Verification of results of determining rotational derivative of aircraft heel in a wide range of angles of attack

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2019-109-23


Makhnev M. S.*, Fevralskikh A. V.

Company «CADFEM CIS», 46, str. Suzdalskaya, office 203, Moscow, 111672, Russia



The article gives an account of aerodynamics numerical modelling to determine rotational derivatives of aircraft heel at angle of attack values range from – 5° to 90°. The aircraft reversed motion is being modeled, with this, the incident flow velocity vector and angular rotational speed vector are collinear. Numerical modeling (CFD modeling) of aerodynamics is based on solving the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations, and closed by k-ε Realizable turbulence model, by control volume method. For CFD modeling of laminar-turbulent transition near the aircraft surface, the presented work employs wall functions of the Enhanced Wall Treatment type.

The results of stationary coefficients determining of aircraft aerodynamic forces and moments by CFD modeling are in good agreement with the results of experiments with a scaled aircraft model in a wind tunnel. Rotational derivative values of the roll moment coefficient obtained from the of numerical modeling and experimental results are also in good agreement with most values of the aircraft angles of attack. Values mismatch of the lateral force derivatives and the yaw moment with respect to the angular roll velocity obtained by different methods is determined by the corresponding aerodynamic disturbances and measurement errors during their experimental determination. For further research trend, the authors consider reproduction of experimental conditions of a wind tunnel in CFD modeling, such as structures of model mounting, consistency assessments of experimental data recording with the model rotation frequency and eddy formation frequency. As a whole, the results of the study reveal that CFD modeling allows determining not only coefficients of aerodynamic forces and moments, but their rotational derivations by the heel velocity. However, conducting of extra experiments seems up-to-date for verification of various approaches to rotation modelling.


aerodynamic forces and moments; rotational velocity components; rotational derivatives; CFD modelling


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