melting enthalpy and lower melting temperature, is considered. In comparison with STP containing thermal energy storage medium with high melting temperature, the lower working temperature at the LiH usage makes it possible to decrease the mass of TES up to 50% and it also allows to reduce the required dimensions and accuracy of concentrator reflecting surface. Non-high required accuracy of the concentrator allows significant decreasing of the permissible angle of the "concentrator-absorber" system orientation accuracy. In dynamic orientation mode the permitted desorientation angle can approach to solar arrays orientation conditions. The possibility of the improvement of the characteristics of the STP with LiH is considered also in reference to the engine with post-burning of heated hydrogen in combustion chamber with cold oxygen addition. At the optimal oxidizer-to-fuel mass ratio value corresponing to the maximum of the payload mass, the required TES mass and concentrator square significantly decreases. The mass efficiency of the considered STP usage can be larger up to 10-15% in comparison with the LH2-LOX LRE. | ||||||||
Kozoriz V. I. Supersymmetrical electron in constant and homogeneous magnetic and electric fields . Trudy MAI, 2000, no 1 The problem of movement of electron with spin in constant and homogeneous magnetic and electric fields. The explicit analytical solution for spatial and spin coordinates is obtained, the analysis of results is made. | ||||||||
Uldanov S. V. Close model for transport processes of charged particles in turbulent weakly ionized plasma . Trudy MAI, 2000, no 1 Close model for dynamics of charged particles is obtained. It is proved that the correlation of concentrations pulsations and gradient of potential pulsations do not contribution into transport. Model for calculations in boundary layer is suggested. | ||||||||
Tryamkin A. V., Emelyanov U. N. Mathematical model of deceleration of landing object by means of parachute-jet system . Trudy MAI, 2000, no 1 The subject of this article is the mathematical model of deceleration process of landing object by a parachute-jet system. The obtained model allows to determine motion characteristics of the object during its deceleration, to analyze the effect of unstability of parameters parachute-jet system and meteorological conditions on motion characteristics of touching down object. | ||||||||
Burgasov M. P., Nadiradze A. B. About principal possibility of solar batteries usage as a sensor of space debris . Trudy MAI, 2000, no 1 In the article the problem of principally possible to measure parameters of space debris using information about spacecraft (SC) solar batteries (SB) power decrease at the moment of solid particles impact is discussed. It is represented the numerical data about SB reaction onto particles impacts which have different velocities, sizes and mass density. Basing on these data, particles flow parameters, which can be measured with the help of SB are determined. The problem deals with restore of function of distribution for space debris particle on the SC orbit is formulated. | ||||||||
Novikov L. S., Nadiradze A. B., Bedniakov S. A., Gavrushin A. V. Solar battery cells shunting under impact of solid particle . Trudy MAI, 2000, no 1 The results of laboratory experiments showing that under high velocity impact over the solar battery cells surface, thier shunting is happened, are represented in the paper. So for one of the examined samples it was recorded that loss power was about 90%. Impact destroys not only the one cell, but group of several parallel connected ones. The model of solar cell damaged is presented. According to this model shunting is appeared as a result of structural changed in the p-n junction due to semi-conductor smelting in the area of the impact. Critical velocity of the impact under which solar cell shunting is happened by 7-12 km/s. | ||||||||
Syrin V. V. The Certification into Telecommunication Networks . Trudy MAI, 2000, no 1 The problems of identification are solving with the using of digital certificates into global and corporate computer networks. This article explains some algorithms of generating and issuing the digital certificates, structures of Certificate Authority (CA). There is some classification of the digital certificates according to their using and security. There are also examples of the using of the digital certificates into different network services. As a result the analysis of existent certificate systems is made with the purpose to detect the weak sides of the certificate algorithms. |