Functional characteristics assessment technique for radio-monitoring systems at restricted data on reliability parameters

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2019-108-16


Vasil'kov Y. V.1*, Timoshenko A. V.2**, Sovetov V. A.3***, Kirmel A. S.4****

1. Yaroslavl State Technical University, 88, Moscow Avenue, Yaroslavl, 150023, Russia
2. Radiotechnical Institute named after academician A.L. Mintz, 10-1, str. 8 March, Moscow, 127083, Russia
3. Higher Military School of Air Defense, 28, Moskovsky avenue, Yaroslavl, 150001, Russia
4. Scientific and Engineering Center of Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University, 5, str. Professor Popov, lit. O, Saint Petersburg, 197376, Russia

**e-mail: atimoshenko@rti-mintsu


The article regard specifics of modelling and functional characteristics assessment of radio monitoring systems at restricted data on reliability parameters. It considers the issues of the systems mathematical models adequacy, including sundry approaches to the adequacy assessment. Approaches for earlier probability determination of hazardous event occurrence, which are based on trends extraction both in cases of noiseless assessments and in case of strongly noisy ones are presented. In the last case, the beginning, end and slope angle of the trends, which are employed while modelling radio-monitoring systems with random components, are extracted.

Specifics of failure flow intensity characteristics identification of the system elements while simulation organizing for analyzing failure flow intensity impact on the simulation results are considered, and recommendations are given for the cases, when the failure flow intensity is unknown in advance.

Specifics of mathematical simulation organization for the cases, when the failure flow intensity is unknown in advance, were considered, and analysis of the failure flow intensity effect on the simulation results was performed.


mathematical model, random variable, model adequacy, dangerous event, probability, failure rate


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