Simulation of the noise immunity of an access control and management system under the influence of an electrostatic discharge

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2021-120-12


Shkinderov M. S.*, Mubarakov R. R.**

Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, Kazan, Russia



An access control and management system is an important element in ensuring the security of access to a building. The effectiveness of an access control and management system is dependent on reliable used in an area of operation where electromagnetic interference may be present. One of the dangerous sources of electromagnetic interference for such systems is visitors to the building. They may have accumulated static electricity. During normal walking, a person can be charged up to a voltage of about 15 kV. Electrostatic discharge may occur when passing through the turnstile. Electrostatic discharge can cause induced interference in communication lines and secondary power lines. Induced interference can lead to a violation of the noise immunity of the access control and management system in the form of short-term failures. The simulation model for investigating the induced interferences under the influence of an electrostatic discharge on the turnstile the paper proposes. The simulation results give an idea of the parameters of the induced interference in the wire lines of the access control system. On the basis of the parameters of the induced interference, the quality of the functioning of the system elements under the influence of an electrostatic discharge is assessed. For probabilistic assessment of noise immunity of system elements, a method based on calculating the probability of a single bit error is used. In this case, a temporary disruption in the functioning of the electronic elements of the system is possible. The results obtained are in good agreement with experimental data.


small spacecraft, structural and functional survivability, motion control system, operating modes


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