The impact of clearance in roller bearings on the power contact between its elements

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2020-115-04
Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 4, M. Khariton'evskii per., Moscow, 101990, Russia
The presented work studied thoroughly the problem of radial clearance impact on a number of roller bearing loading parameters. It is indicated herewith that the source of the clearance is of no importance. It forms as the result of wearing, or it is a preliminary, i.e. deliberate clearance from technical considerations. The problem was solved analytically, based on the proposed method, employing herewith the author’s technique for determining the pliancy of a “bearing” with a single rolling body.
Two characteristic schemes for a bearing loading with a radial force were considered. The first scheme describes an option, in which the radial force passes through the center of the maximally loaded roller, and the second one touches upon the case when the radial force passes between such rollers.
The problem has been solved with both absence of a radial clearance and its presence. The following parameters were determined: the bearing stiffness (pliancy); the number of load-bearing rollers; the maximum load on the roller, as well as the functions of these parameters on the radial clearance.
The main results of the work are as follows:
– bearing stiffness in the absence of radial clearance in both loading schemes is almost constant;
– with the clearance increase, the stiffness in the second loading scheme decreases more rapidly than in the first scheme, which can cause fluctuations in the rotor systems.
The obtained results can be employed while solving a number of problems, for example, when designing and studying the dynamics of the aircraft turbine mechanisms, or when evaluating the wear and performance of rolling bearings, as well as their durability.
roller bearing, bearing clearance, bearing stiffness, elastic compliance of the bearing, number of loaded rollersReferences
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