Model and algorithm developing for efficiency assessment of anti-missile defense overpowering by hypersonic flying vehicle with regard for counteraction of aviation complex

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2019-109-26


Bal M. A.

Military Academy of Strategic Rocket Troops named after Peter the Great, SRTMA, 8, Karbysheva str., Balashikha, Moscow region, 143900, Russia



The article proposes an improved model and algorithm for effectiveness assessing of anti-missile defense overcoming by hypersonic aircraft with regard for aviation complex counteraction. To assess the overcoming effectiveness, a corresponding model of aviation anti-missile defense complex effort was proposed. Setting of matrix game between a hypersonic aircraft and anti-missile aviation complex with effectiveness matrix filling out for subsequent selection of the most effective, from the viewpoint of antimissile defense, flight path was proved. The developed model and algorithm relevancy are emphasized by the fact that they can be employed for the process modelling of anti-missile defense overcoming by the hypersonic aircraft and its effectiveness assessment with regard for the aviation complex counteraction at any option.

Hypersonic aircraft with necessary aero-ballistic quality and capable of performing atmospheric maneuvering at rather long distances from the object to be protected, are effective enough means for target hitting, covered by conventional and prospective anti-missile complexes of the missile defense system.

The idea of aircraft component introduction into missile defense system is not novel. The possibility of a spacecraft destruction by the missiles launched from aircraft complexes was previously considered. Since the spacecraft moves at present over the paths with calculated parameters, aiming at them is being considered as stable.

As for the hypersonic flying vehicles problem, their destruction by aviation systems of missile defense system will obviously be much more complex. Nonetheless, it is viable in principle, and in a number of cases, its fulfillment from the enemy viewpoint may be more effective than performed by ground-based and/or marine missile defense system complexes.


hypersonic aircraft, aviation complex, effectiveness assessment model


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