The Model of Digital Television Information Receiving in Spacecraft Ground Based Control Complex

System analysis, control and data processing


Sheludyak T. B.

Central Research Institute of Machine Building, TSNIIMash, 4, Pionerskaya str., Korolev, Moscow region, 141070, Russia



Television information is widely used for spaceflight control. Information plays an important role in daily management, dynamic operations performing and response to abnormal situations. Television systems upgrading to digital technology required some enhancements of the testing and monitoring features of digital television information of the ground based space flight control facility.

The article describes a computer simulation of the digital television information receiving system. The system was developed to analyze the processes of generation, coding, compression and transmission over the digital television information communication channels coming from the Russian Segment of the International Space Station, as well as cargo and manned spacecraft operating with the Space Station.

The simulation runs on a VMWare virtual server with the GNS3-simulated network structure. The proposed model allows simulate the main elements of a television system employed for the flight control. The model is applicable for the digital television information receiving system testing in various circumstances, or planning its performance in case of its modernization.

A system monitoring feature has been developed, based on simulation of the described ground based space flight control facility digital television information which was implemented with the PRTG software. It allowed simulate the following emergencies: communication channels interruption; hardware failure; various traffic loading in channels; hardware setup errors, and television signal source jamming.

The receiving system simulation functioning was verified along with digital television information test casts during the broadband satellite and fiber optic trunk channels deployment for ground based Russian Segment of the International Space Station control system.


virtualization systems, network equipment simulation systems, digital television reception system model


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