Studying optimal UAV functioning modes in wireless information transmission networks

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2021-119-15
1*, 2**, 3***1. Institute for Space Research of Natural Resources National Aerospace Agency, 1, S.S. Akhundov str., Baku, AZ1106, Azerbaijan
2. Scientific and Research Institute of Aerospace Informatics, 159, Azadlig ave., Baku, AZ1106, Azerbaijan
3. Azerbaijan Technical University, 25, Hussein Javid prosp., Baku, 370073, Azerbaijan
The article deals with studying optimal UAV functioning modes in wireless information transmission networks. It considers two optimization problems of the UAV functioning in in wireless information transmission networks. The purpose of the study consists in (a) parameters determining of optimal transmission mode where the throughout C(t) is of constant value (i.e. the throughput is invariable); and (b) parameters determining of the UAV optimal functioning when the integral throughput value reaches its extreme at the constant value of the integral cost function being newly introduced. For the first task, conditions for the throughput constancy achieving were analyzed, and concrete condition at which fulfillment ensured this constancy was obtained. In the second task, conditions under which the integral throughput value reaches its extreme value is being determined with account for the requirements to the cost function.
It was determined that such extreme in the form of the throughput minimum manifested itself at the following conditions fulfillment: (a) the presence of the cost function in the form of the functional relationship σ = σ(P(t)), where σ is a mean-square deviation of the white noise, and P(t) is the power of the signal being transferred, is conceded; (b) constraint of this integral function is conceded; and © the direct dependence between the above said indices was being ensured.
information transmission, optimization, UAV, data throughput, wireless networkReferences
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