Inertial-satellite observations monitoring by combined goodness-of-fit criteria

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2020-115-08


Ivanov S. A.

Ramenskoye Instrument-Making Plant, 39, Mikhalevich str., Ramenskoe, Moscow Region, 140100, Russia



GPS is the most widespread and advanced global navigation satellite system (GNSS). However, the GPS signals are the subject to a large number of different types of interference, both natural (the GPS signal can be weakened by trees, buildings, and antenna orientation), and imitation (intentional) interference. Intentional interference, also called spoofing, allows entering false GPS information into the navigation system.

Powerful jammers are easy to detect and neutralize due to the high intensity of radiation. Less powerful sources of interference are harder to find. It is important to deal with them by employing improved anti-interference technologies in receivers, improving the antenna, or integrating with an inertial navigation system or other devices insensitive to interference.

Inertial navigation systems (INS) are not affected by artificial interference. The main sources of errors in the INS are the errors in inertial sensors (gyroscopes and accelerometers), incorrect initialization of the navigation system, and imperfection of the gravitational model used for calculations.

The presented work is devoted to the problem of monitoring and violations localization reliability improving, namely, to the problem of detecting and parrying simulated interference in inertial-satellite navigation systems (ISNS).

The proposed solutions to the problem are based on the diagnostic ISNS models decomposition, and application of combined statistical criteria. The BINS error vector estimation and the reasons for the difficulties of satellite support for BINS are being considered. The technology of sequential processing of observations allows forming diagnostic parameters by the sample of residuals on a sliding time interval. The article presents and analyzes the results of field experiments with a typical BINS. Conclusions are drawn on the need for adaptive-robust processing of inertial-satellite observations.

The scientific novelty of the proposed work is associated with the addition of procedures for detecting and parrying anomalous inertial-satellite observations based on the combined statistical criterion x22 , with account for the fact that anomalous signals associated with the SNS are usually pulsed. Such procedures can be performed in both real time and according to the data from the on-board registration devices.


inertial navigation system, satellite navigation system, interference, monitoring, Kalman filter


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