Techniques for determining rational time for specialists training in automated training systems

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2020-115-11


Bagretsov S. A.*, Chernaya T. E., Karpenko K. A.**, Tarasov A. G.***

Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia



It is necessary to combine theoretical and practical drill in the process of specialists training. However, the balance between these two types of training may differ drastically for various sphere of activities. The material of the article allows determine the rational learning time with known and unknown level of losses associated with operator errors. The proposed techniques allow predicting with fairly high degree of accuracy the required number of practical classes in special disciplines for this of that training period to increase the specialists’ level of training.

The proposed methods are based on the fundamental concepts and relationships of probability theory, utility theory, and fuzzy logic. The interval measure obtaining method is based on the concepts of a hypothetical game (pseudo-game). The interval boundary values usefulness is being coordinated based on the expert survey.

These methods allow determining the rational period of the training course studying by the student from the initial time instant, which ensures an optimal combination of the loss function indicators and costs in the sense of the minimax criterion. The obtained results can be used while the educational process planning to ensure the necessary level of students’ preparedness and minimize the learning process costs.

A rational combination of theoretical and practical stages of training allows prepare a specialist with professional knowledge, skills and abilities at a level guaranteeing the functional activities tasks fulfilling in any conditions of situation. The proposed scientific and methodological approach is advisable to be implemented while organizing the specialists training process when the necessary level of knowledge and skills is known for the correct functional duties performing with the required probability.

The proposed methods allow determining the specialists training period, which minimizes training the costs and the necessary level of a specialist training, which is defined as the probability of timely and error-free solution of problems related to his future professional activity. The technique allows accounting for specifics of the trainees’ further practical work, and defining criteria of the professional training levels and resource constraints on performing sales professionals training.


loss function, utility function, rational training time, statutory cost efficiency factor


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