Evaluation of the control efforts of the aircrafts gas-dynamic controls in hypersonic flight modes using the IT-1M hypersonic wind tunnel

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2021-118-03


Panfilov E. B.*, Shevchenko A. V.**, Prilytskiy I. K., Snazin A. A.

Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia

*e-mail: vka@mil.ru
**e-mail: artnetru@yandex.ru


Improving the aircrafts aerodynamic characteristics (AC) in a wide range of speeds is a perspective trend especially with significant restrictions imposed on the shape of structural elements is flow and motion control, namely effect on the airflow to restructure its structure in accordance with the required change in AC and other airflow parameters. The most effective method is the gas-dynamic method, implemented in gas-dynamic controls (GDC) (longitudinal and normal injection of a gas jet fr om a body into a hypersonic flow).

On the experimental setup of the aerodynamic laboratory of MSA the A.F. Mozhaisky — the IT-1M hypersonic impulse wind tunnel (HIWT), a series of experiments was carried out (with the parameters of the undisturbed flow: Mach number (M∞ = 17), Reynolds number (Re∞≈1.4 × 104) and pressure (p∞ = 200 Pa)) to determine the aerodynamic characteristics of an aircraft model using GDC.

The feature of HIWT is the ability to obtain experimental data on quasi-stationary processes in a time interval of 50 ms. Working gas — nitrogen (high purity, 1st grade, GOST 9293-74).

When a gas jet is blowing into an incident hypersonic flow, a complex shock-wave structure arises, as evidenced by the experimentally obtained shadow patterns of flow around a body using GDC.

As an indicator of the effectiveness of the use of a GDC with a different location on the model, the amplification factor was selected (K_у=1+ΔY/P_y, wh ere P_y the GDC thrust; ΔY the increment of the normal force due to the presence of an area of increased pressure in the separation flow zone). A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of various combinations of the use of GDC on the aircraft model when moving in hypersonic flight modes is presented.

As a result of a series of experimental studies on the IT-1M wind tunnel, the effectiveness of the usage GDC AC was investigated at hypersonic flight modes. The values of the aerodynamic forces (normal and longitudinal forces, as well as the pitching moment) acting on the aircraft model during hypersonic flight are obtained. It has been shown that the usage GDC significantly improves the main AC of aircraft. The most effective combinations of GDC for the model under study are options 2 and 3 (with J of the jet equal to 4.95 and 8.53) (Figure 8).

Experimental studies carried out with the use of the HIWT aerodynamic laboratory of the MSA named after A.F. Mozhaisky contribute to a more complete study of the behavior of aircraft elements in a hypersonic flow, as well as the verification of existing and newly developed computational codes for aircraft models with GDC.


hypersonic impulse wind tunnel, argon blowing, shock wave, experimental research


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