On geophysical disturbances impact on the Earth’s pole wobbles with the lunar orbit precession frequency

DOI: 10.34759/TRD-2021-119-17


Wai Y. S.*, Filippova A. S.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

*e-mail: waiyan2032015@gmail.com


The article studies the contribution of basic geophysical disturbances (atmospheric and oceanic) to the wobbling process in phase with the lunar orbit precession by the analysis and processing of the NCEP/NCAR data on atmospheric circulation and NASA/JPL data on the ocean angular momentum. For this purpose, numerical integration of the Earth’s pole motion equation with account for the kinetic momentum of the atmosphere and ocean angular momentum was performed. Combinational harmonics associated with the wobbling process under consideration were separated as well. As the result of the integrating, the Earth’s pole movement accounting for the basic geophysical disturbances was obtained, and contribution of atmospheric and oceanic disturbances to the wobbling process synchronous with the precessive motion of the lunar orbit was determined. Combinational harmonics, being obtained as the combination of the pole wobbling basic harmonics and harmonic with the frequency of the lunar orbit precession, were found.

It was found that more than 50% of the energy of the wobbling process being considered, in-phase with the lunar orbit precession, might be stipulated by the disturbance of the atmosphere and ocean. Wobbling with frequencies of cycle/year, caused by atmospheric and oceanic disturbances, coincide in phase with the corresponding wobbling of the observed motion of the pole. However, at least one third of this process is not explained by the disturbances being accounted for in the work.


Earth's pole, Chandler oscillation, geophysical disturbances


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