Automatic landing systems of aerial vehicles: analytical review. Information support

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2020-113-11
1*, 2**1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. PJSC UAC Sukhoi Design Bureau, 23A, Polikarpova str., Moscow, 125284, Russia
The article demonstrates that the basic problematic areas of aerial vehicles (AV) automatic landing systems (ALS) developing are information support and automatic control.
The purpose of the work being presented consists in studying the issues of information support, actual for the ALS of both manned and unmanned aerial vehicles, identifying the basic problems, hindering the AV ALS development with regard to to the information support and technical solutions, which can be employed while the AV ALS developing.
The article considered radio and satellite information support systems for automatic landing (AL) ensuring, technical vision systems (TVS), as well as a number of other systems. The authors suggested a multilevel classification of tools for the ALS information support.
The ALS radio-technical information support systems, capable of ensuring the ALS prior to the instant of the AV landing on the runway, assume high material costs on both installation and operation. Satellite navigation systems (SNS) with functional augmentations seem to be their alternative. However, in the case of large-scale warfare the satellite signal accessibility remains in question. Application of systems, ensuring autonomous navigation, such as TVS, correlation-extreme systems, etc., which also, in their turn, are not free from disadvantages and can depend significantly on the external conditions, can be the way-out to the situation.
Inertial navigation system (INS), corrected by the information received from the satellite navigation system with functional augmentation (differential navigation) and radio-technical navigation system (as a backup source of information), may be suggested as the core of the AL information support.
While the ALS designing, It can be recommended to develop information support based on the complex information processing by the following systems: INS, the ILS radio beacon system, global SNS with additional augmentation, and TVS. When designing the ALS for military purpose aerial vehicles, we recommend information support developing based on the computer processing of the information from the following sources: : INS, landing radar, global SNS with additional augmentation, VS, correlation-extreme navigation system using onboard radio systems.
The near-term prospects for the ALS development with regard to information support are associated with employing information received from the INS, radio navigation systems and global SNS with additional augmentation. The medium-term prospects of the ALS are associated with the widespread application of the capabilities of information complexing from external sources of various physical nature (mainly SNS, VS and correlation-extreme navigation systems using on-board radio systems) and increasing the accuracy characteristics of onboard INS. The long-term prospects of ALS are associated with autonomous navigation systems employing capable to operate in non-deterministic conditions, including the resources of control degradation.
aerial vehicle, unmanned aerial vehicle, information support, navigation, landing, automatic landing systemReferences
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