Measuring electromechanical characteristics of a complex shape compact low-frequency hydro-acoustic irradiator

Deformable body mechanics
*, **, ***, ****Institute of applied physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, IAP RAS, 46, Ul’yanov str., Nizhny Novgorod, 603950, Russia
****e-mail: Farfel
Low-frequency hydro-acoustic irradiators are employed in a wide specter of practical applications: from the long-distance underwater acoustic communication and teleguidance to seismic-geophysical prospecting. The irradiator case manufacturing is one of the most complicated technological procedures while its fabrication and tuning. The proposed structure of the hydro-acoustic transducer with corrugated radiating sheath allows eliminate a number of problems such as sealing, tolerance to hydrostatic pressure, parameter spread and reliability. Mechanical transformation ratio measuring was performed to evaluate the suggested irradiator effectiveness. Distribution of oscillations amplitudes of the radiating case and active element were obtained by the laser vibrometry method. The article presents the comparison of the irradiator mechanical characteristics measuring results in the water with the results of its resonant frequency evaluation based on the simplified theoretical model.
Parameters of the suggested hydro-acoustic irradiator demonstrate the prospects of such converter design and manufacturing techniques. The maximum specific acoustic power of the experimental irradiator with the corrugated case exceeds 360 kW/m3, that is more than one and a half times more, than for the existing compact transducers. The irradiator material and case structure allow its transportation by aerospace carriers. Compact radiators of such design may be applied in small-sized and tiny hydro-acoustic systems, modems, control units, sonars and communication at frequencies from hundreds of hertz to tens of kilohertz.
underwater sonar communication, hydro-acoustic modem, electromechanical transformer, low-frequency hydro-acoustic irradiatorReferences
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