The use of volt-second integral information for balancing the magnitization process of push-pull converter

Electrotechnology. Electromechanics


Manbekov D. R.*, Shevtsov D. A.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



In the article is showing the possibility of applying control of full-bridge converter according to the volt-second integral ([VSI]). To guaranteeing the symmetrical reversal of polarity of core the special unit – VSI shaping unit were proposed by the authors. There were examined diagrams, both with the galvanic and without the galvanic decoupling of entrance and output with the description of their strong and weak sides.


converter; full bridge; reversal of polarity; symmetrical; core; Voltage mode

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