Method of structural and parametric configuration of the motion and navigation control system of a small space vehicle for remote earth sensing under different scenarios of destructive impacts

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2022-122-15


Vorotyagin V. N.

Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia



Today, methods and technologies employing Earth remote probing data being developed by Roscosmos enterprises allow suggesting unique ways for ensuring safety, increasing efficiency of exploration and extraction of natural resources, introducing the latest practices into agriculture, preventing and eliminating consequences of emergencies, as well as protecting environment and controlling climate change. The issue of new space technology developing (a small spacecraft for the Earth remote probing in particular) is becoming most relevant.

To increase the degree of the design decisions validity while creating a small spacecraft, the article considers:

- Conceptually new approach to the development of a scientific-and-methodological apparatus for multi-criteria selection of the onboard control system structure and parameter on the example of a small spacecraft motion and navigation control system;

- Optimization of its limited resources to ensure proactive compensation of destructive external agency impacts

The article presents the developed structural-and-logical scheme for motion and navigation control system configuring of the Earth remote probing small spacecraft. The proposed approach allows putting into practice a multi-criteria selection of effective configuration options for motion and navigation control system of a small spacecraft with account for various types of structural redundancy of the onboard equipment, and a wide range of element base. The conceptual and mathematical statements of the problem are given, and an algorithm for multi-criteria synthesis of the motion and navigation control system appearance of a small spacecraft is developed.

The proposed technique will allow, even at the spacecraft design stage, significantly reducing the number of design errors by the decision-maker, as well as improving the quality and efficiency of the created space systems application.


motion and navigation control system, structural-parametric configuration, rational options


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