Possible methods for controlling the output power of amplifier modules based on m-type devices

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2022-122-14
1*, 2**1. Research and production corporation "Istok"named after Shokin, Fryazino, Moscow region, Russia
2. Radiotechnical Institute named after academician A.L. Mints, NPC-5, Saratov, Russia
*e-mail: a.nikitin.2018@mail.ru
**e-mail: ivliev-aleksandr@mail.ru
The article is devoted to the study of the operation of M-type amplifiers in various output power control modes, to realize the possibility of multi-mode operation of transmitting modules of radar stations (RLS) on active phased array antenns using M-type electrovacuum devices (EVD). The need for such studies arose with the increasing requirements for powerful transmitting modules. The results of studies of various methods for controlling the output power of the amplitron are presented. A fundamentally new way to control the output power of M-type amplifiers is considered - control of the operating voltage with a change in the magnitude of the magnetic induction.
As a result of the studies carried out on the possibility of operating M-type amplifiers in the output power control mode, the following was revealed:
-when controlling the input signal, the range of output power variation is at least 1.0 dB;
- when controlling the anode current, the range of output power variation is at least 5.0 dB;
- when controlling the operating voltage, the range of output power variation is at least 5.2 dB.
The results obtained can be of great practical importance in the construction of powerful transmitting amplifying modules for multi-mode radars with active phased array antennas and passive phased antennas array. It is shown that the use of a combined method of output power control, which combines the control of the input signal, anode current and control of the anode voltage, will allow changing the output power of the amplifier in the range of more than 11 dB.
It was also shown that when controlling the input signal of the amplifier, it is possible to expand the operating frequency range of the amplifying module up to 10-12%.
high-power transmitting modules, M-type amplifiers, amplitron, active phased array antenna (APAA), radar multi-mode operationReferences
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